#my first 50k
uwudonoodle · 6 months
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I hit 50,000 words on my fic!!
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koobiie · 5 months
shoutout to everyone who wants to infodump but cant string together coherent thoughts to form sentences and instead just look at you like this
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joodles98 · 21 days
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slices of life
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desceros · 10 months
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now i can finally leave surprises in your inbox HEHEHEHE
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luna-loveboop · 9 days
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Yo that's a lot right?
Because I can't tell /gen but it feels like a lot. I mean tumblr said holy moly so
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Thanks guys :)
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deoidesign · 27 days
okay so ages ago on the Bird Hellsite I saw someone make a coat entirely out of worm on a strings so now we have that incredibly cursed mental image right. My question to you is who in the TTA cast would be most likely to wear that thing and why is it Steve?
Oh, I met someone who did that a few years ago! Might have been the same person tbh.
I think a number of the minor characters would happily wear it, but the one most likely to make it would be Ash from the ghost hunting arc. Steve would wear it too, but Adam could make it work.
I had a grudge for years against worm on a string though... It was 2014. Flying across the country with my art class for the final judging of a competition. New York City, baby. Every day was constant activity; always going to a different event, a different activity, a different project...
And the stage was set: A small budget for the ILNY tourist store, two exhausted teenagers, and a misleading ad. The sound was off, and without captions we were left to assume... And we believed if the worms got wet, they would squirm. It made sense why they were $20 with technology like that.
Me and my best friend bought the worm on a string. We named him... Hal. It was all we talked about that day, the anticipation of getting back to the hotel.
Finally we get to our room. I was more excited about this than about being in the top 5 for a contest with a $50,000 prize. We opened the package, deterred by none of the signs, confirmation bias in full force... What's this string? Oh, it must be so they don't squirm away and get lost!
Two fools standing over the bathroom sink, Hal in ones hands, and the other turning on the faucet. Nothing. A gentle shake of the lifeless soggy body. Still nothing.
And then the dawning realization: The worm was never gonna squirm around. We were duped.
How could we let that go... For years, I didn't.
I've since developed a fondness. It was never Hal's fault. We were exhausted, not thinking straight, and we blamed him for our own failure. I can only try to make amends... But I truly believe Hal never held resentment in his fuzzy blue heart.
Anyways we got second place and then the next year we won but that's less important.
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thelivingdeceased · 9 months
i just wrote a novel.
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kulai · 11 months
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REPOST! because i forgot to add tags since i was sleep deprived sawrry
based on ch.17 of chaos for the fly by @laylajeffany!! fed me wenclair for months and im still not halfway done. if you want a genuinely good long read, go check it out!! :DD (more under the cut)
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recurring-polynya · 5 months
hey guess what happened last week
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wondrouswendy · 10 months
I genuinely feel like Alan Wake 2 has reconfigured my brain chemistry on a completely new level. Like no joke, I feel like I was one person before this game and now I’m someone else after. No I am not being dramatic
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pinkprettycure · 5 months
idk how much posting on tiktok is helping but i just started making the same damn post over and over inbetween other stuff cuz editing is hard and i dont like thinking lol
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some've them did better the second time lol,
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darlingpoppet · 1 year
Where The Dead Forget — Chapter 5: Together
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Hades Gameverse Memory Loss AU | Achilles/Patroclus | M | Chapters: 5/21 | Words: 50,751 (Ch 5: 10,463 words)
Cover Art by: @alibonbonn
“What have I ever done to earn residence in such a hallowed place?” He says aloud again. “Simply rubbing shoulders with greatness should hardly qualify. An unremarkable life, snuffed out in an unremarkable way. A few lucky strikes here and there perhaps, but still reduced to rotting flesh and then ash and bones, just like all the others. No friends or family to speak of… no name, no honor… not even a verse in song, surely. Just another—“
He pauses, as he thinks he has just heard a faint rustling over the sound of his own voice. He listens carefully, and indeed: there is a distant creaking, and then the clang of the metal gate at the entrance to the glade.
This is not so unusual. Patroclus occasionally receives visitors and passers by—perhaps more often than he would in fact prefer, but most of them are quickly sent on their way once he has made it clear he is not interested in sparring or feasting or fucking or whatever else it is that shades in Elysium divert themselves with for eternity.
There is a certain one who passes through sometimes. He is a god, by Patroclus’ estimation—princely and well-mannered, but unsettling, in his way, as all gods are. When he visits, he is always asking Patroclus such unusual, confounding questions, to such a degree that Patroclus often fears he is being toyed with. He has already searched his mind to recall if any of the stories told of Chthonic trickster gods: Eris? Apate? Dolos? Or perhaps even Hermes, the artful Olympian psychopomp? This particular one possesses a youthful countenance much like Hermes, but he is more akin to the spirited, flickering flame of a campfire, rather than the swift breath of wind from a bird’s flapping wing.
In any case, Patroclus does not trust him. He is wary of his easy smiles and friendly, insistent manner. Patroclus can only think to bribe him with his untouched collection of healing draughts and refreshments in order to make him go away whenever he appears. He sincerely hopes it is not that odd stranger who has decided to come back again.
Patroclus picks another cluster of flowers to busy himself with as his visitor approaches. He can see the shade cresting the stairs out of the corner of his eye. Patroclus does not deign to look in his direction, and yet the shade stands there, as if quietly observing him, expectant and waiting.
“Hello,” a man’s voice says.
Read the rest here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43292178/chapters/126220315
Previous Chapters: 1. Drown | 2. Grief | 3. Grace | 4. Weakness
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bookishjules · 10 months
kinda annoyed the kids i babysit aren't awake rn to celebrate my nano win with me lol
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qoldenskies · 2 days
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jetii · 2 months
i need to do a final pass of edits on part 3 of the Cross fic (aka editing the smut) before Wednesday, but my newest hyperfixation is my slowburn Rex x Jedi!reader longfic, and i literally can't focus on anything else.
might post the first few chapters soon to see if that shakes me out of it, but i'm also nervous bc this is my first chaptered work 😬
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senselessalchemist · 2 years
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exorcising a stupid image that has been bumping around my empty skull like the DVD logo bouncing around the TV screen (terrible quality because I truly havent drawn in so long)
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