#midoriya izuku whump
1-800-dnkichu · 1 year
Whumptober Day One: "How Many Fingers Am I Holding Up?"
Pairings: Midoriya Izuku & All For One (Midoriya Hisashi)
Summary: Izuku just wants to leave this damn room. Father is always coming and going and, for once, Izuku asks to come with him. All for One makes him an offer: answer a few questions correctly and you can come with me. Izuku believes the task will be easy. It is not.
(3,599 words)
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serial-izuku-killer · 5 months
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One day I was wondering what it would be like if no one had ever arrived to help.
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goodwhump-temp · 11 months
Izuku Midoriya Whump | MHA
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Ep.01 - Crying x2, bullied x10, bruised (flashback), scared Ep.02 - Scared, suicidal, crying, breakdown Ep.03 - Crying x3, training torture, breakdown, collapses, carried, trips Ep.04 - Crying x2, arm busted, falling from the sky, unconscious, nervous Ep.05 - Finger busted Ep.06 - Knocked down (explosion), bullied Ep.07 - Knocked down (explosion), hit from the back, punched, thrown, crying, arm busted, passes out Ep.08 - Unconscious, weak, sling Ep.09 - Squeezed/pushed around Ep.10 - Fingers busted, protected Ep.11 - [ep. includes Aizawa whump❗] Ep.13 - Legs busted, crying, bandaged Ep.15 - Paralyzed fear Ep.16 - Crying Ep.19 - Crying Ep.20 - Fingers busted, punched x2, manhandled Ep.23 - Finger busted x5, arm busted, pain, unconscious Ep.24 - Bandaged, right arm shattered, hand disfigured Ep.25 - [ep. includes Bakugo, Shoto, Iida whump❗] Ep.27 - Punched (back) x2, pinned, splat on the wall x2, bloody nose, exhausted Ep.28 - Thrown x2, bloody nose Ep.29 - Small cut grazed, paralyzed [ep. includes Iida whump❗] Ep.30 - Leg sliced, arm hurt, exhausted, carried, face kicked, SNATCHED Ep.31 - Bandaged Ep.33 - Slips Ep.37 - Backhanded/knocked down, punched, used as human hammer, thrown, spine-slammed, pain Ep.38 - Threatened, choked, terrified Ep.40 - Blown off cliff, exhausted, nuts punched, comforted Ep.41 - Punched Ep.42 - Gut-kicked into wall, bleeding forehead, knocked down, arm busted, crushed Ep.43 - Carried Ep.44 - Arms bandaged [ep. includes Tokoyami whump❗] Ep.45 - Knocked down, tumbles x2, devastated, ambulance-care, says 2-days of unconsciousness/fever, crying, guilt Ep.46 - Arms disfigured, punched Ep.48 - Paralyzed fear Ep.49 - Crying Ep.50 - Punched, crying, comforted Ep.51 - Crying Ep.52 - Knocked down (explosion) Ep.54 - Pinned, scratched Ep.60 - Crying Ep.61 - Knee'd in the face, thrown, angry, pinned, restrained Ep.63 - Gut-punched Ep.66 - Slams into wall, bloody nose, exhausted Ep.67 - Bottling feelings/can't concentrate Ep.72/73 - [eps. includes Kirishima whump❗] Ep.75 - Knocked down, pinned by spikes, spike grazes [ep includes Lemillion & Nighteye whump❗] Ep.76 - Multiple cuts, bleeding, 100% power/extreme pain (delay) Ep.77 - Power overload/dying, crying [ep. includes Lemillion, Nighteye, & Overhaul whump❗] Ep.83 - Fingers-internal bleeding Ep.84 - Thrown x2, shot with beam, stuck holding beam up Ep.85 - Knocked down, knocked unconscious, pinned, thrown x2, kicked Ep.90 - Vision Ep.98 - New power/uncontrollable, panic, vision, slapped x2 Ep.99 - [ep. includes Shinso whump❗] Ep.101 - Paralyzed fear (interview) Ep.105 - [ep. includes Shoto trauma❗] Ep.106 - [ep. includes Natsu whump❗] Ep.107 - Head stabbed with hat, bleeding [ep. includes Aizawa trauma❗] Ep.108 - [ep. includes Shigaraki trauma❗] Ep.117 - [ep. includes Shigaraki whump❗] Ep.118 - Uneasy Ep.120 - Protected [ep. includes Aizawa whump❗] Ep.121 - Arm bit Ep.122 - Knocked back, angry, crying, arms busted x2 [ep. includes Aizawa & Hawk whump❗] Ep.123 - Feral, pinned, protected [ep. includes Bakugo whump❗] Ep.124 - Body exhausted [ep. includes Dabi trauma❗] Ep.125 - Body exhausted, knocked back Ep.126 - Shard headache pain x2, passes out, knocked down, body exhaustion Ep.128 - Bandaged, comatose Ep.129 - [ep. includes Hawk trauma & whump❗] Ep.130 - Coma cont. Ep.132 - Hospital flashback, scars Ep.134 - Gut-punched, bullet grazed x2 Ep.135 - Suicidal/depressed, trampled, confronted Ep.136 - Intervention; depressed, restrained x3, thrown, emotion anguish, pierced ice wall, guilt, body exhausted, crying, scared, collapse, passes out Ep.137 - Scared, mental breakdown Ep.138 - Comforted
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writersmorgue · 7 months
Febuwhump Day 21 - Unresponsive
TWs in tags || read on Ao3 || wc: 1332
Time-activated quirks are rare. Izuku knows, he’s studied many. He was fascinated by the logistics the first time he read about one in the news. The quirk usually being transferred by some physical touch or substance from the user- slowly dissolving into the victim like a pill. 
Pro hero Buzzkill has a quirk that gives its victim a bee sting-like welt every four and a half minutes. The vigilante Combo Breaker has a quirk that breaks one of its victim's fingers every two minutes. 
And apparently, the villain he’d been fighting on patrol also shared this unique quirk factor. 
The debrief had said the guy was quirkless, but one look at the shoes on his feet told Izuku otherwise. 
Now, four hours and twenty-five minutes later, he’s lying on the floor of his kitchen unable to move. 
His nose is pressed at an uncomfortable angle, mere inches from where his coffee mug was smashed to pieces when he dropped it. 
He’d felt this odd pain in the base of his spine when he got off of patrol, and after his post-shift nap, it had only been higher up on his back and twice as intense. 
Apparently, when it got to his head, he was due to lose all motor functions. Great!
The good news is that Katsuki should be home any minute, and he can pull Izuku out of this cold, black coffee puddle. Maybe he’ll even put him back in bed if he’s feeling generous. 
He’s not sure how long he waits. His eyelids have drooped close, though he couldn’t open them if he wanted. He spends a while trying to determine if he’s breathing or not, but his whole body is so uncomfortably numb that he gives up. 
Soon enough, the door opens and Katsuki’s gym shoes are kicked off into their cubby. 
“‘M home.” He grumbles, probably not expecting an answer because Izuku is usually still napping when Katsuki gets back from his morning gym run. 
Izuku isn’t sure what Katsuki notices first, maybe his socked feet lying on the ground, or the bits of red, blue, and yellow ceramic that probably skidded across the room. 
“Deku? Did you fuckin’ fall?” His husband scoffs, rounding the corner to see Izuku sprawled on the floor, “Oi, get up dumbass.” 
Izuku mentally winces, not prepared for the absolute earful Katsuki is going to give him later. 
Katsuki walks closer, nudging the broken pieces of mug away, “Izuku?” 
Ah, he’s anxious. 
Izuku might’ve predicted this issue if he had thought a little harder. He’s not in any real danger, so there’s no need to worry-
But he doesn’t know that. 
“No come on,” Katsuki mumbles out loud, trying to reason logically like Izuku knows he does when he’s scared, “he hit his head and passed out- no, there’s no blood. He was tired? Maybe he wanted to sleep on the floor…”
Katsuki comes up behind him and drops to his knees, rolling Izuku over. 
Light flashes in front of his eyes, but he’s powerless to blink at the sudden flash. Katsuki curses when his head flops back and smacks the tile. Stars fly across the black of his eyelids. 
“Izuku, wake up.” Katsuki presses his fingers under Izuku’s jaw and curses. 
There’s no way this quirk stopped his heartbeat- right?!
Katsuki pries one of his eyelids open. The cool air burns but he doesn’t flinch. 
His pupil must not react either, because before he knows it Katsuki is tugging him into his arms with a frantic whimper and launching himself across their living room. 
Katsuki places a leg in between Izuku’s own and wraps one of his arms under Izuku’s shoulders so he can use the other to propel them into the sky. 
The wind whistles by Izuku’s ears as Katsuki wastes no time getting them to what he can only assume is the hospital a few blocks away. 
The strain his arm must feel right now can only be extremely painful but Katsuki makes no sign of it. 
Izuku can feel them descending, just as Katsuki’s grip on him begins to slip. Katsuki stumbles a bit on the ground, lurching forward but being sure to keep Izuku’s body in his solid grip. 
“HEY!” He shouts as soon as they step through the sliding doors of the emergency bay, “I NEED A DOCTOR NOW!”
“Sir please don’t-”
“Pro hero Dynamight!” Another nurse interrupts the first, rushing towards them, “What are his vitals?”
Izuku feels himself get flipped onto a gurney, lying face up on the cold, thin fabric. He can feel everything down to his hair follicles itching to form goosebumps. 
He hears the nurse gasp as soon as his hair falls out of his face. 
I might be wearing pajamas, but I’m still the number one hero, he figures. I’d recognize All Might in his pajamas.
“Is that-”
“Someone who needs a fucking doctor?!” Katsuki growls, “YES.” 
The nurse barks a few orders at her coworkers and, from what Izuku can tell, sprints with him down the hallway. 
The cart shudders when she briefly trips, “N-No? What do you mean-”
“I mean he wasn’t fucking responsive. I came home and he was on the fucking floor. No pulse, no breathing, no pupil dilation.” Katsuki’s voice moves to his other side, and there’s more movement before Izuku is lifted over to a different bed. 
The nurse hooks a machine up to him to start pumping his chest while she darts around him, checking various other vitals. 
“Shit.” She whispers to herself, pressing her warm hands into his wrist harder. 
Someone slams open the door, running to Izuku’s side. His hearing blurs while they yell orders at each other, pricking Izuku with various needles. 
“C’mon.” A new, higher-pitched male voice grunts in his ear as what he can assume is a shot of adrenaline is pumped into his fresh IV. 
“You said you found him like this?” Another female voice asks, farther in the corner of the room where he figures Katsuki is watching. 
“He passed out, there’s no obvious trauma. I have no fucking idea why.” Katsuki grunts, voice warbling. “He was on patrol a few hours ago but there was nothing in the report that would warrant this.”
“It’s not looking…” She pauses, “It’s not ideal, but we can’t rule out the possibility of it being a quirk.”
“Nothing is rousing him. We can keep the compressions going, but his body isn’t showing postmortem symptoms. I think, truly, if he comes back it will be regardless of what we do.”
Katsuki sighs, “I’m going to call his mom. Take the machine off him, she shouldn’t see him like this.”
Izuku’s head jostles as they remove the machine, his chest already feeling the ache and forming bruises. 
The nurse clamps a heart rate monitor onto his finger and leaves his side, rolling whatever monstrosity of a contraption they had waiting for him on a cart out of the room. 
It’s completely silent for a few minutes, not even the usual steady beep of his heart that he associates with the hospital to keep him company. 
The door swings open and footsteps move towards his side. 
He knows it’s Katsuki as soon as their hands touch. 
His husband’s warm hands cup his own, rubbing circles into his skin. 
“If you die on a random ass fucking Thursday morning when you’re not even working I’ll make sure they send you to whatever hell exists for idiots like you.” 
Izuku laughs inwardly, enjoying Katsuki’s touch. 
“Shitty prank. You broke your favorite mug.”
Ah damn, he forgot about that. 
Katsuki’s hair tickles his forearm as the man presumably leans down, pressing his lips to Izuku’s inner wrist, “If you leave me I’ll never forgive you.” He stretches a hand over Izuku’s stomach, resting it on his soft sleep shirt. “I love you, I don’t tell you nearly enough.”
“Come back to me, Izuku.”
And Izuku wishes more than anything that he knew how.
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hey-that-hurt · 1 year
And of course there’s the flipside of parent whump: child whump. Maybe the parent is captured or trapped, maybe the injuries are happening at a remote location too far away to reach but at least the news is telling them how badly their child is hurt. Maybe it’s a kidnapper sending cryptic messages leaving far too much to the imagination. Maybe they’ve both been kidnapped, and the kidnapper realizes far too quickly how to get the parent to cooperate.
Maybe things are strained, maybe both parent and child are adults now and they don’t talk like they used to but that‘s still the kid they raised and loved and maybe getting stabbed would be better than them getting hurt like this.
Maybe the child is a kid who happened to be in their proximity that they half heartedly took under your wing. And they thought they didn’t care, it’s not like this is their kid, except why then is one of the worst things they’ve ever experienced?
Maybe it’s a kid who was hurt, who had nobody, who they decided was their responsibility now. And they promised, they promised, that the kid would be safe. And what a horrible liar they are.
(Tag your favorite characters for this dynamic, I’m curious)
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thatstupidone · 11 days
Are you in the mha fandom and like to or want to try our role playing?
Then you might be interested in joining my server!
We offer:
❤ - Multiple different channels to roleplay in!
🧡 - Different OOC chats to make friends!
💛 - Lots of characters still available, and OCs are allowed!
💚 - MHA emojis made by me!
💙 - Rare pair shipping/any ship that's not illegal!
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dekuusional · 11 months
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Shigaraki Brothers - Part 1/2
It's been a while since I've drawn anything related to Under the Knife, but recently I've just been having so many thoughts about Izuku and Tomura in this AU, I thought about introducing some of Izuku's past with a pair of comics... finishing one page alone is like a miracle for me, so I'm praying I have energy for the second part ahaha
Honestly lately I've thought about this AU so much more, and I want to also start sharing some of the worldbuilding I've made, details about Izuku's quirk, more about the plot, character relationships, things along those lines!
Reblogs are appreciated, reposts are not.
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freedom-of-speech333 · 16 hours
Art Preview for the @bnhawhump bang fic written by @evilkat23 !
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then-be-a-warrior · 2 years
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Sometimes I think to myself "hey, maybe this character needs a break" and then I remember I'm the one who's not giving them one.
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evilkat23 · 16 hours
@bnhawhump I'm excited to show off my work for the whump bang! Along with my artist! @freedom-of-speech333
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littlekysworld · 1 year
Bad Moon Rising
By LittleKy
Izuku had thought that his argument with All Might would be the worst thing to happen to him this week. Boy, was he wrong.
(Or: Midoriya Izuku's week quickly goes from bad to worse when, during what's meant to be a live televised conference for UA, he's publicly poisoned and kidnapped. Naturally, all hell breaks loose.)
Here's the full link to my current WIP. For those of you who like Dadmight, found family and hurt/comfort. ❤️
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pansexualkiba · 1 year
"I have a great relationship with my mom and dad because they love me!" Kirishima exclaimed.
"Well, that just makes me feel worse." Midoriya sighed.
"Wait, Deku, we've met your mom?" Uraraka pointed out. "Inko's great."
"Yes," Midoriya agreed, "But it was my father who left me to fend for myself in the frozen tundra with nothing but a hatchet and a length of rope. I would have died if a pack of wolves hadn't taken me in as one of their own."
Uraraka's jaw was dropped from the story.
"Oh, I'm, uh," Kaminari stammered. "Sorry to, uh. Wolves?"
"Yes," Midoriya nodded, "But I wasn't safe. The wolves were robots built by my father in order to lull me into a false sense of security. I awoke one morning to find he had slaughtered them all and left a message in the snow reading, 'I dare you to love again'."
Kaminari fell silent.
"Wh-" Ashido started.
"But the message was actually written in ant pheromone." Midoriya revealed, causing Ashido to double over in pain. "I was suddenly engulfed by thousands of rabid African ants, each trying to burrow its way inside me in order to get to the queen larva my father had put in my Cheerio's."
Kouda slowly stopped eating his cereal. Tokoyami continued to eat his.
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imagine making baby izuku whump
he's waiting for his mom to pick him up from the park :)
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quirkless-fanboy · 7 months
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Whump Snippet #3
CW: Self-harm!!!
“Izuku?” Aizawa knocked on the door. 
“D-don’t!” His voice sounded wet. Aizawa was instantly alert. 
“Izuku? Are you okay?” 
“No- I mean, yes,” he was crying. “Don’t come in!” 
“Izuku, I need to talk to you. I have good news.” 
“Go away,” A sob. Aizawa sighed, and opened the door anyway. The kid could hate him after Aizawa made sure he was okay. 
He most definitely wasn’t. 
Izuku was a wreck. His long, poofy hair was slick with sweat, his body shaking. He was wearing only a tank top, and Shota could see half-picked scabs leaking down his arms. Izuku held his blue pillow close, shaking his had over and over again. Aizawa stepped forward, seeing the blood dripping down Izuku’s arms. 
It was bright red and fresh. It wasn’t slightly tinted like blood under a scab was. No, those were new wounds. Those were deliberate. 
“Oh kid,” Aizawa rushed over to Izuku's side. The kid was shaking. Blood stained the pillow he was holding. “Let me help you,” 
“No, no you can’t, it’s all me, I’m sorry, I can’t be a hero, I just can’t, I promise. I never will, I’ll never leave, I promise.” 
“Shh, Izuku, it’s gonna be okay.” Blood dripped into his hands. “You’re gonna be okay.” 
“I don’t- I don’t wanna die!” Izuku gasped, shaking his head. 
“I know, I know.” Aizawa grabbed a tissue from nearby, slowly cleaning up the blood he could. It was soaked in seconds. 
“It just- I itched so bad, I’m so itchy because of everything!” 
“The scabs?” Aizawa whispered. His upper body was littered in them, big and small and all half bleeding. Though those cleared themselves up much better than the fresh cuts on Izuku’s wrists. 
“Yes!” He sobbed. Aizawa used his scarf to bring over the box of tissues and slowly cleaned up what he could. “It hurts so bad.” 
“Talk to me, Izuku,” Shota whispers, cleaning his wounds with a touch so light Izuku thought he imagined it. “Why do these if it hurts so bad?” 
“I’ve been- so many- I can’t feel my arms!” He half screamed, rocking himself back and forth. It jostled his wounds, and a few of his deeper wounds spurted blood. Aizawa felt something squelch under his knee, and he almost vomited. A chunk of meat. 
“You can’t feel your arms?” Aizawa asked calmly, ignoring the feeling against his knee. “I get it, I do.” 
“It hurts, but I need it, I need to feel something.” 
“Is that why you pick at them all the time?” Izuku sniffled and nodded, his rocking slowly coming to a stop. He heard a gasp. Inko Midoriya. 
“How’d you lose feeling?” Aizawa asked softly. He heard a sob and the sound of something being picked up. “Will you tell me?” 
“Inko, do you have bandages?” 
“I do…” Inko rushed out of the room before coming back with a box of medical supplies. 
“Mom…” Izuku whispered, another tear leaving his eye. 
“Shh, Izuku. It’s okay. I get it,” Inko sat next to him, pulling the blood soaked pillow away from him. “I have some too.” 
“...you do?” 
“I do.” She laughed, a pitiful wet sound. “Just like yours.” 
“I’m so sorry, Mom.” 
“I’m sorry too, my baby.” She cried softly, pressing his bloody scarred hand against her face. Aizawa cleaned the boy’s wounds as quickly as possible, not missing how Izuku barely flinched as he applied the anti septic. Some of these needed stitches. Mostly the wounds that were chunks of missing flesh. They could deal with those later.
Right now, Izuku was his biggest priority. 
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a-sentimental-man · 1 year
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your body's a message (send my regards to hell)
ongoing fic, bkdk, rated M
If anyone asked Izuku how he was doing, he would give them all the same answer, even if none of them never believed them in the least, most of all Kacchan. He would smile and say that he was fine, as well as to be expected, really and no one would comment on how the words didn't hold any truth to them, or how the smile didn't quite reach his eyes like they used to do.
(How could he be a hero, when he had only ended up hurting the person he cared about the most, in the end?)
Izuku thought that seeing Kacchan's body on the battlefield was the worst moment of his life.
Seeing Kacchan actually die was a thousand times worse.
It doesn't get easier the second time. Or the time after. And after.
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