#most people have 'normal' energy even when happy so when someone has such good ones its always really pleasant
seariii · 3 months
checking in. . poke poke... ( did I already send one?? camt remember.. )
*hugs you and let myself fall on you* fiiiiishhhh I'm tireeeed
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I spent like 8-9 hours on the airport and then the flight was so stressful because there were turbulences
But I'm finally home and changed to my pijamas and had dinner and I'm finally chilling on the couch
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kryannoy · 4 months
Hey, can we have a Yan!Andrew Graves with Reader?
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genre: sfw, headcanons + fic
characters: yandere!andrew graves x reader
warnings: manipulation, gaslighting, obsession, possessive andrew
a/n: i don't normally write yandere characters so this was a bit of a challenge. hope this suits your request and enjoyed reading!
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He's so obsessed with you but he's subtle with it—more like whatever stupid thing he does, he'll make sure you don't see it.
When he loves you, he'll make sure to keep you happy just so you will always come to him whenever something happens. He'll open a bottle cap for you without being told, he'll wipe your mouth with his fingers if it's messy—totally not putting them in his mouth afterwards. He'll open the door for you, let you cry on his shoulder, gives you hugs when you need it. Every subtle thing to manipulate you into coming back to him when you need support.
If someone talks to you, he'll be right behind you with arms wrapped around your waist while glaring daggers at the other person.
"No, no. Continue. Don't mind me, pretend that I don't exist."
To you, his tone sounds normal but to the poor guy, it's like a cleaver skinning them alive.
If someone even looks at you without you knowing, it's gonna be hell for them. He somehow won't be afraid to kidnap that person, tie them up and threaten them with Andrew's favorite cleaver until the person is diagnosed with PTSD.
He will shamelessly go back to you with a smile on his handsome face as if nothing happened.
Andrew would kill anyone for you but if you tell him not to, he won't.
Although, he knows you would be scared if you saw him murdering people, he won't do it anyways. The last thing he wants is you running away from him.
You have no idea why people start to turn their backs on you and you would think that you've done something wrong. So, you ask Andrew for advice or if he knows anything, exactly what he planned for.
And he would smile innocently from his success and spread out his arms. You would dive into his comfy sweater without knowing the hands that are holding you are the hands that have done so many questionable and criminal acts.
"C'mere you. Aw, you poor thing! I'm sure no one hates you. Who would? They're probably out of social energy from a rough day or something. Don't you worry!"
He'll kiss your forehead, then your nose, and lastly, your lips. You would smile and he would smile into the kiss while thinking how naive you are.
He admits sometimes that he feels guilty for deceiving you but what can he do? How could he come up to you and admit to all the crimes he's done? You wouldn't look at him the same anymore, would you? Would you still love him despite knowing what he did or what he ate? He wouldn't take any risks. If he has the person he loves the most in his arms, why would he easily throw you away?
If the truth hasn't been told, he'll keep you for himself. He'll keep you forever.
You knew he acted differently than normal people. He's a little different because of his upbringing, and that's normal for kids with neglected parents growing up with a weird habit of theirs and that was just his charm, right?
Because you think it was just a charm of his, you didn't run when you had the chance to. Besides, if he was so sweet to you, so kind to you, so good to you, he wouldn't hurt you, would he?
There's a reunion dinner later tonight with your old high school mates and of course you're coming. You haven't seen your friends in a long time. You've already informed Andrew of this and for the past week he was okay with it, but why is his tone now sounded . . . different?
"You're going?" He asked from the couch. One of his legs propped up on the other and an arm over the couch. His green eyes look up and down at your fit that he knows you chose the best from your closet. You're going to meet some nobodies with that outfit? You didn't even wear something so pretty when he's around! Not that you aren't pretty. It's just you put a tiny bit less effort when going out or being with Andrew.
"I've already told you, haven't I?" You're putting on your shoes at the front door and you hear some shuffling. Your hand is at the doorknob now. "I'll be back before ten. I prom—"
The door slams shut again before you could even open a crack. You can feel him behind you. His hands on the door, caging you between him and the solid wood.
"You are not going." His voice is low, almost threatening.
You turn around to face. You do not want to have this conversation right now. You're going to be late, that is if you find a way to stir this around to go your way.
"Andrew, this is unfair. Last week, you told me I can go so why are you backing out now? Tonight of all days!"
It wasn't his intention to upset you nor ruin your night but why are they taking you away from him?
"Why are you still excited about going? Don't you remember what they've done to you? They isolated you . . . remember?"
They isolated you. Yeah, right. He was the reason behind it anyways, but poor you who loves him too never suspected your own boyfriend was the culprit.
"They . . . didn't. You said they didn't have the energy to talk," your voice was almost a whisper. You weren't even confident of your own answer. You're starting to reminisce about the old days at school. Sure, they didn't talk to you anymore, but the reunion dinner is going to be different, right?
His hand moves down to lock the door but his actions made you take a step back, hitting the door. You forgot you're kind of trapped right now with no way out unless reasoning with him first.
"You don't really have to go . . ." The same hand moves up to your hair, tucking some strands behind your ear ever so gently it's almost . . . unnervingly creepy. "Do you?"
His eyebrow raised in question.
Your heart is starting to pick up its pace. Your fingertips are running cold. You don't understand yourself why you're so nervous in front of him. I mean, you had been nervous around him but this is a different kind of nervous. It's fear. Fear of him. However, he never hurt you yet. He never raised his voice to you. He's always been nice and sweet to you. But you really can't help this weird feeling.
So you slowly tell him how you feel.
"You're scaring me."
And there it is. It hit something in him. It's the last thing he wants, but the first thing to make you listen to him.
You can see his facial expression changes from demanding to guilt.
"Love, there's nothing to be afraid of. It's just me!" His caging arms now freeing you while backing away a bit, most likely a tactic to show you he's innocent. "I'm just saying, wouldn't you be left out at dinner? I don't want my pretty girl coming home sad and disappointed when the past week you've been so excited about this dinner."
Andrew takes your silence to continue. "Stay here. With me."
You really want to insist on going yet you don't want to risk starting a fight. But it's unfair! You always let him win you over, now he needs to listen and let you go. Maybe a small chance could probably lead to a huge success.
"But please!" You drag the word longer, hoping he'll give in. "I haven't seen my friends for I don't how many years. It's just this once."
You seem energetic again. He takes this chance to step closer, a hand on the side of your face. His thumb brushes along your glossed lips you put on earlier, smudging it. His gaze move up from your lips to your eyes.
"I'm sorry, darling, but no means no." He said it so softly before he kissed you longingly. You somehow melt into him despite your disagreement. He's really not losing—like always.
He broke off the kiss to continue persuading you to stay. "I'm doing this for your own good. Sometimes you're too naive to be staying around them. You're too nice. I've seen it. And it hurts to watch you being used and throw you away."
You exhale a deep breath from the stress. Maybe Andrew's right. Maybe you are too naive to realize. They asked you for homework and notes, but then one day, they stopped talking to you. Maybe they really did see no use in you they've fulfilled their satisfaction.
But Andrew . . . Andrew never stopped talking to you. Andrew never threw you away. Andrew was always there through it all. Andrew never left you by yourself.
Like right now.
"Okay," you spoke softly, like a whisper, before nodding your head. "I'll stay in with you."
Good thing you were looking at the ground because now, Andrew can't hide the big smile on his face. He successfully manages to keep you by his side. His heart beats rapidly from the excitement, his skin was buzzing. He can be with you tonight. He can stay with you. Just the two of you!
He pulls you in his arms and strokes your hair. "That's my good girl. Always so obedient." He kisses the crown of your head before leading you to your bedroom so you can change to a more comfortable clothes.
He dreams of having you by his side forever but he doesn't want to go to extreme measures such as locking you in or tying you up. Maybe not just yet. Since you're so good to him and love him too, you deserve to roam around freely until you start to disobey.
He wouldn't want to do it but tonight, he was close to doing so just from how persistent you were.
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devildomwriter · 2 months
Can i get some headcanons on the angels being guardians of MC? 👀 In the manga, a pact with a demon requires them touching foreheads to make it, and they have to listen to their master's orders. What can the guardian and the charge do? Call for the other for help? Know when the other is in trouble or just need a hand? -Water Anon
Guardian Angel Headcanons
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• An Angel canonically can only be the guardian to one human. It’s not specified if it’s one at a time or not and if they’d be able to guard someone again when the previous charge has passed.
• They get chills when their charge is in serious danger, they can hear their pleas for help, and stronger angels can answer telepathically if they only need an answer to a question or reassuring words.
• They can dispel viruses and curses more easily than if they weren’t your guardian, and can heal virtually anything with ease, be it mental or physical, whatever you ask for.
• They will immediately put their lives on the line for you and will not allow harm to come to you while you are their charge.
• If they for some reason cannot reach your side when you are in danger or in pain, you will receive some of their energy to keep you safe.
• Simeon’s style of guarding is very relaxed. He believes it’s better you find things out for yourself and will give gentle pushes for you to find the right answers or make the right changes.
• He will always show up if you call for him, even if it’s ridiculous, because he loves you so he’s always willing to pamper you, but he does have a job so you might have to wait sometimes.
• If you’re in serious danger, he’s there instantly because he already sensed it. Simeon is normally calm and relaxed so to see him become serious and upset when he needs to protect you from something can be very surprising. If it’s person putting you in danger, his sadistic side comes out with cheerful smile and laugh as he takes care of the threat—as an angel he can’t kill them but the fear he instills is enough.
• Simeon can always tell when you need him, even if it’s not dangerous. He’ll be there for a pep talk, comfort kisses, cuddles, and a nice meal.
• You’re a handful. He has his work cut out for him, and before this he thought you were the most normal of the bunch.
• “No, MC don’t touch that!” “But you’ll protect me right?” “That’s not the point— NOOOOO MC!”
• Thanks to your guardian pact he can hear your pleas for help and he’s always super panicked but most of the time it’s because you want sweets and don’t know the recipe. He’s relieved and happy to help but make sure not to use him like a personal chef.
• He can tell when you’re in danger and gets chills but most of the time you’re just hanging out with one of the demons.
• He makes you say something specific when you’re in literal immediate danger in case he needs back up. Don’t misuse it because Raphael will show up with spears and he won’t be happy if it’s for something ridiculous.
• Raphael is extremely protective and efficient with his job. Sometimes he can’t tell why you called him to specific situations so you’ll need to tell him.
• No matter what you called him for, he already has the spear ready. He scared people a lot by mistake. Police are still looking for a man walking around with a giant spear that cared away a group of people intimidating you.
• After saving you, Raphael won’t leave your side for a while, he needs to make sure you’re still oky and nothing else happens.
• He might guard your door at night, especially if you’re not in a good head space.
• Raphael struggles with understanding emotions so he takes a minute to learn how to help you with yours when you ask for help calming down, feeling happier, etc.
• Raphael can take on anything by himself so he never needs backup. Just calling for him scares people who know of him.
• Michael became your guardian because he knows that if you were to suddenly die it’d spell doom, as the brothers, ruler of hell, his greatest warrior, etc. would not ever be okay again.
• He already canonically saved you many times. When you almost died in the reaper cave for breaking a rule, and when Solomon’s good sent you into the past.
• He was pleasantly surprised when he found out you weren’t a wicked person but sometimes he’s baffled by your decisions and will telepathically communicate to definitely not do that thing.
• If you’re mentally stressed he sends you blessings and if he can meet you in person he will. His presence is also powerful enough to banish any curse without trying.
• Try not to call him upon demons because this could spell serious trouble for peace between the worlds but if he knows you’re in trouble he’ll lend you holy power to protect yourself to avoid disturbing the alliance with the Devildom.
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emeritus-fuckers · 5 months
Could I request how the ghouls (+baby phantom!!) pine for a sibling of sin? :) Your writing is absolutely fantastic btw, been gobbling it up ahahaha xx
Ghouls pining after a Sibling of Sin
This motherfucker does not know how to identify his emotions.
He will not admit it, not with a gun to his head or the gates of hell waiting to swallow him back down, he will not admit it.
He would get more aggressive at first, more angry. Standoffish and snapping at the sibling more. How dare you be so cute, you're doing something to his heart!
He'd mess with you, at first. Pull pranks and just annoy you more, and then snap when you try to call him out on it.
And then he would start to leave little gifts. Small things he would find out in the woods.
He will continue for months with these random little gifts. Starting to leave behind little compliments and such in notes.
When you figure out it’s him, you have to be the one to initiate that conversation. He will avoid feelings like the plague.
Though once he knows you feel the same? He’s your big, awkward heater.
He really enjoys knowing you’re his now.
Omega fucking sucks at flirting, honestly.
He's good at matching the flirty energy, but someone else has to flirt first because he just... doesn't know how to start it for some reason.
In his defense, usually other people start all this. Terzo
He mentions his little crush to someone (Terzo) and ends up being set up on a date with you because Terzo needs their boyfriend happy.
It's not exactly awkward, because Omega is good at keeping it cool, but it does feel like something's off.
It only feels right when you admit that you might have a tiny crush on him and he just sighs in relief before confessing as well.
And then it just... fluently changes into you guys dating?
By all accounts, it does not make sense. It just happens.
Ifrit is usually a pretty confident ghoul from a distance. Charismatic, energetic and playful.
When it comes to you however? He’s a very shy dumbass. You’re just…amazing.
Though he is not subtle. At all.
You can feel the heart eyes from across the room, the ghoul looks lovesick.
There’s more incidents of “bumping into you on accident” as well. He just wants to be close to you, even if he’s super nervous and shy when you both talk.
You may start to notice your favourite snacks appearing in your workspace as well as lots of flowers.
You end up walking in on Ifrit leaving a love letter and movie tickets on your bed. He was too shy to ask you out face to face.
Naturally the only logical way to break through that shyness is have him read the letter to you. Ask you out properly.
Once he’s got you? Enjoy your oversized puppy. You are the most important part of his day.
And yes. His tail wags a mile a minute whenever he sees you. He’s always excited to see his favourite sibling.
He’s always extra excited when you seek him out for kisses too.
Everyday is the best day ever for him because he has you. You’re his.
Zephyr is a ghoul that when determined, he knows what he wants. Normally he will go get what he wants.
However, they’re unfortunately all to aware not everyone wants a significant other with as many medical issues that they have. They get it in their head that because of the bad days, you wouldn’t want them.
The other members of the pack mention how you seem very important to them. How Zephyr lights up when you’re around.
He’s very sweet to you, bringing you drinks and snacks if he notices you working long hours. Stealing you away for breaks.
They’re completely enamoured by you, but that mental block of not feeling enough stops them for a long while from confessing his feelings.
Until one day when you come to check on them during a rough day. He’s laying in bed as you sit close to them, softly cupping their cheek and asking if they need anything. Anything at all.
It’s all it takes for him to quietly mumble “you.” Then steal a gentle kiss. Just the fact you came to check on them makes their heart soar.
Once you’re by their side, the bad days don’t seem nearly as awful. He jokes that you could fix them just by smiling like that everyday.
Not that he feels it necessary to be fixed. Not anymore. The most perfect person in the ministry thinks that he’s perfect just as he is.
That’s enough for them.
He’ll find excuses to spend time with you. Or you’ll find xem looking over at you a lot.
Once it’s sure you are right for him…
He will most likely just pick you up and kidnap you.
In the nicest way possible…
It’s also already declared you his mate.
Luckily for you, you’ve been pining after xem for a while.
But still xey could have just asked, he got totally carried away.
He's so excited to be spending time with you, it’s infectious, as is its happiness.
Xey’ll offer you a puff on his vape.
Once you agree to be with xem he’ll give you a bite on the shoulder and declare it’s official.
You two are friends, good friends but he just can't understand why he wants to spend more and more time with you. Why he misses you...
His way of pining is more like biting. He bites you a lot, just randomly comes up to you and bites you on the shoulder, or arm.
He would stop if you really wanted but you don't seem to be too annoyed at him. A little irritated at times yes but you never actually seem properly annoyed, in fact he saw you repressing a smile.
This just confirms to him you are the right person, he starts showing off a little around you.
Eventually he'll sit down next to you, bit your shoulder and say "you know you are my mate right?"
He tries to hide his nerves as he waits for you to respond, he glares at Aether as he walks past.
When you finally smile and say you thought he would never realise he just takes your face in his hand and kisses you. A very passionate lingering kiss. "There, now it's really official." You know him well enough to know that a kiss from Sodo is a rare precious thing and that makes you smile so much, it lights up your entire face. He really does like you, more than likes you...
She's a bit shy at first. Starts with anonymously leaving you small gifts that slowly become romantic.
Ver pining is discreet at first as he investigates if you like the gifts.
The gifts slowly become more personal over time, slowly hinting at who is sending them.
Ve giggles to himself in bed after seeing you smile at the gifts.
She's happy you love them! She really is!
Ve only gets caught because of his own clumsiness.
You know Rain's biggest enemy? The stairs?
Yeah, that's what defeats her. He left the gift at your doorstep, knocked and tried to run off...
Only to trip on the fucking stairs.
And that's the story of how Rain got caught, awkwardly confessed and somehow managed to get a partner.
Aether is very much aware of his feelings, but he also thinks you wouldn't like him.
So he stays distant, watching carefully and leaving you the sweetest notes in the world. Little treats and things that he noticed that you liked.
It would take him months to even let you realize he's almost always in the same room with you, and then he would just give you a quick smile and walk out the room, it too much to see you looking at him.
But he's only so strong.
He would break eventually, and just shoving you against the closest wall and kissing you like he would be sent back to the pit's if he didn't. Putting nearly a year of want and need into the kiss.
And then you have no chance of getting away from him. You're his now.
So many plants.
He's not all that great with words, so he communicates with plants. Roses and daises, all the plants that you could ever want, and they will always be in the absolute best condition and if you're someone who smokes, you get the very best weed.
He leaves the plants with instructions to keep them healthy and little love notes right outside your door. Crouched down and bent uncomfortably to make sure you get it.
And when he finally gets the metal strength to confess?
His hands are shaking and he can barely get the words out. And when you accept his affection? Oh he's over the moon.
Not too much changes, but he is always at your side, arms wrapped around you and kisses your head with every change he gets. He's yours, and you are his, after all.
Very excitable and affectionate.
They don't really pine much they just kinda bound over to you.
He very shyly asks if he can kiss you on the cheek. Xey will be totally okay with it if you say no, but if you say yes then well...
They'll give you one little kiss and grin, he's just so exited and happy. It then asks you to go on a date and you agree.
Then it's lots of little kisses all the time. On your face and neck mainly to begin with. Also xey'll kiss the back of your hand to say goodnight, then he'll try its luck and kiss up your arm.
You just get swept along by their energy and before you know it you are spending your evenings with them sat in your lap cuddling you.
He'll nuzzle into you a lot and if it is ever stressed or anything they'll bury xeir face in your neck, the scent of you just calms him.
He's pretty straightforward about it, honestly.
He befriends you at first, just to see how that's gonna go.
And eventually you both just grow closer.
After a few weeks, he asks you out on a date.
It goes smoothly, since you two were already good friends and you both had feelings for each other.
So there's not much pining here, I guess?
But there is a look of longing in his eyes whenever he looks at you for too long.
Just like Phil, she doesn't do pining, honestly.
Ze's a straightforward and confident person.
If she likes you, ze will walk up to you and ask you out.
Funnily enough, she will pine for you once you're in a relationship.
Ze's gonna stay awake for hours to gush over you and imagine scenarios with dreamy sighs as she kicks zir feet in delight.
She's a bit weird like that, but it's adorable.
She's very calm about it.
You can catch her sending soft, lovestruck looks your way, maybe a soft sigh here and there.
And the sweetest, softest smile.
She will just sorta approach you one day with a dessert she made and offer you some.
And as you share the dessert, she asks if you'd like to try getting to know each other better and maybe try out something romantic.
She's all smiley when you say yes.
Even sweeter than she usually is.
Feral jumpy bitey lady is kinda like a cat here.
Watches you, her pupils huge as she just has this tiny little smile on her face, literally going around like :> whenever you're around.
Does this cute thing where she just sorta peeks in wherever you are, like one of those cute smiling cats.
You eventually approach her, unable to help your giggles as you ask her if she needs something.
She meows at you before laughing, and asking you out.
Happy purrs and nuzzles ensue when you say yes.
They've learned how to flirt from Swiss and Cumulus. She's... a bit all over the place.
On one hand, she causes chaos. On the other hand, she does sweet things.
For example, they make you cupcakes, but decorate them with dumb shit.
One muffin can be Hello Kitty, the other can be a weirdly detailed penis.
Ends up organizing the sweetest, most adorable picnic...
And hits you with the weirdest, most twisted pick-up line known to man.
But she's adorable so of course you fall for it.
Similarily to some ghouls in this post, Mist does not do pining.
He's sorta like Phil in this regard, if Phil wasn't... well, Phil.
She likes you, she comes up to you, she asks if you wanna go out.
And when you say yes, he plans a big ass ambitious date (he takes you to McDonald's).
No pining involved. Just good old "I like you, wanna date?" and that's pretty much it.
Phantom, Sodo and Swiss written by Nyx.
Alpha, Ifrit and Zephyr written by Death.
Omega, Rain, Phil, Cirrus, Cumulus, Sunshine, Aurora and Mist written by Nosferatu.
Taglist: @charlie-is-a-menace @copias-fluffy-asscheeks @randodummy @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @calliedion-dungeon @randominstake @callmeicaro @nuntia @dio-niisio @mamacarlyle @mybotanicaldemise @igodownjustlikeholymary @natoncesaid @bloodmoon-bites
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inchidentally · 2 months
ok so I haven't done an insane and pointless landoscar post in a while so !!
I blurted most of this to @mecachrome and needed to like ground myself abt it but like.
Lando allowing himself to oscillate between extremes of Taking Your Affection For Granted/Being an Absolute Menace and Please Look at Me/Please Tell Me I'm Important to You is smth we only see him do w very very specific people. he's got to feel very secure that their attention and patience w him go hand in hand. namely we know of Max F, Jon, some of Lando's karting friends, and now Oscar. with literally everyone else he makes an effort to soften or balance himself and fit their energy (which tbh is how most of us are w friends and colleagues). but Lando is not Just Anyone and Not Just Some Guy so there's a special extra sector of friendship and affection there to be achieved if someone has the desire to.
and somehow to me it's like, Lando realizing so early on that Oscar really really really knew him and then gradually realizing that Oscar was continuing to study and learn him, it basically jumped his feeling of safety around Oscar to a degree he normally only feels around ppl he's known for a very long time.
and that a peruse through these two tags it becomes clear that Lando feels secure in putting Oscar through the paces of Lando's least happy and amenable moods possible. bc !! Oscar just smiles through it and doesn't get offended and almost sort of pushes through it as if to say you're not going to annoy me away mate, I've decided we're friends and that's it.
bc it's a test he knows Lando does when he's decided you're a Safe Person. like in Bahrain and Lando jokingly goes ugh! hi Oscar! and IMMEDIATELY switches to Osc bc he's in a Mood about having to discuss Bahrain as if they possibly could've learned much about the car yet and there's nothing rly to discuss but he doesn't want to take it out on Oscar … and then ! Oscar sees the pout on Lando's face, ignores everyone else and does this lean in and starts teasing Lando abt the repetitive questions they're being asked ! and Lando ! breaks out into this big smile and his mood just lifts !! bc Oscar knows exactly what to do !
and somehow that's all tied into how insanely clingy they both were at the start of the season and Lando esp was going a bit crazy with posting and reposting and commenting on content with Oscar or him and Oscar and how he felt this need to explain to Oscar why he went to see Daniel and not him bc wowwww he rly missed Oscar and the way Oscar just watches him and laughs at all his jokes and doesn't ask Lando to Be Anything Other than Himself bc Oscar takes the good and the bad bc it's Lando! Oscar had folded Lando into his life long before they even knew they'd be teammates!
which parallels the end of season video in Abu Dhabi or the Saudi post race video 'Straya Mate' and Lando is about to jump out of his skin to get Oscar to look at him !! and in those moments Oscar is a combination of tired and rly not enjoying media but Lando canNOT HANDLE when Oscar isn't watching him and Oscar seems sort of fed up with cameras so he STARES at Oscar's face and wriggles around and builds up to jokes bc he just needs to see himself having that effect on Oscar! and Oscar never lets him squirm for long and caves in to any joke Lando makes no matter how bad. and all of that fits so much w the sort of "soft dom" moments where ultimately, Lando views Oscar as one of the few people in his life who will Take Care of Him and who Knows What Lando Needs. but also !! it's a return of what Oscar does for Lando!
bc we've all seen him be like this w Max F and Jon and how no matter what flavor of Lando gets thrown at them - sweet or sour - they know just how he works and would never ever betray that level of trust by getting bored or disinterested or fed up with him. Max definitely has the most ability to scold Lando to order but tbh that happens v rarely and mostly he just mutters to himself or the camera and totally folds to Lando anyway.
but the difference is that Lando has years of proof on his side w Max and Jon and the other ppl he feels like this with. Oscar however is still a New Friend and he's got this whole settled, grown up life outside racing and Lando's relying a whole lot on the degree of commitment to McLaren that Oscar has shown again and again. they have friends in common and a drift compatible bond as teammates but they don't broadcast their interactions like most drivers do w other drivers so who knows how much Oscar has integrated in Lando's life outside of that? and I can only imagine Lando does NOT cope well with losing people he's brought into that degree of trust even tho from what we know he's never had that happen. but Oscar is so self-contained and reserved about the deeper parts of his personality so all of us sure can't say exactly how he'd react to him or Lando going to another team and you wonder how much Lando does ??
and godddd then we got this little glimpse into their natural dynamic and I end up finding myself hoping especially for Lando's sake that their friendship keeps getting stronger over the years they both know they have for sure together bc it's feels v safe to say that Oscar being someone else's teammate and not being Right There throughout the season would not be good for Lando !! </3
*obligatory reminder that I write these posts purely for fun and no I do not hinge any of my happiness in life on two men in racey cars - bc some ppl cannot tell what fandom is for and think everyone's deadly serious
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lightwing-s · 1 year
batboys as words, as per my own thoughts and perception
A few days back, @igotanidea asked me to describe the bat boys in one word. I got way over my head and ended up writing full on paragraphs on what reminds me the most about them, and what energy I get from the limited knowledge I have of all of them. So I tuned this into a post to fill the emptiness I left this tumblr on and to prepare you for stories to come (yes, Jason x villain!reader is finally coming)
picture © lomlisyou on pintrest
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To me, if there’s one word, one thing, that could describe Dick Grayson pretty well, it’s sun. He is like the sun in the sense that he brings life into everything and everyone he touches. He’s a believer in people, in the best we all have in store, and he has a way of making them believe in themselves, in their skills and abilities, making them see the greatness they didn’t notice they owned. He’s a leader, and a great one at that. Although not much of a jokester, he can bring happiness and a smile on people’s faces. He carries a lot on his shoulders, from being the very first Robin to leading the Titans and replacing the Batman, but his heart is too pure and he wants to help people nonetheless, so he keeps taking more responsibilities just so he can assist those he cares for. I’d imagine his love language are acts of service, doing what he can to make his loved one comfortable and happy. In a few words, he’s warmth, silliness, he’s flirting for fun, he IS fun, he’s sugar, spice and everything there is of nice.
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If I could describe Jason with one word it would be… caring. Out of all the boys, and out of everything he went through in life, he strikes me as the most protective, the one who will always make sure if you’re alright, if you’re safe, if you’ve been taking your pills or not skipping meals. I know we usually relate him to this aggressive vigilante form, but that’s the Red Hood, not Jason. Jason? Jason is the sweetest, most loving person you’ll find out there. He lost his family and the guy who took him in wasn’t affectionate at all, and he also went through so much. He just wants to protect and feel protected, hence I give him the words care, affection, protection, subtlety. He’s a well stored, well locked, box of surprises, that I’m sure whoever gets to open will feel a love they never had before.
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I don't understand as much about Tim as I do his brothers, but from my limited knowledge I think of him as someone who thinks about the details. He’s the guy who, even though you’d never take his aloof mannerisms for that, remembers every small thing you ever told him. Or notices every gentle habit, tick, or whatever it is you have. He’s observant and with that he’ll learn everything there is about you without you needing to tell him a word. He’ll gift you with that thing you spent a millisecond more than usual staring at when you hung out at the mall, or he’ll cook (more like order) that dessert that had you sighting slightly heavier than normal. He is attention, he is detailing, he’s watching the ones you love like the most addicting tv show. He is subtle touches, surprise gifts, random music concerts just because he knows you have that one song hidden on your playlist. He is noticing things not even you, not even your reflection, saw in yourself.
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To define Damian in a few words is a bit hard to me, as he’s still young and is still learning about life, developing his own ideals and personality. Hence, having this in mind, to me he is represented best by time. Time to grow, time to heal, time to learn. He is also space. The space he needed to understand his place in the world after leaving the League of Assassins, his mother and grandfather, and joining his dad and his mission for good in Gotham. He’s time and patience to allow all of those things to happen. Not only time for him, but to those he cares for. I feel like he won’t be one to always be on your feet to make sure you’re okay, but that he’ll let you have your time to yourself, rest and put your head into place when you’ve been having stressful days or just don’t feel alright. He’ll only show up after you’ve had your moment, perhaps with food and beverages. He’s quiet kindness, he’s healing, he’s fixing everything even if it takes time. He’s resistance, endurance, fortitude. Overall, he is like a watch, always running, never stopping, but always giving everyone time.
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hisokakissmeplz · 1 year
What it's Like Dating Them
Sorry I've been gone so long things have been hectic.
Probably the nicest boyfriend out of the three
he's gone a lot bc of his job so he definitely always comes back with a bunch of gifts
Fancy smacy dates at the finest restaurant obviously
Always wants you to wear his jacket
You're also probably a member of the troupe
Doesn't like it when you go on missions with other men (even if they're a member too)
You're not allowed around Hisoka period
He loves when you guys do simple things together too like snuggling and watching TV in fact he prefers it to fancy go out to eat dates
Long walks together
Super protective too and won't let you out of sight
He gets jealous easily but tries to be understanding
Loves holding your hand or hugging you from behind if he sees someone look at you a way he doesn't like
He reads to you sometimes
Would always smile and tell you good morning
A real emotional rollercoaster for starters
He gone a lot too but he tries to make up for it
Carnival dates and your favorite flowers, picnics and long walks, trips out to town
He's up for anything you want to do
Buys you anything you want
Sometimes he's steals just bc he thinks it's fun
First thing he does when he walks through the door is kiss you
He already has keys to your house or he just breaks in
but unlike Chrollo doesn't try to be understanding
worse he'll do is kill them, or purposely flirt with people infront if you to make you jealous
If he sees someone looking at you in a way he doesn't like he will most definitely put on a show for them
Hugging you, kissing you, grabbing you all while looking them straight in the eye
He wants them to know you're off limits
Would kill for you any day
You just mean that much to him
He's awkward with feelings bc you're his first ever real relationship like he's never had a partner before so he's kinda learning but he's still super loving
If you're strong enough to fight him he'll want to fight or at least train with you
Don't get it wrong though if anyone hurts you they're done for
He helps fix up your injuries after if you fight or he'll call Machi
He does try to make you jealous sometimes if he feels you're being distant too
He'll start petty arguments too just to piss you off bc he loves hate sex
He'll apologize the best he can afterwards if you're still mad at him afterwards but usually you're too tired to be mad at him after
He's never actually mad at you when it's petty arguments but he can get pretty angry over big stuff
It's not like usual anger though
He'll be super calm and give you the silent treatment or he'll walk out of the house and won't tell you where he's going or how long he'll be gone like he usually does
He will apologize if he's wrong though, after awhile
The most jealous out of the three
He sets out to kill anyone who might to steal you away
Exes, potential new partners, sometimes even concerned friends
He's not good with emotions or feelings either so he doesn't really know how to talk about them but he will always listen to you and whatever is going on
Oddly comforting
He's the oldest sibling so he's also super protective
This might sound weird but like mom energy yk
In the show one of the butlers comments on how much he acts like his mom or something so I feel like he would be super mom like just as a person
Ofc his mom is an assassin tho so it's not like normal mom energy it's like psycho mom energy
If that makes sense
He likes when you wear his clothes
He wouldn't tell you that tho he'll just sorta smile to himself or whatever he does when he's happy I'm not super sure
Also a fan of hate sex
He wouldn't purposely start arguments with you though, like Hisoka
He likes when you're both super mad at each other and then you fuck more as an apology
Probably bc he doesn't know how to apologize
He doesn't like the idea of you fighting even if you're strong enough or you're an assassin
You're also probably not allowed neared any of his friends (Hisoka and Chrollo)
Hates when you two fight even if he likes hate sex
He knows he's not a good person but he wants to be good to you because he feels for you
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neppednep · 3 months
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Dating Serafall Leviathan HCs
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》 You probably met Serafall at some anime convention or around Kuoh. She doesn't really spend too much time in the human world, and if she did, it would be at one of those locations. She's a busy woman, and you certainly won't find a Serafall frolicking around your local Walgreens.
》 Even after your first meeting with Serafall, she definitely isn't the type to just fall for someone right away. She may seem playful and quite stupid at times, but she is anything but. She is the Devil King in charge of foreign affairs, so she can pick up on these things. If you're just talking to her for some less than pure reason, she'll be happy to tell you to kick rocks. She respects herself too much to waste her precious time with someone like that. It's not like anyone there can actually pose a threat to her.
》 If you actually managed to run into her enough times and build some sort of connection to her, congratulations. She still isn't just going to fall for you. She's been alive for well over 500 years and has most definitely met a good amount of people much more attractive than you. That isn't to say she'll dismiss you just because of that, not entirely anyway, but you'll have to stand out in other aspects to catch her eye. Pray to the rizz god, you're gonna need it.
》 When it comes to impressing her, dumping a ton of money won't really do the trick. She has houses that are bigger than entire towns, so an expensive restaurant won't exactly do much. That doesn't mean take her to your local McDonalds either. She loves McNuggets just as much as the next person, but it certainly isn't date material.
》 Growing up as a noble, fighting in wars, and then becoming a Devil King, she's never really had the time or energy to really go on dates. Sure, she gets tons of marriage proposals, but she can see right through them. Being a normal human does give you a slight edge here, though. Far less of a chance of you using her for her status, as she certainly wouldn't be yapping about her life as a devil yet. Instead of just putting on airs like all those nobles, make it more personal. Make her something to eat, just walk through a park, take her to a cafe. Simple, more personal things like that get her going more than whatever boring shows people like to put on in front of her.
》 That being said, don't be afraid to be yourself. Unless you're some... Jaune Arc loving weirdo or something similar, she'll fall even harder. This is the woman that prances around as a magical girl doing, quite frankly, whatever the hell she wants. If you want to show off the things you like just as she does, she'll support you the whole way and may even try to pick up some of your interests too.
》 If everything went well and you get with her, being a human and managing to pull a Devil King and possibly the most beautiful woman in Hell is quite the achievement. Surprisingly, such an achievement wasn't easy to keep a secret. It took a whole five minutes before Serafall was flexing on everyone she considered remotely close to a friend that she finally had an S/O.
》 I don't want to say she'd force you to do anything, but... good chance she's reincarnating you as a devil before things get too serious. Being in a relationship with someone as important as her and being the equivalent to a summer ant to any supernatural creature that may wish to do you harm is quite the cause for concern. With all these creepy terrorists running around these days, she wants to keep you close and safe. What better way to do that than making you her queen?
》 She knows it may be overwhelming, but she'll do her best to help you through it and become the best version of you that you can be. She wasn't exactly born with the power of Sirzechs or anything, so she knows just how much hard work can do for someone. With your self-proclaimed magical girl girlfriend by your side, it's safe to say you're in good hands under her guidance.
》 Sona has mixed emotions. She's really happy Serafall now has another person to dote on, but at the same time, she's really protective of her older sister. If you manage to hurt Serafall, you best believe Sona will be there to whip you back into shape. Both literally and figuratively.
》 Your relationship with Serafall may be a bit controversial, to say the least. It will be practically impossible to stay out of the public eye. The more traditional types won't be happy that she chose a human, a reincarnated devil to be with. Some are happy for her, finally finding someone after centuries, while others can just be jealous. It's the usual celebrity gossip, only hundreds of times larger considering that she's literally one of their king and the two of you are kind of making history as you go.
》 Speaking of jealousy, if anyone tries to do something to you, she will throw hands. She will straight up kill people or just have them thrown in the slammer if they try to hurt you. She has no problem calling it treason and literally getting away with murder. She values her loved ones far too much to not make an example out of any fool that tries.
》 Serafall doesn't really get jealous herself. She knows her worth, and she knows you're not an idiot.
》 Unless it's Gabriel... you don't know the deal with those two, but if you ever meet the angel, Serafall will go into protective girlfriend mode faster than you can even comprehend. Gabriel doesn't really have to be doing anything, but Serafall will make sure she knows who you belong to and not try anything. That angel must be jealous of your love. She came to sabotage the relationship and take you for herself! Serafall's words, not yours.
》 You're going to be learning how to act properly. You're a Devil King's S/O, so you can't be slouching around and acting like some bum. She'll personally teach you exactly what to do and how to act in those situations. She doesn't really trust anyone else to do it to her standards, and it'll give her an excuse to spend more time with you. It's a win-win.
》 Dates after you officially get together don't change much. Serafall is definitely much more open and willing to spend money on you, though. Expect to go a lot of conventions, Sona watching, or just spending some quality time together giving her the relaxation she's missed out on for so long. She may or may not make you star in Miracle Levia-tan and call it a date.
》 She trusts you. A lot. There's very few people she can or will properly express her feelings to, Sona not even being one of them. She is the older sibling and feels the need to always seem strong in her presence. In private, Serafall can be more vulnerable. Centuries of bottled up emotions will come sooner or later, and having someone she can let her guard down around, just be Serafall and talk means a lot to her. Whether it's things about her time in war, things that happen with her job, or even just something she wants to get off her chest, it means the world if you can just be there and listen.
》 She may not like to really show it to a great extent, but she kind of is just like a school girl when it comes to your relationship. Not really having the time or interest before, this is new to her. She has her moments. Sometimes, she sits there in her office just thinking about your future together. How will your wedding be? How many kids? Questions only time will answer, but being at the mercy of time isn't something she particularly enjoys. She'll know if you were the one or not. Might as well take what belongs to her and make it official before it's too late, right?
》 Please don't let her name the child Sona or Y/N Jr.
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loveemagicpeace · 2 years
☁️🥺🥶Moon Signs💕🌙🧚🏼‍♀️
Here I will describe the bad and good things I have noticed about the moons signs. This is meant only for moons and not for placements in houses.
🤠🤔🍔Taurus moon- stable people, their emotions are always in place and rarely get upset by anything. They are always loyal. When you hang out with them, you will always be their first priority and they will invest a lot in their relationship with you. They will always but really always appreciate your feelings. If any moon knows how to appreciate the feelings of others and the relationship, it is this one. A lot of times they give you a comfortable vibe & are always by your side, you feel safe with them. However, they can be too stubborn and sometimes their stubbornness makes them not react emotionally at all. They take a long time to give up in when they argue with you. Resentments can be long-lasting, even eternal.
💘🥲☁️Cancer moon -this is one of my fav. I like how caring they are and how you can feel safe with them. They always radiate warmth and a sense of home. Cute vibes. They love cartoons and always have a childish energy and I like that about them. They are also always open and understanding emotionally. They always remember everything and never forget about you. They give me a relaxing and loving energy. They always know how to find the right words. You never feel alone next to them. But they can be introverted and don't like going to parties full of strangers or meeting a lot of people. They prefer to stay at home and do things that make them happy. Many times they are committed to one person and want to do everything with them. But experiencing feelings and memories is one of the things that Cancers experience even after they no longer hang out with you for many years. The memory of you will always be with them.
❤️‍🔥🤘🏽Aries moon- can be very independent and focused on themselves. They do their own thing and don't care about others. But they are some of the most positive people I know. If anyone can put you in a good mood, it will be them. They really have that focus on the positive side when things go wrong. Many times they encourage you to make good decisions and are really happy for you when you achieve something. I think they are very selfless when it comes to other people, they always allow everyone to succeed. However, they can often have problems with getting angry too quickly, many times because of unimportant things (such as crowds or people walking slowly). They don't like it when people are slow.
😶‍🌫️🍬🦄Pisces moon- I like their compassion, the emotions they show outwardly and with them you never have to feel weird when you cry. They understand when someone is depressed, sad. It seems to me that they present it in such a way that you feel that these feelings are normal and everyday. I also like that you don't feel like you're daydreaming or imagining too much with them. Together with them you can dream everything you want. They love cartoons and cartoon characters make me feel like I'm in a fairy tale with them. They never forget the past and are always emotionally attached to people who are no longer in their lives. But they can start manipulating you or making a victim out of themselves. Sometimes it seems to me that they are imagining and inventing a lot of things. They know how to always find someone else to blame. And they run away from their emotions too much.
🦋🧐💔Scorpio moon- for a very long time I thought they were evil (I think it depends on what other signs the person has) but usually it turns out that they are just very private about their feelings and careful about who they trust. But they can be very sympathetic and understand many things. They know how to look into the soul of a person and I like how they can show another not so beautiful emotional side. They make you feel like it's okay if you're feeling down or if you've had an absolutely terrible day. They feel a lot but don't show it outwardly.
🥳🤍🪂Sagittarius moon- are always ready for action no matter when or where (it can be at 3 in the morning). Very spontaneous people and many times emotionally independent. If anyone is going to remember crazy things it will be them I swear. Sometimes I have the feeling that they have no sense of time, because they will call and write at really crazy hours. You can literally expect the unexpected from them. But they have that dark side where they just shut off their emotions and just don't care about you. Sometimes you can feel like they have no compassion.
🥶🪐Capricorn moon-many times they come forward too emotionally distant and closed. Or are too cold, responsible and disciplined. Sometimes you feel like they are your parents that always controlling you. With them, I always get the feeling that something I'm doing is wrong or inappropriate haha. They are good for deep, difficult conversations, but again, you have to be very close to them for them to open up to you. And they can also be lyrical when things go wrong. But they know how to be calm in tense situations. I also have the feeling that they cut you out of their lives quickly. And they really don't like to waste their time.
😎📖Gemini moon- very eloquent and intelligent, they know a lot. They talk a lot about their feelings and things You can't be bored with them, because they will always find something to do. You also have many topics to debate with them. If you can debate with any moon sign for hours and hours or even late into the night, it's them. They literally never get tired haha. Especially if there is a topic that is really interesting to them. But what i don’t like about them is that they can be very secretive about their lives and always leave you in doubt or guessing.
🍰🛍️Libra moon- I love how they are always there for you when you need them and focus on the relationship they have with you. They will always find time with people they love, no matter how busy they are. Because relationships are really important to them. They always want to understand others emotionally. The problem arises when they want to be available to everyone because sometimes you just need someone who will be here only for you and not for many others. You don't feel that deep connection.
🤪🔭Aquarius moon- goofy as fuck! I swear you can do the weirdest and craziest things with them. Everything you do is not strange to them. They will always start acting weird with you. They are very non-judgmental people. And compared to others aquarius placements this one is completely different. More compassionate and attentive and often think about other people too. What I also notice is that they will never leave you alone. They put a lot on their friends.
✨🛁Virgo moon- similar to Capricorn, only they emit a more friendly energy. But they are judgmental on the inside. They will notice your every little thing, even if you don't see it, virgos watch and analyze most of the time. And they really like to be clean. But can also sometimes be overly critical to themselves. Many times they can also be too nervous, things quickly tire them out. Everyday things confuse them and make them nervous. And they like everything to go according to plan. So you can quickly become paranoid around them. And they are very concerned about the health of others and themselves. So they will always give you advice on what is healthy.
🦁🧢Leo moon- they like to put themselves and their needs first, sometimes you can feel as if only they are always in the foreground. They can also be selfish. Many times I feel too exposed with them. Their personality is often bold, playful. They can be dramatic over little things and love drama (but only if it revolves around them). So you never feel like you're being too dramatic next to them. They have a lot of childlike energy in them. They always encourage you to do things and to be as daring as possible. They don't invest in every relationship, but when they invest everything. I think if you like them then u can vibe with them.
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peculiarxafternoon · 2 years
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𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙖𝙨 𝙖 𝙘𝙚𝙡𝙚𝙗𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙮
paid readings | ko-fi
hello, darlings. before we start anything, i would like to warn you that this reading is not going to be as detailed as my other ones. it will not have any sections, for one, and it will generally be more low energy (not in vibration just,, in effort? i guess?). for the past couple of months ive been struggling with my motivation, mood, and mental state, so i hope for this reading to act as a warm up of sorts, a way to dip my toes into this again and start over. thank you for your patience, and for the people who still like to listen to what i say, i appreciate you lots!
still, i like this question and this concept a lot, and i hope it resonates with you! it was definitely nice for me to do, anyway.
take a deep breath and focus on your ideal life as a celebrity. then, pick a pile intuitively.
! for entertainment purposes only!
! constructive criticism and feedback are welcome!
! decks used: rider waite tarot deck, mermaid tarot, astrological oracle cards!
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pile 1
(cards: the sun, the empress, the lovers, nine of cups rx, two of cups rx, the hanged man rx, strength rx, three of pentacles rx, sagittarius)
before i even started shuffling i got major jisoo vibes for you all, and honestly that seems to be the case here. when i think about jisoo, class, femininity and elegance come into my mind, and with the empress and the lovers here, that seems to be the case for you too. you would definitely be extremely famous (like, to a concerning degree for your safety and privacy) since most of your cards are major arcana. i see you doing brand deals left and right for brands like dior, channel, and vivienne westwood, and being really popular for simply knowing how to sell a product, even as an affiliate.
something that's also really interesting is that you would probably get into a lot of dating scandals, or people would try to dig up secrets and end up making things up about you. it would get to the point where you wouldn't even be able to look at people for too long, because everyone would go crazy over a possible spark between you two. that would get you down tbh, like i just see you looking at the headlines with a frown, wondering how on earth people come up with these things.
still, i feel like a major part of your brand would be your ability to be happy on your own and your confidence. even your haters would be amazed at how you carry yourself, and how you manage to always look and feel good. even if that isn't how you would truly feel, you would surely come off as someone who has their shit together, who is determined to achieve whatever they want, and who knows that they can get whatever they set their mind to. it would be so inspiring to see you emerge victorious after being wronged again, especially since i sense you would have an underdog backstory. people would root for you, because they can see themselves and their struggles in you. and if you can achieve so much, then so can they, right?
i see you having a very clear goal in your mind, of where you want to get, but it would often get you to be more stubborn and grumpy than normal. while you would be known as a sunshine of sorts, it could get pretty exhausting for your team when all you can focus on is one specific deal, reward, or result. no matter how much you would achieve, you would have this need to go further, experience more things, create more art, get out there more. that, if you started in a music group or band of sorts, would make you step away quickly after you achieved fame. some would think it's for the best, others would think the opposite. i don't see it affecting you much, though, because you would realise that the support is much greater than the disdain, and that you work much better alone, anyway.
thank you for reading!
pile 2
(cards: the moon, nine of cups rx, seven of pentacles, the hierophant rx, seven of wands, strength rx, king of swords, queen of swords rx, mars)
this pile gives off a very introverted vibe – for a celebrity, at least. you guys may have gotten famous accidentally or under weird circumstances (like taehyung going to the audition to support his friend, or people being casted while walking down the street), so it would take a while for you to get used to the popularity, along with your new lifestyle. it wouldn't be too hectic, though , i don't see you being extremely famous, just enough for you to be recognised on the street but not stalked, you know?
still, it would often feel draining, especially if you surround yourself with others a lot for your job. it would physically tire you out, i see fatigue being a big issue you would have to deal with, and it honestly could show on your face, but you would keep it under control more often than not.
you would come off as very generous, probably doing charity work, volunteering, or raising awareness for special causes. you would also leave the impression of someone witty, who knows how to manage and advertise themselves. you and your team would make very smart moves that would make your popularity skyrocket, and you would play a big part of it too. if your job involves some sort of writing – whether that means you would be an author, lyricist, rapper or poet – you would be extremely well-known for your unique style and smart lyrics.
i also see you being extremely unique in the projects you take on, your style and execution would differ greatly from other people in your field. naturally, that would attract a lot of opposing opinions and impressions, but i don't think you'd care about what others would have to say. like, you got famous by chance, the best you can do is enjoy it while it lasts, right? if you're a woman, or someone who is more feminine in their ways, some people may find you aloof, cold and unapproachable, but they would just be intimidated by you (as people are when they see a successful, decisive woman, heaven forbid) so, again, nothing to really worry about. i also sense that you most likely don't conform to gender norms, anyway, and would ride your own wave, expressing yourself the way you want to and living your life to the fullest.
thank you for reading!
pile 3
(cards: the hermit, seven of pentacles, the lovers rx, two of cups, ace of cups rx, then of pentacles rx, six of pentacles, king of pentacles, jupiter)
you guys would be the type to get. shit. done. no matter your field or experience, you would see projects through and deliver your 110% while you're at it. I'm definitely getting some sort of perfectionism from you, though, like you would often feel dissatisfied with your work because, even if you gave all you had, there is still something you could have done better. it seems that it would be pretty well known, too, that tendency of yours, so people would want to work with you even more because you would never slack off.
you may also go on hiatuses often? like you would take big breaks to isolate yourself from everyone and everything and just,,, focus on bettering yourself? it reminds me of tyler from twenty one pilots, when he literally disappeared off the face of the earth for almost two years and then released a full length album with fully developed lore behind it. or taehyn from txt who admitted to locking himself in the recording booth until he gets some sort of progress. you get the vibe. while behaviours like that may seem a little extreme to some, i get the feeling that you would be completely self made, and kind of an underdog for the first years of your career, so it would make sense that you go to such lengths to achieve good results and somewhat satisfy your perfectionism and survival instincts.
i see you being a very comforting presence for your fans, and sharing your life advice with them. some may even fantasise about being your friend or dating you, because you would seem like such a great person to have around. i keep thinking of suga from bts, so it's likely that you would give off the same aura. also, very ambitious, you would be known as someone with a lot of potential and a bright future ahead of you.
you would also be very well known for your pr management and relationships with people within your field (or just other celebrities). i don't think that your love life specifically would be broadcasted, but people would be very invested in your friendships and the people you hang out with. you left a recording studio with a coworker late at night? headline. you hung out with a director and posted a story about it? headline. you laugh at a friend's joke while walking down the street? headline. you would just have some really good friendships, possibly with other famous people, and maybe some romantic relationships as well. still, people would be mostly supportive of them, since they know that you always prioritise your art and work, and since they want the best for you.
thank you for reading!
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! do not copy or repost my work !
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cascade05 · 1 year
DIY (Independent S/O Idea)
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I see so many posts about Bakugo who takes care of his s/o and it’s cute and nice, but what if he was dating or married to someone who liked being alone and was used to taking care of themselves?
Warnings : Some language, unedited, also this is way longer than I thought it was gonna be, reader has a big-ass dog, ummmmmm... think that's it
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☾ This is a little self-indulgent so bare with me ☽
So, before meeting Bakugo you lived alone. Maybe you had a dog or maybe you had a cat or a lizard, I dunno. Point is, you lived alone. And you liked it that way. You had grown up in a pretty full house without a moment of peace—which was fun and enjoyable sometimes—so, growing up, you knew you never wanted to live with another person EVER again. That also meant you wanted zero romantic relationships because no.
A romantic relationship involves two people who were willing to give to each other. Be it time, energy, or just a listening ear, they would give of themselves to their loved one all because they, well, loved them. You could give. You were very good at giving. Ever since you were a young, blubbering toddler, you gave things to others because it made you feel good to know they were happy. When you are older, you gave other tings—time, energy, money—you were very good at giving.
It was the taking part of the equation—the asking for help and support and love part—that you knew you'd struggle with. People said you could learn but you didn't want to. As a kid, you had spent your whole life giving, but people rarely gave things to you—toys, little gifts, sure. You got those things often enough, but the deeper things in life? The things that were a little harder to give? A listening ear? Empathy? Patience? Support? You didn't have a lot of that. So, you gave that to yourself the best you could because you were good at giving.
You were more independent than most and you were happy like that. You didn't want to learn how to take because you were more than content being by yourself, thinking by yourself, living for yourself... That sort of thing wouldn't be fair for your s/o and it wasn't like you wanted an intimate relationship so you remained single—a virgin in every physical sense of the word.
Then, he showed up. (Hehehehehehehehhehehehehe)
It was a normal evening for you. Nothing out of the ordinary was going on, you didn't feel weird, and your giant fluffy dog (self-indulgent, I know 😔) was lounging about at your feet while you worked. Normal. Your online business was going very well—yes, I'm talking entrepreneur kind of independent—and the ac was blowing the perfect temperature so things were normal—they were especially good, actually.
Then, he showed up.
Out of the blue, something crashed into your house—through your bedroom balcony, it sounded like. Your dog (Imma name him Biji (Short for Bijronson)—self-indulgent—but you can name him—or her—whatever, I guess...) Anyway, your dog shot up from his spot because of course he did, you did too. He trotted to the bedroom door—not a happy trot, but a cautious, purposeful one—and stood at it, watching whatever was going on.
You arrived next, eyes widening at the whole-ass man who fell into your apartment—into your life but you didn't know that yet. You knew who he was. Of course you knew who he was. The number two hero was a very noticeable man. He was large, a foot taller than you at least. His shoulder width was ridiculous and only enhanced by his small waste. Such a snatched thing. Truly a Doritos shape worthy of nacho cheese dreams. (Nacho cheese Doritos are mvp, don't fight me)
Then there was his stupidly handsome face. A scar ran down the right of it—from the edge of his hairline down to his upper neck. His light blond eyebrow was missing in the middle and his crimson eye was a little milky. He wasn't completely blind in it, but rumor said he would be soon. Most people said it wasn't a pretty sight but you always disagreed. Not only did it look badass, but it proved he went to hell and was strong enough to come back. Which was cool as fuck.
He was awesome—maybe a little bit of a jerk but you didn't need to like him as a person because you didn't know him a just a person. You knew him as Dynamight. As a hero, and he was a damn good hero. More often than not you would joke with your closest friends saying “If he's not Dynamight, I don't want it.“
“Dynamight is the bar.“
“He has to at least be six-foot Dynamight stature before I'll even think about it.“
Silly shit like that—all of which was just that. Silly. A joke. Never in a million years would you want to date Dynamight or any of the other pros you joked about. Your friends knew that. Everyone would share similar jokes before consoling their poor husbands or wives or boos or whatever because it was just a silly thing. You wouldn't even call what you had a celebrity crush. Dynamight and his companions were hot, attractive people. Simple as that. You appreciated the pictures, kay. And what they did for Japan, of fucking course.
We're getting off topic though. What was the topic again? Oh, right.
Dynamight was in your bedroom. On your bed. Your broken bed, might I add. All while you stood wide-eyed in your doorway, frozen as if you were the one who barged in on him. Then he slowly sat up, running a gloved hand through his sooty ash-blond spikes to rid it of glass. It pulled you out of your shocked state. It was then you realized Biji was barking and had been for awhile.
You moved to grab his collar just as the man stood up from his spot. You had been trying to sush your dog but those attempts came to a halt when you saw the condition the hero was in. Thankfully, it didn't seem life-threatening but, then again, you weren't a doctor and that shit looked like it hurted.
“Uh,“ you began, unsure of how to proceed.
The man looked around your room with what looked like disgust and you almost wanted to mouth off at him for the audacity before you realized he wasn't disgusted the dorky pictures of you and loved ones pasted on your dark walls. He looked confused. He turned around in your room a few times, eyeing the place and muttering confused curses. It was then you began to wonder how hard he had hit his pretty head.
You moved to straddle your strong dog who hadn't stopped barking completely but had calmed just a little. He was still on guard but you weren't scared—he sensed that.
“Hey, Mr—“ —were you supposed to say mr— “Dynamight?“
He looked at you. It was a sharp, unimpressed look and you wondered why until you saw his eyes dropped to your ramen pajama pants. The ones that said, “send noods.“ Not that they were embarrassing at all, you told yourself.
The man gave you and your barking companion a once over, gaze lingering on the large black and white dog you were effectively holding back. He looked tired, you noticed. Dynamight clicked his tongue before turning around and walking towards the sizable hole in your glass doors. “Wrong apartment,“ he mumbled and you gaped.
Ruining your beautiful and lovely bed because he was defending citizens from villains was one thing. You could let it pass cause he had a lot more shit to deal with than your glass-ridden floors and broken wall. His agency would cover the damages anyways.
Ruining your shit because he blasted his hot ass into the wrong apartment, however, was a whole other thing. Would he finance the repairs you needed to make? You hoped so but you didn't know, it wasn't during a fight, after all. No, he wasn't leaving until he promised his agency would take care of it. And until he recovered a little because he looked very unsteady on his feet.
“You're leaving?“ was your stupid, shocked question.
He scoffed. You narrowed your eyes at his broad back. Yes, you were enjoying the view and you would've enjoyed it a hell of a lot more if his torn shirt didn't show off his numerous gashes and cuts. Suddenly, you didn't feel like bitching to him about your apartment—you would make him pay for it, but later.
The crunching of glass caught your attention and you realized he really was leaving like that. “Hey, you're hurt,“ you said dumbly because you weren't really sure how to convince him to stay long enough for you to help.
“No shit,“ was his rude—but fair—response.
You huffed in annoyance. At least Biji's barking had stopped and he seemed calmer, albeit tense. Dynamight crashed into the wrong apartment, right? So he was aiming for an apartment in the complex, right? “You're apartment's in this building? Right?“
He said nothing but he didn't need to because you could see the gears in his head turning—could see the realization in his crimson eye. He knew what you were about to suggest but you said it anyway. “Just leave out the door—the actual door, not the one you DIYd,“ you said obviously, nodding to the broken glass.
He looked at said DIY door and grumbled something under his breath. Then he turned to face you. You rose a brow at his glare. It was his turn to nudge his head and he gestured it to your dog. “That flea-bag gonna let me through?“
“His name is Biji—“ “I don't give a fuck—“ “—and he might let you through, so long as you say please.“
The word please must've kickstarted an allergic reaction of some kind because Dynamight's face scrunched up like he swallowed piss. It was oddly adorable and you mentally nodded in satisfaction. If only he made such a face where cameras could catch and immortalize it.
“The hell is wrong with you? You think just cause I'm in your apartment you can order me around?!“
He was starting to raise his voice. Your hold tightened on Biji's collar as the dog began barking again. You took a deep breath in an effort to prevent your own anger from spilling out. “Yes,“ you damn near hissed, tugging Biji back because he was pulling.
Dynamight did not appreciate the answer but you didn't give him a second to bitch about it. “Might I remind you of how you barged in here out of nowhere. I'm not entirely calm and neither is he so, if you want him to be civil, say. Fucking. Please.“
“Be friendly,“ was really what you were telling him. He didn't look like he liked the idea, so you helped him out. “You ruined my door, broke my bed—which people don't get to do until after they take me out for dinner, by the way—“ —he scrunched his face again and you wanted to laugh— “and now I get to clean all that shit up. So, the least you could do is get your dirty ass over here to show Biji that you aren't as much of a threat as first impressions implied.“
A teenager getting his phone taken away—no, a kindergartner getting told to stand in the corner was what the giant hulking man ahead of you reminded you of. With more annoyance than you thought possible, Dynamight begrudgingly drug himself closer to you. He stopped a few feet away—stopping as soon as Biji became a little more frantic.
You gently caressed the dog's side, whispering and muttering calming words to him, promising him the giant man was a friend. Dynamight was allergic to that word too, but he sucked it up—as he should—and slowly removed one of his gloved before holding out the back of his hand to your dog.
Biji wanted to jump out of your hold but you held firm, slowly walking towards Dynamight who rose a brow. If it was in amusement, then you'd shove him out of the conveniently placed hole in your wall. Biji sniffed his hand eagerly. After a few moments, you felt his tail beat against your legs. A small smile spread on your face. “See?“ you cooed. “He's not so bad, is he?“
Biji was too busy sniffing the hero to respond—and he so would've responded otherwise. “Give the side of his neck a nice pat,“ you said softly. “It'll reaffirm you're friendly,“ was added when he glance at you in annoyance.
“Still think you can order me around,“ he scoffed, but much more softly then before.
“I do,“ you responded immediately, “so pet him.“
He hated it, you knew he did because why would a man like Dynamight like being bossed around by someone half his size? But the man gave Biji's long hair a gently pat anyway—not before wiping his hands on his pants, you noticed.
Both of you left the room after and you closed the door behind. “Unless you're scared of dogs, I'm gonna let him go.“
The man said nothing in objection—or anything at all—so you released the beast who ran up to Dynamight immediately. “He might jump so—“ and he was already up, paws on Dynamight's large chest and tail wagging eagerly.
“Biji, down,“ you ordered, gently tugging his collar when he went to jump again.
“Uh,“ you pointed down the hall, “door's that way.“
And off you both walked. No one said a word which gave you a moment to remember the hero's injuries. “I have first aid stuff, if you want it,“ you ended up mumbling because of course he would have his own medical supplies.
“Sure,“ he mumbled back, a rough but oddly civil sound that threw you off guard.
Maybe he was almost out? He probably had to patch himself up a lot. “I, uh, I'll go get it.“
And you did, entrusting Dynamight to Biji's care. You went to your bathroom and grabbed the first-aid kit in record time before returning to the entryway, just in time to see the Great Explosion God Dynamight petting your adorable Biji boy. You really wished you and phone right now because no one would believe you.
“Got it,“ you said softly, grinning when he pulled away with a scowl.
“Here you go, apartment buddy. Need anything else? Bottle of water? Painkillers? Anything?“
He didn't say yes or no. He just clicked his tongue before turning around to open your door. You rolled your eyes, following behind to make sure Biji didn't follow him out but also to make sure he got to the elevator fine. You knew he would—he probably dealt with much worse—but, just in case.
“Nice meeting you, love your work but don't make remodeling my apartment a habit.“
He didn't laugh which was his loss cause you were funny as hell. Dynamight gave you one last glance—a very judgy-looking glance before walking off. “See you around,“ you offer lazily before doing a double take.
He was already at his apartment. He was digging out his keys to his apartment because his apartment was—you counted the numbers.
817, and yours was—“Dang, guess we're apartment neighbors, huh,“ you mumbled.
Not quiet enough because he tossed a glare over his shoulder. You chuckled nervously. “See ya 'round,“ you said and you meant it this time.
You retreated into your apartment after. Apartment 818.
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It's funny cause I was gonna make like a headconnon bullet point list thing about Bakugo x Independent s/o but it turned into this which is a drabble. A fun drabble that would make a pretty interesting story...
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kimbapisnotsushi · 1 year
happy birthday aran!!! have some inarizaki hcs let's go
back when they first played shiratorizawa aran didn't know what to do bc tendou kept yelling weird shit at him and aran was, quite honestly, frightened for his life
tendou: "watch this i'm going to intimidate their ace so hard he won't be able to play properly and we'll win!" semi: "okay, what are you going to - " tendou, putting his hands around his mouth for the whole stadium to hear: "HEY NUMBER EIGHT, GET READY FOR ME TO PISS IN YOUR PANTS" semi: "dude what the fuck"
the twins are SO ready to fight and they probably would have if kita hadn't stepped in
kita didn't even have to do much he just stared down tendou with all the energy of "your most respected/favorite teacher is disappointed in you and you're going to cry bc of it" and tendou backed off
(for all of five minutes. then he started dumping on akagi but akagi gives what he gets so what the hell, kita let it slide)
this might be considered bad sportmanship tbh but it's funny as fuck so whatever
okay sorry back to the normal schedule
i think bc aran's the ace and court captain people try to follow his lead at school or ask him to make the final decision on things and such and he HATES it. it's soooooo much pressure and he really doesn't want to disappoint anyone!!
like no he does NOT want to be the tiebreaker for what their class should do during the school festival he just wants to walk around and eat a crepe. no he does NOT want to choose what paint color looks best for remodeling the garden fence why the fuck are you even asking him he's part of the volleyball club!!!! he always texts kita for help when this happens LMAO
and even if he DOES mess up the other students are always like, "ah, of course ojiro-san would do that!! he totally did that on purpose!! of course it's because [insert farfetched excuse here]!! why didn't we think of that either!!!"
if anyone's ever seen or read handa-kun (light-hearted prequel/spin-off to barakamon <33) it's basically that LMAO
kita's surprisingly good at telling scary stories
not just that but he tells normal stories in such a way that most people think he's telling a scary story first and then he says some totally mundane shit like "and that's why we no longer store our towels under the bed" and people are like. damn guess i'm not doing that either!!!
every day suna texts his sister one funny zero-context quote from practice. his sister has collected all of these and set up a twitter account for them.
gin thinks atsumu is going to get his ass kicked for not knowing when to shut the fuck up. atsumu thinks he's going to get his ass kicked because osamu paid someone to do it
osamu insists he wouldn't tho bc then he'd just do it himself for free
akagi, aran, and kita tease oomimi for being younger than them and make a running joke of ruffling his hair like a little kid which oomimi actually finds really comforting bc people usually shy away from being tactile with him. like guys come on oomimi is a sweetheart i love him so much
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doraambrose · 4 months
I normally don't really feel comfortable discussing NSFW topics, but I've seen an increase in a very specific type of jason todd content, mostly from one user in particular, that, to me personally, is kind of weird and inaccurate.
Disclaimer: I am in no way trying to kink shame anyone or attack anyone. As long as it's consensual, legal, and not hurting anyone, do what makes you happy. This particular subject is just not for me and this post is going to be more about my headcannons that I've based on canon events as well as my own opinion of jason todd.
🚨Warning: NSFW topics such as:
choking, rough play, foreplay, controlling and dominant behaviors during sex, crying during sex, talking during sex, talking down to someone during sex, making fun of someone during sex, vaginal sex, oral sex (female and male), daddy and mommy kinks kinks. Submissive behaviors during sex.
I've never done a trigger warning so please let me know if I did this right.
So, I've seen an increase in a particular kind of jason content, mostly fueled by like 1 or 2 specific users, portraying jason as this real rough, dominant dude who likes to degrade and choke during sex. I don't really like blocking people, but I might have to block these users. Don't get me wrong, they're not doing anything wrong, it just makes me uncomfortable, personally, as someone who's not into choking or stuff like that. and they don't put the read more line so you kind of have to see it when you're scrolling. I also find it completely inaccurate. Like the people requesting these and writing these looked at one or two images of jason but don't really know anything about the character themselves. So, I'm gonna put some of my own headcannons as someone who has studied this dude for a few years now:
First, Judd Winnick has confirmed over Twitter that jason cries during sex. Now obviously, judd winnick doesn't own Jason and many writers have their own interpretation, but winnick is basically the father and creator of post resurrection Jason and kind of set the blueprint for his behaviors, beliefs, etc. So for that reason, when he posts his own headcannons about jason, I feel more obligated (if that's the right word) to kind of accept it as canon, even when it's really not.
It also just makes sense. It's not as widely talked about, but it's very normal and natural to cry after an orgasm. Sex for a lot of people is considered a very intimate act and an orgasm is like an explosion of pleasure. It can be a little much for people, especially those who haven't experienced it alot, and some people (like myself) don't always know how to handle that much stimulus and feeling all at once and crying is a normal reaction to that. And jason is someone who's not the most intimate person.
Second, I feel like Jason is inexperienced. A lot of these blurbs have him knowing exactly what to do, what spots to hit, totally experienced and "professional". We're talking about a guy who spent 12 years in poverty, 3 years as robin while also being in school, dead, and then training with the league while battling mental illness, ptsd, brain damage, etc. And then in under the red hood, he's very focused on his plan. Even after that in general, he's with the outlaws, on a case, you name it. Dude is always busy with something work wise. I don't see him having a lot of time and energy to be fucking enough to not be awkward.
Speaking of awkward, I've always headcannoned that dude has ZERO rizz. All the reasons I mentioned above, he's probably super socially awkward. That dude is definitely terrible at dirty talk like the stuff I see in those blurbs. I mean, even Isabel has canonically said jason is not a very good kisser.
Third, I DOUBT he's into choking or being rough. All the abuse and shit he's been through, i headcannon that he is more like the opposite. It's intimate, relaxed, soft, etc. He can get a little intense, but not rough or anything.
He's probably actually what some would consider "boring". Pretty standard missionary stuff, maybe sometimes he's getting ridden , probably has oral and stuff, but he does not strike me as a kinky guy
Dude also probably has a normal average dick. I've seen some "8 inches" type shit. Really? 8 inches? I don't remember exactly what the average is in the us, but I'm pretty sure it's like 5 or 6inches.
I can't explain this one, but it's a pretty common headcannon for no real reason, but the vibes, jason is an ass and thighs man. Enough said.
As much as I'd love to think he's the kind of guy who loves spooning and all that, I feel like he's actually the opposite. Bare minimum aftercare kind of stuff and then he's back in his own head again.
I apologize for the explicit subject matter. There's probably more that I'm not thinking of off the top of my head, but those are the big ones for me. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk
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planetpiastri · 1 year
hi!! happy vday celebrations <3 💝 could u do #21 from the are we friends or more list for bob? ik everyone makes fun of him and he doesn't care all that much but i wonder how he would react if he heard of/saw someone defending him
hi anon!! i thought long and hard abt how best to do this and eventually decided on this after rewatching the movie hehe<33 hope u enjoy! | [wc - 0.9k]
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The Hard Deck was loud, but not overly loud; the bar-goers were tipsy, but not sloppy drunk; conversation flowed freely, but not into the realm of oversharing; people were good at pool, but not great. And you were here with your coworkers, having a lovely evening.
You stood with Coyote against the wall, both of you sipping a beer and chatting about the day’s training. Phoenix was kicking Hangman’s ass at darts, which was oddly satisfying, and Fanboy, Bob, and Payback were playing a three-way version of eight ball. It was a night like any others. Rooster hadn’t arrived yet, but you knew he would soon, and he’d rally the bar around the piano and bring up the energy.
There was nothing unique about this night.
“You sure you don’t want to join us?” Fanboy asked, holding his cue out towards you.
Across the table, Bob’s eyes flickered towards you before dropping away again. He was sure you’d noticed anyway. No one ever noticed him the way you did. No one ever really noticed him, period. But then you’d showed up, and seemed to notice everything about him. He liked it, but it scared him, too.
Fondness and fear went hand in hand when it came to most of his feelings for you.
“I’m okay,” you said, waving Fanboy away. “We’re busy keeping score. Right, Javy?”
“Right,” said Coyote with a sharp nod, half-smiling.
“Alright,” said Payback. “Who’s winning, then?”
“Bob,” you said without missing a beat. You locked eyes with him briefly and he was sure that everyone could see the red flare in his cheeks before he glanced down.
“You guys obviously aren’t paying attention,” Payback scoffed, exchanging a glance with Fanboy and shaking his head before turning back to the game, leaning over the table to take his next shot.
Bob stepped back to chalk his cue, glancing sideways at you and Coyote when he thought you weren’t looking. You looked so comfortable, so at ease here with everybody. He was honestly jealous. You melded with the group in a way he’d never been able to, and you’d been here half as long. Everyone was drawn to you, Bob included. He knew he wasn’t the only one infatuated by your quick wit and earnest heart; Hangman especially had made his interest clear. But you’d never offered any of your coworkers anything in return.
Why did he think it’d be any different with him?
He puffed his cheeks up and exhaled, shaking himself and realizing that he’d over-chalking his cue. Tapping it against the table, he came around the far side, grateful to turn his back on you but nervous at the idea of you watching him bend over to line up his shot.
At that moment, however, the darts game apparently wrapped up, because Hangman and Phoenix came back to join the group. And as Bob leaned over the table, Hangman said loudly, “How’s there only three playing? Here, I’ll join a team.”
The cue was pulled from Bob’s hands, interrupting his shot. Hangman bumped him with his hip, leaning over and pocketing the ball that Bob had been eyeing. Bob shuffled backwards, invisible once again.
There was nothing unique about this night.
Bob’s head snapped up. The casual conversation around the table faltered. Even Hangman, who’d been smirking and making some snarky remark at Phoenix, seemed to freeze. Because you’d pushed off the wall, and your normally relaxed posture had straightened into a harsh, tense line.
Hangman glanced sideways at Phoenix, who was looking like Christmas had come early. “Hey?” he said.
“Go get your own cue, Hangman,” you snapped, yanking it out of his hands. “They’re literally all over the walls. It would take you two seconds.”
Slowly, Bob realized what was happening. Hangman seemed to recognize at the same time, because his eyes slid from you to Bob, growing wide. “Seriously?” he said.
You moved the cue to one hand, using the other to wave Hangman off. “Go on, shoo! Get your own if you want to play so bad.” Then you turned and walked over to where Bob was standing with his back pressed to the wall, half hoping it would open and swallow him so everyone would stop staring.
But he kind of liked when you stared at him. Like the way you stared at him now.
You held out the cue. “This is yours, I think.”
“Thanks.” He took it, and his fingers brushed yours, sending a shiver up his arm. “You didn’t need to—I mean, he always—it’s not a—”
“I know that he does it all the time,” you said. “I just think he needs somebody to stand up to him sometimes. He pushes you around too much. They all do.”
He was positive you could see his blush. “Oh,” he said. “Um—thanks. For…yeah. Thank you.” He scratched nervously at the back of his neck. “Can I buy you a…beer or something? As thanks?”
You beamed at him, and he was worried everyone would be able to hear the way his heart started to pound. “One second,” you said. You walked back over to Coyote, who was holding your beer, and took it from him. As Bob watched, you drained the last few gulps of beer from the bottle before turning and walking back over to him with a shy smile.
“Now you can buy me a drink,” you said.
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xlovelybluebellex · 5 months
Little!Lucy Gray Baird Would…
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🎼Regresses voluntarily, for the most part. But there are times where she doesn’t want to and that doesn’t end up happening. Trauma response regressing is also a very real thing for her
🎼She’s a total sweetheart! She loves people, so babysitters (mainly the Covey) and other littles aren’t normally a problem. However, there are times where she just needs to be alone or just with her caregiver.
🎼She’s a baby and proud of it. She normally regresses to about 1-3. Maybe a little younger if it’s a not so good day
🎼Lucy Gray loves to color, but she doesn’t really like it when it’s a mash of colors. She prefers them all to be in their lines, as then she can see them all and not just one bland color coming from the mix. She may throw a small fit of someone else messes it up.
🎼Okay so. Coryo DID care for her, until the whole gun incident. However, doesn’t mean we can’t dream and pretend this is a perfect world where they got their happy ending.
🎼She loves to crochet, so she made herself a little pastel rainbow snake! She named it Janey, in honor of Sejanus and Janey goes everywhere with her.
🎼She loves nature! All the animals, the woods, the plants, everything! She loves to make friends with the animals most of all.
🎼Lucy Gray gets very whiny when tired. Not bratty, just whiny. She also gets a teeny tiny bit cranky, but the second she’s in a bed, she’ll be out cold.
🎼She still likes to sing when little. It’s mostly just humming, as she can’t talk very well when she’s in her younger age range, but it’s still beautiful.
🎼She’s very playful when little. She’ll tease a little, maybe swipe something of Coryo’s she know he won’t get upset with her over. And then when he catches her, she just giggles herself silly.
🎼She gets a lot of nightmares from the arena, which isn’t very fun at all. She normally wakes up regressed after, and needs a lot of cuddles and reassurance that she’s safe and won’t ever have to do that again.
🎼She loves it when Coryo lifts her up and throws her in the air. It gives him a heart attack and he’s very, very gentle, but she loves it regardless.
🎼She plays the why game a lot when she doesn’t want to do something. For instance, it’s bedtime. Why do we need to sleep? Why do we need energy? Why do we need to live? It goes on forever.
🎼When she goes on natures walks, she loves to collect things! Maybe it’s feathers, a pretty rock, or flowers, anything! She even has a little bag containing all her little treasures!
Lucy Gray deserved so much better, and I honestly love her character!
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minotaur-asterion · 6 months
The voices, and when they get down with the sickness (long post underneath, please prepare yourself):
I think Hero kind of wishes they could act out that classic sickfic scene where they get to stay in bed all day and someone brings them soup and takes good care of them. Well, it’ll never happen with that nervous attitude, so until they get the balls to ask someone they’ll have to suck it up and take care of themselves. So, so tired the entire time. Poor meow meow
Alternatively, Hero’s a doting caretaker, if not physically distant. Doesn’t want to catch anything… but rest assured, they’re at their charge’s beck and call- they’ll bring food, medicine, heating pads, blankets, the crown of Russia, Russia, and more!
Cold can’t tell until something really noticeable happens, and even then it can be a while before he figures out he’s sick. Oh, his nose is running? It has been getting cold recently, no pun intended. He collapsed? Has to determine whether it was lack of sleep or if he got stabbed recently and that was blood loss; illness just doesn’t immediately come to mind. Might get a little loopy and out of it while recovering. Appreciates the lack of taste if forced to eat
Cold’s really good at treating sick folks, but taking care of them can be 50/50 depending on who it is. If he actually gives a shit he mostly curls up in a chair nearby and chills- again, pun not intended- until they need something. He might even offer the briefest of cuddles, which depending on his charge’s strength might end up lasting a lot longer than he planned
Cheated gets sick a lot- he doesn’t get much sleep so his body doesn’t have a lot of energy to fight it off. It’s total chaos if he gets a fever. Complains soooo much. But he gets very warmly happy if someone throws in the towel to take care of him. Wants to snuggle a lot
He refuses to take care of most of the others. Fuck them! But he’s probably going to get roped into it one way or another, knowing his luck. The only people he’d actually agree to care for is Opportunist and Contrarian since they live together. I’ve always imagined those three as a package deal anyway
Speaking of Opportunist- ey’re used to a little bit of body ache, so ey’re able to power through the less severe colds and such, just take it a little easier than usual, wear a mask to work, you know. It gets trickier when severe sickness aligns with a bad back day, ey don’t enjoy feeling like that while barely being able to move around. Ey’re honored if anyone decides to help, honestly…
Opportunist is a believer in laughter being the best medicine. He likes to talk and talk about all sorts of things just to take his charge’s mind off their symptoms. He also likes to hear himself talk, so it’s a bonus, really!
Contrarian… surprisingly barely ever gets sick. Or, at least, they don’t let on most of the times they do. Maybe they get a little quieter, but it’s surprisingly easy to melt into the crowd for them. It’s probably easier to not expect or ask for anything anyway
But on the contrary, pun intended this time, Contrarian loves to help out and take care of sick folks. God knows he’s not helpful at all with treating the sickness- which makes me think he’d be a good duo with Cold- but he’ll certainly entertain and keep company. “Oh, but you’ll catch something-“ he definitely will, but it’s worth it!
Paranoid is fascinated by disease. Would probably get sick and immediately think “how can I turn this into a zombie-making virus?” Jots down every single sniffle in her journal. Studies the microorganisms that caused it. Just really weird and iconically herself about it. The few times she does sleep, her dreams will be even weirder than usual. I think her obsession with recording the darn thing is overriding the symptoms
It’s much the same with when someone else is sick- pencil to paper, on a scale of one to ten how bad do you feel, describe your symptoms, can I get a swab for totally normal not nefarious reasons. Makes sure to wash her hands after existing in the same room as anyone who’s sick
Broken genuinely doesn’t think it’ll make it. Sure, it’s a really light flu, but it just won’t survive. Most illnesses are similar to a bad pain day regardless of how bad they’d normally be, but the good thing about the whole ordeal is snuggles and attention… Even if it’s out like a light most of the time. Might get weird and horny about it
Broken gets really worried about the others when they’re sick, and usually sticks them in bed if he can even move them there. Perches at the foot of the bed and watches closely. A little creepy, but he means well. So so so worried
Hunted’s surprisingly clean, so it’s hard for it to get too sick. Very pragmatic approach to dealing with it, which includes keeping everything clean during times when it feels better and resting when it feels worse. Doesn’t enjoy it for a second, especially when it clogs its ears and nose, but it’ll survive
Goes a little haywire when someone else is sick. You’ve never bore witness to the kind of strength it can muster to get someone in its nest. Protective as all get out, preens and tries to spoon feed. Will only allow people it trusts with its life- and maybe not even that depending on how feral it is- near the nest
Stubborn isn’t one to get sick often, and even then through the sheer power of, I dunno, muscles or something, he can fight it off pretty well. Just lay off the baking for a bit so he doesn’t accidentally infect anyone… In the rarest cases where he just can’t keep going as usual, he becomes surprisingly tame. Too tired to get all worked up. Sleepy little guy…
They can also be surprisingly helpful, especially with calming down a much stronger personality (cough. Hunted) who’s also trying to take care of someone sick. Makes the meanest fucking soup you’ve ever had the pleasure of tasting. And I say this with Broken definitely in mind, but they get a little affectionate about it. Just a smidge. Not because they care about this person, no! Don’t be ridiculous
Smitten probably gets sick all the time from his flower allergies, but he can’t bring himself to stop gardening. That’s why he got allergy medicine. If it’s not allergies he’s stumped on what to do. Might even get dramatic about it- write his will, eat some ice cream while watching his favorite rom com shows (he knows at least that sugar can help calm nausea), read Shakespeare, uh… I don’t know what else he’d do but it’d be dramatic!
Smitten’s a total sweetheart when taking care of someone else. Breakfast in bed, reads to them (dyslexic, does silly voices), treats them like total royalty. The drawback? Literally never takes care of anyone on a whim. Has to be planned, premeditated. Draws up a schedule of the whole thing
Skeptic likes to take sick days slow. Sit in the butterfly garden. Unless it’s winter. Then he’ll just stay in bed the whole day. Probably hibernates through the illness and wakes up crusty but healthy
He’ll certainly try his best to take care of someone else, but he’s not that great at it. Good at reassuring them about their anxieties though. Gives them a little too much medicine
I have a feeling Meek might be immune to disease. Otherwise she’d fucking die. Sneezes so loudly it’s like a bomb went off
She’s also not great about helping someone through their sickness, but she’ll scoot into their lap and offer them to pet her. The others suspect she might even like being pet… she will vehemently deny it though
Flinching is very shaky when she’s sick. Terrible grip strength. She’ll realize something’s off when she accidentally drops her favorite mug and now has to sadly stare at it on the ground before Doubting picks it up and puts it back together (he made a mug that’s easy to repair specifically for this reason)
Very gentle with sick people, almost as though she’s afraid to break them. Wonderful bedside manner. If she wasn’t so squeamish she would’ve tried becoming a nurse, but alas, just a librarian for now…
Doubting’s vision is usually bleary, but eventually he’ll figure out something’s wrong when he puts his glasses on and he still can’t see well. He’s a good patient, though, and recovers quickly with the right conditions
A lot like Flinching, he’s also good about taking care of others. May or may not be developing experimental treatments for diseases though. Do not touch those beakers
Much like a huge disoriented beast, Obsessed doesn’t do well with sickness. It messes with them badly. Not as clean as Hunted about it but definitely not to be trifled with still. Think like a rabid animal, how they can lose their fear of certain things and just… stare
They don’t live near anyone, so there’s nobody to take care of when sick
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