#might come back and write smth better later
whumpshaped · 1 year
Okay okay okay
Re: whumpee and guns
Whumper is being investigated for some unrelated major crime
Agents storm his residence after staking it out
Imagine an armed agent barging in to see whumpee alone and absolutely miserable, hurt, hungry, and in rags
Agent is standing in disbelief (what the FUCK), gun held loose by his side as he stares at whumpee (We didn't know there was a PERSON HERE WHAT THE FUCK)
Whumpee crawls up to him
Looks at him with these doe eyes (bc that's what whumper likes)
And nuzzles the gun so its pointed directly into his forehead, execution style (please please please help me or kill me or both please I don't want to suffer anymore please please please)
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@echo-goes-aaa hewwo c:
tw guns, pet whump, trauma, known whumpee, people in authority handling a bad situation very poorly
Whumpee didn't know what was going on downstairs. They knew Whumper had been on edge for the past week, but they had assumed it was just work related stress. Besides, they were never told much about real world issues. People issues. Those weren't for pets' innocent, empty brains.
They could hear people yelling and struggling, and they curled up a little tighter on the pet bed, inside the trusty cage. Nothing could hurt them inside, no matter how loud or scary it was. Except the bedroom door was bust down soon after, and several strangers in identical clothing stormed in and dragged them out of there.
There was more yelling. Someone told the people to stop and Whumpee was let go, allowed to stay kneeling on the floor, trembling in fear in front of these unknown clones of destruction.
Their new masters?
They glanced up at the one standing directly in front of them, keeping their expression pleasant and soft. They didn't miss the gun in their hand that was now hanging limply by their side. They looked shocked to have found them.
"There wasn't supposed to be another person here," they called to the rest of the team, but only got a couple shrugs in response. "We need to get them out of here. They need medical attention."
Oh. Oh, no. I can't. I can't keep doing this. You have a gun, use it.
Whumpee crawled closer, despite the trembling and the dread, nuzzling against the stranger's gun. They shifted in a way so that it was pointing straight at their head, whimpering quietly.
You just need to pull the trigger. I could maybe deal with new masters, but I can't go back out there. Not after all this. Not after my face has been all over the news. Please.
Their only hope for salvation and rest pulled away the gun abruptly, almost startled. "What are you doing?" they whispered, horrified, and Whumpee knew they wouldn't be granted freedom here. They kept their gaze on the floor and scooted back a little, resignation and shame flooding their entire body. "Someone get them out of here already! They're clearly not well!"
Whumpee wanted to scream, to tell them yes, they're broken, ruined, beyond saving. They wanted to plead until someone took pity on them, enough to put a bullet in their head. They just wanted it to end. They didn't want to be brought downstairs, past their captor, maybe shoved inside the same vehicle as them.
Strong hands grabbed them under the arms and pulled them up, helping them walk through the house they'd spent their last several years in. Whumper was nowhere to be found downstairs, nor outside in any of the cars. Whumpee could still hear their voice in the back of their mind, felt those piercing eyes on their way too exposed body.
Exposed. Exposed to the whole world. Isn't it great, Whumpee? You're famous! Their head was spinning, and they desperately tore themself out of the strangers' hold, attempting to run back into the house. They were tackled and yelled at, and they could only sob as they were finally loaded into one of the empty cars, told to wait.
They banged their head against the back of the driver's seat and wept.
@ashh-ed @whumpsday @whump-queen @dustbunnywhump
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moonstruckme · 9 months
Hii! First off, I love your writing!
Could i request poly!marauders x reader who normally is very upbeat/sunshine-y but is feeling down and is really overwhelmed by school (like homwork or exams or smth) and they comfort her and help her study?
Don't worry if you don't wanna do it it is just an idea that popped in my head<3
Thanks for requesting!! Here you go sweetness <3
poly!marauders x (overwhelmed)sunshine!reader ♡ 998 words
“Hi, dovey.” Remus drops a kiss on your head as he comes to perch on the edge of James’ bed. You’re probably the most concentrated he’s ever seen you, lasered in on your homework as James pouts beside you. 
“Hey,” you say, and from anyone else your reply might sound normal, but Remus stops short. There’s none of your usual animation in your voice, no “how’s your day going, handsome?” and no jumping up to wrap your arms around his neck. From his own bed, Sirius shoots Remus a look. He’s noticed, too. 
“How’s your day going?” he asks probingly. 
Remus nearly flinches, not that your tone is sharp. But it feels limp and lifeless compared to what he’s come to expect from you. He wants desperately to set you right, and from James and Sirius’ distressed expressions they feel much the same, but they’re in uncharted territory. He doesn’t know how to deal with you when you’re not your usual upbeat self. 
Remus decides on a roundabout tactic. “Everything alright, Prongs?”
James looks at him with giant, long-lashed eyes. “Y/N doesn’t want to go on a picnic.” 
Your eyes dart to James momentarily, and Remus thinks something like regret flashes across your face, but then your attention is back on your work. Sirius cocks his head as he watches you, trying to figure you out. Remus hopes he’s doing a better job than he is right now. 
You reach up to pet James’ hair absentmindedly. “I’m sorry, sweetheart, I just don’t have time today.” 
“It’s only going to be nice outside for so long,” James whines. 
Your sigh is deep and tired, and Remus feels like all the air goes out of his lungs with it, a dull ache blossoming in his sternum. “I’m sorry,” you say again. 
“Maybe we can all go tomorrow,” Remus says placatingly, reaching behind you to rub James’ shoulder. You don’t say anything, but he sees doubt and guilt flit in quick succession across your expression. “What’re you working on there, love?”
“Isn’t that due today?”
“Dove.” He infuses his voice with some sternness, and it works; you look up. “Why are you doing that so last minute?”
Remus is used to everything moving fast when it comes to you. You’re a sprightly thing. You’re there one second, gone the next; your smile sparks to life quicker than he can blink; your kisses are enthusiastic and rapid-fire, little pecks all over his face. But he isn’t expecting it, the way your eyes are looking at him dully, and an instant later they’re full of tears. 
Your voice comes out choked, and Sirius leans forward in his chair almost instinctively, like he’s lunging for you. “I don’t know.” 
“What do you mean, darling?” Remus asks gently, cupping your face. You won’t let yourself lean into it like you usually do, but a tear escapes your eye, racing down your cheek where Remus catches it with his thumb. “Are you having trouble studying?”
“I’m not—” Another tear follows the first, and you swipe at it, shaking your head with a high-pitched laugh. “Sorry, I don’t know why I’m crying.” 
“It’s okay,” Sirius says, voice uncharacteristically soft. He looks as pained as Remus feels, at a loss for how you like to be treated when you’re upset. “What’s going on, baby?”
“I just can’t do it all as easily as you guys.” The words seem torn from you, each more scratched and fragile than the last. “I can’t keep up.”
Remus wants to ask again: What do you mean? but he holds his tongue. 
“I don’t get this.” You shove at the paper in front of you as if it will go away. “I’m not good at essays and I can’t keep track of what we’re doing in class. I’ve never had a problem before so I don’t understand why—” you take in a gasping, ragged lungful of air, and the sound tears at Remus’ heartstrings “—why all of a sudden I feel so dumb.” 
“Whoa, hey.” James takes your homework off your lap, pulling you in for a hug. “You’re not dumb, angel. Everyone has trouble keeping up sometimes. It’s a busy time of year, yeah?”
“It is,” Sirius confirms. “Flitwick seems to have forgotten we have other classes, with all he’s been assigning lately. And the potions essay due next week has been kicking my ass.” 
“Mine too,” you say miserably into James’ chest. 
“Is this why you’ve been so quiet lately?” James asks, his hand stroking a path down your spine and back up again. “How long have you been this overwhelmed?”
“I don’t know.” Your sigh is muffled by his shirt. “Since last week, I guess.” 
“Dove, you’ve got to be exhausted.” Remus shakes his head, stunned you’ve let this go on so long and vexed with himself for not realizing. “Take some time to rest. We’ll help you study when you’re ready to start again.” 
You turn around in James’ arms with a sniffle, your eyes red-rimmed but your features a bit less tense than they had been. “Thanks, but you don’t have to. You guys have your own homework, you shouldn’t waste your time helping me with mine.” 
James laughs, giving you a firm shake by the shoulder. “We don’t mind, silly. A lot of it’s the same stuff, we can just talk through it together.”
“Yeah?” you look at him hopefully, and Remus is more relieved than he’ll ever admit when he notices some of the brightness coming back to your expression. 
“Uh, yeah.” Sirius says, the duh implicit. “Honestly, sunshine, if you think any time spent with you is wasted, you’re more sleep-deprived than I thought. To bed with you.” 
You grin, but do as he tells you, laying your head down on James’ pillow. 
“Thanks,” you tell Remus as he lays a throw over you. “I really appreciate the help.” 
Remus smiles at you, his sunny-faced girl restored. “Anytime, dove.”
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Hii,do you mind if you make an scene where you and furina or any other characters fight and you ended up taking their cuddling privilege through the rest of the day? Thanks!!
Them taking away your cuddle privileges after a fight
characters: Furina / Nilou x gn!reader (separate)
warnings: none
a/n: ....you know... reading through the request one last time before posting this, it looks like I may have misunderstood smth *slightly*.
I hope this is still fine! If you want me to write reader taking away their cuddling priviledges after all just request it again and I'll try to write it someday!
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
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“I’m nowhere clingy!”
You’d have to be either deaf, stupid or oblivious to an unhealthy degree to miss your cuddling privileges being revoked. Furina had not exactly been subtle when openly declaring it after all. And while she may not have mentioned cuddling specifically, not trusting herself to not blush like a little kid at just the mention of it, you felt confident in saying that she had delivered her message well enough for even the most tone-deaf idiot to understand.
And yet, the exact same accusation that you had half-jokingly thrown her way and that she had taken such great offense to, turned the next few days into some of the best entertainment you had experienced in recent memory. Seeing an former Archon act dignified while at the same time having to fight the obvious urge to hug you the moment you were behind closed doors, only to then turn around and act like her embargo on hugging and cuddling was punishing you, was funnier than any comedy a human could possibly ever pen.
“So… about our argument a few days ago.” Furina spoke up the moment you returned to the table with your cooking, forcing you to fight off the grin that was threatening to pop-up on your face.
“So, about our argument a few days ago”, you repeated her words, intentionally ending on a high note to leave her waiting for your next words, only to continue to set up the table in silence.
“Are you- I-” she eventually stuttered out, only to stop herself before she could embarrass herself further. Her cheeks glowing slightly red as she tried to regain her composure.
“Who knows, if you were to apologize for your groundless accusations a few days back right now, I might just forgive you”, Furina graciously offered with closed eyes, avoiding to look at you in the process.
All the better for you, or she might have noticed the wide grin that had finally broken out on your face. For a moment you considered her ‘offer’. Sure, you missed cuddling on the couch as well and weren’t exactly the biggest fan of keeping up these kind of games…. and yet seeing her continue to needlessly die on this hill that so obviously harmed her more than you was very amusing.
“Wow, really? That seems very nice of you”, you mused with a smile while filling her plate with a portion before doing the same for yours and sitting down opposite of her. “Bon Appetit!”
“Oh come on. Stop being so stubborn! I’ve even given you such a good opportunity to apologize!” Furina's dignified act crumbled right before your eyes as she started to sound more and more desperate. You could practically hear her begging you to be the bigger person, and yet being small felt surprisingly great.
And yet you eventually- FINALLY gave in, much to the relief of the person sitting in front of you. “I am so sorry for calling you clingy Furina. I now see that I was clearly in the wrong and the one actually fitting the description of ‘clingy’ was in fact me”, your apology came out with a… healthy amount of sarcasm, and yet it was more than enough for her.
“...I’ll forgive you. Since you were nice enough to cook for me today”, she declared.
“I know I might be overplaying my hand here, but would you be so kind as to indulge me in a bit of cuddling later on? I’ve simply had to go on without it for far too long.”
“YES- Sure”, Furina immediately jumped at your offer before quickly switching back to her usual act, a wide smile plastered on her face nonetheless as she looked down at the food in front of her.
“It looks delicious, bon appetit!”
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While the two of you seemed to have quickly moved past your argument, spending time together as if nothing had happened and avoiding to even mention the subject again, it quickly dawned on you that while you had hoped this to be one of those arguments noone had to explicitly apologize for and that was simply forgotten the next day, the other party involved seemingly was of a different opinion.
Not that Nilou said anything, she greeted you with the same sweet smile before chatting and going on small walks through the bazaar with you in the same manner as on any day of the week. And yet, whenever you as much as tried to initiate any kind of physical contact, no matter if hand-holding or hugging and cuddling, she’d dodge as easily as she breathed. At first it seemed like nothing but a coincidence, but after the dozenth time even you realized something was wrong.
What followed was a days-long standoff. Both of you trying to make the other one crack before yourself, while retaining your sweet and unbothered facade, and while there were moments where you could have sworn to nearly see Nilou instinctively grab your hand, she always managed to stop herself before anything happened.
And while you certainly could have continued with the act for weeks to come, you eventually decided to be the bigger person. For the sake of putting this childish game of chicken behind, of course. And for no other reasons.
“Sure Nilou. You win”, you disrupted the silence that existed between the two of you while Nilou was in the process of adjusting her stage, her movement grinding to a halt as she began staring at you in confusion.
“I wasn’t aware we were playing something. Did you have fun?”
‘Not aware’ your a- 
“Mhm, I am sorry about the argument”, you cut off your thoughts, immediately earning yourself a tilt of her head. After all this time you knew her clueless act to be nothing but an act and yet, when she looked at you like this you nearly found yourself doubting it all over again.
“Oh that? That was a whole week ago, did it still bother you all this time?”, she asked before finally finishing putting down the pot of flowers, quickly making her way down from the stage to join you and shooting you a sweet smile. “Don’t worry, I forgive you. I also didn’t mean everything I’ve said.”
If Nilou hadn’t suddenly grabbed your hand and started pulling you along her daily routine, you might have almost rolled your eyes, instead you found yourself thanking Lesser Lord Kusanali that you were indeed correct about your theory.
Bye Bye childish standoff, welcome back cuddling privileges.
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thatdammchickennugget · 3 months
Hello! I freaking love your writing. I was wondering if you could write Remus x fem!reader fic where the reader is a little 'keep my feelings to myself' closed off-ish person. She is in a relationship with Rem, she loves him but is scared to tell him that, thinking he might not say it back and one day drunk, she comes to his dorm or smth like that and launches why she loves him and all the little things he does that make her happy and how she is scared of feeling so much about someone. And Remus is just melting in his seat cause he does feel the same and much more towards her. I know this might be too specific so if you want you can change some part for better writing flow.❤️
Tangled Hearts
a/n - loved this request so much, I've been having so much fun writing for remus again lately ♡
pairing - remus lupin x gn!reader
warnings - fluff, alcohol, mention of y/n
wordcount - 1.4k
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You sit quietly in the Gryffindor common room, the crackling fire providing a comforting backdrop to the chatter of your fellow students. Amidst the laughter and animated discussions, you find solace in the dim light, observing from a distance, your thoughts a tumultuous sea of emotions.
Remus, your boyfriend, occupies the armchair across from you, engrossed in a book. His sandy hair falls gently across his forehead, and his warm brown eyes flicker with curiosity as he turns each page. You watch him with a mixture of adoration and apprehension, your heart heavy with unspoken words.
It's been months since you and Remus officially started dating, navigating the labyrinth of emotions that comes with young love. Yet, despite the countless sweet moments you've shared, there's one sentiment that remains trapped within the confines of your chest: the three words you long to say but fear to speak.
You steal a glance at Remus, a pang of longing coursing through you as you imagine the weight of those words hanging in the air between you. But the fear of rejection looms large, a specter haunting your every thought. What if he doesn't feel the same? What if your vulnerability drives him away?
Lost in your thoughts, you barely notice the gentle hand that settles on your shoulder, pulling you back to reality. Sirius offers you a sympathetic smile, his eyes filled with understanding.
"You alright there?" he asks, his voice laced with concern. "You seem a bit distant tonight."
You muster a weak smile in response, offering a noncommittal nod. "Just tired, I suppose," you reply, your voice barely above a whisper.
Sirius studies you for a moment, his gaze piercing through the facade you've carefully constructed. He knows you better than most, sensing the turmoil that rages beneath the surface.
"Listen, if there's ever anything you need to talk about," Sirius begins, his tone earnest, "you know I'm here for you, right? You don't have to keep everything bottled up."
You nod gratefully, the weight of his words like a balm to your wounded soul. But even as you offer him a small smile of appreciation, you can't shake the lingering doubt that gnaws at the edges of your consciousness.
As the hours stretch into the night, you remain ensconced in the shadows, your heart heavy with the burden of unspoken words. And amidst the laughter and camaraderie that fills the Gryffindor common room as your friends prepare for the party tonight, the anticipation of the upcoming fun swirls around you, a mix of excitement and trepidation as the evening wears on. 
Your friends buzz with energy, exchanging jests and making plans for the night ahead. Yet, you can't shake the unease that lingers in the pit of your stomach, a silent reminder of the words left unsaid.
Later that night, you find yourself swept up in the revelry, the music and laughter washing over you like a tide. But even as you try to lose yourself in the moment, the weight of your unspoken feelings anchors you to the ground. Was Remus waiting for you to tell him? Would he pull away if you didn’t? Or would your admission drive him away because he doesn’t feel the same way?
Hours pass in a blur of dancing and laughter, time and drinks slipping away unnoticed until the room begins to blur around the edges. You've had one too many drinks, the alcohol coursing through your veins and dulling the edges of your worries.
In a haze of drunken determination, you stumble away from the crowd, your feet carrying you in the direction of Remus's dormitory. Each step feels like a battle against gravity, your mind swimming with thoughts and emotions too turbulent to contain.
Your boyfriend had complained about a migraine not long ago. You had instantly gotten up from your seat next to Lily to go lie down with him, but he had told you not to worry about it and have fun, glad to see you let a little loose for once and confident that his friends would keep an eye on you. Unbeknownst to him, Sirius was way past thinking clearly and the two of you had gone all out at the drinks table after he left.
Finally reaching Remus's door, you fumble with the handle, your fingers clumsy from the alcohol. With a sigh of relief, you push the door open, stumbling into the dimly lit room beyond.
"Y/n?" Remus's voice cuts through the fog in your mind, filled with concern as he rushes to your side. "Are you alright?"
You try to muster a response, but the words elude you, slipping through your fingers like grains of sand. Instead, you collapse onto his bed, your head spinning as Remus kneels beside you, his eyes clouded with worry.
"Merlin, you're drunk," he murmurs, his voice tinged with both amusement and concern. "What happened?"
You open your mouth to speak, but all that emerges is a garbled mess of words, your thoughts jumbled and incoherent. With a sigh, Remus reaches out, gently brushing a strand of hair from your face as he surveys you with a mixture of fondness and exasperation.
"I think it's time you got some rest," he says softly, his hand lingering on your cheek.
You nod, the warmth of his touch sending a shiver down your spine as you sink into the comfort of his presence. 
Remus helps you out of your shoes and covers you with a blanket, tucking you in with a tenderness that melts away the last of your worries. As he settles onto the bed beside you, you can't help but revel in his warmth, the steady rhythm of his breath a soothing melody in the darkness.
For a while, you lie in silence. But as the alcohol dulls your inhibitions, a sense of urgency gnaws at the edges of your consciousness, urging you to break free from the shackles of silence.
"Remus," you whisper, your voice barely above a breath as you turn to face him, your heart pounding in your chest. "I... I need to tell you something."
Remus meets your gaze, his eyes soft with concern as he reaches out, his hand finding yours in the darkness. "What is it, love?" he asks, his voice a gentle caress against your skin as he presses his lips to your forehead.
You take a deep breath, steeling yourself for the vulnerability that comes with laying your heart bare. "I... I love you, Remus," you confess, the words tumbling from your lips like a prayer into the night. "I love you more than I can put into words, and... and I'm sorry for not saying it sooner."
Remus's heart skips a beat at your words, the weight of them sinking deep into his soul. He watches you with an intensity that makes your breath catch in your throat, his eyes shimmering and a soft smile playing on his lips. Your breath catches for a moment, the feeling of regret quickly washing over you, but instead of rejection or hesitation, you feel the warmth of his hand tightening around yours, his touch a silent reassurance, urging you to keep talking.
"I love the way you always have a book tucked under your arm, the way your eyes light up when you talk about something you're passionate about," you confess, your voice trembling with emotion. "I love the way you look at me like I'm the only person in the room, the way you make me feel safe and loved."
You don’t give him the chance to respond, a sense of vulnerability creeping in, filling you with a fear you can't quite name. "I'm scared, Remus," you admit, your voice barely above a whisper as you meet his gaze, your eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "Scared of feeling so much about someone, scared of what might happen if I lose you."
Remus's heart aches at the raw honesty in your words, his own fears and insecurities laid bare before you. With a soft sigh, he pulls you into his arms, holding you close as he presses another tender kiss to your forehead.
"I'm scared too, love," he murmurs, his voice trembling with emotion. "But you have no idea how long I've waited to hear those words from you. I love you, too, more than anything in this world."
The tenderness in his voice sends a surge of warmth coursing through you, melting away the last of your doubts. You reach out, cupping his face in your hands as you press your lips to his, pouring all of your love and longing into the kiss.
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spaceshipellie · 10 months
ok ok rockstar!ellie x actress!reader ,, ellie being like obsessed with reader and her films / shows and says smth about u during an interview. reader seeing it and talking about it in another interview. even better if readers a bit older than ellie and ellie had a poster of reader in her room when she was younger sjshsg
the blades
rockstar!ellie x actress!reader
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part one (two pending)
summary: ellie’s band did a song for your upcoming movie and you both mention each other in interviews.
warnings: reader is like 5-6 years older than ellie but they’re both in their twenties
author’s note: i love this concept so much i want to write more rockstar!ellie x actress!reader in future!! tysm for the request, i hope you like it 🖤 wc: 800
“so let’s talk about your latest single, caves, which is for the new movie end of beginning, right?”
“right,” ellie nodded at the interviewer, twisting the rings on her fingers which rested in her lap. she was usually pretty nervous doing interviews, still only feeling truly comfortable in front of a crowd when she had her guitar hanging from her shoulders.
“it’s an incredible song and goes so well in the movie, i mean…” the interviewer’s voice trailed off as they turned to the audience who were whooping and cheering at the compliments. “well they certainly agree!”
“thank you, we’ve had so much fun getting to be a part of it,” dina beamed her award-winning smile.
“so were you able to meet the stars? what did they think?”
“we did briefly which was amazing,” dina carried on, “and i think they loved it!?” she turned to jesse.
“yeah they thought it was great which for us, you know, was crazy as they’re super talented people so that recognition was uh, was amazing. ellie especially loved it,” jesse said, sneaking in a jab at his band mate and best friend.
“really ellie?” the interview seemed keen to know more.
ellie stretched her arm up, nervously scratching the back of her head and tried to fight a smile off her lips. “yeah, i mean i…oh man, thanks jesse.”
“i’m a huge fan so it was a trip getting to meet them,” she finally settled on.
“meeting y/n?” the interviewer pushed.
“yeah, meeting y/n was great.”
“why do i feel like there’s more you’re not telling me?” the interviewer joked.
“well,” she awkwardly laughed, “no, i mean she’s an insanely talented actress and i’ve loved her movies for years so it’s always pretty crazy meeting someone like that.”
“that, and the posters,” dina leaned into ellie’s shoulder. ellie tried to refrain from swearing on tv.
“yeah,” she admitted, “i had a poster of her on my wall when i was like 16.”
“was she a bit of a celebrity crush for you?”
“something like that, yeah.” ellie’s cheeks had gone bright red and they felt hot under the bright stage lights and mini interrogation she was experiencing.
“oh it’s all coming out now,” jesse laughed and dina laughed with him. ellie chuckled, embarrassed, whilst shooting them a glare.
she ran her hands down her face. “oh, i can’t believe you just made me admit that on tv.”
“she’s probably going to see this,” the interviewer said, “and she’s on here next week.”
“oh god, don’t even mention it.”
— a week later —
“so, y/n! thanks for being on the show.”
“thank you for having me!” you shot your best smile at the interviewer and the crowd, who cheered.
“you’re new movie end of beginning is out now, is that right?”
“yes it’s out now and we had the premier last week which was an incredible night!”
“it looked amazing, as did you, so stunning!”
“thank you so much.”
the interviewer went on asking you more questions about your role in the movie before bringing up ellie’s band, the blades.
“you might have already seen but last week we had the blades on our show and they said it was amazing to work with you.”
“yes! i loved the music they made for this movie, they’re all beyond talented. it was great to meet them as well, super lovely guys,” you praised.
“were you a fan before?”
“yes i am actually, i saw them live on their tour last year so yeah, i’ve been a fan for a while.”
your cheeks felt hot all of a sudden as you had a feeling where this was going.
“well, i think they were definitely fans of yours, or at least one of them was!” the interviewer prodded, smiling. you laughed shyly, not wanting to be the one to admit to anything in front of a live audience.
“ellie said you were her celebrity crush.”
“i heard, yeah,” you smiled down into your lap, trying to compose yourself.
“i think you’d made a cute couple,” the interviewer beamed and the crowd cheered. “they think so!”
“i um,” you stammered, “yeah she’s cute.”
you thought she was more than just cute! you had been a fan of her band for a couple of years and had swooned over the way her skilled fingers plucked her guitar strings over and over again. the outfits she wore. the way she sits with her knees apart and hands clasped together in interviews. the smiles and smirks she has whilst on stage. the tiktok edits you had saved.
“well make sure to invite me to the wedding,” the interviewer laughed. you shyly nodded, trying to stifle the wide grin that wanted to take over your face. you almost hoped ellie wouldn’t see this but there was no doubt that she would… she did, and she had a shit-eating grin on her face the entire time.
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aquaquadrant · 7 months
I’m in LOVE with your Hels to pay au!! Thank you so much for writing it!!
Has anyone ever asked Tango about his cuffs? Has anyone offered/tried to help him get them off? I imagine it would either be a funny montage of increasingly wild attempts OR just absolutely heartbreaking.
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(sooo funny story, i saved the first ask in january bc i wanted to write smth for it… but then the second one came in before i got around to it… then the third… so uh. yeah. here ya go.)
“i like your cuffs, by the way.”
tango freezes, and even though xisuma has only just met the guy, he can immediately tell something’s off.
hermitcraft’s newest member is far from ordinary; a blaze hybrid with sharp teeth and blackened claws, red eyes that dart around nervously and squint at the sun, like it’s too bright. he didn’t even seem to know what a golden carrot was, when xisuma gave one to him.
the shackles around his wrists are just the frosting on the cake. xisuma had assumed it was part of his, er… unconventional style. but tango’s reaction- and the small links of broken chain still dangling from the cuffs- make xisuma wonder.
“what… uh, what do you mean?” tango asks, his tone forcibly light. oh, he’s anxious- ears flat, shoulders hunched likes he’s expecting an attack.
xisuma shrugs. “your cuffs, they’re just really metal,” he says casually. “it’s a cool look, is all.”
“oh.” tango blinks. the relief is evident in his expression, but he only relaxes slightly. “oh, right! thanks.”
while xisuma hasn’t been the admin of hermitcraft for very long, he’s been around long enough to tell when a player is running from something. but that’s none of his business. that’s why they come here, isn’t it?
“anyway,” xisuma says, “that’s about the end of the tour.” he lifts a hand to put on tango’s shoulder, then thinks better of it, folding his arms instead. “you just lemme know if you need anythin’, alright? anythin’ at all.”
“right, yeah.” tango smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. “thanks, i’ll- i’ll keep that in mind, yeah.”
“jeeze, you ever take those cuffs off?”
tango freezes, and even though impulse is still relatively new here on hermitcraft, he can immediately tell he’s crossed a line.
it’s only been a couple weeks since a random portal abruptly appeared in front of impulse, taking him to a world called hermitcraft. according to his fellow hermits, that amounted to an invitation from the universe- which is how they all join.
he’s spent most of his time working on a quadruple witch hut farm with some of the other redstoners, and tango’s been a bit of a puzzle. he’ll be standoffish or even outright defensive at times, but then seem inexplicably drawn towards impulse, asking strange and not-so-subtle probing questions. of course, whenever impulse tries to address this, tango brushes him off.
“oh, these old things?” tango says after a moment, his brief panic quickly swept under the rug as he flaunts his cuffs. “why, do you- am i not pulling them off? too much?”
“no, no, they’re cool!” impulse assures him. “it’s just, don’t they get in the way when you’re doing delicate redstone work? seems like a bother, that’s all.”
tango huffs a laugh, but he’s also eyeing the nearest exit. “nah, man, th- it’s part of my look! my uh, my brand, as some might say. can’t go without ‘em, you know how it is…”
that’s not the reason. impulse can tell. but whatever the real reason is, it’s not his place to push tango to talk about it. they’re still getting to know each other, so if it’s anything more than a simple fashion choice, impulse is sure he’ll find out sooner or later.
“ooh, okay, gotcha.” impulse nods sagely. “branding, very important. well, if you ever change your mind, i’d be happy to take them off your hands- uh, literally and figuratively, i guess,” he chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck. “cuffs are pretty ‘in’ for demons, you know.”
tango laughs too, though he’s already turning away, back to his work. “right, yeah, i- i’ll keep that in mind.”
“can you actually not take these cuffs off?”
tango freezes, and even without the spike of panic through their soulbond, jimmy can immediately tell he’s said something wrong.
it’s been about a month since the double lifers voted to end the death game. one month since jimmy and tango made their relationship official. and as amazing and wonderful as it’s been living on the ranch, jimmy’s starting to get the sense there are a few things he doesn’t know about tango.
he hadn’t meant anything by the question- just genuine curiosity. they were kissing, tango’s hands cupping jimmy’s face, and when he’d reached up to cover tango’s hands with his own he’d felt the cool metal of the cuffs, and the question just blurted out from his mind. gosh, he really does ruin everything.
tango recovers quickly. “whaaat, you don’t like ‘em?” he grins, casually stretching his arms above his head so the cuffs jangle around his wrists.
jimmy hesitates. the panic he felt through their bond has faded, but that doesn’t mean it’s not still there “well, sure, it’s just- y’know, i realized i’ve never seen you take ‘em off.”
tango blinks. “you- what, don’t you think if i wanted to take them off, i would’ve?” he laughs, putting his hands on his hips. “i mean, it’s not- we have metal-cutting technology, you know.”
oh, duh. jimmy feels silly. tango is far from helpless- if those cuffs hadn’t been a conscious decision, he surely would’ve figured out how to take them off by now. or, jeeze, he could’ve asked anyone on his server full of technical geniuses to help out.
“right, right, of course,” he says sheepishly. “sorry, i wasn’t- i do like how they look, i- i was just wonderin’. but uh, you know, if you ever did wanna take ‘em off… i mean, i’d still like you plenty without them,” he jokes.
“you’re good, you’re good,” tango hums, draping his arms around jimmy’s shoulders. “i’ll keep that in mind.”
tango sits alone in his room, claws curled around the cuff of his other hand.
it’s just simple iron. it wouldn’t be hard. all he has to do is reach for his inner fire, concentrate, and let the metal soften in his grasp. even if he heats it too much- so that molten iron drips over his skin like water- he’s a bit more fire resistant than the average player, he’d be fine. it’d only take a couple seconds for each one, and then he’d be free of them. forever.
it’s been nearly ten years, for hel’s sake. he’s lost count of how many times he’s been in this exact situation before, wanting and willing so much but being unable to bring the flames to his fingertips. if he even thinks about it, it’s suddenly like he’s back in the farm, icy wither rose numbing his veins, a haunting voice ringing in his ears.
‘just the cuffs on his wrists there, and he stays put like the good creature he is.’
tango wants to be good. he’s been trying so hard to be good. but what if he can’t trust himself? what if the only thing stopping him from reverting back to his old ways is the illusion of control maintained by these shackles?
who is he without them? would he be someone that his friends still cared about? would jimmy?
he’s too afraid to find out.
tango lets go of the cuff, the familiar weight of metal dropping back onto his wrist. he can try again another time. so long as he has his fire, he still has the option. he’ll do it someday.
so for now, the thought retreats to its little shadowed corner in the back of his mind, safe for another day.
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onlyjaeyun · 2 months
i’ve been following ur writing for some time now and i do have to agree with that anon who said you did CH dirty. you are a very talented writer so it’s just hard to watch.
you started off CH so strong with the lore and little chapters here and there but as it progressed you kind of just got lazy and it shows. when important events happened in the story, they weren’t conveyed through writing but through the texts (ie the riki and yn fight, that was definitely worth a written chapter) and it was honestly disappointing.
the ending isn’t much to say about either. yn and hoon barely go through development after the letter incident and all of a sudden they’re dating and married with a kid like two chapters later?
idk, if it was a mental health issue then i get that but even then you should’ve just gave it a break and thought everything out more. you could do so much better.
thank you for the feedback!
i wanna put you through the progess of a piece of writing from the POV of a writer okay? now keep in mind: i work two jobs, am a fulltime uni student and the daughter of an immigrant household with two parents who still work most of the day just so you know what else i have to deal with, besides my mental health okay?
now, i started off CH strong right? yes. i uploaded on the daily, fine i chose that. a chapter usually takes me around one hour if i actually sit down and focus on nothing but the chapter itself, which includes IG stories, editing, formatting etc. alright
on top of the daily chapters, i constantly replied to 40+ asks a day, a blessing in disguise because no matter how much i enjoy talking to you guys, the pressure does get worse the bigger that number of my inbox becomes, i hope this makes sense
now, i started CH back in october, right when my semester started, thats why i started off strong but as time went on, my assignments and private life got too busy and i guess i felt entitled enough as a writer to skip a few certain chaps and make life a little easier for me by making them regular chapters instead of written ones.
and this is gonna be my main point: i'm not a machine. i wrote a minimum of 5 THOUSAND words per written chapter, MINIMUM. we're talking about a 5-9 THOUSANDED worded chapter EACH WEEK. which usually took me about 6-7 hours, even allnighters.
yes, i chose to do that and maybe my time management wasn't the best but i had to create a compromise where i wouldnt have let you guys wait for over two months which would have resulted in me losing my motivation completely, and yet still focusing on EXAMS. because you know, i'm a fulltime uni student with TWO jobs 😮‍💨
if YOU think i did CH dirty go write an alternative ending yourself but it should be a minimum of 15 chapters including 5 written ones, with at LEAST 9k words each yeah? i wanna see you manage it all, pls prove me wrong snd show me you're better than me i'm genuinely begging bc it might inspire me to do "better" next time.
as a writer/artist/creator, and i can tell you probably arent one yourself or havent been one for long, the longer smth takes to come to an end the worse the pressure becomes which results in a blockage i dont wish upon my worst enemy i'm being deadass. i dealt with some of the worst writer's block ive had since i started writing literally 12 years ago and you're telling me i should have just "taken a break" and do "better"
i never, ever expected anything from anyone but some of you are so entitled to a writer's time and skill it's giving me a headache. maybe you didn't like the timing and writing of the last few chapters of CH and i guess that's unfortunate but this was so unnecessary because you completely dismissed everything else that could have been going on in my life and even belittled my mental health issues like im some fucking AI writing machine
do better, be nicer, write it yourself if you don't like it i'm so fucking over this
if i had gotten out of my own comfort and wellbeing and have actually written another set of written chapters i would have burned myself completely out. ive been in this fandom for not even a year and have already finished FOUR smaus with 50 chapters each, you do NOT get to tell me what i should or could have done better because you dont even give a fuck about me as a person this is just about receiving what YOU think YOURE entitled to but this is MY art and I will do what I see fit even if it's not what was expected of it because i'm a fucking human being with a life before i'm a writer on tumblr
oh, also: i do this for free ㅤ:) just a reminder :) this is my HOBBY :)
and don't you EVER call me lazy again when it comes to writing because i'm not gonna pour my heart and soul into a fic just for you to call me lazy when i literally wrote 50 THOUSAND words for this fucking fic just for the written chapters
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phoneuserhana333 · 9 months
.°˖✧ part 2/3: neighbor!doctor!abby / neighbor!producer!reader headcanons .°˖✧
tags: arguing, enemies to lovers, sick!reader, sleepy!abby, yelling on the street, reader’s ex gf, implied doing the deed VAGUELY in like one sentence, more to be added
there will be only ONE more part of this lil story, since i’m afraid of dragging it on for too long!! i might write smth more abt ellie/dina/jesse in this au, but that’ll be it i think! i’ll be starting a smau soon tho :>
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• after that first awful meeting, abby was ready to give you a piece of her mind. later that day, after a hectic day at work amplified her irritation, she couldn’t hold back.
• she knocked on your door, red-eyed and raging, just hoping to get the conversation over with before she could finally rest in the comfort of her home.
• on the other hand, you were nervous; you cleaned your entire house, took one of those tiring ‘everything showers’ and got dressed in a casual but put together outfit, hoping your mysterious blonde neighbor would appreciate it
• your first mistake was thinking abby would be softened by a cute outfit and some vanilla candles
• abby wasn’t impressed at all. she thought your lilac baby tee was too tight and that your perfume was too sweet. you were annoyingly artistic and carefree in her eyes, unserious to a fault. all the traits that she’d been taught to look down on
• so naturally, she chewed you up and spat you out.
“you need to start being more thoughtful, you aren’t living in the middle of a forest with nobody around!”
“and these parties? do you have to play the music that loud?! and who even are those people?!”
“don’t get me started on the singing and the overplayed songs you always go for. what do you even do for work?!”
• that was the drop that overfilled the cup and made the coquettish gaze you were sending your hot neighbor turn cold. complaining for ten minutes non stop about your loudness wasn’t an issue. in fact, you were planning on dialing it down for the cute, frustrated doctor.
• but coming after you job? the thing you were extremely passionate about? no way you’d let that slide.
“what the fuck is your problem, huh?!”
“… my problem?!”
• and so the two of you kept arguing on the street for the next forty minutes, neither side letting up, until the couple that lived next to you peeked their heads out the window and yelled at you to quiet down, ironically enough.
• abby eyed you one last time, disheveled and agitated. she brushed loose blonde hairs out of her face and pulled her keys out, walking over to the steps that lead to her house.
• you were pouting; this didn’t go as planned. you watched as she unlocked the door, her unforgiving gaze meeting you one last time before she left you with a final statement for the night, before she slammed her front door hard enough to shake both of your homes
“you better be quiet from now on. or else.”
• you obviously didn’t care at all what abby thought after this… interesting meeting, so you decided to be louder than before (if that was even possible)
• the following week consisted of the same old routine, over and over again. you would play the piano loudly, sing late into the night and invite friends over (even an ex girlfriend, making sure to moan extra loud that night)
• which annoyed abby to no end, of course. she calmed down to the best of her abilities, and decided to look at her options. she could call the police, but that was too far. you were still neighbors and she didn’t want to risk getting a bad reputation with other neighborhood residents. and talking to you didn’t help at all.
• so she settled on writing notes. every morning before leaving for work, blondie would leave a passive aggressive message taped to your front door, smirking as she did.
• she knew they would annoy you since she made sure to make them related to your job or your music taste or whatever she thought would make your blood boil.
• but you were unbothered and patient, choosing to save the notes in a box under your bed. all of then made rounds in various group chats since you were complaining to everybody and their mother that your neighbor (now known as abigail) was the worst.
• what made you show up at abby’s door was a message that read: “maybe you should learn how to sing before doing it this late. much love, your next door neighbor abigail”
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• you didn’t find this note. however, your ex did, showing it to you as she laughed at how silly it was. you played along, laughing as embarrassment ate at your pride slowly.
• it’s safe to say that rekindling your romance with said ex didn’t go well
• that night, you slammed your balled up fists on abby’s door, ready to take action against her pushing your buttons with these notes. being embarrassed in the comfort of your own presence was different than being teased by someone you dated in the past
• abby opened the door, groggy and hollow eyed. she was wearing a dark blue pajama set, silken and fitted, and she had her neatly brushed hair let down. she’s still so prim and proper, even when she’s sleeping, you think
“whaddya need, sweetheart?”
• the way abby spoke made you feel like your brain became scrambled. sweetheart?! where did that come from?! you quickly snapped back from your dazed gaze set on her lips and retorted:
“what’s up with these notes, huh?!”
“they got you to stop, didn’t they? you’ve been awfully quiet all day today, unlike whatever you attempted to do last night.”
• you heated up from humiliation once again- so she did hear you and your ex! you stumble over words, crossing your arms defensively as you looked away, which gave abby enough time to rub the sleep out of her tired eyes
“keep up with the quietness and we might even get along. is that all for tonight?”
• you let out an annoyed ‘hmph!’ and ran back to your door, sending abby a heated gaze as you yelled a ‘goodnight!’ over your shoulder. the blonde shrugged and went back inside, unaffected and ready to sleep. you, on the other hand, started up with your noisy nighttime routine of trying to write the perfect song; you even opened the windows to make sure your neighbor heard you.
• and so, this routine continued on for the next few days; you would open all the windows, sing loudly, play music at full volume, hell- you even banged pots and pans just to get your point across
• who did she think she was, telling you to be quiet in your own home?!
• abby kept up with her newfound tradition of leaving you notes, some long and some short. she prayed you wouldn’t pop up around the corner; facing you head on was a tad intimidating to her, but she would never admit that it was because of your attractive face and soothing singing voice. so, naturally, she kept complaining to her friends when they went out for coffee and rolled her eyes whenever she’d hear you sneeze loudly though the walls you shared.
• but then, much to abby’s delight, the crescendo next door stopped completely. the woman went on with her routine, choosing to ignore the eerie silence she was met with every day since last week. were you even alive?
• she noted that you weren’t picking up her daily warnings either, and they had piled up on your doorstep after the fourth day of the absence of noise. on the fifth day, abby received an unexpected knock on her door.
• opening it revealed you, much to her surprise. snotty, sweaty, in a tiny t-shirt and a pair of suede shorts in late november new york cold, shaking as you tried to clear your throat.
• for the fist time since you two met, abby felt her heart squeeze because of some tight, uncomfortably soft and fuzzy feeling. a mixture of pity and the urge to coo at your sickly appearance bubbled up and made her gulp- had you always been this… helpless? meek?
• … cute?
• all of these thoughts that crawled their way into abby’s head were solidified with one nasally question asked by you:
“… do you have any tylenon?”
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hiddencityhijinksau · 3 months
I'm totally gonna create art for this - already have - but in the meantime I should probably explain this concept lol.
So basically, in one way or another, the turtles each stumble upon the Hidden City at around age 8 to 10, and decide to keep it a secret from their bros >:3
Leo is the first one, technically, when he goes out to explore NYC when he's eight, and discovers Run of the Mill Pizza, because I'm obsessed with the Uncle Hueso idea, but he doesn't go to the actual city until much later, though he knows of it's existence.
I actually kinda started writing this starting bit? It's totally unedited and missing bits but whatever, I'll include it under the cut.
Leo peered up at the manhole cover from the bottom of the ladder, imagining what he would see if he climbed up and lifted it. The young turtle mutant didn't get long to think about it, hearing his brothers call for him.
"I'm coming!" The 8 year old ran to catch up with his family, sending one last considering look at the rungs of the ladder.
Later that night, after his brothers were asleep and his father was dozing in front of the TV, the red-eared slider crept out of bed, utilizing all the stealth skills he'd learned from the lessons Splinter thought he hadn't been paying attention to. Once safely out of the Lair, Leo practically sprinted down the route to the manhole cover he'd spotted earlier. There were entrances closer to the Lair, of course, but this way, if he got caught sneaking back in he could say he was just wandering around the sewers.
Reaching the top of the ladder, the slider paused for a moment, savoring the adrenaline of what he was about to do. Splinter never even let them explore the sewers without him, nevermind letting Leo venture out on his own. And now he was about to go Topside!
Shoving at the metal disc with all his strength, Leo cautiously poked his head out, eyes wide to take it all in. Of course, this wasn't his first time on the surface – Splinter had taken all the boys with him once or twice for scavenging trips, especially when they were younger. But now, Leo was here on his own! This was so exciting!!
The slider climbed out of the manhole, tugging the cover almost back into place, but leaving a small gap so he could get in later, as he wasn't sure how to lift it from the top side.
Bouncing in place, Leo looked around the alley he'd surfaced in with a wide grin, wondering what he might find.
Hmm. There wasn't much in this alleyway. In fact, it was pretty much empty. Nothing but a few scraps of cardboard and a colourful graffiti tag decorated the concrete.
Well, Leo didn't come here just to hang out in one measly alleyway! Full of confidence, the eight-year-old marched to the end of the alley, pulling up the hood of his sweater as he rounded the corner.
Even with the late hour, there were still people on the streets, eyes focused on getting to their destination. No one paid attention to the small figure in a battered green hoodie hurrying along, sticking close to the wall.
Leo ducked into the next alley, heart pounding. Okay, so that was a lot more nerve-wracking without Dad or Raph than he'd thought it would be.
Luckily, he realized as he took in his surroundings, this alleyway was much more interesting than the one he'd come out of. There was a huge dumpster on one side, and the walls were covered in graffiti. Even better, the far end of the alley was actually a corner, meaning there was more to explore!
Leo started poking around, kicking at the small piles of trash and inspecting the locked dumpster. Not finding anything cool, he moved on, admiring the graffiti.
He ended up turning two more corners while following the trail of graffiti, and found himself facing the street again. The constant something of spray paint broke off at the corner, meaning the skull painting in this alley stood out sharply.
Bla blah blah some yokai open the door to run of the Mill while Leo watches from behind a dumpster or smth
Leo's eyes sparkled. Was that actual magic?! Donnie said magic was impossible, but Donnie also said it was impossible for the two of them to be twins, and Leo knew that wasn't true. The turtle bounced forward with glee, eager to see where those people had gone, only to stop short when the portal closed in his face.
Leo frowned. Clearly, he just hadn't been fast enough. Wait, what was that gesture they used to open it? Leo lifted his hand, trying to mimic the pose he'd seen, and wiggled it with great concentration.
Nothing happened.
Huffing, the boy tried again. And again. And was glaring at the wall, ready to shout at it to let him in, when he heard someone approaching the alleyway. Eyes lighting up with an idea, Leo darted behind the nearest dumpster and peeked out, watching carefully.
Sure enough, another mutant-like person entered the alley, heading for the graffiti tag. Leo stared hard at the gesture they made, but instead of waiting and trying to copy it, he darted in behind them as soon as the portal opened.
As soon as he was inside, Leo stopped. And stared.
There were so many people! And none of them were human.
"This is the coolest place I've ever seen," Leo whispered to himself in awe. He slowly started walking further in, craning his neck to stare at every little detail.
So entranced was he, that he didn't see the bony figure approaching until he nearly face-planted into their suit.
"Where are your parents, little pepino?"
Leo froze and looked up at the sound of the voice. Towering over him, arms crossed, was a frowning... skeleton?!
Instantly forgetting to feel guilty at being caught, Leo blurted out, "are you dead?!" His eyes were wider than they'd been all evening, he was sure. Because, come on, that was a walking, talking, skeleton man!!!
The aforementioned skeleton man, somehow, raised an eyebrow. "No, I am not dead. Have you never seen a skeleton yokai before?"
"No," Leo responded, eyes still wide. "What's a yokai?"
"Que pasa con este niño," the yokai muttered under his breath, then continued in a normal tone, "Yokai is what we are. You, me, and everyone in this restaurant is a yokai."
"Oh. Hey, what was that language you were talking in?"
The yokai looked at him weirdly, but Leo really did want to know! He'd only said one sentence but it sounded so cool! Leo already knew he wanted to learn it.
"Spanish. Why are you here, niño?"
"Uhhhhhh... Dad... sent me?" Leo cringed a little at the blatant lie, and decided to distract him with another question. "Can you say something in Spanish?!"
The yokai sighed. "Tell me your name and I'll consider it."
He beamed. "I'm Leo! What's your name?"
"You can call me Señor Hueso."
"Whoa, is your name in Spanish?! Wait wait wait you gotta say something in Spanish now! I told you my name!"
"Deberías estar en le cama, tortuguita."
"Coooool! What does that mean?"
"It means 'you should be in bed, little turtle'. Let's go, out, time for you to go home." Hueso began pushing at Leo's shoulders, nudging him towards the door.
"Whaaaat? Come on, you can't kick me out! I just got here!" Leo dug his heels in, refusing to be pushed.
"This is a restaurant, not a daycare. I do not have time to be babysitting lost children. Out!" With one final shove, Señor Hueso let go of Leo and prepared to shut the portal.
The turtle mutant stumbled and whirled around as soon he was free. "Wait! You're just gonna let a child wander around New York alone? At night? Isn't that illegal?"
"Well, since you won't tell me where your parents are..." Hueso trailed off with a raise of his eyebrow, waiting to see if Leo would offer any more information.
Leo huffed in defeat. He didn't want to admit it, but he was getting tired, as it was already far past his usual bedtime. "Fine, fine, I'm going! But I'll be back tomorrow!"
Leo did in fact come back the next day. Hueso wasn't there when Leo scampered in behind a weird frog yokai, so the slider was quick to scurry off into the restaurant, hoping he could hang out for a little while before Hueso found him and kicked him out again.
To be continued...?
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ohbo-ohno · 6 months
.. that purge playlist screenshot got me thinking..
the annual purge has started. Soap is confident in himself, staying alive tonight. Locked up in his home, which is out of the way and secured properly(he’s an explosives expert, what did you expect?), so, yeah! He’s making it through. He already does enough killing in his job, he doesn’t want to spend leave doing what he’s no doubt gonna do when he gets back.
all’s well, it’s late, and Soap’s getting ready to head off to bed in his basement. Simple, easy, super secure. He’d hear anyone trying to get in, and his weapons are right at his side! An easy night! .. right?
it’s late. Or early? It’s still dark out when he jolts awake to a crash. Did- did something just break? Where was it? He climbed out of his little makeshift bed, grabbing his gun, just in case.
goes upstairs, there’s nothing there.. musta been a ‘coon! Yeah.
except, it wasn’t. When Soap gets back down into the basement after doing a quick patrol of the house, someone’s down there. A big hulking someone who looks.. familiar.
before he can put his finger on it, that big someone lunges for him, pulling Soap’s back against his big chest as he wraps his hands wrap around his throat, cutting off his air.
that’s when it hits him. That smell. That’s Ghost’s cologne!
uhhh the brainworms stopped brainworming so blah blah Soap wakes up, groggy and chained to a bed. Not his own. Tries to look around, all he sees is the large bed he’s laying on in a dark room. maybe an hour or so later, someone comes down into the room. Ghost. Mmmmakes a comment about how Soap was out longer than he thought he would be, how he should have closed the door behind him going back down into his basement, uhhhhahhdsh yeah
(this is really fucking long I’m so sorry feel free to ignore I JUST HAD TO GET THIS OUT sorry if you don’t want long things like this sent into your inbox 😭😭)
that purge playlist is because im writing a ghoap x reader purge au (that i hope to have finished today) for the love of my life lumi
there's soooo much you can do with a purge au!!! you could have ghost use soap as basically a hunting dog, dragging victims to his master for him to kill. you could have reader as a bonkers insane murderer who ghoap become obsessed with after see her kill someone. you could have poor ol' johnny get taken and kidnapped :/
i loooooove your idea, and i'll add a tiny little layer to it if you don't mind:
maybe johnny's a barista and ghost is one of his regulars. he comes in at the same time everyday (not super weird at a coffee shop) and always waits in johnny's line, even if the other line is shorter. he's intense and creepy as hell, barely ever speaking - as soon as johnny figured out his regular order, he stopped speaking at all. he gives johnny heebie-jeebies, but he tips like $20 every day, so whatever
except the day of the purge, he finally speaks. says something super generic like "goin' out tonight?" and johnny gives back an easy answer (no, i'm no fool, smth like that), and ghost says "good. make sure you don't leave your place. never know who you might run into out there."
which like. creepy, but no creepier than ghost (which is the name he always gives, and there's no way it's his actual name yeah?) has ever been. johnny brushes it off, forgets it by lunch
and of course, simon is very glad to see his boy listened to him when he stops by his apartment that night and sees he's locked in. too bad he couldn't afford a better security system
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teecupangel · 4 months
No thoughts just Connor being de-aged and Haytham find that adorable
They were like fighting or smth (wow thats new) and Ratonhnhaké:ton gets turned into a child and Haytham experiences the joys of fatherhood and being affectionate to his son or something?
Sorry if this is weird I got a bit tipsy and thinking about these two makes me real sad
If you want one where Ratonhnhaké:ton remembers his past even as he deaged, A Little Problem by TheWyldeWynd might scratch your itch.
So, for this one, we’ll make Ratonhnhaké:ton not have any of his memories. He fully regressed, down to only having the memories of when he was at the age of his regression.
Here is where the fun part comes.
Depending on how old you want Ratonhnhaké:ton to be, this can go either way:
1. Regress him before the death of his mother and the burning of his village.
2. Regress him after the death of his mother, maybe even just a few weeks later.
For (1), this would be more wholesome and can be quite humorous. Ratonhnhaké:ton only read about Haytham from the journal his mother kept (cue Haytham going “Ziio writes about me?”) so he’s curious and he trusts Haytham when he tells him that he has to stay with him for a while because they were ‘searching’ for his mother. Of course, the fallout would be bitter if you let Ratonhnhaké:ton learn his mother’s death. There’s also the underlying angst in every move Haytham makes. He is given a chance to experience what he missed. He is given a chance to feel the full weight of what he had missed. But only a taste. Because, no matter what, he would need to return his son to his real form. Letting him stay as a child or ensuring he would grow up with Haytham this time around… it was a sort of cruelty that Haytham did not wish to partake in.
For (2), well… this is heavier on the angst and awkwardness. As much as Ratonhnhaké:ton would want to know his father, it wouldn’t take him long to realize that Charles Lee works for Haytham. Haytham wouldn’t make things better as he’ll try to act like he did when Ratonhnhaké:ton was his actual age because this child’s rage and grief was simply too similar to the emotions Ratonhnhaké:ton showed with his eyes alone. There will be father-son bonding but it would definitely be tainted by Haytham’s affiliation to the Templars. Even if he tells Ratonhnhaké:ton that Charles acted on Washington’s orders, Ratonhnhaké:ton is smart and perceptive enough to ask back…
“But you let him live even after learning Mother died, right?”
And that was the day Haytham knew…
Their relationship, no matter how old or young Ratonhnhaké:ton becomes, will always be too strained for them to truly be father and son.
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drowninginthoughts27 · 2 months
Due to popular demand (@siriusblackfamilytrauma @certifiedl0verboy and @sixlane told me to) here are some bartylily headcanons cause I’ve been obsessing over these two recently
Sry this is A LOT and it’s all toxic bartylily which I mentioned before but I mostly came about cause I of all the people saying that fic writers shouldn’t write toxic/bad relationships so my brain automatically went to what’s the worst a relationship could be!!!
- the first vibe I thought of is just the after movies tbh like this complete rule follower girl falling for this really tatted up bad boy who’s only getting through uni cause his dad runs the place just straight up preppy x bad boy wattpad vibes yk
- barty kinda wants to change Lily for what he thinks is the better and get her more into his crowd
- lilys friends and family don’t approve of barty cause he’s an absolute asshole to anyone who isn’t Lily
- the bar is so fucking low in this relationship for both of them my god
- the other vibe is a very similar only Lily is already a bit fucked up yk
- they would probs meet at some club cause their friends introduced them
- they both have a shit ton of tattoos especially cause barty is a tattoo artist and why not (never ever get tattoos with other people it’s just a bad idea)
- they both come from money and are just bored little rich kids running around completely ignorant of reality and consequences
- they’re almost always drunk or high or both when together
- they wanna be super casual but they just can’t cause they’re both so god damn possessive
- either way their undeniably toxic and in no way meant to be end game (tho they might be but it’s just not a happily ever after and Lily picks her self up gets a divorce and ends up with Pandora or smth later on cause I said so)
- and they both 100% have daddy issues (or just family issues in general but barty is a mommas boy at heart)
- for Lily it’s never a point of changing barty or like a savior complex or anything
- they are constantly breaking up and getting back together and getting into more fights and having the best makeup sex and fighting more and crying and fighting well having sex and it’s violent and messy and just straight up terrible
- they are THE couple even though they are awful for each other cause they just always look cute in public and on the outside they seem like they have it all together even though everyone knows they most definitely don’t
Ok that’s all for now but I might come back to ramble more later :)
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starxiasstuff · 1 year
How some of the bonten members would react to your period.
(💀the amount of pain some of us feel is just omg)
Ran Haitani
He would have a basic understanding of it
Unaware of cramps/mood swings and that sorta shit so he would def be taken aback if you winced in pain.
Would tease you but would stop if you're visibly pissed or hurt
Would try his best in getting you the right sort of pads
Will buy you whatever you want "wah, that bag is super cute! " Next thing you know Ran bought it.
Gives you massages
Overall his care is a 9.5 on 10 the teasing made him lose the .5
Rindou Haitani
PLS he literally knows nothing about periods, he just found you sleeping and happened to see a stain, he lowkey thought you got shot on your ass and freaked out
He is a pretty fast learner so after reading up on some articles about it he would go to the store and buy every single pad/snack available
Would spoil you but not come near you, he's liked kinda grossed outtt idk the idea of bleeding out of your 🐱 for almost 24/7 doesn't sit right with him
He would be a bitch and ask you to sleep in the guest bedroom, but he would end up sleeping on the couch.
"Rin can i get a hug pleaseeeeee" "EWW no way in hell am I comin' near you and your bleeding🐱"
Overall he's a solid 7 on 10, the distancing makes you feel like shit and he doesn't even make up properly just buys you stuff and awkwardly tries to make up for the shitty week your body and he caused.
Pretty experienced because of Emma
Keeps a track of your cycle
Shares his food (which is a stretch even for his "emo" Self)
Butterfly kisses on your stomach
He would take a day off and put either Kakucho Or Kokonoi incharge (no way in hell is he letting Sanzu take over for a full 24 hours)
Thinks a lot before he speaks to you during the week, he is so scared of saying smth that might hurt you in anyway
Personal heatpack <3
10/10 he is literally the sweetest during this time <333333
Might update later.
Kakucho Hitto
Contrary to popular belief of him being "husband" Material, I think he would be flustered to talk about it.
"Oh.. You're uh on your.. *cough* monthly cycle... UHH" Poor dude would be confused af and would be super worried if your cramps are bad
He'd come back early frm Bonten hq in an attempt to take care of you, but freak out as soon as he had laid eyes on a stain.
He would properly make it up to you for freaking out about it (unlike someone 😒)
Would cuddle you from behind and rub gentle circles on your back
Same as Ran 9.5 on 10, he lost the
.5 at being awkward, it put you on edge.
Sanzu Haruchiyo
Manz doesn't know what it is and won't care to learn about it, all he needs is a nutshell explanation and BOOM he literally runs faster then Sonic to the supermarket and buys you everything you could ever need
Would take the whole week off just to stay with you
Movies and binge watching cringy rom-cons are a must
Asks you if you can still do the deed
If your cramps are bad in the morning he'll carry you downstairs bridal style throw you on the couch and gets you your favorite instant noodles
Would take a hot bath with you without being disgusted by the sight of your blood
Overall solid 10, he is super ooc here because I refuse to see all his red flags 😌
Hhhgnudvjfvjfc I'm back like I promised, I'll be ending it with koko and takeomi, I'm sorry i just can't write shit for mochi😔
Kokonoi Hajime
He honestly could care less, but he loves you and hates seeing you in pain
He will def spoil you like crazy, slides you his phone from across the table and asks you which piece of clothes you like better
Buys you some of the best meds, manz hates it when you say you don't need the meds but are literally glued to the bed cause of cramps
After a really bad period he would take you to a gynecologist to make sure everythings ok
Would take a day off to take care of you, but when he returns the whole hq is in literal shambles
Would make sure you have a really or atleast maybe relaxing week
(Fhcghv i low key love this man sm i have sm hcs just based on him)
If your back hurts he'll buy a whole new matress
10/10 no explanation needed
Akaashi Takeomi (this is the literal first time I've ever wrote anything for him, probs the last time too idk he and mochi are hard to write for)
Would be experienced because of senju
Doesn't keep a track of your cycle but knows when it's near almost like a 6th sense
Cooks gourmet worthy food for you
Cuddles and what not
He asks you literally everything like "hey, would you like it if I went to work today? "
#remote working
Checks in on you a lot to make sure you're comfy and not in too much pain.
10/10 (smh rin better be taking notes)
Bye bye luvs!! I'll post smth later
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safetycar-restart · 5 months
Heyy. So I've had a brain rot recently and it's about charles specifically about redbull charles like it is in the d/s au and he was in Ferrari and was feeling like he failed at being a f1 driver ( but ofc its bc of the team and strategist not bc of our golden boy) and reader manages to convince him to leave Ferrari and that they can secure a seat for him in redbull (maybe the reader works for redbull or smth) and charles after being failed yet again by his team he accepts the readers offer and joins redbull and then he is so much happier (bc he doesn't have to stress that the team might sacrifice him or that the car is going to be shit) and at the end it's like happy soft vibes
It can be also a lestappen fic if u want and by the way your writing is literally amazing ❤
And if u don't to write it u can just ignore the ask ,thank u and have a good day/afternoon/night 😊💛
Okay so I love this and I kinda ended up starting a new AU with this somehow? We already have a poly!lestappen d/s au but um, I guess now we have two of them because I love this. I'm gonna use the tag of 'teammates lestappen d/s au' for this.
So my thoughts immediately went to you being the Red Bull team dominant? So obviously max is already your submissive.
I think max really feels for Charles, because he knows exactly what it's like to have so much pressure put on him and to feel not good enough and like he's failing. For pretty much his entire racing career, his dad ensured he had dominants who were extremely strict and for whom nothing is ever good enough.
And so when he sees Charles so clearly struggling and he sees how the entire of Ferrari just leaves Charles out to dry and how Charles's dom never takes him out of media days or tries to protect him, he really feels sorry for him because he knows exactly what that feels like.
He tells you about this, because now that max has you he honestly has no idea how he managed to function the way he was being treated before, and he knows Charles is being treated like that now.
He and Charles have always gotten along well, and so Max introduces you to Charles, because he knows you are exactly the type of dominant that Charles needs.
Charles gets along so extremely well with you from the moment he met you, especially because you just provide Charles with so much gentle guidance? He's desperate for any kind of genuine love and care from a dominant, so for him to go out for lunch with you and max and have you order for him and then instruct him to take a drink of his water and call him a good boy? It's everything. It's by far the highlight of his week and his poor heart aches when you leave with max and he knows he has to go back alone and later that day his dominant will come over and punish him for something he didnt even know of.
I think it would actually be max who first tells Charles to leave Ferrari and come to red bull. You had been thinking that of course, but you were trying to come up with a delicate way of suggesting it.
Max, meanwhile, just blurts it out one day. You were having dinner with them at your apartment, Charles and max kneeling and Charles is talking about how Ferrari weren't listening to the feedback he gave them from his hours in the simulator and max just goes 'Just fucking leave already, christian would love to give you a seat. come join us."
Charles is shocked. He kinds just stutters for a moment and then makes up some excuse and practically runs out the door.
You arent too happy with max of course, but he was absolutely correct in what he said.
You have to have a conversation with Charles about it, and in order to make Charles speak to you, you have to get his number from max and actually order him to meet you. You'd normally never do that, but you need him to listen to you.
You tell him that he deserves better than Ferrari, and that you would be so honoured if he joined you and max. Which naturally makes him start crying and he ends up coming home with you that night and scening for the first time with you and max.
(I am obsessed with this, we need to talk more about it)
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trashiest-person · 4 months
so about those bottle npcs on penacony
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(I'd probably redesign them since the new pic shows me their models better)
in game screenshots:
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rambling down here dont open if u dont want to see (note: the Bottle & Glass thing is smth you'd understand if you know abt the "Crystal Chalice" hidden mission)
ok im lil bit crazy about them theres so much character i can put into these guys
so like im imagining in Bottle & Glass society, if a Bottle has a heart tag on them it means why have already found a "Glass" to fill their booze with. so they are eachother's "Glass"!!!!!
im thinkin that Poor was just chillin and one day Rich was like
"I like you. Do you have a name or can I call you 'mine'?"
"...Will you date me?"
and Poor was just so shocked at this incredibly, very obviously high-quality Bottle of Wine in front of them, they just blurted out "uh, sure"
and boom, they're dating.
Poor was probably just waiting for the right glass to come into their life, but after they started dating Rich and thought more about how they feel about Bottles they had an "oh." moment and realized they're probably the bisexual equivalent of Bottles & Glasses.
and Rich after dating a couple of some of the finest Glasses realized why they were so unhappy with these Glasses after they let their mind drift to dating a Bottle. "Oh." They were Bottlesexual. Honestly it didn't have to be Poor, they just picked a random Bottle nearby that was single and wasn't eyeing any of the Glasses passing by. Little did they know they'd fall over heels for this Bottle.
(note: i spent 30 mins writing another paragraph on here but i lost it bc im dumb and forgot to press post or smth idk but it didn't show up
but basically, Rich gets flustered when Poor flirts back to them for the first time bc they aren't used to genuine affection that isn't meant to just convey an image in high-society)
tl;dr: im insane
+ scrapped idea im dropping since i reread that screenshot and i don't think it fits:
im also thinkin that like Poor & Rich were originally just friends. and Rich already figured out that they preffered Bottles but didn't really say anything to Poor, and Rich was helping Poor look for a Glass for him thru Rich's connections as a high-class Bottle
AND thru a couple of (failed) dates w/ multiple Glasses later, Poor eventually clicked w/ a Glass and they started dating. and so they got what they've been looking for all this time and stopped talking to Rich often. but whats this????? they feel.... UNFULFILLED???!?!? and when they think about the time they spent with Rich they.. MISS TO SPENDING TIME WITH RICH, LOOKING FOR GLASSES TOGETHER???
"oh. oh my god..?"
they'd rather spend their time with a Bottle? rather than with the Glass they've been chasing after for so long..?
on yet another date with a fairly beautifully-crafted Glass filled with cheap booze...
"Hey, are you alright? Usually you'd drag me over to see another attraction by now."
"...I'm sorry......"
"I-uh..I'm sorry....... I don't know if i want to keep doing this."
"...What do you mean?"
"You're a beautiful, stunning Glass but I... I-I think that I don't feel very happy being with you. I'm so sorry."
"..It's just that I-! I think-!! AUGH!!! I can't say it!"
"..Hey. Tell me. I want to know."
"..i might be in love with Rich... "
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gritsgigabits · 2 years
hey!! i love your writing smsm, im currently sick with the flu and dying.. do you think you could write a little smth with ej taking care of sick reader😭 since hes like a doctor 😭 thank u sm
Aw, I’m sorry to hear you’ve come down with the flu! Hope you feel better soon~
Your request was worded so nicely that I decided to do both headcanons and a short scenario <3
EJ is very caring, even when you’re perfectly healthy and there’s nothing wrong with you, and the moment he noticed that you’re feeling a little under the weather, he got worried. He thinks humans are much weaker than they actually are.
Thanks to his culinary preferences, EJ has a great deal of anatomical knowledge. Apart from that he isn’t sure how human bodies work, however. When you tell him that you’re sick and will be fine if you rest for a couple of days, EJ doesn’t really believe you.
It takes a lot of effort to convince him otherwise. Eventually he admits that perhaps you know best, being the one who’s ill and all.
He is totally prepared to drive you to the hospital at any given time if you feel like it. It doesn’t matter that he doesn’t know how to drive – EJ will take you anyway.
You tell him that all you need is a box of tissues, a thick blanket and some cuddles on the sofa to make you feel better.
EJ will try his best to make you hot beverages (because he read on the internet that those are good to have when one is ill), although it poses a considerable fire hazard to allow him to operate the kettle unsupervised. EJ has a notorious skill to make the most mundane kitchenware dangerous because he doesn’t know how to use them.
He won’t tell you this, but he actually enjoys it when you’re sick. It’s nice to take care of you, to be the responsible one in the relationship for a change. It’s unlikely that he’ll catch your flu, so he spends most of his time providing you with an endless supply of body heat and tender kisses to make your death-by-flu feel more comfortable.
Just promise him you don’t actually die. It might kill him.
You waddled into the kitchen in the morning with the comforter wrapped tightly around your body. The absence of your voice grabbed EJ’s full attention immediately as you only managed an undecipherable groan as a reply to his ‘good morning’.
He was at your side in a flash, looking you up and down and tilting his head at your pale complexion and tired eyes. Realising that everything wasn’t okay with you, EJ took a hold of your hand, walked you back to bed and gently pushed you to lie down.
You complied with his manipulation, and allowed your body to relax back into the mattress that was still warm from the night before. EJ was standing by the bedside obviously concerned about what he should do – you could tell his attention was shifting between phoning the authorities and lying down beside you.
Before he could act on any of the impulses in his mind, you croaked out a request that he bring you a cup of tea and join you under the covers.
EJ disappeared into the kitchen only to return ten minutes later with a cup of tea, prepared to the best of his ability. You appreciated the effort, even though he had somehow managed to make the beverage smell like burnt toast.
When he didn’t climb into bed after handing you the mug, you gestured to the space next to you.
“Are you cold?” he asked you, ignoring your clear indications that he join you in bed.
You frowned and nodded, confused about why he wasn’t willing to lie down next to you. You opened your mouth to utter out a plea as emphasis, but EJ had already walked out of the room.
Too confused and tired to go after him, you listened from your position of the bed as his thumping footsteps carried him all around the apartment, rummaging the closets and dropping things in his hurry.
A moment later he materialised in the bedroom doorway. Only it wasn’t EJ approaching you but a walking pile of blankets. pillows and towels. EJ had apparently gathered every piece of soft material he could find in the apartment and proceeded to dump them on you.
Despite your sore throat and hoarse voice, a high-pitched squeak escaped your lips as the mountain of fabric suddenly landed on you. While you were arranging yourself an opening to breathe, you felt the bed shift as EJ crawled under the fabric pile next to you.
“You still cold?” he asked, and you nodded again, smiling.
“C’mere then.” He wrapped his arms around you, pulled you to his chest and nuzzled the top of your head against his mask.
EJ felt very content and proud of himself when he felt you relax against him. He was certain that with his expert assistance, you would be back to full health soon!
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