#mistakes learned from shall try again another time
vickyvicarious · 2 days
So... Masters and Men, eh? There are several different perspectives at play in this chapter:
Mrs. Thornton
"[Workers strike] For the mastership and ownership of other people’s property [...] they are a pack of ungrateful hounds [...] they want to be masters, and make the masters into slaves on their own ground. They are always trying at it; they always have it in their minds".
Mrs. Thornton speaks very harshly of the workers, and she seems to explicitly view the situation as opposing sides, with the 'lesser' one being the aggressor. Part of the pride she takes in her lifestyle is linked to being brave enough to face them and 'fight' against them. In fact, the quote about that is really interesting to me, because she claims they're "a people who are always owing their betters a grudge, and only waiting for an opportunity to pay it off," but in some ways, she could be seen that way as well. At least in the sense of family history/social status, the Hales are supposedly the Thornton's superiors, right? And Mrs. Thornton is very prickly about being seen as inferior herself. A lot of it seems to be genuine pride and dislike of their (Southern) priorities, but some is definitely defensive. And I could see some nasty high society person using similar wording about Mrs. Thornton herself having a grudge against her betters. Certainly, as someone who herself had to struggle tremendously to climb to the point she's at now, I find it easier to see her believing others will want to do the same (though she attributes more malevolence to their actions).
Mr. Hale
"I should say that the masses were already passing rapidly into the troublesome stage which intervenes between childhood and manhood, in the life of the multitude as well as that of the individual. Now, the error which many parents commit in the treatment of the individual at this time is, insisting on the same unreasoning obedience as when all he had to do in the way of duty was, to obey the simple laws of ‘Come when you’re called,’ and ‘Do as you’re bid!’ But a wise parent humours the desire for independent action, so as to become the friend and adviser when his absolute rule shall cease."
Mr. Hale doesn't attempt to dispute the idea that the workers are inferiors, and he's clearly not willing to go too far because he wants to keep the peace. But he tries to suggest that Mr. Thornton look upon them as growing and learning, and be indulged of their 'mistakes' or 'outbursts', so to speak. When talk again turns to the two sides as being opposed to one another, Mr. Hale says, "is not that because there has been none of the equality of friendship between the adviser and advised classes?" He's certainly in favor of mending relations, and he doesn't believe that opposition is inherent/necessary, but his approach is sort of benevolently condescending. This too fits well with his background and the kind of thing Margaret was used to before they move here.
Nicholas Higgins
...it were the interest of the employers to keep them from acquiring money—that it would make them too independent if they had a sum in the savings’ bank. [...] I heard, moreover, that it was considered to the advantage of the masters to have ignorant workmen... [...] But he—that is my informant—spoke as if the masters would like their hands to be merely tall, large children—living in the present moment—with a blind unreasoning kind of obedience.
Higgins (who isn't here and whose words are being relayed second-hand) is the one who first brought up the workers-to-children comparison, but he did so in a distinctly scathing way. He's very bitter about the 'masters' and is definitely displeased at being looked down on. But it's not just resentment. He recognizes the balance of power that is at least in many cases being deliberately maintained. The workers aren't allowed to be too independent because then they can't as easily be used however the masters want. His views are sort of a reverse of Mrs. Thornton's... the employers are the aggressors constantly shoving the workers back down. Wanting them to be ignorant, never to think for themselves, to be dependent and unquestioning. As someone who has very few options even when it comes to helping his daughter dying due to a factory-related illness, his bitterness is fully understandable.
John Thornton
"But because we don’t explain our reasons, they won’t believe we’re acting reasonably. We must give them line and letter for the way we choose to spend or save our money." [...] "I agree with Miss Hale so far as to consider our people in the condition of children, while I deny that we, the masters, have anything to do with the making or keeping them so. I maintain that despotism is the best kind of government for them; so that in the hours in which I come in contact with them I must necessarily be an autocrat." [...] "And I say, that the masters would be trenching on the independence of their hands, in a way that I, for one, should not feel justified in doing, if we interfered too much with the life they lead out of the mills. Because they labour ten hours a-day for us, I do not see that we have any right to impose leading-strings upon them for the rest of their time. I value my own independence so highly that I can fancy no degradation greater than that of having another man perpetually directing and advising and lecturing me, or even planning too closely in any way about my actions."
Mr. Thornton has quite an interesting mix of views here. He claims that it is necessary for him to be a despot; but he feels he has no right to interfere with their personal lives. He talks scornfully of their strikes and says if they knew why he's taken his stance, then they would act differently, but he refuses to tell them why. He agrees that they're like children, but then says he respects their independence and is treating them like he'd want to be treated. Thornton does seem to have a better understanding of the independent nature of the people here, but he uses that reasoning to justify remaining completely uninvolved in bettering the situation. He asks if he has any right to impose his own views on them just because he's their boss - and that's a fair point, but also, he's kind of doing that regardless? It's his belief that an honest and straightforward, if demanding 'master' is both more respectable and incurs loyalty/becomes an example to follow. It's his belief that the workers should blindly obey him because he's in charge, and that this is better for them. And as someone with so much power over their livelihoods, he can operate based on these views. If they feel otherwise, they don't have the power to change that. When they try with strikes, he's willing to get into a power struggle that he admits will hurt him as well as them, rather than let them 'win' even just enough to make him admit his reasons why. Even though he claims their interests align with his, he seems to feel that they don't or can't understand this, and thus conflict is inevitable. In fact, I think he was the first one to call it a "battle of the classes." Thornton's backstory is very much a "pulled myself up by my own bootstraps" success story, and because he did it by working really hard and practicing lots of self-discipline, he seems to think anyone else who fails to succeed is at fault for not working hard enough. He didn't question his bosses, he just put the work in! And so on. Of course, pretty sure he was always of a higher class, and that's going to be a factor for all of these people regardless, but still, I can easily see him thinking that it's their fault for not knowing how to save their money carefully enough. And thus dismissing their complaints.
Margaret Hale
All I meant to say is, that there is no human law to prevent the employers from utterly wasting or throwing away all their money, if they choose; but that there are passages in the Bible which would rather imply—to me at least—that they neglected their duties as stewards if they did so. [...] ...I see two classes dependent on each other in every possible way, yet each evidently regarding the interests of the other as opposed to their own: I never lived in a place before where there were two sets of people always running each other down. [...] ...you are a man, dealing with a set of men over whom you have, whether you reject the use of it or not, immense power, just because your lives and your welfare are so constantly and intimately interwoven. God has made us so that we must be mutually dependent. We may ignore our own dependence, or refuse to acknowledge that others depend upon us in more respects than the payment of weekly wages; but the thing must be, nevertheless.
Margaret relays Higgins' words, and speaks on his behalf. She seems to have a position closest to her father, in the sense that she feels it is Mr. Thornton's duty to aid the people under his rulership. She seems guided ultimately by religious ideals of the relationship between people, but also recognizes that the situation involves an inherent power imbalance and thus responsibility on the part of the one who is at the top. As much as Thornton might deny it, he does have incredible power over the people. But he is also dependent upon them. Her talk about dependence is really interesting because she's the first person to portray it as extending in both directions. They are dependent upon him to employ them; but he is equally dependent upon them to work for him. In this way, she goes a step further than Mr. Hale seemed to, and recognizes both sides as at least closer to equals. She clearly isn't suggesting that every worker should be seen as having the same rights and roles as Thornton, but neither does she view them as either entirely isolated in their independence, or entirely subservient in their dependence. It's a complicated web in which everyone plays a valuable part. Fighting against one another is by necessity acting against your own interests, in a way. Once again, I think her having these beliefs fits very well with her background as someone who did operate in a more noblesse oblige way and clearly felt she was better than certain other classes, but also experienced being the social lesser/supported one when taken in by her Aunt.
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orpheusilver · 6 months
oh yeah i tried making maklouba tonight!! burnt it.
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pennyellee · 1 year
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pairings: mafia leader!yoongi x f!reader genre: mafia!au, yandere au, historical au
summary: Their interlocking gaze served as a butterfly effect on his heart, stirring it to the core. She, in turn, only dreams to find a way to escape. But perchance, over time she might forcefully learn to love the man who has taken so much from her.
Thus unfolds a twisted tale of love and loss, of hope and despair, of life and death. The music reverberated through the dimly-lit streets. Tears of sorrow, weeping symphony - reflects the hurt, the scars that linger deep within and the wounds that never healed. Lacrimosa.
warnings: minors dni 18+ | mafia au, dark!yoongi, mafia!yoongi, smut, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, yandere, threatening, kidnapping, partial religious behaviour, graphic violence, graphic depictions of torture, manipulation, possessive/obsessive behaviour, angst, implied non-con, minor character death, spanking, blood, gaslighting (more to be added)
word count: 655
author’s note: yaaaaaay!! can't believe I actually made it to post a fanfic I desperately wanted to write for two whole years now. I am very much excited to share this preview from one of the chapters ♥ I'm rising from the dead when it comes to writing fics, so excuse any ridiculous mistake I make, I'll always try to look into it backwards. Lastly a big thank you goes to Bex @chaoticpuff17 who not only inspired me to write but constantly showed me love and support, therefore I would love to express my unending gratitude and admiration, love you baby ♥ lots of love, 𝖕𝖊𝖓𝖓𝖞𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖊
m.list CHAPTER I
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“You crave the throne don’t you?” she asked cocking her head and chin defiantly, her narrowed eyes fixed on him. “I want you too.” She chuckled at his response. “I'm merely a convenient excuse, am I not?” Y/N smiled too sweetly. “You’ll kill m—” he rose from his chair, not even letting her finish. Grabbing her by her shoulders in steel grip with a penetrating gaze.
The fragile cup slipped from her trembling hands and shattered on the floor, a nearby maid prepared to clean up the shattered shards. “Leave us!” he barked at the startled girl, his voice filled with anger. Y/N's eyes widened. He was even more aggressive and intimidating than before.
“I could—” his voice seething with fury, “— I could gather man and slaughter your entire clan keeping you as a trophy, a symbol of my power.” The threat hung in the air, and she could feel the tears welling up in her eyes. Fear was coursing through her, yet she resisted letting it control her.
“Matter of fact—” he continued, his grip tightening on her shoulders, eliciting a whimper of pain from her, “—you will be a symbol of the magnitude my power has, no matter if your father and family remain alive. So it’s on you. The fate of your kin rests in your hands. Their survival hinges on your decisions and how well you’ll cooperate.” He tightened his grip again, eliciting another whimper of pain from her.
“But I will never dispose of you.” he growled through gritted teeth, his tone a mixture of possessiveness and frustration. Gathering her courage, she managed to speak again, her voice trembling but filled with resolve.
“You cannot manipulate me like this. You think I’ll fall for this fucked up scheme? I have spent my entire life under the orders of others, forbidden from making choices for myself! And you have the audacity to use my innocence thinking I will willingly crawl into your bed and love you like a devoted lover.” Venom in her voice and the desperate tone made fall for her even more.
“I've only recently met you, so spare me your attempts to deceive me that you’re being my saviour.” Y/N has enough fire to still conquer and fight him back. “I refuse to be a passive participant in this game.” She shall not take it lying down.
“I'm giving you a choice—” he asserted, his voice laced with a dangerous undertone “—either you’ll walk down the aisle to me or there will be a bloodshed. I won’t send you back to your father nor will I relinquish you easily.” His eyes locked onto hers, and she could see the darkness consuming his pupils when anger consumed him.
“Call it love, obsession, or whatever you please, but no matter what imbecile attempts you make to fight or flee, we will inevitably end up together nonetheless," he declared with conviction. Was this the fate God had laid out for her? Her faith wavered, and if he didn't provide assistance soon she shall forbid him altogether.
“You just want to fuck m—” he cut her off abruptly, his voice low and seductive.
“I can either fuck you hard or I can make love to you,” said he, whilst setting her left arm free and sliding his to her thigh, caressing it sweetly.
Breathing started to become harder for Y/N. Unfamiliar sensations welled up in her lower belly whilst his touch was sending shivers through her body. Was this attraction? Excitement? Mother told her this is how love is supposed to feel like. Butterflies in her stomach. But she certainly wasn't in love with her captor.
He sensed her confusion and distress. Leaving her fall back to the chair. Finally letting her breathe freely. Yoongi sat back to his chair, collecting himself and his three peace suit he wears today.
“Loss of words, innit?” He chuckled.
coming soon CHAPTER I
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©pennyellee. please do not repost
disclaimer: this story is purely fictional, it does not depict real-life events or involve any actual members of BTS. This story will contain depictions of violence, blood shed, death, mentions of abuse, smoking, alcohol drinking, illegal activities, old social norms and traditions, which we do not condone.
taglist: @chaoticpuff17 @honsoolgloss
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teecupangel · 10 months
I'm almost sorry to add another story idea to your backlog pile, BUT:
Elijah finds out what his dad went through, manages to break into a parallel universe, time travels to the 3 eras of the main ancestors, and tries to change things enough to save Desmond. Altair, Ezio, and Ratonhnhake:ton ask this tiny, angry, sarcastic, cactus of a child why he's doing what he's doing, and he eventually explains it over time.
Desmond, on the other hand, is watching all of this through the animus: a son he didn't know existed was trying to save him. An infant who he had never met, and who had never met him, was fighting time and reality itself to save him from a fate that still hasn't been explained, was showing more care and love and compassion for him than anyone Desmond had ever known before. And it hurts, because Desmond just grows to love him more and more, but thinks he'll never truly meet him outside of a Bleed.
Elijah never seems to age, even though he spends like forty years picking on Ezio. There's a statue of him in the Monterrigioni sanctuary, and he hates it with a passion.
Just... Elijah trying to fuck up time enough to save his dad, and Desmond watching all of it both touched and heartbroken, because if he's going through all of this anyways, it was all for nothing.
Then Elijah comes out of nowhere in the Grand Temple and sucker punches Juno with a data virus he had hardcoded into their lineage's DNA over nine centuries lmao
Please never be sorry for sending me an ask. Pile as much as you want as long as you guys understand that it would take a while for me to answer them (a month or so at this point XD)
Okay, but can you just imagine if Elijah was just a teenager in this one? That would give more of a sucker punch vibe to Desmond once he learns who Elijah is.
He has the ability to time travel but he can’t control where he gets sent. His goal had been to save Desmond Miles but he made the mistake of tying his time to Desmond Miles and not to someone more stable like Rebecca Crane or Shaun Hastings.
Hell, William Miles would be a better choice.
Desmond Miles’ ‘time’ is connected to the memories he watch in the Animus, making Elijah slip in and out of certain ‘times’, following the memories Desmond watches.
Desmond assumed Elijah was one of the informants in Altaïr’s memories. It’s only when Altaïr began to see him as an annoying child who always got in the way of Altaïr’s missions that Elijah told the truth.
Because Elijah has nothing to lose from telling Altaïr the truth. He was a prisoner of time itself, being yanked time and time again. He has a theory that he was being yanked to the time in Altaïr’s life where Desmond was watching him so he figured he could give Desmond information as well using Altaïr.
It would be funny, after all.
The Isus have chosen Ezio Auditore to be their prophet.
Why couldn’t Elijah make Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad his prophet then?
And he’ll take Ezio Auditore from the Isus as well.
Maybe it was Aita’s selfishness and desire for power.
Maybe it was his very own selfish desire to have something that was truly his.
“Shall we make a deal, Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad?”
“A deal?” Those golden eyes seemed to pierce his very soul.
But it didn’t matter what he saw.
He cannot begin to fathom the truth.
Not yet, anyway.
Right now, Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad was a man lost in a vicious snowstorm threatening to swallow him whole and pull him to his frozen grave.
He still haven’t found the warmth he was meant to have, given to him by the Calculations.
“My name is Elijah.” He said, “I am a child of Time itself.”
“What nonsen-”
“I will correctly tell you what will happen when you confront Garnier de Naplouse.” Elijah stated, making Altaïr stop from walking away from him. Altaïr turned just enough to stare at him with one of his golden eyes as Elijah continued, “And I will tell you the future you are meant to have.”
“And what do you want in exchange?”
“From you? Nothing.” Elijah admitted, “All I want is a bit of your time.”
“My time?”
“To talk to Desmond Miles.”
Altaïr frowned as he said, “I do not know anyone by that name.”
“I know.” Elijah answered with a nod, “But he’s watching you. The Templars are forcing him to watch you right now and it is because he is forced to watch you that he comes to care for you so…”
“I will help you save yourself, Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad.” Elijah said, “To change your fate to whatever you desire, instead of what has been laid out in front of you. In exchange…”
“All I ask is you listen to me so I can take to my father.” Elijah’s lips curved into a small smirk that felt more Aita than him, “And to commemorate my first message to my father, I believe I should tell him an important truth.”
“Lucy Stillman is a Templar who betrayed the Assassins.”
(I feel like in this case, Elijah would provide more information and let Altaïr do what he wants. He only starts to actually have a more active roll once the memory seals from ACR starts and he grows close to Altaïr’s children. By the time he gets to Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton, he’s more ‘fuck the backseat, I’m driving’ and actively helps. This ends up with Elijah finally ‘returning’ to Desmond Miles’ time just as Minerva and Juno told him what will happen if he lets the world burn and, by that point, Elijah had already completed a device that would force Juno’s consciousness to operate the device in Desmond’s stead).
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willowbrookesblog · 1 year
"I'm afraid of you."
Pairing: Sigtryggr Ivarsson x Fem!Reader Uthred's daughter and Stiorra's older sister
Notes: This is my first fic about Sigtryggr so if you notice something out of character for him or some spelling mistakes, please tell me :) I'm also lowkey highkey scared to post this because I've never truly written anything to the public 😩 but I know that by practicing my writing will slowly get better as time goes on so please give me some pointers if you want it will be greatly appricated- anywho hope you enjoy~
warnings: talk of childbirth/death but its just one line and doesn't get talked about again.
Y/n sat in silence - head resting on her hands that were interlocked under her chin starring at a book Sigtryggr asked her to read to him blankly, knowing that her sister was okay and that no one would harm her, she wasn't worried about Edward's family as she had a feeling they were going to be used as pawns or something of the sort.
She had already talked to Sigtryggr and had told him everything he had asked for in return for the security that her sister wouldn't be harmed to which he had agreed - she couldn't deny the warmth that spread through her when he had promised that he would not let anyone hurt her or her sister.
In truth, for the past few weeks she had grown quite close with him, Sigtryggr even going as far as to let her see Stiorra herself to make sure she was alright. Sigtryggr managed to figure her out - something most men couldn't do, and that terrified her. She had built walls around herself so that no one could get close to her, she didn't want to lose anyone else and he managed to make his way right into her heart and made her walls crumble to the ground while she stood watching them fall and there was nothing she could do about it.
Sigtryggr silently watched her from the opposite side of the room a small smile playing at his lips as she sighed "What is it?" Y/n turned to look at him "This is so stupid, I'm bored, tired, and hungry, and I'm tired of reading, my brain feels like it's being tortured" Y/n scoffed before pushing the book away and leaning her head on the table.
She heard Sigtryggr chuckle at her and lifted her head "What?" Sigtryggr moved to sit in front of her, handing her some bread, his fingers lightly touching hers as she grabbed it "Well then, you shall take a break. Tell me more about yourself, you said you often thought of your future, tell me about it" He asked her, only for information and totally not just him wanting to learn even more about her or anything "I want to go on a couple adventures, maybe own my own bakery, I refuse to have children so maybe have a cat or two, and then live a quiet and peaceful life," Y/n says as she looked up at him
Sigtryggr smiled at her and tilted his head "No children? why is that?" Sigtryggr asked her curiously and Y/n scoffed at the question not hesitating to answer him "I have no maternal bone in my body, when I hear a child cry I do not feel the need to comfort it instead I pray to the gods that it shuts up, and when a child falls I have no feeling to comfort them in fact i find it rather amusing." Y/n leaned back "Plus i don't want to die giving birth, it scares me" Sigtryggr nodded "that's understandable" it got quiet for a few moments before Sigtryggr got called for by someone and he excused himself, gently touching her shoulder as he went by.
Y/n sat quietly by herself, his touch set her skin on fire and she couldn't help but think of what it would feel like touching all over her body, she quickly shook her head and took a deep breath in trying to calm herself but it didn't do much to calm the heat her body was forming.
About another two weeks had gone by and her body craved him, she wanted him more than anything and that terrified her, she didn't know it was possible to want something so much, didn't help that she would make up so many excuses just to get him to touch her, it was almost pathetic, she felt herself falling for him and she couldn't stop herself.
Similarly Sigtryggr was having the same problem, every time she asked for this or that and he let his touch linger on her, he knew that he was falling for her, but he wasn't upset by finding out he was, he was just worried about what would happen to her.
She sat down at the table back facing the door when he walked in "I'm afraid of you, afraid of the feelings that you make me have. Of how tempting it is to make excuses just to feel your touch on my skin, of lying to myself. I'm afraid of the feelings that consume my entire being when you come around, or when i think of you. I'm scared about how much I feel for you. I can't hide it anymore- I'm tired of hiding it and being afraid of you rejecting me, Of being scared of what I want" Y/n says to him as she stands up turning to face him
Sigtryggr tilts his head to the side and slowly steps forward to stand in front of her, "And what do you want?" His voice is firm but gentle "I want you" she responded almost instantly "I want you so much it scares me" Y/n said again her voice slightly quivering
Sigtryggr looked at her and nodded his head "Then you will have me, I was just about to come and tell you a deal has been made. You will come with me to Eorforwic, I will give you everything you wanted, adventures, your own bakery, cats, and a peaceful, quiet life"
Sigtryggr gently holds onto the sides of her face "If you would be willing to go with me, will you?" he asks looking in her eyes "I would happily go with you, Sigtryggr" Y/n smiles and pulls him closer to her and lays a gentle kiss on his lips.
Please 🙏 please tell me how it was, did you enjoy it? Any feedback helps and is greatly appreciated <33 Also before I forget Please reblog 😊
@valeskafics @sihtricfedaraaahvicius I'm tagging you both just because I wanna know what you guys think of this <3
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feralkwe · 29 days
Ask and ye shall recieve- anyway, I'm thinking these might be fun prompts for you! Especially the "How am I supposed to sleep next to ypu knowing what you did?" Ish one
(On phone, so I'm approximating that prompt)
“how do you expect me to sleep next to you at night knowing what you did?”
oh you. oh you.
i had to do some bending to make this work. i'm not precisely sure that time exists for this to play out as it does here. also, i had to put kit in a pretty bad place at this point of shb. not a far leap, but definitely a darker, most self-loathing one. i'm also not sure this question she asks would ever be a consideration, but that's the beauty of an au, you can do almost anything if you try hard enough.
under a cut because... i suppose some of it is dodgy, considering their respective mental states and the fact that this is ardbert's stolen body. nothing is nsfw, but it's implied.
if you want more context, i did write an au fic i reference.
Kit stared across the room, bedding pulled around her. The chill of the floor beneath her feet was the only thing grounding her to the reality of the moment. To the gravity of what she’d done. No, not done, past tense. Of what she was doing. Present tense. Again.
The first time had been… a fluke. An indiscretion. Perhaps even a moment of weakness rooted in morbid curiosity. A poor decision born of loneliness and isolation. Elidibus’ confession at the lookout over Lakeland had sounded confused, irrational, and impossible. The words of a man who was no longer engaging with reality, mistaking her for another. But then he’d used her name—not a title bestowed upon her, but her actual name—and he was no longer the only one confused. What he claimed was impossible, and yet she needed to believe it so desperately that she indulged it.
She had no excuses after that first time. Or the second. Or the third. It was past time to admit that she was actively participating in something that she should not have been with someone she should not have. Someone who one moment was buried deep inside her, proclaiming how much he missed her, loved her, and the next reassuring her that he fully intended to end her very existence all the same. Angry at himself for weakness in the face of all which was at stake, and angry at her for… causing it. Apparently.
After she realized she could accidentally summon him to her, she quickly learned how to do it on purpose. And she did. She called him to her to see what would happen. To see how far his obsession went. And, were she honest, to see where her own ended.
He paced behind her. He always paced after, sinking into his rage and determination once more as their pulses settled and he focused on redressing. Though, anger wasn’t exactly what she would call it. It had morphed over the short time they repeated this mistake into what felt more akin to self-loathing. A feeling she knew too well, as it turned out. What froze her in place and trapped her in her thoughts compelled him to rail about her Pendants room for the duration of the brief time he ever remained.
“This changes nothing,” he repeated. Another familiar refrain, the reminder that for all his proclamations of love, she was still his enemy. The one with who fault for all his woes lie. The one whose death was the only path to his victory. His duty. The obstacle to, as he put it, saving the world. Both heroes from their perspectives, their purposes at an impasse, even this bizarre, mutual allure of what was forbidden could not resolve it. In fact, Kit was fairly certain it only worsened everything.
“I know.” She couldn’t look at him. She didn’t need to. He would still be naked, moving about the room in a stolen body and avoiding looking at her.
“Yet you continue to call me forth.”
She glanced over her shoulder. “You continue to answer.”
Silence, apart from the forced breath through his nose.
She closed her eyes again, waiting. Why he just did not carry out his plan when she was like this—unarmed, confused, and vulnerable—she could not say. Certainly it would be faster than whatever mutual misery they inflicted upon one another. Did he not want his vengeance? For what reason did he prolong the inevitable? In a few minutes he would roughly gather her to him again, crushing her against Ardbert’s chest and inhaling into her hair. Then he would grind out between his teeth a lament for what he could not remember. And she would welcome it.
Kit swallowed. “Next time—”
“There will be no next time,” he said. Cold. Defiant.
“Next time, maybe you could not… use that body.”
He spun about, a cruel smile touching the mouth. “I would be a fool to surrender my greatest weapon.”
“He was my friend,” she murmured. Another thing that did not exist in the past tense, yet something she could not be bothered to explain. “And you violated him. His memory. His legacy.”
He sniffed. “How the Warrior of Darkness spouts hypocrisy.”
She looked up at him, a useless feeling of longing continuing to spur her forward into foolishness. “How do you expect me to sleep next to you at night knowing what you did?” As close as she could come to an invitation. One she could not decide if she wanted him to accept or not.
“That,” he said, cold blue eyes boring into her even as grief hung over him, “will never be something about which you need worry.”
“Elidibus.” She stood, feeling small before him despite her height over him. “We could… stop this. All of it and—”
“No!” he shot. “No. This cannot be stopped. Do you not—” He clenched a hand into a fist. “Of course you do not. You could not understand. How could you ever understand?” He frowned, a conflict waging across his face. His mouth moved as if he would say more, then the more familiar vacancy took over his eyes, and it was lost. The air shifted, a rift opened, and he strode forward toward it. “Do not summon me again. I will not answer.”
“I won’t,” she growled.
They both knew it for a lie.
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gaymars97 · 3 months
Holy shit i just remembered i never introduced tumblr to Betrayal au im gonna change that
So basically, in betrayal au, Maya doesn’t meet the raiders till much later. Before that happens, she also experiences way more betrayal trauma, assassination/murder attempts and overall discrimination than in canon. In fact, pretty much all she lived from interactions with other people ended up being negative, or at best, neutral, either on the short or long run.
So naturally, instead of being open to form new relationships, she starts to distance herself from others. (Cauz yk. Who would want to try to socialize again after over 27 years of perpetual negativity from people? You try keeping your cool after that) By the time she finally meets the raiders, things are different than in canon…
That was the short version. Long version is under the cut
(I shall post a part 2 on bl3 BAU cauz theres a few important things to say about her and if i cram it in here the post will just be. Interminable.)
When she gets on Pandora, instead of directly joining the raiders, Maya is instead approached by a different group of so called « vault hunters » who offer her to work together to open the vault.
As time passes and she gets to know her teammates, even though the betrayal from the order of the impending storm still deeply affects her emotionally, she learns to trust and care for those new friends.
(For reference, the impending storm plot twist™️ also happens earlier, so she also gets to pandora sooner)
Well surprise! Turns out this was a trap too! The « vh » team lured her into trusting them so they could get their hands on a siren, after all. Plan devised by a commander in Hyperion, fyi.
In an act of self defense, she had to kill the very people she thought she could trust. Once again, it wasn’t her who was welcomed with open arms in a family. This whole time, all they cared about were her powers.
Now, this had happened twice, and this time, she nearly died. A part of her did die that day.
Every time she trusted people, it was used against her.
And how about the strangers she had met so far, well, in her life? Either avoided her, visibly feared her or tried to kill her. At best, they just went on to live their day.
So, she started to believe that maybe she was doomed to be left behind every time she tried to follow others. To get hurt every time she showed vulnerability. To be hunted. Feared. Hated.
And can you blame her?
I mean, after all, when was the last time people genuinely cared about her?
Did that ever happen in the first place?
So, as Pandora just seems to keep proving her fears are justified, she learns to become distant.
After making the same mistake twice, she wasn’t going to let people deceive her again. Now she knew that if she wanted to reach her goal to learn about sirens, it wasn’t by entrusting others with her help.
At some point, the crimson raiders offer to team up. But she won’t let her guard down so easily now. She refuses. I mean, what’s stopping them to just take all the info they need from her hands once they don’t need her help anymore?
So, led by nothing but bits of info and a mysterious voice in her head (As much as she’s real hesitant to follow the advice of the so called « ai » talking to her somehow, she’s the best lead she’s got.), she leads a one woman hunt for the vault key.
But things don’t go exactly as planned (as always). The moment she’s finally close to get the thing, guess who shows up? That’s right! The crimson fucking raiders, and they want the key too!
Lilith confronts her. She gives her another chance to work together, but Maya just can’t take that kind of risk a third time. So, siren fight ensues, and things seem to be going well, until Lilith decides enough is enough and uses eridium. However, instead of killing the fellow siren, she knocks her out and gets her to sanctuary.
Held captive by the raiders (You can thank Lilith for that btw. Homegirl can’t get herself to kill a fellow siren just yet) a deal is eventually made (working with other people may be the last thing she’d do under normal circumstances, but she has no choice. They caught her.)
So against her own will, she learns to know the people she works with, thinking that after the key is acquired, she’s just get the info she needs and then fuck off. But once again. Didn’t go as planned. These guys are way more loveable than expected-
Goddamn it.
She has one hell of a crisis when she realizes that not only she’s feeling herself starting to care about those people, but that this odd feeling she has whenever she’s with the odd one who screams about meat might be romantic attraction. (And it is)
It takes time, but the raiders eventually prove to her that this time, it’s mutual. Things get better after that 💜
(She’s still more of a bastard than canon tho. All this time of the intimidating distant facade taught her how nice it feels to be a lil mean. As a treat)
Another noticeable trait is the massive scar she has on her face. It was inflicted by one of the members of the fake vh team the day of the betrayal (it still brings a load of bad memories and she hates it) I shall post how the scar looks pretty soon.
(Other note, i would like to thank @rando-lesbo210 because her Fallen Heirs au is what inspired the creation of Betrayal au)
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terraliensvent · 2 months
Ok civ's response is honestly kinda funny, I should've known only someone equally as delusional could go along with coy's bullshit all this time.
Image link in case it gets deleted: https://imgur.com/a/lDxBSoT
As another unemployed artist the fact they think terra staff "ruined their income" when not only are they absolutely popular enough to make money off their art. They also have coy's audience backing them as well, so this claim is extremely laughable to me. Try having no audience at all and not having a community made up of big spenders from cs communities, then maybe we'll feel a little sympathy.
Or better yet maybe if you and coy contributed an ounce of effort beyond being greedy assholes you'd still be able to make money off the species. But no, clearly they never learn their fucking lesson because every single species they've made eventually gets ruined because of their insistence on running the species according to how much money they can make.
It's genuinely hilarious to me that they both actually think they're the victims in this situation because terra staff finally put their foots down and said they can't keep using the species for money. Go get a damn job if you're that desperate and stop taking advantage of the people who want to actually enjoy the species and especially stop causing issues for the terra staff team who are actually fucking trying despite all the bullshit they've had to go through because of you both.
I'm so tired of them and entitled greedy cs owners in general, I couldn't fathom being this self centered honestly it's sad.
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yeah i think im gonna call bullshit on this, lets do a little dissection here
" What they didn't mention was how they banned both coy and myself (even though I had nothing to do with the deletion of the pets/left the conversation civilly before that was discussed), "
even if civ had nothing to do with deleting the pets, i would argue terra staff made the right choice in banning them. what coy did is equivalent to vandalism and can cause further problems if there are issues with code and such. furthermore, wouldnt it make sense to ban civ as well if theyre closely associated and have the power on the account to do more vandalism? civ you werent doing shit for the species other than farting out adopts every week, youll live.
 "..refused to negotiate with us, did not include us in the original discussion about OUR OWN TERMS that were agreed on when we left ownership, and the new owner was unwilling to participate in the discussion originally."
i am SO curious to see what actually went on in staff chat. the conclusion im personally drawing here is that the original discussion occurred in a staff-only chat (somewhere where civ and coy wouldnt be because theyre NOT FUCKING STAFF) and then when the final agreement was reached, they came to civ and coy. maybe they could have gone differently about it but honestly, knwoing now that civ and coy have continually shut down any sort of discussion like this due to their greed (cough cough THIS whole debacle) im not surprised they wouldnt be asked for their two cents.
"Both sides have made mistakes; but the terra staff refused to acknowledge their dishonest and disrespectful actions that led up to this. Had they been willing to compromise and talk to us, this wouldn't have happened. "
again i am just not willing to believe this when civ and coy have a history of being shitty to staff (shall i bring back the receipts?), when cal(tycho) has a history of being a good owner even after the enormous shitshow of what you put him through, when, after you two finally fucked off, things are actually being MOVED FORWARD in the species (like trait guides, new items to allow lim traits, new site assets, all within a timeframe of like. two months. civ and coy had the species for over a fucking year and did nothing. just some food for thought)
like im not going to believe you unless you give adequate proof in the form of screenshots or something. but they probably wouldnt do that because it would most likely show current staff being totally reasonable and you two shitting your diapers over it.
"They silenced me and put their foot down, ruining my source of income as a disabled unemployed artist."
hmm lets crunch some numbers here
you have seven terra adopts that are on your most recent designs tab. presumably you are allowed to keep the money from that because it happened before everything went down
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now a lot of these are pretty pricey, the first in the list is $300
however if you go through the rest of their recent designs its all little chibi stuff for around ~$20. that could be a defense for the "wah wah you stole my one source of income" if it werent for the fact these designs almost never go unsold, they have chibi slots open for $45, and they also have fucking isopups to ride the coattails off of. like you will be fine, you have many ways to make money off of your art as opposed to some 10 follower account. this is pop artist bitching at its finest.
and again, it is THEIR FAULT they dont have terra income anymore. how in the world is it fair for them to have more money opportunities than people actively working on the species just because they slapped their names on it.
finally lets do a funny little comment showcase!
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people keep equating the old staff team to the new staff team. lets talk about bear, lets talk about kea, lets talk about fucking coy. thats the staff YOU employed, not the people trying to throw together the pieces. you want to again, absolve yourself of all responsibility acting like it wasnt YOUR FRIENDS that YOU picked for the staff team that was causing problems. bear literally caused the first downfall of the species (architechals) and YOUR staff are the ones who ran with it and decided to be petty and immature and make knockoffs. i swear to god this reminds me of people saying shit like "the economy was better under x president!" when the current president inherits the economy of the previous one
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jesse please do everyone a favor and just shut up for once, you only care as long as you can profit off of the situation, your wording is so stupid i genuinely lost braincells. civ and coy absolutely do have the means to make money off their art, far more than other people, and the issue with the situation is that theyre making more money off the species than the people actually putting in work to maintain the fucking species, the agreement according to tycho would have STILL allowed them to make more than terra staff but they were too greedy and stupid to just shut up. and to make an ableism argument really just makes me want to bash my head into a wall. civ is not some poor discarded puppy "thrown out in the rain," they have the ability to make a lot more fucking money than most others can off of art, and not to mention they have the ability to use the fans of those they have connections with, like coy or even fucking kea
but in all seriousness, its SO fucking funny to me how theyre acting like civ and coy are some fucking marytrs for terraliens, like they were working sleepless nights to do the best they could each and every day hoping and praying they could make it!! please be fucking for real. again, that species did not even have TRAIT GUIDES for the full calendar year after it was created because civ and coy just didnt give enough of a fuck to do it. listen im gonna ride or die for new staff right now because there is TANGIBLE EVIDENCE of them actually going above and beyond anything ever done under civ and coy. compare #staff-wips from civ and coys reign to now. before, all you would see is adopts. thats it. nothing else just adopts. now, within the course of three months, new staff have come up with unique events, had lore writer, mod, and OA applications, released a new set of forageables THAT GIVE REWARDS, entirely revamped one of the forage areas with plans to do the rest, held the myo compensation event (a feat in and of itself), show CONTINUAL wips of shit actually important to the species (like new items), take in community input, and again, above all else, FINALLY put out trait guides. id say theyre doing fucking leagues more work than civ and coy ever did.
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and this is just fucking laughable. ive already made all my arguments, you can see the types of people we are dealing with here. calling jealousy is absurd and downright hilarious
their fanbases need to wake tf up because these people love to victimize themselves and misconstrue shit all day long
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Chapter 17
The conversation continues...and a revelation happens..
“Which is?” Astaroth queried with a touch of hesitancy in his voice, wondering what his wife had in store for him now.  A zoo’s worth of animals on the island? Another island paradise to hideaway in? A mountain one this time?  A baby?  Primus Sator forbid!
Taking a deep breath, since she felt kind of foolish for asking, but that seemed on par for the course of the evening, “Could we try a first date again? Maybe just the two of us? You know, since I ruined this one.” Yara looked away from him, trying to keep the tears from building in her eyes.  The thought of how to ask, or even how to plan it on her own, had been what was keeping her awake.  She wanted to have a romantic time with her husband.  She wanted to show him she wasn’t a lost cause.
If Yara had been trying to hide how nervous she was to ask that question, she failed spectacularly.  Astaroth was impressed she wasn’t physically trembling in his arms when she asked though, as bad as her voice shook and cracked.  That was tempered with pride in her for being able to actually get it out instead of hiding her thoughts like she had a habit of doing. Her looking away didn’t bother him, he’d rather her look away and be able to speak her mind than them keep tripping over one another.
Gently, he used two fingers to tip her chin so that she was once more looking at him in the very low light.  “Do you mind if I change it a little?  Make it so we both have a better time and are more relaxed?”  His fingers gently caressed the edges of her face as he looked at her adoringly.  There were mistakes that he had made that he didn’t intend on making again. He was learning he rather enjoyed having his wife in his arms, and the sound of his name rolling of her tongue. “Whatever you want, but I just…” Yara paused as she nodded, she honestly didn’t care.  It could be a completely different type of night, she just wanted a second chance.  He already meant something to her, and was beginning to mean a whole lot more, she didn’t want to drive him away or to actually look at someone else longingly because she was an emotional mess.  The thought of that was killing her, even with his promise that it would be just the two of them.  “I just want a special time for us, and not to ruin it this time.”  Her head pressed firmly against his chest, her eyes closing.
He tsked her, shaking his head slightly, before kissing her forehead.  “You did not ruin it, Papilio.  You learned that you are cared for, and will never be abandoned or rejected.”  He held her tighter and sighed.  “Life is not an all or nothing, with me, not for you.  We will learn one another, and things will get easier.”  Another kiss was placed on her forehead, as he tried to figure out how to better comfort her, and also wondered why it was that her upset troubled him so deeply.  This whole relationship was a new experience.
“Dinner was amazing, but you know that the rest was not what you had envisioned, or what we could have had.”  There was an undercurrent of sadness and remorse to her voice that displeased him. There was no reason for it.  Yes, she had misunderstood the situation, but she had not done anything to purposely ruin the night. Her sitting there silently was the exact opposite of how he would have expected her to react to seeing someone flirt with him, and assuming he was receptive.
“True, but such is life.  So, we shall have a second date.  I do want to keep my wife happy. I wouldn’t want her eyes or heart to wander to someone else.  After all, she is becoming very important to me.” The seriousness of the conversation gave way to a slight tease in his voice. 
“Asti….” She scoffed and lightly thumped his chest with her hand, looking up at him like he’d just told her that Lucifer was a fluffy bunny. Still, she had not missed his last statement, and it hit her deep.
“I do love it when you say my name….” That wasn't a lie, which the deepening of his voice and the darkening of his eyes gave credence to. There were even times he wished she said it more.  He had to be losing his sanity, but for the moment he didn't care.
“Astaroth…” Yara’s voice lowered and became husky, his name becoming an almost purr that reverberated against his neck before she placed a soft kiss there.  To find out that she had an effect on him emboldened her, and gave her a newfound sense of satisfaction.  The woman at the bar might have been more seductive than she was, but it was clear that she hadn’t affected Astaroth.  If Yara was able to with just his name, well that was definitely a bonus in her favor.  
“Keep doing that and I might keep you in bed all day tomorrow, Papillio.”  His own voice lowered as well, his wife's seduction working fully on him. Even tired after an emotional evening, he would not refuse her.  Not with the new feelings taking root in his heart, and how enjoyable their first encounter was.
“Is that a threat or a promise, love?”
“Both.” Astaroth kissed her lightly, enjoying the tease and seduction of the moment. Fingers sinking into her dark locks, he pulled her closer for a deeper kiss before pulling back to look into her eyes.
“Te amo, Astaroth Anthas, Mortem meam.” (I love you, Astaroth Anthas, my Death.) Yara slipped into Latin as easily as she breathed. For some reason, saying the words in that, instead of Demontongue, was easier. The admission that she had already fallen in love with him, since the moment he had learned all about her past, yet had not pushed her away like the others, terrified her. She had handed him the instrument of her own destruction. 
For a full beat, Astaroth was convinced he'd translated what she'd said wrong in his head.  There was not a possibility that she could feel the same for him. He knew her doubts and fears, her insecurities; but he also knew that after their conversation earlier, she would not say such things lightly or in jest.  His belief, once more, that the Fates were involved in whatever was transpiring, seemed confirmed. 
Yara had felt like she couldn't breathe, maybe her heart didn’t even beat, while she waited for him to say something.  Once she had said it, it was too late to take it back and the expected rejection was causing her to want to run from the bed and the room. Even though she knew he would not be cruel or mean, that almost made it worse. He would be kind in his denial of mutuality.
The last thing Astaroth was going to do was leave Yara wondering his reaction to her admission.  Rolling over so she now was the one on her back, and he was looking down into her soulful eyes that he adored, he gave her his answer. “Te amo, Yara Anthas, amica mea papilio et amator animae meae.” (I love you, Yara Anthas, my darling butterfly and lover of my soul.)
Her eyes searched his for any sign that he was just placating her, her heart trying to escape her rib cage as it thundered inside. If he had not been so close, his eyes capturing hers with their intensity, she would have sworn she hallucinated those words, those words that no one had said to her before in her life; and they came from the only man that would ever matter to her for the rest of her life,
Astaroth truly loved her. Her, the daughter that no one wanted. Death loved. In some way it was poetic, but in every way it was perfect. As they came together once more, sealing their bond and their love, both felt whole for the first time in their existence; like they had truly found the part that was missing.
On Olympus, Clotho sat back from the pool and looked over to Atropos with a smirk. Both Fates had worked hard for this day, this hour, this minute. More was coming, some dark, some light, and a lot bloody. Lachesis came with the wine and goblets and they looked over at the twelve tapestries with threats binding them. It was coming together. Soon the Primus Sator would summon them, and it would begin....
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banner: @cafekitsune
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SR Vil Schoenheit Outdoor Wear Personal Story: Part 2
"An earnest battle against the fish."
(Part 1) Part 2
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[Dwarfs' Mine – Lakeside]
Vil: It'll almost have been an hour, and I haven't fished up anything whatsoever. What is going on!?
Malleus: Heh… It seems you were all talk.
Vil: Aren't you in the same situation? What are you acting so boastful about!?
Vil: …No, never mind, I need to calm down. I almost let myself lose my composure there.
Vil: I strongly believe in taking all competitions seriously… However, that does not mean I should lose my cool.
Vil: Stay composed, be clever, and secure victory beautifully.
Vil: I need to cool down and remember what I learned about fishing from those books and online.
Vil: The most important thing in fishing was… Not causing any kind of disturbance.
Vil: If one raises their voice, the fish in the water would hear it and run away, it said.
Malleus: Similar to how you were raising your voice to me a moment ago.
Vil: …I'll admit, that was my mistake. From now until I catch a fish, I shan't speak one more word to you.
Vil: Also, if I recall, another effective method to use when unsuccessful in catching anything is to move locations.
Vil: It was also written that fish tend to gather around places that have various obstacles, like reeds, or stumps. I'll change my location to over there.
Vil: …Not even a nibble.
Vil: I'll try switching up my bait. I can try lure fishing instead.
Vil: This is strange. Are there no fish in this lake?
[splish, splash!]
Malleus: There are some fish splashing off in the distance.
Vil: So it's not that they're not here…
Vil: However, I'm much too far away from the location the fish splashed, my line won't reach…
Vil: What should I try next? Should I change locations once again? Or should I change my lure?
Vil: …No, instead, I should…
[wades into the lake]
Film Research Student A: Vil-san! You're going into the lake!? You'll ruin the outfit you received…!
Vil: It's nothing to be surprised about, is it? If I cannot reach it from the lakeshore, then I should move myself closer.
Vil: I'm wading… That is what it's called when you go into a river, lake or even the ocean, to fish.
Vil: This is common for anglers to do. And if I cannot fish anything up this way, then I shall think of another method.
Vil: I was thoroughly thinking about this in the wrong way. This is not a competition versus malleus.
Vil: No, this is an earnest battle against the fish.
Vil: …Fufufu.
Vil: Not only am I the Dorm Leader of Pomefiore at Night Raven College, I am also the leader of the Film Research Club.
Vil: I also have the distinction of being a prominent model. However, such accolades mean nothing to the fish.
Vil: It has been some time since I've been able to compete so earnestly against an opponent who has no preconceived notion as to who I am.
Vil: I feel I have returned to my early days of my career. This is quite exciting.
Film Research Student A: You did it, Vil-san!
Vil: And with this, my fishing competition with Malleus results in my victory.
Film Research Student A: …Wasn't this an earnest battle against the fish, not a competition versus Malleus-san?
Vil: I don't believe I ever said that my competition with Malleus was null and void.
Vil: Fufufu, time to show Malleus what I've caught.
Vil: …Take a look, Malleus. I caught a fish. This is my victory.
Malleus: I also just fished one up as well.
Vil: What did you say…!?
Malleus: I caught mine first. This is my win.
Vil: No, I caught mine first!
Film Research Student A: U-Uh, you two… Please calm down…
Vil: Besides, yours is such a small fry. You can't possibly consider that a proper catch.
Malleus: Hmph, it is larger than the one you hooked.
Vil: No, the one I caught is much larger. This is definitely my win!
Malleus: No, it is mine.
Film Research Student B: I can't tell them that neither of their fishes are large enough for us to eat… There's no way I can tell that to these Dorm Leaders…!
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[Pomefiore Dorm – Epel's Room]
―A few months later
Epel: Ah! There's an interview with Vil-san in today's magazine!
Epel: Let's see… Oh, there's something written here about the Vargas Camp we had here.
Epel: …Woah! I didn't realize Vil-san was also good at fishing!
Epel: "Whenever I fish, I feel as though I am able to return to being simply Vil Schoenheit," huh…
Epel: That sounds pretty pretentious, so I don't really get what he means, but… I guess that's kinda deep…
[Pomefiore Dorm – Vil's Room]
Vil: …Yes, that does sound enticing. I'll accept that offer. Send me the details via email.
Vil: Fufu… That was a call from my manager for an offer to do a new commercial.
Vil: And of all things, for fishing equipment! That store's fishing wear is cool and stylish, so I'm quite looking forward to it.
Vil: Since the client read about my fishing interview… Does that mean I have that Vargas Camp to thank for this?
Vil: It was quite the annoying excursion, but perhaps I should thank Vargas-sensei, as well as Malleus?
Vil: …Hm, no. If I am to thank anyone, that should be the fish.
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(Part 1) Part 2
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loyaltykask · 11 months
Chapter 14
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THE POOR MONKEY IS MOSSY! HE WAS SO DIRTY ONLY HIS EYES WHERE SEEN NO MONKEY. Also love the attitude, even under a rock he like: YOU'RE LATE
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Man really said "I aint got shit to say to an NPC, get my that Main Character Protag over here"
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Feel like he saying this with quotation marks like "disobedience" and "rebellion" Like it was just a prank bro
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Just something about Wukong saying he wants to come makes me happy. For once Sanzang's trusting nature is a good thing in this case He trusts the 1000-year-old ex-warlord monkey
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Fate is sealed
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He is not a cruel monster, he way more than that
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Also didn't want to hurt them damn, how loud can this guy get after 7 miles?! ALL HORSES SHALL BOW TO HIM
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HE GIVS HIM A NICKNAME LIKE THAT. Says he looks like a little Dhuta and everything!!!
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Sanzang: Oh no another tiger! Wukong: Noice, time to get my drip that will be integrated with my character design for the rest of the time
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Even smashing someone's head in is put into poetry Deadass "His brain flew to the ground like peach petals and his bones look like white jade" LIKE BRUH I DIDN'T NEED THAT IMAGINE IN MY MIND
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This could just be me but I feel the poetry here is to emphasize how Wukong and Sanzang are seen as a new founding pact, a team that is meant to be together highlighted by how the beasts around them gather together for safety as well
Man I love this poetry
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Fucking rude. Sanzang being so handsome he knocks on sense into this old fart.
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Love that Wukong can take a joke since he sees this guy as his great-great-great-great-great grandson. He is just a lovable guy.
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Wukong just picking this poor guy up: Oh good they bought us provisions Sanzang: Wukong they want to rob us Wukong: The dead can't rob
Do love how Sanzangis worried about Wukong, like his first mission and he is scared his little monkey man is going to get hurt
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I wanna know who the guy feeling desire was thinking
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You would think after the 40th try they would slow down
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The greatest lessons to be taught You can't go around killing people who get in your way Is it effective? Yes.
Is it nice? No.
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Also love how one of Sanzang's point is that they could get in trouble with the law and how he does not want to get arrested because of Wukong's antics
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Very interesting they bring up Wukong's desire to be a true immortal in this circumstance. It is only true discipline and self-control will Wukong be able to achieve what he has always wanted. Also, love that it goes further into detail about how Wukong has to be the one to make this choice, he has to be the one to humble himself and realize he still has more to learn rather than thinking 'Might is Right' and that it's his way or the highway. I mean I don't blame him as he is experienced and old but at the same point he has to see that even though he has his flaws he has to admit to being wrong sometimes in order to learn from those mistakes and grow as a person.
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Wukong: Ow that hurts..... do it again, lets test
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Well that would have ended the story VERY quickly
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I just love the idea that Wukong was 100% ready about to throw hands and Tripi had to remind him "She taught it to me bruh she would do the same to you" Wukong had to pause like "......shit"
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swiftbluelightning · 4 months
[A video is attached as Astra storms onto a stage in front of a crowd of muttering and chattering onlookers.
"Eyes! On! ME!" She yells, and the crowd snaps to silence. "Team Plasma's rhetoric is misguided at best and dangerous at worst. While I won't stop you if you truly want to re-examine how you engage with your Pokémon, listen to me first.
"We as trainers, owners, friends, do not only take from our partner Pokémon. We give as much, as well. We give them home, and kindness, and support, and they return the favour. Without each other, we are lesser." Astra points to a member of the audience. "You! Red shirt, brown hair. Where would you be if you let your Pokémon go?"
"Uh... my Minccino helps me a lot around the house," they stammer, startled. "I... have trouble keeping things organised, and working up the energy to tidy up, so they help keep things from getting out of control."
"You! Blonde hair, grey hoodie!"
"...My Pokémon helped keep me going through some really rough times," the person responds. "I thought... I can't leave them alone. So I kept pushing. And now I'm a lot happier."
Another member of the audience raises their hand. "My Alomomola helps keep my symptoms managed when I have a flare-up."
Another. "On the days I need to use my wheelchair, my Elgyem helps me up and down the stairs."
"My Herdier's a trained service mon to help me through my psychotic episodes!" Someone else pipes up.
The audience fills with people, all talking over each other in an excited, communal ramble as to how their Pokémon enrich their lives. "You see?" Astra calls, and the crowd settles. "Without Pokémon, we would all struggle, not just the people who train them for battle. We love and care for them, we give them a safe space and homes to return to, security in their food, and they pay us back in kind! Ghetsis and Team Plasma speak of a 'truer' world, where Pokémon and people are separated entirely, not two halves of a greater whole. What truth is there in that callousness? In that division? When so many would struggle without their Pokémon by their side? To hell with that 'truth'!" She yells. "If it makes me an idealist, delusional, blind to the truth to say Pokémon and people enrich each others' lives, then I will call myself those things a thousand, a million times before I accept the world Plasma wants to bring about. They speak of a purifying flame, a great wildfire to bring about a better world, but all that will give us is ash and dust. There is no such thing as a 'blank slate'; our biases and ideologies will always permeate the societies we build in the wake of things, and I, for one, am not keen on letting the ideologies Plasma preaches be our guide! We cannot expect some grand revolution, some baptism by fire, to give us a better world. We fight for it, tooth and nail, day by day, side by side. We fight for it by being kind to each other, by extending a hand in friendship, by calling out what we deem unfair. I am no hero. This world doesn't need heroes. It needs kindness! It needs love! It needs Pokémon and people side by side, understanding and learning and making mistakes and forgiving and trying! You do not need to do some sweeping thing to change the world! Just be kind!" Astra declares, breathing heavily.
It is hard to make out what the crowd murmurs to each other, but the sentiment seems to be positive as they slowly and steadily disperse to go about their day, leaving only two people, an old, muscular, proud man, and a young purple-haired girl, who both approach the stage.
"Well spoken, young madam," the man says gruffly.
"Yeah! That was really cool, Miss Astra! It's nice to see you again!" The girl chirps cheerily.
"I'm glad to know it went down well," Astra sighs, sitting on the edge of the stage. "That took up most of my social energy for the day, so shall we make this quick? I hear you're foremost experts on Dragon-types."
The video ends there.]
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everythingbap · 6 months
Bang Yongguk Reddit AMA Part 2
A/N: translations may have inaccuracies.
BABY: 오빠생일날 직접 못 봐서 아쉬워여 ㅠ 오빠 생일날 음감회 있는데 혹시 다른 스케줄 있어요? It's a shame I can't see you in person on your birthday TT Do you have another schedule on your birthday?
BYG: live 할까? Shall I do a live?
BABY: Hi Yongguk
First I wanna thank you for coming to Europe last year, the tour was great I had so much fun and as expected you were great and did amazing.  Will you include Europe in this tour again this year? Also Im going to Korea in May what is something I should definetly do while there?  Hope to see you soon. Thank you and Im proud of you 😊❤
BYG: 서울 말고 좋은 도시들이 한국에는 참 많아요. 한번 찾아보세요. There are a lot of good cities in Korea outside of Seoul. Try going there for once.
BABY: Hi Yongguk, I'm Stephanie from Venezuela. I really wish you would come to latinoamerica, many fans are waiting for you. I can't wait to hear your new album, I love you 💞 and wish you all the success for this comeback 🤗.
BYG: 만나길 기원해요. I hope to meet you.
BABY: read any good books lately? or do you have a favorite book to recommend?
any good wine recommendations? to sip while reading of course ;)
would you consider yourself a minimalist, maximalist, or somewhere in between?
thank you for your time & i hope you always have happy days 💐
BYG: 근래 나는 미니멀리스트로 오랜 시간 살고 있는 것 같아요. Recently, I think I've been living as a minimalist for a while.
BABY: Did you film your new album videos in France?
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BABY: Hi Yongguk! Thank you for the AMA and I hope you’re well! Congratulations on your upcoming US tour dates and new album release!
What’s your favourite part of the album making process? Is there a song you’re most excited for us to hear on your new album? 🥰 All the best!
BYG: 모든 트랙에 특별한 시각영상을 만들 수 있어서 행복했어. 나에겐 모든 곡들이 의미가 있기 때문에. 차별하고 싶지 않았어요. I was happy to make a special visual for every track. Because every track means something to me. I didn't want to discriminate.
BABY: Hello!!
thank you for doing this AMA, I am especially a big fan of the song Damage by Just B that you produced!
Do you tie your left shoelaces first or your right?
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BABY: 방용국 씨, 안녕하세요? 저는 2013년부터 B.A.P 팬이에요. 방용국의 'Colors of Bang Yongguk' 투어에 갔어요. 정말 멋있었어요. 앞으로도 계속 응원하겠어요. Bang Yongguk-ssi, hello? I've been a B.A.P fan since 2013. I went to you tour 'Colors of Bang Yongguk'. You were really cool. I'll keep supporting you in the future.
다음은 제 드리는 질문이에요: Next are my questions:
하루 중 가장 좋아하는 시간은 언제인가요? What is your favorite time of day?
어떤 와인을 추천해 주시겠어요? What kind of wine would you recommend?
왜 생일에 '3' 앨범을 발매하기로 결정했어요? Why did you decide to release your album '3' on your birthday?
방용국 씨의 노고에 감사드립니다. Thank you for your hard work, Bang Yongguk.
한국어를 이제 겨우 3년차라서 실수해서 죄송합니다. I've only been learning Korean for 3 years, so I'm sorry for any mistakes.
BYG: 새벽은 내가 가장 좋아하는 시간이고, 피노누아는 나의 첫번째 선택입니다. 3월에 가장 특별한 날에 내 앨범을 발표하고 싶었습니다. Dawn is my favorite time of day, and Pinot Noir is my first choice. I wanted to release my album on the most special day in March.
BABY: I love your new hair. What colour next?
BYG: 염색은 이제 그만해야지. I'll stop dyeing my hair now.
BABY: 그리고 그리고 2024년에 인스타 라이브가 가능할까요ㅋㅋ방용국의 눕방 멈청 그리워요ㅋㅋㅋ And and is it possible to do an Insta live in 2024 hehe I miss Bang Yongguk's lying-down-cast so much hehehe
BYG: 유튜브 라이브는 어때? How about a YouTube live?
BABY: what’s your favorite type of cat breed 🐈
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BYG: 오늘 AMA 함께 해주셔서 감사합니다. 너무 웃기고 즐거웠어요. 새로운 미국 투어가 시작되는데 정말 기대하고 있어요. 열심히 준비했으니까 곧 만날수 있길 바래요. 오늘 너무 감사했습니다.
Thank you for being with us with the AMA! The questions were funny and fun! I'm really looking forward to the US tour. I prepared hard for it so I'll see you guys soon! Thank you again for today!
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goosegirl94 · 2 months
Myslyvets Return to Nevermore
Chapter 8 Part 2 Being a teacher Day 1
Show me what you got pup. Those words hit Derek and filled him with rage. He bared his teeth, a low growl erupted from within him. He braced himself. Ainsley kept her polite smile. She kept her arms behind her back. Derek snarled and charged to Ainsley. He raised up his arm bringing out his claws. As Derek brought down his arm for a slash, Ainsley dodged and dashed out if his reach. Even with Derek’s werewolf senses, Ainsley was to fast for him.
“Rookie mistake Derek. You left yourself wide open. Now are you finished? I would like to get back to the rest of the class.”
Derek roared at Ainsley raveling his fangs. Ainsley’s expression changed and took a much more serious form.
 Wednesday subtly tapped Enid’s arm and started writing on paper.
You are more graceful when you show your wolf features mon luipe
Enid looked and smiled at Wednesday. She moved her pinky over Wednesday’s who then curled her pinky around Enid’s.
“That is quite enough Derek.”
Derek didn’t listen and charged for another attack. Ainsley didn’t want to get into trouble for laying a hand on a student. Especially on her first day. She had to be careful about this. She also didn’t want her students to be fearful of her. As Derek charged his arms were open with his hand’s low claws out. Ainsley waited until the very last moment and dodged Derek causing him to run into an empty desk. Derek shoved the desk snarling. One last charge and Ainsley jumped above him and landed behind him. Derek lost his balance trying to move his feet in time to grab Ainsley after she landed and fell landed on his butt. Derek looked at the other werewolves who staired at him with disappointment. With his tail between his legs, Derek sat at the empty desk he shoved.
“Well now, that’s that then. Were done. If you could all look at the chock board, I have listed with what we will be going over this semester? Unless anyone else has anything they would like to say?”
The students looked around at each other. Non of the students saw a normie do something so skilled since they watched Wednesday fight Crackstone.
“Good now, let’s get started now, shall we?”
Later the bell rang and class was done. The students collected their things and went on their way to their next class. Yoko, Diviana, Kent, and Bianca stopped to talk to Ainsley.
“That was quite the display you gave us Mrs. M” Bianaca said as she applauds Ainsley.
“Ah well, I hope Derek was able to learn something from all that. You all don’t think that was to much, do you?”
Yoko laughed, “Ha no that was pretty class A Mrs. M.”
The others nodded and grinned
“Thank you. Now go on. I don’t want you all being late. I’ll see you again tomorrow.”
The last two to leave was Wednesday and Enid
“That was amazing Mrs. M! How are you so fast and able to dodge Derek like that?!”
“Oh, that was nothing Enid. He wasn’t my first wolf to deal with. Though honestly that pup was interlay to predictable. If he wants to survive in a pack, he might want to start training. Do pack leaders not train their pups anymore?”
“They do, I just think Derek wasn’t really thinking or expected you to be that good. Haha.”
   “I would have taken him out. That dog had no right to challenge you like that.” Wednesday stated crossing her arms.
“Yes well you two had better be on you way. I’ll see you girls later.”
As the girls left Ainsley started cleaning up her classroom. She had to get ready for her next class. Ainsley wasn’t expecting her hirst day as a teacher to have a student challenge her. But then again it shouldn’t be a surprise. Somethings never change. Ainsley wondered what Lauren would have done if she was there. Ainsley couldn’t help but giggle at the thought. Lauren probably would have jumped Derek and pin him down in an instant. Even when Lauren was young, she was a very powerful werewolf. The next bell eventually rang and before she knew it, Ainsley had a full class again. Rumors had already spread about her and Derek. Ainsley took in a deep breath, turned to face her students, and welcomed her second round of students to class. This time the students took their seats without being asked to. Ainsley raised an eyebrow and thought to herself, “Ok then… round two!”
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eva-knits12 · 1 year
Fluff, and a little rant.
I think with everything going on right now, we could all use fluff right now. I'm thinking of doin g Andy Barber, Colin Shea, or Ransom Drysdale. Please let me know. I think everyone is just exhausted and pissed off with recent events. Please leave your answer in the comment section, or send me an ask.
Like I said, no publicist in their right mind would let anything get this far without putting a stop to it, but here we are. Why? All because another party wants some attention because thar party wants attention any way they can it. For her, she had used another person to get it, and Chris blindly went along with it from day one. His good standing in Hollywood is getting more tarnished by the hour, and I think he may be blacklisted because of all this. Megan and Chris were too lazy to stop this.
She's a Nazi, racist, narcissist, porn troll, IG stripper, prostitute, escort who's Hollywood career is over well before it began.
I think this wiki war and tag war will be over in the next few weeks once it's discovered that this is BS. I hope a statement is released saying that all this is false, and his publicist and him let this slide, and a retraction needs to happen. His team removed the wiki blurb once, and the tags referring to her and this "marriage" several times already in as many days. His team is just trying to do their jobs while trying to erase this. To me, the fact that the wiki was edited once, and that the tags were removed once told me that this is BS. Right now, I think they're carefully planning how to do this without having it blow up again.
Megan needed to be fired from day one when this started happening. Several dog videos of Chris and dogs won't cut it. I would love to see a statement saying, "I let fans down. I got into something that I was trying my hardest to get out of. I messed up, and I know better now." I know Chris and Meg let a lot of things slide here.
Chris is human, just like us. We mess up, we make mistakes, we get into scams because we're in a bad place or are having a bad day, we get involved with bad people. Do people learn and move on? Yes. Will Chris move on after all is said and done.? Yes. I think Jinx is going to be okay. ASP may be dark for a while while this gets straightened out, or it may shut down.
Everything is up in the air right now, so let's just give everything the time it needs right now.
I'm going to stop, because she who shall not be named makes me exhausted and physically ill when I see her name. I'm not feeling good today due to sinus issues that are giving me a headache right now.
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doonthestair · 9 months
How is somewhere so strict about about rules so lawless at the same time? Welcome, my friends, to my sleep-deprived pit of Catalan hell, where I shall lay shaking and twitching and rambling endlessly until the time comes to sacrifice myself to man’s great sky chariot, whereupon I shall be whisked away to soar over the mighty winter Atlantic and by Jove’s good graces, reach the other side. We find ourselves now approaching the seven hour mark of living in the Barcelona airport for the day, seeing as my witchly curses of both body and soul prevent me the stability required to venture outwards without a mild fit of panic and hysteria, so it is that I shall remain here for the following 12 hours. The sun has not yet risen. I need a drink.
Eureka! I have found a cherished establishment familiar to me from my days in London. My heart as in my very spirit yearns for a chai latte, but my heart as in physical organ screams and cries at the idea of caffeine consumption without an adequate amount of food to pair with it. Praise me for slowly learning from…past endeavors. Some may call them mistakes, though I prefer to call that incident “The Consequences of a Biology Exam the Next Morning.” How I do not wish to experience the spiders again. In any case, I shall acquire a blueberry muffin and the fruit of my homeland. They have a dirty chai latte. I hope they mean it. I need a chai latte so dirty, so filthy, filthier than the words I seduce your mother with as your pitiful patriarch watches. And they both like it. I pray my sins be absolved so that I may continue committing them. Oh, the lulls of sleep are but an arm’s length away but I have strained my shoulder so terribly from carrying my duffel bag that I can barely reach out. Siren temptations dreams are anyway, as I must stay in full consciousness from here on out. You can try to kill me if you want me to rest, I suppose. I’d like to see you try. Go on, puppet. Dance. Put on a show in the public arena that is an airport. Nothing matters here except for the things that very, very much do. The caffeine and adrenaline that run through my veins have pushed me past mortality. The last time I slept was in the Czech Republic. I’m sure that isn’t apparent in the slightest.
My mouth is filled with blueberry muffin and my ears are filled with Eurhythmics’ “Sweet Dreams.” It is positively banging. A “slapper,” the youth may proclaim, though I admit my knowledge of the current dialect is rusty at its best. I eagerly await for the sweet embrace of sunrise and from there, only another five hours until my flight even shows on the board. My activities within the airport promptly shall include all good things that start with W: wanting, wandering, wallowing, withering, wasting away. 
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