#or you and childe underneath a bunch of blankets and him making it into a little nest!!!!
jflemings · 1 month
— nightmares
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pairing: jessie fleming x reader, jessie fleming x child {piper’s world}
synopsis: piper has a nightmare and calls out for jessie
warnings: mentions of nightmares, crying
a/n: combined 2 anons for this! i’m also trying new things w my fics to match my current theme hehe
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jessie wakes up in the middle of the night shivering. she rolls over and realises you’ve managed to steal her side of the blanket, rolling her eyes as she pulls the cocoon you’ve made for yourself apart. she doesn’t know what time it is and can’t be bothered to check once she buries herself back underneath the warm covers that smell like you.
she pulls them up over her nose and then blindly searches for you in the dark, putting her arm around your waist and burying her face in the dip where your neck curves into your back. the sound of your heartbeat and breathing is enough to almost lull her to sleep until she hears a small voice calling out her name.
“jessie” it’s kind of quiet and a little distant so she thinks she’s dreaming and ignores it until she hears it again, louder and more distressed this time.
the canadian lifts her head off the pillow to make sure she’s not just hearing things, her whole body going rigid next to you.
“jessie” the little voice calls out again, just as loud as before but more drawn out and desperate.
jessie recognises piper’s voice and tosses the covers off herself, making sure not to wake you as she slides out of bed and tip toes down the hall.
warm, muted light slightly flickers and dims from inside piper’s room as she approaches. she pushes open the cracked door to see a very distressed looking little girl sitting up in bed and clinging to her ninja turtle donatello plush toy.
“pip? what are you doing up” she whispers, quietly stepping into the room and pushing the door slightly closed behind her
piper sniffles and reaches her arms up to signal she wants to be held. jessie obliges and cradles her protectively as piper folds into herself on the footballer’s chest. she continues to sniffle as jessie begins to rock her ever so slightly in hopes of putting her back to sleep. she’s a little stunned in her half-awake state, not knowing exactly what do to. it’s the first time piper has actively sought jessie out for comfort without a single mention of you.
usually when piper awakes though the night she comes into your bedroom and wiggles her way in between you and jessie. other times she’s stood at your side of the bed and stared at you until you woke up in fright before climbing over you and tucking herself in. a few times she’s had to tug on jessie’s arm to be put in the big bed because you sleep like a rock, but there’s never been anything like this.
“had a bad dream” piper whispers into the dark, the only light coming from a string of star lights that are quickly dying. jessie makes a mental note to put new batteries in them tomorrow. “was really scary. you were playing foo’ball then a big monster with red eyes started chasing you but you didn’t see him and he swallowed you up!” she continues on, shifting slightly in jessie’s hold before sniffling again. “no one else see him! i tried to get mummy but couldn’ find her. no one to help”
jessie hums and sits down on piper’s bed as she begins to rub circles with her thumb on her back “it wasn’t real pip, i’m right here” she assures “why didn’t you come get me or mummy?”
“saw the monster’s eyes an’ thought he was going to get me”
“what do you mean?” jessie asks puzzled.
piper pulls herself off jessie’s chest, keeping one of her hands bunched in her hoodie as she turns and points out her door “there” she says before turning back to face jessie “he’s out there”
piper’s bottom lip quivers and tears begin to run down her chubby cheeks. jess wipes her tears with one hand whilst the other holds the girl tighter “sweetheart there’s no monster i promise”
“b-but his eyes!”
jessie’s brows furrow. she wants nothing more than to go out into the living room and show piper that there’s no monster that’s going to gobble her up, but she knows that she needs to get piper back to sleep. instead, she lays down on the single bed and keeps piper cradled to her chest before pulling the covers up over the two of them. realistically she shouldn’t be sleeping in a child’s bed the night before a game at the risk of waking up sore, but jessie has a feeling that if she attempts to take piper out of her room it’s only going to stress her out more.
she lays the two of them under the canopy hung a over piper’s bed “the monster…” piper trails off
“we’re safe i promise” jessie whispers.
the little girls hand lets go of jessie’s jumper and lays flat over her heart, her little fingers spread out and tapping aimlessly “he won’t eat you?”
“he’s not gonna eat me”
seemingly satisfied with the answer she gets, piper goes boneless on top of the midfielder. her arms are tucked underneath her and her legs slightly fall around jessie’s waist, her donatello still held tightly in one hand. she nestles her head in the crook of jessie’s neck and soaks in her still sleep warm skin, the slight smell on you that somehow permanently lingers on jessie only providing more comfort to the three year old.
the feel of jessie’s chest rising and falling slowly puts her to sleep, the feel of the footballer’s body under her bringing her peace.
when you awake the next morning it’s to cold sheets and a blaring alarm. you expect jessie to be curled up against your back like she is most mornings but all you’re left with is an empty bed. you roll over to turn off your first alarm and realise the apartment is silent. no shower running, no tv going, no coffee machine being used. just you.
what’s even more puzzling is the fact that you also can’t hear piper. if jessie wakes up first piper isn’t far behind, the pair of them usually up talking or giggling loud enough for you to hear it through your closed bedroom door. you swing your legs over the side of the bed and put your slippers on before making your way out to the kitchen and living room.
jessie’s spare pair of running shoes are still on the shoe rack by the door so you know she’s not gone for a run and her keys are still sitting on the counter along with her wallet.
furrowing your brows, you turn back and go towards piper’s room. pushing the door open slightly you’re met with piper laying on jessie’s chest, the two of them tucked under the covers snugly as they continue to sleep peacefully.
you lean on the door frame and take in the scene in front of you. jessie’s got an arm raised above her head whilst the other is wrapped around piper over the covers, and your little girl is tucked into the crook of her neck. donatello has been discarded through the night and now finds himself next to jessie’s head on his shell with one leg poking your girlfriend in the cheek.
you smile and push yourself off the door frame before cracking piper’s door again and turning to head to the kitchen, preparing a coffee you know jessie’s gonna need from sleeping in that bed.
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shiggys-wife · 2 months
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"I'm cold"
Rating: Everyone
Warnings: fluff
Summary: Shigaraki is sick, and the only person he doesn't send away is Dabi
*art credit to owner*
Dabi rushed inside the dimly lit bar to escape the rain. He shook off the droplets from his hair and hung his coat by the door. Kurogiri and Twice were the only ones in the bar, and he assumed everyone else was still out. Dabi silently headed towards one of the sofas to sit down, but he looked up as Toga stomped into the room, clearly agitated.
"I'm never trying to help him again! Someone else can do it!" She exclaimed as she slammed a bowl down on the bar. Twice comforted her by patting her on the back, and she went on to sit on the stool next to him, arms crossed.
"He is stubborn on a good day, Toga," Kurogiri said.
"I was just trying to make him feel better! He didn't have to threaten me!"
"He is sick. He just took his frustration out on you. He wanted to make a move on All Might as soon as possible, but we can't do it without him. He knows that." Kurogiri explained. Dabi was listening closely now, Shigaraki was sick?
"Well, he can starve for all I care. I'm not going back in there." Toga said matter-of-factly.
"Boss is sick?" Dabi asked, speaking for the first time since he came in. Toga looked over at him, not even realizing he was there the whole time.
"Dabi! You're back!" She cheered with a wide smile, Dabi only returned from finding recruits maybe once a week, Dabi gave her a single nod before asking again.
"Shigaraki is sick? Is it serious?"
"No, it's just a cold. He has been complaining and acting like a spoiled child all day." Kurogiri said. He lifted the bowl Toga had brought out with a sigh, "We tried to get him to eat something, but he has refused everyone's attempts. You're more than welcome to try, though his soup is cold now."
Dabi made his way to the bar. He took the bowl and warmed it in his hands until steam rose from the soup inside. "I'll try," was all he said before making his way towards the leaders' room.
Dabi knocked once before entering the dark room. The TV displaying the menu of a video game was the only light in the messy room. Dabi could see just a bit of light hair sticking out from underneath the blanket bunched on the bed.
"I told you I would disintegrate the next person who bothered me," his voice sounded hoarse and rough from underneath the blankets.
"I think I would put up a hell of a fight if you tried," Dabi said as he approached the bed, Shigaraki uncovered his head and squinted at Dabi in the dark.
"Dabi, you're back."
"Yeah, just in time, so it seems. Someone has to get you to eat." Dabi said teasing slightly. The leader rolled his eyes and rolled back over in his bed.
"I don't want to eat. You can take it with you or leave it on the table on your way out."
"Tomura," Shigaraki let out an annoyed huff at the name and continued to get comfortable in his bed.
That name froze him. He hated to even hear the name, the terrible memories that followed it. But it was somehow different when Dabi used it. He told the other about his past, and he trusted him enough to share. They had shared many stories late at night hidden away from the rest of the team in Shigaraki's room.
"I'm not hungry,"
Dabi sighed and set the bowl down before sitting on the bed. He put a hand on the other's forehead. He was burning up with a fever. Most would have been afraid to suddenly touch the young villain so casually. Not Dabi. He could never be afraid of Tomura. The sick boy leaned into his warm touch and nuzzled his face in his scared hand.
"You've got a fever, tell me what you need, if you're not hungry," Dabi asked,
"I'm cold," was all he said before meeting Dabi's strong gaze. Dabi knew what he was asking for without needing to be told.
He kicked off his shoes before raising the blanket and crawling in behind Shigaraki. The air caused him to shiver, Dabi quickly covered them both and wrapped his arms around him. Tomura turned in his arms to face him and buried his face in his chest.
"Did you find anyone this time?"
"No one worth bringing here," Dabi said, Shigaraki nodded. He nuzzled closer to the warmth radiating from Dabi.
"Better?" Dabi asked after a bit of silence, Shigaraki hummed and nodded. When Dabi was away, he missed moments like this, not that he would ever admit it to anyone. Aside from Master and maybe Kurogiri, Dabi was probably the only person he cared about. He never thought he would have someone like that.
"Are you leaving again?" Tomura asked, Dabi was quiet for a moment. He had planned to rest up and leave tomorrow night.
"Can you not leave so soon?" He asked quietly, almost too quiet to hear. Tomura rarely asked things like that. He held it all in even if he thought it. But he was sick, he wanted Dabi with him.
"I can stay."
Tomura hummed in contentment as he drifted off to sleep. Dabi looked down at him sleeping. He ran his fingers through his hair. He never thought he would feel love, not real love anyway. He never had it as a child, and he was filled with so much hatred that he didn't think it was possible for him to love someone. But that's what this was, wasn't it? Love?
Tomura moved closer to him in his sleep, face pressed into his chest as he made little noises in his slumber. Dabi kissed his forehead and smiled.
Yeah, this was love.
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rxmqnova · 9 months
My little troublemaker
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Y/N: 4 years old Lizzie: 19 years old ——————————————————
LIZZIE'S POV Having a little todler running around the house is not easy. Especially when you're only 19 and you're raising your child alone. The judging looks by other people when Y/N calls me 'mom' in the store or just somewhere in public aren't helping at all, but I wouldn't change a thing in my life.
Y/N wasn't planned at all. Her father left me right after I told him I want to keep her. He was quite rude about it which only made things so much harder, but I'm trying my best to give her as much love as I can. I know for sure she'll ask me the question about her dad in the future, but for now I'm trying my best to make up for both parents and to make sure she has everything she needs.
I do have an amazing family though. My parents and siblings are helping me as much as they can which I'll be forever grateful for. Also my daughter is the most amazing little human in the world. She's pretty smart on her age and thank god she's not one of those children who throw tantrums about everything.
Y/N and I had a movie night yesterday, so I'm not even surprised when I find myself surrounded by a bunch of blankets and Y/N's teddy bears after waking up. My eyes widen when I don't find my daughter underneath the blankets or anywhere in the room though. She's usually the one who wakes me up by laying her small body on mine and squishing my cheeks with her tiny hands.
"Y/N?" I look around the room once again, not seeing her anywhere. I immediately rush down the stairs to find her. "Oh my god, Y/N!" I raise my voice when I see her standing on a chair in the kitchen, a knife in her hand. I quickly lift her up, immediately taking the knife from her hand. "Honey, you could have hurt yourself. You can't use a knife without me knowing" I sigh, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Are you okay?"
"But I wanted to make you breakfast" She pouts, crossing her arms.
"Oh did you?" I raise an eyebrow which makes her giggle. Y/N nods with a smile, pointing at a piece of bread which is placed on the kitchen counter. "That's for me?"
"Yes, mama! You have to try!" She grins, happily kicking her legs.
"Thank you, sweetheart. I will try it out right now" I take the bread and sit down on a chair with Y/N on my lap. I take a bite, trying hard to pretend like it's really good. I don't know what's in this, but it really doesn't taste good.
"Do you like it?" Y/N asks with a huge smile, watching me carefully.
"It's really good, sweetheart. Thank you. It's so good that I'm gonna save it for later" I smile at her, Y/N nodding her head and smiling at me in response. "But what would you say on some pancakes now, hm?" I boop her nose which never fails and always makes her smile.
"Yay!" Y/N cheers, throwing her arms in the air.
"Mommy? Do I have a dad?" Y/N asks quietly, watching me with her big green eyes. I just tucked her in for bed and I definitely wasn't expecting this question tonight.
"I. Hm… You do have a dad, sweetheart. Why are you asking?" I give her a smile and brush a strand of hair behind her ear. She needs to know she can ask me or speak to me about everything.
"Because the boys from my preschool say it's weird to only have a mommy" She explains, adding a dramatic sigh to the end.
"It's not weird at all, honey. A lot of children have only a mommy or only a daddy. Sometimes it just happens, but it doesn't mean it's weird" I tell her, stroking her cheek with my finger.
"But why, mommy? Why isn't he here with us?" She asks, wrapping her little arms around my neck. I take a deep breath, thinking about what to tell her. But I think it'll be better to just tell her the truth somehow, even though it's not really nice.
"You know, baby… Your dad was very mean to mommy, so she decided she's better without him" I tell her honestly, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
"I don't like him then. You are the bestest and nicest mommy in the world" Y/N pouts, making me wonder how did I get so lucky to have her as my daughter.
"I love you the most, my little monkey" I smile, pushing back my tears. Y/N's words really got me. "It's getting late now though and you need to get some sleep, so we can play all day tomorrow" I rub the tip of my nose against hers, making her smile.
"I love you, mama" She says, pouting her lips for a kiss. I peck her lips with a kiss before pulling up the covers to her chest. "Mommy, my teddy bear!" She suddenly gasps, looking around the bed to find her favorite teddy.
"I'll bring him. Stay here and don't move" I warn before standing up and walking to find Y/N's favorite teddy.
I make my way to the living room and as I expected, she left him there, so now I'm on my way back to the bedroom.
"I found him, baby. You left him in the-" I start, cutting myself off when I see Y/N sitting on the table in front of the window, her face and hands pressed against the glass. "Y/N, that's really dangerous. How did you get there?" I sigh, immediately lifting her up on which she whines.
"But there was a butterfly, mama" She pouts.
"A butterfly? Now? At night?" I raise an eyebrow on which Y/N nods. "That was probably a moth, sweetheart. But no climbing on the table when mama isn't with you, okay?"
"Yes, mama" Y/N says with that cute pout again.
"It's really time for bed now, my little troublemaker"
Elizabeth Olsen masterlist
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grapenehifics · 7 months
I’m very curious to know if you have a headcanon about whether Anakin wears a sleep shirt? He’s shirtless in both AOTC and ROTS. Is this because he overheats at night? What does Obi-Wan think about this?
Tits out, guns out.
Longer (real?) answer below the cut...
First of all, thank you for this ask; this kept my brain very pleasantly occupied on my commute to work today.
In An Uncivil War, I put Anakin in clone-issue under-armor to sleep in - which involved a whole separate headcanon, about what they wear, which is more likely probably both black leggings and a black turtleneck but I added a sleeveless black undershirt to that combo so that Anakin could wear a black tank top because this is my fic and I want to see some arms damnit - mostly to get him into something black and obviously non-Jedi issue but also because he and Obi-Wan are sharing a room with Ahsoka for all of that fic so while I think he'd be perfectly happy to go shirtless around Obi-Wan he also recognizes that they're in a war and anything could happen and he would not have the luxury of being able to get up slowly and put a robe on or anything before needing to hurry to the bridge to deal with an explosion or a Separatist attack, so during the war he might forgo the whole sleeping-naked thing at least while on duty.
I think of Obi-Wan - at least pre-war Obi-Wan - as a pajamas person, like the whole nine-yards matching-set sort of deal, and so little Anakin would think that is normal/Jedi appropriate/wants to emulate his Master, so when Obi-Wan gets him child pajamas he wears them. But I also see Anakin as deeply texture sensitive - and prone to nightmares, which make him sweaty, and unused to regulating his body temperature in a way that makes sense for non-desert planets - so he'd actually really struggle with wearing all that baggy fabric and blankets to bed, and the fabric gets bunched up underneath him, and now he's lying on top of wrinkles, and if he gets sweaty then the whole thing is damp and soggy and uncomfortable...so he takes at least the top off, and that feels better, but Obi-Wan never does, so Anakin gets yet another (subtle, unspoken) impression that he's doing 'being a Jedi' wrong.
(And honestly so long as Anakin's not completely naked, I don't think Obi-Wan actually cares if he's only wearing pants, especially in his own room; this is not something Obi-Wan actually chastised Anakin for; it's all in Anakin's head that he's being judged.)
In the AotC deleted scene, we see Anakin sleeping in his clothes:
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so either Obi-Wan didn't pack any pajamas for him (potential future headcanon discussion: how old is Anakin before Obi-Wan finally stops packing his suitcase for him) or Anakin took the whole 'travel as refugees' thing to heart and decided that refugees don't get pajamas, and really he's just staying in character. The next time we see him asleep, he's at the Naberrie family vacation villa:
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There's our topless boy! Is he wearing pajama pants under there? Difficult to say for sure but I'm leaning toward yes, both because of his generally awkward nature and the fact that he's trained to jump into action at any moment in case of danger.
By the time he's gone outside to meditate he's put a shirt on, unfortunately:
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Is this a pajama top, or just his regular tunic? If it is his regular tunic, why is it XXL? That is not where shoulder seams generally go. Does Obi-Wan think he's still growing and is tired of replacing his shirts every six months so he's still doing the, 'it's too big now but you'll grow into it' thing?
In any case, why are Jedi so into beige; I know we (rightly) make fun of teen Ahsoka's tube top but at least the girl has an appreciation for color.
So far, though, I'm going with, Anakin will sleep in pants, at least while at other peoples' houses, but prefers not to wear a shirt. I would imagine this would probably hold while he's with the 501st, too, that he needs to be ready to spring into action at any moment but who cares if his troops see his bare chest (and, again, maybe this is just me, but this is where I see him slowly adapting to wearing more of what the clones wear, just because there's so much of it, and yes they're shorter than he is so the leggings only come up to his calves but this is would not be a dealbreaker for him).
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In RotS, I have to assume that we're meant to assume Anakin is buck-ass naked under the covers here and the only reason he's wearing pajama pants here:
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is because this is a PG-13 movie. I mean, he's off-duty and in bed with his wife. Yes I know she has her hair done and is wearing a silk nightgown with pearl sleeves (??) but, again, kids movie. Why on earth would Anakin be sleeping in pants otherwise.
Around Obi-Wan, though, before they get together: pants on, shirt off. (He's trying to flirt with the man, after all.) After they get together: clothes just get in the way. Anakin expects this of Obi-Wan, too, and looks so hurt the first time Obi-Wan tries to put his pajamas back on after sex that Obi-Wan course-corrects and gets into bed naked. "If you're cold, I'll warm you up, Master," and Obi-Wan doesn't have the heart to say no (also, Anakin is very warm). They have pajamas, but they're for, like, morning and evening lounge wear (and Anakin's still does not involve a shirt).
Obi-Wan does, however (eventually, slowly) manage to teach Anakin the fun of taking your partner's clothes off slowly, piece-by-piece, as opposed to popping buttons and ripping them off as fast as he can. This is both fun and has the added benefit of extending the life of Obi-Wan's wardrobe and keeping him from needing to break out his sewing kit quite so often (Anakin still leaves them piled on the floor though).
Throwing it back to you, @underacalicosky and anyone else who wants to play :) Agree? Disagree?
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Protect The Starlight Sun/Moon x Reader Chapter 4
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Suddenly, the lights went out. You heard a quiet whirr of machinery until you finally saw him in the darkness. There standing in the middle of the 2 large jungle gyms was Moon surrounded by children. The children got excited by his presence until he let out a quick 'Shh'. "Shh.. It's naptime children. Go lay down in your sleeping bags and I'll sing you a lullaby" Moon said quietly giving each child a piece of candy. You took a good look at Moon. He was mostly a black and white animatronic with a starry nightcap and starry pants. The children seemed to adore him as they each laid down in their sleeping bags.
Moon was letting out a quiet humming sound as he checked all the children to make sure they were in their sleeping bags. Once he made sure they were he began to sing a lullaby. You noticed how soothing his voice was while he was quietly singing. He made sure all the children were covered in a blanket and had a pillow. After a few minutes the children were all sleeping. You understand now why he was the naptime attendant. He watched all the kids humming to himself before noticing your presence. He was suddenly lifted into the air looking like he was swimming over to you before landing in front of you. "Hi Moon! My name is Y/n and i work beside you and Sun in the Daycare" you said excitedly.
Moon let out a little growl putting his hand over your mouth. "Shhh... Children are sleeping. You wake them and you will be punished" Moon said quietly. The hand he had over your mouth was removed just to be placed over your throat. While he did that he pushed you up against the wall letting out another quiet growl. He pushed just hard enough onto your throat to make sure no mark would appear yet you could breathe. "I don't understand why you're here to be honest Y/n... Hehehe.. You do not belong in this Daycare with me nor Sun. You are not trustworthy.. no no no.. not trustworthy at all" he said quietly.
Your lungs were crying out for some oxygen to get through but before you could pass out Moon released you disappearing into the darkness of the Daycare. You breathed heavily finally able to get some oxygen into your lungs. Your heart was beating terribly fast as you slowly slid to the ground hiding in your knees. You thought Shawn was kidding when he told you about Moon but he was right. Moon had no intention of being nice to you right now or probably ever yet Sun was the sweetest animatronic you have ever met. They were literally the same Animatronic. You were sure that in some way Moon had some of Sun's kindness. No matter how long it would take you would find that kindness in Moon and try to be his friend. You slowly stood up letting out a quiet sigh.
Third Person P.O.V
Meanwhile over in a different area of the Daycare he was watching over the kids who were asleep while noticing Y/n slowly standing up. 'Moon! You Didn't Have To Do That To Y/n! They Means No Harm To Us' Sun said in their headspace. Moon let out a little humph in response to Sun. 'No don't trust Y/n' Moon said. He kept watching Y/n noticing they started walking around the Daycare very carefully. He wasn't sure if it was because of the children sleeping or was it because they were scared of him. Moon let out a silent chuckle saying to himself it was probably both. They should be scared of him.
Y/n walked around the Daycare in search for Moon but was also being careful of the sleeping children around. They let out a sigh noticing that he was obviously somewhere in the Daycare where they couldn't see him. They decided to give up and walk back to the desk. While on their way back to the desk they wasn't very careful and they tripped over something landing on a mat. They let out a quiet yelp of pain looking at their ankle. They looked and saw an exposed cord that was supposed to be hiding underneath a bunch of mats. Moon had suddenly got an alert to him that somewhat had hurt themselves in the Daycare.
He quickly saw that all the children were still asleep so he quietly landed back on the mats going over to the source. Once he did he saw Y/n holding their ankle in pain. Moon let out a huff of annoyance walking over to them. "Well.. it seems someone wasn't careful hehehe," Moon said quietly. They quickly looked up at Moon letting out a whimper of pain. Moon let out a tiny growl gently picking up Y/n and started to walk to the back of the Daycare. Suddenly Y/n felt the same feeling from before. They were being lifted in the air once again but by Moon this time until they landed in a room.
Moon put Y/n down before walking into a hidden part of the room. Moon was looking for the first aid kit Sun had kept in here. He didn't like Y/n but due to his programming he had to help Y/n with their injury. Moon quickly came back to Y/n with a first aid kit in his hands. Y/n felt as Moon gently grabbed their injury ankle putting some first aid on it. Y/n thought that he was going to be rough with them since he didn't like them very much. It must be because of his programming that he's being extremely gentle. You felt Moon start wrapping your ankle and made sure it would stay on.
Moon let go of Y/n letting out another huff of annoyance. "Next time.. be careful" he said quietly. Y/n looked at Moon before quietly thanking him. "Uh I tripped over an exposed cord that's supposed to be hiding underneath the mats" they explained quietly. Moon picked them up again jumping out of the room before lifting in the air again. Moon then brought Y/n back over to the desk again gently putting them down. "I only helped you because of my programming. The next injury you get will be because of me" Moon said quietly before disappearing once again. Moon went over to where the exposed cable was covering it up and made sure kids couldn't get to it again.
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from true name to laughter, céfiro, amelia, and marilla
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True Name. What is their name's meaning, origin, etc?
Céfiro is the Spanish version of the name Zephyr which means west wind. I wanted his name to be flighty, I can't explain it well. But I wanted it to be fluid in a way but not relating to water. So, wind!
Portal. What is a crossover you've done/thought about for this character?
It's actually kind of unfortunate cause the Destan-Mixtio kids don't actually exist in a lot of my ad vitam aus?? So I haven't thought of very many!!
Softly. Describe one of their dreams, good or bad (with proper warnings).
Céfiro has an unfortunate amount of nightmares about his and Araceli's time on the streets. Céf always made a point to protect 'celi, even if she didn't know it. And as a result he's seen/experienced a lot of things he doesn't talk about, they tend to haunt him.
Metamorphosis. Has this character evolved/changed since you first conceptualized them?
Nah Céfiro has stayed mostly the same.. Though I've fleshed out the differences between when we meet him as a teenager and how he is as an adult, but that's not really changing that's just.. growing up lmao?
Treasure. What is something they like/love?
Céfiro loooves tattoos.. It's why he becomes a tattoo artist lol
Home. Describe their relationship with someone in their family, friend group, with a QPP, a romantic interest, etc.
He and Araceli are inseparable. They cannot imagine a life apart, its why they ran away from foster care, so they couldn't be separated. There is nothing he wouldn't do for his twin,,
Role Model. Did you take inspiration from another character when creating them?
A little bit from Cirino tbh? But he's mostly on his own,, as an adult he's got very similar traits to Vesper and Alee as well though, but again parenting..
Laughter. What is their sense of humor, or lack thereof? (Bonus: What does their laugh sound like?)
He's a jokester, he lovesss pranks too! His laugh is loud, it always gets others laughing too.
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True Name. What is their name's meaning, origin, etc?
Okay.. Lol. Amelia Johnson is her name and I chose it because it sounded really stereotypical white eng american.
Portal. What is a crossover you've done/thought about for this character?
Unfortunately same as above.
Softly. Describe one of their dreams, good or bad (with proper warnings).
She's laying in a field of wildflowers, sun shining on her skin, its warm, and the breeze smells like honey. She can hear her family laughing and there's a blanket underneath her and she is at peace.
Metamorphosis. Has this character evolved/changed since you first conceptualized them?
No not really! Same circumstance as the above where I've just changed how she acts between 18 and her mid 20s.
Treasure. What is something they like/love?
Amelia love loves caramels.. Guilty pleasure snack
Home. Describe their relationship with someone in their family, friend group, with a QPP, a romantic interest, etc.
Being Alee's biological child but not Vesper's makes her feel a tad odd sometimes.. She overcompensates in a way by spending a lot of time doing stuff with Vesper! She's learned how to clean weapons, how to help xem if xyr motorcycle breaks down, and she has a bunch of fun mixology books based on games/books/movies/ect.
Role Model. Did you take inspiration from another character when creating them?
Rowan made the picrew and then I went WILD, but for her personality and stuff no not really
Laughter. What is their sense of humor, or lack thereof? (Bonus: What does their laugh sound like?)
She doesn't laugh at childish stuff, but if you give her a really complex joke she'll laugh so hard she snorts for ten minutes...
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True Name. What is their name's meaning, origin, etc?
Marilla means 'Shining Sea' and this is because I wanted a water based name to match River! Her middle name is based off of Cirino's name cause she isss named after him.
Portal. What is a crossover you've done/thought about for this character?
Criminal Minds au! but uh not many thoughts there, sorry..
Softly. Describe one of their dreams, good or bad (with proper warnings).
Marilla has this odd reoccurring dream where she doesn't have any fingers and then she wakes up and has to check her hands before going "phew!"
Metamorphosis. Has this character evolved/changed since you first conceptualized them?
She originally started as Alee and Vesper's adopted daughter in Criminal Minds au before becoming their first bio kid in canon. She used to not like them at all cause of being overprotective of River in that au
Treasure. What is something they like/love?
Her family, more than anything.
Home. Describe their relationship with someone in their family, friend group, with a QPP, a romantic interest, etc.
Her relationship with River is really sweet. She loves them dearly. She's protective of them and she'll do anything to keep them safe. Especially safe from what their respective clans expect from them. Hence her taking on the Mixtio mantle.
Role Model. Did you take inspiration from another character when creating them?
She is heavily based off of Alee's original personality before I changed him :) she is also supposed to share some similarities with Sienna/Senette.
Laughter. What is their sense of humor, or lack thereof? (Bonus: What does their laugh sound like?)
She'll laugh at anything if its said in the right tone lmao.. she's a huge giggler. a bit muffled cause she tends to cover her mouth when she giggles.
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lord-explosion-baku · 3 years
Trident Tale
Merman!Shinsou x reader, Kirishima x Reader
Warnings: adult themes (Minors DNI)
A/N: read the prologue on AO3
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3
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(Original image by @maewoahoah)
Synopsis: Moving to an island where everyone is big on the surf scene and other oceanic happenings might not have been the brightest idea for someone so afraid of anything that has to do with water, but you make do by spending your days looking after the Bed & Breakfast, trying not to burn the house down when you fry a few eggs, and obsessively scrolling through Eijirou Kirishima’s social media page. He’ll never notice you, and you think you’re fine with that, until a mysterious force washes into Ms. Shuzenji’s pool after a particularly nasty storm.
Hitoshi Shinsou is a pain in the ass from the get-go, but you put up with him, fins and all, when he promises he can help unite you with your soulmate. The catch? The fish is hellbent on taking back what was stolen from him, and he won’t lift a gracious finger until he gets what he came for.
You’re helpless to lend him a hand, so long as you stay dry. Unless, of course, he has other plans.
You know how the saying goes: you rub his fins, he’ll rub yours.
Storms have never really been your cup of tea. Though you keep yourself locked inside a good percent of the time, there’s nothing quite as suffocating as the compress of clouds overhead. It’s not like you always have to see them to be uncomfortable, but you definitely feel them pressing down, closing in, and caging you, even when you’ve got yourself tucked under a blanket on Ms. Shuzenji’s couch.
It’s been a little over a year since you first moved to the island. All you needed was a new beginning, and you got that, but you got that, and the tropical weather that you’re still getting used to. It’s currently typhoon season, and holy seaweed-on-your-doorstep, is it storming.
There’s little you can do to distract yourself while staying and working at Shuzenji’s bed and breakfast. There are currently no guests, aside from you, so all the rooms are made, and the old lady is on another one of her long vacations, so you’re basically being paid to lounge. You’re grateful for that, at least. But the only thing that’s keeping you physically separated from the terrifying weather is a thick glass pane that water sloshes on every time a wave laps over the backyard walls.
The things that separate you mentally are the old-timey recordings of Shuzenji singing alongside an ensemble cast, and the little device in your hand. If you didn’t have your boss’s haunting melodies echoing throughout the house, and some big, beefy, tatted eye-candy to gawk at during the storm, you’d surely go insane.
Eijirou Kirishima, one of the island’s best surfers, is out on his board, live-streaming his current fight against the waves. His whoops and hollers can be heard over the crashing tides, getting even you excited for what’s about to come. That’s the thing about Kirishima; he’s wild, you’re not, and it’s hot as hell. Oftentimes, you catch yourself daydreaming about joining him out in the surf—he guides you through the waves, maybe yoou impress him a bit with your sudden affinity for wave-riding, and the two of you wash up on shore where you’ll both share your first kiss. It would be feasible if you could swim. It would be feasible if you bothered to learn how to swim, but for now, you’re content with your imagination. At least he can make you hate the terrible weather a little less.
The conspiratorial smirk he shows the camera is borderline swoon-worthy when the swell begins to pull him further out. It’s impossible not to bite your lip every time you catch a glimpse of his arms forcing themselves through the sea. He makes this look easy—like the storm is child’s play, and as the winds blow Shuzenji’s trash bin into the sliding glass door, you welcome the delicious distraction.
As Kirishima stands up on his signature trident board and rides one of the biggest waves he’s seen all day, you’re once again struck with how much of a coward you are. He can fight the elements, while you can hardly bring yourself the courage to talk to him. Mind you, he’s constantly surrounded by a close group of friends—a close group of friends you find intimidating—and when he’s not with them, he’s out in the water. Where there’s water involved, you’re spoken for. Unless, of course, you’d like for the first time you guys actually speak, to be when he’s giving you CPR.
Not the most ideal “meet cute”, but if it works, it works.
A loud crash snaps you out of your admittedly salty daydream. Mango, Shuzenji’s orange tabby, yowls at the blanket of water cascading down the windows, and your stomach sinks. There’s only so many minutes you can pretend that the storm Kirishima is facing isn’t the one that’s destroying Shuzenji’s yard.
With a sigh, you roll off the velvet couch, and grimace when crumbs that were nesting in your shirt fall to the carpet: a mess to clean up later. Without any guests to mind, you don’t have to worry too much over keeping the place spick-and-span, so long as things are nice and tighty by the time the old lady gets back, which will be awhile.
You have an easy enough job—at least, when there aren’t bunches of thick seaweeds crashing over the yard’s wall, flooding the pool.
Water sprays in every direction. The already trash-infested pool overflows as more kelp rolls in with the maniacal waves, and angry, white foam bangs on the back door. It's a disaster outside, and you’re not sure what to do about it.
Fingers wrapped around the back door handle, you struggle to think of a way to prevent a bigger mess, but even if you could manage to clean anything, nothing is stopping the tempest from wreaking anymore havoc. Best case scenario, you stop a plastic soda-chain from washing out to see and becoming a deadly necklace for an unlucky seagull. Worst case scenario, you slip, crack your head open on the pavement, and drown before you can ever utter the words “mahalo” to Kirishima.
Needless to say, you’ll take your life over a gull’s any day.
Another sigh.
A greater wave collides against the wall, bringing more of the Great Unknown into the pool. This is going to be a fun job to clean. Good thing you’ve got Shuzenji’s service boy, Denki Kaminari, on speed dial. You think if you sound particularly distressed in the morning, he’ll show up to help you out with just about anything in the matter of minutes. God bless desperate fuckboys.
So, for now, you cuddle back up on the couch, watch Kirishima shake saltwater out of his thick, red hair, and pretend that his storm is not the same thing as your storm.
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It’s early morning when you finally rise out of bed. You hadn’t gotten a whole lot of rest—something to do with the wailing winds shaking your bedroom window nonstop, but after you finally drifted into dreams about snakes and dragons, you woke to clear skies, and light seagull calls.
From the second story, you can see early birds have already gotten the jump on cleaning up the beach. The sun is shining, the ocean blue and vast. The only trace there was ever a storm is already being taken care of. There are lifeguards riding around on ATVs and younger civilians with trash bags and grapplers picking up seaweed and absconded debris. The respect everyone has for the island is something to be admired, and you half-consider going out there yourself, after you’ve dealt with your yard, which is sure to be a wreck.
There’s no interest in picking out a cute outfit for the morning you’re going to have, even if Denki might see you, so you throw on a already-worn-this-week crop top, some pink shirts, and you’re good to go.
The first thing you do after Mango’s fed is check your socials. Kirishima posted a picture of his breakfast: a hefty plate with three eggs, sausage links, bacon, cut avocado, and what seems to be low-carb toast. The post reads, gotta eat ur gainz 2 gain ur gainz, and it’s so ridiculous that you’re infatuated with this reckless himbo. You wonder if you’d ever be able to hold an intellectual conversation with him, if you could ever manage to speak to him in the first place, but conversation wouldn’t matter if his mouth was between your thighs.
Following his example, you crack two eggs over a frying pan, sigh at the mostly empty fridge, then agonize over the state of Shuzenji’s yard. It’s worse than you thought it’d be. The pool is a sickly green color, and from where you’re standing inside, its murky depths seem to be almost opaque from the seaweed and garbage stewing together. Kelp litters the beige pavement, and there’s trash hiding in the shrubs. There’s a chocolate donut floaty bobbing around in there, too, and Shuzenji doesn’t own any floaties.
What a drag.
Before you get too far in your head about everything you’ll need to do to clean up, you quickly dial Denki’s number. He picks up after a ring and a half.
“I know what you’re about to ask,” says the boy on the line, and from his cocky tone, you can assume it’s not going to be about the cleanup. “I am absolutely free tonight. If you wanted to grab drinks at the Salty Barrel, maybe go on a romantic rendezvous out on the beach, watch the sunset on or in a couple blankets, I wouldn’t complain.”
“I’m not calling to ask you on a date, Kaminari,” you say as you step outside. The pavement is cold underneath your bare feet, and you have to tip-toe around to be sure not to let any kelp touch your skin. Yuck.
“But you’re not, not calling about a date, either,” he counters. By the volume of his voice, you can tell that he’s in his van, talking to you over the speaker. Good. So he’s already out and about.
“I need you to tell me how to drain Shuzenji’s pool.” Call you cold, but you’re used to Denki’s flirty nature by now, and you’ve learned that the best way to deal with it, is to not acknowledge it. Of course, you can’t be too callous when it comes to him, especially when you actually need his help. You eye the dangerously complex-looking valves off to the side of the house, and grimace. “There’s too many twisty thingies! I’m not sure what to do!”
“Now, hold your horses, little lady! Don’t go twisting any thingies just yet. Draining a pool is a process.” There’s a long pause, the loud growl of an engine, then silence. He’d pulled over to talk to you. “How’s your TDL? And what kinda PVC pipes you got?”
“The huh and what?” You don’t need to pretend to be in distress—you have no idea what he’s talking about.
“Listen, don’t touch anything. You’re calling because the pool’s a mess right now, right? You don’t need to drain it; at least, not yet. I can swing by in an hour or so to clean it, but I’ve gotta make some stops first. You’re not the only single woman who wants to watch me do my thang, especially not after yesterday.”
“It’s so bad, Kaminari.” The water in the pool sloshes around, like there’s actually something in it causing the water to ungulate and burble. “I don’t even know where to start.”
“Don’t worry your pretty, little head over it. You've got me, okay? It’s my job to protect and serve.”
“You’re not a cop.”
“Nope, I’m better than a cop. I’m a pool guy.”
He goes on to ask you to check out what kind of drain the pool has, if you can find the drain, then loses you when he starts talking numbers and gallons. While still on the phone, you send a few texts to Shuzenji, explaining the predicament, then Denki mentions rates. You’re getting the cutie pie discount, doubled because he counts Shuzenji as a “cutie pie” too—something you mention to her because she’ll get a kick out of it—then he drops all business to ask about food.
“I’m cooking my breakfast,” you say with a wary glance back at the house.
“But is your breakfast fries and a shake from Tiki Burger?”
You bite your lip as your stomach growls its empty sorrow. “No.”
“Would you like it to be?” His knowing grin is heard through the line.
“…I’m not gonna go out with you.”
He chuckles and you’re grateful that he can’t see your answering smile. “We’ll see how you feel after you see me work my magic. And hey, if you’d like me to wear a Speedo while I work—“
“You’ll be here in an hour?” You cut him off, because Denki in a Speedo is the last thing you need on your mind. The thought of Kirishima in a Speedo, however, gets you a little hot, which is saying a lot, since you’re a part of the Speedos and Dolphin-shorts Are Abominations To Swimwear belief system.
“Maybe sooner. I think my next client just needs me to check out their chemical levels. Inside pool and all. Everyone else knew to put a tarp out.”
The tarp you had blew away, but you don’t bother explaining that to Denki. Let him believe you’re the dim-witted “little lady” he wants you to be. If it means Shuzenji gets a discount, not that she can’t afford any bill Denki’s company throws at her, then let him believe you can’t open a pickle jar without a man’s help for all you care.  
“See you then,” you say, and end the call. There will be time to work on your charm once Denki gets here. Until then, you figure you could do some investigating so you’re not completely helpless.
Leaving your phone on the pavement so you don’t accidentally drop it in the water, you make your way around the pool to where you think you remember the drain being. You can’t say you’ll know what kind of drain it is, but if you remember correctly, it’s circular, and like, kinda meshy? That description simply won’t do.
Dropping down to your knees, you peer down into the pool, squinting, as if that can help you see through all the muck. There’s definitely a lot of kelp and algae, sand drifting through the water, someone’s wayward brazier, and oh. A school of fish—little babies circling about. It’s wild, but you suppose it could be possible if all the chlorine washed out and there was enough salt water to sustain marine life.
The fish move together, bopping into each other, mouths gaping open to eat whatever they find in their temporary home. You don’t know enough about marine life to know what kind of fish they are. Silvery little things. Maybe Denki has something that can help transport them from the pool to the ocean. It’s not far—Shuzenji’s house is on the beach. It would be a shame if all the little fish had to die. You don’t particularly care about touching or feeding fish, but a life is a life, and if they can be saved, you’d at least like to try.
But all your thoughts of saving fish life stop when you catch something moving in the water. It’s not the fish—they’re not that big, but it’s definitely fishlike. Fish plus. It moves like a shadow, serpentine and fluid. You catch a glimpse of scales, so it’s definitely not a dolphin—even then, it’s bigger than a dolphin, and more graceful than a shark. You begin thinking of leviathan, and other mythical creatures, as ridiculous as that is, when you see a long flowing fluke.
Okay. This thing is not just big. It’s gargantuan, and to see this much of the creature without seeing its head makes your skin crawl. You imagine falling in and being swallowed whole, suffocating in the dark, drowning in a monster’s belly.
The thought spooks you static, just in time to meet a pair of eyes in the water. This is your overactive imagination—you’re scaring yourself insane, but you don’t look away, and those eyes, almost human and curious, don’t disappear.
You’ve consumed enough media to know how these impossible interactions go. The creature is inquisitive, but keeps its distance. It often has to be coaxed out of hiding, and even then, the thing is skittish and untrusting. You’re certainly not one to go “pspsps, hey little guy, I’m not gonna hurt you,” but even if you were, you don’t get the chance, because this thing you’re looking at isn’t the least bit skittish, and in one second, you’re making eyes at at it, and in the next, the thing is exploding out of the water.
A large, broad chest towers over you. The thing pushes itself up with arms, human arms, but it’s anything but human. Sure, it has hair, although an odd purple color, framing its angular face and jaw, which are both human enough. Also framing its face are a pair of long, pointed fins sticking out from where human ears should be. Water dribbles down its chest, down to its navel—its navel. Your brain screams mammal, but underneath its navel are scales, rippling down to where its legs should be. Not human. Not fish.
Fish plus.
Fish plus man.
Its eyes are almost the same color as its hair, only a shade lighter, and much sharper, narrowed in on you. It’s glaring. You realize this at the same time you realize that you're staring at it with your mouth agape. This would be so rude in any other setting. It’s also rude to pop out of a pool that isn’t yours without any other warning, but you’re not about to chastise the thing. You’re far too scared.
Then the thing reaches out to you, sprinkling water on your thighs and your shirt. Its hands look like a man’s hand, but its long fingers are connected by thin, indigo webbing that matches its tail. Its tail. You lose focus trying to find the word for this creature that’s barely on the tip of your tongue, when you realize the palm of its hand, its fishy, webby hand, is hovering over your cheek, the other carefully placed next to your knee to keep it upright.
You open your mouth to speak, but only a hiss comes out. The creature, wary, brings its hand back, but only slightly. Not enough to put you at ease, but enough to allow you to gain your composure, and scream.
“H-help!!!” You screech. “Help! Somebody! Help me!”
It claps its hand over your mouth, knocking you back. Water drips down on your shirt as it leans in, mouth curling up with distaste. Then, it does something impossible.
It speaks.
“So loud,” it growls in a low, masculine timbre.
It speaks, you think, it speaks and it has no manners!
You try to yell back, probably something with little thought, but you have a mouth full of fish-man hand, and the more you warble in its palm, the more apathetic it appears.
“Be quiet and still,” it commands, as if obeying it is supposed to be the most natural thing—something it expects from you. It catches you so off-guard that you actually listen, only trembling a little bit as those indigo eyes scan over your form. It’s uncomfortable having an unknown but cognizant creature observe you so closely. You shiver when its gaze roams over your belly, down your legs. You want to curl your legs up, move away, but you’re afraid if you even twitch more than it’s comfortable with, it’ll grab you and drag you into the pool. Your nightmare.
Instead, it does something slightly less worse. It moves its hand from your mouth to your cheek. The palm of its hand warms your skin in an unnatural way, like you’ve been laying in the sun for half an hour and it’s only your cheek that heats up. The creature's eyes widen as light begins to emanate, either from you, or from it, you’re not sure, but definitely from where it touches you. Tingles run from your neck down to your spine, and you wish you’d put a bra on before going outside, because this thing’s touch is making your body react in a way that it shouldn’t.
“So easy,” it purrs appraisingly, somewhat less insolent, but you’re still taken aback, ears hot with embarrassment.
“Easy?!” You squawk out. “What do you mean by easy?”
It doesn’t answer you, and instead, moves its fingers from your cheek, down your jaw, to your chin. It begins leaning closer, heavy lids closing. You notice its lips for the first time: a defined line and a pretty bow. If you were in a less dire situation, you’d be able to admit that they’re very nice lips, but they’re getting closer to you, closer still, and you realize with a jolt what it’s trying to do.
Your foot meets its chest in a heartbeat.
“Nope!” You belt out, extending your leg so there’s more distance between you and the impolite beast. “Not today, fish-breath!”
Unperturbed, it lifts a lazy brow. Then, to your absolute horror, it presses both of its hands into your bare leg, and again you’re lit up, warm, and tingly, only far worse than before. Stomach tightening, you make a choked noise, trying to hold in the sigh that claws at your throat.
“Fish-breath.” It repeats your insult like it’s a balled-up piece of paper to be thrown in the trash. “I’ve been told that my aroma is quite appealing.”
“By whom? Other fish-breaths?!” You wriggle your leg out of his embrace, or whatever you could call that invasion, only to have it slip down so your foot rests in the fish-man’s hands, bright as the stars in the sky. “Eww ew! Don’t touch me! Get away!”
The creature scoffs, but let’s you go, and you both watch as the light disappears from the arch of your foot where he’d been touching. Fish-man slinks back into the murky water, hiding under a blanket of algae.
You have enough time to gather your composure, wipe the water droplets off your face, and rub your eyes. For a moment, you try to convince yourself that this has all been a sleep-deprived hallucination, but you’ve never really been one to delude yourself, unless your Kirishima fantasies were involved, and you know that you’ll have to try another tactic to accept the reality of your situation. Perhaps you can try to be civil with this creature, ask it if it’s…hurt, or if it needs a late night escort to get it back to the sea. But then, the thing resurfaces on the opposite end of the pool. It faces you, and leans back against the wall, arms spread out against the pavement, basking.
“You know,” he says, “your decorum is severely lacking. Don’t humans have classes that teach them proper etiquette—how to be more polite towards their guests and such?”
What’s lacking is your patience for marine life.
Standing up, you take in the thing, which you’re now pretty sure is in fact a man of sorts, in its entirety. His tail is long, longer than human legs, extending past the halfway mark of the pool, if your measurement counts his fluke. There’s a golden cuff on his right arm that spirals around, accentuating his large biceps. You stubbornly admit that it’s attractive—he’s attractive, at least, he would be for people who were into fish and not surfers. You brush whatever you’re feeling in the pit of your stomach off by telling yourself that you’re simply awestruck, and move on.
“Where I’m from-“ you begin, straightening your sodden crop top- “we offer our guests various beverages and snacks, depending on the time of day.”
Annoyingly, he looks interested.
“Since it’s the morning, I’d offer a guest tea, or coffee, and if I’m looking to impress, I’d maybe cook them a hot meal.”
The creature offers you a sardonic smile. “I happen to be famished.”
“However, with home-invaders, we’re more likely to pull a gun on them before heating up the earl grey.”
He loses the smile, and you’re glad that he might have an inkling of what a gun is. You’ve never owned one, and they don’t allow firearms on the island, but the threat stands. But if he was intimidated, even for a moment, he doesn’t show it anymore, and proves just that by turning his back on you, and resting his head in his arms. He has a dorsal fin with what looks to be a deep, x-shaped scar near his tailbone. You try not to wonder what that could’ve been from.
“Then how do you propose I go from a home-invader, to a house guest?” Asks the creature with little interest.
Cautiously walking around the pool with your arms crossed, you begin to list things off for the far-too-comfortable fish-man.
“You can start by telling me who you are, what you are, why you’re here, what you want, and why you think you can lay your webbed hands on me.”
“Oh, is that all?” He hums noncommittally. Content. Aggravating. “Why don’t you start then? Who are you, and why are you here?”
The back of your neck grows hot and uncomfortable. “How entitled do you have to be to—!” You start, but you’re swiftly cut off by the shrieking of the fire alarm. Smoke plumes from outside the house’s windows, and you curse under your breath before darting towards the door. You’d completely forgotten about your eggs.
In your haste to move the pan off the stove, you burn your fingers and drop the pan to the kitchen floor, two blackened egg crisps flaking off and diving in different directions. Mango yowls at the commotion and investigates one of the fallen egg crisps. Before you can tell him to buzz off, he loses interest in your mess, not bothering to give it a taste. You don’t blame him, but the eggs didn’t appear to be cat-bad. Ah, you can’t kid yourself. They are cat-bad. They’re completely inedible. Now you’re going to have to head to the market, while worrying about a man trapped in Shuzenji’s pool.
Your stomach roars at you.
After cleaning the mess as best as you could while desperately and ruefully wanting to return to your guest—no, not guest—invader, you get the alarm, half-heartedly fan the smoke out of the house, and return. Angry. This guy better start talking soon, or things are going to get ugly.
To your utter displeasure, he looks all the more amused at your newer, messier state.
“Was that supposed to be the hot meal,” he asks, cocky. “Because if so, I’ll pass.”
Instead of biting his head off like you’d like to, you present him with the still-dirty frying pan, pointing it at his head like you intend to use it.
“Start talking, fish-for-brains.”
The beast snickers, raising his hands in the air in mock-surrender. “Easy there, tiger shark. You know how to use that thing?”
You refuse to humor him. Instead, you keep your scowl tight, your arms steady. If he’s not threatened, he’ll lose interest in this game, then he’ll have to talk.
Lo and behold, you’re right. The fish-man rolls his eyes, and looks at you, again, with apathy.
“My name is Hitoshi Shinsou,” he says, lackadaisical, like he’s already bored of himself. “I’m one of Ryūjin. What humans have learned to call merpeople are actually descendants of the sea gods who lived centuries ago. I’m here, simply because the storm washed me here. What I want is to retrieve what’s mine. I thought I could lay my webbed hands on you—well-“ the corner of his mouth tilts up-“darlin’, it was because your body reacted to me.”
Mouth forming the beginning of a question that never comes, you stare in disbelief at this myth. Then the last thing he said dawns at you.
“I did not react to you!” You rebuke, steady hands now shaking.
“Oh no?” He says, but it’s not a question. It’s a challenge.
Hitoshi grabs the flat end of the frying pan and yanks it, and you, closer to him, closer to the water. You cringe and whine when a wet, webby hand closes around your wrist. Inadvertently, you drop the pan, but he pays it no mind as it sinks past his tail. Your skin begins to glow underneath his palms, and the tingles come back, shooting up your arm, causing tiny goosebumps to appear.
“Would you look at that,” Hitoshi croons, slow and almost sensuously. His indigo eyes narrow on your index finger where you’d burned yourself. To add to this nightmare, he closes his lips around it, and begins to suck. Your stomach flips, and you’re not sure if it’s because you’re disgusted, or scared, or…enjoying the feeling of his warm mouth, his tongue, touching your skin.
“Stop.” It’s a whisper. It means nothing. You think you want it to mean something, but your thoughts are buzzing into a blur. Knees growing weak, you descend, leaning closer to him, not caring about the water or the seaweed or the fish, and instead, entirely focused on his mouth. It’s glowing, his mouth. Faintly. Like a single candle lit in an otherwise empty room.
When he eases off of you, he runs his thumb over your now-healed finger, and let’s your arm fall limply at your side.
“All better,” he whispers back at you.
There are prickles all over your skin once you regain an ounce of dignity.
“What the hell was that?” You ask, breathless for no other reason than shock.
“The glowing?” He asks. “The healing?”
“Your reaction to me.” He’s cocky again. This is something sick. Mythical creature or not, this has got to be a game he plays, washing into people’s pools, causing problems, sucking on lonely girls’ fingers. He probably gets his kicks this way, and uses whatever other kind of magic he has to erase whoever he’s tormenting’s memories, if he doesn’t end up eating them when he’s done. Bogus.
You won’t let him get to you.
“Alright, Hitoshi Shinsou, how would you like me to get you back into the ocean? You healed my finger-“ although it’s essentially his fault you were burned to begin with, if you take into account the sequence of events-“so helping you out is the least that I can do.”
“I could use your help,” he muses lightly, turning his body back around to his chest and abdomen are turned towards  the sun. You tell yourself not to stare like you know he probably wants you to. Though his eyes are closed, he peeps at you, sneaking a glance. “I don’t want to go back into the ocean, though. Not until I get what’s mine.”
With the might of a girl who just wants to go back inside and scroll through her phone, you swallow your bite, and ask, “what would that be?”
“Oh, this and that-“ he waves his hand around dismissively-“other things.”
With the might of a girl who just wants to go back inside and find another frying pan, you say, “alright, listen. Someone is on their way to the house to clean the pool. I don’t know what one of Ryūjin means, but I’m guessing people like you don’t always want to be discovered by people like us. So you either tell me what it is you need, or see how my pool guy reacts to a mermaid lounging around in my backyard! I wouldn’t put it against him to call the local news station. Get this place flooding with cameras. Does that sound like a pretty picture to you?”
Absolutely none of your threats penetrate Hitoshi’s cool nature. In fact, he laughs.
“When he gets here,” the merman drawls, knowing he’s got you hanging on every word, “invite him to swim.”
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acornsnpie · 3 years
A Dance In The Rain
Characters: Vil, Malleus, Kalim
Summary: The two of you decided to have a picnic, but none decided to check the weather. As the rain poured down, how will he react when you ask for a dance?
Warnings: Nothing that I'm aware of, but if I miss anything please tell me!
Labels: Second Person, Gender Neutral ♡
You both were having a really sweet and romantic picnic. He brought chef salads for both of you, with apple slices and caramel.
There was also sandwich ingredients, and small cake slices for both of you.
Since this is Vil, and this is a fancier date than usual, it's night time with a candle.
After the food was gone, both of you laid underneath the stars, when suddenly you felt something cold on your cheek.
"I must have forgotten to check the weather this morning. I apologize, let's get under something, I don't feel like ruining my makeup."
He got really surprised when you asked for a dance.
Vil is really hesitant at first, it takes a lot of convincing.
This man worked so hard on his hair and makeup this morning, and now you want him to dance in the rain with you?
After a while he'll eventually agree. Whatever makes you happy, even if it means ruining his outfit.
So he takes your hands and places them around his neck. Then he places his around your waist.
When he sees your smile, he doesn't regret it at all. You can see a very lovingly yet satisfied look on his face.
"Darling, your smile looks really beautiful. We should do this a bit more often. Let's get you dried off, then we can sit by the fire and drink something warm. We wouldn't want you to catch a cold."
On your picnic, Malleus decided to bring different foods from the Valley of Thorns for you to try.
Of course they don't look the most appealing, but they actually taste really good. (Luckily Lilia didn't make it)
It was night time, and you both were actually under a gazebo with beautiful fairy lights all around.
So when it started raining, Malleus was very much unphased.
You both were already covered, so he kept eating his food without worry.
"Child Of Man, it is very lucky that we are under a roof already, so please, continue eating. I want to hear your opinion on this food."
He is very amused when you ask to dance with him in the rain.
You don't need to convince him, he's already taking your hand.
Malleus leads you to the open patch of grass left uncovered by the gazebo's roof.
He places your right hand on his shoulder, and his left hand kept held of yours. His right hand will be wrapped around your waist.
You both laugh while he spins you around, the rain completely soaking the two of you.
"Alright my Dearest, we've had our fun, but I'm quite worried you'll catch a cold if we stay out here any longer. Let's clean this up real quick and head back home."
Kalim brings a whole bunch of foods for you to try! He even encourages you to bring things yourself.
He really wants to try some of your favorite foods, and in return you'll try some of his.
Kalim escorts you to the picnic on his magic carpet (but if you're scared of heights you two can have a nice little walk over there!)
The area when you got there was so gorgeous.
There was a gigantic fluffy red blanket spread out over the grass already. The blanket was surrounded by gorgeous flowers (your favorite, or no flowers if you're allergic!)
The moon dazzled up in the both of you as you ate each other's favorite foods.
It was all going splendidly. That is until is started raining, of course.
You were about to ask Kalim to dance with you, but he grabbed your hand as if he was reading your mind.
"Sunshine! It's raining, come on, dance with me. It'll be really, really fun!"
He grabs your hands and starts spinning you around.
Kalim isn't really the type to do any outright romantic dance with you (unless you asked), but he likes to do fun freestyle dances! So you both just dance in the rain, laughing and smiling brightly at each other.
Once it gets super late, you both will eventually have to go home.
"That was really fun! Let's do it again sometime. For now, we should get home. I love you Sunshine! Let's go, we can dance more tomorrow. "
A/n: It's been so long! I'm really sorry for being gone. It's just I've been so sick for the past three weeks, my mind wouldn't give me any ideas, no motivation, etc. I could have at least checked up on all of you. But I'm back now! And hopefully my brain can come up with more things.
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Moon Theater Teenage Drabbles ✨
i think i’ve recently been baking too much angst, so i’ve decided to write a bunch and bunch of fluff and drabbles—gonna take a bunch of requests if i do get any as well, just give me whatever prompt or summary and i’ll write one of these for you!
here’s just a short one for a start where ash, nooshy and meena are fussing over johnny’s broken ankle while he decides to be a stubborn child. :D
“Honestly, it’s not that big of a deal.” Johnny groaned in exasperation as Meena added what seemed like the fourth pillow to the stack elevating his leg up to a rather respectable height. “I told you I’m fine.”
“You’ve been saying that from the moment you did that failed hand glide onstage.” Ash huffed as she made sure the huge pillow behind Johnny’s back was plenty fluffed up, still angry about the fact that he managed to hurt himself. “You wouldn’t even shut up at the goddamn hospital while they were bandaging you up.”
“It’s just a lil’ sprained ankle—”
“—broken ankle.” Nooshy snapped, correcting him as she basically shoved the thermos of hot tea into his hand. “And you managed to also break a bloody finger in the process, you injury-prone idiot.”
“Right, whatever—you guys are makin’ it seem like I broke a rib or somethin’.” Johnny rolled his eyes as he gingerly took a sip of tea from his thermos (english black tea with honey, Nooshy knew just how he liked it) before recoiling when it slightly burned his tongue. “Honestly, it’s just a broken ankle, it’s—no, no Meena, no more pillows please—it’s not like it’s gonna kill me.”
“If the injury didn’t kill you, we will.” Ash snappishly said as she stood on a tiptoe to place the ice bag over his bandaged foot. “You gave us a massive fright, and you’re never going to hear the end of it from me.”
“I told you you weren’t ready for that move yet.” Nooshy crossed her arms. “You never listen to me.”
“Sorry, mum.” Johnny mumbled sarcastically, eyes fixated on the cast on his hand as if it were suddenly the most interesting thing in the world.
“Why aren’t you drinkin’ your tea? Do I need to spoon-feed you?” Nooshy raised a brow tentatively.
Johnny sputtered. “Wh-wha, no!”
“Then drink up!”
Johnny mumbled something incoherent underneath his breath and cupped his thermos to take small sips of tea out of it, brows furrowed at the excessive amount of care he was receiving. Yeah, sure, he was grateful and all—but really, did they have to make such a fuss about it?
“You’re not even acting like it hurts!” Meena said, starting to sound a little annoyed. “You’re being a bit stubborn—”
“It really doesn’t!”
Ash stuck out a finger and poked Johnny’s foot, resulting in an angry, pained hiss.
“Ow! Wha’ was tha’ for?”
“Ha, see? It does hurt!”
“Look, I’m the one who’s hurt here—I don’t see why I’m the one who’s bein’ berated and harassed instead of bein’ comforted and cuddled.” Johnny crossed his arms, slumping a little against the mass of pillows behind his back and sinking into the nest of fuzzy blankets Ash had placed over him at some point.
“I’d hate to let you know what real harassment from us would look like.” Nooshy replied. “And the reason why is even after you broke your ankle, you decided to act like the bloody hero and dance the rest of your routine through the pain like that would actually make it any better—”
“Well, to be fair, back then I didn’t know it was broken—”
“—we heard the snap of your bones over the music.”
“Now, that's a bit of an exaggeration, don’t you think?”
“Is not. Look, just deal with it—we’re your best friends, we love you no matter how dumb you are, and we basically have an unspoken duty—” Ash grabbed a handful of DVDs from the shelves. “—to take care of your ass while you recover from your broken ankle.” She dumped them onto his lap. “Pick one.”
“Um, well, these aren’t exactly movies that I—”
“Just pick one, goddammit—”
“Alrigh’, alrigh’, geez—” Johnny picked out a random movie from the selection sprawled across the blankets, wincing as Ash sent him a death glare before picking up that one movie. “And you say that you guys are not exaggerating.”
“We’re not, where did you get that idea?”
“But Nooshy, you asked the doctor how long Johnny has to live—” Meena said quietly as she sat down on one of the beanbags situated at the corner of Johnny’s room, her head surrounded by posters of all kinds of musicians, musicals, and movies.
“He could have died, okay? He looked as if he were in the pain of someone hammering his face with a—”
“Look, can we just forget about my ankle, and my finger, whatever this fuss is all about—” Johnny shook his head. “—and can we just watch this movie together? I’m tired.”
“Only if you promise not to hurt yourself like an idiot and then decide to be all stubborn about it.” Ash replied, already jumping up onto the bed beside him and settling down on the seat beside him, stealing one of his blankets just as the movie started.
“Can’t guarantee it.” Johnny replied with a smirk as Nooshy jumped in between them, squeezing herself into the small gap. Meena laughed as she moved the beanbag over to Johnny’s side, eyes already glued to the screen.
“... could one of you get me Takis, though? The spicy ones, if there are any—”
“Ugh, it’s like taking care of a toddler.”
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outlustings · 2 years
can we appreciate the fact you quoted laird from his little emotional monologue. that killed me. oh and can i request Val x possibly injured/sick reader? they bring me joy <3
(ahahahah laird is adorable i love him. but yeah here's val with sick and injured reader and uhh yeah. mentions of vomiting and blood! nothing too graphic but still. le sicknessé. dumb dialogue. enjoy!
soft val. bdkskks val my beloved.)
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Val makes the best stews ever and will whip up a bowl of your favourite soup whenever you catch a cold. Which is somewhat often, the mountain air does something to you. Especially in January.
Their knife skills aren't very good, so prepare to have a solid half of an onion in your bowl and Val just shrugging at it. But it's very tasty nonetheless.
Val will assume almost kind of a motherly role, they'll sit next to you in bed and make sure that you eat up everything in your bowl.
"You need to eat, my love. Please."
If you're too ill to eat, they'll make sure to comfort you and take your bowl away and tuck you into bed.
Soft, wet rags draped over your forehead and eyelids to ease soreness and migraines.
Val will tuck you in underneath mountains of animal skins and crocheted blankets and linen sheets, really anything to make you warm when you're shivering.
They will absolutely get underneath the blankets with you if that's what you want. Curling up next to Val while you're hot and shivering with about thirty pounds of blankets over you and feeling their long, gentle fingers stroke your sweaty hair - the best kind of remedy.
They really don't mind you coughing and sniffling against their chest.
"Isn't this gross?" you croak out and try to clear your throat and sniffle up another hunk of snot. You cringe at your own stuffy breathing.
Val just laughs softly.
"No, dearest. It's not gross. If you're sick..." you feel their hand move from the back of your neck up to your nose, and you follow their finger as Val boops you gently on the nose, "Then I'm sick too."
Val has mad immunity though, probably because they ate dirt as a child or something. Never gets sick.
The kind of partner to hold your hair back for you while you retch your heart out in the middle of the night, clutching the rickety bucket with clammy hands.
"There goes my soup," you hear Val mutter behind you tiredly. You can hear the grin in their voice. You shoot a half-hearted glare behind your shoulder before turning to the bucket and yakking into it again.
"I'm sorry - I had to say it," Val hums, strokes your hair, "Want me to go empty that out?"
You ease yourself back onto the pillows.
"Yeah," you mumble, "I'm sorry, Val."
"Don't be."
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry, my love. It's alright."
Puts on some slippers and runs out into the night to fetch you fresh water from a well.
Bless their heart. Best nurse in Arizona.
If someone else or even something else got you injured, Val will be very mad. Will definitely cuss out anyone who was involved in your injury.
Before that, though, they need to make sure you're okay. So they simmer quietly, patch you up in grumpy, concentrated silence.
Wound care is somewhat rudimentary, especially among the Heretics. Val opens up a bottle of moonshine and something tells you you're not going to get a swig. You wince even before the liquid hits your wound.
Your shallow breathing wakes Val up from their angry daze.
"You okay?" Val murmurs as they kneel before you. You shake your head.
"That's gonna hurt like a motherfucker," you sigh, eyeing the dirt-stained bottle.
"Just breathe, alright?" Val touches your knee softly, bunches up a rag underneath where the quarter-inch deep cut splits the flesh on the mound of your knee, and you hiss, "Take one deep breath and blow everything out as I pour it. It won't be long."
You nod and inhale. You squeeze your eyes shut.
You nod again. Burning pain slices through your leg as the alcohol hits your wound and you hiss and try not to writhe as blood rushes to your ears. Everything goes numb for a second.
"Shh, it's okay," Val coos, "I know it hurts, it'll go away, just a little bit more. You're doing so well."
You shake your head, tears stinging your eyes as you feel Val pat the area with a rag.
"Fucking Christ, Jesus, fuck," you grit your teeth and breathe shallowly, opening your eyes, watching as Val wiped away the blood on your knee.
"You're doing so well."
Val wraps your knee up with gauze and safety pins the wrap so that it rests snugly on your leg. Val rises up from their knees, steps back and eyes the wound, cocking their head. Then they shake their head and bend down to the hem of their skirt.
You watch, mesmerized as those elegant, pale hands tear into the dark cloth, knuckles white as you watch and hear the fabric rip.
They take the strip of fabric from their skirt and wraps it around the gauze, securing it. You just stare.
"You really shouldn't have. Your dress is ruined."
Val shrugs. Lifts their hand up to their mouth, licks their thumb and drags it against the wound. You feel the pressure of the finger against your tender skin as they make the sign of the cross. Weirdo.
"Don't get into any more trouble, love," Val smiles.
You nod slowly.
"You're so strong," you say dumbly.
Val laughs, presses their forehead against you.
"For you. My clumsy little lamb."
"Lamb?!" you squeal, "When did I become a lamb?" you pout but Val presses a quick kiss to your lips and reaches down to grab your hands.
"Can you walk?"
"Baa," you grumble and lift your butt off the tree stump, rising up with wobbly legs. Val laughs. You can't help but grin at that sweet sound.
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sorryimanon · 4 years
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Character: Katsuki Bakugou
Warnings: so much fluff and a bit of spice
In which you and bakugou witness your child’s quirk for the first time
Early mornings were the best in your opinion. The warmth of the blankets hugging every inch of your cold body, the sound of cars zipping by outside the cracked window, and the familiar wandering hands that belong to none other than your boyfriend. It’s quite a sight, seeing Katsuki all vulnerable with his head angled just right into the base of the pillow, a pool of drool collecting on it. Usually he’s an early bird, waking up before you to cram in a quick workout then head off making breakfast in the kitchen. However, the routine switched up when a little bundle of joy enterd both of your lives.
Everyone, including you, was surprised you managed to settle Katsuki down let alone have him become a domesticated father. Of course it scared the living shit out of you. Sex with Bakugou was amazing, tenfold even, but one night both of you made an irrational decision to not use protection while being intimate, resulting in you heaving yourself over the toilet the following weekend.
“Stomach flu, right?” Katsuki reasoned anxiously.
“Right.” You reassured him with a crooked smile.
Nine months later you gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. To say you were happy was an understatement. Hell, everything you ever wanted landed graciously on your lap like a silver plater. Even though you and Katsuki weren’t planning having kids for a long time, the moment when your daughter finally arrived, it’s like both of y’all knew she came into your lives at the right time.
Now she lays crushed between Katsukis chest, his arms wrapped protectively around her as though something were to have grabbed her in the middle of the night. Their breathing synchronized each time they inhaled and exhaled. For a second, you admire the two figures in front of you. She sure inherited the looks from your boyfriend. Same blonde hair, toothy grin, and crimson eyes. At least she had more of your personality and mannerisms. Although occasionally her sudden outbursts reminded you of Katsuki when he was a teenager.
Your daughters head was in a awkward 45 degree angle, making her blonde hair cover half of her face. Instinctively, you reached over and brushed aside the tangled mess, making her squirm in place at the sudden touch. She opened her eyes finally and obnoxiously yawned, stretching out her small arms. One of her arms accidentally whacked Katsuki in the face during the process.
“Ugh you fucking gremlin...” Katsuki mumbles, playfully swatting his daughters hand away from his face. Your daughter eventually unlatched herself from his arms and began to jump up and down in the space between you and your grumpy looking boyfriend.
“Daddy’s up! It’s time for breakfast!” Your daughter joyfully proclaimed while bouncing around on the king sized bed.
“No it’s not.” He swept his feet that weren’t covered by the devet under hers, causing her to land softly against the bed. You knew she enjoyed the harsh playfulness when you heard her cries of laughter. You giggled and looked over at Katsuki, who at the moment had a temporary scowl across his face.
“Squirt you know the rules. Get yourself cleaned up and then we’ll start making breakfast,” you promised her.
Her eyes lit up at that moment like it was Christmas morning and hoisted herself off the large bed. She closed the door behind her, like you taught her, and scurried off to the shared bathroom. You wanted to have a moment of peace before she comes barging in again. Closing your eyes, you hummed in satisfaction and snuggled more into your pillow. Across from you, Katsuki had other plans in mind. He closed the space between you and laid his hand on the base of your waist, the other bunching up your shirt. Wanting to feel your skin, he slipped his hand under your shirt and rubbed circles around your abdomen. The coldness that clung to your skin immediately warmed up by his gentle touch. The sensation dragged a familiar sensual feeling down your body. A feeling that you haven’t felt in a while. Opening your eyes to where they’re just tiny slits, you can make out Katsuki staring right back at you.
“I know you’re still awake dumbass,” he softly spoke, his breath fanning the crook of your neck. So close he took the opportunity and started kissing the sensitive area. His tongue darted out, licking a small strip in the crevice. You didn’t need a third party to know a bruise was already forming.
“K-Katsuki. Not right now. Our d-daughter is just down the hall from us,” you manage to croak out as he attacked your neck with love bites. Oh how you missed these small little interactions with him. You knew they resorted to adultry, but anything involving foreplay with Katsuki excited you.
He sucked and bit some more of your supple flesh, causing you to ripple out a soft moan.
“Oh baby, how I missed your fucking moans.”
His morning voice mixed in with his already deep brooding one made you even wetter by the minute.
Soon the hand that was rubbing circles around your stomach extended to your breast, grabbing it playfully in tune to his tongue massage on your neck. Katsuki flicked his thumb over your perky nipple, giving it much desired attention. You parted your mouth slightly at the action, letting him latch his lips onto yours. Thankfully your moans were muffled, or else your daughter would’ve heard.
To return the favor, you carelessly grope Katsukis member through his boxers, earning a groan from him within your mouth.
“Fuck baby. You almost made me...cum by just... doing that,” he said in between sloppy kisses.
Without breaking the kiss, you shifted yourself on top of him, straddling his waist with your bare legs on display. His hand left your breast and replaced itself onto your hip, massaging the skin that was exposed. You removed your mouth from his, catching some air you forgot existed until he meshed into you. The two of you were a panting mess.
“It has been awhile, hasn’t it?” You whispered into his ear.
If looks could melt, his infamous smirk would. “Quickie? Before the brat ruins the fun.”
You huffed and pinched his cheek to the point where the flesh turned red.
“Ow fuck! Okay shitty woman. I take back what I said.” He smacked your ass as revenge and kissed the corner of your mouth. “For later then.”
You triumphantly smirk and peck his lips for good measure. Despite being cold turkey from sex, you knew punishing him by having him wait was the best part. You pushed yourself off him and rejoiced to the warm feeling of his chest. Defeated, Katsuki begrudgingly snaked his arms around you, kissing the crown of your forehead. He had to admit, he’d rather enjoy your body next to his than underneath all sweaty with lust. Don’t be fooled, he loves that too.
“What’s taking that brat so long-“
A loud beep startled both you and Katsuki to sit up straight in bed. It was your fire alarm. An alarm that hasn’t gone off since when you first moved in. Katsuki activated his quirk by accident one time in the kitchen, emitting the same annoying blast of noise this morning.
Leaving the bed in shambles, you both hurried out the door in search for your daughter. A foul scent of smoke and ash was wafting through the air. What you weren’t expecting was for the living room and kitchen to be perfectly pristine of any flames or smoke. You checked the perimeter of the area a second time to make sure you weren’t going crazy. Nothing. Maybe the fire alarm was glitching out? You were pull out of your daze when Katsuki slipped on his own feet coming out from the long hallway.
“I think I found out where the smoke is coming from,” he said breathlessly.
He dragged you along with him to your daughters room. Scared and confused, you turn the nob and slowly open the door. There sat your daughter, in the middle of the room laughing hysterically at something. She then noticed you two standing there and smiled widely. Gosh, she looked so much like her father there.
“Mommy daddy, look what I can do!” She said before plugging her nose and lighting herself on fire.
You’d think, this image would scare you, but no. You stared at awe towards your inflamed daughter, basking in at how the flames protected her body and moved with her. It finally came the day where your child’s quirk manifested. She was basically a lone torch. Katsuki mirrored the same emotions you were feeling as well. Your daughter extinguished herself and trailed over to where you both stood. She hugged your lovers leg, cranking her head to where they can directly look at each other.
“Does this mean I can be like you daddy? I can be a future hero just like you?”
Katsuki couldn’t help but to chuckle and bend down to grab her and place her on his hip.
“Just don’t be hanging out with extras when you’re older kiddo.” He reached around and started tickling her aggressively on the sides.
“I promise d-dad n-no stupid extras!” Her laugh with the combination of Katsukis childish taunts was like music to your ears.
And that wasn’t the last of the rude awakening mornings. Nevertheless, you cherished them more now than ever.
(Might be a reoccurring story bc I love daddy katsuki with a torch daughter)
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cheelduh · 3 years
How to Not Kill a Ginger (High School Au!)
Part 5 to the series hehehe
Parts: 1 2 3 4
Pairing: Childe x fem!reader
Synopsis: Childe’s stomach stirs when you take care of him, and he’s not sure if it’s because of his major crush on you or just plain old diarrhea.
Warnings: Swearing. Graphic descriptions involving the true idiocy of teenage boys.
Words: Abt 2.6k
Note: Sorry I sort of half assed this. I have big ideas for the next part tho ✨😮‍💨
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If there's one thing you're sure of, it's that Teucer knows how to throw one hell of a tantrum.
Him and his brother, Anthon, under your watch, manage to get into a petty squabble that's been airing for the last fifteen minutes. You've done everything, from offering candy to promising an extra hour on the switch, but your efforts do not bear fruit.
What did you tell Childe again? Oh yeah, that babysitting kids was a breeze. Apparently it's not a breeze. Maybe something more like a shart. A chunky, messy one at that.
"Listen dude," You reason to Anthon, the oldest of the bunch gently. "Where did you hide his toy?"
Anthon sticks a tongue out at you, and you nearly cry at the intensity of the insult. "Not telling."
Your patience runs thin.
"C'mon Anthon," Tonia lectures from her chair on the table like the godsend she is. "Just give him his toy back. You're being so annoying." She's taking the words right out of your mouth.
"Not until he apologizes!" Anthon crosses his arms, huffing. "He ate my cheese string!"
"There are more cheese strings!" You exclaim, opening the fridge to prove your point. "I'm sure Teucer's sorry for taking yours. Just pick another one."
"But it's not the same! He took the last cheddar and mozzarella one, now there are only mozzarella ones left." He speaks in between Teucer's wails. You wonder if this is a daily occurrence.
Tonia sighs, gets up from her chair, and hands the eldest her cheese string. "Just take this and give him his toy back."
Almost immediately, Anthon reaches a hand behind the tv table and pulls out the miniature Mr. Cyclops, then throws it point blank at Teucer's feet.
Teucer wails louder.
You pinch the bridge of your nose, shoulders sagging under the stress of being a temporary teenage mother.
Then you take a deep breathe, voice booming over Teucer's cries, Anthon's grumbling, and the clicking of Tonia's tongue. "Let's make a cake!"
Everything in the room stills. Even Teucer's loud cries comes to a halt, and he inhales so sharply that the streak of snot over his lip goes right back into its origin.
You wince inadvertently.
"Poggers!" Anthon cheers, and his siblings join in, laughing and clapping in excitement.
Tonia's eyes widen in confusion when she briefly pauses from her rally. "Wait a minute. What are we celebrating? We can't bake a cake for no reason! It won't taste nearly as good."
Everyone stops to ponder.
Then you snap your fingers in realization, and the kids huddle around you. "How about a 'get well better' cake for your big brother?"
They erupt in cheers again, but you shush them gently, wink an eye for extra measure. "We have to be quiet! He won't get better if we wake him."
The three nod in understanding and begin shushing each other, failing to conceal their giggles.
As you watch them making their way into the kitchen, bounce in their steps, you can't stop the warm smile that reaches your eyes.
That smile soon becomes a frown of horror when Anthon cracks an egg over Tonia's head.
The cake is not half as bad as you thought it would be initially. Between mixing the ingredients and ceasing the kids minus Tonia from being menaces to society, you were able to find middle ground.
Eventually Anthon found interest in finding ways to lick the batter whenever you turned around, and Teucer found comfort in your left leg, latching onto it as if it were a life line.
Just like how Venti latches onto his stupid little bottle of wine disguised as a water bottle. Seriously, you’ve never talked to him sober, and at this point are afraid of what’s he’s like lucid.
Tonia had been the only one taking things seriously for the most part, except for the sprinkles-to-icing ratio. She drowned the entire cake in sprinkles, the mere sight adding on the ghost of an ache in your teeth.
It looks like twilight sparkles took a fat dump on it.
"Okay besties," You inwardly curse yourself for giving into Gen-Z vocabulary as you brush your hands on the apron. "I think we've done a pretty decent job."
"It looks so pretty!" Tonia grins widely, eyeing the edible pearls she strategically placed. She quickly strikes down a finger Anthon tried to poke into the icing, with the accuracy of a true warrior.
You shudder at the thought of Childe teaching her how to stab someone with safety scissors.
"Can we add candles?" Teucer asks, but Tonia clicks her tongue in distaste.
"It's not a birthday cake." She crosses her arms judgementally. The power in her glare reminds you of La Signora, strangely enough.
You ruffle his copper coloured locks anyways, and his grip on your thigh tightens. "We can add candles if you want Teucer."
He nods his head and snuggles deeper into the side of your leg. Your heart warms up considerably.
After the candles are poked in, you try to shrug him off. "C'mon dude, just for five minutes. You don't want me to drop the cake before your brother can get a bite do you?"
Reluctantly, he obliges, and runs off to help Tonia collect utensils to take up to Childe's room.
Anthon's on door duty, kicking away any toys that serve as obstacles in your way like a professional soccer player.
Once you four make it up the stairs in front of the designated room, Anthon doesn't bother knocking. He barges in like he owns the place, chin up high and a signature smirk on his face that he probably learnt from his older brother.
Childe fumbles awake, kicking the air whilst in shock by the chaotic sound of the door hitting the wall and Teucer screaming "Happy Birthday!" at the top of his miniature sized lungs as he runs in to plop right on top of his older brother.
His bewildered expression soon turns into something of a loving smile as he begins to process what is happening, eyes lighting up despite the deep bags that frame them.
Tonia places the plates on his side table, right next to the empty soup bowl you placed there earlier. She climbs up onto the bed as well to join in on the hug.
Anthon approaches at last, hands in his pockets as he coolly acknowledges his older brother. Instead of a bone-crushing hug like the other two are indulging in, his opts for a fist bump that Childe happily reciprocates.
Then finally, between the shield that are his siblings, his cerulean eyes land on your near the doorway, then trail down to the cake in your oven-mittened hands. He averts his gaze back to your own, and grins so wide his cheeks start to throb.
"Big brother! We made you cake." Teucer moves his head from his chest to face him. "So you can get better."
Childe's laughs ring in your ears, but you don't shy away from the sound. It's a pleasant, something that you wish to hear more of in the near future. Sure enough he laughs a lot at school, but the genuineness of it at home, surrounded by his siblings, stirs something deep within you.
"How thoughtful of you." He ruffles his hair, then his eyes widen as he ushers the two off of him. "You guys can't be near me! I don't want you to fall ill as well."
"But-but how will we feed you the cake without getting close to you?" Tonia frowns, and her two brothers nod in unison.
You chuckle lightly, approaching the bed with the cake in your hands. "I'm sure he has enough strength to feed himself. The hugs and kisses surely must've energized him."
To be honest, Childe's all green in the face and the last thing on his mind would be to indulge in the cake. You understand the feeling all to well. With his nose clogged up, throat all sore, there's no way he'll stomach it. It took a lot of nagging on your part to get him to finish the soup earlier as well.
He blows the candles anyways, clapping along his siblings and letting Tonia drop a fat chunk of the golden cake onto his plate. You find it endearing, regrettably so. His dedication to keeping their dreams is admirable in more ways than you can count.
This is the same guy that wears meme shirts to school, topped off with douchey sunglasses to give him a pristine vibe. The same guy that punches holes in walls like a Kyle. The very boy that flexes his toned biceps in-front of you during lunch time, successfully ruining your appetite.
"Wait a minute..." Childe inspects the cake closely, narrowing in on the candles. "Why is there an eleven?"
Teucer scratches his neck sheepishly. "Those were the only candles we had left."
After another short-lived laugh, Childe manages a bite as everyone stares in expectation, the sound of a tight crunch enveloping the room, making you grimace in secret. If Childe feels like puking out his guts right now, he's doing a hell of a job hiding it from his darling siblings.
You're glad nobody forces you to take a bite, or it would've been a double homicide right then and there.
Soon enough, one by one the children file out of the room, satisfied with their visit. The reality is that they don't want to miss an episode of backyardigans.
Once they leave, you approach him with a napkin. He gets the gist, spitting out the remnants of the cake you slaved over for about two hours.
"Colour me impressed." You snort, moving the cake aside so you can take a seat on the open space next to him. "How're you feeling?"
"Amazing." He exclaims, eyes red like a crackhead's, nose runny, with goosebumps kissing his pale skin. He sure does look...amazing.
"Cool." You say, abruptly getting up. "I'm gonna vibe with the kid—"
His hand shoots out from underneath the blanket, clammy palms wrapping around your wrist to keep you locked in place. You gulp in anticipation.
"You kissed me." Childe reminds you, eyes twinkling in mischief, a vicious grin plastered over his stupidly handsome face.
You try not to choke on your words. "You have circumstantial evidence at most." No attempts are utilized to pull away from him.
He raises a teasing brow, and you give in because the tension is thick. Thicker than the tension between Albedo and Kaeya when the latter shamelessly unzips his front to show more of his biddies. You have no idea why he hasn’t been dress coded yet.
"Fine." You snap out of your impure thoughts, and huff out, frustrated all over. "I kissed you on the cheek."
"Still a kiss though."
"Yes. Also, cute nails." He points out, hand moving down to grasp your fingers. The act is intimate, his caress gentle and caring. Despite his brash, violent personality, he shows you a completely different side to him that hatches butterflies in your stomach.
"Thanks." You show off the bright jewels on your index. "You have a real nail technician in the house."
Tonia has some serious talent.
When he taps one of the jewels, you slap his hand away. "Careful there dude. These cost me a fortune."
His chuckles die down and he smiles again, but this time apologetically. "They didn't trouble you too much did they? I know they can be loud."
"I like loud." You answer him truthfully. "They're fun to be around. Not nearly as chaotic as you."
He blinks in mock offence, eyes narrowing shrewdly. "You come into my house, talk to my siblings, and have the nerve to insult me? Right after taking advantage of me?"
"If you don't shut up, I'll also have the nerve to rip you a new one." You reply dryly with the innocent curl of your lips.
You're about to lunge at him and scream a string of obscenities that no one has ever heard of before, but the Archons are listening and you don't want his siblings to grow up without someone to look up to. Wait a minute—scratch that. You'd be doing them a favour if you wiped his existence right here and now.
You have a fragile heart though. So you sigh, and grab a fistful of sheets in both hands instead.
Childe's grin turns into a petrified scowl.
"Oh no," He pleads, weakly fighting you back. "Have mercy! Please!"
You have loads of mercy. Just not enough for him.
When you have him wrapped in a successful bundle, Childe can’t help but beam, laying limp in his confines.
“What are you smiling about?” You inquire, pulling out the medicine from his box, pausing momentarily in shock. “Wait a minute, don’t tell me you’re into these things you freak.” Head snaps up so fast you nearly suffer from whiplash.
He’s about to answer you but his words turn into a fit of shallow coughs.
“I’m into whatever you’re into.” Childe’s shrug is nonchalant. “Even if that means I have to be tied up. Kinky by the way.” He winks, and you roll your eyes, cheeks flushing in embarrassment as you hold the spoon up. The dark reddish medicine swirls in deep hues.
“Shut up and open your mouth.”
“Girlie, I don’t think you understand how contradicting that statement is.”
You momentarily wonder if it’s too late to abort yourself.
Childe awakens at the crack ass of night, sweat slick, sticky all over, tousled hair sticking to his forehead. He’s a panting mess, eyes darting around the dark room, inhaling, exhaling, mind in a haze from the fever. Gaining somewhat of a grip on reality, he fumbles around to turn on his lamp, throat parched and in need of water.
When he manages to find the switch, he recoils at the brightness, adjusting to the sudden change in his vision. On his side table, there’s a bologna sandwich tucked safely in plastic wrap, a glass of room temperature water, and a bottle of painkillers.
His eyes disregard most of the things, finding interest in the bright pink sticky note next to the painkillers. Unable to ignore the dryness of his throat and the pounding of his head, he quickly gulps a pill down with most of the water, instantly feeling the relief of hydration.
Then, he pounces on the note, giddiness overtaking him despite the pang in his muscles, and the general feeling of absolute shit.
I had to leave. Don’t worry about your siblings, they’re all tucked in and fine. Except for Anthon maybe. Apparently he’s mildly lactose intolerant and thought it was a good idea to overdose on chocolate milk when I was busy with Teucer. Anyways, get better soon stupid.
— Y/N
He safely tucks the note under his pillow, edges of his lips turned upwards, warmth flooding his veins when he takes another look around his surroundings.
The room itself is cleaned, floor cleared from the initial clutter and the cool shiny collector’s knives he buys off of Amazon safely hung over the wall, not littered on his desk like they usually are.
The homework he was supposed do, but most likely wouldn’t, is already completed, stacked neatly atop each other.
Childe swears his heart bursts in his chest, exploding into tiny particles that overheat his entire body.
There’s no way in hell a few days worth of homework is gonna bring his failing mark up, but then again it’s the thought that counts.
While the sandwich is catered to his nausea, bland and plain for easy digestion, an easy fill, it’s the best meal he’s ever had in his life.
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muffindaddystyles · 3 years
KISMETS (Part 2)
Harry Styles x fem!reader.
Slow burn, platonic love and bunch of affection.
Fluff! Smut! Smut!
Frenemies to lovers, dad!Harry, Bestfriend!Harry.
Author's Note: The concept's kinda weird but if you've watched F.R.I.E.N.D.S and Phoebe Buffay carrying child for someone. You've got it my pal!
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"Oh pet . . you're jealous innit?" He swipes the tip of his finger over the waffle picking the puff of cream and swallowing it whole, "'M not! Why'd I be?" She squeals kicking at his boots.
"Always told me y'had a candy crush at Harold." He smirks mischievously. Spitting truth. She smacks his bicep with a wide open mouth.
Y/N's carrying Harry's babies and is trying not be angry at him for pulling her into all of this with him.
Red's everywhere. It makes her pout. Everyone have someone to celebrate the day but she's the only one giving careless ears to Niall who's sitting opposite from her in the crispy lilac heart booth, "Mean ye' fought again with him?" He stirs the mango bobas in his drink wiggling his brows at her to fill him with some tea. She gasps full of drama and surprises, "What d'ya mean 'again? D'ya think 'm this crackhead that rips people in two for no-reason?" She whispers the last part when a waitress passed by them.
"No. Pet what 'm sayin' is --- you're too, feisty with Harry." He chuckles leaning to meet her betrayed gaze, "Did he bribe you with new golf stick? You've switched sides." She juts her bottom lip wet from pink marmalade drink and startles in her spot when Niall cackled ever so loud at her silliness.
"I just tol' him to go through Chessie marathon somewhere else than my home." Harry was at her flat as always. She was making red velvet strawberry flavoured muffins for the moment ( promised not to give it to Harry — "even if he'll beg") and then she fulfilled her promise when she saw him going through his pictures together with Chessie. The jealous little Y/N jumped out from her polite skin and she just tinsy bit mocked him, "I'd never look back at the person who'd have left me and my children. . ." That broke a mighty bit argument between the two idiots. How they're gonna take care of two babies when they themselves need a person to put them away from eachother?
"Oh pet . . you're jealous innit?" He swipes the tip of his finger over the waffle picking the puff of cream and swallowing it whole, "'M not! Why'd I be?" She squeals kicking at his boots.
"Always told me y'had a candy crush at Harold." He smirks mischievously. Spitting truth. She smacks his bicep with a wide open mouth. Sighing he grabs Y/N's hand knocking some sense into mama bear gently and making her nod with the each advice, "'s valentine's day 'course he misses her. His wounds are fresh they need ointment babe -- You've always been so good with him, what's the matter now?"
She circles her fingers round eachother. Sucking her lip harshly and not meeting Niall's intense stare, "Turns me mad that 'cos of one person we're here now." She mumbles caressing the belly button protruding from the flimsy fabric of her oversized hoodie.
"It's the fate, pet. Always tol' me how much you liked kids." She shakes her head in denial. "Not in this situation where 'm lost and doesn't know how it'll work out — " He cuts her off with concern.
"Talked to Harry bout it?" When she again denies he asks, "What you're gonna do about it then?"
"Dunno. Share?" She's new to all of this. What did she actually mean was that they could do it like how divorce parents do it, maybe? Doesn't know how Harry wants to handle the situation just leading a blind eye with him. Hasn't even considered getting ready for the life that'll come along with them.
"They're babies not a packet of crisps, Y/N!." He burst into giggles and she huffs slumping against the foggy window, "Pain in arse you're." She scoffs that pout still intact the whole time while Niall keeps on giggling finding it too funny.
. . .
Walking from the elevator to her flat's door seems like hiking a mountain for her and cherry ontop that the stares she gets from her neighbours is full of judgments. It makes her want to hide underneath her blankets and never pop her head out. Her brows coming together in wonder at the sight of small wood basket at her doorsteps.
"Oh my god don't tell me someone left a baby at my doorsteps, Hello!!!??" She spins here and there but finds no-one but empty hallways when a feeble sound coming from inside it almost made her tumble on her bum. The last thing she wants is not another baby. With a grunty noise she ducks down to lift the basket supporting it at her belly and unlocking the door while trying to squint inside it.
When she throws the lid away a fuzzy little grey creature with big mossy eyes was pawing in air needy for attention, a red choker with heart in centre around her lil neck. It almost brought her to tears. Blame her being extremely emotional these days.
"Awww. Hi!" She fawns picking it up from armpits inspecting the miracle kitten that's here outta no where. A crumpled note laying in the basket with a bunch of colourful disoriented flowers.
"'M sorry fo' throwin' a tantrum and leavin' all fussy. This's oreo. I want her to grow along my kids! Also forgive mee plssssss?"
She giggles throwing her head back snuggling oreo against her throat as she meowed adorably sweet, "Daddy's such a daft ehh?" She says in between breaths petting the new addition to her loved ones.
The first thing she does is call him and he picks on the very ring as if anticipating for it, "Come back home you fool." His smile was infectious as he taps his feet in his car a lil over joyed at the thought.
"So generous." Running upstairs as he used to in oast with anticipation to spill the tea of his day to her in any hour of the day. The door was already open, them standing at the either boundary line of flat. His first priority's always to shower his babies in evermost affection. Falls to his knees smushing his face to her belly quenching outta a ribs aching laugh from her as he caress his cheeks against the soft side of her womb murmuring things that's a secret between him and his babies.
"Hey Angels!" He greets them patching a loving tight kiss atop her belly button that tickles her softly, stands up and meets her teary gaze from laughing with much serenity it knocks breath from her, "Hi mama angel." His whisper fuses against her skin while kissing her cheek.
"Hi. ." She inhales in his woodish vanilla scent. Preventing from melting into his arms she pulls him back from shoulders grinning at him, "Let's ruin valentines watchin' Anne Hathaway's romcom." He tuts instead leading her with him to the sofa.
"Can't be better than that –— let me pop in some popcorns real quick."
. . .
The yellow carpeted floor's littered with candy wrappers, packets of half folded crisps, peach sodas and an empty bowl of popcorns. Oreo snoozing in her basket. They're on their fourth romcom. Her legs in his lap. His's on coffee table. He chuckles everytime she takes almost three minutes to be in a comfortable position, ushering her to sit up so he could put cushions under her.
"Are you craving nama chocolates?" She eyes him nipping at her blanket trying to snuggle closer to him. He runs his thumb at her shoulder blade in soothing circles peering down at her, "'m not pregnant. ye're moppet. havin' a sweet tooth?" When she nods sheepishly he shakes his head quickly hoping on his feet.
"Don't be shy --- dunno where ye' got this giddiness from, 'm your bestie. Gotta tell me yeah? Lemme grab me jacket." He grabs her from wrists helping her up and goes to her wardrobe to get her fist gloves, beanie and warm slippers.
When hears her huffing and puffing grunty-ly his head perks up with brows furrowed, "What's it babe?" He pads towards her and when she turns for him to have a look the zip of her jacket bursts open all the way to end revealing her bump.
She pouts sadly, "Nothin' fits me anymore." He just smiles adorning the same puppy look in his eyes as her's to light up the tension.
"I'll buy ye' new. Those cute maternity clothes, ehh?" Shimmies down the clothing from her shoulders, "oi you don't have to!" She retorts and he bobs his head taking his own puffer jacket off to wrap it round her small body.
"Yes I do." He mumbles zipping her all the way up warm and squishy in his jacket three sizes larger than her. Pulls her hair out and cups the nape of her neck with his calloused soft palm bringing her closer to feather a delicate kiss to her temple, ". . .deserves more than just clothes — deserves the world always gonna be thankful to ye, pet." She gulps the cobweb of silence down her throat fiddling with the hem of his sweater.
"What you'll wear? 'S cold." He gives her an elfin grin flaring a baby pink knitted cardigan he sneaked from her wardrobe, "Harry!" She squeals with a giggle, "You're gonna look like grann Matlinda."
"Ehm. 'etter not forget to send her a picture when 'm matchin' with her." He quips snapping his fingers.
. . .
They walk over the glittery layer of slushie snow and Harry walks infront of her two steps at a time capturing pictures of her as she prowls carefully trying to move the hood away from blocking her vision, "Ye'r walkin' like a penguin -- cutie!" He giggles with each echo of flash.
"Look who's saying an otter himself!" She mimics him and he blushes under the mellowness of street lamp. They're champs at pulling eachother's legs.
"It's soooooo slippery." She complains wiggling her fingers from under the sleeve, "Grab me hand 'n don't leave it kay?" He smiles like advising a three year old who's afraid of crowds in a market. His grip warm and safe for her.
. . .
"Aish. gimme gimme!" She gets all jumpy on her toes when Harry comes out of the shop with a box of chocolates and two sticks. "'Ey greedy pup." He chuckles booping her button nose opening the silky lid of box revealing the velvety delcious chocolates. He picks the stick up taking a piece of chocolate with it and hovering it over her little mouth. Scrunching his nose at how adorable she gets the moment she chews it.
"Hmm. 'S so soft!" She gulps wetting her cold lip getting all butterfly feeling when she catches him gazing down at her as if she hung the moon and saturns. Raises her brow for an inquiry if he's okay tugging him closer with a gentle clutch to his cardigan.
Their surroundings turning into ice crystals of blur carelessness, the noises of glimmering lights into lulls of whisper and their bodies cocooning into snuggly blanket when Harry's fingertips fluttered tenderly against her cheeks glueing her at the spot. Leans in to press his lips softly to her plush sweet ones in a heartwarming caring kiss that flooded her veins with warmth and made her brain mushy unable to think.
"Yours are softer lil penguin." He murmurs stroking the corner of her mouth and smirks when she squeaks a thank you in return.
"Such a cutie." He cooes squishing her blushed cheeks and kissing each of them with loud wet noise till she pushed him away wiping his wetness with a pout. "'M highly offended pet ya never used to wipe me kisses away."
She shuts him up by stuffing a chocolate in his mouth. Walking back home with his arms wrapped around her protectively as he comes up with silly jokes whole way.
. . .
Everything reminds her of him. That fuzz of kitten. The empty box of chocolate. Couldn't even focus on the work she's doing on her laptop. It's just that gooey feeling never left ---- now it has gotten stronger with it's mushk when Harry kissed her under that beautiful sky of wintery lilacs. If he's playing with her feelings he better not cause she'll break him in two in that case.
He was out shopping clothes for her when she texted him if he'll like to eat roasted chicken she made for lunch. The mere thought of him caring for her brings her to tears because before him nobody was there except only him that knew her from the depths of her heart.
"You look pretty. . ." She finds typing hard while laughing this loud as Harry sent her mirror pictures of him trying the maternity clothes himself that he's supposed to buy for her, "Thought a visual representation will be good idea ;)" He shrugs typing back with a grin standing bottom naked in the changing room getting a rolling eye emoji in return.
She yawns putting her phone aside when Harry got busy into his hunt for nice warm clothes for her. Something wasn't fine today. She's been changing sides for an hour now and she couldn't sleep. Her shoulders twitching with each blink of eye and when she finally slips into a light conscious sleep a bone rattling pain shoots through her whole damn body. She jolts from the state of haze and tries to sit up when another zap of pain makes her feel limbless. A feeble grunt of helping cry fizzes out of her when she feels a cramp at the bottom of her spine.
In her panicked state she fumbles for her phone dialing the first emergency number doesn't give him a chance to speak before she's yelling into receiver out of anxiousness, "Harry somethin' not right! — 'm m havin' these contractions —--" He's been out dining with Niall and shoots from his seat the minute her worried voice reached his ear.
"It's okay, lovie. yeah? 'M comin' take deep breaths how we practiced —-- I'll be there in a mo'." He assures her in his softest most pacific rasp but she shakes her head vigorously tears brimming in her sleepy eyes. Oreo tries to comfort her by sitting in her lap and rubbing her crown against her tummy.
"They aren't supposed to come this early . . . fo' fucks sake haven't even started my third trimester!" Harry doesn't know what to do except of consoling her and fidgeting around as Niall drives the car with same expressions of anxiousness and panic as Harry.
"Oh . . It's gone." She frowns in confusion able to sit now and it takes a little of burden away from Harry. He listens to the rustling going on her side jumping on his bum almost screaming into phone, "Stay where you're don' move!"
"Oh my god. They're back I'm not ready for this . . I'm not ready for this Harry." She cries and Harry even leaves Niall behind squeezing into the elevator fingers crossed at his back.
"'M here. Call our midwife can ye' do that fo' me, puppy?" She sniffs nodding to herself. Calling their assisted midwife with shaky fingers and tries to breath looking up at the ceiling.
In the meantime Harry's barging through the door pacing towards her in hurries steps. His face pale that if he has seen a ghost. She tries to saturate the distance between them knowing at this moment how much she wants him in her life.
He sits her back carefully crouches down and wipes her tears away, "'m so scared . ." She whispers squeezing his biceps and her phone's still ringing atop the sheets, "Don't be baby. Ye' have me — 'm not leavin' yer side."
He massages the dimples of her spine and runs warm hands at her sides to calm her down when their midwife picks up their call, "Hi. Is everything okay?"
"No Y/N's havin' these light contractions 'n 's not even the time of her labour." There's a pause from her side and Y/N bolts a worried glance at Harry in return he cradles her cheek to assure her.
"Oh . . that's nothin' to worry bout Mr. Styles. Those're some mild braxton hicks she might have mistaken with labour contractions." They both takes a sigh of relief but the little tick of pain keeps on coming and subsiding.
"They start at the beginning of third trimester, Y/N are you still getting 'em?" She asks her and Y/N clears her throat tugging the sheet beside her.
"Yes but less painful. Is that okay though?"
"Completely okay. Harry rest her against the headboard and push her knees upto her chest they'll be gone in a snap." He nods at her instructions helping Y/N lean against the headboard of bed gently and scooting between her thighs to do as she told.
"Better?" He whispers glancing up at her while wrapping his hands around her bended calves and pushing it slowly against her front, the move relaxing her pelvic muscles. Her head lulls at her shoulders from the effect and she hums from throat making Harry choke on his own spit.
He dares not to drift his gaze from her rigid features which are loosing it's tightness seconds after. Their breaths erratic from the humidity of sexual tension in the room when Y/N gets back to normal diverting her all attention to Harry who has his head tucked between her fleshy thighs. A blush creeping at her flushed cheeks and Harry gives her a flustered chuckle kissing the top of her knee to answer back Miss. Dori who's been asking how's Y/N.
"Stay hydrated and don't forget to take your vitamins." Saying this she ends the call. Y/N takes a huge sigh of relief spreading her legs back and Harry squeezes her ankles, "When was the last time you had a glass water?"
"Two hours ago." He rolls his eyes. "Supposed to be drinkin' every hour . . dehydration's s' unhealthy fo' you pet." He leaves the bed meandering through her wardrobe taking out a bag with Oreo in his armpit.
"What're you doing?" She gasps with wide eyes looking back at Niall who's still standing at the doorframe. God. It's so embarrassing he had to watch all of that. Now, he'll never not stop teasing her about it.
"Packin' 'cos ye're stayin' with me. No protests." Like she was going to. She loves to stay at his house. His guest room's mattress is such a royalty to sleep at.
. . .
When he tucks her under the layers of blanket she decides it's still not warm enough and grabs at his wrist when he was about to leave, "Can we cuddle please?" His lips quirks up with happiness and he crawls to the empty side of bed still letting her hold onto him. Slipping beside her to canoodle her cosily against his front nuzzling his face into the crook of her neck with "mhmpm." sounds of exhaustion.
"Anytime." Her eyelids slip shutting from the comfort he brings along with him, "ye' okay now?" His lips leaves it's sparkle at her skin as he mumbles spooning her from behind and spreads his palm wide atop her belly protectively. She nods cuddling into his bicep kissing the inside of his elbow and slips into darkness just with the song of his breath.
"Good night Angel."
. . .
She wakes up to the ruckus going outside and gurgling stomach from hunger. Pinches the blanket around her head and waddles outside yawning her way. Harry making brekkie in the kitchen, a grinder running, and waffles sizzling as he himself is moving around like Remy the Rat in ratatouille. His muscles stretching out with each haste motion and it made her tummy stir. She's been trying not be horny but it proves to be the hardest task when he's always around being that charming and alluring.
"Pet!" He grins spinning with a VR camera in his hand that makes her giggle, "What you're doing?" She giggles trying to hike up the stool.
"Recording the days with our babies until it's labour." Immediately he's at her side helping her sit up putting the camera at the counter and Y/N waves at it adorably voice low and sleepy, "Hi babies it's me your mommy." It catches Harry off guard. His heart shaped mouth baubles into awed expression as he blinks the shock away from his vision looking down at her.
"What happened?" She asks him in concern but he shakes his head pecking her hair and handing her the camera to go back to prepare brekkie — moreso to recover from the happy surprise of her acceptance or he might scream into these four walls.
He's got a heart of gold. Pure from the selfish intentions and full of love. He thinks he's an utter dimwit for neglecting his feelings for his own fucking bestfriend and finding love into places that were never meant for him. Now, he can't think of someone else as the mother of his children except her.
He smiles wet-ly to himself. Waterline stinging from the sweet epiphany that they're really gonna be parents. Together. That she's his person. Who never left his side. Fulfilled his dream of becoming of a dad when his own girlfriend backed out cowardly. What did he do to get her written in his fate?
"Would we get to eat in this hour of day Chef?" She quips elbow perched on the counter and chin resting in her palm. We. It makes his insides melt into squish of adoration and love for her, "Sorry! I know ye're hungry." He pouts apologetically putting the plates and a glass of smoothie infront of her tucking a napkin into her crew neck.
"I don't need that, pet!!" She laughs squeezing his thigh to refrain from falling -- for the fact she's the most clumsy person Harry knows, "look cute 's just all." He giggles back pulling his bottom lip that she has done a great job of flustering him this early in the morning — gonna be like that the whole darn day with the her words swimming in his mind hi babies it's me your mommy ——
"Hmm. It's so yummy!" She gives him a thumbs up leaning down to sponge a kiss to his cheek and his dimple milks against her lips from the shyness. He scrunches his nose as a cover up from blushieness else he might burst into lil confetti, "yeah?" His irirses twinkles impishly as he gave her an eskimo kiss.
They're so domestically in love. It's cute. Does thingies without knowing they've rocketed past the intense levels of intimacy.
When she whines at the end refusing to drink the green smoothie it's where he went all stern and daddy-ish with her. Pulling her into his lap, holding her wrists with his nimble finger and placing the rim of the glass at her lips encouraging her to drink, "I might puke." She tells him in a warning.
"Okay after drinking this." He declares not caring if she wrenches at him quiping with a pinch of brows petting her back.
"You're sucha meanie bro!" Bestfriend shit. More like lovers shit.
. . .
Blank staring is useless as fuck and mind tiring even if it's done sitting in the comfiest corner of sofa to get a watch of some piece of furniture, toys and clothes that litreally just belongs to little humans that are resting in her womb. There's this nice lady that Harry gave away all of this things to because she's having her third child and couldn't be able to afford this stuff for her baby, at the moment she's here to shift it.
"You don't have to --- I don't care. It's just some stuff you guys bought together." She had told him before he sat on the decision and once he makes up his mind nobody can make him act otherwise.
"Nope. Bought things fo' me babies by the choice of a person who wasn't even their mother in the first place, never deserved to be —-- would never be. We'll do everything from scratch . . ." His words held venom and hatred for her unlike the usual sadness and betrayal they carried weeks ago as he wrapped his forearm around her collarbones flushing her closer to his chest swaying in the living lounge, ". . . remember the plushies nan Matlinda gave ye' on ya eighteenth? Thinking it was yer thirteenth birthday? Found them from under me bed last night. Will throw 'em in the laundry and the descion will be on yours if ye' want them fo' yourself or your babies." She nods giggling and he joins her.
"'Course that'd be s' cute. My kids playin' with plushies that were once mine!" She clapped her hands atop her chest in sheer excitement.
At the moment, he flops onto sofa beside her with a dramatic huff after bidding the lady a warm good bye. Squeezing Y/N ankles as she's laying on her side. A pillow under her thigh for the ease purpose head on the other cushion, "Watching's the hardest work innit toots?" He grins impishly and she bobs her head with hooded eyes.
Rolling her shoulder to pop some joints to show her tiredness she's good at acting made him scoot closer to her immediately, "Actually yes — " Gets cut off with Harry getting really caring about her in instant.
"Lemme give ya good rub." His calloused palms starts it gentle pressure from the heels of her feet tricking up her calves and she hums sweetly with her face smushed into cushion. He does it for a minute, thumbing at her soles and popping her toes making her giggle lazily.
Her breaths turns warmer against the fabric when he glides his touch up her soft thighs running a trembling shiver into her blood and the coaxation from the daily tiredness plus the effect of him on her almost made her whine. Their breaths hitches at the same time his pinky brushes at the curve of her bossom peeking from underneath her pyjama shorts.
It makes her clench her thighs from the burn coiling in her tummy and it's embarrassing because he's doing nothing but giving her a rub. When the second time the pads of his supple fingers paints imaginaries at her skin she wiggles her cute ass and moans with an alluring stretch of throat when Harry slapped her arse playfully.
"'S good?" He rasps palming balmily her bossom ass hands gliding dangerously low to where she's pulsating with desire, "don't tease . ." She gives out a kitten-ish whine griping the corner of cushion to exhert the tension in her muscles. With a single glance to her deshilved state he slides his hand between her fleshy thighs pressing his lanky fingers against the wet splotch of her arousal from the only approximty of him.
"Jeez pet. ye'r absolute soakin'." He whispers circling her clit in tight circles from over her pyjamas and she ruts her hips in his hand for more. He hovers his fingers round the hem of her shorts testing the waters and if she really wants it ---- although she proves it with a groan indicating him to get rid of the material.
"Such a pretty bum 's a shame I got to touch it now." He traces the imprint of his redness on her skin making her hiss into her elbow and he pulls her over his lap; slowly feathering his touch between her pink slick folds down to her hole making her clinch around his digits trying to swallow them.
"S' tight babe. How long someone's been between these beautiful legs?" His words don't carry any taunt. It's just a genuine question. She gulps trying to escape the haze — couldn't when he's gliding his fingers non-stop in her wetness with dirty noises, "dunno . . don't remember!" She squeaks when he slides them inside her with ease from slickness caging a grunty moan that's threatening to slip from his lungs.
"It's been that long then . . ." He drawls out and Y/N's shook that she hasn't heard him in that tone ever before or maybe she's too floaty. This Harry intimidates her in a sweet way, makes her want to be blanketed under his warm weight always, to depend on him and be with him always. Makes her want to kiss him till the colours fade out and blossom back again with the witnesses of their love.
"Harry . ." She moans fogy-ly when he adds two more letting her stickiness drip down his thighs, "Yes baby." He giggles bashfully sneaking his arm under her shoulders to kiss her cheek.
"Gonna cum." She cries out softly nipping at his skin and he pushes his fingers deep till knuckles in her cunt pounding inside her with a pleasuring pressure, "Didn't stop ya." His little bubble kisses trails to the crook of her neck biting down to glitter hues of his affection for her.
"Oh my!" Her eyes popshut and thighs smack crampies his hand cumming on his fingers. Making a mess down his wrists, his trousers and the hem of his shirt. She purrs cheeks smashed near his thick thigh into velvet when he rubs her back to soothe her heated body down as that of a kitten, "Ye purrs are puttin' oreo to shame, moppet." He pushes her up. Straddling her each leg around his torso letting her melt onto him.
"S' warm." He mumbles against her throat pecking where the paths of her veins leads him to. Grabs her chin and nuzzles his nose to the underbelly of her jaw saturating her closer to his chest. She hiccups a breath when his swelling bulge nudges her already sensitive pussy making her wet again; she blames her hormones.
"Can you fuck me, please?" She gives him pleading eyes swiveling her hips back and forth against his thick length, "Don't 've to ask pretty girl." He kisses her mouth. It's not like their first kiss. Their first held innocence and sccachirness. This one's rather filthy, full of sucking, bites and spit. He splits his thumb in her hair cupping her cheeks kissing her passionately and winding his arm around her waist to caress her belly.
When she throws her shirt away he puffs out unbelievably taking in her to memorize each velvteen of her skin, "Fuck you're so beautiful moppet." It splashes blush at her features and his eyes litreally twinkles at the sight of her being like this. When his eyes halt at the swell of her titts he exhales through his nostrils a grin worming up at the little rainbow patterned bra she's wearing.
"Cutie." He kisses her again. It's like he can never stop kissing her ever. Her plump candy lips make it impossible. She skids his trousers down wrapping her hand around his girth squeezing him to quench out a throaty grunt from him. Stroking his cock with his pre-come and arches her back when his weepy head brushes against her cunt.
He helps her to take his cock being ever so carefull with her since she's pregnant but Y/N wants otherwise. She's insatiable. Could bite him whole at the time.
"Use me baby ---- make yourself cum with my cock. Wanted it yeah? C'mon now fuck me pretty girl. Take it all in. Yeah . . . Jus' like that." He grits stretching her to max and brings her neck to snuggle in to his chest when she was about to fall back because of her limbs giving out due to the ecastasy. She spurts out a giggle putting her hands between them to recoup herself and moves with his assistance on her ass.
"It's hard." She whines walls fluttering around his dick making him moan, "what me prick?" He smirks batting his eyelashes to get through the haze.
"Such a rotten joke." She rolls her eyes riding him with faster pace now and it's turning them all sweaty and hot, "mhmp. good girl takin' me cock s' well." His hands wanders above her tummy fondling with her nipples and takes it in his mouth while giving the same attention to other one with his thumb pulling it and tweaking it gently not to harm her, "don't like my jokes but you love my prick --- want to make ye' feel amazin' with it."
His balls thwacking against her bum and she leverages herself with his shoulders crying out in his ear when he hit a spot inside her she could never with her own fingers — she narrows her knees for more closeness and he tucks loose errands of her hair away kissing her temple with closed eyes.
"Tired?" His wet lips teases her earlobe and when she nods he gropes her ass thrusting up inside her, "It feels more good when daddy does it . . doesn't it?" He pounds roughly with a sharp angle of his pelvis and keeps on fucking her till she's crying his name.
She's a puddling. His words only made her float into her own head space where it's golden streaks in the amidst of violet clouds.
His own groans getting hoarse when she pulses around his cock milking and pushing his head fat out it makes him choke onto his spit, "cum for me --- inside me want it s' bad." She whispers woving fingers with his's and pressing it into sofa still grinding down at him whole body jolting from the sensitivity.
He does cum inside her. Filling her to brim with his seed it oozes out making soppy sounds when he pumps it back with lazy strokes to extinguish the last sparkle of fire that was crackling in their insides.
Remains like that. Tangled and dishelved. Listening to eachother's silence. He didn't even got a chance to pull out of her when his phone startled them beside her making her cramp hard around him and his head falls on the headboard with a grunt.
"Fuck." He squints back and pretends to eat the apple of her cheeks with roar like noises tickling her side making her stomach squeeze with laughs when his phone rings for another time and she ushers him to pick it.
His expressions remains stoic. Lips thinned into a hardline as he listens to the person on the other side. She's familiar with it. The feminine seductive voice she can never unhear --- it pangs her heart with an unbearable amount of pain and clogs her windpipes.
Dunno from where she found the need to ask this she did with a second thought from the anxiousness whirling in her mind the second he ends the call, "Are you gonna leave me now?" Tears of hurt without her knowing are already spilling down the valley of her chest.
Harry stares her. But, she could see nothing in them due to blurness from the pulversive of a single call.
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itsany62 · 3 years
SteveTony - Superfamily
Here are some Superfamily fics that I love. Don’t forget to leave kudos and nice comments in every fic!
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What We Learn?, by nannersmelo, 1 k >, Fluff.
“Who is this?”
“That doesn’t matter. What matters is that we have your husband, so you will listen very closely-”
“My husband Tony? Tony Stark?”
“Oh well,” Steve laughed, “good luck with that.”
Intruder, by wordscorrupt, 500 words.
Steve and Tony face a rather tiny, adorable intruder in the middle of the night.
the privilege of loving you by starklystar, 7 k > words.
“Why won’t you let me touch you?”
It’s a desperate plea, half-shouted and half-whispered, Steve’s voice cracking at the end. Tony stops in his tracks, halfway to the stairs. He doesn’t dare to turn back, and he really doesn’t want to fight, or to leave, to spend the last month of his life away from his husband and their son. But Steve can’t know, can he?
Or: Tony has palladium poisoning, but he doesn't tell Steve and Peter
ah-choo by starksnack, 3 k words, Hurt/Comfort.
Peter catches a cold at the park while Tony is away for work. Steve is all out of sorts trying to care for a sick child on his own.
The Sign by nightwalker, 2 k > words, Adoption.
Tony hadn't slept the night before and he knew Steve hadn't either. They'd just laid there, side by side, listening to each other breathe and thinking their own thoughts. Somewhere around dawn Steve had rolled onto his side and splayed his fingers over Tony's heart.
Bellflower (unwavering love) by S_Horne, 1 k > words.
“Aw, man.” Tony shook his head at himself as he finally broke. He bent down and tucked his hands underneath Peter’s armpits, hoisting him up onto his hip with a practiced ease. “You’re lucky you’re cute.”
“No m’not.”
Tony shook his head, straightening Peter’s shirt out where it had bunched up around his chest. “You’re in one of those moods today, aren’t you?”
Peter shook his head sagely and Tony huffed a laugh. “Not. You’re just mean.”
“I swear,” Tony said, blowing out a sigh, “if your Pops walks in and you turn into an angel, you’re grounded until you’re 50.”
a little lemonade by tonystarkssnipples, 1 k > words.
Tony came downstairs after putting Piper to sleep to find Steve with about 10 pounds of lemons spread across the table. At Tony’s footsteps, Steve looked up at him with wide eyes. “The recipe says a cup of lemon juice per gallon.”
“I don’t know how many lemons make a cup of lemon juice.”
It's summer and Steve wants to help their daughter with a lemonade stand.
Distracted by a Dime by happyaspie, 56 k > words, Homeless Peter Parker.
Peter Parker thinks he has everything figured out. Where he can eat, sleep and make a little bit of money. What he needs to do in order to continue attending Midtown High and being Queen’s friendly neighborhood Spider-man. How to keep his entire situation under wraps and most importantly, who he can trust.
Then, along comes Tony Stark with an offer he can’t refuse. The plan is to remain professional, to not get too close to the Stark-Rogers’ family. Not getting comfortable means not slipping up and saying anything that he can’t take back.
...but for Peter- things rarely go as planned...
one makes me want another by parkrstark, 12 k > words, Adoption, Angst with a Happy Ending.
Steve and Tony adopt Peter when he's 6-years-old and 10 years later, he still thinks he's living the best life with two father doting on him. Until they tell him about the new baby they're bringing home and suddenly, the attention is all on her.
steve rogers-stark: full time dad/husband, part time spider relocator by parkrstark, 1 k > words, Spiders, Fluff.
"Love, what's wrong?" He called out, waiting for a reply.
"Steve!" Tony instantly screamed back. "Come here! I need you!"
Steve quickened his pace slightly, trying to keep himself calm so he didn't worry Peter. Babies could sense that stuff. "Where is 'here', love?"
come morning light (we'll be safe & sound) by parkrstark, 14 k > words, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending.
After a strange mission, Steve, Tony, and Peter find themselves trapped in their own living nightmares. Some memories of their past, some they hoped to keep from even each other, and some of the worst 'what if's their minds can imagine. All they have is each other until they wake up...but is that enough to survive until they figure out how?
Gelid Feint by geekymoviemom, 21 k > words, Fluff and Angst.
Gelid: icy; extremely cold
Feint: a deceptive or pretended blow
Steve Rogers’ world had completely changed since he was discovered in the Arctic Ice. Not only had he led a team of actual superheroes to defend New York against an alien invasion, he had also found love, and the family he’d never dared to dream he could have.
So when Nick Fury asked Steve on a simple mission to retrieve materials from a hidden bunker, Steve thought nothing of it.
Until the demons he’d thought he had buried within the Red Skull’s airplane suddenly reappeared, and he was forced to face the one enemy he’d thought he had vanquished.
He had cut off one head, but now two more had taken its place.
love lives on by parkrstark, 6 > k words, Teacher Steve Rogers, Alternate Universe.
Steve doesn't like picking favorite students, but when he gets Peter in his class, he can't help it when this sweet little boy becomes his favorite. He shouldn't be surprised when one day his father picks him up, and Steve realizes that he's the son of Tony Stark...the love of his life he let go back in high school. Steve wants his second chance, even if Tony doesn't want anything to do with him anymore.
maybe love is the reason why (we're seeing it eye to eye) by parkrstark, 134 k > words, undercover as a family, Fake/Pretend Relationship.
"I'm sorry. Repeat that again." Tony leaned forward in his seat from across the table. He even stuck a finger in his ear as if he was cleaning it out. "I don't think I heard you right."
Fury rolled his eyes-- or well, eye. "You and Rogers need to go undercover as a married couple in a community out on Long Island."
After Civil War, Tony and Steve are sent on an undercover mission as a couple to try and find Hydra informants. Somehow, they end up with Peter as their undercover son who decides to play matchmaker even if the two of them are doing their best to ignore their feelings after Siberia.
little moments like this by parkrstark, 1 k > words, Domestic Fluff.
Steve grabs the blanket and covers himself. "Stop it! My husband will kill you!"
It takes Tony only a second to realize what Steve thinks is going on and he laughs. "Steve, it's me. Tony." He tries to take the blanket off, but Steve doesn't let him.
"Don't-- take advantage of me! My husband will kill you!"
Or, Steve is loyal to no end. Even after a night of drinking Asgardian mead.
Trapped in the Shadows by geekymoviemom, 97 k > words, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Parent Tony Stark.
All Steve Rogers wanted after a lifetime of war was to immerse himself in quiet, and solitude. Opening a bookstore seemed like the perfect answer. He could escape to any world that he desired, all while keeping his past firmly behind him, where it belonged.
Until the day Peter Stark walked in.
anytime by complicationstoo, 714 words, Pre-Serum Steve Rogers, Established Relationship.
Steve is there, holding Tony's sleepy one year old against his chest and stirring scrambled eggs on the stove with his free hand. He's murmuring quietly to Peter, low enough that Tony can't quite make out the words, but there's a soft smile on his face as he talks.
Tony wanders further in, sneaking up behind him and wrapping his arms around his waist. He buries his face into Steve's hair, and he can hear the grin in Steve's voice as he says, "Good morning, dear.”
How To Change A Diaper by writerstrash, 1 k > words, Established Relationship, Fatherhood.
Steve and Tony deal with a wriggly, crawly baby Peter who enjoys keeping his parents on their toes.
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jae-daddy · 3 years
Red Rose (5)
jaebum mafia series 
one / two / three / four / five 
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pairing: im jaebum x reader  genre: mafia, angst, romance, mature plot: im jaebum was your first love in university, but then disappeared, and now he’s back and he is a mafia leader? a/n: im so excited to write this story! i hope yall enjoy it too! not edited <3
You smiled at the dark-haired boy juggling the armful of snacks towards you. You get up, running over to him and helping him place everything onto the picnic mat.
“This is so much stuff, Jaebum,” you remarked looking at the pile of snacks heaping on the light pink blanket. Jaebum didn’t reply, instead, he reached into the bag he brought during the first run from the car and pulled out cushions and more blankets.
He set three books out for you and plopped himself onto the blanket. He lay a cushion underneath his head but kept a hand underneath his head as his other hand beckoned you towards him, “Come on babe, there are so many clouds today. I bet I can make more animals out of them than you.”
“Expand the category to anything,” you lay on his chest, crossing your ankles as you reached for one of the books he picked out for you. You opened the book, the smell of his cologne flowing through the pages, “And watch me whoop your ass as I read this book.”
Jaebum hummed tauntingly, as he brought his fingers into your hair, running through it gently.
You sighed happily, putting the book down on your stomach and gazed up at the sky. Once again you were reminded of how big this world was, how much bigger it was than your mind could comprehend. You were so small, so insignificant, but at that moment the golden sunshine fluttering in your chest was endless. In that moment, the entire universe was just this; just you and him. His heartbeat gently beating against your neck, your fingers finding their way to his.
There hand in hand, on the pink blanket, under the never-ending sky, you were endlessly happy.
“I don’t understand why we have to do this,” you heard him grumble for the hundredth time. You had let it go the first time, understandingly, but every time he repeated his resentment, every time he complained, the room became hotter. The apartment grew smaller, shrinking close around you; and this was the last straw. You couldn’t do it anymore.
You closed the last of the box from the kitchen and stared at the tall boy who made your living room look like a dollhouse.
Yugyeom looked up closing the final box, his eyes narrowing with irritation. You didn’t say anything and glared back at him.
This little brat was acting as if you were the one making him pack your apartment for you. You were helping him, and you didn’t need his help in the first place. Actually, you wouldn’t have had to move in the first place, but here you were moving out so you don’t get murdered in the middle of your sleep.
It was all Im Jaebum’s decision. Him deciding how to keep you safe, and him deciding to send this tall brat to help you pack up.
“Thank god we’re finished, anymore of your whining and I would have to murder you,” you rolled your eyes at him.
A corner of his red lips lifted as his eyes narrowed further, “You sure are violent for a waitress.”
Your eyes narrowed further at the way he said the waitress. He said it as an insult. As if was beneath him; as if being a waitress made you undeserving of his respect. And he should be respecting you, you had saved his life.
“And you whine like a child for being such a big bad criminal,” you smiled back at him.
Before he could reply, Jinyoung walked back into the apartment getting off the phone, “The movers will be here in fifteen minutes, are we done?”
“We done?” Yugyeom choked staring at Jinyoung. Yugyeom jabbed his tongue against his cheek angrily before muttering, “You didn’t do anything. I did.”
“I packed!” You protested at the same time as Jinyoung.
Yugyeom didn’t skip a beat, he pointed to Jinyoung first, “You have been gone for the past two hours making a phone call. You packed one box in total.” He then turned to you, scowling, “It’s not helping when it is your house. This is your shit-hole of a house, your shit, so you should be doing the packing anyway.”
Jinyoung just cooed, mockingly at the younger boy, “Is our little baby tired?”
“Aww,” you cooed along.
If looks could kill you and Jinyoung would be ten feet underground right now. But he didn’t say anything more and just stomped out of the apartment making you cringe. You were sure your neighbours downstairs would be cursing at the loud noise.
You turned to Jinyoung with a small smile, “Do you want a drink? I got four beers left in the freezer.”
“Why not,” he sighed, settling into the two-seater sofa, in the middle of the living room. You came back, passing him a bottle before sinking into the old sofa next to him.
“This is a really small place,” he commented talking in the apartment. It was small, it was just bigger than the hall you had breakfast in this morning. You hated the colour of the walls, but now that you were leaving you knew you were going to miss the way it clashed with every piece of furniture you ever got.
“It was good enough for me,” you replied, before taking a sip of the beer. You gasped at the old sensation burning down your throat making him turn towards you with raised eyebrows. You just smiled, gesturing to the beer, “It’s so cold and my throat feels so... raw.”
“Well, you did have an eventful past week.”
“Has it really been a week?” You both looked at the murky pink walls.
“Actually, it’s been less than a week.” He answered.
“It feels like it's been a lifetime,” you whispered.
Jinyoung stayed quiet for a few moments before saying, “It'll remain hard for a while until we solve this.”
“I know,” you sighed, taking a sip.
“It does get better though,” he took a sip before adding, “Or at least you get used to it.”
You bit your lip as a question bubbled inside you. You wanted to ask him why they did this if it was so tough. Why did they choose to be criminals when it was so dangerous, when they were getting hurt and hurting others. But you didn’t know if it was your place to ask him that.
Instead, you asked something that was probably equally as stupid, “How do you know Jaebum?”
His eyes crinkled as he chuckled at the question, shaking his head with a wide smile on his face, “JB and I go way back.”
“How back?” You turned towards him, completely interested.
They couldn’t have gone too back, because back then you knew Im Jaebum. And your Im Jaebum used to find the shapes of ducklings in the cloud, not shoot men and get blood splattered all over his suit.
You would’ve known of Jinyoung, in a story or heard his name in passing at the very least. But this was the first time you had heard of him.
Was it after his dad passed away? Was it so traumatic for Jaebum that he joined the wrong crowd?
“Nappies,” Jinyoung snorted, answering your question. “Our parents were friends, so we grew up together. He is my best friend and my boss, but he is my brother first and foremost. We always have each other's backs.”
You didn’t say anything and just stared at him, in confusion. How could he and Jaebum be so close but you never heard of him? No photo of him in his dorm, no appearance in the stories of his childhood he would tell you. It was almost as if Jinyoung had been a ghost for Jaebum in college.
You didn’t have the heart to tell Jinyoung that Jaebum didn’t mention him to you. So, you just continued to stare at him as you took him his dark features.
“All of us, us boys,” Jinyoung took a long sip of the beer. “We are all brothers, we will sacrifice ourselves before letting the other get in harm's way.”
You smiled at that, even though they were a bunch of criminals, “That’s admirable.”
“You’re part of it now,” Jinyoung looked over at you, meeting your eyes with his sparkling ones. “We protect you like one of us now.”
“Just for three months,” you breathed, feeling uncomfortable under his heavy gaze.
Jinyoung nodded slowly, after a long moment he asked, “Will you move back here after it ends?”
“No, I can’t,” you bit your lip, shrugging a shoulder. “There’s no returning policy in this apartment.”
“That’s good then,” he said, making you frown. Jinyoung shot you a loopy smile before he explained, “It’s better to move so no one knows where you live anymore.”
A shiver ran through you at his words. It wasn’t just Marco’s men who could be after you. Certainly, they weren’t the only enemies Jaebum and his mafia had, the others might come after you too if they found out.
How long does this continue? When do you get to get out of here, truly free?
“The movers are here,” Mr Grumpy walked in, taking an unopened beer from between you and Jinyoung and chugging it down, “Fuck’s sake I needed that.”
“Language!” Jinyoung gasped.
You sipped from your glass of orange juice and vodka, shimmering your shoulders as you hopped around the room. The rhythm of the happy song wrapped around you as you did a twirl trying to keep the drink from spilling.
Due to the very imminent danger that currently resided over you, you had three weeks off work. A whole month of no working, of no diner, of doing absolutely nothing. Therefore, like every other sane person on basically house arrest, you got tired of spending day after day in your room.
In the past three days, you barely saw anyone. The last time you had seen anyone was Jackson who had come to inform you that you would not be going to work due to security issues. When you asked how they managed to get Randy to agree, he shrugged with a charming smile and said, “We can be very persuasive, waitress.”
It seemed like everyone called you waitress. Well, everyone except Jinyoung and Jaebum. Jinyoung being the gentleman he was called you respectfully by your name, and Jaebum, well, he just didn’t talk to you at all.
After the little meltdown, you sat down with yourself and made a list of all the pros and cons of staying here. The pros included you were safe, you will not get kidnapped or murdered, you would live under the same roof as Jaebum which meant you would run into him, talk to him and maybe, just maybe, everything would go back to normal. Cons were that they, themselves, kill you, use you as a drug mule, and you find out Jaebum remembers but is ignoring you because he despises you.
You groaned at the thought and took another deep chug from the glass in your hand. You were tired of staring at your wall endlessly, so you decided to have a little party by yourself. You went down to the kitchen where the staff were shaking as if you’d pull out a gun and shoot them any second.
You took another drink for that example, trying to drown the nausea bubbling in your stomach.
Don’t think about it, you reminded yourself. If I don’t think about it, it didn’t happen.
You went to the kitchen and the kitchen staff almost shit themselves. You tried to make them feel relaxed, but your anxiousness only made them more on guard and scared. When you asked for a bottle of vodka and orange juice, and chicken nuggets, they were more than happy to please you.
To spell your boredom away you were drinking vodka, eating chicken nuggets, and singing and dancing with your entire soul to your playlist. You walked over to the speaker, cranking it up before playing the next song.
You groaned at how perfect the song was, you welcomed the nostalgia as you spun away from the control. You shimmied towards your plate of chicken nuggets, picking one up and stuffing it into your mouth as you began singing the lyrics.
“Oh god,” suddenly the music was so faint you could barely hear it.
“Oh no, that was the best part!” You groaned, turning around, singing the part with all your heart. The words got stuck in your throat as you saw the familiar boy standing in all black in front of you.
You gave him a toothy grin, as you sighed, happily, “Finally.”
Jaebum stared at you with an unreadable expression.
“Ugh,” you groaned taking him in. It was so unfair, it was so fucking unfair. How the hell did he get hotter over the years, isn’t age supposed to make people not attractive? Im Jaebum was ageing like fine wine, “And I wanna drink all of it.”
You pointed at him, your finger moving in circles despite you standing straight.
Im Jaebum looked like sin in all black. His dark locks messily pushed back, revealing his fucking sexy forehead. His forehead was so sexy, how had you never realised how sexy it was before? Maybe because he didn’t put it up before, your Jaebum had his hair falling over his forehead.
He would feel uncomfortable in the black shirt this Jaebum wore, and the black slacks. Your Jaebum would have been itching to get out of those expensive black dress-shoes and into his converses.
But this Jaebum was stunning. The dark black of midnight stark against his pale skin made his dark features even darker. It made him look more dangerous, stronger, more... angry.
“You’ve had more than enough to drink,” he crossed his arms in front of him. Your gaze followed the way his arms bulged under the black material. You licked your lips as your eyes roamed over him.
He did get a lot fitter than you remembered him. Maybe because he was a man this time around and not a boy.
He was a man though.
Such a typical fucking man, trying to dictate your life. This is exactly what you had seen growing up, a man trying to dominate over the females around him; that alpha male ego bullshit.
“I’ll do whatever the fuck I want,” you told him, giving him your best sassy look.
Jaebum didn’t look intimidated. For a brief moment you thought you saw a glimpse of a smile on his lips, but that might have been your imagination. Because all he did was shake his head, his face emotionless and sombre as he replied, “If you have any more, you’ll regret it.”
“So, I’ll be the one regretting it,” you shrugged, walking towards him. You lost your balance but caught yourself. You held up a hand towards Jaebum, who had flinched slightly at your potential fall. You stood up straighter, “I’ll vomit, I’ll have a headache. I’ll be the one to die if those other mafia people kidnap me, what’s it to you?”
“I’m not having any conversation with you in this condition,” he shook his head, grabbing the vodka bottle before walking towards the door.
You frowned, suddenly feeling scared that he’s going to leave. You didn’t want him to go, even if all he did was stand there and glare at you, pretending not to remember you, you wanted him to stay.
“No, you can’t-” you hiccuped, you can’t leave, you wanted to tell him.
Jaebum sighed, looking incredible in his black outfit, as he glanced at the vodka bottle in his hand, “You-”
He let out another exhausted sigh before saying, “I’m taking it for myself. I want to have some.”
You smiled brightly at that.
“Yes! Of course, you can have some!” You sat down in front of the fireplace, beside the table with the chicken nuggets. You gestured to the plate, as the heat of the fire gently hovered over your back, “Here have some chicken nuggets, it tastes exactly like McDonald's with the sauce!”
Before Jaebum could reply you felt yourself falling backwards, but you quickly caught yourself. You let out a little giggle as Jaebum found standing with both his arms out as if he could catch you from across the room.
“I’m good,” you mumbled. You were about to say more but then you started thinking of the picnic that day with Jaebum. No one could’ve predicted it, but one moment you fell asleep under the summer sky only to wake up to a rainstorm.
You felt someone settle next to you. You looked over to find Jaebum, and you smiled brightly, “You came.”
“Of course, I’d always come back to you,” he smiled back brightly.
Jaebum’s frown deepened, making your smile turn upside down.
You watched him in the flames of the fire behind you, and your heart sank, “You don't smile anymore. I haven’t seen you smile since I met you again.”
You reached up and brushed a strand of hair that fell onto his forehead. His bright dark eyes met your drunk gaze, and you frowned this time. You felt tears prickle your eyes as you ran the back of your hand down his cheek, “There is a darkness around you. You walk with it, or it walks with you. Why?”
Why are you so sad?
Why are you here?
What happened to make you like this?
Was it all the people you have hurt? Does it weigh down on you? Does it hurt you thinking about them too?
Did you start as a mistake too? Wrong place, wrong time, and this is your life now?
I understand how you feel. I’m just like you.
I think of those men I’ve shot too. I am just as bad. Does the numbers or intention even matter when the blood on your hands is the same?
“Pew pewpewpew pew,” you aimed your finger gun as you shot different areas of the room. You had shot real humans, you were a shooter. You knew how to use guns. You were dangerous too, you understood Jaebum, “Pew pew.”
“What the fuck are you doing?” Jaebum stared at you, terrified.
You turned towards him, your eyes heavy as you gave him a close-lipped smile. You lifted up your finger gun and blew the smoke coming out from the shots you just took.
“I am,” you answered, slurring, dangerous, a criminal, bad as just as him, all about the bad life, “Pewpew pew.”
I’ve missed you so much. Your eyes prickled with tears again, making Jaebum’s dark eyes widened at the emotion in your eyes.
“You’re...” your words got lost as you slurred more, finding it harder to say each word. You frowned remembering he wanted to drink but he hadn’t even taken a sip of the alcohol or had any of the chicken nuggets. Don’t you “like chicken nuggets?”
You used to love them before, your bottom lip quivered as a few tears spilt from your eyes. You missed Jaebum, you missed him so much.
You were so happy he was here.
You grabbed his hand and held it tight, before resting your head on your elbow. You’re just going to take a short little- no, not a nap. Just close your eyes for like one second, literally.
“You cried because I’m like chicken nuggets?” was the last thing you heard him whisper before you knocked out.
You groaned as you sat on the table the next morning. The sunshine was too bright, the world was spinning, and you felt like throwing up with every step you took. You steadied yourself in your seat, holding your hammering head in your hands as you held back the urge to throw up.
“Someone had a wild night,” Bambam commented getting into his seat.
Yugyeom sat beside him, smirking at your pain, “God, you’re pathetic, waitress.”
“Just because you’re not fun to be with alone doesn’t mean everyone else is too,” Mark came to your rescue sitting on the first chair on the right. Your gaze went to the seat Jaebum would occupy and internally groaned.
Why did you drink so much?
You had said so much; done so much.
Your stomach twisted when the memory of your softly caressing his soft cheek attacked your mind.
Oh, god, you were dead.
This is why you are having breakfast in the hall, and not in your bedroom like the other days.
You turned towards Mark, the hangover taking a backseat at the new terror lodging around you, “Why are we eating here today?”
“We have breakfast together every Thursdays,” he replied, and you eased back into your chair.
So, it wasn't for you. He didn't bring you out in front of everyone to shame you, or to kick you out. It was just a tradition, that’s fine.
No, it was not fine. You still had done and said all those things yesterday.
Omg, did you cry?
You cringed as the memory of the tears spilling from your eyes struck you this time. God, why were you like this?
Before you could curse yourself any longer, the remaining boys walked in. Jinyoung settled next to you giving you a polite smile, as Jackson and Youngjae got into their respective chairs.
You didn’t want to look at Jaebum due to your embarrassing behaviour last night, but you couldn’t help yourself. Your gaze travelled to him and your breath got caught in your chest.
He was so sinfully handsome. He was once again dressed in complete black with his hair pushed back, but a few longer strands flopped forward. He needed a haircut or his hair would no one be able to stay pushed back. But the long strands made him look even more devilish.
Jaebum didn’t glance at you once as he walked towards his seat. He didn’t refer to you or acknowledge your existence all through the breakfast.
None of the others did too, all busy talking about their business and all the things they had to do this week.
You tried to listen to get hints of what kind of businesses they were involved in, but all you heard was white-collar affairs.
“Are you going to get drunk today too?” Youngjae teased when he saw you push around your breakfast.
You glared up at him, and then Yugyeom who matched his mocking smirk. What did these two have against you?
“I’m not an alcoholic,” you retorted. The two rolled their eyes, but it was that little huff of amusement that came from the head of the table that made you freeze.
You turned your surprised eyes over to Jaebum, who tried to cover his chuckle with a cough. His dark gaze met yours, and when he realised you won’t give in and look away, his shoulders slumped slightly as he said, “Well, you have been drinking every day for the past few days.”
“How do you--”
“I know everything that happens in my house,” he cut you off.
The thing is you should be terrified of this Jaebum. You didn’t know what he was capable of. You knew your Jaebum would never hurt you, but you didn’t know the stranger before you. You didn't know what made him tick, what he did to punish or who he even was.
But you stared into his calculating eyes as you replied, “I got carried away yesterday.”
The corner of his lip quirked up ever so lightly as he said, “I could tell.”
You just glared at him as he picked up a chicken nugget from his plate and bit into it, not shifting his eyes from you. That asshole, he made the cooks make chicken nuggets just to mock you about last night. What a little piece of shit, challenging you while eating chicken nuggets.
You hated the way your body reacted to him though. You were supposed to feel anger and rage course through you. But the way he bit into the piece of meat and stared his fiery gaze into your eyes made you feel hot all over. You had never wished to be a chicken nugget more than you did at that moment.
“Maybe,” a voice said beside you, snapping you out from his trance. You turned to find Jinyoung looking over at Jaebum. Jaebum’s attention was on Jinyoung now, silently telling him to continue, “Y/n just needs a break.”
“She is on a break,” Yugyeom snorted.
Jinyoung ignored him and continued, “She has been stuck in her room for the past few days, and will continue to be for a while. You can’t blame her for getting bored and trying to get her mind off things.”
“So, what do you suggest?” Jaebum lifted a perfectly manicured eyebrow.
You turned to Jinyoung, taking in all his beauty as he stood in front of his boss and talked for you. Even without you telling him, somehow, he knew how you felt and how you would certainly lose your sanity if you stayed locked up in there for a moment longer.
You smiled softly at him as he said, “Let her work.”
You rose an eyebrow at Jinyoung asking him what the hell did he mean by letting me. Jinyoung blinked at your reassuringly as he nodded slightly, telling you to trust him.
“No way,” Jackson said, “We’ll have to babysit her there.”
“Fine,” Jinyoung shrugs, turning to Jaebum. “There is an opening in the company, and I hire her.”
“-Is she even qualified?”
“You wouldn’t hire me?!”
Jinyoung clicked his tongue and silence fell over the room. He continued to look at Jaebum and said, “I did a background check on her. She has a business degree from an Ivy League university.”
The same one you went to, you bit your tongue from screaming towards Jaebum.
Well, it wasn't like you wanted the job. But it was better than being stuck here all day.
“She’ll leave soon and we will need a replacement, and it’s important business,” Yugyeom glared at you. “How can we trust that she won’t sell our information to other companies.”
“Ah,” Jinyoug sighed, nodding. You snapped your head towards him, betrayed. How could he do this? Wasn’t he on your side?
“I guess we’ll have to employ her around the house then,” he murmured, you narrowed your eyes at how insincere he sounded. You saw the false lightbulb go over his head, as he acted terribly surprised and exclaimed, “I know! She can help you with the Greenhouse, Jaebum!”
“No!” You both answer at the same time. You meet his gaze as he shoots lasers through them to kill you. You smirked at that and lean back. A smile spread over your lips before nodding enthusiastically at Jinyoung, “Oh that sounds perfect!”
Jinyoung looks down at you, grinning, “That’s settled then! She remains on the property and doesn’t get bored. Perfect.”
“Perfect,” you smirk, staring at the disdained male at the head of the table.
He said he couldn’t remember you.
You stabbed a slice of apple with your fork before chomping a big bite off, let’s see how much longer he can pretend.
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tundrainafrica · 3 years
Title: Copycat
""Shitty four eyes and clean freak? Would you know what those words mean?" The teacher asked.
Hange and Levi exchanged knowing glances. A parent teacher conference wasn't at all the right place to explain nicknames. Really though, when would it ever be the appropriate time to explain them?"
Levi and Hange learn the hard way that children like to imitate.
Link: AO3
Notes: This has been on my WIPs for a while and I have a few other prompts for domestic verse pieces so will probably focus on them first hehe. Anyway, feedback is very much appreciated!
“Levi Ackerman and Hange Zoe…”
The teacher was looking through what could have been the class list. No, it definitely was a class list. They were in a parent teacher meeting, what else could it be.
With the way she was holding it though, it was difficult for Levi to sneak a peek at its contents. Eventually, he gave up and let his mind wander, his eyes soon followed. He spared a glance at Hange to see she had cocked her head just a little bit to the side. She was definitely as curious if not more curious about the contents of the piles of paper.
The teacher, Ms. Wilde had a smile on her face and it had been that way since Luke had started school. Her expression then wasn't too far from her usual smile but her eyes were too wide, her mouth too flat of a line especially when she bit her lips. And when she ran her eyes over documents, she seemed…. Stiff.
Uncomfortable? DIsturbed maybe? Levi was expecting the worst.
“Commander Hange Zoe and Retired Captain Levi Ackerman…” Ms. Wilde corrected, clearing her throat.
“No need for any formalities. I mean you have been taking care of our son…” Hange held one hand out for a hand shake, obviously trying to ease the tension in the room.
“Yes, he’s a pleasant kid,” Ms. Wilde added, nodding her head. The discomfort on her face still did not waver.
He is a pleasant kid. Levi was with that kid 24/7. He brought the kid to school and back home, he cooked breakfast, lunch and dinner and he taught him all chores possible at the ripe age of two. Levi was almost certain that along with it, he had taught the kid basic manners.
Levi had to admit though, he himself wasn’t the most diplomatic either. The kid though was glaringly much nicer than Levi was and on top of that, he had picked up some of his other quirks from Hange. The boy didn’t have to be exceptional though. At the least, Luke should have been a functioning member of the kindergarten.
Not enough to make a teacher squirm as she spoke about him. Right?
Most days… And as Levi reflected on it, he started to dig deeper into the past few years, the almost negligible cracks in between their routine. Was there anything he failed to teach Luke? Hange could have been asking the same thing, she looked at Levi questioningly.
Ms. Wilde cleared her throat and in her own way, she had broken some of the residual tension. “Apologies… I’ve been stalling.” She turned to Hange. “Commander Zoe…”
“Retired… Commander Zoe,” Hange corrected.
Was Hange stalling? Or just deliberately looking for a way to alleviate whatever tension had blanketed the room. Hange’s own corrections though were only delaying the inevitable, stretching the tension for longer than necessary.
“I wanted to talk to you about your son," Ms. Wilde started.
No shit. “Go on….” Levi said softly, not loud enough for her maybe. He subtly moved his hands in some signal to continue, as if that could have been communication enough.
Ms. Wilde stared for a bit longer and when Levi squinted, focusing on the paper underneath, he could tell it was a drawing, the crayon ink, visible from just behind the paper. She then put that same crayon art on the top of that stack of papers. “Shitty four eyes… and Clean freak?”
The words sounded strange from anybody else’s mouth, particularly a teacher who had attempted to say it with so professional of a tone and with emphasis on syllables and on words which made it sound unintelligible to anyone less familiar.
“Excuse me?” Hange asked. She had said those words a little too fast. With Levi thinking the same thing though, it had sounded clear enough.
Ms. Wilde flipped the paper open and down on the table.
There were two stick drawings, one with glasses and brown hair, definitely Hange and one with an apron and a bandana over his head and an unimpressed look on his face. That second one was definitely Levi.
Just below it, a caption which Levi had to squint twice to read
Shut tea for ice clean freek. It was straight out gibberish.
Ms. Wilde preempted it. “Would you know what this means?” She looked back up at them expectantly. “Your son… he tried to explain it to me and he said, you two would say… Shut tea for ice and clean freek.” She had said it with unexpected emphasis on some syllables and it was starting to sound like a glaringly familiar cluster of phrases.
Enough for Levi to freeze in his seat and start to dig for some sense in his speculations.
“Don’t get me wrong… Your child being able to spell at this age… It’s admirable, remarkable really,” Ms. Wilde continued. Was she consoling them or admiring them? With that soft and gentle of a voice, it was difficult to tell.
If Levi hadn’t been too busy trying to make sense of that last phrase maybe he would have at least attempted to read through her body language. The teacher had already presented a problem though and naturally, he found himself attempting to get to the bottom of that initial issue.
Luke had Hange’s brain. With Levi on top of that child most of the day, he was perfectly aware of what Luke would usually be playing with. He had gifted Luke letter tiles and had played with him multiple times, at Hange's suggestion of 'something more educational.'
He could have sworn the other times Hange had gotten off work and had played with those tiles with him before dinner, she had been teaching him herself. Although, some words were strange and unfamiliar, she never thought him any of those words. Never.
Levi looked back up at the teacher, forcing himself to meet her eyes. What was the best thing to say?
These are our nicknames. Nope. Should they be divulging something so personal in a professional meeting?
Maybe he could break that awkwardness by complimenting Luke’s work. For a three year old, Luke did a good job with the coloring. Or maybe Levi was just hyperaware about his dad status and somehow everything their little human made seemed almost surreal, almost beautiful even if it was just a bunch of stick figures.
Hange held the drawing between her fingers, her eyes wide with what looked to be the same wonder Levi was holding in. “We’ve been teaching him how to read,” Hange said. “Read and write.”
“But, would you know what ‘shut tea for ice’ means?” The teacher asked.
“Levi here… He really likes tea,” Hange said calmly. “And he likes it with ice.”
“What about clean freak?”
“He cleans with me a lot…” Levi said.
The teacher sighed. “Apologies for the misunderstanding but those words…” She leaned over, cupping her mouth, to soften to a whisper just for the three of them. “It sounds pretty vulgar to me. If you could talk to your son about it, so he could stop calling the other kids names… That would be very much appreciated.”
“Wait, our son, he’s calling people names?”
The teacher shrugged. “I heard him talking to one of the kids just recently… He kept calling her ‘shut tea for eyes.’ and just the other day, when we were cleaning up the locker… then he called her a cleen freek.” She sighed. “It might be just my imagination but it sounds to me like bullying if you know what I mean?”
“Bullying? How?” Hange asked. The knowing look in her face betrayed such a question.
“Well you see, Sarah wears glasses and she likes keeping her cubbyhole neat so… I can’t help but think he might actually be saying….”
“Shitty four eyes?” Levi repeated it again, with a familiar manner, all the emphasis on the right tones. He could almost taste the sweet venom that laced it every other time he said it before.
“And clean freak?” Hange repeated.
The teacher put her hands up in defense. “But that might just be my wild imagination. If ‘shut tea for ice’ is really code in your family, maybe you could spend some time explaining to your son what it actually sounds like?”
Shut tea for ice.
Levi could have been in denial. The first plan of action as soon as he got home was to open and close the cupboard a few times over and stare at the box of tea bags every single time. He was deep in thought, still trying to come up with any other reason for those words to roll so easily out of his son’s mouth.
“You want me to make dinner?” Hange called out from the living room.
Levi instinctively turned behind him and towards the voice, craning his neck to look past the kitchen counter. Hange was sitting cross legged on the floor, a toddler Luke right next to her.
The letter tiles Hange had scattered on the floor were an eye sore.
An eyesore which Levi tolerated. After all, Hange had done amazingly at making Luke one of the smarter toddlers in his class.
Experiment… Titan… Omnivore...Carnivore… Whether the child needed to know how to spell those words at that young of an age, Levi wasn’t too certain. At least if ever the classes shifted to topics on history or science, Luke would have the upper hand.
Or so, that was what Levi consoled himself with as he looked back at the cupboard, trying to erase that picture of a mess in the living room. His own experiences with playing with those blocks had been teaching Luke words like clean, broom, breakfast, lunch, dinner. For a second, he wondered which Luke enjoyed more.
“I’ll make it,” Levi said. “You’re at work most days. I’d rather you spent your free time bonding with Luke.”
Hange didn’t respond and the next few minutes passed with the clacking of the wooden letter tiles on the floor. And then an exchange which Levi felt almost compelled to insert himself in.
“When the creature eats both vegetables and meat…” Hange started.
“Omnivore,” Luke answered.
“And meat only?”
“Carnivore.” He had learned to repeat those words clearly very quickly. Levi had to note as he tipped the tea, Luke had always learned to pronounce the more complex words within a few repeats.
The inquisitiveness and the natural genius came from Hange for sure. And Hange was only nurturing them. Soon, the conversation shifted to animals, and then to titans and why the fuck was she talking about her goddamn experiments?
Even when half listening, Levi never understood what the hell that one experiment after capturing the titan and burning through its hair actually did but Hange was suddenly talking about follicles, roots and some catalytic reaction.
Would Luke know what a catalytic reaction is? Levi attempted to answer it for himself by first asking, what the hell a catalytic reaction was. Whatever slate that had appeared in his mind remained blank and he asked another question. Should a child really be learning those words?
“And you know what a dinosaur looks like?” Hange asked.
A rustle of papers. Hange muttered something about a pencil.
Found one! Then the sound of scribbling on paper.
Levi was only starting to boil the soup, when whatever conversation on whether dinosaurs were omnivores or carnivores slipped one ear and out the other.
The padding of socks on the carpeted floor, Hange’s hums and just Luke’s high pitched voice lisping at some words, saying lines which could have started with Rs or Ws were faint and Levi found himself passing the time just listening to them as he stirred the soup.
He bent over, pulling out the tray of baked chicken from the oven. “Hange,” he called out.
Hange took a second longer than necessary to respond. “Hm?”
“Set the table,” Levi said. “It’s almost dinner time.”
No response. No clicking of plates, no slamming of utensils on the table.
“Hange?” Levi asked.
“Wait, just this last page,’ Hange said louder.
Levi closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
Hange was murmuring, words Levi couldn’t make sense of. And the lisping words, the mispronounced Rs and Ws and garbled syllables were telling. Luke was reading something out loud.
“That’s right! So, the plants eat through photosynthesis," Hange said.
“Hange, set the table,” Levi said.
Hange sighed in response. There were footsteps then the clack of plates.
Levi soon confirmed for himself that Hange had stood up, tiptoed and pulled a serving plate and a bowl from the upper cupboard. He transferred the roast chicken and the soup onto the plates. While it cooled, he took the bread basket and dropped it on the table, raising one eye at the view in front of him.
“Hange,” Levi said, louder this time.
Hange was back in the living room, cross legged once again, an open picture book in front of her. Luke had shifted to half lying down position, stomach down on the floor, propped up by the elbows.
“Are dinosaurs real?” Lukei asked.
Hange nodded. “They were alive a long time ago,” she said.
“Hey, you two. I said, let’s eat.” Levi found himself looking away as he noticed Luke’s mouth twist into a pout.
Hange sighed in disappointment. “Alright Luke, let’s stand up.” She carefully pulled her son up and guided him back to the table. She moved sluggishly towards the dining room table and it looked very much like Levi had virtually twisted her arm just to get her up.
To make things clear though, he didn’t. There were more pressing things at that moment than making sure the food he worked so hard on was eaten. Levi stared at them then back at the scattered letter tiles on the floor. Then back at Hange again.
The years might have just made it easier for Hange to pick up the silent question just with a few glances. “We’re gonna go back after we eat,” she answered,
“And you’re fine leaving a mess like that there,” Levi said. “What if someone trips on that?”
“Well, we won’t. Luke and I know that it’s there and you can just watch where you’re going right?”
“It’s still a hazard,” Levi argued.
“A negligible hazard.”
“Can’t you just clean it up then bring it out again later?”
“It takes time,” Hange answered nonchalantly as she walked past Levi.
For a retired commander with a full-time job rebuilding Paradis, time felt like a luxury more than disposable income did and Levi had only ever silently acknowledged that. The moment he looked back, he realized there wasn’t much he could have argued about. Hange guided Luke to his chair, and she started to pour the soup into his bowl.
Levi sat next to Hange and served Hange first then himself, a pressing distraction, long enough for Levi to need not look back at the mess on the floor.
“Luke, chickens look a little bit like dinosaurs,” Hange said.
Levi rolled his eyes. Most of their meals usually ended up as a science lesson.
Luke seemed to be enjoying it though. He clapped his hands excitedly. “We’re eating dinosaurs?”
In response to that, Levi shoveled more of the soup into his mouth, enough to give any excuse not to speak up. That wasn’t his conversation. It was Hange’s and Luke’s.
“Technically yes,” Hange said.
What the fuck is she researching this time? Hange did too many jobs at once that Levi never could catch up to her theory or vernacular wise.
“Like the book! The dinosaur looked like the book!” Luke said excitedly.
“Yes! You remember!” Hange mirrored that same excitement.
“Are dinosaurs like titans?”
“Technically no… They can be the same size... “
“Are titans omnivores?”
Hange hummed. She dropped her spoon and put one finger to her chin, a very climactic sequence of motions that could have meant she had something interesting to say. To the disappointment of everyone in the family, she returned the question with one word. “Maybe.”
They don’t eat. Levi added to himself silently.
“Do titans poo?” Luke pressed.
Hange opened her mouth to speak. “They don’t…”
And Levi only had a split second to note the glimmer in her eyes, then the wonder that could have come from reminiscing nights worth of experiments. Then the familiar excitement and passion he had seen so many times before in the barracks over tea.
Oh no. He looked back at the soup, a mixture of beans and tomatoes, the green of the vegetables sticking out at very strategic places.
What the fuck.
And Hange’s tirade only continued, and naturally Levi’s mind made sense of the words having had too many direct experiences with titans to last a lifetime. If he looked at his own soup from the right angle, with the right vegetable bits in the right places and the right lighting from just above them, he realized it looked just like vomit.
He was in a frustrating position, hungry but with no more appetite. He pushed himself up. “You two just keep talking. I’m gonna clean up.”
Hange stood up. “Wait, Levi where you going?”
Everything was just suddenly pissing Levi off at that moment. “I’m cleaning up your fucking mess.”
“That’s not a mess!” Hange retorted, an incredulous look on her face.
“I told you, just bring it out after if you wanna play again!” Levi bent over, and started to mix the blocks amongst one another. Words like carnivore, omnivore, photosynthesis, follicle suddenly mixed among one another. The tiles were suddenly gibberish, letter soup. And the more he mixed, the worse it became.
It became easier to put them into the basket.
“We were planning to go back to it after dinner. You didn’t have to clean it up,” Hange chided.
“Well, you two might step on it,” Levi said.
“Really?” Hange raised one eyebrow. “You can’t watch where you’re going?”
“Listen Hange, I’m the one who cleans this house ninety percent--- hell, a hundred percent of the time. I decide what messes we can leave around.”
“Well, it takes a kid a while to pick up the words, we were supposed to practice reading.”
“Hange a three year old does not need to know what photosynthesis means.”
“Three and a half,” Hange clarified. “A child his age does not need to live in an immaculate environment.” Clean. Hange definitely meant clean. The way she had said the word ‘immaculate,' the fact that she had chosen such a heavenly word, an almost self righteous sounding word felt almost mocking. “Why do you have to be such a clean freak about this?”
“Why do you have to be such a nerd about this. He’ll learn how to read big words at his own fucking time,” Levi said. He noted the way Hange had put one hand to her chest, seeming scandalized at whatever insinuation Levi had brought up.
When he was dealing with the someone who couldn’t bat an eye at hygiene and clutter, who suddenly thought the pursuit of knowledge was a must have for a poor four year old, Levi wasn’t feeling too guilty at offending her, at least not too much. He opened his mouth, only intending to let it out as a release born from quiet anger. And during moments of heightened emotions, sometimes he lost a little control, and sometimes, he’d fall back to very familiar habits.
Shitty four eyes.
Hange could have heard it, but they had said it so many times before, that she didn’t open her mouth to speak. He couldn’t be too sure either that he had said it out loud.
“Daddy? You want tea with ice?”
Levi only realized then, when the silence broke and a young Luke went in between them a mug in hand.
No hot water, no tea bag. A look of confusion on Luke’s face. ‘Daddy, shut tea for ice?” The words were stilted, the syllables garbled against one another.
Levi and Hange had both looked at Luke with the same surprised look, surprised but very very understanding of the current situation.
Shitty four eyes.
Luke didn’t have a potty mouth. Or at least, he wasn’t supposed to.
Levi was with Luke the most among everyone. The heavy responsibility of 'main provider' on his back, he found himself thinking back to every single ‘alone time,’ the two of them had since Luke had been old enough to talk. It had been a year at least since Luke had started to seem more like a companion than a responsibility. When Levi looked back at it though, he thought the moments to be countless and consequently, he had found it difficult to point out the exact point in time where Luke had thought it a good idea to blurt out the words ‘shitty four eyes.’
Coming up with no conclusion, he desperately grasped for a glimmer of an explanation. “Luke’s a nice kid, he wouldn’t call people names,”
“I don’t doubt that,” Hange responded, seeming not at all bothered by the chain of events.
“Hey, we’re still gonna have to explain that to Luke?”
“You tried a while ago, right?” Hange asked “What did Luke say?”
“He just kept repeating it… Shut tea for ice. Shut tea for ice.” Levi whispered in response, letting it get softer and softer on his tongue. It had been just an hour before they had put their son to bed. The conference, the incident just a while ago suddenly had self conscious about how loud they were talking and how close the bedroom door was to the living room. He turned to the sofa and sat a few more feet away from the door, as if that could have done anything to make their conversation more private.
“So Levi, what do you think that means?” Hange asked. She had moved next to him, as if she understood Levi’s intention with switching seats.
“He didn’t seem hostile,” Levi said.
“So he doesn’t think what he’s saying is bad right?”
“He called you shitty four eyes too.” Levi turned to Hange.
“And shitty four eyes has never been an insult to me. You’ve been calling him that since before,” Hange said.
“So what do you suggest?” Levi asked.
Hange was in deep thought for a second, one hand to her chin. She turned to the phone on the kitchen counter. “Calling someone more experienced maybe.”
Historia had a child, a good few years past the terrible twos and threes. Naturally, she seemed almost nonchalant about that problem.
“Imitation,” Hange said so confidently, yet so abruptly that morning as she sipped her coffee. She turned to Levi and grinned in the same exact way she would have dropped a research-backed theory many years ago when she was still a titan researcher.
“Titans used to imitate right?” Levi said. Mentioning the magic word ‘titans’ could be enough to pull any good ideas out of her.
“Yes, I know,” Hange said matter-of-factly. “And titans and humans are a little different… It would be easier to have a peaceful conversation with titans. Luke understands me almost perfectly. And you too. I think we can talk to him first about why using nicknames is bad.”
“You think a three year old can understand a convoluted explanation by Hange Zoe?”
“Three and a half,” Hange clarified again. If he can tell omnivores and carnivores apart, I’m sure he can tell the difference between calling people names and respecting people right?” She propped her mug on the dining room table and looked expectantly at Levi.
Levi averted his gaze. “Hange, do you think a three and a half year old will get it?” He dropped the tea bag into the mug and watched as the darker liquid consumed the water, touching the rims of the mug. He walked back to the dining table, settling himself on the chair right in front of Hange.
Hange chuckled. “Worth a try right?”
“Daddy! Shoes!” Luke was painfully demanding. And of all moments, it had been then that Levi noticed that Luke had picked up some of their attitude.
Right. Although Luke could easily get ready for school himself, tying shoes was still something Levi had been in the process of teaching him. “I’ll just help him tie his shoes first.”
“I’ll go ahead.” Hange gulped the last few drops of coffee. “Gonna be late for work. You think you can handle this?”
“Talk to Luke right?” Levi asked. “About the importance of respect?” He had put emphasis on those last three words, as if to hint to Hange that introducing such an abstract idea to a three year old seemed like not so good of an idea.
“Worth a try right?” Hange responded as she stood up and slung her back over her shoulder.
“And if it doesn’t work?” Levi pressed.
By then, Hange was already closer to the door than the dining table, far from hearing range of Levi’s naturally soft voice. Levi felt it pointless to say it louder, especially since by then, Hange had already slammed the door behind her.
And he had bigger fish to deal with, like a frustrated son, who had knotted the laces of his shoes enough times that Levi struggled to find the tips. “Luke… Why… Did you do it like this?” Levi had to resist the sweet temptation of inserting a ‘fuck’ somewhere on that question. After all, it wasn’t Luke’s fault he was just a three year old who was still learning the ropes.
The process of unknotting a very tight knot though was painful, frustrating enough for Levi to sit down crosslegged in front of his son. It was taking longer than a few seconds, enough to have a conversation.
“Luke… The school told me about ‘shut tea for ice’”Levi started and when he started to pull at the top most knot, he felt some sort of release with it, some extra reserves of patience he could easily tap at.
“Shitty four eyes! Clean Freak!” Luke responded happily.
When Levi looked up and met his son’s eyes, he couldn’t help but be somewhat bothered by the knowing and confident look. “You shouldn’t call people names Luke.” He put one finger right in front of Luke’s face.
Was that how to tell a kid off? Levi had been working with Luke long enough though to know, Luke didn’t understand what he was saying. Or maybe he didn’t understand what Levi meant.
What would Hange say? When Levi reflected on that though, the only thing he could salvage were her rants on photosynthesis and titan experiments. If their son understood those, he should understand a lecture on respect right?
“No.” One word Levi had learned as a parent. “No calling people names,” he added, his voice softer that time.
Luke pouted.
Levi had a soft spot for his son’s pout and consequently, he did what any sane parent would have done in that situation. He stared at the clock. Fifteen minutes before class starts. He stood up and took his son by the hand. “Come on Luke, let’s go to school.”
On the way to school, he allowed himself another session for self reflection. Imitation huh? Levi thought to himself. He had to admit, he may have called Hange ‘shitty four eyes’ more often than not and in return, he may have brushed off a few ‘clean freaks’ from Hange as well.
They could try to wean Luke out of it right or at least find out why Luke had been using it at school? He could leave that to Hange though, and maybe consult a bit with their teacher.
Levi took a deep breath, a loud one, particularly when they passed through one of the less saturated parts of town on the way to school. He was sure he had enough reserves at his already scarce social battery to deal with asking advice from teachers.
Same advice as Historia.
Children were master imitators. And whether a three year old (or a three and a half year old according to Hange) would understand such an abstract concept as respect, that was one thing they weren’t sure of.
So when dealing with a toddler, play with their imitator side, not this belief that they might actually understand an abstract concept.
Levi had repeated those same words to Hange. By that evening though, he had forgotten half of it, and he had hoped that was the message she got.
“So, we should change how we talk to each other then…” Hange leaned back on the sofa. “But when do you think Luke heard us say it?”
Levi shrugged. “When do you say it?”
In return, Hange shrugged and let out a short laugh. “To be honest, I don’t remember calling you a clean freak either.”
“When we fight?” Levi suggested.
“Or when we don’t?” Hange put her hands up. “Anyway, the important thing is, he hears us say it. That kid won’t get shitty four eyes or clean freak out of anywhere. So we watch ourselves okay? No using bad words in front of our son.”
“That’s easy.” Levi narrowed his eyes at Hange and sat back on the sofa. “I’ve been doing that ever since Luke was born.”
With a little more self-introspection and blatant awareness of his surroundings, Levi started to realize it wasn’t as easy as he had expected it to be. He had stopped himself enough times that his throat had been sore from the many times he concealed his own penchant for vulgarity with a dry cough.
“Luke, make sure to put your bag back in the room,” Levi said from the kitchen as he pulled an apple from the fruit basket. It was just like every other day before, pick Luke up, prepare an afternoon snack. Very routine, very predictable and the only thing that made it a challenge had been the heavy awareness that Levi did curse on a regular basis.
Or maybe just the fact that he had to watch himself, had him very very heavy, as if every move had to be cold and calculated.H e was a little more careful than usual with cutting the apple. And he was terribly terribly slow. By the time, he turned back to the kitchen counter, sliced apples arranged neatly on the plate, Luke had already settled on the seat in front of him, looking expectantly at the plate on Levi’s hands.
How long he had been there? Levi didn’t want to ask. “Are you hungry?” he asked instead.
Luke nodded. It was a stupid question, but at least his son was too young to judge his ineloquence.
He dropped the pile of apples in front of him and made himself comfortable on the seat next to his son. “After this, you wanna play with the tiles?” Levi offered.
But never freak. Levi told himself as even the prospect of teaching his kid was starting to weigh on him.
“Let’s play with the tiles!” Luke clapped one hand on the table, and he shoved one of the apples into his mouth.
“Okay, I’ll bring it out later,” Levi said. He took one apple from the plate and started to munch on it, only interrupted by the sound of the phone ringing a few seconds later.
Most days, the phone ringing was a nuisance, peppered with conversations with salesmen, customer service. Having grown up with a place with no phone, but too many scams, it was only natural that Levi would detect the opportunity for scams in that new fangled piece of technology.
There was one voice which always made the process of using the phone though, bearable, if not pleasurable.
“Levi! What’s for dinner tonight?”
“Four eyes, you’re out from work early.”
There was a pause, a pregnant and awkward pause. Then Hange spoke up. “Is Luke with you?”
The silence and that one question spoke for him. Levi spun around to see Luke, staring right at him. “Four eyes… Shitty...Four eyes?” The young boy repeated. It sounded rehearsed the first time around, then confident the second time.
There was a lot he had to teach the kid.
“Just take out food for dinner. Luke and I will have a long talk,” Levi said.
Levi’s mind was a blank slate. That wasn’t necessarily a good thing though.
Whatever he was supposed to say to lecture Luke on proper respect lasted at the most, a few seconds in his muddled brain. It went into one ear and quickly out the other.
Somewhere along the way, Levi had given up. He had mentioned words like ‘respect,’ ‘not nice.’ When he didn’t even believe half of what he had spewing out of his mouth, he ended up unable to blame Luke for wearing such a blank expression.
Would Hange have done a better job at teaching Luke? Maybe.
Levi had never been the most diplomatic person, having sat at the sidelines every time Hange had been negotiating trade contracts and war treaties. Besides, he didn’t believe it completely necessary either to teach children not to curse.
There were bigger fish to fry, like rebuilding a war torn country, eradicating poverty and starvation, income inequality and terrorism.
Having lived like a soldier his whole life, dealing with something so mundane as a teacher’s request to teach his child not to curse, seemed almost mundanely unnecessary.
When his son was insulting other children, when a teacher was telling his son off for it, Levi didn’t necessarily find it horrifying. School rules were school rules though and their new society made compliance for three year olds a big issue. Maybe he could leave that educating to Hange though, and just focus maybe on teaching the young boy how to read.
He rearranged the letters and a few times, he gave free rein to his son to form words himself.
There were easy words like ‘dog,’ ‘cat,’ and ‘cow.’ Although Levi had been surprised that Luke had independently put together more complex words like ‘broom’ and ‘clean,’ he started to accept anyway, that it was only natural that the young boy would know them. After all, Hange had been teaching him more complex words like ‘photosynthesis,’ ‘omnivore’ and ‘carnivore.’
Luke had been spelling all those words on his own while Levi watched silently. And when Levi started to scramble the pieces again, just to watch what his son would create, he started to notice some pattern.
“Shut!” Luke screamed. He didn’t completely open his mouth though, and it started to sound more like another cursed word. Levi wasn’t going to mention that though.
“Shut…” Levi explained. Like ‘Shut up.’ ‘Shut up’ wasn’t the most diplomatic expression and it was probably better not to teach his son that at such a young age. “Like shut the door,” Levi added a second later. He mimed the act of slamming a door closed, suddenly self conscious of how rude it probably would be to slam a door. Was Luke going to start slamming doors if he made his movements too forceful?
“Ice!” Luke read aloud.
“Ice��” Levi paused for a second, racking his brain for the best way to explain it without having to go for the refrigerator and risk making a mess on their matted living room floor. “The cold thing…”
“The number,” Technically there were two words ‘four’ and ‘for.’ What do you call those filler words? How do you define the word for? Levi realized then, there were only too many ways he could explain what words like ‘for,’ ‘to,’ were used for. He could just leave that to the school to explain.
“Daddy likes tea!” Luke started. His face fell. “Right?”
In shock, Levi didn’t even notice he had frozen still, his hand dropping the tile. He nodded. “Yeah I like tea.” He allowed himself a tight lipped grin as he adjusted the letters just to make his son’s final product a little neater. “I really like tea.”
“Shitty four eyes?” His son said again, his excitable tone from a while ago unwavering.
That’s a bad word. Levi wanted to say. That’s disrespectful. He couldn’t bring himself to say anything else though. After all, his son was a bundle of innocence, a bundle of excitement. Did Luke even know what the hell he had been saying?
Levi was pathetic. He was weakshit. And he couldn’t even bring himself to disciplining his child on something he personally didn’t even believe in. He continued to reflect on it as he rearranged the letters again. Then he further wallowed in whatever guilt settled in him as he stood up and walked towards the kitchen. As he prepared dinner, then washed the dishes.
When Hange came home, he at least had been ready enough to speak. “I think he’s too young to understand,” Levi said.
“Well a three and a half year old would have a hard time understanding abstract ideas right?”
“Says the parent who’s teaching a three year old science.”
Hange pouted. “Science is not an abstract concept.”
“That’s not the point,” Levi said firmly. He knew if he didn’t interrupt Hange there, she probably would have gone on another tirade. “Do you have any ideas? On how to deal with this?”
“I have one,” Hange said. “I was talking to Historia just today, and some other parents…” She propped her chin on the palm of her hand. “Have you considered… Aside from just laying off, the shitty four eyes first? And I’ll lay off the clean freak? I mean, the kids apparently, at this age, they like to imitate and if we just be more careful about what we’re saying and try to say something nicer, more positive as nicknames. He should stop right?”
“We’ve been calling each other for years,” Levi commented.
“But, not in public right?” Hange said. “You never really said it during meetings.”
“Well those were meetings.”
“Think of this as a meeting, except this time, our son is probably listening to us every single time.” She frowned, wrinkled her nose and looked behind her. Just on the other side of the wall was Luke’s bedroom. It was late at night and he probably was asleep.
But with their conversations and Luke's tendency to pick things up, it only proved that the walls may have been too thin and their son may have been very observant.
Levi raised his eyebrows. “So you’re saying…”
Hange nodded. No clean freak. No shitty four eyes. AT ALL. She spelled out those nicknames slowly and carefully, just so their son wouldn't’ pick the words up, taking in the small possibility that he was awake.
Levi sighed. “Fine.” He wasn’t fine. Their home was supposed to be their private space. Luke would be a sponge for information but a stranger to logic and abstract concepts for the next two years.
Letting go of such an intimate habit born through years in the survey corps just to please the teachers and to make it easier for their son fit in, seemed almost unfair. He sought solace at least in Hange’s forced grin. She didn’t want to do it either.
We suffer together. Levi thought to himself. With a quick glance at her, Levi was sure Hange understood. Making it an issue of pride and misery made it all together a more bearable challenge.
It was bearable at least. And it took a little more careful introspection to pick up those few moments he had called Hange 'shitty four eyes' or ‘four eyes’ and he started to realize, it had been more difficult to point out than his own abrasive choice of words and his own vulgarity.
Shitty four eyes after all, never seemed like a string of curse words or insults. It was a pet name, so invisibly embedded in conversations that Levi felt strangely incomplete not peppering his dialogue with it.
Hange seemed to struggle as well. Clean freak. She used to say. She had started to replace it with something more diplomatic. “You really like cleaning huh?” A few syllables longer but it felt terribly, terribly unnatural. And Hange always accompanied it with the widest and most cringe inducing grin.
Every single time, Levi would look away, to stop himself from laughing or grimacing, one of those. Hange must have been doing the same though.
Shitty four eyes.
He had replaced ‘shitty four eyes’ with the closest thing he could come up with. It had taken some strict observation from other couples to pick up the best one. “Yes honey, I really love cleaning,” Levi admitted. He put enough emphasis on the pet name, hoping that would at least teach their child about proper pet naming conventions, the importance of ‘not cursing’ and just conventional diplomacy.
Hange was only making it harder to take the challenge seriously, a sardonic grin constantly plastered on her face. Every single time, he had called her honey, she looked away and cleared her throat, or let out a wracked cough, a good disguise for what he guessed had been a laugh.
A shoddy disguise but somehow, it seemed to work. Luke would watch them every time, his stare far from blank. He had on the same face he made every single time he would form those words with the blocks. Luke was deep in thought. “Shitty four eyes! Clean freak!” He said a second later.
Luke would then repeat that many few times over dinner or breakfast.
Imitation. Levi would tell himself, will himself to ignore Luke’s words. As painfully uncharacteristic as it was. Levi would trod on with his mission. “Honey, you want more bread?” Levi tried to make that one word seem as sweet as it sounded. He never got the practice though, so he wondered if he ever had the innate ability to make any words sound sweet.
“Thank you honey,” Hange responded, her grin much wider. A split second later, she looked away, seeming ashamed with herself.
Levi couldn’t blame Hange. It was a painful rendition, her tone seemed very much rehearsed. And when it was common knowledge between them that she was naturally more eloquent than he was, Levi found himself wondering how bad he sounded.
As long as Luke learns. Levi willed himself to swallow whatever embarrassment and stifling sensation came with the slow and excruciating weaning process from very intimate habits.
Luke eventually picked it up. “Ho...ney?” he repeated as his eyes darted between his two parents.
Yes. Honey. Levi nodded.
Luke’s face fell, his expression shifted from something curious, then something confused. Ending with something that could have been a hint of crestfallenness.
Levi couldn’t be too sure though. The boy looked down at his food and Levi couldn’t bring himself to crane his neck and sneak a glance to confirm it. The drooping shoulders of his son was enough to get his stomach turning though.
How long would it take for him to get used to it? Three weeks? Months? Eventually Luke should get used to it… Right?
It was one of those rare days where Hange had decided to work from home. Her piles of paperwork took up more than half their dining table and food would seem more like a hazard than a necessity.
When Hange was only present during weekends, Levi at the least, tolerated it.
On one condition, he was allowed to straighten out the almost two foot tall pile everytime he passed by the dining room in between household chores. When Hange was deep into hundreds of pages worth of reports though, she didn’t look like she minded Levi’s silent interruptions.
“What time are you picking Luke up from school?” Hange asked.
Levi looked at the clock. “He gets out of school at two today,” he answered. It was eleven, and half his mind was already looking into planning lunch.
“Okay,” Hange said, her focus fell back to the paperwork.
It wasn’t anything new, even on weekends or any other day Hange was home, Levi did most of the cooking and cleaning. Hange’s presence did manage to take some of the load off household management off of his shoulders.
Answering the phone was no exception.
Most days, Levi was capable of doing it on his own. When the vegetables were boiling on a pot, the pasta heating in the oven just below it, Hange offered to answer the phone.
“Zoe residence… Speaking…” Hange had always been better at answering the phone anyway. “Luke?”
Levi’s ears perked up at that. He lowered the heat of the stove, as if that would have done anything to make the conversation clear.
“What? Why? No… We’re not.” Hange’s voice was racked with surprise. “....You’re right. We’ll get there soon… We can leave now… We’re not too busy….”
Hange? Not busy? Levi had turned off the stove. Lunch never was the most urgent thing. “You’re going to school?”
“It’s about Luke.”
No shit. “I can tell that much from the conversation,” Levi said. “What happened?”
“He just started crying apparently…” Hange said.
Levi sensed the urgency in the speed at which she pulled her coat over her and retied her hair. “Crying over?” Levi pressed. Luke rarely cried and just that thought had Levi’s heart pounding.
“When the teachers were explaining… Luke was crying about… his parents… About us?”
“Your son said, you two ‘’didn’t love each other anymore’” the headmaster explained. It had been just them in the office but with the way the headmaster had explained it, it looked like she could have been quoting Luke word per word.
Levi surreptitiously flashed Hange a look of confusion, a glance just to see if she knew anything.
She seemed as lost as he was. “Can we talk to our son?” Hange asked.
“Before that, I just wanted to discuss the family situation first… See if we could do anything to support Luke through this?”
“Through what?”
“Through your ‘separation?’”
Levi turned to Hange, his eyes wide. We’re separating?
Hange furrowed her brows at him, an incredulous look. She turned abruptly back at the principal. “Who told you we’re separating?”
“Your son said you two have been fighting a lot. And he seemed very affected...”
“Fighting?” Levi asked. Are we?
No we aren’t. Hange’s expression said it all. “If there’s any misunderstanding, we can explain it to Luke ourselves.”
“You have to understand. We have our students welfare in mind. If we believe that your son is being raised in an unsuitable environment…”
“Excuse me?” Hange put one hand to her chest. Her tone was slipping to something with more emotion than any attempt at compromise.
“Just let us talk to our son,” Levi said. The echo of his own voice sounded unfamiliar in that small voice, especially since Hange had done the talking the whole time.
“We’ve been hearing as well about the vulgarities your son has been spouting...” the headmaster said.
“Yes, we’ve been working on it,” Levi said firmly, with every intention to interrupt the old lady.
“I’d like first some verbal commitment from both of you at least to work on this? We treat every child here like part of the family. With the case on Luke’s word usage and his suddenly bursting into tears in school… It looks like his home environment might not be ideal.”
“Can you let us talk to our son please?” Levi said. He turned to Hange. The brunette had fallen silent yet she seemed very much deep in thought.
“Could you please explain though from your end the debacle about the ‘shitty four eyes’ and the ‘clean freak?”
“We’re working on it,” Levi repeated. Somehow, it was getting harder and harder to sit still.
The condescending look in the woman’s face, the accusing glare wasn’t making it any easier. “But have you been working hard on it? Can I ask what is causing you to employ such vulgarity in your own home, in an environment for children?”
Since when did schools in Paradis get this vigilant about children’s home lives? It was a welcome change at least but Levi was in no mood to ponder the benefits of such an arrangement. “With all due respect ma’am, that’s none of your goddamn business.”
Levi could have just made it worse. And Hange said so herself, in between a stifled grin and a stifled chuckle.
If his own treatment of the very snobby principal could have done anything to convince the whole school that they were shitty parents. He was confident at least, Luke would defend them.
I mean a three year old should be capable of defending their parents right?
A three and a half year old. Hange’s words echoed in his head. If the ‘half year’ of living did anything to make Luke anymore aware of what exactly was going on, he prayed it did work.
Whether it was because he was three and a half or he was merely three, he seemed to have understood. A flash of recognition as they locked eyes along the hallways, Luke still let go of the Ms. Wilde's hand and ran towards them.
By some instinctive need to prove something maybe, Levi clutched Hange’s hand. She gripped back.
Luke seemed to have noticed it. “No fighting?”
“Fighting? Who said we’re fighting?” Hange bent down and patted her son on the head with her free hand.
A wide grin on his face, Luke turned to Hange. “Shitty four eyes.” Then to Levi. “Clean freak.”
Levi bent down, right next to Hange. “Yes, this is my shitty four eyes,” Levi said as he put one hand on Hange’s head, pulling her close.
“And this is my clean freak,” Hange pointed a finger to her left, towards Levi.
Something felt natural and intimate and something tasted sweeter than honey when he was saying those words again, words he had kept nill for months.
The grin in Luke’s face only made the release all the sweeter. “Shitty four eyes and clean freak!” Soon, he was running back to the teacher that had called out to him. He still had a few more hours of school.
“I guess we’ve been pretty careless about the nicknames huh?” Hange whispered wryly. “He’s probably just too young to understand what ‘shitty’ or what ‘freak’ could imply in any other situation.”
Levi stared ahead, at the young boy who was talking to the teacher in whatever childish babble the three year old could manage. “You know, the nicknames never felt like an insult to me.”
“I mean, we have been using them since we’ve met right? It just slips off our tongue every now and then,” Hange said as she let out a soft chuckle.
Every now and then. No a lot more often, than every now and then. To the point that Levi never felt it when it happened. Yet the absence of such words were painfully glaring.
“What are we going to do now about Luke’s language?” Levi averted his gaze, perfectly aware that if Luke had learned anything, it had probably been from his father.
“Have you ever taught him what the words ‘shitty’ or ‘freak’ meant?”
“Never,” Levi said.
“Then maybe we don’t have to think too much about it?” Hange suggested.
But it continued to nag. After all, the teachers continued to stare, probably whispering. Levi and Hange spent the last few hours before school ended just sitting by the courtyard of the school and they had more than enough evidence by then to be sure, teachers were talking.
When the bell rang, they found themselves attempting to brush away whispers and glares from the teacher, instead focusing on the hallways which were starting to fill with toddlers and kids.
And eventually, they found Luke, next to him a young girl in pig tails, with glasses. She wore a blouse and a skirt without a single crease on them. “This is my shitty four eyes… And my Clean freak!” Luke said. The girl next to him waved her hand, a wide grin on her face, not at all fazed by the words ‘shitty’ or ‘freak.’
Levi exchanged a knowing glance with Hange. No other words were shared between them but somehow they both understood. Maybe adults were just overthinking that very simple thing called language.
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