#now i just need to know if he was putting on an american accent or if he got to be australian
atthebell · 9 months
Why do you think Roier and Missa are easiest to understand? I found the same thing as someone who's just learning Spanish, and I wasnt sure if it was because I've watched so much Roier content that it influenced my ability to understand him, or if there's a deeper reason due to some regional accent differences being easier for non-native speakers to understand. I'm curious about your thoughts since you have really good insights into linguistics, but ignore this if it's too much for tumblr lol!
neither of them talk super fast, and imo their accents are fairly easy to understand-- for me, missa is easy to understand bc he's from the north and that region has accents i'm more familiar with, and roier's accent is somewhat neutral although obviously still clearly mexican and he uses a lot of slang. i think that also helps-- roier uses a lot of the same vocab, so if you're still learning spanish, you can pick up that slang and then understand quite a bit of what he's saying because he swears literally five times in a single sentence. they both speak pretty clearly and, additionally, i think most non-native spanish speakers, especially U.S. americans, are most familiar with mexican spanish rather than other dialects. so that's why someone like rubius or spreen is harder for nonnative speakers to understand, unless they're more familiar with spanish or argentine dialects specifically.
for me it's hard to parse bc i understand most of what they all say regardless since i've spoken spanish for so long, but i think rivers is just difficult because she speaks very fast. mariana is pretty easily to understand as well, there's just less for me to say about him tbh idr where he's from and i don't really have a hard time understanding him, i just watch him less than anyone else really.
for quackity, his accent is more noticeable, and his spanish is a little weirder, in that he is so bilingual and if you're not familiar with that way of speaking it can be hard to pick up what he's saying sometimes. this is partially why i wish there were a few more latino americans on the server so people get more familiar with that type of bilinguality-- i think quackity is in a unique position that he doesn't full share with other server members (aside from mouse, in that she is also a latino who lives in the states, although from a content perspective she doesn't do the same kind of bilingual split that q does nor does she stream in spanish), and i would be interested to see more of that kind of diasporic latino experience on the server. that's me rambling and doesn't have to do with accents i've just been thinking about it for a while and i think it would be cool. but yeah q phrases things funny sometimes because he's thinking of the english way of saying something or vice versa, and he is by far one of the most fluently bilingual members of the server, so it's an interesting dynamic for people watching him who aren't super familiar with spanish nor the kinds of calques and things that end up happening with bilingual speakers.
anyway back to your actual questions i do also think exposure does tip the scales lol most of us watch more roier than anyone else and esp for people just learning spanish, you're gonna understand him better than anyone else because of that. which is nice in some ways bc you learn a lot of slang but also if you're going to speak spanish in any kind of non-casual setting please do not talk like roier he is a fucking crazy person who swears so much it's actually unreal
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scarecrowmax · 1 year
i dont have a link or timestamp (i still gotta watch aquaman) but i do have an image! hes a blink and youll miss it cameo as a cargo pilot
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ty ily, need my daily Leigh or I'll explode <3
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comicaurora · 7 months
So based on that last ask with King Arthur is he choosing to fall in love with Gwen even if she has a high chance of falling for Lancealot? If so, it's tragic. Doomed to love another that won't fully love you back.
Does Arthur even just tell Lancenalot to get the hell put of the kingdom some loops?
I think it's more like-
You become aware of your existence somewhere around the age of 3. You were born under mysterious circumstances you don't know the details of. The first time through, you were growing up in a castle. Lately you find you are growing up among peasantry.
Maybe you have brothers. Maybe you have a sister. Maybe you're an only child. Your family is distant either way. They speak welsh. They speak latin. They speak french. They speak english with american attempts at british accents.
The first few times through, there wasn't a sword. Now it's a consistent presence - a shimmering blade stuck in a plain anvil or a large boulder, haunting your hometown or a nearby forest glade. It looks different every time, feels different in your hands. It was made for you.
There are more trials every time. In the first stories the crown was yours from birth. Lately it's been further and further away, behind more tribulations and tournaments and beasts to slay. More guidance from the ageless old man you remember from the earliest days, the welsh days. He's different every time. Everything's different every time. And still nothing changes.
The crown is yours. It's inevitable. And when the crown passes into your hands, it carries the kingdom with it. It's yours now. And it's going to thrive! You hardly need to do anything. Heroes flock to you and pledge themselves as knights, then spend the decades tearing off on wild quests and adventures, getting into the kind of trouble that serendipitously always keeps the kingdom safe. The adventures feel familiar, but never quite play out the same way. Chalices, black knights, fairy women, questing beasts. You rarely see them for yourself. You're too important, after all. You're the kingdom's beating heart.
You have a queen. You don't spend much time with her. It's jarring how much she changes every time. You hate how much it surprises you the times she genuinely loves you; you never really get to enjoy it. The kingdom doesn't run itself, even if just having you around seems to make the forests grow thick and the rivers run clear. Mostly you spend time with her when you're rescuing her from abduction. You very rarely have children together. You miss them.
It didn't used to end in fire, but lately it never ends in anything but, and you never know when it's going to start. You're never home when it starts, but you spend so much time out tending the kingdom or questing anyway. But you always learn too late - treachery. Your knight, your vassal, your bastard child, your lady love. Camelot is burning. You watch your life's work precede you into the grave.
You die. You sleep under the mountain. You dream. It's quiet.
Somewhere in the world, a writer picks up a pen, and you become aware of existence somewhere around the age of 3.
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mockerycrow · 1 year
Talk About Sensitivity In The COD Fandom **Important.**
Hey, everyone. After the reveal of Makarov in the trailer (as well as general concern), I think a chat about sensitivity is important. Since the trailer’s release, I have seen a major increase in simping for Makarov posts as well as genuine romanticization of Russia and/or Russian Soldiers. First, I want to talk about the romanticization of Russia and/or Russian soldiers because it’s seriously getting out of hand. I need you guys to realize that Russia is an ultranationalist country and yes, maybe not everyone who lives there believes what their government does, but it’s important to know a big portion of their population does. I have seen multiple posts and edits of this man right here (pictures below).
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THIS GUY IS NOT SOMEONE YOU SHOULD LIKE, AND PEOPLE NEED TO UNDERSTAND THAT HE DOES NOT LIKE YOU. This is one of the most popular Russian Soldiers amongst the internet due to the way he wears a mask, gear, has an accent, and is buff. He makes videos teaching soldiers how to kill people—innocent people in Ukraine who are just trying to survive. I have seen people straight up ignore when someone tells them what this man has done, so let me put it this way—he does not like you. He wants you dead. He is racist, a homophobe, transphobe, antisemitic, etc. He absolutely hates The West, and he does not like you unless you are a cis, straight, white 100% Russian. Even if you’re a woman, he DOES NOT LIKE YOU. If you American, HE DOES NOT WANT YOU ALIVE.
[This part is not targeted; just a general statement.] Second; there is a serious problem with how you guys address Makarov as a character. There is absolutely no problem enjoying him as a villain because I do too, but you guys have to realize that Makarov is an ultranationalist—which is exactly what Russia is right now, an ultranationalist terrorist state. “But he’s fictional, it doesn’t matter! it’s not that deep!” It actually is that deep. I keep seeing content for Makarov and I can’t force anyone to stop making “fluffy fics”, but I need y’all to have some fucking decency towards victims and people affected by the war. I know people who are affected by the war who feel ill seeing posts painting Makarov in a good light. If you are going to write Makarov, do NOT romanticize him as a character—do NOT paint him a decent or good light, because you can’t. Write him like the bastard he is. And no, this isn’t a “let people write what they wanna write” situation. You can do that, but please be expected to be judged and blocked by me and many others. Makarov is quite literally the characterization of everything that is wrong with Russia, and what HAS been wrong with Russia. Makarov is not a bad boy, a rebel, etc, he’s a fucking terrorist. Please be for real. “But the military in general is bad, so why does it matter specifically around Makarov?” Please see above my previous reasons. Thanks.
The overall message of this point is to be fucking respectful. There are actual people dying and slaughtered for no reason other than ruined pride and a lot of Ukrainian folk seek comfort and distractions in the internet and their fandoms. This ruins it for them and quite frankly, sometimes how Makarov is being written? It’s completely insensitive. Anyway, below are a few links where you can directly support the efforts and the people of Ukraine. Peace and love, and please write with critical thinking.
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queen-of-reptiles · 7 months
description: ona was finally where she had dreamed, she was back at barcelona with her best friend and loving every moment. only problem? she's dating her captain's younger sister, you.
ona batlle x putellas!reader
part of the 'hidden' universe
part two here
part three here
mapi leon x bronze!reader here
disclaimer: this is all fiction do not take any of this seriously !
warnings: swearing, slightly suggestive - cuteness, queenie needing to use google translate because her Spanish is sub par! x
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y/n just posted
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liked by alexiaputellas, taylorswift, and 13.9m others
y/n life dumppppp 💕💕
comments limited
alexiaputellas: Estoy muy orgulloso de ti hermanita!
so proud of you baby sister
y/n: ily !! 💕
lucybronze: The little one of me says you're cool!
y/n: tell her I miss her! 😔
blanca_suarez: my little daughter! 🙂
y/n: my movie mama!! 😙
florencepugh: I wanna see the photos of after you did that jump
y/n: shut up 😩
florencepugh: no
y/n: I'll fight you Flo
florencepugh: come at me pipsqueak !!
ona.batlle: Looks like fun ! 😌
y/n: Would be more fun with you here ;)
alexiaputellas: y/n, no flirting with my teammates.
y/n: awwww :(
MariaLeonn16: MISS YOU ! 💙
MariaLeonn16: hmmpf.
see more comments...
y/n hummed as she stepped around her kitchen, her fluffy socks keeping her feet warm from the cold tile, which was cold as she couldn't be bothered to put the heated floor on.
Her Persian cat, Milo, rubbed against her feet and she smiled, bending down to pick him up and press a kiss to his fluffy head before placing him back down.
y/n then moved over to the bowl of food she had ordered, smiling when her phone lit up with the familiar name which kept her warm for almost a year now.
"Hi baby!" y/n smiles, her Spanish accent not as thick as it used to be when she spoke English.
y/n had been in England for a few years now, on and off, and due to the fact she mainly spoke in English and acted with either English or Americans, y/n's accent had dulled slightly.
"Hola!" Ona called back.
The two had been secretly dating for nearly a year now. Why secretly? Because Ona's captain was Alexia Putellas. Alexia Putellas was y/n's sister. Her over-protective older sister.
The two were aware they were nothing short of fucked. They were aware of that. But the two had fallen in love while Ona was playing in Manchester and at the time, they couldn't keep away.
Now, their relationship existed of long phone calls and sneaky hook-ups when y/n came to see her as best she could, as well as trying to avoid flashing cameras and nosy people.
Truth is the only other person to know about them was Lucy Bronze's younger sister, and that was only because Ona and her were best friends and she was dating Mapi Leon in secret as well. They really were a group.
"How was training?" y/n asks Ona as she settles on the sofa, propping the phone up on a few cushions as she bought her bowl of noodles toward her.
"Aburrida, todo en lo que estaba pensando era en ti mi amor." Ona sighs and y/n chuckles.
Boring. All I was thinking about was you my love.
"Eres tan romántica!" y/n laughs at her girlfriend.
you're such a romantic.
"Do not pretend you do not love it, mi amor." Ona says and y/n hums.
"Well, I do love feeling the way you make me feel." y/n sighs jokingly and Ona's smile widens. "But, you should be paying attention in training." y/n finishes and Ona huffs.
"Ay! You are worse than Ale!" Ona states and y/n sighs. "What are you eating?" Ona then asks, trying to get the focus off of Alexia.
"Wagamama." y/n grinned, Milo jumping next to her and curling onto the sofa, his head resting on y/n's thigh.
"Milo." Ona cooed, the cat looking up and letting out a small meow as he blinked at Ona.
"Look, it's mama Milo." y/n says softly, placing her fork down to stroke at the cat's head. Ona smiles softly as Milo meows, Ona chuckling as she moves to get Coco, her own dog who pants excitedly at the sight of Milo.
Despite being and cat and a dog the two pets got on like siblings and y/n couldn't help but smile as Milo purred at the sight of his sibling.
The two facetimed for the rest of the evening, settling into bed a few hours later, both watching each other on their screens, wishing they were face to face instead of watching through a camera.
"What are you thinking about Amor?" Ona asks softly, noticing y/n had gone quiet.
"Quiero contarle a Ale sobre nosotras." y/n said quickly.
I want to tell Ale about us.
"¿Cómo? No no no no no." Ona begins and y/n sighs.
"I know you're afraid." y/n begins. "¡Pero cariño, por favor! No puedo ocultar esto más."
But darling please, I can't hide this anymore.
"But Alexia!" Ona tries.
"I'll talk to her! Explain everything." y/n tries and Ona pauses. "Please Ona, I'm so sick of us hiding." She begs softly.
"Okay. Okay." Ona promises. "Por ti, mi amor, enfrentaré la tormenta Alexia por ti." She nods and a soft smile grows on y/n's face.
For you, my love, I will brave the storm Alexia for you.
"Thank you." y/n whispers. "I love you Ona." She promises and Ona smiles.
"I love you too amor." Ona promises.
y/n just posted on her story
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y/n smiled softly as she opened Alexia's apartment with her spare key. Now on international break, the Barcelona captain was at home resting before having to go to national camp in three days.
At the sound of her door opening, Alexia stood up, pausing the most recent Barcelona game she was re-watching for notes and faced her door worriedly before her mouth dropped.
"¡Niñera!" Alexia called in shock.
Baby sister
"Hola Ale!" y/n called, pulling her suitcase to a stop as Alexia raced over. The taller girl pulling her into a tight hug which made y/n chuckle as she returned it.
"¿Qué estás haciendo aquí?" Alexia asked. "Ven, siéntate, ¿tienes hambre, sed?" Alexia rapidly questioned making y/n smile as her sister dragged her to the sofa.
What are you doing here? Come sit down, are you hungry, thirsty?
"Estoy bien, vine a ver los partidos de la liga de naciones." y/n explains.
I'm fine, I came to watch the nation league games.
Alexia makes a noise of understanding as she leans over and presses kisses over y/n's face, exclaiming how happy she was to see her and how beautiful she looked.
y/n laughed it off, telling her she was always too flattering to her, Alexia saying it was what an older sister did. The statement wracking y/n with guilt.
"Ale." y/n began. Alexia looking at her with furrowed brows, confused at her sister's shift in tone.
"Are you okay?" Alexia asks softly.
"I'm dating someone." y/n spills out. "And, hemos estado saliendo durante más de un año." y/n admits.
And we've been dating over a year.
"Oh." Alexia says softly, eyes softening as her sister ducks her head, fiddling with her fingers. "It's okay." She promises.
"Even if I hid it?" y/n asks quietly.
"I would like you to explain why for so long and who, but yes it is okay." Alexia promises.
"The who kind of explains the why." y/n admits and Alexia pauses. "Ale." She begins.
"Who?" She asks, though it was far more a demand. She repeats her demand.
"Ona." y/n says ducking her head.
"Hijo de puta." Alexia mutters.
y/n sighed, leaning forward and putting her head in her hands and her shoulders sagged. Her heart felt as if it was pushing into her throat and it made her sick.
y/n and Alexia had been close as children, the three sisters were best friends, and knew each other too well. They told each other everything, to the point where this would be the first time she had ever lied to either sister.
And even though she felt terrible for upsetting her older sister, for betraying her, there was something so relieving about finally admitting it.
Slowly, Alexia reached out and place a hand on y/n's shoulder, her warm and calloused palm so much kinder than what y/n felt she deserved as she looked up.
"No puedo negarlo y decir que no estoy herido, porque lo estoy. Preferiría que me lo hubieras dicho, pero entiendo que no quieras." Alexia begins, her voice soft.
I cannot deny and say I am not hurt, because I am. I would rather you had told me, but I understand you not wanting to.
y/n could have cried as she closed her eyes, feeling so guilty at hurting her sister with something that she couldn't have helped.
"¿La amas?" Alexia asked, her eyes full of understanding and kindness which calmed y/n's heart.
Do you love her?
"Más de lo que creía posible Ale. Ella lo es todo para mí, de verdad." y/n admits to her sister who lets out a sigh at the emotion in her voice.
More than I thought possible Ale. She's everything to me, truly.
Alexia sighed and wrapped her arm around y/n's shoulders, pulling her into her side as she lent her head onto y/n's own one, inhaling the smell of her shampoo.
"Entonces de acuerdo." Alexia sighs softly.
Then okay.
y/n's heart broke at that, how one person could be so good to her was beyond her thought, beyond her idea of humanity, but Alexia had once again, proved her wrong.
"Eres demasiado amable conmigo, eres demasiado amable conmigo." y/n repeats at her sister.
You are too kind to me, you are too kind to me.
"Esto no es bondad, esto es familia." Alexia says to her and y/n sighs.
This is not kindness, this is family.
The girl turns, wrapping her arms around her sister as she pulls herself snugly on-top of Alexia, clinging to her shoulders as she pressed kisses into the woman's hair.
"Thank you Ale." y/n said softly, repeating the words again and again.
"Oh mi pequeña princesa del drama. Eres tan mayor ahora." Alexia said softly.
Oh my little drama princess. You are so grown up now.
y/n said nothing, just continued to cling to Alexia as if she was 6 all over again and Alexia 14. The Barcelona captain couldn't help but enjoy the closeness.
It had been so long since they had hugged like this, the youngest Putellas always so busy, always moving, working and filming.
Eventually the two parted and Alexia sighed tucking a strand of her sister's hair behind her ear as she watched her.
"Do you and Ona plan to tell?" Alexia asks and y/n hums.
"I want to tell your team first, then we can think about everything else." y/n sighs. "Are you mad at her?" She then asks with a wince.
"Oh furious." Alexia nods, a smile on her face to show she wasn't really. "She treats you well?" She then asks and y/n smiles softly.
"She loves me just as I do her." y/n answers and Alexia smiles.
"So she loves you well." Alexia says and y/n nods. "Do you want to see her?" She asks and y/n hums.
"Tomorrow." y/n says before snuggling into her sister's side. "I want to spend the night with you." She says.
"I love that idea." Alexia sighs, pressing a kiss into her sister's hair.
Tomorrow came far too quick for y/n's liking, before she knew it she was stood at Ona's door, flowers in hand as she waited for the patter of her lover's footsteps to open the door.
"¡Mi amor!" Ona yelled in shock, dragging y/n inside so no prying eyes could see.
y/n's hair was up in a bun, she was wearing a sweet summer dress due to how hot it was outside, however she also had shorts on underneath, because she knew what could happen once Ona knew they were out.
Ona smiled softly, taking the flowers from y/n's hands and placing them on the counter, before jumping at y/n. The woman sighed in relief, bringing Ona's legs around her waist as she wrapped her arms tightly around her.
"Oh my love." y/n said softly, breathing in the sweet scent of Ona's hair.
Ona buried her head into y/n's neck, pressing soft kisses against the skin which had y/n breathing shaking as she walked them to the sofa, sliding her shoes off as she went.
Coco immediately moved over to one of her discarded trainers and stuck his head in it, inhaling which made y/n roll her eyes at the dog fondly.
y/n sat back against the sofa, Ona quickly looking up and greedily connecting their lips, hands scattering around each other's bodies, re-familiarising themselves.
Ona's tongue dipped past y/n's lips, sweeping the inside of her mouth which caused a groan to slip from her. Ona giggled into the kiss, before they pulled away, both breathing deeply as they stared at one another.
Ona was in a white shirt, black shorts, her hair was pulled back and she looked like she had woken up just an hour ago. And to y/n, she had never looked more beautiful.
All their time apart meant these moment, Ona sat on her lap, hands combing over her shoulders lovingly, were all that more precious to y/n.
"How are you here?" Ona asked her softly, leaning forward to cuddle into her chest as y/n wraps her arms around her.
"He venido a ver los partidos." y/n explains softly.
I've come to watch the games.
"I'm so glad you're here." Ona sighs in relief, y/n holding onto her as she sighs.
"I have a confession Ona." y/n says softly and Ona sits up, y/n moving her off her lap and to the side she could face her.
"Amor?" Ona asks, worry flooding her voice.
"Ale knows." y/n says simply. "I told her." She adds.
Ona's face goes through several emotions, relief that this wasn't a break-up, fear of Alexia knowing, realisation that her captain was no aware and hurt that y/n hadn't warned her she would tell Alexia like that.
"Why?" Ona asks sadly.
"Because I want to be with you. In front of her." y/n says strongly and Ona's eyes fill with panic. "It's like we discussed Oni, please." y/n tries.
"Get out." She says softly. "Please go." Ona repeats.
"You said you would fight for me." y/n said softly.
"You didn't give me time to prepare." Ona tells her. "Alexia is my captain, and I am with her little sister, and instead of telling her together, you decided to tell her on you own." Ona continues.
"Because I knew I could keep her calm about us." y/n promises and Ona sighs.
"Please go. I need some time." Ona says softly and y/n blinks away tears before standing up and walking to the door, expecting Ona to call out, stop her. But she doesn't.
And y/n's heart breaks.
Mapi part one will be out in three days ;) xox
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jgracie · 5 months
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↳ part two / the chronicles of jj & smartiepants!
(american)footballer!jason grace x fem!reader
masterlist | rules
on the radio . . . so high school (taylor swift)
an u can tell i wrote this for me myself and i …. cynjase nation rise ☝🏼 also i’m not american sorry if this isn’t the hashtag authentic experience ! (if one person tells me to write a pt2 i will)
“hi baby, what’cha doing?” you heard a voice ask, snapping you out of the trance you were in. jason couldn’t have come at a more perfect time - the sweet cadence of his words was exactly what you needed to pull you away from the homework you were doing
you turned to face him and couldn’t help but smile as you looked at him sitting on the very edge of your bed, a bouquet of flowers in hand - your favourites, of course. rubbing your tired eyes, you asked, “what’re you doing here?”
taking the bouquet from his hands, you went over to put them in a nearby vase as he explained - the team were having a friendly match with a nearby school in an hour and he passed by to see if you wanted to come along. staring at the pretty bunch of flowers now on your desk, a grin made its way onto your face. somehow, jason always knew when your flowers began to wilt
“i’m confused, they told you about this game today?” you asked, now sitting on a chair in front of him. you didn’t mind going, of course, but this is just how you were - always planning things ahead of time, your calendar neatly organised and your planner colour coded - so the idea of a game being sprung up on jason like this made you feel a little bad for him
he toyed with your fingers, now shy. before you became friends, if someone had told you the jason grace, golden boy of jupiter high (see what i did there wink wink), could be shy, you would’ve laughed in their face
“sorry, you don’t have to come, i was just wondering…” he mumbled. you would’ve gone anyway - hell, he could ask you to go to the opposite end of the world and you’d go - but now you definitely couldn’t say no, not with his crystal blue eyes giving you that look. jason insists he doesn’t do a puppy face, but surely this counted
grinning, you stood up, ruffling his hair as you made your way to your closet, “of course i’ll go, jase! i’m insulted at the fact that you’d even consider the idea of me not going.” at your words, a gooey smile tugged the corners of jason’s lips upwards, one that was only reserved for you, the first person who cared to know the boy behind perfect, popular jason
you rummaged through your closet, pulling out two tops and presenting them to him, “which one?” jason’s eyes widened, suddenly remembering something. he picked his backpack up from the floor and took something out of it - a jersey. his jersey. it was purple with gold accents, the surname, ‘grace’, and your lucky number plastered on the back
“this one,” he threw it to you and you caught it, pulling out bottoms to match. then, you stared at him, waiting for him to get the hint
“what?” jason asked, his brows furrowing
biting your lip, you became the shy one as you said, “i need to change, jason.” immediately, he got up, his face a bright shade of red as he took his bag and almost ran out, mumbling apologies and gently shutting your door behind him
you giggled to yourself, knowing he was going to be apologising for the rest of the day. oh well, a couple kisses should shut him up
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lazycats-stuff · 7 months
Remember when u wrote batbro who's Australian? Now u HAVE TO do Italian! This time with Italian toddler batbro, please little Italian people with their small hand gestures are so funny and so fricking adorable to me I'm tearing up just thinking about it
Yeah, Italians are funny and adorable, but I think it would work better if it's a teen instead of a toddler, so I have to modify that part, I just think it would fit better. Also, 1.3k, thank you guys and yes, I know this is a little bit short, but I do want to get this out for you guys. Also, Italians are my neighboring country lol, so if any Italians are reading this, hi!
Summary: (Y/N) is Italian. The family can't deal with him.
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Bruce, yet again, found out he had another biological child. Another son. Bruce loved his sons, but he could get a daughter for once. Someone who was less chaotic to a certain degree. Turns out, when Bruce had a one night stand with an Italian model, she got pregnant and she didn't say anything to Bruce about his son for 13 years.
Bruce found out when she was put in jail. Bruce didn't know what happened, but he was more numb from the news that he has another son. Not to mention, man with a heavy Italian accent calling him in the middle of the night telling him about his son and Bruce having to call his lawyers...
The amount of paperwork that it took for Bruce to bring (Y/N) to America is nuts. Sure, you have to make sure that both governments know where the child is. The amount of connections Bruce had to pull just to get (Y/N) to the USA is actually insane. Thankfully, (Y/N) would soon get his citizenship and he would be able to keep his Italian citizenship.
Thankfully, both the US and Italy allow people to have multiple citizenships so (Y/N) could go back to Italy without any problems. Bruce and the others need to get visas. (Y/N) laughed at them when he heard that.
But hey, when they go to Italy, they will have a translator. And it's incredible to listen to (Y/N) not knowing English really. They weren't mocking him by any means, but they were crying of laughter a few times when there was some English problems.
But there were another things they didn't know about Italians. For example, (Y/N) was touchy in conversations. And he was closer to them, more in their space. None of them minded them, it was actually nice how closer he was to them because Americans prefer to keep their distance it seems.
And a thing that seemed like are they European or gay thing is the fact they have their little pecks on the cheek. It wasn't anything intimate by any means and it's a way to say hi to guests. Men do it as well so it wasn't gay per say... But then again... Bruce knew that Italy had a different way than Americans.
And by God, (Y/N) had so many cultural shocks. So many. The sizes of food in America... And (Y/N) will forever fight the notion that pineapple belongs on the pizza. He shall defend his Italian heritage and cuisine.
Also, while on the topic of the sizes, everything in America is huge. Cars, buildings... (Y/N) thought that in a way it lacked warmth. And (Y/N) didn't even want to think about the prices of medication and healthcare here. He knows that Bruce is rich, but still... My God.
Another thing was the fact that kind of annoyed Bruce and Alfred was the amount of espressos that (Y/N) can drink in a day. Tim loved him a lot for it, but Bruce and Alfred weren't so happy. So many espressos wasn't really helpful. But hey.
But one iconic thing that can make you tell who is an actual Italian or not, is the famous hand gesture. They still remember the time when (Y/N) was talking on the phone with a family member who lives in Italy and it seemed that the entire family was on the other side of the phone.
He was talking fast, phone on his ear while he was going to the kitchen to drink some water and get some snacks. They all watched in silence as (Y/N) talked loudly, even as he was opening the fridge for some snacks.
And that's when they saw it. The famous hand gesture, in between some passionate talk about something and yelling over the phone. He seemed annoyed, but there was a smile on the teen's face as he was talking.
Once he was finished, he joined his family at the table. Jason has decided to learn Italian. Bruce has silently agreed. Damian was already prepared to learn. Basically, the entire family has decided to learn Italian and help (Y/N) with English in return.
Another thing that made adapting to the American culture more difficult was the fact that talking and kind of interrupt one you are talking too. In Italy, that is not really considered rude since they are passionate about talking and just overall talking over.
In America, that is considered rude. He didn't like it that much, but understood. People won't like him that much and he would be considered a rude person if he interrupts other people. His family understood that it's not easy, but hey. You adapt to the culture and move on.
But still, it hurt a little bit.
And (Y/N) never understood one thing as well. Something called Italian Americans. He couldn't comprehend calling yourself Italian American, but you don't speak Italian and you are not connected to the culture of your other part. It was weird to him. No hate towards them, but to him it was weird. How can you call yourself a person who belongs to a certain culture if you don't know it?
But hey, no hate. As long as they don't insult Italy and the Italian culture, no hate.
And one more thing that no one prepares you for is the fact that you miss your home country. Despite Alfred doing the best Italian dishes known to men, but it just didn't taste the same. It didn't have that taste of Italy. Yes, it sounds weird, but it's true. Italy is one hell of a country with a rich history.
Oh the nostalgia is a worst feeling ever. Sure, it makes you feel happy and remember the great times you had., but sad at the same time. Bruce saw it, he wasn't blind.
He was sad for his son. So what does Bruce do? Summer holidays are approaching and Bruce had one great idea for everyone. 2 weeks in Italy, all paid for. He just needed to tell (Y/N) when and where they will be going.
And Bruce told him a few moments later, (Y/N) screamed from happiness and jumped into Bruce's arms, hugging him like a koala bear.
" Grazie Bruce! " (Y/N) screamed. Bruce didn't mind the use of his first name because (Y/N) was still getting used to the fact that he has a dad.
" Ti amo Bruce. " (Y/N) said as he stood back down at the floor. Bruce smile widely as he knew exactly what first two words meant.
" Love you too son. "
(Y/N) let out a woo as he went back to his room. Oh he will stuff himself with all of the Italian food he can eat and find. And he will go to Rome and the Vatican. No one is going to stop him. And not to mention, he will have to visit his family. They would never forgive him by any means and you don't want to piss off an Italian family.
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lnlightning81 · 2 months
Rottweiler [LS2]
Summary : A little puppy goes missing, which leads to you finding the love of your life who you help out with his job a year later.
Pairing: Logan Sargeant x Reader
Word Count : 1.1k
Masterlist Dogs Masterlist Logan Sargeant Masterlist Tag List
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The day you met Logan, you were on a run throughout the park when a little puppy decided that during your water break, she was going to have a little chew on your ankle. You looked down at the puppy with a smile 
“Hey there, pup. Where’s your mummy or daddy?” You asked, crouching down. The little pup wasn’t attached to a leash, and there was no one looking frantic. You picked the little pup up reading the name tag on her tiny pink collar. You smiled at the sight of a phone number before giving it a call. 
“Hello?” A man answered, and you smiled at the fact someone answered 
“Hey so I think I just found your dog?” You said as the little pup who’d you now found out was called ‘Coco’
“Coco’s missing?” He asked, voice now changing into panic. 
“Yeah. Found her nibbling my ankles” You giggled 
“Oh my god. I’m in a meeting right now. Can you bring her to me? Is that too much to ask for?” He rushed the panic now, definitely setting in 
“Of course. Just send me where to meet you and I’ll bring her” You smiled 
“Thank you so much” You both said your byes before the text message came through with the address to meet him at. You walked to your car, putting little Coco on the passenger seat smiling as she happily curled up in a little ball and sound asleep instantly. 
You set the address up into your maps and started driving there. The radio in the background giving a little more noise than just Coco snoring. Pulling up outside the address, you looked up at the big building. 
‘William’s Racing’ You got out the car picking little Coco up as you got out. Scratching behind her ears as you accidentally startled her awake. 
“Sorry pup” You smiled, walking inside looking about trying to find the owner. Coco nibbling on your fingers 
“Oh Coco” The American accent sounded through your ears as you turned around with a smile. The pup's tail wagged in your arms as she saw her owner. A little bark escaping her lips. 
“Oh thank you so much” He smiled as you handed her over
“No problem. Just happy that she found her owners again. I’m Y/N, by the way” You smiled 
“Logan. I’ve only just brought her over from America and figured it was time she actually came with me and look at her now. Running away” You giggled a little 
“Has she had all her vaccines?” You asked, and he nodded 
“Yeah she has. She just hasn’t had her walk for the day yet” You nodded 
“Well I occasionally look after and walk pups. Not very often, but if you need someone to give her a walk while you’re all busy here, then you have my number” You smiled 
“Thank you so much. I really appreciate it” 
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And that’s what he did. The next day, you got a call, and the day after that until he finally asked you on a date. That was a year ago now. 
Walking into the paddock with Logan was now your favourite thing to do. Coco left in your apartment as it was the British Grand Prix. Coco was getting too big to bring to Grand Prix’s all of the time, so you had to make the tough decision to leave her at home sometimes. 
Logan was holding your hand tightly as you walked. This week hadn’t been the best for him with Williams announcing Carlos without even announcing that Logan wouldn’t be continuing and while Logan was in talks with a team or two he still didn’t know what was happening with his career. 
You rubbed your thumb gently over the back of Logan’s, hand trying to relax him in any way possible. However, you knew him and James weren’t on speaking terms currently, which made the garage even more awkward. Logan sat down in his drivers room, and you smiled, ignoring the look he was giving you. 
“Your manager is shit” You said straight up, not messing about, and Logan shrugged slightly
“We both know I’ve got a degree in business. I’m not working at the moment, it’s my own fault not working, I know, but your manager is doing nothing to help you find another seat. Fire him and let me do his job” You crouched down in front of him.
“You don’t see enough of me as your boyfriend. You want me to hire you?” Logan asked, raising his eyebrows 
“Hey it's not my fault I got fired. I know I said it’s my own fault, but I wanted to make you feel better” You shrugged, and he laughed 
“And what about this random photography degree you randomly dropped on me the other day?” He asked, and you shrugged again  
“I needed something to pass time, so I guess if you want a photographer. I’m available” You replied 
“Please find me somewhere. I’ll fire him right now” You smiled, hugging him. 
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And that’s what you did. You went around every team in the paddock, making every CEO, Principle and owner that you could find. Until you finally got a sit-down meeting  with Mercedes and Kick Sauber. 
Toto Wolff offered Logan a reserve driver spot, whereas Alessandro Bravi offered Logan the second seat next to Nico Hulkenburg. So you went back to Logan’s drivers room after qualifying 
“You look very happy” Logan hummed, and you nodded, setting down both contracts on the table in front of him. Logan glanced at them before looking up at you with wide eyes 
“You’re serious?” He asked, and you nodded, crouching down in front of him 
“I’m very good at my job as a manager. Now, Mercedes has offered you a third driver position. Basically, test and reserve like what Mick was doing, which in itself is a good position. Then Kick Sauber have offered you the second seat but it’s only for a year until they turn into Audi then it might get renewed or it might not” You explained as he wrapped his arms around you as tight as he could 
“I love you, I love you, I love you” He repeated, and you smiled 
“I love you too now personally I’d go with Kick Sauber. It’s only a little bit more money, but you get to continue in F1 love” You smiled. That’s what Logan did. He signed the contract with Kick Sauber later that week after his lawyer checked over it. You couldn’t have been prouder of Logan
You managed to get the love of your life a seat in his favourite thing in the world, and you managed to make him happier again in more than one way. Not only were you extremely proud of Logan, but proud of yourself at how far you’d actually come in life.
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Coming Soon
Tag List
Logan Sargeant
@barcelonaloverf1life @hiireadstuff @lozzamez3 @f1kenzzz @evie-119 @ahgase99 @velcoesainz @talksoprettyjjx @kat-s2 @yllomhej @scarletwidow3000 @jasons-little-princess @tellybearryyy @zabwllky1999 @callsignwidow @chocolatepoetryfun @lwstuff @f1ln4dr3cl16mv33 @destinyg327
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personwhowrites · 4 months
Diner Adventures
Task Force 141 x gn!reader. (Platonic or romantic?)
Having to work at a small diner basically in the middle of nowhere wasn’t easy. It wasn’t even worth the pay, nor the customers. It was always some sort of ghost diner, cars passed it thinking it’s abandoned. You did tell the manager to fix the sign so maybe more people would come in.
Since, you being the only waitress, you never stressed out. Restocking was barely a thing needed, most of the time you spent it talking to a cook or down on your phone. Hoping that maybe one or two customers would come in into the diner.
Finally, one night looking down at your phone you hear it.
Four men walk in, looking around before finally spotting you. You froze, it wasn’t just any average customers you would get late a night.
“Miss?” A Scottish accent spoke up breaking you out of your trance. “You open?”
You blinked a couple times before opening your mouth to speak. “Uh.. yes, sorry uh.. how many..?” You uttered out knowing it was just four of them. “Oh.. uh you guys want the bar or booth?”
“Booth.” A stronger voice spoke up and pointed to a booth. “That one will do for us.”
You grabbed the menus and walked over to the booth. You couldn’t help but side glance at them multiple times. They were freaking you out, it was obvious to them as well.
One of them placed a pistol on the table. The other two set their gear down on their laps, rolling their shoulders back before picking up the menu. The last one, that seemed to be the leader of the group took his hat off, ruffling his own hair as he stare at the window.
“Smoking allowed here?” He asked glancing at you now. “Don’t worry, they aren’t loaded.” He gestured to the guns. “I believe.”
“I..uh yeah smoke zone of the diner is the one you’re sitting at..” you spoke out, your eyes glued down to your notepad now. “What can I get you all to drink?”
“Coffee for me” the same man speaks up. “For those two muppets some sugary drink.”
You glanced up to see him pointing to a mohawk man, and another male wearing a baseball cap with the UK flag. Nodding you wrote down their drinks, then turned to the scary skull mask looking your way.
“Tea.” The masked man utter out. “Three sugar, packets on the side.”
You awkwardly nodded and backed away quickly as they turned their attention to the menus.
“Talk about freaks..” The cook said as you grabbed the drinks. “Who comes into a diner dressed like that.”
“Watch the tone.. At least we finally have someone in this dump.” You reply and look at the cook. “You can finally prove that you can cook.”
The cook rolled his eyes before glancing at the four men sitting in the booth.
“They don’t look American to me..” The cook points out. “That one guy with that cap, had a uk flag on it didn’t it?”
“They did sound… off, but who are we to judge?” You reply with a small smile. “I mean we are just three, counting the manager in the back working at some rundown diner.”
“Point taken, that Mohawk dude is looking over at you.” The cook says turning to the mild hot stove. “Think he’s into you?”
“Or probably trying to get my attention to order.” You say grabbing the tea. “Toss me some sugar packets.”
The cook shrugs and throws you some sugar packets. You mostly catch some of them, the cook chuckles as your clumsy hands. Setting the hot coffee on a tray with the two other sugary drinks felt odd. Something was odd about those four men. Their accents, their.. clothing style, I mean it wasn’t often you seen men like these in the diner.
Picking up the the tray that held the drinks you walked over. Setting it down in a booth behind them, you grabbed the drinks handing them each to them. You took out your notepad and smile, a fake smile they saw right through.
“So you fellas ready to order?” you asked holding the pen. “Or do we need more time.”
“We never been to a place like this before.” One perks up looking at you. “So, what would you rec—-“
“Ky—Gaz.” Another spoke putting his hand on the table. “What did we say in the car?”
“Sorry, Price.” Gaz says looks up from the menu. “Just, what.. on earth is a Nashville chicken on a waffle?”
“Oh, uh.. it’s some chicken tenders covered in a spicy tangy sauce.” You say before pressing your lips into a thin line. “..on.. top of a waffle..”
“You Americans eat that shit?” The mowhak man says before being elbow by his masked friend. “What! I mean it sounds disgusting.”
“Johnny.” The man spoke side eyeing him.
“It’s true aint it! Look at the photo doesn’t even look appealing!” The guy blurted out again. “Also Johnny? What happened to soap huh? Has our lieutenant Ghost finally losen up?”
Lieutenant? Wait.. are these men in the army? Your mind rushed to thoughts finally connecting the dots. That explains the gear, and possibly loaded guns on their laps and table.
“Ignore them..” Price says grabbing your attention again. “I’ll take some normal pancakes.”
“..normal how?” You say looking at him. “Like.. you want plain butter milk pancakes or uh.. something on them? Like berries or some kind of sweet?”
“What pancakes do you have?” Price breath out while looking at the menu. “..Christ..you have a lot.. uh..” he paused for a moment and pointed to some fruity strawberry pancakes. “Just bring me these.”
“Okay..” you mumbled out writing down strawberry pancakes. “For the rest?”
“You sell burgers?” Soap hummed while skimming through the menu. “Like ones that aren’t pure American grease?”
“Mactavish.” Ghost warns looking at soap.
“What, listen I’m on a diet.” Soap says looking at Ghost. “You wouldn’t understand.”
“Or you’re just some picky eater.” Gaz charms in and looks at you. “I’ll the blueberry pancakes.”
“I’m not picky! Just.. look at all of this… on the menu..” Soap says and sighs looking at you. “Do you even know how much calories this all is?”
“On the bottom of the dish it lists the calories and what’s on the dish.” You reply now annoyed by soap. “I can just get you some salad.”
“Offend.” Soap scoffs and stares down at the menu. “Just get me something that doesn’t have a lot of calories.”
“So a salad.” You noted and looked at him.
“No something with just low calories.” Soap replies and slid the menu down.
“..a salad is the lowest calories we have.” You hiss now irritated by his actions.
“Or maybe a burger.” Soap grin noticing your irritation.
“Which one?” You asked in the most fake voice. “Because we have several.”
“One with the lowest calories.” Soap says and looks at his friend Price. “..actually just some pancakes…”
“..just get him a the highest calorie shit on the menu.” Price spoke out glaring down at soap. “Add everything on that burger.”
“I’ll take some pancakes too.” Ghost mumbles out to you. “Just plain ones.”
You nod, grabbing their menus and walking away. You can hear Price whisper yelling at soap. A small smile creeped on your face hearing at least he has friend or teammates that set him straight.
“What do they want to eat?” The cook asked as you approached him with the menus. “Well?”
“Pancakes and a burger with… everything..” you say and sit down in the high chair connected to the bar. “Well technically one stack of plain pancakes, a stack of strawberry pancakes and a blueberry stack pancakes.”
“Pancakes..” the cook mumbled out annoyed. “Did you even find out why they’re dressed like that?”
“From what I heard, something with the military.” You reply getting out the chair to help the cook set the batter of pancakes out onto the stove. “I know their names are Soap, Gaz, Price and Ghost.”
“What type of fucking names are that?” The cook uttered out before glancing at you. “You sure that’s their names?”
“Don’t know, but they call each other that.” You shrug and go to the nearby fridge. “Gaz let it slip that they aren’t from here tho.”
“Really? Where do you think they’re from?” The cook replies and presses down on the patty. “They look like those tea drinking Brit’s.”
“Now that you mention it..” you mumble looking at the four men who are all talking within themselves. “Their accents do sound British except for that soap guy.”
“Still can’t believe that’s their names.” The cook chuckles and looks at you. “What are you thinking?”
“..could be code names? You know like those cheesy movies?” You snickered with a grin. “Like I never thought that shit is real.”
The cook just shrugged and turned to focus on the food. Meanwhile, Gaz got up from the booth and wondered close to the open kitchen. Hearing you and the cook talk about them, their accents and names. His eyes narrowing as he heard you laugh about such an important thing to him.
“You think those guns are loaded?” The cook asked. “I mean, hey at least they would have the American sprit.”
“They are.” Gaz spoke up crossing his arms. “Where’s the bathroom?”
You immediately jumped and looked at Gaz before pointing to the bathroom. Gaz just walked away shaking his head, before you looked at the cook. He stare back at you before bursting out laughing with you.
When the food was finally done, the cook helped you take it to their table. They all gave you some glares, no words were exchanged in the process. You awkwardly took their drinks and refilled them, walking back you paused to hear them talking.
“Just drop it Gaz.” Price says shaking his head. “We just eat, pay and continue with our mission.”
“How can I? They’re speaking shit literally right in front of us.” Gaz hisses as Ghost rolled his eyes. “Is this how everyone is at America?“
“Hey at least we know that it’s not only graves.” Soap jokes and bites his burger. “On the other hand this burger is good.”
“Pancakes aren’t bad ether..” Ghost admitted while pouring more syrup on the pancakes. “Just enjoy the food.”
Price noticed you not far away and clear his throat. You walked over and set down the refilled tea, and two sugary drinks. Gaz just glared at you, before being kicked by soap under the table. Gaz glare now to Soap, as you stare at them.
“..listen, I didn’t mean to offend anyone here.” You mumble in an apologizing tone. “It’s just, we never seen folks like you four.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Gaz snaps his head to you again. “Is it before we are different! Because we are ‘tea drinking Brit’s’?”
“Okay, maybe we did judge.. but we just neve—“ you try to speak but Gaz interrupts again.
“Save it, leave us to eat in peace.” Gaz hiss while grabbing his drink. “Go now.”
You stare at Gaz, before shaking your head. Turning away you hear them mumble something to Gaz.
A couple minutes pass and you hear them laugh. Or two or the four men laugh, the smell of cigarette being lit up caught your attention. The cook glanced up from his phone and stare over at the men, before looking at you.
“You need a break?” The cook says in a teasing tone. “Even though you always are on break.”
“Shut up..” you reply with a small smile. “How about you?”
“All good here.” The cook boomed as he looked down at his phone. “I looked up their bandages, I got a close eye to them when I helped you with the food.” He pauses for a moment and grins. “These four men are more important than we think.”
“Really?” You perk up leaning over to see his phone. “How so?”
“Saw a badge that said SAS.. and I googled it.” The cook said pulling up an article. “Special air forces, something from the British army.”
You stare down at the article, reading though it before glancing at the four men.
“..huh..” you mumble and sigh. “Well doesn’t matter now, they hate our guts..” you pause to get out of your seat. “I’ll just hand them the check so they can leave and we can all forget this ever happened.”
The cook just shrugs as you walk away to the front counter. Printing the ticket out, you glance at them as you make your way over.
“Here’s the check.. you guys can pay whenever you’re ready.” You mumble and place the check down. “Again I’m sorry if me and my friend offended the four of you.”
Gaz just scoffs and Price gives you a small apologetic smile himself. He takes out his card to pay, but Ghost beats him to it. Handing his card first and looking at Price with a small prideful stare.
“Don’t sweat it.” Price speaks up and looks at you. “Just.. watch what you say. The smallest things can bring you enemies love.”
You just nod and take Ghost card back to the front counter. You slide his card, paying for the food. You walk back with a copy of the receipt and a pen.
“Sign here, and uh.. you guys can leave at anytime.” You say and walk away quickly to the bathroom.
Ghost just nods and signs the receipt. Gaz takes the pen and starts writing in a napkin, soon soap takes the pen and does the same onto another napkin. When you returned back from the bathroom they were gone. The plates were stacked neatly and there were four napkins with handwriting from each of them. The cook walked over and glances at the napkins and then notice the tip on the receipt.
“Who the fuck just blows over a thousand on a damn diner.” The cook mumbles grabbing the receipt. “Are you seeing this?”
In fact you weren’t, you were too focused on the napkins. Their handwriting was so different from each other, their notes as well.
“Don’t judge too easy.. and tell that cook to mix the pancake batter better next time we come by.” -Gaz
“The food was great, sorry for annoying you. It was funny to see your nose scrunch up when I annoyed you. Hope you don’t mind that when we come back.” -Soap
“Saw you needed a cigarette, sorry I didn’t offer you one. Maybe next time I can.” -Price
“Try to catch the sugar packets better next time. I wanted three not two.” -Ghost
You smiled at the napkins and looked up to see them get in their car. They all glanced at you, before Price patted the car for the men to load up and get ready to leave. You turned your attention back to the napkins, before slowly noticing something in the edge of every napkin. Their numbers…
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captainreecejames · 6 months
Falling - CL16 SMAU
in which, you know nothing about f1
pairing : Charles Leclerc x Black!Fem!Reader
faceclaim : Alyah Chantelle Scott
warnings : none that I can think of
real life ----------
"I'm gonna run to the bathroom," you told Flo, putting your napkin on the table to save it. "Don't miss me too much." He rolled his eyes at you, making you smile as you walked away.
While turning to face forward, you walked straight into a chest, sending you falling back on your ass with a humpf, it was embarrassing to say the least.
"Oh, I'm so sorry," said a voice, hopefully attached to the hand that was being waved in front of your face to help you up. You took the hand that was held out to you, wanting to roll your eyes at it, but the roll stopped the second you made eye contact with the face attached to it. He was probably the most handsome man you had ever seen.
"Uh," you froze, unsure of what to say to him. He smiled back at you, which didn't help the buzzing in your head or the heat you felt on your face.
"I really should check my surroundings more." His eyes crinkled in a laugh that you reciprocated, something about him made you want to follow his lead. That thought was enough to shake you out of your cloud.
"No, uh..." you paused, looking back at Flo for a quick second. "It was really my fault, I wasn't looking ahead."
His eyes followed your gaze before returning to you, smile just as wide. "Charles." He then shook your hand which he was still holding, that caused a new wave of heat to rise up your face.
"YN," you answered, shaking his hand back and then letting go. Why did you feel heavier now that you weren't touching?
"What brings you to Monaco?" His accent was intoxicating, you could listen to him talk for hours about nothing.
"My friend plays for the soccer team here, so I'm visiting."
"Ah," he nods, smile still on his beautiful face. "So you're American?"
You nod this time, eyes still following his every micro-expression. Seriously, how could someone be this beautiful?
"Charles! Vai!" a new voice called, taking his attention away from you. Both of you frowned, but life goes on.
"I must go, it was lovely meeting you YN." With one last smile he walks away, leaving you alone.
yn's messages
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Charles' messages------------
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ynusername posted on her story
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yn's messages-----------
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balogun posted on his story
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Charles' messages-----------
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ynusername posted--------
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liked by bsfinstagram, balogun and more
ynusername taking the bestie up on more vacays if they're like this
load more comments
bsfinstagram uhm, I haven't offered any vacations ↳ balogun ha dethroned ↳ bsfinstagram I will crawl inside you and destroy your acl ↳ balogun 😐
balogun as long as you keep falling on your ass so I can laugh ↳ ynusername rude
yunusmusah you have to visit us next ↳ ynusername bet! need some good gelato
georgerussell63 charles_leclerc here she is ↳ ynusername hello George? ↳ landonorris don't mind us just dropping someone off for you ↳ alex_albon yeah just bringing a friend by ↳ charles_leclerc you didn't have to do any of that ↳ georgerussell63 we wanted to ↳ landonorris have fun kids!! ↳ bsfinstagram hahaha I can't believe this 🤣🤣
charles_leclerc hi ↳ ynusername hi 👋🏾
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kimbappykidding · 6 months
Imagine thinking Joshua is only nice to you because he’s a good person but your friends Vernon and Seungkwan trying to convince you it’s actually because he has a crush on you
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Like most people, the first interaction you had with Seventeen was through their residential social butterfly Seungkwan. When he found out you were a similar age to him he decided you were going to be friends. When he learned you spoke English and had moved to Korea to become an idol he introduced you to Vernon without a second thought. It was a really nice move on Seungkwan's part and you quickly became friends with Vernon through the bonding of being born in another country. However, you weren't American but British, which the other members reacted very strongly to. They found your accent funny and told Vernon and Seungkwan to bring you around so they could make you say things in your accent. That's how you met Joshua.
He came downstairs one day to hear someone speaking English but in a very different way to him or Vernon. When he walked in he realised it was you and smiled hearing the English accent. He actually found the accent pretty hot but he didn't make that obvious. Instead he introduced himself to you and soon you had two friends who understood your situation. Joshua especially understood what it was like to leave your family and home far behind and he seemed to make it his mission to make you feel comfortable here. You soon learned Joshua was very caring and sweet, he never hesitated to help you and you began to be very fond of him. He’d even put a lot of effort into befriending your (now ex) boyfriend NCT's Mark, Joshua was that good a friend. You and Mark had been together for nearly three years when you broke up. You'd met as trainees and had a very sweet relationship. You were both so innocent and naive when you got together and you’d been each other's everything...for a while at least. When you both debuted things changed. Fame and popularity altered things and you'd noticed how you'd slowly been growing apart. You finally worked up the courage to break up with him and everything had been very amicable. When you broke up with Mark and told Seventeen you thought they were all extremely kind and sympathetic...but Vernon and Seungkwan had a different view. 
"Did you see Joshua's face?" Seungkwan asked when you all retired to his room. You shrugged "erm no but he told me that he was very sorry for me and that I could vent to him whenever I needed to". Vernon smirked "I bet he did". You sighed aware that Vernon and Seungkwan had a theory Joshua was into you. "Okay and what was your opinion on what happened then?" you asked. Seungkwan smiled "Joshua's eyes lit up and then he quickly realised you were upset and his concern for you took over but he was definitely pleased". "Definitely" Vernon agreed and you rolled your eyes "Joshua does not have a thing for me!". "Ow come on y/n you must notice how sweet and attentive he is to you?" Vernon asked "you only have to look around for something and he's asking what you need, or tonight when you couldn't reach your glass and without even hesitating he swoops in to save you". You blushed, getting flustered with the idea but still didn't believe it yet. "Joshua is just a really nice guy, he's literally known as the gentleman!" you cried. "Yes but he's not just nice to you because of simple politeness, with you it's different". "I'm not too sure" you shrugged and Seungkwan shook his head "why can’t you ever let yourself believe you're good enough? You're a great girl y/n, Joshua would be insanely lucky to have you" getting teary. He always got this way when he got wine drunk and you and Vernon shared a smile. 
"Thank you Seungkwan" you said taking his hand "it's not that I don't like myself it's just I struggle seeing what you guys do. I think Joshua is just nice to me because he knows what it's like to be from another country, the same way we became friends" you said to Vernon. Vernon nodded "sure that might've been it at first but I'm your friend now because of so much more than that and it's the same for Joshua. You're now fluent in Korean, have a house here and belong...Joshua is just interested in you. Accept it". You grinned at Vernon's tone "why is it so important to you guys that I do?". "Because then you and Joshua can finally become a couple like the whole group wants!" Seungkwan cried and Vernon shot him a look. "What?" you asked confused and Vernon laughed awkwardly "nothing...just the members kind of ship the two of you". "What? Does Joshua know?". Vernon nodded "they sometimes tease him but it's just a bit of fun! Like how we tell Mingyu he's gonna marry his reflection". "All of you ship us?" you asked. Seungkwan nodded "yeah because we see how you look at each other and how Joshua used to look at Mark". You laughed "Joshua and Mark were friends!". "Yeah but not friendly...more Mark was important to you so Joshua was civil to him but he never liked him, he actually had a go at him one time". "What?" you asked and Vernon nodded "yeah we were at this nightclub and Mark was there. It was when you were ill and Joshua went over and asked how you were and basically heavily hinted Mark should go home and look after you or he would. Mark left like five minutes later". You remembered that night, Mark had appeared early from his night out and you thought it was such a kind and sweet gesture...but apparently it wasn't even his idea. It had been Joshua all along. "Wow I didn't know...does Joshua do stuff like that a lot?". "All the time for you!" Seungkwan cried "you just never seem to notice". You nodded "well I'll try paying more attention now do you want to play uno or something?".
After that, what Vernon and Seungkwan told you about Joshua largely slipped your mind as you were busy with work and training. So you were really relieved when you finally had some free time and went out with Vernon, Seungkwan and their members. You were having a nice night and really enjoying being with your friends. You did notice how good Joshua looked but figured he was always handsome so you checking him out didn’t mean anything...Seungkwan and Vernon had different views but you were too tipsy to argue so just humoured them. 
You were passing through a room coming back from the toilet when you spotted a familiar face. Mark was there and he wasn’t alone, he was sat with a girl and they clearly were not friends. You backed away from the scene as if you’d been struck by lightning and felt panic begin to build in your chest. You felt like the lights and music were too powerful and you couldn’t calm down no matter how much you tried to. You weren't sure why it affected you so much. You and Mark had broken up over 3 months ago now. It had been amicable and you'd both sensed it coming for so long....so why did you feel so hurt? 
You didn't know what you were feeling all you knew was you had to get out of the room so you quickly backtracked the way you came and rushed outside. You banged into several people in your rush but barely noticed them. You finally made it outside and let the cold air wash over you. The wind was piercing but it helped you to breathe so you didn't even feel the coldness of it. You had your eyes closed trying to stop the tears but it didn't work. You jumped when a hand touched you. "Y/n what are you doing out here it's freezing!" Joshua cried quickly wrapping his jacket around you. "I'm fine..." you said but your hands wouldn't stop shaking. "What happened?" Joshua asked seeing the tears running down your cheek. You struggled to speak and only managed to say “Mark” but that was enough for Joshua. “He’s here? What has he done?  "has he said something to you? I swear if he has...". "No" you said shaking your head "he...I just don't want to be here anymore". Joshua nodded "would you like me to take you home?". You shook your head "no I can't ruin your night". "You won't be, trust me. I won't be able to enjoy myself if I know you're upset anyway. Come on let me take you home and we can talk if you want?" he asked. You nodded "okay" and Joshua led you to the exit, keeping close to you but never presuming to touch you. Once outside again you felt better and Joshua quickly got you to his car and opened the door for you. Then he walked around to his door and slid in beside you. He gave you a small smile and passed you his phone "play anything you want or we can just drive in silence. Whatever you want". You nodded and tearfully chose a random playlist.
You arrived back outside your house in what felt like no time and Joshua hesitated in the driveway. “We’re here...do you want to be alone or would you like some company?" Joshua asked. You weren’t really sure how you were feeling but you knew if you went into the empty house alone you’d just start crying. "Can you stay? How about we watch a film?" you offered and Joshua nodded "sounds great" and parked. Once inside you got changed while Joshua went to make some hot chocolates. You met in the living room and while the tv was loading Joshua looked at you. "So it's fine if you don't want to but would like to talk about what happened?" he asked and you sighed "I feel so stupid really...I saw Mark with another girl and it just hurt. I don't even know why! I'm happy we broke up and I don't want him back but I saw it and freaked out...what's wrong with me?". "Nothing!" Joshua assured you "y/n you and Mark were together for years, it's bound to scare you when you see him with someone new. It doesn't mean you're weird or still want him. It's normal". "It is?" you asked and Joshua nodded "when my first girlfriend dumped me I was a mess for months and months, still if I meet someone with her name it makes me feel vulnerable and weird for a few seconds". "That's what it was! I felt so vulnerable and alone! Like he was moving on and I wasn't...does that make me really immature and petty?". Joshua shook his head "not at all, but you know you're not vulnerable or alone right? You have all your members and friends not to mention, me, Seungkwan, Vernon and all the other members. We're all here and always will be". You blushed "thank you that means a lot, I'm glad I met you". Joshua smiled back "I'm glad I met you too y/n" and you just enjoyed the moment for a few seconds. 
As you watched Joshua you saw the way he was staring at you, the way his eyes looked at you with so much care and adoration and your heart sped up as you recognised what Vernon and Seungkwan meant. Joshua quickly caught himself though and moved away from you. He would never make a move on a girl while she's emotionally vulnerable so he did the responsible thing and turned to you with an innocent smile "so what film should we watch? You picked last time but I guess I can let you choose again". You smiled back at him and took the remote from his hands, ignoring how your heart fluttered when your hands met. 
After that it was like your whole world had been turned upside down. You couldn't stop watching Joshua out of the corner of your eye and later when he left your stomach did back flips as he hugged you and told you to call anytime if you needed him. You lingered slightly and blushed as he stared at you with those beautiful eyes. Once he'd gone everything felt different and things even looked different. You were no longer upset over Mark, you had this excited feeling in your chest because you were pretty sure you'd fallen for Joshua. The next morning you asked Seungkwan and Vernon to grab a coffee and met them around the corner from your house. Once you were seated you sighed "okay so I've got something to admit. You might've both been right this entire time" you said looking down. Vernon didn’t get what you meant but Seungkwan did. He leapt at you with a huge grin on his face "you finally see it! You see how he looks at you". Vernon grinned "Joshua?" and you nodded "how did I miss it?". "Honestly when you were with Mark you didn't see it because you were his girlfriend and only interested in him but I think now, finally, you don't have that blinding you. What happened? How did you realise?". You explained the situation and the two were soon acting like school children, squealing and grinning at you. "Y/n you have to come to Joshua's birthday barbeque next week and tell him!" Seungkwan cried and Vernon nodded "totally!". "But I thought that was for members only?" you asked. Seungkwan shrugged "so? We're doing it for Joshua and what better way to make him happy than having you there?". You blushed at how sweet that was and Seungkwan continued. "You should totally come just before we eat too! Make a grand entrance". Vernon nodded "yes make it more dramatic". "Oww and wear that red dress you wore to Vernon's birthday party! Remember the way Joshua's eyes nearly popped out?". Vernon hit his arm but you were now very okay with the idea of Joshua finding you attractive. "Okay I'll do it!" you said feeling confident. That confidence of course had completely faded by the time the event actually rolled around. "But what if it all goes wrong?" you texted into your group chat with Seungkwan and Vernon. "Not possible" Vernon replied instantly. "Yeah, he's going to be so happy to see you. Are you near?" Seungkwan asked. "I've been parked outside for five minutes". "Y/n! GET YOUR ASS IN HERE RIGHT NOW!" Seungkwan replied. So you got out and nervously made your way to the front door. Vernon was helpfully waiting there and he grinned when he saw you "come let's put your stuff inside and then take you to Joshua". You blushed "what if he doesn't actually like me?". "You're only saying that because you're nervous. it's all going to be great" Vernon told you and you chose to believe him. You found Seungkwan inside and he rushed over to hug you. "You look smoking! Joshua is going to be on the floor". You just turned even redder and Vernon laughed "come on let's get her outside" and you followed them. You could hear the other members talking now but couldn't see them as Vernon and Seungkwan blocked you from their view by walking in front of you.  "Have we got room for one more?" Seungkwan called and dramatically moved out of the way so you were revealed. "Y/n?" Joshua called and you smiled "hey, I hope it's okay I came, I brought alcohol and presents". "Of course it is but you didn't have to bring anything!" Joshua said rushing over to hug you. The other members smirked as he practically ran and threw his arms around you. "Happy Birthday!" you smiled hugging him back and Joshua was beaming. "Thank you so much for coming...would you like a drink?". Joshua led you over to the bar and the members all smiled. "We all woke him up bang on midnight, arranged a skype home and threw him this party but we didn't get a smile even close to that" Scoups said grinning "he's so smitten it's cute". "Vernon and I totally win best birthday present" Seungkwan said and the others all nodded. "Well it’s hardly fair when your present is the girl he’s crazy about" Jeonghan commented. You and Joshua turned around to find everyone staring at you and they quickly pretended they hadn’t been talking about you.   As you came to sit down the members all moved down so you could sit next to Joshua and the two of you stayed like that most of the day. You chatted to everyone of course but your attention was well and truly captured by Joshua. He looked so happy surrounded by all his friends you never realised how beautiful his smile was before. Throughout dinner you kept shooting shy glances at him and then blushing when he caught you while doing the same to you. 
After you’d eaten it was time for gifts. "Present time!" Seungkwan cried coming forwards with the stack the second the table had been cleared. You helped pass them down to Joshua and smiled as all his members got him such great gifts. You noticed Seungkwan sneakily keeping yours until the end and tried to get Vernon to stop him but of course he didn’t. So the last present was yours and Joshua recognised that straight away. “Y/n’s! You really didn’t have to get me anything”. You shook your head “of course I did it’s your birthday!”. Joshua went to argue but the members called for him to open it already and so Joshua relented. He undid the wrapping paper and began to laugh. "What is it? What are they?" Hoshi asked and Joshua grinned "y/n you didn't?". You smiled at how he riffled through the box. "Jaffa cakes, Jamie Dodgers, Space Invaders...you even baked Cherry Bakewells! You got me all the best British snacks! This is amazing". You blushed at how happy Joshua seemed "well you loved them so much that day you tried them at mine so I asked my mom to send some over for your birthday!". "Wait you shipped them over from England just for my birthday?" Joshua asked like you'd imported them from space. "It's no big deal" you shrugged but Joshua shook his head "it is. Thank you y/n I love it so much". You smiled "I'm glad you liked it" and Scoups smiled before he caught DK trying to steal some of the snacks "Dk no!". "But they're British snacks! I've never had them before" he whined. "They're Joshua's that y/n shipped across thousands of miles. Leave them for him". "I'll bring some more for you to try next time" you promised and Dk relaxed now pleased he wouldn’t be left out. 
Seeing as that was the last present, you needed something to mark the occasion."Let's take a photo" Jeonghan said and everyone nodded and began moving closer together. "Who's going to take it?” The8 asked and you stood up "why don't I? That way you can post it on social media if you want to". Joshua shook his head "no I want you in the photo" which made you blush and all the members smile again. "We can just put it on auto timer" Wonwoo said and he and Jeonghan began setting it up while everyone got into place. "Sorry I think I'll have to come closer to you" Joshua told you and you shook your head "it's fine" and relaxed as he leaned on your chair putting an arm around the back to stabilise it. "Okay everyone ready? We've got 10 seconds from when we press the button" Jeonghan called. Everyone nodded and you glanced at Joshua making him look at you. "What?" he asked and you shook your head "nothing you just look really nice" as the camera took the photo. Joshua had the biggest smile on his face.
After that you all played some drinking games and soon the hours flew by without you even realising it was almost dark. "Y/n are you staying over tonight?" Dino asked noticing the sun setting. You paused "erm maybe, what time is it?". "Too late to drive back or get a taxi" Scoups said "just stay". You were just about to nod when Hoshi smirked "I'm sure Joshua won't mind letting you bunk with him". Everyone paused in shock and Hoshi gasped “did i say that aloud?". "Yes" Jeonghan said secretly loving how pink you and Joshua had both gone. "Y/n can stay wherever she likes, with me, with Vernon, with Joshua..." Seungkwan said trying to save the situation but he just made everyone laugh at the awkwardness even you and Joshua. "I'm sure I'll figure something out" you smiled and caught Joshua watching you making him blush.
Slowly the members began to move inside and prepare their last surprise for Joshua. It was an American movie he loved and they were turning the living room into a cinema. So they told Joshua to stay put and as more and more drifted off you stayed with him for company. You smirked as you got a text "it's my mom asking if you liked the snacks" you laughed and Joshua smiled "we should send her a selfie with them". He held up a space invader and passed one to you "if you want to of course?". You nodded "sure" and moved closer for the photo. Joshua held the phone out in front of the two of you and smiled holding up your little alien-shaped snack. Joshua took the photo and then brought it up for your approval. You both looked so happy and good together that it made you pause. You’d never looked like that in any photo with Mark and it made you feel so grateful to have Joshua in your life. 
Joshua noticed your expression turn serious and paused “woah y/n are you okay?”. You nodded “yeah today’s just got me thinking and you know I don’t think I ever thanked you for being so nice to me when we first met". Joshua shook his head "ow come on it was nothing". "No you made me feel welcome and offered to help me with my Korean and moving apartments and basically everything. I always wondered what I did to deserve such kindness from you". Joshua smiled "Y/n you don’t have to do anything to deserve kindness. It's a basic human right that you are more than worthy of". You blushed and after having several drinks felt a little confident so you replied "It’s things like that which make girls go crazy for you, you know?". Joshua laughed "I’m not too sure about that" he smiled and you shrugged "the ones with any sense do". "Like you?" he asked boldly and you paused "yeah...like me. I guess that means I'm the only one with some sense". "That's more than fine by me, you're the only girl I'd want paying attention to me" Joshua replied and leaned in to kiss you. It was spontaneous and beautiful. You don’t think even Joshua had been expecting himself to do that but it made it all the more perfect.
When you separated Joshua looked worried. "It just occurred to me now I did that without asking you if it was okay with you" Joshua said softly. "Well I'm hoping you could tell from my reaction but I didn’t hate it" you replied with a huge smile on your face. Joshua laughed "that's a relief". "I like you" you said simply and Joshua smiled "I like you too...I have for ages but the time was never right but now...". "Now feels pretty perfect” you smiled and Joshua grinned "I couldn’t agree more. Best birthday ever”. You laughed "happy birthday" and kissed him again. The two of you walked up to the house hand in and hand and passed the window making all the members gasp. You let Joshua go in first so he could see the room and smiled as he was so impressed with everything. He loved it and the members quickly directed him to a seat in pride of place in the middle of the room. Joshua looked for you but you realised you’d forgotten your phone and went back outside to grab it. Joshua turned back to the room and the members all grabbed him. "Stop!" he called smiling "none of this when y/n gets here. I don’t want you to make her feel uncomfortable". "I'm sorry but we’ve been waiting for this for years, you can handle a little excitement" Jeonghan replied. 
You walked inside and the boys all stopped and then cheered. You blushed and Joshua held out a hand to you. You joined him and he pulled you into the seat with him, letting you hide your blush from the guys. "I just want to say I'm so happy you two are together" Seungwan said "you'll be a brilliant couple and we don’t even have to threaten Joshua because we can trust him...but still hurt y/n and I will kill you" Seungkwan said making you laugh. "Don’t worry I have no plans to make her anything other than happy" Joshua replied and several members groaned while the others awed. You blushed and turned to Jeonghan "should we just play the movie and kill the lights?". "Why? You got some plans with Joshua when it goes dark?" the boy asked smirking and Joshua threw a cushion at him "just play it!". Jeonghan pressed play and the room dissolved into darkness. 
Once the movie started everyone settled down and Joshua moved closer. “Hey i’m sorry about them” Joshua whispered but you shook your head smiling “it’s okay, they’re just excited”. He nodded “well as long as they didn’t make you uncomfortable”. You shook your head “no i’m very comfortable” leaning into his arm around you and Joshua chuckled “good” and moved closer. The gesture felt so natural and you felt so safe and welcome here with Joshua and all his members. Something told you it was where you were meant to be. 
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rummigumi · 4 months
Excerpt from 'Cracks in the Dark' draft. I'm so in love with the idea, but it's been like pulling teeth to actually write it. Spoiler warning for the Argentinian film "Terrified", which inspired this.
Crouching down, they looked over the side of the building they were perched on to see a glowing teenager with bright white hair staring at the wall of an abandoned warehouse across from them. He appeared to be studying it, one hand on his hip and his chin resting in the other.
"There's our mystery magic man," Duke whispered.
"You sure?" Dick asked.
Duke nodded and the three of them shared a look before moving into action.
Following Dick's hand signals, Jason and Duke lightly jumped to the ground while he stayed behind, intent on flanking the kid. The kid didn't seem to notice them as they stopped a few feet away from him until Jason called out, "Hey kid, pretty sure that wall isn't as interesting as you're making it seem."
The kid noticeably jumped a few feet in the air, obviously startled as he twisted to face them. A meta or an alien? Or a third unknown? Jason was on edge with how little they knew.
"Christ on a cracker, where did you guys come from?" Jason noted an American accent, along with inhuman glowing green eyes. So the kid was most likely from Earth then, that made things a little easier.
"We live here. Haven't seen you around before though." Jason saw the slightest movement out of the corner of his eye as Dick continued to move around them. The kid looked around at the old, decrepit buildings surrounding them with confusion on his face. He opened his mouth, closed it and shook his head slightly, and then spoke.
"You guys should probably try to hide somewhere. It's not safe out here right now." Jason crossed his arms and Duke titled his head.
"Now why do you say that?" Jason caught more movement out of the corner of his eye.
What the fuck was Dick doing?
"Look, it's...it's a little hard to explain. Just please, get inside somewhere and stay quiet."
Duke hopped into the conversation.
"Do you know what's causing the power outage? Or jammed radio signals?" The kid looked sheepish as he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.
"I might be part of what's jamming things, not completely sure about the power outage though."
"So you have an idea of what is?" Duke pressed. The kid avoided eye contact and continued to rub his neck.
"I don't-," he cut off, eyes wide like a cat's as his head snapped (a little too fast and a little too hard for Jason to be comfortable with) to the side as he seemed to lock onto something. Jason unholstered and cocked his gun, prepared to shoot if needed. He didn't like hurting kids, but this one was old and alien enough that he was fine putting a few rounds in him if needed. Beside him Duke tensed as he also readied to fight.
Jason aimed his pistol as the kid raised his hand and let out a green goo-like stream from it. The stream became taunt like a rope as it dragged a struggling Dick from the shadows - the opposite side from where Jason had been catching movement. His skin began to prickle, but he refused to look away from the kid as he released Dick a few feet from where they stood before holding his hands up in a placating manner.
"Is this all of you?"
"As if we'd tell you," Jason replied. It didn't seem like the kid was a threat, but his reluctance to answer all their questions rubbed Jason the wrong way. It only added to the vague sense of unease growing in his stomach. He could no longer see movement out of the corner of his eyes. He hoped it was just some schmuck who had the sense to leave once they saw the group. If only Jason had ever been that lucky.
"Listen, I'm trying to help you but you guys are making it a tad difficult." Jason opened his mouth to respond, but Dick cut in before he had a chance to.
"Sorry, it's hard to trust someone we know nothing about. How about introductions? I'm Nightwing, that's Signal, and the grumpy one is Red Hood." There was no sign of recognition on the kid's face at their names, which only sent more warning bells ringing through Jason's head. It could easily be explained why the kid didn't recognize him or Duke (the two of them rarely left Gotham unless on covert missions) but Nightwing was well-known worldwide. If the kid didn't recognize the name, something was up.
"You can call me Danny. Also, I gotta ask, what are you guys wearing? Is this, like, the fashion here?"
"Like you have room to talk, Onesie."
"Excuse you, this is a jumpsuit. He's wearing a onesie!" Danny pointed an accusatory finger at Dick before pulling it back. "Wait, I'm getting sidetracked. We need to get you guys off the streets."
"You still haven't explained why we're not safe here," Duke piped up. Danny sighed and looked around before speaking.
"This may be a bit hard to believe, but you see this?" He pointed at the wall behind him.
"A...warehouse?" Duke asked.
"No, this." Danny dragged a finger along a thin crack in the wall.
"Yes, we totally see that tiny crack. What of it?" Jason was beginning to feel restless, the sense of unease in him only continuing to grow as he fingered the trigger on his gun. Danny didn't seem alarmed that Jason was still pointing it at him, which only sent more bells ringing in Jason's head. Most people were uncomfortable around guns, even more so when one was aimed at them. Danny wasn't, which meant either bullets wouldn't affect him or he was so used to having a gun pointing at him he wasn't fazed. Or, a third option, he didn't know what a gun was. Jason didn't like any of those possible reasons.
"It's...okay this is the crazy-sounding part. It's a crack in the dimension." Danny paused, waiting to see their reactions.
"Okay, continue," Dick prompted.
"You guys aren't going to react to that at all?"
"It takes a lot to surprise us," Duke shrugged. Danny ran a hand through his hair before shaking his head. Jason really hoped he wasn't radioactive with how much he glowed. The kid also talked with his hands alot and was pretty expressive, Jason noted, as Danny continued with his explanation. It made him easy to read, and he was obviously getting annoyed with them.
"Okay, great. So, there are a lot of cracks currently forming in the area, some bigger than others. Like, a lot bigger. Which by itself is already an issue, but the dimension on the other side of these bad boys is not a fun one. Now the things from that dimension are slowly making their way through to this one. That is why you guys have to get inside and lay low until I'm able to deal with all of this."
Danny ended his mini-lecture by gesturing along the entire length of the crack.
"Yeah, that's a no go," Jason said as at the same time Dick asked, "Why are you the one to fix this?"
Danny threw his head back as he groaned and Jason half expected him to stomp his foot like a toddler.
"Look, you guys aren't equipped to seal the cracks or fight these things. I was sent here because I'm able to do both - not going into specifics there. So just listen to me okay?"
Jason caught more movement, more than before. Trusting Dick and Duke to be able to handle the kid, who was seeming less and less like a threat with each second, he focused more of his attention to the side. Trusting his helmet to hide where he was looking, he shifted his eyes to look closer. Still nothing but formless, slight movement. He tilted his head, as if he was listening to the others' discussion but really was allowing himself a better line of sight. Even though he was looking almost directly at it, he still couldn't make out the shape of what was moving - all he saw was an out-of-focus mass. And the longer he looked at it the greater his uneasiness grew until a wave of nausea overtook him.
"Hey kid." Jason tried to keep his voice steady as he fought down bile in his throat. He refused to let whatever that was out of his sight, but he wasn't sure how much longer he could make it.
When the others paused to look at him, Jason gave the slightest gesture with his gun towards the shadowy mass. Danny just furrowed his brow, but Duke and Dick understood. Jason could pinpoint the instant they saw it too, the color immediately draining from their faces as Jason was sure they got hit by the same wave of nausea as he did - maybe worse.
Finally (maybe all of a second but that's too long when there's an unknown being maybe a hundred feet away from you) Danny caught on and followed their line of sight. Jason couldn't tell if the kid was affected or not he was already so pale and his face wasn't one of horror but an expression Jason couldn't quite make out. So much for the kid being easy to read.
"This is why you guys need to stay inside." Danny's voice was suddenly hard and determined.
"What is that?" Duke whispered and Jason was partly curious if he was seeing something he and Dick couldn't (the other part of Jason, the part he'd never admit, the truly scared part, didn't want to know).
"I told you, an interdimensional being."
Jason finally had to look away unless he wanted the contents of his stomach to end up inside his helmet. Duke also turned his head, even bringing a hand up to cover his mouth. Danny was still staring down the creature.
"Listen to me. I will deal with this. I doubt you guys can fight these things, but you don't seem to want to hear that. One thing you need to remember is to not trust anything you see or hear, okay? They can warp what's around you, make you experience things that aren't true." Jason wanted to curse, but his throat was still tight.
"We need to evacuate the area," Dick somehow managed to choke out, his voice sounding cracked and dry. Danny shook his head. He hadn't blinked once this whole time.
"A barrier was put around the area to contain these things. No one's getting in or out."
"So you've fucked everyone in here, great, thanks." Jason hoped there weren't too many civilians around. The area was mostly abandoned buildings and warehouses, but that didn't mean no one was around when all this started. It was a pretty popular place for those with nowhere to go, along with those who didn't want people knowing what they were up to.
"It was that or let these things escape and run free all over your dimension."
"They spread that quickly?" Duke still sounded sick to his stomach. Danny nodded. The creature seemed to be growing agitated, possibly moving closer - it was hard to tell with Jason still only being able to look at it indirectly.
"Are you beginning to understand now? You need to leave and let me deal with this."
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trueangel420 · 2 months
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kit walker, “time to give in to the kindness of strangers” kinda outta luck - ldr ౨ৎ wc 1173 pt2
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You were a mess, albeit you had just gotten away with robbing a man of his piece of shit broken tire truck, and that piece of shit deserved it, for making moves on a small town girl such as yourself. You had driven as far south as a girl like you could, and when you finally found a diner that didn't look like a crapshack, you parked aimlessly. You had settled your shotgun on the floor of the truck out of sight before hopping out of the car. The smell of apple pies and summer nights filled your nose as you strolled in eyes looking around; it wasn't as busy as you thought, and when you passed the old couple with your hips a' swaying towards the counter, you couldn't help but wonder where the waitress was. "How can I help you, ma'am?" a thick Boston accent asked. It was a man standing behind the counter, his brown hair tousled neatly. God, he was all American.
"Well, I don't suppose you have what I need," you replied to him, a doopy smile tugging at your lips. He raised his eyebrows, leaning over the counter and slightly hovering over you. "Well, we have plenty; just tell me what you're needin', darling," he smiled.
"Ice cream float," you said, simply making him nod. Your eyes never left him as you sat down, inching closer to him. "You look mighty fine to be working in a place like this, and that accent—you ain't from here," you whisper. You were curious about this man—maybe a bit curious. "Well, you're right about that; I ain't," he murmured. "I'm Kit, Kit Walker." Kit was trying to figure you out since you waltz in the red and white stripped crop top and the jean shorts. He didn't even know what to expect when you spoke, his eyes trying to stay put on your face, but your tits and the curve of your body in those jean shorts distracted him greatly. Kit was a man of respect; he knew that much, but his eyes when he saw you wondered—he'd hope you couldn't tell. "Nice to meet you, Kit," you said softly, dragging out his name. You liked it.
"Anybody ever told you you look like a young James Dean?" You smiled sweetly—that award-winning smile. His cheeks tinged red, and he shook his head before clearing his throat. "Nah, doll, I never heard that one before." He started making your ice cream float, filling the libbey soda glass with root beer, occasionally looking over his shoulders at you. "Vanilla or chocolate?"
He grabbed the scooper, putting the ice cream on top and adding a cherry. He'd never done that before, but he felt like you'd like it. "Here you go, doll." Of course you did what he hoped you wouldn't; you slipped the cherry past your lips, the vanilla ice cream slightly dripping from it. He cleared his throat lowly, trying to force himself to look away. He was a gentleman, of course. "So what brings you around here so late?" He tried to distract himself, asking you questions as you sipped the drink through your straw. "Tire got a flat." He straightened up a bit, his eyes looking behind you. Your red truck sat there a little bit dingier than he expected, but who was he to judge? "I'm a mechanic,” he blurted out, making you smile. Perfection he was—a hot guy who makes you ice cream floats and can get dirty to fix 'your' tire?
"And you can fix it right now?" you asked, stirring the drink slightly as you watched him. "If you don't mind riding back with me to my shop," he says, smiling a bit. "I don't mind one bit; one question though," you murmured, getting up and pushing your hair behind your ear. "Whatcha doing working here?" His eyes widened; he was surprised you even cared enough to ask. "I'm filling in for a friend," you nodded, not asking further.
The ride to his shop was quick. It was dimly lit and neat-looking—a shack in the middle of the road. You were planning on just stealing his car; truthfully, your eyes were drifting between him and yours, checking it out, and his smooth vehicle was just a few steps away. It was tempting, and you were a girl who gave in to her temptations. Oh, how badly you wanted to.
You heard him say something muffled under your car before sliding out. "It’ll be a quick fix, okay, doll?" he said. "Okay," you replied, watching him slide back under. Your first thought was about his keys. You walked to the hood of your car, grabbed his keys, and stepped back. "You’re saving my life, Kit. Thank you," you said, a sly smile tugging at your lips as he said, "You're welcome sweetcheeks." You backpedaled slowly, your feet making no noise in the rubble as you got closer to his car. You turned around, put the key in, and turned it. But before you could, you heard a chuckle.
"Wrong key," he said, laughing. He was laughing at you. He slid out from underneath the truck and wiped his hands on his apron. "Did you just try to steal my car?" he asked, amusement evident in his voice.
Your eyes were as wide as cherry pies when he asked that question, freezing you in place. “No—wh-what?” you exclaimed, placing a hand on your chest in mock offense. “I would never—never steal a car!” you continued, making him laugh even harder. He walked toward you, his jeans and apron slightly dirt-streaked, as you tried to backtrack. “I was just looking at it; it’s a nice little thing,” you said, sheepishly. He shook his head, his dimples showing as he smiled down at you.
"Just lookin' doll?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. You nodded again. "With my house keys?" You cleared your throat, trying to find the words. "Sorry, I just needed a ride, and fast," you confessed, pouting. You’d be more tense, but he seemed amused rather than angry, so you decided to use that to your advantage.
"Doll, just ask for a ride then," he said softly, as if it were the simplest thing in the world. "Can I have a ride?" you asked, your voice strained as you looked up into his chocolaty brown eyes. "Can I have a ride what?" he urged, still wearing an amused expression.
"Can I have a ride, please?" He shook his head, moving closer. "Please what?"
What more did this man want from you? This was embarrassing; you would’ve been better off running away. "Can I have a ride, please, Mr. Walker?" you hoped that would satisfy whatever hyper-specific thing he wanted you to say. He grinned, grabbing his house keys from your hands and reaching into his pockets. "Atta girl," he said, finding his car keys and walking towards the door. He unlocked it and got in. "Come on doll, let’s get you where you need to be."
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itsmarsss · 2 months
with a V [Steven Grant/Marc Spector x GN!Reader] (Moon Knight)
Word count: 785
This is another one in the 'scenes i don't wanna throw away from wips that i'm abandoning' series lol. No warnings.
When they 'speak' to each other, italics are Steven, bold is Marc.
Did I just ask them on a date? Yeah and I got their number. Clearly a team effort. 
[. . .]
"Hey, actually- I’m sorry if this is weird, but- are you an actor?"
What kind of pick-up line is that? 
It's definitely not a pick-up line!
"I uh- it's just- every time you come in you have like a different accent? Like sometimes you’re British, sometimes you’re american. Sometimes you even speak some spanish?”
Do you speak spanish? 
I can ask where the library is.
Why would you speak to them in spanish?
You think I came here and ‘donde está la biblioteca’d them? Why the fuck would I do that?
“... So I thought maybe you’re doing those method acting things or something."
"Uh, no. I'm not. Not an actor."
"Oh, okay. Sorry for being nosey, but it was eating me alive!” You joke.
"I work at a museum!" Steven blurts out. 
"Oh. You do?"
He nods.
"That's so cool! What do you do there?"
He averts his eyes to the floor in some sort of embarrassment. "I uh. I work at the gift shop right now. But I give tours sometimes! That's- that's what I actually want to do. Uh, teach people about… things."
"So you must really know your history then.”
"Enough to give tours about it. Not that I’m trying to be… you know. Presumptuous. Or anything.”
Is it even possible to be ‘presumptuous’ about that?
Shut up.
Who even uses the word ‘presumptuous’ anyway?
Shut up!
"Sounds like you have fun with it."
"Yes- Yes. I really like reading about these things- especially ancient Egypt. That's- that's actually what I give tours on."
Stop rambling.
I don't ramble! 
"Really? I've always been more of a greek-roman kind of person, so I don't really know that much about Egypt."
I cannot believe they liked the rambling.
You think so?
"You- oh. Do you want to- would you like to come by the museum some time?"
Yes, Steven! We gotta work a bit on the delivery but that's what I'm talking about! Make sure to put in a good word for me!
Don’t be stupid.
“You, uh-”
Oh, fuck, did he just say that out loud?
Fuck, he did. “Oh, I’m sorry, I was- I was talking to myself. Sorry.”
"Oh. Okay. Well, sure, uh… shit, I’m sorry, I never asked for your name."
"It’s Steven. With a ‘V’."
"Okay, Steven-with-a-V. I would like to come by the museum sometime."
Steven looked absolutely shocked, like the fact that you could say yes hadn't even crossed his mind. "You would?" 
After what you just pulled, I’m surprised too.
Or perhaps you’re just mean.
"Yeah, why not? Then you can teach me more about those things."
"Yeah. Of course. That would be… good. Great! It would be great. I'm- I'm giving a few tours tomorrow. Covering some shifts. If you- if you want to come by."
"I have the morning shift tomorrow. But maybe in the afternoon? What time are you out?"
"I'll be there until six, actually."
"On a saturday?"
"I switched with a colleague. Got both their shifts for tomorrow."
You smile, finally ringing up his order when someone else entered the place, cutting the interaction short. "6.99."
"Your order."
"Oh. Right. Here."
He gives you a ten pound note, and you try to give him his change. 
He just smiles at you. "Keep it. As a tip. It's… for being nice to me. And showing up tomorrow?" He hoped he didn't sound cocky. Or like he wanted to buy you with a sorry three fucking pounds or something of the sort or-
"I'd need to know exactly where I need to be for that to happen."
"There’s not exactly one single museum in this city, Steven-with-a-v."
"Shit. Right. It's-" 
No, dumbass! Don't just tell them!
What else do you want me to do? 
Holy shit.
"Sorry, can I borrow that?" He says, pointing to your notepad… with that american accent, again. You then realize he never did explain anything about that, only saying he wasn't an actor, like you thought he was- which made this whole accent situation a lot more intriguing. You'd ask him about it again, but he'd just invited you to the museum and you weren't about to be nosey and ruin things.
Steven-with-a-v-and-an-american-accent grabbed the notepad and pen from the counter and quickly wrote his number on it.
"Just text me and I'll send you the address."
Eh-dress. What was this man’s deal? "Okay. Yeah. I will."
Did I just ask them out?
Yeah and I got their number. Clearly a team effort. 
Can’t you let me have this one?
If you put in a good word for me. 
Ah, yes, of course I will, that definitely won’t scare them off.
[. . .]
A/N: probably ooc but i dont really care lol this has been in my wips for like two years probably and it was never gonna see the light of day
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aikoiya · 3 months
LoZ - Ordon Is The Rural Ireland Of Hyrule
Like, I need everyone to fully comprehend what this means for our wolfboy, okay.
Now, to start off, I sort of see an Ordonian accent being something of an odd hybrid of a (more clear) Donegal Irish accent & a southern American drawl. (If anyone knows how that would actually sound, I'd love to hear it.)
But their native language would be mostly Gaelic with a bit of Welsh mixed in.
But, yes, Twi is normally the absolute picture of gentlemanly American south manners. Just humble, casual chivalry in a stetson. All "sir" & "ma'am" & "darlin'" & "please" & "thank you, miss." He is THE good ol', down home country boy.
But, then you listen to him speak around his fellow Ordonians. And, unless you know the language, you'd assume that what he's saying is lighthearted ribbing & it is...
To an Ordonian...
But, Ordonians have one of the most expansive lists of colorful, absolutely slandrous, & surprisingly accurate insults in all of Hyrule.
Like, you wouldn't expect it, but he could cuss a pirate to blush... And could probably drink them under the table too, now that I think about it...
Now, most of it is lighthearted, but whoo! A lot of it is also very visual & just leaves you gaping in shock!! Especially if you know what it means!!!
I am literally breathless as I type this! 😆
Like, the dichotomy I now have of this boy in my head... I just, I hadn't realized how much I wanted it, but I do now.
Like, I now want fanart of Twi just Irish cussing the fudge outta Ganondorf & rendering him utterly speechless! That... or drinkin' him under the table. Whichever comes first.
That would make my day!
I am basically imagining him as the very essence of "do no harm, take no shit."
I also see him, when at the end of his rope, maybe when all the others are arguing around him. To put an end to it, he'll yell something, followed by "Go raibh míle maith agat," which is an Irish blessing that expresses great appreciation & means "May a thousand good things be upon you." However, depending on how it's used, it can either be the legitimate blessing that you expect or a way to put an immediate end to a discussion. Like, "Thank you very much!"
LoZ Linked Universe Masterlist
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glossysoap · 1 year
ready to comply iv - непоправимый
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непоправимый or irreparable,
is defined as; (of an injury or loss) impossible to rectify or repair.
warnings: pov changes, mentions of previous amputation, themes of depression, mentions of red room typical misogyny and s/a. also, introducing another marvel character !! this one’s an asshole HYDRA and red room soldiers are misogynists, but no explicit fem pronouns are used, so you can easily imagine the reader as still gender neutral.
note: like always, russian is in bolded italics, the english translation will be right after in non bolded italics.
prev chapters here!
word count: 3,723
🏷️: @viylikescats @warenai @fullmoon-94 @breadboyye @kiroshang @lunitalloronaa @itzzjxlyn @lonely-ofc @briacreations96 @zvdvdlvr @m0rganit3 @badbishsblog @wolfyland07 @angelsdemonsmonsters @unkn0wnd3ad
When you passed out in the chair during your amputation, the doctors didn’t stop their work. They continued sawing through until your left arm fell clean off, and your shoulder was met with cold air.
Once the amputation was complete, the main doctor cleaned and wrapped the wound to prevent any infections.
The doctors’ all scanned your unconscious figure up and down, hungry and lustful. Every doctor practically undressing you with their eyes, burning holes into any piece of exposed skin. Their eyes lingered on your heaving chest, before moving down to the space between your legs.
“You know as well as I do that we don’t have time for that. As much as we all want to. We need to get the arm replaced and put the subject into cryo as soon as possible.” A new voice entered the room, a New York accent this time. It was a muscular American soldier wearing a tight muscle shirt, cargo pants and boots. His hair was dark, almost black and he sported a mohawk with barely any fades on the sides. His mouth wore a disappointed frown as he stared at the subject.
The way he spoke about you was dehumanizing. He didn’t refer to you as a person, only ‘the arm’ and as ‘the subject’. He spoke about you like a piece of meat or a warm hole to use as he pleased.
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He beckoned the doctors over to stand by his side with just a flick of the wrist. It was clear that he had more privileges than anyone else in the room. As far as they were concerned, whatever he says goes.
“Of course. Right away, Sir.” The doctor said with a nod.
Two doctors left the room and a few minutes later, returned carrying a heavy metal case. They carried the case over to the table of medical instruments that sat next to your chair. All of the doctors began prepping for the second procedure. Two doctors ensured that all of your restraints were secure, tightening all of them just in case you woke up and became violent. Another two doctors left the room to retrieve a large metal case, before returning to wait at the door for orders. Finally, the last doctor was preparing your shoulder for the new arm. He turned to the tray full of medical equipment and picked up a steel circle plate that was measured and cut to fit your shoulder exactly.
The plate had different ridges and serrated blades on it, meant to make it excruciatingly painful to remove the arm. In being excruciatingly painful, it meant that it might as well have been permanently welded to you.
The blades were on both sides of the plate, so it wouldn’t just help to attach the arm - but if anyone attempted to remove the arm, the blades that were against your shoulder would dig into your already shredded flesh.
He pressed the steel plate flat against the stump of your amputated arm, steel against shattered bone and mangled flesh.
“винты, сейчас.” Screws, now. The doctor ordered with his hand outstretched. An assisting doctor quickly handed him the thick screws.
The doctor then held the first screw against the plate before picking up the drill from the tray of instruments.
He turned it on by pulling the metal trigger and the machine whirred to life. One by one, he drilled ten screws through the plate and into your shoulder. The drill met your bone each time and made a dull, knocking noise as the screws were forced in. More blood seeped from around the plate as the screws kept shredding your already torn muscle.
The assisting doctor huffed, seemingly inconvenienced, and pressed gauze pads to the edge of the metal plate to absorb the blood.
“Субъект готовится к протезированию.” Subject is prepped for prosthetic. The doctor said, waving over the two doctors that were waiting by the door with the metal case.
The two doctors walked the case over, each doctor letting out grunts with how heavy it was. They set it down in front of the doctor that was preparing your shoulder before leaning down to unlock the case.
The case opened with a hiss, vapor pooling from the cold container. Inside the case was a metal prosthetic arm, molded almost perfectly to the size of your actual arm. It was silver with a red star engraved just below the shoulder. It matched the red star that was engraved on the double door exactly. The arm was covered in ridges to promote mobility, flexibility and functionality that perfectly mirrored a human arm.
The doctor sitting next to you reached to pick up the metal arm with great care, immediately feeling the heaviness of the prosthetic. He carried it over to the tray of instruments before setting it down gently. The arm made a metallic clinking noise when it made contact with the rest of the metal tools.
He picked the prosthetic up by the shoulder and the elbow, supporting the heaviest parts of the arm.
He aligned the shoulder of the metal arm up to your amputated shoulder before clicking into the ridges of the plate and locking the arm in place.
The ridges that ran down the metal arm shifted as he tested the mobility of the prosthetic, bending it and then straightening it.
He determined that the prosthetic replacement was successful.
“Субъект готов к помещению в криогенную камеру.” The subject is ready to be placed in the cryogenic chamber.
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Two weeks.
It had been two weeks since your capture.
Fourteen days since you fell for the redheads trick and right into her trap. Fourteen days since you were stabbed and your arm was broken. Fourteen days since you crashed into that freezing water and dragged in the biting Russian snow. Fourteen days since you were yanked from the woman's grip and shackled into that chair.
Thirteen days since you were torn from your drug induced sleep, injected with an off market drug and forced to witness your arm being cut off. Thirteen days since you saw pools of blood gush and spurt from where your shoulder was supposed to be. Thirteen days since you heard the revving of the saw as it spliced through the meat of your muscle and tendons. Thirteen days since you could smell the burning of your flesh and skin being cauterized by the saw. Thirteen days since you saw your own fucking bone being cut through, splintering off and shattering.
Thirteen days since you were torn apart and put back together you’ll never be whole again. Thirteen days since you were put in the cryogenic chamber and frozen in time. During those thirteen days, you were pumped full of various drugs. Many to keep you sedated, pliant, obedient for them to do what they wished. Others to heighten your senses and strength.
Now, it had only been one hour since you were taken out of the cryogenic chamber and transferred to a new room.
This room was small and lonely with no windows. The only light that the room had was shitty panels on the ceiling that kept flickering on and off. The ceiling was dusted in cobwebs and dirt. The walls and floor were all concrete, cold to the touch. The door was locked with a deadbolt.
You were laying on a hard, small cot in the corner of the room with no blankets or pillows. You had been changed out of your tattered, bloody uniform and into a black muscle shirt and black cargo pants. The muscle shirt was long sleeved, but only on your right arm - on you left arm, it was sleeveless, leaving your new prosthetic arm on full display.
You awoke with a gasp as your eyes flew open. The first thing you noticed was that you had no idea or recollection of how you got here. The last thing you remembered was getting on that helicopter with that woman.
Your memories were in fragments, returning in bits and pieces. Trying to comfort that woman only to have her break your arm and stab you. Her killing Nikolai. The helicopter going down. Falling unconscious only to wake up in that hallway. Being chained to that chair.
Before you could even begin to attempt to remember anything further, you noticed something else. Something that made your blood run cold and stopped your thoughts in their tracks.
You noticed that your left arm was.. numb. It wasn’t even just a pins and needles feeling. It felt like nothing. You racked your brain trying to figure out how you injured your arm and why it’s so numb.
You spared a curious glance at the afflicted arm only to be met with the sight of metal where your arm should be.
“No..” You whispered, lips trembling.
Where your warm flesh should be was now replaced with a metal prosthetic robotic arm. All of the scars you had collected over time and the tattoos that previously painted your skin were now replaced with ridges and indentations that ran down the arm.
“No.” You cried out in disbelief and despair. The more you looked at it, the less you could breathe.
The arm felt like a parasite invading your body, eating away at your flesh and polluting your blood stream. Even though it was attached to you, it couldn’t feel more foreign. Alien.
Your lungs burned and your vision blurred as you tried to inhale but it was as if your throat was paralyzed. With every passing second came an onslaught of burning and stabbing pain that ebbed from your arm prosthetic and flowed through the rest of your body.
As each wave of pain washed over your body, a new memory hit you. The doctor injecting you with an off market drug that flayed you alive from the inside out. The doctor bringing out a bone saw and cutting through your skin and muscle. Just remembering the smell of your flesh burning was enough to make you gag in the present. You remembered the saw finally hitting your bone and causing it to splinter and shatter. You remembered passing out from the pain and shock. You remembered all of the nightmares you had while you were unconscious, all of the different loops where you could’ve escaped — only to fail every time.
You only knew that you had started sobbing from the taste of your salty tears as they fell down your cheeks. Your throat went raw as you wailed, curling into a ball on the uncomfortable bed. As you were curled into a fetal position, your head was resting against your knees which is how you realized you were no longer in your uniform.
Your eyes widened and you felt sick.
Someone had undressed you in your unconscious, vulnerable state. Someone had gazed upon your naked, bloody body with their filthy eyes. You could only hope it wasn’t any of those men.
You shivered at the thought of what would have happened if it was them. You were hesitant to pull down your cargo pants in fear of finding any evidence of abuse or trauma. You could only imagine what you might find; the myriad of wounds on your thighs from brute force or dried blood running down your legs. You opted to not look altogether.
In an effort to expel those nauseating thoughts from your mind, you thought about your team instead.
You thought about how they might have reacted when you never returned from the helicopter. Would they have sent out a search team to find you?
You laughed humorlessly. Probably not. No, definitely not.
Not that you blamed them. They had a mission to focus on. They couldn’t afford to just drop everything and look for their run-of-the-mill medic. Especially not when you could be replaced so easily.
They could find a skilled medic at any time, at any place. Sure, you were good at your job, but they could find that anywhere. And they could definitely find one that wasn’t a distraction to two of their top soldiers.
Even if they did send out a search team and even if they did find you by some miracle, what use would you be to them now?
What use could you possibly be to them when you were drugged for two weeks on end? What use were you if you couldn’t even look at the metal arm without losing your lunch?
You were of no use to them anymore, so you might as well be thrown away.
It was better that way, you thought. Resigning yourself to being inevitably replaced, you thought about what your team they might have thought when they found out about you disappearing.
Captain Price would be concerned with your whereabouts, just like he would if it happened to anyone else on his team. He would demand details from Shepherd and Laswell. But then he would inevitably find out about his friends death and any concern for you would be tainted.
Kyle would be hopeful for a time. He would probably push for a rescue team to be sent for you, only to be shut down by Shepherd.
Pondering about how Johnny and Simon would react is what hurt the most, though.
In all honesty, you knew deep down that the two men would recover from your disappearance quickly. They had each other, after all.
Sure, they might be sad for a few days or weeks but it would blow over, you thought.
They would be able to focus their attention and energy on each other instead of you. They wouldn’t be distracted from their work or their relationship by some outsider.
It was clear to you. Their lives would only improve after your disappearance. They would no longer feel obligated to include you in hushed conversations. They would no longer feel obligated to pull you in for hugs or forehead kisses that you knew weren’t meant for you. You would no longer be a burden to them.
Any trace of you would be sponged from the base, just like any other personnel that was assumed killed in action. You’d seen it all before. You just never thought it would happen to you.
The records of all of your treated patients would be sealed away. You would be removed from payroll and staff records. Your quarters would be emptied of all of your belongings and your title plate would be removed from your door. A replacement lead surgeon would be interviewed and hired. Soon, that replacement would be filling your med-bay, your operating room, with new patients. They would be treating your 141.
It would be as if you never existed.
And a voice in your head screamed, it would be better that way.
Unbeknownst to you, thousands of miles away in the United Kingdom, the men had just discovered that you were missing in action and presumably, killed in action.
They were standing in that conference room with Laswell and Shepherd, watching the devastating security footage. The last they saw on the footage was the camera sinking in the ocean along with the helicopter.
The screen went black and bubbles filled the audio as it sunk to the ocean floor.
Laswell slammed her laptop shut, turning off the projector at the same time.
The silence that filled the room was deafening. The air was thick as the task force tried to swallow the news of your disappearance. It was heavy — sinking to their stomachs, similar to how the helicopter sunk to the ocean floor.
John Price’s fists were white knuckling, his jaw was clenched as he thought about his brightest medic dying.
Kyle's lips were pulled into a frown and he sniffled as he thought about not having someone to share inside jokes with.
Simon was still seeing red. The burning embers of his anger painted his vision, matching the crimson that he saw soaking your uniform. His mouth was pulled into a snarl as rage bubbled beneath his chest. Rage against Shepherd for keeping this from them. The task force could’ve started looking for you that very day. They could’ve found you days ago if they knew. Rage against that woman for playing possum and using your kind spirit to lure you into her trap. Finally, rage against himself for not telling you how he felt sooner. He shouldn’t have been such a coward. He should’ve just toughened up and confessed. No matter if you felt the same or not, at least you would’ve known.
Johnny's lips were trembling and his eyes were filled with unshed tears. His throat felt heavy and tight, like it was wrapped in barbed wire that he couldn’t loosen. The gaping hole in his chest was widening every second that your screams echoed in his head. He tried to take deep breaths but he just couldn’t, it was like he was frozen. Paralyzed in fear and shock. He would never see you again. The last thing he ever heard from you was your bloodcurdling screams.
He couldn’t fucking breathe.
Johnny tightly squeezed Simon's gloved hand, getting his attention. The Lieutenant’s bloodshot eyes flashed to Johnny’s cerulean glossy eyes. What sent Simon into even more of a panic was that Johnny was hyperventilating. It was no doubt a panic attack from losing their missing piece.
Simon squeezed his hand in reassurance.
“Cap, we need to..” The words died on Simon's lips, but it was obvious what he was getting at. Captain Price nodded at his Lieutenant, letting him know that him and Johnny were free to go.
The two soldiers stood from their seats as Price cleared his throat.
“When is the search starting?” He asked quietly, blue eyes trained on a blank spot on the table.
“I want all of our allies in on this. Farah, Alex, Alejandro, Rudy.. All of ‘em.” He continued, not waiting for an answer from either Laswell or Shepherd.
Laswell stayed silent, crossing her arms and sending a pointed look at Shepherd. She was done being Shepherd’s puppet and done keeping his secrets.
Price and Kyle looked at Laswell before their eyes darted to Shepherd.
“You know I can’t let you do that, John,” was the last thing Johnny and Simon heard as they walked out of the conference room.
Once the door shut behind them, Simon pulled Johnny into his arms and into a passionate kiss. He needed to be comforted, shielded in whatever way possible from the pain of losing you.
He moved to cradle Johnny's face in his hands, desperately holding his partner close. He licked at Johnny's lips and his tongue, needing to taste him. Johnny whined into his mouth at the feeling of his tongue being sucked.
As Simon kissed him, he could taste the saltiness of the Scot's tears as they fell down his cheeks. Simon's mouth moved from his lips to his cheeks, kissing his tears away. Johnny hiccupped as his cries died down, wearing a sad smile. Simon pulled him into his chest and wrapped his tattooed arms around him, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
After pulling apart, the two soldiers immediately made their way to your quarters. It was completely unintentional, it was as if their legs moved on autopilot.
Before they knew it, they were standing at your door. Simon's hand shook as he reached for the door knob. To their surprise, it was unlocked.
Simon opened it and as they walked in, they were immediately hit with the comforting smell associated with your room. The air fresheners you had plugged in were still releasing a pleasant vanilla fragrance into the air.
They savored the smell as they surveyed your room. Vanilla and berries lingered in their noses as they kicked off their shoes and took off their heavy gear, tossing it on your floor.
Your bed was still made, the (favorite color) comforter folded neatly on the bed and the four pillows were rested against the headboard.
Your desk still had some medical release forms stacked on it as well as some notepads. Your laptop was closed and plugged into the charger. There were some framed pictures of the task force sitting on your desk as well.
One that caught their eye was a selfie you had sneakily snapped one day. It was of you, Johnny and Simon. They remembered it clear as day. The two of them were sparring in the gym one day and you had snuck up behind them with your phone. Simon was taking a swig from his water bottle so you took that moment to nudge Johnny and reel him into your plan. The two of you rushed up to him on each side and Johnny held your phone up high to get a good view of the three of you. Simon's eyes were wide as he was caught off guard while you and Johnny couldn’t look happier. You two were wearing the biggest shit eating grins and your eyes were so bright.
Simon would give anything to be ambushed like that right now. To have you tackle him and Johnny, laughing about how this was all just a sick joke.
But it wasn’t, and he knew that.
He was pulled out of his thoughts when Johnny took his hand and dragged him over to your bed. The two of them laid down against your soft bedsheet that had gone cold from you being gone for weeks.
The two of them pulled your comforter up over them, before cuddling up together. Johnny's head was buried in Simon's chest, with Simon pressing kisses to the crown of Johnny's head. Simon's arms were wrapped around Johnny's back, and Johnny's arms were snaked around Simon's midsection.
It took an hour for them to find sleep. The pit in the bottom of their stomachs made it impossible for them to relax or shut their brains off. All they could do was hold onto each other for dear life. All they could do was on to the only light that they had, now that you were gone. That only light was each other.
next chapter
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