#obv her identity isn’t that but that’s not the point he’s just CHILL
the-descolada · 2 years
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hintofelation99 · 3 years
Hi! I love your posts and want to ask your opinion on something. Who do you think in the batfam has the most and the least common sense of a normal person? If you can, can you also list how they are arranged? Thank you!
Ooohhh, this is a fun one! In my mind all bats lack common sense. Like obviously they're hella smart, after all they are a family of detectives, they just aren't very bright.
Here's a quick rundown (least to most): Tim and Dick tie for first place, both lack common sense in just in completely different ways. Then Damian (mostly cause of the whole 'being raised by league of assassins' thing), Bruce, Cass (controversial ik), Steph, Jason, Duke, Babs, and last on the list is obvs Alfred. (Kate is probs between Cass and Steph, but I've only really seen her in the DCAMU and need to get to know her better).
And Ima add a 'keep reading' cause this is gonna get long.
Tim is one of the smartest in the family. He deduced Batman's identity as a child, majorly fucked up the League of Assassins, and has been honored (I say this v sarcastically just btw) with Ra's creepy obsession. He's smart, plain and simple. However, when it comes to just day to day survival and being loved, goddamn that boy is dumb.
He regularly mixes energy drinks and coffee. Sometimes he even mixes energy drinks, alcohol, and coffee.
In his mind warnings are optional. "Tim, did you just sniff that drano?" "Yeah, why?" "IT LITERALLY SAYS DO NOT SMELL" "Oops"
He regularly tests shit on himself. "Why is Tim on the floor?" "He mixed joker venom and fear gas to see what would happen" "HE WHAT"
Also if you try to compliment him or tell him you love him he will find a way to misunderstand. "Tim, I love you and you are an amazing son." "I don't know who this Tim is but he sounds great" "It- it's you, literally you. Timothy Jackson Drake." "I'm a bit confused, I didn't know you knew two Timothy Jackson Drakes. You should really introduce us."
Dick in many ways is a total himbo. He's a complete sweetheart, super supportive, and very ditzy. His ditzy-ness directly correlates to how relaxed he is. Chilling in the manor? Peak himbo. A mission in space? Absolute genius and amazing leader. Just took down a bunch of thugs? Slowly reverting into dopey boi. He always has the ability to be super analytical, smart, and big brain, but he likes being whimsical and even airheaded. And that's not a bad thing, it's just him taking mental breaks, being lighthearted.
"YOU PUT DIESEL IN YOUR CAR?" "...Yeah, in my defense the nozzles look basically the same" "They're different colors?! Also the diesel nozzle doesn't even fit into your gas tank, how did you get it in?" "I'm a good pourer."
He always responds to the word dick and it always confuses him. "God Ra's is such a dick!" "What?" "Ra's is a dick" "I'm not Ra's!" "Wha- no! I mean penis dick!" "Ohhhh, yeah he is a penis dick"
Once Dick is safe he reverts into himbo pretty quickly, even after stressful situations. "Hey Wally?" "Yes babe?" "I forgot how to change my lock screen again" "Dick, you just hacked into an alien spaceship not even an hour ago??" "What's that have to do with anything?"
Damian lacks common sense from growing up with the League of Assassins. He's an amazing warrior and super analytical but casual human interaction alludes him. He is getting better though, so eventually he'll be lower on the list than Steph. But for now he's a senseless bby.
The first time someone tried to give him high five he assumed it was an attack and flipped them. Same with a fist bump.
This is complete canon but his original treatment of Alfred, his brothers, and, well, everyone. Like bby boy please read the room.
His ego can easily override common sense. Like he wouldn't jump off a bridge if everyone else was doing it, but if someone said he couldn't he'd immediately swan dive off that bridge.
For the world's greatest detective he can be a major dumb bitch sometimes. Some of it's growing up rich and some is being so wrapped up in his 'crusade for justice' that he just misses basic shit.
One time he walked in on Roy and Jason making out, the next day he saw them cuddling, then they mentioned moving in together. It took him three months to realize that they're dating.
He doesn't understand coupons, like at all. Jason has tried to explain them but Bruce just gets even more confused.
Bruce tried to make coffee once. He literally just poured coffee beans in water and microwaved it. He was surprised when it didn't taste good.
Cass is similar to Damian in she lacks common sense from an unconventional upbringing. However she's learning way faster than Damian and depending on where in the timeline you're looking she might have more common sense than Babs.
Basic things like lines, turn taking, and speaking when spoken to aren't innate to her. Like, she knows and understands them, but often forgets about them.
There are many times that she blurs the line between civilian and vigilante because she'll do something that looks v stupid and dangerous for a civilian. The thing is she never notices when she does this.
One time she was in a restaurant and there was a cockroach on the wall across the room (cause Gotham) and instead of getting up and killing it like a normal person she threw her steak knife and impaled it.
Steph is probably lacks common sense the most conventional yet slightly concerning way. She lacks common sense in the same way a cartoon character or sitcom character would. Like it's sorta realistic but at the same time damn bby girl why are you such a disaster??
She will do anything on a dare. Anything. There is a rule against daring Steph to do things while in the manor or on patrol.
Every time she hears someone say Red Robin she yells yum. This has gotten both her and RR shot.
Steph is v lucky that 1) she's a badass and 2) the batfam loves her because she annoys absolutely everyone just for shits and giggles and the only reason she hasn't been murdered is that Cass scares everyone.
All common sense is lost when dramas at stake. Say what you will but Jason is the (second) biggest drama queen in the family. Also he, like most bats, lacks a sense of self preservation which leads to shit common sense.
He tried to steal Batman's tires.
Sometimes he listens to music during patrol and tries to hit people/shoot on beat. This has lead to stab wounds.
Jason loves to loudly quote classic literature while on stake outs. This is a problem for obvious reasons.
Ok this is around the time you get to average common sense levels. But he still runs around Gotham beating people up in tights (or kevlar) so he doesn't get full points. Also he's still not Babs level common sense. One area Duke lacks common sense in is how to deal with the Batfam (which is v understandable tbh)
One time Duke was joking around with Jason and decided to steal a roll off of Damian's plate. This ended in blood.
Other than lacking Batfam common sense, most of his poor judgement moments are less notable but still concerning.
For example the time he challenged Dick to a hot dog eating contest then went on a roller coaster.
Other than being a vigilante Babs almost has normal human common sense. However being a vigilante has negative side effects on ones common sense.
While Babs' sleep schedule isn't as bad as Tim's it's not a whole lot better. She's stayed up 72 consecutive hours multiple times.
She has accidentally poured coffee onto her computer instead of into a coffee mug.
One time she drank an entire gallon of milk before realizing it was a month expired.
Most assume that working for Bruce Wayne is a sign of him lacking common sense. But nah, it's him knowing, understanding, and challenging his own limits. Also it's him being a charitable human being. Like he has enough common sense to go around and tbh it's the only thing keeping the family alive.
"Master Bruce, you may not use Elmer's Glue All to close a wound."
"Master Dick I would encourage you not to teach Master Duke acrobatics on the glass coffee table."
"Miss Stephanie I would not advise trying to consume an entire jar of peanut butter in one sitting, and no, I do not care if Master Jason dared you to."
Tada, there's the list! Sorry that was probably a lot longer than anyone wanted, but I enjoy talking about how ditzy the batfam is. Like they're all geniuses but at the same time they're just sooooo dumb.
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normalg-irl · 5 years
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When People Ask Me What I’m Doing After Graduation This Is What I’ll Say | May 3, 2019
So, I don’t have a job lined up for after graduation. I’m also not volunteering with the JVC or Americorps like some of my friends who enjoy helping people. I don’t have an internship, and I’m not traveling anywhere. I actually have no idea what I want to do? Like as a career, but also … in life? So I’ve decided to construct an honest answer to provide to anyone who asks me what I’m doing after graduation. If you, too, do not have a “plan” for post-grad, you are welcome to join me in the glorious city of Hartford, Connecticut, where these 5 post-grad steps will be carried out.
Step 1: Watch Game of Thrones.
Never having seen Game of Thrones makes me feel almost as shitty as never having seen any of the Harry Potter movies (never mind never having read the books). This is the first time I’m admitting that. I usually just play along like,
“I would be in Gryffindor, no doubt. My favorite spell is Leviosa. JK Rowling is honestly a legend.”
I’m embarrassed to confess how uncultured I am. But, with GoT, it’s way too complicated. You can’t just skim the surface like,
“Winter is coming. Jon Snow is my favorite character. Yeah, I’m not bothered by the incest either.”
I’m going to take the first three weeks immediately after graduation to binge GoT and get caught up to speed for the sake of the culture. And also for my own mental health because I’ve been feeling excluded and anxious every time Khaleesi is brought up around me. She sounds like a legend, almost more so than JK Rowling.
Step 2: Exercise lightly.
After the three weeks of binging Game of Thrones I’ll probably try and get my body looking right. No one tells you that going to Punta Cana for spring break turns you into a drinking-machine-party-fiend. The all-inclusive trip destroys all tendencies of eating vegetables and run-walking on the treadmill. For the latter portion of senior year all I’ve known, and all I’ve wanted to know, are Miami Vices (pina coladas and strawberry daiquiris mixed for the ignorant lames), permanent sunburns and foggy conversations with the same people over and over again.
So, with that, health and fitness has plummeted drastically on the list of priorities. Before entering the “real world” I’ll need to burn off all the fried chicken I swallowed whole while floating around in the Punta Cana resort pool. Step 2 is necessary in order to bury that part of the identity and embrace a classier manifestation of self.
Step 3: My high school friends and I become so bored that we go get frozen yogurt and have a really awkward encounter with someone random from our past.
Step 3 can be weaseled in at any point in the post-grad plan. Preferably I will complete step 3 multiple times, almost on a weekly basis. I envision a lot of days playing out like this:
11:00AM: Wake up.
11:04AM: Enter an “Instagram k hole” (This is a term I just learned. It’s when you get so deep into Instagram it feels kind of like you did too much Ketamine, and you’re seriously f*cked up).
12:10PM: Mom is getting home, so I quickly stage a job application workshop in the kitchen.
12:30PM: Mom really wants me to try harder at applying for jobs, I tell her I will.
12:45PM - 4:20PM: *Insert step 1 or step 2 here, depending on what level you’ve reached of the plan.* So this block of time can be filled with either culture binging, or getting the body right.
4:20PM: By this time culture = binged, or body = right. Both great outcomes. Send a text in the group chat, everyone’s down to hang, obv. No one has a job.
7:30PM: Not sure how those three hours were spent. Potentially was sucked into another k hole, but this time mind was completely erased.
8:25PM: Group unites at the friend’s house who has the most chill parents.
8:30PM - 9:50PM: Vaping, light gossip, and brief but intense Instagram k holes are accompanied by a random TV show playing in the background like Catfish or anything on TLC.
10:00PM: One friend suggests getting frozen yogurt. It’s the best idea she’s had in years.
10:15PM: Arrive at Sweet Frog dizzy off the vape. The smell inside is extremely nauseating. Someone might pass out in Sweet Frog.
10:16PM: Everyone fills up their cups with a mixture of flavors. One friend just gets a ton of those little balls with juice inside of them. She’s a psychopath.
10:19PM: I enter a frozen yogurt k hole. Halfway through the fro-yo I realize I do not like fro-yo. But then all of a sudden my cup is empty.
10:23PM: The awkward encounter the entire group has been anticipating finally happens. The middle school basketball coach enters Sweet Frog with his new girlfriend. He has no idea how old we are. He can’t even make a guess. He is intoxicated in Sweet Frog. He kisses us on the cheeks. His girlfriend is really pretty.
10:41PM: I leave Sweet Frog feeling awkward and sick. But it was something I had to do. And it’s something you have to do. It’s only right.
Step 4:  Shock my parents’ friends when I say, “I have no idea what I want to do” in the Big Y parking lot.
After the Sweet Frog interactions, awkward encounters will be nothing but a thang. I expect them to spice up the depressing post-grad days, and will probably become a favored activity.
So when my Mom asks me to go to Big Y to get a watermelon (she likes to give me random tasks), I’ll be kind of excited to go.
When I see Mrs. Miller in the parking lot, I won’t pretend not to see her. She asks me what I’m up to, what my “plan” is, and when I tell her about binging GoT and going to Sweet Frog and working out every few days, her face grows concerned and I am hoping she talks about my excellent plan with the other moms. I just want to be talked about, honestly.
I help Mrs. Miller put her groceries in her minivan so she thinks I’m still a good person even if I have no ambition.
“Good luck, sweetie.”
She nods empathetically from her minivan window as I stand alone in my pajamas in the Big Y parking lot carrying a watermelon.
Step 5: Read a life-changing book at the town pool.
I haven’t read a book in years. Reflecting on my life, I may never have actually finished a full novel. What if I’m in a job interview and the interviewer asks me what my favorite book is? I need to have something truthful and profound to say. The Fault in Our Stars isn’t going to cut it. I could maybe swing saying that the Game of Thrones series is my favorite, because I’m pretty sure they were books before a TV show? But that feels like it’d be super transparent at this point.
I can’t go into an intellectual discussion with some alternative, experimental book all confident like, “Have you read The Girl with the Chastity Belt’s Lullaby? It’s my favorite.”
No, you need something absolutely classic like To Kill a Mockingbird or Don Quixote or Fifty Shades of Grey. I’ll probably pick up War and Peace and call it a day. Been meaning to read that one. And then off to the pool I go.
I see myself spending a super relaxing time by the pool with my book. There are no annoying kids splashing around the day I decide to go and conquer my book. It’ll be closed off for academics on their sabbaticals just like me who want to peacefully read and feed their brains.
As I flip around War and Peace, I see a ton of pages, and a ton of words I don’t know. I suck at reading. I don’t know how to read. I can read the words, but the whole time my mind is thinking about potential boyfriends and potential parties and potential conversations. All which might never happen.
War and Peace spirals me into an anxiety k hole, which I think is actually just an anxiety attack, and I storm out of the pool without even buying french fries from the snack bar.
That’s as far as I’m going to make it into step 5.  
And there we have it my friends. Graduating without a job isn’t that scary if you embrace my perfect five-step post-graduation plan. Because, believe me, once you do it all - once you’ve watched eight seasons of Game of Thrones, hit Sweet Frog a couple hundred times, toned a few muscles, run into lots of moms, and “read” War and Peace … you will be ready to hightail it back to NYC - and maybe even land a job.
Published by The Rival at Fordham University on May 3, 2019
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teruthecreator · 4 years
just took my melatonin bc i have to wake up at 4:30 AM to drive 16 hours to my mother’s so i’m sorry if this becomes derailed but uh. here’s the roleswap lore! or, at least, everything i’ve decided (along with matthew and corinne bc the three of us tagteamed on it) 
gonna chuck it all under a readmore bc this is going to get long
so first off, just gonna run out in front and say i have no idea how this fits into graduation plot. i haven’t gotten that in plot consideration, given their character differences in comparison to their canonical selves. so, for the most part, it’s a lot of background establishment and character traits. but i do have a few plot bits that i’ve figured out bc i thought it was cool. why such a long preamble? i don’t know. help me
fitzroy maplecourt: 
first off, he’s not called sir!!! because he doesn’t go to knight school! 
my idea for his backstory is that the way he decides to grapple with his identity crisis/imposter syndrome (which he definitely Still has) is that instead of becoming a grander, larger than life version of himself. he just. goes the opposite.
not necessarily becoming a degenerate (bc he just smokes pot and that’s not bad he’s just vibing)??? but more just like. leaning into the laid-back nature of life that one might pick up from a lifetime in rural country. 
he goes to a liberal arts school a ways away and just decides to bum around and take life not seriously. he develops a pretty large group of acquaintances being a hippie stoner; he doesn’t really pursue a degree either. i think if he picked up any major it was probably like. an art major or an english but he basically fails most of his classes bc he doesn’t care! 
unlike his canonical counterpart, fitzroy doesn’t mind being called nicknames!! ones i think he has the most are fitz or roy, but basically you could call him anything and he’ll respond. that is because, instead of clinging to the concept of his identity bc it’s the only thing he feels he has, his identity is nebulous!! he doesn’t understand it and it scares him too much to be concrete, so he just lets people decide shit about him for him. 
his personal philosophy is more about floating through life and letting people assume shit about him than having a solid personality and backstory that people understand and recognize. it is a more dissociative way of having an identity crisis! how fun! he also barely talks about his past, and what he does talk about are cherrypicked points of his past that fit his narrative of being a casual down-to-earth hippie
 the moment that this all changes is when order decides to pop in and grant him powers!!!! wahoo!!!! here’s how that happens: 
he’s baked out of his fucking gourd in his dorm room, in the spring semester of his junior year. he’s alone (which is rare) and he’s maybe a little sad, but he decides to just ignore it. he looks at his table and laughs. “hehe, what if this table just. blew up?” he says to himself. it isn’t that funny, but he laughs. then he lays his hand on the table. 
the table blows up.
after that, he has magic!!! 
i’m going to go into detail a little bit later about how fitzroy’s magic manifests in the roleswap universe, but i wanna get through the backstory first. basically, he gets really freaked out after his magic comes to him because it is So New and Wow What and What The Fuck.
he realizes that this new addition to his character Completely changes how people who know him would perceive him (as a bum stoner chill guy), and he can no longer have control of his narrative with this magic business. so he drops out!
well, he actually just transfers. to a school far, far away where people will never know who he was and he can rebuild his narrative with this magic incorporated into it. he chooses wiggenstaff’s because he figures the school would have more of a knowledge of magic than his libarts school, which would mean he could understand why the fuck weed gave him magic (sidenote: it wasn’t weed, obvs, but he thinks this so for a while he doesn’t smoke!) 
he is now the chill hippie of wiggenstaff’s!!! most people like him because his personality is fairly easy to digest; some people think he shouldn’t be there, but he is! he starts out as a sidekick and he would’ve honestly been fine with that forever, but then he’s suddenly thrust into the hero track!!! wow!!!! i will also explain this with the magic. 
but yeah!! that’s fitzroy, for the most part. now we’ll move onto the other boy
argonaut keene:
he actually prefers if people call him argonaut, but he’s less likely to correct people than canon fitzroy Or canon argo. he’s a tad bit shyer in this universe!
argo’s backstory pretty much follows the same idea of his canonical background, but with some key differences that shape him into the character he is in the present! 
basically he still grows up on shebrie’s ship, surrounded by crewmates and the salty sea air. but his fascination with the sea doesn’t manifest into this swashbuckling lifestyle that he has in canon. 
what fascinates him more is the ship itself. how it functions, how water wears down wood, how directional currents can affect navigation. basically, he becomes invested in the sciences part of sealife more than the pirateering. he has special interests in marine biology, but his heart remains in nautical engineering. figuring out ways to make the ship run better, faster, and more efficiently consumes his childhood thoughts!
shebrie encourages her son’s craving for knowledge with tomes and books from all over the world about anything related to engineering and nautical things. he’s homeschooled, basically, but he becomes rather intelligent within a few short years! 
and then, well....shebrie dies. yeah we aren’t escaping that finality, sorry folks. that part of canon Still Applies.
after shebrie’s death (coughMURDERcough), argo is. traumatized! and he makes the decision to almost entirely sever himself from his life on the sea. it’s all too painful to look back upon--the times he spent studying with his mother in the captain’s quarters, rattling off dolphin facts as they sailed onward, dreaming of turning gears as the ship gently rocked him to sleep--and so he just decides to throw the whole thing out!
he can’t ignore his lifetime of education, though, so he continues to pursue it. with the remainder of money his mother left behind, he enrolls himself in a boarding school of science and technology, with plans to continue study in Only engineering. no more nautical Anything on his roster.
eventually, when he is old enough and graduates high school, he roams around...trying to figure out what to do. he doesn’t have enough money for college, so he can’t continue his scholarly efforts yet. he works around, job-to-job, city-to-city, and just notices how...delayed everything feels. like society is suffering under this slow pace towards innovation. 
and that’s when he decides his next course of action. if he were to discover the root of some problem and engineer a solution, he would be famous! he would gain notoriety and praise and--and all the things his mother had as a captain. but he would have it on his own, separate from his mother, and separate from his past. 
he figures out his next course of action: attend a school that will give his prestigious enough marks to be accepted onto a research team, find a problem, solve it, help the world, maybe earn a little bit of that credit and respect that would make him feel like he was doing his mother proud. 
the thing i want to emphasize here is that argo’s take on helping the world comes from that morality that canon fitzroy has. canon fitzroy wanted to be a knight because he wanted to fairly and justly instill ideas of “good” and “bad” onto the world. roleswap argo has a similar moral sense, but instead of establishing rules he wants to fix the “bad” and make it “good” in a technological/scientific sense.
the only school argo can think of that can get him that kind of notoriety is wiggenstaff’s. getting onto the HOG board would mean he’d have access to countless resources and be respected by a large audience, which would give him the opportunity to make change happen. even if he’s only a sidekick On Paper, what matters is that the diploma would give him the ability to Apply to the HOG. so he drafts a carefully worded letter for a scholarship and achieves a full-ride!!! epic 
like fitzroy’s magic, i’m going to break down argo’s relation to the unbroken chain after i get through backstory stuff. but trust me, I’ve Thought Of It
argo sort of blends into the background at wiggenstaff’s. or, he would, if his roommates/friends weren’t so Fucking Out There. fitzroy is enough to make him always be visible, but even the firbolg’s massive frame means eyes are always on him. which makes him nervous!! he doesn’t like the attention (as opposed to his canonical self, who revels in it for the self-esteem fuel) his insecurities manifest more in what he’s Doing rather than what he Is, mostly because his identity is barricaded by a wall of trauma repression
he’s still plenty funny and witty, just quieter. also he’s a lot Meaner than canon argo, at least to me. because if you irritate him he Will just completely shut you down with words. motherfucker doesn’t bark but he will most DEFINITELY bite
that’s their backstories, for the most part! in terms of how they interact together:
as established, they meet prior to wiggenstaff’s on a tinder date (during the grace period of argo working odd jobs and fitzroy about to be granted immense fucking power) and end up casually dating during the course of their wiggenstaff education. argo is a nervous goober and fitzroy just likes making him blush. it’s very cute.
fitzroy is still less inclined for the romantic than argo, who remains a steadfast absolute romantic internally. fitzroy still holds a lot of the self-doubt and distrust that canon fitzroy has, only it manifests in him not taking anything seriously! which means when he catches Feelings feelings he basically freaks out 
argo still falls in love really quickly, only now he’s more conflicted about it because being in love means trusting and trust means communication and communication means Oops Years Of Trauma Are Being Unloaded Uh Oh! 
now i’m going to touch on the big points that i find really interesting: fitzroy’s magic and argo’s relation to the unbroken chain
fitzroy’s magic:
chaos is not the being that grants him magic. it’s order! 
my take on what this means for what deity is on what plane of reality is that chaos is more Needed so they are the one that is physically On Nua, while Order remains in dreamscapes because they are already a constant amongst the tangible world. yes i know this directly contradicts the reasoning for why theyre Supposed to be where in canon, leave me alone i’m having fun. 
my reasoning for this switch is because chaos stands to be a contradiction to everything canon fitzroy has going on. he has a very strict, nailed-down understanding of himself and the world. everything he thinks is in black and white, bold statements, no questions, he follows rules and obeys the law. untiiiiil chaos gives him magic and shocks him out of that complacency. they lean into his inner impulses and that rage he’s kept locked deep inside. they allow for magic to Explode out of him, rather in calculated bursts or with intent. 
which is why order is more fitting for roleswap fitzroy!! because fitzroy, in this world, has less of a concrete grasp of himself and the world. he purposely lets himself be nebulous and goes with the flow. thinking of the future in real terms is not something fitzroy Does, he has no plans and that’s Fine. order seeks to give fitzroy a backbone, to put it simply. 
his magic doesn’t go impulsively out of him. it is calculated--it comes with thoughts and intentions. the reason it surprises fitzroy when the table blows up is because he didn’t think his thoughts or wants would amount into that, but that’s what order is trying to show him. that his intentions matter. that he matters and he has to Think and Focus and Be Here.
i’m still not sure if his power would manifest as lightning??? because the imagery for the lightning works perfectly for canon fitzroy because of the random power of lightning strikes. but for roleswap fitzroy it’s more like...thunder. like Purpose. thunder happens because of a reaction--it comes with intent. if differing air temperatures collide, it creates thunder. that combination is purpose + intent equating in magic. 
i think that part needs word bc like. how would one quantify thunder?? i think fire might also work really well because the idea of a controlled fire. like things have to Happen in order for fire to start, it can’t just appear like lightning can. 
order’s manipulation relies more heavily on the concept of boosting him up as a savior/hero, rather than boosting his ego and desire for power. fitzroy Has no desires in roleswap world--he’s just there. but when he gets put on the hero track, now he’s suddenly been given purpose. and order uses that to be like “wow, look at all these people who rely on you! look how important you are! don’t you want to use this magic for good?? to do good?? start a war with a demon come on pussy :-)”
OH YEAH also he becomes a hero in this universe (like in terms of tracks) because of the fact that it directly contradicts how he views himself. for canon fitzroy, it was showing him how much more he is capable of without the restrictions of morals (i.e, king fitzroy). but roleswap fitzroy doesn’t Have an image he wants to bolster! he doesn’t think he needs it and, frankly, he doesn’t care for it. the hero tracks carries with it all these stereotypes and expectations that now directly contradict his personality--thus showing him he is capable of more.
okay now for argo’s business jesus christ this post is so long and im NOT EVEN DONE WITH ALL THE POINTS I WANTED TO MENTION
argo’s relation to the unbroken chain:
so since roleswap argo has less of an association with his past (and, by extension, the memory of his mother), he is less inclined to join the mysterious cult that his mother was a part of. 
moreover, he doesn’t necessarily believe the shit he’s told??? he’s way more skeptical of jackal than canon argo is--immediately questioning why and how jackal knew his mother, and constantly trying to poke holes through his narrative.
generally speaking, if you try to talk to roleswap argo about his mother or his past, he Shuts Down. like completely. and that usually results in him snapping at you or just clamming up completely. mostly he just gets really snippy and angry because Hey Shut Up Dickhead I Don’t Want To Talk About It
a part of me still isn’t sure whether or not argo would take the unbroken chain up on their offer. but i also know that, plot wise and character arc wise, it is a necessary part of argo’s story. so i think, at most, he agrees but is extremely hesitant and might even let fitzroy on immediately once he’s given the task of digging into fitzroy’s life
also, they’re boyfriends in this universe, so how could he Really keep it a secret for that long. come on jackal, you idiot, you know they’re kissing. 
i think he’d Eventually warm up to jackal as a sort of father figure, but only after many nights of conversation and dancing around the subject of shebrie.
OH YEAH. this argo doesn’t know the commodore murdered his mother! important to note! he just assumes what he was told was true, that she sailed into dangerous territory and was ambushed. 
during the tribunal bit If That Even Happens In This World, i think fitzroy actually is the one who figures it out Before argo. and once argo does, well............fuck!
OKAY last little bit, just gonna talk about some random extra parts of the world that i’ve thought of already: 
in this universe, grey takes on higglemas’s identity instead of hieronymous’s!!! this is for good reason actually
okay so basically my thought was that, instead of whatever happened in canon yadda yadda dog time, hieronymous and grey are fighting and it’s a pretty evenly matched battle. there’s a cooldown moment where hiero thinks he’s safe but grey uses sneaky backhanded tactics to try and get the drop on him. 
only higgs sees it in time and saves his brother, taking the hit himself. he collapses, extremely wounded, and hiero rushes to his aid. he’s cradling his brother’s body, trying to keep him alive, when grey approaches to deliver the final blow. 
hiero is completely crushed and defeated and basically will let grey do anything to him by this point. the only thing he begs of is to let him live long enough to save his brother.
now, grey isn’t nice. let me make that clear. grey fucking SUCKS and the reason he agrees is because he wants a Real War with hiero and he can’t get that if hiero is basically like “if you let higgs die then you might as well kill me”.
so, grey agrees, and hiero ends up saving higgs by turning him into a cat. was supposed to be a temporary solution until he could find a better spell, but he wasn’t the magic guy in the duo. eventually, grey gets tired of waiting and decides to do some other shit. like turning the school the brothers have been running into a backalley place for demons!!
he takes the form of higglemas and leaves hieronymous locked in his office as basically a mascot. he’s like the queen and grey is the parliament--grey makes all the rules, but everyone assumes it’s hiero. faux-higgs is more on the ground, changing things and making the school a place more fitting for an eventual war. he builds up the concept of heroes and villains being Real, in the hopes he can sway some mortals to his side when he’s able to open a portal to hell. 
hiero still tries to stop this from happening, but his pride and his self-image is wounded by what happened. he feels guilty and puts the blame entirely on him, instead of doing the whole cowardice route like higgs did in canon. he gets people to help him eventually, via mind control and all tht jazz. 
also in this universe, buckminster is the one who gets birdified instead of leon!! has to do with my leon/buckminster and higgs/hiero narrative parallels that i’ve thought of for far too long.
firbolg is exactly the same in this universe. it is hard to swap three people and i didn’t want to think about him. 
fitzroy doesn’t pick a grab. i think he’d rather a lizard, like a bearded dragon. he names him something stupid. like scaly. or kyle. 
uhhh yeah!!! i think that’s....everything i’ve thought of so far!! lemme know if you wanna hear my takes on any other elements in the roleswap world!!!!
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lol I want to elaborate on that "Ed goes undercover" fic I dreamed up so rip me and my usual productivity!
this happens when Ed's like 13 I guess?
Anyway some shit happens and the military has to investigate a middle school. My dream was vague but I remember a something about a drug ring. Weird but it was a dream. 
I'm running with it and tweaking the idea.
So like, someone is using the students as a delivery system. Sneaking product or money into lockers with a note on instructions of where to deliver, and threats of what would happen if they don't.
One kid reported it to her parents, who happen to be military people who can begin the investigation. 
They think sending in undercover agents would be the best way to investigate without tipping their hand. They want to have someone investigating as a teacher and a student, as they would have different access. 
Usually the 'student' would be just some short and babyfaced military person, but since they do have an actual 13 year old on payroll, special requests are made. This isn't Ed's usual type of job, but you know. 
So yeah Ed's a little upset about the undercover thing especially because he's not the best actor.
However, everyone's expecting him to throw a tantrum over the fact that it's an all girls school with uniforms that include skirts.
But he's chill with that.
Until he realizes everyone expects him to be upset and is like "am I supposed to be? What's wrong with me???"
Some elaboration on "baby's first gender crisis".
Yeah Ed's initially chill with the "pretending to be a girl and wear a skirt" thing. Then everyone expects him to be upset. At first he questions why he would be, then he questions why he isn't. 
And then when Ed first sees himself in the full disguise... he actually likes it. Combined with the previous stuff, it gets really confusing for a while.
Though this being Ed, he doesn't talk about it to anyone. 
That said, the confusing stuff gets worse as time goes on in the disguise and he realizes he's okay with people thinking of him as a girl. 
Back to the undercover stuff!
They don't send him in entirely alone, because they have an undercover 'new teacher' as well.
Which is Hawkeye posing as the gym teacher.
I chose Hawkeye because
out of the main cast she's the least suspicious and
while it should be one of the people who usually handle these cases, Mustang kinda takes over after they make Ed get involved because he wants to make sure the kid is safe. (No there's no parental instincts involved with that! He just doesn't want to deal with the paperwork if Ed gets killed!!).
I'll explain the Gym Teacher thing later. 
Obvs Ed has to have some fake identity.
Not only because, you know, pretending to be a girl.
But also even just the last name might connect back to him and blow his cover.
I remember a lot of genderswap Ed stuff back in the day using "Eden" and while I think that's a dumb fucking name, it's exactly the kind of bullshit Ed would pick.
Not sure on a fake last name outside of making a 'Nancy Drew' joke.
Another part of the undercover thing is the Safehouse.
Since people would notice if ‘Eden’ goes ‘home’ to either a military building or a hotel or something, they have a safehouse set up for him to stay.
And of course, since anyone going to said house to investigate, or even if one of the teachers assigns a group project and Ed has to play along, they’d expect a family.
So you have Mustang playing the role of ‘dad’, which of course has nothing to do with any parental instincts!
Fuery’s also there, though his cover story is ‘uncle who just broke up with his gf and is staying there after she kicked him out’. Though his actual job is to keep Ed and Mustang from fighting because Hawkeye doesn’t trust them alone.
Fuery also helps Ed with the ‘being a girl disguise’ because fuck you Fuery is trans now so he knows the most about teenage girls.
He also picks up on Ed’s whole gender thing and tries to tell him ‘hey if you want to talk about this, you can talk to me’, though Ed doesn’t quite pick up on the hint.
Anyway, at the school, only two people know about the undercover thing.
One is the principal, who was very concerned for her students and allows this all to go down. While she doesn’t contact Ed directly, she’s there to bail him out of trouble if he gets caught.
The other is the student who reported this shit in the first place. I'm calling her Jessie. 
Jessie's job is to help Ed blend in as a student and "normal girl".
Initially under the guise of "showing the new student around" and then pretending to strike up a friendship so 'Eden' doesn't seem suspiciously antisocial. 
Okay. So the reason that Hawkeye’s the gym coach
Since Ed can't usually investigate stuff during class, they have him skip this class.
According to "Eden's" file with the school, she has a doctors note to skip gym because of the Automail. Supposedly she's been cleared for general walking around, but strenuous activity like Gym would be harmful.
So since 'Eden' would just be sitting in the bleachers all class, the 'coach' gives her a pass to study in the library. 
Of course Ed spends that time poking around. Trying to catch someone outright opening lockers and setting up deliveries, sometimes checking storage closets or empty classrooms.
If he gets caught he pretends that he's just a little lost. 
One obstacle Ed runs into is another student named Amber.
Amber is your typical mean girl
And of course, Ed being Ed, he stands up to her.
Which infuriates Amber and makes her target him.
Ed easily brushes off all her attempts because he has so much more to deal with and her insults don’t mean much to him.
Which then gets Amber to get more frustrated as all her usual tricks don’t work.
It quickly turns into a weird rivalmance
Ed’s a little oblivious to that
Amber’s confused because she thinks Ed is another girl and is like ‘wait, am I gay???’, which adds to her frustration with him.
So there’d be a lot of shenanigans that I won’t go into here, but would go into if I wrote this out in full. But it’s mostly Ed getting to be a normal-ish kid, and also a little bit of gender crisis because said ‘normal-ish kid’ is a girl. Along with various middle-school drama. 
Anyway, one day on Ed’s investigations he notices a Teacher doing some weird shit and decides to investigate.
He starts by breaking into the classroom to search, with his usual ‘sorry I got lost/I was looking for something I dropped earlier’ excuse at the ready
Unfortunately, Amber followed him, she finds him suspicious and also their rivalmance is a thing.
He catches her following him, but she threatens to go to a teacher and report him breaking into a classroom.
So he’s like ‘fine, follow but stay quiet.’ While he doesn’t explain in full yet, as he doesn’t trust her, he does tell her to look for anything suspicious.
They find another of the delivery packages in the teacher’s desk, though this one is addressed to Amber, which freaks her out.
Despite none of the girls other than Jessie coming forward, rumors had been going around so Amber was able to connect the dots.
At some point during this, the teacher comes back.
They get caught, then knocked out.
When they wake up, they’re both tied up in a supply closet.
Ed easily gets out, as his hands were tied in a way that let him access his Alchemy and easily break the rope.
He unties Amber, but has to take a minute to calm her down because she’s in full panic attack.
Luckily, well, unluckily I guess, Ed has experience in calming down from that and can help.
They go to escape and run into the teacher again.
This time, Ed’s not caught by surprise and is done fucking around.
Alchemy time bitch!
Ed goes to try and call Mustang, but it turns out that he’s already there.
Jessie alerted him when Ed disappeared, so they knew something went sideways.
They both end up going with Mustang to whatever military bullshit to give statements.
Ed explains the whole thing to Amber on the way.
Amber is fucking reeling at all of this.
She doesn’t voice her confusion of ‘Wait, we had a rivalmance. And I thought you were a girl so I had a crisis over liking girls, and . But now I know you were a boy so does that cancel out that, or do I still like girls?
While there, Amber mostly sticks by Ed because he’s the only one she knows.
Well, she knows Hawkeye because she was the gym teacher (and now Amber knows that was a cover too). But while she’s nice, Hawkeye’s a little too intense for her.
But they end up talking a little until Amber’s parents get there.
Also featuring the Rivalmance going somewhere and we get Ed’s first kiss.
Said rivalmance doesn’t go much further than that though but still it’s a Moment™
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arsonforcharlie · 5 years
Get to know me uncomfortably well: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
jesus christ
put under a cut because i want to make absolutely sure nobody reads this massive amount of information and also did you ask for EVERY NUMBER EXCEPT 69
1. What is you middle name?
2. How old are you?
3. When is your birthday?
november 9 and i bet you didn’t even get me a present, you absolute monster
4. What is your zodiac sign?
5. What is your favorite color?
i like jewel tones in general, my fave right now is dark green
6. What’s your lucky number?
i don’t really have one, tbh
7. Do you have any pets?
i do not, unfortunately. i hope to at some point soonish but a lot of that is gonna depend on how my situation shakes out
8. Where are you from?
st. john’s, newfoundland
9. How tall are you?
10. What shoe size are you?
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
i’m not getting up but like 7? i need to get a new pair for working in and i will be getting rid of the ones i don’t wear so that number is in flux
already answered 12
13. What talents do you have?
none, really. but i’m alright at knitting and generally, like, figuring out how physical objects work and go together. my friends also tens to enjoy the games i run so that’s nice.
14. Are you psychic in any way?
bitch read my mind and find out
15. Favorite song?
i cannot express how impossible it is for me to pick ONE FUCKING SONG that’s my favorite. here’s 5 i always go back to, though!
my tyrant- felix hagan and the family
northbound- grace petrie
staring at the sun- mika
too much- carly rae jepsen
vampire money- my chemical romance
already answered 16
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
well there’s the mushy option in which i name names, but i resolutely refuse to do that since i’ve been informed nobody cares about how queer i am. but generally, i tend towards people i can feel comfortable around. despite me being a huge slut for interacting with people, there’s very few that project the kind of atmosphere that lets me really just chill and start thinking about trusting them.
18. Do you want children?
jesus no don’t put me in charge of a child
19. Do you want a church wedding?
jesus no, even the wedding part of that sounds less than ideal
20. Are you religious?
lmao nah
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
yeah, a few times
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
well i have a background check going through right now that’ll answer that for me but i think i have not ever been caught for my many crimes
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
a few- i met russell crowe on a set once, and there’s a good few smaller time canadians i’ve met just, like, around
24. Baths or showers?
i usually go for showers because i am living in a place with an insufficient bathtub setup, but i have been known to enjoy a nice bath now and again
25. What color socks are you wearing?
bold of you to assume i put on socks when i’m not going out
26. Have you ever been famous?
bitch i’m famous now everyone else just doesn’t know it yet
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
probably not, i like the act of grocery shopping and going to shitty bars and disappearing, and i couldn’t do that if i was a proper celebrity
28. What type of music do you like?
loud and i can imagine myself being in a cool music video when i walk places listening to it
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
well yeah obv
already answered 30
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
usually on my side curled up around something, either a person if i’m lucky or a pillow
32. How big is your house?
the apartment is not big enough atm
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
i don’t usually eat breakfast at all tbh
34. Have you ever fired a gun?
no but i have held one once
35. Have you ever tried archery?
once in high school gym class. i did...... bad
36. Favorite clean word?
i like words that describe the way dragonfly wings look. diaphenous and iridescent and things.
37. Favorite swear word?
i’ve always been a fan of a good solid fuck, and you can quote me on that
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
two days, i think?
39. Do you have any scars?
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
yeah but they were prolly goofing
41. Are you a good liar?
not under most circumstances
42. Are you a good judge of character?
no, but not in the usual way. i tend to assume people have a lot more hidden motives than they do. like, obviously you don’t want to be FRIENDS with me, you just are PRETENDING for SOME REASON
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
yeah, as a matter of fact, i can do them ALL AT ONCE
44. Do you have a strong accent?
most of the time no, but when i’m talking to people with a strong accent from back home mine slips back
already answered 45
46. What is your personality type?
while i rarely get consistent answers, i just took the myers-briggs again and got enfp so there’s something
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
i don’t own much that’s super expensive tbh, i’m broke as shit. my boots cost like 60 bucks and i stressed about that for ages
48. Can you curl your tongue?
yeah, i can do a lot with it
49. Are you an innie or an outie?
50. Left or right handed?
51. Are you scared of spiders?
52. Favorite food?
there’s so much food i love! i do have dumplings i am excited to eat tho
53. Favorite foreign food?
again, there’s so much! i am really craving a good currry today i guess?
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
a bit messy, especially with stuff that isn’t, like, a hygenic risk. if things are just out of place i don’t tend to register that as the same level of unclean as, like, food messes
55. Most used phrased?56. Most used word?
these two are ones my friends could probably answer more reliably than me. i do say i’m not a doctor tho
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
not long, unless i’ve decided it’s a makeup day and i want to do something dumb and fancy
58. Do you have much of an ego?
i talk a big game, but not really, i’m pretty down on myself a lot
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
60. Do you talk to yourself?
mmhmm- specifically, rehearsing conversations that will never happen
61. Do you sing to yourself?
sometimes, when i’m in a good mood
62. Are you a good singer?
absolutely not
63. Biggest Fear?
there’s a few, but i’d say the biggest one i’ve had the longest is a loss of identity of some sort. like, just not recognizing the people around me, that sort of thing. it’s gotten a bit intense recently due to events but yeah
64. Are you a gossip?
not really- like, i will gladly listen to your drama but i only really talk about it to other people if it actually affects me
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
oof jesus, i tend to watch more shitty horror movies than anything else bc i’m hot trash
66. Do you like long or short hair?
both are fine on other people, but short hair is way better for me
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
just did a quiz and only got 40. i didn’t even remember all the ones i had been to so that’s cool. you guys have too many states anyway
68. Favorite school subject?
i was your standard weird queer kid who imprinted on my english teachers
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
71. What makes you nervous?
so many things tbh
72. Are you scared of the dark?
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
depends on the person and the mistake, really.
74. Are you ticklish?
fuck off
75. Have you ever started a rumor?
i don’t think so?
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
i’m a dungeon master, does that counts
77. Have you ever drank underage?
78. Have you ever done drugs?
79. Who was your first real crush?
my best friend in elementary school. i wanted her and i to get married to brothers so that we could live next door to each other and have sleepovers every night because i really liked sleeping next to her and doing her hair
hoo boy baby bobbie (i even knew lesbians as a kid! i grew up in such an accepting family! i have no excuse for being so repressed)
80. How many piercings do you have?
just one ear
81. Can you roll your Rs?“
not competently
82. How fast can you type?
pretty fast- i did take a test recently that came back at 68 wpm so my goal is now to get one word faster
83. How fast can you run?
fuck running
84. What color is your hair?
black with green bits, i post a lot of selfies, you know that
85. What color is your eyes?
grayish blue
86. What are you allergic to?
nothing that i know of. undefeated
87. Do you keep a journal?
i post on tumblr a lot
88. What do your parents do?
my mom works in communications- she used to work in politics but now she works for a non-profit because the staff of the party she worked for was, in her words, a “sack of vipers”
my dad was a journalist and a photographer. he was the editor for the paper back home for a long time, and then after that he did a lot of advocacy work for MS. he ran for office a few times. you know, like you do.
89. Do you like your age?
it’s alright. like, i got troubles but i accept that none of that is because i’m 28 and mostly just because i got myself into a dumb situation
90. What makes you angry?
mostly when people don’t seem to care about how their actions affect others. like, i can almost accept malice easier than a profit motive
91. Do you like your own name?
it’s not bad, and i haven’t really hit on any that i like more than bobbie
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
lmao nope
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
i want the child to be born to someone who is not me
94. What are you strengths?
not very many tbh i kinda suck as a human person. i am pretty good at compartmentalizing and staying kinda functional when shit goes down
95. What are your weaknesses?
all of them. specifically, i’m hard to motivate and i got depression
96. How did you get your name?
i was named after my grandmother
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
i know at least one was a criminal. i do have a kickass family crest and tartan tho
98. Do you have any scars?
they haven’t faded since i answered question 39
99. Color of your bedspread?
there’s a gray one and i have a blue weighted blanket i use sometimes
100. Color of your room?
the whole apartment is beige
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underwaterwoods · 5 years
so i saw the star war
spoilers ahoy
i guess this is just gonna be random bullet points
* i actually feel pretty chill about it. yay for being spoiled. also like.... if you ignore the ridiculous stuff there’s actually a lot to have fun with in this one. i don’t know how i’ll feel about it once i’ve processed it more. i just know i had fun while watching it, which i know isn’t true for everybody. i totally understand the negativity - it all makes sense to me. i’m just glad i sort of.... FORCED myself to have enough distance to just go in like ‘i’M PrepArED fOr wHAtEveR’
*i did like all the jumping around between locations in the first half and how ben would show up everywhere rey was. what a ‘you’re everywhere i go’ pairing. /chef’s kiss/. also having the different locations gives a sense of spaciousness (even if it’s all happening over a short period of time) which i missed in tlj.
*one of the things that gave me the most joy as the hux thing ??? X’’’D it was EXACTLY like that ‘the farce awakens’ ep where hux LITERALLY JOINS THE RESISTANCE cuz he can’t stand kylo. like what kind of fanfic...... how do the hux fans out there feel? (i really love the hux fans they’re a great bunch XD). shame that he was gone right after though.
* i actually enjoyed the trio dynamic? like i get the desire to move away from ‘trio mentality’ but the rey/poe tension with finn as mediator was fun. and finn and poe as joint generals? adorable. shame that the whole finn/poe thing got a bit clouded by.... stormpilot baiting and rose erasure and all the things... Also i’m not anti any character - i like zorii - but.... let poe stay a gay icon? i guess he can still be a queer icon it’s all good i’m down for whatever.
*speaking of finn.... loved seeing more of his humour back. didn’t love that there was no unpacking of how he feels taking out stormtroopers. but loved the found family of jannah and the other ex-stormtroopers. i feel like that gave SOME resolution/depth to finn’s origins. and finn being a non force user but seemingly super attuned to the force and its ways? i can roll with that.
*more speaking of finn... i wonder what they were doing with the ‘thing he wants to tell rey that he never gets to tell rey’. seems like an obvious ‘i love you’ thing. but at the same time we got reylo (/basks in that for a second/). it feels to me like throwing a bone to the finnrey people? like they didn’t get it in this movie but it could be a thing in the future? regaurdless, i did like how finn and rey were very connected and back to that loving friendship they had in tfa. we never quite got the ‘you have a force bond with the supreme leader?!!’ conversation but we got.... SOME conversation.
* speaking of the supreme leader... kinda love that we got renperor AND ben solo TM. i prefer to view ben more holistically (he is both ‘ben’ and ‘kylo’) but i get that making them two distinct identities was a helpful shortcut of sorts. he could ‘kill’ kylo and switch to being ben in a single scene. i always prefer Soft Boi Ben but if we were gonna get Bad Boy Kylo i’m glad they established it right out the gate. it was like ok, this is what to expect; this is where we’re at with this character. 
*ben with his costume change at the end....... omg. gave me BIG smuggler!Ben vibes. urgh, give me all the AUs. ben deserves more.
*the amount of swagger when he was fighting the KOR
*idk i feel like i’m not even touching on the big stuff. this was just a ‘get all my side thoughts out of my system’ post.
*adam’s smile after the kiss though......... ...  /the most beautiful thing in this world/
*truly iconic that people were right about the strategic, covert introduction of force healing via baby yoda like one month before tros.
*oh yeah it was wILD that so much of the imagery from the trailers/tv spots etc was in like the first five mintues of the movie ??? i totally assumed the ‘i have been every voice you’ve ever heard inside your head’ moment would be climactic rather than right up front
*oh yeah the vader mask.... that didn’t really mean anything in the end then did it?
* re: ben’s death. maybe it’s because i was braced for it but in some ways it’s the best way he could have gone. he was definitely happy and reunited with the light - both through love of rey and of his family. hIGHKey could have done with ben’s force ghost also appearing at the end? the only good thing about not seeing it is.... LF deciding to retcon his death ? ??XD obs they’re not gonna but if you want a crackpot silver lining there it is.
*what exactly does rey’s future look like, may i ask?
* oh yeah, Passing The Saber Through The Force. maybe my favourite moment. the force bond as a bare concept is so romantic to me i would watch a whole trilogy just exploring the magic system of that - it’s limitations and possibilities. 
* i do like that jj developed the visual style of the bond. we got to see them occupying the same space, the way each of them would be seeing the other (’can you see my surroundings, i can’t see yours, just you’)
*i miss that rian johnson sound editing on the bond though..... god, the iNTIMACY of the tlj bond scenes....
*’i DID want to take your hand’
*also just the word choice of ‘take your hand’/ ‘i offered you my hand’. it’s extremely marriage.
*there was also a moment in the hanger when ben was like ‘we’re one’ basically? he was saying it in the context of rey’s lineage but still...............the validation. one soul. 
*palps was like ‘you live and die together’ which made me REALLY think of skytalkers podcast. obviously assumed they would both have to LIVE together but.... /deep sigh/
*blah this could go on forever i’ll add more later
edit #1:
* OH YEAH! reverse anidala was such a thing! why did it have to be SO reverse anidala though? X’D instead of taking her life, he gives her his own. (i know it’s not clear anakin totally killed padme etc etc but ya feel me)
* ok i hate that ben died obvs obvs but, taking that for what it is, it was very romeo and juliet. i kinda love just the imagery of it. like... the physical blocking/choreography of adam getting daisy into his arms, holding her, then he falls and it’s her holding him. the way she catches his neck. really reminded me of the smoothness of the bridal carry. and rey’s flexed foot in that moment of shock. love the body language. back to that kind of ‘’staccato’’ rey of tfa days.
edit #2:
*lololol @ LF trying to establish how ‘bad’ kylo is by having him kill a bunch of people in the beginning. it was just.... Hot.
edit #3:
* rose deserves better. obviously. she looked so good though. i like that she had some moments with connix too. 
* ben called han ‘dad’......
*ben standing there, overlooking the waves, with his leG EXTENDED BEFORE HIM. wanderer above a sea of fog. wanderer above a sea of foggg.
* rey having compassion for the snake thing. we been knew. kinda nice to have it in there. obviously good set up for ~later force healing shenanigans~
* OH YEAH OH YEAH. i kept thinking about atla. i know people have been making comparisons to it from the start and i’ve been DEEPLY INTO those comparisons. but it was truly a blessing for me to remember.... there is a version of this out there that you love and that is Good Content TM. legit i can just go watch atla again to heal from this. omg yeah cuz REY HEALING HIS WOUND ALSO HEALED HIS SCAR. very crystal cave.......... nah but nah but - the ‘you are every jedi’ was EXTREMELY avatar-esk..... like, engage avatar state. i don’t like how it ended up being the same old conflict between jedi and sith - ‘good’ and ‘bad’ - OBVIOUSLY THE POINT IS TO INTEGRATE THE CONFLICTING PARTS OF SELF; THE SHADOW SIDE; TO TRANSCEND OLD DICHOTOMIES - but i did love hearing all the voices from past jedi. that’s some good ‘the ancestors are with you’ shit.
edit #4:
* i think the first thing we hear rey say is ‘be with me’? ngl i was like ‘pls be invoking the force bond’ X’D i am a clown. that was a beautiful shot though. and love that a version of the bond kicked in like two seconds after that. 
edit #5:
*there’s that bit where reylo are fighting on the death star ruins and he’s winning and rey kinda falls to her knees panting and lowkey defeated and, not to be a shallow bitch but..... it was Hot.
*obvs i wanted rey to be truly no one. but casting jodie comer as rey’s mum ? ????? urgh, pefection, i love it.
*palps was so random i stg..... his plan was.... convoluted to say the least. 
*also who was under all those hoods?
*the KOR just kinda... being around again was hilarious. no explaination required. the boys are back in town. ben facing them without a mask and essentially wearing his pjs? loved it. 
edit #6:
*seriously though ben’s redemption outfit.............. /heart eyes emoji into the sunset/.......... you can see his collar bone.............. /cares about the important things/.................
edit #7:
*one thing i loved about the reylo was how Space Wizards TM they both were in this movie. it so highlights their connection by making it clear that they are each other’s only peer. i thought it would be a thing of ‘why is the supreme leader constantly interacting with/going after this girl?’ but it’s not because it’s so clear that they are the only two people on each others’ level. no one would dare question the fact that they’re constantly circling each other in a lustful murderous rage.
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tarmairons · 5 years
re: that last hp ask i got
i know i said i wouldn’t be cross-posting my bellamort/dark au/riddle fam headcanons from twitter but i’ve decided to post a lengthy updated masterpost here after all so ENJOY bon apetit 
1. see the thing is that 90% of my hcs can’t be described with words bc they’re just.. feelings.. aesthetics.. vibes.. vague scenarios that make me feel some sort of way… the dark au has a certain Feel and i just stick a bunch of domestic concepts in there and shake it all up and that’s it shshsh
2. disclaimer: im like 75% sure my self indulgent ramblings won’t make sense so sorry about that
3. i was fully serious that one time i said on twitter that voldemort’s no.1 priority after taking over the wizarding world was doing sth about his snace (snake face) so yeah. first things first he’s not as fugly in the dark au. as mentioned previously he just looks like mr. ralph and probably wears ornate haute couture power suits
4. the public doesn’t actually know who the augurey is for YEARS… they know whoever it is is voldemort’s second in command and sure there’s rumors that he has an heir but nobody knows it’s delphi. this way she doesn’t have to be reclusive and hide away, she just lives her life, studies and trains, masters the art of dark magic, hangs around town etc, and no one suspects anything bc who would think this tiny super friendly innocent looking girl is the dark lord’s kid — her identity isn’t revealed until she’s deemed Ready to publicly take up her position. and when she is revealed it’s a Big Moment bc she’s a drama queen and lives for attention
5. delphi is taller than bellatrix
6. speaking of bellatrix. she’s presumed dead after the battle of hogwarts which turns out to be a cool bonus for the dark side. any leftover resistance? she’ll take care of that and they’ll never see her coming. tbh this seems a lot cooler in my head bc movie bellatrix would not be stealthy enough to stay hidden for years she would probs trip over something and accidentally commit arson within a few days. but yeah sneaky assassin sounds sexy. plus to be super honest i imagine bella is a teensy bit more collected than in the films... no shade at helena y’all know i would die for her but there are in fact things i would change about her bella. so yeah for a while the only people who know she’s alive aside from her immediate family are probs rod and the malfoys
7. hm so. the malfoys…. much to think about. narcissa did lie to voldemort’s face during the battle so logically he should have killed her the moment he realized she knew harry was alive all along. but this is a soft dark au so let’s pretend bellatrix was like hey dude don’t kill my sister maybe and voldemort was like k. i mean no harm done, harry potter is properly dead in this universe after all
8. but seriously tho. the only reason voldemort didn’t yeet narcissa into a wall was for bella’s sake. he’s nice like that, he probably promised her at one point that he wouldn’t violently murder her family. peak romance
9. delphi is surprisingly close with both her parents although with voldemort it’s more of a mentor-student relationship than a parent-child one bc he’s Like That. growing up it was always bella who insisted they treat delphi more like a child and less like a weapon and voldemort wasn’t always happy about that bc he’s emotionally constipated and also never had a childhood. also he’s, like, evil. so yes, reminding voldemort that delphi was her daughter too sometimes got bella in trouble bc we all know of voldemort’s superiority issues. but no bella didn’t stop insisting that delphi deserved an actual childhood and in the end they compromised like functional adults and delphi turned out pretty well for someone raised by 2 of the most terrifying people alive
10. but yeah that’s not to say voldemort and kid delphi never had soft moments. they did. he even picked her up every once in a while. everyone was surprised, bella most of all. she probably cried in the bathroom later bc the softness overwhelmed her. i’m not sure if i mean that in a sarcastic shitpost kind of way or if she was really moved to tears. y’all decide for yourselves
11. delphi looks very very much like bella but she has tom riddley eyes.. so dark they’re nearly black. and soulless. maybe they even flash red when she’s enraged. and she has very aristocratic very controlled tom riddley mannerisms. it’s not until you piss her off and she goes off the rails that the bella side of her personality kicks in
12. delphi gets along really well with the malfoys (except lucius. she thinks he’s pathetic and likes to tease him. in a friendly way but it’s still harsh. she gets that from her mom) esp scorp. scorp thinks this makes him cool at school bc he gets to fist bump the augurey and not get murdered for it
13. speaking of hogwarts. umbridge is scared shitless of delphi and it’s always a school-wide spectacle when the augurey drops by unexpectedly on official business and umbridge starts stuttering and quivering. scorp sometimes makes a point to approach umbridge and delphi when they’re talking and act all chummy-chummy with his cousin just to make himself look powerful and Cool in front of umbridge and the other students
14. i still don’t know whether voldemort would call delphi ‘delphini’ or just ‘delphi’… i imagine he’s a strict stick-up-his-ass kinda father but who knows. he does call bellatrix ‘bella’ but that’s different i guess
15. but THEN AGAIN he does have a gigantic soft spot for delphi too. maybe he slips up every so often and calls her delphi. i’m literally making this shit up as i go along i’m just smashing my mf keyboard and occasionally glancing at my messy hcs notebook. I TOLD YALL i don’t have solid hcs i just have VIBES and AESTHETICS. the only way you’ll get specific hcs out of me is if you ask very specific questions
16. weirdest brotp is delphi and rodolphus. nobody knows where that came from but they get along so well and it confuses everybody
17. we been knew that bella is batshit crazy and criminally insane or whatever but against all odds she is a surprisingly good mother. she’s always been soft for family (narcissa etc) so it makes sense that she would legit die for delphi. they have this super casual bantery relationship YALL GET ME bella is so proud of delphi she’s literally that “my little baby off to destroy people” meme!!! honestly mother-daughter relationships are my goddamn weakness i would die for the two of them
18. delphi has a gf (underdeveloped oc time!) who, for the longest time, doesn’t know who she is dating bc delphi is obviously not allowed to say. she finds out the truth eventually and she is properly freaked out for a very very long time. and since all of these hcs are stupidly soft we’re just gonna keep making them softer: the gf is terrified of delphi’s parents at first (obvs) but they’re both extremely fond of her (well, bella is, voldemort probs doesn’t care all that much about who delphi is dating so long as she’s not of subpar blood status or secretly spying for the opposition ya know. as long as delphi trusts her he does too)
19. no but really voldemort trusts delphi and bella implicitly. with delphi it’s bc he raised her and he trusts her to be loyal bc she knows no other way, she was meant to be an extension of his power etc. but with bella it’s something he learns over time, to trust her judgement bc despite her many many flaws she’s very perceptive and usually right
20. voldemort probably makes more horcruxes. still haven’t decided how this ties in with the fact that he’s now safely immortal again and neither delphi nor bella are. who knows maybe they all do the do and split their souls. much to think about. feel free to send ur thots and ideas my way
21. ya know im basic and always on my bellamort bs and therefore: as the years go by voldemort warms up to bella. not that he wasn’t already extremely fond of her before but he kicks it up a notch. i mean, he’s already taken over the world so it’s high time to start experimenting with other wilder things like Feelings. 80/90 years old isn’t too late to experience Love or whatever. might as well wake up one day and realize you’re completely and utterly in love with the woman you’ve spent the last 50+ years with whew. LIKE to be fair bella knows him better than anyone — they understand each other, they’re familiar with each other’s likes, dislikes, mannerisms, nervous tics etc etc. let’s be real it freaked voldemort out at first, being vulnerable to any degree (not that he let it show) but it just became so easy to tell her things that it became a natural thing to do. and obvs he trusts her to keep everything between them and never judge him for anything so that’s sweet
22. y’all keep asking me for domestic hcs but what can i possibly say?? imagine literally any domestic scenario ever and just think bellamort and i’ve probably imagined that same scenario before. except its sexier bc the world is dark and evil and they live in a dark gloomy super fancy manor. so we have these 2 goths right but they’re in love but in that casual familiar way YALL GET ME and sometimes they even drink coffee together in the mornings or like. do that thing where Person A returns from work late at night and its dark and raining and Person B is already home just chilling and they don’t even have to talk they just go about their nighttime routine but it’s soft and familiar and COMFORTABLE. i clearly dont have enough softness in my life i just. love domestic scenarios bye
23. i forgot everything else i wanted to write bc i got distracted by domesticity. im also thinking about how voldemort absolutely despises the thought of any pda but he’ll take bella by the wrist in public every so often when he wants to get her attention, or like. put his hand on her back. small things but oh so soft
24. hhhh okay i have a LOT to say about the power fam’s fashion choices but it’s hard to explain without pictures. i have a wholeass ppt presentation but i’m not about to upload 20+ slides to tumblr. but i seriously was not kidding when i said voldemort wears fancy suits and yes i have references. meanwhile delphi is a fan of feathers but mostly goes with lowkey military-style outfits.. she’s practical yet ostentatious. bella sticks to a conservative yet undeniably sexy selection of evil looking dresses.. i should make all of these into pinterest boards hmm
25. controversial opinion but i think delphi knows she and voldemort are half bloods. so does bella but that’s a whole other story, she been knew. anyhow yeah delphi was told the truth bc it was better for her to find out from the source rather than hear rumors from the opposition and begin to distrust the foundations of voldemort’s whole empire and voldemort himself
26. i used to absolutely hate fics where bella would eventually call voldemort by his name but now im like FUCK THAT we don’t do guilty pleasures anymore we just stan ridiculous things and that’s that. one day voldemort had a Thought (shocking, i know) and was like. Hm so we have a wholeass child and we’re basically married maybe bella shouldn’t have to call me My Lord for the rest of her life. BUT ONLY IN PRIVATE. THATS BETWEEN THE TWO OF THEM it’s nobody’s business. It Is Nobody’s Business
27. speaking of marriage. bella and rod got divorced a few years after the battle. it was just a formality tho let’s be real. they remained very close friends tho!!!!!!!! i think that’s an unpopular opinion among bellamort stans but i genuinely believe bella and rod were always close the way best friends or family are ya know. rod really loves bella but as long as she’s happy he’s happy even if it means her fucking the dark lord on the reg or whatever
28. going back to #6 — when the public finally finds out that bella’s alive they obviously start to wonder about her and voldemort and connect the dots re: delphi etc but nobody ever gets any concrete answers bc there’s never any public pda.. any sort of affection is limited to when it’s just the two of them. and obviously it’s not like voldemort gossips about his private life in tabloid interviews or whatnot. ALSO the whole Bella Is Alive reveal isn’t nearly as dramatic as delphi’s big moment.. it’s more discreet and insidious in that way it implies that she was there hiding in plain sight all along. and if the ministry can keep sth this big a secret, what else are they hiding.. ah classic intimidation tactics of an authoritarian regime
29. i dont think this is ever stated in the CC but in terms of politics and bureaucracy i imagine voldemort has a fancy office in the ministry and spends 99% of his time there and rarely spends any time out and about. he’s almost never seen by anyone, rarely attends events etc. delphi’s the one who handles the day to day shit in the wizarding world. she’s like.. the public relations manager.. between the public and voldemort
30. bella is of similar status within the ministry but that’s just bc people are scared shitless of her. she doesn’t actually hold any political power and she most certainly does not want to, that is not her area of expertise at all
31. delphi is dangerously powerful and i think that’s really sexy of her
32. re: #21 it’s like. as voldemort warms up to bella, she in turn chillaxes a bit with the whole blind devotion thing and becomes bolder with him like. she’ll outright question his decisions or tell him what he should do, make judgement calls etc. and it becomes a regular thing.. turns into this casual companionship ya feel.. i won’t say they become equals bc that’s just unrealistic but he certainly stops treating her like his inferior. he recognizes her value and i daresay her authority and stops treating her like shit all the time Wow Romance Is Alive!! (this sounds like some sort of “douche fuckboi changes for his poor mistreated love interest” schtick but it’s really not that bc they’re both monstrous people who do not deserve any pity so jot that down. they’re horrible and they deserve each other and they eventually do make it work and i am so so happy for them)
33. it is never outright stated that voldemort can’t love. jkr has said that he doesn’t understand love and that it’s just symbolism!!! that he’s the child of a loveless union and grew up without knowing love!!! BUT THAT DOESN’T MEAN HE PHYSICALLY CANNOT LOVE thanks for coming 2 my ted talk. i wasn’t aware of this until a few months ago and i was thrilled to find out my soft hcs are not entirely ooc after all
34. THE POINT IS. THEY ARE A SEMI-FUNCTIONAL FAMILY and i just really love soft domestic scenarios so sorry jkr but the dark au is the only canon now and it belongs to me. everybody has feelings and everything is soft. i’d like to pitch an idea for a kuwtk style reality show but it’s these 3 sociopaths under one roof navigating family life and wizarding world politics
35. to finish i’d like to apologize for downplaying the fact that all 3 of the people i woobified in this post are psychotic murderers and tyrants etc
—— i’ll be updating this if/when i remember anything i forgot AND ALSO send me ur thoughts and comments and constructive criticism etc pls pls pls 
—— follow me on twitter and also curiouscat bc i get a scary amount of q’s about voldemort’s sex life thank you and goodbye
36. in this household we stan dark haired delphi. no i will not be taking any criticism regarding this particular fact
37. bella and voldemort never get married. obviously, because that’s a disgustingly romantic and pointless thing to do. it’s sentimental and unnecessary (well, voldemort thinks so, bella might just disagree but she’s not about to force his hand) BUT that’s not to say they’re not basically an old married couple anyway. AND as much as voldemort thinks love is weakness or whatever he knows this, that they’re about as close as two people can get. SO if he just so happens to gift her a ring.. well it’s a purely symbolic gesture but the implication is definitely there
38. it’s the horcrux ring. he trusts her that much. m y  h e a r t
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henry-hart · 6 years
The Danger Begins s1 ep1
I’m so glad I decided to rewatch this because it made me so happy!!!! (also, to keep you guys from getting uber annoyed with me, i’m just gonna lb on one big post like this from now on lolol)
first off
s1 henry was the cutest thing to ever exist. ever. my heart couldn’t take it bc he’s so grown now but in that first ep he’s this adorable little baby chick ajdksjslk
it was so incredible to see Siren on my screen. Like, within thirty seconds BAM there she was. i felt blessed, like she blessed my laptop
PIPER. MY OVERDRAMATIC DAUGHTER. I miss her “I am NOT okay!!!” catchphrase akdjlsj 
her “so we’re living like animals now” reply to being told to wait for her video to load---same girl, same.
Henry at 13 was a million times more proactive about the whole job search than I have ever been and I’m 22 sksjskjsk
his whole “I’m not good at anything. I’m a big ball of average”---I feel that lol
“No special skills needed.” “That’s me!!” 
okay one of Char’s first lines was “One day when you two are cleaning my pool bc you failed this algebra test...” and it doesn’t get more iconic than that
Ray just coming in with all these ridiculous questions lolol poor Hen
“I’m 13. I’ll be 14....on my next bday.” ajskjsksljk
“Ah, so you’re aging sequentially. I like that. The name’s Ray.” “Nice to meet you, Ray. I’m Henry.” “You ask a lot of questions.” “I....don’t think....I’ve asked any questions...????” loved it
I laughed when Ray changed into his uniform and the zipper got stuck (that never happens again????)
“Did you have to melt my phone???” Hen, sweetie, hate to break it to you, but your phone gets broken.....preeeeetty much every ep (need me a bank account like that where I can steady get new iphones)
WhAt Do YoU mEaN nO sPeCiAl SkIlLs HeNrY???? yOu NoTiCeD tHe TaToO!!!!!! u smart lil cookie
Ray was all “I’m getting old. I can’t do this forever.” Two things: 1) RAY DID YOU JUST REFER TO YOURSELF AND OLD IN THE SAME SENTENCE??? 2) why is this never mentioned again??? Like, Ray got a sidekick to pass the mantle onto someone younger to keep protecting Swellview when he’s done. We’re like 4 yrs down the line, and they haven’t even hinted towards CM retiring??? (I know that would mean the end of the show, but they could at least bring it up every now and then)
OK. hated the toddler then. hate him now. 
Props to the props department (ha ha get it???) for all the junk in the store. It’s all so strange and doesn’t make sense and fits the show so well (also it seems like each ep has diff junk??? that’s impressive)
“They seem like nice kids.” “Yeah, they’re names are Jasper x Charlotte. I’ve known them ever since--” “Get rid of them.” “I’ll get rid of them.”
DAWWWW Jasper x his buckets :’))))
“I told you Canadian money upsets ppl!!!” Ah Char (I wonder if Riele comes up with some of these Canada jokes??)
OMG I FORGOT ABOUT HEN’S HORRIBLE TEST WARDROBE. IMAGINE IF THEY HAD KEPT ONE OF THOSE IDEAS AKSJLKSJ (there really wasn’t any need for a whole test wardrobe tho--just style an outfit to fits Ray’s. His obvs works out well for him) (I know that’s what they ended up doing lolol)
Okay, Ray’s “Oh man. I ate a lot of fruit.” line KILLS. ME. bc when i first watched this ep, every time the scene changed and Ray was shown w/ a diff fruit, I was like, “Why...is he eating so much fruit????” bc they’re all diff and he even eats a whole pineapple--outside peel and all. BUT I WAS THINKING IT AND THEN HE SAID IT AND IT MADE IT ONE MILLION TIMES FUNNIER.
“Chew gum. Blow bubble. Fight crime.” Ray wrote those instructions. I just know it. aksjskl
“And what does a single flashing light mean?” “Just to shoot me a text, you know, whenever.” aksjklsk
Hen not knowing how to get the tubes to work and just jumping up and down making noises aksjlsk
“Affirmative.” “That means ‘yes’.” “I got that.” and so the sass begins lolol love it
“Awwww no! That was my favorite bridge!”
“I hate my life and I am NOT okay.” i feel u Pipes
the sass is strong in those Hart kids. Siren x Jake can’t catch a break aksjslk
Siren. Hart. Is. So. Beautiful. her hair just looks so good this ep
“I’ll run away. I’ll do it.” ajskjskl Pipes chill
Jake....Siren...that’s....your son on the tv screen...like.....that’s literally your child’s face.....the product of both of your genes is right there.....plastered on the screen.....how do u....not....recognize him?????
“Two ppl said they might come.” “Who?” “Sidney Birnbaum and Oliver Pook.” “Ew.” “Those guys eat bugs.” “So? They’re people.” I just love the kid’s line delivery here lolol
I just want everyone to know that s1 Henry is the cutest. I already said it, but I’m saying it again. 
Henry panicking bc he doesn’t want C x J to keep reading about KD but he also doesn’t know what to do so he just throws a glass and smacks C’s phone out of her hand and clean across the room ajskjslk SAME
Jace was so.....twitchy in the first two seasons. He’s really mellowed---which I understand it happens when you get older---but it’s just so funny to see this little bean with all his crazy expressions and loud outbursts and rapid movements lolol
Hey Lelani? You’re hot (give me ukelele lessons pls)
“The toddler’s men stole 5,000 packages of diapers. Can you guess why?” “Uhhhh???” “To bombard the diapers with radioactive zenite particles.” “.....I would not have guessed that.”
also Ray getting lower to the ground as he talks and Hen just following is so funny to me. Ray was really extra in that first ep 
“Okay. Okay. It’s cool. You go to Jasper’s party. I’ll handle the toddler by myself. Don’t worry about it.” “Are you sure?” “Yeah. I’ve battled the toddler alone before--almost killed me, but whatever.” and u still want to take a 13 yr old out there??? Ray.
“No, I’m not bringing the muffins!” but u said u would
okay, but the news jumping from CM’s kidnapping to a report on why squirrels love nuts???? TOO tru (they really do that “here’s something serious. kids are dying. now here’s this pointless and meaningless crap” lolol)
“I can’t talk! I’m naked!” friends anyone??? (“You can’t come in. Ross is naked.” “Why’d you tell her I was naked???” “I couldn’t tell her I was naked. She’s allowed to see me naked.” “Why does anyone have to be naked???”) (sorry i just love friends akjslkjs)
I hate u toddler. just in case you were doubting.
Jasper unknowingly saving the day by downloading that sound effect app on Hen’s phone *claps for him*
Henry just....completely kicking butt on his second day???? That’s my son.
“Captain Man!” “Henry!” “It’s Kid Danger.” :))))) I’M SQUEALING. I’M SO PROUD OF HIM. HIS LIL POINT TO RAY AND THAT SMALL SMILE. TOO. CUTE. (also Ray just namedropping like they don’t have identities to protect)
“How do I get you out of there?” “I don’t know. This is the first time I’ve been stuck in a baby bouncer hovering over a bottomless ball pit.” CALL SUPERHEROES OUT, RAY. all these extravagant traps they’re caught in and they just....know what to do??? Doubtful. (bottomless pits are impossible, but you know lol)
Ray swinging around everywhere in that baby bouncer was hilarious alkjdlksj
that spitting device is the literal WORST thing i have ever seen. i freaking hate spit.
God, i wish the toddler had stayed tf down there in that ball pit. i wish that bottle had blown him to the center of the earth. (sorry i just really don’t like him akdjslj)
“What do we do with this? (the bottle bomb)” “We give the baby his bottle.” “Ah. Good call.” “Hey.” “Suuuuup.” “Hurry.” “Oh, right.” aksjlsksjl there are some really good moments in this ep
Ray shielding Henry was <33333 (it would be really messed up if he hadn’t considering he’s indestructible, but I like to think that he chose to)
AJKSJSKLSKSJLK HENRY’S FACE WHEN RAY TOLD HIM “GOOD JOB” WAS SOOOOOOO PRECIOUS. He looked so shocked. Like, “CM thinks I did a good job????” 
It’s like, Henry’s second day on the job, and they’re just namedropping right and left. Why be careful???? It’s not like they have secret identities or anything.....(they steady use their real names. i guess they don’t really have to worry. C must be the only smart person in Swellview bc no one else seems capable of figuring it out. I mean, not even his parents recognized him ajksjslk)
If you need any proof that Ray is a good guy, just watch this ep. His willingness to show up to J’s party despite only knowing Hen for like two days is a solid testament to his character. This is the Ray I know and love.
awwwwww poor Jasp. your party isn’t a flop. It’s about to be lit af because your bff is HENRY FREAKING HART, THE SWEETEST BOY TO EVER LIVE.
Ray, your excuse is horrible. “My van broke down across the street so I decided to come into this house and into this basement.” alskjlskj what is that????
“You’re CM!” “Thank you.” “You’re my hero!” “Of course.” oh Ray
Henry’s just watching J freak out over CM, watching how excited and happy J is and knowing he did that for him, and it’s just----my heart is all ajkdjlsjks
Char is the cutest in this ep. she’s fangirling over CM, and it’s so weird bc now she can’t stand him lolol
Hen x Ray pretending they don’t know each other. SO. PRECIOUS. Ray’s face is so sweet and they share this secret smile and just GAHHHH
J asking CM if he can hit him w/ a bball bat alksjlk “Remember kids: never do this to anyone but CM bc regular ppl could be badly inju--AHHHHHH.......I wasn’t done talking.” “Did that hurt?” “Yeah. But I’m okay.” the way Ray says yeah cracks me up bc it’s like, duh it hurt. it was a bat hitting my head lolol
“Hey, CM?” “Yes, boy?” “Would it be ok if Jasp texted a few friends and told them you were here at his party?” “Suuurrreeee. I love being used.” Ray kills me. cooper x jace have some of the best line delivery/comedic timing akdjslkj
*J is shaking CM’s hand* “Thank you so much! This is the best day of my life!” “Ha ha, are your hands always this sweaty?” “Yes sir.” “He takes medicine for it.” “Wellllll, it’s not working.” *wipes hand on J and leaves wet mark* ajsklj poor Jasper
Henry brought the muffins after all <33333 “Muffins.” “Yeah.” (you can tell Jace x Sean were already good friends. so cute.)
Hen x Char got Jasp the bucket from the shop that Gooch wouldn’t let him have. Dawwwwww
“For awhile there, I thought you weren’t gonna come.” “Come on, man. I’ll always be there for you.” then. they. hug. they’re. so. cute. i. love. solid. friendships.
that was a perfect way to end an ep
I’m glad I watched this. I’ve forgotten most of the earlier episodes which is a crime because they’re so good. It was hard to see Jace so little when he’s so grown now!!!!! My heart couldn’t take it. But lil Henry is precious and I love him. Stay tuned for more rewatches!!!! xoxoxox
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Survival of the Worthiest (10/12): Season 10
Spoilers: Up to season 11. 
Buckle up, this is a long one. And TBW means to be written--namely, that I’m going to include one of those ways in upcoming fics. 
Read it on AO3
Amelia Novak
           Before Amelia could be stabbed, Claire kicked out hard. The Grigori’s blade went flying, and Cas wasted no time in stabbing him to death.
           Amelia enfolded her daughter in painfully skinny arms. “How did you do that?”
           “I took some self-defence classes at the Y.” Claire leaned against her mother. “After …I didn’t want to be defenseless again.”
           Amelia rocked her daughter. “You won’t be. I’ll look after you too.”
           “You need looking after more than me, Mom. But that’s okay. We’ll be okay.”
Butterfly Effect: Amelia goes to heal, and Claire goes to stay with Jody. When Amelia is better, she moves to Sioux Falls and in with Jody. She, Jody and Donna start a queerplatonic relationship (with Donna/Jody being sexual), and they raise the two girls together.
Way Number One: Buckleming stops
           “WE NEED TO GET RID OF THEM!”
           “I know, I know. We stopped the draft. Chill, it’s okay.”
           “We’re not taking their other idea, are we?”
           “You mean the one where (audible gulp) Dean and Charlie become a couple?”
           “Yeah, that one.”
           “Over my dead body.”
 Way Number Two: Charlie Waits
           “Give me five minutes.”
           Charlie sighed. “Okay.”
           Seven minutes later, Cas returned. Charlie was engrossed in the tablet again.
           “Come on, Charlie. I’ll take you to the Bunker.”
           “That’s way too far for you! I can just go to your car and work. I have plenty of data.”
           “Alright. Why don’t we go and get burgers too?”
           Two hours later, Charlie burst back into the room with Rowena, panting. There was blood on her arm, and Cas’ blade was stained. “Rowena, stop! We can’t do this!”
           “What? Why not? Giving up, wee lass?”
           “The Mark keeps the Darkness locked up.” Charlie looked miserable. “We have to keep it.”
           “How did you—”
           “I finished the translation. And the Stynes found us. They’re dead.” Charlie grabbed the book from Rowena’s hands. “We have to stop.”
           “Then what will you do about Dean?” Rowena looked troubled, and it looked like she meant it.
           Charlie looked at Cas. “I think there’s a way left.”
Butterfly Effect: Charlie kicks Cas into confessing to Dean, and Sam kicks Dean into confessing to Cas. They agree to take on the Mark together, which Death does for them; this lessens the effects on Dean to the point where he can function normally. Rowena offers to train Charlie as a witch, and Sam watches them for a while. He studies on his own, and he and Charlie work to sort through the entire Men of Letters canon. And he gets a puppy.  Basically, everyone lives happily ever after.
 Way Number Three: Charlie can fight like a girl
           Dean got out of the car just ahead of Sam. He flung the motel door, already slightly ajar, open, just in time to see Charlie hurling one of the Stynes across the room. She looked up at him and Sam, a weary smile on her face.
           “Channeled my dark side,” she said.
           Dean strode across the room and swept her into a hug. “Don’t you ever fucking do that again. Ever.”
           “I’m trying to help you, Dean,” Charlie replied. “And I’ve got the download finished. We can keep working on this.”
Butterfly Effect: Charlie persuades Dean not to go after the Stynes, and she keeps digging in the Book of the Damned. The Darkness isn’t a thing because fuck you, but the spell doesn’t work because Rowena refuses to kill Oskar. Death offers to launch Dean to space, but Cas offers his Grace instead, arguing that if the Mark began by an angel corrupting humanity, an angel loving humanity should fix it. His Grace is taken, Destiel happens, Cas is human, the end.
 Way Number Four: TBW  
 Way Number Five: Charlie is Chuck
           She really didn’t want to do this.
           She’d learned to really love the Winchesters, and she knew they loved her. Trusted her.
           But they were going to raise the Darkness no matter what she did, and Amara would betray her secret. She had to leave and get away before her sister escaped.
           When the Stynes came, Charlie let the blades pierce her, screamed appropriately, and lay perfectly still in the bathtub until the Winchesters came and saw the dead body.
           Sam walked away to throw up and Dean fell to his knees, weeping silently. That’s when Charlie—once Chuck—left the body. She really did feel guilty, but Sam and Dean couldn’t be stopped. It wasn’t even worth trying.
           Time to build another life. And hide.
Butterfly Effect: Season 11 happens normally until they encounter Chuck, and Dean realizes that Chuck was also Charlie. The brothers have a major faith and identity crisis (obvs). They retreat to the Bunker with Cas, and refuse to fight the Darkness. As a gesture of good faith, Chuck shows them that the Charlie they knew first was real; she just never came back from Oz. Chuck took on her form to keep an eye on them, and then was a coward. Sam screams at him for roughly an hour, really gets through his feelings, and then they agree to fight the Darkness (then things go as normal). As a reward, Chuck and Amara bring back their family (John is not present).  
 Way Number Six: CharliexRowena
        ��  “Will you shut up already?!”
           “Make me, lass,” Rowena purred.
           So Charlie did, pinning the witch against the wall and kissing her for all she was worth.
           Rowena pulled away, panting. “Well, it’s about bloody time.”
           “Told you to shut up,” Charlie growled, and kissed her again. Rowena tried to bring her arms up, but the handcuffs got in the way.
           “Get these off me,” Rowena snarled, nipping at Charlie’s neck.
           Charlie grinned. “Not a chance.”
           “I’ll  get you for that, my pretty.” Rowena took Charlie’s earlobe between her teeth, and she groaned.
           “I don’t mind. Always been a switch.” Charlie pulled Rowena closer, sliding a leg between hers.
           “Alright, you two, I just heard from—oh. I…see. I will leave.”
           Charlie looked up to see Cas backing away. She laughed, but it turned to a moan as Rowena started to unbutton her shirt.
Butterfly Effect: Dean and Crowley are horrified, but Charlie and Rowena do indeed become a power Ginger Witch duo. Rowena actually falls in love with Charlie, and they work together on stopping the Stynes (Rowena pretty well wipes them all out). They figure out about the Darkness, Rowena comes to the good side, Dean attempts to give Rowena a shovel-talk and the Mark is shared with Castiel.
Way One: Dean is not the World’s Biggest Drama Queen
           Dean held the scythe and looked down at his kneeling, weeping brother.
           He handed the scythe back to Death.
           “No. I won’t do it.”
           “You have to, or you will never have peace.” Death actually looked sympathetic. “I promise you that Sam will be in Heaven. He will be alright, I will make sure of it.”
           “Thanks. But I’d rather go to space in agony than be responsible for his death.”
           There was a huge, bright flash, and a lightning bolt came into the room, striking Dean’s forearm. Another flash of blue light, and the Mark was gone.
           Dean stared in pure shock. “What just—”
           Death glared at Sam. “Didn’t you tell the witch to stop messing with the spell?”
           “Yes!” Sam got to his feet. “What’s happening?”
           The three of them went for the door, just in time to see long plumes of black smoke exploding from the ground, forming a huge black cloud.
           Death held out his scythe in front of them. “Get to your car, now!”
Butterfly Effect: Death is the third sibling, and he works to convince Amara not to destroy the world. Amara agrees to do so without Chuck coming back, and starts working to fix the world instead. This coaxes Chuck out of hiding, and the three of them start working together. Lucifer never comes back into the picture, because fuck him.
 Way Two: Death pushes Option Two
           “As I said, you can share the Mark with someone.”
           “There’s no way I’m going to curse someone else with this.”
           Death snapped his fingers, and Cas and Sam appeared, looking very confused.
           “Dean? Death?”
           “Hello, Castiel. Samuel. Let me ask you—”
           “Wait, no—”
           “Would you be willing,” Death continued mercilessly, “to bear the Mark as well?”
           Cas blinked. “How do you mean?”
           “I can split the Mark in three and give one part to each of you.”
           “I’m not okay with this!” Dean snapped.
           “The more the Mark is spread, the less power it exerts upon any one person. If it is the three of you, it will be negligible. And the Darkness cannot be released.”
           “Let’s do it,” Sam said, a determined look on his face.
           “And what if all three of us go rogue?” Dean demanded. “Then what?”
           “I will reap you,” Death replied calmly. “If it is split this way, you can die. When the three of you are dead, the Mark will be fulfilled, and the Darkness will never escape.”
           Dean bit his lip. “You two are…are willing to do that?”
           He still couldn’t look Cas in the eye.
           The angel took his face in his hands and kissed him. “Of course, Dean.”
           Dean blinked, shocked and stared at Cas. He couldn’t speak. Then Cas took his hands, and he realized he didn’t have to.
           “Me too.” Sam paused. “I’m not kissing you though.”
Butterfly Effect: Team Free Will becomes Team Free Matching Tattoos. The Mark affects them in different ways: Cas becomes more insecure, Sam suffers from major guilt episodes, and Dean stays a bit violent. But they help each other, and form an anarchistic relationship (Dean/Cas romantic-sexual, Sam/Cas and Sam/Dean platonic nonromantic). They eventually die together. The Darkness never gets released.
 Way Three: TBW
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lightspren · 7 years
Year End 2017 Wrap Up
I’m gonna be straight up honest with y’all, I almost didn’t do one of these for this year because this year has sucked horrifically and I just didn’t see a fucking point. But I’ve done one every year for like, at least four years now, and it’s tradition, and I for some reason feel it’s important, so by damn I’m gonna look back on my text posts from the year and my memories of what I was doing and see what happened this past year.
Jan 2017 - Was beginning my last ever semester of undergrad this month. At this point I still thought I’d be going to grad school hahahah so much can fucking change in a few months. Started my AC sideblog so that’s cool. and even this far back (: we still see me struggling with debilitating pain (: which has been a trend ever since I’ve been doing these year summaries I think, is seeing how bad my pain was throughout the year. jfc. looks like I was struggling with some depression symptoms here too, go fucking figure. I had an interview for grad school too and we know how badly that went…
Feb - Here’s where I decided I thought i might be on the autism spectrum. I now think I was wrong on that self dx, but you know, journeys of self discovery are important and all that. but here’s lots more pain and tired and “brain not working” which was lots of depression symptoms I believe, sigh I let that get bad for a while there. Oh and then I learned I didn’t get into that grad school I got the interview for.  so yeah that was Feb in a nutshell l o l
Mar - Breath of the Wild came out this month and dominated my life for a month or two, I still love this game very much and it’ll always hold a special place in my heart, ti’s just so good and sweet and lovely. I still haven’t even really beat it LOL and I need to but. still. that’s never been the most important part of Zelda games to me. OOO THO I had beginnings of existential crises this month!! cause I was getting so bogged down in my thesis research and didn’t know if research was what I wanted to do forever and ever anymore!! isn’t that fun!! (it was not fun). but the rest of this month seems like. a whole lot of bitching about pain. paaaain pain pain. like holy jesus bitching about pain. maybe if I printed off all these posts and gave them to my doctors they’d believe I have a problem LOL.
Apr - So I had shitty dr appointments that further hurt my chronic illness identity, and then other Ongoing Identity Crisis because of not getting into grad school and wanting a job in which I could help people. this is the month I in earnest started applying for jobs; research tech jobs mostly, but some adjacent jobs too (don’t remember what exactly). I didn’t branch out very far at this point though cause I was still McFuckin Terrified. and then I realized that I didn’t want to leave hundreds of miles away for work, cause as much as a lot of the culture of southern Appalachia can suck sometimes, it’s still home, /my/ home, and I don’t want to abandon it. I know I freaked out a lot about getting my thesis done and presented this month too bc I was soooOooOOoO unmotivated to do that shit LOL like. whew. did not want to, did not care any longer, but still had to do it.
May - GOT MY FIRST EVER TICKET LOL THAT FUCKING SUCKED SO BAD. sigh. otherwise I was mostly vague as SHIT with stuff this month. I know I graduated, didn’t walk though cause I could not give less of a fuck at that point. I applied for every job I could find that I remotely qualified for that was close enough I was willing to move to. I even had a Skype interview for one, either this month or in April. it fell through, of course.
Jun - One of my very first June posts is “who the fuck am I/how do I become who I want to be” LOL so that identity crisis was still rip roaring obvs. then that time when I tried to explain disability stigma to one of my previous (cishet white male) bosses. Had another phone interview this month for another job I didn’t get lmfao. Pretty sure this is the month where I started applying for mental health case management jobs, like a bunch of them, at different locations all in the company I’m currently in.
July - So I think it must have been around the beginning of this month that I had my first in person interview? I bombed that one hardcore. didn’t stop another location from interviewing me though, and I got a second interview with them, which I then proceeded to fail because I had no prior experience. It was brutal LOL. and the new person started at my old job, and I had to start training her, and that whole situation was just awkward and weird and Undesirable. to the maaax. it was this whole ordeal too where they’d scheduled my last day to be the 28th of July, so that’s what I was planning on and like, focused on… but then it turned out my coworker got national guard orders and had to be gone two months, so instead of having newbie there by herself, they were like (to me) “hey… just wanna… chill for two months longer or until you find a job…” which was admittedly hella cool of them.
Aug - Lots of blogging about pain, lots of general vagueblogging. I did announce publicly on tumblr that I’m intending to convert to Judaism so that’s still cool, and still a thing, even if life has been repeatedly crotch-punching me so I haven’t been able to make much actual progress on it. but then, I had the interview for my current job. that i somehow passed with flying colors. And my asthma started getting worse, and I started getting soooooo so done with my old IT job, but I /got my new job/. ALSO THIS MONTH WE GOT RADS MY SWEET NEW BABY so now our family is made of me, my husband, and two kitties.
Sept - September. Oh, September. started out so innocently, with starting orientation for my new job. I was all starry eyed and hopeful for the new job because I thought that it was a perfect home for me. then I got there. started doing things. realized that I was terrified of trying to meet my new coworkers and learn their dynamics. realized I was terrified of trying to meet my new supervisors/superiors and learn their expectations. realized that in general I just didn’t know the culture of the place at all and that fucking /terrified/ me. and then the job itself, the job itself was something I’d never done before, had no experience in /whatsoever/, had no FUCKING clue what I was doing. I was a fish out of water with no bloody idea where I was going, and hoooboy. I almost quit by the end of September, I truly did.
Oct - tw: miscarriage at end of month I started therapy for my anxiety!!! yay!!!! I had a lot of adapting to work in this time too that I didn’t really talk much about on tumblr too I think. I mean I was learning a lot, I was meeting more of my clients, some even time. I was still terrified, especially of my other coworkers because I didn’t know them or understand them, but even at that, I was learning. [Stop reading if you need to avoid tw miscarriage and skip to Nov.] The other horrifically sucky thing to happen in Oct happened not to me, but to my sister. She’d found out a few months perviously that she was pregnant, at 37 years old. they’d just recently gotten all the genetic testings back and found out they were going to have a girl. unfortunately though, the baby stopped developing at 15w. my sister discovered this at what would’ve been 17w. she had to have surgery to remove the baby. she’s still recovering from this trauma, she’s heartbroken and just. very upset. I’m still upset for her too.
Nov - Last month I was doing ok I think. I was doing pretty well at work, kinda just coasting along but mostly getting the hang of things. Therapy had been helping I think; it’d been teaching me somethings, mostly only small differences but I think having someone to talk to had been helping frankly. Work was going well, and we’d decided to start looking for a house to /buy/ (realtor.com) but hadn’t hired a realtor yet. probably for the best. as it turns out now…
Dec - Fuck you, December. the good news is, my new job’s health insurance kicked in Dec. 1st. which is great, considering I got admitted to the hospital  Dec. 7th, a Thursday. the Monday prior I’d tried to pop a zit, no big deal. WRONG. it got infected. not just any old infection, though, oh no. FUCKING MRSA. so I got cellulitis in my face, my whole right side of my face swelled up three times the normal, I got MRSA/pneumonia in my lungs, I had MRSA in my bloodstream. when I came in the ER I had very low blood pressure and heartrate of 130, so I was septic. like. shit was going down. I stayed in the hospital 6 days, and they released me with a PICC line and having to do vancomycin (really strong IV antibiotic) twice a day via the line. I went back to work too early for two days, but saw my PCP on the third day and he put me off that again. /Then the chest pain started/. I assumed it was a side effect of the vancomycin, since back and chest spasms/pain are a listed side effect, but NO, apparently NOT, at least not to this DEGREE. The home health pharmacy, who I called to ask about it, called the on-call at my PCP, who advised to go to the ER to get checked for a “pulmonary embolism.” Doesn’t sound scary at aaaaaaaaaall. Get in ER, go through the whole terrifying ordeal, CT scan, x-ray, shit and shebang - what do you fucking know. I have a septic embolism. very rare. much wow. fuck me. so here I am, once again, in a fucking hospital room, tied up to IV antibiotics, at the end of Christmas day. At least they’re keeping the pain meds going now. Oh at one point my kidney function tried to drop, then it turned out I had a pleural effusion so they drained 550cc (half a liter) of fluid off my lungs (painful as fuck let me tell you). Ended up spedning 5 days total in the hospital, home now, but still in like. the same amount of pain as when I went in. Having to fight with so many things to get medicines sorted and shit. while feeling like shit too. everything is awesome.
So that’s it. 2017. That doesn’t even get into the way 2017 has sucked on a global, non-personal scale, that’s just how it’s sucked on a mostly-immediately-personal scale, and I’ve even left out some of the immediately personal ones I think. and that’s just the shit I remember LOL jesus christ. I really need to do an effigy burning of this year.
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