#my kobold wife
Buss Island is on lockdown.
Due to the incredibly high threat levels present yesterday, no surface activities will be comitted on Buss Island. All residents are to remain in safe zones. Any aircraft or seacraft approching the island are to be destroyed immediately.
Personnel outside of Buss Island are advised to shelter in place. Jim has been advised to move to a secure location. I myself will move to a seperate secure location.
If any island personnel are injured in this time, the event will be reported to me and i will decide whether to initiate Operation Excelsior or not. If i am incapacitated, Operation Excelsior starts automatically. If my wife is incapacitated, Operation Excelsior will be started.
You have been warned, @the-gnomish-bastard. I do not want to do this.
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bug-carnival · 7 months
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and even more friends now gods i got so many friends now that i think about it
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riot-dnd-bloggin · 1 year
So its been about 3 years or so since i woke up in a hole no knowledge of anything or how it happened, thrown into the horrible horrible world (well, more like a cave) but surrounded by cute little lizard thingies that called themselves Kobolds.
Long story short, suddenly me (greatest thing since sliced bread) and the other champs that stuck with me, went on a scouting mission to another continent that WOULDN'T YOU KNOW after months of being lost as shit and ending up being different clans mules on their errands, we gotta kill a fucking demon king whatever that wants to kill everyone and basically fucked our pussies (except mine, i NEVER lose, ignore whoever tells you i got my ass beat) and we barely made it out alive and we SMASHED its head like an orange.
Aparently we got some godly weapon that can kill gods out of it, or at least HALF a weapon... We are missing 2/4 parts for it and its basically THE weapon to kill big stuff, not like i need it, my 2 built in babies *kisses muscles* could deal with any stupid god any day.
Anyways some of us became demi-gods aparently? Im my own god so i was already miles ahead from them 💅 they do look pretty fucking cool and got some bomb ass powers.
Now we are kinda stuck and we got nothing going on, may go shopping to spend all the "hero of the world" money to being back to my 848728382 Kobolds and someone special.....
ANYWAYS thats about it for today, i need some painkillers, or booze, or both, i think my ribs are still broken. BUT NOT MY SPIRIT (Ow my chest)
I may tell u more about the last 3 years if any of u want, or not. You'l have to see xoxo
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roguishcat · 2 months
Augustarion Day 6 - Cream
Pairing: the reader (You) x Astarion
Tags: just silliness and fluff
Word count: 2.3k
Excerpt: “Oh, goodie! Someone in need of a rescue,” Astarion whined and threw his arms up dramatically. “What is it with people falling over themselves to get into trouble just so we can play hero time and time again! Let’s just go,” he said with an air of an overtired toddler.
A/N If you want to be on the tag list, feel free to send me a message or leave a comment. ❤️
Day 1 - 🍓, Day 2 - 🌊, Day 4 - Mythologies, Day 7 - Underwear, Day 14 - Protective, Day 15 - Shirt that goes hard
It started with you craving some pastries. The four of you were making your way through the city when you caught a whiff of something sweet, delicious and so very tempting. You kept on walking at first, because you were on a budget and new armour for Karlach was more important than letting your sweet tooth dictate your purchases. But then your stomach made itself known, to your embarrassment.
Gale smiled and pointed in the direction of the bakery. “Seeing as we are nowhere near Elfsong, how about indulging in some baked goods? I, for one, wouldn’t mind having a sweet butter bun or two.”
Well, that was a different matter entirely! If it wasn’t a senseless purchase but rather something to improve morale, who were you to refuse?
“And I find your blood tastes just a little sweeter if you enjoy yourself, dear,” Astarion whispered into your ear.
“Oooh, I’ve heard about this place!” Karlach pushed the door open, “it’s meant to have the meanest, best damn apple pie in the city!”
Looking around, you wondered why Karlach was excited about the place. The bakery looked like any ordinary bakery except for one detail. It seemed to be suspiciously empty of any people. You listened carefully. There was shouting and thumping coming from the direction of the kitchen. Something seemed off.
“Oh, goodie! Someone in need of a rescue,” Astarion whined and threw his arms up dramatically. “What is it with people falling over themselves to get into trouble just so we can play hero time and time again! Let’s just go,” he said with an air of an overtired toddler.
“We can’t leave!” you frowned, bow at the ready as you took a step in the direction of the commotion, “they might need help!”
“Well, then some other do-gooder is welcome to come by and- hey!”
Ignoring Astarion’s protests, you burst through the kitchen door, the rest following close behind, to be greeted with a most peculiar sight.
Kobolds pranced around the kitchen to the dismay of the baker and a woman who appeared to be his spouse, the latter’s face almost puce as she shouted at the wretched creatures to leave. The kobolds seemed to think that her shouts and the weak, spluttering spells aimed at them were a nice accompaniment to their meal. They mostly ignored the couple and seemed to be quite content to gorge themselves on the pastries and cakes and, cream, cream, cream and more cream! What did not get eaten got carelessly thrown at the floor, the walls and the owners. There was a great big glop of custard on the baker’s cheek and his wife almost slipped in the puddle of jam on the floor.
Astarion doubled over in laughter.
“Oh, this was not what I expected to see but I definitely needed this!”
“Oh hush,” you admonished him, feeling your own lips twitch as you fought a smile. “We have to help them.”
“The kobolds?”
You gave him a deadpan look.
“Right, so how should we go about this one, soldier?” Karlach shouldered her axe with a frown, “can hardly use most of my attacks.”
“Yes, in such close quarters and with this much flour in the air, a single spark will set off an explosion. Most magic might prove too destructive. I doubt that us destroying the building in an effort to drive the kobolds out will be received with thanks,” Gale frowned.
“Perhaps we could try to reason with them?” you suggested weakly. The idea was not without its merit. You did have a somewhat successful chat with the kobold at the Circus of the Last Days.
“Are you proposing to hold a conversation with these base creatures? Oh, I have to see this,” Astarion grinned, giving you a shallow mocking bow and motioning for you to proceed with the entertainment.
That bastard. Sometimes you could not believe that you let him get away with being such an ass.
You cleared your throat loudly, which garnered no reaction from both the battling parties. It took Gale briefly casting a Silence spell on the kobolds for them to realise that you and your companions were even in the kitchen. All inhuman senseless eyes turned to you as the creatures adjusted their stances, clearly seeing your group as a bigger threat than the baker and his wife.
“Right. Can somebody please tell me what is going on?” you motioned at the destruction.
“We give money for treatos!” kobolds screeched, each wanting to be the first to complain.
“One gold piece! It was not enough for all the buns that they demanded from us!” the baker protested loudly.
“You give no treatos, so we take treatos!”
“Oh, and just look at all the damage that you have done!” the baker’s wife lamented, wringing her hands and being quite understandably upset.
“Next time, you remember to give treatos. We give money!” the kobolds defended themselves, tongues flicking out of their mouths, shaking their scaly fists as they shouted about the great injustice that was committed against them.
“So how are you planning to defuse this one, darling?” Astarion leaned closer to you.
“Enjoying yourself, are you?”
“Very much.”
“Any chance you might want to contribute to the conversation?”
“When you are doing so splendidly? I don’t think so.”
The kobolds seemed to have decided that you were not on their side and started gathering whatever buns and cakes that were not destroyed. Their ammunition in their hands, they attacked in quick succession. Karlach and Gale were fortunately out of their range, but you and Astarion found yourself swiftly covered in jam, and cream, and sticky dough. Astarion roughly pulled you down behind an overturned table, the second barrage missing you by an inch as you dropped to the floor.
“Argh, just look at me! Will the horrors never cease!” Astarion flicked a flaky piece off his shoulder and into your face. “This is all your fault, you know! If only you did not have some kind of hero complex, we would have grabbed some cakes and been on our merry way. But noooo, we have to get involved!”
“Oh, shut it,” you hissed, “how could I have known this would happen?”
“Rule of thumb, if you see people in trouble, you walk away!”
“You have jam in your curls.”
The look of pure horror on Astarion’s handsome face was just the revenge you needed.
“Gale! Slow spell!” you commanded, hoping he could still hear you over the cacophony of shrieks and cries.
“On it!”
You heard the incantation and dared peek from behind the table. The kobolds were still on the offensive, but their movements were sluggish, as if the air thickened and they had to fight against it.
“This is your last warning, you little rat bastards! Either you stop this, or we are going to turn your asses to stone and sell you to Popper!”
“Popper? You tell Popper? No tell Popper!”
Apparently, you mentioning the kobold from the Circus of the Last Days did the trick, as he was the law and order when it came to their community in the city. You rubbing shoulders with Popper, the best and the greatest of them all, was reason enough for the kobolds to regret their actions, renounce their fiendish ways, promise to never set foot near the bakery, and hastily make their way out of the kitchen.
Finally, there was silence. Complete blessed silence. Beautiful silence that lasted for a grand total of ten seconds before it was broken.
“Oh, these horrible creatures, I thought they would never leave!” the baker’s wife wiped her eyes as she tried and failed to hold back tears, “However can we thank you?”
“Coin always works best,” Astarion chose that moment to speak up.
“What coin?” the plump woman bawled pitifully, “we didn’t have the chance to sell anything!”
“Don’t worry about it,” you shot Astarion a look full of admonishment, “we were glad to help.”
“But of course we were,” Astarion rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. “It was a pleasure to be of service,” he mocked and marched out of the room, muttering something derogatory under his breath.
The walk back to Elfsong was uncomfortable and silent. You were hungry, sticky and quite frankly not in the mood to entertain one of Astarion’s moods.
You knew that he was right, in a way. You didn’t have to help out everyone you came across on your journey. You could have looked the other way, turned a blind eye. But that wouldn’t be you. So, he would just have to deal with it!
You loved Astarion, faults and all. But if he berated you every time you chose to do a kind turn and made you feel small and stupid, then perhaps he shouldn’t have chosen to be in a relationship with you. Because you would do anything for Astarion, but you refused to change who you were on the off chance you would get a smidge of approval from him.
When you opened the door to your shared room at first there was complete silence. Everyone was trying and failing to keep a straight face as they looked at the damage done to you and Astarion.
“Oh, shut up!” Astarion shoved past Shadowheart, making sure to leave traces of cream and jam on her as he pushed her out of the way.
“I see you clearly fought a great, formidable foe today,” Lae’zel quipped sarcastically, “at least tell me that you were the victors.”
“Argh, so not in the mood to talk about it! Gale, could you do the talking, please? I just want to wash and sleep,” you grumbled and dropped your bow and arrows near the trunk. You could not wait to get out of your clothes and into a bath.
“Certainly, my friend,” Gale wanted to pat your shoulder, but then decided against it, not wanting to get whatever was on you onto himself.
It took several changes of water for you to scrub yourself clean. You were bone tired and prickly when you finally settled in, choosing to sleep alone rather than in the bed you and Astarion have been sharing pretty much ever since you started staying at Elfsong. You heard his annoyed huff from across the room and squeezed your eyes shut. If Astarion had a problem with your sleeping arrangements, he could shove his complaints in any orifice of his choosing. In spite of being worn out, it took hours of tossing and turning for you to finally drift off.
You were woken up by sunlight spilling into your eyes through the gap in the curtains. Rising and groggily rubbing your eyes, you noticed that your living quarters were empty, the others apparently deciding to let you sleep in and having gone out hours ago. You flopped back onto the bed and stretched out your sore muscles. Perhaps yesterday’s humiliating display was worth it if you were given the chance to have a lazy morning. But then you remembered your fight with Astarion, and your smile turned sour.
You heard the door open and shut as the subject of your musings came into the room. You quickly turned away and pretended to be resting, not really sure what to say to him. You felt the bed dip as he sat on the edge.
“Darling, I know that you are awake. Will you look at me, please? I come bearing treatos.”
And he did. He held a tray laden with butter buns, delicate little pastries, fruit tarts and an assortment of other mouthwatering, freshly baked delights.
“The baker sends his regards and says that you, as his favourite customer, can be assured to have a discount for life. So, dig in my sweet! I got you the coffee you like to go with it.”
You sat up and looked at your vampire, worrying your bottom lip with blunt teeth. Cautiously, as if not unsure whether you will accept the gesture, Astarion took your hand into his, bringing your fingers to his lips and kissing them gently.
“I think an apology is in order. I- I do get annoyed that you spend your energies on creatures who, quite frankly, don’t deserve you giving them a moment of your precious time. Someone odd and pathetic that you pick up on the roadside and decide their cause is worth fighting for.”
He put a cream puff onto a plate and handed it to you, long cool fingers brushing against yours. You took a tentative bite without breaking eye contact. It was lovely, not too sweet, delicious and flaky. Astarion brushed a speck off your lips with his thumb and cupped your cheek tenderly.
“But then I realised that at some point I too was an oddity that you chose not to leave behind. A creature who did not deserve your protection, just seeking to take advantage of your kind nature at the time. Recognising your worth and how truly wonderful you are as I got to know you.”
You felt something warm and pleasant bloom in your chest, Astarion’s words making your shoulders relax as you all but melted into his touch.
“So, no matter how aggravating you may be, and how you drive me up the wall with your selflessness, I do not want you to change. You are perfect in every way.”
And then you thew your arms around your vampire and kissed him, all the worries and troubles seeming insignificant as you got lost in each other’s touch. You felt Astarion release a shuddering breath against your lips as he deepened the kiss.
All was well in his world. You were his and he wanted you, faults and all. Even if that meant that he had to spend half the evening getting various foodstuffs out of his curls.
Tag list:
@ninty900, @ayselluna, @dajeong, @ravenswritingroom,
@misscrissfemmefatale, @clazberryk
@anukulee, @preciouslittlebhaalbae,
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girlymatsu · 2 months
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drawings from an au my sweet lovely friend @giritina made for me where osomatsu is a big spoiled dragon and Erina is a kobold who is in love with him <3 travels up his mountain to serve him and then she becomes his little wife… and with magic she become big dragon like him <3 live together forever kiss kiss
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puppy-wife · 4 months
💘💖Introduction Post 💖💘
⛓️⛓️ minors dni, my blog is 18+ ⛓️⛓️
hello!! you can call me Bunny! this is my blog for posting selfies, newds, hornyposting, and sometimes I post my works! here are some fun facts about me:
💘 Age/Zodiac: 31, Aries sun, Taurus moon, Scorpio rising
💖 Gender: gendertrash, trans femme enby, otherworldly slut
💘 Pronouns: she/it, but I also use neopronouns, ae/aer. no one really uses my neo pronouns, but if you did it'd make me happy!
💖 Sexuality: t4t, queer, demi, lesbian (I only date non-men, this does include nonbinary trans folk!)
💘 Relationship: polyamorous/ENM. I have one romantic nesting partner, @kitty-husband, and am potentially open to new (at least semi-local) connections 🤭
💖 Fursona Critters: wolf, dog, bunny, raccoon, kobold, robot/drone
💘 System: I am a Plural system, you can find the whole system @pluralpup!! Cece is @preydefiler, and Fidget is @fidgetyfamiliar
💖 Disabilities: PTSD, autism, ADHD, hearing loss, nerve damage in my hip/back
💘 Transitioning since: 11/2021
💖 Pets: I have a dog (Cupcake), and my NP has a cat and a tarantula
💘 Hobbies: ttrpgs, magic the gathering, Overwatch, reading, writing (more on that later)
💖 Main Fandoms: Kamen Rider, The Locked Tomb, Marvel/MCU (I know, dont judge me), LOTR
💘 Top/Bottom: I'm a switch, so I like both, but in most of my relationships, I tend to fill the dom top role. Don't get it twisted tho, I'm such a good girl good puppy sub 🥺
💖 K!nks: [Key: + means as a top, - means as a bottom, & means either or both!] musk-, cnc-, sadist+, impact&, petplay&, primal&, estim+, bondage&, disclipine&, monsterfucking&, intox&, marking/ownership/possession&, knifeplay&, rope-, goddess&, body worship&, group play&, cucking-, voyeurism-, being a brat-, humiliation-, light degradation-, droneification-, vore&, overstim&, blood&, hypno&, cutting+, objectification-, roleplay&, drool/spit&, tongues&, sensory dep-, cum play&, bruises&, praise&, wax+, chains&, face slapping&, outdoor sex&, mutual masturbation&, power exchange&, remote controlled toys, especially when used in semi public&, oral oral oral oral oral oral oral oral oral oral oral oral oral oral oral oral&
💘 Pet Names: (from Dom to sub, left to right) Mistress, Mommy, Ma'am, Miss, Pup, Puppy, Good Girl, Good dog, slut, whore, bitch
💖 Hard Limits: yelling at me, and anything to do with poop or vom
💘 Anons: 🍄
💖 Writing: I've been writing for most of my life. A lot of my work is either poetry or short form fiction. I sometimes do spoken word performances. I am currently working on writing a book about a magical school, it's currently untitled but I have the plot planned out and am fleshing out character basics before I start the actual first draft. I also have a high fantasy d&d-style world which I have been writing for and playing ttrpgs in for almost 10 years now. ask me about it!! I will rant and ramble about it
💘 you can find me on Goodreads as well, also under puppy-wife!!
💘 Any other questions, please hit up my ask box 🥰🥰🥰
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mysterycubes · 5 months
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I heard people were making Dungeon Meshi self inserts and wanted to join in! My adventurersona is rescuing yours as we speak.
The easy explanation for her appearance is that she's an artificial beastman like Izutsumi, but both because Senshi was expected to take an orc wife and because, when asked about the differences between humans and demihumans, Kabru started with their number of bones, I kind of suspect that orcs/oni/kobolds can actually reproduce with humans in this setting, and it's just very rare. There's also that bit in the Adventurer's Bible about how kobolds might be descended from cursed tall-men. All I can say is that her thinking of herself as a gnome first and foremost is really funny to me.
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skylark325 · 2 months
Omniscient Readers View Point Read Through
Ch 73-92
Beginning: Ch 1-10
Note: This was so hype AHHHHHH so many of my favourite scenes
"I am also like Dokja-ssi. We are on the same QA team. I heard the same nagging every time and lived with their contempt.
>when an ugly btch calls you twin
[The constellation who has been waiting for a harem carefully puts both hands together.]
>I…a what
"You're not a woman."
She refused to admit that she plagiarized to the end. I grabbed her collar.
>ngl dokja i don’t think anyone ever would 😭
"There is no such thing as a meteorite in my novel!" It was surprising. I thought she would've copied this as well. "I have a sealing stone!"
>girl you’re really not helping yourself here
"By the way, I was in pain a lot back then."
Whenever I looked at this guy's face, I felt the '17 year old Kim Dokja' inside me shrink back.
>as someone who was bullied in hs i remember almost crying reading this scene in the manhwa. get his furry ass dokja
"Yes! I'm really really sorry! I-I was young at the time…"
>that’s BULL! you’re not the only one who was young! using your age as a mistake is only justifiable as long it didn’t hurt others. basic empathy isn’t taught with age, it’s something you should know or you’re just a shitty person. and like YOU WERE SEVENTEEN
"First, I will hit you until all my trauma has disappeared.
>oh yeah fuck him up dokja
[Some constellations are disappointed with your hypocrisy.] [Many constellations are questioning your judgment.] [The constellation 'Secretive Plotter' is watching your judgment.]
>it’s so interesting to me how sp never actually judges dokja on serious stuff. he’s just in the back secretively plotting.
[The constellation who likes harems is cheering on you and Han Sooyoung.]
>didn’t realise there were doksoo truthers in the book but pop off my dude XD
No matter how I thought about it, this was the sound of gunshots. Wasn't the army already wiped out?
>i…oh right this isn’t set in America
"You must be mistaken. My name is Yoo Joonghyuk. Kim Dokja is the name of the guy I hate the most."
> there he goes role playing again
I winked at her. If I knew Han Sooyoung, she would understand what to do from now on. The woman opened her mouth. "I already know that you are Kim Dokja. Stop the unnecessary lies."
> that’s just embarrassing man. it’s ok, you win some you lose some
"I needed something to tell her when I met her." I gave her a moment before continuing. "Because I had nothing else to say to her."
> 😞
Living things with less intelligence than a kobold should do their jobs!"
"Protector… you don't have any qualities suited for Way of the Wind. No, to be honest, you don't have the qualities for almost every skill."
>that’s…damn what are you, my calculus teacher?
'You will be busy when you reach intermediate level'.
> Kdj: once you get that promotion you’re not going to pay attention to me anymore! i’m going to be a neglected wife!
"You are the first person who is more suspicious than Yoo Joonghyuk."
> why does kdj’s perception of ppl range from like-yjh, not-like-yjh and yjh
[The constellation 'Demon-like Judge of Fire' is looking forward to your companionship.]
The messages of the constellations, including Uriel, arrived. What was going on?
> oh gee i wonder what’s going on. wonder if there’s a possibly super hot *enter kdj’s long ass description* man possibly fighting and injured nearby
The bleeding Yoo Joonghyuk was waiting for me there.
> are we sure ways of survival isn’t a fanfic written by dokja?
Even if Yoo Joonghyuk was nearby, he couldn't be found in such a timely manner. It was clear that Bihyung had made a sub scenario to bring Yoo Joonghyuk over here.
>not bihyung sugar daddying his way through the scenarios for dokja. that or he’s the vice captain of our ship after uriel
Yoo Joonghyuk was staring at me with bloody and teary eyes.
> HELP what did I say about the fanfic part
Why was the protagonist of Ways of Survival such a person? The story would've been easier of it was Lee Hyunsung or Jung Heewon.
> bestie you gotta be attracted to them for this to work
"He was like this the whole time. He kept asking me to take him to Kim Dokja…"
> GUYS 😭
But I felt that some of my answers were being diluted in the soup. Did I know Yoo Joonghyuk at all?
>welp existential crisis let’s go
I scooped up the soup with the spoon and put it in Yoo Joonghyuk's mouth. Han Sooyoung watched me blowing on the soup. "You are acting like a wife."
> you see that’s because they’re already marrie- *gets run over by a truck*
I thought it was a loss to me but it turned out to be a huge honey event. Indeed, people should live a good life.
> that’s not…ok then. preach king XD
[The constellation 'Demon-like Judge of Fire' is impressed with your good deed.]
…Was this constellation really impressed with the good deed?
> oh yeah just the good deed dw. definitely not the yaoi you’ve provided in the middle of a shounen show
I frowned at Yoo Joonghyuk's words. Move to the east right now? I saved his life and now he was giving me an order?
> such be them dom daddies dokja
–Don't be so prideful. I really will abandon you.
> sure kdj. in fact i dare you to do it
–Why come to me? I honestly thought you would commit suicide. –Suicide? How ridiculous.
> is it though? like really think about it XD
> i stand corrected 🥲
–I wanted to make her a companion.
> oof rejection isn’t easy man i get it
–She isn't the person I remember. I knew it. Still, I wanted to believe for a moment that the woman in my memories was still alive. I wanted to be with her again.
> ouch think my heart just got ripped out
All the threads were connected to one woman. The woman wearing a tight black battle suit flew through the air.
–Kill her.
–Then you will be unhappy. –It doesn't matter.
> 😭
"…It doesn't make sense." Lycaon exposed his fangs. "Antinus. The conversation ends here."
> damn my tragic ship 😔✊🏼
–You, are you that weak? –What? –All the words you told me were false. I reflexively raised my body. This bastard…
> yjh sure knows how to get dokja fired up XD
–The one who told me not to give up on this world will succumb to a disaster of this degree?
> did i mention i love their bond
the way both of them know exactly what to say to help the other is so precious to me
If you want to survive, don't answer his questions. But you are still going to die.
> HSY certified yapper
Imagine being summoned to another dimension, suddenly receiving a powerful strength, spending a hot night with a cute elf girlfriend, saving the world and being loved as a warrior!
> Not all men fr 💀
–My attribute is a 'pro gamer'. What is yours? -What? –I'm asking what can you do well?
> one of my favourite scenes 🥹
"…Uh?" The Hunters Association people from before?" Myung Ilsang laughed.
> …?
does he think he’s in solo leveling?
What could I do well? It was to 'read'.
> i’m so hyped AAAHHHHH
Pathetic. Why the hell did I forget about this skill? Wasn't this the first thing I should've done?
> honestly yeah how did he forget that? it’s like one of the biggest cheat codes he has
I was a 'reader'.
"Get started." Yoo Joonghyuk stood before me as if he knew what I was trying to do. "I'll block him."
> did your heart skip a beat dokja? cuz i know mine did
A fierce aura started to crush Bihyung's body. The power of the dokkaebi depended on the size of the channel.
how dare he mess bihyung lemme at him. one swing that’s all i ask
[…Please choose a reward.] Bihyung told me with a grouchy expression. He was exhausted by the harassment.
–Personally, I recommend the Infinite Dimension Space Coat. There is one more hidden option. It is easier to transcend later.
> oh god plz let me give him a hug poor bby
–I will speak bluntly. Come to my channel. I am going to expand my channel to the Korean Peninsula. I will be happy to meet your desired items and conditions.
Bihyung's face turned red and he was tearful as he looked between me and Dokgak. It looked like tears would burst out as soon as he was touched.
[Constellations. Incarnation Kim Dokja colluded with the channel's streamer, 'Bihyung'. He deliberately concealed his strength and manipulated the development of the scenario. He made the scenarios harder for malicious purposes.]
> i don’t…is this really such a big deal? like people are being murdered and super magical stuff keeps happening. is this really such a big deal in comparison? 😭
[The constellation 'Secretive Plotter' shrugs like it is fine.]
> SEE sp gets me
"Prisoner of the Golden Headband, Abyssal Black Flame Dragon, Demon-like Judge of Fire…"
> not kdj name dropping his fans
[The constellation 'Secretive Plotter' is somewhat annoyed.]
"By the way. As a memorial to my channel, I will do a small event. I mean, a joint event between South Korea and Japan… If you are curious, please connect to #BI-7623 right now. I will draw tickets for the early constellations and give coins―"
A voice was suddenly heard. I instinctively knew. The owner of this voice was now protecting me.
> fangirling so hard rn
Bihyung moved from behind me towards Dokgak. "By the way, were you this small?"
> Oof the burn
Previous: Ch 53-73
Beginning: Ch 1-10
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vemaro · 8 months
How did callums and astarions first meeting go? sorry, I’m just a sucker for asty boy with kids
I saw this ask in my inbox and knew I wanted to write it out. Tho I intended to make this a little blurb instead of a long mess lol. In the end, this thing kinda got away from me
Astarion makes some assumptions and you know what they say when you assume things.
“Astarion? Is … that really you?”
Fuck, maybe he shouldn’t have returned. Maybe he should leave. It’s been almost a year since the wedding and they last saw each other. What if she’s upset? What if she hates him for avoiding her for so long? He was avoiding her, except he doesn’t want to know he’s avoiding her.
Unfortunately for the vampire, all of his other friends have mentioned how much she asks about him. He’s been able to brush it off for months, ignore the urge to see her—and the love he still carried for her— but a foolish flame of hope has reignited in his heart. If Tav’s asking for him, perhaps he still has a chance. It’s a sign from the gods he stopped praying to centuries ago that maybe it’s still a possibility.
So here he is, on her stoop, feeling like an idiot. Too late to back out now.
He puts on a sharp toothed grin and gives her a bow. “In the flesh.”
Her eyes drink in everything, from his impeccably styled hair, to his blood red eyes, the bite marks peeking out from the collar of his shirt, and those laugh lines used to tease him about. He’s usually comfortable in the spotlight, but under her scrutiny, he’s horribly self-conscious. Tav has always been able to see right through him, whether he liked it or not. Except, of course, in the matter of the romantic feelings he harbors. He was never sure if that was a blessing or a curse.
Astarion breaks the silence. “Kobold got your tongue? Or has my sheer beauty left you speechless?”
His words seem to snap the druid from her reverie then she all but jumps on him for a hug. “Where have you been? I thought you were dead!”
He relaxes into the embrace. Gods, he missed being this close to her. “Technically, Tav, I’m already dead.”
She abruptly shoves him away, anger splayed across her face. “That’s not funny. I was worried, Astarion. I sent letters and you never sent any back. I couldn’t tell if the others were telling the truth when they said they’ve seen you, or lying to make me feel better.”
If only she knew the reason behind his lack of appearance. “My deepest apologies. I was busy dealing with a horde of ravenous vampire spawn.”
That seems to mollify her. Tav plants her hands on her hips and waggles a finger at him. “I understand, but if you can’t visit, at least write.”
“Fair enough,“ he concedes. “I’ll try to find time in my schedule.”
Content that she got her point across, Tav smiles and crosses her arms. “Thank you.” Then she steps aside and cocks her head past the entryway. “Come on in. I have something important to tell you.”
The last time she had to tell him something important, she announced her upcoming nuptials. At least not much else can top the heartbreak that wrought.
Unless …
No. No, someone definitely would’ve told him if she’s … His eyes drop to her middle. Absolutely not. He refuses to believe it. Damnit, he never should’ve come to see her. He never should’ve let himself hope.
Her better half walks into the foyer. “Tav, I can’t find my—” He stops when he spots the third wheel. “Oh. We have company.”
Astarion detests the man on principle, but he is Tav’s spouse so he’ll play nice. “Pardon my intrusion, Terrick.” He holds out a hand. “Astarion Ancunin. I’m—”
“One of my wife’s former allies. Yes, I recall our introduction at the wedding.” His eyes flicker to the bite marks on Astarion’s neck. His expression eludes to nothing, whether he was aware of his vampiric condition until now or had previous knowledge. He steps closer to Tav and puts a hand on her waist. “Welcome to our home.”
He retracts the offered hand. “It’s quite lovely,” he says, voice honey drenched. “Which is surprising. During our travels, her tent was always filled with trinkets and mementos from our adventures.”
Terrick arches an eyebrow. “I’m not one for clutter.”
Astarion shrugs. “A little clutter won’t do any harm.” He makes eye contact with Tav. “Each souvenir is associated with a happy memory.” She smiles and it feels like a small victory.
Terrick changes the subject. “I can’t find my blue doublet.”
Tav snickers. “You lost it a month ago.”
He purses his lips, displeased with the answer. “Ah. That slipped my mind.” He walks past them, heading for the steps that lead to the pathway. “Then I need another made.”
“If I could make a suggestion. Figaro’s shop—”
Terrick shakes his head. “Shops in the Lower City are of poor quality.”
Tav clasps her hands behind her back. “Actually, his clothes are very high quality and he offers a hefty discount.” They did save him from a murderous dwarf.
The man’s whole body palpitates. “Do I look like I require a discount?”
“No, but—”
He cuts her off. “We’ll discuss it later.” Astarion’s hand is on the hilt of his knife. He could throw it and have it land right between the eyes in two seconds flat. “I’ll be back later. Don’t wait up. Goodnight.” He makes sure to lock eyes with the vampire one more time. “Astarion,” he spits.
He has to hold back a sneer. “Terrick.” And he walks off into the night. Astarion glowers as they watch him disappear around the corner. “Charming, he is.”
“I didn't marry him for his personality.” Her tone is dry and flat, almost bored. “He’s gotten a bit moodier since the wedding though. Moreso recently.”
A scary thought comes to mind. There’s no subtle way of asking, so he just asks. “He doesn’t … hurt you, does he?” He waits for the slightest confirmation of abuse. Cazador’s death will look like child’s play by comparison if he has to hunt him down.
She swats the air. “No. Terrick huffs and puffs for show. As long as he funds the repairs and my projects, it’s fine.” But then her face softens. “But thanks for the concern.”
First comes the relief, followed by annoyance. He’s relieved no harm has come to the woman he loves, annoyed he doesn’t have reason to hate the man—more reason. That’s too bad. “Now that your loving husband has left the premises, what is it that you wanted to tell me?”
Her eyes light up with manic glee. “Oh yes!” Tav leads him inside, to the closest armchair and sits him down. “Wait here.”
Without another word, she hurries off, leaving behind a curious Astarion. So … perhaps he was worried for nothing. He was jumping to conclusions, coming up with worst case scenarios. Tav’s not going to tell him she’s with child. She doesn’t love Terrick. She’s admitted that on several occasions even before the wedding.
“Close your eyes!”
He does as he’s told. “Ooh, did you slip into something more comfortable?”
She stomps a foot. “If my arms weren’t full, I’d chuck something at you. Are your eyes closed?”
Her arms are full. Does she have a present for him? “Yes, dear.”
He hears her approach. “No peeking.” He holds his hands above his head, twirls them a couple times, and covers his eyes. Not long after that, he feels her presence just ahead of him. “Ready?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be.”
“Open your eyes.”
When he opens his eyes, his heart shatters into a million pieces. Swathed in a bundle of blankets, is exactly as he feared; a baby. A shock of blue hair. Topaz eyes. Pointed ears. Freckles sprinkled on the apples of his cheeks and across his button nose. Pale skin, though not nearly as pale as the vampire’s.
Tav bounces and sways in place. “Astarion, I’d like you to meet my son.” The mother is sporting the biggest and brightest grin he’s ever witnessed. “Callum.”
The words echo in his mind. Meet my son. They have a son. Tav and Terrick have a child together. Those two will forever be connected through this child and there is nothing Astarion can do to sever that bond. He’s not so selfish to wish for an unhappy marriage. The innocent soul brought into this world by the woman he loves doesn’t deserve that. He deserves his real father, not a man with fantasies of coveting his mother.
What honestly hurts most is the betrayal from his friends, if he can even call them that at this point. They knew, but elected to say nothing when they fussed at him for keeping away. Worse yet, she also chose not to tell him in any of the letters she sent. He never wrote back, but he read them all.
With the betrayal comes a fierce jealousy. He envies Terrick. Not for the intimacy of creating a child, but the bond a child brings. Astarion never fathomed fatherhood, never entertained the thought, not even after taking down his former master. He’s only just attained his freedom. It’s too soon to settle down, let alone start a family, if that was even possible for a vampire spawn. Now though, seeing the joy her son brings her, he would’ve been willing to try for her. He could picture himself with a child, their child, if that is what she asked of him. What would they look like? Like he used to before transforming into a creature of the night?
The baby voice she’s using is both nauseating and adorable. “Callum, this is one of my very best friends, Astarion,” she coos. “Say hi.”
“He’s …” Terrick’s. And Tav’s. “Beautiful, Tav.”
“Isn’t he?” she gushes. “You’re the first to see him. Gale and Wyll just barely missed it, but left before he came.”
He bows his head. “An honor, truly. And I must say, you look amazing for a woman who recently gave birth.”
She jerks her head back. “I’m sorry, what?”
He holds up his hands in surrender. “I mean no offense, my darling.”
Tav opens her mouth, shuts it, opens it again then bursts out laughing. She speaks between peels of laughter. “There has been … a misunderstanding … a huge misunderstanding.”
He frowns. The vampire is missing something, clearly. What is he missing? Is there somehow another child? Does Callum have a twin? “What?”
She reaches over and flicks his forehead. “I didn’t have him. Callum is adopted.”
There’s a prolonged silence of Astarion gawking up at Tav. “Adopted?” he parrots.
“Yes, adopted.” She perches herself on the edge of a table in front of the armchair. “I’m sorry, I thought it was obvious.”
He slaps his hands on the wooden handles. “How was it obvious?”
“Callum looks absolutely nothing like me. Or Terrick.” She lowers her head so her hair falls in the baby’s face. “Notice the difference in hair color.”
What would it take for a giant hole to appear in the ground and swallow him up? “What was I supposed to say when you tell me he’s your son? Oh wow, he doesn’t have your hair, eyes, nose, or complexion. Neither your husband’s. Do you have a mistress?” Astarion. Astarion would like to throw his hat in the ring if the position is open.
That makes her laugh even harder. “No! Oh my gods, Astarion. You thought I hid an entire pregnancy?” He’s too embarrassed to say anything. “You know Karlach can’t keep secrets. Not when they’re not life or death. She’s the reason we found out about Lae’zel and Shadowheart.” She blushes and avert her eyes. “And me and Halsin.”
Many emotions are coursing through him and he’s not sure which to process first. Callum is Tav and Terrick’s child, but not in the same sense he assumed previously. Blood relations are irrelevant. Though. He’s still their child. It must be a druid thing. Jaheira has a house in the Lower City, though he wouldn’t call her mother of the year. Halsin has been taking in some strays as well. What does that mean for Tav? Will she and Terrick continue to adopt more children?
He allows himself a half-hearted guffaw. “I forgot you and the bear rolled around in the leaves.”
Tav shudders. “I have no desire to have a child with Terrick. Even when we—” There’s an implied sleep together Astarion would prefer not to acknowledge. It conjures some images he’d rather not think about. “I don’t want children with him.”
He could drop to his knees, throw up his arms, and shout his praises to the gods right now. “There’s no need. You have the perfect child right here.”
“I couldn’t agree more.” She stands back up, beaming. “Would you like to hold him?”
He really should’ve seen this coming, but he didn’t. “Oh, uh, is it safe? Babies are fragile little things. I don’t want to, er, break him.” He sits as far back in the chair as he can, hands tucked underneath his thighs.
She slides over to one side of the chair. “Please?”
“I don’t know, darling.”
“Pretty please?” It’s difficult to turn her down while staring into those wide, trusting eyes. And then there was the baby. Eventually he gives in, holds up his hands with a deadpan expression on his face. Tav smirks. “Fix your arms.”
Ten seconds later, he’s holding an infant for the first time in two centuries of undead life. He peers down at the little boy. He’s probably wondering who the hells is this monster holding me? Astarion has no idea what to say besides an awkward, “Hello.”
One Callum’s hands break from the blankets and finds its way to lightly smack Astarion’s cheek. It doesn’t hurt really, but then he does it a couple more times. When he tries to stop the low level attack, Callum grabs one of his fingers and tugs as hard as his little body can manage.
He’s only had Callum for ten seconds, but if anything were to happen to him, he would massacre everyone along the Sword Coast and then himself.
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rawro · 9 months
me: would you still love me if i was a kobold?
the incorporeal mist i call my wife: would it bring you joy to have that part of your soul recognised?
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fumifooms · 8 months
Hello! Anon Asker again here. Recently got through the latest volume on Kindle with the Dungeon Master arc.
(Spoilers ahead for others...?) Now that we got most of the characters' backstories, I feel the earlier black magic ritual they did for Falin makes a lot more sense.
Marcille is desperate to keep the people she loves alive given her sense of loss and persisting dread about outliving everyone she knows.
Laios (apart from loving his sister) has lingering guilt from having left Falin behind before, exacerbated by her sacrifice and the way she always puts him first.
Then there's Senshi and Chilchuck who have on more than one occasion shown a distaste for magic.
Yet Senshi didn't fight it much and stood by them, because he himself is not a stranger to loss, especially when it comes to loved ones who have sacrificed for others so that one might survive.
But Chilchuck I'm not so sure. He was the most vocal in how against black/ancient magic he was, but also didn't really stop it. Maybe we can attribute it to his own abandonment issues by his wife, or just that he could imagine what it might be like if it was one of his daughters (as we saw in a small chapter art where he had a nightmare of his daughters dead). But I wanted to hear your take on this if in case you do.
Sorry for taking so long to get back to this ask! It’s a layered topic so I procrastinated on polishing my answer.
I think this is super interesting! Especially because we’re coming at this from totally different angles, since reading the manga I never thought that using dark magic didn’t make sense considering the situation or was weird. You’re coming at this at an angle of what personal reasons would make a character do this, while I looked at it in an angle of what social reasons would make a character let it happen. Post gonna be a lil long so I put it under cut! Tldr with your angle though, I think you’ve pretty much got it spot on and I don’t have much to add, I think your take it’s very interesting, and true.
So, why not do dark magic?
Throughout the whole manga, very early on too, we see our characters testing their society’s perception on morality in ways that we see that the moral wall was pretty baseless in the first place, mainly the disgust towards eating monsters for instance. Or sometimes, the morality of characters is lacking to our standards, having a perception we’d see as twisted, like in the kobold extra. Like Marcille talks about in the barometz/direwolves chapter, eating something "filthy" will make you filthy too and that’s why Marcille was innately so opposed to eating monsters. We also see it with the orcs’ chapter for example, Kui tackles a lot of difficult themes with nuance like racism, both the orcs and the elves have their perspective and their big faults in their part in their conflict, but in the end who’s right and who’s wrong isn’t spelled out for the readers. The point is that morality in the manga isn’t set in stone, it’s something that as the reader you draw the line on yourself, and we see that our characters aren’t infallible moral compasses either. The use of magic, too, is left up in the air on how good and moral it is to use, "unnatural" vs efficent vs cheap cop-out vs harmless or harmful.
So for me, when Marcille explained dark magic, how it works and why it’s forbidden, ‘yeah there’s probably a hidden catch in there’ I thought but I was super on board with it. To me, not using dark magic because it’s different and less known would be like not wanting to eat monsters for the same reason: more born out of fear and ignorance than reasonable and rational.
So we’re coming at this from different angles like I said, while you focused on character motivations for being fine with such an unholy act of magic I thought of it in an ambiguous morality and consequences way. So instead of "why should/would they do it?" to me it’s "why not?". And to me it’s a bit like "Well, no one should steal! But if the person really needs to for food, well I could let it go" for the characters’ thought process, though of course the instinctive revulsion and the stakes are much higher. They have all worked really hard to get there, and if there’s a chance it’ll go well then they would try it. Senshi and Chilchuck are much more reticent than the others like you said, but they’re able in the end to either rationalize doing it enough, or just prefer to listen to the directives and see how it goes by taking a more passive role. Not unlike how peer pressure can get you to participate in something you don’t want to do. But to me it’s a lot about growing accustomed to the unknown, hearing about it from Marcille who researches dark magic instead of the half-foot anecdotes about "dark elves" and "dark magic" used to nefarious ends. Which, presumably dark elves don’t even exist, we don’t know exactly what the half-foot definition of dark elves is, it’s a misconception and it’s a boogeyman, which is part of my point.
Where does Chilchuck’s distaste of magic come from? Elves. But by then Marcille, by being an elf herself and being trustworthy and friendly thus far, has started to chip away at these preconceived notions. Maybe what he heard wasn’t foolproof, after all. Under pressure and stakes like they were, people with even an usually very rigid morality may bend a little, steal, etc. To me, even if Chilchuck brought it up later, still very uneasy with it, it didn’t mean that him doing it was unrealistic or weird. People do things half-heartedly or unsure on if it’s the right thing to do sometimes, especially under pressure. Their will wavered while Laios and Marcille’s didn’t, and ultimately that’s what decided what they would do. What’s the other option? Marcille and Laios weren’t going to back down, so what, fight them so they don’t do it? Otherwise they’ll do it anyways with or without you, and then is there even a point to putting up a fight about it or even leaving? You can see the raationalization being done in real time, if you reverse engineer it.
Ironically enough I think this scene set after they do it depicts it perfectly: Chil lays out why he doesn’t like the thought of it, she responds on why dark magic being bad is up for debate, and he goes to argue but ultimately chooses not to and goes along with the group.
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But yes it’s an interesting topic! Marcille researches positive uses for ancient magic so of course she’d be ready to use it to revive Falin, Laios has normalized reviving and magic a lot and overly relies on it, and Senshi doesn’t want to do it, but it’s because of his ideal- because of his instinctive recoil at anything that is magical or "unnatural"… Except for the golems. Because of how he sees himself as part of a larger ecosystem and cycle of life that humans shouldn’t have control over, that should know how to sustainably live with nature without getting greedy or cocky… Except for when he idealized Anne the kelpie as his best friend that even though is a monster would never hurt him. He tends to pull away from others socially needlessly, not letting himself grow too close to people or a community, too. Point is, Senshi has his pitfalls and isn’t as inflexible as we might think, and not everything he does is rational or even consistent with his own beliefs under his normal circumstances, though I do think he’s the one who was/should be the most opposed to the reviving character wise.
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And I said that Chilchuck’s reason for not liking dark magic is rooted in superstitions and elves and history- and that’s certainly true but it isn’t the full story either. While Senshi’s preoccupied about morals and his world view, Chilchuck is SCARED of it, he thinks of the CONSEQUENCES, not the act itself (though it also def doesn’t charm him either). And not just the direct consequences of what a dark magic resurrection means either, it comes up a lot that Chilchuck is worried for others and for himself, about careers or the law and generally the future, and tends to micromanage them or be on their case because of it. Made a lil compilation below, notice the trend, he’s very focused on what others will do if they learn that they did dark magic, he’s focused on hiding that they did, not grappling with the morality of it as much. He’s very worried about the legality of it. He sees it as a crime but not something that shatters his worldview y’know. And even after Marcille did it and uncovered that she researched dark magic, he still trusts her and her judgement, is only wary of her a but for a bit before going right back to being thick as thieves together.
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I was gonna talk about racism as a plot point and through arcs in the series here but I think I made my point without it, so that’ll be a topic for another day. But yeah… Spoilers for the last volume stop here and skip to the last paragraph if you still haven’t read ut all (bless your Kindle reader soul, good luck waiting for the next chapters). Is the winged lion bad? He’s harmful, certainly, but he’s not evil, and at its base it’s an entity without a sense of morality. Dunmeshi tackles morality in a really interesting, typical of seinens way, and unity is another big theme, as much as racism is a narrative tool and plot point the lesson is that putting efforts into befriending people you don’t understand is good. And with some, like the winged lion, that’s not gonna pay off, but everyone deserves to be understood regardless. Narratively that’s why Laios is the character he is, and why we get to learn about Kabru, the orcs, the canaries, Thistle, even the demon, and see it under new lights. Kui is big on critical race theory and sociopolitical issues used in/for storytelling, and it shows. During canon Chilchuck is growing closer to an elf coworker and tentatively giving her his trust, which pays off, and that is enough to make him reconsider wether dark magic is that bad, and think of how much risk he’s willing to get into for the party. Whew got sidetracked by the narrative genius of Dunmeshi and Kui but, the point is that in the story, characters changing their mind on issues and having their viewpoints challenged is very much common and important.
Sooo yeah! As I said I do enjoy your perspective as well, I’d never thought of it that way so it was interesting. Hopefully this is an insightful post and not just a load of nothing that wasn’t relevant to your question haha. But yeah, while reading I truly approached it from a "why not" angle, instead of a "why yes". They don’t like the method but they do want Falin to live, which makes it easier to dirty their hands for. Wash your hands of it and don’t think about it too much afterwards. (Top 10 reasons why it’ll backfire! none of them will surprise you 🌟)
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crayonturtle · 11 months
kobold carter for my dear wife @knifemartin
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dzamie-oc · 1 year
(inspired by this adorable kobold pin by @grumpygryphon)
"I'm just a little kobold! I do not drop good loot! I've not a copper to my name, it's just an old worn boot! Oh please, oh please, dear heroes, spare my little lizard life, I've got a clutch of eggs to feed, and little lizard wife. It's not worth to burn a spell slot, nor to take an extra turn. In fact, I'm likely worth negative EXP to earn. Just let me go, I swear that I will- er, what's that you said? Testing how I'd fare if someone wants my dragon dead? Well! I'd clearly die before they harm her scaly head!"
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jadewyton · 3 months
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My wife & I both want to make some kobold designs for different worlds, but we both kinda wanted similar vibes, so we ran some ideas by each other and I did some concepts. These are kinda what we’re feeling for our two different worlds haha
She’s gonna work on the scaly one, and I’m gonna see what happens with the fluffy ones (eventually, when I have time)
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echoequinox · 8 months
Just flew on a plane for the first time in a few months and forgot how much I love them and I took notes about her the whole time, waxing poetic about how beautiful and graceful she is
She's flexing her little wings before takeoff :) Making sure she's ready
Latios and Latias arent enough we need a sexy plane woman Pokemon, like those planes the furries wanna fuck
The little narrow struts on the undersides of her wings... little aerodynamic things with antennae like quills
We're passing a truck yard for like, construction equipment and they're the kobolds to my big plane dragon wife
Magical draconic runway in the shape of a big rune that eases in traveling dragons while also serving as a landing strip
The rumble as we take off, that ROAR of hers. She's so beautiful and powerful. The speed that pushes you back in your seat and pops your ears and shakes you around and then the DIP as you take off and that feeling of disorientation but she's fine. She loves it. And in SECONDS, the ground is like toys, like ants beneath us. It took less time than writing this for cars to be the size of bugs. The world is so small to her. She's so beautiful and strong and carries us aloft with such grace. I love you plane
Oh those little struts I mentioned move as we do!! They help guide her just a little bit! Probably help with banking and shit
Cartography wizards (cartogramancers? Lol) astride enormous dragons who keep note of all the changes in the landscape below. Listing every road, every footpath, every river, scribing it into an endlessly long magical atlas. Noting how the roads below form glyphs and runes, how they mirror the natural magic of rivers and tributaries, how homes and castles are built in the most defensible - or beautiful - positions and seeing vistas groundbound humans could never dream of seeing. The beauty of it all.
Fantasy alternate history ww1 where biplanes are replaced with steampunky dragons
Walter White looks up and sees two dragons fucking *lighthouse awed face meme*
This is getting away from airplanes and more toward dragons, I love the plane I think that a machine with the sole purpose of holding people tight and carrying them to far away places to see loved ones and new experiences is so beautiful, it's such a FASCINATING marvel of engineering prowess. This thing is BUILT on math and that's so cool. Every inch of her frame, every cubic centimeter of metal and plastic and cloth, are all accounted for in every flight equation. It's amazing. She's amazing.
I could *feel* her start to dip. That's another amazing thing - every single thing she does is NOTICEABLE. Every dip, every shudder, every increase or decrease in speed. My heart is pumping in time to her turbines, the electricity that runs through her veins is nearly palpable as we prepare for our descent
I'm polyamorous the way a plane is, compared to private jets and shit - they want to please everyone, they just want everyone to be happy and loved and safe, they want to deliver them with speed and safety and warmth and just. I love u miss plane
When my dog first came home with us, only a couple weeks old, he'd sit in the yard and look up at the sky as planes went by and made noise and he had a sense of total awe. I wonder how many dogs are looking up at me now while I look back down at the ground with equal splendor
Very funny to still see those pizza huts with the red rooves
The lights come on as we descend. She's been half asleep, coasting on air currents and pointing herself where she needed to go and now that we're dropping she's awake and aware. She's circling the landing strip like some kind of predator, watching and waiting for an opening so she can swoop down and attack the tarmac
Seeing the way cities are laid out, in perfect little beautiful grids, is so relaxing. Suburban sprawls packed with strange, enormous lives in little blocks of land, chunk by chunk, eventually touching residential, long strips of business and economy, commerce and trade and social lives, into the large, messy, chaotic industry beyond that. Infrastructure is beautiful. The leylines upon which planes were borne.
Water towers are so funny, why the hell did we refurbish an outdated means of water reservoirs, surely there could be a way to store more water more efficiently in treatment plants. Are they just for the Fun Cultural Aesthetic? Are they REALLY still that useful as a buffer?
Those little struts *are* at least partially used for banking but I think they're probably more like communications arrays combined with.. ballast isn't the right word. Counterweight? Idk. Beautiful regardless. Still love the little antennae
A little boat skims across a river, under a bridge where a highway passes over. I can tell it's moving fast, even from this high up. Tiny ecosystems exist beneath the hull, trillions of microbes, so far down beneath me now it's hard to make out any details other than the trail of white foam spray behind the boat.
Another water tower.
And another. Wild.
She rumbles as she drops, like she's grumpy, like she doesn't want to be on the ground. Silly girl, you can't fly forever. You need fuel and new passengers. She's flexing the little bits along her wings again, preparing for true descent now. The whistling is getting lower and lower pitched as we lose speed. I'm sure she isn't happy about it, but it's only going to be probably a half an hour or less before she's up in the air again. Calm down, girl.
One last roar as we slow. Beautiful. 💖
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thenixkat · 9 months
personally, my idea for post-canon ruling a kingdom shit that I'd probably use if I do a post-canon fic is King Laios takes the orc chieftain up on the arranged marriage to his younger sister. Also marries a kobold and a tallman (who I like the idea of a monster researcher that Laios just vibes with).
With his eldest children being an adopted kobold son, a tallman stepdaughter, and then a halforc child with teh first wife marrying an orc and a kobold solidifies the position of demihumans as people who get to have rights in the kingdom into its future the firstborn halforc child most likely being the one who'd inherit the throne if we must go with bloodline.
But having older and wiser siblings would probably help a bit like shouldering responsibility if halforcs (and halfkobolds) are sterile then there's also the possibility of bloodline kids with the tallman wife. If not then there's like 3 lines of blood relation to Mr. Demon Eater with lessens the pressure on choosing the regent after next with a lot more options and also having more parents involved should help the kids feel less neglected (like Laios felt with his chieftain dad) but that's just what my take is. A lil bit of politics, a lil bit of nonconventional relationships and parenting, and like some parenting trial kids in the adoptee and the stepchild
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