#not a weird crack ship either ;)
persephonaae · 1 year
Helloooooo everyone hi, so as you may or may not know I'm trying to get things together to start offering art commissions because I'm facing a lot of pressure to earn more money for my family, but while I'm trying to sort all that out and have better examples of my digital art (and tbh wanna save up for a good art scanner so I can better do half my work traditionally and half digitally) but anywho yes while I'm sorting all that out I was wondering if it would be worthwhile setting up a ko-fi just to get some passive tips and hopefully alleviate some of the stress I'm feeling from family stuff. So below I'll just have a poll of some different stuff, I really wanna gauge where my followers are at with such things
And of course I'd love feedback in the replies!
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noxcheshire · 3 months
A one sided crack ship I suddenly got in my delirious hungry state, and need to throw it up so here you go
Joker x Danny
But its JOKER whose one sided feelings for Danny who is really trying his best to ignore this weird clown mf
I was thinking that it could either be actual ‘oh no I have a crush on this guy’ OR Joker being liminal enough and ghostly enough to sense the otherworldliness of Danny Fenton. An otherness that Joker just wants. Like a hungry, starved beast that had finally found a proper meal instead of the bone scraps he’s been trying to scrap off of Batman.
He doesn’t even realize what it is he wants either, only that he wants to pull Danny’s skin back and nestle inside.
Danny on the other hand knows, he’s gone through a few ghostly sessions to understand that Joker is starved, and empty, and already half mad from hunger that he is willing to try and grab a fully loaded half ghost that could still kick his ass.
I just like the idea of everyone’s horror pov of the Joker trying to attract this one civilian guy and Danny just being annoyed by this one scraggly alley cat trying to gnaw on his arm.
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woso-dreamzzz · 7 months
Hardersson x Child!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: You try to get dressed by yourself
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There's a lot of change now that you live in England. There's no more Wolfsburg, no more German and no more Morsa through the phone. Now it's Not-Wolfsburg and English and Morsa in person.
It's a big change but you're being very brave about it all and trying to be a big girl.
Momma has been a little stressed about settling in at Not-Wolfsburg and with getting everything moved into the house. Some of the things that were meant to be shipped over have been delayed so she's a little antsy about it.
You try to be helpful like keeping your toys tidy and not complaining too much when Morsa wants to take pictures of you in her Not-Wolfsburg jersey but things are very different.
Your English is not quite as good as your other languages so Momma and Morsa exclusively speak it to you at home unless you're very tired and tearful. You're trying very hard with your English though and are learning new things every day.
You think that if you try very hard it might make Momma more relaxed so you're desperately trying to find other ways to make her relaxed too. One of the girls from training told you that big girls get dressed by themselves.
You've never done it before but Morsa calls you her big girl all the time so you must be one. Morsa always lays your clothes out the night before you wear them and tonight you stand at her side as she chooses.
"Um..." You say because you still have to speak English and you're trying to think of your words. "That!" You point at one of your plain t-shirts nestled between a Wolfsburg shirt and a Not-Wolfsburg shirt.
Momma tells you all the time now that you can't wear a Wolfsburg jersey to Not-Wolfsburg training because it's a little bit rude but you don't want to wear a Not-Wolfsburg jersey either. You kind of wish you had a red jersey because teams with red on their jerseys are always really good.
Regardless, you point at the plain t-shirt because it's the happy middle before also choosing the pair of shorts that have stars on them.
"Good choice," Morsa says before she lays them out on the little rocking chair you have in the corner for bedtime cuddles," Alright, into bed."
You hurry to get under the covers, making sure to give girl-swan and girl-moose kisses. Momma comes in as you do so. She tucks your blankets up to your chin before placing feather-light kisses to your face.
"I love you."
"Love you," You echo and Morsa takes her place.
She gives you kisses too. "I love you."
"Love you."
Momma turns on your nightlight and Momma leaves your door open a crack.
You make sure to go to sleep very quickly so the morning can come sooner and you can impress Momma and Morsa by getting dressed all by yourself.
It's still quite dark when you wake up but your nightlight is still on so you can still see and you make your way over to where your clothes are waiting.
You manage to slip your shorts on fairly easily because you only need to put your feet in the holes and pull them up like you do with your pull-ups. It's a little weird though because usually your pockets are at the back rather than the front but you've managed to do your shorts all by yourself so you don't really think a lot about how the pockets have changed positions.
It's the t-shirt that gives you trouble. First, you can't find the neckhole, trying to force your head through the arm holes twice. Next, you somehow manage to get your elbow through one of the holes but, when you realise that your actual hand hasn't gone through, you find out that you can't get your elbow back out.
You don't like this feeling and whine loudly as you try to fight it but it's just no use. You struggle uselessly against it until you're quite firmly stuck and that makes you fall onto your butt and cry.
"Okay, okay," Momma's comforting voice shushes you softly as her hands gently pushes at your elbow from the other side until it pops out and falls limp at your side.
The t-shirt is pulled off of your head and you surge into Momma's arms. She cradles you instantly, holding you close into her warm safety as you wet her pyjama top with your tears.
You blubber half-words into her neck as her gentle hand rubs your back.
"What was that about, huh, Princesse?" Momma asks, not forcing you out of your hiding spot.
"What was what about?" Morsa pops her head into the room, taking in the way that your pyjamas lie on the floor with your t-shirt and the way that you're being held against Momma. Her eyes drift down to your shorts where she bursts out laughter. "Your shorts are on backwards."
Immediately, you burst into tears.
"Magda!" Momma hisses and you know she's serious because she's using Morsa's adult name.
Morsa looks a little apologetic when she sees your state and moves to touch you but you shy away. She frowns and extends her hand for you but you still refuse to take it.
"What happened? Huh?" Momma asks you softly.
"Bein' big girl," You cry.
"Oh, yeah?
You nod pathetically.
"And that's why you tried to get dressed all by yourself?"
You nod even more pathetically than before. You tried really hard to be a big girl but, just like your English, you're not very good at it yet. You're just a little girl and little girls don't get to get dressed by themselves.
You're a bit sullen as Momma and Morsa work together to get you dressed, head hung low as Momma swaps your shorts around the right way and Morsa gets your head through the right hole of your t-shirt.
You're a little girl today.
You wish you were a big girl.
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actually-azi · 7 months
✨ Rating Hazbin Hotel ships ✨
Adam / Lucifer - 3/10, It's definitely a funny concept that Lucifer fucked both his wives and then him, but in reality it's a no from me.
Adam / Lute - 7/10, Their relationship would've been unhealthy af but not gonna lie it's pretty cute. I just love Lute so goddamn much lol.
Alastor / Lucifer - 7/10, I like the concept because it's genuinely funny and kinda cute but only as a crack ship. I definitely don't see it actually happening.
Alastor / Literally anyone else - 0/10, I genuinely don't think Alastor would ever even consider a relationship. He just thinks he's above everyone else.
Angel / Cherri - 0/10, What the fuck y'all, he's gay. This one is weird af and idk why it's even a thing.
Angel / Husk - 10/10, I love that Husk cares about Angel for more than sex, they're so cute together especially if they take things slowly.
Charlie / Emily - 2/10, They're so similar that together I feel like it would be too much. Also I really dislike the idea of splitting up Chaggie.
Charlie / Emily / Vaggie - 6/10, I probably wouldn't mind all three of them together. It would be cute to call it Charlie's Angels lol.
Charlie / Vaggie - 10/10, I love them together, they're so supportive and adorable. The way Vaggie looks at Charlie with so much love warms my heart.
Cherri / Sir Pentious - 7/10, I don't like Cherri all that much but I'm so happy that Pen got the girl in the end, he deserves to be loved.
Lilith / Lucifer - 5/10, Mostly it's low because I'm suspicious of Lilith. If she ends up not terrible then I could see it being higher but idk, it's sus for now.
Lute / Vaggie - 7/10, I enjoy the idea of them being exes or something like that. Or Lute being jealous of what Vaggie has with Charlie.
Niffty / Valentino - 10/10, Great crack ship. The fanart is hilarious and Nif's love of bad boys makes it a great concept. But I do pretty much only like it as a joke.
One sided Vox / Alastor - 15/10, This is 100% canon in my head. Vox is SO down bad for Alastor and took it SO personally that Alastor couldn't give less of a fuck like the aroace king he is. I love this SO much.
Valentino / Vox - 500/10, This is my Hazbin OTP honestly. These two losers are terrible people but I love them together more than I can even put into words. They just fit so well together and act like an old married couple.
Valentino / Velvette / Vox - 2/10, Velvette sees Vox and Val as her dumb gay dads and I'll die on that hill. They're more like a family and she's the glue that keeps the other two from imploding when they get pissy.
Velvette / Vox - 2/10, Not feeling it. Honestly I think Velvette is aroace and/or a lesbian. I just don't see anything romantic involving her and either of the other Vees.
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xreaderanonaccount · 10 months
Fatui Harbinger x GN!Reader Headcannon
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Ships: Fatui Harbingers (minus Pucinella and Sandrone) x reader (poly)
Synopsis: What's it like being the Feared Fatui Harbingers darling?
Tags: Fluff, Crack, hugging, kissing, hand-holding
A/N: Just some random thoughts. I honestly think Sandrone would not have a S/O cause of her lore and how crazy she is. And Pucinella is just an old man.. hey not judging if that's your type. Just not mine
Divider credits: cafekitsune
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Dating all the Fatui Harbingers is a full time job, not only are you being showered with Mora and gifts from some of the richest people in Teyvat you deal with all their petty drama.
Like a mother to all your boyfriends and girlfriends.
They come barging into your room ranting about what the other harbingers have done. How they “ruined” their plans. 
This mainly comes from Dottore and Pantalone. Sometimes one will come into the room and start ranting while the other is close behind. 
Pierro, Columbina, Arlecchino, and Capitano are the tamer of the bunch. If you need peace and quiet from the drama you go to them. They’ll shower you with kisses and treats to make you feel better.
But don’t get me wrong the other half would absolutely shower you with love… in their own weird twisted fates. 
Like dottore wouldn’t experiment on you but will weirdly give you a still beating heart claiming his undying love for you. 
Tartaglia would train you to fight because he wants you to fend for yourself (and to also spar with him much to Capitano’s dismay) 
During the fatui meetings they would have a special room setup for you with a little place to relax. 
And as soon as the meeting ends it’s kind of like school lunch where kids would run so fast to the lunchroom to be first in line. Like that but in a more calm manner. 
Except for Childe
He would be that kid that would run straight to the lunchroom. He would burst through the room scaring you to death yelling “BABE!” 
He would engulf you in a bear hug
It would take Capitano to take him off of you by how tight of a hold he has on you.
Dates with the Harbingers is always fun, whatever you want to do they would absolutely provide.
Want to go to an Opera? Pantalone has VIP tickets to the latest popular show.
Want to eat at a fancy restruant? Arlecchino reserved a whole restruant in Fontaine.
Want to just relax and read? Columbina would cuddle with you as she reads you a book
Want a nice stroll in the stormy winter? Capitano will walking with you, and he'll make sure you'll have his thick fluffy jacket swamping you.
Kisses are always fun, the variety of kisses you would recieve varies from mood and who is giving you the kiss.
Capitano and Pierro is always so soft and gentle, he's a big man and he doesn't want to hurt you. His lips always ghosting your skin, milimeters away from your lips. His giant bear hands gently cupping your face as he plants a gentle kiss.
The exact opposite of Dottore, that man will straight up bite you with his shark teeth.
Your lips will be bloodly and bruise when he's done with you. He's rough when he's kisses you.
He would forcefully grab your face with one hand and shove his lips on you. He wouldn't give a romantic kiss, never. But it's always one of greed and tension.
He's got some pent up anger he needs to release. And that just so happens to be your mouth.
Arlecchino is soft...ish. She would be soft but part of her would spice it up with fun.
Loves teasing you she would pretend like she was going to kiss you and but then suddenly pull away. Saying something like "oh someone needs me." Always has a shit eating grin on her face when she makes up some bull excuse.
Columbina and Childe is always a gamble, it would either be soft and tender or chaotic and rough. Really depends on what they are feeling.
Unless it's infront of his family, Childe would be all lovey dovey infront of his family. But would absolutely tease you when they're not looking
Pantalone is a no PDA guy in public except for his arm sling around your waist. Other than that kisses are only for the most intimate moments. When it's just you two, and no one else to disrupte them.
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
Hi! So I was into DP years ago, then earlier this year got into Batfam fics, then saw my first DC x DP crossover and just 💥
So now I’m on a new obsession that has me reading every one of your prompts and any stories that come from it and I just had this one flood my brain:
Presumed Alien Danny
So for [insert reason here] Danny has to flea Amity and the living world to stay in the Zone. He’s injured, and therefore forced to use the Fenton Specter Speeder, and flies it into the portal. Only, whether due to a malfunction, Clockwork, or something else, instead of the Ghost Zone, the Speeder gets spat out of a portal in the DC universe.
So, on the other side, the Watchtower gives an alert that an unknown energy is spiking nearby, and then a spaceship/pod looking thing comes flying out of a flash of green. It’s spinning out of control, and headed for a desert on Earth. A team is dispatched, I’m thinking Superman (alien), Green Lantern (alien law enforcement) and Batman (obvious. Kid bait).
So they get there within moments of the crash, find the thing totaled, Superman hears a strange, humming/thrumming accompanied by groans, and he cracks what’s left of it open to see this green-eyed, white-haired kid with very bad injuries and green blood covering what looks like it could have been some kind of space suit. He grabs the kid, gets him out, and Lantern makes a shield that contains the massive explosion that leaves the ship/pod nothing but charred bits lying scattered across the sand.
They get the clearly alien child to the watchtower for medical help, and though they heal very quickly they still need a lot of stitches, mainly because the first set melted and they had to use ones designed for metas with corrosive abilities.
Then, a day or so later, still healing but not in danger, the kid wakes up, stares wide-eyed at the people around him, and exclaims something I a strange language.
Yeah, definitely alien.
Danny wakes up, sees a bunch of weird, costumed people all around him, and tries to ask what the heck is going on. They all stare in confusion. One guys, who’s glowing green but a different shade, had a ring that starts speaking in a different language.
So, I figure, in an alternate dimension, the English language developed differently, so Danny’s English and the DCU’s English aren’t the same. Hence more Misunderstandings.
Also, if Connor is in this, it’s not until after Danny’s been found. 😎
So Danny gets introduced via the Green Guys magic translating ring, finds out they think he’s an alien, thinks he’s still in his world, where the Anti-Ecto Acts are a thing, and goes with it. They introduce him to the younger hero’s his age, and once he’s better they set him up in their base to live, since obviously he can’t stay on the watchtower or blend in. A few weeks in is enough for Danny to get confused by all the differences and look into it, and realize he’s in a new dimension. But he’s already knee-deep in this, so he just doesn’t ever mention it, and just refers to his ‘home planet’ as Amity.
Meanwhile, the alien kid, Danny, seems to be adjusting well, if a bit confused by the strangest things at times. The planet he mentioned as home was listed by the Lantern Corps as one destroyed by a black hole a few days before Danny’s pod showed up, so they avoid asking about the clearly painful and traumatizing experience. Superman, upon learning about the boys skill set, takes him under his wing.
Through a series of misunderstandings and coincidences Danny is premised to be an alien child by the Justice League and taken in as Superman’s apprentice/son. He does not correct this assumption, either ever or until he is outed by something/one else.
homie I am in love with this idea. Presumed Alien Danny makes me so happy.
I will like to add: The not-quite-english that Danny is speaking is akin to old English.
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simpingforheros · 10 days
Jason Todd Head canon 1#
I’m bored at work so I’m giving yall silly headcannons to make y’all smile. This is very crack! Headcanon vibes because I’m manic as well right now. But, I love my toxic zombie boy.
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Redhood! Jason Todd X Batgirl! Reader
If they had became vigilante’s together, they would definitely reconnect after Jason starts to forgive the BatFam.
Would definitely always pair up with her just so they can cause some mischief during patrols.
Definitely play up the flirting in-front of civilians and would definitely encourage shipping just to annoy Bruce.
Would ditch galas to do riding around.
You two basically just resume your friendship until one night, you both got drunk after hanging out at Roy’s and yall wake up the next day with a broken bed and tattoos on y’all’s hips.
If You became batgirl after Jason’s death, God bless you
Jason would be hard on you with the intimidating and dickish act for a long ass time.
He wasn’t as bad as he was with the others because he understands that you weren’t involved with his death and you weren’t a replacement for him as much as you were Oracle’s.
When the moody stage finally passes and he realizes that you won’t put up with his tantrums, he will try a new approach.
Red hood becomes known as a menace to Batgirl in the media.
Whether it be he would somehow end up saving Batgirl while being a snarky ass hole or do behaviors that would cause her blushing face to be on the covers of tabloids.
At the manor, the pair bicker almost as much as they bonded over common interests.
Now the arguments revolve around those interests even if half of them started because of joke either one of them started.
“Bridgerton is just a horny girl’s excuse to not read Jane Austen” “Take that shit back right now!” “Make me.”
When the feelings actually start to develop, the bickering and the flirtation gets so bad that they become the most shipped ‘enemies to lovers’ ship among the tabloids and Gotham’s youth.
Finally, tension boils over when an incident happens where Batgirl was almost killed by a major villain.
Oh shit, Red Hood was not very happy to find out that Batgirl was currently in a hospital bed after a failed recon mission.
He went head hunting after that 🫢 Not that kind of head.
After that, Jason became unbearably protective of her. Volunteering to be on patrol with her, driving her to appointments, stalking her , breaking in coming over to her room/apartment to hang out.
It all boiled over after a heated and trauma dumping confrontation between the two where the neighbors/residents of the manor heard screaming, yelling, maybe a broken vase, and some creaming.
Red Hood! Jason Todd X Civilian! Reader
Ngl y’all, Jason dating a civilian would probably be a little toxic.
He’s either gonna date someone so fucking sweet that it fuels his need to be a protector and act as a balm to his failure complex.
Or he’s gonna date someone as fucked up as him so he feels some form of trauma bond with them.
He probably would spot eyes with them in a busy setting and because he’s very good at reading people, he would immediately start his stalking because he wanted to know if he can trust them before building a relationship with them.
Would probably never approach them as the Red Hood before meeting as Jason Todd unless it was a situation where he had to step in.
Secret lover boy with self sabotaging tendencies.
He would stage their first meeting as a form of meet-cute scenario. Most likely on the street or a bookstore.
Would play the long game of meeting by ‘chances’ and casual little conversations.
Has a weird prey/predator mentality where he wants them to give him their number first or ask him out first but he’s the one actually pursuing them.
If they started dating, he would treat things very slowly or very casually depending on which type they are.
If it’s the sweet one, he’ll play it slow and gentlemanly, like the romance movie lead.
He wouldn’t want intimacy or pressure anything like that even if he constantly thinks about it.
Maybe a little less toxic but more manipulative.
“Oh baby, there’s been a ton of robberies around that area. Let’s just go riding then we can go see that movie you been talking about.”
“Sweetheart, I love how precious you are, but I’m really busy right now. How about I swing by after work with some treats I already had picked out for you.”
His true nature would come out eventually. His vulnerability would show more, but by then his sweet little partner would be so loving and understanding.
They would comfort his nightmares and rub his aching muscles.
It would be 1.5 to 2 years into dating before he would reveal he’s Red Hood.
The fucked up one is getting toxic Jason.
This pairing probably met at a bar/party, and their relationship started out as a casual friends with benefits.
The two would become closer faster than he would with a sweet one, but oh my god, y’all fight for your lives.
Arguments are usually loud and heard throughout the apartment building before they would either screw iy out or have to separate.
Jason would eventually return with either dinner or a gift to apologize. He learnt that from his daddy Brucie.
Unless that man is down bad, in love, he ain’t telling y’all anything.
Anytime he gets asked about where he’s going to at night,
“It’s none of your business.”
“Work, don’t worry I’ll tell her you asked.”
“You know I’m busy.”
Don’t worry, the longer you two stay together, he sweeter he becomes.
Our toxic king will get better and less toxic.
It takes him to the moment he realizes that you really aren’t gonna leave him and that you love his fucked up ass, for him to tell you he’s the Red Hood.
AN: That’s all I got for right now. Let me know if you want an Arkham Knight version or if I need to calm down with our Toxic King.
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rivangel · 23 days
(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Levi Month - Day 6+31 ♥
⇨ love at first sight & reincarnation
♡ ship ⇨ student!Levi x student!fem!Reader (college/reincarnation au)
♡ content ⇨ reincarnation // meet-cute // silly // first kiss
♡ word count ⇨ ~0.8k
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Classes, classes…
Levi catches himself on autopilot as he nears the stairwell. Well. He has fifteen minutes to walk across the damn courtyard, so he might have time to zone out.
Next semester is his last before he graduates.
His uncle always says that he should find something more to think about, but it’s not like he cares about school nearly as much as what his mom wants for him. As if he’d take Kenny’s advice in general…
But he hasn’t found a real, greater purpose, or not yet.
He approaches the next flight of stairs, from the second to the third floor.
One, it's a godly miracle he'd drifted to the left side of the stairwell because he's the type of guy who stays in his lane, and two how lucky you are that the landing has more in common with the wall than the next flight. The fact neither of you cracked your heads open is on him.
For protecting you when you fall.
Your bag catches on the jutting start of the railing. He opens his mouth too late before you cry out and stumble, so he's even quicker to storm up the stairs, his boots slapping the concrete and his arm thrown out to grab you. Then you collide.
You go rolling for a few seconds—feels much much longer than that—before his back hits the unforgiving wall hard enough to really make him pay attention. He's not so quick to move either, distracted as if all his body is yelling its anger at him about this bruise as it forms in real time.
You are a completely different story, rushing to apologize over and over as quick as you are to at least get him sitting up. It's not so easy.
"I'm so sorry!!—Hey, I'm a nurse major, so I can help you."
"No... I'm fine. Watch your feet next time."
"Um, I doubt that..."
You trail off strangely.
He goes to scoff, winces instead. Just as quick as he was to say he's fine—split-second quick—he wants to get out of here. He's sitting, still on the nasty concrete floor. First order of business while bracing his back like an old man is to stand up.
But that urge—even that—blanks along with the rest of his head when he opens his eyes, sees that weird look on your face matching his. It’s like someone just died.
Even the pain is vanquished in the stern beam of memory.
Has to be when he doesn't exist inside his own body, or not really, not for several seconds.
(Hange once told him that the notion of dreaming all night is always wrong, 100% of the time; they more likely than not take place in a minute or two in some deep depth of sleep. That's kind of how this is.)
A voice shouts something down from the top of the steps, alarming you both wearing matching expressions of terror, or a close relative to it. Worried. What happened?
Funny: you both lived through hell, and died, and now you're here. That is "what happened".
He can’t remember shouting anything back to the random (intruding) guy, only that you didn’t. He wouldn’t know it if the ground cracked open under his feet unless you told him, but neither of you would’ve noticed.
Out of the stairwell, you come to some empty hall as if it's any day where you've known each other since forever.
“You, a nursing major?” is all he can think to say.
“…Well I lied a little. Physical therapy, actually… Ah.” You laugh, straightening your skirt before fixing him with a blushing sheepish smile. “You’re not mad at me, are you? …Levi?”
You really are beautiful. More beautiful, somehow, flourished so far beyond the pitiful potential your previous life begrudgingly allotted; when you gave it an inch, it took a mile and bathed you in blood while it was at it.
But here you are. And here he is.
“You must be with someone,” he says, neither here nor there, the way it sounds. There’s a crease between his stressed brow and he has no idea what to do with his hands.
“—Huh?? You dummy. Even if I was”—you step up to him—“c’mon, Levi.”
Your eyes light up. “Wait, what about you? Can I kiss you?”
“Don’t ask,” he tells you, cups your jaw just like he used to do—then struck by the press of your skin, as if by static electricity—and tilts his head up.
You slam your lips against his, consuming, and bright, and perfect again.
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Levi month masterlist | More Levi
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gazs-blue-hat · 7 months
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King!Johnny MacTavish x Siren!Reader (kinda FemOC, but she’s never given a proper name, descriptions, or anything. No Y/N either)
Warnings: Canon Typical Violence, Canon Typical Language, brief descriptions of injury and blood, storms (thunder and lightning), lots of ocean stuff (lmk if I missed any!)
AN- Dedicated to the lovely @sprout-fics who helped me out of my writing slump. Thank you forever friend. Another shout out to @deadbranch who indirectly inspired me to make pretty headings for my stuff! Thank you!
(Also, formatting may be weird due to me being on mobile)
Word Count: 2,802
There was a whisper on the breeze, as if the very sea itself was restless. Thunder cracks in the distance and lightning split the sky like some kind of beast tearing it open. Rain fell in sheets that created waves in the air, splashing against the tower of the castle upon the cliff face, mist settled against the glass paned doors of the royall chambers, creating droplets or condensation that clung to the glass before sliding down like tears on a face.
King John MacTavish pushed said doors open, his rough hands leaving prints in their wake. He should feel bad, but he knew the glass would be cleaned in the morning. Everything in his home was constantly being polished or shined or cleaned in some shape or form. He took a few large steps onto the stone balcony, his furs ruffling about his shoulders from the harsh wind. It was a dreadfully cold night out, his breath puffing before his face like the smoke from mythical dragons his ancestors claimed to have slain. He rested his hands on the salty parapet, scraping against stone that was constantly kissed by the sea. He looked out at the tempest, arms folding and shoulders sagging.
Oh the sea…
He sighed, his head hanging in a moment of pity for himself. He missed his old life. He missed the scent of the open ocean. He missed the feeling of the salt in his hair and the wheel in his hands. A ship captain turned king? Who would have thought? Certainly not him.
He looked down at his hands, rough from years of use on ships. Old calluses from harpoons and ropes slowly fading away from lack of use. His hands had never before been soft. They were a man’s hands, the hands of a warrior and of a worker. Not of…not of a cushy noble who sat in a castle all day.
He looked up, hearing the surf crash against the castle walls and feeling the mist settle on his shoulders. He turned his gaze to the churning depths below. The surf was rather high tonight, seeing as the moon was full and the tide was coming in. A particularly bright crack of lightning blinded him temporarily before the equally loud boom of thunder filled his ears.
The mighty captain turned king ducked and covered his ears, hands firmly protecting the one sense he truly was fearful of losing. His mind was filled with the memories of booming canons, the screams of men being torn apart by sabers and shrapnel from the exploding timbers of a ship. He stood, feeling the icy water spill onto his face as the rain hit the castle. He groaned and ran his hand down his face, feeling quite foolish for being spooked by a thing as simple as thunder. He used to take on giants of the deep without a drop of fear. Now he was simply jumping at shadows…
He scoffed and looked down at the swirling sea, watching as the foam and spray swirled in the wind. The tide rose again and a massive wave crashed against the cliff, momentarily blocking his view of the opposite shore. The water subsided and a low groan filled the air around him, seemingly coming from all directions. John spun, drawing his saber that he kept as his side at all times and pointing it at the space behind him. He checked the corners of his vision before slowly sweeping his attention across the empty balcony.
Nobody. There was nobody there. He sighed softly before sheathing the saber once more, turning to look out at the craggy shore. His eyes widened as he saw a woman, her skin scraped and scratched by the stones she now rested on.
“Steaming bloody Jesus…” the curse slipped from his mouth as he stormed back into his chambers, and hurried down the stairs. A few members of his staff yelped as he hurried down the stone steps, concerned for their king that was now trailing water through the castle. “Someone wake the surgeon! I may need her aid!” His voice boomed through the stone hallways and his Knight Captain nodded, the helmeted man clanking his way to the surgeon’s quarters.
John pushed open doors and hurried through the narrow halls until he made it to the docks behind the castle. Behind him, he could hear the rapid footsteps of the court surgeon following behind him. “What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” Her words fell on deaf ears as he hopped over a low wall and scurried down the rocks to where he saw the woman. The surgeon growled in frustration while lighting a lantern, carrying it with her. “Damn it Johnny! Talk to me!” She ran behind him, ignoring the rain as it soaked her uniform and the utensils she had brought. “I can’t help if you don’t-“ she trailed off as Johnny held his arm up as he skidded to a halt, pointing at the woman who was laying on the stony shore.
Now that he was closer, he could see the jagged cuts and scratches along her body. He could see the blood staining the water red. He couldn’t see her lower half, seeing as the water was still lapping at her waist and the occasional wave rushed over her that would shift her entire form. He came closer, assisting the surgeon over the rocks as they got closer to the woman.
When they reached her, it was very clear she was in serious trouble. Her back was a mess of scars and scrapes, some older and some more recent. There was a series of marks on her back that Johnny identified all too well. She had been whipped, and aggressively too.
“I’m going to get a bed ready. Bring her to me and I’ll get her squared away.” She touched his shoulder and squeezed once. Reassuring him that she would be there if he needed her.
“Cmon lass…let’s get you warm..” his words were soft as he gently placed a hand on the injured woman’s shoulder. She didn’t move and she was freezing to the touch, giving Johnny cause to assume she was dead. He sighed heavily as he closed his eyes, resting more of his hand on her shoulder. His eyes snapped open when he felt her move. That same groan from before filling the air. He turned her over without thinking, ready to administer aid, hands hovering over her torso in the position the surgeon had taught him when he froze. She had…scales
Scales the likes of which he had never seen before. They were iridescent little things, trailing up her hips to her navel before becoming freckles against her skin. His eyes locked on her skin, the soft but cold skin of her torso that was covered in scratches and cuts. As his eyes trailed upwards, he could see that her upper torso was also coated in scales, a lighter shade than that of her hips that decorated her clavicle and upper arms. They were tiny things, glittering in what faint light he could see.
Her breath came shallowly and he placed his hand on her neck, feeling for a pulse. He had no idea if humans had the same anatomy as her kind, but he figured he’d try for a pulse anyway. A weak beat danced under his fingers and he breathed a sigh of relief. She was alive, for now at least. He was itching to learn more about this creature that had washed up on his shore but his thoughts were interrupted when a rather rough wave crashed over the rocks and soaked the king to the bone, or…more soaked than he already was.
“Oh for fuck’s sa-“ his curses died on his tongue as a bright bolt of lightning illuminated the source of the mermaid’s troubles. Her tail, which had been pushed into the shore by the incoming waves, was now visible for him to see. A massive amalgamation of fishing line, netting, and various hooks and harpoon heads had embedded itself deep into the flesh of the appendage and was cutting into her. “Oh lass…no wonder you couldn’t swim. Especially in this tempest…”
He sighed softly and shifted to grab his saber, removing it from the sheath. He shrugged off his coat and draped it across the mermaid’s tail, not resting his weight on her directly. The fur squished uncomfortably under his fingers and it was quickly stained by the blood flowing from the wound on her tail. With expert hands, he worked to slice the mess of string and metal free from the tail of the mermaid, being careful to not cut the injured flesh more. He removed most of the line with little issue, tossing it to the side and out of the water. The hooks were next and as he knelt closer to remove one, he looked back.
Eyes as stormy as the sea were looking back at him and he felt his blood run cold. They were slitted, like the eyes of the great cats from the stories back East and they were filled to the brim with rage. He raised his hands and held them above his head. “Easy…easy. I was just cutting them free. It won’t be pleasant, but you’ll be swimming in no time. Just…hold still.” He spoke softly, like one would to a wounded animal to get it to come closer. The mermaid didn’t move to attack him, instead she closed her eyes and lay back on the rocks, breathing heavily.
Johnny slowly and carefully removed the hooks from her tail, seeing how the fins were tattered and torn. Whatever scuffle this mermaid had gotten into, she had been lucky to escape it. Once the final hook was removed and he had tossed it to the side, he sat up, proud of his work. The tail was still wounded and blood still stained the rocks and water around them, but she wasn’t trapped by them anymore. He smiled and moved to get up when the large muscles of the tail twitched into life, spinning him into the water flat on his back.
He felt the water of the sea surge over his face as he fell back, a rock scraping across his shoulder painfully. He felt firm hands on his chest and when the waves receded, the face of the mermaid was above him.
Her glare was sharper than the rocks they found themselves on and colder than the rain that fell in sheets over the churning sea. Her eyebrows were furrowed and her mouth opened to form a hiss. Her teeth were razors, sharper than a shark’s and probably just as deadly. Johnny couldn't move, his arms pinned by the waves and the sheer strength of the woman pinning him down. He felt her inhale against him, deep and long until she screeched.
The sound was deafening. Johnny covered his ears as the mermaid, no, siren shouted at him. The rocks rumbled under his scrambling grasp and his eyes watered in pain. The siren surged over him, diving into an incoming wave and leaving him with a slap to the face with her powerful tail. Johnny could only watch the lightning lit waves for any sign of the mythical being, but he was met with nothing but churning water and spraying foam.
He wasn’t sure how long he stood on the shore but eventually the surgeon came back, a lantern held tightly in her grip. “Where did the woman go? Don’t tell me she-“ Johnny held up his hand and showed her the collected scales. They had broken off the siren’s tail as he was working on getting the hooks out. The surgeon took the scales and held them to the light, inspecting them.
“Wasnae a woman. It was something else…” His words were soft and his accent thick. The rain had stopped a while ago but he couldn’t remove his gaze from the sea. Something there was calling to him, and it caused an ache in his heart to be away from it. If John MacTavish had longed for the sea before, he was now enraptured by it.
For the entire walk back to the castle, his eyes were locked on those tumbling waves, searching and seeking for a glimpse of a tail, or of skin. A glimpse of her.
“I’ll see you again Bonnie. I swear it.”
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niqhtlord01 · 2 months
Humans are weird: The Long War
( Please come see me on my new patreon and support me for early access to stories and personal story requests :D https://www.patreon.com/NiqhtLord Every bit helps)
War’s often did not last long when fought between warring galactic powers. They often fell within one of two categories.
The first would be a short but brutal war in which one side had overwhelming superiority over their rival and would decimate them within a short period of time either resulting in the defeated offering concessions for peace or being incorporated into the victors realm as a new territory.
The second and less frequent of the two would be a drawn out conflict that would reach a stalemate at some point due to the near equal power of the opposing sides resulting in a peace treaty or more likely a cease fire that would last for a few years before resuming hostilities.
These two outcomes were the most frequent as with the age of space travel often came great leaps and bounds in other forms of technology; many times said technology being diverted to respective military industrial complexes.
Weapons that could carve up continents from orbit or snap starships in two like twigs left little in room for anything else.
Humans did not share this notion.
In quite a contrast to the standard norm human military planners also considered lengthier drawn out conflicts. Data sheets and computer banks were filled with projections for supply consumption, industrial production capacities, troop conscription rates, and even the designated planetary ration levels that would be acceptable before general population revolts within their own territory.
This practice was first demonstrated when conflict broke out between the Drumengi and the Terran Republic after a series of trade disputes resulted in the Drumengi seizing several dozen human trade vessels and demanding a ransom for their return. This was a grave insult and the Terran Republic responded the next day with an open declaration of war.
While the Drumengi did not have a sizable fleet, they had invested in a wide range of defensive orbital installations that dotted their territory in what was known as the “Halo of Iron”. No fleet had ever been able to breach the defenses of the Halo and so previous wars had gone for little more than a year before a peace treaty was negotiated. The Drumengi expected as much and planned to force humanity to the negotiation table.
It was unfortunate no one had informed the humans of this plan as the terran’s had already devised a plan to crack the halo.
 Establishing a vast network of relay stations, automated satellite weapons platforms, and mobile fleet waystation’s that were brought in and placed along key trade routes into Drumengi territory, humanity established an iron halo of their own. Once the human ring was completed warning beacons were activated and a message was broadcasted in every language declaring the territory an active warzone and refused passage for any ship to try and cross through it.
Initially the Drumengi were inclined this was the prelude to a massive invasion fleet and prepared themselves, but as the months turned to years still no attack came. Human fleets patrolled the surrounding systems and intercepted all ships that tried to breach their lines with the help of the relay stations that were constantly scanning the surrounding space for ships.
Three years passed and soon every ship learned to avoid Drumengi space for fear of human retaliation; and that is when the Drumengi learned the true plan of humanity.
They never intended to besiege their defensive ring in some full frontal do or die charge. Instead they had formed a blockade that now was choking the very life of the Drumengi economy month by month.
It was never intended for the war to last more than a year, two at max, but now humanity was still showing no signs of relenting as the war dragged on to the fourth year. Critical supplies had not been stored in sufficient quantities for an extended war and while the public was assured of an eventual victory, Drumengi planners were beginning to panic. Worlds within Drumengi space were reporting that their stockpiles had dropped 32% since the war began and were increasingly demanding to open negotiations with the humans.
With little offensive capabilities the Drumengi were forced to sit behind their iron halo and continue to wait out the humans. Several delegations had been sent to other powers to open up channels and begin laying the ground work for peace talks, but each time they were informed that the talks were stalled by human counterparts who proceeded to drag their feet over every minor detail. One delegation went so far to report that a human diplomat would not accept any document unless it was written with a “Ballpoint Pen, color blue”. No one had any idea what that was exactly and even after researching it the device took another three weeks to be shipped in only for the human to reject it again saying that they had imported red pens instead.
The war dragged into the fifth year and supply levels had reached critical across the entire Drumengi domain. Supply levels had decreased by 67% for most worlds while fuel levels now were at a critical 13%. Travel was limited to military personnel, government officials, and what limited transportation still remained. Food riots had broken out in several major metropolitan areas on numerous planets and were becoming increasingly difficult to put down. In some cases the magistrates sent to neutralize the riots switched sides and joined the rioters, beckoning the military to get involved as well. That did little to settle the matter however as then the government worried how long it would be until the military switched sides as well.
With heavy hearts and empty bellies the Drumengi leadership finally came to humanity directly and offered to surrender. No terms were asked for save the resumption of trade and the dismantling of the human ring of iron.
The humans agreed to the first measure, but denied the second. Their ring of iron would remain, as a reminder of how easily humanity could cripple them again should the Drumengi ever show their hand again. They also insisted on reparations for maintaining such an extensive grid and exacted a high sum of credits as well. The Drumengi were outraged at this. They were told not only to surrender but to also pay for their imprisonment? The government would be overthrown within a fortnight when the general population heard the news.
Their pleas fell on deaf ears as the humans reiterated their demands once more.
As they had planned ahead for their long war, so too had they planned for the end result. They had changed the nature of the war and had steered it to the point where either outcome would be in their benefit. If the Drumengi agreed to the terms the current government would collapse in on itself as the general population railed against humanities demands, but if they refused their supplies would run out at the general public would once again violently rise up across their entire domain and their territory would become nothing more than mere pocket kingdoms for despots and criminals.
Regardless of the choice, the long war would finally be at an end.  
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How about strawhats with a reader who didn’t realise they ate a devil fruit, and they and the crew only realise when either they discover their ability or they start to drown when they accidentally fall (or get thrown by an enemy) overboard? (Tried to leave the devil fruit ability either up to you, or have the ask in a way that you didn’t have to create a devil fruit 😅)
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I finally found a way to work this old ask into a request! Sorry to whoever sent it in originally, I just could not come up with a plot for it until I got this one. Apologies for there being little to no yandere content here.
You Are What You Eat
Straw Hats x GN!Reader
1.8k words
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Loud growls echoed through the forest. Not the deafening roars of a predator about to rip you apart, no, but the rumbling of a deprived stomach demanding sustenance.
You really shouldn’t have taken off into the woods without grabbing a snack first, but you couldn’t help it. After days of being at sea, you were eager to explore the new island you’d stopped at. Robin said you all would need to split up to find the ruins she was looking for, so you took initiative and threw yourself into adventure the second the ship was close enough for you to be able to make the jump.
Thus far, you’d had no luck. You hadn’t even stumbled across an abandoned pathway or ancient tools. It’s hard to believe this island had ever been populated at some point. Maybe this wasn’t the right one?
At this point you weren’t even really looking for ruins, you just wanted something to eat. Unfortunately, this search was having similar results. Nothing. It appears all the fruit trees on this island are still in a flowering stage, and you didn’t know enough about foraging to be taking your chances on root vegetables in the ground. Restaurants were obviously out of the question, much to your chagrin.
There was some rustling in the tree above you. Your head snaps up to assess the situation, only for something to nail you right in the face. Your knees buckle and you fall on your ass, cradling your face after the blow. 
Cracking open an eye, you try to find who just assaulted you, but you were definitely here alone. Looking at the ground, you discover what your assailant really was. A fruit.
Pain is forgotten instantly as you snatch up the strange looking fruit. It’s a light blue color and reminds you of a ball of yarn with the way the skin is textured. You have zero clue as to what kind of fruit it’s supposed to be, but as your stomach growls even louder, you can’t find it in you to care.
Using your shirt to wipe it off to the best of your ability, you take a bite as you get back on your feet. Your face scrunches up instantly. The taste… isn’t great, but it’s not the worst either. If you had to describe it you would say it tastes like an uncooked spaghetti squash. The real problem is the texture. It’s completely stringy on the inside, making you feel like you’re eating a wet clump of yarn.
But… beggars can’t be choosers. You’re starving, and you don’t want to let it go to waste either, so you power through it. As you’re choking down the last bite, a chill runs down your spine, making every nerve light up in a tingling sensation. Then, as quickly as the feeling began, it disappeared.
Weird. Whatever.
“(Y/N)! Where are you?!” Luffy’s voice cut through the thick woods.
Finally! You were starting to wonder how you’d gone so long without running into anyone else. Running towards the sound of his voice, you call back to him, “Over here!”
It’s not long before he comes into view, along with the rest of the crew. Luffy grins and runs to meet you halfway, “Why’d you run off so quick? I wanted to go with you!” He lifts you up into his arms and spins you around gleefully.
“Did you? Sorry, I thought we were all gonna split up,” you scratch at the back of your head and wonder if you misheard.
“We were, but then we found the ruins Robin was looking for straight away, so we’ve just been looking for you this whole time!”
Mortification washes over you immediately and you hang your head in shame, “You’ve got to be kidding me! I ran right past it, didn’t I?”
“You sure did! Pretty dumb, huh? Zoro didn’t even get as lost as you did!” Luffy set you down, smiling the whole time while he mocked you.
“Watch it!” You swatted at him, not that he particularly cared or even reacted to it. 
“Now that you’re done being lost, we really need to get going before it gets any later,” Nami was tapping her foot impatiently, no doubt itching to find the treasure rumored to be hidden there.
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry! Let’s go!” You wanted to move on from this blunder as quickly as possible, thank you very much. There were a few chuckles from the group as you marched on ahead, but they mercifully didn’t tease you about it anymore.
“Are you hungry? You ran off before I could hand you your lunch,” Sanji sidled up next to you, offering a sweet smile while extending the masterfully packed bento towards you. The cook shot a dirty look over his shoulder to your captain, “Don’t worry, I made sure that he couldn’t get his hands on it.”
You’re sure you missed a battle of epic proportions over your unclaimed lunch. Happily taking it into your own hands, you waste no time cracking it open and digging in as you walk, “Thank you, Sanji! You’re the best!” He puffed up in pride at your compliment, assuring you that it was no problem.
It wasn’t long into the trek when you all came upon a wide but shallow river. It wasn’t so deep that you would need to swim to cross it, but it would be enough to pose a problem for your devil fruit possessing companions.
This wasn’t a big deal, everyone knew the drill. Those that couldn’t get in the water would pair off with someone who could to carry them across. Robin was perched up on one of Franky’s shoulders, much to Sanji’s heartbreak. Luffy latched onto Zoro and was telling him to hurry up and get going so they could all see the ruins.
That just left Chopper, who hurried over to you with his arms up. You were his preferred method of transportation in situations like this. Stuffing your now empty lunch box into your bag, you scoop up the reindeer and place him on your shoulders.
Without any additional fanfare, everyone starts wading through the water. At its deepest, it comes up to your waist. Trudging through waist deep water does naturally take a bit of effort, but this felt much harder than usual. Exhausting even. Your head was swimming and you didn’t even realize you’d stopped until Chopper spoke up.
“(Y/N)? Are you okay?” He leaned forward to try and see your face better, but you could hardly even register what he was saying to you, much less respond to it. Your silence must have bothered him, and he started to panic, “Guys wait! (Y/N) isn’t looking too good!”
That was the last thing you heard before collapsing into the rushing river. Logically, you knew you should be freaking out. You were underwater and had dropped Chopper in with you, you know you should be flying into action, but you weren’t. You felt listless. Like a puppet whose strings just got cut. The world around you was rapidly fading to black and you felt powerless to do anything about it.
Just before you could fully pass out, arms lock around your torso and wrench you out of the water. You coughed and gasped for breath. The relief of getting your head above water was palpable, but you still felt weak.
You were carried to the other side and gently sat down against a tree by a very concerned Sanji. His hands were clamped onto your upper arms and his eyes raked over your body looking for literally anything that could explain what just happened, “Talk to me, what’s wrong?”
Everyone else was crowding around you, too. Chopper wiggled his way to the front, fur still wet from his unplanned dive. Despite that, though, he was in doctor mode, “Give them some space, we need to figure out what happened!” 
While he was checking your pulse and breathing, you found it in you to speak again, “I’m sorry about that, didn’t mean to drop you. I don’t know what came over me.” 
“Were you already not feeling well? It’s not like you to just collapse like that.”
“I felt just fine until I got in the river. Did anyone else feel weird after getting in the water?” You asked. Maybe there was something in it that makes people sick?
Everyone shrugged off the question, saying that they all felt fine. Chopper wasn’t happy with the lack of any answer for why this happened. Making a quick decision, he stands up and announces that he’s going to take you back to the ship for now.
“No, I’m fine! Give me a minute, and I’ll be good to go, I swear!” You try to plead your case, but no one entertains it.
“You don’t need to force yourself to go on, I’ll help you and Chopper get back to the ship,” Sanji held out his hand to help you to your feet. Reluctantly, you accept the help and wait for him to pull. 
He does, but you don’t move. Your hands are still joined together, but your arm is… oh god.
Several things happen at once. Sanji looks down and sees a bunch of blue strings connecting your now disembodied hand to the rest of your arm. Sanji screams at the sight, Chopper faints, Usopp is just straight up gone, and you feel like you’re about to throw up.
“What is wrong with your arm?!” Nami shrieks, looking about as nauseated as you felt.
“I don’t know!”
“Did you eat a devil fruit recently and not tell us?” Robin was the most outwardly calm, but was still visibly disturbed by the turn of events.
“No? How would that- Wait. Hang on. I might have,” everything suddenly clicks in your mind. The out of place fruit, the weird feeling you had after eating it, the water, and now this. You absolutely ate a devil fruit and didn’t even realize it.
“What do you mean ‘you might have’?” Everyone shouts in unison.
“Well, you see, it’s a funny story. You’re gonna laugh,” the unamused expressions on their faces told you otherwise. You continued, “While I was off on my own, I got really hungry. Then I got hit in the head by a weird fruit, so I decided to eat it.”
“You ate a random weird looking fruit and didn’t think that MAYBE you should mention that to us???” Nami looked like she wanted to throttle you right about now.
“... Yes?”
Nami exploded and started laying into you for your transgression, and you were helpless and just had to take it. Until you felt a weird tugging sensation from your arm. Looking over, you see Luffy experimentally poking his hand through your strings with a look of wonder on his face.
“Luffy, get out of there!” Sanji yells while trying to kick him away. 
This devil fruit thing is going to take some getting used to.
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The Eternal Night (Part 1)
Summary: You ask for protection from the Night Lord in the hope of being saved from other space marines. Not realizing that you yourself walked into a mousetrap.
Jago Sevatarion/fem!Reader
Warnings: yandere, power imbalance, violence, body horror, torture, predator/prey
Word count: 2560
Song: She Wants Revenge - Out Of Control
But then she noticed me glance at her I had no choice but to dance with her
The funny thing is that mothiir just recently released headcanons about the first captain. Today is Sevatar's day.
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The very thought of serving on a Night Lords ship was terrifying. Many remembrancers chose Fulgrim or Horus Lupercal. Some ventured to the Conqueror. But as your lady noted, only the bravest and courageous are ready to board the Nightfall.
Stupid and naive, you wanted to tell her. But your mistress was too self-confident, too spoiled to listen to anyone. She justified her reckless action by arguing that the Night Lords were still Astartes, the Space Marines of the Imperium. And you…
What are you? You were her personal maid. You weren't supposed to have an opinion. You kind of missed freedom. But is it better to be a healthy serf than a hungry child? You are already lucky that her kind family took you into their home.
But while cleaning the mistress’s room on Nightfall, you want to return to the depths of poverty. It was dark here. Cold. And scary. No matter how much you smelled the chlorine or your lady's perfume, you couldn't get rid of the smell of blood. It seemed to be absorbed into the ship.
You behaved as quiet as a mouse. Didn’t interfere, didn’t talk too much. Made friends with a couple of serfs without distracting them from their work. Tried not to tremble in the presence of the Astartes passing by. The main thing is to continue to remain invisible. Hide in the darkness and it doesn’t matter what these lords rule the night.
The lady was an easy prey. She just asked to be gutted. You shouldn't think that way, but it was true. The way her knees shook and she sweated out of fear. Although it was difficult not to do so when even in the quietest corners of the ship distant cries of pain could be heard.
“I'm so scared. They look like that, as if a little longer and they will twist my head.” - the lady once complained to you before going to bed.
“You shouldn’t be afraid. This won't happen." - you calmly notice. The girl’s calm face, full of hope, changes to horror and disgust as soon as you continue your thought. - “First they will skin you alive.”
Compared to her, you seemed so gloomy and strange. Weird. The other servants jokingly called you lady crow. Although you didn't understand the humor. Nightfall looked more like a burial ground. How could you want to stay here for even one minute if you are not a scavenger? Besides, you are not a bird, you are a human.
And despite this, your mistress tried to gain respect among mortals who had seen the real horrors of war. And her desperate attempts to personally meet Konrad Curze are akin to a desire to quickly depart to the afterworld.
And she achieved her goal. Even more. The primarch himself decided to visit the chambers of the restless scribe. Either out of idle curiosity or out of a desire to calm down the annoying woman. Just the knock on the door sent a shiver down your spine, and his massive black figure in the doorway sent a terrible feeling of foreboding.
Konrad Curze, in his grim elegance, entered the chamber and greeted the woman. And then he looked at you. Long and drawn out, cold and concentrated. His black eyes probed every piece of your flesh and soul. And then he smiled.
The lips stretched to the ears, revealing clawed teeth. But the worst thing was when he laughed a nasty laugh. The kind that makes your bones crack. He continued to look at you and laugh, putting the lady in a stupor. And scaring you terribly. A gloomy foreboding clouded the little mortal heart, and the words only nailed you more firmly to the floor.
“How interesting~” - the primarch grinned carnivorously while saliva collected in the corners of his mouth. - “The little mouse will offer itself to the crow. And he will only be glad. What's worse? To be eaten by scoundrels or to be protected by a monster?”
He bursts out laughing again, this time quiet. He sighs, disgustingly satisfied. Until he finally pays attention to your mistress. And something in his face changes. You can’t explain it, but it’s as if doom and anticipatory bloodthirstiness have merged into one. As if Konrad Curze saw something terrible. And he liked it.
“Perhaps we should discuss everything in private,” his voice softly envelops you like night. It is impossible to explain how a man turned from madman to primarch. Although no one knows whether the Emperor's son can go mad.
Your mistress nods and with a wave of her hand kicks you out of the chambers. You quickly leave the room, closing the door behind you. The primal desire to hide increased a hundredfold. You rush to one of your secluded places, which you discovered by accident. For the first time in your life, not watching the road and not hiding too much from prying eyes.
You should never give in to fear. You must always be on your guard. A momentary weakness can and does lighten the soul. But you will definitely have to pay later. And you understand this as soon as you hit your forehead on something iron at a turn.
A characteristic sound is heard and you whine and grab your forehead. There will be a bump and most likely a huge one. But the pain just vanishes when you understand where it came from. And especially when you hear an unpleasant chuckle.
He looked intimidating. Outstretched wings of a gargoyle and a skull on a huge armor not intended for an ordinary mortal. The characteristic appearance of the Nostraman did not frighten you. As well as the scars on the eyebrow and lip.
But his smile was scary. How his black eyes filled with sparkle, and the corners of his lips twitched strangely. It’s as if someone is touching the threads sewn into the skin of a corpse, imitating human living emotions. All the sons of Curze were terrifying, their “smiles” were more like the grin of animals. But this one was different.
“Careful, little one. If you had met one of my brothers, you would already be hanging on a hook” - his eyes sparkled with mischief, but nothing more. - “Where are you going in such a hurry?”
You swallowed. Didn’t want to answer, but silence could only provoke.
“My lady is speaking with Konrad Curze.” - the unpleasant meeting still echoed in your brain. It became more uncomfortable. - “I was told not to interfere.”
“Oh, that annoying scribe still managed to snag a meeting with the primarch. Your mistress talks too much and goes where she shouldn't. These usually end up with their guts out.” The man smirked and looked at you. Attentively. Like a carcass ready for slaughter. - “And where are you going?”
That's why you didn't want to get caught by the Night Lords. They played with mortals as if they were food. Important people for the Legion were still protected, but the serfs were meat. One is gone, it’s easy to replace it with a second one. The only thing that saved you was to be the remembrancer’s serf, her personal maid. Although judging by the attitude of the Space Marines towards her, this could only egg them on.
“To the compartment” - you don’t want to say where you’re going, but there’s no choice. In addition, it is unlikely that the Astartes will specify the exact location of your secret home. - “Into the trash compartment.”
A strange range of surprise spreads across the man’s face. Not disgust, but misunderstanding.
“Why the hell did you decide to go there?”
“There are a lot of rats there. They are my friends” - you almost calmed down as soon as you remembered the familiar sounds coming from under the garbage. You almost whisper a confession. - “They calm me down with their rustling.”
It was true. They listened to your stories, entertained you with fights between each other. They were soft and fluffy, although dirty. They were not evil from birth, they simply survived as best they could in such a place. And alas, the rats were much better than some of the people here.
The man just chuckled at these words. Did it seem to you or did a strange understanding flash in his eyes? And curiosity.
“Well then go.”
Not believing your luck, you open your mouth in amazement and blink your eyes. But you obey. While he gives you a head start, you need to run. There is no need to waste your luck. Especially when the one who could easily break you and not notice, lets you go while the going's good.
“And since they calm you down, mouse,” you turn around sharply and notice the same terrifying smile. But this time it's not scared. Something in a man changes when he calls out to you. - “It’s worth thanking them. Bring them meat... and fresh is best.”
Good advice. Maybe you're already used to Nightfall or this Night Lord seems less terrible. Or maybe you should really bring your little friends a well-deserved reward. You'll try to find something fresh and something... not made from human flesh.
You nod and quickly, trying not to attract attention, walk further down the corridor. You wish you could say that you didn’t feel the Space Marine’s gaze on you. But you felt it even when your figure disappeared from his gaze. Dead, mischievous, carnivorous. It was as if he had just found an interesting prey, but decided to let it go.
For a while.
You started to notice him. Previously all Space Marines looked alike. You just didn't look closely. Why the hell do you need this if they will torture you almost equally. But he wasn't like that. Or rather, a little more... humane? Kind? No, those are suitable. Wrong. Yes, that's much better.
First captain. Jago Sevatarion. You learned the name and title from one of the local serfs. You immediately became friends with him when you saw him. He was old. That's why you called him grandpa. He lasted a long time. Good sign.
Grandpa said that you were very lucky that the captain didn’t touch you. He did not participate in the local amusements so often, talking more with the primarch. Or keeping an eye on other Space Marines and a Atramentar. But still he was just as sadistic as the others. He killed, dismembered, skinned with grim pleasure. You couldn’t help but notice that he was the most feared of all. Unpleasant vibrations emanated from him.
It seemed like you were scared too. But it seems not. Alas, just as you were strange in childhood, you remains so. Although the local inhabitants even liked it. As if you almost one of them, unlike the other servants of the scribe. But you really couldn’t understand why no one noticed.
His weirdness. How he communicates with a couple of mortals. The same ones. You were sure he was keeping an eye on them. He made sure nothing bad happened to them. And he didn't touch you either. It is unlikely that your “status” would in any way prevent Sevatarion from quenching his thirst for murder. And he didn't laugh at your friendship with rats. Didn't find it disgusting or weird. It was nice gesture.
He also began to notice you. On distance. Didn't come up to you, didn't call you. No need. It’s just that now he knew what kind of new person was running around here. The Astartes began to notice you in the shadows, as you headed towards the rats or the local serfs. You didn’t see, but you were almost sure that at such moments he smiled unpleasantly.
Although probably all the Space Marines smiled when Curze called your mistress a traitor. He said that she decided to steal something and violated the Imperial Truth. You still couldn’t understand the words of the old serf who caught you in the corridor.
Rave. Your mistress was spoiled and annoying, but she would never betray the Imperium. She wouldn't even have such a thought. Is this a mistake or some kind of joke? The primarch could not blame her for something she had not done. Did he really decide to come up with justice just to send her to her death? She was kind. She didn't deserve it.
But a judgment is a judgment. Grandpa wasn't making fun of you. Now you and the other servants belonged to the Legion. But given the way this happened, you are unlikely to stay here for long. Alive.
With a feeling of guilt and tears in your eyes, you look at her mutilated corpse, nailed to one of the gates. They removed the skin from her, and then they squeezed out the body so that all the bones were broken, and most of the blood flowed away. Now her eyeless body, folded like a rag, looked at you accusingly.
Once you said that they would skin her, don't you?
Footsteps are heard behind you. Not lurking, but quiet. If you can say so, taking into account the armor of the Space Marines. You turn around and see Jago Sevatarion behind. The captain looks...tired. It was like he hadn't slept for days or weeks. A little bored. But quite happy with his work.
Apparently he also took part in the verdict.
“Your screaming scribe got into trouble herself, little mouse. You shouldn't mourn her when your life hangs by a thread. You will serve the Legion well and we will not touch you. Maybe." - the man falls silent and looks at you carefully. - “Or are you so used to being a personal servant?”
Maybe. If this world were a little kinder, you would even call your mistress a friend. But the Galaxy is full of horrors, and your patroness has turned into a leather rag. And you will be the same if you get caught. Or if you are not protected...
Grandpa said he was lucky. He had a tattoo. The ink mixed with the blood of the Space Marine he served. And no one touched him. Nobody offended him. Because he was not a “free” serf. He was no one's toy on the road. He had his own tormentor. But it's better than the unknown. Isn't it?
The First Captain raised an eyebrow. Apparently a little hope slipped across your sad face. It’s alarming to ask, scary to beg. But what choice do you have? Sooner or later you will be found and gutted. So you have to take risks.
“Take me to you,” you almost devour the man with your eyes, trying not to cower in fear. - “I will serve you. I'll be obedient. Will not interfere. I'm very quiet. Please."
You didn’t know why you mentioned that you are quiet. It came out on its own. The Night Lords rather like screaming, begging, and crying. The louder the better. But before your eyes was the tired appearance of the first captain. Even now he didn't look his best. Although something lights up in his eyes. For a moment, the walking corpse looks almost alive. A terrible sight.
“Call me Sevatar.” - the voice is surprisingly soft and relaxed. You look at him in disbelief. The man just grins at your funny look.
"This means?"
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myfandomrealitea · 2 months
ok I’ll be honest, I was one of the people who approached your safe space post with the mindset “yeah, but…” like, I now whole-heartedly agree that there should absolutely be fandom spaces devoid of real world issues. We all need our spaces to rest and relax. I think I just felt weird about your post because previously ive been in fandom spaces which did operate on the (perfectly fine) rule of ‘no politics’…but ‘politics’ would also include talking about a gay ship or any queer headcannons.
That obviously wasn’t fair to you because you obviously didn’t mean that w/ your post, but I can personally see as to why some people would feel that way if they were in similar fandom spaces. I do still want to reiterate I do agree with your post and I think some of the rebloggers took it…a bit far? Like Jesus Christ some of y’all need to eat a snickers. I also think some of the wording like “bitching about world issues” and “whining about their shitty parents” might’ve thrown me off but that’s not your fault and really a non-issue 🤷🏽‍♀️
you can delete this ask if you want I really won’t mind, I think I can just see as to why there were so many ‘yeah, but…’ rebloggers.
I actually really appreciate asks like this. For a multitude of reasons, but also because it gives really good insight and outer perspective for both me and other people who are aware of or involved in the discussion.
I think what a lot of people don't yet grasp about me is that while I may hold an opposing view to yours (general, not directed), in the vast majority of cases I still very much understand why people would think the way they do and where that thought process comes from and goes.
Its very, very easy to fall into the mindset of thinking that not helping when you have the ability to makes you a bad person or however in/directly causes suffering. Its very easy to be in the mindset of one single individual making a magnitude of difference.
I fully and genuinely understand and comprehend a lot of the points being brought up.
I just don't agree with them and hold a different outlook on those issues.
For example:
Talking about enjoying a queer ship to me is not 'political' in the sense that, personally, if you're a homophobe and upset by generic conversations about queer people, I really could not give a fuck. And if you raise objections to me talking about two dudes kissing, I'm simply going to remove you from my space because clearly it is not beneficial for either of us to share it. And I made it.
Its obviously very very much down to personal discretion to decide where that line is and what that bracket encompasses, but I think the most universal aspect of that safe space post was trying to get people to understand that forcing others to suffer in solidarity isn't activism and that strangers are not obligated to allow you to use them as support and a dumping ground for your needs.
Spreading around videos of people's dead loved ones isn't activism.
Spamming taglines and buzzwords on completely unrelated posts and videos isn't activism.
Relying on complete strangers for emotional and mental support and regulation while dumping vulnerable, graphic, personal information on them is neither safe nor healthy.
People are not obligated to smother or confine their happiness because of your misery. If you're having a bad day you have no right to tell other people they can't be happy in front of you.
A lot of people, mostly white knighters and people of color took the post as "a white privileged pig saying its okay to let racism slide because you want to play your video games" (actual hate mail I received) and that's so laughably and wildly far from the actual basis of the post.
I've had bigots in my servers before. Homophobes or racists who've slipped through the cracks.
You know what happens when they say something homophobic or racist?
They're immediately removed, blocked and reported, and their information is placed in a private document I keep. I issue an apology to the members of the server for their actions, and life goes on.
People are, of course, entitled to take the post as they see fit. They're entitled to their own perspectives and opinions. I'm more than happy to simply focus on the people who have taken support, guidance and solace in the post.
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mctwinkdom · 3 months
why do you think daniel and lando as a ship didn't take off the way landoscar did? I am obsessed with landoscar but just recently got into it so don't know too much about the Daniel era... Ive seen clips of Carlando and I get why they were shipped so much (even though I deff prefer Oscar lolol) but curious your thoughts...
I'm also a recent fan! I wasn't around during the McLaren Daniel era, so my analysis really isn't that great, but I also noticed how much more popular Carlando and Landoscar are compared to Dando, so here's my two cents on it (don't take it too seriously please):
My first idea is the age gap? I think some people aren't comfortable shipping two men with a 10 years age gap, whereas Carlando and Landoscar have a much more comfortable 5 and 2 years gap. Second idea is that Daniel was supposed to be the number 1 McLaren driver and, being a race winner, to show Lando how it's done; but the opposite happened and Lando was the better McLaren driver at that time, which made the dynamic a bit weird. Third reason is, from what I've heard (I didn't necessarily see it from myself) Daniel and Lando actually were a bit awkward around each other at first and took some time to find common ground and humor.
Overall, I think Dando is a good ship but they don't have a "cliche" trope, which helps a lot of ships to get popular: Carlando was a big brother taking his little brother under his wing and teaching him what he knew about racing and life in general; Landoscar are giving college sweethearts being a bit shy and playful and cute around each other. Daniel and Lando are obviously good friends but Daniel was not the mentor he was supposed to be and that Carlos was, and he wasn't the playful cute agemate Oscar is either. They were just... well, dudes.
As for why Landoscar took off this way, I think that fanstage moment at Silverstone 2023 changed everything, that's when the fics started blowing up. It's obvious Oscar is not a touchy person and Lando is very respectful of people's boundaries, so when Oscar wrapped his arm around Lando's middle and pulled him closer with that kind of "c'mon why not" face, you can see how suprised and happy Lando is, he's literally BEAMING. So yeah. Landoscar hits like crack and they became popular so quickly because it's a dynamic we're not used to see in F1 and in Lando's previous ships: it's sweet, and quiet, and soft, they have so many little moments showing how fond they are of each other, they're two teammates genuinely having each other's back (last Austrian GP really proved that) and pulling the team UP.
That concludes my analysis!! I never paid too much attention to Dando to be honest, they're really not my cup of tea (mostly because I don't fuck with Daniel like that), but that was fun to think about.
Landoscar stays on top ✌️
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slaymitchabernathy · 6 months
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Coriolanus NSFW Alphabet
A (Aftercare): Coriolanus definitely has a set routine, the same steps he goes through regardless of how rough he was or how he's feeling after. This includes a bath, washing off all the tears and cum from his girlfriend's body. Then he'll dress her in some of his clothes, put some lotion on any sore spots or bruises. If he's in a good mood he'll be a bit more touchy, give some kisses, maybe even cuddle. He's very routine-oriented and rarely ever strays from his.
B (Body Part): His favorite body part on himself is his hands. They're so big and he can use them for so many things. He loves using them to choke his girlfriend, watch her eyes get all glassy. He also loves using his long fingers to please his girlfriend, watching them go in and out of her cunt. His favorite part of his girlfriend is her lips. He loves how they cry out his name when she's too overstimulated, how they gasp whenever he hits that sweet spot in her. And how they smile whenever he's being sweet.
C (Cum): Coriolanus Snow is a man who always finishes inside his girlfriend. Why cum anywhere else when he has that perfectly willing cunt or that small mouth? He mostly prefers to cum inside of her cunt, he's very possessive so he loves to see how he fills her up, how she takes it and to watch it drip down her thighs. He doesn't mind getting a little messy every once in a while by cumming on her face, but that's only if he's in the mood for some humiliation.
D (Dirty Secret): He loves it when his girlfriend scratches up his back. He might complain about it after they have sex about how the hot shower water makes all the cuts sting but he loves it. He's a bit of a masochist so he definitely gets off on it. He also loves seeing how they scar his porcelain skin, knowing that he earned them by fucking his girlfriend good and deep. That's why he insists on her having long nails at all times. He thinks of them as battle scars.
E (Experience): Coriolanus Snow is a whore. A fuckboy, to put it into more modern terms. He'll sleep with almost anybody, as long as he sees them being beneath him. Once he starts dating his girlfriend however, he becomes latched onto her, pouring all his experience into her pleasure while knowing he'll never let another man near her. He also prides himself in being her first time, thus being the only experience she'd ever had.
F (Favorite Position): He loves being on top. Always has to be on top. He doesn't care if it's missionary or ever doggy style. He has to be in charge at all times. He probably enjoys missionary because he can see how dumb she looks, how entirely fucked how he's made her. Doggy gives him some sort of power trip though, being able to grab her hair or shove her face into the mattress makes him feel like he's leagues above her.
G (Goofy): Absolutely not. Sex is the one thing that he's weirdly super serious about. Mostly because he's in a certain mindset and can't be bothered to crack a joke or a genuine smile. He's being so dominant during sex that he can't afford to break that degrading facade. He might say something funny after he's done during aftercare but Coriolanus is the least goofy person ever during sex.
H (Hair): Coriolanus runs a tight ship down there. Mostly because he expects his girlfriend to do the same and hair kind of weirds him out. He trims frequently and isn't afraid to shave either.
I (Intimacy): Coriolanus can definitely be more intimate during sex if he wants to. He'd refer to it as "making love" and would reserve it for special occasions such as anniversaries or birthdays. Normally he's not too intimate, he likes to fuck hard, let all his energy out so he won't be too warm and fuzzy. He might kiss a few bruises afterward or whisper some encouraging words during sex but that's about it.
J (Jack Off): Maybe when he was sixteen and single, but not anymore. He sees it as such a degrading act, that if it's come to that point you might as well go to a brothel. He thinks he's above everyone else because he has a girlfriend who can satisfy all his sexual urges. Why use his hand when he has a perfectly good cunt?
K (Kink): He loves degrading. Loves saying the meanest things, taunting his girlfriend. Loves calling her all sorts of pet names while he fucks her, telling her how dumb she looks on his cock. He also has a weird thing for tears and will often go round for round just to get her overstimulated so she'll cry from the pleasure.
L (Location): The bedroom is his preferred place to fuck. He'd never do it in a public place (too risky) but he doesn't mind having shower sex every once in a while. He also loves fucking in the kitchen or really against any surface he can pin her to. It's so primal in his mind, so needy and aggressive and he definitely gets off on it. But the bedroom is his domain, he loves flipping her in every position on their large bed.
M (Motivation): Coriolanus won't just get hard out of nowhere, nor turned on. He's able to control himself for the most part so it takes a lot to get him riled up. His girlfriend will have to warm him up to the idea, tease him, piss him off. He, of course, is obsessed with her and everything she does so when she asks him for help with tying the back of her dress, well, it's an open invitation for him.
N (No): Piss play. He doesn't like the thought of doing it. He's all for degrading but to him, that's just too far. He doesn't have a problem with cum and he might be able to be talked into blood but he doesn't dabble with piss play.
O (Oral): Coriolanus equally likes giving and receiving oral. It depends on what mood he's in. There's nothing more glorious to him than seeing his pretty girlfriend on her knees for him with those gorgeous lips wrapped around his cock. It makes him feel so powerful to be able to fuck her throat, dictate how much airflow she's getting. That being said, he also loves giving oral. Loves listening to her moan and squeal when he sucks on her clit. His girlfriend tastes delicious so he loves feasting on her sweet little cunt, holding her down with one arm so she's forced to take it. He's so generous in his eyes.
P (Pace): It's always rough and deep with Coriolanus Snow. Sometimes he likes to fuck fast, watching how her eyes roll back from how fast he's going, how loud her moans can get. But sometimes he likes to fuck slow and deep, really making her feel every fucking inch of his cock. It all depends on how he's feeling, how he wants to make her feel.
Q (Quickie): He's not the biggest fan of quickies. He likes to take his time with his girlfriend, make her sob, and shake from pleasure and he feels that he can't do that if he doesn't have all the time in the world. He might give in if she begs enough but he's not a fan.
R (Risk): As cocky as he can be, he doesn't partake in risky sex. Fucking in someone's family library during a party is a one-way ticket to being the talk of the Capitol and he can't have that. Not with his perfect reputation and his rising hopes to be a politician. He'll let himself get pent up and release all that frustration the second they get home.
S (Stamina): Coriolanus can go for a very long time, hours if he paces himself correctly. Sometimes he'll get too ahead of himself and have to rest for a minute but he'll finger his girlfriend while he does that or do something else to pass the time. He can go rounds without tiring.
T (Toys): He doesn't really like toys. Mainly because he wants to be the one doing everything. He's much better than some shitty vibrator. He might humor his girlfriend and try to use one on her but he'd give up rather quickly, getting frustrated that she's moaning because of the toy and not him.
U (Unfair): He can be very unfair. First, he's super tall so he might not give into her pouting whenever she wants a kiss. But in the bedroom, he can be downright mean. Just because he cums doesn't mean she'll get to and he might just leave her there, cunt filled with his cum while she's on the edge of her orgasm and she knows better than to try and touch herself. He loves teasing her, grabbing her hands so she's helpless, making her flustered. He loves making her beg and whine.
V (Volume): He's rather quiet all things considered. He never shies away from dirty talk but he doesn't moan much. His girlfriend is much more vocal than he is and he uses it to gauge how he's making her feel. He may let the occasional moan slip when she's giving him head and he definitely grunts while fucking her but that's all he's willing to give.
W (Wildcard): He's definitely thought about a threesome. Mainly because he loves seeing his girlfriend so helpless to him that he'd probably enjoy her crying out to him while someone else takes her but he'd never do it. Only he can touch her.
X (X-ray): Coriolanus Snow is at least eight inches. He's proud too, loves watching her stomach bulge. Loves watching her tight cunt wrap around his cock. He's big in length and girth but heaven knows he's good at using it.
Y (Yearning): Coriolanus won't ever turn down sex. Even if he's not especially in the mood he doesn't see the harm in it. And he's almost always down for it so there's no really a problem there.
Z (Zzz): Coriolanus won't fall asleep until his girlfriend does. Mainly because he likes to watch her sleep, knowing that she feels safe in his arms despite how hard he fucked her moments ago. It usually takes him around an hour to properly doze off and then he's a deadweight for the next seven hours.
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special thanks to @coryosmin for sending me the outline for this fun prompt!
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luna-writes-stuff · 10 months
Unforgiven II, Kaz Brekker
Song link
Fanfic, female! reader
Angst, but a with a tiny sprinkle of fluff
Word count:
Tw: typical soc stuff, explosions, blood/injuries, description of drowning/recovering from drowning., description of dizziness/losing consciousness, Kaz is fighting demons to save your life, Nina doing heartrender things, Kaz nearly crying, use of Y/N (I deserve hell)
Summary: You have been friends with Kaz for as long as either of you can remember. Even before all the “Ketterdam is my mother” talk and trauma. So when you get caught up in an explosion during a heist, Kaz loses his shit. He becomes an anxious wreck, doing his best to get you out of danger. And in order to do so, he has to make certain sacrifices for himself.
No - this is not a pt. 2 to anything. The song is called Unforgiven II. This fic is based off of a song.
Buy me a coffee/force me to write more
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“Lay beside me and tell me what they've done.
And speak the words I wanna hear to make my demons run.”
“Kaz, come on!” You ushered, running towards docks, Kaz short on your heels, though his pace slowed with every step he took. You knew his leg was bothering him, but at the moment, you needed to get out of this place.
It had been your casual “let’s steal something and get money for it” heist. Everything had gone exactly according to plan. Wylan’s bomb went off at time, Inej got the necklace without being noticed, Jesper was a great distraction, Matthias had been on look-out as Nina had joined Jesper in being decoy. You and Kaz had been making sure the rendezvous point remained safe. You had been in Dime Lion territory, so the risk of being caught was great. Yet, there had been no issues. That was until Jesper, not so subtly, managed to sneak a look towards you and Kaz, alerting others of your location.
So now you and Kaz were on the run. Trying to get away without getting injured or being discovered of stealing things. It had been five minutes now and you knew Kaz’ leg would no longer hold up.
“The door is locked now but it's open if you're true.
If you can understand the me then I can understand the you.”
You spared another look behind you, noticing you were no longer being followed closely. You halted your steps, simultaneously causing Kaz to stop too.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, obviously supporting all his weight on his cane.
“Where did they go?” You wondered aloud, referring to the gang members that had been so set on catching you earlier.
Now Kaz looked behind him too, noticing the empty streets.
“Something isn’t right.” He noted, making you nod in agreement.
“Lay beside me, under wicked sky.
Through black of day, dark of night, we share this, paralyzed.”
“We should keep moving, just to be safe.” You decided, now setting a normal walking pace, trying to give Kaz the opportunity to recover. As you walked past the crates and empty ships, something weird suddenly occurred to you.
“You hear that?” You whispered, holding a hand out towards Kaz to stop him.
“Hear what?” He questioned, now keeping his ears open.
“Sizzling.” You observed. “Like firework being lit.”
At those words, Kaz’ eyes widened. He looked around to find the source of the sound, but he could not bring himself to locate it.
“The door cracks open but there's no sun shining through.
Black heart scarring darker still but there's no sun shining through.
No there's no sun shining through, no there's no sun shining.”
“Bomb.” He managed out, before grabbing the loose fabric of your sleeve, tugging you with him as he ran.
You followed suit quickly, the danger of not knowing where the bomb was, making your adrenaline race. You released your sleeve from Kaz’ hold, running behind him to make sure you could drag him with you in case he’d slow down again.
In the distance, you could see the rest of the crows waiting, but they had yet to notice you and Kaz. No Dime Lions were spotted near them yet, which had been a relative good sign.
“What I've felt, what I've known.
Turn the pages, turn the stone.
Behind the door, should I open it for you?”
“Kaz, turn around!” You warned. The sound of the walking fire seemed nearer than before, alerting you of the fact you were running in the wrong direction.
“We’re only nearing it!” You explained without hesitation.
Kaz spared you a quick nod, before running along the coastline, no longer running away from the shores. You followed his every step. Your breath had started to appear colder than before, your shirt uncomfortably clinging to your back, but you knew you’d catch your breath later. Stopping now might only increase the chances of becoming injured.
“What I've felt, what I've known.
Sick and tired I stand alone.
Could you be there?
'Cause I'm the one who waits for you.
Or are you unforgiven too?”
Your attempt for cover came too late; before either of you could properly process it, a big explosion ignited only a few feet from you. You could have counted yourself lucky for not being too close to it, not having received any burning flesh. The force of the explosion - however - was something you couldn’t escape.
Before you could even realise what was happening, you were flying through the air, rocketing towards the shore lines in an inhumane speed. You could only briefly register Kaz’ body on the floor before the ice cold temperature ran over you.
Your body impacted on top the water, the weight with the added speed rapidly pulling you under. You weren’t on time for any of it. When you had already fallen, it still felt like you were flying, and when you were flying, you hadn’t even properly heard the explosion. It all happened with the blink of an eye.
“Come lay beside me, this won't hurt I swear.
She loves me not, she loves me still, but she'll never love again.”
When you finally realised you had been submerged in the freezing canal waters, you had to force your body to work again. Your limbs felt heavy, whilst your head felt lighter than it even been. An unknown weight settled on your waist as you were pushed further down.
Looking down at it, you were faced with a huge piece of wood, tearing a hole in your coat as it forced you down. In blind panic, you reached down, trying to get the wood from the coat. But the longer you fought it, the deeper you sank, and the more pressure build in your ears.
You weren’t going to go down like this - sinking because of a heist gone wrong. No, you were meant to go out in a tub of money, rolling in the debts of your enemies.
The looming threat of imminent death and hopeless made your efforts worsen, your brain cloudy, unable to think straight as you kept tugging on the coat.
“She lay beside me but she'll be there when I'm gone.
Black hearts scarring darker still, yes, she'll be there when I'm gone.
Yes, she’ll be there when I'm gone. Dead sure she'll be there?”
On the coast line, Kaz had recovered from the blow, seemingly fine, save for a handful of bruises and a loud ringing in his ears. The crows had neared him, Jesper and Inej immediately working to keep the Dime Lions at a distance. Nina looked over the edge, still seeing the waves of where you had fallen earlier.
“Shit,” she cursed, before clumsily fumbling with the ends of her dress. Wylan and Matthias looked at her in a mixture of confusion and embarrassment. She didn’t seem to notice.
For Kaz, it felt like time had frozen. You had been with him ever since you were children. You’ve known him before Ketterdam - before Dirthands. And now you were sinking to the bottom of the canal, left to your fate in a lonesome embrace.
He had lost everything he had, and always associated it with the freezing temperatures of the lakes. He remember the chilling air, the cold water and the hard bodies of the people who had died due to illness. He remembered how he fought back until he had returned to Ketterdam. To look for you.
And now he’d lose you to those same damned waters.
“What I've felt, what I've known.
Turn the pages, turn the stone.
Behind the door, should I open it for you?”
Nina took too long. Wylan and Matthias might not have noticed, but he did. A thousand thoughts and fears were swirling his mind, but there was one that stood out the most.
He was losing you.
The thought seemed so hopeless and bitter, but it was the truth. He could stand there and think about everything that had happened to him, or he could act on it. He could wait for Nina to finally get that cursed dress off, or he could jump in himself and hope his body wouldn’t fail him.
You still hadn’t resurfaced.
Swinging his coat from his shoulders quickly, he dropped the cane to the floor, before diving into the waters, not even giving him a second to think everything through.
“What I've felt, what I've known.
Sick and tired, I stand alone.
Could you be there?
'Cause I'm the one who waits for you.
Or are you unforgiven too?”
The water was more horrible than he had remembered. The cold was gnawing at his skin, the familiarity of it cutting him where it hurt most.
This is where you lost him, Kaz. You lost yourself.
In front of him, a body passed him, the face almost an exact replica of his older brother, save for the swollen structures of his face. The sight frightened him. Almost automatically, he reached out, but the figure faded in front of him.
This wasn’t real. He wasn’t there.
He needed to get out. He couldn’t get any air to begin with, but the capacity his lungs had held had started to fail him. There were too many reminders of what went wrong. This was a terrible idea.
“Lay beside me, tell me what I've done.
The door is closed so are your eyes.
But now I see the sun, now I see the sun.
Yes, now I see it.”
He had to go back up. He wouldn’t make it if he didn’t. But then, as if fate had somehow still been smiling upon his that day, a hand came into his vision. He couldn’t see it really well - everything was blurry. But this hand wasn’t swollen. And it seemed real.
Spending his last few seconds, he tugged on the arm, surprised by the sudden weight of it. When he looked down, he found the culprit hanging from your coat, your other hand still entangled at the hole.
Without a second of hesitation, he shrugged the coat off of you, his arms wrapping around your waist as he swam back up.
“What I've felt, what I've known.
Turn the pages, turn the stone.
Behind the door, should I open it for you?”
It was disgusting; the cold temperature, your limp body, the inability to breathe. It was too much. He couldn’t help but fight for his hold on you as he forced you up. His leg had been screaming at him to stop to begin with, but with your body in his arms, a whole new level of revolting coursed through him.
This was so wrong. He should never have had to hold anyone’s body to drag out of the sea again. This was cruel, even considering all that he had been through. There was some sick irony here that he hated. He knew Pekka would be laughing at it.
You didn’t make any effort to help him. He had no way of telling whether he had been dragging a dead body back up or not. He didn’t want to think about it. He didn’t want to think about anything. He just needed to get back up.
“What I've felt, what I've known.
So sick and tired, I stand alone.
Could you be there?
'Cause I'm the one who waits,
The one who waits for you.”
When he finally resurfaced, a huge gasp of air came from him, taking in all oxygen he could.
“Kaz!” Nina called, leaning over the docks with Matthias, reaching out for him and you. They could see the sheer panic and terror on his face. The boy swam towards the pair, handing you over to Matthias, who easily pulled you out. Nina immediately began to work on getting the water out of you, leaving her boyfriend to help Kaz get out, much to his reluctance.
He could still feel the cold touch, the unmistakable feeling of a hardened figure. He recognised it. And the second his feet met solid ground again, he fell down, breathing heavily, dragging his knees across the dock to reach you.
He could hear Nina mutter assuring words under her breath - both to you and to herself. The way you simply laid there, not noticing the mayhem happening because of you. Something about it made everything worse for him.
He was not going to lose you. Not like this.
“What I've felt, what I've known.
Turn the pages, turn the stone.
Behind the door, should I open it for you? (So I dub thee unforgiven)”
A loud cough cut through the tense air as your chest suddenly began to move. Nina was quick to place you on your side, leaving you to cough out the remainder of water, inhaling the air greedily, tears making their way over your face. An obnoxious sigh of relief came from the heartrender as Kaz quietly copied her move.
He stood up at the sight of you getting rid of all the water in your lungs, the sight amplifying everything he had just experienced. Shakily, he accepted the cane from Wylan, using it to support his weight as he watched Nina kneel over you, trying to calm you down.
He needed to be the one to do that, to make you comfortable, even if he wasn’t. But he couldn’t. He was having a hard time keeping everything together in the moment. If it hadn’t been for his cane, he would’ve fallen straight back to the floor.
“What I've felt.
What I've known.
I'll take this key and I'll bury it in you.
Because you're unforgiven too.”
You watched him from your seat as you regained your breath, no more water coming from your mouth. The feeling in your stomach was still heavy, but you had no more need to cough everything back up.
You knew who had dragged you from the canal. You blacked out a moment after that gloved hand touched yours, but you knew who it was. You saw the way he was staring back at you, furiously blinking back tears, hoping no one had noticed. You saw the way his hands were clutching that cane as if his life depended on it. He didn’t want to be there.
But he had jumped into the canal after you had fallen in. He had dragged you from the bottom back up. He had gotten you onto the dock whilst he had sworn he would never get into touch with water if he could help it. And he might not have been able to place a comforting hand on your shoulder as Nina did, but you knew what he had done.
You just nodded at him, still in shock. Of the fall, or due to the fact Kaz dived in after you - you couldn’t tell. But when the boy nodded back, you knew it was enough.
You knew he’d do it over again if he had to.
“Never free, never me.
'Cause you're unforgiven too.”
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