#whumptober 2023 day 1
1-800-dnkichu · 1 year
Whumptober Day One: "How Many Fingers Am I Holding Up?"
Pairings: Midoriya Izuku & All For One (Midoriya Hisashi)
Summary: Izuku just wants to leave this damn room. Father is always coming and going and, for once, Izuku asks to come with him. All for One makes him an offer: answer a few questions correctly and you can come with me. Izuku believes the task will be easy. It is not.
(3,599 words)
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random-snippetss · 1 year
Whumptober 2023
Day 1
“But now this room is spinning while I’m trying just to fill in all the gaps.”
Safety Net | Swooning | “How many fingers am I holding up?”
CW: Drugging
Fox peered up at the sign over the door, proudly displaying the name of the club in bright lights. He felt out of place and exposed, missing the comforting pressure of his armor. Not that he showed it, years of training and practice keeping his expression blank as he shoved down his reluctance and approached the door.
As he drew near, the door opened, making the distant thumping of music more audible as an orange-skinned Zabrak and a human stumbled out, giggling as they staggered away. Shaking his head, Fox ignored him and entered the club. Immediately, he was overwhelmed by the scent of alcohol and sweat, temporarily blinded as the only light was revealed to be from the stage, where some DJ he didn't recognize was bouncing along with the song that was playing.
His eyes adjusted quickly and he scanned the room, making note of the number of people and the exits. Scantily clad servers of all species wove their way through the crowd, serving trays of drinks held aloft to keep them from being spilled. He caught the arm of a blue-skinned Twi'lek as he passed. "I'm looking for Taska," he called over the music.
The Twi'lek smirked and pointed to the bar. "Good luck," he said, disappearing into the crowd. Fox shrugged it off and pushed his way through to the bar. The sound was a little less loud back there.
"Whatcha need?" The pink-skinned Twi'lek asked, only a little louder than normal speaking volume.
"Looking for Taska," Fox repeated.
The Twi'lek paused in her drink making to look him up and down and raise an eyebrow. She finished her drink and started making another, vibrant pink and oddly sparkly, which she handed to Fox. "Take this." She motioned to a door to the right of the bar. "Down that way, last door on the left. Pick a mask." Before he could ask what she meant, she turned back to the other patrons. "Who's next?"
Fox took the shot and threw it back, nearly choking on the sickeningly sweet taste. He wiped his mouth and followed the instructions, passing through into a long hall. As soon as the door shut, the music all but cut out, leaving room for other, less...pleasant noises coming from the rooms on either side of the hall. He shuddered but pushed on, focused on the mission.
The last room on the left was empty when he entered, the closed door silencing all sounds from beyond. On the table were three full face masks: a tooka, a varactyl and a fox. He chose the last for the irony. Holding it in his hand, he sat to wait. Almost as soon as he did, the strength drained from his limbs, the room spinning, and he sluggishly realized that he'd been drugged.
He tried to stand, but only succeeded in slumping over in the booth, mask falling from his limp fingers. The door opened and he fought the closing darkness, looking up to see the blue-skinned Twi'lek from earlier. He noticed Fox awake and grinned. "Oh, I like them feisty." He trailed a hand over Fox's shoulder before gripping it tightly and jabbed a hypo into his neck. "Sleep tight," he singsonged, slipping the mask over Fox's face. He might have said something else, but Fox slipped into darkness.
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skyward-floored · 1 year
Whumptober Day 1: Swooning, “How many fingers am I holding up?”
Welcome back to whumptober yet again >:D I’m going to try and do all 31 days again, we’ll see if I can manage it!
Anyways, this got longer then I meant it to, but I had to corral the ending into something that made sense XD Enjoy!
Read it on ao3
“You find that key yet, Rancher?” a voice called from way off in the distance.
Twilight barked back a negative, and continued to sniff around for the key to the exit of the room the others were in. There’d been a spot only his wolf form could easily get to, and so he’d climbed up to it and crawled through, moving soft dirt with his paws until he’d entered into the more spacious area he was in now.
The room appeared to be circular, but there were several high walls he couldn’t see over so he couldn’t tell for sure. They were somewhat maze-like, and confusing in their layout, so Twilight was forced to rely on scent, searching for the metallic, and no-doubt rusty-smelling key.
He turned several corners, following a faint metallic smell he hoped was his objective. There wasn’t much in the maze apart from a few rats and the concerning remains of a skeleton, and Twilight padded cautiously on, perking up the moment the glint of a treasure chest finally caught his eye. He ran up to it, and transformed back into a Hylian, eagerly opening the chest.
A dark, shining key sat inside, just what he’d been looking for.
Twilight reached inside with a warm feeling of satisfaction, then heard a faint click as he lifted the key. A cloud of dark particles shot up from the chest, blowing right in Twilight’s face, and he gasped involuntarily, inhaling a good portion of it.
He began coughing as the dust coated his throat, the dust making him choke as he stumbled backwards. The cloud settled after a moment, but Twilight kept coughing out whatever he could, blinking tears from his eyes and wiping dust off his face.
He patted himself down, and looked around for any threat or danger to his person, but the room was as silent as it had been, and apart from the dryness of his throat, Twilight felt no ill effects.
Must have been an old boobytrap, he thought to himself, coughing a bit more as he pocketed the key and headed back the way he came. Arrows or something were probably supposed to fly out at my face... Whatever it was probably disintegrated because they were so old.
Twilight coughed again, and shook more dust out of his hair.
It’s a good thing I wasn’t here a few decades sooner.
Twilight made it back out of the maze and into the other room without further incident, though the skeleton tried to grab him as he walked by. He easily fought it off, and told the others about it with a laugh as they continued through the dungeon, and the strange black dust entirely fled his mind.
The dungeon was large, obviously some kind of fort once upon a time, but it had been long abandoned apart from the monsters who’d taken up residence inside. The heroes ran into a large group of them shortly, and they set to work, room echoing with shouts and screeches alike.
Twilight went for a troublesome-looking gibdo (one of Legend’s fortunately, apparently his didn’t scream), and began attacking, slicing at the strangely thick bandages.
Sky was fighting another one nearby, and a little further away Legend was yelling something as Wild shot several fire arrows. A group of the gibdos burst into flames, but Twilight tried to focus on his own battle, even as Legend yelled at Wild again.
The gibdo wasn’t fast, but it was sturdy, and it took a lot of time for Twilight to make any headway in hurting it. He jumped around to the back of it more than once, slicing in the same spot, and the gibdo finally seemed like it was flagging after several of the attacks.
It made a move for him, swiping at his middle, but Twilight took the opportunity to roll around and run it through with his sword, the monster letting out an odd moan before collapsing into dust.
Twilight glanced at where the gibdo had swiped at him, but his tunic wasn’t even ripped. Satisfied that he was fine, he jumped back into the fray, avoiding a stalfos that jumped at him and nearly sliced off his arm. Twilight immediately went on the attack, blocking another swipe with his shield, and lunging forward to swipe at the monster.
But the moment he stepped forward, a strange wave of something swept over him, making him stumble. He blinked dizzily, head lightly spinning, and looked around in confusion.
His head felt light, the battle around him fading at the edges, and he put a hand to his head, wondering what on earth was going on.
He felt almost as if he was suffering the effects of an injury, a knock to the head, blood loss or something similar, but that gibdo had barely touched him, why was he..?
Twilight stumbled as he avoided a swipe from the stalfos’s blade, clumsily blocking it with his shield. The crash of the weapon hitting it made him wince, and he desperately tried to gather his wits about him so he could fight back.
What was going on here?
Twilight tried to go on the offensive, swinging his sword, but somehow he missed the stalfos entirely. The lack of resistance made him stumble, and the stalfos let out a strange clattering cackle as it swung at him again, red eyes blurring in Twilight’s vision.
A glowing blade suddenly entered his sight, and Twilight watched as Sky swiped straight through the stalfos that had been hedging him, the bones falling to pieces. The room was suddenly a lot quieter, and Twilight distantly realized that that must have been the last monster.
“Twilight, are you okay? That thing nearly got you!” Sky said with a smile, his voice only mildly worried as he sheathed his sword.
Twilight gave him a nod, blinking as he tried to make the room quit swimming around him. It refused to stop though, and Sky’s expression turned more truly concerned.
“Twilight? Are you all right?”
“Fine, I’m... I’m fine,” he said a little shakily, resting a hand on his head. “Think I... just...”
He coughed, black flecks falling on his hand, and his mind abruptly flashed back to the dust in the treasure chest.
...perhaps the boobytrap hadn’t been as ruined as he’d thought.
Sky’s eyes went wide, and the room suddenly lurched, shaking and wavering all around. Twilight heard a shout, but it was muffled and strange, and didn’t make any sense to his ears.
He couldn’t hold his weight any longer, and he felt his eyes roll back in his head as his legs gave out.
Something shook him, a bit frantically, and Twilight sluggishly came back to awareness.
He blinked his eyes open, and bit back a groan as he closed them again, his vision swirling and rolling around. Something was shaking him again, but Twilight didn’t reopen his eyes, afraid he would throw up if he did.
“Rancher, open your eyes, come on.”
Twilight reluctantly cracked them open, several things moving above him in dizzying color.
“How many fingers am I holding up?” the same voice asked him, and Twilight blinked, trying to focus on the things in his vision that kept blurring in and out of focus.
“Quit movin’ th’m,” he mumbled, and more voices echoed above him, making him only feel more dizzy as he tried to listen to them.
“Concussion you think?”
“He didn’t hit his head, there’s no injuries there I can find.”
“Well what’s wrong with him then?!”
“Has he had anything to eat today?”
“Probably needs a bath, he’s filthy.”
“Don’t be stupid, that wouldn’t make him faint!”
Twilight’s breath caught funny in his chest, and he coughed again, a sharp wave of vertigo hitting as someone sat him up. A groan escaped his lips, and a hand gently turned his head.
“Twilight, what’s wrong? What happened?”
Twilight blinked hazily, trying to focus on whoever was talking to him, but his vision refused to do what he wanted it to, and his dizziness grew to an excruciating degree.
He let out a whimper, uncertain of what was going on, and felt a sudden sharp pain in his chest, intense and painful. It spread through his body like liquid fire, and he cried out, moving suddenly agonizing.
The hand was back and frantically patting his cheek, and something moved in front of him again, but all Twilight could do was focus on the dizziness and pain that was demanding all of his attention.
“Twilight, please, focus, do you know what happened?”
Twilight breathed in shakily, tensing as another wave of pain ripped through him. He had to tell them what was wrong, he had to warn them in case there was more of the dust, in case it hurt one of them— but all he could do was try not to scream.
Twilight squeezed his eyes shut, then reopened them, trying to meet whoever was in front of him’s eyes.
“Th... dust...” he moaned, voice barely more then a whisper, “brea... thed...”
His breath caught with pain, and Twilight heard someone shout as the dizziness overcame him again, darkness washing over his vision.
When Twilight woke back up, he was being held between two people, arms over their shoulders.
He blinked dizzily, and saw stone under his feet, moving slowly as he was carried forward. We must still be in the dungeon.
Another wave of that strange fiery pain ripped through him, and Twilight gasped, making whoever was holding him startle.
“He’s awake!”
Footsteps clattered on the stone, and hands poked at him, lightly holding up his chin.
“Rancher? How are you feeling?”
Twilight couldn’t manage anything more then a groan, and something gently ran through his hair.
“Okay, that’s alright, you’re going to be fine. Can you drink something for us? Warriors thinks a potion will help.”
Twilight mumbled something he hoped was a good enough reply, and something cool was pressed to his lips. Sweetness hit his tongue as it was tilted back, and Twilight drank, waiting for the potion to kick in.
The very beginnings of warmth began to settle in his chest, but then his stomach lurched, and he jerked forward, coughing up the healing draught and gagging at the taste of it coming back up. It felt weirdly dry as well, nearly making him choke, and Twilight felt the arms come up to prop him into a slightly different position.
“Easy Rancher...”
“Should we give him another?”
“He won’t be able to keep it down, not with the way he’s acting.”
“Well now what?!”
“...Guys? He’s... not just throwing up potion.”
The room went oddly quiet, apart from Twilight’s harsh breathing, his stomach and head now swirling with nausea. He’d finished throwing up, but now his tongue and throat felt like sandpaper in his mouth. He coughed something out, and there was a hand on his cheek again, holding him steady.
“Four said he mentioned breathing in dust earlier... do you think that’s what he meant?”
“I don’t see what else he could have meant.”
“So the dust is making him like this... we just gotta get it out somehow!”
Twilight moaned as his head swirled, and something touched him, gently rubbing his shoulder as his awareness started to fade again.
“Don’t worry Twi, we’ll fix this. Just hold on.”
Twilight came to with a jolt the next time, something forcing his mouth open, air being pulled through his lips.
He heaved in a gasp, and hands moved to hold him down, voices talking far above his head and the ground rolling up and down under his back. He tried to struggle, but the hands were firm, and something brushed through his hair as he tried to drag in another gasp.
“I’m so sorry Twilight, but this’ll help, try and stay still.”
The wind increased in its intensity, and Twilight felt like every bit of air was being sucked from inside him, leaving him unable to breath, unable to fight, to get away they were holding him down—
A sob choked from his throat, but he couldn’t move, couldn’t resist, couldn’t stop them from doing whatever it was they were doing and it made him feel sick. What felt like sand fell down his cheeks, and he let out a breathless scream as the air continued to be pulled from him, the fire in his limbs blazing, his head swirling.
There was more talking but Twilight couldn’t focus on any of it, his world narrowed down to pain and wind and a scratchy feeling in his throat and lungs and all over inside of him.
It hurt.
He still couldn’t breathe, no matter how he thrashed or cried out and the pain was so intense and thick that the darkness soon dragged him under yet again.
A hand was brushing through his hair, teasing out knots, gentle in its motions.
Twilight didn’t do anything but focus on it for a minute, the touch soothing and calm. Then he realized just how dry his throat felt, his insides hollow, and he let out a breathy moan, trying to open his eyes.
“Whoa, easy,” someone said, and Twilight finally dragged his eyes open, pleasantly surprised when his vision didn’t smear. He was able to look to the side and meet who turned out to be Four’s eyes without any swirling spots or fire in his chest, and he felt a spark of equal relief and confusion.
“...’thy?” he rasped, and Four nodded, looking pleased.
“Hey, he’s awake!” another voice said, and Sky leaned over into Twilight’s vision. He looked tired, but there was a smile on his face. “Good to see you up, Rancher.”
“Oh thank Hylia,” another voice gasped, and Wild appeared in his vision as well, looking utterly relieved. “We weren’t sure if that was going to work or not.”
“If what w...work..?” Twilight croaked, and Sky, Four, and Wild all looked at each other.
“We had to get the dust out somehow,” Four said quietly, guilt thick in his voice. “I figured since you inhaled it... sucking it out would be our best bet.”
“Four has an item that worked rather well,” Sky said, though his smile had grown tight. “We weren’t sure at first if it had helped, but... well, we’re glad you’re all right, Rancher.”
Twilight blinked, and looked between the three. He was having some trouble following exactly what was being said, he felt sore and tired, and a bit like a paper straw someone had sucked air through a few too many times, but even he could tell that Four felt awful.
And sure, he didn’t quite know why, or remember exactly what had happened, but Four had helped him, and that was enough for Twilight.
“Thank you,” he said sincerely, and worked past the bit of dizziness still in his head to reach over and pat Four’s hand. “Thank you.”
He couldn’t manage anything further, but it seemed like it was enough. Four took his hand in his and gave it a squeeze, and Twilight dredged up a smile.
“Screw dungeons,” Wild muttered fiercely, and went back to playing with Twilight’s hair. “They’re stupid and they suck.”
Twilight barked out a laugh, wheezy and uncomfortable, but it was worth it seeing the relieved looks that were exchanged above him.
“Agree. Screw ‘em,” he croaked.
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sarahsmi13s · 1 year
When Sharks Attack
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whumptober day 9: scar reveal
pairing: evan 'buck' buckley x reader
characters: evan buckley, fem!reader, the 118
warnings: blood, shark attacks, scar reveal, language, anxiety attack, let me know if i missed anything please
word count: ~1.3k
a/n: this is for whumptober! please please please proceed with caution and use discretion, protect your peace
also if you are on the whump taglist but are not familiar with a character, you can skip it will not hurt my feelings!
whumptober 2023 masterlist
summary: when a call takes you to the scene of a shark attack you can't help but feel a sense of deja vu and reveal the one think you never thought you could
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You sighed as you looked in the mirror, your fingers running over the arch shaped scar on your skin. It was old but it was as visible as ever. The scar rounded your hip before it disappeared under your waistband before it finished on the top half of your thigh. You were glad it was in a spot that could be hidden, but you also hated that you had to hide them.
It’s not that you were ashamed or anything, there was nothing to be ashamed of. But you didn’t want anyone to see the scars, they were jagged and ugly. You didn’t like people seeing them.
In the years since you obtained them, you had barely been intimate with anyone, not even your current partner, Buck.
You trusted him with your life, with everything. But in the past, people saw the marks on your torso and they ran. And you couldn’t lose Buck, you couldn’t.
You heard the bathroom door open and you dropped your shirt and started tucking it. 
“Hey, Cap has lunch ready,” Hen said as she poked her head in. You nodded and sent her a smile in the mirror, “Okay, thank you. I’ll be out in just a sec.” She smiled back and nodded, “Alright.”
She left, patting the door frame as she did, and you sighed a little before taking a deep breath and leaving the bathroom.
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During lunch the bell went off. In the commotion all you caught was the location before you were getting in the truck and going toward the scene.
You had a pit in your stomach the whole ride to the beach and you didn’t know why. 
That was until you made it through the crowd of people on the dock and saw it.
A bull shark had gotten a hold of a fisherman and wouldn’t let go. 
The scent of copper and salt water filled your senses. Blood stained the dock and the man was shouting in pain as the beast refused to release him.
That pit in your stomach turned to bricks as you stopped moving. Your side began to burn and itch. You suddenly weren’t seeing the fisherman, but yourself on the dock next to your board and bleeding from your side.
You were 18 when it happened. You were surfing with some friends, padding into shore when a great white thought you looked like its next meal. The shark took a test bite out of your side and upper half of your thigh. It was a quick bite, but it was enough. 
Internal organs were damaged and you had nearly bled out on the beach but you were stabilized and taken to the hospital just in time. 
You survived, yes, but you haven’t gone back in the water since.
“Y/N? You okay?” Buck asked, turning to when he noticed you hadn’t moved.
With your heartbeat in your ears you hadn’t heard him and you all but shoved your gear in Bobby's chest and took off towards the engine.
They called after you but they quickly turned back to the emergency at hand.
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You made it to the engine, leaning against it and ripping your button up open and untucking it and your undershirt.
Taking deep, grounding breaths, you rubbed and scratched at your side. 
Your scars always did this when you were stressed or when you got anxiety. Especially in the event of flashbacks or situations that triggered you.
Tears slipped down your cheeks and you wiped them away quickly with your free hand.
“Fuck, pull yourself together Y/N this is completely unprofessional,” you scolded as you tried to shake out the tension in your fingers. “You should be better than this. It's been 6 years.”
“Honey? Y/N, baby, what’s wrong?” 
You gasped, startled as you felt Buck’s hands on you. You hadn’t heard him calling for you or running up to you. 
“Not-Nothing Buck, it’s okay. I’m okay.” You had dropped your shirt and looked up at Buck’s eyes to find them fixated on your side.
Shit. He saw.
“What happened?”
You sighed and grabbed his hand, pulling him to the cab of the engine and getting in. You closed the door and sat across from him. You rested your arms on your knees and played with your fingers. Now was the moment, and you were dreading it.
“The summer before I went to college… a few friends and I were surfing, on this beach actually,” you started not looking Buck in the eye. He mimicked your position and spoke softly to you, “I didn’t know you were a surfer.” You chuckled dryly, “I’m not… not anymore.” 
Buck just nodded, staying silent as you continued. “We were paddling into shore and all of a sudden I had this intense, hot pain in my side… A um, a great white had taken a test bite. I was brought into shore and I almost bled out in the sand.”
“But you didn’t,” Buck said, holding your hand in his. “You’re here, with us, with me.”  You nodded, sniffling a little. “I know that, I know. I just – it was terrifying…”
He nodded and kissed your hands. “I-I’m sorry I never told you sooner…” “Don’t apologize, honey. You don’t owe me anything,” he soothed, rubbing your knuckles.
You sniffle again and pull your hands away to wipe your eyes. “I should have been more professional, it was 6 years ago…” He shook his head, “Hey, you can’t control how situations make you feel, Y/N.” “I guess not…” 
Buck’s eyes flicked from your face to your side as he bit his lip. He knew it wasn’t his place, but he had to ask.
“Why did you never tell me?”
You sighed, “I was scared…” He furrowed his brow, “Scared? Scared of what?” You wrapped your arms around yourself, “They aren’t… pretty. And when people have seen them in the past…”
Buck’s heart broke. “You thought I would leave you…” You nodded, not looking at him. He tilted your chin up, “I don’t care about some scars, Y/N. They make you you.”
“You might not say that after you see them…” 
“Then show me…”
Your head whipped up to him, “Wh-what?” His face was nothing but serious, “Show me, Y/N.”
His blue eyes held nothing but genuineness and you nodded before standing.
Gulping, you lift up your shirt and look away from him as he sees the entirety of your scar. “If you want to end it-” He cut you off, “Don’t even finish that thought, I’m not going anywhere.”
He brings his hand up, his fingertips running over the marked skin delicately. 
“They’re beautiful…” 
You snorted, “I appreciate the lie Buck…” “I’m not lying. Do you know what scars mean?” You didn’t respond, looking down at your boots. “They mean you survived. That attack could have one or two outcomes. One of those outcomes includes me never getting the chance to meet you, and the other includes you and me in this truck having this conversation.”
He stood, “So, they’re beautiful because you are. Because you are alive.” 
You looked up at him as his finger hooked under your chin, “I love them because I love you. Nothing will ever change that.” 
You capture his lips in a kiss as tears still slip down your face. “Thank you, Buck… I love you too. But… I still don’t think I’m ready for sex, there’s just a lot I think I need to work through,” you told him honestly. He nodded and pecked your lips, “Whenever you're ready, I’ll be there. And I’ll be by your side until then.”
You smiled and wrapped your arms around him, “Thank you Buck.” He kissed your head, “Any time Y/N.”
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taglist: @bradleybeachbabe @mayhemmanaged @kmc1989 @lovinglyeternal @horseshoegirl @cassiemitchell @fanboyswhore9 @nightowlalltheway @86laura11 @els-marvelvsp @valmare @startrekfangirl2233
hi, if you're seeing this and are currently not on the taglist and would like to be please fill out the taglist form -> whumptober taglist
i can not stress this enough, but whumptober can have some very serious and heavy topics and i want to make sure i am doing my part as an author to prepare my readers for what they are about to experience and that includes not only warnings above but my taglists as well
so if you want to be added check out the masterlist and read that carefully and fill out the form -> whumptober 2023
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kybercrystals94 · 1 year
By KyberCrystals94
Find here on Ao3!
Whumptober 2023 | Day 1 | Alternative Prompt: Lab Rats
Bad Things Happen Bingo | Prompt: Homesickness
Words: 1,070
Summary: Omega and Echo have a conversation about their pasts.
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Omega presses her face between Lula’s long ears and breathes deeply the scent of her brothers: stale sweat, blaster residue, motor oil, aftershave, regulation soap, and a few other things she can’t quite place. Lula is like a sponge, soaking up the redolence of the soldiers she lives with. While the stuffed tooka doesn’t smell pleasant , Lula smells of love and safety and comfort. Therefore, she smells wonderful, and Omega gives the creature an extra tight squeeze as she tries to hold in the tears that threaten to spill. She should be happy. She is happy. She is. She is.
“Omega, are you alright?”
Omega is surprised by the generic reg voice. She would have expected Hunter or Wrecker to check on her...maybe even Tech. Not Echo. He isn’t unkind, but he is distant, almost unsure of her. Like he doesn’t want to get attached. Omega understands, even though it makes her heart hurt a little.
“I’m fine,” Omega lies easily, lifting her face so that her voice isn’t muffled against Lula’s soft stuffing.
There is a pause, but Omega knows the cyborg clone hasn’t walked away. After an uncomfortable stretch of silence, Echo clears his throat. “Are you sure? Hunter – uh – sent me to check on you.”
Omega forces a smile and carefully blinks back the tears that have been forming before she pulls back the curtain, letting Lula topple from her arms. “I’m okay, Echo,” she assures him.
The shadows on Echo’s face in the warm glow of her strung lights accentuate his gaunt features, and Omega suppresses the shudder that reflexively comes. Nala Se had Omega study Echo’s medical files as part of her training. The horrors he suffered at the hands of the Techno Union still haunt Omega’s imagination, and the cool, professional terminology she poured over in the files did not do his tragedy justice. It must’ve been hard for him to join the Batch too, starting over after all he’d been through. She admires him endlessly for it, but she isn’t sure how she could ever tell him without also admitting to having read his files. Not that she’d had a choice, or was snooping, but...
Echo matches her striving grin with one of his own. “Alright. If you say so,” he says, shrugging one shoulder, telling her without telling her that he knows she’s lying.
He starts to turn away when Omega bites out, “Wait, Echo...”
“Yeah?” he asks, the familiar gruff of his voice catching on the edge of the word.
Omega swallows, hoping he isn’t annoyed with her indecisiveness. “I just...can I ask you a question?”
“Sure, kid,” he says, and leans his weight against the wall casually.
“When you first joined Clone Force 99, did you – or do you – ever feel...” Omega searches for the right word, pressing her lips together before saying in a whisper, “homesick? For what you had before?”
Echo looks startled by the question, his eyes widening a little. However, the expression is brief, and his face returns to his normal air in a blink. To Omega’s dismay, he answers her question with one of his own, “Do you feel homesick for Kamino?”
“Sometimes,” Omega admits, pinching one of Lula’s ears between her fingers, “but I don’t want to go back. I’m happy here, with all of you. But if I’m happy here, why do I miss what I don’t want?”
Echo’s face softens. “Because you miss what is familiar, even if it wasn’t better.”
“Is that bad?” Omega asks.
“Of course not,” Echo says, “I missed living with my reg brothers. It’s all I knew most of my life. Doesn’t mean I care about my enhanced brothers any less.” He rolls his eyes good naturedly at the terminology adopted from the Batch, and it makes Omega giggle.
“I guess you and me are kind of the same,” Omega says softly, wistfully. “Taken in by the Bad Batch when..." Echo visibly stiffens, and Omega clamps her mouth shut, now gripping Lula’s ear in a fist. She shouldn’t have said that. She knew the moment the words left her mouth. She and Echo are nothing alike. Not really. Not at all.
But they are. In some ways.
To her surprise, Echo leans forward, folding his arms and resting them on the floor of her gunner’s mount room. “Nala Se,” he says, his voice softer and gentler than she’s ever heard it, “she experimented on you, didn’t she.” Not a question.
Omega bites down on the inside of her cheek. She has never wanted to tell any of them about that. But Echo knows, because she told him in a roundabout way. In the medical wing, after his accident in the mess hall. He woke up in a panic, and she’d comforted him. I don’t like being hooked up to their machines either.
She didn’t think he’d remember that, but why wouldn’t he?
So, she nods a small, jerky affirmative.
“I don’t remember much about the Techno Union,” Echo says, his voice still low, almost a whisper. Like his words are just for her ears. “I mean...I know what they did. And I live with what they did everyday...but it’s what the Kaminoans did that I remember well. They had to see that I was fit for duty, and their tests...” Echo falters, his words dropping off in an expanse of hidden emotions. He blinks, looking a little lost.
She isn’t sure why she does it, but she reaches out and rests a hand on Echo’s face, her thumb brushing over the sharp edge of his cheekbone. “I know,” she whispers, because she does. She was Nala Se’s “assistant” from her earliest memories. She saw the tests firsthand. Experienced some of them herself.
“You shouldn’t though,” Echo says, “No kid should know that.”
“Maybe,” Omega shrugs, “But we’re safe from them now...the Kaminoans, I mean.”
Echo’s eyes find hers and he smiles sadly. “Yeah, we are.”
Omega’s touch lingers a moment longer before she pulls away and hugs Lula close to her chest. “I’m not homesick for the Kaminoans. I’m homesick for Kamino...for AZI and helping with the babies. I hope they’re alright.”
“I hope so too,” Echo says, and he gives her knee a squeeze with his flesh hand. “You’re a good kid, Omega. I’m glad the Batch found...both of us.”
Omega smiles at her brother who understands. “Me too.”
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finn-m-corvex · 11 months
Whumptober 2023 Day 1 - "How many fingers am I holding up?"
Hello everyone, and welcome to Finn's Whumptober! This is the first of the past fifteen days to come out, and the other fourteen will be releasing every hour on the hour! I've put an incredible amount of work into making these (the first batch is like. 30k words alone-) so if you guys have been craving some of my content, here you go! You're getting plenty nowadays!
GENERAL TWS FOR THE ENTIRETY OF MY STORIES: blood, vomit, beatings, assault, bullying, kinda gorey at some points, other stuff just be careful. I'll go back through and tag each individually if I need to!
Since I'm scheduling these, I won't have the opportunity to add anyone but @splinnters to the tag list, but there's going to be so many of them that I feel like it's going to be easy to find. Hope you enjoy reading all of these as much as I enjoyed writing them!
Words: 2.1k
Jay was bored.
Who knew working a party could be so mind-numbingly boring? The point of parties was to let loose and have fun, and yet here he was, stuck in a dumb stuffy suit in the corner only watching as everyone got more and more drunk off their asses. He sipped at his disappointedly non-alcoholic punch, pretending like he was keeping a careful eye over the rest of the patrons as they danced.
Getting called to watch Cyrus Borg’s work functions was one of the worst things to happen to him in recent times.
“Check in, everyone,” Lloyd said over the comm, and Jay tapped his foot against the ground as he waited for everyone else to sound off. Cole was standing on the entire other side of the room, and Jay had long since given up trying to hold a mime’s version of a conversation with his brother when the earth ninja only gave him an unimpressed stare after the first gesture. At least he was stuck in here with his best friend rather than Kai or Zane; knowing them, he would’ve gotten a full lecture rather than just a look.
A crackle, and then his beautiful Yang’s angelic voice. “Kai and I are clear.”
Part of Jay wanted to chime in and talk to her with a casual conversation about guest gossip, but he had already gotten in enough trouble tonight; he couldn’t start pushing it.
Zane and Pixal both spoke, and then it was Cole’s turn. “Jay and I are clear, although someone needs to start laying off the punch. He’s already almost spilled on himself more than once.”
“Hey!” Jay exclaimed, but he still kept it down so no one would start listening in. It pleased him immensely to hear Nya giggle over the comm, and it took every bit of self-restraint to keep from playing up the act. “I’m doing just fine, thank you very much.”
“Sure you are, bro,” Cole rolled his eyes across the room, and Jay felt his power start to flicker under his skin in frustration. Pushing the lightning down, Jay huffed, checking in with Lloyd before going back to his self-assigned duty of people-watching. At least he had a nice spot next to the punch table.
It wasn’t very long before someone bumped into him, causing his drink to slosh around and over the rim of his glass. Jay turned to face whoever it was, ready to give them a piece of his mind for almost getting punch on his nice shoes (seriously, they were brand-new!), but he stopped when he remembered that these people were all civillians and he did have to at least make an effort to be nice.
“I’m so sorry about that,” the stranger said, flashing his pearly whites and readjusting his cuffs. Jay’s danger sense was going off, and he resisted every urge in his body that was screaming for him to run far away from here. This was just a normal guy, so why was he feeling like this?
“Don’t worry about it, no harm done,” Jay chuckled, masking his discomfort with ease. It was one of his most used skills, especially in social situations.
“Surely you wouldn’t mind if I just got you another glass? Anything for a great hero of Ninjago!”
Never accept drinks from strangers, dear, he could hear his Ma say, and Jay always heeded the advice his mother gave him after the Underwear Incident.
He shook his head. “No thank you, don’t worry about it. Go enjoy the festivities, please, I insist.”
A rather cold goodbye for the sociable lightning ninja; Jay hoped that no one else would notice so it wouldn’t end up on the media. What a mess to clean up that would be, and the others already made enough messes online. The man huffed as if Jay had personally offended him, stalking off into the crowd where Jay’s eyes couldn’t be bothered to follow him. Frowning, Jay took another sip of his drink, only to bring it away from his mouth in confusion.
Why did it taste different?
Must be my lightning, Jay thought to himself as he drank it, noticing the previously sweet taste switching to salty. His lightning tended to change his taste buds whenever he suppressed it, just another little quirk of having powers, so this was just another case of that happening.
It definitely wasn’t the case fifteen minutes later.
Jay kept getting dizzier and dizzier as time passed, leaning back on the pillar and relying on it to keep him stable. Everything around him was spinning, the low lights blurring into vague patterns and swirling around on the floor at a speed that he couldn’t comprehend. He could feel the sweat gathering on the back of his neck, hot and sticking to his shirt collar. There were nails being driven into his temples, and he winced as the crowd suddenly cheered when Cyrus Borg came out on the other side of the room to start his speech. Pixal and Zane were on the stage with him, and Jay had to keep himself from screaming as the spotlights followed the three as they walked.
Up until now, he had hesitated everytime his hand went to his comm; he had already pissed Cole off once or twice, he shouldn’t say anything unless it was an absolute emergency.
His vision blacked out for a second, and Jay was suddenly hyperaware of everything happening around him. This wasn’t normal; this was an emergency.
“Cole,” Jay said, swallowing back the spit in his mouth that threatened to spill down his lips. Why couldn’t he feel his lips? Why did his throat feel like it was clogging up with something?
Reaching up with an arm, his brother looked quite bored. “What is it now, Jay?”
“Something’s wrong.”
Jay must’ve forgotten to switch to their private channel, because Lloyd’s voice came through the tinny speaker. “Jay, what’s wrong?”
“I-I’m dizzy,” Jay couldn’t keep himself from stuttering, and he started panicking as his knee gave out from under him. What the hell was in his drink?
Starting to push through the crowd, he could barely pick Cole out from the crowd, only hearing the earth ninja’s voice through his earpiece. “Jay, Jay did you drink something-”
And Jay was crashing to the floor.
Head smacking against the ground, Jay was coughing up spit, reeling from the loud gasp that surged through the crowd at the sight of one of the Ninja collapsing. Even though this was far from the first time that he had hit his head, he still found himself dizzier than before, struggling to ground himself in the forest of suit pants and dresses that he was stuck in. His hands were shaking as they tried to push him up, and he cried out as his elbows stopped working and his head hit the ground again.
Why couldn’t he feel his legs? Panic swarmed through his chest as he tried to wiggle his toes, but he couldn’t tell if it was working.
First Master, he was drugged.
“Move!” he heard two voices at once; one voice in the earpiece and the other through the ear not smushed against the tile. “Move out of the way!”
Other voices were clammering around him, and Jay would’ve yelled for them all to shut up if his tongue didn’t feel like it was a piece of cotton stuffed into his mouth. He was pretty sure he was drooling all on the floor, and he could feel the excess dribbling down his chin when rough hands pulled him upright.
There was Cole, face pinched in worry and hurriedly speaking into his comm. “I have him, he just collapsed and I don’t know why. Shut down the exits and get Borg out of here-”
Jay had to stop listening as the spotlights focused directly into his eyes, and he slammed his eyelids shut as if that were going to do anything. Cole was quick to block out the light, but the damage had been done; Jay leaned to the side and vomited, red punch spurting from his lips along with the small finger sandwiches that he had chowed down on earlier. Some of it landed on some poor patron’s shoes, and Jay opened his mouth to apologize only to upchuck more of his guts. His stomach heaved under the weight of his anxiety, feeling the voices around him change to a disgusted pitch, and the feeling of knowing that all of these strangers were seeing one of their protectors collapse and throw up like some drunkard made him flush with shame.
Something hauled him up from under the armpits, and suddenly he was on the move. Cole was taking him somewhere.
“Can’t take you anywhere without shit hitting the fan,” Cole grumbled, and Jay could feel the tears stinging at his eyes in protest. He didn’t mean for this to happen!
But was it his fault anyway? Could he have done anything to stop the man?
He was sat on some cheap chair a few hallways down, and Jay couldn’t move his arms or legs to try and readjust himself, the numbness spreading from his chest outwards. Cole pressed a warm hand to Jay’s forehead, feeling his cheeks and the back of his neck.
Jay felt so ashamed when he couldn’t stop the tears from rolling down his cheeks. “Cole, Cole-”
“What happened, Jay?” Cole asked, a serious expression on his face. He reached up to start thumbing away the tears. “Are you drunk? I promise you aren’t in trouble if you are, things happen.”
He shook his head as best as he could. “No, someone spiked it.”
Mouth agape, Cole clicked it shut, fury overtaking his features. “Who. The. Fuck. Spiked your drink?”
“A guy, he ran into me and must’ve put it in my punch,” Jay let out a small sob as the spinning room sped up. “I-I’m so sorry.”
“The only thing you have to be sorry for is not telling me sooner,” Cole stressed, cupping his brother’s cheek when Jay’s head lulled to the side. “First Master, is this why you were so fidgety? I knew something was wrong; I’m the one who should be saying sorry to you.”
Shaking his head, Jay felt the shame swell up even further. “It’s not your fault-”
“No, but I’m still your brother, and I should’ve checked in the moment I thought something was wrong.” Cole clicked his tongue, thumb brushing against Jay’s jaw in a way that had his heart aching. “I gotta check how bad it is, bluebell. How many fingers am I holding up?”
If Jay was being completely honest, it looked like twelve, so that’s exactly what he said. Cole’s worried face was not reassuring in the slightest.
Nya’s voice flowed into his ear, and Jay sobbed. He wanted her, he wanted her so bad. “Jay, honey, I need you to talk to me. What’s wrong?”
“Some asshat spiked his drink,” Cole said briskly, shrugging off his suit jacket and draping it over Jay after seeing how hard the blue ninja was shaking. “He’s still conscious, but I don’t think he’s moving anytime soon. We’re in the hallway off to the left of the main room.”
Finally, the severity of the situation hit Jay: he had been drugged. Someone had deliberately sought him out and messed with his drink with ill intentions that Jay could only dream of, even though those dreams would actually be nightmares.
The thought of what could’ve happened if Cole hadn’t seen him go down made him sick to his stomach.
“I’ll be right there,” and Jay felt his lip start to wobble as the sobs rushed up his throat, because he wanted Nya here now and he was scared and he was too cold but too hot at the same time and he couldn’t move and Cole was mad at him and why was his vision tunneling and oh shit was it always this hard to breathe-
A hand tangled itself in his hair, gently freeing it from its prison of hair products as Jay gasped for air. “Stay with me, Bluejay. Nya’s on her way and then we’re getting you out of here. You’re gonna go home and we’re going to spoil you rotten, okay?”
His hands scrambled for something to hang onto, his fingertips unfeeling, and Cole was quick to put his other warm hand into Jay’s as he readjusted the makeshift blanket over Jay’s form. It wasn’t nearly as good as a shock blanket would’ve been but beggars can’t be choosers. Jay forced his body forward, landing clumsily on Cole’s chest as the earth ninja quickly compensated for the extra weight. “I want Nya.”
There was yelling from the main room that made it hard for Jay to hear what Cole was saying. “I know buddy, she’ll be here soon. I’m going to hold you just like this for a little while, okay?”
“Okay,” Jay whispered, feeling the tears start to soak into his brother’s suit, and First Master he hoped it was going to be okay. 
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serickswrites · 1 year
"But Now This Room Is Spinning"
Warnings: falling from a great height, head injury, blood, nausea, vomitting
Caretaker's stomach dropped as they watched Whumpee slide through the mud closer and closer to the edge of the cliff. They couldn't breathe as they watched Whumpee grapple with Whumper at the edge. And their heart stopped as they watched both Whumper and Whumpee tumble over the edge.
"NO!" They shouted as they darted forward, praying their worst fear hadn't been realized. Caretaker's mouth went dry as they peered over the cliff's edge. Whumper had very clearly taken the brunt of the fall, their broken body visible beneath Whumpee, though Whumpee lay still and unmoving as well.
"Hang on, hang on, I'm coming. I'm coming." Caretaker scrambled up through the mud, racing down the side of the hill, away from the cliff face. They had to get to Whumpee. Had to be sure.
Caretaker breathed a sigh of relief as they reached the bottom of the cliff and could see Whumpee's chest rise and fall. Whumpee was alive. "Whumpee!" Caretaker called as they carefully picked their way over through the rocks to where Whumpee lay across Whumper.
Whumpee groaned in response.
"Whumpee, say something. Anything!" Caretaker urged as they knelt down next to Whumpee.
"Any-any-anythingggg," Whumpee said through gritted teeth. Their brow was furrowed with pain and Caretaker could see blood dripping down their temple.
"If you're making jokes, I know you're fine enough to walk out of here," Caretaker said as they took Whumpee's arm. "Let's get you up so I can have a better look at you."
Whumpee grimaced as the opened their eyes. "B-B-Bright here-ere-ere."
Caretaker leaned over Whumpee more, blocking the weak autumn sunlight. "Better?"
Whumpee nodded and swallowed. Their face was ashen and they looked like they were turning green.
"Let's get you up and get your head between your knees, you look a little faint."
Whumpee cracked open their eyes once more. "Mkay."
Caretaker pulled Whumpee to sitting, bracing their arm across Whumpee's back. "Better?"
Whumpee's face paled further as they rested their head against Caretaker. "N-N-N-No," their voice barely above a whisper. They screwed their eyes shut once more.
"Are you dizzy?"
"Mhmmmmm," Whumpee hummed.
"How many fingers am I holding up?" The sinking sensation returned to Caretaker's gut as they tried to get Whumpee to engage.
"G-G-Gonnnnnnna hu-hu-hurllll," Whumpee suddenly jolted forward as they vomitted across the rocks. Caretaker rubbed soothing circles across Whumpee's back as Whumpee emptied the content of their stomach and then some.
"It's ok. It's ok," Caretaker murmured as Whumpee sputtered and coughed.
Whumpee weakly tried to wipe their mouth, their hand shaking too much to do much. Caretaker fished around in their pocket for a tissue, dabbing Whumpee's mouth carefully.
"Hurtsssss," Whumpee moaned.
"I know. Let's get you out of here." Caretaker didn't wait for Whumpee's response. Between the dizziness, bleeding, and vomitting, Caretaker knew that Whumpee's head injury had to be bad. Really bad. And that Whumpee needed help. Now.
Whumpee groaned again as Caretaker scooped them up. "Ssssssstopppppp," they whispered.
"Just hold on a little longer. Let's get to the car and then I'll put you down," Caretaker replied as they began to walk quickly in the direction of their car. "How does that sound?"
Whumpee didn't reply.
"Whumpee?" Caretaker couldn't keep the edge of panic out of their voice as Whumpee became a dead weight in their arms. "Hold on, Whumpee. Hold on." And Caretaker began to run.
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whumpshots · 1 year
Whumptober #1
Trope of the day: “How many fingers am I holding up?”
The ringing in their ears gets louder and louder. Voices come through the various noises, unfiltered and loud. A grunt that sounds far too loud in whumpee's head escapes their lips as their eyes flutter open, everything around them blurry.
"Oi! Wake up, kid," they hear as someone softly slaps their cheek to which they try to blink their sight a little bit clearer. They finally make out the shapes in front of them, some moving, some staying still.
Pain makes them whimper as something touches their abdomen, someone slightly moves their head. Whumpee feels their heart stutter as panic takes them with a surprise, closes its fist around them.
"Don't worry, it's us," the voice says and whumpee tries to focus on the still figure in front of them. "They got you good ... Tell me, how many fingers am I holding up?" Whumpee squints at the shape they finally identify as a hand, but more seems to be impossible.
A soft grunt escapes them as they squeeze their eyes close, hoping the nausea doesn't get worse. "Too many," whumpee finally rasps and whimpers when the figures around them move their body.
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smilesrobotlover · 1 year
Whumptober- Day 1, Swooning.
Basically Minish gets a lil concussion teehee. It’s short and sweet but I didn’t know what else to do. Hope you enjoy!
Minish groaned as he sat up, looking around at the battlefield before him. It seemed to be over, but Minish didn’t recall its ending. He looked around, ignoring the intense pressure in his head, seeing if he could spot his allies. He saw most of them huddled up together, but he couldn’t see what they were doing. He blinked a few times, confused at his blurry vision.
“Hey buddy,” he heard a voice next to him, and he turned to see Legend smiling at him. “Are you alright?”
Minish stared at him for a moment, not comprehending his question for a moment. Legend stared for a moment, tilting his head at his silence.
“Minish, are you ok?”
Minish rubbed his eyes and looked down. “Mm,” was all he was able to muster up in response.
Legend stared at him with a concerned frown on his face, before grabbing a rag and dabbing his head. Minish flinched and hissed in pain, and Legend pulled back.
“Sorry buddy, your head is bleeding.”
Minish blinked again, rubbing his head, feeling the familiar warm liquid oozing out of his head.
“Let me take care of that.”
Legend gently began taking care of his head wound again, wrapping it in bandages while Minish tried to remember what happened. Was he hit in the head? Well, obviously but was it a monster? Did he fall? Minish winced at his throbbing head as Legend finished up.
He looked back at Legend who was looking more stern.
“Are you ok?”
Minish groaned, suddenly feeling nauseous. “I don’t feel very good,” he mumbled. It hurt to think about how he felt truthfully. Legend patted him on the shoulder and gave him a little nudge.
“You might have a concussion. Come on, we gotta take care of you,” Legend grabbed his arm and gently pulled him off his feet. Minish complied, but as soon as he was on his feet, his stomach lurched and he bent over, emptying his stomach.
“Woah ok, just let it all out,” he barely heard Legend over his vomiting. Minish groaned when he was finished and leaned heavily against the pink-haired hero, and he was gently lifted into his arms. “You’re lucky you’re so small.”
Minish grumbled and smacked the side of Legend’s face.
“I’ll kill you for that.”
“Sure you will. Just wait until after you’ve recovered to kill me?”
Minish smiled and tucked his head into Legend’s neck.
“Fine, promise not to tell anyone about this?”
“What, about carrying you somewhere safer? I guess I could keep a secret.”
“If you don’t, I’ll break your kneecaps,” he mumbled, closing his eyes as exhaustion began to overcome him. The last thing he heard was Legend chuckling.
“I’ll keep that in mind, smithy.”
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a-canceled-stamp · 10 months
Whumptober 2023 - dialogue
Day 1. Safety Net | Swooning | “How many fingers am I holding up?”
Characters; pairings: Tim, Jason; Tim & Jason
Setting: the manor. In my mind it’s a “Tim is adopted early” AU but can be read differently.
“Hey, hold up!”
“Leave me alone, Jason.”
“What the hell? You can’t just walk away from this!”
“It’s not a big deal.”
“Not a big—you passed out!”
“…only a little.”
“Are you kidding? You were out. Like, fully. Lights out, nobody’s home, the whole shebang. I swear, you even stopped breathing at one point.”
“Okay, that’s an exaggeration. You’re being dramatic.”
“Dude, I had to catch you. If anyone’s being dramatic, it’s you. Literally swooning into my arms.”
“Listen, I’m just stating the facts. And the facts are, you gotta start taking more care of yourself.”
“I do!”
“Oh really? When was the last time you ate?”
“…you know what, I don’t have to answer any do you questions if I don’t want to.”
“Aha! See? Wait, come on, stop trying to walk away from this, man.”
“Come on, why can’t you just—“
“No. We need to get some nutrients in you, stat. Maybe some gatorade just to get your blood sugar up. Or maybe water first?”
“Jason, I don’t—”
“No, don’t you get it? I’ve had enough of this, alright? Now stand there and don’t move. If you try to run I swear to god I will burn your Tony Hawk poster.”
“Yeah, I ain’t fucking around. Now, Alfred’s gotta have some bars or shakes around here somewhere. If not I’ll make you a goddamn omelet if I have to. Seriously, Tim, this is ridiculous.”
“Uh, Jason? I think I—“
“Shut your yap. ‘It’s not a big deal’ my ass. News flash: passing out while walking up the stairs is not normal.”
“Jason, I, I think I might—“
“God, what the hell is Bruce even doing. World’s greatest detective and can’t even notice that his own kid is—hey what are you—oh shit.”
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Whumptober 2023 Day 1 Swooning
Bonus gif 👇
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majorproblems77 · 1 year
Let the whumping begin!
Day 1 - How many fingers am I holding up?
Hope you enjoy!
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sarahsmi13s · 1 year
Bloodstained Sandbags
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whumptober day 1 : bloody knuckles
pairing: eddie diaz x reader
characters: eddie diaz, fem!reader, christopher diaz, evan buckley, scott (oc)
warnings: 18+ MDNI, nightmares, panic attacks, crying, blood, disassociation, SA (not in vivid detail, but it is spoken about), language, caretaking, PTSD, resetting a dislocated shoulder, talks of therapy, mentions of underground fighting, please tell me if i missed any
word count: ~5.6k
a/n: this is for whumptober! please please please proceed with caution and use discretion, protect your peace
also if you are on the whump taglist but are not familiar with a character, you can skip it will not hurt my feelings!
whumptober 2023 masterlist
summary: healing is draining and you're trying everything you can to stay afloat... can a new workout routine help keep you above water as you support eddie through his trauma while you work through your own?
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You really thought that when Eddie started working at the dispatch center, things were going to get better for you. You thought you would sleep better, your nightmares fading away as you always had your protector next to you now. You were safe, no one could hurt you with Eddie at your side.
But it didn’t seem to matter, because you couldn’t close your eyes without being back in that damn break room – the break room you no longer set foot in.
It was like even though you knew you were safe with Eddie… a sick, twisted part of you kept reminding you that Eddie wouldn’t always be there to protect you.
And the thing was, Eddie had no idea. 
No idea that you were struggling. That for months you were feeling sick to your stomach everytime you got up to get ready for work. That you wanted his touch but had a mini panic attack every time he touched you when you weren’t expecting it.
But he had no idea what happened to you either. You were afraid to tell him. Afraid he’d leave you, though logically you knew he would never do that. 
Except there wasn’t a good time to tell him, either. He was having a hard time with his PTSD and you were doing the best you could to help him while also trying to keep yourself above water.
Which is why you started going to the gym… The sweating, the adrenaline, all of it just made you feel stronger.
And that’s where you picked up on learning to fight, you wanted to be ready. Ready to protect yourself or Christopher if the situation presented itself and Eddie wasn’t around.
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You sighed as you walked into yours and Eddie’s apartment, your body stiff and sore from your workout. You managed to scrape your knuckles just a little bit too but it wasn’t too noticeable.
You hung your purse up and set your gym bag down. “Eddie? Chris?”
You heard Eddie’s voice come from the kitchen. “We’re in here, Honey!” 
You smiled and walked into the kitchen, seeing them at the table. “How are my boys?” You went over and kissed them both on the head, “I’m sorry if I made you wait, I got really in the zone at the gym and the traffic was a monster.” 
“Oh it’s no problem, I was just getting started on the veggies. Why don’t you go shower and it should be ready by the time you're done,” Eddie said as he stood and kissed the side of your head before returning to cutting the vegetables. 
You nodded at him before ruffling Chris’s hair, “Do you have any homework you need help with?” He nodded, “Yeah, math stuff.” “Alrighty, I’ll help you after dinner, okay?” “Okay.”
Smiling, you kissed his head again before going to take a shower.
Once you went into the bathroom, you were all too ready to peel the sweaty gym clothes off of you.
Your leggings peeled off with a wet sound, and if someone heard it they would have thought that you jumped into the ocean with your clothes on. The collar of your cutout t-shirt was soaked enough that you could ring it out. Your sports bra was practically the same way.
“I went way harder than I thought…” you mumbled to yourself as you dropped your clothes into a pile and checked the temperature of your shower.
Scalding hot, just like you liked it.
You stepped under the water, wincing slightly at the initial bite of the heat on your skin. But as you stood there under the water both the heat and pressure seemed to massage your muscles, allowing you to relax.
The shower was the only way you could get a massage, it was the only place you allowed yourself to feel vulnerable.
And you never went to a masseuse at all because Eddie was enough. But now, after everything that happened, the idea of being pinned under someone with your back exposed and their hands on you like that could send you into a panic attack.
He had tried once after he started his therapy sessions, realizing he had been neglecting you and wanted to help you work out the soreness of your muscles. 
But you were fighting a panic attack the whole time. You had to hold a conversation with him and ask him to not put his full weight on you. He cooperated without question of course and then you sat and chatted about your day.
Though you haven’t let him do it since, fearing that you would be able to hold it together and freak out on him.
Showers were your source of muscle relaxation. So that’s why you stood there, water pressure on pulse and heat turned up to hell.
When you felt satisfied, you turned the temperature down and finished your shower, ending with a cold rinse just to soothe your skin before getting out and getting dressed in a pair of shorts and one of Eddie’s shirts then joining the boys for dinner.
Eddie watched you wash dishes with a smile on his face as he leaned against the fridge.
He had cleaned out the sink, putting plates, bowls, utensils, and cups into the dishwasher while you were helping Chris with homework. But now you were working on pots and pans because they just didn’t fit in the dishwasher with the other things, often needing to be washed separately – and that took too long for your liking.
So after getting Chris settled down in his room, Eddie came back to watch you, wanting to spend alone time with you since you rarely got that lately. 
Not that he was necessarily mad about it, he respected boundaries when and where you set them – no questions asked.
But he was pulled to action when he heard you wince, taking a step and a half to meet you as you turned for a towel.
“What happened?” Eddie asked, holding your hand as you dabbed it dry, wincing as you did so.
You shook your head, not answering him as you took the towel away to blow on the raw skin of your busted knuckles. You had gotten lemon juice and salt on them from cleaning the cutting board you had used this morning, and it hurt like a bitch.
Eddie froze for a second. Where had you gotten bruised and scraped up knuckles from? You hadn’t had those this morning…
In a quick scan, he checked you over for injuries. If you had a bruised cheekbone or black-eye that he somehow missed during dinner. But you were clean, so he could cross fight off the list. 
“Nena… what happened?” 
His voice was gentle as he took the towel away from you and pressed a gentle kiss to your knuckles. He was worried, because last time he started coming home with busted knuckles he was underground fighting…
But you wouldn’t do that? Would you?
“I was at the gym and I scraped it, not a big deal.”
He nodded and rubbed his thumb gently over it. “Let me finish the dishes.”
It wasn’t a question, it was a statement. Eddie was going to finish the dishes, and he wasn’t going to argue.
You sighed and moved out of the way, letting him take over but you didn’t leave and instead wrapped your arms around his waist, resting your head on his back. After your day at work and then going so hard at the gym, you need this comfort. The domesticity of it all, the safety of it all.
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Over the next few weeks things seemed to be getting a little better. Sure, you were still having nightmares and coming home with slightly bruised knuckles but Eddie’s surprise touches didn’t spook you anymore. You were also considering becoming more intimate with Eddie again as he seemed to be doing better as well and was seeking out the contact again. 
Things were just slowly coming back to normal, well as normal as the could be, but things were getting better
But then something happened at work, and it set all of your progress back.
You were walking to your desk from the supply closet with more file folders, since you were doing some re-organizing and needed new ones, when you bumped into someone.
They caught you before you fell, steadying you with their hands on your waist. Huffing out a surprised laugh, you looked up to thank them but you nearly choked on air when you saw whose hands were on you.
Panic shot through you like lightning and you put distance between you and Scott immediately, not caring if it was rude or not.
“Woah, Y/N, you okay?” He asked, but the smirk pulling at the corner of his lips told you that he knew the answer. 
How could you be okay? After not seeing him that up close for months, then all of a sudden his hands are on you again and you’re back to being the weak little girl you were in the break room that night.
“S-S-Scott, I-I thought you were um late shift?” You stuttered, your eyes looking for escapes to your desk in your periphery. 
He put a hand in his pocket nonchalantly, attempting to lure you into a false sense of security, that that side of his body was safe to escape through – it wasn’t.
“Oh, I am, but I decided to come in on a Saturday. I needed another day on my paycheck since I took a day off this week.” 
You nodded, jaw setting and grinding your back teeth together as you tried to avoid looking at his face. “I see. Well Scott, if you’ll excuse me I need to get… get back to my desk.” You cursed yourself for starting so confident but then losing it as the breath just slowly got pulled from your lungs.
Scott just smirked. He could see the fear in your eyes and the cottonmouth you were getting just being in his presence. He thrived on it, knowing that corporate wasn’t going to follow up on the claim you made to HR and that you weren’t in a great position to quit so you had to stay for just a little longer.
But he just caught you one unlucky night where you had to stay late to finish a project, considering you didn’t work the night hours because you usually needed to be home with Chris because Eddie was working a shift. The one time Buck was off you took advantage of it and stayed late to catch up. 
And you haven’t stayed late since…
“Oh, by all means, don’t let me stop you, I was just on my way to get some coffee.”
You were trying so hard not to clam up and just bolt to your desk and pack up. But you calmly nodded and just squatted down to pick up the folders you dropped.
You hated having your back to him and your hands shook furiously as you collected the pale yellow folders.
“You look like you could use a break, why don’t you join me?” Scott’s voice was right in your ear. It was low and raspy as his hand gripped your shoulder.
Trying your best to just shrug it off, you shook your head. “No, I’m alright. I need to get back to work.”
He clicked his tongue and shook his head, “I insist.” His voice was demanding as his fingers curled around your joint and dug into your collarbone. 
Instantly your arm shot up and pushed him off you. “I said no.”
You scooped up the remaining folders and dignity and went toward your desk. Just to have fingers curled around your wrist and pulling you back into a hard chest. 
“I’m trying to be nice and you’re being a bitch.”
Rolling your lips between your teeth, you tried to yank your wrist away – twisting and pulling at his grip to get him to let go. “You just don’t know how to understand the word ‘no’. I don’t want coffee, I just want to go to my desk.”
You swallowed, finally looking in his eyes, shredding any last dignity you had. “Please Scott… you got what you wanted, just leave me alone… please…”
The canines he bared as he smiled wide made you sick to your stomach, but as he opened his mouth to speak his attention was pulled away and you took that chance to free yourself. You twisted your wrist and pushed the files into his chest before booking it to your desk.
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After gathering your things and rushing to your manager’s office, pleading to her with shaky hands as you told her something had happened and you needed to get home to Chris.
She immediately let you leave, not questioning it as you thanked her and ran out to your car.
The drive home was a total blur, taking the turns on auto pilot as you tried not to break down before you were in the safety of your own home and not risking anyone else’s safety.
And when you finally got home, you were booking it to the fridge to get a cold water bottle to maybe shock your system into calming down. But in your haste you missed the fact that Buck and Chris are home, and not out at the aquarium like you thought they were.
Buck had heard you come in and watched you nearly trip over yourself to get to the kitchen, abandoning your purse and keys on the floor.
Chris had seen it too and looked at Buck concerned, having never once seen you like this. “Buck?” Buck ruffled Chris’s hair, “I’ll go see what’s up. You stay here okay?” Chris just nodded and watched Buck get up and go to the kitchen.
Buck went to the kitchen, finding you chugging the cold water as you white knuckled the counter.
“Y/N? You’re home early.”
The way you jumped, hand clenching around the bottle so hard that water shot out of it – it would have been comical had the dilated look in your wide eyes not set off alarm bells in Buck’s head. 
You watched, caught like a deer in headlights, as concern washed over Buck’s face and filled his eyes with pity. Immediately your back was turned to him, shielding your breaking resolve from his helping hand. 
With the blood pounding in your ears, you missed his approach until he was touching you. You jerked again under his touch, weakly muttering out, “P-please don’t touch me.” 
Buck’s heart sank. He had never heard you sound like this before… so broken…
It sent him back to the night Eddie had destroyed your room in a fit of helplessness, how terrified his best friend was. How you sat with Eddie, him now remembering your bruised knuckles encasing Eddie’s in an act of comfort.
“Y/N… what happened? What’s wrong?”
“No-nothing, just-just…”
He tried to turn you and get you to face him, to get a read on your face and figure out what to do. But you yelped and pushed him back, sending his stunned 6’2” frame into the table.
“Buck you need to leave…”
“Leave Evan!”
Buck swallowed, trying not to be hurt as he turned on his heel and went to say goodbye to Christopher.
You watched him leave the kitchen, your ears hot and tingling as you looked at the mess you made. You needed to clean it up before Chris came in here and slipped.
Hearing Buck close the front door, you carefully made your way to the laundry room to get a dirty bath towel to clean it up. Your vision tunneled, your ears rang and you felt that sick snag in your chest as the air was stopping half way down your throat.
By the time you get there your legs can barely hold you up as you get to the washer and sink down to the floor. Sobs are wracking your chest and you can only pray Chris can’t hear you.
But your prayers went unanswered, because Chris can hear you and he is scared. 
Your broken sobs and ragged breathing are reminding him of the night Eddie punched those holes in the wall… and the night you came home and took a long shower thinking Chris was asleep and couldn’t hear you crying through the wall.
Chris abandoned the video game in front of him and put himself on a mission to find you. He could follow the sound of your cries to where you were sitting on the cold floor, head between your knees as you tried to breathe regularly.
“Y/N?” He gently called out, hoping you could hear him.
He watched you thread your hands in your hair and pull at the roots, sucking in jagged breaths just for them to be forced out with the next sob.
He didn’t like seeing you like this and he hated that he wasn’t sure how to help. But he knew he had to try.
Chris called out your name again as he approached you, not wanting to scare you and send you further into your panic. You must have recognized his voice because you seemed to calm down just a bit. He sat down on the floor next to you and put his hands on yours on top of your head. 
“You’re safe, it’s okay, Y/N. I’m here.” He recalled the phrases you had repeated to him when he was having trouble after the tsunami. He had to pull from what he was shown, he had barely anything to go off of and he just had to hope that it was enough.
With Chris putting his hands on yours, talking to you gently, you could feel yourself slowly calming down. His hands were so drastically different from the ones that had bruised your skin, that it managed to remind you that you were home and that you were safe.
“Please, Y/N…”
You look up at him slowly, your hands letting go of your hair and holding his hands. “It’s okay, you’re safe.” Chris moved your hands to his face, hoping that it can help to ground you.
Your thumbs immediately began to rub back and forth on his cheeks, him taking deep breaths to help you find a rhythm. “Follow me, Y/N. Just like you tell me…” 
Chris watched the fog clear from your eyes as you began to calm down and lean forward to press a kiss to his head as a thank you before resting your forehead on his. He wrapped his arms around you as best he could and you pulled him into your lap, your head falling to his shoulder.
You sat there for a bit in silence, rubbing Chris’s back as you managed to collect yourself.
“I’m sorry if I scared you, Chris. I didn’t mean to,” you apologized, breaking the silence. “Are you okay?” His voice was soft and gentle as he pulled back a little. You’re nodding immediately, “I’m better now, thank you buddy.” 
“Do I need to call Dad?” 
You shook your head, “No, it’s okay. I’ll be alright.”
He nodded before tilting his head a little, “Why are you mad at Buck? Did he do something bad?” 
Your heart sank. He had heard you yell at Buck, and you hardly ever yelled around Chris – if ever. And now you’ve come home early, yelled at one of your best friends, and had a full blown panic attack with Christopher as a witness.
“Oh Chris… Buck didn’t do anything wrong. I shouldn’t have yelled at him. I’m not mad.”
“Why did you yell at him?”
“I was just feeling a lot of things and it was just what happened. I could have handled it better and I will in the future,” you said gently as you pushed some of his curls back.
You sniffled a little bit, “Why don’t you go back to the living room and I’ll make you some lunch after I get changed?” You gave him the best smile you could and kissed his forehead after he nodded.
“Okay, let’s go.”
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Eddie had come home around 5:30 to you already finishing up on getting dinner ready. 
“Honey? What are you doing home?”
“Oh, I got the stuff I need to get done early so I decided to just come home,” you said nonchalantly with a shrug. 
He smiled and came up behind you to kiss your cheek before he went to get changed. But as he placed his hand on the small of your back, you jumped. 
Eddie’s brow furrowed, you had never reacted like that to him. But he didn’t get to ask you, because you turned your head and planted a kiss on his lips. “I love you, Eddie.” He smiled softly and kissed your forehead, “I love you too, Y/N.”
You wrapped your arms around him and buried your face into his shoulder, smelling his coffee and whiskey body spray. He hugged you back, albeit a little confused, but he could tell you needed this.
After a few moments, you pulled back, “Go get changed and cleaned up, I’ll have it plated for you by the time you get back.” He nodded and kissed your temple, “Yes ma’am.”
You smiled and pecked his jaw before he went to change.
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When he came back, Eddie found you and Chris at the table, his plate made up for him just like you said it would be.
“It looks fantastic, Honey, thank you,” he said, announcing his presence before touching your shoulder and kissing the top of your head. You smiled at him, “Of course, Sweetheart.” He sat down next to you, his hand on your thigh, just resting there as you ate. 
You talked about his day and everything that went on – you having been getting his twitter notifications and just wanted a little more detail.
But when he turned and asked you about your day, you clammed up and just told him it was like any other day, you just skipped the gym today because you wanted to surprise him with dinner. And you left it at that, leaving no more room for conversation about your day.
After dinner you all went to the living room to watch movies before Chris went to bed. It was your weekend routine.
Except tonight you broke routine.
You decided that you wanted to go ahead and go to the gym, just to get a small workout in before you went to bed. So, after you did the dishes you got in your gym clothes and gave Chris a hug and Eddie a quick kiss before leaving.
It had all happened so quickly that Eddie didn’t get a chance to really slow you down and ask you what was up. This behavior was just so off to him that he just wanted an explanation.
And he did… just not from you.
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After you lifted weights for God knows how long, you finally went over to the punching bag.
You had been on autopilot the moment you left the house. 
And yeah, you felt bad for just leaving Eddie hanging like that. Giving him no explanation other than you just wanted to. But you had been thrumming since your panic attack, using that energy on deep cleaning and laundry — too on edge to rest or sit still.
You needed an aggressive outlet for all that energy, you had to get to the gym.
So that’s where you’ve been. Lifting weights and running until near collapse. 
Now you were hastily wrapping your hands to take it all out on the punching bag. The poor inanimate object becoming the true outlet of your emotions, taking blow after blow as you wail on it. Your emotions from earlier in the day being released in the form of punches. 
You hated that Scott was able to revert you back to the scared girl you were that night, smothering all the progress you had thought you made.
The swinging sandbag in front of you felt like a wall as you hit it with every you had. Flashes of that night played behind your closed lids as you seemingly lost control.
You could feel his hands on you again, touching you with evil intentions. His hands mocked Eddie, tainted the loving touch of your boyfriend with his greediness. 
Your hips digging into the counter, bruised with the force of Scott pinning you in place. You couldn’t escape, you didn’t know how to escape.
With each moment flashing, each ghostly touch reminding you of what he did to you in the break room, you punched harder — oblivious to the pain shooting up your arm with each solid hit.
You couldn’t stop. You didn’t want to stop. 
You just wanted it all to go away.
And in those moments you didn’t feel the tears running down your cheeks, you were numb. You hadn’t noticed the break in your poorly wrapped tape, which allowed your bare knuckles to meet with the canvas bag.
The tears and dissociation blurred your vision and you were blind to the fact the red spots and streaks covering the rough beige fabric was your own blood.
You had broken the skin on your knuckles, staining the sandbag with your blood as tears stained your cheeks.
But when you land a particularly hard punch and your shoulder pops grotesquely next to your ear do you snap out of it.
“Oh fuck!”
Your curse was picked up by a nearby girl who had come in at the same time as you.
“Oh my goodness! Are you okay?!”
Your head whipped up to look at her and you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. 
You didn’t look good, covered head to toe in red splotches and sweat. You looked down at your knuckles and saw that your tape was practically non-existent and your hand was covered in crimson.
“Ma’am? Are you okay?”
You blinked and looked at the girl. “Yeah… yes yes I’m fine. I just… I need to go home. My boyfriend is probably worried.”
“Are you sure? That crack sounded bad…”
“Thank you for your concern but I’m alright. You have a good night and be safe, please.”
She could only nod as you quickly grabbed your bag and went out to your car.
You knew you’d be driving with just one arm and you really didn’t want to deal with an midnight ER on a Saturday night so you went straight home — knowing that you’d need Eddie.
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Eddie sat in the living room, his knee bouncing with nerves as he waited for you to get home.
You hadn’t answered your phone and he was starting to get worried. With his line of work, he was already thinking the worst. Did you get into an accident? Did you get taken? He had his radio on the coffee table listening closely while he waited, hoping that he didn’t hear anything related to you come over the device.
Then he heard it. The front door opening and closing followed by keys in the bowl and a bag hitting the floor.
You were home, so at least there’s that relief.
He looked up and over as you walked by, arm cradling the other as you sniffled.
“Chris was worried about you.”
Eddie watched you tense, but you didn’t turn to face him.
He stood walking over to you. “He told me you had a panic attack when you came home today, you know, after you yelled at Buck to leave. Then you weren’t here when he went to bed. He knows something is wrong, and he’s worried it’s his fault.”
That made you turn, allowing Eddie to see the rush of tears on your face as you still cradled your arm.
“No, God no. This is nowhere near Chris’s fault.” Your voice was thick with emotion as you spoke and the realization dawned on you that you would have to tell Eddie everything.
“Did I do something? Because I thought we talked about things and worked things out. If I did, please tell me… I want to fix it… I can’t lose you…”
“Oh Eddie…”
“Please mi vida…” Eddie’s voice was soft and low as he rubbed your arms.
You covered your mouth, attempting to conceal the sob of pain and regret. But you couldn’t hide the small yelp or your bloody fist.
Concerned, Eddie put his hands on your shoulders, freezing when he felt the slipped ball and socket joint and you sobbed into your hand.
“Fix it… please, it hurts so bad…”
Eddie nodded and carefully got himself into position, “You ready?” “Just do i- AH!” Mid sentence, Eddie popped your shoulder back into place.
“You’re okay, you’re okay,” he soothed as you sobbed into his shoulder.
“I’m sorry Eddie… I’m so sorry…”
He ran a hand through the hair at the back of your head, “Hey, lets get your hands cleaned up okay? Then we’ll talk, yeah?”
You nodded before stepping back, instinctively wiping your face with the back of your hand — smearing a little blood on your face.
Eddie tensed a little, that was the worst he’s seen your knuckles and it was starting to look suspicious to him. But you had come home the other times with no other injuries so he had no reason to question you about it.
But he could see clearly that something was wrong. Very wrong.
Eddie gently grabbed your hand and took you to the kitchen.
Without a word he sat you on the counter and grabbed the med kit from under the sink. 
You both stayed quiet as he dampened a towel and  cleaned you up, he inspected for tenderness and any signs of trauma to your hands other than the obvious.
Once he was done, you both sat in silence for a moment before you spoke up.
“It’s not what it may look like…”
“Oh yeah? Cause it looks like you’ve been fighting. I've seen the bruises on your knuckles but I don’t say anything because I didn’t want to assume. But after today I don’t know what to think.”
Your eyes fill with tears and you shake your head. “That’s not it, I swear. It’s just…” A weight settled on your chest as you realized this was the moment you would have to tell him and possibly change your relationship forever.
“Honey… please talk to me, I’m scared. I don’t want to lose you.”
And with that the damn was broken and you sobbed into your hands.
Eddie gave you a moment to calm down, comforting you as best he could until you were ready.
Once you were composed, you spilled everything.
From you needing to stay late to you going to the break room for a snack to when Scott walked in and shoved your dignity in the paper shredder.
Eddie was listening intently, his rage rising in his body but he tried not to show it and keep a gentle expression for your sake. 
But hearing you, here and now, sounding so ashamed and scared. Recounting the night in detail. 
And he had been so caught up in the job change that he hadn’t noticed. He hadn’t noticed that the love of his life was suffering because he wasn’t there. 
It wasn’t until his son came to him that he noticed something was wrong. 
“Eddie, I’m so sorry, I’m so so sorry,” you sobbed, clinging onto him. “It didn’t… I didn’t want it, please you have to believe me.”
He felt his heart shatter in his chest. 
You were begging for forgiveness for something that wasn’t your fault. 
“I believe you Sweetheart, I believe you.” 
He pulled back a little, “I-Is this why you’ve been going to the gym?” You nodded, whimpering a little as more tears filled your eyes, “You won’t always be there… and I just… I want to be ready to protect myself or Christopher.”
You held your hand up and flexed it a little, “I saw Scott for the first time since that night today at work, that’s why I had the panic attack. And I needed an outlet, I didn’t know I was bleeding until I dislocated my shoulder.”
Eddie wiped your eyes, “Y/N I’m so sorry I never noticed… I should have been there…” You shake your head, “I didn’t tell you Eddie, you were going through a lot and I didn’t want to add on…”
He frowned a little but kissed your forehead. It made him feel awful that you thought you couldn’t come to him. You were processing something alone while helping him get better and that wasn’t fair. 
“Would you be willing to go to a professional about this? For you and for us? Just so we can learn to get through this together,” he laced your fingers together and kissed your knuckles. 
You nodded and pressed your forehead to his, “I want to try.” You brought in a breath, “I have to quit my job…” 
He hummed and nodded against you, “Please quit, I make enough, we'll be okay. And we can pull from savings if we need to.”
“Thank you.”
Eddie nudged your nose with his, “I love you, so much.” 
You smiled softly and flattened your palm over his heart, “I love you too, Eds. So so much.”
He wrapped you in his arms and just held you there. Planting gentle kisses to your head and whispering little jokes in your ear to make you laugh.
And that’s when you knew that it would all be okay, that it would be better. Maybe not tomorrow, but someday.
As long as you had Eddie, you would be okay.
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taglists: @bradleybeachbabe @valmare @fanboyswhore9 @cassiemitchell @startrekfangirl2233
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i can not stress this enough, but whumptober can have some very serious and heavy topics and i want to make sure i am doing my part as an author to prepare my readers for what they are about to experience and that includes not only warnings above but my taglists as well
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kybercrystals94 · 1 year
Scraped Knees
By KyberCrystals94
Read here on Ao3!
Whumptober 2023|Day 15|Prompt 15: “I don’t need you to help me, I can handle things myself.” | “I’m fine.”
Rating: G
Words: 739
Summary: Set directly after Season 1 Episode 3 “Replacements”
Omega waits until the ship falls almost entirely silent before she tries to sneak out of her new room. She practices the quiet footfalls she learned from following Hunter on Kamino, creeping down the dim hall to where she remembered Wrecker pointing out the med kit during his grand tour of the Marauder. Her knees burn where the fabric of her leggings rubs on the raw skin from where she fell following the Ordo Moon Dragon into its den.
After glancing up at the cockpit where Hunter has first watch, Omega carefully pulls the kit off the shelf and lifts the lid, setting it aside. She frowns as she stares into the messy array of medical supplies. Great. So much for being quiet, she thinks sourly. All she needs is bandages, and maybe some antibiotic ointment to prevent any infection. She begins her search, quickly finding bandages, but struggling to find the antibiotic. She is debating on how necessary the ointment is when a voice says above her, “What are you doing?”
Omega wishes she could deny the pathetic squeak of alarm that escapes her lungs before she clasps both hands over her mouth, dropping the bandages back into the chaos of the kit. Curses!
“Hunter,” she says, looking up at the Sargent. She isn’t sure if he meant to sneak up on her or not, but by the guilty look on his face, she suspects not. Omega scrambles to her feet. “Sorry. I just—sorry. Uhm…”
Hunter looks down at the med kit. “Are you hurt, kid?” he asks.
Omega’s cheeks burn with embarrassment, though she can’t decide if it’s more from being caught sneaking into the med kit or having to admit she’s hurt. Needing bandages for scraped up knees sounds so childish when compared to the injuries her brothers must’ve sustained over their lives as soldiers. “No, I’m fine. Really.”
Hunter gives her a look, and Omega can’t hold his gaze, averting her eyes to the shadows in the corner.
“Omega,” Hunter says gently but firmly, “in this squad, we do not hide injuries.”
“It’s not an injury,” Omega protests, “I just sorta scraped my knees up when I was crawling around in that cave on Ordo Moon. It’s nothing!”
“Let me be the judge of that,” Hunter says, picking up the med kit and nodding toward the cockpit.
Omega frowns, but follows Hunter, climbing into the copilot’s seat. She rolls up her leggings to expose the torn-up skin on her knees. Honestly, it looks and feels worse than it actually is, she knows; however, the expression on Hunter’s face when he kneels down in front of her to examine the damage for himself makes her eyes burn. He looks so…concerned. Over something so minor. Whenever something like this happened in the lab, Nala Se would tell Omega she was more than capable of taking care of herself.
“‘Mega,” he says softly, “You should have told us.”
Omega blinks, surprised by the nickname. She’s never had a nickname before…unless she counted being called kid…
“I didn’t want to be a bother,” Omega says. She sniffs and roughly rubs a fist over her eyes to hide the tears that come.
Hunter smiles at her, a small thing that is barely noticeable, but she sees it. “It’s never a bother to take care of our own, Omega. You don’t know how many bloodied scrapes I’ve cleaned up and bandaged over the years, for all our brothers, and they’ve done the same for me. And you’re one of us now, right?”
Omega nods. She doesn’t trust her voice to come out without wobbling.
“That means,” Hunter continues, starting to rummage through the med kit, “when you get hurt, no matter how small you think it is, you’ll let one of us know, right?”
Omega nods again.
Hunter works with practiced ease, and with a gentleness Omega hadn’t entirely expected from a soldier. When he is finished, Omega rolls her leggings back into place while Hunter puts away the med kit. When he returns, Omega smiles at him. “Thank you, Hunter.”
“Sure thing, kid,” Hunter says, ruffling her hair. “You’d better get back to bed.”
“Yes, sir!” Omega slides out of the seat. She walks back to her gunner’s mount room feeling lighter.
As she curls back up under her blankets, hugging Lula close, she decides that having brothers is even better than she imagined it would be.
Tag List: @isthereanechoinhere96 @followthepurrgil @amorfista
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finn-m-corvex · 11 months
Whumptober 2023 Day 9 - Shaking
Day 9, and the first day where I use a prompt substitute! I couldn't really think of anything that fit the original prompts, and I wanted to do something with hypothermia, so alas this one was born!
@splinnters you're almost to ten and at least it's over halfway!
Words: 2.2k
“Grab him!” he heard someone yell, maybe Nya. “Get him out of the water!”
Oh, was that what had happened?
Jay reflexively inhaled before coughing violently as the icy water stabbed at his lungs, his limbs weighed down like someone had tied lead to the ends. Everything was bearing down on him, the pressure only growing with every passing second. The light was growing dimmer and his vision was going dark as he tried to breathe in the water, finally recognizing the urgency of his situation and trying to fight his way back to the surface.
A frozen lake. They were still stuck in the Never-Realm, and he had been out fishing with the villagers and using his lightning when he saw the ice about to crack under a man’s feet. Without hesitating, Jay ran forward and pushed the man out of the way, feeling the ice splinter and crack and give way under his weight as he plunged into the depths of the lake. He didn’t think that any of the others had been close enough to see what happened, but he must’ve been mistaken if Nya was here.
Was she trying to help him out of the lake using her powers? Her powers hadn’t been working right since they had landed here, he didn’t want to be another thing for her to feel guilty about.
Everything was so heavy. Fighting against water and his old enemy known as gravity was even harder than he remembered. Jay fought twice as hard to make half as much of an effort as what he normally would’ve been able to give, and he desperately reached for the hand that someone had stuck under the ice. Cole’s, probably, judging from the size.
His feet were hurting and he couldn’t feel his toes after the water seeped into his boots.. His knees were locking up, making swimming much harder than it already was, and it took all of Jay’s willpower to keep his eyes open so he could try and see the top of the water. The hand was flexing and shaking, but Jay couldn’t tell you if it was because of the cold or Cole’s fear.
Hell, he was scared too.
With a final rush of adrenaline and a bit of a boost from his power, Jay grabbed the hand, barely able to make his frozen fingers clamp around it. Pain rushed down his arm when his fingers went completely numb, and Jay could see them turning blue. Cole’s other hand pulled on Jay’s wrist, and Jay only had a moment to prepare himself before he was being yanked out of the water and slamming into the ice.
Coughing up the water, Jay couldn’t see anything through the tears blurring his vision, finally making out his Yang kneeling next to his head. Nya looked distraught, hair messy from running her fingers through it and face red from exertion; she must’ve been trying to use her powers to pull him up to Cole. “Jay! Jay, talk to me, I need you to say something.”
“N-Nya?” he whispered, his teeth clacking together like someone whacking a xylophone. Working his jaw was like trying to move a boulder, and his tongue felt like it had been torn straight out of his mouth. The mental image of that made him shut his eyes from a sudden burst of nausea. “W-What happened?”
“You fell in the goddamn lake like an idiot,” Nya hissed, rushing to sweep his sopping wet bangs aside, and Jay felt more tears sting at his eyes. He didn’t mean to, and he knew that she wasn’t really mad at him, but his body wasn’t responding and everything hurt and he was freezing and his Yang was angry-
“Hey, hey,” she said softly, cupping his cheek. Jay flinched away from how warm it was even with the glove on. “I’m sorry, that was too harsh. We’re going to get you back to the village and get you some help, okay?”
“C’mon Sparky,” he heard Cole say, and he could hear the worry in his voice, “I’m gonna carry you, you ready?”
He didn’t wait for Jay to nod before lifting up his legs, Nya pressing him against Cole’s back so that Jay was riding piggyback style. The familiarity of the position made Jay’s eyes sting, his heart aching. Jay clung onto his brother’s gi with numb shaky hands, fingers a light shade of purple and bruised. Cole was so warm and he was so cold; surely he would be willing to share at least some of his body heat. He couldn’t be that greedy.
Flinching, Cole hissed as Jay pressed his face into the crook of his neck, starting to walk forward towards the village. “Shit, Jay, could you get any colder?”
“S-Sorry,” Jay stammered, his teeth chattering; he thought they might actually break. His gi was so much heavier than normal; logically, he knew that it was the water, but even just that line of thinking took up almost his entire brain capacity. He wanted to go to sleep.
“Don’t be sorry,” Cole said, “just keep hanging on, we’re almost there.”
Cole was a dirty liar, because it felt like a million years before they finally set foot back in the village, Nya’s hand warm on his back to keep him steady and Lloyd sprinting over from where he had been patching up one of the villager’s roofs. He skidded to a stop in front of Cole, immediately reaching for Jay’s hand and cupping it in a deliciously warm grip that Jay was instantly craving more of.
Lloyd’s face was pinched, and he quickly shouted for Kai. “What happened?” he demanded, moving out of the way so Cole could take Jay to the main hut. They were trotting at a brisk pace, one that had Jay’s head spinning from looking at his brother’s legs moving back and forth. Were Cole’s strides always this wide?
Nya took some new clothes from one of the villagers. “He was helping the fishermen and fell in the lake saving one of them. We need to get him warm.”
Kai opened the door to the hut with the firepit and took one look at the group, understanding immediately what had occurred and darting back inside. Jay only closed his eyes for a second, desperate for some relief before Lloyd was snapping his fingers in front of his face, not stopping until Jay forced his heavy lids open and stared at him with barely concealed annoyance. Lloyd wasn’t phased, continuing to keep an eye on him and make sure that Jay stayed awake. Nya did her own part, poking his sides and tickling the spots right under his bottom ribs (one of his worst spots) to make him giggle and squirm, and even though it was still annoying it was much preferred to Lloyd giving him a stink-eye.
The warmth of the fire washed over Jay and comforted him as soon as Cole stepped into the main hut, and Jay shivered like a dying man as he ached to get closer to the heat. Except instead of being laid down next to the heavenly amazing fire, Jay was plopped onto a stupid wooden bench, Nya and Cole both starting to strip off his armor and gi without any sort of fanfare.
“First Master,” he slurred, the feeling still not quite back in his tongue. His head was pounding like one of them was using the wooden mallets of the villagers to beat against his skull, “the least you could do is take me out to dinner first.”
“Jay,” Nya said, exasperated, “we’ve been dating for years. I don’t think I have to buy you dinner anymore.”
“T-That’s very sexist of you, and what about Cole?”
“We’ve been best friends longer than you’ve been dating, I don’t think I have to take you to dinner either.” Cole said pointedly, finally getting Jay’s boots off.
Jay only scoffed, letting Nya take his undershirt and throw it into the corner. “Chivalry really is dead. I deserve better than this.”
“Let me remind you of that the next time the others go out and we’re alone,” and Jay was suddenly beet red from the tips of his ears to the back of his neck; after all this time Nya still managed to get him all flustered? He really needed to get a grip.
He was finally half-naked, the two of them leaving him in just his blue boxers, and he smirked when he saw Nya look away with a light blush on her face. “Like what you see?”
“I’ll like it when I can’t see it even more,” she grumbled, and Jay felt a tinge of satisfiaction in knowing that he could still make her feel that way. Of coutse it was him that would be thinking about getting some action right after nearly drowning in a lake while currently on the verge of freezing to death.
There was a fake gagging sound in the background. “If you two are done being gross, then you can bring him over here now,” Kai said, and Jay saw that his brother’s top was off as well. The fire ninja laid down in a small nest of blankets that the villagers must’ve set up for them, tucking one over himself and leaving a nice and cozy spot wide open for Jay.
First Master, yes! He was saved!
Jay didn’t need to be told twice, and he would’ve moved himself if he had even the slightest control of his limbs. Lloyd noticed the longing look on the lightning ninja’s face, moving to help him down onto the ground since they were the closest in height. Lloyd winced at Jay’s freezing body temperature, but still held onto him long enough for the blue ninja to lay down inside of the blanket cocoon with Kai, who was quick to smother Jay with blankets made from various animal skins and wools. It had been so long since he had skin-to-skin contact like this with any of them, let alone Kai.
It was actually really nice. They should do this more often.
He hugged Jay close, hissing as his brother put his freezing hands directly onto his back. “Holy shit, Jay, could you get any colder?”
“Do you really want to find out?” Jay muttered, shoving his nose into the crook of Kai’s neck and nuzzling. Kai sighed, returning the hug and kissing the side of Jay’s head, activating the little firepower he had unlocked again and warming them up. The heat was contained in the blanket nest, and Jay was quickly lulled to sleep when he felt Kai’s hand start to play with his hair, Nya and Cole talking above his head and Lloyd crawling into the nest on Kai’s other side after kicking his boots off and into the corner.
“His hair is actually pretty fun to play with,” Kai commented, twirling the curls around his fingers and watching as they sprung back into place. He was sure that it wasn’t the first time he had ever said that about Jay’s hair, but it never hurt to say it twice.
Nya chuckled, reaching down to swipe the bangs out of her Yin’s face. “I know, you should tell him that more often.”
“Maybe I will,” Kai said, kissing his brother’s forehead and tangling their legs together. It had been a while since he had gotten some cuddles. “I forgot how cuddly he was. He’s like a koala.”
“That’s because I normally give him his cuddles,” Cole chuckled. “But it’s nice to let it be someone else for once.”
“Oh, don’t say that,” Nya lightly smacked his arm, “you wouldn’t be his first choice if you didn’t enjoy it too.”
“Yeah, I know. Wait, I’m his first choice?”
Lloyd cleared his throat from his spot next to Kai, pouting and hugging the fire ninja like he was a teddybear. “Why don’t I get cuddles more often?”
“Greenbean, you get tons. Kai handles you, Cole handles Jay, I swap between you both and Zane helps everybody,” Nya said jokingly, “although I’m sure Jay would be more than happy to join in your rotation. You could even have a Starfarer movie night.”
Suddenly, Jay began to squirm and whimper, and Kai looked down at his little brother in concern. He saw Jay’s face contorting in fear, swallowing thickly, and held him tighter when the blue ninja’s shivers ratcheted up a few notches. Rubbing his back seemed to help as it normally did, and Jay settled back down against him with a small sigh. Kai clawed his hand, using his nails instead of his blunt fingertips, and that drew a very satisfied noise out of his brother and a squawk from Lloyd as Jay threw his freezing leg overtop of his. Lloyd grumbled a little before reaching over Kai to lay his hand on Jay’s arm, tucking his head down between Kai’s shoulder blades and choosing to go to sleep as well.
Looking back at Lloyd, Kai shook his head with fond exasperation before turning to Jay again. “Are his nightmares always that quick to happen?” Kai asked quietly.
His sister hummed, thinking the question over. “Yeah, pretty much. It’s been that way for a while, but hopefully all of this,” she gestured to the mountain of blankets, ”should help.”
“Well, let’s just hope he sleeps a little easier tonight,” Kai said, preparing himself for a long night, “because we’re not going anywhere. And if he’s lucky, maybe he’ll get to keep all of his toes!”
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comfort-questing · 1 year
1. safety net
spoilers for Fontaine's 4.2 Archon Quest update...
The door was still shut.
Cryo sealed it, clear strange blue-white in the dimness and the flickering lamps, chilly as the blood in Wriothesley's veins now. He'd known this would hurt, this desperate overused force of his Vision's power for a greater task than he'd ever dared before; but it was that or - or death, if not something worse, for his people, and for him.
For his people. Yes. Everyone in this strange ancient sunken home of the exiles, the innocent and the guilty alike.
The horrible iron-salty smell of the Primordial Sea was still too strong in the back of his nose and mouth, and Wriothesley coughed, long shudders of cold and exhaustion running through him. The weight of the gauntlets on his hands tugged at his shoulders, and he locked his knees so as not to fall, the exertion of his mad dash past the closing gates catching up to him now.
Beside him, Clorinde's breathing was harsh too, face still pallid and pinched from the recent exposure she'd had in the sea outside the Fortress's doors. Salt stiffened her long hair, and two spots of red lay high on her cheekbones.
Without a word she slipped an arm under his shoulders, jerking her chin towards a widening crack high up on the left side of the door. Lifting his hand to direct more Cryo upward to patch it felt like raising a lead weight, and he coughed again, raggedly, another shiver running through him constricting his lungs on the way.
"How long do you think it'll take him?" Clorinde spoke softly, her usual monotone flatter than ever now that there was only him to hear or care.
Wriothesley thought of blue and white silks like angelfish fins, and brilliant light splitting the copper-plated dimness of the Fortress, and a familiar voice he could almost hear even now assuring him it would be safe, the home he had always fought for would not be destroyed.
"Not long, I hope."
He couldn't feel his fingers now. Around the edges of the Cryo-seals, the air frosted gently into mist, now silver in the shadows, now gold where the lamplight caught it. The thrum of mighty waters lay beyond, hungry, so hungry.
When he had first come here it had only been for himself he had feared, lying awake in his cot, imagining the glass and metal giving way and the ocean swallowing him and his despair alike. But now there were so many faces and beating hearts here that were his to care for, his to defend. And so as another wave of shivers wracked him and the hectic spiral inside his Vision spun fast and faster, he fumbled a gauntleted hand out again, and put another layer of Cryo between his home and the Primordial Sea beyond.
They were the safety net, as he had always known he would be. But having Clorinde beside him - that was a surprise, and one that he was grateful for. And the funny little Traveler and their friend, running for help even now, and Neuvillette in the lands above... they would be coming too, and so he would not be alone, even at the end if it did come to that.
He knew this would hurt in the morning.
But if there was a morning, that would be sufficient.
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