#of peace and that's all they desire for her. This wasn't too close to the paranorman scene but I tried-
princess-geek · 3 days
White Peonies (Part II)
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Book: Desire & Decorum  
Series: Unspoken Desires (Modern Desire & Decorum AU)  
Summary: Another peek into the past, this time to lift the veil on Mary’s life and three generations of fascinating women of the Howard family. (Parte I here)
Main Pairing: Vincent Foredale x Mary Howard.  
Word Count: +/- 7572 words
Rating: General (but with light mentions to adult/violent situations, sickness and death).  
Notes: 💖English is not my first language. Please, excuse me for any typos /or grammatical errors. 💖Special thanks to @rosesnink for proofreading. 
💖 This is my submission for @choicesficwriterscreations ‘Fics of the week’  
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On the previous chapter...
Hurting her finger, Mary snatched the ring and threw it at him. Her hand was bleeding, but what were a few scratches on a finger compared with the abyss that he had opened in her heart? 
Vincent took the ring from the floor. “Mary, my love, please, don’t do this.” 
“Don’t dare to call me that ever again! Get out of my house! Now!”
Vincent did as she had told him. Tears ran down his face as he collected his belongings. She couldn't look at him. 
As soon as he closed the door, Mary collapsed, crying her pain and screaming her fury. 
The young woman lost count of the hours she spent in that dark hole. When Mary came to her senses, she looked out the window and saw that it was a starry night. 
Her whole body hurt. As for her heart, Mary wasn't sure if it was there or not. She felt frozen. With great effort, she dragged herself from the floor to the sofa, covering herself with a blanket forgotten on the floor. It was impossible to return to the same bed where hours before they had worshipped each other and pledged their love. 
Mary didn't know if she had slept or not, but in the morning, she felt desperately hungry, despite not feeling like eating.  She tried to eat a couple of biscuits; however, her stomach didn’t hold them for long. 
At some point in the day, she heard Vincent at her door. He stayed there for hours, begging her to listen to him. Fortunately, a neighbour threatened to call the police if he didn't leave, and Vincent eventually did. This happened repeatedly all week. 
For days, Mary barely moved from the couch. When her tears dried up until the next round, lethargy took over her. 
Around the weekend, Mrs.  Lemay could persuade Mary to open the door. Although she had not read the article on Sunday, articles about the upcoming wedding multiplied in the newspapers over the week. 
She found her friend a wreck. Mrs.  Lemay was not going to allow the young girl to sink into heartbreak. She made Mary have a bath, changed the bedsheets, and cooked her a proper dinner. 
“Luckily, there is not a word about you. At least, you will not be publicly persecuted by this shadow forever.” Mrs.  Lemay tried to console her. 
“Screw my reputation.” Mary mumbled between spoons of soup. 
“Vincent was in my office looking for you, desperate for any information about your whereabouts.” 
“Screw him too! He was at my door several times. I am not interested in anything he has to say.” 
Thinking that it might bring Mary some peace, Mrs.  Lemay told her that there were rumours going around that the Foredale were broke and the marriage was purely a business deal, despite the excitement about the engagement in the magazines. 
“She’s a fat cat widow. It’s the tale as old as time: She gives the money, and he gives the title.” Mrs.  Lemay concluded.  
“It's always nice to know I am worth less than a couple of thousand pounds.” 
“If the rumours are true, he is being sold as a horse. It’s a pity.” Mary mumbled something unintelligible. “I know you are hurt and furious, I’d be too.” Mrs.  Lemay continued. “Nevertheless, this is all very odd, Mary. Vincent is in love with you in a way I've seen few people in love with someone. Since that night at St. James's, I have seen nothing in him but devotion to you. He'd rather lose an arm than make a scratch on you. I can't stop thinking there has to be a reasonable explanation for this.” 
“Of course there is. In that case, there are thousands of reasons… in her bank account.” Mary sulked. 
“He was not convinced when I claimed I couldn't help him. I’m sure he will keep trying to reach you, and I think you should give him a chance to explain himself. You might regret it if you don't,” Mrs.  Lemay insisted. 
“He betrayed my trust in him. I think I would rather have caught him in bed with her than this circus. He has been playing with me for months, like I was a doll. I won't be his or anyone else's doll.” Mary was adamant. 
“Anger and pain are not good advisors. You need to clear your head. Why don't you go spend a few days in your hometown? Some days away from London will help you organise your head and heart.” 
“I will not change my mind.” 
“You may not change your mind, but you need to think about what you're going to do from now on. Life doesn't stop just because your heart is broken.” 
Following her advice, Mary decided to spend a few weeks in Grovershire. 
Mrs.  Lemay was right. Leaving London didn't glue the pieces of her heart together. However, focusing on making repairs to her grandparents' cottage and garden made Mary find some serenity in the midst of the chaos. 
That house was full of so many good memories that even sadness gave her some respite. 
While she was cleaning up things in the kitchen, Mary found her grandmother's handmade 'Moka'. It was one of the few things that Elena had brought with her from Italy. 
“I only had three things in my suitcase: an old coat, the 'Moka' and the recipe book that I stole from my mother.” Elena told her granddaughter many times. 
When she was a little girl, Mary fascinatedly watched her grandmother prepare coffee there, as if it were a magical ritual. Her favourite part was sucking on the spoon after Elena added the sugar. 
It was the best coffee in the world, and Mary could still almost taste it. She ran to the grocery store to buy coffee beans. Replicating her grandmother's ritual made her feel really good for the rest of that day. 
Grovershire itself had little changed. Mary missed many familiar faces and came face-to-face with new ones in the neighbourhood. 
The new and old neighbours were curious about her extended stay, and, of course, theories about it soon emerged through the inhabitant’s small talk. To avoid uncomfortable questions, Mary said that her fiancé, Vincent Ford, had died in a car accident, and she was spending some time there to get herself together.  
Although it was a hoax, for her it was not entirely a lie. She really felt that the man she loved had died on that day. 
Right across the street, George Daly, her former classmate and neighbour, had married Pavarti, an Indian girl who had arrived there in their final year of high school. 
They weren't very close at that time, yet Pavarti was the first to go to the cottage to visit her. Although she was in the last trimester of her pregnancy, Pavarti helped in whatever way she could, especially in the garden. 
Between pulling weeds and planting flowers, there was time for long conversations. A deep friendship blossomed between the two young women. Pavarti was the only one who knew the truth about Vincent.  
George spent many days away because of his work, so it was common for them to cook together. One late afternoon, Pavarti was cooking dinner. Mary suddenly left the kitchen, without saying a word. Pavarti found her on the balcony. 
“If you don't feel like my fish curry and chips, just say so, you don’t need to run away from my kitchen. I have some roast lamb from the weekend in the fridge...” 
“I'm sorry, Pavarti, but I think I'll have dinner. I think the tea house's chocolate cake wasn't as fresh as it should have been.” 
“Are you sure it was just the chocolate cake? You barely touched it. In fact, you have barely eaten.” 
“Nerves are bad for my stomach. It has always happened to me since I was little.” 
“How long have you been feeling this way?” 
“I don’t know exactly, maybe for a few weeks now. Not just the stomach. Everything in me has been messed up since...that day.” Mary still had difficulties referring to the topic. 
“Have you considered the possibility of being pregnant?”  Mary looked at Pavarti as if she had uttered the most absurd of statements. Parvati went away for a while and came back with a small box in her hand. “Take it! You can do it here or at home, but the sooner you know, the better.” 
After spending most of the night looking at the little box, Mary did so. After the time stated in the instructions, the result appeared. She was so nervous that it took her some time to understand the meaning of the two lines. 
Becoming a mother was one of Mary’s dreams. They had planned a family. They joked about having a child born in that millennium and the next in the new one. They agreed on almost everything except where they would raise them. London was off the table. 
Now that dream was real, and Vincent wasn't there. And for the first time, she didn't want him there either. 
This was no longer just about her and her broken heart. On the one hand, she was terrified. It was impossible not to think about her mother's case. More than raising a baby alone, Mary was afraid that something would happen and prevent her from taking care of him or her. Unfortunately, the child would not be as lucky as she was. There were no loving grandparents to watch over her. On the other hand, finding out that a child was on the way was an unexpected comfort to her. No matter what twists and turns life had on its sleeve for her, Mary wouldn't be alone anymore. 
The blood tests confirmed her calculations. The baby would be born around November. 
“When will you tell the father the good news?” Pavarti asked her some days later. 
“I will not tell him.” 
“You should, and, deep down, you know you should. Who knows, maybe this is an opportunity for the two of you to find a way...” 
“If our love was not important enough for him to care and come to me and give a decent explanation for what happened, then I don't consider him important enough to be part of the baby's life.” 
“You are the one who didn't want to give him that opportunity!” Pavarti tried to reason with Mary. 
Mary knew she was contradicting herself, but the young woman was irreducible. Her wounded heart and pride only fuelled her stubbornness. “The wedding will be on May 2nd, do you think there is any point in doing or saying anything, Pavarti?” 
Mary told Mrs.  Lemay about her new situation. Although Mary's absence caused her inconvenience and money loss, she was the first to advise the singer to take a break to take care of the baby and herself.  
The music producers were not very happy with the news. Even though without stating it clearly, they implied that if the baby was her priority at the moment, she would lose the 'privileged place she had on their artists’ list'. 
Mary imagined that would happen. A woman with a baby was the eighth plague of Egypt. Now that she was so close, she was going back to square one. 
Baby Briar came into the world on Easter Sunday, keeping her busy while Pavarti recovered from the tough labour. Around that time, the symptoms of the first few weeks gave her a truce, and Mary began to feel better. 
The most difficult thing was the ban on coffee. When she felt like drinking coffee, Mary opened the ground coffee pot and smelled it until it satisfied her craving. 
Days later, when trying to put on her jeans, Mary became aware of her belly for the first time. It wasn't very prominent yet, but it was already noticeable that things were changing. 
By the end of the month, Mary went to London for a few days. With the wedding so close, it would be very unlikely that Vincent would be there. 
She had her first ultrasound. Hearing her baby's heartbeat for the first time made her worries disappear for a few minutes. She would never forget that beat. 
The midwife noticed that Mary was looking worriedly at the white spots that were appearing on the screen. “Don't worry, my dear, the baby is fine. With a little luck, within a few days, we'll be able to find out the baby's gender. Let me guess: You want a boy, and the father wants a girl.” She smiled. 
Mary pretended she didn't hear the question. The midwife took her hand and placed it on her belly. “You two are already a wonderful family.” 
Her savings wouldn't last forever, so Mary took the opportunity to give some concerts that Mrs.  Lemay had arranged for her. 
Returning to her flat after a concert, Mary found a man in a suit at her door. He was tall, had grey hair and a beard, and had a stern face. She recognised the same shade of blue as Vincent's eyes, but instead of his sweetness, Mary only saw coldness. 
She instinctively covered her belly with her handbag and took a few steps back. Two men grabbed her. 
“Good evening, Mary Howard. I've been looking for you everywhere. I would like to say it's a pleasure to finally meet you, but I hope this is the first and last time we meet.” 
“What do you want from me?” Mary tried to free herself from their arms. 
“Put her inside.” The Earl commanded. 
While one grabbed Mary tightly, the other found the key and opened the door. They dragged her inside and locked the door. She tried to shout, but a hand covered her mouth. 
“I thought that if I saw you with my own eyes, I would understand my son's fascination, but you are not even that pretty.” He mocked, as his eyes roamed her body. Mary noticed that he saw the bump. She felt a shiver run down her spine. “Are you with a child?” He asked. Mary didn't answer him. She could see his fury rising. “It cannot be my son’s!” Mary remained in silence. The Earl slapped her face with such force that if it weren't for the two men holding her, she would have fallen to the ground. “You damned whore, how dare you get pregnant? Wasn't it enough to be a bastard yourself? I can guess what your plan was, but this ends here!” 
For few seconds, Mary could barely hear the insults he spewed from his mouth. Her mouth was still numb from the slap. She felt the taste of blood on her tongue. “My baby will never be a bastard. I will be a mother, a father, and everything my child needs!” She cried. 
“I don't care what you or that creature you are carrying will be. You will disappear from my son’s life forever!”  
“Breaking news, Rupert Foredale: I'm the one who wants my baby to have nothing to do with your family. Unfortunately, I couldn't prevent this child from having your blood. No baby deserves to have a father who is a coward, a cheater, and liar, and much less such a despicable being like you as a grandfather.” 
The Earl was going to slap her again. Luckily, or out of charity, the bodyguards moved her out of the way of his hand. 
“I never trusted people like you. With some luck, the baby isn't even Vincent's. I warned my son several times that he could have fun, but not to be foolish. I should be used to his weaknesses by now. When I was young, I also had a lover who was an artist, a sculptress. She was very skilled with her hands...for everything.” A wicked smile appeared on his lips for a moment. “She was my lover and, I later learned, the lover of every young man in London with any money in his pocket.”  After saying it, Rupert took some papers from inside his coat. “Listen very carefully to what I will say to you, whore: you will sign the papers and disappear from my son's life forever. As I am a good Christian, in return, you will get 10,000 pounds. If you dare to open that mouth of yours about my son or what happened between you, you will rot in jail!” 
Mary spat at the contract. “My dignity is not for sale. And, unlike you, I would never sell a child to pay for my mistakes.” 
She was pushing him to the limit. The Earl was blind with rage. He wasn't used to being defied like that. Rupert tore up the agreement. He took a pistol from his pocket and placed it against Mary's forehead. 
“This was your last chance. If you or your bastard ever try to get close to us, I won't be so benevolent. I will make you botg disappear from the face of the earth even if I have to do it with my own hands.” 
In a matter of seconds, the lights went out, and they dropped Mary on the floor. As quickly as they had appeared, they disappeared into the night. 
Mary couldn't believe what just happened. From what Vincent told her, Mary knew that Earl was not a model of kindness, not even towards his own blood. She didn't expect him to rejoice over the baby; However, not even her greatest fears could imagine such brutality. 
After the shock of the first few minutes, the adrenaline subsided. She was feeling a very intense pain, but she couldn't pinpoint where it was. Her baby. The panic set in. If something had happened to the baby, she would kill the Earl with her own hands. 
Supporting herself against the wall, Mary managed to get up and call Mrs.  Lemay. She didn't care about her bruises. Mary just wanted to hear her baby's heartbeat.  
Mrs. Lemay called for a favour and rushed Mary to a private clinic. She refused to be examined without knowing if the baby was okay first. The doctor assured Mary that the baby was fine, but she only calmed down when he showed her the baby on the monitor. 
He was silent for a few minutes, looking at the small screen. Mary was about to panic again. “What’s wrong, doctor?” 
“Don’t worry, Miss. It's nothing bad. Do you know your baby’s gender?” Mary waved no. “I wasn't going to mention it because I am not absolutely sure. I think you are having a girl.” 
Upon learning that the baby was fine, Mary went into autopilot mode. Besides the bruises, the doctor found out she had a broken rib. After taking care of her, Mrs.  Lemay took the singer to her home. Exhausted, Mary slept for hours. When she awoke, Mrs.  Lemay was waiting for her with a light meal. 
“What happened was a crime, Mary. You should go to the police.” 
“I have no proofs besides my bruises. Who do you think they would believe? An Earl or a pub singer? 
“He is dangerous, Mary, and you confronted him!” Mrs. Lemay insisted. “If he was capable of doing this now, there's no guarantee that he won't do it again... or do something worse.” 
“He's afraid I will look for his son and ruin his marriage with the widow. I believe that as soon as they get married and the Earl sees I didn’t lift a finger, he will forget about me and my daughter.” 
“So, what are you going to do now? London is not safe.” 
“I'm going back to Grovershire and staying there for a while. The Earl doesn't know about my grandparents' house, or he would have gone there. It is far enough from London and from them. I need calm and security for my daughter. Then I will see what my next step will be.” 
“Have you thought about names for the baby?” Mrs.  Lemay asked to change to a happier subject. 
“Beatrice.” Mary smiled, caressing her bump. “Vincent would have liked it too.” She couldn't stop herself from thinking about it. 
“Why don't you ask him in person?” 
“Even if I wanted...which I don’t want...I can’t take that risk now. Even if we survive Rupert Foredale's wrath, you know the fate of the bastard children. My child will not be exiled to a boarding school.” 
Mary did as she said. With the help of Mrs.  Lemay and other friends from work, all of Mary's (few) belongings were loaded into a van the following night. As Vincent's forgotten objects appeared, Mrs.  Lemay discreetly saved them from the trash. She was thinking that perhaps the child would later look for a connection with the father. 
Back in Grovershire, Mary kept as low a profile as possible. Trying to camouflage, she began to introduce herself as ‘Helen’. Those who knew her found it strange. Mary justified her choice, saying she was known in London by that name. She had chosen it as a stage name in honour of her grandmother. 
People thought it was eccentric, but they eventually got used to it. 
Her belly was becoming less and less discreet. Comments on her obvious situation were inevitable, as well as comparisons with her mother's case. The most charitable hearts felt sorry for her situation. Losing her fiancé in a tragic accident and now having a child to take care of... It was a very hard blow from fate. 
The poisonous ones were not so compassionate. Their tongues distilled all kinds of gossip about her: that she was a luxury escort in London (the nastiest said directly prostitute), others that she was the rejected lover of a married man, that the child's father was in prison... Mary knew her truth, yet some days weren't easy with that background buzz. Fortunately, she had the Daly’s on her side. 
She didn't like perpetuating a lie, but it was the best truth she could tell. It would be better for both the child and her. Like her, Beatrice would not suffer for someone she had never met. Following her grandparents' example, Mary would make sure her daughter received so much love that she wouldn't miss a thing. It would protect her from Rupert and more heartbreak. 
The following ultrasounds confirmed that it was a girl and that she was growing strong and healthy. 
Meanwhile, Parvati returned to her work as a seamstress. Mary took care of Briar and in return, Pavarti was sewing her a layette fit for a princess. 
During the day, between helping out at the Dalys' house and preparing her own for the baby's arrival, neither Mary's head nor her heart had time to worry about the past or the future. However, many of the nights were full of nightmares about Rupert; others were sleepless, planning all possible future scenarios. 
On Halloween evening, Mary felt the first contractions. While Pavarti was finishing the hem of a dress, she was playing on the floor with Briar and felt an intense pain that paralysed her. Recognising the signs, Pavarti helped her get up and set her down on the sofa. 
That night was just a warning, but on Tuesday early morning, the contractions came back in force. Mary was terrified of what was happening. What the doctor and the midwife had explained, the books she had read, Pavarti's advice...all of her preparation and plans were gone. 
George and Pavarti drove her to the hospital. 
As the hours passed, the pain increased, becoming intense and almost constant. Despite telling her that she was doing great and that the baby would soon be in her arms, Mary was losing her strength. 
During one of the strongest contractions, for the first time in months, she wished Vincent was there beside her. For a few moments, she was filled with a whirlwind of memories with him. She could almost hear his voice smoothing her. Another strong contraction brought her back to reality. There was no use dwelling on the past. Her daughter was all that mattered now. 
After hours of pain and fear, at nightfall on November 2, 1994, her daughter was born. Hearing the sweet shrill sound of her daughter's cries was a relief. Having Beatrice in her arms for the first time was a new kind of happiness she never thought possible. 
Even though she was ruddy and grumpy like all newborns, in Mary's eyes, Beatrice was the pinnacle of cuteness, with her full cheeks, thick brown hair, and big eyes. 
Around midnight, Beatrice fell asleep in her mother's arms. Exhausted, Mary also fell into a deep sleep.  
A couple of hours later, she woke up with a start, thinking she heard the baby crying. Everything was quiet in the ward, including her daughter. However, the door was ajar. Mary saw a pair of eyes watching them through the crack. “Who is there?” She asked instinctively, placing herself in front of the crib. The pair of eyes disappeared.  
The next morning, after making sure that everything was fine with both of them, the issue of the father inevitably arose. Again, Mary told the best truth she could:  she had met the father at a party, they had spent the night together, and they had never seen each other again. She claimed she didn't know any information about him other than his first name. 
While she was trying to breastfeed Beatrice, a social worker with dubious intentions came to talk to her, asking some questions, pointing out the challenges of being a young single mother and the possibility of giving her baby up for adoption.  
Mary was about to lose patience with her when the Dalys came in to visit them. The couple promptly shooed the nosy woman away. Pavarti helped Mary dress Beatrice and put a small pink bow on her head. Then, George took the first portrait of Beatrice.  
Briar was very curious about the new baby, whimpering if they moved her away from the crib. 
Rocking her daughter by the window, the light illuminated every detail of her features. Mary noticed that Beatrice had a lot of Vincent in her. How she wished she could make Rupert eat his words. 
A couple of days later, mother and daughter were back home. “Welcome home, my love.” Mary kissed her daughter's head. “It may not be Buckingham Palace, but we're going to make it our realm.” 
 As long as she was well fed, Beatrice was (most days) an easy baby. Despite some sleepless nights, the many health scares typical of newborns, and hormone shenanigans, Mary felt like she was in a bubble of happiness. Her daughter's birth had not miraculously healed her heart, but she was the glue that was holding the pieces together. 
As the weeks went by, Beatrice was growing healthy and becoming more active and playful.  
Mary's savings were dwindling at the same rate. 
There weren't many job opportunities there, so Mary had to take a job at a local pub. Since Pavarti worked from home, she took care of the two babies during the day. At the end of the day, Mary helped her friend taking home some simpler pieces of clothing and making small sewing arrangements. She had never felt so grateful for the hours her grandmother forced her to learn how to sew. Despite it, she felt like she could never repay the kindness they showed her. 
The young mother felt exhausted every night, but holding her daughter in her arms, playing with her, smelling her sweet scent, seeing how much she was growing day by day gave Mary the strength to carry one each morning. 
Beatrice never lacked anything necessary, even if that sometimes meant just soup for Mary’s dinner. There were many things she wanted to give her daughter, but she couldn't afford them, even if it might be lacking, Mary made up for it with love. 
The year 1999 began full of hope. Although it wasn't technically the turn of the millennium, there was in the air the excitement of the end of an era, with a world of possibilities knocking on the door. 
Now that the girls were a little older, the Dalys were planning to have another child. Mary was considering changing careers. Her idea was to return to the music world by giving private lessons. 
Unfortunately, in April, a series of attacks shocked the United Kingdom and destroyed the dreams of the young family. George Daly was passing through Brick Lane on his way to meet his last client for the month when a nail bomb exploded. He did not survive his injuries and passed away a couple of days later. 
Parvati was devastated. She cried for the loss of the love of her life and the loss of everything that Briar would not have with her father, even though she was too young to fully understand what had happened. 
Mary knew what a broken heart felt like. However, what Pavarti was suffering was beyond her understanding. Despite the troubled separation, the hurt, the anger, she knew that the love of her life was alive and well. There was always a faint light in her heart, even if her mind denied it.  
Part of her friend had died with him that day. Mary knew it would not be possible to heal that wound. For months, every day, Mary fought the darkness that threatened to swallow Pavarti. She was determined to take care of the parts of her friend that remained, just as Pavarti had done with her. 
All children grow up too quickly in their parent's eyes, and Mary felt that it was in the blink of an eye that Beatrice went from a baby to a primary school girl. 
Apart from the struggle to get her up from bed in the mornings, some occasional tantrums, and some shenanigans here and there, Mary felt blessed. Beatrice was very curious, eager to learn, always exploring the small world around her and asking many questions, some trivial, some more philosophical.  
Even though she was little more than a child, Mary realised that her daughter had inherited her wit and passion. It gave her some peace of mind. Having a sharp spirit would protect her and help her succeed in whatever path she chose. 
Mary wanted to teach her how to play the piano, but her daughter didn't seem to have the muse of music awake inside her, although Beatrice's voice was naturally in tune. 
Nonetheless, as she grew up, the Vincent features stood out more and more in her, and not just physically. Like her father, Beatrice loved books, always asking to read stories. When an adult couldn’t read to her, she made up her own stories with what she saw in the illustrations and told them to Briar or to her dolls. 
One night, Mary was sitting on her daughter's bed, dog-tired, praying for Beatrice to choose a small book. What was her surprise when her daughter appeared in the bedroom with her copy of 'Pride and Prejudice' in her hands. 
“It's too long for a bedtime story.” 
“I didn't ask you to read me everything at once. I was thinking about one chapter per night.” 
“It's a story for older girls. You're going to find it boring.” 
“How older?” Her inquisitive mode had just turned on.  
That was a good question. Mary used her own example to answer, “Girls who are fourteen or fifteen.” 
“I am five, it’s not that different! Plus, you always choose good stories, so I'm sure it won't be boring. I have seen you read it more than once.” 
“You're going to regret asking me for this. It would be much more fun when you read it by yourself.” In vain, Mary tried to change her mind. She started reading the famous first lines. 
“IT IS A TRUTH universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. 
However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighbourhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families, that he is considered as the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters. 
“My dear Mr. Bennet,” said his lady to him one day, “have you heard that Netherfield Park is let at last?” 
Night after night, chapter after chapter, Beatrice paid close attention to each line. Sometimes the sleep overcame the girl: however, there was use in trying to trick her. She always knew which page they were on before falling asleep. The reading took weeks, which ended up making story time easier for Mary. 
With the Gardiners, they were always on the most intimate terms. Darcy, as well as Elizabeth, really loved them; and they were both ever sensible of the warmest gratitude towards the persons who, by bringing her into Derbyshire, had been the means of uniting them. 
“The end.” She dramatically closed the book. “So, what do you think?” Mary asked. 
“It's a little like fairy tales, but without fairies? Mr Darcy is a little grumpy for Prince Charming. Her aunt fits the evil witch role, though. But I loved it!” As she tucked her in, Beatrice asked, “Do you think there are many Mr Darcys out there?” 
“If you look for yours, you will find him.” 
“How will I know?” 
“You will know it. You will feel it. Your heart will scream it.” 
“Papa was yours?” 
Mary still had difficulty dealing with questions about Vincent. For Beatrice, she had chosen to keep the narrative of the father who died in a car accident days before their wedding day. Despite her inquisitive nature, Beatrice rarely questioned Mary about it. Probably because the girl saw the pain in her eyes when the subject was mentioned. 
She had only asked her once to see a photograph of him. Mary made up the excuse that all his photos had been lost when they moved to Grovershire. She was sad but didn't ask again. 
“All love stories are different. Like Darcy and Lizzie, there were some differences between us, but, unlike her, I think I loved your dad from day one.” 
Mary had only seen him again in person once. They were visiting Mrs.  Lemay in London for a weekend. Walking through Hyde Park, Mrs.  Lemay was further ahead with Beatrice by the hand. Mary had stayed behind, enjoying the rare moment of peace that a mother of a toddler can have. There was a street stall selling ice cream, and she decided to go over to buy some. As she got closer, she saw him. She saw them: Vincent, his wife, an older boy, and a boy a little younger than Beatrice, buying ice cream as well. 
That sight left her breathless and with a piercing pain in her stomach. It was a difficult feeling to explain. It had been a little more than a couple of years, however, while it seemed like the same Vincent, it was as if their past was just a dream or the delirium of a feverish night. 
The youngest son was throwing a tantrum, and Vincent patiently tried to calm him down. He seemed to have become the fantastic father she knew he could be and that she had dreamed of for her and their children. 
Mary turned away and walked forward, quickening her pace. There was no reason for her to torture herself with the past, suffer the present, and tempt fate. Such an encounter would only make things worse. 
As soon as Beatrice learned to read, Mary got her a library card. If on the one hand this freed her from the daily bedtime story, but on the other, it stirred even more her daughter's eagerness. Mary often had to go to the library to return books that Beatrice stubbornly brought home, despite not being appropriate for her age. 
Every night, Mary had to go back to her room to make her turn off the light and go to sleep. On Friday nights, she knew that her daughter, after being caught in the act, would read another chapter under the blankets by flashlight, however, she decided to pretend that she didn't know about it. 
February, 2004 
Sitting in the doctor's waiting room, Mary tried to focus on the gossip magazine. Her limbs were heavy and sore from trying to control her nerves. 
It wouldn't be anything serious, Mary repeated to herself. She had always been a healthy lass. She was just an exhausted mother, like many others. Like Pavarti, who had insisted on accompanying her to the appointment. There was a wedding dress to urgently finish, yet there she was. The years did not expunge the loss, but they brought back the light of her best friend. 
Daughters full of energy in Year 5, long hours of work, little sleep, months without a moment for themselves, bills hard to pay alone, the need to start preparing the girls' future... No wonder they were both in shambles. 
At Pavarti's insistence, there she was, fearing the worst, hoping for the best. 
“Helen Howard!” the nurse called. Mary wanted to get up, but her legs didn't allow her to do so for a few seconds. 
After some small talk, the doctor delivered the news in the politest and least dramatic way possible. “The cancer is aggressive, and it’s in an advanced stage. However, you are a woman in the prime.  The sick cells have used your strength to multiply, but that same strength can be used in your favour...” He proceeded to explain the options available in her case. 
Mary feared the suffering caused by the treatments, she feared the doctor's lack of certainty, she feared death... but, above all, she was terrified by the idea of her little girl being alone in the world. 
Leaving the doctor's office, Mary didn't know what to feel or what to think. It was as if she were possessed by a sharp pain, a paralysing numbness, while at the same time she was diving into a bottomless, icy lake. 
Then the anger and frustration came. ‘Why her? Hadn't she suffered enough already?’ 
As the days went by, Mary wasn’t still conformed to the diagnosis, but took control of what was in her hands. 
For Beatrice and a future with her, Mary made her mind up to religiously follow the treatments. Even if she couldn’t escape, any chance of spending more time with her daughter would be worth every discomfort. 
In the following days, Mary's biggest concern was how to tell her about it. Unfortunately, or fortunately, children are very perceptive. So, it didn't take long for Beatrice to ask her mother directly what was happening. 
Mary stopped chopping the vegetables for the soup and took a deep breath. She couldn't break down in front of her daughter. To buy some time, Mary poured two glasses of juice for both of them. After a couple of sips, the first shaky words left his lips.  
“As you know, I had some medical exams. I went to the doctor last week to get the results. I am very ill, my love.” She tried to find gracious words in the English language, but emotions rushed things. “I have ovarian cancer. I am starting treatments next week.” 
Beatrice was silent for a while. Mary could see in her daughter's expressions that she was processing what she had just heard. “But, after it, you're going to be okay, right?” She looked up at Mary with her big, sweet hazel eyes. 
Mary didn't want to lie to her, but she didn't want to be overly optimistic. "I will do my best. The doctors will do their best, and with a little faith everything, will be okay.” 
Her grandmother got a similar surgery years ago as a preventative measure; therefore, the operation didn't scare her. Mary knew the secret was to get plenty of rest, so as she did, at least, as much as mother can do. 
On the other hand, chemotherapy treatments were knocking her down. Pregnancy nausea was a child's play compared to what she was feeling. After the sessions, Mary felt so weak that she could barely get out of bed for days. When she finally started to feel better, it was time to do another one. 
If it weren't for Beatrice, Mary was sure she couldn’t bear it. 
As soon as her hair began to fall like leaves in autumn, she decided to cut it very short. Mary had always loved and pampered her hair, and her grandmother was to blame. She loved her granddaughter's hair and spent hours doing elaborate hairstyles. Elena Howard used to say, 'Tira più un capello di donna che cento paia di buoi'' (‘one hair of woman pulls more than a hundred pairs of oxen’). Mary only many years later understood the full meaning of these words. 
However, more than her hurt vanity, seeing Beatrice cry when she faced her like that for the first time was much more painful. 
Since Mary couldn’t afford a decent wig, she chose to wear headscarves. Parvati, using all the scraps of beautiful fabrics, sewed her headscarves in all patterns and colours. 
Despite all the ups and downs, Mary was enjoying that summer. 
One more time in her life, she has a lot to be thankful for Parvati. Her friend was being tireless with her, spending the most critical nights close to her, preparing meals, taking care of Beatrice, driving her to and from the hospital... Mary knew she could never repay her, so she prayed that life would reward her with the same kindness. 
Thanks to Pavarti's generosity, Mary was able to dedicate what little energy she had to her little girl, keeping these precious moments in her heart.  
Beatrice spoiled her as best she could, with little gifts and affection. She was always ready to help, no matter the task. It filled Mary's heart with pride. Her daughter's love was what kept her standing. 
The fear of the future often made her think about Vincent. She was sure that Pavarti would look out for her daughter, however, if the worst happened, at least Beatrice would have someone else to turn to. 
Rupert had died a few years earlier, so he was no longer a threat. The years and the paths taken changed both of them, but Mary believed that his heart had not changed. 
She was convinced that when he found out about Beatrice, Vincent would not excuse himself from his obligations. She also didn't doubt that, as time went by, they would love each other very much. 
So, Mary started making arrangements. Since she didn't want there to be any doubt about her daughter's paternity, she took a sample of Beatrice's hair for them to analyse. 
Along with the samples and some photographs, Mary enclosed a letter from her to Vincent in an envelope. It took days, crumpled papers, and many tears to write that letter. Later, she would just need to instruct Pavarti on how to get that to Vincent. 
At the end of September, hope fell away with the leaves. Despite the treatments, the new exams showed that it had spread to other parts of the body. The doctor was almost as dejected as she was. 
“Just tell me how long I have.” Mary asked through tears. 
“I can't give guarantees about anyone's life, Miss Howard. Sometimes there are real miracles in the human body.” The doctor tried to comfort her. 
“I prefer the truth, doctor. Please.” 
“A couple of months, no more than Christmas.” 
“Will it be painful?” 
“There are several ways to make that period smoother, if that's your wish.” 
“Having to go is bad enough, don’t you think?” 
Back home, Mary didn't have the courage to face her daughter. Parvati took Beatrice home for an impromptu sleepover party. 
When the girls fell asleep, Pavarti sneaked over to the Howards' house. It would be a very difficult night for Mary. 
After many cups of tea and many more tears, Mary resolved, “This will take me to my grave, but I won't let it take away the shreds of happiness. My daughter and I deserve better than spending our final weeks in misery.” 
From that moment on, Mary focused on enjoying every minute with her girl, the epitome of her happiness. 
“When are you going to tell her?” Pavarti asked. 
“I do not know how, but not for now. When I feel it's closer. I don't want her to cry before the time.” 
*November 2004*
Giggles were filling the air. Two little girls were playing tag, running around carefree. 
Mary was sitting in her small garden, feeling severe pains, in spite of the medications. She held a mug of strong coffee in her hands, one of the few things that gave her energy. 
The autumn sun in her bones was her only comfort. That and seeing her daughter happy. 
Taking small, warm sips, Mary reflected on the past thirty years. So much had happened! In her short life there were adventures that would fill a lifetime. Losses along the way, setbacks, broken dreams...but also good friends, many happy days...and, best of all, Beatrice. Mary would go all the way again for the opportunity to share her life with Beatrice. 
She was already missing what wasn't going to live with her. Beatrice looks at her and smiles. She is missing two teeth that fell out the other day. Mary knows she won't see her new teeth, yet she smiles back. 
‘How do we prepare a child for our death, Pavarti?' Mary asked her friend, who was sitting next to her.  
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cdbabymp3 · 7 months
𐙚chris' girl ; chapter one ― matt sturniolo
summary: y/n goes home with chris after the party. matt let's his desires get the best of him. i suck at summaries lmfao
notes/warnings: chris x reader x matt, nsfw !! slight perv!matt, masturbation, vouyerism (??) a hint of toxic!chris, that's it i think idk ?? i've decided to break up the chapters to be a lil shorter so it's easier to read ! that way there will be more of them too <3
read the intro if you haven't already :) LUV YALL IM NERVOUS ABT THIS ONE ....
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not caring what response the random guy had to say, matt kept walking. while leaving completely wasn't an option, who's to say he couldn't wait in the car? enticed by the idea of complete silence and peace, matt strolled to the front door of the house and made his way up the street to the car. with a short beep of the car unlocking, he hopped in and shut the door, sighing in relief. after sitting idle for a moment, he was unsure what to do. was this a new low? hiding in the car from my brother and his girlfriend....jesus. defeat struck again, making him rest his arms and forehead against the steering wheel. what the fuck is wrong with me? amid his wallowing, a low buzz vibrates repeatedly from his back pocket. matt grabs his phone, the bright screen illuminating the dark interior of the car. not one, but five texts from nick:
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matt rolled his eyes at his brother's hollow threat.
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a tinge of anger made its way through matt's veins. of course chris did something. it wouldn't be fair to cuss out chris until he knew the whole context, but, fuck, was he close to. he squinted, seeing nick and y/n walking side by side towards the car, chris behind them on his phone. he couldn't read y/n's expression or chris'. they all got in the car awkwardly in silence. matt looked at nick for a quick nonverbal explanation, but nick shook his head like he wasn't allowed to say a word. with that, matt takes the cue to start the car and head home. in the rearview mirror, he sees ample distance between chris and y/n. chris' hand creeps onto her thigh, but she moves it off.
"you're seriously still mad?" chris mumbles, trying not to draw attention
y/n ignores him, staring out the window for any kind of distraction.
"this is ridiculous." he scoffs under his breath
nick scrambles for the aux cord and puts on some soft music to alleviate the growing tension. matt discreetly nods at nick for his idea.
other than the music playing, it's silent for almost ten minutes until chris starts instigating again.
"can we talk about it at least? y/n?" he pokes her thigh, but her gaze remains on the buildings that pass by
y/n's voice shakes, "no, not right now."
"so you're gonna be mad at me and not tell me why?" he rhetorically asks, raising his voice so that it overpowers the volume of the music
nick's eyes flick to matt's nervously.
"chris, let's not do this in front of them, please. just wait." y/n requests, fighting the urge to match his vexed tone, but it comes out even
matt lets it be quiet for a minute, then clears his throat, "so-uh, y/n, should i just bring you back to our place?"
her eyes meet his in the mirror and he gives her a comforting smile, mutely letting her know that the invitation is open but that she doesn't have to.
"um, yeah, if you don't mind." her eyes hold onto matt's stare longer than he expected, finally returning back to the window.
the rest of the ride is filled with an uncomfortable silence, everyone shifting awkwardly in their seats and checking their phones.
what felt like an eternity in the car was finally over as matt pulled into the garage. not even waiting for the car to be off, chris swings his seat belt off and gets out. y/n tries to keep up, quickly running behind him to where matt and nick assumed was chris' room.
after the garage door fully closed behind y/n, matt gestured for nick and him to get out.
"so you don't know what happened at all?" matt interrogates nick, locking the car
nick opens his mouth to start speaking, opening the door into the house, but puts a finger up to his mouth with wide eyes.
"what?" matt whispered entering the first level of the house
nick shushed him, steadily walking up the stairs to the second floor to reach the living room. curiously, matt did the same.
"i thought i heard y/n...it sounded like she was in pain or something...." nick spoke so quietly, matt had to step closer to hear him. the two brothers turned in the direction of chris' room, waiting for a sound, but there was nothing.
matt starts to walk away, "nick, c'mon-"
"mmh, chris, fuck..." y/n's muffled moan travels down the hall.
matt freezes, blood rushing to his cheeks and ears. holy fuck. the sounds coming from chris' room were borderline pornographic. y/n's sweet mewls mixed with chris' low groans could be heard over the sound of the skin slapping over and over again.
"wow, that was fast. usually, they fight a little more before this part." nick grabs his headphones routinely from the dinner table, "you know, i told chris not to do that shit when we're here anymore. it's fucking weird. but if he's not gonna listen to me, the least he can do is close his door all the way."
with no response from matt, nick looks to him. matt stands completely still, eyes glued to the hallway of chris' room, definitely not hearing a word nick just said.
"matt? what the fuck are you doing?" nick hits his arm, snapping matt out of the trance he'd been put in.
"what? sorry-i think i need to go to bed. i'm really tired." a lie so bad, he cringed the second it left his mouth. thankfully, nick had enough alcohol in him for it to go unnoticed for once.
"well, good luck with that." nick gave him a part on the back, slipping his headphones on and walking to his room.
once nick's door was shut, matt shuts his eyes tightly and took a deep breath. just go to your room, plain and simple. close the door and go to bed. matt opened his eyes, taking hesitant steps into the hallway. with each step, y/n's moans grew louder. it started feeling real, too real. he clenched his fist and held his breath, making it the space between chris' bedroom door and his; conveniently right across from one another. the sounds were no longer muffled and he could almost feel the heat radiating from the room. like he was being timed, matt slipped into his room, closing his door, but leaving it cracked the slightest bit open. peering with a fraction of his face, he could partially see past the crack of chris' door. the sliver he was permitted was of y/n. her eyebrows knitted together, both hands holding her up as she grips onto the sheets of the bed white-knuckled. her body rocks back and forth as she fucks into chris, who drills into her from behind relentlessly. she gasps every couple of thrusts when chris goes deeper. a string of their curses echoes throughout the whole upstairs. matt feels himself getting hard at the sight and sound her. it was so wrong, he knew that. a sudden wave of shame pours over him. if chris knew the things he thought about his girlfriend, matt was certain chris would shoot him dead between the eyes. so, making sure they don't hear, matt closes his door. he kicks off his shoes, peels his jeans and shirt off, and crawls into bed. it's pitch black in his room, leaving too much to the imagination. loud and clear, he can still hear y/n's erotic sounds. so pretty. even when she's getting her brains fucked out, she sounds so fucking pretty. matt had watched his fair share of porn in the past. he could never fully get off to how most of the girls sounded. sure, most of it is scripted after all, but none of it really got him going. there were always too screechy for him. but not y/n. she sounded like an angel.
he almost felt nauseous with guilt about these thoughts he was having. distraughtly, he turned over on his side, making eye contact with headphones that sat on his bedside table. maybe nick had the right idea. reaching for them lazily, he turned them on. a small circular red light blinked on the side indicating a dead battery. great. he rolled over onto his back, both hands pushing his hair out of his face. a loud slap sounded, earning a pleased whimper from y/n. matt's mouth formed an 'o' in shock. he didn't think she was into that...
he couldn't handle it any longer. the bulge in his boxes throbbing so bad it started to hurt.
just this once, matt...
lightly, his hand snuck under the covers, to his erection, palming it. he winced, the mere contact already giving him the relief he needed. another slap against y/n's ass echoed, working him up enough to touch himself underneath his boxers. grabbing the base of his shaft and stroking upwards, he shut his eyes, imagining he was the one making y/n sound like that. it was easy to tap into this fantasy for him, not being the first time, in truth. he could see it so clearly: him holding her hips, moving her body against his as he fucked into her. her soft skin sticky with sweat, little baby hairs clinging to her forehead as he kissed her lips and neck. he would take his time with her. not like chris. he would grab her neck if she'd let him, holding her securely. he'd leave little marks all along her tits. god, her tits. the thought of them alone was enough to make him cum right there. he'd fuck her as long as he physically could, as long as she wanted him to. and the face she'd make when she cums....the way she'd whine his name, holding onto him for dear life.
he was almost there, eyes screwing shut even tighter than before. his chest rose and fell at a brash pace, sucking in air, as he felt his release nearing. his free hand grabs onto his sheets, hips lifting up to fuck himself into his hand. so fucking close...
but then there's silence from the other room. mid-stroke, matt pauses, keeping his eyes closed. suddenly, chris' door slams. a meek knock on his own door causes matt's eyes to flash open in fear.
"matt...?" y/n knocks again, a little louder, "are you awake?"
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໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა taglist ; @forevergirlposts , @soimightlikeoldmen69 , @sl0t4matt , @st7rnioioss , @sturn3ol0 , @vickyzloserz , @@mayhem-72
lmk if u wanna be tagged, hotties !!
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freakassfemme · 2 months
MWAH wishing u a speedy recovery!!!!! listen u always do my requests sm justice YOU JUST GET IT, i will always crawl back into ur askbox i am patiently waiting while kicking my feet :3
original ask YOU ARE SO SWEET! I appreciate you. here u go, i have brought you a gift <3 unfortunately my only explanation to 'getting it' is that I am always having or striving to have filthy nasty lesbian and queer interactions. or I am writing or reading about it. my sole purpose on this earth is to curate queer experiences. hope that helps <3 btw I wrote this from 6 - 9 am so bare with me wc: 2.9k warnings: metaphorically consuming each other as a form of desire, yeah I know I switched present/past tense its a bad habit of mine but I *don't care* nor do I care about consistent capitalization, I'm crazy for this woman obviously, rough sex, f/f, vagina/breast anatomy, biting, overstimulation, crying, maybe I get a little too poetic about gay sex, proof read by only me one singular time and it was mainly to see if the music fit the vibe, penetration, scissoring, I love pussy, orgasm denial x1 (?), slight size kink and worship but really that's in all my fics
see how it shines [smut] ゚+..。*゚
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playlist: it will come back / be / abstract (psychopomp)
(yeah we r bringing hozier into this </3)
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eighteen fucking hours. that's how long you'd been clocked in at the medical bay for what seemed to have been maybe the third or fourth time this week, and it was only Thursday.
the truth was, medics and doctors were dropping like flies these days, going AWOL and leaving the remaining staff to work what would need twenty sets of hands with maybe seven or eight. with the seraphites becoming more aggressive everyday, the peace in the stadium and other bases for the WLF had been short-lived, and many understandably weren't holding up well to the pressure, especially with the way the cleanup crews had been hauling back nonstop truckloads of friends and loved ones, and requests to be stationed elsewhere other than the stadium and two were immediately denied at this point.
so yeah, you were pretty fucking tired. at this point in the staffing shortage, they were having to send the folks on watch on additional rounds just to bring food to medics, on duty or at home, because they were simply too exhausted to go down to dining.
no one even acknowledged you as your blood and mud-ridden boots skidded across the concrete floors, your eyes practically closed even as you walked through crowds to get back to your dorm. the soldiers, civilians and staff alike parted like water around you, making an avoidant path and trying not too hard to look at you or the posters on the wall, outright begging people to sign up for medical classes.
you kicked the food delivery box inside of your dorm as you unlocked it, hands fumbling with your forehead pressed against the cold metal. inside, you quickly stripped out of your uniform top and boots, and crashed out on the couch.
abby herself was exhausted when she trudged into your shared living space hours after you, having just come off of a 48 hour rotation. her eyes wandered over the little trail of belongings leading to you on the couch, the boots left a few steps after the other, your button up discarded over the railing and the abandoned delivery box just a few feet from the door, which she didn't notice until she nearly slipped over it, causing a loud thump that had her wincing.
her eyes flicked to you, where she could only see the back of your head, and when she decided you weren't going to stir, she let out a sigh of relief and began stripping herself of her own uniform.
on her way over to the bathroom, she stopped next to you, taking in your splayed out form. your hair was a fucking mess, and you still had drops of (hopefully) someone else's blood across your forearms, one thrown against the back of the couch and the other hanging over the side. your pants were halfway undone, like you had tried an attempt that you decided wasn't worth the energy, and you looked pale as a ghost.
as much as abby wanted to let you sleep, wanted to let you get the rest you needed, she couldn't leave you like this. it'd been at least three days since she last saw you for more than a fleeting lunch break, and she couldn't find it in her to take care of herself and not you, especially when you had been eating away at yourself providing the undying care to strangers who wouldn't want to return it even in several lifetimes.
she sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose before she nodded, crouching down and grunting from the soreness of her own body as she scooped you up.
when you groaned and gave a small shove back, she hushed you, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"c'mon, sweet girl, it's just me. i got you."
you hadn't put up much of a fight when abby propped you up on the sink. you leaned the back of your head against the mirror as she shimmied your pants and socks off of you, stripping your shirt and undergarments next until your cold skin was left against the glass and stainless steel, and you began to shudder. abby was quick about turning up the hot water in the shower though, allowing the steam fill the room before she helped you to your feet, letting you lean against her and whisper weak protests as you climbed into the hot shower.
instantly, you relaxed against her, and she ran her fingers through your hair, fully saturating the dirty strands as you sighed, wrapping your arms around her firm waist to steady yourself.
you stayed like that for a while, pressed against your girlfriend's tone form as you slowly collected your own strength, letting her gentle hands and soft voice lull you back from your weak state until you could help her wash you both up, even if it took a bit longer than usual.
"lean your head forward f'me, angel," abby murmured, one of her large palms warming up your spine with gentle caresses as she held a half-formed braid of your hair in the other. you obeyed quietly, letting abby tie back your now managed hair into something similar to how she usually kept hers, though she left her own loose.
when she was done, abby shifted closer behind you in the bed, her arms slipping underneath your borrowed shirt to hold you against her. she buried her face into your neck, letting you curl into her until you were turned on your side and entirely wrapped in her strong arms.
her nose nudged yours, and your eyes weakly fluttered open to meet abby's soft gaze, her seafoam eyes almost hauntingly bright against the cool illumination of the moonlit windows. it spooked you a bit, in all honesty, to have her this close to you again after so many days, days where you had considered the other possibilities in which she may come back to you.
you weren't any less unnerving to her -- she could tell you hadn't been eating nearly enough since she had been gone, and in just a few short days you already looked withered enough to drop like a limp daisy. your skin was ghostly, its usual warmth dampened from a lack of sunlight.
still, she was your girl, and you were hers, even in your worn states. and god, she had missed you.
abby's pine soap filled your nose as she pressed her lips into yours, the warm skin hesitant under your cool, cracked ones, and you accepted her gratefully, even if just for a moment it was as useless as whiskey on a winter night.
but then, of course, like any decent drink, the buzz hits.
and even though your limbs are screaming against you as you do so, your fingers curl into abby's loose hair, and you turn your head just a bit more. when you kiss back, abby's shyness, her gentleness quickly melts away, replenished by a hunger matching your own as you desperately search for more of her, pulling her against you like you hoped to swallow her whole.
your teeth crashed against her soft skin, tugging at her lip and making a slot for your tongue to force its way into her mouth. instantly, she shuddered, groaning into you in a way that you could feel the vibrations in her chest. it was like an open invitation, a warm meal laid out just for you, and you accepted it greedily.
you pulled abby on top of you by her hair, whining back when she moaned against your lips again. her own hand snaked up your body, squeezing at your thighs and hips as she fell on top of you, then pushing your oversized shirt over your chest, exposing your chest and making a clear pathway for herself. still, as starving as she was, she tried to take her time with you, wrapping her fingers around your jaw to hold you in place, and only stiffening up when you parted your legs, wrapping them around her and shoving your bare cunt against her firm stomach.
"wait," she whispered against your lips, "wait f'me, baby. let me have some."
you whine and protest as abby's strong arm holds you down by your throat, her other coming down to pin your fighting, impatient wrists to your stomach.
"baby, baby please," you're crying between broken moans as her tongue runs up your neck, stopping just so you can feel her heavy breathing against the shell of your ear when she slowly begins to work her hips against yours, the fabric of her boxers smearing your arousal across her thighs.
"fuck, baby I know," she groans, and if it wasn't for the way she gritted her teeth, you'd think she was annoyed rather than desperately holding herself together.
"abby, I --"
abby's hand on your jaw slips up some so she can shove two of her fingers in your mouth, and she lets out a stupid, desperate moan when she feels you choke around them for a second. then your eyes roll back just when she looks up, checking on her little angel, and she can't help but grunt louder, slamming her hips into your core in a way that makes you keen and your back arch, your smaller fists squeezing underneath her grip.
"god, shut up," she's practically begging as her hips rut into you. "please just, fuck, be quiet for a second, shit -"
she buries her face in your neck again, trying to satiate herself and regain some of her sanity, but your legs are now locked around her, pulling her against you in a way that has her clit brushing deliciously against the seam of her boxers. her head spins every time, and she lets out broken whines as she feels herself already tipping dangerously towards that edge as your body fights to consume her.
and god, it's torture for her, but for you, you just can't get enough. your fucking beast of a girlfriend trying so futilely to hold it together from just this stupid game of dry humping, when you're so, so willing to give her so much more.
let me have you, let me have you, you're chanting in your mind, your ankles pushing at the hem of abby's boxers.
you swallow around her fingers, and that seems to do it for her, granting you some edge as her other hand releases your wrists and flies to the side to hold herself up as her back arches against you with a loud groan.
your hands rush on to her back, your nails finding purchase just below her shoulder blades and ripping down the muscle until her fingers tear from your throat to slam against the bed and she stifles a cry by biting down on the base of your neck so hard that for a moment, you're worried she might draw blood.
"fuck," you rasp out against the pressure.
abby's shaking in your arms, moaning between the prettiest sobs as she gives in. she's pliant when your hands slip down to grab at her ass, and she lifts her hips to help you slip her boxers off, kicking them behind her.
she leans back, her blonde hair dripping onto your exposed tits. the cold water makes you shudder, and you let abby shove her bare cunt between your legs and slotting one thigh over you.
your lips fall in a open-mouthed gasp and she swears as her entrance rocks against your throbbing clit, one of her hands coming down to steady your hips and the other to hold her shirt up over her stomach so she can see the way you're making a mess of her thighs.
she stays there for a minute, brutalizing your bundle of nerves for her own pleasure. your head falls against the mattress, and you let out ridiculous whines, your hands fisting and slamming against the sheets below you, even coming up to claw at her strong thighs that kept you pinned so tightly in place.
"fuck, fuck, 's too much," you're choking out, and now it's your turn for the waterworks while abby only chuckles, laughing breathlessly as she presses down harder.
"no, no baby," she coos between her own moans, running her tongue over her teeth as she shudders. She slips her hips down some until you're fully rutting against each other again, the sheer wetness making it that much more difficult for your brain to process. "'s not, sweetheart, you can take it. i know you can baby."
you shake your head, and abby rolls her eyes, quickening her pace until your cheeks rouge and your whining grows. your hips twitch beneath her, uncontrollably bucking up to kiss her pussy again and again and again despite your pleas.
"what's wrong?" she purrs, her hand coming from your hips to run itself down from your neck, to your chest, to the back of your thigh. "thought you wanted it, thought you were begging for it, baby."
you whine again, shivering under her touch as she leans down, her mouth capturing the meat of your thigh as she rocks against you. she bites harder with each push and pull, and your tired body can't take it. it's too easy to get worked up for her like this.
"abs, ohmygod, stop, 'm gonna-"
abby's all to keen, knows exactly what you're going to say before you can even finish your sentence.
"shit, fuck, no you're not," abby grunts, ripping away from you in an instant.
your arched back hits the mattress with a full on sob, and you can feel your unsatisfied arousal leaking onto the sheets, the sickness between your thighs and on your stomach, the smell of abby, abby, abbyabbyabby until you jolt back up, letting out a small cry at the sudden impact against your clit.
she does it again and again, slapping your swollen cunt until your body is on the verge of cumming just from this. you're already so pent up, so touch-starved that you'd probably cum just from her biting you again, and she knows it, knows you're both like that right now.
your arms prop you up as one of her hands holds open your parted thighs, and her lips are consuming yours again as she growls with every spasm and whine she pulls from you. she doesn't stop until she really thinks you might burst, when you're starting to lift your hips for more instead of trying to hide away.
"god, you're filthy, baby," she groans against your mouth, and you only nod dumbly, knees shaking as you try to catch your breath. she's kneeling between your legs, ready to worship her sweet slice of heaven, ready to piece you back together.
abby's hand comes down gently this time, just the tip of her middle finger tracing over the mess between your legs until she's prodding it against your entrance so delicately that your brain nearly short-circuits.
she looks back up at you, her chest heaving from some sort of late-onset restraint and with such devotion filling her dilated eyes that you almost can't move, can't breathe. her eyes rake over you, holding every detail for an extra moment to commit it to memory, and when it's clear you're too awestruck by her, too overwhelmed by the sight of her poised in reverence, she speaks for you.
"gonna let me in, pretty girl?" abby asks, the words dripping off of her tongue like a velvety chocolate. you nod stupidly, your head bobbing in a way that's a little too eager, but she doesn't say anything about it.
instead, she hums, licking her lips as she wraps a hand around your head, pulling you so that her nose bumps against yours. abby presses her lips against yours, and one of your hands shakes as it finds its way up to grasp at her bicep. she's much more gentle this time, much more cautious as the tip of her finger begins to delve inside.
you pull away from her lips with a gasp when she intrudes, turning your face to hide it in your shoulder. you can't help but squeeze around the single digit, your knees already trembling.
"uh-uh," she tsks softly, her raspy voice echoing against your ear. she kisses your temple, and her hand slides down some to turn your face back towards her.
"let me see you," she whispers, sucking in a gasp as she pushes her finger farther into you, curving her palm to fit snugly against you.
your eyes flutter up to hers, almost shyly as you feel your ears burn and your eyes threaten to water as she holds your gaze. she nods when you do, curling her finger inside of you as she praises you, the ridges of your walls clinging to her finger so tightly that she's taking small, shallow breaths now.
"that's it," she murmurs, holding your head in place so you have to look at her. "that's my girl."
you let out a small whimper, the embarrassment running straight to your core as she begins to work her finger in and out, guiding it further each time until the base of her thumb glides over your clit. when it does, she groans, and can't help but push her hand harder against you until she's practically shoving you into the mattress and you swear you can feel her in your throat.
stars flutter around the blurry edges of the halo that is her golden hair, and the tears in your eyes begin to slip again between the way she's carving a god damn signature inside of you and how she's holding you so tightly against her.
you open your mouth, trying to speak but hopelessly interrupted by a mixed sob and moan. she chuckles softly, but it's tender and sweet, and she nods, brushing her thumb over your temple.
"I know, sweetheart, I know."
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raayllum · 2 months
a/n: set after 6x06 and heavily references 6x03 bc they were blessings
Sometime after they stop kissing — alright, they don't really stop, but languid silences, soft giggling, and sweet nothings fill some of the space in between kisses as they curl up together on his bed in the Starscraper — Callum asks, "So, what were you crying about on the Ray of Illumination?"
The sun is rising above the sea of clouds outside their bedroom window, and for a moment he regrets bringing up anything potentially sad, both of them happier than they've been in years, honestly. They have everything they need for her parents, his connection to Aaravos has been severed, the light and truth of her love filling the cracks in his heart, instead, and finally, finally she knows that his heart has always belonged to her. That it always will.
But he's always been curious, and he's always wanted to sooth whatever's troubling her, fix whatever is breaking her heart, and she'd had a good deal to cry over just a couple weeks ago — maybe even something from the last two years apart — and... he wants to know. He wants to help.
And, slowly, he thinks she's getting to a place where she wants him to be able to, where she'll let him.
"Oh, um..." Rayla averts her eyes, fingers tangled with his, but her smile doesn't dim. She sticks her tongue in her cheek. "It's a bit silly, really."
"Still." He uses his free hand to brush his thumb over the curve of her cheek, the blue bend of her marking, where he knows the tears would've fallen.
"Just an old diary written by the captain. Esme something. Stella pushed it open." Rayla scoots a bit closer and Callum lets go of her hand to wrap his arm around her, more than happy to give into her desire to be held; he never feels more at peace than when he's holding her, now more than ever.
The bump of the tip of his nose against hers as a gentle prod. "And?"
Rayla turns her face down, his lips brushing her brow, but he can still tell she's worrying her bottom lip between her teeth. He wants to angle his face down and kiss that worry away, draw her lips to his, but refrains. They have plenty of time, after all. To kiss, and rest, and prepare for their journey. It's close to dawn now, and Callum knows they won't leave till the day after tomorrow at least — they need supplies for the journey to the Nexus, recover from their trials, and to say goodbye to their new friends here.
Finally, Rayla explains, "She was writing during the last days of her life, on that ship I guess. About a man she left behind. Her one true love, Conrad."
"Oh." Callum pulls her further into a hug on instinct, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
"Just... resonated with me," she nearly sniffles, laughing weakly, but her smile is real and reaches her eyes when he glances down to check. "I'm sure you can imagine why."
"Lots of stuff about what she would've said if she saw him again?"
"Think I can relate to that too," he hums, giving her forehead another kiss. "I love you, Rayla," he repeats for what might be the millionth time that day, but he already knows he can never say it enough. He's always known that. "I'm so glad you came back."
She wraps her arms tighter around his torso, cuddling in closer, tension ebbing out of her and face half pressed to his scarf. "I'm so happy you're here, Callum," she sighs warmly.
"Always." He strokes her hair, wondering if she'll fall asleep like this—it always got her a little drowsy in the past—or if she'll let him weave her braid for her one of these days, musing, and then... "The Captain's name wasn't Esmerelda Skall, was it?"
Rayla lifts her head, brow furrowed adorably. "Er, yeah, it was. Why? How do you know that?"
"She was a famous explorer in the Human Kingdoms. Charted out a lot of our maps up north. My Dad—King Harrow—took me on a diplomatic mission once to Del Bar, where she's from, when I was eleven or twelve." There's a warm, content feeling blooming in his chest that he'll get to give her closure on this, too, somehow. "Conrad founded a town near the capitol and served as mayor. He named it after her. He loved her all his life—put a grave marker for her next to his when he died and everything."
Rayla's "Oh" comes out choked and small, but her smile is wide as she blinks back tears. "That's—that's beautiful. I guess he really—"
"—loved her?" Callum finishes, curling two fingers under her chin to lift her face for a moment. Then he brushes away the real tears trickling over, drawing her further into his snug embrace. Her breath is beautifully warm as it fans over his lips before he kisses her, soft and firm. "Yes. I really do."
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mirohlayo · 10 months
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inspired by the song always - daniel caesar
( charles and you broke up 6 months ago. but no matter what, he'll still love you forever. )
warning : sad, angst, heartbreaking (i'm sorry for that 💔)
word count : 1.7k
!! english not my first language !!
it still hurts. time passes but the memories remains. they remain profoundly anchored in his heart, in his head, and every day he hopes these tender and precious memories will never fade away.
maybe he's wrong for thinking like that. maybe he's wrong for losing his head over you.
maybe if time elapses rapidly, maybe if enough time passes, he will see you again. and you both will laugh together, heart fulfills with joy, never forgetting how much you were made for each other.
and he knows deep inside that he can't deny it. that there'll always be, no matter what happens, a place for you by his side, this same place that you sorrowfully left six months ago. this place will always be reserved for you, because he promised it to you, because he finally knows nobody will never occupy it the way you did.
laboriously lying down on his bed, charles closes his eyes. the moon softly shines in the nocturnal sky, skimming his hollow cheekbones. the light dimly illuminates his dark circles under his eyes, as if it had been an eternity since he last tasted a peaceful sleep.
it's night. and for those last six months, he found comfort in nighttime. because there is this quiet atmosphere, not a single noise disturbs him, apart from the unremitting sounds of the cars' motors which turn around his monaco building. he feels alone there, and that perfectly contrasts with this sensation you caused him since your departure. he terribly feels abandoned, lost and alone. like the moon is neglected among the billions of stars behind her.
and he closes his eyes. he wants to sleep. he wants to dream. he wants to dream about her, maybe to forget or maybe to remember. but he definitely doesn't do it on purpose, sometimes he dreams about you. because maybe that's what the night is for : arrange to meet the ones we love.
because he truly loved you. genuinely and profoundly. he fell very hard for you. and that since he first laid eyes on you. his heart rose when he saw you, his cheeks became hot when you smiled to him. his eyes were full of love and affection. it was as if he laid eyes on the most beautiful thing. and it was you.
his heart, his soul never stopped to love you. his body burns of love and desire for you, and all his being beg you to come back to him, to tell him everything will settle. because his poor heart awfully suffers, and every day he dies a little more remembering why you're no longer his anymore.
he loves you infinitely. never no one has ever been able to fill him with so much passion. he knows he truly loves you, from deep inside. he loves you for a thousand and one reasons, but mainly for the one he doesn't understand.
pretty lady. he liked to call you like this, even though sometimes you thought it was silly. but he knew you actually loved this surname, so he never missed an occasion to make you feel special.
so with his pretty lady, he used to walk down the streets. hand in hand, maybe shared earphones, and above all your love for each other. you walked slowly in monaco's streets, until he begged you to let him buy you a gift. buying you anything, as long as you were happy, it was the main thing. even though his bank account was empty afterward. but it was okay.
and he still remembers the fussing, the fighting, the fucking and the lying. most of the time, it was you getting mad at him for buying expensive stuff for your simple person. but sometimes, it was more an underlying and painful reason. but you always ended up reconciled, because neither could stay apart for too long. it was like that.
except last time, there wasn't a reconciliation. you left each other, teared apart and frightfully hurt. none returned to the other. and that haunt charles for way too long now.
maybe he's wrong for thinking like that. maybe he's wrong for losing his head over you.
he's fed up. he opens his eyes, and in just a fraction of a second, he's already dressed in a coat and in a scarf. he needs to get some air, he needs to think about something else.
was it by going to the cafe you always went to that he would really think of something other than you? no, certainly not. but he needs it, it's stronger than him. he pushes the door and immediately orders a warm drink.
and then he takes a sit in a secluded corner. he doesn't want to be seen, but from his spot, he can catch sight of every person present. a waiter comes to bring him his drink. he thanks him with a fragile smile. it's been a long time since he smiled brightly, like he always did with only you.
he takes one sip. two sips. it's warm, and it comforts him. because it reminds him of the soothing warmth you gave him when you used to hold him tight. and it comforts him as much as it grieves him. and the deeper the sorrow digs into his being, the more joy he will be able to contain.
and maybe this joy finally weaves in his heart. this joy which suddenly explodes at the view in front of him. he can't believe it. you push the cafe's door, a silly smile on your lips as a deep laugh echoes in the air. soon, charles' happiness transforms in bitterness and pain.
he knows it. he knows it dawn well. you moved on. you're no longer his anymore. you don't belong with him anymore. but with this new man who seems to fill you with happiness like he did with you before. his heart squeezes when you take the hand of your new boyfriend, dragging him to a table not far from charles' one.
you look so happy. your big smile warms his heart, but it cools down instantly when he remembers your smile isn't meant for him. no, it will never be intended for him again. and it hurts him terribly.
the same waiter brings you your drink, which you obviously had to share with the man that charles already hates with all his being. but on the one hand, he couldn't stop your man being better than him. he must accept his fate, he must accept that this man is the new chapter of your life. and that he only remains as a page that you have difficultly turned.
but he doesn't want. he still wants to have hope. he still wants to hold onto you, because he tells himself maybe one day everything will return to the way it was before. he prays for this day to comes, whatever fate does.
so he just doesn't care. he doesn't care if you're with somebody else. because he'll give you time and space to hopefully bring you back. he still hopes every day, because he wants you to know he's just not a phase. and that he never was one.
so, it's selfish, but he disregards the man who is sitting in front of you and back to him. he has a perfect view on your face. and he imagines only you and him, on a date, face to face. he imagines that the smile glues to your face is addressed to him, that all the sentences that come out of your mouth give him the impression that he is your confidant again. even if it's not the reality.
because one of the hardest battles we fight in life is the fight between the mind that knows the truth and the heart that refuses to accept it.
the more he looks at you, the more you pleasantly disconcert him. the more he closed his eyes, the more he missed you. and it wasn't good. it became suffocating. so he had to leave. leave the café, but not you. even though he knows he'll never have a second chance, he'll continue to hold onto you and to love you.
you had left to the bathroom. so he took the opportunity to leave the place. and leaving something behind for you.
you come back to your table, excusing yourself to your boyfriend for taking too much time. you keep talking with him, but the waiter just now approaches you. he points to a table lost at the back of the cafe, a cup of coffee still left on it and, a gray scarf.
a scarf which you perfectly recognize. gray and soft. made by cotton. a scarf you offered to your first love, the one you loved dearly for one year, the one you haven't seen since six months now.
"the man who was sitting here left. but he said this scarf was for you." the waiter says to you before getting back to the counter. you gently thanks him, and you try to avoid the questioning look of your boyfriend.
you desperately look to see if he's still here, if he's still present in the cafe. or in the street. because either you can't deny it, a piece of your heart still beats for charles. but nothing, nobody's around.
and meanwhile, charles leaves the street corner where the cafe is located. he returns to his apartment, alone again and perhaps even more hurt than before.
he left his scarf - no scratch that - he left you his scarf. maybe he did it on purpose to abandon a part of you, to pass on to you what belongs to you. to start forgetting about you. or just merely for you to remember him for ever, that every time you'll see this scarf his face will appears in your mind, and you'll be able to smell his cologne.
he thinks about you once again. in your pretty coat, your pretty hairstyle, and of course this man by your side. peacefully drinking your hot drink. he curses himself for not being the one to share your hot chocolate. your favorite drink that he knows you ordered tonight.
but it's okay. he knows it, he deny it.
it's all fine, you'll always be his. forever and ever, always.
always, you can count on him sure as the stars in the sky. always, you can count on him as sure that the sun will rise. always, his love for you ain't going nowhere.
always, he will be here.
for you. forever.
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Not one to beg.
Soft, sweet and fluffy mostly plotless smut brainrot because these two have made a small hole in my brain and they won't stop kissing ;w;
(this is the first time i've ever legit written any kind of smut so be gentle, if you can)
Ft: Astarion x my durge Tomie
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It had been a few weeks since the party. Since the night Astarion and Tomie spent together. Astarion thought it would be just the same as any other seduction. But it wasn't.
Her touch, her skin, her voice, her blood. He craved it like a drug. Not only that, but she made him feel truly wanted. Not just his body, but his company. His time. Every time he insisted they give her neck a break and go hunting, she was right there with him. Tail swishing back and forth excitedly. She could never hide how much she enjoys being around him. He hated it, but he knows he shares the same feelings. She feels like home in a way he hasn't felt in centuries.
When she did let him feed, the rush of desire that floods into him is nearly impossible to bear. He has to stifle moans and keep his body from needily pressing against hers. She must have felt it. There's no way she couldn't. But she never said anything. She hasn't tried to instigate intimacy once since that night. Despite the near constant flirting, small cheek kisses and innuendo exchanged between them. Astarion is shocked. Some nights he had to settle for his own hand just to alleviate the yearning. She was driving him insane and she had no idea. Or maybe she did, and this was all on purpose.
That sly little minx.
One night, Tomie delcared she will be going off to bathe in the nearby lake.
"Alright! Don't take too long, dinner is almost ready" Gale says.
Tomie nods and begins to walk towards the lakes direction with a small towel and some soap. Her tail swishes and she casts the quickest sly glance at Astarion. A hint of a smile on her pretty lips. He watches as she disappears into the treeline. That was the final straw.
"I'm going for a walk" Astarion says. Not waiting for a response from the others. Walking in the opposite direction of Tomie to not rise suspicion. He will double back once he's far enough away from the camp. A few moments of aimless wandering and racing thoughts. Should he do this? Was she avoiding it for a reason? But if that's the case, why would she be teasing him so much? Gods, it's like he can smell her from here. Warm, spicy, indulgent. But wait, how? Did she get hurt?His pace quickened from a casual stroll to a sprint. Now rushing towards the direction of the water he hears small curses and gasps of breath. Not wanting to scare her, he hides behind a tree and peeks at the scene ahead.
She was in her undergarments, washing her day clothes in the lake. She had accidentally sliced her hand a little with a rock. Nothing too serious. She cast heal wounds on it within moments and looked around, making sure the blood didn't draw any predators. Once content, she went back to washing her clothes in the water then wading in herself. Still in her underclothes. She closed her eyes and floated there for a while. Looking truly at peace.
It's now or never. Astarion emerges from a tree, just the same as he did the first time.
"There you are" He says.
"Oh! Hi Astarion! Come to do some washing?" Tomie asks. A sweet seemingly innocent smile on her face. But a small glint in her eye indicated to him that she knew EXACTLY what she was doing.
"Something like that. I was drawn to the scent of your blood, I wanted to make sure you were alright" He tries to add as much velvet to his voice as possible. He's done this thousands of times before. Why would this be any different?
"Such a worrywart, don't tell me you've started to care have you?" Tomie says. Her voice soft as silk, putting his seduction attempt almost to shame. Tomie effortlessly swims to the lakeshore and emerges from the water, dripping, her undergarments clinging to every curve. Her ivory hair wet and slicked back, effortlessly cascading down her shoulders. She was a vision. She gently shakes herself off a little then meets her eyes with his. Her bright red eyes and cat-like pupils shine in the moonlight. He had never noticed that her eyes glow like that before. She approaches him and he finds himself leaning his back against the very tree he was hiding behind. He felt almost dizzy.
"Now, why don't you tell me why you're really here?" Tomie purrs. Her hands behind her back, leaning forward slightly. Her tail slowly waving side to side.
"Well" Astarion scoffs. "Isn't it obvious??" He's supposed to be the seductive one. Making people swoon with just a few words. How is it that this woman flusters him so?
"Not to me. See, I prefer when someone is direct. I want to know exactly what you need from me" Tomie brushes her fingertips against his arm, sending tingles all the way through his body.
"Darling, I'm not one to beg but-"
"No no, I don't want you to beg. I just want you to tell me".
Tomie's torso is flush with his now. Her tail twitches with anticipation as she continues tracing her fingertips against his arm. Looking up at him sweetly. He takes a deep breath and sighs once he realises he hasn't been breathing since she came out of the lake.
He takes her hand and starts kissing each fingertip, Slightly cold from the water. He drops the sensual facade. Neither of them want this to be a performance. In between kisses he admits to himself and to her:
"I need to taste you again, to feel you, to indulge myself in you". He says. His voice earnest and wanting.
"I want the same" she says. There's a hint of relief in her tone as she wraps her arms around his neck. They both rest their foreheads against each other. With a deep sigh he places both his hands around her waist, running them up and down her curves.
"Then why didn't you say anything? I've been losing my mind these past weeks" Astarion says, his voice gentle and low, barely above a whisper.
"I...I never want you to do anything you don't want to do" She cups his face in her hands and rubs her thumbs along his cheekbones. He melts into the sensation. She moves her head back to look directly into his eyes. Her expression so sincere, so gentle.
"I noticed how distant your eyes looked last time, and I know your experiences with sex haven't been exactly...Pleasant. I wanted to wait until you were ready."
"You sweet, generous thing" He places a small pecks on her cheek and forehead while she giggles. In one swift motion, he ducks to the side and spins her around so now she's the one against the tree.
"Ha,déjà vu" Tomie giggles.
He's tired of waiting. He grabs the back of her head and presses his lips against hers. She wraps her arms back around his neck and gently runs her fingers through his hair. He presses his thigh between her legs, causing a soft, sweet moan to come out of her. He slowly removes his shirt in between deep kisses, and unbuttons her damp undershirt with swiftness and skill. He will never get used to that feeling of skin to skin. She is so warm, so soft. Several weeks of pent up desire flood through him as he explores every inch and curve of her body with his fingers. Low moans and growls come from deep within his chest. Finally, he releases her so she can catch her breath. Her lips are pink and puffy from the kisses, her cheeks and ears flush with blood and desire. She moves her hand from behind his neck to his face as he play bites at her fingers. Giving her one last deep kiss then trailing smaller kisses down to her neck, brushing some of her hair out of the way.
"May I, darling?" Astarion purrs.
"Of course, Astarion. Always."
"Gods, my name sounds so sweet coming from you".
Holding the back of her head steady, he licks and kisses the small puncture scars on her neck made from previous encounters. He gently bites down and starts drinking her life essence.
"Hmmph" He groans in pleasure with every swallow. He holds her closely against himself. Craving to touch as much of his skin to hers as he can. He feels the warmth of her blood spreading between both of their bodies. Her blood alone is enough to drive him to madness. He starts to feel the slight buzz he gets when full. He unlatches himself from her neck before he drinks too much, gently licking the beading blood from the wound and his lips.
*sigh* "You are delectable, you know that?"
"You've mentioned it once or twice" Tomie coos.
"You're alright?" Astarion says. "Not lightheaded or faint?" He holds her face in his hands and kisses her nose.
"I'm perfectly fine" Tomie smiles.
"Good. Now where were we?"
He resumes kissing her. The sweet copper taste from her blood still on his lips. They clumsily find a soft patch of grass and lie down, Astarion on top. He presses himself against her skin as if he can't get close enough. They start rolling against each other in a slow, melodic tempo. He doesn't want to rush. He stops kissing her and sits up for a moment. Taking her in. Her chest rising and falling with every breath. Lidded eyes full of love and desire. Her mouth slightly open and lips parted.
"I think I need to taste you again, my dear"
"Oh? I'm not sure I have enough blood for tha- ah!"
He kisses his way down to between her legs. Gently massaging her flesh, and kissing and biting her inner thighs. He slowly removes her underwear, damp with water and arousal, and moves his kisses closer to her aching sex. He looks up at her again from between her legs.
"May I, darling?" Astarion says with a smirk.
"Gods yes." Tomie says, breathless.
"Ah ah, yes what?" Astarion says coyly.
"Yes, Astarion".
A low moan comes from deep within him as he wraps his lips around her slit. His tongue slowly parting her lips to expose her clit. Her sweet juices covering his mouth within moments. He kisses and licks her clit slowly and gently, then with more force. Tomie starts to squirm and shake from the sensation. When he is sure she is about to go over the edge, he stops.
A dissapointed sigh comes from her.
"Don't worry darling, I'm not going to leave you hanging".
He removes his pants and exposes is throbbing length, sopping wet from arousal. He comes back up to meet her lips and presses deep kisses against her. He brings his elbows up to prop himself up while cradling her head. He hooks his leg under hers and brings it upwards. Then slowly slides the head of his cock between her slit tentatively. Rocking back and forth. A frusterated moan comes from her between kisses and with a laugh, he decides they've both had enough teasing. He finally slides himself in. A small whimper threatens to escape from his lips.
"Gods, never make me wait that long again, my dear" Astarion says breathless.
"Never again" Tomie moans.
They rock together in smooth motions, slowly at first then increasing in speed and desperation. Tomie pushes against him and they roll over so that Astarion is now lying on his back.
"You don't have to do all the work you know. Let me spoil you for once" Tomie purrs.
She slides herself back onto his length and begins to thrust her hips in rhythmic motion. Astarion places his hands on her hips to keep them steady. She looks stunning riding on top of him like this. Taking him in completely. She leans forward and they continue to rock and kiss against each other. Small whimpers come from Astarion as he grips her tighter. Thrusting more vigorously. She can't hold herself back anymore and rides into her orgasm. Legs shaking slightly and her pussy pulsing against his throbbing cock. He's not far behind, they both moan into each others mouths between kisses as they pass over the edge of bliss. Tomie collapses onto Astarions chest as they both giggle. Astarion wraps his arms around her and strokes her back. They both stay silent for a few moments. Cuddling into each other and slowing their breaths down.
"So, what do you think Gale made for dinner?" Tomie asks, looking up at him. Astarion lets out a hearty laugh.
"I don't know, but I'm sure it's nothing compared to the meal I just had."
Tomie giggles, then relaxes back onto his chest. He doesn't quite know what they are, or what he's feeling. But he does know that this? This is nice.
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Danganronpa Love Languages (DR V3)
[ DR THH | SDR2 | DR V3 ]
Kaede Akamatsu - Words of Affirmation
Being a living personification of optimism, Kaede is always there to reassure you and cheer you up. Even at your darkest moments she will be there to pull you out and into the light. If you don't want help and just want support, she won't hesitate to just hold you and listen. She cares about your mental health a lot, especially since she knows how it feels. When Kaede is trying to boost your mood, she is commonly complimenting you. Sometimes it can get off track and she'll derail into making comments about your body (especially if you got big boobs or ass. Shuichi said it best, she can sound like a pervy old man sometimes). But hey, it boosts your confidence! And that's what she wants more than anything
Shuichi Saihara - Quality Time
Shuichi wasn't one with high self-esteem or confidence, so when you asked him out it took him a day to fully process it. Sure he's been crushing on you for a long time, but what if he can't be a good boyfriend? At the start of your relationship he will definitely be a bit awkward and nervous. The longer you guys are together though, he will gain confidence in both himself and your relationship. He will still be very subdued and bashful, but isn't afraid to show affection in public. In fact, Shuichi loves to stay by your side throughout the day. It will be every other day, as some days he needs alone time to recharge and relax, and you're happy to oblige! When he does feel the desire for companionship he will openly seek you out and ask if you could spend the day together
Angie Yonaga - Gift Giving
Atua will always be number one in her heart, but you are a close second! She talks so positively about you to anyone she can. She's got nothing to hide. Being the Ultimate Artist, Angie's specialty is making gifts and art for you. Paintings, statues, wood carvings, it's all for you. To add her own little spice, she likes to bless every creation with the protection of Atua. It's up to debate whether this counts as a gift or not, but every day she prays to Atua to look upon you and keep you safe. In her eyes, she is giving the gift of love and protection from her god, she is praying for your own good. Yeah it's a bit weird, but she's so cute it's hard to get upset
Gonta Gokuhara - Acts of Service
O h my ggod?? Gentleman, sweetie, baby, precious, a present from god. These are many words to describe Gonta, and it's never made more clear than when you date. He already was very gentle and protective of you, but when you get in a relationship he takes it more seriously. He protects you and treats you as if you were breakable. Think of yourself as a rare beetle! If he deems the terrain as dangerous, he resorts to craddling you in his arms and carrying you. As a true Gentleman, Gonta is incredibly courteous and polite, holding open doors for you and being as respectful as possible. And if you ask him to do anything he will happily do it for you (well, except hurt a bug). Whenever he does something that upsets you, or something he percives as rude, he does tend to freak out. He'll need a lot of reassurance. And just... please show Gonta physical affection too. Hold his hand, run your fingers through his hair, make him feel as loved as possible. He deserves it
Himiko Yumeno - Quality Time
Himiko wasn't really interested in relationships, she never felt a real attraction to anyone. Even Tenko and Angie she saw more as friends than love interests. In your first interactions she felt the same about you, but then oddly felt herself become more attached. Suddenly she was following you around and constantly trying to show you her magic. Whenever you were seperated she tended to think about you a lot. Himiko still can't fully comprehend why your relationship was different from all the others, but she isn't complaining in the slightest. You bring such peace to her heart and it's so refreshing. Expect lots of invites to her room for magic shows
K1-B0 - Physical Touch
K1-B0 is a pure sweetie. Being a robot, he is NOT used to any sort of relationship. It took him awhile to get friendships down fully, so when you asked him out he was not used to it at all. Any sign of affection made him blush like mad, if he had a heart it would be beating like crazy. Somehow everything you did drove him nuts! How soft your skin feels on his metal, the warmth radiating off your body, the way you nuzzle into his neck, it all felt like heaven. Another reason he loves your touch is how respectful you are (unlike 2 certain degenerates). You touch him with purpose and love, no judgement. Seriously, just cuddle with him and kiss his cheeks, let him know you care. It makes him feel alive
Kaito Momota - Words of Affirmation
Kaito is a BRO through and through! I'm talking ride or die. He will stand by your side through thick and thin, and will be your number one support system. Any issues you have he will want to hear and help with. Even if you tell him you just want someone to listen, he is gonna listen soooooo hard. The best part is that he's well grounded as well. Kaito isn't afraid to voice his true opinions and always gives it to you straight. He feels like lying ruins a relationship. The only thing he ever hid from you was his illness, and that was discovered fairly quickly. It hurts to see him put you over his own health, but Kaito will always do it with no hesitation. You are special to him, in more ways than one
Kirumi Tojo - Acts of Service
She is a maid, her life's goal is to serve. Whether it's her boss, friends, or lovers, Kirumi aims to please. With you she takes care of you well. Your house will always be clean, hot meals served to you daily, and if you need help with your hobbies she will learn as much as she can to assist. To be honest you tend to feel bad a lot. Despite your insistance for her to take a break, Kirumi refuses. It may seem like she's just a worker of sorts, but she has self respect and refuses to be treated as such. When she cares for you, it's out of love and care, not obligation. But sometimes, if you do something for her instead, you can catch her starting to tear up. Kirumi will try to reprimand you, but will eventually drop her professionalism and just embrace you lovingly
Kokichi Ouma - Quality Time
Piece of SHIT gremlin dear LORD I love him. Sure Hiyoko was a handful, but with Kokichi it's even more apparent. He's a trickster through and through, and just because you're dating doesn't mean he's gonna ease up on it. They will probably be less intense and more playful most of the time, and the name calling will be more cheeky rather than insulting. But you are not gonna be immune to his jackassery. He has a habit of following you around a lot and constantly trying to bug you and get your attention. Don't even get me started on his lies. At first you thought he was just wanting to be annoying (okay that's part of it), but actually he just really likes spending time with you. Being able to talk to you constantly and see your funny reactions gives him so much happiness. He'll deny how clingy he is and mock you for thinking so, but one time he followed you into the bathroom, so that speaks for itself
Korekiyo Shinguji - Physical Touch
Korekiyo is a... I'm just gonna say it, he's a kinky bastard. He finds humanity fascinating and wants to experience the wonders of existence, including the taboos. He is normally quite a smooth talker, and despite the messed up or concerning things he says, you still find yourself charmed. But the real affection comes from his touch. Korekiyo loves to study your body and your behaviors whenever he touches you in different places. He always makes mental notes on your habits and reactions. It intrigues him so intensely! But uh, his real experimenting and studying comes in the bedroom. Just get used to trying new things, he wants to experience it all with you
Maki Harukawa - Acts of Service
Being a groomed assassin since childhood, Maki has grown very cold and pessimistic toward people. To be honest she wasn't very fond of you when you first met. The only reason she ever gave you the time of day was because you were friends with Kaito and Shuichi. It took a long time for her to see you as a friend, and even longer to admit she had a crush on you. Believing herself to be less than human means she doesn't feel worthy to be loved. Once you declared your deep love for her full of passion, it kinda broke her. She didn't say much, but she broke out into tears immedietly. From then on, Maki started to show affection more. She wanted you to know how much she loved you, and thought that doing things for you is the best way to show it. She is very protective of you, both from people and situations. If you are ever in a dangerous or stress inducing situation, Maki is gonna be there to help and assist. And if anyone dares to try to hurt you... well, they won't have a body for the casket
Miu Iruma - Physical Touch
Now, it's obvious that Miu shows love through physical contact. But not in the way you think. You see, she talks a big game about sex and shit, but in reality she is a blushing mess everytime you hold her hand. A great way to see her squirm is hugging her around the waist from behind. Instant way to short circut her brain. These bouts of teasing often invoke swear filled insults thrown your way, but don't worry she's just embarrassed. If you do this enough it will lead to her getting frustrated, both emotionally and sexually. She'll initiate affection by pulling you close to her or just sitting in your lap like a grumpy cat. You wanna keep poking the lion? Well you better get ready for lion to pounce one day
Rantaro Amami - Physical Touch
He is a smoooooth talker. Very swoon worthy and always knows what to say to make you blush. His voice is the perfect tone too. Most people can attest to these facts. But he really likes to touch you gently and romantically. When he touches your hips or shoulders it's very gentle and relaxing. He also loves to nuzzle his face in your neck and chest while you cuddle. It's like you fit together like puzzle pieces. What he loves the most though is your hands. Rantaro takes any opportunity to hold or caress your hands, giving small kisses to the back of them. He loves the way you get bashful. Another fun way to bond is by doing your nails! It's a great time to catch up and talk, and you also get your nails done. So win-win!
Ryoma Hoshi - Words of Affirmation
Ryoma doesn't feel like he deserves much in life. Or anything in general. Not only was he a convicted killer, he was also on death row. So when you came up and confessed to him, he actually turned you down and said you deserve someone much better. Someone who isn't a shell of their former self. But strangely you didn't give up and kept pursuing him, and eventually he broke and admitted he felt the same. Ryoma has clinical depression and it's quite clear, but he never tries to make it your issue. Instead of focusing on his personal troubles and trauma, he puts his efforts into supporting you and voicing his admirations. Pride for you is something he will bluntly show. When you attempt to talk to him and let him air his troubles, he'll insist he's fine. He'll still have a cool air to him, but deep down he really appreciates your concern. And honestly, he considers you a reason to live a little longer
Tenko Chabashira - Physical Touch
Tenko is aggressive with her affections (just ask Himiko) so when she crushes on you she is obvious and intense. She'll gush over you and shower you with praise as often as possible. So if you validate her and accept her feelings, she's gonna jump right into it. Expect a lot of hugs and snuggles quite openly. To the point of embarrassment sometimes. You are just so cute she can't help herself!! A favorite past time of her is to practice Akido with you. Tenko gets a lot of joy sharing her passion with you, and being able to toss you around is a bonus I'mma be blunt though. If you are femme or femme presenting she is gonna protect you with her heart and treat you like a queen. If you are masc or masc presenting it will be... rough for a while. She'll eventually come around, but you'll just have to prove you aren't a degenerate male and earn her respect. Once you do, Tenko will hold you in much higher regard than other men and treat you as the golden standard
Tsumugi Shirogane - Gift Giving
Tsumugi is a mastermind obsessed with the Danganronpa series in itself. Something about it is fascinating to her and brings her much amusement. And with you she instantly noticed that you fit the series perfectly. You fit her perfectly. She knew she had to get you, and luckily she did! While at first it was more of an entertainment thing, Tsumugi eventually found herself growing fond of you. She actually enjoyed going on dates with you, no ulterior motives anymore. To emphasize her newfound affection, she often liked to sew clothes for you! You can draw up a design for any outfit you want and she'll be able to make it a reality. Basically you'll never need to go shopping again. As some bonus "gifts", sometimes you'll come home to Tsumugi dressed up... in just the way you like~
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msbigredmachine · 6 months
New To This - Chapter 2
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A/N: Thank you all for the wonderful response to the first chapter, I really appreciate it!
Enjoy Chapter 2!
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Home for Delilah was a small, aging modular house tucked away in an urban suburb in eastern Pensacola. It previously belonged to Andre’s father, and it served as a fairly decent abode for the young couple ever since they got engaged nearly two years ago. Andre had been living there for a decade, moving in to work at his uncle’s auto shop immediately after graduating from high school. It wasn't the most luxurious of dwellings, but it beat the miniscule space she’d been crammed in with her father, mother and older sister for years, so Delilah really couldn't complain.
Rolling her eyes at her mother’s wedding-laden text message, she pulled her keys from her pocket, guided it into the lock and pushed open the door. Closing it firmly behind her, she leaned back against it, shutting out the rest of the world for the rest of the day. Hanging her hooded jacket on the hook by the door, she kicked off her sneakers and dumped them in the corner along with her gym bag, knowing she put them in their proper place, but was too tired and hungry to worry about that right then.
She wandered into the kitchen, ignoring the small stack of unopened bills on the countertop, and opened the refrigerator. The three pieces of leftover chicken and half-full bottle of red wine wasn’t going to cut it. Sadly, ordering takeout was a bit of a luxury right now, so she had to make do with whatever she could find in the refrigerator and the pantry. Luckily, her mother had ensured that both of her daughters became creative enough cooks to see through any food shortage, which, these days, occurred more often than Delilah liked to admit. So, retrieving as many ingredients as she could find, she set about making dinner for herself and Andre, a peace offering of sorts after their turbulent morning.
It had been a stressful last few months, combining her wrestling classes with numerous double shifts at both her jobs to make ends meet. Adding the equally demanding task of planning her wedding was not helping. More frustrating, at least, according to Andre, was the fact that their nuptial plans were being delayed by her so-called ambitions, chipping away at what little income they both earned. Delilah truly wished he could see the big picture, or at the very least, show a little more support. He, of all people, should have her back. That the rest of the townspeople thought she was out of her mind didn’t mean that he had to agree with them.
Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard the front door open. Knowing who it was, her insides clenched a little with apprehension, wondering, perhaps hopeful even, that her fiancé would be in a reconciliatory mood. The footsteps coming from the living area got louder as they got nearer. Delilah diverted her focus from the saucepan to watch Andre stroll into the kitchen. and despite the tension that had been brewing between them all day, her heart couldn’t help but welcome the affection that rushed over her for him.
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Andre Gibson had been every girl’s fantasy once upon a time. Still was, if Delilah was being honest. He was yet to lose any of the physical traits that made him so desirable back in high school. Just hitting six feet, his body was lean and toned from years of doing most of the heavy lifting at his father’s landscaping business. They were inseparable when they were younger; the best thing about school for her was sneaking out to hang out with him, making out with him in the bleachers after basketball games. It was like Heaven for Delilah, elated to be in a spot so many girls were dying to be in. The romance continued after high school, to Delilah’s pleasant surprise, culminating in his proposal two years ago on her twenty-second birthday. And now here they were, living together as soon-to-be man and wife.
“Hey,” he mumbled, rubbing a dirt-streaked hand over his tired face. His worn shirt was unbuttoned with his toned abs on display, and he dumped his backpack on the ground against the wall by the back door.
“Hey,” Delilah returned his greeting. “You’re home early. How did your day go?”
His tired sigh preceded his reply. “Same old, same old. We had one breakthrough though. Pops and I finally completed Mrs. Whelan’s garden.”
“Oh yeah, I remember you talking about that,” she said, stirring the contents in the skillet. “That’s great. I’m glad to know you finally pulled it off.”
“Same here, babe.” He came up behind her, peering over her shoulder. “What’cha got cookin’?”
“Improvising a little with the leftover chicken,” she started, pausing when his hands cupped her hips and his lips met her shoulder. And right away, she knew what this was. This was his way of apologizing about this morning; showing her affection without saying a word. That was the thing about her relationship with Andre. There was something special about the way that they didn't have to speak to know what the other was thinking. They fought, then acted like nothing had ever happened when they got back together. She felt he was in the wrong for this argument, but she wasn’t expecting an apology…no apologies were ever really exchanged afterwards…Everything just went back to normal, seemingly papering over the cracks, in Delilah’s humble opinion. But it kept the peace, so it was better if she kept that little discrepancy to herself.
“Now that we know how your day went, you wanna hear about mine?” she asked.
Chuckling to himself, Andre pushed gently away from her. “Sure, babe,” he said, “How was training today?”
“Tough as fuck,” Delilah grumbled, as Andre grabbed a glass and held it underneath the kitchen faucet. “Tank’s not letting up, even with two days to go till my match. But you’ll never believe who showed up at the warehouse today.”
“You really want me to guess?”
“Maybe not,” she conceded with a giggle, her eyes brightening with excitement as she recalled their brief meeting. “Jey Uso! Jey Uso of all people, Dre!”
Andre raised an eyebrow in confusion. “Am I supposed to know who that is?”
“He’s a big shot in the WWE. One of the top guys in the entire company,” she explained, even though it would most likely fall on deaf ears. “And the coolest part is he’s from right here. Raised in Pensacola just like we were.”
“That’s nice,” Andre responded with a nonchalant, almost bored tone as he settled down at the kitchen table. Delilah was well aware that Andre didn’t watch wrestling. He always called it fake and childish, but that opinion changed slightly when Delilah returned home from her very first class with bruises all over her body. She’d hoped he’d take interest in it, if only for her sake, but that didn’t look like it was happening anytime soon.
She finished making dinner and set a plate in front of him, shredded caramelized chicken with white rice and fresh tomato salad. It wasn’t gourmet, but Delilah had done what she could with what little they had. “Mm, smells good,” Andre complimented, grabbing his cutlery to dig in. Delilah sat beside him, casting pensive glances at him as she ate, pondering the right time to ask him a burning question. It was a few bites into her meal when she decided now was the right time.
“You know, you still ain’t told me if you’re coming to see my match or not,” she spoke up.
Andre’s cutlery ceased their skittering across his plate, and he averted his gaze. Delilah detected his answer right away, and her shoulders dropped. “You’re not,” she sighed, shaking her head.
“I didn’t say that,” he said quickly, “But you do understand why I won’t be able to make it, babe. You know what work is like for me these days.”
“I’ve been talking about this for weeks, Dre! You know how important this is to me! It’s my very first match! It’s in two days. Or did you forget that too?” Angrily, she stabbed her fork into a piece of chicken, trying not to imagine it was her fiancé’s eyeball. “You know what? Forget it. You don’t gotta come if you don’t want to.”
Andre started to counter her, but stopped, thinking twice about it. The last thing he wanted was yet another fight, because this was exactly how it always started. They’d been arguing a lot lately, and honestly? He was already over it. “Look…I’ll do my best to make it to your match,” he said.
“Yeah right,” Delilah rolled her eyes, ignoring the glimmer of hope that bloomed within her. “I ain’t holdin’ my breath, that’s for sure.”
“Come on, babe, I’m for real. I’ll clear out my schedule. I’ll set a reminder on my phone and stuff. I promise. Just gimme the details and I’m on it.” He stared at her with pleading eyes, determined to keep the peace between them. It had been a long, tense day, and in-house tension was the last thing he needed.
Delilah smiled, finally. “Fine. I can work with that,” she agreed. “Now finish up. Your mom sent me a few ideas on places we can have the reception. And after that…If you’re a good boy, maybe later, I’ll show you a new move I learned today.” She leaned closer to him, whispering in his ear, “In bed.”
The hand she’d placed on his thigh suggested volumes, and the tantalizing prospect made Andre smile, “Sounds like a plan, babe.” And with that, things were back to normal.
Or so they both wanted to believe.
The next morning…
Good thing she didn’t hold her breath in the end.
As Delilah dumped the heavy weights on the ground, she let out a loud growl, trying to release the tension surging through her body. She paced back and forth frantically as she glanced around the small gym, looking for what else to take out her anger on. Every muscle in her body was begging for mercy, but she couldn't stop. She had to take her frustrations out on something, otherwise she would take it out on someone, preferably Andre. Luckily, the gym was relatively empty, sparing some poor soul from her unwarranted wrath.
Fucking coward. He couldn’t even tell her to her face that he’d changed his mind about coming to her show. If that was even his intention in the first place. He’d scribbled some lame ass excuse on a piece of paper while she slept, and left it on his side of the bed before scurrying off to work. He was long gone by the time she woke up, presenting her with fewer reasons to trust her future husband.
The music blaring in her ears made it impossible for Delilah to hear or see anyone around her. And the anger she was feeling made her essentially ignore her surroundings. So it took her completely aback when she turned towards the direction of the punching bags only to run smack into a brick wall. "What the fuck!"
Josh smirked slightly as he took a step back, watching her yank the buds out of her ears. "Ay, my bad, on me," he apologized, chuckling at the discombobulated look on her face. "Thought you saw me comin’."
"Clearly not. You ain’t that hard to miss," Delilah snapped, tearing the fingerless gloves off her hands. "What are you even doing here?" she shot, noting vaguely that he didn’t look dressed for a workout. The man who had, just the day before, seemed imposing and breath-taking, was now just another testosterone-filled asshole standing in her way, like her fiancé.
Josh crossed his tattooed arms and stared at her. "Relax," he smiled. "Thought I would stop by and see how you were feelin' about tomorrow night, but I guess that's pretty obvious," he said, eyeing her up and down. He’d been on the mark about her body…bangin’ was an understatement. He forced himself to maintain eye contact to avoid staring at her nipples protruding through her sports bra.
Delilah grabbed the bottle of water sat on the nearby bench, unscrewing the cap and taking a few gulps. There was more than one reason she was feeling the way she was, and none of them put the butterflies in her stomach at ease. "I don’t even know why I’m trippin’," she shrugged. "I'm only jobbin' out anyway. Why would I want him to see me lose?"
“Want who to see you lose?” Josh inquired.
Delilah pursed her lips, contemplating whether she should answer or not. “My fiancé.”
He regretted asking. “Oh. Right. Tank said something like that,” he mumbled.
Delilah stared up at the huge man with narrowed eyes. “You and Tank talked about me?”
“Not the way you think,” Josh quickly clarified at her suspicious expression. “He has a lot of faith in you, which is why you ain’t gotta worry so much about tomorrow. You’ll be fine.”
"You make it sound so easy-breezy,” Delilah groaned, shoving her sweaty hair away from her equally sweaty face. “Maybe if one of us got hurt, the fans will have something to remember the match by."
Now it was Josh's turn to roll his eyes. Damn rookies. "Yeah, then you’ll be the fragile weakling nobody wanna work with. I know Tank taught you better than that," he countered. "Look, it ain’t all about winning and losing, not right now anyway. It’s about making an impression on your audience. The fans need a reason to keep watching you, and the suits need a reason they should hire you to wrestle. So everything you do in that ring matters. As long as your match is entertaining as fuck and you don’t kill anyone, that’s all they’ll care about."
Raising an eyebrow, Delilah chuckled. "Right. I’ll keep that in mind for tomorrow," she said. Biting her lip in contemplation, she met his eyes again and fought the urge to swoon.
"Ay, it’s okay to be nervous. You gotta phase that out, though,” he added. “And whatever you got going on at home, put that shit aside until after the match." 
It was a little unnerving how well he’d read her. “Easier said than done,” she scoffed.
For a second, Josh thought about prying, but decided against it. "Wanna know what I was like the morning of my very first match?" He watched her countenance perk up, giving him a curious half-smile that he thought was insanely attractive. "I got so nervous, thinkin’ and worryin’ about the match and shit, that I forgot my bag with my wrestling gear in it. Boots and all. I didn’t realize it until I got to the arena," he explained. “I had to rush back home, and the traffic was so crazy, I didn’t get back to the arena until about ten minutes before my match. That shit sucked ass, man.”
Nibbling on her bottom lip again, Delilah eyed Josh with awe as he spoke, his understanding words and softer eyes putting her more at ease than before. To think that the great Jey Uso had felt this jittery before his first match made her feel like they had a little more in common now.
"I really want this, ya know?" she said, relaxing some more as she confided in him. "I've always wanted this. I had a later start than most, I’ll admit, and I’m playing catch-up. That’s why I'm busting my ass so hard," she admitted. "There’s no room for error, Jey. I gotta be perfect."
Licking his lips subconsciously, Josh watched her take another sip of her water, some of it escaping her lips and trickling down the valley between her breasts, and felt a tightness deep in his gut. "Perfection don’t exist, baby girl, not in pro wrestling," he pointed out, his eyes reactively sweeping down the curves of her body before he spoke again. "Look, if Tank thinks you ready for this, then you ready," he said.
Delilah sighed heavily. She could only hope Tank was right. As she picked up her towel and bag off of the floor, she stopped short, and then turned to face him again. “Wait…Did you just call me baby girl?” she asked him.
A smirk twitched at the corner of his lips. “Sorry. Bad habit. I meant no disrespect. If I offended you, I'm sorry.” He stepped closer to her. “Forgive me?”
Delilah swallowed, taking a few steps of her own backwards. She noticed his lips twitch again in amusement. “Uh…yeah. Sure.” 
Josh smiled. “Preciate that, Delilah.” He backed away. “I’ll see you tomorrow night. Think about what I said, a’ight?”
She watched him walk away from her and out of the gym, so many questions on the tip of her tongue. Her hand tightened over her water bottle, and she suddenly felt the need to take a cold shower, or two.
Banner made by me. Credit to the owners of the pics and gifs.
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talesofesther · 2 years
cinnamon and spice
Wednesday Addams x Reader
Summary: You share a hot chocolate and a few smooches with Wednesday.
Requested by anon
A/N: This story is part of my Christmas Special event.
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Christmas eve in Nevermore had to be one of your favorite times of the year, the whole school was decorated in warm orange blinking lights and there was at least one Christmas tree in each dorm; the big one standing tall in the middle of the garden outside, between the lunch tables.
The nights were exceptionally cold and the days were usually warm with sunlight reflecting upon the fresh white snow. Most classes were tuned down this time of year, giving the students a break to enjoy the many holiday activities if they so desired.
Your day had been filled with snowball fights and best snowman competitions with Enid, Ajax, and Xavier. But right now, you were carefully preparing two mugs of hot chocolate for you and a certain raven-haired girl.
You had tried to get Wednesday to participate in all the fun today, but she had been more than happy to just bury her boots in the snow and enjoy the cold in peace, discreetly keeping an eye on you at all times. So now, when most students are sleeping soundly and the school is finally quiet, it's time to enjoy some alone time with her.
Steam came from both red mugs — that you managed to snatch from the school's kitchen — as you carefully walked up the steps to Wednesday's dorm. Enid was having a girl's night with Yoko and Divina, so it was just you two.
You pushed open her door with your shoulder and closed it with your foot once you were inside. Wednesday was sitting on her bed, cross-legged and wearing her comfy black and white sweater that was just a few sizes too big on her, making her look all the more adorable — though you'd never tell her that.
Wednesday watched the steady falling of snow outside the big round window, only pulling her eyes away when you came to sit beside her. She shuffled a little to the side on her bed, making room for you but still keeping her knee and shoulder pressed to yours; secretly enjoying the warmth your body provided.
"Alright, I know you said you're not big on hot chocolate, but you have to try this one," you told her, giving her one of the warm mugs and watching lovingly the way her hands closed around it, "I promise you'll like it."
The hot beverage smelled divine, Wednesday had to give you that. She leaned a tad closer to you before saying; "I don't like sweet things."
Even on the coldest of nights, you could feel white hot warmth blooming inside your chest every time Wednesday chose to be a little closer to you. You raised a hand, gingerly pushing back strands of her fringe so you could have a clear view of her eyes; "you like me though."
Her dark eyes turned to you instantly, her hold on the mug tightening slightly, "single exception."
"Just try it, please?"
It was annoyingly unfair how she had trouble saying no to you. With a sigh, Wednesday took a single sip of the hot chocolate, it faintly burned on her tongue before soothing it with the most delicious of tastes. She swallowed and frowned down at the red mug; before raising it to her lips once more.
Wednesday could feel your smirk even without looking at you.
"Don't say it," she mumbled.
You smiled big and bright, one finger going to Wednesday's chin so you could turn her head to you.
"Wasn't planning on it," you whispered, your upper lip grazing her own as you spoke.
You kissed her all sweet and warm. She tasted like chocolate, all cinnamon and spice and something so sweet you could only ever find on her lips.
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are very much appreciated. <3
Wednesday’s taglist: @heelaechan @imagine-reblog @gayestfeels26 @sakurarukas @bluetreecloud20 @the-night-owl-blr @imlike-so-gaydude @user284747 @dreifhraniquo29 @emeraldevan @witchyhs-blog @tobylikesfire @simp4nat @boobabietch @impossibleliv1031 @deadpool-in-a-snood @rainbow-love4ever @maria-403 @pompompuri
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goldenmeat · 4 months
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A bit of a longer story, but I had some fun with this one haha. Prompt inspirationby @bigwishes
You had a wish. One simple wish. To be bigger and beefier than anyone else. Unfortunately, your body can't seem to keep up. You've been going to the gym since new years, being a consistent as you can, curating your diet as best as your budget allowed, yet even after almost half a year, you've only gained maybe five pounds of...well you can't even be sure it's all muscle.
You sigh deeply as you wait for the train. Your apartment is about three stops away, and usually, it's a peaceful ride. But today, there's an annoying number of people here, chatting, playing loud music, dressing up... you wondered if there was a convention or concert happening today.
The train arrives, and everyone packs in, diving each other in just to fit. You squeeze in last, huddled against the door by the time they close and the train gets moving. You hadn't showered yet, so you're already a little self-conscious about how you smell, given the looks you seemed to be getting. Hopefully this ride goes by quickly.
You suddenly get a text message. You fish around your pocket and pull it up your phone. It's from a number you don't recognize. Reading it definitely made you raise an eyebrow.
"Through the eyes of those around, your desires manifest. Once agreed, this promise bound, please reply, with no or yes."
What the fuck was this? A riddle? A prank? Some new scam tactic? You scoffed as you start to block the number. But before you follow through, you pause. "My desires manifest." Being bigger, being a muscle brute, you wanted nothing more than to be so swole, no one could ignore you. You stare at the text message again, this time with serious consideration.
You shrug your shoulders. Thinking too hard about it wasn't your style. You'd reply yes, and at worst, nothing happens. You send the reply, "YES", and put your phone back in your pocket, closing your eyes as you lean against the train door.
A few minutes pass, and the overhead voice announces your arrival at the next station. You open your eyes and yawn, raising your arm over your head. This causes quite the reaction from those around you.
"Ew! What the hell!" A blonde woman clenches her nose as the doors open, allowing her to escape from you. "Ugh! This is why I hate the city..." You hear her mumbling to herself as she and a number of people walk out of the train. You wonder what the heck has her so flustered when you smell it yourself. A strong, musky odor that even catches you by surprise. You look around to see where it's coming from when you notice the glances of disgust and unease seem to all be directed towards you. You look down and immediately notice something's off.
You're much more muscular than you were previously. Your pecs are thick and defined, your shoulders and arms have mass that finally hides your bony frame, and those legs! Defined quads with a hint of veinyness. You're not sure when or how, but you've now got the body of your dreams! Maybe a little smelly, but nothing a good shower couldn't fix. There's also pressure in your stomach for some reason, but that didn't bother you much. You were too distracted by the looks of the people around you, both good and bad. You already saw the faces of disgust, but you're also seeing people looking longingly, almost salaciously at you. You could definitely get used to this.
Unfortunately, before the doors could close, a few more people squeezed in, making it a little more uncomfortable than before. Things were already pretty tight when you were just average sized, but your new hunky body actually means you're pressed up even more against a lot of bystanders.
'Two more stops and you're home free', you think to yourself. You needed some private time to really appreciate your new body after all. And to shower. Your BO really is quite pungent. It's attracting quite the attention. The more time passes, the worse it's getting it seems. Not just the stares, but the smell as well. And is it getting hotter? What was happening?
It wasn't long until you realized that your growth wasn't over. Your body was getting thicker, bulkier, and all your efforts to compact yourself were useless. You could feel your muscular body press up against everyone around you. They tell you to quit shoving, or that you're taking up too much space. You apologize, but can't seem to stop whatever was happening to you, shame welling in your gut.
Turns out, it wasn't shame in your gut, as you accidentally let out a horrific belch, just in time for the doors to open and let out more horrified passengers, complaining about you all the while. More passengers come in to replace the ones who just left, and you apologize between burps as they stuff themselves against your musky body just to fit.
Unfortunately for you, things only escalated. Your body was now ballooning is mass, your pecs becoming large shelves of flesh, stretching out your tank top. Your arms are massive cords of muscle, with a back so wide you might have struggled against the door should you exit. Your legs also push each other out, forcing a wider stance than you mean to in this already cramped environment.
Your body rubbing up against so many people also making things difficult. For whatever reason, your body was becoming more sensitive in proportion to your size. It felt...good...being squeezed and surrounded like this. Like everyone was forced to appreciate your body. That they had to experience how strong and masculine you were, whether they liked it or not.
And then the unthinkable happened. Someone in front of you really seemed to like what was happening. You looked down at the twink in front of you, eyes half lidded and mischievously grinning. His hands got a hold of your crotch, softly and expertly rubbing up and down. You almost raise your voice to get him to stop. But what comes out instead is a burp and a deep groaning.
His left hand strokes your torso, feeling up your hard abs and rubbing your still growing pecs. Your dick hardens quickly and peaks out over your shorts. Thankfully the twink seems to be blocking the view of your raging hard on to everyone else as he continues to tease you.
Long minutes pass as you moan quietly. The other passengers around you tell you to give them some room, or shove against you, with some others feeling up your tremendous backside and tree trunk legs. The attention is overwhelming, leading you to your peak much quicker than you were expecting. You wanted to hold back. You couldn't cum here in front of everyone, and yet you didn't have the willpower to stop the man in front of you from beating you off either.
The overhead voice was announcing they would be arriving at their next stop shortly. You hold your breath. You just needed to hold out just a little longer. But it couldn't be stopped. Your balls twitch and churn, as your dick pulses.
It all happens in a dreamlike instant. You see the train doors open. Just before your orgasm, you feel someone pull down your underwear and tight shorts in a flash. The hand beating you off pulls you violently, and a second hand shoves you out. You barely maintain your balance as you yelp. You then see it all in an instant; the shocked reactions, curious and engrossed glances. Everyone in the train and out now staring at you and your naked, muscular body.
The shame, lust, and excitement hit you at mach speed as an uncontrollable orgasm rips through your entire being. Your muscles contract beautifully as you roar through your orgasm. You hear shocked cries and swearing. Cheers and hollers of approval. You see people pulling out phones, leering in both lust and revulsion.
It was all so hot.
Your orgasm lasts for almost a whole minute as you dump your milky white cum on the concrete before you. You eventually calm down as you struggle to bring yourself back to lucidity. Suddenly however, you feel yourself tripping, as you feel your shorts and underwear torn from your legs. You look back in horror as you see two teenagers, laughing at you with middle fingers raised as the train door shuts. You get up and pound on the door, as the teens hysterically laugh at you from the safety of the train window as the train quickly accelerates away.
You can only look back, face beet red at the public whispering amongst each other, phones still recording the whole incident. Your apartment was a whole twenty minute walk away, ten if you ran.
It would be your most shameful run back home, with your dick hard as steel the whole way.
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day-drawn-blog · 11 months
Part X : I can't go yet...don't let me die. - "I want to live".
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Pairing: Astarion x Reader. This is set in Act I.
Tags: angst....
Part I. Crowned light moon of mine - I found you too soon
Part II : Lace your heart with mine Let your sleeping soul take flight
Part III : maybe tonight I'll rest in peace.
Part IV : There is more to do and I still want to live.
Part V : our futures bound, our bodies known.
Part VI: These ain't my sins. I broke my chains.
Part VII: You are not mine and am I truly yours.
Part VIII : Your blood like wine, invites me in.
Part IX : I welcome my sentence, to give you my penance
Into the night, turbulent thoughts led you to dark places in your mind. You got up, and stepped out. The campsite was desolate. Serene. You walked towards the distant hills. Alone. Feelings of loneliness, rejection, abandonment haunting you. The bond you thought you had built with another, these past few weeks, was perhaps too fragile to endure. A shared secret had brought you close. Only a yearning remained. Of what could have been. 
He was holding her, consoling her. 
You reasoned. The cool air on your face brought you back to the present. The great vastness in front of you, made you feel, insignificant. You had been too greedy, and had come full circle to the start. You were here back then. Rejected, and abandoned. But now....amidst the chaos you knew you did the right thing. You would trade guilt for your pain any day. You needed to bring order. 
You needed to refocus. 
The moonlight bathed you. You heard someone approach. You didn't expect him that night. But there he was. You looked at your cut, blood trickling down. "Stay back, Astarion. Do not come closer." He didn't heed your warning. Bad move. You thought through gritted teeth. You had overlooked every transgression of his. No more. 
You reached for your weapon. 
You swung it. The great hallberd gleamed in the moonlight and was met with two of his swords held in each hand. Anger coursing through you, you retreated and attacked. Again and again. What you lacked in martial skill you made up in pure bitterness. He defended himself well. He was more skilled in wielding his melee weapons than you were. 
His eyes were as resolved as yours. 
He hadn't uttered a word till then. But you were beginning to lose your breath, and your footing. You could incinerate him instantly, but that wasn't your goal. That wouldn't suffice, wouldn't calm your wrath. You hit, harder, repeatedly. He parried every single one, swift on his feet. Eventually he overpowered you. 
He had a sword to your throat. 
You fell to your knees. Exhausted. Still in the grips of an unfathomable rage. You cast Eldritch Blast on a nearby rock, shattering it to pieces. Only then did you feel your rage subside a bit. Spent, you on all fours, you hit the ground with a fist. He threw his swords in front of you. "Stop", he growled. "I'm yours... already" he continued. "Stop this madness. Why ...punish yourself in my stead. My body is yours. Just ... use me as you wish...punish me ... or use me for pleasure ..." 
"However you like. As you desire..." 
What nonsense is this?!. Does he understand the gravity of what he is saying? Has he lost his mind? 
"I do not want you, Astarion. You are not a thing, nor mine to claim". You got up. "Why are you here, anyway?" You couldn't mask your resentment. You no longer wished to be caught in his web of lies, ensnared by his charm, in the illusion of love and desire. Yes you craved to be needed, wanted, sought out. But this... was just an mirage. Carefully crafted to manipulate you. 
You were being used the entire time. 
And you would put an end to that now. Fully resolved to not relent to his charm. To none of his advances. You braced for the next honeyed words he would inevitably utter, to pull you back into the dream he wove. But he said something entirely unprecedented. "I ....have nowhere else to be". He said, quietly. 
Another lie. You thought. 
"You abandoned Shadowheart? I cannot help but marvel at the coldness of your heart. But of course, you are a vampire. You do not have one". 
You hoped to cut him. But why. 
He looked at you, searching, with his eyes. Did you really mean that? He could try reading you all he wanted. Your face wouldn't betray your inner turmoil. Unable to fathom you.... He relented. 
"She doesn't ...want me. She never did. All she ever wanted, all anyone...has ever wanted...from me...was pleasure. When someone seeks me out...I do not refuse them. It's what she did. So I gave myself to her. It's what I was taught. It's all I have ever known, to do. As long as I can remember...to be". 
"It's, all ...I am". 
Wait. What? Hold on...
"In another lifetime" he continued. Oblivious to the horror on your face. "I would have taken her to my master, Cazador. No one has ever sought me out, more than once. They never got a chance..you see. They either died...or were enslaved by my master." He looked at you, nonchalantly explaining his life to you... Not realizing how it made you feel. 
Your words failed you. 
Astarion was baring his most vulnerable self to you. He was being....honest. Was that really how he had lived ...under Cazador? How could Cazador do that to him? You needed to help him. The hatred in you, the seething rage was replaced with remorse. That you hadn't known ...about his man. About the darkness he was battling with. He was a prisoner in the past ...and a prisoner now, to the scars he bore. 
"But now...is different". He continued.
"She did seek me out. More than once. And I was happy, to oblige. I was grateful. I was happy ...to be of use to her. She is beautiful...and powerful...and kind. I felt safe... protected. So, I served her, to my best ability." So ... Yes, you both found pleasure in each other. But she probably felt more than that about you, Astarion. Or were you so oblivious to the fact that someone can want you...for more than pleasure....it made you blind to ...her true feelings?
He needed saving. And love. 
"Why abandon her now? If you devote yourself to her, she will continue to cherish and protect you. Im.sure. " you reassured him. "That's what you want isn't it?" You gently led him. Hoping to steer him in the right way. If Shadowheart could bring him out of the darkness, maybe he should ...let her. 
He shook his head. He disagreed. 
"I felt ...empty...with her. Around her. I had to wear my mask. Never let her know who I was, lest she throw me away, because I was a ...monster. I am a monster, you see. I'm prey on the living. I drink...blood." He looked away. 
He really despised himself, you noticed. 
The regret in his voice was palpable. "But you.... You forgave me, for being, who I was. I felt free...with you. I have never been myself, around anyone outside of Cazador's ..."family"...Returning to her ... after you...was exhausting. Unsettling..." 
"I didn't want it anymore. "
"Didn't look forward to it...it was ... difficult. I was growing cold to her...avoiding her. She noticed ...I'm sure. But she never spoke of it. Which led me to believe she never sought me outside of ...carnal pleasure. Perhaps she had tired of me too. Perhaps I wasn't my best... with her anymore. I couldn't force myself anymore. I was happier....when with you..."
You wanted to heal his fragile heart. 
"I do not want you for carnal pleasure Astarion. That's not what I need from you. I will give you my protection freely. And perhaps my blood, should you desperately need it." Astarion looked at you. That was not what he was expecting to hear at all. He was fully prepared to be thrown away. He had had several nights with you. More than he could have wished for. 
He was happy with just that. 
What had he done to deserve that? Him. Why him? He was the lowest of the low. A murderer, evil incarnate. Despicable.  "But ...why? I have given nothing to you. I have only taken .. I have nothing to offer you...I have nothing...I possess nothing, The only thing I know how to do, only thing I'm good at....is ...my body. To serve...to pleasure ..." 
"So ... just use me, please". He pleaded. 
Must he be so used to degrading himself? "You can offer me many things Astarion. Your loyalty to start. Your cheerful disposition. Your strength... both of body and mind. Your... friendship ...your trust." You smiled at him. You could give me your real self, your affection ...your pure, uninhibited love... But you didn't say that. That was not something you would ask. "You can keep your promise to me from the other night. A reason ...for me to live on". You reminded him. 
"I do need you too....your embrace... " 
You said, as you smiled, you looked at him. To reassure him that you meant it. He looked at you blankly at first. Unsure. But ..then...in what felt, forever. His face lit up. "Really? Is that all you want...from me? Can I offer you ... Yes....i promise you...you have my.. my trust and my faith. My loyalty and my unwavering friendship. My gratitude." He walked to you. "You have ...all of me. Every bit of me. The monster and the ally. The sword and the shield. My ..self ..." He held you. 
"I'm yours. Only yours". He smiled.
Looking at you. "Whether you need me or not, I'm here for you. You need not look further.. I devote myself to you. Till you...till you no longer want me". He held your face in his hands. His voiced suddenly tinged with sadness. "But even so ....I only hope and prey, that you don't abandon me. Can you promise me? After making me feel wanted, for who I am.... I would not be able to live on, if you threw me away too...I have no one else..." 
He pleaded with his eyes... Before kissing you.
Epilogue 1 -
Leave the flames and take a chance to be with me tonight
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a-aexotic · 6 months
𝐛𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐦 𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡, chapter 5
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𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 ! 4.6k
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 ! typical gossip girl things, mention of drinking, FIGHTING!!!! (so much of it), making up ;)
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You sat next to Charlene at the dining table, listening to Josie talk about the nursery for the new baby. You nodded along mindlessly, playing with your cereal as your mind raced.
Thoughts of Serena, Blair, Nate, and the tangled web of relationships swirled in your mind, each thread pulling you in a different direction. You felt torn between loyalty to your friends, the desire to maintain peace, and the need to address the underlying issues that had driven a wedge between you all. Lost in your thoughts, you absently stirred your cereal, the clinking of the spoon against the bowl serving as a distant echo in the sea of your racing thoughts.
"Y/N, did you hear me?" Your father spoke as you startled, snapping back to the present moment. You looked up, meeting your father's expectant gaze as he repeated his question.
"Sorry, Dad, what were you saying?" you asked, attempting to mask your distraction with a faint smile.
"I was asking you when the Ivy mixer is. I wanted to come by and help everyone out, I know Lily is in charge of it but I can't get a hold of her." Your father explained as he bit into his toast.
You nodded, recalling the details of the upcoming Ivy mixer. "Oh, right. I think we're finding out today at the assembly. I can double-check with Lily to make sure everything's on track, and I'll let you know if she needs any help."
"Thanks, Y/N. I appreciate it. It's always chaotic trying to organize these events." Your dad chuckled as he chewed, moving his gaze back to Charlene. "And uh... for the mixer, Josie was hoping that you'd stick with Charlene and help her get some networking done with the reps. She wants to go to Harvard, like you."
You glanced at Charlene with a faint smile but she ignored you, nodding along to what your father was saying. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes and nodded. "Yeah, sure."
"My two daughters at Harvard would be a dream." Your father grinned proudly and again, you resisted the urge to roll your eyes.
She's not your daughter, you wanted to shout but you bit your tongue and took a bite of your now, soggy cereal.
"And then he was all like, having my two daughters at Harvard would be a dream." You mocked your father as you walked out of the assembly, Blair walking next to you as she scoffed, Kati and Isabel walking close behind you two. "And I wanted to say that she isn't his actual daughter but I didn't."
"You should've. I would pay to see his reaction." Blair smirked as you laughed, nodding along before Blair's expression dropped. She rolled her eyes and you turned to see where she was facing, finding Serena walking toward you. She was late, she wasn't at the assembly.
"Oh, too bad you missed the assembly." Blair feigned sympathy as she looked up at the blonde. "Brown doesn't offer degrees in slut," she continued with an amused expression as Serena offered her a sarcastic smile.
Blair walked away with a proud grin, leaving you and Serena alone. You and Serena both exchanged glances before bursting out laughing. It was supposed to be an insult but you both couldn't help but laugh.
As the laughter subsided, Serena shook her head, a smile still playing on her lips. "Leave it to Blair to come up with the most creative insults."
"Yeah, she definitely has a way with words," you replied, still chuckling as you glanced back at Blair, who was now chatting with Kati and Isabel.
Serena's smile faded slightly as she looked back at you, her expression turning more serious. "Hey, I wanted to talk to you about something about yesterday."
You waved it off, giving her a smile. "I'm sorry I blew up on everyone, I was just stressed out. And don't worry about it, okay? I'm sure Dan will come around."
Serena gave you a sad smile before shrugging. "I... I don't think so but maybe it's for the best. Dan doesn't wanna get involved in all this Upper-East Side bullshit and I don't blame him."
You gave her a sympathetic smile. "I'm sorry, S."
Serena nodded, her gaze dropping slightly as she played with the edge of her sleeve. "Thanks, Y/N. It's just been a lot to deal with lately."
You reached out and gently squeezed her shoulder in a comforting gesture. "I understand. But hey, you've always been resilient. You'll get through this too."
Serena offered you a small, appreciative smile before straightening up, determination shining in her eyes. "Yeah, you're right. Thanks, Y/N."
But before you could reply, you heard Blair's voice ringing in your ear. "Y/N, hurry up we need to get to class." You couldn't help but roll your eyes as you quickly said bye to Serena, catching up with Blair and beginning to walk to class together.
The group was split up into two as you played field hockey. It was all fine up until Blair decided to keep targeting Serena and fouling her. Blair's aggressive targeting of Serena didn't go unnoticed, and it soon became clear that her fouls were deliberate attempts to hurt her.
"Blair, ease up!" you called out, frustration evident in your voice as you gestured for her to back off.
Blair shot you a defiant glare but made no move to change her tactics. Serena, on the other hand, remained composed despite the mounting pressure, refusing to let Blair's antics get to her.
"Enough, Blair!" Serena's voice cut through the tension, her tone firm as she finally stood up to Blair's relentless targeting.
"It's enough when I say it's enough." Blair snapped as she walked away, making sure to hit Serena's shoulder as she did. You and Serena exchanged looks before you sighed, continuing to focus on the game.
And finally, Serena had enough. She ran up to Blair, tackling her to the ground. Serena got on top of her and began pulling her arms as you ran up behind them, irritation on your face as you tried to break them up.
"Get off of me!" Blair shouted as Serena kept pulling on her arms. You tried to get her off of Blair to no use.
"Serena, stop!" you shouted, your voice strained as you attempted to pry her off Blair. But Serena was relentless, her anger driving her actions as she continued to grapple with Blair.
"Is that enough yet?!" Serena shouted back before she accidentally pulled you down with them, earning a grunt from you. She scoffed and got up, but not before Blair could get up. "So it's actually come to physical blows, huh?"
"Guys, what the hell?!" you exclaimed, your voice tinged with anger as you pushed yourself up from the ground, feeling the ache from the fall. "This isn't helping anyone!"
But Serena seemed oblivious to your words, her attention solely focused on Blair as she stood there, seething with rage. "You think you can just keep targeting me like this and get away with it? Well, not anymore!"
"Serena, Blair, this needs to stop," you said firmly, your voice cutting through the tension. "Jesus Christ, I mean we're friends, or at least we used to be."
Serena turned to face you, her expression still flushed with anger. "She started it, Y/N. She's been targeting me ever since-"
"I don't care who started it!" you interjected, your voice tinged with exasperation.
Serena looked back at Blair with a little bit of hesitation, sighing before speaking up. "Fine. Truce?"
Blair glared back at you and Serena before her expression turned to pained, a slight smirk on her face as she does so. "Ow! My leg!"
You couldn't believe it. Blair was faking an injury to deflect from the tension of the moment. It was a classic Blair move, but it only served to frustrate you further. You exchanged a bewildered glance with Serena, both of you realizing that Blair was resorting to her usual tactics to cause more issues.
"Blair, come on," you said, your voice tinged with irritation.
Blair winced dramatically, clutching her leg as she looked up at you with wide, innocent eyes. "I'm not faking it, Y/N! It really hurts!" Kati and Isbell ran to her side, helping her stand up as you glared back at her.
"Serena, you're outta here." The coach shouted as Serena walked off, throwing her hockey stick to the ground.
"I hope it's broken." Serena spat as she walked off the field.
You rolled your eyes as you watched Kati and Isbell help walk Blair to the nurse's office. You hated being in between them but they were your best friends, it's just what you have to do. It's part of the job but you were beginning to wonder if all of this was really worth it.
You walked into the Ivy Mixer behind your father and Charlene, who was wearing a Harvard sweater; the same one that your father had also gotten you when you were younger. Your father seemed proud, chatting animatedly with Charlene about the opportunities awaiting her at Harvard.
You glanced around the room, taking in the prestigious Ivy League representatives mingling with students. Despite the elegance of the occasion, you couldn't shake off the tension that had been building within you since the recent conflicts with Blair and Serena.
Your father guided you and Charlene through the crowd, introducing her to some of the representatives and encouraging her to network and make connections. You watched as Charlene navigated the room with ease, her confidence shining through as she conversed with the representatives.
Meanwhile, you couldn't shake the feeling of being out of place. While you had once dreamed of attending Harvard, recent events had left you questioning everything. Did you even want to go to Harvard now apparently, Charlene had to attend too?
"And my daughter, Y/N is the Student Council president of the school. She is also second in her class." Her father spoke as you nodded along, shaking the hand of one of the Harvard reps.
You had worked hard to earn your position as Student Council president and to maintain a high academic standing, but now it all felt hollow. The pressure to live up to your father's expectations, to uphold the family reputation, felt suffocating. And now, with Charlene also vying for a spot at Harvard, it only added to the weight on your shoulders.
"I see you're running low on champagne, would you like me to find you another glass, sir?" You asked politely, offering to assist the Harvard representative in replenishing his drink.
The representative nodded appreciatively, offering you a grateful smile. "Yes, thank you. That would be lovely."
You excused yourself from the conversation with a polite nod and made your way to the refreshments table, your mind still consumed with conflicting thoughts.
You looked up to meet the eyes of Dan, a polite smile on your lips. You didn't know him well but you still felt gulity about the whole Serena and brunch thing, oh and the whole thing with Chuck and Jenny. The poor guy can't catch a break.
"Hey, Dan," you greeted him, setting down the champagne bottle. "I thought you were the Dartmouth usher?"
Dan returned your smile, though there was a hint of hesitation in his expression. "No, Nate is. I thought... actually never mind."
"I know. You deserved to get that position." You whispered as he nodded sheepishly.
Dan's expression softened at your words, a grateful smile tugging at his lips. "Thanks, Y/N. I appreciate that."
You saw his gaze wander to behind you, you turned around to meet Serena's blue eyes. She walked toward the table, irritation on her face.
"Let me guess, Blair?" You asked and pretended to be shocked when she nodded, Dan letting out a soft chuckle. "Would've never guessed. What did she do?"
"Well, you know how I wanted to go to Brown. And she wanted to go Yale? Well now, somehow, we switched. She's talking to the stupid Brown reps and I'm stuck with the Yale reps." Serena explained as you and Dan exchanged looks.
"Oh, yeah. I get it. I mean since you don't actually have to worry about getting into college, why not make the whole evening about screwing over Blair?" Dan spoke sarcastically as he tried to hand her a drink.
You looked in between them, concern etching your features. Dan seems pretty bitter about the whole thing but you couldn't even blame. And as if things couldn't get even more awkward, Nate walked up to the table, looking at the refreshments.
"Hey." Serena turned to greet Nate, only to be completely ignored. You couldn't help but stifle a laugh as you took a sip of your drink, watching the whole thing.
"Wait, you're seriously not gonna talk to me? Like literally not speak?" Serena's voice held a mixture of disbelief and frustration as she looked at Nate, who remained silent, his gaze fixed on the refreshments.
Nate finally looked up, his expression unreadable as he met Serena's gaze. "Hey."
"Oh, much better. Thanks guys." She sighed, looking in between the boys before looking back at you. You gave her a sympathetic smile before she gives you a thumbs up, walking away.
"That was cold, Nate." You spoke, slightly amusement in your voice as you finally began refilling the champagne.
He glared back at you and you put your hands up in mock surrender as you exchanged a glance with Dan, who looked like he was enjoying the scene. Silence settled in between them before Dan spoke up.
"So, um... what's he like?" Dan asked, referring to the Dartmouth rep.
"Like a Dartmouth English lit professor I have nothing in common with. Guess I could tell him how I got everything because I'm an Archibald." Nate rambled slightly as Dan's expression turned from amused to sympathetic. You took that as your cue to leave, nodding your head to Dan as you walked away.
You put all the drama in the back-burner for the night, deciding to just engage with the Harvard rep. You were slightly glad to see that Charlene began talking more to the Princeton rep, allowing you to focus on your conversation without distractions.
You couldn't help but keep looking through the glass door, watching Nate as he talked with Dan. You noticed when he walked away and when his father tried to pull him back, but he pushed him away. It looked tense but you couldn't afford to get distracted, you just focused on talking with the Harvard rep.
You thought the rest of the evening would go smoothly up until you and Blair got up to announce this year's local institution they were going to sponsor.
"Can I have everyone's attention please?" Blair spoke as she walked up toward the podium, a polite smile plastered on her lips as you followed close behind. "Welcome again to the Constance Billard St Judas Ivy Week Mixer. I'm Blair Waldorf, chair of the the community outreach committee."
You plastered on a polite smile as well. "And I'm Y/N Winfrey, Student Council President."
The crowd began to clap before you continued. "Every year, our schools choose to support one local institution that we feel benefits our community."
"This year, our schools have chosen to honor the Osteroff Center." Blair continued as the crowd applauds. "This semester our choice is a very personal one because the center has helped one of our own."
Your expression suddenly turns to a confused one as you turned to face Blair. This was what she was not what we planned to say. Your eyes scanned the crowd and they fell on Serena and her family and it suddenly dawned on you.
"It's because of their excellent program which aids so many young addicts and alcoholics that a student here with us today is clean and sober." Blair spoke, feigning concern. "At least for now. Can I please have Serena van der Woodsen join us on stage?"
Your jaw dropped but you tried to keep your composure. You couldn't believe Blair. Serena slowly walked up to the stage and glared at Blair, not even acknowledging you.
"Don't try to deny it, Chuck saw you." Blair whispered as you tried to keep a smile on your face, trying to hide the inner panic you feel at the moment. Blair pulls you aside, making sure that Serena is the main focus as the crowd begins to clap.
"Hi, I'm Serena van der Woodsen. I just want to thank my friend Blair Waldorf for recognizing the Osteroff center and all the good things they do. Thanks Blair. Oh, and of course our president, Y/N." Serena puts on a fake smile as she begins to clap, the crowd clapping along.
"At the center, one of the main things that we learn is forgiveness. About how in order to move forward with our future we must forgive those who have wronged us in the past. And we must ourselves ask for forgiveness from those whom we've wronged. Without this forgiveness, innocent people-"
"Alright, thank you Serena. Thank you." She cut her off with a smile as the crowd claps again, Serena walking off the stage. You gave her a sympathetic smile as she walks away, making sure to push Blair slightly so that the crowd could focus on you again.
With a forced smile plastered on your face, you stepped forward to address the crowd once again, trying to regain control of the situation. "Thank you, Serena, for sharing your story with us. And thank you, Blair, for your efforts in organizing this event."
You took a deep breath, pushing down the rising frustration within you. "As Serena mentioned, forgiveness is indeed a very important aspect of moving forward. And tonight, let's remember the importance of supporting each other, even in times of adversity."
The crowd responded with polite applause, but you could sense the tension lingering in the air. But before you could even address Blair, she walked off the stage.
You ran after her, pulling on her arm. "Blair, that was a low blow, even for you."
As you pulled on Blair's arm, she turned to face you, her expression unapologetic. "Oh, please. It's not like I said anything that wasn't true."
But you held on, your frustration bubbling to the surface. "No, Blair, I won't let you brush this off. What you did to Serena was cruel and unnecessary. You publicly humiliated her in front of everyone. And not just anyone, college reps! That is insane."
Before Blair could respond, Serena came up to her with a tired expression. "What the hell was that? So we good now? We square?"
"No because nothing I do will ever be as bad as what you did to me." Blair spat as she glared up at Serena.
"Look, I'm asking you, please. I'll stop if you will." Serena's voice was hurt as she looked down at the brunette.
"You're just saying that because today, you lost. And you're gonna keep losing." Blair's voice was sharp with bitterness as she glared up at Serena.
Before Serena could respond, you let out a groan as you looked in between your best friends. "I'm done with both of you. Are you serious right now? You are acting like a child, Blair. You have no idea what you did up there, it wasn't even Serena-"
"Y/N, stop. No." Serena stopped you before you could continue.
"Why do I even bother, I'm done. I am done with the petty drama and catfights," you exclaimed, frustration evident in your voice as you turned away from Blair and Serena.
Serena reached out, grabbing your arm gently to stop you from walking away. "Y/N, wait."
You pulled your arm out of her grip and walked away and out of the mixer, you were calling it a night.
"Even Y/N's done with your bullshit, Serena." You heard Blair scoff as you walked off. You didn't even know where you running off to until you were there.
You were in the back of building and you saw Nate sitting on the bench, a blunt placed perfectly on his lips as he took a drag. You knew exactly where to find him. He looked up and noticed you, taking him by surprise.
You didn't say anything, all you did was sit next to Nate on the bench as you put your face in yours hands. You looked up at Nate and he gave you a faint smile before handing you the blunt.
You took a deep drag and you felt your lungs burn up. It had been a while since you'd swore off smoking but you needed, especially after the day you had. And apparently, so does Nate.
As you sat there next to Nate, passing the blunt between you, a heavy silence settled over the both of you. It was a strange comfort, finding solace in each other's company amidst the chaos of your lives.
Eventually, Nate broke the silence, his voice soft. "You okay?"
You let out a humorless laugh, shaking your head as the smoke swirled around the two of you. "Not really."
Nate nodded in understanding, his gaze fixed on you. "Yeah, me neither."
"What's got you all stressed out?" You spoke, leaning back on the bench as you looked back at him.
"My dad." He replied and you weren't surprised. "He wants me to go to Dartmouth and I keep telling him I wanna keep my options open. But he just ignores it. And now he's making me stay with Blair because of-" He paused as his eyes widen, realizing he's revealed too much.
You shake your head, urging him to continue. "I won't tell."
"He said I can't break up with Blair yet because he needs the Waldorfs on his good side because of business." Nate's voice trailed off, his frustration evident in his expression. "It's just... everything feels so out of my control, you know? Like I'm being pulled in all these different directions, and I don't know which way to go."
You listened quietly, understanding all too well the weight of family expectations and the pressure to please others. "That's... messed up," you muttered, unable to hide the concern in your voice. "Your dad shouldn't be pulling strings like that, especially when it comes to your personal life."
Nate let out a sigh, his shoulders slumping in defeat. "Yeah, tell me about it. But what can I do? He's not gonna listen to me."
You nodded in understanding, knowing all too well the weight of familial expectations. "It's tough, but you'll figure it out. I know you will."
He returned your smile, a glimmer of gratitude in his eyes. "So what's going on with you? I thought you gave up smoking."
"I could say the same for you, Archibald." You teased as he let out a little chuckle, his falling back but his gaze still fixed on you. "It's a long... long story. I wouldn't even know where to begin."
"Let me take a guess," Nate sat up and turned to face you fully. "You feel like you're constantly being pushed and pulled between Serena and Blair. And the whole daddy issues thing hasn't fixed itself either."
Your eyebrows furrowed at Nate's very true statements. Could he really read you that well or was it really that obvious? You were speechless for a second as Nate let out another laugh.
"I've known you since we were kids, Y/N. I can read you better than anyone else. And plus, it isn't anything new. Serena and Blair have always fought and you've always been in the middle." Nate's words hit home, and you couldn't deny the truth in them. He had always been perceptive, able to see through the facade you sometimes put up for others.
"Yeah, you're right," you admitted with a sigh, running a hand through your hair. "It's just exhausting, you know? Trying to keep the peace between them while dealing with my own issues. Trying to keep everyone happy while feeling like I'm constantly being torn apart. And now with my dad pressuring me about college while also replacing me with Charlene."
Nate listened attentively, his expression sympathetic. "I get it, Y/N. It's a lot to handle. But just know that you're not alone in this. I'm here for you, always."
You looked back at him, a sudden surge of gratefulness hitting you. And suddenly, gulit hit you like a ton of bricks. The whole thing with Serena and Nate, you completely shut him out. You let out an exhale, not really knowing what to even say.
"I'm sorry, Nate."
"Why are you sorry?" He muttered as he looked back at you, concern evident in his features. "I should be the one apologizing. I've been an asshole."
"And I've been a bitch." You replied as you both smiled. You both laughed softly as Nate shook his head.
"It doesn't have to be complicated, you know?" Nate started, his voice soft as he looked at you with sincerity in his eyes. "We've been through a lot together, and I don't want things to be so hard between us."
You sighed, not really knowing what to say.
"Look I meant what I said at the Kiss on the Lips party, I'll forget about my feelings if it means we get to stay friends." Nate whispered as he looked back you, his voice gentle.
"But what if-"
"There's a million what if's, Y/N. And they don't matter." Nate spoke, coming off harsher than expected. "The whole honest truth is the last six months you've been gone have been hell. I have no one who I can be honest with and-and no one I can call at 3 in the morning because I can't sleep. No one I can genuinely depend on to listen to me."
You felt a pang of guilt at Nate's words, realizing the impact your absence had on him. "I'm sorry, Nate. I didn't realize..."
"It doesn't matter, I just want you in my life." Nate's gaze softened as he reached out to squeeze your hand reassuringly. "And we'll stay completely platonic because that's what you wanted, right?"
No. You wanted to shout no but as you thought about Blair and the million other things keep you guys apart, all you do was nod. "Right."
A smile began curving on his lips as he let out a relieved sigh. "Then it's settled."
You smiled back at your best friend. "It's settled."
You guys both gazed at one another for a few more seconds before he spoke up. "We should shake on it. You know, our handshake."
You let out a laugh as you suddenly remember your guys' secret handshake. It had been a while but how could you forget it?
With practiced ease, you and Nate stuck out your hands and intertwined your fingers, executing the series of moves that made up your secret handshake. As you finished, you both laughed again, feeling a sense of normalcy wash over you.
As you finished the handshake, Nate gave you a playful nudge. "See? Nothing's changed between us."
"Nothing at all," you agreed, feeling a weight lift off your shoulders.
You both sat there in silence for a while longer, the weight of the evening fading slowly. In that moment, sitting there with Nate, you felt a sense of peace wash over you. Maybe things would be okay, eventually.
Or maybe they wouldn't. But for now, you had each other, and that was enough.
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rapunzelbro · 3 months
Heartbeats in Harmony 1 Velvette x Reader
An: Hi! So this fanfic is something that came to be literally because of a Chappell Roan song. Reader is super based on her too. This fanfic is taking place in the early 2000’s assuming the show takes place farther in the future. And because well. This is my story lol. Reader is 24 and Velvettes 25. This is before they go to hell and will slowly go into that. Anywho enjoy.
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Masterlist 1 2
It's everyone's dream to be famous, to have all the attention on you. The money, the fans screaming song lyrics that you wrote at a large venue. But honestly? All you wanted was some peace and quiet. You wanted one day where you didn't have to worry about what to say in an interview or even how you'd keep a personal life. You knew what you signed up for when you started this career, and you'd never mentally adjust. That's why you created that persona.
The person who had the confidence you didn't, who doesn’t care what she wore, what she sang about. She was everything you wanted to be, but couldn't. She had perfectly styled hair, stunning dramatic makeup with the most sparkly outfit you could imagine. The famous one, the person you hid behind to keep yourself from going insane. Well, at least for right now.
Wincing, you hear the obnoxious noise of your alarm that only intensifies with your hangover, you sit up tiredly to turn it off, only to have it drop to the floor to add to your frustration. “Damn it come on” you mutter, standing up trying to locate where your phone is, laying on the floor to try and grab it from under your bed. A groan followed after taking too long to find it, “Darling, I love you, but you need to stop keeping that shit on after we go to the club” the other side of the bed shifted when you finally found it and sat back down. “I know Vel, I just forgot, sorry baby” Rubbing your eyes you look over at her, moving back under the covers with her, gently kissing her forehead. “Forgiven, come here” she muttered, getting closer to you, placing her head on your chest, her tight curls acting as a cushion, you two stayed in silence as she listened to the rhythm of your heart beat. “You have to leave soon, you know my manager is coming by” you finally spoke up “They can fuck off, no relationships allowed is an idiotic rule.” Velvette muttered sitting up after you ruined the moment. “I know, but it’s only to protect you”
Velvette was a close friend. Oh hell, who were you kidding, she was your girlfriend. You have known each other since highschool, she was the only one you honestly kept in contact with after you graduated. She has one hell of a passion for designing, so when you needed someone to help design your persona, you knew she was the one to help. She knew her shit and was excited to help, being the only one to truly support your desire for a music career, and you being the only one to support her dream of being a fashion designer. You two became inseparable ever since.
But the fame came too quickly practically overnight, it was too overwhelming for the both of you to manage alone, in desperate times you signed over to an industry that had reached out first, you didn’t think of the repercussions. You just needed the help, so you blindly took that deal. They got you started with gigs, collaborations, body guards, so much. But doing so, caused you to have to shift your persona to their standards, limit your friends and relationships. She would be everything as she was before, but more… adult. The songs, the music, dancing, her attitude, it wasn't what you wanted, but you had no choice but to adjust to their demands. While it made your career soar, you couldn't help the loneliness that consumed you.
“How much longer of that contract do you even have left now?” Velvette looked at you, an annoyed look on her face as you took her hand. “Two years, then I can find an agency that doesn’t force me to hide my partner.” Rolling your eyes you give her hand a quick squeeze before going to the bathroom to freshen up. “Though after the song I’m performing tonight, they’ll probably drop my ass” You call out, giving a slight chuckle as you come out of the bathroom beginning your makeup. “You’re seriously going to perform that? You might ruin all we worked for babe..” Velvette stands up draping her arms around your shoulders as she watches you apply your makeup, curiosity lingering in her eyes “If they can’t handle it then maybe they haven’t heard any of my music correctly, and the underlying meanings of it.” You respond by shrugging slightly before turning around in your chair gently putting your hands on her face “I want to show you off, not hide you, the damn rumors of me being with you are not exactly clearing up, why not confirm it?” Kissing her you turn back around to finish your makeup.
Velvette gives a slight hum in agreement, before grabbing her stuff from your room. “See you at 6?” she looks at you as she grabs the door handle. “Wouldn’t miss it” you reply smiling looking back at her. “Kisses Darling, good luck tonight” Velvette waves before leaving. Your smile drops as she leaves, giving a frustrated sigh you continue to prepare for your manager to arrive, you couldn’t wait to cause absolute hell tonight.
Taglist @the--rebel--fae @rainbowbunny15 @anxietycomments @bonkbonkbobk @leathesimp
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bigball-thefrog · 2 months
Hey Hey Hey! I really like your writing so I was kinda yk wondering if maybe you could write something where the reader is secretly in love with Zoro but she pretends not to because she feels like the swordsman has zero interest in her but he also is in love with her too.
So the reader just pretends to hate him and be annoyed by him and eventually just distances herself away from him and starts being around Sanji more.
(Also the reader has this lolita aesthetic/pink ballet aesthetic too) If you could make this into a story that would be awesome :D
Hello hello, sorry it took me a bit to write your request but I've just finished it today and I really enjoyed it. I will definitely be making another part and maybe a third but it will be a bit before I do the next parts. For now I hope you enjoy part one.
Zoro X Tsundere!Reader pt1
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Fem reader
Narrator POV
When you joined the Strawhats all went well, you got along with everyone just fine. But there was one that always piqued your interest, that swordsman. Strong, silent, serious, fat knockers, what wasn't there to like about him?
He was either training or sleeping so you never got to talk to him much unless it was at meal times. But then you felt to nervous to talk to him. All you knew was that he fought with three swords and that he's Luffy's first mate. As your desire to speak to the swordsman grew, so did a different desire. A desire to be held by him, to spend time with him, to be crushed between his biceps, just to be with him! But you could never tell what Zoro was thinking, you either never saw him or he had a blank expression. But you doubt he would even like you. You're always dressed up in pink, girly, poofy clothes. As the asthetic suggests, you dressed up like a doll, Zoro wouldn't like that, he's too serious! So to hide your feelings you just pretended to hate him, everytime he walked past you, you scowled and turned away, everytime he spoke you scoffed, and if he ever got close to you, you'd move away, all so you could keep our heart safe from Zoro's rejection.
It confused the Strawhats, and it especially confused Zoro, you were so kind and friendly towards him and now it seems his existence annoyed you. It actually... Hurt a little to Zoro, he actually really likes you... To him, you're just so... Cute! He didn't know how to explain it but whenever he saw you his mind only thought of one word, and it was cute. Of course Zoro would rather die than admit he found you cute but he did. But when you started avoiding him and acting like he was a nuisance he decided it would be best to continue to ignore those feelings towards you. To keep himself safe from falling to deeply. And despite both of your feelings, the other was too afraid of rejection to confess...
It was a peaceful day on the sea. No marines, no aggressive pirates, no countries to save. It was a day where the crew could just relax on the ship. You had found a nice shady spot by the tangerine trees to watch the sea. You heard footsteps coming towards you and saw Sanji with your favorite drink in hand and a smile on his face, "Your afternoon drink my lady~" he said as he bowed and handed you the drink. You took the drink and smiled, "Thank you Sanji *sip* you always make it so good! I wish I could learn how you make things taste so good~" Sanji blushed and quickly wiped some blood from his nose before composing himself and going back to his charming and suave self, "Well my lady, if you'd like you can help me prepare lunch and maybe learn a thing or two~" Sanji said as he extended his hand "I'd be delighted to~" you said as you took his hand. Holding back an excited scream Sanji helped you up and you both walked to the kitchen.
Sanji had given you the simple taste to cut vegetables while he prepared the meat. You were struggling a bit to cut the onions since your eyes were watering too much, so Sanji came up behind you and put his hands over yours to show you a fast and efficient way to cut the onions. You watched intently as he moved your hands to cut the onion. Once that one was finished he got the next one to see if you could do it yourself, he stepped back and watched as you copied his movements. You copied it pretty well and Sanji clapped, "Very good, dear lady! Your chopping skills are already fantastic!" Sanji praised as he put the onions on the pan. You continued to chop up vegetables and Sanji continued watching closely to make sure you were alright and knew what to do.
You were now stirring some pasta in a pot with Sanji close behind, making sure you didn't burn yourself. He got real close to see how the pasta was looking and put his head on your shoulder as he watched you. It was almost intimate how close he was to you, it felt hot and you could see Sanji glancing at you every so often, he started moving his face closer to yours when the door to the kitchen was slammed open and in walked a sweaty Zoro. Sanji pulled back and scowled, "What do you want moss head?!" Zoro looked between both of you and scowled, "I'm just getting some water after my workout shitty cook. And Can you two not fuck while making lunch? It's disgusting.." Sanji and you blushed whole Zoro filled a glass with water. Sanji grumbled and went back to the meat and veggies and you went to the pasta, Zoro continued to drink his water but his eyes lingered on you. His expression was mostly unreadable but there was a hint of jealousy in it. You felt his stare on your back and turned to Zoro, he was already looking away when you noticed him so you just thought it was nothing. Zoro finished his glass and went to leave the kitchen, giving you that same look as he left. Now feeling awkward, you excused yourself from the kitchen and Sanji understood. You and Zoro both went sperate ways but there was that tense feeling still between you two. Would either of you confess? Or would you both just remain silent and let your feelings to grow until it hurts?
I hope this was alright! I'll be doing another request next then I've got a really cute Law idea that I'll do afterwards that hopefully you readers will enjoy and find cute as well.
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darknight3904 · 10 months
The Stars
Masterlist / Main Masterlist
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Asgard 2013
Warnings: Loki's dirty thoughts about  Astri, Loki talking about his life with Thanos.
For someone who had been locked up for weeks, Loki looked a little too desirable. His deep voice was soothing as he read the book he had chosen for tonight. Astri had long ago stopped focusing on the words and was admiring him through the yellow barrier that separated them. His hair was a bit curlier today than it had been yesterday, Astri wondered if he had done it like that on purpose. The green leather and golden armor he normally donned was gone and in its place was a softer more comfortable-looking outfit, perfect for the lounging that took up his days.
   "You aren't listening," Loki said suddenly
   "Sure I am." She lied
   "I chose a romance book because I thought you'd enjoy it." Loki sighed
   "And why would I enjoy a romance book?" Astri asked
   "I thought most females enjoyed romance books." He reasoned
   "How stereotypical of you, Loki." Astri smiled
   "Well if you don't want to read what do you want to do? Our options are limited given I'm stuck in here." He said, snapping the book shut
Astri thought about what they could do with Loki stuck in a cell. The idea of trying to push her way through the golden barrier crossed her mind, sure her magic might be strong enough but was Odin's rath worth it? Astri wasn't quite sure. 
   "How about we just sit and talk?" Astri suggested 
She took Loki's silence as agreement and began the conversation. 
   "What do miss now that you're stuck here?" 
   "Everything," Loki admitted 
   "If you had to pick one thing," Astri said
   "I guess I'd choose...the stars. It was always peaceful looking out my balcony at night when the stars shone. I wish I could experience it again." He chose 
   "Interesting choice." Astri complimented, standing up
   "Where are you going?" Loki asked 
   "To my chambers. I'll see you another time." She explained as she walked away 
She could hear Loki scampering to find a reason for her to stay longer, even offering to never choose a romance book again for them to read together. Astri was glad that he had chosen something simple for her to bring to him, had he chosen something like conquering Midgard that would have made her idea much harder. Now, all she had to do was figure out how to get through that damn gold barrier.
Loki didn't see Astri for the rest of the week, the only signal that she wasn't angry with him was the romance book she had sent to him via a guard who had handed him a note to go with it. 
Thor's lady, Jane, says men who read romance books are hopeless romantics themselves. 
Was he a hopeless romantic? Surely not. They were just means of entertainment for him after all he had a higher purpose that he'd someday fulfill. Astri's analysis was wrong. Speaking of Astri, where the hell was she? She had said she'd see him again but didn't give a date or a time and it was driving him mad. The only other real interaction he'd had since she left earlier this week was with Frigga who projected herself to his cell. Sure, it felt like she was close to him but it hurt when he'd try to reach for her only for his hands to slip right through. Loki loved Frigga deeply but he yearned for Astri's sharp remarks and how she'd immediately call him on his lies. 
He wondered what she'd be wearing the next time she entered the dungeons. Perhaps a lilac dress? She had been in a pale pink the last time they spoke. Of course, he'd love if she wore the blue one she had that had white lace embroidered on it, that one was his favorite. The way it accentuated what she thought was hidden so well under the fabric was perfectly sinful. Astri's figure had been on Loki's mind a lot recently. Initially, he thought it was because of being stuck here and the fact that she was going through his mind at night. But it had continued the entire week and he hadn't seen her at all. Sure, it could have been her going through his mind but that didn't explain why he thought of her even during the day. He'd spend time reading or drawing and find his mind wandering to her what her lips would taste like. He had smelled the stuff she put on them once, it smelled like fruits, would she taste like it too? Loki's mind spiraled more as he wondered what she'd look like if he slipped his hand up her skirt and into the apex between her thighs. He'd love to pin her down on the bed he was sitting on now and press his face between those same thighs until she screamed from overstimulation. He wondered about what she'd look like above him, gasping in pleasure as she took what had always been hers.  Loki wanted to be able to press a kiss to every inch of Astri's body and yet here he sat, imprisoned while she flitted about in the castle about him.
   "Good, you're still awake." 
Astri. Finally, she showed. Loki's hands fumbled with the pillow beside him as he placed it quickly over his lap. It was so late what was she doing down here now? 
   "Well don't be shy, get up and greet me properly." She commanded 
Loki eyed her arms which were overflowing with a bundled-up blanket and a big wicker basket. Ordinarily, he would've risen to greet her but his half-hard cock wasn't something she'd want greeting her so he stayed put. 
   "Fine, be rude." Astri huffed, pushing the blanket and basket through the small weakness in the yellow shield that was meant for delivering his meals. "You'll be thanking be after this." 
Loki's eyes widened as Astri's closed. A soft blue hue covered her body as she took a step towards the shield. 
   "What are you doing? The guards will-" Loki stopped his words as Astri phased right through what was penning him in. "When did you learn to do that?" 
   "What do you think I've been spending my week doing?" She smiled crossing the cell to get to him 
Loki wasn't expecting a warm hug but he welcomed it anyway. 
   "I can't believe you tried conquering Midgard," Astri said pulling away and giving him a hard shove 
No sooner had he opened his mouth to explain his glorious purpose than Astri had slapped her hand over it, shutting him up entirely. 
   "You can talk about glorious purpose later. I have a surprise." She smiled, turning around and laying the blanket on the ground. 
   "What are you doing? You do realize this is a dungeon...how did you get past the guards?" He asked suddenly curious 
   "A cloaking spell." She smiled and began unpacking her basket which as it turned out was full of food. 
   "So you're here to have a midnight picnic with me?" Loki asked finally standing up 
   "No, silly. You said you missed the stars, so I brought them here." Astri smiled pulling him down on the blanket with her. 
Loki decided to indulge her desires and got comfortable beside her. His hand reached for a grape as Astri snapped her fingers beside him. The area around them dimmed and the ceiling of the once bleak cell was transformed into a brilliant light show. The other cells disappeared as Astri's magic took over and seemingly wrapped them in their own little bubble. The stars twinkled and danced in front of Loki's eyes as he observed what she had done for him.
   "Do you like it? I know it's not the stars from your balcony but it's the best I can do right now." She said
   "I love it." He smiled, looking at her 
   "Good...I also brought some food." Astri awkwardly pointed out
   "Yes, I see, thank you. " He said genuinely 
They sat in awkward silence as Loki tried to think of something to say to the girl next to him. This was the first time they had been physically in front of each other in weeks. His hands itched to take hers in them, they looked impossibly small as she picked at the skin beside her nails. 
   "What the hell were you thinking?" Astri asked suddenly 
   "I bed your pardon?" Loki asked, confused. 
   "You knocked me out, destroyed Joutunheim, then let go and fell who knows where after Odin woke up and tried to help you and Thor." She explained 
   "Is that what they told you happened?" He laughed 
   "Yes. I want an explanation, now." She demanded, reaching to poke at his ribs, an oddly ticklish spot for him 
   "There was no point in staying behind. There still isn't anything for me here on Asgard, my rotting in this dungeon proves it. I have never and will never be essential to the house of Odin." He said 
   "Nothing here for him he says." Astri sighed "What about me? Or Frigga? During the year you were off gathering an army did you ever think about what we were feeling?" 
Loki felt his anger boiling in his stomach. Did Astri think he was off galavanting across the galaxy, feasting war generals so he could use their troops to win Midgard? 
   "Do you honestly think I was living my best possible life after I left here? What do you think I was doing all that time?" He snarled, upset that Astri was only talking about her and his 'mother'. 
   "I've wondered every night what you were doing where you were but you never speak of it." Astri said 
She had him there. 
   "Have you ever heard the name Thanos?" Loki asked, he felt his hands shaking. Why is he telling her this? Stop it. Send her away, yell at her to go back to her room, and push her away. 
   "I've heard it, in whispers from travelers and reports from across the galaxy, Odin has mentioned him." She said, Loki could feel her eyes on him, his gaze cast at his lap. 
   "After I let go I ended up in a place called the Sanctuary. I met Thanos there. He offered me control of Midgard in return for the Tesseract." He said shakily. 
   "What more? Months after you went missing, I kept trying to find you, and one night I did, or I think I did. You were suffering heat or something was being used." Astri said gently brushing her hand along his shoulder. 
   "He uh...He, Thanos used a tremendous amount of heat to buy my submission." Loki said, shutting his eyes. "Frost Giants can burn as it turns out." 
Loki felt Astri's hand rubbing at his back and her chin resting on his shoulder. 
   "After I had submitted to his whims, he used the Mind Stone, one of the Infinity Stones to do his bidding. After that, he sent me to Midgard, Infinity stone in hand." He said, "It remains there, those Avengers have it." 
Loki heard Astri let out a soft hum of confirmation next to him. Minutes passed and Loki dared open his eyes when he felt Astri shift beside him. 
   "I want you to know something, Loki." Astri said hooking a finger under his chin so he'd look at her "You are good. You always have been even if can't see it. 
Their noses brushed as Loki's eyes fluttered shut again. He felt hot tears run down his face at Astri's words. Damn it why did he always cry when he wanted to express emotion? 
   "Thank you, Astri. I don't feel that way, though." Loki said his eyes opening to meet Astri's whose face was close to his. 
   "You will. One day." She reassured 
Astri was indescribably warm as she pressed her forehead to his. Their breaths mingled as Loki took her hands in his. 
   "I missed you. There wasn't anyone to read with or joke with." She admitted 
   "You could have with Fandral." Loki smiled 
   "Oh please, Fandral reading?" Astri scoffed 
   "True, I think he'd rather chop off his right arm than pick up a book," Loki said, sitting up and pulling away from her slightly. 
Astri's hands broke from his, and she grabbed at his shirt, pulling back towards her. 
   "Wait." She murmured 
   "What is it?" Loki asked 
Astri's face grew redder the more Loki looked at her. 
   "Don't you have something to say? You told me to wait." He teased 
   "I just..." 
Come on, say what's going through that pretty head. 
   "I like it when you're close to me." She whispered as if it were a secret.
   "I it like when you're close too," Loki admitted, reaching out and twirling a strand of  her hair around his finger 
Astri let out an amused giggle and leaned closer. 
   "Guess I should stay nearby then." 
Loki had no complaints about that statement and nodded in agreement. Astri's scent invaded his nose, it was exactly as he remembered. Fruity yet flowery at the same time, and yet it wasn't too overpowering. He watched as her tongue appeared, slightly wetting her lips, it was like she was trying to tempt him into touching her. 
   "What're you thinking about?" Astri asked 
   "You," Loki said 
Astri barely had enough time to crack a smile at his admission. Loki knew what was next, a smart comment about how she was always dancing around in his mind. So, he stopped it in what he thought was the cleverest way possible and brushed his lips on hers. They tasted of fruit just like he had imagined for so many years. Astri had let out a small squeak of surprise when Loki had leaned in but now, he felt her smiling into their kiss. Smaller arms wrapped around his shoulders as she let out a laugh, breaking away for air. 
   "What was that?" She breathlessly asked 
   "You said you liked it when I was close." He said a wide smile on his face. 
Astri tossed her head back with a laugh and Loki felt his own laugh bubbling up through his stomach and out his mouth. He felt Astri's hands playing with the hairs at the nape of his neck, her nimble fingers pushed through his dark strands and a shudder ran down his spine. Their lips met again, this time with Astri initiating. Loki gently cupped her face as he felt her invade all of his senses, her presence was casting an unbreakable spell on him and he gladly welcomed it with open arms, after all, it was all he could ever dream of. 
Hehe first kiss for Loki and Astri. 
I am having Coriolanus Snow brain rot. Tom Blythe is one sexy mf. 
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sorry for the delay! I finally got time to add the finishing touches! there's alot to this one, and some minor time skips. so i hope its not too confusing. i didnt get to proofread this so pls ignore any mistakes you find.
Warnings: human rights violation, reader is held captive, mentions of punishments, obedience to rules, abuse of authority in a relationship, male leads overpowering reader, isolation, kidnapping, keeping and forcing reader against her will, psychological and emotions turmoil, reader becomes emotionally and mentally reliant on male leads, reader experiences Stockholm Syndrome, unhealthy relationship, very overpowering and controlling behaviors, yandere type stuff. and Smut...lots of smut. mentions of murder too. i think that's it.
“She texted me again…”
“Who? Yeon-Jin?”
“yeah Sa-Ra has been doing the same, when can we ditch them? They suck and I’m at the point where I’m not even texting back or answering calls. We should have never started dating them to begin with. What the hell were we thinking?”
“I don’t know. But I’ve heard some things about their treatment towards other girls, especially ones they get jealous over so we’re going to have to approach this delicately. I don’t want to risk them getting mad and taking it out on princess.”
“if they touch my minx, I’m slitting throats.”
“and I’m carving faces.”
As the two brothers ended the alarming conversation, chuckling at the disturbing images that carried on through their minds, you were left at peace upstairs, sleeping in your room, at least, it used to be your room. Nearly six months have passed since you and your stepbrothers had formed this new....relationship.
From the moment they did everything imaginable to you, things that no step siblings should be doing with each other, the comfort of your private abode has ever since been shared with them, leaving their own rooms to become their private home offices and closed off to all, except you. The three of you now share the same bedroom, always sleeping with you in the center, between them, comforted by their warm grasp every night as you slept. Your lips, skin, and breasts were always kissed tenderly by their mouths, and your hair always played and twirled around their finger tips.
Over time, you had noticed something peculiar about the boys. It was rather strange behavior, the way the two shunned everyone else and were absolutely unpleasant, including their own father, yet when it came to you, you were the light in their eyes. It became evident that you garnished special privileges and luxuries, all due to their love for you. Had it not been for your expressive concern, they would have been just as cruel towards your mother as they were with other people, but at your eager concern and pleading, they catered to their adoring nature for you and decided to maintain civil and gentle composure towards your mom, all just for the sake of your happiness.
With you, they were willing to bring down stars and galaxies, there was nothing they wouldn’t do for you. However, being the affectionate onus of their desire wasn’t just purely a rose garden. It came with thorns….many of them.
Months have passed since the the boys took, claimed, and expressed their adoration for you. They provided for you, they continued to love on you, night and day, one at a time or both at once. You couldn't deny the blissful feeling of the pleasurable sensation in having the two of them constantly kissing you from head to toe, and fucking you into oblivion. It took some time for you to adjust....and to your everlasting shame, you feel yourself emotionally and mentally weakened, possibly the reason why you have become stagnant and obedient to their 'rules' and the sole object of their desires.
The first thorn stemmed from the very beginning, after the first harsh punishment you received. It wasn't until after the third punishment, when you were caught in your many attempts trying to leave the house, you learned that the concept of freedom and living an independent life, one that you had before meeting your brothers, was no longer a feasible option. Your life was all about them, and they were all about you.
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Six months ago...
You come back to your senses after the boys were satisfied, much less you, but the very second you all finished with the intense threesome downstairs, you felt an overwhelming sense of shame. Shaken, the realization of what the three of you had done hit you harder than any punch could ever do. What have you just done? First Heeseung last night, then Heejeong this morning, and now the both of them......how could you be so careless? Getting lost in the midst of pleasure, lacking better judgement. More so......how many times did they take their turn, and pumped you with their throbbing members? How many times did you let them cum inside? How could you be so careless? Was it all your fault? You tried to object, yet they were so adamant......and it felt too good......what are you going to do?
The amount of guilt riddled your senses and you felt entirely too uncomfortable in the house. Showering and cleaning you up, the boys kissed your head tenderly as they left you upstairs while they went down to clean up the living room and kitchen, remarking that you took them both like a "good girl", and that you needed to replenish your energy and rest up.
"We don't mind doing the cleaning. You rest. You hungry? We'll order food after we're done."
"Here, just nuzzle up and stay warm. Wanna watch a move later?"
Both Heejeong and Heeseung were comforting, and entirely too comfortable. Were they not at all feeling guilty or shameful in what just happened? This was so abnormal. How would you explain this to your mother? You all lived in a community where something such as this was so sordid, and their father was far too important and high up to risk allow his sons to be apart of a scandal like this.
You stayed silent, noting that the calming expressions on their faces proved that there was nothing you could say or do to get through to them. They clearly felt no shame, no guilt, and no sense of immoral essence in what they just did.....what you just did....what the three of you had all done.
Their tender pet names for you echos down the hall as they bid you goodnight, before gently shutting the door. The deep chuckles heard on the other side had made your skin crawl. How could you let them do that? How could YOU do that with them? You should have been more forceful with your objections.....how could you let your two step brothers take turns with you......and letting them fill you? You were no better than a whore.
Even after showering and changing, you could still feel the warm liquid oozing out of your cavity, the scent of their cum mixed together hits your nose as you laid in bed, itt brought back the sickening sense in your gut.
With tears forming in your eyes, you felt overwhelmed by the sense of guilt as you reached over for your phone and dialed Wendy in, hoping that there was a way she would be able to aid in getting you to move back in to her apartment, and out of this mess. You're not even sure how you were going to explain your discomfort with your mother or the boy's father....would they even believe you? Would Danny become offended if you were to tell them what his boys were doing? If you explained their real intent in moving you into their home......would he grow angry and falsely claim that you were just out to slander their reputation? The thought grew more believable as you came to the reality that you hardly knew Danny, only meeting him one time at the dinner, and seeing how much more familiar he was with Yeon-jin and Sa-Ra.......how are you going to explain your sudden decision to move out?
Your head started to pound with an ache when you thought of every possible outcome, none seemed to ease your guilty conscious. You press your phone against your ear, waiting for Wendy to pick up.
"Wendy! Oh my God, Wendy! are you home?"
"yes! Wendy, please listen to me.....i have to leave this place. I have to get away from my brothers, i need your help. I can explain in detail later but please..just believe me i have to get out of here. I......i've done something terrible and its partially my fault but.....they.....they're just...."
You stuttered and felt yourself breaking down as the tears rolled on through. Your words came out fast and in a panic as you were eager to tell Wendy everything. So eager, you hand't caught on to her rather aloof and tiresome tone, the lack of concern or enthusiasm in her aura. She sounded dead inside, and it didn't hit you until she finally spoke out and cut you off mid thought.
"please wendy! can you....can you and jeff come-"
"..........why.....what is wrong?.......why are you-"
"y/n.......did you not hear?...."
you gulped......it became dead silent in the room as you quietly whispered into the phone. "Hear what?"
Sighing on the other end, Wendy chokes up as she explains.
"Jeff is dead......."
"his body....well his head was found severely decomposed.......they were able to identify him through his dental records...."
Your eyes widened and your chest felt the soreness of a pungent sting. Jeff was dead? How? Why? Why didn't she tell you sooner? Furrowing your brows, you jolted up from the bed and walked around in your room. You felt the need to move, you couldn't be still, your heart was beating faster and faster and you felt yourself panicking.
".....how?......whe....when did this happen? why didn't you tell me?"
"........i just......i was so caught up with constantly talking to the forensic team and the detectives......i was thinking that maybe he was around...just wasn't talking to me or anybody.....but they found his remains two weeks ago.....and determined that he died......"
"forensics say that he died the night he disappeared."
"......when did he disappear?"
"The night you moved out."
Your heart nearly stopped beating. Your breathing became shallow as Wendy continued.
"I guess...he was so mad at you and your brothers, he must have went out to blow off some steam at the gym that night, but he never came home, and nobody ever saw him come to the gym. They say that its hard to determine his injuries, but they suspect foul play, they just dont have any suspects or witnesses.....so the case is ongoing, but they have already expressed that it is more than likely unsolvable. I've been visiting his mom for the past few days......."
Your eyes became stung by the rush of tears that dripped down, you kept your cool and composure as you expressed your condolences.
"S...sorry.....i hadn't heard....i had no idea........"
"its fine y/n......Jeff was a hard person to deal with, and he did piss off alot of people, and wasn't always friends with the best types. He also dealt with some things that he shouldn't have, so i imagine he was messing with the wrong pgroups and owed money or something. either way, i'm moving on from it....i just need to be alone for a while."
Nodding, you rubbed the temples of your forehead and disregarded your reason for contacting Wendy, wishing her well instead. Somehow, you sensed there was more to the story than what she was willing to let out.
Hanging up, Wendy places her phone down and continues to look out her window, holding onto a note that appeared in her apartment the day Jeff disappeared....something she didn't even show to the detective or the police. Had she done so, she would have risked alot more than just Jeff's own life......
ⱧØ₩ ₥₳₦Ɏ ĐɆ₳Đ ฿ØĐłɆ₴ ₩łⱠⱠ ł₮ ₮₳₭Ɇ ₮Ø ₭ɆɆ₱ ₮ⱧɆ ₱ØⱠł₵Ɇ ₴łⱠɆ₦₮, ₳₦Đ ₮ⱧɆ ฿ØØ₲ɆɎ₥₳₦ ⱠɆ₴₴ VłØⱠɆ₦₮?
Ø₦Ɇ ØⱤ ₮₩Ø?
ł₮ ĐɆ₱Ɇ₦Đ₴ Ø₦ ɎØɄ.
ⱧɆ Ⱨ₳₴ ₳₦ ɆɎɆ Ø₦ ɎØɄ, ₴Ø ĐØ₦₮ ฿Ɇ ₴₦Ɇ₳₭Ɏ.
Ʉ₦ⱠɆ₴₴ ɎØɄ ₩₳₦₮ ₮ⱧɆ ฿ØØ₲ɆɎ₥₳₦ ₮Ø ₲Ɇ₮ ฿ⱠØØĐɎ ₣ⱤɆ₳₭Ɏ. "
Taking the note, Wendy holds it over a small candle, allowing the flame to feed from the corner end and burn it to ash.
"I'm sorry Jeff.........sorry Y/n........."
Days and weeks following the news regarding Jeff, you hadn't spoken to Wendy, nor did you hear from her. Literally the night after finding out about Jeff, the boys took the time before dropping you off at work to set forth some ground rules......rules that you were forced to adhere to. Strict and brutal rules.
"Stop! Let go! Let go of me! You both are crazy! you're insane! get away from me!"
Dragging you by the waist, so easily as you exhausted the depths of your energy to break free from his grasp, Heeseung pulls you into the bedroom, tying you to the bedpost with a set of double knots. With your wrists bound together, and your ankles restrained in the same manner, you were left inside to 'reflect' on what you had done.
"You know.....it wouldn't be so bad if you would just stop breaking the rules. How many times do you need to learn the hard way? No running away."
Leaning in, he issues a sadistically stern look of amusement and violent nature as he reminds you.
"No leaving the house without me or Heejeong.....you keep doing it, you're just going to get locked up."
Harshly tightening the rope, he clenches his jaw as he looks into your eyes deeply, providing you with so much discomfort and fear.
"Baby......just be good....I wouldn't get so mad......" he glares down, watching you sob out. You felt scared and hopeless, completely vulnerable to their mercy and will.
If you weren't getting punished for one thing, it was for another. Once you had realized that trying to escape from the boys was an impossible feat, getting caught every single time and found, punished, and forgiven. You learned that the second rule, was just as important as the first....
"Excuse me, miss?"
Turning around, you saw a young man standing before you holding out his hand. "you dropped this?"
"oh....thank you." Taking silk scarf from the man, you turned away, and shunned the poor fellow out. Standing by the door, you waited for the boys to pull up and bring you home from work, as usual. No matter how many times you took the opportunity to run, hide, and escape, they always found you. You never told your mother about what goes on between you and them, so going to to her was not an option, plus with Danny living with her, there was no way you could run to them. With Wendy no longer contacting you, there was simply no one else you could go to for help or for security. The boys paid out the police, they made frequent networks and contacts with the security that roamed the building of your workplace, leaving you still within sight even when they were not around.
"So....whats your name? I've seen you around here, you work here right?"
Your anxiety reached it's peak when the young man attempted to make conversation. Your brothers would be over to pick you up any moment, you couldn't risk being seen with another man.
"Please.....please....leave me alone....i'm....i'm being picked up by my brothers...they're very protective. please...."
You pleaded with the man, hoping he would take the hint. Not only were you fearful of being punished, for something that you weren't entirely responsible for, you feared for the man's life. Obviously, he would have no way of knowing, no clue as to what he was getting himself into, yet previous encounters showed just how far your brothers were willing to go when it came to eradicating anyone who presented themselves to be a 'bothersome' or 'threat' to you.....and a nuisance to them.
"Wh.....are you in some sort of trouble miss?"
"I SAID JUST LEAVE!" wincing your eyes shut and grasping the door handle, you raised your voice.....it pained you to do so, it wasn't like this man was doing anything wrong, but you had to do something before they arrived.
Stunned by the harshness of your words, the man was taken aback as the security guard of the museum, one that recently has become among the list of paid contacts by your brotherly duo in order keep an eye on you, come walking around from the security desk and squares up to the confused man.
"Is there a problem?"
"I.....I think this woman....i think she's in some sort of trouble, she's.....she's talking about her brothers...i was just having a normal conversation but she's saying some weird things-.."
"I asked you to please leave me alone.....just please go...." you cut him off, glancing over the security guard as he eyeballs the young man.
"hey man, the woman said for you to leave....so leave. she's fine. trust me, you dont want to take things further." the security guard explains, placing a hand up to gesture for the man to back away. With your back remaining towards him, you stared out through the glass door, watching as the car pulls up.
"you better go fast." the security guard utters to you. Knowing full well what your brothers were capable of, yet remained silent since the income was well worth it.
You rush out and was greeted by Heejeong as he gets out of the passenger seat and hugs you warmly, placing a kiss on the side of your head.
"Mmmmmuah! I missed you. How was work?"
"it....was good......thank you."
tucking you in the backseat, he glances over towards the security guard and the man through the glass doors. Smirking, Heejeong sits next to you in the back, as Heeseung greets you and drives the car away.
As far as you were concerned, nothing happened to that young man....at least you hoped nothing hadn't. But then again, its hard to say, especially after the last few times when the occurrences of interested young men who garnished your attention, and paid the ultimately price.....
One was caught, complimenting you while at work, with Heejeong entering your office with a small bouquet of flowers, catching on the man's words.
"I hope you dont mind me saying.....you're very beautiful y/n...."
Another was when you were at a cafe with the boys by your side, and a male barista had jotted his number on your cup.
The third, was a man you ran into at a main event hosted by the museum. You made little conversation with him, trying to remain evasive yet his firm hold as he caught you from falling as you bumped into him, was enough to make the boys blood boil the moment they found out when one of their reliable paid contacts spotted the scenario and relayed it to the boys.
"bad girl....did we not tell you?....NO....BOYS."
"time to go to the basement."
The basement was the primary location of where many of the punishments were hosted. Despite how angry they would become, their unyielding love for you restricted them from going too harsh in their methods, or so they claimed.
The lower part of the house was maintained, cleaned, and emptied. It lacked any furnishings and was cold....too cold. Each time you broke a rule, they left you tied up with enough slack to move in a small vicinity, allowing you to shift your body as you slept in your little circle on the cold cement flooring. The lights were kept off, leaving the area entirely pitch black. A harsh lesson and realization was learned from all this....from being left alone in a dark room for hours at a time, for days in a row. Its amazing how isolation in darkness can break down the human mind, and weaken their soul, especially if repeated over and over. The level of fear turning into relief and security the moment you see life again, even if it was in the form of your brothers, the very ones that put you in the hole. What started out as a struggle to fight for freedom, turned into a broken will, bent at the knee as you began to weep each time you upset them. You started to become joyful whenever you would see them after staring off into the dark abyss for so long, despite them being the ones to administering this unruly lesson. Nonetheless, you were grateful each time they came down to bring you out to the dining room, to feed you, despite putting you back in the hole afterwards, until they felt at ease and no longer angry.
There were other twist of emotions that would have never made sense to anyone else, it was a one-eighty twirl from the strong stance you held firm with your own two feet, yet shattered the moment you catered to their despair. It happened around the fourth month, after being punished once again, their words started to hit you deep. Words such as "it pains us to punish you...." or "why cant you just see....that we do this because we love you....we're really not trying to be harsh....."
It may sound crazy, but then again, this whole situation was crazy. Their justifications started to make sense to you, after you had lost all concept in gaining back freedom, something that you have long lost forgotten the meaning of, your mind and heart started to feel the pains that they felt each time they expressed how disappointed and upset they were with you. Little by little, you found the strong desire to excel in following every rule, being a good girl so that you wouldn't upset them, not because you feared of what they would do, that had resorted to a sliver of your worries....instead, you felt shame in yourself for upsetting them. You wanted to please them, to make them happy and to see them smile. Their praises of love and adoration for you and only you, became the only truth that you knew in this world.
Over the course of the past six months, from the first moment that Heeseung took you after your parent's wedding, and when Heejeong expressed his love the next morning, followed by the sinful pleasure the three of you shared in the living room, you broke and were re-molded into someone that wasn't you. You weren't the same, you were weak, vulnerable, and hopless....unless you were with them. Being with them, you were protected, looked out for, loved, cherished, adored, and taken very well care of. You felt fear and anxiety whenever you were at work, but found relief whenever you saw them picking you up. You no longer were resistant to their advances when they grew hungry for your flesh, which caused them to become less forceful and more tender. You were enjoying and welcoming it just as much as they were, lost in the sea of passion and never knowing of the dark smirks that formed on their handsome faces as they realized they succeeded in training you to become obedient and loyal to them......because they loved you beyond what was considered sane and normal.
Six months....... starting from the night of your mother's wedding to Danny, it took the brothers six months to accomplish their goal in making you realize just how much they loved you......
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"Well........that was fun...i guess..." Yeon-jin crosses her arms as she sits in the backseat, along with you and Sa-ra. The boys took you and the girls to a dinner, one that they were not most happy about in bringing Yeon-jin or Sa-Ra along, yet the girls had seemed to be more forceful about spending time with their boyfriends after not hearing from them for days...sometimes weeks at a time. It wasn't a secret to you, your step brothers explained that within due time, they had plans to ditch the girls, but you were never concerned in their intentions. You trusted their word, considering how often you witnessed them giving the girls the cold shoulder, and always putting you before everything and everyone...especially the girlfriends. You didn't mind, it was thrilling to watch as the girls grew a countenance of jealousy each time the boys paid more attention to you. Now that you accepted their love and returned it back, you loved nothing more to see that love in action, especially in public viewing despite how strategic and tactful it was displayed. You were, after all, still step-siblings.
Aside from the firm trust you had with your brothers, there were indeed several factors that contributed towards the delay of the boys breaking it off with the two girls. Their father was first and foremost, having high hopes that the boys would marry, as much as Heejeong and Heeseung could care less in pleasing their father, they knew that displeasing him beyond a set line, would ultimately further strain the relationship they had with him, which would cause them to lose heir rights to the agglomerate corporation that they were currently entitled to. Before, they had no desire or interest in taking over and running their father's company, but after meeting you, they had something they lived for...something they took as their responsibility and reason for living, therefore, they wanted to ensure they were always going to provide for you, to give ou the world and its greatest luxuries......they wanted to give you everything.
The other half of the delay, were the nasty rumors that both girls acquired from school and around the city. Sure, they're beauty and glamorous fashion sense was admirable, yet their inner personalities became tainted by the fame and fortune of constant popularity and admiration from their peers and co-workers. All of which, turmoiled into a ball of ugliness, that became cruel and tormenting to others whom they deem as beneath them, or those that triggered a sense of jealousy. The boys kept them at a distance, emotionally and physically, and even further away from you.
"This dinner gathering was such a good idea! I'm so glad we were all able to go out." Yeon-Jin smiled out as she narrowed her eyes towards Heejeong as he sat in the driver seat.
"Yeah.....figured since we had some free time....." Heejeong started nonchalantly, but was cut off the moment Yeon-jin became triggered by his words.
"Free time? all you have is free time. I spoke with your father, he says you haven't taken over the company yet......so i'm trying to figure out why you haven't been texting or calling...and why we only see eachother every other week.......in a group setting......." hinting at the failing attributes and lacking intimacy in their relationship, Sa-Ra chimes in and softly taps the back of Heeseung's seat.
"You too. How come we dont see each other anymore?"
You remained gazing out the window by your side as you sat beside Yeon-jin, who remained in the middle between you and Sa-ra. You pretended to not notice, yet the careless silence in the car was filled by the boy's refusal to entertain an answer. Their smirk's said it all as they continued to drive and turn the radio up, playing your favorite playlist.
"Hey! I"m talking to you Heejeong!" Yeon-jin berates, when suddenly the car comes to a screeching halt. You and the two girls flew forward from the momentum, yet Heejeong and Heeseung's hands reached back and pressed you steady as they kept you from hitting the back of the driver's seat. The two girls were not so lucky.
Staring in your direction, noting how the boys prioritized your safety over theirs, had garnished harsh looks shooting your way.
"Oh.....so once again, the step sister gets the special treatment?" Sa-Ra snarls.
"Did you both want to walk home?" Heejeong turns over his shoulder, a dark shadow hovering over his eyes as he smirks out a hint of sadistic delight in the prospect of kicking the two horrible girls out, in the middle of nowhere.
"We can't walk from here! We're miles away, and its dark outsid-" Both Yeon-jin and Sa-ra started up with their gripes and complaints, yet was cut off by an amused Heejeong.
"Shut up......shut up or get out."
Following his brother's vibe, Heeseung chimed in. "And fix your fucking faces.....if i see one of you rolling your eyes one more time, i'm taking them out."
The girls scoffed out a "whatever" as they settled back into their seats. They had no idea that the threats that were just issued, were out of sincerity. They would kick them out.....they would carve their eyes out.....these girls have no idea just who they were dealing with. Yet that wasn't entirely their fault, they didnt get to know the boys so well, since the brothers had a habit in pushing them away and ghosting them, since all they needed and wanted, was you.
Finally arriving at Yeon-jin's home, a large and well designed house with a small courtyard in the front indicated her coming fro ma well established family.
"Get out." Heejeong deeply states.
"How is Sa-Ra getting home?" Yeon-jin asks, before Heeseung snapped back and glared over to the girl.
"He said........GET OUT."
The girls rushed out, and immediately walked inside, occasionally looking back at the car as you and your brothers drove away.
"Fuck they’re annoying......can we just kill them?" Heeseung asks, half heartedly.
"I wish we could.....but lets just give it a couple more weeks, dad says he wanted to have that meeting about the company, we can tap into that while talking with him."
"Wish he would just stay out of our business....why is he in such a rush for us to get married?"
"Dont know......" Heejeong answers back calmly, unable to make sense out of their father's pressuring urge for the boys to take both, Yeon-jin and Sa-ra as wives. He suspected that it had to do with their upbringing, their wealthy families, perhaps there was an arrangement that was made behind closed doors. Either way, it wasn't going to happen, the brothers had a card up their sleeves that would come out to end the game in due time....in due time.
"Baby, you okay back there?" Heeseung turns around in his seat, reaching back as he places his hand on your thigh. "Tired?"
You glanced over to him and slightly shook your head as you softly smiled to him.
"You want anything? We can go to the store, or grab some of your favorite pastries." Heejeong adds as he eyeballs you from the rearview mirror.
Still shaking your head, you sat in the seat with loosely crossed arms, staring at the ground, faintly biting down on your lip. Heeseung smirks and chuckles, before asking you.....
"Do you want me to fuck you baby?"
Looking up with wide eyes, you nodded your head with a mischivious smile on your lips. Unbuckling his seatbelt, Heeseung immediately climbs into the back seat with you, while Heejeong softly chuckles as he props his elbow on the window, steering with one hand as he strokes his chin, continuously enjoying the view in the rearview mirror.
Once Heeseung was in the backseat, next to you, he didnt' waste time as he plastered your neck, face, and your breasts with his kisses. Tugging the spaghetti straps of your cocktail dress down, he pulls you close to him as he reaches up under the hem of your skirt and pulls down your panties harshly, leaving them coiled around one of your ankles, never fully removing them. He was too eager to get to you that the concept of undressing you entirely wasn't a priority.
"Come here baby, I'll fuck you real good." he whispers as he gets pulls you over onto his lap, and has you straddling him with your back leaned against his chest. Spreading your legs wide, your dress coiling around your waist, the slinky and thin material shifted against your skin as it lacks bulk, merely wrapped around and used as a leverage point for him to grab onto when you start bouncing. Your heels lifted as you sit atop his lap, dangling just inches away from the floor mats, while his hands maneuver his throbbing member, trailing its way towards your entry.
Smirking against the tender spot in your neck, he asks you in his deep tone, "ready?".
You nodded in an eager state, and thats when the pressure settles in. The entry of his bulging tip, and the inches that followed suit as he slowly shoves himself in caused you to gasp out in pleasure and pain. It was a sensation that you were deeply familiar with, yet it felt new each time it came back around.
"ugh! Oh m God!" You gasped out, your high pitched tone airing out as you whimper small notes of chiming tunes in the form of pleasured moans.
"Oh yeah?" His deep and dark tone was a stark contrast from your lightened one. Grabbing onto both sides of your waist, he starts to thrust in faster, while also simultaneously lifting and slamming you down, making you bounce relentlessly on his shaft. By the third time you had bounced, your body started to excrete the slick moisture that aided his sliding thrusts. "Awwww...fuck yeah baby...." he whispers as he gasps out. His hips bucking upwards repeatedly as he thrusts faster, and faster.......and faster........
"Oh my God...mmm......fuck.....Heeseung.....Heeseung! ugh! Oh my God i'm gonna cum!" gasping out, you voiced out the heightened peak of pleasure as the man already had you on the verge of cumming, and he had only just began fucking you.
Reaching up and around your chest, he cups your throat and pulls you back as he buries his face into the side of your face, meshing a myriad amount of kisses against your skin as he toys a tone out and speaks with his lips glued to your skin, coming out muffled. His thrust slow down, going in deeper and harsher as he waves his hips against your rear, and uses his grip on our waist to roll your hips back and forth. "Oh not yet baby....i know....i know....oh i fucking know....." he continues as he picks the pace back up and continues to thrust into you at high speed. "Hold it in for me baby, i gotta fuck you some more......my beautiful girl.....gonna fuck you sooooo good."
At the last bit, he pushes you forward and you felt his body shifting position as he forces you down on your knees, leaning your chest down on the center console as your upper body feeds in between the front seats, with Heejeong to your left side. Your hands reach up and grab onto the stereo system. The cool air drafting over your rear cheeks as you feel Heeseung mounting you from behind, and re-enters, brutally fucking you doggy-style.
"Ugh! ugh! ugh! ugh! Oh my God! ugh! Please! Please!"
"Please what baby?" he gasps out in between his groans as he thrusts into you, his groin slapping against your suppled cheeks as he keeps you steady with a tight grip around your waist, with his thumbs extending up and stroking the grooves of your lower back muscles. Bopping up and down, back and forth, your body moves in a momentum that was unmistakable, you were being pelted hard and getting it good, thank goodness the car had tinted windows.
Hitting that sweet spot, you screamed out as you reach over and grab onto Heejeong's thigh. He in turn, while stopping at a red light, looks over to you and delicately cradles your chin in his hand, turning you to face him as Heeseung continued.
"Yeah? Is he fucking you hard baby?" Heejeong asks, pulling your face inward, kissing you. Your face shifts in various directions as your body continues to bounce forward from the hard thrusting that Heeseung continued on with , even going faster and harder than before.
Whining into Heejeong's mouth, you whimpered and gasped out as he pulls back and barely breaks the kiss, staring into your eye as he swipes his thumb over your parted lips. "Keep taking it like a good girl.....you're doing so well." He whispers out, kissing you once again before continuing the drive once the light turned green.
"Ah fuck......fuck baby you're so tight and wet......fuck you feel so good." Heeseung groans out, gritting his teeth as he smirks, covered in sweat. Heejeong blasts the A/C after noting the beads forming on your forehead. "Breathe baby.....breathe." He states as he ups the dial and increases the air flow.
"Fuck her harder." Heejeong calmly tells his brother while looking his way through the rearview mirror.
"Fuck her faster."
"Fuck i'm gonna cum.....she feels so fucking good."
The exchange of words between the two only riled you up to the point where you felt the knot in your gut snapping. "Oh my God! I'm-......i'm going to cum! Heeseung! AHHHHHHH!"
"Fucking give it to her Heeseung." Heejeong urges as he cups your chin, sticking his thumb inside your mouth, resting in between your teeth.
"Fuck! Fuck i'm cumming!" Heeseung groans out and falls forward, plastering his chest against your back as his weight presses you to fall atop the center console. Biting onto Heejeong's thumb, you softly release it as you gasp out from the overbearing density of Heeseung's weight pushing you down.
After a few seconds of heavy breathing, Heeseung lifts himself up and pulls you back, caressing your body and kissing you tenderly as he lays you down on the backseat.
Pulling up to your favorite bakery, Heejeong parks the car as Heeseung throws his clothes back on, all the while catching his breath.
"You've been driving all night, how about i go inside and grab babygirl's pastries, and drive us back home. You can come here and.....'cuddle' with her." With a quick peck on your cheek, Heeseung exits the car, while Heejeong tosses him the keys as he enters the backseat.
Caressing your face, with his hand cupping your cheek, he notes your worn out state and how blissfully fucked your face looked. Still panting, you release a tiny whimper as you gaze into his eyes.
"Aww......baby tired?" Kissing you tenderly, he hums into your mouth. Reaching up, you loop your arm around the back of his neck, gently caressing the silver strands of his locks. Barely breaking the kiss, he whispers against your skin....
"come here baby....." taking your hand in his, he guides you down to his zipper. "grab it."
Authors notes: Ah and the smut thickens! lol.
Taglist: @deobitifull; @solstramaii; @vampiregirl215; @nshmrarki; @enhypen14; @iamliacamila; @lisaaannna; @nikstrange; @jaehaki; @luv-enhy-skz33; @silcry@honeysjae; @crackedcameraa; @stinkmonkey ; @baekxo07@raishaii@yangjungwon33 @lhspeachie ; @differentchildwombat ; @prettykia ; @kimsseonu ; @stvrryhee ; @en-thralled ; @hoonzdzbl ; @yuppppp ; @jinniespuppy ; @browsehnnie @prettykia @lprww @they2luv1naia @ellixqz@mimimovv @stvrryhee @moonmoongi @seungjiseyo @csmicvrse @yohanabanana , @heeshees@yumii0828 , @lprww, @mariji , @silcry @cutiejseong
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