#or it won’t
dekusleftsock · 10 months
What Azi means: I need you. Please come with me. I want to make heaven a better place so we can live happy together, forever.
What Deku means: Kacchan you are so amazing. I can't lose you. I need to fix everything on my own to protect you.
What Crowley heard: go back to heaven so we can fix you
What Bakugou heard: Don't need you. Bye loser
Fr it’s so funny
Though I think azi’s intentions were well meaning, it just doesn’t WORK. Like on a fundamental level, heaven can’t and won’t change to accommodate. It sees Crowley and other demons as evil, HELL as evil. Because if hell ISNT evil, then it’s no longer a concept but a place. Hell is just as capable as heaven is of being good or bad, because they are the same.
Aziraphale’s original concept of heaven, hell, and earth has most definitely changed yes—instead of seeing all demons as bad and all angels as good and all humans as capable of either, he sees them as capable of doing good or bad things—though with humans they may not HAVE that choice, as seen in the grave robbing flashback. He also believes that heaven does not fulfill the duties god desires, instead believing in a vague concept of goodness prevailing over evil—not an entity.
Aziraphale must believe that god is good just as he must believe that hell is evil, because if he doesn’t…
Then those places and entities become conceptual, and he no longer has something to BELIEVE in
It’s not about heaven being good or hell being evil, it’s about his belief in god and what his life was made for.
God and heaven don’t need to be perfect, NOT EVEN GOOD, they just needed to be better than hell.
So while yes, Azi does believe that heaven is a place Crowley belongs, that’s not because he thinks that heaven is good, but that Crowley is better than hell.
I genuinely don’t blame Crowley for his reaction. I mean, metatron saying “Crowley can become an Angel!” was basically a way for metatron to hang a prize on a stick for azi to follow. Crowley KNOWS THIS, he knows what heaven is doing. Not completely, but vaguely.
Whether that’s bc I just really like bkdk or if they’re actually like Crowley and Aziraphale, I’m not sure, but either way I can feel it in my soul.
Izuku’s belief of “I can save you on my own, I can keep my emotions in a box just for you” makes me almost feel like he’s more Crowley than Aziraphale, and Katsuki’s tendency to assume what deku thinks based on ultimately innocent actions feels a whole lot more like Aziraphale than Crowley.
But this mostly comes down to being unapologetic about how you really feel and think about the person you like and their actions. If Crowley wants Aziraphale to understand, he has to tell him. If Aziraphale wants Crowley to hear him, he has to shout.
And it’s just like bkdk in that way. Surprise! The miscommunication is solved through communication!
But it’s also about realizing that your loved one will never be what you want them to be. That’s something they both have to understand.
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dustoftheancients · 2 years
I am both intimidated and excited by my hackearney exchange fic. It’s something I’ve never done before!
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sunnnfish · 1 year
Explaining my art project ideas especially to teachers is soooo. Awful. Makes them sound so stupid. Just trust me it’ll make sense when it’s FINISHED. I prommy
#or it won’t#teachers never tend to understand students work#plus once again illustration vs fine art#illustration doesn’t have a meaning the same way fine art does#schools have got to stop expecting them to be the same#illustration is so much more commercial and narrative and like. for fun !#and it relies on a backstory that not everyone will be privy to#and I think people expect it to only have value if they understand the story#versus like. it’s expected for people to not know everything about fine art#fine art is like *deep* and you have to spend time with it to understand it and blah blah blah#but people won’t give that kind of attention to stylized illustration because what. it’s a different style?#it’s not realistic or stereotypically artsy ?#sigh#once again annoyed by the fact that I as an illustration major have to go through fine art rituals to graduate#illustration is not usually meant to be seen in a stand alone gallery#why are you making me do this#die#of course you don’t understand it you don’t know the story hell I don’t know the story I’m just making up one off characters and situations#because god forbid fanart be professional or worthwhile#teachers just can’t seem to accept a little anime girl in a big world#ever heard of slice of life. ugh.#there is no story. there is no meaning#there’s even tons of historical precidence#rather famous and important painters whos work was about nothing other than a guy existing in his day to day life#looks at the beaneater by carracci.#that’s just a guy eating beans. looking at you eating beans#are you gonna tell me fucking Annibale Carracci mundane genre paintings were meaningless#I’m exploding you with my mind#the woes of Art School for a guy who just wants to draw silly characters n stuff for funny video games and cartoons#this got long. who’s knows if it makes sense. my final tag. goodbye
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sincenewyorks · 8 days
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twitter historically sucks but man this is a banger of a tweet
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ilona-mushroom · 6 months
Not socialist in a “I won’t have to work” type of way but socialist in a “I’ll still be working but I won’t be worried I won’t make the rent” type of way. In a “billions won’t be hoarded by one person” type of way. In a “janitors, fast-food workers, child care workers, preschool teachers, hotel clerks, personal care and home health aides, and grocery store cashiers, will live comfortably” type of way. In a “the sick and elderly will be cared for” type of way. In a “no child should work” type of way.
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devilofthepit · 5 months
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liones-s · 3 months
one of the biggest things I can advocate for (in academia, but also just in life) is to build credibility with yourself. It’s easy to fall into the habit of thinking of yourself as someone who does things last minute or who struggles to start tasks. people will tell you that you just need to build different habits, but I know for me at least the idea of ‘habit’ is sort of abstract and dehumanizing. Credibility is more like ‘I’ve done this before, so I know I can do it, and more importantly I trust myself to do it’. you set an assignment goal for the day and you meet it, and then you feel stronger setting one the next day. You establish a relationship with yourself that’s built on confidence and trust. That in turn starts to erode the barrier of insecurity and perfectionism and makes it easier to start and finish tasks. reframing the narrative as a process of building credibility makes it easier to celebrate each step and recognize how strong your relationship with yourself can become
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firephoenix23 · 5 months
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Like I literally have second hand embarrassment for Vox after seeing what Alastor ACTUALLY is like in a rivalry.
Like homie wishes he could be that close to Alastor 😂😂
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luppiart · 10 months
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Give it to me Miyazaki style señor Gaiman I’m waiting
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Pomni and Gummigoo reunite in TADC!
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yamameta-inc · 5 months
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y’all do NOT go out next week unless you have to and wear your best masks and tape the edges down bc it’s just not worth it
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gayvampyr · 1 year
i am a firm supporter of changing your name to whatever you want regardless of your gender. if a woman wants to go by matt then matt she shall be. godspeed
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wolfythewitch · 3 months
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Jon sketch
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tariah23 · 2 months
Okay, I said I wasn’t gonna spend too much time on twitter but oh my god!?!!! This is so COOL!?? He looks amazing, omg…!
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I’m glad they gave the actor another hairstyle because every black person is absolutely tired of the Killmonger mohawk/comb over 😭!!! One day, we will be free- but anyway, it looks like the name of the anime is “Kawagoe Boys Sing!”
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percabetn · 4 months
i can’t stop thinking about how annabeth e-mailed percy the photo of her at dc but this doofus decided to print it and put it in his notebook to stare at her whenever he could. talk about dedication
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youregonnabeokay-kid · 5 months
i think a lot of people (especially those who haven’t read the books) are underestimating Hades
yes, he presents as the sassy queer uncle who’s done with his family’s drama, but he’s not “just some guy”
when his Helm is stolen, no one knows about it. he uses his own resources and orchestrates a plan to bring Percy to the underworld alive, all while managing an entire freaking kingdom
he doesn’t threaten war because he doesn’t have to and he knows it. unlike Zeus, he keeps a level head and thinks about the situation logically
think about Percy’s priorities throughout the show, look at what the flashbacks are teaching us about him and his relationship with others. think logically. this is a 12 year old kid who grew up with a single mom and no friends
his priority is his mom, it’s always been his mom and Hades knows that. Percy’s worst fear is losing his mother and Hades uses that against him
he takes Sally before Poseidon claims Percy because he has eyes everywhere. he already knew who Percy was and he already had a plan formed before Percy even set foot in camp
when he greets Percy and Grover he isn’t surprised, relieved, or agitated because he planned this. he knew that Percy would come to him whether by force or by his own choice (for my book readers, think about this in comparison to how Zeus reacts to the situation. Zeus comes off as desperate and angry, whereas Hades is at ease. annoyed, sure, but never panicked)
when he offers them pomegranate juice it’s in the guise of politeness and humour but it has an underlying meaning. Percy knows the stories about Hades and Hades knows that he knows. the pomegranate juice is a reminder, it’s Hades demonstrating his power without outright threatening Percy. it’s him going “I can make something as small as a pomegranate seed into a weapon” it’s him asserting his dominance and control over the situation
he leads them to a seating area clearly made for their arrival. another reminder that he knew they were coming and Sally stands, frozen in the middle of it as a reminder of what they have to lose
when he learns that it’s Kronos behind the robberies he immediately offers sanctuary to Percy, Grover, and his mom. Kronos, the king of titans, the father of all Gods, and a being who could once tear the world in two with the snap of his fingers, wants Percy, and Hades offers to protect him because he’s that powerful
so yes, Hades makes dad jokes and he talks in a way you wouldn’t expect an all-powerful being to talk, but he isn’t “just some guy”
he’s powerful, he knows it, and he shows just enough of that power to absolutely terrify Percy
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