#not yet but. eventually
haunted-xander · 1 year
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The first thing she noticed was the bandages wrapped around her. Secondly, the aching pain all over her body. Slowly waking up, her eyes latched onto the red-eyed sillhouette at her bedside. ...Wait, bedside?
"You are awake." A dull, yet familiar voice spoke. The sillhouetted man looked over her with scrutiny. "Your wounds have yet to fully heal. Do not move. I will bring you food." Leaving the room, he ignored her cry of, "W-wait, don't go yet, Hinata-!"
He closed the door, leaving Chiaki alone.
Unable to do anything else, she fell back onto her pillow. All she could think about was her classmates and teacher. Yukizome-sensei must've gotten brainwashed by Enoshima-san after she saved me and Komaeda-kun from her... That must be why she pushed me into the elevator... I think. ...But what happened to Mitarai-kun? He wasn't in the video... I hope he managed to escape.
Her train of throught was interrupted when the door opened again. Not sparing any words, the man simply commanded, "Eat." Laying a bowl of fruits in her lap. Slowly grabbing an apple slice, she started to eat the pieces one by one. When the bowl was empty, the man took it and placed it on a nearby desk.
Silence filled the room, as Chiaki took the time to formulate her questions in her mind. After some time, she finally began with, "...You're Hinata-kun, right? ...Or you used to be, at least." His blank expression showed no emotion, but she swore she saw his red eyes squint ever so slightly. "You've called me that before. I have no recollection of the 'Hinata' you mention, though it is highly likely that you are correct. It will not be difficult for me to confirm it." Without a word more, he left the room once again.
...So it really is Hinata-kun. Left alone with her thoughts, she wondered if that is why he saved her. Last time I saw him, he seemed to be working with Enoshima-san... I think. ...Why would he join her? Or maybe he didn't... He just intercepted Komaeda-kun, it doesn't mean he joined her... Maybe the part of Hinata-kun that's left stopped Komaeda-kun because he doesn't want anyone to die, even her. ...Speaking of, I wonder why he grabbed Komaeda-kun like that when stopping him... Komaeda-kun seemed to enjoy it, even when he was getting shot... maybe.
"How boring. Your current train of thought will lead you nowhere." Startled, she jumped up only to be pushed back down by the hands of the man she had just now noticed had returned sometime while she was lost in thought. "...Oh, you're back. I didn't see you come in... um..." Not knowing how to refer to him, she trailed off. If the man noticed her awkward pause, he did not show it. "...How did you know what I was thinking?" With his red eyes boring into her own, he replied, "It is easy to tell what someone is thinking by analyzing their facial expression. You were thinking of why I am assisting Junko Enoshima. As well as the reasoning for my behaviour towards Nagito Komaeda." His tone left no room for doubt, stating his observations as fact. "...Yep, that's right. You got me. ...Are you planning on answering me then?"
"...Oh, okay then."
Scoffing softly, he added, "At least, not those specific questions. They are not relevant to you, and as such, I see no reason to reveal my motivations to you." Chiaki wondered what other things to ask him, but it seems he beat her to the punch. "Regarding our earlier conversation, I have confirmed that you are, indeed, correct. The test subject chosen to create me was a reserve course student called Hajime Hinata." Not allowing her a word, he continued, "You want to know why I saved you. You are hoping for shreds of Hajime Hinata. I saved you for my own entertainment. Nothing more." Entertainment...? Chiakis head was starting to hurt, and she started getting drowsy... "...Rest. Your wounds will heal soon." As her consciousness started to fade, she could just barely make out a last whisper,
"I will look forward to watching your hope and despair collide, Chiaki Nanami"
+ a lil bonus
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dragondawdles · 1 year
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the beastie <3
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fmayyy · 3 months
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Some more human Al’s
Not a deer yet but definitely a party animal 🤙
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caleb-crow · 7 months
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Here are some sticker designs I'm making to be sold at cons and they're all so AAUGH I promise I'll think of a Wyll and Gale one at some point sobs
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kkoct-ik · 7 months
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recent doodle dump
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starchbean · 14 days
The reason I'm diving so headlong into the SVSSS fandom when I also love TGCF (I haven't yet read MDZS) but haven't delved NEARLY as deep into the fandom is thus:
Fanfic for TGCF... well, it FEELS like fanfic. That isn't bad. I LOVE fanfic. But the story of TGCF is self-contained. The /real/ Xie Lian and Hua Cheng etc are them as portrayed by MXTX. They had the trials they will have, and now these poor old men get to rest in each others' arms, which is beautiful.
Scum Villain fic does NOT feel like fanfic, because IT IS REAL! It happened! It ALL happened! Thanks to the Bing-ge extra, the persistent existence of multiverse and multiple instances of Binghes and Shens etc is evidence that there is definitely more out there the original MXTX story doesn't touch on. And the best part is, it doesn't matter how wacky it is, it's STILL REAL!
Terminally ill Shen Yuan finds his way to a catgirl cafe where femboy catboy transmigrator Binghe is trying to work his way out of poverty? Mobei Jun kidnaps Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky and forces him to rewrite PIDW so that HE becomes the demon emperor because Binghe is real fuckin unstable and it's a headache--and every written change alters their world immediately after Airplane writes it? It's out there somewhere in the multiverse, surely!
And of COURSE they'd act slightly differently between iterations, BE slightly different--it's not OOC, it's multidimensional variation. No matter how hard you meme, it doesn't feel fake at all, and that's INCREDIBLE! It lends itself to being a superfandom!
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ferretrade · 7 days
crackfic idea: obi-wan and anakin and ahsoka joke about how obi-wan is old all the time but cody doesn't really get how age works for most beings (esp in the gffa where there's a million different lifespans) so he takes it at face value and starts treating obi-wan like he's elderly. gives him supplements, talks about fall risks, the troopers start asking him what life was like when he was a kid
(also, cody: I'm gonna fuck that old man)
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squuote · 18 days
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sphinx design i made a while back and finally cleaned up. supposed to be like a mascot for a web browser but i didnt get that far into the idea besides making the design lolol. i like them tho so they can be posted
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sbeana · 1 year
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im so normal about them
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west-brooke · 3 months
Wait Donnie’s dad has a body count?! Who has this turtle killed?
I love this au and I am overly invested in this turtle in particular.
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He has killed ten billion people. Or he would, if he could.
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raiiny-bay · 3 months
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summer '93
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wyrmswears · 4 months
jay dump
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pizzaqueen · 6 months
A snippet from a future fic I'll probably never write, where Steve is a widower with two teenage kids, and he and Eddie randomly meet up, rekindling their old flame. This is when they've been together a while:
“Thank you,” Steve says, coming up behind Eddie at the bathroom sink.
Eddie pauses, catching Steve's eye in the mirror. “What for?” he asks, mouth foamy with toothpaste.
Steve slips his hands along Eddie's hips, hooks his chin over Eddie's shoulder. “For loving my kids.”
“You don't—” Toothpaste dribbles down Eddie's chin and he stoops to spit what's left in his mouth into the sink, gathering his hair to one side. He rinses his mouth out, wipes his face with a towel, then turns to Steve. “You don't have to thank me for that. Of course I love them.”
“Not everyone I've dated has.”
“They're idiots.” Eddie grabs the hem of Steve's shirt, pulling him close. “I mean, first of all, they're part of you, and I don't think I could love you and not love them. But...” He trails off, a small smile tilting his lips. “They're amazing kids.”
Pride swells in Steve's chest; he slides his arms around Eddie's waist and says, “They are.”
“And I'm pretty damn honored I get to be part of their lives,” Eddie says, “so thank you,” and he butts his head gently against Steve's.
Steve huffs and slides his hands up Eddie's back, pulling him into a tight embrace. “I love you.” He presses a kiss to Eddie's neck.
“I love you too.”
“And they both love you as well.”
Eddie lets out a shuddering breath. Steve knows how nervous Eddie was, when they started dating, that he wouldn't be welcomed, but it's almost like he's always been part of their family now. “Good to know,"”Eddie says.
Steve holds Eddie a little tighter. All those years ago, back in Hawkins, when they ended things, Steve thought he'd never see Eddie again. But here they are, together—a family—and Steve's never letting him go this time.
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tizzymcwizzy · 1 year
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a collection of sketches of my favorite guys!
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essektheylyss · 7 months
I'm just thinking about those family secrets and drama that people don't tell the kids about because kids can blurt things out in mixed company even with the best intentions, that you only learn when your mom says something offhand about "And that's why your cousin lived with us for a year," while you're helping in the kitchen at 11pm the night before a holiday and it recontextualizes a whole bunch of stuff from when you were nine and things didn't quite add up but also you were having a great time having sleepovers with your cousin, but also this context raises a LOT of other questions.
So in that regard, it is so funny to wonder like, how much Luc actually knows about Essek. Has he actually met him? I presume he has, but in that case, was he in disguise? Does Luc know him by an alias? Is Essek one of those family members who shows up to events very intermittently and no one really talks about? For that matter, how much does he know about Caleb's history?
I'm just imagining him hearing the "Shadowhand" comment in the Archive and not knowing who the fuck this geezer is talking about let alone why his godfather's being threatened until Aunt Jester says, "And he's going to hurt Essek," and putting a lot of things together that also raises more questions than it answers like
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I’ve started a new job and still gotta get used to the flow so for now have a peter dooble
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