#neutrois culture
neutrois-culture-is · 7 months
Neutrois culture is people still refering to you as your AGAB because they don't seem to understand neutrois is an actual identity and not an aesthetic ...
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abinary-culture-is · 9 months
hey hey hey! this is an 'x-culture-is' blog for abinary/aphorian folks!
this blog powered by user asks & submissions. if asks/submissions are quiet, though, i might post some myself.
all asks/submissions should start with "abinary culture is" / "aphorian culture is" OR "(x specific abinary label) culture is"
keep it sfw, nothing hateful.
dni & rules/info can be found here at my carrd. pls pls read it !
anyways, hi, i'm zondt! i use ze/zir pronouns and i'm abinary aroace! i'll see you around!
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genderqueerdykes · 6 months
you're allowed to love being trans if you:
just came out
havent transitioned and dont plan to
have known you are trans for years but kept it to yourself
don't want surgery or hormones
dont disclose your trans status or genders to other people
dont change your name
never have dysphoria
your transness is tied to your neurodivergence
your transness is tied to your nonhuman identity
dont feel like you have a gender or gendered experience
feel like gender isn't really that important
are intersex
are two-spirit, hijra, or have another cultural gender or expression identity, or "third gender"
are a person of color
are an afab demigirl
are an amab demiboy
have a complex identity
have a very simple identity
cant figure out your gender for the life of you
cross dress
do drag
present socially in ways that are "normal" for your agab
have crushing dysphoria
don't know how to pass
pass effortlessly
are a butch trans woman
are a femme trans man
are demigender
don't like to be reminded you're trans
have a very specific gender
have a gender that's specific to you and you alone
have hated being trans at one point
stopped transition and restarted it at some point
have had to change your gender, name, pronouns or presentation multiple times
change presentation a lot
have a gender that's hard or impossible to put into words
dont want to figure out what your gender is exactly
are plural/a system
are genderfluid, gnc, genderqueer, multigender, polygender, genderflux, neutrois, maverique or genderfuck
are xenogender
are a lesbian or gay
are transneutral
are transfemasc/transmascfem
..... are trans.
every trans person is allowed to love being trans. good day, love yourself today!
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genderkoolaid · 24 days
*feel free to include yourself if you might be considered nonbinary but don't personally use that label, or any other "it's complicated" situation
also im sure this will start transmasc-heavy given my followers so please reblog! i wanna see how nonbinary people sort themselves and why
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redtail-lol · 1 year
I'm like 100% convinced that EVERYONE who says "nonbinary isn't a third gender" genuinely doesn't give a shit about nonbinary people and wants to erase them by saying we're all just men and/or women in funky ways.
I mean yeah people who ARE men and/or women in funky ways can ID as nonbinary and people who have no gender can be nonbinary and all that but literally there's so many identities under nonbinary that are literally "third" genders, including just identifying as nonbinary. Maverique, aporagender, countless xenogenders, neutrois, countless cultural third genders, aliagender, and many others.
Stop fucking trying to get rid of nonbinary people and place us within the binary.
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Queer-ish/Variant-ish part 5
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Non binary-ish, and Maverique-ish
Non binary-ish - A term for for when someone's close to but not quite non binary. This can be for a variety of reasons, including being heavily aligned with a binary gender, having fluid gender and/or multiple gender and not viewing all of them as non binary, not identifying with typical understandings of what non binary means, having a "non traditional" relationship with non binaryness do to cultural reasons, questioning one's gender, any other experiences of near but not exact non binaryness and/or non binaryness with additional complexities to it.
Maverique-ish - A term for for when someone's close to but not quite maverique. This can be for a variety of reasons, including being demimaverique, having fluid gender and/or multiple gender that one views as inseparable from each other and maverique is a prominent one, questioning one's gender, any other experiences of near but not exact maverique and/or maverique with additional complexities to it.
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Agender-ish, and Neutrois-ish, and Androgyne-ish
All have similar definitions to maverique-ish
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Multigender-ish, and Bigender-ish, and Genderfluid-ish
Multigender-ish - A term for for when someone's close to but not quite multigender. This can be for a variety of reasons, including being almost entirely one gender but partly being others, having multiple partial genders, having fluid or flux gender that is experience as both multiple and one gender, questioning one's gender, any other experiences of near but not exactly that of being multigender and/or multigender with additional complexities to it.
Bigender-ish - A term for for when someone's close to but not quite bigender. This can be for a variety of reasons, including being almost entirely one gender but partly being another one, having multiple partial genders to add up to being close to but not quite two, having fluid or flux gender that is experience as both two and one gender, questioning one's gender, any other experiences of near but not exactly that of being bigender and/or bigender with additional complexities to it.
Genderfluid-ish - A term for for when someone's close to but not quite genderfluid. This can be for a variety of reasons, including one having the fluidity of one's gender(s) be very slow so it's often felt as static, having both fluid and static genders, one being unsure if their gender is fluid or flux, questioning one's gender, any other experiences of near but not exact non genderfluidity and/or non genderfluidity with additional complexities to it.
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this-is-exorsexism · 6 months
not an exorsexism ask
just think you obviously have a lot of negative things to see to run this blog n wanted to give you some positivity
pls listen to your favorite song today! be kind to yourself! eat something yummy! remember that you deserve joy n happiness n all the nice things!
flowers for u > 🌻🏵️🌺💮🌼🌻🏵️🌺💮🌼
also a four leaf clover 🍀
this is so sweet, thank you so much. 💛
giving this energy to people affected by exorsexism who follow this blog too.
just remember that being outside of the binary is a beautiful thing and there is no wrong way to do so. if you don't have a gender, you're beautiful. if you relate to the gender binary in some way, you're incredible. if your gender is neutral, you are amazing. if you have multiple genders, you are powerful. if your gender is fluid, you are marvellous. if your gender can only be described with concepts, objects or similar, you are radiant. if you have a partial gender, you are perfect. if you don't label your gender, you are awesome. if your gender is not related to the binary, you are outstanding. if you are questioning your gender, you are phenomenal. if your gender is specific to your culture, you are astonishing. if your gender is outside the binary and you don't identify as nonbinary, you are fabulous. if i didn't describe your gender here, you are still excellent and you matter so, so much.
shoutout to people who law gender leads to using terms that "don't go together". shoutout to nonbinary cis people, to enbyhets, to lesboys, to turigirls, to afab transfems, to amab transmascs, to boygirls. i love all of you.
shoutout to people whose genders lead to using terms that don't get much visibility. shoutout to trixics, torics, enbians, cenelians, maveriques, neutrois people, diamorics, pera people and so many more. i love you so much.
shoutout to people who avoid any gendered terms altogether. shoutout to people who just want to be called a person. shoutout to people who don't use gender-specific orientation terms. i love you, always.
shoutout to people outside the binary whose experience is often overlooked. shoutout to Black people, indigenous people and other people of colour, to disabled people, to fat people, to intersex people. i love you forever.
i love this community and our infinite diversity so much. things often feel so dire for us but gosh, you all are so loved.
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transunity · 2 years
Just a gentle reminder to those who are not only discussing transunity, but are discussing the experiences of non-binary people in general: transneutral is not a catch all term that applies to all non-binary people who aren't transmasculine or transfeminine. There are a wide variety of trans____ experiences out there such as being transmaverique, transmultigender, transandrogynous, transxenine, and transagender. When talking about trans issues, using a tertiary of transmasculine, transfeminine, and transneutral is just as ineffective and only slightly less exclusionary than the transmasculine/transfeminine binary. Transneutral is not a synonym for "all non binary people who aren't transmasculine or transfeminine".
If you are looking for language to describe non-binary people who don't fall into the categories of manhood, masculinity, womanhood, or femininity, abinary/aphorian are both terms that were created to describe exactly that. Genders such as neutrois, agender, stellarian, many xenogenders, many cultural genders, and many neurogenders fall into this category. If you want to be even more specific and want to specify that you're also not talking about neutral and androgynous people, atrinary/aterniry/atertirary are terms you can use. Genders such as maverique, gendervoid, aporagender, all outherine genders, many xenogenders, many cultural genders, and many neurogenders fall under this category. All atrinary genders are also abinary (ex: maverique is also an abinary gender identity) , however not all abinary genders are atrinary (ex: neutrois is an abinary gender but not an atrinary one).
There's been a lot of confusion on what language should be used to replace "transneutral" when talking about non-binary people who fall outside of manhood/womanhood or masculinity/femininity. Hopefully these are suggestion that can be of use to people not just discussing transunity, but discussing trans issues in general.
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artsyaech · 9 months
a masterlist of [thing] culture is... blogs part 2!
this part will be focusing on gender identities + intersex
fluid / flux identities
abinary / aporian / agender
multigender / mixedgender
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the-delta-quadrant · 8 months
i'm confused by the term atrinary because western culture only recognises a gender binary. and when the cultures that recognise exactly three genders it's not like that "third gender" is the same in every single culture. there is no such thing as a monolithic gender binary. it seems like some people on tumblr have decided that neutral/neutrois is the third gender in the gender trinary. but like gender binary, the term gender binary (and thus atrinary) kind of implies that a third gender, in this case neutrois, is actually recognised by society. it's not. it's also completely arbitrary that people have decided neutrois is the "third gender". sure, there are a lot of people who "accept" nonbinary people but think all of us are neutrois, creating a three-gender system *in their minds*, but there are just as many people who think all nonbinary people are agender or "in between"/androgyne. depending on what kind of exorsexist you encounter, the "gender trinary" is male/female/neutrois, male/female/none or male/female/androgyne. it's entirely arbitrary how people on tumblr have decided to put neutrois in this weird position of supposedly being more recognised societally than maveriques and other genders that are called "atrinary". because at the end of the day, as a maverique, if i look at my neutrois siblings, our experiences barely differ at all as people disconnected from the gender binary. no hate, but "atrinary" is a term you will never see me use.
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Neutrois culture is not being sure whether you are neutrois or binary trans and stopping on neutrois because it doesn't feel so bold and some signs in the past align better
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owlbelly · 7 months
re: that poll i reblogged, i said learning the word "non-binary" was my lightbulb trans moment - mostly because i learned it at a time when i wasn't around anyone who would gatekeep it from me (also it was relatively new), whereas in the past other people had subtly or not-so-subtly pushed me away from every other word i knew (genderqueer mostly but also neutrois, androgyne, etc.)
& the fact that it contained the word "non" was pretty big, because at the time it seemed plausible that another trans person could argue with me that i wasn't a thing (a man, a woman, any other kind of gender that had a definition), but how could anyone argue that i wasn't not something? if you think there are criteria someone needs to meet in order to "really" be a gender, what can you possibly say to someone who responds "actually i don't meet any of those criteria, nor do i care to, thanks"
obviously this was naive on my part - for one, plenty of people did argue that non-binary people weren't trans & it took me a longer time (a few more years at least) to grow enough confidence to actually use the word trans for myself in public. two, "non-binary" has since then absolutely been culturally assimilated as some kind of definable "third gender option" rather than the massive umbrella it was supposed to be, so now i either go more specific (agender? anti-gender?) or even less specific (just trans)
but "non-binary" was 100% my escape from the assigned gender prison & i'm very grateful i encountered it when/where i did
if i'm being entirely honest, it was massively aided by the fact that i was also in graduate school with the most aggressively cis women i have ever met & i was thinking more about my own lack of / failure at / deep loathing for gender than ever before
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Midtrinary Pride Flag
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Midtrinary or midternary: non-trinary identities that are not strictly atrinary/exotrinary (aternary/exoternary); an umbrella term for midbinary, midtertiary genders, and other labels referencing gender trinary/aptoternary/aptotrinary.
Examples: demitrinary (but not necessarily demiatrinary as the other part can be anontrinary/anonternary)/viatrinary/ideotrinary [demiternary/viaternary/ideoternary], multigender experiences involving at least one trinary gender (multrinary/multitrinary), trinaryflux, etc.
This term was not defined yet, but used in an illustrative infographic from gender juxtaposition diagrams.
It should be noted that trinaries could depend on one's cultural arities, as the tertiary trinary gender could be a culturally specific identity ("third gender") or could just be neutral (neutrois/agender). Sometimes trinary/nontrinary doesn't apply to the individual either, for example when one's gender is from a quinary or senary system.
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epiceneandroid · 17 days
PRESENTING: a masterlist of colonel.exe themed names and pronouns (genders coming soon!) for all you gamers out there
-Irune: Pronounced "ee-ROO-neh", this Basque girl's name means "trinity".
-Hirune: Pronounced "hee-ROO-neh", this Basque girl's name means "trinity". Variation of Irune.
-Milo: Pronounced "MY-low", this Latin and Old German unisex name means "soldier" or "merciful".
-Mylo: Pronounced "MY-low", this Latin and Old German boy's name means "soldier" or "merciful".
-Ava: Pronounced "AY-va", this Hebrew, Latin, and Germanic girl's name means "life", "bird", or "water island".
-Falke: Pronounced "FALK", this unisex German word name means "falcon".
-Adler: Pronounced "ADD-ler", this unisex German name means "eagle".
-Aderyn: Pronounced "ah-DEH-rin", this Cornish girl's name means "bird".
-Florian: Pronounced "FLOW-ree-an" or "FLAW-ree-an", this Latin unisex name means "flowering" for a boy and "flourishing, prosperous" for a girl.
-Emrys: Pronounced "EMM-riss", this Welsh unisex name means "immortal".
-Olin: Pronounced "OH-lin" or "AW-lin", this Swedish, Norwegian, and English boy's name with unisex potential means "ancestor, to inherit, legacy" in Swedish and Norwegian and "from the low-lying land" in English.
-Mael: Pronounced "mah-ELLE", this is a rare Breton boy's name with unisex potential meaning "prince" or "chieftain".
-Gwenael: Pronounced "gweh-nah-ELLE", this is a rare Breton boy's name with unisex potential meaning "generous and blessed".
He/him/his/himself, Hi/hir/hirs/hirself, Ze/hir/hirs/hirself, Xe/xem/xyrs/xemself, Sie/hir/hirs/hirself, Heir/heir/heirs/heirself, Ki/kin/kins/kinself, Li/ege/li/egeself, Cro/crow/crows/crowself, Bi/bit/bits/bitself, Gli/glit/glitch/glitchself, Div/vine/divs/vineself, Co/co/cos/coself, Co/cor/cors/coreself, Di/div/divs/divself, Thon/thon/thons/thonself, Thou/thou/thous/thouself, E/eth/eirs/ethself, Ei/en/eirs/eirself, Hy/hymn/hymns/hymnself, Per/per/pers/perself, Hu/hum/hus/hus/huself
GENDERS (now comes the fun part!):
-Epicene: A gender that has characteristics of both binary genders, but is neither binary gender at the same time.
-Ambonec: A gender that is both male, female, and neither at the same time.
-Neuangi: An androgynous gender that is entirely neutral.
-Xenxari: Someone who is xiaspec/xingender, niaspec/ningender, and androgynous in alignment (liaspec) or in nature (lingender).
-Elvengender: A xenogender connected to elves in some way. It can be described as a majestic yet serious gender; beautiful and stern.
-Chimeragender: A xenogender that encompasses the feeling of being a hybrid, or not human, or feeling like a monster but not truly, that is under the umbrella of monstergenders.
-Metaphorgender: When one feels one's gender is a metaphor for something else. It feels not fully real and it may provide clarity or identify hidden similarities between two different identities.
-Orupin: An orderly gender with a sense of stability and reason for who and what they are, and feel that there is a logical reason for their gender.
-Anler: A strong-willed gender that is determined and certain about who and what they are. They will be angry if others insist their gender does not exist, and feel very grounded and supported in their gender.
-Neutrois: A nonbinary gender identity that is associated with having a neutral gender that is either strongly neither male nor female, weakly gendered, a balance of any and all genders within their experience, or genderless depending on the person.
-Genderlight: When all accessible genders within one's life and culture combines with their antigenders, and in turn becomes nullified and mixed, resulting in a "light" feeling.
-Nonvirmina: Someone who is not male or female in any way, shape, or form, but is connected to both masculinity and femininity within their gender.
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winreyplace · 2 months
Intro: Sean Renard
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My Name: Sean Emile Renard My Personality: I possess lawful, gracious, and fastidious qualities. I'm one of the more reserved members of the family, preferring to carefully listen to others before expressing my own thoughts. My discerning palate and polished demeanor has at times gotten me called pretentious or overly particular, but I take it all in stride with a good-natured attitude when teased for those behaviors. My Birthday: October 21st, 1981 Species/Cultural Identity: Half-Zauberbeist Half-Human My Gender Orientation: I am a Neutrois man* and prefer masculine words and pronouns My Sexuality: Aromantic Asexual My Disabilities/Conditions: Autism Physical Description: I stand at 6 feet 4 inches tall, a stature that often draws attention. My eyes are a clear green, set beneath a brow that's framed by ash-brown hair, cropped short for a neat appearance. My skin is fair, untouched by excessive sun exposure. My build is substantial and sturdy, with broad shoulders tapering slightly to a narrower waist, creating a subtle V-shape that speaks to both strength and proportion. Overall, my physique could be described as robust but comfortable. My Relationships: Boyfriend: Nick Burkhardt; QPPs: Logan Noble and James ‘Howlett’. Other Intimate relationships: Damien G******-Sprinkles, Butler, Sara, and Theo Raeken. I’m also Renny to both Lav and Mel in both a parental and kink capacity as requested. My Hobbies/Interests: I enjoy reading, logic puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, BDSM roleplay scenario planning, bookkeeping, grooming, and a little bit of coin collecting. My Canon Backstory:
I was born a royal bastard my father was the king of Kronenburg (a small country in North America), and my mother was the Hexenbeist he was smitten with. We were forced to flee to the United States when his wife swore to kill us both, where I was raised and educated in the ways of both human and Wesen. I went on to exercise my ambitions by working my way up the ranks in Portland's police department (a career I have thoroughly denounced since then) as a way to maintain a royal influence on the local Wesen population. I spent the last few years of my canon life alternating between antagonist and grudging ally to Nick and his friends. Mel and Lav took me partway through my canon show, though I still have many hazy exomemories of later points in my canon self's story that I did not personally experience. My Bond Backstory: I was having lunch one day in my world when Nick showed up suddenly (notably after calling in a few vacation days and disappearing without a trace) with a young lady and introduced her to me as Mel. I had a peculiar sensation at the time of meeting her that I did not fully understand, and it made me suspicious. I pressed Nick to explain exactly who she was and why she was here, and he stammered through an explanation of munbonding and parallel worlds that barely made sense, but I couldn't help being intrigued. As someone who liked to be fully aware and in control of all avenues of power at my disposal, missing an opportunity to take advantage of the situation was inadmissible. I later understood that the parallel world Nick was referring to was both Winrey Place and the world that Lav and Mel lived in that we could visit through "fronting" in their bodies, and that the peculiar sensation inside me was the pull of a potential munbond. It was an interesting first few days where I learned a lot all at once. I will admit that walking into the situation I did wasn't my first choice at the start. I had built up enough networks and prestige in Portland that retiring from it all and leaving it behind would have been unthinkable, were it not for that first moment of settling into bed with the girls and being truly seen for who I was and who I was meant to be, reaching right into my soul. It was…inspiring. The Beast inside me wanted it and craved to possess it, and I realized a whole new way to meet the goals I'd pursued for so long. And over time, the hunger for power and control gave way to, well, a hunger for love, food, and a unique family I never thought I was meant to have.
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barefootbaltimore · 3 months
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[Image ID: Four rainbow striped umbrellas. Two are large and labeled "Transgender" and "Metagender" respectively. Underneath the umbrella labeled "Transgender" is the third umbrella labeled "Binary". Underneath the "Binary" Umbrella are the words "Trans man" and "Trans woman". Underneath the umbrella labeled "Metagender" are the words "Kids raised without assigned gender" and "Cultural gender identities that cannot be described as cis or trans". Between the two umbrellas labeled "Trangender" and "Metagender" is the fourth umbrella labeled "Non-binary", Underneath which are the words genderqueer, Demiboy, Demi girl, Neutrois, gender fluid, bigender, agender, And More!. End Image ID]
Saw this Image on the Facebook group I'm apart of for families that raise their children without gender and I don't have any thoughts about it specifically but it did get me wondering: Are children raised without Binary gender Trans? No, right? But "biological sex" is a myth so what your assigned at birth is less relevant than how you were raised in determining if you're transing your gender, right? Because intersex people can ID as cis if they were raised as a woman and remain a woman their whole life. So a kid raised with no gender, who wasn't assigned a Binary sex at birth but then grows up to ID as a woman would be Trans? Right? But an amab child who told her parents at age 3 she was a girl and has lived and was raised as a girl from them on is also still Trans. So that doesn't work either.
I started this post with a plan but words mean nothing anymore. Which is a good thing! You are the words you want to be and it doesn't matter if your experience getting there is the same as anyone else's. More of us are intersex than we know and more of us are Trans than we know and the idea of a Binary of cis and Trans is just as ridiculous as the Binary between male and female.
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