#ooc.    /    favorite things.
tarteggs · 19 days
conversations had moments before disaster
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catgrandpa · 17 days
I need a fic where Bruce realizes this kid who shoved his way into his sidekick roll will not be leaving anytime soon, and instead of emotionally distancing himself he becomes a combination Helicopter Mom and Shotgun Dad.
Tim: Bruce, I’m headed out to meet my friends at the mall.
Bruce: Is that Kent boy going to be there?
Tim, rolling his eyes: Yes, Kon is going. And so is Bart, and Cassie, and maybe Bernard if he can make it.
Bruce: Hnn. Do you have everything? Coat, scarf, keys, wallet, tracker, pepper spray, dagger, kryptonite shard, emergency beacon, first aid kid, fire starter, extra pair of-
Tim: Yes, Dad! I already went through the list with Alfred. I’ll be fine.
Kon: Hello Sir! I’m here to pick up Tim!
Bruce: Follow me.
Bruce: Sit down.
Kon: In your study? Is Tim on the way, or…?
Bruce: I just thought you might need reminding of the fact that I have a vault downstairs full of items specifically designed to take down a Kryptonian.
Kon: Whuh?
Bruce: You should probably ask your father about the time I was slightly annoyed with him for encroaching on one of my cases.
Kon: Why are you telling me this?
Bruce: Now just imagine what would happen if someone were to hurt my darling little boy.
*door opens*
Tim: Hey Bruce, Alfie said Kon was here, have you seen him? Oh! Hey, why are you two in here??
Bruce: Oh, hey sweetheart, we were just chatting. Have a good time at the carnival!
Dick, pouting: I don’t understand, you’re not this protective over who Jason or I date.
Bruce: Don’t be ridiculous, Jason and I may have our problems, but he would never betray me by gallivanting off with someone I disapprove of.
Dick, who covered for Jay sneaking out to visit Roy Harper just last night: Mhm yeah, sure. And you’re not worried about me?
Bruce: Chum, I’ve known who you were going to marry since you were 12 years old.
Dick: WHAT?
Bruce: I have the whole ceremony already planned. I’ve got Gotham’s best wedding planner on standby. You have a very nice house waiting for you both, 20 minutes from here. A modest 7 bedrooms on 5 acres of land.
Dick: I’m not even dating anyone?!
Bruce: I can’t wait to meet my 3 grandbabies:)
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bubblin-trouble · 26 days
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Oh my god
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Tell me you see it.
Taglist : @nrc-asteryn-crew @night-raven-miscellany @nrc-ramshackle-prefect @floyd-leech-thing @knightcoree
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extremesillyness · 9 months
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limpfisted · 11 months
A WYLL poll to cheer me up bc I keep thinking about all the wyll polls I've seen in the tag where he loses
There are many more things to love about wyll.... but of these things, which are ur faves..... reblog add ur own favorite things in the tags... perhaps I will make a part 2 of more things such as "approves when a goblin kisses ur toes" "refuses to engage in bdsm with a strange white man in a goblin camp, but supports ur decision anyway." "Gets kind of horny when u lick a spider." "Believes in the rights and dignity of the disabled like himsel and will tolerate nothing else" "THE BLADE OF FRONTIERS SALUTE!!!!!" "Ex-president of the dribbles fan society (of which he was the only member) this is a joke however if u pick up the clown pieces he goes 'sorry dribbles' and is the only one to laugh at dribbles joke and pretend he doesn't but still goes I love a good clown... [blade of frontiers vc] and dribbles.. is THE BEST!!!" "Meows in public." And so many other wondrous things....
Wyll warriors, ravenguardians. I know... truly an impossible choice to pick just one thing... but u must.
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soup-child · 2 months
I think Ron is actually very good at business but 1) calls everything the wrong words because he didn't like the original words and 2) gets very distracted while he's doing it so he'll just wonder off whenever he gets bored
But I think he deeply understands like accounting and taxes and other businessman stuff
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ferromagnetiic · 2 months
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Monkey D. Fluffy and Eustass Kidden !
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devourcr · 2 months
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my favorite ( and honestly devastating ) headcanons with armand being 27 when he dies is that he would have taken on more teacher role within the household.
he would have seen boys that were there when he arrived, that came after him, grow, learn, and move on to universities. they go from being his brothers and his peers, to his younger siblings, more like children to him as he gets older. and i think it would very much be a choice to have a mentor role within the household.
also, i'm absolutely addicted to the idea that riccardo might have done similarly. even if he'd left for university first, if he came back to be a teacher himself. bc those two running shit during the day is such a fucking good image.
but all the more tragic at the end, because he'd feel all the more protective of those kids.
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i-wanna-show-you-off · 8 months
tdroti except when Scott gets eliminated he does not take it well. He doesn’t go “oh haha Zoey good job” no. He breaks down in front of Chris when he gets to the catapult (bc he sees fang or whatever) and begs him to let him stay
he’s like “PLEA SE DONT MAKE ME GO HOME” and Chris is like “wtf” and chef just looks mildly uncomfortable
chef’s like “I kind of feel bad even though he’s awful” and Chris is like “I have to send him home I have to get my revenge”
the other contestants hear him bawling from the campfire or whatever and they all just sit there in silence
then lightning nervously smiles and goes “do you think maybe he’s a little sad”
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the-unconquered-queen · 7 months
Because I'm seeing cakegate on my dash again, let's stir up some old drama
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angelof-thevoid · 2 days
Favorite Ship / Supernova
(disclaimer: i hc eris morn with they/them pronouns)
Lately, things have been calm and she got her paperwork for the day done sooner than usual, so with the free time Ikora decided it would be nice to have a spontaneous date. She sends a message to Eris, hoping they aren’t busy at the moment. At least, far as she knew there shouldn’t be anything taking up their time. After a few moments Ikora smiles when her screen lights up with a response.
It’s a cool, clear night where you’d swear you could see every star in the galaxy that wasn’t eclipsed by the moonlight. A sight like this wasn’t possible in the last city, and seldom did Ikora get the chance to venture out of it. Duty was a chain and it kept her not too far from the city, but in the rare chances she had the opportunity she wanted to take advantage.
Setting down a blanket on the side of a hill, Ikora places two comfortable, large pillows she had against the incline. Eris patiently stood by, their form illuminated by the light of the moon as they looked up to the sky. She wondered how much hive eyes could pick up on the distant pin-pricks of light, having been told they weren't the same as human ones. If you compared it to human vision, technically you could say they were blind.
Nonetheless, they mentioned their way of “seeing” just works differently now. They still had a sense of their surroundings, even knew the distance between themselves and the moon. An odd thing to be precognitive of but they chalked it up to it being the birthplace of their transformation, when Eris became kin to the very enemy they sought the end of.
How things have changed. Outside of that Eris had a sensitivity to paracausality which gave her a refined sense of other guardians as well as the shape of their light, despite being without. Strange changes, but not without some benefits. Ikora reaches over to gently bump her hand against theirs to catch Eris’ attention without startling them. As if much could startle them anymore.
“Finished?” Eris asks as they turn to look at Ikora who nods, the pair’s hands linking together as they settle onto the cozy patch. They lean back, side by side with hands still intertwined and multiple points of contact between their bodies. Silence hung in the air for a short time as they enjoyed the view, until Ikora broke it with a question. One she had long wondered about since Eris’ ascent from the Hellmouth. 
“Do you miss it?” She softly questions, gently squeezes Eris’ hand with her thumb rubbing against the length of theirs. “Miss what?” They reply after a short second. “The light. What you were, before-” Ikora stops herself choosing not to say the rest. 
A contemplative pause, “It doesn’t matter now, does it? It happened. All I can do is move forward in spite of it.” That solemn answer cuts straight through Ikora’s question with a knife’s edge. She turns her head toward Eris who continues, “Nothing good comes from dwelling on what’s missing.” and then a little quieter. “Do you wish I was unchanged?” 
Ikora frowns and quickly sits up, turning her whole body towards them. “I only wish for you to return from the things you hunt every time, safe and sound.” Eris gazes at her as she leans over to rest a hand against their cheek. “It doesn’t matter, as long as you’re still here.” She gives Eris an affectionate smile.
Eris’ own lips quirk up as they sit up as well, faces hovering inches apart before they make the first move to kiss Ikora. It lasts mere seconds as they slowly break apart but still close enough to feel each other’s breath. “In my darkest, loneliest moments, I miss the presence of your light over mine.” 
To think, after everything that’s happened including losing the light, Eris would rather have Ikora leaves her feeling a certain way. She feels the void open its empty maw in her chest, wanting to devour her heart over the proclamation. “Do you?” Ikora breathes out, letting the void energy trickle through her fingertips against Eris’ cheek.
Eris’ shivers a little from the sensation as they turn their face more into her hand, the ever present dark tears dissipate against Ikora’s radiant light. “I do.” Almost reluctantly, they retreat from the physical contact to look Ikora full on when they ask, “Show me your light.”
It comes out not as a question but like a lover’s request for their partner to share their body. And traveler save her, she finds herself bending easily to it. Usually Ikora wasn’t for unnecessary displays of her light, but she couldn’t resist Eris. So she adjusts into a kneeled position and brings her hands to hover in front of her mid-air.
Fluorescent violet light begins to form in a small, concentrated ball between her hands, steadily growing in size and luminescence. Ikora envisions in her mind pouring the void into a container, particles being shifted in an even circular motion that continues to slowly get bigger. 
It’s the size of a kick ball when she decides to stand up, purple light shining its hue across the two of them. Eris watches the nova bomb increase further and further until Ikora has to lift it over her head and release it up toward the sky, flying up and up to a seemingly impossible height until it explodes like a collapsing star.
Like a firework streaks of void shoot outward from the center and leave glittering trails of void as the bolts try and fail to find a target, thus bursting into smaller showers of purple that sparkle amongst the starry sky. An imprint of the void lingers like the burn of an afterimage from a too bright light.
“Beautiful.” Eris says in appreciation. Ikora sits back down with them as they reach out to grab her hand and trace it, making her shiver in return. She pulls their hand up to her mouth and kisses the knuckles of it, huffing a short laugh. “I’m glad you can still find beauty in the light.”
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dr-jonathan-fanshawe · 4 months
I found old entries in one of my diaries about my first ever surgery on him. It is... rather interesting to see what I felt about it at the time. I was scared and unsure and, surprisingly, afraid of leaving scars. I thought as if I didn't have the right to mark him; "to change his divine form must be one of the most blasphemous acts I have ever committed."
Such a curious thing to say, isn't it? I completely forgot that it was a sentiment I had, especially considering my current stance on them. I love leaving scars. I love knowing that there will always be a reminder of me; I love knowing that he cannot look in the mirror without remembering me; I love knowing that no person who ever sees him bare will be able to do so without my presence. I love knowing that his body never was truly his.
I am quite excited to have blank canvas in front of me.
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 9 months
i really want people to realize that i don’t hate lip or fiona because i think people may be starting to think that. lip’s my third favorite gallagher, i don’t like his actions and i personally believe he’s a misogynist but he is also one of the best written characters on the show
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misteria247 · 2 years
Fun facts about 12 Michelangelo Hamato! Weeee-
Mikey was able to survive and thrive in Dimension X by himself for a least a few months and had saved his brothers when they'd been attacked after being in said dimension for like five minutes.
Mikey is able to memorize things!! It's shown during the Parasita episode (can't spell ya know what I'm talking about shsgsfs) when his brothers had been infected with a parasite wasp mutant and he'd been able to remake the antidote for it after seeing Donnie do it once.
Mikey's a prodigy child in the art of ninjutsu!! It's confirmed by Splinter that if Mikey focused himself in his training and actually put more effort into honing his skills, he'd be able to outclass his brothers by a long shot.
Mikey's incredibly quick on his feet and it's hard to pin him down during fights due to his wild fighting style and agility!!
Mikey in the one episode where his brothers had been in danger, had ended up completely destroying the enemy in a matter of minutes due to him focusing all of his skill assets and using his full potential!!!
Mikey's incredibly strong!! In the episode where Donnie had made his grappling hook invention, Donnie had ended up going flying and on the way back down Mikey had caught him with incredible ease.
Mikey once ate an entire sentient pizza species in order to save his brothers from becoming pizzas themselves!! (Granted it'd been a dream, but he still did it!!)
In the Mutant Apocalypse arc, Mikey was able to survive, thrive and adapt to the Wastelands with very little resources!!!
There's plenty of more amazing moments of this skilled little warrior!! All of them proving that Michelangelo Hamato is in fact the absolute goat despite being naive and cheerful and he will 110% kill for his loved ones!!!
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askchilchuck · 11 days
What's the worst and happiest day of your life?
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Like, at the same time?
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That’s a pretty hard one. My life’s been mostly highs or lows, not both at the same time. The closest I can think of would be around when I started the union, but that was more a period of time than a day…
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bitchinglikeanoldman · 2 months
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