coquizvazquezarts · 2 years
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#pride🌈 "Somos poderosos porque hemos sobrevivido en el tiempo" #orgullo #lesbianas #gays #bisexuales #transexuales #intersexuales #demisexuales #asexuales #arromanticos #nobinaries #generofluido #agenero https://www.instagram.com/p/CfaEAiwLm3P/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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broadsandbroadswords · 11 months
no matter what your favorite sword is though you can find it in our zine!
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Blessing for Trans Intimacy
As you touch your lips say the following blessing:
ברוך אתה יי אלהימותינו רוח אשר יצרה את האדם בחכמה ובראה בה נקבים חלולים
B’ruche ateh ‘’, elohimoteinu, ruach ha’olam
Asher yatzreh et ha-adam b'chochmah
Uvareh ve n’kavim chalulim
Praise the Source of Life, who creates our bodies with Wisdom, creating openings and closings.
Blessed is the One
For letting me see the holiness in others
The sacredness of scars on a chest
The holiness of one who has learned to love themselves
Who renew their creation
The mitzvah of my lips on their body
Gloriously exploring each other
For seeing each other is like seeing the face of G’d
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wiltingdecay · 2 years
i am once again thinking about Girl Stomach
reblogs were turned off on this post because it was starting to make its way into transphobic and lesbophobic kink circles despite being a sfw post made by a transmasc lesbian. idgaf if you repost it, you don't have to credit me, i just don't want to risk any more disgusting people putting posts with my username attached onto their revolting blogs. i would have just deleted it but it made a lot of lovely people feel happy and more confident about their stomachs and body hair which was what i originally set out to do and i don't want to take that away.
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softearsweet · 10 months
ADHD x LGBTQIA+ icons created by me <3 pt.1
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I make Pt.2??
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gh0stsblogs · 5 months
thinking about them makes me wana cry n throw up, i love them so mcuh
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ruthytwoshakes · 1 year
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It’s nonbinerey time
when the non-binary said its nonbinery time and then nonbinaryed all over the place ,,, top ten nonbiner moment verified by me the nonbineaire
it’s sniper The fella B)))
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ceoofchaosinc · 5 months
I think there’s a link between Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Gen-Z Nonbinary people’s name finding process.
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk
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neep-neep-neep · 9 months
The way Jack says "nah, had to kiss 'em" instead of "kiss 'im". The way Jack says (in Ngozi's Beyonce album release extra art post i am now unable to find :( ) "I miss my spouse I miss his pies boo hoo" just makes me think.
What if Bitty is nonbinary. Bitty had a personal journey and discovered he/they pronouns fit them more. It was toward the end of his time at Samwell but with so much going on they wanted to take it slow with letting everyone know. Bitty and Jack talked about it. It was a personal thing for Bitty as they still struggle with expectations of masculinity and what it means to them but the freedom they start to feel in this new identity. Jack sees Bitty as nonbinary and addresses him as such.
What if Bitty's self-discovery does not end after graduation. He starts a new chapter of self-expression focusing for once on their inner self instead of how they present to others!
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coquizvazquezarts · 2 years
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#pride🌈 El 28 de junio, fecha en la que el colectivo LGTBI trata de dar visibilidad a las identidades y orientaciones sexuales oprimidas a lo largo de la historia y reclama igualdad respecto al resto de la sociedad En la actualidad, en muchos países del mundo la diversidad sexual está #perseguida y #criminalizada, por parte de las leyes y las autoridades. El Día Internacional del Orgullo LGBT se celebra el 28 de junio debido a la conmemoración de los disturbios de Stonewall (Nueva York, EEUU) ocurridos en el año 1969, que marcaron el inicio del movimiento de liberación de personas no normativas. #orgullo #lesbianas #gays #bisexuales #transexuales #intersexuales #demisexuales #asexuales #arromanticos #nobinaries #generofluido #agenero https://www.instagram.com/p/CfW2H4NuzwT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vee-xxo · 20 days
Bakugou x non-binary AFAB reader hcs + scenario ! !
This is entirely self indulgent, but if you enjoy it please let me know.
Reader uses they/them.
Warnings: fluff, very light discussion of gender dysphoria, soft bakugou, hopefully not too ooc
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First things first; Anyone saying that Bakugou would be bigoted in any sense of the word needs to start brainmaxxing cus what the hell babe
He straight up could not give a wet shite tbh 😭
Not as in he'd not accept your identity ofc, he knows you're serious abt this, so he obv takes u seriously as well
He's not super educated. Knows gay ppl exist, knows trans ppl exist. Just more extras standing in HIS shadow as the spotlight shines on HIM
I imagine him cussing someone out, them correcting him on their pronouns and him just repeating the insult with the right ones
"what the hell are your pronouns so I can insult you properly"
Ok let's rlly get into it now ok!
So, after some good thinking and research to rlly understand yourself, you decide to tell your boyfriend on a quiet evening in his dorm. He's sitting on his bed with his legs crossed, dogs out unashamedly. Meanwhile you're sitting across from him, playing nervously with the cuff of your sleeve and preparing yourself to tell him. "So?" He looks at you, his elbows resting on his knees and his back a bit rounded. You look at him again, and after a short breath, "I think I'm non-binary." it slips out.
He looks at you. You look back at him. For a second, you watch the gears turning in his mind. He's sure he's heard, or at least seen that term before. Something something gender, right? Gender... Transgender?? He looks at you again. Your heartbeat having picked up significantly now.
"So you're..." He squints, and you feel a cold sweat on your back. "You're not a girl?" Biting the inside of your bottom lip, you slowly nod. Again, he takes a moment to process this new information. "So... But, you're not a guy either. Right?"
A sliver of hope sparks in your chest. Again, you nod. He also nods, slowly, and very softly. "How uh... how'd you know?"
You look down, gulping although there's nothing really stuck in your throat. "I wasn't comfortable being a girl." Your voice is quiet, and the last part comes out as a mere whisper. "...It's hard to explain."
His expression seems focused, sharp but soft. He's a little lost, honestly. So, you continue explaining. "For a while I thought maybe I wanted to be a guy, or maybe I just liked appearing more masculine sometimes. But I don't fully feel pulled that way, I guess. But when I thought that maybe it's just a phase and I'm really just a girl, I'd feel upset. Because I don't want to be a girl. I don't feel that way. That's just not... Me."
His hand is placed on his chin, he is listening. Your mind searches for something, anything that could be a hint of discomfort or disgust, but he's just... Listening.
He places his hand down again. "So." Your eyes flicker to his hand movement, then back up to his face. "What do I call you then?"
Your breath halts for just about half a second. "Er, I guess uh, partner? Or significant other? That's what people do online I think." You don't think, you know. After all you've asked all of these same questions before, by almost obsessively typing them into your browser and reading through half the internet every other night.
"Eh, that's a bit long." He scrunches his nose for a short moment. His eyes are darted somewhere on the bed, not really focused on anything. Your chest feels strange. It was tight before, all knotted up. But now it's just... Weird. Overtaken by a strange, swirly sensation. "Wait." You say. "Doesn't it bother you?"
He looks at your eyes again. "What?"
"Well, you like girls don't you? But I'm not one." You move up your hands, gesturing to him. His almost underwhelming reaction not really helping your anxiety. "And like, referring to me differently, wouldn't that bother you?"
His brows scrunch together a bit. He sits up a bit more straight than before and says "What, ya think I can't switch up a couple words for you? I wouldn't be dating you if something simple as that could turn me away, you know." The tone of his voice feels a bit hard, a bit tough, but it always does that.
"Also, I don't like anyone 'cept you. Dun' matter if you're a girl or not."
You let go a breath you didn't know you were holding. The tension in your chest, shoulders and arms falls. He sees your relief and continues. "So, what do I call you now?" He asks again, looking directly at you.
"Oh, I haven't really decided if I want to change my name or not. But uh..." You look down at your fingers playing with your sleeve. "I think I want to be referred to as they them. Like, my pronouns I mean. Instead of she and her." It felt weird to request this, many people still didn't know anyone today who'd use only they them, safe for a few celebrities, who would often face controversy for that despite how silly it was.
"Alright." Katsuki straightened up again. "That's easy." He smirked at you, the rest of his face completely relaxed again.
"Huh?" You looked up at him. That was it?
Katsuki leaned back and turned his head as he reached for his phone on the bed's headboard. "So you're free on Saturday, right?" He opened his calendar app, that organised weirdo.
"Uh, yeah?" You were still confused on how quickly he switched topics after such a tense conversation, at least to you.
"Good. Then we're going to the mall. Shithair and Raccoonface wanted to go fall shopping. Figured you'd wanna join."
He was typing something on his phone, meanwhile you remained quiet. Once finished, he stared back at you, his eyebrows furrowed together again. "What?"
You shift a bit, changing your seating position. "Nothing! I just uhh... I didn't think we'd be over me being non-binary so quickly."
"I'm not dating you because of your gender." He says, very matter of factly, eyes still fixed on the small screen.
"Huh!" You say.
"How much money do you have right now?" He suddenly asks.
"Oh uh, I'm not sure-"
"Forget it, I'll just pay. The others wanna go eat that McJunk with us again."
You lean your weight on your hand, resting on the mattress next to his leg, looking at his phone as he types something in the Bakusquad group chat.
"You don't have to do that, Katsuki." You say.
"I want to. You're my lover." He says the last part just a bit quieter, and you can't help but smile.
His lover.
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broadsandbroadswords · 11 months
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Introducing the one, the only, the magnanimous Smalls! Smalls (they) has three swords, wants more, and can be found on Tumblr, Instagram, and Twitter as @smallandsundry and you can get a copy of Broads and Broadswords Volume 2 with their very gay art here.
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lilmisskiwi-art · 5 months
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Another silly human! au idea that came up a little while ago
This is like the 5th au for glyn lmao, 3rd just being human I think XD
They're teachers :3 Or rather Glyn(Glen) is a music teacher, Fey(no name change) might be a counselor UuU
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smallandsundry · 11 months
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The presale for Broads and Broadswords Volume 2 is almost over, I have a little two page comic in it, here's a panel from it! Get it here.
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metangblog · 3 months
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[FANG NO-BINARY!! 🗣️‼️‼️‼️]
M.S: Beep [Hybrid Enby] — Takes Fang by the cheeks and caresses them tenderly
F: jejej... I love u, silly robot — touches the metal nose with the tip of his own
M.S: Pep [I love u too!]
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pokemonprideflags · 9 months
can you please color-pick the non-binary flag from luxray perchance?
the nonbinary (non binary) flag color picked from luxray
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