#my favorite day was when my 20 min drive to work took over an hour bc of traffic jam and then the heating at work was broken again
ruinedsam · 8 months
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imstraight · 2 years
well ig since i walked out i can spill the real tea at my last job
extreme racism
extreme sexism/misogyny
extreme homophobia/transphobia (a supervisor targeted this trans girl who was so sweet)
sexual harassment on a daily basis. i reported it often and was laughed at. didnt really help that the worst of it was coming from managers/supervisors. so many incidents including getting groped by an 80 something year old dishwasher over the summer
cut hours with a promise we’d be back to full time (never happened the salaried bitches got a 1k bonus for sending 20 people home daily) none of us were approved for partial unemployment and couldn’t eat or pay bills
dishwashers got paid meals. cooks did not. we were threatened with termination if we ate uhhh it was called stealing. but we got a free shift beer which no normal person took! we were hungry and most people weren’t even 21
call out sick? no that’s a write up. you were expected to come in still and have a manager send you home. (this is why i walked out i just came back after 2 viral infections that almost killed me and my dr sent a note and i had medical paperwork as proof) any absence would be held over your head including covid, not coming in during a travel ban, etc…
begged for a raise. i did not get a raise. i was the only person with a soup talent. i can make a mean soup. i was told “i didn’t give enough back to the company”
do you care about your family? not allowed. your life was supposed to be just work
13 hour shifts at times no recognition no nothing
phones were not allowed to be even in your pocket (new rule riiight before i left) scary shit bc i watched my friend have an extreme family emergency and i had to step in and take her home
managers got fired for sexual harassment ONLY if they were caught with multiple minors. no adult accusations were believed
sick time that you would get in trouble for using
filthy work environment
expired ass moldy food
someone sent out a blade in salsa a customer actually found it idk how we weren’t shut down and no he didn’t get in trouble he just blamed someone else
food was sent out either overcooked or extremely undercooked
gas leak (i almost got fired for calling osha over the summer cause everyone was getting sick anyways it was still a problem when i left)
we had a fire one day on a GAS STOVE and my coworker was screamed at for grabbing a fire extinguisher. it was rusty and he couldn’t pull the pin. they got it out with corn starch 😺
drinking on the job (im not a buzzkill but it was extreme and these people would drive home hammered)
you want a raise? you have to fuck a higher up for that. this girl was fucking a supervisor and they got caught on the property multiple times. she got a raise. a girl who busted her ass working did not get a raise and she quit after she found out (she was very nice)
need flexibility because you have personal obligations? no you’re not giving enough back to the company
unpaid vacation that rarely got approved. over the summer i needed 2 days off for getting my college shit set up and my bf’s bday. i let this manager know over 5 times with notice. eventually i was tired of being ignored and went around her and sent a mass email to everyone else reminding them i would not be there. it was not a request i was NOT going to be there. they didnt like that too much
managers would regularly come in 30+ mins late. i had to step in and get shit set up for the day write out lists and get a good idea of what we had stocked (which was not my job)
FAVORITISM if you were a white man you were golden. all minorities were treated like absolute shit
good employees were threatened with termination over everything. they did not need a reason to fire you. they just did
harassment in general i almost got into full on fist fights trying to defend myself after people came at me
hr cared about the company. owners cared about the company. management cared about the company. they did not give a fuck about employees at all
no one had manners this bitch almost knocked me out with a door she dropped a box on my head. she never said “behind, sharp” yk all the common kitchen etiquette. i was advised by a manager to stab her?
benefits? nonexistent. i did get covid relief for 40hrs which they didn’t want anyone to know about. i told everyone (we were encouraged to come in with covid just wear masks)
annoying ass rude ass people that wanted to mansplain everything even if they were in different departments LOL. i cussed out people on a daily basis. it got to the point grown ass men were afraid of me because they didn’t expect me to fight back
good workers were threatened the shitty ones were promoted
and much more!
honestly fuck that place with everything in me. i have been debating on blowing them in for labor laws and sooo much illegal shit. they would get shut down for many incidents i didn’t get into
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ktheist · 4 years
muses. familiar!cat-shifter!yoongi x witch!reader
83.“My friends get so annoyed by how much I talk sometimes.”
“i thought witches don’t have friends.” yoongi scratches his arm, opening the fridge and checking out what little sustenance you have in it.
not much.
“and i thought familiars are supposed to indulge in their masters needs and wants,” hands on your hips you look at him with knitted brows and a pout.
but exactly five heartbeats later, you hear your phone buzzing and you’re hurrying to grab your bag, “i’ll be back!”
a second after the door closes shut, your head pops back in, the sulking pout now gone and in its place, the most brilliant smile and brightest twinkle in your eyes, “let’s have chicken for dinner! i left the money on the counter so you can order it and we can eat together.”
and then you’re gone.
min yoongi grumbles, eyes burning holes in the fifty dollar note lying on the white countertop.
‘did she think i’m broke or something?’
well, yoongi was quite literally homeless and living on tree branches in the deepest part of south korea’s reserves. but he was only living there because his last witch died from greed.
take over the world. become queen of every species on earth.
that sort of greed.
but you?
this 20-something year old pays - well, the humans like to call it tuition fee - to be a slave to an education that isn’t even beneficial to witches.
yoongi feels sorry for your bodiless ancestors who got burned at the stakes. if they had graves, they would be turning in them but they don’t because they took the risk to learn and practice witchcraft even if it was forbidden in their times.
now you’ve got all the reasons to learn - humans got so stupid that they stopped believing in anything besides logic - but you’re using him to predict what’s going to come out in your tests.
“ugh, my tailbone’s about to liquidize from having to sit in that exam hall for five freaking hours.” mina grumbles, stretching her arms over her head.
“okay, but why the fuck do we have to write a 10 page essay on why plato think our end goal is happiness?” soyeon’s scrunches her nose, as if physically cringing at the remembrance of it.
“isn’t that like, a statement? weren’t we supposed to talk about rousseau?” nayeon’s brows knit together in utter confusion.
“shit.” you’d expect soyeon to be cursing but it’s mina.
after a series of mina freaking out and the rest of you trying to calm her down by saying whatever possible answer they discussed could very well be wrong because nobody recalled hearing the professor mention who this rousseau scholar-guy.
except you.
and it wasn’t the professor who mentioned it.
it was the grumpy shapeshifting cat you’ve taken in who also happens to have futuristic premonitions.
almost as if they could hear your thoughts, soyeon turns to you, “we should’ve trusted ___’s instincts.”
technically, you were doing some reading on rousseau’s natural law theory when the girls sneaked up on you and scared your literal soul out of your body. they were surprised that you were even studying so you passingly mentioned having a strong, unquestionable feeling that he’s going to make an appearance in finals.
“you girls should’ve listened to me,” you cheekily proclaim, hands on your hips and chin tilted so high up, you can almost see the sun.
“oh great finals goddess, please tell us what you think will come out for criminal procedures,” mina gets on her knees without a care in the world and starts praying for you.
it wasn’t hard to stroke your ego and your friends know that better than anyone. so you tell them what they want to know on a pretense of ‘just predictions! don’t put all your eggs in one basket. i might be wrong!’
“yoongi, i’m home,” you singsong, swinging the door open only to have your shoulders sag at the lack of a certain black haired grump who would usually be sleeping on the couch and grumble for you to ‘shut up, i’m taking a nap.’
“huh, he’s not here.” you kick off your shoes and pad over to your room only to have your heart flutter at the sight of a cat snugly curled up in your bed.
“yoongi!” you squeal, dropping your bag and books on the floor before bounding over to the bed and gathering the slumbering feline in your arms.
the cat’s golden slits seem to appear on guard until they soften at the sight of you. he yawns widely as he stretches in your arms.
“i’m home, yoongi.” this time, your voice is barely above whisper, hand scratching his furry body as you lay on your bed, staring at the ceiling.
“you were right about rousseau and now my friends think i have some sixth sense,” you prattle on while the weight on your chest starts curling himself up - you have no strand of doubt that if you just looked down, the black feline will be snoring away as if he doesn’t have a single ounce of care for your story-telling.
not that yoongi’s ever showed an interest in your life besides the magic that you happen to bottle up and exploded the day he was walking around in seoul out of boredom.
you’re not sure when you fell asleep, but you wake up to the sound of ‘here’s your chicken’ and a ‘thanks’ before the door clicks shut.
“was that the chicken?” groggy but hungry, you march over the kitchen where yoongi - now in his human form - is taking out the boxes with your favorite swicy chicken restaurant symbol from the plastic bag.
“with the way you were snoring, i didn’t think i should order dinner at all,” he says nonchalantly.
“i-i don’t snore!” you almost scream, cheeks heating up.
“uh-huh,” there it is again, the nonchalant tone that almost drives you up the wall. then he turns to face you, index finger tapping the corner of his mouth, “you’ve got some drool there.”
almost as if possessed by a chaotic spirit, you trudge to the bathroom, slamming the door behind you in your haste. your reflection stares back at you with bed hair pointing everywhere and alarmed, round eyes as you wipe the corner of your mouth with the back of your hand only to notice nothing there. you repeat the motion once again and true enough, not a smidge of drool is present.
“that lying-!” you huff, marching back to the kitchen with one objective in mind.
“lying isn’t very nice, yoongi,” you say, barely putting a lid on the boiling anger.
“being too trustful isn’t very witch-like either.” he counters, a swicy chicken in hand and bright red sauce in the corner of his mouth.
“i curse you into a monkey!” you scream, index finger pointed in his direction.
but instead of the black haired familiar morphing and turning into the animal you cursed him into, he continues eating without even batting an eye.
“what- but-” you look at your hand and then back at him, “i cursed you!”
“you can’t curse your own familiar.” he finally says halfway into your quarter-ish life crisis, “now sit down and eat before your stomach starts grumbling too.”
you huff in bashful frustration. face too hot to even look at yoongi in eye but you’re too hungry to throw another fit.
believe it or not, this is just one of your routine in your daily life - him teasing you, completely nonchalantly and you getting worked up over it and end up making a fool out of yourself.
in a few hours, you’ll end up forgetting it ever happens and end up cuddling the cat that’s curled up on your pillow. you’ve just finished revising another topic of your next exam.
the next time you wake up, it’s to grown sized male snuggling into your chest, his arm slung over your back and your leg wedged between his. there’s not so much as a hair’s breadth between you.
“y-yoongi,” you stammer out, unable to think properly.
but when the aforementioned man simply groans and nuzzles his face in between your boobs, your cheeks hit up and your hand ends up swinging in the air before it hits its target.
his cheek.
now he sports a red handprint on his porcelain skin as he goes around, making coffee for himself while you diligently study at your desk. it’s some time in the afternoon that a furry ball leaps into your lap and kneads your thighs with his little paws before curling into a ball.
“aren’t you so cute?” your heart flutters at the adorable little fur ball, hand scratching the underside of his neck and giggling at how he’s purring in appreciation.
you end up dropping your apple pencil and shutting off your ipad. carrying the clingy furball in your arms, you plop down your bed.
“ugh, my back feels like it’s gonna crumble off like biscuit crumbs,” you lament, not caring if the sentence makes no sense.
but before you can think of any other sentence that makes no absolute sense, you feel the weight on your stomach shift, the furball you were caressing now turning into a lump of skull with actual human hair as it holds itself up and places its forehead on yours.
“how is it that you willingly take me to bed when i’m a cat and slap me in the face like i’m some pervert when i’m my human form?” this time, you know he’s teasing you because he’s smirking like he’s amused.
“it’s different because you were a cat!” you thank merlin that your voice comes out strong and certain.
“i’m still me no matter what form i take though,” his hand is warm on your thigh. his breath fans your skin, “still a man.”
“it’s different,” you know you sound meek compared to when you started out.
but your face is hot and your heart is palpitating inside your chest. all of a sudden you feel too shy to even look at him. so you cast your gaze to the side. relief floods your system when he lifts his head from yours. but it’s short-lived. teeth bite on the delicate skin of your neck. not enough to hurt but enough to incite a surprised yelp from you.
and a swing of your hand.
that’s how yoongi ends up with another red handprint on his other cheek. the first one is barely disappearing.
and you, with a hickey on your neck that you don’t know what to explain to your friends tomorrow when you meet them for the exam.
but one good thing comes out of it. after the slap, a rope materializes and wraps itself around yoongi. it’s pure magic and not even he can undo it.
“stop teasing me,” you start, sitting on the chair with your legs crossed.
“start treating me like i’m a man even in my cat form and i’ll consider that,” he counters.
at that, you lift an eyebrow, all of a sudden feeling a rush of confidence, “start acting like a man in your human form then.”
that’s when yoongi looks at you like you’ve challenged his essence. his existence.
“untie me and i’ll show you what a man is, master,” he challenges back.
it’s the word ‘master’ that gets your stomach fluttering with butterflies.
“you have two heads but you’re using the useless one to interpret what ‘a man’ means?” eyebrows rising to the ceiling, you pretend to be surprised.
“you’re a witch but you don’t even know how to use a spell,” he shrugs, reverted to his nonchalant self.
and that’s what irks you the most. how he acts like it has nothing to do with him but rubs your lacking in your face.
“lay down.” you order and his body is sent flying backwards, barely missing the wall in his abrupt descent.
yoongi groans, gathering himself once again.
“see, i know you can’t go against my words,” you say, triumphant.
“how did you find out?” he strains his neck, trying to look at you now that he’s laying down.
“the way you always did what i asked and last night, you ordered the chicken anyway even though i was sleeping and i could’ve slept through the entire night.” those were suspicions - you only confirmed it when you gave him the direct order.
“fine, you win,” he announces, barely caring about the argument.
“good.” you nod, mentally willing the rope to untie itself. but nothing happens.
you try again.
and again.
and again.
“can i please be released?” yoongi finally says after one too many mental tries.
“uh, wait,” you push yourself off the chair and tread over to manually undo the knot that keeps the rope tightly wrapped around yoongi.
“you can’t do it with magic?” comes the million dollar question.
you sigh, dejected, “i think i need to be angry - or feel strongly about something to get my magic to work.”
that’s what happened when yoongi met you. overstressed and barely focusing on your surroundings, you ended up getting run over someone who was on a bike. everything just kept going wrong. you ended up bawling your eyes out on the sidewalk - the man who ran over you started panicking thinking he broke a bone.
“i’m cool now though.” you shrug, easily dismissing the dejection and whatever that upset you before.
the rope comes undone and yoongi shimmies himself out. but before you can do anything, his hand shoots out, wrapping around your wrist and pulling you down until your knee digs into the mattress in between his legs, your faces too close. if he’d just tilt his head, his lips would easily brush yours.
“yoongi,” you warn but he shushes you.
“try getting the rope to move with magic,” he instructs, voice uncharacteristically soft and soothing.
you take a deep breath, eyes trained on the rope lying around him whilst trying to ignore the millimeter distance between your faces.
you move your index finger and the rope lifts itself up. you motion to the left with your finger and the rope gradually slithers through the air in the direction you’re pointing.
“it’s working,” you almost squeal, beaming.
and in your excitement, you seek yoongi’s gaze, only to see the rope crashing against the ground in your periphery.
“good,” a smile plays on his lips.
all of a sudden, you’re out of breath, the perpetrator also being the cause of the rush of blood to your face.
the words doesn’t really get passed your lips because his feel feather-light but his fingertips on your cheek is calloused but grounding. that’s how you know this isn’t just some dream.
then he pulls all of you down. the sudden shift of motion illicit a gasp out of you. but the shock stricken state is short lived. you find yourself breathing in his musky woody scent.
he leans down, kissing the delicate spot on your neck that makes your heart wretch inside your chest.
“yoongi, maybe we should take it slow and practice some other time?” you suggest and he chuckles, the sound ringing in your ear like a blissful melody.
“i’m not doing this for a practice run,” he confesses ever so casually, “i took on the form of a cat because you told me about the one you have back home. but you got too familiar with it that you forgot about me.”
he licks your flesh like a cat would. it’s supposed to be an innocent, cat-like gesture but something about the way his male body is hovering over you makes the fibers in your system go on panic mode. you wish the bed would open up and swallow you whole but you’re not powerful enough for that.
“i’m upset,” he sulkily says and sinks his teeth into your skin.
the fading redness on his left cheek where you first slap him is rosier than ever after your third slap landing on that one.
“when are you gonna let me go?” his voice echoes in the silence.
you turn around to see the man sitting cross-legged on your bed with his hands on his sides, the rope tightly wrapped around him. after he bit you, the rope ended shooting up and around him, as if it had a mind of its own and sought to protect you by disabling your neck-biting familiar.
oh, you sport similar hickey on the other side of your neck now too.
“hmm,” you tilt your head in contemplation, “after my last exam?”
“that’s like, in a week,” he grunts, “how am i gonna bathe? and eat?”
“you have two heads, yoongi. figure it out.” you shrug and turn back to your books and ipad.
note. this was requested by an anonymous as part of my drabble game.
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britmall · 4 years
5 days away #Tarlos
He couldn't sleep knowing he'd have to leave in the morning. He wasn't sure why his Dad, Captain, had signed them all up to arrive at the training seminar on different days and times. He was the only one that was arriving Saturday. Matteo and Marjan weren't coming until later Sunday and Cap and Judd were coming together sometime late Sunday evening or first thing Monday. All he was told, was to make sure that they had all the materials sent to them, and to make sure they had at least one formal outfit. Tk hated that. He like to just wear a sweatshirt(unusually one of Carlos') and a pair of joggers. And at work it was his work gear.
He slept maybe 2 hours and had to get up a little bit early to head to the shops to get a formal outfit. When he made his way downstairs, Carlos had breakfast made. He made TK's favorite. Eggs, toast and chocolate chip pancakes. Carlos made them into a heart shape, which Tk scoffed at. He made his way to Carlos and met his lips with a kiss. "Thank you Papi." "So nice of you to make breakfast." Carlos nodded his head and handed Tk a cup of coffee. They chatted and TK's eyes welled up. Carlos noticed immediately. He asked Tk why he was crying and Tk wiped his eyes. "III I...am not." Carlos knew him better than that. "Just worried about this seminar." "They will probably have everyone sitting there with drinks flowing and I am worried I will be tempted." Carlos didn't know that Tk could be tempted that easily. Carlos grabbed Tk in close and said, "call me if you feel that way." "You can do it." "You're strong." "I have every faith in the world, you'll be fine". "Besides, your Dad will be there". "He can help you". Tk knew that, but he was worried that if his Dad saw his weakness, he would hover. Tk leaned in for another kiss. "I have to go, I have to drive into town to get a suit". "Which I hate". "But, it was stated on the invite, that we needed one formal outfit."
Carlos, walked to the coat closet and pulled out a garment bag, and it had a new suit in it. He handed it to Tk and Tk couldn't lift his jaw up. He stood there speechless. "Babe, you shouldn't have". Carlos responded, "that he knew that Tk wouldn't have time and he wanted to have as much time with Tk as possible, before Tk left". "So he bought it. So, Tk didn't have to leave as early".
Tk pushed Carlos back into the kitchen counter, kissing him passionately, pushing his tongue in. Knowing now that he had extra time. He could definitely take advantage of it. Carlos pushed him away, and told him to "settle down"."He needed to finish getting ready".Tk kissed him more and harder. Taking Carlos' joggers off...making a reference that if Carlos had a shirt on, his curls weren't all messy and he wasn't stood there after having done something so nice for Tk, Tk wouldn't feel so much pressure to want to Thank him like this.
Carlos mumbled through the kisses..."You're unbelievable, you know that"? Tk said, "You love it".
Carlos said, "Yes, Tiger..I do, but you have to go". Tk said "not for another forty minutes, that leaves us with plenty of time". Carlos knew Tk wouldn't give up. So, he let Tk have his way. Knowing exactly what he could do to get Carlos to stop talking. He kissed his way down Carlos' stomach and slowly kissed all around the trail where Carlos' pants would sit. It didn't last long and Carlos was ready. Tk's mouth being so close to that area he couldn't help it. Tk slowly took the whole cock in his mouth. A feat that didn't happen often because, much to TK's liking, Carlos was huge. Biggest Tk has ever had. He didn't complain, but very much so, he couldn't always fit the whole thing in his mouth. He did this time, and Carlos buckled at the knees. Tk lifted him onto the counter. Carlos loved it. Tk didn't take charge often. It felt scary, and worrisome to Tk. He was scared that if he took charge, that it wouldn't be enough and Carlos wouldn't be satisfied and would end up leaving him. That brought up too many bad memories for Tk. But, today Tk took charge and Carlos was more than okay with it. Tk finished and threw a kitchen towel to Carlos, made his way to the door and told Los to "clean up". "He had to go".
Tk was driving, music fully blaring to try to distract himself from the boner he had , just thinking about earlier. He hated this. Five days away from Carlos. That would be hard to do. The most they've ever been away from each other was twenty four hours, and the longest they've ever gone without sex is forty eight hours. Another reason that Tk was very worried about leaving. Another reason he was crying earlier. He trusted Carlos. He fully trusted him, but damn, Alex made it hard. He knows deep inside that Carlos would NEVER look elsewhere, but, those feelings still come to the surface. Especially now, knowing they will be away from each other for so long.
Tk got to the hotel after the 2 hour drive, which seemed like 4 hours..and immediately called Carlos. Carlos didn't answer. Tk needed to hear Carlos' voice and needed to tell Carlos thanks for setting him off and making him drive the whole way with an erection.
He called Carlos again, no answer. So he decided that he was feeling feisty and took a picture of himself, without his pants on. Sent it to Carlos and said "this is all thanks to you". Carlos still didn't answer! All those thoughts kept going through Tk's head, but he kept saying to himself that maybe Carlos was working! Even though, he knew Carlos wasn't supposed to work until later. Something didn't seem right, but he decided he now needed to take care of something. And, would try to get a hold of Carlos later. He got onto the bed and started to undo his belt and his phone rang, he looked down and it said Papi❤. He immediately answered it, as he was about to say, "it's about time," Carlos shouted "Tyler Kennedy what on earth were you thinking sending me that picture"?. "Do you know what you've done to me?" "My sister stopped over and wanted to talk about planning Avó's birthday". "And then the picture came through and I could barely contain myself". "Keep it up and you'll be in the dog house". Tk couldn't stop laughing. "How did Lucia react?" "Really Tk?" "You can only think of how Lucia reacted and not that you shouldn't be sending pictures like that?" "Yessir!" Tk was loving this. "Oh meu Deus". Carlos said! Carlos shook his head and asked if Tk "had taken care of it yet?". Tk replied with, "I was just starting when you called me back". "Wish you were here, so I didn't have to do it like this." Tk proceeded.
That was the first time either of them ever did anything like that over the phone. It felt almost sinister, but Carlos had loved it. More times than none, he was the more adventurous one when it came to trying new things. Phone sex is definitely something they will have to do again.
The next morning at exactly 6am there was a knock at Tk's door. He woke up, all groggy and half out of it, stumbled over his suitcase that he didn't even put away(which he was mad about, because after his conversation with Carlos he did nothing the rest of the day before.). He got to the door and the hotel staff member was standing there with a tray with food on it. Tk could smell bacon and coffee. Along with the tray there was a single rose and a card that had something written on it. When he took the tray and sat down at the table in his room, he read the card. It said, "Dear Tk, I am so sorry, I can't be there with you." "I bought you breakfast and had it delivered, I knew you would sleep late and wouldn't make it down to breakfast at the hotel". "And I don't want you eating from some fast food restaurant, or skipping breakfast". "So, I wanted to make sure you were taken care of." "Eu te Amo, Tiger." "Enjoy your day." "We'll talk later."
Tk texted Carlos: "Thank you Papi for breakfast and for looking out for me. I love it. Love you."
Carlos never messaged back, but Tk was okay with that. He ate, got in the shower and then got ready for what he thought was to be one of the most boring days of his training. As he was getting ready, he got a message from Paul...he had wondered why Paul wasn't coming to the seminar. Turns out, Paul had to take care of some elderly lady that was back at home. Paul recently saved her from a fire and she has no one around. They texted back and forth for about 20 mins. Then Tk left and had to go two buildings over. To some building which seemed huge. There was a gym, a common room, and looked like conference rooms from what he could tell. He made his way to the common room where there was other people, waiting for the speaker to come in.
The day was dragging on, he hadn't checked his phone or anything the whole 10 hours he had been sitting in the class. Wondering why Marjan and Matteo didn't have to be there for that class.
After the class/speaker was done, Tk had decided he would hit up the gym in the building he was in and then head back to his hotel. On the way back to the hotel, he got a text from Carlos..it said: "Hey Babe, I've thought about our conversation on the phone yesterday, all day today." "And I can't stop thinking about it." "I need to do it again." Tk called Carlos.(was easier than texting his response)..."oh this is coming from the guy who was all embarrassed by it." "Now you want to do it again?" "You make no sense." Tk laughed. Carlos said, "It was hot Tk, just like you." "I couldn't resist it." "It's truly all I thought about, all day today." "While on the job, while at the gym, all day" "Oh, Los I get it, but take a breath." "I am not back at the hotel yet." "I am walking there now, but I would like to get in to the room, before I get all hot and bothered and ready." Carlos said, "Okay call me back as soon as you're in your room and settled in." Tk said, "okay, I will order some food and call you back we can do that while I am waiting on the food." Carlos bit his lip. Tk had gotten out the room key and when he first opened the door he looked down to see that the mess was cleaned up. He thought housekeeping had been there, but he was surprised to look up and see Carlos sitting there on the bed...fully unclothed.
His jaw dropped, he dropped the key and his phone on the floor.
"Wha...wha...what are you doing here?" Tk stammered. "I thought you couldn't join me at all, because you had to work the whole time." Carlos said, "No, I lied about that. I wanted to surprise you." Tk came over and straddled Carlos, he was mad....( but not really mad) Carlos had lied to him. He decided that that meant Carlos would have to be in trouble...he knew Carlos always had a pair of handcuffs on him and he had every intention of using them. But little did he know, Carlos had other plans. He was taking Tk's shirt and pants off..although the yellow hoodie Tk had on is Carlos' favorite. He almost didn't want to take it off of Tk, but Tk had already started to himself. So Carlos helped. Carlos slid out from under Tk. Tk tried to turn on his back, but Carlos pushed him down onto the bed. And kissed Tk's neck, all the spots of the neck, Tk lost his mind when Carlos kissed. He started to make his way down Tk's back and stopped right at the small of Tk's back, because Tk had been mumbling something. Carlos stopped kissing and Tk turned his head enough so, Carlos could hear him. Tk said, "I went to the gym before I came back here. I need to shower." Carlos had known Tk wanted to, but there was NO TIME for that. Carlos said "we can shower together afterwards, this isn't the first time I've seen you sweaty."Tk was surprisingly okay with that. Carlos pushed Tk's head back down so it was laying on the sheets and massaged Tk's back. Tk was always so tense. That's the only thing that bothered Carlos about Tk. He made his way down to Tk's arse and stopped, looked at it, and bit his lip. That was his favorite part of Tk. He wanted to admire it for just a bit. He slowly rubbed his finger all around it, sending shivers up Tk's spine. He arched his back as to lean into Carlos' finger. Carlos was always so gentle and careful when he was on top. He was bigger than Tk had ever had and he always wanted Tk to feel okay. To feel loved, to feel needed, to feel like he was enough. Tk always felt that way, when Carlos was the top. Carlos is amazing at what he does. He always, looks out for Tk and that isn't something Tk ever experienced before. Tk could do rough, could handle rough, he just didn't put feelings into it that way. Rough and rushed is always how it was before they were boyfriends. And although Carlos was more adventurous, he always, always, always, made sure that Tk was satisfied. And that Tk satisfied him.
As, he started to enter Tk, he pulled away and Tk was scared for a moment. He wasn't sure what was happening. Carlos said, "we can't do this like this. I forgot the lube and I didn't bring any protection." He knew the burn Tk felt even with those, he couldn't imagine how it would feel without it. Tk didn't care. He wanted Carlos so bad. He needed Carlos. Carlos asked "only if Tk was sure". Tk nodded and said "he was more than sure".
Carlos started out very slowly, he didn't want to enter Tk too fast, and hurt him in anyway. So, after he got past the part that burned the most, Tk had him stop, but not pull out. Tk needed to let the burning sensation settle for a minute.
He started to move on Carlos...Carlos knew TK was ready. He still went slow and Tk was moaning and breathing like he never had before. Carlos knew he could speed up, and Tk would tell him if that wasn't okay. It was the greatest they both ever had. The sounds that came from their room, could probably be heard all the way downstairs at the front desk. But, they didn't care. They were fully succumbed in the moment. As soon as they both finished Carlos rolled off of Tk and Tk rolled on to his back and Carlos' phone was going off. It was Captain Strand. He answered, "Hi Capt". "How are you?" Tk immediately reached for his phone, wondering if he had missed calls from his Dad. Remembering that he dropped his phone when he saw Carlos. Carlos wouldn't let him get up to get it. He still had his legs wrapped around Tk's.
Carlos had said to Owen, "Yes, he had NO idea so thank you." They hung up and Carlos looked over at TK. Tk asked "who had no idea, about what?" "And why were you thanking my Dad?" Carlos explained that Owen and Carlos had set this whole thing up. They knew Tk needed the seminar, but they both knew that Carlos wanted to have time away with TK. Tk needed that. Tk was so happy. Happy that Carlos was thoughtful enough to care, thoughtful enough to know exactly what Tk needed. Tk got up to get his phone, and to get ready to get in shower. Carlos asked "if he could join" and Tk said "yes, and that when they were done, it was time for round 2 and Tk was in charge".
Tried to write a thing. Hope you all enjoy it.
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namjoonmiluna · 3 years
Breaking Free - BTS (M)
btsIf you’ve enjoyed my story please share & visit the link at the bottom to view the rest. Thank you!
Main characters : Kim Namjoon & a girl an average girl named Jenilyn. All BTS members are side characters. Suga becomes a main character in later chapters.
Genre/Warning : Written as a Kdrama. 18+ Triggers for mature content, emotional abuse, physical assault, violence, & sexual content. Later chapters may contain mental instability, drug use, racial undertones and sexual assault. Read with caution.
Length of Fic : Very long, at least a novel or two in length currently. It is not completed.
Summary : Purely by chance, a ordinary girl's life is forever changed by her favorite man-band. The simple act of choosing a new career path sets off a chain of events taking her on a journey of love, jealousy, heartbreak, desire, destiny, & drama. With a target on her back she fights to stand tall in the face of adversity.
I tried to make this story very digestible for new and old army. There is a lot of the fandom put into it and I tried to keep their personalities as close to accurate as possible.
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Chapter 1 - The Meeting
It had been a long night. One of those nights that make you question why you even work there anymore. She was alone, as she usually was. The gift shop was small - only the sound of the FM radio, 90s, 00's and today's. There had not been a customer in hours. It was late, but nearing the end of her shift. She went to the restroom where she could see the eyeliner rubbing under her eyes. She did her best to fix it and laughed at herself in the mirror. Her blonde hair, now frizzy and limp from a long day - rested on her shoulders, cascading down her upper back. Why is it I'm always the one covering the shift when someone calls off, she asked herself. Her breasts were large and bouncy, held up by a small waist. Her hips were wide with an ass to match. She looked ridiculous. Thank god I can go home soon, she thought. The white tee looked stretched out from the day. She untied the black and white flannel shirt she had tied around her waist and put it on over her shirt. Her skinny jeans had torn a little more from when she had put them on, exposing more of her thighs than she liked. She thought about how she looked and quickly brushed it off - it was closing time soon anyway. She planned to crawl into bed as soon as she could.
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   It was 15 minutes until closing when she noticed lights in front of the store. She had already turned off some of the overhead lights, letting her eyes adjust to the darkness - the headlights all but blinded her.
   Great, last-minute customers, she thought to herself, the absolute worst kind.
   She could see many figures getting out of what looked like a bus. One by one, seven entered the store. Each bringing multiple pieces of luggage and handbags. They all looked tired, and perhaps a little angry. One last man entered after them. Entering the store he removed his sunglasses, tucking them into his jacket pocket. The man looked tall, mature. Thick black hair and of clear Asian decent. He had slightly beady eyes and a rounded nose. His lips were thick and dark.
   "Hi! Can I help you?" she asked loudly from across the store.
   The older man walked to her counter, offering out his hand, "Seijin" he smiled. "I know it's late. Our vehicle broke down and there isn't much around here. I realize this is a campground, but I'm hoping you may have somewhere we can stay?"
She took his hand and shook. She looked to the boys, to Seijin, and back again. Trying to piece together what she was seeing, she managed to spit out, "Um, yeah! We should have something available. Let me find out for you. Are you wanting 8 rentals?" She asked him. He nodded.
   She could see that some of the boys had sat down on the floor, two more laid down, resting their heads on their bags. There was one in particular who laid on the other members of the group, flopping his arms and legs enthusiastically over them. Another slowly walked around, picking up things and calling to the others to look at what he found before setting the item back down. He was curious about all the oddities to seen around him.
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   She made a few phones calls and figured out availability. "Okay so, we have 4 deluxe rentals, and 4 regular. The deluxe come with linens but ---" she paused "the regulars do not." She braced herself for him to cop an attitude with her - her years in the recreation industry had toughened her skin giving her the ability to handle any disgruntled customer with ease. She tried not too let it bother her too much, that's just how it was - being mad about it wouldn't change it.
   "Okay" one of the boys on the floor groaned, loudly. It sounded like he wanted to lay on an actual bed as quickly as possible.
   Seijin laughed at the boy who groaned, "I guess that's fine, then."
She made him a map of where the rentals were located. The park spanned a total of 80 acres. She handed it to him and vaguely gestured to where they were located, which was all over the map in different areas.
He looked down to study it, seeing that all of them were in different parts of the campground he said, "I hate to ask another favor but can you possibly take them to the rooms? They are exhausted - it's been a tough day. Anonymity is of importance."
   Still slightly stunned from the strangeness of it all, she managed to get out, "Yeah for sure, but I can't leave for 10 mins when I can close up shop." She pointed to the clock above her.
   Seijin, "That is just fine. Boys." He turned towards the boys, who seemed to be getting comfortable on the floor, "do you want to get any snacks before the nice girl closes?"
   She laughed to herself. Girl. She was in her early 30s, far from a girl. Although she had always presented younger. Coworkers always assumed she was in her early 20s. She didn't bother to correct them. It must be her skin care routine. In her mind if you act young, you stay young. It had worked well so far.
   A few of the boys jumped up. One boy followed the others around explaining what things were as they picked them up. They spoke a foreign language that sounded extremely familiar to her, perhaps a movie she watched with subtitles. Even though they spoke a different language, they riddled each other with English phrases, often spurting out words like "Ok" "Yes!" "Let's go" or "Fighting". The boy following them around laughed and shook his head, often covering his face with his hands. He's super cute, she thought to herself as she watched them walk around the store.
While the boys walked around, another man entered the store, he immediately walked to the counter and greeted Jen. He was tall and just slightly on the chubby side, he had a full beard and looked like he lived in the country his entire life. The boy following the others around the store gave him a side-eye, paying close attention to their conversation. As the member of the group most fluent in English it was hard for him not to listen. Their conversation sounded like they knew each other extremely well.
"Hey Jen" he called.
"Oh hey, Brody!" she chimed, "it's late what are you doing here?"
"We're leaving tonight" he mentioned, "someone at work got into an accident and I have to work tomorrow after all."
"Oh" she said, her voice sounding slightly disappointed.
"I'm really sorry" he apologized, "you know I was really looking forward to seeing you."
She nodded, "it's fine, we'll get together another time."
He laughed, "yeah I hope so." He looked around the store to see the guys walking around, "do you know them?"
"I don't" she said, "they just booked some rentals for the night."
"Nice to meet you" he yelled through the store, "I'm Brody."
The guys turned around and mumbled hellos to him for a second before continuing on their way.
"Not very friendly" he murmured.
Jen laughed, "give them a break, I'm pretty sure they are foreigners."
"I can see that" he said, looking to them again. He moved his gaze back to her. He gave her a big smile and dropped his head sideways.
She laughed, knowing he wanted a hug before he left.
She walked around the counter and gave him a big hug. His arms wrapped around her so tightly they arms reached his body again on the opposite side. He hummed while he hugged her before picking her up in the air and setting her back down.
The boy following the others couldn't help but notice her. She has great body lines, he thought to himself. During the hug, her back faced him.
She stepped back from him, "drive safe."
He leaned forward quickly to whisper in her ear, "the tall one is checking you out." She turned around quickly to find him staring in their direction, only to quickly look away. Jen giggled.
He nodded, "I'll talk to you soon" he said before turning to leave.
   She turned around as one of the boys opened the fridge and loudly yelled "SPRITE!" in plain English. The other boys laughed next to him, each grabbing their own drinks. Lots of bottled water and Gatorade - the typical drinks any young guy would choose.
   Items were piling up on the counter : chips, snacks, sprite, bottles of water, slim jims - even cups of ramen noodles. Enough snacks and drinks for seven.
   She packed up the items, making sure to bag the items separately. Each took their bag and went back to sit on the floor. They seemed a little happier and began eating their snacks. The sounds of snack bags crinkling covered up the music on the radio. She could hear light conversation and laughter coming from them. They reminded her of children.
   The last boy stepped up to the counter, shaking his head and laughing, "These guys act like they haven't eaten in days. How much do we owe?"
He was extremely exotic looking. His heart shaped face matched perfectly with his thin eyebrows. He had somewhat soft cheekbones and jawline. His chin sharp when he smiled. His lips were gorgeous and full. She always preferred men who looked different - normal was boring to her. His hair looked to be between a blonde and silver with a hint of blue, as if it was fading out. He stood tall and lean, towering over her 5'4" frame. His shoulders back, he knew how to carry himself to make others feel slightly intimidated. She wasn't intimidated by him in the least, but she did think he was attractive.
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She laughed, "$134.89" From the looks of it, they had a very long day.
   The boy threw his head back, looking at the others happily eating their snacks. He handed her a credit card. She ran the card on what seemed like an ancient credit card reader.
"Boyfriend?" he asked in very clear English, his voice low and deep.
"Huh?" she asked.
"Brody" he smiled, "is he your boyfriend?"
"Oh god no" she laughed, "we're just friends."
"Not interested in him?" he asked, curiously.
"I um.." she thought for a minute on how she should respond, "We've known each other since we were teens. At one point we considered dating - on our first date we went to see a harry potter movie so that tells you how long ago that was."
He laughed and nodded, "didn't hit it off?"
"We did but--" she laughed, "it turns out he's in love with his best friend and I wasn't trying to get involved with that."
He grimaced, "ouch."
"He's persistent, I'll give him that" she laughed, "to this day he's still chasing her and she has at least a few boyfriends at any given time."
"He's just basically a backup but he keeps his hopes up" she explained, "whatever works for him." She truly did hope he gave up the chase and found someone, she felt he needed it desperately.
He nodded thinking about all the strange things he learned while in America.
He fiddled with things on the counter, accidentally knocking some candy on to the floor. He would occasionally catch a passing glance at her when he thought she wasn't looking, only to sheepishly smile and look down to avoid direct eye contact.
"Sorry" he apologized, bending over to put them back. She laughed. He is clumsy in the cutest way, she thought to herself.
   "I'm sorry this thing is so slow" she said nervously. She hated how long it took, waiting for it to finish made her anxious in his presence. Awkward forced conversations were a pet peeve of hers.
   He shot her a sideways smile, dimple forming on his cheek. "That's okay" he said, flashing a peace sign over his right eye. "You can call me RM"  he said, loosely introducing himself to her.
   And just like that she knew exactly who he was. Who THEY were. Maybe it was how late it was, but she hadn't put two and two together. Her heart started racing, she gulped and tried to control her breathing. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG, she thought to herself.
Kim Namjoon, also known as RM was the leader, spokesperson and main rapper for one of the most popular K-Pop groups from South Korea. His singing voice a tenor while his rapping voice ventured closer to baritone - sometimes sounding almost throaty. He grew up in the small city of Islan. As a boy, he had big dreams of being a superhero and changing the world. He felt his music did just that. He chose the stage name of Rap Monster, later changing it to just RM - a better reflection of who he thought he was. During their debut, Namjoon was one of the most hated members. Often receiving hate from "fans" who claimed he shouldn't be in the group at all. He worked hard to prove the naysayers wrong. A lyricist by nature, he provides many of the lyrics for the group. His belief in the group so strong that when asked if he would like to go solo or stay with the group - he chose Bangtan Sonyeondan without hesitation. He believed in the group and each of its members without fault. He had a tendency to hold onto his feelings without letting others know, and doing so has lead him to depression and anxiety in the past. He struggled and continued to struggle with loving himself - something he admitted he will strive for until his death. Although he was technically the "middle child" of the group, he was considered to be in the hyung line - a term used in South Korea that meant eldest of the group. Lover of all things cute and quirky - he had many collections of toys and figurines. If he could choose his own middle name it would be fashion which doubled as his passion.
He looked back over to the guys, "I'm kind of like the leader of the group." He looked back at her and gave her the sweetest smile. His smile is so charming, she thought to herself.
   She collected her thoughts before responding, "Jenilyn" pointing to her name tag. "You can just call me Jen."
   The credit card finally went through, she handed him the card and receipt to sign.
She added the receipt to the register and checked the time. "One minute is close enough" she announced packing up her register. The boys rolled their luggage outside while she finished closing. She put her register drawer in the safe, turned off the lights and clocked out for the night.
Locking the front door to the gift shop, she turned around to say, "I can't fit all of you in my car at once. I can take two of you at a time." She pointed to her pearl white Hyundai Elantra in the parking lot.
"You guys want to introduce yourselves?" RM asked, suggesting the guys to be more polite towards her. He physically pushed one of them closer to her gently.
Two of the boys stepped forward while RM loaded their luggage.
"V" one said in a low tone, bowing slightly and avoiding eye contact. He was slightly shorter than RM, although he kept his head down making him feel even shorter, closer to her own height. His voice sultry and deep. When he did smile, his mouth formed an almost stretched out heart shape. His dark hair looked messy, slightly curly, covering his eyes. He looks like a shaggy puppy, she thought to herself. He had a beautiful set of eyelashes that would make any girl envious. He was extremely shy towards her. She imagined he would look great in a preppy sweater vest or a leather jacket, his beauty knew no bounds.
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Kim Taehung, also known as V. - A quirky guy and baritone vocals for the group. Easily distracted by animals and would occasionally act a little strange - so much so that anti-fans dubbed him as an alien, a nickname which he hated.  Considers his dog to be his child. Gets bored easily and sleeps with his eyes open - fans often wondered if he slept during American interviews. Originally considered to be the "pretty" one in the group. While it sounds like a compliment, it was more often used as an insult - that the only thing he had going for him were his looks. Like Namjoon, he worked hard to improve his vocal skills - proving everyone wrong. Very honest about his true feelings in the moment. He was the third youngest member of the group, making him part of the maknae line - a word used in South Korea that referred to the youngest. His personality and quirks made him seem much older than many of the group members.
She smiled at him, "Nice to meet you, V."
RM pushed the other boy on the back softly.
"Suga" he said. He was about an inch shorter than V. His hair also looked a little shaggy, although not as long as V's. His hair stopped just at the top of his eyebrows. His face somewhat round, with a chubby babydoll look. His eyes were dark and almost triangular in shape, as if he was judging the situation. They looked to be a cross between both monolid and double eye lids. His features were soft, even delicate at times. He pulled off the look well. The first thing she noticed about him was his confidence, nothing really seemed to bother him and he had no problems looking her in the eye. He didn't try to present himself in any particular way - he existed as he was. She loved that he could be that way.
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Min Yoongi, known as Suga - Another rapper for the group and one of the fastest rappers in the industry of kpop. As a descendant of a very powerful clan during the Joseon dynasty, he had a rich heritage despite growing up poor. He spent much of his time producing his own music as well as music for the group. Slightly anti-social due to his social anxiety, he did the best he could in social situations. He could most often be found observing the group and letting the other guys lead the way. In his down time he liked to sleep, write lyrics and play games on his phone. He thought his fans to be the most special as he saw himself as average looking at best. Slightly obsessed with basketball, his favorite manga featured the sport. He didn't care to show certain parts of his body and remained covered at all times. He suffered from a shoulder injury he acquired during his trainee days, when he took a side job for extra cash. He kept his emotions well hidden, very rarely allowing his true feelings to escape. He remained a loud advocate for mental health and depression as his fight had been long and difficult. Loved to be hugged by the other members but pretended to hate it. Fans called him "sleepy" for his sleeping habits as well as "meow meow" for his cat-like appearance. Even though he looked the youngest, he was the second-eldest member of the group he - was hyung to all members aside from Jin. In their debut days, he felt like he got shafted by the company - he thought he'd be joining an all rap group and with focus on music production with little choreography required. Success and their fan base, known as ARMY, helped him come to terms with and accept his new life as an idol.
"Nice to meet you Suga" she said, opening the car door. Both boys sat in the back of the car, moving the pillows around in her back seat.
Everything in her car was galaxy themed - from the car seat covers to the pillows. Suga picked up one of the pillows, fluffing it in his hands. "You like stars?" he asked.
She laughed, reversing out of her parking space. "Yeah I really like the galaxy patterns. The colors are super pretty."
He nodded his head, placing the pillow next to him and using it as an arm rest.
"I actually have lights installed in the floorboard. Let me get going and I'll turn them on" she put the car in drive and slowly took off. The speed limit was 5 mph in the park. She flipped the switch located under her dash, lighting up the floorboards in purple lighting.
"Oh cool" Suga said checking out the floorboard. He stared at her dashboard, "Bluetooth?"
"Unfortunately, no. But I do have an aux" she said passing the cord back to him. He took the cord and plugged his phone in, playing the next song on his spotify. Drake.
"Do you listen to Drake?" he asked, curious about her.
"I do like Drake. I actually love almost all music" she said pulling into the parking space of the rental. She popped open her trunk. She got out and helped V with his luggage, handing him the key to the rental. She stepped into the rental really quick to show him some key features. "If you need to use the hot water you will need to push this button about 15 minutes in advance." He nodded and said "thanks."
She got back into the car with Suga, who had moved to the front seat in her absence. It had taken several minutes to get V all settled in, Suga still jamming out to Drake when she got back in.
"Geesh, you scared me" she laughed, seeing him in the front seat. He smiled a big smile at her. She pulled out of the parking spot and headed to his rental to drop him off.
"Anyway so as I was saying I really do love just about anything" she laughed, "I remember watching Drake on Degrassi when I was a kid. He was always one of my favorites. Drake is just slightly older than me so I was really at the right age to relate to those struggles in the show." She paused, "I spent a good deal of time watching it."
He smiled at her, still bobbing his head to the music. She pulled into the parking space for Suga's rental. She opened the trunk to help him with his bag.
She laughed, "Oh, wow. You only have one bag? You pack surprisingly light." She handed him the key. "There is extra bedding in the closet."
He smiled at her, his eyes looked tired but he remained attentive to her. "Can I text you?" he asked, holding his phone.
"I uhh.." she wasn't sure what to say.
"As friends" he said laughing slightly.
"Oh okay, sure" he handed her his phone and she entered her number, handing it back to him with a smile, "have a good night Suga."
She got back into her car and made her way up to the front again. She pulled into her parking space and got out, motioning for the next set of boys to get in. RM loaded their luggage into the back.
Another boy stepped up to introduce himself, this one slightly more aggressive than the others. "Jin" he said, "also known as worldwide handsome." He was tall, although slightly shorter than RM with dark hair. Lean, but stockier than the others - very broad shouldered. She imagined he would give a very comforting hug. His eyes were slightly cat-like, flattering his oblong face perfectly. His cheekbones and jawline strong. He had beautiful full lips that looked almost heart shaped when he didn't smile.
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Kim Seokjin, Jin for short - Another vocal for the group - one that was renowned for being a "silver voice". His stable breathing and strong falsetto made him extremely versatile in all genres. A funny guy with a mild temper - he was considered the mom of the group, always making sure the guys were well taken care of - bringing them ice cream to cheer them up. Often times preparing meals and lunches for them. Cooking was another passion of his. He had a love of telling uncle jokes. His laugh was contagious and his face would turn red when he felt like people were staring at him too much. He was a terrible liar and loved to be complimented. Easy going until he got worked up - once slightly angered he would speak so fast it was hard to understand him. So handsome that his fans named him "Mr. Worldwide Handsome", meaning he was considered handsome in every country he visited. He was the eldest member of the group.
RM laughed while he put the luggage in the trunk, "It's late can we give the flirting a rest?" He rolled his eyes at Jin.
Jen smiled at Jin, he was very handsome, although in a very traditional sense. Very Hollywood actor. She preferred a man with more unique features but she could appreciate his beauty all the same. He obviously spent a great deal of time perfecting himself and he was proud. "Nice to meet you, worldwide handsome" she said giving him a smile.
His black hair fell over his face as he stepped forward, "Jungkook." His eyes were big and bright as if he was excited about something. Of all of them, he smelled the best, smelling slightly fruity with base notes of vanilla and chocolate. It smelled very familiar to her. He smells slightly feminine but it suits him well. I am pretty sure I own that perfume, she thought to herself. He had beautifully cut features, as if he could pull off both the innocent boy look and a badass at the same time. His lips featured a prominent cupid's bow and reminded her of her own lips. Very full on bottom with a slightly thinner upper lip. He looked sweet and innocent.
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Jeon Jeongguk, stage name Jungkook. - For lack of a better word, he was the most "average guy" out of all of them. As the youngest member of the group he was known as the "golden" maknae - a term given to the absolute youngest member. Although he seemed like an average guy with his love of manga, food and video games - his outstanding appearance and professionalism told a different story. His vocals rivaled the greatest of singers - new and old. While the other members preferred to dress in expensive clothing, he stayed with his tried-and-true brands. He was one of if not the most popular member in the group. Fans gave him the nickname of Kookie. Despite their success he had average dreams - he wished to eventually get married and have kids, to settle down and live an average life. Training as an idol from a young age, he joined the group as a teen - his childlike demeanor still holding true. He had an uncanny ability for learning quickly and excelling at everything he tried. It often left him feeling like he needed work harder to feel like he worked just as hard as the other members, to the point of dehydration and exhaustion.
"Nice to meet you Jungkook" she said opening the car door. Jin sat in front with her, Jungkook in the back. Jungkook laid down in the backseat, getting comfortable on her pillows. I'll take him home last since he's so comfortable, she thought to herself. She handed the aux cord to Jin, "Suga wanted to listen to music on the way. You can too if you like." He nodded and set the cord down without playing music.
Her phone sat in the cup holder between the front seats. Her phone starting going off. Her text notification for one of her friends was, "Waste it on me", specifically, RM's part of the song all the way to the end. She quickly took the phone, placing it face down to end the notification. She laughed, slightly embarrassed.
Jungkook immediately started singing and continued singing after the notification stopped. He really does have a beautiful voice, she thought to herself. It was extremely soothing to her and made her feel more relaxed.
"A fan?" Jin asked, curiously looking at her.
She could feel her face getting flushed, "I am." She nodded hoping the moment passed quickly.
"You didn't ask for an autograph?" he asked, although it sounded more like a statement.
She smiled, pulling into the parking space for his rental, "You guys looked tired and honestly I'm not into that kind of thing." She stepped out of the vehicle to help him carry his bags.
He gave her a half smile and raised an eyebrow slightly, getting out of the car with her, "What do you mean?"
She opened the trunk and started removing his bags, setting them gently on the gravel, "I don't really like to get close to celebrities. I like to admire from afar." She paused and stared at him. "In my mind if I can give them one less crazed fan to worry about, maybe their lives will be a little more peaceful." She handed him the key for the rental.
He hugged her, his broad shoulders wrapped around her. I was right, his hugs are the best, she thought to herself. She left her arms to the side without hugging back. He thanked her and headed up the stairs to his rental. She waited until he got inside before leaving.
Jungkook had sat up by the time she got back in the car. In her rear view mirror she could see him smiling at her. He moved close behind her, using her seat to pull himself forward. She felt as if he liked being able to intimidate her slightly. Perhaps he is into power plays, she thought to herself. He was so close to her that she could feel him breathing on her neck. It was kind of weird but slightly erotic. She wasn't even sure if he did it on purpose or not. He looked too sweet and innocent to do it purposely.
She pulled into the parking space, opening the trunk once again. He joined her at the back of the car, removing his luggage. He stood directly in front of her with a big smile on his face. His wide eyes open as if he had a million racing thoughts. After several moments he reached out to her hand, holding it within his. She looked down, noticing the tattoos on his hands. She looked up to see him smiling at her still. She laughed and took her hand back, handing him the key.
"Goodnight Jungkook" she said. He gave her another big smile, this time big enough to crinkle his eyes. He went to his rental while she made she he got in safely.
She drove back to the front of the park. She couldn't stop thinking about how flirty the guys had been. They were all so cute but man are they good at making me feel uncomfortable, she thought to herself.
She opened the trunk and didn't bother getting out of the car this time. It was already nearing midnight and she was exhausted. RM helped load their luggage, lightly patting the trunk after he closed it. Seijin sat next to her in the front seat, another hopped into the backseat, he sat in the middle, leaning in between Seijin & Jen.
"I'm J-Hope" he said cheerfully. He had a very thick Asian accent, suiting him perfectly. He shared a similar height to the other guys, although he seemed noticeably thinner. Very fashionable. He had a slightly longer face cut with a strong jawline and high cheekbones, Like RM he had dimples when he smiled. An adorable nose that turned up slightly at the end. She had always known that he was really cute, but his personality really won her over. He was extremely kind and happy. She often wished she could be that person. Being an introvert, she often tried to conserve her energy for situations she really wanted to enjoy. Being outwardly happy all the time exhausted her in most cases. It was rare she found someone didn't drain her mentally, she thought most people to be energy vampires.
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Jung Hoseok, stage name J-Hope and sometimes referred to as Hobi. - The final rapper of the group and another member who received much criticism in their debut days. Anti-fans asked him to leave the group on numerous occasions which he eventually considered before deciding not to - the love and trust of his group pulling him back. He was the best dancer and most fashionable of the group. His laugh was contagious and animated - he had no problems with falling over from laughter. Spending too much time in water made him seasick and roller coasters scared him to death, though he did think it was fun after the fact. He is known as the happiest member of the group - often gritting his teeth and hiding any problems he faced. He was considered to be the second-to-the-last favorite member of the group, after RM of course, in their debut days. His fan base grew as they reached unimaginable levels of success. As the third eldest member of the group, he was a part of the hyung line.
Seijin sat quietly as J-Hope talked both to, and at, Jen. He often nodded his head in agreement, listening to him be so happy. She pulled into the parking space for Seijin's rental. She had her hand on the door handle when Seijin said, "I'll get my bags. You stay here." She smiled at him and handed him the key. He returned a smile adding, "thank you" before exiting and grabbing his bags. She waited until he entered the rental before backing up. She pulled into J-Hope's rental, a mere 40 feet away. She exited her car, helping him remove his bags. He had more bags than most of the other guys. She set his bags gently on the gravel.
He smiled at her, he swayed back and fourth slightly as if he was nervous. She handed him the key. He picked up his bags and turned away for a brief moment before turning around to ask, "phone?" he asked in English, making a phone call gesture next to his face.
She laughed, louder than she probably should with how late it was, "You are the second person to ask tonight. Let me see your phone." He handed her the phone and smiled, a low chuckle escaping his lips.
"Second? Who asked first - V?" he asked.
She entered her number into his phone. She handed it back to him, still laughing about it, "Suga."
He looked at her stunned before returning the phone to his pocket. "I can't believe that. He doesn't even respond to us."
Her laugh died down into a smile, "Well he hasn't actually texted yet so...." her voiced trailed off, dropping her smile. She could feel how tired she was now, even with the excitement of meeting BTS she felt like she could fall asleep at any given moment.
He smiled at her again, giving her a thumbs up before entering his rental. She waited until he got inside and she could see the lights pop on.
Seijin & Hope's rentals were in the back in the campground, it took her awhile to get back to the front. Pulling into her parking spot she could see RM and Jimin outside the store. Jimin laying on the ground, resting his head on RM's thigh. RM staring off into the distance, resting his head against the window of the store. They both looked fatigued. She couldn't imagine what they had gone through.
   She exited the car, and gestured them to get in.
    The last boy she had not been properly introduced to stood up slowly and whined half-playfully and half-seriously,  "I'm hunnnnngry."
   RM rolled his eyes. "Jimin, you just ate" he said with a sigh.
   "No, real food" he whined again. This time almost stomping his foot, his blonde hair bouncing with the motion. Compared to the others, he looked petite, but strong. His lips plump and a generously handsome smile. His had slightly chubby cheeks yet still prominent cheek bones, very doll like. He seemed comfortable in his sexuality and that in itself was attractive to her. He presented himself in a very fun, childlike manner. She could see immediately that he often needed reassurance from the others.
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Park Jimin, stage name Jimin. - The second-youngest in the group after Jungkook. Lead vocals and well known for his falsetto - he had the voice of an angel. He was a sensitive guy with a need for attention. He loved being the center of it just as much as he loved showering the other members in it. He loved to compliment and purchase gifts for the other guys, always holding on to or touching the other members. In their debut days, he felt out of place when they would strive for a "bad boy" image. In more recent years he allowed his true personality to shine brighter and was met with complete acceptance from his fans. As one of the most popular members, he loves his fans more than life itself. In their early days, he was one of the most hated members - not by his fans but by fans of rival groups. So much so that he had received multiple threats on his life. He struggled in the beginning with loving himself as he was. In his quest to find perfection he often starved himself to the point of exhaustion. Recent years had treated him much better and he was a happier person because of it. He was one of the sweetest members of the group and his love for army knew no bounds.
RM sighed loudly, tilting his head back, letting his arms fall to the side.
   "I have food, not a lot but I can probably get you something?" Jen offered.
   "It's really not necessary--" RM said before being cut off by Jimin.
   "What kind?!" Jimin asked, practically jumping up and down.
   "Umm, chips, fruits" she said thinking, "maybe some spicy ramen?"
   Jimin didn't even say anything before getting up, he bounced around happily next to her.
   "It's been a really long night for everybody, we don't mean to waste more of your--" RM rebutted, trying to calm Jimin.
   "It's really no big deal. I live in the apartment up there" she said, pointing towards the sky above the gift shop.
   RM looked up to see there was an apartment above the A frame building. Jimin looked to him expectantly. He smiled, rolled his eyes slightly and said, "Well, let's get it."
   They walked around the building and up the set of stairs, dragging their luggage behind them. Jen helped Jimin with his as she noticed his struggle.
She placed her key in the lock and turned the doorknob, forcefully pushing the door open. Immediately the smell of blueberry pancake filled their senses.
"Mmm" Jimin said, smelling the air, "what smells so good?"
She giggled at him, "It's a candle. I love candles but I'm especially fond of fall scented ones."
The apartment was small, but cozy. She loved the shabby chic look and decorated her space to reflect that. Lots of white and ivory with subtle pops of pink. It was calming to her.
   Jimin dropped his bags near the door. Walking through the kitchen, he immediately opened the fridge and started pulling things out, naming things as he went. "Strawberries, blueberries." He found the bananas on the counter. She handed him a plate, smiling at how happy he was.
   RM sighed loudlly, giving up at this point.
   "If you keep walking straight you'll find the living room. You can sit down if you want" Jen offered.
   RM thanked her with a smile, and headed to the couch. He removed the pillows from the corner and placed them in his lap, laying his head back and letting his neck hang. It feels so good to sit on something other than a bus seat, he thought to himself. He looked around to survey the room - clearly a girls space. Candles. Blankets. Throw pillows. He found the remote and turned on the TV, scrolling through her apps. He scrolled through, finally deciding on Funimation, he reached across to grab a blanket. Covering himself he could smell the faint scent of perfume. It smelled beautiful and warm, just like she did. Slightly expensive, but not too expensive. He breathed deep and let the scent fill him.
She walked into the hallway leading to the living room, stopping at the console table to empty her pockets. She usually carried so many things with her, always her phone but also lip balm, a small vial of perfume, and a pen. She plugged her phone into it's charger. "I'm going to change my shirt" she yelled, unsure if they would even care. It felt super awkward having them in her apartment but they acted like it wasn't a big deal. They are probably used to meeting strangers, she thought to herself. She closed her bedroom door and took off her shirt, adding it to the laundry basket. She rummaged through her drawer to find something comfortable, but appropriate. She chose a plain white tee that ruched on one side. She typically preferred to get comfortable as soon as she got home - getting out of her jeans as fast as possible. To her, pants were leg prisons and shoes were foot prisons.
   She entered her living room. "Comfy?" she asked, sitting down on the opposite side of the couch. She admired how cute he looked snuggled in her blanket.
   He smiled, "Yah" purposely snuggling a little more.
   She giggled, "Jimin found the fruit and he's having a good time in there." She said, reaching for another blanket.
   He laughed and shook his head, "I bet he is."
   "We can share" he said, throwing a corner of the blanket at her.
   Damn he's cute, she thought. She wasn't even sure how she was containing her inner fan-girl. Her heart was screaming but she managed to play it so cool. She thought her heart might burst with how fast it was beating. She covered her legs and snuggled on the couch. She was happy, but so very tired. She could feel her eyes slowly closing against her desire to stay awake.
   Jimin finally emerged from the kitchen, smiling and rubbing his tummy. He sighed, eyelids half closed.
   "Ready to go?" Jen asked, sitting up on the couch. Jimin nodded. She got up to take Jimin to his home for the night.
   "Do you mind if I stay here?" RM asked "Thinking about that ramen now."
   "Oh yeah sure. Pans are in the cabinet near the sink. Ramen in the upper cabinet" she said heading out the door, carrying some of the bags for Jimin. He watched through the blinds as she helped Jimin into the car, loading his bags for him. Jimin seems to like her a lot, he thought to himself, I can see why - she is lovely.
RM got up and began looking through the cabinets, finding the extra spicy noodles and boiling the water. He finished the noodles, drained and then mixed them together.
   She had gotten halfway to drop Jimin off when she realized she forgot her phone. CRAP, she thought to herself, It's late anyway, I will be okay. Jimin sat in the front seat next to her, leaning his head against the door. He fell asleep on the ride. He looked peaceful, as if the car ride comforted him in ways he had not been comforted in a long time. She pulled into the parking space, letting him sleep a minute longer before waking him up.
   RM sat the bowl down, deciding he needed to find the bathroom. He entered her bedroom. Small, but plenty of room with a desk and vanity. Curious, he opened her closet doors. The closet was surprisingly big for how small the apartment was. He looked over her clothing, fashionable, mostly tees and denim. Comfortable shoes - Adidas and converse. Clearly a girl who dresses to be cute and comfortable. He closed the doors. Exactly what he expected based on the little he knew about her.
   He went to the bathroom, located next to the closet.
   Exiting the bathroom, he had a clear view of her desk across the room. He walked closer and realized that her screensaver was none other than BTS. He moved the mouse to see that her background had a picture of him, specifically from the "Butter" concept photo shoot. He raised an eyebrow and smiled.
On the other end of the wall sat her vanity, slightly messy as if she used it often. It had a large Hollywood glamour style mirror, surrounded by fifteen bright light bulbs. Exiting the bedroom he could hear music. Getting closer to the source, he could hear it was a BTS song. Mic Drop, in particular. He picked up her phone from the table and looked at it, recognizing the number that texted her.
The text message contained only one word. "Hey." He laughed a little, shook his head and said, "Suga" to himself out loud.
He set the phone down, only for it to immediately begin ringing again, this time a phone call. He picked up the phone again to see "Ex" calling. He let it ring, setting it down and listening to "I'm fine" playing. He sang along softly to it.
   He picked up his bowl of ramen again about the time she walked in. She shut the door quietly.
   "Jimin is safe" she said turning off the porch light. "Poor thing fell asleep on the drive" she mentioned.
   RM, slurping his noodles, raised both eyebrows, "You had a call."
   Immediately she knew that her ringtone was on. He heard it. Oh god he heard it, she thought to herself.
   "It was Ex?" he asked.
   "Yeah" she sighed, "my ex husband."
   Still eating his noodles, he made a sound between huh and oh?
He gave her a big smile, "And Suga texted you." She blushed, slightly embarrassed. He laughed, louder this time, "I can't even get him to text me."
   She picked up the phone, adding Suga as a contact. She returned the call to her ex. He listened to her from the kitchen.
   "Yeah what did you want?"
   "What does it even matter?"
   She sighed.
   "We've been through this. I'm done and it's over".
   RM heard the anger rising in her voice, and gestured with two fingers for her to give him the phone. She handed it over, giving him a sideways look.
   "Yea man, she said no. Its over." He ended the call and smiled - both dimples showing this time.
   "What did you do?" she asked, panicking.
   "Now he knows you're with a man. He'll leave you alone" he shrugged.
   It was silent as they returned to the living room, "Not something you can fix?" he asked out of curiosity.
   She laughed. "No, it is not" she said, plopping down on the couch.
   He sat down on the other end, one eyebrow up as if he questioned her.
   She leaned her head back and stared at the ceiling. It was always hard for her to hold back her tears when someone asked directly. "After five years of marriage he decided that he would rather have girls on only fans." She looked at him dead in the eyes, "and fuck them." She looked down this time, "more than a few times."
   RM was quiet. He had no words that would comfort her in the moment. She seems like a really chill girl, he thought to himself. He moved closer and rubbed her upper back softly, offering what little support he could think of.
   She laughed as she wiped away the tears. "Its alright. He's the one that's missing out. I'm fucking great" she announced.
   RM laughed. She's kind of cocky - I like it, he thought. Clapping his hands together he said, "It's been a long night and I think we're both tired.."
   She blinked at him a few times. She didn't really want to go anywhere at this point. She wanted to fall asleep when Jimin did earlier. "You can stay here if you want?" she offered, half question half offer.
   He nodded his head in agreement. She brought him some pillows and a larger blanket for the couch.
   "Bathrooms off my room if you need it" she smiled. She went into her room, changing out of her jeans and into ruched shorts. She faced the desk fan towards her bed before getting in, she preferred the cold when she slept.
   She fell asleep quickly.
The group chat that they used to communicate with each other was on fire that night :
Suga : Thoughts? She's cute
V : Very
J-Hope : Her car smelled nice
Jimin : Her apartment smelled nice too
Suga : What?! You went to her apartment?
V : I'm thirsty, do you think she'd help? :D
Jin : Too much V
RM : Jimin complained he was hungry
Jimin : I'm full now : )
Jin :  She seems really nice. Reminds me of my mom.
Suga : She likes drake
Jungkook : Cool girl
Jin : She likes us
Jungkook : Yeah all of her ringtones are bts.
RM : I can't believe Suga is actually responding to us in group chat.
J-Hope : A pretty girl will do that to him.
V : We should invite her to the show tomorrow night
Suga : YAS!
RM : We will ask Seijin in the morning.
Jimin: *clapping emoji*
RM : *sent a picture of him laying on her couch to the chat*
J-Hope : You stayed with her?!?!
Suga : OMG
   He didn't respond further after sending the picture. He laid on the couch, thinking about the day. She was obviously a fan but she treated him like any other person. It was refreshing. He thought about Suga asking for her phone number. It almost pained him to think about and he wasn't sure why. To think of it, all of the guys seemed really smitten by her, he thought to himself before falling asleep.
   He fell asleep for a couple of hours before waking up in the night. He walked through her room to the bathroom. He could see her silhouette in the moonlight. She was sleeping on her stomach with one leg bent. He could see her butt poking out the bottom of her shorts. He went to the bathroom and came back. He admired her figure. Her butt was idealistic, the kind that many women would photo shop to copy. Almost too good to be real, he thought. He slowly climbed into bed next to her.
   Him laying next to her woke her slightly. She was a very light sleeper, with any kind of noise waking her. She could feel his body next to hers. Wiggling closer she rested her head next to his and offered him half of the blanket. They slept together but in the most innocent way. Similar to how you would sleep with a very good friend - cuddled together without sexual expectations. Neither of them had been cuddled in so long, both enjoying it immensely.
He woke up very early. He stared at her while as she slept. He wished he could lay next to her for awhile longer but there was a van waiting to pick them up. Before he left, he took a selfie with her phone, entering himself as a contact. He noticed Suga had sent her another text message as she didn't respond to the first. He smiled, surprised that Suga tried a second time. It was unlike him to pursue someone more than once.
He found a notebook on her counter and wrote her a note before grabbing his bags to head out the door. He quietly closed the front door when he left, his luggage behind him. Before getting into the car he dug out his journal. He sat between Suga & J-Hope. Once settled and on their way, he wrote yesterday's journal entry :
"Today was a great day. The day was long and the ride even longer. Our vehicle broke down on the way to Chicago. We stopped at a campground and met a really nice girl. Pretty. Smart. I slept on her couch and then moved into the bed with her. It was lovely."
He read his entry over, adding small details he wanted to remember. J-Hope couldn't help but notice his entry, "She's pretty" he admitted.
RM laughed, "Yeah so pretty Suga got her number." Suga laughed, letting out a little snort.
"Had to try" he responded.
J-Hope blushed, covering his face.
RM laughed, "You asked for her number too didn't you? How many of you do you think she can see at once?"
V, who sat behind RM, leaned forward between the seats, "I wanted to ask her but I was too shy. She seems really confident."
Suga laughed at V's misfortune. "You weren't able to form words around her."
RM smiled as he listened to the boys jokingly fight over the girl. They often fawned over pretty girls, but usually not the same one. His mind got lost in thought.
Suga's phone went off. He looked at it, seeing a text from Jen. "I win." he said, showing the text message around as if it were a gold medal.
Both V and J-Hope sighed. RM laughed at their behavior. It was cute and charming, but also somewhat childish. He rolled his eyes listening to them talk about her.
Jen woke several times during the night to find him snuggled with her pillows. She thought he looked like a sweet angel when he slept. He snored softly and looked at peace.
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In the morning, he was gone. She yawned and stretched. He didn't wear a cologne - instead he smelled of incense with hints of honey and lemon. His scent lingered on her sheets. It smelled as interesting as he was.
It was her day off, she wasn't in a hurry to do anything today. She made her morning coffee. She looked out the window, mug in hand, to see if the bus was outside. It wasn't. For a minute she thought it was all a dream until she noticed a note on her console table.
"Thank you for everything. -Namjoon"
She smiled at the note and looked at the dishes in the sink from the noodles and in that instant it hit her like a truck. Last night was real. And amazing - but short-lived. She honestly had the best night of her life. It really doesn't go up from here, she thought to herself.
   Her doorbell rang. She opened the door to find flowers on the deck. A beautiful bouquet of mixed flowers of all colors. Bringing the flowers in, she set them on her dining table and checked the card.
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xmagicxshopx · 4 years
Rush Hour Pt 1
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Genre: Action Adventure, Angst, Romance, Comedy Rating: PG-13 - M Warnings: drug trafficking, human trafficking, language, smut (in pt 2) Pairing: officer!jungkook x reader , officer!taehyung x oc (Nari) Notes: AU fic. Not idol!bts. Single quote marks ‘ ‘ are for thoughts and double “ “ are for talking. Additional Notes: Thank all the crime shows my parents watch for this. XD Not to mention I love the Rush Hour movies. @u@
Tagging: @grxnadxs​
Summary: You and your best friend are being framed for a crime you didn’t commit and there’s only two people who believe you. Agent Inspector Jeon of the Busan Police Department and Detective Kim of the Daegu Police Department. Can they rescue you before it’s too late?
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Organized Crime.
South Korea’s biggest enemy.
Financial fraud, drug trafficking, weapons smuggling, human trafficking. It was all because of organized crime and it made the police departments absolutely sick. A beast they couldn’t contain, let alone kill. Drugs were their biggest problem, really. And what drugs couldn’t produce in real cash flow, fake won made up for it. Sickening. Absolutely sickening.
“Detective Kim---Agent Inspector Jeon has arrived.”
Having been standing there watching the city with his steaming mug of hot chocolate because he’s not a coffee drinker, he simply turned his head to the officer-in-training and smiled a friendly smile before nodding his head and saying casually,
“Let the asshole in.”
“Hey, I heard that, asshat!”
Detective Kim, more commonly known as Kim Taehyung, just laughed as he set his mug down to greet one of his best friends and favorite partners in law enforcement. Walking through the door was one chuckling Jeon Jungkook, otherwise known as Agent Inspector Jeon. After performing their super secret handshake, the both of them took a seat in which Jeon sighed heavily.
“They briefed me on the situation. One of them is from Busan so they sent me over. It’s a pretty ugly case. This organization seems to have quite the record.”
“No kidding. Drug and human trafficking?? Disgusting. Makes me sick.”
Jungkook watched his older bestie tossing the folder full of files onto his desk and he couldn’t help but feel bad for him. Kim Taehyung was a good man. An honest and traditional man. Someone who one day wanted to settle down and have a family. A wife and kids. He cherished his fellow human beings so human trafficking always hit harder for him than anything else.
“Hey. We’ll catch them, hyung. They’re going to slip up and that’s when they’ll hang themselves with their own rope. In fact, it sounds like they might already have. It says they’re on the run. Armed and dangerous. But we’re more dangerous. Besides....”
Kim looked away from the window once more to see what his younger friend might be trying to say. The sight before him made the male snort and shake his blonde head in amusement. Jeon Jungkook had since stood up from his seat and was standing in a fighting position while saying with confidence that only he could pull off,
“I’ve been taking boxing lessons. These dirt bags won’t see me coming.”
“Whatever you say, Jeon. Whatever you say.”
Meanwhile, on a train heading out of Daegu.....
“I’m scared....”
You could hardly hear your best friend and honestly you couldn’t blame her. Both of your voices were hoarse from the lack of hydration. The first thing you’d do once getting to the next town would be trying to buy some bottles of water. Your tongue felt like sandpaper. Trying your best to comfort the female next to you, you simply reeled her in and let her head rest on your shoulder.
In the eye of the public, that’s what you were.
The world knew you both as criminals but the world couldn’t be farther from the truth. You two were just a pair of best friends who had found themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time. Simple on paper but oh-so complicated in all actuality. With an internal sigh, you gently stroked your best friend’s raven locks as you spoke up softly,
“It’s going to be okay, Nari. I’m going to take care of us. Just stick with me and everything will be fine.”
Nari, your best friend of four years, nodded gently against your shoulder as she shifted a little closer in the bus seat the two of you were sharing. Honestly, the two of you weren’t used to the silence of the bus. The life you both had been living for the last four months was anything but silent. Guns, violence, moving from home to home. It was all so chaotic.
Human trafficking.
You were no longer considered a person. No. You and your best friend had become objects to be used by scum bags who called themselves men. To be used as they saw fit. Whether it be as a cover-up for a smuggling operation or to release sexual frustration, you were no longer considered a human being. It may have only been for four months, but it’s been the longest four months of your lives.
“Once we get off the bus, I’ll get us a hotel room, okay? I managed to knock the one guy out and grab his wallet. Let’s just hope this won is legit and not fake. Otherwise we’re screwed.”
You didn’t want to scare Nari, but you had to be realistic too. The situation was not pretty but you were going to do your very best to make this as easy for her as possible. Your best friend was a soft and sensitive soul so naturally this was extremely hard on her. Not just physically, but also mentally and emotionally. The physical scars would heal, but the mental and emotional? That was a whole other ballgame.
“Let’s get off here. Surely there’s a hotel or motel near by. If not, we can always ask around.”
Back at the Daegu Police Department....
“Okay. So your prime suspects are two females, both in their 20s and South Korean natives. Squeaky clean criminal records. Not even a parking violation.”
Both Taehyung and Jungkook found themselves sporting identical expressions of confusion as their eyebrows knitted together. While the younger of the two was staring at the huge TV screen that had the suspects’ passport photos on display, Taehyung was looking through each of their files and couldn’t believe his eyes.
“The one was going to school to be a kindergarten teacher with a minor in journalism while the other has an online degree in Police Science and has taken several self-defense classes.”
While the blonde detective was rattling off more information from the files, Min Yoongi who was Daegu’s Intelligence Analyst was bringing up those very same records up on the screen for Jungkook to look over as well. Dang. It was hard to believe these girls were their prime suspects.
“The files go on to say the university student, Nari, was currently shadowing a kindergarten class when she went missing four months ago. The Police Science graduate was currently working at a cafe in Busan when she too went missing four months ago.”
“So they were together when they went missing?”
Just as Yoongi and Taehyung were about to wager a guess to the younger’s question, a new voice entered the room as a young man that went by the name of Jung Hoseok strolled in. Hoseok, or otherwise known as Hobi, was a Forensic Psychologist and had been brought it to try and figure out why two girls with absolutely no prior criminal records would be suspects in one of South Korea’s largest drug trafficking ring.
“Possibly. According to their records, they live at the same address. An apartment building on the shadier side of town. Judging from their day jobs, I would say it was all they could afford. The Busan girl commutes.”
Jungkook turned around to look at the older males with his hands stuffed in his pockets, expression pensive as he stood there in deep thought before asking out loud,
“So maybe they did it for the money?”
With a casual shrug, Hoseok looked to the TV screen where the records and photos were on display. It just didn’t add up to him. He had dealt with a lot of cases and in all his years of forensic psychology, he had never seen anything quite like this. But then again.....
“It’s not uncommon for financial stress to drive a person to commit crime. For now, they’re probably going to be your only suspects. They were seen on the storefront’s security footage with the bag as they fled the scene. Looks like it was a deal gone South.”
It was then that Yoongi pressed a button on his tablet and brought up the exact footage Hobi was referring to. The four young men watched as the two female suspects approached two men who were twice their size. Again. It didn’t make sense to Hobi. This was a professional ring. Why would a ring leader who was supposedly one of the smartest men in crime......be sending in two puny girls in their 20s to perform a hand-off???
“Looks like the one put her self defense lessons to good use. But she’s lucky neither one of them got shot.”
While Yoongi spoke in his usual calm tone, the rest of the boys watched on as the footage soon revealed the spat that took place. One man was knocked out and Taehyung could see one of the girls swiping his wallet. The last few seconds of the recording was of the girls running off while leaving the bag behind. The bag was then taken by the two men who ran in the opposite direction. Dang.
“Okay, Hobi hyung. Put your brain to work. Why would those girls try to fight when they were just going to let them have the drugs anyway? What’s the purpose here? The only crimes they committed were assault and stealing a dirt bag’s wallet.”
The psychologist took a moment to consider the young inspector’s questions. Yes. What was the purpose of the whole transaction??? All the girls got away with was a wallet and who knows if it had any actual won in it. Even if it did, the odds of the won being legit were slim to none. Still......it wasn’t adding up......there was more to this story here. That’s for sure. It was then that Taehyung spoke up as he said in an authoritative tone,
“Okay. Jeon---call in Jimin from your guys’ Busan department and have him interview the cafe manager and the staff. You and I are gonna take a trip to the kindergarten class Nari was shadowing and see if the teacher might have any insight. Maybe they got close while working together.”
He then turned to the older males in the room and added in the same tone but with more softness and naturally more respect,
“Yoongi hyung, if you can get me any further footage, maybe even some traffic cams, I’d greatly appreciate it. Maybe we can track down where they ran off to. Hobi hyung, try to take a closer look at the footage we already have. Maybe you can spot something we aren’t looking at. See if you guys can enhance the video any. Get a closer look.”
With that, the four men went to work. Innocent or not, these two women needed to be found because they could be the key to bringing down the largest drug trafficking ring in South Korea.
“There’s a convenience store. Want to grab some supplies and food and then find a place to stay?”
After receiving a timid nod from Nari, you offered her a warm smile and gently tugged her along as the two of you headed into the store. There was plenty of won in the wallet you had swiped so thankfully they could afford the necessities without having to skimp. Shampoo, body wash, water, and food. Pretty simple. Well maybe some toothbrushes and paste as well. The two of you felt absolutely disgusting and probably looked just as much.
The hotel room would probably have little bottles of shampoo and body wash, but you planned to douse yourselves in both. Now that you got to thinking about it, both of your hair looked like rats nests. Comb and brush. Okay. The list was getting longer but still. You both were a little more than ready to start feeling human again. Could anyone blame you???
Once picking out the cheapest shampoo and conditioner you could find, you went to go pick up a bottle of body wash that was just as cheap. You guys didn’t need to be in a beauty pageant, just clean. After picking a brush and comb both, you gently tugged your bestie along with you to have her pick out some food.
Ever since the human trafficking started, Nari had nearly completely shut down. She became quiet and shut off. It was hard for even you to get her to speak. Like the few moments they had alone together while waiting for their next ‘owner’ to arrive and take them ‘home’. It was so heartbreaking because your best friend was once a ray of pure sunshine. A light in the darkness.
And now she had become part of the darkness.
“Okay, Ri, what sounds good for dinner tonight? I think some instant noodles are calling our name.”
You would have loved to just call room service. However, for two reasons, you didn’t go that route. One, it wasn’t essential and therefore you didn’t want to risk wasting your limited funding on it. Two, you didn’t want to give the organization or the authorities any ammo that might help either one of them track you both down. Oh how you wanted to use this guy’s credit cards. But you knew better. Credit Cards were so easy to trace back. It was safer to use the won notes.
After allowing Nari to pick out her bowls of instant noodles, you picked out some as well before buying a loaf of bread and some peanut butter. Carbs. You both needed carbs desperately. The organization and all of your ‘owners’ hadn’t exactly taken the best care of you. Apparently you didn’t need to have a pretty or healthy body to be a sex toy. Go figure. With all of your hygienic items in one basket and the food in the other, you gently tugged your bestie along so that the two of you could pay for the items and get the heck of here.
Coughing up more notes than you wanted to, everything was paid for and the two of you were soon out into the world once more. Honestly, the weather was perfect for a nightly stroll. It had been so long since you felt so.....free. Granted you were currently on the run but you’d take what you could get. Just before you had left the store, you asked the employee on the other side of the counter if there were any hotels close by. Turns out there was. Thankfully just a block away from the store.
“Come on, Ri. Let’s get a roof over our heads and some food in our bellies. You can have first dibs on the shower. It’s gonna be okay, bestie. We’re gonna be just fine.”
You could only hope you didn’t turn into a liar. Going over it all in your head, you were pretty confident that you wouldn’t be found. At least not for a few days. But your mind was already thinking of the next steps to take. Thinking and calculating. You knew better than to think you could be on the run forever. No. You just needed a bit of time before contacting the authorities and explaining the situation; hoping they’d hear you out.
“Morning, Jeon.”
“Morning, hyung. Ugh. I didn’t sleep a wink last night. Just kept thinking about those girls. Makes no sense.”
It was a new day and the game plan was simple. Information gathering. After that, the pair would get together with Yoongi and Hobi to analyze the data collected. Meanwhile, Yoongi was going to try and see if he could use traffic cams to map out where exactly the two girls went. They could still be in Daegu for all they knew. Hobi’s job was to pick apart the suspects’ body language and see if there was anything he could identify that might help them figure out why the girls are even their prime suspects. That part still didn’t add up with any of them.
Okay so maybe not such a simple plan. But it was a plan all the same.
“It was a good call to wear something casual. We wouldn’t want to scare the kiddos.”
Taehyung honestly hadn’t thought about it till late last night. He too had a hard time sleeping. All he could think about was the girls. There was this nagging feeling telling him these girls were innocent. He highly doubted they were armed let alone dangerous. Speaking of, as he popped the trunk to his personal vehicle, he said casually,
“Probably ought to hide the guns too. These kids are young but you know how they pick up on every little thing that’s out of the ordinary.”
“Good point. You’re batting a thousand today, hyung. I’m gonna have to up my game if I’m going to keep up with you.”
“Just put your mad boxing skills to good use should something go south and we’ll be square.”
Chuckling softly, the two made their way into the building and showed the receptionist their badges before being escorted to the kindergarten classroom Nari had been shadowing. It was odd to be working in something other than their usual suit and tie. Jungkook could get used to working in his button up shirt and skinny jeans. The two could hear lots of giggling and it warmed Taehyung’s heart. God how badly he wanted to be a dad. But he needed to focus. This was a job. Not a field trip. He couldn’t let his feelings get involved.
“Good morning, Mrs. Lee. I’m Detective Kim Taehyung and this is my partner Agent Inspector Jeon Jungkook. If you have a moment, we’d like to ask you a few questions concerning the girl who was shadowing your class. She disappeared a little over four months ago. Her name is Nari. Do you remember her?”
Turns out this Nari girl was quite the ray of sunshine to be around. Naturally shy upon first meeting but once she got comfortable, she was a bit of a chatter box. Kind of cute, really. She got along great with the kids and when she had first disappeared, they immediately picked up on it and kept asking where she was. The class had even made get well cards after being told that she was simply not feeling good and needed some time off.
The whole thing silently broke Taehyung’s heart. This Nari sounded like his dream girl. Aside from the criminal part. Which still didn’t make sense. This girl enjoyed reading, writing, anime, and kids. She enjoyed several things that he too enjoyed. It was a shame to think that she possibly turned to organized crime. But for what? What was the incentive to just drop everything and turn to crime? She had such a beautiful life and it seemed like it was something she was still working on building. Why just abandon it?
“Okay, Jeon. Playtime’s over. Let’s go.”
His partner had been of little help during the questioning. However, it wasn’t entirely Jeon’s fault. The kids were insistent that he play with them. Who was a man to deny so many sets of puppy eyes??? That was how Taehyung found his younger partner currently being used as a human jungle gym. He had a kid hanging off each arm as he flexed his arm muscles to help hold them both up. A little girl was giggling and squealing in happiness as she had been placed on his shoulders, hugging his face to keep herself from falling. What a dork.
“Okay, kids. Let Mr. Jeon go so he can get back to work. And what do we say to others who play nicely with us?”
“Thank you, Mr. Jeon!”
The chorus of high pitched voices was so endearing. Perhaps Jungkook was starting to see why his hyung wanted to be a father so badly. These little ones weren’t so bad. Well that was probably a result of good parenting. Not to mention it sounded like the teacher was trying to set good examples for them too. After smiling to the kids and trying to dodge their questions of whether or not they’d be seeing him again, Jungkook quickly made his exit with his partner who was smiling and shaking his head in amusement.
Kids. Go figure. It was then that both agents heard Yoongi coming in through their ear pieces. Taehyung had just been popping the trunk back open to get their guns when the Daegu native started speaking in a calm but rushed voice,
“You two better get back to the office. Hobi made a huge discovery that’s going to change this into a whole different ballgame.”
Well that didn’t sound good.
Making haste, the two drove from the school parking lot and headed straight for the station. It wasn’t often that Yoongi sounded so urgent. He was usually pretty cool, calm, and collected. That’s what made him such an awesome analyst. He was able to look at things with a clear head. It was a trait that many in the department wish they had as well. Arriving in the information room where the male worked, Taehyung said in a breathless tone,
“What you got for us, hyung?”
But it was Hoseok that spoke up in reply; his tone grave.
“Your suspects just turned into victims.”
Wait what???
Meanwhile, you were up bright and early. It was easy and yet difficult to sleep all at the same time. The exhaustion had knocked both you and Nari out the second your heads hit the pillows of your shared king sized bed. However, it seemed like you were awake every other hour. Your body screamed sleep but your mind was on full alert. It was hard to sleep peacefully when you knew danger could be around every corner. You could open your eyes and find yourself right back in the jaws of danger.
It was exhausting, really. But this was your reality for the time being. Looking away from the window, you peered over at the sleeping figure in the bed. Poor Nari. She looked so small and frail laying there in that big bed. It was comforting to see her getting some sleep. Hopefully dreamless and restful. Last night had been wonderful. Their first night where they weren’t held in some kind of captivity. No disgusting cages or dirty food and water. For the first night in four months, they were just two girls hanging out. No longer objects. But humans.
They were humans again.
Deciding it was safe to take a shower, you tiptoed your way to the bathroom and just cracked the door so that it wouldn’t let all the steam out. Gosh the shower last night had been amazing! Hot water, soap. It was wonderful! The both of you had brushed your teeth twice just for good measure too. While you allowed the water to warm up, you thought about the tasks at hand today. The plan sounded simple but it was going to be tricky regardless.
A disguise. You both needed a disguise. Just until you could get your thoughts together and a plan for when you notified the authorities. You didn’t want to just go waltzing in the Daegu Police Department with hands in the air. No. You needed a plan. You needed to be able to prove your innocence. And that was when you thought of those disgusting bracelets you had to wear. Ugh. They were the ugliest shade of orange too. It was surly a color you’d despise for the rest of your life.
“They’re what?!”
Jungkook tried to put a gentle hand on his partner’s shoulder but it got roughly shrugged off. Taehyung was furious. Absolutely furious. Seeing red. That was all the male could see as he stared at Yoongi and Hoseok. The two had just informed them that the two suspects were actually being trafficked and were part of the transaction that took place on the storefront camera footage they were able to obtain.
Human trafficking. These two poor girls were being handed off along with the drugs. It all made sense now. The one using her knowledge in self defense to try and disarm and distract the punks. Swiping the wallet and yet leaving the drugs behind. It all finally added up. These girls weren’t criminals at all. There was a reason their records were so squeaky clean. They never asked for this. They were forced into it. They didn’t go missing willingly. They were kidnapped.
“It’s gonna be okay, Tae. I was able to get access to the town’s traffic cams and I think I know what city they’re in. But you gotta calm down first. The chief isn’t going to let you go into this guns blazing and you know that.”
However, the blonde detective wasn’t entirely listening. It was like his ears were filled with water. He just stood there staring at the single clue that lead Hobi and Yoongi to discovering what was actually going on in the footage from earlier. Each girl sported an orange colored wristband. After doing some digging, Yoongi had discovered it was an inside tagging system for women who were being trafficked. Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. It left a horrible taste in Taehyung’s mouth as he thought of Nari......Nari........
It was then that the feline looking male spoke up but this time directed his attention to the younger inspector.
“Kook---Take him to the cafe around the corner. I’ll forward you guys what I believe to be their city of refuge. It’s not too terribly far from here but it’s a drive. Looks like they took the bus.”
“Thanks, Yoongi hyung. Come on, buddy. Let’s go have a drink.”
That was how Taehyung wound up sitting at a small table with a steaming to-go cup of hot chocolate. Meanwhile, Jungkook had opted for an iced americano. Ugh. Gross. While the younger was looking over the traffic cam footage Yoongi had forwarded to his phone, the detective simply stared out the window of the local cafe. His partner had tried to place a single glazed doughnut in front of him to go with his hot chocolate but Tae had touched neither one; too lost in thoughts of the sweet college student trying to become a kindergarten teacher.
His dream girl.
‘I bet she wants to have kids too someday.....I’ll make sure she has that chance. I’m gonna find her. And I’ll save her.’
The young inspector, on the other hand, was more focused on you. What was your story? Certainly you weren’t going to be working as a barista the rest of your life. The fact that you had taken an online course in Police Science intrigued him. Perhaps you were interested in going into law enforcement? That would be cool. Especially since you were a Busan native. What would be the chances of you working in the same station as him?
“Okay, Ri. Today we’re gonna try and get some fresh clothes and maybe do something with our hair. Basically we need a disguise. Just until we can get our thoughts together and figure out how to notify the police without it looking like we’re turning ourselves in.”
It saddened you when all your best friend did was nod. Again....she used to be so talkative. So bright and cheery. You weren’t sure you were going to be able to take her out of this hotel room just yet. While your guys’ physical scars were already starting to heal, there were far deeper cuts that needed attention. Carefully taking a seat next to her on the bed, you gently wrapped an arm around her and spoke in a soft and soothing tone,
“Nari, baby. You gotta talk to me. I’m no therapist but I think being your best friend has to count for something. You can tell me anything. So please, say something.”
“You could have died.....”
Hmm? Out of all the things you were expecting Nari to say, that definitely wasn’t one of them. Before you could ask her to clarify, she did it for you as she added in explanation,
“They had guns, bestie. And they were shooting at us. They were shooting at you. I was so scared you’d get hit and die. I’ve lost so much. I can’t lose you too. Please---”
“Hey, hey. Shhh. It’s okay, Ri. It’s okay.”
You sat there at the foot of the bed hugging a sobbing Nari; gently rocking the both of you back and forth as you allowed the girl to cry out her feelings. You had been in such a constant state of survival mode, that you hadn’t taken into account how the dangers of the whole situation would affect her. Of course seeing your best friend get shot at would be traumatizing. Gently kissing the girl’s forehead while stroking her hair with a free hand, you said softly and soothingly,
“I’m sorry I scared you, Ri. It wasn’t my intentions. I just......I needed to get us out of there and it was the only way I knew how. And the good news is, we’re not only alive, but we’re free. No more drugs, no more trafficking. We’re humans again and we’re gonna get through this together. I’m with you every step of the way. Okay? Together?”
You held out your pinkie finger for her to take and was happily surprised to see her return the gesture by weakly wrapping her pinkie around your own. This was progress. It was the most Nari had said since the two of you escaped from the organization. Hopefully with this off her chest, she’d open up a little more and just maybe, things would get back to some kind of normal between you two. You really didn’t want to lose your best friend. Nari wasn’t the only one in that hotel room who had lost a lot.
With the both of you feeling a little bit better, you carefully stood up from the bed and brought your bestie along with you. It would be okay. You’d make it be okay no matter the cost. It was time to get out of these disgusting clothes and find something more suitable for wear. Not to mention your hair needed a trim something awful. Then again.....you were willing to go the extra mile for a disguise if it meant surviving to see real freedom.
Deciding it wasn’t smart to stay in one place for two nights in a row, you made the plan to get your clothes, get stuff needed for your hair, maybe purchase a couple duffel bags, and make your next move. That was as far as you had gotten in the planning. Should the two of you stay in this town or perhaps travel back to Daegu? Maybe Busan? Ugh. You just didn’t know yet. Okay. One step at a time, here. One step at a time.
Crossing the street, you had heard from the hotel desk clerk that there was a hand-me-down store for clothing not too far from where they were staying. That would be perfect! You didn’t need to look like models. You just needed some clean clothes to wear. And you had saw where a pharmacy was close by as well. You decided to dye your hair and cut it yourself but you just weren’t sure what color to get. Poor Nari, on the other hand, was way too happy with her hair and especially the color. So to try and find some even ground, the two of you had agreed on a hat. She could tie up her hair and wear a baseball cap. That would work.
While Nari wanted something pretty, you were more focused on trying to disguise yourself as much as possible. In fact, when you came out of the dressing room with a plain white t-shirt tucked into a pair of black skinnies and a black blazer to match; paired with black combat boots that looked like they could kill, Nari couldn’t stop herself from mumbling shyly,
“You look like a boy if it wasn’t for your boobs and long hair.”
“That’s the plan.....babe.”
You couldn’t help but grin as you watched your best friend blush heavily. Don’t get the wrong picture, the both of you were far more into boys. But it was cute to tease your bestie because as much as you loved her, she was such a cute and easy target. When you heard that familiar whine of mortification, you couldn’t help but feel your chest bubble with happiness and relief. Perhaps that talk in the hotel room really did do some good. Nari just simply needed to get some feels off her chest.
After he got Taehyung to finally eat and drink something, Jungkook ended up lugging his butt up from the cafe chair and hauled him outside into the fresh air. It wasn’t like his older friend to get stuck in his feels like this. Sure human trafficking had always been a sore subject, but he was taking it to a completely new level of sore. Stuffing his hands in his pockets and squinting against the sun’s rays, the young inspector said casually,
“Jimin said there wasn’t much to report on the barista from Busan. Apparently she was trying to save her tips from the cafe in order to go into law school. She’s on the fence of whether or not she wants to be a cop or an attorney.”
Jungkook really wanted to meet you. You fascinated him to no end. First the course in Police Science and now law school? You sounded super cool with how you had taken several self defense classes as well. He wondered if you liked boxing......Yeah......maybe he could teach you one day.
Wait what???
Shaking his head to clear it, it was then that he heard Yoongi coming on the ear piece once more.
“Your girls are on the move. They stayed at a hotel last night but they’ve not made any further reservations. Apparently one of the other guests recognized them in the hallways. I informed the manager to keep it quiet because we don’t want to scare them off. If we’re lucky, we can catch them before they depart. The manager said they’ve not returned the room keys yet.”
“Thanks, hyung. Keep us posted.”
“No problem. Forwarding you guys the hotel address now.”
“You hear that, hyung? We’re gonna find them and it’s gonna be okay.”
Feeling a hearty pat on his shoulder, Taehyung nodded and tried to give his younger partner a smile. The two girls must be so scared. Running from not only the organization, but the law as well. When in all reality, this had since then turned into a rescue mission. This was definitely a first for him in his career of law enforcement. Pulling himself together, the blonde squared his shoulders and held his head up high as he walked to the car. Meanwhile, Jeon was reading off the directions to the city where the girls were currently staying in.
“So.....Hyung.......You seem pretty invested in this case. You wanna talk about it?”
Yoongi was right when he said it was a bit of a drive. At the same time, Jungkook couldn’t help but mentally praise the girls for thinking of taking such a far, out-of-the-way route to escape danger. It was a quieter town too. Or so he had heard. Listening to the ticking sound of the vehicle’s turn signal, the blonde detective finally spoke up but in a small voice.
“I just want to find them and bring those dirt bags to justice.”
Okay. So clearly his hyung wasn’t ready to talk about it. Which was totally fine. But it was easier to work with a Kim Taehyung when he had his head on straight and he wasn’t thinking with his heart instead of his brain. Subconsciously nibbling on his bottom lip, a nervous habit of his, Jungkook silently nodded and turned his attention to his phone. With the help of Yoongi and his ability to enhance images, he was able to get a better look at the two girls they were trying to rescue.
“They’re both kind of cute. Once you get past their bird nest hairstyles and grungy clothing.”
That didn’t seem to make matters any easier as Jungkook could hear his hyung gripping the steering wheel all the tighter; the sound of his skin squeaking against the material of the wheel. Oops....
“What hotel was it again? I think we might be approaching the town soon.”
Yeah. Definitely not ready to talk about it.
“Bestie.....are you sure you want to do this? We can get you a ball cap too, you know. It doesn’t have to be this extreme.”
“I’m absolutely positive, Nari. Lay it on me.”
Nari couldn’t believe what she was about to do to her best friend’s hair. It was already painful enough to watch you chop it all off. She knew the point was for you to look as far from yourself as possible but still......This was just crazy. You had chopped your own hair off and now sported a boy cut of sorts. Bangs hung in your eyes to try and hide them while your back had been completely taken up. Not a single strand of hair was hanging down or coming anywhere close to your shoulders. Nothing framing your face. Just your bangs.
“They won’t be looking for a blonde, Nari. Just trust me.”
And that was how you got your hair bleached for the first time ever. It was worth it, though. Everything you were doing, you were doing for you and Nari both. What was a little hair if it meant keeping you both alive and getting your tickets to true freedom? It was so worth it in your mind and you could only hope your bestie would see that too. With time.
After washing and drying it, you stood there in the hotel bathroom mirror with your girl next to you. Nari looked shocked and a bit pale while you were grinning like an idiot. This was perfect. Sporting your outfit you had picked out from the store and turning your head this way and that way to inspect your new hairstyle, you couldn’t wait to throw both the organization and the police for a loop.
They’d never see you coming.
“Okay, Ri. Sadly we can’t stay here. We gotta keep moving. Let’s check out and find a different place to stay. We’ll grab a bus to the next city over and grab another hotel room. We still have plenty of won left. The guy was stupid enough to leave his wallet loaded.”
Helping your bestie secure her baseball cap on and making sure her hair was tucked in nice and neat, you couldn’t help but think how cute she looked dressed so casually compared to the rags she was forced to wear for the last four months of her life. Nari was way too pretty to wear such filth. You couldn’t wait for things to get back to normal. The first thing you’d do is take her shopping for some pretty new clothes to wear to the kindergarten class she shadowed. You knew how much she loved those kids.
Once the both of you packed your items from the convenience store last night and the new batch of instant noodles and snacks from the pharmacy earlier today, you hoisted up the duffel bags and made your way out of the room; making it look just as it did when you arrived. It would be like you were never even here. Although you couldn’t help but notice how deadly quiet it was in the hotel hallways.
“Thanks for staying with us. Have a wonderful day!”
Cool. You were out and on the street once again. The next step in your plan was simple. Find a bus routing out of town to the next city and hop on. Simple, right? Just as you were about to make a step for the bus stop down the street, you felt something hard and cold pressing into the small of your back. Not only that, but a chin rested on your shoulder and whispered in your ear,
“Scream and I’ll shoot you right where you stand, slut.”
Well that sucks.
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carolinesbookworld · 4 years
tagged by @kabeswaters and @swellwriting <3
on a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about life right now? 0
describe yourself in a hashtag? very similar to @fortisfiliae #stressedanddepressed
if you could do a love scene with anyone, who would it be? Harrison Osterfield
if your life was a musical, what would the marquee say? prepare for disaster
what’s one thing people don’t know about you? um...idk my boyfriend knows basically everything about me sooooooo
what’s your wake up ritual? wake up, turn off alarm (bc with this at-home learning stuff i’ve been waking up like literally 1 min before my alarm goes off???), text good morning to my bf, snapchat, discord bc moonlit fam talks allll night, tumblr, get out of bed, wash face, get dressed, coffee and breakfast it’s very specific
what’s your go to bed ritual? wash glasses and face bc my skin is soo oily by the end of the day so you best believe my glasses be needing washing everyday, shower, say goodnight to fam, text bf for like 15 mins or until he says goodnight, turn alarm on, plug in phone, go to sleep
what’s your favorite time of day? morning but specifically from 7:30 until 9  
your go to for having a good laugh? FRIENDS as in the show
dream country to visit? Australia bc my dad once got to hold a baby koala there and i wanna do that so bad
what’s the biggest surprise you’ve ever had? so my family moved before my sophomore year so me and my bff started trying to surprise each other whenever one of us came to visit and the weekend of my birthday, she skypes me as she’s walking around what i thought was her house and then i start hearing an echo and next thing i know she’s standing in the doorway of my room and that was pretty much the best surprise ever
heels or flats/sneakers? sneakers converse
vintage or new? new but i love vintage aesthetic i just couldn’t live with it
who do you want to write your obituary? karli @swellwriting bc she is my brain twin and i would be mocking her horrible grammar and spelling from my grave and we would both get a good laugh about it in the afterlife
style icon? the mom i babysit for haha she’s like one of my best friends tho which sounds really weird but it’s true
what are three things you cannot live without? books, dogs, days that are exactly 65 degrees
what’s one ingredient you put in everything? um idk chocolate??
what 3 people living or dead would you want to make dinner for? Sarah J. Maas, Eddie Redmayne, my boyfriend bc i haven’t had dinner with him for 47 days
what’s your biggest fear in life? losing the people i love...and spiders
window or aisle seat? window bc aisle makes me anxious that i’m in people’s way
what’s your current tv obsession? the cw’s nancy drew it’s so good please go watch it
favorite app? instagram, discord, or tumblr, depends on my mood
secret talent? um idk i can draw very realistic portraits of people when i take the time to
most adventurous thing you’ve ever done in your life? okay so technically this wasn’t me who did it but i was part of the adventure. when me and my boyfriend were just “friends” ie. liked each other and knew we liked each other but were too scared to admit it. anyway, we had this elaborate plan to shave our youth group leader’s head if we were able to bring in a certain amount of food for the food drive during vbs week. so yeah we spent like three days planning the whole thing out and then decided to go price shopping at walmart with all of our younger siblings bc we needed supervision or something lol to see how many individual things of food we could buy with $20 each we ended up just getting like 20 huge boxes of ramen and then his sister ended up throwing up so we took her home and then went back to church where my car was parked but instead of turning to get to church my boyfriend decides to go straight through the stop light (it was green okay) and spontaneously drive up into the foothills. well we get to the top of the foothills and we’re at the lake and we all get out to look at the city and my boyfriend claims that we need to document this moment so he takes a selfie with all of us and we somehow ended up right next to each other in it and i only found this out like three months ago (this happened back in june) that he only took the picture because he wanted one of us together in case we didn’t start dating lol so sweet and yeah, that was a very long story but i needed context instead of just saying “yeah we drove up a mountain”
how would you define yourself in three words? loyal, anxious, passionate
favorite piece of clothing you own? this dark coral dress that makes my eyes and hair look really pretty
a must have clothing item that everyone should have? a hoodie
a superpower you would want? i want to be able to project my thoughts into someone else’s mind bc i’m so bad at explaining stuff sometimes especially when it comes to how i feel
what’s inspiring you in life right now? ACOTAR series by Sarah J. Maas, highly recommend
best piece of advice you’ve received? opening up to more than one person is important because if you lose that person then you’ve lost all your support
best advice you’d give your teenage self? the friends who have stuck around this long are the ones you want to hang onto and the ones that you need are the ones you don’t always see
a book everyone should read? The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
what would you like to be remembered for? being a crazy dog mama
how do you define beauty? confidence in yourself and not caring what others think about you
what do you love most about your body? my metabolism
best way to take a rest/decompress? open a window to feel the breeze and listen to Islands by Hey Ocean! which is so calming to me
favorite place to view art? nature or tumblr
if your life was a song, what would the title be? we’re going with a fob/p!atd theme here and calling it “depression screwed me over so i screwed it back and ended up worse off”
if you could master one instrument, what would it be? piano
if you had a tattoo, where would it be? probably on my forearm or by my left hip
dolphins or koalas? koalas did i mention that i want to hold a baby koala
what’s an animal that represents you? great dane puppy ie. very excitable but will also take a four hour nap when tired
best gift you’ve ever received? my best friend made this photo collage for me when i moved that is hanging in my room and it has a bunch of pictures of me and her over the years and i just love it
best gift you’ve given? for christmas i gave my boyfriend a hammock and the bookshelf addition of clue, two things he had no idea i would remember him mentioning and his face was priceless. also i made my mom a cake for her birthday this year and she was so happy and said it made her feel very special <3
what’s your favorite board game? clue or ticket to ride (specifically nordic countries)
what’s your favorite color? currently a pale turquoise
least favorite color? any shade of light brown
diamond or pearls? diamonds
drugstore makeup or designer? drugstore bc i don’t wear makeup enough to validate buying designer, also i don’t really care
pilates or yoga? yoga
coffee or tea? coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee cof-
what’s the weirdest word in the english language? palindrome is wild because it means a word spelled the same way forwards and backwards but it itself is not one such word
dark chocolate or milk chocolate? milk
stairs or elevators? stairs
summer or winter? summer but like, only june
you are stuck on an island, you can pick one food to eat forever without getting tired of it, what would you eat? panera mac n cheese
a dessert you don’t like? red velvet cake which btw is not red-colored chocolate cake as many would have you believe
a skill you’re working on mastering? writing
best thing to happen to you today? i got to put all of my new plants in my windowsill and i named one of them (its name is albert in case you were wondering)
worst thing to happen to you today? idk today’s been pretty good as far as quarantine goes
best compliment you’ve ever received? my boyfriend calls me beautiful all the time and he always reminds me that that is describing looks and personality
favorite smell? coffee or my boyfriend’s sweatshirt for the week after i steal it
hugs or kisses? can i choose both?? depends on my mood mostly but i guess hugs if i just had to pick one
if you made a documentary, would it be about? literally anything relating to the mcu
last piece of content you consumed that made you cry? a court of wings and ruin by sjm
lipstick or lipgloss? lipstick
sweet or savory? sweet
girl crush? literally any female in the teen wolf cast
how do you know you’re in love? hahahaha haha what's love
a song you can listen to on repeat? we fall apart by we as human or uma thurman by fob
if you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be? idk my boyfriend probably, this is something we have discussed in depth
what are you most excited for/about this time in your life? for life to go back to normal
tagging @finnofamerica @woakiees @beskarjedi @outerlacy @swanimagines hahahahaha have funnnnn this took me an hour to answer
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omar-rios · 4 years
Final Reflection
Omar Rios
Myth class
You know me Omar Rios from my post on this class. But where I started wasn’t Washington where I’m guessing most you all lived. I lived in California, Norwalk my hometown where I was born and raised for 15 years of my life. I wasn’t the smartest kid or the coolest in school I was just there. Relaxing with the lads in the 100-degree weather playing dodgeball on the 20 foot by 10 food concrete patch under the trees. Always be playing the same as always even teams the same rules. Summer days were nice long walks to the store or the park a few 10 mins down the road obviously not always peaceful many accidents happened because the road was really strangely built. Most of my elementary school I was pretty troublesome I got detention every once in a while ( like mostly every week ). Most of the time get lunch to eat walk over to the detention center write some things and left simple as that I found ways to make it faster and easier but these sons of ***** said to do it again like dam, not my problem yall got outsmarted. It was about 6th grade where I got my stuff together and started trying a little more in school. There was a teacher that helped me learn better I would relax in there class when there was a break or had lunch luckily my two favorite ones were mr.block and my history teacher both really great and had you understand the lecturer and all the subject, as well as mr.block he was so good my 7th year there he became an administrator his second year in the school system and had the chance to run there few first state test exams that now are used in the grade school systems. In 2016 I moved to Washington with my family we had gone to visit last year and we enjoyed it was really nice and we enjoyed the green view of trees and nice places. So we moved and we moved to the city of Kenmore. Nice place quiet and peaceful went to Kenmore middle school for 2 years and meet amazing people who I still know were still friends to this day. The peak was highschool Ingleemore highschool where do I start. Man whoever made that school I’m not sure what they were thinking with them putting it on a hill that takes years to get to rip to anyone who had a manual car like rip bro hows the clutch holding up. But it wasn’t entirely bad made more friend who is closer to me and we relate to each other a lot. Some of the teachers were pretty alright. Most clubs were pretty fun we did get in a lot of trouble doing dumb stuff but the man did we make a name for our selves we even had our own spot for I believe all four years we didn’t care if it was raining that was are spot we ain’t letting no one taking it over. It was a top tier spot you basically looked down over the entire courtyard and we would mostly control the table also under it. Everyone knew us so we played ball on the center not far from the spot. In my 11th year of high school, my parent wanted to mover over to a different part of Washington only about a 30 min highway drive to kent where I now live. Here I went to school at kent-meridian high school. Not that bad definitely got the spirit but are team wow. I had a blast here learning different skills of art like painting, ceramics, and welding one of the best classes I could take. I had a lot of ups and downs on my history test and math one, not my strongest subjects but teachers were great. Senior year I took a sports med class that was fun and interactive learning some cool sports accidents and treatments and some first aid with CPR. And some bandaging techniques that are very helpful for sprained ankles or you have planter fascitis which is just flat feet. Also during school, I got a job and started working a lot of hour towards my semester 2 I worked a lot more than what school wanted but they didn’t need to know that it also around the time I had completed my manger test or the ServSafe test which is the high level of food safety and mostly need to work in the high-performance kitchen so most chefs have this. It different from the food safety cards people need to work basic food jobs but I end it up closing most day even during school (12pm is when we closed) and go home shower and do homework for maybe a few hours and go to bed I didn’t have the first period so I could sleep in till like 8 ish 9 ish and still be on time. But I would be super tired and would fall asleep in most classes that were not interesting most teacher would be cool with it I was passing there class so they let me sleep. It was a blast with work and all that I picked up new hobbies meeting new people. I made a friend who learned stocks and larned how to trade currency and got me into cars. A guy who offered me a job in a companion he was starting up making a friendly company. And many usual customers with connection really great people. Now I still work at my job and attend school driving 1 hour and a half to get to Bothell which I don’t mind because I like driving but dam this traffic really be brutal. I was really unfortunate with this quarter and last quarter that I had some teachers not do to the fullest what they could have done to teach better. Not this class this one is top tier one of my favorites and I really enjoyed it.
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prorevenge · 6 years
Sergeant DGAF 'Bout Your Emergency
So this started more than a decade ago, but I remember (most of) it like yesterday. It is my own story, and I tell this from my perspective. This is a long story, but I promise you will be staring at the screen, thinking “dafuq?” by midway through.
Early 2000s. I was in the military, mid 20s, stationed somewhere in Europe. Rank E-4. It’s a bit different when you’re stationed overseas, and your squadron basically becomes your extended family. The Mission is always priority #1, but everyone tries to go the extra mile to make sure their people are taken care of. This was my second assignment, and my second overseas assignment.
I had just gotten married when I was on an extended leave back in the States, during my PCS (Permanent Change of Station; officially changing your assigned base) to this new location. I became an instant father overnight, now having a wife and a 3-year-old (step) daughter when I had none before. My wife became pregnant with our son about 5 months later.
My new supervisor was a Master Sergeant, who I will call Bastar(d) Sergeant [sic], or BS, for the rest of this. Bastar-Sergeant the Master Sergeant.
BS was a family man, married for a while (about ~15 years or so) and had two kids with his wife, as well as two kids of his own from a previous marriage, with his wife ALSO having two kids from a previous marriage. This is relevant because BS, being a family man with six kids ages 4 to 17, often would have stuff going on with his family and need to cut out early, miss morning briefings, and so on.
It was no big deal if we weren’t working on mission critical stuff. It’s rough when the nearest military hospital is 30-45 mins away at another military facility and you can only depend on your own immediate family and fellow military members. Just about everyone, BS especially with his larger family, had to cut in and out of work fairly frequently when we didn’t have big things going on. But hey, take care of your people, they’ll take care of the mission.
Now, BS and I got along really well at first. He and his wife were both quite the “socialites” and would constantly – damn near every weekend – have parties at their house and invite people over. It was fun at first, but it really grew tiresome. Being a new family man myself, and really just starting to figuring it all out (translated: how to keep your wife happy and not both be miserable, while still trying to be a functional adult in the military), and I just could NOT keep up with the party-every-weekend lifestyle.
BS and Mrs. BS drank a lot at those parties, too. You could tell it took a toll on their health. I guess that might be tempting with that many kids, and a 17-turning-18 daughter that had just gotten pregnant with her foreign boyfriend, but I digress…
Like I said, I just couldn’t keep up, not every weekend. I slowly fell out of favor with BS and his “Good ol’ Boys Club.” He wasn’t hostile per-se, but there were times he would just get mean, and with increasing frequency. He would call me into his office for tiny things, like thinking I had shown up to work late, when I could prove that I had been logged in on my terminal 10 minutes before start time – meaning I was at least 15-20 mins early due to walking times, putting my coat and stuff in lockers, etc. But my terminal’s clock, synched with the atomic clock, didn’t matter compared to his clock on the wall.
I was also called out for attending big medical appointments for my wife’s pregnancy, like being there when they determined my son was a boy – I was called out specifically when everyone else was doing the same thing.
The assignment was slowly turning into hell. Meanwhile, the members of the Good ol’ Boys Club would often be very late (without phoning), constantly going to appointments, and so on. There was definitely some favoritism going on. But in such a small unit, overseas, what can you do? The guy was even buddy-buddy with the First Sergeant, and they had been friends since bootcamp.
Anyway, enough background. Onward!
The Main Event
This is where things got crazy. My son had just been born, healthy and at a good weight, not even two weeks earlier. I came home from work after a very long day, about 13 hours on a normal 8 hour shift, due to some stuff breaking.
My wife was exhausted because she was still healing from the birth, and our son had gotten really, really cranky and irritable through the day. He was non-stop fussing and feeling slightly warmer, but not quite running a fever.
I let her go to sleep, and to give her peace, I tried to sleep in the chair downstairs with the kiddo bundled up on me. He got worse and worse through the night, and at about 0300 hrs, I noticed that his diaper smelt really strange (sorry to gross you out), with just pee. It was a sickly smell, not at all what anything from a human body should ever smell like. He seemed hot, so I went to take his temperature. He had risen to 103.5 F – VERY dangerous for an infant.
I immediately wake up my wife and rush him to the hospital. She stays behind at home with our daughter, since the ER is no place to keep a young kid and we didn’t know anyone that could watch her at that late of an hour.
Since it would have taken longer to wait on an ambulance out in the countryside, I sped to get him to the military hospital’s ER in about 20 mins. They immediately put him on fluids and call in the on-call pediatrician. They move him to the ICU, and after a few long hours, I get told that they believe he has a urinary tract and kidney infection, and while they had gotten his temperature down to a safer spot, we weren’t out of the woods yet.
While waiting, knowing that my regular work day was coming up, I tried calling everyone’s phone number I had, but nobody answered. At the gym probably. After leaving some voicemails, I gave up and decided to wait until people roll in at 0700 hrs. I kept trying to call the unit phone number, but no one answered until 0720. I get asked by one of the guys where I was, I let him know I’m at the hospital due to an emergency with my newborn, and he gets BS over to the phone.
BS: OP, where you at?
Me: I’m at the hospital. My son is in the ICU, had a fever of 104 and a serious infection. I’ve been up all night and haven’t slept.
BS: Well you should be at work. You missed PT, and you’re late.
Me: *pausing, because, WTF?* … I need to come into work? My son had to go to the ER, he’s in the ICU…
BS: I don’t want to hear it. You’ve already been late multiple times. [but not really, as I mention above] *angrily* Get your ass down here!
Me: … Uh, well I’m not in uniform. I will have to stop by my house. One parent is required to be here, so I need to see if one of my neighbors can give my wife a ride to the hospital, and our daughter has to be dropped off at school because children can’t be in the ICU.
BS: Just get here. *hangs up*
I was completely floored. What. The. Actual. Fuck.
At no point in my entire military career, before and since then, have I EVER heard of anyone being forced to come in to work when an immediate family member was in the hospital for an emergency. I was half confused, half outraged, and wholly beside myself.
My wife shows up, I take the car home after updating her and making plans to take care of our daughter while we rotate shifts at the hospital. I did a very quick SSS – shit, shower, shave – and drive over to the shop.
BS ignored me when I arrive, other than a sidelong disapproving look. I start my usual routine, but I am exhausted, worried sick, and pretty fucking angry all at once. Some of my coworkers heard what happen and are concerned, but BS the tyrant seems to be angry himself and no one wants to approach him.
Revenge, Part 1
A few hours went by, with me keeping in touch with my wife on the status of our son. I tried approaching BS a few times, but he was having none of it.
One of the other Master Sergeants in the squadron, part of a different unit, but whom I had worked with before, came by and noticed me probably looking distraught. We’ll call her Hero Sergeant, or HS. She pulls me aside to one of the quiet corners of the shop.
HS: OP, are you okay? You look terrible?! Is something wrong?
Me: [I tell her about my son being sick and in the ICU – I was barely able to hold my composure in at this point, I was so angry yet so worried and downtrodden about my son, and I’m fighting to keep it together through the exhaustion and lack of sleep.]
HS: WHAT?! Why the hell are you here?!
Me: I’m not sure. BS ordered me to come in when I tried to explain. He won’t talk to me.
HS: Fuck that. Hang tight.
HS then quickly walks off. Now, our unit is on the other side of the base from the main squadron: about 15 minutes later, just enough time to drive to the squadron and back, HS appears – along with our unit Captain, and the squadron’s Major (XO to our Lt. Colonel CO).
The Major storms toward the unit office section, pauses and looks right at me, and says in an obviously angry but soft voice…
Major: OP, get out of here. Your place of duty is the hospital until your son is discharged. Don’t step foot in one of these buildings until then, I don’t care how long it takes. Take care of your family. Are we clear?
Me: *as I start to scramble* Yes, sir.
I proceed to quickly gather my shit together, all while seeing BS head toward that same office door and he gives me a glowering look on his way in.
As I leave, there is no possible way to doubt that everyone in the area, probably the whole building, could hear BS get absolutely reamed and raked over the coals by the Major as I departed. The Major was always a quiet and fair man, I had never seen him anywhere even approaching angry, so it was absolutely terrifying to behold.
I have to admit, it felt good to know that he was getting some of what he deserved.
My son did clear up eventually and was discharged from the hospital 5 days later, healthy and no harm done, thank God!
I know this first part’s “revenge” isn’t quite revenge, but it was sweet, sweet karma to see that asshole put in his place. Still, as good as it was, it made things worse between BS and I much, much worse.
Well after all that, BS hated my guts. Obviously, it would be career suicide to openly retaliate against me, so he found little ways to do so at every opportunity. That wasn’t to say I didn’t have my faults, I certainly did, and I made mistakes no doubt, but what he did was particularly underhanded.
You see, it wasn’t until he PCS’ed to his new assignment that I learned what he had done. My new Sergeant (NS) was awesome, highly relatable, and knew BS from previous deployments together - he indicated on more than a few occasions that he wasn’t exactly fond of BS.
In the meantime, I had gone to training to become a Sergeant myself and graduated at the top of my class with honors. I then went on to another deployment to the “sandbox” and came back with some major kudos from leadership there, working my butt off every day wanting to prove I was more than what BS tried to paint me as. It was after my return to home station that I learned what BS had been up to - completely behind the scenes.
Remember how even the First Sergeant was buddy-buddy with BS? Well the FS had also PCS’ed while I was deployed. Our new FS went through everyone’s Personnel Information Files (PIFs) and discovered that I had a massive - and I mean massive - stack of Letters of Counseling (basically, you got a “talking to,” and the LOC is documentation proving it) and even a Letter of Admonishment (LOA), a more serious version just under a Reprimand.
I found out from NS that when he and his boss were talking with FS, he was wondering how the hell I hadn’t been kicked out of the service with such a track record. But then he also noted how suspicious it was that every single one of the LOCs and the LOA lacked my signature - something that is required by regulations, acknowledging your reception of it (though not admitting guilt).
I had never been shown these, nor had any idea they existed. The majority of them were very minor infractions, almost none of which I had committed in any fashion. Even more strange, NS caught onto details that there were four of them dated for the same time I was in training (at a different base / different country), and one during a short deployment I had gone on earlier. It didn’t add up, and all three sergeants found it rather confusing and shady.
Thankfully, my performance once I was out of the shadow of BS was more than enough to convince all three sergeants that I was not the dirtbag that BS was trying to paint me as. I don’t know the details, but I do know that his pseudo-forgeries (he could just claim they were “incomplete” and not meant to be filed) caught up to him and he caught some flak for it. He retired not long later, and I hope that it was a black mark on his record.
Revenge, Part Two
So this is where it gets interesting again. Fast forward about four more years. I had gotten out of the service by then, finishing my second enlistment, and I moved back to the States to take advantage of the GI Bill.
It’s also worth mentioning that I’m an IT guy, and I’ve always got at least a dozen boxes of parts, tools, and hard drives. It’s also what I was in college for at the time.
I’m going through a stack of old ATA hard drives to see what I could salvage for a lab projects (we basically needed a bunch of “victim” machines to test against, and a few of us had old ATA motherboards hanging around). I’m checking them before I scramble/wipe the drives to make sure they’re working fine, and to make sure I’m not deleting wanted files/archives.
I’m flipping through this drive’s old files, nothing much beyond typical Windows folders, until I hit a buried directory with a bunch of images in it. I can tell they’re of the X-rated kind from thumbnails - not surprising, I’m a guy, and who didn’t have a sizeable porn stash in their single days, right?
But then I realized… these weren’t porn shots. These were homemade. It definitely wasn’t anything I had ever done. But I recognized something almost immediately - a unique lower back “tramp stamp” on the woman in the photos (faces were never shown). A tattoo I remember clearly: one of the wives of a guy in my old unit was showing it off after she had gotten it.
And the guy she’s on top of? Far, far too pasty of a skin tone to be her husband. It was then that I realized that this was one of the drives I had salvaged from a broken old PC that BS had given me for parts, back when we were still on good terms.
BS had been cheating on his wife with one of his subordinate's wife. Looking at the background of the photos, it was obvious that this was in the home of BS, too - if you remember, we had all been there many times.
Time to extract some revenge. I would like to tell you that I did some cool scene out of Mr. Computer or some crap like that, but really, simple efficiency won out here.
I knew BS, Mrs. BS, and the other couple were all on Facebook (they’d often come up as recommended friends-of-friends). I created an account that vaguely sounded like someone we could all know, and had military work history to match the assignment, in order to protect my own privacy/identity. I sent a few messages each to Mrs. BS and the husband of the tattooed wife. Once I got responses asking, basically, “Who is this?” I just pasted a number of select photos from the private photo shoot.
Mrs. BS, obviously recognizing her husband’s body and their old home in Europe, kept saying “WHAT THE FUCK?” - I said I was just the messenger, and to do with the photos what she pleased.
The husband of the tattooed wife first thought my new identity was the man in the photos and started to threaten me, until I told him to pay special attention to the background. He realized who the man in the photos was, having also been in that house countless times, and thanked me for telling him the truth. While we weren’t close, I do feel really bad for him. :(
(I didn’t feel too bad for Mrs. BS because she turned into a snob when BS got mean.)
I heard through my buddies from the unit that both couples were divorced, roughly a year later. All the old crew knew exactly who had cheated with who. I also heard that the divorce of BS and Mrs. BS was particularly bad. Nobody knows who leaked the photos, though.
This is the first time I have admitted to what I did, just for the sake of revenge and getting back at the bastard who did so much to personally attack me, even in a time of need, and who very nearly ruined my military career. Part of the reason I decided to get out of the service was because of him - I never wanted one person to have that much control over my life again.
I hope you enjoyed my story, sorry it was so long, but there was just so much that happened. I could add even more crap that he did, too.
And to Bastar-Sergeant, if you ever read this someday, I’m sure you will have realized who I am. I only have one thing to say to you: Fuck you - you deserved it.
(source) story by (/u/Celesae)
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crispykingchan · 5 years
Soul Among the Stars |Jungkook X Reader (part 1...?)
Hey so I started this fan fic a long time ago! Right after their first BBMA’s and I found it again and really liked it and I don’t know if I should continue it... would anyone be interested in reading more of this?? Any and all feedback is appreciated! <3
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Italicized means spoken in Korean
Jungkook was always desperate to fall in love, he was so desperate in fact he even faked loving people hoping eventually he could fool himself into loving them, but it never happened. He just wanted someone to talk to, someone to hold and kiss, someone he could spoil with gifts and laugh with, but maybe he was just destined to never fall in love.
Y/N was getting ready, I mean it wasn't every day you got to host the BBMA’s! You were an internationally famous singer and instead of being nominated for any of the awards, you had been asked to present it. You were very excited, but wait it gets better! Your favorite band would be there for the first time; the Kpop group BTS.
You had lived in Seoul for the first 10 years of your life before moving to America, because of this you were fluent in Korean and were excited to talk to the boys in their tongue.
Your stylist had just finished doing your hair and you looked in the mirror, your dress was beautiful and flattered your figure. You had to go slightly earlier to the Magenta Carpet because you were hosting, but you didn't mind, if you didn't do something you feared the butterflies in your stomach would consume you. You get in your limo and driving past you already see fans lining up, hoping to see their idols. You see a sign from one of your fans, you giggled and nearly blushed, no matter how long you had been a singer seeing fans was always the most surreal experience ever. You see lots of signs but one catches your eye;
“Kim Namjoon
Kim Seokjin
Min Yoongi
Jung Hoseok
Park Jimin
Kim Taehyung
Jeon Jungkook”
With hearts all around it. Then it's struck you, you would actually be meeting them later. You nearly squealed, but then got nervous would you remember Korean when you saw them? What if you got nervous and forgot everything? You decided to go through a conversation in your head in Korean.
As nervous as you were the boys were worse, they had recently got informed that they would be interviewed by you. They had been fans of yours for the longest whenever they were driving anywhere it's your songs that would be blasting through the radio. Jin was freaking out because he couldn't find his tie, Tae was wearing one shoe looking frantically for the others, Jungkook was reciting the English alphabet and Jimin was in the bathroom fixing his hair. The stylist Noonas were chasing them trying to calm them down and get them ready for the Magenta Carpet.
You had finally arrived at the entrance where you saw your co-hosts Vanessa Hudgens and Ludacris, Vanessa saw you a huge grin on her face before hugging you. You hugged her back and then inspected each other's dresses, “You look so good!” Vanessa said excitedly, you thanked her before complimenting her. You guys talk until it's minutes away from the beginning of the Magenta Carpet event.
The event was pretty uneventful (hah) until you saw BTS walking up the carpet. At least you didn't have butterflies anymore, you now had a herd of wild elephants rampaging in your stomach. You swallowed the saliva that had built up as you waved at them with a practiced smile. They walked towards you after getting their pictures taken. They must've been informed of your interview. The camera crew told you that you had a minute before you went live so you decided to introduce yourself, “Hi, I’m Y/N it's great to meet you guys! I'm a big fan of you guys,”
Namjoon nodded before quickly translating for the boys, “Y/N says she is a fan of ours!” They looked surprised, “Tell her we’re big fans of her too!” Taehyung said excitedly. You tried to hide a smile, you could understand exactly what they were saying but decided to keep it a surprise for the interview. “We are huge fans of yours as well,” Namjoon translated, you smile, “I'm honored!”
“30 seconds till we're live,” the crewman says. You nod in acknowledgment. You get the mic and they stand facing the camera. The cameraman puts his hand up counting down on his fingers. “Hello everyone, I'm here today with the amazing, history makers; BTS!!”
Namjoon says, “Hello we are BTS,” you ask them questions, Namjoon translates flawlessly but finally your time has come, “Ok last question before we go,” They all nod, “So, far how are you guys liking your time here in America?” They all looked shocked that you spoke in Korean, you chuckle. “Let me quickly translate what I said, I asked about their time here in America, but I asked it in Korean,” J-Hope looks at you before saying, “So you can speak Korean? Did you understand us the whole time?” You nod,
“Yes, I could understand you the whole time!” They look at each other shocked again. You turn to the camera, “They are surprised that I can speak Korean, but anyway that's all the time we have for now. But look forward to more BTS on the Magenta Carpet, see you soon.” You finish and continue smiling at the camera until he says that we aren't live. You breathed a sigh of relief, “I hate interviews they make me so bored, but that was really fun! I'm glad I got to interview you guys,” They smile at you,
“We didn't know you could speak Korean?” J-Hope says excitedly, you grin at him and shrug your shoulders, “I don't have to be on the Magenta Carpet anymore so you guys wanna go in together? I wanna talk to you guys a little more, if that's ok with you guys?” They all nod and you walk in together, the actual show only starts in an hour so you could sit with them until you had to go present.
You guys got along really well and you were a bit sad when you were told that you had to get ready for the start of the show. You waved, “See you guys after the show! You guys are coming to the after party, right?” They look a bit unsure, “Don't worry guys, you don't have to talk anyone and if someone starts talking RM and I can translate!” That seems to ease them a little, someone taps your shoulder, “20 minutes till show starts!” You nod and take the mic from his hand.
“Bye guys see you after!” You say as you leave to get into position, you stand next to Vanessa and then the show starts.
The show went wonderfully and went by really quick before you could blink it was over. The after party had begun, but you were changing your long dress to a dress better fit for dancing. You quickly finished and went to the venue, when you got there you craned your neck looking for the boys. You saw them talking to the Chainsmokers, they seemed happy. You were about to walk over to them when you saw Nicki Minaj. She turned to look at you and a smile appeared on her face you rushed over to her and hugged her. You briefly talked about the night, but you quickly excused yourself to go talk to the boys. “Hi guys!” They turn to look at you and smile. You smile back, excited you could talk to them again. “Y/N!” Taehyung exclaims happily. Suga even spares a smile. “Are you guys enjoying the party?” They nod their heads, “We have gotten to meet so many people we admire, people we look up to and they actually know who we are and want to talk to us and congratulate us, it's an amazing experience,” Namjoon says.
“I usually don't enjoy these after parties but this one seems like it's gonna be fun, I mean I get to talk to you guys!” You exclaim.
The party seems to go by very quickly and before you knew it it was 1 am. The boys had all gone to the bathroom except Jungkook who had stayed behind as he “didn't need the bathroom”. You didn't mind his company, even if he was a bit quiet. “Jungkook oppa why are you so shy? You can talk to me, I don't bite,” You grin at him, he smiles a bit,
“You have been my idol for years and to do everything you did so young! You were why I auditioned, you aided my decision to pursue a career in music. So of course I'm a little shy,” he doesn't make eye contact, you are shocked. Really? He had done this because of you? You felt yourself blush a little, “Oppa, for the past year and a half, you had been my biggest inspiration!” He glances at you his expression unreadable, “I was amazed at all BTS had managed to accomplish and you the maknae were doing just as well as your hyungs!” You looked at him and saw that he was staring at you his mouth open slightly, before he closed it and you both chuckled.
You spent the rest of the party talking and joking with Jungkook. He was really easy to get along with and when you both went home at the end of the party you felt yourself missing him. You face planted on your bed and soon as you got home. You sighed getting this dress and makeup off would be so much work. You may as well start you open your purse and see a piece of paper; it had someone's number on it. You giggled, “ Your favorite Golden Maknae” you added the contact to your phone and would message him in the morning. You took off your makeup, undid your hair and had a shower. The hot water helped relive some of your tiredness. As you thought back on the night you mind automatically went to Jungkook. You blushed, you had barely known him a few hours but you already felt a connection, but you couldn't be sure exactly what that meant. You wrapped the towel around you and put on your sleepwear before climbing into bed, all of the nights activities catching up to you as you fell asleep.
The next morning you awoke with the sun glaring into your eyes, you sat up and said, “Fuck you sun,” glaring at the light peaking through your curtain. You sit up and stretch you arms above your head, you look at your clock; 9:14. You get you phone clicking on Jungkooks contact, cleverly named Jungkook. You send him a message just saying that it's you. With minutes he responds, you hadn't even finished brushing your teeth. You look at the message, ‘Hello! How are you? Are you free any time soon? Maybe we could meet up soon?’
You respond with; ‘Of course I have the whole day off! I just finished a tour so I have a week or two off!’
He responds quickly, ‘Ok, I have a couple interviews today but tomorrow we can meet for coffee in the morning?’ You smile, he wasn't from here so you thought of all the coffee shops you liked. ‘How about we go to this café my friend owns?’
‘That would be nice!’
‘What room are you staying in?’
‘It's room 215 on the 10th floor’ You smile he was two floors below you.
‘Ok I will meet you there at 8?’
‘It's a date! 😉’ you blushed, without realizing that Jungkook was blushing twice as hard, he couldn't believe he had said that! Would you not want to go to coffee with him now? Would it be awkward? Would….
‘See you on our date then 😉’ You blushed saying that and his blush however bad it was before was 10 times worse. You suddenly realized what this meant, you were going on a date with Jungkook! You squealed into your pillow, Jungkook mirroring you two floors below (more manly of course but he still squealed). Since you had the day off you did various tasks around the house and made breakfast. After you had eaten all the breakfast you decided to play a bit of Overwatch.
You didn't last long, people in competitive were irritating you so you decided to watch some tv. You checked your social media and decided to tweet some things before going onto your private Tumblr, it was what you used when you wanted to shitpost or fangirl. You checked and everyone was talking about BTS and the BBMAs, your name was sprinkled around, but there was one post that caught your attention;
“Jungkook and Y/N???
Ok but Jungkook and Y/N need to date! They would be so cute together and they totally had chemistry during the BBMAs!!!!”
You chuckled but saw that it had a ton of notes. You searched for Jungkook X Y/N and saw many results apparently you and Jungkook had become an extremely popular ship, but not only you and Jungkook, but you and Taehyung, you and Rap Monster and you and Yoongi were also really popular ships! You knew that shipping was a thing but never thought about your ships, you curiously clicked on a fan fiction link, an angst fanfic with you and Jungkook.
After about ten minutes you were completely invested in this story, and when Jungkook cheated on you, you almost actually phoned him before remembering it was a story. You calmed down a bit before continuing. It's was only five minutes later and you were in a tears, you clicked the next chapter button and saw that they hadn't posted the next chapter! You slam you hand on the table, “What? What the heck? How could they just end it there? They must like to see readers in pain!” You groan loudly and dive onto you bed, you pick you phone next to the bed and decide to quickly tweet the picture you took with BTS yesterday. Comments quickly flooded in, there were the nice ones hoping for a collab (now that people knew you spoke Korean it didn't seem too far-fetched) and then there was the hate, people saying that you were not pretty enough or good enough to hang out with BTS, but after being in the music business for 6 years you had developed a tough skin. It was hard when you first started out because you were only 13 when you came into the music industry and some how had managed to stay relevant until now. You checked your phone, it was 6pm?! Time had really flown by you didn't know you had been on your laptop that long. You had a text from an Unknown number, you opened your phone and read the message, “Hi! 😝 This is Taehyung! I stole Jungkooks phone and got your number!” You smiled, you quickly saved his contact as TaeTae🐶 and decided to quickly change Jungkooks contact to Kookie🍪. You responded to Taehyung’s message, “Hey Tae-Oppa(Can I call you Tae?)” His response was quick, “You can call me Tae if I can call you N/N” Tae’s nickname was very cute, so you had to let him call you that, “Of course Tae-Oppa😉”. He took a while to respond, “Yay! Talk later N/N! (Bout to do an interview 😫)” You giggles Tae was adorable, but little did you know Jungkook was thinking anything but. He didn’t know Taehyung had taken his phone and gotten your number until he noticed him staring at his phone and smiling “Who you talking to Hyung?” Jungkook questioned. Taehyung beamed, “Y/N of courseeee”
“What!? How’d you get her number?”
“I just borrowed your phone I hope you don’t mind Jungkookieee” Taehyung then stood up and casually walked out the room, Jungkook felt jealous rear its ugly head, but… why? Sure you guys were going on a coffee “date” but was it really a date? Or were you just saying that to be polite… these thoughts raced through his head. Guess he’d have to wait and see.
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nickanno · 6 years
Tumblr media
Tianeptine is by far my favorite opiate but recently NZ customs kept stopping all my orders so I went to back driving all over the place to different pharmacies and buy nurofen plus. After using tianeptine for so long my tolerance to codeine sky rocketed, I had to pop 30 nurofen Plus just to keep away withdraws.
One day I couldn't find nurofen plus so i thought Id try panadeine, this ended up being NOT the best idea.
Panadeine has codeine/paracetamol, paracetamol always thins my blood, so about 20 mins after poping them,my nose bleed for most of the day on and off also had a few stomach pains etc that eventually went away.
So my advice If anyone gets addicted to these combo drugs and the addiction is at the point of taking 30-40 pills a day. STICK to the one combo that works for you, Either way your body is getting higher doses of crap than it needs.
A little of my theory is. My body got so used to the ibprofen with codine.That with out it id doesn't work, as well, anymore so in seance my bodes adjusted itself to deal with this nonsense. Adding something foreign IT does not like that.
And lastly I get a better high from pre made ibuprofen/codeine pills than buying codeine separately and ibuprofen separately. example, a few times i took 20 30mg codeine tablets then chugged back 30 plain ibuprofen. all i got was the initial high from the codeine which had all worn off 2 hrs later. where as when I take 30 of my combo pills, it takes about 1 hour to kick in. but the effect seems to vibrate through my body all day. Almost like some kinda slow release patch of something. Anyway from my research, everyone's body chemistry is different and some people are just lucky, to never get hooked on substances
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minamiaurora · 6 years
How blind I was
This is for @lifelovelaughangell123  ‘s “high school musical spn challenge”
I had the line  39 “he’s gonna figure out the right thing to do”
Pairing: Castiel x Reader
Words count: nearly 3600
Warnings: I don’t know... swearing and injuries, mention of dead people, nightmares, e.c.t. All the nice things found in the supernatural world. 
And if it needs a warning: it's my first time writing and I had no beta reader so all the little faults are mine and if you find any, please just ignore them.
Disclaimer: nothing of Supernatural is mine and I don’t make any money with it. Just having fun with it
Since two and a half hours I drove now trough that big creepy forest that surrounds the small one-horse-town in which I had to be since yesterday evening, after getting a very low-quality phone call from my good old friend Sam Winchester asking me for "a little" favor. He and his brother Dean needed help on a hunt. I rarely understood the town's name where they currently stayed and after a few "What? what di.. ..ou s..y?" s when he tried to explain their case, I decided to just go and help out. I was only a few hours drive away and had no case myself at the time. Besides, it wasn't the first time I helped them. Honestly, sometimes it helps to have tits. The road through the forest was narrow but not in a too bad condition, but that didn't help at all to ease my trip. The mist in the early mornings made it nearly impossible to see anything further than the windscreen of the car. So I was more guessing than seeing where the street is. And the fact that I know what creatures can hide in the dark foggy forest didn't let me feel any safer. Yes, I am a hunter and guess what I still do not like to be in dark forests. especially at night. and when they're covered in fog. So when, with the rising sun, the town finally appears between the trees, I breathed in relief and speed up a little bit thanks to the now lifting fog. I check the name of the Motel Sam texted me and see to my surprise that I have a perfectly fine signal. As I pull in the parking lot I wonder for my self if all these run down motels did only survive because of all the hunters operating in the shadows of the community trying to save the world, risking and losing their life without the majority even knowing about them. Kinda like the M.I.B. I swing the door of the room open, who was like the exterior of the building built and decorated in the late 70s and never changed or renovated since because grand- grand mom liked it that way. A smell like old wet socks and towels which took a nice hot long soaking bath together in a pool filled with used condoms and cigarettes waved directly into my nose. "NOPE!" I harshly close the door again. //I definitely NOT gonna spend one second in that room// "you shouldn't. Not even Dean and Sam were taking that room. and they're not exactly picky when it comes to the choosing of a sleeping place." I turn around when I hear the low voice of the angel who stole my heart many moons ago.h Of course, no one on the team knows about that. I even managed to keep my thoughts away from him if he's around. And acted like a more or less grown-up person. It's after all only a little crush. And it's not like it grows for almost 2 and a half year. It happened slowly. I blamed it on the circumstances of our first meeting. He made his appearance into my life by actually save it from a nasty vamp. After a few nice night talks we had, (because like most in that business my time in dreamland is normally not pleasant. So I try to avoid it or knock me out.) I got scared by how deep in I was already. How much I could relax and open myself to someone. Even if I consider all of them family, not once have I ever spoken to Sam or Dean about the exact way my blood family died. Only with Castiel, I did. Ok, I was drunk as a lord after the last hunt with the infamous trio, but I told him under tears and hiccups how it happened. But for the first time in my life, I spoke about it and of what I can remember it felt really good. Next, I tried to blame his vessel. Why must it be such a good looking one? Special that /your favorite body of Castiel/ of it. His casual nearly submissive, kind being that changes in a split second into the warrior of the lord he is. The way he's sometimes just staring at one with that hypnotic blue eyes (the bluest blue on earth, heaven and hell I am sure of that). I get lost so deep in them happily every time I look at them. And his lips. when they move like they do now, how...// shiiit. He speaks to me. Fokus y/n Fokus!// ".. and she didn't hear a word you just said, Cas. Hy Kiddo" Dean walked around Castiel to greet me with a bearhug. "where were you now?" "..furniture? I.. I.." I tried to get my self together without getting the guilty as hell look. " I just wondered if all the Motels are getting their furniture from the same place. it seems to be all over the same. and it's always ugly." Now the sweet innocent eyes aaaand he smiles, ruffle my hair like he always does and walks past me direction his and Sams room. I turn back to Castiel to ask what he told me before Dean came by. His bewildered face lets me realize that I was not only rude towards him with not listening but I forgot for that second that he is able... "...to read your mind. Yes." My mouth open and close like a fish and my skin color is changing to 'i wanna die right here, right now' red. where are all these monsters who wanna always kill us now? Cas looks at me with his innocent tilted head and I guess his waiting for me to say or do something. "Igonnagetmeanotherroom" I rip the key out of the door, grab my bag and flee to the reception. //I better gonna get me another room in another motel. or even better on another continent. Yep. Or I go ask the guys for a shovel so I can go and dig my grave. If it starts like that I gonna end up shooting myself just to escape from an awkward situation // After I got me a new, and more or less clean, room I go to the guys to finally find out what we gonna hunt. Sam opens the door and pulls me in the room with the same kind of bearhug his brother did he then hold me on arm length. "What took you so long shorty? I nearly called the cops to search you" "I had a flat tire." while he and the reason why my eyes are glued to the floor are just raising an eyebrow, Dean shouts for the bathroom  "and it took you 6 hours to fix it?" He walks in the room with his F.B.I. suite, take one Look at my turn to Sam with a devilish grin and hold his hand out." you owe me 20 bugs. She took at least two wrong turns." I stand between them finally looking up to protest. I really had a flat. but it took me like 20 min to change it.  and I went only once right instead of left. but even with the wrong turn I took, I still could have made it bevor midnight. Why was I only here in the mornings? Forest. At Night. I sat in my fucking car and tried to get myself to press the petrol instead of the breaks I was pressing like I wanted to push my foot through the car at the beginning of my nemesis. If someone would have passed me there they would be for sure concerned seeing me in my car screaming at myself to stop my shit and get it the fuck together. I was turning my car and drove several miles back and tried it again. long story short, it was first after like two hours I was able to drive trough. I maybe need a new steering wheel but I made it. no need for them to know. after all, till now we only hunted urban together. I realize I spaced out again and were now staring at Cas. I really need to work on that. "How you keep yourself alive with what we do; I think not even God knows. But I see we have you back now. so how much experience do you have with wendigos?" Dean asks while he was putting on his blazer ready to go and play agent I think. Sam goes to sit at the table and opens his Laptop to show me what they had till now. "I had till now one. And avoid them since." My voice is trembling and my hands start to sweat. I showed the pictures that want to show up in my mind far to the back of it.   "you think you can handle one, y/n?" the older Winchester brother asks with worrying in his tone seeing me getting paler and paler. "Yes... Yes of course. I mean what could probably go wrong when I`m together with you guys?" Apparently... A lot. Not only are Sam, Dean and I hanging around (literally) in a Wendigos cave since midnight; now I had to give them the whole story of my family getting wiped out by a wendigo when I was a teenager. Because even if I grow up in a hunter family, the fear paralyzed me the moment I heard the screaming of the creature. And since I should have been the boys back up and failed completely at it it is my fault we are gonna end up as the savings for harder days of a Wendigo and I owe them more than an explanation why I couldn't do my fucking job. " and that's why avoid forests. and wendigos. And that's as well the reason why I was only yesterday morning at you guys." I hang my head in shame. It's quiet. Except for the dripping of water from the walls and the blood of the other two victims of which the wendigo already had taken a bite or two. why are they not saying anything? Are they unconscious? "You know y/n, that was a real dick move. If we would have known that before we would never have ask you for help in that case. Everyone is afraid of something. that is only human, man. But to keep such important pieces of information to yourself is a fucking stupid way to end your life and the ones of the people around you. And if we hadn't Cas to get our asses out I would really kick yours. Ok, I still gonna kick it. To teach you a lesson. " Dean finally answers weakly. "And the drinks after we're out are gonna be on you."Sam goes on. "Sounds fair to me." And like he was waiting for his signal Castiel make his appearance in the cave. He is, all of a sudden,  standing in front of me. Looking concerned over Dean and Sam to check their condition. While the Guys had some severe injuries (nothing he couldn't fix luckily) from fighting back the Wendigo, I only had a small head wound on my left temple from getting knock out, head first, against a tree. When he "scanned" the Winchester the look in his eyes turned quickly relaxed. Like he is used to seeing them in such a condition. What he probably is. Then his attention turns to me. As soon as he sees the thin blood trail that emerges from my temple all the way down till my knee, remember that whole warrior of the lord thing I was speaking before? Well, that was his gentle look, compared to the expression that I see now. It is there only for a fraction of a split-second but boy oh boy I am sure as hell glad he's on my side. His pupils are nearly non- existing. the normally warm summer day sky blue iris turns in an ice blue that is able to freeze alcohol. then there is guilt. But before somebody can do or say anything he spins around and cut the Wendigo that had sneaked on us in four parts. Like that wasn't enough he kicked the one part of it through the cave. When he's aiming for another body piece Dean brings him back. "Cas! Buddy, he's done! So what about you get us three down here and we fuck off?" and like a light switch the usual Castiel was back. Momentary at least. He cuts our ropes that hang us from the cave top and heals us. Then with a last, for me, not readable look at me, his gone again. The drive back to the motel is filled with, at least for me, uncomfortable silence in the morning sun until Sam turns in his seat. "Ok. whats going on between Cas and you?" "Nothing! Really. I mean I have no idea what you talking about." Shit. It is easier to fool Dean than Sam. "You guys know him longer than me. You tell me whats going on with Castiel." and even if I try my best I can't stop my voice from completely betraying me by getting higher with every damn word.  Deans loud laugh let both, Sam and me, turn our heads towards him to raise an eyebrow when he states that everything finally makes sense. Luckily we're just back at our accommodation. I rush out of the Impala and with a quick "see ya in an hour" I storm to my room and loke the door. "So you say that both of them have a crush on each other but y/n don't know how Cas is feeling?" Sam smiles from his seat back in their Motel room, because for him all your strange behavior when the angel was around now made total sense. Then he frowns "And what are we gonna do about that? I mean obviously, none of them will make a move because shorty is as oblivious as can be, and with Cas being an angel is not gonna make it any easier for them." "yeah 'know what you mean man. But I gonna speak with Cas and I think he's gonna figure out the right thing to do for them and their position. And if not we gonna kick them in the right direction. so easy." Sam raises an eyebrow at Deans "easy" idea. he gets up from the uncomfortable seat to take a shower before they all go for breakfast. He hears Dean "pray" for the angel before he opens the shower. when he comes out Cas is nowhere, but Deans grin tells him all he needs to know. this is gonna be very interesting. "WORST hunt ever!" I scream in my pillow after I let myself fall on the bed. I turn to lay on my back and just stare at that ugly ceiling. My had is empty. But not for long. Soon pictures of how the Winchesters were dragged into the cave flicker in mind. They could have been dead. Because of me. Because of my stupid pride. because of my stupid lies. //, Of course, can I handle a Wendigo Dean. It's not like I still wake up every night screaming and trying to run from the dead empty eyes of my little sister and brother I was supposed to guard that night.// I sit up and wipe the tears away that had made their way over my dirty face. I get up again from the bed to take a nice long hot shower. It is always relaxing for me and it helps to clear the dark clouds in my mind. I mean Den said, when we were at the car, that we're fine and in the end, the goal to kill the wendigo was achieved. Even if it was trough Cas Angelblade and not with the explosion they had in plan. " so actually you even saved us a whole lot of TNT" he joked while loading the boxes with TNT in the boot of his Baby. And just like that for him and his younger brother that conversation was done and over. So let me wash myself and think of something nice. Guess what is the first nice thing my brain presents me, yes Castiel. But not the normal happy Castiel, no, I see his face just before he disappeared into the cave. Was he sad or angry? Or confused? No, I know these expressions of him. And it didn't really feel as if he had negative feelings towards me. More as if he'd like to say something important. and couldn't bring himself to do it. Since the water is starting to get cold, I step out of the shower a little bit relaxed but at the same time quite confused. I open the shower door and nearly slip on the wet bathroom floor. I grab the handle of the door and save my had from another injury, but twist my arm behind my back. "ooww fuck!" I quickly leave the handle and fall on the shoulder I just forced into an unnatural position and that fast.  Forgotten are the Wendigo, Castiel, and the world. Pain is all I know right now. I hear my shoulder who glides back in position as I turn my body to lay on the other shoulder in a fetus position. Stars in front of my eyes. I silently scream out. I swear. and the tears are falling again. Slowly the Pain fades a little bit. I sit slowly up straight against the bathroom door realizing that my towel is still in place. more or less. I know I could simply pray to my crush and puff everything is right again. A knock on the door stops my thoughts. "y/n/n. are you ready for breakfast? I'm starving!" Dean tries to open the door while he speaks. "Y/n? Are you fine?" he's asking now worried because I didn't answer right away. "All fine Dean. Nearly at lest. I just twisted my shoulder a bit. give me a minute." "Are you sure? should I not maybe call..." "NO! No Dean I'm sure." "hehe. Whatever. we're waiting at the car. Hurry or we may let you behind!" Do I really have to tell you that 10 minutes I am still struggling with putting a shirt on? "You are such a stubborn Human y/n" with only my head through the shirt I spin around to grab my gun on the bedstand at the sound of somebody in my room, but stop when I realize it's "only" the last person I wanted to see right now. "Castiel! How many times do I have to tell you not to sneak up on me like that! Owowow"  His with amused sparkling eyes turn worried when he hears my painful hisses. he is at my side in a blink of an eye. "please let me heal you y/n/n." I am surprised by him using my nickname. I mean by him using any Nickname. But the throbbing pain of my shoulder let me quickly forget about that. I nod and close my eyes. I wait to feel his finger on my head but instead both his big warm hands carefully cup my face, tilting it a little upwards and is forehead is leaning against mine. When the pain faints, I shyly open my eyes. I can not only feel the warmth of his hands and his forehead, it's like I get hugged by his whole being. The warm sensation flows through my body. The glowing blue of his eyes the only thing I see. I feel love. the love he is feeling for me. The unconditional pure love that promises never to betray.  It's nearly overwhelming, but for the first time in a long lonely life, I feel completely safe. It's only the two of us. No sounds. no surroundings. I slowly take his hand in mine to free my face and bring a little tiny bit of space between our faces to take in all his features. From his full plumb lips that now curl into a smile to the ocean of love that needs me when I look in his eyes. and I love everything I see exactly like it is now in front of me.  Before I knew what happens he unwinds our hands and pulls me with his one arm around my waist closer to him again. The other is in my hair on my backhead and I give in to the kiss the moment his lips are on mine. there are no words needed. we both but all the love, the desire for each other and the need of closeness in that first kiss // I was so blind// we separate after all the air is out of our lungs. "Yes. I already thought that I was misunderstanding your behavior." //you reading my mind again// he gives me a not so innocent smile " yes and so by the way I can hear your thoughts about me even if I am not around"
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Sausalito AR Training, December 1998
A couple of weeks ago there was a thread about “Epic Training Adventures” on Tri-DRS. A couple of us too Epic training to heart and scheduled an incredible adventure that took place yesterday. This was the most training fun that I have had in a long time.
For those people interested in Adventure Racing, our training was based on a mini-adventure race – kayak, mountain bike and run.
7:30am – Paul Allman shows up at my house, and we pack up my truck with two mountain bikes, two large duffel bags full of gear and a pile of food. It is about 30deg F and raining. We wonder about the sanity of training in such conditions, but as fledgling adventure racers – “we live for adversity.”
7:45am – we are on the road. Looking up at the coastal mountains we are shocked. Snow. Yes, at about 2400’ there is a very clear snow line. Neither of us have seen snow on Skyline Road before. We laugh like mentally deranged children.
8:30am – meet fellow dead Craig Benson at his house in San Francisco. I have a small truck (Chevy S-10) with a standard cab. We put our gear bags inside trash bags to hopefully keep our stuff dry. Then we pack three bikes, three sets of gear and three men into my truck for the drive over to Sausalito – it is a tight fit in the cab of my truck.
9:00am – arrive in Sausalito where it is brutally cold and there is at least a 20 mile per hour wind biting through us. The kayak guy wonders about our sanity an mentions that hail is forecasted. This is true adversity.
9:30am – there are five of us in three kayaks – two doubles and one single. I am paired with Rich, who looks like an adventure racer; tall, lean and unshaven. We put in and work on our paddle strokes. The key to paddling a double kayak is teamwork. After a couple of minutes we leave the harbor and enter choppy seas and a tough headwind. We reach an open section that feels like a wind tunnel. Rich and I bear down and paddle across. My wetsuit and spray jacket is keeping me plenty warm now that we are paddling hard and creating body heat. I have never been in such choppy conditions before. Craig is in the single kayak and almost gets blown over a couple of times. We cruise close to shore and ogle the mansions built with more glass than walls – can you say “real estate with a view.” In the sheltered areas Rich and I occasionally push the pace. When we are in synch we can really make that double kayak move. Unfortunately my hands are getting very tired from paddling when we head back to the harbor.
To get back we have to cross Richardson Bay, and we are paddling perpendicular to the current and wind. We get beam on in a couple of swells and the kayak rolls and dips but stays upright. We hit the beach in a few minutes and are greeted with snow flurries. Yes, it was snowing at sea level in San Francisco. Since we are no longer paddling, our bodies cool quickly in the wind, rain and snow, and we are soon bitterly cold. We return our kayaks and the kayak shop immediately closes due to “Adverse Weather Conditions.” I feel like I am taking part in an event that only a few people would even consider attempting.
kayak time – a little over 2 hours
12:00 pm - we change clothes from kayak gear to mountain bike gear.  I wonder what to wear on the bike to prepare me for the weather conditions.  I am a Californian who is not used to this type of cold.  We eat a little, and fill up our water bottles.  My Pringles go quickly.
12:30 pm - the start of the mountain bike.  I am test riding a dual-suspension Trek that a buddy has for sale.  It is my first time ever having suspension on a bike.  We will ride a route that Craig uses often for training.  The route goes up through the Marin headlands, down almost to the Pacific Ocean and back to Sausalito.  Of course, it can never be as simple as "up, down and back home."  The ride is more like up, up some more, look at the incredible view of San Francisco, down, up, keep going up, go up some more, go down, go down really fast, take a break, go up, shift down to your lowest gear, try to keep your front wheel from leaving the ground because it is so steep, look at the incredible view of the Pacific, keep going up, go up some more, take a break.  Now we get to do a really technical downhill. We zip up and throw on another layer, then we point our bikes down,  there are several jumps on the path  I launch off of the first jump and scare myself silly, so I decide to keep both tires on the road.  I start to get very hungry for solid food.  I develop a craving for chicken fajitas.  Ummmm, chicken fajitas on a sizzling cast iron skillet, wouldn't that be nice.  Back on the mountain bike the trail twists and turns and is almost too much fun.  Finally it is time for one long climb, one long downhill, one short climb on a road, and a downhill to our cars.  The long climb and downhill go well, but I hit the wall on the short climb.  Paul gives me some gorp and a Fig Newton which I inhale.  After a short break to let the food work into my system we start paddling again, and about fifteen minutes later we are at our cars.
Verdict on the Trek - suspension is very nice, but this bike needs too many component upgrades in order to make it race worthy.
Ride time - 3 hours of actual riding and 3 1/2 hours of elapsed time.
4:00 pm - we refuel and consider our options for the run.  Our fifth member, Jeff, has to leave, so the rest of us decide on a 1 hour run.  It is incredibly cold in Sausalito with the wind blowing very hard.  I change into my running shoes, but leave my tights, bike jersey, full gloves and arm warmers on.  I also chose to wear what I would normally call my winter coat.  I have never before done a run wearing an insulated jacket, but on this occasion I was very happy to have my coat.
We start running at a moderate to slow pace - probably about a 9:30 or 10:00min per mile pace.  We fall into a paceline and trudge along.  My fingers start to hurt as the blood starts to circulate in my finger tips once again.  At the 30 minutes mark we turn around and start walking back. We start to run again and settle into a steady pace.  My legs are very sore and I would rather walk, but it is only a few miles back to the car.  We pick up the pace slightly in order to get the run over with.  At best we were running 9:45 min/mile, but I am really pushing to even hold that slow of a pace.  A few hundred yards away from the cars we stop running and walk it in.
It's over.  In 7 and 1/2 hours we have accomplished a kayak, mountain bike, and run training day.  I am very tired and very satisfied.  Craig starts talking about hitting a bar to listen to his favorite ska band.  I can only think of sleep, and Craig still has the energy to go grab a beer - I am not sure where he stores his reserve power.
We pack up and head home.  I drop off Craig and Paul, and drop my gear off at my house.  I have only one thought - food, specifically chicken fajitas which I have been craving for several hours now.  I am sure that I was the worst dressed man in the restaurant, but those fajitas were delicious........
It was an amazing day.  I look forward to training with this group in the near future.
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deeezzzznuutttzzzzz · 4 years
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You might see this picture and think... oh wow it’s a building. Maybe..... oh look at those shrubs... look that that tower and the sunset/sunrise. All of those statements are so correct. To me, this picture screams MEMORIES. 
Memories, they are like snips of your life that you hold onto, locked in your brain just like a box, when you see something that reminds you, they all come crashing back to you. They come crashing like waves in the ocean coming to shore. Some memories are like the soft waves then, there are the memories that feel like a tsunami. Sadly, in this picture, the two people I hold memories with on this property have ended. 
I look at this picture and it scream memories. The first time I ever heard about this property was in 2018. At that time I had been living with my significant other interest LP. We had been talking for a little over a year at this point. I never thought that I would see the day where she would actually ask me to be her girlfriend, but like I said before, that is another conversation. We had been dating for a month and a half and Valentines Day was coming up. I came home from work and she showed me this tree house in Springfield, TN that was 30 mins from Nashville. We could take our dogs there with us. She told me we were going there for Valentines Day. She bought this trip for me. 
So we take off a couple days, pack up the dogs and head out on the 12th of Feb 2018. We drove the whole 6 hours there and got to this beautiful place. I was in awe, it was acres of this property with a hot tub overlooking the river, the treehouse overlooked the river and the views.... god...… I was in awe that someone would do this for me. We went ended up staying the 12th through the 15th, we went to Nashville and went to rooftop bars on Broadway Street, we found the best dog park where the dogs played, and we spent hours on the property. 
Nashville was perfect. We got day drunk on rooftop bars, Nudies and Tootsies were our favorite. We took the cutest photo booth photo at Tootsies. Just sitting there with her watching her smile was a picture that will forever be sketched into my memory. Little snippets in time that mean the world. After the bars we went back to the treehouse, she made me pizza rolls and we got into the hot tub. Hahahahhaaha we ended up fucking around and someone walked up on her fucking me. We slept that night and woke up the next morning. We walked the garden there with our coffee in hand and dogs walking with us. 
In the garden there were so many different types of rocks. We spent at least an hour picking out our favorites. When she left me 5 months ago she took her rocks with her.. I have mine in the house I kept. She will always hold those rocks with her.. she will always hold that memory with her. I know our memories there will always be etched into her memory. How could you forget something so special.... you can’t. I can guarantee you every time she goes to Broadway St. she will think of me in some way because I will think of her and her smile. We left that place after Valentines day. She took me back there for my birthday later that year. We ended up only being there for one night but we created more memories there. It was our place, our treehouse, our moment in time where things were perfect and there was love. After that trip in April she broke up with me 2 months later. But those memories there was so much love. I felt it. I will cherish it. Sometimes I miss it. 
The second person I have memories with here.. well let me tell you she swept me off my feet. J was someone I never saw coming into my life, that is another story. J had just finished school and I was so proud of her. I had only met her once, other that watching her follow me around the club 2 months prior and the first time we met we hit it off and joked about going on a trip together. Well we did it. I took her to Nashville and rented a house on the same property Laura would always take me. I guess I wanted to make new memories there with someone else. The house I rented was so nice. We still got to benefit from the property but the house had a cali king, a jet tub and a personal hot tub under the stars. We went December 20-22 during the winter solstice. She came to my house at 7am and handed me her keys and I drove us to Nashville. 
She had never been to Nashville before so I drove straight to Broadway St. We stopped at Cracker Barrel on the way there and got mimosas... because did you know that they serve mimosas now???? We talked the whole ride there and when we got to Nashville, we park in a parking garage and walk, she grabs my hand and we head to Tootsies. She was in awe with the rooftop bar, all the music going on. We went back to the car after Tootsies, as we were walking I found her favorite flower, a white daisy and I gave it to her, she smiled and put it in her hat, she wore it the rest of the night. After that we walked to nudies, I let her pick and that is where she chose, then went and smashed food. We go back to the Airbnb and get straight into the hot tub and makeout for hours. Then take a shower together, cuddle, go to bed. 
I woke up that next morning and went to get stuff to make her favorite breakfast.....waffles. I woke her up with waffles, we got ready and hit the town again. We went back to Broadway St, went to the Johnny Cash museum, sat at nudies and cuddled listening to music and then ended the night with ice skating. We go back to Springfield, TN, sit in the hot tub and cuddle. We wake up the next day and drive back.... she held my hand the whole ride home. Listened to me sing to her. It was so fun..... I will never not go back to that Airbnb and not be grateful for those memories with her. 
It ended up not working out with J, but that trip made me realize that it is okay to move on. People fade, memories and places never do. You have to keep moving forward, you have to live in the moment, cherish every moment with someone you love, be thankful for the memories, live like tomorrow is your last and be you no matter what. People change, circumstances change, you are not guaranteed tomorrow so love fiercely, never hold back, be you 100%, never change. These are the things that are imprinted in my memory forever. 
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While you don't necessarily have to take part in the precise same tasks each day, it's practical to shut out particular times committed to work, workout, tasks, leisure activities, and interacting socially. In many cases, consistent boredom may cause anxiety, however you might also be persistantly tired from having this mental health condition.
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I like that (FP Jones-Riverdale)
Summary: Y/N's Jughead's friend who works at Pop's where  FP Jones saves her from a creepy fratboy.
It was a lovely day in a small town called Riverdale. This town was used to be one of the most boring and calm towns in all the universe. But not long ago an unexpected accident happened that caused the whole town to became suspicious of absolutely everyone they knew.
''Y/N! Wait up!''  A black haired boy with a grey crown like hat yelled as the girl with a floral dun dress made her way out of the Riverdale high school.
''Juggy, hey, what's up?'' Y/N turned around to come face to face with her friend.
''Going to Pops?''
''Yeah. My shift starts in about 30 min.'' She smiled.
''You're probably the only person who is excited about going to work.'' Jughead  said with his face seeming like he's totally done with everything.
''I'm not excited about work, silly.'' She smiled, elbowing him playfully. ''I'm excited about people.  Do you have any idea how many different people I meet everyday, how many people i talk to, how many stories i hear everyday.'' She explained looking up at the sky.
''You're something else.''
''You're so positive, I don't think I've ever seen you mad or sad..''
''Oh c'mon that's not true, I do get mad.''
''Lecturing a  drunk on what feminism is after he told you he used to date an 'ugly feminazi bitch' doesn't count.''
''It very much does.'' She fake glared at him before adding, ''Besides we have you and your angst, we don't need mine as well.''
''Sure, but i can't help it, ism w-''
''You're weird, you're not like us, you're not the perfect next door kid. I know.'' She cut him off before bursting in to laughter when she saw his annoyed expression.  ''I'm sorry buddy, you know i love you.'' She added hooking her arm trough his as they continued walking.
''I know, but it would feel a lot more special if you wouldn't act like you're in love with absolutely every creature on this planet.'' He said sarcastically before smiling down at her. ''But yeah i love you too.''
''That's totally not true, i don't want snakes anywhere near me.''
''Here you go, one black coffee and a chocolate muffin.'' Y/N said with a smile on her face as she gave a man in his late 20's, his  order. ''If i can get you anything else let me know.''
''Actually there is something else.'' The man said clearly checking her out.
''Sure, what can i do for you?'' She said, with a smile still on her face, trying to ignore the fact that she felt like a prey, being surrounded by a lion.
''You can let me do you.''
''Excuse me?'' She tried to give the guy the benefit of the doubt, hoping he meant something else.
''I'm just kidding.'' He said causing Y/N let out a sigh of relief. ''But you can give me your number.''
''Sorry i  actually like to separate work and pleasure.'' She tried to reject him in a nice way.
''But how can you say no to all the pleasure i would be able to give you?''
''Also, I'm saving myself for Jesus, sorry.'' This was probably Y/N's favorite lie to use, and being an atheist she thought it was just so funny how many times this line has worked and made the guys stop annoying her.
''Don't worry you'll be screaming 'Jesus' all night.''
''Ha-ha'' She faked a dry laugh before turning around and started cleaning the tables next to his desk.
''C'mon cutie pie don't be that up tigh-'' The guy was cut off by a deep voice coming from behind Y/N.
''She is not interested! Say one more word and i will rip your head off your shoulders.'' The mysterious dark figure behind the girl said, making the guy shut up and look down at his phone in shame.
''Thank you.'' Y/N whispered as she released that the man in his late 40's that saved her from the creepy frat boy, seemed very familiar.
''Anytime.'' He said shortly before taking a seat on one of the bar stools.
''Can i get you anything, on the house.'' She said with a  smile on her face as she  made her way behind the bar again.
''Sure, a beer.''
''Coming right up.'' She smiled before getting the beer and giving it to him. ''Here you go. And thank you again, Mr. ...''
''Jones.'' He said looking up at her with those warm brown eyes. ''But everyone calls me FP.''
''Nice to meet you, FP. I'm Y/N.'' She said offering him her hand which he took and shook. His hands were big, his skin rough bellow her small and soft ones. ''Jones? Any relation to Jughead?''
''Yeah that's my kid, you know him?''
''He's one of my best friends.'' The girl smiled. ''He's a strange but good kid.''
That made the older man laugh, it was a nice sound. He had black hair with some grey hairs here and there, making him even more handsome, and his eyes, oh his eyes were do warm and inviting, even tho his whole persona was  very dark and uninviting.
''Strange is an understatement.'' He agreed making the girl laugh.
''Very true.'' She nodded, pouring herself beer as well. It was getting late and the pop's was basically empty except the frat boy from before who was just making his way out.
''Wait, how do you know him, you have to be at least in your early, maybe mid 20's'' He said taking another drink of his bear.
''I'm 19, I'm a senior at your sons school'' The girl told him as she took a sip of her beer.
''You look older.'' He observed and raised an eyebrow at her beer.
''Well i guess it's the experience that matures you, not your age.'' She said nodding in the direction of where the frat boy used to sit. ''And this,'' She continued, lifting her beer, ''I'm European, I'm basically already an adult in every way.'' She said winking at him.
''If you say so.'' He let out a laugh again. ''Europe, i knew your accent can't be American?''
''Yep my mum and i moved here when i was 16 after she divorced my dad, he was kind of an asshole, also probably the reason i have daddy issues.'' She said.
''Daddy issues, huh?'' He said raising an eyebrow as he shifted closer to the girl.
''You should beware, you're right at the daddy age.'' She winked before letting out a laugh.
''Well then.'' He sent a smirk her way, making a soft blush creep on her cheeks.
It was nice, besides the fact that there was a huge age gap between then they got along, they both had the same seance of humor and were able to talk about nothing and everything, as cliche as it sounded.
''Y/N, sorry I'm late, I'll own you one.'' Hermione said stumbling trough the door.
''Oh, don't worry about it, I didn't even realize what's the time.'' Y/N said straightening up and looking at the clock, it was just a bit over 4am, she was supposed to end her shift at 3am but she ended up sitting next to FP on one of the bar stools and talking since there were almost no other costumers at night.
''Give me a sec I'll just put away my stuff and take over.'' Hermione said walking in to the closet area behind the bar.
''Sure.'' The younger girl said as she stood up from the stool.
''How are you going home?'' FP asked garbing his jacket from the stood on the other side of him.
''I'm walking home, pretty much just to shower since i clearly don't have time to sleep before i have to get to school''
''I'll drive you.''
''You sure?''
''Yeah, it's the least i can do.'' He said, genuinely feeling happy without being  drunk
''Alright, I'll just grab my things.''
''Thank you again, Y/N'' Hermione hugged her before she made her way out of the restaurant where FP was already waiting on her.
''Ready to go?'' He asked offering her his elbow trough which she hooked her hand as they walked towards his truck.
"Thank you again, for standing up for me." She said as they made it to his car, where he opened the door for her. 
"It was my pleasure."  He said before closing the door behind her and Walking over to his side, and starting the car. 
"You should come by more often." She smiled as he started the car. 
"Now that i know a girl like you works there, i most defenetly  will." He said, sending her a quick smirk before looking back on the road. 
"Are you flirting with me, Mr. Jones?" She asked scooting herself closer to him and laying her head on his shoulder. 
"Have been for the last couple of hours. Thank you for noticing." He said with a chuckle and in that moment she knew exactly where Jughead got his sarcasm and snaky commentary from. 
"Oh I've noticed." She said before being interrupted by her own yawn. She gently wrapped her arms around his arm, which he was now resting on her thigh as they drove. 
"We're here.'' FP said as he Parked his car at the address the girl told him was her home. 
"Mhm" was all she said before cuddling in to him even more. She was already half asleep. 
"Come here." The man let out a chuckle before picking the girl up in his arms and caring her out of the car bridal style. 
"Wat arr you doin'?" She said Partially Waking up. 
"Getting you home safely." He said just as they reached the top step if her porch where he gently set her back in her knees. "Will you be able to make it the rest of the way?" He said a smile on his face.
"Mhm, I'm a big girl, remember?" She said searching for her Keys in her purse. "Got 'em" she smiled pointing the Keys in the air. 
"Good job baby girl." He said clearly amused by her sleepy attempt to get in to her own home, the fact that she drank a couple of beers probably didn't help. 
"I like that." She smiled up at him, enchanted by the new nickname. 
FP raised an eyebrow at the girl as she stumbled closer to him. 
"Thanks." She said before stepping on her tips toes and pressed sing a soft but quick kiss on his lips. 
FP didn't have time to react as she already turned around and walked trough her door. 
"I like that." He said to himself before Walking back to his car with a proud smirk playing on his lips. 
.Click here for part two!
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