#motherfuck the media
labratboygirl · 11 months
creator of media i like:: ((says that certain aspects of their characters can pretty much be up to the viewer))
me every single fucking time without fail::
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medusas-daughter · 1 year
Eric Kripke watched incels completely miss the point and fawn over Homelander, so he dressed Alexander Calvert in full Homelander stan gear and proceeded to hit him in the balls, explode his dick, and who knows what the fuck else just to make his feelings clear. And I respect that.
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i-hear-a-sound · 1 year
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hand in unlovable hand
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luciferslatte · 1 day
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radioapple except lucifer has a nose today
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catgirlwarrior · 2 years
this is a fucking long shot but if anyone on here was active from 2013-2017 when the site shut down on missliterati.com and remembers a story called (iirc) something like "experiment 326" or something, about a group of teens who were held in captivity by a doctor in the basement of his off grid cabin and turned into were-tigers and then escaped please for the love of god DM me i am trying to find that story.
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nico-di-genova · 4 months
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POV: You are Lance Stroll in A Lesson in Braking, and your camera role is maxed out because you’re best friends with a photogenic social butterfly.
The photo Lance uses as Pato’s contact:
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dorothywonderland · 18 days
*arrives carrying a bindle pretending I didn’t abandon my tumblr for the past 4 years or so* so guys, have y’all heard what happened to twitter in Brasil?
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wildshadowtamer · 7 months
its wild watching a movie, coming to the credits, and going "that was a good movie with a very clear and concise message" and then going online and seeing people who got the complete opposite message. like, where did you get that from??
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knowlesian · 1 year
modern media criticism and the strange inability to say ‘this piece of media accomplished what it set out to do, but i did not want or like that so it wasn’t for me’ instead of ‘it was bad’ is gonna drive me off the proverbial cliff one day
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somethingformyself · 3 months
These are Vampires!!! Why the fuck are ya'll acting like this. Bitching and crying about liking 1 bad guy over the other? Why does it matter?! Who cares if Armand erased Louis memories! Louis is a fucking seriel killer! They are all bad people with trauma who take it out on each other. Stop trying to find a "good guy" in a story told by monsters. Also I'm getting really fucking tired of ya'll bringing that babygirl shit into a relationship with two grown ass men, you bitches are weird.
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rainbowpopeworld · 10 months
I know this is a bit unhinged, but I keep looking at Michael Sheen’s Twitter and feeling like Crowley watching Aziraphale getting into that damn elevator.
Like, when are you coming back? Are you coming back? What are you going to say when you do? 😭😭😓😩😔🕶️
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finitevariety · 2 years
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oh my bad ure a wfa recruit no wonder
so no one that has read the wayne family adventures or red hood outlaws or zatanna and the ripper webcomics are allowed to be interested enough to start reading the comics and gain a better understanding of the characters?
so no one who watched the dark knight trilogy is allowed to read actual batman comics and learn that he is nothing like that?
so now one who watched any CW DC show can see how developed the characters really are, and there there’s more to them than their soap opera lives?
so people who watched any of the animated series can’t continue to enjoy their favourite characters through a medium that allows for so much more than 20 minute episodes?
this line of ‘you didn’t start as a comic fan so you aren’t a real fan’ is so toxic. fandoms grow and evolve because new people join, that’s how it has always been, and you’re logic sounds like ‘6 year old’ logic
the web comics may not be comic accurate, but they aren’t trying to be. they are snippets that get people interested and allow for them to easily fall in love with the characters
and fyi person who was too much of a wuss to actually own up to their opinion that the rest of the world doesn’t need to hear
i’m not a wayne family adventures recruit
i’m a fanfic recruit
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taikk0 · 1 year
Style confession where it's in character for the show where it's the gayest shit ever with no hint of "they're just homies" but performed under the worst unpredictable tangentially confusing and horrible circumstances ever for the whole entire world to see and in a situation where Stan and Kyle and their relationship are completely exposed to everyone on the planet and it was a terrible experience for them but it resolves an unrelated B plot that's actually been pushing the A plot since the beginning and it ends positively for everyone else. None of it is because of the Style confession, it was only because of the domino effect it did in the B plot. The fact that it was Style was not important whatsoever and Stan and Kyle never talk about it ever again. I want people to HAVE to cut out bits of information regarding the confession. I want it to be ridiculous and stupid in context but still meaningful on its own enough for people to make ship edits of it out of context.
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Person A: “This is the thing that has you all so worked up? Ridiculous.”
Person B: “Hmm... It does have quite a strange energy to it though. Do you happen to know where it came from?”
Person C: “Would you believe me if I said, it fell from the sky?”
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b0ylik3r · 5 months
rant about dib and him being white-passing in the show (while still being mexican) under the cut
#breakingmysilence i actually like that dib is pasty and mexican at the same time (in the series). i like that if you look at him you will literally never guess that he has any bit of culture in him. i like that he's whiter than snow at first glance. and i like that he's still mexican nonetheless. because people like that exist, i look white but that's because im mixed, my dad was puerto rican with the features and everything. he tried to get me more into our culture but my mom's side of the family wouldn't let him. thats off topic but you get it. ive gotten into arguments with people over my skin because i told them i was puerto rican and they thought i was rcta or some bullshit. they thought i was literally lying. that's what i thought when i heard that dib was mexican. until i thought about it more and i was like "oh. thats how people feel about me. im enforcing stereotypes that people have to look their race to be their race" and i accepted it immediately. because we don't, we don't have to look our race to have the privilege of identifying with it, we don't have to grow up in a household that's stereotypically assigned to our race to say that we are that race, we can't control that. it's not about that. its about our genetics and that is it. if you're half black, you can say you're black. if you're chinese you can say you're chinese. even if you dont have those features you still are. it doesn't matter what you look like. i feel like we don't get that enough in media, which is why i like that dib looks white so much.
tldr: we don't choose our features or our skin tones, just because somebody LOOKS white doesn't mean they are and i like that we get that with dib.
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