#on transphobia biphobia ableism racism and on and on and on
lhazaar · 4 months
[cis person voice] well dan savage said—
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ellstersmash · 13 days
seeing a lot of posts about being prepared to avoid fandom discourse this time around and while I will also be bobbing and weaving that bullshit, let's also make it a point to gear up and watch out for the bigotry and abuse that will inevitably come to light--and not to avoid it, but to actively participate in making fandom a hostile place for it to thrive.
challenge your friends when they say something transphobic on the discord server. ask your fave if they meant to whitewash that character in their art. watch for harmful tropes and stereotypes in the fic (and source material!) that you read. when other people bring it up, don't dismiss it as discourse. most importantly, when trans people, disabled people, LGBTQ+ people, people of color, and victims of abuse share their experiences, listen.
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daybringersol · 2 months
what types of oppression you experience has little to do with your identity and everything to do with how you are perceived.
what types of bigotry you are capable of propagating has nothing to do with your identity and everything to do with the systems of oppressions you are living under.
please actually internalize that instead of saying you do and then saying shit like ‘men can’t experience misogyny’ or ‘oh no he’s not homophobic, i swear, he’s gay!’
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bisexualseraphim · 11 hours
So-called allies online will say with their whole chests “hmm I can see your point about me needing to change and do better but the way you said it was kind of mean :/ Maybe more people would be more willing to support you if you were just a little NICER when you tell them they’re disrespecting you” and then wonder why they’re not getting Ally Brownie Points for all the hard work they’re doing for the community
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pinescapers · 1 year
Just because bigotry is online doesn't mean it doesn't negatively affect people or have consequences. It doesn't mean that same bigotry doesn't exist in the real world. People forget that these people online with these bigoted, prejudiced, and hateful opinions are real people in the real world. They don't stop having these opinions when they log off. These people's bigotry, while it may be hidden in the real world, still shows in how they actually treat the people they're spouting hate against online.
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skinnyphobicbutch · 2 years
Not that I anticipate any of those fuckin freaks to venture over yonder way, but just to be sure:
I want all of those "radqueer" "rad inclus" "pro para" (racist pedophiles) to kill themselves, genuinely and for real. You people make me fucking sick.
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solitaryearthperson · 2 years
Unpopular Opinion:
Your "opinion" is not something that has to be respected if it involves being:
When you're "opinion" involves any of these, they're not "opinions", they're hate speech. They're hatred based off of nothing but nonsense and these "opinions" get people hurt, killed, and have their rights and humanity taken away from them.
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robotpussy · 2 years
You're kind of mean and impatient and you seem very hostile. I'm not saying you aren't nice sometimes but you tend to be really rude to people who are just curious, confused or are just trying to be nice
now what post or ask caused this?
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thedepressedweasel · 3 months
@/Parents who turn off their kids' WiFi every night with the intention of brainwashing them into their worldviews in addition to limiting their exposure to the outside world:
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mywingsareonwheels · 2 months
The rise in extremely highly funded transphobic discourse and attacks in the last few years started very shortly after victories for same-sex marriage and abortion rights in various countries. I don't think it's even remotely a stretch to see it as a response to those victories.
I remember the absolute joy of a lot of trans women I was following on Twitter in 2019 when abortion was decriminalised in Northern Ireland. It was beautiful to see and utterly unsurprising.
I remember how much het and ace trans people have supported same-sex marriage, like, forever. <3
Transphobia is designed to split and break both the LGBTQIA+ rights movement *and* the women's rights movement, in order to weaken both. It's divide and conquer. One of the biggest fundraisers for both the anti-trans movement in the UK (who is also a significant donor to the Tory party...) is a mostly-former fiction writer who claims to be doing this for women but whose intense degree of internalised misogyny leaks between every line of everything she says and has written. That's not a coincidence.
Transphobia is intrinsically entwined with misogyny (and at minimum certain kinds of misandry), homophobia, biphobia, and acephobia. It's also pretty much always accompanied by racism, antisemitism, ageism, and ableism (internalised or lateral in some cases; still there). That's not a coincidence either.
The message? Well, don't be a transphobe, obviously. Don't give any money to that fucking mostly-ex-writer. But also beware of anything else that tries to create or increase divisions between us.
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aroacesafeplaceforall · 8 months
You’re pissed that no one took any accountability for their supposed “aphobia/arophobia” but where is the accountability for the constant inhumane and disgusting homophobia, biphobia and transphobia STILL spewing out of ace spaces like puss? When will you all realize you feel that way because you are directly adjacent to the oppressor class and have next to nothing in common with the LGBT community as a whole but nearly everything in common with the average cishet? Y’all aren’t queer for not wanting to fuck, only fucking sometimes “if you emotionally connect”, or being emotionally unavailable to romantic partnership. And if you aren’t also gay, trans, or bisexual, you never will be.
I got my laptop out for this, goddamn. Where would i even start?
"You’re pissed that no one took any accountability for their supposed “aphobia/arophobia”" This tells me everything about you, you possibly don't believe in aro/ace identities. You don't believe people can hate on, or be hateful to, aro/ace spec people. And yes I am pissed. Because it was fucked up.
I would try to justify it with "if this was transphobic/homophobia you wouldn't be acting this way" but im guess you don't care about that as you obviously don't see it the same way.
you were also probably someone who sent asks like this (but more hateful) in 2016 and before, you were probably also someone who posted and reblogged aphobic content and said it was "just a joke" later while still sending asks like this to people. Take of that anon and show your face coward.
"where is the accountability for the constant inhumane and disgusting homophobia, biphobia and transphobia STILL spewing out of ace spaces like puss?"
where is the accountability for the homophobia, biphobia and transphobia still spewing out of ALL lgbtqia+ spaces? Where is the accountability in the REAL world? Where is it anon? Where is the accountability for the acephobia, the arophobia and so many other "not real sexualities/gender identities" -phobias?
You saw a post about aphobia, and instead of being like "yeah that was f-ed up" or "i dont care" you went "but what about meeeeee" which is very all lives matter of you. (I am not comparing racism to homophobia, however the "what about me" bs can be summed up very easily using all lives matter as an example) For the fucking record, all spaces have assholes, all of them. On behalf of the "normal" aro/ace spec folks, i apologise for any homophobia, biphobia and/or transphobia you have experienced from us. "When will you all realize you feel that way because you are directly adjacent to the oppressor class and have next to nothing in common with the LGBT community as a whole but nearly everything in common with the average cishet?" This is a main aphobe talking point so thank you for doing this by the text book so i can break it down easier!
Three pages about asexual hate crimes which im sure every average cishet has to deal with (assuming their white and male) 1 2 (a booklet for asexual people to be actually fucking included) 3
An incredible interview is here but im going to quote a few things from it as theres a 99.9% chance aphobes wont click a link
"We know aromantics and asexuals have existed for as long as humans have. However, it’s only through the terminology recently going mainstream"
"Because of Freud’s influence, many of us grew up learning that our sex drive is the primary motivator of human behavior, but that isn’t the case."
"That mindset replicates itself within the community so that when a new identity emerges, or when people try to explain themselves, there is resistance and pushback from within the community with the mindset that “if we let these kinds of people in, then that will dilute the access to power and resources we have.” And it forces the community to maintain adjacency to white supremacy, patriarchy, capitalism, ableism and classism, all while leaving behind entire groups of people."
" Do you think there will be more identities joining the LGBTQIA+ acronym? JP: Yes. The more words we have to describe ourselves, the better we are understood."
"The biggest comparisons are the lack of visibility and exclusion from communities on the basis that they’re weird, different, othered or “don’t belong in this space.” Every queer person has experienced this narrative and as more join under the umbrella, the newbie will experience the same challenges, discrimination and misunderstandings as those who came before." and here is another article that has a quote i just live by
"When did trauma become the mark of queerness?"
but back to the aphobe ->
"Y’all aren’t queer for not wanting to fuck, only fucking sometimes “if you emotionally connect”, or being emotionally unavailable to romantic partnership. "
if you think queer = sex then so help me. queer does not equal sex, queer is sexuality. and guess what that is NOT always sexual. sexuality is who your attracted to, whether it be romantically OR sexually.
and Asexuality is a spectrum, some asexuals never have sex, some don't want to have sex but have had it due to trauma or peer pressure, some don't care for it, some did it for a partner but just dont care about it.
same with aromantic. Its a spectrum. By your process here, so so so so so many people are removed from the lgbtqia+ community but you couldn't possibly mean that-
"And if you aren’t also gay, trans, or bisexual, you never will be."
-oh you did.
So none of these are part of the community either then? Agender, Bigender, Intersex, genderfluid, pansexual, omnisexual, Omnigender, Questioning, transgender and queer?
interesting anon.
Anyways i hope my followers enjoyed that! Let me know what you think if you finished reading all this!
An aegosexual, pansexual, aromantic, trans guy with to much fucking time on his hands.
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vacuously-true · 2 months
I keep seeing people on my dash who I KNOW have no ill intent reblogging posts that have a veneer of trans-inclusive feminism without realizing it's gender essentialist trans-inclusive radfem shit. As far as I can tell it's a recent resurgence of the ideology, not something that's stayed constant and I'm only now realizing it, although I'm not certain of that.
So like. Here's a reminder that gender essentialism is bad even when it's trans inclusive. Here's a reminder that "society is inherently about men/mascs oppressing women/fems and the agency and responsibility for that societal structure is always and only perpetuated by the men/mascs" is radfem shit even when it's trans inclusive.
Just because someone's gender essentialism isn't biological gender essentialism doesn't mean it isn't gender essentialism. Just because a post is trans inclusive doesn't mean it's discussing gender identity or societal gender dynamics in a healthy way.
Just because a post is free of transphobia or transmisogyny does not mean it is free of sexism or racism or intersexism or ableism or transandrophobia or exorsexism or homophobia or biphobia or any other kind of bigotry. Just because a post is free of transphobia or transmisogyny does not mean you get to shut off your brain and reblog it uncritically, safe in the knowledge that if it's not transphobic it's a Good Take™.
Pay attention to this shit please you're giving me headaches :)
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elumish · 2 years
I think it's possible to both acknowledge that fandom, as with so many spaces, is experiencing some of the creeping purity-culture stuff related to sex and non-Christian-traditional sexual content and also that fandom has a massive bigotry problem (most notably racism, but also misogyny, ableism, aro/ace-phobia, transphobia, biphobia, etc) and also a white nationalist/supremacist and pro-fascism problem (living largely though not exclusively in the HP and SW fandoms).
And part of this requires recognizing that a critique that a sexual thing is bad because it's "icky" or "problematic" or whatever is fundamentally different from a critique that something (even a sexual or shipping thing) is bigoted. And people have got to stop shutting down every critique of a ship as though they are the same purity culture nonsense.
The other part is recognizing that not all critiques of fandom have anything to do with shipping. Not everything is about sex. There are other things that people have been critiquing in fandom for a long time, and when people dismiss it all as just being part of a ship war, they are not only not bothering to try to understand what is being critiqued, they are doing a huge disservice to the fandom community at large by keeping it from being able to improve.
I absolutely want to live in a space where people are able to write and read slash fiction and kink and weird stuff and dark stuff. But I also want to live in a space that doesn't continue to drive away Fans of Color rather than listening to and respecting them, and that acknowledges the existence of bi people, and that treats women with respect, and that lives up to the progressive ideals that people keep saying fanfiction and fandom express.
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redtail-lol · 6 months
Presenting, Enderqueer
Tumblr media Tumblr media
[Image ID: 2 6-striped flags. They are the same flag, but the one on the left has an end portal overlay, which makes it darker with lighter rectangular speckles. Colors on the right's, in descending order, are: pink; light purple; dark purple; black; dark teal-blue; slightly dark sea green. The right has darkened versions of these same colors. End ID.]
My own blankqueer label. I've been wanting to make one for a while. Name and flag based on the End dimension from Minecraft.
Core principles of Enderqueer:
The core principles of Enderqueer are as follows
The right to self identification with little restrictions and rules.
Inclusion of non-harmful identities in the communities they say they belong to.
Respecting the identities of people even if you do not understand.
Giving everyone a chance to explain their identity before deeming it harmful; as well as respecting someone's choice to not explain and assuming good faith rather than passing judgement.
Putting experiences over definitions; allowing all labels to have outliers if they're comfortable with the label even when it doesn't fit them perfectly.
Queer liberation and the advancements of our rights.
Destroying heteronormativity, cisnormativity, exorsexism, intersexism, allonormativity, amatonormativity, and mononormativity (all 3 meanings of mono: monosexuality, monogenderism, and monogamy).
Enderqueer beliefs:
On identity, enderqueer believes the following
Most forms of self identification are valid, however anything that is identified with for harmful reasons (such as transphobia, biphobia/multiphobia, homophobia, ableism, racism, etc.) or things that are harmful regardless of reason (such as transabled, transrace for non-adoptees, transnazi, shit like that), are not valid.
It is okay to ask questions about identities you don't understand or think are harmful before fully accepting them without question. However, if a person doesn't want to answer, that is their right, and it doesn't give you the right to argue against or hate their identity. Assume good faith and maybe ask others who have similar identities.
Identity is complicated and every label, regardless of definition, can and will have outliers, and this is not a problem
Experiences and personal comforts are more important than definitions
All mspec identities are valid and are not biphobic
All aspecs are queer unless the aspec person in particular says they aren't.
All Polyamory, ambiamory, and other nonmonogamy is queer unless the polyam/non-monogam person in particular says they are not queer.
Redundant terms are okay
Multigendered and genderfluid people are "really" their genders. The existence of their other genders or the temporary nature of their genders don't make them less real
On paraphilias, enderqueer believes the following
Paraphilias are morally neutral. Paraphiles who's paraphilias are nonconsensual or harmful to themselves or others deserve support and recovery, and paraphiles who's paraphilias are not harmful should be allowed to act on it. Paraphilias that can either be harmful or not harmful should only be practiced in a safe and ethical way.
On flag discourse, enderqueer believes the following
Flags should not be gatekept from certain groups unless they are specific to one identity or one group of identities. people can decide to use your flags based on your beliefs.
Controversial original flags can be used regardless of if you agree with the creators, but replacement flags should not be used by people who don't agree with the sentiments behind the cancellation. Racist transphobes should not use the orange and pink lesbian flag. Mspec lesbians and supporters should not use the new pan or aroace flags. This is because the new flags have a goal: punish the original creator for a belief by replacing their work. Using replacement flags is accomplishing that goal, and if you agree with the original creator, you shouldn't punish them.
Multioriented and abrosexual people are "really" their orientations. The existence of their other orientations or the temporary nature of their orientations don't make them less real
Other things enderqueer believes the following
Queer labels should not concern themselves with non-queer issues, as that is a different part of one's identity. Making queer labels that concern themselves with non-queer issues excludes the people who are either uneducated on the topic or have no business voicing the opinion because they are not a part of the community or even adjacent.
Gender is real. Social constructs are powerful things that can cause real and observable phenomenon in the brain, and gender being real doesn't invalidate any funky gender identity
Gender Abolition is transphobic. Gender is the identity, and taking away gender leaves nothing but biological sex which may still allow binary trans people to exist if they experience dysphoria but will definitely erase all nondysphoric and nonbinary people.
Transmisogyny and transmisandry are real
POC queers are an unremovable and important part of the queer community
What does enderqueer explicitly support?
Enderqueer supports the following identities, actions, or forms of identification:
Unlabeled identities
People who use few labels for themselves
Termcollectors and labelhoarders
All aspecs, including loveless aros, any sex stance for aces, romance stance for aros, friendship stance for apls, etc, and atertiaries
Anti-contact, pro-recovery paraphiles who's paraphilias are harmful to themselves or others
Paraphiles who's paraphilias are not harmful to themselves or others
Paraphiles who's paraphilias can be harmful or can be safe who only act on them in a way that is safe and ethical
Mspec monos
Mspec gays, veldians, lesbians, cenelians, enbians, straights, etc who do not consider themselves monos
Straightbians, straight gays, straight veldians, gaybians/velaurians, and other labels often used by multigender people
Lesboys, turigirls, ceneliboys and ceneligirls, enbiboys and enbigirls, trixiboys and trixigirls, and toriboys and torigirls
Any other form of "contradictory" labels
Aspec and non-aspec SAM
Xenidens, or xenoids used in reclamation
Allion orientations
Gender nonconformity, including pronoun nonconformity
Neurolabels, when used by people who have those conditions
Reclamation of slurs and derogatory terms, even when used as an identity
Transracial adoptees
Transspecies therians
Transage chronosian or transage age regressors
What does enderqueer explicitly denounce?
Enderqueer denounces the following identities, actions, or forms of identification:
Winterqueers or Winterpunks
Transidentities that are not transgender, transrace adoptees, therian transspecies, or chronosian/agere transage
Pro-contact harmful paraphilias or neu-contact harmful paraphilias. This also applies to unethical or unsafe ways of acting on a paraphilia that can be done in a safe, ethical way
Comp-contact for paraphilias that can never be safe or ethical in practice
Anti-recovery for ANY paraphilias. Nonharmful paraphiles may choose to recover anyway
Anti-contact for paraphilias that are never dangerous or unethical
Radical feminists
Not recognizing attraction to elsegender people as being just as real and valid as attraction to aptobinary people. This includes calling all exclusive lesbians monosexual, saying all sexualities inherently include elsegender people, thinking enbians are choosing to date nonbinary people or cenelians are choosing not to date aptobinary people, rather than recognizing that they are attracted to other elsegender people, potentially exclusively, or calling WLN and MLN labels transphobic or enbyphobic
Bad faith labels such as superstraight, quasihomosexual, animesexual (though animesexual can be reclaimed by fictosexuals), and others made to mock queerness or justify bigotry
What is enderqueer neutral on, or what does enderqueer not believe needs to be part of a blankqueer label?
Enderqueer is stanceless on the following:
Self diagnosis
Alterhumanity (OP supports and it's close to queer discourse but ultimately I decided it was far enough removed that it didn't need to be included)
Engaging with problematic media and/or creators
Kink at pride (I know this one is super relevant but I don't have any strong opinions and the ones I do have are very mixed)
Enderqueers may have no opinion on the above issues, or a stance that they do not believe is important to a blankqueer label. Or they may just agree with everything else included under enderqueer and choose to use it.
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hekateinhell · 5 months
okay LMAO you guys voted and I guess I just made a VC server 🫣🫣🫣 it's already me & my babe @monstersinthecosmos ♥️
if you want in, please send me a DM and I'll do go over the rules with you and then if you're still down, I'll add you on Discord and send you an invite!
the basics:
18+ (expect NSFW content)
book-only server, but no show bashing allowed
all ships and characters welcome
no drama, no antis
absolutely zero tolerance for racism, ableism, transphobia, biphobia, acephobia, etc
I'm gonna go do dishes and then I'll be back 🫶🏼
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royboyfanpage · 4 months
Blog Intro/Masterpost
Hi! I’m the OP of this blog. I figured since this is gaining a little bit of traction I’d make an intro post to this blog! My name’s Tal, I’m an 18+ trans guy who’s been hyperfixated on Roy Harper for about nine months now, so I created this blog for rants, reblogs, and (w)riting. I’m also British so excuse any spellings or terms that I may use differently from Americans. My asks and DMs are always open :) I'm 900x more likely to actually write stuff if I've been asked too
Anything that isn't related to Roy, either personal posts or other characters, will be tagged #not roy, so if you're only here for him then feel free to block that tag
Support me on Ko-Fi!
This blog is dedicated to all things Roy Harper. A disclaimer that a lot of Roy’s story focuses on heavy themes. If you’re someone who is unfamiliar with Roy and wants to get to know him through this blog, this is your discretion warning for topics such as drugs, violence, death etc.
This blog is not focused on Jayroy or the New 52. Jayroy shippers and New 52 fans are welcome here, but the content here is not tailored to you. Please do not try to hijack any of my original posts with your Jayroy content.
For the most part, I say ship and let ship. However, I view the Arrows as a family unit. Please do not tag anything on my blog as a ship between any Arrows, minus Ollie and Dinah. (Some people view other characters as Arrowfam outside of who I typically include. When I refer to Arrowfam, I generally mean Roy, Ollie, Dinah, Connor, Mia, Emiko, and Lian. Please don’t ship any of those minus Ollie and Dinah on my posts. While I don't see him as Arrowfam per se but more exclusively Harperfam, Grant Emerson is also included in this. Please don't.)
Any blogs that focus on a paedophilic ship are discouraged here. Please avoid interacting with my posts if you publically ship any underaged character with any adult character. Aging up/de-aging is included. It's not a hard rule per se, but I don't particularly want it in my tumblr circle.
Aside from those ships, anything’s free game! If you see a post of Roy and Wally, or Roy and Garth, or Roy and Donna, or Roy and Jade or Dick or Grace or whoever, you can tag them with ships, go nuts.
Any form of bigotry is unwelcome here, be that racism, transphobia, homophobia, biphobia, aphobia, ableism, fatphobia, or SWERFs. If you fall into any of those categories, Roy Harper would not support you, and neither do I. Additionally, intentionally misinterpreting any of my posts to try and demonise addicts will result in a block.
Unlabelled peoples, xenogenders, neopronoun users, etc are all welcome here.
I support the freedom of Palestine. If you don’t, disrespectfully fuck off.
Here's the stuff that I've done! This will be added to with time.
Snowbirds (1)
Snowbirds (2)
Dinah Lance
Mia Dearden
Uncle Sam's Piss Poor Leadership
Oliver Queen's B- parenting
Why Ollie Doesn't Suck
Connor Hawke
Throwing The Drink At Garth
Something nameless
Roy Harper's Badassery
Tim North
My Favourite Thing About Roy
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