#bakugo whump
goodwhump-temp · 7 months
Izuku Midoriya Whump | MHA
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Ep.01 - Crying x2, bullied x10, bruised (flashback), scared Ep.02 - Scared, suicidal, crying, breakdown Ep.03 - Crying x3, training torture, breakdown, collapses, carried, trips Ep.04 - Crying x2, arm busted, falling from the sky, unconscious, nervous Ep.05 - Finger busted Ep.06 - Knocked down (explosion), bullied Ep.07 - Knocked down (explosion), hit from the back, punched, thrown, crying, arm busted, passes out Ep.08 - Unconscious, weak, sling Ep.09 - Squeezed/pushed around Ep.10 - Fingers busted, protected Ep.11 - [ep. includes Aizawa whump❗] Ep.13 - Legs busted, crying, bandaged Ep.15 - Paralyzed fear Ep.16 - Crying Ep.19 - Crying Ep.20 - Fingers busted, punched x2, manhandled Ep.23 - Finger busted x5, arm busted, pain, unconscious Ep.24 - Bandaged, right arm shattered, hand disfigured Ep.25 - [ep. includes Bakugo, Shoto, Iida whump❗] Ep.27 - Punched (back) x2, pinned, splat on the wall x2, bloody nose, exhausted Ep.28 - Thrown x2, bloody nose Ep.29 - Small cut grazed, paralyzed [ep. includes Iida whump❗] Ep.30 - Leg sliced, arm hurt, exhausted, carried, face kicked, SNATCHED Ep.31 - Bandaged Ep.33 - Slips Ep.37 - Backhanded/knocked down, punched, used as human hammer, thrown, spine-slammed, pain Ep.38 - Threatened, choked, terrified Ep.40 - Blown off cliff, exhausted, nuts punched, comforted Ep.41 - Punched Ep.42 - Gut-kicked into wall, bleeding forehead, knocked down, arm busted, crushed Ep.43 - Carried Ep.44 - Arms bandaged [ep. includes Tokoyami whump❗] Ep.45 - Knocked down, tumbles x2, devastated, ambulance-care, says 2-days of unconsciousness/fever, crying, guilt Ep.46 - Arms disfigured, punched Ep.48 - Paralyzed fear Ep.49 - Crying Ep.50 - Punched, crying, comforted Ep.51 - Crying Ep.52 - Knocked down (explosion) Ep.54 - Pinned, scratched Ep.60 - Crying Ep.61 - Knee'd in the face, thrown, angry, pinned, restrained Ep.63 - Gut-punched Ep.66 - Slams into wall, bloody nose, exhausted Ep.67 - Bottling feelings/can't concentrate Ep.72/73 - [eps. includes Kirishima whump❗] Ep.75 - Knocked down, pinned by spikes, spike grazes [ep includes Lemillion & Nighteye whump❗] Ep.76 - Multiple cuts, bleeding, 100% power/extreme pain (delay) Ep.77 - Power overload/dying, crying [ep. includes Lemillion, Nighteye, & Overhaul whump❗] Ep.83 - Fingers-internal bleeding Ep.84 - Thrown x2, shot with beam, stuck holding beam up Ep.85 - Knocked down, knocked unconscious, pinned, thrown x2, kicked Ep.90 - Vision Ep.98 - New power/uncontrollable, panic, vision, slapped x2 Ep.99 - [ep. includes Shinso whump❗] Ep.101 - Paralyzed fear (interview) Ep.105 - [ep. includes Shoto trauma❗] Ep.106 - [ep. includes Natsu whump❗] Ep.107 - Head stabbed with hat, bleeding [ep. includes Aizawa trauma❗] Ep.108 - [ep. includes Shigaraki trauma❗] Ep.117 - [ep. includes Shigaraki whump❗] Ep.118 - Uneasy Ep.120 - Protected [ep. includes Aizawa whump❗] Ep.121 - Arm bit Ep.122 - Knocked back, angry, crying, arms busted x2 [ep. includes Aizawa & Hawk whump❗] Ep.123 - Feral, pinned, protected [ep. includes Bakugo whump❗] Ep.124 - Body exhausted [ep. includes Dabi trauma❗] Ep.125 - Body exhausted, knocked back Ep.126 - Shard headache pain x2, passes out, knocked down, body exhaustion Ep.128 - Bandaged, comatose Ep.129 - [ep. includes Hawk trauma & whump❗] Ep.130 - Coma cont. Ep.132 - Hospital flashback, scars Ep.134 - Gut-punched, bullet grazed x2 Ep.135 - Suicidal/depressed, trampled, confronted Ep.136 - Intervention; depressed, restrained x3, thrown, emotion anguish, pierced ice wall, guilt, body exhausted, crying, scared, collapse, passes out Ep.137 - Scared, mental breakdown Ep.138 - Comforted
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writersmorgue · 4 months
Febuwhump Day 21 - Unresponsive
TWs in tags || read on Ao3 || wc: 1332
Time-activated quirks are rare. Izuku knows, he’s studied many. He was fascinated by the logistics the first time he read about one in the news. The quirk usually being transferred by some physical touch or substance from the user- slowly dissolving into the victim like a pill. 
Pro hero Buzzkill has a quirk that gives its victim a bee sting-like welt every four and a half minutes. The vigilante Combo Breaker has a quirk that breaks one of its victim's fingers every two minutes. 
And apparently, the villain he’d been fighting on patrol also shared this unique quirk factor. 
The debrief had said the guy was quirkless, but one look at the shoes on his feet told Izuku otherwise. 
Now, four hours and twenty-five minutes later, he’s lying on the floor of his kitchen unable to move. 
His nose is pressed at an uncomfortable angle, mere inches from where his coffee mug was smashed to pieces when he dropped it. 
He’d felt this odd pain in the base of his spine when he got off of patrol, and after his post-shift nap, it had only been higher up on his back and twice as intense. 
Apparently, when it got to his head, he was due to lose all motor functions. Great!
The good news is that Katsuki should be home any minute, and he can pull Izuku out of this cold, black coffee puddle. Maybe he’ll even put him back in bed if he’s feeling generous. 
He’s not sure how long he waits. His eyelids have drooped close, though he couldn’t open them if he wanted. He spends a while trying to determine if he’s breathing or not, but his whole body is so uncomfortably numb that he gives up. 
Soon enough, the door opens and Katsuki’s gym shoes are kicked off into their cubby. 
“‘M home.” He grumbles, probably not expecting an answer because Izuku is usually still napping when Katsuki gets back from his morning gym run. 
Izuku isn’t sure what Katsuki notices first, maybe his socked feet lying on the ground, or the bits of red, blue, and yellow ceramic that probably skidded across the room. 
“Deku? Did you fuckin’ fall?” His husband scoffs, rounding the corner to see Izuku sprawled on the floor, “Oi, get up dumbass.” 
Izuku mentally winces, not prepared for the absolute earful Katsuki is going to give him later. 
Katsuki walks closer, nudging the broken pieces of mug away, “Izuku?” 
Ah, he’s anxious. 
Izuku might’ve predicted this issue if he had thought a little harder. He’s not in any real danger, so there’s no need to worry-
But he doesn’t know that. 
“No come on,” Katsuki mumbles out loud, trying to reason logically like Izuku knows he does when he’s scared, “he hit his head and passed out- no, there’s no blood. He was tired? Maybe he wanted to sleep on the floor…”
Katsuki comes up behind him and drops to his knees, rolling Izuku over. 
Light flashes in front of his eyes, but he’s powerless to blink at the sudden flash. Katsuki curses when his head flops back and smacks the tile. Stars fly across the black of his eyelids. 
“Izuku, wake up.” Katsuki presses his fingers under Izuku’s jaw and curses. 
There’s no way this quirk stopped his heartbeat- right?!
Katsuki pries one of his eyelids open. The cool air burns but he doesn’t flinch. 
His pupil must not react either, because before he knows it Katsuki is tugging him into his arms with a frantic whimper and launching himself across their living room. 
Katsuki places a leg in between Izuku’s own and wraps one of his arms under Izuku’s shoulders so he can use the other to propel them into the sky. 
The wind whistles by Izuku’s ears as Katsuki wastes no time getting them to what he can only assume is the hospital a few blocks away. 
The strain his arm must feel right now can only be extremely painful but Katsuki makes no sign of it. 
Izuku can feel them descending, just as Katsuki’s grip on him begins to slip. Katsuki stumbles a bit on the ground, lurching forward but being sure to keep Izuku’s body in his solid grip. 
“HEY!” He shouts as soon as they step through the sliding doors of the emergency bay, “I NEED A DOCTOR NOW!”
“Sir please don’t-”
“Pro hero Dynamight!” Another nurse interrupts the first, rushing towards them, “What are his vitals?”
Izuku feels himself get flipped onto a gurney, lying face up on the cold, thin fabric. He can feel everything down to his hair follicles itching to form goosebumps. 
He hears the nurse gasp as soon as his hair falls out of his face. 
I might be wearing pajamas, but I’m still the number one hero, he figures. I’d recognize All Might in his pajamas.
“Is that-”
“Someone who needs a fucking doctor?!” Katsuki growls, “YES.” 
The nurse barks a few orders at her coworkers and, from what Izuku can tell, sprints with him down the hallway. 
The cart shudders when she briefly trips, “N-No? What do you mean-”
“I mean he wasn’t fucking responsive. I came home and he was on the fucking floor. No pulse, no breathing, no pupil dilation.” Katsuki’s voice moves to his other side, and there’s more movement before Izuku is lifted over to a different bed. 
The nurse hooks a machine up to him to start pumping his chest while she darts around him, checking various other vitals. 
“Shit.” She whispers to herself, pressing her warm hands into his wrist harder. 
Someone slams open the door, running to Izuku’s side. His hearing blurs while they yell orders at each other, pricking Izuku with various needles. 
“C’mon.” A new, higher-pitched male voice grunts in his ear as what he can assume is a shot of adrenaline is pumped into his fresh IV. 
“You said you found him like this?” Another female voice asks, farther in the corner of the room where he figures Katsuki is watching. 
“He passed out, there’s no obvious trauma. I have no fucking idea why.” Katsuki grunts, voice warbling. “He was on patrol a few hours ago but there was nothing in the report that would warrant this.”
“It’s not looking…” She pauses, “It’s not ideal, but we can’t rule out the possibility of it being a quirk.”
“Nothing is rousing him. We can keep the compressions going, but his body isn’t showing postmortem symptoms. I think, truly, if he comes back it will be regardless of what we do.”
Katsuki sighs, “I’m going to call his mom. Take the machine off him, she shouldn’t see him like this.”
Izuku’s head jostles as they remove the machine, his chest already feeling the ache and forming bruises. 
The nurse clamps a heart rate monitor onto his finger and leaves his side, rolling whatever monstrosity of a contraption they had waiting for him on a cart out of the room. 
It’s completely silent for a few minutes, not even the usual steady beep of his heart that he associates with the hospital to keep him company. 
The door swings open and footsteps move towards his side. 
He knows it’s Katsuki as soon as their hands touch. 
His husband’s warm hands cup his own, rubbing circles into his skin. 
“If you die on a random ass fucking Thursday morning when you’re not even working I’ll make sure they send you to whatever hell exists for idiots like you.” 
Izuku laughs inwardly, enjoying Katsuki’s touch. 
“Shitty prank. You broke your favorite mug.”
Ah damn, he forgot about that. 
Katsuki’s hair tickles his forearm as the man presumably leans down, pressing his lips to Izuku’s inner wrist, “If you leave me I’ll never forgive you.” He stretches a hand over Izuku’s stomach, resting it on his soft sleep shirt. “I love you, I don’t tell you nearly enough.”
“Come back to me, Izuku.”
And Izuku wishes more than anything that he knew how.
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lovclyboncs · 10 months
No one :
Me: searching up the most heart wrenching have me crying on the floor centric stories of blue/green eyed black hair characters
No one:
Me: searching up the most heart wrenching have me crying on the floor centric stories of red eyed white/blonde hair characters
Conclusion: I like pain
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aspergirl2022 · 1 month
"The unfeeling me" scenes who gave me whump flies
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Years ago I found this shonen ai who was still in publication at that time then I forgot it until a few days. Now I need to read it again to remember everything but the site where I read it is now close... 😢 Looks like I'll read it in English if I don't find another site in my maternal tongue
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reveseke · 1 year
NOMU ! Katsuki Bakugo headcanons — ORIGIN
It' s not that detailed bc hard lol so any whump-related things , character death and torture have been only mentioned they are not descriptive . Also this au does not exactly follow through the original plot of the anime . It' s an alternative plot for it to fit and does not end up with the animes ending bc neo has yet to finish it lol .
Not proof read ! Bear with ne that there might be grammar errors , ne is not a native speaker ;) .
Characters — [ Katsuki Bakugo | Raid team mention | LOV. Mention | Dr. Kuydai mention | AFO mention ]
Genre — [ Hurt / no comfort ]
CW — [ Whump | muzzle mention | Defiant whumpee type | human to nonhuman ( by being nomued ) | Temporal character death | ressuraction mention | lab whump | Alternative AFO way | Alternative plot | Amnesia | fighting | inhumane testing mention | death mention | passing out ]
DNI - Fudanashis/fujodashis, women & fem-aligned, profic/proship, anti - LGBTQ+ folk & exclusionists, anti-antis, Necro- Zoo- Pedophiles + (NO)Maps(and other terms), basic DNI criteria, kink/nude/nsfw/sh/vent/pro-ana/ed/18+ blogs
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So when Kat got kidnapped the heroes or the students couldn't rescue him. Instead he was accidentally killed during the raid because of trying to fight the villains and getting in front of a attacking hero. He bled out pretty much during the Kamino incident and when the LOV. Ended where they ended he was beyond recovering state.
Due to the potential and powerful quirk that Katsuki possesses as a villain and an asset he was instead brought to the lab. Now since AFO has been defeated, i think there could be a more artificial version of doing what he could. Like thinking more sci-fi type shit with a way of securing stolen quirks into something and then being able to give them as if they fuse into the body, bloodstream, DNA and mind.
But it's a lot more painful since it takes a lot of time and the character would need to be alive for it bc research. Also bc they want to make sure that he actually lives, even if it's barely so to see how it changes him.
Personally don't really like the do them like Kurogiri was done type of nomu when it comes to Nomu AUs lol so doing something different.
I think they could have someone with a revival quirk revive katsuki to a state he'd be alive enough to take care for a few weeks. So he just doesn't recollapse and die during the 'operation ' of exposing new quirks to his weak body. ( They still keep him weak and with quirk dampening collar bc they don't want him to try an escape any way possible lol. )
During the meek recovery time they give him which he is in agony and barely councious. The doctor, Kyudai, decides upon what he wishes to experiment with. Instead of going straight with how Kurogiri was made he ends up trying something more animalistic and shapeshifty, feral type ( iykyk ) even.
Having picked out the quirks from the storage of quirks he has to work with. It's been about three weeks and Kats still in pain but doing so much better than before at least. They've been starting the preparation of the operation already and he has no idea what's exactly going on.
So the only minus would be that he's stuck in a hospital bed, like literally restrained against it bc every now and then when staff came to check on him he would unapologetically trash around and try to attack them so they had to sedate him and made him rather delirious. They even muzzled him as well bc the man is loud and i mean L O U D even if heavily sedated.
He's most likely going to fight them every change and energy surge he gets even if sedated, he's stubborn and knows what's going on is very wrong even if he has no clue what's going on. So defiant smh giving the staff such a hard time /j .
Let's say bc of his fighting the staff he almost made his way to the skies again. His state was corrected tho, so the operation they had prepared him to undergo was successfull.
He was then caged up and locked away for four months before anything really happened. They monitored his state which was format for full two months. He kinda just fell into a coma for a sec.
But forcing him out if it with electric shocks as a experiment was successful. He awoke in pain and the first thing they got out of him was a blood curling scream of agony. His whole body welt like it was on fire and it went on for the rest of two months
His skin went from it's original colour to ashy black and had a weird soft leathery texture to it. His form changed to resemble a four legged snake, like an oriental dragon but not quite like it, with a black mane of dark cherry black hair with blond tips. ( Probs gonna end up drawing something resembling him lol )
His eyes went towards a orangish cherry tint and seemed rather flowy whispy-like like Kurogiris but more whispy.
His size if standing on his hind legs without tail would most likely be around 8'3-8'6 and with tail depending on the without tail measurements around 8'9-9'3 . Why I'm doing it this way ? Most likely because i wanna know how much he grows from first to 'final ' form. Aka when he grew first after the procedure and what he ended up being after settling in the new body. Y'know what I mean, right ?
After waking up it's more than evident that he has little to no idea who he had been before. Just waking up with amnesia and rolling with the pain and everything that most likely ended up with him being overstimulated and throwing a tantrum with bodies flying lol.
The quirks decided upon him were dragon , Shrink shift, Combust and his own original explosion quirk.
The Dragon obviously giving him dragonic form , shrink shift is about ones personal size shrinking and combust alight his mane and blood into a deep cherry red fire but not exactly to a explosive extention. And ofc his own explosions are just that explosions through his sweat ( although his quirk won't work properly bc he doesn't sweat anymore, but an alternative to that will be spoken later )
Testing is a pain in the ass and nursing everything together for him to be healed properly for it was even more. Live testing in which it was recorded for research with scientists + doctors present and having him test his abilities and new body finding and hitting the hard limits multiple times in a row.
It was basically torture for Kat. Since he had no recovery time in-between the testing and when got the time he was slow at it.
What they discovered was that from the dragon quirk the healing factory would only activate when he was on fire , but he had no resistance to his own fire which would end up hurting him more.
Just because the combust quirk worked it was risky to use, so with another add on he got a quirk that enchanted his recovery time and healing factory work giving him some but not much resistance towards the fire that the combustion quirk gave him.
Most of the quirks either malfunctioned together or gave him little to no resistance to the drawback of another quirk. Or it just ended up being really problematic quirk combo that was not suitable to be combined.
It was a shit show of upgrade and downgrade how the quirks worked and slowly Kat was becoming the most disasterous nomu they had ever created. He never lost his temper and was wildly unpredictable, they came to a conclusion of not being able to control him.
They assigned alot of people that worked under them to sedate him which with the healing factory increasing quirk did little to nothing because it fought the sedation very clearly. Many ended up dead trying to get him into a collar that would damped the quirks for a little while before they had him under control.
Although it was nothing to be surprised when he managed to escape his containment cell during the weekly remove-the-old-collar-and-put-a-new-one-on because he was fed up being in one or two places and he proceeded to wreck havoc in the laboratory where he was kept. He unleashed the pent up anger that ended up in a bloodlust and death of many workers.
After breaking out he finds himself in a forest, just besides an abandoned building site. The laboratory he was in being underground for more of safety reasons.
He discovers the other 'normal' nomus incubating in the abandoned building like it was seen during the start of Kamino incident. But at this point still in pain and pretty panicked he doesn't mind them bc they are dormant and just let's them be. Instead Kat finds himself roaming the site and puckering into buildings destroying them most likely.
A little delirious, fatigued and in pain he wanders off, trying to fly as much as he can which is not that much bc of fatigue. He does know how to do it, but he's still fatigued because of the testing.
He ends up collapsing somewhere in a shaded area with people that might have heard him. Most likely villains and vigilantes if the ring the abandoned site is is shady in the first place. They don't really do anything just kinda looks and if one of them is with the LOV. They might report about Kat being out. Literally.
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youremarvelous · 1 year
give up the ghost
fandom: bnha pairing: todobaku rating: m tags: hurt/comfort, sickfic, whump, grief/mourning chapter: 1/3 summary: When Shouto is hit with an amplified dreaming quirk, he finds out the hard way that if something seems too good to be true, it’s probably because it is.
Rain is pouring down in thick gray sheets by the time they reach the site of the landslide. The impact zone is vast, but the area is rural—more forest than development. Earth cascades down the mountain in a thunderous, muddy torrent—dislodging power lines and washing away trees whole.
A handful of heroes scour the mountain face, searching for anybody caught in the runoff. Bakugo has just pulled a woman from her upended car when the earth shifts again. His grip around her holds, but further up the mountain an elementary school groans and collapses into rubble. Giant slabs of plaster and concrete topple together like playing cards, hurtling directly toward them.
Shouto is downhill, building thick walls of ice to protect the road. He’s just reinforced a blockade on the southernmost tip when the ground rumbles threateningly under his feet. He turns his eyes up the cliff to find the newest casualty of the storm and sees Bakugo, struggling to pull a woman out of the trajectory of its impact.
Bakugo can use his quirk to blow the debris away. He’s smart and capable and not in any real danger. But Shouto sprints up the hill, anyway, desperately scanning for a good angle to cast out a barrier of ice to protect him.
When he finally finds one, the soaked earth sighs and gives way under his feet. Boulders tumble past, glancing off his cheeks, his legs. Shouto tries to dodge, but his boots are caked in mud and he can’t find his footing. A fist-sized rock collides with the side of his head, and the resounding crack reverberates through his teeth and down his spine. He wobbles to his knees, his vision throbbing like a heartbeat.
Shouto sends out a wall of ice just as he falls the rest of the way. He sees the ice hold. Then he sees Bakugo whip around and yell out to him—his voice rinsed away by the pounding rain.
Shouto tries to get up, but his body is washed up on a distant shore. The tide tugs at him, needy and dark. Shouto closes his eyes and lets it take him.
read on ao3
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loopielupie · 8 months
Whumptober Day 29 & Day 31: "I only sink deeper the deeper I think" & Emptiness
His ears are still ringing when Katsuki sinks down against an overturned crate. The adrenaline that got him through the fight is long gone, leaving nothing but empty weariness and tremors in his limbs.
Out of sight of the media, though he can still hear them heckling and shouting questions towards the police and other heroes still on the scene, Katsuki wilts. The cold concrete prickles overheated skin through his hero suit, sending an involuntary shiver along his spine. 
Tipping his head back, he wonders idly what this store used to be, taking in the scattered crates similar to the one he's co-opted as a seat. Maybe a greengrocer? But it's a distant sort of thought and he shoves it down with a bitter snarl. 
It's impossible to tell with more than half the shopfront gone and the interior fucked six ways from Sunday.
Because you weren’t fuckin’ good enough
He swallows the sudden acid lump in his throat and fiddles with the bandages wrapping his bicep in some attempt at distraction. They come loose and he curses under his breath and tries to fix it. But his fingers are clumsy and his arms burn him for the unnecessary movement, the dull ache of overuse sharpening until he gives up.
The screech of a siren has him wincing, a heretofore unnoticed headache making itself known as he grinds his head back against the wall and screws his eyes shut.
He opens one eye to find Izuku squatting next to him, worried, one hand hovering but hesitant over his arm. His hair is sweaty and fight-tousled. He looks enhausted.
"Oi, have you been seen by-"
"Yes, Kacchan. I was just with one of the paramedics-" he lifts his bandaged arm. "They're the ones who told me where you'd gone off to."
The "Why?" is growing more insistent in Izuku's expression but Katsuki isn't going to admit shit.
"Yeah, well. Good. 'm not havin' you bleed out or some shit because you're irresponsible."
Izuku hums and shifts a little closer, his remaining iron sole scraping across the buckled path as his legs slump down. A quick scan tells Katsuki all he needs to know about how Izuku fared during the fight: the road rash under his torn suit, the scrapes and fresh bruises that have Katsuki wincing just to look at them. Not important enough to warrant any on-scene paramedics attention more than cleaning, but sore as hell.
Katsuki releases a rattling breath. He's had bad days before, days where he’s lost civilians and even colleagues. But something about today makes his skin feel too tight. Everything had been wrong: bad intel, not enough heroes on-scene, an unexpectedly destructive villain, too much “collateral damage”- Fuck, Katsuki hates that term.
He’s rather they just call it what it fuckin’  is: civilian casualties. He'd rather people face up to the reality: people hurt, homes, businesses, livelihoods destroyed. All because they weren’t good enough. Beside him, Izuku is quiet. He just stares at a crack in the concrete, shoulders slumped, lips bitten into a frown. A small part of Katsuki wonders if Izuku's feeling the same, but he brushes it off before he can do something stupid like ask. 
His fists clench in his lap and he thunks his head back against the wall behind him. It does nothing to shake loose any of the thoughts swirling in his head, it just makes his headache worse.
His phone buzzes. It's likely a summons from the agency for debrief and probably even a press conference. Izuku tenses at the sound but when Katsuki makes no move to heed it, he turns his attention to him, eyeing him with a quiet "Kacchan?"
"What," he snaps, already knowing what's coming. Izuku checks his own phone.
"They're calling us back," Izuku prompts. His voice is hesitant, though. Like he doesn't want to move any more than Katsuki does.
"Yeah, well. They can wait 10 minutes."
Don't ask me to fuckin' go out there yet.
He rails against this cowardice, but he's just so fucking tired.
Izuku says nothing for a minute, searching Katsuki's face. He looks exhausted, too. This close, Katsuki can see the smear of old blood from Izuku’s nose, the dirt streaked across his cheeks. It obscures his freckles and something gives in Katsuki’s chest. He yanks his glove off. Izuku doesn't stop him when he reaches out and brushes a thumb over his cheek, idly aware of the dirt and blood flaking off under it. Izuku leans into the contact but Katsuki feels his expression pinch into a frown when a few tears gather on dark lashes. Izuku tips forward against his collar, Katsuki takes the weight and lets it ground him.
They'll have to get up soon, they both know it; the agency won't give them much of a reprieve from their PR responsibilities. But for now, just for a moment, he lets Izuku hold him, buries his nose in damp curls and breathes it in until he feels a little less hollow.
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ravenwingdark · 1 year
Pyrrhic Victory Ch 13 Sneak Peek ✨
Bakugo hardly remembered trying to round up the straggling villains. In some ways, the operation was a monumental failure. They’d saved their target, but in the process, and some bad intel, nine members of the criminal organization escaped; among them, Anamnesis.
But Bakugo couldn’t bring himself to give a fuck and honestly he didn’t feel guilty about it. He was sent to the hospital shortly after the heroes had gathered themselves back together and rounded up thirty-six members of the organization.
A lot of it, Bakugo didn’t remember.
Mostly, he didn’t care.
Bakugo hadn’t bothered with a ride to the hospital. Once they’d finished loading the villains up, he set off for it flying, ignoring the protest Shinso gave him. He could meet him there.
He located Midoriya pacing the waiting room in the hero wing, his mop of green hair tacky from sweat, either from stress or from the exertion of his sub-sonic race to the hospital. “Where is he?” He grunted, because they didn’t need pleasantries between them. They didn’t even need words, but the empty waiting room felt too stagnant without them.
“Emergency room still,” Midoriya said. And what else would Bakugo expect? It had only been thirty minutes since he’d been taken. “Or…they said he’d have to go into the operating room.”
“Why?” Bakugo hadn’t meant his voice to sound so emotionless, hollow.
“Uhm…it was something about his heart. It–they said it was beating, it just wasn’t beating well enough, so–I–” Midoriya’s voice choked and Bakugo felt a strong hand wrap around his wrist, and squeeze.
He stared at it, disimpassioned, remembering a much younger, weaker boy, who would reach out for comfort in the exact same way, and wipe fat tears from his eyes, mumbling ‘K-Kacchan.’
The man in front of him wasn’t shedding his tears, wasn’t begging him to make it better, but still, it was who he saw in that look. Someone strong, and clinging for strength. The pressure of Midoriya’s glove around his wrist was almost comforting. Grounding–and he only realized he was really here when he felt the warmth there.
Bakugo had the strange urge to drop his forehead on Midoriya's shoulder, so he did. It wasn’t soft, or weak. He just wanted to use his shoulder to block out some of those headache-inducing fluorescents. Fuck it. “It’ll be fine, Deku.”
He didn’t say it with confidence. He couldn’t believe anything, as exhausted as he is.
They’d gotten Shoto out, but at what fucking cost. This wasn’t a fucking win.
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silly-cryptid · 1 year
struggling with my ptsd rn so here’s some traumatised!katsuki headcanons on how bakugo copes with his ptsd
tw: uhh ptsd
bakugo gets nightmares. like real bad, waking up with his soul so deeply disturbed he feels sick at the memory of the nightmare. he dreams of the bodies of his friends, blown to pieces and charred, and in the middle of it all, him. eyebrows and arm hair smouldering, covered in the blood (and chunks) of the people closest to him. he’s terrified his nightmares will become reality if he loses control.
kirishima and kaminari get together to buy bakugo some lavender essential oil (as told to by mina) when they find out he has nightmares. “i don’t believe in all this witchcraft hippy bullshit” he tells them, but he dabs a tiny amount on the corner of his pillowcase anyway, not because he thinks the scent helps him relax, but because it’s a tangible reminder of his friends looking out for him.
he has trauma responses to tinnitus. every traumatic event in his life has been tinged with ringing in his ears from his quirk, and now every time he overuses his quirk and gets tinnitus, he spends the following couple of days having panic attacks and flashbacks when the ringing gets too loud. after a couple of days it dies down, and then finally he can get a good nights sleep. the tinnitus persists in his nightmares.
when he’s struggling, he inadvertently turns nocturnal. staying awake through the night to protect his loved ones while they sleep, and sleeping only in the day when they’re awake and therefore less vulnerable. bakusquad exchange concerned looks if bakugo shows up late to class because his shifting sleep schedule is an indicator of his mental state, and they start taking extra notes for him even when he’s in class.
He dissociates badly when his trauma is fresh on his mind. he will spend days upon weeks in a fog, going through the motions of living yet mentally being totally checked out and numb. sometimes he activated his quirk and explodes things when he’s like this, just to try and feel -something-. he’s grateful that his friends notice when he’s struggling and take notes for him so he can catch up, even though he’d never tell them that.
Intrusive thoughts are big for bakugo. usually along the lines of “you should blow up kirishima” or harming his other friends, he shouts at them to drown out the thoughts of hurting them. often the intrusive thoughts are a continuation of his nightmares.
Having been told his whole life that he’d make a better villain, with the LOV even going so far as to think they could convert him fills him with fear. he is scared of his own anger, worried it will one day kill everyone around him, and that he is actually just a villain at heart. nothing can reassure him that he isn’t destined to be a villain, and he works as hard as he can to prove to himself that he isn’t evil, even if he can’t quite bring himself to trust his own hard work.
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hyperactivepuppy · 1 year
The Fire Within Chapter 50
It was over an hour before the sound of a door opening creaked through the dark basement where they were being held.
Shoto flinched at the sound, half lidded eyes opening to dart sluggishly around the cell. Had he fallen asleep? He hadn’t meant to sleep. He had been so sure Iridium had left out the heavy sedatives…
A dull glow filtered down the hallway as heavy footsteps approached. A tall figure stopped at the cell gate, holding a lantern aloft to illuminate sharp, tilted features and greasy black hair.
“Food,” the man drawled lazily. He crouched down, sliding a tray under the bars of the cell. “Be sure not to waste any.”
“We don’t want your fucking food, asshole!” Bakugo snarled. He sat hunched on the far side of the cell, arms crossed over his chest.
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24931198/chapters/115892314
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pearlescentplum · 1 year
Paper Moon Chapter 17
(the rest can be found on ao3 hehe)
Katsuki wasn’t opposed to sharing a room with Todoroki. In fact, when asked by his teacher if he wanted to, Katsuki was totally fine with it. Despite “ridiculing” and “teasing” (Midoriya’s words, not his), Todoroki constantly, Katsuki found himself thinking of him as a friend. As much as it made Katsuki feel physically sick to think, he liked Todoroki. He liked Fuyumi and Natsuo, too, despite the bullshit Fuyumi pulled earlier. 
He understood her annoyance, in a way. He understood how angry and frustrated she was. He understood that sometimes people say things they don’t mean when they're at their breaking points. He understood it all on a primal level because that is what Katsuki does himself, and everyone around him had been a victim of this rage at some point. He had no right to judge her. But still, it didn’t dispel the rage slowly building through him during the entirety of the conversation and the anger he was left with when Todoroki finally stormed out of the room. 
Katsuki pressed his back against the wall, staring straight ahead as he debated going inside or not. He had been there for a while, quite an embarrassing amount of time, but there was something inside him that didn’t want to even think about entering their shared room. Katsuki wasn’t opposed to sharing a room with Todoroki, he wasn’t at all, but right now, he definitely wished he didn’t. 
He knew Todoroki. He knew that he was probably pissed off and doing some dumb shit. He probably didn’t want to talk to Katsuki or even look in his direction. Katsuki knew that Todoroki had some snarky things to say to Katsuki up his sleeves that he could easily whip out at a moment’s notice, taking his anger and frustration out on Katsuki. Katsuki understood that he did the same thing, after all, but he knew that provoking Todoroki was the last thing he should do for Todoroki’s sake-
Ugh. Katsuki was thinking about Todoroki’s feelings now. Maybe getting impaled does make you soft. 
Fuck. He felt like shit, not physically but emotionally, unable to help but think about what had happened earlier today with that fucking argument. And now, with that family secret weighing on his chest, what was he going to do? 
“Why did you fucking say that?” Katsuki asked. The words unraveled out of his mouth before he could stop them. 
“Kacchan, can you please approach the situation with a bit more respect?” Midoriya said quickly, his voice hushed. 
“No, Bakugou’s got a point,” Natsuo said, “why did you say that, Fuyumi?
Fuyumi met Katsuki’s eyes, tears watering up in hers, slowly dripping down her cheek and collecting on her chin. Katsuki swallowed. He couldn’t help but feel sorry for her. 
“I-I don't know,” she said, her voice quiet and cracking, “I just…he doesn’t understand what I do- what WE do for him.”
Katsuki scoffed, rolling his eyes at her response. “Okay, that doesn’t mean you had to go and pull that shit. You knew what you were doing. You knew how he would react.” 
Fuyumi crossed her arms tightly over her chest, letting the tears roll down her cheeks without even bothering to wipe them. “I know.”
“You knew that would make him fucking….” Katsuki let out a long sigh, pressing his fingers into the bridge between his brows. He felt that familiar burning sensation deep in the pit of his stomach and the prickling on his skin.
“It's been hard for me recently-”
“For you?” Katsuki yelled, a sneer spreading across his face as he tried to stifle a laugh. “What about him? Have you thought about him?” 
“You don’t get it. It’s just rehashing everything and what’s happening with mom-”
Natsuo’s head whipped in her direction. “Fuyumi-”
“What’s happening with your mom?” Katsuki asked. 
Katsuki let out a long sigh, tilting his head back to rest it against the wall. He liked drama, maybe even admittedly a little too much, but this was something else entirely. This was a little much. 
He couldn’t tell Todoroki. He couldn’t, and frankly, he really didn’t want to. He wasn’t about to be the person who told him and then had to take responsibility for the problems that would, without a doubt, ensue. Katsuki wasn’t about to be the victim of Todoroki’s wrath, no matter how selfish it made him. 
Was it selfish? Should he tell him?
“Kacchan,” Deku said, his voice abnormally stern, “you can’t tell Todoroki, okay?”
Katsuki scoffed, crossing his arms tightly over his chest. He couldn’t believe that Deku was arguing to keep something like this a secret from Todoroki about his own fucking mother. He couldn’t imagine how he would feel if he knew that his friends and family were keeping something like this from him. 
“No fucking way. He deserves to know.” 
Deku let out a sharp exhale through his nose, meeting Katsuki’s eyes with his own. “Seriously, Kacchan. You know how Todoroki is right now with his Dad and brother. You know this will just make everything so much worse for him.”
Katsuki glared at him. He couldn’t believe that Midoriya was on their side. This was a betrayal of their friend’s trust in them. This was something that Todoroki deserved to know. It wasn’t about his mental state or his dad or his brother or anything- it was about much, much more. Katsuki was pissed, to say the least, pissed at his siblings and pissed at Deku. Pissed at the nurses and doctors who wouldn’t let him access any media and pissed at Sensei for allowing him to sit here not knowing a thing beyond surface level about what was going on in his life. 
Katsuki was more than pissed. He was enraged. 
“Are you fucking kidding me? So you think it’s fucking okay not to tell him? You agree?” Katsuki snarled, his voice much louder than he intended it to be. Anger was boiling inside him, popping like his quirk. 
Midoriya looked shocked for a moment but quickly softened, his gaze turning back to being that characteristic serious yet sympathetic expression. “No. I don’t think it’s okay. I think the way that everyone is handling things is…it’s stupid. They aren't doing what’s right for him.” 
“But it isn't our place to tell him.”
Katsuki furrowed his brow. How the fuck was it not their place? They’re his friends, aren't they? 
“Look,” Midoriya said, as if reading his thoughts, “it’s their family business. It wouldn’t be right to anyone involved if we told him. They chose not to, and even though I think it wasn’t a smart move, it wouldn’t be right if we went behind their backs. Maybe there’s a reason.” 
Katsuki hated it when Midoriya was right, and he was right annoyingly often. He was right about this situation. He couldn’t tell Todoroki about this. Not because he didn’t want to, as this was eating Katsuki up inside to not to, but because of the obvious- Todoroki is not mentally stable enough to deal with this predicament. Katsuki couldn’t, and he wouldn’t for Todoroki’s sake, no matter how wrong it felt. 
No, it didn’t feel wrong. It was wrong.
Katsuki pushed off the wall, turning to stare back at the door. It was quiet on the other end, eerily quiet. It was night. He knew that from the windows lining the hall, but this was Todoroki- the guy just didn’t seem to sleep. And when he did, he was still making noise, whether it was talking (or yelling) in his sleep or the weird thrashing he did late at night that always woke Katsuki in the middle of the night. The other side of the door was just too quiet . 
He didn’t know why he felt the way he did when he set his hand on the door handle. He didn’t know why he hesitated for just a moment or why an unfamiliar sensation gripped his throat with its frigid hands. A cold feeling enveloped his body, sending a shiver down his spine and filling his already aching stomach with a heavy sensation as if his dinner was a rock instead of flavorless miso soup and dry, overcooked katsudon that was comparable to a leather glove. This feeling was fucking weird. 
Katsuki snorted, laughing to himself at his ridiculousness. Todoroki Shouto normally filled him with a prickly feeling, the same feeling he got when Kirishima or Midoriya were around. It was annoyance, he had come to realize, but it was a lot less intense than the burning feeling he would get in his stomach and the urge to blow everything around him up like he normally felt with Kaminari, Mineta, and the others who all drove him insane. Maybe this was friendship. 
Todoroki was his friend. 
In one swift movement, Katsuki slid open the door to their room. He was met with an eerie darkness, which was not what he expected at 7:30 pm. As he stepped in, his footsteps echoed across the walls, filling the ghostly quiet that he was cursed with bearing. The lights from the city surrounding them poured through the windows, lighting the room enough for Katsuki to see that Todoroki was asleep in his bed, not even bothering to pull the blankets over himself or to even take off his slippers. 
Something about this scene was wrong, but Katsuki wasn’t sure what. Those cold hands tightened their grip around his throat, leaving his mouth as dry as if it were filled with cotton and his stomach heavy with those familiar rocks. His body knew something was amiss, even if his mind was none the wiser, but maybe it was better this way. Maybe it was better if he just didn’t know what was wrong. 
But that wasn’t in Katsuki fashion. He always had to know everything. 
Katsuki took a few steps towards the closed bathroom door, careful his footsteps were not too loud to wake Todoroki. He slowly set his hand on the handle and at an even slower pace, slid the door open, stopping every few seconds to keep it from squeaking. He was met with darkness, but when he flipped the flashlight on, his stomach dropped. 
There was hair on the floor. Red and white strands meshed together, the white difficult to see against the white tile of the floor, but the red standing out against it all like a drop of blood against a fresh coating of snow. Todoroki had been in here, probably having a massive panic attack about the bullshit that Fuyumi had said to him. He had been hurt and all alone with those thoughts, the thoughts that drove him to hurt himself to this degree. 
This was even more proof Midoriya was right. Todoroki was definitely not okay. 
Bakugou got on his hands and knees, ignoring the throbbing pang in his stomach as his body shifted in a way his wound did not quite like. He scooped the hair up, tossing it into the open toilet, ridding the room of all evidence of Todoroki. 
Fuyumi wiped tears from her face with the heel of her hand. At that moment, she looked so much older, so much more aged and mature as she stood before Midoriya and Katsuki. She looked like the photo of Todoroki’s mother that Katsuki had seen on Todoroki’s desk back at school. Fuyumi had those same tired gray eyes, foggy and unclear as if it were a rumbling, murky sky during a thunderstorm. Tears cascaded down her cheeks no matter how much she wiped them or hid her face with the sleeves of her white sweater, pouring down on her pale, flushed cheeks. She looked just like Todoroki’s mother. 
"She...my-our mother… she tried to kill herself.”
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spicycactus7 · 1 year
Please drop your favorite My Hero Academia fanfics! Any genre 🤍 AO3/Fanfiction 🤍 crossovers welcome! Give me something to cry about.
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writersmorgue · 4 months
Febuwhump Day 17 - Hostage Situation
Inspired by this prompt
TWs in tags || read on Ao3 || wc: 996
Katsuki watches in horror as the villain raises the gun to Denki’s temple. 
The man is halfway to death’s door already, having taken a severe beating in the battle that led them here. He can’t survive much more, definitely not a shot to the head. 
“Hold the fuck on,” He curses his voice for wavering, the villain’s eye glinting when he realizes he hit a sore spot, “don’t do any of that shit. What are you attacking the Commission for?”
Katsuki tries to keep his hands steady, pleading no sparks set off and freak out the villain. 
The man chuckles, raising an eyebrow, “So quick to negotiate with me, dearest Ground Zero? I thought you’d be tougher than that. I’m sure this pathetic boy is nothing more than a pebble under your boot.” He nudges the gun harder into Denki’s head, smearing blood from an earlier wound. 
Denki winces, eyes fluttering. Katsuki sneers, shifting his weight, “You didn’t answer my question.”
“Oh,” The villain takes the bait, “I need to know the location of Overhaul’s little doll. Unfortunately, the heroes I asked before weren’t too keen on letting me search for her freely, so I figured I’d go to the source. They probably keep the lab rat in the lab, correct?”
Katsuki’s jaw flexes at the mention of Eri. The young girl was under Aizawa’s care and had been since she was freed, but that was top-secret information, and no one so motivated had come looking. 
“So!” The villain jolts Katsuki out of his thoughts, “Tell me her location and let me go free or the little bitch here gets it!” His finger flexes over the trigger, Katsuki’s blood running cold. 
“If I told you where she is, we would both die. I’m under oath.” Katsuki explains lowly, holding his hands out, “Her caretaker would kill you before you made it within a mile of her.”
The villain’s smile widens, “Ah, but you do know where she is? I see.” 
Shit. Shit . 
Katsuki clenches his fists, shaking his head, “You’ll have to get through dozens of other heroes. The best I can do is let you go.”
For a moment, Katsuki’s heart lets him believe the man considers it. He angles the gun down, grazing it over Denki’s arm. 
He lets his eyes close for just a moment, breathing in to steady himself. 
A bang and a blood-curdling shriek snap him out of his temporary calmness. 
Red eyes snap open, looking first at Denki’s head, but seeing no fresh wounds, he looks down. 
The villain had shot right through the hero’s wrist, leaving his hand mangled and dangling at a horrible angle. 
“The little brat has a rewind quirk, I’ve heard. Seems to be true from how tightly they’ve got her secured.” The gun travels up Denki’s shuddering arm to his shoulder, “Might want to take us to her if you want this one to live, hm?”
Fuck, FUCK. 
Katsuki freezes, totally and completely lost. 
He could attack now, catch him off guard when he thinks Katsuki is cornered. 
But most likely Denki wouldn’t make it. 
No, not an option. 
He could agree, but he, the villain, and most likely Denki as well would be taken out for endangering Eri. 
He doesn’t have any bargaining power here, what else would the villain want that could distract him long enough for Katsuki to grab Denki and go? He only has his bracers on him, boots, comm device, aids, the dumbass American coin Denki found on their last patrol that Katsuki never took out of his pocket-
His eyes dart up to the blond’s mangled wrist, bloody tears carving a path in the dust caked on his face. 
Denki dies or they both die endangering a child. 
Katsuki looks down at his hand, ignoring the taunts from the villain tracing the barrel of the gun up and down Denki’s side. 
He reaches his palm up and places it at the side of his own head. 
The villain snickers, pressing the gun to Denki’s temple again, “You wouldn’t.”
He briefly wonders what his younger self would think of this. Him, threatening to kill himself to protect dunce face of all people? The idiot who almost killed their entire class trying to make toast, the dumbass who fried all of Katsuki’s arm hair off once, the motherfucker who was Katsuki’s second real friend at UA- the one who sat next to him without fear even when he threatened to break his neck.
A hundred of his deaths are worth one of Denki’s. If either of them should survive this, it should be him. 
Katsuki takes a deep breath, “I would rather die than kill someone innocent, especially a child.” He smirks, “You’re not getting shit from me. You pull that trigger and I blow: You’re back to the start.”
He can tell the villain is starting to believe him. 
“But- the media-”
Katsuki quirks an eyebrow, “You really think the media knows shit about me?”
His hand flexes on his head, and he can feel the nitro seeping into his hair. Even if he lives, he’ll be a walking matchstick. 
The villain growls, shaking Denki slightly, “I’m going to kill this fucking brat, and you’re not going to do a fucking thing. You’re just a lowlife hero who cares for no one but himself.”
“Would I still be here if that were true? You took my friend hostage, not me. Fortunately for him, I do give a shit about his dumbass.” 
Denki is thrown to the ground, Katsuki flinches at the movement but doesn’t let his hand move from his head. 
He winces at Denki’s poor wrist, hoping he can get the guy to a healer in time. 
“Take your fuckass twink, I’m fucking out of here.” The villain spins on his heel, sprinting out of Katsuki’s sight. 
He heaves a breath of relief, stepping forward to kneel by the other hero. 
Fuck, I can’t believe I just did that.
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waywardsou2 · 1 month
.+/*My request information*\+.
Considering I do a lot of writing on my main blog as well I'm going to leave this here for people to leave requests if they wish.
My requests are currently: OPEN
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What I will write :)
GN!Reader | M!Reader (preferably) F!Reader (I can write for F!Readers but I do have a preference for M!Reader or GN!Reader)
Trans!readers (I really love writing trans!reader so don't hesitate to ask) | Enby!readers | Readers of any gender
Scenario or drabble (just little rants for specific characters)
Head canons for characters within a specific scenario (you give me a scenario and I give you how the character(s) would react)
One-shot (a short ficlette of a scene or event)
Themes: Platonic | Romantic | Smut (maybe) | Fluff | Angst | Whump
Character x Reader | Character x Character
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What I won't write :(
Character x OC (it's just really difficult and I would rather write something good)
Age gap more than 3 years (I'm just not comfortable with it), asked for aged up (not aged down)
Incest | Pedophilia | Rape | Bestiality
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Fandoms I can write for (and their characters and constraints):
Supernatural (most ships, any character x reader)
↳ Dean, Sam, Cass, Jack, Gabriel, Adam, Meg, Ruby, Benny, Crowley, Jo, Ellen, Donna, Jodie, Claire, Alex, Patience, Kaia
TMNT (I've only seen 2012, ROT, Bayverse and Mutant Mayhem) (no Leorai and no ships with smut of any kind)
↳ Leo, Donnie, Raph, Mikey, April, Casey (Casey and Casandra)
The Last of Us (Part 1, I havent played Part 2 yet) (no Ellie x Joel, I haven't seen any of the content yet but I'm sure it's out there)
↳ Joel, Ellie, Tommy
Star Wars: The Clone Wars / The Bad Batch / Rebles (some of the characters are children remember so keep that in mind)
↳ Rex, Cody, Fives, Anikin, Ashoka, Obi Wan, Kanan, Ezra,(any Jedi really) Zeb, Sabine, Hera, Hunter, Wrecker, Tech, Crosshair, Echo, Omega
↳ Tony, Bruce, Natasha, Clint, Thor, Loki, Steve, Bucky, Steven, Wanda, Pietro, Vision, Peter, Scott, Gamora, Nebula, Peter Q, Okoye, T'Challa, Rhodey, Sam, Shuri
My Hero Academia (they are also mostly children so keep that in mind as well)
↳ Deku, Bakugo, Kirishima, Mina, Sero, Denki, Iida, Shinsou, Tokoyami, Uruaka, Todoroki, Aizawa, Shigaraki, Dabi, Toga, Twice, Tsuyu, Momo, Jiro, Mirio, Nejire, Amajiki, Fat Gum
Avatar 1 and Avatar The way of Water (once again, there are children so keep that in mind)
↳ Jake, Neytiri, Tsu'tey, Neteyam, Lo'ak, Tuk, Kiri, Grace, Norm, Spider, Tonorwari, Ronal, Ao'nung, Tsireya, Roxto
How to Train your Dragon (same here: they. are children.)
↳ Hiccup, Astrid, Snotlout, Fishlegs, The twins, Daggur, Heather, Valka, Stoick (for those out their with daddy issues ;))
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Any other information
Any content with themes considered over 18+ will be tagged with this banner.
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And you are responsible for your own media consumption, so please read the tags and be advised for the content you consume.
My main writing blog is @waywardwritesstuff so you can send post there but any writing will end up posted on one blog and then reblogged onto the other, so all of my content can be found on both.
That's all for now happy reading!
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thelonglist · 1 year
Masterlist - BNHA fan fic recs Part 7
Hello again! My friend was looking for fics in my bookmarks the other day; I have never felt so honored.  Make sure to leave a comment and kudo on all these lovely works. Enjoy!
Here are the links for Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five & Part Six
For reference:
L - longer fic (50,000+ words)
O - One shot
& - ongoing
# - Complete
! - favorites
Thank you!
- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -
Various Non-Canon world AUs
Rebuilding with Shattered Components - O # Android AU tododeku
The Great Royal Abduction - O # Fantasy AU Dragon Izuku
Boats Against the Current - & 1920′s AU
One out of the Hoard - O# zombie apocalypse au
Finding Life During The Apocalypse - & zombie apocalypse
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
All the little things  - O#
Birdcage - # demon au Second/third/first
All for One: AWOL Villain and PTA King - O #
Project: Disaster - H
Left To Rot - O# lots of pain here would be in whump if it wasn't dfo
! I have decided that I'm a ghost now - O# AI Yoichi & Izuku
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Mr. Underground Takes Over - O# Aizawa takes over Mic’s radio show
Alien BFF - O # crack Aliens Ashido & Izuku
Vending Machine - & Izuku has a dating sim quirk
Please Be A Hero (Series) - O # Villain Izuku Crack
! A man's best friend (Series)- O #/& Izuku has a Noumu dog
An Unconventional Reunion - O # Crack fem Izuku & Shigaraki
"Headline: 'Villain' Izuku Backed By Idol, Hero All Might" one shots (series) - &
Weaponized competitiveness - O # Rody & Deku
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Whump with happy endings
lose it all (with eyes wide open) - O # Bakugo/Midoriya kidnapping
! but somehow i'll see it through  - O # long shot obedience quirk
Some Die Young - O # Iida centric dead midoriya izuku
Don't Be Afraid - &
Boost  - O #
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Whump with sad endings
Crack in the Wall - O # Izuku can see through the 4th wall
once one begins, there are only endings - O # MC Death
Gomen'nasai  - O # MC Death Izuku & shigaraki
! Oh Jailbird, Sing Me to Sleep - O # Quirk!Izuku & Hawks
! Friendship is a Fickle Thing  - O # quirkless Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi owch
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Whump with inconclusive endings
I'm So Sick of Myself - O # Nomu Izuku
A Pretty Heavy Covenant to Make With Someone Powerless - O # human trafficking
Blood Stains The Skin Red - # Midoriya and Bakugo patricide
! for want of a nail - O # longshot human experimentation
anniversary - O # Dead Izuku Bakugo-centric
Singularity - O # Eldritch Izuku
! A deal is a deal - O# Demon Izuku & Iida Tenya
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
The obligatory time travel corner
How the Other Half Lives - # dimension travel villain Izuku & hero izuku
! do not weep for me, for soon i will be gone - & time travel fix it
Puzzle Pieces - & post-apocalypse dimension travel izuocha 
New Game Plus (Ultra!)  - &
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Quirky fics (miscellaneous)
Yoichi Shigaraki: The Sociopathic Hero - O # 
If All Might Was Marginally More Self Aware - O # 
Alone for 10 thousand years. - & Quirkless OP Izuku 
Thoughts Are Loud - & hit by a truth Quirk
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
The Dream Rover - O # Dream World
More Than One - & Izuku has a sentient quirk
Izuku Dislikes Quests - & gamer quirk Izuku
In for a Dollar, In for a Dime - & probability quirk Izuku
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
A Hero Anywhere - & AOT Dimension Travel
In a world, other than our own. - & AOT Dimension Travel
! Black Rabbit: Villain with a Crush - & Pure Villain AU tododeku
Home with full of secrets and patches, you know?  - # SpyxFamily AU
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Haunted OFA
The Quirk Singularity - O # possession
Excitation (series) - O #/&
! Candor - # L HPSC Sucks Psychological Trauma
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Shippy Shit 2.0
The Dragon, the Knight, and The Maiden - O # fairytale au Izuocha
The Great Sports Festival Seduction - O # Tododeku
courage to spare  - O # Izuocha
you‘ve always worn your flaws upon your sleeve (and i’ve always buried mine deep beneath the ground) - O # Personality Swap Tododeku
A Mission of Bad Luck and Tangerines & Quirkless Izuku Izuocha 
When The Silence Grows Too Loud And The Singing Stills (When All Is Left To Hear Is Your Heart Beating Next To Mine) - # Soulmate au Shindeku
Rebuilding with Shattered Components - O # Android AU tododeku
! Black Rabbit: Villain with a Crush - & Pure Villain AU tododeku
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Ghost AUs
Ashes, Ashes(We all Fall Down) - & Ghost Deku
Death Can't Kill a Hero - & Ghost Deku
Lie still and break (For a dream’s sake)  - & Comatose Izuku & Aizawa
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just-hyper-active · 2 months
Welp. @th3ratk1ng said they wanted all my opinions for bnha on that ask game( made by @/fintan-pyren) so
♥️the most egregiously mischaracterized character is either Izuku or Uraraka, easily. Many other common mischaracterizations are presented as aus or specified tropes (example: ao3 tags like ‘Bad Teacher Yagi Toshinori | All Might’ or ‘protective Bakugo Katsuki’ however Bakugo is also often overvillianized or oversympathised as well)
But Izuku was hit very very hard by fandomization/underswap!sans treatment/cinnamon roll too pure for this world/smol bean/woobification and while it’s gotten better as internet culture has left that, a lot of the older fandom content is like that. And Uraraka is a woman. So. Of fucking course fandom can’t handle her. (I might be biased cause I fucking love both of them. I feel like mischaracterization is hella common in this fandom in particular)
🧡a popular serious theory I disagree with is that I disagree with is Izuku and Shigaraki being related. I know, those are my blorbos ever, but yeah. I think their story (and purpose as character foils) is more compelling if they are unrelated, emphasizing that Izuku was ‘just some quirkless kid’, not somehow related to That Mess ™. (Trying to be vague for spoilers sake I guess but. Yeah.) I do enjoy the theory that AFO gave Shigaraki his quirk, but I have no stance on if it’s canon or not.
💛a popular ship I just can’t get behind fucking hate so much is fucking. Kaminari/Shinsou. Fuck that ship oh my god I can’t stand it at all. Literally no offense ever at all to shippers I’m not gonna go into y’all’s spaces and shit on your joy but I cannot stand this ship at all. It feels like they’re only shipped for their tropes and the fact that they’re both “leftover” from the shipping and also both boys. Like… I understand the parallels to erasermic but erasermic is so much better and you can just ship shindeku instead COUGH UH—-
💚I’ve already talked about Izuku quite a bit sooooo. Something that everyone else gets wrong about Shigaraki is that he isn’t just one thing. The fandom separates itself into “Shigaraki Tomura is evil and scary and intimidating and a threat” and “Shigaraki Tomura is a loser gamer nerd failure of a villan” and ALL OF THIS IS TRUE!!!!!!!! Let my boy be the contradiction he was made to be. He is intimidating AND immature and tactically smart while being a fucking nerd pleasepleasepleaseplease he is so much better if you let him be both
💙characters that I find not that hot? Dabi is not that hot. Yaourozu is not that hot. Aizawa is not that hot. Bakugo is not that hot. Todoroki Shoto is not that hot. Kai Chisaki is not that hot and has a stupid hairline. Uraraka is not that hot. I don’t think I find any of the characters actually very personally attractive, but that could be the aspec talking.
💜(opposite of above question) see previous.
🤍oh great peaks this is the question of the fandom, huh? “Character that isn’t as morally bad as everyone seems to think”? Well I. Don’t wanna start a fucking grease fire um. Okay this doesn’t really fit the question but. A common trope (especially for fics about Midoriya fix-its and getting justice for our favorite whump protagonist) is making All Might WAY worse than he is. Same with Midoriya Inko. Fics with either of these tropes are fine and good and I actually like a lot of them, but I always find it the best whenever the complexity of the situation is addressed.
Like. Sure, you can punish All Might for being a Quirkist asshole but it’s much more compelling to punish him and let him grow for his Quirkist actions brought up from his own trauma and seeing Midoriya through that lense. Sure you can punish Inko for not believing in her son enough to lie for his sake, or you can have the Midoriyas explore how even though her actions come from love, she hurt her son. Because mother/child relationships are ALWAYS going to be complicated.
🖤Which character isn’t as morally good? Fuck it, ALSO All Might. I don’t like it when All Might’s faults are completely glossed over. (sometimes in response to people doing what I talked about in the above paragraphs, sometimes just for that sweet sweet “Parental Yagi Toshinori | All Might” tag) As is. Probably a noticeable theme, you can put All Might in a good/familial/positive/heroic light while also acknowledging and letting him and Midoriya grow from his faults, and I actually prefer this significantly.
💖im not sure what constitutes as an unpopular opinion that I agree with, as I haven’t interacted with the modern fandom much, but here it goes. Villain!Midoriya Izuku is a very very very compelling idea, BUT most fan interpretations of it are very bad. You don’t need to vastly mischaracterize Midoriya to turn him into a villain, THATS why the idea is so appealing. As I’ve said over and over “pleasepleaseplease have more complexity in your bnha fan content PLEASE stop turning these characters into cardboard cutouts when there is SO. MUCH. POTENTIAL.”
💔Oh this one is hard as fuck, isn’t it. If I absolutely had to remove a major character from the series, it would be Gran Torino. AND SHUT UP I DONT LIKE THIS BUT HEAR ME OUT. Letting Midoriya figure out One for All without Gran Torino’s help would’ve been equally compelling. And shhhhh I’m not sure what constitutes a major or minor character in this show so I just picked someone important.
💕an unpopular ship that I like is Midoriya Izuku/Tokoyami Fumikage. As you might be able to tell, I have a habit of subbing in popular “broody/bubblegum”/“darkness/sunshine” ship dynamics to include Midoriya cause he’s my favorite 1A kid. And also I read a few really good fics for this due to Tokoyami content deprivation.
📖what book I would remove from the series had no answer
🏳️‍🌈again, I don’t really know what characters are commonly headcanoned as queer in the fandom, so here’s my maybe controversial queer bnha Headcanons. You will see a common theme. Arospec Midoriya, aroace Todoroki, gender nonconforming lesbian Yaourozu. Biromantic ace Shinsou, and uh. That’s all I can think of off the top of my head, I don’t usually make gender/sexuality Headcanons since I can’t even make one for myself—-
💀I would kill off Endeavor cause I want him dead, or I would kill off All Might. I wouldn’t LIKE IT, but it’s probably gonna happen eventually and I can see why—-
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