#michael keaton imagine
myveryownfanfiction · 2 months
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tags: @illiana-mystery, @ghostlypie
warnings: swearing, mention of menstruation
Bruce rubbed circles onto my back as I curled up against him. He sighed before pressing a kiss to my head.
“how are you feeling?” He asked softly. I shrugged.
“I’m alright.” I said. Another kiss was pressed to my forehead. “Everything kind of hurts. I’m tired.”
“anything I can do to help?” Bruce asked, moving his hand to run over my shoulder. “I mean I know you already took pain killers and you didn’t want to eat since you weren’t that hungry but…” I propped my chin on his chest and smiled up at him.
“You’re doing all I could ask for.” I said. Bruce quirked an eyebrow at me. “Cuddles. Making sure I’m taking the medication on time. Making sure I eat something even if I don’t want to eat anything at all.” He nodded and smiled at me.
“ah.” He breathed out. “If there’s anything else you need me to do, just let me know.” I leaned up and kissed him.
“thank you.” I whispered against his lips. “Couldn’t ask for a better partner.” Bruce hummed happily and hugged me tighter.
“I could say the same thing.” He mused, burying his face in my hair.
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uprettydevil · 1 year
please people write more for keatlejuice
there’s not many out here it’s annoying
when i only wanna read keatlejuice x reader
please fix it!!!!! write more pls
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doki-doki-imagines · 7 months
author note: fic written a long time ago, but that is really fitting now. Hope you'll enjoy reading it!💫
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“Michael is inside the locker room, you should see him.” Noa’s voice is firm, as always, even after such a big defeat, for him, it’s just like finishing a chapter, ready to start the new one, not many afterthoughts to ruin his next steps.
Michael Kaiser, your boyfriend can’t deal with defeat as well.
You enter the empty room, only your boyfriend is in, sitting in his sweat-drenched uniform, a towel covering his face.
You take uneasy steps toward his figure, he doesn’t even look up, too absorbed in his own world.
“Michael, I’m here, can you look at me?” You sit next to him, the bench creaks under your weight, you pinch the corner of the towel trying to lift it up, to finally see Michael’s face.
Your hand gets slapped away.
“Don’t even try it.” Some time ago this crude and cold voice would have swollen your eyes with tears, you would have been able to hear just the crippling hate in his voice.
Now you can hear the sad undertone and how the hate isn’t for you, but only for himself.
“What do you want to look at-“ he stands up abruptly, the bench recoil, the towel falls on the ground “At this failure! At this poor excuse of a player, walking trash-“ Michael can’t finish his phrase, broken sobs interrupt.
His blue eyes are bloodshot, the red of his makeup staining his face, sticky with dried tears. Michael is trembling, you don’t know if for sadness or anger, he is hitting his chest with his left fist, while the right hand is pinching his neck, the skin is broken, some drop of blood on his roses tattoo.
“Michael stop-“ You try to walk near your boyfriend, but he pushes you away and crouch on himself hands now covering his face
“No! You can’t understand, you don’t want to understand! This is all my life, I’m nothing- I shouldn’t even live if-“
“Michael!” You shout, finally stepping closer “Don’t you dare finish that phrase.”
It wasn’t the first time Michael got depressed after a match, but this is a peak he never reached before and it indescribably broke your heart.
He finally looks up, new tears forming in his deep blue eyes, you gently hold his cheeks with your hands, and lift his face up so you could look at him straight in the eyes.
“Your value as a person doesn’t depend on a match, no wait let me reformulate. Your value doesn’t depend on football. And don’t you dare-“ This time you are the one letting out a sigh “to say that you shouldn’t live anymore, because I can’t imagine a life without you.”
You kiss his forehead just before hugging him tight against your body, your right hand caressing his head.
Michael doesn’t reply back, he just keeps sobbing and crying on your shoulder.
“Please Michael stop crying, but I promise, losing this match won’t be your end, there will be a ton of other occasions, please Michael believe me.” You coo at him.
“O-Ok” His body still trembles under you.
“Can you look at me when you say that?” You say softly before kissing the top of his head.
He lift up from your shoulder and nod, a wobbly smile appearing on his face, his breath still being broken by sobs.
You smooch his forehead again, this time the contact last longer and he closes his eyes in relaxation, finally the sobs and sighs are slowing down and he is regaining control of his body.
“Can I kiss you even if I look like a mess?”  
A small laugh escapes your lips but you nod.
“I find you handsome-“  “you look like a wet kitty, love it.” You wanted to say, but his mouth catch yours before you can finish.
His chapped lips find yours. It’s a slow dance, made of broken breaths bound by a strong love. Your right hand drying away those fresh tears, your thumb moving slow circles on his sticky cheeks, the left one finds peace in the back of his neck, scratching his little hair knowing full well he loves it.
He is way more restless, the right hand that was holding your arm to keep you as close as possible to his body find soon his way to your waist, fingers moving up and down pressing and releasing your waist like a piano key hoping to generate a new sound at every broken breath. His left one is kept firmly in the back of your head, pushing your face impossibly close to his, nose bumping, eyelashes caressing each other faces.
It’s when you feel the familiar feeling of something wet in your mouth that your mind return to reality.
“Michael, ehi-“ You put both your hands on his chest gently pushing on his pecs “I think you should take a shower.”
He looks at you with his wide blue eyes and tilts his head clearly looking at you like you just said the dumbest thing on Earth.
“Are you saying I stink?”
This time it isn’t small laughter that leaves your lips, but one of those that shakes your entire body and that makes Michael look at you with even wider eyes.
“Yes a little, but that wasn’t my main point. I think you need to take a hot shower, relax and come home with me and watch a film that neither of us is gonna finish because we’ll both fall asleep the second I press play.”
The blonde seems to think about it a little before nodding, walking towards the locker room’s showers stripping at every step for the joy of your eyes, till he disappears around the corner the sound of running water filling the room.
“Are you sure you don’t wanna join me?” Just his head pop out from behind the wall, water already dripping down his face and hair, a particular droplet following the line of his veins down his neck, skin shiny and inviting-
“Go finish your shower, there will be better times.” You see his head bending down, probably preparing his better kitty eyes to convince you “At home we’ll have all the time of this world for example.”
Michael never finished a shower so fast.
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batmanlovesnirvana · 2 months
— The Waynes like the American royals or the Kennedys…
[ Matt Reeves, director of The Batman, spoke about his opinion on Thomas and Martha Wayne. The director revealed that his version of the Waynes was inspired by British or American royalty such as the Kennedy family. ] via KCRW
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KCRW: So many of the movie iterations of Batman going back to Tim Burton’s are about how Bruce Wayne is basically a part that he plays. And the Bruce Wayne that we see in "The Batman" is somebody who doesn't have that kind of equipment, who isn't shaped in that way, who doesn't find this kind of release in pretending to be something that he isn't. Both of his lives bleed into his alter ego and his more public iteration.
REEVES : “One of the things that was interesting to me was to focus on not an origin tale because we'd seen Burton had done that so well, and Nolan did it so well. I wanted to do an early years “Batman” and Bruce Wayne. And it was important to me that while it wasn't an origin story, he was, in the early years of what he was doing, and was still trying to make sense of himself, was still a young man trying to put himself together and find a way to function. This idea of not yet understanding even the asset that being Bruce Wayne could be, the way that other iterations of the character have where they realize, oh, I can be Bruce Wayne, and that can be another kind of mask. He's just not together enough yet to even understand how valuable that's gonna be.
I was interested in the idea that Bruce was at a stage where he couldn't bear the weight of the history of being part of the Waynes. I thought it might be a bit like a member of the Kennedy family like the American royals, or what a British royal would be like in the wake of a tragedy and how a lens has been put on you because of a family tragedy that you couldn't have never escape. And so his response would be to want to withdraw from all of this and not understand that in the mission that he was trying to do to try to make sense of his life, he might be able to use what had happened to him as a kind of mask, which could be useful to him.
This whole movie is about him coming into being. It's not about him mastering himself. Of course, it's a fantastical notion that you could master yourself. I mean, nobody masters themselves. What was really interesting was seeing somebody who was trying to master himself, but had a tremendous amount of what he was doing that he didn't yet even have awareness of. He wasn't aware of his motivations. And I was thinking about the idea of masks and sort of Jungian psychology and him being driven by his shadow side. That whole idea that in Jungian psychology, you're supposed to make yourself aware of those shadow impulses so that you're able to incorporate them into your life. I like the idea of him being at this stage in his life, where he really wasn't seeing that, and he didn't understand everything that was driving him because he was in a kind of emotional freefall. ”
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fandomnerd9602 · 9 months
Dating the Girl of Steel
Kara Zor El Headcanons
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On your world, you were the child of Diana Prince and Steve Trevor, a demi-demi god so to speak. Your mother sent you out with your sword and shield to protect the Earth from the arrival of Zod.
Didn’t take long for the Barrys to seek you out, you were more than happy to join them.
You met Kara when you helped the Barrys and Bruce free her.
You were the first kind hand to touch hers. Her hand immediately wrapped around yours. “You’re safe” you tried to reassure her.
You aided this makeshift Justice League, as Barry Prime called it, in the battle against Zod. In fact, it was you that saved Kara from Zod’s arm blade. You were struck in the shoulder but it allowed Kara an opening to kill Zod and send the Kryptonian army fleeing, saving the earth.
“I though i lost you” Kara whispered as she held you
“Not yet” you answered back with a smirk.
Kara was stuck like glue to you from that point on, even after Barry Prime went back to fix his timeline
You, Kara, Barry 2, and Bruce, meanwhile, began forming your own version of the Justice League, scouring the globe for other hidden meta humans. It’s still a work in progress but hey that’s being a team.
You and Kara train daily, both in the Batcave and in your personal quarters ;)
It took a long time for Kara to begin showing any emotion or affection. You didn’t blame her, it was hard for her, growing up in a Serbian prison cell that had no care for her.
You took your time with her, showing her little signs of love, gentle caresses of her hand, shoulder touches, little gifts for her. The little things that slowly brought her out of her shell.
Now that she’s free to show love, she can’t stop showing it to you. She jumps on your back, kisses your lips and neck whenever she can. She holds your hand any chance she can.
Kara loves going on dates with you when you’re not both busy saving the world.
She’ll take any sort of date. Library, dinner, movie, walking down the streets of Gotham.
One of her favorite things to do is take a nice warm shower with you. Something about you just holding her as the water cascades down your backs just makes her feel loved.
Barry, a little jealous, still cheers the two of you on, “your ship totally beeves!”
You and Kara still don’t know what that means.
“You’re like a power power couple!”
Bruce, while he may look disapprovingly on you, he actually approves.
Kara helps Barry hone his speed skill and slowly but surely become his universe’s fastest man alive.
Kara loves sleeping as the little spoon. Makes her feel safe to have your arms wrapped around her.
Energy? Kara can go for rounds in training. And many rounds in your room.
Bruce bought you and Kara an apartment in the best part of Gotham. And since he didn’t have kids of his own, Bruce got legal documents listing Kara as his adopted daughter. Makes it easier to get places for missions. Or so Bruce says.
After saving the world countless times, you and Kara decided to take a leap year, time to travel the world and just enjoy each other’s company.
It was during this trip that Kara officially met your parents on Themyscira. Diana took a liking to Kara immediately.
You and Kara found yourselves just loving to hike and enjoy the sights of your home island.
It was on one hike on Themyscira that Kara asked you an important question.
“My love,” she asks you uneasily, “if we ever have a baby boy, can we name him Kal?”
“Kal? After your cousin? I love it!” You gave her a little hug and kiss on the forehead, earning a giggle from the Maiden of Might.
You love Kara with all your being. You pledged your soul, your sword and shield to her.
“Is that your way of proposing?” She asks you with a giggle.
“Maybe it is”
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Happy 34th to this iconic classic favorite.
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ringoandolive · 1 year
Something about missing out on Ellen and Alex's actual breakup and only witnessing the aftermath felt so much more brutal
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vavandeveresfan · 2 years
I’m not a stickler for canon.
I don’t even accept Robin in the Batman canon.
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From this article paraphrasing a roundtable where Michael Keaton basically says that if you flop in Hollywood these days, you're screwed, and you have to bring your A-game to every 15 second commercial spot or else:
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{ID: "I thought, 'Man, if I lose money, I'm good with it,'" Keaton said. "I was having this conversation with Bill Hader the other day, he was going through something, and I said, 'Dude, trust me. Hang out with your kids as much as you can for as long as you can. You will never regret it. You're going to lose some jobs. It's okay. In the long run, that's the thing [that matters].'"}
Also, consider another coping mechanism besides turning your very successful HBO comedy into a panic-inducing horror show, perhaps? jk lol I love it just worried for you bb
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imposterogers · 1 year
batman canon: canonically cursed gotham, pseudoscience, creatures in the sewers, freeze guns, twenty rogues running rampant, the most absurd villains imaginable including kiteman condiment man & eggman, campy/eccentric outfits & personalities, superpowers used for evil
batman live action (excluding adam west, michael keaton, and gotham 2014): ok but what if we make gotham a normal ultra realistic city…………with normal levels of crime……………with one villain per year…………..how about that
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ghost-in-the-corner · 7 months
Every Spider-Man and Batman crossover is missing out on abusing the fact that Michael Keaton is both Batman and the Vulture in film and that Peter would absolutely despise Bruce on sight
Like can you imagine
Bruce Wayne: *a model citizen, building a new homeless shelter and funding revitalization in poor communities in Gotham*
Also Bruce Wayne: *is Batman, goes around in armor fighting bad guys with his kids at night to protect the innocent*
Peter Parker: evil evil this guy is some kind of mafia boss or something he's absolutely bad I bet he's gonna threaten me just like the real guy this man is a monster
Peter Parker: *with his eyes narrowed* What are your thoughts on vultures, Mr. Wayne?
Bruce Wayne: ???
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tags: @illiana-mystery
warnings: smut, blowjob, swearing, bit of an undetermined age gap (enough to have Bruce feel a bit awkward), fighting
AN: yes I saw the flash. No I’m not happy. So here we are.
Bruce tensed slightly as I put my hand on his shoulder. Looking at me out of the corner of his eye, he shifted slightly as I reached past him to grab the glasses from the cabinet.
“you know you could clean up in here a bit.” I grumbled. Bruce hummed and continued cooking. “Just because Alfred…”
“don’t you dare.” Bruce growled. I shrugged as I put down the glasses, immediately raising my hands in surrender.
“Hey don’t forget who taught you to cook when he passed Bruce.” I raised an eyebrow at him. Bruce rolled his eyes as he looked around for the pasta he’d set aside earlier. “All I’m saying is you can’t just stop doing the things he was doing simple because he’s not here anymore.” Bruce’s shoulders sagged and I walked over to stand next to him, sliding the packet of pasta over to him.
“it’s not that I don’t appreciate all you do (Y/N).” He sighed as he put the pasta into the boiling water. “I just…” his shoulders sagged more as he finally turned to look at me. “It doesn’t feel right without him.” I nodded in agreement.
“I know what you mean. When my mom brought me over to talk to him about his time in British intelligence, I didn’t think I’d make a friend. Let alone two.” I gently hit Bruce’s shoulder with my own. “Now things are too quiet. I was used to my phone blowing up between classes and calls at random times when you didn’t come home.” Bruce chuckled.
“so that’s who he called.” I nodded as I laughed. “Always figured he called his niece. Or his sister. Never would have thought it was you.” I shrugged again. Bruce looked over at me again, this time with a sad smile. “What did you two talk about? When he was worried I wasn’t gonna come home.”
“depended on who you were going after. Two face, riddler, or scarecrow we’d talk about my classes. How I was doing.” I gave him a smile. “Bane, poison ivy, hush it’d be what you were up to at the time. For Wayne enterprises or just the flavor of the week.” Bruce groaned and leaned into me as I laughed. “Off me old man!” I giggled as more of his weight fell against me. Bruce chuckled as he straightened out. It took a minute before I spoke again. “Joker, penguin…anyone who could do you real harm…Alfred always told me stories of when you were a kid. Silly stories mostly. When he tried to teach you to ride a horse. First time you drove a car. Which honestly that one explained a lot. First date. Prom. Stuff like that.” Bruce hummed in thought. “I learned a lot about you through those talks. Got to know Bruce instead of Bruce wayne. Started to make sense why you became the Batman.” I watched Bruce carefully. “Alfred loved you y’know. Maybe you were his flesh and blood but he sure loved you like it.” Bruce nodded.
“I knew.” Focusing on stirring the pasta, I fiddled with the pot holder next to the stove. “he loved you too you know.” Bruce shot back. “Wanted to bring you here when your mom passed. Thought it would do you good. But he never asked you. I couldn’t ever figure out why though.” I smiled sadly.
“He knew I wouldn’t be truly happy here. Had a secret I kept close to my chest. But he figured it out.” I chuckled. “Alfred always figured everything out. Knew I wouldn’t be able to keep it from you if I stayed here.” I swallowed nervously. “I would tell you…I had a crush on you.” Bruce turned to me, cheeks dusted pink.
“You did?” I nodded. “Huh. Never would have guessed.” Blushing, I chanced a look at Bruce’s face. It was unreadable as usual. “What about now?” I shrugged.
“back then I did everything I could just to hang out with you without seeming like a needy clingy college kid.” I diverted. “Even sparring with you. And you never went easy on me. Which I appreciated. Taught me to defend myself on campus and I got to watch you train to be Batman.” Bruce looked over at me, something like recognition in his eyes.
“that’s what I’d always hoped you got from that.” Bruce offered. “After dinner, want to spar? For old times sake?” I nodded.
“sure. I could stay here and not go into gotham tonight but couldn’t hurt to have a little practice.” Bruce nodded. “But be prepared old man. I’ve gotten better.”
“where do you get off calling me old man?” Bruce teased. I laughed and strained the pasta. Bruce got some sauce and brought it over to the table. “That never bothered you?” He asked suddenly. I looked up at him from where I was dividing the pasta between the two plates.
“what never bothered me?” I asked, looking at him curiously.
“the age gap.” Bruce said as he sat down, putting some sauce on my plate before doing the same to his. I shrugged.
“the heart wants what the heart wants.” I admitted. Bruce grunted in response. “Although it never really bothered me much. I think others who figured it out found it strange but I mean…” I shrugged again. “I had gotten to know you and I liked what was there.” Bruce paused.
“Huh. Thought that would have been…” he trailed off.
“a bigger deal?” I finished. Bruce nodded. “Not really.” I paused as I was about to start eating, looking up at Bruce and turning red slightly. “Is it…uh…does that…bother you?” Bruce looked up at me as he ate. With a small shrug, he met my eye.
“I mean it’s flattering if nothing else.” He joked. I breathed a sigh of relief. “Can’t say I’ve had many people give me more than just a night. let alone want more than just a night. And the ones that did…well.” Bruce waved around the room.
“right. The Wayne inheritance.” I nodded. “I’d have loved to see the look on their faces when they realized you either donated it or gave it away.” Bruce smiled at me. “Hell when I first found out you really only slept what you needed to keep living here and fund your little nighttime activities, I think I laughed at Alfred.”
“what was his reaction?” Bruce laughed. I smiled and shook my head.
“He very nearly showed me the check book.” I laughed. Bruce winced and shook his head. “Then you walked in that a tshirt with the holes in it and I did a double take. Found it pretty believable after that.” Bruce rolled his eyes.
“I got rid of it later that day.” He protested. I smiled at him and he sighed. “Whatever. At least you stuck around.” He muttered to himself. I smiled at my plate and we finished eating in silence. I got up first and started to do the dishes. Bruce joined me not long after and dried everything up. When we finished up, I excused myself to my room to change into something more comfortable to spar in. Bounding back down the stairs, I headed towards the batcave. “(Y/N)!” I turned towards Bruce’s voice and raised my eyebrows at him.
“oh. Not in the batcave then?” I asked. Bruce shook his head and made a come here motion with his hand. I stepped off the stairs and got into a fighting position. Bruce matched it and we grinned at each other before finally advancing. I took the first swing and Bruce blocked it, countering with a quick jab to my ribs. Arching away from it, I threw a kick at Bruce’s head.
“whoa. That’s new.” He muttered as we continued our little dance. Move after move, we countered each other and tried our best to land something. Getting frustrated, I dropped and swept Bruce’s leg. He went down and I back up. Bruce got back up and smirked at me. “Not bad kid.” I nodded with a smile. Taking another step back, I didn’t realize the carpet was slightly rolled up. Tripping, I went sprawling on my back.
“oof.” I exclaimed as the wind was knocked out of me. Getting my arms under me to push myself back up, I yelped when Bruce slid on his knees over my body, coming to a half inches from my face. I gulped as I looked up at him, trying behind hope to keep my eyes off his crotch and the visible bulge that was just under his sweats. Bruce was breathing heavily, not moving. “B-Bruce?” He watched me as he bit his lip. I hesitantly put my hands on his thighs and used the leverage to start pulling myself out from under him. I jumped when Bruce put his hand over mine. “Bruce?” I froze as he squeezed my hand and reached up to the waistband of his sweats.
“what…what would you say if i told you I had a crush on you too?” Bruce asked, his voice going deeper with his arousal. I gulped as my eyes flicked to his crotch before settling on his face again.
“you…” my brain was close to short circuiting at this point. “You did?” Bruce nodded as he undid the tie holding his pants up. “You do?” I amended, noticing the look in his eyes as more than just lust.
“yeah. Always thought you’d think it weird. Or creepy.” Blinking up at him, I pushed his hands out of the way and finished undoing the tie. “You don’t have to…” I pushed down his sweats and underwear in one go. Shifting so I wasn’t fully under him, I looked up at him.“I can…” shaking my head, I leaned in and licked a stripe up his cock. Bruce groaned before squeezing my hands that had moved back to his thighs. “Shit.” He hissed as I sucked the tip into my mouth. I hummed around him, making him moan.
His fingers wound themselves in my hair, tugging slightly as I took his full length. bobbing up and down with the occasional pause to lick around his tip, I kept my eyes on Bruce. He bit his lip several times to stop from moaning but I would suck on his cock or lick it like a lollipop and he would become a moaning mess. I felt him twitch as I licked a stripe up the underside of his cock and hummed happily. Bruce tightened his grip on my hair and started to thrust into my mouth. As he did, I would lick and hum. Thrusting hard into my mouth, Bruce held me against him as he came.
“(Y/N)!” Bruce yelled out in a broken moan. He panted above me as he slowly pulled out. I swallowed down what he had given me and slipped out from under him as he sagged. Catching him, I tucked him back into his underwear and pulled it up with his sweats.
“Bruce?” I whispered when he leaned his head against my shoulder. Hesitantly, I reached up and ran my fingers through his hair.
“god dammit (Y/N).” He breathed out, kissing my shoulder. “Where’d you learn to do that?” I laughed as I gently pushed him off me. “On second thought, I don’t want to know.” With a small chuckle, Bruce leaned in to kiss me. I hummed happily against his lips, playing with the hair at the base of his neck.
“glad you liked it.” I said when he pulled away. Hearing the clock chime out, I jumped. “Shit. I should go…” I trailed off as I looked at Bruce. He nodded, eyes sad but also conflicted.
“I’ll give you a ride.” He said as he stood up, offering me his hand. I took it and let him haul me to my feet. Pressing a kiss to my cheek, he turned to lead me to the garage. Getting into one of the cars, it was a silent drive back to Gotham. When we pulled up to my building, Bruce smiled softly at me. “Thanks for…” I nodded with a blush. Giving him a small smile, I got out of the car. My feelings weren’t hurt per se but it felt more like a dismissal than I thought it would. It made me wonder for a brief moment if this is what all those others felt when they were ushered out of Wayne manor in the middle of the night. “(Y/N)!” I turned at the top of the stairs and looked at Bruce confused.
“yeah?” He had gotten out of the car and was jogging up the stairs. Hands on my hips, he pulled me into a searing kiss. My hands found their way to his chest and Bruce dipped me slightly. Laughing as he pulled me back up, he pecked my lips again.
“Let me return the favor.” Bruce whispered. Nodding urgently, I quickly got the door to the apartment building open and we rushed in hand in hand.
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I find it amusing how people react to David corenswet superman suit. And the actor cuz
"He's not Henry cavill!"
I remember when people hated the man of steel suit and Henry being "too skinny" to play superman. People criticize Ben Affleck because of his failed daredevil movie.
People talk smack when Christian bale was chosen to be batman, heath ledger as joker.
In the 80s people hated Michael Keaton as batman because he was a comedian.
But every time when the trailer hits, people clamor to see the films they once had doubts on.
The image got good and bad and mixed reactions. But its trending. And I know that like the pervious actors who played these iconic superheros will love the trailer, and David corenswet is their superman.
Typical reaction. Rinse and repeat.
The only ones who are deadset on hating everything from gunn is the snyderbros.
Honestly I've watched every batman and superman movie and I'll be watching this. I hope David will have a better time as the character with many sequels to come.
I imagine some kid will grow up with this superman and it'll be his superman he'll grow up with.
Honestly I think it's great superman has a resurgence in popularity.
With the last season of superman and Lois and my adventures with superman season which 2 coming may 25th
(it introduce superman to a younger generation)
and a new superman movie coming next year
(the summer of superman!)
It's a good time being a superman and DC fan.
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Is It Really That Bad?
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It’s hard to believe nowadays, but there was a time where the Tim Burton/Johnny Depp duo was known for delivering nothing but certified bangers. Edward Scissorhands, Ed Wood, Sleepy Hollow… It was just hit after hit when these two joined forces. But in the mid 2000s, something shifted. It suddenly seemed like people were sick of Burton, sick of Depp, and most of all sick of them working together. Sure, Corpse Bride and Sweeney Todd were still well-liked, but once Alice in Wonderland hit theaters people weren’t shy about voicing their dislike of the director and especially the actor. Burton kind of skidded to a halt for a while, while Depp just kept making increasingly worse movies with Disney and generally not doing anything worthwhile after Rango, and while Alice was the breaking point, the cracks started to show in 2005 with a little film called Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
An attempt to redo Roald Dahl’s novel about a precocious child touring the candy factory of a wacky candymaker was being planned for a long time, with even Nicolas Cage in talks at one point to be Wonka, and at another point good ol’ Martin Scorcese was attached to direct. But things just kept falling through until Burton got dragged in, and from there he proceeded to get things done and talk the studio out of stupid decisions like killing off Charlie’s dad and making Wonka a parental figure. Ah, but speaking of Wonka, that crucial role needed filling, and it seemed a lot of famous actors were considered for the role by the studio—Robin Williams, Patrick Stewart, Michael Keaton, Steve Martin, Bill Murray, Christopher Walken, Brad Pitt, Leslie Nielsen, Robert De Niro, Will Smith, Mike Meyers, Ben Stiller, pretty much every living member of Monty Python left at the time, Adam Sandler, and Marilyn Manson among them according to TVTropes—and Burton had an interesting idea for his second pick to play the guy:
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But instead he went for his first pick, someone who’s actually very similar to Marilyn Manson in a lot of ways! Good ol’ reliable JD himself! Surely this was gonna bring in the big bucks! And... it did! It's the highest-grossing adaptation of one of Dahl's works ever, and Burton's second highest-grossing film!
Critics seemed mostly fine with it, but audiences were a lot more divided. Some people liked that it was a new and different take on the story that stayed a lot more true to the book than the beloved 1971 Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (a movie that Dahl famously hated as much as he did Jewish people, so frankly who gives a shit about his opinion), while others clung to the nostalgia of the Gene Wilder Wonka and treated this new film like a war crime. How dare they remake their favorite movie, even though this isn't a remake, it's just a different adaptation of the same book!
So yes, this movie isn’t the most reviled film out there, but it definitely is incredibly divisive, and what’s more I distinctly recall even as a child being aware of the attitude towards Depp and Burton shifting towards the more negative when this film came out. So I figured it was a high time I see about revisiting it and find out if this second cinematic outing into Wonka’s factory was really that bad, or if it genuinely was a work of impure imagination.
It may surprise you to hear that this film actually does a few things better than the 1971 film. This is especially evident in the four shitty children touring the factory with Charlie.
The ones from Willy Wonka were, to put it bluntly, dull and forgettable, and came off as far too sympathetic in regards to their fate because none of them aside from Veruca Salt showcased any terrible traits that would lead to them deserving their punishments. In this film, all these kids are assholes, so watching them fall prey to the karmic justice of Wonka's factory is all the more satisfying. We also get to see what happens to them after they get out, which is kind of funny. I’m not gonna pretend that they made them the deepest and most complex characters ever, but with how they updated them and with the young actors they got to portray them, they managed to inject a bit more life into them than you’d expect.
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This movie also fixes Grandpa Joe, who is pretty infamous to fans of the '71 film as a total asshole who constantly encourages Charlie to steal and just in general seems like a massive burden to his family. Here, he actually is every bit the sweet old grandpa that you’d expect, and his motivations for wanting to go on the tour are a lot nicer and more sympathetic. He also never tries to push Charlie into a life of crime, which is nice.
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Of course, the very best aspect of this movie is Deep motherfucking Roy. He’s the second best dwarf actor out there, only oovershadowed by Warwick “Leprechaun” Davis, and much like Davis was in Star Wars as the ultimate Glup Shitto—Droopy McCool.
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And in this film he gets the incredible honor of being every single fucking Oompa-Loompa there is, and he is clearly having a blast and busting his ass. He had no prior dancing experience, but you could not tell with how he’s pulling off all these sick moves while spitting out diss tracks for children like he’s Blood on the Dance Floor. He really is the single best actor in the movie, and that’s not to slander anyone else—Roy is just that good. Like we have a scene-stealing minor role for Christopher Lee as Wonka’s dad, a crabby dentist who hates candy, and as amazing as he is Roy still is better. You better respect this man.
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Speaking of men to respect: Danny Elfman. Taking lyrics straight from the book and weaving a unique style for each kid—Big Bollywood spectacle for Augustus (that was Roy’s idea), 70s funk for Violet, psychedelic rock for Veruca, and hard rock for Mike—the songs are all genuinely great and fun to listen to. I’d never go as far as to say they’re more iconic than the Oompa-Loompa tracks from the ‘71 film, but I think they function better as songs, and the fact each of them has their own distinct style to set them apart from each other was the right way to go. I do think Mike’s song is the weakest of the bunch, feeling a lot messier than the other three, but it’s not unbearably awful or anything.
The biggest issue with the film is that the two most important characters—Charlie and Wonka—fucking suck.
Let’s start with Charlie. Now, to be clear, I’m not putting any blame on Freddie Highmore—he was literally a child, and even then I think he’s doing his damndest to make Charlie cute and whimsical. The issue here is definitely on the writers, who saw fit to stuff him full of all the syrupy sweet Tiny Tim-esque kind-hearted poor child cliches but forgot to impart a personality to go with them. Charlie is, to put it bluntly, a boring and generic nice guy, and one who ends up feeling like a living plot device to further Wonka’s character development, something that feels especially egregious when his name is literally in the title.
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And now let’s talk about Wonka. Boy, is there a lot to unpack with this guy.
Literally everything about this take on Wonka is incredibly awkward and off-putting. The most infamous aspect of him is definitely the look; with his pale skin and dorky haircut he looked a lot like Michael Jackson, who at the time the film came out was going through a very serious scandal where he was accused of doing awful things to children in his big rich guy mansion… which is essentially the plot of this film when you think about it.
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But that’s just an unfortunate coincidence! It’s an ugly look, sure, but a good performance could make it palatable, and this was Johnny Depp during his big post-Jack Sparrow renaissance working together with the guy who helped put him on the map. Surely he wouldn’t deliver an incredibly awkward, cringey, and insufferable performance that dials up all his acting quirks to annoying levels, right?
Here’s the thing: On paper, Depp’s Wonka is honestly not that different than Wilder’s. They’re both weird, quirky, reclusive confectioners with a not-so-hidden disdain for the kids touring their factory and snarky, condescending attitudes. What it all comes down to is the presentation, and to show you what I mean I’m going to use the most batshit comparison you’ve ever seen:
Burton’s Wonka is very similar to Zack Snyder’s Ozymandias.
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“Now hold on, Michael,” I hear you exclaiming in utter bewilderment, “how are these two comparable? I know that both are fine with the wonton murder of children if it helps achieve their goals and that a lot of people are weirdly horny for them, but how is this a good comparison?” Well luckily I’m not trying to compare a mass-murdering anti-villain to a quirky chocolatier in terms of character, but in how the adaptation drops the ball with how they’re presented by removing the more warm and positive aspects of them. In Alan Moore’s comic, Adrian Veidt is essentially a relentlessly charming gigachad, an affable and approachable fellow who seems beneath suspicion because he exudes a traditionally heroic warmth. In the movie, however, Snyder chose to portray Veidt as a cold, distant twink who doesn’t seem particularly approachable at all (another case of Daddy Zaddy tragically missing Moore’s point).
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This same "missing the point" issue plagues Wonka. Yes, Wilder’s take is just as much a smug asshole reveling in the comeuppance the children are receiving, but he also has a genuine warmth to him which is codified perfectly with him singing “Pure Imagination.” Sure, he’s perfectly willing to traumatize everyone with a demented boat ride shortly after, but Wilder’s performance and the presentation of his Wonks help sell him as a quirky genius who is more likable than insufferable, and you really understand how despite being kind of a dick he is also a beloved figure.
Depp’s Wonka fails as the character in the same basic ways that the movie version of Veidt does: He's a condescending, cold, openly rude, guy who is just genuinely unpleasant to be around despite the movie really trying hard to make him likable and relatable, to the point where unlike Wilder's take it's hard to grasp why this guy gets any respect from anyone. He’s like the proto-Rick Sanchez, except he’s not even particularly funny to make up for it. Maybe this take is more accurate to the book, but if it is it’s really just proof that taking liberties when adapting really is for the best.
And this failure is only compounded by the movie piling on a tragic backstory for Wonka. Yes, Christopher Lee is great, but there is genuinely no need to pile on a traumatic childhood and weird daddy issues to Willy Wonka. The character works best as this weird, trickster mentor figure who dishes out karma to the naughty kids and ultimately rewards the good egg of the bunch. Trying to bring a guy with a magical factory full of dwarfs who do choreographed diss tracks every time a kid falls into the incinerator down to earth and make him relatable is just a mind-boggling decision.
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These are really the only two issues with the film that stand out as excessively bad, but… you see the problem, right? The titular character and the owner of the titular chocolate factory are both bad. One’s a living prop, the other is just an obnoxious asshat who is given unneeded character development that ends up falling flat, and while this would be easy to ignore if they were side characters it’s impossible to let slide since they are the main fucking characters. The whole film revolves around the two very worst things in it, and no matter how good the other stuff in the movie is these elements alone drag it down a lot.
Look, I’m not going to pretend like this is a great film. If it really is closer to Dahl’s book, all it managed to do is convince me to never read it and solidified my belief that being pragmatic when adapting books to screen is the way to go. It’s also really easy to see how the Burton-Depp fatigue came about, as this is some of the weakest work in both of their filmographies.
But I still feel like there’s plenty to like here. The songs, the bratty kids, Deep motherfucking Roy, it’s all genuinely good shit! There was never a chance it was going to be iconic as the Wilder film, but it’s disingenuous to write it off entirely when it does a lot good things (and a few things better than the '71 version). A lot of people are nostalgic for this one these days, as it's the one this generation grew up with, and honestly? I can't really blame them entirely. It's a decent enough movie, and I honestly think that score it has up there is pretty fair. It's certainly a mixed bag but when it actually succeeds at being charming it does it in its own unique way rather than trying to ape the beloved classic that came before it, and I do respect it for that.
And hey, if Johnny Depp's worst and most annoying movie role is in a movie I'd still say is okay, that's a good thing right? He couldn't possibly ever take a role more cringeworthy and annoying than Wonka in a film that's genuinely shitty, right?
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fandomnerd9602 · 11 months
Batman: so this our little Justice League? well you wanna get nuts? let's get nuts
Y/N: ohmygosh! He said the thing!!
Barry 1: what?
Kara: the thing?
Barry 2: is it like a saying on your world?
Y/N: kinda. I'm sorry I'm such a fan of his.
Batman: what?
Y/N: i love you.
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It just felt right to make a Batman Returns (1992) version of the same concept, to celebrate its 31st anniversary as well...
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