#might be a good fanfic idea
brawlina · 5 months
Ive been thinking about the Godzilla Animation. Specifically the scene where Colt is playing Brawl Stars on the train.
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Putting aside the amount of 4th wall breaks happening here, the choices of brawlers is interesting to me. Nita, Buzz, Tick, and Eve all make sense since theyre the ones with new skins this time, but why the other two?
Surge I can kinda get. Hes shown to be gigantic in previous animations and he would probably be duking it out with the others normqlly. He even has the Kong Surge skin, so you can say that hes the King Kong stand-in (They probably didn't use the actual skin cause it wasnt liscenced like the rest of them.)
But why Larry & Lawrie?
Since its Colt, I would have assumed that hed be playing himself. The games presense within the animation is 4th wall breaking enough, surely it wouldnt be too much if he was playing himself.
Is there another Kaiju character that can correlate to the twins that just wasnt added to the game? Is it trying to hint something about them? Or did they just pick a random brawler and put it in?
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kelongt · 3 months
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office romance?? no way ??
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hyperpotamianarch · 7 days
So, after seeing @half-shadowgalra's post about what if Bianca stayed alive, I thought of analyzing the topic. So, my take on what might change, following the details of canon I can remember:
Firstly, let us assume that Bianca accidentally drove Talos into the Labyrinth, and just got severe head trauma and amnesia instead of dying. Zoe, Percy and co, however, still think she died and continue under this assumption. What happens next?
Well, as far as I know, only one god might actually know Bianca is still alive - her father, Hades. Who, I might say, is not present for the Winter Solstice council and doesn't seem like he'll inform anyone. He would want his daughter safe, probably, so there's a chance he'll send Alecto to find her and bring her somewhere safe - possibly the underworld. No guarantee that the Erinyes would succeed, though.
As to what we see in canon... In his angry burst, Nico mentions feeling Bianca being judged in the underworld, and having nightmares. I'm going to have to assume his nightmares will be altered. And, well... This certainty of her death, which was another sign of them being children of Hades, will likely not exist. How will it change things? Well, I think Nico will still be angry at Percy and consider him guilty of Bianca's death. Maybe. After all, the lack of certainty he had in another timeline can't actually help him realize Bianca is alive. He can't know he would've felt it if she died - even if he started feeling such things, he probably didn't understand that well enough yet. He might have some doubts, though. That's still a minor change, all things considered.
Next time Bianca's death affects the plot is the Iris-net messages. However, we might need to explore first what happened to Bianca. Especially since she not only fell into one of the most dangerous pieces of magical architecture, she did so in a time it was being explored by a whole bunch of people. At any given moment, she could encounter Luke's forces, Clarisse, Daedalus or one of the creatures looking for her. So, you're Bianca Di Angelo, daughter of Hades, who's trapped in a maze underground and have amnesia. What can you do?
Well, I think her bow and arrows are either right beside her or a summon away - the latter is going to be problematic, because she doesn't remember how to summon them. She'll probably have her hunting knife. Oh, and did I mention that she won't remember her training, whatever amount she had?
I don't think canon gives us much indication on what she might do in such a situation. Part of the question is how much she forgot. And since we're makeing this up anyway, we can go for the option we find the most fun! Oh, and I forgot Nico is joining everyone in the Labyrinth pretty quickly. Either way, I think I'll go (regarding her memories) with forgetting everything except for her brother. And English, though it will be fun to have her speak some Italian dialect for some time. Oh, and her name. Easier that way.
So, Bianca wakes up in a cave. She only remembers her name and that she has a brother called Nico. Who is, for some reason, not present. She hears weird sounds and runs away from them.
Now here's another bit: we don't know what Bianca's powers include beyond the ability to permanently kill skeletal warriors. Incidentally, we have another canonical Pluto kid who can control caves. Now sure, Hazel and Nico supposedly have between them Hades' two dominions: riches and death. No reason to keep them separate, however. Bianca can have some power over underground spaces. We have seen Hazel interact with the Labyrinth in the House of Hades, even manipulate it - though she was using magic instead of demigod powers, so we can't be sure if someone with similar powers but no magic could do it. I do think it's possible, though - especially without anyone directly resisting her. It'd be mostly instinctive and unintentional, though, so there's no telling where it would lead her.
Now, where would Bianca find herself? It's hard to tell. Everyone goes through the arena eventually, but it takes time. Bianca can get to many places, Camp Half-Blood included as well as Geryon's farm or the underworld. There really is no telling. Meanwhile, Nico is looking into ways to find his sister and bring her back. Does he realize she's alive? Or does he still try to learn from Minos? As far as I know, we were never told how he made his way to the underworld. Did Hades send Alecto to collect him? If so, does that mean we'll have a family reunion sooner rather than later? Or maybe does Bianca inadvertently run away from it in effort to stay alive and, ironically enough, find her brother?
One possible change would be that when Hades gets Nico, he tells him (at some point) that his sister is still alive. Not in an attempt to console him - Hades doesn't really know about that - but as a throwaway line when Nico mentions her death. I think I can picture that. Nico still runs away, but this time to find his living sister - all that assuming he somehow got to Hades' palace in the time between the Titan's Curse and the Battle of the Labyrinth. In such a case, he might not turn to Minos, which would significantly change BotL. So... Maybe the best option here is Nico not getting to Hades' palace/Hades being too secretive about it all.
Now, no Percy Jackson story is complete without old myths underlining events: Percy isn't compared to Heracles for naught, there are a couple of parallels between them - at least in monster slaying and such things. Sadly, I can't say I'm an expert in Greek mythology, and I'm not sure I know enough to create a story paralleling any myth. So, I kind of hope someone more experienced could come and give a fitting story - only thing I can think of right now is Atalanta, the huntress who took a vow of virginity, joined the Argonauts for a time and participated in the hunt for the Calydonian boar, drawing first blood and thus winning the boar's hide - which eventually lead to much strife. Now, one would think this boar was used in the past, like in tTC - but nope, it was a different boar, so I'm sure having some taste of the Atalanta myth could work. Kind of. Maybe, somehow, I don't know.
So, Bianca is dealing with her own stuff. Maybe, because I just thought of it, she can also have a taste of Cadmus' story - the guy looking for his disappearing sister who went on to found a city instead. I'll have to think about it for a bit, especially since I think both Atalanta and him had a weird "happily ever after in animal form" thing. Cadmus and his wife became snakes, while Atalanta and the husband she eventually did marry (thus breaking her vow of virginity, though the consequences were somehow unrelated) were turned into lions. Huh.
Anyway, she deals with that while running away from Alecto. Nico tries to find a way to reassure his sister while Minos hides the fact she's actually still alive from him. And maybe Bianca encounters Luke.
Now, the repercussions of Bianca being alive include Percy not getting the Iris-net calls about Nico. Which would mean that, if they meet in Geryon's farm, Percy has no way to convince Nico that Bianca doesn't want what he does. Which leaves us at an impasse, so Nico would head out with Minos straight away... Probably. Here's the thing: Bianca being down there means she can be found by someone. I think Clarisse isn't a good option for that, though. So, what if Luke found her? Would she join him? Or be killed? Well, obviously not the latter, we didn't save her so that someone else might kill her. But since we want her as a hero, we'd prefer her not to serve the titans, right?
So, after some thought: maybe she got to the arena and was forced to compete. Her fighting talent was promising, so Luke suggested she join them. And then... I think she run.
This is just a vague outline, and you may have noticed this is stream of thought writing. So, umm... well, I can only say that next she's probably told to give up the search for her brother and follow a cow, which probably should lead her to the huntresses, but instead of following it she'll keep looking and will find Nico, because I honestly don't like how easily Cadmus gave up on Europa just because the oracle told him. Curses be upon Zeus. Coming to think of it, the myth of Cadmus might fit well with the theme of BotL, because Cadmus is Minos' uncle. Yeah, it's all still stream of thought.
Bianca will probably meet Nico before the whole "king of ghosts" fiasco. I think this should affect the larger story, but I'm not sure how. So, umm... Let's leave it here for now?
So, a suggestion to a more organized outline: Bianca is in the Labyrinth. She runs away from some monster and accidentally finds herself in the company of some half-bloods loyal to Kronos. At first she journeys with them and they slay monsters together. However, after having drawn first blood from a very strong monster, some of the half-bloods became angry at her for hurting their egos or something? So she run away from them? Then she gets the magical cow, maybe Alecto finds her, and then she continues to search for her brother, who she maybe finds on the verge of killing someone to bring her back to life.
I might try to write it at some point, but I'm not very good at finishing stories. So, I guess we'll see.
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It's a miracle that Nero didn't find Leo during his time homeless.
Just imagine, an incredibly powerful demigod with powers that haven't been seen in hundreds of years, alone and vulnerable out in the streets, ripe for manipulation. It would be a goldmine for Nero.
He could pull his beast tactics on him by being just kind enough to gain his trust before pulling the carpet underneath him. Or maybe he'd just straight up take him.
Who's going to care anyway?
The kid would have been his so easily his and I have no doubts he'd jump at the first opportunity to have him.
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starcurtain · 10 months
Diluven Fanfic I Want to Read...
It's time for the annual Ludi Harpastum festivities, but someone on the town planning committee's suddenly gotten a brilliant idea to mix things up: Why not, rather than having a lovely maiden throw the harpastum, give that honor to the "uncrowned king of Mondstadt" instead, with a very special prize thrown into the mix to boot--the lucky citizen who catches the ball will win not just a year's worth of good fortune, but also a whole day's date with Diluc, complete with drinks and dining at the illustrious Dawn Winery!
(Truly this plan reeks of Kaeya, but they sent Barbara of all people to ask, and what is Diluc supposed to do, tell her to throw the ball herself? There's way too many weirdos in town nowadays for that; he's looking out for her safety, unlike some people--!)
But when the celebration finally arrives, Venti (who normally just watches these festivities play out, basking in the enjoyment--and the loose purses--of everyone else) feels an echo of an earlier, deeply unpleasant age: Diluc couldn't look more uncomfortable playing the role of Mondstadt's maiden, and the crowd is a little too eager to win the right to control Master Ragnvindr's time and attention.
What's any self-respecting archon to do, seeing one of his most dedicated citizens in such distress?
Why, swoop in and save the day, of course! (It's only right that someone entirely free of ulterior motives be the one to win the festival's good fortune, after all, and the fact that an exquisite dinner topped with all-you-can-drink dandelion wine is included in catching the ball this year absolutely did not weigh into Venti's decision to participate; what are you accusing him of?!)
So Venti easily catches the harpastum, and congratulates himself on rescuing his favorite bartender from a day of deep, personal embarrassment.
Unfortunately for Diluc, who has been nursing a silent and increasingly mortifying crush on Lord Barbatos since he was like ten years old, this is absolutely the worst possible outcome. It's one thing to sneak glances at your archon when he's playing at being a broke bard in your bar--it's another thing entirely to take him on a date.
(Kaeya knew the whole thing would be hilarious when the idea first dawned on him. But this? This is gold.)
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surr3al1sm · 6 months
I’ve had this one shot (possibly more) idea for a cute little pre-canon Wanderrose fic where the two meet for the first time on a big birthday party for Wanderlust. Just two socially elite boys falling for each other in a world that very much doesn’t accept them (yet). Would anyone read this? A single “yes” and I’m writing it-
Just like Wanders parents tryna introduce him to possible suitors and he’s just enamoured with the cute Swan boy who showed up (they only invited Jack bc Wanderlust insisted and the Swans have never come before so why would they now). And when Jack leaves Wanders just like
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fritz-fandoms · 1 year
yall i gotta ask. I wanna make a fanfic for the prohibited wish ship. and I heard ppl toss around the idea of an office au. I'd like to do it but I'm not 100% sure how. Like I know a general idea but also, would their names still be the same or should I come up with my own names for them? Should I rewatch adventure time and fionna and cake episodes to make some of the characters I haven't seen in a while more accurate to their personality? At which point do these characters just end up being a new OC but taking up space on a preexisting character?
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Dear God how I fucking hate when people dismiss s character's traits because "that's just a facade! you as the reader have to see underneath it!!" like yeah no fucking shit Sherlock, a well written character has more than one (1) defining trait but that doesn't mean their most prominent one or the one most recognized by fandom ISN'T there
yes this is about people thinking dick grayson isn't actually a ray of sunshine, that it's just a mask. he's much more than the happy one, of fucking course, all batfam members (when written well) are, but that doesn't mean that being happy and bright is not a crucial part of his personality. he brings light to people's lives, he's a beacon of hope, that's what Robin was born for, as a light to Batman's darkness. That's what Nightwing is. He can be serious, sure. He's smart, an amazing strategist, incredibly good at fighting, he can be manipulative and morally gray and sometimes an objectively bad person. But he's ALSO funny and quippy and bright and sunshine. BECAUSE HE'S WELL WRITTEN.
Like Jesus stop making him so sad and wrong all the time just because you want so bad to go against "fanon". It's not fanon if it's literally his core trait. It's not fanon if it's what the character was BORN AS. God.
#I'm not sure if this even makes sense#it's almost 6am I haven't slept and I just saw someone say he's a manipulative bitch and to stop writing him as a ray of sunshine#and now I'm mad#because this parson had this lukewarm takes with most of the batkids#like yeah I get a lot of damian's traits and back story are deeply rooted in racism#but like he did try to kill tim. and he killed a bunch of people when he first got to Gotham. that's a thing that happened.#and no matter how racist the reason behind that plot line might have been#it's something that happened and choosing to believe it didn't happen because it doesn't fit your preconceived ideas of how#a character should or should not be is just plain stupid#you can explore the character and change their personality and play with them in fanfic sure that's what we all do#but don't pretend that canon doesn't exist. you can choose to utilize it or not but acknowledge it even if it's just to spit in it's face#damian's not tame he's not more chill than his brothers he's not misunderstood#he's a child who had a horribly traumatic childhood and reacts with violence because that's all he knows#Jason's angry and he has every right to be and to say he isn't is to erase an incredibly important part of his character#you don't get to tell a victim how to be a good victim. Jason's a victim.#dc#batman#rambles#batfam#batfamily#dc universe#dc comics#batman and robin#dick grayson#Jason Todd#Damian Wayne#nightwing#red hood#oh look I made a post about dc that is NOT about Tim#wild huh
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fearandhatred · 7 months
thank u so much to my beloveds @crowleys-bentley-and-plants and @seven-stars-in-his-palm for tagging me, kissing u both for this omg <3 i'm doing two of each because i can
For as many as you want of your published works, pick your favourite line/paragraph and post it up here. Let yourself feel proud of your creations.
transitional heart taxidermy [5986 words, wip]
They fit so perfectly together, the both of them, always. Not side by side like pieces of a puzzle, no, but like molten lava over sand; one over the other, one mellowing the other, changing its chemistry into something different, stronger, useful. The kiss tastes of Aziraphale, of copper and saliva and something holy. It's a taste he'll come to get used to, bloodied and bruised, a taste he chases after as the angel pulls back.
and one from an unpublished chapter:
It's been a day, two, maybe three. His hands are stained with blood and phantom glass, reeking of alcohol and rot palpable enough to taste. Aziraphale doesn't come for him, and he feels relief but also a pain so deep it's paralysing. It's a revelation in itself.
blood in my eyes [1953 words]
This is the first time in years he has stepped foot back into this place. It's a spontaneous decision, driven by a mellow melancholy and a soft wistful night. Muriel isn't in, so the bookshop is dark, and the streetlights cast an eerie, lonely glow on the ancient hardbacks. The rearing statue that once held his glasses every other day is coated in a thin layer of dust; he leaves them on.
Crowley wipes away a tear from Aziraphale's cheek with his thumb. It leaves a bright red streak. After, hours pass by before Aziraphale washes the blood from his face, imprinted in the vague shape of Crowley's hand. In those hours, when he sits in the quiet of a bookshop once again burned to ash, the blood stays there as a reminder, maybe, or as punishment.
sub-consequence [11567 words, wip] — six of crows
He wants to say everything he could possibly say to persuade Kaz to change his mind, because if he says everything in the world, strings together every word in every possible combination, there has to be at least one thing that would convince him to stay.
Sometimes Inej thinks Kaz cares about himself less than he cares about getting what he wants. It feels sometimes as if he's completely detached from himself, his own person becoming just another means to an end. People would scream at her that this isn't selflessness. It's ruthlessness, or psychopathy, or numbness. That's how the name Dirtyhands came about, after all. The willingness to do anything no matter the cost. To get his hands dirty with blood, be it others' or his own. But what is selflessness, really? A lack of selfishness, or a loss of self?
to sleep, perchance to dream [662 words] — the sandman
God, Calliope. His heart, face of cloud fields and white lily springs, a hope so blinding in contrast to his shadowed being that he had known from the start the hands of The Fates would pull them apart to opposite poles.
His lifetime of constraint allowed him to face the knowledge that any selfish will to see her in the wake of remembering all he had forsaken, all that had been ripped from him, would seal the vestibules to acceptance and he would beg with no dignity to stay by her side. And his heart burned, scorched unpleasantly at her parting words, just as the skin she touched and had once touched long after she was twice gone.
tagging those whose words i'd love to see (no pressure!!): @actual-changeling @sentientsky @irispurpurea @springofviolets @demonsandpieohmy
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convexicalcrow · 2 years
The Evoker known as Cub stood on the mountain, looking at a large collection of dangling mobs, most of whom had been turned upside down. Scar, his Vex, perched on his shoulder, and Cub was sure he'd never met a Vex filled with so much rage before. But that had its uses.
"Is this the player who hurt you, Scar?" Cub said.
The Vex hissed. Yes. Gave. Armour that hurt. To me. Attacked me! Made me kill him! Allay help not hurt! Now just want to hurt.
Cub hadn't heard the Vex speak with such difficulty before. But of course he was always looking for ways to hurt players, and perhaps this was an opening.
"Tell me more about this player. How can we hurt him?" Cub asked.
Come. There is a hall, Scar said.
Cub followed the Vex into the circular base and down into a tunnel on the highest level. Here, there were chests and barrels, and upon inspection, it seemed to be this player seemed to be collecting every item possible.
See, this chest, master, this one. There is one missing. He craves it, master. He will do anything for it, master, Scar said, urging him to look into one chest in particular.
Cub opened the chest to find all the precious ores represented, save for one. Deepslate emerald ore. Very difficult to find, but greed is always a good motivator.
"Well, well, well. Now, how did you come to find out about this player's desires, Scar?" Cub said.
He talks. Always talks. I hear things of course, Scar said.
"Of course, of course. And I'm guessing your reason for bringing me here is to get revenge on this player, yes?" Cub said.
He must hurt like I hurt, master. I could not stomach it before, when all I desired was to help. But now he must hurt too, Scar said.
Cub brought the little Vex into his arms and cradled it against his chest. Scar was very emotional for a Vex, and its little body was trembling in his hands. Allays usually didn't carry pain like this, and perhaps that was also why Scar was his favourite. The Vex was unique and had become his constant companion. This Vex Cub would protect with his life if it came to it.
"Well, if that rare ore is what this player craves, then that will be the lure. Oh, I have not set traps like this in a long time. Your revenge will be had, little one, don't you worry about that," Cub said.
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blorbusshmorbus · 9 months
Hey guys, I just noticed that the relationship between Felix and Oliver could be similar to the relationship between Dionysus and Satyrs in Greek mythology. Basically as Dionysus is heavily associated wine and partying in general, and is always being followed by his band of Maenads (flower hippies that are also very evil) and Satyrs which is similar to Felix as he is often described as the life of the party and is always surrounded by a group of people. Anyway, on the other hand, Satyrs are half-goat men whose actions are driven by desire, with them often being seen on vases with phallic imagery. This sort of relates to Oliver, as he is driven by his desire for Felix through most of the film.
But yeah, this probably wasn't what Fennel was going for as I know that her literary references were more modern than ancient greek mythology, but its just something funky I've noticed.
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skylitstories · 20 days
guys hear me out. ghost chasers/urban exploring/supernatural au.
HEAR ME OUT it has:
character A grabbing character B's hand when they think they see something at the end of the hallway
character B holding a shaking character A in their arms after they have a terrifying experience with a ghost/spirit
character B yelling out "leave (character A) alone! you don't get to lay a finger on them!"
character A sitting there, knees pulled to their chest saying "i swear i saw something" and not expecting anyone to believe them, but character B kneels in front of them and takes character A's hands and whispers "i believe you"
an experiment/communication attempt goes too far and character B pulls character A to their chest and just keeps repeating "i'm sorry, i'm so sorry, i almost lost you, fuck"
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why am i so tempted to actually try to write the flf vampire au now
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lovelesslittleloser · 8 months
Genuinely want to read a fanfiction about a random Gothamite writing a fanfiction shipping Bruce Wayne & Batman, and coincidentally guessing too many facts right, forcing B to read self-ship fanfiction to make sure they aren’t a threat
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palehottubchild · 1 year
Hi genuine question for all the fic writers here: how did you start posting and like how did you deal w it bc i have billions of like half finished half incomprehensible scenes in my notes app and i secretly want to finish one and like get it out there bc theyre kinda useless where they're at right now but it's also Very Scary to have it be out there yknow like I've seen some of the comments out there and that's on the GOOD fics that like are genuinely impressive I don't wanna know what the kinda shitty ones are getting yknow idk sorry this is a bit longer than necessary so uh tldr: how did you work up the courage
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gascreates · 7 months
So, in your AtLA Dino AU, do they switch back and forth or what?
that's the idea, yep! everyone can swap back and forth between their human form and dino form at will. the few worldbuilding rules i have in my head are that transforming takes energy and practice, dino forms can't talk, dino forms can still bend, and dinos are only known in the world as humans. there aren't raw dinos running around, unfortunately. that said, im very lenient on world building details here, it's not really a cohesive narrative at the moment. im literally just making art and jokes ahdjhsjf
alsoooo im fully on board with other interpretations or people using my dino designs for their own aus!!! i'd love to see other people's takes
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