cloudberrytroll · 12 days
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neil-gaiman · 4 months
I fear mortality any advice
You only really have one thing in common with everyone else who has ever lived, which is you are alive. You're part of a marching band of billions of people -- homo sapiens and the other variants of our species who added their DNA into the gene pool. So you're afraid of the big thing we all share. They were here, and then they weren't. We are here and one day we won't be here. And whether we fear mortality or regard Death as a comforting friend, we are all travelling down the same road, the one everyone travels.
And that's all the advice I've got.
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mawapeach · 7 months
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Gosh it’s huge shame that I cannot seem to finish this drawing I’ve been working on for months all because I cannot figure out how LIGHTING WORKS ON THE BODY (cropped body to the left and above head) … Anyway, here’s the only “completed” portion of the drawing… Yeah it’s Johnny Cage, hope it still looks like him.
DONT COME AT ME WITH ANATOMY, life’s hard without references. I’ll do more studies for sure
Also college has been slowing down my art motivation 😭 I’ll try my best to draw random doodles of the characters I love! Who would you guys like to see though?
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patience-and-prayers · 5 months
I’m thankful for Hermes and travel, and I feel him when I drive, or am at the farmers market.
I’m grateful for Apollo and music, philosophy and how he shines through each rhythm and beat in the music I listen to.
I’m appreciative of Artemis and the independence she brings me, strength and the courage that passes through when standing up for what I believe in. The connection with wildlife and instincts, the empowerment I feel from her as a woman, all of it I owe to her.
The Gods look at us worshippers and smile, knowing they are treasured.
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elisiafarias · 3 months
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Thanks liu kang for bring us all these cuties
Pdt: i need that oufit for bi han
Credits: me
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nobeerreviews · 2 months
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The beauty and curse of mortality is we only live once, in just one place and just one time; our lives don't stop because important things are happening to other people, but their lives don't stop for us, either.
-- Foz Meadows
(Verona, Italy)
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powerupcomicstonight · 10 months
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4threset · 10 months
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makotodeath · 1 year
the collector doesn't understand mortality, sure. But he also has been besties with a narcissistic puritan who, when he kills his former brother, just revives him with a grimmwalker and continues to do this everytime hunter/caleb goes against him. The collector even says he's suspicious belos just breaks them for fun. So yes, while the collector is just used to being some celestial god, he also spent 400 odd years with an amoral sociopath who lived way longer than the human lifespan, killed people and also made multiple clones of his dead brother whenever he wanted. Of course he doesn't understand it.
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thinkspam · 9 days
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sassydefendorflower · 2 years
In case of their death, each Bat has a dedicated spot where they keep their will/private messages to different members of their family/their friends.
It makes sense in their line of work.
Tim's is a hard drive, no surprise there, but he made sure the code to access it was just stupid enough that most of the family would have to come together to crack it (and even then, they still have to call Bart for the final clue) - it’s something stupid and sentimental, something Bruce would never have guessed Tim would choose as a password. Maybe Quadruple Summersault. Or Short Pants. Or Second Mask. Or Always Be Prepared. Or maybe just I Love You.
Babs has a lot of video messages just in case. She wrote code that would automatically send her last words to everyone she cherished (her dad, the Bats, the Birds of Prey, her co-workers at the library) should she forget to enter the I'm Still Alive Code. (she has to stay at the hospital once without her phone and accidentally sends her last words to everyone - Gotham is chaos for a day until people manage to check in on her).
Cass has already hidden all her goodbyes in the rooms of those she thinks deserve it. Once she is gone, she hopes Bruce will find the letter in her nightstand. The one that says "my words are still here, you just have to look for it" - which is a bit ironic, considering most of her letters consist of funny cartoons and nice memories captured in the chicken scratch of someone who might never be a portrait artist but can undoubtedly catch a moment in time with just a few strokes of a pencil.
Dick updates his will every couple of months, just to be safe. And his letters? His final words? Those are usually stored with a civilian friend or two. One batch is definitely kept at Titans Tower. All of these people have instructions to send them once the news of his death has hit the public. His letters are unusually long, filled with jokes and anecdotes, and a lot of things he never quite managed to say before. For someone who likes to talk, Dick is awfully good at saying nothing. But that's not how he wants to die - at least not this time, so long letters it is.
Jason doesn't have a lot of letters, or a lot of anything really. He just has a very detailed will. A binding legal paper that explains exactly what the family is supposed to do with his body. He's not gonna take any more chances with this. At the end of his will, there is only one addendum: I love you. Please let me be dead. Nothing more - nothing less.
Steph is a bit obsessed with the details of her death, maybe because her first close encounter resulted in a complete loss of agency. She wants to plan it down to the smallest bit, and since she knows she cant do that, she plans everything else. Where she wants to be buried, what songs should be played, what kind of food should be offered... and in each of these instructions there is a personal message hidden just within. She wants Bruce and Tim to carry her coffin, carry her one last time. She wants Cass to dance at her funeral, and Babs and her mom to write the speeches. Small love letters hidden in a search for control.
Damian is needlessly good at compartmentalizing, or maybe its because he's just twelve. He should think of himself as immortal, and nothing is crueler than the fact that he doesn't. He has a will, hidden underneath his mattress because he's too young to actually request legally binding documents. And he has letters and paintings and notebooks - in the hopes that when they find them they'll remember him as a boy and not a weapon. For someone so desperately striving for the title of Robin, Damian mostly wants to be remembered as a son.
For a long time Duke didn't partake in this "family tradition". Because he saw himself as outside of them, as someone with parents, as someone with a home. But a dozen close calls, and suddenly mortality becomes something else. So he saves his will on the Batcomputer, addressed to his parents but protected by Bruce. And he writes small notes. Thoughts. Ideas. Things he thinks they will appreciate should he be gone one day. And he leaves them lying around. Maybe the mark he makes is hidden in the small things. The post-it notes and exploded overhead lights. Duke would be fine with that.
And then there is Bruce, who - in a way - cannot die. His legacy is the Cave, his brain a part of the mainframe they use to fight crime. And he knows that. He knows that no matter where he goes, he will never be really gone. So he makes sure that one day - long after he has passed - the Batcomputer destroys itself. To set them free. To leave them with the physical memorabilia of Bruce Wayne, and no longer with the desperation of the Bat. It's the biggest love letter Bruce can imagine writing - the possibility of being free.
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6napk1n9 · 7 months
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lia-serrano · 1 month
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Grief (color version), digital collage, 2024.
Created while experiencing the loss of a friendship.
©Lía Serrano
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loneberry · 4 months
I have written from a body that is bent over, that has become stiff under the effects of Parkinson’s, that trembles, that goes forward and falls, and I have found my infirmity to be beautiful, I have felt that my tremors are lovely, that the challenge of holding up these pieces of paper that I now read is lovely. I have written about that body, about the pains that I myself have caused others and that I have inflicted on myself, I have recorded my poems on its skin. I have come to believe that only the sick, the weak, the wounded are capable of giving beauty to those ruins, that debris. Such beauty is intolerable and at the same time is the light of the world. When all of humanity bows down weeping before La Pietá, the world will have come to its end. Meanwhile, all we have are our ruins, our tiny misfortunes, our great loves, our horror, our deaths. --Raúl Zurita 
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Sometimes, being pagan really sucks
Sometimes your family doesn’t accept you
It sucks not having a religious community in person :/
People get laughed at because they worship the old gods
I wish we had our own spaces, besides on the internet sometimes.
But it’s also beautiful
Being able to connect with gods in unique ways
Having ancient traditions and being able to reunite with the past and nature
Having really cool and badass myths
Just a reminder
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gjubbaworks · 1 month
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Part 2 of some more characters of TWF!!!
Part 1 here!!!
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