#oliver x slade
brinleyparke · 9 months
Slade: Something is happening inside me.
Oliver: Yeah, those are called feelings.
Slade: Ah, feelings. Yeah, okay, I need to shove them back down.
Oliver: ... What?
Slade: Okay. That was close. All better now.
Oliver: What the hell's the matter with you?
*Several years later*
Oliver: Something is happening inside me.
Dig: Yeah, those are called feelings.
Oliver: Ah, feelings. Yeah, okay, I need to shove them back down.
Dig: ... What?
Oliver: Okay. That was close. All better now.
Dig: What the hell's the matter with you?
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arrow-v-flash-polls · 4 months
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The relationship between these two went though all the stages more than once. But what is your preferred viewing of the two, romantically, platonically or prefer not see them together at all?
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oldfangirl81 · 18 days
Oliver & Slade | Traitor
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ao3statistics · 3 months
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This is self-made. Date: 14.03.2024
Please note that the numbers for Oliver Queen/Kara Danvers/Kara Zor-El might not be entirely correct.
The reason for that is that I made the chart before noticing that Oliver Queen/Kara Danvers and Oliver Queen/Kara Zor-El were made synonyms within the Arrow (TV 2012) and Supergirl (TV 2015) fandom but not in all other fandoms (comics, The Flash (TV)). Instead Oliver Queen/Kara Zor-El and Oliver Queen/Kara Starikova were made synonyms for the comic fandoms, Superman - All Media Types and (again?) the TV Show Arrow (2012).... I found it quite confusing because I don't know much about the Arrowverse in general (clearly). Unfortunately I accidentally deleted the excel table the charts were based on (haaaaah...) and I cannot be bothered to do it all over again.
In short: The hits you see for Oliver Queen/Kara Zoe-El/Kara Danvers are most likely related to the Arrow TV show (2012) and the TV show Supergirl (2015) only (if I understood the way the tagging for this ship is done on Ao3 correctly).
I assume no guarantee or liability for the completeness, correctness and accuracy of this chart despite my best efforts.
Includes fanfictions in all languages available, NOT English only. Includes all fandoms on Ao3 connected to Oliver Queen from DCU.
Percentages were rounded up or rounded down to natural numbers for easier comprehension.
Poly ships were not included.
More charts will follow. :)
Want to have a chart for different pairings, headcanons etc. in your favourite fandom? Send me an ask!
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blazethecheeto · 2 years
Things Arrow Characters Absolutely Have Said Pt.2
Shado: Slade doesn’t look very happy.
Oliver: That's his happy. He's just a bitch.
Felicity: *sharpens knife* We've got ways of making people talk.
Felicity: *cuts piece of cake*
Person being interrogated: ...Can I have some?
Felicity: Cake is for talkers.
Oliver: I know this isn’t going to end well and I don’t care. So don’t you try and stop me, Sara!
Sara: I wasn’t stopping you. I was asking if you had a spare camera so I can record this.
Roy: Valentines Day? I'm ready. *Sprays an entire can of AXE body spray on himself*
Oliver: Can you pass the salt?
Thea: Can you pass away?
Oliver: Too much salt.
Deadshot: We have fun, don’t we, Johnny?
Diggle: I have never been more stressed out in my entire life.
Felicity: Did it hurt when you fell-
Sara: From heaven? Wow, I didn’t think you were such a flirt-
Felicity: No, I meant when you fell down the roof with 3 arrows stuck in you.
Sara: ...
Felicity: You were dead for like months-
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leeus-writing · 2 years
My Master Lists
For inspiration please see my current list of requests Here
FF7 Characters I’ll write for are:
·       Sephiroth
·       Zack Fair
·       Cloud Strife
·       Rufus Shinra
·       Reno
·       Vincent
Other Characters I'll write for outside of FF7
Kylo Ren
Oliver Queen / Green Arrow
Slade / Death stroke
Should you wish to join my tag list for any of these characters just send me a message.
I will automatically write the reader as a cis female, if you want me to write another gender please let me know.
Please ensure you write detail of what you want.
If I don’t feel comfortable with a request, I won’t do it so please make sure you read my list of wont writes.
Request subjects I won't write:
·       character x character
·       Abuse
·       poly relationships
·       yandere
·       Anything involving non-consensual encounters
·       Anything involving nsfw themes with underage characters 
·       Fetishes
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wonderingfandoms · 2 years
I have read a couple Thea Queen/Slade Wilson fanfics and there actually really good.
No I’ve read them all and want more.
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morallygreysimp · 1 year
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Joe carefully lowered the handle, praying that the door wouldn't make a sound. It did, but the man that was currently clinging to his son's hand in a desperate attempt to believe that he was still there remained still. The older man lingered on the threshold, doubting his decision. Was he really doing this? Was it the right thing? What was he going to say anyway? The situation did not leave room for a threat, let alone an overprotective father speech to his son's boyfriend? Friend? Colleague? Joe didn't even know in which way he had to approach the man, he certainly didn't know how to address him. However in that moment Oliver Queen looked anything but a man. Boy was a more appropriate term. Scared, no terrified boy. Joe didn't move, he stood still on the doorstep as he meticulously observed the scene in front of his eyes. It was something he never thought he would ever witness. Something that never even crossed his mind. Another thing that never crossed his mind and he never thought he would see was Oliver Queen crying. But he wasn't crying, he was full sobbing. He wasn't when Joe opened the door. But as he stared at him he notice his laborious breaths, his whimpers. Then something inside the boy broke. As if he had finally comprehended the circumstance they where in, he collapsed. Broke down. Disintegrated right in front of the detective's eyes.
Oliver had heard the door. Of course he did. John had called it hyperawareness. Felicity had called it anxiety. Thea had just called him weird. Maybe he was. But it was helpful. Oliver also knew why the detective was there. He was about to receive a stereotypical overprotective father speech. Sure he expected it. They weren't going to keep it a secret forever, despite his desire to. There was something uniquely beautiful into keeping what they had hidden from the world. It was just theirs. Just like the stolen kisses in the corner of the foundry, when no one was around. Just like the movie night's cuddles on the couch, while forgotten beer bottles laid on the coffee table. Just like those blissful nights spent in each other's arms, sweaty bodies colliding against one another as they whispered and moaned in the other's ear. It was something pure, simply wonderful. But as wonderful as it was, Barry wasn't completely happy, this secret was eating him. Oliver knew, of course. And he couldn't live his life with the knowledge that his Barry was not entirely happy. How could he? So he accepted to tell everyone, and surprisingly he was alright with it. He found himself ready and thrilled to yell from the highest building he could find that Bartholomew Henry Allen was his. His and only his.
However what Oliver found himself to not know was why the detective was standing there, not moving forward or back. He just stood there. Motionless. Oliver's mind tried to understand, but it kept wandering off to the image of his lover barely looking alive on that bed. His Barry a few feet away from death. The greatest thing that had ever happened to him almost gone because of a psychotic monster. So he let go. He collapsed. He broke down. He disintegrated right in front of the detective's eyes.
Joe to a step forward. Then another. And another one. He found himself doing something he never thought he would do. He hugged the boy. Because that's what he was. A broken boy forced to witness such tragedy. Joe didn't care if Oliver was a friend or a colleague or a boyfriend. He cared that he loved his son. And he did. Every sob, every whimper, every tear Oliver was sharing held an enormous amount of love. A kind of love Joe had never seen. Never felt. It was different. It was unique. It was beautiful. And Joe felt ashamed to have thought of that. How could he describe the pain the man, no the boy he was holding as beautiful? But it was. Oliver's cry hid a kind of passion, a kind of adoration, a kind of complete devotion that in that moment of total desperation created something so undesirably beautiful.
They didn't say anything. Oliver cried. Joe held him. For only god knows how long. Not a single word was shared between the two of them. Oliver didn't pronounce a syllable through his cries. Joe did not dare to speak. How could he? There wasn't a single word in English that could describe his feelings, or the situation, let alone a word that could comfort the boy. He was absolutely sure that throughout the world there wasn't a single language which's words could comfort Oliver Queen. So they sat there, Oliver lowered over Barry's body, hand locked into his lover's as he howled in pain, his heart shattering over and over again; Joe immobile, arm firmly around the younger man's shoulder, as he stared down at his son, listening to the suffering of the man he was holding. No one dared to come in. No one dared to interrupt. So they sat there.
As his cries burned his lungs, Oliver understood something. Something he never thought he would have ever understand.
"Find your serendipity, Oliver"
Slade Wilson had said to him. It was random. Completely out of the blue. Oliver would have laughed if his voice wasn't so serious. It send a chill down his spine.
"And that would be?"
Was his answer. A failed attempt to sound humorous. It came out as cocky.
"Serendipity is the realisation of having found something good, something amazing, something extraordinary without looking for it"
Slade's voice was a whisper. As if he was talking to the wind.
" I'm supposed to find something without looking for it. Very helpful advice, man."
Again, cocky.
"Let yourself find your serendipity. Let something, let someone become your serendipity "
He did. Let someone become his serendipity. He didn't do it on purpose. It just happened.
"Oh come on! It is absolutely impossible you have never ever, not even once in your life watched Princess Diary! Or legally blonde! This is a crime Oliver Queen, a crime! That's it you and I are having a movie catch up night every week! How can I love someone who has never even heard of Princess Diary!"
His voice was divine nectar. Lifeblood. An angel's song. He smiled. He smiled so widely and for so long his cheeks hurt. And he hoped they would hurt that way for the rest of his life. He wanted him to babble about how uncultured he was for eternity. He wanted him for eternity. Forever felt way to short. How was he going to let him know about all the love and admiration and passion and adoration he felt for him in such little time? It was then that he knew. It was in that instant, while Barry rambled on and on about Oliver's ignorance of pop culture that he knew. He had found his something to feel so lucky about. His eternity. His serendipity.
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redbelles · 1 year
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KASTLE: LINES & LYRICS — insp. x and x
Mary Oliver, Summer Morning // Hanif Abdurraqib, For the Dogs Who Barked at Me on the Sidewalks in Connecticut // Nathaniel Orion, At Least Once More // Hozier, Work Song // David Mitchell, Slade House // Sue Zhao, [untitled] // Ocean Vuong, A Letter to My Mother That She Will Never Read // Richard Siken, Snow and Dirty Rain // Simon Van Booy, Everything Beautiful Began After // Bruce Springsteen, Secret Garden
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theerurishipper · 2 months
I think the Batman's sidekicks equal child soldiers comes from them being called soldiers. Bat books seem to embrace the 'war on crime' narrative more as they are more gritty. On top of this Batman is emotionally incompetent meaning he treats his kids more like soldiers than children sometimes.
It's also quantity of sidekicks. Like, Barry had Wally. He didn't have any other kid sidekicks at the same time. Batman has a solid army and it often feels like one. They often feel more militarized than other 'fams'. Also, he is too controlling and doesn't treat this solid army of children well. So obviously when a character mistreats everyone around them, people are more likely to see the flaws. A kid cheerfully fighting aside their adult mentor isn't going to get called a child soldier but a kid written with a more gritty undertone is (especially because of the war on crime stuff).
He also had the whole 'good soldier' memorial which says he kinda viewed Jason, a dead 15 year old he adopted, as a soldier. Even though they were portrayed as a father son relationship so this immediately damages the perception of his relationships with his other children.
Also, the Under the Red Hood Movie is an entry level media for Bat fandom. It starred Mr Ackles of Supernatural fame. There is a huge child soldier narrative in the treatment of Sam and Dean by their father so Supernatural fans are more likely to see these themes. So Ackles fans watching the movie and then getting into the Batfam stuff will obviously latch onto this.
Also, this is not the only incident in superhero fandom where certain characters are singled out as child soldiers for other characters. This narrative is also present in some parts of the X-Men fandom, especially regarding the relationship of Professor X and Cyclops. As it is another incident of an adult character 'rescuing' a child in need and (I can't think of a better word) indoctrinating them to their cause.
I think another thing is the fact the Bats do not have powers. So narrative of 'with great power, comes great responsibility' only actually applies to Batman himself with his obscene wealth. So the classic narrative of you have power so you have to help people with them doesn't apply here. Most of the kids he recruits could have relatively normal lives. Jason, whose fans propagate this take heavily, did not ask to be Robin. Batman gave it to him. I also feel that Starlin was trying to have an arc about why having a child sidekick was bad in the Jason's Robin run so Jason's fans are more likely to be critical of the child sidekick thing. It basically goes 'maybe I should not have had this child fight crime' (while Jason is still alive) to 'it's Jason's own fault he got himself killed' which looks really bad.
So it just feels like a lot of factors give more and more people these kind of takes in a way that doesn't apply to other characters. Wonder Woman mostly fights alongside adults. The Flash is also adult heavy (Barry, Jay, Max as in adults that started as adults). Shazamily is all near is age (argument for Wizard perhaps). Lanterns, adults. Arrow family are usually a bit older than the bats and get less attention. Ect.
For me the thing is that... this is fiction. Not a one-to-one direct reflection of reality. In real life, we would frown upon vigilantism as a concept, but enjoying characters like Batman and Superman requires some suspension of disbelief. The same idea should be applied to the idea of sidekicks in general, something that would be very wrong in reality, but is acceptable within the fictional world of DC. Admittedly Batman is usually more grounded than the other books, but it still is within the fictional world of DC, where having child sidekicks in okay. Where letting children fight crime is not inherently wrong, and what defines whether it's good or bad is the intent of the person training/raising them (Bruce or Barry or Oliver as opposed to David Cain or Slade Wilson). We need to view it through that lens, otherwise it's kinda just bad faith criticism.
Another thing to consider is that Batman is an emotionally withdrawn character. It's pretty clear that he did not consider Jason a simple soldier for the cause, or his death wouldn't have ruined him the way it did. And honestly, for every Jason is a soldier case in the Batcave (something he got yelled at for btw), there is a Bruce giving Damian a heartfelt speech about how his kids aren't soldiers. For every moment Bruce treats his kids like soldiers, there is a moment where he openly admits to how much he loves them. I suppose after a point of time it's all up to interpretations, especially since the latter are far and few between, but canon has been pretty clear that Bruce loves his children above all else, and that he doesn't see them as soldiers. That's actually been a plot point a few times, so I think it shouldn't be a question that he sees them as sons and daughter and not soldiers. After all, the whole reason he does what he does for them is so that they don't turn out like him. Him coming off as seeing them like soldiers is not because it's the truth of what he thinks, it's because he can't express himself.
I did say there are plenty of other reasons to criticize Bruce as a character, one of them being the fact that he behaves abusively to his kids. But that's not a symptom of them being child soldiers. My post mostly stemmed from me seeing a lot of criticism of Batman "throwing kids into tights and a cape instead of getting them therapy," and it's like, nooooo. He very explicitly did not do that. They chose the life. Most of them would have done it whether or not Bruce was there. The kids being crimefighters isn't the problem.
If the cheerful thing is what differentiates them from others, the Robins have had that with Batman. Dick and Bruce actually had great fun as Batman and Robin, for instance, before things went sour. Jason may have been given Robin by Bruce, but he also loved being Robin and said it gave him magic. The inherent idea of kids fighting crime is not the issue in a fictional world. Robin in itself is something of a child empowerment kind of thing, a genre staple, at least in the beginning. We don't go around calling every child protagonist a child soldier, do we? It would be an inherently unethical thing in real life, but this is fiction. We have to have some amount of suspension of disbelief when it comes to that, just like we do for the idea of vigilantism itself. Otherwise, we wouldn't have a story.
My take on it is this: there are no child soldiers in DC (when it comes to the sidekicks). Because it's fiction. Within the conventions of the genre, it's well and good for Bruce or anyone to let kids fight crime. Bruce being an abuser is a different conversation entirely, one that should not be derailed with accusations of him raising child soldiers. Those are not a thing in DC, and we would all be happier if we accepted that. My post was specifically about that, that Bruce letting kids fight crime is not inherently a bad thing within the context on the world they operate in. I made the OG post because I saw a lot of criticism towards Bruce for the very act of letting kids fight crime, not because of how he treats them but because he apparently indoctrinated and manipulated them into his war on crime, just criticism for the very act of him letting them do so.
I've also seen talk about how awful it is for Bruce to continue to let kids be Robins after one died, and I just have to say, do you not want Tim Drake and Stephanie Brown and Cassandra Cain and Damian Wayne and Duke Thomas and every other kid hero in the Batfam to exist? Because if Batman were to do the right thing, they shouldn't exist. But, again, this is fiction. It's a story about superheroes. As per the rules of the story, Batman needs a Robin. Someone was going to be created to fill the void, and it was Tim Drake.
And if we go down that route, what does this say about Conner Kent and Bart Allen and Cassie Sandsmark and the other heroes like them? Because if Bruce is in the wrong for letting kids fight after Jason died, so are the other heroes who allow kids to keep fighting after one sidekick died on the job. Was Clark Kent raising a child soldier when he allowed Jon to fight crime? And it's also funny to me cause again, Tim Drake practically forced Bruce to take him on as Robin, with the explicit blessing of former Robin Dick Grayson, and Alfred Pennyworth. Everyone else was already in the life, and Bruce just helped them out. They would have done it regardless of him. So, to frame it in a manner as though he forced them into it, or he didn't care that Jason died and that it could happen to them too is wrong.
Perhaps it's because Batman is the most popular DC hero, perhaps it's because he's had the most sidekicks, perhaps it's because one of them died, but it's still not a correct argument. Again, there are very legitimate criticisms to be made of Bruce, ones I can agree with wholeheartedly, but this is not one of them. He is toxic and controlling and abusive to his kids, but they are not child soldiers. It is that very specific thing that I am objecting to. And that's what I think a lot of replies to my post misunderstand, because they're conflating Bruce being abusive with Bruce raising child soldiers, and I while I agree with their general point, I disagree with the framing and the inferences made from it. And then there are the people who inspired me to make the post, who are just wrong.
So, I do agree with a lot of the criticisms of Bruce and a lot of your points! I can see where the idea comes from considering how Bruce treats his kids, but I don't think the correct takeaway is that they are child soldiers specifically. Victims of abuse from Bruce? Sure. Not child soldiers. I hope this makes sense.
Thank you for your ask!
Just... gonna leave this here...
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brinleyparke · 11 months
Arrow and Supergirl X-over Ideas/Prompts
Post Crisis on Earth-X AU– Mon-el and Oliver have a few drinks before Mon-el has to go back to his time. They realize they have quite a bit in common.
Post Elseworlds – Kara learns of Oliver's history with Mirakuru.
Post Crisis on Infinite Earths – Kara tries to come to terms with Oliver's sacrifice.
AU – Nyssa isn't the only one who trained Mia. Slade Wilson and Alex Danvers help, too.
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samantha-rae-velcher · 8 months
I Promise
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Slade Wilson x Fem reader
Requested by: none
Warnings: Swearing, angst, Violence, mentions of death.
A/n: If you don't like the warnings please don't read! PLEASE KEEP MY COMMENT SECTION AGGRESSION FREE! If you're comment is rude in any way, you'll be blocked. Ive been wanting to write a story like this for a while but haven't gotten around to it, my service is terrible so the app might just eat this lol
I know this isn't how Arrow went, but I'm just making my own thing out of it 😁
"Y/n, This is Slade Wilson." Moira said, holding her hand out towards a man on the couch.
Y/n felt dread wash through her as he stood, stepping over to her with a smile on his face. He firmly grasped her hand, the smile fading.
"A pleasure, Miss Queen."
"Let him go." Y/n had said, fear in her voice at the sight of Slade holding a knife to her brothers throat.
"Or what, little one? You'll attack me? Not likely."
Y/n and Oliver had fallowed Yao fei's directions to the crash site of a plane, only to be ambushed by a rather intimidatingly large man, Y/n had to admit she found him quite attractive.
"Fao Fei sent us!" She yelled, "I doubt it was so we could be killed by you."
He lowered his brows, staring her directly in the eye. No doubt trying to see if she was pulling a fast one or not. It took a few moments but he let go of her brother, but still didn't drop the knife.
"Who are you?" He asked.
"I'm Oliver Queen, and this is my sister Y/n."
"Sister? Funny, she looks nothing like you."
"I was adopted." Y/n grumbled. "Now who the hell are you, and why are you so fuckin special?"
"I'm Slade Wilson, and I have no idea why Yao Fei sent you to me."
Y/n threw her hands in the air, "Great, Ollie. This is great! We have an army attempting to track us down! We have an Australian jungle man with a sword and no way to get off this fuckin island! Yao Fei sends us here and none of us know why! This is just fuckin great!"
Y/n shook her head and sat on a nearby box. The men watched her, almost as if they thought she'd set the place a blaze with just one touch.
"What?" She asked.
"Nothing." Oliver replied, "But we need to get him out of there."
"Do you two know how to fight?"
"She does, I don't."
"Well then, I guess we begin your training tomorrow."
As time went on the three had gotten close, Y/n was surprised when Oliver learned how to fight. They had rescued Yao Fei, and met his daughter. Only for the poor SOB to get himself killed . Y/n and Slade had been attacked, Slade had gotten hurt and she had to drag him into a cave that was well hidden by large shrubs.
"Stay still, if I don't take this out then it will get infected!" Y/n yelled
"I'll do it myself!"
"The fuck you will!"
"It'd be wise to not argue with me!"
"Then shut the fuck up and there won't be an argument!"
Slade was almost shocked by her words, Y/n was never afraid to fight back or curse someone out, even if they were holding a gun in her face.
"It's not as bad as I thought, I stole some medical supplies on my way out of the camp."
"That's why you stopped?" He asked.
"Well yeah, can never have enough bandages and whatever else I grabbed."
Slade chucked, wincing in pain as she pressed a rag doused in alcohol against his wound.
"We need to keep moving." He grumbled. "They'll find us if we stay."
"We aren't leaving until night. Rest, Slade. I'll keep watch."
"Y/n? Are you alright?" Moira asked, gently gripping her arm.
"Y-yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about me."
"Okay, ill let you two get acquainted while I grab us some drinks."
When the older woman left the room Slade pulled Y/n closer, his breath hot against her ear.
"What's the matter, little one? You look surprised to see me."
"You were dead, Oliver said he killed you."
"Tell him to check for a pulse next time."
"Here we are!" Moira cheered, bringing a tray of whiskey glasses and the bottle.
"I can't stay." Y/n said. "I have some very important business that-"
"That can surely wait until after we give Mr. Wilson a tour of the mansion." Moira interrupted.
"Yes, Y/n. Why don't you stay?"
"Stay." Slade whispered. "If you leave me and they find this place, I won't be able to defend myself."
Y/n hesitated, ready to run out and find her brother, but her feelings for Slade pulled her back to his side.
"Alright, but one more hour and I'm hauling you out of here."
It was Y/n who saved him, who fought and defeated all those men to get him back to the plane. But he still had eyes for Shadow, when he was healed they began sparring again. Y/n had to watch as the man she loved was being swept off his feet by the woman who wanted Oliver.
She felt sick watching them roll around and tackle each other. Oliver could see how she felt and it made him sad, she deserved to be happy after all she had been through. It was because of him that she was cooped up on this island, nearly being killed every day.
"I'm outta here." Y/n muttered under her breath.
"Where are you going?" Slade asked, grabbing her arm.
"I don't know, I'm gonna go disarm a mine or catch a fish. Just let go of me."
He did. Watching her disappear through the trees, oblivious to how she felt for him.
"What's her problem?"
Oliver shrugged and went back to fumbling with a stick.
Y/n walked through the forest, climbing a tall tree and watching a few soldiers sneak around. She jumped down and took them out, bringing them to a cliff and pushing their bodies off.
She could feel the anger building inside her, the pent up rage just wanting to get out. Y/n wanted to hate Shadow, but it wasn't her fault. She felt so controlled being stuck on the island, not being able to leave, having to worry that she'd wake up in a cage or not wake up at all.
"You have a lovely home, Miss Queen." Slade said, kissing her hand.
"Oh please, call me Moira."
"Of course, Moira. Unfortunately I have to be going, I look forward to seeing you again."
"As do I. Y/n could you see Mr. Wilson to his car?"
Y/n nodded and lead him outside. The trip was quiet, all she could hear was her heart pounding in her ears.
"Slade, why are you here?" She asked, watching as he got in his car.
"Five years ago I made you a promise, Y/n. Well I'm here to fulfill it."
Y/n pointed a gun to his head, tears running down her cheeks.
"You won't do it, princess. You and I both know, your heart won't let you. Best to stop pretending to be someone you're not."
"I won't let you kill her." She whispered.
"How do you know it's Moira I'll kill? Maybe it'll be Oliver, or Thea. We'll just have to see, won't we?"
Tears stung Y/n's eyes as she sat with Slade, the others had already left but she couldn't pull herself away just yet. The sight of him drove a knife through her, his dead body leaned against a crate. A lantern casting their shadows over the wall, the cold of the room making Y/n feel so lost and alone.
"I'm so sorry." She whispered. "If I could've saved you I would've, even if I had to suffer through watching you fawn over Shadow. Id go through that pain, just to have you breath again."
She couldn't hold back anymore, her quiet sobs filled the room as she wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his shoulder.
"I would give my life for you Slade."
The sound of people yelling outside ripped Y/n from her sorrow. She took Slade's gun and slowly made her way to the noise, watching as Shadow and Oliver were put to their knees by the same people they've been fighting on this island since they got here.
"Where is she!?" The leader yelled, pointing a gun at Oliver.
"I'm right here you fuckin chump!" Y/n called from over his shoulder.
"Ahh, Y/n. So good of you to join us, put her on her knees with her friends."
She was pushed to the ground next to Oliver, all she could think about was Slade as the man started his big speech on how long he's been trying to catch them.
"But you Y/n, you've caused me the most trouble." He growled. "Whenever I got close to finding you or perfecting the Mirakuru, you had to destroy it. You've ruined everything I worked for! So now...I'm gonna make you choose."
"What?" Y/n asked.
"You heard me! Choose! Who do I kill!? Shadow or Oliver!?"
She was stunned by his question, the pain of Slade's death still raw in her system.
"Who!? CHOOSE!"
"Me! You son of a bitch!" She cried. "Me! shoot me for fuck sake!"
The man chuckled, pointing the gun at Shadow. "Wrong answer."
The sound of a gun shot rang through her ears and Shadows lifeless body falling to the ground had Oliver screaming. Y/n shook her head, not knowing what else to do. She charged at the man, throwing him to the ground. Y/n took his gun and fired it at a few of his men, taking Oliver by the arm and running into the woods.
They made it back to the plane and Y/n collapsed, her breathing was rapid and her heart was racing. Her hands shook with the rest of her body as her vision went black.
"Oliver!" Y/n yelled, running into Arrows headquarters.
"What!? What's going on!?"
"It's Slade! He's back! I don't know how but he's back!"
Oliver ran over, wrapping his sobbing sister in a hug. The same memories racing through his head.
"It'll be alright, everything is gonna be alright."
"H-he's gonna kill you."
It had been weeks since Shadows death and here Y/n was running from more men with guns, she had just escaped a cell, and was on her way back to the plane when they came out of nowhere.
"Get her!" They yelled, racing through the trees and vines.
She was about to book it down a hill to the shore, when a hand came over her mouth, and she was pulled into that same hidden cave.
Y/n attempted to pushed the person away when she felt their chest against her back, but she was hushed by a familiar voice.
"Slade?" She asked, her own voice sounding shakey.
"Quiet, Princess. They're right outside."
They watched through the brush and vines as the men ran past and down the hill. Slade loosened his grip on her, allowing Y/n to turn around.
Her eyes scanned his face, not a scratch.
"How?" She asked.
"The Mirakuru. It healed me."
"It thought it killed you."
"Yeah, then it healed me."
Y/n pulled him into a hug, the feeling of his arms wrap around her made her heart race.
"Is Oliver and Shadow alright?" He asked.
Y/n slowly pulled away, dread written all over her face. "It's only me and Oliver now..."
Slade swallowed, "Where's Shadow?"
"After you died, we were captured. And a the guy that made the Mirakuru shot her."
His eyes filled with tears, "Do you know where he is?"
"Y-yes, Slade I'm so sorry."
"Can you take me to him?"
"...yeah, I can."
The two of them made it to the camp, they hid just outside and watched. Y/n could feel the anger and hurt radiating off of him. He's feeling just how she felt whenever she saw Slade and Shadow together.
"Is he in there?" He asked, pointing at the largest tent in the camp.
"Yeah, but he's got guards."
"You stay here, I'll make this quick."
Without another word he made his way through the brush and out of sight. Y/n did as she was told and stayed there, she was expecting him to be out within minutes but when an hour had passed, she knew something was wrong.
Y/n was about to go in after him when she heard a twig snap behind her, and a gun press to the back of her head.
She slowly put her hands up and turned around, it was the man that killed Shadow. His face was twisted into an evil grin. Y/n was about to jump at him, but before she could a hard object hit her in the side of the head.
Y/n woke up in a cell, it was wet and she could hear waves outside. She rolled over to see that she was below deck of a ship.
Y/n sat up clutching her head, she looked around to get her bearings. She saw the man who killed Shadow, a few of his guys and...Slade?
"Slade?" She asked.
He turned, the look in his eyes was hatred and pain. This wasn't Slade, not mentally anyway.
"Are you okay?"
He didn't answer, only stepped closer to the bars of her cell.
"He just shot her, huh?" He asked.
"Shadow! He just shot her!? Funny, he tells me you chose to have her shot!"
"Slade I-"
She was cut off by the feeling of a blade being pressed to her stomach.
"I wanna show you something."
He opened her cell door and stepped away so the guards could grab her, once again she was thrown to her knees in front of the same man.
"Show me how you did it." He growled.
"What?" The man asked.
Slade handed him his gun, "You killed her didn't you, show me how you did it."
"No, she chose."
"I chose?" Y/n asked, getting to her feet. "You wanna know what happened? All three of us were on our knees, he told me to choose but I was so torn from seeing you die that I couldn't comprehend what he said. So he said it again, and I told him to shoot me. And you know what he did?"
She stepped closer, "He laughed, he pointed the gun at her and said "Wrong choice" then he shot her."
Slade looked at her, he could see the tears in her eyes as well as what she was saying was the truth.
"I didn't choose Shadow, he did."
Y/n was expecting I'm to put down his weapon and let her go free, but that wasn't the case.
"I don't care." He said. "If you hadn't chosen yourself, Shadow would still be dead."
Slade turned to the man who killed her. "Is that how you pointed the gun?"
Slade suddenly sliced the man's hand off, taking Y/n by surprise.
"Take him out of here."
Y/n watched them drag him away as Slade slowly came towards her. "You love me." He whispered.
Her heart sank at his words, "How-"
"Oliver told me."
"Two days before I died."
Y/n felt small and helpless as he got even closer, towering over her.
"You would've chosen Shadow anyway, because you were jealous of her. You hated her didn't you? Because she had my love and you didn't."
"That's not true, Slade. I didn't hate her, she was my friend."
"No, I bet you were happy to see her die. Only to remember I was gone as well."
"This is the Mirakuru talking isn't it? You're not acting like yourself, the Slade I know wouldn't blame me for Shadows death!"
"It is your fault!"
"Then kill me! Then fuckin kill me!"
Slade shook his head, and began circling her. "No, you cannot die until you have suffered the same way I have suffered. Until you have felt every single shred of pain I have."
He got close to her once again, she could feel his hot breath against her neck.
"I won't kill you, until you feel complete despair. And you will...I promise."
To be continued...
I hope you enjoyed ❤️
Reblogs are welcome 🤗
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eludin-realm · 7 months
Character Name Ideas (Male)
So I've been browsing through BehindTheName (great resource!) recently and have compiled several name lists. Here are some names, A-Z, that I like. NOTE: If you want to use any of these please verify sources, meanings etc, I just used BehindTheName to browse and find all of these. Under the cut:
A: Austin, Aiden, Adam, Alex, Angus, Anthony, Archie, Argo, Ari, Aric, Arno, Atlas, August, Aurelius, Alexei, Archer, Angelo, Adric, Acarius, Achilou, Alphard, Amelian, Archander B: Bodhi, Bastian, Baz, Beau, Beck, Buck, Basil, Benny, Bentley, Blake, Bowie, Brad, Brady, Brody, Brennan, Brent, Brett, Brycen C: Cab, Cal, Caden, Cáel, Caelan, Caleb, Cameron, Chase, Carlos, Cooper, Carter, Cas, Cash, Cassian, Castiel, Cedric, Cenric, Chance, Chandler, Chaz, Chad, Chester, Chet, Chip, Christian, Cillian, Claude, Cicero, Clint, Cody, Cory, Coy, Cole, Colt, Colton, Colin, Colorado, Colum, Conan, Conrad, Conway, Connor, Cornelius, Creed, Cyneric, Cynric, Cyrano, Cyril, Cyrus, Crestian, Ceric D: Dallas, Damien, Daniel, Darach, Dash, Dax, Dayton, Denver, Derek, Des, Desmond, Devin, Dewey, Dexter, Dietrich, Dion, Dmitri, Dominic, Dorian, Douglas, Draco, Drake, Drew, Dudley, Dustin, Dusty, Dylan, Danièu E: Eadric, Evan, Ethan, Easton, Eddie, Eddy, Einar, Eli, Eilas, Eiljah, Elliott, Elton, Emanuel, Emile, Emmett, Enzo, Erik, Evander, Everett, Ezio F: Faolán, Faron, Ferlin, Felix, Fenrir, Fergus, Finley, Finlay, Finn, Finnian, Finnegan, Flint, Flip, Flynn, Florian, Forrest, Fritz G: Gage, Gabe, Grady, Grant, Gray, Grayson, Gunnar, Gunther, Galahad H: Hale, Harley, Harper, Harvey, Harry, Huey, Hugh, Hunter, Huxley I: Ian, Ianto, Ike, Inigo, Isaac, Isaias, Ivan, Ísak J: Jack, Jacob, Jake, Jason, Jasper, Jax, Jay, Jensen, Jed, Jeremy, Jeremiah, Jesse, Jett, Jimmie, Jonas, Jonas, Jonathan, Jordan, Josh, Julien, Jovian, Jun, Justin, Joseph, Joni, K: Kaden, Kai, Kale, Kane, Kaz, Keane, Keaton, Keith, Kenji, Kenneth, Kent, Kevin, Kieran, Kip, Knox, Kris, Kristian, Kyle, Kay, Kristján, Kristófer L: Lamont, Lance, Landon, Lane, Lars, László, Laurent, Layton, Leander, Leif, Leo, Leonidas, Leopold, Levi, Lewis, Louie, Liam, Liberty, Lincoln, Linc, Linus, Lionel, Logan, Loki, Lucas, Lucian, Lucio, Lucky, Luke, Luther, Lyall, Lycus, Lykos, Lyle, Lyndon, Llewellyn, Landri, Laurian, Lionç M: Major, Manny, Manuel, Marcus, Mason, Matt, Matthew, Matthias, Maverick, Maxim, Memphis, Midas, Mikko, Miles, Mitch, Mordecai, Mordred, Morgan, Macari, Maïus, Maxenci, Micolau, Miro N: Nate, Nathan, Nathaniel, Niall, Nico, Niels, Nik, Noah, Nolan, Niilo, Nikander, Novak, O: Oakley, Octavian, Odin, Orlando, Orrick, Ǫrvar, Othello, Otis, Otto, Ovid, Owain, Owen, Øyvind, Ozzie, Ollie, Oliver, Onni P: Paisley, Palmer, Percival, Percy, Perry, Peyton, Phelan, Phineas, Phoenix, Piers, Pierce, Porter, Presley, Preston, Pacian Q: Quinn, Quincy, Quintin R: Ragnar, Raiden, Ren, Rain, Rainier, Ramos, Ramsey, Ransom, Raul, Ray, Roy, Reagan, Redd, Reese, Rhys, Rhett, Reginald, Remiel, Remy, Ridge, Ridley, Ripley, Rigby, Riggs, Riley, River, Robert, Rocky, Rokas, Roman, Ronan, Ronin, Romeo, Rory, Ross, Ruairí, Rufus, Rusty, Ryder, Ryker, Rylan, Riku, Roni S: Sammie, Sammy, Samuel, Samson, Sanford, Sawyer, Scout, Seán, Seth, Sebastian, Seymour, Shane, Shaun, Shawn, Sheldon, Shiloh, Shun, Sid, Sidney, Silas, Skip, Skipper, Skyler, Slade, Spencer, Spike, Stan, Stanford, Sterling, Stevie, Stijn, Suni, Sylvan, Sylvester T: Tab, Tad, Tanner, Tate, Tennessee, Tero, Terrance, Tevin, Thatcher, Tierno, Tino, Titus, Tobias, Tony, Torin, Trace, Trent, Trenton, Trev, Trevor, Trey, Troy, Tripp, Tristan, Tucker, Turner, Tyler, Ty, Teemu U: Ulric V: Valerius, Valor, Van, Vernon, Vespasian, Vic, Victor, Vico, Vince, Vinny, Vincent W: Wade, Walker, Wallis, Wally, Walt, Wardell, Warwick, Watson, Waylon, Wayne, Wes, Wesley, Weston, Whitley, Wilder, Wiley, William, Wolfe, Wolfgang, Woody, Wulfric, Wyatt, Wynn X: Xander, Xavier Z: Zachary, Zach, Zane, Zeb, Zebediah, Zed, Zeke, Zeph, Zaccai
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eliotspencersgf · 7 months
Can't believe my most viewed edit on YouTube ( 300k ) is Oliver Queen x Slade Wilson like I KNOW all those people watching and commenting think this is a friendship edit.. WRONG. I wanted them to fuck and then kill eachother. We are not the same.
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dcu-rarepair · 8 months
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Day 5 Gifts
Eight fantastic Gifts have been released for Day Five! Head to the Collection to check them out, and view the Release Schedule to see what’s in store!
We also have a handy Commenting Guide to help our Giftees with showing their Giftors some love. And now, here’s today’s works: 
people are people (regardless of anything) by anonymous for walkerofthestars
Teen and Up | No Archive Warnings Apply Dick Grayson/Joseph Wilson "He's his mother's son, he's his father's son, and he's beginning to think there's not much of a difference. He takes off with Dick anyways, thrust into a life he never wanted in the first place. He wonders if the like Dick leads is anything like his own."
Midwest Hospitality by anonymous for ramveins
Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics Mature | Graphic Depictions of Violence Clark Kent/Slade Wilson When Special Agent Slade Wilson runs afoul of Amanda Waller, he has Task Force X set on him, with his only hope of rescue being the alien invader that he'd been tasked with defeating. And of course it all had to happen right as he was going into heat. When Superman hears a cry for help, of course he'll answer it, even if it turns out the one in need of help had hurt him, before, even tried to kill him. He's Superman, he'll always help. After action comes recovery. After drama comes quiet. And hopefully, after animosity and confusion can come friendship and understanding, and maybe something more.
Fools Who Dared to Dream by anonymous for anotherDeadRobin
Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics | Dystopia | Slavery Teen and Up | No Archive Warnings Apply Apollo/Midnighter/Jason Todd, Apollo/Midnighter Midnighter can't take his eyes off of the omega. It's not just the edge of his rut, looming closer and closer with every passing second. This omega is different.
Watchtower Secrets by anonymous for jerrydoe
Explicit | No Archive Warnings Apply Stephanie Brown/Kon-El/Conner Kent The first time Kon saw Stephanie Brown it was when she was Robin. She didn’t even give him the time of day then, but now, he wanted her to give him the time of night too.
Doing Fine by anonymous for st_baroque
General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply Stephanie Brown & Duke Thomas & Jason Todd, Duke Thomas & Jason Todd Jason is having a hell of a morning, but Duke and Stephanie are looking out for him. In more ways than they know.
I (Didn't) Understand by anonymous for redhairgreeneyes
General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply Hal Jordon (Green Lantern)/Dinah Lance/Oliver Queen Hal doesn't think Dinah and Oliver would want to date him for real. They have to prove him wrong.
FANARTS - Grant/Jason(/Joey) BDSM AU by anonymous for scandalsavage
BDSM Art | Mature | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Jason Todd/Grant Wilson, Jason Todd/Joseph Wilson Small fanart collection and character profiles for a AU setting! A young sub called Jason is gifted to the Wilson Royal Family after a fruitful alliance with the kingdom of the AL Ghul's. Unfortunately for King Slade, the boy is quite a handful. Fortunately for his children, that handful is all theirs to do with as they please.
Dollhouse by anonymous for SuperRobinSmash
No Powers AU Explicit | No Archive Warnings Apply Jonathon Samuel Kent/Kon-El | Conner Kent As his eyes readjusted to the darkness, Jon squeaked. His oldest brother was naked. Barechested, the only thing he had on was a bright blue jockstrap. A jockstrap whose cup already looked to be leaking around the edges. Jon’s mouth went dry. “Like what you see?” Conner asked as Jon’s eyes roamed every inch of his body. 
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blazethecheeto · 7 months
What are your shado/Slade/oliver headcanons if you don’t mind me asking? The ship is so angsty and interesting and rare.
slade's an asexual panromantic i don't take criticism
shado's queer but doesn't have labels
oliver is trans.
shado was the one to initiate the relationship with both of them because they were both skeptical if the other would feel the same way
as we all know, oliver is a horrible cook so shado and slade alternate cooking meals in their little cave-home
slade can get jealous easily so shado and oliver like surprising him with gifts from the island to make sure he knows he's loved
they're literal idiots when alone, but a complete POWER trio against enemies- they fight very well together
shado loves talking about her home and the significance of the dragon, and convinced them both to get dragon tattoos in the future (crying)
late at night, when they're in their cave and lying beside each other, looking out at the stars, they like to talk about what they would do when they get back home, and how they would keep in touch, and just...anything on their mind (crying x2)
the first time oliver reveals to them that he's trans and shows them his top surgery scars, slade tells him he's a badass and shado hugs him, telling him that it doesn't matter to her
one time slade wore a green hood for disguise, and oliver and shado couldn't stop laughing- he grumbles about being left out in the 'green hood' fashion
shado likes to wake up early and go out on the beach to look out at the sunrise- after a month, the other two join her (even though oliver struggles to get up past noon so sometimes it's just slade)
they all have frequent nightmares and always comfort each other late at night. when one of them wakes up, breathing hard, mumbling something about robert or yao fei or joe, the other two are right there.
when sara joins their trio for a bit, she immediately picks up on it and starts teasing oliver
we don't talk about the double death/murder/mirakuru incident that did not happen
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