#or a reincarnation type theme with someone
em1e · 1 year
idk what to work on aaaaa
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overcatic · 2 months
random (vedic) astro observations cause im bored
1. ashleshas love braiding & twisting their hair (brided/twisted hair resembles the body of a serpent and braiding one’s hair is associated with storing and protecting one’s energy, which is a major theme with ashlesha (protecting one’s family, privacy, wealth, life force, etc.) — ex. young thug.)
2. i can easily spot aries lagna through their alien head shape (big forehead & broad temples with a narrow chin.)
3. sun in rohini can make a woman known for her beautiful voice and/or feminine appeal (softness, sensitivity, motherly nature.)
4. the 7th aspect of saturn is where most of your effort and hard work is directed.
5. aries is the celestial horse, that is why they look and walk like that. most likely to have horse-like physique, physiognomy & hair.
6. rahu in the 1st gives serpent-like beauty and charm. their eyes have the power to hypnotize people.
7. sun conj. ketu (if positively placed and aspected) can make someone free of ego. most likely to have a jesus christ type of mentality. very naturally seductive. great dancers, especially if the sun rules the 3rd or 5th house. early awakening of kuṇḍalinī can be seen here.
8. saturn in the 1st house is one placement i’ve repeatedly seen in the charts of narcissists. charismatic, controlling, cruel, and really good at weakening people’s self-esteem. they can quite literally steal people’s life force (sun).
9. sidereal gemini is the sign of soul union. geminis, in this reincarnation, are meant to meet and be with their soulmates. this is especially seen in punarvasu, the star of return/reunion.
10. the house 2nd from venus can accurately indicate the type of partners you attract. 6th house: doctors, surgeons, politicians, lawyers, healers, etc. 8th house: bankers, journalists, astrologers, psychologists, etc. 12th house: creatives, activists, authors, musicians, animal lovers, etc.
11. swatis have a special affinity with spiders. (spiders = saturn. swati is the exaltation of saturn.)
12. atmakaraka falling in the 8th house of navamsa indicates that the soul reincarnated to serve, heal, and help; because the 1st house (purpose) is the 6th from the 8th. and if there’s a planet in the 1st, the person/people represented by it are the ones who the soul seeks to serve and heal.
“ that’s it for today! namaste xx
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demonic0angel · 13 days
So far ever since the new epic musical album came up I've been seeing a lot more people come up with the idea of the god games but Danny Phantom
And I was just imagining how funny if in that song Dan was Aphrodite and Danielle was Aries
I'm about to get more as Danielle being a goddess of trickery and chaos of all types and can being considered to be three-faced like having like a three-faced mask that she wears around a lot and using her ability to melt as a way to appear behind people vastly without them noticing and she's really protective over Dan since she considers herself to be his older sibling because in her opinion he came in the family last
Dan being the ancient of love being so terrifying because love can also be considered to be a scary thing with his symbol being eagles and stuff and he is much more terrifying and violated the most people expect from the god of love but also when he needs to be complete and loving
I imagine Tucker taking up the sense of being Apollo with him being The reincarnation of an old pharaoh they're kind of being like a lots of Egyptian things around him but also like a theme of more technologically advanced with him working on a PDA all kind of having modern clothes on with hints of Egyptian pharaoh
oh and Sam acting like Hephaestus would be more interested in the plant she has in her garden then the heroes her clothes are kind of nature-like invite but also give all of a sense of golfness with like her plant giving off the shape of a large Palace that looks terrifying on the outside but the inside is filled with plants of all types
I imagine Jazz has like a therapist like setting office but like it's a open Greek palace like things of gold and bright blues and just being laid around it looks like an conference room but also like an open Palace I feel like her simple animal being Wolf's and bears would be so funny also be a hint to the little bear plush that she owns
I kind of feel like Danny's level would be a mix of Jazz's and Sam's with Danny's being like an open Palace room that kind of has like the hints of someone young is there with random bean bags being scattered around or miniature handcraft spaceships but also stars all around I feel like it'd be cute if his symbol animal was jellyfish which like jellyfish Stars kind of like float around
But I've just been imagining that song with Danny Phantom x DC I can probably start off with the Justice League like always getting into something this year now than having to deal with the consequence of it and the consequences is six teenagers taking a vote or not to kill them
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Gods, I can’t wait for the Vengeance Saga
I am in love with the idea of Dan being Aphrodite and Dani being Ares, especially bc they’re both gods of war. And in EPIC, Aphrodite’s argument is about a mother’s love!! I hope you like the quick sketch of them :3
I don’t agree with a few of your ideas, but they all seem really fun. The idea of the Justice League having to argue against 6 teenagers is funny, bc imagine that they think they can argue against Dani and she just stabs them. Meanwhile, Jazz is like: so how did you feel when you got stabbed? when they come to her later to argue against her.
Actually, I also had thoughts about DP x EPIC, except Sam and Tucker were Odysseus (they shared the role idk) and Danny was Penelope. Jazz was Athena, Dani was Aeolus, and Dan was Scylla 😩
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animeyanderelover · 3 months
Can I get yandere sakamaki and mukami (I think that's their name) with a male reader who once were their friends, (during that time, they hide their feelings) but they accidentally kill him and one day they met him. After he was reincarnated and the moment they met is the same how they once first met
Example : reader met Shu in the garden, Shu will met reader when he is in the garden as well!
Tw: Yandere themes, possessive behavior, obsession, paranoia, stalking, clinginess, violence, sadism, delusional mindset, isolation, abduction, manipulation, clinginess, hallucination, mentions of self-harm in Azusa's part, male reader
We meet once more...
Sakamaki Shu
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🎵Just why had you been so adamant on leaving him that day in favor of pursuing your dreams? Yes, you had promised him to return to him in a few years time yet your words had sounded shallow in his ears. The argument that followed is something his mind forces him to replay even decades later. Normally the both of you had never been the type to let your emotions get the better of you but something about your words had irked him and his words had agitated you. As the emotions had risen higher both of you had gotten physical with each other as the argument escalated. It's when you had turned around with barely suppressed anger and concluded this conversation to be over that Shu had snapped. He had underestimated his own strength in that moment as he had pushed you, his ears ringing with wrath he had been feeling in the moment. Your body, only human and unable to handle his unexpected outburst of strength, flew down the stairs before you hit your head with a sickening crack on the ground, laying there motionlessly all whilst the blood created a bloody hallow around your head.
🎵Everything that even remotely reminds him of you has been removed from his life since then as he's unable to bear the emotions he's feeling whenever he lays eyes on something that triggers past memories. Shu completely withdraws himself from the memories of you in an attempt to cope with the pain yet there is no relief for him. He sees you in his sleep, sees you every time he closes his eyes. In one moment you are smiling, in the next he sees your limp body as his mind reminds him that it is his fault that you are dead. It's his loss of control that ended your life and it is from that day on that Shu decides to completely suppress all of his emotions as he deems feelings as something that will only lead to bad decisions. With the complete isolation from feeling comes the loss of any interest and motivation as Shu grows indifferent to anything that is happening around him. He blends out the world around him as he lives seclusively in his own world where the only loyal companions he has are music and the haunting memories of you.
🎵It starts raining on that night as he is lying on a bench in a park yet he doesn't care as cold raindrops hit his equally cold skin. Blue eyes lazily stare at the grey sky before he closes them, blending the sound of the rain out by listening to some music as he closes his eyes. Instantly his inner vision is filled with memories of you, a familiar bittersweet ache grasping his dead heart. He doesn't notice when the raindrops stop hitting him, he only notices when someone grasps his shoulders and shakes him carefully. His heightened senses, previously submerged in a world only he knows, return to him as he hears over the music he is blasting into his ears a voice calling out to him, his nostrils flaring up as he picks up another scent next to the smell of fresh water pouring out of the sky. A hauntingly familiar smell. He cracks open his eyes yet his vision remains filled with the sight of your face looking down on him worried, an umbrella shielding him and you from the onslaught of rain. His heart starts quivering as blue eyes gaze upon you as emotions he swore to burrow reanimate. A hand instinctively shoots out to grab you by the shoulder and keep you in place, his grip slightly shaky. You... How are you...?
Sakamaki Reiji
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☕​You've always been impressed with him. Reiji is a walking library personified and you have always sought out his help when you were struggling with your own research. Reiji had taken it up on himself for that very same reason to take you under his wing and teach you about everything as he helped you with your own studies, needing you to be on the same level as him to be a worthy partner. Deep down he just loved the praise and attention you gave him for his impressive knowledge, something he had never gotten from his own mother. One day he took you to the mansion, to his own room as he had been working on a science project and had wanted you to see the final results. A few minutes. He had only left you alone for a few minutes to fetch some documents when he had heard an explosion which had rang louder in his ears due to his heightened senses. The sound had come from his room. An acidic smell had filled his room when he had arrived, the aroma stinging his eyes with water. Maybe, just maybe, the sight of your lifeless body on the ground had been another reason, your face deformed as you had been standing right above the test tubes when the chemical reaction had occured.
☕​Over the years Reiji has done all that he could to downplay his own emotions. After all all had been your fault for getting too curious and playing around with his set. He had warned you to not touch anything unless he was there with you so your death had merely been a result of your own stupidity. Yet the occasional snicker of people like Ayato or Laito has always gotten more under his skin than it should have as they sometimes joke about the scientific accident on that day. After all their older brother who has always portrayed himself as the smartest person of them all had been careless enough to let such an accident happen. Perhaps it is the perfectioniest housing inside of him that starts considering their words more and more. Could he have done more on that day to prevent this from happening? He starts considering this question more in quieter moments and painful realisation hits him when he does come up with ideas that could have prevented you from dying on that day. Why didn't he think of those ideas earlier? He's never able to live this failure down and deep down it shakes up his core beliefs.
☕​He's in the library that day to borrow a new staple of books that have just recently been published. Normally he doesn't like going under humans that much and this library is an especially sore spot for him. Even if it has gone through some major changes over the decades, this is the place where he met you so long ago for the first time. He despises the feelings that always threaten to pour out of him when he is in this place so he hurries up to get all those books. Just as he is about to walk away with all of them in his arms though, a familiar scent invades his nostrils, one that has his brain short-circuiting for a brief moment. Then a pouty voice fills his ears, complaining how you wanted to borrow these books as well for your upcoming studies in college. His head wipes around, pink eyes narrowing in disbelief and shock as he sees a spitting image of you standing behind him, the same sulky expression on your face that you used to always give him. You're startled when he drops the pile of books and swiftly walks over to you, his glare antagonising you as gloved hands suddenly grab your face and pull you closer to scrutinise your features better. How is this possible?
Sakamaki Ayato
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🥇​Ayato always wanted and needed to have it his way. That is something you were familiar with with passing time. Here and there the two of you did get into arguments but it never really escalated as you were somewhat forced to take on the role of the calmer person due to Ayato's aggressive behavior at times. He liked having you with him all the time, showing you off as if you were a priced possession of his. In a way you were as Ayato deeply loved you and he couldn't have cared less about the fact that the both of you were the same gender. As long as he kept on being the best he could have whatever he wanted after all in his mind. It was his forceful and aggressive temper that ultimately led to your death though as you had started making friends with new people, something he couldn't have despised more. A shouting match between the two of you where he demanded from you to drop those pathetic friends of yours, a violent hit to your head as you dared to stand up properly against him for the first time since your friendship had started and a dull thud as your body fell to the ground, eyes glossy with the unmistakable haze of death. Why do you humans have to be so fragile?
🥇​None of this is his fault! He didn't do anything wrong! Those are words he constantly yells at his brothers as soon as he even thinks that they're trying to bring the incident up to him. It's all your fault for being so stupid to go against him! You-you should have known better than going against his demands... No matter how often he repeats those accusations, no matter how loud he yells them at someone, they never get through to him as his heart remains unconvinced. Unconsciously he is probably aware that he is at least partially responsible for your death as he should have been better at controlling his own strength yet it is his own arrogance and pride that doesn't allow his mind this realisation. The following decades he tries desperately to feed into his own ego by picking up hobby after hobby, especially ones involving physical activity to master them and convince himself that it wasn't his own lack of control over his own body that was to blame on your death. Yet still he finds himself constantly turning around, green eyes searching for you when he scores a goal or masters a sport only to be reminded that you are dead as his mood instantly worsens.
🥇​Sometimes Ayato finds himself still approaching a certain place that remains special in his heart. An abandoned building at the edge of town that has decayed over the years only more. It's a place where he met you for the first time many years ago and both of you used to play around here though he would always win against you and puff out his chest whilst proclaiming himself to be the best. He's been avoiding the ruined building ever since your death but in the last few years he has occasionally found himself walking down the streets to stare at it from outside the rusty fences. It is the sound of a ball being kicked against the walls that peaks his curiosity and his eyes suddenly narrow. This is his special place even though he hasn't entered in decades... Who dares to tread on it? He effortlessly climbs up the fences though he initially hesitates to step on the property again. His eyes are able to pick up the sight of the intruder from this high though, someone who looks very familiar. You on the other hand nearly jump out of your skin when he storms over to you and grabs you by the hem of your shirt. Is this a fucking joke?? If it is, he is everything but amused!
Sakamaki Kanato
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🧸​Kanato has attached himself to you from the moment you gained his obsessive interest. After all besides Teddy he had no one else in his life so he was ecstatic and giddy to have finally found someone who could care for him and spend time with him. It has never been easy to deal with Kanato and his explosive and highly sensitive emotions. The worst thing that came out of it was the isolation that came with being Kanato's victim of obsession. A situation that had always been very dangerous turned into pure peril when he threatened to kill the person you had recently gotten close too, clutching his plushie tightly against his chest as he did so. Why would you betray him like this in the first place? He thought that you were happy with him... Isn't he more than enough for you? You're so greedy and selfish!! Your mistake on that day was trying to reason with him even though no logic would have worked on Kanato on that moment as the accusations piled up. You didn't love him! You wanted to leave him! He didn't want that... He didn't want to be left alone... That's why he killed you on that day in a frenzy as his hysteria got the better of him and stabbed you to death.
🧸​He kept your corpse and pretended that you were still alive until the scent of rotting flesh threatened to shatter his sanity and he had to burn you. Unable to live without you though he instantly created a life-sized doll of yours and dressed it up with the clothes he still had of you so that it would even smell like you. Everything continued as if you were still there as his brain couldn't accept the reality that you had died and that he had been the one who had done it. Yes, in death they couldn't take you away from him but he hadn't considered in the moment of hysteria that he couldn't have you anymore either. As if to brush over this moment as if it had never happened he acted like you were still alive as he held tea parties and wheeled the puppet around the mansion, even taking you to meals where he tried to feed you. None of his other brothers spoke up and mentioned his deteriorating mental health as Kanato's mind created the delusion that you were still there as he even hallucinated that the puppet was speaking to him and answering his question. It was all a delicate delusion though that needed not to be shattered under any circumstances or else he would snap and turn into a maniac.
🧸​Nothing has happened. You were never gone. A protective shield for his mind to not completely shut down. He's currently outside in a field of flowers as the moon shines in the sky, collecting some bouquets for the next tea party he plans to hold at midnight with you again. When he looks up though, he lets out a strangled sound when his eyes land on your form walking relaxed around outside, a cookie in your mouth as you hold a packet filled with sweets you just bought in town. For a short moment there is a crushing dread of realisation threatening to shatter him yet his mind pulls up its walls in the last moment. Cold hands grasp your own and you nearly get a heart attack as you turn around only to see a pale and sick-looking man standing right behind you, asking you with a trembling voice what you are doing outside. Both of you are about to have a tea party and you were supposed to wait for him. Then his eyes land on the packet of sweets which you dropped on the ground. If you wanted new sweets you could have just told him instead of leaving without his permission... Well, he'll punish you later. For now the both of you should return to the mansion.
Sakamaki Laito
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🎹​Laito saw the fact that the both of you are of the same gender not as a hurdle and more like a new and exciting adventure waiting to be uncovered by him. After all he truly couldn't care less about what gender you are. He's just taking it for what it is and goes for what he desires without any hesitation. Though he does understand that the time period the both of you are living in wasn't very accepting of couples of the same sex at the time. He didn't need their approval though as all he would have really needed to do was whisk you away and keep you in the mansion where hw ould have been able to do whatever he desired to do with you. Jealousy had already led him to kill people his mother had taken as temporary lovers and it was jealousy that fueled the crime of him murdering your secret lover and by accident you as well when he found out that you had kept the relationship a secret from him though the way you had reeked of someone else had given it away. He hadn't intended to stab you but when you had tried to fight against him to defend your already half-dead lover, he accidentally drove the knife right through your heart.
🎹​To this day he still blames your lover for your death. He didn't let them touch you when you bled out on the ground as he stomped on their hand and broke all their bones in it, didn't listen to their pleas as he had twirled the knife around in his hand with a new icy ire burning in his green eyes and he didn't even stop torturing them long after their heart had stopped beating. Initially Laito simply tried to dismiss his feelings for you now that you were gone and tried to move on. He whored around with other people from women to men to everything else as if to convince himself that perhaps his feelings for you hadn't been anything special to begin with as it might have been simply a fleeting moment of excitement and ecstasy yet his mind always drifts to you whenever his tongue is in the mouth of someone else. There is a sick feeling in his stomach whenever he undresses someone or his current companion touches him suggestively and he gets no pleasure and relief whenever he fucks someone for as soon as the moment of ecstasy passes by his mind is overcome with a disgust he didn't know he could feel. Temporary freedom only lasts for a few seconds before he's back where he started.
🎹​On that night he finds himself going once again through all pubs in town in search for those few seconds of blissful forgetfullness, a dangerous addiction he has developed to escape from the clutches of disgust and guilt. The smell of alcohol is especially bitter when he hits up the bar where he met you nearly half a century ago, green eyes darting around in search of his next victim. That's when his eyes are drawn to a figure sitting alone on the counter and from behind their silhoutte reminds him painfully much of you. His feet move on their own as he steps closer to the counter and the closer he gets, the more a sweet fragrance of blood invades his nose and mind. Green eyes narrow as he lays a hand on the shoulder of the person who turns around surprised when feeling his palm. For the first time in his life Laito is unable to come up with a witty reply as he stares into your face, in disbelief at who he is looking at. His grip subconsciously tightens on your shoulder as if not wanting to let you go and it is only when you let out an uncomfortable wince that he snaps out of it. A smooth grin covers up his shock as he slides down the sit next to you, green eyes gleaming with a predatory glint as he offers to order you a few more drinks.
Sakamaki Subaru
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⬜​Subaru has always considered himself to be an unwanted monster that would only hurt the people he cares about which is why he has closed his heart so that he may never get attached to anyone only to be reminded of how unwanted he really is. It's painful for him to see how you slowly peel him out of his shell as emotions he has troubles to properly grasp bloom inside of him. It is all so agonising, confusing and somewhere in between that it is even a bit beautiful yet he is wavering, unsure whether to trust you with his heart. He should have never trusted you to begin with. Of course you wouldn't want him. The pain and heartbreak that assaults him the moment he finds out that you have already a lover and plan to propose to them tear his heart out of his chest and the sheer agony that comes with it has him entering a screaming rage he cannot control. His vision is simmering red as his wrath takes over and has him lashing out. His hands are coated with blood, your blood, when he comes to his senses only to be plunged into his next despair as he realises that he lost complete control and killed not only your lover but also you.
⬜​The stench of blood never leaves his hands nor does the sickening warm and sticky feeling of it. He swears that it's still there, reeking and reminding him that he truly is a monster destined to kill anyone important to him. Sometimes he spends an hour washing and rubbing his hands until they are raw to clean himself of that cursed smell and feeling yet it is a mark that stays with him to remind him of his grave sin. Subaru withdraws himself completely from the outside for a while and hides in his room, locks himself away as if thinking that he is a beast that has to be put behind bars. He most likely thinks that he is. The agony and the grief comes in periods. Sometimes he manages to push it all down so that only his heart is aching and sometimes the walls break into pieces and the flood of emotions bursts out of him. Hot and salty tears cascade down his cheeks as a scream of anguish escapes his lips as furniture is shattered and walls receive cracks as he violently punches around him until he calms down and sits in the destruction his anger has caused with dull eyes.
⬜​Sometimes he even neglects taking care of the roses in the garden, his confidence to care for things weaker than him utterly shattered as he thinks of himself as incapable of even nurturing the flowers. It takes him time until he slowly starts picking up this hobby of his again though he remains distant and cold to everyone else around him, his roses the only thing he seems to care about anymore. Sometimes he visits a florist in town to buy some new buds to plant into the garden of the mansion, although he always hurries with his shopping as this shop brings back too many memories. It is there though that his heart blossoms once again because as soon as he walks in he spots you arranging flowers into bouquets, your eyes meeting his as you greet him cheerfully. He stops right there, his body no moving a muscle as if subconsciously afraid that as soon as he moves, he'll do something terrible. His emotions leave him trembling as he can't help the stinging tears threatening to escape his eyes all whilst you give him a concerned look as he feels his control slowly slipping away from him. Shit! Why after all of this time?
Mukami Ruki
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📘​Ruki has always liked to give you more trust due to the fact that you were also a man as he had lost faith in the loyalty of women after his own mother left his father and him for another man, leading inevitably to the downfall of his life. You were supposed to be better than this... You weren't supposed to also leave him behind... Yet his world is shaken when it is revealed to him that you have accepted an apprenticeship far away from the town he is residing in with his other brothers, oblivious to his own horror as you deliver him the news whilst looking so excited. Are you really so selfish that you would prioritise your own dreams over him? All Ruki wanted was to prevent you from leaving, all he intended to do was to weaken your body with drugs so that you wouldn't be able to take the long journey to the new town. A twinge of paranoid fear caused him to put in too much of the drugs into your food though as he wanted to be sure that they'd do their job which led him to give you an overdose that ultimately led to your death.
📘​Responsibilities have always rested on his shoulders as he is essentially the leader of the Mukami brothers and so he intends to focus on his duties instead of taking the time to mourn. He tells himself that he shouldn't mourn a person who wanted to abandon him in the first place and that you probably never loved him to begin with yet even to the eyes of his brothers it is obvious that Ruki is suffering. As soon as they attempt to console them though he shuts them up as he insists with a slightly clenched jaw that he is completely fine and that they are worried over nothing. On the inside he feels like he is rotting away though and as much as he tries to push that thought away, the emptiness that is crying out inside of him becomes harder to blend out until one day Ruki breaks down for a moment, leaving the rest of his brothers to care for him on that day as he just spends his time being a mess before he shakily puts himself together the next day, making all of his brothers swear that they never mention your name again nor his outburst.
📘​For decades no one in the mansion mentions your name and Ruki continuously tells himself that this is for the best as he wants to bury you in the past. There is no remedy for the bittersweet memories though that have been haunting him ever since your death nor for the slimy dread that clings to him whenever he realises that it is his own fault that you died. He's on the other side of the street when he happens to glance over to the other side, staring through the windows of a pharmacy that has been there since nearly 200 years. He remembers the place very well since he met you there for the first time and he remembers the place well because he purchased the ingredients for the drug that ultimately killed you in the same store. In there everything began and also ended. Truly poetic, isn't it? It's not his memories that cause him to stop though as he stares at the pharmacy. It's the sight of a familiar figure that has his body pausing and his throat tightening. He's rushing over to the store in the next second, almost experiencing a tunnel vision as he can only focus on you. He slams the package of pills you've purchased right out of your hands, visions of your dead body haunting him.
Mukami Kou
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🎤​Kou has never really given much of a care that both of you were of the same gender. He's been sexually explored by other people as a young child and for that knows firsthand of the evil that others carry in their hearts, regardless of their sex. It's his ability to see through the true heart of people that has him enamored with you as he realises that you have a pure heart which allows him to give you his full trust. One day though you confess to him that your parents have become aware of your friendship with him, precisely of Kou's feelings for you which you remain oblivious to at the moment and have threatened to disinherit you if you do not distance yourself from him. That is when Kou makes a plot to get rid of your parents as he won't tolerate anyone to get in the way of him and you. All was carefully planned out. He'd lure you away before setting your parents house on fire at night so that they'd die in there yet you figure his plan out. The words you yell at him that night before rushing into the burning house will haunt him forever as you admit that you wish you'd never met him before you try to save your parents only to die together with them.
🎤​He could have stopped you. He should have stopped you. You were only a human after all whilst he is a vampire. It's your words that completely froze him though and disabled him to work properly as his mind went into numbing shock after having heard your words. He wanted you to take those words back yet you died in the fire and left those words that told him that he was unwanted by you as an eternal curse that has been sticking with him ever since. Those words echo inside his head and for the first years following your death they drag him down into a hysteric depression. He cannot go to sleep at all as your disappointed and angered face haunts his vision, your voice telling him that he is someone you never wished to have met over and over again so that he wakes up not even half an hour after he has gone to bed, in tears and babbling incoherent words. He writes a lot of songs about you but never finishes them as he either draws a blank and starts breaking down in tears or rips them apart as his emotions get the better of him. Not even his brothers can help to piece his broken self together.
🎤​He's sitting outside on that day, dull eyes observing a lake where the both of you used to hang out often back when you were still alive. He's on his own, something he hasn't been in decades as he hasn't left the mansion since your death and was too broken to be on his own which left his brothers no choice but look out more for him. There is nothing in particular on his mind as he gazes at the lake until a melody catches his ears. Normally he would have just blended it out like he has done music a lot in those years since your death yet there is something very familiar as he listens as someone plays the strings of the guitar. That's a melody you always used to play... Suddenly it's like someone lit a fire under him as he jumps up, eyes flying over the field surrounding the lake until he covers a small figure also sitting here, playing on a guitar they brought with them. Initially he wants to demand from where they know that melody as this is something that only belonged to you and for that shouldn't be played by anyone else but poisonous words die down when he catches a better sight of them and realises that it is you. He stands there motionlessly, listening to the song as tears start to escape his eyes.
Mukami Yuma
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🌱​Yuma has been sceptical about the whole situation from the moment he found out that he had feelings for you. Not necessarily because the both of you were men as he had always been an outcast and would have been considered that all the more if the humans would have figured out that he was now also a vampire. It was more the aspect of being in love that made him somewhat doubtful as he had quite an iffy mindset about it all. You didn't know at that time that he was a vampire and he knew what the rest of the village you lived in thought of creatures of the night. Who was to tell that you wouldn't try to cast him out in the name of god as well if you were to discover his true nature? Unfortunately that was exactly what happened and your reaction was as fearful as expected as you instantly tried to get away from him. He tried to explain it to you, tried to get you to listen but you had been indoctrinated with the same nonsense all other villagers believed in. Shut up... He just wanted you to shut up for a moment as he pressed his hands over your mouth, applying too much pressure and accidentally breaking more than just a few bones that were the reason for your death.
🌱​It was on that day that he became aware just how much stronger he had gotten since he had been turned into a vampire as he held your limp body in his arms. He doesn't want to be consoled by any of his brothers though as he turns around or growls at them to shut up as soon as he senses that they want to talk with him about the accident. Yuma doesn't try to blame anyone else for this though as he acknowledges that this is solely his fault. Your reaction was to be expected and he should have known best just how much strength he possessed. There is no chance he wants to give himself to grieve though. He has never openly bemoaned anyone before and for that he doesn't quite know how to do so. Instead he spends a lot of time in his garden and tends to his vegetables and plants, though he can't help but always be reminded that those fragile things could be even easier ripped apart by his hands than you were. Yuma needs a long time until finally he starts cracking as he has just tried to bear the sorrow up until that point and even he is startled by the silent tears that drip down his face without any warning.
🌱​There are some pretty cherry blossom trees in a forest near the city and they have been there even longer than the village built nearby. Yuma visits them once a year when the pink and delicate flowers are in full bloom, a little tradition he has been carrying on even if you have been gone for over a century now. Some of the pink petals rain down on him on that night as he walks through the little valley of the trees, the fresh scent of the blossoming flowers an aroma that surrounds the entire place. At this late at night it is rather rare for people tos visit this place which is why he is mildly annoyed when he catches sight of someone sneaking around, his mood instantly ruined as he wanted to have a peaceful stroll for himself. Until a breeze passes through the forest, carrying next to the scent of cherry blossoms another aroma with it. His previously worsened mood is instantly replaced with shocked disbelief as he instantly recognises that smell. It only takes him a few large strides to close the distance between him and the other person. He suddenly appears behind you like a large and looming shadow, his eyes narrowed as he grabs one of your arms to prevent you from running.
Mukami Azusa
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🔪​Azusa has never had the courage to tell you about his growing feelings for you. Yes, he has always been very clingy and attached to you but he has been like this even when his feelings for you were still largely platonic. His behavior did increase though when a different kind of love started blossoming inside of him. Truly, he doesn't care about who his darling is as long as he feels comforted and safe in their presence which is precisely what you give him. Perhaps if he would have found the courage to confess to you things would have turned out differently as he instead has to bear witness how someone else confesses their love to you before he does. He wants to plead you to not accept but his tongue feels like it has turned to led as he instead has to watch how you accept their confession and start a relationship with them. All he intended to do was to threaten your partner a bit yet they had to start acting so rudely and hurt his own feelings whilst flaunting that you only loved them before he started attacking them. You had heard the noises inside the house, tried to stop him and ended up taking the fatal blow.
🔪​His brothers find him sitting in the bloody mess of two corpses, his own body clinging to yours as he keeps on begging you to wake up again, whispering you that your now cold skin terrifies him just as much as the vacant expression in your eyes. They have to tear him carefully away from your body, something Azusa can only object weakly to as he begs his brothers to not separate you from him. He loses all will to live for a while as he asks his brothers shakily if they could stab him in the same place where he stabbed you, tears in his eyes as he admits that he was the one who killed you and even if his brothers do try to console him and tell him that it was a terrible accident, Azusa is inconsolable. He's closely monitored for a long time as his older brothers all fear that he might try to harm himself somehow. Azusa himself withdraws himself from reality as he spends most of the time hidden under his blanket, rarely getting up and not speaking for months. The only sounds he makes are those of silent sobs, the tears never seeming to dry off no matter how much and how long he cries quietly.
🔪​It takes him years before he gathers the strength to leave the mansion again and whilst he avoids the place where he took your life vehemently, he finds himself often returning to the location where he met you for the first time in an attempt to think of the happy memories. It's a random alleyway where you found him for the first place and offered ro bandage his wounds he had inflicted on himself on that day. As if hoping that you'll return if he does it again, Azusa often cuts himself in the same alleyway before sitting down and waiting there, looking like a wet cat with no place to return to. Some people do approach him but he ignores them since none of them are you and if they bother him too much normally all it takes is a rather dangerous look in his eyes and the flash of his knife for them to disappear. Then one day you do appear though, 80 years after your death and Azusa can barely believe what he is looking at as you ask him worriedly if he needs some band-aids for his cuts. In the next moment he is suddenly clinging to your legs, tears dropping down his eyes as he sobs out apologies for an accident you do not know of.
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bluelockhalloweek · 2 months
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Your Blue Lock Halloweek 2024 prompts are here!
👻 Reblog with your favorites prompts & share with your Blue Lock crew!
👻 Find the event on Twitter @/BllkHalloweek
👻 See below for more info, typed-out prompts, & prompt examples if you need clarification or inspiration
👻 If you would like to volunteer to translate prompts so more people can join the Halloween Party, go here!
👻 Original fanart by Qoffee51 (twt | insta) and graphic design by @suosage (​​twt)!
👻 Feel free to mix and match, and take prompts as literally or as tangentially as you want!
👻 Work doesn’t have to be specifically Fall / Halloween themed as long as it fits a prompt. (If you’re writing a Wild West fic for “Cowboy,” don’t feel like you have to stick a 🎃 in a corner unless you want to.)
👻 Work can be as lighthearted, scary, or spicy as you want as long as you follow the guidelines!
👻 Find the 2024 event Archive of Our Own Collection here!
👻 The event is hosted on Tumblr, Twitter, and AO3, so share your contribution on all three!
👻 Thank you to everyone who submitted prompts! Credit to @/unhingednagi who suggested "Dance with the Devil" (😈) & the several anons who suggested an undead/resurrection 🧟‍♂️ theme. A lot of other suggestions were already on the longer list or were very similar, or might be better saved for another year. If your favorite isn’t on the list, it's perfect for “Free Prompt”!
👻 Did you like last year's prompts? Use as many as you want on Day Five for Free Prompt!
Blue Lock Halloweek 2024 Prompts (Oct. 28 - Nov. 3, 2024)
Monday Oct. 28: Pumpkin Spice + Dance with the Devil  
Tuesday Oct. 29: Myth + Resurrection  
Wednesday Oct. 30: Whisper + Scream
Thursday Oct. 31: Sugar Rush + Haunted
Friday Oct. Nov. 1: Incantation + Free Prompt!
Saturday Nov. 2: Festival + Instinct
Sunday Nov. 3: Space + Cowboy
Prompt Examples + Explanations 
I’ve had people ask for prompt examples in past events I’ve hosted and this event is open to any language, so here you go! These are the quick brainstorming notes I took while narrowing down the list, now expanded with links & definitions. These are only some of maaaany interpretations—go wild!
Your host is a fic-writer with ADHD, so…you’ve been warned.
🎃 Day 1: 
Pumpkin Spice: Cozy Autumn vibes. Putting up Halloween decorations, carving Jack-o-lanterns, coffee / tea shop, pumpkin patch, scented candles, baking, fall sangria, sweaters and beanies and flannels, momijigari (Autumn Hanami 🌸, basically) / admiring gorgeous fall foliage, fresh hot apple cider in an orchard. Itoshi Bros and their love of turtle/mock-neck sweaters. Pumpkin Farmer Aiku and Karasu scarecrow!
Dance with the Devil: Defined. To dance with the devil is to engage in risky, reckless, or potentially immoral behavior. Or going out dancing; Demon and priest, hell, listening to the angel or the devil on your shoulder (making a questionable decision because it’s tempting), devilish fun or spells, sin, temptation, a deal with the devil. Ohhh, Sae and Shidou, your night has come! 😈 (Suggested by unhingednagi) 
🎃 Day 2:
Myth: Myths or legends from any culture or time period. Greek, Roman, Japanese, Egyptian, etc.!! Gods and mythical creatures and beasts. Dionysus or Eros or Apollo Shidou; Persephone and Hades, so many! Hercules Kunigami!
Resurrection: reincarnation, zombies (Lorenzo!), waking up a vampire or werewolf after being bitten; …having a little too much fun on Halloween and having to pull oneself together the next day (sugar hangover, ...hangover-hangover). (Suggested by several anons!)
🎃 Day 3:
Whisper: soft voices, trying not to be caught/found/discovered, whispering a secret, whispering something spicy, hearing voices. 
Scream: screaming in fear or excitement or…; calling out for someone. Scary movies, pranks. Awkward meet-cute. Bachira’s monster. 
🎃 Day 4, Halloween: 
Sugar Rush: the “rush”/“high” or energy you get from eating a bunch of sugar! Trick-or-Treating, candy corn, so much candy, caramel corn; being sweet, a different sort of rush; ..."give me some sugar"
Haunted: Ghosts, spirit entities like yokai, strange noises in the night. GhostBusters, Ghost Adventures. Gagamaru as a friendly Yokai! Shaman. Possession, possessed or cursed objects. JJK. Ouija board game! Monk Igaguri. Real or funhouse haunted house, ghost stories; being haunted by the past; being possessed or haunted. The twisty, creepy aura thing Rin gets.
🎃 Day 5: 
Incantation: a set of words that could be a sort of incantation / magic words, any type of magic, witches, wizards, curses, Ness the Magician, Harry Potter, Quiditch, Lord of the Rings, crystal ball, tarot. Wands, spells, magical objects, magical creatures, etc.. Making a wish. Non-literal magic words in relationships (saying / hearing just the right thing). 
Free Prompt: Whatever Halloween stuff you want that doesn’t quite fit a prompt. The day to use any of last year’s prompts! 
Just listing some of the things I would draw (if I could) or write (if I had time): Video game au for Hiori! Little French imp Charles as the Joker or a jester. Pokemon! Barou as the “Cowardly” Lion in the Wizard of Oz. And finally, artists, if you’re reading this, please, please consider Noel Noa (of the 🇫🇷 French National 🥖 Team!!) dressed as Bonjour Man from Life Lessons with Uramichi Onii-san (clip, manga cap). This is my second year making this wish. This image has literally been haunting me since starting this event and the manga/anime (even the dub!) is soooo funny. And technically, Bonjour Man is a cursed spirit sooo 👻
🎃 Day 6: 
Festival: String lights illuminating festival stalls, costumes, traditional attire (Aryu looking stylish!), food and drink, games, Isagi devouring fried fair food. Fall Music festival. Mid-Autumn Festival (with all the pretty lanterns and mooncakes 🥮), Harvest / Fall Fests in general. Bobbing for apples, caramel / candy apples, carnival rides and games, Ferris wheel, corn maze. Oktoberfest; Kaiser and/or any Bastard München player in Lederhosen—please, I’m begging!! Fun house / haunted house. Day of the Dead festivities. 
Instinct: fight or flight, fear, instinct to hunt like vampires, instinct to save someone, instinctively drawn to someone, instinct to grab someone’s hand or hide behind them; that gut feeling that it’s time to leave a place. Hairs on arms raising, chills going down one's spine, one's whole body trying to tell one something.
🎃 Day 7: 
Space: All things celestial. Nightfall. Stars and moon, werewolves, moonlight, Tsukimi / moon viewing + Tsukimi dango 🎑, celestial myths and gods. Stars, moon, aliens, Star Wars, astronauts, and planetary hotline Isagi and Kurona! Kurona and Isagi planetary hotline. Astrology. Wishing on a star. Fun fact: The Orionid Meteor Shower peaks just before this event starts, the night of Oct. 21-22, and continues until Nov. 7th! Cowboy Bebop.
Cowboy: Not much is wilder than Blue Lock—except maybe The Wild, Wild West. Outlaws, Gunslinger Isagi (see recent manga chapters), sheriffs Aikuuu and Nio, horses, rodeos, Ego and his little football bolo tie in cowboy getup pleaseee, the works, Nagi and his lil Choki cactus. Ego as a gangly cowboy, ⚽️ bolo tie and all.
Okay, that’s it. Hope y'all have fun. Please reblog and spread the word 🧡🖤
PS: ...If y'all want ✨spicy 🔞 prompt inspiration, I could always make a separate post (that would be tagged #spicy; please remember to block that if you're a minor or uninterested in mature themes). Let me know!
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MDZS Notes + Analysis — Chapter Two: “Reincarnation”
Three main things stood out to me when rereading this chapter: the theme of status, our intro to WWX, and the information we’re given about his state after death.
…Well, four things, but the other one will get its own post.
The theme of status is immediately introduced* with ‘MXY’’s treatment and the backstory of MXY and his mother, yet again showing just how well MDZS’s ideas are integrated into the text and how well it’s paced! You’re introduced to every important theme so, so early on. Two screenshots are analysed below:
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(See: entitlement of the upper classes towards the lower classes, and how this can exist even between members of the ‘same family’; and arguably the idea of debts between a richer family and someone who was 'taken in'. There are a surprising amount of parallels between MXY and WWX, but I'll make my own post about that)
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(See: once again, differences in status between members of the same family, and also the worse, and disposable, treatment of one daughter because she was "the daughter of a servant". Now, why does that phrase sound familiar...?)
Also, MXY's mother was sixteen when she attracted JGS's attention... if you somehow needed even more material to hate the guy...
We also get introduced to WWX’s personality(!), which immediately disproves the rumours from last chapter on how he'd cast the world into ruin:
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(That's one of the first questions he asks after waking up – I love how he's so concerned about this! It shows us two important things, too: 1) Morality is important to WWX, and 2) Doing immoral things seems to be out of the ordinary for him. Both of these stand in direct contrast to the picture of WWX we were painted earlier!)
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(Same thing here, along with showing us some of the (healthy!) pride WWX has – he wouldn't be offended at this if wasn't something he held as important within himself)
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(I use this quote again, but here it's once again proving that the vengeful, evil WWX who'd sink the cultivation world into "nothing but chaos and despair" at the first chance he got... very much does not exist.)
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(And finally, it's explicitly confirmed here that he's not the type to take exessive revenge and take pleasure in it... at least at this point in time, because. MXY definitely had reason to think this considering Sunshot!WWX, if everyone had been working from the truth. But importantly that isn't who he is now, and isn't who the WWX villified by the cultivation world was – imo that's including Nightless City, we'll get to that when I reach it. But note that actions during the Sunshot campaign aren't even mentioned in the prologue, because, shock, they actually helped the cultivation world win the war! Though that doesn't mean they weren't part of rumours + the WWX hatred mill later.)
Then some non-morality related things:
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This is just really funny to me, with how the makeup being badly applied (:o) is enough of an issue to merit a thought – WWX I love you.
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And then this way of thinking comes back a few times esp during the earlier chapters, enough to be noted I think.
Confirmation on WWX's status after he died – it's not anything new to point out, but this chapter does give us rare insights into what state he was in during the post-death, pre-rebirth period.
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So, he was somewhat conscious, enough to be aware of what he was(n't) doing – seeking vengeance, haunting the living – and was seemingly in control of those actions. However, he was specifically a "wandering ghost" – his soul didn't pass onto the afterlife or "return back to Earth"** like the body-offering spell's caster's would. He was conscious that a long time had passed as well, and this long period of downtime where he could accept + deal with what happened in his first life is what likely allowed him to be so well-adjusted the second time round – even taking into account the remarkably good way he tends to deal with things in general (cue the "forgetting the wound when the pain fades" quote, it summarises WWX's mindset really well)***.
Also, as for resisting the summons from the prologue – I'm wondering how much was due to WWX's experience with resentful energy + general capability (if that affects it..?) allowing him to consciously refuse, how much was due to WWX not being the type to hold onto resentment (so possibly spells targeting ghosts, full of this resentful energy, wouldn't be as affected?), and how much was due to the relative lack of knowledge about how ghosts/resentful energy works compared to WWX. Or, if it was something else. Either way, achieving the impossible, that's WWX for you :D
It is interesting that he hasn't heard a voice in ages despite wandering, too – do ghosts just not hear the same way, or did he deliberately avoid areas with people? I could see both, the second being more likely, especially considering how many people wanted to summon him back for... less than stellar purposes.
Poor Mo Xuanyu....
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*Well, reinforced – in the prologue, one of the things said about WWX is that "if not for the YunmengJiang clan’s adopting and teaching him, he would have been a hobo living on the streets", which is among the insults people throw. So of course, class-affecting-perception is tied to WWX from the very beginnning! But this is the first time it's actually explored, not a throwaway line.
**Though that may be what's literally happening to WWX's soul here – it is wandering around Earth – I don't think that's what this line refers to. There's a very good meta on how different translations handled that line, I really recommend it (tysm @/mxtxfanatic for finding it)!
***It would be very interesting to read a fic where it felt like no time had passed for him since his death, actually! Though the extremely stressful circumstances are gone, it would still be interesting to see a WWX for whom the Siege, Nightless City, Qiongqi Path etc are pretty recent – but only in fic territory, since I'm so, so glad we got the WWX we did in canon. Also, I'd love to see a fic maybe exploring some of his time as a ghost...?
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m1sa-w1sa · 2 months
What do you think about my headcannons for characters who fit this song and who would you add
(so i havent really listened to it in a while but i feel like blade would be a good choice, and hear me out)
Yandere Themes, slight talk of gore, Lil angst, not proofread, this is pretty long, brainrot?
Yandere HC for BLADE (Sahsrau and Reincarnation/One sided love au)
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•Before when you and blade were together, he was, happy something that he cannot say he is now
•He told you not to go out in the blizzard, you PROMISED him that you would be okay… •Your body silhouette, slowly walking towards him, crystal tears, trembling body hurt him •Catching you in his arms wasnt enough, kissing your lips one last time, once he pulled back, your eyes were dull… •Seeing your dead cold body, in the snow, your lips parted and slightly having a blue hue to them made his heart ache •Years, Decades has pasted, his S/O dying hasnt made him the same, until he saw you.. •It was you… his perfect darling.. his pain, his internal debt, washing away once he saw you, no his DARLING •Hes not the one for small talk but ye went up to you, starting up a chat, you two clicked almost immediately! •You wondered how did he know so much? When you asked, he said he ‘ assumed ‘ because he liked the hobbies and interests that you did too •That leading you both to become friends, very good friends, he saw you like his S/O, well I mean.. you ARE his S/O right? •When he confessed, he was thinking you would say yes, just like before, but you didnt. No… no no no! This isnt supposed to happen! Your supposed to love him back! •He left without a trace, you were confused, you tried to get him back but he didnt come back.. •You always felt someone watching you, but you were right, blade kept watching you from the sidelines, haunting you like a ghost •He didnt try to talk to you again… not yet, he waited and waited so long, watching and haunting you like a ghost, like a leopard creeping up on its prey •Any types of dating you tried to have the person would never come, theres something driving them away, was it you? Maybe you shouldnt have rejected blade.. •Seeing you second guess brought a long awaited smile to his face, no a smirk as he would walk up behind you, his hand on your shoulder, The two of you knew, after this, you might not see the light of day again •Maybe you just dont remember! You just need to snap back! Dont worry sweetheart! Your boyfriend will help you! Just like always, soon he will have you in his arms again, only HE WILL
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•You just started playing Hsr when blades rerun came out, you thought he was pretty! So you pulled on him with your last golden ticket! •Surprise Surprise! You got him, you were so happy, giggling and clapping, when you opened his character menu complimenting him on his looks, voice, weapon, fighting skills, not thinking he heard you… Oh how cute you were… •To say the least, he was surprised when he heard you, he rolled his eyes, he knew what THOSE people thought of him… it was disgusting to him… •But overtime, you staying up hours just to get him up to level, he slowly started to grow attached. When you least expect it he was always watching you, more than you were watching him •He asked silver wolf, half asleep to make his phone be able to chat with yours, she didnt care she just did it asking him to leave so she would sleep •Anytime you would try to pull for someone else, he would always rig it, he thought it was… interesting cute when you were said when you didnt get the 50/50, its alright! You have blade still and you still love him.. right? •When he had ahold of more of your info, selfies, files, now your number he was going internally feral but also more defensive of his phone your HIS no one else needs to know that you exist… •He knows that you still have school/work so he pretended that he was someone that you met at school/work •For some reason, the feeling he has, it makes him feel happy, warm, maybe love? When you screen comes in contact with him, his eyes slightly look to the camera smiling ever so slightly •You thinking it was a easter egg you were smiling back as you were excited as well knowing that made him love you more •IF YOU DESCENDED no one knew, you hardly had any other characters, the only people who had a suspicion was Trailblazer, Dan Heng, March 17, Himiko, Welt, Pompom, Kafka and silver wolf, other than them no one really had the idea •Knowing that just made this easier for blade, just coming up and swooping you into his arms, I mean… you can give him this just one.. right your grace?
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x-hotoke · 3 months
can you please do a yandere hajime kashimo x reader
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writer's note: since you asked so nicely 😏, im kidding lol anyways this is a headcannon male reader insert :)) cross dresser reader
warnings: yandere themes, possessiveness, obsessive themes, stalking, use of you/your pronouns, cross dressing, toxic relationship (platonic), mild affection.
character: hajime kashimo
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Kashimo — undeniably a reincarnation of an ancient person, the god of lighting. Or so they call him back in the heian period.
He met you during his stroll around the High School, downed in a beautifully patterned kimono, face with light makeup and an umbrella — there was something about you that captivated him. Was it the way you merely gave him a glance before passing by him? Or was it your presence alone that lulled him in.
Either way, he wouldn't approach you at first — who are you to begin with? He pushed his thoughts aside. You aren't the one that has the answers he's been looking for.
It must be a coincidence that every turn he makes, he would find you right around the corner which infuriated him to an extent. At first he thought that you were a female based on how you dressed and the makeup on your face — it captivated him to the point you were always on his mind.
It made him lose him mind — he tried getting close to you but every time he did so you would disappear. The only time he got close to you was when you were near a pond inside the High School, looking at the koi fish swimming around and around — it had nowhere else to go but the pond. It swam in circles.
He greeted you with a charming smile, his eyes glinting in the sun as his light colored hair swayed in the air.
You were shocked to see him, backing up a couple of steps — and him advancing forward in return. You gripped the umbrella you had in your clutches as you greeted him back timidly.
His heart raced — grinning, he asked for your name and in return he said his which he was grateful for.
You gazed at the pond below you, the fishes swimming in circles seemingly trying to get out. A voice spoke up from behind you making you jump in surprise, you turned your head around seeing the blue headed male you met a few months ago. He still looks the same as he did but he was hiding something behind that glint in his eyes.
You have heard of him meeting Yuta and Gojo yet his strength was unknown to you. “What's.. your name?” He grinned, tilting his head to the side. No formal greetings? You quirked a brow up at his blunt question. Nonetheless you answered his question. He repeated it under his breath. “I’m Hajime Kashimo — you can call me kashimo.”
“Ah — skipping the formalities then?” You let out a chuckle, he blinked at you rapidly confused.
Were you a man? His eyes analyzed your figure, his gaze falling onto your chest — his face flushed with a warm pink tone, his grin even widening. “Are you a man?”
Let's just say, a red mark on his face didn't suit his pretty face very well.
After that encounter, he would pester you. Standing under the extra space you have under the umbrella next to you. He admits that you look pretty — enough to fool other people. Kashimo isn't the type of guy who doesn't like winning.
He has that winning mindset embedded in his brain so you better hope that you make a wrong move that he doesn't like and leave you alone.
Even then — as your friendship blooms. He started to look at you differently, he doesn't want to be your friend. He wants to be someone you hold dear to — someone who you wouldn't let go — someone who you would swear that 'until death do us apart' with. It drove him crazy.
When he first came up to you and confessed, you laughed at him thinking it was some silly joke he wanted to prank you with but as soon as you saw his face — you knew he was serious. You agreed nonetheless but only if it was strictly platonic you said.
Kashimo agreed to those terms, he wanted to be close to you — hold you in his arms without you tearing away from his clutches.
Every time he meets up with you, he always has gifts he bought for you; kimonos, jewelry, a new set of pretty umbrellas and sandals.
He indulged in it — keeping you pretty and pampered all the time.
You appreciated every gift he gave you — giving him a quick peck on the cheek because that's what some people do when they're in a platonic relationship.. right?
Months passed and you began to see his true colors. He went from being sweet and a tease to being possessive and slightly verbally abusive which you frowned upon.
Even if you escaped from his clutches, doesn't mean you're safe from him. He will find you — he waited 400 years to be reincarnated again and sought for the answers he's been looking for — he won't give up on you so easily.
Maybe you were the answer he's been looking for? No, no. Sukuna holds the answers that he's sought after. Though once he captures you again, best believe that you won't be able to step out of where he locked you up in. Maybe you are the koi fish in the small pond, running around in circles with no escape from its current predicament.
They said that if a few stands of your hair go up during a thunder storm, you'll get struck by lighting. And unfortunately for you, you're the victim.
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kakiastro · 5 months
The Numerology and Astrology of 1997
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Numerology is my 2nd favorite thing to study besides Astrology. They go hand in hand in my mind. They’re interconnected with each other. You’ll see when I break it down for y’all in this post.
I specifically chose this year because well, I realized 1997 and 2024 are both 8 years. Let me break it down…
Add up the numbers
1 + 9 + 9 + 7 = 26
2 + 6 = 8
2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 8
So if you were born in 1997, then you was born during an 8 year. 2024 is an 8 year as well. So this year is like a rebirth of some sorts or a karmic cleansing.
Keep in mind. This is different from life path numbers because you add your birth month, day and year. It’s a lot lol but we’re only focusing on your birth year only
-ruled by Saturn and Capricorn in numerology. These born natives may have had a tough or not easy upbringing. They may have had to grow up or learn some harsher lessons early in life than most. They were born during a karmic year so if you’re the type who believes in reincarnation, then you can say these native “have been here before” could be an ancestor that’s come back, I think a lot of kids born this year are “old souls” as well.
-these natives life lesson needs to learn how to balance the spiritual world with the material world. They have a strong belief in a higher power(s) and believe that no matter what challenges they go through, they will succeed and flourish. These natives are the hard knocks kids. These are the first group of Gen-Z but they relate more to their older Millennials siblings. They remember what the world was like right before we entered into today’s digital world. They remember blockbuster and flip phones, hell, most of them probably had one themselves as preteens before smart phones took off😅
-another lesson these natives need to learn is to help out when they can. It doesn’t always have to be financially either, helping someone with bags of groceries, complimenting someone (helps their self worth), donating old clothes or money to a charity, giving out advice or encouraging words to people are also good. Do this out of the kindness of your soul and heart, not because you expect a reward. I will tell you this, 8 is a loop so what you put out will come back around one way or another. I know that cliche but that’s the energy 8 has. 8 is connected to the spirit realm and earthly remember that.
-ambitious and powerful individuals. They enter a room and you notice them immediately. If these natives do succeed materially, just know, it was through hard work, sweat, blood and tears literally and figuratively lol
- August is the 8th month of the year. This is one of the Summer months. August is late Leo and Early Virgo seasons. These natives exhibit warm energy which means theyre kind, and have a welcoming personality. They may be popular in their friend group or just well liked by people. They may constantly go through health issues in their life but these people are warriors, they can get through some tough situations. August is a late summer month, these people are considered late bloomers (not a bad thing!) and since they’re a Capricorn group, their life can become more lighter and easy going as they get older. They work hard in their early years to relax in there older years. Usually after their First Saturn Return and around 35 is when life can start to improve.
-since this is a Saturn ruled year group, we need to look at what sign Saturn was in, in 1997.
-Saturn was in Aries during this year. Which means this group has Martian energy. They are warriors like I said earlier. Harsh upbringings but they push through. I wonder how many people born this year had to have surgery or suffered any burns growing up. Scars may be heavily present in these individuals during this year.
-identity and finding who they are outside off what they were taught to be will be a theme for them. They may struggle with self confidence during younger years but they find it as they age. I know I talk about age a lot but it is significant for this group since Saturn rules Age and time.
-since Saturn is in Aries, these folks 1h and Mars are the most important.
In 1997, Mars was in Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn.
-Mars Libra natives will learn the lesson how to balance the most. Working with others and being diplomatic will be lessons on what to learn. Marriage and partnerships. Family such as their grandmothers will important to these natives. They need to learn the balance when to pick up their sword and when they need to lay it down to negotiate. Aries oppose Libra. There’s always going to be a push-pull with these natives. I can’t stress enough, find that balance.
-Mars Scorpio natives will learn the lesson of vulnerability and intimacy. Aries is an independent and solo sign but Scorpio is how we connect on a deeper level with each other. Sex may be something they struggle with and will need to learn understand beyond societal conditions on it. Financials and paying off debt.
-Mars Sagittarius natives will learn the lesson of philosophy and beliefs. You may be the type to fight for them and don’t like to be challenged on them. Now you will need to learn others beliefs and this doesn’t mean you have to agree with them but it’s best to get well rounded on different viewpoints for your spiritual benefit.
-Mars Capricorn natives will be the main ones learning about hard work and ambition. I feel like this group may have it the hardest because you got that double Saturn energy in you that you have to learn. People may not respect you or you don’t get the recognition you feel you deserve. I promise once you learn theses old cycles, it will get better. Aries Sq Capricorn as well so this is not an easy but necessary lesson. Y’all got this!
8 is also ruled by Pluto. So this group will always be going through extreme transformation, this doesn’t always have to be a bad thing either. Their Pluto is in Sagittarius so their beliefs and world view will go through different phases. They have deep thirst for knowledge and truth. 8 is also co ruled by Mars so there’s that warrior energy again lol
These Natives are turning 27 this year!
2 + 7 = 9
9 represents endings and cycles. 9 is also ruled by Mars and in astrology is ruled by Jupiter.
Saturn is currently in Pisces. Pisces also rules over endings since it’s the last sign of the zodiac. They are also going through their pre-Saturn Return shadow period.
The Current NN Aries is conj their Saturn and numerology planet ruler. A small few is going through their Reverse Nodal return as well
This is also their 4h profection year. The 4h isn’t just about family, it’s connected to your soul and soul family.
-these natives are going to feel like they’re going through Deja vu while also going through new experiences. There’s a level of uncertainty thats filled with hope. My advice is to just go with the flow and take each day at a time. You guys are wrapping up 8 year another cycle. They are discovering who they are under in depth. They are exploring there faith and ideals and what feels right to them.
-This current cycle lasted from 2016-2024. Think back on those years, while still learning this one.
-This cycle will be from 2024-2033. 2033 is the next 8 year
Fun facts
When you all were born, Titanic, Jurassic Park, Men in Black were the biggest movies of that year!
The first Harry Potter was also released that year. It’s funny that there’s a tv show in the making during its return😅
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 month
Monkey King: Hero Is Back (2015) 西游记之大圣归来
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Director: Tian Xiaopeng Screenwriter: Tian Xiaopeng / Liu Hu / Mi Li / Jin Ran / Jin Cheng Starring: Zhang Lei / Lin Zijie / Wu Wenlun / Tong Zirong / Liu Jiurong / Wu Di / Liu Beichen / Zhao Qianjing / Zhou Shuai Genre: Drama / Animation / Fantasy Country/Region of Production: Mainland China Language: Mandarin Chinese / Cantonese Date: 2015-07-10 (Mainland China) Duration: 89 minutes Also known as: Return of the Monkey King / Monkey King /Journey to the West 3D / CUG: King of Heroes / 西遊記之大聖歸來 / 大圣归来 / 猴王 / 西游记3D IMDb: tt4644382 Type: Retelling
The all-powerful Monkey King, Sun Wukong, is imprisoned by the Buddha within an ice cage deep within the mountains for rebelling against heaven.
500 years later, Mountain Trolls attack a group of travelers, all except for a baby boy named Liuer are killed, and Liuer is adopted by a monk after floating down a river in a basket. (The name Jiang Liuer means River Flow Child.) Several years later, the same trolls invade a small village and kidnap 49 young children. Liuer saves one of the baby girls and is chased by the trolls for doing so. He stumbles into the cave where the Monkey King was imprisoned, and unknowingly releases him from his curse. Sun Wukong defeats the trolls, although he is only able to use physical attacks, since a remnant of Buddha's seal prevents him from regaining his magical powers, causing him pain whenever he tries to harness his magic.
Wukong attempts to break the Buddha's seal to no avail. Liuer and the girl enthusiastically greet Wukong, not knowing he has lost his powers, and pester him with endless questions. (One example is when Liuer asks if the god Nezha is a boy or a girl. Wukong answers, a girl.) Annoyed, Wukong attempts to avoid the two, but is unable to evade them. A stone monster, created by the Buddha to keep Wukong imprisoned, attacks the three. Liuer manages to undo the spell on the monster, but falls off a cliff in the process. When he awakes, he finds out Wukong has saved him.
The three come upon Bajie, the Heavenly Immortal "Tian Peng Yuan Shuai" (Marshal of Heavenly Canopy) that Wukong defeated when he rebelled against Heaven 500 years ago, now reincarnated into a pig demon. Though Wukong is again hesitant, Bajie joins the group as well. They also run into a white dragon that attacks them and tries to eat Liuer but Sun Wukong scares it off. (This also happened in the original canon, although unlike in the original books, the dragon does not turn into a white horse.)
They stay overnight at an inn, but its owners turn out to be Trolls in disguise, who try to kidnap the baby. More trolls arrive and Wukong fights them off. The leader of the monsters, Hun Dun, appears, defeating Wukong and capturing the girl. After Wukong refuses to pursue them, Liuer goes ahead to save them on his own.
Hun Dun reveals his plan to sacrifice all the children they have kidnapped in order to gain magical powers. Liuer meets with his mentor, Fa Ming, to try to rescue them but nearly get captured. Wukong finds a doll of himself that Liuer had and realises how important of a figure he is. He and Bajie go to help Liuer. Saving Liuer and the 49 children, Wukong defeats the monsters. However, a solar eclipse occurs, and Hun Dun turns into a giant monstrous beast. Liuer is seemingly crushed by the rubble from Hun Dun's rampage. Upon seeing the boy's apparent death, Sun Wukong is devastated. Full of fury, he forcibly breaks Buddha's Seal, regaining his original supernatural powers, and easily defeats Hun Dun.
The final part of this movie connects to the themes in the original canon. Sun Wukong only regains his powers when he fights for someone else rather than himself, as Sun Wukong's powers are meant to protect the monk Xuanzang/TangSeng/Tang Sanzang against evil and lead the monk to enlightenment. Sun Wukong as a character is also meant to represent an enlightened mind, which is why Sun Wukong's staff emerges from his head. Jiang Liuer himself is the younger Xuanzang, since he only received the name Xuanzang after he was ordained.
In the end, Liuer is shown to have survived Hun Dun's rampage, and they return the abducted children to their families.
Source: https://movie.douban.com/subject/26277313/
Link: https://ww16.0123movie.net/movie/monkey-king-hero-is-back-6781.html
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A few quick questions if you don't mind me asking.
How different would Meli's and Ellie's relationship be in the rewrite? and is there anything different about the curse? and how much does Ellie's past lives affect her current one?
Answer this whenever you have the time, no rush and no pressure. And don't overwork yourself, be sure to get some rest!
Yes, absolutely ask questions! I love talking about my ideas and it helps me brainstorm. Now get ready for a ramble.
The main difference in Mel and Ellie's relationship with the rewrite is that it will not end romantically. It's likely that Ellie will still become infatuated with him to an extent, but it won't end up going anywhere, and they actually will talk about it once Ellie learns about the curse and her past lives and all that. Mel still loves her, no doubt, and has never stopped loving her with everything he has, but the way he loves her is what's changed. He was in love with the Goddess Elizabeth, and he was in love with Liz, and many other Elizabeths before, but with Ellie it becomes more like an older brother/uncle relationship (although it's kind of hard to put a label on it because of how complicated the relationship is, especially when Ellie gets her memories back). I've always felt that the whole thing where he literally calls a baby Ellie "his woman" is super creepy and just ick, despite her being a new reincarnation of the woman he was in love with and freshly grieving Liz.
I think the main theme of the story is going to be letting go and moving forward; Meliodas never stops loving Elizabeth, but it's more a matter of willingly letting her go rather than losing her and being able to find peace with that, to let her find her own happiness on her own terms separate from what the curse demanded. The same will also be applied to Ban's relationship with Elaine in some ways, in that he will always love her but needs to let her go because she's gone.
I think the curse will be relatively the same, although Mel's will be slightly altered. In this rewrite, since he used to be part of an angelic race, he was already partially immortal in the sense that he can't die from old age; the curse just makes it so he can't die at all. Additionally, him losing more and more of his emotions with each death is now less of "reverting him to his previous self," and more about making him someone unrecognizable, empty, someone that nobody, even Elizabeth, could ever possibly love. Someone even worse than who he used to be. Mel had emotions before, as repressed as they often were due to the Demons' collective hatred of the Goddess Clan for casting them out and turning their backs on them, but the curse plans to make it so that he simply... doesn't.
As for how much Ellie's past lives affect her current one, it's not super extensive. She has faint birth marks reminiscent of the scars that some other Elizabeths had, including ones on her back where her wings used to be and part of Liz's eye injury. They most affect her via a type of chronic pain every now and again, which probably also doesn't help with her clumsiness at times.
Hope that answers some questions! I'd love to hear your thoughts and I'm always open to feedback and suggestions!
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olasketches · 4 months
Remember when I talked about how Sukuna often say that he'll fight until his death?
Death is associated to the endless rest which is paradoxal to how Sukuna get bored so easily and need action in his life which he find into jujutsu.
But having nobody close maybe keep that emptiness within him. Still he chosen to actually live this way because love doesn't fulfill him
I wish we'd learn about his relationship with his mom
sukuna thinks he understands love, but maybe he only understands the love others showed him by wanting to be recognised by him? "we are loved because we are strong. we simply respond to that love in kind". that's not what love is tho. but maybe that's the only kind of love he's ever known.
"I can assure you, love is worthless" maybe because the reason why sukuna thinks love is worthless is because the so-called love the strongest receive for being all mighty and powerful is the only type of love he's ever known and maybe even received. the love sukuna's referring to when he talks to kashimo does not even come close to the value of real love, but is that why he thinks it's worthless and just a trivial thing. cause saying love is nothing doesn’t sound like someone who understands love not even the concept of it. he doesn’t say love makes you weak or is for the weak but that it has no value. is it because the “love” he received could not fulfill him?
jjk themes of death and love go hand in hand. when a character dies they often reflect on themselves and think about their loved ones in their final moments or when they sacrifice their life they do it for the cause or another person.
sukuna says he only passes time till he dies which makes it seem like he's ok with dying and accepts it as something that is inevitable, but his actions kinda contradict that. after all he did reincarnate for some reason lol. the thing is that once he dies he has nothing to look back for, nothing and no one to die for and just die all alone, which wouldn't really be a problem for him since he claims he's ok with being all alone, BUT YET here he is. walking around as one of the reincarnated sorcerer who should have been dead for a millennium now.
avoiding death is like avoiding facing your own self. "death is a mirror for humans" because death is a reflection of life. we’re going to die anyway, then what does living mean? for sukuna facing his own death might be like confronting the emptiness and hollowness that was his own life.
is it passing time?
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or just avoiding looking at your own empty reflection?
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trainalt22 · 7 months
Tidbits and bobs#1
Essentially my version of a lore dump
- All sentient machines, regardless of where they are built or their origin, believe in a singular deity named Lady. She is the station pilot for the Grand Terminus, the last stop for all sentient machines. Lady is seen as equal parts God and grim reaper and can appear in a multitude of forms, from locomotive to tug boat. She claims all sentient machines as her children and is believed to be very kind and gentle. This belief system has aspects of reincarnation, as it is believed that the soul of the machines shall be forged anew and come to incarnate a new form of vehicle or machine.
- Lady may choose a "guardian" to help with more earthly affairs on her behalf. It is unclear what they stand guard over, however.
- It is believed that Lady watches over the Isle of Sodor, as machinery built there seems to have a higher chance of sentience. However, this is both unproven and unconfirmed.
Ok enough lady stuff I just wanted to talk about her (she's neat)
- Thomas's route takes him all the way to Tidmouth and he often brings the townsfolk to their big city jobs.
- The official NWR freight engine livery is the green and red stripes, as worn by Henry and Percy.
- Percy has been requested as a guest of honor for at least 52 weddings and he has attended 34.
- The original Ulfstead Castle was destroyed in a landslide in 1991. The new Ulfstead Castle was built in 2000 and is part estate, railway, and museum, all orchestrated by the Earl of Sodor, Sir Robert Norramby.
- May 11th is Sodor Day, which marks the end of a week-long festival for all things Sudrian. Also, May 11th and Christmas Day are the only times the NWR intentionally reduces its services.
- In 2000, Sodor's Council passed a law allowing the marriage of sentient machines.
- The volunteers on the Talyllyn railway often send gag jokes or pranks to the workers of the SKR. The biggest prank yet was when they swapped Sir Handel with Sir Haydn (with permission from both the Thin Controller and the Talyllyn Preservation Society) and waited to see how long it would take someone to notice. Sir Haydn was on Sodor for 2 weeks and was found out by Duncan, who was suspicious as to why "Handel" was being so polite to him.
- Out of all the famous eight engines, Gordon is the one who dislikes his TV theme song the most. He claims that "it wasn't grand enough."
- Thomas's favorite TV episode is "Thomas and the Jet Engine." On multiple occasions, he has begged the Fat Controller to let him recreate the episode, just so he can say he is the fastest engine on Sodor.
- Edward is the unofficial father of Thomas, Bill, Ben, Rosie, Philip, and Ryan.
- Gordon is surprisingly good at giving advice. He has even given Edward some kind words.
- Boco is the official secondary for the Wild Nor'wester.
- Sodor is a sanctuary for sentient machines, and as such, Crovan's Gate Works can fix just about any type of machine in the world, whether it's diesel, steam, electric, gasoline, kerosene, or hydrogen. Bring them any type of motive power, and they can fix it in no time flat.
- During the purge of steam, Henry and later Murdoch often smuggled engines onto Sodor, attached to the ends of their freight trains.
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I’m sorry but I’m just a really huge Yves stan. Like listen, Yves would freak me out so bad that I would probably be sweating profusely every time he is within a 6 feet radius, but like as someone who went through parentification and was essentially a glass child with unmet needs when I was younger , the motherly vibes that Yves exudes,,, I’m sorry but I would be hooked, addicted even. Hell I might become the yandere too who knows LMAO.
Like Monty would be cool because I wouldn’t be as intimidated by him, well aside from his sheer size but he’s just a bit sleezy to me I dunno but Yves has this sort of lithe, vampiric, serpent like essence to him that would make me nervous but excited. Hell having someone pour into me in THAT fashion would have me excited.
Also and like correct me if I’m wrong (this is my interpretation) but I feel like Monty is the type of guy that would’ve folded for any person that gave him attention during that time. Like reader was just caught up at the right (wrong) time and now has him following them everywhere, when this literally could’ve been someone else (I think this was already addressed in the story, either this one or the first Monty story I can’t remember) but like YVES, I feel like he has a specific reason why he chose the reader, we would never know but there’s probably something really unique about his darling that makes him so enamored, maybe it a combination of things, who knows. But I feel like his love is more unique and special, to me.
I dunno man I just want someone to check up on me like Yves, I’m down bad.
tw: implication of suicide
okay so like the reason why Yves is so into you has been a hot topic on this account, originally i planned to be like some sort of reincarnation shit but that wouldn't hold much water and it would be a little too creepy to imply that he was watching even before ur birth, kinda like preordering a partner and that's already grooming
so i left it vague and up for interpretation and just said he's the allegory of a perfect parent (one link within the link) like i promise i do not condone grooming n incest shit but like, something about having someone knows you deeply and wholly like a fucking parent is really hot, not hot in the "i want to fuck my mom and dad" kinda way, but more like "OH GOD PLEASE I FUCKING WISH YVES IS REAL I WANT TO BE TAKEN CARE OF SO BAD AND I WANT SOMEONE TO SEE IM SUFFERING AND TAKWE IT AWAY FROM MEEEEE PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE PLEAASSSEEEEEEE"
these themes literally show up in almost all my works esp Yandere older brother, Yandere best friend and heavily in my Language Barrier series
Whereas for monty, that was my attempt of like trying something new, stuff that I' don't necessarily fancy but it's a nice change of pace, the exact opposite of Yves; the stereotype of the man of the house: dirty, manchild (cant cook), fixes shit his own, doesn't even own a house to handle its affairs, uses dishsoap to wash himself, sex fiend, financially irresponsible, inattentive but trying his best beer is my best friend
Whereas Yves is a stereotype of the woman, cooks, clean, has a 20 step skincare routine, takes care of his looks, hygiene, dress up well, proper etiquette, makeup, handles the finance, saving himself after marriage, more research than the FBI, loves fashion, fitness, live laugh love
and like i get it im not surprised , there will be those who prefer monty over Yves and Yves over monty. just like there's this anon who said something along the lines of Monty are for those who want to fix him, while Yves is for those who wants to BE fixed.
i did have a lot of anons disliking both sides of the yin n yang which was expected n shit
and yes ur right, Monty would have fallen for anyone who saved him not necessarily you, you just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time- but his saving grace is that once he latched on , he's never letting go there is no one that could replace you. Mans is going to off himself if you're gone
in conclusion, im also downbad for yves
sauryy montyy
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veliseraptor · 10 months
So a friend just said to me that XueXiao is like the reincarnated of HuaLian, because according to her Xue Yang really reminded her of Hua Cheng (she read TGCF first, then MDZS). What do you think @veliseraptor? If Xiao Xingchen somehow help little Xue Yang, do you think he could be like Hua Cheng to Xie Lian? Sorry for my random ask ...
I love random asks, they give me something to do when I'm avoiding my work.
I actually have written a bit about this before! and miraculously managed to find it in the annals of my blog, though that one digs more into Xiao Xingchen/Xie Lian comparisons.
my answer here is honestly "you can see MXTX revisiting themes and types throughout her work, where characters can be read as echoes of previous characters as she develops as a writer, and Xue Yang fits into that most obviously with Luo Binghe but to a slightly lesser extent with Hua Cheng." they're not the same character but there are echoes.
specifically when it comes to parallels about what you're discussing, the hypothetical of "what if someone (say, Xiao Xingchen) were to help Xue Yang when he was a kid, show him some kindness, what would it change" and I think it would change a lot and, indeed, potentially end up with a Xue Yang who relates to Xiao Xingchen similarly to how Hua Cheng relates to Xie Lian.
we see the difference kindness makes in how Xue Yang behaves after everything has gone down, after he's lived a life where he's become very accustomed to violence and cruelty, and heading that off at the pass/earlier would, I think, if not change Xue Yang's perspective on the world, latch him on to the person who showed him that kindness.
the difference here, though, is that I think Xue Yang's obsession with Xiao Xingchen is likely to always be a little uglier and messier than Hua Cheng's with Xie Lian. Hua Cheng treats Xie Lian very much as an idol, a literal god - his obsessive devotion means that he holds himself at a distance from Xie Lian because he sees himself as fundamentally unworthy. I think Xue Yang's obsessive devotion is much less likely to manifest that way, and much more likely to look more like Luo Binghe's obsessive devotion - particularly the fear of abandonment that results in intense loathing of others who are close with or might threaten his relationship with the object of his affection.
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kairoseas · 7 months
I post a lot of headcanons and aus stuff but truth is, I'm a roleplayer at heart. Written via Skype, MSN, even had this weird set-up where someone doodled out their reply in art and I chose to type mine out in word format. Since I have a wealth of free time, I was gonna put forth this offer to start roleplaying in private servers on Discord! Firm on fiction =/= reality . Can write anything from short paragraphs to multi-paragraph responses as I'm often on my laptop. 21+ preferable since I'm 21+ myself; I do tend to delve into heavy topics because I find horror enjoyable. CNC, NSFW, all fine! I don't mind! I tend to toss an idea out to my writing partner when I get it and see where it leads, generally. Blood, gore, SH, sexual content, all perfectly fine since I have no triggers myself, and I have a rather versatile roster of characters! I've written: (JJK, up to date) Ryomen Sukuna, Yuuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, Yuta Okkotsu... (the list continues!) I also like to become friends outside of the roleplay, so my interests are gaming, manga, writing, and learning/studying. I tend to lean heavily into tropes and plots inspired by content like Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Higurashi, Death Note, Fatal Frame, Elfen Lied, Persona, and more. I like getting into themes and the psychological aspect as well as the general aspects. I'm a nerd at heart, what can I say? I also like creating little channels in discord where we can share fanarts and other things with each other! Mutishipper to the core! ( Tend to lean more into: itafushi/fushiita, sugusato/satosugu, sukufushi/fushisuku, gosuku/sukugo, always open to trying something new though! ) And I also dabble in aus, of course: like Reincarnation plots, ABO, Yandere content... but tend to shy away from OCs. Though, In NSFW regard, I lean into writing bottoms bc I'm not confident in writing tops quite yet... And I'm up at all hours, almost. Typically a bad sleep schedule so timezones aren't an issue, especially if we really click! I'm also completely caught up with the anime & the manga together so no need to worry about spoilers. You can even look around on this blog and see if you like my stuff and think our characters will get along! Just throwing this out there into the void to see if anyone's interested in starting something with me! Let's build a world! Contact via the Tumblr IMs for my Discord name or by liking!
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