#might be plural now
mxmollusca · 2 years
Watch "Taika Waititi & Rhys Darby Take Lie Detector Tests | Vanity Fair" on YouTube
Solid gold. I stan (2) kiwi dilfs.
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leonardalphachurch · 4 months
also i have a joke in cccr where they’re not understanding how alpha and epsilon are different and doc chimes in to help explain plurality and reminds them all of the pamphlet he made for them and someone (grif) is like oh god do we actually have to learn this shit now and doc is like. well. you could have learned it. for me 🥺
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taxi-boi · 6 months
i wonder if hl2vrai (or as i like to call it hlvraii-) alyx is gonna have any connection to hlage alyx.
do to my completely assumption based understanding of actual half life lore hl:a presumably takes place after(?) hl2. but chances are its.. hlage is going to have canonical relevance and gord help you if you havent watched the hlage finale. gnome lore is real shit. anyways point is like. its gonna be important relevant lore stuff and it takes place in the past for gordon/wayne atleast, and i dont think theyre gonna get particularly achronological in universe so under the assumption hlage takes place before hlvraii how does that affect alyx?
obviously wayne plays as alyx in the game but the gnome recognizes him as gordon. even as wayne continually points out that thats not who hes playing as. is gordon/wayne possessing alyx in this context? will alyx hold any memory of hlage? how does she feel about gordon? would she be spiteful? would she feel like she recognizes him without knowing from where? does she gnome?
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antiendovents · 2 months
more venting ... Eep kinda, I'm so sorry y'all put up with me , not exactly endo related tho, big TW in this one, please check tags for appropriate TWs
I don't really understand what's happening, am I crashing? Am I having some kind of melt down? I don't know. I just feel bad. Horrible. Like the entire world is so horrid and dark and that I'll never be able to be who I want to be. I don't understand this place and I don't think I ever will. I don't understand why people hate me, why they want me dead just for being me. I'm so scared. I feel like someone's going to kill me, like I will die before I even get the chance to be.. me. And everytime I tell someone they just fucking laugh at me, or try give me "logic". But I know that logically it is possible. I could get murdered and it's scary. I do not want to leave my house anymore. At all. It's literally my birthday and all I can think of is how fucked everything is and how I'm going to end up dead.
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Go look at my other time lord slideshows
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We drew a thing for @alildritten because we felt like it! And also because we wanted to practice with some charcoal pencils... Kinda like how it turned out (except for our attempts to blend the white pencil in with the charcoal... That didn't entirely go as planned on the left wing). Flag colors may not be exact, but we had to work with what we had and we got pretty close (interestingly enough, that second row on the flag is a LOT more noticable in the picture than irl... It's barely noticable in person)
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duskittycat · 5 months
i feel it's worth reminding other white people that being part of any minority group does not somehow counteract your whiteness
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essektheylyss · 1 year
Oh hey! Do you like stories about wlw and weird, convoluted forms of time travel? Do you like supporting queer folks making cool art? Did River Song rewire your brain as a teenager?
I wrote a short story called "A Practical Study of Time" for Baffling Magazine, a queer speculative fiction mag! It's published on Patreon, if you're interested in becoming a patron of a super neat lit mag—or it'll be on their site when their eleventh issue is published in April!
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median-culture-is · 1 year
Median culture is wanting to come out to your bf who is accepting of systems but didn't think you were a system when he found out you were questioning :(
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starpros-sunshine · 6 months
I can now do piracy on the TV and actually properly enjoy the films :3
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cursedthing · 1 year
what is your classpect?
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Muse of breath! :D
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skhardwarevers1 · 6 months
ooohohooooo the subplot in my plans for other characters is looking soooooo interesting rn
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oliveasaltylife · 6 months
Everything still sucks but in a very surprising turn of events my mother gave us more money than anticipated to help tide us over until my husband starts his job.
So I used a little bit of it to splurge for my husband’s birthday, and I finally ordered prints of our wedding photos and a framed canvas print. I also got him some cool Jellycat stuffed animals and a replacement pair of pajama pants. I’m so excited and vibrating from the excitement. I just needed to tell someone [the void] before I completely burst into a million pieces.
CW: food
I also ordered GF/dairy free gourmet marshmallows that I’m going to surprise him with during Hanukkah. One of the items is a banana pudding fluff he saw. The item description said to freeze it and it’s better than ice cream.
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willonerdygoat · 7 months
Snafu: Do any other thoughtforms etc* also get kind of overwelmed when your host overthinks what you'll say next?
So if my host asks me a question, and either wants me (usually subconsciously) to answer a certain way or is very, very focused on my answer and applies great importance to it, I can't really think properly. I can't focus on what my real thoughts are. It's similar to how my host gets overwhelmed when in arguments sometimes- not really being able to think normally.
Since we're both very verbal thinkers, we usually stop thinking in words when we get overwhelmed, which makes speech difficult and draining. For me this happens in this type of situation (I'm fine in arguments ùwú)
So yep is that a thing that happens to other folks?
*thoughtforms, created headmates, willomates, paromates, daemons, tulpas, ya get the gist. (Input from other plurals/medians would be appreciated, though I'm assuming it's related to the being made by your host aspect)
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foxgirlplushie · 1 year
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lunarflare64 · 9 months
Us talking to our councillor about this newly discovered alter: his job is to help us process this negative emotion and protect us, and sometimes he goes too far and either we get hurt or other people get hurt, but he doesn't mean to, and we cant do this without him
Our councillor: so how do you control him? How do you restrain him? Can you get rid of him? Can you make him stop?
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