#more angst ?
asktheemotions · 2 months
PART 4 of: What would've happened If the other emotions didn't forgive Anxiety? (Last part for this ask)
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Bet you wish I didn't give up on coloring for that one page, you know which one I'm talking about. maybe I'll color that single page later for fun. Or, maybe If enough people want to, I’ll let you guys color them in your own style. Please comment, I really enjoy reading what you think of my art. I read every single one and try to respond to all aswell. Plus I enjoy hearing how much pain yall are in for reading what I made, lol.
I hope this is explains why the other characters were written a bit out of character. It’s because it’s a nightmare. It’s not real. The only character that is real in this is Anxiety. The others are a figment of her worst worrys.
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ghostbsuter · 11 months
I'm on the writing grind, you can see that I just finished rewatching the Teen Titans (2003).
Edit: Here is some art I did for Titan!Phantom
.・゜-: ✧ :-
(The end is near.)
Gripping the communicator, the bright yellow case with a cartoonish 'T' on top glared back at him.
(The portal was growing.)
He presses the button, the communicator switches on and he calls out.
"Phantom to Titans, do you hear me? Phantom to Titans."
The crackling sound came as a sign of connection, It didn't take any heavy weight off, however.
"Robin here, Phantom? Everything alright?" The soothing voice of Teen Titans leader answers him, and he suppresses a sigh.
"Robin," he bites his lip, the portal only growing.
The ghost zone is eating Amity and all just because fucking Vlad couldn't, for one ancient time, sit still.
"I—" a deep breath. "I'm sorry," he apologises with a wince. "You're gonna be really angry at me when you... find out."
Concern leaks through the voice as Robin speaks. "Phantom? What's going on?"
Thr screen on the communicator switches on and Robins brow knitted expression stares back at him.
It quickly changes, alarmed. "Phantom." The vigilante says. "Is Amity Park okay? Do you need backup?"
Always on the right track, dear leader. Danny shakes his head fondly.
"It's too late for backup," he admits quietly.
"Just tell new members of me, okay?"
Danny doesn't let the other finish, giving a bitter smile before throwing the communicator on the ground, breaking it.
The familiar yet threatening green of the ghost zone welcomes him.
"Titans! Emergency call, Phantom got a situation!"
The bright red lights is enough for the rest of the team to flood to the common room.
"Rob?" Cyborg asks. "What's the situation?"
"We don't know!" The bird answers, stressed. He's pulling the audio and video recording of the call up to the monitor, replaying it for the team.
They don't figure it out until they are at Amity, landing with the jet and jumping from their seats.
Raven and Starfire fly ahead, and they all reach the border of Amity.
Or what of Amity remains.
The entire city is gone—!!
Complete annihilation.
(When robin finds out who did this, he will have words with them.)
"Robin," Raven waves them all over to her side. She's crouching, hand in a sphere of black, her magic. "Amity wasn't destroyed. It was relocated."
Her expression is grim. "Someone abducted a whole city."
All he does is nod, looking at the team before him.
"Someone call Herald, Titans, we got work to do. Our mission is to find Amity Park, Phantom, and save both." With sombre nods, they prepared for take off.
"Titans! Go!"
And they separate.
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salma062022 · 1 month
Why are people on Tumblr always so horny? almost all fanfic are just smut 😭😭 i need more angst stories
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Dp x dc idea 103
Danny is the biological son of who would of guessed it Bruce Wayne. He can be a clone/test then baby/one night stand. Whatever.
Danny was found out and caught by the giw. Poking and prodding around in him. Testing his blood overall he isn’t having a good time.
Imagine Bruce’s surprise when he gets an alert on the bat computer. He set it up to get an alert any time his, his kids and any blood family members dna gets run by the government.
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beartitled · 1 month
between a) dipper accidentally committing a genocide of a dimensional scale
b) the possibility of this differently traumatized Bill still stumbling eventually into his version of Ford and shenanigans ensuing (especially if Bill doesn't immediatelly recognize him due to Ford being younger at the time or something and so they still somehow get along well enough for a while)
c) if instead of 'liberating' dimensions Bill is trying to find a way to reduce higher dimension beings to 2d bc it is unfair his home was destroyed just 'on a whim' of one of these.
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I like stepping on buttons
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inbredsaint · 23 days
sam who kisses like someone who's in love. sam who kisses dean like someone could really love him one day. and dean melts. because he's so afraid. he's so afraid nobody will ever love him and that his baby brother he's spent his entire life watching out for will leave him too. dean gripping onto sam for dear life, holding him as tight as he can as if he'll slip away at any second. dean kissing sam like it'll be the last time, every single time. because he's grown to know that it's a bigger possibility than not. dean with lack of emotion permanence. and sam doesn't notice, or at least he pretends not to-and he kisses dean like it's some sort of secret language or religion he's learning for the first time. like he's an adolescent all over again who only knows dean. dean is all he knows. dean is all he will ever know.
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an-au-blog · 11 months
I came up with a bad idea...
cw: kidnapping, abuse, suicidal ideations
After Rodger gets killed people find out that Shanks and Buggy were on the crew and decide: since they're kids, they'll be easy catch. They couldn't catch Shanks because... well... he's Shanks but they somehow manage to capture Buggy. It wasn't easy and it involved sea stones but they managed. The problem was this happened after the crew fell apart and after they had their fight with Shanks. So no one was going to look for him.
For years they try to get information on the one piece from him. And for years he's endured torture and abuse. He keeps telling them he got sick and couldn't go, but I started sounding like a stupid excuse even to Buggy, so he stopped talking all together.
He had spent his entire adult life in a small (what he supposed is an) underground cell with no food and running water and with the sea stone cuffs on him at all times.
One day the door busts down. His captors have never been so aggressive. He balled up in the corner, trying to be as quiet as possible but the clanking of his cuffs from how much he was shivering wasn't helping. There was a heavy atmosphere that lifted as he heard the boots that walked in.
These weren't the boots of his captors.
That wasn't the voice of his captor either.
Someone else from the back shouted happily "He's here!"
Just as Buggy though he was taken by another greedy bunch, the man behind him scooped him up enthusiastically into a hug.
Buggy did his best not to show his pain from the sudden movements or the brushing across his wounds. But then he felt something wet land on his shoulder where the man's head was nuzzled.
"I've been looking for you. Oh, I'm so happy I found you, Buggy!"
He pulled away to look at his face, the red hair looked so familiar but he didn't recognize him. He learned to block out anything from his past as a trauma response. But there was water streaming down this smiling man's face. Buggy had been left without water for three days as a punishment for his silence. So it was almost on instinct that he tried to collect or drink it.
Seeing Buggy like this broke Shanks. But after he was fed and watered, Buggy seemed a bit better. He was malnourished and the place where his cuffs were left a huge dent in his skin. It made him wonder how he didn't lose his hands from lack of circulation. Every piece of food was devoured and treated like it would have been taken away at any moment. It hurt. It hurt seeing this. It hurt thinking Buggy was avoiding him and finding out from some drunk a month ago that he wasn't and that he was kept all these years. How horrible could he be that it didn't cross his mind that this could happen. That he had to search for his friend.
After being fed and taken to the ship, Buggy kept staring at the ocean with awe.
Shanks wanted to leave him be. He couldn't blame him after all what is a sailor without the sea. But just as he turned around he heard a splash. He had fallen in. Shanks jumped to save him. After coughing up the water, Buggy stood up and jumped into the sea again. Shanks fished him out once more.
"Stop that! What is wrong with you, you'll die!"
But Buggy just laid there on the deck with a slight smile and teary eyes.
In the next few months, whenever Buggy wasn't sleeping there had to be at least one person watching him. Just in case.
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lavineyou · 8 months
A Twisted Bond: Trapped in the Depths of Manipulation
Warning: Angst? A/N: Might make more chapters of this if i manage to gain enough motivation to do so... I think y'all can see how i'm that bias towards Miranda LMAOOO okey enjoyyy hopefully? idk
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You had been by her side for as long as your memory allowed. From the moment you emerged from a deep slumber, she was the first face you beheld. With her cold blue eyes, long flowing blonde hair, and a pallid complexion, she seemed like an ethereal being.
In those initial moments, she regarded you with a gaze that made you feel like a mere specimen in her grand experiment. And as if to confirm your suspicions, it didn't take long before she revealed that you were indeed a subject of her unsettling antidote injections.
Try as you might, resistance was futile against her overpowering strength. It was a harsh realization that struck you mere minutes after awakening.
As you reflected on those memories, a sigh escaped your lips. A decade had passed since that fateful awakening. Now, you served as her loyal subordinate in the village, functioning as her watchful eyes and attentive ears alongside the crows she strategically positioned throughout the area.
Unlike the lords who handled general tasks and experiments, you were assigned to the most specific and delicate missions she desired. Whether it was eliminating a troublesome villager, uncovering infidelity among the inhabitants, or acting as the messenger between the lords, you executed each task with unwavering obedience.
As you made your way home, a sense of weariness settled upon you. For the past nine years, you had resided in this modest abode. You vividly recalled the day when Miranda, your enigmatic overseer, had expelled you with the declaration, "It's time for you to prove your worth." Unconcerned with her words, you had forged your own path.
Walking through the village streets, you exchanged warm smiles and greetings with the unsuspecting villagers. To them, you were known as the helpful carpenter, a facade carefully crafted by Miranda to ensure your seamless integration into this community of unsuspecting lambs—lambs primed for her twisted experiments.
But beneath that veneer, you were a wolf in sheep's clothing, concealing your true nature.
As you approached your dwelling, the heart of the village, the familiar sound of wings flapping reached your ears. With a resigned sigh, you instinctively glanced upward, spotting a perched bird on your head. Taking hold of it, you entered your home, preparing for yet another encounter with Miranda.
Upon turning around, your eyes met the sight of the blonde woman who had haunted your thoughts. Standing before the wall adorned with pictures you had carefully arranged as decorations, she appeared lost in contemplation.
"I hadn't expected your return," you uttered softly, your confusion mounting. After all, she only resurfaced when she required something from you.
Minutes passed in silence before she finally spoke, her voice laced with a hint of annoyance. "I thought I had made my arrival quite clear," she replied, her brows furrowing as she tilted her head. Perplexed, you furrowed your own brows, struggling to comprehend her cryptic words. "Of course, you wouldn't have noticed. You were too busy mingling with that village girl instead of fulfilling the duties I had assigned you," she declared stoically, causing an uneasy gulp to rise in your throat as you lowered your head.
Anger simmered within her, and you knew it well. It was the wrath that consumed her when her desires went unfulfilled. Gathering your courage, you reasoned, "Mother, I have diligently accomplished everything on my list for today." You nodded, hoping to convey your commitment, but she hummed skeptically, still refusing to meet your gaze.
Her attention turned to a portrait of you and Elena, her eyes fixated upon it. "You're growing soft, Charlatan," she hissed, her words like venom. Bewildered, you raised your head, furrowing your eyebrows in protest. "I haven't..." you began, but she abruptly shifted her focus, her face devoid of its usual mask.
A scowl etched across her features, her eyes piercing into your soul like a thousand daggers. With an explosive motion, she hurled the portrait against the wall, shattering the glass and splintering the frame. "She's corrupting you, my dear lup," she spat venomously, referring to Elena.
Drawing closer, she seized your cheeks in an iron grip, her fingers digging into your flesh. Holding your waist, she pressed her lips against yours with a mixture of urgency and aggression—an expression of her seething anger. As you reciprocated the kiss, her hand slid from your cheeks to the back of your head, deepening the connection.
When she finally released your lips, your faces remained in close proximity. Opening your eyes, you beheld her, her eyes shut and her mouth slightly parted. With a heavy sigh, you rested your head against her shoulder.
This had become the routine in your life for years on end—an existence where you served as her plaything, a tool to further her control over the village, and a source of pleasure. Strangely, you found solace in this twisted dynamic, as if it were the only reality you deserved.
In your eyes, she was perfection incarnate. And despite yearning to build a life with her, to bring back her daughter and create a genuine family, you were painfully aware that such dreams were forbidden.
Because, in the end, you were nothing more than an experiment—a used tool, a discarded plaything.
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keithkog · 1 month
As a kid I was called a sociopath. I was told I didn’t care about anyone enough and just a bunch of other things like that. This was mostly because of the trouble I got into and my social ineptitude...
I find myself getting worried that people still think I’m a heartless person, even though I know that I am not. I really did internalize a lot of what I was told as a kid, I believed them. I don’t know why those words stuck, but they did. Sometimes I feel like I regress back into believing harsh things about myself, and I shouldn’t be doing that. But I can’t stop it.
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chocochozi · 1 month
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Pairing : Tomioka Giyuu x Reader
Warning : Angst, angst, and a little bit more of angst, character death, arrange marriage themes, altering of the original story line.
The dim moonlight shines through your open window as you toss and turn in your futon, 'I can't sleep..' you groan in frustration, you have an important meeting to attend to later early in the morning. unexpectedly, you heard a 'thud' outside your window, but for some reason it sounded.. close.
You brushed it off and got back to trying to sleep, then, your ears perked up to the sound of an unfamiliar voice. You open your eyes, only to be met by a tall frame that climbed through your window.
"Ah, finally, an adult..im so fucking hungry.." you quickly stood up from your position earlier, a soft gasp escaping your lips as you face the large frame of a demon. you screamed. At the speed of light, you turned around and ran for your life, warning your servants to get out and that there was a demon in the mansion.
"Protect the lad-" before the maid even finished her sentence, she was shut down swiftly by the demon, cutting her in half by her waist.
"AIKA!" you cried, her life less body now laid on the wooden floor, her own blood pooling under her.
The demon put his now, bloodied claw infront of his face, his long tongue coming out inside his mouth to lick the blood that splattered on his claw. You ran and ran and ran, as he continued to chase you, until finally, a man with long raven hair stepped infront of you, killing the demon in an instant. "Are you okay?" the man turned to you, checking if you have any injury.
"After all of that? Of course not." You sniffled,
'Right, good point.' He thought, "Is this your blood?" he pointed at your Yukata,
"Not mine, my servant's.." a sob escaped your lips at the mention of your servant who you share a bond with.
"Are they okay?" he looked around searching for, what you assume, more demons.
"No..Aika, she's.." you couldn't even finish the sentence, a flashback of Aika making eye contact with you as she got cut in half replayed in your mind, tears started to stream down on your cheeks more.
Suddenly, you felt a hand raise your head by the chin, you looked up at the man, making eye contact with his ocean blue orbs. he then put his other hands up to your face and wiped the tears that has been spilling.
"Shh, i know how you feel. Lets get to your house first, let me check for more demons," his voice was gentle, and his words brings you comfort by the thought of finally being safe. You then nodded at him as a response. "Do you have any other people in your mansion other than Aika?"
"Yes, there's a few more. but before i fled the mansion, i warned them of the demon so that they can also leave. i hope they're safe.." you whispered the last few words to your self but the man heard it.
After he checked, and reassured that everything was okay, you gave him a basket full of fruits as a thank you. He refused at first, saying that its his 'job' to save people from demons but you insisted. He then, reluctantly took the basket. You also asked for his name, he simply replied,
"Giyuu Tomioka."
Ever since then, when ever you see the raven haired hashira, you always made a point to stop what you're doing and greet him or even stick around him if you or he wasn't too busy. Sure, most of your conversations are just you talking but you're okay with that, he eventually warmed up to you after a few weeks of you sticking around him without getting tired. That's when the two of you became close friends, he loves you, yes. But just, platonically. You, on the other hand, has a stronger feeling for him, you yearn for him.
Tomioka wasn't busy this afternoon, so the two of you decided to spend time with each other in your garden. There was a comfortable silence between the two of you. "Hey?," You turned to him, both of you were sitting on the grass, surrounded by beautiful flowers. He simply replied with a humm and continue to inspect the flower crown you hand made for him that was in his hands, He was really amazed by how the stems intertwined with each other.
Your heart was tight in your chest as you contemplated whether now was the time to bare your soul to the man beside you. The uncertainty weighed heavily on you, making it difficult to breathe as you struggled to find the right words to express your emotions. A nervous pause, your lips was quivering as though they were trying to fight back a flood of words "I-..i love you, but not in a platonic way, Tomioka." The words slipped out with a half-whisper, barely audible.
Tomioka's eyes could only go wide as those sentence leaves your lips.
That single word hit you like a ton of bricks, you felt your heart shatter inside your chest.
"I appreciate your honesty and willingness to share your feelings with me, but I'm afraid I can't give you the answer you're looking for. As much as I care for you, I see you more as a close friend or family member than a romantic interest. I understand if this hurts, but I hope we can still be friends and move forward from this." You bit your lip and just nodded, just what can you even do? You can't force him to like you. "Now, if you may excuse me, my lady. I'll go now." He stood up, bowed, and brushed the dusts and grass that stuck to his haori and pants off, leaving you all alone in your garden.
"My lady, huh?" You scoff to yourself. You hated it when he treats or speaks like that to you, and he knows it. When it comes to him, your facade of being an 'important figure' in your village, crumbles. You were able to be 'normal' with him, making you forget about your elegant manners, choice of words and etiquette the moment the two of you were left alone. You didn't see him for a few days, and those days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, and you still haven't heard nor seen the raven haired man.
You prayed that nothing bad had happened to him.
One inevitable evening, your mansion was graced by the presence of your mother and father. Your father was seated on a Zabuton, and your mother also sat beside him, for some reason, your mother wasn't like her usual self, her expression was of, pity or sad. But why? You asked yourself. "Another royalty, asked for you hand in marriage."
You weren't surprise. This particular situation has happened a lot of time that you wouldn't even be able to count with your fingers and toes how many times this had happened. But of course, you were able to fend them off because of your high status. Plus, your heart also beats for another. "Well? just do the same thing, father. This occasion had happened many times, and those many times, i told you to say to them the same thing."
"My dear, this one is different..much more different than the last royalties and high class people asking for your hand in marriage." Your fathers eye avoided yours. His words intrigued you. 'Different?', you raised a brow.
"What exactly is so.. 'different' from this person that someone such high class like you, father. Couldn't even save me from an arrange marriage?"
"He's a person with much greater power than us, dear. In the letters he sent, he threatened to end our entire life and massacre the entire village if we, or you refused the marriage proposal." your mother chimed in. Her voice was much quieter than the usual gentle, soft, and timid voice your mother has.
You froze.
You couldn't believe it, "What?.." you breathe out.
"That's absurd! are you really threatening me with my peoples life's, the both of you, and mine?!" You lashed out, you can't believe your parents would arrange such a messed up story just to make you marry someone. After all, no person in this word could do that..right?
"Unfortunately, we are telling the truth." Your father could only lay his head low, his eyes looking at the table infront of the three of you.
"Here, this is the letter." Your mother leaned and slides the enveloped on your side of the table. You observed the crest, it looks like a half moon but downwards with a circle at the top of the half moon where the ends doesn't meet each other.
"The family crest of the Ito's.." you whispered to yourself. you didn't bother to read the letter, you knew of this family and were well aware how powerful they are. You let out a sharp breath. 'Think, think, what can i do to get out of this situation?' Even if you want to run away, your parent's and your innocent peoples life's are in the line, so that option is off the chart. You slowly stood up, "When is he free to meet? Tell him i'd like to get to know him and discuss the marriage in person." You mumbled,
You inhaled deeply, 'Its for the better.' You tried to convince yourself, 'maybe.. just maybe, this person will love me the way i loved you..'
After your parents had wrote back to Hanzo who you believed was the person who wanted to marry you, he sent a letter back agreeing and was quick to say that he will meet you as soon as possible.
As you read the letter from Hanzo, a wave of sadness washed over you. You had loved Giyuu for so long, but you never thought you would be forced to marry someone else. The thought of your life with Giyuu, the happiness you shared with him, all seemed so distant now.
Hanzo did so as he promised, You tried to make the best of the situation, going on dates with the new suitor and finding common ground with him. he was nice, has a handsome face, you found out that he was just three years older that you, you were okay with that. He took you out on a nice date and was very conciderate of what you like, and dislike. 'How can someone like you threaten the live's of a thousand people?' You thought, However, your heart remained with Giyuu, and you could not shake the feeling that you had made a mistake.
And so, the news came out that you were getting married to another royalty. And this news of course, reached the ears of a certain dark haired hashira. He was surprised to hear about this, but was happy for you for finding someone to spend your eternity with.
On the day of your wedding, you walked down the aisle, trying to suppress the feelings of sadness and regret that were swirling inside you. As you stood before the altar, you couldn't help but think of Giyuu, imagining him as the man you were to be wed with.
After the wedding, you moved into a new home with your new husband, trying to make the most of your new life together. Although, the emptiness you felt inside continued to haunt you,
As time passed from that fateful day in the garden, the months transformed into years. He constantly sent you letter after letter and making efforts to visit you at your mansion. Yet, none of his attempts were met with a response from you, and he eventually decided to honor your silence and let you heal at your own pace.
You knew of his letters and visits in your mansion, but continuesly ignored it until he stopped. The time passed by quickly for you, and your affection for Giyuu began to fade. You focused on your life and your husband.
One day, all of the hashira was summoned for a mission a highly dangerous mission involving a powerful demon; Muzan Kibutsuji. Giyuu tried to focus on the task at hand, but he felt a sense of dread settling in his chest. If something happened to him, he wouldn't have another chance to tell you how he really felt. He knew that he had to say something, no matter how difficult it would be. He wrote a letter to you, pouring out his feelings and expressing his deep regret for leaving you and for being a coward,
To My Dearest [Name],
It has been many years since I last spoke with you, and I fear that my silence has only caused you more pain and suffering. I want you to know that my silence was never due to a lack of love or affection for you, but rather it was my own cowardice and fears that held me back.
I was afraid that if I confessed my feelings for you, I would put you in danger. I was afraid that my love for you would cause you pain, or worse, harm. And so, I stayed silent, I pushed my feelings down, and I never told you the truth.
But as time went on, it became clear that my fear and hesitation were only preventing us from being happy. I know now that love is worth the risk, and that the love we shared was worth fighting for.
I will always regret my cowardice, my inability to confess my feelings for you, and my lack of courage to face the challenges of love. But I will never regret the love I felt for you.
Please know that you are always in my heart, and that even though we may never be together in this life, I hope that we will find each other again in the next.
Yours Truly,
The day of the mission arrived, and Giyuu and his fellow hashira set out to face the powerful demon. The battle was fierce, and Giyuu fought with all his strength. But in the midst of the chaos, he was struck down by Muzan's powerful attack. As he lay on the ground, weakened and bleeding, he thought about you, and the letter he had written. He hoped that it would find its way to you, and that you would know the truth about how he felt.
He lingered on the brink of death, his heart weighed down by his regrets and unfinished business. Finally, he took a deep breath and let out a final sigh as the light fades.
Sadly, his letter never reached you.
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asktheemotions · 2 months
what would've happened if the other emotions didnt forgive anxiety?
I have been on vacation and still am! This is why I haven't posted in a while.
I'm trying to finish the next ask but I also have been trying to enjoy my time with my extended family, I hope you guys can understand.
But! Here is the first 3 pages for the next ask while you wait!
Pages 3/15
Question: What would’ve happened if the other emotions didn’t forgive Anxiety?
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alternianavenues · 7 months
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Tehatl and Hersha start talking. You don't really catch what they're saying from this point on. He nudges her shoulder, and that's when you catch it.
That stupid fucking ring.
You should've seen it coming. No, really. This is your fault for thinking the trolls around you could keep to one simple rule.
The three of you were friends. Only friends. Of equal agreement, you asked of them one simple thing:
No in-team quad-coddling.
No kismesii, no moirails, no matesprits. The three of you were on equal terms. You could quad-up with others sure, but.
Oh, who are you kidding. You shake the ash from your cigarette, turn on your heel, and walk right back out the apartment.
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SS: where d¤⁠ y¤⁠u think y¤⁠u're g¤⁠ing?
SS: we're n¤⁠t d¤⁠ne.
AC: nah nah, : th:nk we are
AC: :ts f:ne
AC: :m sure u 2 paleb:rds w:ll f:gure :t out just f:ne on your own
AC: bes:des
AC: :m not look:ng 2 b a th:rd wheel on ur proverb:al tr:cycle r:de
CE: ww ..WHAT? ww
CE: ww WHAT IS HE.. ww
AC: ohhh
AC: :ts "what :s /he/" now?
AC: good 2 kno
SS: Jejrik.
AC: nah
AC: :ts cool.
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leysha-kun · 2 months
YALL. Y’all. . .
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New AU :3 (I’ll give you guys more info later)
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earl-of-grey · 7 days
Hi, here’s more angst Alastor headcanons 🤍
I know we the fandom tend to portray Alastor’s relationship with his mom in an always positive light. Plus, he’s been said to be a mama’s boy.
And trust me, we love that. We love a morally grey, cannibalistic bastard having a good relationship with his mother.
But I think a fun contrasting approach would be for Alastor to have
Imagine his mom always relied on him emotionally. Usually the parent is the one to be pillar of safety, comfort and stability. So imagine Alastor had felt he was responsible for his own mom’s well-being.
That’s probably why he adopted an entertainer’s persona and always smiled for others because after all, his mom taught him
“You’re never fully dressed without a smile!”
But with that comes the harsh self-criticism and constant perfectionism. Whenever his mom was upset by something he did or didn’t do, he would try to amend his mistakes right away and would make sure to not only do that again, but prevent any future mistakes. (Control issues yayayayay)
He had to hold in his emotions, his sadness and his anger, because that would upset his mother. So he’s had to bottle them up and repress them.
Despite everything, he still loves his mom very much and just wanted to make her happy.
But now that she’s gone, he’s got no one but himself. He always has had to rely on only himself, and I imagine deep down he felt like he had to grow up too fast which is the reason for his emotional immaturity. And deep down, he wishes he didn’t have to keep his walls up, but the alternative is not any better in his eyes.
To him, getting close with other people means more emotional baggage, vulnerability, and a means of obligation. It means to constantly entertain and appease them just like he had to do for his mom.
I’m curious to see the direction they go for Alastor’s backstory in season 2, especially with his relationship with his mom.
But I think personally it might be interesting to see them take the not so healthy relationship route.
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More angst for the stinkin deer man 🤍
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littlesiren79 · 10 days
Is Victor's ex still alive? Also, you care to list all her crimes?
She is still alive and here is a list of all of her crimes
Her crimes:abuse,attempted murder,animal abuse,theft,shoplifting,murder and finally child endangerment
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stiffyck · 2 years
Do you think the vex are a hated creature?
An annoying little monster that laughs at you while they kill you. No one likes them.
Do you think Scar would feel bad about this? About himself?
Imagine the hermits not knowing and complaining how annoying the vex are, how awful they are-
And Scar just sitting there, listening, thinking... does that apply to him as well? He's not evil, right? He's not a monster, right?
He's just a guy! Who just so happens to be part vex! No biggie!
But maybe.... maybe the words start getting to him... and maybe he starts to believe that no vex can be good.
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