#only because it was associated with femininity
I wish I could be agender the way Murderbot is agender. Right down to the lack of biological sexual characteristics. So agender that the term agender comes with too much associated gender to accurately apply. You know what I mean?
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maddy-ferguson · 4 months
i think the reframing of girls disliking pink and other stereotypically feminine things as internalized misogyny that you should overcome by the time you're an adult woman is an immense feminist loss
#retrospectively...#and like i say: brf slt#like when you think about it. the needing to overcome it. that's crazy?😭 because in the end what are you ACTUALLY encouraging#do i think a lot of girls reject pink at some point growing up in part because it's associated with girls and girls and by extension things#associated with girls are seen as inferior yes...but i think that's kind of a superficial analysis? like maybe it's not just bc we hate#being girls it might also be because liking pink and whatever else is FORCED upon us. and pink itself isnt a big issue its a harmless color#but when you apply that logic to other big things women are encouraged to do...i dont KNOW but SOMEHOW we've come right back to women being#encouraged to like pink and makeup because if they don't they're antifeminists and 'not a girl's girl'? 😭#i want you to know that as i'm writing this i'm wearing a skirt and tights with hearts on them i dont even have a vested interest in people#thinking stereotypically feminine things like stereotypically feminine clothes are like bad#but yeah when you think like that about pink it's kind of whatever because yes pink/blue is the simplest most basic gender dichotomy#but its not like theres anything actually wrong with the color pink. but when you extend that to things like say shaving and makeup things#that cost women time and money......if you think any critique of that is misogynistic because a lot of women do it/because its things#only women do (almost)...you just have a problem with not just critical thinking but with thinking in general. it's just...very frustrating#and i've thought like this in the past i think it's kind of a step when you're getting into feminism and going hm...this is kind of fucked#up...but i think it's still very superficial and i guess it makes sense that it has a lot of appeal Because it's superficial?#but it's like if you don't think anything needs to change and if you think women who aren't following gender norms as much and who aren't#interested in ''''''reclaiming''''' femininity (bc it's literally just doing what's asked of us 24/7 from birth) are misogynistic for#it...like it's actually crazy you do realize that at the end of the day you're saying you should promote/praise gender roles#and if you disagree you hate women#like at least acknowledge that liking makeup and shaving your legs isn't just about personal taste and liking how smooth legs feel when#in your bed it drives me crazy when people refuse to acknowledge that i remember in high school i told my sister like if you were on a#deserted island would you like heels and she was like yes i would :) and i was like NO we had this conversation for years then she had#sociology classes in high school and she was like okay i see what you mean...like yeah of course you do because i'm right#of course people who think like that are like its about respecting everyone's choices!!!! but they're also very much saying stereotypically#feminine things is the best choice and i think it's so insidious to be expected to get over your distaste (like that's literally just.#what's expected of girls/women in general. not liking things when you're a kid is frowned upon but you're expected to grow out of it and if#you dont then it becomes a real issue) and not being allowed to CRITIQUE IT from a feminist lens is literally crazy like it makes me unwell#they're like um only women wear dresses/skirts why are you implying that pants are more practical and advocating for women to be able to#wear pants do you perhaps hate women especially women who are brave enough to embrace their inner traditional femininity?
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beanie-twink · 2 months
Your relationship to femininity as a trans guy can be so confusing. Do I genuinely have times of wanting to be feminine? Or am I defaulting back to my socialization and my hyperfeminine era where I was in denial about being trans? Am I doing this because our society wants afab people to be feminine? Am I doing this because I feel like this is how I can get external validation that I’m desperate for? Would I enjoy it more if I could be seen as a man being feminine and not as a woman? It’s hard to figure out if you like ever truly like being feminine because presentation doesn’t exist in a vacuum so many factors come into play. Like even if I genuinely wanted to be feminine sometimes, I don’t even think I could enjoy it because of the trauma and misgendering.
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comet-wire · 2 months
Ngl I've been having a gender crisis again on top of all the stuff that's happened with my dad, I think I still identify as male/masculine idk 🗿
Same with my ace/aro spectrum placement ☝️🗿
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#comet rambles#putting in queue to deploy later#parent loss tw#just in case by association n implications ☝️🗿/nm+gen#when i get stuff set up with my checking account i was already thinking of getting a new chest binder once our personal issues with finance#has been figured out definitely#i dont wanna say much n jinx stuff so ill leave it at that#personal#gender shit is hard n i really think i may be a he/they or he/him still#or if not then closeted butch lesbian idk#most signs point to male gender identity leaning though 😔👍#also my social battery is outta wack but i needed to get this out so i apologize to anyone who i have yet to respond to/gen+nm 🥹#like i genuinely still feel as though ive been born in the wrong body and i tried to accept my feminity and it went well!!#like i started embracing my femininity the past few years and now i think im over it because it feels like i just attempted to try#and be something i wasn't if that makes any sense#i hate being referred to as she/her or as a girl even if i understand some people will still see me as fem despite my personal identity etc#its not that i hate my femininity its just i feel anything but female while still enjoying traditionally fem stuff at times#hope this makes sense#🗿👍#still ace/aro though just cant figure out if i only enjoy the thought of romance (cupiosexual/romantic) or if i feel comfy in one#i know im sex repulsed though thats for certain#as of lately chris Redfield and Albert Wesker have become two of my transition goals and idk what to do about this lmfao#i wish i was kidding#but im not 😭#sitting here like EVA shinji with his head in his hands in the damn chair image/lh#also wanna be a rootin tootin goth cowboy 🥰#if it turns out im like a comphet butch/nb lesbian im gonna shit myself though/lh+nm
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blondiest · 1 year
going to make my own version of those "that girl" videos that used to go around on tiktok (which were basically aesthetically-styled disordered eating so far as i could tell tbh) but mine will be me eating stuff like hard-boiled eggs slathered with mustard & enjoying it with a degree of enthusiasm that viewers find off-putting. my "that girl" trait will not be yoga or drinking five gallons of water a day or even having nice hair or clear skin, it will simply be my joie de vivre or however it's spelled
#i used to eat hard boiled eggs w mustard on them all the time in college bc they had them in the vending machines#and they also had packets of mustard#and i forgot my lunch like every day lol#so that became my lunch#it's a humbling experience to eat a wholeass hard boiled egg in public with like. no knife to cut it in half btw. like you just have to#take bites and it's fine but you feel silly and inelegant#it does not help if you are very gender nonconforming at the time but like. aren't trying to be. jfhfhfjgh#<- was really bad at fitting in during college bc i had super short hair and wore men's jeans and sweaters from goodwill#all of which are actually swag things to do btw but like it doesn't feel swag at all if you like. are actually trying to fit in#and are just very bad at it#and genuinely cannot connect the dots on Why Girls Don't Want To Be Your Friend (it CAN'T just be that you're getting read as queer. right?)#(because that would be so messed up if it was because of that.)#[narrator voice: it was because of that]#anyways this is off the rails bc it was supposed to be about eggs and my love of them but#a lot of people say that college is better than high school. and for me it WAS by a lot but it still was really hard in a lot of ways#i felt deeply isolated. i went to an ag school in the middle of a midwest state and studied STEM#in high school i associated with basically only queer art kids (not a huge high school and a lot of us weren't out yet but. y'know.)#and then in college i felt very out of place#and towards the end of college i decided to try and take a stab at looking more traditionally feminine. grew out my hair#got rid of my bangs#it was fine#i definitely noticed that people treated me much nicer once i had long hair and women's clothes that actually fit me#and i was like okay yeah so i guess i just should try to pass as straight then. that seems like it'll be easier#during the pandemic i gave myself bangs again. just a lil bi girl swag yk. and then last august i got my hair cut into a real short bob#and i immediately felt so much more like myself. idk how to explain it. but i was just like not meant to be feminine in that exact way#i'm honestly still pretty feminine presenting overall but#i love the fact that if i wear my hair messy now it looks kinda boyish. and if i style it nicely it looks girly.#i feel like i have options yk. and i still don't think i get read as queer now tbh? though i'm bad at knowing these things#but i don't feel like i'm HIDING anymore#WOW THAT WAS LONG SORRY LMAO
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wandapinkay · 1 year
Random thing to say but it's Pride month still so fuck it This year came with the realization I'm also demigirl :Dc
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One of the biggest problems with women is that they measure their worth based on how much they "can be and do stuff like a man".
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brokoala-soup · 5 months
my healing arc will be the story of me mending my relationship with the colour pink
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“lesbian means women loving women”/“lesbian means non-men loving non-men”
okay, and? “gay” technically means men loving men, but it's been used as a synonym for the queer community long enough that I didn't even think about it when I used it as such.
the sooner you accept that things can be more complex and nuanced than you could ever fathom the sooner you'll be able to free yourself from the boxes everyone tries to stuff us into.
Liberty, I thought, is the goal. Not making ourselves shiny and pretty for cishets.
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benicebefunny · 1 year
Ted Lasso fandom: uwu i love how this show portrays non-toxic masculinity and girl bosses, such positive gender, so brave! Also Ted Lasso fandom: this man i don't like is both a bitch and a cunt.
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wereshrew-admirer · 1 year
long work day today but in my heart of hearts i'm drawing chine in a dress having a great time, because, gender i guess.
no alterations to their appearance otherwise, maybe somebody's convinced them to wash their hair, but only for the sensory experience of having some bounce to it afterwards, y'know?
i just..am ruminating on how good it feels to be so incongruous with people's expectations without any fear at all? or more, even, with the sense of power that comes from frightening cis people when you yourself are confident in your safety?
not even a hint of chine being embarrassed about it, just straight to the joy - slap a few flowers in their shitty beard and dare somebody to say something <3
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dissolving-mansion · 1 year
It’s so weird that people consider Jonah feminine for being an 1800s lad when he’d probably consider modern men feminine for carrying all those umbrellas.
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TW: discussions of body image/eating disorders/fat shaming/etc. Rant under the cut. This is about drag and body image as it pertains to Drag Race in the United States.
Thinking about Drag Race in the US. 16 seasons of Drag Race, 7 seasons of All Stars (excluding winners’ seasons), however many Vs The World seasons, and there has *never* been a winner that isn’t skinny.
Oh, some competitors get close. Supposedly, drag is open to all body shapes and sizes (with the right padding and shape wear and makeup). Supposedly, no matter your body, you can shapeshift into something beautiful. Over and over and over again, Drag Race has competitors who pride themselves on being “big girls”; people who grew up fatshamed, but turned it into their brand. Many of these queens are incredibly skilled performers, artists, and entertainers. And yet.
And yet.
Somehow, when the judging gets close, the fat queen usually gets cut.
I think about RuPaul’s background before Drag Race, as a runway model. How the Tic Tac Chit Chat is a running joke; “oh, RuPaul can’t finish a tic tac”. How many queens on the show are *frighteningly* skinny, and this is seen as a compliment. Producers will stitch together storylines of queens recovering from eating disorders, and in the same breath, cut to RuPaul and Michelle Visage complimenting a queen on how small her waist is in that corset.
I think about how many of these queens have had plastic surgery. At least one a season, usually more. How queens will come back for All Stars and I can no longer recognize them, not because they’re painting differently, but because their faces have entirely changed shape in the past few years. Hollower cheeks. Larger lips. Shaved jaws. Cutting and slicing for some proportion that makes them look slimmer and more feminine. How Morphine won the finale Lalaparuza Smackdown, with a $50,000 prize, and excitedly told the camera how she was going to “invest in her body”. “You get a BBL, you get a BBL, everybody gets a BBL!”.
Some of that is gender-affirming surgery, or other medically necessary surgeries. Detox got reconstructive surgery after a car crash, for example. A lot of it… isn’t. A lot of it is an “investment”. Part of the job.
I think about how a queen walked a runway with a look critiquing plastic surgery, all nude illusion and dashed lines, carving away at her waist and hips and butt. How Michelle Visage called it “overdone”. So many queens have talked about that already. It’s not new. It’s old news. Step up your game and talk about something more compelling.
16 years and not a single fat queen has won.
My friend and I aren’t watching seasons in order, but rather by how much they like a particular season. We’re working through season 7 right now. Violet Chotchki wins that one (sorry for spoilers). Violet also spends the entire season focused on emphasizing her body. How young she is. How skinny she is. Look, her “Death Becomes Her” runway is just her in the tightest corset possible, with an IV drip stuck into her arm. Cinched to death. The judges coo at how her waist is *so* small-
How many queens have come onto this show and bragged about losing 50 pounds? How many queens come back for All Stars, gleeful that they’re not a “big queen” anymore? Just “thick and juicy”, just “don’t need any padding”. You can have fat… as long as it’s in the butt or breasts and looks sexy enough. Otherwise it’s a hurdle to cry about in the cutaways. You can be as fat as you want on this show, sure, but if you lose weight you’ll get a camera in your face talking about how much “healthier” you are.
I think about how fashion runways are infinitely, horrifically worse. How most of these winners would, should they walk the runway, be put into a boring pencil skirt in the “plus size” category. They should be so lucky.
I think about Latrice. I think about Ginger Minj. I think about Eureka. I think about Mistress. I think about Megami in the Lalaparuza Smackdown. All these queens that get *so fucking close*. But some little thing-
Some intangible, unnameable thing-
Some unspoken qualia just barely makes their slim competitor stand out enough to take the crown.
I love drag. I really enjoy watching Drag Race. It’s a pocket of explicitly queer media I don’t get to see much of anywhere else. Disabled queens have won multiple seasons. People of color have won multiple seasons. Trans people have won multiple seasons. Just this year, the first East Asian queen won Drag Race in the US. Drag Race is incredibly inclusive to people from all backgrounds who are talented artists showing off their skills-
RuPaul makes another joke about skipping meals and getting surgery to maintain a queen’s “girl body”.
I turn the TV off.
#blue chatter#this makes me want to chuck rocks a little bit!!!!!!#this is not the only issue with the show by far; part of this is that it’s reality TV and they play up cultural biases and such for drama#I know that#there’s also plenty of examples of pervasive racism and classism on this show#even forms of queerphobia#and I understand that this is a show about a very particular subculture of queerness and that expecting it to be unproblematic isn’t fair#the reason I’m talking about drag race specifically is bc my roommate loves it and I’ve been watching a lot of it bc of that#so I’m more familiar with it and better able to call out what I see#please do not start discourse in my notes. I am aware that having a show like Drag Race continue to air is incredible#but please for once can there be a queen who looks like me who doesn’t have to talk about her weight constantly#I don’t think fat queens get judged fairly. I think there is still an association between fat and ugly that shows up in judging decisions#And I think there is a very real danger of encouraging behaviors that are harmful to the queens on the show and the viewers#yes I know part of this art form is being able to alter your shape. I don’t take umbrage with corsets and padding and such.#I do take issue with larger queens getting told they need to do more than their skinny competitors to attain a ‘flattering shape’#violet chotchki walked that nude illusion runway with literally no clothing and won that challenge#despite putting no effort into her look. that gets under my skin. that speaks to me that skinniness gets rewarded over talent#yes it absolutely takes confidence to walk the runway naked that’s not the point. the challenge was focused on altering your body shape#so that even with only your shape you were still giving an appearance of femininity and fashion and *drag* on stage#the most Violet did drag-wise on that runway was tucking. but because she was skinny and attractive it was feminine enough to win.#that makes me upset.#anyway. bat; meet wasp nest.
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creachiergh · 2 months
people at one of my workplaces talking about other girls: HI GIRLIE!!! guys she's here! i'm gonna take her to her appointment now
those same people talking about me:
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zoobus · 24 days
I was looking through the tags of that last post and no one? Is mentioning Otta? Who is literally gnc, even for an elf, literally wears the male variant of the Canary uniform (compare to Fleki's uniform with the boob pouch) and literally dates women? Her friends call her out for only dating young half-foot women and nobody cares about the women part? Who gets the "clothes that make them visibly uncomfortable" treatment, and it's all feminine fits and one dorky fit associated with dorky butches?
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What's going on here? You noticed Lycion but not Otta doing gender flips right next to him?
I hate to be like "why is no one talking about this" but why is is Otta rarely mentioned in these oooguh thought that was a beautiful butch conversations? Just because she's a short king?
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lilithgreye · 9 days
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based on numerology
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₊˚⊹ MOON AT 1°/10°/19°/28° ₊˚⊹
People with their moon at these degrees are more likely to have impulsive emotional instincts. They may have been raised in a home where they weren’t listened to or heard and had to raise their voice or be aggressive to get their parents to listen to them which in turn has caused them to not be able to control their emotions well or handle arguments well. These people may come off as intimidating to others but deep down they’re just emotionally wounded from their childhood. The positive to these degrees is that you have strong manifestation abilities (especially 19°) and are capable of manifesting your desires into the physical reality. This is also considered a beauty indication as the moon can be associated with the face and 1 one of the numbers of beauty in numerology which all these numbers reduce to. These people are also ride or die for the people they care about and will never be afraid to stand up for their loved ones. If people with these moon degrees want to create stability in life they must work hard for the things they want and be ambitious
₊˚⊹ MOON AT 2° ₊˚⊹
People with their moon at this degree are typically very peaceful and kind souls. They’re well liked by a lot of people and don’t prefer to burn bridges with people or create drama. They avoid conflict at all costs as it causes them a lot of anxiety and they don’t like hurting others. These people may amazing writers/authors as well as actors. They also tend to have a very admirable feminine beauty. The only downside to this moon degree is sometimes people with it can be a bit gossipy. If people with this moon degree want to create stability in life they must not get into too much conflict or gossip a lot
₊˚⊹ MOON AT 3°/12°/21° ₊˚⊹
People with these moon degrees are not afraid to tell everyone how they’re feeling emotionally. They are great at communicating how they feel, however sometimes if they don’t learn to control it this can be a negative thing. Sometimes they share too much about their negative emotions towards other people and gossip a lot which can cause conflict in their life. These people tend to have very childlike energy which sometimes can manifest in a good way if they’re at a higher vibration and just make them fun to be around, but other times if they’re at a lower vibration in life, manifest as them being childish or immature. The positive thing about these moon degrees is they always know how to make people laugh and cheer them up. They’re also good at speaking up for things they have strong emotions towards. If people with these moon degrees want to create stability in life they must learn to maturely communicate their emotions rather than immaturely do so
₊˚⊹ MOON AT 4°/13°/22° ₊˚⊹
People with these moon degrees are very hard workers when it comes to things they care about and have emotional desire for. They may have had a challenging childhood and had to work really hard early in life. At times they can be aggressive or struggle with anger issues as well. The positive to people with these moon degrees is that they can become extremely wealthy through hard work. If people with these moon degrees want to create stability in life they must surround themselves with others who have their life put together but also make sure they’re mentally and physically well on their own without the help from others. They should also try not to intimidate others in a negative way
₊˚⊹ MOON AT 5°/14°/23° ₊˚⊹
People with these moon degrees tend to be very good looking as they all reduce to 5 and 5 is the number of societal beauty in numerology. They are quite sexual but not just with anyone. They must have an emotional connection with you to desire you sexually but when they do have that strong emotional connection and care toward you they are extremely sexual people. Be careful though if you do have these degrees because you can get pregnant more easily and unexpectedly than others. The challenging part of these degrees in your moon is that you may move on fast romantically and not be able to settle for one person easily. These people are also very entertaining people and could do really well in the entertainment industry. If people with these moon degrees want to create stability in their life they must travel when they’re down and never surround themselves with people who restrict them in life. They need lots of freedom to be happy/stable
₊˚⊹ MOON AT 6°/15°/24° ₊˚⊹ - tw: weight
People with these moon degrees are very family oriented even if they happened to have a rough upbringing they still have unconditional love for their family that’s hard to let go of. These people are amazing friends and really good parents. They have an extremely nurturing aura and caring nature that makes others very comfortable around them. The only challenges that may come with these degrees are emotional pain involving weight, stubbornness, or just laziness at times. These people tend to be homebody’s and usually just enjoy chillin at home with their pets (if they have any). If people with these moon degrees want to create stability in life they must be responsible and surround themselves with people who appreciate them. These degrees can also be a beauty indication since 6 in numerology is ruled by venus
₊˚⊹ MOON AT 7°/16°/25° ₊˚⊹
People with these moon degrees may have lots of struggles in their relationships with their family and unfortunately often take the bad habits they learn from their parents into their romantic relationships. They sometimes can struggle with living in the past as well. They usually don’t want to have their own children and probably shouldn’t even if they do (other than 16°). They naturally do well emotionally spending majority of their time alone and focusing on themselves. On a more positive note though they’re extremely intelligent and analyze others quickly. These people tend to be very spiritually connected as well and may even be psychic. They tend to be more on the introverted side. If people with these moon degrees want to create stability in life they should let go of the past, pay close attention to their intuition, and stop gambling with things they shouldn’t
₊˚⊹ MOON AT 8°/17°/26° ₊˚⊹
People with these moon degrees live a very karmic life. More karmic than most. Any time they hurt someone without reason of defense they will receive karma back very quickly emotionally. The same also happens when others hurt them. They will receive lots of emotional karma fast. These people can live a great life or horrible one depending on how they choose to treat people. They should kill people with kindness for the most part though. These people can be very materialistic and care a lot of materialistic things. They tend to have very good judgment and are easily able to tell if someone is a good person or not or if they’re in a challenging situation or not. They at worst can be vengeful, greedy, controlling, or abuse their power at times. On a more positive note though they make great business men/women/etc and are very powerful people. They tend to be poor when young but as an adult become wealthy. If people with these moon degrees want to create stability in life they should stop taking advantage of people and never be abusive or cruel toward others
₊˚⊹ MOON AT 0°/9°/18°/27° ₊˚⊹
People with these moon degrees adapt super quickly to their surroundings/who they surround themselves with. If they hang out with losers they will become a loser. If they hang out with successful people they will become successful. These people are either the best people you’ll ever meet or the worst. There’s never an in between. They hold the power to whether they’ll have a good life or not. At worst they could struggle with addiction, be too much of a follower (in a negative way), be violent, lie a lot, or be hurt others because of their ego. They also tend to be the black sheep of their family. On a more positive note though these people are very intelligent and extremely powerful manifestors. They are very good at art because they often can use their emotions toward it with success. They’re extremely good looking if they don’t have lots of negative karma. They also tend to be good at acting because they’re good at pretending to be someone they’re not. If people with these moon degrees want to create stability in life they must surround themselves with people that have what they want and never try to scam others
₊˚⊹ MOON AT 11°/20°/29° ₊˚⊹
People with these moon degrees are extremely spritual souls. They often have dreams that will tell them things about the future. They are the most likely to be psychic out of all the other degrees as well. At worst they can be overly sensitive or violent due to emotions. On a positive note though they tend to be very charming and kind people, old souls, and they often make good athletes. If these people want to create stability in their life they need to learn to control their emotions more
— The moon at 25° or 29° can indicate being seen as extremely beautiful to a lot of people
— The moon at 27° can make someone extremely spirtual and intelligent. The downside is they could struggle with things like addiction or romance
— The moon at 5°/14°/15°/23°/25° can grant good physical health or mean you care a lot about your health
— The moon at 24° can also grant wealth
— The moon at 23° can sometimes indicate being unfaithful to your partners
— 18°/28° live a more karmic life than 8°/17°/26° people
as always please do not copy my work and remember that your entire chart matters. this is about isolated placements alone
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