#opposite magic anon
envelopesofbadluck · 10 months
The beetle scuttles to Eddie.
what is that thing!?
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arcanusarchieves-if · 7 months
What condition?
Don't tell me that MC is some weakling who has to rely on others....
MC has the same amount of power as everyone else. In fact, I would even say they are a bit stronger than most Magus and are definitely one of the most powerful in the Circle - there is a reason they were invited back after all!
Their condition isn't really something that effects their day-to-day life or abilities. They mainly left due to the discrimination and ostracization people with their affliction get (think lycanthropy/werewolves in Harry Potter) and because they just needed a bit of space after the first war.
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Hey dad
"Son!" Zeus races over to him and cups his face to check for injuries. He sees many--some across his neck and others on his cheek--and the air fluttering between his clothes and his skin helps him check for more. There are many on his son's body--far too many (as many as his)--but otherwise his son seems okay. Terror does not shape his son's skin. "How are you? Are you okay? What is going on?" He looks behind him, terrified for what he would find because people only come to him when they need something, and expands his conscious as far as it can to look for dangers. Anything and everything that will take his son and people away from him.
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ask-scroll-and-quill · 4 months
no lol. they did however kidnap pot
Maybe next time.
Aren't they the one who shot Scroll? Wow, whoever this mystery criminal is they must be trying to heal the world.
..neither really did anything bad..?
Pot tried to kill you.
M!A - 4/4
back to normal bodies!!!
Now I don't feel awkward kissing you!
*they kiss.*
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liesmyth · 2 years
Anyway fwiw the asks in my inbox got me to Think About It (to myself) and articulate (in private) why I feel very differently about Cytherea than I do about Dulcinea, or other characters who are suffering from illnesses in ways that are... more mundane. I like Cytherea a lot as a character but I like her in the same way I like Alecto; they’re both very inhuman to me. IDK how else to put it besides: Dulcinea is a sick person. Cytherea is a walking body horror trope. There are a lot of layers to her character and her entire arc is basically a murder suicide mission with a flirty detour, and I think there’s a lot more to her actions and her choices than needs to be unearthed - it’s been years since I first read GtN but I’m still spinning her motivations in my mind trying to make sense of her etc.
She’s a person with layers but she’s also a literal walking biological bomb, and I think that’s very much a deliberate narrative choice on TM’s part, to take something that is common (illness) and bring it to its most grotesque extremes (illness frozen in time that can be manipulated by your enemies against you, etc with a touch of the Terminator thrown in). To me, it’s familiar in the way many chilling horror tropes have relatively mundane roots, but I really can’t see it as a normal or relatable illness in the same way I can’t see stuff like necromancers’ reproductive issues o their extreme fragility as 1:1 to real life counterparts. (And I think that if you that’s a very valid interpretation, but frankly it’s not fair to expect everyone should do so)
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pomefioredove · 25 days
may I please request Headcanon of the overblot gang + Adeuce when a reader that’s normally very sweet and shy goes absolutely apeshit and TEARS INTO some bully, absolutely roasting the hell out of them please? Thank you :3
of course anon!!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ going apeshit!!!!
type of post: headcanons characters: riddle, ace, deuce, leona, azul, jamil, vil, idia, malleus additional info: romantic or platonic, reader is gender neutral, reader is yuu
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being the magicless newcomer makes you a favorite target for some of Night Raven College's less kindly students.
your loved ones know this, too, so when a group of brutish first years approach, they're ready to defend you. except...
Riddle had seen them coming towards you and already had his hand on his magical pen
how stupid of them to pick on you in his presence
a week or two without their heads would serve them well
but before he can even step between you and the ruffians (very gallantly, I might add; he had it all planned out in his head),
you just...
even he blushes at the profanity you spew
he didn't even get to scold them
...then you turn back to him with that same sweet smile as if nothing had happened
Ace had actually been the first student to get an earful from you
once at the beginning of the year, and never again
now, he takes great pleasure in watching you verbally eviscerate the other students
it's a... guilty pleasure, we'll say
and Deuce knows not to intervene
he tried... once
after all, he's been in your place before
nothing's better than the feeling of putting some snob in his place
BUT OF COURSE, that's the old Deuce
...he just lets you go on because he knows he can't stop you
...not because he's enjoying it. obviously
and here Leona was, thinking you were some helpless little herbivore...
but can you blame him?
you're always so... cute
skipping around Savanaclaw, all happy to be helping out Ruggie and Jack after practice...
you were bound to run into trouble, looking like an easy meal
he almost feels... bad for you...
but before he can step in and tell the freshies to buzz off, you...
damn, you've got a mouth on you
you switch up real quick on them, and they scamper off to go lick their wounds
color him impressed...
Azul was on his way back to the dorm when he heard you shout
you sounded... upset
and as much as he would like to, he can't just walk by and let you get bullied
damn sympathy...
so, he follows the sound of your voice, ready to intervene... on...
a group of embarrassed freshman run past him, scattering in the opposite direction
he steps around the corner
and there you are, perfectly fine, if not a little winded
...of course
and he didn't even get to be your hero... tch
"Always full of surprises, aren't you? Just don't give Floyd any of those new words to use,"
it's none of his business... it's none of his business...
until it is his business
Jamil wouldn't have come running to your rescue like some prince
but he is in the middle of a civil conversation with you!
how insulting! honestly!
those freshmen must take him for some kind of witless fool
just this once, he'll teach them not to disrespect him...
of course, he doesn't even get a word in
he's never seen anyone so...
your insults are poignant, your tone sharp and dangerous, your usage of puns perfect...
you're like a work of art
Vil has no problem with putting others in their place
and he has a particular dislike of the brutish, arrogant students at NRC
he can actually sense their unwashed presence in the hall before he sees them
one little snide comment and...
oh, my
you verbally tear them to shreds, insulting everything from their shoes to their posture, their cowardice, even their own insults
he's going to have to have a talk with you about your language later
but, for now...
...he's enjoying this little performance of yours
Idia starts the most heated discourse over his faves and biases online, but this is different
this is real life
and the second he can feel a shift in the atmosphere, he's hiding behind you
you can handle it yourself, right? you've done it before!
honestly, he has no clue how you deal with the normies at this school
delusion, probably
he'd die if anyone talked to him the way they talk to...
you're using words he hasn't even heard in real life
even he is freaked out
you can get real scary when you want to, huh?
...maybe he'll just stick with you for now...
poor Malleus
he actually kinda sorta wanted to defend your honor...
he could be your fairytale prince!!! he could!!
it's the gentlemanly thing to do, anyway
and, better yet, he wouldn't even have to say anything! just one glare from him and the perpetrators would run screaming
...the one benefit to his reputation
but, of course,
you are not as innocent and weak as you seem
and he can't help but feel... impressed? with your ability to defend yourself
after this is all over, he'll have to joke that you should join his guard
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pretty-little-mind33 · 4 months
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James Potter x shy Hufflepuff fem!reader
Summary: You have a massive crush on James. One you didn't think would ever lead anywhere until a drunken party in the Gryffindor Common Room.
Genre: Fluff 🫶
Warnings: drinking, being drunk
~ directly inspired by the song So High School by Taylor Swift. thank you to the anon who requested this! ily! ~
Your cheeks burn from your embarrassment and the fire-whiskey in your blood-stream as your ears ring from the loud music dancing around you and you shake your head.
Lily Evans laughs as she glances around the Common Room. "C'mon, this is your chance," she insists, "They're playing Kiss, Marry, or Kill."
When Lily sees your confused and frankly frightened expression, she quickly explains, "It's a muggle game—it's harmless and fun—c'mon," she says again and pulls on your arm.
"Gentlemen," Lily declares when you approach the circle of students near the fire and she looks at the ring leaders of the group, The Marauders.
They're the ones that had planned this party—or Sirius and James had while Remus and Peter tagged along.
Sirius grins when he sees Lily. 
"Aw, are you joining us, Red?" he smirks and then he sees you, "And who's your friend?"
You smile shyly. You know Peter from Care Of Magical Creatures in your third year, and you often seen Remus in the library (you've even spoken to him a few times), but you've only ever seen and heard James and Sirius from afar—
—which definitely never helped the stupid, baseless, soul-crushing crush you have on James Potter. 
Remus, who is sitting criss-cross ext to Sirius, speaks up, "Y/n, yeah? You're a Hufflepuff—I see you in the library." He smiles kindly and pushes on James's shoulder, who has the latter almost choking on his beer, so you can sit next to him. 
James frowns but he recovers quickly and looks up, his glasses crooked on his nose. He's wearing his Quidditch sweater, his brown hair a tangled mess, but he's smiling now.
"Hi," he moves so you can sit next to him and Remus as Lily grins like a fool. You feel her hand on your shoulder as she plops you down next to James and she sits across from you. 
Apart from the Marauders, other students are also sitting around the circle and chatting. Sirius is by far the loudest of them all, and you think James is the funniest. 
It becomes honestly embarrassing how hard you laugh at any stupid joke he says. You can't help it, your tipsiness impairs any rational thoughts you may have, as you cover your mouth and stifle your laughs. 
James notices immediately and he grins. 
"Never had this much success, dove," he says, as charming as always, "You're cute."
This causes you to become even more flustered and you don't even know how to answer him. So, you hide from him, turning your head in the opposite direction. Lily sends you a knowing look.
James leans his knee closer to yours and you have to convince yourself he did that by accident or you'll simply implode. 
"Okay, Jamie, Kiss, Marry, Kill—me, Lily, and our new sweet little Hufflepuff," Sirius suddenly says, pulling your attention to the group again. You still have no clue what this game is and your eyes round.
Sirius seems quite pleased with himself.
James sips his drink, "Hmm, Kill you because you're a pain in my arse—" 
Sirius dramatically puts a hand on his heart, feigning hurt at his best friend's words. "And here I had the ring all prepared," he whines. 
James chuckles and continues. "Then um," he looks between you and Lily for a moment and your heart sinks.
Everyone knows James had a thing for Lily in second to fourth year. How could you, someone who had been too shy and awkward to even talk to him, compete with smart, incredibly witty, and beautifully stunning Lily Evans?
"Kiss Lily and marry Y/n," James shrugs, smiling lopsidedly as he looks at you and pushes his glasses further up his nose. "Lils' seems like she'd be a decent snog, but I like them sweeter for the long run," he reasons and winks. 
Lily laughs and rolls her eyes, "Smooth, Potter."
"No need to get all green-eyed on us, Evans," James says and turns his attention to you again, "Whadd'ya say, lil' puff, June 17th in six years?" he says, planning the future fake wedding.
You look up at him, your eyes round and you blink—unable to laugh it off as your heart thumps so loudly you can barely hear a thing anymore. 
"I think you broke the poor girl," Remus chuckles and then turns to Peter to steer the attention away from you, "Okay, Wormy, your turn."
Thank Merlin for Remus Lupin.
* * *
A while later, you stand in the corner of the room, your mind still stuck on how James's teasing that you don't hear the man in question come up to you.
"Hey, dove," he whispers and you spin around.
"Oh–hi," you whisper. You must look so smitten because you can just feel your cheeks burn.
James smirks. "It's late. Where's Lily?"
You frown as you look around, "She's talking with um—some of her other friends over there—" you point, expecting James to walk to her and leave you behind.
Instead, he stays. "You think she'd mind if I walk you back to your Common Room, you seem a little tipsy."
You're at a loss for words but then you stutter, "O-oh, no, I don't think she would mind," you whisper, "That's very kind of you, James. I c-can walk alone if it's a bother—"
"Nonsense. If it was a bother, I wouldn't have asked," James takes your arm, pushing some hair from your face with his fingers.
"Cute ribbon," he adds, looking at the red ribbon in your hair, "Very on brand with Gryffindor pride," he chuckles as he clearly enjoys the flustered look you're wearing.
"You're adorable," he says and he takes your hand, leading you out into the hall. The corridors are empty and dimly lit at this time in the evening and it feels surreal to walk the halls hand in hand with James Potter—especially when he keeps looking back at you with that look on his face. 
When you arrive at the entrance of the Hufflepuff Common Room, James turns to you and he keeps his hand in yours. He's blushing obviously now and you can smell the beer on his breath.
"If we weren't so tipsy," he mumbles, his knuckles caressing your skin, "I would kiss you right now."
Your eyes widen and your breath leaves you. "Pardon?"
"You heard me, love—where have you been all my life?" he sounds lovesick and one of his palms press against his warm cheek, "Is this what love at first sight is supposed to feel like? Because I was convinced that was all bullshit until now. What charm have you put on me, Y/n?"
You look away because if you look into his eyes any longer, you'll faint. Your hand squeezes his as his words make you feel dizzy and all fluttery. "I think you're just a little drunk, James."
"Drunk in love, yeah," he half-jokes, his tone soft as he leans in and his lips find your forehead.
You shut your eyes, wondering how he could make you feel like this in a mere matter of hours and although your insecurities creep in, you stay in the moment. 
"Where can I find you tomorrow?" James whispers against your skin. 
"I'm in the library a lot, especially in the mornings," you say, having no expectations of ever seeing James Potter again. You and him live on completely different planets.
"You can find me there if you'd like," you finish and James nods, his lips kissing your temple one last time and then he whispers a small, sweet dreams into your skin. 
* * *
  In the morning, you ignore your hangover and find your usual spot in the back of the library as you open an old book written by an ancient muggle philosopher. 
Last night's events in the Gryffindor Common Room play in your head as you read. 
"Mornin'." You're startled by a familiar voice and you look up from your book. James stands in front of you, a Quaffle under his arm as his hair splays messily across his forehead.
He's still dressed in his Quidditch Uniform and he walks closer, smiling. "Sorry I'm late—practice ran later than usual. Whatcha reading?" he asks, sitting across from you and draping his arm across the chair next to his as the Quaffle sits in his lap.
"You came," you whisper with a smile, your heart fluttering.
"Yeah, 'course I came," James says so casually as he leans over the table and taps your book, "Whatcha reading, dove? Do tell me all about it,"
You feel all warm and fuzzy like all your wildest dreams have come true, when you say, "Only if you tell me all about Quidditch practice after?" you look at him shyly.
"Your wish is my command," James grins, a faint blush on his cheeks.
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nayziiz · 4 months
I don’t know if you taking any request, but I would love one where reader and Carlos share birthday and he is turning 30 and reader is turning 26, and they have a surprised birthday party but after a while they disappear because they want to be alone, maybe running to the beach where things turn hot, but at the same time super cute
Pairing: Carlos Sainz x reader (Y/N)
Warnings: None, just a lot of softness
Author’s note: Thank you for this request! I loved writing this. I actually had a birthday-themed one shot planned for Carlos down the line, so I’ve meshed the two together. Hope you like it, anon!
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The Sainz family were big on celebrating birthdays, always were, and probably always would be as the grandkids began emerging. From grand feasts to meticulously decorated cakes, their gatherings were legendary in their circle. They embraced every reason to celebrate life, and birthdays were at the top of that list.
Carlos Sainz, however, felt differently. Ever since he was a child, he found the hullabaloo of birthday celebrations overwhelming. It wasn't that he hated his birthday—he appreciated the love and thoughtfulness behind it—but the anticipation, the parties, and the surprises weren't his thing. His family, exuberant and enthusiastic, never quite understood his reluctance, though they respected it as best they could.
That all changed when he met Y/N.
Y/N was the embodiment of birthday joy. She revelled in the surprises, the laughter, and the attention that came with her special day. Every year, she looked forward to the creative and sometimes outrageous plans her friends concocted. The excitement of not knowing what was in store made her feel alive. Birthdays, to her, were magical, a time when the world seemed to celebrate her existence.
When Carlos and Y/N started dating, his mother made a special effort to make Y/N feel welcomed and cherished. She saw in Y/N the same spark she had in herself for birthday celebrations and went all out to ensure Y/N felt like part of the family.
Carlos couldn't help but be amazed by the twist of fate that had brought Y/N into his life. What were the chances he’d meet someone, fall hopelessly in love with her, and discover they shared the same birthday? It seemed like destiny had a sense of humour, pairing two people who were polar opposites in their approach to celebrating their day.
At first, Carlos found it challenging to reconcile their differences. Y/N’s infectious enthusiasm for birthdays was a stark contrast to his quiet appreciation. Yet, as the years went by and Y/N moved to Monaco to be with Carlos, they found a balance. They began spending their birthdays with the Sainz family, where Y/N's excitement was met with warmth and Carlos’s quieter nature was respected.
During their long-term relationship, it quickly became a friendly competition to see who would get up first on their shared birthday morning to make pancakes, decorate the apartment with streamers, and get the cakes ready. Those mornings were some of their most cherished memories, filled with laughter, love, and a playful spirit that defined their bond.
The tradition started one early morning a few years into their relationship. Y/N had woken up extra early, determined to surprise Carlos with a breakfast of fluffy pancakes and a kitchen festooned with vibrant streamers. When Carlos awoke to the smell of vanilla and the sight of his favourite breakfast, his heart swelled with warmth. The joy on Y/N’s face as she presented the spread was infectious, and he knew this was a moment he wanted to repeat.
The next year, Carlos decided to turn the tables. He set his alarm even earlier, sneaking out of bed with the stealth of a ninja. He whipped up pancakes, decorated the apartment in Y/N’s favourite colours, and had everything ready before she woke up. Her surprised and delighted reaction was priceless, and thus, their annual birthday competition was born.
Each year, they tried to outdo each other in creativity and effort. Some mornings, Y/N would weave intricate garlands of flowers along the walls and ceilings, while other times, Carlos would arrange for balloons that played a soft melody when touched. They would take turns crafting the most delightful pancake designs, from heart shapes to animals, making breakfast a feast for both the eyes and the stomach.
One particularly memorable year, Y/N had managed to enlist the help of their closest friends to create a pancake buffet with every topping imaginable. She had transformed their living room into a whimsical birthday wonderland overnight, complete with a makeshift pancake bar. Carlos, despite his best efforts, found himself wonderfully defeated that year, laughing as he marvelled at the sheer extravagance of her plan.
In return, Carlos spent months planning the ultimate birthday surprise the following year. He created a treasure hunt that began with a simple pancake breakfast but led to hidden clues throughout their apartment, each one revealing another cherished memory or inside joke. The final clue brought Y/N to a small, beautifully decorated room where Carlos had set up a projector to play a montage of their happiest moments together.
These mornings were more than just a friendly competition; they were a testament to their love and the lengths they would go to make each other feel special. Each year, they created new memories, their playful rivalry a celebration of their relationship’s enduring joy and mutual adoration.
For the first time in five years, Carlos’s family could not be with them for their birthday. A new baby niece had arrived, and naturally, all attention was focused on the newest family member. Carlos didn't mind; he adored his niece and understood the excitement surrounding her. The decision to stay home and celebrate his 30th and her 26th birthdays alone was a welcome change of pace, a chance to create new memories in the comfort of their own space.
The night before their birthday, they sat together on the couch, wrapped in a cosy blanket, reminiscing about their past birthday adventures.
“It feels strange not having the family around,” Y/N said, leaning her head on Carlos's shoulder. “But I’m excited to have a quiet day, just the two of us.”
“We can do whatever we want. No elaborate plans, no fuss. Just us,” Carlos nodded, a smile playing on his lips.
When the clock struck midnight, Y/N grinned and sprang up.
“Happy Birthday!” she exclaimed, kissing him gently. Carlos returned the kiss, his heart full of love for the woman who had transformed his view of birthdays.
The morning sun streamed through the windows, waking them naturally. They both stirred, blinking sleepily at each other.
“Truce?” Y/N suggested, laughing. “Let’s make breakfast together this time.”
Carlos agreed, and they headed to the kitchen, side by side. They mixed the pancake batter, playfully arguing over the best way to cook them. The kitchen soon filled with the comforting aroma of pancakes and coffee. As they sat down to eat, Carlos reached under the table and pulled out a small gift.
“For you,” he said, handing it to Y/N. She unwrapped it to find a delicate bracelet, each charm representing a shared memory or inside joke from their years together.
“It’s perfect, Carlos. Thank you.”  Tears welled up in her eyes as she hugged him tightly.
It was wishful thinking that they would have a quiet day to themselves. Late in the morning, Carlos got a call from his manager, Carlos Onoro, asking if they could join him and his partner for a celebratory lunch, just the four of them. Carlos glanced at Y/N, who gave an understanding nod and a smile. They both knew how important these relationships were, and besides, a lunch out sounded nice. So, they got dressed and drove down to a beach-side restaurant to meet.
They should have known what was waiting for them. The cars parked around the restaurant should have been a dead giveaway. As they approached the entrance, Carlos and Y/N noticed a few familiar vehicles but didn't think much of it, attributing it to coincidence. When they walked in, however, they were met with a thunderous cheer.
Everyone screamed and shouted in jubilation for the couple sharing a birthday. Streamers and balloons adorned the ceiling, and a large banner reading “Happy Birthday Carlos and Y/N!” hung prominently on the wall. Y/N quickly cowered under Carlos's arm, their faces both flushing with surprise and delight. Neither had expected so many of their friends; not once did surprise party bells go off in their heads.
Carlos Onoro, with a mischievous grin, stepped forward and embraced them both.
“You didn’t think we’d let you two be alone on your birthday!” Carlos Onoro exclaimed as he enveloped the couple in his embrace. “The big 3-0, how’s it feel dating an old man?”
Carlos chuckled, shaking his head. Before he could respond, Y/N interjected with a playful grin.
“Consider me pleased dating a silver fox, then,” she teased as she gazed lovingly at him, her eyes sparkling with affection. Their friends laughed, and Carlos couldn't help but blush, feeling both embarrassed and touched by her words.
“Well, if I’m a silver fox, then I guess I’m pretty lucky to have such a beautiful partner,” he replied, kissing her forehead softly.
Their friends gathered around, offering hugs, well-wishes, and playful jabs about how surprised they looked. The restaurant was filled with familiar faces, friends from Monaco, family members who had managed to slip away, and even some colleagues from Carlos’s racing world. The air buzzed with excitement and love.
Carlos's eyes scanned the room, settling on the carefully arranged decorations and the table laden with their favourite foods. It was clear that a lot of thought and effort had gone into planning this party. He turned to Y/N, who was already tearing up from the overwhelming affection surrounding them.
After a few hours of chatting, eating, and drinking, Carlos was exhausted from the attention. The constant stream of conversations and well-wishers had been wonderful but draining. He scanned the room, searching for Y/N amidst the laughter and animated discussions. Spotting her laughing with a group of friends, he made his way over.
“Hey,” he said softly, touching her arm. “Can I steal you for a minute?”
Y/N turned to him, immediately sensing his need for a break.
“Of course,” she said, taking his hand. She excused herself from the group, smiling apologetically at her friends.
“If I hear someone say happy birthday one more time-” he moaned into her neck as he pulled her against him, squeezing her butt in the process. “Want to get out of here for a bit?”
She nodded, her heart beating a little faster. Hand in hand, they slipped out of the restaurant and made their way to the beach. The cool sand under their feet and the gentle sound of the waves created a perfect escape from the lively party.
They walked in comfortable silence for a while, the moonlight casting a silvery glow on the water. Eventually, they reached a secluded spot where they could still see the lights of the beach house but felt like they were in their own little world.
“Can you believe we've been celebrating our birthdays together for five years now?” Carlos turned to face her, his expression soft and contemplative.
“I can't imagine celebrating it any other way,” She smiled, looking up at him.
Without another word, Carlos closed the distance between them, his lips capturing hers in a tender kiss. It was a moment filled with unspoken emotions, a blend of passion and affection that they cultivated for years.
“The world wouldn't be this bright without you, you know?” Carlos told her, causing her to blush.
“Happy birthday, my love,” she replied softly, running a hand through his lush black hair. The touch was tender, and it sent a comforting warmth through both of them.
“I don’t hate hearing that as much when it comes from you,” Carlos smiled, his eyes twinkling with affection.
“And you, Carlos Sainz Vázquez de Castro and whatever else makes up your very long name, are my favourite birthday gift,” she stated, her eyes twinkling with playful affection.
“Well, when you put it that way, I guess I'll have to live up to the title,” Carlos chuckled, the sound warm and genuine.
“You already do, every single day,” she laughed, leaning in to kiss him softly. 
“You know, today didn’t turn out exactly how we planned, but I wouldn’t change a thing. Being with you makes everything perfect,” Carlos held her close, feeling the deep connection they shared.
“Agreed,” she said, resting her head on his shoulder. “Here’s to many more birthdays together, filled with love and surprises.”
They stood there, the cool ocean breeze wrapping around them, and shared a quiet moment of understanding and gratitude. The love they had for each other was palpable, a beacon that made every celebration special, no matter the circumstances.
“Shall we head back inside?” Carlos asked eventually, his voice soft.
“Yes, let's,” Y/N replied, taking his hand.
They rejoined the party, the energy and joy of their friends and family enveloping them once more. As the evening continued, Carlos and Y/N found themselves frequently stealing glances at each other, sharing secret smiles and touches that spoke of their unspoken bond.
The night wound down, and as they finally made their way home, they felt a deep sense of fulfilment. They changed into their pyjamas and climbed into bed, wrapping themselves in each other’s warmth.
“Thank you for making today so special,” Carlos looked into Y/N’s eyes, his heart full.
“Every day with you is special. Happy birthday, Carlos,” Y/N smiled, her hand caressing his cheek. 
“Happy birthday, my love,” he whispered back, pulling her close.
With those words, they drifted off to sleep, knowing that no matter what life brought their way, they would always have each other. And that was the greatest gift of all.
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httpsdrewstarkey · 20 days
i would like to see drew starkey x popstar!reader like tate mcrae or olivia rodrigo
Backstage Moments || Drew Starkey
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authors note: enjoy anon!!! 🥰
Y/N sat on the hotel balcony; her knees tucked to her chest as the city lights stretched endlessly below. The air was cool, and the faint hum of traffic buzzed in the distance, but all she could focus on was the buzzing phone on the table beside her. Another reminder of the whirlwind her life had become. Just hours earlier, she’d wrapped up a meeting with her team, where they talked logistics for her upcoming international tour. The tour she’d dreamed of since she was a teenager, as her manager rattled off numbers, dates, and sold-out venues, the excitement that used to flood her veins now felt like an undercurrent, muted by something heavier.
“Hey, baby.” Drew’s voice was warm as he stepped onto the balcony, pulling a pack of cigarettes from his back pocket. He lit one with ease, the small flicker of the lighter casting a soft glow across his face for a moment.
Y/N looked up and smiled softly at him, feeling a wave of comfort just from his presence. “Hey,” she murmured, shifting slightly in her seat as he sat down next to her.
He inhaled the smoke, exhaling slowly as he studied her face. “You nervous about tomorrow?” he asked, reaching out to rest his hand on her leg, gently pulling her feet onto his lap. His fingers absentmindedly running up and down her leg, grounding her.
She gave a small shrug, brushing a hand through her hair. “I always am,” she admitted quietly, the tension in her shoulders palpable.
Drew’s lips quirked into a smile, his thumb stroking her skin in soft circles. “You’ll be incredible. You always are.”
And just like that, his words—steady, unshakeable—settled some of the weight in her chest. She leaned back in her chair, the corners of her mouth lifting in a faint smile. “I don’t know what I’d do without you,” she whispered, almost to herself.
The pre-show chaos was in full swing. Y/N sat in her dressing room, a cozy pair of sweats on while her makeup artist worked her magic. The familiar click and hum of hair rollers being set into place filled the air as they laughed over a joke Y/N had made. But behind the laughter, there was that gnawing feeling of anxiety creeping in, tightening its grip the closer they got to showtime.
Drew sat on the couch in the back of the room, one leg crossed over the other, phone in hand. But he wasn’t really paying attention to it. Instead, his eyes kept drifting back to her reflection in the mirror. He could see the way she smiled so effortlessly, chatting away with the team like she wasn’t moments away from stepping onto a stage in front of thousands. From the outside, she looked calm—like she had it all together. But Drew knew better. He knew her little tells—the way her fingers fiddled with the edge of her sleeve, the subtle tension in her jaw when she thought no one was watching. She was nervous, worried about every little detail.
He loved that about her. The way she cared so deeply about getting it right. She never half-assed anything; she was all in, always.
Y/N was so different from anyone he’d ever known. Where he could be reserved, preferring quieter moments and more intimate spaces, she thrived in the noise, in the crowd. She had a confidence that was intoxicating, an energy that drew people to her without her even trying. On stage, she was electric and sexy, her presence so magnetic it was impossible to look away. The way she moved, the way she owned the space—she was fierce, sensual, and completely in control.
And yet, off-stage, she was the opposite. Vulnerable, thoughtful, deeply empathetic. She had this rare ability to balance both worlds—the wild, untouchable star and the girl who curled up beside him at night, her head on his chest, telling him about her dreams in a whisper.
“You look gorgeous,” Drew said, standing up and walking over to her as the makeup artist stepped away for a moment. He bent down and kissed her forehead gently, careful not to disturb her makeup. “Completely stunning.”
She smiled up at him, the kind of smile that reached her eyes, making them sparkle with something more than just excitement for the show. “Thank you,” she whispered, her hand reaching up to touch his arm. “I’m glad you’re here with me.”
There was something in the way she said it that made his chest tighten. Even after all this time together, she still gave him butterflies. There was something raw and real about her, something that went deeper than the fame, the flashing lights, or the music. She was his grounding force, and he was hers.
Before the show began, Y/N’s photographer approached them, “Could I get a quick photo of you two before things get hectic?” he asked, his camera already poised.
Drew and Y/N exchanged a smile as he wrapped his arm around her waist, giving her a small, affectionate squeeze. Y/N leaned into him, their expressions glowing with genuine affection. As the photographer snapped the picture, her nerves seemed to settle.
As the photographer began to walk away, Drew turned to look at her. his gaze softened as he cupped both sides of her jaw. “You’re going to be incredible, honey,” he said softly.
He pulled her into a warm hug, his arms resting comfortably on her shoulders, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to her forehead, whispering an “I love you.” The tender gesture was filled with reassurance and unwavering support, a quiet promise of his presence through it all.
As he made his way outside the venue, the roar of the crowd met him like a wave, screams intensifying as soon as the fans spotted him. He smiled, offering a small wave as he walked towards the VIP section. A few fans called out his name, and he stopped briefly to take photos and chat with them, all the while feeling the excitement building inside him. He was proud of her—not just for who she was on stage but for the woman she was behind the scenes. The girl who still got nervous before every performance but always found a way to shine through it.
As he made his way to the VIP section, his heart swelled with a mix of pride and love. She was about to take the stage, and he knew she’d blow everyone away. But to him, she wasn’t just the pop star. She was Y/N. The girl who kicked his ass at Mario Kart, who made the best pancakes on Sunday mornings, who danced around their living room when she thought no one was watching.
He smiled to himself as he found his seat, the crowd buzzing with anticipation for her to take the stage. She was about to show the world what he already knew—she was unstoppable.
And as the lights dimmed and the first notes of her song played, Drew’s heart pounded with a familiar rhythm. He would always be here, in the front row, cheering her on. Because no matter how high she soared, he knew their love was the one thing that kept them both grounded.
When she finally stepped onto the stage, the crowd’s roar was a wave that crashed over her. Drew pulled out his phone, capturing the moment with a quick picture. He looked at the picture with a proud smile, a small giggle escaping his lips. The image of Y/N, radiant and poised, was not just a memento for him but a moment he knew would make waves online. Fans would swoon over the intimate detail—the proud boyfriend taking a picture of his girl in her element. It was a snapshot of their shared journey, that he would always cherish.
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specialagentlokitty · 4 months
Aizawa x reader - newfound secrets
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I've been a sucker for that man. Like reader is a pro hero too, probably in the top ten ranks with some sort of magic like quirk(mage?) And reader just randomly opened a portal while he's in class to drop him lunch or forgotten paperwork or his precious sleeping bag. And 1-A is shocked to find out their teacher has a lover, much less a hero who's a complete opposite of him. Either gf/bf/neutral or married is completely fine! - Anon💜
You were wondering about your apartment doing some cleaning now that you had a few free days from work.
You were slowly making your way from room to room, doing what had to be done in each room, and as you got to the kitchen you paused as you looked at the kitchen table.
With a small laugh, you shook your head slightly and picked up the bright yellow sleeping bag that was on the table.
You had warned Aizawa time and time again if he kept leaving it on the table he’d forget it one day, and true to your word he had.
Holding it under your arm, you activated your quirk, a purple orb appearing in your hand as you tossed it at the wall, opening a small doorway which you walked through and in less than a second you were in his classroom which was bustling with chatter of the students.
“Hey it’s Druid!” One of them shouted excitedly.
Immediately all of the teenagers turned to you with curiosity, some with excitement.
“Hey guys, where’s your teacher?” You asked.
“He’s behind his desk sleeping!” A stern looking blue haired boy called out.
You beam brightly at him, walking over to the desk and looking behind it, and just like the student said, there was Aizawa fast asleep propped up against the wall.
With a gentle sigh, you walk over and crouch down in front of him.
“I wouldn’t wake him up, he gets pretty annoyed when someone wakes him up…” a girl mumbles.
You wave your hand dismissively.
“It’ll be fine.”
Setting the beanbag down, you reach out, gently tapping on his forehead with the back of your knuckles.
“Hey, wake up for a moment…”
Aizawa lazily opens an eye, looking at your tiredly.
“Why’re you here…?” He mumbles.
“Missing something?” You grin, holding up the beanbag.
“Was wondering where I put that…” he mumbled.
Aizawa took the sleeping bag from you, climbing inside of it and laid down again on the ground.
Reaching out, you zipped the sleeping bag up for him, and pat his forehead a few times which earned you a slight huff from him as he closed his eyes again.
“Thought you had work…”
“That’s next week, I’ve got a few days off this week. Seriously Shouta how you actually manage to function is beyond me. Have you eaten?”
You raise a brow, standing up to look at his class.
“Has Aizawa had lunch?”
“No!” They called out.
From the ground you could hear him grumbling about them being traitors, and one of the girls raised her hand.
“My names Mina! Why did you have Mr Aizawa’s sleeping bag?!” She asks almost a little too excited.
With a small laugh you rubbed the back of your head slightly, ignoring Aizawa’s warning glare he sent you.
“Well, that’s because we’re married, and he left it on the kitchen table.”
Immediately the class burst out in shouts of shock, confusion and disbelief that their grumpy, almost emotionless homeroom teacher had actually managed to find somebody to marry him.
Aizawa gave you a slight glare, but you could still see a small bit of softness behind his tired gaze.
Everybody was shouting out questions to you, wanting to know everything and you laughed a little bit, raising your hands to try quiet them down.
“Hey, hey quiet down. You’ll get your answers, but for now I have to go, but I’ll be back soon and then we can talk, promise!”
They all nod excitedly, and as you walk back to your portal you hear Aizawa mumble something out about bringing him some jelly pouches and coffee which makes you roll your eyes.
You closed the portal as you stepped back into the apartment and quickly work on making a simple and easy lunch for Aizawa, putting on a pot of coffee as well.
While you were there, Aizawa had to deal with the unfortunate consequences of you telling his class you two were married, and he zipped his sleeping bag fully up covering his face knowing his students weren’t stupid enough to try and unzip it.
After about 15 minutes, you open another portal and step through, setting a box of food on Aizawa’s desk, along with a cup of coffee, and dropping a few jelly pouches on his sleeping bag.
He let out a grumble, but unzipped his sleeping bag just enough to grab them and put them inside, it was like watching a squirrel hiding its food in a tree.
Sitting on the floor next to his desk, just slightly behind it so you could still keep an eye on your husband, you turned to his class.
“Okay, questions one at a time.”
Immediately they all raised their hands and you picked them out one by one, answering their questions and learning their names along the way.
While you talked with them, you saw Aizawa out the corner of your eye sit up in his sleeping bag, grabbing the coffee and the food from the desk.
He then shuffled over, resting his back on his desk as he ate still half asleep.
Every so often his head would droop, and you’d have to slightly nudge his knee to wake him up.
When he finished half the food, he set the box in your lap, handing you the chopsticks as he focused on drinking his coffee now, watching your carefully.
“Eat…” he mumbled quietly, just loud enough for you to hear.
With a small smile, you start eating while still talking to his class while he kept a watching eye on you, rummaging through through your pocket, pulling out whatever you had in there.
His class seemed very invested in their teachers love life and carried on spilling out questions, and you knew for a fact Aizawa wasn’t going to be living this down any time soon
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gh0stsp1d3r · 1 year
hobie brown x O'hara!reader??? her and hobie are VERY VERY different.... shes so lana del rey and quiet while hes being himself <333 but miguels talking to her in spanish asking her why she chose him knowing that their opposites but just wants to see her happy??? have the best day LMFAOOO. im sorry i cant freaking sleep rn... MUAH<3333
LOVE LOVE LOVE. Thank you for this anon
Opposites attract
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You silently watched Hobie as he went on a rant, nodding and listening carefully. Just admiring his face.
“I mean, seriously it’s jus’ stupid innit?”
He smiled at you “At least I have one person who agrees.” He said, and took a bite of his food.
You laughed and he smiled at your laugh.
“Someone’s happy today.”
“Jus’ enjoying being with you.” You said.
“Me too, me too.”
“Well, I won’t keep you, go back to doing your work, spider-man.” You smiled at him softly, you both stood up. You grabbed the food you saved for your dad, and He gave you a quick kiss before you left to your dads office.
“Hola papá, te traje algo de almuerzo.”
(Hi dad, I brought you some lunch.)
“Gracias. ¿Estuviste con Hobie otra vez?” He took it.
(Thank you. Were you with Hobie again?)
“¿Sí, porque?”
(Yeah, why)
He sighed “No entiendo lo que ves en él..”
(I don’t know what you see in him)
“Es links conmigo y me defiende.”
(He’s sweet. And he stands up for me.)
“Si tu eres feliz yo soy feliz. Pero si te lastima, hazle saber que lo mataré mientras duerme.”
(If you're happy i'm happy. But if he hurts you let him know ill kill him in his sleep)
You laughed “I’ll let him know.” You shook your head and left his office
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envelopesofbadluck · 10 months
Oh look, a wild Ribbon appears.
Headed straight towards Eddie and he’s holding the beetle.
What the f*ck do ya want?- oh...a frankly
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misswynters · 1 month
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tom taylor x gn!reader (oneshot)
[NOTE | if you have any problem with me writing for actors (which has always been done!) then block me because i just mainly write sfw content
[SYNOPSIS: Tom and you get flirty while at an interview for a show, as costars.
[requested: by anon
[SIMILAR | Gym Confession | Costars on set
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The studio is buzzing with energy as you and Tom Taylor take your seats opposite the interviewer. The room is alive with the hum of anticipation, the kind that always accompanies these kinds of interviews. You exchange a quick, knowing glance with Tom, and he flashes you that mischievous smile he’s become famous for—one that makes your heart skip a beat even now.
"Thank you both for joining us today," the interviewer begins, leaning forward with a smile. "There’s been a lot of talk about the incredible chemistry between your characters on screen. How much of that do you think is a result of the dynamic between the two of you off-screen?"
Tom leans back in his chair, his eyes locking with yours before he answers. "Well, when you’re working with someone as talented as ___, it’s pretty easy to have chemistry. They makes every scene feel alive, which home keeps me on my toes."
You laugh softly, turning to the interviewer. "Tom’s just being modest. He’s the one who brings that spark to every scene. It’s hard not to have chemistry with someone who’s so committed and… well, fun to work with."
The interviewer grins, clearly sensing the playful banter between you two. "Fun, huh? What’s it like working with Tom? Any stories you can share?"
Tom cuts in before you can answer, his tone light and teasing. "Careful now. Don’t give away all my secrets."
You roll your eyes with a smile. "Oh, I’ve got plenty of stories, but I think my favorite is when we were filming this intense scene, and Tom kept trying to make me laugh between takes. He was doing these ridiculous impressions, and I could barely keep a straight face."
Tom chuckles, shaking his head. "Guilty as charged. But in my defense, you looked like you needed a laugh."
"You definitely succeeded," you reply, still smiling at the memory. "It’s hard to stay serious when he’s around, but that’s one of the reasons I love working with him. He makes every day on set feel like an adventure."
The interviewer nods, clearly enjoying the back-and-forth. "It sounds like you two have a lot of fun together. How does that translate to your work? Do you ever find it challenging to switch from joking around to filming serious scenes?"
Tom leans closer to you, his voice dropping to a playful whisper. "What do you think, ___? Do I make it hard for you to stay in character?"
You can’t help but laugh, shaking your head. "Let’s just say you keep things interesting, Tom. But honestly, I think the playfulness we have off-screen helps us connect better in the serious scenes. It adds a layer of trust and comfort that makes those moments more authentic."
Tom nods in agreement, his eyes warm as they meet yours. "Exactly. It’s all about trust. When you know you can rely on your co-star, it frees you up to really dive into the character and the scene. And ___ is someone I can always count on, both on and off set."
The interviewer smiles, clearly charmed by the dynamic between the two of you. "It’s obvious that you two have a great relationship. Do you think that chemistry is something that’s developed over time, or was it there from the beginning?"
Tom glances at you, his expression softening. "I’d say it was there from the start. But it’s definitely grown stronger over time. The more you work with someone, the more you learn about their rhythms, their instincts. And that just makes everything flow better."
You nod in agreement. "Absolutely. From the first scene we shot together, I felt like we clicked. And it’s only gotten better from there. I think that’s part of the magic—finding someone you can really connect with, both as an actor and as a person."
The interviewer wraps up the segment with a smile, thanking you both for your time. As the cameras cut off and the crew begins to pack up, Tom turns to you, his smile still lingering.
"So, did I do a good job of keeping things interesting today?" he asks, his voice low and teasing.
You grin, playfully nudging his shoulder. "You always do, Tom. You always do."
As the two of you leave the studio together, the energy from the interview still buzzing between you, you can’t help but feel that this chemistry, this connection, is something rare and special—something that goes beyond the cameras and the scripts.
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taglist: @spn-obession @soulsbrne @beebeechaos @thornsandtulips @shoxji
banner: @cafekitsune
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"if father is nice now..." "father, may I be a god once again? y'know, it is my birthright"
"Again? Why again?" Zeus appears younger--his immortal appearance naturally resting around Mason's age--and his eyes are almost brighter than the cloudless-skies around them. He looks hyper and like he's two seconds away from jumping out of his own skin. "Did something happen?" He doesn't mean to dodge the question, really, but his senses are both hyper-focused on the air/emotions around him and also what's happening in the world so he can be at his siblings' sides in seconds should they need it. His head feels light, for once, and it's now he realizes how he felt so heavy.
(His head tries to sink down again--to remind him that he shouldn't cling, that he is no longer a savior and nobody no longer needs saving [but it's the only thing he knows how to do]--but something's keeping him on that high. Magic, maybe? He can't focus, his siblings and children might need help-)
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wandamaximoffsbadgirl · 7 months
Can I request top!Agatha Harkness x bottom!reader? And Agatha overstimulates reader with her fingers and magic. maybe you could add breeding kink
Under Her Spell
Top!Agatha Harkness x bottom!Fem!Reader
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, top!Mommy!Agatha, subby!reader, overstimulation (R), use of vibrator (R), Agatha uses magic to restrain R, A uses magic strap on R, breeding kink, magic strap does have cum
Word Count: 1,151
A/N: I had a fun time exploring this first time really writing Agatha, so I did go a little overboard from my usual requests. Hope you enjoy anon!
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The rays of the setting sun flooded through the double floor to ceiling picture windows leading into the living room of your shared space. You had fallen asleep for a nap earlier in the afternoon only to be woken up by the rays on your face.
The timing seemed to be perfect though as you heard the familiar sound of the front door unlocking and opening. Shoes being taken off and set on the rack by the door. Keys dropped in the bowl.
“I'm home, angel!” you hear your girlfriend call out, making you smile as you get up from your spot on the comfy sectional. You kept your blanket wrapped around you, not willing to give up its warmth just yet.
You shuffled your way over. A smile on your face as well as hers as her deep blue eyes settle on you.
You bound up to her, blanket falling and forgotten about as the warmth of her embrace takes over.
“Welcome home!” You say, burying your face in her chest.
“Did you miss me dear?” You look up at her nodding “We're you a good girl while I was out?”
“Of course! I was the best!” Agatha already knew that, of course she did. She always had eyes and ears around the house to keep an eye while she was away.
“Well good girls deserve rewards, don't they?” She pulled you up and into a kiss, slowly moving the two of you to the bedroom. “Strip down sweetie. I'm going to get some toys to play with.” You undressed quickly, not wanting to upset Agatha and got yourself on the bed as she came back with only a magic wand making you tilt your head in confusion.
Before you can verbally question anything Agatha waves her hand, purple swirls of magic tug on your wrist until they're above your head. Your legs being tugged in opposite directions being held firmly in place by her magic. You couldn't move even if you wanted to.
The wand is being held in place over your clit Agatha turning it on its highest setting.
“Ahhhh…Agatha…” she smirked down at you.
“Stay right there pet. I'm going to go take a shower.” You whine and try to squirm, but no matter how you moved the vibrator was in just the right spot. “Cum as much as you like pet. I want the bed soaked by the time I'm back.” That was how Agatha left you as she closed the on-suite bathroom door.
“Are you still with me sweetie?” Your eyes glazed over as your head lulled towards her,
“Mama…” your brain was entirely fuzzy. Words are difficult for you right now. You lost count after five, but you knew from the look on Agatha's face she was happy.
Your eyes trailed over her still wet and naked body before your eyes landed on the magic strap between her legs and you knew this wasn't over. Agatha took the vibrator away from your now extremely overstimulated clit. You shudder in relief though you could still feel phantom vibrations from it being there for an hour.
“Are you ready dear?” Agatha asked, already knowing the answer. You dumbly nodded your head. “Such a good girl doing exactly as I had asked. Now it's time for your reward.” Agatha moved herself between your legs, lining herself up with you. She knew you were more than wet enough. She let your legs go in favor of holding them as she pushed into you. Making you moan out and pull against your restraints.
“Mommy! Touch! Pease!” Your last word slurring slightly as she hits your spot.
“Shhh soon baby, let Mommy enjoy you for a bit.” Agatha cooed into your ear in such a way that made you shiver and fall deeper into that fuzzy head space only being able to moan. Words are becoming too much for your brain to handle currently.
Agatha let her mouth wander, biting and sucking wherever she could, she loved marking you and since she had started you always had various states of hickies littering your body from fresh purple to healing yellows. A beautiful collage that Agatha had made across the canvas of your body.
You came back from your thoughts when Agatha added her fingers back into the mix on your clit.
“C-cummin’ Ma…” you somehow managed out.
“Go on, baby girl. Cum for Mommy.” Agatha husked, breathy in your ear. As the coil inside you snapped once more and she finally let your arms go as she continued to pump inside you.
“Mama…too mush…” you gripped her, scratching down her back.
“One more angel. I want you to cum with me. You can do that, right? You're such a good girl for me.” You nodded though everything felt like it was on fire in both the best and worst way.
The build up was quick for both of you as Agatha gripped you tightly, looking down into your Y/E/C orbs.
“I'm gonna cum baby. Gonna cum all inside you and fill up that pretty tummy until you're perfectly full and breed with my babies.” You moansled at her words, you hips moving with her own as, making her strap hit your deepest parts and as soon as she started to spurt inside of you, you snapped and joined her in the bliss of yet another orgasam as you gripped and clawed at Agatha only able to repeat, “Breed me Mommy…please…please breed me…” your brain on autopilot.
Agatha had trained you so well over your time together as her movement slowed down. Slowly pulling out making you groan and clench around nothing as she shushed and cooed at you.
“It's okay sweetie. I'm right here. I'm gonna grab you water and a towel.” With a flicker of Agatha's wrist the room was cleaned. No more of your mess on the bed and it even felt warm as you started drifting off until you felt the cold cloth against you as you instinctively tried to pull back, but her strong hands held you there. “It's okay baby I need to clean you. I know I overstimulated you didn't I?” she cooed, your hazy eyes looking at her.
“You loved it though, didn't you?” she asked with a smile as she helped you sit up to drink some water.
Agatha got the two of you in your pajamas with a snap of her fingers, letting you curl up against her body. You start falling asleep comfortably against your dominant and your girlfriend in your fuzzy little headspace.
“I love you Y/N you did so well for me tonight.” She whispered as she rubs your back and runs her fingers through your hair as you smile and press yourself further into her.
“I love you too, Aggie.” That night you fell asleep with a smile on your face.
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parvulous-writings · 3 months
Could I request headcanons for Astarion, Gale, and Halsin react to being stuck in close proximity with gn crush? - Fluff anon
Notes:  My requests are currently open, though limited! My pinned post (found here) contains both a list of characters I write for, and a masterlist!  Original character list - please request for these too!
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Initially, Astarion is rather grumpy about the whole situation; being stuck in close proximity with anyone is going to initially make him a little frustrated. He likes having the freedom to move all his limbs as he pleases, thank you very much.
However, it doesn't take him very long to start flirting, or making risqué comments to you. He's of the opinion that, despite you both being stuck together, he might as well have a bit of fun with it whilst it lasts, right? What else is there to do, if not seize the moment to make a few cheeky jokes?
"You know, darling... Things normally happen between two people who are so close..." His voice isn't much above a whisper, but you can hear it loud and clear. "I do believe there may be a game around a situation such as this..." He taps his chin in mock thought. "What say we give it a try~?"
He very much enjoys giving you little, teasing touches. Nothing too risque, they're usually feather-light, the only reason you know he's doing them, is because you can practically see the smirk in those red eyes of his.
Once the pair of you are free, the whole ordeal becomes a little inside joke between the two of you for him, something that he frequently will bring up during your travels together, usually at your expense.
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Gale is incredibly awkward about the entire situation - he tries not to be, he tries to play it off coolly, but alas, it does not work. He's jostling near constantly, his legs always moving in a bid to try and give you more space, and always failing. He just ends up kicking you, which he profusely apologises for every time.
"Oh- sorry, sorry... I didn't mean to- Ouf- Sorry, again-" He falls entirely still for a moment, trying to think of a way out of this little situation. He, obviously, cannot wriggle out of it, lest he bruise your ribs more, nor can he actually see a way out - it was far too dark to make out many details. He would have used his magic, but it felt like any movement only ended up in hitting you, and making the situation ever more tense - and he's not looking to upset you, not in the slightest, he wants the same thing you do! To get out!
After the two of you are finally let out - thanks to a very helpful Karlach - Gale tries to brush over the whole incident. He tries not to touch upon it too much, if at all if he can help it. If you mention it at all, he'll play along in the conversation for a couple of minutes, though his cheeks are bright red, before he excuses himself for anything he can think of - no matter how trivial, or outlandish the thing may be. He doesn't overly like remembering the time he kept accidentally kicking you.
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Halsin is no small man - entirely the opposite, in fact. Thankfully, though, he is very aware of this. He tries not to move too much outside what is strictly necessary to keep his joints from screaming at him, and he makes sure to move slowly, and with warning. He's constantly mindful that it's not going be easy, being stuck in a confined space with a man who is quite literally as large as a bear.
He's very sweet about the whole thing - constantly asking how you are, and if there's anything you'd like to talk about to keep your mind off of the current situation. He'll only make jokes if you start making them first - he doesn't want to make you feel like he's making fun of you for somehow getting stuck in here with him.
He doesn't try to bash his way out - knowing full well that it may likely hurt you. He just reassures you that all will be alright, soon enough. And it is! He doesn't bring up the incident unless you bring it up first - he knows that some may make comments or assumptions about the predicament, so you touching on the topic first tells him that you're comfortable to talk about it in that moment, and he will almost happily reminisce with you.
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