#or maybe i could stick around for that cool tv show or that video game i want to play or my favorite food
rottmntsimp · 9 months
hello!! i was wondering if i could get a ROTTMNT character match up (when ur free and got the time!!)??
i go by many many online names, but usually i stick with sandra! i'm southeast asian, 5'2, and gender non conforming. i got black hair that's in a medium-length butterfly haircut and i usually dress up in a soft-grunge style (i don't have a specific style in reality, too indecisive for that rip).
i have audhd, and find it hard to open up to people. when i have an interest, it's usually really intense! marine biology, certain video game franchises, tv shows, music, the arts—i'm super passionate about all of them and find myself infodumping if i dont catch myself. i keep to myself the majority of the time, but when i open up to people that i believe i can trust, i'm usually described as energetic and very active!
dancing, singing, playing music, and drawing are my main go-to hobbies. especially music—i know how to play the piano, violin, cello, bass, and guitar! the last two are self-taught, but i got a few years under my belt :D
i'm an esfp, and i love listening to people talk about their passions and their love for whatever it is. i'm dramatic and love doing things for shits and giggles (for the plot yk), but i'm bad at recognising and understanding other people's feelings at times. i'm horrendous at comforting others and i can not read between the lines for the life of me.
so sorry for typing so much!! i wanted to make sure u had good material to work with 🤲
i hope you have a wonderful day evening or night !!!
—🌷 anon <33
Hey Sandra! As you didn't state a preference for your partner, I'm going to assume that either any is fine!
Also genuine question, should I add my taglist on these?
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Don't ask how but I can see myself shipping you with April!
💚 - When it comes to dressing up, let's be honest, April could probably rock anything [much like I bet you do!]
💚 - So please for the love of god, let her borrow your clothes. She may not ask for it much, but if you're cool with it she is burrowing herself into your clothes-
💚 - Height-wise, I'd say 5'2" is pretty average, but compared to April, oh boy-
💚 - Her canonical height is 4'8", but let's give her a few inches out of pity, and make her around 5'0"...yeah no she's still short.
💚 - If it takes time for you to open up to people, don't worry! She'll be there, waiting and by your side the whole time.
💚 - As for special interests, if you happen to like a video game she has, she'll definitely let you borrow it. Hell, you guys can play together, maybe even infodump!
💚 - ^^ She'll probably sit there, head propped up in her hand, smiling at you softly.
💚 - Now, as for music, I'm sorry if this is just me projecting, but music players,,,
💚 - Would probably swoon if you ever wrote her a song, or even played for her.
💚 - Would probably ask you to teach her a few things, even if it's just the basics.
💚 - You're both extroverted so expect more outdoorsy dates! Amusement parks, bowling, arcades, whatever your heart desires, it shall get!
💚 - Now, as a fellow ✨THEATER KID✨ if you're demiromantic, aro-spec, or just more of a friends to lovers kinda person, depending on how long you've known each other, and if she can trust you to keep a secret, she might introduce you to Donnie, and maybe even the other turtles.
💚 - Pass the vibe check, please, because if her brothers friends don't like you, I'm sorry but you're gonna have to go-
💚 - Now, if you do vibe with them, especially Donnie, maybe, just maybe, you might get an invite to become an official member of the DPFL [Dorky Pals For Life] club.
💚 - Being unable to comfort April on a bad day might lead to an awkward gap between you two at times, but if you two can talk it out, you'll be just fine!
💚 - As for reading between the lines, if you're unable to read a room, or understand a joke, or just something someone said, she'd got you covered <3
I hope you liked it! <33
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shytastemakerthing · 2 months
Hi I was hoping for a matchup!
Romantic and platonic of your okay with doing both if not just romantic :)
First off I am a Scorpio and my mbti is INTP but I'm more of amnivert.
As for my personality it depends on who I'm around. If it's people who are energetic and really loud I'll tend to keep a more motherly role, But if I'm around people who are more mature in nature I'll be the loud and stupid one. My sense of humor is pretty rude and sarcastic in general if I know the person I'm with can take it, if not I'll cool it down. I like to think I'm self aware of how others are feeling. I'm that one person who knows like everyone but isn't popular, if you know what I mean. However I don't have any close friends which kinda sucks but whatever. I don't wait around thinking things will get better, if I'm not being treated right I'm gone which has led me to ditching a few people.
I was accidentally told by my friend once that I come off as intimidating or hard to approach as well I didn't know till then but I have a horrible case of RBF so it makes sense. 💀
As for the things I like: the main thing has to be music I'm concerned for my ears atp, my favorite artists have to be Chase Atlantic, Lana Del Rey, The Weekend and Artic Monkeys. Candy, I have a sweet tooth but I'm trying to cut back a bit, trying new candies is pretty fun too. Video Games, but I'll mainly stick to hand held consoles(my phone or switch) I mainly play puzzle or mystery games, TV screens are too bright and loud. I enjoy going out and doing things with people too, helps get me out of the house.
My hobbies include: Lego: but the big complicated sets not the kids ones I swear 😭 Origami: I just like throwing Ninja stars at the people I know or maybe if a stranger is just sitting beside me I'll just give them a paper swan, the reactions are always cute y'know. Book/Manga collecting And finally trying out random things I have like one day hobbies y'know like maybe I'll start cooking for a week or crocheting, puzzles, stuff like that while watching a show I'm still trying to find a hobby to really pick up.
I don't play any sports though it's never been my thing, but I try to go on walks every other day which is nice.
Things I don't like are pretty limited, it's probably just bad scents and cat fur.
That's all I can think of right now so I hope I did this right and thank you!<3
A/N: Hello and thank you so much for your request as well as your patience given how long this one has been in my inbox! I hope that you enjoy your match-up and have a wonderful day/night!
Request: Twisted Wonderland Match-up
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I match you with........
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Floyd Leech
Look, there are a number of reasons as to why the chaotic, mood swings filled eel man was chosen
Make this man a ninja star and his menace level only increases
A lot
You may have had Jade and Azul come to you about this, one rather amused and delighted while the other is more frustrated
Not too hard to figure out which is which on that
Motherly mode comes out big time when he is one of his more sporadic moods
The chances of him getting into trouble or hurting himself is quite high but he loves that you are there to be able to take care of him, he almost seems docile........
But when he is in more of one of his sour moods, that's where your fun side comes out because no matter how deep in a slump he is in, you always manage to get him out of it
Yes, Azul and Jade have also come to you about that
Jade finds it rather impressive because not even him or his parents could get him out of a slump that easy
(Please marry him)
He strikes me as someone who would rather like Legos, whether they are simple or much more complex, it's a favorite pastime the two of you have
Crochet something for this man and he will carry it with him essentially for the rest of his life
Floyd is happy with you, one that won't be going away any time soon, he just hopes that you are as happy as he is, that's what matters to him
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Thank you for your request!
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hl-obsessed · 1 year
thank you for the tag @stylesrainbows 💕✨ this was so cool
i’m over 5’5 // i wear glasses/contacts // i have blonde hair // i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // i have one or more piercings // i have at least one tattoo // i have blue eyes // i have dyed or highlighted my hair // i have gotten plastic surgery // i have or had braces // i sunburn easily // i have freckles // i paint my nails // i typically wear make-up // i don’t often smile // i am pleased with how i look // i prefer nike to adidas // i wear baseball hats backwards
Talents and hobbies
i play a sport // i can play an instrument // i am artistic // i know more than one language // i have won a trophy in some sort of competition // i can cook or bake without a recipe // i know how to swim // i enjoy writing // i can do origami // i prefer movies to tv shows // i can execute a perfect somersault // i enjoy singing // i could survive in the wild on my own // i have read a new book series this year // i enjoy spending time with friends // i travel during school or work breaks // i can do a handstand
i am in a relationship // i have been single for over a year // i have a crush // i have a best friend i have known for ten years // my parents are together // i have dated my best friend // i am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // i have a long distance relationship // i am an only child // i give advice to my friends // i have made an online friend // i met up with someone i have met online
i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // i am the mom friend // i live by a certain quote // i like the smell of sharpies // i am involved in extracurricular activities // i enjoy mexican food // i can drive a stick-shift // i believe in true love // i make up scenarios to fall asleep // i sing in the shower // i wish i lived in a video game // i have a canopy above my bed // i am multiracial // i am a redhead // i own at least three dogs
I have no idea who did this already so here are people i would like to know more about: (ofc feel free to ignore me): @still-the-1-d @louisarmpits @louisgayvodka @enchantedlandcoffee @wemadethishome @larry-hiatus @yourslarry @louiswilltomlinson @shinylights @whoreforlarrystuff @theirloveisgross and idk who else, that's people who circulate around my dash and notes all the time and are stuck in my head when it comes to any kind of tagging so i guess this is it 💕 And tagging anyone else who see this and wants to do this (this never works but well maybe someday for someone it will) 😄
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Butter Sales
Today's update is kind of a journey, but it's all leading to a super important update, so just stick with me. No real better way to get into it than to get into it, so... let's! 
Butter Base
Okay, so you know my friend, Ricky, right? Ricky? He's like... yay tall? Face like a meerkat? Yeah, him. Rrrrricky. Rickeeee. That's my boy. 
If you somehow don't know my friend Ricky, here's what you need to know. He's always coming up with these crazy schemes. Like, one time, Ricky... put flowers in a pot. Not like he y'know, planted a plant and flowers grew out of some beautifully sculpted terracotta. Nah, my boy Ricky, he bought some flowers for his mom but forgot to give them to her, so they were just like wilting in his house, so he put them in his big pasta pot. It was wild, but maybe you had to be there. 
Oh, that's the other thing you need to know. He has this big pasta pot because his mom, the one he bought flowers for, she's really good at making pasta. So she bought him a big pot so he could be good at making pasta, but I've tasted both of their pastas and Ricky's mom's pasta is where it's at and Ricky's pasta isn't very good at all. I guess there's more to pasta than a big pot. 
Ricky's New Gig
Alright, so one time, Ricky went to the store and they had a lot of butter. Like, how he first told it, it sounded like the store only had butter. But I asked and he said they had other stuff too, so, don't imagine quite as much butter as I did. Anyway, so he's at the store and they've just got all this butter. Ricky said it was like 50 times as much butter as a store should have. Just shelves of the stuff. And Ricky, you know him, he sees something like that and he starts cooking up these wacky ideas. So Ricky bought some butter. 
Now my boy is a butter salesman. He just goes around selling butter. And it seems like he's making bank. I know because he showed me this fat wad of cash he was carrying. He said he had to carry it around because his bank's really lame and wouldn't trade him non-buttery bills for buttery ones. 
He told me a trade secret, that I'm going to pass on to you. The sweet spot is the third house. The first two, the butter's like nice and cool and firm in your pocket, but it means you gotta find a knife to cut a pat off so people can taste test. But some people treat you really weird when you come up to their door and say that you need to borrow their knife so that you can sell them butter. The third house though, the butter's started to soften up, so you can just sort of scoop some out and let them lick it off your finger. People really like that. But for houses four and more, that gets a little tricky because the butter starts picking up like lint or money or whatever else you have in your pocket. 
My New Gig 
Ricky offered to get me a job working as a butter salesman, like him, and I took it. That's my big announcement. I'm leaving comics to go sell butter. Sorry! 
Don't tell Ricky this, but I also think I figured out a way to make even more in butter sales. I'm going to keep my butter pocket, my lint pocket, and my cash pocket separate. Like, duh. 
So next time you see me, tell me where your house is so I can come sell you some butter. 
Much love, David Butter Salesman 
What I enjoyed this week: Blank Check (Podcast), Honkai Impact (Video game), Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo (Anime), The Circle (Trash TV), When Harry Met Sally (Movie), Logan Lucky (Movie), my friend Chloe Brailsford gave me a sneak peek of something they've been working on and it's very good. Keep an eye out for more from her! I haven't played it yet, but I'm very excited for The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog. You may've seen that Min Ho Kim, one of our artists over at IDW, worked on the character art! It's clearly a labor of love by everyone involved and that's really cool. WonderCon was nice. Glad I got to see some folks I haven't seen in a while. I did catch con crud (and tested and came back negative for Covid, it's just a head cold), so if I missed you or we only had a pretty quick, limited interaction, maybe it's for the best! Speaking of both friends giving me comics and WonderCon, Matthew Palacios gave me an ashcan of his book Metal Skin and it was a lot of fun! I've also been playing a bunch of pranks over on my Twitter (2 whole pranks)! So, no, I still haven't seen ALF and I did not expect other people to send me pictures of my cat. Those were goofs. Lastly, yesterday was Transgender Day of Visibility. I posted a couple times about a fundraising effort that was going for Point of Pride and saw they ultimately ended up making twice their initial goal, $2 Million, to help out thousands of trans folks with gender-affirming care. There are also a ton of cool people who were sharing themselves yesterday in a time when that's a very scary thing to do. 
New Releases this week (3/29/2023): Nothing from me, sorry! 
New Releases next week (4/5/2023):  Sonic the Hedgehog #1 5th Anniversary Edition (Editor--A new version of the first IDW Sonic comic, with a bunch of bonus content including a new comic short!)
Final Order Cutoff - Let your shops know to order these books by Monday (4/3/2023):  Sonic the Hedgehog #60 (Editor) Godzilla Rivals: Biollante vs. Destoroyah (Editor)
At the moment, I don't have any new appearances until San Diego Comic-Con! But, that's subject to change! And I may have other announcements coming to this space soon, so keep an eye out! 
Oh, just because, uhh... I know we're all convinced Twitter's just going to collapse any day now. I've tried various other social medias and a lot of them don't really work for me. The best ways to keep up are obviously my website, my Tumblr, my newsletter, or my Instagram. I am still on a few other things, but don't really use them. If you're on Tumblr or Insta, please do follow me there so I can follow you back and make sure we're staying in touch! 
I will plug in my usual Becca corner, their website's up and should all be working. There was a bug with shipping, but that should be fixed! Maybe buy yourself or someone in your life something nice! And I believe they're still on for streaming tonight at 7 PST on Twitch, assuming voices are still holding up as we get over the last of this con crud! 
Pic of the Week: Major shoutout to KEM Cosplay! We met at WaifuExpo at the beginning of last month (you can see a picture of her in a previous blog as Dr. Eggman) and ran into each other again at WonderCon over the weekend where she was wearing her BIG THE CAT COSPLAY! 
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lacefuneral · 7 months
God I also just like wanna watch a fucking movie or a TV show or something like. I've mostly been listening to podcasts or listening to the audio of TV shows whether it has audio description or not. And watching very brief YouTube videos with barely any motion or editing in them that are very quiet with my screen almost completely dark
Like I have such a long list of movies that I want to watch and I could be watching them if not on account of the brain hurt
Also I have like six or seven different books to read in my room right now and I cannot look at them. And I don't do audiobooks either they put me the fuck to sleep and the only method of reading that I am comfortable with is a physical book and not because I'm a snob or anything like that it's that it has the least amount of ice strain for me focus on it and it lets me stay present and also like I have a very physical kind of indication of how far along I am and like anytime I've tried to read it on like a fucking kindle or anything else like it's it's been a nightmare for me I can't do it I have tons of PDF on my laptop of like like full books and I do not touch them I do not open them because I have like a mental block about it because it's not like I can just go in and like stick in like a bookmark and then like you know go back to my bookmark and you know I just it's not how my brain works and it's just it's stressfu
God and I'd love to play a fucking video game like I have Pickman four and the three  previous Pickman games and I started one and two at around the same time and have not completed them.  and then obviously I have tears the kingdom too I haven't been paying attention to the community for the last couple of months so I don't know if there's been any new like technological advancements but you know there were a lot of very impressive things that people were doing for a long time and you know if new stuff has been discovered like I'd like to experiment with that I mean I'm not super good at building things in tears of the kingdom more of like a house design Person but you know it's cool to have that sort of sandbox environment where you can just sort of dick around and make shitty vehicles and see what happens
also I didn't even think of this before but I guess I could make like a second profile on my switch in order to like start a new game of tears of the kingdom if I wanted to because I don't wanna lose my current progress I wanna be able to go back to it but maybe that's a lol anyway I can't worry about that now anyway I physically can't do that
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arcaneyouth · 3 years
(this post isnt being queued because if i post it at the ripe old time of 1 am fewer people will see it alright have a nice day)
#vent post#negative#warning: im about to get into some emotions i havent told anybody including my therapist or even myself really and theyre bad! really bad#im not trigger tagging it because it. feels bad. i cant explain that i just cant#so basically just read at your own risk. if i dont get this out somehow i think i might scream#ok so getting just right to the point i am so fucking suicidal i dont want to live in this shitty ass world anymore#i cant imagine a world where i dont have to struggle. i cant imagine a world thats any better than this.#i cant imagine living past 21 anyways cause thats when my doctors said id die as a way to threaten me into doing my meds#i try so hard to be positive and hold on and it worked for 4-5 years and now theres not even a point.#im tired of trying. im tired of holding on. i will never be able to live comfortably. whats the fucking point.#im running out of reasons to stick around.#years ago my reasoning was that my friends would be sad. i cant really use that anymore#because im a traumatized fucking disaster thats been slowly trying to cut off my friends and stop caring about them#maybe i could stick around so i can finish my comic well thats not going to fucki#ng happen because the world is probably going to kill me before i can get it done#and nobody gives a shit about my ocs anyways except for me#or maybe i could stick around for that cool tv show or that video game i want to play or my favorite food#well none of that fucking matters!!! it barely makes me happy anymore. theyre just things.#what about my family? well thats easy i fucking hate them i wouldnt feel bad for leaving them.#ive been in a depressive slump for weeks and i dont know how to get out and every time i start to feel ok again someone or something#reminds me why this world is so horrible.#the internet reminds me every day of how people are dying and how people like me are getting killed for fun#my parents are pessimists who spend every conversation talking about how bad everything in the world is#so the options seem pretty simple to me. either the world kills me some time soon or i'll do it myself before it can.#but i wont#im scared of pain. im scared of dying. i know for a fact id never be able to pull anything off#so the fact that im still here doesnt even mean much. im just too terrified to leave.#yeah post over. sorry about. *gestures at this whole post*. i dont have the energy to write in my journal and ill probably be#too much of a wimp to tell my therapist#this just needs to get out somewhere. i really cant handle keeping it in me anymore.
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Invisible Assistance
Prompts: If ur taking requests do you think maybe you could write about the sanders sides as kids where Virgil subtly looks out for the others when they’re afraid of things (cuz he can tell as anxiety)? Like for example he plugs in nightlights in the hallway bc Logan is afraid of the dark. He leaves sticky notes with compliments out for Roman bc Roman’s afraid of rejection/falling short. He stitched together little stuffies for patton bc he’s hates being lonely. Those kinda things. Virgil would have to do it discreetly bc the other sides wouldn’t accept the help if it was from anxiety (even if they really really wanted the things that would help). And maybe the other sides find out after they accept Virgil bc he says something offhandedly about it? However you wanna write it tho!!! <3 - renjunstolemykidneys
Can I request a Sanders sides fic where one of the sides is touch averse? - anon
Oh is it kid fic time? it's kid fic time!
Read on Ao3
Warnings: none! fluff land down below bois
Pairings: it is found family to the MAX
Word Count: 3836
When one of the others is afraid, a patch on the back of Virgil’s neck tingles.
It doesn’t hurt, which is good, because that would be really annoying, but it tingles.
Or, five times Virgil helps one of the other Sides when they're afraid, and one time they show him how much they appreciate it.
When one of the others is afraid, a patch on the back of Virgil’s neck tingles.
It doesn’t hurt, which is good, because that would be really annoying, but it tingles. He used to be scared of it. He ran to Janus the first time it happened because he didn’t know what he did wrong, he didn’t know why this thing was happening to him. Janus had calmed him down, walked him through his breathing exercises, and said that it was one of his powers.
“Powers? What powers?”
“I can grow extra arms and I can tell when people are lying,” Janus had said, “those are my powers. You can tell when people are afraid.”
And Virgil could. There was a small patch on the back of his neck that acted like a fear detector, where he could tell what was wrong. Over time, he had figured out how to tell who it was that was afraid.
Logan’s fear felt really fuzzy.
Not like the soft blankets that Patton likes from the hall closet, but the kinda weird static that the TV has sometimes when the video games won’t load properly. It’s fuzzy. It’s kind of hard to think. Sometimes, if it’s really bad, it gets kind of hard to see.
Logan doesn’t like being afraid and Virgil doesn’t blame him. Being afraid isn’t fun, that’s why he doesn’t like it.
Logan’s fear is fuzzy because Logan is Logic. Logan makes things clearer, easier to understand, because that’s his power. He’s really good at it. When Virgil gets afraid for himself, Logan is really good at explaining why it’s not so scary after all. Sometimes it doesn’t always work, but it works most of the time. But Virgil can’t do what Logan does for him because that’s not his power. He just knows when Logan is scared and fuzzy.
At first, Virgil thought it was something wrong with his glasses. After all, Logan needs them to see, doesn’t he? So if his glasses are fuzzy, he’ll be fuzzy. But Logan uses the glasses to see outside, not inside. So it isn’t the glasses. So he starts trying to figure out what Logan is scared of.
Then he notices that Logan’s light stays on all night while everybody else turns their light off.
He mumbles something about it to Logan the next day and Logan tells him that’s because he likes to read at night and so he needs the light. But Janus said his mouth felt weird after Logan said that so Logan’s lying.
Oh. Maybe Logan’s scared of the dark.
Virgil goes back to his room and opens his closet. He scrambles up on the step stool—putting his arms out for balance like Patton and Janus said—and reaches for the box of night lights. He pulls the cardboard down and rifles through it, looking for ones that Logan would like. He comes across a collection of night lights that Thomas saw at the space museum—what was it called? He pulls one closer and reads off the label.
“Planetarium,” he mumbles, “got it.”
It’s a set of nine night lights, one for each planet, and a big one to be the Sun. He scurries out into the hall and checks to make sure no one is around. There’s no one there. He tucks the box under his bed and scampers off. He needs to count how many outlets there are to see how many lights he’ll need.
There is one by the bathroom, two in the middle of the hall, one by Patton’s door, one by Roman’s door, one by Remus’s door, one by Janus’s room, one by Logan’s room, one by his room, and one at the top of the stairs.
Virgil hurries back to the cardboard box and makes sure there are ten night lights. There are. Now all he needs to do is figure out where each one has to go.
The Sun is Logan’s room. Obviously. Mercury can go with Roman because those two love to play together. That would make Venus Remus because the twins are very close too.
Patton is the Earth because he takes care of all of them. Janus can be Jupiter because he likes being the tallest.
The bathroom can be Uranus.
The stairs can be Neptune because Logan likes that Neptune spins on its side, which is really cool. And the stairs are kind of sideways so it matched.
Virgil holds the last night light in his hands. Pluto. It’s small, a kind of purple-gray. It matches the sleeves of his pajamas. As he walks back to his room, he plugs the Pluto into the outlet next to his door.
He doesn’t feel Logan getting scared by the dark anymore and the Sun nightlight is really bright.
Roman’s fear makes his neck feel hot. Almost like he’s embarrassed by something or he’s ashamed of something. He doesn’t like it, and he can imagine that Roman doesn’t like it very much either.
Roman is really loud. He really likes singing at the top of his lungs, even when there are like four other people in the room that are trying to do something. He really likes talking loudly too, even when they’re trying to do something. Sometimes Virgil thinks that Roman is too loud, but he’d never say that to him. That would be mean.
Roman gets hurt a lot. He says it’s because of his quests in the Imagination but Janus doesn’t believe him. Not about all of them. And that would be a weird place to get bruises. Virgil goes in there too sometimes, to play with Remus and Roman or to train with Roman. One of his other powers is fighting the things that come to hurt Thomas so he has to be ready. And he only gets bruises on his arms and legs from that.
Roman gets them everywhere. And Roman’s a good fighter! So it doesn’t make sense that he’s really hurt all the time.
Virgil does figure out that Roman gets hurt when Thomas feels bad about something. When Roman and Thomas have been working really hard on something and it doesn’t go well, Roman goes off into the Imagination and he looks hurt when he comes back. That’s when Virgil feels that he’s scared.
When they get a bit older and Virgil can start confidently naming it ‘rejection,’ he starts to notice that Roman slumps more when he’s hurt. Like it physically hurts to stand up straight. Which is really bad, because Roman loves to sing but you can’t sing properly if you don’t stand up straight. And if Roman can’t sing, he can’t make himself feel better.
Virgil also notices that Roman really doesn’t like it when he’s not sure what to do.
Virgil isn’t the best person to go to for this, because he’s always upset that things are going to happen and they’re going to happen and they don’t know how. But he notices that Logan, who always knows what’s good to pay attention to, doesn’t help either. Patton is the only one who seems to be able to help. And he helps by telling Roman that he’s doing a good job, that they will help, that it’s okay. Roman likes being told that it’s okay.
Virgil can get behind that.
But Roman isn’t always around when Virgil remembers to tell him that, so he decides to write it down.
On his desk, there is a pack of red post-it notes. Virgil stashes one in his pocket all the time with a pen. When he thinks of something that Roman should hear, he writes it down and sticks it on Roman’s door. He doesn’t go into Roman’s room, that’s mean. And rude. He knows better.
Things like ‘I like your singing.’ Or ‘The pancakes you made were really good.’ Or ‘You did a good job today.’ That kind of thing. Sometimes it’s just ‘I like you.’ Because Roman is good and Virgil likes him. A lot.
When he feels Roman start to get afraid, he goes and writes it down and sticks it on the door. Then he retreats to his room and waits, holding his breath, until he hears the creak of a door down the hall and the fear goes away. If he waits a few more minutes, normally he’ll hear Roman start to sing.
Then he lets himself smile.
Patton’s fear feels really heavy. Like…really heavy. It kind of hurts to breathe sometimes if it catches Virgil off-guard. So he really doesn’t like Patton’s fear.
What makes it harder is that Patton is really good at hiding when he’s actually afraid. He screams really loudly when there’s a spider or when something surprises him—thank you, Remus—but when he’s afraid, it’s harder to tell.
But Virgil sometimes catches him sitting in the living room by himself, watching TV, and he’ll be afraid. Not of what’s on the TV, but of something else. So he’ll come downstairs and ask if Patton’s okay and Patton will say he’s fine, but then Virgil will curl up in a chair and that won’t be true. The fear will still be there. It’s only when someone else comes down that it goes away.
Virgil remembers very clearly the day that he spent an hour sitting downstairs with Patton and left to go to the bathroom. He had come back downstairs to see Janus next to Patton and Patton wasn’t afraid anymore. He’d gone back to his room and thought about it.
Virgil couldn’t help with this as he was, but the others could. Patton was afraid of…of being left alone?
Okay. Okay, Virgil could make things that would make Patton feel less alone.
He was never really good at making things, not like the twins were, but he was good at fixing things when they got ripped. When he wakes up in the middle of the night from nightmares he knows how to fix his blankets and pillows and pajamas. So he takes the scraps of fabric he has from all the ones he still had to fix and frowns.
Patton likes frogs. So he draws a frog on the blue sheet and cuts it out carefully. He folds the fabric over and cuts out another one. He stitches them wrong sides together, leaving a little bit at the bottom. He turns it inside out and fills it with stuffing from the pillow. Then he sews the bottom back up. It’s a little frog plushie, and it’s for Patton.
He leaves it outside Patton’s door to a squeal of delight.
When he feels Patton get lonely again, he makes another one. This time it’s from the galaxy pillow and he makes a cat. The cat’s eyes don’t come out right when he draws them but they kind of look like glasses. Logan’s glasses.
The next time, he makes a lion. The lion is fuzzy because the slipper that was falling apart worked really well for a mane. He gives it Roman’s favorite red sash because he accidentally cut the fabric in the wrong place and needed to keep the stuffing inside.
After the lion, he makes a snake. He gives it a little paper hat like the one Janus wears. He giggles when he sees the final thing, it kind of looks like it belongs in Phineas and Ferb. Agent J.
When Patton gets really afraid, he looks at the last bit of the green fabric he has and chews his lip. Can he…maybe he can make an octopus. Like Remus. It takes a long time and he accidentally pricks his fingers a couple of times, but he gets a sloppy-looking octopus. After a moment, he grabs the pen and draws a smile with lots of sharp teeth. Like Remus.
Patton doesn’t feel so lonely after that.
Remus’s fear feels muffled. Not like it’s there but it’s not really, but it gets hard for Virgil to hear things. Not like Logan’s fear where everything is fuzzy, but like someone has their hands over his ears. He doesn’t like it. It makes his own head louder.
He notices that Roman is loud but Remus is louder. Remus is constantly making noise, not like Roman’s outbursts, but always. He’s tapping a table or stomping his foot or humming to himself. He’s never quiet and when he’s quiet it’s bad.
He remembers watching Roman and Remus come out of the Imagination once and Remus hadn’t made a noise. The twins had scurried off to Remus’s room and they hadn’t come out until breakfast the next morning. Virgil’s head had been really loud all night because everything else had been muffled.
Remus isn’t quiet. Remus doesn’t like the quiet. Remus hates the quiet. Remus is scared of the quiet.
Virgil doesn’t like the quiet either, but he can’t exactly make noise without worrying that he’s disturbing everyone else. But Remus doesn’t have that problem. Remus is loud and he likes that he’s disturbing everyone else.
But maybe Virgil can help.
There is another box on his desk full of fidget toys. Virgil doesn’t use them most of the time because they’re stuck in the back of the desk but he does like the fidget cube. Maybe Remus would like it too?
He figures out how to get another one and makes it green and black. He puts it outside Remus’s door.
Well, it’s not quiet anymore.
But Remus isn’t afraid, so that’s fine.
It’s all fine.
Virgil remembers too late that the reason he doesn’t use the fidget cube that often is because he can’t stand the sound of the clicking and the squeaking of the cube. But Remus isn’t afraid anymore and he has his headphones.
So it’s fine.
Janus’s fear is cold.
It’s probably why Virgil took so long to work out that Janus was scared of anything. Janus didn’t like to admit that he was scared of things. Janus didn’t like to admit much of anything if he’s being real, but he really doesn’t like admitting when he’s scared. And Virgil is used to being cold so he probably didn’t notice it for a long time.
But Janus does get scared and when he does, the back of Virgil’s neck feels cold.
Janus is like a snake the same way Remus is like an octopus and Patton is like a frog. If Logan is right and he normally is, it’s like how Virgil is like a spider and Roman is like a lion and Logan is like a cat. Which means that there are certain things that Janus does that are like a snake.
Even if he has too many arms to be a snake. Like…way too many.
Janus has a forked tongue. Remus is jealous and Patton thinks it’s kind of weird. Janus has scales. Roman thinks they’re strange and Logan thinks they’re interesting. Janus hisses sometimes when he’s tired or upset. They all think it’s cute. Janus doesn’t like that either.
They’re watching a documentary for a science class and snakes come up. Logan leans forward with his notebook, Patton grabs his juice box, and Remus starts thinking of ideas to do with Roman later. Janus watches the documentary. Virgil watches Janus.
“Snakes, unlike humans and most other mammals, are cold-blooded. This means they have an inability to regulate their own body temperature. They must bathe in the sun to stay warm.”
“But basking out here in the open is risky. Predators, like this hawk, can see snakes in the grass, thanks to their incredible eyesight. The snake has to choose. Being safe and cold, or risk getting warm and being lunch.”
The others are focused on the footage on screen or by their own conversations, so Virgil can stare at Janus. Is that…is that why Janus doesn’t like coming to spend time with them? Is that why he doesn’t like coming out of his room? They’re not going to eat him, he’s part of Thomas! They need him like they need each other.
But if Janus is part snake…then it would make sense why he’s nervous about being in the open.
Only later, when Virgil is startled awake by how cold he feels, does he realize that he might’ve been wrong.
Janus isn’t afraid of being around the others, he is afraid of what happens when he isn’t around the others. Because Virgil never feels Janus afraid when he’s with them. He only ever feels it when Janus is alone.
When Janus isn’t in the warmth with them. When he’s safer, maybe, but when he’s cold.
Janus is afraid of the cold.
Well. That’s the easiest one to fix.
Virgil gathers up all the blankets he has and goes to Janus’s door. He dumps the pile on the floor and scampers back to his room, knowing that Janus would’ve heard something hit the ground. He waits, waits, waits, and then—
It’s gone.
The cold on the back of his neck is gone.
Virgil smiles and burrows down under the one sheet on his bed. He pulls his arms tight around his pillow and buries himself under the thin sheet. He curls up as tight as he can and feels that the back of his neck is no longer cold from Janus’s fear.
Janus is warm. That’s all that matters.
Janus doesn’t feel cold again. Janus feels warm. Janus feels warm. Janus feels warm.
Logan has light.
Roman has love.
Patton has friends.
Remus has noise.
Janus has warmth.
They’re okay.
They’re okay.
Virgil falls asleep in the cold room.
Virgil doesn’t like touch.
It…it’s not that he’s afraid of it, but it…
Okay. Here’s the thing. Virgil doesn’t like that the others can touch him.
Thomas can’t touch him. Thomas is safe, Virgil keeps him safe, but he doesn’t touch him. Thomas is safe and that is Virgil’s job because he is afraid and Thomas isn’t and it’s fine. There’s a line there. Thomas and Virgil hold the line between each other and it works.
Patton tries to pull him in for hugs and Patton doesn’t like being alone but his hugs make Virgil feel like he’s trapped.
Logan tries to touch him on the shoulder to get his attention and Logan likes being listened to but that hand feels like a live wire.
Roman tries to pull him close when they fight and Roman doesn’t like being rejected but sometimes Virgil doesn’t know whether he wants to fight the monster or Roman’s grip on him.
Remus tries to scare him by grabbing him and Remus likes noise but Virgil can’t stand being grabbed.
Janus tries to poke him because getting people out of their comfort zones is part of his job but Virgil worked hard for his comfort zone and he doesn’t want to get out of it.
Virgil doesn’t like being touched.
But that’s okay. He can…it’s not like the others normally want to touch him.
Virgil likes to sit by himself. There’s less to worry about when he sits by himself. He can sit and he can make his own noise and do his own thing and he can be fine. He can hold a pillow if he needs to and he won’t get overwhelmed. He can just…be.
He likes the idea of just being.
He doesn’t get to do it often.
So he’s surprised when he opens his door one morning and there’s a box sitting in front of his door.
He takes it back inside and opens it up. His mouth falls open.
There, on top, is the last post-it he stuck on Roman’s door. The one that just said ‘you’re important.’ He picks it up with shaky fingers and turns it over.
Virgil, these are for you. We know what you’ve been doing to help and we want to help you too. We know that you do not like being touched so we got you something that can help. You are important too.
Under the message that makes Virgil blink back tears for a second, he sees the names of the others scrawled in their colors. He puts the post-it note in the most important part of his desk and peers back into the box.
He lifts out a spaceship nightlight. It’s the one from the movie he and Logan had spotted on the way back from school. It’s very shiny and smooth to the touch.
There’s a notebook in the box that has the quote from Winnie the Pooh: ‘Always remember you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.’ A purple pen is tucked into the binding.
A spider plushie! It’s soft, it’s fuzzy, it fits right into the palm of his hand. It looks like it’s been made out of the Halloween sweater they got given for Christmas. It was a weird year.
There’s a small tin of putty. It’s purple and black, sparkly, and it makes really cool sounds as Virgil stretches and squeezes it. If he traps an air bubble in it, it makes a satisfying pop sound.
Virgil’s eyes widen as he pulls out a weighted blanket. Oh, it’s warm. It’s so warm. It feels perfect. He can understand why Janus hisses when he’s tired now, he wants to do it himself and he’s not even a snake.
There’s one more thing in the box. It’s dark, soft, and for a moment he thinks it could be another blanket. But as he pulls it out, his mouth drops open.
It’s a hoodie. A simple, plain, black hoodie, that’s soft and looks warm and looks big enough to cover all of his upper body.
They…they know he doesn’t like being touched so…so they gave him a shield.
Virgil doesn’t take the hoodie off until he switches it for a purple one many years later.
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hahagiggles3 · 3 years
[The Unhappiest Boy] (pt. 1)
[Kusuo Saiki x GN Reader]
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊
wc; 1087
warnings; none, this got very self indulgent lol
genre; fluff
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊
Saiki Kusuo was the unhappiest boy in the world. Until you.
Saiki met you completely by accident. A strange occurrence for him, to be honest. He usually anticipated everything, down to every nudge of his glasses. Not you. He could never have seen you coming. His feelings didn't hit him like a truck, he didn't spend days on end thinking about you and grumbling about his irritation that you had gotten under his extremely thick skin in a matter of two and one third minutes, thank you very much.
He was completely unfazed and everything was normal.
He was staring at you out of rage. ‘I am. I don't like them. They suck. I hate them. They make me angry.’  He kept repeating that all throughout the day. Maybe at one point he’d accidentally told you telepathically, because you came up to him out of the blue.
‘How didn't I know they’d do this?! What a pain.’
That was the other thing he “hated” about you. He always seemed to block out your thoughts. You had thoughts, but he got mad and made sure he couldn't hear them. (He misses them a bit. They were nicer to listen to than classes and Kaido.)
But, you’d come up to him. And you were upset.
“Hey,” you started.
“Are you nice to anyone at this school?”
He never answered.
He thought about it that night.
‘Why would I be? Everyone at PK’s annoying.’
He didn't sleep.
The next day, you were talking to Nendo. You were entranced. And, of course, he walked right by, ignoring both of you. He also ignored your conversation about him. He didn't want to hear it. (He should've listened.)
A week later, school was almost over. You were friends at that point, if you called tagging along whenever Kaido and Nendo pulled you out for a day. He’d admitted he found comfort in your less… moron-esque personality. You were still more prone to adventure than he was, but respected his space.
Your sleep schedule was very sporadic, though. Often you fell asleep on a bus or train ride. If it was late in the day Saiki thought you looked like an angel. Even prettier than Teruhashi.
Not for long though, you always woke up. You almost thought you saw him smiling one time.
Summertime was here! The days were longer, golden hour was more prevalent, the sunrises were lovely, everything was calm. Most families had gone on vacation, leaving a few people in the area alone to hang out by themselves. That’s how you found yourself playing old video games with Saiki, when it was too hot to go outside. Otherwise you’d be outside, but you’d almost gotten a sunburn walking to his house.
The fan placed haphazardly in the corner of his room blew cool air over you, sending goosebumps along your arms. You regretted not bringing a sweater, Saiki’s room was always so cold.
‘Want one of mine? My mom made most of them and I never wear them anyways.’ He suggested, his eyes not straying from the screen.
“Nah, I’m probably gonna go home for lunch and do summer homework for a while anyways.”
You two sat in peaceful quiet, and you ended up leaving as the sun was setting.
‘So much for homework, huh?’ He smirked, and you rolled your eyes.
“Oh please, you love my company,” you laughed, strolling off into the street. He waved after you, then pulled his hand down and slammed the door immediately. He never waved anyone goodbye. Least of all you!
‘Good grief, its the second week of summer and I’m already back to the same dilemma as before.’
He made himself dinner.
He didn't sleep, but you did. You dreamed about a lazy day with him. In your dream, he noticed how his dream version seemed less tense. Dream Saiki’s shoulders were slumped, and he let Dream you know about his thoughts. His complaints, which were surprisingly close to his real life ones. At the end of your dream (your wonderful perfect dream he wanted to live), Dream Saiki took off his glasses and devices, held your dream face and looked in your dream eyes...
Then Real Saiki fell asleep.
He always dreamed about nothing. He never dreamed about anything, because most dreams he could come up with while he was awake and so he stopped having them. But that night, his dream was vibrant. You laughed loudly, you held his hands, you looked at him, you felt him, you saw him, you loved him so much and he… stared.
Like always.
Halfway through his dream, he started crying. He’d never cried before. He didn't like it. Maybe he did. It felt good to prove he wasn't stone cold. That he had feelings. They were real. He hated the weird choking feeling though. He felt weak.
Then Dream Saiki let himself cry really really hard.
He woke up with stiff, itchy streaks drawn down his cheeks from the sides of his eyes. He scratched them and nothing happened. Then he sat up and got water to wet his throat.
As he ate breakfast, he tried to remember the ending of his dream. Nothing. Dreams are pointless anyway, he didn't need to know.
Real life you showed up at his door around eleven in the morning, completely soaked. It was hot day, but it was raining. The air smelled like wet, hot pavement, and soggy bushes. It was thick from the moisture, sticking hair to your foreheads.
He swung the door closed as you removed your raincoat, peeling it like a second skin. He took it and tossed it over a chair to dry.
As the sun came out from behind the clouds, Saiki’s living room was bathed in soft yellow light. He froze, it was exactly like his dream. Of course it had been a premonition, and of course it seemed too impossible to be anything but a dream. He glanced over at you, your eyes seemed to be fluttering shut. You slumped over onto his shoulder.
At this point the TV had been completely disregarded, Saiki’s gaze was focused entirely on you. It probably looked very creepy, but he didn't care.
You woke up when he shifted to move you, blinking as the light filled your eyes.
You looked at him.
His face was completely blank.
‘Sorry,’ he said quietly. He sighed.
“S’okay. I like being awake better than sleeping anyways,” you hummed.
He never figured out what that meant .
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briswriting · 4 years
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『 the three times you kissed kuroo and the one time he kissed you 』
pairing: kuroo x fem!reader genre: angst, fluff warning: characters are 18 when there is underaged drinking wc: 3709
a/n: i’ve been planning to write a 3+1 trope and here it is hehe this is dedicated to my ibff @mikwrites because today is our 6 month friendiversay hehe iykyk! i love you so much mik babie mwah i am so so so glad that we are friends <3 also this is my longest fic oof it was lots of fun to write though!
Elementary school, fifth year; ten years old
The bright sun shining harsh rays of light down onto the opened field, shrieks of laughter drifting through the jungle made of deteriorating metal and plastic. A playground worn down year after year, used by smiling children, then years later used by their own smiling children.
The gleeful expressions shown when seeing a friend approach the park, the sound of cheers when someone was found during a game of hide and seek, and the sorrowful thoughts when it was time to leave the playground, head full of fantasies and dreams for when and what you’ll do the next time you visit this field of happiness once again.
This time you were at the playground alone, sitting on the faded seat of the swing, kicking your legs back and forth as the rusted chains softly creaked from the movement. Minutes felt like hours while you sat there waiting for your friends, Kuroo Tetsuro and Kenma Kozume. The former calling your house phone the night before telling you to meet him at the park, something about wanting to show you and Kenma a new volleyball move he learned.
Lost in thought, you didn’t notice your two friends approaching the swing set you were currently situated at. The young bed headed boy sneaking up behind you, putting a finger up to his lips so the other young boy wouldn’t say anything, before jabbing his index fingers into your sides.
“Boo!” His small voice screams into your ear, a wide grin on his face from your shriek of surprise as you almost fall off the seat of the swing.
With a pout on your face, you jump off the swing and turn around to face the two boys. “Kuroo that was mean. Why didn’t you stop him Kenma?” you whine, arms crossed in front of your chest. The later shrugging, mumbling about how Kuroo probably would have made him do some volleyball moves with him if he said anything about their approach from behind you, also stating that he was only here because his parents told him to play outside for once.
It was hours later, the bright sun finally setting for the day, leaving a soft glow of light on the three kids still at the playground. Hours of watching Kuroo try to do volleyball moves he saw on tv, hours of talking about nonsense with your two best friends in the open field.
“Alright, Kenma, toss the ball as hard as you can. I swear I’ll receive it this time!” And with those words and a roll of his eyes, Kenma tosses the ball into the air and hits it towards Kuroo with all the strength he could muster.
As the ball flies towards the crouching raven haired boy, rather than receiving it with his forearms as he planned, the ball rebounds off the side of his face, startling the young boy and causing him to fall flat on his bottom.
“Omg Kuroo, are you alright?” You quickly rush off to the boy as he sits on the ground, still in a daze. Kneeling beside him to check for any injuries, the hit to his face could have caused.
“Woah, Kenma! I didn’t know you could toss that hard!” He grins, quickly standing up and brushing the dirt off his clothes. “And I’m fine, Y/N, it was a hard toss but wasn’t too hard to knock me out or anything.”
“Are you sure? Should we go to my house and get some ice?” You question, a bit worried that the hit to his face would cause swelling and bruising.
“Nah, it’s alright. If it bruises, I’ll just tell people I got into a fight or something! Imagine how cool people would think I am for getting into a fight with someone.” The expression on his face full of excitement at the thought of him telling people he got decked in the face because he got into a fistfight with someone.
“You should just kiss it better, Y/N. Maybe that’ll shut him up,” Kenma states sarcastically. His words don’t even process in your head as sarcastic, as it’s still full of worry.
From your place by his side, you reach up to plant a quick kiss to cheek that got hit by the volleyball, pulling back with a grin. “There, all better!”
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Junior high, third year; fourteen years old
A comfortable silence surrounds you and Kuroo as the two of you sat in his bedroom, waiting for Kenma to come over with the new video game he recently purchased and was eager to show the two of you.
You were seated on the edge of his bed, Kuroo situated behind you as he tried his best to braid your hair. Looking in the mirror every once in a while, you caught glimpses of his concentrated face as he tugged on your hair to try and create the perfect braid.
“Have you had your first kiss yet, Y/N?” His question breaking the silence enveloping the two of you, catching you completely off guard as you look back into the mirror and make eye contact with him.
“I mean, if I did, I feel like I would have told you and Kenma every detail about it,” you laugh out, giggling at the disgusted face he makes due to your words. “Why do you ask?”
“Hmmm, just curious, I guess. Also, there, I finished the perfect braid!” He exclaims, a proud grin on his face as you turn your head to check out the braid in the mirror.
“Kuroo, this braid is terrible!” You cry out, laughter falling from your lips as you examine the braid with pieces of hair sticking out and a large strand of hair not intertwined with the rest of the braid.
“I know its terrible! Braiding is hard; I don’t know how you do it.” With a loud sigh, he dramatically throws himself backward, flopping down on his bed, back to the mattress as he stares up at the ceiling.
Taking your hair out of the braid, mumbling as you work out the tangles with your fingers, you lay yourself down next to him, accompanying him in staring at the blank ceiling of his bedroom. His previous question still floating around in your mind, had he had his yet and was trying to find a way to tell you? “Hey Kuroo, have you had your first kiss yet?”
“Not yet, but almost all the guys at school have already. We’re about to go into high school, and I haven’t even kissed someone yet,” he sighs again, closing his eyes to try and get rid of the thought of not having kissed anyone yet, his braining thinking it was something to be embarrassed of.
From his body language, you knew he was thinking about how embarrassing it was to not have his first kiss yet. Shifting to your side, you focus your gaze onto his face rather than his ceiling. “Hey, it’s not embarrassing to not have kissed anyone yet! I mean, we’re still young, and don’t you want your first kiss to be with someone you care about, and not just some lame kiss to get it done and over with?”
“I guess that makes sense. I don’t know I was just thinking.”
“What you thinking for the first time in your life?” You playfully tease, prodding his side with your finger, a playful and mundane action between the two of you. “Did you bring it up because you want me to be your first kiss?”
Your question causing him to open his eyes quickly, shock evident on his face as he shifted his gaze to look at you. The shit eating grin on your face letting him know that you were just teasing him and his thoughts.
“Don’t say things like that, gonna get my hopes up,” he teases back, a grin on his own face as he shifts to his side, the two of you now facing face to face with each other. “But all jokes aside, if you hypothetically wanted to be each other’s first kiss I wouldn’t be op-”
And with that, you interrupt his words by closing the gap between the two of you, placing a quick peck to his lips before pulling away with a grin, the same kind of grin you made when you had first kissed him on the cheek all those years ago.
A blush evident on both your faces, Kuroo a stammering mess, still trying to process what just happened. The door to his bedroom flying open, causing the two of you to jump apart from your close proximity.
“Hey guys, sorry I’m late, but I have the game! Wait, did something happen? What did I miss? Why does Kuroo look like that?”
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High school, third year; eighteen years old
The sound of blasting music and loud chatter filled your ears as Kuroo opened the door to the house of a graduation party the two of you were invited to. Graduation. It was a couple more weeks away, but once it arrived, you would go your separate ways from your friends, Kenma still having another year in high school and Kuroo going to a different university than you.
Although the three of you wouldn’t be too far away from each other, you were all staring different stages of your lives without each other. You were no longer going to have them right across the street from you when you needed comfort; the next step in life was going to be different. Different from the last ten years that the three of you had spent together, side by side.
“Hey, I’m gonna go grab us some drinks. Go find Yaku and Kai, yeah?” Kuroo shouted over the bustling noise of the party.
“Yeah, I’ll go look for them. I’ll text you where we’re at, but please nothing too strong, Kuroo! We have to walk back home,” you warn him as he starts to leave your side.
“Yes ma’am,” he teases, giving you a playful salute then walking away, towards the kitchen where the drinks were located.
After a quick glance around the house, you heard Kai and Yaku’s familiar shouts coming from the backyard. Peaking your head out the sliding door, you were relieved to finally find your friends, occupied by a game of beer pong with a couple of people you had recognized from school.
“Hey Y/N, you made it! Where’s Kuroo at?” Yaku greets you, pulling you into a hug before taking his turn at tossing the ping pong ball, it lands with a soft splash into the last cup on the opposing team’s side — his and Kai’s shouts of victory ringing in your ears as they high five.
Before you can answer Yaku’s question, you feel a familiar poke to your side, quickly turning around to see Kuroo behind you with two cups.
“You were supposed to text me where you guys were at Y/N. Made me go searching for you guys myself,” he fake pouts at you, handing you your cup before greeting everyone that was outside.
Taking a sip of the drink, he handed you, you were surprised to find that the drink had no taste of alcohol. “Hey, what’s with the surprised face? You said not to make it too strong, and you make it look like I don’t know how to make a drink or something,” he teases, nudging you with his elbow as he stands next to you.
“Oh right, sorry, I forgot you were a professional barista,” you joke with a roll of your eyes and a grin on your face before taking another sip of the drink he had made.
After a few more rounds of watching people play beer pong, socializing with your classmates, and a few more drinks that Kuroo had made you, you suddenly find yourself getting dragged into a game you didn’t want to play.
“Come on, Y/N, it’ll be fun,” Kuroo frowns, tugging at your hand to try and pull you down into the empty spot next to him, an empty spot of a large circle, with an empty beer bottle in the middle.
“We’re seriously going to play spin the bottle? Aren’t we about to graduate high school, this game is childish. Can’t I just watch or something,” you whine, keeping your feet planted outside the circle.
Maybe it was the alcohol coursing through your veins, or perhaps it was the hidden feelings you held for your best friend all these years, but it only took Kuroo flashing you a pair of puppy dog eyes and rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand to finally comply and take a seat next to him.
“Alright guys, let’s get this game going. Remember, you have to take a shot if you don’t kiss the person the bottle lands on,” he grins, shouts of approval from everyone else following his words.
Spin after spin of the empty bottle, it never appearing to land on you much to your satisfaction, you watched as multiple people exchanged kisses, kisses ranging from quick pecks to full on make outs.
Your heart clenching every time the bottle landed on Kuroo as you sat there watching the person you liked kiss someone else, someone who wasn’t you. The grin on his face whenever his lips detached from someone else’s, causing you to regret even coming to the party. If you stayed home, you wouldn’t have witnessed all these heartbreaking kisses.
It was hard to avert your eyes from him when he had to kiss someone, hard not to imagine the girl in his lap being you instead of them. And maybe it was a mixture of jealousy and the alcohol you kept drinking, but you were silently hoping that when it was your turn, the bottle would land on Kuroo so that you’d be able to stake your claim on his lips.
And to your surprise, when it was your turn, the bottle spinning in countless circles, it slowly came to a stop, pointing to the person next to you, the person you had wanted the bottle to land on. But now that the bottle had landed on him, you were nervous, nervous of what could come after the kiss. What if this kiss ruined everything between the two of you? What if he liked kissing the other girls better than you? What if by some miracle this kiss caused him to find out about your feelings and he didn’t want anything to do with you again?
After a couple moments of you not averting your gaze from the bottle, Kuroo broke the silence. “You don’t have to kiss me, Y/N. Just take the shot instead.” His gaze meeting yours when you turn your head to look at him.
With those words, your heart broke. He didn’t want you to kiss him, your buzzed mind believing that his words clearly meant that he’d rather have you take a shot than have your lips on his. Unbeknownst to you, Kuroo had said those words because he thought you didn’t want to kiss him, thought that you didn’t share the same feeling for him that he had for you.
Quickly you finished the small amount of liquid courage left in your cup, needing an extra boost of bravery for what you were about to do next. Cupping his face in your hands, you swing a leg over him, straddling his lap before you press your lips to his in a hasty kiss, the taste of alcohol on his lips, your hands moving to tangle themselves in his hair and his own hands place themselves on your hips as the two of you indulge in each other’s touch for just a moment.
As you pull away breathlessly, Kuroo gives you a grin, a grin that in your mind looks eerily similar to the ones he had been giving to other girls he kissed during this stupid kissing game. A grin stating that this kiss was nothing more than a meaningless make out to him, just like all the other meaningless kisses he gave away earlier that night.
To everyone else witnessing the aftermath of this kiss, it was obvious that Kuroo’s grin was a smile of love and adoration towards you. Still, the two of you were too blind and oblivious to the mutual feelings the two of you had for each other as you quietly situated yourself next to him again, acting like what just happened did not occur at all. Heartbreak evident on both of your faces as you both pretended not to be affected by the heartwrenching kiss you had exchanged just moments before.
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University, second year; twenty years old
You were back at the same playground, the playground that brought back years and years of happy memories with your best friends. The situation seeming like deja vu from elementary school all those years ago, you sitting on the swing set that got older and rustier with years of ware as you waited for Kuroo and Kenma to show up, not having seen them in person for a while.
And just like in elementary school, you felt a pair of fingers jab into your side, causing you to jump off the swing and quickly turn around to face the messy haired boy. A large grin evident on both of your faces as you let out a screech, instantly launching yourself into his arms. Arms of familiarity and warmth, arms of comfort when you needed consoling, the arms of the boy you have been in love with for years.
“I missed you so much, Kuroo,” you whispered, wrapping your arms tighter around him, still not believing that you were finally seeing each other in person after such a long time.
“Y/N, we text and video call like every day,” he chuckles, but even with his teasing words, you can feel him wrap his arms tighter around you as well. “Also Kenma said he won’t be able to make it tonight, something about his parents pestering him about wanting to know everything his first year of university. But he said we could come over tomorrow.”
“That’s fine, guess tonight will be just the two of us.” Looking up, you catch a glimpse of Kuroo’s smiling face, sending him your own grin before finally pulling away from his embrace.
“Oh, I actually brought this,” he grins, picking up the volleyball by his feet that you hadn’t noticed until now. “Thought we could toss it around like old times.”
And with those words, you followed behind him as you walked to your spot, the spot in the open field where the three of you shared secrets, laughter, and tears. The field that brought back years of loving memories with your two best friends, a field of happiness.
As the two of you approached your spot, Kuroo quickly spin around to look at you. “Hey Y/N, think fast,” he shouts before quickly tossing the ball in your direction before running away.
Used Kuroo’s antics after all the years of friendship, you easily catch the ball before grinning at his retreating form. Letting out a huff, you quicken your pace to catch up to him, knowing he was running slow in order for you to catch him. And as you approach from behind him, you drop the ball and jump onto his back, catching him off guard as the two of you tumble to the ground in a fit of laughter.
Large smiles on both of your faces, the two of you lying in the grass side by side, trying to catch your breaths from all the laughter you shared together. Side by side, like how it used to be before the two of you went different ways.
A comfortable silence encompassed the two of you as you laid there next to each other. “Did you umm happen to read what was on the ball?” Kuroo’s question breaking the silence.
Eyebrows furrowing in confusion, you turned to him before asking, “There’s something written on the ball?” He slowly nods his head at your question, and you can tell that he’s nervous.
Sitting up from your spot, you reach over to grab the ball on the other side of you, noticing that there is indeed something written on it. Your eyes widening and mouth slightly agape at the words scrawled on it in Kuroo’s messy handwriting. I love you.
Your mind wandering, still trying to process the three words written on the ball. “You should close your mouth, might catch some bugs with the way its hanging opened,” Kuroo whispers with a nudge to your shoulder with his, breaking you out of your trance.
“Y-you love me?” You squeak out, hands gently touching the written words before looking up at Kuroo besides you.
“Y/N L/N, I have always loved you. I was just too scared to say anything, but I finally thought that it’s better late than never, right? I hope you feel the same way; otherwise, this would be really awkward.”
“What would be awk-” And with that, Kuroo is leaning in, cutting off your words as he places his lips on yours in a loving kiss, reminding you of the time you cut him off and kissed him for the first time that one day in his childhood bedroom.
As you reciprocate his kiss, he slowly lays you back down on the ground, hovering over you as the two of you exchange a kiss full of longing and love. A kiss that revealed the mutual feelings the two of you had bottled up all these years.
Pulling away breathlessly, the two of you smiling at each other like love struck idiots, you whisper out your own confession to him. “I love you, Kuroo Tetsuro, always have and always will.”
And with your confession to each other, the two of you laid in your field of happiness as the sunset, hand in hand, exchanging sweet kisses here and there as the two of you caught up on all the missed years of loving each other.
haikyuu taglist:  @shinsousama @samwritesss @atsumubabie @zoppzoop @the-black-birb @dumbassbrigade @kokogxddess @cocoa-bitter @ladyinmoon @unstableye @rcbert-downey @wemissyou3000 @rintarhoe @hq-cuties @bokuto-simp @hqmakkitrash @allywritesimagines @nekoglasses @asweetpotato1 @seijhoes @shoutokageyamafan @yams046 @sugawsites @seijoh​ @moon-390​
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
My Little Brothers revenge Part 1
My little brothers revenge
The Hickman's were for the most part a average middle class family. both the parents worked and they had two children.
A 12 year old named Justin who had natural blond hair in a brush cut though he currently had it dyed indigo blue to go with his icy blue eyes. He had a jock's build (well as much as one could have at that age) and wasn't scared to use his physical power to his advantage.
his little brother Alex was short for his age and was always being mistaken for a 6 year old or worse when he was 9 and a half. He had red hair that went down to his shoulders and he kept in a pony tail and his checks were sprinkled with freckles.His slim body meant he was last to be picked for any sports though unlike his brother he was a strait A student and actually sometimes had to help his older brother with his homework, a fact that neither of them enjoyed.
It was their mother Anne (who Alex took after in appearance) who insisted that he help his big brother and it always ended with Justin pissed off and Alex hanging from a bed post by his sponge bob underoo's.
Their father who Justin took after in appearance refused to believe his little all star could be such a bully and so it was usually left to Alex to figure out a way to hold his own or go and whine to their mother, getting him labeled a mama's boy.
Still all brothers fight, it was just a fact of life and it might of all just gone this way with them being a semi happy family till the day the bully of a big brother took things a step too far and Alex decided that Justin had to be put in his place once and for all.
Alex had been hanging out with his friends Saturday afternoon, playing video games in the living room and having semi pissed off Justin who had wanted to watch a movie with HIS friends.
But mom and dad made sure that the TV time was shared and that both boys got a block of time and with their parents just down the block, Justin knew better then to try and strong arm them out.
Said friends were Kyle and Lyle, twins from down the block who had a semi creepy habit of finishing each others sentences and had light caramel skin and black hair in matching mushroom cuts. it was easy enough to tell them apart as by a semi quick of fate Lyle had brown eyes while Kyle had green.
Missing in action because he'd gone fishing with his dad was Max, anther shrimp who had dirty blond hair in a short Mohawk (his attempt to look cool which had backfired) and was so white he looked pale most of the time.
being shrimps themselves they had hit it off well with Alex and had formed a semi losers club of sorts, though Alex wasn't found of the name the twins who loved anything Steven king had insisted and he was out voted 2 to 1 since Max had joined the group after.
the boys were doing a retro gaming session of sorts, playing downloaded old games on a new machine and the game of choice for the moment was Ninja turtles two.
"Man, this game is so bad.." Lyle spoke up, playing as Leonardo.
"That it's almost good!" Kyle finished and was playing as Ralph.
"heh, that the fun part of these old games..you know they were giving it their all but just were limited." Alex said.
all three of them were seated on the hard wood floor of the living room though they had spread out a blanket since despite the chill of the October air his parents had refused to turn on the heat yet.
the twins nodded and Alex went to say something else when he hear the booming footsteps of his brother then a familiar stink hit his nose.
'No way, he wouldn't!' Alex thought.
"Hey Little Alexandra, Didn't mom tell you to toss out your pissy wet diapie when you got changed this morning? It's bad enough your a bed wetter, do you have to leave your soggy huggies around?" Justin asked.
and indeed Justin was holding out a totally soaked Spider-man print diaper in front of him, holding it with just a finger and his thumb and holding his nose.
Behind him were his friend Adam (Nicknamed grizz or grizzly because of his girth and wildly unkempt brown hair) and Rayne, actually a year younger then the other two but a head taller and so very, very much stupider. Rayne kept his head shaved because he thought it made him look more like the pro wrestlers that he so so loved.
"is that-" Lyle asked, pausing the game and turning to look.
"-A diaper?" Kyle finished, raising a eyebrow.
"JUSTIN! Mom told you not show people those! and I DID toss it out!" Alex huffed and whined, his cheeks going crimson then adding. "And DON'T call me Alexandra!"
"Whatever you say pamper pisser. Look, I went to go into our room to get something and was assaulted by the stink of your bed wetter pants." Justin said and then tossed the soggy thing at Alex, hitting him in the face and knocking him over.
the truth was Alex KNEW he'd tossed the diaper out this morning, he wasn't allowed to toss his very much needed bed time diapers out in the house trash because Dad and Justin would raise a fuss about it stinking up the house and he'd had to wait five minutes because the paper boy had stopped to talk to Mr. Johnson next door.
"JUSTIN GROSS!" Alex whined and sat up, whining and now smelling like stale pee.
"Whatever dork, go and toss your diaper out then take a shower..me and the guys are gonna start our movie early. Wonder twins, I'm sure you don't wanna stick around and hang out with a pamper packer like my little brother right?" Justin said.
"Hey! Leave him alone!" Lyle huffed and went to put a supportive hand on Alex's shoulder, but then pulled it back.
he was with his friend but that didn't mean he wanted to get any of the ick on him.
"What he said! Everyone matures differently! Heck, Lyle only just stopped needing a night light this year!" Kyle said, then pout his hands over his mouth as his brother glared at him.
"...Pfffftt BWHAHAHAHAHA!" all three big bullies broke into gut busting laughter.
"I'm not the one who has to suck on a pacifier during thunder storms!" Lyle shot back and blew a raspberry at his twin who huffed and glared.
the bullies naturally were loving it as the twins only dug themselves in deeper and Alex just face palmed.
"Guys, you're NOT helping yourselves." He pointed out.
"Oh my god, it's a group of BABIES! No wonder they all get along!" Grizz laughed, slapping his leg.
"I bet their next sleep over is gonna have them in a crib." Rayne added.
"Alright pamper packers, out of the living room, this movie is PG 13 and I don't want you all blorting your pants when something scary happens. Wonder twins, get your asses home. Alexandra, go take a shower AFTER you toss out your pissy diaper." Justin said, unable to believe just how well all of this had worked out.
"Whatever jerk.." Alex huffed and got up.
he saw his friends off though the twins were still semi huffing and fighting, shoving each other as the walked away and Alex got his wet diaper tossed out without anyone seeing him.
as he went upstairs and got his shower ready one thing was on his mind.
'This means war. I'm gonna make him feel EXACTLY how embarrassing being seen in diapers around your fiends is.' Alex vowed to himself.
Ok, he had no idea HOW he was going to do so, but while Justin may of won the first battle, it was going to be Alex who won the war and prove his Brain's out did his brother brawn.
The movie was going about as well as could be expected since they had to keep pausing it to have anther laugh at just how dorky Alex and his friends were.
Of course Rayne and Grizz had known for awhile (even if Justin technically wasn't suppose to of told them) about Alex being a diaper filler. (and he might of exaggerated what all Alex used his diapers for)
Maybe a SMALL part of Justin had felt sorry for Alex being humiliated like that in front of his friends, but Grizz had actually come up with the idea and he didn't wanna look like a pussy in front of the guys.
Besides with it coming out that the twins were just as big of dorks as his little brother any real guilt had vanished and he toyed with the idea of dragging out Alex's old play pen out of the basement for the next time he had all his dorky friends over.
'heh, get some pacifiers to shut'em up..put them all in Alex's diapers and take lots of pictures. boom, homework and chore bitches till I graduate.' Justin thought with a smirk and chuckled.
"what's so funny? Oooo and I know that look. Someone's had a evil thought." Grizz asked.
"Heh.. How would you guys feel about making some diapered nerds do our homework for us?" Justin asked.
"well, could be funny, but where are we gonna find some?" Rayne asked.
"..." Grizz roiled his eyes
"...Rayne buddy just smile and listen." Justin said semi sweat dropping.
"I can do that!" Rayne said with a big toothy grin.
Shaking his head Justin started to explain his evil plan, and his friends laughed and chuckled, and were MORE then on board.
Getting out of the shower and drying off, Alex got dressed in a pair of black jogging pants and a t-shirt then sat on his bed with his laptop.
He tried different google searches trying to figure out just how to get his brother back in diapers but for the most part it ended up giving him story link's that he bookmarked to look over later and see if there was anything usable.
He did find a forum called little brothers revenge and it had some really wicked ideas for the most part, but only two threads popped up when he searched for diaper.
the first one was clearly bull with it talking about how this kid had pooped in a diaper and hide it in his big brothers room and gotten the big brother in trouble (and even if it wasn't, Alex would hold off crapping himself as a weapon of last resort.)
the other thread was old, and had been posted just before Christmas of last year and had a little brother talk about how he had set his brother up to look like he wanted diapers for Christmas and his dad had fallen for it, and so had the rest of the family.
Of course there was a lot of disbelief in the read over that and one guy commented 'pics or your full of shit!'
As Alex scrolled down, he pretty much thought the same but then his jaw dropped as there was a picture of a sleeping boy, in a t-shirt and thick diapers and sucking on a paci and a younger boy was in frame too, it was a semi selfie and was smirking and giving the peace sign. the caption under the picture read 'Believe me now bitches?'
"Hoooly shitttttt." Alex said, this guy was his hero!
he didn't seem to be activate on the forum anymore though, there were a bout a dozen replies and a few more comments from the guy but then he vanished.
his user profile did have a e-mail attached to it and so Alex snagged it and went to write the guy a e-mail.
Hey just wanted to say, I saw your post on Little brothers revenge and wanted to say how awesome that was and also I was wondering if you had any advice or tips on getting a big brother in padding. mine's being a total butt hole lately and just ugggghhh @_@
I had one idea about maybe like peeing on his bed after he gets up to frame him for bed wetting, what do you think? hope to hear from you soon!
E-mail written Alex clicked send and then went to kill some time play a few games online, never once suspecting that while he was trying to plot his big brother diaper doom, he was likewise plotting out Alex's downstairs.
It was a hour latter when Alex heard the ding that told him he'd gotten a reply and he switched tabs to go and take a look.
Heh, thanks for the high praise though I gotta warn you, first of all this is something you've gotta be reallllly careful with. Diaper humiliation is a double edged sword, trust me. Had a friend named Ken who tried this and now he's in diapers.
Anyways just taking a leak on your big bro's bed is dumb, you'll get busted for sure! what I'd recommend is making use of laxatives and pee pills in increasing doses till he's wetting his pants all the time and blorting them too. It's a longer game but better results.
what made you wanna get his butt back in diapers anyways, and FYI i expect 'baby pictures' when your plan works.
Alex thought about that for a second and couldn't help but wonder if maybe this 'ken' was really Ben, but pushed that thought out of his head as he started to write his reply.
Oh well, I'm a bed wetter and the butt hole went and fished one of my soggy diapers out of the trash and threw it at me while I was hanging out with my friends, trying to say i never tossed it out. so trust me, he totes has this coming.
I really got nothing to lose if I get busted since I'm in huggies every night so I'll try out your plan. it works out because he likes to make me get him drinks and snacks.
as for the picture of him once he's back in huggies heh, sure. thanks for the advice and I'll let you know when the plan starts to work.
E-mail sent Alex closed his e-mail and his game tab then went searching online for the best med's to get to reduce his brother to a helpless pants wetting stinker, only to pause after a few minutes recalling that Max had gotten in trouble awhile back for causing a series of messy accidents around school.
'nggggh..no way he'll be back yet though. I'll go and talk to him tomorrow.' Alex thought and set his laptop aside and laid back on his bed, thinking about just how much fun he was gonna have and ended up conking out.
which was unfortunate as he hadn't put on one of his spider-man diapers and with in ten minutes a wet patch was starting to grow on the front of his jogging pants, which while the dark color would hide it, the tan covered blanket he was laying on wouldn't.
"So when do you think we can do this?" Grizz asked.
the movie was basically forgotten but had been kept on to cover up their voices on the off chance Alex came downstairs (Small chance of that) or if their parents came back early.
"Welll that's the tricky part. I have to have all four of the dweebs here AND have my parents gone. they're going on a weekend trip in about 2 weeks though so I'll try and convince the dweeb to get the loser's club all over here." Justin said.
Rayne, who had just shut his mouth like he'd been told to raised his hand like he was in class.
"heh, Yes Rayne?" Justin asked.
"Aren't they into that dice game, Dragons and prison or whatever?" he asked.
"..Dungeons and dragons, yeah." Justin chuckled.
"Same difference. anyways, say you've been reading up on it and wanna try your hand at hosting a game, but just want them over before you embarrasses yourself in front of us.Most nerds I know love to play and will jump at the chance." Rayne said and smiled.
"Sweet fucking cthulhu. Rayne had a good idea." Grizz chuckled and to patted the bigger boys head. "good boy!"
Rayne beamed and was clearly proud of himself and Justin chuckled.
"Ok, I'll just have to learn enough about this nerd stuff to fake it and get them over. you guys will have to be ready to help though, I don't wanna risk one of the losers getting away." Justin said nodding.
"Hey, as long as I don't have to change any shitty asses I'm in." Grizz said.
"Wait, your gonna make them USE the diapers?" Rayne said and then laughed lots. "Gross!"
"Heh, well the best blackmail is a sobbing little brat in a stinky diaper blackmail. no way the dweeb will risk him in all his smelly glory ending up ALL over town."
"Man, I am glad your not MY big brother." Rayne said, never mind the fact Justin was pretty sure if he tried anything on the semi giant he'd be the one in huggies.
"Eh, No worries. you'd be a awesome little bro. Now all we need to do is go and pick the perfect pampers for them."
"Oh, I got it! There's this discount store my mom drags me to because they have her cream of wheat and other junk she likes cheap, but they got in a shipment of over night diapers for big kids, boys and girls. the boys has rockets and stars on them and are blue." Grizz said, setting up the best part.
"Oh, this is gonna be good." Justin smirked.
"the girls has unicorns and rainbows and are pink!" Grizz finished and cackled.
Plans set for his brother's diapered humiliation, the boys finally turned they're attention back to the movie.
After the movie it was getting late and so Justin sent the guys home as technically speaking they weren't suppose to be over, only him or Alex could have friends over for the most part if mom and dad weren't home. (Weekend vacations were the exception, though their folks made it clear the house had been be clean when they got back)
Whoever had their friends over was also suppose to clean up after them and after a chip fight in the living room Justin smirked, knowing he could get Alex to clean the mess up, since it would be Alex and his friend getting blamed for the mess.
Of course Justin usually made Alex clean up after him and his friends anyways but that always took a little bit more effort in the form of using the dorks undies to bounce him like a yo yo if he didn't listen.
He toyed with leaving Alex sulking in their room where he been since the shower and just letting the dweeb get in trouble but since it was Justin's turn to start dinner so it'd be ready and he didn't feel like cooking, he had to get Alex downstairs anyways to be a good little chore bitch.
"This will be SO much easier once I have the blackmail on him." Justin sighed to himself as he made his way up the stairs to the boys shared bedroom.
Opening the door he went to go and say something but was hit by the stench of piss and a quick look confirmed the little bed soaker had gone night night without a pamper on.
"Hey dork face! wake up! you pissed the bed!" Justin said in a loud voice.
"Ngggh a gigi boo..Five more minutes mommy.." the still mostly asleep dweeb said, trying to shoo Justin away.
"heh, baby talk? really? Wow, just when I think you can't lower the bar any more Little bro.. ALEXANDRA! WAKE UP!" Justin said then cupped a hand to his mouth and yelled.
Alex jumped sort in bed then sat up, eyes wide and panting, looking around.
"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" He growled once he locked eyes on Justin."ARE YOU TRYING TO GIVE ME A HEART ATTACK?!"
"No, but you had a wetting attack dork." Justin said and pointed.
Alex went to say something then looked down and went from pissed off to blushing and tried to cover himself up.
"Ah crap crap crap crap!" Alex whined and got up off the bed.
this was NOT good. not good at ALL! Dad was already riding him on the bed wetting and if he found out Alex had soaked the bed from a little nap he would NOT hear the end of it, or worse, dad would make him wear ALL day tomorrow!
"Ah..ah..Justin big brother who I love ever so much.." Alex started, swallowing and trying to put on his best 'I'm so cute help me' faces.
"Save it dweeb. I'll keep my mouth shut about your little..well BIG accident as long as you go and be a good little chore bitch and get the living room cleaned up and start supper." Justin said and leaned on the door frame, a evil smirk on his face.
Considering his options Alex just hung is head and then did a small nod.
"Butttt to show you I'm not totally heartless..I got some clothes that need to be washed so you can do them and wash your sheet at the same time as a cover up. I know, my kindness knows no bounds. just be thankful mom got you that rubber sheet or you'd be going to sleep in a soggy bed tonight." Justin said and laughed.
'gee he's all heart. letting me do his landry and clean up AND cook.. ' Alex thought but it WAS better then trying to explain the sheet alone.
"Yeah ok.." He said finally and went to strip stripping the bed.
"ah ah ah, what do you say to your kind and wonderful brother for helping you out?" Justin said, milking this for all it was worth.
'He has to be..ok no, I know him better then that.. just keep digging your grave jerk.' Alex thought then took a deep calming breath.
"Thank you for letting me do your landry big brother." he said, clenching a fist.
"Anytime dork. not get to it, you don't have a whole lotta time. my clothes are in the hamper in the bathroom." Justin said and started to walk away, then poked his head back in. "Oh and dweeb? next time don't forget to put on your diapies when your going for your afternoon nap."
and with that he walked off laughing.
"...I'm SO going to enjoy getting him in diapers." Alex huffed.
Changing into a pair of clean spider-man shorts and a captain America t-shirt, Alex got the load of landry started and then went to work cleaning up the living room while keeping a eye on the time.
the chips were everywhere and every time he though he was done he'd spot some more and wondered how much the three bullies had actually managed to get in their stupid fat mouths.
Between the cleaning and getting landry switched over he didn't have time to make anything too special so he went with the old stand by of making macaroni and cheese with hot dogs as it was quick and simple and his parents never really expected Justin to go all out when he was cooking anyways.
Dinner was ready and the landry was finished by the time their parents got home, Alex just had to go and get it out of the dryer but he figured he'd have time to do it stealthy after eating.
"So, what did you boys do for fun today?" Dad asked as they were sitting at the dinner table, a small grimace on his face at the prospect of eating the old stand by.
"Oh well-" Alex started by Justin cut him off.
"It was pretty much same old same old for me, went out and played some football with the guys and had fun. Came back though and I think The twins brought over some super sugar loaded snacks or something because Alex and them where have a chip fight and trashed the living room. it was cute though." Justin said and smirked, winking at Alex who's jaw hung open.
"Alex, you didn't!" Mom signed and shook her head. "After supper you'll be cleaning up the living room!"
"Oh don't worry about it mom, I know little guys like him just need to get it out of their systems. after the twins went home he was super pooped though, think it was a sugar crash so let him go and take a nap and I cleaned up the living room." Justin lied.
"Well that was was nice of you Justin, but in the future leave the cleaning for Alex to do." Dad said and shook his head at Alex. "Alex, we've talked about this."
Alex for his part was stuttering now, trying to think of a way to prove his innocence without getting scolded but first shots had been fired by Justin and there was nothing he could do now.
"Alex did you say thank you to Justin for cleaning up after you?" Mom asked and her tone made it clear if he hadn't she expected him to now, but again Justin spoke up.
"Oh, he's already thanked me for something else. see somebody was just SO sleepy when he went for his nap that he forgot to get his bed wetter pants on and well, Let's just say it's a good thing I had to do a load of landry anyways." Justin said as Alex,'s jaw dropped.
"Y-You said..you.." Alex stammered.
"Alex! what have I told you about not going to sleep without one of your diapers on?" Dad asked in a sharp tone.
"N-Not to do it again or..or.." Alex whined, looking down and feeling ready to cry.
this wasn't fair! he'd done everything Justin had asked him too and he was still gonna get punished!
"Or you'll be spending the next day in your diapers all day. Now I was hoping NOT to have to use that punishment but clearly you've left me no choice. you can still use the potty of course, in fact I encourage it, but you WILL be in diapers all day tomorrow." Dad said.
His tone left no room for argument and feeling hot tears start to slid down his cheeks Alex looked down at his bowl of food and sniffled.
"Yes sir."
After supper Justin offered to do the dishes if Alex would go and get the landry out of the dryer, but mom said since Justin had already cleaned up after Alex, made supper and did the landry for the most part he could go and relax and watch TV with their dad while Alex got the landry out and folded it.
Justin smiled and kissed his mom's cheek and asked if she was sure, but she insisted and so he went and plopped down on the couch, ready to watch some hockey with his dad and giving Alex a shit eating grin as the huffy and tear stained cheek dork started to stomp his way up the steps till dad called for him to knock it off unless he wanted to go to bed early.
'Oh my god. this worked out even better then I could of hoped! Mom and Dad are just too easy!' Justin thought, having to bite his tongue every so often to keep from laughing.
the dweeb had done all the work and yet here he was sipping on pop and munching on chips with their dad while the dork was off folding his undies and was gonna be a crinkle butt the next day.
'It'll be a nice little preview of whats to come.' Justin thought and let out a little chuckle despite himself.
"what's so funny?" Dad asked.
"Oh, just thinking of how silly Alex and his friends looked this after noon. they were like sugar crazed toddlers." Justin lied.
"heh, Next time you should try and get a video of it, I bet it looked cute." Dad chuckled.
Upstairs Alex was mentally cursing up a storm, pissed off and fuming like crazy as he folded pair after pair of his brothers skid marked undies.
'Son of a bitch! son of a bisket eating bitch! I'm not just gonna get him in diapers, I'm gonna make him the biggest dumbest big baby loser of all time! I'm gonna have him in the halls of his school in nothing but huggies and a bib and bonnet!'
of course a small part of Alex knew that going that far likely wasn't gonna be possible, it was a warm thought that helped him keep from just having a melt down fit that would of gotten his bun's blistered and him put to bed before it was even 8 pm.
He should of know better then to think that Justin was gonna hold up his end of the deal, or he should of spoken up about getting the landry done but nope. He'd trusted his big brother and was paying the price for it now in spades.
'And now I have to wear a diaper all day tomorrow..Maybe I'll wait till Monday to go and talk with Max.' Alex thought.
it would mean putting his plans on hold for a bit but he really didn't wanna waddle the block and a half over to Max's with pampers on under his pants.
Finishing up the folding and putting the clothes away Alex checked to make sure that his rubber sheet was dry and tugged in his blanket he'd hung out the window to dry (as it would of taken up too much room in the machines to do Justin's landry too) and with it dry he started to make his bed.
'God, what did I ever do to deserve a asshole like him for a big brother.' Alex whined mentally and finished making his bed, looking it over and then jumping and letting out a girlish shriek as a hand came on his shoulder.
"heh, Relax sweetie, it's mommy." Came his mother voice, sounding a little amused.
"That's ok, I didn't need that heart." Alex huffed, blushing and turning around to face his smirking mother. "what's up mom?"
"Well I wanted to come up and check on how the folding was going and to help you get ready for bed." She said with a smile.
"...Mom it's not even 8 yet, and it's a Saturday night.." Alex said, not liking where this was going.
"Oh You can stay up and everything till 11 like normal, but I just wanna make sure you don't conk out with your 'special armor' on." she said, using finger quotes.
"Mom I think I'm quite capable of putting my own diaper on." Alex huffed, feeling a hot blush cover his face.
"And yet you soaked your bed earlier." She cheerfully pointed out.
"T-That was different, I was just all tired and didn't realize I'd be conking out!" Alex whined, sounding more like a fussy toddler the the big kid he was trying to be.
"I know sweetie, but it kinda goes with my point. what if you just conk out again tonight? do you really wanna have to go to school on Monday in a diaper?" She asked, and the ruffled his hair.
The mental image of it stopped Alex's whining in it's tracks, picturing himself in a bib and spider-man diaper and sucking on a paci in the halls.
"No way! I'd Dieeeee!" Alex whined and shook his head no A LOT.
"well then let mommy help you out. And also if your gonna keep being so tired maybe we'll lower your bedtime for awhile." She added, then smirked and winced at the glare Alex gave her. "Now now, no using your super pouty powers on family."
"Moooom!" Alex huffed but resigned himself to his fate, when she got like this there was no getting her to back down.
He reached under his bed and pulled out his pack of spider-man diapers and noted that he was running low, and started to tug down his shorts when mom spoke up.
"Oh Alex, before we get your in your bed time diaper, do you have to use the potty?"
"mom, I know I wet the bed but I THINK I would know if had to take a leak or a dump you kn-" Alex started and then there was a loud 10 second poot out of his bottom and his tummy was gurgling.
"You were saying?" Mom asked, holding her nose but smirking."
"I-I'll be back.." Alex said in a small voice, blushing SO bad as he went past her he was shocked his hair hadn't caught on fire.
As she watched him go and had to fight the urge laugh, the little guy's undies had a fresh skid mark appearing on the back.
'Maybe I should look into getting him some of those washable training pants.' She mused.
One trip to the potty later and with Alex realizing what's he'd almost done in his undies, and the fight was all out of the little guy at least for the moment.
Zero fight was put up as he let his mom take his shorts and briefs and then proceed to diaper him, numbly just going along with her requests of butt up and the like.
"Are you sure your feeling alright? Maybe I should of checked your temperature before getting the diaper on." Mom asked, putting a hand to Alex's forehead.
"N-No I'm fine..just I dunno, Tired." Alex said, wincing.
he had to be the only boy his age to still get his temperature checked via the back door and it's wasn't that fun of a experience.
"Hmmm I think somebody better lay off of the sweets for awhile if it leaves you JUST drained after." Mom said and then started to tug Alex's blanket up on him.
"M-Mom what are you doing?" Alex whined, looking at the clock, it was 7:51 PM!
"I think you've had a big day, and your just not feeling that good. it would explain all the huffing and whining too. if you be a good boy and go night night for me now I'll see what I can do to get your father to back off with the all day diaper punishment tomorrow. I have to take you shopping for more diapers anyways with you almost being out and you get embarrassed enough as is when your in your undies."
Alex whined and whimpered a little but after a few seconds just signed and nodded.
"Good boy." She said and leaned down, kissing his forehead and then went and got one of his stuffie style Avengers from their display shelf and handed him Thor.
Lacking the energy to fight back Alex just took the offered stuffie and snuggled into it as his mom turned off the lights in the room and paused at the doorway.
"Night night little guy. Mommy will leave the door open a crack for you so you don't get scared. Love you and see you in the morning." She coo'ed/
"..Love you too mommy." Alex said, blushing.
He hadn't been scared of the door in like ages but somehow mom had the impression he still was and the only reason he wouldn't accept a night light was Justin would complain.
She left the little guy to go to sleep and Alex listened to her footsteps.
'This is bull shit. I'm not some little baby! I bet I don't even fall asleep till 11 anyways.' He huffed, crinkling and squirming in his bed.
Five minutes later he was snoring softly around his thumb as he sucked it in his sleep.
"So did Alex give you much of a fight?" Justin asked as Mom came downstairs.
"Just a token one, he's already gone to bed. I don't think he's feeling well and I think that should excuse him for needing his punishment tomorrow." Anne said, though the last part was more directed at her husband.
"Look, rules are rules, and if we start g-" Jackson started but was cut off.
"Excuse me, but who's idea was the rule that a D or worse meant no TV or computer time, and yet Justin who got a D on his last English test is watching the game with you?" She asked sweetly.
Justin gulped now and turned to his dad.
"Uh..you know..I think mom's right, we can't punish Alex if he had his accident because he's sick!" Justin chimed in.
"Heh, Nice try buddy but your mother is right in a way. I can't really punish your brother and not punish you. "Jackson said
"Soooo Alex isn't wearing a diaper tomorrow?" Justin asked hopefully.
"try again buddy, but do it in anther room so I can finish watching the game." Jackson chuckled and ruffled his sons hair as the 12 year old pouted.
"Finnne, I'll just go to my room an-." he started to huff and went to get up.
"ahhh nope. First of all I know you well enough you'll just go on your laptop." Anne said. "and second of all your brother is sleeping. Don't worry though, we have LOTS of board games you can play with me."
"Geee, spending Saturday night playing board games with my mom. aren't I lucky." Justin groaned
One mind numbing night of games later and Justin went to bed, taking note of the fact that Alex had semi drenched his pillow in drool and was still sucking his thumb.
'Heh, He's kinda cute...Still gonna make him a big dumb diaper nerd chore boy..but he's cute.' Justin thought before going and climbing into his bed.
as he went to go to sleep he had the most wonderful evil idea that could at the same time be played off as just being a nice big brother and help get 'revenge' on Alex for making him miss the end of the game.
'Hehehehe damn I'm so smart!' Justin chuckled and dropped off to sleep.
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violetnotez · 4 years
HC: Being Super Fluffy and Giving Them Lots of Love!
Anonymous: Could I request something for Izuku, Todoroki, Shinso and Bakugo. They're doing their own thing and are super concentrated or something and reader is just so entranced by them and they're so glad to have be able to call them their boyfriend and reader just gently cups their face and gives them and the most love filled, soft kiss cause AGH THEY'RE PRECIOUS TO READER! 😭 You can totally ignore this if you don't wanna 😂😂😂 I just feel so soft rn
Ahhhhh this is adorable anon! Honeslty some days I just wanna give these babies the biggest hugs UGHHHHHH
Also I changed up my layout a little to be more “aesthteic”, so sorry it it looks different! Do you like it? Drop me a comment on this post or inbox about which style you like better (the usualllll vs. this one!)
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Pairings: Izuku x reader, Shoto x reader, Shinso x reader, Bakugo x reader
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I Z U K U 
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You and Izuku are having another study night, your body sitting next to his
Obviouskyyyyyyyy this boy does nothing but study smh
But you had completely given up- your brain had shut down after an hour and now you were just half listening to Midoirya mumble and half just admiring your adoarble boyfriend
You honestly miss seeing him look so domestic- you always see him in his uniform, his hero suit, and occasionally his All Might PJs on the weekends
But it feels like agessss since you’ve seen him in proper clothing
He looks just so cute in his teal sweatshirt, his scars peeking out of his sleeves as he wrote random equations on his paper
And his mannerisms are just so adorable-his tongue is poking out of his lips as he tried to work through a math problem, his eyes squinted in concentration and freckles dusting his cheeks like stars
How did you get so lucky getting someone so sweet and cute as him?
“If two goes into this fraction then possibly the variable will be isolated once I subtract the four-” hes mumbling under his breath, his voice so comforting against your ears
You lean your head against his shoulder, the scent of him just barely noticeable but so intoxicating- 
“’Zuku?” you asked tiredly, a lovesick smile plastered on your face
The sound of your voice breaks Izuku’s thoughts, his brows softening as he looks down at you
“Yes puppy-oh, are you getting tired? You look pretty sleepy...maybe we should take a break-”
omg why is he so sweetttttt
You just feel so calm, so comforted with Izuku it felt like your chest was just filled to the brim with love for this boy
Without warning, you leaned up to Izuku and kissed him softly on the lips,  your head feeling like it was spinning from butterflies
Once you pull away, Izuku’s cheeks are as bright as cherries and you cant help but smile, cause seriosuly no matter how many times you kiss him he ALWAYS gets flustered
“You know I love you right?” you tell him, butterflies filling your stomach as he looks down at you withe wide, green eyes
“o-of course! I-I-love you too!” he stuttered out, his nerves so intense that his tongue was like lead in his mouth
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It was just one of those crappy
You couldnt sleep, it was too hot, you were uncomfrotable, your ,ind was racing
And once you DID fall you course had a gut wrenching nightmare that left you panting and sweating from fear
So time for some good ol’ Shoto cuddles
And that’s how your now cuddled up into Shoto’s side, his body keeping you nice and cool
This boy was literally the sweetest- even though it was like1 in the morning, he couldnt care less about that and just focused on you
He quickly knew something was wrong when you were waiting in the doorway, his strong arms encasing you in atight hug
“Y/n dear, are you feeling alright? Whats bothering you?”
You just snuggled yourself deeeepppp into that boy cause he felt so comforting, his voice was velvety
also how does he always smell like detergent and expensive ass cologne like yessir thats the scent for meeeee
He quickly ushered you inside his room, his hands gripping your shoulders firmly
Literally all fears from that dream melted away with Shoto- his energy was so unbelievably strong and protective, it felt like nothing bad in the world would ever happen cause Shoto was there, and he wouldnt let anything bad happen to you
Also- seeing him in a plain white tee and black shorts literally could have made you swooned, cause god this boy really looks hot in anything huh?
He didnt judge you in the slightest about the dream, just offering for you to spend the night with him
Your head was cuddled into his firm chest, that intoxicating detergent-cologne-rich boy smell making your insides feel fluffy like cotton as his hands quietly brushed the hairs away from your face
He’s ask you small question, like “Are you comfortable dear?” or “Is that dream still bothering you”, just little things to make you feel more safe and open to talk to him
Shoto never wanted you to feel like you had to hide anything from him, and the effort really showed
You were know getting sleepy but the overwhelming feeling of appreciation and love for Shoto was exploding out of you
At this point you just wanted to show your undying gratitude to your boyfriend for being so unbelievably adorable and sweet
You shifted yourself, propping yourself slightly on his stomach so you could look at his face
damn this boy really got blessed with all the good genes huh?
You ran your fingers lightly against his skin, relishing the slight changes from cool to hot, your hands cupping his cheeks and feeling both sensations course through your body
Once you felt him sigh from content, you took it up a notch, leaving feather light kisses on his sheeks, his brows, his eyes, his scar...any avaliable skin you marked with yours
“Love, may I ask what you’re doing- you should be sleeping right now, its quite late-”
“I wanna show you I love you tho...” you sent the boy a pout, a deep chuckle rumbling through his chest and vibrating throughout your body
“But I already know you love me,” he grinned sheepishly cause god your just so adorable, like a puppy desperate to give their owner attention
“Well-I still want to show you,” you stated, your voice slightly thick from sleep as you continued to kiss the rest of Shoto’s face
All this boy could do was lean into his pillow, his hands finding themselves on your waist cause he knew you were gonna do this until you were tired
He wasnt complaining though- you being cuddly and cute like this literally rocked his world in the best way possible
“You know- your very endearing when your half asleep”
S H I N S O 
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Shinso is probably the most hardcore gamer you know
It was late in the night, and this guy was still going at it, now playing a game of Mario Kart on the TV, the screen bright against his features
You had gotten tired of the video games, just deciding to watch your boyfriend play instead of being the one to play
And god were you happy with THAT decision
He just looked so...adorable, his body clad in a tight black tee and baggy gray sweats, once foot straight and one foot bent as he sat on the floor playing
His hair was unruly as ever, sticking out in every direction
HIs eyes were completely enraptured by the task in front of him, scanning the screen 
He was just so cute, lookking so intense yet so sleep deprived 
it was adorable how badly he wanted to beat the player playing against him
And then he went a licked HIS LIPS
Your face erupted in red cause
You waited unpatiently to the last round, the music picking up pace as he sped to the finish line, hes cart victoriously earning 1st place
The dude didnt even cheer, just the most self absorbed smirk plastered on his face in pride
You quickly plopped yourself gently into his lap, your thighs cradling his sides
“Aww whats the matter kitten, not giving you enough attention?”
Yours hands fell against the softness of the black shirt and oh thank godddddd its so thin, your digits trailing upward and feeling the slight ridges of his muscles underneath the fabric
“No....its just- its not fair for you to look so cute while playing games and I cant cuddle you....”
“Heh, I look cute?”
This boy really cannot fathom how you find him so endearing, and now you just want to prove it to him
“Mmhmm,” you answer a smile on your lips as you cup his face in your hands
HIs hair is so tickly against the tips of your fingers, his broad chest radiating heat throughout your body
Your start to leave quick kisses on him, starting from his checks and working in towards his mouth, but not quite kissing him square on the lips
The closest you get to kissing him is on the corners of his lips, leaving electric sparks against his skin
The boy is desperate now
You cant just do that to him 
“Aww cmon darling, dont tease me like that” he sends you a cocky grin, his pointer finger gently tilting your chin and pulling you into a deep kiss
Once you pull away, your head is just spinning cause goddddd this boy is just a blessing
“Let me play one more round, and then we’ll head off to bed, alright?” he asks, his free hand now cupping your cheek
You sigh in content, your hands wrapping around his waist and snuggling into his chest, a warm, smoky smell like cedarwood drifitng to your senses and lulling  you to relax
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“Im winning this damn bear for you-”
“Katsuki no you already wasted $15 now lets go-”
You have been standing here for 10 minutes now, Bakugo determinnneddddd to win this gigantic teddy bear for you from a claw machine at an arcade
You feel so bad about it, but honestly, its turned into a personal grudge from him now
While your watching him you cant help it but find him adorable
Hes wearing a plain black tee and jean jacket, something he NEVER wears but looks so good on him?
This boy could be a model fight me on this
His face is the cutest tho-
You can tell he’s absolutely pissed cause he expected to win the animal way sooner than this, his eyebrows pointed downward and his teeth gnawing at his bottom lip
and then
He’s trying his hardest not to start cheering cause he really just did that (after wasting $25 but ya know we’ll overlook that)
Your so happy too and that triumphant look on his face just melts your heart
cause he may be a cocky asshole but hes YOUR cocky asshole
“Ha- see told you I’d win it!”
Whatverrrrrr- you roll your eyes, your hands already snuggling the big bear up to your cheek
Your mind is already thinking of where to put it in your room (names too??) but then you look up at your boyfriend and UGH you could literally melt on the spot
cause he looks SO PROUD and SO SOFT- his hands stuffed into the pocket of his pants as he gives you the smallest, happiest little smirk everrrrr
Your just feeling so grateful for the boy in front of you right now, that you put the teddy bear down and wrap Bakugo into a hug
Bakugo always acts like he doesnt want physical attention, especially in public-
But you know this boy lovessss to be touched, so when he returns the hug and gives your sides a small squeeze your weakkk in the knees
Always like caramel and something rich like firewood
You give him a quick kiss on the back of his neck
Thank god the arcade is dark cause you would totally see his blush (something he will deny)
You pull away a smile on your face as you tell him thank you,
*le sigh
of course he ruins the whole cute moment you two had by saying, “Whatever-your the one who wanted the damn thing even though your too old for that shit-”
Just remind him of the All Might figures he secretly had stashed in his closet and he will combust again
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚
Everything Taglist:
@bunnythepipsqueak​ @pasteldaze​  @ionlyspeakinmyheroacademia​     @notadrian​  @hithoeshi​ @sizzlingbarbarianglitter​ @sunnie-nugget​ @shoutosteakettle​ @we-mentally-unstable​ @sm0kingcrack​
Izuku Taglist:
@pyrofanatic​ @askgiggles​ @ask-giggles1303​ @local-space-quexn​ @ihavenolife842​
Shoto taglist:
@teddybear-jelly​ @mishtimitsuri​
Bakugo Taglist:
@pyrofanatic​ @kai-charm​
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agerefandom · 4 years
Little Brother, Big Brother
Fandom: Homestuck
Characters: Regressor!Dave Strider & his mom Roxy Lalonde, regressor!Dirk Strider & daddy!John Egbert
Words: 5,400
Summary: Dirk and Dave are both age regressors, but they have never regressed in the same space. After almost a year of consideration, they’re finally getting together for a playdate with their two caregivers. Everyone’s a little nervous and a little excited.
Content Warnings: Brief mention of diapers. Parental caregiver names. One brief tantrum/bout of separation anxiety. (Important Note: Dirk and John’s caregiver/regressor relationship is a little blurry between non-sexual kink and regression. For example, they have rules and safewords, which I don’t typically write as part of age regression. This is only briefly mentioned in the fanfiction, and both of them still characterize their relationship as sfw agere, separate from their romantic relationship as adults. Nevertheless, I wanted to mention it in the content warnings!)
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There was a knock at the door and Roxy perked up, tossing aside the phone she had been anxiously fiddling with. She made her way around the scattered toys on the floor to the front door, opening it to reveal a familiar smiling face.
“John!” Roxy exclaimed, pulling him in for a hug. He happily returned it, wrapping his arms around Roxy’s shoulders and laughing into her hair. John had been a gangly teen, but he had grown into it now, with broad shoulders and a soft stomach that Roxy loved to lean against while they played video games. “It’s been forever!”
“Too long,” John agreed, then stepped back to reveal the other visitor who had been half-hiding behind him. Dirk had his hands shoved deep in his pockets, and he moved with John as if he was tempted to dive right back behind him.
Roxy fixed Dirk with a Look and opened her arms for a hug. He stepped forwards to oblige, ducking his head so the edges of his shades weren’t a threat to Roxy’s perfect face. His hugs had become familiar over the years, brittle but genuine, all long limbs and restless fingers. Roxy squeezed him once, pressing her cheek against his hair, before she let him step back. He didn’t look like he was inclined to talk, which was fair enough. Roxy could guess that they were all nervous about their evening plans.
“Come on in, you guys. Don’t mind the mess, it’s been a busy day.” Roxy showed them in, ushering them to the couch.
“Oh, I understand,” John laughed. He had a backpack over one shoulder, patterned with little red robots. Roxy guessed that it was the supplies for Dirk, who was currently dressed in his usual outfits: unassuming, plain clothes from the newest brand that cost an arm and a leg. Roxy didn’t keep up with that sort of thing, but she could admit that Dirk always looked nice. “It’s hard to keep track of everything when someone’s over-excited.”
“You can say that again,” Roxy sighed. She and John had been good friends over the years since the game had ended, and one regular part of their relationship was chatting about their forays into caregiving. It was different, of course, because Dave and Roxy weren’t dating, but John and Roxy were still two members of the friend-group who dealt with regressors in some form or another. They had found each other a valuable resource to share ideas, tips, questions, and just to vent about their exhaustion occasionally.
“Alright, so we’re getting set up in here?” John asked, looking around the room. “Is that still the plan?”
“Yep, I think it’s the best way to do things,” Roxy said. “Help yourself to snacks, toys, anything apart from the stuffed dinosaurs. Dave’s a little protective of those guys, but everything else is fair game. Do you need anything before I head out?”
“Nope! I think I can work with this,” John said, rubbing one hand across Dirk’s shoulders. Dirk hadn’t taken a single step away from John since they entered, almost pressed against his side. “Give us about fifteen?”
“No rush,” Roxy told them. “We’re happy to watch some TV in the bedroom.”
“I’ll let you know.” John seemed pretty confident, something that Roxy had always envied. She was never sure if she was doing things right with Dave: his younger self was so different from his older self, and he was resistant to talking about it openly when he wasn’t regressed. John and Dirk had much more communication set up, and many stricter rules. Maybe it was part of their relationship, but maybe it was just what Dirk needed. Roxy knew that Dirk’s headspace was more consciously constructed that Dave’s, and he preferred to structure it with safewords and rules, while Dave wouldn’t be able to set good boundaries when he regressed.
“Cool, we’ll be around!” Roxy brushed a hand against Dirk’s arm on her way out, smiling at him over her shoulder. She was excited to see him smaller, excited to see John taking care of him first-hand. It wasn’t that she couldn’t picture it, she just couldn’t picture herself in the situation with them. She fiercely hoped that it would all go well, but of course her priority was…
“Dave!” she called as a soft warning before opening the door.
Her son/not-son was sitting on the floor of her bedroom, working on a puzzle she had bought for him. It was a little more complicated than a normal four-year-old could handle, but Dave’s hand-eye coordination wasn’t quite as bad as a bio-toddler, and Roxy tried to err on the side of something too hard instead of something that would take him five seconds.
Dave looked up at Roxy with wide eyes, his lips pressed together in an expression dangerously close to a pout.  
“Oh, baby, are you nervous?” Roxy closed the door and swept down to kneel beside Dave, pushing a hand through his hair.
“Don’t wanna do this,” Dave muttered, hands clenched into fists. Roxy put her hands over his, easing them apart and revealing the puzzle pieces he had been crushing in his palms.
“If you don’t want to, we don’t have to.” Roxy watched Dave carefully. She was excited about their plans, but Dave’s comfort came first. She knew that this was a risky situation for everyone involved, something that she’d been thinking about for over a year, but pushing it wasn’t going to help. “Little brothers are a lot of work.”
Dave visibly perked up at the reminder that he would be the big brother in this situation. The difference in age was one reason why John and Roxy found it so interesting to compare their experiences: Dave was a fairly active toddler, with a lot of curiosity and energy, while Dirk’s headspace was closer to an infant, and he was a largely reactive child, easily entertained by simple toys or a TV show.
“Do we have to play?” Dave’s question took Roxy a moment to put together.
“You mean, play with each other?” Dave nodded. “I don’t think you need to play together if you don’t want to! Dirk is pretty tiny, I don’t know if he does much playing. It’s mostly going to be you and me just like normal.”
“But John?” Dave covered his face, nerves and embarrassment making their way through his regression. His voice came back to his adult voice as he curled inward. “I don’t know if I can do this.”
Roxy hummed sympathetically, giving Dave his space. “Like I said, we can back out at any time. But I know that John is really excited about this, just like I am. He wants to meet you, little one. He already knows he’s going to love you.”
Dave made an incoherent sound of protest, flapping his hands in front of his curled-in knees.
“Anyone would be lucky to spend time with you, honey.” Roxy curled up beside Dave, mirroring his position with a bit of space between them. “I’m so lucky to be your mom. And John loves you a whole lot, he won’t stop talking about it! He’s going to be over the moon that you trust him with this. Even if it only lasts a little while, he’s going to be excited for months. You know him.”
Dave laughed, clearly still out of regression. “John’s a nerd.”
“Oh, that’s not up for debate,” Roxy smiled. “But he’s also a very good daddy when he needs to be.”
“Weird.” Dave shook his head. “Can’t picture him as a dad.”
“I don’t think I knew what I’d be like as a mom,” Roxy mused. “I’m sure that Dirk is just as nervous about it all. I don’t think anyone knows what’s going to happen with the four of us, really. I can’t imagine how much Dirk is struggling with the lack of structure.” Dave chuckled at that. He and Dirk had a mixed but friendly relationship as adults, so he knew exactly what Roxy was talking about. Whenever things didn’t go exactly to plan, Dirk tended to fly off without a single word. Roxy knew that it was his way of trying to stop himself from making everyone stick to the original plan, but it didn’t stop it from being a kind of disorienting response.
“Okay.” Roxy watched Dave as he uncurled from his little ball and took a deep breath. “I do want to do this.”
“Yeah?” Roxy stretched out her arm in an invitation, and Dave scooted over to press against her side. His breaths were long and slow, trying to calm himself down. “It’s up to you.”
“No, I really do. I was excited about it.”
“Alright, then we’ll do it.” Roxy set her hands on Dave’s waist, pulling him gently up to sit on her lap. He was a little bigger than her, but very light. He was the perfect weight when she held him in her lap like this, her arms wrapped around his waist and her cheek pressed against his shoulder blade. “I’m excited too.”
Getting Dave back into regression was a process, but some cuddles, a bit of calculated tickling, and an episode of Loony Toons did the trick, and soon they were both laughing on the bed, Dave’s laughter that free and louder sound that Roxy only got to hear when he was regressed.
Both of them were startled by the knock on the door, but Roxy reacted first, pausing the show and rubbing Dave’s back to calm him down.
“What’s up?” Roxy called towards the door.
“We’re all ready in the living room whenever you want to come out!” John informed them.
“Alright!” Roxy said loudly, then turned to Dave as John’s footsteps retreated down the hallway. “Do you want to finish our episode before we go play in the living room? I brought out your lego.” Dave’s duplo lego collection was a bit ridiculous, but it meant that he could build a house big enough for him to fit into. Roxy stored them in a little void-pocket in one of her drawers, and pulled out the huge rubberneck containers whenever there was a special occasion. This definitely qualified.
“Lego,” Dave nodded, already moving off the bed.
“Okay,” Roxy said. “Now, remember not to shout around Dirk, okay? He’s very small.”
“No shouting for the baby!” Dave repeated at a very high volume. Roxy shrugged internally. There was only so much she could do, and Dave would probably be alright once he was actually in the same room as his older-younger-not-brother.
“That’s right, no shouting around the baby,” Roxy said encouragingly. She opened the door to the hallway, leading the way out. “Do you think you could build a house for him?”
“For both of us!” Dave said.
“Well, I don’t know if we have enough for something that big,” Roxy laughed.
“Gonna make a big house!” Dave wasn’t willing to be discouraged.  
“Okay, you can see how big you can make it,” Roxy allowed. Dave was bouncing on each step, clearly mixing nerves and excitement into a desire to run into the room as quickly as possible. Roxy kept their pace slow and her footsteps audible, letting both John and Dirk adjust to the idea that they were entering the room.
As they stepped into the living room, John looked up with a smile. Dirk was huddled against his side, eyes closed and a plain white pacifier hiding his mouth.
“Dirk is sleepy, but he can doze through anything,” John told them softly. “I thought it might be nice for him to wake up to you, when he wakes up properly.” Roxy could tell that Dirk wasn’t really asleep, but it made sense that he would want to lay quietly for a while, adjusting to their presence and the way that they interacted.
“I hope he sleeps well,” Roxy said, and gave Dave a gentle nudge towards the boxes of lego that were stacked in the corner. “Do you think you can play quietly, sweetheart?”
Dave nodded and soundlessly glided over to the lego boxes. That wasn’t exactly what Roxy had meant, but he didn’t seem to have been jostled out of regression by the request, so it was probably alright. Triggering requests usually made Dave age up faster than anything, so his calm unpacking of the lego was a sign that he was still regressed, despite the absolutely silent movements that usually showed his discomfort as an adult.
“Dave is determined to make a big house for him and the baby,” Roxy told John. “He’s very good at lego.”
“Oh, that sounds like a lot of fun!” John swivelled his head to watch Dave start sorting the pieces from the box, quiet and methodical, glancing over to Roxy every few moments. Roxy kept her eye on him and offered a proud smile every time he checked in with her. “Dave, do you think I could help with that? I’m a big fan of lego myself.”
“If you’re quiet,” Dave said in a hushed voice.
“We don’t need to be too quiet,” John laughed. “Dirk really can sleep through anything.” He placed a fond kiss on the top of Dirk’s hair, and then carefully extracted himself, guiding Dirk’s head to rest on one of the couch cushions. John murmured something against his cheek and then moved away, letting Dirk curl up into himself a bit more, the pacifier shifting in his mouth. “I think you’re doing a good job so far, though.” He squeezed Roxy’s shoulder on his way by, kneeling down beside Dave’s boxes of lego when he reached them. “You give the orders! What can I do to help?”
Dave scanned John up and down, the only sign of his discomfort the pattern of his fingers tapping against each other over and over again. “You can get all the big blue pieces and make them into a wall,” he said eventually, pushing the box between them. “No holes.”
“Can do!” John said enthusiastically, diving into the box with gusto. Roxy chuckled, moving over to sit in one of the chairs and watch. Some things never changed, and one of them was John’s adoration for Dave, clearly. She watched them build together, Dave eventually falling into John’s rhythms and becoming louder, laughing and even knocking over one of the walls on purpose to make John fake a pout at having to start again.
“Play nice, Dave!” she called over, when it was clear that he was considering doing it again. Dave aimed a little frown at her, but settled down and continued his own building.
Roxy settled back in her chair, considering picking up some water from the kitchen. Dave always forgot to keep hydrated as an adult, so Roxy tried to keep a sippy cup always in his reach when he was regressing at her house, but she had left it in the bedroom. She shifted, ready to offer John a drink while she was going to the kitchen, when she noticed that Dirk’s eyes were open and fixed on her.
Roxy froze. She could see the swirling orange of his eyes, the way his long lashes framed them, the angles of his face somehow softer without the sunglasses he wore every day. She felt afraid of the intimacy in meeting those eyes, overwhelmed by a surge of panic that she couldn’t trace to a concrete thought.
“John,” she called, trying to hide her panic. “Dirk is awake.” John immediately extracted himself from the lego with Dave, leaving the regressor with an affectionate hair-tousle that made Dave scowl. He trotted over to the couch and knelt down beside Dirk to give him an over-dramatic set of kisses on his cheek.
“Did you enjoy your nap?” John asked, nuzzling his nose against Dirk’s. Dirk’s eyes fell closed as he laughed, the pacifier garbling the sound. He wrapped his arms around John’s neck, pulling him closer, and John obediently scooped Dirk into his arms.
Roxy found she couldn’t watch the display, feeling too much like an intruder. She bounced to her feet as quietly as she could, trying not to interrupt, and made her way over to Dave, who was entirely focused on the lego house he was making. It was coming along quickly, the bigger lego blocks fitting together into simple blocky structures. Two walls of the house were almost finished, with one featuring a gap for a window. It looked like each wall was going to be a different colour, and the one that Dave was finishing was a bright green.
“I’m fetching your sippy from my room,” Roxy told Dave. “Do you want me to get Rexatorius while I’m in there?” Rexatorius was not in fact a t-rex, but a brontosaur: both of them enjoyed the name anyways.
“Yes, please.” Dave was very polite as a child, his southern accent stretching the words out. “Can I have more juice?”
“You can! Coming right up,” Roxy told him, and headed off to the bedroom without another look at the two on the couch. She collected the dinosaur plushie and the sippy cup, tucking Rexatorius under her arm as she navigated through the living room on her way to the kitchen.
“John, do you want some water or some apple juice?” she called back into the other room.
“I’m good, thank you.”
It still shocked Roxy sometimes, how much they had all grown up. Collecting water for herself in her own kitchen, with glasses she had chosen, offering drinks to guests, having people over for a dinner party… it still felt so foreign. Being twenty-three hadn’t been something that Roxy had ever considered, always focused on making it to sixteen, always focused on making it to the game that would change everything, would save the world, would save her from the empty echoing rooms of the mansion she’d spent her childhood inside.
And here she was, a part-time mother, a part-time host, a full-time adult who was involved in politics, of all things, as well as going into her Masters in ecto-biology with multiple offers for a full-time job afterwards (thanks to their fame, all of the planet-founders were highly desired as a source of publicity and funding for whatever career they wanted to pursue). Roxy, in short, had somehow become an adult.
Roxy shook the reverie away as she rinsed the sippy cup between servings of apple juice, filled a cup of water for herself, and grabbed a bag of chips just in case anyone wanted a snack. Back in the living room, John was settled on the couch and Dirk was on the floor, playing with a wooden puzzle that was made to look like a circuit board.
“One serving of juice!” Roxy dropped it off next to Dave with a kiss and Rexatorius, patting the dino on the back before retreating. Dave could handle his own lego building, and it had never been one of Roxy’s interests. She would happily come to ooh and ahh when the building was all done.
Roxy approached John and Dirk cautiously, and John looked up to give her a smile and a wave to come join them.
“Roxy! Do you want to meet the baby?”
“I would love to.” Roxy pushed away the anticipation she had been feeling and focused on Dirk on the floor, trying to push away all the past experiences they’d had, the fights and the two am vent sessions and the ill-conceived projects they’d come up with together. She knew what regression meant to Dave, but she didn’t know what it meant to Dirk, and she needed to keep an open mind.
“Hey Dirk,” John said, getting down on his level on his hands and knees. “I want you to meet Daddy’s friend, Roxy. She’s Dave’s mom, remember? We came to visit her and Dave.” Dirk glanced up from his puzzle at Roxy, and Roxy was taken aback again by the sharpness of his eyes. There was none of the hazy contentedness of Dave’s regression. Dirk stared directly and piercingly towards Roxy’s face.
“Hi,” Roxy managed. “It’s good to meet you.” She almost held out her hand, and jerked it back. Dirk’s eyes followed the movement.
“Can you say hi to Roxy?” John prompted Dirk. Dirk shook his head, and dropped his eyes back to his puzzle. Roxy tried not to feel rejected, but her heart spasmed. “That’s okay,” John said softly, and smiled up at Roxy from the floor. “Dirk’s not so good at words,” he explained. “What about sharing your puzzle?” John asked, pointing to the piece that Dirk was holding in his hand. “Can Roxy help you?”
Dirk hesitated, nodded, and then held the piece out in Roxy’s direction without looking at her.
Somehow this motion reassured Roxy, something more akin to a shy child than Dirk’s own mannerisms when he was on edge.
“Thank you,” she said gently, accepting the piece and kneeling down. “Did your daddy get you this puzzle?” It was easy enough to find where the piece went, but she took her time looking. Dirk nodded, sucking on his pacifier with a soft sound. “He’s a pretty good daddy, huh?” Roxy smiled at John as Dirk nodded more enthusiastically.
Dirk picked up another piece and held it close as he surveyed the puzzle. Roxy gave him the time to figure it out, and he eventually pushed it into the right place. He picked up another piece and pushed it into Roxy’s hands again.
“Thank you!” She took the piece from him and hummed thoughtfully as she pretended to search for the right place. “Does it go here?” She put it in the wrong place, and nodded with satisfaction. Dirk laughed and shook his head. “No? Are you sure?” Dirk picked up the puzzle piece and slotted it into the right place, still laughing.
“Oh!” Roxy hit her forehead. “Why didn’t I see that?”
Dirk rolled his eyes at her, but he was still laughing.
“I know,” Roxy nodded. “I’m a silly mom, I can’t help it.”
“G’d mmm,” Dirk muttered, his voice quiet and slurred by the pacifier.
“Sorry, sweetheart, what?” Roxy leaned closer, trying to hear him, but Dirk only shook his head emphatically and picked up a new piece of the puzzle, fitting it into place with none of his earlier hesitation.
“He said you’re a good mom,” John interpreted, rubbing Dirk’s back with a calming motion that Roxy recognized from using it with Dave herself.
“Aww!” Roxy pressed her palms to her cheeks, grinning. “I hope that Dave agrees with you.”
Dave’s voice came as if on cue, from over the couch. “Moooom!”
“On my way!” Roxy called back, more softly. She didn’t want to scare Dirk, who was leaning into John’s touch and closing his eyes. She rose to her feet, automatically helping herself with her god-tier weightlessness as she pushed herself upwards. Dave was standing by his house, which had three walls finished. “What’s wrong, baby?” Roxy drew closer, and Dave threw himself into her arms, wrapping his arms around her.
“Don’t go,” he whispered into her shoulder, and Roxy could feel him shaking slightly.
“Oh, no, honey.” Roxy wrapped her arms back around Dave, squeezing him against her. “I’m not going anywhere, I’m your mom. I wouldn’t leave you for the world.”
“I could hear you and you were gone,” Dave protested, curling tighter into her arms.
“I was just visiting the others, over by the couch,” Roxy told him, rocking slightly to comfort him. “Not gone, never gone.”
“I thought…” Dave trailed off, derailing into a mumble that Roxy couldn’t make out, despite her experience with Dave’s rambles.
“I’m not going anywhere,” Roxy soothed. “I love you so much, and I always will. I’ll always be your mom.”
“My mom?” Dave echoed.
“Yes, honey, your mom.” She cupped Dave’s cheek to tilt his face up for a forehead kiss. “No one else’s.”
“Okay.” Dave seemed to have calmed down quite a bit, but he was still holding tight to Roxy.
“Do you want to work more on your house?” Roxy cast an eye over the work Dave had done so far. “Or do you want to meet Dirk?”
“Dunno.” Dave rocked back and forth slightly in Roxy’s lap.
“Well, why don’t you come say hi? You can go straight back to your lego after that, if you’d like.” Dave nodded.
Roxy helped Dave to his feet, keeping her hands on his and helping him stay upright when he was standing. He wasn’t always clumsy when he regressed, but it was usually a surprise to both of them when he had trouble walking, so she tried to be careful.
“Follow me, sweetheart.” She led Dave over to the carpet, glancing over to see that Dirk was twirling his fingers into the mane of a horse plushie, John singing a soft lullaby. John looked up when they walked in, but Dirk kept his eyes on his twirling fingers.
“Dirk?” Dave said quietly.
Dirk’s back stiffened and then he let out a breath and turned, blinking up at Dave.
Dave’s eyes widened and Roxy could practically see his excitement take over from nerves. Dirk looked quieter and unthreatening without his glasses, his plain white onesie and his long lanky pale limbs curled up against John’s chest.
“Hi!” Dave gushed, dropping to sit beside John and Dirk before glancing up at John and Roxy for approval. Roxy smiled warmly at him, and John nodded and shifted his grip on Dirk so that he was facing out towards Dave more. “I’m Dave!”
“…” Dirk looked at him for a long second, then hid his face behind the horse plushie he was holding.
“You’re a baby, but I’m really old,” Dave told Dirk seriously. “I’m gonna build us a lego house to live in.” Dirk raised his head again, smiling around the pacifier, and Dave smiled back. It was strange for Roxy, to see the instinct-driven space that Dave lived in, that she understood so well, and the difference between him and Dirk. Dirk was so clearly not as regressed, still cautious and deliberate. Maybe this was just him getting used to a new space? Or maybe this really was how he regressed. Or maybe this was how he’d been when he was a baby, making his way around his home in the middle of the ocean.
“Good job, Dave,” Roxy praised, resting a hand on his head. “Be gentle with your little brother.” She knew from talking with John that Dirk reacted well to being reminded that he was supposed to be small, regressed, a baby without responsibilities. Dave was very passionate about being a ‘big boy’ and pushed his limits further than Roxy would like. Another difference between them.
“Do you want to hold him?” John offered, cradling Dirk’s head against his shoulder gently.
Dave glanced back at Roxy, eyes wide. She could tell that he was intrigued but uncertain.
“I would love to,” Roxy said, knowing the question had been directed at both of them. “Why don’t I carry him to the couch, and you can sit with us, Dave? I can read you both a story, how about that?”
“Yeah.” Dave bobbed his head, subdued.
Roxy knelt in front of her two friends, smiling fondly at John and the tender way he handled Dirk. “May I?”
“Of course.” John guided her hands, one under Dirk’s knees and the other cradling his neck. Roxy had carried Dirk before, mostly out of his workshop before John had started taking over the task of disrupting Dirk’s manic work episodes. He had never been so unclothed, her skin touching his as she lifted him into her arms and settled him against her chest.
Dirk wasn’t light, thin but muscled. The only reason Roxy could lift him with ease was because she was taller than him, much to his ill-hidden annoyance when he’d first met her in person. He was the shortest of the eight of them, with Rose a close second.
Roxy looked down at Dirk as she carried him carefully towards the couch, and was surprised again to find him watching her. She smiled gently, even though his eyes were piercing.
“Hello,” she cooed. “Did you like meeting Dave?” The boy in question was following behind them, craning his neck to look at Dirk over Roxy’s shoulder. “He was so excited to have a baby brother.” Roxy shifted her weight back and forth, bouncing Dirk slightly in her arms as she reached the couch. “You are very sweet, I see why your daddy talks about you so much.”
That got a reaction: Dirk’s eyes crinkled, and an unfamiliar burbling laugh came from behind his pacifier.
Roxy gasped. “And adorable too! I should have known your daddy wouldn’t lie about that.” She turned around and settled on the couch, making sure Dirk wasn’t jostled by the movement as she settled him in her lap. Dave climbed up beside her and clung to her arm, wrapping both hands around her left hand and trying to pull it off Dirk’s back.
“Careful, Dave,” Roxy said. “Dirk needs a lot of support when I’m holding him, he’s only a baby.” Dave frowned, but let go of her hand and let Roxy arrange Dirk more properly, his head leaning against her chest and leaving her left hand free to hold Dave’s hand.
“John,” Roxy called. John had been sitting on the floor with Dirk’s toys, beaming quietly as he watched them move to the couch.  
“Yes, Roxy?” he called back.
“I think these boys have my hands occupied, would you mind reading us a story?”
“But of course!” John got to his feet and came over, standing in front of them with his hands on his hips. He really did have some proper dad energy, especially with the light stubble that he’d allowed to grow on his cheeks and chin. “What kind of book should we read?”
“Pigeon!” Dave shouted.
Roxy could feel Dirk flinch in her arms.
“Indoor voice, sweetheart,” Roxy told Dave quietly, stroking Dave’s arm and rocking Dirk back and forth to sooth them both. Two kids was a lot of work: she was very glad that she wasn’t a mother to both of them. Even if Dirk was very sweet, and she wouldn’t mind babysitting once in a while. She was sure that John felt the same about Dave: the two of them seemed to have had a lot of fun building the lego together. “Don’t scare the baby.”
Dirk relaxed again at those words, and Roxy held him a little closer. It was unexpectedly intimate, this age. John had talked about diapers and how they both felt like it brought them closer together, but even the experience of holding Dirk while he was this vulnerable felt dangerous, like touching a live wire, yet insanely comfortable at the same time. Where the two feelings met was what Roxy thought of as intimacy.
John was still standing in front of them, and Roxy realized that she would have to tell him what Dave meant.
“It’s on the second shelf under the TV, far right,” she said. “Don’t let the pigeon drive the bus. Have you read it?”
“We don’t read very much,” John shrugged as he went for the shelf and started flipping through kid’s books. “We have a couple board books and Dr. Seuss but Dirk prefers TV before bed instead of a story.”
“I’m not allowed TV before bed,” Dave said accusatorily, and John glanced at Roxy with clear panic.
“That’s because Dirk’s daddy doesn’t take care of you,” Roxy said. “I wouldn’t allow Dirk any TV before bed either, but his daddy gets to decide that.”
Dave thought that over for a bit.
“Can John be my babysitter maybe?” he suggested. “And then I could watch TV before bed?”
“We’ll talk about it sometime,” Roxy laughed. “He’s got his own little one to look after, just like I have you. But if you’re having a good time, we’ll try to get together more.”
“Yeah!” Dave settled onto the couch properly as John came back with the requested book held in both hands. “More time with Dirk and John is good.”
“I agree,” said Roxy, resting her cheek against Dirk’s soft hair as John flipped to the first page and prepared to start reading. “It’s nice to have a bit of company.”
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Shinobis of Ninjago
Episode 1: Rise of the Snakes
Prologue Pilot 1 Pilot 2 (Episode 1, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3), Next Episode
((Tw: Violence))
Months later, the world of Ninjago seemed more at peace. Not many knew of the Dark Lady's existence or the fact that she had left the realm, but it was a strange coincidence that everything seemed to calm down. The hectic elections had ended, domestic disputes seemed less, and gang violence was low, even Skylor seemed more relaxed. This also meant that the four shinobis were very, very bored.
Skylor and Jay had moved into the Monastery, leaving the weapons-smith shop to be maintained by the neighbours and farmers. They had been renting it out to people, making a steady income every month.
Jay had healed up well, his bandages were gone and he was now able to leave the monastery by himself (Skylor had made sure he was always in her sight). He now wore bracers on his forearms, something that their mother would often do. Before he had moved, he spoke little Ninjargon, but he had improved quickly, speaking only occasionally in broken sentences. The only change Skylor noticed in him is he was tired most of the time and would spend the days in his room sleeping or reading.
It was now early Winter, meaning the heat-lamp in the dragons' stall had been set up and there were candles lit around the monastery to keep it warm. The fireplaces were alive with burning wood and crackling with the approaching holiday season. The ninja were also excited to have their new winter yorois, or what they called a 'dragon riding suit'. It was almost the same as a regular ninja-yoroi, but it was water and wind resistant and the ninjas wore thermal clothing underneath.
Today was a warmer day, as it was still early in the season. There was the faintest amount of snow on the ground at the base of the mountain, but lots piled on top of the monastery. The ninjas sat together playing video games, Jay was nestled in his room reading, and Mystake sat in front of her incense sticks, meditating.
Soon, the shouts from the kunoichis reached her ears, disrupting her meditation. It continued for a few more minutes until Mystake stood up, having had enough of the shouts coming from the game room. She wandered the halls of the Monastery, looking at the sparse decorations Seliel had put up for one of her countries' holidays.
Mystake stopped outside of the game room, the shouts from before now louder and more clear. Sighing, she pushed them open and was greeted by a bright blue light from the television. Pop bottles, candy wrappers, and pizza boxes lay around the room, the ninjas seated comfortably in beanbag chairs and the overstuffed couch.
"Fantastic! I'm outta lives." Nya complained, hitting more buttons on her controller to get back in the game.
"But the lesson lives on." Pixal said, holding her controller at an awkward angle. "And I am getting the hang of it!" Though she had spent months with the others, she still wasn't very good at video games, unlike Skylor who had picked it up right away.
Mystake moved through the room unnoticed, surveying what they did in their free time and frowning. Suddenly, the lights turned on and the screen went black. The kunoichis looked around in confusion before spotting Mystake with the remote in her hands.
"It took us three hours to get there!" Seliel exclaimed, throwing down her controller and sinking into her beanbag chair.
"Why would ya do that? Why!?" Nya demanded.
Mystake put down the remote on the wrapper-strewn coffee table. "Just because a Lady Misako escaped through a vortex, doesn't mean she won't return one day for the Golden Weapons." She lectured.
"But Master Mystake, ever since she has been gone Ninjago has had nothing but peace." Pixal stated.
"Yeah. Peace is borin'. There's no one ta' save, nothin' ta' do." The scout added, stretching back and putting her hands behind her head.
"Yeah, we can train tomorrow." Seliel said, reaching for another slice of pizza.
Mystake kicked the box away, ignoring Seliel's gasp of betrayal. "Never put off till tomorrow what can be done today."
"Well, I was going to call that cute boy I met last week." Seliel said, reaching for her phone. "If that's the case—"
"No dates for you." Mystake said, plucking the phone from the girl's hands. "You four will spend the rest of the day in the indoor training room until supper, and then meditation until lights out."
"Uh, remember when we did a little thing called the 'Tornado of Creation'? I thought that was pretty cool." Skylor reminded her.
Mystake sighed, looking around at her students. "You four have merely scratched the surface of your full potential. There are still so many secrets you have yet to unlock. You haven't even begun to tap into what powers your weapons hold."
"Ya wanna talk secret powers?" Nya asked. "Check this out. Pix, do the thing." Pixal nodded and picked up her Golden Weapon. Extending her whip, she flicked it against the TV. The black screen flickered to life and the four picked up their controllers, re-starting the game.
"Don't get your robes in a bunch," Skylor assured her, "we'll be ready when she decides to show her face."
Jay appeared in the doorway, a piece of paper in his hands. "You need to stop jinxing self." He turned to the rest of the girls. "Lady Misako spotted approaching Jamanikai Village." As soon as he said the words his eyes widened and he looked down at the paper in his hands in disbelief.
The four girls blanked. Then the room erupted into chaos. There was swearing, grunts of pain, and shouts as they scrambled to find the tops of their yorois, weapons, and hoods.
Once everything had been located, they rushed out of the room, stumbling down the halls until they reached the staircase along the western wall. Their footfalls echoed through the narrow staircase as they raced down to the Dragon Stalls. Soon, they were hit with a new wave of heat from the lamp nestled in the top of the cavern.
The Dragon Stalls had been carved into the mountain, long before Mystake recruited the ninja. There were eight red doors, each one painted with the symbol of the element represented by a weapon. The doors of Fire, Time, Sound, and Earth remained vacant.
The dragons were sprawled about, but once they heard their masters coming down the stairs, they got up and went to stand in front of their respective doors.
The ninja burst into the cavern, and Nya, having the dragon closest to the wall, ran over and pulled on four separate levers. Saddles dropped from the ceiling, supported by chains. They were lowered onto the dragons' backs and the ninja unhooked them and began strapping the girth under their bellies.
Pixal's dragon, Byte, let out a roar as she pulled it too tight. Seliel swung her leg over the saddle. Hearing the clang of metal, she looked down, seeing her staff on the ground.
Jay walked up to Skylor, who was fastening a bag to her dragon's saddle. "Can I help?" He asked hopefully.
"Sorry, Jay Bird. Where we go danger abounds. I don't want you getting hurt, especially not by her hand." Jay let out a sigh of disappointment, even though he knew his sister was only trying to protect him from what happened last time. Skylor threw her leg over the dragon's back, only to pause. "Uh, a little help?" She asked, bending down and making grabby-hands at the reins.
Jay bit his lip and handed the reins to his sister. Pixal turned to Mystake and nodded. Mystake, who was standing by the levers, pulled the biggest one and the doors fell forward. The kunoichis cheered and took off, leaving Jay and Mystake to watch them fly off.
"Will they ever reach full potential?" Jay asked.
"In time," Mystake replied. "Maybe long time, but in time."
"Just like old times, eh, Misty?" Seliel said, patting her dragon on the side of the neck. They hadn't been out riding their dragons in days, leaving the beasts to become very restless.
"You guys believe what Sensei said about our full potential?" Skylor asked a few minutes later. "I mean, we have the weapons, the skills, what else could there be?"
"We've never had ta' use the weapons, besides for our own personal gain. I wonder wha' they do." Nya said.
"I for one, look forward to the future." The kanchō said. "If there is more for us to accomplish, let it be."
"I don't know about you ladies, but is anyone else a little excited about facing Lady Misako? I've been looking forward to trying out some new spinjitzu moves." Seliel exclaimed. "'Could be the perfect opportunity."
"Ha ha, race ya'll there?" Nya challenged as she surged forward. She heard shouts behind her as her teammates struggled to catch up. They soared above the clouds and kept an eye out for Jamanikai Village, not wanting to fly past another village like they have in the past.
Jamanikai Village was located close to the Monastery, not more than a fifteen minute flight. Nestled in the South-Eastern Mountain Range, it was a quiet village, maybe only two hundred people. But it was a popular tourist spot in the summer, especially for those who lived in cities.
Soon enough they spotted the village through the clouds. Pulling their dragons into a dive, they raced forward, crashing into a deep snowbank just outside of a small cluster of shops and houses. Climbing out of the snow, the four brushed the snow from their yorois and began digging out their dragons. They then sent them on their way to fly around the village until called upon, a way of keeping them warm.
Skylor watched her dragon, Amber, take off before turning to her teammates, throwing a fist up in the air. "Yo fui la primera!" ('I was first!')
Nya whipped towards her. "No, no one was faster than me."
"Nuh-uh! My feet were down before yours."
"You are all disillusioned, it was clearly me." Pixal argued.
They were reminded of their reason for being there once they heard a scream from within the village. Putting their argument on the figurative back-burner, they got out their weapons and made their way into the village.
All the doors were closed tightly and curtains were drawn. The village almost seemed like a ghost town, empty except for the occasional face that would appear in a window. The ninja knocked on a door, hoping to get any direction to where Misako would be. A brave man pointed to the next mountain over before wishing them good luck and closing the door.
The ninja set out through the village until they reached the bridge that connected the to the next mountain. The next part of the village was even quieter than the last, if that was possible. The ninja slowly made their way down the cobblestone streets, keeping an eye out for any suspicious activity. They stopped in the heart of the village where a fountain was located.
They paused when they heard a little girl's giggles. Immediately getting into a fighting stance, they turned, facing the fountain. A small figure emerged from behind, dancing along the fountain's outer ring and singing softly.
"...Don't wake up or else you'll find a spider in your mouth." The figure paused, looking up at the four kunoichis. She stood up straight and smiled. "Finally, another human." She threw her hands up in the air. "I demand all the candy in town!"
Skylor dropped her stance, sliding her sai into their scabbards and placing her hands on her hips. "Uh, who's that?"
"Harumi Garmadon, Misako's daughter." Seliel groaned. "Looks like she escaped Darkley's again."
The doors around the small village began to open up, faces peeking out curiously. Harumi smiled at the bigger audience. "Give me candy or else I'll release the Serpentine on you!" She pulled out a can and after struggling to get the lid off, held it out to the street before her. A few rubber snakes jumped out, landing weakly on the ground.
"She's going to have to do a lot better than using an old bedtime story to scare people." Skylor said as she picked up one of the snakes. She let it drop as Seliel stepped forward to go get the young girl.
"The Serpentine are real, Skylor, and they are not something to joke about." Pixal informed her.
"¿Serpentina, real?" Skylor scoffed. "We're talking about the ancient race of snake-people who once ruled Ninjago and were supposedly locked underground."
"Sealed in five different tombs to separate the warrin' tribes, and insure they don't unify to exact their revenge on those who put them there." The teisatsu babbled.
"It's an old wives tale to teach kids not to poke their noses where they don't belong." Skylor said, waving her hand. "Don't you think it's a little suspicious no one's ever found one of their tombs?"
"That's because you'd be a fool to look for one." Seliel said as she walked back to her teammates, a screaming girl thrown over her shoulder. "If there was anything I hated more than dragons, it was snakes. Rubber or not."
"Bow down to me, or suffer my wrath!" Harumi threatened, pounding her fists on Seliel's back. "I'll give you the count of three! One! Two!"
"What are we supposed to do with her?" Skylor asked.
"Two and half--"
Harumi screamed, struggling against the cloth that bound her to a chair inside a grocery store. "You've just made me your nemesis! Mark my words!" She glared at the ninja who were picking up groceries for their own home.
"Relax, young one." Said the one in purple. "Your boarding school is sending someone to come pick you up. You can wait here until then."
Harumi huffed, turning away. The ninja paid and left, but the orange one remained, walking over towards the girl. She pulled something out of one of her pockets, holding it out to Harumi. Harumi turned to her, looking down at the lollipop that was being held out towards her. The orange kunoichi removed the wrapper and gave the girl the piece of candy.
"Crime doesn't pay, niña. Next time try paying for your candy."
And with that, she was gone.
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p-artsypants · 4 years
I’ll Handle This (4)
In Which Gabriel and Plagg Argue
“I’ll solve all your problems,” Plagg had said. “You just have to agree to it.” A fixed relationship with his father, Lila to stop bothering him, and Ladybug to fall in love with him? Who wouldn’t agree to that?
Except Plagg was the God of Destruction and Chaos and had a more…hands-on approach. Adrien just wants his body back.
Ao3 | FF.net
After the shopping trip, the teens walked back to the school together, and then separated. 
“Ugh, walking is exhausting.” Plagg groaned. 
“You’re using my muscles, you know.” Adrien spoke, poking out of the pocket. “I don’t usually walk this much, since my bodyguard drives me everywhere.” 
“Well, then I’m sure this is good for you.” Plagg stomped in big steps. “But I haven’t used legs since the last time I switched with a wielder, so I get to complain.” 
“I think by that logic, you don’t get to complain, because you usually get to float. And not going to lie…it’s pretty sweet.” 
“Just wait until you start floating in your sleep, and then you phase through the ceiling and then keep going and end up in space.” 
Adrien froze, staring up at his own face from the pocket. “That can happen?” 
“Oh yes. Good luck sleeping tonight!”
Not too much longer, Plagg arrived back at the Agreste manor. 
He could feel Adrien shaking in his pocket. “What’s up, Bub?” 
“My father is going to be waiting for you. I just know it. He’s going to yell and threaten to pull you out of school—“ 
“What, like he did this morning? Relax. There’s plenty of windows in the mansion.” 
But Adrien came spiraling out of the shirt to look Plagg in the eyes. “But I don’t want you to break anymore windows! I don’t want you to make my father angry anymore! You’re hurting him!” 
Plagg gave him a hard look. “Is that what you think, Adrien? That your disobedience hurts him?” 
“Why else would he be mean? He loves me...” 
Plagg reached up and scratched his ears. “Of course he does, kid. But...sometimes, in people like your dad, love isn’t the strongest motivator. I know it is with you. Love is about the only thing that controls you. Your love for your friends, for your family, your city, for Ladybug...that all drives your decisions.” 
Adrien was quiet as he agreed. 
“But for people like your father, they’re driven by power. They base decisions on what will make them look good and get more respect. He does love you, Adrien, but he wants your unconditional loyalty. He doesn’t want you to question him, or to disagree with him, because you’re his son. He made you, and you’re half of him. So if anyone is to be completely submitted to his will, it’s you.” 
Adrien frowned. “I don’t believe that. I think...I think he’s just scared. Of losing me, that is. Like we lost mom. So he keeps me restricted.” 
“But he’s always treated you like this, even before you lost your mom.” 
Adrien had no argument to that, and just slowly lowered himself into Plagg’s hands. 
“Just think about it. I’ll do all the talking, you just listen and see.” 
Plagg tucked him back into the pocket, before approaching the gate and ringing the doorbell. 
The camera didn’t even come out, the gate just opened. 
It felt like walking into a hell mouth. 
Inside, Gabriel stood at the bottom of the stairs, with his arms crossed. Next to him, Nathalie stood with her own arms crossed. And next to her stood Lila, with her arms also crossed. 
Plagg couldn’t help but snicker. They looked like three Russian puzzle dolls. Would Lila pop open and show another smaller, angrier creature? 
“What’s so funny?” Demanded Gabriel. “Where have you been?” 
“Chill man, I was out with my friends.” 
“And spending my money?” 
“You literally let me spend whatever money I want. I just usually never have anything I want to buy. I treat my friends to a nice lunch and it’s the end of the world?”
Gabriel sniffed, “you obviously can’t see that your so-called ‘friends’ are only hanging around you because of our wealth. I disprove of the company you keep, especially Mr. Lahiffe—“ 
“You don’t get to question my authority.” 
“I’m just honestly curious as to why you don’t like them. I don’t buy stuff for my friends, despite what you think. Nino is a really good friend and a nice person. He doesn’t get in trouble, and his grades are pretty good. So what’s up?” 
“I simply don’t care for his plebeian attitude.” 
Plagg scoffed. “Plebeian?! Excuse me, what century is this again? Are we nobles or something I didn’t know about?” He pitched his voice high to have a ‘proper’ voice. “Oh yes Martha, we shan’t have our child run around with the rift raft in the fields. He must get a proper education so he may marry his cousin, have a child with three eyes, and die at the ripe old age at 26!” 
“Adrien!” Gabriel yelled. “How dare you mock me!” 
“Then stop talking like a 17th century noble! We have money, but high society never did anyone favors! You just sound like an old idiot! An old, out of touch, insensitive idiot!” Then he pointed at Lila. “And if you want to talk about people taking advantage of us, why don’t you turn yourself 90 degrees that-a-way to grill this blood sucking parasite.” 
“On the contrary,” Gabriel interrupted. “Miss Rossi only has your best interests at heart, which is why she came here and told me all about your little charade you put on during school today. You assaulted your bodyguard!” 
“He’s fine.” 
“Whether or not he’s fine is beside the point, Adrien. I hired him to protect you, and you attack him?” 
“He wasn’t protecting me. He was trying to kidnap me! I wanted to be at school!” 
“Well naughty children don’t get to do what they want to do!” 
“Do you want me to be happy or stupid?!” 
“No! Wait—“ 
“Ah ha!” Plagg pointed. “You just want me to be miserable!”
Gabriel flared his nostrils. “Stop trying to twist my words. The fact remains that you have been completely out of control these last few days, and I have no choice but to discipline you accordingly. From now on, you will have no contact with these teenagers that are encouraging you to behave like this monster. Instead, you will only be allowed to interact with Miss Rossi at photo shoots.” 
Plagg saw the corner of the man’s mouth curve up. Check mate, the gesture said. 
Time to take it up a notch.  
“I’m not sure the best way to handle this situation, so I’ll handle it the way Chloe would.” He laid down on the floor and began to kick and scream. “DADDY! DADDY I HATE HER! FIRE HER AT ONCE!!” 
“If you don’t stop this tantrum this instant, you’re being pulled out of school.” 
“Ha!” He laughed, still from the floor. “I’ll just reenroll! I broke one window getting out the first time, there’s not a lock in this earth that can hold me, old man.” 
“Adrien, go to your room.” 
“Make me.” 
“You’re angering me, and you won’t like me when I’m angry.” 
“I don’t like you now.” 
“This attitude of yours is disrespectful, disgusting, immature, and embarrassing. I raised you better than—“ 
“Are you done?” Plagg asked, scratching his ear. “Because you just keep talking. That’s all you do. This gaslighting is getting really old. I know I’m acting immature, that’s the whole thing. Pointing it out just makes you look stupid. Are you going to hit me or something?” 
“I’m not going to hit you, Adrien.” 
“Huh. Didn’t know you had it in you.” 
Gabriel frowned. “You really think I would hit you?” 
“You’ve already hit emotional and verbal abuse, I assumed that was the next step.” 
“I am not abusive! I am strict, but I only have your best interests at heart.” 
“Right, like making me schmooze with Miss Sausage Hair here?” 
“Hey!” Lila cried. 
“Oh shut up, you’re plenty at fault here too.” 
“That’s it. Adrien, you’re grounded. No phone, no computer, no tv, no video games, and no school.” 
“So you want me to just sit in my room and stare out the window? Or are you going to board those up too?” 
“There’s plenty of books for you to read. Books that will hopefully change your mind about this rebellious streak.” 
“Until when?” 
“Until I say so!” 
“Cool. I quit modeling.” 
“You heard me. I quit modeling. Or you can fire Lila and unground me. Your choice, Gabe.”
Gabriel ground his teeth as Lila just stood there in shock. 
“I’ll give you some time to think about it.” Plagg cracked his neck. “I’ve got homework to do.” 
“Ah ah ah,” Plagg held up a hand. “Talk to the hand, cause the face ain’t listening.” He skipped up the stairs, and out of the lobby. 
Gabriel simmered in rage, feeling the control which had been so firmly in his hands slip away. 
“Mr. Agreste—“ Lila began. 
“No.” He interrupted. “I need some time to think. Keep your eye on Adrien and let me know exactly what he’s up to, who he’s with, what he’s doing. You do this, and I will reward you greatly.” 
“Of course, Mr. Agreste.” 
As soon as Plagg closed the bedroom door, Adrien spiraled out of his pocket. 
“Hey kid, I know that was rough...” 
“Rough?! No kidding! You’re a monster! How could you talk to my father like that!? How could you insinuate that he would hit me? And you got me grounded and pulled from school! You quit modeling!” 
“Honestly Adrien, I thought he might hit me. His anger reflects violence. You see it too.” 
Adrien rubbed his paws over his cheeks, trying to stop the tears. 
“Come on kid, it’s for the best.” And he reached out for him. 
But Adrien darted away. “I’m going to see Tikki! I need comfort from someone that’s not trying to ruin my life!” 
Before Plagg could protest, Adrien had flitted out the window and into the streets. 
The sun was setting, and traffic was dwindling, as working folks made their way home. 
Finding Marinette’s house was a matter of finding the school, and then going from there, while sticking to the shadows and staying high enough away from straying eyes. 
When he reached her balcony, he loitered at the window, trying to figure out how to phase in. Then he wondered if he should even bother. Tikki might scold him for leaving Plagg. Or maybe she’d laugh at him for being upset. She was millennia old too. His problems probably would sound trivial to her as well.
Eventually, he just knocked. 
Marinette answered, a grave look on her face. “Plagg? What’s wrong? Why are you crying? Is Chat okay?” 
“He’s fine.” Adrien sniffed. “Can I talk to Tikki please?” 
Shocked by his politeness and shy demeanor, she blinked twice and answered, “Uh, sure.” 
Tikki appeared then, looking at him with concerned eyes. 
“I’ll just leave you two alone then,” Marinette stated, closing the window. 
“Adrien? What’s wrong?” 
It all came out of him then. “He’s a monster!” Adrien blubbered. “He’s ruining everything and making it all worse! I don’t know how to stop him! But my father is done with me and is going to pull me out of school! Plagg keeps acting like it’s no big deal, but he doesn’t understand! He’s just treating this like a big game!”
To his relief, Tikki hugged him tightly. “Oh Adrien. Plagg means well, I promise. His methods don’t make much sense, but they do produce results. It’ll be alright.” 
Adrien just sniffed, taking comfort from the hug. “I feel so helpless. I can’t do anything without outing myself as Chat Noir, and that’s the last thing I need...unless Plagg beats me to it. I know everyone is suspicious of him. This is a nightmare.” 
“I’ll talk to him when I get a chance,” promised Tikki. “He does mean well, I promise. But this is your life, and making you watch him work is torture.” 
“Exactly! Tikki you understand! If he does pull this off, I will thank him, but like...what if it doesn’t work? He acts like humans are so predictable and easy to manipulate, but even with all his life and experiences, he can’t account for everything. I’m worried he’s being too cocky.” 
Tikki petted his head. “Plagg can get over his head sometimes. He’s lazy and stubborn, but that just makes him ridiculously creative. Some of his attempts may fail, but I really think you just have to trust that he’s in control.” 
“I know, I know, and in my head, I know he’s doing this for me. I know he doesn’t want to be in my body, and I know he’s crazy smart…but I feel…betrayed? Scared? I don’t know what I’m feeling.” 
“Unstable.” Tikki provided. “Because you have no control over your life.” 
He frowned, holding onto his tail. 
“But, from what Plagg has told me, you didn’t have much control of it before either.” 
He rubbed a paw against his cheek. “Sadly, no. I didn’t.” 
The trap door opened again, and Marinette peeked her head out. She placed a plate with a cheese danish on it on the ground nearby. “Anything I can do?” 
Tikki answered for him, only slightly lying, “sometimes Plagg gets emotional when he thinks about past holders that we lost tragically. He said Chat was busy and he didn’t want to bother him.” 
“Oh Plagg, I’m so sorry.” 
Adrien rubbed his eyes with his paws again. He may not be in his body, but he did feel a little embarrassed to be crying in front of his crush. 
“Say Marinette, now that you’re the guardian, it would be really helpful if you could comfort him.” 
“Me? I...I guess. What do I do?”
“Just do what feels right.” 
Adrien floated a little closer to her, desperate for her affection, but hesitant to take it for himself. 
She cupped him in her hands, cradling him, holding him, cocooning him with her skin. She brought him up to her face, leaving a lingering kiss right between his ears, then caressed him to her cheek, her fingers encircling him in a hug. 
A stray finger itched the back of his head, sending tingles all the way down to his tail and making him purr. 
This was heavenly. Her scent surrounded him, dulling his senses and calming his tears. 
“It’s okay.” She said softly. “It’s alright to be sad. Things will get better.” 
Her words soothed the day's pain, and he really did feel more optimistic. He could do anything with Ladybug’s support. 
Finally, he pressed a little kiss to her cheek and allowed her to pull away. “Thank you Marinette. I do feel a lot better now.” 
Her smile was so warm and so wonderful, he could stare at her all day. 
But an Akuma alert had to go and ruin the whole thing. 
“You better get back to Chat! If you need more comfort, come back tonight after patrol!” 
“Thanks Marinette! Save that Danish for me!” And he rushed off back to the mansion.
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thedeaditeslayer · 4 years
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INTERVIEW: Bruce Campbell on the enduring legacy of horror classic ‘Evil Dead’.
Bruce Campbell, the multi-hyphenate actor who has had a tremendous cultural impact in the world of entertainment, has put together a résumé like no other performer. He’s known for playing the iconic character of Ash in the Evil Dead films and its spinoff TV series, Ash vs.The Evil Dead. This horror credibility is by no means exclusive; he has also acted in many other projects, including Burn Notice, Bubba Ho-Tep, Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, Xena: Warrior Princess and The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr. Add to that a couple bestselling memoirs, and his professional life has been a full one.
Now he’s ready to talk about perhaps the best-known bullet point on that résumé: his starring turn in the original Evil Dead. On Saturday, Jan. 23, Campbell will take part in an interactive virtual watch party while the horror movie plays for an online audience. The Tobin Center for the Performing Arts in San Antonio is one of the national venues hosting the event. Tickets are $25-$50.
Recently Hollywood Soapbox spoke with Campbell about his career, about the horror movie that started it all and his new “retirement.” Here’s what he had to say …
On what fans can expect from the virtual event …
They can expect amazingness at every turn. You know what it is, it’s not your father’s commentary. Your father’s commentary was on the old DVDs, and the movie starts, and the actors sit around and shoot the shit about what they remember. But it’s real time. It’s OK, but you miss a lot of stuff. So in this case I’ve got some kind of device that’s going to allow me to stop, start, maybe even rewind because you can get a lot more detail. My problem with the old commentaries I would do: You tell a story, something, something. You look up, and you go, ‘Oh, I wish I could have told that story, but it’s already gone.’ So this is a chance to expand the experience, get a little more detail, more trivia. I can kind of tease stuff up. I can pause it and go, ‘Oh, oh, oh,’ and let the people know something [is coming], so it’s just a different type of format done in a very safe and responsible fashion in this modern era.”
On his other work during this pandemic …
My agent kind of put this together because I’ve done similar stuff. I have worked with Wizard Entertainment a lot over the years, and I’ve been doing Last Man Standing as a game show host virtually through Wizard Virtual. And we’ve done that a bunch of times, and we’ve done this sort of Hercules type of reunion sort of stuff. So we’ve danced around it, but this is a way to kind of do another version of something where you go, OK, let’s do a little sit down. You know what it is, it’s just a live performance without the theater. I would be doing essentially the same thing in a movie theater, but until those open again, this is a pretty good second opportunity because the cool thing about the broadcast is it’s open to the world.”
On his hopes for the future of this type of virtual programming …
I hope it works because there are a lot of other movies that I’d be happy to sit with and watch.
On whether he knew Evil Dead would be so legendary …
We knew it from day one. [laughs] No, we did not. Honestly, it was a struggle just to finish the movie. We were under-funded. We shot in Tennessee, but we left 12 weeks later. We were supposed to be there for four weeks, so everything fell apart. We put it back together again. It fell apart — raise a little more money, shoot a little more. So most people think it was 1981, when it came out, but you’re close. But it’s really 1979 is when we actually shot the movie, and then it took several other years just to cobble the thing together. So, no, there was no heightened sense of oh my God we’ve got Star Wars on our hands. We felt fortunate that we had just enough money to finish the damn thing.
On whether he was OK with the gore …
Going in, we knew we wanted to have no holds barred. The only scene I objected to as an individual was the vine rape scene, but it wasn’t my character they were doing it to. So my dog wasn’t really in that fight.
On how he approached the role of Ash …
Well, look the first Evil Dead is pretty straight. It’s kind of a melodrama. There’s not a lot of cracking jokes. By the second Evil Dead, he’s sort of like a veteran with a little more sardonic cracks here and there. By the time you get to Army of Darkness, he’s sort of the ugly American. He’s morphed into the full braggadocious guy — I’ve been through stuff; get out of my way. And then by Ash vs. Evil Dead, now he’s on the downslope. The guy is picking up chicks at the Last Call. He’s doing mescaline. It was fun to follow the character as he progresses and digresses.
On whether he wanted more episodes of Ash vs. Evil Dead …
You can never tell a company that’s putting up the money that they need to pay you more and finance more seasons because they have their own agenda, and they gave us three seasons, which is a fair shot. … Hey, they allowed us to do three seasons of basically unrated television, so fans certainly got their mouthful.
On whether he likes changing it up in his career …
I come from Detroit where in manufacturing they would do job rotation, like Fridays you’d work on tires, next week you’d work on fenders. This is in the factory, working in the auto factory, so it would be a way to keep the workers sort of interested. So, yeah, I love bopping in front of the camera, behind. This year I’m going to be a publisher. I’m going to publish a bunch of books later this year. I started a publishing company because there are a lot of projects that’ll never get made into movies, but doggone it, they sure can be made into novels and books and all kinds of fun stuff. … I’ve got 10 prospective books that I’ll sort of squeeze out over the next couple years. I’m just prepping each one, coming up with a cool cover. There’s tons of projects over the years that I developed. You look at it, and you go, well, no one is going to put up $10 million for this movie. But it won’t cost that much to put it out as a book because I think there’s a lot of stories that we thought were cool. I’d hate for them to wind up in a digital graveyard.
On whether he would ever play Ash again …
I’m officially retired, but I’m sure actors have said that before. I feel like I left it all out on the table for the TV show, and then beyond that, there wasn’t much I was either able or interested in lending to it. I’m going to do the voice for the video game. We’re doing an official Evil Dead game.
On whether he likes to meet fans at conventions …
I have no problem with it. It’s a fun interaction. You get to see new towns and see what folks are up to. You can do your own market research about what are they into, what are they like, what are they all about, who are they, how old are they, what do they look like, so that’s pretty fun. And staying relevant in front of a crowd is always fun, to torment the kids, so I’ll probably get that done if they’ll let us. I might do a drive-in movie tour later this summer.
On the fans who like the sequels as much as the original Evil Dead …
I just know that it was nice of them to embrace the rest of the movies, for different reasons. There are aficionados who like the straight horror of Evil Dead. There are people who like the wackiness of Evil Dead 2, which is sort of splat-stick. And there are some people who can’t really handle the gore, and they like Army of Darkness. It’s jokes; it’s talking skeletons. I mean a 12-year-old could watch Army of Darkness.
On being remembered for Ash above any other role …
You can’t predict how the viewing public will want to remember you over the years. I’m OK with it because Evil Dead got me into the film business and has given me gainful employment for years. What I found in the past is there’s no point grousing over what you think you are perceived as. Every person perceives an actor differently. If you only watch westerns, you might watch The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr. and love it, but hate Evil Dead. You might love spy shows and watch Burn Notice, but you’re still not going to watch Evil Dead. So I’ve found I’m sort of known by what people watched, and that’s good. I’m OK, as long as they watch.
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atlafan · 4 years
Take it Slow - Part Fifty-Eight
a/n: okay this is my first shot at a harry:y/n fic, and it will be multiple parts. y/n had a bad experience with an ex over a year ago, and finally accepts her coworker and good friend Niall’s invitation to go on a blind date with his friend Harry.
Warnings: Smut and Fluff.
Masterpost (all previous parts can be found in the masterpost)
You were laying there, stunned, mouth still hanging open. He wasn’t trying to pick a fight with you, he was simply trying to assert his dominance.
“Harry…I didn’t flirt with-“
“Ah-ah, don’t need to talk about it, yeh told me enough last night.” He nestles further onto your chest, and wraps his arm around your belly. “Actually your friends ratted you out.”
“They’re your friends too.”
“True…was that the most you’ve ever come in one in go?” You smirk.
“With you? Yeah.” He props his head up and furrows his brows at you.
“And just who else has made you come more than that?”
“Myself.” You giggle. His face relaxes and he rests on your chest again.
“How many times in a row have you gotten yourself off before?”
“Think my record’s ten.”
“Ten?!” He sits up fully to look at you. You’re getting annoyed, you just want to cuddle. “Ten times in a row? Weren’t you tired???”
“Exhausted, and sore.”
“When did you do that?”
“Um, a few years ago. I never really…knew how to touch myself when I was younger, and then one night I just sort of figured it out, so I started doing it more. And one night I just kept going. The friction from my hand just felt really good. It was incredible, I could barely talk the next day because my voice was so hoarse from making myself scream.” You were one hundred percent serious, but you knew it was also torture for him to know this. “Guess I got a little greedy with myself.”
“Hm.” He swallows hard. “Challenge accepted then.”
“Not right now!”
“No, not now. At some point though. I’ll beat your best.” He smirks. “All from your hand, you didn’t even use the vibrator?”
“You’re a little wild, aren’t ya?” He kisses your smiling face.
“Maybe just a little. Now, can we just lay and hold each other, please?”
Harry chuckles and pulls you onto his chest, wrapping his arms around you. Your eyes flutter closed feeling exhausted and relaxed all at the same time.
“What’s this?” Harry asks, looking up at Isaac who just handed him a piece of paper.
“An invitation.”
“To what exactly?”
“St. Patrick’s Day party I’m having.” Harry looks him up and down.
“Isaac, you’re not Irish.”
“No, but that doesn’t mean I can’t party does it?” Harry looks down at the date on the paper.
“Listen, my best mate is actually Irish, like from Ireland, and he usually has a party. I could, um, try to stop by for a bit though since he does an all day thing.”
“Sure.” He tries to act cool. “Whatever works, just wanted you to feel included.” He smiles brightly.
“Thanks, means a lot.” Harry genuinely liked Isaac, he could see himself swinging by the party at some point. Maybe before things got too wild at Niall’s. “Wait.”
“Who else from here’s invited?” Isaac smirks at him.
“You’re a little too nice, you could be a little selective.”
“Bring Y/N with you, okay?” He shakes his head and leaves the office.
St. Patrick’s Day was a couple weeks away, he had plenty of time to decide what he wanted to do. Harry realizes that you weren’t at Niall’s party last year, or maybe you were, he honestly couldn’t remember. When he gets home from work that night he thinks to bring it up.
“What do you do for St. Patrick’s Day?”
“Oh, the girls and I go to the parade in southie. My grandparent’s old apartment is on one of the sidestreets of the parade route, so I know the best place to stand. And then I think we spent the rest of the day at a pub last year.”
“You didn’t go to Niall’s last year?”
“I was supposed to, but I got too drunk.” You laugh. “We’ll go this year, yeah?”
“Definitely.” He smiles.
“Wanna come to the parade too? It’s a lot of fun.”
“Sure!” He pauses. “Isaac is havin’ a party too. Thought maybe we could swing by when there’s a lull at Niall’s.” You raise an eyebrow at him.
“You want to spend time with people from work? I’m shocked.”
“I like Isaac, and it would be rude to not at least swing by.”
“You don’t have to convince me, I’m game.”
“He invited everyone.”
“So Mykenzie might be there…”
“You wouldn’t care?”
“Harry.” You chuckle. “I’m the one fucking you, not her. I’m really unbothered.” You get up from the island and clean your plate from dinner.
He found your confidence and trust to be so sexy. He gets up to clean his plate as well. You kiss him on the cheek, and go out to the living room, plopping down on the sofa and grabbing your laptop. You had some homework to do. Harry sits next to you and turns the TV on. You think of something funny you saw on tik tok. You position yourself so your back is resting against the arm of the sofa. You position your phone, and start filming him. You sigh heavily. Harry whips his head to look at you.
“What’s wrong baby?”
“Nothing, just don’t feel doing my homework.”
He closes your laptop, and moves it away. He crawls on top of you, making you giggle. You stop recording. You scratch the top of his head and give it a kiss.
“That was cute.”
“Watch.” He turns his head to your phone.
“You were filmin’ me?”
“Mhm, watch, you’re so cute. Can I post this?” He sighs.
“I suppose. Did the other one get any likes?”
“You know, I haven’t checked. I’ve not been on the app.” You open it up and gasp. “Ten thousand! Popular trend.” You furrow your brows. “Look at all the comments!”
“He’s so hot, hot bf, looks like he was expecting you, those hands omfg.” He starts laughing.
“Definitely posting this one.” You upload the video and all the hashtags.
You both get cozy and watch the short videos together. Some making the both of you laugh and some that had you both rolling your eyes.
“Did you ever have vine?” You ask him.
“For a short bit, didn’t use it much though. Did you?”
“Oh yeah, I used it all the time. I’d stay up super late in school by accident watching videos. I’d laugh so hard I’d cry most nights.” You giggle. “Sometimes I’ll watch compilations on YouTube. I was genuinely crushed when they announced the app was cancelled.”
“Did you make a lot of videos?”
“Sure! Nothing ever this popular though. It’s a really fun and creative outlet.”
“Glad I could help yeh get some followers.” He grins.
“Yeah, yeah.”
“Bet this’ll get thousands too. After all, I’m pretty hot.” You shake your head at him.
“Okay, I actually need to get my homework done now, get off.”
“I see, just use me for gains on the internet.” He fakes pouts.
“Now you’re getting it.” You both laugh.
On the morning of St. Patrick’s Day, you dig out your green crop top sweater, and a pair of dark blue skinny jeans. You put curls in your hair, and find your green Celtics hat. You knew it would be chilly. Harry throws on black jeans and the Celtics sweatshirt you had bought him specifically for today because you didn’t want someone murdering him while he wore his Packers sweatshirt. Your midriff was showing just enough that you could see your naval piercing.
“You look cute, baby.” He says, kissing you on the cheek.
“Thank you.” You look at your watch. “We gotta head to the T to meet everyone soon.”
You head to the T and go the few stops you need to meet the girls, and then you uber the rest of the way to where your grandparents used to live. You point out the apartment to Harry. You get teary eyed, but shake it away as you walk down the street to stand on the sidewalk. You were happy you thought to wear a coat over your sweater because it was a tad windy. You stand in front of Harry, and he wraps both arms around your shoulders, resting his chin on the top of your head. Sarah takes a picture of the two of you.
“Harry, Mariah’s coming to Niall’s party later.” Rachel tells him.
“That’s great! We’re gonna see her at another friend’s party in a bit.”
“She mentioned you were going to swing by where she was. Isaac’s right?”
“Mhm. So you two have hung out a couple times then?”
“Yeah, we’ve gone to a movie here and there, dinner.” She smiles. “I like her.”
“She likes you too.”
The parade starts, and it’s as much fun as it always is. You all clap as the floats go by. You catch a ton of green beads that are flung at you, and you put one around Harry’s neck. After the parade you all head to Niall’s. He didn’t like parades. He was also busy getting his apartment ready for the day and night ahead.
“Hey everyone!” He kisses Sarah. “Thanks for lettin’ everyone up.” He kisses her again.
“Course.” She says with a smile.
“Right, well, I got the boiled dinner goin’, fridge is stocked with beer, got the bar set up too. And there’s lots of other snacks around.”
“It looks great in here, Niall.” You put your hand on his shoulder. You take your jacket off and hang it up.
“When are you guys goin’ t’Isaac’s?”
“Later this afternoon, just swingin’ by quick.” Harry explains. “Let’s have a pint, yeah?”
Harry and Niall both crack open a cold Guinness, and pour them into glasses. As you had gotten older you realized day drinking was way more fun than staying out for hours on end. You and the girls stick with vodka tonics for the time being. The three of you take cute pictures together.
“Oh! Let’s all kiss Niall on the cheek!” Sarah says. “Get it, cause he’s Irish?” She giggles.
“Good idea!” Rachel says. “It’ll be like Charlie’s Angels. Harry, come take our picture.”
“What are we doin’?” Niall asks. Everyone was starting to get slightly buzzed.
“We’re all going to kiss you on the cheek.” Sarah explains. “Hm, how can we get all three of us in here?”
“We should get all of us.” You say. “Harry can kiss the top of his head.”
“No way, Harry gets a cheek.”
“Let’s just each take a turn, and then we’ll get a couple of us on either side, I think that would look cute, but I’m the only when that gets those lips.” Sarah looks at Harry.
“What are yeh lookin’ at me for?”
“I’ve seen the Polaroids.”
“Jesus, fuck Niall.”
“What Polaroids?” You ask.
“Don’t worry about it.” Niall says. “Just take your pictures.”
You take a picture of Niall and Sarah kissing, and everyone awws. Next you and Rachel go on either side of him. You squeeze his cheeks between your thumb and forefinger, and you and Rachel kiss each of his cheeks, leaving lipstick behind. Harry’s jaw tenses when he watches you and Niall giggle. Had you kissed him before? It was only the cheek, but still.
“Alright, my turn.” Harry says grinning. “Gonna be a nice wet one too, c’mere.”
“Please, no, ahhhh gross!” Harry presses his tongue to Niall’s cheek just as you take the picture and everyone laughs. “You’re disgustin’.” Niall wipes his cheek off with the back of his palm.
“Harry we should go before we get too drunk.” You say grabbing your coat.
“Good thinkin’. Be back in a bit.”
You both wave to the group and leave. You knew the apartment would be filled with people when you got back, so you were happy to have the time to pregame together. You uber to Isaac’s apartment. It’s a quaint neighborhood. You and Harry had brought a case of beer with you to give to him. He holds your hand tight, he was a little nervous seeing so many people outside of work for the first time. He rings the buzzer and you’re both let up.
“Harry, you made it!” Isaac gives him a hug. “Hi Y/N.” He smiles.
“Hi Isaac! Here we brought this for you.” You hand him the case of beer.
“Thanks! Definitely going to need a lot of this today. C’mon in. I can take your coats.”
“Thanks.” You smile back. You and Harry hand him your coats.
There were plenty of people here already. Harry keeps his arm hooked around your waist. It was clear you were not to leave his side the entire time you were here. Which was perfectly fine with you. These are the moments you didn’t mind he was clingy. You both still had a good buzz going.
“There’s a keg in the living room, help yourselves.” You both walk further into the living area.
Julia and Dana are standing together near the keg. Ah yes, underage drinking, how fun for them. Their jaws drop when they see Harry, and they drop further when they see you, his pretty girlfriend. They weren’t expecting to see you almost sort of dressed like them. You pulled off the crop top look quite well.
“Hi girls.” You say to them smiling, grabbing two solo cups. You had hoped Julia crapped herself when she saw you, and by the way her cheeks flushed, maybe she had.
“I got it.” Harry says, tapping the keg and filling the cups. Julia bites the top of her cup. “Don’t worry, I won’t tattle on yeh.” She blushes. “I was in college once too.” He winks at them.
“We’re surprised to see you here.” Dana says.
“Why? Awfully rude to decline an invitation.”
Harry hands you your cup and puts his arm back around your waist. Julia has her eyes glued to you. Did you know about what happened? Of course you did, why wouldn’t Harry tell you?
“Well, we’re happy to see you, right Jules?”
“Yeah, super happy.”
“Surprised you two are at such an adult party.” He says.
“We have somewhere else to be later. Just here to pregame.” Dana explains.
“Myk’s here too.” Julia blurts out.
“And Paige, and Mariah.” Harry nods.
“Myk brought her boyfriend too, H.” Dana says, nodding over to where they were standing and talking.
“Oh, good for her. Babe, let’s go find Mariah, yeah?”
“Alright. Nice to see you two again.” You smile at them as you walk away with Harry, his grip tightening on you.
“Babe, ugh, gag me.” Julia says quietly.
“How could you not be over him after everything that happened?”
“Because…look at him! He’s so fucking gorgeous, it’s not fair.” She sighs.
You and Harry find Mariah and say hello.
“Hey guys! Think I’ll leave when you do, Rachel invited me to your friend’s party.”
“Sounds good, yeah, she told us.” Harry smiles.
“You got your nose pierced! When can you put the hoop in?”
“Just a few more weeks, I’m itching to change it out.”
“I promise, you’ll be happy you did it this way. Makes it a lot easier to change them in and out.” You nod and take a sip of your beer. Isaac comes over to your little group.
“Everyone good?”
“Isaac, you are the perfect host.” Mariah says putting a hand on his shoulder.
“I do what I can.”
“Do you have a roommate, or do you live here alone?” Harry asks.
“With a roomie, he’s over there.” He points. “Some of his friends are here too.” You look around and see a few flamboyant looking people and smile. A couple of them walk over.
“Oo, girl, I don’t know you, but I have to tell you, this look, you are serving mama.” You giggle.
“Thanks! This sweater used to be longer, but I cut it up myself.” You get into conversation with the boys.
Harry feels more comfortable now, so he lets you go. He knew you were social and outgoing, he didn’t want to hinder you. Mykenzie and her boyfriend come over.
“Never thought I’d see you at one of these things.” She huffs.
“You can thank yourself for that.” She rolls her eyes at him and his jaw tenses. He’d slap her if he could, but she’d probably like it so what’s the use?
“Anyways, this is Brian, my boyfriend. Brian, this is Harry. He takes pictures for our studio.”
“Nice to meet you.” He smiles at Harry and shakes his hand. You catch the awkward exchange out of the corner of your eye.
Brian didn’t look anything like Harry. He had blonde hair and brown eyes, an odd combination. No apparent tattoos. You wondered how long they had been dating.
“So, where’s your girl?” She asks.
“Right there, making pleasant conversation.” He points to you. You smile at him and excuse yourself from your conversation, and go over to him. He kisses the top of your head through your hat. He snakes his arm back around your waist. “This is Y/N.”
“Hi, I’m Brian.”
“Hi.” You smile and shake his hand. “Nice to see you again.” You say to Mykenzie.”
“Yeah.” She says with a fake smile.
“Need another drink, Myk?” Brian asks her.
“Yeah, actually.” She smiles as he walks away.
“Need to use the loo, Mariah, know where it is?” Harry asks her.
“Yeah, follow me.” Mykenzie crosses her arms when she’s left with you.
“So…you two still doing well, then?”
“Mhm, really well.” She looks you up and down. “Cute outfit, very festive.”
“Thanks.” You smile.
“You’re younger than him, right?”
“Um, only by a year and a half.”
“Well…I just always thought he liked be the younger one.” You furrow your brows.
“Why, how old are you?”
“Just turned thirty this year.”
“That’s only a four year age difference.”
“Wow, you are smart.” Her voice littered with sarcasm. You roll your eyes at her. “Careful, he doesn’t like that very much.” Your mouth forms into a straight line. She was trying to make you mad, but this bitch really didn’t know who she was fucking with. You cross your arms and smirk.
“He likes it a lot, actually. Begs me to do it.” Her eyebrows raise. She’s never known Harry to beg for anything.
“That so?”
“Oh yeah. In fact, he begs me for a lot of things. You should see the look on his face when I tell him to wait, it’s priceless.” You take a coy sip of your drink. “But I don’t need to tell you, I’m sure you remember lots of things like that about him. Things I’m sure you’d love to throw in my face. But I’m sure that nice man over there getting you a drink wouldn’t appreciate hearing any of it, would he?”
“You think you’re a tough bitch, don’t you?”
“Oh, you poor, sweet, idiot. I don’t just think it, I know it. You think I have any reason to be afraid of you? Intimidated by you? You’re the last person I would ever be threatened by.”
Harry and Mariah return at the same as Brian does. He hands Mykenzie her drink.
“Thanks.” She says to him, her cheeks hot. Harry snakes his arm back around you.
“Alright?” He asks you, not having realized just who he left you alone with.
“Oh sure, we had a nice chat.” She rolls her eyes at you as she takes a sip of her drink. You feel Harry’s hand squeeze your hip.
So this is where it came from. No wonder he hated when you did it. It must remind him of her every single time you roll your eyes, whether it’s playful or not. The thing you weren’t sure of though was if he really truly hated it, or if the defiance of it turned him on so much it sent him into another state.
“Bought ready to go? I’d like to head back to Niall’s soon…”
“Sure! Yeah, lemme just find Isaac, gotta make the rounds and all that.” You nod.
“Nice seeing you again, and it was so nice to meet you Brian, you have a really great girl here.”
Your sarcasm isn’t lost on Harry. He knew whatever you two talked about wasn’t good. You and Mariah follow Harry around. He gives Isaac a hug goodbye. He waves to Dana and Julia, and then turns to the two of you.
“Ready ladies?” You both nod, and head out to your uber.
You get up inside Niall’s, and there were a ton of people there just like you knew there would be. Once you get settled, Harry pulls you down the hall where there were less people.
“What’s up?”
“Did Myk say anything weird to you?”
“Weird? No.” You smirk. “She wanted to start something with me, but I put her in her place.”
“Okay, but what did she-“
“Don’t worry about it. S’not important. C’mon, there’s a party, let’s drink.”
You go out to find Sarah and Rachel. Rachel was talking with Mariah. They both looked excited to see each other. You decide to leave them alone. You find Sarah by the makeshift bar Niall had put together.
“Shots?” She asks.
She slices up a lime and hands you the salt as she gets two shot glasses. Harry watched the entire thing. How you slowly lick the back of your hand to get the salt on there, and how you lick at it again before you tip your head back. He watches you sink your teeth into the juicy lime and suck everything out of it, juice rolling down your chin. You use the back of your hand to wipe yourself off. You and Sarah giggle as she makes you both a margarita. Your third type of alcohol for today.
“You’re back!” Niall slaps Harry’s back.
“I wish Lou was here…” Harry pouts.
“I know, he just couldn’t make it to this one. Think he had Freddie this weekend.”
“Can’t blame him for that.” He sighs.
“C’mon, let’s have a drink.”
Harry and Niall go into the fridge and they each crack open a beer. You sip your margarita happily as you chat with Sarah. You knew you were going to get hammered, but you needed to nurse your drinks so you wouldn't throw up. You looked over at Harry, who looked absolutely delicious in your now hazy eyes. You wanted his cock in your mouth, and you wanted it now. He looks over at you and does a double take. He instantly recognized the look on your face as he met your gaze.
“Shit.” He says under his breath.
“What?” Niall asks innocently.
“Hm, oh, nothin’.” Harry smiles awkwardly. Niall looks over at you, and he can see the look on your face too as Sarah absentmindedly talks your ear off.
“Look, if you’re gonna do that again here, could ya clean up? Yeh left the guest bath a mess, and Eleanor thought I was a slob.”
“What? How? How do you know-?”
“Was painfully obvious. You both disappeared.”
“You don’t care?”
“Why the fuck would I?” He shrugs and then grins. “When yeh finally have that house warmin’ don’t be surprised if I fuck Sarah in some random room as payback.” They both laugh and walk over to you and Sarah.
Niall distracts Sarah with a kiss while Harry yanks you down the hall, and into the guest bath, locking both doors like you had done on New Year’s.
“How’d you know?” You breathe against his neck.
“I’d know that look anywhere.” You get on your knees and start undoing his belt and pants.
“Just want it in my mouth, you can fuck me when we get home later, yeah?” He nods.
You tug his jeans down just enough, and take his cock out of his boxers. You don’t even pump him first, you just wrap your mouth right around him, and moan. He grips the counter behind him, watching your eyes flutter closed as you swirl your tongue around him.
“Fuck.” He groans.
Your hands were secure on his hips while you bobbed your head up and down him slowly, trying to take as much of his as you could. He pushes his hips forward slightly and you gag on him as he hits the back of your throat. You come off him for a second just catch your breath.
“Sorry, angel. Got excited.” He breathes.
You’re back on him instantly, and you moan at the salty tastes as your tongue slides over his leaking slit. You hear him let out a breathless moan. You take him deep, and suck on him hard until you have him panting.
“Gonna come.” He moans, and it’s music to your ears. “Y/N, gonna fill that pretty mouth up.”
You groan against him. You had to be soaked through, but you’d deal with that later. You feel his come shoot into your mouth and you take it all. You slide off him and swallow every last drop. You stand up and rinse your mouth out quick while he pulls his pants back up. He rubs your back for a moment while you catch your breath.
“Sure I can’t do anythin’ for yeh, love?” You smile and kiss his cheek.
“You just did. S’all I wanted. Just wanted to, hic, taste you.” You were drunk, this you were sure of. You hear some Nicki Minaj song come on. Damn the music was loud. “Shit, I love this song.”
You practically race out of the bathroom, and guest room with Harry not too far behind. You find Rachel and Sarah and the three of you start dancing. Harry’s face was absolutely flushed. Mariah comes over to him.
“Dontcha wanna dance with ‘em?”
“Nah, I’m fine watching the show.” She looks at him. “You okay? Your cheeks are really red.”
“Just the alcohol, love.” She smirks at him.
“Sure it is.”
“Oh shut up.” He nudges her. “How are things with Rach?”
“Good! Think we’re going to hang out later in the week.”
“Can I ask a personal question?”
“Have yeh kissed or anythin’?”
“Yes.” She giggles. “The other day, but that’s all we’ve done. She said she moved too fast with the last person she was with and just wanted to take things slow for a while. Which I’m perfectly fine with. No need to rush.”
“Right.” He nods, and looks back at you dance with your friends.
“They really know how to move, huh?”
“Oh, you have no idea. You should see them at a club. They’re crazy.”
“Especially Y/N.”
“Keep your eyes on your own girl.” She nudges him. “Kidding.”
“No you’re not.” She snorts. “You’re a possessive guy Harry. You’re possessive with your equipment, your shoots, and the people in your life. You barely let her go at Isaac’s.”
“That was due to nerves. Bad enough I left her alone with Myk.”
“Why did you sleep with her anyways?”
“I was younger and stupid. Thought she’d be a quick and easy fuck, and she was, until it continued…for far too long. Least she has a boyfriend now, she bothers me way less.”
“I swear she’d pounce at the chance to fuck you with the way she looks at you sometimes in our staff meetings.” She laughs.
“Any one of them would, I’m afraid.” He rubs the back of his neck. “Am I that good looking? Honestly?”
“Harry, I’m a very gay woman…but honestly…I’d take a ride.” She smirks and they both burst out laughing.
You eventually get Harry to come dance against you when Niall joins Sarah. Mariah eventually joins Rachel, but the two opt to sit on the couch together to chat. You grind your butt up against Harry’s pelvis in time with the music. Niall had put a great playlist together.  
“Hey, we’re gonna go.” Rachel says putting her coat on. “Mariah said she’d help me get home.”
“Oh!” You practically lunge at her with hug. “Let me know when you get back!”
“Okay! Thanks for everything Niall.”
“Glad yeh could make it.” He slurs.
“See you Monday, H.” Mariah gives Harry and you a hug. “Good to see you Y/N.”
“Same to you, bye!” You watch them leave. “They are so cute!” You kiss Harry on the cheek. “Good job.”
Harry had you up over his shoulder when it was time to go. You had drank so much with Sarah that you could barely walk. You were still singing along to whatever music was playing while Harry carried you around to say his goodnights. Sarah was about to pass out when she gave Harry a loose hug.
“Night mate, thanks again.”
“Night! Safe travels.” He chuckles.
“Niall!” You yell from behind Harry. He walks around and bends down to meet your face. “Lemme smoosh that little face.” You grab his cheeks. “I had so much fun today, you throw the bessssst parties, I love you.”
“I love you too.” He giggles and you let go of him. He kisses your forehead making you giggle.
“Alright, I’m takin’ her home before you two start makin’ out behind me.” Harry huffs.
“Chill, not where my lips wanna be.” He nods towards Sarah.
Harry walks out with you still over his shoulder. You didn’t mind being carried by him until you realize Michael would be at the desk when you got back.
“Harry put me down! I don’t want anyone in the lobby to see me like this.”
“You can barely walk.”
“Gimme a piggyback ride then.” You smack his butt as he crosses the street.
“I’ll do it again!” You smack his butt again.
“Jesus!” He sets you down and crouches in front of you so you can get on his back. “Alright?”
“Mhm, much better.” You rest your chin on his shoulder as he hooks his arms under legs, and stands effortlessly. “You’re so strong, baby.”
“I know.” He sighs as he enters the building. Luckily there were other drunk people stumbling in.
Michael looks up and smiles at the two of you, you wave to him.
“Can we say hi to Michael, pleasseeeee, poor thing didn’t get to enjoy the holiday.” Harry sighs again but does as you ask. He knew you’d keep whining if he didn’t. “Hi Michael.”
“Hi Miss Y/L/N, Mr. Styles.” He smiles. “Have a nice St. Patrick’s Day?”
“The best! Did you get to enjoy it at all?”
“I did! Just came in a couple hours ago actually. Opted for the night shift so I could hang out with friends earlier.”
“That’s nice. We were with friends all day. Our best friend lives across the street.”
“That’s nice.” You smile big at him.
“Right, well, we’re gonna head up now.”
“Goodnight.” He smiles as you wave.
Harry gets you two into the elevator, you still secure on his back.
“Michael is so nice, Harry.”
“I know.”
“How come you’re not drunk?”
“I am.”
“You’re not acting like it.”
“I started drinking water over an hour ago, unlike some people.” The elevator door opens and he makes his way with you down the hall and into your apartment.
“Didn’t want any.”
“Well, you’re going to drink some now.” He brings you right into the kitchen and sets you down on top of the island. He unzips your jacket for you and you shimmy it off while he fills a glass of water for you. “Let’s go, slow sips.” You shake your head no. “I’m not kiddin’, c’mon.”
“I wanna dance some more.”
“I dare you to try and stand on your own two feet right now.”
“Fine.” You hop off the counter and immediately lose your balance, landing on your butt. You start laughing. Harry sits down next to you, leaning against the island.
“Please, drink the water. You’re gonna have a massive headache tomorrow if you don’t.”
“It’s already tomorrow.” You take your temple knowingly.
“Y/N, for the love of god, drink the fuckin’ water.”
“Why are you getting mad at me?” You pout.
“M’not.” He sighs.
“You swore at me, you’re mad. And I was so nice to you earlier, I let you come in my mouth.”
“Yes, you did.”
“So be nice to me.”
“I’m tryin’.”
“Ask me nicely, Harry.”
“Y/N, would you please drink this water?”
“Fine.” You snatch it from him and take slow sips. Your eyes feel droopy, and you lean your head back against the island.
“Can’t fall asleep, love.”
“M’not.” You take more sips of the water.
You eventually hand him the glass of water, and you climb your way up to your feet. You close your eyes and then open them again. The room felt like it was spinning.
“I have the spins, fuck.” You clutch at the counter.
“Are you gonna throw?”
“I…I don’t know, help me get to the bedroom, please, I’ll lay on the rug.” Harry picks you up and carries you to the bedroom. You start giggling.
“What’s so funny?”
“You’re like my prince, no, you’re better than a prince. You’re like a knight in shining armor.” You nuzzle into his chest as he sits you on the bed.
“Let’s getcha outa these clothes, hm?” You nod.
You lift your arms up so he can take your sweater off. He reaches around you to unhook your bra, effortless as usual.
“You’re too good at that.” You say as it drops to the floor.
“Lots of practice, I’m afraid. Stand up.” You use use shoulders to steady you as he takes your pants and underwear off.
“Can I wear that t-shirt to bed? You know that one I really like?”
“My uni T?”
“Mhm, please, I really wanna wear it.”
Harry rummages through his dresser for the shirt, and helps you put it on. It hugs around your thighs.
“Makes me feel like I’m one of your college hookups.” You giggle.
“And you like that?”
“S’fun to play pretend sometimes.”
“You’re killin’ me.” He shakes his head. “C’mon, you’ll be pissed if you don’t wash your face.”
He gets you into the bathroom, and grabs one of your scrunchies to put your hair up with. He runs the water and grabs a washcloth. He gets your makeup off. Your eyes flutter closes as he does so. He washes his hands before lathering them up with your face wash. It was like you were getting a facial. After thirty seconds he wipes it all off with the cloth. Next you each manage to brush your teeth.
“I need t’pee.”
“Alright, let me help you to the toilet.”
“I don’t want you to watch me pee!”
“You could easily pass out on that toilet. I’ve been in the bathroom with you plenty of times while you’ve wee’d, I’ll turn around.” You nod.
You sit down to pee, wipe yourself, and flush. He turns back around and helps you up. You wash your hands quick.
“Stay right there, now I need t’wee.” He does so quickly. You look up and away. You hear him zip up his pants and then suddenly you’re being lifted. “Still have the spins?”
“No, but I’m sure the second I lay down I will.” You chuckle against his neck. “Thank you for taking such good care of me.”
“Course. You’d do the same.” He lays you down on your stomach.
“I really would.” He strips himself of his clothes and climbs in next to you. You turn your head slightly to face him.
“Hey, um…” He rolls over onto his side to face you. “How come you wanted to squish Niall’s face before we left?”
“I wanted to do what? Ugh, fuck. Yeah, I need to sleep on the floor, I feel like I’m swimming.”
You grab your pillow and throw it to the floor. You drag half the blankets with you as you make it to the floor. Harry crawls to the edge of the bed to look at you. You curl up and sigh.
“Better?” He asks.
“Alright make room.”
“No, stay on the bed. What if your back hurts?”
“I won’t be able to sleep with you…” It’s a shameless admission, but he’s still sort of embarrassed.
Harry grabs his pillows, and the comforter, and joins you on the floor. He wraps his arms around you and you back up into him. You prayed you wouldn’t need to throw up. You felt less spinney being on the floor, so that was a good sign. You feel yourself drift off to sleep slowly, and thankful that tomorrow was not a work day.
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