#once in a blue moon thing
filbosstalker · 5 months
3 am doodle dump idk I kinda blacked out tbh
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Ok goodnight chat 🫡🫡
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tiger-grace · 2 months
I think Alfred is constantly dreaming about retirement but is shackled by the knowledge that he is the glue holding this barely functional family together
Alfred: sir I really don’t think
Bruce: why not. why should I not invest millions into funding a therapy corporation that Jason will ACTUALLY be able to trust
Alfred: quite honestly sir I think if it says “wayne” on it he’s 10 times less likely to go
Tim and Damian kicking the hell out of eachother rolling around on the floor: (unintelligible screaming, glass breaking, various cartoon crashing sound effects)
Alfred: (stares into batcamera like he’s in an office episode with several decades worth of exhaustion)
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clearlyaginger · 6 months
Demisexual? No, you misheard. I said Dummysexual. I'm attracted to that moron over there. Look at them. They just tripped over nothing and set the house on fire. I'm in love.
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nimblefoxes · 7 months
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This started with “Dean totally has orange cat energy” and just kept going and now I’ve lost all control???? Also nobody tells you cat anatomy is WEIRD. Why so bendy???
Special thanks to @lordcrowcifer for his suggestions for Crowley & Gabriel! (He made a strong case with the perfect photo of an angery looking Scottish Fold 😂)
More suggestions are, of course, welcomed because I have nothing better to do than draw dudes in plaid as cats.
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faunandfloraas · 9 days
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fav skz // Canteen! Canteen! Canteen!
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so-i-macedup-abit · 2 months
post before i temporarily lose consciousness
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompts in Memes 7
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whump-card · 1 year
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Collars........ also collarbones.
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dustbunsinspace · 9 months
Chatty boyfriend 💙💙 Quick redraw of something from last year. It was fun to see how my style changed.
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Alts and old version under the cut 🍊;
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akans-dead-at-sea · 8 months
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He's so babygirl ✨💜✨
60s timelapse too cause why not :>
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eating-figs-here · 20 days
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Shoutout to the uh. Three other people who enjoy platonic Traveler/Wanderer. Anyways. This is an excuse to post low quality paper drawings that I did while procrastinating school work.
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The power of not wanting to do work.. where was this motivation during the summer...
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mywatchhasnotended · 2 months
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daemon's words back to bite him, that's right
*screams in daemyra nation agony*
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th3e-m4ng0 · 2 months
damn that's one of the best megatrons i've ever drawn i think LMAO
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rayjayoo · 11 months
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[ trips and falls down the stairs ]
hello i come bearing phos doodles o(-(
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wild0moon · 3 months
eating up ur captain design............ /pos
can i ask how pico and captain met in your au (i think its an au anyway)?
very canon adjacent, but it's an au, yeah. my friend and i's funky little universe just to the left of canon where we take things too seriously, you feel me
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short version: they happened to meet at a cop shop while pico was waiting for (yet another) police interrogation, weeks to a month after the events of pico's school. john took an interest in pico and offered, mostly as a joke, to teach pico how to handle a gun properly. what was supposed to be a one-off lesson for a quick bit of entertainment turned into regular practice sessions and accidental (but immediate) emotional attachment from both parties. whoops!
and if you'll indulge me, here's the long version, because it's been brewing in my brain recently and i guess my hand slipped
(WARNING: descriptions of and vague flashbacks to the events of pico's school)
The police station was usually quiet at this time of day. Idle tapping of fingers against a keyboard, muffled sounds of cars passing outside or of people talking in another room, none obtrusive enough to disturb the thoughts swirling in his head.
Now though, he was entirely preoccupied by annoyance.
Shut up. Why are you so loud? If you don't like pigs, why did you even come in here?
Pico had seen the strange man in black from the corner of his eye, swaggering in like he owned the place, only to start chatting to the receptionist with all the warm familiarity of two former classmates who never really liked each other very much. Derisive whispers in Pico's head grew louder in concert with his rising stress, adding to the noise, birthing a cacophony he couldn't escape from.
The man went quiet, and for a brief moment, Pico was sure he felt eyes on him. His own gaze stayed firmly on his sneakers.
The receptionist finally piped up with something other than a disinterested hum. "That's, uh, that Pico kid. Pico Fulp?"
"Ohh, so you're the kid who shot up his school."
Pico's head snapped up.
In an instant, his vision was dyed red, blood running so hot it threatened to burn him up from the inside. He didn't know when he got to his feet, but he was already taking steps toward the man.
"It wasn't me!" he snarled, words bubbling up and bursting out before he could stop them. "It wasn't! Watch your fucking mouth or I'll break your jaw, you stupid—"
"I got it, kid, calm down," the man talked him down, in a far more stern tone than Pico had been ready for, stopping him in his tracks. Matter-of-factly, he added: "I don't care how tough you are, you've got another thing coming if you think you can break any bone in my body."
Pico grit his teeth, fists clenched at his sides.
The white-hot fire of rage burnt out almost as quickly as it ignited, his little body only growing colder as he actually looked at the man standing before him, red giving way to black and white.
Tall and broad-shouldered, wearing sunglasses so dark it was almost impossible to see the inscrutable eyes behind them. He was uniformed — the army, not the police. Which rank was the three stripes for? Was the 'Captain' on the tag his rank, or his name?
Pico dared to speak up again. "It wasn't me," he repeated, far softer than before.
Captain turned bodily to face him. "I heard you the first time. So, what did you actually do?"
He looked away again, wringing his freshly scarred hands. "I... I stopped it, sir. I killed the shooters."
The slight movement of Captain's eyebrows snared the corner of Pico's vision. "Really now?"
"I... I found a big gun in the janitor's closet, they must've stashed it in there," the words spilled forth, as if he were back in that vile interrogation room already. "So I took it, and I shot them. All of them. There were four, a-and I didn't even know what I was doing, I was scared out of my mind, I'd never held a gun before in my life, I don't know how I—"
"You've never used a gun, but you still managed to take down four armed threats all by yourself?" There was a note of interest in Captain's voice, despite him crossing his arms.
Pico swallowed thickly.
"Please leave me alone!"
"I was told to just scare you! I wasn't gonna kill you!"
"...Two of them weren't moving, sir. I'd disarmed them, and they were afraid..."
Captain hummed. "Right. And the other two?"
No answer. Memories of callous men in blue giving him withering looks or laughing in his face when he told the truth kept his jaw clamped shut.
Captain lifted his head, looking around the otherwise empty room. "Where are your parents?"
A half-hearted shrug. "They don't want anything to do with me right now, sir."
They never did in the first place.
The soldier's thick eyebrows furrowed, but for the life of him, Pico wasn't sure what it meant. The man was as easy to read as a book with all its pages glued together. That, or he was just illiterate.
"I probably only lived because we were all just kids who barely knew what we were doing," Pico found himself saying, as if he hadn't also slaughtered a giant alien that day — Cassandra had been young and inexperienced in her own way, too. "If something like that happened again, I… I dunno."
Captain said nothing, just staring down at him, seeming thoughtful.
Silence fell over the room for a long moment, disturbed faintly by the nasty voices Pico had learned only he could hear. When the man's voice broke through the murmurs again, it hardly sounded any kinder.
"Look, if I were you, I'd stop pissing myself and go get some actual experience under my belt."
He wasn't done. "You know where the gun range is, right? The one five minutes north of here? Meet me there at thirteen-hundred tomorrow. Even a minute late and the offer expires, got it?"
Pico lifted his gaze to meet Captain's, incredulous. "You mean... But, why would you help me?"
It was Captain's turn to offer a lazy shrug. "I'm bored outta my skull, and this is the most entertainment I've gotten in months."
He said that, but he didn't look very amused. Besides, a soldier like him surely didn't have time to waste on such petty entertainment as watching a child grappling with fear. Pico tried scrutinizing the man's face for a moment longer, unsure what he was even searching for, but quickly found himself at a loss.
The easy answer was that it was a genuine offer to help, to teach him how to properly handle a firearm and put that aspect of his trepidation to rest. Pico wasn't sure if he believed that, but for some reason, he really hoped it was true. That would mean that Captain saw something in him, something more than the unfortunate kid and murderer that the other adults saw, something worth taking a chance on.
Nice. This man, a total stranger, was being nice.
When was the last time anyone said something nice to him?
(Weeks ago, in a sterile hospital room, two hands gently clasping one of his own, their owner smiling in spite of the anxiety behind those pretty black eyes, the sweetest voice Pico had ever heard telling him over and over how everything was going to be okay—)
Pico shook his head, as if he could physically clear the memory away.
He's gone now. Stop thinking about him.
By the time Pico dragged himself back to the present, Captain was already on the way out, muttering something about the stench of hogs. Pico watched him walk away, until he disappeared from view.
"Prick," the receptionist muttered, returning their attention to their computer.
With little else to do, Pico returned to his seat. His own thoughts quickly took center stage as usual, but they were different now, looking tentatively to the future, rather than the bloody memories that tugged insistently at his back.
It had been a while since he had something to look forward to.
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xylo-art · 7 months
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huh that octoling looks a bit funny
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