#once i'm gone chap 2 part 3
jellyfishrnice · 4 months
Yandere! Rich Suitor
(part 2!)
When you arrived at the remote island your parents had sent you off to you expected nothing out of the ordinary.
You and Andrew would spend a month or two there at some expensive resort or already owned house of either of your parents, you'd squabble with him from whatever topic came up in your conversations, and then you'd part ways at the end of the trip with no differing thoughts of each other. Same as always.
Oh how wrong you were.
"Y'know, you have pretty eyes."
You stared at Andrews light eyelashes with his hazel, almost green eyes. You never looked too hard but the purple ambient light of the bar you two were in only added to his features.
You were both drunk out of your minds and the bar was only 15 minutes to close, around 3 am if you had to guess.
"I could say the same to you," Andrew slurred while holding an empty glass of whatever liquor he had just finished off. He rested his head on the wooden bar and stared at the empty glass, then back to your face that was propped on your hand.
You didn't even notice your face planting onto the counter, the sound didn't even faze Andrew who stared at your hair.
He reached out to touch it.
Surprisingly, you didn't flinch. Normally when you both were sober, maybe it was the liquor that stopped you from slapping his hand away but touching each other was deemed one of the most horrible acts to commit, but right now all he wished was to be closer to you.
He played with the loose strand of hair and you turned your head to face him.
With how close your faces were to each other, you were surprised how long you two had gone without arguing with each other.
"Can we go home," you mumbled while staring into Andrews glazed over eyes.
He nodded and slowly sat up straight, letting go of the small strand of hair.
You both stumbled out of the bar, with him fishing for a cellphone in your purse while you leaned on him for any type of support.
You managed to pick your head up and look at his flushed face. The neon glow of the bar lights illuminated his blond hair and the way his pretty eyes starred off into nothing was way more enticing than it should be. You stared long and hard for what seemed like forever.
Then you did something you never ever thought possible.
"Yes?" Andrew replied while looking down at your (for once) soft gaze.
You grabbed his face with both your hands and planted your lips onto his. His lips were soft but slightly chapped, and he tasted like vodka and something else you couldn't put your finger on.
You still don't know why you did it, but all you remember after that was blacking out and waking up in the resorts bed the next morning, with a pounding headache and a sore neck.
"You're not leaving."
You had never been scared of Andrew per say. Yeah you've been angered by him, very annoyed recently and at worst wanting to rid him of this Earth.
But never scared, it made sense to not be scared in your childhood and early teenage years, and maybe it was pushing it when he started to put in muscle and grow taller; but you never had a reason to fear him.
Until now at least.
'Stay calm stay calm stay calm'
You repeated the phrase in your mind until you could find the words to hopefully get Andrew to stop acting insane.
"Andrew, look, I know what happened between us last night was weird but I'm sorry I wasn't trying to lead you on, but please just stop."
"Just stay here for a while, I know I haven't been exactly pleasant towards you, but please give me a chance," he muttered into your shoulder while softly playing with a strand of your hair.
You took in a deep breath to try and stop yourself from clawing his face off.
That would only make things worse considering he could easily overpower you, you shuddered at the thought of him going even further than he already had.
"Okay, I'll stay-just- please back away for a minute," you exhaled and let your hand leave the door knob despite every part of your body wanting to yank on it until it broke off or the door opened. Andrew seemed to relax a tiny bit at your words before slowly letting his arms unwrap themselves around you and instead back away. You didn't know if you could outrun him, but it wasn't worth a shot considering the nearest sign of civilization was about a 30-minute drive.
You exhaled a small sigh and dropped your bag from your shoulder onto the floor, and you turned around to face Andrew who was still relatively close but now you at least had a couple inches of personal space. He looked almost as much of a hungover mess as you, with his blonde hair hanging messily over his shoulders and face and slight bags under his eyes that you had previously never seen him with. But he had an odd look in his eyes that made you even more uneasy than you already were.
"Listen, Andrew, I'm sorry that I kissed you last night, I was drunk and I was stupid- I'm just- can we please forget about this?" You pleaded while brushing a hand through your hair. Andrew stood there for a moment, seemingly trying to figure out how to put together the words he wanted to say.
"Did you know, " he started, pausing to swallow the saliva that had been building up in his mouth, "I have never kissed someone before last night?"
Your eyes widened while trying to figure out how Andrew of all people hadn't even kissed someone! He was handsome, rich, and unfairly charismatic when he wanted to be. Before you could say something, Andrew held up his hand to signal to wait.
"I just never saw the appeal I guess, until last night that is," he said while trying not to hold eye contact with you for too long or he fears he might explode from shear embarrassment.
"But with you, it's as though," he paused again to gather his words and look down at his hands, "you awoke something in me that I didn't even know was there." His shy demeanor, despite his intimidating size, reminded you of a schoolboy confessing his long time crush to the girl he liked. It would have been cute if he hadn't practically forced you to stay in the beach house.
"I- and now that I felt whatever that was, I want to feel that again." He looked back up at your face, your pretty eyes and soft lips,he didn't know how he missed your beauty after all these years of being around you; but now he so desperately wanted to cradle it in his hands and-
"What?!" You shouted, interrupting his train of thought. Your fear from earlier seemed to have disappeared or at least been overcome by pure annoyance.
"So you're telling me," you took a breath to try and calm yourself, "that just 'cause I kissed you one time, that automatically your entire life of hating me just- poofed it's way out of existence?!"
"I-" Andrew tried to speak, but you quickly cut him off, you were borderline shouting but were trying your best not to completely explode from anger.
"So your entire reason for not hating me anymore is because I got your dick hard?!"
"No that's not it at all-"
"Go find someone else for you to explore your newfound 'feelings' with, I'm not gonna be your experiment just 'cause you've never gotten your dick wet before!"
You sighed and let go of the large breath you were holding and rubbed your eyes to try and figure out what to do with Andrew. Maybe you could set him up with one of your other friends who longed for a hot sugar daddy or something.
Walking past Andrew and back into the kitchen to hopefully find some aspirin or something to cure your now worse headache.
Andrew stared at the floor in front of him, in alm his life he had only cried once. When his dad stained his new tie that he had gotten as a gift from his grandma, other than that it had never happened; it was pretty much not even an option for him. But now he feels the unfamiliar feeling of his throat tightening and his eyes welling up with tears.
You saw him just standing there, and for a moment, you felt bad for him. Then you remembered how he had pinned you to the door, and it quickly disappeared. Swallowing the pills with a glass of leftover orange juice, you walked back to him where he was standing in the middle of the living room and awkwardly patted hid back.
"Look Andrew, I know it's hard when you discover romance or whatever," you sighed while rolling your eyes, " but the only reason you think you like me is because you've never given anyone else a shot, I can set you up with one of my friends even." You tried to lighten up the mood. Some of your friends might be into the whole toxic, pinning someone to a door thing.
Andrew was quiet for a moment before looking at you with red eyes and sighing. You were relieved that he had finally come to his senses, soon enough you two could put this whole thing behind yall and continue hating and at best tolerating each other.
"Have you... been with others?" Andrew asked quietly while tucking a stray hair behind his ear. You hesitated before replying.
"I mean- yeah; most people our age have had sex-" before you can even finish your sentence Andrew quickly traps your fave between his large hands and smashes his lips onto your.
Your eyes widened and you imminently tried to get him off of you, but your shoves against his broad chest didn't even register in his mind.
His inexperience shined through as his teeth cracked against yours and how he tried to immidelty shove his tongue in your mouth, but it didn't seem to bother him at all with how he let out small whimpers, trying to push his body as close to yours as possible.
He lowered his hands from your face and around your waist to haul you off the floor and onto the nearby couch, hovering over you but still putting enough weight to stop you from moving.
When he finally pulled away, you tried to scream something to try and get through to him, but one of his large hands covered your mouth, and he looked at you with pure want in his eyes.
"I can -" he tried to catch his breath, his second kiss with you leaving him breathless and red in the face. He gulped before speaking, "if you did it with others, you can do it with me," he let out a shaky breath before quickly shedding his shirt.
"A-andrew- listen- please- " he shut you up with another kiss, if you could even call the rough mouth full of tongue that, and slowly grinding against your thigh.
Your heart was beating so fast and you didn't notice the very noticeable bulge in his sweatpants. You thrashed and tried to get away from his grip but it only spurred him on more. He let out a patheic moan at the way you gripped the back of his hair and pulled hard, him pawing at your shirt, trying to get a taste of your soft, sweet-
He cried out when you bit his tongue, the taste of iron filling both of your mouths. He pulled away for a second, his hair sticking to his forward from the light sheen of sweat, his cheeks red and his eyes full of wonder from the pure pleasure of only humping against your soft thigh.
"You've known me your whole life, if you can have sex with someone you've only known for a few hours, you can definitely do it with me," he panted while humping your soft leg and referring to your many hook ups over the years. You felt like tearing his face off with the way he talked, like a teenage incel whose never even seen pussy. He sped up with his thrusts and laid his forehead in the crook of your neck, licking the sweat that had come from the heat.
Before you could speak, he interruptedyou with a loud breathy moan, his sweatpants now having stain and his cock growing softer against you.
For once, you couldn't say anything.
But soon you felt his cock hardening again and you knew it would be a while till you could escape, so you grit your teeth and just waited till he hopefully had his fill.
Hey yall sorry it took so long, I've been so busy with finals and stuff but here it is!! It's not proof read but I probably go back on it. Hope you enjoyed 🫶
Tag list! : @surprisemodafakas @kyoko-neko @kaeriustehe @kleoneli @purple-obsidian @strawberrie-me @lem-hhn
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not-5-rats · 3 months
Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier and welcome back...to Bug questions
(we gotta heal our group trauma, ALSO potential spoliers for episode 8!!!)
1) How's your Bug feeling? (at the end of episode 8)
2) What was your Bugs initial opinion on Lora when they first met her?
3) Continuing on from 2, how did their opinion change after the first conversation with her? (If it did change)
4) Moving away from episode 8 (trynna distract us from the pains of that episode 😔) sorta angsty scenario time!!! (distracted with more pain ^^)
Fran and Daisy had been staying with the bugs for a while now, due to Felix and Audrey both being unable to care for them for personal reasons.
For the most part Bug had gotten on pretty well with the two girls, they had taken care of them a few times and had gotten to know them. They had even heard Fran speak a couple of times!!! Which may not sound like much but is a huge deal in regards to Fran!
Today though had not been a great day and Bug was exhausted. They had to decline caring for the kids today and had taken themself off to their room to have some time alone. People kept knocking at the door and initially Bug was nice enough, they simply asked the person to go away for now and said that they would talk later but they were becoming agitated by just how many people seemed to be knocking on their door so when they heard somebody knocking AGAIN they kinda lost it
They stormed over to the door, their voice edging on shouting as they spoke to whoever was behind the door
"Listen, I am not in the mood for you people to be constantly chapping on my door. I am tired, I am sick and I don't want to deal with you right now! So would you please stop being such a bother and leave me in peace!-"
They roughly pulled the door open as they finished speaking, they rubbed their eyes only to hear quite sniffling. They looked down and saw Fran staring up at them, tears beginning to fall from her fear-filled eyes. She froze as the tears fell down her face before slowly signing a single word, 'sorry', and running off to her room
(Yes this sorta is Chezs scenario from another thing flipped, idc)
5) Another scenario???? What???
(cw: where did the child go?, yelling)
Bug had to wake up super early today, like stupidly early. Chez had to go out, get some stuff from the local town and visit some people so he couldn't take Daisy with him. Bug was asked to take care of her for a while, just until he got back and they, reluctantly, agreed to watch her.
They were sat in the living room, Daisy on the floor paper and crayon in hand, doodling happily as Bug was on a chair. Their eyes kept falling shut, they tried their best to stay awake but eventually they failed and fell asleep. Bug got to peacefully sleep for a couple of hours until they were awoken by the sound of the door opening and a voice calling from the hall
"Daisy! *Bug*! I'm back!"
Bug went to tell Daisy that her brother was back but upon looking at the spot where Daisy once sat they saw...nobody. There was still the pad of paper and crayons surrounding it, but not Daisy. They searched the room and surrounding hallways still no Daisy.
Chez came into the room, smiling, with bags in his hands. His smile fell slightly as he couldn't spot his sister anywhere in the room. He questioned Bug on where she was and when they revealed that they had fallen asleep & that she was gone by the time they woke up well...he freaked out
The bags fell from his hands as all blood drained from his face, he began to tremble as his fear developed into anger
"Fell asleep? What do you mean you fell asleep?! I asked you to do the simple task of watching Daisy for a while, not even interacting with her, simply watching her! And you fucking fell asleep?"
He kept yelling saying how dangerous it was for a young kid to be out their on her own, that Bug was irresponsible, careless and a wreck, he should have known they weren't to be trsuted with something as important as a young living person. He made his way over to the door to go out & search for Daisy and right before leaving he turned to Bug, mumbling his final words to them
"...if she dies it's all your fault"
What happens next dude?
Tags -
@rozeliyawashereyall @willowve01 @asmrbrainrot @kaiamtt @iistxrmyskyii @insignificant-anarchy @stxph-artist @aspenm00n @keyaartz @fangsshadow @rustycopper4use @piffany666 @dreamyshape @idontevenknow7878 @lunaritychuwolf @littlesiren79 @castbracelet240 @strayharmony943 @proxdragon @tiefling-chaos @threeweekinsomnia @recated @wilderrorcard @diamondzoey @fennaboysenberry @lunnats @lightdragon789 @pinkcocopuff-aqualoid @itsargyle @astralbulldragon13 @ccstiles @puffin-smoke @fruity0salad (welcome to the army 🫂)
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reyanfia · 2 years
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the warrior and his healer — neteyam x reader ☄. *. ⋆➢ part four!
other chapters are up! read it here -> chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3 (give this chap and part 3 some love guys)
setting: awa'atlu, pandora.
pairing: neteyam x fem!metkayina!reader
warnings: teensy bit of angst, emotions i guess, mentions of drinking (honestly dunno if that's a thing with the na'vi) aaand they kiss! cuties
summary: neteyam survives and it is all thanks to your stubbornness. you and your friends go out to celebrate after ronal chooses you as one of the healers. maybe this is where your feelings unravel.
a/n: i'm kinda wondering why chapter 1 is going up and the latest chapters are kinda slow but that's probably just how tumblr works. and lets pretend spider just doesn't exist. anyway i think this is the last chapter so enjoy! by the way the ending is to die for so make sure you read it okay im squealing
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after that disastrous day, you, with the help of your friends had brought neteyam to an empty marui nearer to where most of the healers lived.
for those 4 days he was resting, you were willing to walk far to reach that marui, just to check up on him. his wounds were already stitched up, so he was healing in a stable condition.
the elder healers would find you asleep by him in the marui. the bond between both of you warmed their hearts — so they'd leave you alone with him.
the sully siblings also visit him a lot, accompanying you for a lot of the time. tsireya, ao'nung and rotxo also came to visit. the sullies, as well as jake and neytiri, couldn't stop thanking you for what you did — if you hadn't left the village, he would've been... gone.
it was clear to many people now, your affection for neteyam.
— ☄. . ⋆✧ .
you grumbled softly, a little impatient on when neteyam would finally wake up so you could talk to him again.
the village now has healed a little, but many were still closed off due to the shock of the battle. a lot were injured, some were shot, too. but luckily, they all ended up alright with the help of the tsahìk, the healers, alongside with you and a few other girls.
you gazed at the sleeping boy in front of you. "come on now, teyam. you promised you'd come back." you whispered, as if he could somehow hear you. you hoped he did. he looked peaceful, as if he wasn't just shot 4 days ago.
his usual azure blue colour turned into somewhat of a sky blue. he was a little pale, due to dehydration and not eating for the past 4 days.
you heard soft footsteps from behind you, turning around to find kiri and tuk smiling gently at you. "still waiting, i see." kiri started, nodding over to neteyam.
you turned back to look at him, bringing an arm around tuk's shoulders who sat down right next to you. "i can't miss the moment he wakes up."
kiri sits beside you. she glances over — your right hand was holding onto her brother's. she can't help but smile at the sight. you both were definitely made for each other, she noticed how your eyes were filled with care and warmth as you watched him.
there was a time during training when you had asked her, if neteyam had anyone that he liked. there was, and as we all could guess, it was you.
on some nights, before going to sleep, neteyam would talk to her about you. he would tell her what's happened when you both were out, how you were like when you were studying. it was no doubt really, that he shared your feelings.
you may have thought that he treated you like everyone else because he saw you as nothing more than a friend, but kiri noticed how he'd purposely give you the ripest fruit out of the bunch that he had collected. how he would hesitate to meet your eyes when he talked to you, but would stare at them when you weren't looking.
he cared more for you than you thought he did. he always has.
a little later, you could feel the hand you held moving slightly. your eyes that was once on the people outside snapped towards him, startling tuk and kiri a little.
your eyes scanned his face to check whether he was actually waking up or if it was just your imaginations.
"neteyam?" tuk was starting to see it too.
the world seemed a little brighter when you saw him trying to open his eyes, his brows furrowing because of the brightness that was coming in from a window.
"uh, kiri—" she caught on before you could finish and went up to shut the blinds, then came running back to your side with the hugest smile you've ever seen on her.
you couldn't help but smile yourself. "tuk! go call the others and tell them." tuk nods hurriedly and bolts out the marui. you could hear her happy giggles, and it warmed your heart even more.
"oh teyam, you're finally awake," your voice came out as a whisper, only kiri could hear you. you resisted crashing into him with a hug, knowing he needs time to — re-awaken himself? whatever it was. you let him take his time.
"______. kiri. where are the others?" there was that incredibly hoarse voice again, due to the disuse. it reminded you of how his voice was the first time tsireya brought him to your marui.
"they're coming. tuk is calling them." kiri replied for you.
the more you looked at him, finally awake and moving, the more overcome of emotion you became to be. your dear best friend — he was finally here.
he wanted to sit up, and though with your objections saying that he should lie down for a few more minutes, he shook his head, attempting to do it on his own. he couldn't though, so you and kiri helped him.
"i'd fall back asleep if i were to just lie down." he mumbled lowly, with that familiar grin on his face. you only gave him a poker-face in disbelief. "you're really joking at a time like this?"
"oh come on. you know you love me for that." he teased, giving you a full smile this time.
and you did love him for it. he was way too optimistic during troubling times, but it was exceptionally endearing to be annoyed at.
you grumbled, rolling your eyes at him. you couldn't stay mad though, it ended up in you chuckling at him with kiri. "you absolute dork."
heavy stomps from behind you caught your attention. you three looked to the entrance — and there was tsireya, ao'nung, rotxo, the other sully kids, with jake and neytiri. the look of intense relief instantly replaced their out-of-breath ones, running towards neteyam.
neytiri was the first to be kneeling beside him, immediately bringing him into an embrace. "oh, neteyam, thank eywa," she croaked out, squeezing her eyes shut.
the other sullys gathered around him, while your metkayina friends gathered behind you, smiling warmly at the re-united family in front of you.
happy tears found their way to your eyes, so then there you were, crying. you covered your mouth so you wouldn't disturb their moment.
but neteyam saw you, and brought you into their hug as well.
— ☄. . ⋆✧ .
a few days after neteyam woke up, he stayed in his family's marui to recover and regain strength. he earned it back in just a short amount of time, with you coming over a few times to give him medicines for any sort of aches. it was mostly muscle aches, meaning he insisted on you being the only one massaging him. he didn't want anybody else doing it.
this boy's gonna be the death of you. (not that you were complaining.)
then, comes a day when he was all recovered and healthy again. it happened to be the day you were finally going to take the dreaded test. neteyam came over to your marui at dawn, wanting to help you prepare for it before it starts in the morning. you really wanted him to rest a little more, but you could use some reassurance, so you let him in.
you, however, went ahead to not accept his words of consolation.
he watched you go over all the plant names, their uses, their side effects, everything that you had learnt and everything you could think of.
most of the time, you were pacing around the entire marui, and i mean entire — it was a cycle. you'd start reading the facts out on your sleeping hammock, and then you'd end up sitting under it. after that you'd roam the area where you'd prepare food, then moving across the marui to your shelves.
you only ever stopped your pacing whenever neteyam said something to try and help you. it wasn't helping though. not one bit.
this was the longest you went with rambling. and neteyam had had enough.
"_____. stop it."
"stop what?"
"that." you examined yourself. you weren't doing anything? you were walking around the entire place like a maniac, that's all. why should that be a problem?
"what about no?" you deadpanned him. he returned the same expression back to you.
he got up rigidly from where he was sitting walked towards you and placed his hands on your shoulders. "you. ______. ever since tsireya brought me to you that day, all i've ever seen you do was study, eat, train, sleep. that was all. i've seen how you would be on the verge of tears when you couldn't understand something. but then you proceed to understand it anyway. you know more than you think you do."
you gulped, shaking your head. "no. neteyam, that's different. today's the test—"
"could you listen to me? like, for once? eywa give me strength." his arms dropped to your hands, holding them with a solid grip. your eyes narrowed, "i would but the last time you wanted me to do that, would've ended up with you dying."
"but you didn't! because you saved me, for eywa's sake. you, managed to save me from a weapon that you've never ever seen in your life. do you realize that? you know enough. so could you please, please stop stumbling around like you're drugged and finally take a break. at least let's go and have food or something?"
you said nothing.
"pull yourself together now. talk to me." he pleaded with you, searching your eyes for an answer.
you averted your gaze to the ground, speechless. after all, he was right. no, not that 'you know enough since you saved me' part, but because you did seem like you were drugged. eyes and ears droopy, tail flicking around nonstop.
okay, we're kidding. you did find truth in his words, you could answer any question he asked about medicine and healing right off the bat. you were just immensely paranoid.
you gave in, sighing. "fine. let's go have breakfast." you grumbled.
he smiled softly at you, and you could swear though your heart was kind of angry at him, it skipped a beat.
he did not let go of your hand as you both walked to the eating area. didn't even let go as he walked you to the healer's test area after that.
"i know you hate me for dragging you out your misery bubble, but i know, and i swear on a million suns, you are going to do just fine."
neteyam brought his hand up from your shoulder to your face. he caressed it gently, and you were aching to lean into his touch. thankfully he pulled away his hand at the last second, giving you a smile of reassurance before he started to walk off.
you can hear some of the girls who were participating in the test swoon over his action, stopping at the second you turned around with your unintentional tired death glare.
you sat by them, waiting for the tsahìk to come and commence the assessment.
you stared at your hands that he held all morning. his touch on your face lingered, and you dwelled on it. does that mean something?
well, obviously. how are you this blind?
— ☄. . ⋆✧ .
the test was done. you exhaled sharply, being the last getting up to leave.
a hold on your wrist stopped you in your tracks. turning around, you met eyes with ronal, the tsahìk.
you had spoken to her a few times, when you were over at her marui to hang around with tsireya and ao'nung. she had an unreadable expression on her face most of the time, but in this moment, she had a glint of proudness in her eyes.
"_____. neytiri has told me how you had saved that eldest son of hers. from a sky demon's weapon. is that true?"
"uh— yes. i did do that." you nodded at her words, hesitantly meeting her eyes.
this was worse than all those study sessions. "how impressive." the tsahìk finally responded, after a few seconds of unnerving silence.
when she let go of your wrist to let you go back, you could swear you saw a pleased smile on her face.
you made the tsahìk smile. now that's something to remember.
the next day, you were done. the pressure on you was lifted when you completed that test, allowing yourself to finally give yourself a much needed break. so you slept in.
however, you were a light sleeper. when you heard your mother calling your name, you opened your tired eyes and got up from the hammock, scratching your head.
"_____! hurry up and get yourself ready. the tsahìk has made her choice."
your sleepy eyes widened in full alert when you heard your mother say those words. "what? already?"
you didn't wait for any other response, you ran straight to the springs to bathe yourself.
you took only a few minutes to bathe, and you neatened your hair after that.
you didn't want to bring up your hopes. if you weren't chosen, you'd only be disappointed. your entire head was absolutely blank with no expectations, on auto-pilot as you got yourself ready.
when you were done, you walked out of your marui, seeing your parents already waiting for you outside. "hurry now! the people have gathered by the shores. your friends are all waiting for you."
a small smile crept up your lips as you walked to the spot with them both. it was getting pretty exciting, at this point.
"_____!" you heard tsireya calling out for you, so you weaved through the crowd looking for her. she was near to the center of the gathering, alongside all your other friends.
your smile got even wider when you saw her. you ran over to them, tsireya jumping animatedly like a child. "i'm confident that you'll be chosen. i know you will, that's what i've always said! don't try to deny me." a beaming smile was plastered on her face. you tried to find words to respond with, but the tsahìk had already came to announce her choices.
she stood on a bed of black stone, which acted as a stage. you looked up to her, seeing a proud smile on her face. it was a rare expression to see, so you were wondering who among her choices earned so much of her approval.
"people! i'm sure we have all been waiting for this day. i will be announcing the young ladies that i have chosen to help out the healers. this is a high position, as you all may know. this work, it is a matter of life and death." she started, the crowd going silent as they took in her words.
"we'll lengthen this event no further. i have chosen 4 girls who will become healers, alongside my tsakarem, tsireya."
people around you cheered. they quickly settled down though, anticipating the tsahìk's choices.
your heart started to race faster. "the first in line, is _____!"
all eyes were on you now, and you were smiling so much your cheeks were starting to hurt. the people cheered once again, and your friends were all tugging on you. the joyous looks on their faces made your face heat up, that sense of accomplishment filling through your entire body. this was the happiest you'd been in months.
"oh, i told you! i told you, _____! i knew you'd be chosen!" tsireya was shouting so much, you were starting to worry for her throat.
you looked back to ronal, and she beckoned you to come and stand beside her.
all those sleepless nights were so worth it.
you looked into the crowd, still smiling as ronal announced the names of the 3 other girls. you didn't really know them well, but you applauded for them and smiled at them when they stood beside you. they shared that same look of glee that you had.
you couldn't quite hear what ronal had said next, because as you focused into the crowd, you found neteyam and zeroed in on his face.
he's got that gleaming smile on him that you've always found yourself weak for. he's waving at you, and cheering for you. your smile reached up to your eyes as you subtly waved back at him, your hand by your hip, hoping he'd see it. he did.
"meet us all by the cove at night." he signed, and you nodded slowly at his message. you watched as they all retreat from the crowd.
you shook your head, casting your eyes down to the ground, smiling.
you weren't exactly sure what they were planning. but what you were sure of, was that it was going to be one hell of a night.
— ☄. . ⋆✧ .
after a long day of celebrating your victory with your family members, you told your parents that you were going out to celebrate with your friends. they allowed you, but told you to not come home too late.
you skipped happily toward the cove, where it was prettiest at night. the waters surrounding it would shine, so you often went there on nights when you couldn't fall asleep.
you turned a corner and there they all were. except for tuk though. poor girl's got a bedtime.
"ah! there's my girl. see what i told you?" neteyam began, once you were in his line of sight. you hid your face behind your hands, getting all bashful at what he said. my girl. it rolled off his tongue so easily.
he guided you by your waist to where they were all sitting at — around the fire, chatting and drinking without a care in the world.
"_____! congrats on becoming a healer, seems like you'll have more guys coming to you. careful, neteyam might get jealous— ow!" ao'nung hissed, at neteyam who swatted him behind the head. "let's not go there. why would i be jealous?" you felt your heart drop a little at those last words. he seemed pretty sure about it too.
you sat in between tsireya and neteyam. you were sitting normally beside them at first, but tsireya inched closer to lo'ak, and you with neteyam. an hour later, your head was laid on his shoulder, while his head rested on yours. he had an arm around your shoulders, and you were holding his hand that was hanging off of it.
you knew everybody could see this. how both of you seemed to be too close for comfort. it certainly did not look like friendly touching either. this was some next level shit. you didn't care though, you missed him. you missed this feeling.
you took another swig of the bottle, the sour taste of fruit running down your throat. you seemed to be just fine, no dizziness or out-of-character mannerisms, you looked as normal as usual. so, you continued drinking from it.
neteyam turned his head to look at you. "might wanna calm down on that, hm?" his hand reached out to take it away from you, but you stopped it by pushing it away with your free hand. "ah-ah. this tastes nice, so i'll keep drinking."
he chuckled down at you. "you sure you won't get drunk, love?"
you were about the take another sip, but your arm stopped its own movements when you heard that name he called you. he never called you that.
you sat up straight now, looking right at him. "hm. i don't think im the drunk one here," you studied his face to check for any signs of him being tipsy, but he looked fully sober and alert.
it hit you then, so hard as if a boulder came falling from the sky. you took a deep breath in. "teyam, is there something you need to tell me?"
that voice of yours, eywa, how it affected him. and that nickname you had for him, he feels like he'd melt into the ground everytime you said it. and the way you looked at him. he ran a hand down his face before taking you by the hand, away from the others.
he brought you behind the rocky walls, taking a look behind him to be sure that no one was following you two. impatient and overcome with a wave of confidence, you tugged on his hand. "you alright?"
his jaw went slack. if you listened close enough. you could hear the gears turning in his head, thinking about what to say. after a few seconds, something finally come out of him. "i really can't pretend anymore."
ah. there it was, what you've been waiting to hear for months now. but it's not fully out yet. you decided to act oblivious and maybe, tease him. "what's happened? have i done something wrong?"
he was quick to deny it, shaking his head. "no. no, not at all. i um— gosh, don't make me say it. i can't say them."
there was the shy neteyam that you first met. unable to meet your eyes, staring at the ground.
"fine. i'll say it then," you grinned, a hand of yours reaching up to cup his face. "look at me, neteyam." you whispered, hoping he'll look at you properly. it took a second, but he's looking at you now. right into your soul.
"i see you."
those three words that left your lips — it made both of you shiver. but he was looking at you in disbelief, and it kind of scared you, fearing you said something wrong. you anxiously scanned his face for any signs, something that would tell you how he's feeling.
"please say something, teyam."
oh, you really knew what you were doing with that tone, messing with his heart like that.
"can you say that again? please?"
so there was nothing to be worried about. your stomach was doing somersaults as your eyes roamed his face, his bioluminescent freckles painted him, only making him look so much more stunning. has he been this beautiful this whole time?
with a shy smile, you placed both your hands on his shoulders, repeating the words. "i see you, neteyam. i've felt like this for the past few months now, you've really got me weak, y'know?"
he's speechless and stumped. you've got his entire heart now, right in your hands. this could've been a dream, some sick joke you were playing — but it wasn't. you loved him, and this was real.
he's brought your hands from his shoulders and into his. smiling softly down at you, he says, "yawne, you have no idea how long i've wanted to hear that."
both your hearts beat as one now that the truth was out. his hands traveled to your waist to pull you closer, and yours around his neck.
you both gave in at once.
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AND SHE'S DONE! so sorry how i didn't give more kithy kithy details but im super tired right now LMFAO
tagging: @azaleaniath @theycallmesia @saturnheartz @mirikusashes @thesecretsoftheuniverse @fanboyluvr @neteyamforlife @xaoxin @naynay2808 @parrotpeggy
tags that won't work: @amortencjja @thatonegirlwiththebeanie367 @goatmilkaddict @erenjaegerwifee [help im actually confused are these "not working tags" working or nah? cus when i type the user in after the @ it doesn't show up but it still links to your guys' accounts somehow]
thank you to everybody who's supported this miniseries. im absolutely grateful to every single one of you. <333
[dm me if you spot any errors!]
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infinitevariety · 2 years
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I posted 2,589 times in 2022
194 posts created (7%)
2,395 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,588 of my posts in 2022
#good omens - 2,315 posts
#ineffable husbands - 1,601 posts
#insert heart eyes emoji - 1,022 posts
#oh i love this - 720 posts
#cuuuuuuuute - 570 posts
#lol - 368 posts
#crowley - 317 posts
#aziraphale - 264 posts
#ineffable husbands fic - 257 posts
#this isn't technically fandom related but you're getting it anyway - 223 posts
Longest Tag: 124 characters
#i think this is why i'm not really a fan of matchmaking fics with other characters pushing too hard for them to get together
My Top Posts in 2022:
Crowley’s car keys were in his pocket. Said keys were always in Crowley’s pocket. Said keys had been in Crowley’s pocket since the 1920s, literally at all times, unless they were being used. Crowley had never once had a need or desire to take the Bentley’s keys out of his pocket and put them in a ceramic bowl made by a university student on the counter of the bookshop.
Aziraphale gave him those irresistible, shiny eyes.
“Sounds perfect, angel,” Crowley croaked, fishing the keys out and dropping them with an unceremonious clatter into the bowl.
tread lightly on my ground by @ineffable-doll
76 notes - Posted March 10, 2022
“Yes, we’re looking to purchase a bed,” Aziraphale said, and then plowed straight onward with: “Can you tell me, are people meant sleep with all of those pillows, or do they take them off every night, and put them all back on in the morning?”
Crowley made a small, pained noise in the back of his throat, because he was fairly certain that was not the etiquette, but the woman just smiled. “Some people like to have a routine,” she said. “Did you have something specific in mind, for a size or a firmness?”
“Oh, something… something large enough for two, I think,” Aziraphale said a bit hesitantly.
“A queen or a king?” she inquired politely.
“Oh, definitely a queen,” Crowley said with a grin, and got a soft smack to his arm for his joke.
Love Makes a House a Home by @kedreeva
105 notes - Posted June 18, 2022
“I want to know,” Crowley said, completely ignoring the question, “what you think gives you the right to come back from the dead and nearly give me a heart attack in a fucking Tesco.”
“I came back from the dead?” Aziraphale demanded, and his voice had gone high-pitched. “And what do you think you’ve done?”
Till death do us part (or not) by @geometricfractal
115 notes - Posted January 7, 2022
“You’ve had a cat for five years and didn’t see any need to mention it?” Aziraphale asked, flabbergasted. He’d told Crowley about Jasper as soon as he’d seen him next. Crowley had come over with expensive wine and even more expensive sweets the night Jasper had passed.
“Years?” Crowley echoed. “Angel, she’s been around since at least the ark business.”
“You’ve had a cat for five millennia and didn’t- you’ve- you-”
The Cat’s Mau by @kedreeva
173 notes - Posted January 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
"How many times did I tell you not to accept a drink offered by a stranger? It’s flirting!"
Aziraphale shook his head virtuously. "I remembered that. He did not offer me a drink, he had two because his date did not show up, the poor chap. He offered it to me so it did not go to waste."
Crowley gaped. Spluttered. "Th--nndkl--that’s like the most basic move in the book!"
"There is a book?" asked a suddenly enthusiastic Aziraphale.
Saturday Night in Soho by @zeckarin-blaise
257 notes - Posted January 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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breadandblankets · 6 months
Opening Lines Meme
Tagged by @livingmeatloaf (lmao i just changed it)
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
They do this sometimes, just sit and watch Morgan work. (CE Code Section 10: Grounding and Bonding - S&D Tier, safety lecture disguised as fic, Alex S Tier/Morgan D Tier
The video rolls and Bruce feels all of his years, every sleepless night, every stitch, staple, and pin. (chapter 4 of so i can find someone to rely on (and run to them) - Batman, ghost king jason todd, gen)
Duke Thomas is having the weirdest day ever. (a great, dark, soft thing - Batman, duke has his powers woken by events in prev fic has a migraine about it, gen
Tim, it seems, has never once in his life waited. (chapter 3 of no. 2)
There is a package on his doorstep. (chap 2)
The door, locked in front of him, his “mother” beside him, the damning beep of the countdown timer, the pulsing agony that followed every beat of his heart. (chap 1)
“Luo Binghe’s transfer has not gone through,” Shen Qingqiu says as he comes in, calm and collected. (the window to the soul (and other such fallacies) - SVSSS, how to fix the world one tea not-date at a time, Shang Qinghua/Shen Jiu)
Deathclaw is a being of utmost dread, is what X6 decides as he is woken up by his oxygen supply being cut off by fur. (chap 2 of the differences we sometimes fear to show - Fallout 4, deathclaw is a cat, Deacon/X6-88)
The night was becoming X6-88's favorite time of day. (chap 1 of above)
You ever have something so batsh— uh crap insane happen to you that the whole event simply takes up permanent residence in your head? (one of the afternoons ever - Fallout 4, part one of railroad au X6, gen)
What have we learned?
the romance between me and in media res
I'm a big fan of statement openers, just a general observation about the situation about to play out. These are either backed up later in the story or theyre immediately disproven
Either a v short sentence or a long abuse of the comma, no in between.
Limited third person pov my beloved, shout out to the single 2nd?? person pov happening at no 10
Present tense: 6; Past: 2; Future: 1; Mixed or unknown (i hated english class if you ask me what a particle or whatever its called i will scream): 1
additional just cause i noticed it, im about 50/50 about establishing who the story is about in the first sentence, usually i can go a whole paragraph before telling the reader who im talking about
That was neat! i would apologize for posting several of the same fic if i was sorry XD
I'll tag @enbycupcake and @owldork1998 and anyone else who wants in! thank u loaffff
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tams-writeblr · 3 years
Once I'm gone
Rating: M(ature) Warnings: major character death Category: F/M (main couple), Multi (side characters) Fandom: Attack on Titan / Shingeki no Kyojin Relationship: Mikasa Ackermann / Eren Jaeger | various side couples Characters: Eren Jaeger, Mikasa Ackermann, Armin  Arlelt, Zeke Jaeger, Hange Zoe, Floch Forster, Ymir, Reiner Braun, Pieck  Finger, Historia Reiss, several others will make a cameo Additional Tags: Modern AU | established relationship | toxic  behaviour | Eren suffers from Huntington’s disease and tries to settle  his matters before he dies | suicial blockhead Eren | aged up characters  (by ten years) | suicide tw | depression tw | mental diseases tw | deathly diseases tw | this is clearly not write what you know, but I’m giving my very best to  representate the topics as good as I can | this all basically came to me as a fever dream | you remember Thirteen from House, M.D.? I still   have a huge crush on her so this version of Eren is greatly inspired by her <3 Language: English (not native, I’m trying my best you guys) Stats: ongoing - Chapter 2/15 - Part 3/3 - 1094 of 2811 words Summary: Eren Jaeger knew for years that he inherited  Huntington’s disease from his late mother. When he first notices  symptoms on him, his long protected plan, to end his life before  reaching the critical state of his illness,  awakes. But there is still  Mikasa, his girlfriend and the only person in the world he cares about  more than about himself, and he can’t leave her alone and grieving. It’s  time to find a substitute for when Eren is gone. With the help of a new  friend Eren tries to scare away Mikasa while driving her into the arms  of someone new.
His brother, the psychologist - Part 3/3
Eren’s mouth flipped open during Armins story. What a chatterbox. “I still don’t get why”, the threw in when Armin had ended. “You are perfectly healthy. Everyone here has got something, that’s really fucked up but someone just thought you were a girl. That’s nothing to commit suicide for.”
Eren heard his brother clucking in protest. “We are not in the position to judge someone! Armin is fighting for every day, just like the others in this room. If you want to be part of this group, you’ll have to learn to open up and accept the stories of everyone neutrally!”
Eren quickly blinked over to his brother then he looked at Armin who finally had his face turned away from the wall and returned his glance. His big blue eyes were watery but other than Reiner he was able to hold back the tears.
“Then let's hear your problem”, Armin muttered between clenched teeth.
Eren sighed. Technically he really wasn’t in the mood for this. It had got nothing to do with anyone what was happening in his head. But the stubborn look on that sissy's guy next to him didn’t let go of him and he knew he wouldn’t shut up until he knew what he wanted to.
“I told my doctor that I’ll kill myself before the illness I’ve got get’s so worse I can’t do it on my own anymore. I can be a chatterbox at times, i should probably have shut my mouth once in my life. Now they’ve sent me here, hoping my great big brother will bring some sense back into me. I don’t think it’s gonna work but who knows?” With a smug grin he crossed his arms in front of his chest and gave Armin’s staunch glance right back to him.
Finally it was the blond that ended the staring and looked back between his feet.
“What you’ve got?”, Pieck asked when Eren looked around the circle with no less smug look on his face.
“Huntington”, he said toneless.
Most of them didn’t give him a reaction. He knew what their first query on their smartphones upon leaving this room would be. But Pieck smiled at him pityingly - disgusting.
For a Moment complete silence fell over the room, only the scratching of Zeke's pen on paper was to be heard.
“Good”, he finally said. “Armin was talking to us about his new habit of taking an one hour long walk every day, when we were interrupted. Please, continue telling us. Got some recommendations for nice routes?” Armin didn’t look up. His voice cracked as he started to speak. “I’m always going after university. Usually the same way every time. It totally doesn’t matter where to go, the main point is to move. Listening to music is immensely helpful. I’ve got a playlist for every mood.”
“Oh, your back to university!”, Pieck noted with a huge smile. Eren already had a pretty good image of the person she was, she probably acted as the mom-friend in the group.
Armin nodded and finally looked at her. “Yeah, the summer term started last week.”
Pieck smiled warmly and even Zeke looked pleased. “What Armin said, moving really is the Alpha and Omega. Being active definitely helps pushing away somber thoughts and fresh air helps getting the head empty. Follow Armin’s example, everyone.”
The circle applauded, what Eren thought was absolutely ridiculous and boycotted.
Finally Zeke took a look at his watch and did some other notes on his pad. “Well, time sure flew by today. We weren’t even able to talk about everything I wanted to. But we’ve got a new member around us, what I’m really glad about. I’ll see you all next week, same time, same place.” He placed the clipboard on his thighs and while the other four took their stuff he looked firmly and with contracted eyebrows at Eren. “And please be punctual next time.”
Eren rolled his eyes then he stood up. His glance met Armin who was the first one to leave the room, one hand placed over the lover half of his face. Eren grinned wonky. What a wimp. He still found himself hurrying up, to keep up with him. On the second floor he finally caught up with him. “Hey Armin! Wait a sec’!”
But Armin didn’t slow down and didn’t even look at him. “I have to catch my bus.”
Eren ran after him. “You said it was your third attempt at suicide. Explain it to me, I still don’t get it, you're not lacking anything.”
Armin finally looked at him. His watery eyes were pulled together. “Maybe not physically. But it’s called depression, you insensitive ass.”
Eren was surprised by his fighting back. He continued following Armin as he left the building. “My neurologist always tells me, I also got some. But I don’t believe that. I just wanna kill me before I lose control of my body. Is that so unusual?”
Armin looked at his bottomless. “Pieck could say the same, but she wants to make the best out of her life. Ymir is only still alive because of her girlfriend. Everyone’s dealing differently with a deadly disease.”
“Why did you try it in the first place?”, Eren asked when Armin sat down at the bus stop.
“You’re pretty cligly, aren’t ya?” He laughed with a huff. “When I was eight, I thought about what being dead must be like. My budgie had just died and my mom told me that he had gone to heaven. When I was twelve, the thought about dying still hadn’t left me alone. I took my mom’s lady’s shaver at the tub and cut my wrists. Way not deep enough and the wrong way round, like you can sometimes see it in the movies. When I realized I wouldn’t die from it, I just was full of panic how to explain all the blood to my parents. They sent me to a child psychologist. Since then I didn’t spend a full year without therapy.”
Eren whistled through his teeth. “You’re really quite the gloomy brat, aren’t ya?”
Armin looked at him through narrowed eyes and the tip of his nose had turned red. “You’re feeling really cool, aren’t you?”
Eren grinned back and shrugged.
“There’s my bus. See you next week, Eren Jäger.” Armin stood up and got onto the bus. While walking past the windows, he gave Eren a last bottomless glance, his face in deep reds under his eyes.
Eren scoffed. What a whiny brat. But he liked him.
__________________________________________________ Author’s Note: Yeah, Eren is very much a dork. I hope I got Pieck's character alright, I know she's got some fierce fans but I really struggled getting behind who she really was though out the series. I love some at the brink of tears - Armin. The next chapters will be more EreMika, I promise xD
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starcats1219 · 3 years
Hi! Welcome to my tumblr! My inbox is always open :)
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Up to Date!
current project(s):
-witnessing family (multichap atla fic, 1st chapter out, second tbd)
-untitled (multichap tarlos fic, publish date tbd)
Masterlist of fics:
Sanders Sides:
Everyone but Him | 604 | oneshot
Roman loses his love, and realizes he was the last to know about it.
Part 1 of Roman's Love Life
Flare Ups | 995 | oneshot
Janus' eczema flares up. Remus attempts to help.
A Night to Remember | 3875 | oneshot
Logan and his class are taken to a haunted house, where things aren't as they seem, and none escape.
Song Bird (we'll carry on) | 996 | oneshot
Virgil really hated his soulmate sometimes.
Part 7 of Soulmate Alphabet
Fall for You | 1783 | oneshot
After Virgil, Roman thought life was over. Then he met Janus Newman.
Part 2 of Roman's Love Life
Zzz (wake me up) | 630 | oneshot
Remy loved his soulmate, Emile. But...why was Emile always there, sleeping?
Part 9 of Soulmate Alphabet
Key and Lock (open up my heart) | 1327 | oneshot
Virgil has never gone to a key and lock party before. Luckily he met someone who has.
Part 4 of Soulmate Alphabet
It seemed the better way | 605 | oneshot
Something is wrong with Remus. Logan helps.
Part 1 of Intrulogical Week
Art of the Heart | 1276 | oneshot
Remus loved to create. Logan did not. Remus shows Logan how much he loves his creativity.
Part 2 of Intrulogical Week
Timers (countdown to love) | 788 | oneshot
During a Forensics convention, Remus' timer runs out.
Part 3 of Intrulogical Week
Part 8 of Soulmate Alphabet
Honey, I'm Home! | 824 | oneshot
Roman has an idea. Remus agrees, but Logan isn't amused.
Part 4 of Intrulogical Week
Not Alone (cause you're here with me) | 6926 | multi chap (completed)
Logan and Patton were best friends. Until they weren't. Now they've reconnected, but someone is determined to get in the way.
The Creative and the Deceitful | 1601 | oneshot
Janus knew a lot about the others, not that they knew much about him in return.
That is, until Roman discovers his guilty pleasure
Surface Changes | 15050 | multi chap (completed)
Roman, Logan, and Patton all work for an agency specializing in the strange and supernatural. A new mission comes along that threatens to tear them apart…forever.
Avatar: The Last Airbender:
Body Art (the scars that haunt us) | 1429 | oneshot
Sokka has been writing to his soulmate his whole life. Why has his soulmate never responded?
Part 2 of Soulmate Alphabet
4 times Sokka helped Zuko and one time he returned the favour | 4930 | multi chap (completed)
Ember Talks | 3235 | oneshot
After the disastrous Ember Island Players, the Gaang needs to have some talks.
Witnessing Family | 1238 | multi chap (incomplete)
After confronting his father and getting injured, Zuko is placed in witness protection.
911: Lone Star:
all will be well if you stay | 1102 | oneshot
After TK wakes up from his coma, Carlos and Andrea talk once again.
The Umbrella Academy:
Different Sort of Way | 369 | oneshot
Klaus never cared for anyone but himself. Until he met Dave.
Last Words (i love you forevermore) | 604 | oneshot
The battlefield is loud.
Part 5 of Soulmate Alphabet
Colours (light up my world) | 667 | oneshot
Sissy was having a day.
Part 3 of Soulmate Alphabet
Marks (lock up my heart) | 790 | oneshot
Diego was running from the police when he's caught by a very attractive detective.
Part 6 of Soulmate Alphabet
The Folk of the Air:
Betrothed | 1665 | multi chap (incomplete)
Jude's grandparents are rich, so she gets betrothed at a young age to one of their business associates. Cardan isn't happy when he finds out.
The Selection:
Aging (not for me) | 828 | oneshot
The crown prince, Maxon Schreave, has started to age, but the selection has just begun. Which of the girls is his soulmate?
Part 1 of Soulmate Alphabet
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Listeeeen I'm here for Din Djarin and his little green son, Grogu so I loved the Book of Boba Fett finale. I thought it was great, it was exciting, it made me laugh, it made me scream. I unapologetically loved every bit of Din and Grogu content we got. That being said, poor Boba Fett not even in the finale of his own show does he get to shine. The spotlight once again stolen from him by Din "main character energy" Djarin and Grogu.
That's not to say Boba Fett didn't have great scenes, I personally loved seeing him kill Cad Bane with the Gaffi Stick. I wish the fight between them had been longer, and I was surprised they killed him off so quickly, and I also wish the show had gone more into the history between these two cause that would have been interesting and added more weight to the final showdown between them but I still enjoyed it and cheered when it happened.
But let's not lie to each other, or ourselves The Book of Boba Fett had four episodes. Because chaps 5 and 6 were The Mandalorian, and even in the finale which wraps up the storyline presented in TBOBF the man was a guest in his own home. So, 4 1/2 episodes if one wants to be nice.
It's a shame because the show had potential, sadly it seems the people in charge of it didn't have any faith in it; and weren't truly willing to put in the effort and money to give it a chance. Don't get me wrong it's not a bad show, for me as a whole it was okay and it certainly had moments and episodes I loved plus it gave me my Mandalorian fix but it could have been better across the board. Like, as much as I love Din and enjoyed every second he was on my screen I would have been a-okay with Disney giving The Mandalorian an extended season to still get the content we got, and have TBOBF focus on Boba Fett and develop his story.
I'm gonna side track for a second before I forget because there's an after credit scene in the finale that shows Cobb Vanth in the bacta tank. I guess this was supposed to be a big *gasp* moment but it's hard to tell at first glance who's in the tank, and considering the number of fans I have seen upset over this characters death I don't think a lot of people saw it. I myself didn't know it was there until I saw an article mention it. Yeah.
Like I said I personally loved the finale, thought the show as a whole was okay- I have so many questions about The Mandalorian s3 now starting with are we gonna see Luke again? I need s3 to have a scene between R2-D2 and Luke where Luke goes "you did what????!!!!" because I need an explanation as to why he was not there to deliver the baby to Din.
Is Din goin to train to use the Darksaber? Is the person training him gonna be Luke?
It's okay, I'm good, I'm calm.....no I'm not, I wanna see Luke again. We didn't even get to say goodbye to him. At the very least s3 give me a scene where Din contacts Luke and is like "did my kid get kicked out of school? or are holiday breaks part of your curriculum?".
Anyway, I can't wait to see the official season 3 of The Mandalorian, the sneak preview has been great.
Book of Boba Fett I'm glad I saw you. I'm not glad for the right reasons but I'm glad nonetheless. It was an entertaining addition to my Wednesdays.
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giorno-plays-piano · 4 years
You were all I wanted Part 4
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Pairing: mob!Peter Parker x plus-sized!Reader
Warnings: yandere, obsession, swearing, human trafficking, allusion to dubcon, minor character’s death.
Words: 3309.
Summary: You are bought by the head of Stark crime family for a kid he cares about.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
P.S. Peter is an adult!
That night he was restless.
It had already been a month since you left the auction in Peter's car and started living in Stark's Tower. The evening when the boy shot a drug addict on the street was forever imprinted on your memory.
Apart from that, things were quite simple. Each morning you were waking up in the same bed as him, having breakfast together, and then staying alone in the room while Peter was gone to do whatever Mr. Stark wanted him to. Sometimes the kid wouldn't leave at all, sometimes he'd come late and drenched in someone else's blood. You helped him shower and clean his wounds if he had any. Well, miraculously, for the past month Peter didn't need stitches or anything of that kind. But you knew he wasn't always that lucky - his back and chest were covered in ugly scars, his wrists bore strange circular shape marks. The only reason you hadn't seen them the first night was because you were so terribly drunk.
The boy whined softly in his sleep, and you tried to shush him. Today he returned beaten up, anxious, and exhausted. He and Rhodes were hunting down someone from the gang who had gone completely mad, but Peter refused giving you any details. You suspected something really terrible had happened since the boy was hard to frighten.
And now he was crying, tossing and turning in  bed. It was the first time you saw him like that.
"Peter, Peter wake up." You whispered, gently touching his shoulders. "Please."
It took you a few long moments before he had finally opened his eyes and stared at you, his breathing ragged, erratic.
"It's you. It's you." He mumbled, and you saw tears streaming down his face to the pillow beneath his head.
"Yes, it's me." You cooed at him and wiped the wet tracks with your hand, leaning down to kiss him in the forehead. "You're safe."
"Please, please don't go." The fear in his eyes made you stop as Peter gripped your hand in trembling his. "I'm not safe. I'm never safe."
What kind of nightmare was haunting him, making him shake so badly? He looked so scared, so vulnerable and defenseless, tearing up like a little kid. You had never thought you could pity a mobster, but you were wrong - you felt sorry for him.
Shifting on the bed that way that Peter's head came to rest against your chest, you buried your fingers in his disheveled hair and started caressing his head.
"You're safe with me, Peter." You whispered reassuringly, and he snuggled closer to you, throwing his hands against your body. "I'm staying with you. Come here, sweetheart."
He tried to nuzzle against your soft body so close as if he wanted to become a part of you quite literally. Peter let out a heavy sigh, and you felt the skin on your chest burning.
You spent a few more minutes in complete silence of the room, listening to each other's soft breathing. Although you had no intention of moving away from him, Peter clung to you as if his life depended on it. You were curious what he had seen in that nightmare of his, but you didn't say a word, knowing he needed time.
"It's so scary to be alone in the dark." Peter suddenly said, his grip in you getting a little tigther. "I need you to walk with me."
You blinked, unsure of what to say. Didn't he choose the darkness himself? Didn't he get accustomed to all the things he was doing? You remembered him killing that guy on the street without any regret. You were pretty sure Peter didn't feel anything. Were you wrong?
"If I came with you... Would you leave me there by myself after that? I'm scared of the dark, too."
He had finally let go of you upon hearing your words and gave you a bit of space, looking at your face intently.
"No, I wouldn't. I'm not Mr. Stark."
At first, you thought he was talking about Tony and his relationships with women, but then the realization hit you: Peter was referring to himself. It was him who was left alone. Despite you thinking he was very close to his patron - for God's sake, the man bought you as a present for the kid - things were rather different in reality. Maybe Mr. Stark treated Peter like a toy, too. Yes, the boy, surprisingly, had some authority in the gang as he was considered Rhodes equal, but maybe Peter didn't want that, or not only that. Maybe he wanted to be taken care of, to be shown some kindness for the things he was doing for his boss. It felt ridiculous suggesting that, but Peter's still wet face made you think that it could really be true.
"Do you know what are these?" Suddenly, the boy lifted his hand and showed you the marks on his wrist. When you squinted and shook your head, he smiled. "These are cigarette burns. I got them the first week Mr. Stark sent me to school here. I was twelve."
"Did he burn you?" Your gawked at his skin, shivers running down your spine.
"No, he didn't. The guys at school did. I hid it from Mr. Stark, but soon they crushed my head against the sink and I ran away bleeding." He chuckled at your horrified expression. "I thought Mr. Stark would come talk to the teachers or sent his guys, but instead he gave me a gun and said I had to earn my place in the gang. So I went to school with a gun in my backpack and shot one of the guys who bullied me."
You stared at him, hoping it was all about his very dark sense of humor - he had to be joking. Even though you knew what man Tony Stark was, how savage did he had to be to give a firearm to the twelve-year-old child who was bullied?
"Of course, Mr. Stark made it so the other kid was charged with the murder while I just walked away. After one month, I felt so guilty for what I've done that I attempted to end my own life by taking a whole a pack of sedatives."
When he brushed his hand against your cheek you realized you were crying at his words.
Sniffing, you brought his hand closer to you and lowered your lips to his wrist, kissing the marks on his skin. Peter's eyes went wide, but he didn't say a word at your gesture, and you touched each and every burn with your chapped lips while he watched you. Did it bring him any comfort? You hoped it did, because no words could describe how you felt once he finished talking.
No wonder you were the closest to a friend he had ever had. He wanted to have someone by his side so desperately.
"I will never do something like that to you." He whispered ever so gently, not smiling anymore. "Even if you're going to hate me or run from me... But please, please don't run. I need you. You don't understand, but I need you so much."
Slowly, you started kissing his fingers one by one, watching his eyelashes tremble. For some reason, you felt grateful for his sincerity as if it changed something. He was the only man to ever need you - and need you so desperately he was literally begging you to stay with him. It was stupid believing the one who held you captive here, but you still did.
You wanted him to need you more.
"I want to make love to you." He murmured, and one of his fingers touched your lower lip. "Can I? Please, Baby."
"What, now?" To say you were surprised would be an understatement. "But y-"
"Please." He breathed, and his finger slipped past your soft lips, forcing you to lick it, swirling it around your wet little tongue. "I wanna fuck your ass. You don't mind, do you? You took the toys so good yesterday."
You rolled you eyes at him, but obeyed, nonetheless, sucking his finger deeper into your mouth as if it were his cock. Well, you did like it when he kept playing with your ass the whole week.
"You're so good to me." His other arm was already lowering your pyjamas pants as Peter squeezed one of your buttocks, and then his fingers found your little tight hole. "I love you so much."
You grunted in response, feeling how he massaged the entrance with his fingertips, equally aroused and scared at his excitement.
One more month had passed. You were finally allowed to go out of your room all by yourself as members of the gang were assured you were completely harmless. The thought of coming back to your family had always lingered at the back of your mind, but you always pushed it away, knowing you might as well just go and shoot people you loved by yourself. Now you had seen what Mr. Stark was doing with traitors with your own eyes and you would never want to risk being in the same position.
Peter still treasured you. He had become way more creative in bed comparing with your first handful of weeks, but not that you could complain since giving you pleasure was among things he cared about the most. Besides, your relationship got even better as now he was slowly opening up to you about both his past and present. You no longer dreaded coming with him somewhere. The only thing that bothered you was a feeling that, somehow, Peter got even clingier, but you brushed it off. There could be nothing bad in his growing affection to you.
That day you were coming back from the communal kitchen - thankfully, most of the gang members didn't use it much as it was reserved for their women. The ones who came to cook there were more or less decent, so you weren't worried being close to them. Besides, the boy also gave you one of his guns. Just in case, he said.
Carefully opening the door to your room, you balanced with a heavy plate of chocolate chip cookies in the other hand and stepped inside. Instead of Peter you found Tony Stark sitting on the chair in his breathtakingly beautiful white suit. You held your breath and stilled, unsure of what to do. You had never faced Mr. Stark all by yourself. Were you even allowed to be here now? He clearly needed Peter, not you.
"I-I'm so sorry, sir, I'll return la-"
"It's quite alright, Y/N, come."
He remembered your name, really? It got you alerted.
You hesitantly closed the door, but didn't turn the key, leaving the plate on the top of the microwave standing on the side table. Did you have to offer the man your cookies? Would he be offended by that?
"I apologize, I didn't know you were coming, sir." You said softly, clenching the fabric of your simple cream-colored dress. "I'm sure Peter is going to return shortly... Um, w-would you like to have some cookies, sir?"
"Yes, please." He answered simply, and you brought him the plate immediately, feeling being something between a hostage and a servant to the crime boss. "Mm, not bad. My mother used to bake them, too."
"I'm glad you like it, sir."
You didn't know where to put yourself, knowing he watches you. Except for a chair near Peter's table and his bed there was nowhere to sit, but placing yourself on the top of the bed while there was a man in your room seemed to you absolutely indecent, so you awkwardly leaned on the wall. You prayed for Peter to come back soon, unsure of how you should behave with the most dangerous man you had ever known in the room.
He smirked at you, finally lifting his fancy sunglasses and hiding them in the pocket of his suit.
"I see you settled in nicely here. Do you enjoy living with the kid?"
You shivered, looking at his handsome face and nodding to him.
"Yes, sir, I do."
"Huh, is it Peter's gun you have there? Did he give it to you?" Tony pointed at the holster strapped to your belt - you knew it looked ridiculous, yet it was better to look ridiculous but have something to protect yourself, giving that you were living inside Stark's Tower. "Let me have a look."
"Of course, sir."
You didn't like taking the gun and giving it to the man, knowing perfectly he could shoot you right here and right now. You still remembered that perfectly innocent woman he murdered because she wanted to flee as well as all those ones he got rid of before her.
You did your best to look humble. In the end, you belonged to Peter, didn't you? He said many times that Mr. Stark wasn't taking back the gifts he'd made. If Peter was alright with you living here...
"I see he takes good care of you, dear. You look positively glowing." Tony had that odd smile on his face while looking at you.
"Yes, sir, he does. He's a very good man." You lowered your gaze to your shoes as blush spreaded across your cheeks. Although all this was definitely wrong, you still have very warm feelings towards Peter. Living with vultures for so many years, he was still able to treat someone with kindness.
You didn't see a subtle flash of anger on Tony's face, but he gathered himself rather quickly. Actually, he didn't come here for Peter. He sent him away to have a few moments with you instead.
It was true you were radiant when he was watching you from a far. What was the kid doing to keep you so happy? Did he give you pretty dresses? Jewelry? A car? Anything else? Tony made way more expensive gifts to his girls, but they were never satisfied, nonetheless. It seemed he was choosing some rotten whores over decent women over and over again despite all his efforts, but Peter got lucky with his first girl. Tony was almost ready to admit he was jealous.
So why were you special? He couldn't explain it with words, yet looking at your warm smile every time you saw Peter the man knew why his kid was so eager to return home every evening. Tony wanted to have this feeling, too.
"I could give you more than he does." The man said, and you choked on air, staring at him like a rabbit in front of a snake. "Peter's a sweet kid, but he's so inexperienced, you know. He has no clue what to do with a woman. I bet he doesn't even bring you to nice places or make you gifts, does he?"
Your heart was beating so fast you felt like it could stop any second. It wasn't good, oh shit it wasn't good for you. You had no idea how a man who was able to force the most beautiful women of the planet to attend to him could ever look at you, someone who wasn't even considered pretty by most people. Was it just because he wanted to see you suffer? Because he couldn't handle looking at a woman who was happy?
"But I already belong to Peter, sir. I am your gift to him." You smiled nervously, trying to be polite. "How do I dare to change my master?"
"Nah, the kid won't mind. I'll give him another girl, I promise." The man winked at you, and you realized he wasn't letting you go regardless of what you'd tell him.
You needed to run.
Before you reached the door he was on your back, grasping your hands in his and chuckling smugly. His other palm was already lifting the hem of your dress.
"Huh, you're not so submissive as you look. I like that." He whispered above your ear, grinding his hips against your ass.
"No, please, sir! I'm not good! I'm not good for you!"
He threw you on the bed you shared with Peter and took of his white suit jacket, watching you crawl away and smiling at your pathetic attempt to run from him. What a sweet little girl you were, he thought. You wanted to be loyal to someone like Peter when you had him offering you to take the place of his woman.
Before coming closer to bed he was taking off his pants, and you readied yourself to scream as loud as you could. Maybe Tony had your gun, but you had to do something. Maybe someone would come before the damage was done.
Who were you kidding? No one would come to protect you against the head of a crime family.
"Now be a good g-"
Before Tony finished the sentence you heard the lound crack of the door opening and then the sound of a gun. Although you intended to scream just a second ago, now you were silent, staring at the quickly growing bloodstain on his expensive white shirt. You suddenly remembered the drug dealer who died exactly like that.
Peter was standing in the doorway with his gun pointed at his own patron, and then he fired one more time. And one more. He seemed to calm down only when Tony fell on the bed, staining it's cover with his crimson blood. Once the boy looked up, you saw his hollow eyes as if he weren't even conscious.
"Peter." You muttered, your eyes full of tears. "He... Oh God."
He saved you. The boy shot that sick bastard before he could lay his dirty hands on you, but you weren't relieved. He killed Mr. Stark, the one who took him into the family and gave him roof above his head. Tony's people would tear Peter apart for his silly attempt to save you.
When he lowered his gun, you left the bed and came closer to him on shaky legs, swallowing your salty tears.
"Peter, you need to run. They'll kill you."
He reached out to your face and stroked your lower lip in awe. Apparently, he was as shocked with his own actions as you were, you thought, your eyes bleary with all those tears.
"Peter, please, you need to run. Leave me here, I'll be... a deadweight."
Before you could finish he had ushered you to come closer, pressing you against him and putting a hand on the top of your head like a parent to a crying child. His eyes were still hollow.
"Mr. Stark thought he could take whatever he wanted, but he was wrong." The boy whispered, and you cried out quietly at his words. "He thought you'd say yes, and I won't object, hahah."
"Peter, p-please. If you won't go..."
"Why should I go, Baby?" He left a tender kiss on your forehead, his tone of voice strangely calm, but frightening. "We can run Stark's family without a Stark in it, can't we, Rhodey?"
Amazed, you glanced straight ahead of you and saw heavy armed people waiting behind Peter's skinny figure. You recognized many of them as part of Peter's and Rhodes' team, but there were Tony's bodyguards and some other men you had never seen before. They stayed still, their eyes on the two of you and Stark's dead body laying on your bed. For some reason, no one aimed their guns at you. They just stood their and did nothing at all.
"No one's taking you away." Peter's voice turned sweet as he dropped his gun to the floor and his other hand rested on your back. "And I'm not going anywhere. You're my girl, Baby, and you gotta stay whatever happens."
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki @helenaeisenhower @villanellevi @hurricanerin @void-hoechlin @abyssaint @msruchita @opheliadawnwalker3 @ifntelyinspirit
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cytarabi · 4 years
Hey! I've become a huge fan of your fics on ao3. I wanted to know how do you push out so many beautiful chapters so quickly? What's your writing process like? I'm working on a big JB fic, which I'm trying to finish timely, but high quality. Always like to see how other writers do their thang! Thank you!
Hi! I remember your name!! <3 Thank YOU for the question and praise, that’s so sweet!!
I love seeing how other writers do their thang, too! And I’ve found it can be very, very different for each author.
TLDR I write a lot of my fic ahead of time. I outline the entire fic, chapter by chapter before I start writing. I use several tools to speed the process and/or to make it more artsy fartsy.
I’ve found that I’m a “plotter” and not a “pantser” (two main ways of writing, unless you hate being labeled lol.)
Plotter means that I prefer plotting out most of the story before I write the details. Here’s been my process for my multichapter fics:
1) I come up with an idea and let it brew! I think about key scenes or dialogue I love and I jot them down in my phone on Google notes. Write down your ideas, you’ll probably forget them.
2) During this brewing time, (for As Black As Thunder and my next fic) I take the time to read, read, read. I read works and jot more notes! I have an entire Google doc for Rebecca by Daphne de Maurier where I wrote down her tone usage, figurative language and summary of each chapter. I can’t tell you how much this has helped get me in the write TONE for the work. Tone is SO important. Readers reading a thriller will expect thriller beats! Deep Fried Drinks was a rom com, so the verbs, adjectives etc are very different from creepy Gothic. When I started As Black As Thunder (ABAT), wow, it was hard to nail the tone at first. But by the second half of the fic, I’m fully immersed in it and it’s much easier to create the tone naturally. Without using inspiration, I don’t think it would have turned out as well. For ABAT, I think I took two weeks of no writing, when I’m used to writing every day. It was hard not to write, but wow, was I ready when I started!
3) When I’m ready to outline, I do! I open a google doc for the fic and start throwing everything I can think of in there. My ABAT doc was only like three lines for 6 months... lol! I’ve only just started looking into story structure, so my older fics are all wonky. BUT for ABAT and Deep Fried Drinks, I tried to follow story structure for plots. First act, second act, third act, character arcs, etc. My longest fic, Time Stops, dropped a bunch of readers in the middle and I think it’s because my middle SAGGED majorly. I didn’t try to follow a structure, just sort of plotted it out how I wanted to, and it was probably very repetitive and boring. For ABAT, I plotted a mid point turn to spice things up, chose things to make the character more proactive, etc. I highly recommend Ellen Brock on Youtube for any plotting advice. She’s an editor, and I’ve learned so much!
4) Organize plot into chapters, write key notes for chapters and fill out background info. The first two are self explanatory, but the third is my favorite! One thing that speeds my writing (I have no idea if people do this or not) but I have lists. So many lists! For ABAT, I have lists of common outfits for characters (I usually hate writing about outfits but I’m glad I wrote more for this work). I also write the character arc for each main character. For ABAT, I have the following for Brienne:
Symbols: white crocus flower (purity, youthfulness, sensitive to rain), White begonia, Small birch saplings struggling for light
Goal: serve public, be idealistic, honorable
Lie: (hidden for spoilers)
Truth: (hidden for spoilers)
Flaw: stubborn, idealistic, watched her father get fame and respect for his engineering, wants to do the same thing and do it perfectly, doesn’t understand systemic racism 
Motivation: serve people, be accepted by the public, belonging, abandonment
Stakes: public rejection, Tarth name on the line, mockery, insanity, failure
So when I think about a curve ball for Brienne at any point of the story, this character section helps me stay true to character. I have a section for Brienne, Jaime, Cersei and Missandei. Cersei has a larger section because she’s a villain... ;)
In addition to this section, I also write down their personalities and strengths. You know, like if they went to an interview lol. For example, I have Missandei have the following strengths: 
Adaptability: able to adapt
Intellection: introspective and appreciate intellectual discussions
Consistency: all people should be treated the same
Futuristic: fascinated by future
Learner: loves to learn
I ALSO have an emotion worksheet and this is SO USEFUL. They say in writing: show that the character is angry, not tell the reader. WELL, IDK about you but I can’t keep track of all the little quirks characters do and yet, I want them to be consistent. If while writing a scene, I sometimes think, “Hmm what is Jaime doing if he’s in awe right now?” I search for “awe” at the top of my fic, and bam, I have options, more or less. For a lot of emotions, I brainstormed ideas based on character traits, arcs, Gothic tone etc. I fill all of this out before I write the first chapter. 
Here’s an example of some emotions I have for ABAT:
Emotion List (remember to have introspection, unique perspective) 
B: wrinkle deepened between brows, parted lips, fixed gaze, stands still
J: arched brow, open mouth, stare, goes closer
C: lowering chin or raising chin, goes closer
M: adaptable, quick to react
B: looking away, walking away
J: scratching ear
C: smiling, neatly placed hands
M: long blink
B: staring off, quiet, daydreaming
J: staring at object important to him, twisting pencil or object in his hand, squeezing his hand
C: squeezing hand, staring at object she wants to get rid of or improve
M: daydreaming, staring off at her own outfit—it’s foreign
5) Now the fun part: writing! I used to write with scene structure outline, but I think I’ve grown off the training wheels. But it really helped me in Deep Fried Drinks to plot out the chapter scenes ahead of time, and I used Ellen Brock’s proactive and reactive videos to help me out with that. I throw on some music to get me in the mood of the story and I write during my kid’s nap, about two hours every day. Sometimes I’ll write at night, but lately I’ve been too tired to do that. My tip for this part is to try and figure out what you want to improve. What are you good at, and what could you improve as a writer? My first fics had like zero figurative language. Awkward. This takes a level of awareness that’s hard to reach but watching or researching creative writing technique really helps me. For example, I used to NEED to write all five senses out for each chapter ahead of time. Now it comes naturally to me! I would say now my main issue is phrasing? Pacing? And I need to tone down the melodrama for my next work....... lol! I write, write, write--and usually, I write 60-90% of the fic before I start editing!
6) Editing. Fun fun fun. I don’t mind editing, I just don’t think I’m that GOOD at it. I try to read through my chapter twice and edit as I go. I look for things I want to take out or add, look for show vs tell, formatting, etc--do things make sense? Did I miss anything? In ABAT, I’ll write something in chap 20 that I need to start in chap 18, so I’ll go back and make a quick note to “add part about document somewhere in this chapter” so I don’t confuse readers. When I edit chap 18, I’ll add that line or paragraph in. It’s all an intricate web! I also have a list of vague words I try to eliminate or replace with stronger words (I have more words if you want them). I found that I have certain words or phrases that echo a lot, like “while”, “turned around”, “turned” or “did not”--now I search for these phrases/words and try to change them:
Get rid of vague words, fix by explaining more:
Simple verbs: had, was, went
Like with all writing “rules”, they can be broken, but it helps to know why they are rules. I steered away from adverbs, and I think it improves my writing. Other writers have different prose and adverbs work so well--it all depends on your style! If I find these vague words in dialogue, for example, I almost never change them because dialogue is usually freaking vague lol!
7) Beta reader(s)! I honestly think this work is better than my other stuff because I have a newer beta reader, theunpaidcritic!!! *I bow* She’s literally an expert so it’s SO helpful for me in every way--I can’t fangirl about her enough. If you’re struggling to get a beta reader, I recommend joining a JB discord (transformative werk is my favorite discord, and there is a beta read request thread) or post a request on reddit!
8) Post! Once you’ve edited and gone over beta reader notes, it’s time to post! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!
For time reference, I started this process around mid-May for ABAT, and I will be done by early September. Maybe I’m just a fast writer? Compared to angel-deux, ha, I look slow. Everyone is different! Please let me know if you have any other questions, I am ALL about helping out! :) <3 <3 <3
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hopeless-lovex0 · 5 years
Kim Hongjoong Fanfic
Warning: Angst. Cheating. Heartbreak. Cursing. Fluff.
      Fellow Atiny and Kpop stans, I present to you guys Part 17 of I Have A Dream! (*^_^*) It’s a little bit short this time as I’ve been working super hard on the finally for this story which I’m sad to say is coming soon 😞 it might be the next one coming up as well so I want to make sure that the last part to this story is written well and that you guys enjoy it. I dont have much to say today other than I hope you guys enjoy this week’s update and without further ado I present to you guys, part 17 of I Have A Dream 🎉❤
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      2 hours, that's how long the rest of Ateez waited in that boring, white walls, old movie playing in the background room. To say each and every one of them was beyoung uncomfortable was an understatement.
     The green ugly leather chairs scattered around the room were beyond uncomfortable, the support simply just not there. The rest of the guys gave Wooyoung and Mingi the privilege of sitting on the only comfortable furniture there was in the room, due to their back pains. A beige sofa (which Seonghwa and Yeosang swear was once white) placed against a white dull wall with some poor excuse of decoration placed on it.
     Placed on the end of the room, was a simple brown small table with a bunch of fashion and sports magazines scattered around the surface of it. Above the table was an old square tv mount with said tv hanging from it, old movies coming an going as their wait in the room moves into the third hour.
     Seonghwa knows that if it wasn't for the snacks and drinks vending machine a couple feet away from, every single one of the guys will eventually be driven crazy by the small dulled out room.
     By now half of the guys are slouching in their seats, Wooyoung and Mingi leaning against each other with an uncomfortable expression on their faces. Once in awhile, a couple of the guys would get up and walk up to the vending machine and take out various chips and candy to keep them awake.
     San, however, was active like a little kid on Christmas morning, pacing around the room with a bag of chips in hand. Seonghwa had told him multiple times to sit down, casting apologetic looks to other people sitting in the waiting room with them. The main dancer ignored him though, mind scattered with various thought and heart racing a thousand miles per minute.
     He also had a frown placed upon his face, the delicate smile he would usually be bearing gone from sight. He was cursing himself over and over again in his mind, thinking that it should have been him to be there with Y/N.
     The rest of the guys watched him from their seats, growing impatient with him as the minutes passed by. They know how he was feeling and they know he was blaming himself, but alas there was nothing to do especially when all of them got their phones taken away by the manager.
     Jongho was the one to finally snap, jumping off his chair and taking ahold of San’s shirt, pulling back and slamming him down on one of the chairs available. The rest of the guys watched with wide eyes, but they all knew that there was no point in scowling him when each one of them wanted to do the same thing. “ Sit down and stop pacing around. The other people waiting here are getting annoyed with you.” He says, not bothering to add any formalities as he similarly waits for the results with rapidly beating heart.
     San turns to look around the waiting room, just starting to realize the looks that some people are giving him from his constant walking. Giving them a small bow of apology, he sits back down and begins to nibble on his bag of biscuits, the rest of the guys doing the same.
     “ It's been almost 3 hours! How much longer is it gonna take!” San bursts out, breaking the silence that sat on them, the sound of the movie playing getting drowned out by San outburst. Seonghwa is about to snap at him for startling everyone and causing a scene when a doctor carrying a clipboard walks up to the doorway.
    Half of the guys don't pay attention as they think it's news for someone else, while San, Jongho and Seonghwa look at her expectedly fingers crossed that it's Y/N they are calling for.
    “ People here to see Miss (L/N)?” She calls out, getting scared when a total of 7 guys jump up from their seats and race up to her, calling out Y/N’s name in unison. “ Uh.. I'm not sure that all you guys would be allowed in.” She says, getting groans in response.
     “ Please, let us all go! We've all been waiting for almost 3 hours and we really want to see her and the baby.” Yunho says, whipping his hands out and placing them in front of him in a praying motion while giving the doctor his best puppy eyes. Mingi noticing this, follows his lead elbowing Wooyoung and getting him to do it as well.
    In the span of a minute, the doctor has 7 from men in front of her giving her puppy eyes while pouting at the same time. Shaking her head and sighing out, she looks at them one more time before finally nodding her head, causing the guys to yells out in victory.
     Walking away from them, she gestures for them to follow her as they walk towards the elevators. The ride towards Y/N’s room feels packed and tense, the guys barely fitting all in the small space. When the doors open, they blindly follow the doctor as she passes various rooms, turning left and right on different hallways before finally stopping in front of a closed door. Giving them a small smile, she gives them a quick bow before finally walking away towards a nurse standing at the end of the hallway.
     The guys stand crowding the door not knowing what to do and how to approach, Mingi shoving Wooyoung to the door and Yunho slowly creeping up to it as if the door will somehow blow open by itself. Jongho and San however didn’t hesitate to knock quietly on the door, Seonghwa and Yeosang waiting patiently behind them.
     What feels like 10 years when it’s actually 10 seconds the door finally creaks open, Mingi and Wooyoung stopping their childish arguing. There staring right back at them is Hongjoong, a small smile placed upon his pink chapped lips. He brings his finger up to his lips, telling them to keep quiet before gesturing them to walk into the room with him.
     All 7 of them slowly stride in, walking up to the big hospital in the center of the room. There in a pile of bedsheets lays Y/N with a white bundle laying on her hands, slowly caressing it with a gentle hand.
     Hearing them walk in, Y/N lifts her gaze towards the guys standing timidly a couple feet away from her. Her eyes search the faces of the guys before stopping on the maknae of the group, a big smile blooming on her tired still slightly sweaty face.
     Reaching her hand towards Jongho, she gestures for him to come closer, the maknae doing so with hesitant steps. Once he's finally within reach, Y/N gently grabs one of his hands and pulls him next to her bed.
     “ Jongho, meet baby Jongho.” Y/N says, letting out a small laugh when Jongho’s eyes grow wide with excitement. He carefully leans over the bed and takes a closer look at the sleeping baby, tears welling up on his eyes when the baby begins to stir.
     “ Can I.. Can I hold him?” He whispers out, not wanting to wake him up, Y/N giving him another beaming smile and carefully passing baby Jongho to grown-up Jongho.
     The rest of the guys watch in awe as Jongho turns around cradling the tiny baby in his hands, Seonghwa and Yunho taking out their phones and beginning to take as many pictures as they can. The guys crowd around him to take a closer look at the baby, cooing at the sleeping baby and at Jongho tearing up.
     San gives the baby a loving look, then proceeds to walk up to Y/N’s side, leaning down and placing a kiss on her forehead. Y/N feels her face explode with warmth, 100% sure that her face is currently turning red, and she prays that the machine next to her doesn't start giving away her fast-beating heart.
     She gives him a small smile, way too tired to questions his actions, instead choosing to lean her head back and watch the rest of the guys fawn over the baby.
     “ How are you feeling?” San whispers out, attention still on Y/N as she continues to watch the interaction between baby Jongho. “ Like I just popped a baby out.” She answers causing San to let out a laugh, Wooyoung and Yeosang who were listening in to the conversation snickering to themselves.
     “ I'm sorry I wasn't there for you... It must have been scary when no one answered right?” San questions, holding onto one of her hands while slowly caressing it with his thumb. “ It's okay.. Hongjoong told me you guys got in trouble with the manager and Youngji was busy at work.” Y/N says, closing her eyes as she finally feels her tense body relax, San’s little actions doing a ton to help her.
     San let's out a tiny laugh, shaking his head when he remembers why they got in trouble. “ We got in trouble cuz Yunho and Mingi were goofing around and Yeosang ended up snorking water from his nose from how much he was laughing. The manger came in when Seonghwa was patting his back and Wooyoung, Yunho and Mingi were on the floor laughing their asses off.” San lets her, causing Y/N to open up her eyes in amusement and laughing along with him.
     “ HEY! I didn't do anything and I still got in trouble so don't laugh cuz it wasn't funny.” Seonghwa calls out face twisted in a game scold, but you can tell he was holding in laughter, Yeosang holding his nose in disgust when he remembers how the water shooting out his nose gave him an uncomfortable burn for a couple of minutes.
     They sit there for a couple minutes, taking in the scene of the guys taking turns holding the small bundle of joy. “ Are you not gonna hold him?” Y/N questions him, San’s head whipping back to her making her wince when she thinks that he might have cracked his neck. “ Can I..?” He timidly asks her, some of the guys holding in their laughs from how shy he’s acting all of the sudden.
     Nodding her head in confirmation, San gets up from his spot beside her and walks up to Yunho who is currently swaying his body to keep the baby from waking up. Slowly Yunho places little Jongho in San’s arms, making sure that he’s supporting the baby’s head well.
     They all watch in awe as the baby begins to stir in his hands, letting out a small yawn and snuggling closer to San’s chest, somehow between all that managing to grip onto one of the main dancers finger.
     “ Wow San! Baby Jongho must really like you! He didn’t do that to any of us while we were holding him.” Wooyoung explains, the rest of the guys nodding and humming in agreement. “ Not even grown up Jongho is that fond of you.” Seonghwa jokes with him causing Jongho to glare at him in annoyance.
     “ That’s not true! I like San Hyung! It’s just that he’s always hanging out with Wooyoung and they make a lot of noise so I always have a headache!” Jongho defends himself, causing Wooyoung to snap his head towards him and put him in a headlock.
     “ What do you mean we’re loud! You are always walking around the dorm belting out high notes like we’re in a choir.” Wooyoung says, giving Jongho a nuggie on his head, Yunho and Mingi in the background watching the “fight” while Seonghwa and Yeosang stand next to San watching the baby with close eyes.
      Y/N watches the scene from her bed, letting out giggles when the guys continue to goof around. Her little quiet bubble is burst once she hears the chuckles of someone else right beside her, and it takes everything in her not to yelp out in surprise. Right beside her in the once vacant chair, sits Hongjoong watching as the guys continue to talk amongst each other, she can't help but feel bad once she realizes that she forgot he was even there.
     Together they sit in silence, watching as San brings up the baby towards his face and gives it a small kiss on the forehead, the rest of the guys crowding him with their phones ready to take a picture. “ I can tell you like him y’know.” Hongjoong says, causing Y/N to choke on her spit in surprise.
     “ What do you mean like him?! I don't know what you're talking about.” Y/N quickly says, composing herself as best as she can, getting thrown off by the sudden question. “ You don't have to deny it, unless you yourself didn't know and barely just found out.” Hongjoong continues, watching as Y/N refuses to meet his eyes.
     He hesitantly continues when she keeps quiet. “ The way you look at him... It's how you used to look at me.” He whispers out, not wanting the rest of the guys to hear their conversation. “ Now it's not the time Hongjoong so please just stop.” Y/N calmly tells him, looking at him with pleading eyes that tell him she's not up for this conversation just yet.
     “ You're right.. I'm sorry for bringing it up.” Hongjoong quickly apologizes, not wanting to ruin the happy atmosphere surrounding them. They sit there for a couple more seconds before he hears Y/N let out a sigh. “ I was planning on talking to you after I have birth and got out of the hospital, but I guess since we’re here already I’ll just make it short. I’m not planning on keeping him away from you.” Y/N says, causing Hongjoong to gape at her in shock.
     “ We still have a long way to go from here, and I can guarantee you that I haven't forgotten what you did to me... To us. But I always knew that no matter what, he is your child and I would never think about keeping you from seeing him.” She says, causing Hongjoong to grip onto her hand with appreciation.
     He looks at her with newfound hope, the thought of being able to hold his child, raise his child, love his child with Y/N causing his heart to swell with happiness. “ Thank you.. Thank you for letting me be apart of his life.” He thanks her, gripping onto on her hands with glee, Y/N smiling back at him then turning back around and continuing to watch the guys cuddle the baby.
     Everything seems to finally settle down, Y/N and Hongjoong watching from the sidelines as the rest of the guys beg San to let them hold the baby again. Wooyoung seems to be making fun of Jongho for crying while the maknae crosses his arms in annoyance with a pout on his lips. Seonghwa, Mingi and Yunho are circling San with their phones in hand, taking a million photos per minute, Yeosang on the other hands seems to be looking around the room with a confused look upon his face.
   Turning back to Y/N, he tilts his head sideways like a little curious puppy.
    “ Where's Youngji..?” He questions, the rest of the guys finally noticing the absence of her overprotective, loud brother.
   “ OH! He passed out.” She says, the rest of the guys stopping in their tracks.
     “.... WHAT?!?!?..”
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snicketstrange · 5 years
Beatrice was alive many years after the fire at her house
This is part 7 of Strange Interpretation by Jean Lúcio from Brazil.
To understand this text, it is necessary to read some of my previous texts.
If you have understood the Great Hiatus theory well, you will understand why I believe so much that Beatrice survived for many years after the burning of her house.
It is important to remember some important facts about the letter of R. The letter indicates that Lemony was captured that night of the Masked Ball to which the letter refers. In the letter it is written:
"You took a terrible chance in contacting me, but I'm glad you did. I am so sorry that I was unable to prevent, or least delay, your CAPTURE at my masked ball that evening, and I have been worried sick ALL THESE YEARS THAT YOU WERE DEAD, despite rumors of your activities spreading through the network of loyal members . "
Remember that what started the Great Hiatus was the capture of Lemony in this Masked Ball. This capture of Lemony occurred after he had published the books TBB, TRR and TWW.
Please note the following:
"I can not, however, help you answer the question YOU WROTE ME ON THAT GUM WRAPPER." That was the LAST PUBLIC EVENT the members of the organization dared attend together ... Mr. Snicket, everything you kept in my home is gone. BULLFIGHTING COSTUME IS GONE ... Everything in that guest room is gone, and all the things in the guest room next door BEATRICE, OF COURSE, IS FAR PAST COMPLAINING ABOUT LOST POSSESSIONS - THE VERY REASON, I AM CERTAIN, THAT YOU HAVE DEDICATED YOUR LIFE RESEARCHING THE LIVES OF THOSE THREE POOR CHILDREN ... "
Beatrice was in that Masked Ball that happened after the publication of books 1, 2 and 3. As it was explained, When the book TRR was published, it had been years (in the plural) that the main events recorded in the TRR book had already happened. Thus, Beatrice was fully alive years after the fire at her house. According to the letter, Beatrice stayed in the guest room next to the room where Lemony stayed. It is interesting that the pamphlet "13 shocking secrets" says:
Secret 10: "Lemony Snicket was disguised as a bullfighterwhen he was captured."
If R was talking about a Masked Ball that happened more than 15 years before the Beatrice house fire, the letter would not make any sense.
In the first place, this would mean that the ball that took place 15 or more years before the mansion would have been the last until the day R wrote the letter, and since then R would have been in doubt whether Lemony was alive or dead until the day he saw arrive the manuscript of the book 4. But, proof that Lemony would be alive would be the publication for the Great Public of the books TBB, TRR and TWW. According to Lemony, when he wrote the book TRR there was no doubt that he was alive or dead, as he attended dinners, such as Madame d'Lustro's dinner. 
Similarly, when Lemony wrote TWW, he had not yet been captured, for he was still in his house, in his room. He wrote:
" I wish I had the power to go back and tell them that they were wrong. But of course, I cannot. I am not on top of the hill, overlooking Lake Lachrymose , on that gloomy morning. I am sitting in my room, in the middle of the night, writing down this story and looking out my window at the graveyard behind my home."
In addition, according to chapter 9 of the UA, there was at least one masked ball after the events recorded in TRR. In a letter to R, Lemony states in Sebald Code that he will go to the Masked Ball of the Duchess of Winnipeg. In the same letter, Lemony states that his enemies are searching for Unty Monty's reptiles. Notice what is written in this letter:
"Your Royal Duchessness,
The bell of regret, I'm sorry to say, must ring. ATTENDINGyour Masked Ball is impossible. Though I'd love to attendYOUR Masked Ball, my enemies are unlikely to cancel their plans - MASKED Ball, perhaps, or a Regular Ball or another kind of BALL - of finding and capturing me. Deep, deep, deep, deep regret IS what I feel for refusing your invitation, but it's too DANGEROUS. They're searching furiously for the survivors of Dr. Montgomery's collection, BUT imagine how furiously they'll search for me. So I'LL run. I'll hide. I'll run to hiding places. I'll do everything except BE at your Masked Ball, even though I'd love to be THERE.
Maybe nest time. I hope so.
With all due respect,
LEMONY Snicket
P.S. Ring, bells of regret! "
But in addition to the code message note the following snippets:
"They're searching furiously for the SURVIVORS of Dr. Montgomery's collection."
When I talked to D., he explained to me that the classical interpretation of this passage is that there were several moments in history when the reptiles in Dr. Montgomery's collection were lost. According to classical interpretation, the loss of reptiles at the end of TRR can not be regarded as a "Time Mark", because of Daniel Handler's tendency to create duplicates of events to confuse the reader. Thus, D. explained to me that the classical interpretation considers Beatrice's death as a true Time Mark, and all other evidence that all other Time Marks pointing to a possible Beatrice survival would actually be an attempt by Daniel Hanlder to deceive the reader. But of course, I disagree with the classical interpretation. I respect classical interpretation quite a lot, and I can not prove that classical interpretation is wrong. What I do know is that for the classical interpretation to work you need to believe that Lemony Snicket would never lie to his target audience, and that Daniel Hanlder made chronological mistakes.
On the other hand, the Strange Interpretation of Jean Lúcio from Brazil, has as premise that Lemony Snicket tells lies to the Great public of his universe whenever he believes it is good and necessary and that Daniel Hanlder did not make chronological errors. The assumptions are different, and so the results are different. And that is why in the Strange Interpretation of Jean Lúcio from Brazil, the death of Beatrice was removed as a time mark. In my understanding, in this letter from Lemony to R the word "survivors" leaves no doubt as to when Lemony's enemies were searching for reptiles. Individuals from a group of people or animals are called "survivors" when part of the group dies in a single tragic event. Although Uncle Monty had lost his reptiles on a few occasions before the TRR events, he recovered them. However, after the events described in TRR, there was a real death threat to the reptiles and amphibians that were part of that collection.
Bruce explained in TRR chap. 13:
"These snakes need to be taken care of, so we're giving them away to other scientists, zoos, and retirement homes. Those we can not find homes for we'll have PUT TO SLEEP. "
"Put to sleep" is an expression that probably means "to kill some animals".
These links contain a list of meanings in English for "Put to sleep":
Among the meanings is: "to give drugs to animal that will make it die without pain".
Thus, the Masked Ball in which Lemony is referring in the letter to R in chapter 9 of the UA happened after most of the reptiles in Uncle Monty's collection were killed. This happened after the events described in TRR. Thus, the LAST MASKED BALL that happened in the R mansion could not have happened before the events described in TRR. Moreover, in Lemony's letter to R, Lemony states the following:
"My enemies are unlikely to cancel their plans of finding and capturing me ... They're furiously searching for the survivors of Dr. Montgomery's collection, but imagine how furiously they'll search for me."
This means that in this Ball, Lemony was sure that his enemies could search for him to capture him. As we all know, this is exactly what happened at the masked ball described in TAA and UA.
Apparently Lemony had to remove his bullfighter costume when he was captured, and left the costume at the Duchess's house. Soon after, the costume was destroyed in the fire. Why is this significant?
Note the description of this Masked Ball as found in TAA cap 11.
"I once attended one of the famed masked balls hosted by the Duchess of Winnipeg, and it was one of the most exciting and dangerous events of my life. I was disguised as a BULLFIGHTER and slipped into the party while being pursued by the palace guards , who were disguised as scorpions The moment I entered the Grand Ballroom, I felt as if Lemony Snicket had disappeared I WAS WEARING CLOTHES I HAD NEVER WORN BEFORE-a scarlet cape made of silk and a vest embroidered with gold thread and a skinny black mask-and it made me feel as if I was a different person, and because I felt like a different person, I dared to approach a woman I had been forbidden to approach the rest of my life. -the word "veranda" is a fancy term for the porch made of polished gray marble-and costumed as a dragonfly, with a glittering green mask and enormous silvery wings. As my pursuers scurried around the party, trying to guess which guest was me I slipped out to the veranda and gav and her the message I'd been trying to give her for fifteen long and lonely years. "BEATRICE," I cried, just as the scorpions spotted me, "COUNT OLAF IS--" I CAN NOT GO ON. It makes me weep to think of THAT EVENING, AND OF THE DARK AND DESPERATE TIMES THAT FOLLOWED. "
Another important detail is that the masked ball in which Lemony was captured dressed as a bullfighter was the last to occur until the time when the letter from R to Lemony was written. The letter was written when Lemony had already begun his research on Beatrice's children. Lemony only began his search after the fire of the Baudelaire mansion. Between the day Lemony once used his bullfighter costume and the day the letter was written, there was no other masked ball. The letter was written after R had seen the arrival of the original TMM book. Then all this indicates that this masked ball happened after the publication of TWW and before the publication of TMM.
Please realize that the only time Lemony ever used a bullfighter's guise (at least until he wrote TAA) was when he went to that particular Masked Ball. He was captured on that Masked Ball. After that, he became a fugitive, he had his death published again in the newspapers, and he spent several years abroad. In the book TAA, Lemony refers to these years as THE DARK AND DESPERATE TIMES THAT FOLLOWED the Masked Ball.
In the book TCC chap. 6, Klaus finds written information about a masked ball. But it's not the same Masked Ball. Klaus finds a paper where it says:
'' My Dear Duchess, Your masked ball sounds like a fantastic evening, and I look forward to ... '"
According to ATWQ, there have been many Masked Balls in the house of R. This is a duplicate event. The difference lies in the fact that in just one of these Masked Balls Lemony was disguised as Bullfighter. And it was in the Masked Ball that Lemony was captured. The masked ball that Klaus read about it on paper, happened before or during the main events of ASOUE. However, due to the evidence we have already considered, I believe that the Masked Ball in Lemony was captured happened 15 years after Olaf's death.
According to the description in TAA, Lemony gave Beatrice information on Count Olaf. "COUNT OLAF IS ..." I can only imagine a word to close this sentence. "COUNT OLAF IS DEAD!" Lemony told this to Beatrice 15 years AFTER Count Olaf's death. After all, just like Kit, Olaf died on a desert island with few witnesses. Lemony states that he can not expose the phrase to the Great Public. If he did this, all the readers of the Great Public of his universe would realize that Beatrice survived the fire and was still alive after many years had passed. My conclusion is that Beatrice survived for many years after the fire at the Baudelaire mansion.
If we continue analyzing chapter 9 of the UA using the premises I have listed, we will come to the same conclusions.
After Lemony's letter to R, there is a letter from an enemy of Lemony to someone named Genius. It's interesting that the letter is not for Olaf. By this time Olaf had evidently died.
Below I've copied some highlights from the letter
"Dear Genius,
Gathering information on Dr. Montgomery's reptile collection, as you requested, is a simple as you find a needle in a haystack, if there were a sign over the haystack reading "Needle Here!" with a brightly colored arrow pointing to the exact location of the needle. Finding the reptiles themselves are the difficult ones falling off the log, if the log were so sticky that it was practically impossible to remove oneself from it ...
With my disguise in place, I went to my local library, and it was decorated with a new sign that looked like this
"The World is at your Fingertips at Libray! Please Quiet Here."
Whistling one of my favorite tune, I entered the building and found the librarian, and old man with neatly trimmed gray hair and the mustache that tuned up at the ends. ... When I told him he was looking for information on the reptiles in Dr. Montgomery’s collection, the old man ... said, "well, young lady, have you been good to your mother?"
"What?" I replied. "Never Mind" he said quickly, and led me to the Children’s Room, where to my amazement there was a book all about Dr. Montgomery’s collection and three obnoxious children who visited it. The book is called The Reptile Room, so I was quickly able to find several passages describing the collection. "
After that, we find excerpts from the book TRR. Why is this significant?
As Lemony described in the letter to R in Chapter 9 of the AU, this enemy, at the request of one of his leaders, was searching for the survivors of Uncle Monty's collection. He was looking after the end of events recorded in TRR, and so some of the reptiles probably had already died. After all, he found information about the collection in the TRR book.
According to chapter 9 of the UA, after searching for information in the book TRR, the enemy of Lemony disguised like a cow.
He searched for reptiles in various places. Finally, note what happened:
"7 - Approached a married couple who apparently own the Prospero to ask if any reptiles had recently boarded the ship.
Couple, alarmed by talking cow, refused to participate.
8 - Saw signs indicating there was a dairy nearby. Did not approach due to fear of being milked. "
After this letter, in chapter 9 of the UA, we find a personal note from Lemony. Notice what he wrote:
"Note to file:
The library at Prufrock Preparatory School was a pleasant place, with comfortable chairs, huge wooden bookshelves, brass lamps in the shapes of different fish, and bright blue curtains that rippled like water as a breeze came in from the window. The librarian was an old man with neatly trimmed gray hair and the mustache that turned up at the ends ... As soon as I began to sing the coded song, the old man, whose back was straight, saluted me as if I were a soldier and said "Well, young lady, have you been good to your mother?" a phase with here means "I have a message for you." I gave the coded reply - "The question is, has she been good to me?" - and received the following note in return: "
Thus, we can conclude that the enemy went to look for information in Prufrock Prep, because like Lemony, he found exactly the same librarian, and this librarian spoke exactly the same message. The librarian was confused because coincidentally Lemony's enemy was whistling exactly the same song that Lemony whistled.
Thus, we can conclude that the book TRR was already published in Lemony's universe before the closing of Prufrock Prep.
From my point of view, this confirms the theory of the Great Hiatus, and shows that the TAA book was written many years after the writing of the TRR book, since in the TAA book, Lemony states that during the writing of the book TAA Prufrock Pre was closed many years ago. More than that, this confirms that the Ball in which Lemony was capithed, happened after the writing of TRR. In the very book TRR, we find the passage in which Lemony states that Klaus years after the events described in TRR, had difficulty sleeping.
What was the message to Lemony? It was a message from a couple. The couple that the enemy of Lemony disguised as cow approached. The message read:
"Dear Mr. Snicket,
Dr. Montgomery's reptiles. "We're not going to do that," he said. Do not worry - we did not mention anything about our assistance with the Incredibly Deadly Viper - but we fear that the henchman cold use his disguise to cause trouble at Valorous Farms Dairy. The world is quiet here. "
1 - Klaus, Sunny, Violet are adopted by Uncle Monty.
All of this leads me to believe that Lemony knew about the enemies looking for the SURVIVORS of Uncle Monty's collection through this message. Knowing this, Lemony sent the letter to R, talking about the Masked Ball in Sebald code. This to me, is a logical sequence of events.
More than that, this confirms that the Ball in which Lemony was captured happened after the writing of TRR.
All this indicates that Beatrice survived for many years after the destruction of her house. Knowing this, you can begin to create theories about Beatrice's motivations.
In a future text I will explain better on this subject, according to some hypotheses that I have created. But before moving on to try to imagine Beatrice's motivations, we need to be sure of what really happened.
1 - Klaus, Sunny, Violet are adopted by Uncle Monty.
2 - After a few days almost all reptiles and amphibians of Uncle Monty are taken to the Herpetological Society.
3 - After some time, most reptiles are killed.
4 - A few years later, Klaus finds it difficult to sleep because of what happened while he was at Uncle Monty's house.
5 - Some time later, Lemony publishes TRR.
6 - Some time later Lemony publishes TWW.
7 - Sometime later, Lemony's enemy looks for information about Uncle Monty's collection in the book TRR in Prufrock Prep.
8 - Some time later, Lemony goes to Prufrock Prep and receives a letter, where two volunteers inform him about this enemy.
9 - Lemony then receives the invitation letter to a Masked Ball of the Duchess of Winnipeg.
10 - Lemony answers the letter, using Sebald code, and informs the Duchess that the enemies are looking for the survivors of the collection of Uncle Monty.
11 - Fifteen years after Olaf's death, Lemony goes to the Ball disguised as a bullfighter. It is the first and only time he wears these clothes. There he meets Beatrice, who was alive, and tells him that Count Olaf was dead.
12 - Lemony is captured, but escapes and becomes a fugitive.
13 - Lemony's death is published again in the daily Punctilio. A little later, Lemony flees abroad in Prospero, and spends many years out of the country.
14 - The Prufrock Prep stops working at some point after Lemony's departure abroad. 
15 - Lemony returns from the outside and sends a letter to R along with the original TMM.
16 - R realizes that Lemony is alive, and then she answers the letter with another letter.
17 - The TMM book is published in Lemony's universe.
18 - The TAA book is published in Lemony's universe. In this book, Lemony reports how the Masked Ball he was captured in, and states that Purfrock Prep has been closed for many years.
In the next Text, I will write about the secret message that is in TSS, and why I believe it is a message to Beatrice. And because I do not believe in the classical interpretation of ASOUE that that letter is evidence that Lemony wrote ASOUE during recorded events, and then sent it to Kit, and then revised it and then published years later. Thanks for reading here. Until the next text.
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ashes-and-ashes · 6 years
Prompt: 55 -'I'm not jealous' + Wolfstar = 💜💜 P.S I really love your works 💖
Hey! So, after finishing That Fateful Night, I decided to do a story revolving around The Prank. This is sort of a practice, beta-test for an idea I have for the story, so I hope you like it!!
tw for depressing and sucidical thoughts
He hated Sirius.
Hated him, with every inch, every fiber, every strand of his body.
He hated every lock of hair that escaped his tangled bun, those familiar grey eyes, the haughty face.
Yes, Remus hated Sirius. And for a damn good reason too.
He can barely remember that night, the night everything changed. He remembered that the transformation had been relatively easy, relatively painless. He can remember the last conscious thought that passed through his mind: Tonight may not be so bad after all.
Then he woke up, James’ blood covering his body, Sirius’ face pale above his as he pleaded for Remus to listen. Snape found out. I...told him.
And that was when Remus stopped caring. Started hating. 2 months later and the pain still hadn’t stopped.
He loathed himself, sometimes, after he saw the effects of what his hatred did to Sirius. He was withering away, a silent shell of what he once was, sunken cheeks and chapped skin and hollow eyes. There were new scars on his body, though he hadn’t returned home after he ran away, blood in his knuckles and on his lips, bruised ribs and necks and cheekbones. He was so quiet now, so silent, always slipping out of the room whenever James or Peter or Remus entered, not returning to his bed until long after the sun set.
Peter had asked him, 3 weeks after the Prank, when Remus was at his lowest point. Did he matter? That much, to you?
Remus had shrugged, tying to hide the misery he felt. I don’t know. We knew it couldn’t last forever. But... I loved him. I thought he did too. It was something, and then it was nothing and now... now I don’t know.
It was funny, the way the dynamics had shifted, had decayed. Sirius was a part of them, of all of them, and his absence felt like a hole, ripping through Remus. It was hard, sometimes, to ignore what they used to be, those old habits that they had grown up with.
He’s woken up too many times to stifled sobs, knows that if he pulled back the curtains, Sirius would be there, biting his lip to keep back the screams. The nightmares never ended, though Remus never came to comfort Sirius now. Neither did Sirius, when the panic attacks came, when all James and Peter could do was awkwardly pat Remus’ back and hope he didn’t choke. It had gone both ways, the desperation, opened up new wounds.
But at the same time, he knows Sirius, knows what he’s capable of. Knows that Sirius has always had his traumas, and that he was more then capable of ending it all one day. And though Remus hated Sirius, but he didn’t want him dead.
So, he takes James’ cloak, follows Sirius out on those days he slipped off silently before dawn. He watches him, wandering aimlessly around the school, up to the astronomy towers and down to the lakes, an echoing, hopeless journey. He would trail him, silently, making sure that Sirius didn’t decide to throw himself off the tower or drown himself.
It’s one of those days, evening, when he catches Sirius slipping out of the common room. Normally, he would have ignored it, would have let him go wherever he wanted to, but there’s a look in Sirius’ eyes that makes Remus pause. It’s empty, fragile and broken, like shattered glass on a concrete floor and Remus is following him out the door almost instantly. Sirius is walking, in some large circle, passing windows and archways until finally, he arrives outside.
There’s a small corner there, a junction between two stone walls, and Sirius slumps down against it as Remus frantically finds somewhere to hide. He perches on some rock, out of sight in case someone brushed past him and watches Sirius.
He looks awful. His hair was limp, hanging around his face in a tangled mess. His lips were scabbed, bleeding slightly where he bit them and he was so thin now, thin enough that his collarbone stood out against the rest of his chest. A piece of rock, battered by the wind and water and sand, smoothing down the hard edges until there was only a small piece of curved stone. There was a frail look to him, like he could shatter any moment, and Remus’ heart aches.
He doesn’t know how long they sit there for. The night is warm, the wind cool on his face, and he lets himself lean against the pillar behind his back, stretching his legs out. It feels strange doing this, without Sirius’ comforting weight at his side, an absence like a missing limb. It’s almost painful, not having anyone to lean on, and Remus closes his eyes.
He doesn’t know how long he’s been asleep when he hears the footsteps.
Light and casual, almost mocking, and Sirius’ eyes snap open as Snape rounds the corner. There’s a smirk on his face, arrogant and smug, and Sirius bares his teeth. “Fuck off.”
Snape shrugs. “Careful, Black. I clearly have the advantage here.”
Sirius glares at him. “What the fuck do you mean?”
“Oh, I think you know exactly what I mean.” Snape picks at his nails, his face a mask of calm. “One little slip and I could let your boyfriend’s little...secret out to all my friends.”
Sirius grits his teeth. “He’s not my boyfriend anymore. You saw to that.”
Snape laughs, mockingly. “Oh, well. If you tell anyone exactly how I saw to that...well. I suppose your ex’s little secret comes out then.”
“Fuck. Off.”
Snape just chuckles, leaning against the wall. “Language. Seeing as you basically have to do what I say for the next little bit.”
Sirius flips him off, seething as Snape smirks. “I wonder how your little friends would react,” he muses, “seeing as their closest friend is a filthy half-breed.”
Sirius flinches. “God, Snape. You’re just doing this because of Lily?”
For the first time, Snape flushes, his face turning an ugly crimson. “I never said that.”
There’s that little bit of the old Sirius coming back, the arrogance and the righteousness, the Sirius that Remus fell in love with so long ago. He leans against the wall, the cockiness filling his voice as he smirks. “You don’t have to. It’s written all over your face. You’re risking destroying someone else’s life, risking revealing his inner secrets to everyone just because you want to get Lily to go out with you?”
“Shut up!” Snape hisses, and Sirius throws back his head and laughs. “Well, regardless. She gave up on you a long time ago, Snivellus. James is....was one of my best mates - I heard her talk about you. Absolutely loathed your skinny guys for what you called her, what you did to others like her. And I don’t think she’s going to give a damn about Remus, not when there are shitballs like you around.”
Remus recognizes what Sirius is doing. He’s takin all of his hurt, those ugly, broken bits inside of him, projecting them outwards in an attempt to hurt Snape. It’s working - Snape growls, staking towards Sirius, who holds his ground. “Filthy half-breeds! Lily deserves to be associated with higher class members of society rather then some poor, Half-animal -“
“You’re just jealous.” Sirius’ voice is merciless. “Jealous, because she will never love you, because she is happy with James. And it kills you, because you are obsessed with her, you want to possess her because no one else can have her and - “
“I’m not jealous.” Snape spits the words out. “And besides, what do you know? Your boyfriend is a freak - you two belong together, deserve each other, the traitorous queer and the goddamn werewolf - “
“You’re wrong.” Sirius sounds defeated, the heartbreak in his voice so raw that Remus’ heart clenched. “I don’t deserve Remus. He’s...” Sirius shakes his head. “He deserves someone else. Someone better. Someone who’s a little less broken, a little stronger. Someone who doesn’t wake up in the middle of the night because their back aches from Crucio.” He lets out a merciless laugh. “So, you’re wrong. We don’t deserve each other. I don’t deserve Remus. He deserves a lot more then me.” He glances up, glaring into Snape’s eyes. “But I was trying. I tried, so damn hard, to be that person that Remus needed. And you took that way from me.” He spits on the ground in front of Snape. “So go. Keep lusting after Lily. She will never love you.”
Snape backs away, his face crimson. “You’re wrong. She will.”
Sirius just shrugs. “Don’t count on it, Snivellus.”
Remus follows him back, towards the dorms, his head spinning rapidly. A phrase keeps echoing in his mind, picked out from the rest of that conversation. “He’s not my boyfriend anymore. You saw to that.”
You saw to that. The words spin around in his head, an endless noise. You saw to that.
Remus just grits his teeth, racing up the stairs to the dormitory, shucking the cloak off and dumping it into James’ trunk. It could have been nothing. It could have been a misunderstanding.
But that night, when Remus heard the sobs, he didn’t turn away. He stood up, pulling his pajamas tighter around him and opened the curtains to Sirius’ bed.
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rixxy8173571m3w1p3 · 6 years
Out Of The Woods (3/?)
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This multi chap fic has been one that I've wanted to write for a while. I'm hoping to connect a few loose ends, since my series is getting closer to the end. Don't worry, I still got a couple of fics left in me. I'd love to thank @xerxezra whose conversations with me are always inspirational. I'd also like to thank @dorkydisappointment whose writing got my creative juice flowing and @hoodoo12 who continues to inspire me all the time. Please check out the wonderful art done by @ravenousscorpian for two scenes out of the second chapter of this fic (Her art found here)
References to the woman in Ricks journal is from my fic What You Found Amongst The Pages. I know, that was shameless self promotion. There are a lot of questions that I wanted to answer in you'd chapter, but for the sake of editing had to put it in the next. I'll work on it right as soon as this is posted. Thanks for everyone's continued support. 😘😘😘😘😘😘
If you haven't read part 1 or part2, then heres a link (Read Chapter 1, Chapter 2)
In this fic the reader tries to uncover the mystery of the artist behind Zeta-7s portrait.
Chapter 3: Dare Not Say That Man Forgets Sooner
Whatever redeeming qualities the room held in the previous happy hours were gone, and now even the remnant, lingering daydreams were falling away. With every hour you comprehended the severity of your assumptions and what the consequences were if you decided that enough was enough. Honestly, you didn't want to lose him because Zeta-7 was the light of your life; he expanded your universe and had helped you become a better person, but you could still carry on if you needed to. You had the means, your work, and an ever growing list of books to read, but was it enough, now that you had gotten a taste of the good life? Probably not.
Nothing made sense anymore.
Concerning the current situation, and all which led up to it; if you considered everything which included your existence, life till now, and all he had ever done, then there was no mistaking that he loved you; or had; at least thought he did, but it didn't change the truth of the matter; you hadn't been the first. A few hours had given you time to weep until you thought you had no tears left to cry, but there was still a thick fog over your thoughts and rationality; any shift of emotion being too much to bear. You curled into yourself, aching, hoping you'd disappear, but it didn't work; you were still here; stuck. Being at a disadvantage, not knowing how to get home and neither having a way to get there if you could was frustrating.
Who knows how long you'd been down here, despairing, wallowing in memories and dust, but you were tired, thirsty, and knew that if you didn't move he'd have trouble finding you, and yet you didn't care; let him find you; let him work for it. Though, how would that make it any better? All it would do is succeed in upsetting him before you knew all the facts. You hated this. Father always said hate was a strong word that shouldn't be taken for granted; you rarely had reason to feel as such, but the more you gleaned from those photos and the more proof you found of her presence about the place made you feel hateful and bitter.
Thinking of her smiling at him, receiving every bit of his loving-kindness and inviting demeanor animated by unaffected good-will; his general countenance and becoming familiar with a fresher-faced creature of your dreams; holding him; touching him; loving him. Oh God no, you thought, groaning into a handmade pillow. What was worse was that you couldn't dissuade the thought of her mysterious silhouette sneaking up behind you, plunging a knife into your already fragile identity, and taking back what was hers. Your doubt feeding these ugly horrors which were hybrids of nightmares and daydreams.
Though during a brief moment of clarity, you had come to a conclusion which hardly alleviated these feelings, but we're true; it wasn't your fault. Yes, it had been your choice to accept him and be in a proper relationship with someone with an ambiguous past, and yes you did snoop around a little, but you didn't know how much he'd been hiding or searching for someone like her and had settled on silly, stupid you. Yet, no matter how much you thought about it, why chase a vision of the past and put so much effort in the present? There must've been more to this; there had to be.
Manifested, unstinted kindness and consideration and love in his form didn't happen out of the blue, it was nurtured and conditioned. Had it been her influence which made you knew? Who knows, but you had been fortunate to have had an opportunity to associate let alone form a romantic attachment, but that would soon pass away once you confronted him. Right? After a little while longer, when your heart was finally beginning to slow and thought you'd be able to catch your breath, you heard him walking about upstairs; calling and knocking.
Rick was home and you turned over on the couch and covered your ears so you wouldn't hear him; you weren't ready to deal with this; you didn't want to deal with this. In your heart of hearts, you wanted to go home, to the past, back to when there were no problems and it was just you, dad, and your dreams. If only he was still around so that he could tell you that everything was alright and it was all just a bad dream and that he could fix it, but you couldn't; only in a dream, you could. Dad always knew what was best, but you were old enough to decide for yourself now.
Did this mean you wish you never knew Rick? No, but you wished that you would've never known about all this; about her; that you could've lived in ignorance. Oh, the sweet, sweet bliss of ignorance, how wonderful it had been while it lasted. Even when his warm laughter echoed down the stairway, having found you, ready, eager and excitable to be near you, you didn't answer. You knew you weren't in the state of mind to say anything nice, that despite it all he wasn't a bad person. Yet, the moment that hand of his touched your shoulder, you hissed. “Don't touch me.”
He gasped, stunned by this uncharacteristic aggression. Maybe you weren't the nice girl he thought you were after all; especially if the rustling of his clothes alone made you angry enough to dig your nails into the couch cushions. Zeta-7 waited for a few moments, ruminating on what would be the best course of action before he knelt down to be at your level and wondered. “What's wrong? Are y-y-you hurt? Is th-there anything I can do?”
Swallowing back a sob, you silently counted to ten then answered in a listless tone. “I don't know if you can. You've… you've been hiding stuff from me.”
“Huh, I-I have? What have I…”
“Don't try to deny it.”
Pushing yourself up, you rubbed your swollen eyes and chanced a look at him; your sight fuzzy as tears threatened to fall but thankfully didn't. The alarm in his widened eyes at the state of your runny nose, and tear-stained cheeks made him instinctively reach out to wipe your tears away, but you pushed that familiar, loving hand away. “M-mi corazón?”
Instead of answering as you usually would, you pulled out the well-loved copy of Persuasion from behind a pillow, took a deep breath and dropped it on his lap. “I found it while I was looking for something to read.”
“Oh geez.”
“And can you believe I found more than I bargained for.”
You two sat in silence for what felt like hours as he stared at it, and when he gathered the courage to look inside, the lines about his brow and mouth deepened; another sign that it was true. When he finally interrupted the silence, he confessed regretfully. “I-I was going to tell you.”
“But you didn't. There's a lot of things that I understand are none of my business, but this….I think is a good time to know. If you care about me at all, then read what you wrote.”
“But it's - it's not what you think.”
“Then there's nothing be afraid of. Go on then, read it.”
Visibly swallowing, his shaky hands held it open and he stuttered. “I-I-I thought of you today as I left th-the milky way, on my way t-to a classified location. I-I wish you were here so I could show you the beauty that exists across the universe, but knowing our limitations I can only send you this wonderful novel that I found when I was exploring a-a bookstore located on one of Saturn's moons. I-I know it can be hard to believe that Miss Jane Austen's works can reach the furthest depths of-of space, but that can be blamed on a certain Gallifreyan and his little blue box. I can't wait to hear what y-y-you think of it. Till next time my dear. With love, from Rick.”
“Don't forget the photos.”
Setting down the book, he glanced at the discarded photos, sagging a little after each one, gauging your reaction after he finished studying them. Rick was a smart man, he knew well enough that he messed up and how compromising those photos were. “It's not - I was only writing as ugh - as a friend.” He began, wringing his hands as he went on. “Y-y-y-y-you know I don't have that many.”
Which was true. “Really? So what did she do for you? Was she special?”
“She - she made me a little less lonely. That in itself was something I w-was grateful for.”
Your nails bit into your palms and that ever familiar ache bloomed across your chest; his answer birthing more questions than you were willing to ask. He offered you a Werther's original to placate you which you accepted; it's wrapper similar to the one in the painting. As ever he waited for you to answer, and the longer he waited, the more he sagged; his eyes pleading, hoping, wishing that he could know whatever hurt clouded your heart and wanted to fix it. “I want to believe you, I really do,” you admitted, which made him hopeful, though only for you to crush it with this. “but I'm tired of walking on eggshells. Tell me, what did you want from me when you had someone like her? Seems as though she was a good match for you. She was a creative who could paint, loved flowers, and butterflies among other things I imagine.”
“Sh-she did.”
You bit the inside of your cheek in an attempt to hold back the surge of feelings which were a result of his sincerity. Damn it. You could do this……possibly. “See?” you said cooly, focusing your gaze on your naked feet. “I knew she was special considering you sent her a book that had belonged to the Doctor. She also knew about your travels, which meant you trusted her and you hardly trust anyone. The point I'm getting at is that I want to know what I am to you. So, am I a knockoff or a rebound? Because we both know there's nothing like the real thing.”
“N-n-no, not at all. You mean th-the world to me and I-I love you. I have only loved you. ”
“But she loved you, didn't she? And you loved her. I can't ignore that. If she's anything like me, then what are we doing together Ricardo? Why aren't you with her? I…. I thought we understood each other but then I found proof that I was only second best. I can't do it, I can't compete with a shadow, and I'm not going to try. I don't have it in me.”
“I-I-I-I never expected you to. Por favor mi amor de m-mi vida, if you'll let me explain, I'll tell you whatever you want. I - I don't want to lose you. Please, honest t-t-to God, I don't. I can't.”
“Hmm, I didn't know you were a praying man.”
“When you're about t-t-to lose your universe, I don't think there are th-that many options. I can't - oh please I can't lose you. Not again.”
You felt your resolve breaking. You wanted to fall into his arms and melt into the comfort of them; for you both to comfort each other and let it all go because it probably was just a big misunderstanding; him being the best thing that ever happened to you, but not yet. Maybe he was a praying man after all, and if God was merciful, then why wouldn't you be? Rick certainly would. For Zeta-7, you could be. He'd definitely given you enough chances.
“Fine.” you decided, helping him up as you stood, but through this brief touch he almost misunderstood, thinking that the worst was over and gave your hand a squeeze; his warm smile weakening your resolve even further. Maybe Ricks were masters at mind games after all. And you knew it wouldn't take much for him to make you forget how unhappy you were, and like magic, show you something wonderful and dazzling, but you didn't want to be charmed; you wanted the truth. You bit the flesh inside of your cheeks hard enough for you to bleed, and despite relishing the warmth which permeated your chilled hands, you let go. “I'm……I'm not over it yet.”
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seahgreenhorn · 2 years
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We March On. . . 21st Century Love During a Time of Violence: Wayne & Sabrina Chap. Eight
A cloudless sky overhead stars welcomed Sabrina her congregation of friends old/young peers
exiting Latino Flair a family restaurant amid smiles, congratulations, cheers
for not only passing her finals graded high
but with a paper plus video highlighting creation which also diminished her fear of public speaking
all praises on Jah she did totally rely
since also through his theocratic school of which she'd been a part of for years edified her to this point
as she'd studiously with her father to this course adhered.
(Though never to graduate as always learning, adapting
with no levels to climb or goal of ever attaining tiers
or even being held back denoted to rears. Left behind.)
Remembering him now almost brought her to tears.
She hurriedly said her 'good-byes' before unrestrained her emotions to rain to spill
she quickened her steps to just over the hill promising to let them know the second she arrives
although, her heart starts to race as she passes by his resting place at a leisurely pace
knowing: "Now he's just ashes. Once alive with a handsome kind face."
Sabrina remembered the account of Lazarus about him Jesus said: "“Lazarus our friend has fallen asleep, but I am traveling there to awaken him.”
Then Martha's words to Jesus those 2, 000 years, a long time ago about her beloved brother
before he was raised from the dead:
"“I know he will rise in the resurrection on the last day.”" Referring to our time period just shortly ahead.
"And I have hope toward God, which hope these men also look forward to, that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous."*
So in her head to her dear father these words from a poem she quoted:
Young men, you tender virgins, those stillborn in death too
Sweet sleep your gentle passage 'til called in glorious renew
your days to endless splendor your feet through golden sands;
though now: a time of danger anxiety for imperfect man.
Yes, sweet your sleep, you'll not remember;
as rising suns chase settling moons seventy/eighty years the living mourning
in cycles crying these shortened spans.*
She unlocks her door then immediately texts her friends although, thinking she'd be alone
with mom at work she'll through her dad's things freely roam.
When entering his library she'd almost dropped to her knees
unexpected a figure in the window highlighted by the moon
her mom almost had her to the floor in a heavy ugly swoon.
Her fright caused her to suddenly sneeze.
"Oh, querida!... Desculpe me." Her mom to Sabrina did flee.
"I didn't mean to frighten you." She amazingly squeezed her.
"No, mom. I'm okay. I just didn't you see. Thought I was alone in the house. That you'd gone to work to return about 3."
"No, Sabrina, you see, today it's extremely difficult for me. Your father and I,...
on this date, met.
Eu sou muito triste." She starts to immediately weep.
Almost melts to her feet.
Sabrina leads her to his leather chair placed in front of the fireplace. She lit a log sat on the ottoman with her fingers laced
waiting for her mom if she inclined to suddenly share.
Sabrina wanted to reach out her hand to replace behind her ears her long straight black hair
with each new day more silver strands
but she just sat with her in darkness knowing this was more comfortable for her mom
shy beyond measure before eyes staring to peer.
"Sabrina, I know you miss him as much as I do. What keeps you going? How each day you live steadily through?
I wish I knew or had the faith of you two.
All of these years, money mattered to me more.
Why I sent you to school. To acquire. To be inspired more to procure.
Now I have it... it means so much less without him anymore walking through that door."
Her head drops onto her shaking arms as she sobs
quaking Sabrina to her already sensitive core.
"Please, mom." she implores, "let me show you what I daily live for."
She takes out her phone clicks Isaiah 25:8 and begins to relate what Jehovah promises to obedient mankind in their tragic mourning state:
""He will swallow up death forever,
And the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will wipe away the tears from all faces.
The reproach of his people he will take away from all the earth,
For Jehovah himself has spoken it."
Here's another mom, let's read what Revelation 21:4 has to say:
"And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more,
neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore.
The former things have passed away.”
Mom, God's word has value. Is of precious worth.
It helps me through stress, death and life."
Her mother raises her weary head to hear more of what the Bible said.
"You mean in heaven is of what it speaks?"
Sabrina again repeats: "The former things have passed away.”
"Former things" as to where they once were before.
Death in heaven, mom?" she asks gently. "No, never, for sure.
Notice what Isaiah 26:18 promises:
"“Your dead will live. My corpses will rise up. Awake and shout joyfully, You residents in the dust! For your dew is as the dew of the morning, And the earth will let those powerless in death come to life."
Come back to life on earth, Mom!
True, there is a resurrection to heaven, but for only a few who will reign as 'kings and priests with Christ'
over an earth renewed
their work to do."
Sabrina almost wept with joy for this opportunity which ensued.
A chance to help her mother learn what helped bond her with her earthly father
but more importantly with her heavenly Father too...TO BE CONT'D
Can the dead live again? https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2016009#h=9:0-18:166
What Is the Resurrection? The Bible’s answer https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/502014163 © 27 minutes ago, Lucretia McCloud    teen • hope • love • society • sad • rhyme   
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tayegi · 7 years
I relate to the OC so much! A few years ago, one of my closest friends did something similar to me. So now I'm crying. But I love New Rules so freakin' much, you don't even know!
Anonymous said:What happened in the last chapt. really resounded w/ me. Related to Mijoo bc I once did something similar to a friend of mine back in high school- she liked a guy who I was sort of friends with, and she wanted me to put in a good word and all, but I ended up crushing on and hooking up w/ him and even now I feel like shit when I think about it. Like the OC, she was the bigger person and forgave me but I'd have understood if she didn't, bc even though it was just a crush, I broke her trust in me.
Anonymous said:Maybe because I've had a whole lifetime worth of Mijoo's I just can't find it in my heart to hate her. It's fucked up what she did, but people fuck up and let emotions run their lives. Y'all need to chill tho.
Anonymous said:If someone would do something like that to me I’d go full on bitch mode and ruin her life no matter how innocent, sweet, petty bla bla I’d ruin her life especially since it actually once happened to me and just like her I didn’t do anything about it because I was to nice back than but now that I went trough shit I know not to let people treat me as they’d do// hope she grows stronger in the future chapters 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼
queen-bee222 said:Im sorry but i dont like Mijoo. I've encountered so many girls like her and they have always fucked me over😠😠😩
Anonymous said:Hi Lu, thank you so much for the new chapter of New Rules. I wanted to say that I love how you create the OC's personality in a way that relates to many people. I actually cried when I was reading this chapter because the friendship between the OC and Mijoo is painfully similar to my friendship with my best friend. People think I'm this self-confident, sarcastic, heartless person but it's all just a facade. I'm terrified of people learning how paranoid and insecure I feel. I'm a brick in
Anonymous said:comparison to my friend. She's pretty, popular, confident and lovable. We're labeled best friends, but sometimes she turns her back to me like I'm nothing... To treasure someone so much only for them to hurt you in the end is heartbreaking. But no matter how much she hurt or angered me, I could never have the heart to hurt her. We're not the perfect friends I thought we were. Thank you so much for opening my eyes about her and myself.
I just read chap 2 of new rule!!! And I almost cried!!! Because I can relate and feel how the oc feels!!! this story really reminds me of what happened to me in the past with my ex best friend!! We both had crush on the same guy and I didn’t know at first she even liked him then being the snake she is, she talked tons of shit about me in front of my crush and then coming to me lying through her teeth saying my crush told her that he liked her and then she caused so much drama for me that I won’t even talk about till it led me and my crush to the point we stopped talking to each other over an argument that she caused by lying and I could’ve expose her ass and make her ashamed of what she did but I just decided to hold everything back in my chest & forgive her, I give up on him even tho I still like him a lot and seeing him is a suffer for me… I don’t talk to my best friend anymore not because of him, because she did so many other things to me and later saying that she’s sorry and pretending to be the most innocent girl on earth!! I was tired of this… ughh I’m sorry idek why I talked about this I just felt like letting it out 😪
Anonymous said:Holy crap, the new chapter for New Rules stings like a bitch. A similar situation happened to me with my friend and this guy I liked. I told my friend that I liked the guy, and she told him soon after, which I wasn't really angry about. I remember feeling so lost when he knew my feelings and I didn't know his. I would talk to her about it and she would tell me that maybe we just weren't meant to be. I didn't find out until a couple years later when he said
Anonymous said:"Yeah, remember when we liked each other?" in one of our conversations, that I found out that he told her to tell me that he reciprocated my feelings. She never told me until I told her about my conversation with him. She said she liked him too and that it would've been hard for her to see him happy with someone who wasn't her. This is where I really connect with the oc's thoughts. How could you put a relationship over a friendship like that? I found it so selfish.
Anonymous said:I think the most difficult part of a situation like that is thinking what could've been. Maybe we would've made the best couple ever. Maybe we would've gotten married or had kids on the future. You just can't know. It hurts like a bitch, and you're just left clueless. Anyway, amazing chapter as always! I can't wait to read more once you have time to grace us with your beautiful words once again 💘
Anonymous said:Can you believe that I relate too much to the OC? A very close friend did something similar to me a few years ago in high school. So here I am, crying. But I loved this chapter sooooo much.
Anonymous said:This chapter hurt me a lot. Cuz I feel like I do so much more for my friends and then they ditch me right when they get into a relationship. It hurts even more when it's a good guy. I've never had a guy genuinely like me for my personality, just for my body. It makes me wonder if anyone would even like me for me, but that notion hasn't been proven yet so. :/ I'm kind of tired of feeling compelled to put other people first, though that's just who I am guess.
Anonymous said:1- WHY DO I IDENTIFY SO MUCH WITH THE OC OF NEW RULES? lemme tell you this...I was bffs with a girl for years, she always tried to be with the guys me and my friends were with, she even fucked the guy who I had my first time with and told me ON MY BIRTHDAY PARTY. The thing is I let so many fucked up things slide only because I thought our friendship meant more than some guys, until I realized she didn't care about me feeling bad because of her actions, she cared more about fucking a dude than
Anonymous said:2- our friendship. I wonder what will it take for the oc to snap, she may try to forgive mijoo, but when you just forgive someone that easily, they don't learn their lesson, they will do it again and again because they know they can do it because you will forgive them at the end. I hope Mijoo isn't the case but Idk... thank you for writing something real as New Rules, really makes you think about things.
Anonymous said:When I got the notification that you'd updated New Rules I swear I've never clicked a notification so fast asjdkakck No but real talk when I finished reading I was genuinely convinced that me and the OC were the same person, I hate how I relate to this story but it's so good!! Teared up towards the end bcus feels ;-; Thank you for creating such wonderful writing, my non-existent soul is blessed (and so are you) ^ - ^
Anonymous said:I am literally on the brink of tears, Lu. I feel like a lot of girls can in some way relate, because at some point, we were all immature little babies who had no idea how to handle ourselves or relationships, so we just flew by the seat of our pants. The way the OC feels and what happened with her and Jimin and Mijoo reminds me of a similar situation that I was in, and for you to capture those feelings so nicely was a punch in the gut.
Ah, Im reading through all of your asks and my heart is breaking for all of you guys :( im legit tearing up here knowing that so many of you can relate and that you’ve gone through such similar experiences. I hope that you have those toxic ppl out of your lives and that you’re all doing well now. I love you all D: 
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