#not taking it with cold medicine i know they don't mix!!
lefteagleblizzard · 3 days
𝔚𝔞𝔱𝔠𝔥𝔣𝔲𝔩𝔩 𝔟𝔯𝔬𝔴𝔫 𝔢𝔶𝔢𝔰
Protective Mike Schmidt x gn reader
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Summary: You met Mike on an overcast Wednesday afternoon. The rain pelted the windows of the small café where you worked, creating a rhythmic background to the dull hum of conversation and the clinking of cups and saucers. Your bond grew stronger the more you got the know each other's, like ivy clinging to an old stone wall.
Warnings: no pronouns used towards the reader. Protective Mike. If you squint we could even say obsessed Mike. Near death experience. Taking care of Abby with Mike. Stranger to friends to lovers. Smut.
Words count: almost 6000
Can also be found on wattpad and ao3
You met Mike on an overcast Wednesday afternoon. The rain pelted the windows of the small café where you worked, creating a rhythmic background to the dull hum of conversation and the clinking of cups and saucers.
He looked out of place when he walked in, his rugged demeanor contrasting sharply with the cozy, quaint atmosphere. He wore a heavy jacket, dark jeans, and an expression that spoke of burdens too heavy for one man to carry alone.
He ordered a black coffee and sat at a corner table, his eyes scanning the room but seeing nothing.
It wasn't long before you noticed that he came in every day at the same time, always sitting in the same spot. Curiosity got the better of you, and one day, you decided to strike up a conversation.
You found out that Mike was working nights as a security guard at a place called Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. The job, he admitted, wasn't glamorous, but it paid the bills, which was all that mattered since he was taking care of his younger sister, Abby, by himself.
There was something about Mike that drew you in maybe it was the way he seemed so protective of Abby, or perhaps it was the vulnerability he tried so hard to hide beneath his tough exterior. Either way, you found yourself looking forward to his visits, and soon, your conversations became the highlight of your day.
Mike's presence had a way of grounding you, his deep voice soothing even when he spoke of mundane things. You began to learn about his past, the weight of responsibility that came with raising Abby alone, and the tragedy that had carved deep lines into his handsome face. Each revelation was like peeling back a layer of armor, revealing the heart of a man who cared deeply, even if he tried to hide it.
You became closer over time. He would come to visit and you'd be there to keep him company while he, in exchange, would offer you a change of breath from the monotonous hours at work.
However, your meetings didn't just stop at your workplace.
It was a chilly evening when you received Mike's call, his voice laced with evident worry "Abby's got a fever. I don't know what to do. She's burning up." he said
Mike was always so strong, but when it came to Abby, his protective nature made him vulnerable. "I'll be right over" you promised, already grabbing your coat and some medicine from your cabinet
When you arrived at Mike's modest apartment, he was waiting at the door, his expression filled with worry. "Thank you for coming," he said, his voice tense.
"Of course," you replied, stepping inside. The apartment was small but cozy, filled with signs of Abby's presence with her drawings on the fridge, toys scattered around the living room. You followed Mike to Abby's room, where the little girl lay in bed, her face flushed with fever.
"I brought you this Abby" you said softly, sitting beside her and brushing a strand of hair from her forehead.
Abby managed a weak smile. "Thank you" she whispered, her voice hoarse.
You handed her the medicine, helping her take it. "This will help bring your fever down," you assured her.
Mike watched, his expression a mix of gratitude and helplessness. "I've tried everything," he said quietly. "Cold compresses, keeping her hydrated... nothing seems to work."
"Sometimes it just takes a little time" you said gently. "But we'll take care of her together."
For the next few hours, you and Mike worked side by side to make Abby comfortable. You alternated between placing cool washcloths on her forehead and reading her favorite stories to keep her spirits up. Mike fetched water and checked her temperature regularly, his concern never wavering.
As the evening turned into night, Abby finally began to show signs of improvement. Her fever started and she drifted into You and Mike sat to break, in the living room, the tension casing slightly
"Thank you" Mike said, his voice breaking the silence. "I don't know what I'd do without you.
You smiled, feeling a warmth spread through you. "You're doing a great job, Mike. Abby's lucky to have you."
He shook his head, his expression serious. "No, I'm lucky to have you."
You reached out, taking his hand. "We're in this together. Abby's like family to me now."
Mike's eyes softened, and for a moment, he seemed to let go of his usual guarded demeanor. You squeezed his hand, feeling a deep connection between you.
As the night went on, you stayed by Abby's side, keeping a watchful eye on her. Mike eventually fell asleep in the chair beside her bed, his exhaustion finally catching up with him. You couldn't help but admire his dedication and love for his sister.
In the quiet of the night, with Abby's fever subsiding and Mike resting peacefully, you felt a sense of contentment. This was what family was about: being there for each other in times of need, supporting one another through the challenges of life.
When morning came, Abby woke up feeling much better. She greeted you with a bright smile. "I feel a lot better," she said, her voice stronger.
You smiled back, relieved. "I'm glad to hear that, Abby."
Mike stirred, waking up to see Abby's improved condition, "How are you feeling, kiddo?" he asked, his voice filled with affection
"Much better" Abby replied, reaching out to hug him. "Thanks to you and your friend."
Mike glanced at you, his eyes conveying more than words ever could. "Thank you," he said softly, his gratitude overwhelming
As you left Mike's apartment that morning, a warm sensation spread through your chest. Your bond had grown stronger through the night, and you felt a deep sense of belonging with them.
There was something that happened later on that brought the two of you even closer, his behavior shifted, showed mostly in his actions.
Mike had just finished his grueling night shift at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria, and you were wrapping up your own unexpected night shift at the café. One of your coworkers had called in sick, and you'd offered to take their place, not knowing that the night would take such a turn. Exhausted but relieved to finally be done, you stepped out into the cool carly morning air, your phone buzzing in your pocket.
"Hey," Mike's voice came through the line, a comforting sound amidst the quiet street. "I'm done for the night. How about you?"
"Just finished," you replied, a smile tugging at your lips. "Want to meet up?"
"I'll be there in five," he said without hesitation.
True to his word, Mike arrived a few minutes later, his rugged appearance softened by the warmth in his eyes as he spotted you. "You look tired," he said, his tone gentle
"Long night" you admitted. "But seeing you makes it better."
The corner of his lips moved up, a rare and beautiful sight. "Come on, let's go for a walk. Clear our heads."
You fell into step beside him, the two of you wandering aimlessly through the quiet streets. The early morning light cast a soft glow over everything, and for a while, you simply talked about anything and everything that came to mind. It was a moment of peace, a chance to forget the night's horrors and just be together.
"I've never seen you so eager to stay awake like that" you remarked, glancing up at him.
"Maybe it's because of you" he said, his eyes meeting yours with a sincerity that made your heart skip a beat.
You decided to walk a little more, trying to shake off the lingering tension. The quiet streets were starting to come to life with carly risers and the first hints of morning activity. You and Mike chatted about everything and nothing, the fatigue making your thoughts more whimsical.
"What's the first thing you'll do when you get home?" you asked, trying to keep the conversation light.
Mike pondered for a moment. "Probably make breakfast for Abby. She loves pancakes."
You smiled, picturing the scene. "I bet she's going to love that."
Mike glanced at you, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "What about you? Any plans for the day?"
"Sleep" you replied with a laugh. "Definitely sleep."
Mike chuckled, the sound warm and comforting. "Sounds like a good plan."
As you walked, you spotted a street lamp up ahead. A playful idea struck you, and you turned to Mike with a grin. "Race you to that pole" you challenged. "First one there wins."
Mike raised an eyebrow, his fatigue evident but his competitive spirit still alive. "You're on."
With a laugh, you took off, your legs carrying you forward as fast as they could. Mike was right behind you, his footsteps pounding against the pavement. The cool morning air rushed past your face, and for a moment, you felt completely free.
You reached the pole first, turning around triumphantly. "I win!" you called out, breathless and exhilarated.
Mike was a few steps behind, slowing down and eventually stopping a few yards away, panting heavily. He bent over, hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath. Despite his fatigue, he looked up at you, and for the first time, you saw him smile a genuine, heartfelt smile that lit up his entire face.
Seeing him smile like that made your heart swell with happiness. "I can't believe you gave up." you teased, walking back towards him. "Not as tough as you look, huh?"
Mike straightened up, still smiling. "I guess I underestimated you" he said, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
You laughed, feeling a warmth spread through you. "Maybe next time you'll know better."
But as you shared this moment of joy, you noticed Mike's expression change, his smile fading into a look of horror.
You followed his gaze, turning just in time to see the car barreling down the street, heading straight for the sidewalk where you stood. The driver, clearly drunk, seemed to lose control completely.
"Move!" Mike shouted, his voice filled with panic. He lunged forward, grabbing you and pulling you out of the way just in time. The car swerved onto the sidewalk, narrowly missing you both before crashing into a fence with a deafening crash.
You fell to the ground, Mike's arms still around you, protecting you from the impact. The world seemed to slow down, the sounds of the crash fading into the background as you tried to process what had just happened, your heart pounding in your chest.
"Are you okay?" Mike's voice broke through the haze, his hands frantically checking you for injuries.
"I'm fine," you managed to say, your voice shaking. "Just... a bit shaken."
Mike's face was pale, his eyes wide with fear. "I thought... I thought I lost you" he whispered, pulling you into a tight embrace. You clung to him, the reality of how close you'd come to being hit sinking in.
Before you knew it, an ambulance had arrived, the flashing lights casting an eerie glow over the scene. Paramedics ushered you into the vehicle, insisting on checking you for injuries. Mike climbed in right beside you, refusing to leave your side.
"Sir, you'll have to wait outside," one of the paramedics said, but Mike shook his head, his expression resolute
"I'm not leaving" he said firmly, his eyes never leaving you.
The paramedics exchanged a look but relented, allowing Mike to stay. He hovered over you, his concern palpable. "Are you sure you're okay?" he asked again, his hands gently checking for any signs of injury.
"I'm fine" you reassured him, though your voice was still shaky. "Thanks to you."
Mike's jaw tightened, and you could see the fear lingering in his eyes.
"You could've died" he murmured, more to himself than to you.
He stayed close, his presence a comforting anchor as the paramedics finished their examination. "Just a few scrapes and bruises" they told you. "You're lucky.
Mike let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding. "Yeah," he said softly. "Very lucky."
As the ambulance pulled away, leaving the wreckage behind, you leaned into Mike, feeling the warmth of his embrace. Despite the scare, there was a sense of safety in his arms, a feeling that everything would be okay as long as he was there.
"Want to go home?" you said, your voice barely above a whisper.
Mike's grip tightened slightly, his gaze intense. "Just another second..." he replied. "Sure."
He watched you from his car as you made your way to your own house, turning back to say goodbye to him one last time. The shadows of the evening wrapping around you like a cloak.
You had no idea how much you had come to mean to him.
What he saw today made him remember again how it takes a fraction of a second to lose someone forever.
It wasn't just affection that bound him to you; it was an almost primal urge, an instinct that had rooted itself deep within his soul.
The idea of anyone or anything hurting you or Abby was unbearable, a thought that clawed at his sanity.
He knew it wasn't entirely rational, this need to protect you and Abby at all costs, but it had become his purpose, his reason.
You were both his light in the darkness, and he would ensure that light never faded.
︎The cafe was bustling with its usual morning crowd the steady hum of conversation mixing with the slinking of cups and the hiss of the espresso machine. You were behind the counter, trying to keep up with the increasing number of orders. It was a typical day, or so you thought, until a particularly rude customer walked in.
He was tall and imposing, his face set in a a scowl as he approached the counter and, his tone dripping with impatience "I need a large black coffee."
You forced a polite smile, despite the unease settling in your stomach. "Of course, sir. It will be ready in just a moment"
As you prepared the coffee, the customer tapped his fingers on the counter "Is it always this slow here?" He muttered loud enough for you to hear, his irritation growing
"I'm sorry for the wait" you replied, keeping your tone as calm and professional as possible. "We're a bit busy this morning"
The customer hufted, rolling his eyes. When you finally handed him his coffee, he reached out and grabbed your arm tightly, his grip painful "Maybe if you moved faster, people wouldn't have to wait so long" he snarled.
Before you could pour the hot coffee on the face of this asshole and potentially lose your job, you heard a familiar voice behind him, filled with barely restrained anger "Let go"
Mike stood there, his eyes blazing with fury. He had just come in to visit you, and seeing the man manhandle you had flipped a switch. His hand closed over the customer's wrist, his grip like iron.
"Let go" Mike said, his voice low and dangerous.
The customer looked at him, sneering, but the look in Mike's eyes made him think twice. He released your arm and backed away, muttering curses under their breath. Mike didn't let go until the man was out the door, and even then, he staved close by, making sure you were all right.
His presence was intimidating, his protective instincts kicking into overdrive
The entire café had fallen silent, all eyes on the scene that had just unfolded.
You took a shaky breath, trying to calm your racing heart. "Mike, you didn't have to"
He turned to you, his expression softening as he took your hands in his. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice filled with concern
You nodded, feeling the tension slowly disappear. "I'm fine, really.
Mike sighed, his shoulders relaxing slightly, "I just... I couldn't stand seeing him treat you like that."
You gave him a reassuring smile. "It's okay, Mike. He deserved it."
He still looked troubled, his protective instincts clearly warring with his concern for your well-being "I might have overreacted" he admitted, running a hand through his hair.
"You didn't." you assured him. "I appreciate what you did."
Mike nodded, though you could see the tension still lingering in his eyes. "I just don't want anything bad to happen to you."
You reached out, touching his arm gently. "And nothing did, thanks to you."
The café slowly returned to its usual bustle, the other customers resuming their conversations and the baristas getting back to their work. You and Mike moved to a corner table, needing a moment to decompress after the confrontation.
"How often does stuff like that happen?" Mike asked, his worry evident.
"Not often" you replied, taking a sip of water. "Most customers are really nice and every now and then, you get someone like that."
Mike's jaw tightened. "Next time, just call me. I'll be here in a heartbeat."
"I know you will. But I can handle it. I have to, for my job."
He sighed, nodding reluctantly.
As the day wore on, you found comfort in Mike's presence. He stayed with you for the rest of your shift, his protective gaze never starving far.
When things got busy, he even helped out, taking orders and delivering drinks with a natural ease that impressed your coworkers. They'd heard about the incident and were quietly thankful for his presence, giving you nods of approval and knowing smiles.
Once your shift finally ended. Mike was right there, waiting to walk you home. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm glow over the city. You both strolled along the sidewalk, the tension of the morning slowly dissipating.
"You really didn't have to stay the whole time," you said, glancing up at him.
"I wanted to," Mike replied simply. "I couldn't leave you after what happened."
You smiled, touched by his dedication. "You're pretty amazing, you know that?"
Mike chuckled, a sound that made you feel light inside. "I try."
His protectiveness extended into the smallest aspects of your life. When you cut your finger while slicing fruits one evening, he was beside you with worry and carefully bandaged your finger in the back of the kitchen. You couldn't help but smile at his overreaction to such a minor injury.
"Mike, it's just a little cut," you teased gently.
"I know," he muttered, not meeting your eyes. "But I needs to be treated either way"
Another time, you got caught in a sudden storm. Mike had come to pick you up after your shift, and as you both hurried to his car, he used his jacket to shield you from the rain, despite your protests.
"Mike, you're going to get soaked!" you exclaimed
"Doesn't matter," he replied, his tone unwavering. "You could get sick"
His selfless actions spoke volumes about his feelings for you, even if he didn't realize it himself.
Mike's protectiveness was an intrinsic part of who he was. He couldn't turn it off, even in the most mundane situations.
You noticed it in the way he always walked on the outer side of the sidewalk, subtly placing himself
between you and the traffic.
Or the time when a simple grocery run turned into a mini adventure because he insisted on carrying all the heavy bags, not wanting you to strain yourself.
It was these little things that made you fall deeper in love with him. His actions, though often silent, spoke volumes about the depth of his care and concern for you. He might not have been the most eloquent with words, but his deeds left no doubt about his feelings.
It was a few weeks later that Mike invited you to the pizzeria. He had picked up an extra shift and needed someone to keep him company during the long, lonely hours of the night. Despite the creepy reputation of the place, you agreed, intrigued by the stories Mike had told you and eager to spend more time with him.
When you arrived at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria, the first thing you noticed was how different it looked from the outside compared to the cheerful advertisements. The building was old and worn, the paint peeling off the walls, and the sign flickering intermittently: Mike met you at the entrance, his expression softening when he saw you.
"Glad you made it," he said, his voice low but warm.
Inside, the pizzeria was dark and musty. The animatronics, which were the main attraction during the day, looked creepy in the dim light, their glassy eyes seeming to follow you as you walked past. Mike led you to his office, a small, cramped room filled with monitors and security equipment.
"This is where I spend most of my nights," he explained, gesturing to the screens. "It's not much, but it's got everything everything I need to keep an eye on things.
As the night wore on, you talked about everything and nothing, sharing stories and laughter amidst the unsettling surroundings. It was in those quiet moments, when the only sound was the hum of the monitors, that you felt a connection with Mike that went beyond friendship.
At Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria, things took a darker turn. The animatronics had a sinister reputation, and the atmosphere of the place left you on edge.
The lights flickered, and strange noises echoed through the halls. Mike insisted you stay in the security office with him, away from the dangers lurking in the night . The tension in the air grew thick.
When the animatronics came too close for comfort, Mike stood his ground, making sure they couldn't reach you.
"Just stay close" he said, his eyes never leaving the monitors.
The power went out completely, the animatronics seemed to come alive, their eyes glowing ominously. You clung to Mike, your fear palpable, but he remained calm, guiding you through the darkness with a steady hand.
"We'll get through this," he whispered, his voice a beacon of hope.
Foxy managed to corner you in a narrow hallway. Panic surged through you as the animatronic's eyes locked onto yours. But then Mike was there, pulling you to safety with seconds to spare.
He led you through the darkened halls, using his knowledge of the pizzeria's layout to outmaneuver the mechanical threats. When Freddy himself blocked your path, Mike confronted the towering figure.
"Run!" he shouted, distracting Freddy long enough for you to escape. You hesitated when you saw that animatronic approaching him, fearing the worst. The lights flickered back on and a half-cut cable caught your gaze with the sparks that came out of it. Your heart raced as you grabbed the cable and sprinted towards the animatronic, 'stabbing' it with the cable and seeing it twitch from the electricity that spread through it's body before collapsing on the floor.
You made your way to the exit, the sounds of the animatronics fading behind you.
Outside, the cool morning air greeted you, a stark contrast to the stifling atmosphere inside. Mike emerged moments later, his clothes torn but his spirit unbroken. He pulled you into a tight embrace, relief washing over you both.
As the sun rose, casting a new day in warm light, you and Mike stood together, hand in hand.
"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice trembling with fear and relief.
You nodded, unable to speak, overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment. Your eyes roamed over his body in search of any possible injury.
He was willing to sacrifice himself for you
Mike's arms around you were a fortress, shielding you from the horrors of the night.
One weekend, you spent the afternoon at Mike's apartment, playing with Abby. Her laughter filled the room as you engaged in a lively game of hide and seek. Mike watched from the doorway, a rare smile spreading across his face. He was mesmerized by the sight of you and Abby together, feeling a warmth in his chest that he hadn't felt in years
"Mike, you're staring!" Abby's voice broke through his reverie, her eyes twinkling with mischief
Mike flushed, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "Just making sure you two are playing fair" he grumbled, his attempt at nonchalance not fooling anyone.
Watching her play, Mike's eyes softened, filled with a mixture of pride and happiness. You and Abby were snickering together, and Mike felt a surge of contentment.
He couldn't help but feel incredibly lucky to have you in his life.
The evening was now calm and quiet, with a soft breeze wafting through the open windows. Abby had fallen asleep in her room, her gentle breathing a soothing backdrop to the tranquil night.
You and Mike were sitting on the couch in the living room, the dim light of a lamp casting a warm glow around the room.
the sense of companionship between you felt stronger than ever.
"It's nice to just relax like this," Mike said, his voice low and content. He stretched his legs out, leaning back against the couch cushions.
"Yeah, it is," you agreed, smiling at him. "Today was perfect."
Mike's eyes met yours, and he returned your smile, a genuine warmth in his gaze. "I'm glad you think so. I really enjoyed spending the day with you."
You both fell into a comfortable silence, the kind that only close friends-or perhaps something more-could share. The flickering shadows on the walls and the soft hum of the refrigerator in the kitchen added to the serene ambiance.
"You know" Mike began, his voice thoughtful, "I don't think I've ever felt this... at ease with someone before."
You looked at him, surprised but touched by his admission. "Really? Not even with anyone from your past?"
Mike shook his head, a shadow crossing his features for a moment. "No, not like this. It's different with you. I feel like I can be myself."
His words made your heart swell with emotion. "I feel the same way, Mike. Being with you just feels... right."
He smiled again, a soft, almost shy smile. "I'm glad to hear that."
You continued to talk, your voices low to avoid waking Abby. The conversation flowed easily, moving from light-hearted topics to deeper, more personal ones. You shared stories from your past, dreams for the future, and everything in between. The bond between you seemed to grow with every word, every shared laugh, and every silent moment of understanding.
The conversation turned to Abby and Mike's dedication to her. "You're such a great brother to Abby," you said sincerely. "She's lucky to have you."
Mike's expression softened. "I just want to make sure she has a good life, better than what I had. She's been through a lot, and I want to protect her from the world."
"And you're doing an amazing job" you assured him. "She's a happy, healthy kid because of you."
Mike looked down at his hands. "I couldn't have done it without you. You've been such a support for both of us."
"Anytime," you replied, feeling a deep sense of connection. "We're in this together, remember?"
He nodded, his eyes meeting yours again. "Yeah, we are."
As the night wore on, you found yourselves growing more comfortable, more relaxed. Mike leaned back on the couch, and you instinctively moved closer, resting your head on his shoulder. He didn't hesitate, wrapping an arm around you in a gentle, protective embrace.
The simple act of being close to him felt incredibly comforting. You could feel the steady rise and fall of his chest, hear the quiet rhythm of his breathing. It was a moment of perfect peace, the world outside forgotten as you shared this intimate space.
Eventually, the exhaustion of the day began to catch up with you. You stifled a yawn, and Mike noticed, a tender smile playing on his lips. "You should get some rest" he said softly.
You nodded, reluctantly pulling away from his comforting embrace. "Yeah, I guess I should."
Mike stood up and offered you a hand, helping you to your feet. "Thank you for spending the day with me. It meant a lot."
A silent understanding passed between you and Mike, unspoken yet profoundly felt. You both moved closer, your bodies naturally gravitating towards one another. The space between you seemed to dissolve, replaced by an electric intimacy that neither of you could ignore.
Mike's hand found yours, his fingers intertwining with yours in a gentle yet firm grasp. He looked at you, his eyes filled with a mix of tenderness and desire.
His other hand cupped your cheek, his touch warm and reassuring. Slowly, he leaned in, his lips brushing against yours in a tender kiss. It was a kiss filled with emotion, a merging of two souls who had found solace in each other's presence.
The kiss deepened, and you felt yourself melting into him, every barrier you had ever put up crumbling away. You moved closer, your bodies pressing together, the heat between you intensifying. Mike's arms wrapped around you, pulling you into a tight embrace as if he never wanted to let go.
You found yourselves moving towards his bedroom, the path familiar yet new in this context. Every step felt like a dance, a silent symphony of mutual need and affection. By the time you reached his room, there was no turning back. The door closed behind you with a soft click, sealing the moment in privacy
The room was bathed in a gentle glow from a bedside lamp, casting soft shadows on the walls. You both paused for a moment, taking in the gravity of what was about to happen. Mike's eyes met yours, and in that gaze, you saw everything-his love, his desire, his unwavering commitment.
"Are you sure?" he asked, his voice gentle, giving you one last chance to reconsider.
You nodded, feeling a profound sense of rightness. "I'm sure."
With that, the last of your reservations melted away. Mike's hands moved to your shoulders, slowly sliding down to your waist, pulling you closer. You responded in kind, your fingers tracing the contours of his back, feeling the strength and warmth of his body.
As the dawn light casts a gentle glow across the room, you and Mike lie entwined, each movement deliberate and tender. The night had been a journey of exploration and connection, and now, in the quiet morning, the memory of your actions remains vivid and profound.
Your bodies had moved together with an unspoken understanding, each touch and kiss a communication of deep, unrestrained emotion. As the moments unfolded, your hands had traced the contours of each other's bodies, mapping out the planes and curves with a reverence born of newfound intimacy.
Mike's lips had traveled along the line of your jaw, trailing down the column of your neck, each kiss a promise of his affection and desire. His hands, strong yet gentle, had roamed over your body, learning every dip and rise, every sensitive spot that elicited a sigh or a gasp from you. His touch was both exploratory and worshipful, a blend of curiosity and deep-seated reverence.
You had mirrored his actions, your fingers gliding over the expanse of his back, feeling the muscles ripple beneath your touch. Your lips had found their way to his chest, your kisses soft and lingering as you explored the terrain of his skin. Every touch, every caress, had been a dance of mutual discovery, a testament to the deep connection growing between you.
He kisses down your chest, leaving little trails of red spots and taking your nipples into his mouth for a minute each causing you to arch off the bed a bit.
But he doesn't linger and is quick to trail down to your thighs, leaving little bites here and there.
As the night deepened, your bodies had come together in a union both physical and emotional.
He goes slow, deep long strokes that you can feel in your kidney with how deep he goes, but you can't find it in you to complain, not when Mike is looking at you like you hung up the stars in the sky.
Not when he can feel Mike's lips on you, kissing you like his life depends on it, like you are his salvation.
Not when all the sweet words Mike mutters along your skin, like prayers, are going straight to your spine.
Not when you feel Mike's arms around you, like he's afraid that any wrong move would break you, whispering your name urgently like he's afraid you would disappear.
Mike's movements had been guided by a combination of tenderness and fervent need, each thrust a blend of passion and care. Your bodies had moved in harmony, each responding to the other's cues, creating a rhythm that was both primal and deeply intimate.
The sensations had built to a crescendo, each touch, each kiss, driving you both closer to the edge. Mike's hands had held you close, his eyes locked onto yours, the intensity of his gaze, a silent testament to the depth of his feelings. Your breaths had mingled, your heartbeats synchronized, each moment a step closer to a shared climax.
When the final moment had arrived, it had been a release both physical and emotional. Your bodies had shuddered in unison, the culmination of your passion a powerful testament to the bond you had forged. In the aftermath, as your breaths slowed and your heartbeats steadied, you had remained entwined, the warmth of your connection a comforting blanket against the chill of the early morning.
Now, in the soft light of dawn, you lie together, your bodies still pressed close, a tangible reminder of the night's intimacy. The world outside may hold challenges and uncertainties, but here, in this moment, you find solace in each other's presence. Mike's arms wrap around you, his body fitting perfectly against yours, a symbol of the unity you have discovered.
As you drift towards a peaceful sleep, your last thoughts are of the profound connection you share, the promise of facing the future together, bound by love and mutual respect.
I really enjoyed writing this and love how it turned out, let me know if you also had fun reading this <3
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reallifepotato · 2 years
me: i should take some medicine before i feel worse
also me: i don’t need to take medicine i don’t feel that bad
#:)#i know i should take it anyway because it takes a while to start working#yo i feel like my brain is in outer space#i have watched more tv today than i did the entire september#and it was like 2 eps of wwdits 2 eps of abbott elementary and 1 ep on interview with the vampire#my tolerance is low#wish i could talk to 291 about it tho but we aren't actually friends just friendly#i don't have her number i just see her in the park sometimes#i have some books she would like but i'm embarrassed to be too forward#uh oh the coughing has gotten worse#should i take medicine or wait a bit#i'm taking codeine tonight for the first time very excited about it#last night i coughed so much i threw up it was so much fun#i sat on the bathroom floor and cried#there's 10 mg of dexa-something in the cold medicine but 500mg paracetamol so i don't want to take more than 1#but the codeine from my father is 30mg#even though it's probably expired#it's worth a shot#not taking it with cold medicine i know they don't mix!!#taking it with advil#or as the tumblr girlies call it ibuproferen#my head hurts so much from coughing#when i blow my nose the vein over my eyebrow feels like it will burst#anyway#idk where all that came from thank you for coming to my ted talk#should i watch another episode#i'm scared of the codeine what if it makes me really loopy#well i'm supposed to go to sleep but i'm not ready yet#but also i don't want to start coughing so badly again#girl sorry i'm insane idk why i cannot stop talking bye bye brain
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mellowwillowy · 6 months
CW: Cannibalism.
"It hurts so much, dear. I- I don't feel so good..." You hid yourself under the cover, wrapping yourself like an egg roll as your husband set down the tray of warm soup and a couple of medicines.
"I get that dear, but you should take your medicines first to feel better." It was not said in a chiding tone, his hand patting your egg roll figure repeatedly as though he was knocking on a door.
You peeked your head out and took a generous sniff at the soup, it smelled and looked good despite being mixed with herbals. "Come, just sit up and open your mouth," He proposed as he positioned you to sit with the pillows supporting your back.
He blew the spoonful of the soup before urging you to drink it. The taste was not bad but it did not leave a good aftertaste as well despite his attempt to filter the herbal taste. Nonetheless, drinking the soup was a good idea as it warmed your body.
And the meat floating in the soup was not contributing any taste for you as well. It looked odd, shaped like any normal chicken meat but the taste left this strange stinging taste.
But it did make you feel better whenever you took a bite of it, the aching of your body slowly dissipating while your throat felt less sore with each gulp of the soup you took.
Your husband sure knew every way to make you feel better, even by making soup for when you were sick!
"Good, now take these and go to sleep again, okay? I'll be here the whole day." "Really? Don't you have work to do?" "Mmh, I can always work on the paperwork here. Now, now," He tucked you into the blanket, "Let's get you feel better."
You took hold of his hand, cold contrary to your warm skin, "I love you, Yulian." "I love you too, dear." He kissed your forehead and sat down on the chair, sorting through the documents.
"I really didn't expect that the pastor's meat would be this efficient as a medicine. Is it because they are blessed by his holiness?" Yulian sat down across the bed, his eyes gazing upon your peaceful sleeping body. The sleeping medicines helped a lot as well, ensuring you get all the sleep you need to recover.
And ensuring that you did not hear any of his apologies.
"I'm so sorry dear, but I just can't bear seeing you being in pain. I know this will shock you a lot should you ever find out, but know that I am going this far only to cure you. I really love you."
It was not hard for Yulian to get away with it as he has the underground bastards to help him cover up his crime, having the mafia ringleader in a pinch surely makes things easier.
"Sweet dream."
A smooch on your forehead that warmed you up. You could feel that but was it a dream?
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thedensworld · 2 months
Revelation | C.Sc
Tumblr media
Pairing: Seungcheol x Reader
Genre: fluff, angst, office romance
Summary: What started as an office romance escalated quickly when there are news about Choi Seungcheol, your boyfriend, is suddenly the heirs of the company where you both work.
You grumbled as you opened your eyes, feeling the chill on the other side of the bed where Seungcheol had been sleeping. Unconsciously, your lips formed a pout, not quite pleased with Seungcheol's disciplined approach to work, which often meant leaving you alone in the mornings. But you knew he was just steps away, getting ready in the bathroom. Despite the fever weighing you down, you summoned the willpower to rise and prepare for the day. However, your feverish body rebelled, refusing to cooperate as you attempted to prop yourself up. It was the same cold that had brought Seungcheol to your side last night, yet now it seemed to mock your efforts to start the day.
"Getting better, love?" Seungcheol's voice drifted from the bathroom as he emerged, shirtless, a towel loosely draped around his lower body. You managed a nod in response, feeling a mix of gratitude and guilt for his concern.
As he drew closer, his hand instinctively reached out to touch your forehead. His expression soured at the lingering heat. "You're still burning," he remarked with a furrowed brow.
"Let's call you in sick for today."
You shifted your body fully to watch him, a smile spreading across your face as you admired his effortless grace in dressing. "Maybe it's because my boyfriend is so hot that I'm burning," you mumbled playfully, the words audible to Seungcheol as he adjusted his pants.
Seungcheol chuckled, turning to you with a raised eyebrow. "Really? Am I that hot?" he asked, a hint of playful vanity in his tone as he pulled back the duvet covering your body, his ego clearly enjoying the compliment.
"Really hot, to the point where I can't help but work to protect you from other women," you teased, preparing to rise from the bed. But Seungcheol was quicker, gently pushing you back under the covers with a soft yet firm touch, his concern evident in the way he hovered over you.
"I'll order you some food for breakfast. Let's have you rest for today, love," Seungcheol suggested, his voice soft with concern as he hovered near the bed.
You raised your brow, a flicker of worry crossing your features. "Didn't you say you had to pay for rent? Don't use that money for me," you reminded him, your concern for his finances clear in your tone.
Seungcheol met your gaze with a warm smile, brushing off your concern. "Yes, but it's okay," he reassured you, his eyes reflecting his affection for you.
Shaking your head slightly, you insisted, "You know I can pay for myself, right?"
Seungcheol nodded in understanding, his expression gentle. "You've told me that thousands of times already," he reminded you with a soft chuckle.
"Baby, if you need anything, you have me, alright?" you affirmed, reaching out to him with reassurance. He responded by pressing a tender kiss to your forehead, his actions speaking volumes as he nodded in agreement.
Seungcheol headed off to work after ensuring you had a healthy breakfast on the way. He reassured you that he'd already taken care of the payment, urging you to simply enjoy the meal and remember to take your medicine afterward. As you sat at the dining table, a pang of guilt settled in your stomach. You couldn't shake the knowledge that Seungcheol was facing financial challenges of his own, yet he never hesitated to take care of you. The thought weighed heavily on your mind as you contemplated his selflessness, a mix of gratitude and concern swirling within you.
Reflecting on the journey you and Seungcheol had taken together, you couldn't help but marvel at his unwavering determination and work ethic. You both started as interns at the company, navigating the challenges of entry-level positions while trying to make ends meet. But while you struggled to find your footing, Seungcheol dove headfirst into every task, his relentless drive and dedication setting him apart.
You watched with admiration as he worked tirelessly, often taking on extra shifts and projects to support himself financially. Despite the long hours and occasional setbacks, his perseverance never wavered. And it was this unwavering commitment to his goals that slowly but surely began to capture your heart.
As you got to know him better, you realized that behind his stoic exterior was a heart of gold. Beneath the surface of his determined facade, Seungcheol was kind, compassionate, and fiercely loyal to those he cared about. It was these qualities, coupled with his unyielding work ethic, that drew you to him like a magnet.
And now, as you sat at the dining table, contemplating the sacrifices he made for you without a second thought, you couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with love and admiration for the man who had stolen your heart. Despite the challenges you both faced, Seungcheol's unwavering support and dedication had never faltered, and for that, you were endlessly grateful.
"I must have gone to war in my previous life, right?" you mused aloud, a small smile playing at the corners of your lips as you opened the meal and began to savor it.
As you stepped into the elevator, the buzz of morning gossip greeted you, swirling around the confined space like a whirlwind of speculation and excitement. Your colleagues chattered animatedly, their voices rising and falling as they eagerly exchanged the latest news. You stood at the back, content to listen rather than participate, silently absorbing the juicy tidbits being shared.
One particular piece of gossip caught your attention, causing you to perk up with interest. The grandson of the President Company was set to become their director. The news rippled through the elevator, eliciting a mixture of surprise and curiosity from your coworkers.
You had never been particularly interested in the inner workings of the company's hierarchy or its familial ties, but you couldn't deny the significance of this development. The President Company, a prominent entity within the Choi Corps conglomerate, held considerable influence over the various companies under its umbrella, including the advertising agency where you worked.
The mention of Mrs. Park potentially being replaced by this new director sent a ripple of anticipation through the elevator. Mrs. Park, the current director of Choi Ads, was notorious for her strict demeanor and cutthroat management style. The prospect of her departure was met with a mix of relief and excitement, evident in the hushed whispers and knowing glances exchanged between your coworkers.
Should everyone throw a party then?
"You can't believe what happened yesterday!" Soonyoung exclaimed as he approached your table, his excitement palpable.
"I heard it in the elevator," you replied calmly, shooting him a look that silently urged him to lower his voice.
Soonyoung cleared his throat and glanced around before continuing, his voice now subdued. "Everyone was taken aback but relieved at the same time that Mrs. Park and Mr. Yang won't be here anymore."
Your brow furrowed at the unexpected news. Mrs. Park and Mr. Yang, both gone? It seemed the changes within the company ran deeper than you initially realized.
"Mr. Yang too?" you asked, seeking confirmation from Soonyoung, who nodded in response.
"Everyone is finally getting into their proper positions! Mrs. Kim definitely deserves the general manager position. And you, Ms. Assistant Manager, should be a team manager," Soonyoung continued, his enthusiasm undiminished as he recounted the events of the previous day.
Despite Soonyoung's animated explanation, your mind struggled to process the flurry of changes that had occurred in just one day. Replacements, promotions, announcements—what had you missed during your brief absence?
"I'm glad that I treated Seungcheol with all my heart, or should I start calling him Mr. Choi?" Soonyoung mused aloud.
You threw a glance to him, "what do you mean? Seungcheol? Mr. Choi? I'm not following, Soonyoung," you admitted, furrowing your brow in confusion.
Soonyoung's eyes widened in disbelief. "Girl! Assistant Manager Choi is the President's grandson. He was here to announce it. The formal announcement will be held next week, and I'm in charge of the event."
Your jaw dropped in shock, and you instinctively reached out to grasp Soonyoung's arm for support. "What?!" you exclaimed, barely able to contain your surprise. "You're kidding, right?" Your eyes widened, and your breath caught in your throat.
Soonyoung rolled his eyes, a wry smile playing at his lips. "Oh, babe, I wish. But I'm happy for him. I thought he was just some hardworking dude at work. Turns out he's the heir to this company," he explained, his tone a mix of astonishment and admiration.
As Soonyoung's words sank in, your mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions. How could you have been dating Seungcheol for four years without knowing such a significant detail about his family background? The realization left you feeling stunned and incredulous, as if a veil had been lifted to reveal an entirely different side to the man you thought you knew so well.
Images of Seungcheol flashed through your mind—his warm smile, his unwavering support, his tireless dedication to his work. You had always admired his resilience and determination, but now, knowing that he was the grandson of the company president, it added a new layer of complexity to your relationship.
Questions flooded your mind, each one more pressing than the last. Why hadn't Seungcheol ever mentioned his family's connection to the company before? Did he deliberately keep it a secret, or was it simply an oversight on his part? And most importantly, what did this newfound revelation mean for your future together?
As you grappled with the shock of this unexpected discovery, a sense of uncertainty crept in, mingling with the lingering warmth of affection you felt for Seungcheol. Despite the whirlwind of emotions swirling within you, one thing was certain—you needed to have a conversation with him, to clear the air and uncover the truth behind his hidden identity as the grandson of the company president.
As you made your way through the office, your mind still reeling from the bombshell revelation about Seungcheol's true identity, you were taken aback when you almost collided with a familiar figure—Seungcheol himself. The shock of seeing him, coupled with the knowledge of his impending promotion to director, left you momentarily speechless.
The surprise etched on your face didn't go unnoticed by Seungcheol, who seemed poised to offer an explanation. But before he could utter a word, he was intercepted by a member of the company's secretarial staff, beckoning him away with an urgent summons.
For a moment, you stood frozen in place, torn between the impulse to confront Seungcheol and demand answers, and the realization that now was not the time nor the place for such a conversation. With a heavy heart, you watched silently as he walked away, the weight of the unspoken truth hanging heavily in the air between you.
As he disappeared from view, a whirlwind of emotions swept over you—confusion, disbelief, and a gnawing sense of betrayal mingling with the remnants of affection and longing. You couldn't shake the feeling that everything had changed in an instant, and yet, in many ways, nothing had changed at all. With a sigh, you pocketed your phone, the call to Seungcheol forgotten for now as you grappled with the complexities of your newfound reality.
As interns at the company, you and Seungcheol had embarked on your professional journey together. You were the only one accepted after a rigorous testing and trial period, while Seungcheol's presence in the internship program had come as a surprise to you. However, at the time, you were too focused on the competitive nature of the training system, which dictated that only one intern would be chosen every six months. It hadn't occurred to you to question Seungcheol's sudden appearance.
Seungcheol's reputation as a hardworking man preceded him, and it was evident in the way he threw himself into every task with determination and grit. While you didn't doubt your own work ethic, you couldn't help but acknowledge that you often relied on your natural talent to excel. Gifted in design, management, administration—there seemed to be no limit to your abilities, while Seungcheol had to work tirelessly to match your level of competence.
Despite your differences, the company saw fit to keep both of you on board. You found yourself assigned to the design team, while Seungcheol carved out a niche for himself in PR. Despite being the youngest members of your respective teams, you and Seungcheol soon found yourselves spending nearly every night in the office together, preparing for presentations, brainstorming ideas, and tackling whatever tasks the higher-ups threw your way.
In that year of late nights and shared struggles, you and Seungcheol had seen each other at your worst—unbathed, hair unkempt, with ketchup stains from French fries or coffee splattered across your shirts. But through it all, you found solace in the fact that you only had each other in this relentless corporate world.
A significant project had brought you together once more—a short film project to advertise a makeup product. As the clock struck 10 p.m. and the office remained deserted save for the two of you, Seungcheol was deeply engrossed in mind mapping ideas for the presentation in two days, while you found yourself daydreaming about your warm bed.
Seungcheol's voice cut through the quiet of the office as he watched you begin to tidy up your table. "You're going home?" he asked, disbelief coloring his tone.
You nodded, exhaustion creeping into your voice. "I need my seven hours of sleep to come up with a better idea," you explained, already feeling the pull of fatigue tugging at your eyelids.
But Seungcheol wasn't ready to give up just yet. "You haven't contributed anything, Y/n. Let's work a little longer until we find the perfect premise," he pleaded, his determination evident in the furrow of his brow.
A pang of guilt gnawed at you as you drew closer to him, trying to catch a glimpse of the ideas he had jotted down on his iPad. With a scoff, you remarked, "Is that all you can come up with?"
Seungcheol's glare pierced through you, his frustration palpable. "So you have a better idea? Go ahead, miss," he retorted, handing you the iPad with a challenge in his eyes.
You settled yourself into Seungcheol's armchair, dangerously close to him, as you pulled the iPad towards you, eager to share your ideas. As you wrote down keywords like "Lips Product," "Lips stain", "Backstreet," "Office romance," and "steamy," you glanced up at Seungcheol, seeking his reaction.
"What do you think about office romance?" you asked, your voice laced with curiosity.
Seungcheol slowly shrugged, his gaze meeting yours. "Never experienced it before," he admitted, his tone neutral.
You sighed softly, mumbling to yourself, "Me either."
"Many people find office romance exciting and adrenaline-fueled. But why?" you continued, your words growing more animated as you delved into your idea. "Because they're often secret relationships, hidden behind work contracts and professional facades."
Seungcheol listened intently as you explained, his expression thoughtful. "And what's the closest thing a couple can do in the office?" you posed the question, your eyes alight with excitement. "Kiss. Yes. A kiss leaves a stain—a lingering mark of passion and desire."
As you continued to speak, Seungcheol found it increasingly difficult to concentrate on your words. His gaze lingered on your lips, drawn irresistibly to their sensual movements as they formed each syllable. The proximity between you felt electrifying, your perfume mingling with the scent of his cologne, creating a heady atmosphere of intimacy.
Despite his best efforts to focus on the conversation, Seungcheol's heart raced faster than usual, his senses overwhelmed by the closeness between you. He tried to shake off the sensation, willing himself to concentrate on your words, but the allure of your presence proved too strong to resist.
Suddenly, you stopped speaking, and Seungcheol realized with a start that your faces were only inches apart. Your whispered question sent a shiver down his spine, and he met your gaze with a mixture of surprise and anticipation.
"Seungcheol..." you breathed, the sound barely audible in the quiet of the office.
His brows raised in response, but his eyes remained locked on yours, unable to tear himself away from the magnetic pull of your gaze. "Hm?" he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.
"Do you still want me to be here?" you asked softly, your words hanging in the air between you.
Seungcheol bit his lip nervously, his eyes flickering from your eyes to your lips and back again. "Do you want to be with me here?" he countered, his voice tinged with uncertainty.
"I guess," you replied, your own voice barely audible as you closed the gap between you and Seungcheol, surrendering to the undeniable chemistry that crackled between you.
Seungcheol cautiously slipped into your studio apartment, his heart racing as he finally had the chance to face you after the whirlwind of work and avoidance. He knew he had to explain everything, but deadlines and commitments seemed to conspire against him. Now, on the eve of the announcement event, he couldn't delay any longer.
You weren't home when he arrived, so he took the opportunity to prepare a simple dinner, hoping to ease the tension that hung heavy in the air. As you walked in, the aroma of food greeted you, mingling with the unexpected presence of Seungcheol.
"Go change, I'll wait for you here," he uttered awkwardly, his hands fidgeting as he busied himself setting the table.
Minutes crawled by like reluctant snails as Seungcheol anxiously waited for your return. When you finally emerged, he straightened up, trying to compose himself as he watched you take your seat and begin to eat.
"Thanks for the meal," you said, your tone tinged with a hint of detachment that didn't escape his notice.
Seungcheol felt a pang of guilt gnaw at him as he realized the extent of the hurt he had caused you. He longed to reach out, to bridge the growing chasm between you, but the weight of his own mistakes anchored him to his seat. All he could do was watch, silently hoping for a chance at redemption.
"I can't do this," you uttered, setting down your utensils with a heavy clink, your hands reaching up to rub at your face in frustration.
Seungcheol's heart plummeted at your words, a cold dread creeping over him. Was this it? Were you about to end things between you? The thought sent a shiver down his spine.
"Can you— please don't show your face when I'm around," you pleaded, your head bowed, unable to meet his gaze.
Seungcheol felt like he'd been punched in the gut, the weight of your request crushing him with guilt and regret. He had hoped for a chance to explain, to make things right between you, but now it seemed like an impossible feat.
He sighed heavily, the weight of his mistakes bearing down on him like a leaden cloak. He knew he had let you down, had failed to prioritize your feelings over his own ambitions. The truth he had meant to share with you, about the sudden change in his circumstances and the responsibilities thrust upon him, now seemed like a feeble excuse in the face of your pain.
As he looked at you, your expression filled with hurt and disappointment, Seungcheol realized the depth of his folly. He had let his own ambitions blind him to the needs of the person he cared about most, and now he was paying the price. All he could do was nod silently, a silent acknowledgment of the chasm that now separated them, knowing that he had brought this upon himself.
"Are you—" Seungcheol began, his voice tentative, his heart pounding in his chest as he braced himself for your response. Was this the moment when everything would unravel between you?
Before he could finish his question, you let out a piercing scream, the suddenness of it jolting him to his core. Confusion etched across his features as he watched you dramatically cover your ears and sink to the floor.
"Are you okay?" he asked, his concern evident in his voice as he reached out to you, but you shook your head vehemently, your actions and words shrouded in incomprehensibility.
"No, don't talk to me!" you exclaimed, your voice muffled as you buried your face in your arms, your distress palpable.
Seungcheol knelt down in front of you, his brow furrowed with worry as he tried to make sense of your outburst. You muttered something indistinctly, your words lost in the folds of your arms. He leaned in closer, urging you to speak louder, desperate to understand.
"Don't talk to me, it's so embarrassing! I'm embarrassed!" you finally managed to articulate, your cheeks flushed crimson with embarrassment.
Seungcheol's shock morphed into a mixture of surprise and amusement as he processed your words. He couldn't believe you were feeling embarrassed when, in reality, he was the one who should be hanging his head in shame.
"I feel so stupid right now. How could you—" you started, your voice trailing off as you hid your face once again, leaving Seungcheol hanging on your unfinished sentence.
A soft chuckle escaped Seungcheol's lips as he watched your adorable display of shyness. He couldn't help but find your reaction endearing, a welcome relief from the tension that had gripped the room moments ago.
"Hey, it's okay. What do you want to say, love?" he reassured you, pulling you gently into his embrace, his heart swelling with affection at the sight of your pout.
You met his gaze with a mixture of bashfulness and sincerity, your words tumbling out in a rush. "I'm feeling stupid right now because I've been treating you like shit when you technically own the company where I work!"
Seungcheol's laughter bubbled up from deep within him, the absurdity of the situation washing away the remnants of tension between you. He cupped your face in his hands, his eyes twinkling with fondness as he pressed a tender kiss to your forehead.
"You have nothing to feel stupid about, darling," he whispered, his voice warm with reassurance.
"And no, you're not. You never treat me like shit," he insisted, his smile softening the edges of his words.
But you shook your head, your embarrassment still lingering like a stubborn shadow. "You don't understand! I've been insisting on paying the bills every time we go on dates. I even casually offered to pay your rent. Oh my god!"
Seungcheol's laughter grew louder at the revelation, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "That's what you were worried about?" he exclaimed incredulously.
You let out a heavy sigh, the weight of your embarrassment pressing down on you like a leaden blanket. "This whole week, I've been thinking about how many times I've hurt you by paying for your groceries and dinner. Your masculinity isn't hurt, right?"
Seungcheol's hands were gentle as they cupped your cheeks, his touch a comforting reassurance amidst your swirling emotions. "Thanks for everything, my love. Now your boyfriend will be the owner of the company you're working for. Let him treat you like a princess," he said tenderly, his voice laced with sincerity and affection.
You melted into his embrace, feeling the warmth of his love enveloping you like a protective cocoon. "I love the sound of it," you whispered, your heart swelling with gratitude for his understanding and support.
Seungcheol held you close, his arms wrapped securely around you as he pressed a tender kiss to your forehead. "Let's finish your dinner, and I'll get you your favorite dessert from that expensive bakery you showed me last time," he suggested, his eyes sparkling with excitement at the thought of spoiling you.
You smiled up at him, feeling a rush of love and contentment wash over you. With Seungcheol by your side, you knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, you would always have each other to lean on. And in that moment, surrounded by his love, everything felt right in the world.
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nibbelraz · 5 months
I read a fic recently where mu qingfang was like "sometimes if we get VERY lucky, shang-shidi knows some miracle cure" and ive thinking about that in terms of 'god sqh'. Like you mention how x disciple is gonna die of the hyperdeath dying flower and your martial brother speaks in tongues to himself for a moment before stuttering and stammering his way into a 'this might work but good luck' possible cure. Reality takes a sharp turn for half a second and then when you try it, it works. He dismisses it and himself but it keeps happening. Not always, but sometimes. Often enough to be a pattern. Is he some kind of seer? Diviner? Or just divine? He's very protective of his personal rooms so you're not going to be able to get evidence either way. He keeps a garden of poisons and cures that he supplies you with personally, anyway. You're not gonna pry. Then later when everyone is screaming crying throwing up because he betrayed the sect you interrupt his demon king? Boss? Something. To be like hold up. Shang-shidi can I have an address for any emergency letters I might have to send you. Oh and also have you got a supplier for your meds in the demon realm? Hm? Oh yes very powerful demon Lord your flustered servant takes anti anxiety medicine. Yes it's a mix of herbs that forces him to be in less of a state- yes he gets worse than this. Shang-shidi don't whine I've seen you off your meds I KNOW you get stomach aches from anxiety so bad you can't work. Yes the 'category 5 tummy event' is not a secret. We know about them shang-shidi.
The category 5 tummy event he's so me 😭
The idea of Mu Qingfang just knowing that yeah Shang-Shidi most often then not probably has the cure to this Very deadly disease and doesn't bat an eye he's just like well as long as they live I GUESS.
Also the person with the balls to go staring up at this incredibly cold and dangerous demon with a straight face to tell Qinghua to take his meds
Mobei would definitely listen and take notes
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exhaslo · 6 months
Puzzle Pieces Ch16
(Mafia!Miguel x Shy!Reader)
Ch.1, Ch.2, Ch.3, Ch.4, Ch.5, Ch6, Ch7, Ch8, Ch9, Ch10, Ch11, Ch12, Ch13, Ch14, Ch15
Warning: Smut so Minors DNI, mentions of abuse, torture, blood, murder, language, fluff, bullying, mentions of sex, praise, shower sex, aftercare
The sky was cloudy as snow started to fall heavily upon the city. A sudden chill ran up your spine as you tried to cover yourself up in the blanket some more. The heat was on, but you still felt the cold from outside.
Your body felt weak and exhausted from yesterday. While there was the relief of Eddie never bothering you again, just seeing him still brought you down in the dumps. He always made you feel sick to your stomach. At least Miguel was here to ease your worries.
Reaching out to your loving boyfriend, you let out a whimper. You felt congested and dizzy. Snuggling into Miguel, you coughed and closed your eyes again. He felt so warm and comforting. Perfect to go back to sleep too.
"Hn, (Y/N)? You don't sound too well," Miguel muttered as he started to wake up. You coughed again,
"I'm...fine...just need...some more...rest," You whispered tiredly, "Long...day yes...terday..."
Miguel sat up, stroking your head as you started to drift back into a deep slumber. He let out a soft sigh, knowing that this was partly his fault. Miguel was worried that taking you yesterday would push you too far and it did. The stress of it all had gotten you sick. So today was probably not going to be the best for you either.
"Baby, I have to head out, but I promise to be back early and to bring you some medicine, okay?" Miguel whispered as he kissed your head.
"Mhmm," You lazily replied in your sleep.
As Miguel scooted off the bed, he heard your whine and chuckled. You were reaching out for him, how tempting. If Miguel were to get back into the bed, then he might take advantage of your cute sickly body.
As painful as it was, Miguel got ready for another day of work. He would rather stay by your side, but what he was doing today was for you. Calling Lyla, Miguel did make sure that someone would be here for you if you need help.
He wasn't going to let his future wife be lonely.
Once Lyla arrived, Miguel made his way out. His phone was blowing up with messages from Peter, and Miguel knew why. A clear smirk was on his face as Miguel had all of the pieces start to stick together. This was going to be a glorious puzzle once completed.
This was personal. Miguel made sure to keep his guests waiting. Entering the supermarket with Hobie and Ben behind him, Miguel approached the deli. He glanced over at your former Supervisor and just gave a simple nod.
"Attention customers, due to a spill in the cleaning aisle, we must ask that everyone leave the store. Again, please exit the store in a timely fashion. We apologize for any inconvenience." The supervisor spoke over the loud speaker.
Miguel glanced as one of the workers 'accidently' spilled two chemicals that were definitely not supposed to mix. As he entered the third freezer, Miguel just smirked towards the loud yelling and bickering coming from inside.
"This is NOT what we signed up for!!!!" Your mother screamed at the top of her lungs.
"We've been waiting here for hours!! You had my wife sleep on some shitty ass apartment floor! NOT A HOTEL! Where is your boss?!" Your father added.
"Right here," Miguel said calmly as he appeared before the two, "Was there something wrong with your accommodations?"
"Something wrong?! Everything was wrong!! Your lackey-"
"Ow," Peter whispered childishly.
"Told us that we were going to be treated like royalty! Given a five star hotel for the night and all inclusive dinner and breakfast! We received non of that! He threw us in a disgusting apartment building and we had to sleep on the floor!!! Are you going to compensate for our back pain?!" You father screamed. Your mother huffed and pitched in,
"We were given no dinner! No breakfast! Then you have us wait in this accursed place!"
"Oh? So if the apartment was not fitting for you, then why was it good enough for your daughter?" Miguel questioned before snapping his fingers, "As for food, I did bring you something."
"Pfft, daughter? What do you know about (Y/N)?" Your father asked with a scoff and saw a table being brought out.
"What I know, is that I plan to make your daughter my wife-"
"Haha! She's already engaged. You may have bought our supermarket, but what do you have to offer for our daughter's hand in marriage despite shitty service?" Your mother huffed and sat down in the seats that were given to them, "Besides, she will be marrying a fine young man soon. It's too late."
Miguel felt his smirk disappear as his anger started to show. Your parents were truly evil. It was for the best that you weren't here. You may have stood up to Eddie, but parents were another thing. Hell, not even Miguel could really stand up to his own mother.
"Do you mean Eddie?" Miguel asked as Hobie set two covered plates in front of your parents. Your father seemed to have beamed at the name,
"You know of him? Good!"
"Yes, I know of him. He's made quite a name for himself here in the city, but enough about that for now. You two must be starving. Enjoy your meal."
Miguel's smile returned as he watched your parents uncover their dishes and nearly cheered at the sight. Miguel was calm as he watched your parents stuff their faces while his men had to resist their laughter.
"At least the food is up to par with our standards. I've never tasted something so delicious! What is the main meat for this dish?" Your father asked. Miguel chuckled darkly,
"For you, I believe that would be Eddie's balls...for your wife, his dick."
Within the second, both started to cough and spit their food out. The two looked at their plate in horror. Miguel leaned back in his seat,
"As I mentioned, Eddie did make quite a name for himself here. So much so that I had to put a stop to him. To think that you would let such a horrible influence get near your daughter in the first place, disgusts me." Miguel slammed his fist against the table, "The pain that you two brought her. The pain that you ignored? The two of you are insects to me."
"You can make as many threats as you want-"
"Threats?" Miguel chuckled once more as Jessica dropped some pictures, "As you can see, Eddie is just barely breathing. I made sure he suffered just as much as (Y/N) and some. Do you really think I brought you two here for small talk?"
"W-Who-" You mother nearly froze in fear as she started to understand the situation they were in, "W-What do you want from us?"
"What I want is to have you skinned and killed, but (Y/N) will cry if I do such a thing to her parents. She resents you, but still cares. Isn't that nice? Your daughter still has a heart for demons like yourself, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have to know about this."
"As if we won't tell-"
"Tell her what?" Miguel pushed your father down and pressed a gun to his head, "Do you have any idea how hard it is for me right now to not pull this trigger?"
"Please! Please don't kill him!" Your mother cried, "We'll do anything! Please!"
"Finish your meal. I want to see that plate spotless." Miguel waited until the two of them started to eat again, "Don't puke. You still have plenty more meals after this. Can't let anyone find Eddie's body now, can we?"
Miguel slowly returned to his seat, watching your parents cry as they forced themselves to eat. Now, Miguel had never done anything this cruel before and of course, he wasn't actually planning on feeding Eddie to your parents.
Just his junk.
But the fear in their eyes was enough for now. Eddie's use was finally done, so Miguel could finish him off and dump his body in the river. Once the plates were clean, Miguel slid a document over to your parents.
"Read and sign. You will never contact (Y/N) again. She will make that decision on her own. You will nullify the marriage for I will be taking (Y/N) as my wife. If you mention anything about this, then you'll be joining Eddie. Do I make myself clear?"
"Yes." They both said in unison.
Miguel watched as your parents quickly signed the contract. Once the deed was done, Miguel removed himself from the room and told everyone to do what they pleased. Your parents were quick to cry for help, begging for their lives.
They weren't going to die, but they will wish they did.
You sniffed and cried into your pillow, complaining about not being able to breathe and missing Miguel. Lyla found it both cute and slightly annoying. The fact that you loved Miguel so much despite him being such a brute was the annoying part.
"It's okay, he'll be back soon. The vampire doesn't like his sun," Lyla teased.
"Stop calling me that," Miguel said with a heavy sigh as he placed some medicine and a bag down.
"M-Miguel!" You sobbed, reaching out for him. Miguel chuckled as he dismissed Lyla, "M-Miggy! I missed you."
"I missed you too, baby." Miguel hummed as he picked you up. Your arms wrapped around him immediately, "Let's get you washed up."
You hummed happily, resting your head against his shoulder. Miguel undressed the both of you and filled the tub. His warm embrace, keeping you at ease. Miguel kept you between his legs once the bath was filled.
"I brought you some Pho, thought you could use something hot to ease your throat." Miguel kissed your head as his hands roamed your body. You muffled a quiet moan,
"T-Thank you, Miggy," You cooed, his hands groping your breasts, "H-How...was...y-your day?" You asked.
Miguel kissed your neck, making your already fuzzy brain even more rattled. Your breathing got heavier as Miguel's hands kept teasing your body. You turned to face Miguel, burying your head against his neck as you whimpered and moan.
"Accomplished," Miguel replied as his hands started to rub your clit, "I was able to get everything I wanted done."
Your arms snaked around his neck as you started to move your hips to his hands. Your body was already burning up and weak, causing you to reach your orgasm quicker than usual. Miguel must have found this amusing since he chuckled.
"Awe, is my good girl a little more sensitive today?" He teased, his finger now inside you, curling against your gummy walls, "Don't worry, I won't tease you for long. Gotta wash you up,"
"M-Miggy~" You moaned with a cough.
Your vision was blurry enough as it was, but you could still see Miguel's loving expression. You cried out as Miguel slid his cock into your folds, starting his rough charade of thrusts. Your grip was tighter against his neck as you cried and moaned his name.
"Such a good girl, taking me in so well," Miguel grunted as he held your waist, "I'm going to take such good care of you from now on,"
"Ah~ Hah~ M-Mig~" You shivered, clenching against his dick as you cam once more. Miguel pulled you in for a kiss before giving you a load of his seed,
"You don't have anything to worry about now, (Y/N)" He said with a grunt, pressing your back against the wall as he turned the shower on now, "You're safe with me,"
"Mhm~ Y-Yes....I-I am~" You agreed, barely able to hold onto him.
Miguel realized that he was getting carried away and decided to just give you one more load of him. He grunted as he held you in place, enjoying the last of your sickly moans and whimpers. With a heavy sigh as he felt you suck his dick in, Miguel waited for him to finish cumming before pulling out.
"Shh, can't waste all you're energy, baby. You still need to eat and take your medicine," Miguel said with a chuckle as he cleaned you up.
You squirmed slightly in place, muffling small whines as Miguel washed your body. His hands were still so hot compared to your burning skin. Feeling yourself being lifted, you leaned against Miguel as he carried you out of the shower.
"Don't fall asleep yet," Miguel whispered as he dried you.
"Shirt..." You pleaded.
Miguel complied and gave you one of his shirts to wear. He dressed himself once he finished with you and carried you back to the bedroom. Sitting you in his lap, Miguel helped fed you the soup and gave you the medicine.
"Get a good's night rest, (Y/N). I have a lot to tell you tomorrow." Miguel whispered as he kissed your head.
next chapter (final)
@migueloharacumslut @18lkpeters @deputy-videogamer @leahnicole1219 @synamonthy @thedevax @jolynesposts @thraetor @freehentai @2099hitmylineyline @vvampir3s @dontfollowmepleaseitsannoying @secretadmirerisnowonline @jadeloverxd @bunnibitez @oharasfilipinawife @randomgoosegame @lilbanas @daisy-artfield @axi-moore @mimiemie @darkfairy102190 @jazzyj1011 @mcmiracles @innercreationflower @spoderssimp @thel0velykey190 @moonvoidpng @yougavemeyourheartyouknow @scaleniusrm @love4saturn @nyxgoddessofchaos13 @slutty-chronicles @ghstypaint @migueloharastruelove @brainmatterdump @a060403 @trendyharold @yannauauau @kimivixen @angel-xx-1 @nxrdamp @miguelzslvtz @lynxslokley @wafflefries786 @pochapo @what-the-jams @flaps200 @ii-angelsrolltheireyes-ii @nakimushiohime @tojishugetiddies @aya-world @supercowgirl04 @mysteris-things @daisy-artfield @mcmiracles @alexa4040 @llama--drama @kpopscoups17130000 @havkjhdecs @ruexvn @tojishugetiddi @openup-yourmind @black-swan-blog27 @xstarsdiary @kiddisquacking @gachagator @yujyujj @emmyrxx @blackteamint @sockears @black-swan-blog27 @soraya-daydreams @byjessicalotufo @nanoinn @bunnibitez @aockskcw @l3laze @dimitri-needs-therapy
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woso-dreamzzz · 6 months
Nagging II
Barcelona Femení x Teen!Reader
Summary: You come back from national duty sick
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In all honesty, you blamed Selma.
It was all her fault. She came down with something just minutes after your match against Portugal. You were ninety percent sure she had sneezed all over your things but with no way to prove it, you blamed her from a distance.
The day you got back to Barcelona was spent hovering over your toilet bowl and throwing up all of the crappy plane food you ate earlier.
Your head pounded and you wished you had blackout blinds because even the faintest sliver of sunlight made it worse.
You sent Jona a text as soon as you could deal with the light from your phone, saying that you would be taking the next few days off.
He replied with a thumbs up and you left it at that as another wave of nausea coursed through you and you crouched over your toilet bowl.
You didn't even think about texting any of your teammates, more focussed on keeping down anything you ate.
You dimmed your lights and closed your blinds when the nausea disappeared enough for you to move before retreating back to your bathroom floor.
You don't know when you fell back asleep but the cold tiles against your cheeks were soothing and the silence felt nice in your blocked ears.
You only woke up when you felt someone nudging at your shoulder. You groaned, your eyelids feeling like they were glued together so you blindly batted at whoever was touching you
"Come on, kiddo." You recognised Lucy's voice but still refused to open your eyes, more than content to lay limp on your bathroom floor. "Up you get."
Lucy didn't seem to be taking no for an answer so you cracked open your eyelids. It was the wrong move though because as soon as you opened them, it was like your stomach realised that it was feeling sick because you had to launch yourself at the toilet as you dry heaved over the bowl.
"Or, on second thought, you can stay there," She said, nose wrinkling in disgust as you collapsed on top of your toilet," How long have you been feeling like this?"
You could barely make sense of her words as you moved to rest back against the tiled walls. Your chest rose and fell erratically as you tried to regain your breath.
"Have you eaten?"
"Jesus," You groaned," How many of there are you?"
Alexia stood in the doorway, arms crossed over her chest. She was looking at you with disapproval but you couldn't find it in yourself to care. "Have you eaten?"
You gestured to your toilet. "Does it look like I can keep anything down?"
"Have you taken some medicine, at least?"
This time, it was Lucy who answered," Does it look like she can even walk?"
Alexia sighed, bringing her fingers up to massage her temple. "How long has this been going on? Why did we have to hear about it from Jona?"
You groaned, your head pounding. "If you're going to ask me so many questions can you at least slow them down?"
A head popped around the doorway. "Is she still alive?"
"Yes, Mapi," Alexia said," She's still alive."
"Good," Mapi replied," Because Ingrid's making soup and I don't want her to waste the effort if it turns out that the kid is dead."
"God," You groaned, finally sitting upright again," It's nice to know how I rank on your list of priorities, Mapi."
Mapi scrunched her nose up at you. "You look like death warmed up. Have we got to go to the hospital?"
When Lucy and Alexia began to look like they were contemplating it, you fought back against the swirling of your stomach.
"No, no hospital," You said, getting up shakily and sagging against Lucy when she moved to help you," It's just a little sickness. Selma's already let it run its course on her. I'll be fine in a few days."
"We'll be the judge of that," Lucy said as she guided you out of your bathroom and onto the sofa.
Ingrid was at your stove, mixing up a pot of soup while Frido seemed to flutter around your entire apartment, doing all of the chores you had put off since coming back from France.
"I knew I shouldn't have let you come back here," Lucy muttered as she forced you to drink an electrolyte drink," I should have just made you come home with me."
Most of the time, you lived with Lucy while playing at Barcelona but the club still paid for an apartment for you. Your flight in last night was late and you just told Lucy you would crash at your own place and go back with her after training.
"We can deal with that later," Alexia said dismissively as she shoved a thermometer into your mouth," Leave that there!"
"I don't even own one of these," You complained around it.
"I bought one with me," Frido said as she brought over Ingrid's soup," You need to stock up on medicine too. You've got nothing."
"I don't need to stock up on anything if I've never bought any. Wh-" You were cut off by Mapi shoving a spoonful of soup into your mouth.
The older girls all talked over the top of your head.
"I can take her home with me," Lucy said," We just need to pack her a bag."
"No," Alexia said," She's sick. She shouldn't move anywhere until she's better."
"Mapi and I can stay with her tonight," Ingrid said," One of us can make sure she's okay and the other can stock up on medicine."
"She said it's a short bug," Alexia nodded," So hopefully it won't be too bad."
"I don't know..." Frido looked over at the way you pushed away Mapi and her spoon in favour of hunching over and squeezing at your head. "She's only a kid. I think at least a week."
"A week..." Alexia fell silent for a moment. "Ingrid, if you and Mapi are okay with watching over her tonight then I'll take over for tomorrow and the day after. Frido can have the next two and then Lucy..."
"If she's alright after Frido's shift I'll take her back to my place," Lucy said," And if she's not, I'll hang out here until she's well enough."
"Good," Alexia said. She grabbed one of your blankets from the dryer and threw it around your shoulders. "Does anyone have Renard's number? It would probably be best if someone told her that her protege's down for the count."
"I've got it," Lucy said before wincing," God, I'm screwed. She's going to have my head."
"Just blame Selma," You said, having enough of the girls talking about you like you weren't in the room with them," It's her fault anyway."
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hauntedrain · 6 months
F1 Driver Dating Headcanons | Fem! Reader |
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Includes: Charles, Max, Oscar, And Lando
Disclaimer: these might be unrealistic but they are ofc headcanons. Also, I might do a part 2 of more or different drivers? Not edited.
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Charles Leclerc *°:⋆ₓₒ
A gentle lover.
Would do anything and everything for you. You want a specific food? He'll go pick it up for you. Looking at something online? He'll buy it for you. Literally everything and anything.
Like, "No Charles is okay, I don't need it right now, and plus it's too much." and he would be like, "No if you want it'll get it, anything for you." and then he would buy it even if you still say its too much or something like that.
He reminds me of a puppy, so I imagine him following you everywhere. However, if it was somewhere where there's a big crowd or a bunch of fans hell be in front to protect you.
I feel like he's more of a romantic person with dates and gestures.
like candle-lit dinners, flowers all the time, fancy dinners and outings, etc.
Would compliment you 24/7 in the sweetest ways whenever, wherever, about whatever.
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Max Verstappen .。*゚+.*.。
A dominant domestic lover.
His priorities are you and your safety.
He would most definitely be mad if someone hurt you. Like for example, if someone bumped into you at an event he would probably give them a slightly dirty look and then pull you closer to him so you do not get bumped again.
Would be really sweet with you.
On his hands and knees for you.
Like if you're sick, by the time you wake up there's a cup of tea, soup, and medicine. Or if you need help grabbing something would already be reaching for it. It's like he's 2 steps ahead of you but in a sweet way.
I think he would definitely like to hear about the little things about you. how your day was, or plans you have.
I also think he would like shopping with you for some reason, like showing him or trying on clothes that you like. its like a mini fashion show for him but with you as the model.
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Oscar Piastri ✧・゚: *
I feel like he would be the type of boyfriend that would meet your friends or family, and they initially think that he's mean or cold, but over time they realize he's really sweet and nice.
I think he would secretly make a playlist for you or about you. Like songs that remind him of you or that he knows you like.
He would probably form this by playing random music during drives and keeping note of what you like, and then once he has time he puts them into a playlist for you that he plays when you're with him or if he misses you.
He's probably more of a quality time lover. He enjoys doing things with you and he has dates that revolve around that.
I feel like he's the type to give random gifts for no reason at all. Like he just shows up with flowers, jewelry, or a book or something.
for example, he would randomly show up with a stuffed animal or something he saw while he was away and explain that he saw it and thought of you so he bought it to give you.
I think he would like to keep your guy's relationship more private but not secret.
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Lando Norris ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
I think he would be a touchy bf. (Love language is physical touch)
He always has to be touching you at all times, whether that be holding your hand, hand on your hip, or having his hand on the small of your back.
You guys do "childish things" as dates. Like an arcade, coloring books, building legos, or board game nights. Though, on the other hand, I also think there's a side where it's more "romantic", like nice dinners or something fancy. It would be a mix but either way it's something special.
obsessed bf x pretty gf type beat.
If you ask him to take pictures for you or of you he would be making sure you look good and he's getting the best pictures he can get as if it's his 9-5 job.
You would also probably get messages from Oscar during the season telling you how he won't shut up about you.
I feel like he would buy matching things with you, like jewelry, hoodies, or even something that's just the same color.
I think he would soft-launch your relationship tbh, but once it's public he wont shut up about you.
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I hope that you guys like this (sorry that it's so short) & thank you so much for 500 notes on my last fic &lt;3
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yanderestarangel · 8 months
TW: spoilers about the canon story of mw3, death, mourning, angst, smut, praise, comfort, care, gn reader, use of medicines, breakdown, ghost soft spot, reader moves on after Mactavish's death, nsfw, reader's mixed emotions and ghost, post death of "soap mactavish" , dark themes.
A/N: People who are fighting in the comments: this is a work of fiction, if you take it seriously just DON'T READ IT.
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Your world collapsed after the news that your fiancé "John Mactavish" aka "soap" had died, and what's worse, for Makarov. You felt your feet tremble and your breathing hitch - Price himself gave you this news, making you sob on the phone while Price, Gaz and especially, Ghost, listened to your pain and anger.
Ghost already knew you, he was soap's closest friend, he had been to your house several times and was even going to be best man at your wedding, along with Farah, however, Mactavish's young death took that away from you - and the man felt guilty, maybe if Ghost had been quicker, maybe if he had been close to Price he would have stopped Soap from trying to play the "hero" and getting shot in the head, maybe - Simon's mind was filled with "maybe " mute and would never have an answer.
You couldn't go with Ghost, Gaz and Price to throw Soap's ashes into the sea, you really wanted to - but part of you was paralyzed, as you clung to old photos and videos of Soap, or rather, your boy, your Johnny. Ghost went to your house, carrying the jar - now empty - of your fiance's ashes, he saw how weakened you were, and how quickly you tried to close the door in his face, however, he obviously didn't let you, using one of the hands to stop the blow. "-We need to talk (Y/N)." He just said that, muffled by the skull mask, his hard and cold eyes now carried a dead glow of sadness, anger and concern, Simon entered your house, without even hearing a vocal response from him.
"-I know things can be difficult for you, I know you loved Mactavish... But he asked me to take care of you (Y/N)" he paused significantly, a silence of understanding crossed the small and empty space between the two of you, while Simon squeezed the handle of the suitcase with all his strength, while holding back the single tear that tried to slip from his eye. "-He told me to take care of you if something happened to him and I will keep my word, whether you want my help or not." he added, as the cold gaze returned to you, searching for some kind of understanding on your face, he knew what it was like to lose someone you loved - however - he was focusing on you now, he could handle the pain, but you couldn't.
Then he did something he never did, he let the head of the impetuous and soulless man collapse slightly and letting the suitcase fall to the ground in a light tumble, the sound called you back to reality making you look at the tall and muscular form of Ghost with his arms open to you, while he was teary-eyed but refused to shed any tears, mixed emotions between the two of you, but the same feeling - the pain of sudden loss - you ran into the soldier's warm grip, feeling the smell of clothes wet from the rain and the thick, uncomfortable fabric of his sweatshirt, however, there was a warmth there, a warmth that you needed. You allowed yourself to cry, cry until your throat hurt, Simon's big hands made a pattern on your back and went to the top of your head, he didn't need to say anything at that moment, he just needed to give you the comfort you needed, you felt It allowed you to be taken care of, even if it was by a person you never thought would take care of you.
Simon watched you sleep after crying so much in his arms, lifting you in his arms to the upper staircase and placing you on the double bed, empty, due to the lack of John. He sighed heavily beneath his balaclava as he sat on the edge of the bed, watching you sleep. "-I will truly keep my promise, I swear to you my brother..." Ghost whispered as if he was talking to Soap, or, the ghosts that haunted him.
The next few weeks were calm and uneventful, with Simon offering to help you with the household expenses. "-You just took care of the house right? Totally dependent on Soap?" He asked calmly, no judgment reverberated in his voice, just doubts and an attempt to get closer. You nodded silently, as you watched him hand you a notepad and a pen. "-Write down all the groceries you need for the house, I'll buy them, I may not be Johnny, but I'll take care of you just like he did." he said seriously, his penetrating gaze looked at the floor as he rested both hands on his knees, waiting for you to finish the list. You didn't question it, his look was serious, a statement you couldn't deny.
So, slow steps were worked into these daily narratives, with Ghost always checking in on you, whether you were taking your medicines right, whether you were eating right and even whether you were well enough - with rare occasions of you not being able to eat and Simon preparing some soup. for you, ordering you to sit at the table while he himself fed you with a spoon, some small compliments were whispered under the typical skull mask. "-You're doing well (Y/N)." "-I'm glad you're accepting the food I made." "-Just this spoon and you can go rest, ok?" - he wasn't used to being soft with someone, but, besides the promise he made, something about you made him want to see you well, but he pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind like many others.
Soon the two of you began to live together more and more, not just polite everyday conversations or routine silent care, but rather, verbalizing some abstract feelings from both your hearts. Some nights Ghost would stay with you in the dimly lit kitchen, a hot coffee in front of you both, the steam dancing between you as you smiled sideways - a sad smile, full of hurt and nostalgia, but still a smile - showing some photos of Soap, some photos of you together traveling the world on the few vacations he had while he was alive. Making him smile beneath the fabric that covered his face. "-Oh, I see... He was really quite an adventurous man." he spoke calmly, seeing your sad look as he ran his finger over the cold screen of his cell phone, so Ghost had the idea of ​​telling some stories he shared as a protagonist with Soap - like the time Captain Price made him and Mactavish clean the entire barracks because caught you both listening behind the meeting door - you smiled, now, genuinely happy, making Simon's heart warm a little, as if he was on a mission and it was finally bearing fruit, your happiness.
He accompanied you to doctor appointments and shopping, he insisted that you should take better care of yourself - Ghost dragged you to an expensive clothing store and gave you permission to spend his money however and on whatever you wanted, you couldn't deny it just nodding and swearing he could see a chaste smile appear slightly on the black fabric he wore. You changed for him, trying out some clothes while he approved them all, making you smile beautifully, questioning him if he was being sincere. Simon just crossed his arms and let out a breath through his nose "-I'm just being honest, you're a beautiful person, any clothes you wear look great on you." he spoke sincerely, not noticing the words slipping off his tongue. You thanked him for the compliment, while selecting the clothes, the two of you heard the attendants talk about what a beautiful couple you made. You didn't say anything and neither did Simon correct them, just holding your shoulders in a gesture of shy affection.
Your feelings were confused, you practically lived with Simon now, even giving yourself the freedom to walk around the house in just a towel, you felt good, good about yourself and the man who took care of you - even if your mind wondered if it was right to accept such intimate contact with your late fiancé's friend -
Questions were also present in Ghost's mind, but he liked to take care of you, it wasn't just an obligation for a promise but for pleasure and self-satisfaction, the two of you now practically lived together - something that happened naturally, over time , just proof of a greater connection that was growing in both of you - soon you found yourself arranging Ghost's clothes, like you did with Soap, taking care of his lunch, even though nothing more intimate had ever happened, nothing more than pleasant conversations and warm touches, but covered by the fabrics of your body and Simon's gloves. The spark that was igniting there transcended any bond he had formed and any morals built during his time with Mactavish. He wondered if it was worth going over everything he believed in and trying something with you, touching your skin, feeling you on his fingertips, seeing your happy face and contorting with pleasure because of him - thoughts he didn't think about. he managed to free himself, after all, no man is hypocritical in his pleasures and desires - and Ghost was one of them.
It didn't take long for it to happen, a few glasses of wine, a few laughs between you like any ordinary weekend you were both having in that routine of caregiver x person who was dying from care. But something shone in both your eyes and his, a look that didn't need words but just actions - when you saw it, you were leaning over the kitchen counter, the taller man's thick cock hitting your holes, the swollen balls of cum hit your skin, leaving your skin red. It had been so long since you felt a cock filling you and Ghost was there, fucking you without much thought, just sweet compliments as he ravished your needy hole against his hard, cold marble on the counter. "-Yes fuck... You look so beautiful like this, take it all baby..." "-Don't be ashamed, just let go, I'm here, you've endured so much, haven't you? Yes, you're so strong... So beautiful... Let me take care of you sweetheart." "-Mmm... Fuck (Y/N)... You're squeezing me so good, keep it up okay? I'm going to make you cum, I'm here for you." He spoke between moans in the air, holding your thighs, you forgot everything, the mourning, the past, who you were, just focusing on the blur with each thick thrust and hoarse praise, full of Simon Riley's accent to you. You two didn't know how you were going to act after that, but it didn't matter about the momentary carnal pleasure.
After the post-orgasmic bliss, you and Simon exchanged more glances. "-Sorry, I just... We can't do that." Ghost spoke first, while he was still physically connected with you, leaving slowly, seeing your satisfied form but full of doubts and guilt, even so he helped you take a shower, the two of you sitting in the same bathtub, just an oral silence and the sound calm of the water filled the air particles. You didn't know how to feel, nor what to say. Ghost agreed with the idea of ​​pretending that nothing had happened between you... And that didn't do anything.
It happened again, it always did, another cold, rainy night, with Ghost above you, Simon's thick hands caressing your thighs, his warm breath on your neck. "-I promised to take care of you, I think... Soap would be happy if I made you happy in other ways too." he whispered against your wet, sweaty skin, pushing the shaft already covered in his semen even deeper, from other times he had cum, and maybe, he was right, Mactavish wanted you happy, and you were happy. He reached out his hand, grabbing yours, as he looked you in the eyes, pushing you to your limit. "-Tell me dear... You want another chance to be happy, right?" he spoke from behind the skull balaclava softly and with expectant eyes, all that was needed was your answer to your future, a future with Simon or, a future trapped in memories of the past.
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prettyoatmeal · 7 months
TF141 Taking Care of Sick Reader!
A/N: Guys I'm so sick right now. This cold has hit me like a truck at full speed. I literally slept 13 hrs today?!?!?!?!?!? So lets go guys, sick HC's because I need some comfort.
Masterlist here!
Price just doesn't care because he rarely ever gets sick. Whenever you catch a cold, he's just unfazed because he knows his body well.
This man will PAMPER you. He'll cook you whatever you're craving, and if you're not hungry, you're getting force fed a few cups of broth just so there's something in you.
He'll run you a bath with the soap you love so much, making sure it's nice and steamy in the way you like it. And while your nose his clearing up from the steam, he's massaging your shoulders and the back of your neck and wherever you ask him to. Because he'll be damned if his love has to spend one more second with their body aching.
Taking medicine with him is a chore for both of you. Him because he has to deal with your stubbornness, and you because liquid medicine tastes awful and theres no getting around it. He's just there holding the spoon with the burgundy coloured syrup and you're turning away every time he gets it close to your mouth.
"Sweetheart, I know it tastes awful but it's only here to make you feel better."
Ends up bribing you with taking you out to your favourite restaurant when you're better, but lets face it, he would've taken you anyway.
"See, that wasn't so bad, was it?"
And once you've finally taken it, disregarded the disgusted look on your face, he's actively kissing you on your cheeks, your forehead, maybe your lips as well despite how much you try to pull away from them. But you give in of course. He's only looking out for you and you love him too much.
Gaz I think would be a bit of a germaphobe at first.
Illness on the battlefield? Sure, he can deal with that, who cares Sickness at home?? Nope, the antiseptic spray is coming out and getting sprayed onto every surface of your flat.
You're not getting out of bed until you're sure you're fine because he'll be damned if he catches it from you. He's making sure every second of the day that you're fed, you're hydrated, you're comfy.
If you ask him very nicely, he'll let you cuddle up to him if you promise to not sneeze on him. But when you're finally in his arms, he sees your flushed face, your bleary eyes, the way you cling onto him so tightly even though you're so weak, fading in and out of sleep and he feels himself falling in love all over again.
"Poor baby. I'll take care of you, don't worry."
It happens every single time, it's hilarious. His mind changes every single time. Even if you sneeze on him, you'll get nothing more than a slight scolding as he holds a tissue up to your nose.
Medicine is different with him. Mixes it with your hot tea knowing just how much you hate taking it. If you question why it tastes so weird, he blames it on the temperature distorting the flavour and your messed up taste buds.
And it works, you never question it again.
After that, he'll turn your favourite show on just as background noise and it isn't long until you're falling asleep on top of him.
Ghost is not letting you lift a finger. If you stand up to go get something to eat or drink before he deems you of proper health, he's sweeping you off your feet and laying you back into bed.
"I can do things by- achoo! -by myself."
"No you can't. Stay put, lovie. I'll get your plate for you."
Doesn't want to make it seem like he's babying you.. but he definitely just is.
Simon is normally really good with letting you have your independence, he never wants to make it feel like you don't have a choice. But in times like these where you need to rest, he is having absolutely none of it and there's nothing you can do other that yourself be dragged back to your room.
This man will also chase you around the flat to make sure you take the medicine because you better get through this, and on his watch, you will be.
"Open up, Princess." while you keep turning your head away. Much like John, he definitely needs to bribe you with the shoes you saw on the way home one day or that new restaurant that opened a week ago. And only then you finally take it, gagging at the chemically taste.
After that, you will constantly be swaddled in warmth no matter what. Whether it be him since he's pretty much a radiator himself, a hot bath, or a million blankets and plushies. He just wants you as comfortable as possible for your weakened state.
For baths, it's almost certain he will join you. He'll let you lean back on him as he massages your shoulders, your arms, your thighs and legs. And you're left so dizzy and hazy because he's soothing your aching body so well.
He probably catches it a week after you, once you're already better and then it's your turn to take care of him :3 and you know just how Simon feels about being pampered and looked after.
Soap would be sick with you but stubborn as ever to let you take care of him.
He's just way too touchy and kissy and feely when you're infected, it's awful. Makes fun of you for having a bad immune system even though his is just as bad, if not worse.
"Shut your gob, Bonnie. I won't catch it. it's just a wee cold."
He catches it and it was more than just a 'wee cold'. You're both so weak, bodies throbbing and aching all over but he's still determined to make you his priority.
Going to the bathroom is a hassle because when you go, he'll go. He can't leave his love alone, not in this state! He'll stand outside the door like a cat does, just waiting.. and waiting.. and oh! You've accidentally opened the door on him because he can barely pay attention to whatever's in front of him.
To make up for it, you help ice his forehead.
He'll cook for you, infecting the kitchen with his boy-germs. But it's great because he can just put a few cups of broth up to a simmer and drink it with you on the couch.
Once it's time to take medicine, you both chicken out because it just tastes so gross. But knowing you have to take it, you made a deal to take it at the same time. You're both disgusted but clink your mugs together and use your tea as chasers.
Will sneeze on you more than once by accident. He's gross but we love him.
He definitely tries (keyword is tries) to stay awake long enough for you to make sure you're peacefully sleeping through your sick, but he definitely gets knocked out the moment he cuddles up against you.
GRAHHHHH I'm so sick I'm going to bed. Cheers guys, goodnight
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himimosa · 9 months
when they are sick
taking care of bsd men when they are sick...
fyodor, kunikida, dazai
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Fyodor Dostoevsky
He is the person who walks around sick for almost half of a year, with a lot of sniffs and sneezes. Somehow he can manage to catch a cold even in summer. You say it is because he has an awful immune system
He already has anemia that makes his body weak. And if a bad cold is added too, he becomes almost pathetic...
If you ask him, he says he is used to being sick most of the time, but that is not true. He tried to take pills a few times for his anemia but they were useless (no, i am not self-projecting here, nope)
Most of the time, he can pull to do his work even if that means carrying tissues with him everywhere.
He hates the times when he got extra bad cold, it causes delays in his work. He is not someone who will accept to see a doctor even though his fever runs high. So if you're going to accompany him, you have to use more conventional ways...
You know hot soup, warm shower, herbal teas... He will act like you are being too "histrionic" and he is doing fine, but he will appreciate it secretly...
You put a mix of mint and linden leaves into the french press, added a tiny piece of ginger, and then poured hot water. After you waited for a while you poured out the liquid through a strainer. You had chosen your fav “I like mugs because they’re very comfortable in your hand” mug for it.
You entered the room where Fyodor was laying, he was trying to read a book but he was coughing constantly. You pulled the book from his hands: "Please drink this and rest a little. I am sure your book can wait for you." you scolded him lightly. He didn't argue with you, which was a sign that he was really feeling bad.
He took the mug, and looked at the writing on it "I don't understand why this is written on a mug" You chuckled "Because either you don't have a sense of humor or you have never heard Demi Lovato before dear.."
"Is it really an inadequacy of me that I don't get the references from the pop culture that was brought to people by no one but-"
"Darling darling..." you interrupted him "You can talk for hours about fatuity of popularism later, but I am begging you, drink this tea. now..."
He was annoyed by your interruption but he complied with your request. He sniffed before taking a sip. Then his face turned into a disgusted expression.
"Did you put ginger in this tea?.."
Kunikida Doppo
This poor man will go through the 5 stages of grief in order...
Denial: "I am not sick, I just got shivers for a second! This doesn't mean anything!" "No, I don't look awful or tired, I am fine!"
Anger: "This is because of that Dazai asshole! That nasty bastard sneezed right into my face and contaminated me with his viruses!"
Bargaining: "...Okay some inconveniences might happen but it's not that bad", "I will drink this tea and get better in an instant. No, I don't need a break, I will be fine"
Depression: "... What will happen to the agency if I use two days off?" "...my program... I will be left behind on it.."
Acceptance: "..President, may I use two days off to recover?"
He knew it is natural to get sick for people... But it wasn't written in his ideals book... He must add some notes about this too...
All he wants is quickly recover and get back to his responsibilities. So he will see a doctor, he will take his medicines, will drink all the herbal tea he needs to drink...You don't have to do much indeed, he is someone who takes care of himself well. But this doesn't mean he won't appreciate it if you do some thoughtful things for him...
"I'm home" you called to him when you entered the house with your keys. You dropped the bags that you got from the grocery store to the kitchen. You could organize them later, you went right ahead to the room where Kunikida was resting. He tried to get up to greet you but you acted quicker and hugged him while he was still sitting. He froze for only one second, then slowly wrapped his arms around you
"Y/N... You shouldn't be this close to me, you will get sick too..." He murmured but didn't push you away too. You shrugged your shoulders while still hugging him "Then I will use a day off with my sick boyfriend, that doesn't seem so bad to me" Kunikida chuckled lightly "If we both use a day off at the same time, I can't imagine what sort of chaos would the agency have..." Then he slowly pulled himself back to see you eye-to-eye and started to ask you questions... How is the agency going? Were budget calculations accurate? Have you taken new cases? What kind of ruckus did Dazai cause when he wasn't around to lecture him? How many calls did you get for his suicide attempts this time?
You told him about how you took care of everything on his behalf with everyone's help (well mostly with the help of Atsushi, Kyoka, Kenji, and Tanizaki siblings... basically with minors of Ada...) But even Dazai wasn't acting so "wild". He was whining about how the agency became too quiet and no-fun without Kunikida and all the joy he got from work vanished without Kunikida...
"Everyone can't wait to get you better love they are planning to visit you tomorrow night," you told with a smile. Kunikida coughed and covered his mouth, then mumbled: "I see..." You knew he did it to hide the light blush and embarrassed smile on his face, but you didn't tease him for it. After all, he was deserving it all...
Dazai Osamu
Here comes the drama king...
First, let's be honest here... He is treating his own body like shit... We saw him in his flat, this man doesn't even cook for himself. He literally feeds with sake and canned crabs only... Despite that, he doesn't get sick easily. He has the durability of a cockroach (i swear i love him, these insults are with affection)
He is the kind of person who doesn't get sick even there is a cold season and everyone around him got ill. He catches the sickness not more once than a year, but when he gets ill, it is always the most unexpected time.
Once, while he was still in the port mafia he got a very bad cold right before an important mission. When Mori saw his situation, he had to cancel the mission.
Because this man acts like he is on the deathbed when he is sick...
"So I made some research on the internet... With all these symptoms on me; either I have some kind of chronic illness, or brain tumor.. which leads us to the conclusion that I have only 2 weeks to live..." "Or, you have a cold, you shithead.." "Do not act like you are a doctor now Chuuya, or I will throw up to your precious hat..."
He didn't change much... The only difference is now he is being your boyfriend, you have to take care of this man like you are taking care of a child. He will act like he is much worse than he is to get all your affection and care... You will need a lot of patience, to be honest...
"Ew, there is no way I would drink that crap!" You thought for a millisecond to throw the bowl of soup to his face but you didn't have the heart for it. Even though he was acting like a spoiled brat, he was miserable right now. You knew he hadn't eaten anything since yesterday morning, you had to convince him to put something in his stomach no matter what...
"Why don't you want to drink this babe?" you asked with your sweetest tone. Dazai shrugged his shoulders "It smells bad, makes me want to puke..." You tried again "What if you push yourself? Just a little? I know it doesn't look appetizing but this soup is too good for cold, you will feel better after your drink I promise..."
Dazai looked at you with defeated eyes, he couldn't resist any longer "..fine then"
With excitement, you took one spoon from the bowl and carefully held it towards his mouth, you were cupping the other hand under the spoon to keep it from spilling. Dazai slowly opened his mouth, only to make a sour face "It is too hot!"
"Sorry baby, my bad" you apologized and started to cool it down by stirring it with the spoon. You took another spoon from the bowl, this time you blew a little air before giving it to Dazai. When he started to make some teasing comments on you would be a great nanny, you decided he was already getting better. You tried to get up after he finished his soup, but Dazai held you weakly by his wrist. "You won't leave me alone on my deathbed, right?" You rolled your eyes: "You're an idiot, you know that right?" He smirked lightly "But I am your idiot, and you still love me..." You couldn't control your smile this time. You gently removed the hair on his forehead and gave him a little peck "Yeap... Only mine to love..."
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well, i couldn't still get over from this week's episode and couldnt't write anything new. this was on the drafts and not proof readed, but i will still share it. fyodor stans can use it as a denial of ep 11 :')
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hitomisuzuya · 11 months
Decoding Scara. Scaramouche x fem!reader. Fluff. Some humor. Soft Scara. AU
a/n: I wrote this cause we all want someone to take care of us when we are sick. One of my dad's girlfriend's kids gave me this gnarly awful cough. Kid doesn't even cover his mouth 😭 I don't want this shit, no one does. Next on deck is Diluc smut. I should be on the last legs of this shit.
Scaramouche cringed.
You'd sneezed. You were sick. You had been for a few days now. Thing is, you were too proud to admit it. Sometimes, he thought you were more stubborn than he was.
Your cheeks looked flushed with fever, you sounded congested. You hadn't slept all that much because of it.
And Scaramouche had had enough of your shit. It ends now.
"Tch. Stop it, it's painful to watch you," He scoffed as he watched you from his spot on your bed, crossing his arms.
Up for a game of decoding? When you are dating someone like Scaramouche, you had to really listen to hear what he means when he talks. It's a weird thing for you to explain.
Decode: Please come rest, you are very sick and I am worried for you.
You rubbed your eyes before you looked at him. You looked so tired. "No, I still have things I need to get done," You said, giving him a soft smile before turning back to your laptop.
Scaramouche promptly got up, and closed your laptop. He rolled his eyes when you sputtered in protest. "No you don't. You look like you are going to drop dead any second now. "
Decode: It can wait. It's more important for you to get better.
You tried to open your laptop again, but Scaramouche kept his hand on your laptop to hold it closed. He picked you up bridal style and carried you over to your bed.
It really really freaked Scaramouche out when you got sick. He'd lost someone who he considered a younger brother to illness. He would be damned if he lost you like that too.
He wouldn't be able to bear it.
"I'm taking this," He picked up your laptop, and tucked it under his arm before he walked over to your bedroom door. "And I am locking the door from the outside while I am gone at the pharmacy."
Decode: Please stay in bed and sleep while I go get you medicine.
You knew there was no use in protesting. Scaramouche tucked the blankets around you, giving you a quick kiss before heading out to the pharmacy. He really did lock the door.
This boy, as soon as he got to the pharmacy, he grabbed one box of every cold medicine on the shelf. If one didn't work for you than you had others to try. The cashier gave him an odd look. He knew it looked totally shady.
"Fuck off, my girlfriend is sick," He snapped, glaring at the cashier. Unfortunately, the cashier didn't know how to decode Scara at all cause he didn't know him.
There was no reason to decode that one though.
After some coaxing and bickering, the cashier rang him up just so he would leave. That was fine with Scaramouche. He didn't like idiots holding him up, especially if they were preventing him from getting back to you.
Next he went to the grocery store. He bought various soups that would help sooth your throat, and a variety of teas, scoffing when he took a box of hot chocolate mix off the shelf. He despised sweet things, but he knew it would make you feel better.
The only sweet thing he didn't despise was you.
"Sc-Scara, what did you do? Buy the whole pharmacy?" You asked with wide eyes when he tossed the bag full of cold medicine onto your bed.
"Practically, just shut up and take your medicine. I also got you that mud you like to drink," He said, sitting down on your bed.
Decode: Take your medicine. It will make you feel better. I also got you hot chocolate because I know you like it.
Scaramouche spent the next few days hardly letting you get up for anything, making sure you took your medicine, and making you soup. He watched movies and TV shows with you, he would never admit it but he absolutely ate up reality shows for their drama.
Needless to say, once you recovered, you had your hands full taking care of Scaramouche when he caught what you had.
He would still kiss you even if you were sick.
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angelicvity · 9 months
melting, tsundere chou tzuyu x fem reader
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genre: fluff, slight angst?
warning: none
a/n: tsundere tzuyu owns my heart <3
part 2.
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y/n slowly opens her eyes, feeling an overwhelming sense of dizziness and fatigue. her head throbs, and her body feels heavy. realizing she's fallen ill, she musters the strength to sit up and calls out to tzuyu, who is sitting nearby.
"tzuyu, i don't feel well," y/n says, her voice weak.
tzuyu glances up from her book, her expression initially dismissive. "don't be so dramatic. It's probably just a minor thing."
y/n's heart sinks at tzuyu's dismissive response, but she pushes through, determined to make her point. "no, tzuyu, i'm serious. i'm feeling really sick. i think i need to rest."
tzuyu's icy facade softens almost imperceptibly, a flicker of concern in her eyes. "fine. if you're that insistent, go rest. but don't expect me to play nurse for you."
y/n nods, understanding tzuyu's tsundere nature. as y/n crawls back into bed, tzuyu can't help but watch her with hidden worry. memories of her own past experiences with vulnerability make her hesitant to let her guard down completely.
tzuyu tries to distract herself, focusing on her book, but her thoughts keep drifting back to y/n. the worry gnaws at her, and she can't shake the feeling that she needs to do something.
after a few moments of internal struggle, tzuyu sets her book aside and silently enters the room where y/n is resting. she sits at the edge of the bed, lightly placing a hand on y/n's forehead.
"you're burning up," tzuyu mutters under her breath, her voice barely audible.
y/n stirs at the touch, her eyes fluttering open. "tzuyu, what are you doing here?"
tzuyu averts her gaze, her cheeks slightly flushed. "i... i couldn't just ignore you. i brought some medicine. take it."
y/n's heart swells with affection, realizing tzuyu's true intentions. she takes the medicine and smiles weakly. "thank you, tzuyu. i'm sorry for bothering you."
tzuyu scoffs, trying to maintain her tough exterior. "don't get the wrong idea. i just don't want you to get worse and be a burden."
y/n chuckles softly, despite her weakened state. "you may act tough, but i know you care. thank you for looking out for me."
in that moment, y/n reaches out and gently touches tzuyu's cheek. tzuyu freezes, caught off guard by the unexpected gesture.
"i appreciate you, jagi," y/n whispers, her voice filled with warmth. "and i want you to know that, even if you try to hide it, your actions speak louder than words."
tzuyu's icy exterior cracks, and she blushes, unable to form a coherent response. in a moment of vulnerability, she leans forward, pressing her lips against Y/N's in a soft and tender kiss.
their lips linger for a brief, stolen moment before tzuyu pulls back, her expression a mix of surprise and uncertainty. "that... that was nothing. just... just forget it."
y/n smiles, their eyes locked with affection. "i won't forget it. because that kiss meant something. it meant that even beneath your cold exterior, there's a warmth waiting to be shared."
tzuyu's cheeks flush even deeper, but a small smile tugs at the corners of her lips. "don't expect me to get all sappy. i did it because... because you're important to me."
as y/n settles back into bed, tzuyu remains by their side, her presence a comforting and reassuring presence. in that moment, their connection deepens, and the barriers between them slowly melt away.
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 10 months
Hi!!!! Can I request one with Rhysand and reader is sick and he just becomes a mother hen toward reader?
My ass got hit with some sickness and a wonderful migraine at the same time 😀 so the thought of Rhys just taking care of me cures me a tiny bit lol
Hope you have a great day🩷
Oh, dear, I'm hugging you tightly. I hope you're feeling better or will do soon! Stay strong, stay hydrated and rest!✨🫶🏻
Rhys was walking back to your bedroom. Hands full of stuff, running through the lineup of medications Madja had suggested for you to take. He was worried. Had been for a couple of days now. The sickness had struck you out of nowhere. Leaving you sweaty and breathless in bed. Whining at any light and sound that came.
"Oh, no", he nearly dropped the tray as he saw you trying to get out of bed. "You can't..", he rushed to your side. He moves so swiftly that you don't even catch him putting the stuff in his hands down. "Just going to the bathroom...", you mumble, trying to rise only to be swept into Rhys's arms. "You cannot do such a thing", he breathed out. And you can't help but raise your eyebrows, "I can't pee?". He partly ignores you as he moves to the bathroom, "You cannot walk. It will make you lose fluids quicker", he states firmly.
"You're unbelievable", you mutter tiredly. Rhys wets the towel, carefully wiping your face from sweat while you do your thing. "I would appreciate it if I could pee in peace", you plead with him but he once again doesn't move. "I shall remind you that I've seen it all", he says in his lordling voice. "Rhys, I am not dying. It's a cold", you know that it's been hard for him to stay calm.
When Rhys loved he loved with all of his arms and when he found you slumped up in his office chair, running a high fever. His heart leaped out of his chest. Worst fears clouding his mind. It should have been him. He wanted to take it all from you. Make it feel better. He could get through it but he didn't want to see you suffering.
"I find joy in looking after you, darling", Rhys brushed your sweaty hair away from your face. Madja said no showers till your symptoms eased just to avoid complications. "Looking at me in this state brings you joy?", you breathed out a tired chuckle, "I sure wish to fuel your nightmare list", You tried to make an angry predator face only to feel a sharp pain in your head. "Now that is venomous lies falling out of your lips, darling", he purred, reaching to lift you once more. Carrying your back to bed that was now stripped and covered in fresh sheets.
"I'll mix up your medicine. Then you'll eat. I'll wash you up with a warm cloth. Then tea and...", you cut him off, "I get it, mother hen". Rhys threw you a look, "I know that you would love me more if I was in a skimpy healer's outfit but..", he trailed off. You gaped at him before falling into light giggles that made Rhys's heart swell because he hadn't heard the sound of your laugh in a couple of days and it had been driving him crazy.
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wordy-little-witch · 26 days
Incorrect quotes bc I need some dopamine-
It's long and this is a mix of shit I've heard in my life, random scenes my brain conjures up, and the result of a ridiculous amount of cold medicine.
Roger pirates edition!!!!
Roger: hey buglet, what have you got there?
Buggy: a bomb! :o3
Roger: .... ah. Seems like something a responsible parent would never let their child play with.
Buggy: :o(
Roger: good thing I'm a captain!
Buggy: :oD
Shanks: Bugs?
Buggy: what?
Shanks: would you love me if I was a worm?
Buggy: .... hmmm....
Shanks: you have to think about it?!??
Buggy: well duh! We're pirates! We're on a pirate ship, dumbass! How would I keep a worm alive, let alone happy and safe, on a pirate ship?? Not to mention all the different species of worms! What kind of worm would you be?? What kind of care would you need? It's a big question- *goes on a tangent about worms, worm care, and is slowly working himself into a panic*
Shanks, who just heard a landlocked girl ask her boyfriend it and wanted to ask buggy bc he thought it would annoy him: .... a h
Rayleigh: .... what do you have there, Captain?
Roger, holding a baby in a treasure chest and another, smaller baby in his sash: an ADVENTURE!
Gabban, trying to teach the kids their numbers: one~ twoo~ threeee~
Shanks: t'wee!!!
Gabban: right! And what comes after three? Do you know, Buggy?
Buggy, with the confidence of a pirate toddler: FUCK!!
Rayleigh, appearing out of thin air, menacing smile in place: :)
Gabban: :/
Buggy and Shanks: :D fuck fuck fuck!!!
Rayleigh: remind me to kill Roger later, please.
Crocus: alright boys. Let's work on that math, okay? So, Bug, if you had seven treasure chests-
Buggy: yesss!!!
Crocus: focus! Seven treasure chests. Now Shanks asks for three of them. How many treasure chests would you have left?
Buggy: seven.
Crocus: no, Shanks asked for three of them.
Shanks: it's okay, Buggy, you can keep your treasure!
Crocus: no- I- okay, Buggy has seven chests. I ask for three of them. How many do you have left?
Buggy: seven.
Crocus: okay, I'm not asking, I am taking the three treasure chests by force. How many do you have now.
Buggy: seven and a corpse.
Crocus: .....
Shanks: ......
Buggy: ......
Crocus: ................ is this why Rayleigh made math time my job
Buggy: probably. I bit him last time.
Whitebeard: Roger! I never expected you to take on children! Taking a page from my book, are you?
Roger: something like that hahaha! Eddie, meet my brats! This redhead here is Shanks, he's a tough little cookie.
Shanks: hi!!
Roger: and the bluebelle here is Buggy. He's my little cupcake!!
Whitebeard: aw, because he's small and sweet?
Roger, smiling widely: no, because cupcakes can easily contain many varieties of mortal harm, I have learned, and he is small, cute and deadly.
Buggy, pouting: it was one time!!
Roger: three times, and that's not counting that one time with Garp and the arsenic
Buggy: >:o/
The Whitebeard pirates:
Roger: isn't he the cutest??
Shanks: he don't bite
Marco, trying desperately to shake Buggy off of his leg: YES HE DO, HELP-
Buggy, 3 years old, slams his sippy cup onto the table top: I need a dwink.
Sunbell, trying not to laugh: aw, what's up, little man?
Buggy: S'anks is twyin' my patience. Gimme da good stuffs.
Sunbell: okay. Apple juice or-
Buggy: wum.
Sunbell: baby bug, rum is for grown ups. How about some milk?
Buggy: no. Papa Rayray has wum when cap'in is being extra dumb. And S'anks is being extra EXTRA dumb ri' now. I need wum.
Sunbell: ...... alright then-
((He does not in face give Buggy rum, but he DOES make a point of saving a small rum bottle to fill with cranberry juice for future reference.))
Rayleigh: hey, buddy, what's wrong?
Buggy: I have a headache that comes and goes.
Ray: aw, here, let's go to Crocus-
Shanks: hi, Buggy!!
Buggy: there it is.
Rayleigh: ..... yeah Crocus can't help with that.
Buggy, laying on the deck at 3 in the morning:
Roger: bugababy, what are you doing up?
Buggy: what is the point of life, if not only to suffer? What is the purpose of being here if it's all a cyclical preordained destiny of agony and heartache? Why would the Spirits see fit to put us into this hellscape if not for their own sick amusement-?
Roger: Buggy, is this because Shanks ate your gummy worms?
Buggy: that red haired fucker knew they were mine-!
Shanks: hey, Captain? How does one confess their undying love to someone?
Roger: just because I'm with Rouge doesn't mean I know how it happened, son.
Buggy: hey, mom?
Rouge: yes, ma fleur?
Buggy: I think Shanks is in love with me.
Rouge: neat. Do you love him too?
Buggy: unfortunately.
Rouge: nice.
Rayleigh: I didn't choose parent life. Parent life came to me, mid-drink, in the form of an unhinged adult man, and then expanded further with the addition of two tiny humans.
Roger, with Shanks in a front facing baby carrier: you know what's cute than one baby?
Random pirate enemy, trying to figure out why this man showed up to a fight with a baby:
Roger, turning to show Buggy in a carrier on his back: two babies!!!
Buggy @ Garp: were it not for the laws of this land, I would have slaughtered you.
Roger: I mean.... we're pirates, so laws-
Garp, sweating, who just set down a draw 4 in Oro Uno: No, kid's right, gotta listen to the law
Rayleigh: I have no fear
Shanks, pale and shaking: Buggy hasn't slept in two days he's making bombs
Rayleigh: I have several fears.
Sengoku: Garp, you've been acting strange ever since you came back from your last excursion.
Garp: no i haven't.
Sengoku: you just leveled a circus tent after seeing a bunch of clowns.
Garp, having flashbacks to being bitten by a tiny clown, thousand yard stare: their joyful levity is a lie
Buggy: if I had a nickel for every time I had a traumatic experience on this damn crew, I'd have enough to pay for my therapy bills.
Shanks: if I had a nickel for every traumatizing experience I had here, I'd have enough to pay for my drinking problem.
Gabban, looking at the 11 year olds: .... maybe pirates aren't built for being parents.......
Whitebeard: I fear no man.
Also Whitebeard, thinking on that first time he interacted with Buggy one on one: but that thing..... it scares me.
Buggy: it's hard being Easy, Breezy, Beautiful, Cover Girl, but a bitch makes due
Crocodile: how did you survive this far
Buggy: I may have had rabies
Mihawk: why does Shanks huddle in a corner when someone plays circus music
Buggy: bullseyes are red.
Mihawk: what does that have to do with-
Buggy: throws a knife and hits dead center of an apple, some unknown source playing circus music in the background
Mihawk: this explain so much and yet so little
Crocodile: have you been sneaking money
Buggy: I would love to do that, but unfortunately the clap of my big dumpy cheeks would alert you to my hiding place.
Mihawk, fighting a migraine: do you ever think before you speak
Buggy: hey, want a card reading?
Crocodile: a what
Mihawk: you read cards?
Buggy, laying a card down: oh, look it's a Caterpie.
Buggy: I means you're a douchebag.
((Buggy does in fact read tarot cards, smth he and Mihawk eventually bond over))
Buggy, after almost dying part 2847164917: no mister reaper we have to stop meeting like this....
The guy who just shot him with seastone: what the fu-
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ox1-lovesick · 1 year
hi love I HAVE A RQQQ- TXT OR ENHA WITH A SICK S/O PLEASE!! i have a killer cold and the worst dizzy spells ever nd i would love some comfort 😞😞 thank u sm
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★ pairing. txt x gn!reader genre. fluff, comfort warnings. mentions of food wc. 100-300 each
✯ synopsis. txt with a sick s/o!!
☆ a/n. firstly i am so sorry this took 4 months 💀 writers block is the bane of my existence. i do hope this manages to bring you some comfort though :( please do take care of yourself and get well soon! (even though you are most likely not sick anymore 😭) also how ironic is it that i'm currently sick... :')
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by your side 100% of the time you cannot get rid of him.
he's over your bed when you wake up in the morning, waiting outside the bathroom door for you, laying right next to while you're sleeping. everywhere you are, so is yeonjun
will bend over backwards to get you anything you need
water? medicine? soup? more blankets? less blankets? he's on it before you can even ask
cooks for you !!! tries to make your food as interesting as possible so you won't get bored, without adding things that will make you feel worse or aren't good for you
you're bedridden. don't even try to fight him
he won't let you lift a finger, he wants you to get as much rest as possible so you can get better as quickly as possible
infact don't even speak, he'll learn morse code so you can just beep him whenever you need
if his schedule allows he'll stay home with you and be by your side every second of the day, if not he's texting you every free moment he has to make sure you're okay
would definitely call in sick if you were feeling particularly tired and need his care that day
has multiple reminders to make sure you're taking your medicine on time, will scold you if you're even a second late
he'll never tell you but he secretly enjoys you being sick . . .
he love love loves to take care of you, especially when you call on him to do things for you it makes him all giddy knowing you need him (he's not a creep i swear)
he's ontop of you so much he probably catches whatever you have
atleast you're sick together
hates to see you sick
1. because it's gross 2. because he hates seeing you in pain but mainly because it's gross
you're not staying in his bed i'm sorry he's gonna come over to your house to take care of you during the day and go home to his snot free blankets at night
gets your medicine mixed up all the time and complains it's the doctor's fault for prescribing ones that look so similar
low-key takes advantage of this situation so he can skip work and spend some quality time with you LMAOOO
"sorry guys yn's still dying i can't come to work today"
at first it's fun because you just have your average head cold so he doesn't worry too much
but then it starts getting worse and he comes home to you falling over yourself in the kitchen because of your dizzy spells and nearly has a stroke
he starts stressing like a mad man after that
probably gets himself sick just with how stressed out he is it's a problem
definitely calls his mom for help he doesn't know what to do
updates her on every little thing you do
"mom they just took a really deep breath does that mean something"
buys the entire pharmacy
wants to kick himself for not taking it seriously when you first got sick he feels so guilty 😭
although you did enjoy his company and the endless marvel marathons so all is well
will not leave you alone. you have to shit with the door open.
will do everything for you even if you're perfectly capable of doing it yourself
from brushing your hair to fluffing your pillows he's gonna do it all
he'll even clean for you, that's his ultimate declaration of love
in the end he didn't really do much to nurse you back to health but A for effort
i know practically everyone in moaville would say he'd tease the shit out of you but in my head he'd be the most worried for you
googles every single one of your symptoms and then cries himself to sleep because myonlineclinic.com told him you have cholera and 6 days to live
the only reason he'd tease you is to mask his worry
he'd watch you go through 60 boxes of tissues and be like "omg my snotty baby" but on the inside he's freaking out 😭
your pain is his pain, the way you feel affects him and his mood drastically
he's irritable when you are, he's tired when you are, your appetites probably sync too
puts a curse on whoever spread their nasty germs to you with ginger roots and vinegar
i think he'd also be the most sympathetic since he gets sick a lot more often than the others
so gentle and understanding compared to his usual self it's a little scary 😭
surprisingly good at negotiation like you're being stubborn because you don't want to take your medicine and he's like "if you drink the cough syrup i'll let you listen to the demos for our next comeback" and before you know it you've sold your childhood home to him for 3/4 of the initial price
will whip out his guitar and sing for you in a heartbeat if you ask him too
obviously tries to crack jokes and make you smile so you don't feel too miserable, he feels so accomplished even if you just scoff at him 🙁
gets back to his usual annoying self once you're better though
ironically, he doesn't know what to do
he rarely gets sick and when he does it passes in a day or two, so when you've been coughing like you have bronchitis for the past week he feels so lost
his first instinct is to take you to the doctor to figure out what's wrong but gets into a fight with doctor for charging him 19382928 won just to press his hand to your forehead and tell him you have a head cold (terry is against this capitalist society)
also buys the entire pharmacy
changes your entire lifestyle to the maximum efficiency so you get better as quickly as possible and makes sure you stick to it
strict like a prison warden, sometimes you wonder if he actually loves you
which he obviously does, but it's hard to believe so when he avoids any unnecessary contact with you as if you have the plague
takes you outside every once in a while to get some fresh air, he feels stuffy just watching you sit around
it also keeps you active 💪
he's always pestering you to wash your hands
will not let you touch him otherwise
makes sure he keeps your space clean, always has tissues and anything else you might need within your reach
at your aid 24/7
you take up a colossal space in his heart he's so soft for you
flying to your side before you even say anything
you don't even have to tbh he can read your mind
"how'd you know i wanted water?" "you looked thirsty"
if he notices you're feeling extra miserable he'll sing for you to cheer you up
swallows his pride because he's down bad and pulls out his best southern accent when you ask him to sing country music
he will be teased for the next millenia but it was worth it for you
he's like an overbearing mother but you get better the fastest when he's taking care of you
another mama's boy
probably calls his sisters too
hiyyih would tell him to soak your pills in vegetable oil as a joke but he'll actually do it because he's just that hopeless
he's unable to think straight he just wants to do everything in his power to make you feel better 😭
although he gets the hang of it pretty quickly, he's a fast learner and genuinely enjoys taking care of you
always praising you !!
"wow yn!! i can't believe you ate all your soup!!! you're so cool!!!"
tries to distract you by showing you his entire collection of pokemon cards
probably lies and tells you they're all super rare and he's the only one in the world who has them
does his best not to cause you any stress, he just wants you to focus on resting
the things this man does because he loves you istg
he cleans the entire dorm because it's a breeding ground for bacteria and he doesn't want anything making you more sick
the guys come home to the house spotless they're just like 🤯🤯🤯🤯
taehyun asks you to get sick more often if it means he doesn't have to fight his way through the ironing board and bike to get to the sink
he even lets you play on his DS he's down bad
side rant: i feel like kai is secretly a neat freak, he abhors the sight of filth but is just too lazy to do anything about it so he forces himself to deal with it 💀
anyway he's such a sweetheart :( does his best to keep the mood up even if you're feeling miserable because your nose is so filled with so much snot that you can't breathe
his positive energy definitely rubs off on you!!!
he actually does a good job taking care of you, he's a bit stressed at first but you're back to good health in no time !!!
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© OX1-LOVESICK ── all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, alter, or repost my work without my explicit permission.
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