#nerve damage tw
sceebybeeby · 2 months
⚠️the book of bill spoils, blood⚠️
"Hey, brother, it's Sixer."
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rigormortisangel · 29 days
my mental illnesses have caused me to inflict permanent damage to my body but yeah sure its "all in my head"
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bottlesandbarricades · 5 months
When are they gonna invent backs that don't fucking hurt
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axiseart · 11 months
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Goretober #28 - Exposed nerve
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st4rkissedwebz · 8 months
I was gonna say creature!hetch is probably the only one witn no angst in the creature au
Then i remembered he got declawed once and showfall failed to fix that properly so he is in constant pain whenever he tries to grab onto something.
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anxiously-awaiting · 1 year
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"it's been a long time since I could say that,"
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azucar-skull · 5 months
I don't have any anger issues, what do you mean?
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gabbagepatch · 6 months
Day by day ~ 3-29-2024
Since my last blog I saw my optometrist and my eyes have gotten a clean bill of health! Nothing "wrong" with my eyes except some surface dryness.
I still haven't received a call from any neurologist and my bloodwork is delayed because the lab technician is on vacation. I'm pretty antsy for answers, obviously, because this shit has really been difficult. If I can at least find out why, even if it's not "cured", I won't be so scared. It's scary not knowing. I asked my PCP to test my urine for gadolinium because the sensory symptoms onset two days after my MRI in February and I found some reports of people with near-identical symptoms after being administered MRI contrast. PCP seemed skeptical, but I haven't had any other obvious solutions presented to me.
I feel like a conspiracy nut a lot. Is it this? What about that? Should I get this test? I'm desperate for answers. I accessed my own MRI to check for Chiari Malformation (didn't have it). My family is telling me to step away from searching but how can I? I feel awful and I'm expected to wait patiently for months to see doctors that don't help. Who's supposed to be looking for answers when doctors won't?
Doctors act like patients, especially women, are trying to scam them into diagnosis's, like we want to be ill. I don't want this to be happening. ~shocker~ I wish I felt "normal", whatever that means. If I had one wish, I'd wish for health. I'm tired. Tired of waking up everyday to a life of discomfort, to headaches, to feeling restless, to pain, to uncertainty.
I know I sound depressed, I guess I kindof am. I started this year with tinnitus, and I'm heading into April with a laundry list of physical challenges and no answers.
I don't think anyone that hasn't had these symptoms understand the mental toll it takes when your body is never at rest. Always twitching, burning, stinging, buzzing, cramping, aching, ringing--I haven't felt truly relaxed since Christmas 2023. I can't even sit on my phone and scroll mindlessly because my own eyes turn everything into a lightshow.
I'm not normally someone who likes to pity party, but get the balloons because that's how I feel today. I'm sure I'll perk up, do an activity, watch something, and I'll feel a bit better by tonight. But then the high will fade and I'll crawl into bed and begin shaking and hurting all over. I'll wake up and do it again tomorrow. And the next day. And the next day. I'll keep going, even if it's miserably.
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 "We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body." 2 Corinthians 4:8-10
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oddestishottest · 1 year
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Hospital today, MRI tomorrow
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age-of-moonknight · 8 months
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“Next Stop: Zombieville, Part 1,” Deadpool: Merc With A Mouth (Vol. 1/2009), #8.
Writer: Victor Gischler; Penciler: Bong Gazo; Inker: Jose Pimentel; Colorist: Matt Milla; Letterer: Jeff Eckleberry
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rosewriteswhump · 10 months
Whump Wheel 6
Chronic Pain
Tw: Non-human whumpee and caretakers, nerve damage, wing whumpee, lady whump, past hostage, kidnapping mention
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Marlie sat next to her sister anxiously. Her wings had been aching ever since she had been rescued.
Dawn sighed, gently closing her textbook. "Marlie, sweetie? I think you have nerve damage."
Marlie's eyes watered, dreading pain for eternity.
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mimikyu-chr · 1 year
TW// this post discusses the aftermath of self-harming, it’s tagged as a trigger but i want to make sure no one in the wrong headspace reads this.
Something i don’t talk about in the context of ‘your disability isn’t your fault’ is the nerve damage in my left arm. This is because it both is and isn’t my fault. I chose to self-harm, but i didn’t choose for it to leave permanent pain and difficulty for me. It was kind of my fault for causing myself the injury, but i’m also at a place where i can say this wasn’t entirely my fault and i didn’t know i’d have to live with the consequences for probably the rest of my life.
I’m very much a believer that no-ones disability is entirely their fault, even if they chose to do the action which disabled them. I don’t care if your disability was caused by smoking, drugs or self-harm. We’re all treated badly the same as every other disabled person, and we all need to treat ourselves with more kindness and compassion. You didn’t decide that your choices would disable you, no matter what other people think.
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chaossmagic · 2 years
bucky struggling with language and communicating. not just for trauma reasons, but for neurological reasons - the brain damage he sustained. 
he forgets simple words, blanks on the names of familiar things, tries to translate phrases he does know/remember into english and they don’t make sense because the transliteration of the phrase is meaningless in english. people don’t understand him, he doesn’t understand his own attempts to communicate, and sometimes he doesn’t even speak english at all and can talk for several minutes before realizing he’s speaking spanish or chinese or russian and whoever he’s talking to just stares at him blankly, because they have no idea what he’s saying.
steve recognises in him the way he struggled to learn english all those years ago as a kid, how bucky patiently pointed to things and told him what they were, or learned to pick up steve’s meaning in other ways when he got words confused or mixed up, or pronounced things the wrong way because he was used to the spelling rules of irish and english just didn’t make sense to him that way. 
writing things down for him and using his own language skills to help him explain what he wants to say. 
slowly, he gets better, but some days, a combination of brain fog and amnesia and whatever else make it difficult to remember how to speak basic english (or speak at all), and steve just sits with him and squeezes his hand and tells him it’s okay, it’s not the end of the world. steve understands him just fine, and it’s not a weakness that he can’t always remember how to say things or what things are called. sometimes bucky cries, and that’s okay too, because steve remembers how frustrating it was for him all those years ago when he didn’t know how to talk to anyone around him and english just sounded like gobbledegook to him, causing him to withdraw and isolate himself even more, until bucky came along and helped him. 
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Had needles stuck into my arms and hands today which was not fun. Presently, I'm curled into bed, trying to knock the nausea down and out. If I can manage that, I'll try to poke at replies
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chillabuse · 1 year
TW rant in tags (sh/relapse ment)
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fayriequeene · 2 years
What happened to your head? Are you okay? You wrote about a head injury...hope you will feel better soon!
Post concussive syndrome and repeat head injuries/falls 😔
Thank you, I hope I do too! 💕
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