#or saying that it IS trying to 'copy' spy x family
the-kneesbees · 9 months
is...is it not common for people to know what a trope is...
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yumeka-sxf · 4 months
Spy x Family workbook scans - part 3
Here's the last batch of scans from the SxF workbook series (at least until they make more!) This one is about learning how to draw and color.
I especially liked the below two illustrations~ Anya helping Mama shop and cook ❤️
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The book artists did a fantastic job with Anya's expressions!
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Anya dressed as Loid, Yor, and Becky 😂
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The next four pages is an activity where you either have to paste stickers or color objects for Anya and Bond's many outfits (I put the stickers on but didn't bother to color anything, lol). I love little confused Loid off to the side 😅
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My favorites are mermaid Anya/lobster Bond, and their pirate and devil outfits 😁 I also love Anya's だいまんぞく(completely satisfied) expression in the lower right of the last page.
Anya and Becky shopping! (some of the illustration is white for you to color in). Anya's says, "Anya wants to drink cocoa and eat peanuts" and Becky replies, "You're such a child, as usual." 😅
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And last but not least, one final cute family image! (the plate is empty because you're supposed to draw whatever you want to be their meal). I wonder what Loid's "WINE" wine tastes like 😆
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If more of these books are ever made, I'll definitely try to get copies and make more scans!
<- Return to Part 2
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ifyoucandaniel · 8 months
i know we all love our jason “reads classical literature and makes obscure literature references” todd, and usually damian is the other reader in the family and they either bond over their love for classical literature or try to kill each other. however i would like to take this a step further and say that EVERYone in the batfam are big readers. i come from a big family and all of us read in some way or another so here are my headcanons for the bats:
jason, as we know and love, is a massive classic literature buff. pride and prejudice, the brontë sisters, the iliad (he swears achilles and Patroclus are the greatest love story of all time), etc. he IS pretentious and everyone groans when classic literature is brought up in any debatable capacity. however his all time favorite book is the princess bride and he would die for buttercup. when the whole family starts watching jujutsu kaisen, jason reads the manga just so he can spoil things for damian that never actually happen. the day a new episode comes out jason tells damian panda was actually a spy and kills megumi. damian tries to kill him with his cereal spoon
while damian was with the league talia made sure he was sufficiently educated in classic literature in all their original languages, and he doesn’t mind a good classic. however i think he actually reads a lot of manga and children's classics. he read where the red fern grows and old yeller and cried, but he won’t ever admit it. he loves shonen and shojo manga, he really likes naruto and attack on titan (i can’t really decide what i think he’d like actually)
Dick is a smut slut girly!! he is in a bookclub with babs and steph where they read the sluttiest books to ever make it through publishing. He read ACOTAR and was constantly facetiming babs to rant. they're currently reading haunting adaline. Bruce once asked what the big deal was when the girls were talking to dick about fouth wing in the kitchen and they all looked at him with such offended expressions he never asked again
tim is also a pretentious fucker, but he reads dark academia. he will ride or die for Donna Tarte, his copy of the secret history is always on the desk by the batcomputer and he takes if we were villians on patrol with him. jason fucking hates his books and they're always fighting on who's taste in books is better. jason actually really loved a little life a cried seven times while reading it, but he would rather die than concede
steph is an AO3 girly!! she's part of the slut bookclub with dick and babs, but at heart she's an ao3 girly. she's also written her fair share of bruce wayne x batman fanfics. she once read a superbat fanfiction out loud to the boys and dick was absolutely enthralled, duke was morbidly facinated, damian had never been more disgusted in his life, and jason laughed so hard he almost threw up
duke reads a lot of comics (spiderman is his favorite because i say so and the MCU is their comic world), and he likes X-men and wolverine. he also really likes high fantasy and has read every book brandon sanderson has ever written
Cass like romance novels and ya books. damian acknowledges her taste in books after she defends his stance on harry potter and percy jackson being classics when jason tries to argue that they don't belong in the same category as his books. she read the cruel prince and convinced bruce to get her a snake she named percy. she reads books damian recommends and he would never actually say it out loud, but he secretly loves sharing his books with her and feels a lot closer to her because of her willingness to read what he recommends
bruce isn't typically a reader (he's too busy serving justice and kicking ass) but he will read books that his kids ask him to. he read the entire wheel of time series with duke and would go on patrols with him after just to talk about it. he read the golden compass to dick when he first took him in, and he read all of jane austen's books after jason told him he must be illiterate if he'd never picked up a classic
now what about alfred...
i dont have time to do everyone else and this is super rushed, but I just couldn't stop thinking about dick and babs having a little book club and reading the sluttiest books ever
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coolfireguy73 · 2 years
Parents ! (Child Mercs comic update)
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So ! I've been working on the child mercs comic and figured I might do some more charadesigns (and some props later ;) )
I don't know if I'll need every one of them in the comic, I don't even know if I'll need ANY of them, but it was fun to make.
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I only drew one of each merc's parents (for those who had two)
I have a few things to say about their designs, I'll try not to be boring:
Heavy's mom: You may think that "that's not how Heavy's mom looks like, she has a blue dress and a red thing in her hair" and yes you'd be correct, and that's what I was going for at first. BUT, remember this is when the mercs where children, she did not look like that, she looked probably more like this:
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so I went off that. I still gave her the Idon'tknowwhatyoucallitthing in her hair. It just looks so good on her.
Medic's Mom: I just love her. She's a tall thin woman with fluffy hair, and she looks so sweet !
Demo's Mom: Nothing much to say I just went off her earliest apparition in the comics. And, may I just say, as an artist, I don't like the colors of her clothes, they just don't go with each other. I did change the color of the strips on her skirt a little bit but still...
Engineer's dad: Yeah, another one that already exist in the canon, nothing changed much here either. Since, in the comic i'm going to make, they are all going to live in a small town, I took his helmet off and changed his overalls for more... "casual" ones. He's not a mercenary yet.
I referenced some pictures of work overalls and actually made him look too modern and had to change it a bit.
Spy's dad: I was afraid of doing spy's dad because I didn't want to make just a copy of spy. And I also didn't want to make another mom, we already have three of those X). So I played around for a while, looking at 20s and 50s clothes, and I think in the end I manage to get the spy vibe without drawing spy, if you see what I mean.
here are some of my research for him. Pretty basic:
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Now you may notice, among the chid mercs I made, one is missing: Soldier.
I just have a very hard time imagining his parents, or just him having parents. Either he was raised in an orphanage, his parents weren't very present for him or he got raised by racoon in a dumpster, i don't know, but I just don't see him having a "normal" family.
In the comic I plan, this won't really be brought up, like in the official lore it will kind of be a mystery :)
Anyway, sorry for the long post. Hope you like them !
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6rookie-writer0110 · 11 months
Don't lose control
Chloe Decker x Male Reader
Warning: Some light gore.
Request: Would you like to write a Male Reader who is a forensic blood spatter analyst that works for the the L.A.P.D. While there, he started a relationship with homicide detective Chloe Jane Decker and had a son together named (Y/S/N) (Y/L/N). In his spare time, he is a vigilante serial killer who targets other murderers who have evaded the justice system. Male Reader follows a code of ethics taught to him in childhood by his adoptive father, which he refers to as "The Code"
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You are in the lab trying to copy the same blood spatter as in the pictures. You finally figured it out and you started to smile, then Chloe and Lucifer walked in.
“Seems, you are having fun,” Chloe said.
You take off the goggles and there is fake blood all over your suit.
“I figured it out,” You said.
“You know who did it?” Lucifer asked.
“Yes, someone who is under 5’8. It's a short person who killed your victim. Ella helped me out because she was the same height as the killer. When I did it, the blood spatter wasn't the same and the range was very different” You said.
“Now, we have to arrest the landlord,” Chloe said.
“I knew it, he did it. There was something about him” Lucifer said.
“But we needed evidence to arrest him, Lucifer. Thanks Y/n” Chloe said.
“Anytime,” You said.
They leave the lab and you start to clean the mess. Once you are alone in the lab, you use the computer. You typed in a car license now you see the address and more. You start to think, about how to capture the rapist who was let out of jail for good behavior.
Chloe comes back to the lab and you hide the screen with a random report.
“Hey, Y/n don't forget to bring dinner tonight,” Chloe said.
She gave you a peck on the lips and you smiled. You and Chloe have been dating for a long time then she got pregnant with your son.
“Don’t worry, I won't forget. Go home early and I will try to finish this report” You said.
“Okay, I will see you later,” Chloe said.
She kissed you then she left. You watch her leave then you look at the computer again. She doesn't know that you hunt down criminals and kill them. You know that she will never accept you if she finds out. You always come up with a lie saying why you come home late. Since you work in the police department, it's easy for you to get information on your next prey. You try to find more information about the criminal and it didn't take for you to find out everything.
Chloe is at home and she picks up her son and kisses him on the head. He is one year old and he starts to smile at her.
“Don’t worry your father will join us for dinner” Chloe smiled.
You open the door and she is happy to see you.
“Traffic got worse. But I did bring food” You smiled.
You give her the food then you grab your son. She starts to set the table and you are making your son laugh and he doesn't stop smiling.
“I have to leave later,” You said.
“Why?” Chloe asked.
“I have to meet up with my brother, he is having trouble with stuff. And he needs someone to talk to” You lied.
She never met your family besides your adoptive father.
“Y/n, when am I going to meet him?” Chloe asked.
“I will try to set that up. I told him about you but I will ask him again” You said.
“Okay, but try not to come home too late. Remember we are going to the zoo tomorrow” Chloe said.
You gave her a peck on the lips.
“I won't come home late, promise,” You said.
After dinner, you spend time with Chloe and your son. She went to bed early and you left the house.
In the trunk of your car, you take out black clothes and changed in car and you change the license plate. You drive to the location where your prey will be.
You drive to a bar and you walk inside. You look for her and she is sitting at the bar and you sit in the back. You watch her and she is just drinking beer and talking to random people. You have been following her for almost two weeks, she has two different cars and that threw you off while spying on her. You start to remember what your foster dad said…
“Only kill people after finding conclusive evidence that they are guilty of murder,” He said.
After a while at the bar, she left the bar and you go after her. She is by herself, now you wet the cloth with coliform and run up to her. You put it on her face and she tries to fight back but can't.
“Shhhh,” You said.
You put her in the car and drive to your secret location. Chloe doesn't know about Secret Loft because you used your father’s name to buy it. That's where you do your killing. You drag her body into the loft then you tie her up on the table and you wait for her to wake up.
“Where am I?!” She cried.
“Somewhere,” You said.
“Who are you?” She asked.
“Oh, don't worry about that. You won't remember it in the afterlife. You are here to pay for the crime you did to those boys” You said.
“I did my time!” She yelled.
“No, you didn't! They should have given you years behind bars! But instead, they gave you three months!! People who sell weed are doing years behind bars! Now that isn't fair” You said.
“Someone help me!!!” She screamed.
You smacked and you looked at her with a sinister look.
“You can scream all you want. But no one will come and help, this neighborhood is abandoned, and cops only come around here to sleep with hookers. Enjoy the ride” You said.
She starts to cry and begs you not to kill her. But don't stop, you grabbed a knife and started to cut her body. The cuts are not deep but she is starting to bleed out, you want her to suffer. She keeps begging you to stop but you don't listen to her. You keep leaving cuts on her body. Then you grabbed a bigger knife and you have a sinister smile.
“Please I'm begging you” She cried.
You stabbed her in the stomach and she cries in pain. She starts to bleed out fast and you watch the blood come out faster. You take out the knife now you grab an electric saw, you start to cut her body. She is screaming bloody murder but you don't stop. You cut her arms off then you cut off her right leg.
“Have fun in hell” You said.
You cut off her head and you cut her body into pieces. You are breathing hard now you start to clean up and put her body parts into black trash bags.
You lost track of time while throwing her body away and cleaning. You changed clothes and burned what you had on. You went home at 4 a.m. and Chloe is still sleeping. Before going to sleep, you take a hot shower.
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You kept your promise and you went to the zoo with your family. You take a picture with Chloe and your son. You try to teach him a new word.
“Can you say gorilla?” You asked him.
He just smiles “Monkey”
“Close enough, but it's gorilla,” You said.
“You thought he was going to say it on the first try?” Chloe asked.
“Could have happened. Plus he won't let go of the monkey plush” You said.
While walking around the gift shop, he grabbed a plush monkey. He didn't want to let go of it and he hugged it very tight. You bought it and you bought a gift for Chloe.
You and Chloe are having a good time. You keep trying to teach your son how to say each name of the animal.
You and Chloe are on the couch, watching a movie. But during the movie, you and Chole just started to kiss each other and didn't bother to finish the movie. You are lying on your back and she is on top of you, and your hands are under her shirt.
“Are you okay?” Chloe asked.
“Yeah, I'm fine. Why?” You asked.
“You have been going out every single night, and I don't like that,” Chloe said.
“I promise that will stop,” You said.
“Do you mean it, Y/n?” Chloe asked.
You kiss her on the lips
“Yes, I mean it,” You said.
“Good” Chloe smiled.
✬ ✬ ✬ ✬
Chloe and Lucifer arrived at the crime scene. Ella starts to explain what she thinks happened at the time of the kill. But Lucifer tries not to laugh because Ella is on her knees, and you are standing up. Her face is close to your crotch.
“So the killer was on their knees and stabbed him in the stomach and his friend,” Ella said.
“That explains the blood sappter. When the killer moved their hand back and forth, the blood managed to get on the couch. But once at my lab, I will try out the theory” You said.
“Maybe try not to have your face close to his crotch,” Chloe said.
“What?” Ella said.
“Never mind,” Chloe said.
“Don’t be jealous, detective he won't cheat” Lucifer said.
Chloe walks away and you take more pictures of the crime scene. You and Ella started to talk about theories while Lucifer and Chloe talked to the neighbors.
At work, there was a meeting about criminals being killed. You didn't care about them but Olivia Monroe, your boss said something. She wants Chloe and Lucifer to work on the case and you start to panic. Now you have to stop for a while and you were planning on your next prey. So far, there are no witnesses or clues about who the killer is. The media already made up a name and you know Chloe won't rest until she cracks the case. You don't want to lose her so for now, you will stop killing. It will be hard because of your blood lust but you don't want to lose your family.
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darkenamour · 7 months
Yandere!Author!Reader x Older!Spy!Darling
Warnings: Yandere, Gaslighting, Stalking, NonCon, Implied Murder.
Another X-Files inspired story (musings of a cigarette smoking man) has two separate endings.
Summary: You've been looking for the perfect darling. Once you find them you'll do anything for them. It just happens to turn out that your darling is a government spy trying to retire. What will be the outcome?
You were a writer, an anonymous author who published several novels in the past. You've had a successful career, earning enough to retire after six books. But, you weren't looking for retirement, you were looking to settle down for a while. The catch was, that you weren't looking for someone your age, you were looking for someone older. Someone that would slowly, and easily, become entirely dependent on you.
It was an innocent fantasy at first. The thought of helping the elderly had always filled you with joy, then those fantasies turned lustful. Most people that seeked older company, had the thought of being pampered by money from lustful favors. You had no desire to be a sugar baby. You wanted to be the one doing the pampering. If only you could find the right darling.
At first you volunteered at nursing homes. Most were only in favor of having relationships with those in their age range. Others only looked for a quick fling. Then you tried local activity clubs that mostly had elders. They were all married, or only saw you as a child. Lastly you tried a book club, where everyone was focused on books. You only managed to make friends, but you were nowhere near finding a darling. 
Currently you are at a local coffee shop, typing away on your laptop. You were in the middle of fleshing out a fantasy world for a new series. Then someone called for your attention. It was an older gentleman, probably in his late sixties, who looked at you nervously. They were wanting to know if you were a writer. You took a close look at them, they were scratching at a patch on their neck, had ink stains on the cuffs of their shirt, wore a business suit, and carried a suitcase. You told them you were a writer.
They smiled and stammered as they asked if you could do them a favor. That favor being to read over their short story. You wanted to tell them about a writers club you've been to, but the way the older man looked at you with blind hope and trust. You felt your heart skip a beat. Without hesitation you agreed and their eyes shined bright. How you wanted to engrave that sight into your memory. They asked if you could wait for them to bring a copy. You lied to them, saying you were finished writing for the day and wouldn't mind occupying them home.
Their home wasn't too far from the coffee shop, only about four blocks. He asked you how long you've been writing and how much of your work was published. You told them you had fifteen short stories, six stand alone books, and one completed series published. They seemed surprised and looked nervous again. He stammered how maybe you shouldn't read his story. That someone well seasoned in the world of writing would just find his work lacking. You reassured them that you would be more than happy to look over his work. After all, you caught your big break when “someone well seasoned in the writing world” looked over your writing. Which was a lie, but he didn't need to know that. 
He let you in their apartment, which was in a seedier part of the city. Their open living room kitchen was bare, only holding furniture. The pictures on the wall were just art pieces, not a single family photo. Their coffee table held a remote for the television and an empty ashtray. It did not feel lived in. A part of you was happy that the man was obviously single, but another part wanted you to sweep him away and fill his life with love. He went to his room, the glimpse you caught was of a neat room, but the walls were covered in posters and news clippings. It was obvious the man was into art, but only expressed himself in private. You wanted him to express himself without holding back.
When they came back with a copy, you gave them your number. You told them to call you any time, since you mostly worked at home. He thanked you with a bright smile.
His work was nice, had a few grammatical errors, but the ending was in fact lacking. It needed to be fleshed out. The ending itself was impactful, though it did not fit the story. You didn't want to sound too harsh when criticizing someone's first story, especially since it's from someone you started to develop feelings for. When he called you, you were happy, but nervous about talking about their work. They agreed to meet with you at the coffee shop to talk.
He took the grammar checking well, but they became hostile about the ending. You had to reassure them it was a good ending, that it just needed more context so the reader could sympathize. They looked lost, almost defeated, and you couldn't have that. You wanted to see their eyes shine again. You asked them to think about their favorite works, speeches, movies, even one liners, to try to incorporate it into their writing. To go through each of them and see what would fit. They shouldn't be defeated when they're right at the finish line. You had full confidence that they could do it, after all you read their work. That renewed his spark.
They didn't call you again for a while. You left a voice message for them after a week went by. When they still didn't call back, you decided to stake out his home. It seemed like he only came back home to shower and went back out. Each day he looked haggard, but he had a smile on his face every time he left. You easily broke into his home one day, staying hidden in an empty cabinet. When he came back to change clothes, you could hear your voice. It was the voice message you left days ago. He kept playing it until he left again wherever he was going. 
Knowing the reason for his smile made you feel like butterflies were kissing your whole body. Now you had to know where he was going. At first you tried following him by foot, but he would always be in and out of someone else's car. When he wasn't walking, he would take his own car and city traffic made it impossible to follow him. Then you tried hiring private eyes, but after one day they would bail. The last private eye you just asked who he was. They just said they were someone they shouldn't be messing with, someone deep inside the government.
You were confused. How can a sweet, shy old man that's aspiring to be a writer be a dangerous government worker? You wanted to pursue your darling, know everything about him, but it seemed impossible. For anyone with less money that is.
You had to ask around for the best private eyes, which then led you to retired spies from other countries. It seemed that your darling had lived an interesting life. One of danger, espionage, conspiracies, propaganda, and lastly extraterrestrial cover up. It seemed like he lived a life straight out of a science fiction book. A hard life. Now it seemed like he wanted out, while the others in his circle didn't want to let him go.
It was close to December when he finally called you back. He asked you to look over his revised ending and to meet at the coffee shop. At the shop he seemed excited and nervous, cute as ever. You asked him to get a cup of coffee and to get to know each other. He only spoke about his time in the military, that he works at a boring office job, and that he always wanted to be a writer. You told him how you write under a pen name, written as a ghostwriter, worked directly with some famous writers, and what inspired you to write. 
He gave a nostalgic and envious look when you talked about your writing career. Then you told him about your first publisher that published your short story. How they completely rewritten your story before publishing, erasing what made your work your own. You tried and tried again until another writer got in contact with you. They helped publish your work as is, had you ghostwriter with big names, and got your full length novels published. If it wasn't for their help, you wouldn't be where you are today, that's why you'll do your best to get his works published. His dreams deserved to be accomplished. You didn't tell him about the attorney you hired that sued the publisher for violating your contract.
He asked what you wanted from him, he couldn't believe you were helping him without asking for anything in return. You told him all you wanted was his friendship. Close to the truth, but not entirely. He was skeptical, though he did agree to keep in contact with you. He would call in every once in a while, have coffee once a week, and tell you about a possible publisher that would publish his story. You knew the publisher, knew how they would butcher new writers' stories, knew how his colleagues asked the publisher to butcher his story. You didn't tell him anything.
He wanted to celebrate Christmas with you, after finding out his story was going to be published. Your family and friends were already at your home celebrating, so you invited him over. It took some coaxing, but he ended up agreeing and reveled in the congratulations he received from everyone. He seemed to enjoy himself, didn't scratch his nicotine patch, and you got to kiss him under the mistletoe. It was only on the cheek, though it made you feel like you were on fire.
When the day came for his story to be published, he asked you to join him. You both went to buy the trashy magazine that published his story. He was nervous as he flipped through the magazine, when his eyes landed on his story his eyes shined bright. It was published exactly as it was written, just as expected. His colleagues wouldn't be happy, but paying the magazine double what they paid was worth it.
He turned in his letter of resignation and continued writing. Your friendship continued, you found him an editor, and became a constant in each other's life. You would invite him to your home for dinner once a week, meet at the coffee shop at least twice a week, and call each other every day. As the months went by he began to stay over later, he had his own assigned guestroom with spare clothes and a toothbrush. One night he drank himself stupid after getting a full length novel published. 
You kissed him, while he was in a drunken state. He kissed back, sloppily, and dragged you to his room. It was the first of many times you both had sex. You would wake up first, clean him up, and make it seem like nothing happened. Then one night he woke up first. Your only saving grace was that both wore sweats, and neither of you bothered taking off your clothes. He simply believed you both shared a platonic cuddle. It led you both to hugging more often, to cuddle on the couch, and share platonic kisses. You were slowly becoming more intimate with him.
The next Christmas party you took advantage of your closeness. When you both were under the mistletoe you kissed him on the lips. Everyone laughed and chalked it up to you two becoming close friends. During New Year's it was just you two, your family and friends celebrating in their own way, as the countdown went down he kissed you. He was sober enough to remember the kiss and where it led. He also told you he wanted to start the new year without regrets. That was the beginning of your relationship.
After half a year of dating, of him practically living in your home, he moved in permanently. You began publishing your final series, wanting to start your life as a stay at home spouse. To pamper your darling without any distractions. Your darling coming from an older generation didn't find your behavior strange, he thought he found the perfect partner. Though there were times he felt like you should with someone younger, not someone old like him. You would kiss him and tell him no one could replace him, that he alone held your heart.
Soon you were both married, some seemed opposed, but most could see how happy you were. You spent every day of your marriage making it seem like your honeymoon. Pampering your husband, finding new ways to spice up your relationship, telling him each and every day how lucky you were to be with him. Then came the day one of his old colleagues showed up.
They tried to turn your darling against you, showing him proof that you paid for the magazine to publish his first story. You countered that proof with proof they paid the publisher to sabotage his story. He wondered how you knew about that, what more you were trying to hide from him. You told him everything, about how you really became a successful writer, how you spied on him, how you practically knew everything about him, how you took advantage of his drunken state, and how he was your whole world. He tried leaving you, you couldn't have that. 
It took months, your poor darling had to be locked in the basement, but it was all worth it. You rounded up all of his old colleagues, had them tied up in front of him. He asked what you were trying to prove, you asked him what he wanted you to do to them. What should happen to his colleagues that were trying to drag him back. His colleagues that sabotaged every chance he had for becoming a writer. His colleagues that stopped him from getting what he deserved. His colleagues that were trying to tear you two apart. Every time his colleagues would deny trying to sabotage your relationship, you threw in proof, proof they were trying to stop his books from being published, proof they tried to pay off publishers to ruin his writings, proof they tried to kill him, and you, as soon as he resigned.
He asked you to never lie to him again, to never withhold information, and to let his old colleagues go. After what you did, it showed that there was nothing they could do against you. That it was safer for them to let you two be. You did what he asked. You continued pampering him, he continued writing, and his colleagues, his enemies, knew you as his monster. Only one was foolish enough to try to attack your darling again and you made them a prime example as to why you were called a monster.
Alternative ending
You skimmed over it, seeing most of it was left as is, but the ending wasn't the one he wrote. It wasn't the one that you helped him write. He went to buy a pack of cigarettes, but you took them from him.
You settled him on a bench, reminded him that you went through the same thing. But he didn't want to listen to you, saying how you were young and he was too old to work his way up like you did. He wasted years of his life writing with no one ever wanting to publish his work  and the one time someone did they just destroyed his work without a second thought. When you offered to have his work published as is, he got angry that you were pitying him, that he wasn't a charity case. You gave him a pack of cigarettes, not the ones he bought.
As he smoked his first cigarette in months, he slumped next to you. The only witness was a homeless man eating chocolates from the garbage bin. Two men approached you two, a large man that took your darling to your parked car and a man that looked almost identical to your darling. You gave the doppelganger an envelope of money, and a letter of resignation that your darling typed up and signed. The large man accompanied you home to help bring in your darling, you paid him before he left.
A few hours later your darling awoke, tied to a chair, and asked who you were, who you worked for. You reassured him you worked for no one, that you were who you said you were. They asked what you wanted from him. You finally told him the truth. How you wanted to pamper him, keep him all to yourself, publish his works, and love him till the end. He called you insane, crazy, that someone would come looking for him. You reminded him of his registration letter, and the moment he left his apartment, that everything he owned was moved into your home.
Days later a news article came in about the doppelganger you hired being killed. They assumed he was your darling, so you showed it to him, proving that no one was looking for him. If anything, they were trying to kill him, he was much safer here with you. You gave him his own room, leaving him to his own devices. When he tries to escape, you have a drug that gets released that leaves him unconscious for hours. The second time he tried to escape, you had him hooked up to an iv with a drug that left him paralyzed.
To cheer him up, you told him about the positive reviews his work was getting. How you edited and published his work under the pen name he created. How the trashy magazine went bankrupt and was no more. The days he wouldn't fight back when sober, you would hold him, cuddle him, and give him gentle kisses. Years later, after not being able to escape, he decided to give in and start writing again. He returned your acts of affection, read the reviews of his works, and behaved outside of his room. 
When your family and friends were around, he always seemed nervous, but he never talked about what you did to him. Then you left him free to roam, leaving him alone at home. He would only go outside to see the sky, never wondering off your property. He knew he couldn't go far, knew you would find him, knew he had nowhere else to go. All he had left were his writings and you.
Bonus snippets:
You: Aw, look at my darling. So soft, so cute!
Private Eye: He tried to kill me!
You: My darling? Never!
Him: I can't believe I made a writer friend! We're going to have so much fun talking about writing.
You: I can't believe I found my future husband and he's a writer! We have so much in common already.
Him: Haha, got caught under the mistletoe with my young friend. This is awkward.
You: Mistletoe kiss! If we weren't surrounded by people I would have given him the kiss of a lifetime.
Him: I'm finally getting my work published!
You: I'm finally going to get my husband.
Him: Who do you work for?
You: I work in the name of love!
Him waking up next to you: Haha, young people sure are strange. I don't know why my pants feel sticky, but I'm sure it's nothing. 
You: I'm denying all wrong doings, this is an opportunity.
Him: I'm so drunk I can't stand.
You: Looks like it's sex o'clock.
Him: Six o'clock? Oh, where did my clothes go?
Him the next day: Man, I'm covered in bruises. My old age is catching up to me.
Him after having consensual sex: Why do these bruises look familiar? Could it be? Nah, not my old fashioned spouse.
Him finding out: How is my karma so bad that I ended up marrying a psychotic rapist? Oh shit, is that all my old colleagues? Mark me down for being scared and horny.
Him: Oh shit, my young friend old enough to be my child kissed me!
Also him: I may be drunk, but I'm sober enough to want to start a relationship. What's the worst that could happen?
Him later: Past me, how did you not see the warning signs?
You: Where's my handsome man?
Him: Let me go.
You: Give you kisses? Of course! *aggressively kissing his face*
Him: This is psychological torture.
When he becomes complicit, you take advantage and take him to bed. Kissing and licking every inch of his body. Telling him how perfect he is and there isn't anything you wouldn't do for him. Slowly making love to him while kissing away his tears. 
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anti-katsuki-lounge · 9 months
I'm developing an original story inspired by the MHA universe, like having schools dedicated to training heroes. In my story, the protagonist has a power, but is bullied because his power are considered useless to be a hero. He receives a type of power, which transforms his power into something new, I'm still thinking about how it works. Does this seem like copying from MHA?
This is a question I’ve pondered over myself. There are parts of MHA that inspire me to make my own superhero stories but I’m always worried about accidentally plagiarizing something. I have three questions that you can ask yourself to start off with:
1. How does this power work? OFA’s a stockpile quirk and an ability enhancer. If you wanna try something different, maybe have it so that your character’s quirk combines with the quirk they receive. An example is the following: Mina has an acid quirk. Mustard has a sleep gas quirk. If the two were to combine, Mina might gain the additional power of creating corrosive gas or she could fire poisonous gas in addition to her normal acid attacks. If your character has a small flame quirk and the pro hero gives them an explosion quirk, you can have it so that the small flame quirk fuels the explosions and makes them more powerful.
2. How do your original characters differ from Izuku and All Might? What makes them tick? Why should their stories be told? Now, that’s not to say that there can’t be a lot of overlap between your OCs and the DekuMight dynamic, but there should be something that makes them unique. Maybe your character will actually reflect on their past and make their goal to prevent what happened to them from happening to anyone else. Maybe the character who gives your OC their power up is more involved in Underground work instead of being in the limelight. Perhaps they’re not a hero to begin with, but a vigilante? Who’s to say they’re even a good guy to begin with and instead they kidnapped your character to preform experiments on them. You can even have them get their powers by accident or through any other way you’d like. This also goes for your other OCs. How much of an influence on the story does the bullies have? Are they also in the MC’s class or are they off being hooligans after not getting accepted into their dream school? If they’re playing an active role in the story, do you wish to redeem them or do you wish to have them fall into the path of villainy?
3. How does the world around them work? Is there any differences between MHA’s hero society and your world’s? What do the top heroes look like? How do people get their powers? Is it a genetic mutation like with quirks or are there aliens living on Earth and their offspring inherits some of their abilities?
Keep in mind that a lot of popular media is influenced by other popular media. Marvel’s Thanos was inspired by Darkseid, but the Mad Titan and the God of Destruction have enough going for them that people can easily tell the difference between their characteristics. Spy x Family and Buddy Daddies have very similar premises and overlap in some ways, but they also have aspects that allows people to differentiate between the two, letting them co-exist without one being considered a rip-off by the general public. Hopefully this helps 😊
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killerandhealerqueen · 5 months
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18. Wildest fic you’ve ever written?
29. Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone for a fic? How did it turn out?
34. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
9. Which character(s) do you find most difficult to write?
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A hug for you too Jaz!
9. Which character(s) do you find most difficult to write?
None of them, really
18. Wildest fic you’ve ever written?
Have you seen my ao3? Nothing off limits for me. Though I do think that to date, my wildest is probably 恨君不似江楼月 | Killer and Healer just because of the length, the amount of work I've put in...I'm basically rewriting the drama, you know? And another work that I think is wild is my SPY x FAMILY fic. That one was wild but fun
29. Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone for a fic? How did it turn out?
Yeah, I think my fic The Revolution was pretty out of my comfort zone, because I've never written a Dystopian au before. But I think it turned out pretty well and I'm happy with it
34. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
Gonna copy and past the same excerpt I used when answering Holly's ask
This is from Chapter 37 of my fic 恨君不似江楼月 | Killer and Healer
Back in the morgue, Chen Yuzhi continued to look at Keying’s burnt body before he reached into his pocket and pulled out her little butterfly clip, staring at it for a moment before he carefully and gently placed it into Keying’s hair, his hands trembling the entire time.  Once the clip was in her hair, he smiled weakly.          “There…don’t you look pretty, A-Ying?” he murmured before he reached up to gently stroke her hair.  As he stroked her hair, more tears streamed down his cheeks and he shook his head, trying to stop himself from crying, before he let out a shuddering breath and leaned down, placing the gentlest of kisses to her forehead.          “Goodnight, A-Ying.  Sleep well.  Gege loves you” he whispered before he pulled away and carefully covered her face with the sheet.  He then carefully pushed her tray back into the refrigerator and shut the door before he turned and numbly walked out of the morgue, causing Jiang Yuelou, who had been sitting on the bench outside with his head in his hand, to shoot to his feet and look over at him with wide eyes as he slowly made his way towards him.  When he finally stopped before him, Jiang Yuelou shook his head.          “I’m sorry.  The killer came for me, and I got Keying involved” he apologized.           “Though you say you’re sorry, would Keying still be alive?” Chen Yuzhi hissed, rage burning in his tear-filled eyes.  Jiang Yuelou looked at him before he lowered his gaze.          “I’m sorry” he repeated, his words full of tears.
I'm fond of this scene because in the drama, Chen Yuzhi just places the butterfly clip into Keying's hair before he places her back into the morgue refrigerator. But here, I've added more dialogue to not only make it more angsty but I feel like Chen Yuzhi would tell Keying that he loves her before he places her back into the refrigerator, not just place her in there without saying goodbye/goodnight, you know?
35 Questions for Fanfiction Writers! ✨ | send me asks
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morganadpl · 1 month
Another heir - Chapter 4
« Are you spying on me ? »
Draco Malfoy story
Draco Malfoy x Ravenclaw
Warnings : Spoilers Harry Potter saga
Helena shifted her weight, feeling the cool night breeze against her skin. She turned to Draco, a thoughtful look in her eyes. "So, what's on your mind? What's keeping you up at night?"
Draco hesitated before replying, his voice quiet. "My father."
Helena nodded, understanding that he wouldn't say more. She decided to share a piece of her own story instead. "I lost my father two years ago. He was very sick. Ever since then, I've had a hard time sleeping, but walking around at night helps me clear my head."
Draco glanced at her, his expression hardening slightly. "I suppose you're happy my father's in prison. After all, he was at the Ministry at the end of last year."
Helena shook her head slowly. "I'm not happy, Draco. I understand that it's not easy for you. But I know that just because your father is where he is, it doesn't mean you're the same person. We are not carbon copies of our parents. You are your own person, Draco. I understand that you miss him, but you shouldn't let others—or yourself—define you by his actions."
Draco looked at her, a flicker of surprise in his eyes. He seemed to be processing her words, the tension in his shoulders easing just a little. "You really believe that?"
"Yes, I do," Helena said softly. "We all have our own paths to walk. You can choose to be different."
For a moment, the two stood in silence, the only sound the rustling of leaves in the wind. Helena could feel a shift in the air, a tentative bridge forming between them.
"Thanks," Draco finally said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'll keep that in mind."
Helena smiled gently. "Anytime, Draco."
They stood together, gazing at the stars, finding a shared solace in the quiet of the night.
And so these late-night meetings became a ritual. Each evening, they found solace in the Astronomy Tower, gazing at the stars and engaging in quiet conversations. Draco remained distant in his responses, but he couldn't deny that he appreciated Helena for not judging him as the selfish, arrogant son of a Death Eater. He valued her presence, even if he couldn't fully express it.
Draco found himself questioning many things. Helena's acceptance and understanding were a stark contrast to the expectations placed upon him. Yet, he couldn't forget the mission he had been given. The internal battle of his emotions was intense, tearing him between loyalty to his family and the glimmer of a different path.
For Helena, these nightly talks were a rare opportunity to open up about her own struggles, especially about her father. Draco, in his own reserved way, understood her pain without showing pity, which made her feel less alone. His empathy was subtle, but it was there, and it meant the world to her.
As weeks went by, their connection grew stronger. They exchanged discreet smiles in the corridors and at the dining tables, a silent acknowledgment of their shared secret. Their friendship, if it could be called that, remained hidden from prying eyes. Helena appreciated these moments of vulnerability and camaraderie, and Draco found a small respite from his burdens.
Their bond was a delicate balance of unspoken understanding and mutual respect, blossoming quietly in the shadows of their nightly rendezvous.
One evening, Helena arrived at the Astronomy Tower earlier than usual. She needed a moment alone. The previous night, she had been haunted by a dream of her father, watching him take his last breath while her mother pleaded with him to fight and stay. Helena stood powerless at the foot of the bed, the scene replaying over and over in her mind. She had woken up with a start, disoriented and sorrowful. The day had seemed interminable.
Desperate to distract herself, Helena attempted to work on her astronomy homework, but she couldn't focus. She was trying to locate the Gemini constellation when she heard footsteps behind her. Draco had arrived.
He quietly sat down beside her, observing her for a moment before asking, "What are you reading?"
Helena sighed, a hint of frustration in her voice. "I'm trying to do this stupid assignment, but I just can't focus."
Draco took her assignment from her hands, glancing at it. "You're already looking at the best constellation."
Helena looked at him curiously. "Why do you say that?"
Draco smirked slightly. "Because it's my sign."
Helena laughed, the tension easing a bit. "Mine too."
Draco's smirk softened into a genuine smile. "Well, let's see if we can make some sense of it together." He started pointing out different constellations in the night sky, using the telescope and charts from the tower. He explained the positioning of the constellations in relation to one another, his voice calm and steady.
"Look, here's Gemini," Draco said, adjusting the telescope for her. "And if you move just a bit to the left, you can see Taurus."
Helena leaned in, following his directions. "Wow, I see it. That's incredible."
Draco nodded, then pointed towards another part of the sky. "And over there, that's Orion. It's one of the easiest to find because of the belt stars."
As they continued, Draco's knowledge and passion for astronomy became apparent. Helena found herself not just learning, but genuinely enjoying the process.
At the end of their impromptu lesson, Helena looked at Draco with newfound appreciation. "I didn't know you were so good at astronomy."
Draco shrugged modestly. "My mother taught me a lot when I was younger. It's always been something I enjoy."
Helena hesitated for a moment before asking, "Did your mother choose your name because of a constellation?"
Draco nodded. "Yes, she did. She always loved the stars and the stories behind them."
Helena's curiosity piqued. "Can you show me where it is?"
Draco smiled, pleased by her interest. "Of course." He adjusted the telescope and pointed it towards a specific part of the sky. "There it is, Draco. It's part of the constellation of the dragon, Draco."
Helena peered through the telescope, marveling at the sight. "It's beautiful," she whispered. "I can see why your mother chose it."
Draco nodded, a hint of pride in his voice. "She always said it was a strong name, fitting for a Malfoy."
Helena looked up at him, her eyes reflecting the starlight. "It suits you," she said softly. "You're strong, Draco. Even if you don't always feel it."
Draco looked back at her, his usual guarded expression softening. "Thank you, Helena. That means a lot."
Draco, sensing that they were on a night where the conversation could be deeper, asked, "Helena, why couldn't you concentrate earlier? You excel in all your subjects."
Helena looked at the sky before responding. "I had a nightmare about my father, about his last day. I've never told anyone the reasons for his illness. It's something that gives me a feeling of sadness and also of revenge."
"Revenge? Why?" Draco asked, genuinely curious.
Helena looked at him and, after a few moments, decided that Draco might be one of the few who could understand, even if what she was about to say might make him feel bad about his family. She took a deep breath and began to explain.
"During the first war against Voldemort, my parents were part of the Order of the Phoenix. One night, during a battle against two Death Eaters, one of them, Evan Rosier, cast a curse at my father that he couldn't dodge. It was an infection that grew slowly. At first, everything seemed fine, but no treatment was found. About three years ago, my father was admitted to the hospital. He stayed there for a year, but no cure was found. My nightmare was about the day the infection finally took over."
Draco listened intently, his expression serious. He could sense the weight of her words and the pain behind them. "I'm sorry, Helena," he said softly, genuinely feeling her pain.
Helena nodded, appreciating his sympathy. "It's been hard. I guess that's why I find comfort in the stars. They remind me of him, of the times we spent together before everything changed."
Draco looked up at the night sky, his thoughts conflicted. He understood the burden of legacy and the pain of losing a parent, even if their circumstances were different. "Thank you for sharing that with me. I know it can't be easy."
Helena gave a small, sad smile. "Thank you for listening. It's been a long time since I talked about it."
Draco and Helena said their goodbyes, sensing that their conversation had reached a natural pause. Helena knew she needed rest; tomorrow would be her first class with her ancestor.
Returning to the Ravenclaw Tower, she paused before the imposing door that led to the common room. The bronze eagle knocker seemed almost to watch her as she approached. It posed its riddle, and Helena, accustomed to the practice, quickly solved it, allowing her entry.
The Ravenclaw common room was a circular, airy space filled with the soft glow of enchanted lanterns. The walls were lined with tall, arched windows that offered a breathtaking view of the night sky and the surrounding grounds of Hogwarts. Bookshelves brimming with ancient tomes and modern texts alike stood against the walls, while cozy armchairs and elegant tables were scattered about, inviting students to study or converse.
In the center of the room stood a grand marble statue of Rowena Ravenclaw, her serene gaze and regal bearing inspiring wisdom and calm. Helena walked over to the statue and gazed up at it, feeling a familiar pang of longing and pride. Her father's words echoed in her mind: "You are the rightful heir of a proud family legacy. Your strength comes from your family and your convictions. Always fight for what you believe is right."
Helena took a deep breath, drawing strength from the statue's presence and her father's encouragement. The weight of her heritage felt lighter, more manageable. With a renewed sense of purpose, she turned away from the statue and made her way up the spiral staircase to the girls' dormitory.
Entering the dormitory, she found the room quiet and peaceful, her fellow Ravenclaws already asleep or quietly reading in their beds. She slipped into her own bed, pulling the curtains closed around her. The soft, familiar surroundings of her dormitory brought a sense of comfort, and she allowed herself to relax.
As she settled under the covers, her thoughts drifted back to her upcoming meeting with her ancestor. She knew it would be challenging, but she felt ready to face it. With a final glance at the night sky through the window, she closed her eyes and let sleep claim her, the words of her father lingering in her mind like a protective charm.
The next morning unfolded normally. Helena arrived at the breakfast hall with a smile, accompanied by her best friend Lena. She nodded to her friends from Gryffindor and offered a barely noticeable smile to a certain Slytherin.
At noon, as she was about to enter the Great Hall for lunch, Harry stopped her. "Can we talk outside, just the two of us?" he asked quietly.
Helena raised an eyebrow but nodded. "Sure, Harry. What's on your mind?"
Harry took her by the arm and led them both outside the main entrance, making sure that nobody was in sight. They sat down on a bench near the side of the Great Hall's walls. From there, they had a beautiful view of the mountains, the Black Lake, and, of course, the boathouse—the place where every first-year student first discovers the castle.
After they sat down, Helena turned to Harry, encouraging him to continue with his questions.
Harry glanced around before replying, "How's the start of the year been for you?"
Helena shrugged, trying to keep the conversation light. "Everything's fine. Classes are going well, and it's good to be back." Helena stopped, and looked at Harry who had a strange look on his face, so she continued "But I feel like there's something else you want to ask."
Harry hesitated, then took a deep breath. "I've seen you on the Marauder's Map a few times in the evenings, wandering around the castle. It got me a bit worried."
Helena's heart skipped a beat, but she kept her expression neutral. "Are you spying on me, Harry?"
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septemberrie · 1 year
Trope Game
Thank you for the tag @junkshop-disco! I really liked reading your thoughts on your tastes and found out they are honestly a bit different than mine! Love that our fandom isn't just one thing.
Rules: How much do these tropes affect your decision to click on a fic?
-10 -> very dissuaded
0 -> don’t care either way
10 -> very enticed
nope -> if it’s a hard no and you’d never click on a fic with that tag or or you even have the tag blocked or you’d insta click out of the fic if it wasn’t tagged.
Bonus points for explaining the rating and whether it’s conditional
Age Gap: 2/10
Age gaps used to be one of my kinks, but then I got older and well… tastes change!
Codependency: 0/10
I think my answer for a lot of these is going to be, “‘yes’ for my angsty ships, ‘no’ for my healthy ships.” So… yeano?
Enemies to lovers: 10/10
Gimme dat shit. I love starting with interpersonal conflict and growing from there.
Enemies With Benefits: 3/10
I actually will eat up dubcon if it’s in a dark setting that calls for it, i.e. fantasy. I’ll avoid it in contemporary/modern settings bc the real world has enough of that.
Fake Dating/Relationship: 0/10
I’m not opposed to it, upon reflection my issue with it is that “I can't relate to this trope IRL" but I could say that about most of the tropes on this list so I can’t really explain my hesitance lol.
Found Family: 10/10
Who doesn’t love found family??? What in the tradwife
Friends To Lovers: 0/10
Only if there's lots of pining.
Friends With Benefits: 0/10
See: “fake dating” above.
Hurt/Comfort: 100/10
See JD’s comments, and if I may add my own: whump is my shortcut to emotions. I love forcibly removing society’s layers of hesitation and complexity and expectations, and stripping characters to their basest needs and seeing how they react. I feast.
Love Triangle: 0/10
Probably done better on ao3 than mass media but I’m still pretty meh.
Mistaken/Hidden Identity: 0/10
Is this like the Patrick Crawley/Gordon episode of Downton Abbey? Or like… a secret spy falls in love with the mark? No for the former, maybe for the latter; I can't think of any fics like this that have showed up in my browsing.
Monster Fu… Relationship: -5/10
I did read the Burned One x Rosalind fic and ummmm it's not for me. I am however not immune to paranormal romances (still unironically Team Jacob).
Obsession, Possessiveness, etc: -2/10
I mean… for my angsty, unhealthy ships, yes. But I've got to be in the mood for it obv.
Opposites (like grumpy×sunshine, etc): 0/10
…yes? I guess? In that I like reading about two people that aren’t carbon copies of each other. How do they navigate normal difficulties, etc. etc.
Poly: 0/10
Smut, 100%. Relationships? I’m wracking my brain trying to think of an example where I care about all three characters lol. Iron Widow, that worked!
Pregnancy: -10/10
It's a "nope" if the whole point of the fic is pregnancy. If it's part of a larger story/plot then maybe.
Second Chance: 10/10
Holy shit yes, I love the angst. Especially when it’s something out of their control that forced them apart. I don't think I've written this yet but I should add it to my list.
Sex To Feelings: 3/10
Yes, but after reflecting I think I’m more interested in the opposite: Feelings without sex because ~angst reasons~ prevent/preclude the sex. Until it all comes out in a fiery explosion of lust! I digress.
Slowburn: 9/10
The hand touch from Pride & Prejudice (2005) dir. Joe Wright is my middle name. I’m willing to negotiate on how slow is “slow” as long as it makes sense within the story.
Soulmates: 0/10
Only when it creates more angst! I still live in the world @shadowofnight proposed, where Saul and Andreas are “soulmates” with the matching mark or whatever but Saul chooses to be with Farah anyway.
Tagging: @astrid-v @whenshesayshush @theperfectrose @veritaserum07 no pressure ofc!
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szasza-chan · 2 years
I’m really jealous of everybody who can enjoy Buddy Daddies because this anime makes me so angry.
I KNEW that nothing will happen between Rei and Kazuki but still the whole presentation is just... ARGH!
Yeah, its not a 1:1 Spy x Family copy but still try to ride that wave, don’t fool yourself! But it would be more obvious with a straight couple, so why not make this show with two dudes? Genius! In that way, they can get the queer people and fujoshis/fudanshis’ money, but they won’t make their relationships gay, so everybody can “safely” watch it. That’s just disgusting to me.
I’ve already seen people saying that they’re happy that it’s not gay, so they can enjoy and watch it. Because, you know, if it’s gay and you’re straight, its physically impossible to you to watch something. *irony* And on the other hand people are like “yeah I know they won’t gonna get together but stll ship them”. Yeah, that’s the problem. They knew that a lot of people still gonna watch it and ship the protagonists, and that’s enough for them, because they already got your money. Even though they spit you in the face.
Do I want that Rei and Kazuki have sex? Hell no, who tell you that? This is not that type of anime, so of course it’s totally okay if they have a more “kid friendly” relationship. But I still would like to see some confirmation that they’re together, or get together later. A meaningful handholding, or a romantic hug. But this never gonna happen. Is there a chance that one of the guys is bisex? Of course, but you never gonna know it because in Japan media, there are no bi people (except if they want to make a gay character “straight”, like Mikasa in Fuuka, who “was” gay for 200+ chapters, and then he fell in love with his female teacher under tho chapters and got together... yeah, fuck you Seo Kouji, you coward bastard!)
I hate when people say that Japan is some safe place, where feminism and wokeness and “gay agenda” are unknown because it’s just not true. They has a lot of feminist manga/anime (like the whole mahou shoujo genre) and they has queer anime/manga from like the ‘80/’90s. CLAMP, Ikuhara, Yoshida Akimi all had LGBTQ+ characters, few years ago we had Yuri!! on Ice and Sarazanmai, so it’s not like that Japan is no capable of making queer media. But you’re naive if you think its as easy as in the west. They’re still very conservative and it’s hard to make real, uncensored queer anime, without resriction.
Of course I don’t say that it’s absolutely bad if somebody like this anime, or you’re a bad person, if you ship Kazuki and Rei. You watch what you want to watch, and like what you want to like. As I said, I’m just jealous, because I want to like it but can’t. I’m still hoping that in the end I will look like a fool, because they get together, but I know they won’t. It’s just another fujoshi-bait anime, which is okay, I like a lot of these type of shows (like Free! or S8 Infinity), but this is just feel bad.
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yumeka-sxf · 9 months
Spy x Family Animation Art Book scans - part 1
I got my copy of the latest SxF art book, which means more HD scans!
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The main feature of this artbook is character and setting designs, of which there's nearly 200 pages! There's no way I can scan all the pages, so I'll have to pick and choose. But for this first part, I wanted to share the unique merch/promo illustrations that haven't been in the previous books.
Firstly, I want to highlight this adorable illustration that was made specifically for this book - painting Forgers in berets ❤️
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And here's the rest of the promo scans, mostly of chibi designs that have been used in merch.
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I'm gonna be busy in the coming days/weeks with CODE: White news, continuing my Twiyor analysis posts, as well as coverage of the SxF game that's releasing soon. I'll try to make more scans of the book in between all this, but I can't say when or how many yet. But I will scan more pages before too long, so stay tuned~
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dreamgothgirl · 2 years
Bastard Pt. 1
Batman AU! Toji x GN! Reader
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Warnings: mild language, VERY suggestive (more like direct) language, maybe messed up grammer or sentence structures, a plot line composed by a stoner music producer with nothing better to do. Smut will be in the next one, pinky promise.
Author's Note: So sorry this is late. I have no excuse. But I love you for sticking around anyway big tiddie broke dilf make me go brrr :,) <3
This probably makes no sense but I had fun writing it and I hope you have fun reading it.
wc: 1,927
Toji Fushiguro, AKA: Deadshot. A widowed single father and ex-supervillain turned somewhat vigilante that just so happens to work with Batman, as a spy and front man for Satoru Enterprises when Batman himself, known to the public eye as Gojo Satoru, is too busy being the center of attention at other parties.
You can thank his son Megumi, or Nightwing, for making those two somewhat behave around each other. After Deadshot saved Robin’s life from one of Joker’s antics gone wrong by none other than you, Gojo couldn’t help but, for the first time, feel in debt to someone. But Toji? Let’s just say that if Batman ever had the pleasure of catching you, you will have wished it was Deadshot who got you first.
After putting Yuji’s, AKA: Robin’s, life in danger, Gojo has been paying extra money on the side for your assassination; should you ever cross Toji’s path. Because of his partnering with the Bat Family, Deadshot doesn’t carry out assassinations to multiple clients like he used to; mostly participating in gambling rings to get his fix of illegalities and, on special occasions, more violence. Though, no matter how good he is at bullshitting, he can’t help but admit that neither of those things put as much money in his pocket as he’d like. Money that isn’t from Batman.
The very person who put him in the shithole situation that made him lose everything back then. Sure, your attempted murder of Robin was the Bat family’s reason for hating you, but Toji’s had nothing to do with you actually almost killing a minor. No. He hated that you were the reason he had to hang around Batman, of all people. The sooner you were dead, the faster he got away from the Bat Family and could get back to his true passion and money maker. Who knows? Maybe he might actually ask Megumi to hang out with him for once.
Y/N L/N, AKA V/N. You were a master con-artist that has nothing to do with Deacon Blackfire. In fact, unlike Blackfire, you had no ability to brainwash your victims. Although brainwashing would be the best addition to your curse technique, it wasn’t a big fuss when you had a gun. Your curse was simply called, ‘Doppelgänger’. Your friends mused how cool of a name that was for you already, but V/N has such a cuter ring to it! The name of your curse is self-explanatory. You had the ability to copy another person’s look down to the birthmarks on their body with one handshake. This did mean that you could also duplicate their cursed energy, but not the curse itself.
This is because your cursed energy simply suffocates the original curse thanks to a curse steroid serum made by Scarecrow. Because of this curse, you gained one of the most notoriously ANNOYING but funny sidekicks. Clayface. Clayface was quite literally your partner in crime as he fought off the Bat Family and other villains trying to ruin your plans. Thanks to you ruining the Joker’s scheme back then, you were able to convince the public that V/N was truly dead for good. Batman nor Deadshot ever said a word about this being true, voicing their skeptics to the public and warning them to continue to keep an eye out just in case. So, the fight between Bats and Clayface just made Clayface seem like any other villain trying to mess with Gotham City per usual. Yikes.  
              Since you always hid your identity with a mask of some kind, not only did this increase paranoia and distrust amongst the Gotham citizens, but it also made it harder for Toji and the Bat family to know if you were in front of them. Normally, Gojo would have no problem finding you, but the constant change in your cursed energy managed to throw his six-eyes into a distorted funk.
The steroids your cursed energy absorbed didn’t make it any better. Because of Scarecrow, the curse steroid made any curse users brave enough to try to find you with their own curse, it would reveal their worst nightmare through their own technique. It wouldn’t deter any curse users from fighting you with their curse techniques though. Scarecrow didn’t want to get rid of all the fun. Anyway, it was safe to say that Deadshot had never seen your true face, nor have the two of you ever exchanged real words.
Tonight was the last night of your DA campaign and the race was looking tight. It was you vs Geto Suguru. He had the one up on you because of the heavy funding from Satoru Enterprises. ‘Having rich friends help you out has got to be against the rules somehow,’ you thought. You got your funding from the most respected people in Gotham. Just ask Clayface. Going against Geto was ironic considering how often you kidnapped his daughters and himself. But you were so close to winning by pointing out the chaos Gojo and Toji’s words to the public.
Your statements of Batman not even being able to protect his own understudies and successors solidified your win, you thought. Victory was so close you could taste it. And tonight, you absolutely were not going to let ANY of those Bat Rats and their stupid puppy ruin it.
You glared ahead at the center of the ballroom, licking the champagne away from your lips. Fallen glitter from the extravagant yet somewhat scandalous dresses that decorated the bodies of would-be goddesses at your charity event for your campaign. However, through all the lights, chatter, and music you become lost in thought at the one man you were PRAYING wouldn’t show up just yet. Those simple hopes were quickly dragged to hell and your anger rose when one of your henchmen whispered over your shoulder, “Mx. L/N, Mr. Fushiguro would like to have a word with you, if you would.”
Your nose twitched slightly, ‘!@#$% !@#$% !@#$% THAT PIECE OF ^%&*!! !@#$%!!!!!’
              You gave a kind smile and small bow of your head, apologizing, “Excuse me for a moment.”
              As the two of you walked across the room, the man at your side kept a whispered while you nodded and waved to your guests thanking you for the lovely event, “The donations have already been moved and the exchange has been done. We’re ready whenever you are.”
              You nodded but almost let your glass of champagne slip from you’re your fingers as you stood a few feet away from the one they called Deadshot. The tux he wore was a classic black with a sleek silk tie and matching handkerchief neatly tucked away in his breast pocket. His ensemble fit him well enough to show his rippling muscles that’ve taken the lives of so many innocent and cruel.
The lux silver cufflinks that sat just above the ball of his wrist made his strong, deadly hands look more dignified and powerful than they would have with tattoos and rings. It made you wonder if maybe he had a tattoo or two elsewhere. Nothing would make you hesitate from finding out, that’s for sure.
              Fushiguro’s hair looked soft and thick enough for you to pull. You wished you could grip it as hard as you could. Preferably out of annoyance, but…maybe something else could replace it? The warmth in your face quickly turned stone cold as his piercing green eyes met your e/c ones. Those eyes were the eyes of a tunnel visioned blood lust you’d only seen in the most skilled killers you’ve sorely crossed paths with. He knows. And you’re silently fearful that there may not be a way out for once.
‘I know I’m not God’s favorite soldier…but before you let the devil take me, just let me lick his lip scar. Just once!!’
Toji’s eyes bore into you, watching as your own, classier, outfit hugged your body just right. The subtle plumpness of your thighs could be seen through the fabric of your bottoms while they hugged your ass the way he was really wishing his hands would. Fuck, what was he thinking? You were Gotham’s soon-to-be mayor.
He could give a shit about tainting his own name, but he knew that if he did give in to his urges, the Satoru name would be in shambles which might even lead to the downfall of Batman. Hm…maybe that’s not such a bad thing actually.
 Argh, but even so he’d be putting your own reputation at risk given his background. It took Gojo quite a bit more work than the rich sorcerer initially thought to get the public opinion to be in favor of Deadshot, the deadliest assassin who has ruined countless families in the name of business as well; suddenly being in a relationship with a politician such as yourself was way too suspicious.
But goddamn, he just couldn’t take his mind off you. He’d been watching you since he walked in. Toji’s eyes never once left your general direction as he leaned against the open bar, greeting Satoru Enterprises’ partners with a not-so-subtle dismissive tone in his voice. Toji was told to keep a lookout for V/N, but he knew damn well he wasn’t even bothering with the thought of that headache.
  Tonight, it was all you. He’d been infatuated with you for a while. Something about your presence was like a whip cracking in the room, catching everyone’s attention as soon as your heel hit the floor. Your looks were the cherry on top of your manipulative promises to your supporters. After keeping an eye on you for an hour, which felt like 20 minutes, he called over one of your representatives.
Now, here you were. Glowing like some fucking deity had come to reap his soul to hell like he deserved. Toji already knew as soon as he decided to finally call you over that his chances with you were low, but he’d be damned if he didn’t at least try to get just a little taste of your lips.
          Toji’s eyes bore into you, watching as your own outfit hugged your body in all the right places. The lights that made your sexy h/c hair have a water-like sparkle to it. He was too busy appreciating your beauty; you took his concentration for suspicion. Had you been weak, you would’ve compromised your position in an instant at how cold and sharp those eyes were.
The definition of piercing, truly. Luckily, your voice sent strong enough shivers down his spine to snap him out of his trance. “Good evening. Mr. Fushiguro! I’m so glad you could make it!”
      His scar curved a bit as he smirked, “Nice to see you, Mx. L/N. You look great.”
     ‘You’d look better in my sheets.’
       You chuckled and bowed your head a bit in thanks, “You got balls showing up here, I’ll give you that! Should I expect to see Mr. Geto?”  
       Toji shrugged, leaning back coolly against the calmly busy open bar, “Nah, don't even worry about him, babe. I don’t get paid to vote for assholes I don’t like. Just work for ‘em, y’know?”
      The casual banter he’d begun made your shoulders relax and your face soften a bit, “Yeah. Tell me about it. That’s why I prefer working solo.”
     The man gave a huff of amusement through his nose, almost sarcastically replying before sipping his whiskey, “I knew you’d understand.”
     You order your own drink and decide to sit with your soon to be trophy. Dead or alive, you were going to make sure he was yours. And had he known who you were; he could say the same. But with only you knowing who he was...maybe you'd be first.
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cambot77 · 1 year
Tag Game!
Tagged by @sister-cna-reader
Three Ships: Becky/Bill (Spy x Family), Becky/Ewen (Spy x Family), Sansa/Sandor (A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones)
First Ship Ever: Gosh, that's a tough one! Does me/Tommy the Green Power Ranger count? If not, then probably Usagi/Seiya from Sailor Moon (I dislike Mamoru)
Last Movie: 'Laura' (1944). Great classic film.
Currently Reading: Fics on Ao3 for sure. And I'm trying to read 'The Night Tiger' by Yangsze Choo but it's not holding my interest as much as I had hoped.
Currently Watching: Random videos on YouTube (I don't really watch series anymore)
Currently Consuming: Nothing, though I should drink some water.
Currently Craving: Gonna copy Sarah here and say: "Becky/Bill fanart cause they have me in a vice grip. 😫💕" But also the ability to summon elves who will pack all of my stuff for me before our move.
Tagging: @haute-stvff, @peanutseagle, @yeuxvitreux
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hopeymchope · 2 years
The semi-regular “seeking an anime to watch” struggle
I’m in that awkward period where I’m trying to find an anime I haven’t seen before that I can really sink into, and I’m coming up pretty dry.
It’s been a pretty good year overall, I gotta say. Tomadachi Game, Trapped in a Dating Sim and Lycoris Recoil have been my three highlights as far as “new anime in 2022″ have been concerned. And of course season 2 of The Devil is a Part-Timer! was wonderful to have as well! LOVE that series. 
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But lately, I’m bouncing off a TON of shows that I’m trying to get invested in. New and old alike. :( I’m just having a bad run.
I did try watching “Spy x Family” earlier for most of season 1, and it’s cute, but... I keep waiting for the relationships to progress and the stakes to go up, and neither one ever happens? It’s just kinda cute, and occasionally something funny happens for a moment, and that’s about it. Then I found out that in the manga, the Forgers are STILL all oblivious to their various identities/powers... and I lost a lot of interest. Fucking seriously, you’re gonna drag it out THAT fucking long??? There is SO MUCH material to be mined from revealing those things both emotionally and in terms of how it would affect the plot and action going forward! It’d be SO heartwarming to see them start to accept each other for who they are! But NOOOPE. Seems we’re gonna just wait until the VERY END to do anything with that and simply run in place endlessly ‘til then! Well, bored now.
So I gave “Saga of Tanya the Evil” a shot. And I guess the title should’ve warned me that there’s a severe “Who am I rooting for here?” problem. I’m only four episodes in, but I’m struggling to figure out who I should be latching onto. I guess I expect Tanya to be more of a “sneering, manipulative, sinister-acting force for good” kind of like the protagonist of Tomadachi Game, right? But nah; the “Evil” label seems entirely sincere thus far. At least I can relate to the characters uncertainty/skepticism about the presence of a higher power (”Being X”), but I also want Tanya to accept the reality of the situation as the evidence piles up. In addition to that, some of the art style is really off-putting to me? Specifically Vishna, who certainly isn’t treated as though she’s a freakish-looking person in the world of the series, but she definitely looks it to me...
I started watching “Neon Genesis Evangelion” for the first time recently, but... I’m halfway through the series (13 eps) now, and it still hasn’t grabbed me. I wonder if this is just one of those “It was revolutionary for the time, but everybody’s copied it so much by now that it’s not that exciting anymore” kind of situations? Like, did you have to be there? The kids obviously have some psychological depth to them, but... I mean It kinda feels like maybe the fact that these characters have any psychological problems at all is entirely what was once the appeal, and we’ve had TONS of that kind of thing for decades now, so I can’t feel impressed. Or maybe all of the interesting stuff is in the back half? Idk. Shinji is boring, Rei is a blank slate, Asuka is irritating, Misato is an alcoholic but is probably the most likable character... oy.
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too-many-rooks · 2 years
spy x family penguins please and thank you!
That was quick!
Inspired by one of the special episodes of Spy X Family where they go to the aquarium, and part of my Ian and Yassen raise Alex series. Ian is trying to have a nice day out with his family, but gets roped in to try and prevent an information exchange, ends up stealing a penguin. Yassen is aware of what's going on, but is absolutely not helping because Ian missed their anniversary dinner and he's petty.
Here's a snippet -
“Whatever you want, the answer is no.” He said, handing over a few coins for a copy of the Guardian. Sitting down to read a newspaper was a luxury he’d long since sacrificed, getting most of his important news rather directly from morning briefings. However Ian Rider, mild-mannered banker, was just the sort of mildly left-of-centre culture-focused guardian reader type, and he made a point of buying one every now and then. 
“Good morning to you as well, Rider.” Crawley greeted in his usual flat, sombre tone. “Might I ask you to at least hear us out?” 
“It better be good.” He warned, glancing behind him as he heard giggling, to see Alex climbing over Yassen’s shoulders, trying to escape his hold with a grin on his face. 
“Ee-an! Yassen said if I’m bad he’s gonna feed me to a shark!” Alex protested, shrieking in delight as Yassen pretended to take a chomp out of his belly, and he couldn’t help the smile that softened the hard, displeased line of his mouth. 
“See, we’ve got to go feed Alex to a shark, I’m busy. Family day. I’m sure my contract must say I’m entitled to those, right?” Ian prodded, annoyance seeping back into his voice. 
Edit: this made it out of wip hell!
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