#my foc
cp3killer · 2 years
untitled: a lestappen fic (or a glimpse of it)
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here you go, the first glimpse of the fic. This is still very rough around the edges and i’m not even sure wtf this is. Still I hope you enjoy it or at least gives some excitement to your day-or night.
Please let me know your thoughts, if it’s good, or bad or nothing at all! 
playlist for this fic
Today marks the end of his most successful season as a driver. Somewhere in his mother house his trophies attest to this. 
There’s a horse in one of them- his Maranello trophy couldn't be more obnoxious even if their cars depended on it. Ferrari's horse is in the middle of it with a cheap glint. In the end it’s just an object with arbitrary literature about the winner being the champion. 
But the real success is a personal milestone he hopes will become the norm in the future. This season his anxiety is less obvious. He suspects his mother knows this too, even if he’s never told her about how all his accolades are defiled by the experiences behind them. However he does feel satisfaction at how proud his mother is showcasing his trophies. It’s borderline embarrassing how giddy it makes him feel, blushing in front of someone worthy of his discomfort.
Maranello in winter is nothing special- in any season really. But Rome has the Vatican, Pisa has a tower, David is the representation of courage that makes Florence proud. Maranello on the other hand, is mythical, a museum filled with sacrifice and history dripping in devilish red.
His dad is somewhere talking to a mechanic or engineer, maybe even a sponsor. He doesn't care. It’s been half an hour since the race finished and with the conference done, the season has officially ended. Maybe he’ll see his mother soon, he doesn't remember the last time he saw her. 
He calls Victoria most days, lately by the time they finish their calls his ears are ringing from how her voice escalates with the fluttering panic of her current crush. Max is protective of her, but the distance between them is a reminder of what pursuing his dream has cost the family, which keeps him quiet. 
“What about you? How are things with Nyck's sister?” She finishes applying nail polish on her toes before turning to the video call.
He rolls his eyes. That had ended a long time ago, getting lost somewhere in the couple of months that passed. Honestly he feels a bit guilty about how little effect the break up has on him. 
“You can say her name Victoria” She was watching a show when he called her that is still playing in the background, loud enough he has to make an effort to hear her. “Oh, I know” she almost gags in disgust at the idea. His answer is concealed with a sigh.
“Were done”
“Finally!” His screen is framing her nose by how close she holds the phone, joy overflowing her blue eyes “Jesus Max. You train your reflexes everyday but couldn't see her coming, could you?” She moves her hand in the air like it’s supposed to keep her rant going. For everytime Max has swallowed a sarcastic comment, she vomits every single one of her thoughts “Plus, I warned you that those weren't just rumors, she is a ho..” 
“Let’s not go there Vic, alright.” His hand flashes in front of him writing a period in the air. “I don’t have the energy for this” She huffs, her eyes are still talking- despite the pixelated image the shitty internet provides, he can guarantee it. 
“I just…” This is the part he hates the most. Her distress is a consequence of something that is out of his hands. He could do anything about it, but doesn't want to. No matter the overflowing reason as to why he should. 
Max goes left when he crosses the back of the garage. There’s a spot far enough he escapes to sometimes. It’s just him and a sea of green weeds. It’s cloudy- he can almost smell the earthy aroma that sets after it rains. 
There’s still a couple of weeks before fall, but the rain is here. Ironic how in the one season where the cool raindrops would be welcomed they forget the clouds can kiss the ground.
He’s not hiding by being in this particular part of the track. But it is true that you only stumble on it if you actively look for it- or get lost. 
Last night's phone call is the first thing that crosses his mind when he sits down. He told himself he wouldn't think about the conversation with Victoria until he gets home, he had won the championship a couple of races ago, this one wouldn't really make a difference.
But even still, he wanted a 100% win rate. Every victory is a win. Yet he’s still anxious, he knows this  will not be enough for his dad. The most this will do is get his dad to say ‘you’ll do better next year’ or at least take back saying ‘you’re not even worth being a bus driver’ he lets the remark swim in his mind like it’s training for the olympics.
“Oh” Not oh. Ughh. Charles is standing in front of him looking uncomfortable. He’s so exhausted he can’t be bothered to give him more than a glance. Charles misunderstands it as an invitation.
Charles sits close, maybe the fabricated privacy gives him courage. The secluded place gives Max comfort. He doesn't worry about closing his eyes and letting out a sigh. Truthfully that's all he can do to manage his nerves. The adrenaline should be out of his system by now not racing to reach his cheeks.
He closes his eyes and counts to ten. Charles is still there when he opens them, a bubble forms around them, the tension is building fast enough to threaten them with the impending explosion. Charles' demeanor is anxious. Even if he decided to keep Max company- voluntarily.
“Congratulations” Max shakes his head, brings his knees to his chest, wrapping his arms around it. “What do you want?” Please leave me alone. Charles keeps quiet, pondering. “Take a guess” the shift in his eyes challenges him. Max turns away in return.
“Max” maybe it’s his accent- or his emotions, but the name rolls out of him like a moan. He watches Charles swallow, captivated by the apple in his throat- small and fragile. Dropping like it’s been trying to defy gravity.
His blush is deep, the heat in his cheek lights something in his mind, a fuse having no right to be so strong, he trembles, Charles eyes control the tide of his shivers. If only he could affect him too. Have him show his true colors. Even if his eyes highlight every thought, the absolute control of every single micro movement on his face is enough to confuse him.
“Honestly, can we stop with this” he hasn't learned how to show his pain through anything else but anger. He doesn't want to let anyone see anything that his anger can’t conceal. The last time he opened the curtains to his shiny eyes, it burned him.
“I can’t come up with a single fucking reason why you’d want to talk to me” his voice breaks at the end. Great. He tries to regain his composure “Someone who just put your career to shame” The facade is hard to maintain.
“I’m not here as Leclerc, Max” Charles interrupts him quickly, his voice drips with desperation, like Max is missing the point.
“I'm..” Charles points towards himself as if Max could ever forget who he is. “I know who you are,” he answers impulsively. Stupidly. 
Charles lets out a tiny huff, a giggle, a ‘ha’ that takes some of the younger's indignation away. If only Charles knew what saying his name out loud would do to him. Would he laugh at me? A memory pops up and it’s enough to keep his grit in place. 
“I don’t doubt it” The younger brags condescendingly. He rolls his eyes. 
If Charles was the sun, he bathes Max in the most intense and violent sense of inferiority. This is another addition to the countless times Charles has obliterated any sense of control between them. There’s always a lingering feeling that he’s behind on something.
The latter is looking down at the space between them, a tight smile on his lips. He's sitting half turned to him, letting his face be closer than his lower half. Left hand tentatively close to his thigh.
The breeze is showering them like a sprinkler. The rain is getting stronger and Max is getting weaker.
Charles crushes their lips together, his hands protect Max's head like a helmet. Which definitely needs protection, the kiss feels like deliberately losing control over your car at the right speed so you can optimize the G forces that are about to impact you. You think you’re prepared for it. The chances of hitting a barrier are higher than winning a race. And still.
The constellation that bursts between them is the space between his longing and fears. Charles' lips which both bite and heal him are eager in their conquest. 
Max keeps still holding his breath. The memory of when the roles were reversed- it breaks him. Charles’ courage is a walk in the park compared to the sword Max prepared for a gun fight.
“Yeah, I.. that was” Whatever Charles wants to say stays in the space between them. But the rims of his eyes hums softly.
“A mistake” Prove me wrong. 
Charles' eyes squint in suspicion “Is that really how you feel?” Max swallows ”I don’t know about you, but when I do something twice it’s a decision Max” Charles looks so honest, it scares him.
Max can see himself, the way Charles eyes blink cautious and curious. How his body trembles so lightly he wouldn't have noticed if it weren't for his hands still holding him. The tremor actually comforts him, both of them are shaken by whatever is going on between them and having proof that he affects the younger feels delicious, it feels like victory.
“You’re only making a fool of yourself” Charles gasps. “I don’t know about you, but I don’t surround myself with fools Charles” The latter’s eyes blaze with fury, Max cheeks are on fire, between his blush, the dried sweat and Charles tight hold he couldn't be more present even if he searched from more things to ground him.
Charles is staring at his lips, there can’t be more than 3 centimeters between them, it’s so close yet not close enough, he swears Charles takes a breath to impulse himself forward, this time he’s ready. 
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dragonpyre · 1 month
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Bat-1-1. Brothers who judge together save lives together... or something
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
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sirpoopepic · 3 months
I'm just a gurrrl in the world
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jessenitrogen · 7 months
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ultra magnus design for an au
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ineffag-swag · 4 months
I need someone to beat the shit out of me in a way that won't really hurt for enrichment
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themoonandthedogstar · 6 months
guys it’s happened i’ve been converted to drarry someone drop the fic recs
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spacerangersam · 20 days
Thinking bout Pat, Thomas and Kitty being ace, and how they'd vary. Pat 'sex is fun I guess but the footie's on in an hour so who's got time to think about that?' Butcher who's neutral about it, you know, happy to make his partner happy but not particularly interested. Kitty thinks sex is very exciting and sounds very fun (as a concept), and likes reading romance books and eroticas but if you even suggest that she might be interested in that sort of thing she Will throw up. It's fascinating as this weird little thing other people do, that's all. Thomas built sex up in his mind as this big wondrous show of emotion and adoration, this great, grand taboo, and is slightly terrified by the thought of it. He gives it a go once though and is like. Oh. That's it? That's a bit underwhelming... he'd rather just write poetry
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treacherousrift · 2 months
Sastiel is really fun cuz it’s like you get to ship these really autistic characters together who you can just fantasize about being nonverbal around each other and tilt them in your head like little dolls
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sapphiel · 24 hours
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Collab between me and @dead-in-the-zone ~ 💜
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solradguy · 3 days
I've been calling it the Kiske-Hale-Bulsara family tree and not the Kiske-Hale-Badguy tree because by the end of Strive post-FoC Sol seems to be pretty comfortable being called Frederick again and I think there's a very real possibility, if they keep going the post-Flame of Corruption direction, he might just permanently become Frederick. "Sol Badguy" is also technically "dead." From Strive, Conclusion: White House - Gardens. (this script is fan-compiled and the speakers' name choices are unofficially chosen for clarity)
Asuka: Mr. President. Sol Badguy, the hero, has perished. This is Frederick Bulsara, an ordinary man. Vernon: And you wanted the whole world to acknowledge that. Sol: [laughs] Shit, nobody told me there'd be an encore performance.
Jack-O' almost exclusively calls Sol Frederick too. Granted, a lot of the stuff referring to him as Frederick now have been by people other than him. He might still see himself as Sol, but he hasn't told anyone to not call him Frederick like he has in Xrd and Overture.
I guess we'll probably find out in the anime which name he's more comfortable being referred to with now. In the meantime though, I really do think, at best, "Sol Badguy" is going to just be his bounty hunter handle and "Frederick Bulsara" will be his off-the-job casual name
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carcrash-ventass · 1 month
Build a Giant Robot Out of Trash - Qbomb [Multifandom Edit]
(Sources under the cut)
Megas XLR Ultrakill Bionicle Mistika + Rise of Mata Nui [4K] Homestuck Pacific Rim Fall of Cybertron (VGA Trailer) Transformers Prime Titanfall 2 Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen 1000-THR: Earthmover Fight - Ichellor
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skepsiss · 1 year
Modern problem, Modern solutions - pt4
This is the part where it hurts. I'm a sucker for miscommunication. Just teens being dumb and bad at talking. Having fun with what was pop-culture in 2015, god it made me feel old though.
TW: Underage drinking/drugs (weed), slight suggestion of sexual harassment (misstep that is corrected), suggested sexual language/intimacy.
Pt1 Pt2 Pt3 Pt4 Pt5
Eddie's frustration with himself had grown over the course of the last few weeks; they were well into October and Halloween was fast approaching–his favourite holiday. Despite it being his favourite, he never did much on Halloween and hadn't since he was 13. It sort of sucked actually. He had moved to Hawkins when he was 12 to live with Wayne and he hadn't known anyone to go out trick-or-treating with at the time so he had awkwardly stayed at the trailer and only half dressed up to go to school that day. Previously, when he lived with his dad he hadn't lived anywhere populated enough to make trick-or-treating worth it or been allowed to go. So, he had always missed out on walking door to door in costume–he hadn't even been able to afford a costume, and putting in the effort to make something was sneered at or condemned as a waste of time and money. He had only gotten 1 good year of trick-or-treating in when he was 13 and then that was it. After that, well... having fun on Halloween was pretty dependent on whether or not you got invited to a party. 
Beyond that, everything Halloween-related made him think about horror and then vampires and consequentially Steve. It was kind of frustrating actually. Everything he thought of led back to Steve and it was becoming harder and harder to be in his presence without acting like an idiot. Time spent together was still sparse and only really happened at Pride Club or when Steve popped in briefly at Hellfire. Still, every interaction was painted in anxiety for Eddie and at the end of the day he often flopped onto his bed and cringed at himself over what he had said or how he had acted. Steve was nice, but it was obvious that there was nothing deeper than that. He could see how Robin and Steve interacted and how different Steve was around people he actually considered his friends. He gave them a hard time, poked fun, joked, smiled, and scolded them like a sibling. He wasn't really like that at all with Eddie, or if he was it was short-lived and felt surface-level to Eddie. It was frustrating and Eddie wondered constantly why he was trying so hard. He just so badly wanted Steve to like him, as a friend or otherwise....
Otherwise was the thing that was annoying Eddie more than anything. He was 17 and there was no way he was going to be able to ignore this forever: Steve was a handsome guy and he was friendly. Eddie was not immune to the effects a good-looking guy could have on him–a good-looking guy that was queer and talked to him, at that. So, he had let himself fantasize once or twice when he was home alone, blending the images of porn, celebrities, and people he found hot together to get relief. He had felt horribly awkward after the fact and that was only doubled when he had interacted with Steve the next day. He had been downright ashamed and couldn't even look him in the eye. Even now, he felt awkward when his brain reminded him that he'd done that–and then went and did it again half a week later. Shameful, really.
Eddie's tact to dealing with his awkwardness had been to act a bit aloof and put out when Steve and him had talked after that, masking his shame with quiet indifference. He still tried to be friendly, but he didn't want to tip Steve off to the fact that he found him attractive. Still, there was a small part of him that liked when Steve paid attention to him....
Eddie and everyone else in Hawkins–who was he? Jesus Christ.
That was why it had been surprising when Eddie had received a message from Steve on Instagram a few days leading up to Halloween. It had been simple, and though he and Steve had communicated sparingly, Eddie hadn't wanted to change his behaviour in order to use the app more often just because Steve was on it. The message had been simple and impossible to misinterpret.
Having a Halloween party Saturday, want to come?
Eddie had stared for a beat before the next message came through, not able to process all of that right away.
Robin said she'd come, costumes required.
Steve's texting was painfully bad: the message was riddled with vowel drops and squashed letters without a sign of punctuation in there; still, it was easy enough to get his meaning.
Where? Eddie messaged back, feeling the hairs stand up on the back of his neck as he realized what this meant. Was this a party-party? Or was it a hang-out-with-friends kind of party? What was he supposed to prepare for?
My place, Steve answered, 8 on Saturday. BYOB.
Oh, bring your own bottle, classy. So, it was probably a party-party. That meant there was likely to be a lot of people going–a lot of 16-year-olds. Well, at least then Eddie could stand out as a little cool for being an older guy who showed up... that or the lamest one there to be hanging out with people younger than him. Shit. He was overthinking it already.
I'll think about it, Eddie lied, already resigning himself to going as his heart beat out of his chest, nothing to wear.
What should he wear? How hard did you go for a costume party like this? He didn't want to be lame and not dress up at all, but if he went too hard that would make him a laughing-stock.
Girl problems, Steve messaged back, followed by a quick j/k. Eddie had been able to tell he was being sarcastic, but he vaguely appreciated the clarification. He forgot to reply either way.
Every girl there was going to be dressed as Harley Quinn–Eddie was sure–and everyone else was going to be some version of Captain America or Left-Shark. Eddie didn't want to be pedestrian about his costume choices, but if he did something too obscure–ugh. He was going to go insane if he thought too hard about it. He was already going insane, honestly.
Eventually, after much deliberation, Eddie decided to just go as a pirate. He had attempted to make something of a Captain Jack Sparrow costume but hadn't had access to the funds to buy anything new. His hair was long enough already though, and he opted not to knot it to make it more 'authentic' even if he had twisted yarn and tied trinkets to his hair like Jack had. White shirt, eyeliner, vest, belts, and simple black pants. It was passable and if people gave him a hard time he was just some pirate or whatever. He had quietly been bitter that he couldn't find a hat or a coat that would work.
Eddie had purposefully shown up late to Steve's party and had quietly stolen some of the beers Wayne kept in the fridge before going. It wasn't a secret, Wayne knew he took his alcohol sometimes, but they had never talked about it. Sometimes, quietly, Wayne had made a sideways attempt at reminding Eddie to be safe, but he had never really... put his foot down. Eddie appreciated that, and he silently recognized that he'd probably drink more if he was told not to.
Eddie arrived at Steve's place through his backyard: the Harrington property backed onto the forest that connected to the surrounding area of the trailer park. It was still a good 20-minute walk and it had been spooky as shit walking it in the dark, but it was easier than trekking out onto the road and taking an indirect path to get to Steve's. He knew where Steve lived–most people at school did–and Eddie had to admit that when he was younger he had scoffed openly at the Harrington house. It was ostentatious and too large for a family of three, but Eddie had reconsidered as of late. Sure, he could hate the house, but it wasn't like Steve chose it himself.
It had been impossible to mistake Steve's house from the back, too. Eddie had been able to hear the party before he broke the tree line and despite the party not being "out of control" the sound of teenage laughter and pop music were unmistakable.
Eddie slouched as he made his way up the lawn and tried not to make eye contact with anyone there. He was a good hour late, but that was to be expected. People here didn't seem that drunk yet at least, so Eddie walked to the house before just stepping in through one of the many open doors. He scanned the room for anyone he recognized, coming up empty. Most of the people here he knew were on the local sports teams Steve was a part of, some people Eddie himself only had a vague knowledge of. He couldn't see Steve or Robin anywhere–or anyone else that might have known that would have been invited to this. Great.
Eddie swallowed and mentally buckled in as he walked towards the kitchen to find a bottle opener. There were more than a few out of the counter and he helped himself as he cracked open one of his beers.
"Munson–" someone was saying as Eddie took his first sip of beer, the flavour neither here nor there for him.
Eddie turned, seeing some guy he was sure was part of the basketball team. Or he thought he was, whatever, he was dressed up in some kind of orange jumpsuit, probably meant to be a prisoner.
"You uh..." the guy asked, raising his hand to his lips and making a smoking gesture.
Eddie snorted, taking another drink from his beer. Cool, well, at least if he didn't know anyone here he could pass off his attendance as just the guy ready to sell weed.
It wasn't a secret that Eddie smoked and it wasn't exactly a secret that he smoked more than just cigarettes. A lot of the kids in the alternative program did and Eddie had spent a couple of years in those special classes. He had been bumped out to just needing a "teacher's aid" for grade 12, and he hadn't minded so much. A lot of the burnouts were worse to talk to than the jocks, only because if you pissed them off the grudge would be held for years. At least the jocks forgot you existed.
"Yeah," Eddie said, fishing in his pocket for his cigarette box. He had stashed some joints in there, not having actually prepared to sell tonight. He really didn't sell all that often, only when things were extra tight at home, and Wayne had been somewhat consistently working as of late.
"How much?" The guy was asking, his speech a little slurred. That was one thing too, jocks like this never knew what weed was worth.
"Thirty," Eddie said, plucking the joint out of the box and twirling it between his fingers.
"Thirty?" The guy asked incredulously, patting himself down for his wallet.
"Inflation," Eddie answered, taking another sip from his bottle, "supply and demand and all that."
He could tell his comment was going over this guy's head and he wasn't sure if it was the booze or just his brain.
"More people at the party. More people want it. It costs more," Eddie lied, only keen on keeping at least one of his pre-rolled joints for himself.
Jumpsuit nodded at him and fished money out of his pocket, only coming up with 23 dollars which Eddie shrugged and accepted if Jumpsuit was willing to get him a beer too. He wasn't sure if the guy was going to come back, but a surprise beer later tonight would be nice.
Eddie toted his own pack outside, still looking at the partygoers to see if he recognized anyone before eventually–finally–spotting Steve on the back patio. He must have missed him when he walked in, but he wasn't sure how. Steve sort of stuck out like a sore thumb. Everyone was dressed in these store-bought, weird costumes, and Steve–from the best Eddie could tell–was dressed like Robin Hood. And not some cartoony version of him either; he looked almost like the Cary Elwes version of Robin Hood: white billowy shirt, a jerkin, tights, and a quiver slung over his shoulder. Either Steve had shelled out to get the goods, or someone very enthusiastic had hooked him up. The other thing that stood out was Steve had a... goddamn bottle taped to his hand like some kind of frat bro. Actually, now that Eddie looked, a few guys had bottles taped to their hands.
Steve noticed him and Eddie tensed as Steve touched the guy's shoulder by him and then excused himself. He was smiling, and he didn't look all that drunk, but as he got closer Eddie could see that Steve straight up had a bottle of 'On the Rocks' taped to his hand. Vodka and Triple Sec? Oh, Steve was planning to go hard.
"Hey, you been here long?" Steve asked, grinning as he made his way over to Eddie.
"Uh, not really," Eddie replied, fishing in his pocket for his cigarettes as he pointedly stared at Steve's hand. He seemed to notice and then waggled it a bit at Eddie, laughing.
"You know, have to finish it before I'm allowed a different drink," he explained. Eddie knew how that worked, but he wasn't sure how he felt about the bottle being an expensive pre-mixed cocktail.
"Uh-huh..." Eddie offered as a reply, taking a swig from his own beer and sticking a smoke between his lips.
"It wasn't full when I started," Steve explained, which was... kind of funny to hear. It sounded like he was defending himself from seeming 'too intense' or something. Or, it wasn't defensive, more apologetic.
"The guys thought it would be funny because it's a pink cocktail," he explained further which made Eddie snort and pinch his brows in. Fun. Just some casual homophobia at their queer teammate. Wear the pink thing, and drink the cocktail.
"Charming," Eddie retorted, half stepping away but not in an attempt to block Steve out. The irony of the whole thing seemed to be a bit lost on Steve, or maybe he didn't care enough.
"Munson," someone said and Eddie looked to see Jumpsuit coming back with a beer in hand. It was just a Blue Ribbon, but whatever.
"Here," Jumpsuit offered and Eddie lifted his case of beer for the guy to put it in the empty slot.
"Cheers," Eddie offered, flicking his lighter on and lighting his cigarette as the stranger trotted off. He glanced at Steve who was looking at him for some kind of explanation before Eddie took a drag and then motioned for Steve to follow him. He wasn't going to be that kind of ass that smoke in a heavily trafficked area. He knew most people hated the smell.
"What was that?" Steve asked anyway as Eddie leaned back against the pool house a few meters away from the action.
"Owed me," Eddie half explained, not sure why the fact that Steve was being a frat boy was making him feel less awkward. Probably because Eddie thought the behaviour was cringey and pathetic, so it made him feel a bit superior for once.
"I sold him some weed and he didn't have enough so he owed me a beer," Eddie explained in full, putting his cigarette and beer in the same hand so he could drink and smoke.
Steve made a knowing sound, leaning back against the wall beside Eddie and drinking from his own bottle.
"You selling drugs to people at my party?" He asked and Eddie felt his blood run cold. Oh. Maybe that wasn't cool. He hadn't thought about how that could affect Steve.
He looked at Steve only to have that worry melt away as he saw the smile on his face.
"Why, you want some?" Eddie retorted, his pride bruised just a little for thinking Steve was serious.
Steve half laughed, still smiling like some goddamn movie star.
"Sure, how much?"
Eddie wasn't really sure what to say to that as he swallowed a mouthful of smoke and then started coughing incessantly.
"You okay?" Steve asked as Eddie ducked to the side, coughing and trying to drink a mouthful of beer to help settle his lungs.
"Sorry–" Eddie wheezed, "inhaled weird–" He wasn't sure how that explanation was going to save face, but he straightened up anyways, nursing the small coughs that came afterward.
"On the–on the house man," Eddie explained, coughing some more as he waved Steve off a bit, "for hosting or whatever. Unless you're buying for everyone–I can spare 1 joint."
"You sure?" Steve asked, sounding a bit concerned as he reached over and patted Eddie's shoulder.
Eddie shook his head and rolled his shoulder to get Steve's hand off, pulling away to cough a bit more. His lungs were settling, but he sounded like an idiot gagging on his own smoke.
"Just gimme a second," Eddie offered, hands full as he took a healthy swig of his beer, "they're in my pack. Just lemme smoke this."
Great, he was already making an idiot of himself and he'd been here for like 20 minutes.
"I can grab it," Steve offered, not even waiting for a reply as he half gestured towards Eddie's pocket. He had moved with his taped hand at first and then corrected, shamelessly turning his back to the party so he could stick his hand into Eddie's pocket.
Eddie felt his blood run cold at that, rendered speechless as Steve squared their shoulders up and just started fishing in his pocket for his pack of cigarettes. Eddie felt a bit helpless, standing there with a case of beer in one hand and his bottle and smoke in the other, arms out to the side as he just watched Steve's fingers disappear into his jeans pocket.
"Woah uh..." Eddie started, swallowing again as he felt Steve get hold of the top of the pack, "you can just... wait a second."
Steve was already pulling the smokes out by the time he finished talking and he moved back to Eddie's side to lean against the wall.
"It's not a big deal," Steve shrugged, seeming to think the issue was that he had 'inconvenienced himself' doing a favour for Eddie, and not sticking his goddamn hands in Eddie's pants. Maybe Steve was a bit more drunk than Eddie realized.
Eddie took a deep swig of his beer before dragging so hard on his cigarette that he almost finished it in one pull. He watched as Steve tried to open the carton one-handed, awkwardly trying to push the flap open with his thumb. He was chuckling at himself a bit which made Eddie laugh in return, his nerves on fire as he watched Steve.
"Shit–" he was muttering in good humour, before putting the carton in his mouth and opening it with his teeth, "there."
Eddie snorted, needing to hide his delight and horror with humour in order to cope with whatever was happening right now.
"You really want to get high, huh?" Eddie asked, ashing his cigarette and watching as Steve mouthed at the top of his smokes before managing to get one of the blunts between his lips.
"Now what, genius?" Eddie asked, indicating towards both of Steve's hands being full without the ability to light the damn thing.
Steve snorted again, looking around and at his hands as he held the joint between his lips. That earned a proper laugh from Eddie as he put his own cigarette to his lips.
"Here–" Steve slurred as he tried to keep the joint steady. Eddie had no idea what he was doing, but Steve turned towards him again and leaned in, pressing the end of the joint against Eddie's cigarette.
He couldn't be certain, but Eddie swore he could feel his fucking soul escape his body as Steve stayed tucked in close, puffing on the joint to try and get it to light. Eddie's mind was drawing a complete blank as he stood there, pulling a little harder on his smoke and making it ember. He was staring intently at Steve, heart racing, while Steve's attention was purely on the smoke as he tried to get it to light.
It felt like it took ages, but eventually, he did get the damn thing to light and he pulled away, puffing once and then glancing at Eddie. He snorted and then fumbled to stick the carton back in Eddie's front pocket.
"Success," he said as he took the joint out of his mouth and exhaled. Eddie was still staring at him despite his hand having dropped from his own mouth so he was no longer smoking his cigarette.
"Professional," Eddie said finally, forcing himself to look away from Steve. He wasn't sure what to say or think of that but it felt like he needed to dive into the goddamn pool to cool off.
"You think?" Steve asked, taking a swig from his own bottle as he stood there.
"No," Eddie replied, finishing off his own cigarette and flicking it onto the ground to crush with his foot.
"Hmm," Steve hummed, taking another hit, "grab that, huh? My folks will be pissed to find butts out here."
Eddie glanced at him, trying to figure out if he was serious or not before bending down to pick up his smoke.
"Sure, sorry," he replied, holding the butt kind of awkwardly and looking around for somewhere to toss it.
"There's a trash can inside," Steve offered, nodding his head towards the pool house they were leaning up against.
"Right," Eddie swallowed, shifting a bit awkwardly as he tried to decide what to do before stepping away and looking at the door beside him. Steve laughed and walked over, holding the blunt between his lips again and then opening the door for Eddie. He bowed a bit foolishly, putting on a 'show.'
Eddie nodded his thanks and stepped in, letting the door close behind him. He sighed heavily now that he was alone, looking at the little room and noting that it was just a bathroom. There was a little shower and then a sink and a toilet, nothing fancy. It was probably just to wash the chlorine off yourself before going inside.
Eddie looked at himself in the mirror and frowned, unsatisfied with how he looked. He could hear the party raging outside still and he felt weird about ditching now. Maybe he should just go and try and find Robin who was supposed to be here too. How she was surviving this scene he had no idea, but he was barely holding on.
Eddie chucked what remained of his smoke and chugged his beer before stepping back out into the yard. Steve's company had multiplied and he was leaning against the wall with some other guys now as they shared the joint. Eddie felt himself tense, standing there awkwardly for a beat before Steve looked at him and offered him the joint. He hesitated and then put his empty bottle down, needing something to calm his nerves. He offered it back after a long hit and Steve gestured to one of his friends to take it.
Everyone seemed nonplused by Eddie's presence and he wasn't sure how to feel about that. It at least left Eddie's hands-free as he reached for a beer out of his case and then held it for a beat too long. How was he supposed to get this opened one-handed?
"Here," one of the guys said and Eddie glanced up to see him reaching for his bottle. He wasn't really sure what to do but didn't resist as the guy took the bottle from him and then fished his keys out of his pocket. He popped the cap off and flicked it at the guy beside him who cursed at him lightly before handing the bottle back over to Eddie.
He thanked him quietly, and the conversation around him continued, no one really paying that much attention to him. He wasn't a disruption in the flow of the conversation either, but Eddie felt too anxious to follow along with what was being said.
Eventually, the joint made its way back around to him and Eddie accepted the hit happily before passing it off. He worked his way through his beer slowly, chugging it a bit at times, and starting to feel the effects of the alcohol. He had drunk both his beers pretty quickly, and at this rate, he was going to be more than a little loose in the next hour.
"--more?" Eddie heard and he refocused his attention as he finished off the last of his beer.
"Do you have more?" The guy repeated and Eddie took a beat to realize what he was being asked.
"Oh, yeah," Eddie replied, putting his empty bottle down and fishing for his carton of cigarettes, "thirty."
He got much the same answer from this guy as he had the last and Steve laughed at him before giving Eddie a wry look. He wasn't exactly sure what that was for, but he'd take it.
"I only have forty," the guy said, grumbling. Eddie motioned to take it from him anyway only to have him reel back.
"I'm not overpaying," he retorted and Eddie chuckled at that, shrugging as he put the carton away. There was a small chorus of complaints before Steve chimed in.
"Okay, calm down, Lord," he sighed, holding his hand up in a 'wait a moment' gesture before chugging what was left of his drink. One of the guys whooped at Steve finishing his bottle and Steve stuck his tongue out in the most basic-bitch-way possible before finishing his sentence.
"I've got some change, I'll break your 20. Just give me the 40, and I'll give you 10 in a sec," Steve explained, sticking his hand out.
There was a half-begrudging agreement, but honestly, everyone sort of knew that the last thing Steve Harrington needed to do was steal money from you. So it was agreed on, and Eddie handed the joint over before falling in behind Steve and walking back towards the house when he gestured for him to follow.
"Don't walk away with my thirty," Eddie half threatened, weaving his way through people after Steve.
"Chill out," Steve snorted, walking towards the stairs. Eddie hesitated and watched as Steve toed his shoes off and ducked under the tape that had been pulled across the stairs.
Obviously, he didn't want people going this way, and Eddie could tell why. The stairs were carpeted and a pristine white, a bunch of teens barfing or trekking dirt all over the carpet probably wasn't going to bode well.
Eddie followed suit awkwardly kicking his shoes off and trailing after Steve.
"Where are we going?" He asked, hearing the hint of anxiety in his own voice.
"My room," Steve explained without turning around, "what? You think I can fit a wallet in these pants?"
He flashed Eddie a smile and Eddie laughed a bit forced at the joke. Really, his attention fell directly to Steve's ass and the tights he was wearing. Yeah... not fitting a wallet in those, too tight. Skin tight. Lord....
Steve turned down the hall as they got to the top of the stairs; Eddie felt meek as he followed, watching as Steve opened one of the doors and stepped in. Eddie lingered before going in after Steve, taking in the space. It wasn't a very big room, and the walls were a boring off white without much personality anywhere. The furniture was sleek and modern, and it was tidy despite it looking lived in. The only hint of Steve Eddie could see in the space were the trophies and ribbons displayed on one of the bookshelves in the corner.
Eddie felt his skin crawl as he stood there, watching Steve go to his desk and struggle with his drawer.
"Shit–" he muttered, the bottle in his hand bumping up against the desk. He lifted his hand to his mouth, biting at the tape until Eddie eventually snorted and walked over. Really, despite being such a cool guy, Steve was a dork sometimes. Maybe he was just drunk, but there was something unquestionably dorky about him.
"Here," Eddie offered, putting his case of beer down on the desk and taking Steve's hand. He struggled for a moment, trying to find the end of the tape before starting to unravel him.
"You guys are idiots for doing this, what if you have to piss?" Eddie joked, the sound of the ripping tape filling the room.
"Didn't think about it," Steve admitted, not struggling at all as Eddie pulled the tape off, "probably would have been a disaster."
"Yeah," Eddie replied sarcastically, getting to the bottom layer of tape and looking at it stuck to Steve's skin, "did you at least shave?"
"Shave?" Steve asked, confused by the question. Eddie tisked, and lifted Steve's hand up for him to see.
"Your arm, dumbass. Taking this tape off is going to hurt like a bitch. It's going to stick to your arm hair," he explained, shaking Steve's arm a bit and earning a laugh for the action. Steve was pretty drunk it seemed, but Eddie hadn't been able to tell how much alcohol was in that bottle when he had started.
"Just be careful," Steve explained, shrugging as if it was no big deal.
"Oh, just be careful," Eddie repeated in a mocking tone as he started to pull the tape off slowly, trying not to make it hurt too much.
Steve cringed, but stayed still, eventually hissing and causing Eddie to click his tongue at him.
"Baby," Eddie teased, his focus on Steve's arm as he peeled the last of the adhesive off.
He sighed as he wadded the tape a bit and stuck it to the bottle Steve was still holding before looking up at him.
Eddie's stomach dropped as he looked up at Steve who was just... staring at him. He looked a little distant, but he wasn't unfocused, drunk but not blasted. He also looked incredibly dashing with his perfectly quaffed hair and his stupid poet's shirt open just enough at the top that Eddie could see a hint of chest hair.
Eddie swallowed and then turned his head, laughing awkwardly and hoping Steve was drunk enough not to remember this. Eddie opened his mouth to speak, ready to say something stupid to make the conversation continue. _There, you're free, so about that thirty dollars, or I gotta go, I think my house is on fire, anything to make the moment end.
"I uh," Steve started saying as he shifted and put the bottle down on the desk beside Eddie's beers, "I think I prefer babe."
Eddie froze, confusion washing over him as he turned back to look at Steve who shifted to place his hands on either side of the desk behind Eddie, effectively boxing him in. He stared in wild shock and awe as Steve leaned towards him, close enough to touch but still respectfully distant.
I think I prefer babe. The line bounced around in Eddie's head as he tried to figure out what it meant and what the hell was going on. His brain wasn't working and he was just staring at Steve as if he had sprung a second head.
"W-what?" Eddie asked, swallowing as he put his hands on the desk as well, leaning back a bit to increase the distance between himself and Steve. He could feel his butt pressing into the lip of the desk, nowhere really to go, but not panicking from being 'trapped.' No, that wasn't bothering him at all. What was bothering him was how close Steve was and the expression on his face. He had dropped that charming, soft smile, the open friendliness he seemed to display with everyone, and instead, there was a gentle determination there. Not intimidating, but fixated, as if he was being serious.
"Babe," Steve repeated, close enough that Eddie could smell the Triple Sec on his breath. Oh, Steve was very drunk. He had to think Eddie was someone else right now.
"Alright, Steve..." Eddie replied, locking his feelings away once more as he reached up to pat Steve's shoulder. "You're drunk, man."
Steve seemed to waver before dropping his head to the side and looking down. He didn't move his hands away from the desk, still keeping Eddie where he was.
"Shit..." he mumbled and Eddie smiled a bit sympathetically. He'd seen a bathroom walking in here, maybe he'd grab Steve some water and make him sit down.
"It's okay, big guy–" Eddie started to say, patting Steve's shoulder again, wanting to keep this friendly. But Steve let out a bark of a laugh that caught Eddie off guard. He jumped a bit, watching as Steve stared at the floor. He looked almost... sad.
Silence drew out between them and Eddie tried to breathe even to help his heart from pounding out of his chest. Steve was drunk. He was drunk and high and probably past his limit. At least they were already in his room so Eddie could get him to lie down.
Slowly Steve pulled back, removing his hand and wiping his palm over his face. He was still pointedly not looking at Eddie and that made Eddie feel off.
"You... okay?" Eddie asked, wondering if Steve was far gone enough that he needed to go get a bin for him to puke into.
"Great–" Steve replied, his tone a bit clipped. Eddie swallowed thickly at that, feeling his hackles raise a bit. He had no idea what kind of drunk Steve was, and he quietly hoped he wasn't a mean drunk. What if Steve ended up wanting to pick a fight or something? Well, Eddie would leave his shoes behind if he had to run out of here....
Eddie watched as Steve put his hands on his hips and turned away from him, just breathing for a moment as the filtered sound of music came in from the hallway. Maybe Eddie should just leave. Maybe he should go find one of Steve's friends and tell them to check up on him. This wasn't really Eddie's realm of expertise.
"Okay, well..." Eddie started, pushing away from the desk, moving slowly as he started towards the door, "I guess I'll just... head out."
Steve turned and looked at him then, looking pained before he frowned deeply at Eddie.
"No, it's okay. Sorry, I'm sorry, it's alright. You don't have to leave."
The words had been rushed and they sounded extremely apologetic, but Eddie had no clue what he was apologizing for. He was a bit taken aback actually, offering a weak smile in response.
"It's okay, man..." Eddie tried, glancing at his beers on the desk and wondering if he should grab them, "everyone gets drunk sometimes. It's not a big deal."
Steve huffed at that, chewing his bottom lip and looking away again.
"No, I'm... I shouldn't have done that, sorry," he repeated and Eddie stared at him, his own alcohol and weed-riddled brain trying to make head or tails of this conversation. He didn't say anything which only seemed to spur Steve on to speak more.
"Sorry, man–God, that was super fucking creepy, huh? Shit, uh, I'm really sorry. Like... uh, trapping you like that," he sounded properly bothered, his voice wavering a little which didn't make sense to Eddie. For trapping him? For trapping him where? At the party?
"What?" Eddie asked, speaking quietly, swallowing again. Who did Steve think he was right now? Why hadn't he left yet?
"I just thought..." Steve offered, laughing bitterly in a way that sent a chill down Eddie's spine. It sounded so forlorn... it sounded like Steve was impossibly disappointed.
What did Steve think? Who did he think Eddie was? Eddie wanted to know, he wanted to know for maybe no other reason than to torture himself. What lucky bastard had Steve mistaken him for?
"Nothing, it's fine," Steve finished and Eddie frowned. He had done the same thing when Eddie had asked him about his parents. He had started to say something and then shut down when he started to communicate real emotions. Closing off and acting as if he was a bother.
"It's not a problem," Eddie offered after a long silence, not sure why he was still there. He really should go. "You can say what you need to say."
That weird calm was coming over him again, replacing his anxiety as he watched Steve. He didn't exactly feel superior this time, but he was disconnected. Something about this was letting Eddie bury his feelings for Steve and his need for him to like him. Steve was upset and the very least Eddie could do was listen to him. To let his drunk emotions out even if they hurt to hear.
Steve wavered though, finally looking at him again with those sad eyes. He laughed bitterly, this one much quieter than that last.
"That's kind of mean... Eddie," Steve replied, smiling but the motion was obviously fake. He didn't know what Steve meant though. How was he being mean? Was it really such a bad thing to let him talk?
"I don't mean it... meanly," Eddie tried, at the very least wanting to leave here with Steve knowing he hadn't intended to be cruel.
"What then?" Steve asked, his tone a bit tighter, but nonetheless sad, "how else am I supposed to take it? Making me... say it. For your amusement or something?"
Eddie felt his hackles go up again, shame pouring into him at being called out like that. He had been curious and this was Steve's business, he had just been asking out of morbid curiosity. What a shit thing to do.
Eddie flushed deeply, wrapping his arms around his torso and turning away. He felt horribly on the spot all of a sudden, ashamed to have asked and even come here.
"Whatever, man," Eddie mumbled in reply, walking over to the desk and grabbing the case of beer, "can I at least get my thirty bucks?"
He wasn't looking at Steve as he kept his head down, walking close enough to him so he could stick his hand out towards Steve. There was another long pause and Eddie looked up at Steve, making sure he looked annoyed instead of embarrassed. But Steve was just staring at him, brows pinched in as if the loose gears in his head were turning.
"What?" Eddie asked, his temper short as the shame roiled in him. Was he being made fun of now for asking for his money? For thinking he was going to get paid? He was just getting ripped off now or what? Or was he being teased for caring about 30 bucks?
"Eddie," Steve started, turning properly to look at Eddie which made Eddie shrink away a bit, "what are we talking about?"
The question wasn't funny or even hinting at faux disbelief, there was something genuine there that threw Eddie off a bit. What were they talking about? How was he supposed to answer that? What did that mean?
"I-I don't know, man," Eddie offered, taking half a step back, feeling that emotional whiplash plow into him as confusion roiled with his frustration and shame. "You're drunk and rambling about... I don't fucking know."
Eddie felt the flush enter his cheeks this time, looking away from Steve as he dropped his hand. Maybe he should just cut his losses and miss out on the 30 bucks... even if 30 bucks wasn't anything to sniff at in the Munson household.
"What..." Steve tried, sounding completely off his game, verbally puzzling through what was going on, "I was... I was apologizing to you."
"Yeah... I get that," Eddie replied, frowning deeply, still not following.
"Because I... because I came on to you," Steve continued, making Eddie flush deeper. He felt so lost and so emotional. Maybe it was the booze or the weed or something, but Steve saying it like that as if he was going to make a big joke of it all felt horrible. Like he was about to say because I thought you were this chick I like or something like that. Make Eddie hear the humorous disappointment of discovering he wasn't someone else.
"Okay..." Eddie replied defensively, looking away again, "so what?"
"So what...." Steve repeated slowly, sounding more than a little confused, "so what?"
Eddie didn't say anything to that, feeling annoyed more than anything now. He should just leave.
"So–Eddie, I–... do you not want an apology? I'd like to try and stay friends–”
It was Eddie's turn this time to laugh bitterly, gripping his hands into fists.
"Friends? Are we friends?"
It had been a harsh response, but Eddie couldn't help it as he looked back at Steve with fierce determination. What the hell was he doing here? Why had he come to this party? He didn't fit into this world, or Steve's perfectly clean bedroom, his jock life, friend group, Pride Club–those weren't Eddie's spaces. Who were they kidding? They weren't friends. The only thing they had in common was that they were both guys that liked dick.
Still, his response had Steve looking like he had just been slapped, which gave Eddie a sense of accomplishment. It was an ugly, bitter side of him that felt bad to dwell in despite how it swelled his courage right now.
Steve obviously didn't know what to say to that, his brows pinching in again as he stood up straighter, looking much more defensive all of a sudden.
"I guess not..." he replied cooly which made Eddie's throat close up a bit. He had never seen Steve act this way before and it felt bad to be on the receiving end of it.
"Sorry for assuming."
Eddie swallowed, hurt shaking his anger loose as he cruelly felt tears starting to prick his eyes. Fuck–why was he a cryer? Why when he got emotional in any way–anger or otherwise–did his body make him cry?
Eddie hastily wiped at his cheeks, seeing his hands coming away black from the eyeliner. Fuck. There was no way he was hiding the fact that he was crying.
"Yeah, me too," Eddie replied bitterly, still wiping his cheeks. What was the fastest way out of here? The best way to get out of Steve's place without a dozen people seeing that he had been crying?
Suddenly, that didn't matter anymore as Eddie's flight instinct kicked in and he stormed out of Steve's room. If he just moved fast enough, maybe he'd be fine.
He hustled down Steve's stairs to the front door, scooping his boots up without putting them on and running into his front yard. His socks instantly got wet from the moisture in the grass, but that didn't stop Eddie as he all but sprinted down the block. There were people out in the streets still, but it was dark enough Eddie hoped they couldn't really tell who he was.
He managed to stop and pull his boots on, the wet fabric feeling disguising against his feet but better than staying here. He didn't bother taking the long way home, instead ducking towards someone's house and gracelessly climbing over their fence into their yard. One of his beer bottles slipped out of the case and smashed on the ground, causing a racket. But Eddie didn't stop to even curse at his luck, he was already jogging through this person's yard towards the tree line so he could disappear into the night. All he wanted was to crawl into his shit bed, in his shit trailer, and drown in his shit life to try and forget about Steve Harrington's shit party.
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scrunglepaws · 2 months
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Tried to fit all my fic ideas on one page, but I still forgot some because they're like... scrawled on random pieces of paper all over my house/in different notebooks/ect. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I tried!
The little branchy-offy things are prequels/sequels of that particular series. Bleeped out things I thought might be spoiler-y to ongoing series. Things with * are super WIP-y titles because I dunno what to call them.
More ramblings under the cut! (Nothing spoilery for the ongoing series; just vague things!)
No Heroes Zone // - I have a lot more generalized worldbuilding, character notes, ect than actual stories. The story ideas are mostly vague/short... Though, I suppose I could stand to write some super short fics. - The exception is an angsty sonighty fic that's basically done, but I just have to fill in all the inbetween, connecty bits. And decide how sonighty-y I really want to go with it. That ship came outta nowhere, I tell ya. - NHZ is really mostly Tails (and Metal) angst, tho. The other day I was thinking about how he tries to latch onto Shadow and even Metal in the absence of having Sonic and was like "Wow, Tails, clingy much? What are you, Nine???" then I felt really bad. T-T; He just misses his brother...!
Kaleidoscope // - The name of this fic is based on an art piece I've been wanting to do for forever: A kaleidoscope of Tails/Nine/Mangey, looking at each other and seeing them each from their own perspective. Because that's the theme of the whole story, funky scifi weirdness aside. But uh, 1) didn't have a decent digital art program for a bit and 2) I'm not good enough at drawing the subtle differences in their appearances to really make it hit how I wanted. Also 3) Tails looks basically the same to all three of them, lmao. - "Mangey Remembers" is Mangey's backstory and "Loneliness*" is... Less of a backstory for Nine, more of a brief showcase of his character in general. Because we already know Nine's whole deal from canon. Same reason Tails doesn't have a backstory- he's supposed to be canon Tails. - "Starless Sky" and "Ruination*" are both poteeeential sequels, but I'm not set on doing them. Ruination would just be a short, noncanon "what if?" bad ending for the heck of it.
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Someplace AU (Aquarius) // - Also halfway calling it Aquarius for now because I ended up continuing the first part of the story under that fic name.
- It was originally more focused on Sails, hence Someplace being a play on No Place. But now it's about equally Kit and Sails. I ended up getting SO MANY effing ideas for these dudes, man. ;w;
- "Hollow Existence*" isn't a specific story, but just a sprinkling of scenes/backstory bits that detail why Kit is the way he is. Mostly his relationship with Surge growing up.
- "Sails' Tales" is likewise a collection of random Sails backstory bits. I have a lot more specific/fleshed out things for him, though. BUDDY, did I have fun with the No Place lore. Also, his relationships with Catfish and Black Rose are so cute... ;A;
- The bits to the right are basically going to be chapters in Aquarius. They're vague enough not to be spoilery (other than the blipped ones...)
- "=D?" is a sequel that I'm very excited about. Probably shouldn't say much beyond that.
Everything Else // - CaveTails is a Journey to the Center of the Earth-esque silly, silly thing. That could maybe become a bit more serious? BAsically, I was thinking "Huh, kind of weird that my main kittails fic is with Sails. That'd be funny if I did ones with Nine and Mangey, too. Just for the lulz. Especially the Mangey one." This is the Mangey one. xD Except he's sort of like... Tails AND Mangey at the same time, character-wise? So? :? Also, potentially some wholesome Sonic+Tails moments because I weirdly haven't written any of those yet.
- "Kids" is just a continuation of that goofy Tails Doll+Cream oneshot. Just small ideas for another chapter or two. Cute friendship, fluff, and lots of comfort to make up for the hurt in the first chapter. :3;;
- "Alien*" is what it says on the tin. I have a couple different ideas for how it could go. One of them boots out Silver entirely and had Metal in his place. xD But I might have enough material to write an alien Silver AND alien Metal fic. We'll see whenever I get around to it. :3
- "Nine's Shadow*" is something I've wanted to write ever since I made that joke oc, Stales the Fox aka Zombie Tails variant from the Grim. Probably just a oneshot (or a few short chapters) fic that mostly focuses on Nine being "all alone" after the ending of Sonic Prime.
- "Why is Babies?*" is the second idea I had for a fic. It's just Shadow being awkward and not knowing how to look after a chunk of the main cast that are suddenly tots for unknown reasons. It's very lighthearted, comedic, and cute. Originally a Shadow+Metal fic until I learned more about Eclipse and just HAD to include him. Dude is literally a struggling single parent in canon, how could I not include him in a story about his brother going through something similar? xD Also, I might call this fic "Rascals" as a reference to that one Star Trek episode with a similar premise. Because! Star Trek. 8D
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- "The Fifth Element" ... I have put off posting anything about this fic idea for so long because I'm EMBARRASSED IT'S SO STUPID AND CORNY DON'T LOOK AT ME,,, In case you're totally lost, the 1997 film of the same name is my. Favorite movie. So naturally, this was my first idea for a fic. It's so all-over-the-place tonally, though. Obviously, got a LOT of silly, especially the parts that follow the movie almost exactly. But I also added a lot of original bits that help flesh out the characters' relationships. The protag is Shadow, who is very, very soft and introspective in it. Which, like, how did that happen??? But I love it. Metal is his co-lead and is mostly goofy because he's a fish out of water. Sonic is VERY, VERY goofy like goddamn (he's Ruby Rod- if you know, you know). Then there's just the silliest shit ever like Silver. Silver is Shadow's cat. It's stupid, but it's also fun, and maybe even matters to the plot. You don't know. Blaze is the president. Dr. Starline, Surge, Eggman, and The End are in it. Tails has the smallest part of any of my fics, but I think I cast him well. I need to stop now or I never will. Don't look at me. xDD
But yeah, as I said, I forgot a lot of other ideas. A few more (still forgetting some, I'm sure): - "Creature from the Black Lagoon" ft. kittails - Steam Powered Giraffe-vibes 50's thing w/ Tails, Cream, and automatons of Kit, Surge, Metal, Belle, Gemerl, ect - Tails Doll trying to be a Real Boy(tm) - Kittails-focused folklore AU with Kit as a kelpie and Tails as a normal mobian. Bunch of other people as fae creatures and villagers, including Starline as the main villain. - Maybe a whispangle oneshot from the above au (Tangle is a mobian, Whisper is. basically a magic wolf? xD) - Knuckles/Tails role-swap
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an-albino-pinetree · 8 months
Warnings: Disturbing imagery, mutilation, blood, freakshow au
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Respawn company.
I was extremely inspired by the awesome doodle @sm-baby did on her blog, of Caine tearing the fuck into Jax, for the audience’s amusement
This was a lovely excuse to draw something nasty lookin 👍🏻
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sun-stricken · 9 months
Gray, Lyon and Ultear family ideas? I like to imagine Gray tells them about one of fairy tail’s exploits and they get concerned about his well-being. Mandatory family trips thatGray definitely doesn’t try to avoid (Lyon and Ultear have learnt to alert the guild when they’re coming so Gray can’t escape).
And if you don’t mind, Gray and Loke being BFFs?
Thanks! This blog makes me happy
im so happy you enjoy my blog!! i enjoy it too ;D
i’ve actually made a post similar to this before, but heres more
ty for the ask and sorry this took a while, ive been busy
Once a month (at least) family trip are a must, It started with Ultear dragging Lyon places during the 7 year gap but it started being a more regular thing when Gray turned back up
the first couple time they tried to do things together, it was a disaster
they werent familiar with each other and were hella awkward
Also, when Lyon & Ultear would mention to Gray they were coming into town, he would try to convince the team to go on an impromptu job
they’ve since learned to warn Erza of their arrival so he cant leave
‘abt to come into town, do not let that mf leave’
‘Guarding the doors & windows rn’
Grays probably walked into the guild to see one or both of them and turned right back around
The first time the showed up when Gray wasnt around they got a shovel-esque talk
it was terrifying and also confusing considering they think of themselves as his siblings so shouldnt they be giving those talks?
Ultear really embraces her oldest sibling role and pays for practically everything they do together
While Gray will try to avoid in person outings, he will blow up their phones (lacrima devices, whatever) at all hours of the night
Lyon probably has a 16 step skin care routine that he tries to nag the other two into trying it
its a fools quest tbh
They argue. so much. cannot do anything together without a disagreement. they probably have fist fought each other too
They are fiercely protective of one another, they can be pretty subtle about it but its clear as day to anyone who even slightly crosses them
They as a whole have a gambling/betting problem
They have run their pockets dry with it
They have been kicked out of multiple restaurants for being too loud
Gray tells them off-handedly abt the jobs and events he went through while growing up in Fairy Tail and they just sit back and listen in horrified fascination
they have absolutely no planned photos of them, they just never got around to it (*coughcough* grayrefusedtobeinone *coughcough*)
however! they have soooo many candid ones, Gray glared and complained when he found out (but he has half of them framed or saved on his phone)
Ultear and Lyon got pretty close duriny the 7 year gap and while Gray swears hes not jealous of it he totally is
Ultear, Lyon, & Gray; Guilt Complex Extraordinaires
Loke & Gray things :D
Nobody knows if Loke had a house, he always crashed on Grays couch
They are the reason for the sassy man apocalypse
When Lucy lets him have a day off his first stop tends to be Gray
Loke taught Gray how to cook
If Gray gets mad at him, Loke will attempt to deescalate it by flirting
Grayll be scolding him and Loke will stare at him and say smth like “are we about to kiss right now🥰”
it only serves to make Gray more angry
Orange cat friend + Black cat friend
Theyre the type to know in detail each others existential crisis’s but not each others favorite color
they do not have blackmail on each other. none. because they know if they ever did and actually released it the other would post absolutely every single humiliating thing they’ve done ever
There is no such thing as a judgement free zone with them
Their tastes are so different that when they have to get gifts for each other that if they look at smth and think “wow this is so ugly” they know its the right one
they probably hooked up at some point but thats neither here nor there
Loke, Gray and Cana were kinda like the mean girls of young fairy tail
They had a dont ask dont tell policy on their pasts, however every other personal detail abt each other was free reign
A lot of their conversations have left them with a sense of dread, confusion and hysteria
Lokes the type to walk into ppls houses like its his own, his most common victim is Gray
Loke, pulling the shower curtain back: Were out of ch— stop screaming
Gray, still screaming: HOW DID YOU GET IN MY HOUSE???
Loke, nonplussed: You left the kitchen window unlocked, also we’re out of chips
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bloopitynoot · 1 month
Well this blog was meant for CR content (and it still is) but also I was shown MDZS last year, so I've been:
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The amount of fics I've read is heinous.
(10/10 will give you recs though if asked ive got just about every flavour)
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