#nothing's gonna come from it btw even if he found out
vaguely-annoyed · 1 month
well well well, if it isn't the feelings i said weren't that deep
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lust4lore · 6 months
(finnick + cockwarming pretty please i’ll give you my firstborn child)
anon, i’m in love with you. take all of the forehead kisses. all of them. (btw, call me when that child is born!)
A/N: originally, this was gonna be something where reader and finnick are at a party and it’s kind of public, he’s a little meaner, but i think voyeurism as well as denying his girl anything she wants is a little ooc for him so i chose this instead. i still have the outline of the og, though, so if you’d be interested in reading that and are willing to excuse it lmk!
CW: cockwarming— mind you, fluffy cockwarming, because it’s finn!
MDNI, not proofread i cba 😔🫶
finnick odair would do anything for you. shit, he’s braved hell and back twice just for the chance to catch a glimpse of you again. you’re his world, the love of his life, and the last thing he wants is to see you upset.
which is why, when you entered your shared bedroom with a quivering bottom lip and glistening eyes, he dropped everything immediately.
“hey, hey, sweetheart, what’s wrong?” he had asked gently, brows pinching together as concern started seeping in. he beckoned you over to where he sat with open arms, and you gladly went. he pulled you onto his lap, warm hands cupping your face as he searched your eyes for any indication of what the problem could be. “talk to me,” he murmured, anxiety forming a pit in his stomach when you didn’t give him an immediate response.
it had been a long day. all the noise, all the people, all the feelings had gotten to you, and you just needed finnick. needed to turn off your brain in the way only he could. “jus’ had a busy day, too much going on and-” you sniffed, looking up into those sea green eyes and feeling a distant pang of guilt at the panic that was rising in them. “i need you, finn,”
realization flickered across his features and his lips parted before he pressed them together again, his gaze shifting from worried to conflicted. finnick never found it easy to deny you anything— and this wasn’t even something he wanted to say no to— but he had deadlines to fulfill, things that he couldn’t put off any longer. you knew that, you did, but you really were aching for whatever piece of him you could get.
and so, you end up here, still sat in his lap as he slowly presses into you, a quiet whine falling from your lips at the stretch. your face buries itself into his neck, hands bracing his shoulders. “finn,” your voice comes out strained and desperate, just above a whisper as you sink down onto him. “m’right here, sugar, i got you,” his hands rest on your hips, lightly squeezing them in encouragement. you continue to whimper as you take the rest of him, adjusting to the size. “i know, honey, i know,” he soothes, one of his hands coming up from your hips to rub your back.
a few minutes in, you’re a bit more mollified. your thoughts come to a slow, sticky pace, and suddenly, nothing seems so loud anymore. all that’s left in your head is finnick finnick finnick and the comfortable weight of him inside of you. “this what you needed, pretty girl? feel better?” his voice is low against your ear and you give a small nod, because yes, it’s exactly what you needed, but your words are kind of failing you at the moment.
you stay like that for god knows how long, his arm wrapped around your waist as he continues to work, your forehead resting on his shoulder. eventually, though, you shift a little, and it’s just enough to cause his cock to graze that sweet spot inside of you. his muscles tense underneath you as you tighten around him and he makes a sound in between a sigh and a groan, picking you up as though you weigh nothing. “what’re you doing?” you ask, your voice soft and dazed as he sets you down on the bed, hands slipping underneath your shirt and roaming further up as he starts trailing kisses down your neck. “taking care of my girl,” he tells you, and, well,
you’ll have to start having bad days more often.
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lukall705 · 4 months
hello!! I would like to ask from chuuya x f! shy reader who asks to ride his thigh
Chuuya x shy!f!reader asking to ride his thigh
Sorry this took so long! i took a small break cuz i wasn't feeling well but i'm back:D
Btw for anyone who has requested something but i haven't done it yet, i'm not ignoring yall(not all of you)!
TW: Use of the word cunt, cock and dildo idk, just tell me if i need to add more
English is not my first language!!
Lately Chuuya has been away from home and staying late at his office way to much, which has left you with some pent up desire! But you couldn't just ask for him to fuck you because it's embarrassing and he would most likely tease you for it!
So you've tried everything to relieve the pent up desire, but nothing worked. You tried fingering yourself, but your fingers weren't as long and skilled as his. You tried to use dildos, but it didn't feel as good as when he would bounce you on his cock and praise you for being so good.
You always tried to wait for him to come home so he could fuck you, but you always ended up falling asleep or being to tired to do anything else then sleeping.
At this point you were so desperate for some sort of intimacy with him, so you finally decided to face the embarrassment of asking him.
It was quite late in the evening, almost night time, when you walked into Chuuya's office and seeing him working on some paper's on his table.
"..Darling..? what are you doing here so late..?" He asks looking at you with concern. You walk up to him behind the desk and you can see him giving you a confused look, "is something the matter doll..?" he asks again while slightly rubbing your hips with his thumbs.
You just look at him while feeling your face turn red, and your fingers slightly fiddle with the hem of your night gown. After some time you finally get the courage to tell him, "Chuuya i need you so bad!" you say louder then you thought and slightly turn away.
He chuckles sligthly, "is thats whats been bothering you, princess..?" he asks with a smile. You look him in the eyes, "..yes.. you've been away from me to long.." you whine. He chuckles again and brings you close to his chest so he can smell your hair. "..Darling.. this is important.. you can't ride me while i do this.." he whispers in your ear.
You whine again and sit on his lap while slightly rubbing yourself onto him, "Chuuya.. please just let me ride your thigh, i won't distract you..!" you say while hiding your face in the crook of his neck. "..please.." you beg and he just strokes your hair.
"Fine, but you better not distract me, pretty girl" he teases you while helping you take of your panties, and once they're finally of you slowly lower yourself onto his thigh.
As soon as your cunt touches his thigh, you start to move to get some friction on your clit. You let out slight whipers that are muffled by chuuya's shoulder, while he just keeps writing.
Chuuya feels his thigh becoming wet and chuckles, and every once in a while he bounces his leg to make you squeak.
After some time you feel your orgasm coming closer and start to rub yourself faster and faster, while your moans and whimpers become louder making chuuya stop paying attention to his work.
Your orgasm hit you hard, eyes tearing up, thighs shaking and out of breath. once you had calmed down slightly, chuuya puts you onto the desk.
"Darling.. you look so beautiful like this.." He whispers in your ear while you can hear the sound of him unbuckling his belt.
You know whats about to happen, and you sure are gonna enjoy it.
An: Sorry this took so long, at first i was just taking a small break for like two days but then i found out one of my friends killed themself's and i didn't feel like writing anything since i was already having a hard time getting through school
Anyways requests are open!!
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disneyprincemuke · 9 months
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to forget you * cl16
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you avoided alcohol to forget the likes of charles, but he coped by drowning himself in the very same thing that reminded him of you
pairings: charles leclerc x fem!reader
warnings: mention of alcohol, borderline alcoholism
notes: omGgGg i loVED THIS!! i can’t wait to post the last part hehe it’s gonna be greAt!! my ask is open for requests, btw, so please go ahead! <3
(i quit drinking) // (to forget you) // (you called)
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charles nurses the glass of scotch on the table, elbow propped up on the kitchen island with his shoulders slumped. he’s wiping off the droplets of condensation on the side to keep his thoughts minimal.
“you’re drinking awfully slow tonight,” pierre teases across the island, raising an eyebrow cautiously at his friend. “something wrong?”
charles looks up, meeting his eyes. he tilts his head and narrows his eyes down. is it really that obvious? “what do you mean?”
pierre’s eyes trail down to the glass. it’s just as full as it was 20 minutes ago when he poured it for charles. charles follows his gaze and internally sighs.
of course, it’s odd that he’s only taking sips of his drink. ever since you both came to the conclusion of your split, he’s been drinking his nights away. excessively.
though, it wasn’t even a drastic change from his routine. he is always drinking; be it with his friends or team. the reason he’s drowning himself in alcohol has changed drastically over the past few weeks. he’s no longer drinking for the fun of it.
he’s drinking to forget you — the way he would watch your back rise and fall every morning, how your bare back felt against his chest, how you would sit up with the blankets loosely draped over your body when he comes in with coffee.
he’s desperately trying to forget the sound of your voice in the morning and the way your lips felt against his skin. nothing he does seems to be enough.
about a week after, in the middle of drinks with carlos, he had imagined you with other guys. making you bubble up in your contagious laughter, the skin by your eyes crinkling when you smile and how your nose scrunches up when you speak.
he threw up right after that.
realistically, he can’t handle the thought of you with someone else. he doesn’t even want to think about the possibility that you never liked him as much as you said you did.
how can something filled with so much passion and fire just burn out so quick?
he falls asleep every night with your name on his tongue, muttering about how much he misses you. his sober self isn’t aware but half the grid is aware of the break up from all his drunken whispers with himself when he thinks nobody is listening.
everybody doesn’t bring it up, simply because he doesn’t.
he wakes up in the morning, hands patting the empty side of the bed searching for your presence. in the middle of the night, he pulls the blankets tighter over his body as if you were there wrestling him for it.
“is something wrong? you never turn scotch down,” pierre laughs, pointing at this drink knowingly. but the worried stint in his eye almost makes charles roll his eyes. it’s the same damn thing he sees from everyone else who has a slight idea of the break up. “you’re not well?”
charles shakes his head. he licks his lips and bit down on his bottom lip. he’s not sure why he doesn’t feel the need to drink either.
the alcohol didn’t make missing you any easier. if anything, it’s made it all the more harder. with every sip, he just found himself missing you more, fingertips dancing above his screen as he ponders if you’d pick up if he called.
there was something about the hollow and yearning feeling in his chest that he strangely likes. maybe it’s the karma for jumping person to person.
sure, charles leclerc is known for moving on faster than the average person. however, there was something different about the pain moving away from a 5 month relationship.
he still has the hairtie you’d unknowingly left on his bathroom sink. in a hangover once, he dragged his feet across his apartment and caught sight of it unexpectedly.
he broke down in a crying and sputtering mess before he passed out by the edge of the bed. he woke up muttering your name again.
“is it the breakup?”
charles looks up again, almost appalled at the assumption. pierre is right, of course, but is it not such an outrageous guess out of nowhere?
he can’t possibly push pierre away as well while he’s in this break up blue. his sadness is so strong and it’s not like he is quiet about it. he’s heard that it’s started to get dangerously contagious with alcohol in the mix.
charles notices the fewer invitations he’s gotten to grab drinks. which is why he’s not particularly surprised, or offended, that max had left him out of the house party he’s throwing over the summer break.
so he just shrugs. he’s not sure he’s ever going to be ready to admit that he truly felt for you despite the alcohol defining most of your relationship’s highs. “i think so.”
pierre just nods. he shoots charles a hesitant look, before turning back to the stove.
charles sighs audibly again, shoulders slumping even more. he looks at his phone sitting on the edge of the counter. it doesn’t light up like he expects it. it doesn’t even buzz.
fine, he thinks, i’ll drink.
just as charles lifts the glass from the counter, his phone lights up and start buzzing in the corner of his eye. he blinks once, making sure it’s not his delusions playing with him.
he hasn’t drank all that much, right?
“are you going to pick up the phone?” pierre asks, hand on his hip, glaring at charles from across the counter. he has a spatula in his hand, pointed directly at him.
charles now knows he shouldn’t have picked up his phone and looked at the caller id first. he should have just answered without hesitation.
with your picture taking up his entire screen with your name, he completely freezes. he’s staring down at it, still blinking to make sure it’s not one of his cruel dreams haunting him once more.
he takes a deep breath, sliding his finger across the screen. “hello?”
“oh, you picked up.”
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tkaulitzlvr · 9 months
2008 tom forcing reader to answer a call from her bf while they're secretly fucking, going faster and whispering dirty things in her ear as shes on call to tease her, making it harder for her to not to make any noise🤭🤭
btw I love ur writings sm, one of my fav writers fr😩
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synopsis: your boyfriend calls you at a pretty inconvenient time, but tom forces you to answer, and you have to disguise what is really happening, tom not making it easy for you.
content: smut
a/n: thank u so much anon! and oh my god this req is such a good idea, literally as soon as i saw it i knew it was gonna be the next one i write, and i had so much fun making this so thank u so much for requesting i hope u like it!!💞
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come over, no one else is home. 10:47pm
i stared at the text message as it came through, the words looking back at me, contemplating on whether i should give in or not. my mind, the more rational, morally correct side of me, tells me that i should say no, reminding me that i have a boyfriend, who would be home from his business trip in just a couple of hours. but, the fact that my heart should have belonged to someone else had never stopped me before. my heart was more reckless, making rash decisions that spoke only for my impulses, not the part of me that felt guilty for what i had been doing for the past few months, completely unbeknownst to my boyfriend.
it was never meant to turn out like this, no. what was firstly settled as a ‘drunk mistake’ that my boyfriend wouldn’t have to know about became a sober fuck, one that happens at least once a week. i am hooked, unable to stay away from tom despite the constant nagging that reminds me how much of an evil person i am. but my guilty conscience is not strong enough to win me over, so i keep going back, completely addicted to the way tom feels, my boyfriend unable to give me the same satisfaction.
he is kind, loyal, loving. i don’t deserve him, really. he would come home from work every evening, completely oblivious of the fact that another man had been inside of me just hours before, intimate with me in the bed that we would sleep in every night - he knows nothing about any of it.
and it is this that reminds me that i should decline tom’s offer, my eyes still blazing into the phone screen as the message stares at me. i have a boyfriend, this is wrong. the voice inside of my head says, chanting it over and over, convincing me to make the right decision for once, instead of acting purely on desire. he would be heartbroken if he ever found out, he doesn’t deserve this. my conscience continues, on the brink of winning me over, the shame of what i have become sinking into me, nothing about this entire thing justifiable on my part. i can put a stop to this, do the right thing, all i need to do is say the word.
k, i’ll be over soon. 10:51pm
i sigh, a little embarrassed at my lack of self-control, knowing that tom has me wrapped around his finger, unable to decline his invitation. the blood is on my hands, staining my innocence, and i am far too into this to ever go back to the way things once were. i jump out of bed, rushing over to the mirror and inspecting my appearance. my makeup is a little messed up, so i take time fixing it, making sure i look perfect for tom, adjusting my hair after, removing any knots in at as it falls to my shoulders. finally satisfied, i grab my keys, leaving the apartment and locking the door behind me, making my way to the parking lot.
i unlock my car, climbing in cautiously, checking that my boyfriend hadn’t unexpectedly arrived home early before turning off my location on my phone, getting used to doing these things to avoid getting caught as much as i could. the car engine starts with a low hum, radio quietly sounding out in the background as i drive to tom’s house, the guilt soon fading away as excitement buzzes around me.
the familiar house comes into view, but i park a little further down the street, not wanting to make it obvious that i was there in case my boyfriend did find out where i was. the street is dark as i climb out of my car, locking it before quickly walking towards his house, checking behind me and knocking on the door.
tom opens it within a few seconds, smirking whilst looking me up and down, moving to the side and giving me room to walk in. he shuts the door behind him, not wasting any time as he pushes me forcefully against the wall, attaching his lips to mine.
“missed you.” he mutters into the kiss as i whine a little in response, already too into it to give him a proper answer, but judging by the way his hands travel down my back, squeezing my ass firmly, it doesn’t seem like he wants to do much talking anyways.
but i didn’t mind, our hookups strictly sexual, no romance behind them. sure, he would whisper things into my ear in the heat of the moment, but i knew that it didn’t mean anything, and i didn’t want it to either. despite betraying my boyfriend in the most evil way possible, i didn’t want to end things with him, somehow still feeling something towards him though he could never pleasure me the way tom does.
without breaking the kiss, tom’s hands hook around my thighs, lifting me upwards as i instinctively wrap my legs around his waist, our lips moving against each other’s as he carries me to his bedroom, my hands locked around his neck, arms resting on his shoulders.
my back collides with the bed as he places me onto it, his hand flush against my back for support as he falls onto it with me, our lips never breaking, his body now on top of mine. he clearly doesn’t want to tease me, his hands finding the bottom of my hoodie, pulling it off and leaving it somewhere on his carpet, leaving me in only my shorts and small pink bra. he smirks at my lack of clothing, drinking it all in whilst his fingers play with the waistband of my shorts. he takes them off too, seeing that my panties match the bra, his tongue moving to the corner of his mouth.
“all this for me, hm?” he smirks, moving my thighs apart and leaning downwards, cupping my breasts in his hands, squeezing them slightly as i let out a small moan, blushing at his words and nodding my head. “i bet he doesn’t touch you like i do, get you to put in all this effort for him.”
tom continues to taunt me, the mention of my boyfriend causing my heart to wrench, guilt settling in my stomach as it is enough to remind me how much of a bad person i am. but, the second tom pulls his t-shirt off, revealing his toned frame, adorned with muscle in all the right places, his abs on full display, any thought of my boyfriend is long gone, my eyes and mind only focused on what is in front of me - the view admittedly far better than anything he could ever give.
tom reconnects our lips, his tongue entering my mouth, hips beginning to grind against mine at a torturously slow pace, hands moving to swiftly unclip my bra. i start to become impatient, fingers toying with the waistband of his jeans as i scramble for the button, undoing them as his zipper follows. he sees that i am struggling, tugging them down himself and letting his boxers come off with them.
he moves my panties to the side, not even bothering to pull them down, before sliding into me, a long moan escaping from my lips as i feel him stretch my walls, already feeling so full.
“so fucking tight, always so good.” he mutters, his forehead against mine, his breath tickling my nose as he speaks, a choked moan sounding from his lips as he is fully inside. he waits a second, studying my expression, gauging that i am okay as he almost pulls out fully, before slamming into me unexpectedly.
my breathing is heavy, body glistening with sweat as i hold onto him, my hands raking down his back as his pace speeds up, becoming more fast and relentless. i am so far gone, in too much pleasure to even process anything that is happening around me - including the sound of my phone beginning to ring.
tom, however, notices immediately, picking it up from the bedside table whilst still thrusting into me, my eyes following his movements as i am too lost in ecstasy to ask what he is doing. he turns the phone, showing me who is calling. my eyes widen as i shake my head, signalling for him to put it down, not wanting him to stop.
“answer it.” is all he says, passing the phone to me, one hand on my hips, helping him to move in and out of me easier, whilst the other holds the phone to my ear. he accepts the call, smirking as my boyfriend’s voice can faintly be heard.
“baby? hey, uh, i just got home from work. where are you?” he asks, tom nodding his head, gesturing for me to speak. a knowing smirk spreads across his face as he speeds up his thrusts, my teeth sinking into my lips to prevent a moan that is dangerously close to spilling from them.
“h-hey love.” i pant, trying to sound nonchalant, failing miserably as i feel tom hit my g-spot, a muffled whine sounding from the back of my throat.
“what are you doing? you okay?” my boyfriend asks, his tone laced with confusion.
“sorry uh- my back is sore, the usual.” i manage to get out, quickly closing my mouth as tom stares into my eyes, enjoying the way i struggle, showing no sympathy as he only drills into me faster. “i’m- i’m at my mom’s house.”
the excuse is terrible, tom furrowing his brows once i utter the words, making me realise how unbelievable it is. but, he finds my lack of thought amusing, smiling a little before resting his head in the crook of my neck, planting rough, open-mouthed kisses there. i sigh out in response, quickly covering my mouth as i mentally curse my self.
“your mom’s place? what are you doing there? it’s like nearly midnight.” my boyfriend responds, clearly hesitant to buy my excuse.
“yeah, family emergency. i-i’ll…be home in the morning-” i have to stop my speech, pursing my lips shut as a moan is dangerously close to sounding from them.
tom smirks against my neck, goosebumps forming on the skin whilst his lips curve into a slight smile.
“look at you. getting fucked whilst your boyfriend is on the phone.” tom mutters, his voice low as he makes sure that his words can’t be made out through the phone. “so wrong. but you love it, don’t you, hm? fucking slut.”
tom continues to taunt me, paying attention to the way i bite my lip, or place my tongue on the roof of my mouth, even squeeze his upper arms, anything to stop any noise from coming out of my mouth, desperate to stay undetected.
“what? is everything okay?” my boyfriend asks, showing concern as he tries to extend the situation, much to my annoyance, unable to keep this up for much longer, wanting nothing more than to cry out in pleasure. “should i come-”
“no!” i quickly say, a little harsher than i initially intended to, the utterance a mix of desperation and an attempt to hold back a moan, the combination coming out as an abrupt plea. “i mean- she, she’s just…a little overwhelmed.”
tom begins to kiss the skin below my ear, biting at it gently, knowing this spot drives me crazy, and once i shiver a little, he knows that he has me right where he wants me, changing his thrusts a little as the new angle causes a familiar knot to build in my stomach.
“could he make you feel like this, hm? only i can, right baby?” he whispers, knowing the effect that he has on me, no need for me to verbalise it, the way my eyes screw shut at his movements enough to confirm it. “so needy, letting me do this to you whilst he can hear. if only he knew…”
his words against my neck combined with the new angle makes the urge to moan almost unbearable as i bite down onto tom’s shoulder, a low grunt escaping his mouth at my unexpected action. yet it only fuels his stamina as he chuckles under his breath, enjoying the effect he has on me, the thrill of the entire situation turning him on even more.
“oh, just, let me know if you need anything okay? i love you.” my boyfriend says, finally wrapping up the conversation as i sigh in relief, feeling at ease as i have somehow managed to pull this off.
but tom clearly isn’t satisfied with how i have managed to stay quiet, desperate to get some sort of noise out of me, and, he knows exactly how to do that. one hand still holding the phone to my ear, he moves his other downwards, using it to rub circles on my clit whilst thrusting in and out of me. and that is all it takes for a restricted moan to leave my lips, unable to be mistaken for anything else. i know that i am in deep shit.
“what the fuck was that? what’s going on? are you fucking someone?” my boyfriend asks, his voice raising as he has finally picked up on what is going on.
“w-what? are you crazy? of course not!” i quickly say, panting through my words, no longer able to hide it, knowing that i am completely fucked.
“don’t fucking bullshit me! where the fuck are you? i can’t believe this, you’re fucking cheating on me? i swear to fucking god once i find-”
his furious rambling is cut off as tom ends the call, turning my phone off and throwing it somewhere on the bed, his hand now running up and down my waist.
“i did you a favour. he was fucking annoying anyways.” tom breathes out, a satisfied grin tugging on his lips, only faltering once he reconnects them with mine, the hurt of what had just happened never sinking in, tom’s movements more than enough to make me forget.
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requests are open! keep sending them in!!
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jazeswhbhaven · 4 months
Hehe I see that you're still taking requests, so may I asking for some headcanons about MC who loves to sleep naked, and the Kings (+ Lucifer, and your fav nobles(s) ofc) reactions when they smell the sweet scent coming from MC's room *from 'that' (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)* (yeah I remember like they could smell you miles away and then running to your side like some following puppies)
First, thank you for waiting on this anon. I took a peak at this a while ago and needed some time to think up of fun stuff :o I will do my fave nobles first!
Belial: Jjyu is fucking LOUD btw in announcing "MC IS IN THE FUCKING NUDE" so Belial has to silence him temporarily because yes, he can smell them. He'll most likely knock first and when MC answers naked, he just goes in their room and locks the door. No one else is allowed in >:) Zagan: MC was only stripping down and stretching when they see something stuck on their clothes. A talisman? Ah yes, our boi Zagan put it there. But not sure what it's for, until there's a quiet knock on their door. Apparently, the talisman alerts him when it's removed, and he shows up. But also...the flushed expression on his face lets MC know that he came for 'that' smell coming from them.
Valefor: He just got back from the gym so the overpowering sweat of his own body kinda blocks out MC's scent. But once he showers and he gets a whiff? He rushes over, and he can't help but admit he wasn't aware that MC would be naked but he just followed that sweet arousing scent. But he has to hurry and spend as much time with them as he can, Mammon can smell it too....
Barbatos: Oh, now ever since he found out MC sleeps naked he's made it a requirement for them to be in his coffin. Because he also sleeps naked. And being of that sweet scent coming from them, especially when they're doing something naughty, he senses it immediately and gets naked with them. But they can only be naked together in his coffin where no one else can smell MC.
Dre (Andrealphus): While he can't see MC, his senses tell him they are without him having to touch them. He notices that MC's scent is more potent when naked as opposed to clothed. He'll casually ask, "MC are you nude?" and they can't lie to him either. He can tell, and he can tell if they're just saying no just to get him to touch them, he was gonna do that anyway ;) Stolas: Sleeping naked???? Really? Why...is his first initial reaction because he has a specific pajama set he wears to bed every night. But he's really distracted at the moment though, because he's focused on why MC smells so good, just what were they doing just before he crashed into their room? Can he help finish...? I know that's a lot....but time for the kings! Satan: He figured out MC slept naked within the first couple of days of them being in Gehenna only because he didn't want them to sleep alone. He likes to keep boxers and a t-shirt on, but he likes staring at MC at night as they try to sleep. And nothing is getting past him, the moment they started doing anything to get that sweet smell from their parts wafting in the air, he's right on their bedside trying to get them to say out loud what they're doing. Such a menace.
Mammon: MC has their own room(s) and decided to sleep in the one closest to Mammon's room that was recently added. They get stripped as usual, relax and spread their legs out just a bit, and well, the door crashes down. It's Mammon with just a smile on his face asking if that smell is coming from them, and well they're caught, Mammon has always been aware of their scent, but he wanted to confirm it in case he was wrong, and bonus...MC sleeps naked. Looks like he has to start doing the same...
Beelzebub: Yeah good luck trying to conceal any kind of smell from this devil. He can even tell what toy MC used if at all to please themselves. Also the sheets have the lingering scent on them, and he can tell which bodily fluid it is. And sleeping naked is something he always knew. He's caught them sleeping soundly before, he just didn't want to wake them cause he thought they were so cute sleeping there, naked, and confident. Maybe he'll snuggle next to them, maybe he'll make it to where their scent changes based on what he does or feeds them. That way if it changes again...he'll be aware.
Leviathan: He honestly didn't care if MC slept naked, as long as they stayed in their room and weren't walking around his palace in the nude. But...one night he smells them and orders everyone to stay in their respective areas/coffins while he visits MC's room. He's only mildly irritated that they are giving off that scent because it lures everyone. It should only be for him to experience. (i mean Levi we can't isolate our smells, geez) But he does decide to sleep naked with MC that night, just so his own sweet smell overpowers MCs and everyone is now focusing on how good he smells. Lucifer: MC must have a great sense of pride to sleep naked. But being a former angel, he says that humans used to be naked anyway before being self-conscious about it. Although MC's scent doesn't arouse him as much, it's the smell of their tears that brings him to their room in the middle of the night. Whether it's tears of pleasure or sadness, he's there. And wow, he's also naked. MC wonders, but oh...okay he's bricked up...(prep your holes MC it's time)
*btw I hope you did mean smells from their parts or from them doing some self play T^T because that's what I got from it.*
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sivyera · 3 months
Heyy do you accept requests? If you're taking requests can you write Paul Lahote and the imprint female reader? They have been together for a long time and are even thinking of getting married. But one day, while returning from work, the reader is attacked by a vampire and is forced to turn into a vampire... thanks in advance if you write. I love your works~
hope you like it!
undying love
paul lahote x fem!reader (later x vampire!reader)
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song - Everlong by Foo Fighters
a/n: e/y = eye color (your eye color btw), Paul's nickname for you is 'dollface'
Paul thought nothing could surprise him.
He though that after James was killed, it will get better, but oh how he was wrong...
He's running as fast as he could. He felt how the cold air was stabbing his lungs but he didn't care. The only thing he cared about was... you.
It was supposed to be a normal day. You were on your way from work with your noon coffee you always bought in the coffee shop near your work. You got into your car and started driving home with your favourite song playing in the background.
As you were drinking your coffee while driving, you were thinking about the love of your life, Paul.
It was still pretty new to you, I mean that vampires and werewolves existed- sorry shape-shifters how Paul always corrected you. For you he was a big puppy, that's it.
Also the imprint thing was new. But honestly this was kinda heart warming, knowing that you are Paul's world.
You were thinking about all the memories you two had. How much fun you had on the beach. How he carried you on his back in his wolf form. All of this and many more crossed your mind which made a smile crawl up your face.
As you were thinking you, you drank your coffee. So you pulled over to the first bin you saw near the road. As you got out of the car you knew something was wrong. You felt weird, like someone was watching you.
You shook off the feeling, telling yourself it was nothing. As you throwed the empty cup into the bin, you turned to go back to your car but you stopped as two crimson red eyes were staring into your soul.
You could recognize those ginger curls everywhere. It was Victoria.
It was a moment and your vision turned black. The last thing you heard was your own cry of pain.
Your cry of pain was also heard by Sam who was checking his territory, he smelled a vampire near by earlier, so he went to check. You were lucky he did.
He ran to help you, but after he arrived, Victoria was god and the venom was spreading fast through your veins. Sam picked you up on his back and started running towards the Cullens.
Why? Because Carlisle was the only one who could help you. As he was getting closer and closer to the Cullens, he howled. To let them know he's coming, also to let know... Paul.
And now we're at the start. Paul is running as fast as he could. He felt how the cold air was stabbing him from the inside of his lungs but he didn't care. The only thing he cared about was to get to you.
As Paul arrived to the Cullens, Sam stopped him right before he entered the front door.
"Let me go!" Paul barked.
Sam gave Paul a look that said 'calm down cowboy, don't forget who I am' and stopped him in his tracks once more. "She's gonna need you now" Sam said. That was all he said!
It took Paul's breath away. Was it that bad? Was he late? he rushed into the house while these thoughts were filling his mind.
Carlisle walked towards Paul the minute he pushed the door open. He gave him a assuring smile that you survived. "How is she?" Paul asked impatienly.
His eyes twitched everywhere around the room, looking for you but you weren't there. Carlisle was probably having you in his tentative doctor's office he had in the house.
"She survived but it was too late even for me... the venom spread through her veins before even Sam found her, she's gonna be a vampire" Carlisle answered to Paul.
Paul was speechless. You were what?! You gonna be a vampire?!
"That's not possible! She's my imprint!" Paul argued.
Carlisle smiled and placed a comfort hand on his shoulder. He understood why Paul was so angry. He had a problem with controling his anger and vampires with shape-shifters were long time enemies.
"That doesn't change anything. She's still your imprint, she can be as a vampire." Carlisle said as he point at the door of the room you were in.
This was all Paul needed to hear. Without another word he rushed into that room and closed the door behind him.
He then turned and saw you laying on a beautifully made bed. He walked closer to you, he noticed how your skin was pale and you looked bit underweight.
It was horrifying to see you like this. He took your now cold hand and stroked it with his fingers.
He then sat down, next to you and he wasn't going to leave you until you woke up.
Two days passed and you finally opened your eyes. You felt something warm wrapped around your left hand, When you opened your eyes and looked down to see what that warm thing is, you saw sleeping Paul holding your hand in his.
You smiled as you saw this, he really was a sweetheart inside. He cared for you deeply and he loved you more then anyone else in this world.
Paul noticed how you moved which made his head shoot up in the air. He then saw your smiling face looking at him, but instead your beautiful e/c, his brown eye met your blood red ones.
But he had to admit you looked really hot with them. After all he was happy that you are alive.
"I missed you dollface." He said as he placed a deep kiss on your cold lips.
It sent a cold chill down through his spine as your lips touched his. It was somehow a rush of adrenaline, he loved it. He waited few extra seconds in that kiss before you broke it.
"I missed you too." You answered with a smile.
Paul laughed as he saw you smile. He helped you slowly sit up so you won't get dizzy as he was looking at your new appearance. He then smirked to himself as he quickly went back to his normal flirty self.
"You look hot." He said as he was looking up and down at you.
You didn't look that sick anymore, not so underweight. The two days really did good on you. You skin was like glass, cold and fragile.
You rolled your eyes and smacked his biceps as you heard him say that. He just laughed, finding this more and more funny. After few seconds of laughing, he took your chin into his hand and kissed you.
"I love you." He said as he broke the kiss.
This kiss made you melt into his touch. He was so warm, so cozy, he felt like home. You smiled into the kiss and after few seconds, you answered.
"I love you too" You said as you pulled him into another, now more messier kiss.
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Back on my bullshit again.
I recently found this gem in a tumblr comment-section:
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(I censored the names bc I'm German and all, and because we don't want to hate on people here, it's just their statements.)
I'm honestly not totally sure how to word my thoughts on this.
It's giving 'How dare former colonies be angry with the British, who hoard their cultural assets and exhibit them in museums?'
How dare Tarquin be angry at Feyre and Rhysand for coming to his Court, allegedly to form an alliance and befriend him in a way, only to decieve him and steal what is most likely his most valuable artifact?
I have a huge problem with that arc in maf in general, because what the fuck was that? Tarquin was nothing but welcoming towards them, and if they had properly explained to them what their agenda was- which you do if you want people to trust you, I'm convinced he would have given it to them.
But no, it's easier to act like you want to screw him and gain his trust with sob stories and flirting and whatnot and then just steal the book from him, nearly kicking the bucket in the process.
And why is he still angry in ACOWAR? Because he has the right to be! If someone came to your home and acted like your friend, and then stole one of the most valuable, if not the most valuable thing you own. Would you not be angry? Even if they helped you after, in another situation.
And let's be real, if this happened to the NC, whoever would have stolen from them in that hypothetical situation, would've ended up being vilified for the rest of the series.
Tarquin "insulting" Feyre is btw the following exchange:
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This is the first time Tarquin speaks in acowar. Honestly? This is hardly insulting. This is literally stating facts. It's not talking down or belittling, he's just pointing out the consequences of what she canonically did.
And side note: Pretty sure he doesn't want Feyfey after that stunt she pulled.
In general, acting like Tarquin is whipped for her is pretty delulu. I'm not gonna deny that he may have found her attractive during maf, before she went "burglar" on him, but after that? No way.
Also: "He's a baby High Lord" ????? What's Feyre then? An embryo High Lady?
[Edit: See the ongoing call in the background? That's me ranting to my cousin about this lol]
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Hiiiii may I request a very obvious and everyone knows it— a simp, pining, very much in love cale? With a dense reader who doesn’t realize they’re making him flustered- dense and oblivious? :>>
Thats all u can choose how u want to write it :))
Oh, ur works are so gooooodd btw :DD
im gonna make this short as hell because i need sleep and it's three in the morning. im loopy as hell and couldnt think of how cale as a character would simp and this is the best i could do, im sorry 😭
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Alver was a bit elated, to be honest.
After the war, things finally settled down and the lives of the citizens of the Roan Kingdom settled back to normal, or perhaps even better than before.
The talk of heroes was still a warm topic amongst the nobles and commoners, especially about Cale Henituse, the most praised hero of the continent.
Despite the heavy nickname he carries, Cale Henituse continued to be himself — not that Alver was surprised — and still became that bastard guy that Alver trusts.
Cale was chosen to handle the matters a Prime Minister would handle, gaining the position as the proxy of the Prime Minister — a position that was still vacant, of course reserved for Cale himself. But if the man himself knew of it, he'd immediately run away so Alver declared him to just be a proxy to keep the man by his side with the reason that he hasn't found someone fitting for the position yet.
Of course, Cale wasn't given as much as work as an actual Prime Minister are usually given. Alver was kind to his dongsaeng, so he would make sure Cale still has enough rest to slack off for awhile.
During those times, Cale would rarely come by to visit the Royal Palace, which was absolutely understandable. Alver himself would not want to visit his workplace if he's given a day off if he wasn't the Emperor and practically living in his workplace where a political dispute is always happening.
'He's been visiting often, hasn't he?'
Alver glanced up from his paperwork to his dongsaeng who wss reclining on the couch of his study, just sitting there and munching on cookies, this time without Raon.
"Cale..." Alver sets his fountain pen down, looking at Cale with a slight frown on his handsome face. "Is there something wrong?"
"Of course not, Your Highness," Cale answered quickly. "Nothing is wrong."
Alver pursed his lips into a thin line, not believing Cale once a bit because he knows his dongsaeng and while it is probably not something particularly serious from how lax Cale was, Alver was sure it was still something that bothers the redhead.
Alver hummed, taking another sheet of paper from the piles that were on his desk. "Then, is there a reason why you're here?"
"Can I not spend time with my Hyung-nim?" Cale asked with a raised eyebrow as if he was completely serious - Alver knows that he's not because why would Cale be here and spend time with him when he had been whining the other day about how looking at Alver's face was enough to remind him of the stress of work?
Alver shook his head, deciding to just accept Cale Henituse being contradictory as usual. He wonders why he's still so confused when he should know best that Cale Henituse is a walking contradiction and everything he does is confusing.
"Well, if you're staying here, might as well know that Dame [Name] is going to be here again for a private audience."
"From the [Last Name] Household?" Cale questioned and Alver let out a chuckle, "Is there any other one?"
You were a lady from the [Last Name] household, the head family being your single mother, Baroness Charlotte and you were the eldest one out of the three daughters the baroness had. People had originally thought the daughters were going to get married off to older noblemen who were willing to pay off their dowry but due to the Baroness' competence and your clever mind, your sisters have been pried away from the clutches of older noblemen as you were both enough to help your sisters to live.
Your household was compassionate towards orphans and the poor even before the war, providing food and shelter to the ones who needed them. This gives your family very good support from the commoners and loved ones, always being helped by the commoners with the little things. Your family had been very neutral when it comes to siding with the Princes as you all only focused on yourselves and those who are in need.
During the war, Alver had you and not your mother be in charge of sending out help to those who are in need, citizens of the Roan kingdom or not, and to make sure everyone is safe. Due to seeing his thoughtfulness, your family eventually sided with Alver. You had been exceptional in carrying out your duties and earned quite the fame for being the representative of the warm and generous Roan Kingdom, so when you returned, the title Dame was given to you for your services.
Cale would know that, not only because you were an important figure in what would be Roan Kingdom's history regarding politics and international affairs, but you had always coincidentally been wherever he was during the last few years so your title was given pretty quickly and earned much more respect from the nobles.
"Right..." Cale turns away from Alver.
Alver let the conversation to sink into his brain. Why did he have to say that to Cale? The man has been present every time you had to have a private audience with Alver, which had been a frequent event because you were building an establishment to house the homeless.
A knock was heard from the other side of the door of Alver's study.
"Come in."
You stepped into the office, dressed as formally as usual with a white shirt with ruffles and a long, fitted red skirt that flares around your lower calves. There was a folder clutched close to your chest, most likely the cause of your presence here.
"Oh!" You sound elated when you saw Cale in Alver's study but then turned back to look at Alver. "Your Highness, I didn't know you were expecting a guest."
"Dame [Name]," Alver greeted you with a relieved smile. "Please tell me you've brought me good news regarding that housing property case."
Cale stood up from the couch, approaching Alver's desk as well, curious about what good news you were bringing that you were smiling so brightly.
"Of course," you say, closing the door behind you and approaching Alver's desk. "The verdict's out -- the housing property is still within its area and not Viscount Chers'. We sued Viscount Chers for destroying some of the building he claimed to have entered his estate and won, so he has to pay for the cost, damages, and also interest."
Cale has heard of the case before. Viscount Chers had thought the housing property was being built on his land and had ordered his guards to destroy some of the building. With you supervising the project, you immediately sued Viscount Chers for his actions.
"Dame [Name], have I ever told you that I love you?" Alver smiled at you as he received the folder in your hand.
Cale jolted a bit upon hearing Alver's words and glanced at you, seeing your smile as you spoke, "Flattery gets you nowhere, Your Highness."
Alver sighed. "Shame."
Cale wanted to ask since when were you and Alver gotten close enough to be joking around like that. Of course you had been close to the two of them, but it seemed you have gotten more familiar with Alver. Just in time, Alver caught his gaze and raised an eyebrow, confused why Cale looked like he had a lot on his mind.
"How's your family, Dame [Name]?"
"Oh, my, thank you for asking." You cupped your cheek and closed your eyes as you continued, "My mother is well, but my sisters have been going out to parties more than ever. I think they're starting to have people they fancy."
Cale tilted his head, interested. "You seem relaxed about that."
"It's a part of being young," you told him. "Besides, I'm so busy to the point I can't really keep them safe forever. It's like having kids of your own, I guess. What about you, Cale-nim? What would you do with your own kids?"
Cale let his mouth speak before thinking properly, stumbling out his words. "I guess if we have kids -- wait, no, I mean, I already have kids, like Raon, Ohn, and Hong."
Alver watched this with a raised eyebrow, a knowing smirk forming on his lips as he watched his sworn brother trip over his own words and overexplain things. 'Is this why he had been in my office for the last few days?'
"I'm not the type to restrict them too much from experiencing life," Cale told you. "I don't want to be someone they grew to hate because I held them back from living their lives."
You smiled softly at him and Cale grinned, patting himselfon the back for his answer. "That's actually a very good insight for parenting. I might need to remember it once I have kids of my own."
"Aw, look at you both, talking about kids," Alver teased, the shit-eating grin on his face made the alarms in Cale's head come to life.
He caught on.
"Speaking of, Dame [Name], I heard you've been getting many letters regarding marriage," Alver brought up the rumor he had picked up a few weeks ago. He didn't think that such a rumor would end up being something so useful.
"Marriage?" Cale asked, his whole body going tense.
Your cheeks are tinted red as you laughed away Alver's words. "Oh, please, all of them are only sent because they heard you were handing me one of your major projects for developing the kingdom. I'm not dumb enough to see they're simply trying to get to you and Cale-nim."
"You should tell them that you're with my sworn brother so they won't bother you," Alver said, wasting no time to immediately struck that nerve.
You laughed again. "Oh, no, I don't want Cale-nim to get entangled in weird rumors."
"I don't mind."
Cale's cheeks are red when he said that and he wanted to hide from you when you and Alver turned to look at him. He cleared his throat and continued, stuttering a bit when he spoke; "I-I mean, just use my name if they caused you trouble. I don't mind."
"Oh, my, thank you so much, Cale-nim!" You grasped his hand with both hands, the smile on your face so bright that Cale's face immediately darkened with so much blood rushing to his face.
"I might overuse it so much that no one will dare to get close to me," you say, letting go of his hands.
'Oh, please do overuse it,' thought Cale.
"I think that's what my sworn brother would like," Alver added with a grin.
Cale wanted to kick Alver in the shin.
"Do you hate the idea of me with another man that much, Cale-nim?" You asked with a playful grin.
Cale opened his mouth to defend himself but no sound came out when he saw your smile and the red flush of your skin. He closed his mouth and decided to just stand there like an idiot.
"I don't think another man could live up to my standards considering I have been spending so much time with the both of you," you continued shyly. "Perhaps I should linger with the others lest my mother will complain about my being single."
"Or you could just keep spending time with us," Cale prompted, shrugging his shoulders to appear nonchalant. "There's no harm in that. Keep all of the bugging men away."
He doesn't miss the raised blond eyebrow Alver was giving him while you weren't looking.
"Perhaps," you murmured, beginning to walk towards the door. "Talking with the both of you is wonderful but I do have to rush to handle these paperwork."
"What time do you get off work?" Cale questioned quickly.
You stopped, turning to look at the red-head. "Around four. Planning on taking me home and meeting my mother, Cale-nim?"
"She loves the cakes from that dessert shop, right?"
You laughed, shaking your head in disbelief. "Yes, Cale-nim. The strawberry shortcakes are her favorite."
Cale nodded. "Noted."
You bowed to the both of them, excusing yourself out and leaving the two brothers inside the study.
Cale let out a sigh. "Well, I'll be leaving—"
Alver grabbed a discarded paper and crumpled it into a ball, throwing it at Cale who frowns. "What?"
"I cannot believe you came here just so you could ask Dame [Name] on a date."
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mvltisstuff · 1 year
Evan Buckley & female reader - a fic where instead of the firetruck crushing buck’s leg, it crushes the reader’s leg instead and the reader is in the firetruck when it explodes and Buck & reader have been engaged for 2 years. Buck is worried and scared and panics when he sees the reader underneath the truck. He helps her through the physical therapy of getting back her leg strength and helps her through how she is told she may not be able to be a firefighter again.
lots of angst, heartbreak, sadness, anger, fluff too 💙
love ur 911 fics so much ❤️‍🩹
are you with me - e.b
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summary: request
evan buckley x reader
a/n: i’m so happy you guys like my fics, i have plenty coming your way soon 🩶 btw this started off pretty strong and idk what happened toward the end w the quality
it’s never realized how much calamity one person can cause in such a large city. people get in their cars to go to work, they order a package, they stop at the store, and the last thing they expect is an explosion right at their feet.
over three million people in los angeles, and one forced 30 tons of weight onto y/n’s leg. it was just work. something she does every single day. of course, nothing in life ever remains the same, but this is really something you can never expect. you watch it in movies, or you hear about it in the news, only until it happens to you.
she knew the bones in her leg were crushed upon the impact, the engine thrown on its side. buck watched from a distance, being held back by the police. he would do anything for her. he wanted to tear this kid to shreds. he saw y/n’s broken leg under the truck and her head weakly lifting up. he could almost hear the pained gasps and whimpers from her lips. y/n, on the other hand, felt like she was in the center of the ring, the joke of this kid.
all the bystanders watched the scene unfold, the boy trying to summon the captain of the 118. it felt unreal. the noise and the truck shaking the ground they walked on.
buck thought he hallucinated the sparkling ring on y/n’s hand, somehow managing to remind him of the fight he was about to do. he vividly remembers the day he got down on his knee, bargaining the rest of his life to her and crying when she said yes. the whole team had been there, watching from a distance as her hand covered her mouth and lifted him from the floor. their wedding was being planned, every last detail needing to be perfect for the couple.
most people’s instinct would be to run away, but buck wanted to run toward the chaos. if y/n was there, so was he. his life mission has been to keep her safe, and knowing someone went out of his way to hurt her makes him go crazy. the exact moment that freddie was taken down with his overcomplicated vest, buck found himself running to her. he instantly fell onto his knees, seeing the ash and tears on her face close up.
she wished she couldn’t feel it, but she felt every part of it. she didn’t know anything. was her leg even connected to her anymore? buck moved himself closer to her so she could hear him over the murmuring of watchers.
“hey! hey, y/n,” he starts.
“it h-hurts so bad,” she whines, making him grimace himself.
“son of a bitch, ok. we’re gonna get you out of there, yeah?”
“please,” she begs, almost inaudible. buck stands up, calling for anyone he can to lift the truck off her, which was almost impossible with a few people around. hen was on the ground, connecting machines to y/n’s harmed figure.
“hang in there, y/n/n,” she says softly. “we’ve got you.”
despite his entire body weight being used to lift the ladder engine, it didn’t budge once. the only thing it did was echo the raw screams from y/n, poisoning bucks ears making his heart speed up. the adrenaline pumping through his system was making him think he could do it.
“do you have anything on the truck we can use for leverage?” eddie asks to a panicked bobby, trying to save one of his workers and best friends.
“it’s too heavy, it wouldn’t work,” bobby says as a light goes off in bucks head.
“more people,” he mumbles. “we need more people! hey! all of you, get over here and lift this!” he shouts at the mob of people observing the accident. not hesitating, the civilians sprint over and grab onto any part of the truck that they can.
y/n was in grievous pain, dreading the agony that would come when they finally lifted it. she was right, it was tormenting, releasing shrieks she didn’t know she had. before she could rethink everything, she was tugged from under and flipped onto her back. buck couldn’t peel his gaze away from the blood that has completely stained her pant leg and the parts of her leg that should be inside of it. complete shock and fear took over his body, but not enough to stand there with her the whole time. he watched chimney and hen bandage up her leg and move her into the ambulance, where buck sat next to her. hen was in the back with him, chim being the designated driver. unfortunately, y/n had been awake for the entire experience. from the second the engine flipped, to the second she was lifted into the ambulance. as much buck was grateful that she was awake, he almost wanted her to pass out. she wouldn’t have to endure this much pain, despite the morphine kicking in.
y/n’s hand twitched in bucks, “buck?” she grumbles out.
“y/n,” he makes note of her panicked state. “i’m here, you’re ok. i’m not going anywhere, honey.”
“someone should tell the city that we need a n-new truck,” buck laughs at her mind and how it works before running a hand through her hair.
“you don’t have to worry about that,” says buck. “you have no idea how relieved i am that you’re ok.”
“we’re getting married soon,” she realizes. “shit, we were supposed to get married soon-“
“shh, it’s all gonna work out, ok?” buck reassures. “i’d marry you no matter what, broken leg or not.”
“i promise.”
the hours sitting in the waiting room were grueling. maddie had left to be with buck, watching the entire scene go down on the news. even her heart ached, watching someone she already considers family have to face something like this. the whole team was anxiously waiting for the surgeon to come out and say she’d be ok. she held them together like a true family, being the most stable relationship they had. she was the part of the station that made their bond unbreakable. watching her vulnerable condition under that truck was almost intolerable. the time that she wasn’t in work felt like a missing puzzle piece.
weeks had passed since the bombings of LA, and buck had been there every single day. in sickness and in health, he hasn’t said the words out loud, but he swore to that since the day he met her. he knows that she would do the same exact thing for him, and he would spend every single day helping her.
y/n felt completely isolated in their small apartment, barely being able to leave the first floor. she craved work, she desperately awaited the day that she could return, but the injury in her leg hadn’t resolved. no matter how many times she tried to convince herself, she didn’t know if she’d ever be a firefighter again. at some point, she almost envied her fiancé for being able to go to work. he felt so bad for her, just wanting to give her her life back. the weekly doctors appointments were draining her of almost everything she had, every single one proving nothing. nothing that meant anything. the situation was completely out of anyone’s control, and she had consumed so much anger about it. anger at the doctors, the therapists, the kid, the 118, everyone around her.
buck was forced to sit back and watch, to act as a shoulder to cry on. he was the third crutch, the person she leaned on when she couldn’t stand on her own. there was no way in hell she could’ve done it alone. buck was the one to drive her to every appointment and helped carry some of the burden.
at the end of the day, there were two things that scared y/n the most. losing buck and losing her job. the two things that got her out of bed and the two things that gave her a true meaning. as time passed and every request to be back at work was denied, she swore her heart hurt more than her leg.
“y/n?” buck called out after arriving back home. she had been on the couch, watching another drama series about firefighters. “hi, how are you doing?” he asked when spotting her in the living room. she didn’t respond, just looked at the television with the volume low. he went and sat next to her.
“what’s wrong? did something happen?”
her eyes had already been bothered from tears of anger and frustration, and he could clearly see that with his own. “they called again.”
“wasn’t the answer you wanted?”
“i have been pushing myself every day for approval, and i have not gotten anything for it,” she says, dryly. “i have been killing myself to go back to what i love and why am i not getting anything?” her voice cracks.
“listen,” he tries to distract her from her own negativity and forces her to look at him. “i know you’ve heard this a million times, but you have to let yourself take the time to heal. if you go back too soon, you’re going to make it worse.”
her nose scrunches at bucks words, causing her to sniffle as he continues. “i know, it sucks, and i am so, so sorry. it’s just that none of us want to see you do more harm than good. we need you back as a firefighter, but i need you back to normal first. you’re worth so much more than this, and this injury is not going to take you out, we all know it.”
y/n opens her mouth to speak, but nothing comes out besides the small beginning of a word. she knows he’s right, but having to come to terms with that is the hardest part of it all. she begins to cry lightly again, her face in her hands as she leans forward. buck slides over, wrapping his arms around his distressed fiancé.
y/n took bucks advice, and now, she stands in the entrance of the firehouse. she walks in to see her uniform waiting for her in her cabinet, her gear untouched, and it feels like she was here yesterday. she feels at home here. buck follows her in, grabbing her hand and they restart the rest of their lives.
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pastxlscorp · 6 months
Palia Character Characterizations/Impres.
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(impres. is short for impressions btw! also big ass rambling)
I started Palia the other day and I'm amazed it's free. Aside from some obvious glitches, the game is pretty good and it's on par with some games that charge money. I've been doing some quests but I'm not too far into the story, but I have some strong feelings about some characters. This might not have a big fanbase but if there is only one fan, I am one! I'm just gonna give some first impressions and how I headcanon some characters personality wise based on other impressions of them from the villagers n shit. You should try it out if you already haven't!
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STARTING OFF WITH MY ANNOYANCE FOR THIS MAN. I know a big controversy with him is that he's in a monogamous relationship with another villager (spoilers: Kenyatta) yet he is still a romancable character. Although in his culture it is normal to have poly relationships, he has some pretty inconsistent writing (im gonna get into this more later with Reth). He argues that Reth flirts with everyone, which he clearly is annoyed by, but if he falls in love with the player, he actually is fine dating both you and Kenyatta depending on your dialogue choices. Seems inconsistent that he would get pissed at Reth while he was over here flirting with the player. ALSO— Kenyatta literally calls Reth hot, so she’s not even fully loyal to him either. He seems aware of this, since it honestly sounds like his disliking of Reth is more jealousy than anything. I personally don’t see the significance of having the two of them date monogamously if they’re clearly open to poly or having an open relationship. Aside from that, he's a very sweet villager who I knew I was gonna like from the start. Farm boy himbo that knows what he's doing until it comes to social cues. Romance him if you wish! He's a sweet boy who wants what's best for his family but aside from that, he's a fairly simple character. As far as I've explored the world and quests, I haven't found any deeper nuance or lore with him since his family is pretty wholesome. Nothing wrong with simplicity, but I love characters with a little more complexity and nuance since there is so much more to dive into, analyze, and admire.
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my boyfriend First impression was how this man was a flirt. It's pretty heavily implied imo that Reth is a womanizer and sleeps around. His boss, Ashura, mentions something about Reth likes having his nights free and Nai'O blatantly just says this man flirts with everyone in proximity. I find the beef between him and Nai'O interesting, as it implies either Reth is jealous of him or dislikes him because he considers him cowardly for hiding his relationship with Kenyatta. When Nai'O sends you off on a quest to deliver something to Reth, he calls Reth "loverboy" and he calls out him and Kenyatta for sneaking around and also Hassian's love poems. This is kinda reiteriated when he makes a comment about Hassian's love letters being not-so-secret. He's aware how he's an obvious flirt, which I find admirable. He does not give a fuck about how anyone perceives him and is open about it, which is why he shames the other two for sneaking around with their romance lives. In another quest, he makes another comment about stealing Nai'O's muscles. Initially I thought he was interested in Kenyatta but I think him flirting with her is more of a rivalry between him and Nai’O. Amongst the villagers, they are the two canonically best looking, which is an interesting dynamic. It makes sense why Nai’O would then be pissed off Reth was flirting with Kenyatta, as he knows she does find him attractive. I headcanon that Reth is one of the few characters that would be romantically interested in the player even if they didn’t romance him because of his voicelines. Some of them are like “uh oh, gotta go uh…” and he’ll make up an excuse to leave sounding flustered. Reth, to me, is one of the more complex characters because of how much shit goes unsaid with him. He comes off as very easygoing because he's stressed because he has a hard time saying no and ends up lying, which gets him into a load of shit. His small talk is really sweet though, I like to headcanon he's flirty so the (spoilers) cartel can’t tell who he’s close with. I'm currently romancing him and one other man! I really find it cute how he sweet he is to his sister. Bold move to abandon the family careerline (especially since he is I think the only dude in the village who is not carrying family tradition) and he knows all eyes are on Tish (his sister) because of it. It's cute that he only cares about how people talk about him when it impacts his sister. I assume this is why he usually takes all the shit the other villagers give him because he knows it would go on his sister otherwise. I felt so bad bc I actually didn’t cover for him in one of his friendship quests because I thought ashura would’ve figured I was lying. In Reth’s letter, he writes if you covered for him or didn’t and says there’s no hard feelings and that he was using the free time he got to spend with his sister. I’m sorry pookie 🥹
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Really liked him at first, but he became unlikable really fast. He's super attractive if you're looking for a black cat boyfriend or a tsundere, but it gets old quick. He comes out rude even when he's trying to be nice and in real life this shit would be so toxic. In game reasonably it's more tolerated but it just is not my cup of tea. I'm usually a sucker for dudes with this archetype too since it's just nice to see people soften up and get comfortable, but Hassian just can be overbearing. I was leveling up my friendship with him and he sent a letter saying "You'll probably freeze to death without my help, so take this. You'll thank me for it later." like lil bro fuck u. Jokes aside, I'm not a fan of the fact he's romancable mainly because it's revealed later on (spoilers) that he is in love with another villager, Tamala. It's lowkey fucked up because there is a whole quest where you have to deliver one of his letters to her and if you deliver it to her on the first try, she laughs at his letter, showing it's clearly not reciprocal, at least anymore. On his romance quests (I searched it up bc I got curious) she admits she led Hassian on because she wanted a fling and he wanted marriage. I felt so bad for bro but lowkey he brought this shit on himself. Tamala affirms what I'm arguing because she explains they broke up b/c of his "sour" demeanor. Again, cute on paper, but if you don't write any development it gets old fast. It kind of even feels like you're a rebound for Tamala. I do like that the villagers know he has a soft spot for Auni (one of the 2 children villagers) because he always plays with him. This could have been a great premise for character development but unfortunately it just does not go anywhere. I know there's a reddit thread complaining about Hassian's lack of development and another for Nai'O being in a relationship and romanceable-- if anyone's is interested in reading more.
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First impression: dilf. I'm not crossing that out I'm being honest. I instantly wanted to romance Hodari but honestly as I kept playing he lowkey came off as such a dad and then I realized bro is in fact a father. If you want a dilf, go for it. But if you have daddy issues like me, you're gonna look at bro in a different light when you get to know his character. His lore is pretty fucked up but it's sweet he's trying to look out for his kid, just the way he goes about it is not the best. I did really like one dialogue in idle chat with him that he admits he knows his daughter sneaks out and he doesn't say anything about it because he knows he can be a helicopter dad sometimes. I'm still debating as of now if I'm gonna romance him or not but I haven't seen any red flags with Hodari as of yet, just that he's reasonably a little closed in and dry, but he's not nearly as hostile as Hassian.
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bros side profile is immaculate. my HUSBAND. Loud and proud bro. At first I genuinely did not fuck with him because he was so mean initially. He made it sound like you were a peasant. He develops quickly through small talk though and it's so cute, like he easily became my favorite. He goes on night walks and enjoys the beauty of literally everything: some of his favorite gifts are insects and shells. He finds everything potential of beauty. He's a little corny when he's greeting you (he'll talk abt how you brighten his loneliness bc he's so dramatic) but I adore it. Also call me odd but I find that when a man has a girl best friend, immediate green flag. His relationship with Tish reminds me a lot of me and my best friend I adore it SOOO much. I'm in the process of romancing him and BRO I found out through youtube tutorials that if you're romancing him and someone else he comes to your house and tells you "If you were trying to keep this from me because you thought it would affect things between you and I, you're wrong. I'm a big boy. I know how to share." WHAT? WHAT? WHAT. Anyways I would 100% recommend romancing him I see no flags if they are any, red is my favorite color. goodnight.
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luffyvace · 5 months
dunno if you do shalnark x reader fics but i can barely find any of my silly goober so here i am asking 😭🙏
its chill if you don’t, dw about it, but i was wondering if you could do one of shalnark and like a closed off reader that he tries so desperately to open up to him. make it as fluffy or angsty as you want 🙏🙏🧎 WWW
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THIS IS SUCH A GOOD IDEA?! Why has no one thought of this?? Hcs are popping into my head as I TYPE THIS. I’m going to make it fluffy bc I’m a sucker for it 😊 thank you for requesting anon!! :)
(btw I don’t really do fics, just hcs, but I’ll write it in a sort of fic way as possible <3)
For these I’ll do reader who’s in phantom troupe or at least knows he’s in it
the reason for you being closed of may vary, you could naturally be like that or you could be scarred with trauma
who knows?
in which I let you decide why you are the way you are :)
besides the point
shalnark really does do everything to get you to open up to him
every love language, every bribery possible, even light empty threats!
You don’t crack a bit.
first is love languages:
“N/nnn why don’t you talk to me today??”
he came over to you and snuggled up close to you
you either turn away or completely ignore him
”come on now, I’m your boyfriend! Don’t you wanna talk to me??”
you attention doesn’t move at all from what you were doing
“Your so coldhearted towards me, don’t you care about me at all? Don’t you love me?” He pouts. He knows the answer. He just wants you to show it
”I’m in a dangerous criminal organization you know? I could die any second! Won’t you care??”
you don’t bat an eye
he chooses not to sigh and give up today
he playfully starts kissing you all over your face
hugging you tighter, caressing your hair
still nothing
i feel this is another reason he likes you
your a enigma to him
he doesn’t view you as a toy though—of course not! He loves you, but your so fascinating to him, you really know how to keep a man on his toes
he can’t figure out why you are the way you are and you won’t tell him
you accept his proposal to be his s/o but won’t say you love him? Won’t cuddle or kiss? His gifts collect dust?
this man hardly knew love in his childhood and now your still deriving him of it 😗
you may or may not know that and you may or may not feel guilty about it
but as for words of affs
”_____ I love you”
”I love you, _____”
”your supposed to say it back!”
”I said okay”
”say you love me too!!”
”so what’s the troupes plans?”
”stop changing the subject!”
bro is never getting that I love you 🤦‍♀️
”_____ I got you a gift!” *insert him handing you something you really love that he found out through hacking not from you*
“I don’t want it”
”liar! This is your favorite!! Just accept it ___”
“Put it on the table..”
*que shalnark dropping his shoulders with a dull look while tossing it on the table
he knows your never gonna touch it
or at least never let him see
as far as quality time that’s the one he gets away with the most
he could spend all day with you and you really wouldn’t say anything
following you around and such
the fact that you never do lets him know you do love him
eventually he figures it might be your love language
If someone in your past did this to you?
you can bet he tracked them down and gave them to feitan >:)
he didn’t tell him what they did tho he just said ‘hey here’s another victim’
now he’s not really a torture guy but we know he is somewhat apathetic himself
maybe even sadistic
either way he definitely watched this torture session
he wouldn’t want to miss out on the pain of the one(s) who hurt you
he likely tells you afterwards to see your reaction
he could tell if it still traumatizes you based on that and if it is he tries extra hard to get you to open back up
if not he’s kinda back to square one..
About the light threats
he’d threaten to reveal embarrassing moments and secrets of yours if you don’t give him a kiss in the next 24 hours
the first time he did this you glared thinking he would
but after you found out it was empty you ignored all other threats
the reason you ignored the first one was you didn’t really like people anyway so you were kinda just like forget it, whatever
If you did give him the kiss- PROGRESSSSSSSSS
you don’t fall for it twice after you realize it was empty though
but this means your not against it! You just prefer not to!
and now it’s confirmed you love him!!
I hope you enjoyed your hcs anon! they were a bit short but i like the ending :)
THERE NEEDS TO BE MORE SHALNARK HCS RN!! (I love the gif i put of him)
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mommycitas · 20 days
Hi!! would you pls write some negan x fem!reader? i love angst so maybe the prompt “this is gonna hurt but you need to be quiet okay doll?”
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A/N; thank you for the req!!! I wasn't really sure what situation you wanted for the prompt so me being me it's gonna be sum smut ToT !! But if that isn't what you wanted,(I'm so so sorry if that's the case btw ToT) feel free to re-req and specify the situation you wanted and any other further details!!
summary; After being found by some of the Saviors, you are brought to Negan where he gives you a offer of a lifetime.
pairing; Negan x Virgin!fem!reader
Pronouns/Name; She/Her , Y/N
Warning; Age gap (reader in early 20s, Negan in early 40s) Swearing and such, Negan being Negan, sexual comments, semi-public sex(inside a storage closet), taking of virginity, fingering, p in v, unprotected sex, thoughts of cunnilingus and sex. breeding kink if you squint hard enough. NOT PROOF READ !!
Word count; 1.7k
You run through the woods, dodging trees, vines, and bushes. You look over your shoulder to see a large group of zombies chasing you. You lost all your handheld weapons and ran out of ammo for your gun, so you had no choice but to run.
You had been running for what seemed like 30 minutes until you couldn't seem them anymore. You leaned against a tree to try and rest. You grabbed your bad off your shoulder and reached inside to get some water, finding you had nothing but empty bottle you angrily toss all your belongs on the ground.
"Fuck!!" you practically screamed. Hearing a branch snap from the tree behind you, you realized the error of your ways. Standing silently, breathless, you waited for whatever was there to pass. After a minute or two you turn around the tree to see if you can see anything. Before you could even see anything or one, you felt something hard smash against your head and everything went black.
Slowly waking up, you open your eyes to darkness. Laying on the cold floor of a broom closet it seems like. "Oh well fuck me." You groan to yourself before steadily trying to stand up. Kicking on the door a few times "Let me out!!" you yell. You go to kick one more time before the door swings open. A man with stringy blonde hair and half his face had a nasty scar on it. "Where am I?" you demand "Be quiet" he groans at you. He backs up and a few men walk over, most of them holding guns and such. "Come with me" he groans yet again. Following him, you see the kind of place you're in. It seems to have been a factory before the old times maybe?
It's full of people and children. You haven't seen anywhere like this in so long. A feeling of euphoria brushes over you when you suddenly walk into the same man you were following. "Watch where you're going, we're here." He opens a door and shoves you in before closing the door again.
You looked around the room shocked at what you were seeing. You couldn't believe something like this existed in a time like this. Doing a little spin to look around you hear someone clearing their throat behind you. A tall man wearing a leather jacket was standing behind you. "Here doll, sit down." He ushered you to the two couches sitting face to face on the side of the room. taking a quick seat, he follows and does the same. "Hi, I'm Negan." you smile at the introduction "I'm Y/N."
"Welcome to the sanctuary!" he had such enthusiasm in his voice, it was nice to hear after months of only having hearing zombie groans. "Sorry, my men were so brute with you. They saw you in the woods and thought you needed help." "So they knocked me out?" he didn't respond to that, only giving you a weird look. "Now. If you want to stay here, you have to work for your place. So I'm gonna break it down for you, in four choices. One: You wind up on the spike and you work for me as a dead man. Two: You get out of that nasty little cell you woke up in, you work for points, but you're gonna wish you were dead. Or three: You work for me, you get yourself a brand new pair of shoes and you live like a king. Or." He paused and examined your facial expressions.
"Number four. You become one of my wives and don't work a day in your life, get whatever you want, and get screwed by me every night!" You just stared at him blankly, not knowing if he was joking or not "Cat got your tongue?" he laughed "One of your wives? Plural?" the thought of that made you feel sick, but you've had it so hard for months, not having to do anything sounded kind of nice. "Hell yeah! You know, you are super hot and I'd love to be pounding into you already." "That's gotta be a joke, right? This whole thing is a joke? All four options?"
He just let out a low belly laugh that sent shivers down your spine. "Let me show you doll." before you knew it he was leading you down a corridor swinging around a baseball bat. The first spot was "door number 1" as he would say. You watched as men in sacks fight with walkers chained to a fence. You look at Negan and shake your head "I'm not one for manual labor." One by one she shows you the next two locations. None of them really resinated with you, like you've said you don't really like doing work. That was until he showed you a room where four beautiful girls wearing cocktail dresses sat, laughed, and drank. When you walked into the room they all gave you a look. Negan explained what being a wife meant and the perks and rules of it was. But you weren't sure what to do or even if you should stay.
You sat in the dark cold room you woke up in. Thinking all the situations over, you thought about Negan. About how good his salt and pepper beard would feel against the inside of your thighs when he's face first in your cunt. While you were a virgin and you've never even tried to touch yourself, you had a good idea of sex and foreplay. You thought about how good Negan would look naked, pounding into you. You felt your pussy throb at the thought.
Before you knew it you were pounding on the door yelling for Negan. After a minute he threw the door open "Jesus doll! Are you dying in here? Lucky I was just passing by." he laughs before being interrupted by you aggressively placing your hands on his chest "Please Negan, I need you, I want to be your wife, take me please." you look up at him and see his eyes are already blown with a lustful fog. "I've been waiting for you to say that since I laid eyes on your tight ass." his lips crash onto yours before you have the chance of even considering changing your mind. He closes the door, the only light coming from the small lantern on the floor he had brought in. He pushes you against the wall making quick work on the button of your cargo shorts, dropping them on the floor, leaving you your underwear.
He rubs you through the material, feeling how wet you already are for him, feeling him smirk against your lips. In one quick motion he tugs off your underwear and rubs your clit. You moan against him before pulling away. "Negan.. umm I'm a virgin." you embarrassingly reveal "Holy shit. Been a while since I plowed a virgin, this should be fun." He plunged one finger into you, gaging your reaction and never removing eye contact. You squeak and your head falls into the crook of his neck, feeling a kind of pleasure you've never known before, quickening his pace you become more slick by the second. He kisses you on the top of the head before continuing "I'm gonna add another finger, ok doll?" you nod in response. Feeling him stretch you out, you let out a cry. He pumps his digits in and out of you while nipping at your ear. Just as you feel that knot in your stomach start to form, he removes his fingers and brings them to his mouth, you whine in protest. But before you can protest more, he grabs your shoulder and turns you around, pressing your face against the harsh cold wall. Using his free hand he unbuttons his jeans and pushes them down, grabbing his cock out of his boxers. "This is gonna hurt but you need to be quiet ok doll?" he whispers in your ear while rubbing his tip from your entry to your clit back and forth. He lines his tip up with your opening and slowly pushes himself in about half the way.
The strange change from absolute pleasure to the feeling of your cunt ripping in half made you loudly cry out. "Doll, I told you, you need to be quiet. Anyone that walks by could hear you." he says while covering your mouth with his rough palm. You stare up at him through the glossy coating covering your eyes. He continues pushing himself into you until he's skin to skin. You had never felt such pain yet such pleasure in your life. He soaks inside you for a minute to let you adjust to being so stretched out. You nod to the best of your abilities, letting him know he can continue. At first he starts slowly, rocking his hips gently back and forth in and out of you. After a minute or two of this he removes the grip on your shoulder and replaces it on your hip and starts going harder and faster. Violently crashing into you at a quickening pace making a dull smacking noise. You moan in a muffled tone into his palm. Drool sneaking past his calloused grip flowing down your chin. A minute into this you feel that same knot tighten inside your core. Negan could tell by your mannerisms that you were close and you could tell too. Tears streaming down your face you let out one final loud moan that even muffled would be loud enough for anyone near to hear, you released all over Negans large cock. With your cunt tightening around him, he was teetering over the edge.
With a few more sloppy uncoordinated thrusts you feel his cum all inside you. Ropes of warmth shooting up and inside you. He quickly pulls out and pulls up your underwear, leaving you sitting in his semen. You both adjust yourselves and throw your clothes on before leaving the closet.
You were filled with such a happy euphoria hand in hand with Negan. "Now lets go get your sexy little ass one of those hot ass black dresses."
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nimmie-nugget · 9 months
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~Reincarnated as a Knolastname~
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Note: HAPPY SPOOKY MONTH!! 🎃👻 gonna be honest- I actually think Crimson might have cared atleast a bit for Moxxie when he was a child 😭 Anyway~ take some reincarnated Moxxie’s Sister Reader Headcanons!! 🥳 Do keep in mind that characters may be ooooooooc, and when there’s 8 O’s you know it’s extreme 🤯. Also I haven’t been doing Tokito Twin’s content for a while so I just wanna reassure that I have some HCs coming up for them 😫!! Enjoy!
P.s in the back flashes of EXES AND OOHS I think Moxxie was 4? Yeah so that makes you 7, your 3 years older 😋👌 tho age is not mentioned at all- and I will make fics of this 😤
Warnings: a lot of slang(not rlly a warning, just thought I’d mention), ooc, may have punctuation, spelling grammer/etc errors,
Info: idk man just wanted to add this 😐
Edit#2: I recommend u don’t read 💀👍
Helluva Boss Masterlist
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~Reaction to being Reincarnated~
-long story short you don’t know how you ended up here but you found yourself being the daughter of some random old ass guy that’s gonna be the main reason for your character development arc.
-at least that mom with an unknown name will provide you sweets and shit-
-gonna put sum realz shizz on this family fr.
-isn’t this Tumblr? Yeah long story short this turned into a Wattpad story for a second and the famous Truck-kun killed you 🗿 but you forgive Truck-kun since Truck-kun’s just being Truck-kun 😌.
~Inside a Mansion~
Yup this “Mansion” is someone’s womb, zamn how da heck do you still have memories of your past life? Also why does your very tiny unformed body kinda look like an imp? Just like one from your favourite show Helluva Boss? How can you even see??? It’s pitch black bro- meh it’s whatever 🤷‍♀️ it’s fun kicking at least-
…I’m not even gonna explain this 🫡 but just so you know Crimson was not there for your birth 😶
-at least you still have the same Borthdah as you did before you were reincarnated???
-Girly just 🖕 this bullshit why’d you have to be re-born in this family out of all the ones in Helluva Boss? I mean- you don’t mind being Moxxie’s gay emo sister but like- Crimson…CRIMSON. Tho make sure to start those teenager phases early so no one becomes suspicious of you when your going through the teenage thinga ma jig 😔
-but yay! You bet that Moxxie’s mom- well basically your mom now, WILL BE THE BEST 😩
-but girly you weren’t even fazed when reincarnated- just accepted it like a champ 😎
~Crimson’s First Thoughts On You~
-Absolutely nothing- 😃
-only thought of you as his heiress and DEFINITELY to lead his Mob in the future 😔
~[Unknown]’s First Thoughts On You~
-this is the Mom btw 😃
-gonna be honest I don’t know much since we’ve never really gotten a FULL view of her personality- all that I know is that she’s kind? 🤷‍♀️ Yuh so I won’t really directly say what she thought but I guess I can just- I don’t know man just read I guess 😃👌
-101% THOUGHT YOU WERE CUTE AF!! what happened to infinite%? 😢
-she felt a warm and fuzzy feeling inside, something she never felt ever since she married Crimson 😔.
~Moxxie’s First Thoughts On You~
-‘Guppa duppa poo daaah dooo’
-don’t tell me you actually expected a real thought from him- Broski was just born 😔
~Your First Thoughts On Moxxie~
-‘zamn bro’s crying on his borthduh I could never 🙄💅’
-girly he’s like a few minutes old what on Satan’s ass are you talkin ‘bout? 😀
~What Crimson Thinks Of You~
-your a nuisance, like- what do you mean when you say “put those dawgs away💀”
-yeah you definitely got in trouble so many times- this stupid MF can’t understand slang and just thinks your insulting everyone around you 😶
-forget about you being his heiress, might as well make Moxxie his heir instead 😠
-Now take a very ooc dialogue 😋 btw this is after the Mom’s death 😃
-“[Name], cut it out. That will happen if you don’t stop.” He says calmly, too calm for you to know he’s pissed. (he was implying that he will drown you just like he did to the Mom btw-)
~What [Unkown] Thinks Of You~
-Loved you from the moment she layed her eyes on you 😩 (cheesy much 😶)
-wrote more then a dictionary just to prove how much she loves you 😔
-yuh that’s all I got 😐
~What Moxxie Thinks Of You~
He’s 4 rn-
-your his sister why wouldn’t he- ?
-your basically his partner in crime 😈 both of you steal treats from the kitchen when your not supposed to 😤👍
-if the Mom found you 2 being naughty then sorry to tell you but yer’ both getting a time out 😔
-…BUT IF CRIMSON FOUND YOU- yuh that’s somehow gonna become a family issue problemo 😶💦______________________________________________________________________
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I sometimes forget writing is for fun- but I certainly had fun writing this 😎 now I’m gonna tag this in some tags that this doesn’t even relate to which will make everyone hate me but they will soon worship me after reading this masterpiece. Praise this shit rn *points gun at you*
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my-jukebox · 2 months
hihi! i have a obey me request that i thought of after reading the hug headcanons w the brothers post you made!! (it was REALLY nice btw <3 i loved it!)
what about mc coming home after a tiring day at RAD and mammon just hugs them n they just have a cute fluffy moment …or!! mammon coming home after a tiring day at RAD, and mc just hugs him n again they have a cute fluffy moment, any of the two are fine since they’re both so cute!! im gonna leave the choice up to ya, cant wait too see what u write <3
- 🃏 anon! :3
I'm so glad you loved the previous post. I brainstormed my best here and tried to make it longer so forgive me if it's not up to the mark. Also God it took so long, I'm sorry.
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Genre: Oneshot, Fluff
Characters: (gn! reader), and Mammon.
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"Mammon, towards the light!"
The photographer said as Mammon turned towards the light, maintaining his pose. He had been going for hours together with only a ten minute break every hour.
"Majolish is gonna love these pics. Great job today!" was all Mammon heard before he rushed to his studio room and removed his makeup. He looked so tired, to the point where he should've considered getting Asmo to keep the people at bay.
He took deep breaths and finally got some shut eye until—
"Mammon, the next shot is ready!"
"Ahh shit, here we go again!"
Mammon headed out the room and watched as the studio began filling up with multiple models who he was supposed to pose with.
'This is gonna be draining!' He thought as he was being dressed and practically, dragged by his photographer on the stage.
The lecture seemed never ending. The professor kept talking about Latin phrases for spells and potions but all you could think about was sleep.
"(Y/N)?" The teacher called out.
"(Y/N)!?" She repeated.
"Are you zoning out? Please pay attention or else you'll fail the midterms."
"Yes, ma'am"
The teacher nodded her head at you and went back to teaching some spells again. You couldn't be bothered. You'd just have to pull up another study session with the brothers again, it seems.
The minute the bell rang, you got up from the bench, refusing to greet anybody as you made your way to the House of Lamentation.
Upon reaching back home, you entered your room to find Mammon asleep on your bed. You gently shook him.
"Mammon, are you alright? It's pretty rare to find you here of all places." You said, voice laced with concern.
"I'm alright. I'm just so tired. When I tell ya' I was like a prisoner there, I'm not kiddin'!!" He said as he looked up at you. He had absolutely no energy left in him.
"There?" You asked, unsure of what he was talking about.
"The modelling studio. Those stupid, little ahhhh.....they weren't letting me rest." He said, clearly annoyed with how his entire day went. You chuckled at his little rage towards his workers before throwing your bag on the floor and removing your shoes, making your way towards the bed.
"Aww baby don't worry. You wanna....cuddle?" You asked him as you watched his cheeks get flushed with different shades of red.
You laughed and opened your arms wide for him. He scowled but still laid down on your chest as you massage his head gently. This moment was all you needed. Especially after a day like this.
"How was your day?" He said softly, so as to not disturb the peaceful moment.
"Eh. You weren't there in class so it wasn't the best." He grinned widely at you response.
"Of course it wasn't the best. The Great Mammon promises to never leave you alone again."
"I'll hold you on that promise."
You hear a low rumble from Mammon, indicating that he was chuckling. You hug him even tighter, never wanting to let go. As you both cuddled, you found yourself finally content and at peace after such an awful day.
And so, you both stayed up the entire night; talking, laughing, joking about everything and nothing at the same time. The night began to fade slowly as you both found yourselves with each other once again, cherishing the eventful moments of closeness as the world outside was asleep.
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I finally did it. i got a conclusion at last!
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natelia-aldelliz · 1 year
Guys imagine, Roach died, before the creation of 141, but Soap is able to see his ghost. He was originally following Ghost around, really annoyed that he was using his death as an excuse to not get close to anyone, but when he found out Soap could see him and talk to him he started following him around instead.
And they get really close, like two peas in a pod, except they have to be discreet about it because no one else can see or hear Roach, and they'd think Soap was crazy if they saw him talking to no one.
They use that for shenanigans too: Roach will go follow someone else and report back to Soap, Gaz is genuinely starting to believe Soap has superpowers or something. It's really useful on missions as well, and Soap managed to successfully rescue team members thanks to Roach being able to move through walls and everything.
(Roach is not the only ghost Soap is able to see btw, just the only one he's talking to.)
And then Roach is witnessing his past lover trying really hard to not fall in love with Soap, and Soap trying really hard to not do anything about the love he already feels, and he has to try and convince Soap that he is dead. During that conversation he finds out that something else that keeps Soap from doing something is that he feels very confused about everything because he also has feeling for Roach.
So now Roach has to try and convince him that even if he was still alive he wouldn't have a problem with that. He's known for a while that he was polyamorous, but he hadn't really dared talking to Ghost about that because he thinks he's jealous and possessive.
And Soap is like "oh yeah, you want me to go say to Ghost 'don't worry about your dead lover that I'm not supposed to know, he's actually polyamorous and also in love with me, I know because his ghost told me!' ??? I'm sure he's gonna take that well!"
But Roach is nothing if not resourceful and he manages to put Soap in situations where he's forced to interact with Ghost, and eventually they kiss and their relationship is beginning to be something. They're not really sure what.
And Roach is sad, because he has to watch the two men he loves being in love without him, yes, but at least they're both happy, and it makes him feel a bit better. And then during a mission Ghost almost dies.
Because he was alone and Soap and Gaz were together, Roach was following Ghost this time, ready to fly to Soap in an instant if there was any problems. But there was and he didn't have time, so he instinctively grabbed the gun being pointed towards Ghost's head and moved it as the person was shooting, saving Ghost's life, giving him enough time to shoot the enemy himself.
But even as the threat is eliminated, Ghost is still looking up from where he's on the ground, staring right through him, looking shocked. No, not right through him, he realises when he moves to the side and Ghost's eyes follow him. He also realises that he grabbed the gun. He's never grabbed anything before, in all his years of being a ghost.
Then suddenly Ghost's eyes move wildly around, and he figures he disappeared from his view. He can still go through the walls, but he's kept the ability to grab stuff when he wants. It gives him a ton of new possibilities, to fuck with people and, of course, to touch Soap.
"I wish you were actually alive," Soap whispers to him, holding his hands against his face as he's falling asleep.
"What the fuck," comes Ghost's voice the next morning, waking both of them up - wait, since when could Roach sleep?
Soap doesn't understand immediately, because he's always been able to see Roach. But Ghost is standing in the door, looking straight at dead past lover.
Turns out Soap is a necromancer and he had no idea, though the whole 'I can see dead people' should probably have told him sooner that he wasn't normal... The more he wishes Roach is alive, the more he actually is. And they all end up happy and together. And Gaz is very happy to have won the bet that Soap indeed has superpowers.
The day Roach says, in a wondering voice, "I... I think I'm hungry" is the day they understand that something is really happening and he's actually coming back to life.
(Also, Soap has no control at all on his abilities, he has no idea what does what and why, he knows nothing. No one knows.)
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