#one piece lgbtq+
onepiecefvcker · 9 months
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Different One Piece men with ftm top surgery scars ✨
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moskafleurart · 23 days
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"Something has happened in the paint tonight and it is worth keeping. It’s nothing like I thought it would be and closer to what I meant"
-Richard Siken
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If you like this piece and would like merch of it, find it on REDBUBBLE! Find it on twitter and Instagram!
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cheesymation · 8 months
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Somebody has probably made this joke before
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mysticalfg · 8 months
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Sometimes the past rears its ugly head and u need a lil huggie from your rival who is definitely not your boyfriend
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v14gr4xf4llsx · 5 months
writing this as of: july 19th 2024
deadline: october 1st 2024
i need as many people as possible to blaze this to help me reach more people who can help
after some more research ive come to the conclusion that the correct bill id is hb164
that being said i need everyone who sees this to please email the following orgs listed to try and get it sued and shot down
i need this to be done IN MASS
please i need your help in saving alabama from internet censorship
what i will say is that the person who informed me of this bill months ago never specified the bill id and only specified the date it will take effect
when questioned what the bill id was they simply said they didnt know which i find suspicious considering that they knew only the date and not the id aswell which is the most important info i should be knowing
as you all know by now i live in alabama
well i need your help in getting an age verification bill that just passed here and will take effect october 1st 2024
the bill id is hb164
despite this allegedly only targetting porn sites my state is incredibly fascist and incredibly bigotted
meaning that they can and very well could target sites that are not porn sites such as twitter tumblr and instagram and if they do those platforms will geoblock alabama as they cannot change tos and community guidelines for just one state
this bill could also target any content online that is dubbed 'harmful to minors' which can and most likely will target (including but not limited to) queer content sexual health/ex content and content about abuse mental illness or addiction
i need your help getting it sued qnd shot down so i dont lose everything i have left
the internet is my only safe space and the only way i can talk to my bf (aka the single thing keeping me alive atm)
PLEASE help me out
this is a link to a thread of resources i made on my twitter
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if you dont have twitter then i recommend emailing atleast one of the following orgs
i highly recommend emailing aclu of alabama out of all of them
aclu of alabama: [email protected]
other orgs you can contact:
fight for the future: [email protected]
(ending disclaimer: this was my kosa announcement; however as it was no longer relevant ive changed it to more important stuff; instead of deleting it i decided to use the boost it already had to spread this message farther)
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kakushino · 10 months
Yall, I was so confused getting a package today but I had to open it-
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Framed the end cards and one of the poem cards because nghhhhh it's so good. I can't wait to play with them 🥹🧡
Thank you so much @prideknights
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whoishotteranimepolls · 3 months
"Who's Hotter?" Pride Month Event: Canon vs Fanon LGBTQ+ Characters
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super-nowa-art · 11 months
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real footage of sanji having both a sexuality AND gender identity crisis on wano
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Yorki and ‘His Illness’;
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Oda really knew how to drive the knife in when it comes to the story of Yorki and his crew, man…
From the choice of scenes before we get to see the bed-ridden body to the actual real world equivalents, its really rough on the heart.
What we knew about Yorki, from the scenes right before the announcement of his illness getting worse, is both his confidence and his strength.
The scene we get to see is his crew surrounding his brand new bounty, Yorki cheering and proudly proclaiming his joy for it. We see the great swaft of muscles on him, his chest fully exposed and his hair bright and fluffy along his shoulders. His face is clear, his arms fill out his coat, which is important later on, and he holds such a pride that he reminds me quite a lot of Luffy. We see him break up fights, offering advice to his men and we see him joking and drinking alongside his caring crew… and Brook. Brook is always by his side, during the mornings when he brushes his teeth, to the night when they drink side by side. They’re always together.
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[ buff pirate cowboy! ] Until they’re not. Now comes the topic that may be a bit rough, the real life equivalent of what we see Yorki suffering from. I'll list the symptoms and y’all can make what assumptions you wish, and again, I’m not truthfully claiming its any REAL ILLNESS, but I mean simply it is inspired by, acting the same and such. We see a cold compress, so it’s bothering his body temperature. We see sunlit windows, open to the fresh air as if that could help. We see spotting across his face, and hands; small wounds, growing in number. We see his hair, like a mock halo loosely scattered across the pillow he lays in, and it’s stringy now, not glossy or kept. His mouth his covered by a mask, so they believe its airborne/touch. These sound to me, a lot like a certain sickness, one passed by blood which is interesting given the scenes we see before this are Yorki and the members who now are sick, sword fighting with a rival crew. It’s also notable this sickness, and spots of this illness do not show up until the few month mark. Brook would have had to watch he changes wrack his body. Yorki, would have had to watch the changes wrack his body. The doctor states he's unsure what it is, perhaps the plague, but is treating it best he can, as what he believes it to be is unknown. But knowing what we do on old methods of that certain sickness, it would make sense. The mask helps, the spit and body fluids being a factor, but the idea of sunlight and fresh air helping is an olden falsehood. The men come into the room, and Yorki speaks to them through horse coughs, offering words of encouragement and laughing through the mask as they shuffle out. They know the truth of this serious matter, and Yorki does too. They leave, each crying their hearts out for perhaps they did not realize the truthful change until that moment. Brook certainly looks perturbed, staring blankly ahead at the bed. Note, most do not get too close to the bed, standing feet away, and not touching Yorki.
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What a physical change from the man we saw before. But not too much mentally… or has it. He has a mask, mentally and physically still up; he gives them hope, tries, but… they see through it after months of his brushing off of the sickness perhaps.
After everyone leaves, Brook remains to stand, away from the bed until called. Called. Yorki calls to him, stating his name as he always did. “Brook.” “Yes.” And Brook comes closer, but not quite to the bedside, staring ahead with a blank expression. Than Yorki leans over, and grabs his hand, and in a flash of a moment Oda CHOSE for us to see, Brook looks disgusted. He grimences, brow furrowing at the wounded hand that touches him, but than we see what he sees lying in the bed; a weeping, broken husk. Yorki has begun to weep, sobbing as his confident facade is broken and melted away in front of his Vice-Captian. And Brook melts too, dropping to his knees and forgetting all of these ideas of illness, tossing any safety away for his crew and himself just to make Yorki feel seen, or perhaps because of his own need to love his dying partner. He clutches Yorki’s hand, and now we see the true damage the illness has done; Yorki’s wrist is thinner than Brooks. His arm is gaunt, and we see the bone. He is withering away, has been for months it seems, but Yorki always was good at excusing it with a confident smile. But now, in the bed, unable to stand and wracked and eaten away by something we can only claim perhaps as some blood related illness, he weeps before his partner. “Brook-” “YES? My Captain?” “Give them HOPE.”
I’ll just include the rest of the scene here for your own enjoyment.
I could dive into the fact that Brook believes he failed those words, or the fact the crew did not just die of poison, and their deaths were so gruesome the anime had to censor it. The fact Brook continues to “give the crew hope…” or the way he mentions he may not have made it out of the triangle alive.
However! That is for another day.
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greenpawsus · 6 months
When I came out as asexual
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moskafleurart · 12 days
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Imagine a room, a sudden glow.
He's just realised he's going to miss him.
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Merch? RedBubble
Find me on instagram and Twitter!
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originofwest · 6 months
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pov you’re at one of brook’s rock concerts
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remiisthenames-blog · 6 months
If you're staring at me now, there's no need to be embarrassed. It just means you're interested ❣️👄
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ordordordordord · 11 months
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mommylisablog · 3 days
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Come be with me forever 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈😍
Add up and reblog if you're a lover of trans girls
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