#oh boy do i love pizza when it's got other sauce on it
halfdeadwallfly · 10 months
OH and let me say i just think that so many dishes with tomato sauce are so easily improved by just .. using a different sauce
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heartfullofleeches · 5 months
What if darling orders from a different restaurant and brie coincidentally arrives right when the actual delivery person does? I feel like he'd be jealous af
Yan "Pizza Boy" + Reader
Who is that-
Arriving at your street, tires screech to a hault as your home rolls into view. The driver takes a second look. Then a third - knuckles white as fingers clench around the steering wheel.
A car he's never seen before sits in the little parking spot outside your house. His parking spot. Some old, beat up hatchback painted the ugliest shade of blue he'd ever seen - tape covering its left tail light and bumper held on by zip ties. By now, the delivery boy has made enough visits to your home to recognize cars of your friends and loved ones. Who is this? The flickering sign atop the rusting hunk of metal lifted some of the weight from his shoulders - only to crush him with a new fear as the other driver casual steps out of his vehicle, carrying bag strapped to his shoulder.
"Oh, hell no-"
Brie curses under his breath - pulling into your neighbor's driveway with one hand on the wheel as he reaches into the passenger seat with the other. He quickly gathers his things, kicking the driver's side door open as he goes to exit - hissing in frustration as his seat belt digs into the flesh of his neck. He unbuckles himself, shutting the door behind him with the heel of his sneaker as he races across your neighbor's yard. He slows down to carefully step over their hedges right as the other delivery person reaches your porch. Brie curses again-
"Oh my God! There's someone hiding in the back of that blue car with the dirty windows!"
The delivery person runs off back to their car. With little time to celebrate his victory, Brie marches up to your front door and rings the doorbell. You looked surprised - yet oddly happy to see him. His heart flutters.
Brie beans from ear to ear "Yup! It's me! Got another pizza for you here. Same as the last."
"Thank you, but I already ordered from someplace else. Couldn't find anywhere nearby with alfredo sauce pizza so I had to settle for the usual."
You were looking for him?.... The place he works for that is. Brie shoves the box against your chest, biting down the scream ready to escape. "Don't worry, this one's on the house too. We're still experimenting with the recipe so it isn't available on our menu yet. I'm sure my boss will be happy to hear you enjoyed it."
"Well... Since it's free I guess it wouldn't hurt to take it off your hands. Won't have to order out for a week at this rate. Do you have a number I can reach you at?"
Multiple issues could arise from giving you his personal number - Brie was too excited to dwell on future problems when he had your attention now.
"Sure! Do you have a pen and paper?"
In the time it takes you to retrieve said items the other delivery person returns. He looks at Brie, a flicker of recognition in his eyes as he inspects his face.
"Hey... Aren't you-"
"Their boyfriend attacked a guy once."
The delivery driver looks taken aback. "What did you say?"
"I had a friend who worked at this one other pizza place. He had a black eye the last time we met. Said the person with the exact address had a scary looking boyfriend who thought he was flirting with them. He moved last we and I think I know why."
Brie's smile widen as the wobble in the other man's voice. "Hey, man... It's not cool to joke like that. If you're trying to scare me off you'll have to try harder than that."
"If that's what you want-"
Brie drops the conversation there. No point in wasting any more of his precious time - not with you standing there, pen and a small notepad in hand.
"Thank you~" Brie scribbles down his number, tearing off a page of paper beneath the one he wrote on as he hands the notepad back to you - pen still in his possession. With other matters to attend to, asking for it back was the last thing on your mind as you then turn to properly greet the other driver. Brie turns on his heels and makes his way down your driveway, checking over his shoulder as he drops the pen off the sidewalk - watching it roll by the rear bumper of the car.
"Whoops- Looks l dropped my pen."
Brie crotches down to grab the pen, eyes scanning the dented license plate as his fingers graze the pen. He picks it up, jotting down the license plate on the scrap of paper as he stands and walks off in the direction of his car.
One light broken is bad enough. He wonders how that other driver's boss would feel with all four smashed.
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britishassistant · 11 months
Bc I love badass yuu moments
I can only imagine if Villain!yuu got one of those.
Like, some other supervillain is trying to take their Territory and it would be a job to the league to take care off, but Crowley put them in charge just to prove something but THEN
This new villain kidnaps one of the first years or yuuken and Yuu goes full on super-badass-villain mode, noone tortures theirs, maybe, sorta, kinda, only friends!
Without any super powers Yuu banes the other villain like the goddam badass they can be and the boys are just .... "that was hot" "oh God I wish that was me"
Anonymous said: When things do go Villain!Yuu’s way, it helps cement that despite their pitfalls they ARE still Crowley’s chosen heir. A new gang try’s to edge into Yuu’s territory and start causing more devastating damage to the city? The next day news reports that old warehouse that the group was using blown to Timbuktu and all the gang members are now being treated for injuries that would have killed them outright if whatever caused the damage wasn’t so scarily precise. Those state officials that were swindling the water treatment plant? They can never work a job ever again with the shear amount of evidence of other crimes they’ve committed being leaked through their own social media accounts.
Thank you for the asks, dear anons!
“Well, aren’t you a sorry lot?”
Jack snarls, twisting in the ropes tying them all to the central pillar in the car park in such a way that the material digs in even harder into Ace’s stomach.
“Agh, quit, you ass-!” He’s barely able to gasp out alongside Deuce’s groan and Epel’s muttering of “Tight, tight, too tight!”
Ortho doesn’t say anything. Hasn’t since one of the guys who took them hit him with some kind of tazer-stick-thing.
The villain just chuckles, strolling around so he’s got a good view of Jack. “Really, when I heard the Supervisor was the Night Raven’s heir, I expected some panache, some machismo from the trusted minions they left guarding their lair. Not…this.”
Epel lets out a wordless growl of rage.
Ace is very aware of the pizza sauce stain on his pants, the beer he spilled on his shirt giving off a wheaty smell.
But he’s never been very good at keeping his mouth shut.
“And I expected that the biggest guy here would actually get his hands dirty rather than hide behind a buncha meatheads,” He calls out. “But I guess we’re all getting disappointed today, huh?”
There’s a pause, and then the sharp click of dress shoes against the concrete.
“I don’t know if the minger here really has the room to criticize, does he boys?” The supervillain makes a show of looking around the hired muscle pretending to lounge about the room, waiting for their mandatory laughter and agreement. “Especially not after the gaffe he pulled.”
Ace glares as this asshole gives him a truly unpleasant smile.
“A-Ace?” Epel says, peering at the side of his face.
“Oh? You mean they don’t know?” The villain mock-gasps. “Well, listen up kiddos, because this is how your little buddy well and truly fucked you over.”
“You bastard—!” Deuce growls, riled up already.
“There he was, ready and poised to hit some button to seal us in or shoot us or unleash whatever toys the Supervisor has tidied away.” The villain boasts dramatically, “But, in the hour of your deepest need, what does our friend here do? Does he act to protect the lair, his comrades?”
Sebek is turning red in a way usually reserved for those who insult his “Malleus-sama”, glaring furiously between Ace and this guy.
“No! Instead, our ginger minger abandons his duty so he can shove some whiny tot into an air vent!” There’s a raucous chorus of laughter and jeering that sets Ace’s teeth on edge. “And then he let himself go down trying to keep you boys from grabbing her! I’d be moved to tears, if it wasn’t so hilarious!!”
He feels his jaw grind so hard it hurts.
“What sort of moron sacrifices himself so a brat could get away?” The villain looms over Ace. “Some friendly advice, newbie. The infant and her sippy cup aren’t going to save you.”
The gob of saliva that hits him in the eye stings.
“Better that than going around with a face like some kinda freakish overgrown rat.” He snarks, the smirk on his face almost a snarl. “Seriously, have you ever even looked in a mirror? Or wait, my bad, is this what you look like when you’re actually trying to look normal?”
The laughter cuts off.
It’s fast enough that Ace feels the ropes shift as the others look around.
Blinking to try and clear his vision, Ace glances up.
The villain’s face has gone a deep puce, blood veins bulging in his forehead, eyes, and neck, a fearsome grimace turning his expression truly bestial.
“Tazer!” He snarls.
“But boss—!”
“Tazer!!” The villain roars, spittle frothing at his lips.
Some muscle-bound chump scurries up with his tail between his legs, offering that black stick that took Ortho out so easily.
It whines as the villain jams it on, sparks crackling off the end.
“A rat, am I?” The villain mutters, advancing on Ace as he presses himself back against the pillar. “A rat?! You dare…I’ll show you. I’ll show you what a rat looks like, you miserable, squirming vermin!!”
Ace can’t help yelping as he sees the baton come down, eyes squeezed shut—!
There’s a shout and a…caw?
Ace cracks one eye open.
The villain is clutching his baton hand, dripping blood from deep gouges into the meat of his fingers.
Staring after a huge, familiar black bird that’s flying off with the baton in its talons.
“Di-Diavolo!” He hears Deuce call out.
He watches as Diavolo soars up into the rafters, and merges into the darkness above them. Darkness, he realizes with a start, that has somehow grown teeming with thousands of beady eyes and rustling feathers.
Black birds.
Hundreds upon hundreds of them, staring down at them from the walls and rafters with an intent that sends chills down Ace’s spine.
“Wh-what the hell?!” Yells one of the thugs.
“You know, Ace,” Comes a voice that could be called nonchalant if it wasn’t for the slight tremor in its words. “You can be really cool when you let yourself be.”
Ace can’t help the grin that curves across his face even as he want to break down. “Like you’re one to talk!! What the hell took ya so long?!”
Yuu gives a tiny smile, and huffs a small, wry laugh.
Then the expression drops from their face, and the Supervisor glares imperiously down at their enemies.
“And you.” The click of their high heels is as sharp as their tone. “You’ve got some nerve, attacking my lair, hurting my minions.”
The villain scoffs, attempting to slick his hair back as he turns to face them. “The Supervisor, I presume? I’m—”
“I don’t care.” The Supervisor cuts in. “You’ll be nobody once I hand you over to that detective waiting outside. Nice guy, even bothered by a small timer like you.”
“Small timer?!” The villain growls, sweat beading his brow. “How dare you?!”
Grim lets out a low, growling cackle from where he’s lounging across Yuu’s shoulders, looking menacing for once in his life. “Yeah, rat-face! A rodent like you better bow down before the great Grim-sama!”
The villain bulges in anger, tremors wracking his frame.
The thugs advance on Yuu, brandishing pipes and knuckle dusters.
“Alright, guys.” The Supervisor rolls their neck as Grim rises to pounce. “Lab rules. This’ll get loud.”
At those words, Ace’s eyes automatically shut again and he turns to press his face into Sebek’s shoulder, as he feels Epel press against his.
There’s a cacophony of caws and the rattle of their dropped cargo. The blinding blasts of light and BOOMS of the charges detonating flash against his eyelids, feeling the foundations tremble under him.
He opens his eyes to see the goons on the floor, groaning in pain.
The villain is the last left standing, heaving in outrage before charging at the Supervisor with a reckless, infuriated scream.
Grim rears up and unleashes a torrent of fire in the bastard’s face.
As he stumbles away, scrabbling at the flames on his hair and clothes, the birds descend upon him in a flurry of sharp beaks and talons.
With a yell he swats out, attempting to drive off the flock. And some of them do retreat, descending on the thugs that were trying to get up.
Creating an opening for the Supervisor to drive the baton into the villain’s throat with ruthless efficiency.
There’s the whine of electricity and a high-pitched scream.
Ace watches as the bastard topples to the ground.
The breath rushes out of him.
“Human!” Sebek shouts, blowing out Ace’s eardrums. “Quit resting on your laurels! The robot needs medical attention, urgently!”
“R-right!” Yuu straightens, rushing over with a pair of bolt cutters, babbling as they saw at the ropes. “I-Idia’s waiting back at the lair to fix him up, we’ll go out the back so we can avoid the detective, and the heroes. Diavolo and company will make sure these jerks aren’t going anywhere we don’t want them, and meet us back at the lair later. I don’t think they can arrest birds, so it should be fine?”
“Right. Let’s move.” Jack still has the burr of a growl in his voice as he shakes off the ropes, turning to Ortho besides him and scooping him up gently.
Epel is scavenging a pipe while Deuce is already up scouting out their escape route. Sebek begins bickering with Grim over whether he has to call him “Grim-sama” now or ever, taking a protective position at the rear.
Yuu falls back alongside Ace, offering a shoulder for him to lean on.
“Elena’s alright.” They mutter to him quietly. “She was in a bit of a state when she found me, but she’s home safe and sound. I promised we’d call in the car so she could hear you’re all okay.”
Ace can’t help the small grin that quirks his lips. “A~ah. At least that turned out okay. It’d be a real pain if she got herself kidnapped after all the shit I went through.”
Yuu smiles, broad and real. “Mr. Martin and Mr. Jon are very grateful to you, you know. I think they’re going to give you a present. A homemade sweater perhaps.”
“Geh!” He scowls at them. “What, is that some kinda punishment?! If they wanna reward me, I’ll take cash. Or food. Either or, I’m not picky.”
“The hell you sayin’, yer bein’ picky right now.” Epel interjects ahead of them.
Ace blows a raspberry. Jack lets out a chuckle and Yuu giggles next to him. Ortho somehow looks more like he’s sleeping than he did before. Sebek and Grim’s argument is reaching new levels of volume. Deuce is holding the door open to where the escape vehicle is parked outside on a double yellow line.
Ace lets himself be hustled into the car, and enjoys the moment of comfort and safety.
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ericshoney · 11 months
Secret obsession~ Ji Changmin
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Warnings: swearing, yandere!changmin, dark!changmin, obsession, control, killing, blood.
You had just arrived at your brother's apartment in tears. Your now ex boyfriend had cheated on you multiple times and as you went over to surprise him, he was in bed. Not with one girl, but two! The first thing your brain told you to do, was head to your older brother Chanhee's apartment. You couldn't care if he was busy, you needed your brother.
Knocking on the door and ringing the bell, you tried to stop the tears, but it was too much. As you went to knock again, the door swung open quickly. You froze seeing Ji Changmin, your brother's roommate and best friend, shirtless and a tired expression on his face.
"S-Sorry...is Chanhee home?" You asked softly.
"He's at work. Got the late shift." Changmin answered, while rubbing his eyes.
"Oh...I-I'll leave then." You responded.
As you was about to leave, Changmin grabbed your wrist, holding it tightly. You looked back at him, his dark brown eyes staring into yours.
"I'm awake and free to talk if you want." He offered.
"I don't want to overstep..." You mumbled.
"Your not. Come on." He said, or more like demanded, as he pulled you inside the warm apartment.
You sat on the sofa next to the older boy. His gaze on you the whole time. Quiet as he sat there,
"Take your time." He said.
You took a few minutes before spilling into the whole story of your now ex cheating on you. Your teary eyes, curled up fists and hurt expression really got to Changmin as you poured your heart out. Changmin always had a soft spot for you, sometimes even dreaming of you, and not the cleanest of dreams either. But now that you was hurt and heartbroken, he had to do something about it. 
"I'm sorry that happened pretty girl. Please don't cry anymore." He said sweetly, wiping your tears away.
You felt your heart beating, being this close to your brother's friend. You always thought Changmin was hot, but never really thought about him any other way, since you was dating.
"How about I head out and grab us a pizza. You love pizza and the place is close by." He offered.
"A-Are you sure?" You stuttered.
Changmin smiled and placed his hand on your cheek, rubbing the remaining tears away and nodding.
"Of course, anything for the prettiest Choi." He answered.
You blushed at the sweet male. He kissed your head, letting you relax. But if you knew his real intentions, his real plan, you would run far away.
Changmin left the apartment, heading over to your ex's apartment. He knew where he lived since he picked you up once after a drunk night. Changmin ran up to his apartment door, kicking it it. He saw your ex sat on the sofa in the living room. A beer in his hand.
"What the fuck!" He shouted, jumping from his seat.
Changmin chuckled and pulled out a knife, one he managed to sneak past you, before walking up to your ex. 
"You hurt my favourite girl. So I'm going to return the favour." Changmin said darkly. A wicked smirk on his face.
Your ex didn't stand a chance. He tried to run, but Changmin was quicker. He pined him down, slashing his body in many places. Changmin was clever, more clever than anyone realised. The man had just committed murder, but he would make it look self inflicted.
Changmin left the hurt man, letting him bleed out, the knife buried in his chest, and headed down to the pizza place. He was served quickly before coming back to the apartment. He entered to see you curled up in the same place.
"Hi pretty one, I got pizza." He said softly. His tone and whole body changed to a much softer version.
You smiled at him as he came and sat next to you. Both of you quietly eating. You then noticed a red splatter on his t-shirt.
"What's that?" You asked, pointing to the stain.
"Oh, just a bit of sauce." He lied with ease. You nodded, believing the man.
After eating you started feeling sleepy. You went to lay down, when Changmin pulled you onto his lap. He kissed your cheek sweetly.
"Sleep here, I'm here to keep you safe." He whispered softly.
You nodded again, just being too tired to fight. You laid your head on his shoulder, his strong hands holding you on his lap. 
"I'll keep you safe forever princess. I promise nobody will hurt you again. If they do, I'll kill them." He said, kissing your forehead.
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potatoetree · 6 months
Incorrect quote generator - The Seven + Nico & Will addition!?
Jason Grace
Leo Valdez
Piper McLean
Percy Jackson
Annabeth Chase
Hazel Levesque
Frank Zhang
Nico di Angelo
Will Solace
Nico: When I first met you, I thought you were weird and annoying.
Leo: And?
Nico: And you are.
Percy: Are you a cuddler?
Nico: I'm a machine of death and destruction.
Nico: ...Yeah, I'm a cuddler.
Piper: What are the hardest things to say?
Jason: I was wrong.
Leo: I need help.
Percy: Worcestershire sauce.
Leo: Why cant trees give off something important like wifi??
Jason: So fuck oxygen, I guess.
Leo: Why are your tongues purple?
Percy: We had slushies. I had a blue one.
Jason: I had a red one.
Leo: oh.
Leo: OH.
Hazel: You drank each others slushies?
Hazel: Piper you can’t move in with Jason.
Piper: Why not?
Hazel: Well, um, how are you going to feel when they see you without any makeup?
Piper: I’m not wearing makeup right now.
Hazel: Holy crap, you’re beautiful.
Jason: Okay, but if your not gay then why are you always holding my hand and kissing me and telling me I’m your boyfriend?
Percy: Dude- Its satire!
Jason: Nico, I know you love Percy. I mean, we all do, they’re a very nice person and I respect them immensely.
Jason: But I think they might be a fucking idiot.
Frank: I spy with my little eye something that begins with the letter “s”.
Leo: *looks over at Nico and Will* Leo: Is it “sexual tension”?
Piper: Why is Jason crying on the floor?
Frank: They took one of those 'what person are you?' quizzes.
Piper: And?
Frank: They got Percy.
Will: *cocks gun* Go to Bed. This is no longer a request, This is now a Threat.
Percy: There’s no “I” in team, but there is one in pizza.
Jason: So, you’re not going to share?
Percy: I’m not going to share.
Annabeth: Just took a personality test and got an A+.
Nico: I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally.
Annabeth: Nico is at that very special age where a kid only has one thing on their mind.
Leo: Boys?
Nico: Homicide.
Annabeth: Stop setting things on fire because you're curious about what will happen. What will happen is fire.
Leo: But what if something else happens just this one time.
*Frank comes home absolutely drunk, undresses, and stands in Hazel’s bedroom.*
Hazel: Babe, are you.. coming to bed?
Frank: No thank you, I’m sure you’re lovely but I have a girlfriend.
Frank: *Lies on the ground and falls asleep*
Hazel: ...
Percy: Can I have 2 straws with that milkshake?
Annabeth: Aww-
Percy: With 2 straws, I can drink it double as fast!
Leo: Jason and I are so close we even share a toothbrush.
Jason: We what?
Nico: My stomach growled super loud in French.
Nico: I would like to clarify, my stomach did not speak in French. It growled during French class.
Leo: Bonjour.
Will: Le growl.
Piper: Hon hon hon, feed me a baguette.
Piper: I am convinced Leo and Percy share a brain cell.
Frank: And it's not in use very often, it seems.
Percy: I’m 80% awesome 20% water and 100% handsome.
Nico: That’s 200%.
Percy: I’m twice the man you’ll ever be.
Percy: I'm going to get myself some soup.
Annabeth: Be careful not to burn yourself, it's hot.
Percy: Pfft, I won't burn myself.
*30 seconds later*
Percy, entering the room: I burned myself.
Will: What do you three have to say for yourself?
Percy: Oops?
Nico: Honestly, I am so evil. So full of darkness. I feed of the souls of the living I strike fear into-
Will: You sleep with a teddybear.
Leo: What is wrong with you?
Nico: Loaded question. Elaborate.
Percy: Look at me straight in the eyes and tell me the truth, Nico!
Nico: You can’t expect me to look into your eyes and be straight.
*Everyone is playing a board game together*
Will: I will put 'A' down to make 'A'.
Frank: I will add onto your 'A' to make 'AT'.
Hazel: I will add onto your 'AT' to make 'RAT'.
Annabeth: I will add onto your 'RAT' to make 'BIOSTRATAGRAPHIC'.
Percy: *flips the board*
Percy & Jason: Surprise! We're having a baby!
Nico: What?!
Percy & Jason: *pull out adoption papers* It's you!
Will: You're ignoring all your problems.
Leo: I know.
Will: You also know it's an unhealthy coping mechanism?
Leo: I'm ignoring that fact as well.
The Squad: *walking at the mall*
Jason: Hey, have any of you guys seen Nico? They’ve been gone for a while..
Hazel: Eh, nope.
Percy: No, I haven’t...
Piper: Probably ran off to McDonald’s or something.
Nico: Hey.
Jason: Ooh, there you are-
Hazel: What the fu-
Piper: I- where were you?!
Nico: Walking right behind you guys.
Piper, handing out popsicles: Which flavor do you want?
Percy: Blue flavor!
Piper: Uh, you mean Blue Raspberry?
Percy: Blue flavor! Blue flavor!
Piper: Blue is not a flavor!
Will, jumping out of Nico's closet: BOO!
Will: *makes a sad face*
Nico: Ahh! Oh my god! You scared me!
Leo: Dom or sub?
Hazel: I guess Domino's, since I don't go to Subway that much. Don't see why you'd put them in the same category though.
Annabeth: You use humor to deflect your trauma.
Leo: Awww, thanks-
Annabeth: That’s not a good thing.
Leo: All I’m hearing is that you think I’m funny.
Frank: Oh shoot!
Frank: Excuse my vulgarity.
Hazel: I’ll let it slide.
Leo: So my therapist was talking to me and she said that I really just need to break down my walls and let people in.
Leo: So I’ve decided to break the fourth wall.
Leo: *looks at camera* Hi there. I use humor as a coping mechanism.
Will: What do you three have to say for yourself?
Percy: Oops?
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jungle-angel · 1 year
farmer’s market prompt, my beloved!! lmao could we possibly get 2, 18 and 19 with the floyd bunch, please? 🧡
Ooooooooh my God yes!!! My mouth is watering at the thought honey!!! (lol).
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The smells of apples, cinnamon and pumpkin made your mouth water as you, Bob and the rest of the Daggers all worked at the stall, selling whatever had grown on the Floyd land along with a ton of baked goods that Bob's mother and grandmother had made. You hadn't eaten anything all day and still had a baby and two older children to feed which would most likely be sooner than later based on the way four month old Deidre, stirred in her little wicker sleeping basket under the counter.
"Baby?" Bob asked when he noticed you rubbing your temple. "You ok?"
"I need something to eat really badly or I'm gonna pass out," you told him.
Bob held up a finger, signaling for you to wait while he ran to the next stall over where Mr. and Mrs. Alessi were busy selling hot lunches, big pots of pasta smothered in marinara sauce, bowls of steaming hot wedding soup, grilled fish and meatballs that were as big as a fist.
"Hey Vinny," Bob greeted.
"Bobby! Bobby my boy!" the husky New Jersey man greeted cheerfully, kissing Bob's cheek. "Mio figlio, how are you?"
"Couldn't be better," Bob chuckled. "I came to see what was on the menu for today, we're starving over at our end."
"Ah you're in luck kiddo," Vinny told him. "Remember when you were a kid and you'd stop by the restaurant after school?"
How could he forget? Vinny Alessi had taught Bob everything he knew about the kitchen, second only to his own grandparents.
"I put it on the menu especially for you and (y/n)," Vinny told him, handing Bob two small boxes. "Made the Pizza Napoletana fresh this morning."
"Oh Vinny you're a lifesaver, I owe you," Bob told him.
"You don't owe me nothin," Vinny insisted with a wave of his hand. "Although, now that I think about it, I'll take some of your gram's and your ma's fresh apple donuts when you get a chance."
"Will do Vinny," Bob answered. "How many?"
"Baker's dozen if you can swing it," Vinny answered. "We've got the grandkids for the day and they haven't eaten either."
"I'll take two dollars off," Bob said. "That ok by you?"
"Perfect!" Vinny declared proudly. "You get on back over there. You're wifey's probably lookin for her lunch."
Bob bid Mr. Alessi farewell and returned with the lunches, the pizza fresh and steaming out of the little oven. While you ate yours, Bob packed up a little brown box full of apple cider donuts for Vinny, taking two dollars off the order as payment for lunch.
"You doin better baby?" Bob asked.
"Now that I've eaten I am," you answered.
The whimpers that came from your waking daughter signaled that it was lunchtime for her as well. "You mind taking over so I can go to the truck and feed her really quick?"
"Don't mind at all baby."
You gave him a quick kiss and thanking Bob before gathering your daughter and heading off to the truck to feed her. By the time you came back, Bob had a little plate of apple cider donuts and a mug full of hot, fresh cider waiting for you.
"Oh baby thank you so much," you said, placing your daughter back in her little basket.
"No worries my sweet," Bob said, kissing your lips.
You and Bob went about your day, selling the goods and bartering for others in return. You couldn't have imagined a better day than this and getting to spend it with the ones you loved the most.
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Marburg, Stephbit, and Fembit interaction pls??? I love women,,
Girls Night 2 - Triple Baka, aka None Pizza with Left Beef
Features: Stephbit, Marburg, Fembit Warnings: Blood, period jokes
“Hi, I’d like to place an order for delivery?”
Stephbit was already snickering, shushing Fembit and Marburg as she tried to make an order on the phone. It’s impossible, since what they’re doing is so stupid they can’t help but crack up.
“Yeah, same address as last time, I’d like to get a large pizza- Yeah- No toppings-” “Except beef!” “Shut it Marburg- Yeah, uh no cheese either. Yes I’m sure. No sauce, I want zero toppings on this… Except beef. Yes I understand what I’m ordering, just put the beef on the left side.”
Fembit wheezed, struggling to keep Marburg’s mouth covered so she wouldn’t start cackling.
“Yup, yup, I also want as many orders of garlic bread as you can sell me. All of them actually- Just gimmie everything you’ve got in stock.” Stephbit held back a giggle, twirling the phone cord around her finger. “I know what I’m ordering, it’s not a prank, I swear.”
“Tell them to send their delivery boy in a maid outfit!” “They’re not- They’re not gonna do that.” “Ask anyway!” Fembit chimed in with a huge grin, barely restraining Marburg to keep her from laughing. “Yeah, uh, for special delivery instructions, any chance you could send the delivery boy in a maid outfit? We’ll tip really high for that.” Stephbit snickered a bit, shaking her head. “I don’t think they’re gonna do it.” “Awww.” “But there’s always a chance.”
Marburg finally managed to slip free, letting out a loud, howling laugh that Stephbit was positive the poor guy on the other end of the phone heard, no matter how much she tried to shield the phone from her cackles. “Fembit, silence the wench!”
“I’m trying, but she’s all slippery!” “Oh gross, she’s gonna get blood on the carpet.” Stephbit snickered, shaking her head. It’s not like any of them really care about blood in the carpet, it’s more about the principle of it. You don’t just bleed all over the place when someone invites you over, that’s rude.
“Pizza will be here in ten, we gotta clean this shit up.” Stephbit chuckled as she hung up the phone, looking over at Marburg. “You really gotta get that hemorrhaging under control, maybe dial it back to once a month like the rest of us?” “I don’t ask you to hold it in when you’re on your period.” She snarked right back, much to Fembit’s amusement. “Oooh, the girls are fightiiiiiing~!” “Not helping.”
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eldritchsurveys · 6 months
If you had $10,000 dollars right now what would you do with it? >> Pay 3 months of rent and then just keep the remaining for whatever I want or need until it runs out. When was the last time you consumed alcohol? >> I don't remember. A couple of weeks ago?
Have you ever broken a bone? >> I have not.
What type of perfume do you use the most? >> I have some roll-ons from Demeter that I use day-to-day, and I also have my Thierry Mugler Alien dupe.
What book are you reading, currently? >> I am an Executioner: Love Stories by Rajesh Parameswaran. I like it a lot but the first two stories definitely ripped my heart out.
Are you interested in creative writing of any sort? >> Sure.
Would you introduce the last person you kissed to your parents? .
Can a boy and girl be friends without having feeling for one another? .
Can you ever see yourself and your ex back together? . Are any of your friends virgins? .
Who did you last go out to eat with? >> Sparrow.
Is your ex a complete loser? >> I'm far out of the phase of disparaging people I used to be entangled with. What does the shirt you’re wearing look like? Where did you get it from? >> I'm just wearing an undershirt.
Who is the funniest person you know? .
Do you say sorry first? .
What do you look like right now? >> What do you mean, what do I look like? A person?
Who’s bed were you on last? >> Mine. Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night? .
Do you like to cuddle? >> I love to cuddle in realmspace. Don't know if I'd like cuddling in meatspace -- first I'd have to find someone out here that I'd actually want to be that close to. That's hard enough.
Is sex on your mind more than 3 times a day? >> Oh, absolutely.
What were you doing an hour ago? >> I was pacing around my room to get some movement in whilst watching TikToks.
Do you like it up against the wall? >> Fucking? Are we talking about fucking? It's a great concept but in meatspace it can get a little uncomfortable, painful even, depending on exactly what kind of contact is happening.
Do you prefer girlfriend / boyfriend or friends with benefits? >> These particular dividing lines don't make any sense to me, so I can't say.
Are you smiling? >> I am not. But my face hurts because I was just smiling very goofily at a video of Matthew McConaughey making noises for three minutes straight that a tumblr mutual tagged me in. Why is he the way that he is 🖤
When did you last eat pizza? >> A couple of weeks ago? At least. Honestly, are things going the way you planned? >> What things? Not that it matters, I don't really plan in the first place.
Is the last person of the opposite sex you texted single? . Who did you spend your summer with last year? .
Did you wear what you are wearing today for a specific reason? >> The specific reason of it being comfortable, yeah. I chose these pants because I just got them yesterday at the thrift shop and I wanted to see how they fit. Which is perfectly, thank the gods. They're very soft, too, and they have pockets. Best five dollars I could have spent. What was the last thing you ate? >> Birds Eye brand veggie rotini (as in, the rotini is made from veggies) with marinara sauce. Put sundried tomatoes and bacon bits and crunchy onions in it too.
Are you taking this survey in a place other than your home? >> I am not.
Did you get ice cream from the ice cream truck when you were little? Do they still have an ice cream truck where you live? >> I wasn't allowed to, no. Ice cream trucks do exist where I currently live. One of them neighs, for some reason, and I'll always remember the time when I was in the middle of some ~play~ and that fucking neigh went off right outside my window. Definitely a mood shift...
What has been the most traumatic experience of your life? Does it still bother you? >> There's no way I can pick one event as Thee Most Traumatic. The "complex" in CPTSD is there for a reson.
What would happen if you had a baby with the last person you kissed? >> Of all the things we get up to in realmspace, having babies is not going to be one of them.
Don’t you hate it when your cell phone dies in the middle of a convo? . If you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today? .
Would you run down the street naked if it meant earning $15,000? >> Sure, as long as I'm granted immunity from the law. Having to blow that 15k on bail or lawyers or court fees would suck.
Where was the last place you got completely wasted? >> Either J. Gardella's Tavern (RIP) or my house. Have you ever changed the prices of items at a store? >> I haven't.
Would your parents disown you if you got pregnant? .
When was the last time you drank alcohol? What was it? >> This is probably one of those surveys that is actually 3 surveys shoved together into one. As stated, I don't remember exactly when, but I know it was a Pearsecco.
Do you like where you live? >> I don't much care for it.
Are you going to any concerts or festivals this summer? >> I don't know anything about this summer yet, it's only March.
Have you had sex with someone you weren’t married to? Someone you weren’t even dating? >> I have only had sex with people I wasn't married to. I have also had sex with plenty of people I wasn't dating. Are you under the age of 18? >> I am not.
Do you have a job? >> I do not.
Are you going to school still? Do you plan on going to college? >> I do not plan on going to college.
Are you overweight? >> I assume not.
Would you get married at 18? >> Well, I didn't.
Have you ever been so wasted, you couldn’t walk? >> I have not, strangely enough. I've been so high on dissociatives that I could barely walk, but I could walk. I just looked like a really fucked up robot.
What is the last thing that you got really excited over? . Any baby names you think you might name your future kids? .
When was the last time you had sex? >> In realmspace, a couple of days ago. In meatspace, uhh... 2017? The last time I had the kind of sex that actually involved like, taking clothes off and putting things in places was 2015.
Who did you last hang out with other then family? . Do you remember the last boy you texted? What was it about? .
If you could go back in time and change things, would you? .
Has anyone had their hand in your pants today? >> No.
Do you like your dad? How about your mom? .
Have you had a good day today or was yesterday better? >> Both today and yesterday were just regular old days. I mean, yesterday I did go to the thrift store, which was different, but otherwise it was just... a day.
Do you have anything that belongs to your boyfriend/girlfriend? .
Think back to your most important relationship, was it all your fault it’s over? .
Was your last kiss drunk or sober? >> Well, it certainly wasn't drunk.
What’s your favorite color? >> Yellow/gold. Do you drink? >> Infrequently.
Do you smoke? >> Not tobacco.
Ever had a black eye? >> I have not. I don't think.
When was the last time you slept in bed with a member of the opposite sex? Who was it? . Did your most recent kiss take place in/on a bed? .
Has anyone seen you naked in the last 6 months? >> Yeah, because I live with someone and I don't care about being unclothed around them. How would you describe your current relationship status? >> Well. My legal relationship status is married. I don't have much use for the concept of a "relationship status" otherwise.
Have you ever shared food/drink off the same plate/glass as someone you like? >> I mean, I've done that with several people, not because I was romantically interested in them but just because I'm cool with sharing food with people.
Have you ever had a valentine? .
Have your lips ever gone numb from kissing? >> This has not happened to me.
Last person to cuddle with? >> Can Calah, as usual.
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Drabble/mini fic
Media; Game + OCs(@nightfallgame)
Pairing; Asahi + Christian + Valentine
Tags: None
Warnings: None
Notes: None
Asahi sets the plastic basket-trays down on the table. "I'm glad you could come with us, Christian," Valentine says, gently grabbing a red tray and sliding it closer to themself. "I'm glad I can be here! I've never been to a fair before!" The shorter boy beams, still looking around excitably. Valentine opens their mouth, then abruptly freezes when their eyes catch sight of just how much food Asahi got. "Dear lord, Asahi, we're not going to eat all of this!"
"You won't, I will," He smiles as he speaks, then he catches Christian out of the corner of his eye. He throws his arm around him and pulls him closer, "We'll eat all of it, won't we Chris?"
Before he can answer, Asahi offers him a paper bag with a bunch of churros in it, "You ever had a churro, Chris?" He shakes his head as he gently plucks one from the bag. Val shakes their head and sighs, then pushes the little chocolate sauce cup up to him, "Dip it in the chocolate, it's perfect."
"Val, have you seen deep fried cheesecake here before?"
"No, has to be new this year. Is that what that is?" They point to a clearly deep fried thing covered with powdered sugar and chocolate sauce. "Yeah, looks like a mess don't it?" He laughs as he stabs his fork into it. "Christian, when you're done with the churro you should try a fried pickle, it's great," Val pushes their little basket over to him. "No, don't, they're fuckin' gross."
"Asahi, they are not. You just don't like pickles."
"Yeah, 'cause they're fuckin' disgusting."
"The food here is very messy," Christian remarks, plucking up a napkin to wipe his fingers with. Asahi laughs heartily, "Yeah, they're supposed to be! Where's the fun in eatin' 'fine dining' when you're walking around in the swelterin' heat and playin' carnival games?"
"How was your churro, love?" Val asks with a little chuckle. "Oh, it was very good! Could I have another?" He asks bashfully. "Man, you don't even have to ask! Here," Asahi sets the whole bag in front of him with a big smile.
"Before we leave we should get some shaved ice. I saw a stall for it at the front."
"Darling, I think you're the only one who'll even have room for it."
Asahi scoots closer to the short boy next to him, tearing off a piece of a pizza pretzel. "Chris, close your eyes," he says. The ravenette looks up at him curiously, then follows the instruction. "Open your mouth," Asahi takes his chin between his fingers as he does so and drops the pretzel piece into his mouth. "Try that," he laughs a little. Christian chews carefully before opening his eyes, "What was that?"
"This, pizza pretzel. They don't always sell 'em so it's a treat when they do! Here," he slides the tray over to him and goes back to his cheesecake. "Try some waffle fries, too," Val takes the basket from in front of their partner. "Loaded waffle fries," Asahi says with a playful smirk.
"Loaded waffle fries, yes," Val mutters something like 'little brat' under their breath before shaking their head again.
Christian giggles at the banter and takes a fry from the container. "He's going to be so spoiled from today," Val jokes. "He's already spoiled, babe, we're just makin' it worse," the other man says with a laugh. He then stretches and looks around, spotting a strength tester close to the Ferris wheel. "You think I can get a prize for doin' the strength test?" Asahi asks. "If you win," Val answers, following his line of sight. Christian looks over, too, then spots a bunch of stuffed animals on a stall close to it. "You got any requests, Chris?"
"Stuffed animals! Is there one you want?"
"Asahi, I doubt he can see any clearly from here," Val interrupts. "It's okay! You don't need to get me one!" He tries to reason with Asahi, but he's already up and walking across the grass. Val sighs, "So stubborn."
They look to Christian, "sorry about him, love. Are you having fun?"
He snaps back to them and nods, "Of course I'm having fun! Even if I don't ride one of the rides, spending time with you guys is always great!!" He smiles at them. Val looks surprised by his words, then smiles as well, "Oh lovey, you're so sweet I think I'll get a cavity." They turn their attention back to Asahi across the way; he's picking up the sledgehammer. He hefts it up briefly, once, twice, before raising it above his head and slamming it down. The bell on the top rings loudly as it's hit. Val and Christian clap gently and they watch Asahi point out a medium sized dog plush.
Soon he's marching over, presenting the plush to Christian proudly. "I love playin' that one, I win every time," He says, sitting back down. Asahi watches as Christian looks at the plush then asks, "Do you like it?"
"I love it! I'll treasure him forever!" He says, hugging him close. Asahi leans close to him and wordlessly offers a kiss. Christian presses a careful kiss to his lips and Asahi smiles as he pulls away. He goes back to whatever he temporarily abandoned. "What would you two like to do next?" Val asks.
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blackbird-brewster · 2 years
came to ur acc bc christmas day has been horrible and depression has been off the charts. saw this right when i needed it!!! can u bless the world with some of ur jemily hc’s? like just about their domestic life together ? ❤️
Hey friend! I'm so sorry today has been rough. Hopefully you can go home and relax later. Just try and take care of yourself until then. I'm giving you a big hug right now! You're amazing and I'm very proud of you. Here is one of my fave headcanons that I don't think has ever been posted on tumblr before!!
Jemily +Food Deliveries
Jemily just hanging out in their underwear binge watching Netflix and eating junk food on their day off. Ordering Chinese so they never have to leave the house. Curled up on the couch yelling at the TV about how unrealistic the cop shows are but secretly loving Rizzoli & Isles and watching episode after episode and screaming "you love each other!" And generally being adorable and getting into tickle fights when one is hogging the blankets
The pizza guys fight over who gets to deliver the pizzas to their condo whenever there's a late night weekend order because they always answer the door in their underwear and maybe a tshirt or an open button down
It had just been an accident the first few times they did it but then they do it on purpose cause they usually get free shit with it. Like bra and boy shorts and oops here's some free breadsticks.
"Jayje, did you ever notice that we never got charged for that forty dollar order last week?"
"Forty dollars for what?"
"From Pisano's? When we had the munchies at eleven when we were marathoning Murdoch Mysteries?"
"Oh, well, duh, Em. You were just wearing a half buttoned shirt with no bra and bikini briefs when you answered the door. I would have spotted you forty bucks too"
Emily makes a game of it to see how many times she can get free food and how little she can get away with answering the door in. Tank top, no bra and some lacey somethings. Free dinner!
And JJ just rolls her eyes like "don't forget soy sauce this time!" And the delivery boy throws in like 20 packets and an entire box of fortune cookies
One time she answers in a towel so tiny it doesn't even wrap around her body, she has to hold it in front of her and the delivery guy from the Thai place is so flustered and Emily is like "well I don't have any hands to take that..." And she looks behind her like "JJ, come take the food!" And JJ comes around the corner in an over large tshirt hanging on one shoulder and it ends at the top of her thighs and her hair is all messy (even though they'd literally just been laying on the couch, they both have that just fucked look) and the delivery guys brain is totally short circuited and he hands them the food and stumbles away even though they were supposed to be paying cash and Emily says "thank you" and the guy kind of mumbles "no, thank YOU; really"
The local eateries try to curb that financial black hole by sending women delivery people and it. Doesn't. Work. Bc even the women are just like 'ummm hai! 😍"
20-35% of all the local food places money is from their own employees paying for the privilege of delivering to the Prentiss-Jareau household
And you can tell when they've actually been fucking because Em is rubbing her wrists where new welts have appeared and she has claw marks down her back when she turns around to get the cash and her hair is ACTUALLY disorderly and she only pays when she's flustered. So the delivery boys actually hope they've been having sex because Em tips really well
One time she tips $100 on a #30 order and the guy tries to give it back to her and she just dreamily closes the door in his face. And they get bonus tips if they say  Ms Prentiss instead of Mrs or Miss or ma'am. And they all have her number memorized so when she calls to place an order they fight for the phone
JJ answers the door half dressed and dangling a pair of handcuffs from one hand. They just get too tied up (literally) and leave the door unlocked with a note that says "leave the food on the table no change needed" and the delivery person is like "umm okay" and comes in and hears JJ screaming for mercy in the bedroom so he drops the food takes the cash and bolts
They send Christmas cards to their favorite eateries for putting up with their antics.
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yoursecondfirstlove · 2 years
🌖Little Muffin🌒 p.3
P.1 P.2 P.4 P.5
Moon boys x f!reader
(Marc Spector x reader, Steven Grant x reader, Jake Lockley x reader)
There truly is nothing like a sleepover to bring people together, or get them at each others throats, something (y/n) quickly learns.
Word count:1396 words
Warnings: FLUFF!! This is damn near the fluffiest shit I’ve ever written, play fighting, description of light injury, slightly suggestive, alcohol consumption, the moon boys being the cutie patooties they are
Steven would like to say inviting (y/n) to stay the next few nights in the flat was a purely tactical decision, I mean, think about all the time they waste going to each other’s places right? They have a plan to settle, how are they gonna do that when they’re stuck running after each other? The logic was sound enough but it wasn’t the reason for the suggestion, all the boys knew it, he wanted to spend more time with her, open up a new sense of closeness that Marc had strictly kept closed for years. He loved the idea for having her for a few days, give her room to be vulnerable. What’s the worst that can happen right?
The other two had very different reactions to the development. Jake threw his head back and thanked every god he knew of that Steven ‘finally grew some balls’ and progressed things with her or at least established room to do so, Marc on the other hand stayed completely silent, not giving any opinion on the matter. However he had caused Steven to “slip” while cutting up fruit earlier, resulting in a shallow but still nasty gash on his index finger. Steven yelped in pain, dropping the knife as if it burned him. He suckled at his wound before turning to the reflection in the toaster, as expected, Marc was there glaring at him. “Cheers for that mate, very mature!”
A know rang through the flat and Steven had all but rushed to leave all he was doing to get the door to reveal (y/n) standing with a large pizza box and a smaller box set on top of it, hung from her arm was a plastic bag filled with different drinks and on her back a backpack filled with clothes and toiletries. “Let’s get this cute little sleepover kickin’ shall we?” She said with a giggle, Steven gave his own laugh back letting her in, she brushed by him to set the boxes on the counter. “I got us pizza, but don’t you worry that pretty little head of yours Steven, I wouldn’t dream of forgetting about you” she spun to face him holding out the smaller box to him. He took it and opened it to reveal spaghetti in a creamy sauce and seasoned with herbs. “This, my adorable little friend, is the best vegan pasta you will ever put in that pretty mouth” (y/n) stated with a proud grin. Steven flushed pink and looked up at her, smiling, “that’s really lovely of you, thank you” (y/n) didn’t respond, just scrunch her face into a sweet, adorable smile. She placed her hand in his cheek briefly, no doubt feeling the searing heat of it, before turning back around to set down the drinks. ‘Oh lookie gettin special treatment as always’ Jake grumbled ‘it’s not special treatment, she’s just making sure he eats and she didn’t want to make US eat vegan pizza’ Marc rationalised prompting another scoff from Jake.
They had worked on exit strategies for about three hours before deciding to reward themselves with a movie. Steven was still in control at this point, his spaghetti devoured and what was left of the pizza still in its box. They were both making slow work of some red wine as they calmly chatted through the film. After a moment of silence (y/n) felt an arm stretch across her “Encantada de verte preciosa” a New York accent breathed into her hair. A smile bloomed on (y/n)’s face “hi Jake” she looked up at him to see a flirtatious, pleased look on his face. “We done with the plans shit for the night?” He asked teaching for his wine glass and downing it before pouring himself another. “Oh yeah don’t you worry, I know you’re ‘not exactly the plans guy’” she said, mocking his accent when she quoted him. He scoffed out a laugh and looked at her with the same divine predatory look as he licked one of his canines, a habit he had that (y/n) already know would always drive her crazy. Jake shuffled to sit even closer to (y/n) “so I gotta ask…” his thumb began rubbing her cheekbone softly “what’s the sleeping arrangement for tonight?” His suggestive tone dripping with tease and the other two promptly started screaming ‘what the fuck man?!!’ ‘What the bloody hell do you think you’re doing mate?!’ “Jacob Lockley!” (Y/n) reeled back in faux dramatic horror “are you propositioning me?” Even though she was faking shock the smile didn’t shake from her face for a second. “Hey I didn’t say nothin’ ‘bout that, it’s your little mind that went there muñeca” a sarcastic laugh burst from (y/n)’s lips at she hit his chest “don’t even you know exactly what you were doing!” Jake let out a rare, hearty laugh “oh I knew what I was doin’ huh?” (Y/n) continued to swat at his chest while giggling “oh it’s like that?” Jake asked “yeah it’s like that” “oh it’s like that is it?” “Fuck yeah it is Lockley” “al-fuckin-right then” Jake continued to laugh as he started the dreaded couch wrestling match of the year, flailing limbs and giggling, man it was just a blood bath. Jake had managed to pin (y/n) to the sofa and the giggling, little by little, died down as they made searing eye contact. “Hi there…” Jake said lowly “we’ll hello” a foxlike grin spread over Jakes face for a moment and then..his eyes rolled back.
His eyes returned to hers and a warm grin spread on his face “would you look at that” Marc’s voice said “the almighty (y/n) (l/n) taken down by little ol’ Jake Lockley huh?” (Y/n) giggled again “shut up you asshole…do you feel like getting off of me anytime soon?” She asked teasingly. Marc smiled but he didn’t laugh, he didn’t get off of her either. The pause was most likely a few seconds but it felt like hours. “No…no not really” he finally said lowly. He leaned down hesitantly, his right hand moved from pinning her wrist to cup her jaw. He had brought his face within an inch of hers and looked in her eyes to check that she was okay with this, she was, she really, really was. With the assurance he took the plunge he should have taken a long time ago and connected their lips. His kiss was passionate but it wasn’t hungry, it was tender. It wasn’t rough but it was confident, sure. His other hand moved as well to wrap around her waist as he lowers his hips to be flush with hers. (Y/n)s hands went to grip one of his biceps and softly hold his hand on her jaw. Once they started kissing they didn’t stop for a few minutes, the kisses never grew harsh of sexually charged, they stayed exactly as they were, loving and intimate. Once their lips parted they were tingling, they made eye contact again and Marc kissed out a chuckled before burying his face in her neck and hair “I’ve wanted to do that for a long time” he grumbled, still sheepishly chuckling. (Y/n) giggled and moved a hand to softly hold the back of his neck “yeah…yeah me too.” Marc sighed as he held himself up to look at her again through heavy eyelids “we’re so dumb” he said prompting a laugh from (y/n) “yeah…yeah we are” she said continuing to chuckle being joined by Marc as he leaned down again for yet another tender kiss.
They did end up sleeping in the same bed that night. No sex, just cuddling. Although (y/n) may have done the classic butt wiggled while spooning to tease him a little. It was damn near domestic. They were both so content. (Y/n) knew that if she was going to do this with Marc, at this rate, the other two came as a package deal. Marc knew this too. They had both come to terms with that. Not only had (y/n) come to terms with it, she was excited to experience it. Three totally different men with the same beautiful face. There was much to explore and a couple more nights before she had to go back to the safe house. It was anyones guess of what would happen, those guesses would certainly have a common theme, but, who knows.
A/n: honestly the love for this series makes me so god damn happy and this fic is actually the most fun I’ve had writing a fic in a WHILE. More to come for sure
Taglist: @-1 @spacetime8032 @emmamikaelson95 @nemtodd-barnes1923 @gadsgikklesen @missdragon-1 @alicetweven @moonknightivy @marc-steven-jake
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wienerbarnes · 3 years
A Certain Romance (2/6)
Tumblr media
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 1,685
Warnings: not rlly anything
A/N: a lil bit of a deeper dive for these two’s relationship👀... enjoy!
Your apartment is nice. Very you.
Sam invited him out to some restaurant, but after the last one he suggested, he decided to pass. And when Sam asked him what he was doing instead, if he was seeing you, Bucky lied and said yes. It made Sam happy and got him out of going to another ridiculous restaurant, so he saw it as a win-win.
Once Sam left, though, his thoughts did drift to what you were doing.
You two exchanged numbers at the pizza place after your date, but you two haven’t texted much. He texted you making sure you got home safe, which you did, and a day or so after, you texted him a picture of some advertisement with an awfully cheesy pick-up line written on it, which even he agreed was awful.
But that’s about it. So, he texts you.
Hey. What are u doing?
About to make dinner. Y?
Told Sam I was seeing u. Wanna hang out?
Come over.
Simple enough, he thinks.
You two haven’t had the most meaningful text conversations, clearly, but it’s still nice. No flirting, no typing and retyping messages in order to hook, line, and sinker, no ghosting. No relationship texting.
It was a dream for him. To have a new friend. He’s made plenty of friends, both in New York and in Wakanda. But it’s all under the same… umbrella. Always an agent, a fighter, an analyst of some sort. Someone to train with, to fight with, to fight for. Never someone like you. Someone that works a mundane job and lives in a mundane part of New York where her weekends are filled with going on mundane blind dates or otherwise cooking dinner for one.
It’s a breath of fresh air to not talk about fighting or missions or press or media or anything else he has to hear about at work. The only connection you have with Sam is that you met in a coffee shop a few years ago that has since closed down. He was one of your first friends here.
You could care less about Captain America, too. Which hurts Sam’s ego, and in turn, makes Bucky smile.
So, he goes over to yours.
He’s not sure what you’re making, but he brings a bottle of red wine as a courtesy. You are making dinner after all. Besides, women love wine, right?
Your apartment is nice. Very you.
Enough going on to show that someone does indeed live here, but also enough to show that you’re not exactly swimming in riches, like most people that live in this city.
The place smells like garlic and basil, and he’s glad that he brought the wine.
Shoes discarded at the door, he helps chop up the rest of the ingredients while you put a pot of water to boil. He chops up mushrooms, onion, pancetta, eyeing the bottle of vodka out on the table and tube of tomato paste next to his hand.
It's an understatement to say he’s excited. Most of the pasta he makes is from a bag of precooked noodles and a jar of tomato sauce.
Basic small talk floats through the air as the two of you dance around one another in the kitchen. Even though you’re “dating”, you don’t know much about each other. This isn’t too uncommon from how dating was for Bucky when he was a teenager; you’d marry women knowing very little about them.
Your favorite color is orange. You played violin in grade school. You had a childhood dog named Chowder. Bucky tells you his favorite color is green. He played a little bit of piano when he was younger, but did boxing in his late teens and early twenties before the war. You poke fun at him when he can’t remember the name of his own childhood dog.
“He’s probably rolling over in dog-heaven.”
“Good boy; he’d deserve a treat.”
You laugh.
Easy conversation continues on the couch as bowl after bowl of pasta is eaten and replenished. As fun and seemingly simple questions are asked, like each of your favorite movies or whether or not you pour the milk before the cereal, the room that’s left is used for deeper questions.
“What’s your most embarrassing moment?” You ask him.
He thinks for a moment before opening his mouth, only to close it again. “One time when Princess Shuri was fixing my arm it wasn’t secure completely, so it flew off while I was playing with some of the children.”
“That’s not your most embarrassing moment. I know it’s not, now you have to tell me what it really is.” You tease him.
He’s never been the best liar.
“You’re right, it’s not my most embarrassing moment. My actual most embarrassing moment is just kind of… sad. And I didn’t want to ruin the mood or anything.” He explains, hoping you’ll accept that but instead you give him an encouraging smile to hopefully give him some comfort that whatever it is he wants to tell you is safe in your apartment.
“Okay, uhm. So, in the 40’s, after I was rescued by Steve, but before we shipped out again where I was recaptured for the second and final time. We were all holed up in this little dance club, all the soldiers and their gals. And in walks Peggy Carter in a pretty red dress,” He begins, only glancing at your eyes periodically as if to make sure you’re still there.
“I know she’s Steve’s gal, he told me all about her. I wasn’t flirting with her because I wanted her, I was flirting with her… to make sure I still could. I mean, after being held in that… place… they injected me with stuff, told me things that weren’t true, I mean Steve told me I was repeating my number over and over again when he found me, I didn’t even remember doing that. I felt… violated, used, not like myself. I felt like I wasn’t me anymore.
“So, when Peggy walked in, I thought about how everyone always called me a ladies man, how good I was with women, I mean, I’d take girls out about every damn weekend, you know? I wanted to feel normal, so I flirted with her, tried to get her to dance with me. And she completely ignored me. She never even took her eyes off of Steve. It’s like I was invisible. And it just sort of felt like the nail in the coffin for whoever James Barnes was before the war. It was a realization that I’m never going to be that person again. And it was embarrassing for me.” He explains.
He hasn’t looked up at you again, but he heard your fork stop moving around your bowl a minute or so ago. He feels a lump in his throat thinking about that time, how he knew he’d never get back the man he was, even before knowing what was in store for him after falling off that train. How he used to be this man that wanted a long, happy marriage, six or seven kids running around a big backyard, a white picket fence surrounding a big two-story house in a neighborhood of identical homes. He wanted the cheesy life, at one point. But the same man that wanted that life died falling off a train many years ago.
All of that’s forgotten, though, when you open your mouth, and seem to say the perfect thing to make him feel better.
“One time in the third grade, this girl pulled my skirt down in front of my crush, and I wasn’t wearing any undies.”
A snort escapes his throat as you, somehow, after he’s shared something so deeply personal, something he never even told Steve or Sam about, still found a way to make him laugh. Which is what he wanted, he realizes. The comfort of moving on from that confession and not having to wallow in it like other people would try to. His hand leaves his fork to cover his face as tears threaten to leak out from how hard he’s laughing.
He took that secret to the grave, even if it wasn’t his own. He told himself he’d never tell Steve about how he felt in that situation, and he never did. He never told Steve that he didn’t enlist, either. He couldn’t imagine how Steve would’ve felt knowing that the army would’ve rather taken men that didn’t want to go to war, men who were terrified to go to war, had too much to lose and wanted to be selfish and stay home, than men like Steve who would do anything to enlist. Including lying on the damn enlistment form.
He wonders if Steve is looking at him now. Watching over him as he shares something that he never did with his best friend, with you, a girl he’s met barely a week ago, on your couch over bowls of pasta while he points out leftover sauce on the corner of your lip.
“What’s your greatest fear?” He asks you next.
“Dying alone. Actually, no. Getting kidnapped, probably.”
“Oh, mine’s spiders.” He shares.
It’s so easy to laugh with you, he finds. He jokes with Sam a lot, all the bickering and teasing all in good fun at the end of the day, and it’s mostly pretty funny. But laughing with you. He feels like a teenager again. Somehow, everything is funny; he doesn’t remember the last time he’s laughed so much, especially about things that aren’t even that funny.
It’s raining at the end of the night. Early morning, rather.
“You can take the couch, if you’d like.”
“Nah, I don't mind a little rain, and I like the ride home.” He fed Alpine before he left, but he imagines his cat misses him, even if she’s probably busy licking herself to even notice he’s left.
“Suit yourself.”
You don’t push him. A simple pleasure that’s more of a luxury for him. There’s no pushing or convincing or Are you sure’s with you.
Certainly a luxury, you are.
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waokevale · 4 years
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Sanders Sides
-The Snow Queen AU-
[In this ver. The Frost King]
I just had to do this one after I reconnected with the book, yet...I made some major changes (big ones) for the roles to be more interesting and fitting, not just random I suppose.
[ If you haven't read the book, and wish to do so...I suppose it does quite matter for you to understand more but do as you wish from that point.........]
This version of the story is happening in the beginning of The 18th Century, and the characters who play the roles of the ones from the story, or have changed/replaced roles with suposedly similiar Input here are:
• Kai - Remus - (The boy who was the victim of the broken mirror’s fiendish shard.)
• Gerda - Roman (The main protagonist, i suppose)
[In the original story Kai and Gerda are not quite related but are as close as siblings can be, in this one although, of course the twins are, well...the twins.]
  • Instead of the Grandmother we have the father of the boys, that no one, literally no one would guess who plays the role of him.......Patton...!
• After that, there is also Logan, who gets the role of being The Frost King, The Cursed Frost King in fact (and by cursed I mean he literally pissed someone off [or broken their heart...] centuries before and they turned him into an ice dude)
• Speaking of curses and magic, Janus is the young Sorcerer instead of the Elder Sorceress from the canon story. And in this verse, let's say that Sorcerers are Immortal beings like vampires, because I felt like it, and let's say he's like... approximately 957 y.o
Janus in this version does not keep Roman for a while, because he is a really bored selfish prick, but because he is desperate and genuinely still sad from the time he lost his own kid (guess who that might be...If you know my obsession with familial anxceit you already know who I’m talking about, yes..) Virgil. 
[And no, Virgil is not dead as you see in the fanart, he is cute, alive and well.]
• Speaking about him, he is intended to replace the role of the robber girl. But in this version he was stolen from his Pa/Ma one Summer night...
He didn't age at all because...Well, I just said it, Janus is immortal and Vee in this one is actually his biological kid, so Virgil himself is like 53 y.o
• Pryce and Valery are the Prince and the Princess in the upper corner of the picture. (They are meant to be siblings here)
In the other corner are Thomas and Talyn playing the roles of these magical Finn and Lapp people. (I honestly have no idea how else to call them)
And the Crow and the Raindeer are Remy and Emile, because why not.
[To put it simply, like in the canon of TSS no one here is evil (well except the douchebags of Virgil's kidnappers, but they are not canon characters)]
Also before all of that, I wanted to have a little summery and explanation of some of the situations and short stories from this au
-Remus at first is quite a dork (heh) but really he is a pretty friendly and goofy kid, sure he is quite strange in general but he does show love and affection towards his family (well until the shard of The Mirror got stuck in his eye)
-Logan used to be a Prince from the 10th Century who supposedly felt no emotions and was like a stone husk, or a living statue as people used to say, which made his father desperate enough to the point, he literally set up a very great award for anyone who would make him.. feel something in that matter (The emotionlessness was more of an odd and quite unrealistic version of depression, as to be portraid) 
-There was one and only one person who succeded in the act and in which fell head over hills for him in the process actually (before the magic mirror of evils broke into pieces, one of the first ones then fell into his own eyes, destroying all the progress and hurting the one who loved him the most, who was the very exact person who freed him from his deep shelled abyss before.) 
[I’m not going to say who that was, you’ll have to figure it out by yourself, if you even bother, that is of course]
-Patton is a single father (wow)
He actually managed to find a way into the Garden of Enternal Summer when he was a kid and... As I quote myself:
 “ As a faint Memory, The boy saw the most Elegant and quite The most Beatiful man he’d ever seen, yet with a face halfly scarred with scales as if one cursen upon his soul, his outfit too as his posture spoke was vastly gorgeous, painted mainly in golden and black, but what was yet even more so intriguing, was what he held under his arms, ever oh so gently as it were a small and fragile feather. It in fact..quite was at some point, as it was a small child, very young actually from what it seemed...An Infant it was. The man then walked up to him and offered him his hand, one that wasn’t either of his main two, but nonethless he did so and shared one of the warmest of smiles too, no living creature, no beast nor no man would at this point decline and reject his proffer.”
[Yeah...I’m not good with poetry, especially as English despite it all is my second language...I’m even worse with my main one, so eh.]
Buuut he eventually left either way, so..
[Almost no one could find the secret pathway into the Garden of the Enternal Summer as it was well hidden behind the forests, lakes, caves and mountains. So Roman and his family were quite lucky at this point.]
That is all for now I suppose, I have only one question though...
-Roman is a very sweet kid who talks with animals and plants (but let’s make it a bit more realistic here, the plants do not respond in this version and he is confused but still continues to do so) He is although flawed because a character without flaws is like...A Pizza without the Sauce or a Knife without its blade, blunt and boring that is. Yeah...He has anger issues and is quite impatient and stubborn which is interpreted in both good and bad ways.
-Virgil was gifted with a flower magical hair clip (to help him whenever he was in trouble), a violet scarf and a guardian pet Goliath Birdeater Spider shafed like a Purple Pinktoe Tarantula to protect him from any dangers.
Do you think this is an interesting AU?
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rqnvindr · 3 years
special delivery
pairing: delivery boy!albedo x gn!reader
genre: fluff, humor, pinch of suggestiveness
w.c: 1.5k
synopsis: it was getting harder and harder to resist the beautiful boy who always delivered your pizzas. especially when he notices the way you look at him, ever the observant one...
a/n: happy birthday chae !! @albehoe  i’m glad we met and i enjoy all of our talks in the server! welcome to being 19; hope you enjoy this little gift i put together for you hehe
the doorbell finally rings, snapping you out of mindlessly scrolling on your phone. you grab your wallet and hop off the couch, more than ready to receive your pizza order for dinner. 
you open the door and your brain immediately shuts down.
a young man, around the same age as you, stands before you and greets you with the most princely “good evening” ever. and if his voice wasn’t already enough to melt you, the red and black uniform looked like it was made just for him, complimenting his perfect skin and hair. that, along with his sparkling eyes was enough to convince you that he couldn’t possibly be real. you resist the urge to pinch yourself to check if you were dreaming.
“for (y/n), correct?” albedo, as you read on his name pin, snaps you out of your trance with his dreamy voice. it sounded even better when he said your name.
“yes.” you hand him the required amount of cash and take the box, brushing fingers ever so slightly. you offer the boy a smile, to which he nods in response.
albedo waves a gloved hand as he walks off of your porch. “have a good day.”
“thank you.” it sounded like the most appropriate choice of words at first, but you mentally curse yourself after he gets into the car and drives off.
you should’ve asked for his number, dammit. or at least told him to have a good day too.
what was supposed to be a perfect treat of an evening ended with you chastising yourself all throughout your meal. 
this was your chance. you were going to order another pizza at the end of this week and hope that albedo would be your delivery boy again. you would at least try to remember to make more conversation with him this time, before leading up to hinting that you wanted to get to know him better. 
you take a deep breath on the awaited day, when you answer the door. to your luck, it’s the exact same platinum-haired, blue-eyed mystery of a man who stole your heart within seconds.
“oh! good to see you again!” you sound a little too excited, and albedo appears perfectly unfazed. 
“good afternoon. that’ll be $10.” he holds up a packet when you hand him the fee, and you raise an eyebrow. “i also got you a free sample of our newest secret sauce. it’s not supposed to be out until next month, but i’m conducting some research for my university and wanted to get a head start on people’s opinions on the taste, the texture, if they could perhaps recognize any of the ingredients used to make it..” he clears his throat. “anyways, since you’re such a dedicated customer you’re the first on the list. let me know what you think next time.” 
“ah.” you lightly giggle at his rambling. he seemed very passionate about whatever field he was studying and determined to flesh out the best results for his research. you were the one who was nervous about keeping a conversation going when he seemed more than capable of doing so, as long as it was something he was acutely interested in. 
and most importantly: he planned on meeting you again. there would be a next time.
“may i ask what your major is?” 
“i’m a chemistry major. i was originally planning on doing biology, the study of life, but there is just as much essence of life in chemical reactions. taking two or more things to form a new substance...the embodiment of the life cycle itself.” 
you nod, feeling nearly as fascinated in his studies as he appears to be. you would love to hear more about it, perhaps sitting across from him at a cafe, dressed casually out of his work clothes...
“excuse me. i do not wish to take up too much of your time. enjoy your pizza.” 
“wait.” you call out, a fleeting sense of courage rising up, only for it to collapse once more when you catch yourself staring directly into albedo’s eyes. an endless ocean of curious orbs, their intensity making you feel seen right through, inside and out. 
“um, actually never mind. sorry, have a nice day!” albedo nods, scratching the back of his neck as he heads off. 
being unfathomably nervous and having a crush on someone farther than they appear was not a good mix.
you open the cabinet, ready to do some spring cleaning. your hand slips, accidentally knocking over an empty container. before you can pick it up, you notice a white packet that had been hidden underneath.
right. the sauce.
you hadn’t forgotten about it. you simply put it aside to try it out later with another food, just for a little adventure. but there was never any time to cook anything that would possibly go with an unknown condiment. 
or more like, no one to cook with.
you grab your phone and dial the number that you’ve pretty much memorized by now. you bite your lip while listening to the other line ring.
“hello, thank you for calling favonius pizza co. this is albedo, how may i help you?” 
“hi, albedo.” surely he’ll recognize your voice when he promised a next time, after all.
“oh, (y/n)? will it be the usual?” your stomach flutters from the way he perks up while saying your name. 
“no, but i’m so glad it’s you answering the phone. i actually wanted to talk to you regarding the sauce. um, do you mind maybe coming over when you get off from work and i can show you exactly what i wish to convey?”
this doesn’t feel right. asking someone you’ve only met twice over into your own house, just for the sake of your silly crush that led to silly little fantasies in your head-
“sounds good. it’s been really difficult gathering feedback from other customers, due to the lack of communication. and it also works out that i can see you in person so i don’t have to take up too much time during my shift. i’ll be there in an hour and a half or so.”
you stop gaping, realizing you have to confirm your meeting. “okay! take care and i’ll see you then!”
“bye.” with that, albedo hangs up.
you rush to set up the ingredients for your cooking, date, perhaps, with albedo. even if he didn’t think of you the same way that you did, you would always cherish him agreeing to spend time with you.
an hour passes by and he’s already promptly ringing the doorbell. you can’t help but feel your knees grow weak at the sight of him in his gray hoodie and light colored jeans, his hair uncovered without the cap. and his eyes glimmer differently, adding to the new feeling his casual attire grants the sight of albedo outside of work.
“hi! the kitchens right this way!” albedo takes off his shoes and follows you to the adjacent area, right to the counter.
“you seem to have gathered more than just the sauce. and you also didn’t order a pizza either.” he remarks placing a hand under his chin. 
“that’s because i wanted us to cook together and for you to see my reaction to it with other food. that’d add more variety to your results y’know?”
albedo continues to inspect the ingredients you had laid out for the chicken nuggets, picking up a jar of seasoning to smell it. “you’re definitely more invested in this than i expected you’d be.” he chuckles, the deep vibrations of his chest sending shivers down your spine.
“we shouldn’t have much of a problem if we’re doing this together, even though i’m not really the best at cooking. however there is one other thing i’ve realized...” albedo puts the jar down, turning to face you. he possesses the same observational look that he gave you the last time he delivered, and walks closer to you. the closing gap effectively cages you on the counter, your chests brushing against each other, making your breath hitch. 
“(y/n),” he hums. “were you really ordering pizza the last time? or were you ordering me, instead?” 
you want to reply, but any form of coherent speech dissipates in your throat. he’s so close, and normally you’d be embarrassed if someone was able to figure you out like this, yet you only found his curiosity and the way he pried into things even more attractive. especially if he had that kind of attitude towards you.
a sigh escapes your lips and you place a hand on his shoulder. “i like you albedo. and yes, i did only order pizza just because i wanted an excuse to see you. i’m sorry if i made you uncomfortable, and if you don’t feel the same way feel free to leave and never speak to me again. i mean that.”
albedo remains silent for a few seconds before blinking slowly and shyly taking your hand.
“i’m not going anywhere. people who care about my work...are important to me. and i do admire your directness.” he lightly strokes your skin. 
“perhaps i should give you what you asked for in your special delivery then, hm?” albedo chuckles. you giggle while playing with his fingers. 
feeling a little bit bold, you press your lips to his digits, causing him to short circuit on the inside at your touch. 
“i shall enjoy it then.” you whisper.
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procrastinatingnerd · 3 years
Hi everyone! So this was my first time taking part in the @osemanversebigbang but I had so much fun!! I can't wait to read everyone's entries! 💜
Title: Angel Rahimi And The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Lunch Break
Characters: Angel, Juliet, Rowan, Jimmy, Lister, Bliss, two of Angel’s future uni friends (OCs).
Spoilers? Minor spoilers of important events in “I Was Born For This”.
Word Count: 3.6k
Ships: Bicci, one joke about Juliet/Rowan.
~Joan of Arc (Probably)
“I am so fucking tired”
“Right, time’s up, put your pens down.” The exam officer says from the front of the room. I scribble one last sentence before my hand gives out, and I all but throw my pen onto the desk, sighing as dramatically as I can. This week is a fucking nightmare. Exams and assignments are the piss. Fuck uni, I’m ready to drop out. Or drop dead. Either works, honestly.
As I leave the exam hall, I walk past some people from the students’ union. They’re handing out flyers for the Christmas ball next week. My housemates are all planning on going, but my friends and I planned our present swap for that night, so we’re going to spend it eating a fuck ton of snacks and watching the cheesiest Christmas films we can find. I can’t wait, I bought them each a bag of their favourite sweets from the American candy shop, it's going to be so much fun!
But that’s next week. Right now, all I want is to sit at a table that doesn’t have an exam paper on it, and eat something very greasy and very unhealthy. There’s a pizza place just on the edge of campus, run by some of the culinary arts students, and they make the best sauce ever. It’s pretty cheap too, which makes it a favourite for most people, especially at the end of a semester, when everyone’s bank accounts are running low.
I have about an hour until I need to be back in the exam hall, so I take full advantage of the outdoor seating and collapse into a chair after ordering. My pizza is brought out to me not long after, and I breathe in the smell. Nothing has smelt more gorgeous than the slices sitting in front of me. It’s a surprisingly warm day, for December at least, and for a moment, everything feels calm. I can hear a bird singing in a tree somewhere, other students are hanging around campus, most with their noses in their phones or in textbooks, and I actually let myself relax for a bit. I’ve done all the revision I can for this next exam, and I’m in desperate need of a break. I deserve this.
I pick up my first slice of pizza, and bring it up to my mouth. As I’m about to take a bite, however, my phone rings. I put the pizza down with a sigh and answer the phone without looking at who’s calling. Mum probably sensed I wasn’t doing any work, and is calling to check up on me.
“Hello?” I say tiredly.
“Angel, hi! Is this a good time??” I grin at the sound of Juliet’s voice.
“Hell yeah, it’s a perfect time! What’s up?”
“Wait, you don’t know why I’m calling?” Juliet says hesitantly. Shit. What have I forgotten now? I know it’s not her birthday. Wait, is it mine?? I swear exams rot your brain, have I actually forgotten my own birthday?
“No…?” I ask after internally monologuing for way too long.
“Oh my god, you don’t know??” Juliet screeches in my ear, “Angel go look at your phone, it’s urgent!”
Now very concerned, I put Juliet on speaker and, for the first time all morning, actually read the notifications filling my lock screen. I open the Twitter news one, and my mouth drops open in shock.
“Holy shit.”
On my screen is a news article with a headline that reads, “THE ARK’S JIMMY KAGA-RICCI AND LISTER BIRD’S SECRET RELATIONSHIP EXPOSED”, and just below it sits a large photo of Jimmy and Lister, standing outside a pub, kissing. I don’t believe it.
“Holy fu- Hold on a second. Mate, isn’t that the pub by Piero’s house?!” I say, bringing my phone as close to my face as I can, as if that’ll help me see better. There’s a loud shuffling noise on the other end of the line, and then I hear a gasp.
“Oh my god, you’re right!” Juliet says. “Rowan said they were going on holiday, but I thought he meant abroad or something.” I smile at that. Ever since our little jaunt to Kent last summer, Juliet and I have kept in touch with the boys. We even have a group chat now; us and them and even Bliss is in it. I’m so glad we stayed friends.
At first, Rowan was really quiet, and if he did speak he and Juliet would almost always end up arguing, but they’ve been getting along quite well lately. I’m not saying I ship it or anything, I’ve learnt my lesson there, but I have to say, fangirl-to enemies-to lovers would make a wicked fanfiction trope.
“Did you see any of this coming?” Juliet continues. “Surely Jimmy would have said something to you?”
“He said he was dating someone, but didn’t want to give details because they were taking things slow. Well, that and that celebrity phone hacking scandal freaked him right the fuck out, remember?” I say.
right, he stopped talking on the group chat for like two weeks, didn’t he?” Juliet giggles back. “Well, nevertheless, I’m happy for them. They’re cute together.”
“Yeah, they are.” I grin again. “Oh my god, poor Rowan though! I’d hate to live with a couple, especially a new one! It’d be nauseating.”
“Oh I know, right? And imagine what’ll happen when they have their first fight!” Juliet gasps again. I shudder at the thought.
“I’m muting the group chat when that happens.” I joke.
“Not a bad idea.” Juliet laughs back, then pauses. “Oh, Angel, I’m sorry I’ve got the get going, but do you want to skype later?”
“Yeah, no problem! I’ve got a revision session at 6, but I should be free by 9ish?”
“Sounds perfect! See you then!” Juliet says, and with that, she’s gone, and I’m back to sitting alone with my pizza.
Jimmy and Lister. Holy shit. I don’t think anyone in the fandom saw this coming. Everything has been about Jowan, since the fandom started growing it’s the only ship that ever existed. No one bothered writing fics about any other pairings. The only Jimmy/Lister fics I ever came across were platonic ones, and even they made sure to mention Jimmy’s boyfriend Rowan.
Oh god, I hope they’re okay. The fans got so crazy when Bliss and Rowan’s relationship was exposed. Jimmy/Lister is the final nail in the Jowan coffin. Jimmy must be having the panic attack of his life! I’ve got to-
My phone rings again.
I look down at the screen, and see Jimmy’s name. I take a deep breath, and answer.
“Jimmy, hi! How are-”
“Have you seen it??”
“Oh god. This isn’t how we wanted to tell you guys.”
“You sure? Because getting caught by the national press worked so well for you last time.” I tease. Silence. Oops, probably not the best thing to remind him of right now.
“Jimmy, you still there?” I say carefully. There’s a slight rustle on his end, which means he probably just nodded. “Everything is going to be fine, I promise. The fans will move on. They already did with Jowan, right?”
“But what if something happens again? Something like-”
“It won’t. You guys have better security now, and you’re doing less public events. You’re going to be fine.” I hope and pray that I’m saying the right things. Jimmy and I have gotten close lately, but I’m nowhere near as good at helping him deal with his anxiety as Rowan and Lister are. There’s more silence, until finally, Jimmy speaks again.
“Okay. Yeah. Yeah I think you’re right. Thanks, Angel.”
“Course I’m right! If there’s one thing I know, it’s fandom drama.” Jimmy laughs, and I grin back. “And don’t forget, you’re not alone in this. This is happening to Lister too, and no doubt Rowan and Bliss will be there to help you. Just talk to them.”
“Thank you Angel, I’ll go do that now.”
“Perfect! Love you Jim, I’ll text you later.” I say, and the call ends.
He’ll be okay. He’s got too many people who love him not to be. I take another breath and put my phone down on the table. As soon as I do, however, it buzzes again, and I see Jimmy is trying to facetime me. Now very concerned, I answer it and hold the phone up so he can see my face properly.
“Jimmy, are you okay, what’s happened??” I ask anxiously, but he looks fine. He looks at me with a confused expression.
“Nothing, I’m just talking to the others, like you said.” He says. It’s only me and him on the call. I stare at him in silence for a moment.
“Jimmy, mate… I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’m not any of them” I say slowly, and to my surprise, Jimmy laughs.
“Yeah I know, but I was kind of hoping to have you here, too, if that’s okay?” He says sheepishly. “It’s okay if you’re busy, it’s just that… I don’t know, you’re good with this stuff and you make me feel calm? Sorry, I know that’s a lot to just dump on you.” Jimmy doesn’t look at me directly, and I start to feel tears in my eyes.
“Well damn, Jim, I guess if you truly love me that much, I can stick around for a bit.” I laugh, and quickly glance at the time. “My lunch break is only halfway over, anyway, so I have plenty of time to hang out while you talk to the others.”
Jimmy seems to let out a breath, like he’d been holding it, and grins.
Just as I’m about to start talking again, I hear a ping, and Lister’s face appears on screen, followed by Rowan and Bliss.
“Hey Jimjam, you okay?” Rowan asks, looking as calm as ever. “Oh hey Angel.” He adds. I give him an awkward smile.
“Wait, Angel's here?” Bliss interrupts before Jimmy can answer. “Nice, how’s the week from hell going? Didn’t think we’d hear from you until you’d made it through.”
“Yeah it’s rough, but I’m getting there. This is a welcome distraction though.” I grin at her.
“So you’ve seen the pictures then. They look good, right?” Lister chimes in, before correcting himself. “I mean, it’s horrible they found us, fucking pricks, but you’ve got to admit we look good.”
“You can be so self-centred sometimes.” Bliss laughs.
“Come on Lister, this isn’t a joke.” Rowan chides him.
“Well, I guess he isn’t wrong..” Jimmy mumbles nervously and I see him smile a bit.
“See, Jimmy agrees with me!” Lister argues back at Rowan, who rolls his eyes.
“It’s still not something to laugh about.” Rowan says firmly. “Cecily’s already on damage control, cancelling some events, beefing up the security at others, and giving the tabloids hell. She’s also let your grandad know, Jimmy.”
“Wait, aren’t you guys all down there already?” I ask, confused.
“Nah we got back last night. That picture was taken when we went out for lunch the other day. Took their time printing it.” Lister says.
“Probably needed time to pad out their articles. Seriously, how can they write so many pages about two people dating?” Bliss adds.
“Probably whining about how Jowan is now well and truly dead.” Rowan rolls his eyes again. “Although I have to say, I’m pretty happy about that part.” I cringe slightly as he says that. I will never not regret being one of the Jowan fangirls.
“So Cecily’s already got a plan? That’s good, that’s a bit of a relief.” Jimmy speaks up, looking visibly more relaxed than he had sounded over the phone earlier.
“Yeah she’s got it sorted, so we can start planning our Christmas party!” Lister says, making the others groan.
“Lister what the hell makes you think we should be throwing a massive fucking party right now?!” Rowan says, his voice growing louder. Lister goes quiet, looking like he wants to shrink into his seat, before eventually speaking up again.
“Look, it doesn’t have to be anything big, I just mean… Angel, you’re gonna be in London with Juliet, right? Come over, drag Bliss with you, Jimmy can invite his grandad, Rowan you can bring Jade, and there you go, that’s our party!”
“That’s...actually a good idea.” Rowan says, surprised.
“Yeah, that sounds like fun!” Jimmy adds.
“I’m up for it, Angel, do you think Juliet will wanna come?” Bliss says.
“Hell yeah she would, let’s do it!” I reply with a massive smile on my face. Partying with Bliss and the boys sounds like the best way to spend my Christmas London trip. I’ll make sure to tell Juliet about it when I talk to her later. As I start planning all the food I’m going to bring over, and wondering what the boys’ flat will look like at Christmas, the conversation starts up again.
“You sure you’re doing alright, Jimmy? I can come back home if you need me to.” Rowan says, focusing things on the issue at hand again.
“No no, don’t worry, stay with your family. They’d kill me if I made you miss out on spending time with them.” Jimmy jokes. “I’ve got Lister here, and Cecily’s number if I need it. My head isn’t giving me too much grief right now, anyway.”
“Wait, Lister, you’re there with him?” Bliss asks.
“Yeah, check it out!” Lister says, before picking up his phone and moving. He takes us out of what I think was his room, through a hallway and comes out into a large living room, where we can see Jimmy on a sofa looking at his phone. “Say hi to the chat, Jim!”
Everyone laughs as Jimmy gives an awkward wave to Lister’s phone. Lister then hangs up and launches himself into view of Jimmy’s screen, and the two shuffle about until they’re practically sitting on top of each other, faces
squished together so the tiny phone camera captures them both. I hate how cute they look together.
“Alright, if you’re sure, Jimmy,” Rowan says, smiling for probably the first time this whole call.
“Yeah, I’m sure.” Jimmy smiles back. “This whole situation is terrifying, and I’m more than ready to hide in my room and not see another mad fangirl for the rest of my life, but... if I did that we’d never get to hang out with Angel again.” He finishes, biting his lip as if unsure of whether or not the joke will hit.
“Uh..ouch!” I clap my hand on top of my heart dramatically and laugh, while the others join in. “I’ll have you know I’ve abandoned my fangirl ways. Mostly. Sort of. Okay, not completely but I’m not shipping real people anymore, so that’s something, right?!”
Lister is giving Jimmy a look of what I can only assume is pride for making a decent joke during a time of peak anxiety, Rowan has his head in his hands, probably contemplating his life choices now that Lister seems to be rubbing off on Jimmy, and Bliss still looks shocked that such a joke came out of Jimmy’s mouth, not Lister’s. When things calm down again, I check the time and speak up again.
“Well this has been fun Jim, but I’m afraid I have mad fangirl duties to be getting back to. Shrines to build, fanfiction to write, you know how it is.” I say sarcastically.
“Thanks again, Angel, for being here, and listening. And you’d better be right about that fandom drama.” Jimmy laughs again, although this time I see his smile falter a bit.
“Hey, look at me,” I say, moving as close to the screen as I can without squishing my face on it. “Things will settle down before you know it, in the meantime, we’re all here for you. You’re not alone in this.” Rowan and Bliss nod in agreement, and I see Lister hug Jimmy closer. Jimmy takes a breath and nods as well.
“Thanks Angel. And good luck with your exam. We’ll see you over the holidays.” He smiles.
“Yeah you got this Angel, go smash it!” Bliss chimes in, giving me a thumbs up and a grin. I say one last goodbye to them all, and hang up.
I look back down at my pizza, still uneaten. I need to stop letting myself get distracted during phone calls. I can eat and talk to my friends at the same time. I’m usually a master at it.
“Fereshteh!” I look up again. Either I’m going loony, or someone just said-
“FERESHTEH!” I turn around and see Mollie and Christina barrelling towards me, with the most excitement I’ve ever seen on a students’ face during exam season. They crash into my table and both start talking at once.
“Have you seen??”
“Did you know??”
“How long have they been together?!”
“Oh my god is this why you won’t tell us about what happened in Kent?!”
“Woah, easy on the interrogation! Seriously, you guys need to work on your interview skills.” I put my hands up in surrender and laugh. Mollie rolls her eyes at me.
“So? Did they tell you or what?” She asks again. I roll my eyes back at her.
“You know I don’t want to tell you guys anything about the boys. They trust me, and I’m not going to fuck that up because of some shit a tabloid prints.”
“How dare you appeal to our morality and ethics, we want gossip dammit!” Christina giggles, lightly banging her fist down on the table.
“Then stick to the Twitter pages.” I stick my tongue out at her. Mollie and Christina are two of my housemates, and are part of the Ark fandom. I never planned on telling them about Kent, but they figured out who I was thanks to the pictures of me and Jimmy on the train. I didn’t think you could tell it was me, but fangirls are like master detectives. They figured it out in less than a week. They haven’t told anyone though, they’re good mates.
“So how are you feeling about all of this? Whether you knew or not, having it out in the press like this is a lot to handle, especially after last time.” Mollie says, now in serious mode.
“It is a lot, definitely, but they’ll be fine. They’ve had this happen before and they know what to expect from the fans. I just wish I could be there for them.” I say, sitting back in my chair.
“I get
that, it must suck that you guys are so far apart now.” Christina chimes in.
“I mean it’s not like we ever lived close to each other before. The only reason we even crossed paths over the summer was because I was staying with a friend. But yeah, being away from them all is kind of hard sometimes.” I sigh dramatically, making Mollie and Christina grin.
“Are you going to visit them over Christmas?” Christina asks.
“I’m definitely going to visit my friend in London again, for a day or two, but I don’t know if we’ll be able to see the boys.” I quickly lie. “They cut back on public events but they’re still really busy most of the time. And this,” I gesture to my phone “definitely won’t help.”
“We’ll keep an eye on fandom updates for you, and try to shut any mentions of Jowan down,” Mollie says, reaching across the table and giving my hand a gentle squeeze. I squeeze hers back and give her a grateful smile. I mostly stopped interacting with the fandom after meeting the boys, reading fanfiction, and discussing theories with other fans just feels weird and creepy to do when the people you’re talking about are your friends. So it’s nice that I have Mollie and Christina looking out for them, and doing what I can’t. Christina has a pretty big following on Tumblr, and Mollie’s a Twitter ace, so I trust them to hold their ground with the fandom.
“Okay, you don’t have to give us any details, but genuinely, what do you think of Lister and Jimmy as a couple? Because I don’t think the fandom could handle a breakup.” Christina says after a while, making me laugh.
“Pfft, yeah I don’t think the boys could handle a breakup, either.” I smile. “But honestly? I think they’ll be good for each other. Lister is good at helping Jimmy relax and step out of his anxiety bubble, and Jimmy can help reign in Lister’s chaotic energy. Plus they’re freaking cute together, I mean just look at this picture!” I finish, gesturing dramatically to my phone again.
“They are so cute!” Mollie nods in agreement. “I’m actually shocked no one thought to ship them together before.”
“That’s the Jowan storm, for you,” Christina adds. “Can’t believe we ever shipped that.”
“So gross.” I shudder at the thought. Suddenly the alarm I’d set this morning went off, making us all jump.
“What’s that?” Mollie asks. I check the screen and practically leap out of my seat.
“Oh shit, my exam starts in 10 minutes!” I say, gathering my stuff up as quickly as I can. I say my goodbyes to Mollie and Christina and start running back across campus to the exam hall.
I make it just in time, much to the invigilator’s chagrin, check my bag in at the desk at the back of the hall, and collapse into my assigned seat. The exam starts, and it’s only when it does that my stomach reminds me that I never actually ate lunch. Shit.
I start to silently scold myself for being so stupid, when my mind starts drifting to the video chat with Jimmy and the others. He and Lister looked so comfortable with each other. Makes sense, they've known each other for so long. But even still, Jimmy looked so much happier once Lister sat down with him, and Lister himself practically seemed at home with Jimmy’s arms wrapped around him. I smile at my exam paper.
I’m so happy for them.
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hanniiesuckle17 · 4 years
Stray Kids Reaction: S/o Having A Big Baby Bump
A/n: this is such a cute request! I hope this is what you wanted! I wanted to try something a lil different since it's more of a reaction than a scenario🥰❤❤❤❤❤
Requested by: @unvrsecosmoss 
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the second your belly gets big he gets so excited 
like bouncing up and down off the walls excited
“Chris calm down”
“How do you even speak like that?”
like his inner dad immediately comes out
he probably starts reading and memorizing more parenting books
you woke up like a month before the due date and Chris had literally swaddled you
.......in a blanket.....
like a baby
granted....it was the best night sleep you had in a while but...still
overall he is just so excited to become a dad when he sees your big baby bump
although the boys are very done with him giving them pureed food during lunch breaks
this man is so ready to be a father
he loves you baby bump so much
he really likes to sleep behind you so he can have a hand on your stomach so in the middle of the night he can feel his son or daughter kick
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probably wakes up one morning and is like:
“.......your stomach is huge.....”
“Yeah its been like that for a couple months.”
the cats have most definitely sat ontop of your belly 
he finds it so cute
he took like a billion pictures of it
ngl though he is super obsessed with your belly
like he loves watching you cook and coming up and putting his hands on your belly
if you ask him nicely he might even give you a back rub but only if you let the cats sit on your belly again
minho has been pretty chill throughout the entire pregnancy
even when you had all those weird cravings he will wait until you walk out of the room to gag at the combination of food you are eating
“Y/n stay still!!!”
“Minho this cat is digging its nails into your future daughter!”
“.............the cats name is Soongi.”
“Geez. Sorry.”
“Now hold still. Daddy wants a picture of his baby and his baby mama”
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the second
the MILLISECOND this man notices your baby bump gets bigger he is all over your tummy
this man will not stop touching you
he loves seeing how big your bump is
when he is bored he likes to take your eyeliner and draw a face on your belly
he calls it Mr.Bumpy
they talk about future plans for your baby and ngl.....its pretty cute
“Mr.Bumpy should we paint the nursery yellow or white?”
“You’re right Mr. Bumpy. That’s exactly what I thought. 
“Binnie you’ve been talking to my belly for like an hour and I’m hungry.”
 but he loves your belly 
he thinks you look super cute the bigger you belly gets
until he accidentally pisses you off during one of your mood swings
then you are scarier the grim reaper himself
“I didn’t mean to !!!1 I’m sorry babbyyyyyy!”
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This man is so 
like he was whipped for you before you got pregnant but like now that your baby bump is getting bigger is more whipped than you thought possible
(y’all hyunjin be simpin)
but like for real
you ask this man to do anything and I mean anything and he will do it
“what? yes? are you okay? what can I do? should I run to the store? Ill get pizza on the way back! or noodles? I don’t know. what about pickles! You liked those yesterday!” 
“.....can you get the tea kettle down for me?”
“oh....yeah of course baby!”
literally will do anything you ask him 
he just loves seeing you with your big baby bump
“hyunjin will you do aegyo for me? pretty please?????”
*points to baby bump*
aegyo storm for the next two hours just to make you smile
literally loves taking pictures with you and your big bump and always brags about it when he shows someone his lock screen
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like hyunjin he is WHIPPED
will let you literally do anything to him
he doesn't do skincare but like you made him to a whole 14 step routine one day and he sat through the whole gosh darn thing because he loved seeing you with you big bump
the second you tummy gets really big he starts talking to his son or daughter
its the cutest thing
you swear that the baby kicks every time they hear his voice
“baby can I braid your hair?”
“.........can I talk to the baby.....”
“YES!” *fist pumps*
is definitely the type that is you have a big bump around Halloween to convince you to wear a baby bump related couple costume if you are going to a party or something
needless to say to the skz Halloween party you went as mike and sully with your belly being mike
he was very happy
“Ji! People keep looking at my tummy!”
he also probably has minor freakouts because your numb getting bigger means one day closer to him being a father so pre parental panic attacks come more often
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this weirdo
is obsessed with your big tummy in the weirdest way
but also like low-key the sweetest
when you are sitting next to each other on the couch he uses your belly as like a second table 
he has also used your belly as a pillow sometimes (with your permission ofc)
again another man that is available for your every need\
Felix is the king of helping you roll out of bed because you balance is thrown off
also he makes these incredible meals out of your weird cravings (we know he has been quite the little chef and baker recently)
“Felix omg how did you turn pickles, hot sauce, and peanut butter into this?”
“I have no clue myself. I think I blacked out and Gordon Ramsay took over”
also one of the ones who likes talking to your baby bump
he is constantly having his hand on your belly
“Felix you have to go to rehearsal”
“BUT WHAT IF IT  K I C K S ?????//?”
he just loves looking and touching your big bump it makes him smile feeling his little boy or girl 
(probably also a huge advocate for baby bump Halloween costumes)
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seeing your big baby bump makes his caring side come out 
“baby are you using the cream the doctor gave us?” 
“yes seungmin”
“what about the vitamins”
“yes seungmin”
“does this shirt match my jacket”
“yes seungmin”
*pushing him out the door so he can get to practice only three hours later than he was supposed to*
you can pretty much guilt him into doing anything you want by just pointing to your belly and reminding him he got you into this situation for nine months.
“you wanna watch a movie and do face masks with me?”
“eh not really”
*points to stomach* “baby bump.”
“clay or sheet?”
but while he doesn't say that he loves your bump he really likes seeing it
especially when you are just kind of lounging around the house in sweats and a baggy t-shirt that is not as baggy as it used to be
seungmin also really loves when you hold hands with him and the rest your hands on your tummy
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can someone tell me the full link to this video omg too cute ^^
this poor baby
seeing your big tummy just like a constant lovely reminder that he will be a father in a couple of months
he loves how cute you look with your big tummy
but eventually it leads him to a freakout
“y/n we haven't painted a nursery yet!!!”
“jeongin....honey we have two months left. its okay”
“y/n I don’t know how to change a diaper”
“innie you don’t have to-......yeah you should get on that baby”
*runs to watch 8347697 videos on how to change a diaper and falls through a yt baby funnel*
the minute your baby bump starts to show he goes into overdrive
he started packing your hospital bags when you were 4 months in
“innie I don't need......a.....what is this??”
“its a pregnancy pillow.”
“innie its bigger than me how are you fitting it in the bag”
but he loves your bump
probably another boy who finds the bump costumes cute but its most likely your idea
he most definitely has asked chan on how to father lessons 
seungmin probably also gave him one of those parenting for dummies books but he actually read it at night before he sleeps (omg too cute)
Requests are open my lovelies!
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