#old oak doors part b
pinklovely05 · 9 months
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that one steve kevin scene from old oak doors part b
yeah so I binged the whole of welcome to night vale in less than a month there are a lot of great things in it I drew one of those great things
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fannibalcat777 · 4 months
Steve Carlsberg really earned my full respect in ep 49
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secretlyhuntokar · 4 months
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madeofpatch · 2 years
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and now, traffic. For the rest of the night I will draw Kevin. For the rest of the week I will draw Kevin. Perhaps I will even draw Kevin the rest of the month. I will think about Kevin most mornings and most nights, and much of the time in between. This has been traffic.
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bloodreinasbathwater · 3 months
Where Kings Land
Part 1
Jacaerys Velaryon x Stark! Reader
a.n: I finally get the hype about Jace. This right here is one fine man. the hair, the freckles, the big nose. ALL of it. this is part 1 of the miniseries for House of the Dragon, and it's my first time writing outside of the regular asoiaf series. Enjoy and please lmk what you think!!
Warnings: manipulation, not proofread, yelling, cursing? talk of beheading and treason.
Word Count: 4,900
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summary: In the harsh lands of the North, where winter's bite is ever-present, a tale of duty, desire, and deception unfolds within the ancient walls of Winterfell. Y/N Stark, sister to the absent Lord Cregan, finds herself caught in a web of political intrigue as the realm teeters on the brink of civil war.
The heavy wooden door slammed behind her with a resounding thud, echoing through the granite corridors of Winterfell. Y/n Stark—sister to the Lord of Winterfell, Cregan Stark—strode purposefully down the hallway, her frustration evident in every step. The torches lining the walls cast flickering shadows across her face, highlighting the furrow of her brow. She yanked her fur cloak tighter around her shoulders, warding off the perpetual chill that seeped through the ancient stones. The servants scurried out of her path, lowering their eyes as she passed. Y/n barely noticed them, her mind occupied with the litany of tasks that lay before her. The castle, a sprawling behemoth of grey stone and timber, was a living, breathing entity, and Y/n felt the weight of its responsibilities press down on her.
Cregan, her brother, was a warrior, a leader born to the battlefield. He thrived on the thrill of the hunt, the clash of steel, the shouts of battle. The day-to-day running of Winterfell, the endless paperwork, the constant negotiations, the delicate dance of alliances and diplomacy… these fell upon his shoulders. He was a silent force, a steady hand guiding the ship through the turbulent seas of politics and power.
Reaching the grand hall, Y/n paused, her gaze sweeping over the gathered lords and ladies. Their conversations buzzed like a hive of bees, their laughter echoing off the vaulted ceiling. She longed to be amongst them, to share in the joy of a feast, to ease the burden of her thoughts, but the weight of the impending winter hung heavy on her heart.
The biting wind whipped around Y/n's face as she ascended the final steps to the maester's tower. The air was thick with the scent of parchment and old magic, a familiar and comforting aroma despite its inherent chill. Inside, the room was bathed in the soft glow of a single lantern, casting long shadows across the piles of scrolls and tomes that littered the floor. Y/n's boots clicked against the stone floor, a sharp counterpoint to the rustle of the raven that perched on the window sill, its beady eyes fixed on her with an unsettling intelligence. The bird was a harbinger of news, always, and today, its arrival had filled her with a sense of foreboding dread.
“You've got ravens in your hair,” the maester, Alyn, said with a dry chuckle, his voice raspy from years of whispering secrets into ancient texts. He was a frail figure, his fingers gnarled and stained with ink, his eyes filled with a wisdom that seemed to encompass the entirety of the world. She brushed at her hair, dislodging a stray feather that had become entangled in its braids. 'They know I'm coming for them,' she said, her voice tight. 'They always seem to.'
Alyn nodded, a knowing glint in his eyes. 'King's Landing sends more than its fair share of worries north,' he said, gesturing to the table in the centre of the room. It was an imposing piece, carved from ancient oak, the surface groaning under the weight of a mountain of sealed parchments. Y/n sighed, letting the weight of the responsibility settle upon her shoulders. Every one of those scrolls contained a new burden, a new demand, a new headache she would have to unravel. The North had always been harsh, a land of unforgiving winters and fiercer people.
'What's the news, maester?' she asked, her voice barely a whisper.
Alyn shuffled through the pile of scrolls, his gaze searching for a particular one. “They're now threatening us with dragon fire, my lady,” he stated solemnly, the chain around his neck clinking softly.
Y/n's eyes narrowed as she surveyed the pile of letters that lay on the table before her. Her jaw clenched, her anger rising like a tide. “Burn them,” she commanded, her voice sharp and decisive. “Burn all the letters. We will not answer, nor will we cower.”
Alyn's eyebrows rose in surprise, but Y/n's resolve only grew stronger. “Prince Jacaerys should be here any day. We will make good with the Blacks.”
Maester Alyn leaned back in his chair, studying her face. 'Are you certain, my lady? This is a dangerous game we play. The Green's dragons—"
“Are no more fearsome than the winter that forged us,” Y/n cut him off. She moved to the window, gazing out over the frost-covered courtyard. “My brother may be in the north of the Wall, but we will not be cowed by southern threats.”
Her words echoed through the frigid halls, carrying with them a resolute determination that belied her youth. “You are right, my lady,” he said at last.
Y/n turned to him, a flicker of gratitude in her eyes. “Thank you, Maester Alyn. Please, have the letters burned. We must prepare for the prince's arrival. We’ll show him true Northern hospitality. And maester," she added, a hint of a smile playing at her lips, "make sure we have plenty of that strong northern ale. We'll need it for the toast when we pledge our support to Queen Rhaenyra."
Maester Alyn nodded slowly, understanding dawning in his eyes. He reached for the candle on his desk, ready to carry out her orders. "As you wish, my lady. there's one more," he said softly, holding out a sealed parchment. "It arrived separately... and it's addressed to you personally."
Y/n hesitated, then took the letter. The seal bore the three-headed dragon of House Targaryen, but something about it seemed different. More... personal. With a swift motion, she broke the seal and unfolded the parchment. Her eyes scanned the contents, and her face hardened.
"It's from Aegon," she said, her voice tight. She began to read aloud:
"My dearest y/n,
The silence between us cuts like shards of Valyrian steel, slicing through my soul. Do you remember the stolen moments in the godswood, under the watchful eyes of the old gods? The promises we made beneath the heart tree?I await your reply to our ravens with bated breath, much as I once awaited your stolen glances across the great hall.
But make no mistake, my white wolf. Your beauty will not shield the North from my wrath should you choose wrongly. Aemond grows impatient and Vhagar hungers for blood. With one word, we could reduce Winterfell to nothing but ash and bone.
Remember this, my sweetling: fire destroys ice. And dragons do not forgive.
Choose wisely. Choose me.
Yours in fire and blood, Aegon Targaryen, Second of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm"
y/n’s hand shook as she finished reading, her knuckles white where she gripped the parchment. The maester watched her, concern etched on his weathered face.
"My lady," he began cautiously, "what—"
"Burn it," Y/n interrupted, her voice cold as the Wall itself. "Burn it with the rest." She tossed the letter onto the pile, her eyes blazing with a fury to match any dragon's flame.
Amidst the icy grip of the winter, the last traces of sunlight had long since disappeared beyond the horizon when a thunderous beating of dragon wings shattered the bleak silence. Y/n stood in Winterfell's snowy courtyard, her chilled breath leaving clouds in the frigid air as she looked up to witness the dark shape descending from the sky.
With ethereal grace surprising for its size, the dragon landed with a resounding thud and steam rising from its scales as they met the frosty ground. As its rider dismounted, y/n found herself frozen in place, her carefully prepared greeting dying on her lips.
Prince Jacaerys Velaryon strode towards her, his Valyrian features softened by Stark coloring. Dark curls framed his face, windswept from the flight. But it was his eyes that caught y/n off guard - soft and kind, yet holding a depth that spoke of burdens she had yet to find out.
For a moment, the world seemed to fall away. Y/n's heart raced as she stood before the prince, a stranger yet somehow familiar. She couldn't explain the sudden pull she felt towards him, as if they shared a connection beyond words. But at the same time, fear and doubt crept in, questioning if this was all just a dream or a cruel trick of fate.
Jacaerys approached, his movements as graceful as the dragon he rode. His brow furrowed slightly at her silence. He glanced around, perhaps wondering if he'd made some misstep. Finally, he bowed low, breaking the spell. "Lady Stark," he said, his voice a low, warm timbre that sent a shiver down her spine. " I am honored to meet you. And I thank you for your hospitality."
Y/n blinked, suddenly aware of the eyes of the entire courtyard upon them. She straightened, pulling her mask of cool composure back into place. "Prince Jacaerys," she replied, her voice steady despite the turmoil within. "Winterfell welcomes you. Please, come inside where it's warm. We have much to discuss."
As she turned to lead him into the castle, Y/n caught the prince studying her with curiosity. She lifted her chin, meeting his gaze with a challenging look of her own. Whatever this feeling was, she couldn't afford to let it distract her. The fate of the North hung in the balance.
Yet as they walked, she couldn't help but be acutely aware of his presence just behind her, like the warmth of a flame at her back in the cold northern night.
The Brown Room lived up to its name, with rich walnut paneling and fur-draped chairs that spoke of comfort in the face of long northern nights. Y/N led Jacaerys inside, the scent of beeswax candles and old parchment greeting them. The fire crackled in the hearth, casting dancing shadows across the cluttered table where ledgers and letters vied for space.
Y/N gestured to a high-backed chair. "Please, sit," she said, her voice steadier than she felt. She reached for a decanter, the crystal cool against her fingers. "Would you care for some wine, my Lord? It's a Dornish red – my favorite one."
Jacaerys settled into the chair, his eyes roaming the room before settling on Y/N. "Thank you, my lady. And please, call me Jace."
As she poured, a drop of wine escaped, staining the cuff of her sleeve crimson. Y/N barely noticed, too aware of Jace's proximity, the warmth radiating from him in the cool room.
"What did you wish to discuss, my lady?" Jace broached softly, accepting the goblet with a nod of thanks.
Suddenly, the room felt stifling. Y/N's heavy fur cloak, a necessity in Winterfell's drafty halls, now seemed unbearable. She shed it, draping it over the tall oak chair behind her. The firelight caught the silver direwolf clasp as it settled.
"Our support," Y/N replied, forcing herself to meet Jace's gaze. His eyes, she noticed, were flecked with gold in the candlelight. She swallowed hard and continued, "We have two thousand men. Strong northern fighters. We call them Winter Wolves."
Jace leaned forward, interest piqued. "Winter Wolves? An apt name, I'd wager."
Y/N allowed herself a small smile. "Indeed. They're as fierce as their namesake and twice as loyal." She moved to the table, rifling through the papers until she found a particular map. As she spread it out, the familiar scent of ink and parchment helped ground her.
"Here," she pointed, "is where we've gathered them. They await only my brother's word - or mine, in his absence."
Jace stood, moving to study the map. His arm brushed Y/N's as he leaned in, and she caught a whiff of leather and something else - perhaps the lingering scent of dragon scales. Jacaerys studied the map closely, tracing his fingers over the different markings and symbols. He was impressed by the precision and detail of the Winter Wolves' gathering points.
"Your brother must be a formidable leader to have gathered such a force in such a short time," Jace remarked, straightening up and turning to face Y/N.
"Yes, he is," Y/N said with pride.
"This is... more than we dared hope for," Jace admitted, his voice low and warm.
Outside, a wolf howled in the distance, a lonely sound that seemed to echo Y/N's inner turmoil. She squared her shoulders, pushing away the unwelcome feelings. Jace's brow furrowed as he studied Y/N's face. "My lady, are you well? You seem... flushed."
Y/N startled, realizing she'd been staring. She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, painfully aware of the dampness at her temples. "I'm fine, my- Jace," she corrected herself. "I was... under the weather a few days ago. Nothing serious."
Jace's eyes softened with concern. Jace's hand hovers near Y/N's elbow, his fingers poised as if ready to reach out and catch her. She can feel the warmth radiating off of his skin, and she can sense the electricity between them, even though he's not quite touching her. "Perhaps you should sit. We needn't discuss everything tonight."
The gentleness in his voice made Y/N's heart flutter. She sank into a nearby chair, Jace following suit. He leaned forward, elbows on his knees, giving her his full attention. His eyes were pools of liquid silver, soft and caring as they searched Y/N's face.
"Tell me," he said softly, "how are you truly faring? It can't be easy, managing the North in your brother's absence."
Y/N's carefully constructed walls began to crumble under his earnest gaze. "It's... challenging," she admitted. "Especially with the constant stream of demands from King's Landing."
Jace's expression darkened. "Ah, yes. I've heard whispers of Aegon's... correspondence."
Y/N couldn't hide the flash of frustration that crossed her face. "Correspondence," she scoffed. "Threats, more like. Your cousin seems to think he can bully the North into submission."
"My cousin," Jace said, his voice low and intense, "forgets that winter roses have thorns." He reached out, this time taking Y/N's hand in his. The touch sent a jolt through her. He gave her hand a gentle squeeze before releasing it. "You needn't face this alone, my lady."
Y/N found herself lost in his eyes, warm and sincere. "I... thank you, Jace," she murmured.
A log shifted in the fireplace, sending up a shower of sparks. Jace glanced at the flames, then back to Y/N, a mischievous smile playing at his lips. "You know, where I come from, they say the dragonfires pale in comparison to the warmth of a northern welcome."
Despite herself, Y/N laughed. "Is that so? And how does our hospitality measure up?"
Jace's thumb traced circles on the back of her hand, his touch feather-light. "Oh, it exceeds all expectations, my lady. Though I must confess, I find myself most warmed by present company."
Y/N felt her cheeks burn, but for once, she didn't mind the heat. A small smile tugged at the corners of Y/N's lips as she gazed into his captivating eyes. "You're quite the charmer, Prince Jacaerys."
"Only when properly inspired," is all he replied.
The pale light of dawn crept over Winterfell's stone walls, casting long shadows across the frosted courtyard. Y/N stood in the stables, her breath visible in the crisp morning air.
Her fingers, slightly numb from the cold, worked methodically on the leather straps of her horse's saddle. The familiar motions were soothing - tighten, adjust, check, repeat. The rich scent of hay and horse sweat mingled with the earthy aroma of leather oil.
As she worked, Y/N caught herself glancing repeatedly towards the castle, anticipation building in her chest.
The sound of approaching footsteps made her heart quicken. Jace appeared in the stable doorway, silhouetted against the brightening sky. He stifled a yawn, rubbing sleep from his eyes. Y/N noticed the slight disarray of his dark curls and felt a sudden, inexplicable urge to smooth them.
"My lady," Jace greeted, his voice husky with sleep. He cleared his throat, offering a sheepish smile. "You're up early."
Y/N felt the corners of her mouth twitch upward. "The North waits for no one, Your Grace," she replied, handing him a set of reins. Their fingers brushed, and Y/N pretended not to notice the warmth that spread from the point of contact. "Are you ready for an adventure?"
As they set out, the rhythmic clop of hooves against cobblestone gave way to the muffled thud of earth. The misty woods enveloped them, tendrils of fog curling around the horses' legs. Droplets of dew clung to Y/N's eyelashes, refracting the weak sunlight into tiny prisms.
Y/N led the way, her posture relaxed and confident in the saddle. She navigated the invisible path with ease, ducking low-hanging branches and steering around hidden roots. Behind her, she could hear Jace's horse snorting softly, its rider muttering gentle reassurances.
"I can hardly see the path," Jace called out, a note of uncertainty in his voice.
Y/N twisted in her saddle, catching Jace's eye with a mischievous glint in her own. "That's because there isn't one," she replied, allowing a rare, playful smile to cross her features.
The forest was a symphony of morning sounds. Birds trilled their dawn chorus, their songs echoing through the mist-shrouded trees. Small creatures rustled in the underbrush, sending leaves skittering across the forest floor. The earthy scent of damp soil and pine needles filled the air, punctuated by the occasional whiff of wild mint when Y/N's horse trampled a hidden patch.
Hours seemed to pass as they wound their way through the increasingly dense forest. Y/N found herself hyper-aware of Jace's presence behind her. She could feel his eyes on her back, and fought the urge to glance over her shoulder more often than necessary.
Finally, they came upon a rocky outcropping. Y/N dismounted with practiced grace, her boots sinking slightly into the damp earth. She patted her horse's flank, murmuring soft words of thanks. From the corner of her eye, she watched Jace dismount, noting the slight stiffness in his movements after the long ride.
Jace stretched, rolling his shoulders to ease the tension. His brow furrowed as he surveyed their surroundings. "My lady," he began, a hint of amusement in his tone, "I hate to question your expertise, but this looks suspiciously like a dead end."
Y/N's laugh echoed off the rocks, startling a nearby bird into flight. "Patience, Your Grace," she said, her eyes twinkling with secret knowledge. "The best treasures are often hidden."
She reached out, taking Jace's hand in hers. His palm was warm against her cool fingers, and she felt a flutter in her stomach at the contact. Pushing the feeling aside, she led him towards what appeared to be a solid rock face.
As they drew closer, a narrow opening revealed itself, barely visible unless one knew exactly where to look. Y/N squeezed through first, tugging Jace along behind her. The passage was tight, the rough stone scraping against their shoulders. Cool, damp air enveloped them, carrying the faint mineral scent of underground water.
Jace's breath was warm on the back of Y/N's neck as they inched forward in the dim light. She was acutely aware of his presence, of the way his chest occasionally brushed against her back in the narrow confines.
Suddenly, the passage opened up. Y/N stepped aside, allowing Jace to fully enter the cavern. She watched his face intently, savoring the moment his eyes widened in awe.
Sunlight streamed through an opening high above, illuminating a spectacular waterfall. The water, tinted an ethereal light blue by minerals in the rock, cascaded down in a thunderous rush before crashing into a pool below. Mist rose from the impact, creating tiny rainbows where the light hit just right.
"By the gods," Jace breathed, his voice barely audible over the roar of the falls. He turned to Y/N, wonder written across his features. "It's incredible."
Y/N felt a warmth bloom in her chest at his reaction. "Welcome to my secret place," she said softly, suddenly feeling shy. "Not even Cregan knows about this."
Jace's gaze softened as he looked at her, something unspoken passing between them. "Thank you for sharing this with me," he said, his voice low and sincere.
They settled on a smooth rock near the pool's edge, close enough that their shoulders nearly touched. The mist from the falls cooled their skin, a welcome relief after the long ride. Y/N pulled out a small bundle from her saddlebag - bread, cheese, and a flask of sweet northern ale.
The conversation lulled, replaced by the constant rush of the waterfall. Y/N traced patterns in the damp sand with a stick, her eyes distant. Jace watched her, noting the slight furrow in her brow.
"A copper for your thoughts, my lady?" he asked softly.
Y/N looked up, a rueful smile tugging at her lips. "Just thinking about duties," she said. "They never seem to end, do they?"
Jace nodded, understanding in his eyes. "The burden of our birthrights," he agreed. "Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be free of them."
"Free," Y/N echoed, the word hanging in the mist between them. She sighed, tossing the stick into the pool. "Cregan writes often of my duties. He's pressuring me more and more to find a husband."
Jace's expression shifted, something unreadable flickering in his eyes. "I... I apologize if I'm intruding, but may I ask why you haven't? Surely you've had no shortage of suitors."
Y/N met his gaze, finding unexpected comfort in the warmth she saw there. "Because I want love," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "I want a simple life, filled with moments like this." She gestured to the cavern around them. "But how can I promise forever to someone when tomorrow is so uncertain? How can I build a life amidst a war?"
Jace was quiet for a moment, considering her words. "Love in wartime," he mused. "It's not an easy path, but perhaps... perhaps it's the very thing that makes the fight worthwhile."
Y/N felt her heart quicken at his words. "And what of you, Prince Jacaerys? What does your heart seek in these troubled times?"
Jace's gaze softened as he looked at her. "I seek a partner," he said quietly. "Someone to stand beside me, not behind me. Someone who understands duty but hasn't lost sight of dreams." He paused, a slow smile spreading across his face. "Someone who knows the value of secret waterfalls and stolen moments."
The air between them seemed to crackle with unspoken possibility. Y/N felt drawn to him, like a moth to flame, but held herself back. This was not the time, not with so much at stake.
"It seems we both seek something rare and precious," she said, her voice thick with emotion.
Jace nodded, his eyes never leaving hers. "Perhaps the gods will be kind," he murmured.
The iron-bound gates of Winterfell groaned open, admitting Y/N and Jace as the sun dipped below the horizon. The air was thick with the scent of pine and woodsmoke, punctuated by the sharp tang of approaching frost. Their horses' hooves clattered against the worn cobblestones, the sound echoing off the ancient stone walls.
As they dismounted, Y/N felt the day's exertion in her muscles, a pleasant ache that spoke of adventure and freedom. She caught Jace's eye, noticing how the fading light caught the silver threads in his jerkin, making them shimmer like starlight.
"Jace," she began, her voice low and tinged with an emotion she dared not name, "today was—"
"Lady Y/N! Lady Y/N!" The frantic shout shattered the moment like a stone through ice.
Y/N's transformation was instantaneous and mesmerizing. Her shoulders squared, chin lifting as if an invisible crown had settled upon her brow. The softness in her eyes hardened to flint, sharp enough to cut.
"What is it?" she demanded, her voice crisp as a midwinter morning.
The guard skidded to a halt before them, his breath coming in ragged gasps. "My lady, there's been... an incident. You're needed urgently."
Y/N nodded curtly. "Lead on," she commanded, then turned to Jace. "Your Grace, I must attend to this. Perhaps we could speak later..."
Jace stepped forward, close enough that Y/N could smell the leather of his riding gloves and a hint of something spicy—cloves, perhaps. "If you'll allow me, I'd like to accompany you.”
Y/N hesitated, then inclined her head in agreement. They followed the guard, their footsteps echoing through Winterfell's torch-lit corridors. The warmth of the castle was a stark contrast to the chill outside, yet Y/N felt a different kind of coldness settling in her bones.
They entered a small, dim room that reeked of fear and desperation. A man knelt on the floor, the rattle of his chains a counterpoint to his broken sobs. In the flickering torchlight, his tear-stained face looked ghastly, almost skull-like.
"What has he done?" Y/N's voice cut through the room like a blade.
The man looked up, his eyes wide and pleading. Y/N's voice sliced through the tense atmosphere like a blade, her words sharp and filled with accusation. The man shrunk back in his seat, his eyes wide and pleading as he desperately tried to defend himself.
"My lady," he stammered, "I beg you... I was only going to King's Landing, to pledge myself to King Aegon, my children. Is that such a crime?" His voice trembled with fear and uncertainty, his hands shaking as he awaited her judgement.
Y/N's gaze bore into him, seeking any sign of deceit or treachery. Observation seemed to be her weapon of choice, and she wielded it with expert precision. Y/N's lips thinned. "If you wished to leave, you could have done so freely. We do not hold men against their will in the North. Or have you forgotten our ways so quickly?"
The guard cleared his throat, the sound like gravel underfoot. "There's more, my lady. He attempted to steal half the winter rations and one of our best horses. Caught him in the act, we did."
The man's sobs crescendoed. "You can't behead an innocent man!" he wailed, his voice cracking. "You and Lord Cregan, you'll be the death of House Stark! The North will remember this betrayal!"
Y/N stood motionless, but Jace saw the almost imperceptible tightening of her jaw, the slight tremor in her clenched fists. The room fell silent save for the man's ragged breathing and the soft hiss of the torches.
Her grip tightened on the hilt of her sword, her knuckles turning white as she struggled to keep her composure. Jace watched as Y/N stood motionless, her face a mask of stoic determination, but he could see the anger burning in her gaze.
"Send him to the Wall," Jace suggested, his voice a low rumble that seemed to vibrate through Y/N's chest. "It's a harsh sentence, yes, but one that allows him to redeem himself in service to the realm."
Y/N turned to him, her eyes unreadable in the dim light. "Or I could let him go," she mused, her voice barely above a whisper. "But then, what message would that send? That theft and betrayal go unpunished in the North?"
"Take his fingers, my lady," the guard interjected. "It's an old punishment, aye, but effective. He'd bear the mark of his crime, but keep his life and limbs... most of them, at least."
Y/N closed her eyes briefly, and in that moment, Jace saw the weight of the North resting on her shoulders. When she opened them again, they gleamed with resolve.
"You've given me much to consider," she said, her voice steady as the foundations of Winterfell itself. "I'll not make this decision in haste. Guard, take him to the cells. See that he's fed and given water. I'll pass judgment when the sun rises."
As the guard led the prisoner away, his pleas fading down the corridor, Y/N turned to Jace. The torchlight cast dancing shadows across her face, highlighting the sharp planes of her cheekbones and the weariness in her eyes.
Jace moved towards Y/N, his tall frame casting a shadow over her. She could feel the heat emanating from his body, a welcome warmth against the coldness that had nestled in her chest. He spoke gently, never breaking eye contact with her. "You carry your burden with grace, my lady," he murmured, his voice deep and soothing.
Y/N held his gaze for a moment, allowing herself to bask in the comfort of his words. But as quickly as it had come, the moment passed. She took a step back, "Grace," she echoed, her voice barely above a whisper. "Grace is a luxury, Your Grace. In the North, we survive on harsher virtues."
Her eyes, once warm and inviting, now held a wintry gleam. The soft curves of her face seemed to harden, as if the very stone of Winterfell was seeping into her bones. With those words, Y/N turned away, her cloak swirling around her like a shroud. As she walked deeper into the shadows of Winterfell's halls, Jace was left with the unsettling feeling that he'd glimpsed not just the Lady of Winterfell, but a portent of the harsh days to come.
The torches guttered in a sudden draft, and for a moment, the corridor was plunged into darkness. When the light returned, Y/N was gone, leaving behind only the echo of her words and the lingering chill of premonition.
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delicatebarness · 21 days
wildflower ridge ranch | prologue
Summary: Sneaking out to meet with JB, a ranch hand who works for your family, you share a quiet moment under the stars while keeping the relationship a secret from your father and brothers.
Warning: There isn't necessarily anything triggering, but just to give you a heads-up: Age Gap (18/21) | Power Dynamics
Word Count: 1174
Spotify Playlist | Support: Ko-FI
Series Masterlist | Next Chapter
A/N: I know I said I'd update Winter's Widow but I went for a creative thinking walk, and this is all I've been able to think about since. - Please feel free to leave feedback or let me know where and how you want the story to continue, this is just as much yours as mine. - B
Everything: @hallecarey1 | @pattiemac1 | @uhmellamoanna | @scraftsku35 | @ozwriterchick | @sapphirebarnes | @rach2602 | @thetorturedbuckydepartment | @lanabuckybarnes
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The ranch had settled into the usual nighttime quiet, and the air was warm, still– one of those perfect summer nights. The barn doors had been closed, the horses tucked away, and the ranch hands had turned in for the night. Their snores probably fill the small, shared space. Yet, the bunkhouse lights flickered, indicating that not all were asleep.
You were also not ready to sleep. Sneaking out of the ‘Log Mansion’, you made your way down to an old oak tree just past the stables. A canopy of leaves rustled from the branches stretching high above in the soft breeze. It was a hidden corner of the ranch, your spot, where no one would come looking for you.
Well, except for him.
James ‘Bucky’ Barnes– commonly known as ‘JB’, your family’s best ranch hand and the man who somehow stole your heart. He was supposed to meet you here.
Working for your family, JB lived in the bunkhouse with the others, and he spent his days under the sun, toiling away as if he had everything to prove. He came from a few towns over, looking for work around six years ago, and he quickly became part of the ranch’s rhythm.
No one knew what you both made sure to keep a secret– that between his barn chores and the late-night campfires, you both found something else. Something more.
At the age of eighteen, you were still too young in your daddy’s eyes. And, JB, at twenty-one, was the last person he would approve of for you. He was just another ranch hand, hired to work the land for your daddy. And your brothers– Ari, Curtis, Cole, and Johnny would tear him apart if they ever were to find out.
Leaning against the tree, you gazed up at the stars and a nervous energy bubbled in your stomach. Every time you saw JB, it always felt like the first time again. You never knew if it was his quiet strength or the way his blue eyes saw right through you– but he was someone more than just the man who worked for your daddy.
You were pulled from your thoughts as the soft crunch of boots hit against the dirt. Turning just in time, you saw JB emerging from the shadows, the moonlight outlining his familiar silhouette. The old guitar that he kept stashed in the bunkhouse was being carried in one hand, and his smile was small, almost shy.
“Well, ain’t you a sight for sore eyes, darlin',” he said, coming to a stop in front of you, his frame towered over you. He leaned against the tree, never dropping your gaze.
Blushing, you looked down, kicking your boots in the dirt, trying to play it cool. “I wasn’t sure if you’d come.”
“Oh, darling, you should know by now,” he grinned, his touch was warm and tender as his hand gently cupped your cheek. “I’ll always come when you call.”
You both settled on the ground, his long legs stretching out as he rested the guitar against a thick thigh, plucking a few lazy chords. By now, you were content being near him, even when the air between you was thick with unspoken words and emotions.
There was a mischievous glint in his eyes when he glanced at you. “You wanna hear a song?”
Tucking your hair behind your ear, you nodded. “Yes please, James, but only if you want to.”
Sensing how flustered you were, the smirk on JB’s face deepened. “Oh, I wanna. I’ve got somethin’ I’ve been practicin’ for you.”
The melody was familiar and slow as he strummed a few chords, and it only took another moment for your heart to skip when you recognized the opening notes. It was one of the new songs you had been playing on repeat, one that made you want to slow dance under the stars. Your chest tightened with emotion as you listened to JB play it.
His voice was low and rough as he started singing, but it still had the teasing edge he always had. JB wasn’t just singing a song, he was singing it to you, every word meant to wrap around you and pull up closer.
You had to bite your lip to stop from smiling too wide, his voice sending a shiver down your spine as he began to come to the end of the song.
“You like it?” he asked, though from the way his eyes glanced down to your lips, causing the smirk to reappear across his own, he already knew your answer.
Nodding, you met his gaze, now unable to hide your smile. “It was perfect, James.”
“Yeah? I thought you’d like that one,” he spoke, setting the guitar aside. His knee brushed against yours as he shifted closer. More serious now, his voice lowered as he added, “You know, darlin’, I didn’t just come out here to play you a song.”
Looking up at him, there was something in his at caused your heart to race, and your stomach to flip. “What else did you come for?”
There was a softness in his eyes, one that you had rarely seen before. He reached out, brushing that damned stray lock of hair behind your ear. “I’ve been waitin’ for the right moment, and I reckon,” he paused. “I reckon this is as good as it gets.”
Before you could ask what he meant, he leaned in. His plump lips brushed against yours softly, teasingly, and your heart fluttered in your chest, leaving you wanting more.
When he pulled back, his grin was still in place. “You okay, darlin’?” he asked, eyes locked on yours.
You nodded. “Y-yeah, I’m okay,” you replied, a little dazed and breathless.
“Good,” he murmured, brushing his thumb lightly against your cheek. “I’ve been dyin' to do that.”
He never gave you time to respond, pulling you in and placing another kiss against your lips. This time, he was a little firmer, deepening the kiss. It was everything to you, slow and sweet. Yet, there was a hint of heat and desperation. His hand moved to the back of your neck, holding you closer. Your heart continued to pound in your chest as you melted into him.
You were both gasping for air as you broke apart, and JB smiled down at you, tracing lazy circles over your skin.
“Guess that’ll be added to our collection of little secrets, huh?” he teased.
Nodding, you smiled and looked at him.
Your heart filled with the warmth of your first kiss as you sat under the stars, together, settling in a comfortable silence. This was a memory you would carry with you, forever, even if it had to remain a little secret.
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summary: sometimes the meddling of old men pays off.
pairing: f!reader x jake lockley
contents: pinning, internal angst, an old man meddling, fluff
wc: 1.8k
AN: before i even finished this, i felt like it deserved a part two so…be on the lookout! & thank you @juneknight for helping me figure this outtttt <333
part 2 | moonknight masterlist | requests are open
There’s a lot that Jake hates— frogs, black olives, the Chicago Cubs. But most of all, he hates having habitual customers. Familiarity with others is nothing he craves. There’s this false sense of intimacy that comes with making small talk and knowing another’s routine. It’s uncomfortable, it makes his skin crawl. He’s content with going unseen beyond his ability to taxi someone from point A to point B. At least, he doesn’t allow himself to think so.
Until he met old man Fletcher.
More accurately until he met her. If he’s being technical, he hasn’t met her yet, hasn’t even spoken a word to her. He doesn’t even know her name. She’s the woman at the farmer’s market that Jake takes Fletcher to every Saturday morning. He’s never been more grateful for a smug old man and his routine.
“Fancy meeting you here again. And you’re on time,” The old man quips, looking down at his watch in feigned disbelief.
Jake gives Fletcher an exasperated look as he opens the passenger door, “I’m never late.”
Every Saturday Jake arrives at the old man’s apartment at 8 a.m. on the dot, not a moment sooner, nor a moment later. He helps the frail man into the back of his cab, and plays the oldies station that ensures neither of them will talk– instead they’ll hum along. It's something Jake doesn’t like to admit he enjoys— if anyone were to ask it is just Saturday. There is no fluttering heartbeat, no rehearsal of things to say if she dares speak to him, no fondness growing for the old man. He’s doing his job. That’s all.
The first time he ever saw her, his heart seemed to stop and then pick up, going so fast he thought it’d give out.
Dressed in overalls, her hair up and out of her face, her skin looking so soft even from a distance. She sets up her stall with ease, telling him that this is something she does often. This is her livelihood, he thought to himself. How solitary that must be, tending and keeping bees and flowers. Unless she has someone to help— a partner perhaps. Jake didn’t let himself think much further about that, he let himself get lost in the small probability of possibility.
Jake could see her kindness. It seemed as if everyone at the market stopped at her stall, even after she sold out of things. With bright eyes and animated hands, she spoke to everyone as if they were the most important person in the world. He couldn’t help but wonder if she would extend him the same courtesy.
The following Saturday, Jake woke early, staring at his work phone hoping that it would ring. That hope took root in him, blooming bigger each and every Saturday. Old man Fletcher called him like clockwork, until one morning he suggested he and Jake plan on this visit every Saturday. No, Jake didn’t like habitual customers but at that suggestion, he simply nodded, his mouth quirking up in one corner.
Today, like any other Saturday, he’s parked at Fletcher’s house. He takes the shortest route— a left onto Wicker, a right onto Olive and after the annoyingly long wait at a red light on Slater he’s pulling into the park’s lot.
When they arrive at the park, he parks his cab in the same spot under the largest oak tree in the park with the perfect view; her. He removes his jacket and cap before coming to sit on the hood of his car, trying to look busy and unnoticeable. In reality, for the first time in a long time, Jake just wants to be seen.
He wants to be seen by her.
Time stretches and squeezes in the most cruel way; the weekdays creep by slowly and when Saturday comes it flies, as if her presence is like some twisted time warp.
He knows that she must smell sweet— she sells candles and honey and flowers, she must always be bathed in their nectar. He has some idea since Fletcher has started to buy things from her— a jar of honey, beeswax candles, a bouquet or two. Whenever he helps the old man with his bags, he can’t help but inhale the soft scent of the things he’s bought.
Like most days, it’s a bouquet of daisies. Jake wonders if they’re her favorite flowers and that’s why she almost always has them.
As he helps Fletcher load his bags into the truck of the cab when the old man says, “You have to talk to her, y’know.”
He raises a brow at the older man, “What?”
Fletcher nods his head towards the stands, “The honey girl. If you wanna take her out you have to talk to her.”
“I don’t want to.”
“Really? She’s asked about you.”
“About me,” He repeats, turning the idea over and over in his head. “What did she say?”
“I thought you didn’t wanna take her out?” Fletcher asks, and Jake narrows his eyes at him, waiting for him to answer the question. “Alright, alright, settle down. She just asked your name, if you were my grandson or something.”
“What’d you tell her?”
“That you’re a nice young man that’s kind enough to bring me here every week. You’re welcome.”
“I didn’t ask for you to do me any favors.”
“You didn’t have to.”
On the drive home, all he can think about is how she knows his name. How he doesn’t know hers. How if he sticks to his plan he’ll never know it. That is something he’ll live with. Or so he thought.
She has other plans.
It’s the next Saturday and he’s sat on his cab as always when she starts to make her way through the crowd and across the field. Jake can’t help but look around, wondering if she’s walking to her car to fetch something or someone she knows has just arrived. But then she stops in front of him, fidgeting with the frilly strap of her sundress.
He watches with confusion— and amusement— as she squares her shoulders, taking a deep breath in before leading with a simple, “Hi.”
“Hi?” He says, mouth set into his habitual frown.
“You’re Jake.”
“I am?”
Her eyes widen with worry, almost comically so, and he can’t help but think about how precious she looks.
“Did Fletcher give me a fake name?” She asks worriedly, her eyes narrowing as she glances back towards the crowd to look for him.
“No, no. I’m Jake,” His face softens just a fraction, arms crossing against his chest.
She tells him her name and it fits, another piece of her falling into place. He isn’t sure why he hadn’t guessed it— it’s in her smile, the brightness of her eyes. He repeats it quietly, likes the way it sits on his tongue.
“Fletcher says you don’t like leaving your cab unattended or you’d walk around.”
His cab is his most important possession, not only his livelihood but also an object he holds near and dear— something that will never be able to judge him no matter what he does. The thought of something happening to his cab makes his blood boil and his heart sink into his stomach. But there’s more to it; walking around means more socialization than he already endures.
“I’m not…good with people.”
“So you decided to be a cab driver?”
He opens his mouth for some rebuttal but instead he chuckles at her teasing. When was the last time he laughed?
“Being good with people is difficult— tiring,” She admits softly.
His brow knits together, “You seem to do it just fine.”
“I sell things for my livelihood, there’s not much of a choice in it. But, I do enjoy people, they’re…fascinating. So unique. May I?” She points to the spot beside him.
Jake nods, and she comes to lean against his cab beside him. Though she keeps a respectful amount of distance, her delicate scent envelopes him and it’s sweeter than he could ever imagine.
“So you like driving?” She asks, glancing over at him.
Jake does like driving, it helps with that restless feeling inside of him. Being on the go, moving here and there, new scenery, new distractions, it quiets some of the noise. It gives him some control.
“Yes, it’s…relaxing.”
“Relaxing? It drives me insane. Everyone here drives like they’re in a high-speed chase after robbing a bank, there’s no regard for human life,” She huffs, her hands gesturing haphazardly as she vents.
His eyebrows raise in surprise at her strong feelings about driving, and her wild hand gestures pull a chuckle from his throat. “You can’t beat them, you have to join them.”
“I would rather avoid them altogether,” She grumbles, huffing again and he presses his lips together to keep himself from laughing again. “But, I didn’t come over here to complain about the driving culture of our city.”
“No,” She says, laughing softly. “I know you’re very fond of your cab here, but usually after we close up, I go for a walk through this park.”
“A walk?”
“Yes, and I was wondering if you’d like to join me?”
“You want me to…go with you? On your walk?”
“Yes. You ask a lot of questions.”
“I— well I have to drive Mr. Fletcher home.”
“I can wait.”
“Yeah. I’ll be just over there at my car,” She points to an old blue truck, it’s rusty and clearly on its last leg.
He’ll have to go on this walk with her now, even if it’s just to convince her to get rid of that goddamn death trap. The thought of her behind the wheel of that truck makes him shudder. He’ll offer to drive her anywhere she needs to go if it means she won't ever have to drive it again.
“Alright,” He says nervously, but the tightness in his chest dissipates slightly at the sight of her triumphant smile.
She leans over, bumping his elbow with her own, “Cool, I’ll see you then.”
“See you then,” He murmurs too softly for her to hear as he watches her stroll back to her stand.
When Fletcher makes it back to Jake’s cab, he wastes no time.
“I told you all you had to do was talk to her,” He says knowingly, slipping into the backseat.
Jake doesn't respond to the old man as he continues to load his bags into the truck with haste, but his mouth twitches, eyes drifting over to where she's back up her stand. She waves, and Jake waves back, head buzzing with the sweetness of her.
Yes, he supposes the old man was right.
moonknight taglist: @angelfxllcm, @honeybrowne, @ninebluehearts, @rmoonstoner, @hotchs-bitch, @later-gators12, @foreverinwanderlustt-blog, @aleeb, @julydaydream, @eyelessfaces, @marc-spectorr, @missdictatorme, @toracainz, @mccn-bcys , @campingwiththecharmings, @whatthefishh
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autumnleaves1991-blog · 11 months
"I don’t see the problem." Captain John Price x Female Reader (slight Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick x F! Reader)
Summary: Part One of my Bunny x 141 series. Bunny is worried when she's called into the Captain's office. Seems she didn't follow orders, and he wants to show her what happens when you don't follow orders.
Pairing: Captain John Price x F! Reader (Slight Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick x F! Reader)
Warnings: 18 + Only NO MINORS. Explicit smut, unprotected, oral F! receiving, spanking, daddy kink, sexual photographs, the reader used to be a bunny for Kortac, reader is called bunny.
Cross Posted on AO3
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“Captain Price?” you knock hesitantly at the oak door, “you asked to see me, sir.” 
“Come in,” he shouts through the door and you press it open, “close the door behind you, and lock it, Bunny.” You do as you’re told and press your back to the door, keeping your eyes on the ground. “Seems like you can follow orders.” 
“Sir?” you lift your head, pouting your lips, “I always follow orders, Sir.” 
“See that’s what I always thought,” he leans back in his chair, his hat tossed off to the side of his desk, his feet propped up on the desk, a cigar resting between his teeth. “But then I heard a little rumor. And color me surprised when I heard it was about you.” 
He tosses a thick manilla envelope on his desk, and gestures for you to open it. You take a hesitant step forward grabbing the envelope and unfastening the seal. Dozens of pictures fall to his desk, and you gasp when you see them. All of them are you, in every position imaginable. Suspended from the ceiling, tied to a post, stretched out across an old dining room table, the men from your old unit in Kortac in a staring role beside you; eating your pussy, fucking you raw, spanking your bare ass till you’re screaming. 
“I-I don’t understand,” you stammer, “how did you get these?” 
“Don’t worry about that, Bunny,” he grins dropping his feet to the ground, and gesturing with two fingers to come forward. “Come here,” you follow him like a lost puppy, sitting on the edge of his desk and trying not to rub your thighs together when he spreads his thick thighs. “Do you always follow orders, Bunny?” 
“Yes, sir,” you nod, biting your lip, “always.” 
“Did you always follow orders in Kortac?” he puts down the cigar, crossing his arms across his chest, his shirt struggling to burst at the seams where his arm meets the fabric. You nod, and he frowns, “Oh Bunny, I thought you promised never to lie to me.” 
“I’m not lying Captain,” you shake your head, “honest.” 
“Then tell me,” he reaches his hands closer, tracing the outline of your thighs through your dress, “why did that big fucker from Kortac, have you over his knee?” 
You’re silent, at a loss for words remembering the time you disobeyed orders going off on your own in enemy territory, nearly losing your fucking head in the process. “I-I.” 
“I-I,” he mocks, “you went off base, didn’t you?” Shit, your eyes widen and you look anywhere but him, “I told you not to leave the base, and what did you do?” He growls when you don’t answer, pulling you down over his knee with a yelp. Your head hangs upside down, and you feel the cool air hit your bare ass when he flings your dress over your back. “You just had to go off and go on a little adventure didn’t you?” He grabs your panties pulling them up and having them tug at your pussy making you gasp. 
“Captain,” you groan, letting out a shout when he lands a hard sharp slap on your ass. 
“Where did you go?” he asks, waiting a moment before slapping the other cheek. “I can do this all day, Bunny.” He slaps each cheek over and over, tears falling down your face at the sting, your pussy gushing through your panties and dripping down his thighs. 
“Stop,” you gasp, his hand hovering to stop, “I’ll tell you.” He rubs your ass gently, and you shiver, wanting his hands to go lower and push deep inside you. “I went with Gaz,” you twitch when he pulls your panties down and drops them to the floor. “He took me into town to buy something.” 
“What did he buy?” his thick fingers probe at your pussy, tracing your puffy lips and circling your clit. “Tell Daddy what he bought for you, Bunny.” 
“I promised him,” you shake your head, “it’s supposed to be a surprise.” 
“Hmm,” he hums, “a surprise for who?” He slides two fingers inside you, rubbing your clit slowly with his thumb, “tell me, love,” he rubs quicker, “tell me and I’ll let you cum.” 
The words dry up in your mouth and you let out a grumble of words, hearing him chuckle above you, “are you close, Bunny?” he teases, “tell me who the gift is for.” 
“Us,” you whimper, rewarded with his fingers pumping inside you faster, “it’s for all of us.” 
“Good girl,” he praises, pulling you up like a rag doll to sit in his lap, your legs spread across his thighs and his front to your back as he works you faster, sliding a third finger inside you. “Cum for me, Bunny,” he urges, sucking on your shoulder, “cum for Daddy.” 
“Daddy,” you moan, leaning back against him as you squeeze his fingers, coating him in your release. The door opens and your hazy eyes open when you see Kyle standing in the doorway, his chest heaving. 
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“I thought you were in trouble,” his eyes darken as he takes you in, spread wide for the Captain’s pleasure. 
“I thought I told you to lock the door, Bunny,” Price tsk’s behind you, “I guess I can’t fuck you now.” You whine, grinding your hips down, feeling his hard cock press into your soaked core. “Jesus Christ baby, I get the point. Gaz shut the fucking door and get out.” 
“Wait,” you gasp, being pushed to your feet so Price can unbuckle his belt, “Kyle can stay, can’t he, Sir?” Gaz’s eyes widen and he licks his lips, looking behind you. 
“Kyle shut the damn door, and get on your knees,” he grabs your hips, tossing off your dress,  pulling you back, and impaling you on his cock. “Fuck,” he groans, “this pussy feels so good. Garrick, lick her pussy while I fuck her.” 
“Yes, Sir,” Kyle gives you a wink and you feel yourself leave your body. The two of them worked together like a flawless team. Price raising you on his cock and slamming you back down, the air struggling to refill your lungs with each thrust. Kyle kept your clit in his mouth and sucking, his hands fondling your breasts, twisting a nipple between his fingers, and giving a sharp tug. 
You mumble incoherent, feeling a tightness in your belly, “Daddy,” you gasp, “I’m gonna cum.” Price picks up the pace, slamming into you with fury as Kyle pinches your clit, rubbing it till you’re sure they can hear you across the base. 
“Cum,” Price orders, biting down on your shoulder when he roars with a burst inside you, painting himself within your walls. Both of you thrusting weakly trying to prolong the pleasure, before you collapse in his arms. 
“Kyle,” you whisper, reaching for him, “fuck me.” 
“Oh no, no, no,” Price keeps you in place sitting on his cock, “Garrick here took you off base without permission. No sex for him.” 
“I don’t see the problem,” Kyle stands, a stain on his jeans that tells you he would be fine without your pussy for now. “I only took her out for an hour. We got what we needed and came right back.” 
“It’s a fucking problem,” Price shouts, “because you failed to follow orders.” 
“John,” you turn, a low moan grumbling out of his chest when you turn on his cock, “we were fine. Nothing happened. Don’t blame Kyle, I begged him to let me go.” 
“I’ve waited a long fucking time for you, Bunny,” Price puts a hand to your cheek, “and I’ll be damned if someone takes you away from me now.” Your eyes soften and you press a hand on top of his own. 
“I know, John,” you look back at Kyle, “but you’re not the only one who loves me.” 
He clenches his jaw, “did they love you?” he gestures to the photos littering his desk. “Is that your game? You come to different squads, make them fall in love with you and your perfect pussy, and leave.” 
You shake your head, “Kortac was an experience, one I don’t wish to repeat. You and the rest of the 141 are my home. And unless you kick me out, I’m not going anywhere.” 
“Kick you out, eh?” he leans back with a grin, “as if I could get rid of you woman.” 
Kyle helps you put your dress over your head and you stand, both you and Price groaning as he leaves you, your lips turning into a frown at the feeling of loss. “I’m not going anywhere.” 
Gaz wraps his arms around your waist, “well maybe to take a bath,” he presses a kiss to your cheek. “Permission to clean up, our woman Cap?” 
“Permission granted,” he nods. “I expect her back for dinner at 2000 hours.” Kyle leads you out of the room and down the hall towards the Barracks. 
“You alright, love?” he pulls you into the room, running his hands over your ass. 
“Yeah,” you nod, “a bit sore, Captain gave me a right good spanking for leaving. But I’m more concerned with where he got those pictures.” 
“Hmm, I might know something,” he teases pulling you towards the bathroom and turning on the tub. 
“Tell me,” you grab his shirt, pulling him closer, “please baby?” 
“I’ll tell you everything,” he grabs some bubble bath and pours it into the water, “but first I need to clean you up. You’re filthy and full of the Captain’s cum.” 
“That’s never bothered you before,” you wink, wrapping your arms around his neck, “what’s changed your mind now.” 
“Oh love,” he kisses you softly, “I don’t mind. I just want you full of mine.” 
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thordottir45 · 1 year
The Outlaw's Spirit pt.2
Part 1 below
Jason- 21~22
Danny- 16~17
Jazz- 18~19
Damian- 11~12
Tim- 18~19
Dick- 25~26
Bruce- 37~38
Alfred- immortal
Cass- 22~23
Steph- 18~19
Duke- 16~17
"Woah..." Danny's voice trails off as he takes in the cave.
"Welcome to the Batcave, home to all the bats and birds of Gotham. My name's Jason." Red Hood tells Danny as he takes off his domino, revealing swirling tealish blue eyes.
"Oh, I'm Danny, can't believe I forgot to mention that before..."
"It's fine, Danny. Let's get upstairs for some food, huh?" Jason says with a smirk before leading the way to an elevator.
"Me want to go." Bizarro speaks up as they pass a seating area.
'I'll stay with B, as much as I love to watch the matches between you and you family, the less people the better for this, I feel." Artemis pats Jason's shoulder before peeling off with Bizarro, leaving Jason and Danny to continue on alone.
"Alright, then... So, everyone you'll meet is either a vigilante or the butler, Alfred. No matter what the media says, Alfie's the real force behind the Wayne family, believe that." With that casual reveal, Jason steers Danny into the elevator.
"Wayne. Bruce Wayne? The fruitloop who's known for being a playboy... is Batman?!" Danny's voice echoes around the small space with his exclamation.
"The one and only. Prepare to be interrogated. He won't hold back just because you're a kid." The elevator doors open with that warning, revealing a study with wood paneling, many bookshelves, and quite a few picture frames.
The desk is covered with paperwork, paperweights, picture frames, and writing utensils. The leather chair behind it is made cozier by a throw blanket. Perched in said chair is a pre-teen boy of middle-eastern complexion with an intense expression and the green eyes to match.
"Todd. Who allowed you to bring in a civilian through the cave? I doubt Father is aware of this, as we have not been made informed via briefing." Damian glares at his second eldest brother.
"Oh, shut it, you demon. I'm taking this kid in, with or without the old man's approval." Jason continues to steer Danny out of the room, letting the grandfather clock close behind them. A single toll of the clock's chime rings out as the two leave the study.
Danny looks back at the clock, seeing a green post-it note sticking out from behind the glass. "Clockwork," He whispers, turning back to face the black-haired man. "You're taking me in?"
"Kid, your parents are never going to see a single hair from your head again if I can help it. I won't be your dad, but I can be a brother." Jason looks Danny in the eye as he says this, wanting to get his point across.
"My sister... she should be coming to Gotham soon. Can you keep an eye out for her? Her name's Jazz, Jasmine, Fenton. But she'll likely change her last name soon."
"Will do, kiddo. Just give me a picture later. Now, any food preferences or allergies? Alfie'll want to know." The two continue the trek through the manor as the dialogue continues to flow.
"Well, this is the dining room. Take any seat that you're comfortable with. Don't feel forced to answer the old man's questions." With those instructions, Jason opens the heavy oak door to the room.
As Danny enters, he's shocked by the amout of people with black hair and blue eyes. Jason acts as Danny's bodyguard as they approach the long, stately table.
"Jason, who is this?" The man at the head of the table asks.
"This is Danny. I'm taking him in." Jason tells Bruce, who lifts a single brow.
"Father, Todd brought the boy in through the cave." Damian tattles to the bat as he enters behind Danny and Jason. The latter of which glares at the youngest while muttering under his breath.
"Did this one have a chance to figure it out? Or did you fully skip that part of the tradition?" Tim asks from his place three seats to Bruce's left.
Jason gives the stalker a tongue-lash of an answer. Duke chuckles as the response, earning an elbow to his ribs for it.
"Never see me sit next to you again," Duke hisses to Tim for that hit.
"Nephew or baby brother?" Cass asks as she appears in the room, startling all but Danny, who had noticed her while Jason was responding to Tim.
"To be determined, but brother is more likely." Jay tells his little big sister as she glides over to the table to claim her seat.
"When was this decided?" Bruce begins his interrogation before the two even take their seats, earning him a look from his father-figure.
Dinner passes somewhat uneventfully, at least for a manor of vigilantes. Danny answered whichever questions he was comfortable with, while also making some small puns to keep the atmosphere light.
"You just happened to come across a punster, huh?" Tim asks Jason as Alfred serves dessert.
"Didn't realize it until twenty minutes ago, so, yeah. Dickie must never find out." Jay growls as he looks around the room, fully expecting his older brother to just pop in at the mention of his name.
"I must never find out what? Oh, who's the new face? Hi, I'm Dick!" The acrobat drops from the vent, landing in his designated chair before turning to Danny with a wide grin.
Sensing the impending pun-off, Bruce, Jason, Tim, and Damian groan.
"You go by that willingly?!"
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@avelnfear @iglowinggemma28 @ark12 @gin2212 @kisatamao @meira-3919 @sjrose1216 @screamingtofillthevoid @kyrianclawraith
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Proverb: Wonderwall is the only 90's song visible from space.
— July 1st, 2014 - Old Oak Doors Part B
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simstorian-blog · 7 months
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(CC List + Links)
World Map: Oasis Springs
Area: Bedford Strait
Lot Size:  20 x 15
(3-bedroom—3 double beds, 2.5 Baths)
Gallery ID: Simstorian-ish
Packs Used
Expansion Packs
Cats & Dogs
City Living
Cottage Living
For Rent
Get Famous
Get Together
Growing Together
Island Living
Snowy Escape
Game Packs
Dream Home Decorator
Jungle Adventure
My Wedding Stories
Realm of Magic
Spa Day
Stuff Pack
Vintage Glamour
Build Mode
Awingedllama – Simple Windows & Doors
Felixandre – Berlin Pt. 2 (Glass Double Door Short)
Peacemaker – Multi-Level Carpet
Peacemaker – Vaulted Ranch
Simplistic – Elegant Wallpaper (Crane)
Simplistic – English Watercolour Wallpaper (Donegal)
Sooky88 – English Country Wall Set (Plain)
Sooky88 – Victorian Floor Tiles
Buy Mode
Anye – Mertice Chair
Awingedllama – Fluffy Blanket
Empire Snooker Suspension Lamp
Samara Sconce
Sheer Curtains
Munch (Fridge, Stove)
Cowbuild – Mont Blanc Chandelier
Colonial Pt. 2 (Tray)
Fayun Pt. 2 (Linen Armchair)
Florence Pt. 1 (Piano)
Gatsby (Orchid Vase 1 v2)
Gothic Revival (Victorian Bedframe)
Grove Pt. 3 (Painting B, Painting C Leaning)
London (Chandelier Short)
Baysic (Packs Wardrobe Clothing - ALL)
Harluxe (AC Control, Light Switch, Mini Bar)
Kichen (Stool)
Orjanic Pt. 2 (Curtains)
Tiny Twavellers (Dino Lamp)
Coastal Pt. 7 (Bench)
Octave Pt. 2 (Metal Fireplace)
Octave Pt. 4 (Light Switches)
Shop the Look 2 (Ceramic Side Table, Dining Chair)
Stockholm (Ottoman)
Ice Cream for Breakfast – Ruggable x Iris Apfel Rugs
Joyce – Simple Live #8 (Tofu Bar Chair)
Blockhouse Sectional BGC
Blockhouse Bookcase
Leaf Motif – Garden Cover
Lili’s Palace – Intarsia Bedding
Alesund Sectional
Bowed Bedroom (Bench, Dresser, Furrow Pouffe, Ring Dish, Vanity Table)
Futura Living (Fireplace Medium)
Oak House Pt. 2
Oak House Pt. 4
MCM Pt. 5 (Hair Brushes, Hair Dryer, Hang Clothing, Straightener, Wig Collection)
Unfold (Dragon Tree)
Vera Bathroom (Bathrobe Functional)
Winter Garden (Old Rug)
Woodland Ranch (Double Bedframe w. Canopy, Nightstands, Table Lamp)
Woodland Ranch Pt. 2 (Hanged Dishrack)
Woodland Ranch Pt. 3 (Old Rug)
Gemini Vase
Luna Slippers
Loloi Rugs (Part I)
Vincent Van Gogh
Vintage Silk Divider
SixamCC – Luggage Cart
Kediri Pt. 1 [Ceiling Light, Throw Pillow (solids)]
POP! Pt. 1 (Throw Pillow II)
Sumba Pt. 1 (Pillow Set I)
Swell Pt. 1 (Mattress, Pillows, Throw)
Yarra Pt. 2, 3 (Bed Cushion Set, Duvet)
Syboubou – Wall Panel Mirror
The Townie House Project – Moderno Pouf Ottoman
Eliza Walk-in Closet
Lilith Chilling Areas Pt. 1 (SulSul Sign)
Tuds – Turn Lounge
Tray Files: DOWNLOAD
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fannibalcat777 · 4 months
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youhavebeentraceyd · 2 years
due to welcome to night vale's resurgence in the tumblr world, i thought I'd reach out to anyone interested in listening to the show that you shouldn't be intimidated by the number of episodes. it's not a binge type of show, you can relax and take your time.
but if you're wondering what are the top tier episodes to look forward to, I'd say:
• ep 2 "Glow Cloud" - Starting out strong with the floating cat in the bathroom 🐱🐈‍⬛ its just a cat floating in the bathroom.
•ep 4 "PTA Meeting" - sets up a lot of lore nicely, like hey don't look at or even think about The Dog Park ok? It also features one of my favourite weather segments "Closer" by The Tiny.
•ep 14 "The Man In The Tan Jacket" - oooh man THE FANART that came out of this episode. just look up the titular character, the art slaps.
•ep 19A & 19B "The Sandstorm" - hohohoho you ain't ready for desert bluff 🙃 we are scared of desert bluff.
•ep 26 "Faceless Old Woman" - listen i love Cecil's voice but it's always a pleasure when a new voice is heard. and the Faceless Old Woman who's secretly living in your house is an icon.
•ep 30 "Dana" - DAAANAAAA!! absolutely love this storyline, go dana goooo!
•ep 33 "Cassette" - baby cecil ✨
•ep 49 "Old Oak Doors Part A" & "Part B" - imo this is the best place to stop if you'd like, because it concludes I'd say the first Big Arc. its a two part episode performed LIVE for an audience of fans, that had grown over the past 48 episodes. the episode resolves a lot of ongoing storylines, its a little fanservicey but its also just amazing. a great conclusion!
reblog and add some more of your favourite epa if you'd like!
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lilolakes · 2 years
Ekvillan - 'The oak villa'
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Ekvillan is a spacious family villa inspired by swedish architecture from the turn of the last century.
I chose to call it 'Ekvillan' - 'The oak villa' in swedish, since there is a big oak tree in the garden. It has a vegetable garden, bees, a chicken coop, and a treehouse. There's plenty of cozy little spots to hang out and eat 'fika'.
Please note that this was built using cc. The lot is partially playtested. DOWNLOAD (SFS)
Some of the cc is included, the rest is linked below. The lot can also be fould on the gallery (ID: Lilolakes)
My lovely friend @zebrasimmer_ on Instagram had her one year instaversary recently, and to celebrate she hosted a little collab were we created different builds inspired by her (and also my-) home country - Sweden. This was my contribution.
Check out the other builds in the collab, by @zebrasimmer_ , @simsaga_ and @sims.erezkigal on Instagram.
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Packs used
Ep:s All of the ones released before 2023 Game packs: Werevolwes, My Wedding Stories, Dream Home Decorator, Journey to Batuu, Realm of Magic, StrangerVille, Jungle Adventure, Parenthood, Vampires, Dine Out, Spa Day, Outdoor Retreat Stuff packs: Paranormal, Nifty Knitting, Tiny Living, Laundry Day, Vintage Glamour, Kids Room, Romantic garden, Spooky Stuff Kits: Country Kitchen, Courtyard Oasis, Decor to the Max, Everyday clutter
Required CC
Here are the links for all the cc required for the lot to look as intended.
This is my first time sharing a build using cc. I might have gone a biiit overboard with it, so it's pretty cc heavy. Sorry 'bout that! ;)
All credit goes out to the amazing creators! I have done my best not to miss anyone, and to respect all of the creators TOU. Please tell me if you notice something that I've missed!
Anniee sims -Area rug
ATS4 (Around the sims 4) -IKEA-like stepstool -Cereal box -Crate seat -Toy train set -Candle and old book -Grocery paper bag (the first one) -Harvestable aromatic plants, Basil, Rosemary and Thyme -Rocking toy alligator, Farm puzzle and blackboard -Preschool blocks and House
Charly Pancakes -The candle, moodbooster
conceptdesign97 -Pumpkin vine
Cowbuild -Pleated curved floor lamp and lazy loveseat throw pillow
Dew of the sea -Accordion wall rack, S4, unmerged
Fadedsprings -William Morris-ish wallpaper set
Felixandre -Grove part 1 -Grove part 2: bowls, cups and salad bowl -Grove part 3 -Grove part 4 -Kyoto part 2 -Berlin part 1 -Shop the look Season 1 -London set exterior
Harlix -Tiny Twavellers Binoculars, crocodile, hot air balloon lamp (short), swing (medium), hanging wall world map -Baysic (different items)
Harrie -Shop the look 2
Icemunmun at ModTheSims -Harvestable corn stalks
Leaf Motif at Curseforge -Wall lamp and vintage tiles
Leniad at ModTheSims -Pumpkin plant
Leosims -Carton of eggs
Lilis-Palace -Jugendstil tiles set -Folklore set
LittleDica -Deligracy Delicato Stuff Pack
MadameRia -Back to Basics Pot Holder (Wall version) and Wire Basket Dish Rack
Maman-Gateau at Sims Artists -Whicker basket with lid from this set
Mutske at TSR -Alda arch with private doors 2x1 -Alda arch 2x1 -Alda privatdoor 1x1
MXIMS -Ikea ypperlig table and mirror -Stokke high-chair -Aesop Bathroom Tray -Plants 1,2,6,7 -String Shelf System (Shelf B):
My cup of CC -Tiny dreamers set (merged)
Novvas -Pumpkins in a basket -Random Runners -Elo bathroom IKEA rug -Kids drawings from this set -Painting collection
Nutter-Butter-1 at ModTheSims -Old Floor Tile Set
Picture Amoebae -Allisas Fall '18 Panels
Pierisim -Oak house part 3 -Oak house part 2 -Rold Skov kitchen mini kit -Domaine Du Clos part 1 -Domaine Du Clos part 3 -Domaine Du Clos part 4 -The COLDBREW coffee shop pt 1 - 1/2 -The COLDBREW coffee shop pt 1 - 2/2 -The COLDBREW coffee shop pt. 2
Plumbob Tea Society -Deco Botanical Scroll, woodpile and raised garden beds
Raindrops on cowplants -Gothic revival build set
Severinka at TSR -big pumpkin 02 -small pumpkins 07
SimC (Simcredible designs) at TSR -Coastal Extras - daisy in tall vase
Simspell -Autumn & Spooky-ish Paintings (Part 1)
SixamCC -Birker Line ceiling light (different versions) -Small Spaces deco pantry items -Small Spaces Pantry CC Pack - Mixer (Standalone version) -Dreamy Outdoors floor light
Soloriya at TSR -Two candles -Collection of candles -Pencil sharpener and erasers
TaTschu -Lighted fence (Leosims recolor)
Tech Hippie -Plants from these two sets
Vintage Simmer -Patchwork set -Noah plush rabbit -SBP Octopus -L&C Plush lemon
Wondymoon TSR -Lybica Kitchen Hanger -Protactinium Rug
Wondymoon.com -Ceratonia kitchen counters 1 and 2, island counter, cabinets, corner cabinet and stove hood.
Credit for the cc included in the download: 13pumpkin, Aggressive Kitty, Aira-cc, Awingedllama, Baufive, DK Sims, Honeycuts , IllogicalSims, KKB, Linacherie, Meinkatz, Mio-Sims, Myshunosun, NynaeveDesign, Peacemaker IC, Pocci, Sanoysims, Sforzinda, Slox, Spirashun, Syboulette
Reshade used for screenshots: Dove 2.0 by Kindlespice
T.O.O.L-mod by Twisted Mexi was used to create this build. You don't need it to place the lot, but I recommend that you go check it out. It can be found here: https://twistedmexi.com
I hope you enjoy my build. Please tag me if you share any gameplay pictures from the lot, I'd love to see it!
♡ Lilolakes
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Knight!Bakugou x Chubby!reader part 5
Jeepers. I was stumped this last year. Sorry you had to wait so long. But I’m not dead (no matter how much I used to want otherwise)
So here you go, saplings!!
<- chapter 4
There are 1297 words to read below the line!!
Spirits were high after the picnic. Word had slipped from Eijiro to one of his sisters and the whole household was in an uproar of pleasantries when you returned home.
“I’m so excited for your wedding, Y/n! I think I should like to be the flower girl very much!” The youngest Kirishima held her little wooden pony to her chest dreamily, dancing all around the hope chest. You chuckled at her antics, continuing your embroidery, swaying gently in the wooden rocking chair.
Mrs. Kirishima asked for some of her own embroidered towels and you quickly agreed, perhaps to pay the Kirishimas back in any way possible. The stack of finished towels was cut short as you handed the old woman her new cloth pile. “Thank you, my dear. Having you in our home has been such a blessing.” Her hand was warm and her smile warmer.
“Thank you. You have no idea what a blessing being here has been. I appreciate all you’ve done for me.” You placed your hand on hers with a pleasant smile.
Thumping in the next room drew your attention away from your wonderful aunt. Eijiro walked to the threshold of the room in his full armor with sweat dripping down his brow. “You need to come with me.” His eyes were cold and his voice, firm.
You stood suddenly, your skirts wrapping around your legs with every quick step. “What’s going on?” Panic filled your veins and your eyes danced over all the Kirishima girls huddled around the table with worried expressions and hurried whispers filling the air.
“I’ll tell you on the way,” your cousin—always a gentleman—opened the door to let you through.
The cool of the day before had passed and the air was wiggling in the heat, and dust blew through the streets. You understood why Eijiro was sweating so much when he entered in a hurry.
You were glad you had worn a short sleeved top. But having pants and a skirt, you were burning up. “So what’s going on??” You were almost running, trying to keep up with Ei’s fast pace.
“Bakugou’s been badly injured and King Deku asked for you. I don’t exactly know why the king wants you there but I was going to fetch you anyway when Katsuki got hurt.” His gaze stayed straight ahead. So you did the same.
The castle’s guard entrance was quickly growing as you got closer. The large black oak doors creaked open after a few shouts were exchanged between Eijiro and the guard on duty in the tower above you.
The medic tent was closer to the center of the guards’ courtyard. Eijiro held open the tents flap for you as you stepped inside.
Cots lined the walls, small bedside tables no larger then a foot wide were placed between each bed. Only two young nurses walked between the cots.
Katsuki was the farthest from the entrance, his expression pained as a short man chatted enthusiastically to him, the chair he was on creaking with every movement of his flailing arms.
You squeezed past the two nurses easily, Eijiro had a harder time with his armor taking up a lot of space. It also didn’t help that one of the nurses was making eyes at your cousin which caused him to falter briefly.
Katsuki looked up at you when you got closer. You couldn’t read his expression but you assumed it was annoyance with a hint of gratitude due to your appearance shutting up the green haired man.
Eijiro appeared next to you and bowed, nudging your elbow to do the same. You curtsied politely, not knowing who the smaller man was.
“You must be Kachan’s fiancé!!” The man’s face lit up as he took your hand and kissed you knuckles out of courtesy. “I haven’t heard much about you from him, but Kirishima certainly has some nice things to say about his favorite cousin!”
You smiled politely, folding your hands in front of you, glad you had wiped your face with your handkerchief before you entered the medical tent. “I just so happen to be his only cousin.” You chuckle and tilt your head.
“I do apologize,” the man bowed lowly, “I am King Izuku Midoriya. You may call me Midoriya, or Deku if you’d like!” He smiled brightly.
“It’s very nice to meet you, sir.” You curtsied again and bowed your head. You told him you name in a gentle tone, but your eyes were on Katsuki. His gaze was focused on you. His eyebrow raising he lifted his arm and gave a slight wave.
King Midoriya talked for quite awhile while you tried not to giggle watching your fiancé mock his words, mouthing everything the king said, perfectly lip syncing every word.
“—and then I realized I had never actually met you, so I asked Sir Kirishima to kindly fetch you. While it’s not favorable that he was hurt, I’m glad I remembered to ask for you because of it—“ the poor man just didn’t know when to shut his mouth.
“Deku. You’re boring her. You met her—good for you—now get out so I can talk to my fiancé in peace.” Bakugou groaned as he shoved off the thin sheet covering his thighs.
Izuku looked surprised, his eyebrows nearly touching his hairline. “Oh!! Of course! I am so sorry! I was so caught up in telling my story I completely missed the fact that you were tryin—“
“Shut up! Get out!” Katsuki closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose like he had a migraine.
“Right!” He turned and walked out with Eijiro.
You took King Deku’s seat cautiously watching Katsuki sigh roughly and sit up.
“That was pretty harsh.” You leaned back.
“Yeah well, the guy doesn’t know when he’s being too much.” He smirked slightly and twiddled with the sheet.
“So how badly were you hurt?” You tried to act unconcerned.
“I actually got a taste of my own medicine,” he chuckled, “remember when I kicked you in the ribs?”
You winced at the memory.
“Well I was gifted something very similar,” he gently peeled up his shirt to reveal a very blood soaked bandage over his chest. “Mina finally bested me.” His light laugh didn’t hold much humor in it. “She got me good right on the chest.”
“Does it still hurt?” You couldn’t hide your concern you had been trying to conceal the whole conversation.
“Oh yeah, but I’m sure I’ll heal up in a couple of days.”
You nodded slowly and twisted your fist into the fabric of your skirt.
“Did you enjoy the picnic?” He asked sheepishly.
“Yes. It was very pleasant. I appreciate your efforts to make this marriage as smooth as possible, Bakugou.” In the back of your mind you growled at yourself for using his last name. You knew you were just trying to distance yourself from your feelings. But you couldn’t become attached to this brut.
Katsuki’s smile dropped. “Yes. That was the purpose.” He looked at the canvas wall across the room.
“You should be cleared to leave for home, Sir Bakugou.” An old woman stepped close to the bed and placed and aged, shaking hand on your shoulder. “Stay out of trouble for a couple weeks. No training while you’re healing. Understand?” She asked firmly.
“Yeah, yeah. I know the drill—“
“I—“ he sighed. “Yes, ma’am.” He nodded and dropped his hand he had raised while waving off her warnings.
You smiled at his quick defeat, and helped him stand to his feet.
“I don’t want to see you back her for at least two weeks, Sir Bakugou.” The firm statement was waved off by the blonde who let himself use you as a crutch.
@katsukichu @axidthot @darlingely @totally-not-bakus-hoe
@arminlator @sad0ni0n @rebekah-trader @tjmaxx556 @ninashellhole @awkardnerd
@buzzyboi79 @angrypomerainian
@ookoobshoob @iwa-chan-akaashi-san
@backgroundgirl887 @buzzyboi79
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elletromil · 1 month
- Episode 49 "Old Oak Doors Part B"
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