#next follower milestone is on the horizon
frnkiebby · 7 months
Jfc you guys.
How are we already close to the blogs next milestone. You guys are fucking awesome and i love you all but now i need to actually stop procrastinating and come up with another milestone idea/theme.
Have some fave frimages in return for being my favorite FellowWhores~🎃
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(ps. lmk if this shit is annoying to you. i just like to talk and like i said, you’re never getting rid of me now, so buckle up fuckers and let’s get wrecked.)
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psychics4unet · 2 months
Pick A Card: What’s Your Next Big Move? 🔮✨
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Paid psychic reading is available here:
Instructions: Look at the 3 images of the piles below. Choose the pile that you feel most drawn to. Trust your intuition and select the one that resonates with you the most. Once you have made your choice, scroll down to read the description for the pile you selected.
I put a lot of effort into this reading, so please show some love by leaving comments, likes, reblogs, and follow me! ❤️💬✨
Pile 1:
The Magician
The Eight of Cups
The Hierophant
The Magician signifies the potential to harness your skills and resources to create significant changes. The Eight of Cups suggests a need to leave behind what no longer serves you, signaling that the next big move involves letting go of old habits or situations. The Hierophant points to seeking wisdom and guidance, possibly from a mentor or through traditional paths. Together, these cards indicate that your next step involves using your abilities to make a meaningful change, guided by wisdom, and letting go of outdated patterns. 🌟🔮🚶‍♂️
Love this post? Spread the positive vibes by reblogging with your favorite pile number! Remember to like, comment, and follow me for more tarot insights and spiritual guidance. By sharing this post, you'll invite positive energy from the universe into your life. Let's journey together towards enlightenment and fulfillment!
Pile 2:
The Wheel of Fortune
The Four of Wands
The Devil
The Wheel of Fortune signals a turning point or change, suggesting that the next big move will bring a shift in circumstances. The Four of Wands indicates celebration and harmony, pointing to a positive outcome or milestone. The Devil warns of potential obstacles or unhealthy patterns that might need to be addressed. Together, these cards suggest that while a significant change is on the horizon, it’s important to be mindful of challenges and ensure that the move leads to a positive and balanced outcome. 🌟🔄🎉
Love this post? Spread the positive vibes by reblogging with your favorite pile number! Remember to like, comment, and follow me for more tarot insights and spiritual guidance. By sharing this post, you'll invite positive energy from the universe into your life. Let's journey together towards enlightenment and fulfillment!
Pile 3:
The Empress
The Seven of Swords
The Knight of Pentacles
The Empress represents abundance, creativity, and nurturing, suggesting that your next big move involves embracing growth and new opportunities. The Seven of Swords points to the need for careful strategy and possibly dealing with deception or hidden factors. The Knight of Pentacles indicates a steady, methodical approach, highlighting the importance of diligence and patience. Together, these cards suggest that your next step will be fruitful and creative but requires a thoughtful approach and careful planning to navigate any challenges. 🌟🌿🛡️
Love this post? Spread the positive vibes by reblogging with your favorite pile number! Remember to like, comment, and follow me for more tarot insights and spiritual guidance. By sharing this post, you'll invite positive energy from the universe into your life. Let's journey together towards enlightenment and fulfillment!
Attention! This reading is for entertainment purposes only. This tarot reading does not give a 100% guarantee that all the described situations will occur or being ultimate truth. You build your own life and destiny and only you know yourself best. Remember to reblog, like, comment, and follow for more cosmic guidance and positivity!
Paid readings are also available for more in-depth insights and personal guidance! 🌟💫
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fang-and-feather · 5 months
Congratulations on your follower milestone!
Can I request Theo and the prompt "If you solve this I'll buy you lunch" prompt?
Thank you!
Thank you!! 🥰 I didn't expect getting here, but I am glad to celebrate with you!
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Ikemen Vampire - Theo x Reader
Words: 3,577
Summary: The biggest proof Theo could give of trusting you were right about Vincent's safety when you tried reassuring his worries. But proving him you were right and could be trusted was a great responsibility, and the architect of such mystery wasn't making it easy for you? Or was her? And was this needed proof the only secret you were about to uncover?
Tags: Some Canon Divergence, Fluff, a bit of Romance at the end, Getting Together, First Kiss
Request from my 100 Followers Celebration. Prompts for it were from @anyfandomfluffbingo
Not planned as a birthday fic for Theo, but posted just in time for it so: Happy Birthday Theo!
(it was in fact planned to be paired with Vincent's birthday fic - and I finished neither in time - so the fic timeline is off for Theo's own birthday)
IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist / AO3 Link
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It wasn’t often that you had the opportunity to just sit in the dining room and enjoy a peaceful breakfast.
You always had an early, and sometimes rushed, breakfast, either before helping Sebastian serve breakfast as the other residents woke up or, most often, because Theo was in a hurry to leave for work, to which he often took you along.
Maybe you would take advantage of the beautiful day, find a nice spot in the garden, and finally read the books Vincent’s girlfriend left with you.
Or maybe you would head to town, do some window shopping, and stop by the cafe you had been meaning to visit for a while now. And maybe you could bring one of the books along. It was from Comte’s library, but he wouldn’t mind, would he? As long as you were careful with it.
But a dark cloud thundered on the horizon, threatening to rain over your sunny mood.
The name of that cloud was Theo, and by the thundering footsteps, loud enough even on the carpeted floor, his mood was as dark as the rain clouds, and with Vincent having gone out and Arthur busy writing, the problems that soured his mood would certainly rain over you.
And you had a good idea of what these problems were. The woman who had shown up about a week before, and whom Vincent introduced as his girlfriend. Apparently, they had been dating for a while, but it had been the first time Theo had ever heard of his brother having a girlfriend, and he immediately distrusted her.
Of course, he didn’t dare complain in front of Vincent. Not after his first few warnings were shut down. So it was you who had been subjected to his angry outburst the first time, until you calmed him enough to remind him that if Vincent had really fallen in love, that was a good thing.
Besides, although you had not dared say so to him then, you really thought Theo was exaggerating and being too quick to judge. Maybe because, for overprotective Theo, nobody was good enough for his brother, and anyone who dared try was targeting him because Vincent was an innocent angel that could see no evil in anyone.
You thought Vincent was more than capable of discerning bad intentions. He just chose to trust people. And his girlfriend was a little suspicious, yes, but whatever she was hiding seemed to be personal. Maybe something about her past or family, but not anything that would pose a danger to Vincent. You had yet to find a way to prove it to Theo, though.
And now you were likely in for another round of playing therapist.
Maybe listening to the same signs as you, Sebastian stepped out of the kitchen almost at the same time as Theo stormed in.
“You are quite late, Master Theodorus. I will have your breakfast ready in a moment.”
The only acknowledgement Tho gave Sebastian was a short grunt. You weren’t given even that as he roughly pulled the chair next to yours away from the table, and sat down, making the wood creak.
Finally opening the other hand that had been balled into a fist the whole time, Theo tried to roughly smother the crumpled piece of paper over the table.
By the way Theo glared at the paper as if he could set it on fire if he stared hard enough. It seemed to be the source of his foul mood, but when you peered at it, all you saw were lines.
Was it a sketch? A rough draft of an abstract painting? The lines were delicate and full of small curves and details, but they didn’t seem to form a definite shape. Or maybe you just weren’t looking at it the right way.
Theo looked equally stumped by its form or meaning. But maybe it just wasn’t finished. Why was he so determined to figure it out and so angry that he couldn’t?
You leaned over the table and closer to him, greeting in a loud, cheerful tone.
“Good morning, Theo!”
“Do you have to be so loud first thing in the morning, Hondje?” Theo groaned, rubbing his temple.
“Sorry, but you should rest if you’re not feeling well. Stressing will only make it worse.”
“Why shouldn’t I stress when Vincent didn’t come home yesterday? And I found this in his room, with my name written on the back, but that’s not Vincent’s handwriting. This must be a map to where she took him.”
You didn’t even need to ask who was “she”. There was only one person he would be so suspicious of, although you were also used to Theo being very rational. You forgot that, when it came to Vincent, Theo was a different person.
“So you think Vincent was kidnapped?”
“Why else would he just disappear without saying anything, or at least leave a note?”
“They left this. I think they just went out on a date. I mean, it’s Vincent’s birthday. Isn’t it normal to want to take your boyfriend on a date on his birthday? Maybe his girlfriend just signed the wrong paper by accident.”
In fact, you knew Vincent had gone on a date. You caught him leaving, and he made you promise not to tell Theo. But it wasn’t a problem if Vincent was already at his destination and Theo thought it was just your guess, right?
“Someday all that trust will get you into trouble.” Theo sighed. You were about to protest when he added in a softer tone. “Maybe I should really put a leash on you to keep you out of it.”
You used to complain about those kinds of comments, even if you knew Theo was joking, which led you to bicker a lot in the early days. But you knew how to read between the lines by now. And not only was he telling you that he cared enough that he wanted to keep you safe, but also, by the way anger seemed to slowly leave him, that he trusted you.
Could you be more in love with that man?
At first, you thought he was insufferably rude but, as he dragged you around to work, you started to see his inner kindness hidden by his harsh manners, as well as his passion for art and his loyalty to the people he loved. Only to start naming the things you discovered to love about him.
And he was handsome, to boot. While the house was full of pretty guys, you had to admit that, by looks alone, Theo was the one who caught your attention the most.
Theo had slowly made his way into your heart, and by now, he had taken permanent roots there. Yet, you were uncertain if he could feel the same way about you. At best, you wanted to believe the two of you had become friends.
And you would enjoy what you had while it lasted. You had to go back to your own time pretty soon, anyway. You just wanted to believe you could make Theo’s life a little better until then.
“Hondje!” Theo called loudly, and heat quickly rose up to your face as you realized you had been staring while lost in thought.
“Sorry. What did you say?”
“That little hondjes who don’t pay attention to their masters get punished.” He gave you one of his usual devious grins, and all you could think about was that he must have gotten back to his usual self, which was great.
“It wasn’t that!” You protested.
“I said that, even if you’re right about the date, this paper still holds some sort of secret. Vincent wouldn’t just leave without saying anything. And since you are so sure of yourself, then you should solve it. You two seem very close. ”
The paper was almost shoved in your hand as Sebastian set a plate piled high with pancakes in front of Theo, besides a big bottle of syrup and a glass of Rouge.
You cast a tense glance at Sebastian, your accomplice in Vincent’s little escapade, but the amused glint in his eyes informed you he had been listening and he was not going to be of any help.
As happy as it made you to know Theo trusted you enough to feel like Vincent was safe when you said so, you had no idea what these bunch little lines had to do with anything, and you didn’t think you could extract any answers from them.
“Theo, I…”
But you were shut off by a forkful of pancake drenched in syrup being shoved in your mouth.
“Do I have to keep that mouth of yours full for you to stop barking, Hondje?” He asked in an amused tone before using that same fork to feed himself, making your cheeks feel even hotter. “But fine. I won’t leave you without a treat. If you solve this, I will buy you lunch. If you do so before lunch, that is.”
Now that was a tempting offer. Going out for lunch with Theo sounded almost like a date. He’d taken you to eat out before, but it was always because he thought you were hungry or deserved a reward after work. You had never gone out exclusively for this.
You knew that was not how Theo meant it, but you could dream for a while, right? It would be a nice taste of what could have been. A precious memory to carry back when this place became nothing but a sweet dream.
“You know, it would be so much easier to figure something out if you hadn’t crumpled it this much.” You grumbled, trying to smother the paper.
Why did he ever think you could solve this, anyway? In fact, it was most likely that, now that he wasn’t worried anymore, he wanted to enjoy his pancakes in peace.
Should you leave and study this somewhere else? No. You would enjoy the company unless he told you to leave.
Your second impression of the mysterious paper, now that you could examine it up close, was the same as the first. The lines were too well done to not have a purpose, but at the same time were made of random patterns and didn’t seem to create anything discernible.
But not all art was straightforward, so you refused to let that be your final verdict.
You ran to your room to grab some supplies. You used a pencil to ‘color’ the areas between lines to get a better view of what you were dealing with. It made the picture look like some sort of pattern, which was some advance, and also served to highlight the form of the lines, making them look even more suspicious. Who drew patterns with such random lines?
The most telling result, though, was that it highlighted a few weirdly blank spots that looked like small arrows, indicating some form of direction around the pattern. At first you thought these were just flaws from the paper being all crumpled, but there were too many and all of them had roughly the same shape and were always close to the line.
Casting a side glance at Theo, you realized he had taken this time as his turn to stare at you, with a mix of amusement and… was it pride, in his gaze and smile? But as soon as you tried to get a better look, he turned back to his pancakes as if nothing had happened.
Now using the magnifying glass Theo had gifted you to take a closer look was a different story.
Whoever drew that knew what they were doing and wanted to complicate the life of whoever tried to decipher its mysteries.
It was easier to identify individual patterns like this and where they were repeated. They looked almost like letters now. It looked somewhat familiar, but wasn’t any language you knew.
That was too hard. Why would the person who left this for Theo - you were basically agreeing with him that it had been Vincent’s girlfriend - wouldn’t have left some sort of clue for him?
You closed your eyes and let out a small sigh, and Theo turned back to you.
“Giving up already, Hondje?”
“No. It’s just difficult. At least you were right. There is some sort of message here. I just need to find some context to start.”
What did you know about your new friend?
Nothing much, to be honest. You bonded through books. That was all it was.
Then something clicked in your mind. Books! What if the clue wasn’t left with Theo, because she expected for someone else to solve it for him? That person was you, and the writing looked familiar because it was in the books she left with you.
Running back to your room one last time, you quickly sought the books, finding similar writing on the first few introductory pages of the first one. Pages you had looked through just yesterday.
You hadn’t thought much of it at first because everything surrounding this house was strange and mysterious. These were books from the future, but it wouldn’t be the first time one such book made its way into Comte’s library. It currently housed all of Dazai’s books, who technically wasn’t even born yet, and Leonardo had told you they just showed up one day. The only difference was that the author of these wasn’t one of the residents. But who could prove there weren’t more books like these in the library? Maybe Leonardo, if you asked him, otherwise, you doubted anyone could know the full contents of a library that size without some sort of catalog.
But now that you thought about it, she had said something that had given you pause when you received the books. Something about you already having formed an opinion on reading it or not. As if she knew you had seen these particular books before.
You did read it before, in your time, and knew where to find answers.
You picked a new paper and, using the arrows to figure the order it was written in, started to translate it.
Curiously, it was written in English, adapted around some parts that didn’t translate well, which made it difficult to guess some words, but you were confident in your accuracy, given the context of the words you were sure of.
“I thought you had given up and ran away, hoping I wouldn’t catch you.” Theo spoke, leaning against the doorframe.
“Why do you sound like you wanted that to happen?” He smiled and so did you. “But I actually solved it. And it’s definitely not a ransom note.”
“What does it say, then?”
You weren’t sure you wanted a part in this game between Vincent’s girlfriend and Theo. Was it better to let him read it on his own?
“Spit it out, Hondje.”
Whatever. Not like the resulting translation was your fault, and Theo would understand that. So you took a deep breath and read it aloud.
The note basically complained about Theo’s obsession with Vincent, as it informed him that, because of it, she had decided to sneak out so they could go on a trip together. It didn’t explain why the cryptic message, but it informed she had left a more normal note. Theo just found this one first and got too focused on it.
To you, it sounded like she wanted him to find this note and give him a little of trouble, as some sort of revenge prank for the way he was acting.
And she had handed you the books with the solution, making you the only one who could solve the mystery. As if she knew, or at least hoped, Theo would go to you for help. As if she wanted to force him to.
Did she realize your feelings for Theo and wanted you two to interact more? Or was she just trying to push Theo towards the closest woman so she could have more time with Vincent without overprotective Theo getting in the way?
No. You knew little of her, but she wouldn’t just push people together without thinking there was some sort of relationship there. But it could be because you and Theo were friends, and she knew Arthur was too busy.
Theo swore in Dutch, from which you only understood the word cat, which you had no doubt he considered an insult, given his relationship with felines. The rest sounded awfully familiar, though, and although you didn't know the specific meanings, you knew they weren't exactly friendly words.
“She better not think that will get her off the hook. That’s why I don’t trust her.”
“Do you want to know what her secret is?” This little mystery had also given you a few clues for an entirely different answer, in a way that it felt like she wanted you to realize it. So there was no problem to share it, right? “Would that make you feel better?” You asked, before he could launch into a tirade of complaints about the girl. “I found something quite interesting during this game.”
“I don’t think it will help, but what is it?”
“I will tell you after lunch.” You couldn’t help grinning at him and adding: “If you behave.”
Instead of complaining, Theo grinned back, and stepped closer until he stood right before where you sat, forcing you to look up to see him, your eyes slowly trailing over his body. He was always such a great view from any angle, but there was something quite teasing and tempting from this point.
“Aren’t you cheeky today? What if I make you tell me right now?”
You gulped, your heart thundering in your ears with the way he looked down at you.
But the spell was quickly broken as Theo stepped back, his smile softening, and patted your head.
“If you wanted me to take you on a walk after lunch, you could have asked. You have been quite useful today. I will let you have it your way for now.”
Behind Theo’s typically weird phrasing, it sounded more and more like a date. Like he meant it as one, even though you knew there was no way.
“Don’t give me hope, Theo.” You thought, trying to keep your delusions to a minimum, enough so you wouldn’t give up your way home. Even though your recent discoveries were threatening to do so already.
Theo stepped back and pulled you to your feet, wrapping an arm around your waist to keep you close.
“Are you doubting my intentions, Hondje? Do you think I would take just anyone out like this? That I would trust just anyone when it came to Vincent? I am only interested in owning one other dog besides King. So be a good girl and stay.”
Before you could say anything in response, Theo’s lips were upon yours, his other hand moving to the back of your head, fingers tangling into your hair, as he kissed you with such urgency that it made your head spin. And you returned it with the same passion, a hand also tangling in his hair, the other around his neck, your hold on each other the only thing keeping you from collapsing.
Even at his best, Theo was powerful and relentless like a storm. One you were more than glad to be swept into the eye of. Even when he pulled away, on the brink of drowning you in his passion, the storm didn’t quiet. And you didn’t want it to. Now that you had his attention, you refused to let go of him.
But Theo released you and stepped back. You sighed, struggling to calm the storm that had overtaken you. The smile he gave you was softer that you had ever seen, and as your eyes met his, he reached out and tucked a stray strand of your hair behind your ear, but he pulled away almost immediately, a glint in his eyes you had never seen either, but that lacked the softness of his now faltering smile.
“I’m not going anywhere.” you finally replied. “As long as you’ll let me stay with you.”
“Good.” Theo turned away from you. “Now let’s take you out for lunch before I get hungry and decide to devour you instead. I’ll met you by the gate in fifteen minutes.”
As Theo left, you let your body collapse back on the bed. What an exciting day it had been. And you hadn’t gone through half of it yet.
So that was the start of his bloodlust threatening to take over that you noticed and that made him practically run away. An unnecessary proof of his attraction to you. Theo hadn’t really said he loved you, but his actions spoke it loud and clear, because Theo would never kiss someone like that without being serious about it.
You couldn’t believe it. After all the time you spent fretting over whether it was worth facing rejection or leaving without telling him of your feelings, that he returned your love.
And you couldn’t believe it took some external push for you to get to this point. You would have to do something to thank her later. But for now, you had less than fifteen minutes to get ready for your date, and you wanted it to be as perfect as possible.
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IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist
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mothraantics · 2 months
Crimson Born
Note: Ive had this idea for basically a few days and bunched the first chapter together, im honestly very proud of it and I hope that this will become better and better in the future :D
Regulus was born a pureblood black prince. Second born heir and all he wasn't even close to being the talk of the town, His brother sirius, was first in line, with a whole crowd of young ladies ogling over him, but of course his dear brother had to swing the other way, escape the binds of their parents and be with a man. If the crowd didn't protest in his name Regulus would be the heir to the throne by now. He hated the world for that.
His cousins? Bellatrix, married a duke from another land and is having some unknown affair with whom they call these days the dark lord. Her sister, Narcissia is betrothed to Lucius malfoy and their other sister is missing. No doubt he was the last one to be thought of.
That was all until he decided that the crowd had to focus on him, become entranced with him, so he followed his brother and did one better, have an affair with the blood prince known as James potter.
Of course…with this he has to keep the blood curse hidden from his brand new boy toy.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/57660256/chapters/146730271 - Find the book also on Ao3
Chapter One - Prince Regulus of Lissara
If life were not extravagant parties, and balls, banquets and fancy little get togethers, Regulus would have no clue how he would escape away from his family. Maybe some boarding school, but in another life he doubted if the magic of their world would even exist? A world where humans can wave silly little sticks and cast spells? It sounded preposterous, where would they find the phoenixes if it weren't for the hole of Vulca, or the unicorns tucked away in the forbidden forest, far off into the north.
He wouldn't have a clue where to start if their world was not this one, then again if it where he would be stuck living a pretty little life just like he was. Possibly. Banquets were his getaway, running off sitting in the gardens were his favourite pastime, he had done his entree a few hours prior and made some small talk with some noble families, but that's all he will try doing. It wasn't worth it, he wasn't the lead heir, his brother was and even so, he wasn't even  near the public eye, his cousin bellatrix married a man from the Lestrange Duchancy and she got her fame through dark power, his other cousin, Narcissia, is going down the same route as malfoy with their wedding on the horizon next spring.
Andromeda? She was still missing, and ran off with a peasant, a muggle. They weren't taught magic these days, peasants, they were too weak to harness magic, and so were the squibs of the noble families, although they can still have a taste of the ravish lifestyle and go off to marry an Earl. Muggles as they called them were just yellow trash to the aristocrats. There would be the lucky one that can harness magic and get adopted into society, but what did they know? They can't even see magic if you waive a wand in front of their eyes and cast serpensortia In Front of them. 
“Regulus?” the cold shrill yell of his mother's voice rang throughout the garden, there goes his peace. “Regulus! There you are!” She says as he picks himself up, her demeanour was cold, “yes mother?” He replies, dusting himself off, “Have you been out here? Mingling with the birds? Get inside we have yet to serve the cake”
Cake? What cake would they mention, Regulus didn't know any important event was happening. It wasn't a holiday or anniversary, nor was it someone's betrothal, and unlike his brother he's less keen on starting his own just yet, unless they started the arrangement process without him. Why would they need him to be there to serve the cake??
He was dragged away by Walburga, soon enough and as they neared the green hall she released him and he followed blindly. By this time he was thinking what had he missed? What family milestone had he missed?
“I'm so happy” Walburga said with venom, “finally it is fine for you to come of age my son” she gives him a half fake smile. “excuse me?” Regulus' stops in his tracks, “Mother I don't come of age until..June!” He points out, what was going on? She stops and looks back at him. “Regulus darling it is june, you are of age” the boy stopped, “oh”
Salazar's saggy balls, how could he forget?! If he was aware it was his 17th he would have stayed longer, made some small talk, against his will sure, but this was already a bad step towards society, the debate was soon, all those who turned 17 by the middle of the year and those who turn 18 of the last half of last year would debutante. His brother being one of them. 
Mabey the golden prince of the Black Empire will overshadow him enough that people won't care. Again. 
“-And a toast!-” 
The banquet was full that night, every sitting in their chairs they were brought out, the dark lord was speaking. He was a new upcoming figure in Lissara, many knew him as Lord Tom M. Riddle, the lord of the Parliament that buddied up with the nobles. In high noble society, the snake like-serpentine speaking man was known as Lord Voldermort.
“-To the two Black princes who are debuting with many of your children next week, and a very happy coming of age to the second born prince” 
The crowd clapped, it was filled with dark nobles, evil, corrupted. They kill peasants with a flick of their wrists using one of the curses,  some of the other nations called them death eaters. Herre it was a compliment, in other nations? It's immediately a death trial for you and your family. The world was fucked like that. Very fucked but who was to blame them? The biggest empire made of Purely magical individuals threatened to eradicate the lower class? The class that does all the work? Regulus' would be concerned as well. 
The ball went on throughout the night, with the nobles spinning around nobles. Firewhisky going down like it's water, and a whole new boring world for Regulus. “Something wrong brother?” Sirius asks slipping up near Regulus, “No, I'm okay”
“Is it too rowdy? You can request to go back up?” 
“And leave all of the guests to listen to you? You wish” he laughs as Sirius shrugs, “your loss”
Shrill shrieks ran through the echoing halls. Regulus' cringed as another one rattled his windows. The ink from his quill splattered on his parchment reducing his now ruined homework to just ink, “fucking damnit” he cusses grabbing the paper and trying to dry it with no avail. 
“Useless being! Crucio!” 
Regulus' cringed as he heard those words being screeched from the other room. He sighed giving up, his potions essay can wait another day, the tutors weren't supposed to return till next week anyways. 
He heard the door next to him being slammed shut before his own door swung open, he jumped, Walburga stood at the door. Blood splattered on the hem of her white nightdress, “Rest dear, we have the debutante dinner tomorrow” she says before closing the door. Regulus sighs, he knows that this dinner wont be the usual dinner, just another political agreement, another death eater meeting being covered up, and another way for him to be overshadowed by his older brother.
Because every event he had to be overshadowed. If regulus was overshadowed he would be the second prince, but when theres the second prince there's a first, and that's his older brother Sirius.O Black the heir and now, from discoveries by a certain Bartemius Crouch Junior, that the same heir is with a man from the Crimson Court, a well known as Remus Lupin. 
Regulus sighed and blew out the candle as he sat on the floor, the room darkened as the red light of the moon shone through the window, in other rooms the screams of some family members could be heard, he himself was situated away from the red beams of moonlight, he stared at them, nextdoor he heard sirius shatter a glass nearby, he was probably left near the rays of the blood moon. 
They werent as common as full moons, but unlike the werewolves that roamed the forests and some in higher society, blood moons came in every shape or form, unless new, and they came every two months. Regulus took a sharp breath as he felt his body bubbling as the red streams of moonlight hit his bare feet, and then the night of agony begun.
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A Writer’s Reflection
I can count on one hand the long-term creative writing projects I’ve finished in my life: One handwritten, unpublished Final Fantasy VII fanfic I wrote when I was 13-14 years-old and, as of today, my Horizon Forbidden West fanfic To Know Peace.
It may seem silly to some, since it's just a fanfic. But to me, it means that I finally managed to get back into creative writing following years of being too overworked and burnt out from my previous jobs and actually finish a project. As someone who went undiagnosed with ADHD until last year and whom at one point became disenchanted with writing, it's a huge milestone for me.
First and foremost, my brother has been my unfaltering support, both before and after I reembarked in my creative writing journey. I couldn't have finished this fic without your beta'ing and our discussions on how to approach the narrative (Chapters 3 and 6 came to be because of you). Gracias por nunca dejar de creer en mí.❤️
I can't thank @fogsblue enough for sharing the link to invite me to the Kotaloy Elysium Discord server. To say that the discussions and art from fellow Kotaloy shippers/Horizon fans have spurred my creativity is an understatement, and fogs made that happen. Thank you for this, and for always being one of the first people to read and comment on every new chapter and fic I posted.💖
Thank you to @jadefyre, for being a sounding board for ideas and to troubleshoot snags, and for serving as a fellow writer to commiserate with, especially during the more difficult chapters. Our DM chats have been been a highlight during my time in the server, and I’m glad I get to call you my friend.
And special thanks to everyone in the Kotaloy Elysium Discord server who became invested in my little famfic by hyping me up in the different channels, leaving kudos and comments, and just being an awesome group to interact with. There are too many to list, but each and every one of you boosted my confidence with every reaction, every flail and every message. 
I still got plenty of ideas to develop related to Horizon, so I’m not walking away from fanfiction. What I do hope for next is returning to my original fiction work, which had always been the intent after this little exercise. 
Thank you for coming along on this journey with me!
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bahbahhh · 2 years
Bahbahh! I love your idea for your 200 follower celebration! I would like to nominate Bellecream's fic "Fortuna" (it's on ao3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/33959662 and she is Bellecream on Tumblr as well as ao3). It's the first fic of hers I read and I adored it. It's short - only about a thousand words. I'd say if you choose to do this one, to choose what part you'd like to draw most. Congratulations on your milestone! 😄
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@bellecream your fic “fortuna” was nominated by @linksthoughtbrambles for fanart! It is the perfect nomination to kick off this celebration because I also love this story. The opening scene of Link alone, speaking allowed to himself just to hear a voice, is poetry. I decided to try and capture the “white rabbit” moment right in the beginning for your fanart.
The sun dipped low under the horizon; dusk came with its rainbow. A smattering of stars splayed out against the sky, blinking alive, accompanying the moon as it rose behind him. One by one, he filled his empty elixir bottles. He took cut segments of banana leaves from Floria, and wrapped each mushroom rice ball within a sheath, storing them away. He took hold of a hearty bass he had fished earlier and descaled it neatly, deboning it and stuffing it with a fistful of herbs, rubbing it down with rock salt and goat butter. He enjoyed his meal with the leftover mushroom rice, relishing the flavor of his own cooking.
Link sat still next to fire deep in the night, when a glowing blue light caught the corner of his eye.
A blupee –
Read on “fortuna” by @bellecream on Ao3
Thank you @linksthoughtbrambles for the submission!!
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wild-karrde · 2 years
KARRDE!!! Congrats on 400 followers!!
To celebrate you and such a great milestone, could I perhaps request a Crosshair fic with the quote "I'll wait for you" pleeeease 🥺💖✨
Thank you for always being so great!
Pairing: Crosshair x GN!Reader
Rating: E (18+ SO MINORS SKEEDADDLE - PiV sex)
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Being with Crosshair was complicated. Every moment from the second he stepped through your door felt rushed between the two of you, as if you were attempting to cram as much of a relationship as you could in a single night before he was whisked away again on some mission. Despite the danger that came with being a part of Clone Force 99, he was confident enough to always tell you he’d return. 
“Be back before you know it. Don’t wait up,” he’d tease, popping a toothpick between his teeth as he readied to leave. 
You’d roll your eyes. “I’ll wait for you. Always.” 
That was how it always went. He never told you where he was going, and by the time he’d return to your apartment, his armor looked almost cleaner than when he’d last left. You suspected he cleaned it before coming over, ensuring there was never any evidence of the war brought to your doorstep. You were sure he’d say it was for your benefit, but you often wondered if he didn’t want to carry the memories of his missions longer than he had to. 
The Batch stopped over on Coruscant often enough for the two of you to make a go of it. Your relationship consisted largely of seemingly celebratory dinners followed by a night where neither of you spoke much other than to moan the other’s name, and in the morning, he’d be off again. 
Crosshair had never been one to be overly sentimental. Even during dinner when it was just the two of you, he was confident, quiet, and sarcastic. But at night, when you had your legs wrapped around his hips as he thrusted into you, your fingers carding through his hair as you urged him on, the entire facade fell away. Those moments, you treasured above all others. 
He’d been the one to say it first, laying next to you one night in bed, catching your breath as the evidence of your activities still leaked from between your legs. You were going to get up in a minute and go to the ‘fresher to clean yourself off, but you wanted just a few more moments staring at him. He appeared to be doing the same, his piercing eyes seemingly memorizing the planes and curves of your face. One of his slender fingers had reached out to push some of your sweaty hair out of your eyes before trailing down your neck and tracing your collar bone. 
“I love you,” he’d whispered. 
Your eyes had widened, but you knew he’d hate it if you made a big deal about it. 
“Is that alright?” he’d asked. 
That question took you aback. 
“Of course,” you’d replied. “Because I love you too.”  
You think back to those words now as you stare out the window of that same apartment, watching the last traces of Coruscant’s sun sink below the horizon. Your fingers twist the simple silver chain around your neck that he’d gifted you the last time you’d seen him. That had been months ago, before the end of the war. 
“I’ll wait for you.” 
Those were the last words you’d spoken to him. You knew that the victory had been chaos, that the Jedi had been killed along with many clones, but still, you held out hope that he hadn’t become another nameless number entered into some system to be forgotten next to a “KIA” indicator. Worse yet, something had changed with the clones that had survived. They weren’t cruel, but they were absolutely different, and you wondered what had happened, and if it had affected him. 
Sighing, you step into the apartment’s small refresher, beginning the process of taking off the day’s make-up while you ponder what leftovers you can eat for dinner. As you scrub your face clean, you think you hear a knock at your door. Freezing, you strain your ears, listening for the same sound. 
There is no response. 
You finish cleaning your face quickly, reaching for the clean towel you’d placed near your sink and gently drying your skin, sighing into the smell of the fabric. 
Knock. Knock. Knock.
This time you are positive you’re not imagining it. Tossing the towel on the counter, you hurry towards your door, trying to calm your pounding heart. Your palms press against the door’s paneling as you peer through the peephole. 
Your heart falls. 
A trooper in black armor stands in the hallway, the green visor of the helmet staring emotionlessly back at the door. The trooper’s frame is tall and slender, but the shoulders are stooped as though the person under the armor is dead on their feet. You are about to press the intercom to ask what the trooper wants when you freeze. In the soldier’s gloved hand, you can see the identical silver chain that you’d given him glinting in the hall’s dim lighting. 
You slam the door open, your chest heaving. The trooper’s head snaps around to look at you. Your blood pounds in your ears. “Is… is that… where did you get that?” you ask, pointing at the chain. 
He’s gone. You knew this was a possibility. 
Tears are already in your eyes as you try to steel yourself for the news you’re sure is coming. But the air is punched from your lungs when the trooper speaks. 
“You waited.” 
Your mouth falls open. You’re positive you have to be dreaming. Your body moves out of the way, and the trooper takes it as an invitation to step inside. The door hisses shut, plunging the two of you into darkness, but still you don’t move. The visor is examining you, and you strain to see any evidence of the man underneath, almost afraid to confirm your suspicions. 
“I… I thought you’d be gone,” he rasps. “But you waited.” 
Your hands are shaking as you reach for the lip of his helmet. The shoulders stiffen, but you don’t stop as you lift the helmet off of his head. You cover your mouth to try to stifle a sob. 
He’s cropped his hair closer to his scalp, the silver hair you’d loved gone. His eyes are more sunken into his face with dark circles competing with the tattoo over his eye. It looks like he hasn’t slept in weeks. A massive scar gnarls the side of his head. But the thing that draws your attention the most is the dirt and blood and grime that’s coating the armor he’s wearing. He’s brought the war home with him, and the realization sobers you.
“Crosshair,” you breathe. 
His voice cracks. “A… a lot has happened. I’m so sorry. I didn’t… I couldn’t.” He rubs at his eyes in frustration as the words don’t come easily. “I can’t stay. I’ll just put you in danger. I just… I had to see you one more time. They’re… they’ll find me.” 
You touch his face, and he inhales sharply, his eyes finally meeting yours. 
“You waited,” he repeats, as if that’s somehow more remarkable than him just being here. 
You cautiously step forward, cradling his face and pressing your forehead to his. “Of course. I promised you.” You kiss him, and it’s like coming home, the familiarity and ease of it almost making you cry. You can still smell the blaster smoke on him, mixed with the smell of him, and you fall into the kiss more. His hands hover over you for a moment before pulling you against him, and it’s as if the kiss is giving him oxygen when he’d been drowning just seconds ago. After a few moments, he pulls back, resting his forehead against yours once more. 
“We… I have to go. I can’t stay. You won’t be safe. I-” 
You put your finger to his lips, and he falls silent, his bloodshot amber eyes finding yours even in the apartment’s dim lighting. 
“I’m done waiting,” you whisper. “So where are we running to, my love?”
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Thanks for participating in my 400 Follower Celebration!
Tag List: @seriowan @partoftheeternalsoul @rosmariner @misogirl828 @ellichonkasaurusrex @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @gjrain20-starwars @staycalmandhugaclone @redheadgirl @fordo-kixed-rex @wizardofrozz @ariadnes-red-thread @extrahotpixels @justanothersadperson93 @leftealeaf @dnxgma @meekaielmyerhs99 @kaminocasey @moonstrider9904 @teletraan-meets-jarvis @rain-on-kamino @ladykatakuri @sleepingsun501
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rising-volteccers · 1 year
Seeing the feedback people gave about my latest one-shot certainly made me happy! I'm glad that there's interest in that kind of dynamic between Friede and Spinel! Seeing how Spinel acted in the latest episode, it's fun to imagine the sort of scenes these two could get into. I'm still figuring out how I want to tackle the next chapter haha!
On a different note, I saw that this blog has 50 followers now! I know it's a very small milestone but when I made this blog to share my writing + appreciation towards Horizons, I didn't expect to garner interest! I'm genuinely grateful for everyone who continued to read my stuff, as well as geek out about Horizons and its cast!
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allsassnoclass · 2 years
hello! congrats on reaching your follower milestone! could i request the prompt "The intimacy of feeling someone’s warmth through their clothes when you hug" for roylum? also i would love a picture of your dog if you have any to spare! 🦥
hello sloth anon! your penny pics were posted a few weeks ago here, and now here is the prompt!
roylum: the intimacy of feeling someone’s warmth through their clothes when you hug
The sun is just about to set on the horizon when Calum finally waves goodbye to his taxi driver, safe on his front stoop after a long day of trying to get here.  His backpack rests heavy on his shoulders, his suitcase near-bursting at his side, and his stomach chooses that moment to give an unsubtle rumble.
He needs to eat something for dinner and sleep for about five weeks.  First, though, he needs to get inside.
The front entryway is dim, even with the large windows positioned to let in as much sunlight as possible.  Calum drops his backpack with a thunk, pushing his suitcase to the side and kicking off his slides haphazardly in the pile of other shoes left near the door.  He strains his ears for any signs of life, and after a moment the silence is broken by the skitter of Duke's nails on the floor and the jingle of his dog tags.
Man, he's missed his dog.  He saw him less than a month ago, before they went to England to start the album promo cycle, but it still feels like too long.
Duke starts barking before he rounds the corner, the howl that seems too low for his small body filling the air and Calum's heart, and Calum is right there to scoop him into his arms when he finally comes into view.
"Hey buddy," he says, sinking to the floor, Duke wriggling too much to keep a hold of.  He howls again, entire body vibrating with the force of his wagging tail, and Calum laughs, holding his head in place so he can kiss the top of it.
"I've missed you, too.  I'm back until November, and I'm going to spend every single second of it with you.  Yes I am!  Are you excited?  Isn't that exciting?"
Duke howls in agreement.  Calum laughs, scratching his fingers all along his sides, pausing once he finds the ticklish spot that makes Duke thump his leg.
"Duke?" Roy calls from somewhere down the hall, probably his bedroom.  Calum's grin doubles in size.  He kisses Duke's head again and Duke lunges at his face with his tongue out, catching Calum on the chin.  He laughs again, tilting his head back so he doesn't get dog slobber in his mouth.
Roy rounds the corner then, taking out his wireless earbuds as he does.  He's wearing a worn, oversized shirt that Calum is pretty sure used to be his, and there's a ring of pink around the collar from where his hair dye has bled.  Calum can't wait to see if the shower is still red, too.  He pauses when he sees Calum, then smiles.
"You should've called me to pick you up," he says, dropping to the floor next to him.  Duke spins around himself in the miniscule space between them, yowling again.
"With LA traffic?  Taking an airport taxi got me home faster.  I'm so fucking sick of airports."
Roy lets out a laugh, their fingers bumping together as they both pet Duke.
"The price of being a world-famous musician," he says.  "Speaking of, congrats on the album.  It's fucking sick."
"You too," Calum says, knocking their knees together.  Duke jumps over them and does a lap around them, skittering away when Roy reaches for him again.  He stares at them expectantly, tail wagging.
"I haven't fed him yet.  I think he was waiting for you," Roy says.  Calum sighs and stands, knees cracking.
"Better get him something, then.  I still need to eat, too."
"I can throw something together," Roy says, taking Calum's outstretched hand to help himself up.  "I haven't had dinner yet, either."
"Family meal," Calum hums.  He gets two steps towards the kitchen before Roy's hand tugs him back, his wiry arms wrapping around Calum's waist.  Calum fits himself against him easily, arms over Roy's shoulders, Roy's face tucked near his neck.
Calum loves the way that they fit together.  Roy is all lithe lines and sharp angles, but Calum easily molds to him, ribs slotting alongside each other and grip tight.  Roy is warm, body heat seeping through his threadbare shirt and Calum's travel tee, and Calum's sigh releases some of the aching exhaustion brought on by a day of travel, relaxing against him.
Duke whines.
"I'm allowed to hug Calum, too," Roy huffs.  Calum can imagine his playful glare at the dog.
"There's enough of me to share," he says.  Roy's hair tickles his cheek as he tilts his face down, lips landing on the juncture between Calum's neck and shoulder like a brand.
Duke barks twice.
"Give me a moment, buddy," Calum says.  Roy adjust his grip, holding him even closer, if possible.
In a minute, Calum will let go to feed his dog, and he and Roy will find something for themselves to eat for dinner.  They'll spend the night catching up on the albums and concerts and interviews of the past few weeks, then they'll both head to bed, where Calum will be able to fall asleep next to him for the first time in too long.  For now, though, Calum continues to hug him, wrapped up in the feeling of home.
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How to Start a Own Fashion Brand in India
So, you aspire to start your own brand story! Wonderful. We congratulate you on your decision. Nothing matches the pride in shining across the fashion horizon with a brand known by your name. Imagine the host calling out your brand name on the ramp of an international fashion event. Enthralling, isn’t it?
Many fashion designers, alumni of the leading fashion designing colleges in Pune, Mumbai, etc., work with reputed fashion houses initially. But only some build the entrepreneurial spirit and confidence to start a fashion brand or clothing line. Those who don’t, aren’t any less talented. But while a few are enticed by the idea of a brand and the glamour and identity that follows it, some prefer working behind the scenes.
If you are among the former and have discovered the fashionpreneur within you, you must be wondering how to start a fashion brand. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you.
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Fashion Entrepreneurship: Key Steps to Building a Successful Brand
It is incredible to start your fashion brand. But it is as challenging as starting any other business. Hence, it requires you to go plan your venture carefully and meticulously and work out the plan to make your entrepreneurial venture successful.
Research and Analyse the Market
Foremost! For you, your idea is the best in the market. Theoretically, it indeed could be one. But is it practically viable in the real world? Are your design concepts and outfit types in demand in the market? Are they vogue only in the present? Will the demand for them remain the same, grow or dry out in the future?
Of course, enlisting every question isn’t possible. But the above are some fundamental questions you must ask yourself before you begin your venture. There’s no point trying to sell something which wouldn’t remain in demand.
Accordingly, the first step is to research and analyse the market and its demand extensively. Step into the market. Speak with people. Conduct surveys. Know what’s required at the moment. Decode the market’s future to know what the current market will morph into in the future. Spend time, thought and effort in this exercise.
Don’t confine your efforts to online research and surveys. Your unique idea requires an exclusive survey to help you find answers to questions specific to your venture.
Develop a Proper Business Plan
This is another significant step in your endeavour to start a fashion brand. Your business plan helps you map your way to near and distant milestones. In other words, it guides you in accomplishing your goals over the next few months or years. Accordingly, it is prudent to invest time, thought and effort in creating a realistic business plan that includes a rational outreach and sales target.
However, ensure your business plan is flexible and allows you to adapt to a particular situation or sudden shifts in the market environment. Fashion is a trend-driven industry. Hence, you should have room to accommodate those trends and revamp your strategy to stay aligned with the market’s orientation.
Identify Your Prospective Buyers
It is identifying the people you would sell your creations to and understanding their needs. It will help you align your designs to their needs. Remember, every prospect segment and their needs are different. For instance, designs that work well with middle-aged people might not necessarily resonate with youngsters in their teens or 20s. While you would already know this as a fashion designer, you will have to make conscious efforts to learn what your prospects would like to wear.
Start Designing Your Outfits
Now that you know whom to target and the market’s demand size, you can bring your concepts to life. It means you can start designing your outfits. However, as mentioned earlier, fashion is a highly dynamic business. New trends quickly dethrone old ones, making them redundant. Hence, you should be quick enough to design your outfits and take them to a manufacturer capable of maintaining the required production pace.
Search for a Manufacturer
This one can take some time. It might also require you to travel extensively. Searching online and making decisions through online searches won’t help. While searching for a manufacturer, you should pay a site visit and factor in aspects like the manufacturer’s reputation, adherence to SLAs, manufacturing processes, capabilities and capacity, and the willingness to help to sprout fashion startups like you.
Factors like the distance between your market and the manufacturer’s location should also be considered as it will directly affect the transportation costs and overall production expenses. Of course, balancing all these aspects could prove challenging. But no one ever said starting and running a fashion business would be easy!
Start Marketing Your Business
Fashion marketing goes hand-in-hand with brand building. Hire traditional and digital marketing agencies or marketers, in general, who can help you leverage the power of 360-degree marketing. Ensure your fashion marketing partners tap all the possible and relevant channels to help you optimise your reach. It is worth noting that marketing doesn’t yield results at the drop of a hat. It takes time. So, you must ensure you have the time required between designing, manufacturing, marketing and selling before you forecast the next fashion wave to hit the market.
As a side note, while in business, delivering something on time matters – neither earlier nor later. Fashion isn’t an exception, unless you are a trendsetter, which you wouldn’t transform into, no sooner than you become an entrepreneur.
Work on the Branding Aspects
Once assured about the manufacturer’s delivery dates, start working on brand building aspects like preparing your brand communication, brand name, logo, colours, tagline, etc. Fashion is part of the show business. The more visible and attractive you are, the healthier it is for your reputation and sales.
Monitor Your Sales and Plan for the Next Lot
Start monitoring your sales once you hit the market. Prepare for everything, from success to failure, as it takes time for any brand to gain momentum. Continue monitoring the daily sales figures and keep innovating strategies to help you accomplish your primary goals and ensure that your initial sales at least cover your manufacturing costs and team remuneration, if not profits.
Emerging as fashion brand from a fashion startup will take time. Starting, surviving and succeeding as an entrepreneur isn’t child’s play. While taking time, it also requires considerable effort, persistence, patience and abundant people management skills to maintain cordial business relations, balance expenses and profits, and thrive despite numerous market challenges and dynamicity.
Hone the entrepreneur within you with NIFD Pune Kothrud, one of the fashion design institute in Pune . While enhancing their talent, we help students develop entrepreneurial skills and approach through our updated course curriculum, internship and industry exposure across various national and global events. Many of our students have taken up fashion entrepreneurship and made their mark in the fashion world. You can also start online fashion design business
Call us at +91 9205290939 " to connect with our support team. To learn more about our B.des fashion design courses and entrepreneurial approach. You would also like blog: Roles of Fashion Designer.
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amalaysian · 8 days
Chasing Milestones, Embracing Balance
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September, and I stand here, not quite at the precipice but somewhere in between, fifty thousand words behind me and the thought, the vague drifting thought, that perhaps eighty thousand more will follow, or maybe less, maybe more, but who’s counting anyway? The slow grind of days, nights blending into words, words into thoughts, and I’m letting myself breathe now, not chasing the number like before, no, no. This year, I think, will be different—must be different—last year’s missteps still clinging like mud on shoes I refuse to wear again. Balance, yes, I speak of balance as though I’ve mastered it, but the truth is I stumble, I catch myself. These events, the end of one year bleeding into the start of the next, they come too fast, always too fast, leaving me tired and fumbling to carve out a space, a breath. And yet, there’s a plan somewhere, a strategy maybe, floating just beyond the horizon of my mind, not fully formed, but enough to grasp, to pull myself forward into 2025, though the words themselves feel like water slipping through fingers. I am here, and I will write, and that, for now, is enough.
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anushkasharmaagein · 1 month
Anushka Sharma's Rise in the Film Industry
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Anushka Sharma, born on May 1, 1988, has transformed from a newcomer with limited industry connections to one of Bollywood’s most influential and versatile actresses. Her journey from a model with a dream to a celebrated film star is a testament to her talent, determination, and resilience. Now 36, Sharma’s ascent in the Indian film industry is a compelling story of ambition and success. This exploration chronicles her rise from obscurity to prominence, highlighting key milestones and the qualities that have propelled her career Anushka sharma age.
Early Beginnings and Breakthrough
Anushka Sharma’s journey began far from the limelight, with roots in Bangalore, where she initially pursued a career in modeling. Her foray into the film industry was marked by her debut in the 2008 film Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi, directed by Aditya Chopra. Playing Taani, the female lead opposite Shah Rukh Khan, Sharma made an impressive entrance into Bollywood. Despite being a newcomer, her performance was praised for its authenticity and emotional depth. The film’s success was pivotal, establishing her as a promising talent in the industry.
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Building a Reputation
Following her successful debut, Sharma faced the challenge of establishing her presence in a highly competitive industry. Her next significant role came in Badmaash Company (2010), where she played a spirited young woman involved in a scheme to make quick money. The film was a commercial success, and Sharma’s performance was well-received, further cementing her position in Bollywood. Her ability to portray diverse characters with nuance helped her build a reputation as a versatile actress.
Critical Acclaim and Success
The real turning point in Anushka Sharma’s career came with her role in Band Baaja Baaraat (2010). Directed by Maneesh Sharma, the film showcased Sharma’s ability to blend into a lively and entertaining narrative. Playing a wedding planner, her portrayal was both charming and dynamic, earning her critical acclaim and solidifying her status as a leading actress. The film’s success also marked the beginning of a series of collaborations with director Maneesh Sharma, further establishing her as a key player in Bollywood.
Expanding Horizons
Anushka Sharma’s career continued to flourish with a string of successful films. In Jab Tak Hai Jaan (2012), she played Meera, a journalist who falls in love with a soldier, portrayed by Shah Rukh Khan. Directed by Yash Chopra, the film was a romantic epic that showcased Sharma’s ability to handle complex emotional scenarios. Her performance was praised for its depth and sincerity, and the film’s success added to her growing list of achievements.
The 2014 film PK marked another high point in Sharma’s career. Playing Jagat Janani, a modern journalist who becomes entangled with an alien character played by Aamir Khan, Sharma delivered a performance that was both engaging and thought-provoking. The film’s critical and commercial success reinforced Sharma’s reputation as an actress capable of delivering standout performances in diverse roles.
Venturing into Production
In 2015, Anushka Sharma took a significant step by entering film production with Clean Slate Filmz, a production house she co-founded with her brother, Karnesh Sharma. The production house aimed to create content that was innovative and impactful. The release of NH10 (2015), a gritty thriller that Sharma produced and starred in, demonstrated her commitment to exploring bold and socially relevant topics. The film’s success established Clean Slate Filmz as a prominent player in Bollywood, and Sharma’s role as a producer highlighted her multifaceted talents.
Innovative Projects and Continued Success
Sharma continued to diversify her career with a variety of roles and projects. Films like Ae Dil Hai Mushkil (2016) and Sui Dhaaga: Made in India (2018) showcased her ability to tackle different genres and character types with ease. Her portrayal of Alizeh in Ae Dil Hai Mushkil was both emotionally resonant and engaging, while her role in Sui Dhaaga highlighted her versatility in a socially relevant narrative.
Recent Achievements
In 2023, Anushka Sharma’s performance in Chakda 'Xpress was a significant milestone, portraying Indian cricketer Jhulan Goswami. This biographical film underscored her dedication to taking on challenging roles that promote important social issues. Sharma’s commitment to her craft and her ability to bring historical and inspirational figures to life further solidify her status as a leading actress in Bollywood.
Anushka Sharma’s rise from a novice actress to a prominent Bollywood star is a story of perseverance, talent, and strategic career choices. From her debut in Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi to her recent success in Chakda 'Xpress, Sharma has consistently demonstrated her ability to tackle diverse roles and make impactful contributions to Indian cinema. Now 36, her journey reflects not only her personal growth but also the evolution of Bollywood itself. Anushka Sharma’s success serves as an inspiration to aspiring actors and entrepreneurs, showcasing how dedication and talent can lead to extraordinary achievements in the film industry
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habourseo · 2 months
Your page titGoogle's 25th Anniversary: A Reflection on a Digital Revolutionle
On September 4, 2023, Google marked its 25th anniversary, googles 25e verjaardag  a milestone that invites reflection on its remarkable journey and profound impact on the digital world. Since its inception in 1998, Google has transformed from a simple search engine into a global technology powerhouse, shaping how we access information, communicate, and interact with the world.
The Humble Beginnings
Google's story began in a Stanford University garage, where co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin developed a new search algorithm called PageRank. This innovation promised to deliver more relevant search results compared to existing engines. What started as a research project quickly evolved into a company, thanks to venture capital investments and a burgeoning interest in the internet.
The Evolution of Search
In its early days, Google revolutionized the search engine landscape with its clean interface and sophisticated algorithms. Unlike its competitors, Google’s focus on user experience and effective search results quickly garnered a loyal following. The company's commitment to constantly refining and improving its search capabilities set a new standard for digital information retrieval.
Expanding Horizons
As Google celebrated its 25th anniversary, it was evident that its impact extended far beyond search. Over the years, the company diversified into various domains:
Advertising: Google AdWords (now Google Ads) transformed the advertising industry by offering targeted, measurable ads that reach users based on their search queries and browsing behavior.
Mobile Technology: With the acquisition of Android in 2005, Google entered the mobile realm, and today, Android powers the majority of smartphones globally.
Cloud Computing: Google Cloud has become a significant player in the cloud computing sector, providing businesses with robust tools for data management, AI, and machine learning.
Hardware: From the Google Pixel smartphones to the Google Nest smart home devices, the company has ventured into consumer electronics, integrating its software and services into physical products.
Artificial Intelligence: Google's advancements in AI and machine learning are at the forefront of technology, with innovations like Google Assistant, Google Translate, and numerous other tools that enhance daily life.
The Cultural Impact
Google's influence extends into culture and society. The term "Google" itself has become synonymous with searching for information online, and "googling" is now a verb in many languages. The company's diverse initiatives, including the Google Doodles that celebrate various events and personalities, have become an integral part of online culture.
Challenges and Controversies
Despite its successes, Google has faced significant challenges and controversies. Issues related to privacy, data security, and regulatory scrutiny have been prominent. As the company continues to evolve, it must navigate these complexities while maintaining its commitment to innovation and user trust.
Looking Ahead
As Google embarks on its next quarter-century, it faces a rapidly changing technological landscape. The future promises advancements in quantum computing, further integration of AI, and new innovations in areas like virtual and augmented reality. Google's ability to adapt and lead in these emerging fields will likely define its role in the next era of digital transformation.
Google's 25th anniversary is a testament to its transformative impact on technology and society. From its modest beginnings to its current status as a global leader googles 25e verjaardag , Google has continually shaped the digital experience and influenced the way we interact with information. As we look forward, the company’s ongoing evolution will undoubtedly continue to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of technology.
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goasathi123 · 2 months
Tropical Bliss: Discover the Perfect Couple Couple Cruise Party in Goa
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If you’re looking for a quintessential romantic escape, look no further than a couple cruise party in Goa. Nestled on the western coast of India, Goa’s picturesque beaches, vibrant nightlife, and serene backwaters create an idyllic setting for a memorable cruise experience. Whether you’re celebrating an anniversary, honeymooning, or simply enjoying a romantic getaway, a couple cruise party in Goa offers an unparalleled blend of luxury, relaxation, and adventure. Here’s why this tropical paradise is the perfect destination for your next romantic voyage.
1. A Stunning Setting for Romance
Imagine sailing along the sparkling Arabian Sea, with the sun setting over the horizon and casting a golden hue over the water. Goa’s scenic coastline and tranquil backwaters provide the perfect backdrop for a romantic cruise. From the charming Mandovi River to the serene Calangute Beach, the views are nothing short of breathtaking. The gentle sea breeze, the sound of waves lapping against the boat, and the panoramic vistas create an atmosphere of pure romance.
2. Luxurious Cruise Options
Goa offers a range of luxurious cruise options tailored for couples. Whether you’re interested in a private yacht charter or a lavish party boat, there’s something for every taste and budget. Elegant sailboats and opulent yachts equipped with state-of-the-art amenities provide a secluded escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. For a more social experience, you can join a themed cruise party with other couples, featuring live music, gourmet dining, and dazzling entertainment.
3. Personalized Experiences
One of the highlights of a couple cruise party in Goa is the opportunity to personalize your experience. From customized dinner menus to private beach stops, cruise operators offer a range of bespoke services to cater to your preferences. Arrange for a candlelit dinner under the stars, complete with a personal chef and champagne, or plan an exciting adventure with water sports and exploration of hidden coves. The flexibility to tailor your cruise ensures that your romantic getaway is as unique as your relationship.
4. Enchanting Evening Entertainment
As the sun dips below the horizon, Goa’s cruise parties come alive with enchanting entertainment. Enjoy live music performances, dance under the stars, or simply relax with a cocktail in hand as the night unfolds. Many cruises offer themed parties, such as tropical luaus or elegant masquerades, providing a vibrant and festive atmosphere. For a more intimate experience, consider a sunset cruise followed by a quiet evening of stargazing and quiet conversation.
5. Culinary Delights
A couple cruise party in Goa is also a feast for the senses. The region’s rich culinary heritage is reflected in the gourmet dining options available on board. From fresh seafood and exotic spices to delectable desserts and fine wines, the dining experience is designed to tantalize your taste buds. Many cruises offer curated menus that highlight local and international cuisine, ensuring that every meal is a memorable occasion.
6. Unforgettable Memories
Perhaps the greatest allure of a couple cruise party in Goa is the opportunity to create unforgettable memories with your special someone. The combination of stunning scenery, luxurious amenities, and personalized experiences ensures that your time on the water is truly magical. Whether it’s a surprise proposal, a milestone celebration, or simply a romantic getaway, the memories you make on a cruise in Goa will be cherished for years to come.
A couple cruise party in Goa is more than just a vacation; it’s a journey into a world of romance and luxury. With its stunning natural beauty, luxurious accommodations, and personalized experiences, Goa offers the perfect setting for a romantic escape. Whether you’re exploring hidden coves, enjoying gourmet dining, or simply soaking up the sun, a cruise in this tropical paradise promises an unforgettable experience. So set sail for Goa and discover the ultimate tropical bliss for you and your loved one.
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thxnews · 4 months
UK Post Office Horizon Convictions Quashed
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Hundreds of postmasters have had their convictions quashed today, marking a significant milestone in one of the UK's greatest miscarriages of justice. The Royal Assent of the Post Office (Horizon System) Offences Act 2024 has brought long-awaited relief to those wronged by the Horizon IT scandal. Note: The Official Government Letter to Postmasters is at the end of this article.  
On Friday, 24 May, hundreds of postmasters finally saw their convictions quashed, a momentous event following the Royal Assent of the Post Office (Horizon System) Offences Act 2024. This act addresses the infamous Horizon IT scandal, which led to wrongful convictions, financial ruin, and tarnished reputations. The quashing of these convictions provides justice and a path to financial redress for the affected postmasters.   A Scandal Unveiled The Horizon IT system, introduced by the Post Office in 1999, was intended to streamline operations. Instead, it resulted in one of the UK's largest miscarriages of justice. Between 1996 and 2018, many postmasters were wrongfully accused of theft, fraud, and false accounting due to flaws in the system. These accusations led to prosecutions that destroyed livelihoods, homes, and reputations.  
The Path to Justice
The quashing of convictions comes after years of campaigning and legal battles. The Post Office (Horizon System) Offences Act 2024 sets forth specific criteria for quashing convictions: - Prosecutions were brought by the Post Office or CPS (or in Northern Ireland, the state prosecutor or the police). - Offences were related to Post Office business between 1996 and 2018. - Relevant offences included theft, fraud, and false accounting. - Convictions were against sub-postmasters, their employees, officers, family members, or direct employees of the Post Office using the Horizon system. - Convictions had not been considered by the Court of Appeal. These criteria ensure that justice is served to those wrongfully convicted, allowing them to restore their names and receive compensation.  
The Human Cost
The impact of the Horizon IT scandal on postmasters cannot be overstated. Many endured financial ruin, lost their homes, and suffered irreparable damage to their reputations. The psychological toll was immense, with some individuals experiencing severe mental health issues due to the stress and stigma of criminal accusations.   Government Response In response to the quashing of convictions, the government has committed to ensuring swift and fair compensation for affected postmasters. The Horizon Convictions Redress Scheme, set to be fully operational by summer, will provide financial redress to those who have had their convictions quashed. An open letter to postmasters has also been published, outlining the next steps in the process.
Financial Redress Scheme
The new Horizon Convictions Redress Scheme aims to expedite compensation for those impacted by the scandal. This scheme will address the financial losses and damages suffered by postmasters, ensuring they receive the justice they deserve. The Department for Business and Trade is working diligently to implement this scheme by summer.   Key Criteria for Quashing Convictions Criteria Description Prosecutions Brought by Post Office or CPS (or state prosecutor in NI) Time Frame Offences between 1996 and 2018 Offences Theft, fraud, false accounting Affected Individuals Sub-postmasters, their employees, officers, family members, direct employees using Horizon Appeal Status Convictions not considered by Court of Appeal   A Step Forward The quashing of convictions marks a significant step forward in addressing the injustices faced by postmasters. It is a recognition of their wrongful treatment and a move towards restoring their dignity and livelihoods. This event underscores the importance of accountability and transparency in large institutions, ensuring that such a scandal does not occur again.   To Summarize The quashing of the Post Office Horizon convictions is a landmark moment in the pursuit of justice. It highlights the severe consequences of flawed systems and the resilience of those who fought for their rights. As the Horizon Convictions Redress Scheme rolls out, postmasters can finally see a path to restoring their lives and reputations.  
*Exact Copy of the Official Letter to Postmasters*
Dear postmasters, The Horizon IT Scandal is one of the greatest miscarriages of justice in our history. Some of you have endured financial ruin, the loss of homes, livelihoods, and reputation. We have a duty to right these wrongs and deliver justice to you as quickly as possible. That’s why we introduced this Act, and why we acted quickly to make sure it was passed by Parliament before the general election. Parliament’s decision means that hundreds of convictions of innocent postmasters have been quashed. This clears your names, delivers justice, and ensures swift access to the financial redress that postmasters deserve. Convictions will be quashed if they meet the criteria set out in the Act, but in summary you will be eligible if: - prosecutions were brought about by the Post Office or CPS (or in Northern Ireland, the state prosecutor or the police) - offences were carried out in connection with Post Office business between 1996 and 2018 - your conviction(s) were for relevant offences such as theft, fraud and false accounting - your conviction(s) were against postmasters, their employees, officers, family members or direct employees of the Post Office working in a Post Office that used the Horizon system software - the conviction has not been considered by the Court of Appeal  
Updating court and criminal records
At this stage you do not need to take any further action. The Ministry of Justice has established a casework team who are in the process of identifying individuals in England & Wales whose convictions have been quashed by the Act and will write to them in the coming weeks to inform them of the quashing of their convictions. The Department of Justice is responsible for identifying and notifying individuals in Northern Ireland. The Ministry of Justice casework team will then provide details of convictions to His Majesty’s Courts & Tribunals Service (HMCTS) and the Police, and those agencies will amend court and police records to reflect the changes brought about by the legislation. The National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC) acting for the Police Service will entirely delete any records relating to quashed convictions from the Police National Computer. Completely deleting the conviction record from the Police National Computer will mean the information is not available for any operational Police or law enforcement investigations, and in addition will no longer show up on any criminal record check, such as a DBS check. The Department of Justice, Northern Ireland Courts & Tribunals Service and Police Service of Northern Ireland will take similar steps to amend records in Northern Ireland. We will write to you again to confirm when your relevant court and criminal records have been updated.  
Claiming financial redress
If you have had your convictions quashed under this legislation you will be entitled to financial redress. Work to establish the new redress scheme is underway and it will be in place by the summer, in line with previous government commitments. We will provide further information on how you can register for this scheme in due course.  
When you should contact us
We will provide further updates on progress but expect that most relevant convictions will have been identified and letters sent by the end of July. If you have not heard from the Ministry of Justice casework team or the Department of Justice by the end of July, we would encourage you to contact them directly to ensure that your conviction has been considered. To make us aware of your conviction, or for any further queries, please email: [email protected], or, for Northern Ireland, [email protected] If you would prefer you can write to: Post Office Convictions Unit 8B Berkley Way South Tyneside Tyne & Wear NE31 1SF Or for Northern Ireland: Post Office Convictions (Northern Ireland) Legacy Litigation & Projects Unit Massey House Stormont Estate Belfast BT4 3SX   Sources: THX News & Department for Business and Trade. Read the full article
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p5ravin · 5 months
Bitcoin's Potential Price Surge Post-Halving: Insights and Analyst Predictions
As the cryptocurrency world anticipates the next chapter in Bitcoin's journey, all eyes turn to the much-discussed halving event. Analysts and enthusiasts alike are abuzz with predictions of a potential price surge following this significant milestone. Let's delve into the insights and forecasts driving this speculation.
Understanding the Halving Event
The Bitcoin halving, occurring approximately every four years, is a programmed reduction in the reward miners receive for validating transactions. This mechanism ensures the controlled issuance of new bitcoins, ultimately leading to a capped supply of 21 million coins. Historically, each halving event has been associated with notable price movements, prompting intense speculation about its impact on the market.
Analyst Sentiment: Bullish Outlook Prevails
Analysts across the cryptocurrency space have expressed a predominantly bullish sentiment regarding Bitcoin's price trajectory post-halving. Many point to historical data from previous halving events, highlighting the pattern of price appreciation in the months that follow. Proponents of this view argue that the reduction in the supply of new bitcoins, coupled with sustained demand, will inevitably drive up prices.
Supply-Demand Dynamics at Play
Central to the bullish outlook is the fundamental principle of supply and demand. With the halving event reducing the rate at which new bitcoins are created, the existing supply becomes scarcer over time. This scarcity narrative is often cited as a primary driver of Bitcoin's long-term value proposition, as investors seek assets with limited issuance and potential for price appreciation.
Market Response and Investor Behavior
While historical data and fundamental analysis provide compelling arguments for a post-halving price surge, the actual market response remains uncertain. Investor sentiment, external factors such as regulatory developments, and macroeconomic trends can all influence Bitcoin price dynamics in the short term. Therefore, while analysts predict a bullish trajectory, prudent investors acknowledge the inherent unpredictability of the market.
Conclusion: Navigating the Post-Halving Landscape
As Bitcoin approaches another halving event, excitement and anticipation abound within the cryptocurrency community. Analysts predict a potential price surge driven by supply-demand dynamics and historical precedent. However, investors must approach these forecasts with a measured perspective, considering both the opportunities and risks inherent in the crypto market.
While the future remains uncertain, the halving event underscores Bitcoin's resilience and enduring appeal as a decentralized digital asset. Whether the anticipated price surge materializes in the weeks and months ahead or unfolds over a longer time horizon, one thing is clear: the journey of Bitcoin continues to captivate the imagination of investors worldwide.
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