#one person was like 'i work as a veterinarian and it TERRIFIES me how this one idol was basically making out with her dog!'
leatherbookmark · 7 months
there was a post on i don't remember where at this point rddt about idols doing grossdisgusting things and it was all shit like "there was footage of X scratching his ass!", or "sooo many times X took a bite/sip of something and then Y drank/ate the rest", or "X's dog licked her mouth/licked into her mouth!", or such stuff, with everyone doing their best to convey just how disgusted they were, full on gagging and heaving, not to mention the charming "it just proves that even your faves are still men, and men will do the most disgusting shit without batting an eye, women aren't like that", and it's like oh boy, i've got bad news to you about the human condition
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1dcommunityficrecs · 2 months
Space Fic Rec
As we sit upon a rock spinning at 1000km/hr, and hurtling through the cold, empty universe at 100,000km/hr, illuminated only by a giant ball of gas and nuclear fusion 150,000,000km away from us that keeps us gravitationally locked in its orbit... I bring you six space fics! Cause space is cool as heck! Even if it's a little terrifying!
Take a look through, and if any catch your fancy then drop a kudos or a comment or a reblog -- your friendly neighbourhood fic writer appreciates it!
The Stars Look Very Different Today by kingsofeverything (43032, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) – fic post
For Harry Styles, child genius turned glorified spaceship mechanic, rescuing lost or broken down ships is a fairly common occurrence. There’s nothing common about his latest mission, the ship, or that ship’s captain. The last thing he expects to find in a distant galaxy is the one thing he’s been missing on Earth.
Reccer says: I think the future world-building is incredible!
ghost of you by beckywritesthings (109111, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) – fic post Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence
a Star Wars AU where Harry is Obi-Wan, Louis is Satine, and somehow there’s a love story between the cracks where there shouldn’t be
Reccer says: An incredibly written, epic royal space fic! Even if you've never seen Star Wars, you'll fall in love with these characters. And if you have seen Star Wars, you'll be amazed by how this writer plotted this story!
foothold by turnyourankle (18358, Mature, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) – fic post
Louis has crossed the galaxy with a ship full of crystals; they’re the only thing he has to offer in exchange for safe harbor. He thought getting to his destination would be the hardest part, hoping that once he got his family to safety everything would fall back into place; Louis struggles to adapt while his sisters thrive.
Reccer says: Such atmospheric, visual writing that was used to create such an interesting world! The characters are so complex and have inner demons that eventually reveal themselves.
Don't bring the Starbucks by LadyLondonderry (4814, Teen, Niall Horan/Rory McIlroy) – fic post Warnings: Minor character death (but as the author says, it's no one you like)
The one where Niall is a perfectly normal university student, until he finds himself an ocean away in the middle of Ohio with a strange man telling him to stop wandering off. Then he’s in space. It’s a whole thing.
Reccer says: Emmu's fics are always their own special brand of charming and this fic is no exception. It's so delightful and odd and it makes me so happy.
in other words by sarcangel (3758, General, Niall Horan/Louis Tomlinson) Warnings: mentions of past injuries leading to prosthetics
Niall works on a space cruise line, dancing with passengers, but the person he most wants to dance with is the captain.
Reccer says: A really fascinating worldbuilding (is it still called worldbuilding if it's in space? XD) I feel like we know so much about the background of these characters and this universe, even in only a few thousand words.
Breaking Through the Atmosphere by dinosaursmate (40416, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) – fic post
Louis is recruiting folks to colonize a new planet; Harry is the sweet, homesick painter/veterinarian he recruits.
Reccer says: Brilliant descriptions of what their life is like on another planet! And such a gentle, slow burn into realizing that you’ve fallen in love.
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Had more random thoughts about your Indulgent Au with Creed in the human realm. I adore where the little snippet you gave us left off, complete chef’s kiss as a written piece, with their clear hesitance and trying to talk without having to say their traumas out loud. I love this Au just as much as the fic’s actual canon. But now I’m thinking of when they eventually get to introductions!
Now, maybe Creed and Hunter actually give their names without any prompting or maybe they don’t and Luz or one of the other’s start giving their name to fill one of the tense silences with something less charged. But the when Creed actually gives his name out loud, oh my god. There’s going to a second or so of Hunter’s mind processing before it hits him. Creed. Literally the only thing Darius told him of his predecessor was that name (and that he would be proud of him??) and the second the connection hits him all rational thought goes out the window and he slaps his hands on the table in surprise and just shouts, “CREED!” And gives nearly the whole table a heart attack.
(Not to mention, that in explaining himself for the outburst, Hunter mentioning Creed was Darius’s mentor to the others. Which opens the whole can of worms with the ‘Darius’ label on the front for both of them. With Creed who knew Belos intentions to kill everyone just in time to be separated to another realm and probably suffered his own survivors guilt and Hunter who can’t even answer if Darius is alive or not. Not sure which sequence of events happen in this Au so I’m sorta mashing together actual canon DoU and Forgone Conclusion canon DoU in my head)
Also, Luz getting Creed’s number to stay in touch (if not from Creed, then from the Hannah-Marie he mentioned). Creed getting somewhat pulled into the crew brainstorming to build a new portal). Luz texting him if a portal is ever fixed, regardless from which side it was fixed, and Creed immediately driving over but his therapy dog having to help him through an anxiety attack in the driveway because seeing the idea of seeing the demon realm is a hell of a lot to unpack.
Also, Camilla only knowing Creed vaguely as [insert therapy Doberman’s name]’s owner and not really by his actual name or appearance feels like a very veterinarian thing to happen and I love it. ~Novis_Trove
gawd I love all of this thank you omg.
I hadn't really thought about it before but there's a great opportunity with this AU to mirror Darius's lack of closure in WSIA canon; instead of Darius losing his beloved and having no one to talk to and not really knowing how it happened, Creed lost his beloved by running away and has no idea how he's doing-- and now that the kids are here, has the specific knowledge that He May Or May Not Be Dead. It's a lot to handle, especially after like a decade of the quiet human realm life.
god though I love that idea of Hunter just slamming his hands on the table like HOLY SHIT IT'S YOU. And then trying to explain to each other (and the other witchlings) what's going on, like, Creed and Darius called each other things like love and mine but how do you admit to these kids that the person you're talking about was your... boyfriend? does that word even work? And simultaneously, Darius is Hunter's closest thing to a real father figure but he certainly hasn't called him dad or anything, so there there going
"wait you know Darius how do you know him now is he"/ "he's my uh coworker who gave me a phone and I'm terrified he might be dead he said you two were close?"/ "yes we were uh. close."
there's so much meat here
And yeah damn, if a portal ever opened back up, which we gotta hope it will... the idea of going back? So fraught. And if Belos came through as a splodge of curse-phlegm like he did in canon, shit, how would THAT go when he finds out? That his previous Grimwalker, the one who escaped and left him having to find a new Galderstone for the replacement instead of getting to dismantle and reuse his, is hanging out in the human realm. With a dog. Chilling out.
And Hunter getting to talk with Creed about their experiences, about how Belos treated them both-- Hunter would probably feel ashamed he hadn't twigged to how flawed Belos was until he saw in his mind, and Creed could remind him that he hadn't figured that out yet at sixteen either-- and Creed never knew Belos's real motives, which Hunter does, so they both have information to share.
Thank you so much for this ask I love your thoughts on this and it's very exciting to get to think about it more to aaaaaaa
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purplesurveys · 1 month
Do you know anyone who has a hearing deficit? No, don't think so.
What is the average number of customers that stop by where you work? Doesn't really work that way in our industry, but I'd say the average number of accounts a team handles within our agency would be 5-6.
When you are having a bath, do you have the water low, medium, or high? Is this referring to temperature or height? as someone with no bathtub and would not be familiar with terms lmao. Anyway, I'll answer both ways - I like my water lukewarm but leaning towards hot, and I like it able to cover up to my neck so it feels like I'm swimming.
Do you know exactly what a physician is? Would you ever want to be one? Sure, and no.
Does your phone have a stopwatch? How often do you use it, and what for? It does, but I don't use it unless I'm rehearsing for a presentation that needs to be limited to a certain length (20 mins, 30 mins, etc) as some clients request that. I don't really have use for a stopwatch, otherwise.
What is your surname? If you could change it, what would you want it to be? I'm not sharing that and don't prefer a certain one over mine.
Do you know anyone who pronounces 'ketchup' with 'catsup'? Nope.
Speaking of cats, what is your favorite colours for a cat? I don't have a favorite color on animals lol, they're all beautiful.
What are you methods to remind yourself of something important? I have a to-do list that I keep updated no matter what and no matter how busy I could possibly get. If a day is particularly hectic and I feel like drowning in all the load, I take it a step further and place times on each of my to-do tasks so that I manage my time wisely.
So for example, Item 1 can be "Do this report - 10:30 AM," item 2 is "Review teammate's draft - 11:30 AM," item 3 is "Reply to so-and-so's email - 1 PM," so on and so forth until I get to organize everything until 6 PM.
What are your opinions on fake sugar? Do you use it? Why or why not? I dunno really, I don't think I've even had it before.
Would you ever want to study sociology? Why or why not? That'd be great. I looked up the sociology electives and majors from my university and now I'm asking myself why I never took any of them up, hahaha. The topics are right up my alley, plus you can say it's related to history/social history and that makes me very happy.
If you had to have a porch for your house, what colour would it be? I'd go with white or black.
What makes a person physically beautiful to you? Vibrant, genuine smile; healthy teeth; glowing cheeks.
Would you rather have a hospital become a church, or vice versa? We don't need any more churches here.
Would you miss winter if it never came back? Why or why not? Not really the best person to take this question on.
Do you notice a pattern with people who were born as the middle child? Yes for the most part, and I know this because I have a sister who's the middle child haha. She's *very* independent, is the one who avoids all conflict, way more responsible than my brother and I would ever be, and is down for anything in all contexts.
Did you ever play around a hydrant when you were younger? No.
Does bad weather ruin your day? Why or why not? To be honest no, because I like the rain. The only time I feel like it's my enemy is when it rains on a day when I have to drive, because that shit can be terrifying especially when it rains too hard that you can't see anything on the road.
What is one thing stopping you from becoming a veterinarian? All the big brain, science-y stuff that goes behind it, I guess. Even if I take all the courses in the world, my natural paranoid self might not trust myself when it comes to giving the correct dosages, being confident about diagnoses, identifying the best medication to give... things like that. I also don't think I'm mentally strong enough to handle emergency cases.
When you read 'bass' just now, was it read like the fish or the instrument? Instrument.
If you wear them, what is the average length of skirts you wear? I don't wear skirts but if I had to, I'd go with maxi ones.
Do you spell it like 'cheque' or 'check'? Also, do you even use them? Cheque, because check can mean so many things and I hate being confused haha. No, I don't.
If you had to live your life carrying a shield, what would its design be? Just a plain pastel purple one, idk.
0 notes
hxpelessnurse · 8 months
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"Mikan, I require your assistance, now." If the lack of theatrics didn't speak to the importance of the situation as the infirmary doors were all but kicked open, the panicked look on Gundham's face certainly would. One arm was held close to his chest, it being the usual bandaged one that was once again freshly bloodied and in need of a wrapping from what could seen of it. Instead of giving over his arm however, he handed over the bundle of his scarf protectively clutched to his chest with his other, though it was no less bloody.
"I will spare you the details, one of such a weak constitution has no hope of surviving such a tale." That being said, he was looking rather unwell himself as he set the bundle down on the nearest cot, the small fuzzy face of a rabbit being partially revealed with the slow twitching of it's nose. "She has lacerations to her left foreleg, which may also be broken. I was unable to assess the true extent of the damage thanks to my own injuries." Said injuries that remained hidden within his coat as he carefully opened the bundle with his free hand, his fingers gently stroking the fur of the rabbit along with a soft coo of encouragement. "It will be alright, dear heart. We will make this better, I promise."
Turning back to Mikan now, Gundham continued to pet the tiny white bunny, it's breathing fast, yet shallow with the pain it was in. "I know you specialize in the care of mortals, but I haven't the time nor the skills to care for this injury myself with only one hand available to me." There was no overlord to be found in the room now, only a scared teenager that looked to the nurse with desperation. "Help her, I beg of you." //been meaning to throw gundham your way uwu
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The nurse was not used to the lack of Gundham's theatrics. In fact, it almost felt like he was a completely different person when he wasn't playing up the Dark Overlord persona. She stared blankly at him for a few moments, blinking slowly as she processed just what exactly she was looking at. The bundle of scarf and rabbit placed onto the cot made her gasp and panic. She wasn't a veterinarian, but any hurt creature was a concern in her eyes.
"Wh-what?! H-How did she get this fracture?!" She asked, nervously bouncing on her toes as she scrambled around the room, looking for the supplies she might need. "I... I dunno if I c-can fix it! I've never performed f-first aid on an animal b-before..."
Despite her protest, she'd already gathered all the supplies she would need. Gundham's injuries would have to wait, though they did concern her too. Something told her he'd done something a little reckless to save the small bunny from a horrible death. She laid out all her tools and supplies before quickly, but gently, unwrapping the rabbit's leg.
"I'll... I'll d-do my best!" Mikan declared, snapping on a pair of nitrile gloves and leaning over the terrified creature. She gently began to examine the wound and prep the large gash for stitches. She'd need to splint the leg and cast it as well.
"Uhm... G-Gundham," she began as she pulled out a tongue depressor to use as a makeshift splint. "Wh-while I work on your bunny, p-please use the sink over there to start w-washing your own wounds... Use the antibacterial soap and rinse w-well, please," she instructed.
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chocolatebonboncookie · 10 months
this is gonna be a long post but i just feel like. writing out how that night went.
it’s kinda vent-ish but more of a story than anything just have it under read more so i don’t have to scroll past it.
July 19th, 2023.
A seemingly normal day, other than the fact my oldest cat, Princess, had issues. We had to keep her in a cage overnight to make sure she didn’t make any messes on the floor because we weren’t sure what was going on with her. We were finally getting her into the vet later on that day. I would finally see her getting better.
While it was just me home, I was tasked with cleaning up around the house. I put some music on, blasting it in our living room. My second oldest cat, Joe, would hang out near where the music was playing, listening to it. However, when one particular song came on, I dropped everything I was doing.
“In the dark of the night-“
No Matter What from the Steven Universe movie.
I love that song. To most, it’s just a cute song from a cartoon movie. To me, it’s the most important song to me.
In 2019, a 13 year old me was watching the movie’s premiere with a friend. When I heard that song for the first time, Princess was sitting right by me. From that day on, I decided that it was our song.
So at that moment- I stopped my cleaning session and ran to Princess. I scooped her up, held her in the way she loved the most, and sung the song to her. Although she was a cat and couldn’t sing with me, I always kept quiet during Amethyst’s part for her. I had sung that song to her at least once a week ever since she started getting sick, and every time she’d stick with me and lay in my lap until she had to get up.
Hours had passed, and my mom got home from work. This was it. I had to get Princess ready to go to the vet. I was her person, after all. If anyone could force her into a small carrier, it would have to be me. I was anxious, yet excited. She’d finally get better. My mom believed that Princess would get better too- and if not, it would be something easy to get under control.
As we drove to the vet, I let her out of the carrier during the car ride. It wasn’t too long, but she stayed on my lap the whole time. She didn’t complain at all. She’s such a strange cat- she was mean to people she didn’t know well, yet was perfectly behaved during baths and car rides.
The vet appointment was a long one. While waiting for the veterinarians, she sat with me on my lap. When she was taken away to do blood work, I was terrified. I cried for her to come back. I distracted myself by chatting with some friends online and messing with discord bots, and after what felt like forever she was finally back.
I ran up to her. Poor girl, she was so overwhelmed. She was too scared to come out of the carrier, but once she realized I was there she reached her paw out to my hand and gripped onto mine the hardest a little cat could’ve. As we waited for the test results, I refused to let go of her paw.
The vets finally came back, and said that she had multiple issues which would require her to go to a fancy vet on the other side of the city for a few days for tests. I got anxious, not wanting to be separated from her for that long. But I was fine with it. Anything to make her feel better. As we were leaving, I said to the veterinarians- “Thank you for helping my best friend.”
It was a much longer drive to the animal hospital we were taking her to. During that ride there, I let Princess out of her carrier again, and she didn’t leave my lap. She’d get up to look out the window, but she never left me. I was listening to music with her. Suddenly, that song came on again. Our song.
I quietly sang to her, but this time more anxiously. I had hope she’d get better. No, I knew she’d get better! I just couldn’t let go of that lingering fear I had.
As we got closer to the vet, Princess moved from laying on my lap to letting me hold her close to my chest and shoulder. It was the closest that the two of us could get to a hug. Like earlier, she stayed with me.
This was much more nerve-wracking than the earlier appointment. As soon as we got there, they took Princess away while we stayed in the waiting room. They were checking on her for various things, and I wanted nothing more than to run up and ask if she was doing okay.
They returned with the cage taken apart. They had to force her out, because she didn’t want to go out of the carrier for them. If I was there, she would’ve left it easily. Princess was always so cold to those she didn’t know, yet to me there was not a better cat I could ask for.
We moved to a different room, and they’d come back with updates on what they were finding.
Every return, something more and more outrageous was said.
But then it was the worst thing I’ve ever heard in my life.
“… She’d have to stay for around a week … 5 to 8 thousand dollars…”
I was already willing to sell everything I owned for her.
“…Not guaranteed to work…”
“…The only other solution is…”
I begged for it to be something good.
I refused to accept what I was hearing. There could still be another way, right? I could’ve saved her. Sure, we might not be able to do it right, but people use online fundraising to save their pets. I bargained with my mom like I was pleading for my own life. I offered to sell everything I own. My phone, ipad, collection of manga and anime merchandise. All of it.
But none of it would work.
Second instinct after hearing that word was to scream. I can’t even begin to describe how I was feeling. Sad, for the fact I was probably about to lose my best friend of 13 years. Anger, for the fact the world was ripping her away from me so soon. Guilt, for not begging to take her into the vet earlier. The denial from mere minutes earlier still clouding my mind, yet it was fading away and showing the harsh truth I was facing. All of that combined lead to the most horrible noise I’ve ever made and heard in my life. A scream, sounding more animalistic than human, a roar that likely scared everyone in the building. One coherent word was heard in those screams, and it was simply “No.”
After a few minutes later, I managed to utter some actual words- mostly things along the lines of “You can’t take her from me” and “She’s my best friend”.
But my screaming and begging and crying couldn’t save her.
Everything else was a blur. My mom calling my dad to tell him what happened, a grief counselor they had for situations like these, more vets coming in to discuss the situation. I was anxiously texting my friends, just needing help, advice, consolation- anything.
Finally, a vet came in holding my Princess in a blanket, and handed her to me. I was so scared to lose her, yet overjoyed to see her again. I wanted to hold on tight and never let go. But eventually, we all have to let go, don’t we?
A while later, we went into a quiet room used specifically for those who were saying goodbye to their pets. We were given as much time as we needed, and as of then we were just waiting for my dad to arrive. I sat with Princess, talking to her like normal. Although she’s just a cat, she’s my most trusted friend. I trust her with everything. I’d crack jokes about funny things she did, or even unfunny things like that one time she scratched me so badly I was bleeding everywhere.
My dad arrived. I wasn’t ready to give up Princess. I would never be ready. I wanted to go home and end this painful waiting, but I couldn’t just leave her here.
After a long while, I decided I was finally ready to say my final goodbye. But before they called the vet and said we’d be ready, I had to do one last thing.
I pulled out my phone and opened my music app. I quietly played “No Matter What”, and sang along to her.
Through whoever you’ve been, through whoever you’ll be
Through whatever you lose, you will always have me.
At the end of your rope, i’ll be holding you taught.
I’m gonna be right by your side,
Be right by your side,
Be right by your side, no matter what-
Although the song had a happy ending, my version did not. The last few lines were choked out rather than sang, and I could hear my dad start to tear up as well.
I left that vet with a sobbing mess of a face, a head hanging down low, and the sorrow of leaving behind my best friend. The best friend I couldn’t imagine not being with for one night, now gone forever.
Everywhere I went that night has been touched by the grief I felt. The peppermint mocha frappe I had on my way to the vet. The Target my dad took me to so I could get whatever to cheer me up. My favorite fast food restaurant that we got dinner at because none of us would be in the mood to cook when we got home. Even just driving by a place I recognize from that night hurts. The places Princess would often hang around felt so, so empty. Her little cat brother Joe was so confused as to where his big sister went, and he still looks around for her. I can’t even listen to our song anymore.
Although she was just a cat, Princess left such an impact on me. I’ll never forget her, and I hope she never forgets me too, wherever she is. I love you, and I’ll be right by your side no matter what, my sweet Princess.
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servin-up-surveys · 2 years
survey #040
(a two-day old survey I don’t feel like retaking, oops)
What does your mother do for work? If she’s a homemaker, any specific reason for this? She works a few days a week cleaning at a church for a small pay, but not enough to take her off of disability due to her cancer. She's not even considered officially in remission yet, and her body sure still fuckin feels the effects of what she dealt with. She was one sub-stage (is that what it's called?) from a fatal diagnosis, so it's a brutal fuckin' recovery. Really her body will probably never be "normal" again. It's kinda been hitting me in the face lately how realistic it would be if Mom doesn't have many more years left. It's GOING to come back, that's science. She's going to run out of fuel. And that's a trail I'm not going down. If applicable, did your parents approve of your smoking/alcohol use before you turned 18? Maaaaan if my mama saw me with a cigarette at that age I woulda had my ass handed to me lmfao. Mom didn't care if I drank responsibly before then with adults present, like at a family gathering or w/e. If your siblings are old enough, what do they do for work? I'm just answering for my two immediate sisters because I'm lazy. My older sis is a mammographer, but has duties outside of just mammography with her radiology degree. My younger sister is a children's social worker, LITERALLY the person that risks her fucking ass daily going into dangerous situations to rescue kids in horrible fucking circumstances. Actual hero. Both my sisters are, really. Have you ever been jealous of your siblings? I actually don't know if I was ever jealous of them. I feel envy for both of them sometimes, but that's different. Do you still live with your parent/s or do you live alone/with a partner? I'm still with Mom and our pets. A-although a few days ago Girt directly referenced us living together way down the road and,,,,, I nearly cried lmao it doesn't matter to me that it ain't soon, it just means worlds to me to know he even sees it as the likely outcome. Do you think life should just hand things to you? Or should you earn the things you want and need with hard work? A mix of both. Like I'm not sorry, you should not have to work for the bare essentials of staying alive, like food and water. If you have a Tumblr, what do you use it for? boo my Tumblr is a Rammstein thirst trap on god why am I into 50+ y/o dads now, am I truly... Old Do you think your parents are proud of you and what you do with your life? Hell fuckin' no. They say they are, but I don't think they could do anything to make me actually believe it. Do you know anyone who has a hearing deficit? Yes; my sister's... grandmother-in-law(?) is definitely hard-of-hearing. That woman is ancient. What is one thing stopping you from becoming a veterinarian? I have been told relentlessly to be a vet since I was a tiny kid, and I still hear it, but I just couldn't, man. Seeing sick or injured animals and even see them die, possibly even by ME giving the injection, I fucking couldn't. I absolutely couldn't, I would be HORRIBLY depressed. If you wear them, what is the average length of skirts you wear? I don't wear skirts. Who are you in love with? The most patient motherfucker i've ever met to have been friendzoned by me for over a fuckin decade and not give up on me lmfao. Have you ever eaten a crayon? Now I may have gotten a bead stuck up my nose as a kid, but at least I didn't eat crayons lmfao??? Are you someone’s best friend? Girt calls me his best friend. :') Do you enjoy long car rides? IF I have music with me, particularly if I'm controlling what comes out of the car speakers from the passenger's seat, dude, I could ride FOREVER. It makes for such a freeing, calm feeling, something I can't quite explain when you consider how TERRIFIED I am of the road, a fear I still even feel in this situation. And yet it's one of my favorite things to do. Like if my ma's gotta go somewhere, especially far, I'm fuckin' going, lol. What’s a random fact about your best friend? Uhhhh I'm tryna think of something I haven't shared???? Oh well I guess that he's the biggest fuckin simp for 2B (and don't get him STARTED over 2P) from the Nier universe that you will ever meet, lmao. Do you upload videos to YouTube? Nah, I don't know if video editing is a hobby I'll revisit. Idk. I get ideas a lot, but just not enough drive. Plus I need a good PC anyway to make editing barable. What’s your least favorite time of day? Evening, I guess. Generally by that point I'm done with the day. Do you know anyone who’s sort of snobby about the kind of music they like? Ha, probably. Call it stereotyping, but I will swear up and down that AT LEAST half of the metal fanbase suit the term. I've been into metal since I started middle school, I have seen more than enough people whine about stupid shit and think an awful lot about themselves just because of their musical tastes. Do you have one of those removable hand-held shower heads? Yes; I cannot fucking stand the ones that can't be detached because it's so much harder to get soap off of everywhere. How many burners does your stove have? Four. What’s something you think everyone should do/experience at least once in their life? Being in love. I know some people don't pursue it, and that is entirely fine and valid if they never want a relationship, but holy shit I have never felt something like it in my life. Has your car ever been broken into? No. List 5 things that have happened in the last 7 days. (They can be anything at all, anything that’s happened involving you, or your family, friends, partner) 1.) I was taken off the medication that was making me manic but in turn my mood has fucking plummeted back to depression; 2.) my boyfriend and I started to play Stray and it's absolutely fantastic; 3.) I started using the shower in my mom's room versus the main bathroom's because it's a walk-in with a therefore much lower risk of me falling, but it is WAY too claustrophobic (even to Mom, who is smaller than me); 4.) I picked out this ADORABLE customizable product called Vitamin Me to order soon for Girt's and my anniversary; and 5.) I met with my new primary care physician for the first time. Have you ever had sex on your bedroom floor? How about your living room floor? Oh Jesus, you could NOT get my fat ass on the fuckin floor for that, lmao. I don't even SIT on the floor, dude; my knees will make me wish I was dead when I try to get back up, AND they're gonna be bruised. I've done "stuff" on the floor in the past, but that was a long time ago when I had a well-functioning body, lmao. Have you ever received a compliment about any of the clothes you’re wearing? No. When you kiss someone, do you like to play with their hair? Yeeee. Time for some questions about you and your significant other/crush. What is something you like, that he/she doesn’t like? He thinks my infatuation with tarantulas is pretty fuckin' wild, haha, but yet he supports it anyway and guys one day even ended up down a rabbit hole of learning about them and I cri, that's a supportive partner right thar. BUT the fact still remains that he does NOT understand how I find them to be so cute, haha. What is something he/she likes, that you don’t like? Guys................... his dad liked some STRANGE food, okay. But because of this, he grew up with some wild fuckin shit and is therefore more accustomed to this stuff than me. The first day I went to his house, they were having what had been his dad's favorite: chicken gizzards + hearts with noodles. It's not Girt's favorite thing, but he can eat it. Y'aaaaaaaaall I forced down what of the macaroni noodles I could (keep in mind they had the taste of the meat on them and were gross to me) but absolutely COULD NOT try the meat and I was so fucking nervous of offending his mom I had an anxiety attack and ended up crying a bit lmao it was AN EVENT, but thankfully she literally didn't give a damn, although I did sorta lie as to why I was crying SO UHHHHHHHHHHH I'm sorry Donald Sr. please don't haunt me Something you both like? Oh god a lot, but I think the biggest, strongest shared interest is either video games or metal music. Something you both dislike? Country music comes to mind. Do you regret sleeping with anyone? N/A Did anyone comfort you the last time you cried? What was your reason for crying? No; it was brief and I know Mom didn't hear me. I'm just very upset to be regressing in terms of happiness now that I'm off Welbutrin (sp?). I know for my safety I couldn't stay on it, but... Is there anyone that likes you, other than the person you love/like/are with? Almost certainly not. Have you ever lied to the person you love/like? I don't think I have, no. Are you happy where you are right now, relationship-wise? Yep. Has the last person you kissed met your family? Yes; HE'S virtually family, with as long as he's actively been in my life. Do you find smoking unattractive? Well, yes, but Richard Kruspe has proven to be the one and only exception lmfao I would be LYING if I said I haven't seen pictures and been like "yeah that's an A++ man mhmmm" Have you ever seen the last person you kissed without a shirt on? Yes. The last three different times you kissed someone, were those kisses with the same person? Yep. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? Honestly like... one. Say your last ex walks up to you and hugs you, what do you say? Well I can QUITE fucking confidently say she wouldn't hug me, but if in some universe this actually happened, I'd tell her to not touch me. Probably. It's just that this is so hard to even imagine occurring. When did you last have goosebumps? Like... now, haha. I'm listening to Rammstein's "Meine Tränen" and it is one of the absolute fail-proof songs of giving me goosebumps and even sometimes making me cry. The chorus gets me eeeeevery time. What's your current mood? Pretty sad and stressed. i don't like that I'm regularly depressed again as well as oversleeping. I also had a fucking AWFUL nightmare last night that I woke up screaming from, so that was a great start to my day. Have you ever or would you have a pet frog? I've very lightly considered poison dart frogs (they are completely non-toxic in captivity due to the absence of its natural food source), but I very much doubt I'll ever actually get them. Frogs are adorable and all, but not my personal dream pet or anything. What's the last chaotic thing you've done or seen someone do? OH MY GOD so I was watching my niece and nephew w/ my mom recently, right??? They were trying to get an Xbox game to work and these little chaos goblins WASHED THE DISC IN THE SINK claiming it fixes some problem the console has and I was like????????????? have things CHANGED?????????????? Like I remember having a light cleaner spray bottle for scratches, but this seemed Wrong?????? If you're curious, the disc did NOT work, lmfao. What was the last thing you complained about? My motherfucking nightmares. I love dreaming I'm being dragged by a murderer and my mother is there not trying to help. Who is the greatest singer who is no longer living? Freddie Mercury. Are you more like your mother or your father? I think I have my mom's heart but my dad's EXTREME lack of common sense and addictive personality. What is the funniest thing you have heard a child say? Oh god, this would almost certainly be some shit my nephew Ryder has said, or maybe even his sister because she has said some GEMS, but I can't recall a specific instance rn. When did you last use a hammer? Oh, I have NO idea. I don't really use hammers because of my tremors; you don't really want your aim to be off when handling one. Even when putting stuff on my walls, my mom is always the one hammering. Who is someone you love unconditionally? Nobody. You really have to consider what "unconditionally" means. I'm not going to love ANYone who does certain, despicable things. Do you experience intrusive thoughts? Oh yes, especially with my fucking nightmares where I'm usually extremely fucking violent, even murderous. Having quick, dark thoughts when I'm extremely angry aren't rare anymore. Of course they disgust me, like I don't think they're "normal" thoughts, but they're still alarming. If you were with your favorite person right now, what would you be doing? Playing Stray together sounds really fun to get my mind off shit. We're having fun with the game. Do you own a gun? I'm pretty sure anyone in this household owning a gun would be illegal due to me being a resident with my mental health history, so no. I NEVER want to live in a house with one, anyway. Do you meditate? No, and trying to actually stresses me out because my brain simply won't shut up. What's your go-to song when you're angry? I find "Headache" by Motionless In White to be most cathartic. Would you ever consider online dating? I have pretty big doubts I'd ever start a relationship online again. Where is the person you last hugged? I can't remember which kid I hugged last, but regardless, they're at a local lake for the weekend. Where is the last person you kissed? He's at work rn. Do you have any cuts or bruises on your body right now? I have so many random, negligible cuts, and my mom actually noticed a couple days back that I have a purple bruise probably from when I fell in the bathroom. I FELT a bruise for like... what, two days, but this seems like a pretty long time to still have something remaining. Is your ex sexually attractive to you still? Well, he's apparently let his facial hair grow out since we dated and I've only seen one candid picture of "this" Jason, and I guess he looks fine. It's just not something I'm used to. I also did NOT look at that picture long because I knew doing so wouldn't be good for me so honestly I barely remember it. What is unattractive about them? He became a very cold person that quite clearly didn't consider the consequences of certain actions. Would you rather live in a house right now or an apartment? House. Anal sex, yay or nay? I've never tried it and have absolutely zero interest in doing so, the whole idea just... ain't for me. Would you have sex with the last person you sent a message to? No, because I'm not interested in them in that way. Your best friend says to you now, “let's go to a party and get trashed!”? So Girt 1.) isn't the partying type and 2.) doesn't drink and isn't interested in doing so, so I would be extremely concerned if he said that to me and absolutely wouldn't be okay with doing that when I know that's not his right mind.
0 notes
whump-a-la-mode · 2 years
I adore the Supervillain being taken to the hospital by civilian... sure would be a shame if right after delivering that last threat, they fainted.
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Yess absolutely, I love this idea. Can’t have Supervillain actually getting away, now can we :D ? I hope you enjoy! I had some fun with this one, even if it is a little less serious than the last two.
CW//Hospital setting, restraints, emergency medicine, IVs
“Stand down, and no one gets hurt.”
In most circumstances, the threat would’ve been terrifying, especially considering the mouth from which it came. There were very, very few in the city with enough courage to disobey such a direct order.
A direct order from Supervillain.
However, in their physical state, there was far less weight to the order. Their throat was so terribly injured that they could barely get the words out, even, and those sounds they did manage to make were shaky.
At the sight, Civilian took a step back. When they had left the terribly injured villain, for only a moment, to get help from the emergency room, they had left them securely attached to a backboard. Given the severity of their wounds, they couldn’t risk them being jostled by the turbulence of the vehicle.
How Supervillain had detached themself from the board and its restraints, they did not know. At the moment, however, Civilian had a much bigger problem.
A Supervillain sized problem.
Letting out sharp gasps, the two emergency staff members next to them looked about to faint. After all, they hadn’t exactly been warned of who Civilian had brought in their van.
“I said stand down!” This time, speaking seemed to take even more of a toll upon the imposing figure.
Even if Civilian had had the inclination to kneel, there would have been no time to. Not as Supervillain’s legs began to shake, their knees trembling beneath their weight.
The great Goliath fell forth, out of the back of the van and onto the street, no stone or slingshot necessary.
“I’m sorry, but you can’t go in there. It’s not safe.”
The guard’s voice made Civilian want to scream.
They were not an angry person. If they were, their chosen career of veterinarian wouldn’t have exactly worked out too well. You couldn’t get mad at every dog or cat that crossed you.
This, however... Even this was too much for them.
“I need in that room. I need to see them!”
Once more, Civilian attempted to push past the guard, and to the steel door behind them. Of course, once more, they were pushed back with a decisive shove.
“No one is allowed inside. Not even me.” They insisted, eyes narrowing. “Seriously, you need to get out of here. You’ve already put themself in enough danger as it is.”
That was exactly the problem.
It felt like an eternity ago that Supervillain had collapsed onto the pavement, even though, in reality, it had hardly been an hour and a half. Yet, with how much had happened...
Civilian had begged for the hospital staff not to call the heroes. Supervillain was completely and utterly harmless, they had argued. They weren’t even conscious! There was no reason to treat them any differently than any other patient.
The hospital staff, regretfully, had disagreed. More than disagreed. Even the emergency staff couldn’t get near the unconscious form without shaking and biting their nails.
When the heroes had made their appearance, the whole situation had been turned into a whirlwind of chaotic nonsense. Before Civilian could even blink, the whole place had been roped off. An entire floor of the hospital building had been secured-- Guards at the elevators, the stairs, everywhere!
Of course, they had instantly placed Civilian in the role of hapless victim. It felt like they’d been swarmed by an entire team of paramedics, checking their temperature, their blood pressure, making sure they were still breathing, for Pete’s sake! They’d had a hot chocolate in their hands and a shock blanket around their shoulders in less than five minutes.
As though they were the one hurt. As though they were the one who had fainted.
By the time Civilian was able to shake their personal team of overbearing medics, Supervillain had been carried up to the newly restricted floor of the hospital. They’d been restrained before anyone even bothered to check their pulse!
It was amazing that Supervillain was even alive at all. Despite being kept in the hospital, the heroes had yet to allow any actual doctors in to see them (not that any doctors wanted to.) As of yet, only their own medic had examined the horribly injured person. Heck, Civilian had given them better medical treatment!
It was sympathy that had gotten them this far, all the way to the restricted floor. After all, they were merely a poor, hapless civilian, wanting to see that Supervillain was okay.
This guard, however, seemed to take their job a little more seriously.
Unfortunately for them, Supervillain was Civilian’s patient now, and Civilian did not give up on their patients. Aggressive Mastiff or reactive Siamese, snarling Husky or cawing Cockatoo, they were getting help, whether they wanted it or not.
Supervillain included. No guard was going to stand in their way, they’d dealt with worse patients.
It was time for a tactic that worked wonders with creatures of all sorts.
“Wait, what a second.” Civilian turned, back towards the elevators. “Do you see that? That wasn’t just me, right?”
“What are you-” The guard peered around, attempting to get a good view-
And Civilian was already through the door, bursting past its distracted guardian. Gasping, they moved into the room.
They hadn’t expected to see two people. One laying, one standing.
The one laying was, of course, quite obvious. Supervillain was in no state to be supporting their own weight. At the very least, it looked like someone with some medical training had been helping them. They laid upon a blank white hospital bed, heart rate and breathing monitors providing constant updates on their shallow vitals.
An IV fed into one arm.
Was it something to help them? Fluids? Antibiotics? Anti-inflammatories? Or merely something to keep them down?
Or worse...
The person who stood, however, was an entirely different story. In contrast to their villainous counterpart, Superhero was a picture of health, muscles barely contained under their suit. With arms crossed and eyes affixed into a glare, they stared at the patient on the bed.
That was, until a wayward civilian slammed their way in.
For a moment, there was an awfully awkward silence, broken only by a booming voice:
“You can’t be in here. It’s dangerous. How did you even get in here? It’s supposed to be guarded!”
Civilian did not pay any attention to Superhero’s warnings. They knew exactly how little time they had in here, before they were dragged out, whether by the guards outside, or by Superhero themself.
They needed to talk to Supervillain. Just for a second, a bare moment.
Without much thought for their own well being, or their balance, Civilian skidded forwards, winding up at Supervillain’s bedside.
Come on, come on, there had to be something they could do, something to prove that they weren’t a threat!
There had to be-
Supervillain was awake.
“Supervillain! Supervillain, hey, hey, hey. It’s me, it’s me, do you remember me?”
In desperation, they clasped public enemy number one by the hand.
“You need to wake up for me! You need to say something, come on, come on-”
Civilian wasn’t expecting anything.
They’d expected disappointment. To be dragged out of here with nothing to show for it.
They hadn’t expected Supervillain to open their mouth, to make out the barest of croaks:
“Villain. Please, the message, please. You have to... You have to tell them that they’re still alive, that-”
A hand gripped Civilian tightly by the shoulder. Superhero.
“I’m afraid I must escort you back to the lobby. Please do not attempt to return.”
Yet, removed or not, Civilian already knew exactly what they had to do.
Heck, they were an emergency vet! They’d done weirder things to help a patient.
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raptorsandpoultry · 4 years
To celebrate this blog hitting 2000 followers (thank you all!), here’s my little superstar Torchic the golden Sebright hen demonstrating that, just like parrots, chickens can be trained to willingly participate in their own routine physical examinations at the vet!
For a ton of reasons, pet chickens probably aren’t taken to be seen by an avian veterinarian nearly as often as they should be. One reason probably has to do with the fact that veterinary staff often end up completely restraining birds with hands and towels for physical exams. This is problematic because 1) it gives pet owners the perception that the vet staff aren’t familiar with how to handle birds, making them less likely to return for another appointment, and 2) even in chickens that are “used to” being picked up and don’t show any outward signs of fear or anxiety, manual restraint is inherently stressful to a prey animal, especially when it’s done by humans the bird isn’t familiar with. However, almost an entire exam can be done nearly hands-free using positive reinforcement and thoughtful reading of the bird’s body language. This minimizes stress for the patient, owner, and staff during the process and for future appointments.
Here, I positively reinforce the behaviours that I want Torchic to perform during four key components of the avian physical exam:
1) Measuring her weight. Weekly or even daily weight measurements are important in monitoring a bird’s health, and even more so the smaller they are. Rather than unceremoniously stuffing Torchic in a box on top of the scale and weighing her that way (though I have seen worse “techniques” used out there), I can make the process more rewarding and less stressful by training her to “station” onto the scale on cue. Stationing, or shifting, is a technique that trainers use to get an animal to go and stay at a certain spot, either by pointing or tapping at it, or simply using a verbal cue. Here, Torchic gets a mealworm if she steps onto the scale on cue, and waits there calmly until I’m able to get a reading.
2) Assessing her body condition. Numerical weights alone often don’t give vets enough information about an animal’s overall health, so they’re often considered in the context of a body condition score - this is the assessment of the distribution of muscle vs. fat tissue on major areas of the body. In birds, this is done by palpating, or thoroughly feeling the tissue over the keel bone, which is covered by the pectoralis (breast) muscles (responsible for generating power during flight). Without prior training, this part of the physical exam often makes birds feel a little ticklish and uncomfortable, or even terrified if they’re already afraid of being touched. I started off by reinforcing calm behaviour with very brief (< 1 second) and gentle pokes, and slowly worked up to being able to feel Torchic’s keel for longer and longer durations. On top of that, I use a verbal cue (”keel!”) beforehand to let Torchic know that I’m going to be all up in her personal space for a few seconds, so that she can mentally prepare herself a bit.
3) Examining the feet. Chickens in particular can be prone to developing diseases of the feet such as bumblefoot, so it’s a good idea to take a good look at their foot pads regularly to watch out for any lesions like open wounds, discoloration, etc. Just like with her keel, I use a verbal cue (”foot”) before I gently lift up one of her toes. If she lets me lift up her entire foot and take a close look at it without kicking or stomping or pulling away, she’s rewarded with another mealworm.
4) Heart auscultation. When vets listen to, or auscultate, an animal’s heart, they make sure to get a heart rate, and pay close attention to whether they hear any murmurs or abnormal rhythms. Again, same principles as with the keel palpation, except there was a bit more training required to get Torchic comfortable with the stethoscope being held against her for the full 10 seconds (which I didn’t even get to in this video before she gently nudged the scope away with her foot - not every training session is perfect!). 
In between all of that, I make sure to reinforce desirable behaviours throughout the entire exam. This includes moments when Torchic’s just acting calm and engaged in the session, as well as stepping up onto my hand or back onto the counter on cue. The point is to make the whole thing as positive as possible to minimize stress.
It didn’t take months of training for Torchic to get to this point. All it took was 10-minute sessions every day or two for a couple of weeks, and careful observation of her body language to make sure she was always happy to participate, and never feeling scared, frustrated, etc. Nearly all of my birds have these and other basic health management behaviours down pat, and it’s worth the little bit of time and effort that goes into training because the vet hospital doesn’t have to be this stressful, terrifying place. A pet’s quality of life is vastly improved if they’re able to go in for routine vet visits without being unnecessarily manhandled. 
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keanureevesisbae · 4 years
Mister Cavill, your dog is kinda fat - Epilogue
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Summary: Veterinarian Olivia Tran has zero time for bullshit. After becoming a mom at age twenty three, the one thing she wants is a good life for her daughter Vanessa. Her ex didn’t want anything to do with her nor the baby and she decided that man are officially banned out of her life. But then she meets Henry Cavill at her clinic and her ban slowly starts to crumble apart. Henry on the other hand is looking for one thing: a family. And when he meets Olivia Tran, he finds just that.
Henry Cavill x Olivia Tran (ofc)
Warnings: None
Wordcount: 4.1k
A/N: This will be Vanessa’s pov
Masterlist // Previous chapter //
9 years later
Name: Vanessa Tran-Cavill
Subject: English
Teacher: Mrs. Allen
Grade: 100/100 — Vanessa, you are such a talented writer. You raised the bar for every other essay I’m going to read in my entire career left as an English teacher. You have such a wonderful role model in your life. Please cherish your family for the rest of your life!
The one who taught me everything - an essay about Olivia Tran-Cavill, the greatest inspiration for me.
I was raised by the toughest woman alive. I know that a lot of kids say that about their mom, but allow me to explain why Olivia Tran-Cavill is the toughest woman I know in my life.
Her boyfriend left her when she told him she was pregnant with me, her own family (meaning her parents and her two brothers) practically disowned her, and on top of that she just started a job as a freshly minted veterinarian.
If I were in her shoes, I’d be terrified, struck by multiple breakdowns on a daily basis, but not my mom. She raised me all by herself, barely having a break or a moment of her own. I was her number one priority. She told me to be kind, to be honest and polite: personality traits that provide me with the best today and for all the days to come in the future.
There was only one thing that I desperately wanted and that was a family. I wanted a dad like the kids in my class. I wanted grandparents. I wanted aunts and uncles. I wanted to have little siblings, because I knew that I would be a great big sister.
Unfortunately that wasn’t in the stars for me and my mom told me that. It takes a brave woman to say to her young child: ‘Your real dad doesn’t want you. Your grandparents kicked me out the second they found out I was pregnant with you. Your uncles never spoke to me again.’
It hurt obviously. There were people walking around here that shared DNA with me, that were family, but they made it pretty clear that they didn’t want me nor my mother. To this day they still haven’t reached out and they honestly don’t know what they are missing out on. At least, that is what my mom always tells me.
But my mom always told me that family wasn’t all about sharing DNA, it was about finding people that you want in your life. You can choose who your family is.
Despite that wonderful piece of advice that I definitely took to heart, I continued to make her a drawing every single day. My mom and I inside our house and outside there is a man with a dog, waiting to be allowed into our life.
Waiting to become a dad.
My dad.
One day my mom was on call and had to go to the clinic at night. She took me with her and that’s the day we met Henry and his dog Kal. Little did we all know that at that exact moment, our lives drastically changed.
Henry was more of a dad in the first hour that I had met him, then my real dad was in my entire life. For the first time in life, I had a dad figure. A man who cared not only about me, but also about my mom.
Being with Henry never drastically changed my mom. She was still the bad ass mom I always had, but it did softened her up. It made her relaxed. Henry gave her what she deserved all those years of raising me by herself. Letting someone take care of her too. There is only so much a six year old could give back to a powerhouse like her mom, but there is so much more a man like Henry Cavill can give her.
He provided us with a family. A grandma, a granddad and four lovely uncles.
And for that I have to thank my mom. She allowed Henry into her life, thus into my life and gave us six amazing Cavill family members, who cared about us and loved us up to this day.
Now, I admire her every single day. The way she takes care of not only me, but also my three sisters, is something I feel like I can never live up to. Whenever some of us walk into the room, her face lights up and she drops everything to give us her full attention.
And for that I am so incredibly thankful. She taught me so much. How to love, how to catch more flies with honey than with vinegar and she taught me that it is okay to be scared, but that it should never stop you from pursuing what you want to achieve.
I know my mom was scared when she got pregnant and was dropped by all the people she thought she could trust and rely on, but it never stopped her from pursuing what she wanted: to be a great mother and an excellent veterinarian. Knowing that, I’m going to try to be the best version of myself, though I know damn well that I can never be as amazing as her.
For me, my mom is the most influential person in my life and I wouldn’t trade her for anything in the world.
With my freshly graded essay, I walk towards my locker. This is such a great way to end the week. I worked my ass off on this essay and the fact that mrs. Allen gave me the full hundred out of hundred points is unbelievable. She never gives people higher than ninety points probably. I feel like I’m the first student in her entire career to score the highest grade possible.
‘There she is.’ I look up to see Trey walking up to me, already undoing his tie. He always tells me that he hates that thing with a passion and while I suggest he uses a clip on tie (like half the school does), he keeps on wearing the regular one. I think it’s so he can continue to bitch about it. ‘You’re going to Jimmy’s party tonight, right?’
I shake my head. ‘I’m sorry, Trey, I can’t. I have plans with my family.’
‘The entire family?’ he asks, as he leans against the row of lockers besides mine.
‘Yes, the entire family.’
‘And there is absolutely no change at all that you can ditch them?’
I can’t stop my chuckle. Usually I go out on Friday, especially if Trey invites me, but right now I really can’t go. ‘It’s important,’ I say to him. I see him fake pouting, causing me to roll my eyes. ‘Come on, don’t pout. Jimmy has parties every two weeks. I’ll be at the next one.’
Trey grins. ‘I’ll hold you to that, V. Tell your mom I said hi and also say that to your dad, because I’m afraid he’ll kick my ass next time he sees me. Oh, and say hi to your sisters, will you?’
A few weeks ago Trey came over to my place, because we were going to do algebra homework together (and because we wanted to spend time together). Dad was ready to embarrass the shit out of me (I think he has been waiting for this moment since he adopted me to be honest—he seemed to well prepared), but mom swooped right in and Trey felt instantly at ease. Ever since then, he asks me how she is doing when I see him at school.
I know it’s tough for Trey. He wasn’t raised with a mother, since she passed away during his birth, but her three brothers raised him. He loves them dearly and because of that, he can handle my dad’s antics just fine. However it’s nice for him to have a motherly figure in his life, since his uncles never dated (they would get along well with my uncles) and my mom is the right person for that.
After that algebra homework moment we had, he has been coming over a lot more often and just a few days ago, I saw him giving my mom a hug. When I asked her about it, she told me that he always likes it when he is here and it turns out, that he told her all about growing up with only his uncles and how she feels like a mom figure to him. I like how he is welcomed into my family. My sisters are absolutely smitten with him and they love it when I bring him over, since they wished I was a boy, so they could have a brother.
It’s always nice to know that your sisters love you for who you are.
‘You know, you can come over too,’ I say, not wanting Trey to leave. ‘If you want to of course.’
‘Are you sure?’ he asks, but he already has a telling smile on his face. ‘I just don’t want to intrude an important event.’
‘You won’t,’ I laugh. ‘It’s been ten years since my dad officially adopted me. We’re going to celebrate at my grandparents’ place. My uncles will be there, my aunt, nephews and my sisters.’
Trey smiles. ‘Well, if you invite me.’
I close my locker and say: ‘We are going to celebrate this whole weekend, but you can only stay today if you want to, so you won’t miss Jimmy’s party.’
‘I don’t really care about Jimmy’s party,’ Trey admits. ‘I only wanted to spend time with you.’
It’s obvious that we have a crush on each other, it’s just that I’m afraid of committing. He doesn’t seem to mind though, that pull my hand back when he wants to hold it and that we haven’t kissed, though we’ve been on a few dates.
‘So,’ Trey says as we walk out of the school, ‘your dad adopted you ten years ago.’
I nod. ‘Yeah, he made me an official Cavill from that day. If I’m being completely honest, I never thought I’d have a dad. I always thought that it was going to be me, my mom and my pleads for a dad. For such a long time I thought it was enough, though deep down I wanted a dad, but sometimes it’s just not meant for everyone, right?’
Trey nods. ‘Right.’
‘I still remember the day we met him and Kal,’ I say. ‘And I just knew that I wanted that man as my father. I was six and though I need saw my mom with a man, I just knew that they were meant for each other, you know. We were standing around the examination table, because Kal was sick and I thought to myself that this was the man that not only I wanted in my life, but my mom needed as well.’
Trey’s fingers brush against mine and I hold onto his hand, for the first time in the weeks that we are circling around each other.
I think back to the times where it was just my mom and I. She was so strong for all those years of raising me, telling me the painful truth about my biological dad, my grandparents and uncles from her side of the family, arranging all different sorts of shifts at the animal clinic and bringing me to work when necessary.
I admire my mother and the way she carefully picked out a man that was worthy of becoming my dad, of adopting me and giving me his last name. I had been Vanessa Tran for so many years, but becoming Vanessa Tran-Cavill, had been such a blessing and for the first time in seven years, I had a dad, someone who cared about me.
Someone who loved me.
And right now, I have seen how much he loved my mom, me and my sisters. I admired the way dad took care of us, while still having an acting career. He played in seven movies since I met him and five of those were being filmed here in the UK, since he didn’t want to leave us for too long.
He posts about us on Instagram sometimes, but always disables the comments. A lot of people know that I’m his daughter, but they mostly find out when we’ve known each other for a while.
Trey and I get out of the bus, but I stop him, before we walk off to my grandparents’ house. ‘I just want to prepare you. I have four nosey uncles and a granddad who just starts to talk, not knowing when to stop.’
‘It’s nothing I can’t handle,’ he laughs. ‘Remember, I grew up with three uncles and their friends. This will be peanuts.’
I smile. ‘Yeah, you’re right.’ I squeeze his hand. ‘Trey, before we go into the backyard, I have to admit something.’
‘I like you too,’ he says. ‘And I don’t mind taking it slow.’
My eyes widen. ‘How did you know I was going to say that?’
‘You’re predictable, Tran.’ Trey smiles and I roll my eyes. ‘It’s honestly no big deal. I really like you and your family and though I feel comfortable enough to go at my pace, I don’t want to force you into stuff.’ He gives me a squeeze back in my hand. ‘Your pace and no one else’s.’ He pulls me to him and wraps me up in a tight hug. I feel his chin on top of my head and I let out a sigh, before I close my eyes, nuzzling my face in his chest. This feels nice, I could get used to this.
I pull back a little, to carefully press a kiss on his jaw. ‘Come on, let’s go,’ I say, pulling him with me to the gate at the back of the yard. Together we walk into the backyard and I see everyone is already there. Uncles Piers, Niki and Charlie are standing near the barbecue, as my nine year old sister Elodie is poking Charlie in his sides. Belle has wrapped her arms around uncle Simon’s neck, giving him tons of kisses. Belle’s two year old son Hugh is trying to kick the ball, but he misses and falls flat on his bum. He waddles over to Belle, who is currently expecting another boy in four months.
My five year old sisters Chloe and Heather are the first to notice me. ‘Vanessa!’ they scream in unison, rushing towards me and wrapping their arms around my waist. ‘We missed you.’
‘I missed you guys too,’ I chuckle.
‘And you brought Trey!’ Chloe notices, jumping in his arms. ‘You are staying here for the barbecue?’
‘Of course,’ Trey says with a smile. ‘I wouldn’t miss it for the world, munchkin.’
Everyone looks up and gives me hugs and introduce themselves to Trey if they haven’t met him already. Grandpa Colin gives me a big hug and slips fifty pounds not only in my hand, but also in Trey’s hand. ‘So you can take her out on a date, young man,’ he tells Trey.
When we walk over to my parents, Trey says: ‘Damn, I get fifty pounds for showing up here. Should I tell your grandad when my birthday is?’
‘Don’t,’ I say sternly, pinching his side.
Kal licks my hand and I scratch him on top of his head. He is not fat anymore (as if my mother would allow that). He is also not as active as he used to be when I met him, but he is still the most loyal and biggest sweetheart in the world, always taking care of me and my sisters.
My mom holds out her arms and Trey doesn’t hesitate for a minute to be engulfed in her arms. Dad wraps his arms around my waist and bumps his nose against my cheek. Elodie, Chloe and Heather often wonder why we do that, but it’s our thing and it’ll always be our thing. ‘There you are, sunshine,’ he says.
‘It’s a special day today,’ I say. ‘You have any regrets?’
He scoffs. ‘Are you kidding me? As if I could have regrets.’
‘You still have the receipt?’
He laughs. ‘Like I would ever use that.’ He gives me a kiss on my cheek and says: ‘You brought your boyfriend with you, I see.’
Normally I’d protest against his antics, but now… I actually don’t mind. I quite like it actually. I like the idea of Trey being my boyfriend. ‘Well, yeah.’
Dad gives me a big kiss, before he places me on my feet again. Trey wipes his hands clean on his jeans, before he extends his hand to my dad. I don’t quite know what happens after that, because mom pulls me into a hug. Though I’m seventeen now and my mom is reaching the forty already, she barely aged.
It’s admirable, really. After she gave birth to Elodie and she lost that much blood, it was the scariest experience in my life. I thought, with the way everyone was looking at each other when dad called, my mom would die. It took her six months to recover and I helped out the best I could, but I knew that asking for another sibling too soon, wouldn’t help. Four years after she had Elodie, she became pregnant with twins and after that she did not want more kids. Ideally she wanted three, I remember her saying that to dad, but now she had four and though she loved it, it was enough.
‘How was school?’ mom asks.
‘It was great. I got my English essay back.’
‘Oh really? How did you do?’
‘I’ll tell you in a minute.’
Mom tilts her head when she looks at Henry and Trey, who seem to hit it off actually. ‘You chose a good one,’ she tells me. ‘So proud of you, sweetheart.’ Mom wraps her arm around my waist and gives me a kiss. ‘Oh no, mom!’ she yells to grandma Marianne. ‘Wait, don’t carry everything.’ Mom rushes off to the kitchen and I can’t hide my smile.
I’m happy that all these people are my family. From the looks of Trey, he actually is a bit nervous. I walk up to him and my dad and wrap my arm around his hips. He is tense, but wraps his arm around my shoulders. ‘You’re not bugging him, are you, dad?’
‘No, of course not,’ he says, but I cock my eyebrow, causing him to say: ‘Just asking him what he will do with that fifty pound your grandpa gave him.’
Of course my dad noticed that.
He excuses himself, walking up to the barbecue, lifting up Elodie in the process. I look up at Trey and I ask: ‘I thought you said this would be peanuts?’
‘It will be peanuts,’ he tells me. ‘Just have to warm up a bit.’ He smiles, pearly white teeth framed by his full lips. ‘This definitely helps.’
‘Okay, love birds,’ uncle Niki yells, ‘come on. We’re getting ready to eat.’
I feel a blush creep up on my cheeks, but despite that, I still chuckle. He laces his fingers through mine, as we walk to the big table in the backyard under the parasol. ‘I just want to say one thing,’ grandma Marianne says, ‘and that is that I want to thank my son for overfeeding his dog, so he met the greatest veterinarian of all times, who—together with her oldest daughter—brought so much joy and happiness into the family.’
‘Mom, it has been ten years!’ dad says. ‘Please, let it go. I’m not overfeeding Kal anymore.’
It has been an ongoing joke, every time my dad gives Kal a little snack, at least one of the entire Cavill Clan says something along the lines of that we have to hide the other snacks.
‘But anyways,’ grandma says, ‘I am so happy that now we are this big and happy family. It’s all I really wanted.’
Everyone takes a deep breath, because we all realize that it could’ve gone so differently. I clear my throat and say: ‘I got my English essay back and got myself a hundred out of a hundred points.’
‘Shut up!’ uncle Piers says. ‘You got a perfect score? When was the last time something like that happened with us?’
‘None of you boys ever got a perfect score,’ grandpa Colin says. He sometimes can’t remember how to use the remote, what my sisters or my name is, but this he knows.
‘Anyways,’ I say, ‘it does have something to do with what happened ten years ago. I mean, becoming officially a Cavill has been the greatest thing ever. I watched my life do a complete one eighty and though I have to thank my dad for that, there is one woman who absolutely changed my life and is such a wonderful role model for not only me, but also my sisters, that I decided to write my essay about my mom.’
Mom’s eyes widen, before she scrunches up her nose. ‘Why?’
This is such a typical reaction from her, so I cannot stop my laugh. ‘Because mom, you are amazing. Everything that I have, started with you. Everything I understand, I do, I think about, is because of the way you took care of me and raised me. I know that I tell you this a lot, but mom, I love you so so much and everything you did for me, it’s so admirable. I owe so much to you.’
Mom clears her throat. ‘Oh sweetie,’ she mumbles. ‘You don’t owe me anything.’
‘You did so well, mom,’ I whisper. ‘I’m so lucky to have been raised by you.’
She grabs my hand and gives me a loving squeeze. ‘Sweetheart, could you come with me for a second?’
The two of us walk inside of the house, as we hear conversation strike up behind us. The second we are out of sight, she wraps her arms around me. This is what she always does, not wanting to cry in front of the other Cavills, always going to a secluded place. ‘I love you, Vanessa,’ she whispers. ‘I think I’ve done a pretty good job with you.’
I can’t help but laugh. ‘You did an excellent job, mom. You are honestly the biggest power house I’ve ever met.’
‘Could you imagine what would’ve happened if Belle was able to baby sit you?’ mom asks. ‘Because you, my love, charmed yourself a way into your father’s heart.’
I chuckle. ‘I kinda did, didn’t I?’
Mom smiles, as she holds tightly onto my hands. ‘I know you always thank me for giving you the family you always wanted, but remember: if you weren’t so instantly in love with your dad, I don’t know if I had given it a shot to be honest.’
That is such a weird thought, I think to myself. I always stop myself when I want to think about the ‘what ifs’ and my entire family never really brought it up. Maybe when I was younger, but never with me. But what if indeed I were to stay over at Belle’s place, I would’ve never known that Henry was there probably. Imagine the life that we would’ve had. Maybe I had given my biological father Wesley a chance and then I didn’t have my three wonderful sisters.
‘What are you two doing here? Poor Trey is being questioned by Niki, Charlie and grandpa and the old man is not holding back.’ My dad walks in and though he has reached the ripe age of forty eight, he is still the tall and bulked up man that I met in the examination room. He is still the man that loved me like I was his own.
‘Just thanking my daughter for being such a lovely girl, who charmed her way into your heart.’
‘Oh, you sure did,’ dad says with a smile. ‘My lovely sunshine, I love you so much and I can’t believe it’s been more than ten years since I met you and your mom.’ He wraps his arms around us and says: ‘Though I still feel the fear of Kal vomiting on the carpet with blood, I am so grateful that you picked up and the other clinics didn’t.’ He presses a kiss on my mom’s forehead.
‘Dad, when did you realize you were in love with mom?’
‘Well, I told myself that I shouldn’t have a crush on someone that I barely knew,’ dad says, ‘but I can tell you that deep down in my heart I knew that this beautiful woman stole my heart the second she said the seven words that I’ll never forget. Mister Cavill, your dog is kinda fat.’
Bonus instagram posts:
Elodie and Vanessa
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Elodie with Olivia
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Pregnant with twins!
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Pre teen Vanessa showing Henry that he is an actual boomer
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Chloe and Heather
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Vanessa as a teenager
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Elodie as a teenager
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Chloe and Heather as teenagers
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A/N: soooo this is the end of this wonderful story, though I wish this would go on forever. Thank you so much to all the people who have been reading this, leaving lovely comments. Thanks to this story I gained so many new followers. I never expected it to blow up like this haha. Not to self promote but will do anyway, but please check out my other works if you haven’t already (and if you want to of course, I’m not going to force you to read my other fics) and of course I’ll be back with other fun projects, that I obviously will announce like usual 🤗
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Angel From Ymir
Reiner Braun
word count: 1418
summary: Reiner comes across a kitty. kitty decides Reiner is his person. this is Reiner’s written experience.
tw: mentions of depression + ptsd. cute cuddliness and Reiner being adorable.
a/n: cats are cute and well-suited for many lifestyles! but please adopt responsibly and don’t take on a cat unless you’re ready and financially able to do so! please remember: 1) keeping your cat indoors is the ONLY way to prevent them from being hit by a car, stolen, attacked by other animals or exposed to diseases! 2) be careful and do your research and consult your cat’s vet before giving your cat a flea treatment! some brands cause seizures that can kill your cat or shorten their lifespan severely! protecting your cat from fleas and other sicknesses should NEVER cost a cat their life! 3) declawing a cat is NOT taking away their fingernails, it’s taking away their FINGERS! cats need their claws to climb and declawing them is inhibiting them from doing what they were born to do! 4) if a cat can reach it, they can wreck it, and that’s on you, not the cat, and that’s on PERIOD! if you have items that you want to keep safe 100% of the time then keep them AWAY!!! you can’t tell a cat to not be a cat, but you CAN tell YOURSELF to be a responsible cat owner!
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Entry 1 - Monday
I’m not all that sure what I’m doing. Pieck gave me this, and suggested journaling to help me. She said there’s no wrong way to do this but I’ll probably fuck it up like everything else, so here goes. I uh... had a pretty average day today. Full of planning, saluting, groveling to Marleyans while they called me a devil, and pretending like I don’t hate myself and hate existing. I can tell Gabi is worried about me. Nothing out of the ordinary at this point. A cat followed me home, a yellow tabby. Cats are a rare sight nowadays. They were skinny.
Entry 2 - Tuesday
The cat was sitting outside my door when I left today. It rubbed up against my legs when I was locking my door, and made a noise that sounded like a tiny motorcycle. I think it’s called purring. It followed me to work, and it followed me back home again. I feel bad that it’s so skinny.
Entry 3 - Wednesday
I set out food and water for the cat today when I left. Just some sardines I had sitting in my cupboard. The food was finished and the cat was there waiting for me when I got home. It meowed at me until I pet its’ head.
Entry 4 - Saturday
I had a nightmare last night. Not uncommon for me. Today was my day off, and when I woke up in the morning I heard a scratching noise at the door. Turns out it was the cat, because when I opened the door it ran in and sat in my reading chair like it owned the place. I guess it’s here to stay now, because it runs every time I try to grab it, and it’s not really scratching anything up, so... I don’t know. I moved the food and water bowl inside.
Entry 5 - Sunday
Second day off. I spent the day reading. The cat came and napped in my lap. I fell asleep at one point, too. What? The cat was warm. And the sun was shining on us through the window.
Entry 6 - Thursday
I wish we could take afternoon naps at work. The cat followed me to work again. Pieck saw and asked me about it, so I told her what I told you. She said the cat picked me, whatever that means. I’m not really an animal person so I don’t get why. When I got home, there was a dead bird on my doorstep, and the cat was licking its’ chops. Kinda disgusting.
Entry 7 - Friday
Today I woke up to a crow on my doorstep. This cat is crazy. I asked Pieck about it, she said cats bring gifts to their masters. Some gift, if you ask me. Another observation: cats like boxes.
Entry 8 - Sunday
Something peculiar happened. I had a nightmare, but when I woke up, the cat was there kneading on my chest, licking my nose and rubbing their face against mine. They haven’t left my side yet. Literally. When I took a shower they just sat on the toilet seat lid next to it, and every time I’ve sat down today they’ve climbed in my lap and purred really loudly, rubbing their head against my hands when they could. It’s almost like they could sense my unease. It feels... calming. I usually write at the end of the day but the experience made me want to take note.
Entry 9 - Friday
I’ve missed a couple days, to sum them all up: I go to sleep with the cat under the blankets and wake up with them curled up under my armpit or in the crook of my neck. Today they brought me a squirrel. Their presents are getting to be terrifying, but also normal. They brought me a couple rats the past few days, too.
Entry 10 - Monday
I’m getting this heathen a collar. I woke up to them holding a goose twice their size in their mouth, and the poor creature wasn’t even dead. I had to put it out of its’ misery.
Entry 11 - Tuesday
I came home to find the cat napping in my untouched potatoes. I think I’m gonna call him Potato.
Entry 12 - Tuesday
I think the collar worked. Between the bell and his tags jingling, Potato must scare off every animal in sight because he hasn’t caught anything in a week. Or maybe I’m just not seeing it and he’s been eating his catches after my last reaction. He’s been getting a little fat. I’m worried I’m feeding him too much, I’ve been refilling his bowl every time I saw it empty, which is about twice a day. How much do cats normally eat?
Entry 13 - Saturday
Potato’s not acting normal. He’s been meowing a lot, which is cute, but he also hasn’t been moving as much. And he’s been eating even more than he usually does. I just hope he’ll be okay. Cats aren’t usually kept as pets anymore since they’re so scarce, so no veterinarian will take him. They all keep laughing at me when I tell them my problem. Why is it funny to them? They’re being rude and cruel. If anything happens to Potato I don’t know what I’ll do. Potato is my best friend. Even when he steals my dinner from time to time, I don’t get mad at him. I talk to him about my day like he can hear me, and I tell him about the things I’ve experienced and it really feels like he listens, because every time I get to a bad part and start panicking or crying he’s there, helping me calm down. I haven’t had nightmares even half as often anymore and when I do, he’s there on my chest when I wake up, making me feel better. I can’t call out of work to stay with him. I’m worried he might die. If he does, I’m just glad I have these last two days off. So I can say goodbye.
Entry 14 - Wednesday
He’s getting worse. He’s been laying in the same spot in my closet for awhile. I moved his food and water there and brought blankets and his favorite box to make it cozy for him, but I don’t feel like I can do anything.
Entry 15 - Friday
Well... it turns out Potato was a girl. I came home from work today to find her laying with two kittens - a brown tabby and a black one. I’m just glad she’s okay, and trying to not to think about the fact that I now have two more cats that I’ll have to start feeding myself in a couple weeks. Potato’s been back to her normal self, mostly, but she splits her time between me and running to check up on her babies.
Entry 16 - Saturday
A couple weeks have gone by and I’ve been too busy to write, but the kittens are up and running around now. The black one seems very sure footed and confident in her steps, but the brown tabby runs into walls when he gets excited. He’s... kinda stupid. I made sure to actually check their undersides this time instead of just assuming. I’m hoping to find someone who can get them all fixed at some point so I only have to pay to care for the three I have now.
Entry 17 - Sunday
I have never found myself so content. Or maybe just so distracted. I don’t know. The kittens are cute and so soft but they’re also little nuisances, racing around at night and scratching up the inside of the closet door. They’ve bitten through my lamp chord three times now. I didn’t realize damage control was more expensive than the actual care for them. Why can’t they be like their mom?
Entry 18 - Monday
Gabi wants the brown tabby. I’m kind of attached despite his idiocy, but I see the way her eyes light up when she comes over to play with the kittens. He picked her as his and always cuddles with her. He won’t even sit in my lap now. He just wants Gabi.
Entry 19 - Thursday
Gabi took Porkchop home today. She picked out his name and I paid for the collar and tags. Her mom was already cooing to him within the first five minutes of him being there. Letting him go was the right choice.
Entry 20 - Wednesday
Oh god. Potato’s getting fat again. Wish me luck.
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fairymadnessyeah · 3 years
BNHA Ship to Finish the Year
ShishiKoda (Shishida Jurota x Koda Koji)
Before anything, two important things.
Koda is non-binary, pronouns they/them. Also, Koda is selectively deaf.
They only talk with the people who are close to them, with animals, or if they absolutely need to.
I believe that there are a lot of types of heroes, there are daytime heroes, underground heroes, infiltration heroes, etc.
And one of those types, that is rather new, is the eco-hero. They are heroes who, apart from fighting against crime, they also fight for the planet and the animals.
Both Shishida and Koda are Eco-heroes.
I feel like they would start working on the same agency at first, being desk mates.
Koda is selectively deaf, so they communicate with sign language. But not everybody knows, so Shishida translates and gives out the number of a good ASL teacher.
It makes them grow closer, and that is how they start branching out towards the Eco-heroics.
They find an agency that works kind of like Greenpeace having mission out in the world to help with the environment.
They first start local, their first missions aren't even together. Koda is sent to a zoo protest, and Shishida to a stop a deforestation.
They do have to re-study some laws for this job though. UA might be a great school, but they can't teach you everything.
They study together, with Shishida making the coffee and Koda bringing some of the cakes their roommate Satou bakes.
Satou, who is very protective of his roommate and friend Koda, notices that something is going on. But when he asks about it, Koda shrugs it off with pink cheeks.
Shishida doesn't have any roommates, but he still hangs out with his friends from class B. I imagine one day, they drop by uninvited and interrupt one of their study hang out. 
Koda understands and leaves, but the class B boys can feel the sparks in the air.
They tease him non-stop about it, while Shishida tries to deny it.
"Somebody got a crush~," "No, I don't,"
"I bet you want to take them out to that new restaurant you were talking about," "As friends,"
"You should ask them out! They looked ready to pick up what you were giving," "I won't,"
"You are afraid they'll say no and then don't talk to you again, aren't you?" "Terrified,"
Shishida would ask Koda out, but they are so shy that he is afraid that if he does, the relationship they have been building up will crumble.
But that's okay, Shishida can wait.
They keep working and hanging out together, and then one day, they are put on a mission together. This mission takes place in the Amazon, on Brazil.
The two need to travel, and while they are there, Shishida asks Koda out.
They say yes, and when they go back to Japan, they make it official and become the significant other of one another.
I like thinking that Satou starts acting like a protective big brother to Koda and glares at Shishida when he comes to pick him up for dates.
Koda is the only child of a single mother. She doesn't have a name yet, but I think she is a like a 50's mom.
She bakes cookies, she dances to the music of the radio, and leaves lipstick marks on your cheeks when she kisses you.
I also love the idea that no matter who you are, no matter what you are doing, you are going to get greeted with a bear hug by Koda's mom. 
Shishida was not ready. I also like the idea that Shishida has a bun on for the first meeting. He would look so dapper in one.
I also think he would use his strength as a good selling point. Oh, Miss Koda's earing fell under the dishwasher? No worries, Shishida will lift it with his bare hands and place it back where it was once she got it.
I have no ideas as to who Shishida's parents could be, but one thing is for sure, Koda wants to crawl under their bed and stay there until the night passes.
They are a mess and get anxious thinking about it. On the drive there, Koda's mind conjures situation after situation, and how bad and disastrously are all going to end up.
Of course, nothing like that happens.
Shishida's parents are nice and know sign language, so they can communicate no problem.
I don't think they would have kids, but I kind of seeing them moving from the big city and settling in a small village with a giant lot where they rescue animals.
They are some of the only heroes around the small town, along with a few others, and nothing much happens. 
But considering the hectic years they spent as heroes and as students, a nice, quiet town seems like a good option.
When Koda moved out of the apartment, Satou cries and hugs him, while saying that he'll miss them. It's a sad day, but they keep in contact.
Also, their house is so big that both classes come for reunions, and they are even able to bring their kids. 
They have a rehabilitation program, but some of the animals they rescued aren't able to go back to the wild, so they have a few rescued pets.
They have a fox, who ended up blind after getting caught in a trap. His name is Red, and it likes to scare their mailman by screaming at him. Have you ever heard a fox? It's crazy AF!
They also have an owl inside the house. It was hit by a moving car, and it damaged its wing, making it unable to fly. Its name is Big eyes, and sometimes it chills with Shishida in the library.
They also have a wild horse on the back. They called it Hone, in dedication to Honenuki because when the Hone smiles, which it does a lot, its smile looks like their ex-classmate.
Hone was rescued from a circus, and is now living a retirement on their home.
AU - Tarzan AU
So, you might read Tarzan AU, and think:
"Well, Shishida could make a good Tarzan. He is wild, hairy, curious, and kind of look likes bigfoot when he uses his quirk. It makes sense that he would be Tarzan,"
But you are wrong. This is a different Tarzan AU.
For once, it happens in the woods instead of the jungle. So our Tarzan is closer to civilization than the classic.
Koda was just a small three-year-old when, on a camping trip, their parents died. They were crossing a stream when the bridge broke, and they feel into the river. Their parents drown and died of hypothermia, but Koda somehow survived.
They were taken care of by the animals. Because, yes, they speak in this AU, but only Koda can understand them.
Koda lives like a cryptid, and becomes an urban legend of the woods. They are known as the creature-man. Many go into the woods to get a peak or a capture them on a picture.
The people know them to be a generous being. If you get lost in the woods, they will guide you back home. If you get hurt, you may find yourself healed by the next morning.
Shishida is new in town, recently graduated from college and has a psychology degree.
He doesn't believe in the existence of creature-man, and thinks it's just a tourist attraction. 
The rest of the town tries to convince him, but he is a stubborn one.
But one day, a couple of his friends invite him on a hike on the woods. They are hoping that with this trip, he might start believing in Creature-man.
The storm catches them by surprise. It comes out of nowhere, and it makes Shishida slip and roll down a hill. He hits his head on and blacks out, but when he wakes up, he is not alone.
Koda found him and started taking care of him. Shishida had a concussion and a broken arm, so Koda couldn't take him back out of the forest.
Shishida, now an absolute believer of Creature-man, takes them to his home, to re-introduce them to society.
He starts by cleaning them and dressing them, but it's not as easy as he believed it would be. Koda is afraid of everything, and knows nothing of the world.
Shishida doesn't tell the rest of the town about having their cryptid creature on his home. He knows that they will freak out and want to see him, and that could overwhelm Koda.
But one day, Koda freaks out, and runs back to the forest. The whole town finds out, and questions Shishida.
He explains that Koda, is not a creature, but a person who grew up in the woods and was not introduced into society.
The people decide to leave Koda alone, but Shishida feels a deep conection with them. He feels responsable for them, and doesn't want to see them hurt.
He visits them daily, and starts writing a psychology book on them.
Fanon Opinion
I can't see Koda having sex.
I just can't. Maybe it's their shy demeanour, their muteness or the way they look, but I can't see it.
I think I might headcanon them as asexual to much for me to picture him in sexual acts.
I think this is a cute couple, but it's very cracky.
There is no content for them. No pictures, nothing written, there isn't even a ship name.
I think that whoever requested these two, took somebody from class A and then somebody from class B that is not that known, and paired them together.
They have only one interaction, when they faced against each other on the A vs B battle. 
But, weirdly enough, they make sense together.
They are the personification of looks like they could kill you, but it's a cinnamon roll x looks like a cinnamon roll, and it's a cinnamon roll.
If there ever is a veterinarian x librarian AU, they would be perfect for it.
Like, Koda is super sweet and shy, and Shishida is a gentleman, who dresses in suits.
 I think they also make sense to me due to their quirks. 
Shishida looks like an animal when he is all big and hairy, and Koda can talk to animals.
It's a weird ship, however.
But it definitely deserves more love.
It's also not that impossible to happen. They are the same age, they go to the same school, they are in the same career, same side.
I know this is short, but there is nothing to go on with this couple.
It's a background character with an even less important character.
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riceballcatfb · 4 years
My Wildest Dreams
Song used for inspiration: “Wildest Dreams” by Ron Pope Rating: K+ ***WARNING: major, major manga spoilers! Read at your own risk!***
"I've been waiting all my life
for some reason that I never could describe.
You're not quite what I pictured you would be;
you're better than my wildest dreams."
According to her grandfather, when Tohru was little, she told everyone she wanted to be a veterinarian when she grew up. She wanted to save lots of animals, particularly cats. She dreamed of marrying a Prince Charming and having a house full of kids. She said her mom would be the best grandmother.
As she grew, those dreams shrank.
When she was old enough to truly understand the impact her father's death had had on the household finances, she quickly realized that college would not be an option. She and her mother were comfortable enough, but guilt ate away at Tohru whenever she thought about how hard Kyoko worked to keep them afloat. So she decided she would start working right after high school graduation, and take care of her mom for a change. Marriage and kids someday would be nice, yes, but they weren't a priority like they seemed to be when she was a little girl daydreaming about the future.
Then her mom died.
The dream of working hard after high school, buying her mom a nice house and taking care of her for the rest of her life crumbled away.
And she was left with nothing.
Not only did Tohru have no particular dreams or goals for the future anymore, but she also realized she had no sense of identity. She had lived her entire life up to that point doing whatever she thought would make her mother happy. Whatever would keep her mom alive in the years following her father's death.
She started to question everything.
Was she actually extremely polite? Or was it just because she'd adopted her father's personality in a desperate attempt to keep some part of him alive? How would she talk if she hadn't done that in the first place?
Was her favorite color actually pink? Or did she just say that because her mother used to say that "pink was for Tohru"?
Did she still actually want to work right after high school?
Did she actually want to even keep going to high school at all?
Did she actually want to keep living?
And then there was him.
Kyo didn't change everything overnight, of course. He wasn't capable of something like that. He wasn't a superhero. Really, he wasn't even a Prince Charming, exactly (though he was incredibly attractive, it was hard to refer to him as a prince when he had been screaming at her constantly in the months following their first meeting).
But something about him felt like home. When he was around, something inside her started to thaw. She figured out eventually that it was her heart. He made her feel again.
At some point, she started seeking him out when she entered a crowded room. She started getting goosebumps whenever he said her name. An indescribable fire was lit within her belly whenever he touched her or got near her. Thoughts that he was "conventionally attractive" changed to an almost-obsession; she loved everything about him. His rough hands, his broad and toned shoulders, his sharp jawline and the slight orange stubble that would sit on it when he hadn't shaved for a couple days. And God forbid he ever walked around the house without a shirt on.
It was terrifying. Absolutely, positively horrifying.
So, naturally, Tohru tried to deny it.
She didn't love him. She couldn't.
But she did. She knew that.
So she pushed the blame off on her mother. Falling in love with Kyo, with anyone would mean taking attention from her mother. It simply wasn't worth it. It would be a dishonor to her mom's memory. That excuse worked for a while.
But one day, Shigure had asked her a peculiar question. It was only a few words. He never even finished it.
"Do you want to save Kyo? Do you love…?"
The feeling that washed over her in that moment was devastating. A sense of realization had never hit her so hard before. Yes, she did want to save Kyo. Yes, she did love Kyo. There was nothing she could do about it. There was no way to deny it anymore--if other people were noticing, she was doing a lousy job hiding it, anyway, and was clearly in too deep.
She knew, then, that she needed to tell him. It was a burning desire, one that was so intense it left her knees weak and with stars in her vision when Kyo had approached her later that day.
Brave. She needed to be brave.
But she couldn't. The words sat on her tongue, heavy and made bitter by her fear of rejection, her fear of losing him.
So she stayed quiet. Staying quiet was always the safer option.
Nothing gained, but nothing lost, either.
She'd stayed quiet until that night in the rain, when he confessed. When he told her he fell in love with her by accident, that he was there when her mom passed, that he wished he had died that day instead of Kyoko.
That was when she finally let her words pour out. Her voice was wobbly, almost drowned out by the thrum of the rain on the ground. But she said it. She said everything she had been bottling up.
She loved him. She wanted to be with him.
And then he left.
Tohru gasped for air, springing up in bed.
Dream. It was just a dream.
But that realization didn't stop her palms from sweating or her entire body from trembling in distress.
She ran her fingers over the bandages she still wore from the hospital. Even though those disjointed thoughts had only been a dream...just hours ago, she hadn't known whether or not Kyo really loved her in return. Just hours ago, that dream had been her reality.
Tohru drew her legs up to her chest, resting her forehead on her knees. She took deep breaths in an attempt to calm her heartbeat. But after a moment, she felt her shoulders tremble, and she released her breath in a sob. She hugged her legs tightly, mentally scolding herself for being so childish, so weak.
It was just a dream.
Before she really even knew what was happening, her feet were carrying her out of her room and down the hall. Her knuckles were rapping against his door.
"Tohru?" he whispered once he saw her. "It's late. Wait, wh-what's wrong?!"
Tohru rubbed at her damp cheeks, desperately trying to pull herself together as she whimpered. Kyo glanced nervously toward Yuki's door before pulling her into his room. There, she sobbed and cried freely. She couldn't help it. She needed him.
He held her. He stroked her hair, pressed kisses to her temples. He didn't even know what was wrong, but he let her cling to him anyway.
Once she'd settled down, she nuzzled her face against his chest and stammered, voice hoarse, "I dreamt...you were...you left again."
She felt him tense for a moment before sighing and tightening his grip on her.
"I'm sorry," he whispered back.
"Promise me…please..." she trailed off, a fresh sob hitching in her throat. He knew what she meant.
"Never again. I promise, Tohru. Never."
She nodded, her anxiety quelled a bit by his response.
"Come lie with me," Kyo told her, tugging her hand until they were positioned on his futon, facing each other. He played with her hair as she started to doze off.
No, he hadn't started out as a Prince Charming. He'd started out crude and harsh. Somewhere along the line, that deceptive anger had turned into endless affection for her. Soft touches and glances, kind words. And now, tight cuddles and languid kisses.
He was her knight in shining armor now. He was kind, smart, handsome, and so very in love with her. He was her biggest supporter, the person she could run to when she was scared. He was her best friend, the love of her life.
He was everything.
He was better than anything she could have dreamt up. 
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26872003
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tsukikoayanosuke · 4 years
Behind the Fic: How To - Research Ortho (feat. Idia and Various Others)
Reading Ortho cards for research purpose and I learn some things: 
Ortho Archetype Gear (School Uniform)
I don't know why I really like the fact Crowley appeared here. I think he's growing onto me...
Lucius and Crowley are mortal enemies. I guess this might be a reason why Crowley whipped Hrim without hesitation.
Ortho is good with animals. When he grows/build up, he should work as a veterinarian or at an animal shelter.
Ortho split the tree because he wants to get Lucius down. Okay. This is pretty funny. But maybe Ortho doesn't know how much power Idia had installed in him?
Ortho Athletic Gear (PE Uniform)
Okay. So all this time Ortho can fly? So he has a thruster under his feet or does it come from his back like a jet pack? And does this mean he only has a half body, no legs, or just missing everything below the knew before this story?
Floyd and Jade are sneakers Experts. Yes... (probably related to Jade's personal story)
Floyd and Jade threatening Idia to make Ortho a leg. I don't know why this is so funny
Ortho Chats
Idia's hair can change when he's angry. Does that mean his hair will also change when he overblot?
Ignihyde is the dorm for gamers. Ortho confirms it.
I think it's just really interesting how Ortho was programmed to do many things. Rocket thrusters, voice recording, changing color hair, vital scanner, gear for every occasion...
Ortho Precision Gear (Lab Coat)
Idia is a mechanic
But in all seriousness, what is a magical wheel that Deuce is obsessedof? An ATV? For some reason, I keep thinking that it's a giant hamster ball
Idia is... I wouldn't call that he's paranoid, but for some reason, he reminds me of Post!Avengers-1 Tony Stark. Like Tony who kept on building his suit and even created Ultron because he's terrified of aliens, Idia installing every equipment and as much knowledge as he can to Ortho as if he's terrified that something might happen to Ortho again.
Ortho Burst Gear (Ceremonial Robe)
Grim and MC appeared here
This is the first time Ortho meets Grim and MC, so this story might take place during the first year. This will probably change during Ignihyde Arc.
This story might take place before and in-between Idia's Ceremonial Robe, because Malleus and Vil also appeared like in Idia's which lead me to another question. The timeline of each card. For these two cards, some other cards might be connected, which made me wonder when all of these take place. These cards might take place in the same year as Canon game.
First of all, the sibling interaction. A+, though there are some bumps in the way. Second of all, I was not expecting more things about Idia and his genius and, holy cow, he really reminds me of Tony Stark. Reading these I’m actually really surprised. This could lead to an Iron Man plot or Fullmetal Alchemist reference. I’m actually worried that something might happen to Ortho despite all of his advanced gears that will lead Idia to overblot.
Personal Headcanon:
Okay, we all know that Idia is a genius mechanic/gamer and he’s the one who builds Ortho cool robot body and all its upgrade. This, however, kinda terrify me. What actually happened to Ortho that lead to Idia rebuilt him again? From Idia’s cards, we know that the Shroud family is a noble family, which means, they would have enough money to provide for Idia to do his mad doctor mechanic stuff and gaming room. I’m guessing that one day, one of Idia’s experiments lead to Ortho near-death experience and resulting in Ortho nearly losing nearly all parts of his body. Idia, filled with regret, rebuilt him and decided to add various more upgrades, just to keep Ortho safe and so nothing can kill him again. 
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drferox · 4 years
Acceptance of non-conformity
@octarine-ash said to @ask-drferox: Hello! I'm (hopefully) graduating from vet school in Qld at the end of the year. As a queer person who hasn't been widely out at uni, I have a whole bunch of extra anxiety on top of my huge pile of general new grad anxiety. I know you've been asked for similar advice before, but I'm wondering if you'd share any tips you might have for finding a clinic that will feel safe and supportive? Have you found different areas to be more/less tolerant of things like gender nonconformity? I will absolutely be getting tf out of Qld and a big part of me wants to run straight to inner Sydney/Melbourne, but I like large animal work and I'm very scared of narrowing my career options too much. Do you know how realistic it is to get back into mixed work after doing smallies as new grad? What about if I did an honours research year or something? Do you have any experience working in 'compromise' practices  that are just outside cities and do a bit of hobby farm work?  How can I call out bigotry from my colleagues or clients? I want to try lots of different types of vet work and probably work overseas soon after graduating - what would you say is the minimum reasonable period to stay in a job as a recent grad? Big apologies for the absolute bombardment with questions!!! Thank you so much for your blog, even with lots of vets around irl it's still a very valuable resource and incredibly motivating. I appreciate the work you put into it a huge amount.
If you want mixed animal work, i would absolutely get ‘tf’ out of Queensland too, with Hendra being on my mind.
I will straight up say Australian Rainbow Vets and Allies is probably an excellent resource for you. You can find them on Facebook, and Kate has been pretty helpful any time she gets a spare minute. Definitely check them out. You might even figure out if anyone is hiring, or find a mentor.
I feel like it’s very difficult to get back into mixed work after working smallies for a while. The job you have in your first two years will help cement your skills, and if you narrow yourself too quickly it’s really hard to get back. Doable, I know it gets done, but difficult. I started in mostly smallies with hobby farms and occasional large animal enterprises, and found it wasn’t quite enough experience to do production animals super well on an industrial scale, but it did help me figure out what I wanted to do. The large animal work tends to be more basic in that scenario, as a lot of hobby farmers genuinely have little idea of what they’re doing and nutritional issues are common. You’ll probably figure out what you really want from a job in the first 18 months to 2 years, but some new grads only stay for the first 6 months, and that’s fine too.
Onto the more complex topic of finding somewhere safe, supportive and tolerant, and how to call out bigotry.
Some clinics are very distinctly open and supportive of the LGBTQIA+ community, especially when one of the owners falls under that umbrella themselves. But there are also a lot of clinics which are quietly or less extroverted about their support.
Quite a lot of people in my generation, when someone comes out, have a reaction along the lines of ‘oh yes, that makes sense in hindsight’. In older generations there seems to be a lot of ‘so, how does that work? What does that mean?’ but not malice as such, just not necessarily confronted by the idea before.
I’ve worked at practices where people have come out of the closet, and been very stressed about doing so, and it really turned out to be a non-event.
There is a particularly rough style of Aussie humor though, which you probably know by now but can catch some people off guard. It’s a little rough and dismissive but in a joking way. For example, one woman was terrified about how the boss would react when he found out she was a lesbian. All he did was give her a cheeky nudge and say “well you’re not going to get pregnant then” and made sure she had a +1 on her Xmas party invite. End of discussion.
In fact, there’s probably a lot of practice owners who just don’t care about someone’s identity or orientation, including rurally where they’re just glad to find someone who will do the work.
That said, there are some places, some of which I’ve been as a student, which set off warning bells that the culture there might not be all that welcoming or tolerant. And there are hints that, even without discussing it, there are places that are more open to new ideas and accepting of diversity.
Some good signs:
Diversity in the staff. There’s not always an obvious sign that someone belongs to the LGBTQIA+ community, but diversity in race and body types is hard to hide. If a clinic is employing some types of minorities, they’re more likely to be accepting of others.
Tattoos. You can infer some information about people by their tattoos, and as long as they’re not something like white supremacist symbols, they’re a good indicator that the clinic and community is more likely to be accepting of diversity. Normally I would say the same for piercings, but not all piercings are appropriate for a vet clinic so it might not be apparent.
They/them pronouns on the ‘about the staff’ page. Subtle, but if you see one generally a good sign.
Generally once you have some diversity in to break the ice, other types of diversity are likely to go down well.
Rabidly hateful google reviewers who have also left positive reviews for other people critical of, for example, same sex marriage. Suggests the clinic has done something right, or employed at least one LGBTQIA+ person.
Some potentially suspicious signs:
All the employed staff look the same. Might be a coincidence if all the employed staff are tall, blonde women with the same two haircuts, but it also might not be.
Always, always advertising at least one position.
Employers that say you are obliged to wear make up.
In short, the more diversity you can see within the staff, the more accepting the clinic is likely to be of diversity in general. The more conformity you see, the more conformity is likely to be expected. I picked my first job by spotting two staff members and thinking I could turn out like either one of them, and I was happy with that. Seeing a workplace that employs multiple women over 30 years old, about the time when your tolerance for garbage decreases, was encouraging.
Calling out bigotry from clients is easier if you know the clinic will support you. A simple “That’s not acceptable sir/madam” will often cut them off, sometimes followed up by a “That’s not up for discussion, it is unacceptable.” If need be, you can also use “I suggest you see a different veterinarian in the future,” if they are particularly noxious. Once you call them out, most of the bad ones will avoid you so you can get on with your life.
Calling out colleagues is harder and takes a lot more patience. You might not feel secure enough to call them out as such, but a quieter chat along the lines of ‘hey, this was hurtful because X, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t.’ That makes it personal, still semi-private as you haven’t embarrassed them in front of other people and it gives them a simplified choice to either consider changing their mind, or at least keep their mouth shut versus being a deliberate asshole. Best to assume ignorance before malice.
The future might look intimidating, but you’re going to wrangle it anyway.
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kunrendeotaku · 3 years
Chapter 16
I lead us towards Fergusson’s room, figuring his parents would be busy in the kitchen for a while after their customary weird greeting. I used to not bother knocking on my friends door when I walked in, but after a rather terrifying experience that I’m doing my best to forget from last year, I’ve changed my ways.
A couple taps on his door later and I see a thin guy with a curly jew-fro and thick glasses pull it open, “Marco! And random girl I don’t know! Ferguson, we’ve got company.” Alfonzo moves out of the doorway to open up the pathway into Ferguson’s room. I find myself wondering how Star will think of seeing the room of a teenage boy from Earth for the first time, as most people don’t have the same religious devotion to cleanliness as I do.
“Wha? Isn’t that the girl who almost burned down the school?” An overweight redhead with bright green eyes glances up at us from where he currently sits flopped on a bean bag, game controller in hand. Both of my friends are dressed rather casually in sweat pants and t-shirts, Alfonzo’s much too large for him. Is he borrowing some of Ferguson’s stuff again? The room itself is casually decorated with posters referencing various games and movies, and liberally coated in trash, old food, and dirty clothes. Smells about like you’d expect from a fourteen year old boy’s room.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Star claims innocently, widening her eyes. I had no idea she was half that good an actor. Either she really doesn’t remember, or she’s had a criminal amount of practice claiming to be innocent of her ill deeds. I think both possibilities are about equally likely.
“I’m just glad it apparently ended with only ‘almost’. This is Star Butterfly, the new exchange student. She’s from Mewni, which is uh. Apparently a different dimension. Go figure, we aren’t alone in the universe after all.” I shrug, realizing why Star tends to cast a big spell whenever she does her introductions. The claim is more than a little bit impossible to believe without seeing it with your own two eyes. Honestly, I’ve been so caught up in the craziness that is my life with her that I haven’t really adjusted my worldview to realize how much bigger everything really is. Who knows how many dimensions there are? How many have sentient life, or things we couldn’t even comprehend?
Ferguson struggles up to his feet in what I’m sure he thinks of as a graceful maneuver, before swaggering over to me. He leans an elbow on my shoulder with a confident smirk, “Marco Diaz, my man. Serving up a hottie on a platter for me, right here in my room? I knew there was a reason we’re friends.” Completely ignoring anything outside of the fantasy world he lives in, as usual. He’s a great guy, but I swear he’s even crazier than his parents. Star doesn’t seem to know what to make of the round red-head’s ridiculously forward nature. Honestly, I think she’s still trying to come to grips with how this kid had managed to come from his overwhelmingly attractive parents.
“Ferguson O’durguson, sweet cheeks. I’m into foreign chicks. Where’re you from again? Like, past New York?” Alfonzo wrings his hands behind his much wider friend, clearly worried that the redhead is going to get himself slapped again. At least ‘Casanova’ here isn’t using his sharpied on stomach face trick yet, most of the time he starts with that one.
“I’m the Crown Princess of the Butterfly kingdom! And you aren’t exactly my type, sorry. Wait-” Star squints at Ferguson, taking this whole thing much better than I expected. Maybe she’s already pretty experienced with dating, or something? She comes off as immature as hell, but I really don’t know much about Star yet, “Maybe with a stache?” Her wand snaps up and flashes a pink beam at Ferguson’s face. The spell resolves itself into a truly impressive red mustache wider than the rest of his face with twirled up tips. “Nope! Sorry, better luck hitting on the next princess you find.”
Both of my human friends stare with wide eyes at Star, who descends into a giggling fit. The first glimpse of real magic is always a shock, as you come to slowly realize that you aren’t dealing with just a crazy girl lost in her own imagination. You’re dealing with a magic princess, who happens to also be both crazy and often last in their own imagination. Alfonzo reaches around Ferguson to tug at his mustache, and both of them yelp when they simultaneously realize that it's real.
I disengage from the trio as they begin bombarding Star with the standard nerdy questions a teenage boy might ask a magic user upon finding out that it’s real. What her world is like, are elves real, can they learn magic, can he keep the mustache, you get the picture. I busy myself with some desperately needed cleanup while they manage their introductions, Alfonzo eventually getting around to explaining that his father is a very very busy Veterinarian. He tends to stay with Ferguson rather than sitting around an empty home.
Once I have the room in a livable state, I begin setting up a game for us. You might think I would feel used, cleaning up someone else’s room and doing all the prep work for us to have fun. The thing is, I’ve never once been asked to do anything for Ferguson but I literally can’t help myself sometimes. He’s just such a slob now and again, organizing chaos is writ into my bones. And what kind of friend would I be if I didn’t plan out something we could all enjoy getting to know each other with? They might never notice how I smooth things along, but it’ll never stop me from doing so.
“Hey, kids. I’ve got zombies set up. Who wants to see how many rounds we can go?” I call over to the trio of excited teens still standing around the doorway. Each of us has a beanbag and game controller set out, the game ready to start on the television with a press of a button. Ferguson was kind enough to always keep a spare bean bag for any exchange students I brought along, after getting a set for the rest of us.
Star gasps, her eyes sparkling, “Soft chairs!” she makes a face first dive onto the one clearly set for me by its maroon color. I don’t really blame her for ignoring the bland grey exchange student one, but it still stings to have my seat taken! Ferguson thumps back onto his prison jumpsuit orange bag, while Alfonzo delicately folds his legs under himself before taking a seat on his beige bag o’ beans.
“C’mon Star, that one was mine.” I whine a little, before obediently taking the bland leftover. At least it's still super comfy, as they all are. Star only wiggles around on the bag in answer, happily exploring the brand new feeling. I wonder how a medieval age person would react to sitting on a beanbag for the first time? Maybe a normal person might even panic a bit, but Star reacts to the new experience as she always does-with joy and excitement at the new challenge.
Once she masters sitting up straight on her chair, we move onto the next exceptionally difficult task. The following few hours consist of all three of us Earthlings doing our damndest to teach Star how to play videogames, primarily the zombie killing multiplayer game we tend to prefer. It doesn’t go that well, unfortunately. While she loves the idea of the game with a passion even I wasn’t expecting, she’d never before even seen a gun, much less a video game controller. There was a lot to go over. Shockingly, she seemed to remember all of it with a burning zeal that I can only attribute to her monster slaying side. I imagine a few more study sessions like that one, and she’ll be ready for actually playing.
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