#or better yet the gut wrenching stuff
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His mouth curves as he sees what he must do. "Fate is odd, Korra. I tried all my life to prove that I was stronger than the Avatar, and I had to wait until my death to do it." He stares intently into her watering eyes to make sure that she hears the words: "Forgive me."
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I am not fine and neither are you now :)
Trigger warning for the tags in the fic
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breezeflows · 1 month
The Long Road (Stanford Pines x Reader)
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Chapter 4
Y’ALL THIS ONE WAS/IS A ROUGH ONE. I had a lot of writers block with this chapter, but I think I finally accomplished fitting in everything I wanted it to have! Also just for clarification, a lot of things that happened in this chapter will be discussed more thoroughly in future chapters! (Aka Ford’s perspective.) Thank you everyone so much for your patience and continued support!! With that, here is absolutely gut wrenching chapter 4!!
Also, last thing I promise, if you want to be added to the tag list, just comment!
Themes: Lying, Arguments, Strong language, Lotsss of bottled up emotions, Fiddleford gets traumatized by the portal, Ford over prioritizing Bill and his work over sleep/his wife etc, all the fun stuff! This chapter is very sad! But we will finally be back to the present in chapter 5!
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You found yourself waking in the late afternoon, your bags now packed and in hand as you make your way out of Lizzy’s apartment. And although you were a nervous wreck to return home and confront Ford about last night’s events, you were also happy at the thought you’d be sleeping in your own bed tonight. You were hopeful that Ford would have a good explanation. Maybe he was drunk out of his mind, due to your absence, or maybe Fiddleford brought the two of them there after a breakthrough in their research. You couldn’t quite put your finger on it.
You keep your thoughts running as you settle into the passenger seat of Lizzy’s car. Your mind is a flurry of hope, worry, and anxiety as you mull over all the different possibilities of what happened last night.
Lizzy hops into the driver’s seat, her gaze flickering over to you as she senses your nerves.
“Hey,” she says softly. “Everything will be okay, alright? I’m sure Ford has a good explanation for everything. At least, he better.”
You let out a nervous sigh, once again fiddling with your wedding band as you try to steady yourself. 
“I hope so,” you murmur, eyes drifting out the window as Lizzy kicks the vehicle in motion. “I really don’t know what I’ll do if he doesn’t.”
Lizzy places a sympathetic hand on your shoulder, giving it  a squeeze.
“Let’s just focus on getting there for now, okay? Try not to imagine any worst-case scenarios until we actually talk to him.”
You give a small nod as she drives, the world outside becoming a blur of trees and late afternoon sun.
6:00 PM.
With a final turn down the gravel path, you arrive at the place you consider home, the cabin. The familiarity of your surroundings should be relieving, yet you find yourself on edge, tugging down on the beanie that rested against your head.
You unclip your seatbelt as the car hauls to a stop, Lizzy turning to give you a reassuring smile.
“I’ll drive around closeby.” she says. “In case things go, you know, not so great.”
You nod softly, thanking her as you grab your bags from the backseat, stepping out of the car. The gravel under your feet crunches with each step, your heart beating rapidly in your chest.
Taking a deep breath, you make your way to the front door of your home, a nervous hand twisting the knob and pushing it open. As you step foot into the familiar space, you’re surprised to find Ford in the living room. He’s seated on the couch, working on what seemed to be some sort of gadget on the coffee table.
He looks up as you enter, his expression casual with a hint of excitement.
“You’re back!” He states as he stands, approaching you with a warm smile.
You swallow hard, clutching your bags tightly as you regard him warily.
“I missed you, how was your trip? There’s so much I have to tell you, Fiddleford and I had a major breakthrough this weekend!”
Ford’s words are light and pleasant, and he looks genuinely happy to see you. A stark difference from how he was the night before. He steps closer to you, looking as if he’s about to pull you into an embrace, but you take a step back, releasing your bags from your grip.
Ford’s smile falters for a brief moment, a flicker of confusion in his eyes.
“Is something wrong?” he asks, his voice laced with concern.
“Where were you last night?”
He seems taken aback by your blunt question, a brow raised as he rubs the back of his neck.
“Ah… well I was here, working with Fiddleford, like I said.” he replies, gesturing to the gadget on the table. “Why do you ask?”
Your heart twists in your chest as you clench your fists, frown adorning your lips.
“Is that all..?”
Ford looks perplexed by your question, his eyes filled with concern as he takes a step towards you, his expression growing increasingly more confused and worried.
“What do you mean? Where else would I have been?”
You go to speak, but falter, looking down at the floor as you hold your elbow sheepishly.
“Nevermind.. It’s nothing, sorry.”
Ford pauses, his concern only deepening as he watches you avoid his gaze. He takes another step closer, his voice gentle.
“Y/N, please tell me what’s wrong,” he says, reaching out to touch your arm.
“You’ve been acting strange ever since you came through the door… Did something happen? You can talk to me.”
You swallow hard, before looking up to meet his gaze.
Ford’s expression is genuine, his grip on you squeezing gently as you gaze at him for a moment. This Ford was a huge contrast to whoever you had talked to last night, this was the man you knew and adored. Maybe you and Lizzy really did have too much to drink, and you mixed it all up with some other guy? It seemed too coincidental, but the way Ford was acting now made you second guess everything. He seemed totally unphased, and there wasn’t a single thing about his tone that would lead you to believe he was lying. This was still your husband, after all.
You shovel all of your thoughts and suspicions down as you sigh, placing a hand over the one he had rested on your arm.
“It’s nothing, I promise,” you say, cracking a soft smile as you lean into him. “I just missed you a lot. It’s good to be home.”
Ford’s eyes soften at your words, and he pulls you closer to him, gently enveloping you in his arms. He holds you close, one hand rubbing soothing circles on your back.
“I missed you too,” he murmurs, his voice soft and gentle. “More than you know.”
Your ears and cheeks turn red at his words as he pulls away, just enough to meet your gaze, his eyes searching yours for a moment before he speaks.
“So, you uh, need help with your bags?”
A soft blush covers Ford’s cheeks as you smile once more, your hand reaching to cup his cheek, thumb grazing the skin underneath.
“Sure, although I wanna hear everything you wanted to catch me up on while I unpack.”
If somehow possible, Ford’s cheeks turn an even darker shade of pink as you touch his face, his gaze flicking down to your hand before coming back up to meet your eyes. He then clears his throat, voice slightly strained.
“Y-yeah of course,” he stammers, his hand coming up to rub the back of his head. “We can talk in the bedroom while you unpack.”
“Sounds like a plan.” you say with a chuckle, grabbing both of your bags and handing one to Ford, placing a quick peck to his cheek before pulling away.
A small, boyish smile appears on his lips at your gesture. He quickly takes the bag you handed him, keeping his eyes on you for a moment before looking down at your luggage in his hands.
He clears his throat once more, his voice betraying a hint of nervousness as he speaks.
“Right, let’s go then.”
Ford then begins to lead the way to the bedroom, you trailing along behind him.
As you both enter your shared room you begin to unpack your bags, Ford chatting away excitedly as he helps you with your things, pulling out your clean clothes and placing them in the closet. 
You smile at his enthusiasm, but you can’t help but notice the bed as you unpack. The sheets are just how you left them, pillows fluffed and blankets tucked into the edges of the frame.
“Did you get any sleep while I was gone?” you ask, shutting a drawer after you’ve placed a pair of jeans inside.
Ford pauses mid-sentence in his excited explanation, faltering as his glaze flicks from the bed to yours.
“Uh, well… no, I didn’t,” he admits, his voice laced with a hint of guilt. “With all the work Fiddleford and I’ve been doing, I guess I just forgot about sleep.”
You frown deeply as he moves to continue helping you unpack, your arms falling to your sides.
Ford pauses again, a flicker of guilt in his eyes as he senses your disapproving tone.
“Just promise me that you’ll at least come to bed tonight. Okay? I worry about you when you aren’t getting any rest.”
His expression softens, gaze full of guilt and affection meeting yours. He nods in agreement, a sheepish smile crossing his face.
“I promise.”
Over the following nights, Ford makes a point of coming to bed, holding true to the word he gave you the night you returned from Lizzys. However, the pattern you had desperately hoped for doesn’t last long. The old habits return quickly, Ford abandoning the bedroom in favor of work in the lab for days on end. Days soon turn into weeks, weeks into months, and so on. You find yourself lying alone in bed each night, your mind filled with anger and frustration. Sometimes, you’re kept awake by the bright flashes and rumbling from below. A part of you wanted to stomp down there and give him a piece of your mind, to leave him and this broken marriage behind, but another part of you yearned for Ford. You longed for the day you’d see him emerge from the lab instead of Fiddleford, or the day he’d prioritize you again. Even just a simple acknowledgement of your presence, other than “hello, how are you”, would do. You missed how things used to be. You missed him.
But the day never came.
You were too stubborn to be the first to break the now built-up tension, after all it was Ford’s fault the two of you were in this predicament anyway. At least that’s what you told yourself, feeding into the false hope that things were going to somehow magically improve. 
The same cycle repeated itself, leaving you feeling helpless and abandoned.
Until one night.
You found yourself lying alone in bed yet again, your head laid on what was once Ford’s pillow, his scent no longer attached to the fabric. The sounds of the lab seem louder tonight as you toss and turn, grunting in annoyance. You glance towards the clock on your nightstand, the glowing numbers reading midnight. Frustration mounts within you, the lack of any attention whatsoever from Ford wearing you down.
Suddenly, an extremely loud whir from the lab forces you to sit upright, your heart pounding in your chest as your irritation gets the best of you. Finally, you’d had enough.
You throw back the covers in an aggressive motion, swinging your legs over the bed. You pad across the room, your bare feet touching the cold hardwood floor. Each step you take fuels the growing anger in you, your patience thinning.
Reaching the door, you pull on it, the sound of it creaking open adding to the building tension. With a huff, you step forward into the darkness and descend the stairway leading to the lab.
You press the button to the elevator harshly, stepping inside the metal contraption. As you descend further you hear the sound of faint yelling, along with a thud. Your stomach twists with frustration and anxiety, your mind reeling with possibilities of what the hell was going on down there.
Finally, the elevator doors slide open, revealing a blinding blue light behind the glass window of the lab. Your feet carry you quickly to the source, dashing through the entryway when all of a sudden, your shoulders are grabbed.
Your body stiffens as your eyes adjust to the lighting, revealing a disheveled Fiddleford in front of you. His fearful eyes search your panicked ones, his grip painfully tight.
“You’ve got to get out of here Y/N,” he states frantically, his voice shaky. “This machine will bring about the end of the world, it’s dangerous beyond comprehension. It should never see the light of day.”
The sound of your heartbeat fills your ears as you process his words. The seriousness in his voice and panicked look in his eyes were enough to send a chill down your spine. You take a moment, before stuttering out a few words.
“What? Machine? The end of the world..?”
Before you can finish your sentence, Fiddleford leaves in a rush, your frightened gaze moving to the source of the light.
In front of you stood what seemed to be some sort of portal, with your husband standing right below it.
You watch him as you stand there, dumbstruck by fear and confusion. You clench your fists before taking a firm step forward, swallowing dryly.
He stands with his back turned to you, mumbling something before yelling aloud.
“No, you know what… I don’t need anyone!”
Your legs tremble as you make your way towards him, placing a hand on his shoulder.
Ford jumps violently at the contact, his head whipping around to face you. His gaze widening for a moment, before turning cold and harsh.
“What..? What are you doing down here Y/N?” He snaps, his tone sharp and defensive.
Your gut clenches at his tone, your eyes brimming with tears as you finally break.
“What the actual fuck, Stanford!” You yell, hands formed into fists as you hold them in front of you.
“What is this?! This.. this thing?!” You yell, pointing towards the portal. 
“This is too fucking far!!”
Ford’s eyes narrow, his irritation growing apparent. He stands his ground, stepping towards you and jabbing a finger towards your chest.
“This?” he replies, gesturing to the portal. “This is my life’s work Y/N! Everything I’ve dedicated myself towards for decades! Something you wouldn’t even understand the significance of, even if I explained it to you!”
His words cut through you like a knife, tears now streaming warmly down your cheeks. You grab hold of his wrist roughly, jerking him towards you.
“No!” you yell, your grip unrelenting. 
“This is some sort of doomsday device you abandoned EVERYTHING for! That you abandoned ME for!”
Your voice breaks with that last sentence, your teeth clenching as you attempt to stifle your pain.
“I’ve stuck with you through everything, Stanford! When you lost Stanley, during those horrible years in college, through this!” You say, pointing to him and then to yourself with your free hand. “When you’ve practically neglected me as your wife, all of it! I stayed with you because I’m in love with you, Stanford!”
Ford’s eyes soften at your words, a strong flicker of guilt in his expression as you list all the sacrifices you’ve made for him.
“But I can’t,” your voice trembles with each word, your grip on his wrist loosening to where it falls back to your side. 
Every emotion you’ve bottled up until now weighs down on you, your heart racing in your chest.
“I can’t do this anymore.”
Your tearful gaze meets his, his heart aching at the sight.
Ford looks as if he’s been torn in two. Flashes of guilt, anger, and concern, all etching across his face as he stands there, desperately searching for the right answer. And although you never in a million years would intend for him to be put in this spot, he knows he has to choose. The person who devoted their everything to him, or everything he’s ever devoted himself to.
Ford stutters out his answer faster than he can think, sweat beading against his forehead.
“This isn’t,” he pinches the bridge of his nose, his expression heavily conflicted. “This is something monumental Y/N, something that could change the course of existence itself. I have to do this,” as Ford continues, you feel your heart snapping in two, your gaze lowering to the floor as you attempt to take in what he is saying.
“I have to finish what I started, Y/N.”
Your vision blurs with heavy tears as the two of you stand there in deafening silence. 
Your expression is filled with pure distraught as you lift your head, your gaze meeting Ford’s. Although he doesn’t return it, his eyes glued to the ground with a solemn frown on his lips. Your lip trembles as you lower your head once more, standing there for a few moments before forcing yourself to turn away.
Your legs feel heavy with each step, every part of you screaming at you to stay. But deep down you know you can’t, it was time for you to choose yourself for once.
So with that you trudge on, out of the lab and out of the cabin.
The cabin you once considered home.
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Thank you for reading! I hope y’all like how this turned out :)
Tag list: @karmaisacatluzi @therottenheartofscum @catr4dora @slay-thou-pookie @wow-life-love4 @missgurlsstuff @violetvsworld @inquiit @mandossillyriduur @mokikow @phirbat
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kdramastrix · 7 months
I have. Something to talk about and its very very VERY important.
We know that last scene of TDJ where its just PEAK yearning but can we PLEASE appreciate the micro-expressions that passed over both Yohan & Gaon's faces when they faced each other DIRECTLY after a MONTH (if im not wrong) of that whole blowing up fiasco + Yohan's arrest before that??????? Because my GOD.
So we see Gaon call Yohan by his Full Government Name™ (which wasn't very wise for a declared dead enemy of the state who is ALSO wanted but we'll let it pass for romanticisms' sake) and look at his face. His face is one of a scared man. He's not hesitant but he is afraid of how Yohan views him after what transpired between them.
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In turn, Yohan looks back and well.
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He is also somewhat apprehensive. They're both testing each other & the waters they're in. Although Yohan doesn't have a revenge vendetta shackling him down anymore, Gaon, on the other hand, has tremendous stuff to unpack. They're carefully, if not gently, evaluating the distance between them.
And then, Yohan gives a clear sign that he holds nothing against Gaon. An open arm, an open invitation. To join him? Maybe. To decide what to do with them? Perhaps. It's vague but it's also clear that Yohan is done manipulating Gaon & that he has left the ball in Gaon's court.
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Then come the positive changes. With Yohan's green signal, Gaon is somewhat relieved but also incredibly guilt-ridden. I think these frames speak for themselves.
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The wet smile & the eye crinkles. He is so relieved to be in Yohan's good graces but also just looking at Yohan be his ever glowing self after serving his life's purpose.
Yohan. My dearest Yohan. Look at him. He's equally heart-broken to be seeing Gaon like this, to be leaving him behind but that little nod he does???? Like he's made a decision that he needs to stick with for the betterment of Gaon???? That's what truly gets me. It's so clear the distance between them is hurting him but he also knows that it's necessary to give Gaon space & time, to unravel & to explore things on his own. Perhaps another assumption on his part because who truly knows what Gaon wants except Gaon himself?
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Then it's a brief look exchanged. As he turns, giving Gaon one last reassuring smile as he turns and leaves behind one of the most important people to him.
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And gaon watches. Look at his micro-expressions here. Look at his breathing. His sagging shoulders. His eyes. His wet smile. His balled hands. His tiny nods.
He also thinks this is necessary but you can so clearly see its taking every bit of nerve & fiber in him to stay rooted to his place & not chase after Yohan. He's DELIBERATELY not taking a single step towards Yohan. He thinks he doesn't deserve to chase after him, that hes content to see Yohan: alive, well and so utterly free. That's all that matters.
I would genuinely like to appreciate both jinyoung and jisung for their acting bcs they NAILED the raw emotions needed for this absolutely stunning yet gut wrenching scene. It's so difficult to convey such complex emotions through such little means yet they did it to PERFECTION. They both gave their characters LIFE. And for that i will always be grateful bcs i dont think anyone else could've done Kang Yohan and Kim Gaon the way they did.
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authenticmiya · 5 months
Boston - Chris Sturniolo x Reader
Summary - Based off of the song ‘Austin’ by Dasha. You were Highschool sweethearts and suddenly that all went away.
Words - 1.6k
Warnings - angst /small mention of alcohol
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“We had a plan, move out of this town, baby
West to the sand, it's all we talked about lately
I'd pack the car, bring your guitar and jane for smokin'
First thing at dawn, you'd queue the songs and we'd get goin'
But you weren't home, waited on the porch for ya
Sat there alone, all throughout the morn' 'til I
Got a hunch down in my gut and snuck around the back
Empty cans and I'll be damned, your shit was never packed”
"We hit twenty five thousand subscribers baby." Chris declared excitedly as he burst into his room. You were just chilling, awaiting the finish of the triplets' filming.
"No fucking way!" Excitedly jumping up, he embraced you into his arms.
"I'm so proud of you." You whispered, treasuring the moment as their success was very evident.
"We're gonna be in LA sooner than you think." And that was the promise you knew he'd keep. The problem was, that sentence would have the worst outcome in the future.
"Wrap around porch with a puppy?" He nodded excitedly, oh the plans you guys had ready and waiting. They had been planned for the years you'd been together.
It wasn't unknown that being around the Sturniolo household was a daily ritual. You guys were known as the 'Highschool Sweethearts'. How cliché?
"YouTube is kicking off for us and so will your music Y/N." Chris couldn't stop embracing you, excitement yet anxiety filling both of you. That was potentially the most gut wrenching memory to think about. All of the empty promises and plans.
Just like that, a couple of months had gone by. The 'Highschool Sweethearts' seemingly both on board with the thought of going back and forth to LA. They had hit just short of 500k. You had a label willing to sign you in LA. It was all falling into place and before you knew it, the days were building up to the ultimate move across the states.
"I really hope you know what decisions you're making Y/N. I feel like this is all very overwhelming and too good to be true." Your best friend declared and you looked at her funnily.
"I'm not laughing, has Chris even replied to your last eight messages about your flight tomorrow?" And come to think of it, no he hadn't. But he was definitely just busy finalising his packing, wasn't he?
"I'm going to walk to their house after I add the finishing touches to my suitcases. I tried texting Matt but he's not answering either..." Your thinking face came on immediately but quickly faded when you thought there was nothing to worry about.
"He's definitely just sorting stuff out." You muttered.
"We've been together for nearly three years, I don't think he's having doubts." Defending him again.
"I never said anything about him having doubts, that's on you." And so she left you to your own device of figuring out what really was going on with your boyfriend. She wasn't angry, of course not. However, best friends - true best friends always have the better instinct on situations regarding those they care about.
With Travis Scott blasting through your AirPods, your walk to the Sturniolo household began. It was nearing 2pm. Their parents' cars weren't in the drive once you arrived but the minivan was. You had pre-warned quite literally all three of the triplets that you were on your way over, none replied but Chris had the audacity to leave it on read.
"I'm on your porch and you're ignoring me." Sadness suddenly waved across you. What was the real reason none of them were answering?
"Chris?" You knocked on the door. After a solid 45 minutes, your heart was practically hung. There was one last option, head around the back. What a terrible option to pick, you should've just made your way home.
"What the fuck?" Mixed cans of Pepsi, BUD Light and Dr Pepper pretty much everywhere and what sounded like a Bluetooth speaker somewhere in the back yard. What hurt the most was three very familiar voices could be heard, those of whom had ignored you all damn day.
The question was, do you or do you not go in and make your hurt known to all of them?
"Y/N?" Torn from your heartbroken thoughts, Nate noticed you were there and called you out in front of everyone. Making solid eye contact with Chris, he was like a deer in headlights.
"So, this is what you guys have been up to today?" You questioned, an eyebrow quirked in confusion. If it wasn't awkward before, it definitely was now.
"I wanted to call you-" Nick began but was cut short.
"Boys night." Chris stated.
"It's 2pm Chris, hardly a boys night."
"Well we're continuing this through the night." Why was he being so blunt?
"Are you guys all packed and ready for LA at least?" The colour drained from Nicks face, Matt remained silent and Chris was damn right being rude.
"Your shits not even packed?" Everything you were saying seemed to be going over his head.
"Stop fucking ignoring me Chris!" The band had snapped but you were the one breaking.
"Are we going as a team? A couple? A fucking pair of friends? Are we going together at all?" You deemed an answer.
"Jesus Christ Y/N, I can't do this with you anymore. We're gonna be social media influencers and you're gonna jet off on world tours. We've changed, it's not gonna work." Chris' words felt like venom. The cat really had your tongue. Not to forget that he had just called you out in front of everyone both you and him cared about.
"You can't be serious..." You're too strong to cry in front of him, surely you're too strong to cry in front of him.
"Deadly." He stated coldly.
"We might be on the same flight out there but we're not jetting off to the same life like we had here." His triplet brothers were always going to side with him but they had awfully guilty looks as they watched this whole scene unfold in front of them.
"That's it? You're just going to give up on us? You've not even made it to the West Coast and LA has already gotten to your head? What about the wrap around porch?" You didn't even have it in you to stay any longer, the tears were threatening to fall and that was enough to send you running home. Chris had a flash of sadness cover his face but he quickly subsided this, not wanting to let his 'guard' down.
"There's no way that's what just happened." Nick was out of words, confused by his brother and heartbroken for you, his so called best friend.
"Well it did, let's turn up the music."
That was the last you heard from all of them. Chris unfollowing you on Instagram just before boarding your shared flight. Of course without a secure clarification of whether you to were together but it was evident now. If LA was going to be the fresh start then hitting that big red block button was also on your list. You just couldn't do it.
In the studio, a few weeks later.
"Y/N you can take five if the chorus is too much." Your manager politely offered.
"This is the verse, the sealed deal, I'm not backing out of it." You'd gotten a bigger following in a short amount of time. Having one single already teased seemed to bring you lots of attention. Writing songs based on your personal experiences were becoming both a blessing and a curse.
“Did your boots stop workin'?
Did your truck break down?
Did you burn through money?
Did your ex find out?
Where there's a will, then there's a way
And I'm damn sure you lost it
Didn't even say goodbye
Just wish I knew what caused it
Was the whiskey flowin'?
Were you in a fight?
Did the nerves come get you?
What's your alibi?
I made my way back to LA
And that's where you'll be forgotten
In forty years you'll still be here
Drunk washed up in Boston”
You’d proudly gone over your chorus multiple times very well and without tears. The first time you’d written down the lyrics and actually sang them out loud was very different. The feelings and emotions of the situation with Chris really became a reality.
“Y/N, this is gonna be one hell of a fucking hit!” Your manager screeched. Reaching LA, your genre of music was solely gonna be based on your personal preference.
“Hell of a bluff, you had me believin'
How many months did you plan on leavin'?
What happened? Bad habits?
Did you go back? Go batshit?
I loved you, how tragic, oh-oh”
After wrapping up in the studio, you headed straight home. Thankfully you were successful in renting out a 2 bedroom apartment. Of course being in the upcoming limelight was a dream come true but deep down, it was lonely. Three people completely missing out on what would be your success. After a warm bath and some listening to snippets of your single, you couldn’t help but check up on the Sturniolo’s social media’s.
Very quickly, it was a deep regret. They were ‘happy’ and it hurt like hell. Why couldn’t you have all been happy together?
“Alexa why are you fucking playing Kelly Clarkson right now?” You grew emotional, bringing your kneels to your chest as you rested in the sofa.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t quite get that.”
“Fuck you.” You muttered.
“Y/N, your song already had two million hits. They’re going to play it on the radio!” You were quick to burst into cheers and tears as your team surrounded you. Your manager silenced everyone and turned the radio up.
“Here we have the new and quite frankly, most requested upcoming artist. This is Boston by Y/N. Her song debuted just three days ago with her team telling us that she worked incredibly hard.” As the song played on the radio, it all became surreal. The small town Boston girl who had always dreamed about this, finally got her wish. One of the producers wrapped you into a hug as you began sobbing.
“You done it and you deserve it, here’s to Y/N!” That night, they had informed you that there was a party. This was all for you to celebrate not only your single, but your future to! Applying the final touches of mascara, your phone pinged.
christophersturniolo sent you a message: Boston?
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The revelation of Seok-Ryu's past was a gut-wrenching blow.
Going from the high of deciding to spend the rest of your life with your partner to realizing you might not even have the time for that must have been devastating for her. But then choosing to not tell your best friend about it, your family? It would have totally crushed her to go through all of that alone and put a strong front for them.
“It’s okay Seok-Ryu, it’s not a big deal.
I’ll get better. I’ll tell them after I get better.
It’s not a big deal, its nothing.”
As an elder daughter, Seok-Ryu had internalized the societal expectation that she should be the pillar of strength for her family. This pressure to always be "okay" had become so ingrained in her that she felt compelled to hide her struggles. Her reassurances to herself that "it's not a big deal" were a desperate attempt to maintain a facade of normalcy.
This is such a consistent thing with elder daughters in a family. We must have it all planned, we must be able to solve everything, survive anything that we prefer to tell anyone about our problems when we have already solved them. This habit becomes so ingrained in us that we stop telling people even about the things that we should.
“I’m going to worry about a recurrence next year and the year after that.
Even if I remain in complete remission for five years, I won’t be completely free.
I’ll always be near death’s door. I am going to feel a little anxious and sad.
That’s how my life’s going to be.”
This is the life of a cancer survivor. Even if you’ve risen triumphant from the battle, war is not yet done – rather your entire life is now a war. You can’t rest it easy. Stress, anxiety and fear will constantly dog your steps and make a home in your routine. This is what Seok-Ryu’s reality look like with her mental health taking a steep nosedive due to her physical health. She had to let go of so many aspects of her life to deal with her new reality. All this while she was also dealing with her slowly crumbling relationship with Hyeon-Jun.
When she could finally let go of that threads tying her back to the toxic part of her life and decided to come home, she realized there is another battle that she must face – lying to everyone she loves day-in and day-out. And she did, pretended that everything is fine, that things didn’t work out for her, that she had burnout – that she came back due to workplace harassment. Everything was acceptable but the truth. That little nugget was something that no one could know about. For all the problems, scorns and disappointment that she had to face and go through, the reality of the hellscape her life turned to was known only to her and she was happy in that escape. Even if she had to pretend, make herself sick, avoid the situations and deny herself the things she wants, if she could believe that everything is back to normal for few moments – all of it would be worth it.
“That’s why I don’t need love anymore.
The stomach I have left can barely handle digesting my dream.”
In all this, one thing that made me immensely sad was her decision that she and her situation is the problem. What happened with Hyeon-Jun made her think that no relationship would be able to survive the stress that comes as a complimentary gift of being with her. And she? She swore off it. Everything is acceptable in her books, everything, but ruining her friendship with Choisseung.
She knows he likes her, she also remembered that she liked him first, in their past but she would rather be selfish and keep Seung-Hyo in her life as her friend. At least with it comes a guarantee that even if he gets angry, mad or furious with her, it’s all temporary. That their friendship is made of sterner stuff to crumble under this pressure. She can’t say the same about relationship and repeating the slow death of a relationship like the way she experienced is the last thing she wants to do. Especially when the person in question is someone, she holds very dear.
Having decided upon the truth about being with her, she went ahead to turn him down as gently as she could, crushing any hope while also trying to preserve as much of their friendship as she could.
Seok-Ryu wants. She wants to be happy. She wants to not have to worry. She wants to cook for a living. She wants to see her parents happy. She wants to see Seung-Hyo successful. But more than that – she wants to keep seeing that smile on his face and she knows being with her is the fastest way to lose it.
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nishiyako · 1 year
Dirty Secret (NSFW)
Pairing : FWB!Bakugo x Reader
Tags : Porn with plot, slight angst at the end, blowjob, hand job, riding, femdom if you squint, forbiden, asshole x asshole, booty-call from reader, lingerie on reader, denied romance, hinted Motorcyclist!Bakugo
Summary : After a breakup with Ejiro (your boyfriend of 3 years), you go behind his back and seduce his best friend Katsuki. Months later, you send your lover a dirty picture of yourself, inviting him to come over.
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It was late, yet that didn't stop you from sending one of your friends a picture.
A picture of you kneeling infront of a mirror, wearing your strapy lingerie that hugged every dip and curve of your body, red silk and mesh pressed against your soft skin, covering what little dignity you had with a text that read "come over?"
"omw" three little letters on your screen sent shivers up your spine.
You on your bed, still dressed in the lacey garments as you kept yourself busy with your phone.
You hear the door unlock, Bakugo used his spare key to enter as he placed his motorcycle helmet and jacket on the kitchen counter.
"Hey, I'm here!" He yelled, as he didn't see you in the living room. You opened your bedroom door, leaning on the frame as you waited for him to make eye contact with you.
Once he turned to you his lips curled to his signature devilish smile as he followed you, like you had a leash on him.
He knows he shouldn't be at your place, not after what you did to his best friend Ejiro.
A few months ago, you broke his heart.
His girlfriend of 3 years was cheating on him almost every weekend with random dudes, when Katsuki went to your place to pick up Kirishimas stuff (Kiri didn't even want to be in the room as you).
Bakugo saw you. Half awake, silky robe exposing your shoulders yet the band clinged tightly to your waist.
Even though it was your fault, you were still so adorable when you were crying, tear drops falling into your cup of camomile tea.
The comfort he gave you wasent the most traditional.
Fucking you over your kitchen counter as Ejiros things were waiting in their boxes.
After that afternoon, he couldn't get enough. Responding to your texts at 2AM, coming over like a victim of a spell.
If you told him you were a succubus he wouldn't be suprised.
You lured him into the bedroom with a kiss, sitting him down in the bed as your hands found the tent in his baggy pants.
Unzipping the jeans as you distracted him with your lips, it then broke when he felt your warm hands alredy stroking him.
You heard him curse under his breath as you got on your knees, Teasing kitten licks on his cock.
His hands taking a handful of your hair, controlling your heads movements.
You took him in, alredy greedy for more.
He watched your cheeks hollow as your tongue teased every gland on his shaft, throwing his head back from the pleasure.
Stealing every thought from his mind, you we're addictive. Every gut wrenching comute he made was worth it.
Your needy whimpers only made it better, sending vibrations through the skin, piercing your influence deeper into his voided mind.
He was on the silky sheets, guilty groans only growing louder the deeper you took him in.
You pulled your head back, sting on saliva on your lips cutting as you straddled his hips lining up your entrance.
He was a fool if he though all you wanted to do was service him, you only call him over to satisfy your hunger. He was the only one who could.
He was also the only one who could handle you. Fucking you until you'd wake up sore, alone in your room not knowing if you had regret or a need for more.
You toped him over, his body so helpless under yours as you sank onto him, a familiar moan slipping through your lips.
You held his hands for support bouncing on him in jolts of energy, his red eyes tracing the lace on your chest, straps falling off your shoulders as your panties were lazily disregarded on the floor.
It was wrong but it still felt good.
Making him hit your sweet spot over and over again making you feel a little dizzy each time.
It took him what little self control he had left to not cum everytime you moaned his name so carelessly loud it threatened to wake up your peaceful neighbors.
Your filthy bounces only edging you on more with a knot that threatened to snap at any moment.
Clenching around Bakugo so nicely, it was like he fainally met his match.
Your eyes watched his various expressions, you rode him faster as you came close to your edge. you treated him like a toy, something to use and you knew he liked it.
Fainally bringing him down a peg as the cocky badass exterior crumbled in your hands, his loud mouth only slurring praises of your name and how good your pussy is.
His watched you in awe as his eyes pleaded for release, knowing he would never admit it.
Your legs started to tire as you felt a knot form in your stomach. You felt him thrusting up, matching your rythim only making him go in deeper.
His grip on your hands only strengthened as a sign of his limits, a glimmer of sweat on his forehead as his blonde hair was scattered against the bed.
Your eyebrows furrowed as you felt your eyes roll to the back of your head, body twitching from the pleasure.
Your eyes met his, giving him the go ahead.
You leaned lower, your hands pawing at his broad chest as he held your hips controlling your rhythm, he really was a control freak sometimes. Especially when it came to you, you were alredy perfect but the fact the both of you could control and bend eachother to your own willingness added to the allure.
Your breathy moans against his quivering lips, only a slight distance from eachother.
The eye contact was painful, the betrayal he hid from his bestfriend only made everything feel better.
He closed the distance, lips clashing into yours as he reached his limit, joining yours.
Shakey breathes as your body went weak, shivers on your skin as he held you close during the painful pleasure.
You broke from the kiss, burrowing your face into the crook of his neck, your ears picking up on his heavy breaths.
You watched Katsuki fix his things in the living room as you stood in the doorway of your bedroom in the same robe you seduced him with.
A cigarette that laid snuggly in between your fingers as you puffed out the thick gray smoke, "Leaving so soon?" You asked, voice as soft and silky.
"You expect cuddles or something?" Bakugo asked alredy knowing the answer, sure you weren't the type for intamacy but it would've been nice if he atlest considered it.
A strange passive aggressive tone in his sentence as he twisted the door knob.
He left without even looking back to see your hurt expression. he closed the door, like a barrier a reminder that the both of you couldnt be anything more.
You put your cigarette out and threw it on the cigarette tray on your bedstand. You laid down on your sheets, falling asleep only to wake up tomorrow alone, again.
A/N : Thank you for the ask, Anon!
If you guys enjoyed this piece, dw cause there's a lot of Bakugo fics on the way!
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Hi I LOVE luis and I LOVE Serennedy and I’m SO HAPPY you have asks on!!
Anyways I was laughing to myself this morning about Luis’s first words to Leon being in English. Ik it’s just for the benefit of the players of re4r BUT I like to think that he only had to take one look at blonde, thicc, gun-clad Leon and go “yeah that’s an American, better speak English” like logically that’s a Spanish man in his isolated Spanish village, so he had no other reason to NOT speak Spanish there!!! He clocked Leon so fast lolol.
That’s not really question but wanted to share my brainrot. So uhhh, read any good Serennedy fics lately?
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((Also not to plug my own art or anything but my main is @wisecrackingeric-2 if you wanna see more stuff like that!!!!))
BUT OH MY GOD?? Y E S ?????????? HOW HAVE I NEVER THOUGHT OF THIS BEFORE HOLY CRAP Leon’s big bodacious behind and jokes aside I REALLY WISH we got to see more of Luis using Spanish in casual conversation!!!!!! Like clearly he’s both VERY fluent in English and Spanish and uses them both interchangeably but GOD I WISH WE GOT TO HEAR LIKE A FULL CONVERSATION BETWEEN HIM AND MENDEZ OR SOMETHING. Like that opening scene in seperate ways???? MUWAH. IT WAS SO COOL. ANYWAYS YOUR ACTUAL QUESTION YES I HAVE S O MANY FIC RECS I CAN GIVE YOU!!!!!
‘Nothing Fades Like The Light’ by @greasedcowboy is genuinely possibly my favourite fanfiction of all time. I’ve never had to go lay down on my bathroom floor because of a fic until this one HXNEHENDIX
‘Another Time’ by @hamartia-grander is S U C H AN INCREDIBLY WELL PACED time travel fic with the most GUT WRENCHING plot twists EVER’
‘I Carry All My Sins’ by @mooseonahunt I don’t. I don’t even wanna spoil this one. Just. Just read it totally blind
‘Loves For Show’ by @theprestigegirly Is S U C H a good fake-dating slowburn fic which is H I G H PRAISE coming from someone who usually isn’t a fan of the genre!!!!!!!! Seriously if you like beautiful wording and gorgeous depictions of raw human emotion this one’s for you!!!!!!!!!!!!
‘We’ll Be Alright’ by @ugetelynx IS SO GOOD. GOD ITS SO GOOD MAN. It’s a S U P E R unique AU and the way Lynx weaves the story and takes you along the path of these two slowly learning how to live a life with one another- MWUAH. LITERALLY SO GORGEOUS. Prepare to have your soul ripped out of your ribcage
‘Redemption Of The Guilty’ by Sylanna!!!!! Again another one where I’m like just!!!! Go read it!!!!!!!! I don’t wanna spoil it!!
‘Digital Man’ by @geddy-leesbian CHILDHOOD FRIENDS AU CHILDHOOD FRIENDS AU CHILDHOOD FRIENDS AU (<- going insane pounding my fists on a wooden table)
‘Renovations’ by Gayhorrorboy IS SO CHARMING AND FULL OF GENUINE LOVE FOR THE SUBJECT AT HAND!!!!! I’ve been watching my friend work on this fic for MONTHS now and I can say with confidence it was made with so much love and care I can’t reccomend it enough!!!!
I W O U L D be tacky and add my own fics to this list but I haven’t stooped that low yet HANDHDNSJX if you’re curious though my AO3 handle is just WisecrackingEric!!!
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paradoxoftrees · 2 months
A mini rant before I actually go to bed:
*inhales* So I just watched the Dragon Prince season 6 and all I can say is wtf. Actually wtf. I am still up to this moment thinking about Leola I’m not even kidding. What happened here was a disgrace to the freaking universe itself (while providing Aaravos a very generous dose of my sympathy, affirming my reasons for obsessing over this elf).
i know I have this thing where I like analyzing stuff to death, so I’m gonna take a good moment to put our short time with Leola under a microscope…
To me, I see this innocent character as an embodiment of individuality and the uncertainty and fear society associates with it. Our society itself is very saturated with this stigma and disgust regarding self expression, as those who defy what people define as “normal” always seem to be the subject of hatred. Being odd, or unconventional is twisted into something negative, with people interpreting it as something to gain attention or something to purposely defy norms for the sake of doing so. Leola very much symbolizes this treatment. She is even defined as being “quirky”, a word used to scrutinize and criminalize the act of expressing oneself in modern society. This particular word confirms to me that Leola is supposed to represent the battle between normalcy and individualism that exists here on this earth. I cant help but feel so horrible for this elf child. No, she is not attention seeking, insecure, inferior, and most of all, she is NOT a criminal. She is a child who is simply in tune with herself and accepting of herself, and therefore, has the capacity to extend this beyond herself into the literal universe. How powerful is that? Her acceptance and sheer self expression are contagious. And that is interpreted as something toxic, from the perspective of those who cannot possibly find that sort of love within their empty and hateful souls. So they, and many those in our own little society, decide to exterminate it. This fictional cosmic balance is our real life societal balance. And the show’s portrayal of her during her final moments made this even more devastating. At the very end, she was a scared child. A scared child who wanted nothing more to live within the world that she loved so much. I can say that this flashback was horrendously and beautifully well done at the same time.
And I don’t even want to talk about Aaravos… but I will. Honestly the idea of this snarky af space-themed elf being an actual parent was odd at first, but I instantly felt a kind of gut wrenching sorrow for this fictional character that I haven’t felt for anything else in a LONG time. Hes so freaking skrunkly, overwhelmingly so. Seeing this elf being capable of love really hit hard like nothing else, knowing that his alarmingly heinous acts were driven by this all-consuming grief. Knowing that this villainous blue elf had such a soft past, and such a torturous present, made me want to unwrite those damn cosmic court (whatever it’s called) elves out of the very script itself. Seeing the very moment when Aaravos’s face just snapped as his daughter was literally murdered just… yeah no words.
I genuinely hope Aaravos gets to talk to Leola just one last time… I just want to see this poor elf happy to be honest. For closure.
There shouldn’t be a price for individuality. But yet we pay it. Making this sweet and scared character pay this price made our own societal ignorance even more wrenching and real.
*i don’t feel getter now. Guess I got to make a fanfic where things are better.*
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posallys · 9 months
ok 1 ur desktop theme is GORG and 2 i need (if u wanna) ur thoughts about the show (or show sally in gen bc ur the only one i trust with her)
thank you!! i was actually thinking about updating it but maybe i wont 🤭🤭 and i have a lot of thoughts about the show except none only very few of them are good and i will be crucified by the 13-year-olds
im going to tell you anyway.
i will start with something i like....percy being angry. like yes give me the anger of a 12 year old who feels utterly alone in the world and doesn't understand (or does and it makes him more angry)
the fight scenes are dog shit. the only kind of cool one was in the arch but it was only cool because of percy doing the bait and switch and falling through the arch...the fights are bland boring sucky whatever other synonym you wanna use
uhhhhh sally jackson is not and would never be sitting in the rain pining of the god she told to leave....and especially not to teen pop...if she WERE going to act like a 16 year old and do the pining thing it would be to fucking like...billy joel and ricky martin and donny hathaway and stuff llike that okay...
i will preface this by saying that yes i understand that talking back to an abuser the way sally does in ep 1 doesn't make the abuse less abusive....however i DO not like the fact that that scene explicitly goes against sally characterization in the books....i am not digging my book out atm but the part where percy is like "my mother has never raised her voice or said an unkind word to anyone"....me thinks the writers all read the books 10 years ago and are going off of memory alone + or their brains are so clouded by the obsessive Big Screen Need to make women a badass girlboss slay queen i fucking hate it here
LET ANNABETH BE SILLY AND FUNNY AND CUTE AND CRY AND NOT BE AN ADULT THANK YOU....hated that they made annabeth the one to realize that it was medusa and not grover...give me back grover having to wrangle percy and annabeth into backpack leashes just to keep them on task/stop them from wandering off...book trio i miss you
i absolutely ADORE leah, walker, and aryan though the three of them are so so perfect, A+ casting no notes couldn't have done it better myself. if it weren't for the three of them i would have zero hope for the show i cannot lie...they're carrying. without them it's just..bad.
the pacing???? bad.
why did we waste half of the 4th ep on the train with echidna...stupid dumb pointless i hate it here
i do like the whole not all monsters are monsters and the gods aren't inherently good just because they're gods thing they've got going on though...very inch resting...silently hoping that they do a complete 180 and have percy side with luke and redo the series from there because that would be iconic as fuck <3 a girl can dream because at least then i could take the show at face value and not take 80 health damage every time they mess up a key part of the books...im at -29834 heath rn.
where was the time at chb before the quest??? the oh so important vital scene where luke teaches percy to sword fight???? like BRO that's soooooooooooo important to ME how could you get rid of that
not having annabeth show percy around camp
additionally, not having annabeth feed him the nectar and ambrosia, WHICH BY THE WAY they haven't even mentioned in the show yet...plot armor gone rip
not the fredrick chase sympathy while simultaniously blaming the woman...........rick when i get my hands on you...
annabeth having to EARN thalia's love??? absolutely not probably one of their biggest fuck ups fr.
the scene where sally is talking about Poseidon to percy...i do not like it sam i am. bad. not wistful enough not longing enough not sad enough not gut wrenching enough...also not completely here for sally telling percy that his dad was a god because....sallys whole thing was NOT telling him in order to keep him safe...i know they changed it in the show so sally knew he was going to camp immediately but that does not mean i have to like it
the scene with sally and percy in the pool. i hated everything about that. sally would never talk to percy like that never talk to him about money never make it seem embarassing NOT TO MENTION that percy simply wasn't scared of the water. that's stupid as fuck. theres a part in the book where percy literally says being by the water calms both him and his mom like...come the fuck on just admit you can't fucking read or at least didn't read the book.
sally annabeth get behind me so they cant hurt you anymore
i did loveeeee percy praying to sally though...absoutely insane and true of them. also the "I AM SALLY JACKSON'S SON" yesss baby you tell them about your mommy!!!!!!
them making athena moa level bad in tlt is quite interesting. setting up annabeth siding with percy pretty well.
also the whole impertinence thing over medusa's head was weird to me. when annabeth first said that i had immediately thought that annabeth's impertinence was telling percy to pray to poseidon IN ATHENA'S TEMPLE bc that made much more sense to me...but whatever
the annabeth/medusa parallel is intriguing at the very least
the underwater scene with the neraid was cool even though i hated the parallel to the pool scene w/ sally.
the dumbass pinecone fate line. 0/10 did you read the book? did you pay attention to how empathetic and reflective percy was when he found out about thalia?
honestly....i think disney was just the wrong place to go with this show because it's like what...pg? it should be pg 13 and should have more... sustenance.
this medusa was so cool though. which we could've seen a fight.
i need to know how many women are in the writer's room though...because It Does Not Look Good. funny how the characters that they're fucking up are all women....crazy. weird. totally coincidental.
are we just not going to talk about the vitality and pressure of getting the bolt back on time? where is the inherent inevitable danger, the suspense, the fear of not accomplishing a seemingly impossible talk looming over everything
this is 10000% not all of my thoughts but im not going to rewatch in order to collect them all so this is what you get xoxox
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oh my gosh moon sun earth was gut wrenching….im gonna need a part 2 where it’s been years and they’ve become completely strangers and meet again WE NEED A HAPPY ENDING
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“You broke me because you were in my life and I will break you because I’m not in your life”
I don’t like being told what to do <3 NO HAPPY ENDINGS HERE
It had been years since Percy had talked to you, and he missed you a lot. He missed everything about you: your hair, your smile, your attitude, your personality, your laughter—everything. He was genuinely getting sick from thinking of you all the time. Nothing else went through his mind other than you, and it was embarrassing. He had pushed you away, rejected your advances to become more than friends. Normally, he could forget about you most of the day... that was until you came back to camp.
You left camp the summer Percy snapped at you, and he lost all contact with you. You blocked him on everything. So when Percy saw you again for the first time in years, it broke him. You had changed so much yet stayed the same. You were taller, more confident, stronger than before, and you looked better. You walked with confidence, knowing your worth, but your hair was the same, your attitude, personality, laughter, sarcasm—the exact same. And yet, Percy stayed the same, and that was putting it nicely. He had changed; yes, he was stronger, but he looked a mess, dark eye bags, eyes filled with regret. He missed you, and he needed you.
He couldn’t help but stare at you when you walked by or played volleyball with the other demigods, or when you shot your bow. His thoughts of you became worse. He had to talk to you, even if that meant sucking up his ego. He walked over to you, blushing at the way you were so focused on the target, nothing but determination behind your eyes. He coughed.
Your eyes widened as you quickly put down the bow, refusing to turn your eyes to the speaker.
“…” The silence was loud, too loud. It hurt your ears and his.
“Y-Y/n…” Percy was shocked. Your eyes were filled with hatred; the soft spot behind your eyes for him was gone. Your face showed no signs of entertainment.
“Make it quick, will you?”
“R-Right… sorry. Look, Y/n, I know you’re mad at me, and I think I know why.”
“You think?” You scoffed. “Still can’t take accountability, can you?”
Percy swallowed his spite. “Look, Y/n, I know you’re mad at me. I know I deserved it, but please, I miss you. I miss what we had. I miss being your friend. I’m… nothing without you. I need you!”
“Now you want me?” Your grin got bigger. “You want me! Years after you broke me? You led me on for years and broke me when I was getting too much to handle, and now you want me!?” Your voice was getting louder. “I was someone completely different for you. You’re the reason I don’t know who I am! I don’t know what my favorite drink or my favorite color is. I don’t know my likes or dislikes because I was everything you wanted!”
“I never told you to do that!?”
“You treated me like shit, Percy!” You looked up at him, tears in the corners of your eyes. “I am better without you. I am stronger, and as long as you stay out of my life, I will be bigger than you.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, watch your back, Percy… I will become stronger than you… You broke me because you were in my life, and I will break you because I’m not in your life.”
Percy’s heart broke at your words. “Y-You’re kidding, right? Y-You have to be, right!? Please be!?”
“If you excuse me, I have stuff to do.” You turned around, leaving Percy standing alone. He wanted to run after you, hug you at least one more time, but he couldn’t. His feet wouldn’t move.
“Percy…?” A voice filled with betrayal said behind him. Percy turned quickly.
“What’s wrong with you?” She looked hurt and pissed. “You really started begging like a dog for a girl who doesn’t want you while having a girlfriend? That's pathetic. I expected better of you.”
“I didn’t mean it, I swear. I was just overwhelmed by emotions.”
“Grow up, Percy. I’m not dumb. I don’t want to be your second choice. It’s over.” The way she spat out "it’s over" sent him over the edge.
“Wait, Annabeth!?” He ran to her side only to be knocked down. “Don’t touch me EVER again!” She snapped at him. “I will break each one of your fingers if you try that again,” she threatened and started walking back to her cabin. “Mom was right… Men suck.” She sighed before tearing up slightly.
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suburbanbonfire · 2 months
tagged by @18minutemajor for a hockey art share tag game! I enjoy talking about myself but am terrible at posting so this is perfect. i WILL talk too much, this is a threat.
rules: post your first ever hockey art, your latest hockey art, and your favourite hockey art, then tag three hockey artists.
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I made the Kraken Orb (Korb) at the end of the 22-23 season, as a commemoration, although a sort of ironic one considering i had only gotten into hockey in time for the playoffs so there are a couple players here i actually never got to see play at all before making this (Joonas, Jaycob, Burky, Fleury)
it was a whole lot of fun though! Prior to this i was in a months-long art slump after leaving a fandom, so it was a total surprise to have hockey of all things be what revitalized my art.
technically, the very first hockey art from this was Matty; you can kinda tell by the way his lines are a bit thicker than the rest since i wasn't in my groove yet. i also knew coming in that i wanted to arrange the faces in a circle, but didn't plan out beyond that, so i just made sure that i was getting a variety of head directions in my references and hoped for the best. My favorites from this are Gru, Soucy, Dunn, Schultz, Borgen, and Eeli. I think they all turned out really well.
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this one is fun for me because it's quite different from my usual style of art, with lineart and non-realistic forms/face. I've had the concept in my head for awhile after hearing/reading so many interesting descriptions of the physical qualities that good hockey players possess.
'Sacrifice the Body' actually came in mid-art when i had an epiphany doing something like driving my car or an activity similarly unrelated. Before that, it was going to be a lil heart drawn on the chest and the going contender for the label was 'Ferda.' which would've been great, but sacrifice the body just worked too dang well with the themes.
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i mean, c'mon. it's gotta be this one.
my magnum opus, my white whale. it came out even better than i saw it in my head and i love everything about it. when i came up with the idea, i had TOTALLY forgotten that Climate Pledge has those giant windows, so when i set out to find references and saw it, it instantly made everything even better with LIGHTING!!!!
It was my first time drawing this kind of interior architecture and although there's definitely things i would do differently now, im so so proud of how it looks and turned out. I was also still drawing through my decade-old laptop at that point, so I had to split up the work on this into two files - i sketched everything, then worked ONLY on the bg until it was about 90% done, then made a flattened copy to open as a new file to draw the players on top of.
I also have a bunch of WIP shots of it in my drafts I guess I'll throw in here now!
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initial sketch to get down the composition before i remembered the window | lines of the building! i actually found a 3d virtual tour of CPA from before it was built which had the PERFECT angle, so i screencapped that and straight up traced the architecture. Ultimately, the scoreboard and the paint lines ended up getting moved around.
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planning out my lighting in greyscale (i really need to do this more often, i struggle with values so much, alas) | in progress bg! at this point, the ice and the boards/glass were the only things completed. I eventually said 'fuck it' to being able to see the areas behind the stands like you could in all my references, and just put the people dots all the way up.
Now the most gut-wrenching part
this is where me being bad at posting comes into play, because instead i just lurk and thats not great for forming connections HERE GOES
@ruinedcasket - it has been awesome seeing your art progress! would love 2 hear your thoughts about it
@rouzys - your kraken stuff is so pretty, love how you capture likenesses
oh god oh fuck everyone else i know has already been tagged fuck oh sshit
If You Are An Artist On Hockey Twit And See This, It Is A Sign
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Yet another of your followers eagerly waiting to hear your reaction to Jimin's teaser. The music, the dancers, the choir, JIMIN...This is going to be huge, right? Could it be a true kpop crossover hit?
Who is ready to follow warrior leader Jimin to fight at the gates of Mordor? Raise your hand 👋
Anon, I really didn't know what to expect. Perhaps some contemporary, gut wrenching emotional performance? But this is not necessarily better, but different in the best of ways. He's coming for everyone, merciless.
It's quite dramatic and I'm curious to see where Jimin is taking this. It looks like a large scale spectacle that will tell a story. The dancers look like inmates (judging by their clothes as well, they're like wearing a uniform) and Jimin is freeing everyone, starting with himself. The revolution is going to be streamed 💀
I love the choir, the drums, the epic feel of it. I can't wait to see a live performance. And I'll come right out and say it. This is what BTS could have been if they decided to keep doing good stuff after mots7 and not Dynamite. Set Me Free Pt. 2 sounds like the melange of Lie and ON and if there is someone who can carry that on their own, it's Jimin.
Damn, that choir gave me chills.
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damianbugs · 2 years
batfam taking care of dick grayson fics !! time travel fics !! heart wrenching batfam fics that actually analyse the characters and give a good character study and don't simply accept fanon crap (coffee addict tim drake im looking at u) !! ur top 5 all time fave batfam fic !! and also, i love ur stuff so much on ao3 thank u for sharing your work w us <3
THANK YOU SO MUCH !!! this is so sweet i am so happy you enjoy my work <3 i will do you one better and offer a list combining all your requests to the best of my capabilities !! you've caught me at a great time, because i am currently obsessed with batfam timetravel.
i will admit i definitely have more than five favourites (my 500+ carefully curated and organised private bookmarks should be proof enough) so i hope you like the ones i have selected here :D ! (these are in no particular order!)
Tap by CKBookish
Bruce returns home from the time stream, haunted by phantoms and dreams. Dreams of a past that can't be real.
But all of that wouldn't be so bad if his home didn't feel so empty in the absence of one of his children. Jason, refuses to talk to him or even answer his calls and Bruce can't figure out why or what he did wrong, not after they had mended their fences before his disappearance.
Catherine struggles to hold it together for her and Jason as life falls apart around them. When all she has to give is love she does her best to give it all.
MY NOTES: one of my all time favourite not-exactly-time-travel time travel fics! features some wonderful character building and complicated relationships, and the plot itself is just incredibly. the way everyone is written is definitely realistic to how i would imagine them personally (especially dick).
A Good Place by LemonadeGarden
Damian Wayne is kidnapped and sent back years through time. Together, he and Father – who's only been Batman for a mere six months –must figure out how to return him to his own time.
Over the course of the next week, Damian discovers that Mexican gangsters do not mess around, that social workers find Bruce annoying, that Bruce might be a little messed up, and that crystal chandeliers create the fondest memories.
Oh. And Alfred has hair.
MY NOTES: not only is this one of my top favourite time travel fics, it is also one of my favourite bruce and damian fics. it is so witty and fun, but also hurts immensely. fics where the kids are forced to endure young bruce's ridiculousness is always a treat, and here it is infinitely more amusing because it's damian finding his father entirely silly.
Modus Tollens by fanfictiongreenirises
Dick is cursed to kill anyone he touches.
MY NOTES: this one is fantastic. really gut wrenching throughout and you really feel for dick when it gets tough, but the sweet ending makes up for all the pain. dick loves his family and his family loves him immensely.
I Used to Be an Adventurer Like You, Then I Took an Arrow to the Knee by audreycritter
Stephanie was just on patrol and now she’s stuck somewhere, sometime, with Bruce.
They bleed and bond and mostly try to keep each other alive— you know, just a Tuesday.
MY NOTES: don't mind me casually recommending just the best bruce and stephanie fic to ever be written. it is unhealthy how many times i have read this one. and it is time travel! this is my dream come true. it also features one of my most favourite studies on bruce and stephanie and what they represent to each other.
Keep Your Head, Your Backbone and Your Heart by MrMich
The last thing that Duke expected on what was supposed to be just a regular patrol was being suddenly thrown five years into the past, coming face to face with a darker, more violent Batman than the one he knew, a broken family, and a Tim who was a foot shorter than Duke, and not even Robin yet.
MY NOTES: there was a moment in time where i briefly made this fic my entire personality with how much i spoke about it. dare i say one of the best duke thomas centric fics and ITS TIME TRAVEL! it is so great. i have noticed that you rarely see tim as robin in time travel fics, and he is so lovely in this, especially his dynamic with duke. as always, young bruce is ridiculous, but how duke navigates through it all is so important to me.
OKAY i will stop here as i frantically try to shove the remaining 495 fics back into my metaphorical ao3 closet. i hope u like these anon! <3 also if you haven't already, check out all these authors other works too! they are all fantastic !!
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Arc 10, Reflections
Arc 10 is sorta... there?
Like, it's got some highlights and it serves some useful purposes, but I'll admit it's not really standout. Too much of it is consumed by the fight, and I admit it was hard to actually enjoy the fight because I kept reading it looking for the why of it. The 'why' are they doing this fight thing.
What were they after, etc - didn't get really revealed until after, and so that kind of detracted from reading the fight itself.
Interludes 10 and 10.5 were the highlight, getting to see the inside of Alec's twisted but also relatable mind, the gut-wrenching horror but also the 'it's funny as fuck' elements of what happens with Sophia under Regent's grip -
Getting the reveal that Dragon is an AI is quite cool, as well as another look at Armsy and Dragon's almost adorable interactions. A key step on the road to Amy's final dissolution, even if we don't know it yet as a proverbial blind reader.
I hear a lot that people drop worm 'around Leviathan' and I would imagine Arc 10 here is the tail end of that 'around Leviathan' dropping.
Dropping in Arc 6 - Taylor is solidified as a villain
Dropping in arc 7 - nothing about Arc 7 stands out as a specific reason to drop
Dropping in arc 8 - End of Taylor's even slightest prospects to be a hero, the way Leviathan is a huge sea-change from the street-level stuff that might have kept people in at first
Dropping in arc 9 - the city's borderline post-apocalyptic nature is gonna fuck with a lot of people
Dropping in arc 10 - the sudden reveal that an effective 'end of the world' scenario is coming which... (Honestly, explain to me how Dinah's percentages power lets her get all that? I'm confused. Someone really needs to detail how that all works. Does Dinah get an Interlude?)
Like, Arc 10 is where the biggest element of the story is introduced, and yet, it's gonna be a huge change and a long payoff. I can see a lot of people who may have been on the fence the last few arcs going 'okay, fuck this shit I'm out'
(can someone explain to me why it's now impossible to find a gif that actually has the words you type into gifsearch? It used to actually be possible to find the actual gif, because yes, it exists I've fucking seen it. God I hate tumblr so much sometimes)
I have to think most people who made it past Arc 10 would make it deep into the s9 arc, probably at the hopes of getting out the other end to a better ending but of course NOPE (which is probably when another migration of 'fuck this shit I'm out' hits for reader s), but maybe a bit during the darkest parts in like, 14 and 15. Who knows. There's no good way to track it.
Anyway, so... Arc 10 is... it's solid. It's as good as the rest of Worm, but it doesn't stand out.
For a lot of people, the whole S9 arc from 11-15 is supposed to be very very good. I'm certainly gonna be turning it over in my head a lot as I read it, but I suspect I'm not going to enjoy it, per se.
It'll be good in the sense of well written, if only in certain senses, but I am almost certain to get very tired of Jack Slash very quickly. By all evidence he's exactly the sort of character I get exasperated and annoyed with at rapid speeds, and under normal circumstances, he'd make reading through the whole arc very hard, I imagine.
I also intend to check the earliest possible versions on the wayback machine of certain ah... high intensity chapters, as it were, because I genuinely don't trust Wildbow to have made some.... tweaks, since he started Ward. Which is probably paranoid and stupid of me, but... :shrug:
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twicesserafim · 1 year
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Try Again.
Dammit. Pt. 3
Third Person Pov:
"im really tired today, i played badminton for 4 hours yesterday and my legs hurt like crazy, it hurts when i'm sitting too, i can't run or climb, i'm sorry eun." "it's okay, what about tomorrow?" "im not sure i can"
"oh.. well.. i wish i could help you, i miss you a lot. I hope you feel better soon, it's okay that you can't sneak over, don't feel bad, okay?" "yeah, i'm sorry though" "don't apologize, it's not your fault" "i think i'm sick too"
"yeah.. your voice sounds a little weird. Are you okay?" "my head hurts, i'm sweaty, nauseous and im coughing a lot, my nose is running too" "and you think your sick? honey, you are sick." "i feel really hot" "you are"
The two of you chuckled a bit before Eunchae continued. "i'm joking, but seriously though, you're burning up? are you okay?" "i don't really know" "did you take medicine yet?" "yeah" "i have to get to practice, i'm sorry. Feel better soon, i miss you."
"i miss you too, stay safe, eun." "you too, y/n/n."
Eunchae Pov:
"unnies?" They all turned their heads towards me and hummed, "what's up?" "hm?" "why did you stop me from hanging out with y/n?" "it's like a punishment for you getting home late and she's obviously not protecting you and getting you home safe"
"do you want her to run around at midnight to drop me off at the dorm?" "well.. no" "unnie, she's sick. after practice can i please go get some stuff and go see her?" "eunchae-" "please. she's really sick. She's burning up and everything."
"fine. But home before 8, we're picking you up." "but unnie-" "no buts, we're picking you up at 8" chaewon said as i sighed but agreed. I just hope we get out of practice before 7:30.
Third Person Pov:
Thank god they got out at 6, eunchae got a few things like snacks, drinks, a cooling gel thing to put of your forehead to help with your fever. She also got flowers but hid those in her bag.
"thanks unnies, see you later, love you!"
"eun?" "hey, love." "how did you-" "i asked them to let me come over because you're sick, but i have to go at 8" you sat up slightly as she pushed you back down, "it's 6:30. Don't do anything, i'm here now"
Eunchae laid down, wrapping her arms around you. "you'll get sick, your unnies are gonna kill me" "i don't care" "eun.." "stop stressing, i just want you to feel better. I miss you more than anything."
"fine.. but if you get sick, i'm dead. i hope you know that" "i know"
"eunchae, we're on our way to pick you up" eunchae sighed. "okay." she looked at your sleeping figure, your skin still so hot, you let out a few gut wrenching coughs. She rubbed your back, her eyes filled with worry.
You quickly fell asleep after coughing, still so tired from just being sick. She didn't want to wake you, because she knew if she told you she's leaving soon, you would force yourself awake to be with her.
So eunchae just stayed quiet, rubbing her thumb against your skin. Until the phone again. "we're here, eunchae" "mhm.." she hummed, your guardians were away on a buisness trip so you were alone.
It was hard for her to leave, she kissed the top of your head. "i'm sorry, darling. But i gotta go. Feel better soon, okay?" "mm.. i'll miss you eun.." "i'll miss you too" "i'll get better so i can see you again" she smiled and nodded.
"that's my girl" the two of you chuckled as she kissed your hand and left your room, putting her shoes on and looking back at the door, sighing.
- While eunchae was at your place -
"doesn't eunchae seem happier when she's with y/n?" "yeah, i've noticed that too" "maybe we should think about this." "yeah.. ive been thinking.."
"Eunchae?" Kazuha muttered as eunchae got into the car. "hm" "how's she?" "bad" "are her parents home?" "no" "where are they?" "business trip" they all looked at each other, with her short replies.
They knew she was not only worried but also upset that she had to leave. Yunjin and Kazuha nodded, turning to sakura and chaewon in the front. Sakura also nodded, chaewon sighed and nodded.
"eunchae? do you wanna spend the night?" She turned around confused, "huh?" "we're letting you try again, do you wanna stay the night?" Eunchae nodded as a smile made its way on her face. "really?"
"yeah, hurry before we change our minds." "you guys are actually the best, i love you!" "we love you too, kid."
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hey how’ve you been?? I haven’t interacted with you in awhile
I keep seeing stuff about bbc Merlin - I’ve never seen it before, should I watch it? My grandma said it was good
anyway sending you a little plant 🌱
Helloooo!!! Ive been not so great? Buuut it will get better because life changes XD How are you?
BBC MERLINNN!!!!!! Its so good, yes you should watch it. Your grandma was correct. Half-silly fantasy with truly gut wrenching moments but drizzled generously with comedy and thinly-veiled homoeroticism (its practically canon at this point. Watch it and see for yourself). It has the joy and wholesomeness of media from a decade ago, combined with more modern perspectives and AGGHHH I TRIED TO BE A LITTLE BIT ELOQUENT ABOUT THIS BUT HONESTLY I THINK MAYBE ME SCREAMING ABOUT IT LIKE THISS WILL PERSUADE YOU MORE BECAUSE AJKSAKKS ITS INCREDIBLE AND THEYRE SO SILLY BUT ITS ALSO SO SAD AND I LOVE THEM AND THEY DESERVE THE WORRLDDDD AND MORGANA AAGDJJAJSS AND GWEEENNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!
Convinced yet?
I shall treasure this plant forevermore. Thank you with all my heart.
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