#my boys came out for a good time and honestly they're feeling so attacked right now
rhetoricalrogue · 2 years
Assigning OCs a Love Language
Tagged by @chuckhansen to do this uquiz, thank you!
Tagging: Whoever would like to join in!
Rolfe Trevelyan
an undoing influence
Can someone tell you what to do? You have been carrying so much love within you for so long it is starting to turn into anger (why does it matter, all you see is red anyways) and you have been dragging this body through each day and every night you are split open on your bed and it is so so so lonely. If someone were to walk in while you were on your bed that way and they stitched you back in a new way, lining the seams with their love and kisses, you’d probably find this dreary world a little more bearable. You want someone to turn you over and over until you look in the mirror and see yourself looking back at yourself with a gentleness which has been lacking in you since forever.
Vincent Trevelyan
a knife called grief
You have left your house, you have left those people behind, but what are you going to do about the memories which have taken root in you? You can run but not without them. You want someone to sit with you on this cool marble floor while the sun burns everything. You want them to cut your rotten heart and theirs too. You want to sit with it in front of you, let them see you with all your flaws, which haven’t been your fault but you have been made to believe so, and you want them to love you anyways. Because you know you’d do that for them.
Paxton Rivera
a story that ends in blood
The world has always been unkind, and when you have turned to yourself for comfort you have come face to face with an empty pit which seems to be laughing. You don’t care if it kills you but once you find someone whom you love and who loves you back, you will make sure nothing happens to them. They are yours. You will make a tear in this world and create a new place for you and your love if it comes to that. Because it has always been about love, and it is how it always ends.
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factorialsotherfandoms · 10 months
TW: Unreality, major character injury, poor medical technique (and IC they know they're not getting it quite right too), panic attacks, brief vomitting
Maybe a bit long for tumblr, but eh, you'll live, and I'll upload it eventually.
Theoretically safe in his room, FitMC is awoken by the sound of his warpstone activating. He sits, and reaches for a knife, and feels Pac sleepily grasp for him as he disturbs the man's sleep.
"Pac," he keeps his voice as quiet as possible. "Let go. Someone's here."
Pac does not wake as cleanly as Fit, but still grips the knife passed to him, hiding it under the blanket and still pretending to be asleep.
Whomever came takes a while to find them, but eventually there is a knock on his bedroom door; Fit grips his sword, wishes he'd realised he had time to dress and put armour on, and calls "come in!"
Two small figures run into the room, and he tucks the sword away - keeps it close, just in case these are imposters again, but tucks it away.
"Tallulah?" Pac has noticed them too, sitting up as soon as he does and opening his arms. "Chayanne? What's wrong?"
Tallulah runs over and hides in Pac's arms before pulling out a sign; Chayanne gets straight onto writing his. Neither child has their hat or their backpack, and there's the slight glow of a potion over both of them.
'/Something's wrong with dad/' Chayanne writes, then pulls out another sign.
'/Papa says the house is on fire. It's not/' Tallulah writes.
Right. Fuck. Another message? After the last one... Fit's genuinely concerned. He believes well enough that the messages are real, but he worries about the doubt they cast into Philza's mind - and also what something like that contacting his friend could possibly mean.
'/He said find you/' Chayanne's second sign reads. '/Will you help him?/'
'/He was scared/' Tallulah adds. '/Tios, papa is so scared/'
Fit and Pac share a look. Pac nods, and Fit wishes he were telepathic and so could send his roommate an apology for the disturbed night.
"Why don't I go help him out?" Fit offers. "I'll go look after him and have a chat. Pac can look after you two."
"A sleepover!" Pac's grin at them both is strained, but Fit doubts the children notice. "Let's go to my home and eat all the chocolate, yes? Chayanne, do you want to make a cake for your papa?"
Fewer people know of Ilha Chume Labs than Fit's hole in the ground, and even if he means Chume Labs proper the warren of labs will keep them safe.
The kids are still hesitant to agree; Fit smiles at them too, and nods, "your little secret. I know Phil says no snacks after bedtime, but he left you in my care and I say you can."
It doesn't really win them over; Chayanne puts down another sign '/you promise to help dad?/'
Fit makes eye contact with the boy, deadly serious, "everything I can. I promise."
'/you leave first/'
Fit doesn't know if Philza trusts Pac with his children, but Fit trusts him, and honestly they're the least of his concerns. The old crow thinking himself trapped in a burning house - why the hell didn't he leave with the kids - is far more of his worry. Is it the Ender King again? Or some other fucked up entity contacting him in the most bullshit way possible?
"Alright," he says, and grabs his warpstone and a shirt. "Be good for Pac, okay?"
"They're sweet," Pac promises. "They'll be good."
Fit knows that’s a lie, but Pac wrangles Richas well enough, so surely he can manage Philza's kids.
He trusts his faith, and worries for a friend, and warps away.
Phil and Missa is quiet, and still, and just as calm as it always is. The moonlight reflects on the glass, and it looks nothing like a house that two children might have fled from. Nothing at all seems wrong, but nothing ever does seem wrong; Fit knows better than to take it at face value.
He’s already opened the hatch before he remembers just how jumpy his friend is, and calls out a loud “oi, Phil!”
He’s already in the main room by the time he hears a reply, glancing between the three options as he fails to choose one.
“Kitchen,” Philza’s voice is quiet, broken, strained as though speaking on an over-strained throat. “Be-” a cough “be careful!”
Careful of what? Tallulah said he thought the house was on fire, so… It’s a waste of resources, but Fit splashes himself with a fire resistance potion anyway. Just so he can tell Philza he’s safe, and not have to lie about any follow up questions.
Depends how bad the vision is, really.
Because Fit is pretty sure they are visions, not hallucinations. It’s just the after-effects on his old friend’s mental health are worse for it.
The kitchen is the door to the left. When Fit steps in, he makes a show of checking it. Everything is normal - down to and including the pot on the stove - except for Philza himself. Still in his pyjamas, stood with his back to the wall. He looked like he was reading something, but glances over his shoulder as soon as he hears Fit approach.
There’s nothing in his hands, not that Fit can see, but they still hover like they’re holding up a book.
His eyes are shot wide open, so wide it goes past terror to border on head injury. His breathing, too, is fucked - Fit can see him panting - but that’s a panic attack for you.
“You good?” Fit asks someone who very, very obviously isn’t. “I was worried, so I asked Pac to watch the kids. Chayanne and Tallulah said something was wrong…?”
It looks like Philza is about to reply, but then he starts coughing. Fit gives him a moment, but it keeps going. His body shudders, gasping for air between coughs as he slumps against the wall.
It’s fucking terrifying; Fit runs forwards before he knows what to say, only stopping himself once Philza manages to catch his breath, and Fit remembers what a fucking terrible idea it is to charge someone whose brain is trapped outside reality.
So he slows to a stop, and brings up his hands.
“Easy, easy,” Fit drops his voice lower, trying to project calm he absolutely does not feel. “What can you see, Phil? Because whoever’s talking to you, they’re not talking to me.”
“Not- ah- not talking?” Philza takes a deep, sharp breath - gasping again. His voice is shaking, distant, so quiet Fit has to strain to hear it even over the silence. “Fire. It’s- It’s fucking… hell in here. Lava. Netherrack. Soul- Soul sand. The whole- whole lot, Fit, the whole damned lot.”
The Nether? Shit. Nobody likes the Nether, so no wonder Phil is panicking so hard he’s choking himself. Fit eases himself forward a little more, trying not to scare his friend more than he’s already terrified.
“What else?” he asks.
It’s not exactly grounding when Philza is seeing another reality, but it’s the only thing Fit knows how to try.
“Book, blackstone, blaze rod, quartress.”
That train of words is said much more clearly, more certainly, but still sounding called from a much greater distance than is between them. Fit can hear the panicked tears threatening to spill over with every word, and his heart fucking breaks.
Gentle, gentle, do his best to help. Fit’s not a gentle person by nature, but if his friends need him he’s going to try.
“Hey, hey look at me,” he orders, trying to be kind but knowing he’s a bit sharper than usual. What can he do to break the tension? Flirt? Flirting always goes down a treat. “See this sexy bald head of mine? I’m not going to let any Ender King hurt you /or/ your kids.”
Fit isn’t exactly sure how he could stop anything with such a name, but he’d certainly try. 
Then Philza says something. It’s so quiet and broken up he can barely hear it, his breathing growing faster and more desperate as he does.
It takes Fit a moment to parse the words - “not him. Blaze Em-press. His enemy.”
“That’s why she set your house on fire? Pissed he got you first?”
It’s the only sense he can make of the enemy of someone Philza is so fucking terrified of making him think he and his house are burning.
“A friend,” Philza says, and begins coughing again. “She’s- a… friend. But’s she’s- … Also the Nether… You know? I-I think- Fuck, my head hurts.”
No bet.
Philza coughs again, spit hitting the floor. At first Fit thinks nothing of it, then he notices the discolouration - not black, not fully black, but slightly speckled with it.
Shit. The coughing isn’t because he panicked himself into not breathing right. The vision… The vision isn’t a hallucination, and it isn’t just a vision, because whatever Philza’s brain can do it can’t fucking fake smoke in his lungs.
Smoke that as far as Fit can tell /does not exist/.
“Not really,” he answers, shaky himself now but needing to reply to the ‘you know’. He has friends, yeah, but if they set his house on fire and tried to kill him by smoke inhalation they wouldn’t be soon. “Let’s get you out of here, and grab some water.”
And once Philza is away from the smoke, get him to Pac and hope the engineer has fucked around in the lab enough to know what to do, because this is far beyond Fit’s abilities to treat.
Philza doens’t reply; Fit closes the rest of the distance. He kneels down infront of his friend, touching his shoulder and trying to assess his condition - no burns on his face, at least. From what Fit remembers, burns on your face mean you’re extremely fucked.
The touch at least seems to break Philza’s trance a little; he reaches out and touches Fit’s shoulders too, using them to lever himself up. Having realised his friend is legitimately and physically hurt, Fit keeps his hands near.
Just in case.
“I’m sorry,” it seems hard for Philza to breathe, and harder still for him to talk. “I must look… I’m sorry.”
He’s back to himself a little, then, but it’s still awful words he says.
“You’re scared,” Fit says, and he’s terrified too - he’s just forcing his breaths steady, his heart calm, and accepting the fact he’ll have nightmares about this day for months. “It’s fucking scary, just thinking about the idea. Entities from elsewhere lasering shit into your brain? Making you think your house is on fire? No thanks.”
Philza laughs, and it’s blissfully familiar for a second.
Then the coughing starts again.
Philza borderline collapses, his body unable to take the force of the coughs. Fit grabs him, keeping him from the floor. He helps him bend a bit better and rubs at his back. That’s what you do to help someone stop coughing, right? Rub their back?
Fuck, he’s so out of his depth right now.
“Easy, easy,” he tries. “Let’s just get out of here. We can talk outside.”
Under Fit’s guidance, Philza manages to walk. It’s slow going, and Fit has at least half of his weight, but he manages. It’s not far to outside, at least; the bunker is big for a bunker, but it’s still no labyrinth.
And then Philze drops from his hold.
Fit doesn’t even know what happens. One moment they’re walking, the next Philza is on - in - the floor. He has no way to comprehend it, his entire mind fucking straining to compute seeing both the wooden floor and Philza /inside/ it at once.
And Philza is screaming in agony. Agony, agony, fuck Fit doesn’t think he’s ever heard him scream like that before.
He doesn’t - he doesn’t know what to do.
So he grabs Philza and yanks him up. The floor gives him up easily, and Fit scroops him into his arms.
There’s burns, there’s so many burns - every bit of Philza that was below the floorline - thank fuck not his chest or his head, the survalist managing to catch himself like so many times before - is burnt. His hands, his feet, lower arms, most of his legs…
“I’ve got you, I’ve got you,” Fit tries to reassure.
He doesn’t worry about taking it slowly or about stopping the injuries getting knocked - what Philza needs is out, and away, and he knows Pac has shit for burns they’ve just got to get there.
But first, cold water. Chume Labs is huge, and Chayanne’s paddling pool is a quicker walk.
And every step of the way, Philza screams and sobs and chokes on his throat.
He keeps up the promises of it’ll be okay, trying desperately to soothe at least one of the three. He carries Philza outside. It’s not glamorous or comfortable, but they get there. They get there, they fucking get there.
Fit as good as dumps Philza in the paddling pool, making sure the burns are covered by water. There’s a shudder in the screams, and the sobs start winning; with one hand he rubs Philza’s back, still awkwardly promising his presence, while with the other he grabs his communicator.
/You whisper to pactw: Where are you?/
The reply isn’t immediate. He considers texting the injuries, but… maybe best to assess them first. Let Pac know exactly what they’re dealing with, and also make sure Philza is okay with the Brazilian’s help.
Speaking of… Philza has mostly stopped choking.
But he isn’t doing much of anything else.
“Phil?” he asks, keeping his voice low and simple. “Can you hear me, Phil?”
Philza moves up a little, like he’s straightening to answer. He opens his mouth and- and then leans sideways, over some of the nearby flowers.
Fit can only support his back and watch in terror as Philza vomits into the bushes, flecks of sticky black smoke clinging to that too.
He can feel his own hands shaking as he supports his friend, keeping him from getting vomit on his injuries or in the water, and trying to comfort him all the same. It’s horrible, it’s terrifying, but there’s not exactly much he can do.
Hopefully it’s just panic nausea. He hopes to Hausmaster it’s just panic nausea.
After only a little bit the vomit ends, Philza leaning back and being caught against Philza’s chest.
“... Fit?” his voice is even weaker than before.
“Right here, big boy,” Fit tries to keep his reply lighter than his horror. “You with me?”
There’s a shuddering breath, followed by a nod.
Philza could probably do with a potion, but the only one he has is in Fit’s pocket. He didn’t grab his bag or anything before heading over, and he’s regretting it now. But to access it…
“Okay, fuck,” he breathes, clearing his mind with the swearing. “If I let go for a second, can you keep yourself above water?”
There’s a hesitant nod - Fit slowly lets go as Philza adjusts, making sure he is steady before digging through his pockets. The potion is… Somewhere. It won’t fix everything, not for shit this bad, but it’ll help with the shock and any infection risk and take the edge off the pain. Maybe heal some of his throat on the way down, too.
He finds it, and puts it to Philza’s lips. It doesn’t take much effort to convince him to drink, pink liquid going easily down.
When he opens his eyes, Philza looks a little more present, and Fit sighs in relief.
“What happened?” his voice is still quiet and scratched, but more solid than when they first got to the pool.
“Fuck if I know,” and honestly, it’s true. Fit can guess and such, but half of the reason he believes in magic crap so easily is because it constantly happens and he has no idea how to parse it, so may as well just take it at face value. “The lava burns are real, though. There was nothing there, it was like watching… I don’t fucking know, you glitch into the floor? Then you screamed, and there’s lava burns.”
He watches Philza examine his burns. With a worried hand he stops him from taking them from the water, massaging his shoulder with a thumb he can only hope is comforting.
It’s comforting for Fit, at least.
“Can I message Pac about this?” he asks, because fuck he’s out of his depth, and Pac and Mike have dealt with enough lab accidents to know some weird medical areas.
Philza quirks something like an attempted smile, “assumed you’d already told him, mate.”
“Not about this,” Fit hasn’t, either; only asking where Pac is since he left. “But… Look, I can stop the burns killing you, but I can’t treat them properly, and I’m pretty sure your lungs are fucked.”
Confusion crawls across Philza’s face. Fit watches in concern as he raises a hand to his lips, it coming away with some of the discoloured, sticky mucus.
He sees the terror in Philza’s eyes as he glances up to meet them.
“Can we not scare the kids?”
Fit takes that as permission. He opens his comms, to find Pac has already replied.
/pactw whispers to you: at Chume Labs
pactw whispers to you: got Chayanne and Tallulah asleep in Mike’s room
pactw whispers to you: how’s Philza?
you whisper to pactw: not good. You got anything for lava burns and smoke inhalation?/
“Pac says they’re already asleep,” Fit promises, and keeps any wondering about how that happened to himself. “They’re going to notice, but we can just tell them in the morning.”
But at least by then the burns will be covered up and their dad might have his head back.
Philza nods, and Fit returns to his comms.
/pactw whispers to you: the fire was real?
you whisper to pactw: real enough to hurt him, not real enough for me to see
you whisper to pactw: it’s freaking me out, but i know what burns look like
you whisper to pactw: and vomiting up smoke ash/
He looks up from the comms to find Philza’s eyes closed. For a moment his heart stops; “don’t sleep just yet.”
Philza gestures at him in reply, and he isn’t sure what it is, but it’s a sign of life at least.
Something approximating fuck off, he’s sure. Fit turns back to his comms, but keeps a closer eye on his friend.
/pactw whispers to you: bring him here
pactw whispers to you: i’m not a doctor but we have some supplies
pactw whispers to you: will get it set up
pactw whispers to you: or would the order be better?
you whisper to pactw: will ask/
“Okay,” he looks at Philza more critically, assessing the damage for himself. “Pac’s got stuff at Chume Labs, and luckily for us that’s also where he took Chayanne and Tallulah. He can either meet us there, or at the Order.”
“Kids,” Philza immediately replies, and Fit is not the slightest bit surprised.
/you whisper to pactw: we’ll come to you/
“Right,” he glances over Pac’s confirmation, and shuts his communicator away. “Do you think you can manage your warpstone?”
Fit really, really hopes that Philza pulling it out means yes, because he’s not sure how to get him anywhere otherwise.
So he pulls out his own, and warps over there.
When he arrives Chume Labs, Philza is half-collapsed against the waystone, and dripping wet. Neither is unexpected; Fit scoops him back up, and carries him to the turtle. There’s worryingly little reaction, but his eyes are open and blinking normally, and he winces properly when he coughs.
Managing the turtle while carrying someone is a bit awkward, but Fit manages. Just like he usually does. As it makes its way across, Fit texts Pac to let them know they’re there. He expects a message back saying which floor to go to, but instead Pac meets them at the elevator.
“Fit?” he asks first, then. “Phil? Are you okay?”
Philza manages to mumble something which sounds mostly like a hello; the look Fit and Pac share is worried. Fit sits them both down while Pac sets the floor, and the mechanism crawls to life.
“Here, I bought splash potions,” Pac shows them first to Fit, before throwing them on Philza.
Fit gets splashed as well, the tingle running along his skin. Philza’s body relaxes somewhat, his breathing steadying a little.
“Thank you, Pac,” Fit says. “I didn’t have my bag.”
“Did you have anything?” Pac asks, hands trembling as he visually checks them both over.
“Gave him a basic potion just before I messaged you,” Fit replies. “Otherwise… Got him in cold water, but I didn’t know what else.”
Pac nods, shifting between his feet, “we need a real hospital.”
“We need a real doctor,” Fit points out.
Pac can do nothing but agree to that. He’s about to say something else, when the lift arrives.
There’s a bed with some equipment set up on one side, but Pac leads Fit and Philza over to a chair instead. It’s just like the ones Pac constantly leaves around, except red this time. A whole pile of equipment is beside it, and it faces an open door.
One which shows Chayanne, Tallulah, and Richas safely asleep in a little pile.
Fit places Philza on the chair, only able to stand and watch as Pac fits an oxygen mask to his face.
“He should really have,” Pac gestures a bit, frowning as he pulls the elastics properly. “I forget the word. But nobody knows how to do it, so…”
“That bad?” Fit asks.
“There’s not much to do. Makes it really scary,” Pac frowns, hands twitching a little as he pulls them away. “Can you help me? With the burns.”
“Of course. What do you need, Pac?”
Something useful to do is better than any other option. Fit is handed potions and ointments and dressings, and told the order to apply them in. While Pac works on Philza’s legs - the more extensive of the burns, with more of them deeper in what can only have been lava - Fit takes one of his arms.
He’s treated burns before, even extensive ones. Not usually with this many things, but he knows what he’s doing.
When the first of the potions is applied, Philza visibly flinches. His eyes, still wide, flicker between both of them, and then to the door - relaxing noticeably when he spies his sleeping children.
“Sorry it stings,” Pac smiles at Philza, and Fit can see how shaky it is.
“It’s fine, mate,” Philza’s voice is a bit drifty, but the surprise of the treatment seems to have drawn him back. All the way to full sentences, too. “Just means I still have feeling.”
… Fit might understand that sentiment, but he’s not exactly thrilled about it.
“Only you, Phil,” and his voice is more affectionate than he means it to be.
Philza turns and glares at him, and Fit swallows a laugh at how ridiculous he looks.
“You have said that before,” Pac points out, though it takes Fit a moment to realise it’s directed at him. “It /is/ true. Still hurts, though.”
Philza adjusts his position slightly, and Fit concludes that it must be the potions actually working that keeps him so present when he was spaced out so badly before. “Don’t worry, I’ve survived worse.”
Fit thinks of his friend knee-deep in lava, without the right protections, miles from home and alone in the Nether, living in a world where a single death means you’re gone forever.
He shudders, and hates it, and it really is not helping his fear.
“You know that’s not actually reassuring, right?” he tries to joke.
He needs to leave this ointment for a little bit. Fit shifts from working on the right arm to the left.
Philza shrugs in reply, but his throat catches. Pac is already bolting up to help and Fit reaching to support his back by the end of the stuttered breath. Philza manages to avoid the coughing fit, though, taking a few deep breaths of the oxygen and settling his lungs.
Once he has, he says whatever he meant to say. He keeps his voice quiet, and the hoarseness is still apparent, but at least Philza manages to avoid the breaking this time. “I do appreciate the help, guys, but I have fallen in lava and been fine before. Didn’t even have bandages then.”
That statement only serves to make the imagined scenarios worse. Fit tries to glare at his friend, only to soften when he sees just how exhausted the man looks.
He can’t win against his friends. He never has been able to.
“I get it,” Pac replies for him, deft fingers now bandaging Philza’s legs. “We didn’t either. But… It will heal better. Faster, cleaner, less infection risk.”
Fit nods along to Pac’s words, and uses the time to gather himself. Philza’s at least chatting, now; it’s easier to suppress the terror.
“Don’t you want us to care about you, Phil?” Fit reaches over with one hand, squeezing his shoulder like he always does when trying to give comfort. The idea of it actually hurts, now he’s vocalising it. “Are you saying you won’t let us worry? Don’t want us to care?”
They see Philza try to reply. This time, the stuttered breaths do turn into a coughing fit. He pulls the mask up to spit out the mucus, but holds it close, still trying to use that air. It doesn’t stop with one cough, or with two; Pac reaches up from his feet, resting Philza’s head against one shoulder as he loops arms around his back. Fit leans down, rubbing circles and hoping they help.
It keeps going and going, and Fit sees his own terror reflected in Pac’s eyes. He’s about to resort to screaming for Cucurucho when the coughs finally cease, Philza’s body weak and trembling from the exertion.
Gently they ease him back into the chair. Fit fixes the mask back into place, while Pac clearly frets about something in his mind.
Even Philza seems to notice that, his eyes shifting to watch Pac.
It breaks the seal.
“How, ah, bird are you?” Pac clearly doesn’t know if that’s a polite thing to ask, and, honestly, Fit has no idea either. He can only shrug in reply to the unspoken question. “I don’t know crows, but…”
Philza takes another moment or two, chest heaving but at a much slower pace than before, “not sure, sorry, I just live like this.”
The reason why Pac asks suddenly clicks - canaries in a coal mine, but all birds are more vulnerable to smoke than humans. Their respiratory systems just being weaker to it.
At least Fit can reassure that one.
“We’ve run through a fire together before,” he says, skimming over the terror of that event too in his mind. “If he took the smoke worse than me, it wasn’t enough to notice.”
Pac may as well collapse in a heap on the floor for all the relief in his eyes - he doesn’t, but it seems a close-born thing. “Still… you really need a hospital.”
It’s muttered, it’s quiet, it’s been said before, but it’s unfortunately very true.
Fit can see the laugh growing on Philza’s face, and also how he struggles to hold it in.
“Welcome to the island, Pac,” Philza manages to say instead. “You read an out of date medical textbook ten years ago, and it makes you about the best we’ve got.”
“It was a biochemistry book,” Pac corrects, and it either explains a lot or nothing at all. “And some websites. I’ve practiced on Mike, though. We both set many things on fire.”
Philza cannot escape an amused snort this time, but it clearly messes with him enough to fuck his breathing once again. Fit keeps an eye on it as he finishes treating his arms, and sees Pac doing the same with his legs.
They drop the topic to work, using each other as a support they might not even really have.
Once the bandages are all in place and Philza seems to be doing better… Well there’s a goat in the room, isn’t there? Because someone set Philza on fire, using lava Fit couldn’t even see.
“Phil…” he isn’t sure how to phrase it but it needs to be said. “I have some idea, but… what did you see?”
“Not a lot,” Philza answers willingly enough, though he twitches as he does. Fit places a hand over the back of his neck, and hopes it’s reassuring. “Kinda like the other two. The bunker was on fire, there was a trail to a book and some items and pictures. Used fire res, but I only had the one… Ran out about when you arrived.”
That gives them a timescale for just how long, at least - fire res offers some smoke protection, so… But then, perhaps he was breathing it in before he awoke or used the potion, too.
“And the book?” he asks, because it’s always the books that seem to scare his friend the most - it was the book Fit couldn’t see he was reading and rereading when he arrived, that probably stopped him leaving before the fire res ran out.
“What do you want me to say?” despite his weak voice, it’s clear Philza is frustrated by the whole thing. “It’s the Blaze Empress, but what does it matter?”
“Is she liable to kidnap you?” Fit asks first, because after the Ender King talk he /needs/ to know if this is another threat or not. “I know you were worried about…”
He glances at Pac, and realises he will actually have to explain that later. Now Pac’s been here and seen this and is kinda involved all over again.
“I don’t know, Fit,” Philza doesn’t seem as scared this time - still terrified, but more burnt out, more exhausted, more likely to give in than run. “In my dreams of her realm… lava is… people. And the quartress has a bee farm. In the /Nether/. It’s not… It can’t be… There’s no sense here.”
Fit and Pac share a look, and Pac agrees to take on the burden of speaking.
“You burnt from the lava,” he hesitantly offers. “I don’t think… you can hallucinate that?”
Yeah, no, Fit’s seen a lot of cases of mind over matter, and none of them result in that sort of happening.
They watch Philza struggle for a time. Pac starts putting the leftover bandages away, constantly glancing back to check on their shared friend. Philza’s lips move, and reassass, grimace and frown and just… don’t seem to know what to do.
The building distress is obvious, though.
Fit’s about to try soothe him again when Philza opens his mouth again. This time, it’s not just weak - they can hear genuine vulnerability, and the first hints of terrified sobs.
“If she’s real, the war is real. She… She can reshape reality, but the Ender King can steal it. /Has/ stolen it,” Philza stops for air, tears trying to streak down his face. “Entire swathes just… gone. In the blink of an eye. He did it to her… the quartress… hangs in a void… I- I can’t- They’re fighting over me now, Fit, they fought over the world and now they’re fighting over me and there’s nothing I can do about it. There’s… There’s not going to be a world /left/, Fit, not if they fight again! If… If they come, if they take me… Don’t try to stop them, don’t come after me - /please/, Just…”
Philza glances at his children. The sobs break his speech, but it’s so obvious what he means.
“Oh Phil…” Pac whispers, barely audible.
“Of course,” Fit promises - at least to looking after Chayanne and Tallulah. He’ll never promise to never try rescue a friend, not if he sees the option.
The sobs continue, and there’s nothing either of them can really do.
“I-” Philza breaks through them to try to talk, turning desperate eyes on Fit. “I’m scared- I- don’t… I-”
Fit lets the air entirely out of his lungs, and leans over to hug his friend. It’s awkward and it’s difficult, but they manage all the same. He hopes its comforting - Philza presses hard against his chest - because it’s all he can do.
Pac scrambles up onto the arm of the chair, then hesitantly leans over. He presses his weight to Philza’s back, and wraps his arms around his front.
Together they hold him as he sobs, hoping it’ll be soothing enough to avoid another coughing fit.
It isn’t.
This one isn’t as bad as the last, but it’s still terrifying. Fit does his best to soothe in tongue clicks, while Pac rubs his back and begs him to breathe.
Sobs bubble harder into the coughs, eventually winning back over.
“You need to calm down,” Fit says - not because crying is terrible, but because it’s causing his friend to choke. “Please, Phil, you need to calm down.”
Philza doesn’t. He keeps crying and crying and crying, shaking and terrified and seeming so small where he’s trying to curl in the chair.
There’s no chance to ask him about it, either; the tears have to end eventually, but they only cease as he drifts off to sleep.
Fit gives him a moment, checking that, and turns to Pac.
“He cried himself out,” he whispers. “Do we need to wake him up?”
Pac hesitates, clearly trying to remember. Eventually he shakes his head, “put him on the bed. We just…keep an eye on him.”
“Alright. Can you get the oxygen?”
It’s easy enough to move him to the bed, far easier than carrying Philza to the pool in the first instance. Pac moves various bits of equipment around them, clearing the path and making sure the tube on the mask doesn’t tug, the last one being to pull down the sheets.
Philza is very definitely asleep by the time he’s laying on them. Pac sets up a little more stuff, pushing fluids into his veins and tracing his heartbeat just in case, but there’s only so much he knows how to do. Roier knows more - did more for Forever - but Roier is missing, and Pac’s knowledge is from scientific testing, not medical.
Once Pac is done fiddling, Fit tucks the blankets around his friend. He’s led to a pair of chairs positioned to watch both Philza and the children, and collapse into them.
“Well, fuck,” Fit says, because he really has no other words for the situation.
“Will he be okay?” Pac replies, glance flittering between Fit, Philza, and the sleeping children.
“You’re the closer to an expert than me.” Fit drapes an arm over his eyes, trying to hide from the very bright lighting.
“The burns were a lot, but didn’t have time to get very bad. His breathing is worrying but it’s, ah, improving. I want to do more, Fit, but I don’t know what to do,” Pac shuffles in his chair. “I am not trained for this. But… I meant… in his brain. Will he be okay in his brain?”
“That’s the question, isn’t it,” Fit frowns. “The shit he sees is definitely real, but it’s not the same real so he’s still going to be left doubting it all. And Philza does /not/ handle doubt.”
“The same real?” Fit peaks out under his arm, and sees confusion writ on Pac’s face.
“Yeah,” he frowns himself. “The lava? I couldn’t see it, even as it was burning him. Hell I was standing on the same floor he tried to walk on. It was a brainfuck - he fell through the floor into the lava, but it was still there.”
“Like BadBoy’s ghost blocks?”
“Not really,” Fit, still not sure what he saw, struggles to explain. “Or, kinda? But like the ghost block could also have lava inside it. The lava and the floorboards were in the same place, just you sink in lava.”
Pac pulls a long series of faces, clearly struggling with the concept. After a bit, he clicks, “more like… hiding cables for storage?”
“Maybe?” Fit doesn’t really know a lot about that. “Whatever it was, it was terrifying. And the beings contacting him? Being powerful enough to do /that/? He asked me not to intervene if he gets kidnapped, but I don’t even know if I could!”
Pac scoots a little closer, leaning over the arm of the chair to rest on Fit’s shoulder. Fit reaches up, entangling a hand into his hair. “You’d try.”
“Damn right I would,” because of course Fit would. They might all be as good as powerless here, their actions having even less meaning than in the Wasteland, but he’s still going to /try. Good friends are hard to come by, and he’s not going to let some extra-dimensional fuckery steal one of his away.
Not if he has a choice, anyway.
“It’s just…” Fuck, Fit has to tell Pac, doesn’t he? “Does the name the Ender King mean anything to you?”
Fit watches Pac think very hard about the question, focus and concentration mixing into one. After a few minutes he looks back at Fit, “like… Enderman? But a king?”
“I guess?” Fit shrugs a bit. “Phil did say he’d have no idea if he were here - there’s no marks of him, but he mostly exists in another realm.”
“No, then,” Pac shakes his head a little. “Just… that. Phil said something?”
“Yeah, few weeks back,” Fit pulls a face. “With the egg shoes? It was when he called me off that day.”
Pac nods, “the shoes were cute.”
“They were,” Fit smiles a bit at the happier memory. “But Phil… Chayanne and Tallulah were with him, and I swear its only that that stopped him having a panic attack. He’d had that other message - the one you were there for? That scared him, but the second one /terrified/ him. Was promising Chayanne and Tallulah he’d always get back to him, to behave if he was kidnapped, laugh-sobbing when Chayanne promised to kill whatever scared him, the works.”
“And it was the Ender King? He mentioned it today, too.”
“Yeah…” Fit trails off, unsure what else to say.
There’s quiet for a moment, before Pac speaks up again, “how did Phil, er, how does Phil know them?”
Fit takes a deep breath, trying both to remember and work it out. “He /says/ it’s from his dreams. He dreams of living in another world, really consistently, really vividly, and these… entities are its rulers. He doesn’t remember all of them, though, it’s still just a dream.“
“Memories, maybe?” Pac asks. “Does he have amnesia too?”
“Maybe?” Fit frowns. “He remembers shit with me well enough, but I don’t remember enough about the rest to compare. Could be the Feds just stole part of them.”
“Which means we all might have all-powerful supervillians after us,” Pac’s eyes are a bit wide.
“And who would even be after you?” Fit laughs, already knowing who is after him.
“I am an international criminal wanted in five countries,” Pac mocks some offence. “Entire governments want me dead!”
They can both only hold it for a moment before descending into giggles. It takes a few moments to recover, their foreheads pressed together.
“The Blaze Empress sounds… fiery,” Pac muses, once he has recovered. “And Endermen hate water. Maybe he should make an underwater safe zone? Just in case.”
“We can suggest it once he’s feeling better,” Fit promises. “Knowing Phil, he’s already got one hidden away somewhere, he just hasn’t thought of it.”
Pac might be the least paranoid of the three of them, but that really is not saying much. Fit can already see the calculations running, and so gently pokes his nose. There’s a jolt of surprise, and a soft smile. “Fit?”
“Thanks for your help,” Fit says, trying his best to be genuine. “Sorry about the night… We can talk more in the morning, and rearrange to another time?”
“Philza is important,” Pac shrugs. “We can adjust.”
“Are you sure?”
“You’ve done the same for Mike,” Pac’s voice is a bit soft.
There’s not much Fit can say to that. Instead he just moves on.
“Do you want to sleep first, or shall I?”
Pac glances at Philza, then the time, “you sleep first? There’s more likely to be problems earlier.”
“Alright,” Fit doesn’t want to leave either of them, but they all need sleep. “Wake me in a few hours, okay?”
Pac nods, and shoos him off.
There’s too much to talk about in the morning - Fit already knows they never will finish the conversation, not even if Philza is stolen from their watch and tormented by gods from another realm.
It’s fine, though, it’ll be fine.
He lays awake, failing to think of a solution, listening to Pac watch low-volume Brazilian romance films until his own dreams steal him away.
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bigfan-fanfic · 7 months
Writing Game 1.4: Campfire
Prompt: Campfire Pairing: Clark Kent/Steve Rogers
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"I still think it's cheating." Steve grins, watching Clark roll his eyes.
"Well, I'm sorry that the 'Star-Spangled Man With a Plan' couldn't get the flint working."
"Wow, do people still know about that one? I kinda thought that one would die off. It's a bit of a mouthful."
"I was just a very good history student."
"Aren't you a reporter? Shouldn't you be more interested in current events?"
"You are current." Clark laughs. "But also, you've got to know where you've been to know where you're going, right?"
"Then I guess I must know that better than anyone." Steve clicks his teeth, shooting Clark a grin. His face must be funny, because Clark snorts in an effort to stifle his giggles.
It wasn't exactly a common thing for them, camping, but during a week spent in Smallville with the Kents, Steve took the opportunity when Clark mentioned it to get them some private time. Martha and Jonathan are wonderful, but their guest room is just not conducive for two large muscular men in the same bed.
"I really liked getting to see your home. It's fascinating to me... were you ever really that small?"
Clark laughs again. "Yeah. I was quite the shrimpy kid, you know. It was one of the things I liked - Pa was a late bloomer too, and it made me feel connected to him when they told me when I was adopted."
Steve nods. "They're lucky to have you. And you with them. I think my mom woulda liked them. And you."
Clark lies back on the soft grass, looking up through the trees to the night sky. "You're doing okay, right?"
"Hmm?" Steve asks, glancing back at him. "Okay about what?"
"That joke Pa made this morning. About you being older than him."
It was harmless, Steve thought. In his own way, Jonathan was trying to put Steve at ease about it. It was a weird situation, even he would admit. How would he feel if his and Clark's son was marrying a guy who looked his age but was older than him? And then the idle thought hits him in full force that he just imagined him and Clark having a kid in the future. Starting a family. But he didn't let his wild thoughts run away with his mouth. "I didn't mind, honestly. I like that he's... okay enough to joke, I guess?"
Steve flops back onto the grass and rolls onto his side, looking right at Clark. "I love you."
"Aww. I love you too."
The reply is always so easy for Clark. It still makes Steve jumpy, the idea of being so open and free with his love - even when he knew his attraction to more than just women, he knew only that kind was "acceptable" in polite society. The first time he kissed Clark in public, he had a reaction that was somehow like the euphoric feeling of cresting the top of a roller coaster and having a panic attack all at once.
Clark scoots closer, and Steve opens his arms to cuddle him close.
"Thanks for doing this. I know maybe a whole week with my parents might be overwhelming-"
"It's really not. Martha and Jon are... they're amazing people. And you have such a close relationship with them - what, am I gonna make you choose, them or me?" Steve scoffs. "I think, even under normal circumstances, your parents are probably the best ever."
Clark beams at him, and graces him with a long, slow, passionate kiss. "All the same, we'll head home after tomorrow. I wanna do things with you that I really don't wanna be in my parents' house for."
Steve blushes, and Clark kisses him again. "I mean... technically we're not in your parents' house right now."
It's so hard to fluster Clark, and Steve cherishes the chances he gets to. Clark goes bright red, and then rolls off of Steve, laughing. "Okay, someday I'll tell you about when I came out to my parents. Let's just say I'm never trying to have sex on their land again."
"Oh, come on, you have to tell me now!"
"Fine. We were fooling around. Me and this boy from school. A good friend, Billy Crescent. My first boyfriend, after Lana and I broke up. And he, well... let's just say I caused a sonic boom and knocked down a whole buncha trees."
Steve starts to snicker, and bursts into full on guffaws. Clark pouts just a moment before he starts to laugh too.
"Alright, alright. We'll make sure not to cause another environmental incident until we get home." Steve teases, silencing Clark's retort with another long kiss.
They speak and kiss well into the night, and long after their campfire dies down, they cuddle in each other's arms, fast asleep.
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twst-drabbles · 2 years
Divus 3
Summary: The Fairy Gala outfit you were given is pretty neat, honestly. Though, your faerie buddies don’t seem to think so.
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Before you changed into this outfit prepared by Divus, you almost had to physically fight the three little faeries that wanted to see you change.
Well, that sounds horrible, they just wanted a first look at what was given to you but you value your personal space. Yeah, you know they have a different perspective on nudity, little to no feelings of shame within them, but you don’t want to give the impression that they’re free to bother you at any time.
Well, at least they like you enough to be well behaved and willing to tolerate Divus, Vil, Leona, Kalim and Jamil all in the same room. You know they don’t like it, but you don’t want those little faeries to be in your space.
Divus really has his work cut out for him. If he wasn’t a teacher, you’re more than sure he’d be a high end fashion designer with multiple shops clamoring for rights to sell his clothing. On such short notice, you were expecting the fabric and the silver accents to be rushed, but the end results were something to marvel.
While it’s easy to see that teaching is his passion, this too was part of it.
As soon as you walked into the room, you asked, “How the fuck did you figure out my measurements?”
You’re not all that concerned to be perfectly honest. You’ve known Divus long enough to know he’s not a creep or a stalker. You just chalked it up to magical bullshit. Or scarily accurate estimations.
“What?” Divus had that specific smile that told you he ain’t telling you anything. His own little secret. Yeah, it’s probably just really good estimations. If it was magic, he would divulge it so. “You’re not going to thank me. Certainly I didn’t have time to go all out but it’s still my work you’re wearing.”
“Oh yeah,” you looked down, just to make sure it’s still just as neat to look at. It is. “It’s nice. Comfy. And stylish. Should get the job done.”
You could’ve given more details but you just to mess with Divus. You like the bastard best when he isn’t wearing that smug smile. The frown he has is funnier.
“Eloquent.” Sarcasm lathered his tone.
“I know.” You snorted.
A chorus of little bells came from above you. Rapid little chimes, high pitched, almost harsh.
“Huh?” You looked up, the little fire, water and wood faerie swooping down and buzzing around you. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
“Those tones,” Divus crossed his arms, “are they angry, perhaps?”
The wood faerie stopped and tugged at your sleeve, wiping their hands over the silver accents as though it offends them. The water faerie was in front of you, looking between you and the group on the other side of the room practicing their routine, visibly distressed. The fire faerie was…
…they were heading right towards Divus. They spat fire from their hands, though Divus, with a quick flick of his whip, was easily diverted. Luckily it didn’t hit anything, and that was the only attack the faerie did.
Finally, the three little faeries cool down somewhat from their anger. You were able to listen to their bell voices now that they're not blending together.
“…yeah I don’t think they like the outfit, Divus.” Shame, you liked it.
“I figured as such.” His eyebrow twitched. He crossed his arms. “And why is that?”
You strained an ear, listening to their chimes.
“Huh…” Oh boy. “’This outfit is not fit to dance with our queen,’ they said.”
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vellatra · 1 month
Rewrite the Stars for Silen Fah for the music prompts.
Honestly I kind of predict a Zac and Joy reaction from your brain, but we'll see. (Studies you under a magnifying glass.)
...You know we could do a lot of different ships with this song. Sanoj/Vellatra would be a good one, but Zac/Aileev(Joy) is also a good idea (along with the other human x "alien" ships, Nen/Vixie and Ryan/Tannufia). Originally, I was actually planning on making this a Nen Krixie snippet.
But then I listened again. And I kept thinking. And actually there's an even more fitting couple for this prompt....
This totally got out of hand and isn't a snippet so much as a chapter but whateverrrrrrr thanks for the inspo!
Everyone looked at the sky now and then.
It was just a good habit to have, this far from the Pedestal. You never knew when raiders might show up from the Mervaen, and if you could see them coming ahead of time, so much the better.
But that wasn't why I kept looking at it.
I couldn't stop thinking about it, that time when, for a few short minutes, I'd been up there. It had been so scary, but so exhilarating, all at once. I couldn't stop thinking about the boy who'd taken me up there, either. My chances were pretty much nonexistent, but deep down, I kind of wished I'd see him again. He'd seemed so nice. He was even kind of cute. We could've been friends, if he wasn't from the Mervaen.
I kicked a rock on the path ahead of me. "Stupid war," I grumbled under my breath. It didn't even feel like we were fighting for something anymore, it had gone on for so long.
Then something did move up in the sky - a shadow went over the trail. I jumped and ducked for the undergrowth, arms over my head, braced for an attack.
I heard a pair of feet landing lightly where I'd been, only moments before. Then the leaves began to rustle as the fi pushed his way toward me. I crouched as low as I could and held my breath, praying that I blended in.
"Oh, good," said a soft, familiar voice. "I was hoping it was you."
I straightened back up. "Drackio?!"
"You can't be comfortable in that bramble bush," he laughed, backing away and returning to the open path. "Come on!"
I gingerly plucked myself out of the thorns and clambered out after him. "What in the world are you doing here this time?"
"It's my mom's birthday," said Drackio, shuffling a little awkwardly. "She loves pikolah berries, so I thought maybe... maybe I could scavenge some for her? They're so expensive where we live, especially for a kid with no job."
"Hmm," I said. "Well, it's a little early in the season, but I know a few good places we could check." I hesitated a little, then took his hand. "Come on, I'll show you!"
"Thanks," said Drackio, looking at his shoes. Was that... a bit of a blush? I willed those thoughts away and started walking. Don't even think about it, I told myself. This is just a second lucky meeting. I'll never see him again.
You know, I really needed to stop telling myself that.
As unlikely as I thought it was, I kept bumping into Drackio again and again. First he was looking for pikolaen. Then he was trying to learn how to catch fish. Then he was just bored and going for a joy flight, but happened to go by my neck of the woods. Then... well, the excuses got weaker and weaker.
Things really came to a head late that winter, when he sidled out of the woods right on the edge of our back yard, one arm behind his back.
"What are you doing?!" I hissed, shooing him back into the trees. "You can't come here! My father's in the army. We'd both be in so much trouble!"
"Sorry," he said, hanging his head a little.
His puppy eyes caught me off guard. "What are you up to this time?" I asked, more gently.
"I came to see you, actually," he said. "You said you get kind of sad, after the snow's been falling for so long. You miss the grass and birds and flowers. Well, anyway... spring comes sooner in Nahbi Harumvah. And... I thought these might help cheer you up." He drew out his hand from behind his back, revealing a large bunch of flowers, in varying shades of blue. There was a faint glow to them.
"...Oh my," I said. "What kind are they?"
"Vee tiz Ornaru," he said. "Those trees grow everywhere in there, but you don't have many out here, do you?"
"They're beautiful," I said, accepting the bouquet and bringing it up to my nose. I smiled over them at my friend. "Thank you. This does make me happy." I held out one hand, which he took, and led the way deeper into the woods, to the skating pond. No one else was there today - the ice was too thin this late in the season; it wasn't safe for skating anymore. I brushed the snow off a fallen log and we settled there. "We need to talk." Drackio eyed me a little nervously. "We're obviously not bumping into each other by mistake anymore," I started.
Drackio snorted and started giggling. "To be honest," he said, his face rapidly turning red, "I've sought you out on purpose every time. Well, except for the first time of course."
"Why?" I said, also blushing.
"I'd hoped you'd figured that out already," he said, looking at the ground again. Even his ears were tomato red by now.
"No, I know that," I said. "But what made you think I was worth all this? Where are you trying to go with me? I... don't know if you've forgotten, but I'm a jeltura."
"To be fair," said Drackio, looking me in the eyes again, "right at first, I just wanted a friend. You know I don't really have any at home. But you... you were nice to me, even though we were enemies. And then... then I started noticing other things about you. Like your sense of fun. And your beautiful eyes. All your forest wisdom, and your willingness to teach a clueless fi like me. And... well. It didn't take much to make me fall for you. Where we were going? I thought about that. I probably should've stayed away as soon as I realized I was in love. But I couldn't stand it. Every waking moment we're not together, I'm wishing we were. Or I'm thinking about giving you flowers," he added, gesturing at the bouquet with a sheepish little smile. He hung his head again. "I'm sorry. It was selfish. If you want me to go away, I will."
"Don't you think it's a little late for that?" I groaned. "You're right, we should've parted ways a lot earlier than this. Now I don't want to. But it's either that, or keep meeting like this. And how long can we go on this way?" My face was so hot I wanted to rub it in the snow by now, but I pushed on. "You know what most people do after they've courted for awhile."
"That's what you've been doing, isn't it? What else would you call... this?" I asked, now taking my own turn gesturing at the flowers.
Drackio put his head in his hands. "You're right. By the grandparents, I have been courting you. Ohhhh no."
"But we can't do what most people do," I went on. "I'm the daughter of an officer in the army of Silen Fah. They wouldn't be caught dead binding me off to a Mervatur."
"So I should go," said Drackio.
"No," I said, more quickly than I'd meant to. "Erm... I can't bear it either. Being away from you, I mean. But what are we to do?"
Drackio was quiet for awhile, as I stared into his deep magenta eyes. Finally, he furrowed his eyebrows a little. Then he tilted his head to one side. "I don't know," he finally said. "But... who says we have to make a decision today? You're right, it can't go on like this forever. But there's nothing wrong with tomorrow, is there? Next week? Maybe... maybe something will come up. Something that helps us make a decision. Maybe the war will finally end."
"The one that's been going on for decades?" I asked.
"Well... you never know," he chuckled awkwardly, looking away. Then he glanced back up at me. "Listen, Llefar-ta. I love you. They say where there's a will, there's a way. And I'm willing to look for that way if you are. But I don't want to waste your time or break your heart or whatever else, either. So..." he trailed off, holding my gaze. "...Goodness, you're beautiful," he said softly. I found myself leaning slowly in....
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microwave-core · 11 months
Yo, that Leon post was LEGENDARY, dude!!! If I kindly asked you to make the NSFW version of that, would you? 🥺🥺🥺
I can try, however I SUCK at writing smut. Dog-shit at it. We're talking my immortal levels of writing. I'm also very boring and don't have single dominant bone in my body. That being said, editing and refining goes a long way, so I'll try my best.
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Starting off, he's a bit inexperienced, which I mentioned previously. He hasn't been in many relationships, much less been intimate, and he doesn't fuck without feelings. Prefers to take things slow and can get overwhelmed easily at first. That being said, he's a quick learner.
In general, I'd say Leon is a soft dom. He's caring and doting, if not a little shaky at first, but he learns quickly. He's kind of an unstoppable force in his regular everyday life, so being dominant comes naturally to him. Could totally be on the submissive side, though, especially if he's tired.
He's normally gentle, but he can also be rough. His touches aren't always feather light and experimental. If asked, or if he's just stressed out and/or pent up, he can be more aggressive. Normally, he lets off steam during a workout, but, hey, if it works it works.
Very attentive lover. He likes to take his time learning the ins and outs of what his partner does and doesn't like. From their big kinks down to which spots make them sigh in content when kissed. Willing to experiment, but has certain lines that he won't cross.
Big on praise. He wants to know he's doing a good job, that he's a good boy, and loves to return the favor. On the other hand, he hates being degraded. He's a bit insecure, honestly, so being insulted just kind of hurts. Kills his mood. If asked, he can try to degrade his partner, but he's not very good at it. He doesn't want to be mean to someone he loves so much, even if they're literally asking for it.
Speaking of things he isn't a fan of: pain. Leon has no real interest in being hurt, nor does he want to hurt anyone else. Boy is strong, so he's sure to be careful, even when he's being rough. At most, he could potentially be convinced to do some light choking, but even that might be a bit too much for him. He can leave marks, sure, but that doesn't mean he needs to inflict actual pain, right? Also, hates having his hair pulled, his scalp is very sensitive.
Okay, last "things I think Leon wouldn't be into", bare with me. He's not into anything remotely public. The rush he feels in public is not that of excitement, but that of pure dread and panic. He has a reputation, if anyone found out, he would die from sheer embarrassment, mainly because his family would find out. He'd never be able to look his mum in the eyes again out of pure shame.
He's much more lenient with nudes, even if leaks can happen. It would still give him a heart attack if anyone found out, but it's far more socially acceptable to be found exchanging steamy pics with your lover than fucking in public. Tends to lean more on the side of thirst trap then full on nudity. Wouldn't make a sex tape.
Doesn't usually jack off. Doesn't usually feel the need to. He has other outlets for stress relief that get the job done better. That being said, he is considerably needier when he's in a proper relationship, but, even then, it's still not often. He'd rather wait to get off with his partner then do it alone, at that point.
We're far enough in the post where I can just be honest. The first thing that I thought of when I read your ask, anon, is that Leon eats an insane amount of pussy. And he'd also suck an insane amount of dick. He's Mr. Bi King, after all. He just really likes giving head and is incredible at it to boot. Receiving isn't his favorite thing, though. It's not that he doesn't like it, of course he likes it, it just makes him feel a bit awkward.
Slight oral fixation.
The other thing that came to mind is that he has a breeding kink. I completely forgot to put it on the main post, but Leon really wants a big family one day. He loves kids, he's great with them, and is all around family oriented. And so, the thought of starting a family gets him off. Like, a lot. It's a little embarrassing for him to admit that, though. It doesn't even matter if he can get his partner pregnant or not, honestly. At the end of the day, it's about the sentiment.
Also, slight pregnancy kink. It just goes hand in hand with the above.
Aftercare king. At the end of the day, Leon is a very sweet and caring person, so it only makes sense to clean his lover up in the afterglow. He's all about gentle touches and massages for bruised marks and tender skin. Whether he runs a bath or settles for a wash cloth is entirely dependent on how tired he is. Cuddling and pillow talk is an absolute must.
In terms of stamina, he's pretty decent, and can usually push two or three rounds if he paces himself properly. He likes to edge himself, though, so he tends to last for awhile.
His dick is thick and so are his fingers. Do with this information as you will.
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avatarfanacc · 2 years
|In A Good Way|
|In A Good Way| (Part 1)
!! Minors, do not interact !!
( This is a smut story about : Miles Quaritch (recom) x y/n Metkayina Fem reader )
!! Every character in this story is over 18 years old !!
Warnings : English is not my first language, so if you find any mistakes I am so sorry! This story is probably going to have many parts, so in this part there will be no actual smut yet with Quaritch, but with Neteyam it's another story lol
Wordcount : 2416
Specific warnings : Abuse, (Past) Trauma, SA Trauma, Smut, Panic Attack, Includes Violence, Smut with more parts, Smut with Plot, (Cliffhanger lol)
Na'vi words used in this story : Wiya (Damn / outing of frustration)
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|In A Good Way| (Part 1)
The smell of fresh caught fish, fills your lungs as you leave the water and walk towards the hutches. Your stomach growls by the thought of the huge plates of fish that they're cooking right now. It appears the hunt was succesfull today, you think to yourself.
'Hey y/n!', you hear a voice say right behind you. Quickly you turn around to see who it is and to your suprise it's Neteyam.
'Neteyam!', you say exited. 'I thought you were at the Hallelujah Mountains!' He chuckles softly. 'I was, but then I realized you weren't there. So I had to come back.' You flip your ears back in embarrassment.
'What?', Neteyam says jokingly. You cover your face in a desperate attempt to hide the fact that you're blushing.
'Skxawng!', you say as your giving him a gentle punch on his chest.
Honestly, who does this boy think he is? You think to yourself.
Ever sinds he and his family came to the clan he's been all over you. First you didn't think much of it, you two grew closer and he's like a brother to you. Sinds you don't have any siblings yourself, you loved to hang out with him, but it just keeps getting weirder. Often you've thought about the idea of you and him together, but everytime it just doesn't feel right. You love him, yes! But as a lover?
'Ehm, how were the Hallelujah mountains?', you ask trying to lighten the mood. 'Fine ig. Do you smell that?' 'Smell what? The fish?' He nodds with a smile from ear to ear. 'Oh! You caught them!' You bring out kind off ashamed by the late realization. He nodds again, now letting out a small laugh.
He had such a bright soul, you think to yourself. Seeing him happy, automatically makes you happy too.
'That's amazing! I can't wait to eat it', you say while walking towards the hutches again. Quickly Neteyam follows you. 'Do you want to come and hunt with me maybe sometime?' Your eyes lighten up.
You've always loved hunting, but you never actually hunted with anybody other then Aonung and his friends yet and you weren't planning on too. Aonung and his friends were the best young hunters of the clan at that time, you've always wanted to go and hunt with them, so you did. You asked them and they said yes. It was so much fun at first, but everything went down hill so fast.
Your ears flick down and the light in your eyes dissapear.
'Are you alright?', Neteyam asks with a worried look on his face. Quickly you shift back to reality. 'What? Yeah, I'm fine.' You turn around and proceed walking. He clearly doesn't know how to act in this situation, but you don't blame him for that. You don't even know how to act in this situation. 'So eh, do you want to come and hunt with me some time?', he asks again, now sounding a bit insecure.
Your heartbeat increases. Why am I scared? You think to yourself. What could possibly happen? We were all young and it's Neteyam!
'Yeah, I would love too!', you bring out with a shaky voice. 'Alr! Now, why you walking so slow- Aren't you hungry?', he says while increasing his speed. 'I'm not running after you, if that's what you think', you say irritated but also jokingly. He lets out a small laugh and then continues running towards the hutches. You shake your head in disagreement, but run after him anyways.
'Lo'ak is so annoying sometimes, like I don't know what to do with him anymore', Tsireya says with her mouth full. You nodd, trying to hold in your laugh but you fail horribly. 'It's not funny!' 'I know, but it kind of is though..' 'What are you two talking about?', Lo'ak interrupts Tsireya and you. 'Nothing, why?', Tsireya says quickly, almost choking on her food. Lo'ak looks at you in confusion, hoping that you'll give him an answer, but you look away and grab some more food. Tsireya does the same. 'Are you both sirious? I heard ya'll were talking about me', Lo'ak says with an irritated tone. Before the situation could escalate Neteyam appeard out of nowhere and grabbed Lo'ak tightly by his shoulders, wich caused Lo'ak to choke on his food. You burst out into laughter, but Tsireya has a worried look on her face and tries to calm Lo'ak down. 'Sorry baby bro', Neteyam says trying to hold in his laugh. 'I didn't mean to scare you.' Still coughing and gasping for air Lo'ak brings out: 'You'll regret this you skxawng!'
Neteyam completely ignores Lo'ak and now walks up to you, grabbing your wrists without any warning. Confused you stop eating and look him in his intriguing, bright yellow eyes. 'Come', he says. Without giving you time to answer he drags you with him towards the reef. With your mouth still full you ask confused: 'Hey, wait. Why are we going to the reef? Are we going to the reef?' 'Yes', he replies without making eye-contact. 'Why?', you ask again, now finnaly with an empty mouth. He shrugs his shoulders and lets out a slight laugh. 'Neteyam, this isn't funny! I wasn't done eating!' 'Don't worry, we can still eat, here, at the reef.' 'What do you mean?', you ask confused. 'You promised me we were going to hunt together.' You stop abruptly and release yourself from his grib. 'I thought you meant tommorow. It's late, it's getting dark soon. 'I like hunting better in the dark', Neteyam says with a slight smirk on his face. It makes you uncomfortable, even though he's your favorite person. 'Y/n, you have to stop worrying so much! It's gonna be fun! Trust me!'
You look down at your feet, deep down you know he's right. You worry a lot, maybe sometimes a little to much. But worrying to much helped you in some situations, you never know who you can and can't trust. You look back up at Neteyam. His eyes are brighter than ever and his fangs shine white like crystals in the moonlight. From everyone in the world, you trust Neteyam the most. Don't let him down, you think to yourself.
'Okay, I'll come with.' His eyes lighten up even more and he grabs your wrists again. 'You're not going to regret this!', he says as he speeds of with you to the water. Before noticing what's going on he jumps in the water and drags you with him. Water fills your lungs and the salty water stings in your eyes. Gasping for air you swim back up. 'Wiya!', you yell still gasping for air. Neteyam bursts out into laughter. 'I'm sorry, I forgot to warn you.' When you can finnaly breath normally again and your heart rate stabilizes, you look back at Neteyam. 'Oh you're so gonna pay for this', you say with am evil laugh on your face as your swimming towards him. 'Don't try anything you'll regret in the future!' 'Too late!', you say as you push him under. Also coughing he comes back up again. 'Okay now we're even.' You nod still laughing. 'Now, let me show you something', Neteyam says while he grabs your hand. 'Just follow me, alr?' You nod again while taking a big breath of air. You both dive and swim further and further. As your both swimming you, wonder where he's taking you. And why.
Abruptly he stops and signs to swim back up again. 'Are you alright?', Neteyam asks. 'Yeah, I'm fine', you respond. 'Where are we?' 'Do you see that rock over there?' You scan the area and see a big rock on the place where the reef ends and the open sea begins.
It was your favorite place. From there you could see the moon getting swallowed by the sea and the sun taking the moon's place. It was also the best place to watch the stars. You would sit there for hours dreaming away, wondering what it would be like to be out there. In space. To be a star. How did he know about this place? You ask yourself.
'Yes, I see that rock? What about it?', you ask. 'Come', Neteyams says and within a second he's underwater again, swimming towards the rock. Quickly you follow him. He climbs upon the rock and holds out his hand for you. 'I don't need help', you say while climbing upon the rock. 'Okay', he laughs and he retreats his hand.
'What are we doing here?', you ask, finnaly on the rock. 'Sit down', Neteyam says. Because it's so dark out, were his already bright eyes even brighter. You sit down and he does the same. Neteyam looks up at the sky. You can hear his heavy breathing, you can see his chest going up and down roughly. 'This place is the most beatiful place of entire Pandora', he says. 'But it's not like you don't know.' He looks back at you. 'I've seen you. You come here every night, just to watch the stars.' You look away in embarrassment.
What has he seen? All those times you thought you were alone, he was there? A knot forms in your stomach.
'I also like watching the stars', Neteyam continues. A big, awkward silence follows. His heavy breathing starts going faster and faster. 'I like looking at the stars because, they remind me of you.'
Your breath falters. Your biggest fear, has come true. Your premonitions were true. There' so much you want to say, but the words are stuck in your throat. The knot in your stomach gets bigger and bigger, your heart starts beating faster and a huge wave of adrenaline makes you shake a little. You want to run, no, you want to explain everything to him, before anything happends. You open your mouth, ready to say something, but before you have the change to say or do anything he presses his lips onto yours. It was like every muscle in your body shutted down. You coudln't move, you couldn't speak, even breathing suddenly felt impossible. He stops kissing you and grabs you by your shoulders. 'I see you, y/n', he says. You look into his bright yellow eyes, they first looked so innocent, but now they looked hungry, hungry for more, hungry for you. You feel his hand slowly moving from your shoulder to your stomach.
You still didn't say or do anything, all you could think of was, why me? Why am I to scared to say anything. This is all my fault.
His hands are still moving lower and lower, now gently carressing your hips.
Say something you skxawng! You think to yourself. But you say nothing.
He looks you in your eyes as his hands enter you loincloth. 'Is this okay?', he suddenly asks.
You say nothing, but in your mind you scream. No! No! It's not okay! You're like a brother to me! Why are you doing this?! But no sound comes out of your mouth. He's actracrive! You can't deny that.
You can feel your clit pulsing and your vagina contrapting around nothing. You want him, you want him to stick his tung inside you and to gently carress your clit, but it feels so wrong.
All this time that he was there for you, meant nothing anymore if you'd let this happen. And imagine Auonung and Tsireya their reactions! And Lo'ak?! You would be related to him! You feel ashamed that your body responds the way it is.
'Y/n?', Neteyam asks worried. You look at Neteyam and then at his hands in your loincloth, centimeters away from the most sacred area of your body. Suddenly Neteyam retreats his hands and he stands up. Startled by his sudden reaction a scream escapes your throat. You quickly cover your mouth in embarrassment and you look back up at Neteyam. His ears are flipped forward and his tail is rocking back and forth. But not in an exited way, more in a worried way. You say nothing, your still processing what just happened. You feel relieved that he's not so close to you anymore, your brain is slowly but surely starting to function again.
'Y/n', he says worried. 'Dive!' Confused you look at him, not understanding what's going on. 'Dive!', he says again as he speeds towards you and grabs you by your wrists once again. He pulls you up, but you immidiatly fall back on your knees. Your entire body is shaking. It feels like your about to orgasm even though he hasn't even touched you yet. You can feel your loincloth stick to your private parts. It feels uncomfortable. 'What's wrong??', Neteyam asks worried while he checks his suroundings. You still say nothing. You don't know how. His eyes widen, but he's not looking at you. You turn around and see a gigantic ship dooming up from the horizon. Frozen you look at it, only now you notice how loud the ship is. You flip your ears back and quickly look back at Neteyam, not knowing what to do. He also looks back at you and then he pulls you up towards him. You try to stand up straight but your knees are still trembling. You hold him tightly in order to keep your balance. But suddenly you can feel his rockhard cock press against your body. Startled, you push yourself away from him. 'Y/n!', he yells. You fall back on the cold, rocky bottom of the stone. You can feel how it cuts your skin on your elbows and your back. Neteyam quickly tries to drag you back up, but in a state of panic you push him away and jump off the rock right into the water. 'Y/n wait! You're swimming the wrong way!', is the last thing Neteyam yelled before he also jumped in the water, trying to swim after you.
Your lungs feel like they're on fire and your heartbeat is fast and irregular. Disoriented, you swim forward. The water feels like it's crushing your ribs one by one. Just keep swimming, you think to yourself. But before you know it, two strong hands grab you by your arms and legs and drag you out of the water. You gasp for air and hiss as loud as you can, not sure what's going on. Suddenly you feel an overwhelming sharp pain in your thigh. Your vision gets blurry and just before everything fades to black you hear Neteyam scream your name, saying that everything's gonna be okay.
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llycaons · 1 year
ep16 (part 1): for some reason I didn't think it could get worse
15 is one of those eps that you need to follow with 16 asap so here we go
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this is shit like the CR attack - lots of violent scenes fading in and out. effective as shit
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WHY DID LITTLE ARCHER BOY DIE LIKE THIS!!! at LEAST give him a kill like this felt so pointless and empty from a narrative point of view. 'well sometimes in war people die randomly' I know that! but this is a story it's supposed to mean something. it was just to make this scene sadder and I for one do not appreciate that
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I've seen that translated as 'my lady' in other services and I like that one better. more formality/feels more ancient fantasy setting
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and this bastard idiot man walks in and IMMEDIATELY gets stabbed. myu was holding down the fort for what could have been HOURS and this fool stumbles in and just dies within 30 seconds. GOD jfm you useless man
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swear jyl has some kind of gift that lets her portend when her family members are about to die
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there's a lot of horrible stuff that happens in this series but honestly nothing gets me as much as this scene. the sheer. idk. simplicity of it? unlike a lot of the convoluted storylines later on, this is something so straighforward that can and has happened to so many people. their home has been taken over and their family and friends have been murdered. they're watching the bodies of their shidis and shijies being lined up by a force that came into their home and destroyed it and insulted it and defiled it and will now claim it as theirs. and it's happening right in front of their eyes. it's just something so raw and in-your-face and impossible to ignore or sugarcoat. one of the worst scenes to watch
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and then THIS. honestly I don't really understand the significance of the hand-holding and I don't think it added anything to the characters or story. I don't understand why so much time was spent on it. what did they love each other after all? deep down? I don't really believe 'deep down' matters after what a mess their relationship was and how much it hurt their kids
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a long time ago I read a meta post about how jc hearing his mom publicly mocked for caring about someone who didn't care for her back is one of the reasons he's so fucked up about expressing affection to wwx and why he takes wwx leaving so hard. his mom is dead and humiliated on the floor, her corpse desecrated. I don't think he ever got over this
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and wwx too obviously. just horrific trauma happening before our eyes
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going to say something controversial but I think xz is a better ugly crier than wcz. wcz is really good but more looks scared in most of his crying scenes, but xz just lets his face crumple with the force of his grief
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damn...conquest is fucked up huh
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gorgeous shot 10/10 no wonder its always giffed
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I guess jfm had something he wanted to say before dying but idc.
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jc would be so dead without wwx...
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DID HE SLAP WWX. HOLY SHIT. after that scene with his mom and wlj and that line about servants knowing their place that REALLY sends a message. god damn, I'm really mad at him for that
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this strangulation scene went on for a terrifyingly long time. wwx had to struggle to breathe when it ended. really scary to watch
I don't believe jc views wwx as A Servant but I also don't think he really views him as his equal either because his behavior towards wwx is uniquely aggressive and disrespectful. wwx may be treated as a young lord by most of the world, but he's also not in a position to fight back or hurt jc in any way, and he can't really leave the jiangs when he's being mistreated because he feels he owes them a life debt
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anyway. gorgeous shot here
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oh god. he's so young
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I think wwx is keeping himself from crying because. he's not allowed. fuck
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shit, that's a lot
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obscureoperations · 2 years
Martin and Abraham, but switch the situation they're in
yk what I mean? if not that's okay :)
have a lovely day or night <3
Interesting fam..very interesting.
So, if I've got this right, Martin and Abe have been thrust into different universes. With all the same characteristics and motivations. The only difference is that their environment has been switched? If I'm wrong, honestly...my bad!
Abe living in Braddock
First off, the ending would have never happened. Abe would've escaped long before then. A master of covering things up in fear of jeopardizing the family-- Abe was good at kicking dirt over his tracks.
When he finds Abby in the bathtub, he already knows he'd be the prime suspect in Cuda's eyes. Screw the public, none of them knew the two of them were even involved. If anything, the husband would be the prime suspect. I feel that he'd already know to get out of that house.
But other than that, I feel he would question all of Cuda's views the second he gives the speech at the door. "And then I will destroy you.." You sure about that fam? He views the temporary roof as a means to and end.
His behavior would be similar to the novelization of Martin, with an added layer of self awareness. He knew what he was doing and he enjoyed it. It was the other people that kept getting in his way. He needed to feed. He needed to go out on Main and and syphon the bums. Hiding his deeds from his cousin was a cakewalk. The old man just needed to stay out of his way.
Brutally violent in his attacks and completely unremorseful. He was doing it because it felt good. He needed blood and it was his right to appease his desires. If anyone said differently, they would have to be removed.
I think he would do well in the beginning when convincing Cuda that he wanted to change. Dressed and ready for church at nine am every Sunday. On his knees in front of the altar as he continues to whisper his own secret prayer.
Martin in the Barnes household:
Thats where things get a bit sticky. Martin was used to being ostracized away from the rest of the family..viewed as some sort of pariah. The new roof came with so much responsibility, and a need to live by example. 
An only child forced into the position of the head due to the eldest’s mental illness. All eyes on him.. he needed to get out and quench his thirst--but there was always some sort of hindrance.
“We need to go out and find another one for Harvest. Ma ain’t doin so well.”
“The fuck you shakin’ for boy?! Keep drivin’.. I see a pretty one straight down the road!”
The added responsibility, along with the familial demands leaves Martin drained and at a loss. Incapable of caring for his basic needs without a pack of vultures nipping at his feet. Asking questions, and ensuring his devotion to the cause. At times, Martin just needs some time to himself.
He welcomes the sense of togetherness, but never has time to simply sit alone quietly. The quiet thrum their heartbeat still echoing through his ears as he slumps down against the windowsill. With fresh blood still dribbling down his chin, something always crashes against the wall of the living room. 
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carniferous · 1 year
Helloooooo I already flopped around a bit in ur comment section on ao3 but i just wanted to pop here and say hiiii because i just read ur ruin it all over fic and 😞😞😞😞😞😞😞im not doing good haahahhahahahhahahah
I saw that the title came from the alcott(which honestly felt like a personal attack, my fave song with my fave couple but just completely heartbreaking:((() and wanted to ask if u were inspired by any other songs or any other songs remind u of those sad sad boys
hi!! thank you SO much i'm so happy you enjoyed it!!! (i'd say sorry but.... i'm not <3)
i actually have a playlist for ruin it all over that is a bunch of songs that i felt applied to the fic so give that a listen to know what other songs inspired me while i was writing ^_^
but bc i love talking about music i'm gonna talk some more about some of my top jegulus songs/lyrics
square - mitski
You know, you made me happy Here, shake my hand You make such a good man Never once did you know me
I tried my hardest, for how do you learn God's very simple and love doesn't burn And maybe you'd offered me all that I yearned for But I was still waiting for something to earn Silly me, waiting
mitski is my favorite artist and i've been a fan for awhile and when i first got into jegulus i was literally INSANE over how much this song screamed them. like... please listen to this song and imagine it from regulus's pov it will break your heart. "you'd offered me all that i yearned for" -> you gave me the love i'd never been given before. "but i was still waiting for something to earn" -> but i was still trying to earn it from the people who'd never given it to me
my tears ricochet - taylor swift
I didn't have it in myself to go with grace And you're the hero flying around, saving face And if I'm dead to you, why are you at the wake? Cursing my name, wishing I stayed Look at how my tears ricochet
i feel like i don't even need to explain this one like we all see the vision right? regulus didn't have it in himself to go with grace. james is the hero flying around saving face! they're so doomed <3
please stay - lucy dacus
You tell me you love me, like it'll be the last time Like you're playing out, the end of a storyline I say I love you too, because it's true What else am I supposed to do? Maybe bar the door when you move to leave
I think you mean what you say When you say you wanna die I think you mean what you say When you say you want to stay alive
this is the THE canon compliant jegulus from james's pov song imo. like... "you tell me you love me like it'll be the last time"??? the whole song really reflects james's anxiety over losing regulus, knowing that regulus loves him but knowing that it might not be enough
star - mitski
That love is like a star, it's gone We just see it shining It's traveled very far, I'll Keep a leftover light burning So you can keep looking up Isn't that worth holding on
You know I'd always been alone Till you taught me To live for somebody
once again. do i even need to elaborate
honorable mentions to georgia by phoebe bridgers, cool about it by boygenius, and fade into you by mazzy star
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icharchivist · 1 year
Do you have a favorite unit in Gbf? Just one you like in general or someone you like putting in your party because they're your blorbo or do you just go by the best meta for specific raids?
RANDALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RANDAAAAAAAAAAALL!!!!!!
actually i have like strong feelings on this one but it's 100% SSR Randall i'm obsessed with this unit?? like genuinely obsessed in a way that is more than just "he's a blorbo"?
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best boy best boy best-
(i got a little long gushing about it but god i love he)
so like, Randall is a blorbo alright, i adore him, his R was one of my early unit so he carried me and i grew to like him from here, i found his FE super endearing, it's been a day one type of thing. (i really wanted to have Feather bc of seiyuu reasons, so when i saw Randall was his bestie and just really wanted to find Feather, i got into a kinship with him right away)
Then i realized Randall was voiced by Wataru Hatano who is not only a seiyuu i adore but legit also a seiyuu i listen to the music of the most (he voices one of my ultimate blorbo in a3 so obviously i was unwell). and Randall went from "R/SR i really have strong feelings for" to "character i'm ride or die for".
When Marionette Stars came out and they teased Wacchan in the gbf radio show, i was vibrating at the idea of Randall getting a SSR. And then the event happened and his SSR was teased and i absolutely lost my marbles. I don't think i ever just CRIED out of realizing a character was going to become an unit. I was shaking and crying so much even my crew was like. ".... for Randall??" while i was like YEAH OF COURSE FOR RANDALL WHO DO YOU TAKE ME FOR.
I didn't have funds at the time to spark so i skipped on his banner, but best boy decided to come in the free pulls a few weeks later, i'll never forget it.
But honestly originally, i didn't really know how to use him, so he was benched for a time. And it made me so insanely sad that i couldn't use him.
I didn't like playing wind at all (the team i had at the time, which was mostly Blorbos, made it difficult to play in general), and i found his kit a little too particular (with his 3rd skill taking a lot of time to charge up)
But a friend saw I was super sad about it and went "that won't do" and found me a couple of teams that would work to solo FA Bennu with Randall. I found a set up that worked wonders, and I kept watching the raid play out, and it's when i realized how actually SUPER GOOD Randall's unit is?
It works better on long fights, but on short fights he still has very good elements. If he's supported by base!Ewiyar in the back, he's unstoppable, unkillable, and ends up carrying the whole team all on his own.
He has high hostility and a high dodge rate and he activates his first skill upon dodging, which not only hits hard, but also gives him 20% CA charge. So if he's targetted regularly and dodges regularly, he charges his CA super fast.
Upon activating his first skill or his CA, he raises his Heel level, and after he reaches 7 heels level, his 3rd skill activates: it resets his other skills, but especially, ends up activating his CA twice EVERY TURN AFTER THAT. like, constantly. This buff is never removed so he constantly has double CA attack.
So basically once he's in a team that 1) gives him the hostility's spotlight, 2) supports his dodging, 3) charges CA real quick (Kengo, Viking, Relic Buster, or Seofon), he's basically a monster who is constantly hitting the enemy, either out of dodging or out of CAs, and since he gets all the hostility and dodging, the whole team is kept safe.
I've noticed before i got Ewiyar (so his dodgerate wasn't perfect) that i could have flawless run of everyone at full health, but if in a RNG, Randall would die, then the whole team would follow literally two rounds later. Ever since i have Ewiyar, everyone remains in the green all the time and the "Randall dying" RNG is so low that any team with Randall survives for a long long period of time.
I'm actually obsessed with the mechanisms of his unit and just how satisfying it is to watch play out. Like, it's genuinely the unit i have the most fun using because i genuinely feel unstoppable. The fact he's one of my ultimate blorbo in the game add a whole other layer to it.
So i kinda have both blorbo and meta in mind with this one but i genuinely just love how this unit works and how happy it makes me. It singlehandedly made me enjoy playing wind.
I bring Randall out with me sometimes in random outings.
Tho tbh most of my random teams are either level up teams (so as long as i have charas to level up i don't have anything else in it - if i have room for chara i don't need to level up, Tien takes priority, but then Percival or Randall come along for the ride), or farming teams (in which case since i take Tien/R!Richard/Earth!De La Fille with me everywhere it leaves me very little room for characters who wouldn't be able to hit the enemy hard). And when i really need to hit hard at once i usually bring out my Light Team since it's pretty good all around the board.
But whenever i can bring Randall out, i do.
He's definitely the unit that makes me the happiest, both in term of blorbo and in term of how it works. My best boy.
one and only best boy
thank you for asking and for reading my ramble. I care him a lot!!!
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natewriteslol · 3 years
May I request a reaction(?)/headcanon?
(twst boiz }:‑))
Rook, Sebek, Idia, Jack and Azul reacting to a secretly ripped reader.
Explanation!: Reader wears a lot if oversized stuff, lazy af, tends to skip PE classes and etc. You know acting like they're weak and stuff while in reality they're just lazy. For some reason Vargas saw the potential and the true power in reader, so he decided to add them to the team of [insert a really brutal sport or smt]. Everyone r like: "Y?? They weak!" When it's Readers time to enter the game, they take their hoodie off and omG those muscles. I swear someone fainted right on spot. And someone went 🧎🤰 After Absolutely destroying opponents team, they're just like "ok, I did the thing! Now I want my super duper rare chips".
A/N: This is such a creative premise, thank you for sending it!!
MC goes by they/them pronouns :)
Warnings: none except that MC takes off their shirt
Honestly Y/N was known to be one of the most laziest people on campus, so lazy that it even rivaled Leona! Which there has to be some form of intervention for them because it’s just getting out of hand. And while it benefitted in certain situations, such as annoying Grim to actually start moving his lazy ass around the house, or bullies leaving them alone since Y/N couldn’t bother to muster a reaction.
However they continued to skip P.E classes, and just all around not doing anything. So it came to a surprise that when they were called to Vargas’ office.
“Wait. Y/N where are you going?” Ace questioned, as their friend went with their backpack toward the door.
“I got an interview with Vargas for something. Watch Grim for me please, later” they replied relaxed. And while both Deuce and Ace questioned what their friend was going to be interviewed for, the pair just looked at each other, shrugged and went back to their schoolwork.
Once Y/N got to Vargas’ office, they sat on the chair on the other side of his desk. The student gazed at the sports paraphernalia on the walls, before Vargas started talking.
“Well Y/N, I bet you’re wondering why I called to talk to you?” He asked.
“Yup” the student said, keeping their answers short and concise.
“You tend to skip my classes a great amount, and while both you and Grim are enrolled as one student your lack of participation is dropping your grade,” Vargas said while standing up.
Y/N started to feel bad, sure they didn’t really care to participate but they didn’t want to inconvenience Grim.
“But, I will promise you one thing, I can feel the potential in you Y/N!” the man said excitedly, slightly spooking you. “As a man who is incredible person overflowing with talent,” Vargas started,
‘Wowee, pretty narcissistic’ you thought, but then you started to pay attention again.
“I can see greatness within others, it’s almost like my 6th sense. And I can feel it within you. Now all I ask of you Y/N, is that you participate in the Great Dodging Tournament try outs. And I will raise your grade” The older man offered, Vargas really believed in you.
And that really put a smile on your face, “You know what, I’ll do it.”
“Thanks kiddo!” the man boomed with a great smile on his face while ruffling your head.
I mean, if he’s this excited you can try for him.
It was tryouts, Deuce and Ace were a little apprehensive for Y/N to be participating. I mean the Great Dodging Tournament involves one person dodging great magical attacks from the opposite team, in order to get at least one of the balls from the other team. And while you didn’t technically need magical powers to compete, it certainly did help.
“Y/N L/N, you’re up!” It was their turn. Whispers broke out, everyone didn’t understand why they were even allowed to participate.
“Have you even seen them run?” Someone whispered.
The heat was rising despite it being the afternoon, “Damn, I’m getting hot” Y/N says and they start to strip, taking off their oversized shirt.
What came to a great surprise was their physique, incredibly ripped abs. Strong shoulders, back and arms now exposed to everyone.
They did absolutely fantastic for their tryouts, moving across the field with great speed, dodging every single attack and they were able to take 2 out of the 7 balls from the other team. Y/N was excellent, and absolute essential to the Great Dodging Tournament team. Every person was in great shock, they didn’t even break a sweat.
“Alrightie! Now where’s my snacks?” They said, sitting down on the bench.
-Oh mon cherie, what have you been hiding from him? ~
-Rook had alot of information on almost everyone at the school, so this definitely came to a shock to him
-A strong advocate for keeping them shirtless all the time
-I mean Y/N lays around all the time, they might as well look good while doing it
-It's just him and Sebek arguing (well it's Sebek who is actually arguing) about what Y/N should do once they come back: Shirt or no shirt?
-He’s very impressed with their strengt and willpower to get that physique
-Very mischievously looks down at Y/N while they complete their audition
-Rook I love you but what are you planning-
-He goes bright red, and starts yelling at Y/N to put a shirt on
-”I-it’s inappropriate for you to be walking around like this! Do you humans not have any shame?!”
-”D-don’t come closer! I don’t want a hug from you!”
-W-what? How could he miss that this mere human held this much power?
-He was incredibly observant (or so he claimed)
-Sebek didn’t know weak, puny humans could possess that type of strength
-If Y/N as a non-magic user were able to obtain this level of power, you were a threat
-Definitely not intimidated by them (he lowkey is intimidated by them)
-While he’s still incredibly opposed to Y/N’s lazy behaviors, he has a newfound respect for them
-Later on he thinks about it more and is marching to their dorm inorder to force them into doing more powerful stuff
-” Naw man, but since you’re up can you get the tv remote? It’s pretty far.”
-Of course this happens the one time he goes outside in person!
-Erupts into flames and has a bright ass blush
-Has Ortho calm down his flames with his built in fans
-Idia literally hides inside his hoodie so that no one could notice him
-But I mean it’s kinda hard since at this point he’s looks like a campfire but go off-
-He literally can’t look Y/N in the eyes omg
-Idia tries to talk to them but he just ends up spluttering
-He thought that Y/N had put their shirt back on so he takes his head out of his hoodie and NOPE they still have it off and the cycle of embarrassment repeats
-Idia manages to compliment Y/N, comparing them to a powerful anime character from a show he watched
-The man cannot look at Y/N the same anymore now that he knows what’s under all that baggy clothing
-Jack definitely did not see this coming
-Can admit that he is a little flustered (Alot of people teased him since his tail started to wag at the sight of Y/N’s body
-He couldn’t imagine the Y/N he knows doing all of this activity, let alone dodging such powerful magic attacks with this much skill
-They’re a perfect candidate for the team and Jack grows really passionate about you wanting to pursue sports
-Has alot more respect for you
-He will drag Y/N to do a bunch of brutally, active shit with him since the whole “I’m too weak” jig is up
-”Jack pls no”
-”But when you were soaring through the air during Dodging tryouts I heard no complaints. Get your ass up, Y/N”
-While their P.E grade is saved, at what cost?
-Azul thought that it was going to be a fun little attempt on Y/N’s part
-Were they joking? I mean he’s never seen them move a muscle for extracurricular activities like sports. Honestly-
-And oh dear oh it’s them shirtless
-Azul is so caught off guard
-He turns away so that Floyd and Jade don’t see his face, but those sneak boys know what’s going on
-”Boss you’re so red!”
-”Ooooh, are you flustered by shrimpy taking off their shirt~”!
-So that’s what you’ve been hiding under your clothing!
-He’s very impressed by your strength, Azul is wondering why you decided to hide it?
-Are you involved in shady business too? Hence why you’re laying low? (Sounds like projection but okay Azul-)
-He’s also thinking about getting you to sign some form of deal so that they can take advantage of your strength (Sorry Y/N)
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cinnamonest · 4 years
Razor (Genshin Impact) - Yandere Profile
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I'm glad you are ok with it because oh boy do I have some very very n a s t y noncon-y thoughts about our wolfboi. We love a dense boy, not a single thought in his empty, horny lil brain. Head empty, just horny for y/n. 
I also have the big horny™ for any cross between boys and canines... Does smth for me. As if my favoritism wasn't obvious by how much I've written below lmao
tw: general yandere content, violence, mentions of n/sfw
tw below cut: breeding, heavy  noncon, like jfc this is nasty, misogynistic
What are they generally like? Lucid, aware? Obsessive? How do they behave?
The biggest issue with Razor is his complete and total lack of restraint. He sees no need for it, he has no real concept of social norms. Wolves don't really practice restraint on... anything. When they see something they want to kill, they kill it, when they see something they want to have, they have it, when they're mad, they attack, when they're hungry, they eat.
So in a way, he's perfectly lucid, but doesn't act as a normal lucid person who understands social norms would do. He knows that you give him some burning, fluttery feeling, and that he enjoys having you around, and that he gets sad when you have to leave. He's perceptive enough to know it's the same urge that drives humans to form their long-term mate partnerships. If that's what they refer to as "love," he'll readily adopt that term as a way to describe what he feels. What he doesn't get is everything between point A and point Z. No point in all the "courtship" and "marriage" and other human customs -- he doesn't need to "date" to know you're the one, and he doesn't need some signed paper to signify he loves you. In his mind, it's perfectly logical to expect you to immediately come live out in Wolvendom with him. You did accept all his courtship signs, after all.
Wolves are very straightforward with it, you see. Their courtship includes going for walks side-by-side, close to each other, which you did when you let him guide you through the woods. Wolves will rest their head or legs on the other, and you let him rest his head on your shoulder (even if you flinched with surprise when he did, uncomfortable but too nice to say anything). He even when to the extent of engaging in human mating rituals -- you accepted all those gifts he hunted down, and you smiled when he said nice things about how pretty you are, how nice you smell.
So in other words, you've basically already accepted him as a mate. That's what he's perceived, and changing his initial perceptions is not easily accomplished.
How likely are they to kidnap their darling? How quickly will they do so?
One of the most likely, and definitely the fastest. Possibly after meeting you a single time. He can't take the risk of you not coming back.
He won't be very subtle or sneaky about it either, not tricking you into walking right into captivity, nor drugging you or taking you in your sleep. It's very straightforward - it's not like there's anyone in Wolvendom to hear you, so he has no problem just slinging you over his shoulder and carrying you off. He kinda gets why you'd panic, so he reassures you that no, he's not gonna eat you or anything, you're just going home.
Don't worry about the pack - they won't eat you either, or even hurt you. He's already told them not to. He gets why you might be frightened by the massive, snarling creatures and their massive teeth and eyes that shine in moonlight, but he'll make sure you get used to them and accept them as your family, just like he has.
How difficult is it to escape from them? How do they keep you restrained? How do they deal with attempted escape? 
That depends. Can you fight off two 180-pound masses of claws, teeth, and muscle? If so, sure, it'll be easy. If not... you'll have some issues.
He's lucky to have such a loyal pack that will help him with these things - they don't exactly understand why you'd want to leave, but they know you're not supposed to. Even when he has to leave you, which isn't often, he'll leave a few of them around to watch you. To make sure no one comes and steals you or anything - and of course, the implication that it's to make sure you don't run away, either. He doesn't really get why you would, but he's come to the realization, based on what you've tried to tell him, that you miss your family and friends. And he gets that, he really does, but in the end, he's selfish at his core, and his empathy for you isn't enough for him to just let you go.
He sleeps latched onto you, arms wrapped around you, so it's not a good idea to try. Your best bet is to wait for a time he's gone and distract the wolves with something, which isn't too hard, and run for it. But even if you do manage to escape, you won't be for long. They can smell you from a mile away and will use your scent to pinpoint you down within a few minutes. They don't exactly have any gentle ways of taking you down and bringing you back, either. They're basically going to have to use their teeth, so it's better if you don't struggle - you'll just hurt yourself.
If he catches you, though, he'll just get huffy and angry, and much like when initially taking you, he'll just pick you right up and bring you back. He's not opposed to stealing ropes and the like from the passing knights, and tying knots isn't too difficult to figure out.
How easy are they to trick, deceive, or manipulate?
Poor boy is very easy to lie to and manipulate. Head empty, not many thoughts up there. However, you'll have to be clever about it, because most of the time, even if he believes you, he doesn't care. Sure, you can easily convince him that it's normal for human couples to sleep separately... But that's not going to stop him from curling up with you, because that's what he does. That's what wolves do.
He will, however, be somewhat easily manipulated into getting you things you want, if he thinks it'll make you happy. However, obtaining things you want will almost definitely come in the form of theft, or worst case scenario, the body of a passer-by that just so happened to have something you wanted visibly on their person.
If he finds out you lied to him on something, he'll get pouty and grumpy. It's not pleasant, but it's better than the rage reaction of some yanderes.
How lenient are they? What privileges can you have, and what will you be denied?
His life revolves around you, and yours should revolve around him. That's how mates are. You can go for walks in the woods! You can take naps in the sun together! You can spend literal hours mating! Why would you need anything else?
That being said, he's always had a uniqueness from the wolves in that he's awake more - wolves sleep about 14 hours a day, him only about 8 or 9. You'll definitely be getting a lot more sleep than you would back home, but you'll have a few precious hours to yourselves. It makes him happy - it used to be time he spent all alone, a reminder of how he didn't truly fit in with humans nor wolves. But now, you have that time together! He's willing to do most anything you want, so long as you're together. He's always had some adaptative differences he practices by himself - making fires, cooking food on them, wearing clothes. If you want to go exploring, you can do that, if you want to make food, you can do that too. He'll even accommodate you if you want to do useless things, like your insistence on teaching him to read, or practicing his speech.
What kind of rules do they have? What kind of punishment would they use?
It's fairly simple. Don't leave. That's really the one big one.
He's actually not one to make a rule against fighting him - he'll see it as you wanting to play fight, wrestling, which wolves do all the time. It's fun, even if it's easy for him to win. And it's exciting when you fight back, in a weird way.
Don't make contact with other humans, if you see them. Oh, and he'll want you to report to him everything you did or saw while he was gone hunting.
Generally, if he gives you a command, which isn't too much, he expects you to follow it. In his mind, he's the male, he's supposed to tell you what to do. Isn't that how it usually works with humans too?
If you're too disobedient, he'll get grumpy. Honestly, his most likely form of dealing with it is to wrestle you to the ground, and essentially hold you down until you comply or agree to whatever he wants.
How do they deal with rivals, or perceived rivals? Will they get rid of them? Will they kill them themselves, or find another way?
But seriously. No, they're not going to last. He's one of the more paranoid ones, because deep down he's aware of how little he understands. For all he knows, every human male that talks to you could be doing what you call "flirting." Hell, didn't some girls like other girls too? How does he know which ones do and which ones don't? That means everyone is a threat, and he can't let threats get in the way.
He's not one of the ones to be subtle or try to hide it from you. He will probably try a little bit if he knows it's one of your family or friends whose blood is soaking his clothes when he comes back to you, but if it's random, he might even be proud. Look at that, he took down a whole search party that came looking for you all by himself! It's proof of his strength and dominance, and you should be happy that you have a strong mate to protect you! And he doesn't really empathize well - if you're upset, he will explain exactly that to you, and insist you change how you see things. Humans are so strange, being upset that your mate is able to protect you. You'll see why it's a good thing eventually, he's sure.
How easy is it to make them mad? What does their anger look like?
He gets frustrated pretty easily. It's usually just a lack of understanding, in his mind, you're being unnecessarily difficult almost all the time. He has told you a million times he doesn't care about whatever is normal for humans, yet you continuously bring it up, and that's a bit irritating. He'll huff and sigh and clamp a hand over your mouth if you're going on about it, and if you really refuse to shut up about it, there are a variety of ways of making you quiet - or distracting you from complaints.
He's got an immature streak, as he never really had anyone around to teach him otherwise. So he gets very pouty, a little bit aggressive and forceful when it comes to being upset over something or getting his way. If he wants attention and you're not giving it to him, he won't hesitate to just take whatever you're holding and focused on of your hands and toss it to the side.
On the positive side, he's never going to be passive aggressive. He's always straightforward and has no hesitation to tell you exactly how he's feeling.
If he's genuinely, truly furious, he can get violent. He'll probably apologize and definitely feel bad, licking all the little wounds. He wouldn't try to do anything so bad as bone breaking or severely hurting you, but might accidentally lose control of his own strength.
Do they see you as above them, beneath them, or equal to them?
More or less an equal. Not much to say here, as, to be honest, that sort of thing hasn't really crossed his mind. He doesn't waste time with thoughts of relative value, he just knows he loves you and wants you.
Subconsciously, it would be slightly below. Due to a very natural upbringing, he automatically associates males as being the leaders and alphas, while females are... Well, puppy-making machines. Don't try to accuse him of any sort of sexism or anything - he can't even really wrap his head around the concept, much less understand why it's wrong to acknowledge how much weaker you are than him. If you need proof of that, he can easily wrestle with you and prove it.
How determined are they for you to love them? How hard will they try to make it happen? Or are they content just having you?
Pretty highly determined. He mistakes a lot of things as signs of love, though. You might be only complying out of fear or exhaustion, but he won't be able to tell, he's not good with facial expressions, so he thinks it's a sign you're accepting him.
Honestly, he's one of the ones that, albeit unintentionally, will kind of guilt you into acceptance. You inevitably feel bad for him, you can tell how lonely he really is, and how desperately he loves you, wants you to love him. His intentions aren't malicious, and it's actually difficult to truly resent him, unlike some yanderes. Ironically, it reaches a point where rejecting him sometimes really does feel like kicking a sad little stray puppy in the rain - it makes you feel awful when he gets sad and quiet.
While there are a lot of yanderes who would be a lot more earnest and striving to serve and please you, which he doesn't really do, he's probably one of the most patient yanderes when it comes to this. He doesn't care if it takes the rest of your lives. He'll never give up or just settle for having you with him, he'll be loving you and trying to be reassured of your love till the day he dies, if that's what it takes.
Bonus: Is there anything that makes them unique, in comparison to other yanderes?
Primarily, it's hard to emphasize how significantly his lack of human socialization impacts his yandere behaviors.
Most yanderes are forced to acknowledge the inherent wrongness of their actions - some will accept it and not care that it's wrong, some sadists enjoy knowing it's wrong, some will delude themselves into justifying it, some will try their best to act within moral boundaries or make up for their wrongness somehow. But all in all, they all have to face the reality of the situation and understand that what they're doing is considered wrong.
Razor's not like that. He doesn't really take the moral aspect into consideration. To him, the whole idea is simply a human thing entirely. It doesn't matter what humans do. He views the world in a very black and white sense. Morality is a more abstract concept, what's more important is how things are relative to himself - what he wants.
Tends to communicate in strange ways. Excess emotions, too much happiness or anger or whatever can make him forget his words, so there's a lot of subtle communication through grunts, whimpers, growls. Over time, you learn how to distinguish between the various noises and body language and what they mean.
Will lick you. It's weird. It's kinda gross. But it's just how he shows affection. He tends to get carried away with kisses, ending up lapping at your lips, licking your neck and collarbones, nuzzling his head into you.
General perverseness: how sexual of a person are they? What’s their drive like? How touchy do they get? Do they have any reservations about sexuality?
Scientifically speaking, male sex drive is heavily boosted by testosterone. Testosterone can be greatly increased by heavy physical activity, eating high amounts of meat, sun exposure, and is even directly correlated to spending large amounts of time outdoors. 
You see where this is going.
Very high drive, very touchy, and no reservations, no shame. Thank whatever deity you care to recognize in Tevyat that you're isolated from other people out in the woods, because he has no concept of norms or appropriateness, and trying to get him to understand is a fruitless effort. You're wasting your time trying to explain the idea that groping and touching out of the blue is considered rude, or that most human men take issue with being very visibly, very noticeably hard and would likely try to conceal it, not just sit there with the blatant bulge poking forward... His response will only be that you're far away from humans, so it shouldn't matter. He's just trying to show you he loves you, that's why he insists on grinding into you all the time, staring at your body, humping you when you're curled up together quite ironically like a horny dog.
Unfortunately, he basically just does not know how to be gentle or slow about it. He can start off trying to be slow and soft if you beg for it, but once you're actually laying there and he's in you, he gets caught up in instinct and the heat of the moment, and just kinda... forgets about that whole "slow and gentle" thing, opting to just rut you as hard and fast as possible.
He doesn't talk much during sex. He already has some trouble forming sentences in normal times, you can't expect him to when he's fucking. You won't get a lot of words besides the occasional, "good, feels good," or little commands, but you will get a lot of animalistic noises - possessive growls, little whines of pleasure. He doesn't have any sense to hold back on his noises.
He's also the least likely to care about things like shaving, periods, or imperfections. Which is good, but you also can't use those things as an excuse to not fuck, it'll go in one ear and out the other.
How forceful are they? Do they care about your willingness?
It's not so much an intentional disregard for your willingness, so much as a combo of not really considering it, and thinking it's just something you'll change on. If he's human, and he has the urge, that means surely you do too. Sometimes humans need emotional connections before they want to mate, right? So he just needs to express his love to you. The looping problem there is that fucking you is pretty much his primary way of expressing love. It'll work out in the end, he guesses.
His limited knowledge of humanity also will lead him to certain conclusions. From what he understands, human society often shames females for having sex and wanting sex, right? That's dumb. But their mentality is probably ingrained in your brain, isn't it? That's why you act like this. But don't worry, he's not like the human men. Wolves don't feel that way. You'll understand that with time.
What sort of kinks or fetishes do they have, or would they fill?
It's a natural reaction to him. If he's balls deep in you, mounted on and pounding into your body, thrusting so hard that your body is lurching forward with every movement, he wants a way to hold you still, keep your body in place so that each pounding goes deeper and harder. It's second nature for him to just sink his teeth into your jugular, your neck, your shoulders. As an added bonus, he likes seeing the marks it leaves behind, in addition to how his fingernails that dig into your hips leave little indents in your skin.
He doesn't know how to not cum in you. You can't honestly expect him to pull out of you, you're so warm and wet and soft, it would be torture not to reach a climax buried inside that tight heat. You can go on a rant about not wanting to get pregnant, but it'll go in one ear and out the other. He doesn't get it - you're supposed to want to have his pups. Do you not think he's a suitable mate for reproducing? You'll be halfway through explaining why kids aren't in your current agenda before being flipped over and pounded into yet again with his newfound determination to prove his strength and dominance to you. Once you understand that, surely, you'll want all the puppies you can possibly make.
This applies mostly to escape attempts. He'll be mad, but it triggers something in him, something instilled by years of hunting down poor little prey animals. The desire to hunt you down, find you, and ruin you. Instead of ripping you apart like he would boars, he can't think of anything but just fucking you up against the nearest tree, the ground, anything. The faster you run, the more afraid you are, the more exciting it is. It's a very primal urge, one that commands all sorts of predators, both in feeding and breeding.
Forced Orgasms
As with many human things, he makes certain discoveries with time about sex. The first time you fuck, it'll probably be too rough for you to really cum, but it'll only be a few days in before your body adjusts to the girth that's frequently inside of you, and you end up spasming all over him - and he's just got this shocked expression, watching with amazement when you clench down and quiver under him. Wait, you mean human females can orgasm too? Not just the men?
From that point forward, he's determined to fuck, lick, grind, and force every orgasm out of you as physically possible. It makes him feel a weird sort of pride and contentment. It's one of the few things that makes him a big smug. Even if you feel like you can't possibly cum any more, he'll try anyway.
How do they feel about pregnancy or babies? Do they want them?
It's your purpose! He has learned that human girls only have one baby at a time, sometimes two, which is nothing compared to how many pups wolves usually have in one litter. That means that you'll have to make up for the lack of quantity of pups with quantity of pregnancies, which means constantly breeding and breeding and making sure every last drop stays inside of you. He doesn't understand why humans would even want to prevent pregnancy, it's the best thing that can happen, it's the whole reason you're alive, and it's a sign that you're his. Like with most things, he knows eventually you'll come around. Once you actually have the pups there in front of you, you'll love it. He knows you will.
What kind of (nsfw) punishments would they use?
He's a little lacking on the thought process behind punishing. If he's mad, it tends to cloud his thoughts, reverting to a more animalistic state, and he's not gonna have the complex thoughts required to really think through punishment, so it's not gonna be anything complex.
Doesn't really matter, if he's mad, just fucking you is going to feel like a punishment, with him slamming you into the ground, a tree, any rough surface nearby and just rutting you, claw-like fingernails digging into your skin and teeth sinking into your shoulder to hold you in place, a hand clasped around your throat. Fucking is basically the primary outlet he chooses for his emotions, happiness, love, stress, and anger alike, a simple, primal form of expression. If he's mad, he just needs to take it out on something, release all of that force and energy into rough, brutal motions. Normally when he's angry, he'll go hunt down some animal, taking all that anger out on the kill. But, recently he's learned he actually quite prefers to release his anger this way. It's more satisfying and enjoyable, and it deters you from stepping out of line, too. It's not just your average slightly rough fucking, no, it's the kind of fucking that will genuinely hurt you, rutting you over and over until your insides are burning from friction, your walls and cervix so completely bruised and abused you'll feel the  throbbing soreness with every movement for days, hands leaving massive bruises all across your hips and shoulders. Not that that's any excuse to not fuck more, no, no soreness will get you out of normal daily routine.
What body parts of their darling do they like the most?
He has a thing for breasts. They're very unique to humans, it's something he hasn't had the opportunity to see or understand, and he'll spend a lot of time just burying his face in them, licking and sucking. Big or small, doesn't matter. He just likes them.
One more nasty HC i can't not talk about
wait, you mean humans have sex... Facing each other? There are positions other than doggy? It's all he's ever seen. Porn and the internet don't exactly exist in this world. The whole concept blows his mind. He can fuck you AND see your face while he does? He'll nearly faint right then and there, and you'll regret bringing it up once you've gone numb from the repetitive pounding. He'll start asking you what else exists out there, his brain will start thinking of all the different ways to fuck he's never thought about. Once he learns you can ride him, he's in heaven, even if it's not so much riding so much as you sitting on his cock and him bouncing you up and down with such ferocity you can't even move your legs.
Speaking of things he doesn't know about, if you're smart, you make sure he doesn't find out about blowjobs. He'll love it, and it won't be a blowjob so much as him literally fucking your throat, grabbing your head and hair and just wrecking your mouth.
None of it is him trying to hurt you, really. He just doesn't understand how to be gentle. He might get better with time, but he's got a predator-born ferocity, a primal roughness that will always be a part of his nature.
(yes i did research on wolf courtship/mating rituals for this bc i suffer for my art)
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tom-at-the-farm · 2 years
☕️ teen wolf vs. merlin
In terms of which one was worse? Definitely Merlin. Both shows I started watching because of a coping mechanism I developed during original Covid lockdown, where I'd look for a decidedly non-prestige fantasy series with a lot of kinda monotonous seasons because that's what my brain could handle. And both, of course, turned out to be a case of "I came out to have a good time and I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now."
But Teen Woof was a lot less stressful. I would have loved a show about a nice boy named Scott McCall who discovers his skills in transformative leadership by mentoring a troubled peer named Isaac Lahey, and also they're both wolves. And Scisaac is still real, but at least they lost the plot and went off the rails by season 3. I only had to care for that long.
Whereas Merlin was just the most incredibly stressful BBC show about gay warlocks, ever. Every single episode was a source of frustration and anxiety and instead of kinda losing the point/jumping the shark the way TW did, they just doubled down on the most stressful plot line and drew it out for 5 whole seasons and then capped it off with the worst conclusion possible. Like both shows suffered from a case of "Stop! Stop! He's already dead!" but Merlin did it for longer and also to its literal titular character.
Also I'm contractually obligated to favor the show created by a gay man from Vassar
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xpeachesncream · 4 years
restart | four
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[ SEQUEL TO PERFECTLY WRONG ] | [ series masterlist ]
summary: as you and taehyung start to build your life together post graduation, things become more complicated than what you expected it to be. while taehyung struggles with his inner demons, you’ve become the sole supporter, the pillar, juggling different jobs to keep you two afloat. your love for each other has been put to the test as your relationship continues to face hurdles - hurdles that have you questioning whether or not your relationship will make it through.
pairing: reader x fiancé!kth
genre: post grad au, established relationship au | fluff, angst, smut
words: 4.8k
warnings: cussing/mature language, jealousy, lots of insecurities and overthinking, angst, crying, bar scene, alcohol consumption, flashback scene in the middle of the chapter, a lil sprinkle of fluff, implied sexual content, bickering/arguments
note: honestly, this was ALSO not supposed to get this long but like… 🙃 here we are lol
tags: @enchantaeduniverse​ @thedarkwinterrose​ @sapphirejeon​ @jwlmnbt​ @bluesharksandfish​ @ra-mun-e @brightcolorsoffendme​ @jungcrookthecookbook​ @sunniejinnie​ (please message me if you would like to be added to the taglist!)
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"Okay, I think that's it." You said, hands on your hips as you and Jungkook walked through your door for the final time.
"What are you selling, the world?" He huffs and puffs.
"For someone who works out often, you complain a lot." He rolls his eyes playfully.
"Where's Tae?"
"Sleeping still." He nods.
"Oh, okay. Ready to go then?" You nodded silently as you grabbed your bag to hitch a ride to the café with Jungkook since he was working today. He starts to talk about the girl who works with you two and how he thinks she's a little cutiepie. He has such a silly crush on her that his cheeks are lightly rose tinted every time he talks about certain encounters they've had. You're happy to see him happy, and you tell him to keep pursuing it since she's a super sweet girl. However, part of you is sad solely because you couldn't say you were 100% happy at this moment. You wish you were, but these problems were hindering you from feeling complete. You just wanted to get past this page in the book.
As soon as you both get to the cafe, you start unloading his trunk and getting everything inside. Jungkook claims he has the last two bags covered, so you walk to the back and take breather just to gather yourself before setting up. But you truly didn't expect to lose it right then and there.
"Okay! I got all the— Y/N?" Jungkook instantly worries when he sees you crying into your hands in the backroom and hurries over to you. "Hey, woah. What's going on?" He gets in front of you, gently trying to pry your hands off of your face.
"Fuck, I'm sorry." You continue to cry as he successfully removes your hands from your face.
"Sorry for what? What's going on?" He wipes your tears with his sweater and lifts your chin to look at you in the eye.
"The day barely started and you're already crying in the backroom." He says softly. "Don't try and lie to me."
"I just don't know what's going on between me and Tae and it's stressing me out."
"What's going on? Same stuff?" You nod, tears still streaming down your cheeks. You tell him about how he had been super weird about taking Jimin's help and how you both got into a huge argument about it. Then, you told him how last night ended [sparing your poor bestfriend the details] and how you couldn't help but feel used because he simply dismissed you, which is very unlike Taehyung when it comes to arguments and disagreements. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I know he's going through a rough time, but Tae also needs to respect you and look at you as his partner, not someone who's also attacking him or against him. Do you want me to talk to him?"
"No." Simply, no. Because you never get your friends involved like that. You just don't, no matter how much they wanna help. "He looks at me like I am, especially after this whole Jimin thing. I don't wanna say it's stupid because I don't wanna discredit his feelings, but god. Like, should I just do this on my own? Tell Jimin to forget it?"
"No." Jungkook shakes his head. "You're already getting a good start on your goals, Y/N. Don't let that go because of everything going on. Give him some time and space."
"I have been. For awhile now." You sat, feeling completely defeated already, tears still coming down your cheeks.
"Here, I'll go set up and I can take over the table for a bit. I'll ask Isabella if she can cover for a quick second." He stands in front of you, hands out to help support you as if you had lost your footing.
"No, I'll be fine—"
"Y/N, just sit. Okay?" He gives off a small sigh. "Just sit for a second and let yourself take a breather." He gently sits you down and makes sure you don't get up by slowly backing away from you.
"Kook, this isn't Marco Polo."
"I'm just trying to make sure you don't run off because you're stubborn!"
"Hey!" Isabella comes running in, a little confused as to what's happening.
"Hey, can you cover me at the front for a bit?" Jungkook stands back upright in a normal position to ask her sweetly, hands tucked behind his back as he bounced on his feet. This boy.
"Yeah, of course Jungkook." She blushes.
"Thanks. I'll be right back." He gives you a quick look before dashing off. You lay your head onto your arms as they rest on the table, a small headache forming at the center of your forehead.
"You okay, Y/N?" Isabella asks softly as she puts her things away.
"Yeah, sorry. Just a really weird day yesterday."
"I'm sorry." You feel her hand caress your back. "Let me know if you need anything, okay?" She says before shuffling herself out of the room. To be honest, you had no idea what was going on with you, and why you were feeling this way. You were just so sick and tired. Sick and tired of being sick and tired.
This was slowly taking a toll on you, and you weren't even sure if Taehyung realized what he was doing was hurting you in the process.
He can't say he does.
Tae set the weights down back onto the rack aggressively before sitting on the bench, watching Jimin finish his set. They had been working out after lunch, Jimin calling him shortly after Taehyung had fully woken up.
"Are you gonna go to the café after this?" Tae shrugged.
"I don't know, Y/N said she didn't need help and wouldn't be there all day."
"You won't even visit for a bit?" Jimin asks. Usually Tae was rushing to get back to you, but he knew everything that had been going on had been affecting your relationship to an extent.
"We'll see."
"You two coming to the bars tonight then?"
"What are we celebrating again?"
"Nothing. Just getting together like old times. I told Kook, Hobi and Yoongi. They're down." Tae nodded.
"Joon, too?"
"Joon, too."
"Me and Y/N will probably go but I don't think we'll stay long. She has to do that thing at the school—" He scratched his head. "The thing— the exhibit and talking to incoming art students or whatever." Jimin chuckled at how Tae couldn't get his words out.
"It's not whatever."
"You know that's not what I mean." Tae rolled his eyes at him, annoyed all over again at how Jimin had been kissing your ass lately. Cause fuck, the way Jimin had been painting himself as a knight in shining armor, an angel even, was pissing him the fuck off. It made him feel like he wasn't doing enough to support you, or like you couldn't turn to him for help. He hated that feeling, even though he had been rude as hell and showing it in a different way.
"That's fine. Just come out and hang out for a bit." Jimin sighed as he sat on the bench next to him, drinking some water before placing the bottle back down on the ground. "You two doing okay?"
"Yeah, what makes you think we aren't?" Tae asks, getting defensive. Jimin quickly eyes him, reading his body language. He knew Taehyung so well - so fucking well that he knew almost immediately when things were taking a toll on him. Things liiiike.. his parents. As a prime example. Jimin knew Taehyung and his parents obviously didn't have the best relationship, and he knew he took things to heart whenever his father got on him about stupid shit [just like he did over that dinner]. Taehyung wasn't one to show emotion much; he liked showing people he was mentally tough and that he could handle whatever came his way. For the most part, it was true. But, Jimin and Namjoon also knew he wasn't always like that, especially when it came to things that mattered the most to him - his family and you. Taehyung hated to admit it but his family's opinion of him was important no matter what. He was hard on himself because he wanted them to be proud. He wanted to actually feel like he had been doing something good for once. He was still longing for that feeling no matter what he said or did. It was a never-ending battle; like a plot with no happy ending in sight.
"I'm just asking." Jimin threw up his hands, showing that he wasn't suggesting anything behind the harmless question.
"We're fine. I know she's been stressed lately because of work and her art."
"It's funny." Taehyung chuckles at himself.
"What's funny?" Jimin laughed a bit, confused.
"I didn't expect to be caught up in her like this. After Hana, messing around with all these girls. She's my fucking fiancé."
"Yeah and you better not fuck that up." Jimin stands to gather his things.
"You sound like my dad." Tae jokes, even though he was pretty offended.
"I'm sorry, didn't mean to." Jimin instantly apologizes, knowing everyone had been walking on eggshells around Taehyung lately. "She's a good girl, you've got it good."
Taehyung softly smiles at the thought of you, but he wasn't gonna lie, he was hurt by Jimin's statement. Call him sensitive or whatever, but he wasn't feeling the fact that people were constantly looking at him as a fuck up and hinting at it. It seemed to be a reoccurring theme lately. "You ready?" Tae sighs before grabbing his stuff. They get into his car, departing from the gym to make their way to Jimin's so he can get dropped off before Tae heads home. Taehyung replays yesterday's events in his head, which instantly irks him all over again. But, he has such a soft spot for you that he feels terrible for having been too harsh about it. He was still upset, and he wasn't gonna let up on his feelings. But he knew he should have been better about how he approached it. He knew better than that. He's learned to do better.
Taehyung excitedly parks his car at the café to surprise you for your pop up today. He had been working endlessly to finish off finals strongly, and he had been so busy that he hadn't really gotten a chance to help you or support you. He felt terrible about it because you were his babygirl and he wanted nothing but to spoil you for all the hardwork you've been putting in.
He creeps up behind you, bouquet of flowers hidden behind his back. "Excuse me, miss." He says lowly near your ear.
"Holy fuck!" You say as he startles you. "Babe, what the hell! Don't do that!" He laughs.
"What's cookin', goodlookin'?" He wiggles his eyebrows, making you chuckle. "These are for you." He smiles toothlessly as he hands you the pretty bouquet. "And your favorite!" He hands you a Mcflurry cup.
You squeal. "Oreo Mcflurry! Aw, thank you baby." You place a quick kiss on his lips. "But don't ever scare me like that!" You playfully hit his chest, causing him to erupt in laughter.
"You should've seen your face."
"Ha-ha, very funny." You rolled your eyes, causing him to pinch your cheeks.
"How's it going?"
"Welp, I'm almost out for the day." You giggle. "I, uh, may have underestimated." You look down at his hoodie, realizing it was one of the hoodies you had made for a previous collection you sold at Jin's. "Waaaow, cute sweater, who made it?"
"Mm, I don't know if you know her. Her name's Y/N."
"Uh huh?" You nod, hand on your hip, waiting to hear more.
"She stands about this tall." He lowers himself close to the ground, causing you to laugh. "Cute, right? She's beautiful, incredibly smart and sexy. Brilliant visual designer and illustrator. Packed with hella attitude." He pretends to ponder on his thoughts. "I could go on about her, really. She's one of a kind."
"Cute. She must feel lucky." You smile.
"I know, I'd feel lucky if I knew me too." You roll your eyes and playfully hit him. "Ah, I'm kidding." He pulls you into a hug. "I keep this sweater in my trunk."
"Oh, so you keep it in your trunk just for emergency wear?" You sarcastically ask as he holds you from behind.
"Yeah, and cause it's the only sweater I'd choose to wear out of the hundreds I own." You smile up at him. "Mhm, not gonna try and win that one." He places a big, sloppy kiss on your cheek before pulling away. "Show me. How can I help my pretty baby today?"
"Hey, I can't stay out late tonight because of the event tomorrow."
"Yeah, I know." Taehyung says softly.
"Please don't drink too much."
"I wooooooon't." He whines with a small sigh, also slightly offended at that statement. He didn't know what it was, maybe it was the fact that his own father painted him in such a negative light that everything seemed off to him lately. Like people were just out to get him or constantly looking down at him and his actions. A personal attack at who he was. It was slowly piling up for him and he wasn't sure how much more of it he could take.
You prepared a quick dinner while he hopped in the shower. You set his plate aside before taking a look at the mail that had come in today.
Bills, bills and more bills.
You sighed to yourself as it felt like you had just paid things off, but clearly not. Moving into Taehyung's wasn't the greatest idea, being that his space was much more expensive than yours. But, he did have the space you needed for your work. There was money left, but you knew it wouldn't last forever. You hated tapping into your savings and whipping out your credit cards because you wanted to keep yourself clean as much as possible. However, that was proven difficult as of late. It was a sacrifice, especially since Taehyung had cut off his mother's help. Taehyung's pride was such a curse sometimes.
You shook your head, already finalizing the fact that you would deal with it later. You had began to set your things aside for the new student event tomorrow morning. You figured you'd get there early to set up and make your table at neat and cute, so you didnt have to worry much about it right now.
Taehyung comes out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, hair slicked back and wet. You turn to face him, your eyes wandering down to his chest and bottom area. God, why was he so beautiful? It wasn't fair. You loved him so much that you could crumble even being upset. He talks a whole lot about you being the death of him, when really, this man is going to be the death of you. Truly. There's no debate about it.
Getting to the bar, you both immediately spot your friends in the corner, a huge tower of beer decorating the center of the table. Jimin is the first to stand, coming towards you two with a huge smile on his face.
"Friends!" Jimin yells. "Drink!" He says, holding up two shot glasses.
"Fuck, man." Taehyung says taking the glass. "We just got here."
"So! Y/N needs to be home early remember?" He watches wide-eyed as you two take the shot and make sour faces at each other.
"Okay, I'm good." You say, being that you were the DD tonight. Taehyung could enjoy himself if he wanted to [to an extent], but you definitely needed to be in tip top shape to be a good role model to those incoming art students tomorrow.
Throughout the night, the bar starts to get packed from end to end, you and your friends staying at the table and keeping to yourselves. You could tell Taehyung was crossing the line of pretty fucking drunk, which somewhat bothered you. You literally just told him to take it easy tonight - just for one night - so you could do what you need to do tomorrow.
"Hey." Jimin comes next to you, swinging his arm over your shoulder like he always does. "One more shot?" You give him a toothless smile. Ugh, why the hell not? Your man was drunk, and Jimin had only been helpful lately. You could at least return the favor by taking a shot with him.
"What are we drinking to?"
"You." He smiles. "Your shop. Your art. It'll only go up from here, yeah?" He rose his shot glass up before clinking it against yours and taking it to the neck.
"Mkay, that does it for me." You chuckle. "Thanks for the shot."
"No problem. You doing okay?"
"Yeah, I'm good." You looked at your watch. "Should probably get out of here soon, but Tae looks like he's enjoying himself. I don't wanna drag him out of here."
"We can just bring him home." You shake your head worriedly.
"I don't wanna leave without him." Jimin chuckles and looks over at Taehyung.
"He'll be okay and you'll be just fine tomorrow. Besides, you can make up all the bullshit in the world to tell the incoming students, they'll believe it either way."
"That's mean." You chuckle.
"Come. Let's dance!" Jimin says, leading the way to the empty space near the table. Everyone gets up to dance, Taehyung slipping himself behind you, whispering sweet nothings in your ear.
"Can I at least get one minute with my lady without Jimin interrupting?" He says in your ear.
"Taehyung." You flatly say, looking back at him.
"That's your mad face." He holds you tightly from behind as he sways you from side to side.
"I'm not mad."
"Mhm." He kisses the back of your head. "Why don't you have fun with me for a little? We'll go home after this." You couldn't even stay mad at him, with that fucking frustratingly handsome face of his. He was definitely drunk though, you could smell the whiskey lingering on his breath as he danced with you for a bit. You let him be, just so you wouldn't trigger anything within drunk Taehyung. Everyone around you was having a good time, the feeling of nostalgia hitting you pretty hard. You missed the days where you could get together and go to parties after a long week of school. Or, when you would tease the fuck out of Taehyung as his fuckbuddy during parties, or at the clubs. You know, before graduation and responsibilities happened.
But as one hour turned into two, and two turned into three, you found yourself getting restless. It was nearing 2AM and you had to be at the school by 8am - even earlier just to set your table up. You made your way to the bathroom, hoping Tae would get the point and start getting himself ready to leave.
Once you were out the bathroom, he'd realize you had been gone for a little and start saying his goodbye's. He'd realize time got to the best of him. Right?
"It's a fucking good time tonight!" Jimin tells Namjoon, laughing with him as he watches Joon act a fool with his dance moves.
"I'm sure it is, since you've been in Y/N's space the entire night." Taehyung says it jokingly, but he doesn't realize it only comes off that way in his head. Jimin furrows his brows at him, his high quickly dying with Taehyung's unnecessary comment.
"Don't start with all that. Not tonight. Everyone's having a good time--"
"Or what, Jimin?" Taehyung chuckles like the petty ass he can be. "You know it's true. Don't you think it's a little disrespectful to be crossing boundaries?"
"Hey, let's step back for a bit." Jungkook lightly tugs on Taehyung's arm as he hears the conversation going south quickly. But Taehyung breaks from his grip, stepping forward towards Jimin.
"You really think I would do that to you?"
"Haven't you already? Swinging your arms around her and shit, being all angelic--"
"Tae, come on. That's enough. Don't." Namjoon steps in the middle. "Let's go outside to get some air."
"You really wanna make me look that bad in front of my own girl?" Jimin lightly pushes him away, Taehyung getting too into his space.
"Enough." Namjoon shakes his head, aggressively stepping in the way to create distance. Taehyung shakes his head and walks off, the rest of the group watching as he walks. You finish off in the bathroom, assuming Tae was already getting ready to go. However, you realize your assumption of leaving by the time you're back is absolutely incorrect because when you get to the table, Taehyung is nowhere to be seen.
"Where's Tae?" Kook looks at you frazzled, before his eyes begin to pan the room again.
"Look, don't freak out, but him and Jimin just got into it and he walked off."
"What the hell do you mean they got into it and he walked off?"
"It's nothing, Tae is just drunk—" Kook squeezes your wrist and shakes his head.
"No, it's not just nothing because you and I both know how he's been feeling lately." You run your hand through your hair. "What did he say?"
"He just got into it about Jimin getting close to you lately, and how he felt like he was disrespecting boundaries." You sigh heavily.
"We have an issue." Namjoon comes back from out of the blue. "He's not around."
"What do you mean?! Where did he go?" You run your hand through your hair.
"Okay, let's not panic." Jungkook tries to relax you. "Let me go check the bathrooms." Namjoon nods as he continues to look around the room.
"Please? We should get home." He nods to you before he's off to check for Tae in the bathroom. You stand near the table awkwardly, worry filling you quickly the more time passes.
"Hey, you okay? What can I do?" Hobi squeezes your arm, his face flushed with a red tint from how tipsy he is. You give him a small, reassuring smile and nod to try and keep calm.
"I honestly don't know anymore, but I'll be good. I think. We're just gonna look for him and head home."
"Is Kookie looking in the bathroom?" You nod. At this point, you catch a glimpse of Jungkook coming back alone.
"I'm sorry, I couldn't find him in there. I swear I tried."
"So, where the hell is he?" Jungkook shrugs.
"Lets check around again. I won't leave until we find him."
"Have you tried to call him?" You had already beaten Yoongi's question, calling Taehyung's phone only to see his phone vibrating and ringing on the fucking table. "Hm, okay. Maybe not."
"Fuck." You snatch Taehyung's phone from the table. "Is he serious right now? It's about to be 2:30AM. How the fuck can he get lost at this time?"
"Y/N just go home, we'll find him and bring him home." Jimin says, coming back from roaming around the place.
"No, I'm not leaving here without him."
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen." He says, looking at you in the eye. Although he was pretty fucking pissed, he couldn't help but worry about him either. No matter what, that was still his bestfriend. He didn't want anything to happen to him.
"It's not your fault."
"We need to check around the neighborhood." Jungkook suddenly comes back and grabs your arm. You follow him, Yoongi, Hobi, Namjoon and Jimin outside of the bar, the cold hitting your skin harshly.
"Let's split." Namjoon says. Jimin and Hobi split, Namjoon and Yoongi sticking together to go down a different path. You kept yourself close to Jungkook, knowing there were all sorts of drunk ass men out at this hour and you weren't helping wearing a tiny ass skirt and a deep cut shirt.
"Cutiepie, let me come holla!" A dude yells as he tries to swing his arm around your waist. Jungkook easily pushes him off, glaring at him.
"Back the fuck up." He spits out, your bestfriend coming to your rescue amongst the sea of men you're encountering on the sidewalk right now. He throws his jacket over your shoulders, hoping to shield you from them and the cold. "Your outfit." Jungkook frowns, a little worried.
"I mean, I didn't expect to lose Tae tonight." Once you had gotten to a quieter part of the street, you come from behind to walk beside him. "Where the hell could he have gone?" You whine. You're more worried for his safety and wellbeing right now more than anything and all you wanted to do was find him and bring him home, even though you were slightly worrying about yourself and how things would go tomorrow. You could give him an earful later. It could wait.
"He couldn't have gone far." You both continue down the street, heading towards your car, hoping he may be around the area. Jimin calls to check in, saying him and Hobi hadn't caught sight of him yet, and the same thing goes for Yoongi and Joon. You almost want to cry when you don't see Taehyung near your car, but Jungkook ends up walking further down towards the park near your parking spot. "Y/N! Here!" He calls out, running towards an individual slumped over on their knees on a bench. "Taehyungie?" Jungkook sits next to him and shakes him a bit.
"Shit dude, I just kept walking then I suddenly had no idea where I was at." He drunkily says as you sit next to him and sigh heavily.
"No one said you had to do that, Tae."
"I just needed some air."
"Yeah and look where that got you, it's close to 3AM." You respond, irritated.
"Y/N." Jungkook says softly, shaking his head at you as if he were signaling for you to quit with your attitude. "Let's go back to the car." Jungkook watches him stand up and wobble a bit, but eases up when he realizes Taehyung is capable of walking himself to the car. You three get back safely, letting the others know that you had found him before driving Jungkook back towards the club so he can meet with everyone else. You quickly thank him for his support before driving off to head home.
The car is incredibly cold, and silent.
"Love, I'm sorry. I just needed air and got lost." He breaks the silence.
"I see that." You say softly as you drive home, keeping your eyes glued to the road in front of you.
"Please don't be mad." He gives your thigh gentle squeeze. "I just got a little into my head tonight." You sighed, gently removing his hand from your thigh.
"Taehyung, I'm your fiancé, I'm doing this with you and only you. Do you even understand how worried I was? You just walked off, without your phone. Without saying anything to me. Just cause you got in your head for no reason."
"I'm sorry." He repeats at a whisper. You don't say anything else for the rest of the drive home. You silently park the car and head to the apartment, Taehyung sluggishly following behind you. He knows you're bothered, knowing it's closing to 3:30AM and you had an early morning. Honestly, he didn't realize how drunk he was until he had gotten himself into that argument with Jimin then got lost, especially without his phone. The fact that he had made you worry and stress like that made him feel terrible, especially after these past few days. You could have easily left, but you didn't leave without him even if it was this late. He instantly just wanted to cuddle you and tell you how sorry he was.
You quietly get ready for bed and line your things up by the door, just so it would be an easy quick and grab as you head out in the morning. You slip yourself into the sheets, Taehyung following shortly after he gets himself ready for bed. He shuts off all the lights and grabs himself a water bottle to sit by his nightstand before slipping in next to you.
"I love you." He whispers against your ear, wrapping his arms around you. But you don't respond. He peeks over to see your eyes shut, silently sighing to himself as he nuzzled his head against the nape of your neck. He knows you aren't fast asleep yet, and it hurts him that you hadn't said it back. You both just knew exactly how to love each other well, but also push each other's buttons. But, maybe, it was true - he was just fucking up left and right lately. Enough for you to go to bed without saying 'I love you' back.
'cause baby if i find a way, i'm sure of it, this love won't stray; just give me a chance to say i love you, and i need you. now are you here to stay, or fade away like every other day? you're the reason that i lie awake
track two: 3AM - finding hope
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missymurphy1985 · 3 years
The Return
It's been 2 years since you were last in Dublin. 2 years since you up and left without warning, saying goodbye to your life there and restarting somewhere completely new. Sometimes, you have to go backwards in order to move forwards.
Requested by @noctvrnalmoth I hope you like it!
*Featuring Jim from the Delinquent Season*
Stepping off the train into the platform, you sighed. It all looked the same, and yet so different. Pulling the buggy open, you gently strapped your sleeping son in and made your way to the taxi rank, your suitcase trailing behind you. A kind lady helped you with your bags and waited with you for an available taxi.
"You look like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders there, are you okay?" She sat next to you on the bench as your son murmured adorably in his sleep. "Sorry, I don't mean to pry..."
"No don't be sorry.. just been a long time since I came back here is all. Few loose ends to tie up." You glanced at your son's sleepy features as his eyes started to open. Beautiful, ocean blue eyes alongside his dark hair, growing more every day... The memories of that night flooding back before you took a large gulp of water from the bottle in your bag, forcing them back down. You'd done so well... 2 years and you'd built a new life in London. New friends, amazing new job allowing you to put that degree in marketing to good use - you were finally making a complete fresh start. But the secrets you had buried deep inside kept coming to the surface the more your son grew. He deserved to know his roots, who his father was, you knew that, but you couldn't do it.
Choking a tear back, you thanked the kind lady for helping you as a taxi pulled up and she helped you to get in.
Pulling up outside your cousin Natalie's townhouse in the city centre, she was waiting for you at the gate to help with Jackson and your bags. Grinning from ear to ear she pulled you in for a huge hug once you'd got inside and settled on her couch as Jackson sat in this new lady's lap tugging at her earrings.
"I can't believe I'm only just meeting him y/n.. he's the image of you!!" She kissed his cheek, bringing him up to look at him properly for the first time not over Skype.
"I never see it, I just see.... I just see him I guess..." You mind wandered to the man you actually saw, but you didn't let it slip.
"Those EYES!!! So blue and vibrant, just beautiful!" Natalie was swooning now, she'd never seen eyes that blue on a baby. Your eyes were brown, so he clearly inherited them from his father, although you had never revealed his identity - just a drunken one night stand and he wasn't involved. You weren't lying, technically...
After catching up properly, Natalie told you she'd planned a few people coming over to welcome you back that evening - nothing major, just a few friends from years ago that were keen to see you after so long away.
"Oh.. yes, that would be nice... Um, who's coming?"
"Well I think David and Amanda, possibly Caroline.. I think Liam is asking Jim too but I'm not sure if he's up for it - he's been through a tough time lately.." you caught a gasp in your throat at the sound of his name. Last you heard, through Natalie, he and Danielle were going through a rough patch. Cheating accusations on both sides, they'd agreed to a trial separation. "Apparently she isn't as broken hearted as once thought - already shacked up with someone new, fancy house on the coast, new Jag on the driveway, she's doing quite well for herself!" Your chin began to wobble, not unnoticed by Natalie, who placed Jackson in his bouncer on the floor and moved to place a hand on your shoulder.
"I'm fine Nat, honestly I'm good. It was a long time ago, things have changed. I'm not that silly little girl with a crush anymore..." Natalie looked into your eyes. Nothing ever got past her.
"Y/n.. when I said I'd never seen eyes that blue, I meant on a baby. Only one person I know has eyes like that, and I think you know too. Tell me the truth, please?" You were frozen, until tears escaped and you couldn't stop them. Jackson looked to see his mum crying and began crying too. Scooping him up, you held him close.
"It happened once... Just once Nat... And he doesn't know and he doesn't need to know, let's just leave it there, yeah?"
"What?? This is Jim's son? I was almost kidding y/n... How could you keep this from him for 2 years??" She was stood up now in complete shock. Jim wasn't just her friend, he was her husband's brother - this made things even more intense. The atmosphere could be cut with a knife.
"Please Nat... This wasn't easy okay? I was 21, I slept with a married man, and I got pregnant... Then mum died.. I had to go back to London to sort out the funeral and the will... I didn't want to be seen as the homewrecker that got herself knocked up..."
"And what about Jackson? Doesn't he deserve to know his father?"
"Of course... And he would.. when I was ready Nat. And I'm not ready..."
"Not ready for what?" Liam, Natalie's husband was stood in the doorway, as you heard the front door close. Now standing next to him was the man you were desperately trying to avoid... Jim stood behind him, eyes wide at the sight of you with a baby in your arms.
"Baby, we need to go pick up that delivery from the post office, remember the one we missed last week?" Natalie pulled a confused Liam out of the room, leaving his brother and you alone.
"Y/n... Hey.. um.. how are you?" You tried to smile in response but your heart was pounding in your chest, you could barely breathe.
"I.. yeah.. um, yeah I'm okay.." you glanced down at his hand.. the wedding ring was gone. "I'm sorry to hear about you and Olivia..."
"Probably for the best eh... We weren't exactly getting along, just stayed together for the kids I think. They're older now though, they're fine. Y/n.. where did you go? Why did you go?"
"My mum was ill... She'd had a stroke and they couldn't save her, I had to go... I just stayed.. and things happened.."
"You had a baby..." He looked at the little boy in your arms, feeling extremely nervous now. "He must be just over a year old, right?" You nodded.
"13 months.."
"And we... We had sex y/n.. the day before you left..." His own breath was faltering now as the dates in his mind started to catch up. Again, you nodded, tears rolling down your cheeks. The realisation of what was happening dawned on Jim. He started to back away, before shaking his head and storming out of the house, the door slamming behind him making you and your son jump.
Your sobs came out in full force now, Liam and Natalie coming back into the room. Liam took Jackson into the kitchen to find him something to eat as Natalie held you.
"It's okay y/n... Give him time yeah? Poor guys just had the shock of his life, he'll come round." Your heart was sinking.. you hadn't meant for any of this to happen, but here it was. The memory of that afternoon had never left you, you hadn't even been able to move on - your son, for starters, looked just like him, how could you find love with anyone with the constant reminder of the man you'd never have around you 24/7.
"I'm so sorry Jim, I didn't know who else to call..." You climbed into his car, cheeks burning as he picked you up from outside the pharmacy. You'd been walking along the road when a pothole in the pavement took you by surprise and you'd tripped, your ankle turning funny - the pain was horrific, but no one seemed to be answering your phone calls when you rang around for someone to come pick you up. Reluctantly, you'd dialled Jim's number, your cousin's brother in law. He'd given you his number the previous week, after offering to help you move into your new apartment later that month.
"No problem, I was just dropping the kids at school so I was only round the corner." He helped you into the car and drove you back to his house. "I figured your place is in boxes, no chance of a first aid kit either, I'm guessing?"
"No," You laughed. "Thank you so much.." you grimaced as you turned your foot round, trying to ease the pain.
"Definitely not broken, just need to rest it. I'll put the kettle on." Jim led you into the kitchen and sat you down at the kitchen table, and grabbed an ice pack from the fridge. Lifting your leg onto the chair opposite, he placed the ice pack onto your ankle. "Feeling okay?" He asked, flicking the kettle on and preparing two mugs of coffee.
"Much better.. thank you." Definitely better.. the physical contact from him was driving you insane, you had to swallow the blushes in your cheeks, praying he hadn't noticed.
"I've only got instant coffee... Hope that's okay - Danielle won't let me buy a coffee machine." He rolled his eyes. His wife was one of the tightest women he'd ever met.
"It's fine, thank you.. and I honestly can't thank you enough for coming to get me.. I can't believe how clumsy I am!"
"Hey those pavements are a nightmare - I'm surprised no one's broken a leg yet! Don't you be moving now, I'll take you back home once that swelling has gone down."
"How did you know how to fix it all?"
"I have a son, y/n, who at one stage a few years ago thought he was an actual superhero and would fling himself off anything to check if he could fly.. you learn the difference between a broken ankle and a twisted one pretty quick!" He laughed, remembering the time his son climbed the tallest tree in the park, giving him a heart attack before throwing himself from the top - luckily Jim caught him before he hit the floor.
"I think it's better now, Jim, I can try and walk." You said, after chatting for a while in the large kitchen.
"Let me help you.." he held your hands and guided you upright, your chests now pressed together as you placed your foot gingerly on the floor, testing it's strength. Stumbling slightly, Jim caught you, your bodies now even closer together. You could feel his heart racing, could he feel yours? His hands wrapping around yours, holding you up, an arm snaking round your waist. You looked up and found him looking right back at you, your face inches from his. Before you had time to think, you kissed him, before quickly pulling back.
"Shit I'm sorry... Oh god.. no... I'm sorry..." He took your hand in his and pulled you back to him, pressing his lips back to yours. This time you didn't pull back, your mouth opening allowing his tongue to dance against yours. Lifting you up, he sat you on top of the counter, his hands roaming your body hungrily.
"I can't... I shouldn't..." He murmured against your neck, the vibrations driving you wild with need. "You're so fucking beautiful y/n..." He ground your hips against yours, you could feel his erection through his jeans as you reached down to cup it through them, kneading it slightly. He growled, pulling your hand up to his chest, his heart hammering underneath his shirt. "You feel that? Feel how fast that's going?" Silently you took his hand and placed against your chest.
"Feel mine...." You pushed his hand down lower.. over your breast... Down your stomach and under the waistband of your skirt. His fingers found your folds, and he gasped your name. "I'm wet... I'm so fucking wet..." Lifting your skirt up, he pulled your underwear down. You relieved him of his jeans and they fell to the floor, revealing no underwear, just his huge, hard cock already leaking.
"I see you are too..." You ran a finger along the slit, taking some of the precum and lifting it to your mouth. "You taste good..."
"You want this...?" He asked, lining himself up against you. You nodded, and he pushed in easily, you gasped his name and threw your head back as he filled you completely. Pulling on your hips, he rocked you against him as he moved his own hips back and forth, fucking you against the countertop. You legs wrapped round his waist as his thrusts came harder, deeper, faster.
"Fuck... Right there... Jim... Oh god...." He bit down on your exposed neck, hands pushing against your still covered breasts, he moaned.
"Feels so good y/n... You feel so good... That's it baby, I need to feel you... Cum for me..." You leaned back, and eyes locked with his you drew a hand down to circle your clit as he moved inside you.
"Gonna make myself cum on you... Gonna cum hard for you... Faster Jim..." He pounded into you now, your moans echoing through the kitchen as you came over him, his release following seconds later. Both of you leaned your heads together as your worlds came back into focus.
Present Day
"Hey.." you'd agreed to meet Jim for a coffee a few days later. He'd called you the evening before, slightly tipsy which made you chuckle. Liam and Natalie were watching Jackson while the two of you caught up.
"How's the hangover?" You smiled, he grimaced.
"Well I've definitely felt fresher.. it was a bit of a shock y/n..."
"Listen.. for what it's worth.. I'm sorry. I didn't know I was pregnant until I was nearly 20weeks. With the stress of losing mum and the funeral, I hadn't had a period for a while but I thought it was just the stress.. then my friend convinced me to take a test and the doctors confirming it.. it was too late to do anything about it.. then I heard you and Danielle were trying for another baby and I just couldn't do it Jim.. I couldn't destroy your life like that.." your hands were shaking. He leaned over and took your hands in his.
"I understand y/n.. I do. I spent most of this week thinking about it. I don't blame you for what you did.. but I do wish you'd told me."
"I'd done enough damage Jim, sleeping with a married man? On his kitchen counter where he makes his kids breakfast? Where his wife makes her coffee in the morning? I couldn't face you.. I couldn't face what I'd done.."
"You know where my wife was, that morning?" He leaned back, smiling a little. "At her office, bent over the desk while her boss fucked her from behind. She called my number by accident while it happened. I didn't answer, obviously, I was busy.. but my voicemail picked up the whole thing. I'd had my suspicions for a long time, but that confirmed it. We were never trying for another baby - that's just what she told people to distract them from the fact we were clearly falling apart at the seams. Couldn't exactly be mad at her after what I'd done with you though."
"Did you tell her?"
"Yes, but she didn't know it was you. Then you up and left.. I thought there was no need to tell her who it was. I guess now we kinda have to, right?"
"Jim, I don't expect anything from you, okay? I have an inheritance from my mum, I'm fine for money, there's no need to be involved if it'll cause you problems.."
"No. You've kept him from me for nearly 2 years y/n, don't do this again, please? I'm not asking you to move in, I'm not asking for a relationship, I just want to get to know our boy.. that's all.. please?" You saw it in his eyes. It was there, for all to see. Was it love?
"I'll call Nat.. ask her to bring him over, maybe we could go for a walk?" Jim smiled, nodding. You made the call, and an hour later you were walking to the local park, Jim pushing the stroller. He took Jackson out of the buggy and placed him inside a baby swing, pushing him gently while pulling silly faces making him giggle. Your heart swelled watching them.
"He's incredible.. those eyes.."
"Your eyes, Jim." He looked up at you and smiled listening to his son's giggle, before he started becoming grouchy again.
"He's teething... Come on little man, let's get you back shall we?" Jim lifted him from the swing and placed his little finger in Jackson's mouth. He responded by sucking his gums along it, finding relief. You smiled, watching Him soothe your son's whimpers of pain as his teeth came through.
Making your way inside Natalie's house, you were surprised to find it empty. A note on the kitchen counter read that they'd gone out for the afternoon, they wouldn't be home until the evening. You warmed a bottle of milk for Jackson as Jim gave him some Calpol. Taking the bottle from you, he fed his son, as you watched, heart pounding as you watched the man you were still in love with take such good care of your baby. Within 15 minutes, Jackson was fed and had been rocked to sleep in his father's arms, you took him and placed him upstairs in his cot to nap. You knew he'd be out for at least an hour after all that fresh air. Walking back into the lounge, you found Jim sat on the sofa waiting for you.
"Come here, y/n..." You sat next to him as he turned to face you, hand gently caressing your cheek. "What are we going to do now?"
"I'm heading back to London tomorrow Jim..." His eyes glistened slightly. He'd just found his son, and now he was going again. He'd just got you back in his life, and now you were disappearing again...
"What can I do to make you stay?" His question took you by surprise. Stay?
"Jim, I..."
"I haven't stopped thinking about you.. about what happened 2 years ago. How long I'd wanted you, how long I'd dreamt of you, how I still dream of you even now.. and we share a son y/n.. I can't let you go again, it'd break me.."
"I'm half your age Jim! I'm barely older than your eldest child, how can this possibly work?" He answered with a kiss. Leaning forward to take your mouth against his, without thinking you returned it, linking your fingers with his as he pulled you into his lap.
"It'll work because we'll make it work.. nothing else matters.. all of that other stuff is irrelevant.." he felt you grind your hips against his and his erection was burning against his jeans. He needed you, now.
"And Danielle?"
"Is fucking a man old enough to be her own father - opinion invalid. I don't care about her, I care about you.. please.." he was aware of how desperate he sounded but he didn't care. He had his hand under your t-shirt against your breast, no bra in the way this time. Lifting you up, he carried you upstairs to the guest room you were staying in, and laid you down softly on the bed underneath him.
"Birth control?" He looked at you, smiling.
"The coil - don't worry, I'm covered this time.." You smiled back as he lifted your t-shirt over your head and kissed you again. The reason for being at the pharmacy 2 years ago was to collect your prescription for the pill - you'd not taken it for a couple of days after running out suddenly. After Jackson was born, you switched to a more efficient form of birth control.
Pulling your skirt down and off, along with your underwear, he nestled his face between your thighs, now parted by his hands.
"I want you to watch me y/n... Watch me as I make you cum..." Your core burning, you raised yourself up on your elbows as he blew a hot breath against your wet folds, causing you to shiver under him. He parted your lips with his fingers, before licking from your pulsing hole up to your clit, finding a rhythm that made you cry out and shudder underneath his tongue. Smiling, groaning into you, you tried to keep your eyes on him as he licked and sucked your throbbing clit in his mouth.
"Jim.. don't stop.. oh god..." You hadn't had sex since that afternoon 2 year ago, no one being good enough to compete with the man currently buried between your legs. No pleasure you'd given yourself since was a patch on this, and you felt that burning feeling in your stomach starting to rise. "I'm close... Mm... Fuck I'm close..." Your words barely a whisper but he heard them, pushing harder with his tongue as a finger entered you, hooking upwards to find that spot inside, the one you didn't think actually existed, but there it was.. you bucked against his mouth, coming hard and fast - you felt your liquids gush over his chin, there was no stopping them... "Aha... Oh god Jim... Fuck... Stop, it's too much..." He smiled, blowing another warm breath over you before moving back to your mouth. You could taste yourself on his lips, turning you on even more.
Flipping him onto his back, you lifted his clothes off him and kissed down his chest. Your core needed a breather before you took him inside you. Licking the top of his now rock hard cock, you slowly sank your lips down, taking him fully inside your mouth. You'd never had a strong gag reflex, and you enjoyed the feeling of his cock hitting the back of your throat.
"Holy fuck... Jesus y/n... That's it baby..." Up and down your head bobbed, swapping between hard and light sucks, your teeth gently scraping the underside of his cock and your fingers lightly playing with his balls underneath you. Every time you felt them tighten, you'd ease off, allowing him to catch his breath, before bringing him into your mouth again. After a few near explosions, he couldn't take anymore and lifted you off motioning for you to sit on him. "Ride me y/n..." You smiled, and sank your pussy onto him, allowing him to fill you. Slowly so as to adjust to his length, your hips moved, back and forth, up and down, finding the right rhythm for you both. He sat up, chests together and his hands under your thighs as he rotated his hips from underneath, driving his cock against that magical spot again.
"Yes... God that feels good... Jim..."
"I'm not gonna last long y/n..."
"That's okay.. we've got plenty of time to make up for this... Cum in me, give me all of you..." You felt his cock twitch inside you as he moved your hips faster. Leaning back, you rode him hard, the bed frame squeaking underneath as you both cried out, your climaxes arriving simultaneously. Coming back to rest your head against his, you clenched your core once more causing him to gasp as you drew yourself off him slowly. Lay down next to each other, he pulled you into his arms.
"Did you mean what you said?" He asked, kissing your head gently. "Plenty of time?"
"I meant it, Jim... I need to get back to London to sort a few things, put my flat up for sale.. my job... But yes. If you'll have us, we'll come back.." you looked into his eyes. He lifted your head to kiss you and you felt it. All the love you thought you'd never find, in the man you thought you'd never find it with.
Everything was going to be fine, you couldn't wait to start your life over again, this time for the last time.
@margoo0 @queenshelby @peakyscillian @cloudofdisney @ntmynouis @being-worthy
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