#not f-ing fair I swear
jeannineee · 1 year
NSFW Alphabet: Ruhn Danaan (Crescent City)
a/n: the things I would let this man do to me, y’all…
nsfw under the cut (18+ please)
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
So doting and gentle. Cleans you up. He’ll get you whatever you want or need. A blanket, water, food, a massage? You’ve got it.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
For him, his hands. He’s always touching you in some way. A hand on your lower back as you walk, on your thigh as he drives. Also enjoys the way his hand looks wrapped around your throat, or gripping your hair.
For you? He loves your entire body. But he loves your voice the most, oddly enough. (Think of how driven he is by his senses in the books.) He loves your laugh, your tired voice. Loves when you whisper in his ear, or when you beg for him and scream his name. His Fae hearing is very sensitive, and your voice is angelic to him.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Likes to come inside of you. He doesn’t know what it is, but there’s something he loves about filling your pretty little cunt over and over.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Ruhn is very open about his kinks and interests. He wouldn’t hide anything from you.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s more than seventy years old, and he’s the prince. He has had plenty of experience.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
LOVES 69’ing with you. Burying his face in your cunt, sucking at your swollen clit as you drool over his cock.
Also loves missionary, with your legs over his shoulders.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Sometimes. He’ll make you laugh as he slowly fucks you, just to hear the way your voice catches as he gives you a deep thrust.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
It’s well trimmed. Just a small patch at the base.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He loooves being intimate with you. He may not be the most romantic, but sex with him is always loving, even when he’s rough.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
You two definitely have phone sex when he has to be away for princely duties and meetings and whatnot, but besides that, no. He has you.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Bondage, overstimulation, edging, breeding. Loves praising you, and using toys.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Prefers the bedroom. Also likes shower sex.
But if his roommates aren’t home? Anywhere is fair game. The couch, the walls, the counters.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Like I said earlier, Ruhn’s senses are in overdrive. The slightest touch, or a whisper in his ear? He’s ready for you instantly.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Wouldn’t cause you any pain, or degrade you.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Swears he’s in heaven every time you sit on his face. The first time he suggested it, you were afraid of hurting him by putting your full weight on him, and he told you if that’s how he dies, then so be it.
“Just sit on my face, baby. I want it.”
“Y/n. Sit. On my face.”
When you finally did it, he gripped your thighs, pulling you completely onto his face, and ate your cunt like a man starved. His lip piercing dragging across your clit, him fucking you with his tongue.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
It depends on his mood, but he prefers taking his time with you.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
You’ll only have quickies when you’re both too busy.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
This male will try anything you suggest. Literally anything. He’s shameless.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Can easily go all night long.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
LOVES using toys on you. He’s not one of those men that gets uncomfortable at the idea of pleasuring you with them. They’re his teammates, as far as he’s concerned.
He especially loves using a vibrator or suction toy as he fucks you with his cock or fingers.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
You both tease each other a little bit before you have sex, and sometimes periodically throughout the day, but he CANNOT deny you. He literally can’t. He loves making you come.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
LOUD. Groaning, whimpering, swearing as he fucks you dumb. Will whisper the filthiest things in your ear to bring you through your orgasm.
“Let it out princess, come for me.”
“There you go baby, give it to me.”
“Wish you could see how pretty you look.”
I am feral.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Definitely has a piercing on his dick. Probably a frenum piercing. I don’t make the rules.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He’s big. He’s thick, and long enough that he easily hits your cervix with the right angle. He feels like heaven.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
HIGH as fuck. Could literally take you anytime, anyplace, anywhere.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He usually gets sleepy after, especially if you went multiple rounds, but he always waits for you to fall asleep first.
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disasterstans · 3 months
I swear ABC just isn't fair, cause this press season alone, they are so heavily implying buddie. Even the actors!! I mean Ryan and Oliver have MASTERED the love stare even offset😭🤡 #ryliver anyone? The problem is that 2 f-ing seconds after indirectly implying that Buck and Eddie are soulmates, they go on about how 'beautiful it is that friends are so vulnerable and soft with each other' like...SIR?!
I have many friends and (maybe it's just me) I've never looked at any of them the way they look at each other (MAYBE it's cause I DON'T want to spend the rest of my life joined with them in holy matrimony) but okay ...
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shirokuma11037 · 3 months
Just messing with an Incorrect Quote Generator
Swear words are censored.
Uzi: I feel like V is looking down on me. N: That’s because they’re on the counter and you’re short.
Uzi: Guys it’s a shooting star, let’s make a wish! N: I wish for good grades. V: Nerd. N: Nevermind, I wish upon the shooting star to fall down at a 30° velocity aiming for V. :) Uzi: N…
N: When I was a kid, Uzi told me that the paper strip that’s in the chocolate kisses were edible and I ate them with the chocolate for a year. V: They are! N: FOR REAL? V: No! Why did you fall for it again?
V: I’ve never asked someone out. How do you even do it? N: Oh, what I do is, I look them up and down and I say: “Hey… how you doin’?” Uzi, scoffing: Oh, please. N, to Uzi: Hey, how you doin’? Uzi: Uzi: giggles and blushes
Murderer: Any last words? N: Do you think I'm cute? Be honest.
Uzi: Damn, the power went out. V: Don’t worry, I got this. V: shakes rapidly and starts to light up Uzi: What-? V: I swallowed a glow stick! Uzi, on the verge of tears: WHY WOULD YOU-
Uzi, to V: If you can ever manage to get over yourself, I would highly recommend being me.
V: You know, studies show that keeping a ladder in the house is more dangerous than a loaded gun. V: That's why I own TEN guns. V: Just in case some maniac tries to sneak in with a ladder.
V: I have lots of friends! Uzi: Name one. V: Well, there’s- Uzi: Name one you haven’t gotten incredibly angry at. V: Hey, that’s not fair, then there isn’t any!
N, dashing into the room: WHY AREN’T THE DISHES IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER?! V: …What does that even mean?!
N: Uzi, I… N: I love you! Uzi: Not my problem.
Uzi: You’re starting to look like me more and more every day— V: Bursts into tears Uzi: Why are you crying? V: You’re ugly! I don’t want to look like you! sobs
the Squad cleaning up Uzi: Pick up the nearest piece of trash and throw it away. V, to N: Aight, which bin do you wanna go in—
Uzi is casually searching around the room V: Hey Uzi, what’re you looking for? Uzi: My will to live. N walks into the room Uzi: Oh, there it is.
N: I made this friendship bracelet for you. Uzi: You know, I’m not really a jewelry person. N: You don’t have to wear… Uzi: No, I’m gonna wear it forever. Back off.
N, looking at their reflection: Now, that's rubbish. Who's that supposed to be? Uzi: Well, that's you. N: Me?! Is that what I look like? Uzi: You don't know? N: Busy day.
Uzi: You are an absolute f-ing dork. N, singing: Yeah, but I'm your dork! Uzi: sighs Yeah, you're my dork.
N: I knew this day would come… I saw it on the calendar.
V: N, you need to calm down. N, slamming their fists on the table: BUT HOW CAN IT BE "BIRTHDAY CAKE" FLAVOR IF A BIRTHDAY CAKE CAN BE ANY FLAVOR?!
V: I didn’t want to do it, no one else wanted to do it, so I made Uzi do it!
V: So, Uzi is no longer allowed to take the trash out at night. N: Why? V: Because I've caught them trying to train raccoons to fight five times in a row. Uzi, arms crossed and pouting: You'll be thanking me when the third raccoon battalion saves your as-.
Uzi: I know how this must look but I can assure you we have a perfectly logical explanation. N: Yeah! We’re cowards!
N, jumping out of V's closet: BOO! V: N: V: N: makes a sad face V: Ahh! Oh my god! You scared me!
V: N- N: sighs Uzi used to call me N… V: …Because it's your f-ing name.
Uzi: Life could be worse, N. N: Life could be a lot better too!
N: I can't imagine what Uzi is planning. But I can tell you two things. We won't like it and it won't be legal.
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ronearoundblindly · 2 years
The First Eighty-Three Hours (2)
Moves (see previous or series)
It Had to Be You series featuring CEO!Steve Rogers x CEO!reader
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Summary: It's a beautiful morning until a crisis arises.
Warnings: cursing and suggestive language, Steve being too f***ing cute because I gave up fighting it, mentions of a non-fatal incident oversees WC 3623
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There are two white pills and a glass of water staring at you when your eyes open.
Cheeky, but appreciated.
There’s no movement behind you, only a fluffy blanket draped from your shoulders to your toes. Steve isn’t in bed anymore, and a whirring sound wafts in from the living room, accompanied by the scent of freshly-brewed coffee.
In the safety behind thick blackout curtains and a cool blue glow of morning, you take your meds and water. The whirring stops, replaced by grunting.
What the hell is he doing out there?
You debate putting your bra back on—even though it’s a rather fancy one that would not compliment the very old baseball tee that hits you mid-thigh—but decide who cares if he can see your nipples when he spent all night within reach of them. Your head hurts anyway. Priorities.
Coffee is in the air, so you make your way out of the cave.
Pushups, that’s what he’s doing. Pushups with a clap at the pinnacle. He’s prone beside his bike machine and punching bag. His home gym is set up behind the couch so he can watch TV. Steve’s still in only boxers, face parallel with the ground as his muscles strain across his arms and down his rippling back. You can’t help but lick dry lips and wonder if you’ll get to keep watching him all morning (and where the mugs are).
The coffee pot makes a clack when replaced in its hot plate, and Steve startles, palms landing on the floor harder than before.
He’s not angry. He grins from ear to ear, clamoring off the floor to stride over.
“Mornin,’ precious,” his deep voice rumbles as he closes all of the distance between you and bends down.
He almost connects before you turn and push him away. “EW, no! Have you no shame?”
“What,” he laughs, grabbing the hand in his face to kiss it instead.
“It’s bad enough I was…I overdid it last night, but please don’t add the second terrible impression of morning breath. My heart can’t take it, Steve.”
He kisses the hand again and reluctantly lets it go as you scurry away to the other side of the kitchen island, mug in tow.
“Fair warning,” he adds, pointing to the coffee, “that will not make your breath better.”
He chuckles, but it’s not funny to you. You were supposed to be cute and sexy and elegant. Instead, you have bedhead and dragon breath and men’s clothes on, but damn, do you need this coffee.
Steve mentions something about breakfast—eggs, you think he says—while you hear a phone buzz.
“Is that you?”
“Don’t know,” he shrugs.
That’s unlike him; he’s as glued to his phone as you are. Where is your phone?
You’re swiveling around, frantically trying to remember what you did with all your things last night, when you see it plugged into a charger on the TV console.
“Don’t,” he pleads, “let’s just have a nice—“
“Why are there four missed calls from Pepper? Did she call you, too?” You frantically unlock it and speed-read the messages. “Steve, what the hell?”
“I told her we’d address it when she has more information but otherwi--“
“Hey, Pep, I’m here,” you say the instant she answers, “what’s going on?”
“There’s been an accident. The joint factory in Galmira.”
“Yes, I know the one.” You return to stand beside the island. Steve’s already given up and returned to the stove, a copious display of glutes and thighs aimed right at your still slightly swimming vision.
“There are injuries,” she continues. “Tony’s already flying there.”
“Shit,” you mutter, switching straight into problem-solving mode with only one sip of coffee in you, “okay.”
“I know Rogers wanted to wait to get the lay of the land,“ Pep continues while you throw a glare so forceful at Steve’s back, you swear he hunches under the heat of it without having turned around, “but I’m—I’d like you on a few of these calls since we don’t know which products or equipment malfunctioned.”
“Right.” You race back to the bedroom.
“And then we can split off getting answers from there…”
While she rattles off any other details she can think of, all you have is your dress from last night, staring at you from the pile placed on your side of the bed—nope, not your side, just the side you slept on for one night. A dress with a very wide neckline won’t do for video calls on a Saturday morning (or for speaking to a bunch of men from the Middle East), so you improvise and fish a black tank top from one of Steve’s drawers and tear a white button down off a hanger in Steve’s closet. He’s eyeing you questioningly before you toss the phone to him, damned if you’re worried about Pep’s judgment of being in his apartment. You have work to do.
“Potts, it’s me. She’s dressing. What’s—has Tony landed yet?—yeah—“ Steve wanders back out to the kitchen while you hurriedly change. “Ok, I can do that—yes. Yes. I’ll be at my phone now, too.”
You steal a black belt to synch at your waist, fold out the collar, roll up the sleeves, and set to using your touch-up makeup from last night as a full-face look. Your date jewelry adds enough of a feminine touch that the effect isn’t half bad…from the hips up. Otherwise, you’re still in his boxer briefs and some borrowed socks because the floors are chilly, but no one will know while you sit at a desk chair.
You’re booting up Steve’s desktop in the ‘away office’ within five minutes.
Pepper has already sent six texts with more instructions and details, but you’re tired and a little hungover. You’re squinting at your phone and the computer screen wearily.
Steve brings in your abandoned coffee, phone, and a plate of scrambled eggs, flipping the fork around for you to take.
“That’s nice but I can’t fucking see, so—“
He sets the mug down and, with his other hand, pulls out a pair of readers from the pen holder by the computer.
That will do.
He doesn��t have to say anything. You know he’s wishing you luck. You know he’ll be handling a different angle of this from the other side of the apartment, but you wish you had time to thank him. You’ll have to tease him about being your assistant when this is over. That moment feels so far away.
Five hours, a translator, and almost ten supervisors, floor managers, safety officers, and engineers later, you have a better idea of what happened in the factory, but you still don’t know why.
Tony found unsafe materials. “They’ve switched it. They’re painting flammable lining in containers transporting—you guessed it—flammable shit!”
It’s not the agreed material in the contract, not allowed or supposed to be used in the capsules and armaments.
Once you were set up on conference calls, Pep pivoted to PR, joining Steve for news interviews lined up all afternoon.
Your next job is figuring out where in the supply change the wrong material was manufactured and used. How long has it been going on? How many transport capsules have been shipped (and refilled and shipped again) with the faulty lining? Nightmare stuff. You’ve been a CEO for less than twenty-four hours.
Your morning translator has to go; it’s the third shift there, so another has to be coordinated stateside. That’s when you realize you haven’t even gotten up to pee, and you look over at the water and lunch at the edge of the glass desk that Steve brought in…when was that? An hour ago? Two?
When the next contact says they’ll be available in a bit, you take the chance to duck out of the office. You’re almost caught on live, national television pants-less but dive into the hall bathroom just in time. Jake Tapper and all his viewers do not need to see that. Today feels like a rough enough first-, second-, whatever-impression, and it’s not even over.
You finish in the bathroom and try to listen for their interview to conclude, but it goes on forever since Tony has phoned in from Galmira with updates and corrections to earlier reporting.
You hear footsteps.
“Psst, Bosslady,” Topaz whispers while knocking on the door to the office.
You open up to show her where you actually are. She carries your briefcase and a bag of clothes for you. Wonderful. Not embarrassing in the slightest to be found in a man’s shirt and underwear the day after you’re promoted, to say nothing of the fact you are in his apartment that way. You still thank her profusely, and she says she’ll be back ‘again’ later.
How many times has she been here today? Steve must have called her in and given her instructions to go to your apartment and get some things. Good lord, it’s just all bad, no matter how you try to spin it in your mind.
There’s no time to change fully, so you pull on the first bottoms you see in the bag and sneak back into the office.
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By 7 PM you know it all came down to gas prices and profit. The correct substance to line the containers safely weighs more than the bad material, and rather than lose out on the lucrative contract established with Stark Industries, one factory produced the lighter material before shipping it to Galmira. The truckers spent less on transport, and the origin factory shared the extra savings.
The actual cleanup of this mess will take weeks, but there’s nothing more you can do right now. None of the injuries were life-threatening, and there were no casualties. You’ll have to take that as a win even though it does not feel like one.
You’ve been in Steve’s office so long that the night sky through the tall windows disorients you.
You hear him bolt off the couch at the sound of the door and rush over to you. He cradles your face, and the very first thing he says is “you were amazing today.”
It feels like you’ve been knocked down by an explosion. It feels like you’re responsible for people getting hurt. It feels like you should have seen it coming or noticed something was off before.
Steve pulls you into a hug that crushes all those feelings to dust. He still smells like pure comfort, and damn it, you need to find out what that means.
“All important question, precious,” Steve mutters into your hair, “what do you do to wind down? Because you’ve earned it tenfold.” He pulls back only to fiddle with your earring, letting it drag and dangle along your neck and his fingers. He does have a tactile obsession.
“Go home usually,” you sigh. A shower, now that you consider you’re likely still covered in alcohol sweat from last night.
“If that’s what you want,” Steve allows with a smile, “or you could let me take care of you…”
You ignore how thick the air becomes between you, how warm the back of his fingers are on your neck, how really fucking good he smells. “You want to watch trashy TV and eat ice cream? Doesn’t sound up your alley, Rogers.”
He shrugs.
“I just like that you’re here. You were amazing today,” he repeats. For a moment, you'd forgotten this man already confessed to being in love with you. “I don’t think they’ve even finished filing the paperwork and your day off—“
“—our day off—“
“Yeah,” Steve glows at your choice of words, “our day got shot to hell. I really want to promise you that there will be more time for us, but—“
“You can’t.”
You’d think less of him if he tried to promise that because you know Steve as a rational man who doesn’t sugarcoat anything…which is why all these small, romantic touches feel so intense. You’re amazing? He wants to take care of you? He wants to run his company with you? The moment—hell, the last few weeks—has been surreal.
Steve looks dejected for a moment, his response coming low and intimate in the mere inches between you. “I can’t believe none of this has put you off me yet.”
His brooding is adorable. How can such a large man be so cute? That’s not a fair outlier in the human race.
You have to deflect or you’ll just attack him right there in the hall, in his clothes, in sweatpants, without having a proper shower. It just won’t do.
“If that is your way of telling me there is no ice cream here…” you drawl.
He peers at you through his long lashes. “Only vanilla.”
“Oh,” you hiss dramatically, “you’re gonna have to do better than that, Stevie.”
Something about the way you say his name triggers his boyish energy, and he alights with ideas to please you. “Chocolate syrup? Caramel? Candy pieces?”
Steve’s even cuter trying to salvage your mood. It’s as overwhelming as the tedious workday was.
“Do you have any of those things?” You have to grab his hand still playing at your earring. It’s distracting.
“Give me a half hour,” he beams, then his eyes go soft. He grips at your hand gently. “You’ll stay?” There’s that intimate voice again. He’s got no right to be that invested in your happiness, but that strange olfactory comfort envelops you like a blanket and drips down your spine.
You sheepishly nod, infected by Steve’s excitement as he releases any bit of you he’s still touching and commands that you take your time to take care of yourself until the order comes.
He hasn’t completely left ‘bossy’ behind, apparently.
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For a man so into his physical fitness, holy moly Steve Rogers bought a lot of candy. His excuse is that he forgot to ask your favorite before you got in the shower, but he’s already opened three bags of various things and seems to be ‘testing’ the flavors with his own bowl of ice cream. From his face when you walk back into the kitchen—in your own sweatpants and his t-shirt again because Topaz didn’t bring your pajamas, both a good and bad thing, you guess—Steve is not a fan of sour gummies or crunchy candy in his boring sweet treat.
Take care of you? The spread looks like he’s taking care of an army.
Your relaxing shower may have given you a small boost, but you’re still exhausted from the day’s whiplash.
He lets you dole out your choices from the makeshift buffet and puts the carton back in the freezer while you tuck yourself into the couch. The TV remains off because the view of the city from his floor-to-ceiling windows is spectacular. You can see his reflection in the panes, too, and catch Steve pausing at the counter to look at you and smile.
It isn’t the ice cream that sends a shiver racing up your spine; it’s that little look of pure adoration that has you fluttering with a different kind of anxiety.
You expect him to take the other side of the couch and face you, but instead, he plops down on the middle cushion and makes a gesture for you to stretch your legs out over his lap. He keeps his bowl held high until you’re situated and he’s satisfied. You both snack in silence for a few minutes. Occasionally, Steve looks out of the window to see what you see. He’s taken off his dress shirt for the interviews earlier and simply sits in jeans and his skin-tight undershirt.
It’s not nervousness that keeps the quiet between you, you realize. Steve Rogers is just a very simple man. He doesn’t push conversation or familiarity. He really enjoys (and seems to embody) comfort. He is 100% dedicated to his work and his company, but somehow he is not all consumed by it. He doesn't have to force that separation between Mr. Rogers and Steve.
“So this is what I do after a chaotic day,” you confirm, breaking your own spell of reverie. “What do you do?”
He stares down at the bowl of fat and sugar, chuckling at the irony. “Well…I work out usually.”
“Twice a day? That seems like overkill,” you snort back. How dare you. How dare you not support the maintenance of that glorious hunk of muscle before you. Eat your dessert and be grateful.
“No,” he corrects, his spoon clattering down, “just at night to release all that pent-up stress. I find it relaxing.” Steve swivels his head around, pointing at the bookcase, too. “Also reading—“ he gestures to the walls “—and sketching. Used to paint more, but it’s messy for this space.”
That’s when it occurs to you. All the times you were here and helping with furniture, etc., Steve never had an art delivered. It’s all just showed up between your visits.
“Did you…” It’s your turn to spin around now. “Are all these your works?”
He nods without looking you in the eye, munching on something from the vanilla pool in his bowl.
“I’ll have to really look at them in the light then…”
You almost say ‘tomorrow’ but stop yourself in time. You presuming to spend even more time in his home after an accidental 36 hours seems too much, but that brings you back to something else.
“So…why were you exercising this morning?” You shovel a big glob of ice cream in your mouth and wait for your trap to catch.
“Because,” Steve starts but quickly clamps his mouth shut and blushes, spinning the spoon around vigorously in his soupy confection.
“Pent up were you?”
“I swear, that was not a come-on,” he whispers, shifting around beneath your legs, likely regretting that he pinned himself there.
The brain freeze is worth every second. “I know, but if it were…I’d be flattered.”
He still won’t look up at you. He leans to put his dish down on the coffee table and takes a keen interest in the material of your grey sweats. So soft. Steve likes soft things.
“I’m really bad at this,” he admits after you resume eating in triumph. “I don’t know how.”
“To what?”
“No one does,” you laugh. Can you even call any of the time you’ve spent together a real, actual date? Barely. That doesn’t really matter when you’ve still learned so much about him. Dates or not, this time has felt different. “It’s like raising kids. Everyone has an opinion and no one follows their own advice.”
Steve guffaws, jostling your tangled legs and—if you’re not mistaken—pulling you closer. “That’s profound, precious.”
You wish you had any nickname for him that wasn’t ‘boss,’ something just for him and just from you. “You liked that, did you?”
“Yes. Yes, I did. I gotta remember that for Ma. She’d die laughing. Her friends will love it, too.”
“I’ll make note of it.” That was one of your lines. You’re in assistant mode again.
Steve smirks.“You think that up or is it a quote?”
“Just made it up, right there.”
“Genius.” He’s whispering again, eyes jumping between yours, palms firm against your legs, keeping you in place. “Knew I hired you for a reason.”
You get that he isn’t intensionally taking credit or diminishing you, but you have to tease him a little. “So you could harness the power, huh? Control the genius for yourself?”
“No.” Steve quietly settles back into the couch cushion, gaze unwavering. “To show you what I saw minute one, what I still see but I think you don’t.”
You put your bowl down beside his. “And what’s that?”
“I can’t survive without you,” he breathes, then Steve swallows loudly and stammers. “Sorry, that sounded more romantic than…Professionally, I needed—need you.”
He’s right there, inches away, and all you can think to do (that isn’t straddle the guy) is to play with the hem of his t-shirt at your thighs.
“You and Topaz sure saved my ass today though…”
“But I couldn’t have done that,” he blurts back, shifting to face you without removing your legs. “Not on day one. You can delegate. I can hire an assistant who then delegates for me. You have no idea what you meant to me—I mean, you were the first person in a long time who made me feel supported rather than the one person keeping the ship afloat. I forgot we’re just supposed to be the captains, not the ocean.”
We. Steve already lumps you in with that statement. He really has seen you as a partner for longer than you’ve seen yourself that way, but you can’t quite take the compliment.
“Sure, Captain Rogers.” Cheeky.
Steve continues to wax philosophical on his mild and creamy sugar high.
“Well, when you feel like the ocean, all you think about is lifting the ship. No time for anything else.” He peeks at you through his lashes again.
“Anything?” You chirp. Oh yeah, that doesn’t sound desperate at all.
“I’m trying,” he huffs. “Like I said, I don’t know how. I’m pretty boring.”
“Like vanilla ice cream.” You’re the one whispering now.
Maybe it’s the sugar or the compounded fatigue of the day’s chaos, but your hands aren’t content with the shirt anymore. They fly up to cup Steve’s face, and his radiant and welcoming blue gaze begs you to just go for it.
“And I’m your candy topping, captain.”
Oh, he liked that, too, but hopefully, he will not tell his Ma about that one.
Steve’s strong arms haul you forward against his chest, and who the hell knows who started the kiss because no one is going to end it while there’s oxygen in the room, co-captains orders.
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[Next Part]
[Main Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
dividers by @firefly-graphics and @silkholland
@bucky-fricking-barnes-reads @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @fallinallinmendes @deandreamernp @rach2602
203 notes · View notes
renee-writer · 2 years
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The Lallybroch Chapter 20
“I missed you.” Is the first thing he says to her on entering the room.
“Same. I just needed time to sort my feelings.” She still sits on the center of the bed. He walks in and takes a seat on the chair at the table. He wants to give her the space she needs.
“Are they sorted then?”
“There are some things you need to know about me.” She pulls in a breath and meets his glance straight on. “I have earned my distrust of relationships honestly. My parents death, though not by their will, still felt like abandonment to my five year old self. That started it. A few boyfriends that weren’t true cumulating in bloody f*ing Frank’s betrayal put paid on it. This isn’t fair to you who has been nothing but kind to me. You have treated me with nothing but respect. I am sorry for holding you at arms length.”
“It is okay.”
“No but you are sweet to say it is. I have made a decision. I will not let the past intrude on the present or effect the future. I need you to know that, no matter what else I tell you, this decision came first. Got it?” He frowns but nods. “Swear you understand.”
“I do swear. What are you trying to tell me Claire?” He leans forward, his eyes intent on hers.
“I am saying that despite my best efforts to the contrary, I have fallen in love with you.”
He gasps and is up, joining her on the bed and pulling her into his arms. She clings to him as he reigns kisses over her face. “I love you too. God alive, Claire I have for awhile now.”
“I’m terrified.” Admitted as she holds him tight, her hands vise’s on his shoulders.
“You needed be, there are two of us now.” A hysterical giggle raises up. “What?” He is smiling as he holds her face gently between his hands.
“Recall what you promised?”
“Aye, no matter what else you tell me, love came first.”
“Just so.” She runs her tongue over her lips and he follows the movement, his neglected cock responding. “There are three of us. I am pregnant.”
8 notes · View notes
hobeemin · 2 years
the garden isle
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🌴 genre: drama, angst, romance, s2l, smut, humor, fluff
🌴 pairing: resort bartender!kim namjoon x celebrity! poc (f) reader
🌴 destination: kauai, hawaii
🌴 rating: 18+
🌴 warning(s): swearing, mention of blackmail, mention of depression, namjoon is so clumsy, public sex, safe sex, exhibitionism, oral (f & m receiving), soft dom!namjoon, multiple orgasms, fingering
🌴 word count: 14.3k
🌴 synopsis: running away from your problems was never your mantra, however, you didn't expect a scandal to nearly ruin your career. "take a hiatus" your publicist suggested. and so here you were, in a place that could only be described as paradise...that until you happen to meet a man who changes your outlook on life...one stumble at a time.
🌴 credits: thank you, thank you to @playmetheclassics and @jjksblackgf for beta reading this monster of a fic. it's one of the longest oneshots i've written at this point and i really appreciate you both taking time to read it.
resources for banner found here ~ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
🌴 a/n: for @btshoneyhive​ ‘spring break-ing the rules’ event found here
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He peeked out the window, gazing at the entrance. Much to his relief, the swarms of reporters had made themselves scarce by midafternoon. His eyes darted over to the lump on the couch, shaking his head as he walked over.
“You need to get your ass off this couch and do something about it.”
Her eyes shot open as a glare concentrated on the man standing before her. If looks could kill. He seemed unbothered by the way she looked at him. Not a day passed by where he was treated to that specific look. It wasn’t a good day until Jimin was cussed out by his client. 
Smirking, he took a seat opposite her, reclining back.
“Glaring at me isn’t going help you either.”
A single middle finger rose from her spot making him laugh.
“Yeah, I love you too, babe,” his signature eye smile faltered a bit as he looked at her. “Seriously though. Are you alright?”
“No,” she mumbled.
He sighed, fiddling with the zipper on his jacket. “I threatened the paparazzi outside. For now, the vultures have backed off, but we need a plan.”
“But I didn’t do anything Jimin,” she argued.
“I know babe, but you know how this industry works. They see blood and go in for the kill.”
Finally pulling back the quilt covering her, he noticed the redness in her eyes. Seeing her like this, so broken, hurt him more than she knew. Y/N’s tenacity was admired by all in the industry. She took no shit from anyone and only accepted roles that held her character. But now with this particular incident, her career could be ruined. And for what? Because some asswipe didn’t like the word ‘no’?
Jimin settled in his thoughts before moving down to kneel by her. He smiled softly at her, stroking her hair. Even though he was her manager, they were like siblings.
“Y/N? Babe, how do you wanna go about this?”
She sniffed as she reached for the tissues and wiped her nose. She cleared her throat. 
“What do you think I should do?”
He brushed his dark hair off his face and tapped his chin. “You want the soft truth or you want me to lay it out bare bones?”
She scoffed, shaking her head. “We’ve known each other long enough, that I can handle your advice.”
Jimin chuckled watching her. “You make it sound like I’m harsh–don’t look at me like that Y/N–but fair enough.”
He leaned against the couch brushing his fingers along her gently.
“To sum it up, this is going to be tough to fight, but you know I’m ready to throw hands for you. They’re not gonna make it easy, but we have a solid legal team. Taehyung got your back, but–”
Uh oh. Y/N didn’t like how quickly Jimin changed the tone of the conversation. It felt as if ice dropped into her stomach, making her feel ill.
“But what?”
“I think you should take some time off. Take a hiatus. Get away from the city for a bit and clear your head.”
She sighed deeply, twirling around a braid. “Where would I even go?”
“Leave that up to me. Just have yourself packed up for warm weather. Trust me. You’ll love it.”
“Thank you for flying Hawaiian Airlines. We will be landing shortly. Please put seats upright and tray tables away. Any large electronic devices should also be powered down and placed back in bags.”
Y/N’s eyes fluttered open as she straightened her chair, stretching her limbs, she looked around getting her bearings. She pulled the shade up noticing the turquoise waters and bright greenery. The flight attendant came around holding a bag of trash and she threw her things away. Sighing, the plane descended, making the passengers jump as it landed on the runway with a gentle bump. It didn’t take long for the plane to taxi and the cabin lights flickered on. 
The announcements chimed signaling the flight had ended
“Thank you again for flying Hawaiian Airlines. Please be careful when leaving the aircraft. If you are connecting to another flight, please check the monitors in the terminal. If this is your final stop, welcome to the Island of Kauai. Aloha.”
The people around her began to gather their possessions and as soon as the door opened, a crowd swarmed to be let out. Y/N settled back in her chair, not in much of a hurry. Once the people–you know the ones–dispersed, she grabbed her carry-on bag and walked off the airplane. The flight crew wished her well and she nodded to them, donning her sunglasses and a mask for good measure. 
No one besides Jimin knew where she’d flown. The last thing Y/N needed was for someone to post about her whereabouts and then get swarmed with reporters and paparazzi. Collecting her luggage at the baggage reclaim area was fairly easy. Most of the people on her flight were gone. 
Good, she wanted her privacy. Glancing down at her phone, she dialed Jimin’s number. He answered on the second ring.
“Made it?”
“Yeah, I’m here just got my luggage.”
“Good. I got a driver for you so no worries about renting a car for the time being.”
“Jimin, I’m trying to keep a low profile. Wouldn’t it make sense for me to drive on my own?”
“No, and don’t try to argue about it. They should be outside with the name of the hotel and your name. I used your grandma’s maiden name.”
“You thought of everything,” she exclaimed.
“Duh. Now have fun and message me when you’re settled. Love ya.”
“Thanks, Jiminie. Love you too.”
She ended the call and rolled her suitcases out towards the exit. As she passed through the sliding doors, the sticky heat of the island welcomed her with open arms. Sunshine she could handle, but the humidity was another story. She peered from over her sunglasses searching for a sign Jimin informed her about.
Ah ha.
There he was not even a foot away. The sign he held read ‘Morgan, Y/N’. She made her way over to him with her luggage. He was quite attractive. Hair a dark brown, sunglasses propped on his head wearing an off-white Hawaiian shirt with a smile as bright as the sun. As she approached, his smile spread. “Ms. Morgan?”
She nodded with a smile. “Yes, that’s me.”
He looked relieved. “Great! Welcome to Kauai. I’m Hoseok. I’ll be your driver during your stay here,” he explained opening the door for her.
Y/N gave a nod of thanks, sliding into the back seat. He closed it with care and loaded her luggage into the trunk of the luxury SUV. Once it was secure, he jumped in the driver’s seat, placing his seatbelt on. 
“The windows are tinted so you won’t be disturbed,” he informed her.
“Oh, good.”
Even though Y/N was exhausted from the flight, she couldn’t help but be entranced by the views passing by. So much greenery and a burst of colors. Not even here for five minutes and she was falling in love with the Kauai. Hoseok weaved along the road, pointing out things along the way. 
“Have you been to any of our islands before?”
Y/N nodded her head. “Yes. Oahu a few years ago. Nice, but Honolulu was too crowded for my taste.”
Hoseok chuckled as he turned into a hidden. “Don’t you live in LA? I think that’s worse.”
She couldn’t help but return the laugh. “Touche.”
Despite the fact that Y/N had traveled all over the world, she wasn’t prepared for the view. It took her breath away. It reminded her of an island palace. Nestled among the palm trees, the Queen Resort was a hideaway for all seeking solstice. 
Hoseok pulled into the circular driveway, stopping in front of the entrance. After letting her out of the car, he retrieved her luggage. 
“Enjoy your stay here at the Queen Resort, Ms. Morgan. I work with the concierge office, so please don’t hesitate to call me if you need to go anywhere,” he explained handing her his business card.
“Thank you Hoseok. I appreciate it.”
Just as she turned, another equally attractive man stood in front of her. Jet black hair pushed off his face revealing piercings on both his eyebrow and lip. Wearing an identical shirt to Hoseok’s, the tattoo sleeve on his right arm was on full display.
His smile at her made her think of a bunny for some reason. He lifted her bags effortlessly onto the baggage cart. He gave her a low bow. 
“Well to Queen Resort. I’m Jungkook. I’m one of the porters here.”
Hoseok walked over clapping the taller male on the back. “Kookie is a hard worker. He’ll also be your go-to for anything you need in your suite, Ms. Morgan.”
Y/N smiled at both of them. “No need for the formalities, gentlemen. Please, I insist you call me Y/N.”
Jungkook looked like a deer in headlights. His big doe eyes darted over to Hoseok. His voice dropped, but Y/N was able to decipher the words.
“Hobi…c-can we do that?”
The older male winked giving him a gentle squeeze on his shoulder. “Whatever the guest requests–within reason, of course.”
Jungkook looked pleased as the color returned to his cheeks.
 “Of course Ms. Y-Y/N.”
She smiled at him warmly, adjusting the strap on her purse. “Relax Jungkook. Now, lead the way.”
“No need Jungkook, I’ll take it from here.”
Was this her lucky day? Another breathtaking man appeared in front of her wearing casual business wear. Strong chin, pouty lips, and piercing eyes. Dark brown pushed back as he closed the distance with a bright smile. He reached out shaking her hand gently before placing a beautiful lei around her neck.
“Welcome, Ms. Morgan. We’re pleased to have you stay with us. I’m Seokjin, the hotel manager. Let’s get you checked in.”
She followed him inside walking over to the front desk. While Seokjin went around to the computer, Y/N looked around the lobby in awe. Tropical flora decorated the lush white furniture strategically placed near a fire pit. The wood paneling added to the robustness of the place. She turned her head as she heard the gentle tapping of the keyboard.
“Alright, you’re booked here for one month in the Lili’uokalani suite. Correct?”
“We’ve made all the necessary precautions so you won’t be disturbed during your time here.”
He placed two room keys in a sleeve with a few pamphlets. “You just place your key on the door scan to open. I placed some brochures about the amenities the resort offers as well as some activities that are off the property. Jungkook,”–he motioned towards the young man– “will also act as the butler for you, so don’t hesitate to ask him for anything or if you have any questions.”
She took the sleeve from him with a nod, placing it in her purse.
“Happy hour is always at sunset near the lagoon pool area. If you’d like I can have Hoseok give you or tour unless you’d prefer to go to your suite.”
“For now, I’d like to go freshen up.”
Seokjin smiled with a nod. “Wonderful. Jungkook will take you to your room.” 
Jungkook grinned pushing the baggage cart. “Right this way.”
As they walked to the royal suite wing, Jungkook chattered about his time in Hawaii. Y/N listened politely as he spoke. He reminded her of her younger brother.
“–that beach has the best surfing!”
He blushed, realizing how much he’d been talking. “S-Sorry Ms. Y/N.”
“No don’t be sorry! I like hearing you talk Jungkook. It’s nice to listen for once.”
Again his face broke into that adorable smile, revealing his front teeth. “O-Okay.”
They reached the entrance to her suite and she waved the card over her door and it clicked open. Jungkook ran over opened it for her to enter and carried her luggage inside. 
Yet again Y/N was rendered speechless. The open-air living room led out to a private oasis giving a panoramic view of the ocean and island. A fully stocked bar stood off to the side with a kitchenette opposite it. Two double doors against the wall lead to the bedroom, a large king-size bed laid in the middle with an ensuite bathroom attached. The bathroom included a whirlpool tub, an additional stand-alone shower, and a sauna booth.
“W-Where would you like your luggage Ms. Y/N?”
She turned to him with a smile. “You can put them by the bed Jungkook. Thank you again.”
He set them down and walked back over to the suite entrance. Y/N fished out a few twenty-dollar bills and pressed them into his palm. Jungkook’s mouth fell open. Shaking his head, he tried to give it back.
“I couldn’t take this. It’s way too much.”
“I insist you do Jungkook. You’ve been very sweet. I won’t take it back.”
He bit down on his lip and placed the money in his pocket. “Thank you.”
“No, thank you,” she answered.
Giving her another bow, Jungkook exited the room leaving her alone in her thoughts.
Even though she was a bit jetlagged from the flight, Y/N wanted to explore the island a little on her first day. Hoseok mentioned a farmers market in town and it was within walking distance of the resort.
As she made her way there, the sights and sounds put a smile on her face. The market was buzzing with life as people set up stalls selling produce, clothes, and trinkets. She was enamored by the beautiful clothing being sold as she walked up to a booth selling Hawaiian shirts and matching dresses.
The woman behind the booth walked up to her smiling. “Hello dear. See something you like?”
Y/N smiled as she touched one of the dresses gently. “Just browsing, but these are beautiful.”
“I make them myself.”
“You’re very talented ma’am.”
“Ah call me Auntie Chelsea,” she said with a smile.
“Nice to meet you, Auntie Chelsea. I’m Y/N Morgan.”
“Welcome to the island of Kauai.”
“Thank you. I’m already enjoying my stay.”
Auntie Chelsea smiled at her as she folded some of the shirts. “There’s a sadness in your eyes. But I think you being here might lift it.”
Any other person saying that would have freaked her out, but coming from that woman, Y/N felt the words wash over her, calming her mind. She cleared her throat. “Thank you, Auntie Chelsea. I hope so.”
The older woman gave her a wink and handed her the business card. “This is where my shop is located, but I’m also here every Wednesday and Saturday. Stop on by.”
“I will. Thank you.”
Y/N waved goodbye as she walked on browsing the stalls. Another one caught her eye. Beautiful flowers forming leis and bracelets fluttered in the breeze. Some were made from shells, ribbons, and even nuts.
She gazed at a few quite impressed with the intricate patterns.
“Those are easy to make.”
She jumped, startled by the deep baritone voice. His eyes met her when she looked up and his jaw dropped down slightly.
She was stunning. He gulped nervously as her eyes bore into him with such intensity. 
Just as he was staring at her, she was observing him. Tall with strong muscle definition, his face was a cross between a heart and oval-shaped with a strong jawline, dark hair dyed blue framing his round cheeks, and lips formed into a grin.
Oh damn. He has dimples too.
Trying not to be distracted by her, his eyes darted to a few leis on the table.
“Are you buying or just looking?”
“Depends,” she replied. “Not sure yet.”
He bit down on his lip thoughtfully. “Well, the kukui nut leis are simple and match everything, whereas the ribbon ones tend to match certain items. The flower leis are pretty but don’t last too long.”
“You make all these?”
He nodded. “I do. It’s calming. Kind of like a hobby for me.”
She hummed in understanding. “I envy anyone who does something that makes them happy.”
“It’s not that hard though. What makes you happy?”
She felt the warmth creep into her cheeks. Avoiding his gaze, she focused on the merchandise. “How much are these selling for?”
He snorted, trying hard not to laugh. Cute, she was avoiding his question.
“You know, most people come to Hawaii for an escape. I wonder what is you’re running from.”
Her lips formed a thin line as she made eye contact with him, the rage building up. “It’s none of your damn business. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have things to do.”
She turned on her heel and stormed off. He stood there in shock, stunned by her words. He noticed Auntie Chelsea in the corner of his eye beckoning to follow her. With a sigh, he took off in the direction she’d been going in. 
He looked around for any indication of her, but he didn’t see anyone with her description. Sighing, heavily, he turned to walk back over to his stall, his thoughts swarming about the mystery woman.
It was almost sunset when Y/N walked out towards the pool area. Resort guests sat at the tables near the water’s edge either chatting, eating, or enjoying cocktails. Music from the live band played as she looked around for an open space at the bar. Smiling when she found one, she made her way over sliding onto the stool.
She plucked the menu from its holder glancing at the specialty drinks and appetizers offered during happy hour. 
“What’ll it be Miss?”
“Uh–” Y/N nibbled on her bottom lip still unsure. “I can’t decide between a Blue Hawaiian or Mai Tai.”
“Both are popular, but I’m more partial to the Mai Tai.”
Y/N dropped her menu staring at him. Her eyes widened in realization. He was the guy from the farmer’s market. With an equally matching expression, he stared back at her as pink became to cover his cheeks. He coughed slightly busying himself with the garnishes. “I mean…I don’t know if you want my opinion or not,” he murmured.
Trying to hide her embarrassment, Y/N leaned on her hand watching him squirm under her gaze. “I mean I am just here running away from my problems. What do I know? Enlighten me.” 
Great he came off as a huge jerk.
Face covered in red, he cleared his throat. “Well…the Blue Hawaiian is a frozen drink with vodka, rum, blue curacao–for the color, pineapple juice–”
“Oh I’m aware of the ingredients, just wanted your opinion on which to get,” she interrupted with a smirk.
His face looked like it was going to combust. “Um…do you like pina colados?”
“Not necessarily,” she answered after a moment.
“Say no more,” he grinned grabbing a hurricane glass.
Y/N watched as he mixed the rums, adding the mixers with precision, shaking it in his right hand–she noted how the veins in his biceps rippled–and he poured it into the highball glass over ice adding dark rum to float on the top. Garnishing it with a cherry and pineapple wheel, he gave her a warm smile. 
“Here ya go, Miss. Enjoy.”
Y/N hummed in thanks taking a sip from her straw. Her eyes widened at the flavors dancing on her tongue. “This is good.”
He looked up from wiping a glass. “You like it?”
She smirked with a nod. “I mean you’re kind of a jerk, but you make a bomb ass Mai Tai.”
He rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment as he began to speak, and a stutter appeared. “Can we start over? S-Sorry about that from earlier today. Wasn’t fair to make assumptions. I’m so used to people like that and sometimes I tend to speak without thinking.”
Guess I can give him a break.
“It’s alright. I get it.”
He nodded in understanding. “I’m Namjoon by the way,” he said holding out his hand for her to shake.
After a moment, Y/N took his hand into hers, quite surprised by how large it was, it engulfed her hand as he shook it gently.
“Nice to meet you too, Namjoon. I’m Y/N,” she said with a tiny smile.
So tell me Ms. Y/N, what brings you to Hawaii?”
She chuckled, messing with the cocktail stirrer. “Well since you asked so kindly Namjoon. I’m here just to enjoy some time away from work.”
“Work hard, play hard,” he said laughing.
“Something like that,” she giggled.
They chatted more about their likes and dislikes. Y/N found out how much he hated seafood and mint chocolate ice. 
“Why eat something that tastes like toothpaste?”
He was sweet, intelligent, and could hold a conversation. It was refreshing to talk with someone that wasn’t trying to interview or harass her. 
Namjoon couldn’t help but feel at ease with her. Someone that could hold a conversation with him was always a plus in his book. To say he was attracted to her was an understatement, but he knew the rules. Guests were off-limits. Anyone caught fraternizing with one would be terminated, no questions asked.
“How long have you been in Kauai?”
As he was about to answer,  someone walked up to the bar to order a drink, he frowned a bit glancing over at them to signal he’d be there. “Um hold on. Let me take care of this guest.”
She watched as he interacted with the guest, being professional but friendly. She finished her drink just as another appeared before her. Y/N giggled as she nibbled on the pineapple slice.
“I’m gonna have to order something to tame this liquor.”
Namjoon smirked. “I may be biased but the Korean sticky ribs are delicious.”
“I’ll take your word for it, one order of those please.”
“Certainly Ms. Y/N.”
It could have been the alcohol lowering her ambitions or just the fact she was away from the stress of her every day, but the way Namjoon said her name at that moment made her stomach clench. She bit the inside of her cheek and turned on the stool focusing on the music from the live band. She hummed along tapping her nails on the bar counter.
The smells of spices filled her nostrils as Namjoon brought over her appetizer. Y/N almost drooled at the sight. One bite into the ribs had her moaning softly, earning a chuckle from Namjoon.
“These are delicious,” she mumbled, covering her mouth.
His dimples deepened watching her fondly as her face became covered in the rib sauce. She really was beautiful. Then he realized what he was doing. He lowered his gaze as he began to cut some fruit for the garnishes. 
“To answer your question from before, I’ve been here a little over three years. Came here on vacation and planted roots here.”
“You must love it if you decided to stay.”
He chuckled softly. “Something like that,” he looked at her pausing his task. “So Ms. Y/N, what are your plans for tomorrow?”
Y/N wiped her mouth as she sat there thinking. “Not quite sure. Maybe the beach. I heard Waimea Canyon is a place to see.”
He bobbed his head. “I recommend that. It’s not nicknamed the ‘Grand Canyon of Hawaii’ for nothing. Definitely check it out.”
“I wouldn’t mind having a guide,” she whispered with a smile.
Namjoon blinked before staring at her. He gulped softly as his Adam’s apple jerked. “I–”
Oh damn.
Y/N shook her head feeling quite stupid. “I didn’t mean for that to come off the wrong way ”
“N-No it’s alright. I mean we have a great staff capable of guiding guests around the island.”
“Right. Of course, I wouldn’t doubt you about that.”
She stood from her seat, placing a few bills on the table. “Thank you for your hospitality, Namjoon. I appreciate the suggestions.”
Now he felt like an idiot. He forced a smile as he cleared the space on the bar. “It was my pleasure Ms. Y/N. Enjoy your time here.”
She nodded in thanks before walking toward her room. As she went out of view, Namjoon took the dishes in the back.
“Good job Joon,” he grumbled darkly. 
Great, just great. He wanted to kick himself. How could he pass up an opportunity to spend a day with her? She left him intrigued, curious–and for that to get his attention, he wanted to know more.
The determination crossed his face and he resolved to take that chance.
“Cover for me,” he called to one of the other bartenders as he removed his apron and ran from behind the bar.
It didn’t take long to catch up with her. He spotted her near the small botanical garden on the property. Watching her lean in to smell the hibiscus flowers made something stir in his chest. Out of breath, he closed the distance between them, heart hammering loud in his chest.
“M-Ms. Y/N?”
She looked up, eyes wide as she stared at the disheveled man before her. His face was flushed and clammy.
“Did I leave something at the bar?”
And he short-circuited. 
Namjoon couldn’t seem to get the words out. He felt ridiculous standing in front of her.
Y/N raised her brow as she watched him struggle to get the words out. “Namjoon, you don’t look too well. Maybe you should go take a break.”
“I–If I don’t get this out, I’ll probably regret it for as long as I live,” he confessed while chewing on his lower lip, he blamed Jungkook for this habit he picked up.
Y/N waited with anticipation, a sudden fear clouding her thoughts. If he had any idea how much her anxiety rose during conversations like this. 
“I-I could show you around if you like?”
She blinked a few times at him, trying to decipher what he said. Did she hear him correctly? Her face felt warm as the potential of a date possibly in the near future. But she could have been wrong. Maybe he was being polite. There was only one way to find out.
“So…like a date?”
Namjoon sputtered, making a giggle bubble up to the surface. Y/N covered her mouth trying to stifle it. He was absolutely adorable in his reaction.
“W-What if I said yes?”
Y/N bounced on her heels contemplating her decision. The hope in his eyes was apparent, she couldn’t resist the smile spreading across her face. 
“Then I’d have to say, meet me tomorrow around noon, sounds good?”
Namjoon coughed as he tried to hide the excitement wanting to burst forth. “Yeah. it’s my day off tomorrow I can meet you near the market.”
“Wonderful. I’ll see you then. Have a goodnight Namjoon,” she said with another breathtaking smile and walked off.
He felt like he was on cloud nine. But soon his happiness turned to dread as he dragged his hand down his face. They were going on a date. A date which he asked a guest…a guest!
 But a guest you’re attracted to
Fuck, he was in deep shit if it got out. He made his way back to the bar as a dark cloud cast over his face. This wasn’t good but felt so right. He’d promised himself it would be clearly professional and leave it at that.
What could go wrong?
“If I tell you something, do you promise to keep it a secret?”
Jungkook looked up from his breakfast staring at Namjoon curiously. He chewed a few more times before answering. “I mean is it like a life or death thing? Will it harm anyone?”
Namjoon scoffed. “No, of course not. I just need an alibi if something were to happen…you know for insurance.”
“You killed someone and need me to help hide the body?!”
Namjoon dropped his head with a groan. “Seriously Kook, stop watching true crime shit before bed.”
The younger male grinned as he picked up a piece of bacon to nibble. “You just haven’t given it a chance. I was watching a documentary about three people–”
“Save it. Anyway, can you keep this secret if I tell you?”
Jungkook nodded. “I mean I know I can, but we live on an island, news will eventually spread ya know.”
That’s what he was afraid of happening. But he knew if he didn’t at least tell Jungkook, he’d be safe.
“Alright…I..um…I’m going a d-date.”
A piece of scrambled egg fell out of Jungkook’s mouth as his eyes rounded. He wiped his mouth still staring in disbelief at his roommate. 
“You? On a date? After all these years?!”
Namjoon averted his gaze as he grew self-conscious. “You make it sound like it's a bad thing,” he mumbled.
“Hell no. I’m happy for you. It’s about time though. Joon, you need to have some fun.”
“I do have fun,” he said, growing defensive.
Jungkook smirked, “Spending your days off at the market with Auntie Chelsea is your definition of fun?”
“I’ll be sure to share that with her so you don’t get any kalua pork.”
“No! Don’t do that! She throws a mean flip flop,” he shuddered, rubbing the back of his head. “Anyway, who is the lucky gal?”
“Her name is Y/N.”
Jungkook began to choke as he drank his banana milk. The liquid dribbled down his chin as he was rendered speechless twice within the last fifteen minutes.
“Holy shi–”
“What’s the big deal?”
“The big deal?! Dude, she’s a guest at our resort. And I’m her porter!”
Namjoon sat back chewing on his lower lip. “Okay. That could be a problem.”
“More than a problem. If Jin finds out, you gonna get your ass fired!”
Namjoon looked up at Jungkook as a smirk appeared. “So we don’t let that happen.”
Jungkook let out a whine, brushing his bangs off his face. “I hope you know what you’re doing.”
“Not really, but I really like her. I’m curious to see where it goes.”
“I hope it’s worth it.”
“I know it is.”
Right at noon, Y/N walked down towards the marketplace in town. She wasn’t sure what Namjoon had planned, but she packed the essentials in her tote bag: a summer dress, bathing suit, and sunscreen. She noticed Auntie Chelsea setting up and walked over to her.
“Good morning.”
The older woman looked up at her and smiled. “Oh, hello again! I see you’re out and about.”
Y/N smiled adjusting the straps on her tote bag. “I am. Namjoon offered to show me around the island today.”
“Ah, you’ll have a wonderful time then. He's such a handsome and smart man. You’ll have plenty to chat about yea.”
Y/N tried to hide the embarrassment on her face. She was excited to see where they would go. Sure she agreed to let him take her around, but for it to be a date was hard to believe. She did find him attractive as his stutter was absolutely adorable when he got nervous. Either way, it would help distract her from all things going on back home.
She turned to see Namjoon pushing two bikes towards her. Once they were close, he pushed the kickstand down on both.
“Hi Namjoon,” she greeted.
His smile deepened as his dimples appeared almost making her weak in the knees. 
“H-Hi. I thought we’d go biking today. There’s a place I’d love to show you.”
“Sounds like fun,” she said grinning.
Auntie Chelsea chuckled watching them interact. “Have fun you two and stay outta trouble, yea.”
“Will do Auntie,” Namjoon replied.
“Make sure you stop by the restaurant later on. We having your favorites.”
“Even better. We’ll be there,” he turned to Y/N with a wink. “Let’s get going.”
Y/N hopped on the light blue bicycle while Namjoon took the dark green one. It had been ages since the last time she rode a bike but got into the groove easily enough as she followed Namjoon down the path. The day was already a balmy 80 degrees and the wind from the coast made it soothing. The scenery whizzed by on their bike ride, but she was still in awe of the island.
Namjoon slowed his biking until they were next to each other. “We’re turning into this lane in a few feet, but stay close to the side cause cars come this way too.”
She nodded as he moved and she followed him into the hidden path. They rode under a canopy of trees, making it cooler in the shade. The faint sound of water could be heard as they ventured further down the path. As they went up the hill, Y/N’s jaw dropped.
The water cascaded down the cliff making a double rainbow appear. The vibrant colors of the flora surrounded the river as the sun shined down illuminating the scene. It was breathtaking. Namjoon had them park their bikes near a tree and helped her get off of it.
“Welcome to Wailua Falls.”
“Oh, my–Namjoon, this place is wonderful.”
“Wanna get a closer look?”
She bobbed her head as he smiled at her fondly. Holding out his hand for her to take, they walked towards the water gazing at the falls.
“You know this island filmed a lot of shows and movies around here?”
“Oh yes, I definitely know that.”
“Oh really?”
She shrugged with a smirk. “Kind of my job.”
He pulled a blanket from the bag he was carrying and laid it on the ground. “I’d love to know what your job is.”
Y/N joined him on the blanket getting comfortable. “Oh, I thought I mentioned it.”
She sighed softly looking out at the water. She pulled her shoes off and dipped her feet in the cool water. Kicking them a bit she thought about how ridiculous it would sound.
“Well, I’m in the film industry. I...I’m an actress.”
Namjoon’s eyes widened. “Whoa. That sounds exciting…well maybe. It sounds stressful too.”
“You have no idea,” she said with a smile.
He noticed how it didn’t reach her eyes. It seemed to be something she didn’t want to discuss at the moment, so for the time being, he began to spew random facts about the island and the waterfall.
“There’s a place called the Fern Grotto that does a mini cruise down the Wailua River. You walk through this lush forest to the cave and it's amazing. People get married there sometimes.”
“I bet it’s beautiful. Being surrounded by nature, the quiet, sharing a special moment with your loved ones,” she thought out loud.
“It is beautiful,” he murmured, staring at her. Clearing his throat, he looked out at the water thoughtfully. “Would you like to stay here for a while or explore the island some more?”
Y/N nibbled on her bottom lip mulling over the question. “I wouldn’t mind staying here for a bit. It’s calming.”
She stood up and began to undo the straps on her dress. Namjoon’s face was covered in red as he averted his gaze. Y/N giggled at his response. 
“I’m in a bathing suit Joon, you can relax.”
“I k-know, but still–”
She chuckled at his demeanor. “You’re adorable. Let’s swim.”
He wasted no time stripping down to his swim trunks and jumping in the water after her. Namjoon let out a scream at how cold the water was. He splashed around making Y/N laugh so hard her sides hurt. They floated around enjoying the quiet of the afternoon.
She looked up at the sky, staring at the clear blue sky. “I wish I could stay here in this memory.”
Namjoon stilled his movements and swam over to her. “What do you mean?”
Y/N sighed as swam over to the edge with Namjoon in tow. “It’s not important. I don’t want to ruin the day.”
He hummed in understanding as they got out of the water and dried off. They lay out in the sun drying off under the sun until they could slip on their clothes. 
Namjoon checked his watch with a grin. “I don’t know about you, but I could use something to eat.”
“Oh, you don’t know the half of it. I’m so hungry. I didn’t eat much for breakfast.”
He nudged his chin towards the road. “Well let’s get you something to eat. Follow me.”
They rode their bikes back up the trail and back into town. The shadows grew as the day went on while they rode to a small restaurant overlooking the ocean on the beach. She parked her bike next to Namjoon’s as he tied them both to a tree. Holding out his arm for her to take, Y/N wrapped her hand around his bicep shyly as they walked inside. 
Auntie Chelsea looked up from the counter, wiped her hands, and ran around to greet them. 
“Howzit Namjoon?”
He grinned as she led the couple to an open table. “Have a good day yeah?”
Y/N’s cheeks flushed as she glanced at the menu. The older woman placed glasses of water on the table for them and they thanked her before gulping down half the glass.
“I think we had a good time today. What do you think Y/N?”
She smiled at him from over the menu. “Too soon to tell.”
Auntie Chelsea pinched his cheek with a chuckle. “You both cute. Don’t bother looking over the menu. I know just what to bring, yeah?”
They sat in silence once Auntie Chelsea left, too nervous to speak up. Y/N thought about how the day had gone so far. She was enjoying herself with Namjoon. It seemed like a breath of fresh air for once. No stress. No anxiety. It was just her enjoying the company of an attractive man who was sweet inside and out.
Namjoon noticed how distracted she was and reached over to place his hand on hers.
“Penny for your thoughts.”
Y/N blinked as she looked up at him. She relaxed as he traced soothing circles on the back of her hand. 
“It’s silly.”
Namjoon gave her a warm smile, shaking his head. “Nothings silly when it comes to you, Y/N.”
Just the way he said her name made her stomach flutter. She bit down on her lower lip suppressing an equally enthusiastic smile. Okay, that was smooth.
“Well, when you put it that way…I guess I just worry about what I’m going back to. I know I’m supposed to relax and not think about work or life back home, but I can’t help it.”
He sensed the dread in her voice as she spoke and felt himself be drawn to her more. Sure this was only his way of being friendly and taking her around the island, but he couldn’t help thinking there was something more there. The more they spoke, the more he fell for her.
“What are you so worried about that you can’t enjoy your vacation?”
Y/N sighed deeply just as Auntie Chelsea appeared carrying two plates of steaming food. Her eyes grew as more platters covered the table.
“We have some laulau, lomi lomi salmon, rice, and some fresh pineapple and lilikoi. Enjoy!”
Namjoon chuckled watching her response. “Thank you Auntie for the feast.”
“Ah. Just eat up, yeah.”
She beamed and walked away giving them some alone time. Namjoon opened up the laulau, grabbed a fork, picked up the steaming kalua pork, and held out for Y/N. “This is pork wrapped in taro leaves and cooked in a pit underground.”
As Y/N reached for the fork, Namjoon pulled it back with a smirk. “I insist on feeding you the first bite.”
Her brow quirked as she stared at the handsome man across from her. Those lovely dimples on display. She was smitten. Leaning over, she opened her mouth as he slid the morsel past her lips. Biting his lip, he watched her chew, eyes close savoring the flavors.
She looked so effortlessly sexy just eating. He felt his neck grow hot gazing at her. The way Y/N licked her lips, made a soft grunt fill his throat. Distracted, he almost forgot he should have been eating as well. They continued the flirting game, feeding each other small bites while staring at each other coyly. 
Soon the plates were empty as they sat back full and quite happy. Something in Namjoon’s eyes stirred her insides as he placed some money on the table. Auntie Chelsea went to protest, but Namjoon shook his head.
“You’ve been too kind Auntie.”
Y/N nodded in agreement. “You’ve made this day wonderful. To end with some delicious food was the highlight. Thank you.”
Auntie Chelsea began to clear the plates and shook her head. “Fine, but only this once. Have a good time, yeah.”
“Oh I’m sure we will,” Namjoon replied, the underlying message clear to Y/N.
They bid everyone farewell as they left the restaurant. Namjoon unlocked their bikes as they began to ride back towards the middle of town. They got off and he placed them on the bike rack as they began to walk toward the resort.
He seemed nervous wanting to gauge her reaction.
“Did you have a good time today?”
She nodded, pushing the braids off her face. “It was amazing. Probably one of my favorite days ever.”
He looked doubtful. “Really?”
Y/N stopped in her tracks taking Namjoon’s hand into hers and squeezing. “Really. Everything just felt right, ya know? I didn’t need to overthink anything. It was perfect.”
He reached into his pocket to reveal a pretty woven bracelet. “Here I wanted to give you something…I mean it’s not much, but I noticed how much you liked my leis.”
She beamed as she held out her arm for him to slip it on her wrist. “It’s beautiful. Thank you Namjoon.”
Namjoon’s smile spread as he pulled her close to him. She looked into his eyes as her heart hammered in her chest. Would he try to kiss her? Would she let him? She decided she would. There was so much chemistry between them. Just as Namjoon bent down, the sky opened and rain began to pour down in sheets. 
Y/N squealed as she put her tote bag over her head. They scrambled to look for shelter as the rain began to fall harder. Namjoon led her under a canopy as the wind picked up. Y/N shivered holding herself as the temperature dropped. He looked over at her, removing his jacket and placing it on her shoulders.
“It’s a little damp, but better than nothing.”
“Thank you.” 
Y/N smiled at him, wrapping his jacket tighter around her body. She felt swallowed by the material as they watched the raindrops fall.
“Minus the rain, this was a perfect day,” she spoke up while glancing over at him trying to gauge his reaction.
“You sure about that? You’re not saying that to just be nice.”
Y/N grinned as she reached over to squeeze his hand gently. “Trust me, I wouldn’t have held back if it sucked.”
His laugh sounded like the wind chimes swaying above them. Being this close to her, he knew he had to make the first move. But would she respond?
She looked up at him curiously. He gulped softly, turning to her. Their eye contact held for only a second, but to her felt like hours. He wanted to remember this moment for as long as there was breath in his body. She leaned into his touch as he placed his hand on her cheek. His thumb drew circles on her skin. He was making a memory of her.
“You’re so beautiful,” he murmured. 
He moved so quickly, their foreheads bumped, making Y/N let out a pained groan. Namjoon’s face flooded with scarlet as he scrambled to look at her.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry! Are you alright?”
She chuckled as she rubbed her forehead, making her nose scrunch up.
“You’re so clumsy Joon.”
He shook his head returning the laugh. “I hurt myself more than people do.”
She reached up wrapping her arms around his neck, stroking the hair that touched his neck. “But I find that to be one of your endearing qualities.”
His hands fell on her waist giving it a gentle squeeze. “Really?”
“Uh-huh,” she whispered.
He bit his lip, staring at her as his desire for her grew. He knew if he went another step further, they’d tip over that cliff and fall into an abyss. There was no turning back at this point. His tongue felt heavy as he swallowed thickly.
His voice was soft and a bit unsure. She looked at him searching his face for a clue. “Yes, Namjoon?”
“I want to kiss you. Is that alright with you?”
“Yes. I’m more than okay with it.”
His lips brushed against hers gently at first. Y/N moaned softly into the kiss as she grabbed him by the front of his shirt, pulling him flush against her. He growled out as their kiss deepened, tongue probing for entrance. She obliged, shivering not from the cold but his actions.
He didn’t want the moment to end. Reluctantly, they broke apart, each in a daze from the kiss. Namjoon set to work kissing along her neck as she whimpered, gripping his board shoulders.
“M-Maybe we should take this somewhere private?”
He paused his actions to meet her gaze. “Where would you like to go?”
The determination in her eyes blazed as she made the decision. “Can we go to your place?”
Worry crossed his face. Hoseok and Jungkook could be there. But it quickly disappeared. They were at work. He was in the clear.
“Okay. We can walk there. It’s not far from here.”
The rain had settled down in time for them to walk to his place. They approached a medium-sized house near the beach with tropical plants all around. Namjoon led her in, removing his shoes as she did the same. Taking her hand he walked her through the house. It was a simple setup with the bare essentials: kitchen, living room. He pointed out a few things in their journey. 
“I got roommates, but they’re not home,” he confessed.
“That's fine,” she answered, though grateful it was just them in the house. They arrived at a door at the end of the hall and he twisted the knob opening the door slowly.
“After you,” he said with a smile.
Y/N walked in quite surprised with his room. Every surface was either covered by books or greenery. A planted bonsai tree sat near the window. Earthtones decorated his walls as the curtains fluttered in the wind. A small wind chime let out a peaceful noise each time it twinkled in the breeze. She turned around looking at his room in wonder. It felt like Namjoon if that made sense. She was getting a bigger look into this man’s life. 
“I like your room. It’s so you.”
He laughed, watching her. “Is that so?”
He stepped behind her, his hands resting on her hips as his lips found their way to the shell of her ear. “I’m glad, but I think we should pick up where we left off.”
His breath tickled her neck as she turned around to face him. Mischief gleamed in her eyes as she combed her fingers through the hair that touched his neck.
“I wouldn’t object to that.”
“Fuck, you’re amazing,” he murmured as he captured her lips in another kiss. 
She felt secure in his arms, even the chill from the rain dissipated the longer he held her. As if there wasn’t any interruption, he deepened the kiss once more, tasting every inch of her mouth. The guttural in his throat was evidence enough that he was just as equally into it as she was. 
Guiding her to his bed blindly, she fell backward on the mattress with him towering over her. His free hand found its way to her cheek caressing it gently. 
She shook her head, pulling him to close the distance. “I know Joon. I feel the same way.”
His stutter returned as his shyness returned. “Y-You d-do?”
Y/N nodded, planting a kiss on his lips softly. “Are you kidding me? I thought you were so cute the first time we met…that is until you opened your mouth.”
Namjoon laughed louder as his shoulders shook. “Okay not my best moment, but if it wasn’t for me making a complete idiot out of myself we wouldn’t be here.”
“Good point,” she agreed.
She couldn’t read his gaze as he stared at her, but it made her yearn for him more. The message between the two was clear. Namjoon sat up as he began to unbutton his shirt. Y/N watched with wonder as his muscles shifted. Gosh, she wanted to reach out and touch his pecs. He seemed shy revealing himself to her as his shirt fell to the floor. Down to his swim trunks he looked at her. She nodded and sat up, turning her body away, she pulled her hair to the side. 
“Untie this for me, please?”
Okay, things were getting real. Palms sweaty, Namjoon tried to hide his anxiousness to no avail. His fingers fumbled with the knot as his brows knitted with concentration. Y/N tried to hold still as he tugged at the straps.
“Everything alright back there?”
“Y-Yeah! Just a stubborn knot. Nothing I can’t handle,” he answered hastily.
She giggled with a nod. “Okay, if you insist.” 
The rip that followed seemed to fill the emptiness in the room. Y/N and Namjoon’s eyes rounded. He studied the disaster that was now her dress, ready for the ground to swallow him up.
Y/N burst out in laughter as she stood up to check out the damage in the full-length mirror. The seams were completely obliterated as a tear ran from the straps to her mid-back. 
“I guess you don’t know your strength, Mr. Kim,” she teased.
“I-I’m sorry Y/N,” he pleaded.
Much to his surprise–thinking she’d leave in a huff–Y/N removed the dress letting it fall to the floor in a heap. 
“I never liked it that much anyway,” she whispered, walking over to him. 
Namjoon’s Adam’s apple jerked as she straddled his lap still in the bikini from earlier. She bent down to nibble on his ear making him whine out in need. 
His motor skills caught up with his brain and his hands wrapped around her waist, dragging his nails down her back lightly. 
Y/N jumped in his lap as she felt him poke at her inner thigh. She tried to hide the astonishment that came across her face. He felt thick and long. She swallowed trying to figure out how this played out. Growing bolder, Y/N slipped her hand down between her legs and traced the outline of his cock with her finger as her lips brushed against his neck lightly. As she stroked him slowly,  she left small light kisses along his neck and jaw. Pulling away, she watched many emotions cross his face as she smiled at him. "Sorry, I couldn't help myself."
Namjoon let out a hiss as his head rolled back, her lips on his neck were too much for him. She felt incredible. His grip around her waist loosened as his fingers moved further up her thigh teasing her skin with caresses, he leaned forward pressing his lips to hers kissing her slowly. 
“Please indulge,” he whispered as his eyes flashed seductively into hers.
She let out a breathy sigh as he pulled away. Y/N let out a soft purr, loving the way his fingers touched her skin. She craved more, wanted him with all her being. She moved closer aching to feel his lips on hers again. She leaned up grazing her lips to his, slipping her tongue past his mouth. Her moans grew deeper and she pressed her body more to him.
His tongue met hers as his lips parted, this kiss much more passionate than the others as he pressed his body back to hers and without any thought, his hand began traveling up her thigh exploring every inch of her skin. Each on fire with desire for the other. It was becoming too much at once. They parted from the kiss as Namjoon ran his thumb against her bottom lip. "Are you sure you want to do this?"  
“I’m certain. I want this as much as you do. Are you having doubts?"
He shook his head. “No, no, I just get into my head. But I want you, Y/N. So much.”
She removed her hand from his crotch and cupped his cheek. "Nervous? Don't be. I wouldn't be here if I didn't want you." Giving him a reassuring smile she gazed into his eyes kissing him again. "How about we continue?"
His worries seemed to melt away with the touch of her lips.
Eyes smoldering as she stared at him, she smirked as she reached around and unclasped her bikini top and let it fall to the floor. Her nipples rubbed against his chest making her moan. She toyed with the elastic of his swim trunks with a mischievous grin.
“Namjoon,” she purred looking up at him and biting her lip.
Something flashed across his face as he took her by surprise and switched their positions. Looming over her, Namjoon grinned.
“I need you now Y/N.”
With a growl, he reached for her bikini bottoms and slid them down, and tossed them over his shoulders. The smell alone made his mouth drool. All he wanted was to worship the woman before him. Getting on his knees, he spread her legs wider.
Dark eyes bore into hers as he licked his lips.
“M-May I have a taste?”
Her head bobbed as he looped his arms underneath her thighs trailing kisses towards the feast that awaited him. Pulling her pussy lips apart, strings of her arousal coated her sex. Namjoon gave a tentative lick to her clit, moaning out at the taste.
“Oh, Y/N, you taste wonderful.”
With no other words to say, he delved into her pussy, devouring every inch of her. And what a feast it was. Head buried between her thighs, tongue lapping at her core relentlessly. Y/N nearly fell off the bed trying to clamber away, but Namjoon pinned her hips down keeping her in place. Sweat rolled down her body as her hips bucked forward chasing the high. Her pants and moans grew louder as she raised her hips, biting her lip as a sudden wave crashed over her. She sought his free hand, gripping it tightly.
Namjoon was in awe of how she looked. He suckled her clit gently as she came down from her high and as the overstimulation overcame her, she squeezed his hand.
Pulling away, mouth glistening with her arousal, he eyed her lovingly. He moved up to face her, fingers stroking her hair tenderly.
“Still with me?”
Y/N could only nod as her chest rose to catch her breath. He kissed her lips, delving back into her mouth. Her hands gripped his shoulders, tasting herself on his tongue. She whimpered into the kiss as he left her breathless once more. 
With some hesitation, he broke their kiss looking down at her. 
“You’re an angel, Y/N. Can I call you that? My Angel.”
Her heart soared hearing his nickname for her. She smiled bashfully avoiding his gaze. “Yes. I’d like that.”
Namjoon took her hand and kissed each finger gently as he sat back on his heels. “I only want you to feel good.”
She noticed how he was holding back. But that was the last thing she wanted. “Namjoon, I want you to feel just as good as you made me.”
She sat up from her spot and palmed his crotch. 
“Stand up,” she instructed. He wasted no time standing in front of her. The wet patch on his swim trunks was evidence he was prepped and ready for her. Giving him a smirk, she tugged at his waistband letting the shorts fall to the floor. 
Nothing prepared her for the size and width of his cock. Y/N was practically drooling at the sight. He grunted as it slapped against his abdomen. Beads of precum coated his skin along with the cock head and shaft. Y/N scooted to the edge of the bed reaching out to wrap her hand around his length. Namjoon’s knees almost buckled from the sensation. Y/N took her time, pumping him slow and steady, the sounds coming from his throat were evidence enough that he was enjoying it.
She started with kitten licks to the head before pushing it past her lips. Namjoon willed his eyes to stay open watching in awe at the beautiful woman in front of him. He groaned in pleasure moving his fingers into her hair, guiding her along his length. Y/N let her muscles relax as more of his length passed her lips. The head hit the back of her throat as she gagged slightly. Hollowing her cheeks, she hummed, sending vibrations against his shaft.
“F-Fuck Angel…Like that..k-keep going,” he crooned.
She picked up the pace going faster, using one hand to jerk him off while the other played with his ball sack. Namjoon let out a whine, biting down hard on his lip; he breathed hard through his nose as she looked up at him through her eyelashes.
“G-Gonna cum if you keep this up,” he warned.
She let go of his cock with a pop, still running her hand up and down his shaft. Namjoon picked her up, capturing her in a breathtaking kiss that nearly knocked her off her feet. It was like he was devouring her, afraid she’d drift away if he let go.
“I need you, Angel, right now,” he whispered.
Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck standing on her tiptoes as they held each other for a moment. He helped her back onto the bed making sure she was comfortable. She spread her legs as he slotted himself in between, fisting his cock as he looked at her with the utmost adoration. He reached over to his nightstand, grabbed a foiled package, and tore it open with his teeth.
She appreciated how safe he was being as he rolled the condom onto his cock. Once secured, Namjoon smiled, kissing her once more, lining himself at her entrance and pushing inch by inch of his length past her folds. The sounds erupting from both parties filled the room. She was so snug around him. He took his time, whispering words of care until he buried deep inside her. Namjoon stilled as he leaned forward nuzzling against her cheek. 
“I-I won’t move until you tell me to,” he gasped.
“Move now,” Y/N whimpered out, her nails digging into her back.
His hips raised as he pulled out with only the tip still and thrust back into her, body pushing against the headboard.
It almost knocked her out. She was so full of him, eyes rolling back, Y/N attempted to match his thrusts, the sound of rhythmic grunts and slaps of skin filled the entire room. Thunder rumbled in the distance as the couple only had eyes for each other. 
Namjoon only wanted to make love to her at this moment. He cried out at how her muscles clenched around him. It was almost too much. He sought out her lips while they moved together. 
Bracing himself against the top of the headboard, he delved deeper, snapping his hips against hers. Grunts spewed forth as he gripped her hips, anchoring himself in place. 
Y/N could only hold on to him as his pace quickened. She wrapped her legs around his torso, pulling him to her each time. Her fingers moved to entangle in his hair, returning his kisses hungrily. His breath hot on her neck made her tremble. "N-Namjoon, I’m so close," she panted. 
He moved his hand down between her legs teasing her clit. It was just enough for Y/N to throw her head back against the pillows as a scream erupted. The shriek racked her body and her cunt gripped him like a vice. Namjoon chased his orgasm through hers, not too far along. She held onto him, her teeth biting his shoulder as another orgasm shook through her body once he came. He hissed out her name as he came hard, his thrusts going to a standstill and he collapsed to the side, making sure not to fall on her.
With care, he shifted until he was on his side holding her close. Both breathing hard and not wanting to make any sudden moves. He gazed down at her, kissing her temple and forehead.
“W-Wow,” he struggled to get out.
Y/N let out a tired chuckle, leaning against his chest, both covered in sweat, but not caring too much, she felt better than she had in a long time.
“Stay the night with me,” he said. It was more of a suggestion than a question.
She closed her eyes for a spell, enjoying the silence of the room. What Namjoon said made her open her eyes in surprise. She twisted her body to face him. Y/N smiled at him, caressing his cheek with the back of her hand.
“I wouldn’t refuse that offer. Of course, with my dress torn, I wouldn't be able to leave anyway.”
He laughed, giving her lips a quick peck. “Not gonna let me live that down, huh?”
“Nope,” she giggled.
They laughed about it for a moment until exhaustion covered their faces. Y/N yawned, too tired to move, and nuzzled into his arms. Light snores passed her lips as she fell fast asleep. Namjoon watched her sleep, stroking her skin until his eyes grew heavy as he fell to sleep, cuddling close to her. 
The birds chirping outside the window woke her up the next morning. Y/N sat up rubbing her eyes as she looked around at her surroundings. Namjoon wasn’t beside her. Frowning, she stood up grabbing her underwear and one of his shirts from off the dresser. Luckily he had an adjoining bathroom and walked in to clean up. 
She walked back out into the bedroom still alone.
Maybe he went to work?
She shook her head. He would have left a note if he had. Besides, she didn’t know how far his place was from the resort. There wasn’t any chance he’d leave her there alone. Sighing, she made her way to the door, down the hallway, and into the kitchen.
The smell of burning bacon filled the tiny kitchen. She hadn’t smelled it from the windows being open, but Namjoon looked like he was struggling. With desperation, he was trying to scrape the burnt pieces of pork out of the pan. Y/N watched in amusement from the archway.
“Need some help?”
Namjoon jumped at the sound of her voice, yelping as he dropped the pan. He let out a nervous chuckle, scratching the back of his neck.
“Was trying to surprise you with breakfast in bed.”
“Cute, but it would suck if the whole house burnt down, yeah?”
She went over to him, wrapping her arms around his torso. He was covered in what looked like pancake batter. She smiled up at him fondly, removing some of the powder from his cheek.
“No one has ever been this sweet to me in a long time. Thank you.”
He grinned, stealing a kiss from her, and laughed. “I guess I can’t be too perfect.”
She scoffed and poked his stomach. “Something has to be wrong. How about I help you clean up and I’ll cook?”
“You sure?”
She nodded as she searched for some cleaning solutions and paper towels. “Yes. I can't cook in a dirty kitchen.”
“It’s not that bad.”
“Darling, your skillet had permanent burn marks. Let’s get to it.”
They cleaned the kitchen up in no time and Namjoon watched eagerly as Y/N began to whip up some eggs for them. 
“I’m surprised your fridge is full,” she called looking inside for some fruit to go with their breakfast.
“Why are you surprised?”
She looked up at him, raising her brow. “Oh come on. Bachelors living together and working all the time. You got time to cook?”
“Touche,” he said, “But Jungkook is a decent cook and Auntie Chelsea always gives me food when I visit.”
He walked up behind her as she scrambled the eggs in the skillet. “But you work in film, do you have time to cook for yourself?”
His hands found their way around her waist as his lips ghosted the shell of her ear. Y/N felt a shiver go up to her spine as he teased her. She tried to squirm away as he bit down on her earlobe. Her breath hitched in her throat.
“J-Joon, f-food gonna b-burn,” she moaned.
“Let it,” he whispered, making her jump as he toyed with her earlobe.
Y/N closed her eyes leaning into his touch. Namjoon’s free hand moved to the front of the shirt, lifting the hem.
“I can’t get over how sexy you look in my shirt,” he moved down to nibble on her neck, fingers toying with the band of her underwear.
He felt the heat coming off her pussy and grunted as he stiffened. “Wanted to take you against the counter when you came into the kitchen.”
Y/N hissed as he cupped her sex over her panties. She squeezed her thighs together trying to get friction. “Damn Joon…feels good.”
“Want me to keep going?”
He smirked against her skin, sliding her panties to the side as his finger flicked her clit. Y/N gasped as her legs nearly gave out. His grip around her tightened so she wouldn’t fall.
“Focus on those eggs.”
She willed herself to concentrate on cooking as his fingers danced against her clit. She gritted her teeth as she stirred the eggs in the skillet. As two fingers slid into her cunt, Y/N almost dropped the skillet. Namjoon laughed softly, appreciating how he affected her with his teasing.
Growling, Y/N switched the stove off and spun around to face him. “Fuck it.”
He picked her up with ease, planting her on the counter as they began to make out furiously. 
“Hey Joon? You cooking? It doesn’t smell burnt–Oh shit!”
Namjoon and Y/N broke apart as Jungkook stood in the doorway mouth agape. Namjoon covered Y/N up as he turned to Jungkook.
“Give us a minute!”
Jungkook couldn’t run out of the room fast enough to get away. Y/N bit down on her lip staring at Namjoon. “Oh gosh. I–”
Namjoon kissed her lips and shook his head. “It’s okay. I’ll go talk to him.”
She nodded as she slipped off the counter adjusting her clothing. Namjoon squeezed her side and walked towards Jungkook’s room. With a sigh, he knocked on the door. A muffled reply signaled for him to enter. He opened the door to Jungkook sitting at his desk, typing on his laptop.
“Can we talk?”
Jungkook stopped typing and swiveled his chair to glance at his friend. “I guess.”
Namjoon cleared his throat looking at the floor. “Um…first off. Sorry for that. Didn’t realize you were home.”
Jungkook rolled his eyes as a smirk appeared. “Not what I wanted to see first thing in the morning, but it’s all good.” His eyes sharpened, staring at the older male. “However, you brought her here Joon. Like seriously?”
“Well I couldn’t go back to her room,” he reasoned.
Jungkook rubbed his face with a groan. “I mean…okay good point, but you are walking a fine line. Just don’t get caught, please.”
“I promise I won’t,” he replied.
They stood silent for a few moments as Namjoon fiddled with the door. “Want some breakfast? There’s plenty.”
Jungkook let out a laugh and nodded. “I never refuse a meal. Be there soon.”
Namjoon smiled wide and left his room to check on Y/N. She had placed the eggs and bacon on the table and was finishing up the pancakes.
“Everything okay Joon?”
He kissed her cheek before grabbing the orange juice out of the refrigerator. “Yeah, he’s cool. Gonna join us for breakfast.”
She seemed satisfied and sat down just as Jungkook entered. Y/N gave him a shy wave as he joined them at the table.
Jungkook smiled at her, giving a bow of his head. “Thank you for cooking breakfast Ms. Y/N.”
“Please call me Y/N, Jungkook. I insist, especially after what happened earlier.”
He blushed making them laugh as he piled some pancakes on his plate. “Call us even.”
Namjoon stared across the table, sipping his juice. “So you approve Kook?”
Jungkook, face stuffed with pancakes, bobbed his head. “Anyone who can make amazing banana pancakes is golden in my book.”
Y/N chuckled, pleased he approved of them. Namjoon gave her a wink as they continued to eat.
She walked back into her room, sad that their time had to end. Namjoon had work later on that day, but made sure she got back safe and sound–Hoseok picked her up, giving Namjoon a look after handing her some of his sister’s clothes to wear.
Still, she missed being near as she finally treated herself to a shower. But the thought of meeting up with him later on that week perked her up once she finished showering and went to lay down. 
Tiny doubts did form in her mind as she tossed and turned. What would happen to them when she left for L.A.? She shook her head of the thoughts with a frown. They’d cross that bridge when they got to it. For now, she’d enjoy the time she spent with the wonderful man who fell into her lap.
Days with Namjoon were filled Y/N with joy. He tried so hard not to get distracted by her at work, but it became difficult each time he saw her. The looks she sent him always made him want to bend over and take her right there at the bar.
He held his self-control. But then again rules were meant to be broken. He couldn't know how many times he’d sneak away for stolen kisses or the occasional groping make-out sessions. And each time with hesitation, he’d leave hot and bothered to go back to work. 
He was falling for her, hook, line, and sinker. How could he not? She was perfect to him in every way. They’d talk about anything and even spend some nights in his hammock, cuddling and reading books together. Namjoon didn't want to think about what the future held. All he cared about was his angel.
“Shh, Namjoon we gotta be careful,” she whispered cautiously. 
He had her up against the wall near her wing of the resort, skirt hiked as he kissed along her jaw. Leg wrapped around his waist, he pushed his hips flush against hers.
“I-I know, but with you looking like this, I can’t help myself,” he moaned.
Y/N closed her eyes as he touched that sweet spot right behind her ear. “J-Joon…fuck…not there.”
He grinned, kissing her more. “Angel I’m addicted to you.”
Jungkook came around the corner, brows knitted as he made them break apart. “If I can find yall. Jin certainly can! Joon get back to the bar.”
Namjoon sighed as he glanced at Y/N. Kissing her hand, he wrapped her in a hug. “See you later,” he whispered before walking back to the bar.
Y/N twirled her hair as she stood there. “Sorry, Jungkook.”
He sighed deeply, running a hand through his hair. “I don’t want you both to get in trouble. Just be careful next time.”
He walked back to her room with her. “Do you need anything before I go? Towels? Water?”
“Um, I think I’m okay,” she answered.
“I’ll check to make sure,” he offered.
She sat in the living room while Jungkook checked the closet. She was about to turn on the television when her phone rang. Jimin���s name flashed across the screen and she hit the button immediately. His face appeared on the screen in a Facetime chat. She waved to him.
“Hey Jimin.”
“Babe! So happy to hear your voice! It’s lonely here without you!”
She stuck out her tongue. “Lies. You’re probably stress-free.”
He shook his head. “Absolutely not. I miss my favorite client. How’s Hawaii?”
“Amazing. This was definitely something I needed. I can’t thank you enough.”
“Well, you’ll get a kick out of this. He wants to remove his claim.”
Her eyes widened. “What?! Are you serious?”
“As a heart attack. Taehyung was able to unearth some pretty nasty things about him. The blackmail won’t stick. Babe, he’s going to jail. You can come back home.”
Did she hear him correctly? She wouldn’t be scrutinized anymore. The joy quickly twisted to dread as she thought of Namjoon. She strained a smile across her face.
“T-That’s great Jimin. I’ll call you back in a few days to discuss the details. Kind of tired now.”
“Understandable Y/N. Get some sleep and we’ll talk later.”
She ended the call and placed her phone on the coffee before dropping her head into her hands. What was she gonna do?
Jungkook peered around the corner. He heard the whole conversation. Frowning, he slipped out of the room, quite conflicted about how’d he tell Namjoon about it all.
Coming home from his shift, Namjoon showered as Y/N was coming over soon. Jungkook sat on the couch, nibbling on his lip as he waited for Namjoon to enter. He walked in drying his hair with a towel.
“Bathrooms all yours Kook.”
Concerned, Namjoon walked over to sit next to him. “You good? Something on your mind?”
Jungkook fidgeted in his seat weighing the options. It was only right to tell him. “I…I don’t know how to say this.”
“Just spill it, Kook.”
“W-Well I walked Y/N back to her room after you left and she got a call. I didn’t mean to listen, but–”
Namjoon settled back against the couch. He didn’t like where this was going. “But what?”
“S-She's gonna go back to L.A. soon. I guess she was here to hide out ‘cause of some big scandal. Blackmail or something. Either way, she’s a big deal…like huge. She’s on par with Leo and like some other A-listers. Either way, I-I don’t want you to get hurt because she might think this is just a fling or something–”
Namjoon stood as he began to go to his room. He felt numb. Jungkook felt his stomach drop at the look on Namjoon’s face. 
Did he do the right thing?
Y/N knocked on the door to be greeted by Jungkook. She waved as he let her in.
“How are you doing Jungkook?”
He was dressed for a run, grabbing his earphones off the table. “Okay.”
“Um, is Namjoon here?”
“Up in his room,” he responded flatly before moving past her and leaving without a goodbye.
There seemed to be a chill in the air after he left. Shaking it off, she went up to Namjoon’s room, knocked, and waited for an answer.
She opened the door and stepped in. He was on his bed reading. Smiling, she went over to sit on the side of the bed moving to kiss his cheek.
“Hey. Missed you today.”
“Yeah. Hi.”
She was taken aback by his coldness. “Joon? Are you okay?”
He glared, shutting his book as she winced. “Perfectly fine.” He stomped up walking away to his desk.
Y/N stood closing the distance between them. “Seriously, you don’t seem okay.”
He pushed something into her hands and her heart sank. It was a tabloid magazine with her on the cover wearing little to nothing in a few suggestive poses.
“Care to explain this?”
“J-Joon,” her lip trembled. “I can explain this–”
“So you’re only here to escape some bullshit back in California?”
“It’s not bullshit Joon. This,”– she brandished the magazine in his face– “is filth! This piece of shit sold these pictures to the tabloids because I wouldn’t give him any money! I was blackmailed with these photos! He ruined my reputation. I hid in my house for weeks!”
“Why couldn’t you tell me? I had to Google who you are”
With an exasperated sigh, she dropped to his bed. “What could you do that I tried already? Namjoon, I didn’t want anyone to know about my status for a reason like this. If you could see your face right now. I wanted to be me, Y/N for once. Without the smoke and mirrors.”
She stood back up holding onto him, the sadness in her eyes. “You saw me. That’s something I haven’t seen anyone do in years. You care about me.”
“Do I?”
She tried to hold back the tears at the harshness in his tone. She stepped back feeling her lip tremble. “That’s not fair.”
“What isn’t fair is stringing me along. What are you going to do now Y/N? Are you gonna leave me and make a movie about this? I can see it all now. Stupid, clumsy oaf falls for the starlet and gets heartbroken.”
She felt the tears fall down her cheeks as her heart began to break.
“I didn’t want it to end this way.”
“Well that makes two of us,” he spat. Turning his back from her, he gripped the chair trying to keep himself from shedding any tears. “Goodbye Y/N.”
It felt so final. 
She slipped the bracelet off her wrist and placed it on his nightstand.
“Goodbye Joon.”
The next few days were Y/N preparing to fly back to L.A. Her mood darkened, she barely left her room, deciding to order room service and pack.
Jimin noticed her change in demeanor through their talks, but she insisted she was fine. He didn’t pry further but continued to get all her affairs in order before she left.
It seemed like everyone was in a bad mood. Namjoon returned to work only doing the bare minimum. Even Jungkook couldn’t get him out of his funk.
Things took a turn for the worse later that week. One of the assistant concierges ran up to Namjoon at the bar. 
“Namjoon, the boss wants to see you.”
He frowned as he wiped his hands but nodded and followed him to the office. Dread crossed his face as he saw Jin and a few security officers in the office.
Jin gestured to the chair. “Please sit.”
“I’d rather stand.”
“Very well. Do you know why you’re here?”
“Can’t say that I do.”
“It’s come to our attention that you entered into an inappropriate relationship with a guest here.”
He sighed, crossing his arms over his chest. “Where did you hear it from?”
Jin scoffed as he rolled his eyes. “That’s what cameras are for Namjoon. Now, I’m willing to keep you on the staff contrary to our policy, but whatever you have has to end.”
“No worries. It’s ended,” he explained.
Jin nodded. “Good. For the time being, I’m suspending you for a week without pay, but if this happens again, I will terminate your employment.”
Namjoon nodded in understanding. “Heard. Thank you.”
He exited the office, letting out the breath he’d been holding. Y/N’s smile flashed across his face and he shook it away.
Doesn’t matter. It’s over
He finished up his shift and headed home, locking himself away in his room.
Y/N returned her keys as her bags were rolled up to the town car. Jungkook placed them in the trunk as he looked down at the ground.
“Have a safe trip home Ms. Y/N.”
She smiled at him warmly. “Thank you Jungkook.”
“I’m sorry for the way I acted before. Wasn’t fair to you.”
She shook her head. “It’s okay. I’d act the same way for my best friend too.”
He saw something cross her face as she thought of Namjoon. “Do me a favor?”
Her voice began to tremble as she slid into the car. “Make sure he’s okay.”
He nodded, closing her door as the car began to drive down the road. Watching it disappear down the road, his face twisted into a scowl. He had to do something.
Y/N sat in the car as it weaved down the road. She sat back in her seat nibbling on her thumbnail–a habit she did as a child when she was anxious. Sighing, she removed her hand placing it in her lap. Her knees shook as she looked out the window. Hoseok looked at the rearview mirror in concern.
“Everything alright Ms. Y/N?” 
She looked up in surprise. “Oh? Yes. Yes, I’m okay.”
“We’ll be at the airport soon. You’ll make your flight.”
Was she making the right choice? For the first time in her life she felt something genuine for someone–that is, someone had genuine feelings for her. Namjoon’s face crossed her mind. 
There was one night when they were cuddling in his hammock under the stars. He spent the night pointing out constellations to her and explaining the names behind each one. The spark in his eyes was so endearing. She could have looked at him for hours. Seeing him like that made her infatuation grow. At that moment she knew she had fallen hard for him.
And now she might have made the biggest mistake in her.
“H-Hoseok! Can you take me somewhere please?”
“But your flight–”
“This is more important.”
He smiled at her as he began to turn back around. “Excellent choice.”
Jungkook stormed into his room. Namjoon almost fell out of the bed in surprise.
“What the fuck Kook?!”
“Get yourself together! I’m sorry for putting those doubts in your head, but maybe you should give Y/N another chance. She’s just as affected by this as you are. And maybe I jumped the gun thinking she had an underlying agenda. But I see the way she stares at you. That’s love. And I know you feel the same.”
Namjoon groaned looking at the ceiling. “But I can’t take back those things I said to her. She’d never forgive me.”
“You don’t know that.”
“But nothing. She still cares. You just have to tell her how you feel. Go to her!”
“I don’t know where she is.”
Jungkook grinned, flashing his keys in front of his face. “You’re in luck. I do.”
 A smile spread on his face as he ran down the stairs after Jungkook. Just as he opened the door, he was met with Y/N standing in the doorway, fist ready to knock on the door. 
The silence filled the air as Jungkook looked between the two. He pushed Namjoon out the door with a grin.
“Oh uh, well, I’ll let you two talk it out!”
The door slammed behind Namjoon as he stared at her. “Uh…shall we sit?”
She nodded going over to the porch swing. He joined her moments later as it swung, the creaks in the chains only making noise. Now that they were in the same place, they didn’t know what to say to each other. It was apparent how they felt about each other, but would they forgive one another.
He was startled to hear her voice.
She twisted the position to stare at him as he met her gaze. “I was about to make the biggest mistake of my life. I-I didn’t want us to end this way. Maybe I should have been honest from the beginning, but I was so engrossed in that scandal I just needed a chance to be free. Meeting you wasn’t something I counted on doing. I don’t want you to think this was some fling because you meant…mean more to me so much.”
His heart clenched from her words. As he watched the tears roll down her cheek, he reached out to wipe them with his thumb. 
“Y/N…Angel. I can’t apologize enough for my actions. I didn’t mean any of the things I said. I was hurt, but that was no excuse. You made my day brighter and I felt like I could conquer any and everything.”
He pulled the bracelet he made from his pocket and placed it on her wrist. “What I’m trying to say is that I love you, Y/N. My Angel, I don’t want to live another day without you in my life.”
She sniffed as she looked at the bracelet on her wrist and back to his face. His eyes glistened as he stared at her. With a sob, she jumped into his lap wrapping her arms around him as he held her kissing the top of her head. He lifted her chin pressing his lips against hers.
“Baby, I’m sorry.”
She smiled tearfully at him returning his kiss. “I love you too, Namjoon.”
They chuckled as they dried their eyes. He kept her in his lap as they watched the waves crash against the beach. 
“What about your life in L.A.?”
She looked up at him kissing him once more. “Anything is possible with you by my side.”
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 years
Gale Reviews: ML Season 4 episode 10: Megaleech
(Spoilers for the new episode below)
-Okay so Myléne is preping for the protest. Hyping herself up.
-OMG Myvan is so f***ing cute! He calls her his little mouse!
-Marinette cant sleep because of the construction. Which sucks and is a mood.
-Side note, i paused and got a look at her picture board. Some are from the instagram, and then How did she get some of these?
-So the Oxygen tower? Like its suppose to make more oxygen? but they need to cut down trees to make it? IDK the logic. Also call back to the space trash program.
-Roger trying to be nice. But they wont listen to him.
-Myléne spitting facts
-Well not really but they are being taken home.
-Marinette made it to class barely and told everyone what happened to myléne.
-HOLD THE PHONE! Did Ms.Bustier... did she just do something a GOOD teacher would do? Oh the bustier salters are not gonna like this.
-Ms.Bustier about to step in. with a spontaneous trip for REAL Education.
-Now you can tell that Caline in season 4 f***s. Because she is about to RAIL the mayor for this bulls***
-Alya informing her bloggers s*** is about to go down
-THE FIREMAN IS THERE?! NO you have been tricked man.
-Wow Officer Roger out here making me feel bad for him
-Oh no it tricked marinette... well to be fair. Adrien does make the blatant corporatism very attractive.
-Alya just there to point her in adrien's direction so she stops daydreaming.
-Wait! Adrien didnt know?! He thought it was a perfume ad? HIS DAD TOLD HIM IT WAS AN AD. Wow.... I dont even...
-And Chloé is there to just make things worse. Right on cue
-And Marinette pointed out that all of the plastic that the thing creates for artificial air does not solve the problem. Which was very Succinct.
- Which to be fair I liked Myléne's explaination better, but Marinette got the mayor to slip up so Points.
-Myléne is channeling Captain Planet right now
-Marinette is like, why didnt you mention this sooner.
-And they both are like "We did, for months."
-Now I honestly think you cant blame the class for that, I too ignore those people in vests in the city that try to talk about the environment.
-Alya is filming it as the class intervines
-Oh now the families are getting IN ON THIS! You go Nora!
-OMG THE MIME IS BACK! YAY! I missed him.
-And Adrien is joining in the cause (CUE MARINETTE HANDHOLD BLUSH)
-Marinette is caught in 4k staring, but no one else is seeing it
-Gabriel seeing his son rebel, he gets a call from Andre and basically said.
-"Lol you figure it out slut."
-And Gabriel goes to be evil
-And now the mayor gets overwhelmed.
-And Gabriel makes an amok and akuma.
-And Maledikator is back
-(wait is everyone just standing there WATCHING HIM GET AKUMATIZED?! WHAT THE F*** EVERYONE?!
-Welp the vore of the episode is there.
-Nino's head has a little podium in his head. I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS
-And Chat noir is here!
-Alya drop the phone... to late
-Daww kitty, he is scared.
- Myléne took Marinette before she could transform.
-Myléne is too pure
-Marinette, that was brilliant, but also... wow just wow
-Tikki was just like "Really bitch"
-Wait, they all have akuma and amoks.... Wow shadowmoth that is... really clever. Points.
-Myléne gonna get her miraculous! yes its time
-WAIT, SHE HAS A FEAR OF BADGES!? Thats hilarious.
-Myléne trying to deny being a hero. But ladybug encouraged her.
-the mouse miraculous!!!! mullo!
-Mullo laughed at her, poor Myléne
-Mullo get squeky thats cute. And the transformation sequence is very cute.
-Leap of faith time!
-Oh wow, her use of multitude just made Marinettes use look like weak sauce.
-Polymouse is killing it!
-Oh no they got chat noir.... WAIT HIS CAT EAR IS REAL.... so many questions...
-Ladybug made fun of his puns.
-And zoé is there.
-Chat noir made sure he was in the team pose
-Okay this was clever on how all of them used their powers.
-Oh neat wind was finally used.
-Ladybug just broke the record for de-evilization.
-and the mayor got the charm.
-Ah yes bureaucracy, the best way to say things get done without actually getting done.
-So the mayor decided Trees. Not gonna lie. I liked the Lorax plot. It made me laugh
-Marinette caught daydreaming again... but thankfully adrien didnt notice. (she yeeted herself out of there with alya.)
-Adrien got in trouble. Though I dont think he is a sentimonster. He got cataclysmed in season 3 and didnt start short circuiting. So Gabriel is just fidgeting with the ring because whatever reason.
I give it a 7/10
It was a pretty chill episode, but its ending was a bit quiet.
I liked Myléne in it and I didnt really feel the cringe.
It was nice seeing Bustier act like a teacher.
Not a bad episode. it was a pleasant watch. Though i am glad I didnt rush off to go see it.
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natromanxoff · 3 years
25 - Just Chatting...
Hello one and all.
It's been a long time since I graced these pages and, believe it or not, nothing much has been happening in my life, apart from the odd soiree or two. Winter has finally left us and spring has sprung, and it's nice to see the sun again. Let's start by wishing my old mate a happy birthday and I hope you all had a little drinkie for him, I know I did. In fact I got legless, he would have been proud of me. Whenever we were in London there was always a party at Fred's on his birthday, be it a handful of friends, or one where he invited half of Britain, but which ever one it was there was always a good time to be had and a lot of chaos. One year he actually took over Pikes Hotel in Ibiza and chartered a private plane to fly his friends in. Roger and myself were already on the island recording some of his solo stuff so we didn't have far to travel to the bash. When I say we were working, it's kind of true as we spent a lot of time on his boat "Ga Ga" whizzing around having lunch and fun. The party was held outside around the swimming pool, now is that an invite for trouble or what? There were hundreds of balloons hanging from every available fixture, and of course there is always an idiot that thinks he's a clown. This particular clown, who will remain nameless, decided it would be funny to light one of the balloons, and needless to say the whole lot went up in flames. Phoebe and Crystal to the rescue. We had to get this "fire" off the wooden rafters before the whole hotel went up in smoke, so we were pulling bits of string while burning rubber was dripping down on us. I was so traumatised by the whole event I had to have another drink ....... a lame excuse I know, but hey, it's my story. Back to the pool. Edwin Shirley, of trucking fame and also an all round good guy after a few too many, decided to have a swim, so he removed his clothing and was flapping around the pool when some daft countess told him to get dressed and behave himself. Wrong move lady. Edwin was not impressed by his telling off and threw her in, and she was even less impressed with that and started ranting and raving, much to the amusement to the rest of the party hounds. She left with her tail between her legs and didn't look at all glamorous in her soaking wet dress, running makeup and failed hairdo. We continued till mid morning and went straight to the airport and caught a flight home. Thanks F for the great parties and good times, you will never be forgotten.
I still get asked a lot if I'm gonna write the "Real" story about Queen. Well the answer is no, and the reason is that the guys gave me a great job and a great life and I have far to much respect for them, their wives/girlfriends, children and families to tell the world what we got up to in private. I feel that is our business and ours alone. Most of us are all in relationships and telling tales could make life awkward for a few people, band and crew alike. I'm sure at some point in time someone from the organisation will write a book, have 5 minutes of fame and make a quick buck, but it sure as hell won't be me, and I'll still be able to sleep at night and when I see the guys I will still be free to say, "Wanna beer MATE."
I've had a few questions asked me that I'm gonna answer quickly.
First off is "Do you have any stories about Freddies cats? (ripping furniture etc.)" Here's a good reply, No. So moving right along, "Of all the famous people you've met, who impressed you the most?" Tricky one this. After years in this "Biz" they all become "Just normal people," and some become good pals, but on one occasion I was in Paul McCartneys studio and I was handed his violin bass and I was sitting there holding it when someone said, "Paul is left handed, hold it like he would." When I turned it around, still taped in the cutout was the Beatles set list from their days in Hamburg, now that impressed me.
Deaky and myself were the only two reggae lovers in the outfit, and Bob Marley turned up to see the show at Madison Square Gardens. Strange choice of show for Bob, but he loved Another one bites the dust, and he happened to be in New York on a stopover on his way to Germany for laser treatment. Show time and our intro tape was playing, and someone told JD that Bob was in the audience, so he cranked his bass up and played "Lively up yourself" over the tape. This was very possibly the last time Marley ever heard this played as he died shortly after. I didn't get to meet him, but I did get to meet Tyrone Downie, Bobs keyboard player in the Wailers, and Tyrone and myself got up to all sorts of mischief that night. RT on the other hand hates reggae music, but I did manage to drag him to the Circus Krone in Munich to see Peter Tosh. I loved it, he hated it. I look at this as payback because years before he insisted that I went to Hammersmith Odeon to see Laurie Anderson, of O Superman fame. This show he loved, but I put it alongside Cher as one of the worst concerts I have ever seen. Needless to say I have also met a couple of stars that I didn't see eye to eye with. Like the American rock star we encountered in a club one night, and he was such a pain I had to take him into the toilets to have a quiet word with him. He finally got the message so I released my hand from around his neck and let him drop back down to the ground. To finish this segment I wanna tell you something that Bev Bevan said. Bev was the drummer with ELO, and them and us were touring the US at the same time, and as it turned out, staying in the same hotel in one city. Roger and myself were leaving the hotel and waiting for the elevator. When the doors opened Bev was in there and him and RT said their hellos. Rog then said, "Bev, this is Crystal, he looks after me." Bev turned to me, shook my hand and said, "Pleased to meet you. If it wasn't for guys like you, guys like us wouldn't be where we are today." He didn't need to say that, and was genuine when he did. I wasn't impressed with meeting him, but he is certainly in my top ten of nicest people I have ever meet.
Over the last few months I've spent a lot of time in the Chatroom, and I highly recommend it to you all as it can be a bit of a laugh. For anyone who has never visited the room please remember a couple of things, if you come in and start swearing you will be kicked out. I know, it happens to me all the time. Also don't come in and start going on about knowing axemen and murderers and other such garbage, cause that also warrants a kicking. Some buffoon from Ireland, who went by the name of "Death" turned up with an attitude and was going on about how f***ing awesome Queen were at Slane Castle. He was not known by anyone in there so I asked him to watch his language. He said he was the Grim Reaper and could do and say what he liked, so I told him otherwise and he was most put out when I kicked him. What a fool. A while ago there was some prat who called himself F***queen, good name eh! Anyway, he/she/it was picking on a lovely young lady called Raisa, and was saying some awful things to her and completely freaked her out, so I went to her defence and FQ turned the attention my way. As far as I'm concerned it's only letters on a screen and it didn't phase me at all, but at least he/she/it gave up on Raisa. In all fairness to FQ, whoever you may be, he/she left a message on the Bulletin Board saying sorry to Raisa and myself and would never do it again. So FQ, from the both of us, thanks for the apology, we accept it. What other weirdos have we had? Well, there was a brightspark who decided it would be funny to use the nickname QueenRshite, another bad move from this person who was honoured with a ban.
While in there I've seen a lot of friendships made, and a couple that have fallen apart. I got a private message one evening from a very drunk girl who, how shall we phrase this, offered me her body and wanted to do all sorts of naughty things to me, I thanked her and declined...must be getting old or something. I have also witnessed relationships being made and, usually there is a lot of humour involved, but needless to say some arguments do occur. I have also seen some of the daftest things said. One guy was so convinced that one of the regulars was either Deaky or she was chatting with him in private that he actually started tracking her every move on the net. He also told me about some highly illegal activities he was up to concerning the band. I wouldn't have thought I was the best person to tell such stuff to, and needless to say I had a go at him. Just to add to his stupidity he's been recently boasting about his affair with an underage girl, and I reckon if he had any more sense he would be half witted. Having mentioned all the twits I'd like to say a quick hello to all the regulars, White Queen and Killer Queen, the lovely girls Blue Rock and Rannnnnnni, SQJan, Mayflower and her boys, Farookh (aka Leroy Brown) MarshMallow, the three Tigers - Babe, Lily and Stripes and the mighty Falc, also to all the rest who I haven't mentioned by name, you know who you are. I'd also like to say hi to Daddy Cool who is the singer in the Dutch cover band Miracle, and Dad, if you never make it as a singer you could make a great career from being a stand up comedian. Finally an extra special hello to the gorgeous MTB, who is about to make an honest man of me ;)
Before I go I'm sure I don't need to remind anyone of a certain date in November that is engraved in all of our minds. And I know that a lot of you will be heading to Garden Lodge to leave flowers. I don't wanna preach and tell you what to do, and I know flowers are a nice gesture, but they do die and the only people to really benefit from this is the florist. This year lets all give a donation, no matter how small, to Aids research, this way the cash will be used to try and stamp out this awful disease. If you really wanna leave flowers, buy a smaller, cheaper bunch and donate the balance of what you would have spent to these charities. It's been said a million times before but it is true, Every penny counts.
As always, Loadsa Love.
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namluve · 4 years
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↳ right on tide | seokjin x reader | 16.5k | oneshot | 18+  genre: smut, crack, angst & a little fluff, e2l, coworker au warnings: near death experiance (drowning), oral sex (m+f), fingering, swearing, praise 
❝ as a passionate surfer instructor at one of the most glamour’s vacation resorts there were two things you hated. bad weather and kim seokjin. jin always steals your summer hook ups, leaving you in a dry spell for the whole summer each year the two of you work on the resort. this time, you decided things would be different, this time, you would get revenge. ❞
note: this is my late bangtan boardwalk fanfic finally seeing the light. I want to thank everyone who encouraged me and a speciall thank you to @spicykoreantatertots​, Hannah, who helped me beta read it. without you, this would have been a hot mess. enjoy! 
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Laying on the beach, you listen as the waves hit the shore, the sound comforting as you try to relax. Kim f-ing Seokjin was arriving at the island today, two weeks after everyone else because, why not? As far as you're concerned, this just meant two weeks of not having to deal with his ass.
Being passionate about surfing, you were blessed to be able to have a job as a surfing instructor during the summer. A nice break from the rest of the year that was spent at university. The summer was the highlight of every year because you were able to share your passion with others. Teaching beginners how to surf as well as giving more experienced surfers tips. Your workplace was a famous vacation resort set by the beach, surrounded by small islands. Attracting all kinds of people, but mostly middle aged singles looking for a good time. 
These first two weeks of your summer, however, had been a little different. With Jin gone, you had to step in and cover some of his shifts, which you honestly didn’t mind. Diving had always been something you’d find relaxing. You loved to be able to watch the ocean underneath the waves as well as on top of them. Seeing entire ecosystems flourish and live peacefully, even if there was a storm raging on the surface. It always seemed to be quiet down in the sea.
That’s why you didn’t mind taking some of Jin’s shifts. Having missed diving and seeing the ocean from below, it was a win. Well, besides all the extra workouts you got from working double shifts. Your body, that was happy whenever you walked instead of taking the bus, was untrained and not ready for such intense exercise. Your muscles were sore, and you thanked God for the waves being too high to ride today. Giving you a day to rest and recover. To let go of your worries. 
This year, you wouldn’t let Kim Seokjin ruin your summer. That you were sure of. You had packed all of your most daring outfits. Swallowing all of your insecurities, this year would be the year that Jin wouldn’t get in the way of your hook ups.
He was always so shameless about it, stealing them right in front of your eyes. The first few times he had done it, you were convinced the boy was gay. So, you went after a girl that, just like the guys, eventually left your side to go with him.
What was annoying about it though, was that he always waited until the end of the evening before making his move. Stealing them at the very last minute. Not giving you a chance to find someone else.
This year, however, you had a plan. A plan to ruin your enemy’s mischiefs for good. This year, your dry summer spell will end. This year, you will get revenge.  
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Jin’s first week back, things are as usual. He flirts with and gets together with everyone, leaving you to feel like a plastic bag that’s just floating in the air while nobody cares about the environment. So, you just keep on floating, never getting picked up.
In all fairness, you barely tried. Too tired after work and your mood was instantly brought down at the sight of Jin. Why did someone so handsome have to be so cruel to you? 
You were even convinced that one time he brought you a drink at the last party was some kind of apology for being dick. Only for him to scare away the cute girl you were talking to.
“What? She obviously had a boyfriend. I really did you a favour.” Was his response when you confronted him about it. What a dick. 
“Please don’t ever come near me again. I don’t even want to breathe the same air as you right now!” You angrily shouted as you stomped your foot before walking away from him. 
Jin chuckled as you walked away. God his crush was a maniac. He could have chosen to like literally anybody else. Yet, every summer he came back, he couldn't help but to be drawn towards you. More and more so for every time you annoyingly rolled your eyes at him. He couldn't help but to think you were adorable.
After the first month of the summer had passed, your boss gathered around all team leaders for a quick meeting. Wanting to check the progress of each department. Making sure things were going smoothly. Your boss was not at any fault for having these meetings, but it did mean you had to spend time with Jin. Which… you weren’t excited about it, considering how mad you were at him for his behaviour at the last party. 
“Y/n! how is it going for our new guests?” Your boss asks, all eyes shifting towards you. You glance over at Jin. A coy smile on his lips. You wanted to gag at the sight, turning your attention towards your boss. 
Jin was probably really happy about being in the same room as you. Especially when last time you spoke to him, you said you didn’t want to breathe the same air as him. Only to be forced to be in the same room as him four days later. 
“Good. Most of them really have a talent for it. I’m fully booked for the next two weeks.” 
“I’m glad to hear. Jin,” the focus shifts to Jin and as you look at him, your eyes meet. His eyes had never seemed to shift their focus from you. Not until your boss spoke again and he turned towards him. “How is it going for our new recruit?”
Had the diving team gotten another employee? While you and Taehyung were on your knees with how overbooked you were? This had to have been Jin’s doing. He probably knew about your department's situation and got another recruit for the laughs of it.
“It’s going well but it is going to take some time until he can swim out with a team of his own. Together we can keep track of two more people so that’s been a relief.” He speaks and you scoff., rolling your eyes at his words. So their new recruit couldn’t even handle a team on his own? Useless to hire him in the first place, you thought.   
“Something you wanna say y/n?” Jin asks and suddenly all eyes are on you again. That fucker. A smirk on his lips. His prolonged plan to make your boss hate you going really well right now you thought. If looks could kill, Jin would’ve dropped dead on the floor.
“Nothing.” You quietly said, the kind warming smile on your bosses’ face turned towards you. You turned towards him, your face softening. The glares you had been sending Jin gone the moment you turned your eyes away from his. 
Your boss could be, at times, hard to read. He wanted to hear improvements that could be made to the resort. Well... as long as he didn’t have to put any time or money into it. Complaining about your work hours would probably not make a difference. Your boss milked out as much as he could from your department each year. 
“Come on y/n, you know you can speak your mind freely here. We want everyone to be a part of the meeting and voice their concerns.” Your boss tried and you thought, well… When he puts it like that…
“We could really use another person on my team.” You begin hesitantly. “As I said, I am fully booked for the coming two weeks and Taehyung is as well. In between that, I somehow need to find time for my paperwork. And also time to clean all the equipment.” You explained, seeing the cogs turn in your bosses’ head at your words. “We could just really use some help…”
A silence was left in the room as your boss was thinking. Jin still had a smile on his face. You thought it was because he was taunting you, but really, he was proud to see you standing up for yourself. Speaking up about the issues you so loved to talk about with your colleagues. He actually wanted for you to have some free time, to not have to work overtime everyday. 
“You’re right,” Your boss suddenly says. Surprised to hear him say those words, you looked at him confused, “since Jace can’t dive on his own with tourists yet, he can help out with cleaning and organizing all the surfboards at the end of the day. Gives you more time with the paperwork, sounds fair?”
You nod, never having expected to get anywhere with your comment. Happy that finally, you might not have to stress everyday to make sure everything stays afloat. Your boss was probably pleased with the solution, not having to hire another worker and just moving around the ones he has. Like he usually does in any situation ever. You wouldn’t be surprised if he threw you around the departments this summer as well, despite your busy schedule. Oh well, you guess you’ll just have to wait and see.
The meeting went on as usual. You looked at Jin a final time before you ignored him for the rest of the meeting. He still had that stupid smile on his face. In a way, it was his push that led you to get some extra help in your department. Never in your life would you admit that though. You would never give credit to Jin.
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As the end of the day slowly approached, you decided to sit down and look over your paperwork. There was much more paperwork to your job than you initially thought. Having to look over the next day's bookings, plan out lessons, keep track of the weather and make sure everyone paid.
Yesterday’s meeting was forgotten, the stress of today’s work wearing heavy on you. Your shoulders tense, legs sore and skin almost burning. Of course you wore sunscreen when you were outside but sadly, that didn’t always help. Today was one of those days.
You didn’t even notice when the door to your little hut opened. Jin stepped in, looking around the place. This was where it all began for him. He started his career as a surfing instructor before it got boring and he moved on to diving.
He knew the passion you held for the sport, always looking so happy out on the waves. He knew you held some kind of grudge against him, and he kind of knew why. Jin honestly just liked to deny it. Stealing your crush’s dates maybe wasn’t the best way to get them to like you, but it sure got their attention.
Also, you looked super cute mad. Brows furrowed together, jaw clenched, eyes piercing through him with rage. Often placing your hands on your hips as you scold him. In all honesty, Jin didn’t even listen to half the things you were saying while you were shouting at him. He was just happy to be able to see you eye to eye. You couldn’t ignore him when you were mad at him.
Jin had already sent off Jace to help Taehyung, he really didn’t have to go inside the hut but he wanted to see you. Concentrating on your work, you huffed the strand of hair that had fallen down onto your face. Trying your best to piece together the schedule. A new family booking three lessons last minute, screwing over your entire schedule.
It wasn’t until Jin started walking towards you that you noticed his presence, sighing in annoyance. Looking at him as he stood in front of you. A white t-shirt clinging slightly to his chest, dirty blond hair still a little wet, beige shorts going down just above his knees. He had probably just ended his shift while yours was on for at least another hour. Yet another petty thing you could be mad at him about.
“I cannot deal with you today.” You tell him, rolling your eyes and he laughs. Showing off his white teeth as he smiles brightly.
“In all fairness, you say that to me everyday.”
“And I mean it every time.” You snapped back and Jin sighed. Well, he wasn’t getting anywhere closer to you with this conversation. Looking at the papers splayed out around the table. Your work computer open with the booking tab, Jin sensed there was something more to your attitude today.
“Tell me what’s really bugging you,” Jin said, a seriousness and caring tone to his voice, “I know there is more to this.”
“Well…” You began, contemplating whether to open up to Jin or not. Looking up at him through your tired eyelids, you decide what the hell. You had no problem complaining to all the other employees, why not to your arch nemesis. “There’s just this family who booked some lessons last minute, screwing up my plans completely.”
“I see...” Jin said, looking like he was thinking. Holding his chin between his thumb and pointer finger. “Have you tried seeing if the family has any previous surfing experience?” He asks and you sigh. Of course Jin wouldn’t be of any help, just mock you with the most basic questions.
“It’s the first thing I check, they haven’t written anything in their booking.”
“Not that, but the database that stores all bookings. So… you can check those made a long time ago.” There was a database for it? Wow, you thought, this really showed how poorly your boss had educated you before throwing you into the job. You had almost been completely independent already on day one.
“Should I have?” You ask, feeling suddenly small and not so bold against Jin anymore. There was just something about his relaxing nature, never stressing about things, knowing quite a lot about the resort and how it works. Yes, you were willing to bury the hatchet for a little while if that meant your job would get easier.
“I mean… I could show you if you want?” Jin quietly suggested and you nodded, sliding your chair to the right so Jin would have space to work on the computer. He walked over. Even though you had moved your chair, Jin still had to bend down over your shoulder. His chin almost resting on your shoulder as he began typing something on the computer.
You closed your eyes for a moment, Jin’s scent completely taking over you. His perfume was sweet, but with a hint of musk in it. The warmth of his body makes your cheeks heat up. Suddenly, you felt like a highschool girl about to get her first kiss.
“Y/n.” Jin said your name, snapping you out of your thoughts. As he turned his head towards you, you were suddenly painfully aware of how close his lips were to yours. Ears red, you answered him, “yes?”
“The family that’s coming are pro surfers, they just don’t know how to book the surfing boards without adding the lessons.” He speaks and you look at him, stunned. Hypnotized by his beauty, never seen him this up close.
Tilting your head to the side, you allow yourself to be drawn to him as you ask. “How do you know that?”
“I taught them how to surf many years ago, they are pro surfers and friends with one of the managers.” Jin’s words were what got you out of your trance. No way would you play into his little games.
“What do you mean you taught them?” For as long as you could remember, the four years you had been working at the resort you hadn’t seen Jin surf, not even once. He was probably just playing with you right now, as usual. Jin sensed your change of tone, realizing you were probably going to be annoyed with him in a few seconds again.
“I started out as a surfing instructor, before I moved on to diving.” Jin explained and you scoffed.
“Why? Was loch ness calling you back to your home?” Jin was a bit taken aback by your words. For some reason they sounded harsher than usual. He shook his head, exhaling a deep breath as he stood up. Disappointed in himself for thinking he had the smallest of chance with you. 
“What?” You questioned, confused by Jin’s reaction. He wasn’t teasing you back and it made you feel weird. You couldn’t describe it, but it was almost as if you felt bad for him. Jin began walking towards the door, having to intention to stay any longer in your presence.
“And here I thought you would be nice for five minutes.” Jin almost spit out, a clear anger behind the tone of his voice. “Not even a thanks for the help.”
And with that Jin left. Leaving you alone with your paperwork. The room almost felt cold despite the heat that radiated from the sun outside. Your stomach twisting and turning, feeling as if there was a lump in your throat. Jin had just helped you, and you had, what? Been nothing but a dick to him. Your rivalry aside, he wasn’t that bad of a person, and you knew that.
Your colleagues telling stories about how nice and helpful he was would often make you want to gag. But matter of fact, Jin was a nice and helpful person, you were just too caught up to notice it most of the time. Never thanking him when he opened a door for you, made sure you always had water at the meetings. Leaving his leftovers at your door when he knows you're working all the time.
The first few times he’d done it, you thought it was to poison you or something. When you tasted his food for the first time however, you were blown away with how good it tasted. A smile on your lips each time you found a container outside your door. Not sending him a glare the next time you’d see him after he’d left some food. Jin noticed it of course. It was one of the few things he knew wouldn’t get on your nerves. 
Now he was helping you with work, and you did nothing besides be a dick to him. Sighing, you tried to go back to your paperwork. Ignoring the bad feeling that was upsetting your stomach. Your schedule, more or less saved thanks to Jin. Now, you just had to pull through the rest and do some cleaning, then you’re good to go.
“We’re all done!” Taehyung chimed in as you closed your laptop, finally being done with the paperwork after an hour. Confused, you looked at the bright smiling boy who most of the time looked like a lost puppy.
“We?” You question and Taehyung just nodded, smiling brightly.
“Yeah, Jin left Jace with us so he helped me out. Once you’re done with the paperwork we can head back.” Your mood was now drastically lifted, a wide smile on your face as you packed your things. The first day ever since you got here this summer that didn’t end in overtime.
Taehyung packed up his things as well and once the two of you were out the door, you locked it. Feeling the warmth of the sun as you step outside. Even thought the sun was setting,the warmth from it almost burned your feet as you walked over to the apartment complex with Taehyung. 
As you walk down the hall, you glance at Jin’s door, wondering for a second what he was up to. Was he mad at you? Was he sad? You couldn’t exactly go up to his door and ask so you decided to do the next best thing.
After cooking dinner for yourself, you wrapped a box up for Jin as well. You left a note on top of the plastic container, writing ‘thank you’ on it. Would Jin even know it was you? I mean, yes it was your iconic yellow dotted containers he would receive the food in, but how would he know for sure?
Deciding to write your name in the bottom corner, you head outside of your apartment, and take the few strides it takes to walk over to Jin’s door. Placing the container on his doormat. Hopefully, he will accept your apology. Hopefully, you might have a chance to make things right with him.
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There were parties essentially every night at the single resort you were working at. Tonight, however, the resort would host one of their more famous ones. This meant a lot of people would attend it. since the weather would be bad tomorrow, you didn’t have to get to work that early. You had the best conditions that could’ve been given you to get revenge.With your makeup on point. Eyeliner so sharp you hoped it would cut into Jin’s perfect face. You looked at yourself one last time in the mirror before you made your way down to the beach.
Your dress shimmering in the moonlight as you stepped outside. Following the stonepath on the ground, you make your way over to the party tents. What if Jin was still mad at you? You hadn’t really seen him after you tried to apologize to him with your cooking. He must have gotten over it, he usually did when you were rude to him. You’d never know why though, especially when you didn’t deserve it most of the time.   
As you arrived, you thankfully accepted the welcoming drink. Shaking a little as you grabbed it. Most of your friends were not up to the party, meaning, you were on your own. As you sipped on it, you spotted Jin. Talking with two girls, he looked perfect as usual. Laughing at some joke one of the girls probably told him. The feeling that set in your stomach at the sight could only be described as green. Luckily, you were already wearing it on your face, the green makeup showing your true colours unintentionally. 
Jin was dressed as Eric as far as you could see. A dashing prince. The two girls around him looked stunning as well, although, they didn’t put in as much effort as you and him to the masquerade bit. Wearing simple dresses and nude makeup, they didn’t stand out quite as well as the two of you did. You’d overheard Jin telling Taehyung how excited he was for the party because he loved to dress up. Why was he spending his time with people who didn't even put in half the effort he did?  
Jin was wearing Prince Eric’s signature white loose shirt. A red scarf that it seemed like he diy’d into looking like Eric’s belt. Dark blue loose trousers with almost knee high black boots. To top it all off, he’d changed his hair colour into black. Probably spraying it with some wash off colour, same as you with your red. Your green dress that barely covered your butt went well with the green and blue makeup you’d put on your face. Using fishnet stockings to create a fishscale pattern on your face to finish it all off, you were ready for tonight. 
This year, it was time to switch things up. This year, you would take his conquests from him. Not the other way around. You decided to finish your glass of champagne in one go, hoping it would give you a boost of confidence as you started walking towards Jin. You had one goal in mind, ruin Seokjin’s chances with those two girls. 
As you made your way down the beach, Jin noticed you. Eyes locked on yours for a second before they trailed your body up and down. It was most certainly a win on your part. You had checked Jin out as well, but he didn’t know that. Jin’s mouth was slightly open, his reaction more obvious with the three glasses of champagne in his body. He most certainly thought you’d never looked better.
Jin had let go of all the anger he felt towards you when he had gotten your apology meal. You had tried after all, and he couldn’t be mad at you for that. Especially considering this was the first time you had even tried to apologize to him, Jin thought that he might have a chance now. If not at pursuing you, at least at becoming your friend.
“My prince,” you announced as you reached him, and the girls took half a step back. Thinking that the two of you might be a couple of some sort. Well, you did wear matching outfits after all. A smirk on your lips as they did. Your plan was going as planned.
“Princess,” Jin answered, bowing down before you overdramatically. One hand behind his back, one foot in front of the other before he stood up again. His hand reaching forward, you hesitated before you placed your hand in his. Remembering what you’d told yourself earlier. You weren’t going to let him have an affect on you at all. You couldn’t be thrown off by a little hand holding. Besides, it would probably increase the chances of the two girls to leave. 
He took hold of it, never breaking eye contact as he placed a kiss upon it. It shouldn’t affect you at all, but the way he was looking at you got you feeling butterflies in your stomach. You’d forgotten why you walked over in the first place. Forgotten about how this was not supposed to affect you at all. Forgotten how this was all just a chance for you to get revenge.
The girls had left by now, not really understanding what was happening and left for some more drinks. A little sad that the dashing prince was already taken by you.
“You look stunning Ariel.” Jin complimented and you felt your cheeks heat up. Happy that the green makeup probably covered it. Keep it together, you thought to yourself. 
“So do you Eric.” Two could play this game, you thought. Jin looked surprised by your words, well, most often you only called him names and was angry at him. This surely was a nice change.
“Care for a dance?” He asked, knowing he was probably risking it. You could turn at any given moment. Get mad at him. Scold him, as you have done for years but you shrugged your shoulders. A ‘sure’ leaving your lips even though you were far from sure. Your mission was already completed, then why did a tiny voice in your head tell you to dance? 
These were uncertain waters you had never explored before. Sure, Jin had flirted with you a few times before but that was just to annoy you, right? Like that time he’d shamelessly checked you out when you were by the swimming pool the first summer you worked at the resort. Sending a wink your way when your eyes meet. The two of you didn’t know each other back then and as the summer went on, your annoyance for Jin continued to grow. 
At the first party you ever attended at the resort, Jin stole your date for the first time. You’d gathered courage to talk to the cute guy that had brought you ice cream earlier that week. Only to have Jin swoop in and steal him right under your nose, take him to his room and spend the night with him. 
As he led you out to the dancefloor, your coworker started looking at your direction. Ready to call 911 in a second, knowing how heated you could be at times. You got self conscious under their stares. Jin looked at where your eyes were directed. Seeing the hesitant look on your face. How could someone so confident in front of him feel so small in other people’s company? You took half a step closer to him, searching for safety without realizing it. Jin was more than happy to provide it. 
Taking your hand, he placed it on his shoulder, and you took the hint. Placing your other hand on top of his shoulders as well. As you turned your eyes to meet his, your surroundings suddenly seemed to disappear. His hands moved to rest on your hips. Swaying to the music, his eyes almost burning through yours and you feel the need to look away. Flustered at having him so close to you.
“Don’t shy away from me now princess.” Jin chuckled and you thought, how could I not? Besides the fact that you hated him, you couldn’t deny that Jin was handsome. Stunning even. If it wasn’t for the fact that he was infuriating, you would have jumped his bones a long time ago. Whenever Jin wasn't making you mad, he was always making you feel things you couldn’t quite understand. It had always been easier to just hate him.  
But right now, you and Jin were in the situation you were in. For years dancing around each other to finally dance with each other. You had to admit it, it was nice. Not to be angry, not being on your toes around him. Just enjoying his company. Just being.
Jin had a hard time believing this was all real. He knew you hated him. He just didn’t know why. I mean yeah, he teased you a lot, but he didn’t know how else to catch your attention. To have you practically in his arms, flustered, not being able to look him in the eyes was a blessing. He never wanted it to end. 
“This is quite nice,” Jin said and you finally looked at him again. Muttering a ‘what?’ as you had been too deep in your own thoughts to acknowledge what he’d said.
“I said it’s quite nice, dancing like this. Not fighting.” Jin spoke again and as he did, he felt your hands clench, your whole body stiffening. He knew his moment with you was over.
“Well it’s not my fault we began fighting, is it?” You snapped back and Jin couldn’t read your expression one bit. It seemed as if you were in a conflict with your own thoughts and words. Wanting one thing and saying another. 
“So, who started the fighting?” Jin asked, wanting your honest thoughts. Wanted to know what he did to make you hate him so much. You were already looking for your escape by then. You wanted nothing more than to just be alone and swallow your feelings. This was exactly why you didn’t allow yourself to be nice around Jin. Things got messy. 
Spotting Kyle, your colleague that you didn’t exactly get along with either, you made your exit.
“I’m just gonna check on Kyle,” you said letting go of Jin, moving past him. He took hold of your arm before you could move out of his personal space. His eyes pleading as you looked back at him.
“Please just tell me what I did,” he begged, and you harshly pulled your arm from his grasp. Looking in his eyes for one more second before you headed straight towards Kyle. Your feet moved on your own as you moved past him and started walking back to the resort.
You didn’t need this. Not at all. You were supposed to make him feel bad, not the other way around. As you reached the lobby, you were met with a handsome face. The brown haired tall boy looking at you up and down as you walked over to him.
“Wanna be my distraction for the night?” You asked him and he nodded. Taking out his hand so you could shake it.
“I’m Matt,” he introduced himself and you shook his hand, introducing yourself.
“Nice to meet you, what’s a beautiful lady like you doing running from the party like that?” He asked and you shrugged.
“Just avoiding my co-worker really. Care to show me to your room?” Matt nodded and you small talked on your way over. Finally, you had managed to get a hook-up of your own without Jin interrupting.
Spending the night in Matt’s room you were treated to adequate sex. You know the one that’s not bad but doesn’t leave you quite satisfied? Yeah, that one. You woke up in the middle of the night, unable to sleep because of Matt’s snoring, so you decided to head back to your room.
Walking with your heals in your hand down the halls, going to the staff area, you passed Jin’s door. Wondering who had been the lucky lady or guy to follow him back to his room tonight. Could have been you if you weren’t so stubborn. Jin had his eyes set on you.
Walking over to your door that was almost at the end of the hall, you unlock your door. Going inside, you threw your heels to the side and took off your dress. Finally getting to remove your makeup and put on your softest pyjamas. Climbing in under the covers, you fell asleep quickly. Dreaming of dancing with Jin.
You woke up because of loud knocking on your door. Looking at the clock, you realized it was only seven in the morning. Your first day off in what felt like forever as well. What a joke your life suddenly seemed to be.
Grunting, you got up. The lack of sleep gives you a headache that is pulsating, making it feel like your head was about to explode. Your limbs were still asleep as you dragged yourself across the floor to your door.
Opening it, you were met with an equally tired very familiar face.
“What do you want Jin?” You snared, not quite happy about being awoken so early. Jin looked down at your pyjamas, smiling. Finding it cute.
“Boss said we need to dive and check on one of the reefs,” he explained, and you scoffed. A week was all it took before your boss started moving you around as usual. You didn’t expect it to be in Jin’s team, however. It was probably because you covered for Jin those first two weeks that he missed. Where was he those weeks anyway?
Being reminded of his absence, you grew even more annoyed at the situation. “Does he know about the storm-“ 
“Yes he does, and he doesn’t seem to care, he wants us to do it before the storm comes.” Jin interrupted, seeming burdened as the words left his mouth, obviously agreeing with you. It was dangerous to go out on the waters when there is a possibility of a storm. It wasn’t even a possibility today, it was well known along the whole coast that the storm would come.
“It’s a reef close to one of the new living areas that’s opening in a few days. Apparently, some fishers did some damage to it…” You saw the sadness in Jin’s eyes. You knew how much he cares about the ocean, just as much as you. “…and we need to check on it.”
He continues explaining and you nod. Of course, your boss cared the most about his precious resort more than anything. More than his summer employees. But still, you cared about the ocean too, having a deep respect for the waters and the animals living in it. It contributes to you being able to carry out your sport.
So, you agreed to help Jin. You didn’t really have a choice in the matter. You just hoped that you could be done just in time to miss the storm. Scared of what would happen if you didn’t make it back in time. 
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Out on the boat, the waves had already started getting worse since the crew got out on the water. The two old men driving the boat hadn’t said a word to you or Jin since you sat down in the boat. Probably not that happy about being out on the water today and you totally understood that.
Looking over to your right, you focused on Jin for a while. He looked good in the diving suit, you had to admit that. Almost more so than the prince Eric costume if you’re being honest. The wetsuit clinging to his body in the most appealing way it probably could. Showing off his toned body.
“Yah… if you’re going to stare at me, you have to make it a little less obvious.” Jin suddenly spoke, turning to you. Your ears and cheeks turned red as you kept eye contact with him. You were not going to let him make you feel flustered this year, no.
“I was just thinking about if I should throw you off the boat or not… It’s really moving towards ‘yes’ right now.” Jin laughed at your comeback. Muttering a ‘sure’ under his breath as he began to look at the ocean again. The island where the reef was located got closer with every second as the boat traveled across the waters.
“You know all the signals, right?” Jin suddenly asked, mostly just to have a conversation with you, but also as part of his routine. You wouldn’t be able to speak under water of course, you would have to rely on being able to signal things with your hands to one and another.
You scoffed at his question. “Do you even know who took care of your shift while you were gone doing God knows what?” Jin never meant to question your abilities but he quickly realized he hit a sensitive spot. You were probably the most overworked employee. He knew that because you knew the place inside and out. The boss of course loved to use that, throwing you around wherever he needed you.
He sighed, turning his head towards you. Looking at you with a pleading face, asking you to drop the hatchet for just a moment. Just for a bit so you really understood that he meant every single word.
“I’m thankful for that. I know you didn’t really have a choice, but I want you to know that it meant a lot to me.” Jin’s words caught you off guard, his genuine appreciation making you stutter over your next words. Wanting nothing else than for the conversation to be over.
“Wha… Whatever… Let’s just get th-this over with…” You almost mumble, looking down at the bright wooden floor on the boat. Kicking your legs as you sit restlessly for the rest of the ride. Avoiding a conversation with Jin at all cost. The sun was still out. Maybe it wouldn’t be too bad out on the waves today after all?
Jin was smiling the rest of the boat ride, happy to have finally caught you off guard and made you flustered. Maybe things could finally change between the two of you. Maybe, just maybe… you being forced to spend time with him had a positive effect this summer. The last two summers had only drifted you further apart.
This year it seemed like the waves were crashing in, the ocean’s current too strong for you to fight against it. Drawing you closer to Jin, making you see him from a new perspective. And the view was surprisingly nice. When you allowed yourself to look, instead of turning a blind eye to it. Appreciating what had been in front of you this entire time. What had always been there and what you had never noticed. Yeah, maybe the view wasn’t so bad after all?
“Here it is, in you go kids. Don’t stay out too long or we’ll leave your asses here.” The captain of the boat said as he turned off the engine. You wanted to scold him for saying such a thing but Jin beat you to it.
“You’ll stay put here for as long as we want you to. Wouldn’t want the boss finding out his best instructors somehow went missing because of a moron?” You smiled. Best instructors, so Jin did admit you were good at your job? It was a nice feeling, being recognized for your hard work.
The captain muttered a ‘whatever’ waving Jin off. Jin turned to you as he shook his head, scoffing. All that was left for Jin to put on was his goggles. His eyes soften the moment they meet yours.
“You ready?” He asked and you nodded. “Let’s go then.”
You take a sitting position on the edge of the boat, falling backwards into the ocean. Your oxygen tank feelt lighter the second it was submerged into the water. Taking your breather in between your lips, you took a deep breath. Testing so it all works before you dive deeper into the ocean. Your legs made slow kicking motions to keep you close to the surface.
Looking at Jin, you saw his thumbs up and you gave him one back. At the reassuring signal that everything was alright, you and Jin began swimming further down, quickly reaching the ocean floor where the coral reef flourished. You followed Jin’s lead as he knew the area better than you. Enjoying your quiet time in the ocean. Allowing yourself to spend time with Jin without arguing. Yeah… you could actually get used to this.
You and Jin went around and checked on the coral reef for about an hour. Luckily, where the boat had hit the reef it was mostly just big rocks that nothing really lived on. The reef was lucky this time. A while ago, you noticed the light getting darker but didn’t think much of it, too focused on your task at that very moment. It was not until you and Jin began to swim towards the surface that you realized why it had gotten darker.
When you reached the surface, the wind made the waves crash over you. You tried to keep your head above water level, searching for the boat, trying to find your ticket back to safety. As you looked around, you couldn’t see the boat anywhere. You started to panic. Had they really left you and Jin in the middle of the fucking ocean? In the middle of a storm?
Jin was mad, beyond furious but he put all his feelings aside the moment he saw you. Struggling to keep your head afloat, waves crashing over you as the rain poured down. He had to think of something. He had to think of a plan real fast. Otherwise, the two of you could actually die, the realization made Jin sick to his stomach. His body filled with fear as he thought about the options he had.
While you were still panicking, looking around frantically, occasionally screaming your lungs out for help, Jin got an idea. The new living area on the island was close to the coral reef.
Looking around, Jin was able to find the island pretty quickly. A barrier of rocks surrounded it. Of course the fishers had damaged the reef on the opposite side of the beach and pier of the island. It would take too long to swim around the island. The currents were too strong, and you could in worst case die out of exhaustion trying to make it. If only there was some other entrance…
The caves. The underwater caves leading to the lagoon, the island's future main attraction. If he could only navigate the two of you there. He knew the entrance was around here somewhere. He had, after all, been here last week to check on the cave system.
He swam over to you. One hand taking hold of your shoulder to gain your attention. Stopping you right before you were going to scream for help again. Jin’s touch felt comforting, but left you all too soon. Removing his hand once your eyes met, he knew he had your attention.
“Follow me!” He screamed. The wind made so much noise that you could just barely hear him. As Jin made a down motion with his hand, you understood what he meant. Giving him a nod. When Jin dived back into the calm waters below the waves, you followed. He brought out his flashlight to light the path in front of him, and you did the same. 
You swam close to the rock walls and you quickly realized Jin was searching for something. Matter of fact, he found it within a minute. Doing a ‘follow me’ motion with his hand, he started swimming into a hole in the wall. You followed him closely. The cave system was a little too narrow for your taste really, but you didn’t really have a choice in the matter.
Jin swam slowly, following the air bubbles. Air that desperately tried to find the closest way to the surface. In other words, leading to the lagoon. As you took a deep breath, you suddenly heard a beep. Indicating you only had five breaths left before your tank would run out of oxygen. Shit.
You tapped Jin on the foot and he stopped in his tracks. The space in the tunnel was big enough that he could almost stand as he turned around. You took a breath, pointing towards your oxygen mask and then showing him four fingers.
Shit, Jin thought as well. He forgot you weren’t as an experienced diver as him. He nodded. He could give you his air if needed. Pointing towards his tank and then towards you, you got his message. Relieved, you swam after Jin as he began swimming again.
Jin stopped after a little while, taking his mouthpiece towards your mouth and you breathed in. You still had four in yours and was grateful for Jin giving you some of his. He probably had a lot left you thought, he was more experienced after all.
The smile that Jin had as he saw your relieved face when you took a breath of his oxygen died quickly. As he took a breath, he heard the beep. You had four breaths left and Jin was now left with five. The situation got more deadly in a matter of seconds. Jin ignored it. He had to make it, he had to get you two to safety, no matter the cost.
With each breath both you and Jin grew more paranoid. As you took your final breath that was left from the tank, you suddenly saw light. The surface was close and Jin knew this as well. One final breath was left in his tank as he swam out of the cave. Looking behind him once he reached the lagoon, he saw you struggle.
You needed more air, muscles straining and working against you as you looked up towards the surface, desperate to reach it. Your vision started to darken, you felt a mouthpiece being pressed against your lips. You took a deep breath, finally having enough oxygen in your body to swim above the surface. You looked at Jin for a second before you swam as fast as you could.
Reaching the surface, you breathed heavily. Trying to catch your breath, you almost started to cry out of happiness. You made it. You were in some random cave, but you made it. Looking behind you, ready to throw yourself at Jin, you noticed he wasn’t anywhere to be found.
On his way up, Jin inhaled water just before he reached the surface. The lack of oxygen shutting his brain down as his lungs begged him for something. Upon your realization, you quickly dived down, finding Jin’s limp body sinking towards the cave floor. No. You would not allow this. Throwing your thousand dollar equipment off your body as fast as possible.
You reach Jin in a matter of seconds, throwing his tank off him as well. The weight of the metal made the oxygen tank sink as you grabbed hold of him and swam towards the surface as quickly as possible. Your body found an immense amount of strength, propelling you towards the edge of the lagoon. You had done this a few times with your students, swam with them to safety on the beach. It had always ended up well. So why were you worried to death all of the sudden?
Dragging Jin’s body up on the hard rock floor, you checked his breathing. Your mind was completely focused on the task. You had to save him. When you couldn’t feel him breathing, you checked for his pulse. Your middle and pointing finger applying pressure on the artery vein on his neck. He had a pulse. You just needed to get him breathing again.
You pinched his nose, restricting his airflow, and tilted his head upwards. After taking a deep breath, you placed your lips over his, filling Jin’s lungs with air. When nothing happened, you placed your lips over his again. Filling his lungs with air one more time.
Jin finally began coughing and you quickly let go of him. Your worried hands brushed the hair out of his face, watching for the life that was returning to his eyes.. Jin was trying to breathe while also coughing up all the water that he had taken into his lungs. Water was coming up with each cough, but eventually his lungs cleared.
When he started breathing normally, you threw your arms around him. Having no strength left in his body to support the two, Jin fell backwards with you clinging to his chest. He winced as his body hit the cold, rock hard cave floor. He wanted to complain, his head hurting from the fall, but he stopped himself. Your arms squeezing even tighter around him as you start to sob into his chest.
“I thought you were gone…” You choked out and Jin felt a sting of pain in his heart. Hearing you so heartbroken and scared… He placed his arms around you. With one around your body, he brought you closer to him. While the other hand softly petted your head, reassuring you.
“Shh, it’s okay. We’re alright.” Jin whispered and you allowed yourself to relax. Exhaustion quickly overcomes your body. Jin felt you relax, your body going limp as you started falling asleep.
He let you sleep. Allowing himself the moment. To finally have you in his arms. To finally have you look at him with concern and not hate. For you to care about him. Yeah, all Jin could wish for really was to live that moment for a little longer. His body tired, mind empty, he fell asleep as well shortly after you.
You both laid there sleeping for almost two hours before you woke up. Confused, you looked around the cave. Not quite remembering where you were at first. Not until you became aware that you were sleeping on Jin. His chest rising as he takes a deep breath. His mouth was slightly open, eyes effortlessly, beautifully closed.
He looked so peaceful like this, so beautiful. As if he had been sculpted by the God Poseidon himself. His beauty was remarkable. His dirty blond hair was still slightly wet. Skin a little paler than usual, probably from the lack of oxygen. Lips red and puffy.
His lips. You look at them for a while. They looked way too inviting. Your hand moved up to your lips. Two fingers tracing your lips as you were reminded, they had touched Jin’s. Sure, it was because you were trying to save him, and you couldn’t really remember much of it. But you wanted to. Wanted to know how his lips felt. How they tasted.
As Jin let out a slight snore, you were brought back to reality. Almost throwing yourself backwards and away from his body. What were you thinking? This is your arch nemesis. The reason for your dry summer spell. Well, you did break it this year, but Matt barely counted. Not when he couldn’t even fully satisfy you.
Okay focus, you told yourself, you needed to figure out what to do next. So, you went through the facts. You were stuck in a cave with Jin. A cave that was… where exactly? Had Jin just told you to follow him into a random cave? Shivers going down your spine as you felt a slight breeze. Your body instantly started to shake.
Great, you were in a random cave, with Jin, and you were freezing. Your day couldn’t get much better. Looking over at Jin, you realized you had to wake him up. You needed to know where the hell you were.
You approached him, slightly shaking his body. Your hand gripping his arm. He just grunted and you sighed. No way were you just going to let him sleep peacefully while you were freezing. It was his fault anyway that the two of you went out into the ocean in the first place. He should have stood up to your boss, you thought.
You shook his arm more violently, Jin finally opened his eyes. A confused look on his face as he sat up. Looking around the cave slightly before his gaze looked onto yours.
“Where are we?” He asked, still half asleep and very much confused about the situation. You slowly shook your head, scoffing. You slap his arm lightly, trying to get him to focus. Jin whines, confused as to why you’d hit him.
“Oh, but shouldn’t you know that? It was your brilliant plan to take us here, after all.” At your words, Jin is reminded of what had happened. Reminded where you guys were. Reminded that everything was back to the way it was before. 
“Yah… I brought you here, to safety, so you wouldn’t drown… I almost drowned in the process, and this is how you thank me?” He questioned and you were suddenly filled with guilt. Jin was right but you didn’t have a chance to apologize before he spoke again. “We are in the new resort islands lagoon, meaning we can get out of here and spend the night at the new houses built on the Island.”
No words could describe the feeling in your stomach. You were sickened by your behaviour. How selfish of you to think that Jin would do anything but bring the two of you to safety. You wanted to say something, anything that could make the situation better. To let Jin know you were sorry.
“I should have just left you in the ocean.” Jin muttered as he pushed himself up from the cave floor. It wasn’t meant for you to hear. He’d just said it out of anger, but you couldn’t help the sadness that washed over your body. So, as he started walking, clearly familiar with the place, you followed him. Like a stray puppy, looking for someone to bring them in. Anyone to give them shelter.
You didn’t say a single word as Jin led you up towards the surface, the storm still raging on. You could hear it in the caves, more and more so the closer you came to the surface. Nothing could have prepared you for the real deal however.
The rain was lashing down on the island. The water pressure in your shower was like a slow drip compared to this. The force it struck down was enough to make it hurt when it hit your skin. The wind took hold of the trees, making it look like they could snap in half at any second. You needed to find shelter, fast. 
Jin looked to his left, instantly finding what he was looking for. One of the guest houses stood only 10 meters from  the cave. He turned toward you, sighing, and roughly grabbed your hand. He didn’t say anything, still clearly upset with you. He had every reason to be, but still, he didn’t want to risk losing you out in the storm.
He started sprinting, his free hand held over his face, shielding him from the lashing rain and wind. You did the same, covering your face as you followed him closely. 
When you reached the house. Jin lifted the mat in front of the front door to reveal a key laying under it. He unlocked the door, a sigh of relief leaving his lips. He opened the door and waited for you to get in before he closed it. The sound of the storm could still be heard inside the house and you were both thankful to have a roof over your head. Especially with night time approaching. 
While trying to catch your breath, you began looking around at your temporary shelter. The decoration of the house had a modern style mixed with tropical vibes. The white fabric of the couch matched the curtains and the frames on the paintings that covered the walls. The furniture in the living room and adjoining dining space were made of bamboo. The walls of the open concept room had oak paneling, giving the place a rustic island vibe.. Green plants were placed around the house to give it a pop of colour. Your mouth was slightly agape, it was much more beautifully decorated than the guest rooms on the main island. 
While you were busy looking at the house, Jin was busy exploring it. Checking the kitchen for food and water first. Not much there besides a welcoming basket and some food the construction worker must have left behind. The toilet was plain and simple, toilet,sink, and shower. The bedroom only had one double bed. Why couldn’t any of the big family houses have been any closer? Jin let out an annoyed sigh.
He now had to fight you over the bed. There was no way your stubborn ass was just going to hand it over to him. You started walking around the house quietly, looking into the bedroom and Jin braced himself. Ready for an argument that he had to win. No way was he going to sleep on the small couch with his wide shoulders and suffer all night.
“You can take the bed. I’ll take the couch.” You suddenly announced, walking past Jin to get to  the bathroom. You were freezing and you needed to change into something warmer. Dragging your cold soaking wet wetsuit down your body, you placed it on the shower floor. Your bikini following suit. Taking the white kimono that was hanging beside the shower to wrap around your body. The white silk felt expensive and breezy around your body. Probably made for the beach under the hot glazing sun.
While you had been changing, Jin had taken off his wetsuit as well. Going around in his swim trunks as he tried to make sense of you. Almost shaking his head at himself for not having his priorities straight. He needed to eat and drink. His basic human needs that were somehow overthrown by you. He couldn’t help it. He just couldn’t make any sense of you.
One minute, you are screaming at him, telling him that you don’t even want to breathe the same air as him. Next, you are dancing with him, well, you could have been drunk out of your mind that time actually. Arguing again but for some reason agree the next morning to help him? To throw yourself in his arms and later on, shout at him again.
And now, you had just given him the bed. Without a fight, without anything. Jin couldn’t understand anything. He couldn’t understand you at all. So, he decided to do something he did understand and knew how to handle. Cook some dinner for the two of you, well, with whatever he could find in the kitchen. 
It would be an early dinner, but he didn’t think you would complain. You did go out on the waters with him without eating any breakfast, wanting to get out on the water as soon as possible in fear of the storm. And later on, sleeping through lunch in the caves. 
As you walked out of the bathroom, you were blessed with the sight of Jin shirtless in his swimming trunks. Hanging low, so low you could see the beginning of his v-line. You wanted to get closer. Wanted to know what he would feel like against your skin. To have his body move against yours.
He was cooking something on the stove. The faint smell of vegetables reached your nose as you took a deep breath. Your mouth salivated at the thought of finally eating something. Jin hummed as he stirred the two pots. You wanted to know what he was cooking and so, you walked up to him.
He didn’t notice you until you stood next to him. As he looked down on your body, he could see the outline of your boobs through the thin fabric. His cock instantly twitched at the delicious sight that was now in front of him.
Jin was quickly drawn from his thoughts when one of the pot’s contents started to boil, the hot drop of water landing on his arm. He jumped back, his reflexes doing all the work for him. His other hand pressed against the area where he’d burned himself.
“Are you okay?” You hadn’t quite understood what had happened, but your instinct told you to take hold of Jin’s arm. With your small hands compared to Jin’s, you moved his hands away. Examining the area where the water drop had hit. A little red but otherwise than that, it was fine.
At your sudden caring nature, Jin was caught off guard. He was supposed to be mad at you, but how could he be when you held his arm so tenderly? With your fingertips that grazed over his skin so lightly, checking for any bruising.
Pulling his arm back from you he muttered ‘I’m fine’ before he went back to cooking.The house, just like every house on the island, where stored with canned food. In case of an emergency or storm. Canned beans, rice and some sauce was enough for Jin to make a stew for the both of you. 
Jin took the pots of the stove. You blinked a few times, confused at Jin’s sudden outburst before you heard him say- “Dinner’s ready.” 
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The two of you eat in silence. It wasn’t as uncomfortable as you thought it would be. Jin’s cooking skills were really good, given the few ingredients he had, he managed to make something really tasty. For that, you were grateful.  
When you finished eating your dinner, you waited for Jin to finish his. Sitting at the dinner table, you looked out of the big window. Rain poured down, wind catching the trees of the island. Making them sway. Oh, how you were thankful at this very moment to be inside with a roof over your head.
Jin watched you, when your focus was somewhere else, he could admire your beauty. If only that beauty could match your personality. He knew you weren’t as cold as you tried to be towards him. You were one of the most liked workers on the resort, your bright caring personality being behind it. So, why were you so hell bent on hating Jin?
“Why do you hate me?” Jin spoke, breaking the silence. You looked at him confused, not catching what he said at first.
“Why do you hate me?” He repeated. You gulped as you looked down on the floor.
“Why is that important now?” You asked, and he scoffed.
“Don’t I deserve to know after I saved your life? Come one y/n, you always dodge this question whenever I ask you. Just be honest for once.” Jin had a point. You did always avoid the question. Most often, you got mad because he didn’t already know. Well, maybe it was time for you to just tell him.
“The first summer I worked here…” you began, looking away as you could not look him in the eyes. “You stole my date.”
“Your date?” Jin questioned, trying to think about what you could have meant by that. You quickly grew annoyed.
“Yes, my date, the boy I was with all night at the beach party. The boy you stole from me and took back to your room doing God knows what.” At your words, Jin started laughing hysterically.
“What?!” You questioned. The boy shook his head, fighting tears coming out of his eyes from laughing to hard.
"You are not gonna believe me when I tell you. This is so funny.” He said and you waited for him to continue. Wanting to know what he meant by that.
“You flirted with my friend Sam, who happened to have a girlfriend at the time.” He explained and an ‘ohh’ left your lips.
“So yeah… I took him back to my room so he could sleep it off. I knew he had been fighting with his girlfriend that night and didn’t want you to get caught up in anything.” Well, that did explain a lot, you thought. Still, it didn’t explain why Jin started to steal your hook ups after that.
“Okay, I get that…” you started, “but why did you continue to steal my hook ups over the years?”
“Would you believe me if I said I was jealous?” Jin’s sudden honesty surprised you. It would make sense yes, but why would he be jealous? Unless…
“I’m just gonna head to the bathroom, be back soon.” Jin announced as he left the dinner table, leaving you alone with your thoughts. Focus y/n, there is no way Jin liked you, you thought. Standing up from the table as well, you took both yours and Jin’s empty bowls to the kitchen. As you placed them in the sink you quickly realized you needed to do something to distract yourself. Anything to take your mind off the fact that Jin might like you.
You tried to brush your fingers through your hair, fingers instantly getting stuck in it. You sighed. You hadn’t had enough time to brush your hair before getting out in the ocean. Your hair now a mess. In true little mermaid spirit, you opened the first drawer. Taking a fork, you sat down on the couch, trying your best to detangle your hair.  
The sight of you brushing your hair with a fork made Jin chuckle as he opened the bathroom door. His mood instantly lifted. Watching you from afar as you struggled, the fork getting stuck with each stroke.
“You are really taking the Ariel thing to the next level.” He chuckled as he approached you. As you looked towards him, the fork got stuck in your hair. Wincing, you tried pulling it away to no avail.
“Let me help you.” Jin said as he saw how you struggled. He sat down next to you, placing his hand over yours. You removed your hand, allowing him to hold the fork. He sat there for a little while. Removing the hair strands that had gotten stuck around it. 
“What’d you try to do? Brush your hair?” He asked and you muttered a ‘yes’. You felt stupid now. To have Jin baby you like this. When you felt the fork being removed, you tried to stand up. Only to have Jin place his hand on your shoulder, pushing you back down.
“Sit still.” He’d order you, and you’d listen. Feeling your ears turning red as carefully separated your hair into smaller sections with his hands. Working his way through it with his fingers, separating what had gotten tangled up earlier today. Skilful hands that worked quickly, but carefully.  
Eventually, you started to lean into his touch. Jin’s hands moved over to massage your scalp once they were done untangling your hair. You let out a quiet moan as you took a deep breath. The sound made Jin want to bend your over this couch right here, right now.
He stopped massaging your hair, ready to move away from you before he wouldn’t be able to resist those urges. Before he could move, you’d already turned your head. As you looked him in the eyes, head tilted upwards, you wanted nothing more than to have him closer. Jin felt the same as unknown forces pushed you together. No longer able to deny the obvious.
You looked down, staring at his lip. Oh, how you wished you could just taste them. You bit your lip, silencing the whine coming from your mouth at the thought of it. As Jin looked where your focus was, he couldn’t hold himself back any longer.
Grabbing your face with one hand, he roughly placed his lips over yours. You were surprised for a second but quickly melted into the fierce kiss, kissing him back with even more desire. Taking hold of your hair with his other hand, Jin pulled your head to the side. Your lips disconnected as he started working his way down your neck, kissing every part of it.
“This okay?” He’d ask as he placed a sweet kiss just below your ear. You hummed and that was all Jin needed to continue working on his art. He wanted to mark you. To let everyone know you were his. You let out a moan when his lips brushed over your sweet spot. Jin smirked against your neck before he sucked roughly on your sweet spot. Earning yet another moan from you.
“You like it princess? Like it when I mark you up so everyone knows who you belong to?”
“Yes Jin.” You moaned, allowing lust to completely take over your body. As Jin continued to mark you up, leaving hickey’s wherever he pleased, his hands started to trail your body.
“Let me know if you want me to stop.” You trusted him, knowing you could stop at any time. But hearing those words made you feel butterflies in your stomach.  You felt reassured, happy and safe.
Jin’s hands moved to slip under your kimono, your nipples already hard as he began playing with them. Circling, twisting and pulling, Jin took his time with them. You could feel your arousal when you shifted your legs, desperately trying to find any friction that could relieve your aching core.
Jin noticed how you squirmed, and he could barely believe it. He had you all to himself now, squirming under his hands. Your body moved on its own accord. Breathless moans and whines leaving your mouth that only made Jin harder. You could feel him now. As you pressed your backside backwards, you could feel his hard cock against your butt cheek.
He wanted to devour you and he couldn’t wait any longer. You started growing impatient, complaining as Jin started to move away from you.
“What’s taking you so long?” You whined only to hear him scoff. As you turned your head around, you were met with his burning gaze.
“I don’t remember Ariel being able to speak on her vacation to the surface. I think we need to change that.” Jin spoke and you were reminded of the movie, how the princess voice was taken away from her in exchange for her to be able to walk on land. You couldn’t believe he was still referencing it. “On your knees princess.”
You did as you were told. Jin parted his legs, allowing you to sit in between them. You got down on your knees, looking up at him with pleading eyes. You were, however, not short on your snarky comebacks.
“Now what?”  
“Now… we put that mouth to better use. Open up.” Opening your mouth, you waited while Jin took off his swimming trunks. The second his half hard cock springed out, your pussy clenched at the sight. It wasn’t the biggest you’d ever seen but it was definitely above average. Your mouth watering at the thought of having him inside any of your holes. 
His hand grabbing hold of your hair, this time not as roughly as he guided you to his cock. With your lips wrapped around it you teased the tip for a bit before Jin pulled you further down on it. The feeling so heavenly that you closed your eyes. Still holding your hair, Jin bobbed your head up and down his length. Your moans muffled by the cock in your mouth.
“It seems like we solved our little problem. Your voice seems to be gone princess.” You only moaned more at Jin’s dirty talk. Feeling your arousal drip down your thighs at this point as there was no underwear to stop it. The kimono being your only piece of clothing. Your pussy clenched at the thought of being so wet that you were leaking down on the floor. 
“Can’t talk with your mouth stuffed with cock, now can you?” As he mocked you, you swirl your tongue around his tip. A firm grip with your hand around the base, pumping what you couldn't fit in your mouth. Earning a moan from Jin, his head thrown backwards against the couch. His eyes closed as he breathlessly asked you. "Can you take it deeper princess?"
You responded by taking him further down. The tip of his dick resting at the beginning of your throat. Taking a deep breath, you tried taking him further, only for your gag reflex to kick in. 
Gagging on his dick, you pulled him out. Still holding your hand firmly around his dick. Pumping his length as you rested your mouth and throat for a while. Jin sat up, stroking your hair before tilting your head upwards. His hand resting on your chin as he did. 
When you met his eyes, you saw that they were filled with concern. His gaze soft as he looked into your tear filled eyes.
"Hey, hey… You don't have to…" He reassured, but you shook your head. His hand letting go of your face as you did. 
"I want to." You wanted so badly to take his dick down your throat. To watch him fall apart because of you. You weren't even in the mood to tease him. You just wanted to make him cum. 
It just that it had been a while since you… well… had given anyone a blowjob. Too busy studying at university and Jin cockblocking you all summer. He wasn’t exactly small either.
Determined, you tried again. You almost choked at first, suppressing the feeling as you heard Jin groan. This time, you took him down your throat a little further than the first time. Taking a deep breath through your nose, holding it in. The sounds that came out of his mouth were more than enough to encourage you. 
This time, you could almost take all of him down, bobbing your head up and down his length. His cock grazing your throat each time, your cheeks hollow. Wanting Jin to cum, wanting him so desperately to be at your mercy. To be the only one who could pleasure him like this. 
“Oh fuck, just like that…” Jin moaned and you felt his cock twitch as you repeated the action. Sucking in your cheeks as much as you could. Hearing his breathing getting more and more ragged the closer to the edge he got. His hands gripping your hair desperately to hold onto anything as he got right to the edge. 
“So close… gonna cum…” He warned and you backed away a little, focusing on swirling your tongue around his tip as you let your hands take care of the rest of his girth. Jin cumming inside your mouth as you squeeze his dick a little harder, milking his cum into your mouth. Letting him ride out his orgasm as you sloppy kept one of your hands on his dick, moving slowly up and down. Jaw tired from all the work you had to do. 
As Jin slumped down onto the couch, you let go of him completely. Swallowing his cum as you slumped down on the floor as well. Exhausted, you allowed yourself to close your eyes and rest for a bit. 
Well, that’s until you felt Jin take hold of you, his hands firmly placed on the side of your boobs as he lifted you up on the couch. Laying you down on the couch as he climbed on top of you. 
“Don’t you dare think for one second I’m done with you.” He growled as he wrapped his lips around your niple, sucking on it while he played with the other one with his hand. Taken completely by surprise, you moaned at the sensation. Jin switched between sucking and circling your nipples with his tongue. Occasionally, grazing them with his teeth. Always giving attention to the other nipple that he didn't have his mouth on with his hand. 
Your pussy aching to be touched by now, your legs rubbing together to try and create any friction for your neglected clit. Jin noticed it right away, a smirk on his lips as you started to whine. 
“Please Jin…” You pleaded, asking for anything at this point. Taking hold of one of your legs, he hoisted it up on the couch backrest. His other hand taking hold of the other leg, pushing it towards you, spreading you wide open for him. Your pussy clenching and leaking as he kissed your thighs with feather like kisses. 
"Don't worry princess, I'll take care of you." His voice deeper as he cooed you. His eyes looked up only to see your glistering pussy, groaning at the sight. The sweet smell of it made him want to taste you even more and stop teasing you. 
Giving in, he dived in, parting your legs even further. Spreading you out for even more as he put two of his fingers between your folds, separating them. His tongue vibrated against your clit as he moaned when he finally wrapped his lips around it.
You cried out. Throwing your head back as one of your hands desperately took hold of his hair. Any other day Jin would scold you for ruining his hair but today he couldn’t care less. Not when it felt so good everytime you tugged at it every time he would suck a little harsher, lick a little faster on your clit. The sounds you made, God, you sounded like an angel that was brought down from heaven for him and him only. The sound was like music to his ears. 
You truly felt as if you were in heaven. Your orgasm approaching quickly thanks to Jin’s skillful mouth and your general absence from sex. It had been way too long someone had treated you this good. And just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, you felt Jin tease a finger at your entrance. Tracing it with circle motions, but never entering you. 
“Please Jin… just give it to me…” You pleaded and Jin stopped working on your clit. A whine leaving your lips. Bucking your hips into his face in a desperate attempt to get him back where you wanted him. A smirk on his lips as he watched your naked body, the sight of your breasts moving up and down as you breathed heavily. His finger still teased your entrance as you tried to get it, moving your hips. 
“Why? So you can rip my hair out even more?” At Jin’s words, you looked down on him. His hair being a mess with your hand gripping it tightly. His dirty blond strands were all over the place. When did you even grip his hair? You thought as you let go of it. 
“Sorry…” You mumbled, brushing through it with your hand in an attempt to make it better. Jin only smiled sweetly at you. His lips even more plump, glistering with your wetness. Eyes full of mischief and care. 
“It’s okay… You close princess?” The endearing nickname making butterflies fly around in your stomach. You nodded, not trusting your words as Jin was still teasing your entrance. 
“Hmm… What else could I do for my princess to make her feel good?” Jin asked playfully and just as you were about to answer him, he slipped his finger inside you. The unsuspected action making you moan. Moving his finger in and out of you slowly. 
“Oh maybe that?” Jin playfully said, one of his eyebrows raised as he observed you. A smile on his lips as you kissed your thigh harshly, a whine leaving your lips as he did. Looking up again once he was done with leaving another mark. His finger still moving in and out at a slow pace. 
“It’s better where it’s wetter, isn’t it princess?” Jin joked. Of course he would make a fucking ‘the little mermaid’ refrence as he was fingering you, you thought. Wishing he could just stop teasing you and make you cum. 
“Bet I could just slip in two… or even three fingers right now… You’d like that princess, wouldn’t you? To feel full?” Jin spoke as he let another finger enter you. You arched your back at the sensation as Jin continued. “Fuck you’re wet, you’re taking my fingers so well princess. Could you handle another?”
You chanted out ‘yes, yes, yes’ as you wanted was more of Jin. More of him. He added a third finger and you clenched around them, loving how full you felt. Moaning when Jin curled his fingers inside you, finding your g-spot. 
“Does it feel good like this?” He asked and you responded by moaning, a satisfied smile on his lips. Happy with your response. “Just you wait until I finally get to fuck you and you’ll feel my dick inside you. Oh what I would do to be inside you right now.” 
The thought of Jin being inside you was too much, you almost came at the thought of it. How he would probably put you in whatever position he pleased, anywhere and everywhere he wanted. Fucking you so deep and hard you wouldn’t be able to walk for days. 
“Please… Just make me cum… I can’t…” You pleaded, asking Jin to have mercy on you as your legs started to tremble. Feeling as your eyes started to water. The overstimulation was almost too much for you. 
“Shh princess, I got you. You can let go whenever.” He cooed before going down on you again. Speeding up his fingers just a little as he wrapped his lips around your clit. Taking you over the edge the moment he started sucking on it. Slowing down his fingers and kitty licking your clit as you rode down your high quite literally. Bucking your hips as you tried to get away from Jin, your oversensitivity quickly kicking in once you came down. 
Jin pulled out his fingers as he continued eating you. Long strokes with his tongue as he collected all your wetness, savouring the taste of you. Cleaning you up until you started pushing him away due to the slight pain coming with your oversensitivity. 
“Alright, alright.” Jin laughed, getting up from the couch. Standing in front of you, he held out his hand for you to take. 
"Want to join me in the shower?" With the wonderful bliss that you felt after your orgasm still lingering in your body, you nodded. You had just seen him naked and he had seen you. There was no harm in it, right? 
Taking his hand, you followed him into the bathroom. Jin had already turned on the water in the shower as you entered the bathroom. Both of you stepped into the shower once the water was hot enough. The water soothing against your burning skin. Still hot from all your previous activities. You closed your eyes for a moment. 
While you were standing there, content, Jin observed you. Watching as the water dropped down your body. Making your skin look like it glowed. A sigh of relief leaving your lips as you brushed your hand through your detangled hair. Jin thought he was the luckiest man on earth.
“You’re so beautiful.” He whispered, and you opened your eyes. His gaze was soft and you felt safe under it. As if he was some angel sent to watch over you, to make sure you were safe. Despite the near death experience and the storm raging on outside, you did feel safe. Because of him. His presence, caring nature and genuine concern for you. 
Who were you to deserve a man like that? Your thoughts started to spiral, the smile you had on your face faded. A sigh of disappointment leaving your lips, and Jin noticed it. 
“What’s wrong?” 
“I just need some space, some time… I’ll just go to sleep and we’ll talk about it tomorrow?” You quietly said, biting your lip. Holding in the tears that so desperately wanted to roll down your cheeks. Jin didn’t deserve your crap, and you certainly didn’t deserve him. 
“Yeah… of course.” His voice, equally quiet as yours. Jin didn’t know where all of this came from, but he wasn’t going to push you. Much had happened in the last 12 hours after all. Maybe you didn’t have any feelings for him. Maybe he was just imagining it all. A bitter truth that Jin was beginning to accept as you nodded at his response before you left the shower. Leaving him alone with his thoughts.
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As you laid on the couch, covered in a blanket that barely gave you any heat, you waited for Jin to go to bed. He spent more time in the shower than you thought he would. Holding in your tears, hiding underneath the blanket as you waited for Jin to go to sleep. 
When you heard the bedroom door close, you let all of your feelings out. Sobbing into the blanket, your body shaking from all the sadness it had been filled with. You wanted to let it all out. Pouring your heart out as the storm drowned out your cries. 
You didn’t deserve him. The moment he had called you beautiful, you couldn’t help but to think it was all unreal. It was just a dream. A moment the two of you had shared. Nothing more, nothing less. Tomorrow, when the building crew that is working on the island comes to work, you’ll be saved. Everything will go back to the way it was. Right? 
But how were you supposed to hate him when you… No. There was no way you had fallen for Jin. Kim Seokjin who made it his life mission to make your life as difficult as possible. Who always stole your hook-ups for selfish reasons. Yeah, there was no way you were falling for him. 
But if you weren’t, then why did it hurt so much? Why did it hurt so much to see him disappointed in you? See him sad, see him hurt, see him almost dying. Why did your body ache at the thought of not being good enough for him? Why did you feel as if you wanted to throw up when you thought about all the hurtful things you’d told him for years. Jin was right about one thing, he should have left you in the ocean. 
You said you wanted space which was the only reason Jin didn’t leave the bedroom to console you. Hearing your cries made his heart ache, but he began to understand why you’d said you needed space. It was all probably very overwhelming for you. While he might have had a crush on your for years now, this was most likely all new to you. Or so he’d like to think. Why else were you crying on the couch right now instead of joining him on the bed? 
Two sleepless hours of crying later and you admitted defeat. You wouldn’t be able to ever fall asleep, at least not like this. You needed to make things right with Jin. How else were you supposed to be able to wake up tomorrow? To face him? 
You threw off the blanket and got up from the couch. With goosebumps on your skin, just the thin kimono covering your body, you made your way over to the bedroom. You dragged your feet across the floor, head hanging low knocking lightly before opening the door. Jin was laying on his side underneath the covers. His hair splayed out on the pillow, looking like an angel from what you saw in the dark. The occasional flashes from the lightning giving you a glimpse of his features. Almost asleep as you quietly made your way over to the bed. 
He opened his eyes to see you awkwardly standing beside the bed. Looking for the right words to say as you twiddled with your thumbs. Looking down as you took a deep breath, not daring to look Jin in the eyes. 
“I’m sorry…” You begin with, unsure what you were apologizing for really but you knew you had a lot of apologizing to do. “... for the things I’ve said… and done… I just-”
“Shh it’s alright.” Jin interrupts you, taking hold of the covers, pulling them aside. “Just come here, we’ll talk about it tomorrow.” 
He invited you to his bed, despite everything, without hesitation. You really didn’t deserve him, you thought as you climbed into the bed. Laying down next to him, he pulled the covers over the both of you. His arm sneaking around your body to pull you closer to him. You almost let out a yelp out of surprise but quickly relaxed in his embrace. His body flushed against yours. 
“I’m so sorry Jin, for-” 
“I know, I know y/n… You’re forgiven, I promise... Just try and get some sleep okay?” Jin promises and you respond with a quiet ‘okay’. Jin rarely said your name and so, you felt that his promise to you was genuine. Finally, you were able to breath without it feeling as if someone was sitting on your chest. Closing your eyes, you moved your head around a little before finding a comfortable position to sleep in. 
“Good night y/n.” 
“Good night Jin.” 
The following morning, you woke up in Jin’s arms. Hearing him snoring slightly behind you. You chuckled, your chest vibrating, waking Jin up. Groaning, he pulled you even closer to him, almost squeezing you. 
“Don’t even think about leaving the bed for another hour.” He warned, voice hoarse and you snorted. 
“As if, you’re so warm and the rest of the house is so cold.” As the words leave your mouth, Jin let’s go of your body a little. His voice being more steady now as he starts to tease you. 
“Yah… are you using me for my warmth? I’m deeply hurt.” You chuckled and Jin couldn’t help but to smile as he felt your whole body being filled with joy. 
“Maybe…” You teased back. You hadn't felt so happy in several months as you did right in this moment. With Jin beside you, the sun suddenly wasn’t as bright. Jin’s warmth was brighter than anything you had ever felt before. 
“That’s it.” You heard Jin say before he attacked you. Strong arms gripping around your body to give him all the leverage he needed to tickle you. His hands skillfully drawing out high pitched screams from you as he tickled your stomach. Your legs and arms fly everywhere as you try to get away from him. 
“JIN... NO... PLEASE…” You managed to say in between laughs. Being the gentleman he is, he stopped at last. Growing tired of holding you still enough for him to be able to tickle you. 
You weren't convinced that he was done however, thinking you finally somehow escaped his embrace. One idea came to mind. You climbed on top of him. Taking hold of his wrists to either side of his face. His goofy smile shined back at you. 
“Pinning me down first thing in the morning. If you wanted me that bad you should have just told me princess.” He teased, knowing you would be embarrassed. With your ears now red you looked away from him. Letting go of his wrists as you bit your lip. Suddenly thinking of last night's thoughts. 
“Aww… and I thought we were just about to get kinky...” Jin whined and you ignored him, too caught up in your own thoughts. Suddenly painfully aware your core was right above his dick. You needed to have a discussion about this, about what the two of you are before you could do anything else. You needed to focus. 
You turned your head towards him, meeting Jin’s eyes. “Can you have a serious conversation with me, even though I’m sitting on top of you?” 
“Is that even a question?” He snorted and you slapped him lightly on the arm. Offended, Jin rubbed the area where you’d just slapped him with his other hand. Letting out a sigh as he sees you crossing your arms. Ignoring how delightful your boobs looked underneath the thin kimono as you did so. Reminded of last night's events suddenly.
“Yes I can.” He said, knowing you probably had things you wanted to say. Considering he didn’t let you last night. 
You think for a few seconds before you begin. “Jin… You’re so much more than I ever thought. So much better than whatever villain version I was painting up in my head and I’m sorry for the way I treated you. I probably don’t deserve you or this, whatever this is and I’m honestly scared…” You confessed. As you had started speaking, Jin had soothening rubbed circles on your things. Looking into his eyes as you continued. 
“I think I want something… But that’s only of course if you want something... Maybe this was just a one time thing for you…” You started to ramble and Jin takes you by surprise as he sets up.His face being only inches away from yours. Staring deeply into your eyes, he caressed your face.
“Of course I want something with you.” He soothed and you let out a breath of relief. 
“Okay that’s good… Well… I guess what I wanted to say was… Can we take it slow? Figure it all out before we move further?” 
“What’s further than my dick down your throat and my tongue inside your pussy? Me inside you? Assplay?” Jin joked and you shook your head out of disbelief. Though you couldn’t help that the thought of it awoke a certain type of need in you. 
“I seriously can’t with-” Before you could finish your sentence, Jin had already pressed his lips against yours. Softly and playfully kissing you as you giggled into the kiss. Annoyed that you weren’t able to focus on him, only laughing in his face (literally) he moved onto your neck. Pressing feather light kisses to it. Only a man could stop himself for so long when he had a beautiful girl confessing she wanted something with him, half naked on his lap. He wanted you, and he wanted you now.  
You were both interrupted by loud noises coming from the outside. As you tried to listen, you suddenly heard your name being shouted followed by Jin’s. The rescue team was here. You almost threw yourself off the bed in surprise. Jin groaning as you left his lap, his head thrown back. 
“Really? We are about to be saved from being stranded, and you’re complaining?” You questioned and Jin scrunched his face shaking his head lightly. 
“Yah, why do you have to say it like that? I wouldn’t exactly mind if they came an hour later or so. That’s all.” Jin said as he got up from the bed. Stretching his back as he yawned with his arms up in the air. You laughed, shaking your head before you replied to him. 
“Come on now… let’s go home.” 
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The rest of the day was spent in meetings with your boss and other people higher up at the resort. They apologized profusely for what you and Jin had to go through. Offering you a week off to just enjoy your time at the resort. Jin had denied the offer quickly, saying you will work as usual and that they will be contacted by his lawyer regarding the incident. 
You’d left the meeting earlier than Jin, he reassured that he would take care of it. It was enough for your exhausted body to give in and go back to your apartment. You wanted nothing more than to rest for a little while, to let your sore muscles heal.
As you changed into something a little more comfortable, you couldn’t help but to think back to the last 24 hours. You and Jin had almost drowned. You were stranded on an island. Well, inside a fancy hotel resort condo but nonetheless still stranded. You’d spend so much time with Jin. Seeing a different side of him as you finally allowed yourself to open up to him. 
With your mind filled with blissful thoughts of Jin, you fell asleep. Not even bothering to pull down the blinds as the sun shined through your window. Exhausted, you allowed yourself to relax and sleep. To heal from all the bad that came with all the good. 
You were woken up from your nap by a knock on the door. Looking at the clock, you realized several hours had gone by and it was suddenly evening. Your room was dark, the sun had gone down already. You were confused as to who could want something from you at this hour, so you dragged yourself out of bed to look. Opening the door, you were met with Jin. A bright smile on his lips as he held two containers of food in his hands. The beginning of something new. 
From that point on, Jin didn’t leave the containers outside your door. The two of you always ate dinner together. Making new routines, getting acquainted with the idea of being something other than enemies. Something sweeter. Something more joyful. The best part? You had two months left of the summer to spend together. Two more months of just you and Jin. Bound together by tides that just happened to be right on time.
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anoriathdunadan · 3 years
Where the Stars Are F***ing Strange
Pairing: Aragorn-Estel-Strider / OC Rating: Explicit Genre: Modern OC in Middle-earth, reader insert, gender of OC not specified, 25th Gray Companion, copious references to The Princess Bride (because why not?) Warnings: so much swearing, canon levels of xenophobia and violence, feral chickens Summary: Plucked like a fish out of water, you try to make the best out of a bad situation in Bree. Then, one day, this Hozier-looking dude showed up at The Pony.
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Chapter One - Hozier in the Hallway with the Knife
“That’s no concern of mine,” comes Barliman Butterbur’s voice from down the hall as clear as a bell.  “Aye your money is as good as any other man’s, but I have no need of the trouble that comes with it.”
The answer is a low rumble you can’t quite discern.
Nob’s home with a fever, or he would be the one spending the day pouring out the pisspots into the barrel for the honey wagon, sweeping out the hearths in the empty rooms, making up the beds in the occupied ones, and the million and one other small things that need to happen to keep the inn running, but when Bob appeared at your door before the crack of dawn you leaped at the chance. Barliman paid in coin.
“No, it don’t matter should you keep to your room,” comes his voice, closer this time. “I’ll not have you and your lot here. Not after what happened the last time!”
What the hell happened “last time?”
No. No, you don’t want to know. 
You’d give Barliman his privacy, but you can hear his voice all the way down the hall and through the closed door. Not that his whisper couldn’t travel that far. The man has a voice like a foghorn from all that shouting over his customers in the common room.  Wasn’t much that was secret here at The Prancing Pony.
“Now Bill Ferny is a regular of mine and you’ve no call to speak ill of him like that. Off with you now, or I’ll call Harry from the gate and have you dragged out and thrown onto the Road should you force me to it.”
This last makes you snort and then the memories of the man catch up to you and you feel vaguely ill.  Bill Ferny!  What an asshole.  He’s been eyeing you since you first arrived begging for work at The Pony, what with his ‘cotters like you’ll never make it here like that on yer own,’ and ‘not one of these pledgeholding blokes will take on ye, fealty oath or no, have ye not figured that out, yet?’ and promises of an easy life and money and good food when you wish it if only you knew what was good for you.  Yeah, you can just imagine what he’d ask you to do for it.  It makes your skin crawl just thinking about it.  Far, far too eager, his eyes following you around during your duties. Oh, he ‘talks fair’ when ‘Master Butterbur’ is around. But he was up to no good, or your name isn’t -
Well… yeah.  But it isn’t any more is it.
Picking up the broom and coal and piss buckets, you open the door to the hall to find some Hozier-looking dude leaning against the wall and curled over his breast so that all you can see is the fall of his long, dark hair.  It’s not the narrowest of halls around this place, but he is a big dude; tall and broad shouldered, and he takes up a lot of space.  And yep, that is a knife tucked in his belt.  And yep, he is between you and where you want to go. He makes his way slowly down the hall, the palm of his hand trailing along the wall as he walks and leans on it. Him and you and your buckets are going to be a squeeze. If he’s as desperate as he was hinting at earlier he’s got just enough room to pull that knife with the lovely swirling designs worked into its hilt and pin you to the stucco.
Well, shit.  You’ve got the parlor and upper floors to do before you prepare the private dining hall for dinner.  And you really, really, really need the money.  Winter comes up faster than you’d think and you do not want to be as unprepared as you were last year.  A few more pennies and you could even buy a couple hens and feed them through the winter instead of slaughtering them so you’d have eggs.  Or maybe a goat?  They eat pretty much anything.  Right?
You could do it, though.  You knew some things about raising animals before you appeared here. The equipment may be vastly different but the principles remained the same:  water the animal, feed the animal, muck out the results of having fed and watered the animal, keep the animal from doing something stupid, rescue the animal when it has done something stupid… and repeat ad nauseam until either you or the animal dies.
See?  You may not have lost your sense of humor after all.
His eyes come up sharply when you approach him. They are a beautiful grey, and startlingly keen for all his unkempt look and the ragged edges and patched clothing.  He stares at you as if it was you he had come to see after all, not Barliman.
And then you have passed him, and you let out your breath. Your ears ring as if someone set off a fire alarm next to them and your heart is pounding a mile a minute. What the hell!  That was intense.  Why was that intense?   It’s not like he made a move to try something and you had to fend him off, not that he seemed up to it, but he wouldn’t be the first in this place. Find a penny, pick it up, all day long it will… tempt other equally desperate people to steal it from you.  And some people are more easily tempted than others.
Huh. No idea what it was about him.  Never seen someone like him before here.  All right, well.  Just file that away for later, you guess.  One of the many weird things that can happen here.  Though, now that you think of it, you suppose it makes sense. If this place has innkeepers, farmers, plowmen, smiths, tanners, washerwomen, and traders, it would stand to reason it would also have vagabonds, wanderers, thieves, and, well, drunkards too, going by that bump against the entry that made him hiss and stumble out into the yard.
Welp, Cinderella?  The nights are warm this time of year, if not dry.  Worst thing that’ll probably happen to him is he’ll wake up under the hedges soaked to the bone and with a pounding headache.  Better get a move on.  That penny isn’t going to earn itself.
It’s past dark by the time you are done and Barliman has counted out his tin penny from the till into your palm.  You sling your soft basket over your shoulder and stuff the coin deep in the pocket you sewed into the inside of your tunic. There it taps against the last remaining thing you have from before you popped into existence over a year ago.
The common room is busy tonight, light and heat and noise spilling out from the open windows. As you pass a voice rings out.
“Should ye not do somewhat about those vagabonds and cutthroats harassing good folk on the Road, then we shall do it ourselves!” it says, followed by a roar of sound.
Yeah, yeah.  Not the first you’ve heard this.  It seems to come and go with the warm weather.  They’ll wind down soon enough.
No use looking within. You’ve got your penny and you need to get it home.  You have the oil lamp that Bob lent you for the walk.  Maybe if you hurry you’ll have enough of the oil left you can get some of that darning for Mistress Blackthorn done tonight.
Thank all that is holy for Bob. Bright spot in your day, ‘thank ye kindly for your help with that one, he were a fiery one that he was,’ ‘don’t let that one catch you turning down the rooms on yer own if ye know what I mean,’ ‘here, the missus made more beef and kidney pies than we can eat in a week, you take them’ Bob.  Saved your ass a few times and was polite when you did what you could to save his in return.
Okay, okay.  It’s been wet all these past few weeks.  Maybe you can go do some mushroom hunting and add to your funds. Cook mentioned something about a party of hobbits from Staddle being expected.   Maybe you can gather enough to earn something worth the time you’ll spend tramping through the woods north of the Road.
You were a programmer and web designer for a nonprofit in your old life.  Not terribly applicable here, true, what with, you know, the lack of computers and internet, and, well, electricity, but at least it taught you to look at a problem as a series of puzzles, and that each solution would likely only lead you to the next conundrum.  And to not look too far ahead.
What the fuck is that?
Talk about not looking too far ahead.  You stare up the road.  A dark pile of something against the light reflecting off the water in the ditch.  Just there, past the circle of light thrown by the lamp.
Aw, shit.  Fuck!  You clap your hand to your forehead and halt, grabbing at your hair.  You’re half-tempted to reverse your step and simply avoid this whole mess.
Damn it!  That’s got to be him, Drunk!Hozier. He’s sprawled in the ditch upon the side of the Road as if he had stumbled and collapsed into it.  Jesus.  How long has he been there?
Fuck.  He’s not moving.  Is this for real?  Or is it just a ploy and you’ll get up close and he’ll…
Fuck, he’s still not moving.
You’ve seen people die here.  It’s just as ugly and awful as you would imagine.  You’ve had your share of funerals, but it’s one thing to see someone waxy-faced in a casket, and quite another to watch their eyes grow dim and everything go still and not be able to do anything about it.
Before you know it, you’re all up in his business against your better judgment, peering at him in the dark and searching through that mess of mud and hair and wool and leather.  Where is his pulse?  I mean, you know CPR. Though what good it is going to do here without 911 to call, you’re not sure.
When you touch him his skin is a lot warmer than you feared it might be.  In fact, he’s quite warm.
He rouses with a sharp grunt, his eyes closed tight and face grimacing, and knocks your hand from him.  You leap back, nearly kicking over the lantern.
Well okay, he’s definitely got a pulse, then.
He drags his arm from beneath him.
Fuck!  He’s trying to crawl.
He doesn’t get very far.
“Hey, hey.”  You pull at his shoulder as he sags back into the mud.  “Hey, you do not want to die from drowning in ditch water.”
Maybe you should lay him on his side, put him in the rescue position so he doesn’t choke on his own vomit or something.
That’s when you chance to put a hand in just the wrong place and he cries out something you can’t understand and curls about his shoulder.  Shit!  When you withdraw your hand it is stained red.
Good god!  He’s soaked through!  How much blood has he lost?
Well, that decides that.
“All right, man, I’m willing to try fixing you up, but you’re going to have to help me, here.”
Somehow, don’t ask you how, you get him upright and he gets his feet beneath him.  With his jaw clamped as tightly as it is, he doesn’t make much noise, just a lot of gasping and heavy breathing.  Fuck.  What kind of life must he lead that he is in that much pain and out of his mind and he can still keep that quiet?
With all the concentration it takes to get and keep him on his feet, you nearly forget the lantern.  Yeah, no.  That would be a great way to repay Bob’s thoughtfulness and wear away at his willingness to help you out here and there.
Big, tall, and feverish teeters on his feet and nearly crashes back to the ground, but you lean over and snatch up the handle to the lantern and then off you two go.  He stinks of mud and the refuse from the overflowing cesspits found in Bree’s ditches after a heavy rain this time of year, his hair lank and hanging in his eyes.  He’s putting so much effort into dragging one foot in front of the other that he doesn’t seem to have any left for asking you who you are, why the hell you plucked him from the ditch, or where the fuck you’re taking him, but with your arm about his waist and his about your shoulder, you shuffle along down the road.
God, if he dies in your bed, what the hell are you going to do?
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peppersonironi · 4 years
Batfam/Avengers Crossover Chapter Four: Growing Suspicions
Tagging (Let me know if you want to be tagged): @the-fair-maiden-of-fandom
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Category: Gen
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types
Relationships: Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Natasha Romanov & Damian Wayne, Clint Barton & Cassandra Cain, Tim Drake & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Tim Drake & Duke Thomas, Pamela Isley/Harleen Quinzel, Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Dick Grayson/Wally West, Roy Harper/Koriand'r/Jason Todd,
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Barbara Gordon, Justice League (DCU), Alfred Pennyworth, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Thor (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Peter Parker, Alfred the Cat (DCU), Bat-Cow (DCU), Goliath (DCU), Selina Kyle’s Cat Isis, Kate Kane (DCU), Duke Thomas,
Additional Tags: Batbrothers (DCU), Avengers Meet The Batfam, MCU/Batfam crossover, Crossover, no beta we die like robins, rated T for Jason’s language, I bleeped it out though. Just to be safe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, canon? What’s canon?, Deaf Clint Barton,Deaf Character, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Happy Batfamily (DCU), Birdflash and joyfire are implied/referenced,
Summary: After some questionable comments from Jason regarding murder, some of the Avengers are (understandably) freaked out and untrusting towards the bats. They decide to research their hosts.
Natasha stood to the side as Tim Drake and Stephanie Brown finished sparring. Everyone else was either watching or warming up. Natasha was part of the former.
Their skill was undeniable. She had no doubt that if it came to a real fight, she might not win. They had fought hard for almost five minutes, though Nat could tell it was all in good fun. Their looks of concentration did not hide the easy-going eyes and smiles.
Natasha was honestly unsure of who would win, but then Stephanie pulled out of a flip a split second early and delivered a kick to Tim’s chest. A moment later she had used his off-balance to bring him to the floor. He quickly surrendered when she sat on him with her forearm to his throat.
“That was an interesting kick,” Tim said as Stephanie helped him up. “I wonder who you learned it from.” He glanced over his shoulder to glare at a smirking Damian.
“I’m sorry Drake, is there a problem? Aren’t we all supposed to help each other improve our technique?” Damian was smirking even more at that point.
Tim snorted then walked off to get some water, grumbling as he went.
Stephanie laughed. “Sore loser!” She high fived Damian.
“Could I perhaps have a turn,” Natasha asked when no one seemed to be ready immediately to fight.
Steve stepped forward. “Shall we?”
Natasha groaned inside. Steve was a decent fighter, especially with his shield, but she had been looking forward to a challenge.
Natasha nodded. “Sure, I’d like a warm-up.” This got some chuckles from the teens.
They faced each other and started to circle for a few seconds. When Nat grew bored, she darted forward and struck his shoulder. He twisted and she used it to strike the back of his knee. She delivered a kick to the back of his head and he was on the ground a moment later.
There were several appreciative claps and laughs from the kids. The rest of the Avengers just nodded. They were used to Natasha beating them up.
“Someone needs a better opponent,” Bruce Wayne said. He didn’t smile, but there was a slight upturn on the corner of his mouth. “Damian, why don’t you take a turn. I know you’ve been itching for a fight.”
The boy smiled dangerously, and several of the Avengers laughed. They underestimated him - most likely due to his incredibly short stature - unlike Natasha. There was something strange about him, She had sensed it from the moment she’d laid eyes on him. And she hadn’t forgotten that he was dangerous.
Damian strolled forward and took his position. Natasha followed suit. A moment later Dick gave the mark to start.
Damian was fast . He sprinted forward in an instant and struck Nat’s gut. She barely managed to block, and wasn’t able to dodge the next blow, this time to her shin. She darted out with a counterblow, but he stepped out with his back leg, bringing his arm up to block. A split second later his back leg darted out to land a blow on the back of Natasha’s knee, bringing her down. He smoothly transitioned into bringing a knee up and jumping into a spinning kick landing at Natasha’s head.
Natasha was on the ground for a moment before she rose and resumed her atack. Damian flipped away before advancing once again. He unleashed a sequence of torso blows followed by a front handspring finished with a double kick. Natasha spun to the side and attacked him with multiple strikes across his shoulders and head.
She could tell his style easily. He stuck with torso and leg strikes due to his height, and only used roundabout kicks, which utilized his leg strength. But he was also holding back. Some of his blows were clearly designed to kill, but had been modified to be non life threatening. Perhaps what had been implied earlier was true: the kid had killed.
The fight dragged on, and Natasha couldn’t find an opening. Damian was ruthless in his attacks, and his form impeccable. There were times when Natasha was clearly losing, but she managed to pull back from the brink and keep going. She managed to get a decent combo in before Damian swiped at her head mid flip. She dodged to the side: a pivotal mistake. In the blink of an eye, Damian was at her. He brought her into a headlock, and Nat had no choice but to accept defeat.
They rose together, to the astonished faces of the Avengers. Tony was especially shocked. Apparently, none of them had ever considered that Natasha could be beaten. Let alone by an eleven year old.
“Great Job, both of you.” Dick said. “I haven’t seen anyone stand that long against Damian in a while.”
Damian smiled at her smugly.
Natasha smiled right back. The fight had been invigorating, and she hadn't had to work that hard before. But for the same reason, it was worrying. The kid taught with skill that would have taken years to develop. Damian had clearly been trained from a very young age, which brought a shiver down Natasha's spine. She had flashbacks to the Red Room. The bloody horror that has been her childhood.
No one should have to face that.
They trained for a few more hours, and the mood gradually returned to whatever could be considered normal. The bats - Damian specifically - had declared the Avengers to be woefully under trained when it came to fighting. They did admit that Natasha was good, and Clint decent, however. They had everynight standards.
Everyone - even Banner, much to his dismay - had been roped into a basic hand to hand combat training routine, modified to fit each person's skill level. Natasha had enjoyed her's very much, but after three hard hours, she was grateful for the shower.
They had rejoined in the kitchen after everyone had a chance to bathe and chat for lunch. Natasha had found more clothes placed in her room, this time black ripped jeans and tank top. Nat wondered who they belonged to, they clearly didn't come from Cassandra, Barbara, or Stephanie.
Nat didn’t worry too much about it though. She just wanted food. Pretty much everyone was there, though Tony was behind her in the hallway. Natasha came and sat down on one of the stools, along with Tim and Cass.
Natasha had no doubt.
Wayne was wearing dressy casual slacks and a cashmere sweater, as was Damian. They truly looked identical. Everyone else was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, or some variation thereof.
“I have prepared a meal for you, do tell me if it is unsatisfactory,” Alfred the butler said as he set some food on the table. Everyone thanked the old man, who only smiled.
Natasha ate in peace, not ignoring anyone, but not partaking in conversation either. Then she heard Jason raise his voice.
“Come on Replacement, you know  I’m about as dangerous as a butterfly.” He was speaking sarcastically, though Tim didn’t seem to notice.
“Tell that to Black Mask’s henchmen,” he muttered, taking a bite of salad.
Jason snorted. “That was a long time ago, and in my defense, it was his mother’s f***ing fault!”
Damian sat straight upright. “How dare you-”
“You know it's true Dami,” Dick said. “She is malicious, even for an assassin.”
“Can we not talk about Talia over lunch?” Wayne asked, his hands on his temples.
Damian made his t-t sound once again, and continued to eat. Jason shrugged and launched back into a conversation with Tim.
Nat glanced over at Tony and Steve, who were frowning, most likely due to the mention of Damian’s assassin mother. They would be talking about this later, no doubt.
“Did you hear how casually they mentioned it?!” Steve was saying. He had gathered Tony, Nat and Clint with him in one of the libraries, desperate to talk about their hosts.
Tony was nodding while he replied. “This place seems more dangerous than we first thought. I’m not sure if we can trust these … bats .”
Clint frowned. “But they have not actually done anything to harm us. Sure, their methods are questionable, but they are our only way home.”
“The least we can do is gather information,” Tony said. “But be careful. If they really do kill, then they might harm us for questioning them.”
“But what behavior have we seen that would suggest they would do something like that?” Clint insisted. “Sure Jason swears a lot and carries guns, and Damian sharpened his katana quite threateningly, but that is not cause for mistrust!”
“They mentioned assassins! The kid’s mother is an assassin !” Steve said. “That in and of itself is cause for mistrust .”
Natasha chuckled lightly, and Steve’s eyes widened. The three men slowly turned to their resident ex-assassin.
“I’m sorry, Tash,” Steve said. “I didn’t mean you , of course. You’re plenty trustworthy!” Tony couldn’t help but chuckle.
“But that’s exactly what you said,” Cint snapped, growing defensive.
“Steve,” Nat said, sighing. “I understand your worry, I really do. But I’m honestly not worried about us.”
Steve blinked. “Why not?”
“Because when I fought with Damian I could tell his style. He had clearly been trained to kill,” This gained an outraged ‘ahah’ from both Steve and Tony, to which Natahsa shook her head. “He had been trained to kill, yes, but his style was adapted. It was like he was unlearning everything he’d been taught. And I know how that is.”
Clint nodded his head, remembering when he had found Nat, and the months afterward when she had been taken in.
“You’re worried about the kids.” Clint stated.
It wasn’t really a question, but Nat nodded anyway. “He would have had to have been trained for years to be that skilled. And he’s only eleven …” Natasha shook her head. “They mentioned the mother in a way that leads me to believe she isn’t really in his life anymore. If I were to hazard a guess, I’d say she’s the one that trained him, not Bruce Wayne.”
“So he probably isn't abusing the kid, that’s great,” Tony said sarcastically, though Natasha could still direct the relief in his voice. “But what about Jason and Cassandra? I wouldn’t put it past Jason to kill us, honestly. But Cassandra, I don’t know.”
“He mentioned something like manipulation while questioning Thor, so maybe he didn’t mean to?” Clint shook his head. “But he still talked about it so flippantly. I’m not sure about him.”
Natasha nodded. “I agree. Jason seems the most volatile. As for Cassandra, I am honestly not sure. I haven’t seen her fight, nor do anything violent. But the way she moves … in some ways I think she’s the most dangerous of them all.”
Everyone was silent for a moment, thinking. Natasha sat back, having done her piece. After a while, Tony spoke.
“I think we should do our own research. With a team this large, surely there will be plenty of information.”
There was not, in fact, plenty of information. Tony had found a free computer on one of the desks in the library that was most likely meant for public use - it had a sticky note with the password (IAmTheNight) on it - and quickly set up a search.
They had started with the basics: Batman, Gotham Vigilantes. But there really hadn’t been much. The most they could gather was that Batman had been an urban legend up until he joined the Justice League. There had been sightings going back almost 15 years, which Meant Bruce had started when he was in his early twenties.
Robin had come in a few years later, and was clearly not Damian Wayne. But beyond that, there wasn’t much. Sometimes Robin wore pants, sometimes not. Sometimes Robin was even a girl. Tony could never find anything defininite. There were countless vigilantes mentioned, some nameless, others not. Some showed up for a few weeks, then disappeared.
Finally they found something.
“Ahah!” Tony said as he clicked on an article about Red Hood. “This should be worth our
time.” Tony pulled up the first paragraph, and began reading.
“It is well known to everyone in Gotham that Crime Alley is one of the most dangerous places in our already dangerous city. What is also well known is its protector: The Red Hood. The Red Hood has had a somewhat rocky past with Gotham, but unlike the other vigilantes that haunt the rooftops, it is relatively easy to follow.
Red Hood first came on the scene a few years ago and quickly made a splash. Hood quickly took over most if not all of Gotham’s crime organizations, and began to make immediate changes.
It is reported that all the drug syndicates halted dealing near schools or children. All human trafficking sceeced. Crime was managed, to a point that not even Batman had achieved.
Red Hood enacted a strict law: he only killed rapists, murderers, abusers, and drug dealers - only those who sell to kids.
But we can’t forget about the dark knight. Batman was seriously against Red Hood in the beginning, and there are several documented fights to prove it. Red Hood became the only major criminal to stay active with the bat’s knowledge, and not be defeated.
After a while, though, Red Hood left Gotham. No one is quite sure why, as he had built himself quite an empire. Later on - no one is sure of the specifics - he returned. Details are foggy around this time, but Red Hood started to appear again, back to patrolling Crime Alley. One thing was different though. This time he wore a red bat on his armor, effectively announcing his allegiance.
According to many Gothamites, Red Hood has not killed anyone since his return, and has given up his crime lord status. Some say he protects Crime Alley, and occasionally teams up with the other vigilantes of Gotham. Many eye witness reports say that Hood has a somewhat amicable relationship with the bats, and is clearly one of them. There are also notes of him using rubber bullets, proving even more that he has sided with the bats. Though this is uncertain, as others report he still uses lead, and has even continued killing.
At this point Hood is considered a hero by most of Gotham, with the minority calling him a plague upon the city. The Police themselves have even stopped actively searching for the red helmeted hero - whether this is due to their inability to catch him, or as a sign of friendship, it is unclear. Police Commissioner Gordan has not commented on the matter beyond a vague statement of Hood appearing with the bats when the bat signal is deployed.”
“Bat signal?” Clint asked.
Tony typed furiously for a moment before retrieving the answer. “Apparently the police have an industrial spotlight on their roof with the silhouette of a bat on it which they shine when in need of the vigilantes.”
Natasha smirked. “Overkill much?”
Tony shrugged. “Hey, apparently  it works.”
“That’s beside the point,” Steve interjected. “We found barely anything on Jason. Sure it says he doesn’t kill anymore, but that doesn’t mean they can be trusted.”
Clint groaned again. “Let me guess, you want us to investigate the family personally?”
Steve nodded. “Nat, I want you to start, you are the intelligence expert after all.”
Natasha nodded, though inside she was in turmoil. She wanted to trust these people. She didn’t know why, but she felt connected somehow. Like they were similar in some core way.
Steve nodded right back. “Good. Meet back here in a few hours. See what you can find.”
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onisiondrama · 3 years
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(Note 1: I’m not repeating stories he’s told before and just putting them in parenthesis. I have a lot more videos to go until I’m caught up so that would save me a lot of time. If he gives details I never heard from him before, I will type those. Note 2: This is just a summary of Onision / James’ video plus screen shots from his video. I’m not accusing anyone or defending anyone. These are James’ accusations.)
“Onision's Dad: Randy Daniel (Pathological Liar & Child Abuser)” Speaks, December 19, 2020 - SUMMARY PART 1
- James shows the Newsweek article where his father was interviewed. He points out the author / interviewer, Steven Asarch, no longer works for Newsweek (James says he was fired, but idk if he was fired or let go). He says Steven has no integrity and his research is bare minimum. He reads his tweets to Steven and says Steven never replied. He points out Steven replied to someone with 8 followers, but not to himself who has 258k followers. James says Steven is openly defending the statements of a pedophile, his father. - James says he warned everyone about Shane and he was publicly lynched, but he was right. He plays a clip from his old debate with Lucidia about Shane. He says the woman openly defended Shane calling a 6 year old girl’s Instagram as “sexy.” He says you people are crazy and you’ll defend anything he’s against, even if they are pedophiles. - He starts reading from the article. (His dad has a Samoan daughter story.) The article says she is Deborah (Randy’s wife)’s oldest stepdaughter. He says if she’s the oldest, his father either had her before he got with his mom or when he was with his mom, so Randy allegedly cheated on his mom. - He points out the article says “an FBI investigation may have started.” He says if the FBI looked into it remotely, they would see there was no grooming and he was actually sexually extorted by and 18 1/2 year old. He plays clips from this video. [Link is to my summary with screen shots.] - The article says he uses copyright claims about any videos mentioning him. James says that’s not true. You can talk about him all you want, he can’t claim videos where people just talk about him. [As opposed to people who show his clips under Fair Use. 🙄] He shows an email to show what Youtube sends him if they don’t agree with his copyright claim:
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- He says anyone who says he falsely copyright claimed them are full of crap because Youtube filters that stuff and reject you if it’s not valid. [That’s a ridiculous argument. Youtube can’t manually review ever single copyright claim they get. That’s impossible. This is only for the false copyright claims they caught.] He says he proved Steven literally just slandered him. He says he already notified Newsweek the article is slanderous and they haven’t taken it down. He has ground to sue Newsweek if he wanted to. - The article says James’ drama eclipsed his own drama and his content blurs the lines between reality and James’ fiction. He says this guy is calling him a liar. [James admits to making fake drama videos all the time. Like the fake meltdown videos, the fake abuse video he made with Shiloh, the fake expose video with Cyr, the fake “I Betrayed My Wife Part x” videos, etc.] - The article says Chris Hansen interviewed 5 women who came forward. He says there were 3, but he never met the other two. He plays more clips from the video I already mentioned. He says none of them were children. - He reads some quotes Randy said about him. He lists things Randy was accused of:
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- He says his father violated a child. He says when he asked the person who was violated about it, they changed the subject. That’s how traumatized they were. He says that’s how actual victims act. He says she was 7 at the time and his mom put her in therapy. He says he’s not sure why his mother didn’t go to the police.
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- He reads a quote from Deborah where she says James bullies and harasses people who speak out against him. He says you have to defend yourself from slander.
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- He says he has no fascination with “young girls” in response to another quote from Deborah. He says he has an 18+ only forum and Discord. He avoids young girls. He says Deborah is married to a pedophile. He says he hasn’t seen Deborah and Randy in 16 years and he hasn’t lived with them since he was 15. He says 2 60-year-olds are crapping on a 15-year-old. - He reacts more to the details of Randy’s relationships with his mom and their kids. He says Randy used to shame him and his sister if they didn’t say “I love you too” back to him over the phone. - James says a family member of his cried in-front of him talking about how they were violated by Randy when James’ mom was sleeping. He says Randy shoved his hand and penetrated the woman. He says the woman had no reason to lie, but Randy is getting clout.
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- He says Deborah spanked him like a creep. He says she would lift her hand and set / pat it on his bottom while counting. He says she was groping him on the butt. - He reads Randy wanted to give up. He says Deborah just admitted his father wanted to give up on his three children. He says these people are so dumb. - He says the only thing his father did was send him a request to talk to him on LinkedIn after he stopped talking to Randy. - James says here’s where we get to the big lie. The article says James lived with them when he was 17. James’ big reveal is that he was 15 when he lived with them. He says his dad says he was 17 to make himself look less like a child abuser. He shows his college course transcripts to prove it. He took college courses at a college in Washington state while in high school after he lived with his Father. He shows google maps of his high school and college to prove they were in Washington state. He shows the route he would rollerblade from his high school to his college. He points out the church where behind it he lost his virginity when he was 14. He says his father is a pathological liar and his wife is basically a Lannister. - He says he would play the Nine In Nail song “god is dead and no one cars” to mess with their Christian values. He would go to church with them and was cool about that. (Julia story) - He reads a quote that says he threatened to burn down their house a couple of times. He says their house was really nice and beautiful. He always loved their house. If he could visit the house and not them, that would be preferable. He asks why he would burn down a beautiful house. He says he asked someone he knew for 9 years (probably Kai) if they ever remember him threatening to burn anything down and they said no. - He says he once went to his neighbor because his neighbor was starting crap and filming him. James told his neighbor if something happened to a neighbor, you would want your neighbors to help, like if a house burned down. The neighbor asked if he was threatening to burn his house down. James said no, he meant if your house was damaged and had nowhere to stay, you would want your neighbors to be there for you. He says the neighbor said, “oh, ok.” He says threatening to burn people’s houses down is a crime, but neighbors need to know they need to be there to support each other. He said his neighbor was trying to hurt him, so he told them to knock on his door if they have a problem. Don’t send videos to idiots online. [The neighbor worked for the Fish & Wildlife department for the county and reported James to the county when he saw his using heavy machinery on protected land. People online got the video because it was publicly available on the county website.] James says he was doing yardwork too close to the water and he removed plants that made his kids cry. He swears on his own life he never threatened to burn down a house. - He says he never yelled and called Randy and Deborah names. He only called Deborah an “F-ing B” before Randy started choking him because she prevented him from being with his girlfriend that weekend. He says you know how teenage boys can be about not being able to be with their girlfriend. - He says Randy called the police on him because he didn’t want to eat dinner with them, not because he was yelling and cursing like they said in the article. He says you can probably look up the police report. He gives the location and says it was late 2001. He says he had a smirk on his face when the police showed up because he thought it was so ridiculous. Randy says it was escalating and he was afraid there would be a physical altercation. James says he had just beaten Randy down so bad he looked like a whopped dog. He says Randy looked like he was constantly afraid of him.
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autochthonousone · 4 years
A Beast In The Library
It was midday within the Dufresne manor and it was usually around this time that the house staff began doing rounds to ensure that all was in order while the majority of the house was busy with their respective duties. Everyone liked to return to a clean and comfortable home, after all. Yet, also, it was much easier to bring things to order when all the sources of chaos were out of the house. Oftentimes the flurry of activity that filled each morning left much work to be done within the kitchens and dining hall in particular. It was rare, however, that one would find the library in any sort of a disarray at this particular hour. Perhaps after a late evening of research by Baroness Dufresne or Lady Eliane. But at midday? Yet that is precisely the state in which a pair of house staff, an older hyur woman and a young elezen boy, had found it. There were tomes open and idle upon just about every flat surface that was available within the library and sometimes a tome itself was being used to hold another tome. It was almost shocking. “By the Fury …” The woman, her name Cerise, murmured under her breath with a touch of annoyance. “Who went and made this mess?”
“I don’t know, Ma’am. Everything was clean this morning, I swear!”
The boy’s response was earnest, even as he winced slightly at the woman’s harsh initial reaction. He had been the one to tidy this room on morning rounds. The last thing he needed was her thinking that he’d skipped out on his duties. He wasn’t lying. It had been clean when he left.
“Right.” Cerise replied dryly, looking less than convinced by the explanation before chiding him to get to work.”Go on then, Henri. Get to it.”
Henri didn’t need to be told twice. She was already annoyed. Whether he’d actually cleaned up or not was largely beside that reality at this point. There was no reason to fight it and just make things worse. So he hopped to it, making his way over toward the table that sported a large map of Aldenard. Though it was largely home to a sea of tomes at the moment.
This was going to take forever to re-catalog properly upon the shelves. The boy sighed but went to work nonetheless.
With a quick survey of the books from just a glance he was heartened to find that most of them came from one category. Most of the books were related to the study of geology. With a passing few regarding metallurgy and -- oddly enough -- astronomy. The boy tilted his head to the side slightly as he picked up a particular geology book that had several locations on a map of Aldenard marked.
“Huh…” Henri murmured quietly.
“No time for dawdling, Henri! Start sorting!”
Cerise chided him from the other side of the room where she had begun doing a similar cataloging of volumes. Though she didn’t seem to be as interested in the particular selections, instead opting to studiously categorize and stack the like volumes. She wasn’t terribly interested in whatever the mess maker had been up to.
It was around this moment that the culprit made their return to the library.
A somewhat weary and stiff looking Barengar ambled his way through the doorway on the opposite side of the library chamber. He blinked several times at the pair that were in the middle of putting away all of the books he’d taken out; a piece of aldgoat jerky hanging out of his mouth.
Cerise, with her back to that side of the room, continued on obliviously. Henri, however, froze in place much the same as Barengar. He was half way through closing one of the books when he finally managed to clear his throat and stand up straighter.
“Ser Armsbreaker!” He stammered in surprise.
“What about Ser Arms--”.
The realization dawned on the woman partway through her sentence. Cerise went rigid and wheeled immediately upon her heels to turn toward Barengar. She quickly bowed toward the knight before offering a polite smile.
“Ser Armsbreaker!” She echoed with a bit more surprise than she’d hoped.
Barengar just stood there for several moments, glancing between the two, before he took the rest of the jerky into his mouth and swallowed. He didn’t say anything immediately; he just made his way over to Henri and plucked the book out of the boy’s hands. The move wasn’t aggressive, but it was clear that whatever it was it was important to what he was in the middle of doing.
“What were you doing looking up pla--”
“It’s f-or a project I’m workin’ on.” Barengar’s reply came quickly, cutting the boy off before he could finish. He knew well enough that gossip travelled around the manor at great speeds. The last thing he needed was rumors going around regarding this particular pursuit. At least not yet anyway. He could still do with a bit of privacy while he could still manage it.
Henri, for his part, picked up on the notion without too much need for processing. He was still a boy but old enough to know some of the details of life in the manor. Or the Pillars in general, really. He’d never had a chance to say thank you to Barengar for the Starlight gift. This seemed like a fair enough way.
“Of course, Ser Armsbreaker.” He answered simply, glancing over to Cerise for a moment.
“Our apologies, Ser Armsbreaker. We weren’t aware that you were away from the barracks this sun.”
She left off the part of being surprised that he was in the library at all because it sounded rude and she certainly held no ill-will for the man. He might be a touch brusque in mannerisms but he was nothing but good to the staff and rarely left them with extra work to do.
“It’s fine.” He rumbled in an understanding tone. “I ain --”
He stops himself and clears his throat.
“I’m not usually h-ere at this bell.” He nodded his head as he made his way over to the table that Cerise was organizing. “Needed to stay and rest t-oday. S-o I decided t-o do s-ome studyin’. I don’t mean t-o make a mess.”
He let out a single chuckle, shaking his head. The older woman blinked, trying not to look surprised as she offered a smile and understanding nod. She still hadn’t become entirely accustomed to the knight’s changing manner of speech. Most of the staff had gotten used to parsing out the words of his more slurred accent.
That said, she couldn’t pretend not to be glad to see the man investing himself as he was.
“It’s quite alright, Ser Armsbreaker, a pleasant surprise, I assure you.”
She watched as Barengar picked out a few more books: A book on metallurgy, another regarding the properties and analysis of stone, and last was an Eorzean atlas of sorts. He made a neat stack of four that he set off to the side before glancing between Henri and Cerise. Without another word he moved to start putting away the rest of the tomes.
“Oh, heaven’s no, Ser Armsbreaker!” Cerise chided as he began cleaning. “Perish that thought. Allow Henri and I to take care of the rest. If you are bidden to rest then we would have you rest. I know Lady Eliane would demand it!”
Barengar stopped after sliding one book back onto the shelf, his gaze shifting over to the Cerise. Henri’s own gaze turned upon the knight, offering him a smile that suggested he was in agreement with Cerise.
“Missus Cerise is right, Ser. Lady Eliane would want you resting, not helping us work.”
Barengar glanced between the two of them in silence for a moment before heaving a slow sigh and shaking his head. They certainly looked determined in this particular notion. He also couldn’t deny that he was feeling particularly exhausted. Maybe they were right.
“Alrigh-t ... “ He conceded with a low grumble, making his way over toward the books he’d left off to the side. “If y-eur certain.”
“We’re certain, Ser.” Cerise answered without hesitation before making a gentle and good-natured shoo-ing motion. “Go on now. You can read in bed!”
Barengar held up a hand in surrender. This wasn’t a hill that he was going to die on. As his hand came back down he directed it to settle upon the top of Henri’s head, ruffling the boy’s hair slightly and giving a grateful nod as he made his way out of the library.
“Please feel better, Ser Armsbreaker.” Cerise offered in way of farewell.
“Yeah. Feel better, Ser!” Henri echoed as he went about fixing his hair.
Barengar glanced over his shoulder at the pair, offering a slow nod and a quiet grunt in acknowledgement.
“Thanks.” He rumbled.
He then slid a book into one hand while his other held the other three, flipping it open and reading it as he walked. The last thing that Henri and Cerise heard him mutter was something about Ul’dah.
Once the Knight-Captain had departed the library Cerise looked over to Henri with a suspicious looking gaze. She could tell that there had been a silent exchange between him and Barengar but she didn’t know what it was. So she let it go for now.
“Alright, Henri. I’m sorry for earlier, but let’s get to work then. Shall we?”
Henri nodded and went back to collecting books, a small smile on his face. Both the feeling of being absolved of wrongful guilt and that Barengar had clearly been grateful gave him a little glowing feeling.
Another book caught his eye as he was cleaning. ‘An Introduction to Aetherology’. The boy canted his head slightly.
What was he doing with that?
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blerbdrops · 5 years
New Kid (Billy Hargrove X F!Reader)
Howdy folks, sorry I am late! I started school and I am also sorting out my work schedule. Here is part 4 of new kid, thank you for reading/liking/reblogging/following etc! I appreciate you all so so much.
Summary: You’re new in Hawkins, hailing from the big city on the east coast. As a city kid, you think you’ve been stuck here to suffer in a small town, but there’s a certain someone who shakes it all up. 
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of smoking cigarettes, underage drinking 
Taglist: @salemlysi​ @asheseiler
You sat at your mirror putting on your makeup and getting ready for tonight’s party. You swiped on a tube of red lipstick and pressed your lips together, spreading out the color. Tonight’s outfit consisted of a white cropped tank top with a slightly oversized black cardigan knotted in the front. You had on high waisted black pleather pants, and a black belt with a shiny silver belt buckle. You laced up your old red Doc Martens, they were well-worn and you wouldn’t be too upset if they got scuffed or dirty. Your hair was curled to the nines, sprayed in place so that nothing frizzed out. 
“Damn, I look good.” You said to yourself in your mirror. You threw on your denim jacket and pocketed your lipstick and your flask full of whiskey. Moments later, you heard loud beeps coming from outside.
“(y/n)! I think Steve is here to come get you!” Your dad shouts from downstairs. You come downstairs to find your dad is dressed up, with a suitcase at the door. 
“Uh. Dad? What’s with the suitcase?” 
“I have to go on a road trip, see Uncle Willy about some things.”
Your brows furrowed. “What kind of things?”
“Adult things, kiddo. I’ll be gone for the weekend. I’ll be back sometime on Monday.” He kisses your forehead and heads out for his car. You snag your keys and head out of the house, locking the door behind you. Nancy and Steve greet you right as you slide into the backseat of his BMW.
Nancy lets out a whistle, “You look fantastic (y/n)! Ready to have the best night ever?” She says to you enthusiastically.
“What are we waiting for? Let’s roll!”
You, Nancy and Steve enter the party house. You can feel the bass thumping in the house and your chest. The living room is full of teens with red plastic cups in their hands, dancing drunkenly and laughing. You navigate your way to the kitchen, where the rest of the booze was. 
“Hey! You’re that new girl! Come, come get a drink!” It was that kid in your chemistry class, the one that sat next to Billy.
“What’s your name again?” You shout over the music to ask him.
“Oh yeah, I’m Tommy!” He replies cheerfully. “Hey, come on, you look sober!” 
You laugh, “It’s because I am. Give me something to drink!” 
He hands you a beer, but before you can crack it open he stops you. “I bet you can’t shotgun that!” 
“What? Tommy, I could drink you under the table. Stop playin’.” You scoff. This gets the attention of the kids in the kitchen, with some of them ‘ooooh’-ing like owls. Just as this happens, you spot a mop of blond curls make its way to the kitchen where you and Tommy were. Billy eyed you up, taking a look at your outfit before turning his attention to Tommy. 
“What’s going on?” He asks Tommy. 
“Oh you know, (y/n) over here thinks she can ‘drink me under the table’, her words exact.” He laughs. 
Billy slaps five dollars down on the table. “My bets on her. Tommy, you’re a lightweight!”
You laugh out loud. “We’re placing bets now?” You pick up the five and examine it. “Who else is ready to see Tommy lose to the new girl, huh?” You were met with roars of excitement as teens were tossing cash on the table, your pile only slightly bigger than his. Billy watched you, taking a swig out of his can of beer.
“All bets are final, and winner takes all. Let the games begin!” Billy shouts, as you stab the side of your beer can, crack the lid and shotgun it. It empties fast, and you crush it underneath your boot. You continue on to your second one, choosing to chug it. The kids in the kitchen were cheering you on, hearing chants of “Chug! Chug! Chug!” over the Bon Jovi song that was booming throughout the house. 
You had finished way too many beers, the beer cans underneath your feet. You were still upright, while Tommy had half a can left. People in the kitchen were chanting your name, but all you did was let out a loud belch. You were met with cheers and claps on your back. 
“You give up yet? Ready to throw down the white flag?” You guffawed at Tommy. 
“Alright, alright! You win. Fair and square.” He shoves his bet money into your pile and you throw your hands up, inciting more cheers from your crowd of “fans”. 
“That’s how you drink Hawkins! That’s how you fuckin’ do it!” You open your flask and take a large swig, feeling its warmth trickle down your throat, feeling some drip down your lips and neck. You close your flask and feel a hard stare on you. 
Billy walks over to you and leans up against the counter while you count up and pocket your cash. 
“That was pretty impressive, (y/n). Didn’t know you had that kind of fire in you.” He smirks. 
You turn to him, uncapping your flask and drinking more out of it. “I’m a woman of many mysteries, Billy.” You laugh, tucking your hair behind your ear. 
“And I’m really digging this outfit. Completely different from that goody-two-shoes getup you had on at school today.” 
You raised an eyebrow and smiled at him, posing. “Oh? You like what you see?” You do a spin, almost tumbling over. 
He laughs at you, helping regain your balance. “Careful. Don’t need you busting your ass because you wanna show off.”
A hearty laugh emits from your belly, then a burp. “Excuse me! Jesus christ.” Your head snapped to the dance floor. You Spin Me Round (Like A Record) by Dead or Alive played through the speakers.
“Are you alright (y/n)?” Billy asks, a bit concerned. 
“I’m fantastic! This is my favorite song like, ever! Come dance!” 
“(y/n) I can’t dan-” You yanked him by the wrist and dragged him to the dance floor, completely ignoring what he had to say.
You got on the dance floor, and started to bob your head to the synth in the song, getting ready to dance and shout your heart out. 
All I know is that to me
You look like you're lots of fun
Open up your lovin' arms
I want some, want some
You spun around, dancing near Billy and trying to get him to loosen up and enjoy the song. You then grabbed his hand and yanked him closer so you two could actually dance. He began to relax and laugh along at you dancing. He didn’t know what it was exactly, but something about seeing you smile and have fun made his heart flutter. 
I set my sights on you
(And no one else will do)
And I, I've got to have my way now, baby
All I know is that to me
You look like you're havin' fun
Open up your lovin' arms
Watch out, here I come
You sang the second verse and pre-chorus, looked at Billy and shot him a wink. He laughed, a slow smirk spreading across his face. 
You spin me right 'round, baby, right 'round
Like a record, baby, right 'round, 'round, 'round
You spin me right 'round, baby, right 'round
Like a record, baby, right 'round, 'round, 'round
He grabbed you by your hand and spun you around like you were in a ballroom. He pulled you back into him, your back pressed against his chest. You were twirled out again, only this time you were dipped low, his face close to yours. It took all of your willpower to not kiss him right then and there. You came back up and danced for the rest of the night, laughing and taking the occasional sip from your flask. 
As the music died down, you had left the dance floor panting and sweaty, a dewy sheen spread across your face. You stumbled over to the kitchen and grabbed your jean jacket from the counter, making sure your keys were still there and they were. You put on your jacket and walk outside, only to see that Steve’s car was gone. 
“Goddamn Steve… and Nancy. Damn ‘em! Damn em to hell.” You spat, staring at the porch. “Now I have to walk and, and I don’t even know where I’m at. And its LATE! Goddamn it!” 
“Who are you talking to sweetheart?” Billy asked you. He was leaned against the banister, smoking a cigarette. 
“I’m talking to me, genius.” You slurred. “Now I’m talking to you. I wanna go home but I got ditched!” You sulked. You walked over next to the banister where Billy was and plucked the cigarette from his lips. You took a drag and exhaled, letting it escape through your nose and lips. Billy watched your lips wrap around the cigarette, wishing it was him. 
“Like what you see?” You shoot him a wink, blowing the smoke away from his face and stubbing out the cigarette. 
“Yeah. I kinda do.” He licks his lips, smirking. “Now, tell me (y/n), how exactly are you getting home?”
You sigh frustratedly, “I guess I’m just gonna walk and figure it out.” You took out your flask and opened it to drink, but there was no more whiskey left. You pouted. 
“You’re not walking. I’ll take you home.” Billy stands up and offers his hand to you. You slowly push yourself up and gather yourself. You take a look at Billy’s hand and high five it. He looks at you puzzled. 
“Fix your face! Is that not why your hand was out?” You asked, words slurring here and there. 
“No, smartass. Give me your hand so I can walk you to my car.” He states, the slightest pink flush spread across his face. Giggling, you take his hand into yours and you make your way to his car. He unlocks the passenger side door and opens it for you. You lower yourself in, his hand pressed gently on the small of your back keeping you steady. Billy closes your door and makes his way to the drivers side.
“Where to, gorgeous?” He turns towards you. 
“332 Oak Lane.” 
He nods, starting up his car. As the drive begins, you notice him slip a glance at you every now and then.
“Hey Hargrove, take a picture. It’ll last longer.” You chuckle at him.
He laughs back, “No picture could capture all that beauty you got.” 
Your eyebrows flew up, painting a shocked look on your face. “Oh! Smooth talker over here. Didn’t know you could flirt like that. Color me impressed!”
The ride was peacefully quiet, right up until he pulled up to your house. 
“Nice neighborhood.” He says, then continues, turning to look at you. “How will your folks feel about you coming in piss drunk after a successful night out?” 
You laugh at his sentiment, catching his gaze. “My dads gone for the weekend. Went outta state to see my uncle. I have the whole place to myself!” 
“You.. you’re real cute ya know. Real good lookin’.” You say to him with a dopey smile on your face.
He flushes the softest shade of pink, smiles for a second and licks his lips. “Ah stop it. You’re only saying that because you’re drunk.”
“I am not! It’s true. I might be a little tipsy but.. I am right, you know.” You smile at him. 
“Tipsy? You passed that stage after your third beer. (y/n), it’s time you head inside.” He pats your thigh. 
You playfully roll your eyes, smiling. You place your hand on top of his and give it a squeeze. “Okay, I guess so. Can you walk me in? My room is up some stairs.”
“And I’m scared I’m gonna fall! Please?” 
He removes his hand from your thigh. “Alright, I’ll walk you in. Don’t go tellin’ anyone either. I have a reputation to keep.”
You let out a thunderous laugh. “Yeah, okay buddy.” He comes over to your side of the car and opens the door. You shakily get up, feeling the dizziness get to you. 
“Easy now. Here, I got you.” He puts your arm over his shoulder and scoops you up, carrying you bridal style to your front porch. 
“Oh wow. You’re so strong! I feel like a princess.” You giggle. 
“You are. And I work out.” He continues, “Where are your keys?” 
You pull out the key that unlocks your front door and pushed it in his hands. He unlocks your front door and uses his back to shut it. 
“Alright princess. Where to?” He asks, looking down at you. Your makeup is smudged, your hair frizzed out, your eyes glazed over, flushed pink from all the drinking you had done that night. Even in your disheveled state, he still thought you were gorgeous. 
“Up the stairs. You’ll know my room when you see it.” You mumble, the tiredness setting in. Billy walks up the stairs and to your room. He could tell it was your room because of the giant Bon Jovi poster stuck to your door. 
“Okay put me down.” You ask, and he lowers you down. You slap the light switch on, illuminating your room. Billy gazes around your room, looking at all the band posters hung up on your wall. You also had christmas lights strung around your room. You had a big bed to yourself, a vanity, a small dresser and a decent sized closet. He noticed one wall void of posters. Instead of posters, you had two guitars mounted on the wall instead. One acoustic, one electric. Underneath the guitars were some amps and other guitar tech. 
“You play guitar?” He asks, looking at the guitars, his back turned. You were changing out of your party clothes, leaving you in your tank top and black boyshort underwear. You took a nearby scrunchie and pulled your hair up into a ponytail. 
“Oh yeah. Back home I was in a band. Lead guitarist you know. I still got it. Maybe I’ll play for you one day.” You say to him. “I wasn’t blessed with good vocals, my dear, but these hands? God must have took extra time with ‘em.”
“You really are a woman of many mysteries, (y/n).” He turns back around to you, but you had slipped out of the room and into the bathroom next door. He walks out of your room and finds you hunched over the porcelain throne, emptying out your insides.
Billy kneels down next to you, feeling his large warm hand on your back. 
“I HATE throwing up!” You say, face still in the toilet. “Shit is so gross.”
He chuckles. “Maybe you shouldn’t have started that drinking contest with Tommy then.” 
You lift your head up, wiping your tears away and reaching to flush the toilet. “What was I supposed to do? Let him think he could get away with shit-talking me? Just let him test me?” You and Billy laugh on your bathroom floor. “I’ll have you know, Hargrove, I come from a line of strong drinkers.”
He laughs, “Yeah, and I’m next in line to be the King of England.” He stands up, and holds his hand out to you. He helps you up, and you turn to the sink to wash whats left of your makeup off. You’re both looking at each other in the mirror. 
“I look so gross right now.” You mutter, taking out your jar of Noxzema face wash. You ran the water until it was warm and bent down to the sinks level to wet your face.
“I’ve seen worse.” Billy says, looking down at your butt. You popped up from the sink and so did his eyes. You unscrewed your jar of face wash and began rubbing it in. Billy took a seat on top of the toilet, watching you. 
“You know, you didn’t have to stay.” You state to him.
“You kickin’ me out (y/n)?” 
“No. Just saying you didn’t have to stay. I appreciate it, though.” 
He hesitated with his response. Nobody’s ever appreciated me. Or said it out loud, at least, he thought. 
“Mhm!” You rinse the soap off your face, pat it dry and moisturize with some face cream. You turn to Billy, smiling. 
“How do I look?” You say, posing. Some of your hair had stuck to your face while you were washing it, you were in a tank top and underwear. You thought you looked like a mess. 
“Like a million bucks, doll.” He chuckles, smiling at you. You turn away and brush your teeth. Here you are, in your home, with local bad boy turned softie Billy Hargrove in your house. You catch his eye, and he just doesn’t stop looking at you, lips slightly parted. 
You rinse and spit. “Hey, Hargrove. Close your mouth or you’ll catch flies.” 
That snaps him out of his gaze, and his mouth closes. You yawn and stretch, feeling fatigue and the slight pounding of a headache lingering in the back of your head. You shut your eyes and pinch the bridge of your nose. 
“It’s time for you to get some rest.” Billy looks up and says to you. You nod your head, and you walk over to your room. 
“Hey could you like.. turn around or something? I want to change tops.”
“Sure.” He turns his back to you and you grab a large sleepshirt out of your dresser drawer. You peel off the tank top and throw it across your room, allowing you to slip on your big shirt. “Okay, I’m done.”
“You look like a dork.” He says.
“Yeah? It takes one to know one. Dork.” You both chuckle. You crawl into bed and your head sinks into your pillow. You sigh happily. 
“Thanks for taking care of me.” 
“Not a problem doll.” He shuts off the light and begins to walk out. 
Before you fall asleep, you say one last thing to Billy. 
“Hey, Billy?”
“You’re not as bad as they say you are, you know.” 
Billy becomes bashful at this statement. He’s lucky the lights are out or else she’d see just how red in the face he was. Those words would continue to ring throughout his head for the rest of the night. 
Before he had his chance to respond, you had already succumbed to the sweet embrace of slumber. Billy slowly approached your bed, lowered himself down and kissed your forehead. He watched the smallest smile form on your face before you turned over, enveloping yourself in your blankets.
He backed out of the room and went into the bathroom looking for medicine. He takes out two pills of Advil and places them on your nightstand, along with a handwritten note. He leaves your house, locking the door behind him. 
There was something about you that struck a chord within Billy somewhere. And it unnerved him to his core. 
A/N: AW YALL! I LOVE WRITING SOFT BILLY. thanks for reading! as always, i will keep writing as long as you keep reading. feedback is always appreciated. my requests are open for you all. come chat! see u in part 5 
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The ride isn't designed for someone your size.
Hello All,
  Obligatory apology for my writing. English isn't my first language and I've never been an all-star when it comes to proper spelling/grammar.
This happened a few years ago when I worked at our local amusement park. At this amusement park we only had one roller-coaster it was by far one of our most busy rides.
I typically worked at the Go Carts (it was the best...) but one morning I was told to go to the roller-coaster. Dang. And his is where the story begins....
EM = Entitled Mom
EK = Entitled Kid
ME = Take a guess...
  SS = Shift supervisor (who's a good friend of mine).
  Everything is going well. Not too busy. After a ride was completed the kids all jumped off and ran through the exit.
While I closing the exit gate, I notice EK is jumping over and under the line dividers and skipping the line.
  I open the the entrance gate and start-filling the ride. EK was one of the last kids who was going to get on and I felt like this wasn't fair to other customers.
    So the exchange goes like this:
  Me: Hey bud, I'm sorry but I saw you jump the line earlier. These people behind have been waiting longer and you'll have to go behind the line.
  EK: I didn't jump the line!!
  Me: I'm sorry but I did see you jump the line while I was closing the exit gate earlier.
  Then a few other clients started to make comment about him jumping the line. This is when EM jumps in. She was hanging out at the line entrance with other non-riding parents.
  EM: Whats going on? Why is my son not getting on the ride?
  Me: I'm sorry for this inconvenience mam but when I was closing the exit gate earlier I saw your son jumping our line fences and skipping the line ahead of other waiting customer. I'm just asking him to go to the back of the line since other customers have been waiting.
  EK: I didn't skip anybody!!!
  EM: See!! he hasn't skipped anyone! So let him on!
  (Customers shouting comments about her son's a liar and to move)
  Me: I'm sorry. But I know what I saw and I have to be fair to other customers.
  EM: Are you saying my son is lying? I want to talk to you manager.
  Me: OK. (i radio in my bud the shift supervisor and explain to him what's going on).
    He shows up. She basically says to him that I called her son a liar and I'm refusing to let him on for no good reason and I should be punished for being so rude. They start arguing but eventually another adult waiting in line says 'Let him on. We all know he skipped the line but let's move on'. The other customer seemed to agree with this.
  This what happens after:
  EM: You know what.... because of this I want to go on the ride with my son.
  Everybody just rolled their eyes.
  SS: Just let her in.
  ME: Alright!!
  I turn around and open the gate.
  EM: (with a smug look on her face) Where should we go?
  Me: You're one of the last groups to get on so only the last carts are still free.
  EM: Good. Just an FYI. Please don't call my son a liar ever again or I'll get you fired.
  I decided to ignore and let her go on the ride (and since I already had my plan figured out).
  The entrance and exit is located at the front of the roller coaster, so to get to the back ones you have they had to walk by all the customers they skipped.
  Before we start the roller coaster we have to complete a few safety checks. Basically making sure they're buckled properly and the safety bar is pushed in and engaged.
  The thing with the safety bars is that you have to push them in far enough to engage a limit switch. If all of the limit switches aren't closed we can't start the roller coaster. The thing is EM had a larger than average circumference, and I already knew that we she was too large for the limit switch to close. Typically If we had a larger customer come in, we used a tool to bypass the limit switch and start the ride. But oops!
  This is where my petty revenge comes in.
  Me: Excuse me mam. I need to push in your roll bar further in or I can't start the ride due to safety reasons.
  EM: What? this is ridiculous! Ok go ahead. I start pushing on the safety bars here a couple of clicks (you can see she's being crushed).
  I check our panel no luck. Everyone is staring at her and she's firetruck red.
  EM: What is going on??
  Me: Sorry mam but your going to have to suck in your stomach if you want to ride the roller-coaster.
  Other customers are loving this. And she's getting really embarrassed.
  EM: Try again!!!
  Me: OK....(walk back to our console) Nope no luck still says the bar isn't engaged.
  EM: SO what are you going to do about it!
  ME: I'm sorry mam but unfortunately this ride isn't designed for someone your size. I'm going to have to ask you to get off the ride.
  EM: You have to be F***ing kidding me. Are you saying I'm fat?
  Me: Ohh no mam!! I'm just saying your to large for this specific ride.
  At this point she storms out. Pissed off as hell. Walking by all of the customers she skipped. She's mumbling and swearing out of embarrassment. It was so sweet to watch.
  I put another kid on the ride with her kid and I start the ride no problem.
  EK and EM might've delayed the ride by a good 15 min but I feel like everyone agreed it was worth it. She made a scene with SS again but he agreed with me up and told her there's nothing we can do.
(source) story by (/u/Dark851)
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ladyintheattic · 5 years
look......... i swear i’m writing stuff that isn’t chargestep. but like.... they’re so easy to write my dudes. also as it turns out i’m not good at writing kiss scenes so like, there isn’t much of that sadly lol
_______________ ship: chargestep (m!ortega x f!sides) words: 1,559 tags: f!sidestep, pre-heartbreak, post-psycopathor battle, smug asshole behavior tw: none ————————–
“You know it’s fine if you can’t fix it, right?”
“Shut it.”
“Look, it’s old, its mangled, it’s broken Beck. We’ll just get a new one.”
You huff, wiping the sweat mixed with dirt off your brow. Yeah, the circuitry is pretty fucked, but you’ve fixed worse than this, and Ortega’s lack of faith in your abilities is starting to piss you off. Everything’s been pissing you off recently, ever since that damn Psychopathor battle a few weeks ago. Maybe because of his mind canon? The rat-brains had made you pretty itchy.
Or maybe it was the fact that Ortega had kissed you. Kissed you, and hasn’t said a damn word about it since.
To be fair, neither have you, but since when was it your job to bring up stuff like that? And since when did he not? Forgetting about is it probably for the best, nothing can ever really happen between the two of you anyway, and kissing alone was a misstep on both of your parts. You know all this, but none the less you feel a new twinge of annoyance in your gut every time the both of you speak as though nothing had happened.
“You know the Rangers can afford a new car, right?”
“I’m aware,” you narrow your eyes at him over your shoulder. You’re more than a little knowledgeable about their funding, and where exactly all that money comes from. Hopefully, you know far more than Ortega does. Very hopefully. “I’m just not about to be outsmarted by a damn computer.”
“Says lady Walkman. ” he smiles, smug as ever.
“There’s nothing wrong with cassette-tapes.” Truthfully you just aren’t comfortable with a digital music-player on your person, not with what you know about tech. It would take nothing at all for some Prime Directive member to hack and track your phone, or anyone else’s in Los Diablos for that matter. Not that you could explain that to him.
“Ha. Hipster.”
You don’t reply, just glare back down at your new electric foe. The car itself is pretty beat up after the battle, but the only thing keeping it from starting up is the mangled mass of wires poking out of the dashboard, mocking you. Hooked up by a long power chord, it’ll play music and blink blue and orange if you hit it, but heaven forbid it let you turn the key without it making alarm noises at you. Whoever first started hooking up car functions to computers was an asshole.
You sense him open the opposite door and begin to fiddle with the radio, flipping station to station as you untangle more of the wires. You know he’s trying to irritate you, and hoo boy is it working. You grit your teeth, focusing so hard on the wires your vision starts to blur.
Flip. ♪-est Virginiaaaaa! Blue ridge mou-♪ Flip. ♪-since you looked at me, cocked your head to the side and said I-♪ Flip. ♪-awty got low low low-♪ Flip. ♪-squeezed by sexy cupid, guess he wants to play, wants to play, a love ga-♪
You can’t help it, you tear your eyes from the mess too glare at him. He grins back, dark curls draping in front of his brown eyes as he cocks his head at you. Of course. “Charge, if you push that button one more fucking time I swear I-”
Flip. ♪-ing all my breath, making love to you was never second best...♪
“Oohh here’s a good one.” To your continued annoyance and dawning horror, Ortega hops out of the passenger side and begins to half-walk, half-dance around the front of the vehicle, smile still plastered on his face. “Pretty sure this came out in my birth year.”
An unsettled, warm feeling begins to settle in your stomach, different from the tightness of annoyance from before. You’re not sure if which is worse.“Figures,” you manage a cruel smirk as he makes his way to the mangled door to the driver’s side, “This is the ‘Oldies’ channel after all.”
A mildly vexed smile settles on his features as he comes to a stop in front of you. It’s a small victory, getting under his skin, but you know you’ll have to take what you can get at a time like this. He’s impossible to talk to when he’s like this, looking so confident and wicked and much, much younger than you know he is.
“Everything’s an ‘Oldie’ these days Beck... and you,” he reaches out, taking your left hand off the dashboard. “Look like you could use a break.”
You don’t pull your hand away, but you do pull your face into an agitated frown, your face warming despite yourself. “What do you think you’re doing?” As if you don’t know.
“Come on, it’s been a long day, you’re frazzled and I’m bored.” Ortega tugs at your hand, lurching you forward slightly as you set your jaw and press yourself harder into the seat. Resolute. He’s not winning this one. Not without a fight. “Dance with me.”
“Why not?”
Asshole. “You tell me.” Your voice is more serious than you mean; probably because you’re tired, defeated, and covered in grime, but even more likely because you’re recognizing the look in his eyes. Half lidded and too brave for his own good. The same look before he kissed you.
“Beck?” His brow pinches together in a confused frown as he leans into the doorway, and you have to fight the instinct to lean back. Or, worse, lean forward. “Are you actually mad at me?
You feel your eyes narrow, but say nothing. You’re not even sure you’re breathing. You’ve never been like this, not ever, not with anyone, and the very last person on earth you should be like this with is the marshal of the Los Diablos Rangers. How did this even happen? How could you let him kiss you like that? You can blame him all you like for attempting it, but you weren’t so injured that you couldn’t have put you hand up; stopped him.
And you certainly didn’t have to kiss him back.
“If you can’t dance, you can just say so.”
You blink stupidly up at him. Did you hear that right? You couldn’t have. “I...what?”
“It’s fine if you can’t,” he’s smiling again, smugger than you’ve ever seem him. His hand leaves yours only to land on his hip, posing to look as self-satisfied as possible, “It’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”
“I... I’m not-!” How does he do that? Get you to play his stupid games, let alone switch the rules up on you mid play? You curse his static brained mind as you pull yourself out of the seat to get in his stupid handsome face. “I could dance circles around you if I so chose, Ricardo Ortega. Don’t try and change the damn subject!”
♪...there's nothing you and I won't do...♪
“Prove it.”
♪...I'll stop the world and melt with you...♪
You aren’t thinking anymore. If you were, you wouldn’t be grabbing his hand and pulling him away from the car, a light spin in your movements you haven’t done in years, not since the Farm. Back then it had been training: you’d needed to be able to fit in with the right people, rub elbows with people your handlers wanted you to. Now, your using it for yourself. For this game the two of you are playing.
“Whoa,” he’s surprised, but catches himself before he trips. His free hand curls around your lower-back as his feet catch up with yours with relative ease. The man is a practiced dancer. “Someone’s wound up.”
“Shut up.” You can’t help it, your heart is hammering so hard in your chest you’re a little concerned you might get a bit faint if you don’t watch your breathing. He’s drawn you close, your chest pressing up against his warm body, skinsuits feeling too thin yet too restricting at the same time. Dangerous.
♪...the future's open wide
the future's open wide...♪
His face is too close, his bronze skin marred only by the settled dust of the previous battle. Eyes too dark. Hair too unruly and mussed. Breathing too careful, syncing up with your own. He spins you, your practiced movements coming back to you as though you’ve done nothing but dance your whole life.
♪...there's nothing you and I won't do...♪
“I was serious you know,” his voice, thick and deep, drops several octaves. “You have no idea how long I'd wanted to kiss you.”
♪...I'll stop the world...♪
His mouth is on yours before you can reply. Sudden, brazen, like before. You want to be angry, furious with him for playing with you like this, but for some reason you can’t work up that particular feeling. Another, foreign emotion is overwhelming you, numbing you to everything but the feeling of lips and stubble and fingers trailing up your spine.
Experienced. Careful. Wanting.
♪...and melt with yo-♪
Lightning bolt. Electricity rockets down your body, and you can feel yourself jump, almost into his arms, as you hear the car’s radio fizzle out, the electric motor blaring to life in it’s place. Your eyes and lips finally free from his, you now notice that his right leg is standing on the chord you had hooked up to the vehicle at the beginning of your chore.
What the hell?.. did he just...fix it?
“Well,” his breath is stuttered, yet somehow still smug against your ear. “Guess it wasn’t completely broken after all.”
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