#monkey goblin
dailycharacteroption · 6 months
Jinyiwei (Investigator Archetype)
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In the real world, the Jinyiwei, or “Embroidered Uniform Guard” was a secret police organization founded in the 14th century by the Hongwu Emperor in order to root out corruption and insurrection from within, able to overturn and ignore the judicial proceedings to arrest, interrogate, and punish anyone in the kingdom, including nobility and even the emperor’s own relatives.
Ostensibly this body would help preserve the empire with only the Emperor themselves to answer to, able to arrest and prosecute politically untouchable figures should they become enemies of the state.
Buuuuut if you’ve ever heard the term “secret police” in regards to world history before, you probably know how this goes. At best, the Jinyiwei were used as assassins to eliminate rivals, and at worse, were just as corrupt and capable of abusing their own power.
Who knew a paramilitary group answerable to literally only one man would be a bad idea for everyone?
However, for all it’s real faults, the Jinyiwei we’re describing today is a bit different than the real thing. For one, the Mandate of Heaven is actually real with gods and divine dragons granting power and authority to rule empires.
However, corruption remains, and the Jinyiwei of the Lung Wa empire was created to counteract and root out this corruption that drove the bureaucracy of the nation into the dirt, but in the end they failed, falling to corruption itself until the empire fractured and crumbled, robbing them of any authority.
But why the original Lung Wa Jinyiwei are long gone, there are those across Tian Xia that take inspiration from them, and seek to emulate them as they stand against the corruption that poisons governments and ruins nations.
Such dedication grants these investigators a bit of divine power, which they use alongside their keen minds to bring justice to the land, even if they aren’t quite as unimpeachable as their ancient predecessors.
The result is a sort of fusion of investigator and inquisitor, as we’ll soon see.
Careful consideration and insight, as well as the blessing of the divine is what fuels these investigators. As such, their inspiration is powered by their wisdom rather than intelligence, and instead of using alchemy they cast spells, drawing magic from the same arsenal as inquisitors.
Like the Jinyiwei of old, they understand that corruption and deception can be anywhere, and are especially skilled at noticing lies, forgeries, and disguises, as well as that which is hidden, be it a person or secret containers and doors.
Their suspicion also guards them against the magics of deception, enchantments and illusions, helping them avoid falling under their sway and pierce the false reality they create.
Finally, their divine mandate goes so far as to allow them to unleash divine judgement as inquisitors do, albeit somewhat less skillfully.
With the combination of the inquisitor spell list, geared towards information gathering, buffing, debuffing, and divine wrath; as well as their knack for discovering all types of deception, this archetype plays a bit more of a support and combat role than the vanilla inquisitor before even taking talents into account. As such, A combat build seems like a good choice here, one that can learn about the enemy and set up spells and tactics beforehand to take them down.
As written, the lore states that these individuals are not part of an organization, extrajudicial or otherwise. As such, their desire to follow such a path and endorse such ideals may be considered a relic of the past, and what that means will vary by nation and by individuals. Some may mock them as deluded fools clinging to ideals and a nation that no longer exists, others may honor them as a symbol of better days, or revile them as echoes of a past that needed to burn or as the shadow of a threat to the new order. Or, you know, in your setting their organization may still exist, and may or may not a blight upon the people in the way that secret police tend to be.
Through terrible coincidence and just bad luck, the party has accidentally slain one of the sacred white-antlered deer that only the emperor may hunt, and now they are on the run, chased by the mask-wearing secret order that answers only to His Holy Eminence.
A chance encounter can change your life, and so it was with Jinga, a monkey goblin who stumbled upon an aging old hermit on his island home who taught him about the great empire and how he was once one of it’s secret guardians, blessed by the gods. Jinga looked up to him so much that he studied his ways and received the divine blessing, leaving home to offer his services. He never fully understood, however, that the empire had fallen long ago.
The nation is on the verge of falling, consumed from within, all at the hands of those who should have been it’s protectors. Indeed, the Talisman Police, named for the divine tokens of their role they wear, have been corrupted from within and seek to usurp control. Is their leader a fiend in disguise? Merely power-hungry? It matters not. All that matters is that they must be stopped.
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candyboydeathparade · 9 months
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My little brother's been talking hot shit about how he wants to start a Pathfinder game for minute now. No idea when that's gonna happen, but if it ever does, then my friend Peaches will be ready go with her monkey goblin girl Icki.
She's a native to Otari and works at the Crow's Cask as a barkeep alongside Magiloy, the tavern's proprietor. Magiloy is famous for her unique drink mixtures, so to show off a bit Icki got into Alchemy so that she could more effectively assist in making inventive drink combinations. With any luck, those skills will be applicable going forward. 
Also, hey. I got a Patreon. Hit me up.
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kacievvbbbb · 7 days
What I think is so funny about the parallels between Luffy, Zoro and the men they wish to meet again and surpass.
Is that Luffy wants to fight Shanks like a son showing his father everything he’s learnt; look how far he’s come, who he’s become.
And Zoro wants to fight Mihawk like a feral cat fighting god in a back alley; Inevitable, preordained, there can only be one.
And both are equally as valid.
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bolloxtothat · 1 year
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Gigantic's back somewhat! The first thing i should do to commemmorate this is to give Mozu a new magic wand
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plastic-bones · 10 months
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bonkalore · 11 months
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I think Bixby Prospero in #DanielSpellbound deserved to look a bit more goblin considering being half-goblin/half-human. With and without glamour. Another character I've liked and wanted to draw more of! Also had another variant of what I feel she would look like a bit more in the middle normally, but I'm a bit torn bc I do love their design as is.. I figured the pic on the right was just having the goblin show more when heated up.
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pairing: experienced!harry osborn x collegestudent!reader
warnings: swearing, mentions of anxiety.
word count: 1.1k words
a/n: a blurb based on the song "505" by arctic monkeys. specifically, the line "but i crumble completely when you cry". this will most likely be included in a future chapter of the heaven is a bedroom series. the next chapter of the series will be posted once ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 1 surpasses 20 notes (and i have time) but i wanted to give you guys something for now.
you had been sitting at your desk in frustration for what felt like hours. you were going into your second month of second semester and it had been the worst start you could've thought of. you barely saw peter these days, even though you guys were in the same biology 2 class. he barely ever showed up which meant you were suffering alone.
the professor was such a dick. one of the few times peter had actually shown up, he made a joke about one of the pictures the professor had shown of an organism. you smiled and silently laughed, making sure not to disrupt the lecture whatsoever. the teacher had called you out in front of the whole lecture hall, disrupting the lecture himself and making everyone stare at you.
he went entirely too fast through the slides, you could barely get a sentence down before he moved onto the next topic. you were starting to give up on taking notes entirely. another time, you had raised your hand to ask him if he could slow down and repeat what he stated. he told you that if no one else was complaining, maybe you should take a hint and do the same.
maybe if he actually did his job right you wouldn't be complaining.
the test were absolutely fucked. the first test he had royally screwed everyone over because he "messed up" the exam keys making almost everyone receive a failing grade. he never handed anyone back their test. when he was done grading, on your way out of class, students were supposed to stop by his desk for him to tell you your grade. the sick prick probably got off on watching everyones smile's drop.
you had asked him if he could fix yours and properly match your test up to the correct key. he agreed, but then pointed out that he found a problem with your answer on a few more questions. you were genuinely confused because the test was multiple choice and there could only be one option, which you politely brought up. he told you if you felt so confident then maybe you should teach the class instead.
you shut your mouth and accepted the D he gave you through gritted teeth.
you tried not to stress about that test too much. he dropped the lowest of the test grades and surely this would be it. you could learn from this test, study harder. you had the next test in the bag.
wrong. your eyes started to well with tears when he told you your grade on the second test which was yet another D. you immediately went home and cried about it, reassuring yourself again that you would do better on the next test. the pep talk wasn't working as well this time.
you were a straight A student, you had to be. it wasn't like you weren't trying either, you were constantly staying up all night to study, even waking up at crack of dawn to study before your exam too. you were practically eating, sleeping, and breathing biology. you were a biology major for fucks sake, this is what you were going to need for the rest of your life.
you were looking forward to this class too but your gpa was starting to suffer. the 4.0 you had worked so hard maintain was slipping because of this class, this professor.
you stared at your textbook and fragmented notes, trying to make things stick to walls of your brain. if someone looked inside your head the walls would probably be covered in stick notes that were all biology related. you knew no matter how hard you studied, it seemed, your professor would find a way to still give you a D. no one in the class seemed to get higher than a C on his tests.
if you didn't do well on this test there would be no coming back from it. your grade would inevitably be a some sort of B and your gpa would start it's downfall earlier than you anticipated. the anxiety was starting to eat you alive and you couldn't help but to start to cry.
as you were balling your eyes out in your room you heard a knock at your front door. you debated on attempting to hide your tears but when you cried it took a while for your eyes to not show it. they got puffy and red, your nose doing the same. your lashes looked like you had had a pool day. there was no use in trying to hide it.
you made your way over to the door to reveal harry in his suit, obviously coming from work. his face immediately turned into one of concern as he comforted you.
"baby, what's wrong?" you could hear the worry in his voice which only sent you into another fit of tears as he embraced you. you two stood in the doorway as you cried and he held you in his arms.
"i'm gonna fail" you sobbed into his chest.
"what? why are you saying that, you've never failed a class." he questioned.
"well i probably will now." you sniffled, pulling away to look at him.
he looked so concerned. harry wasn't really one to care about grades but he knew how important they were to you. if it was important to you, it was important to him.
he motioned you inside, locking the front door behind you before following you to your room. you sat at the edge of your bed, rubbing your eyes. harry stood in front of you as he waited for you to explain.
"the professor i have for biology this semester, he's a total dick. he's constantly picking on me in class. he's given me a D on every test, harry. on one test, sure. i could've blamed it on myself and said i didn't try hard enough or something but every test?" tears threatened to fall again.
"he's gonna tank my gpa and i don't know what else to do, harry. i've tried to talk to him and he just makes these rude comments about me. i've tried to study harder, for as long as i can. nothing's working. at this point, i feel like he's just targeting me and i don't know what i did wrong to make him hate me so much." you sobbed.
harry felt himself crumble seeing you cry.
he was quick to be at your side, holding you again as you cried into his chest. he kissed your forehead and reassured you that you didn't do anything wrong, that this guy was just miserable. that was true, the guy probably was just miserable. but not as miserable as he was going to be after harry was done with him.
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proserpiiart · 1 year
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My new socks!! These guys are now available on my store! Proserpiiart.com
It's still incredible to me that I have wearable merch now! Things with my art that you can ear in your day to day life! That's incredible! I hope you guys love these socks as much as I do <3
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eraserheadadult · 9 months
speaking of characters from defunct dnd campaigns... my goblin barbarian punschneap + her war dog beef stewart
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this game went for like 3 years, ended bc of the pandemic basically. even so i still think abt her she is likeone of the greatest characters i have ever designed in my life
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wordup2007 · 1 month
Captain Huggyface presents his great money making strategies (Episode: Who Wants to Get Rid of WordGirl?)
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conflitdecanard · 1 year
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Life threw one of the meanest curve brick at my head recently so I do my best to get back on my feet and sunday night was gorilla therapy ╮(╯_╰)╭
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candyboydeathparade · 11 months
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Work-in-progress of my partner's goblin character for Pathfinder 2e.
I'm learning a lot at once trying to improve my work, but I'd really really like to improve my line confidence. Even in the sketching phase. Still, I'm pretty into this composition so far. My quest to be the illustrator I want to be continues.
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zoomar · 1 year
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Very common.
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chekovsphaser · 7 months
My fatal flaw in video games is minding my own business. I see a fucked up hole full of weird shit? - this seems like none of my business I will find another way around.
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allknowingbirb · 1 year
The gender goblin stole my gender and left a seasoning of gorl. But then gave the slider for the amount of girl to a monkey. And I didn't notice till just now.
Can the gender goblin not do a little trolling
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zigmatism · 9 months
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A collection of all of my (more modern) (non fan-oc) characters! Just wanted to draw em all again, but free to ask me about em if you want or w/e.
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