#not counting BYT of course
ingravinoveritas · 6 months
Are you telling me that in the last 15 years we have had David being unhinged and purposely playing up homoerotic subtext in Shakespeare and Michael being unhinged and purposely writing homoerotic fan fiction about his own characters and these two weren't meant to be together?? Like, in a "preordained cosmic destiny/soulmates who have been waiting to find each other all this time" kind of way??
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chastiefoul · 1 year
Hello!! I just done reading your "this thing is heavy, can you hold it for me" work.
Can you do another one byt with other characters? Like: Beidou, Kaeya, and Ayato??
genshin characters react to "this thing is heavy, can you hold it for me?" but you held their hand instead pt. 2!!
part 1
a/n: i'm sorry this took months!!!
characters: ayato, beidou, kaeya, gorou, alhaitham, and tighnari
“oh? you can just ask one of my retainer dear, i’m sure they wouldn’t mind.” he shot you down quickly with that one and you weren’t sure how to bounce back. perhaps another time then. “o-on a second thought i can just carry it myself.” you couldn’t help but feel disappointed for a second until a familiar gloved hand belonged to your lover engulfed your hand as ayato continued to walk. you smiled happily as you thought that either way you had ended up where you wanted to be even when the male beside you didn’t realize what you were doing.
until you saw him looking at the other way, quietly laughing to himself.
he knew. of course he knew!
“not a problem, give it here!” she said as she gave her full attention to you that you almost feel bad when you went put your empty hand on hers. though that did not last long at all when you witness her wide grin already putting the pieces in her mind, as she laughed. “quite the treasure you have here, you sure wanna trust me on holding it?” she says cheerily, going along with you in the best possible way. “yes!” you claimed happily, “well then you can count on me,” she laughs, intertwining her hand with yours, leading you to her ship for yet another fun ride.
“interesting, what could possibly be so heavy yet so small that you have a problem carrying it around?” he smiles as he inspects, grabbing your fist and moving it around up and down. considering how sharp he is, you already knew this was gonna be a total bust the moment you started it, he probably was just pretending for the fun of it. you pouted, retracting your hand to your side.
“it wouldn’t hurt to play along once you know, mr knight?” you said in a joking manner. he only chuckled and raised an eyebrow, “giving up so easily?”  you, having nothing to retort against that only rolled your eyes. then he says again, “it’s not that i didn’t like it, i just prefer a more straight-forward tactic?” he says, grabbing your hand and brought it close to his lips as he planted a kiss there. “that’s rich coming from a man who often speaks in riddles.” you laughed, the gesture cheered you nonetheless.
“what is it?” he says as he peers closely, already having a hand out. “come here, bring your palm closer,” you say, he obliged without any hesitation. so curious and so trusting. hook, line, and sinker. easily like that, you have captured his hand completely. you turned while giving his hand a good squeeze, wanting to see his expression, but he just looked like his entire system just shut down, until suddenly a color of pink painted his cheeks in more than a nice way. “to be using underhanded tactic like that...” he trailed off, flustered. “you don’t like it?” you asked, while smiling mischievously. a second look on his wagging tail was all it took to know the answer.
 “you already know i do...”
he sighed deeply, knowing what’s gonna come if he didn’t play along to your random antics. he held out his hand, and you intertwined your hand with his. he expected a prank or some sort, but he certainly didn’t expect this. the simple act somehow made the man’s heart fluttered. he went quiet, not really giving an obvious reaction but you could tell by his soft smile he liked it. 
“you look pleased,” you teased. “i am,” he said bluntly, giving your hand a squeeze.
he immediately went on and on lecturing you to not overpack and only bring stuff you’re capable of holding, before ending it with a sigh. “give it here,” he said as you held his hand instead. the bow-wielder was stunned for a moment before putting it all together. he smiled, shooking his head in wonderment. “and you just let me went on and on like that? tell me was this worth it?” he raised an eyebrow. “mhm. i quite like your lectures.” you just giggled looking at the defeated expression on his face.
“yeah? then tell me why did you almost eat a poisonous mushroom mere minutes ago, did i not tell you all about it yesterday?” he crossed his arms.
“...for research purposes?”
“i keep telling you that’s not how it works-“
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fatopiaplus · 9 months
Dava Neychev
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Hiyas! I'm sure you know my brother Ethan, but I know you haven't met me yet so I'll introduce myself. My name is Davidian Neychev. Don't ask me why I'm named that, but all my friends call me Dava so go ahead and call me that too. Now, I'm a little different than Ethan, because I was fat, lost the weight and decided I hated being thin. If you look above, you'll see me at my slimmest weight since I was seven. I slimmed down to 175 pounds at the urging of a school councilor and once there, I was very disgusted. I didn't like being thin. I was thirteen and I decided that it was time for me to once again be the person I truly was. I look pretty ticked here, don't I? I don't like SKINNY!
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So, over the course of the summer, I seriously began to pack on some poundage, much to Ethan's dismay. I reassured him that I knew who I was and that Skinny Dava wasn't it. By the time spring break came around, I'd fattened myself up to a nice, roly-poly 310 pounds. Pretty plush in anyone's standards, but not mine. This wasn't fat enough to make me happy. This picture was take at a camp that our school gang went to over the summer. Akia's been instrumental in getting these nice photographs. I can't thank her enough.
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At school's end for the summer, I'd bulked up to 370 and was feeling better about myself. I wasn't meant to be thin and I knew it. My daytime was spent down at the ice cream store, the candy store and the other great places to broaden my horizons. It was funny. Ethan loves apples and so here I am, in an apple orchard, and I sat down and ate and ate and ate until I swore I'd never eat another apple. Akia counted the apples I ate ... thirty nine. Look at my belly! It's getting big.
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Byt by the holidays, it was even bigger. I'd packed on quite a but at Thanksgiving, and t\at Christmas time, I sat my 420 pound frame down to dinner. On New Year's Day, I sat my 438 pound frame down to dinner. I love the holidays. ^.~ I wore the same outfit for comparison and Akia put me in the same orchard. Ooooo.... apples. Ooooof.
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By my birthday in June, it was a double celebration. I was 16 years old and 500 pounds. I was feeling like myself again. This is who Dava Neychev really is and take her as she is because she makes no apologies for weighing 500 pounds. I really am not happy unless my belly is so big I waddle. Ethan's friends have been great and they helped me gain my weight. Akia, who is normally against feederism, helped my cause with her wonderful cooking. She knew that I was in control. I didn't need to be fatter. I didn't need the food. I didn't need to be told what to do. I simply desired it. She realized that I never claimed to need anything. That's proof in her book that I'm not out of control. Besides, I set a goal for myself. I refuse to gain more than 600 pounds. And not only did I get up to 500 for my birthday, I got a delightful 550 pound boyfriend named Ryan Larson, who is delightfully known as Hog because of his occasional spurts of pure insatiability. In those weeks when he can eat and eat and not be satisfied, he can easily gain 20 pounds in a week. Akia says when they met he was only 350 pounds. He'd look incredible at 800 or more pounds, but I'd never make him get any bigger. Not my style. Anyway, if I get bigger, I'll let you see. ((~_^)
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A/N- so here you are. Turns out i was not caught up but i am stupid, i posted day 7s on day 8 for some reason so basically i am stil behind. Byt moving swiftly on, whumptober day 9- a very noisy night. Enjoy.
Whumptober day 9- "a very noisy night"
Have fun<3
"inquientum sonmnum." The witch commanded shouting at Castiel. He expected himself to react in some way, knowing that he just got cursed by a witch.
sam and dean emptied their entire clips into the witch. Before they ran over to him and just watched.
"Are you ok?" Dean asked.
"i- i- I feel fine."
"Are you sure? She definitely spelled you right?"
"yeah. I, I, just feel normal. Fine."
"great. Let's just take the win huh, guys?"
"Are you sure dean?"
"yeah. Let's go home, we got a dead witch so it's a long drive." Cass nodded and walked towards the car, Sam took Dean's word as Gospel so he let it go and dean wanted to get home.
on the drive back Cass kept on looking himself over. He kept thinking examining his mind for anything different but nothing was wrong, it was, all the same, all the same, the feelings thing was new but it still seemed to be working right.
when they arrived home Cass left to his bedroom, dean broke off to the kitchen to make dinner for the three and Sam went to the library with his laptop looking for the next case.
they didn't have a whole lot of food but dean scraped together what he could, he made a chicken and pasta bake (tofu chicken for Sammy) before he split from the kitchen looking for his family. He knocked on Sam's door, but no answer, he opened it and there was no one in there. No surprise there, he meandered to the library. He Saw Sam, his laptop open on the table in front of him and books piled up around him.
"dinner time Sammy, grubs up." He handed him the plate, "close the laptop and eat, I'm gonna go and get Cass."
"you mean to make sure he is ok?"
"hush. Eat." Sam chuckled.
"bitch." He walked off. He knocked on Castiel's door.
"hey buddy, dinner is ready..." No response "Cass? Answer me." He opened the door and saw Cass collapsed haphazardly on the floor. His limbs splayed out all over the place. He darted to his side. He took his shoulders in his hands,
"CASS!" When he didn't respond he shook harder and took to gently hitting Castiel's face.
"SAMMY!" Sam ran in at the mention of his name. He dropped to his knees next to Cass.
"What happened!?" He asked.
"I have no idea, It had to be the witch right?" Dean paused, trying again to wake him. "He isn't waking up Sammy what do we do?"
"What did she say? som, something" Sam muttered to himself."inqientum sonmnun!" He said. "that's all I heard, of course. It means restless sleep."
"so what he's having nightmares? Oh god, Cassie I'm sorry." Dean mumbled.
"just keep an eye on him, make sure he is ok. I'm gonna hit the lore, see what I can find." Dean nodded. He stood and watched Cass as Sam exited the room and headed back to the library. Dean watched, Castiel's face contorted into a pained expression, and he whimpered, tossing and turning in his sleep.
dean took his hand and stroked his raven hair, he settled slowly though Dean knew he was still unhappy and his nightmares were still occurring.
One thing was clear, it was going to be a noisy night.
Cass pov.
he woke up In a bed, with white sheets, white walls, white floor but it wasn't white like heaven white, like a dingy, off-white. The kind of white that makes you uncomfortable to look at, that makes you try to count the years it has been since it was cleaned, make you try to count the germs existing on it. He looked around the dimly lit room aching to go home and see Dean. Just then Dean appeared in the corner of the room,
"Dean!" He asked. "Why are we? How did we get here?" He looked around confused.
"I don't know, it was probably your fault though." Cass met his eye.
"What?" He asked confused.
"sell you know you. You fuck everything up. Your intentions were good but you screwed over everyone. You always do." Castiel's tears poured slowly over his lids bursting the surface tension of the tear banks welling at his lids. suddenly he felt a warm feeling fin his hand and stroking his hair, he looked into his palm but there was nothing there. He was confused. By the time this aggressive dean vanished Cas was sobbing on the floor in a ball, learning how to self-deprecate in a whole new way.
his mind kept wandering back to his empty hand, what had he felt though. The second it distracted him from his tears it sent Gabriel there to repeat the array of insults, it hit him very hard watching his brother of thousands of years insult him in such a way, telling him of his worthlessness. Gabriel who had known him really, known him better than anyone else in the world told him things that Gabriel would never say. After Gabriel went to Sam who tortured Cass with his words. After Sam Dean returned with a completely new set of insults feeling as if they were tailor-made to Castiel's deepest insecurities. He cried desperately pulling his knees to his chest and trying to relax himself.
Dean POV
"it's ok Cass, it's ok." Dean tried, he really tried to comfort Cass and the first time it had made a difference but now, now it did nothing, he snuggled up and wrapped himself around Cass trying to stop his flinching, bring him comfort in contact and warmth. Cass cried, his eyes still closed tears falling silently down his face, he started to flinch at the sound of Deans voice. And dean could do nothing about it, he took Castiels pulse again and it was weaker, it had been wavering slowly.
"SAMMY." He called. Sam ran in quickly.
"Yeah? Is Cass ok?!" Sam asked terrified.
"His pulse is getting weaker, have you got anything?" Dean asked looking away from Cass for the first time in hours.
"something, maybe, uhhh I called Rowena and she said that with something like this there is a very specific counter spell, we have it but the ingredients are um.... Tricky." Sam explained.
"and what you were just gonna keep it to yourself?! Come on get it ready." Dean demanded. Sam rolled his eyes and shot him the bitch look™ before walking off and readying the spell.
"its ok Cass, just hold on a little longer, just a little longer ok?" He mumbled to him.
"no pl- dean stop." Cass mumbled in return. Dean looked at him sorrowful and guilty.
"I'm sorry Cass. I'm so so sorry." He whispered. "I should have protected you. I'm sorry for whatever you are seeing."
Sam called from the other room. "DEAN, ITS READY." gently dean lifted Cass into his arms stirring slightly as he started towards the library. Sam looked at castiel in his arms and sams face contorted to one of concern, fear, one of sorrow.
"ok just lay him down there." He gestured to inside a red circle where dean put him down as gently as he picked him up. He stepped away slowly. Saw muttered something under his breath before he threw in a pinch of herbs and shouted what sounded like just random vowel sounds to Dean. The red ring caught fire around Cass, where he flinched before he began tossing and turning agressively. When the flames finally died down his rocking slowing to a hault at which point dean shot over to him,
"it didn't work." He put his fingers to his neck. "it's too weak Sammy."
"I don't know what I did wrong, I followed the instructions exactly, I did exactly as Rowena said." They were rambling now.
Suddenly Castiel shot up and gasped looking around, afraid and disoriented before looked to Sam and Dean and started to apologize, begging for it to end, for forgiveness. Dean looked at Sam shocked and confused before he darted over Cass wrapping him in a hug.
"it was just a dream, Cass, the witch put you in a nightmare coma thing. But you're back now, I've got you. You're ok." Cass seemed shocked and in his own world before he melted into the hug crying into Deans shoulder. Sam walked over and joined the hug on his knees protecting what little family he had in his arms.
"are you ok Cass? I mean you obviously aren't ok but I mean like, how are you?" Sam asked rambling.
"i- I don't know. I-"
"its ok Cass, its ok, you're ok. I've got you, we can keep you safe." Cass smiled before he buried face back into deans shoulder. After a few minutes Cass tried to stand and walk away but collapsed almost immediately falling into dean's arms who reached out to catch him, he was just too weak from the spell. He requested to be alone so dean took him to his room, closing the door swiftly behind him. Cass curled up and cried he covered himself with the blankets and he sobbed. He cried silently trying not to attract the attention of dean or Sam. Little did he know that dean had leaned against the door hearing Cass clearly, he wasn't going to go in because he didn't want Cass to fein happiness. Dean went to his room trying to ignore the sobbing ringing in his head from his friend.
hours passed and Sam was long asleep dean tried hard but he couldn't get to sleep he was tossing and turning trying to sleep but the look on Castiel's face, vulnerable, weak and pained in shone through his eyes everytime he closed them. He decided to call it, he knew he wasn't going to sleep so he decided to get up and check on Cass, he was sure he'd be asleep by now but he needed to know he was ok. He quietly slipped through the door, closing it almost silently he sat in a seat pulling it up next to Castiel's bed. Cass was laying there still dean pried the covers back from Castiel hearing Cass shriek from the surprise. Cowering away from dean he pushed himself down against the bed.
"hey Cass, you're ok. It's fine. What's wrong? Why arent you seeping?"
"uh... Nothing you just made me jump. I, I'm not tired." Cass lied.
"that's a lie and we both know it, you are too weak to stand. There is no way you aren't tired. And you actively shied away from me. What the hell did you see in there?"
"nothing, I don't remember." Cass lied again.
"what. Did. You. See?" Dean demanded.
"you, Gabriel, Sammy. All the people I care about. The only people I care about, more than anyone else in the world took turns telling me how awful I was, what a disgrace I was, how many people I hurt. like I don't hate myself for that anyway." Cass started to cry again.
"don't ever hate yourself. I love you." Dean shot a hand to his mouth shocked at what he had said.
"really?" Cass asked. Just as shocked.
dean considered lying, easier but he was sick of hiding how he felt from everyone, including himself.
"yeah. I kinda have for a while now. I know that you don't feel the same way and that is ok, I just -" Cass leaned forward and kissed dean gently frankly dean was as shocked at the fact he could sit up like that as he was that Cass was kissing him. he pulled away slowly out of breath and weak.
"I love you too, since I saved you from hell, since I put you back together piece after piece, I have loved you." Cass looked like he was fighting to stay conscious. Dean got in the bed with him, wrapping his arm around Castiel's shoulder. Cass fought off sleep much to the dismay of Dean.
"go to sleep, stop fighting it." Dean instructed.
"I'm fine, I'm not tired."
"Liar. You're afraid, that's ok. But I've got you, ill be here when you wake up, ill be here while you sleep. I will keep you safe." Cass just smiled and nodded, too weak to try and speak. His eyes closed, his head leaning solely against dean who chuckled and shuffled down in the bed. Looking at Cass, tranquil and relaxed dean felt calm. He slowly drifted to sleep his arm coiled around Cass trying to make him feel safer, fend off any nightmares before they start if any did. They snuggled up to each other, tight and warm.
"I love you." Dean whispered As he drifted off to sleep.
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ms-hells-bells · 3 years
thinking about world war 2: man, the amount of deaths, even on the soldier side, is horrific
remembering the tens of millions of rapes and intentional civilian (aka, women, children, and elderly) murders and massacres by soldiers on all sides: you know....i think there may have been a silver lining to the 20 million dead soldiers...
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anystalker707 · 3 years
What do you have there?
Pairing: Gerard x Reader Word count: ~ 1 200 Genre: Fluff Summary: (Y/n) finally gets nipple piercings, byt they're nervous to tell their partner, Gerard, about it.
Requested by Anon
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I have been wanting to do this for a time already, I’m not going to lie. The thought was still there in the back of my mind whenever I looked down at my chest or saw anything that could lead me to the subject until I just couldn’t hold myself back anymore and booked an appointment. At the moment Gerard left to go to band practice earlier today I immediately called my friend.
After a quick appointment and light pain, here I am back home and completely unable to keep checking my chest on the bathroom’s mirror every five minutes because fuck, they look amazing. The shiny metal pierced through my nipples and going around it is just so… awesome. It makes me feel so powerful for some goddamn reason, like if they weren’t just some small pieces of metal going through my skin.
Hearing the front door opening makes me lower the shirt at the same moment, still careful not to hurt myself.
“I brought us some food,” Gerard calls from the front door, and I meet him in the kitchen as he lets down the paper bag on the counter. He smiles, kissing my cheek when he walks past me. “How was your day?”
“Good, very good,” I hum, making my way over to check what’s inside the bag and helplessly smile seeing it’s something I’ve been talking about for the past week. “What about yours?”
No answer comes at first, but Gerard is soon walking back downstairs in comfortable clothes. “Same, same. We’re just finishing a song and I think we’ll be able to record it properly soon. I think you’re gonna like it.”
I scoff. “I like everything you guys do, this shouldn’t be a worry.”
“Well, we need to keep up with the good work so you’ll keep liking it.” He shrugs lightly, a smirk tugging lightly on his lips, and he walks away to the living room, probably going to watch something, otherwise he would have his sketchbook and pencils in hand to sketch some random idea that came to him during band practice instead of just tiredness.
Then there’s the food. I want to eat, but I also want Gerard to know I’ve gotten the new piercings, but how the fuck am I supposed to tell him about it? Knowing him, he most likely won’t have a negative reaction, still… What if he does? I mean, it does mean a lot to be, but it’s kinda stupid.
When I walk into the living room, Gerard’s already into the episode of Gotham he couldn’t finish yesterday, half lying down on the couch with his upper back against the armrest, so I sit down by his feet.
Gerard should know about it. Not like he’s not going to know at some point, after all, since we take showers together once in a while, and sometimes he’s in the bedroom already when I come out of a shower or when I’m changing, plus the other uncountable occasions. I don’t think playing it cluelessly when he eventually finds out will be a nice thing, not to mention how extremely awkward it could be.
“Why are you staring at me like that?” Gerard cuts through my thoughts and he’s raising an eyebrow at me.
Oh, fuck. “Nothing.”
“Of course there’s something. You don’t get weird due to nothing.”
“Well, what if I did, hm?”
“Then,” he exhales, “it’d also be because of something, and don’t try to deny it because we’ve been together for almost two years now, (y/n). I know you well. I’m stupid, but not that stupid.”
“Yeah?” I chuckle. “What if you are?”
Gerard narrows his eyes at me, humming. “I know you really well, hun, but I know myself even better.”
“Do you?”
A groan comes from Gerard as he throws his head back and I laugh, finding it extremely funny for some reason. Maybe he’ll shrug it off, right? Because he fucking needs to.
He sighs, shifting lightly on the couch. “What did you do today, baby?”
“Oh, y’know, I went out with Kristin, we went to the mall and all.” I shrug.
“And what else did you do?”
“We ate something at a restaurant and bought her some clothes, not a lot.” I lean my head against the backrest, averting my eyes to the TV even if I don’t have any interest in what’s playing, at least right now.
“Okay, then,” he hums, relaxing against the couch again, and turns to the TV, “keep your secrets. It’s okay.” Gerard knows exactly what he is doing and I absolutely hate him for it. Why can’t he keep talking? Just insist a little bit more. Isn’t he curious?
“I hate you, Gerard.”
“And I love you, baby,” he says softly as if the previous talk never happened.
“I got my nipples pierced.”
For a moment, it’s as if my body has life of its own because I only process what happened when Gerard sits up and stares at me with a thousand emotions in a single second, going from a lost puppy to a deer caught in headlights and finally looking at me in disbelief. Does he hate it? Does he like it? What the fuck does that expression mean? His eyes trail down to my chest and fuck, how can he be so confusing? What is he thinking?
I suck in a breath, about to tell Gerard to speak up already when he does so.
“Can I see it?”
The heat trails up the back of my neck and my cheeks, and I look away from Gerard, looking at the floor as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. “I… Yeah, of course. Let’s just go to the bathroom, hm? I don’t want to risk anyone seeing it. Windows, y’know.”
Gerard nods frantically and is on his feet before me, hence he’s in the bathroom by the time I walk in, observing me with wide eyes in a way I would’ve already disappeared if his gaze did something.
“Here,” I mumble, bringing my shirt up, and it’s almost comical how his chin falls at the same time my nipples come into view, but there’s something different in his eyes now. His cheeks burn red and he swallows thickly, pressing his lips together as he adjusts his position lightly, unable to tear his eyes away. “So?”
Gerard doesn’t answer, covering his mouth with his hand as he steps out of the bathroom, disappearing down the hall. What the fuck? And I thought he had liked it or that he was at least going to show any sort of reaction. I look at myself looking for something wrong – as if there would be – and I’m about to go after him when he’s walking back with a glass of water in hand. “Y’know…” Gerard cleans his throat. “With all the respect possible, fuck, this is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen and I’m not fucking lying. Like– Holy hell, I never thought you would do that, but wow! I just– Fuck.” He furrows his eyebrows and rolls his bottom lip between his teeth, eyeing the piercings once again.
“Oh,” I chuckle, looking down at myself, once again feeling the pride swell in my chest. “I had been with it in mind for a while now, so I scheduled an appointment when I knew you’d be in band practice since I was somehow so nervous about it.” I smile and look back up to see his tongue running between his lips. “But no playing with them until they’re completely healed!”
“And when is that?”
“From nine to twelve months, so you better be prepared!” I grin as he frowns like it was the hardest thing in the world.
Tagging list: @lubbockshusband
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wonderwomanfantasy · 3 years
Love for Gang Orca
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oh what a big softy I love him, 
Gang orca x Reader
warnings: none? cursing, that’s bout it
word count:1,000 (bout)
summary: Midnight and Present mic are c h i l d r e n just trying to make sure their favorite ship gets together. 
You respected Kugo Sakamata more than any of your collages. He was so strong, intimidating, scary even. But he was so kind, once you actually spoke to him you saw a completely different person. Maybe respect was the wrong word for how you felt about Gang Orca, crush was probably a better term for it. 
Kugo, as it happened, had been crushing on you since you had met. He had been working at UA for a few years before you were brought in. He had met you on your first day while you were teetering down the hallway towards your office trying to balance a box of books and a leafy house plant. 
While you were a strong hero, you weren’t a strong hero and you were struggling more than a little bit “Here let me help” someone said lifting the heavy box out of your hands.
“Thank you so-” you paused seeing who had saved you, before smiling at him directly. 
“Thank you so much,” you said leading him to your new office. And he had been hooked on you ever since. 
He ate lunch with you every day, although sometimes he did worry that his dietary choices, mainly the tuns of fish he ate every day, but you were more than happy to keep him company. In fact, almost every little habit of his that he was insecure about, you found endearing. It was almost like the two of you were made for each other. At least that’s what you thought, and as it happened, you weren’t the only people to think that way.
Neither of you weren’t exactly subtle about your affections, so it was inevitable that someone would notice. And of course, it was your two nosest coworkers who picked up on your affections. 
“So (y/n), girl to girl what kind of men are you into? Anyone caught your eye?” Midnight asked, cornering you in your office one morning.
“Uhm why do you ask?” you squeeked, your cheeks going pink. 
“Well, I didn’t want to asume anything but word around the teachers lounge is that you are into Sakamata,” she asked looking at you over the rim  of her red glasses. You felt your heart sink realising you had been caught.
“Is it that obvious huh?” you asked, she offered you only smll smile.
“Sorry to say it byt everyone knows,” she said
“Well- every one except Sakamata if that’s what you’re worried about,” You relaxed knowing your crush wasn’t completely revealed. 
“I think you would be good for him, I mean just think of the hight difference! You two would be so cute,” She gushed. 
“I don’t think He’s all that inro me,” you said softly, thinking back to some of your interactions with him. Sometimes it seemed like he did enjoy spending time with you, but every time you tried to flirt with him he turned cold and distant, eventually you took the hint that he only saw you as a work friend and stopped trying to push past that. 
“No way he’s totally into you, you can see him blush every time the two of you talk!” she protested
“I don’t think he can blush Nemuri,”
“That’s beside the point,” she slammed her hands on your desk and leaned in bringing her face close to yours. 
“Do you want to prove that he’s into you?” she asked, a dangerous, wicked gleam in her eyes. You were too intimidated to say no. 
You didn’t know it but Gang Orca and Hizashi were having a similar conversation right down the hall from you. 
“I’m telling you man She is in. to. You.” Hisashi said punctuating each word with a jab to Sakamata’s chest. He was seriously considering picking Hizashi up by the collar and literally kicking him out of his office. Especially with how persistent he was being. 
“She doesn’t, now will you please leave me alone?”
“No,” he said taking a deep breath before continuing on his rant “Even if she didn’t like you, which she does, what’s the harm of asking her out? You’re a man you can take a little thing like rejection, and she’s such a sweetheart it’s not like you couldn’t be friends after that!”
Gang Orca had listened to maybe half of his rant before tuning it out, It was clear that while Hizashi had figured out that Sakamata liked you, he didn’t understand anything else about this issue. 
“She’s scared of me, there’s no way,” he said. Hizashi seemed to think about that before grinning at him. 
“We can change that,”
You couldn’t believe you let Nemuri talk you into this. The X rated hero had dressed you today, in a tight-fitting pencil skirt, a low cut shirt, thigh highs, and stilettos. You felt a little silly but you were deciding to trust her. 
Midnight had convinced you that Sakamata would drop on his knees and beg you to be his if you just showed a little more skin, And seeing how many men tripped over themselves to get a glance at her, it seemed like her theory had some weight to it. 
“Good Morning (l/n),” Sakamata said with a small nod as he fell into step beside you. Unfortunately he didn’t look impressed or even flustered by your attire. Under Normal sercumstnces, he would be, but he was too focused on his own plan.
Hizashi was going to trip you, and then Sakamata would catch you cementing him as a hero in your mind. He didn’t really like the idea of it, but Hizashi wound’t take no for an answer. Before you could even get to where Hizashi was hiding, your heal caught on a crack in the ground teetering forward with your arms windmilling, completely out of your deapth with these new clothes. Sakamata reached forward and steadied you, not even catching you as was the plan but just grabding your arm ans setting you right on your feet. 
There was a brief moment where you both just looked at eachother and laughed. Before you could properly thank him , there ws  girlish squeal. And you turnd to see Midnight and mic cooing over you two.  You flushed pink and Sakamata removed his hand from your arm. 
“What a cute couple,” Midnight teesed and if Sakamata could blush, he would have. 
“I’m sorry, this is all my fault.” you said quietly. 
“No, actually it’s mine, Yamada found out I like you and He’s taken it into his own hands,” He explained 
“Oh, well, midnight found out about my crush on you, she also planed something out,” you admitted. Sakamata smiled to himself
“In that case should we go out and put their teasing to rest?” He asked. 
“I doubt that would really stop them, but I’d love to,”
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anondudeao3 · 3 years
Fic Recs!
Since I'm on hiatus, I've finally had time to do some reading, and I thought I'd give some fic recommendations, since I won't be posting for quite a while. These are my absolute favourites!
(I split this into two posts — one for JayDick and one for JayTim — because once I finished with the first half, I realised it was quite long)
19th of October
By: gothamnight
Word Count: 8,395
Summary: Jason's stuck in a time loop and forced to relive the same day over and over again. Surprisingly, it's not that bad when he spends every day with Tim.
→ A 'Groundhog Day' scenario! It's so (bitter)sweet seeing Jason slowly fall in love with a Tim who completely doesn't even remember that they don't hate each other. And a happy ending!
By: cinnamon_skull
Word Count: 14,793
Summary: Tim and Jason go undercover as a just-married couple celebrating their honeymoon in order to catch a high-profile drug lord. Hand-holding, kissing, secret rendezvous and bed sharing ahead.
→ Who doesn't love a good fake relationship fic? The ever-mounting tension between Jay and Tim is just chef's kiss, and seeing the difference between the ease with which Tim seduces people for the case vs how flustered he gets when things get too intimate with Jay is hilarious.
Worlds Apart
By: commanderquill
Word Count: 22,984
Summary: “Let me get this straight,” Bruce says, in full Batman regalia save for the cowl hanging from his neck, and Jason shuffles awkwardly. “You met the only merboy in all of Poseidonis, and within minutes of knowing him agreed to break into Atlantis’ highest acclaimed science laboratory to steal an experiment of top research priority, because it felt like the right thing to do? Even though you didn’t actually know what you were doing at first?”
“Was he cute?” Barbara pipes in with zero grace. “What?” she says in response to Bruce’s look. “It’s an important question. Boys are stupid around pretty people. You’ve met Dick, right?”
→ Okay, this one is pre-slash, but it's so fucking cute and well written I had to include it! It's little Jay and little mer!Tim having an adventure (small heist) together! It's so fun, you won't regret reading it. (I also recommend checking out their other works, especially 'One Step Closer', although it is unfinished and possibly abandoned it's so good. More kid Jay and Tim goodness!)
Forget Me Not
By: wellthatjusthappend
Word Count: 30,423
Summary: “It’s always nice to know how disposable we are to them, isn’t Replacement?”
“Jason?” Tim’s head snapped up, tension coiling all through him.
“Don’t worry though, we’re gonna prove them all wrong again.”
→ This is a heavy, angry one, but it hits so fucking good. Tim has been missing for almost two years, and when Jason finds him he has a lot to work through with how the whole family assumed he was dead and didn't look for him. Jason is only grudgingly helping him recover at first, and they don't exactly like each other, but watching them slowly get closer, and watching Tim grow into himself and the ways he's changed because of his experience is really beautiful. It's always fun to read morally grey Tim, and the writing really makes it feel so righteous, like Tim deserves to do the things he does.
strange fear i ain’t felt for years
By: Sister
Word Count: 31,350
Summary: “Can’t believe a pretty thing like you has to come begging to the Red Hood,” he says against Tim’s neck. “Thought they’d be lining up down the block for you. Thought Daddy would need to get the shotgun.”
“You’re the one with the shotgun,” Tim points out.
Tim’s benched with a broken arm and starts playing Jason’s personal Oracle. Things escalate.
→ Probably hilariously unnecessary to rec this, since it has almost 86.5k views on AO3, but it was one of the (if not possibly the) first JayTim fic I ever read. I reread it somewhat recently and still love it. The whole concept of Tim playing Jay's personal Oracle is one I love dearly, and I go wild for it every time I see it in fics. There's hot phone sex and exciting casefic elements too! If you somehow haven't read this, I definitely recommend!
The Knight's Quest
By: chibi_nightowl
Word Count: 67,449
Summary: Sir Timothy Drake never wanted to be a knight. But when his parents send him off on a quest to slay a dragon, what else was he to do? Of course, said dragon has his own thoughts on the matter and his counterproposal is much more enticing than a fiery death.
→ Ohhhh this one. THIS ONE. The fantasy was done so well. The plot was amazingly engaging, the descriptions were so immersive, the emotion, the worldbuilding. This story has it all. I promise you, you will not regret reading this one, it's positively magical. (I also recommend all of their other works, especially the 'Moon, Snow, and Ice' series! But seriously, all their works. There are so many and I've read them all, and they're all amazing.)
Bite Your Tongue
By: dnawhite76, Prubbs
Word Count: 109,135
Summary: Being raised by a famous actress and and hockey legend, Jason learned at an early age that his dirty laundry would always be up for public display. But that never bothered him until rumors started flying about his relationship with the internet's favorite rookie defenseman.
→ Now, if you're like me and you generally don't like super AU AUs — particularly no capes — (despite the surprisingly several over both rec lists, which I guess just shows that some of the best fics can be the ones that aren't what you're looking for!), you may be thinking why hockey? Just read it. It's so good. I honestly have no fucking clue what made me click it the first time, but I'm so glad I did. I don't know anything about hockey, I have zero interest in sports normally, yet this fic managed to be super engaging and interesting with all of the playing and hockey talk. And also the premise of them being shipped together by fans? Adorable and hilarious.
Edit: because I am just now rereading BYT for the first time in a while and I forgot, just a warning, it does use a slur for Romani once.
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loving-all-for-loki · 3 years
Voiceless Love Chapter 4: Little One
Loki x reader, Bucky x reader
Word count: 2061
Warnings: fluff, talk of family loss, depression (alludes to suicidal thoughts), mention of a boner, angst
Tag List: @caffeineoverloadandstudying @zizzlekwum @lokiyoulittle @magicalpieex @daddysfavoritesexkitten @buckylokisimp
A/N: Okay Loki lovers, this is a dozy. We’re gonna delve more into Y/N and Loki’s relationship and look at her background a little. There’s a little spice at the end then it ends with some angst so I’m sorry. Trigger warning, there is depression mentioned and there are a few sentences that could be taken as suicidal tendencies or attempts so a little warning there. 
You find yourself sitting at the kitchen island one day and  eating your cereal still contemplating how you got to bed the night before. Bits and pieces from the night before come back. You remember making Loki a sandwich and him reading a book to you, but after that everything goes blank. Loki comes into the kitchen and smiles as he sits next to you.
“Hello, little one.”
You smile up at him, looking at his shiny beautiful green eyes.
“Did you sleep well?”
You take out your pen and write yes on his forearm. He chuckles at the way you always have that pen on you.
“You really carry that around everywhere?”
Yes, I’m not scared of communicating, just talking
Loki nods his head in understandment, “can I ask why you don’t speak?”
You contemplate answering for a moment, not knowing whether you should answer that question or not. 
“I’m sorry I shouldn't-”
You grab his arm and start writing all the way up to his bicep.
I’ve lost a lot of people in my life by twisting my words and changing them, so I figured if I were to write everything or make solid proof of my words, no one could change them.
Loki reads what you wrote then stares at you with a melancholy look. You hate being pitied, especially when you know the person is stuck up or prideful. Loki seems like one of those people who carries themselves on a higher pedestal than the rest. The looks he gives you makes you comfortable, urging you to repress into a small ball and close yourself off to him.
“I’m sorry,” he says. Loki reaches his hand out to cover yours in comfort, but it only heightens your anxiety. You move your hand and lean away from him, which makes Loki feel bad. He doesn’t know how to act with you, one second you’re very sweet then you avoid him like the plague. That’s why he started to leave the room when you entered, he thought you’d hate him.
Don’t worry about it
You finish your bowl of cereal and set it in the sink before getting up and leaving. Loki follows you up to the library where you start reading a book and he continues his own. He keeps staring at you, this lonely girl who has more pain than he realized.
“Why are you here?”
You look up and over to him on his chair. His eyebrows are furrowed in confusion, waiting to know everything about you, including why he is so drawn to you. Getting up and setting your book down (with slight annoyance), you sit back down near him like the first time you two interacted. He reaches his arm out to you to use.
I’m an avenger.
“Well, clearly, but how?”
About two years ago, my parents and I got in a bad car accident. They both passed away and I survived, horribly injured and stuck in a hospital. I was in a horrible state to the point where I should have been dead, but somehow I was alive. That’s when we found out it was a targeted hit and why I wasn’t killed. My parents were the targets. S.H.I.E.L.D agents came to me and told me that they were involved and going to help me. A day or two later, a scientist came and talked to me about healing options and there was a “potion” of some sort they had been working on to completely heal any wounds. They said the risk of me dying from taking it was about 50/50 and I didn’t have much to live for. Without my parents, I was lost and depressed, so I agreed to take whatever liquid they had. It healed me, but it had side effects. I would trip and scuff up my leg, but I’d find the bruises and legs to completely go away in seconds. Turns out it had lingered somewhere in my bloodstream and not my injuries that it flowed through me, healing any wound. Then throughout time, I found out it gave me the power to heal others as well.
You run out of room on Loki’s forearm and switch over to his right side, making him chuckle.
It started with me accidently touching my friends' cuts and them completely healing. After SHIELD came by my house one day to check on me, I told them what had been going on and they took me to some lab or theirs. I was tested on for a little bit and they decided I would be a good asset to them as a healer for missions. Not having a plan for my life, I agreed to join and come help. 
“You have no fighting background or any defense?”
Not at all. I’m just a personal nurse/antidote.
“What about your parents? Did they ever find out what happened?”
Hydra attack. Apparently, my parents were SHIELD agents back in the day and worked on a post-Captain America frozen case and Hydra wanted to cover up and hide Bucky. My parents found out about him.
“Your parents found out Bucky was alive a year before the Avengers did?”
Loki nods his head, wrapping his brain around everything you just told him. No wonder you were so close with Bucky. You probably relate to him with how bad Hydra ruined your life. 
“Does Bucky know about this?”
No. No one does except for you and Fury. He was told everything of course, but in my file he only put my powers and selective mute in ‘important information’. He knows how private I can be about things so he didn’t want to inform everyone on it if I didn’t want them to know.
“Why are you telling me this?”
Because I trust you
“No one trusts me.”
I do.
Because I know who you are. I know what happened with New York and it’s not your fault. I know what it feels like to be at the lowest point and want to do anything to feel something or get attention. I know you’re not a bad man, just a hurt one.
“I underestimated you, little one.”
You smile at each other, knowing you have a deeper bond than before. Loki chuckles at your shy little face, now knowing how much strength and depth you carry. You are much more than just a healer girl.
“I’m sorry about your parents.”
It’s okay. I’ve gotten over it.
“I remember when I lost my mom. It was my fault. I’ll never forgive myself for it.” Loki looks down to see you staring with big doe eyes. He smiles at you, the features on his face softening. “You make me feel better, though.”
I’m glad I can help.
“Were you mute before your parents died?”
No, it was the Hydra agents that twisted my words. Trying to get me to agree to things or say things about my parents. I stopped speaking.
“Hydra agents ma-”
They were the ones with the potion, not SHIELD. They’re trying to find what Hydra used on me and they took me in to protect me, but Hydra would come every day and aim a gun at my head. Asking me questions and threatening me.
“I’m so sorry. That must have been traumatic.”
That is why I don’t speak anymore, saves me from trouble.
“I don’t blame you. You’re very strong, little one.”
You and Loki share a smile, but the awkward silence fills the air. Loki wants nothing more than to hug and hold her, protect her from all the evil things in the world, but you’re timid. He doesn’t want to scare you again.
“I’ll leave you to your book,” he says, “thank you, for telling me everything.”
Thank you for listening.
You smile and nod before heading back to your seat and finishing Wuthering Heights. Loki’s eyes never leave you, though.
Another day or two goes on and you and Loki are closer than before. His whole body is covered in your writings and smears from when he washed off parts for you to write again. He doesn’t ever want to wash it all off, knowing your words are precious and important. You notice the way he rereads what you wrote when he’s sitting or eating. There’s something about his fascination with you that makes you feel important and loved. You’ve caught him a couple times smiling as he reads, byt quickly becoming stoic again when he realises you’re looking.
You’re baking a bunch of cookies for when the team comes home. The mission should be over in about a day and you wanted to surprise them. Loki comes walking in to see you covered in flour and munching on some spare dough that was too little to make a cookie. He chuckles at the sight of you and comes up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“What in the good heavens are you doing?”
You turn around and chuckle silently, pointing to the over. Loki slightly opens it and sees the pan of cookies baking.
“I didn’t know you baked.”
You grab your pen off the counter and write on his shoulder. 
I love baking, music, and sewing.
“You learn something new every day,” he chuckles, “Can I help?”
I’d love that! I need these things mixed, you write as you point to the recipe, think you can do that?
“I think I can manage to mix some ingredients, little one.”
A couple minutes go by as the two of you mix and measure ingredients. You can’t help but watch the way Loki’s strong hands mix everything at a vigorous speed. You peel your eyes away, trying to not get caught and embarrass yourself.
What you don’t realize is the way Loki steals glances at you when you’re not looking. He loves the way your hair dances as you move around, the way you climb onto the counter to reach the highest shelves. You’re so focused while baking with your eyebrows furrowed and fingers skimming the bowls. He’s never seen a creature more adorable and divine. Then Loki notices the flour on your cheek and laughs, getting your attention.
“You have a little something on your face.”
Reaching out, he brushes the flour off of your forehead. The heat coming from your body is intimidating, calling him to get closer to you to warm up, but he denies himself. He brushes his hand against a towel to get rid of the flour before turning to you, who blows a little flour on him, covering his clothes in the white dust.
“Oh, you little-”
You start running around the island as Loki chases you. He laughs as you try to evade him, but he slips his arm around your bicep, pulling him into you. You fall on top of him, his body breaking the blow to your head. 
Lifting yourself up, you look down to see Loki under you, his arms still around your waist. His eyes go big as soon as he realizes you’re straddling him in the worst place possible. He prays to Odin that you don’t feel his boner as you lay on top of him. You blush as you two stare at one another in the tight embrace
“I uh-” Loki stutters as his eyes flicker to your lips, trying to focus on anything but the heat of your body on his.
All of a sudden, there’s a horrible sound coming from outside the tower. It pierces your ears, forcing you to cover them and drop on top of Loki fully. He pulls one arm around your whole body and cradles your head in his other.
“What is that sound?” he winces. Loki looks over to see the Quinjet landing and Sam Wilson running out of it.
Sam’s eyes go wide at the sight of you and Loki embracing on the floor. He notices the writing all over Loki’s arms and legs and the way he smiles as he looks up at you. He shakes it off as he goes in seeing that he has bigger problems at hand. “Y/N!” He shouts.
You look up to see Sam in a hurried scared face.
“We need you! Bucky got hurt and may not live! We need you to save him!”
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roppisanimeslibrary · 3 years
Dr.Stone - The sience doesn't have to be boring?
"Dr. Stone" is an anime based on manga created by Riichiro Inagaki and ilustrated by Boichi. The manga is still coming out and right now we habe 2 seasons of the anime, the 3rd should come in summer 2022 (I really hope so!) at it's premiere was at 05.07.2019 so it's still pretty new.
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The anime wasn't so known for a long time because of the other animes, that has much more fans all over the world. But finally the time has come and thousands of people has watched the story of Seknuu Ishigami.
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At the first episode we can see such an umpossible (hopefully) situation - at one moment all the people all over the world was turned into stones. Why? Nobody knows to be honest, but I think they'll make it clear at some point. Only 6 people survived - the ones that were at the cosmic station at this time.
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The main character is Ishigami Senkuu - high school student that's also genius. According to dr-stone.fandom.com Seknuu is "well versed in chemistry, physics, engineering, geology, biology and math". Not bad, hm? But there's one thing that will shock you already at the beginning - after the petrification this boy has counted EVERY SINGLE SECOND till he wokes up. Why is that so impressing? Because he has counted every second for... 3700 years. My onlu thought? "Oh, my, God!".
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But he didn't gave up and he choosed to bring the reality we know back - at all costs. Of course nothing will be so easy, so he has got a lot of trouble to make anything, but he'll never give up on this - he believes he can do that against everything.
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The anime also shows us, that the science and study doesn't have to be boring - during the serie we can learn a lots of things. Most of them aren't good to do by yourself byt if you want to you can make a Senkuu Cola (really easy!).
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I have to be honest, that's one of the best animes I've saw in the last years - and I can't wait for the new episodes! 10/10.
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stonefreeak · 4 years
Wheee! Another update is here! I hope y’all will continue to enjoy this fic as we move forward!
When the news breaks that the case against Mas Amedda and Former-Chancellor Palpatine for corruption charges will go to court breaks, it explodes across the holonet like a supernova.
The recent arrests and trials of Senators from all over the Republic, the arrests-in-absence of Senators formerly of the Republic and currently of the Separatists have been making headlines for weeks, but before now there has been nothing about Mas Amedda or Palpatine themselves.
If there had been nothing to substantiate the claims, the investigation would have ended now with no charges being brought forward against them. The investigation would only have caught these other people, and so far only sent other people to trial. So for this too to come a trial... Well, clearly that means that there is a case against them. There is evidence to be found.
The people start to wonder how far the corruption goes, how big a web it has woven, and how many of the already arrested and sentenced Senators have testimonies against Amedda and Palpatine.
News anchors argue and debate each other into exhaustion regarding what this means not just for Amedda and Palpatine themselves, but for the Republic and Senate at large. If the two who were the most powerful beings in the Republic are found guilty on corruption charges... Does that mean that the Separatist worlds who chose to try and leave the Republic in protest are right?
Or does it mean that someone, Count Dooku perhaps, saw an opportunity to gain power by playing on the corruption they saw in the Senate rather than work towards eliminating those issues from the inside?
Obi-Wan doesn't have much time to spend watching the holonet, but what little he sees is enough to exhaust him. He's unsurprised, but he's also worried. He doesn't know what the investigation has found—as he shouldn't, per due process—but he knows the possible ramifications of a guilty verdict.
Yes, the Republic is under new leadership, certainly, but many, if not most, senators remain unchanged. How many of them were in Palpatine or Amedda's pockets? How will this affect the peace discussions and reintegration of returning separatist worlds?
How, exactly will the neutral systems—if there truly can be such a thing in a conflict like this—react? Will some of them finally take a stance beyond "we will not fight"?
He shakes his head and moves out of his chair, to sit down on the floor instead.
He moves into his most favoured meditation position, and tries to clear his mind. He'll need to work through his emotions and thoughts one by one, lest he gets overwhelmed.
He's needed more meditation than he's needed since childhood after his near-death experience. His connection to the force has been shaken, and he's been shaken. It takes him far more effort than usual to calm down.
Perhaps he'll speak to one of the Temple's mind healers when he gets the chance. It is usually a good thing to do after you've faced your death in such a stark way, he knows that.
Still. He's so busy. It feels almost wrong to take any sort of time off between all of his responsibilities.
Hah, no doubt Master Yoda would hit him in the shin if he heard that, and then give him a long-winded lecture on the impossibility of helping others if you do not care for yourself.
"There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is the Force," he mutters the mantra over and over as he sinks deeper into meditation. Blast and the others will keep watch, and Obi-Wan has it on good authority that Waxer and Boil's treatments are over and they're back on duty as well. He has good men at his back.
There is no need to worry.
Anakin stares at the newsreel, uncomprehending.
Mister Palpatine has been arrested, awaiting trial.
It's as if all of his thoughts need to force their way through stone to make sense. He's... blank.
This can't be!
This can't be!
There's no way Palpatine is guilty! The investigation is probably just arresting him and Amedda and setting a trial date due to outside pressure. That's it. Of course.
The trial will just prove Palpatine innocent. They just have to do it. Perhaps there's some doubt in his position due to corruption among his aides. That has to be it.
Palpatine wouldn't do something like this. Anakin knows he wouldn't.
He paces back and forth in his rooms, unable to settle down. He's close to bursting with frustration and agitation and he can't hope to meditate on his emotions as Obi-Wan would tell him to when he's this upset. Meditation is for calmer mindsets.
Perhaps he can talk to Obi-Wan... Or Padmé.
Or maybe both of them?
That... That would be good. That's what he needs right now.
He picks up his comm and sends a group message to them. Byt the Force how he hopes they'll agree. There's no way he can deal with this alone. Palpatine has been his friend and mentor since he was a child... This is just too much to deal with.
Obi-Wan said it was his duty to start the investigation due to the Vote of No-Confidence, but there's no way he thought it would find anything. He can't have. Palpatine is one of the only politicians worth trusting in the Senate.
Surely Obi-Wan knows that?
He's always allowed Anakin to go visit Palpatine, even when he was a child, so he couldn't have thought anything was suspicious. The same goes for the Council for that matter!
They would have stepped in and refused Palpatine's requests for Anakin to visit if they thought he was corrupt. The Council hates politics outside the Order, and they always speak of the need to root out corruption.
They must have found Palpatine trustworthy then, and he's done his best since he became chancellor—no matter what Senator Mandai thinks.
It'll... It'll be fine.
Anakin swallows harshly and clenches his fists in his hair. He just needs to talk to Padmé and Obi-Wan.
He's too ashamed to face Palpatine—Obi-Wan got him into this situation, and Anakin has always vouched for him with the former chancellor—even though he knows his friend probably could use the support. Palpatine is strong, he can no doubt manage until Anakin gets a grip on himself.
Padmé watches the news as they break. Former Chancellor Palpatine has been arrested and placed on house arrest pending the trial.
She presses her lips together and fights down the fear and anxiety she feels at the news. She knows Palpatine used the occupation of Naboo to further his career, so in a way she's not... She's not surprised that the investigation has found something...
But at the same time... Using an existing tragedy that you cannot make undone anyway is not the same as actively corrupting the system. Padmé should know, her own career has been helped by her hard work in disaster zones. So even though she knows that Palpatine used her—used Naboo—the thought that he may be entirely corrupt...
It feels foreign. It feels wrong.
It's as if there's an itch in the back of her head, as if there's a voice whispering to her to tread carefully, to doubt everything, because who knows who's truly to be trusted?
Her head hurts.
Her heart hurts when she considers how conflicted and hurt Anakin must feel right now. As if her husband needs more on his plate. One of his dearest friends possibly being a criminal of a terrible degree won't be a devastating blow to him.
She picks up her comm and looks at it, wondering if she should send him a message. He probably needs her, right now.
They never should have married.
At least then that would be one less thing weighing on him. At least then there might be a chance for them, for the dream of a happy ending.
She chokes back a sob. She must be strong.
Anakin will need her to.
Bail listens intently to the report, drumming his fingers against the top of his desk. So the corruption stems as far as this, does it?
He glances down at the files and notes Miss Marili gave him just before the explosion in the Senate Office Building. He's still going through them to verify their validity, but so far everything checks out, and her own notes and thoughts are very astute.
Bail has always known, taught as such at his mother's knee, that if you want to truly know what goes on in an institution, you ask the aides and the lower-ranks—those who fade into the background. After all, who thinks of what the secretary overhears when they walk inside with documents? Or even what they can piece together they remain at their station by who comes and goes. Miss Marili, currently the aide of Senator Jacks of Belazura and the former aide of Senator Larr of Saram, is an excellent example.
Her information is very interesting indeed, and dates back decades.
Bail wonders just what it was that caught her eye, what sent her looking in the first place... But he's yet to hear that story from her. He's also curious as to why she came to him rather than Senator Jacks, but it's possible that it's due to his position as a Core World Senator.
And possibly his known friendliness with the Jedi—definitely important considering the content of her research.
Still, Bail can't make any moves as of yet. The information may check out for now, but who knows if she's hidden some falsehoods that could prove damaging within it. After all, she is an unknown factor, and Bail knows very little about her.
In fact, how Bail does not even know how she ended up as Senator Larr's aide in the first place, considering how young she must have been at the time. Perhaps her family moved to Saram at some point. That could, of course, be how Senator Larr found her in the first place since a Twi'lek family taking up residence rather than just going on holiday there would likely draw attention. Aside from the native human population few make Saram their permanent home despite its popularity as a vacation planet, as far as Bail knows.
Regardless, her mysterious past and everything else together makes for quite the puzzle.
Perhaps she'll trust him with the truth at a later time—though no doubt will he need to prove himself first.
All in all, the political situation on Coruscant is growing increasingly complex, even when you don't take the currently ongoing civil war into consideration.
So those cretins think they've found something on him, do they?
Well, they'll certainly see about that.
Palpatine has made damn sure that anything more than slightly frowned upon will fall entirely on Amedda. The fool was always set up to take the fall should something go wrong and Palpatine's plot was derailed—as it has been.
At most Palpatine himself will receive a slap on the wrist and an admonishment to hire better staff.
Even so, he suffers the utter humiliation of being stranded on Coruscant, wearing a prisoner's bracelet to ensure he cannot leave the planet. They'll all suffer for this humiliation, the lot of them. Palpatine will grind Kenobi's skull to dust for daring to set this farce in motion.
Blasted Jedi.
He'll bathe in their blood and relish in every single second of it.
(Supreme Chancellor Obi-Wan Kenobi masterpost)
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thewickling · 5 years
I’m so glad you’re doing these! If you’re not to busy could do yaoyutong “I overheard you telling someone being with me would be your worst nightmare right I was about to confess” (preferably with BYT doing the overhearing because I like it when he suffers)
Okay, so I wonder if this actually counts as happy but my solution was make them dumb, dramatic teenagers.
Snapping, Zhan Yao growled, “Listen to me, being with Bai Yutong would be my worst nightmare.” 
“Doth protest too much.”
His classmates laughed, pushing each others’ shoulders in the strange teenage goating he never understood. Suppressing an eyeroll, he returned to his book. The chatter of the classroom died.
Instinctively, he scanned the room. The students to his right all stared at their papers like a teacher had just entered. The boys in front of him paled. Each peddled back as if treading water. The door opened to reveal Yutong, stormy-faced.
Marching into the room, he slammed two sports drinks and a can of coffee onto his desk. Of course, the homeroom teacher had placed them next to another. He said, “Your worst nightmare?”
Swallowing, he refused to be cowed by his inseparable childhood friend. He hummed in agreement. He braced for whatever barb the street rat would have.
“That’s good to know,” he said. His tone lined up, stiff and matter of fact. “I don’t have to waste my time.” 
Inhaling, he released liquid nitrogen. The atmosphere plunged subzero. Frost shaped his words. “I’ll take that as the answer to my question.”
Closing his eyes, he gathered himself.
Zhan Yao blinked. His mind lagged behind his racing heart. The pounding in his skull made it thinking difficult. He thought, What question? 
“Hey! Switch seats with me.” He pointed at a random classmate. The boy became a deer in the headlights as he scrambled to pack his belongings. Yutong’s squared shoulders and harsh voice allowed no disobedience. 
He picked up his drinks. 
Zhan Yao clasped his wrists. The thudding his chest trapped words in his throat. He forced out, “Stay.”
“Fuck you.” He yanked.
He hung on for dear life. “You can’t change seats without the teacher’s permission.”
Yutong’s jaw snapped shut like he was swallowing an insult. “Fine. Let go.”
“No.” Swallowing, he couldn’t think straight, but thinking got him into this situation hadn’t it? He managed to make Bai Yutong sick of him… What else did he have to lose?
“I,” he coughed. “I… Dating you is my worst nightmare because...”
He closed his eyes, pulsing at his temples scattered his thoughts.  “Because you’re already the only person I can tolerate. Bai Yutong and Zhan Yao and their inseparable relationship...”
“If you’re anymore important, what am I if you leave? Even if I like you...” he whispered. “Boyfriends aren’t forever.” 
“How can someone so smart be such an idiot?” Yutong asked the universe. All of the steam left his pores at once. An exasperation replaced it. 
Sliding into his seat, he carefully picked Zhan Yao’s fingers off him. He pushed over the canned coffee. “I’m not confessing. If you want to get rid of me, you better try harder.”
With a half-twisted laugh, he declared, “We’re dating now.”  
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lenjaminmccharmly · 5 years
Injured| George Harrison
AN| Sorry if this is a bit choppy, hope you like it either way. I love writing short cute fluffy one shots, it’s the inner hopeless romantic in me lol
Prompt| Reader is injured and George takes care of you.
Warnings| none, all fluff :)
Word count| ~1200
The pain in my leg was apparent as I awoke. The meds must have worn off, the pain had not been this unbearable the night before. Before I could even open my eyes, I felt a presence at my side.
“Y/N, love, are you awake?” It was George.
He had offered to stay with me while I was bedridden- feeding me, clothing me, cleaning me, the whole shebang. He didn’t feel comfortable leaving me in the hands of someone else.
I say nothing byt groaned in response, the pain syphoning my energy. I felt his weight on the other side of the bed, and then a hand against my forehead, and then his lips. I managed a smile, despite the pain.
“Does it hurt yet?” His voice was low, as though he was trying to be as gentle as possible.
“I can manage.” I knew I sounded like a hurt puppy and could convince no one, yet I felt bad that George had taken such time off from recording to take care of me, I didn’t want to feel like a burden to him.
“Don’t lie to me, hon, I can see you’re in pain. Let me grab some meds.” His weight and heat was gone, and I regretted saying anything.
I opened my eyes, blinking against the harsh light of the sun shining through the bedroom window. It had been a few days since I was discharged from the hospital, yet they all blurred together in the end.
I was a dancer. Was. This wasn’t a simple broken bone easily repaired, a tendon in my leg had completely snapped. The pain was indescribable. And the worst part of it all, it was in the middle of a performance, hundreds of people watching. my career was over, and I couldn’t tell if the physical or emotional pain was worse. That horrible crunching noise still rang in my ears.
The familiar warmth returned at my side. “Hon, can you sit up?” George was still in his pajamas, his hair tousled- he must have slept on the couch.
I pushed myself up so that my back was against the headboard. George handed me a glass of water and two pills. I sipped the water and popped the two pills, grimacing at the chalky taste. “Thank you, George, I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“Of course, Y/N.” He pressed his lips to the top of my head. “I gotta be there to take care of my birdie, don’t I?” He smiled down at me, draping his arm across my shoulders. I leaned my head against him, feeling the effects of the painkillers start to kick in. “Love, I’ve ran you a bath, I’m assuming there’s no way you can walk, right?”
“Oh Geo, you didn’t have to-”
“Of course I did, stinky, can’t have you just laying in bed all day, can I? Come on, up up!” He jumped out of bed, his warmth leaving me yet again. “Come on lazy bones!”
I swung my legs over the side of the bed, not without causing a shooting pain up my leg. “How do you expect me to get down-?” Before I could even finish my sentence, George scooped me up from the bed, an arm under my knees and another behind my back. I gripped his shoulders, yelping in surprise. “George!”
“Don’t worry, I’m not going to drop you. I carried Ritchie around like this yesterday to make sure I could.” I couldn’t help but giggle at the image.
George successfully carried me down the stairs and into the bathroom without hitting my head too many times, and sat me back down on the ground. I gripped his arm for support, lifting my leg up to avoid putting any amount of pressure on it.
“I got you love, don’t worry.” George gripped my arms.
The room was filled with the scent of roses and vanilla. The bath was full of bubbles, candles dotting the room with a soft light.
I felt Georges hand around my waist. “Do you feel okay, love?”
“I’m good, Geo. Thank you for all of this.” My hands were on his shoulders, his muscles firm beneath my hands. I don’t know what I did in my past life that granted me such a gift as him.
He pulled my tee shirt over my head. “My arms aren’t broken, hon, I could do this myself-”
“Shh shh shh, let me help you.” He ignored me, moving down to slide my bottoms off, much more carefully than before. He avoided touch my leg entirely. He put my clothes neatly in a pile off to the side, I suppose to prevent any possibility of slipping.
He offered his arm to me- even though the tub was only a few feet away. “George, I got this. I’m not entirely crippled.” I gave him a reassuring smile, and began to put pressure on my bad leg, only for my knees to nearly buckle. George was there in a second, his arms wrapped around my waist, holding me up.
“Are you sure about that?” His statement was sarcastic, but a look of worry was painted upon his face.
I said nothing, but wrapped my arms around him, burying my face into his shoulder. This was all so frustrating- to go from being strong and independent to helpless and unable to do anything on my own in an instant. I didn’t want to tie George down, though I knew he was there on his own free will.
“It’s okay, darling, let me help you.” His arms slid under my legs again, picking me up and gently setting me down into the bathtub.
The warm water felt nice, relieving the stress of my strained muscles. George ran a hand through my hair, untangling knots as he went, gently pouring water from a cup over my scalp. He massaged shampoo into my hair, the whole experience lulling me into more calm state. For a moment I could just let it all go… but the thought was inevitable, hanging over me like a dark cloud.
“Geo…. I don’t know what I’m going to do..”
“Y/N,” he cut me off, “whatever you do, you’re going to be fantastic. This is just a little hiccup in your career, that’s all. The world isn’t ending, you have your whole life ahead of you, and I’m going to be here to make sure of it.” He placed his hands on either side of my face, pressing his lips to mine so passionately, I knew he meant what he said.
I broke away, resting my forehead against his, our noses brushing together. “George, I love you so much.”
“I love you too, Y/N. Forever.”
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optimismrpt · 5 years
have you written any books?
Careful there nonnie, that’s dangerous zone to enter. because once i start talking about personal writing projects i never stop! currently i have eight completed novel manuscripts, none of which are published because the industry is incredibly hard to break into! so i’m putting querying on hold until next year when i have my creative writing degree in hand! 
Rise of the Night, Trial of the Rivers, The Celestial Staff - I don’t really count my first three because while they are novels reaching over 250 pages a piece, they are also percy jackson oc fanfiction.  I started when I was twelve and it just got so out of hand with people asking for the next chapter that it turned into three novels over the course of four years. 
Prime, Spliced, Divine - This trilogy is sort of a rewrite of my first three. Same main character but I revamped the side characters, took out all the copyrighted stuff, and added sci fi elements other mythology like mutations, genetic splicing, etc. I actually wrote the last page of Divine the day before I left for college! 
David’s Peak - I wrote this my freshman year of college. It is a faux memoir piece inspired by welcome to night vale and it involves magical realism / supernatural elements. Basically I wanted to ask the question ‘How do you come to term with reality in a town where nothing is real?’. It is a about a widow six years after her husband’s death facing her abandonment issues as everyone in the town goes missing. 
Night Twelve - This was my sophomore year project. It’s Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night but even more bisexual, set in space, and featuring some WW2 inspired conflict. I plan on writing a sequel based on The Tempest and then turning into into a trilogy to it if I ever get it published. 
Amelia Bright: Petsitter to the Absurdly Rich - This is my current project inspired byt he likes of Legally Blonde and Confessions of a Shopaholic but I’m playing calvinball and chasing my bliss so as not to force myself into writing something I don’t want to. I’m only twenty pages in but I have hope since it’s based off some real life stories. After all, they say write what you know! 
The Blitzkrieg Breaker - My current summer project! It is an urban fantasy novel set in 1941 which follows a witch as she navigates the magical underground searching for a missing device which is said to be powerful enough to turn the tide of the war. Accompanied by a clockmaker and a mutated crow, the witch must make sure the device never falls into the hands of axis powers or risk taking the blame for the end of the world. 
I’d also like to write a series of short novellas following the mysteries that my character Lena solved while working for MI6. And I have a total of 46 tv show/movie/graphic novel ideas in my google drive to be put into action once I learn how to execute that style of draft! Thank  you so much for your interest sometimes I feel like I’m shouting at the void when I talk about my writing so your curiosity is very appreciated!
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abiggercause · 3 years
NAME ? ALIAS*, Remus Lupin, Moony
ARE YOU SINGLE ? It’s too complicated. 
ARE YOU HAPPY ? Sometimes
ARE YOU ANGRY ? Sometimes
ARE YOUR PARENTS STILL MARRIED ? No. My father is a widow. 
❛ &. ┊ NINE FACTS.
BIRTH PLACE ? I’m unsure
BIRTHDAY ? March 10th
MOOD ?  Oh, Exhausted and worried. 
ARE YOU IN LOVE ? I do believe I am. 
HAVE YOU EVER HAD A SECRET ADMIRER ? I don’t know. If I knew they wouldn’t be a secret. 
HAVE YOU EVER BROKEN YOUR OWN HEART ? Far too many times to count. 
CATS OR DOGS ? Err....
DAY OR NIGHT ? Day (the night is terrifying)
SHORTER OR TALLER ? I don’t care. 
❛ &. ┊ FAMILY.
DO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY GET ALONG ? It’s strained byt all right. 
❛ &. ┊ FRIENDS.
DO YOU SECRETLY HATE ONE OF YOUR FRIENDS ? I don’t think so. Disappointed maybe. 
WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND ?  Padfoot... Sirius. 
WHO KNOWS EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU ? I think James and Sirius are close to knowing most everything about me. 
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marvelhead17 · 5 years
Miracle (Original Female Character x Cable)
Chapter 21
Summary: “How did you fix it?” he asked. “Ask Ellen the Teenage Warhead,” Wade shrugged as he stood up, “As for baby Hitler he ended up having a diaper change, funny story I was actually going to call Cable since he was so keen on killing Russel, I thought this would be like taking candy from a baby, if that means replacing it with a bullet that is,”
Warnings to cover the whole fic: Graphic depictions of violence, use of weapons, mild to strong language, mentions of rape, mentions of pregnancy and miscarriage, referenced torture and psychological abuse/manipulation, nightmares and night terrors, sexual humour, sexual content.
Word count: 1.7k
A/N: It’s a little messy with all the Russian I’ll admit, sorry.
Three Weeks Later
The X-Force including Colossus decided that they needed a break from the X-mansion and have a bit of normalcy for once, considering that they were mutants of course, they ended up finding a sweet little diner just on the outskirts of the city that happily welcomed the small group of heroes and anti-heroes.
“What in the hell is that?” Nathan asked as Hayden had her food placed in front of her, she grinned.
“This? Only the best food in man’s entire existence, it has the essentials of bacon which every breakfast needs, pancake stacks which are the epitome of the American Dream, fresh bananas because we need something healthy- and fried bananas are absolutely disgusting- and then Maple syrup, the best syrup you could ever have,”
“That’s a crap ton of sugar, natural and manufactured, you’re going to be bouncing out of here,” Nathan shook his head staring at the meal.
“I haven’t eaten since Tuesday, leave me alone,” she stuck her tongue out playfully.
“It’s Friday, how the hell have I not noticed that?”
“Simple: you’re not as observant as you think you are, nobody is. In fact if you asked anyone how observant they think they are, chances are they-” she paused and turned around in her seat to look at the TV that was broadcasting the news.
  “Hades?” Nathan asked, the woman on the TV was clearly heard as the diner went silent.
“Chaos ensues in New York today as the man wanted across thirty states for child trafficking pummels through Downtown in a large tank, and what appears to be a small army of soldiers wearing uniforms that, from what we can see, have skulls with tentacles printed on them-”
“Wade,” she stood up from her seat in the booth, her eyes not leaving the screen.
“What?” he looked up from his conversation with Domino, “Oh shit,” he stood up slowly.
“He’s not getting away this time,” she spoke through gritted teeth as she moved out of the booth and she headed towards the door to leave.
“Who’s not getting away?” Colossus asked looking very confused.
“Her father,” Wade said as he pointed at the TV, “That man.” He realised she was out the door now, “HAYDES WAIT, YOU CAN’T JUST- fuck balls!”
“Language,” Colossus shook his head.
“I don’t give a shit about my language Silver Surfer; she’s going to fucking kill him in front of everyone!” he yelled before following her out. “WAIT!”
                            In the time it had taken Wade to follow her out she had rewired a nearby motorbike’s electronics and drove away just as he had exited through the door. The others had joined him outside as he watched the bike turn into a speck in the distance.
“Fuck, what are we going to do?” Wade asked worriedly.
“I don’t see why we have to stop her, she told me what he did to her, it’s only right that he dies,” Nathan shrugged.
“Of course it’s fucking right, God do you people not have Court Procedures in the future?”
“Well, shut up fuck face!” he threw his hands in the air in a huff of annoyance, “Point is: she’s going to be on public television killing a man brutally and there’ll be a trial because ‘killing is wrong no matter how bad the person was’,” Wade rolled his eyes after doing his air quotes.
“Wade, do not mock- he is right though, this will reflect poorly for all mutants even if she is not technically one, we must stop her,”
“Unless you can sprout a pair of glorious angelic wings right now and fly us there on your spectacularly ripped muscular back, the only option is stealing which you’d be against, so what’s your plan Big Boy?”
“I think I can help with that,” Domino spoke with a grin as she heard a horse whinny somewhere nearby.
                                                      * * *
  Hades turned the engine off and made her way over to the police barrier that had formed on one of the main roads, she walked between two parked cars and had ducked under the yellow tape successfully, and then a voice called out to her.
“Miss- don’t take another step further, come back behind the yellow tape and return to the crowds,” a stern male voice commanded.
“You cops just stay out of my way, I can do a lot more damage than the man in his little toy tank, I guarantee you,” she glanced over her shoulder and they stood back as her eyes glowed violet and her skin was starting to as well.
“She’s one of those mutants,” a younger cop said nervously.
“I don’t care what she is, the law is the law and right now she’s disobeying it intentionally- HEY, GET BACK HERE!”
  She turned her attention back to the tank and walked forward gaining some speed before feeling satisfied at the distance between her and the tank, she felt small nips on her arms, her chest and her head and looked around to see the soldiers in Hydra gear shooting at her, or at least attempting to.
The bullets ricocheted and some of the soldiers had to jump out the way to narrowly avoid their own bullets, the police had inched forward but now retreated back in fear that they themselves may be injured in the process, she raised her right foot in the air and eyed the man standing halfway out of the entrance to the tank before stomping with full force into the tarred road.
The ground rippled underneath and a crack split up through the ground and travelled all the way to the tank, it wobbled unstably and with no aid designed into it to rectify itself if it were to get knocked over, it fell to its side nearly killing its passengers in the process.
   “I still don’t know how you managed to find a horse and carriage in New York during the summer, and I don’t know how we managed to survive dying nearly five times on the way here, but God is amazing and keep shooting those lucky laser beams you amazing being,” Deadpool babbled as they all hopped out of the carriage.
“Thanks for the faith Wade,” Domino smiled, she stroked the horse gently on the snout and it whinnied before running away, carriage in tow, she turned and pointed ahead of them. “There she is,”
“Shit, she’s already ploughed the road into a shithole and knocked over the tank,” Wade informed them, “Let’s go get her,” they too walked through the barrier the police had formed.
“Oh COME ON, does nobody respect the law anymore?” the officer from earlier yelled.
   Hades climbed onto the side of the tank and clenched her fist before raising it in the air and throwing it with full force into the tank’s side, the reinforced metal groaned and snapped under the pressure as she widened the hole she had made, she crouched down, leaned over the hole and reached down into it.
Her friends watched in awe at the level of strength that had yet to have seen in full display, almost being too caught up in the moment had it not been for Deadpool and Cable, they motioned for Colossus and Domino to move out the way as a grenade exploded nearby. Debris shot up into the air and acted as mini projectiles among the bullet fire.
She raised him out of the hole by his throat, he choked slightly but that didn’t stop him from grinning down at her as she made him dangle off the ground, she tightened her grip.
She gritted through clenched teeth in perfectly clear Russian, “Privet Papa,”
                     A large fisted hand slammed into the side of her face and she lost her grip and he fell to the ground, had it not been for the fact that she was superhuman she could have died from the effect of the whiplash to her neck, she steadied herself on her feet to look up at her assailant.
“Tvoya mat' ostavila odnu khoroshuyu veshch', prezhde chem ya yeye pokonchil. Poznakom'sya so svoim bratom, moya dorogaya doch', i vot velikolepiye yego formy, sovershennogo chelovecheskogo oruzhiya,”
She looked at him, he was at least a foot and a half taller than her if not more, and he gave a cynical grin as he pounded his fist into his palm and walked forward.
“Vam ne nuzhno vypolnyat' yego prikazy, vam ne nuzhno ubivat', i vy mozhete byt' samim soboy-”
“YA lyublyu ubivat'. Net nichego boleye zakhvatyvayushchego, chem videt', kak svet istekayet iz glaz cheloveka, kogda yego dushi pokidayut melkuyu shelukhu. YA budu sledovat' pod yego komandovaniyem do togo dnya, kogda umru, potomu chto on velikiy lider,”
“Togda segodnya budet poslednyaya komanda, kotoruyu vy poluchite. K sozhaleniyu, ya ne mogu pozvolit' tebe zhit', yesli ty verish' yego slovu, on ubil nashu sobstvennuyu mat', chtoby udovletvorit' yego sobstvennyye zhelaniya. Eto nichego ne znachit dlya vas?”
“YA by khotel, chtoby ty poproboval,”
They both charged forward with raised fists.
   “What the hell were they saying to each other?” Cable asked Colossus as he knocked one of the last soldiers down.
“I know right? She totally needs subtitles; maybe we should ask the writer to add those in for us?” Deadpool chimed in.
“Apparently that large man is Hades’ brother and the normal man is her father, Hades told her brother to choose better path and he insisted he is on right one, the father mentioned killing of her mother and that the brother is the perfect human weapon?” Colossus said looking confused.
“To summarise: Her father was a cunt, and a huge one at that. There’s no way she’s going to back down even if this might get her killed,” Deadpool said with a frown. “Oh God-” he pointed at Hades and her hulk of a brother lunging towards each other.
  Hades hit him in the stomach which caused him to grunt, he retaliated with an uppercut which made her stumble back, she shook her head and gasped when her throat suddenly closed up. She stared into the angry deep blue eyes that bored into her, the pressure around her throat increasing; she felt her lungs burning with every breath that she tried to take in as her brother held her in a deadly grip.
Translations in order:
“Privet Papa,” - Hello Father
“Tvoya mat' ostavila odnu khoroshuyu veshch', prezhde chem ya yeye pokonchil. Poznakom'sya so svoim bratom, moya dorogaya doch', i vot velikolepiye yego formy, sovershennogo chelovecheskogo oruzhiya,” - Your mother left one good thing before I ended her. Meet your brother my darlin’ daughter, and behold the magnificence of his form, the perfect human weapon
“Vam ne nuzhno vypolnyat' yego prikazy, vam ne nuzhno ubivat', i vy mozhete byt' samim soboy-” - You don’t have to follow his orders, you don’t have to kill, and you can be your own person-”
“YA lyublyu ubivat'. Net nichego boleye zakhvatyvayushchego, chem videt', kak svet istekayet iz glaz cheloveka, kogda yego dushi pokidayut melkuyu shelukhu. YA budu sledovat' pod yego komandovaniyem do togo dnya, kogda umru, potomu chto on velikiy lider,” - I like to kill. There is nothing more thrilling than seeing the light drain from a person’s eyes as their souls exit their petty husks. I will follow under his command until the day I die, for he is a great leader
“Togda segodnya budet poslednyaya komanda, kotoruyu vy poluchite. K sozhaleniyu, ya ne mogu pozvolit' tebe zhit', yesli ty verish' yego slovu, on ubil nashu sobstvennuyu mat', chtoby udovletvorit' yego sobstvennyye zhelaniya. Eto nichego ne znachit dlya vas?” - Then today will be the last command you will receive. Unfortunately I cannot let you live if you believe his word, he killed our own mother to satisfy his own desires. Does that mean nothing to you?
“YA by khotel, chtoby ty poproboval,” - I’d like to see you try,”
>> Chapter 22 << 
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