Foehammer || The Disk
tbh I’ve not had a chance to listen to this album all the way through yet but I’m pretty positive it’s good
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reallynotmemoi · 1 year
“Exegi monumentum” in a form of poorly written smut
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About what i can do to be remembered
sometimes i wonder what will be my gift to the Earth, my monument which will remind future generations of my existance, something that won’t let me die, like Horace with his “Exegi Monumentum”. He survived centures, but what can I, simple nobody (at least for now) offer? With the feeling, that even though so much have been discovered, yet so little we really know, there’s a big stage for me to use, the question is how well will i perform myself on this stage?  What can i do to become outstanding, to be viewed unique? If my life is the theatre, i have to be the best actress, if my life is the book, i have to be the main character, if my life is my life, i have to posess it as much as i can and control it according to my will. Not let anyone dictate me what to do, because, at the end it will be my problem what i’ve done with my life and i will be sorry - not anyone else. My own personal freedom is just for me to use and i will use it with all my strenght so i can achieve my dreams and build my own monument. It’s all up to me.
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literaryvein-reblogs · 2 months
5 More Latin Phrases
to try to include in your poem/story (again)
Over the centuries, certain Latin phrases have been used widely enough in English to get included in the dictionary.
Aere Perennius
"More lasting than bronze"
In the final poem in his third book of Odes, Horace boasts that his poetry will outlive any manmade monument:
"Exegi monumentum aere perennius." ("I have made a monument more lasting than bronze.")
Given that his words continue to be used two thousand years later, perhaps he's right.
Caveat Emptor
"Let the buyer beware"
In early Roman law, sales of goods were governed by caveat emptor: buyers were advised to scrutinize the goods before purchase, because sellers had few obligations.
Over time, the imperative of caveat emptor has been softened by warranties, both express and implied.
Caveat has been adopted directly into English, and has a small range of meanings, including "a warning enjoining one from certain acts or practices" and "an explanation to prevent misinterpretation."
Emptor has likewise been taken directly into the English language, although the word is far less common than caveat; it has retained the rather narrow meaning of "buyer, purchaser."
Per Angusta Ad Augusta
"Through difficulties to honors"
These four words have inspired students and soldiers for centuries.
Alternative translations include "through trial to triumph" and "through difficulties to great things."
Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc
"After this, therefore on account of it"
This refers to the logical mistake of claiming that one thing caused another just because it happened first.
For example, the rooster crows and the sun rises - but to argue that the rooster's crowing causes the sun to rise would be post hoc, ergo propter hoc reasoning.
It was Aristotle who laid the groundwork for classifying bad arguments based on logical errors like this one.
Si Monumentum Requiris, Circumspice
"If you seek his monument, look around"
It took 35 years to complete London's magnificent St. Paul's Cathedral.
When its architect, Sir Christopher Wren, died twelve years later in 1723, he was entombed inside, under a simple slab of black marble.
Wren's son placed a dedication nearby, which contains the words "Lector, si monumentum requiris, circumspice" ("Reader, if you seek a monument, look around you").
The phrase is generally used to describe a person's legacy - and can be taken to mean that what we leave behind (including intangible things like relationships) best represents our life.
If any of these phrases make their way into your next poem/story, please tag me, or leave a link in the replies. I would love to read them!
Latin Phrases pt. 1
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phantomrin · 4 months
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June 6 is the Birthday of A.S. Pushkin - "the Sun of Russian poetry", and today's the 225th anniversary :) And timed to it is the Russian Language Day - congrats to my fellow folks!
Exegi monumentum
A monument I've raised not built with hands, And common folk shall keep the path well trodden...
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latinare · 3 months
I need help translating a phrase. "Memorial to the memory of death"
Monumentum ad memoriam mortis.
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ashtonlc3 · 2 years
Severitus/Sevitus Fic Rec
Thought I’d share my own personal fic list that I’ve complied over time featuring Snape and Harry developing some kind of father-son relationship, all the way through either bio-dad, adoption, guardian or mentorship. All of these fics are COMPLETE because after OME leaving me on the world’s biggest cliff hanger and losing the fic for many months because I’m an idiot, I have serious WIP trust issues. They’re also usually really long because I love angsty, slow-burn fics.
I started taking in-depth notes while I read through fics a while ago so that I would NEVER lose a favourite fic again (the title of one of my favs is in Latin, so I never remember what it’s called). And also because I have a terrible memory so remembering what happened in each fic is quite difficult for me. Assuming I know how to count there should be over 16 fics listed here.
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I’ve also rated each fic out of 10 and added a couple of notes for each fic (I didn’t add any with a rating of 5 or lower cause these are meant to be recommendations not a reading log). I’ve put them in order of how much I liked them, 10 and 9s being my equivalent to an Outstanding, 8 and 7 an Exceeds Expectations and a 6 an Acceptable.
TW: As is usually the case with Severitus fics, ALL of these fics have some degree of child abuse in them, courtesy of the Dursleys (I mean it’s literally canon). The severity and type of abuse varies greatly across fics. Fics with highly graphic depictions of physical abuse will have an additional TW. (Also if I miss any TWs for fics feel free to let me know I’d be more than happy to add them).
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< 70K
In Care Of By Fang’s Fawn 
Rating: 10/10 Word Count: 47K+
This fic is a MUST read for new and hardcore severitus fans alike. The characterisation is perfect, the plot is believable, the pacing is great, the writing quality is good and it's incredibly angsty.
TW graphic depictions of physical abuse
> 70K
O Mine Enemy By Kirby Lane
Rating: 10/10 Word Count: 373K+
You’ve probably already read this one because it is legendary in the Severitus genre and a staple for any fic list. In the event that you haven’t, you SHOULD read it ASAP. Starts summer of sixth year. 
TW addiction/substance abuse
Victus per Reproba Monumentum By firefly5151
Rating: 9/10  Word Count: 292K+ 
For a long time I didn’t read anything that had Sev as Harry’s bio dad, it felt implausible, OOC and just was not as good as the guardian/mentor trope. That is until I read this fic, and now the bio-dad trope is my favourite. This fic is the Snape of Severitus, there are a LOT of flaws but I love it anyway. The plot is a bit questionable, it has manipulativeDumbledore (which I don’t like in fics) and Ron and Hermione pretty much forget Harry exists. BUT the emotional journey is amazing, and really angsty. Starts during summer of 6th year.
The Subterfuge By Murai-Sakura
Rating: 9/10  Word Count: 304K+
This fic is on the newer side having been written in 2020. My first time reading this fic I had a few mixed feelings about it which made me reluctant to read it again despite really liking it. Reading it again for the second time I can’t understand what past Ash’s problem was because it was magnificent. Granted I remember it being darker than it actually is (it may have been due to me reading The Hunger Games in-between, who knows). I’m rambling, in short I think I liked this one a little more than A Year Like None Other. The plot is unique enough that the story doesn’t feel like your reading a rehash of every Severitus fic ever while still hitting the emotional points necessary for a satisfying fic. It’s definitely more mentor than father figure and is set during fifth year so watch out for Umbridge.
TW suicide attempt and graphic child abuse 
A Year Like None Other By aspeninthesunlight
Rating: 9/10  Word Count: 789K+
Another classic whose reputation speaks for its-self, written before HBP came out and is also insanely long. I’ve actually never read the sequals either because one was enough for me and it’s in Draco’s pov. It also has the added bonus of brother bonding between Draco and Harry. Set during 6th year. 
TW self harm and graphic torture
Perception is Everything By Kendra James
Rating: 8/10  Word Count: 165K+
This was one of the first few Severitus fics I ever read so it has a very special place in my heart despite the plot being a very standard Severitus setup. Set Christmas 6th year, Snape finds out about the Dursleys abuse when Harry gets sick over Christmas break.
You've forgotten who I am By CastlePheonix
Rating: 8/10  Word Count: 114K+
I’ve only read this one once so I’m taking past Ash’s word for it. Set during 5th year, a what if Snape actually hit Harry with the jar after the Pensieve incident. Harry gets temporary amnesia and spends some time in Spinner’s End with Snape. 
TW addiction/substance abuse
Whelp & Whelp II - The Wrath of Snape By jharad17
Rating: 7/10  Word Count: 75K+ & 80K+
The standard run down; the Dursleys are dicks, Sev finds out. This is pre-Hogwarts (7 years old) so you know Harry is going to be adorable and clingly. Vernon has Harry tied up in the yard like a dog.
Namesake Necklace By WiCeBa
Rating: 7/10  Word Count: 121K+
This fic is a little more recent I think. Set summer before the start of 5th year, Harry and Dudley are de-aged. This ones quite the adventure and Sirius is still alive so you know there’s gonna be a fight over Harry.
What I Must Ask You To Do By VeraRose19
Rating: 7/10  Word Count: 261K+
Set at the end of GOF and continues into 7th year. This story is not just a Severitus but also an exploration of the blossoming friendship and eventual  romance (the Sirius Black/Severus Snape is very minor and DOESN’T have any NSFW content, they don’t even kiss in the fic) between Severus and Sirius as they co-parent Harry together. The story is far fluffier than it is angsty and relies quite heavily on canon for plot whilst also taking out the adventure and death toll. It’s more a fluffy, canon, best case scenario than an angsty, slow-burn fic.
Emerald eyes By JadeSullivan
Rating: 7/10  Word Count: 120K+
I cannot remember this one at all so once again I’m taking past Ash’s word for it. This is set during 2nd year and does feature corporal punishment.
Prisoners By Whitetail
Rating: 7/10  Word Count: 119K+
Harry is de-aged to 4 and Sev has partial paralysis. So they stay at a little cottage by the sea. Hermione features quite heavily in this one, both her and Harry end up with Sev gaining guardianship of them.
To Recollect the Future By oliversnape
Rating: 7/10  Word Count: 71K+
When Harry is hit with the killing curse in DH Harry and Sev are sent back to first yeah. Harry and Sev pretty much spend the whole fic Horcrux hunting, its a fun bonding experience.
In plain sight & Close to the Chest By waitingondaisies
Rating: 7/10  Word Count: 93K+ & 37K+
This is always a fun one. Set during 6th year, Sev found out as a spy so Albus turns him into a 16 year old Gryffindor and gives him an embarrassing name. Seriously Albus, Alfonse “Eli” Hopkirk, really? 
Time Left Today By gzdacz
Rating: 7/10  Word Count: 84K+
Sev and Harry are on the run after Quirrell is killed by an 11 year old. The road trip is quite fun although I don’t really like the ending too much though.
The Trouble with Polyjuice By LilyEvansDouble 6/10
Rating: 6/10  Word Count: 120K+
2nd year. Features Snape as Harry’s biological father after the Polyjuice incident.
Summer of Bonding By Magica Draconia 6/10
Rating: 6/10  Word Count: 76K+
This one is set after PS as the Dursley never pick Harry up from Kings Cross so Harry stays with Snape. Snape collects horse figurines in this one and is very heavily featured in this story. So its a bit too niche for my liking but otherwise still a good read.
And that’s all I got. I’ll probably come back to this list (yeah cause I forgot to put in tags) and add more fics as I read them. (When I add new fics I’ll reblog this post with a change log so you don't need to read through the list again to figure out what’s been changed.) My TBR is usually just as long so ... to forever be continued.
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klykcielewe · 5 months
Jagna Sosjerka, 30.04.2024
Horoskop na następny miesiąc dla wszystkich znaków zodiaku. Nie wystarczy słuchać głosu Wegi. Musisz przekazywać jej słowa dalej.
Horoskop na maj - Baran (21 marca - 19 kwietnia) Żeby nadrobić za zeszły miesiąc, masz tym razem 2 horoskopy: - Nadchodzi czas trudnych decyzji. W niedalekiej przyszłości zmierzysz się z problemem, który będzie wymagał od ciebie dużo wysiłku. Musisz zachować spokój i pamiętać, że są ludzie, na których możesz polegać. - Najbliższy miesiąc będzie spokojny, tak długo, jak nie będziesz ufać nikomu. Rozluźnij się, ale uważaj na siebie.
Horoskop na maj - Byk (20 kwietnia - 20 maja) Mam nadzieję, że nadal patrzysz w górę. Jeśli tak, to nie przestawaj. Serio, nie. Nie patrz w dół. NIE PATRZ W DÓŁ
Horoskop na maj - bliźnięta (21 maja - 20 czerwca) Jebać bernadetę żmijowiec
Horoskop na maj - Rak (21 czerwca - 22 lipca) Nie jedz tego mięsa. Wiem, że wygląda dobrze, ale będziesz chorować, jeśli je zjesz.
Horoskop na maj - Lew (23 lipca - 22 sierpnia) Jeśli czekasz na znak od losu, oto i on. Ja jestem los. Ten znak to D-1.
Horoskop na maj - Panna (23 sierpnia - 22 września) Vouloir, c'est pouvoir, exegi monumentum aere perennius, kaiidth.
Horoskop na maj - Waga (23 września - 22 października) Czerwone niebo. Pełnia Słońca, księżyc w zenicie. Kolorowe gwiazdy na szarym tle. Ty i Twój koń w miejscu przecięcia dwóch wielkich rzek.
Horoskop na maj - Skorpion (23 października - 21 listopada) Wychodź więcej na słońce, tylko pamiętaj o kremie z filtrem. Nie przesadzaj też z witaminami, zwłaszcza tymi rozpuszczalnymi w tłuszczach.
Horoskop na maj - Strzelec (22 listopada - 21 grudnia) Ok, ktoś musi Ci to powiedzieć. Kolejny rewatch Naruto to nie jest dobry, ani zdrowy sposób spędzania czasu. Za to robienie dioram owszem.
Horoskop na maj - Koziorożec (22 grudnia - 19 stycznia) x
Horoskop na maj - Wodnik (20 stycznia - 18 lutego) Ok, musimy sobie coś wyjaśnić. 
Horoskop na maj - Ryby (19 lutego - 20 marca) GAY SEX GAY SEX GAY SEX GAY SEX
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the-old-mayhem · 1 year
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"I got a phone call from Euronymous one day and he was pretty much angry. I can recall his voice even now, although Scandinavian people tend to be walking corpses when it comes to emotional response. He was seriously threatening me. I don't know what Euronymous' issue with the Bestial Summoning vocalist - or 'the taxi driver', as he called him, was - but his message was clear. I’m not sure why he hated them. Probably because they weren’t from a weird country.” - Roberto Mammarella of Italian band Monumentum, discussing Mammarella’s talks with Bestial Summoning about releasing their ‘The Dark War Has Begun’ album on CD. Interviewed in Bardo Methodology issue 7 🕯
@the.old.mayhem on instagram
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senhoreu · 6 months
"Uma desvantagem essencial trazida pelo fim das convicções metafísicas é que o indivíduo atenta demasiadamente para seu curto período de vida e não sente maior estímulo para trabalhar em instituições duráveis, projetadas para séculos; ele próprio quer colher a fruta da árvore que planta, e portanto não gosta mais de plantar ��rvores que exigem cuidado regular durante séculos, destinadas a sombrear várias sequências de gerações. Pois as convicções metafísicas levam a crer que nelas se encontra o fundamento último e definitivo sobre o qual se terá de assentar e construir todo o futuro da humanidade; o indivíduo promove sua salvação quando [...] funda uma igreja ou um mosteiro, ele acha que isto lhe será creditado e recompensado na eterna vida futura da alma, que é uma obra pela eterna salvação da alma. — Pode a ciência despertar uma tal crença nos seus resultados?"
Fonte: Friedrich Nietzsche, Humano, demasiado humano. Descrença no "monumentum aere perennius", XXII.
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magicpillowmp · 5 months
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Momentous: Monumentum is in the Palestinian Relief Bundle, along with several other games. All proceeds go to the PCRF, so y'all should check it out!
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2d-reality · 10 months
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♡ fluff
♥ angst
★ nsfw
✿ platonic relationship
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Obey Me!
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The Brothers
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↼ LUCIFER​  ☁︎  superbia ⇁
♡ late night drunk chats​
♡ Little Things (1/7)
♡ My Morning Star
↼ MAMMON  ☁︎  avarus​ ⇁
♡ Little Things (2/7)
↼ LEVIATHAN ☁︎  invidia ⇁
♡ Little Things (3/7)
♡ In The Dead of Night
↼ SATAN  ☁︎  ira​ ⇁
♡ Little Things (4/7)
♡ Study Buddy
↼ ASMODEUS ☁︎  libido ⇁
♡ Little Things (5/7)
↼ BEELZEBUB ☁︎  edacitas ⇁
♡ Little Things (6/7)
↼ BELPHEGOR  ☁︎  pigritia⇁
♡ Little Things (7/7)
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The Dateables
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↼ DIAVOLO ☁︎  rex​ ⇁
♡ / ✿ Little Things (1/6)
↼ BARBATOS ☁︎  custos ⇁
in progress...
↼ SIMEON ☁︎ monumentum​ ⇁
in progress...
↼ LUKE ☁︎  castitas (✿ always) ⇁
in progress...
↼ SOLOMON  ☁︎  idem ⇁
in progress...
↼ THIRTEEN  ☁︎  messor ⇁
in progress...
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I should be in the abbey, the Occluded Empire, -358 CY scribing Verissimum Monumentum Frociagginitatis Vecnae
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ktsfnick · 9 months
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⛧years active:
Erik Mårtensson – vocals, guitar, bass (1999–present)
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Magnus Henriksson – guitar (1999–present)
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Philip Crusner – drums (2015–present)
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Victor Crusner – bass (2019–present)
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⛧past members:
Robban Bäck – drums (2006–2015) Magnus Ulfstedt – bass (2014–2019), drums (2000–2006) Anders Berlin – drums, keyboard, percussion (1999–2004) Fredrik Folkare – bass (2003–2008) Johannes Kagelind – bass Peter Hallgren – bass Johan Berlin – keyboard (2006–2014)
hard rock + heavy metal
⛧my top 5 songs:
Roses on your grave - Wired (2021) The hardest part is losing you - Megalomanium (2023) Hurt - Monumentum (2017) Battlegrounds - Bleed & Scream (2012) Viva la victoria - Paradigm (2019)
⛧favourite albums:
Megalomanium (2023) Wired (2021) Monumentum (2017)
⛧my opinion & how i found about them:
Their songs are EXTREMELY catchy, seriously. The lyrics are easy to remember, and their songs are just living rent-free in my head. In June, I went to a Motley Crue & Def Leppard concert, and they were the opening act. I'd checked them out about a month before the concert and thought, 'Damn, I know these songs from my dad,' even though I hadn't listened to them on my own, I knew almost every lyric! Their live performance was an incredible experience. So, come December, I just had to see them again, this time as headliners. Their energy on stage is unbelievably amazing—they're running around, vibing, and their interactions with fans? Man, it's something else. At the December show, I even got a guitar pick from the bass player, and later, a patch. The bass player handed me his pick, mid set, and then the singer, after the show, when we were waiting to take photos with them , said something like, 'Nice singing, kid. Here's a patch for your vest.' It was unbelievable! Their songs are catchy af and so fcking good, and they're even better live
PHOTO FROM 2001 (?) VS 2023
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instagram Erik Mårtensson
instagram Magnus Henriksson
instagram Philip Crusner
instagram Victor Crusner
appple music
official website
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cmentarnypies · 1 year
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Monumentum Abnegatum
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theparanoid · 2 years
Zemial - In Monumentum
(2006, full album)
[Black Metal, Heavy Metal]
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