#mostly gn!reader
herarcadewasteland · 1 year
happy death day
A/N: Purge night.
-SKZ x reader, 18+.
mature content, violence etc. its the purge. more warnings later
You hated this “holiday” with a passion. It was cruel, violent and in your opinion, completely unnecessary. It wasn’t worth a few years of lowered poverty in the country to let everyday people become murderers just for fun. And you stood by it. Declined participation, parties, even hanging out with friends. You did none of it. Never would. You swore to yourself that after that one night when those eight men held your father and mother hostage while you were tied to a chair, which was in turn tied to a wall, torturing them slowly before killing them in front of you, you would never even acknowledge the horrendous night. So, you didn’t. You saved up and bought the best home protection you could, hiding away under blankets until your ears were blasted by the alarms that signaled 7am. 
Tonight was the annual purge night. Work was filled with preparing purgers stocking up on their energy drinks and snacks. Oh the joys of working at a gas station. Gas prices were lowered for the day so purgers could fuel their vehicles of carnage, bullets and pocket knives were also half off. You hated that the most, your stock in the back was mostly shotgun shells and 12mm’s stacked beside boxes of pocket knives and ball-point pens because people had a strange liking towards pens around purge night. The 4:30pm close could not come sooner, your eyes staring daggers at the clock beside you. It was almost painful waiting, your stomach twisting, head a little fuzzy and hands sweating. It was far from your best feeling. You’d place an orgasm at the top of that list for sure. 
The small chime of the bell hung above the door caught your attention, eyes drifting over to watch as eight men sauntered through, broad shoulders clad in leather, boots clicking against the tiled floor and faces already covered with black face masks. Some sported black caps, others slicked back hair and one who had achingly bright blue hair. You blinked at the bright colour, your eyes scanning the others as they spread out, gloved hands tracing shelves before your eyes caught the muscle of one of their arms, the veins in his arm pronounced as he lifted a case of diet soda. The realization he was grabbing diet soda made you laugh a little, not noticing the set of eyes it drew towards your position leant against the counter. 
His intense gaze soon registered and you glanced in the general direction it was coming from, one of the tallest staring straight back at you with unblinking and dark eyes. It made you clear your throat and turn to start locking up the nicotine products for the night, time flying away as you glanced back at the clock which now read 4:20. Great, you thought, almost done. You locked up what needed to be locked behind the counter with practiced ease, muscle memory guiding you as you started zoning out. You didn’t even realize you completely zoned out until one of eight cleared their throat to get your attention. Turning in an almost graceful circle, your eyes widened slightly as you saw them all gathered with armfulls of things for the night. You huffed a small sigh and walked back up to be nearly flush with the counter, hand grabbing the scanner in preparation. 
“You guys got everything? Not gonna be breaking in when I close up to get something you forgot because you were distracted by the soda choices?”
A few of them chuckled, the clear ring leader shaking his head as the one holding the soda visibly shrugged in a clearly unfazed motion. You hummed as the leader started piling items, your hands working double time to grab, scan and push away items as they slid one after the other. It took you two minutes to scan everything they had gathered in their tour, your hands now busy bagging as the leader typed in his card pin. Everything paid for and most things bagged, you could feel their eyes on you as you neatly placed the last of their protein bars in a small paper bag. 
“Okay. That should be everything right?”, you sighed as you glanced up and accidentally made eye contact with every single one of them. 
Their eyes almost made you zone out, something about them so alluring and dangerous… it made your heart race as you shakily pushed their last bag forward as the leader nodded again, his eyes catching yours for an unnerving moment as they began exiting with bags in hand. You cleared your throat to rid yourself of some nervous energy as you rounded the corner as the leader left, hands turning the lock quickly, your back meeting the cool glass as you let out a large sigh, your head dropping forward as the revving of a clearly modded engine filled your ears. The muffler shot twice before the heat of eight gazes left you free to sprint around, shutting off lights, locking things down and couple checking the front before you booked it out of the side door to your little punch buggy. 
The click of the locks echoed slightly in your car before you started it, the time ticking slowly towards 7pm as you released a long breath. The journey home would be stressful. All the purge goers taunting the scared people with machine guns and shotguns as they drove past, cars bumper to bumper as you crawled through the streets to get home. The main street was the worst of it, your eyes scanning over 70 cars in front of and behind you on both sides of the road. It made your hands sweat more, small shakes running through your body as the clock ticked to 6:30pm. Half an hour to get home and activate your systems. Fuck. You glanced around frantically, the side road blissfully empty of large amounts of traffic, the crowd generally being too afraid of more secluded zones to take side streets. 
Using that to your advantage, you swerved off onto the side street, speeding up significantly as you took a new, slightly longer route to your house. Well, technically your parents house. Your childhood home actually… you just stayed in it due to the convenience of owning it and the short distance from many stores you frequented often. Taking slightly sharper turns than normal, you arrived home with three minutes to spare, the sun setting peacefully in a mocking show before the carnage of the night began. Hands trembling and fumbling with your keys, you dropped them as you approached your doorstep. A loud curse and you were bending to grab them in a panic, eyes scanning your peripherals as the announcement froze your body mid bend.
Your heart beat faster as the announcement progressed, your body kicking into flight mode as you sprinted into the house after unlocking the door, your harsh breaths filling your ears as you locked the door, hand already punching in the security code and locking down the house. Your wide eyes watched the metal plates slide down over your large living room windows, the large black truck across the road sending a tingle down your spine before the barricades slammed shut and locked in place with a resounding clang. The loud alarms rang out seconds later, the noise making you jump as gunshots rang through the streets already, screams echoing from people who couldn’t make it inside in time. 
Relaxing with the added noises and suffering outside was easier said than done, your tv on 45 to block it out but failing as trucks sputtered by, screams following, guns firing, more screams. It was torture. You needed a larger distraction, you decided as your security camera showed you a large black van blaring its speakers, a man's voice breaking through the static of it periodically.
“Bring out your dead! Bring out your dead!”
A disgusted shiver ran down your spine, neck curving back and shoulders scrunching up before you shook it off and headed upstairs. A shower would help. Yeah, you thought, a nice warm shower, some music, a candle. Perfect way to distract yourself from outside. So gathering a change of clothes, sleep shorts and a nice big hoodie plus your comfiest pair of underwear, you started the shower, your music blasting. Stripping went quickly, your eyes avoiding the mirror as you walked past it. Stepping into the shower, most noise drowned away, “Boss” by NCT U guiding your head as you bobbed it along to the beat, lip syncing your favourite parts as you ran your hands through your hair. Your eyes closed in bliss as you let yourself float away in the beat and the comforting embrace of the water as it streamed down your body.
Your bliss was slightly disrupted as the next song started, the hard-hitting drum resonating in your bones as the lyrics started. 
“나나나나나나나나 나나나나나나나나나,”
You nodded along, your body rolling slightly as the beat picked up further, your mind partially blanking as you got lost in the routine of your shower. 
“Happy death day, happy, happy worst day,”
Foot tapping in tune with the chorus, your eyes opened to reach for your body wash and loofa, scrubbing away the nervousness in eucalyptus and mint as the song echoed in the small room. 
“Wе're closer to death,”
You lost track of time, the last few verses cutting through the air as you turned off the shower slowly, towel wrapping around your body as you shivered in the rapidly cooling air. Your hands almost vibrated as you dressed quickly, your hands pausing as the song finished itself off a little too slowly for the moment. 
“I'm so sick of the fakes, I'm so sick of the fakes,”
You mouthed the words, hands straightening the hem of the hoodie once you pulled it on properly, your eyes scanning your reflection with a certain distaste as you brushed your hair. 
Vroom. Vroom. Vroom.
You rolled your eyes at the revving, placing your hairbrush back down on the counter and flicking off the light with a sigh.
“Run, run for your life, run, run for your life.”
tag list: @artisticbirb
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sockmeat · 7 months
Alastor gets horny for romance and it's a real treat to witness
The weather gets colder and his behavior gets so much stranger... To others, anyway. You're well aware of this little routine Alastor goes through every year
You know immediately why Alastor is suddenly so much more interested in travelling with you. Normally, he'd simply ask where you were going and send you off easily, but now he's insisting that he goes to your work with you to "protect" you even though you have nothing to worry about
He feeds you like he's an Italian grandma. If he's not with you, he's in the kitchen making something for you, but if he is with you, he's dragging you to the kitchen to make something for you
He gets increasingly nitpicky about your diet and lifestyle. Generally he's a normal amount of annoying with everything you do, but it gets crazy when he's in rut
Suddenly he's insisting that you work too much and he needs to pamper you
He only allows you to eat food that he's made, which tends to be from scratch. How is he supposed to know who made these noodles? Who the hell laid these eggs? Fuck this, he's getting a chicken.
You have a chicken now... Fat Nuggets has a buddy :)
No fast food for you!! Alastor insists he knows a better recipe and will make you forget about the nasty greasy food
He's crazy because he's right, guys
Somehow he does make the food better and now you can't look at it the same anymore
This is only unfortunate when you want a yummy 3 a.m. snack
But now it's 7 a.m. and you may as well have just gone to bed
It's yummy, but is it worth it?
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Eustass Kid x GN!Reader
Kid's all out of chips, but he finds something else he can wager against you
“Hah! I win again!” you threw down your winning hand amidst the groans and boos of other crew members as they tossed their losing cards back into the center of the table. Taking the chips greedily you snickered, noting the pouty look of displeasure on your captain.
“Looks like you’re out of chips Kid,” you said with a sly grin. Kid scowled further, brow furrowing under his goggles. Killer’s shoulder shook with a silent laugh as he started to deal out the new hand of cards. You all took your hands, and as Kid studied his cards, his expression quickly changed into something more sinister.
You quickly noticed this change, “…Got good cards Captain?”
Kid huffed, placing his hand face down with a smirk, “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
Your eyes narrowed, “Well it’s too bad your all out of chips then, isn’t it?”
Kid jerked, his mind quickly running as he surveyed the table. Finally, he leaned his arm forward, aiming a cocky grin in your direction.
“Okay then, what do you want? I can bet something other than chips.”
You leaned back in your chair, pondering this before a sly smile pulled at your lips.
“Okay Captain, if I win…I get your jacket.”
This was met with a chorus of ooohs as Kid’s face fell, “Why do you want my jacket?” He subconsciously pulled the textured red coat closer around him.
You shrugged, “It’s cozy.”
Kid studied you hard for a long moment before he finally spoke, “Fine,” he leaned back into his chair with a creak, “But! If I win, I get a kiss from you.”
This brought more ooohs and chuckles from the others around you as you considered this. After a moment you stuck out your hand.
Kid shook it with a firm pump, his own hand swallowing yours in his grip.
“Just don’t chicken out when you lose,” he sneered.
You laughed, taking back up your hand of cards, “I can read you like a book Captain, you have shit cards.”
Kid smirked, “We’ll see.”
As the round began, the others quickly folded, not wanting to interfere in the bet you and Kid had made and curious to see the outcome. The two of you held your cards close, eyes flicking from your hands to the other’s face, studying for any sign of weakness. After a long moment, you finally broke the tension.
“Four of a kind,” you laid down the field of red diamonds you’d collected with a flourish.
Kid let out a long slow exhale as everyone waited to see his hand, finally he threw them down.
“Straight flush,” he said in a dark voice, smirk pulling at his red lips.
You blanched, shit he actually had you beat. Kid leaned back, crossing his arms with a satisfied grin on his face as the others whooped.
You scowled in response, chugging the remainder of your drink before standing abruptly from the table.
“Aw come on,” Kid called as you left your seat, “Don’t be a sore loser,” you made your way past the others in their seats as Kid continued, “No need to get all shy now-“
He stopped abruptly as you approached him, threading your fingers through his red hair and forcefully tilting his head back up to face you. Before he could even blink, you descended, lips pressing against his, swallowing the surprised little gasp he gave. His eyes were wide as you pressed against him, lips moving gently before teasing your tongue against him. With a throaty groan, Kid felt his eyes flutter shut as he accepted you into his mouth, tongue dancing along his as he thrust his face forward to feel more of you. His skin broke into goosebumps as you devoured him, the tight pull against his hair only making him harder, and then just as suddenly you pulled away releasing him. Kid’s face trailed blindly after yours, already searching for that delicious warmth as he cracked his eyes open.
You swiped a thumb along your lips with a coy smile and heavy-lidded eyes boring into his and Kid felt his breath hitch.
“Well? Are we even now?” you asked.
Kid managed to close his gaping mouth as he swallowed thickly, giving a dumb nod.
“Good, I think I’ll call it a night then,” and with that you left the group.
Kid sat there, feeling the intense heat that was crawling across his face before he shortly rose as well.
“I gotta go,” was all he said as he marched off towards his own quarters to take care of the growing problem that was starting to tent his pants.
Tag List: @fanaticsnail
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samptlay · 13 days
♡ ⁠◍⁠• Skin That Cries Golden Tears • Chapter 2 ◍⁠
Chapter 1•🌑
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Ah yes. How cliche. Of course, you blackout as soon as you hear the background noises of the tiny mob dying. Everything was too overwhelming at once, you couldn't fight it. You died and suddenly woke up inside a game. Not to mention you still have to process the deep feeling of betrayal left by your ex. But it honestly can't be helped. You have no idea where you'll be when you wake up and just pray it's not a jail cell. You weren't dressed in anything they were used to, you were dressed in a simple black dress that you’re sure didn’t belong in your wardrobe, it definitely wasn’t what you were wearing when you had died but it looked modern. You’re going to half to find a way to play it off, somehow.
When you first felt your body being carried, it was no surprise since it was the only way you’d be…. Well, rescued. That is what happened, right? Surely you didn’t get kidnapped. But judging by the moon being out and the cool air at the time, it couldn’t have been the Knights since all of them must have been asleep or in town based on how dark it was. So who came to your rescue? They had to use Pyro, you knew that, at least.
Red ponytail…. Pyro vision…. Night time….
You can’t possibly be this slow. It’s clearly -
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“So you think the Dark-Knight Hero is the one who left her unconscious at our doorstep?” There’s no mistaking it, the owner of that soft-spoken voice was most definitely the Grand Acting Master, Jean. Your eyes were still closed telling by the sunlight hitting your skin, that you most likely spent the night there, or morning. You were completely conscious, but you wanted to know for some reason. Depending on when they noticed you outside. “Yes, there was a letter too but it flew away in the wind before I could bring it here when I picked her up.” And that absolutely had to be Diluc’s voice. Anyone smart enough would be able to tell that it was clearly him who brought you the HQ. However, Jean just sighed with a nod before looking over a particular document at her desk, which actually looked more like some type of scroll in your opinion. She kept looking back and forth between it and you.
“So, unidentified traveler, how long do you plan on faking unconsciousness?” The sudden change in his voice startles you, causing your eyes to blink open fully and take in the frowning tall man who’s crossing his arms while looking down at your figure lying on the bed.
“Oh. Sorry, I was a bit… Half-awake? I didn’t mean to eavesdrop or anything, I just-” But your words were interrupted by someone clearing their throat to which both you and Diluc turned to look at the source, Jean, of course. “It’s not that big of a deal, Diluc.” She takes a few steps towards you before raising a hand to your forehead, even moving a little hair out of your eyes. Even with her touching you, she looked somewhat wary and in your opinion, overly spectacle.
“You seem healthy. However, I am curious to know exactly what you were doing in the fields late at night. And you don’t seem like a traveler, with no weapons on you, or resources. And you clearly don’t have a companion, or am I wrong?” You catch the way she wavers in her voice as if she’s conforming to something she doesn’t want to or is even afraid to. It is exactly what she’s doing so you’re confused about why she’s nervous.
“..Yes, I’m alone. I was just… I... I don’t know how I woke up there, to be honest.” Diluc, who you had forgotten was there for a moment lets out something that sounds like a chuckle, but out of disbelief. Jean glances at the desk once more which just makes you want to get up and see what’s there for yourself. She removes her hand from your body before standing up straight up and eyeing you with something you can’t describe. She goes behind her desk and sits down.
The silence & tension in the air was so thick it could be cut with a knife. You suddenly felt the urge to sit down, as if sitting down would prove to turn you too vulnerable. So you get up, quickly. It startled the other people in the room and you swore you saw Diluc reach for his sword when he flinched, and the reaction on your face clearly said it all because he glimpsed over the sword strapped to him before visibly relaxing (at least trying to). 
“This was fun for a little but I think it’s time you c-” The Grand Acting Master is interrupted as the door flies open and you think the temperature gets a little chiller. A certain navy blue man with an eyepatch scurries in, looking like he is searching for something. His eyes scan the room in a flash before landing on you. Something about the eye contact you two made sent a shiver down your spine while his gaze lingered while he turned towards the other two in the room. “Oh! Was I interrupting something? Sorry, sorry. I heard that a particular person had shown up in the middle of nowhere and I just had to see what all the commotion was about…” The deep ocean blue eyes fall on you again. “So this is our guest?” He leans against the door frame for a moment, eyeing you up and down when he decides to stand up straight and walk (more like stride) straight in your direction. 
Real. This is all real and in fact, not some delusional dream. You pray none of them notice the way you hold your breath as he gets closer and closer, stopping at Diluc's distance, only a little closer. You can't stop the words coming out of your mouth. 
“You're-” “Kaeya.” He interrupts confidently, stretching out his hand to you. It's a good thing he said something before you mentioned his name. It would have only made you all the more suspicious. You stare at his hand that's stranded in the air for a few seconds, before he sighs and takes your own with a gentle yet strong grip, pulling it to his lips, and kissing it. A peck. Then he freezes, as if he didn't believe what or why he just did that. It wasn't really visible on his face but you could tell. You can tell a lot about everyone here, actually. And some things tell you it's not just because you know all the lore for every character. It's something you feel from the inside. 
Kaeya graciously lets your arm fall back to your side and you hope there isn’t as much blush on your face as you think there is. “Why don’t I take this fine lady throughout Mondstadt, hm? You two seem like you have more important… things to discuss about whatever just happened, unless..?” He, not aggressively, yanks you up and off what you are sitting on and starts leading you toward the door. He didn’t even wait for the two to reply. Jean gets up from her chair, hands practically slamming on the table as she pins him with a look. “Hold on Kaeya, this is dangerous. We don’t know who this is or where they came from. And here you are trying to show them around? Let them meet civilians? This is all too suspicious. You can’t just-” She shuts her eyes and makes a noise that sounds like something close to a groan. One hand on her hips. “They have to stay here. You know exactly how heavy this situation is.” Diluc, being the man he is, also glares at Kaeya, and you swear you hear a scoff from under his breath.
Kaeya, shockingly, doesn’t look back and continues dragging you along out of the head office. “I’ll bring them back, don’t worry. But I’d like this with this one by myself.” You can hear Jean and Diluc’s complaints rise but you're out of the building by the time you can make out any of their words. 
The two of you venture into the city, and you take a moment to look at everything around you. Wow. It’s much more beautiful and lively since everything is suddenly so…. Realistic. Before waking up here, it was your least favorite nation but you might consider changing your mind. Everything seems so calm and it really is less chaotic than all the other nations. It’s peaceful. “So I assume our city is to your liking? With the way your eyes are practically shining…” Your daydreaming is cut short when Kaeya stands in front of you, arms crossed, hands on his hips, looking amused out of his mind. “Well, it’s not every day you wake up in a whole new world.”
It slipped out, it really did. But you hope he doesn’t take your words literally, and you think he didn’t because he lets out a content chuckle. But then his smile drops. And you’re stuck in place. He slowly makes his way closer, then he grabs both your hands and stares you straight in the eye.
“I don’t think what I’m feeling right now is simply attraction. I have a lot of experience with that, trust me. But with you, there’s a pull. A pull that I can’t ignore. Hah, I wonder if the Red Hawk man feels it… Maybe that’s why he didn’t want you to go.”
You don’t know what to say. You have no idea why this is happening or why you’re here. And is he serious? A pull of some sort? That’s not good. Pulling means attention and that’s the last thing you need right now. Yet the way he looks at you would make anyone think the whole world revolves around you. And as of now, you have nothing. No one knows you or trusts you. You don’t know how to fight, which is very much required to survive in Teyvet. You need friends, allies, and people who are willing to defend you. And you can’t do that while simply touring around Mondstadt.
“Thank you, for this.” You step closer and you know what you want from him, what you need. You need his trust. “All of this is nice, but I’m more curious about you. I think I feel that same pull with you, to be honest. I want to get to know you better. Where do you live around here? I’m curious to see how people here live.” You’re positive you sound genuine and curious. Good. All is needed to win him over.
He looks surprised, then pleased. All before you’re suddenly tucked into his chest… And a sword is against your throat. You gawk at it, squirming. That wasn’t the smartest thing to do, which caused him to press it against your throat even more. “I might be captivated by you, but I’m not as stupid as you think. Now… Why would anyone try and get into someone's home when they’ve barely known that for a couple of hours? Unless, that certain someone has a plan, of course. I took what Master Jean said to heart. For all I know you could be dangerous. I’ve been watching you closely the whole time. It’s as if you’ve never seen something like a regular town. There are even more impressive ones all over Teyvet. You know what that tells me?”
You know exactly what he’s implying and you feel like you could throw up your organs. Were you going to lose your second chance so easily? 
He turns you slightly and you’re finally facing him. Expect all the warmth is gone. His gaze is as cold as his vision and you’re no longer sure if you’ll be able to try and gain him as a companion, let alone civil allies. The sword across your neck is making you start to throb in pain and you’re sure it’s going to leave either a cut or a mark. It hurts.
You can feel Kaeya’s breath against your neck.
“Who are you?” 
Suddenly, there’s a bright flash and you’re temporarily blinded, and Kaeya’s holding his left arm up. You can see some blood seeping through. It looks like it’s the same size as the one he created on your neck. But yours is gone.
He’s breathing heavily, confused. Kaeya’s barely standing on his two feet, he’s dizzy. Even though he just practically attempted on your life, you couldn’t blame him for it. He doesn’t trust others. He can’t, it’s not what he’s here for. You don’t know how you get to him so quickly, throwing one of his arms around your shoulder. He seems to be in a more… fatal condition than you were. It’s like he took your injury, only intensified. You have to get him aid. But then again, if you go to anyone else, there’s a good chance you’ll be locked up. You don’t want to imagine an interrogation right now. So, you look at the poor man in your arms and speak softly. You hope that gets you some points, at least.
“Where do you live, Kaeya?” He barely opens his eyelids, having a look on his face that’s in between exhaustion and uncertainty. You think he’s about to shake his head before he blurts it out, surprising the both of you. Now he’s the one gawking at you since you go in the actually direction of his home. How did you even know your way around? That took away some points, didn’t it?
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A little over two weeks, my apologies. Time flies, 1.5x longer!! Yippeeeee ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ I'll get to that Masterlist...
Taglist: Sorry if I tagged you twice!
@esthelily @cosmo112 @fantasyhopperhea @ilxina @aloflapse @mayberaspberrywrites @enjoyjellime @vianitry @blipblopblopblip
@uhfhfhfhf @xdrin @msun1c0rn @umi-adxhira @lovingnahida @strrawb3rrysh0rtcak3 @ssecylia @skyl8ver @immahuman @meowmeowraven @01234 @markexplanation @esthelily @dawnofazrael @chickenalfredo4life @eccaza @jun-xiu @klemen-time @delulu-val @everi-eve @cluelesstoeverything @strangersomeone @lapinaenmicoche @alwayslegendarymoon @lumiiiiiiiiii @superninjaarbiter @themonsterunderyourbed69
Borders by @cafekitsune
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gotham-daydreams · 1 year
Okay we see how Bruce, Dick, Jason, Tim and Cass become Yanderes for reader what about Damian, Steph and Babs?
That question is exactly why I'm kind of debating on making a kinda "Part 2.5" sort of thing, and it would show how Tim and Damian got further roped into things like Bruce, Dick, Jason and Cass. Along with how Steph and Babs take the news of "heyyy, um. you know Y/n? yeah that one sibling of ours that's lived here for years that we've barely have like, 10 conversations with collectively? Yeah, that sibling. Uh, we just figured out they've basically been living an entire life without any of us knowing, and might've run away because we were barely involved in their life despite them making multiple attempts to have us be there. So, we kind of need your help to find them. Like. Now-"
Though honestly I'll just put the run down here, so-
Bruce kind of gave Damian the little push he needed before hopping on the train, kind of like what he did with Jason but a little different. With him finding Damian, and some questions being thrown around, before Damian just decides to help look for you.
Honestly I can imagine that Damian wasn't super serious about finding you or anything at first, and was more so just trying to help because Bruce and Dick were looking for you. Hence why he looks for Alfred first with the intention to get the search done and over with. Though, that does begin to change a little when he eventually stumbles upon your room and gets that small glimpse of all he's missed out on after having talked with Alfred.
The room itself doesn't necessarily get to Damian — not like it does with Bruce and Dick — but it's more of the contents of the room itself that get him started on the yandere path.
Honestly, how Damian and Tim begin to develop their more Yandere thoughts and feelings for the reader is through finding something in your room, leading them to find more stuff, and that eventually getting to the thought process of "i didn't know they did this... i would've liked to know about this before/share this thing with them." Which then leads to a more yandere-like mindset.
For Damian (since we're already on the topic of him), he finds that one art award that you got, and becomes curious. Eventually he finds the unfinished art pieces that Bruce had found earlier, and while he isn't impressed or anything at first, the more unfinished pieces he finds the more he kind of begins to see your potential, and that leads to his own thoughts on the matter. With him wishing he knew about how you liked to do art too, and that eventually leads to him thinking that he could've helped you refine your skill, and the both of you could've drawn or painted together.
What strengthens that mindset is when he gets his hands on a notebook that you had used to practice whatever you were struggling with, and left notes for yourself on how you could improve upon certain things as well. Maybe if Damian had known you were into art before, he could've helped you, and you both could've improved together. Refine each other's skills, and just be able to create together. Which Damian really begins to like the thought of. Especially as he sees how you improved the deeper into the notebook he gets.
So, he also sets out to find you, but with a more positive mindset and thought process.
Honestly, out of everyone, Damian is the least worried about you and your well-being. Not because he necessarily has faith in your abilities to stay alive in Gotham, while also potentially being by yourself, but rather he isn't focused on that part? Not as intensely as some of the others, anyway.
Besides, if you were to turn up dead, then he'd have the "you die, I kill you" mindset. You aren't allowed to be dead or 'missing' in his mind, and so you aren't until proven other wise — but even then he's going to need a lot of solid proof to even believe it.
Damian is just more focused on the "we have a common interest and I want to do this thing with them" part of learning that you're into art. Even if you aren't anymore, just knowing that it was something that you used to do is enough to get him jumping on the yandere train. You'll be doing art with him one way or another, and you can't do shit about it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Sure his reasoning isn't a strong, but it's enough to get him started and to go looking for you with the others when they eventually start tearing Gotham apart in hopes to find you. Damian now has a sudden need for quality time and your his main target, sorry not sorry.
Tim on the other hand just sort of, stumbled upon your room, and thanks to Dick was very quickly roped into this mess (as mentioned in "Not Here").
He actually looks through the box with all of your more personal belongs first as Dick tries to call and text you like crazy, while also trying to figure out more stuff.
The first thing he minds is an mp3 player, which, again - as mentioned in "Not Here" held very early versions of songs you were working on at the time, along with some of the very first songs you ever wrote. Which, after listening to a few of them, is immediately a big fan. Though that ends up being both his downfall and how he begins to develop his more yandere tendencies.
Like Dick, you had tried to call and message him about certain performances and such you thought he'd like, and hoped he'd attend, but to no avail. It sucks even more for Tim now because if he had just given your music a chance just a little sooner, maybe things would've been different between the two of you. Maybe you wouldn't have left.
Not to mention that, since he now really loves your music - just knowing that he's wasted so many opportunities to hear more of it, and the completed, fully fleshed out versions of some the songs on the mp3 player makes him upset. He really feels the hit of neglecting you, and that hit only lands harder when he goes through that 'List/Progress' notebook that Bruce had seen earlier in "Not Here".
A notebook which does reveal a lot about you, and how you only did so many activities because you hoped that if anyone in the family was into one of the activities/hobbies you tried, then you'd be able to bond with them over it. Though look at where that got you. Countless awards hung on your walls, with a number of accomplishments to your name - and yet not once were you able to use them for their original purpose. Not once were you able to hold a full, long conversation with any of them about any of the things you've done.
It wasn't even your fault because you tried to put in the work, Tim could really see that now, but you just weren't given the chance to actually put it to good use.
Maybe that's why he ended up helping Dick as much as he did, and maybe that's why he took the time to download some of your songs before heading out to look for you. He wanted to feel closer to you then he really was, and wanted your music to be something shared between the two of you.
Tim wants to not only get closer to you, but to hear everything you've ever made music wise. A want which he fully intends on making a reality.
Stephenie and Barbara are a bit different, however. Since, as stated in "Not Here", both of them are informed of what's going on after everyone else but Damian and Alfred absolutely loses their minds over you not being in the Manor. Though, again, both take the news a bit differently.
Between the two, Steph easily feels the worst. So her motivations and actions — like Bruce, Dick, Jason, Cass, and Tim — are more out of guilt and regret. She already doesn't like the thought of her own neglect having caused you to keep so many things to yourself that you basically hid yourself away, but the idea of her — along with everyone else — having pushed you so far away that you ran away? That... doesn't make her feel good, to say the least.
Sure, she doesn't feel as bad as Bruce or Dick - who easily feel the worst because of their respective roles in the family, and them feeling like they failed to even be a semi-present figure in your life for you to recognize them as your Father and Older Brother (to which they are correct, but aren't aware of that yet) - but it's still enough for her to try and look for you too.
Kind of like Bruce when he was looking in the Manor, Stephanie doesn't know where to start looking, and that only worsens her regret.
I guess her development comes more with time? Since the more she and the others look, not only do her feelings grow, but she also learns more about you as everyone starts sharing information over the intercoms. Things they just found out about you — like how you spent your birthdays alone with Alfred and had waited for them each year until recently, how you made music, what kind of competitions and such you've participated in, who were your teachers, how majority of what you did wasn't even for yourself - but rather a chance that one of the many activities you did try out was something anyone of them were into, so that way you could actually have a conversation with them - and more. (Which may be shown later? Not in a official post/part to the series but perhaps in a sort of side thing that shows the mayhem going on. But who knows?)
Case and point, while they are all looking for you - Steph slowly becomes more yandere for the reader the more she learns about you and how her and the other's actions impacted you. Like some of the others, she wants to make it up to you, but isn't entirely sure how she'd even go about doing that. The more aware she becomes, the harder she falls.
Barbara on the other hand, I'd say, is more lowkey as of now when it comes to her development as a yandere?
I mean, Dick, while very much panicking, basically told her it was an emergency and he really needed her on the bat computer because he had to look for you. Which, in the same breath, gave a list of locations and possible teachers you might've had in the past (you can thank Tim for trying to figure all of that out) and if she could look into it.
It's safe to say that Barbara's introduction into the whole situation was very chaotic. An emotional, worried, and panicked Dick is never a good one, so that was fun to deal with while slowly drowning in confusion.
Eventually, she got the run down and was quick to help, but like Bruce, Cass, Damian, and Jason - she was more confused at the start.
Ouf of everyone, and maybe besides Jason, Barbara has had the least amount of interaction with you - and the room for possible interactions with you for her were much smaller anyway considering that you aren't a vigilante, and never intended to be. So, it only makes sense that one of the people you've easily had the least connection with, was the person who communicated and mainly interacted with the rest of the Batfam when they're doing vigilante work.
What didn't help is that she barely even saw you at events or even holiday gatherings and such the family would have, with you being so neglected that they just... failed to even notice you missing at the time. The day she was introduced to you was when you were first adopted, and that was basically both the first and last full interaction either of you have had with each other. Other than that, she would hear small comments about you sometimes from the others, but even then it wasn't much and those soon died out as one could've guessed.
Even when she was in the Manor, she might've caught a few glimpses of you, but nothing else - so the beginning of her fall into being a yandere is definitely much slowly and lowkey when compared to the others.
I feel as if this whole situation may encourage Babs to want to get to know you better? After all, your disappearance did cause the whole family to basically start a whole manhunt just to find you, so I feel as if that would be enough to get Barbara interested at the very least. Not to mention all of the things she's hearing about you from everyone - it would be nice to try and actually meet you, not just know about you.
In other words, I feel as if Barbara may develop more as a yandere in part 3, seeing as I can see her more yandere tendencies begin to develop once she actually 'meets' you. Y'know what I mean?
So tldr; Damian becomes a yandere for the reader by finding out they're into art/have done art in the past, and now has a deep need to bond with them.
Steph becomes a yandere through her guilt and regret, and like some of the others, want to make it up to the reader.
Babs, on the other hand, hasn't exactly become a yandere just yet, but will once she 'meets' the reader and see them for herself. As of right now, she's just curious, but we'll get there in part 3.
Also, this is unrelated to the ask, but I would like to point out how pretty much everyone in the Batfam thinks you ran away rather then you just leaving. Do what you will with this information for now :]
Anyways, I hoped that answered your question, even if I got a bit rambly! If there's anything else in particular anyone else would like to know, feel free to send in an ask!
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traumawhomst · 16 days
Solaris and Songbird
A snippet of a full version of this earlier post I made
(450 words)
Fae King and (GN) Child Reader
The Summer King was not always the most kind Fae, he could scarcely afford it. In his world kindness was weakness waiting to be paid back in kind. So when he heard a young voice pierce his quiet peace, he decided to use the as a lesson about his forest. It would an easy task, appear and play with them a bit, maybe turn them to a songbird since they seemed to love their voice. A punishment to neglectful parents about teaching your child to walk around the forest alone as if they owned it.
He had admit that the child did have a rather sweet voice for a human, and he thought of doing something more than just a simple songbird, maybe one that could also speak and mimic sounds. It would be amusing if nothing else.
The child was bent over in the dirt, singing some old folk song, hair loosely pulled back dirty and sweaty. Who knows when they last had a bath, the King scoffed internally. It only strengthened his resolve to turn them to a songbird. At least he knew how to care for his things.
He stepped into the forest clearing, the air around them both growing thick and wild, a smell of hot summer grass hung like a cloud. The King watched with a smile as the figure froze in place, smart child, to know when they were outmatched, no grand heroics or disrespect would save them now. The child lifted their face, and the King was oddly pleased, it was cleaner than their hair and he could that the child had spent most of their life facing towards the sun. Their eyes looked the same as a fawn caught in the sight line of a wolf, but their mouth was turned into a hesitant smile.
The smile caught him off guard, and before he could think too much on it, the child open their mouth and spoke
“Hello,” they said, their voice soft with a slight tremor but a distinct note of hope, “what’s your name?”
With those simple four words, the King knew that this was to be his third child. A neglected songbird, but with a quick wit and curiosity that spoke of greater things than their tiny village. He wanted to scoop them up, and tell of all the great things they would see and do. But this was not his first time bringing a child of his own. So he smiled as he knelt to be closer to the eye level with the child.
“You, songbird, may call me, Solaris, may I know what you to call you songbird?”
When the child’s face brightened, any hesitation or second doubts were gone, this child was his and he couldn’t wait to bring them home.
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koolades-world · 6 months
One bed troupe w/ Levi
It was safe to day Levi almost never got out of the house. Between online school and all the the time he spent on the internet, he had no need to leave his room. Key word: almost. Sometimes, not often, but sometimes, he went out into the real world for events related to the things he enjoys, such as concerts, fan meetups, and most importantly, conventions.
Levi had been going to conventions longer than you even knew they existed, so it was safe to say he was an expert. But, now that you were around, and also interested in most of the same things as he was, he just had to take you along. That meaning, he nervously asked you on his knees the first time and after you agreed, he never asked again and just assumed you were going. Every convention with him is interesting, but always followed a formula.
You hear about the convention somehow, usually from Levi, where he's asking what cosplay you should go as this time. Sometimes you coordinate, sometimes you don't, but Levi loves to match. When he asks this, he's probably already book you your room. At first, he got you each your own room, but once after he accidently booked one room with two beds, you just started doing that instead. You leave a day before the convention begins with travel time factored in, spend however long there, then return home a day after the convention ends.
This formula is tried, true, and dear to Levi. It's something he can rely on to have the maximum amount of fun with his favorite person. This convention was supposed to be just like any other. The both of you were reusing an older cosplay, just because you had been busy that week. As you toted your bags into the hotel lobby, Levi almost directly in front of you, you asked him to pause. When he froze, and asked why, you carefully picked the Devildom equivalent of a ladybug. He was a little freaked out at first, but after studying the small bug you pulled out of his hair, he got a laugh out of it.
"They're good luck you know, especially if they land on you." You teased him, watching it fly off. Levi didn't respond, feeling a wave of anxiety crash over him. He wasn't sure why. He attributed it to having to deal with checking in, which he hated. But, he would never make you do that, since it was always him who insisted on bringing you along.
While he got you two checked in, you wandered off to the seating area to admire a sculpture. In your absence, something that only happens in his worst nightmares happened. Despite having made a reservation, the system wasn’t showing anything and they had no record at all. He briefly freaked out as he flickered through his camera roll, trying to find the receipt among his many photos of memes and characters fanart. Once he found it, he showed the worker. After seeing this, she did something on her computer and offered him a room upgrade. Before hearing the details, he accepted it. This was all too much for him.
Having acquired the room key, he collected you. The setting sun lit up the room, backlighting you and the sculpture. You simply stared up at it. He almost didn’t want to interrupt you. You noticed him somehow, and spun around to space him, making eye contact with a smile. His heart almost skipped a beat with the way you looked at him.
“Our room ready?” You pulled your suitcase behind you, noticing the keycard in his hand.
“Mmhm.” He didn’t trust himself to speak, and silently led you towards the elevators. He was told they had been given a room on floor 19, which was the second highest. Mc would probably die for that view. The thought of making them happy made him happy.
They two of got on the elevator. Mc made funny face at Levi through the mirrored elevator. After you walked the floor enough, following signage, you found your room. He unlocked it, and swung the door open to a beautiful suite. It came complete with a living room, and kitchenette, and a bathroom that rivaled Asmo’s. Mc dropped their bag by the door, and immediately begins to explore.
“Levi! You didn’t tell me you got a nicer room this time!” You threw your body down onto the sofa, admiring the tv. “This is great.” You peaked over the back of the sofa at him.
“Oh, I actually meant to tell you… There was a mixup of some kind so they upgraded us.” He scratched the back of his neck and closed the door behind him. His soul nearly left his body when he looked further into the room.
There was only one bed.
“Oh no, oh no no no.” He began to freak out for the second time that day.
“What’s the matter?” You got up immediately. You watched where his gaze was fixed. “Oh, Levi. I can sleep on the couch.” You looked at him empathetically, understanding his predicament.
“No! I mean, I can’t let my player two sleep on that sofa when that bed is right there. It’s much nicer than my bathtub. You deserve it. I’m just a loser otaku, but you’re the human who brought my family back together.” He took a small step back.
“Don’t he ridiculous. There’s room for both of us. If it helps, we can just sleep facing opposite ways. Besides, you know Mammon would kill to be in this room with me right now, sharing a bed with me. You could totally use this chance to brag, Levichan.” You giggled, skipping your way into the bathroom. “I’m getting ready for bed. Be out shortly.” You took your toiletries bag into giant bathroom. Levi pondered for an amount of time he wasn’t sure of, but was jolted out of thought by a knocking on the bathroom wall. Turns out, the shower had a window in it that faced the bed. You were doing a little dance in front of it with just a towel on, poking fun at him. After he covered his eyes and screamed at you to stop, you shut the window curtain so you could actually shower.
Once you were done, he had already unpacked all his things and took his own turn. The bathroom was very luxurious, but he couldn’t stop thinking about Mc and how he was going to be brave and share that bed with them. It was just to rub it in Mammon’s face, he told himself.
When he got out, you were spread out in the bed with a few snacks from your bag and his Devilswitch. “Up for a few rounds before bed, big guy?” He couldn’t say no to you. In his scramble to win every game you two played, and haze of the long day of traveling, he totally forgot about behind nervous. It only crept back in once you’d fallen asleep on his arm, remote still in hand. He froze, unsure what to do.
But, he knew he had to act because with the long day you two had tomorrow, he had to get to bed as well. As he moved to get up to clear the bed of everything on it, you grumbled and grabbed his arm. He began to internally scream, and almost externally too. He was sure he was very red. So, instead, he just moved everything onto his bedside table, and pulled the covers over both of you.
He was stiff under the covers at first, but the more you snuggled into him, the more relaxed he found himself getting. Maybe it was because he was getting more sleepy by the passing seconds, but he almost found himself enjoying the affection. He bid sleeping you goodnight.
Maybe this is what his good luck ladybug meant.
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cabinofimagines · 5 months
Better Times p. 1
As I have noticed people on this blog often don't read the longer works I split this one up. Happy birthday to me, y'all are getting hurt >;-) Pairing: Poly!Solangelo x gn!reader, Will Solace x reader x Nico di Angelo Request: halli hallo~ ^^ i wanted to ask if i could request something for solangelo x reader? i'm not sure if your requests are open, i couldn't find anything that said otherwise, maybe i read over it, or forgot a page? if that is the case i apologize! but if they are open, then i was thinking that the reader is just having an off week in general, things are just not going their way, and worst of all, their boyfriends are busy TwT then when the week is over, one of them senses that there's something wrong with the reader, but as soon as they get asked what's wrong, they just start full on sobbing- cuddling ensues? TwT solangelo is my biggest source of comfort right now, and the posts of them from this blog are always so cute and fluffy ^^ Word count: 1.8k Warnings: bad feelings, sad feelings, hurt (not yet comfort). -Asnyox Part 2
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You would think that living at camp wouldn’t necessarily be more stressful than going out in the ‘real’ world. However, the distinction between chores and free time was non-existent. Therefore, you weren’t sure whether you were supposed to be working, taking time off and most of all forcing your boyfriends to take a break with you. It was impossible to convince them, because either of them had good reasons that what they were doing wasn’t too exerting of them, or should be put off until after you hung out. For Nico and Will finishing their duties meant free time, and the problem here was that it felt as if they were never finished with their duties, and neither were you. 
In short, you would have loved to spend some time with your boyfriends. Yet, Nico was busy relocating the troglodytes after their old home got destroyed, and Will was busy restocking the infirmary before summer. You were busy, being alone. You didn’t blame your boyfriends, of course they were allowed their own lives and tasks, and you respected that they were capable of doing their own tasks. You would just have liked to be able to relax with them for a bit, just a hug perhaps. 
It came to the point where Nico even paused your morning sword training sessions (did those count as a free time activity?), and Sherman stepped up to the game. You tried to kindly decline, but he didn’t take no for an answer. After your initial problems when training with Sherman, he seemed to have calmed down and gotten to a more ‘teaching’ approach. However, this did not mean that he would be pulling punches, or slashes in the case of sword fighting. 
That was how you ended up in the infirmary, under the worried gaze of your lover. Will carefully stitched the slash on your arm as you tried to stay silent. This was the most one-on-one attention you had gotten from Will in what felt like weeks, and you wanted it to not be a worrying experience for Will. Who were you kidding though, you were hurt so of course Will was worried. 
“Here, eat this,” Will softly held some ambrosia to your mouth. You carefully put your lips around it, grazing Will’s fingers in a soft kiss. Will used his other hand to grab your jaw, his thumb slowly moving over your cheek. You wished Will would kiss your wounds better, but he didn’t seem to get the hint. 
“Thanks,” you breathed and Will’s worried eyes softened. “Maybe you should wait with training until Nico gets back,” Will looked at you intensely, “You know, he might get jealous if you keep training with Sherman?” you laughed, although you wished Nico was there to get jealous, and take you away, and spend time with you. You hoped it didn’t show on your face. “Well I need to keep up,” you tried to push away the flutter in your chest, “You never know when a Sherman shaped monster tries to get me,” then you sighed, “I wish Nico was here more, but I know he’s busy.” Will hummed, as he turned to put away some of the supplies he used. 
“We can maybe plan a date soon.” Will suggested, “We all have been busy for a while now, it would be nice to just have some time with the three of us.” You nodded in agreement, starting to stand up. “Do you have anything planned outside of your infirmary shifts?” Will asked as he looked at you. “Training with Sherman, mostly. Everything else I can probably move.” you said and Will nodded. “Cool, me too. Whoever sees Nico first plans the date then?” he asked and you nodded again. But as you left the infirmary you already missed the shine of Will’s smile, and you sighed as you felt an unexplainable sadness in your chest. You considered turning back for a moment, before you noticed hurt campers coming your way. Right, Will was working and did not need a distraction. You moved out of the way, not sure where you were going. 
Just suck it up, you thought. You did not need to add to their list of chores. You were going to be fine. 
But, as you were laying on your bed, staring at the ceiling of your cabin, you realized something. You were tired, wanted to cry, and still had tasks to do. So, you decided to make a deal with yourself. If you finished your tasks, you could skip the campfire and indulge in some healthy letting-your-emotions-out time, on your own. Sighing you sat up, took a breath, and went to face the world. 
Maybe you wanted to share some parts, but that would once again make it about you. If you could simply make today a good day then it will start getting better right, slowly? Just one good day, filled with love, spent with your boyfriends. 
Will was the one to catch Nico, and informed you that all three of you had time for a date a few days later. You hadn’t looked forward to the wait, but a few days was at least a set time instead of wallowing in the impossibility of seeing your lovers ever. Yet, as you met up with them, Nico didn’t seem too happy to see you. He wasn’t smiling, instead he stared at you intently. 
“(Y/n), love, are you okay?” he asked when you were within earshot. Will was next to Nico, already holding his hand. Nico wasn’t sure how to breach the topic, but Will and him had talked for a moment already and Will had voiced his worry about you not sharing your troubles. Nico saw what he meant, you looked restless and tired at the same time and there must have been something going on. 
“I’ve been,” you hesitated, “... tired.” Was this really the moment to admit it? You had been so strong for the week, and you just wanted some chill, fun time with your boyfriends. So, even if you felt like if you closed your eyes you might either sleep or cry, perhaps both, you didn’t want to talk about your emotions. Talking about them meant feeling them, and feeling was an activity you weren’t affording yourself right now. You want to feel fine, perhaps get a kiss, and move on so you could get these emotions out in a way that wouldn’t upset your boyfriends. 
Not that they would ever be upset about you having feelings, no, you didn’t want them to spend the day meant for fun times feeling bad about the fact that you perhaps had missed them, had felt a bit neglected in the past week. You knew they would feel guilty about not noticing your mental state deteriorate in the past week, or that you hadn’t told them about your breakdowns at night, or that you had not considered asking for as much as a hug in the past week because if you were to be safely in the arms of one of your lovers, you knew you would not be able to hold in the tears and hold up the walls that barely contained your emotions. These walls would need to keep standing until after you forcefully had fun with your boyfriends on a cute date with no emotional baggage shared. You wanted to be happy today. But-
“Are you sure that’s all?” Nico’s voice broke your thoughts. “Yes!” you answered a little too quickly, “Let’s get going, okay? We can talk more when we’ve put out everything for the picnic. Would hate to have our date cut short by the dinner bell, right?” Your boyfriends exchanged a look. “Are you sure, love?” Will grabbed your hand, “we can always hold the picnic in Nico’s cabin, have a bit more comfort.” You sighed, before softly grabbing Will’s face, and pressing a kiss on his lips. “All I am sure of is that I just want the comfort of my boyfriends during a picnic,” you smiled softly, feeling slightly undone by the kiss you just instigated. Oh, how you had longed for that, “Okay?” 
So, you went out together. The sun shined on you and you could feel how it was energizing you. The blanket was laid down, the food spread out, and most importantly, you were sitting between your boyfriends for the first time in a long while. 
Between the strawberries, hand holding and cuddles you finally felt at ease. You were glad that neither of your boyfriends pressed the matter of your well-being, even if you found them staring at you a little more than usual. But it was nice, conversation flowed freely. 
“How have the troglodytes been?” you asked, and Nico perked up. “They’re adjusting really well!” Nico probably was unaware that he was smiling. He tended to look younger when he got excited, and he truly did love the troglodytes, “They had been sad about losing some of the hats but have found ways that even I don’t know yet to get new hats.” “That’s cute.” Will said, although you knew he had had some reservations considering the troglodyte business- mostly because he didn’t like how Nico somehow always seemed paler whenever he came back from visiting them, as if Nico didn’t take good care of himself when he went to them. “It truly is,” Nico hummed, “maybe we could visit them someday.” you could see that he was excited for the prospect. “Maybe,” Will said and you hit him lightly on his arm. “I would love to, Nico.” you told him, and Nico nodded, a little less excited at Will’s answer. 
Eventually the sun started shining a little less, and you knew the day was coming to an end, feeling dread form as you were packing up. You kissed your boyfriends, before each of you went to your respective tables at the dining hall. Nico had said he still had to fix something with the troglodytes, one of the last things he promised. Will had offered to sit together at the campfire with you today, but you truly did feel tired. You couldn’t pinpoint why, so you excused yourself quickly, brushing off Will’s worried inquiries, before going to your cabin, laying in your bed. Today was fun, and good, yet you still felt like sobbing. Tears were already forming as you simply thought about the fun times you had during the day, the soft kisses and how your boyfriends looked at you. Gods, you loved them so much, but why were you crying? If today was good, why wouldn’t it fix whatever made you feel like this? Why, why, why?
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mommycity · 10 months
Gojo and Geto are Complainers
All Gojo and Geto ever seem to do is complain these days. They whine about everything you do when it doesn’t comply with their every need. They just lack the concept that getting everything you want in life is not possible, so they make it a you problem. This certain predicament is new though, never have you thought you’d have two special grade sorcerers moaning for you over the phone.
The phone is propped up on a pillow. The image on the screen is as clear as day: Satoru riding Suguru’s hard dick. These two were often complainers, they’d call and bitch and moan for you to come over or so you can have sex. Sometimes one would call when the other was too busy for sex. But never this. Suguru looks so destroyed, hair sprawled across his back and shoulders, his eyes are shut and he’s riddled with Satoru’s signature lip gloss. The realization of the situation sets in quickly when you hear the white hair man moan so loudly,” We miss so much, don’t we Sugubaby?”, before slamming his hips on his cock. You can only peer over at Suguru’s weeping form before his broken voice croaks,”Miss you sooo much haah fuck- miss how you touch us”. Satoru smiles slicks a smug smile before hanging up the phone.
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Floyd Leech on roller skates (cue panic)
Can you hear that ? that's the sound of chaos and pain coming from the guppies, that's the sound of Riddles sanity snapping, that's the sound of two maniacal eels laughing as they catch you.
How on earth twisted wonderland did this start you think as you hear Adeuce narrate how they ran for their life, the sound of skates gave them PTSD now, and the rest of the first years weren't fairing too well either.
However, nothing happened to you, not that you wanted anything to happen thank you very much, you've had enough of the tweels to last a life time ( or so you think ).
The next day, you slip into the library for some quiet study time the first years' whining still grating at your ears , with your guard down, ( big mistake).
time passes and the dinner bell sounds, you hear a sound in the distance as you pack up.
" Prefect!"
Your soul leaves this plane of existence.
" Hold it right there ya guppies!!"
"No! I'm to young to die! ack!" Ace was down, Deuce ,Jack and Sebek were the only ones left standing now, up against the menacing form of a grinning Floyd Leech. Where are you when they need you, huh!
" Silly little shrimpy! you shouldn't run from me"
" Running won't do you any good angle fish"
You shouldn't have yawned in front of them.
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dreamer-after-dark · 1 year
Human!Wally Darling/Gender Neutral Y/N
They share a very sensual cuddle session together. Reader is chubby.
Comfort/Praise, kissing, touching, light biting, eye contact. Just a lot of foreplay.
Word count: 1,490
Bugs clamored in the quiet evening wanting to be heard above the rest. Cars drove through the streets down below with the sounds of excitable music fading away with them. The cloudy sky deepened in color as the minutes passed by. You watched with lazy fascination as the sun's rays dripped down the walls. The soft color filled the room, coating everything it could touch with its glow. 
Wally had made himself comfortable with his head resting against your chest. His body nestled comfortably between your legs. You were breathing easy as the intense colors faded away from view leaving only the light from a plug-in. Wally insisted on listening to your heart beat. He said it was amazing the way it sped up or slowed down. His finger tapped against your wrist as he kept time. 
Wally sighed as the tapping changed to him drawing circles against your wrist. His nail dragged but never caught your skin. The circles were small in size looping over and over again in the same spot. As light as his touch was, you couldn't help but find it distracting. Your body twitched and tensed as it adjusted itself under the new sensation. Wally smiled as he nuzzled against your chest gently pushing against your jaw to press closer to your body. 
His tracing broke, leading his touch downward so that he could part your fingers and fill the spaces with his own, "How was your day today, sweetest?" 
"My day was.. It was a day," your hand in his felt warm, "And yours, honeycrisp?" 
"It was a day," he repeated with a giggle, "I'm glad to be here with you." 
"There's nowhere else I'd like to be." You mumbled in agreement. 
He pulled you closer, his breathing hitched a bit. Silence followed as Wally teased his touch along your hand. His pointer rose and fell along the expanse of your sensitive palm. He would be sure to keep his ear right above your heart so as to never miss a beat. 
Every passing of his touch on your skin undid the tension and restraints of the already fading day. It eased you into his presence, into these four walls. The outside was worlds away. Your hand rests at your side where he continues to feel along your wrist and palm, the other moved up to feel the thick strands of his undone hair. You ran your hand through letting them pass and fall at the pull of their own weight. Wally practically purred at the feeling. 
His hand moved away from you momentarily. You made a small sound of displeasure, but gasped when his hand came to rest fully on your hip. Your heart rate jumped as your body tensed at the sudden change. 
His hand gripped around your waist ever so slightly as he applied a calming pressure, "Your heart started beating a little faster… Is it because of me?" 
You couldn't suppress an embarrassed smile, "Maybe a little bit." 
Wally playfully scolded you, "Are you getting nervous?" 
You were going to respond, but Wally held your hip a little tighter. He turned his head a bit so that his lips pressed against your neck. Even like this he could feel your heart pick up again. You ate your words, not that you remembered what they were. His breath tickled against your skin as his lips grazed ever so slightly against your exposed neck. 
"You're so soft." He whispered against your skin. He spent a few seconds like this before laying his head back down on your chest. You felt him smile as he tapped his pointer against your thigh keeping in time with your heart. You released the breath you held in. Wally had a way of getting under your skin and you were sure you enjoyed it. 
Wally moved his hand lower to your outer thigh. He gently lifted your shorts up and let them bunch around your hip. You felt him tense as he discovered you weren't wearing underwear. Your heart rate sped, but neither of you said anything. 
Instead, the pads of his fingers gently pulled against your skin until you felt his nails pressing close. His fingers curled letting them scrape ever so slightly against your thigh. As his fingers extended, his smooth nails gilded along your flesh until the tips of his nails dragged against it. He continued this repetitive motion for a bit moving ever so slightly to tease his touch underneath the bunched shorts. 
"How are you feeling, sweetness?" He asked, voice filled with his need to know.
"I'm feeling good." You spread your fingers watching each strand of his hair part.
You felt him smile against you. His touching stopped and your eyes opened. Wally's face was right above yours with his arms on either side of your head. He had one leg between your thighs as he kept you pinned below him. His hair tickled the side of your face, but you gently played with the ends as you stared up at him.
His eyes were half-lidded and he had a small, but pleased smile on his face. His brown skin glowed from within wherever the orange night light shined on him. He looked otherworldly on top of you like this. You stared wide-eyed and entranced, this look of yours was not lost to him. His smile grew wider as his eyes creased. You were practically stupefied beneath him from touch alone. His eyes held yours and you struggled to look away for long. 
He pressed a kiss to your forehead as one of his hands came up to cup your face. His thumb grazed your cheek and jaw as he kissed along your hairline. He turned your head to the side as his lips trailed lower to your ear where he only giggled when your thighs squeezed around his. Leaving your ear alone, he kissed your cheek instead. His kisses lasted a bit longer as he moved closer to the side of your lips. He pulled away to admire the blush that tinted your skin now. 
Your hands were holding onto his wrist. One circled around it squeezing and rubbing. The other was holding his hand in place as you nuzzled against his palm. Your eyes remained shut as he watched you kiss it. Everything you did made him feel overjoyed with your presence. 
He leaned close to your ear, "You taste so sweet." 
Wally made you face him. Your eyes fluttered open, dreamy and dazed. He smiled as he watched you. Your eyes shut as he leaned down. His lips molded around yours. His lips were a bit chapped as they brushed against your smooth ones. His tongue flicked against your bottom lip whenever he pulled away before leaning back in to savor your taste. 
"I want to touch you more." Such simple words excite you. Wally was staring into your eyes as his hands held your hips. He squeezed as his hands rubbed up bunching your shorts a bit more. His fingers caught your shirt and lifted them up as his palms pressed flat against your stomach and up towards your waist. 
You stare into your eyes letting him watch how he affects you. You smile when he does, but flinch when his hands stop leaving your shirt pulled up and out of the way. His eyes leave your face to gaze at your exposed stomach. His hand rubs up and down your waist. You can feel him breathing when he leans down. Wally wastes no time as he kisses your stomach. He picks random spots to press his lips against and each one makes you tense. 
"It's only me, only Wally." He says to you hoping to calm your nerves. His eyes looked away from your face once you started to relax. Your breathing evened out as he continued to kiss your stomach. He grew bold as he licked along your ribs. His tongue pressed flat as it glided, the tip of his tongue flicked as he pulled away. 
Wally squeezed a bit of fat around your belly button, "So warm, so squishy." 
He bent down to kiss the tender spot, licking up the sheer coating of sweat budding up. He licked the same spot as he held you by your waist squeezing ever so slightly. After a moment he stopped to check on your reaction so far. Pleased to see you blushing with a dopey smile, he leaned back down and bit at the spot he was focusing on. 
Your breath hitched as the bit molded around his sharp teeth letting you feel everyone. Your body twisted in response, but Wally held you still. His teeth released your skin leaving behind subtle teeth marks and a throbbing that was spreading all around yourself. Wally had made his way back up to be face to face with you, he smiled as he held you close against him.
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gag-me-munson · 1 year
Eddie is the type to hold you so close when you have a meltdown or breakdown mentally. Whether it was from terrible trauma or a horrid background, Eddie is there to hug and squeeze you tightly, brush away your tears and never let go until you've calmed.
He takes great pride in knowing when you're getting worse again, or when something triggers you so he can be right by your side.
"I'm here now." he'd whisper into your ear as he rocks you back and forth, holding you ever so close. "Not them. Me. I'm here and I won't let anyone hurt you, ever again."
And for once, even for the briefest of moments, things are calm and you feel safe.
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❛ you’re as beautiful as the day i lost you. ❜ with Cross?
Also your writing is really good and I really enjoy reading your stories!
I dunno what you were expecting, but I don't think that this is it! Haha -w-' but I had a lot of fun writing it! I like the twist.
It's like a friends to enemies to maybe future lovers? Who knows >w>
Cross and Y/N knew each other while they were working for Nightmare. They didn't get along very much at first, though that was more because Cross didn't want to get along with anyone there, but after a while, they became closer—maybe even friends! Cross felt weirdly drawn to them. Maybe because they weren't just another Sans? They were someone completely different! It was kind of nice, in a weird way. They spoke often, and it was one of the few times in that place that Cross felt safe.
But, as expected, nice things didn't last forever. He left Nightmare's group and went to join Dream along with the others. He left Y/N behind as they said, "I work for Nightmare... if your loyalty is so thin, then maybe it's best for us to not be friends anymore." And they left. It hurt his heart. Dream told him that Y/N would come around and they would both get someone they cared about back. Cross had a feeling he knew what Dream meant, but he didn't want to admit that he knew.
Did he care about Y/N more than just as a friend? He didn't know. He didn't want to think about the other case, as if he did, he would have to admit that he had a crush on someone and that someone left him... more he left them. It hurt his soul and his heart to admit that that was something he did.
It had been a few months since Cross joined Dream's group, and he felt much better. It felt like everything was going to get better by the end of this! Even the others trusted him more than he expected. Dream was the one that trusted him the most, and Blueberry often liked to spar with him! Cross helped Ink and Dream realize that Blueberry needed to take more breaks... he was overworking himself greatly. Blueberry tried to argue, but Cross knew that he was right. Dumb dumb.
Today there was another fight against Nightmare and his group. Dream and Nightmare were going against each other while Blueberry was handling Axe. And Cross was helping Ink with Dusty and Killer. Cross noticed that Killer was paying a lot of special attention to him; mad about the broken arm before, aren't you? Ha! He'll do worse than that! Killer got Cross away from the fight and jumped back, landing on a branch of a tree.
"What are you doing?" Cross snapped, holding up his blades; his sockets narrowed. What was Killer doing? He starts to laugh, shaking his head. "Why are you laughing?!" He added more venom to his voice. Was this a joke to him or something? Killer never took anything seriously! He hated it.
Killer leans against the tree, looking down at him, and tosses one of his knives up and down, catching it each time. "You really have no idea that I'm not the one who wanted to fight you this time, do you?" Killer catches the knife and turns to look down at him, resting his hands on his cocked hips. "You let me lead you away from the battle, dude. Those goodies are making you rusty. Nightmare would have never allowed you to do something so stupid." Cross growls in annoyance, and when Killer jumps off the branches, running back towards where the sounds of fighting were coming from, Cross tries to run after him, but a new voice makes him freeze.
"You’re as beautiful as the day I lost you."
Cross slowly turns his head to see the shape of a familiar person. It was Y/N standing. The moon glowing down on them made them look almost angelic, if it wasn't for the heated glare on their face. Their eyes were hard like stone, and it felt like his boots were glued to the ground under him. Crap... he realized what Killer did. Y/N wanted to fight him themselves, didn't they?
He got his answer when they raced towards him, and he had to block their hit. He was going to have to fight his old friend.
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agender-wolfie · 1 year
I’ve noticed something
Fem reader fics: ✨💖Romance, lovey dovey, smut, 💖❤️
Gender neutral reader fics: 😢 Angst, sadness, mean reader, sterile, platonic 💀 ☠️
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wordsbymae · 1 year
"They ain't lap dogs you know, they're working dogs and you spoil em too much" but mousey is for sure his lap dog lmao
so now farmer finally has them. what now? would he propose, not like in the the other AU when he is older? or would he just start going around the town telling people about his little wife/husband/spouse? because, what is little mouse supposed to do? they just can't say no to the only person that is so nice to them, the only person that takes care and protect them (or so the farmer say). mousey must return the favour.
I literally was going to answer about an hour ago but got completely distracted by making a mood board for the farmer's two dogs cause you reminded me of them. whoops!
Oh for sure!!!! He doesn't need his boys to be his lap dogs when he has the prettiest thing all to himself.
There is no way on God's green earth he will ever actually propose. Don't get me wrong, he wants nothing more than to marry his little mouse and put a ring on it. But actually courting them? Actually having to be vulnerable and open himself up to rejection?
Never ever going to happen.
I can see this going really two ways, there is a third secret option but that's for later.
The first way is he just starts acting like you're married. Tells everyone in town he can't stay too long or the missus/ his partner will be getting worried. Gushes about your cooking to anyone who will listen makes it clear that he's got a sweet little thing waiting all for him back at home. Carries a Polaroid picture of you hugging Pancho, with a big wide smile and while Lefty sooks in the corner. He'll show it off whenever he has the chance, talking about you and your boys.
Those who watched you two that day at the farmers' market just nod their heads with smiles and wish him all the best. He probably starts even wearing a plain gold band. Proud to show it off.
Meanwhile, the reader is confused when the very rare times they leave the farm everyone wishes them congratulations (and asks if any kids will be coming).
Mouse brings it up to the farmer and tells them they don't want people getting the wrong idea. They're just friends. The farmer just laughs at this.
"It's a bit too late to stop them from getting the wrong idea Mouse"
He practically gaslights them, I mean what's the big problem? Who cares if a few town folks think they got hitched. They are living together. You do act like a homemaker. You can't blame anyone for thinking you two had been married for years. The only thing stopping you two from actually being seen as truly married is the lack of a ring on your finger and you not being in his bed.
And would it really be so bad? Being his?
He's been so good to you. So kind. Like how a real husband would act. He looks after you and protects you. Buys you the prettiest things and asks nothing in return.
But now he is. Now he's asking for payment. Be his little homemaker in law as well and he'll take care of you like he always has.
You can't say no. You quit your job when your cottage burned down, just as the farmer told you to.
"I'll look after you mouse. Until you get back on your feet of course"
No one is hiring in town and even if you did get a job you wouldn't be able to buy or even rent a house. There was nowhere to go. There was taking the chance on living on the streets but wouldn't it just be easier to just say yes?
He was kinda right. You've already practically been his stay-at-home sweetheart, how bad would it be if you put a ring on your finger. This is everything you've ever wanted. To be his pretty spouse, him all to yourself.
So why did it feel so wrong?
The second is mostly fem reader but he would not be against baby trapping. If for even one moment he thought you would say no to being his wife, he would resort to baby trapping. I always view this fic set in the 60s or 70s (maybe even 50s) so there would be no way you could leave him with a babe in your belly. You would have no husband and no support. So of course you don't really have a choice. You're already on thin ice living with a single man, but that was something you could cover by explaining why. But a baby? That can't be hidden, can't be explained away. So as soon as you knew, the farmer would have a priest ready and waiting.
Tag list: @floraroselaughter
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| Shelfs | Howdy pillar x gn!Reader | really short fanfic |
(Welcome home arg x reader)
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You open the door into Howdys store, a small ding coming from the bell on the door. You look around the store as the Array of fruits,vegetables,furniture,plants and pots,glitter, and all sorts of nick-nacks. you pull out a piece of paper with a list of things you needed for your home from your pocket, you silently go around the store. Looking for the things you needed. you turn to the next aisle, seeing howdy stacking shelves, he turns towards you. "Oh hey sweetie, you need help finding somethin?" He puts the last items on the shelf, slowly walking over to you. You nod, showing him the list. "Oh that's in the aisle over" He lightly smiles at you, you smile back. You turn around and go into the next aisle, howdy walking over to the counter. You look around the aisle for a bit before finding what you needed on a high shelf. You struggle to get it even when your feet were barely on the ground, you try to jump afew times with it still not working. You silently walk over to howdy, "anything I can help you with?" He asks with smile on his face, you explain the situation as he gets up and walks into the aisle you were just in. You quickly follow him and show the shelf. He silently puts his hands around your waist, lifting you up to the items you needed. You turn your head to him confused and maybe flustered he smiles at you, you turn back to the items you need. Silently taking them in your arms, as howdy slowly puts you down.
You quickly walk over to the register as howdy follows behind you. "Hm..done shopping for today?" He smiles gently, you nod as you put the things on the counter. Howdy gets a small bag from under the counter. "On the house" he puts the items in the bag as his smile grows. You grab the bag, and quietly walk out. You should probably go more often. He waves at you while you leave the store.
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